March 24, 2022
Volume 20 - #6
photo by Donny Stancato
Kenosha may be home, but his heart
will always be with Ukraine
Q&A with Viktor Horuk
We met Viktor Horuk for the first time as consequently must be shipped from here in Kenosha/Ukrainian Viktor Horuk with many of the purchased supplies. In addition, cash is used
a guest on Happenings Q&A/AM1050 last the states. It is the cash donations he is much needed supplies being prepared for transport to to cover transportation expenses.
week. The majority of our talk show is a mix receiving from generous contributors that is Ukriane.
of timely topics, some serious, while others making the purchase of these armored plates With the help of my friends, a few vehicles
generally more lighthearted. However, possible. trying to achieve. were purchased and transported from
Viktor's demeanor was of a somber, or European countries to Ukraine, for use in
should we say determined tone. Viktor does have a specific wish list of Q. As this massacre plays out in real territorial defense. So, now we are collecting
donated items that will assist and equip the time before your very eyes what are your donations to cover such expanses.
It all began when our producer had seen a citizens of Ukraine who have been asked to thoughts?
front page story in the March 10 edition of take up arms and fight alongside the Q. How do the supplies collected and
the Kenosha News. The story by Heather Ukrainian military. That list can be found if It is very sad that such cruel terrorist purchased here make it to its final
Larson Poyner pointed out that Viktor and his you go to his Highline Auto Facebook regime could have a human face. It should destination?
wife Zoriana were asking for donations for page. We are thankful that Viktor took the not be with us on this planet.
Ukraine, their native homeland. time with us to share his story here. We are transporting supplies to the
Q. Do you have family still living in shipping company in Illinois: Meest-Karpaty.
Viktor, his wife, and his mother Natalia live Q. What year did you move to Ukraine? They are providing shipping to Poland. There
and work in Kenosha, comfortably removed Kenosha? are a few large warehouses in Poland (not far
far from the the terror and destruction of a My wife and I still have family in Ukraine. from the Ukrainian border) that are used for
country under savage attack by Russian My family and myself moved to Kenosha Even though they are located on the west accepting these packages and transporting
forces since February 24. back in the middle of 2018. side of the country, they still do not feel safe. them further into Ukraine. In addition, there
Russian missiles are destroying houses, are additional warehouses on the Ukrainian
Viktor explained that the Ukrainian army is Q. How did you and your wife decide schools, hospitals everywhere. They already side for sorting and distribution functions
strong and determined but they need our on Kenosha as your home? killed thousands of innocent people. They (next to the west side border).
help. He is convinced that if Putin succeeds in are creating a lot of destruction.
Ukraine he will not stop, he will continue on We were looking for a place where we can In an effort to help Ukraine’s cause, LOT
to other countries. raise our children. During 2016-2017 we Q. The opposition and strong resolve Polish Airlines, the flag carrier of Poland , is
visited the Kenosha area many times. that Ukrainians are showing against allowing, on an interim basis, 10 bags per
While on air with us Viktor, 34, explained Wisconsin, with its nature, trees, and Russia is awe inspiring, do you think it passenger. These bags are filled with vital
that he came to the United States with his landscapes, remind us of our hometowns. can continue indefinitely? supplies including plates or already assembled
mother and sister 17 years ago. Zoriana 27, bullet proof vests.
and her parents arrived in the U.S. in 2014. It Q. Is there a Ukrainian presence here As long as it will take. We are free people,
was in Chicago where the two met and were and if so, how large in our area? Are we would like to stay free. If you look into Interview by Frank Carmichael
married three years later. Viktor explained to there any Ukrainian churches nearby? the history, Ukrainians were always
us that there is a fairly sizable Ukrainian fighting for their freedom. Just take a look Viktor’s businees, Highline Auto, is located
population residing in the Chicago area. Right now the population of Ukraininans is now, how many volunteers without military at 8867 Sheridan Road, they can be
not that big in Kenosha/Racine counties. The experience are joining forces of reserve, and
The couple who have two children, felt closest Ukrainian churches would be in take training on military camps. reached at 262-842-5353 for more info
that Kenosha, with its good school system Milwaukee: St. Michael’s Ukrainian Church on how you can help.
would be a great place to raise a family. It is and St. Mary’s Orthodox. Q. With every Ukrainian man age 18 to
also where he chose to locate his business, 60 expected to serve in the war effort, it To hear more about Viktor Horuk’s
Highline Auto, 8867 Sheridan Road. Q. Did you ever think that Putin would must be putting a severe demand on story and how is is trying to make a
actually invade Ukraine? What do you military supplies, what specifically are difference, tune in to AM1050 WLIP
A visit to his place of business where he is think was his initial goal? you collecting? on Tuesday, April 5th at 2:30 when
accepting donations revealed a variety of
donated items. There was also a sizable All the way to the end, I wasn't thinking he That is why we are here. We are trying to he joins Happenings Q&A
number of cases stacked high containing wouldn’t dare start the war with Ukraine. help as much as we can. At this time, we are
armored plates that go into the vests that are Even now, it feels like a bad dream. I hope it more concentrated on military grade first aid
being assembled here and in both Poland and will be over soon and his army of savages will kits, bandages, stop bleeding supplies,
Ukraine. be punished for their actions against Ukraine tourniquets. Special attention for bulletproof
and other countries that they invaded in the vests, carriers, plates, and military backpacks.
Viktor explained that the plates, which sell past. According to their officials they were
for over $130 are difficult to source there and planning to occupy Ukraine in 2-3 days. It is a Q. How are you handling cash
pointless plan with no chances for a success, donations?
The bulletproof vests that are being assembled here unless it is something different that they are
require two plates ($260) and a vest ($130). As of now, We are accepting cash donations as well.
a total of 15 bulletproof vests have been assembled. At this time I am using my personal credit
card and bank account to make purchases.
We are collecting all the receipts for
Smart Reader is published bi-weekly by Carmichael Communications
Editor & Publisher/Frank J. Carmichael • Assistant to the Publisher/Reanna Stockdale • Sales/Kim Carmichael, Donny Stancato
Editorial Manager/Jason Hedman • Production Manager/Jasmine Hundertmark • Ad Design/Glen Kelly • Reception/Sarah Coleman
Cover photos credit: Waynes: Mike Wallace & Chad Greenway; Gordon: UPI Carmichael Communications 1420 63rd Street, Kenosha, WI 53143
262-564-8800 • 1-800-568-6623 •
March 24, 2022 - Volume 20 Number 6
Putin bares flaws of autocracy for world to see
President Joe Biden has the state, Putin has a vast
often said that the struggle repressive apparatus at his
of our age is democracy disposal, says Brian Taylor,
versus authoritarianism. If professor of political
that is the case, in Russia’s science at Syracuse
cruel war against Ukraine it University’s Maxwell School
is the autocrats who so far of Citizenship and Public
have been diminished and Affairs.
“I don’t think we should
Russian leader Vladimir see this as the regime
Putin’s gross coming unglued
underestimation of immediately,” says Professor
Ukraine’s ability to fight, Taylor.
NATO’s will to resist, and But outside the Russian
his own army’s unreadiness information bubble, the rest U.S. President Joe Biden holds virtual talks with Chinese leader Xi Jinping from the Situation
Room at the White House in Washington, March 18, 2022. Amid concerns that China will
are the obvious examples of of the world can see in Mr. profess neutrality in public while helping Russia behind the scenes, Mr. Biden warned Mr. Xi
against agreeing to Russian requests for military aid.
this. But China also seemed Putin’s situation why
unprepared for the decision-making in
geopolitical turmoil that personalist autocracies is
followed Russia’s invasion. often highly problematic. Western firms are ending or the Soviet Union as Mr. military efforts. More Chinese leaders appeared
pausing their Russian Putin amassed power, surprised by the Russian
Far-right populist politicians Actions can be taken quickly operations. becoming something close Ukrainian civilians will invasion of Ukraine, wrote
to an autocrat, if not a Yun Sun, a senior fellow at
in the West with Russian and decisively – but they can Part of that may be due to dictator. suffer. How much of the Stimson Center, shortly
the efforts of President after it occurred. Since then
ties, such as France’s Marine also be rash and poorly Biden and NATO allies to But for now, democratic Ukraine remains after the Beijing has struggled to
rally what in Cold War days governance seems revived. strike a rhetorical balance
Le Pen and Italy’s Matteo thought out. Debate and was called “the free world.” Open debate about options war, and who wins it, will between supporting an
But much of it is likely the by many voices hasn’t autocracy with which it has
Salvini, are rushing to exposure to other points of result of the sheer shock of weakened the coherence of have an enormous impact friendly relations, and
Russia’s actions and the the response to Russian maintaining deep economic
distance themselves from view are limited. moral clarity of the aggression. If anything, it’s on the challenges of ties with the West while
situation. strengthened it. expressing sympathy for
Mr. Putin and his Ukraine “With authoritarian reconstruction and Ukrainian civilians.
regimes, the risk is that “This has been a wake-up “The unified response of
adventure. power becomes so call to those democracies the West somewhat resettling of refugees that lie American officials believe
centralized in one person or and like-minded countries undermines the arguments China’s strategy may be to
This dynamic could a small group and they end and nations that yes, there is that one used to hear not ahead. profess neutrality in public
change. The war in Ukraine up just only hearing the a real challenge here to too long ago that the West while helping Russia behind
is only three weeks old. But information that they want everything that we stand was too internally divided “If it is going to turn out the scenes. Beijing and
in that brief time the sense to hear,” says Michael for,” says Paula Dobriansky, both within countries and to be historically the case Moscow share a major
that in this historical era Beckley, a professor of senior fellow at Harvard across countries to stand up that a birth of freedom strategic interest: weakening
authoritarians are on the political science at Tufts University’s Belfer Center to the rise of authoritarian happened at this moment, the U.S. and the Western
march – that they have University and co-author of and former undersecretary states like Russia and it’s happening at a very high alliance.
more energy, vision, and a Foreign Affairs analysis on of state for global affairs. China,” says Professor human price,” says
vitality than democratic how Ukraine is fortifying Taylor. Professor Diamond of see PUTIN on page 8
counterparts – may have democracies. In recent years Stanford University.
been defeated, says Larry authoritarianism sometimes “A very high human
Diamond, a democracy War and other armed seemed the rising form of price” Meanwhile, the world’s
scholar and professor at belligerence can expose national governments. China largest autocracy, China,
Stanford University. these autocratic flaws in a built a huge economy, lifting It’s far too early to say an may see the current struggle
catastrophic manner. It millions out of poverty, with apparent era of autocratic between Russia and the
“If that’s the case, this will pushes things outside a circumscribed autocratic rise has ended. Stymied in West as an opportunity for
not only be Putin’s boundaries autocrats know leadership. Russia recovered the opening phase of its itself to gain relative
Waterloo, it may prove to well and raises the stakes. from the chaos and poverty invasion, Russia seems strength by remaining aloof
be the Waterloo for global Foreign adversaries push that followed the collapse of certain to redouble its from the fight.
authoritarianism to some back.
extent as well,” says Kenosha Funeral
Professor Diamond. Services and
A debacle visible to the “Dictators, just because
world they’re so used to being able
to exercise power by fiat at
One of the reasons why home, suddenly have a rude CRHEADIRHDOETAL Quality • Value • Service
the Ukraine war seems to awakening when they try to
undermine the autocratic push abroad,” says Professor When you need it the most
style of leadership is that it Beckley.
so obviously has gone
nothing like Mr. Putin and Democracies showing
other Russian leaders agility
expected.Troops didn’t have
food, gas, or munitions for Meanwhile, the
weeks of ferocious fighting.
Russia has yet to establish democracies of the United
full air dominance over
Ukraine, according to States and Europe and the
Pentagon officials. Casualties
have been high. Russian Pacific Rim – stereotyped as FEATURES:
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that most Russians don’t
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decades at the pinnacle of behind them stretches from SMART READER March 24, 2022 3
South Korea to Switzerland
and includes most of the
world’s prosperous 7600 75th Street Kenosha SR031022
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democracies. Hundreds of
Bombed hospitals, crushed cities.
What Syrians recognize in Ukraine
Ismail Al Abdullah, like Local residents walk past a block of flats destroyed during
other Syrians living in Russia's invasion of Ukraine, in the besieged southern port
opposition-held northern city of Mariupol, Ukraine, March 17, 2022.
Syria, knows the drill: Scan
the sky. Don’t drive on an One image from Ukraine as “double-tap” bombing, urban areas is absolutely Former Syrian fighters government and Russian
open road. Avoid crowds. this week was familiar to when warplanes bomb a one that we have seen in warn of another parallel troops for four years.
And never, ever, trust a most Syrians: a bombed-out site, wait for a crowd to Syria and in Chechnya; there between their battle and
Russian cease-fire. maternity hospital in gather and rescue teams to is continuity here,” says Ukraine’s – the West’s Today Abu Abdullah – his
Mariupol. arrive, and then circle back Tracey German, a professor unwillingness to become name is a nom de guerre –
“I wouldn’t wish Russian to strike a second time for of conflict and security at fully involved, and to lays tiles in a northern
aggression on any person or “Russia’s strategy is maximum casualties. King’s College London. support a resistance Jordanian village for $28 a
anyplace in the world, always to target hospitals, struggle that could wane. day.
because it is bloody, brutal, public facilities, rescue Most of the 240 White “Russians learned in their
it aims to break your will to workers, anything that gives Helmet volunteers who first intervention in “The West gave us arms, “The West’s support is
live, and it never stops,” Mr. life or sustainability for have been killed fell victim Chechnya in the mid-1990s training, and direction to fleeting, and democracies’
Al Abdullah, a rescue civilians,” says Mr. Al to that trick, Syrians say. that sending troops into fight [President Bashar] Al patience is thin. What will
worker with the White Abdullah, who has been Analysts say it is part of a urban areas is a very difficult Assad, but without a no-fly- happen,” he wonders, “to
Helmets organization, says displaced three times by the brutal and efficient strategy operation that requires a lot zone to protect us or our these Ukrainians should the
over WhatsApp. war in Syria.“Their true aim to force local people to of troops and sends home a families, just as they are war drag on?”
is to kill and destroy the will surrender or leave their lot of coffins,” she points doing with the Ukrainians
“I am watching the of the people and make homes without the need for out. now,” says Abu Abdullah, a Syrians warn of another
Russians trying to besiege them flee their homes.” house-to-house fighting. Syrian military deserter tactic that Russian troops
Kyiv in the same manner Limits of Western turned Free Syrian Army employed in their campaign
they besieged Aleppo, and Most devastating, “In terms of approach, the involvement officer who fought Syrian against them – cease-fires
Homs, repeating the indiscriminate shelling of that they used as
bombings and massacres I opportunities to resupply.
witnessed,” he says. “It feels
frustrating to see it “In Syria, Russians and the
happening all over again.” Al Assad regime used de-
escalation periods and
On the 11th anniversary cease-fires to regroup and
of Syria’s revolution, with no recoup before a major
peace in sight there, the offensive. This is something
parallels with Ukraine are to be on the lookout for in
hard to avoid. Ukraine,” says Natasha Hall,
senior fellow at the Center
As the Russian war in for Strategic and
Ukraine deepens, and International Studies (CSIS)
Moscow intensifies its in Washington.
bombardment and aerial
campaign against Ukrainian In so-called de-escalation
cities, Syrians and outside zones, opposition forces
observers say that if struck Russia-brokered
Ukraine cannot repel the deals with the regime to lay
Russian invasion, clues to down their arms in return
that country’s future may be for security guarantees. But
found in Syria’s present. within months the regime
would tear up these
Urban shelling as strategy agreements and seize the
de-escalation zone with
perhaps, is the tactic known Russian backing.
In the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Syrians paint Um Suhaib and her family
a mural of solidahrity on the wall of a destroyed home in returned from Jordan to a
Binnish, Syria on February 24, 2022. de-escalation zone in
southern Syria in 2018.
4 SMART READER March 24, 2022 “They said they were
offering a peace, an
amnesty,” says Um Suhaib,
whose three nephews have
see HOSPITALS on page 8
my turn
War in Ukraine: Dr Harlan Ullman is senior
realities, myths and adviser at Washington's
blunders Atlantic Council, the prime
author of "shock and awe"
with Harlan Ullman and the upcoming book "The
Fifth Horseman and the New
In war, as Carl von NOT an automatic MAD: How Massive Attacks of
Clausewitz told us, "fog and declaration of war. Note Disruption Became the
friction" can make even the these relevant parts of Looming Existential Danger to
simplest of operations Article 5: The parties agree a Divided Nation and the
impossible. Likewise, war is that an armed attack against
filled with realities, myths one or more of them in World at Large."
and blunders. In the Europe or North America
Ukraine war, one reality is shall be considered an Harlan Ullman joins
most troubling. That is the attack against of them Happenings Q&A on
diametrically opposed all...individually and in
views of Western and concert with the other Thu., Apr. 7 at
Russian perceptions of the parties, (shall take) such 1:30 on AM1050 WLIP.
war, how it is being waged action as it deems
and who is at fault. necessary, including the use Ukrainians look at damage to an apartment complex in
of armed force..." With 30 Kyiv it was struck by a Russian bombing attack
members having to agree,
Myths confuse and automaticity cannot be
absolutely assured.
distort reality. Three myths
are worth examining
regarding Ukraine. The first
is the ironclad guarantee of About the Budapest
the sanctity of NATO's Agreement, Ukraine's
Article 5.The second is the integrity is guaranteed
myth that the 1994 provided Ukraine remains 5125 6th Ave.
No Drink
Budapest Memorandum a non-nuclear armed state. Kenosha Minimum!
assuring Ukrainian After the Soviet Union If It’s Not Live, You’re Not Living!
sovereignty was based on dissolved, the successor
Kyiv giving up its nuclear state, the Russian
weapons. And last was the Federation, assumed
myth of Russian military control of all nuclear March 25 & 26 • 8pm • $14 March 26 • 7:30pm • $10
prowess. weapons, including those in April 1 & 2 • 8pm • $15
Last, blunders lose many former republics. The Greg Pat David Scott
wars. Napoleon Bonaparte
and Adolf Hitler believed Strategic Rocket Force, “Mr Showtime”
Russia could be defeated.
Japan bet that destroying part of Russia's military, Schwem McCurdy
America's battleships at
Pearl Harbor would force continued to man those Greg Schwem is a TV travel host, Singer, guitar player and Mr.Showtime is a entertainer and
an isolated United States to virtual humor speaker and business prodigious songwriter from
sue for peace. And Saddam MC. His clients include Microsoft, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, regularly showman with a show that has been
Hussein gambled, bluffing IBM and the CIA.
that the threat of systems until they were called "Sharp-witted", "Clever" and
nonexistent weapons of
mass destruction would returned to Russia. "Pure Energy." He has been featured
deter the United States
from invading Iraq. The on HBO and Comedy Central, Sirius
United States is not
without its share of Ukraine could not give up XM Radio and is
the host of his own
a nuclear force it never touring the upper Midwest. nationally syndicat-
at the ed radio show. at the
owned. April 2 • 7:30pm • $8 April 9 • 7:30pm • $8 April 15 • 8pm
April 16 • 7pm & 9pm
Perhaps the largest myth The Rod The Chevelles
was Russian military Stewart Jimmie “JJ”
prowess. Most stunning Experience Relive the 50’s & 60’s with 4 guys who Walker
was how poorly Russian have near perfect harmony
forces were performing in Experience the bold tones and James Carter Walker Jr. is an American
Ukraine. Putin, along with mastery of the singer-songwriter actor and comedian. Walker portrayed
Defense Minister Sergey Clifford Tartaglia as he brings to life James Evans Jr. on
Shoigu and Chief of one of the greatest rock Icons of the Good Times
Defense Valerie Gerasimov
were praised for reforming 20th century -Rod stewart ! at the
the Russian military. While
The danger of a clash of the short Georgian war of April 22 & 23 • 8pm • $14 May 6 & 7 • 8pm • $14 Special Engagement
realities is obvious. Russians 2008 exposed many flaws May 13 & 14 • 8pm • $16
and possibly Belarusians in Russia's military, its Dr. Bill Miller Andy
cannot view the extent of support of Syria in 2015 & Anastasia Beningo & Mike
carnage being wrought on was seen as a masterful Powderly Kate Brindle Toomey
Ukrainian civilians by this use of force.
brutal war. Instead, Russians Dr. Bill Miller is a real doctor and comedian liv- Andy Beningo has been named one of the 40 A regular performer on WGN Morning
are informed by state- ing in Chicago. He is an in-demand Comedy
controlled news and Club Headliner with appearances on Showtime, Best Up and Coming Comedians in the country, News, Mike has appeared in concert with
propaganda asserting that A&E, WGN Radio and many more. Sharing the
Western reports are fake stage with E.R. Doc Bill as well as "Best Comedian" by both the Detroit such names as George Carlin, Wayne
news. This complicates any Miller is Anastasia
exit strategy Vladimir Putin Powderly, who in addi- Metro Times and Detroit Hour magazine! Newton, Crosby, Stills &
might pursue short of tion to being a very
complete victory that is funny lady is also an ICU atthe Kate Brindle continues Nash, and
unachievable. Putin must travel nurse.
reconcile this perceptual to charm crowds with Reba McEntire. He has
grand canyon between May 20 & 21 • 8pm • $14
what his public has been The annual May Day her witty and sassy performed on numerous
informed and Russian Jim
concessions necessary to brand of humor. at the television programs. at the
end this war that contradict Flannigan
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Jim has become a mainstay at the top comedy
weaponry that seemed clubs around the country, including Zanies, Refreshing drinks,
The Improv, The Laugh Factory and Brad Tasty food, AWESOME
technically advanced that Garretts Comedy Club in Las Vegas. He has ENTERTAINment and a
also recently made TV stunning harbor view
did not perform well in appearances on ABC
and WGN.
combat. Reports of
at the
Russian requests to China
for both economic and
military assistance,
especially drones, if 5125 6th Ave. KENOSHA • 262-564-8800
correct, reinforce the myth
of Russian military 032422
STOP IN 1420 63RD ST. M-F 11am-4pm OR CALL 1-262-564-8800
About blunders, clearly
About myths, Article 5 is see ULLMAN on page 8
my turn
The woman and Readers may email Cal
the post office Thomas at
with Cal Thomas [email protected].
Look for Cal Thomas’ new
The line at the post the age. Now it’s the book “America’s Expiration
office was long, so the internet and social media Date:The Fall of Empires and
woman in front of me that some believe are Superpowers and the Future
decided to turn around and symptoms of our
start a conversation. She precipitous decline. of the United States”
was concerned about the
current generation of The woman at the post
young people and whether
they would have enough office has some evidence to Wall Street Journal,
inner strength to stand
against an invading army as support her concerns. A Matthew Hennessey, the
many Ukrainians are doing.
recent Quinnipiac newspaper’s deputy
University survey asked editorial director, asks,
people what they would do “What in the hell has
if they were placed in the happened to this country?”
She said she feared same position as the His question should not be
today’s younger people
(she appeared to be in her Ukrainians and invaded by a seen as rhetorical. The
50s) had been “given
everything” and it seemed foreign power? Would they answer has been coming
to her that they are weak
as a result. “They haven’t stand and fight, or would for many years, but few A Ukrainian Territorial Defence fighter examines a destroyed Russian infantry
had to fight for anything,” mobility vehicle GAZ Tigr after the fight in Kharkiv on Sunday, Feb. 27, 2022.
she lamented. they cut and run? have done much to try and
To some, the breakdown stop it.
along party lines might
Probably every seem predictable. Fifty-two One must have a reason preserve sin and quote about freedom when of “the greatest
percent of Democrats said to fight, to put their lives on embarrassment? Maybe in he said, “The price of generation” for some time.
generation thinks the they would flee if America the line for an ideal. After Las Vegas they might where freedom is eternal vigilance It must be renewed if
were attacked by invaders. two generations where these two qualities are in and a willingness to act in freedom is to be extended
succeeding ones could Only 40 percent said they students in public schools abundance. its defense.” for us and for other
would stay and fight. and major universities nations.
never be as good as theirs. seem to have been taught Most are familiar with If the Quinnipiac survey
by mostly liberal teachers the saying “freedom isn’t is accurate – and given the The woman at the post
My parents’ generation While Republican and professors that free,” but according to the current cultural condition, office worries there are
America is not an Quinnipiac survey a why wouldn’t it be? – the insufficient numbers among
thought rock ‘n’ roll was a respondents scored better exceptional nation and is, minority appear willing to willingness to act seems to the young and even
rather, a country whose pay the price. be shrinking. Inertia can millennials to guarantee
sign the country was going – 68 percent said they “original sin” of slavery and only last for so long before our freedoms will be
record wealth is an The late Secretary of the power that launched it extended. Sadly, she may be
to pot – literally and would stand their ground embarrassment, why would State George P. Schultz expires.We have been living right.
anyone want to fight to expanded on a familiar off the bravery and sacrifice
figuratively. Many of their — that still leaves one in
parents believed Frank four members of the GOP
Sinatra and his screaming who said they would flee.
bobby socks followers Writing about this in The
were a sign of the end of
How will history judge our
response to Ukraine?
with Mary Sanchez
One day, not too far into Most Americans have – are being met just as
the future, historians will equally with firmly stated
hold the U.S. accountable never visited Ukraine. They
for what is occurring in Readers can reach Mary
Ukraine. might not even be able to Sanchez at
And unlike past horrors point it out on a map. Yet [email protected]
of humanity, there will be and follow her on Twitter
no option to feign virtually the entire nation is @msanchezcolumn.
aware of what’s happening. reasons why the U.S. and
This won’t be like World NATO prefer not to
War II when dispatches We’re enthralled by it even. intervene.
were scribbled on notes in
the field, then pecked out Tracking whether Ukrainian Former Secretary of
on typewriters at the end State Condoleezza Rice,
of the day, and finally sent President Volodymyr speaking with NPR’s Rachel
back overseas. Nor will it Martin, praised the stealth
be like other wars that Zelensky is still alive has and strength of the
involved heavy-handed Ukrainian people.
military management of the become almost a ritual of
media, when officers kept “It’s hard to imagine that
reporters away from the the morning, along with they [the Russians] want to Demonstrators attend a daily protest against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in
frontlines. actually try to bring their front of the White House on March 11, 2022, in Washington, DC.
checking satellite images soldiers into the center of a
This war is playing out in city like Kyiv and watch 60-
real time. Keeping abreast that show movements of
of the latest news out of
Ukraine is essentially Russian troops.
watching atrocities unfold.
There is no veneer of How different will history year-old women shoot their would likely require Russian empire.”
distance, not in this modern treat the decisions of today, soldiers every time they shooting down Russian
era of social media and when there is with no come around a corner,” aircraft that ignored And that’s the crux of the
hyper connectivity. deniability about what Rice said. “That won’t be a humanitarian red-lines. questions that might haunt
happens on the battlefield? pretty picture.” Putin could interpret that as us later.
a declaration of war.
The question is worth Rice also explained why Putin is not a mystery. His
pondering. The hourly the no-fly zone desired by But there was also this 2014 annexation of Crimea
updates of Russian Zelensky isn’t a good idea. admission: Rice said that feels increasingly, from a
President Vladimir Putin’s Her view, shared widely and Putin could “eventually try historical perspective, akin
rampage across Ukraine has seemingly wisely by many, is and realize through some to Adolf Hitler’s seizure of
already settled into an eerie that such a move could means his dream of Czechoslovakia in 1939.
pattern. usher in a broader war. It reconstituting, really, the
see SANCHEZ on page 8
Each new atrocity – an
attack on a maternity ward,
neighborhoods bombed
and fears of a nuclear strike
Why sanctions
bite: Russian
economy isn’t
huge to begin with
Freedom is costly. So is example – the less
dictatorship. powerful they become.
That’s because markets and
In choosing to counter nations can adjust to
Russia’s military invasion of shortages more easily and
Ukraine with economic quickly than Russia can
measures, the West is cope with the West’s
striking directly at tightening economic noose.
Moscow’s Achilles’ heel. For
such a large power, Russia’s Farmers from Illinois to Only a handful of North Korean escapees have made
economy is surprisingly Brazil can expand it to South Korea since Pyongyang instituted a border
small, considerably behind production. And while crackdown at the beginning of 2020, the U.N. report
those of Italy, Canada, and Europe cannot hope to
South Korea. Thus, wean itself off Russian gas said, with some 1,500 being detained in China.
maintaining the world’s No. before the next heating
2 military represents a large season, it assuredly will be
financial burden on on a crash course to
Russians. achieve that transition far
faster than anticipated just
Russia also looks much two months ago, predicts
energy analyst Henning
like a developing country in Gloystein at Eurasia Group.
terms of trade. Its exports
are mostly raw materials: U.N. report: North Korea food shortages,
human rights abuses worst in years
energy, agricultural Russia, by contrast, is
stuck with a largely
products, and metals. This undiversified economy, a
depreciating currency, and
concentration gives few options to strengthen
either one. That’s true for
Moscow immense its energy industry – now Under prolonged the report said, while just labor and restrictions on principle of non-
oriented toward Europe 29% of children age 6-23 freedom of expression, refoulement, which holds
economic leverage: more than China or beyond COVID-19 border closures months are receiving the religion and movement. that no one will be returned
– and also for developing minimum acceptable diet as to a country where they
Relatively modest U.S. alternatives to get around and a growing crackdown defined by the World Health "This situation has not face torture and ill
banking sanctions. Organization. North Korea's improved during [my] time treatment.
measures to restrict on citizens, North Korea is food production was 4.6 in the mandate," Ojea
million tons last year, Quintana said. "On the
Russian energy exports facing its worst food and according to the Korea contrary, control over the
Institute for National population has further
have sent oil and gasoline human rights situation in Unification, while the tightened, particularly since
country needs more than 6 the beginning of 2020 in the
prices skyrocketing. years, according to a report million tons to feed its context of COVID-19 Ojea Quintana also
people. prevention measures."
Tougher sanctions on its released Friday by a United recommended that the
The flow of North
wheat, sunflower oil, and Nations investigator. Korean defectors to South international community
Korea has trickled to a near
fertilizer exports are All this makes flouting Tomas Ojea Quintana, standstill over the past two find a way to provide North
U.N. special rapporteur on years, with only 63 escapees
making food more 21st-century international North Korean human rights, arriving in 2021, down from Korea with 60 million doses
said in the report that 1,047 in 2019.
expensive for people norms – such as invading a conditions in the secretive of COVID-19 vaccines,
state have deteriorated over An estimated 1,500
around the world. neighboring country the six years that he has North Koreans are being enough to cover two shots
held the position. detained in China, Ojea
But it’s a short-term without provocation – very Quintana said, and are at for the entire population.
advantage. The longer risk of being repatriated
Vladimir Putin takes to pull expensive. "Chronic shortfalls in the once the border reopens, He said the effort could
those levers – cutting off availability of adequate and where they will likely
Russian gas to Europe, for By Laurent Belsie nutritious food year-round receive severe punishment kickstart a new strategy of
& Jacob Turcotte has been a continuing in political prison camps.
preoccupation over the engagement with
years, and now with the The rights investigator
"The special rapporteur is country still in the grip of called on China to adhere to Pyongyang.
gravely concerned about the strict COVID-19 measures, the international legal
deteriorating human rights concerns over the right to "The current approach by
situation under further food are more serious than the international community
isolation of the country, in at any point during the is not securing
particular the aggravation of special rapporteur's six improvements to the
the food crisis and stricter years on the mandate," the situation of human rights in
control of people's report said. [North Korea]," the report
freedoms," Ojea Quintana said. " A new way of thinking
wrote in the final report of needs to take hold."
his tenure, which will be
presented to the U.N. The report also cited Ojea Quintana visited
Human Rights Council on Seoul last month to gather
People buy the last remaining groceries at a Finnish Monday. worsening human rights information for the report.
Prisma store as they know the store will close soon, His term as special
in St. Petersburg, Russia on March 15, 2022. violations, including rapporteur will end in July.
Over 41% of the arbitrary arrest and
population is food insecure,
detention, torture, forced
$28 Eye
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continued from page 4 regime convoy. refugees remain abroad with emboldened Vladimir Putin continued from page 5
been forcibly conscripted or few prospects of return; 6.7 will back a final campaign to
disappeared since their 2018 Russia continues to carry million internally displaced seize Idlib and clear the last the Russian attack into Ukraine stands out as a tactical and
return. “This regime and the Syrians, living in Turkish- remaining Syrian opposition humanitarian disaster. Over the long term, no matter how
Russians do not believe in out airstrikes on de- controlled areas, are largely stronghold of its 4 million and when this war ends, certain irreparable damage will be
cease-fires!” reliant on outside aid. residents. done to Ukraine and Russia.Whether and how long Putin
escalation zones and on the retains power is unknowable.
Russia has also blocked The Kremlin could “We in Northern Syria are
many efforts by the United last rebel bastion in Idlib. Last tolerate such a situation in watching events very closely. A major blunder has been American hostile attitudes
Nations and independent aid Ukraine, and even claim it as If Russia can capture toward China when its cooperation may be needed. U.S.-
agencies to send week’s targets included a victory, suggests Ms. Hall, Ukraine, we think the next Chinese relations have been frigid since the 2011 "pivot"
humanitarian aid to besieged the CSIS analyst. step will be Idlib,” says Mr. Al to Asia and exacerbated by the imposition of trade
Syrian towns. Foreign aid chicken farms and a water Abdullah, the White Helmet sanctions and naming China the "pacing threat" for
workers complain privately “Russia has proven it is volunteer. “It would be a national security planning. The "Baked Alaska" summit last
that the Syrian government station, according to the very comfortable with frozen green light. If the year between China and the United States was
and Russia insist that aid conflicts,” she says. “As long international community confrontational, mirroring one of the few bipartisan areas
goes through them so that London-based Syrian as they are not spending a cannot protect Ukraine, of agreement in Congress about China's threat.
they can skim most of it off gratuitous amount of consequently they won’t care
for themselves. Observatory for Human treasure and blood, they will about Idlib and the civilians U.S. national security adviser Jake Sullivan met with
accept a high amount of here.” China's foreign policy chief Yang Jiechi in Rome to discuss
Syria today, Ukraine Rights (SOHR). misery – as long as it is Ukraine on Monday.That meeting did not go well. Sullivan
tomorrow? someone else’s misery,” she But “things can be warned China of consequences for aiding Moscow. Yang
Syrian regime forces adds. different,” Mr. Al Abdullah demurred. And China and Russia denied reports of
Seven years since Russia’s continue to arrest suspected hopes. “Now Russia is a Moscow's request for assistance. It is doubtful this meeting
intervention in the Syrian dissidents and protesters in Syria’s future threat to international peace, advanced the chances of diplomacy ending the Ukraine
civil war, peace has not territories they control; the the international community blood letting.
returned. A low-level conflict SOHR reports 45 people Syrians say their own fate, must respond. If they do not,
continues to simmer as from the Damascus too, hangs in the balance in another country and another Diplomacy requires creative, constructive and intelligent
militias roam the burned-out countryside were killed by Ukraine. Should Russia people will face misery.” statesmanship that seems to be lacking in U.S.
buildings that pockmark torture in February alone. succeed in occupying large negotiations. However, the Ukrainian crisis may run so
Syrian towns, and insurgents swaths of Ukrainian By Taylor Luck deep that nothing, even clever policies, will change the
occasionally ambush a The war and Western territory, Syrians fear an outcome. If that proves correct, the future is bleak, made
sanctions have led to the more so by these realities, myths and blunders.
collapse of the Syrian
currency, hyperinflation,
constant gas and fuel
shortages, and a struggle for
many families to feed
Some 6.6 million Syrian
Putin Sanchez
continued from page 3 continued from page 6
That is why President
the fine line of condemning No longer will Mr. Putin’s This isn’t meant as a with inflation and gas prices we see what history
Biden, in a two-hour video the violence in Ukraine while global image be one of clever clapback against Rice, who rising. Many on the right proved.
call on Friday, warned avoiding criticism of Mr. Putin ruthlessness, akin to a movie is still heavily engaged in have downplayed former
Chinese leader Xi Jinping personally. villain, say these democracy world affairs as director of President Donald Trump’s Some of the ominous
against agreeing to any experts. Instead, for the the Hoover Institute at cozying up to Putin.
Russian requests for military Mr. Orbán, whose critics Western world he seems to Stanford. events include Albert
aid. say he has rolled back have morphed into a reckless
democracy in a NATO authoritarian who rants at Einstein’s decision to
Secretary of State Antony country, has had a close rallies about ethno-
Blinken last week said China relationship with Putin. Now, nationalist themes and talks All of it feels like frayed denounce his German
has a responsibility to use its though he appears poised to openly about the possibility politics, or what has
influence with Russia to win elections in April, he’s of resorting to use of nuclear And it’s obvious the become our political norm. citizenship, Germany
defend the international supported sanctions on weapons. world’s on high alert. The It’s all incredibly dangerous
rules “it professes to Russia and welcomed geopolitical and economic if allowed to distort our annexing Austria, the
support.” Ukrainian refugees. The West’s comfortable stakes are too high. Many of response to Ukraine.
assumptions that its “soft the actions the West has opening of the Dachau
power” of prosperity and already taken have been
freedom was more balanced and measured. concentration camp,
important than the hard
power of armies, and that nationwide book burnings
autocracies like Russia were
bluffing when they But history can be a guide staged by the Nazis and
threatened military action, here.
have been exposed as too their youth groups.
optimistic, says Professor
Beckley of Tufts. And yet it is also Among the many stellar Questions can be
necessary to keep the
“Instead, it appears that Ms. Le Pen’s far-right Democracies tend to do questions that might haunt contributions of the U.S. answered about what was
the wrong things until they us later in mind. Blatant
China is moving in the National Rally party has are sort of snapped to politicizing by both Holocaust Memorial known, how events were
attention by events, he says. Democrats and Republicans
opposite direction by borrowed money from a Now they are putting is occurring, infecting not Museum in Washington are politicized, scrubbed of
together a response based only our analysis of the
refusing to condemn this Russian bank. In the past she on sanctions and unity that situation, but also our the unique ways that it their humanitarian
could serve as a framework opportunities to act.
aggression while seeking to has declared Russia’s 2014 for action against future forces a moral reckoning consequences or
authoritarian aggression.
portray itself as a neutral annexation of Crimea to be about the horrors of war. rationalized through a
“A lot just lies in the hands
arbiter,” Secretary Blinken legal. But now, running for of top leaders among the The museum is a stellar political lens.
leading democracies right
said. president and badly trailing now,” says Professor Beckley. resource for those who But again, the world at
“They could ... build this out that time did not have
Challenges for far-right incumbent Emmanuel into effectively a new want to look back in time instantaneous knowledge of
populists democratic order.” what was occurring on the
Macron in the polls, she has Republicans have been and reassess the Nazis’ ground. The fact-checking
By Peter Grier & Noah calling for military systems weren’t anything
Far-right populists in the denounced Mr. Putin’s Robertson intervention. At this writing, motivations, their approaching the robust,
West have had a more more than 40 GOP technological tools we have
difficult time dealing with actions in Ukraine as senators are pressing propaganda, aggression today.
their Putin problems. President Joe Biden to
“completely reprehensible.” support “the transfer of against other nations, and
aircraft and air defense
“It changes, in part, the systems” to Ukraine. how the world slipped into
opinion I have had of him,”
For years they have she has said. war.
praised Mr. Putin and his The war could also The museum offers
damage former President
policies of closed borders, Donald Trump’s chances in interactive exhibitions that So the U.S. – the world’s
2024, although how much current leader — will not
ethno-nationalist rhetoric, remains to be seen. Mr. allow you to look back in have the option to claim
Trump has spoken admiringly ignorance about Ukraine.
and belligerence toward of Mr. Putin in the past. In Their plea comes as time, pinpoint specific
February, just days before the Congress authorized $14
Western alliances. Now invasion, the former billion in aid to Ukraine.The events and then comb
president labeled Mr. Putin’s U.S. has also decided to end
Italy’s Matteo Salvini, pre-invasion declaration of normal trade relations with through newspaper Three questions will be
portions of Ukraine as Russia essential: What did
Hungary’s Viktor Orbán, independent states to be clippings to see how it was Americans know? When did
“savvy” and “genius.” we know it? And what more
France’s Marine Le Pen, and all reported. could we have done?
others are trying to It’s possible to see how
communities heard about
backpedal without Biden cannot afford to what was happening and
how they interpreted what
completely reversing appear weak in the GOP’s might follow. We get a It sounds simplistic to
glimpse into what news boil down this humanitarian
previous positions. eyes, not with the balance they underplayed, debunked and economic global crisis
or rationalized away. Also, into snippets. But ultimately,
Mr. Salvini, Italy’s leading of Congress in play in the these are the questions by
right-wing politician, once which we will be judged.
wore a T-shirt featuring Mr. upcoming midterm
Putin’s face in the European
Parliament. Now he’s walking elections. His own
A galvanizing moment for popularity among the public
the West?
is constantly in question,
March 24, 2022 health
Kenosha County Aging & Disability Resource Center community
At 82, she coded an app.
She just wanted a game she could win.
Even in this age of development in the in San Jose, California, in
smartphones, octo- northeastern city of
genarian Wakamiya Shiogama. 2017. “The CEO hugged
Masako feels older
people in rapidly aging me!” recalls Ms.
Japan are kept out of the
tech loop. But he suggested she Wakamiya, blushing
create the app herself,
and that he would help because Mr. Cook’s
her. The energetic Ms.
Wakamiya took on the enthusiasm for her
challenge, struggling for
six months to create the achievement broke
Retired from bank Japanese custom.
management for about
25 years, she has spent a (Japanese people
lot of her time helping
older friends and traditionally do not hug.)
neighbors learn to use
smartphones, and she’s Ms. Wakamiya, who
developed the theory
that they have a hard “It was especially very serves as vice chair of
time because there aren’t difficult to organize the
games and apps aimed at whole structure of the the Mellow Club, a
their age group. app,” she says of the
challenge of learning to Japanese online group for
older people, soon found
herself on the global
speaking circuit
In 2017, at the age of encouraging older Wakamiya Masako creates fabric designs with Excel art.
82, she launched people to overcome
One possible solution, Hinadan. The game discomfort with
she thought, was to
create a gaming app to features Japan’s technology. for the use of technology with opportunities to Ms. Wakamiya has
encourage and enchant broaden her perspective taught other seniors how
older people into more traditional Hinamatsuri Excel art at older ages is and satisfy her to produce artworks
comfort with their intellectual curiosity. online, using the Excel
smartphones. festival, a celebration of In 2018, she delivered a particularly notable. software as a design tool.
“It’s very important for
Girls’ Day. On the keynote address at a Japan has struggled with seniors to be creative
and produce something
Hinadan app, which takes United Nations difficult problems The deficit of online original,” she says.
its name from a tiered conference in New York associated with its material for older people Tech evangelism
“My friends were very stand for displaying on “Why are digital skills declining birthrate and made her get creative: Ms.Wakamiya, who sits
much looking forward to on Prime Minister
such an app and traditional Japanese dolls, critical for older aging population, Using Excel Kishida Fumio’s digital
encouraged me,” says Ms. policy committee, is
Wakamiya. users must move dolls – persons?” And she has including labor shortages spreadsheets, she saw known as an information
technology evangelist
puzzle-like – into published several books and slow economic patterns that she with a mission to get
seniors to acquire digital
appropriate positions on aging and technology growth. translated into art – skills. The message
carries weight, especially
So she got some help according to roles: the in Japan, including one Those age 65 or older designs for fabric and during the COVID-19
from an expert, and her account for 29% of pandemic, as more
idea has made her emperor and the titled “Life Becomes Japan’s population. That’s paper fans. She calls it people place importance
famous at home and projected to rise to 38% on older people
abroad for being one of empress, court ladies, More and More by 2065, estimates the “Excel art.” connecting online to
the oldest app National Institute of avoid social isolation.
developers in the world, and court musicians with Interesting After 60.” Population and Social “Excel looks difficult
lauded by Japanese Security Research in for seniors. But I came up On her own initiative,
leaders and global instruments. It has now “Masako is an Tokyo. with an idea of drawing Ms. Wakamiya flew to
technology executives inspiration to all people, designs using its Estonia, which is
for transcending age been released in five but especially to those functions. Then, I got so pioneering the e-
barriers. individuals who want to excited as I was able to Residency concept of
languages. live a long, rewarding, and produce one new
purposeful life,” says pattern after another,” see EXCEL ART on page 13
“I was pleased with the Bradley Schurman, a Ms. Wakamiya began says Ms. Wakamiya, who
launch. But I did not think former AARP official, wore an orange-and-
it was such a major author of the book “The using computers a few green checkered shirt
achievement,” says Ms. Super Age,” and the she designed with Excel
Wakamiya, surprised at moderator of the 2018 years before she retired to her Monitor
the global interest in her U.N. event at which Ms. interview.
“Ms. Wakamiya asked work. Wakamiya spoke. “She in 1997 in hopes of
has shown the world that
me to develop a gaming curiosity does not need socializing online while
to wane in later life.”
app in which seniors can Hailing her as the looking after her aging
world’s oldest app
beat young people,” developer, Apple chief mother at home. She says
executive Tim Cook
recalls Koizumi invited her to the she found that, more
company’s Worldwide
Katsushiro, president of Developers Conference than just a new way to She acknowledges
computers made her
Tesseract, a company expand her circle of become artistic where
she was not before.
that teaches computer friends, computer
programming and app In Japan, her advocacy literacy enriched her life
10 SMART READER March 24, 2022 FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800
Your Kenosha ADRC Update
ADRC Offers Two
Dementia Caregiver
Support Groups
Caregiver Coffee Club and Family Caregiver
Lunch Bunch
Kenosha County Aging & Disability Resource
Center (ADRC) is offering two virtual support
groups to help family caregivers who are taking care
of someone with dementia. Join others engaged in
helping their loved ones manage day to day living, to
relax, chat and learn helpful tips and strategies.
The Caregiver Coffee Club meets the first
Wednesday of each month from 10-11 a.m., the next
meeting will be on April 6. To accommodate
employed caregivers, as well as those at home, the
Family Caregiver Lunch Bunch conveniently meets
from 12-1 p.m. on the first Thursday of the month.
The next Lunch Bunch meets April 7.
Available by video conferencing or phone.
Facilitated by Susan Johnson, Dementia Care
Specialist with the Kenosha County ADRC. To
register call 262-605-6646.
April Virtual Connect for April Medicare Minutes – a family caregiver, it can be hard to find the right
Seniors Medicare Complaints and resources. Even harder when your time is limited.
Beneficiary Resources Trualta’s collection of professional content is designed
Join KAFASI for these fun and informational for the family caregiver to make it easier to manage
sessions during Virtual Connect Zoom meetings for Medicare Minute presentations are offered monthly care at home.Trualta is available 24 hours a day, 7 days
Seniors: by the Kenosha County ADRC. These programs a week, 364 days a year.
provide information on a wide range of Medicare
• Wednesday, April 13, 11 a.m. topics. April’s Medicare Minutes focus is Medicare With lessons as short as 5 minutes,Trualta makes it
Complaints and Beneficiary Resources. The program easy for you to fit caregiver training in whenever it
Advance Directives with Kenosha Froedert Staff will be offered virtually on Tuesday, April 12, 2022, works for you.Trualta provides practical caregiver tips
from 10 – 11 a.m. and techniques that you can start using right away.
• Monday, April 18, 11 a.m. With Trualta, you can also learn alongside other
SHIP-branded Medicare Minutes are developed by caregivers in your area and learn from others’
1st Virtual Class “Aging, the Unexpected Gift” with the Medicare Rights Center as a State Health experiences.
Mike Radke (postponed from March) Registration is Insurance Program (SHIP) National Technical
required for this special 4 session class Assistance Center service. The Medicare Rights In addition to learning skills to manage your loved
Center is a national, non-profit consumer service one’s current care, Trualta’s learning library can help
• Monday, April 25, 11 a.m. organization. They are one of the SHIP National you prepare and plan for what the future holds.
Technical Assistance Center partners. To participate Discover ways to connect with your loved one and be
2nd Virtual Class “Aging, the Unexpected Gift” and for reservations call the ADRC 262-605-6646 or confident you’re doing your best.
with Mike Radke 1-800-472-8008. A Zoom link will be provided.
To participate, caregivers must have internet access
Registration is required for this special 4 session Virtual Memory Café and access to a computer, iPad or other tablet. They
class Meets Once of Month will receive an email with a link to register.To register,
call Margaret at the ADRC, 262-605-6650 or email
• Wednesday, April 27, 2 p.m. Please join the Alzheimer’s Association and the [email protected]
Kenosha County ADRC for a Virtual Memory Café,
Technology Tips with Troy on Tuesday, April 11, 2022 from 1 - 2 p.m.The Virtual Donations Needed
Memory Café is a place for persons with Mild
Email Janice Erickson at [email protected] to Cognitive Impairment, early-stage Alzheimer’s, or Kenosha County Aging & Disability Resource
join the zoom group, to receive notices and links for related dementia, and their care partners to socialize Center (ADRC) Durable Medical Equipment Loan &
the meetings. Phone access is also available. Call and have fun, all from the comfort of your home! Supply closet is in need of donations. Stock is low on
Janice at 262-287-7469 for assistance or more Once registered, you will receive connection the following items: manual and transport
information. instructions. The Virtual Memory Café meets every wheelchairs, bath benches, shower chairs, bed rails,
month on second Tuesdays. Interested? Call the knee scooters, rollators and walkers, commodes,
Going on Medicare? Alzheimer's Association at 800-272-3900. incontinence products, pull-up only
Learn about the decisions you’ll need to make Online Learning Platform Individuals needing durable medical equipment for
for Family Caregivers either short-term or long-term use, who are not
The Kenosha County Aging & Disability Resource Offered Free enrolled in one of Wisconsin’s long-term care
Center (ADRC) offers no-cost, unbiased, Medicare programs, such as Family Care, IRIS and Partnership
workshops for those who are new to Medicare, or The Kenosha County Aging & Disability Resource may contact the ADRC to request an item. If you have
those who want to learn more. Trained benefit Center is now offering registration to Trualta. Trualta items you’ve borrowed and no longer need, please
specialists will be available to answer your questions is a new free online educational tool for family drop them off or call for a pickup.
and discuss the decisions you’ll need to make, caregivers in Wisconsin.Trualta helps caregivers learn
including the basics of Medicare coverage, options about health issues, care techniques, and managing If you have gently used or new items you wish to
for private health and drug coverage, and public care for loved ones during flu season and the COVID- donate, or are in need of medical equipment or
benefits that can help with health care costs. 19 pandemic. If you provide care for a loved one, supplies, please call Steve at the ADRC, 262-605-
friend or even neighbor, you are a family caregiver.As 6667, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., to make
UPCOMING WORKSHOPS arrangements. Appointments preferred.
• Thursday, May 19, 2022, 10 a.m. – noon
Kenosha Southwest Library, 7979—38th Avenue
• Thursday, June 23, 2022, 10:30 – 12:30 p.m.
Twin Lakes Library, 110 S Lake Street, Twin Lakes,
WI 53181
Due to limited seating, reservations are required.
Call the ADRC at 262-605-6646 or 800-472-8008 to
make a reservation or learn more.
FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800 SMART READER March 24, 2022 11
social security parents should qualify for
SSI (i.e., welfare) benefits -
'Welfare' for disabled If you have a Social - although I am inclined to for the paralyzed young for reelection. Almost
kids with wealthy Security question,Tom believe that parents caring man. I explained that he everyone in the state
parents Margenau has the answer. for severely disabled probably would be eligible knew that his son was
children should get some for SSI disability benefits. I paralyzed, but no one but
with Tom Margenau Contact him at help from the helped the aide fill out the me and a few others at
thomas.margenau@comcast. government. But I can tell forms, which he took to the Social Security office
Q: I have a neighbor Our country's primary net.To find out more about you that many people the father to sign. Several knew he was getting SSI
who is in his early 50s. He safety net for low-income Tom Margenau and to read over the years have months later, the son of and Medicaid. In other
is a pilot for a major elderly and disabled objected to these this wealthy and very words, he was getting
airline and makes pretty people is the past columns and see provisions of the law.And I conservative government- monthly welfare benefits
good money. He and his Supplemental Security features from other Creators would like to share the bashing congressman was and all the son's medical
wife have several children, Income program. SSI is true story of one of those getting a monthly SSI, or bills were being picked up
one of whom has Down managed by the Social Syndicate writers and (maybe not so "con- welfare, check from the by the taxpayers.
syndrome. I have heard Security Administration, cartoonists, visit the Creators scientious") objectors. federal government.
that this 21-year-old son is but it is not paid for out of One might have hoped
collecting about $2,000 Social Security taxes. It is Syndicate website at About 30 years ago, I
per month in welfare funded by general tax was working in the Social Now, I normally would that the congressman
benefits from Social revenues. However, the Security office in the
Security. Don't get me fact that the SSA runs the effect a welfare payment. biggest city of a large have been just fine with would have "seen the
wrong; I would never want program, coupled with a Western state. It was one
to trade places with these confusing name that But once the child turns of the so-called "red that. This man's family had light" and perhaps told
people. But I am just causes folks to believe it is 18, he is considered a legal states." A certain
wondering how rich a supplemental Social adult. And as such, the congressman from that suffered a crippling voters about the help his
people qualify for welfare Security payment, leads parent's income is no state was as right-wing as
benefits. And I'm also most people to think of longer taken into account a red-state conservative tragedy, and I'm sure their son was getting and
wondering why this kid is SSI as a Social Security when deciding his could get. He was popular
getting Social Security benefit. I can't emphasize eligibility for SSI payments. and was elected medical and other bills explained how he now
when his parents aren't enough that SSI is NOT So, assuming this 21-year- repeatedly on what was
even close to Social part of Social Security. old young man doesn't essentially an "I will get were piling up. And I understood that
Security age. have any other income the government off your
What SSI does is pay a and doesn't have much in back" platform. When he would have guessed that sometimes government
A: Let me set you small monthly stipend to the way of assets in his mentioned government
straight on a number of folks over age 65 who are name, he would get a programs, he spewed out the congressman was very programs were necessary
points. First, your poor, and to disabled monthly SSI disability the words "handout" and
neighbor's son is not adults and children who check. The amount of the "welfare" as though he happy that not only was and were there to help
getting Social Security. He are poor. While your check can vary from one were spitting snake poison
is probably getting a neighbor's son was under state to another, but it is out of his mouth. Even his son getting a small people out in tough
Supplemental Security age 18, he would not have never much more than though I didn't agree with
Income disability payment. been eligible for SSI about $840 per month. his politics, I respected his monthly cash stipend to situations. But that's not
Second, he is not receiving disability benefits. That's And based on my right to voice his opinions.
anywhere near $2,000 per because the father's knowledge of the help defray the costs of his what happened. Instead,
month. It might be as income would have been intricacies of the SSI Tragically, his 19-year-
much as $840 but is taken into consideration, payment structure, my old son was in a major care, but he was also he was out there on the
probably closer to around and it would have hunch is your neighbor's traffic accident that left
$500 in monthly SSI prevented the child from son is getting closer to him a quadriplegic. A few getting Medicaid coverage. campaign trail spouting his
payments. qualifying for what is in about $500. weeks later, one of the
congressman's aides was (SSI benefits come with usual rhetoric about
I am not going to weigh sitting at my desk in the
in too heavily on the Social Security office automatic Medicaid government waste and
argument over whether inquiring about any
the adult children of government benefits that eligibility. Medicaid is our welfare fraud and
middle-class or even rich might have been available
country's health insurance promising that he would
program for poor elderly continue the fight to stop
and disabled people.) the growth of welfare
But what happened next programs and big
really surprised and
disappointed me.A couple government. And guess
of months later, the
congressman was running what? He was reelected in
a landslide! His politics
bothered me a little. But
his hypocrisy bothered me
12 SMART READER March 24, 2022 APRIL 6
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ask amy aging abusive parents? –
Sad Mad Daughter
Abused daughter You can email
is now angry Amy Dickinson at Dear Daughter: Many
caregiver [email protected] people don’t care for
or send a letter to aging and abusive
Dear Amy: I was for either parent, but out Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, parents. (You might be should now redefine logical reaction is to
physically and emotion- of duty calls Dad weekly. Freeville, NY 13068. amazed at how often what that means. If you behave in a way that
ally abused as a child. He does not have any You can also follow her on elderly people in long- make sure your mother lessens the pain (reduce
Mom probably has a relationship with Mom. Twitter @askingamy term care facilities have has clean and safe to one visit a week).
personality disorder and no visitors.) housing, food, and
Dad is a willing enabler My brother and I have or Facebook. medical care – then this Understand that the
and child beater. I left good lives, but there is a I assume that is a compassionate people who traumatized,
home 45 years ago, at age broken place inside both with anger and sometimes these family response to her basic abused, and beat you as a
17. of us. My elderly parents resentment. Still! Even members are wracked needs. child will not deliver a
moved close by me so I though they’re very old. with guilt about staying satisfying ending for you
I have a happy marriage could take care of them My dad is receiving away. Others are doing Must you see her three now.
in their declining years. I hospice care, but Mom is their best to take care of times a week with a smile
and am close to my adult thought I could do it with robust, and could easily themselves – as your plastered on your face Work with your
compassion in my heart, live another 10 or 15 brother seems to be while you boil over in therapist on a program of
kids. Ditto for my long- but I find that I’m filled years. doing. anger? No. “loving detachment,”
where you can create
distance younger I visit two to three If your parents have When you are and enforce boundaries,
times a week, plaster on been living independently behaving in a way that while releasing any
brother. He has no love a fake smile, and pretend and relying on you for causes you pain (multiple expectations regarding a
to care. I know how basic necessities, when visits a week), the most reckoning.
Excel Art grotesque that sounds. I your father passes away,
hate feeling this way. your mother’s living
continued from page 9 situation will have to
I’m seeing a therapist, change. Look now for an
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books Why this author says free speech is
needed now more than ever
From Bach to From efforts to ban Free speech can be messy – even harmful at times. For
‘Booth’: 10 books books to demands for author Jacob Mchangama, the ideal’s long and robust
to brighten your increased monitoring of history proves it’s worth fighting for.
march toward social media platforms, free
spring speech is under scrutiny. are caught in the Twitter disinformation, hate speech, are an efficient method of
Instead of joining the calls narrative. countering [them] or that
The selections this month cover a range of genres, from to limit speech, Jacob the benefits of limiting
a thrilling novel about secret maps and a coming-of-age Mchangama, a lawyer and certain kinds of speech will
love story to a nonfiction look at Russian émigrés in Paris the executive director of outweigh the harms.
after the 1917 revolution. the Danish think tank
Justitia, takes the opposite What values help a
The Great Passion by James Runcie approach. In his book Free society to prioritize a free
James Runcie evokes the rigors and rewards of studying Speech: A History From speech culture?
with Johann Sebastian Bach during the 1720s. The busy Socrates to Social Media,
composer brings Stefan, a bullied teenager and talented he calls on history’s I think we have to look
singer, under his wing, providing purpose and a sense of greatest philosophers and back at what went before,
home. Runcie vividly depicts the teacher-pupil dynamic and activists – from John Stuart and how hard it was for
the all-consuming demands of a creative pursuit. In soaring Mill to Ida B. Wells to free speech to become a
language, he portrays music’s ability to rouse, heal, and Mahatma Gandhi – to serve fundamental value.We need
awaken wonder. as chief witnesses in his a culture of free speech,
Groundskeeping by Lee Cole defense of free speech which ultimately means that
Lee Cole’s novel sheds light on America’s social and today. He recently spoke we have to be tolerant as
political divisions through a coming-of-age love story. with the Christian Science human beings. Not that we
College groundskeeper Owen, a Kentuckian with deep Monitor. should enforce tolerance by
roots in the South, and accomplished Alma, a Bosnian limiting speech, but we have
immigrant on an academic fellowship, find solace despite What first ignited your or other types of harmful to accept that in diverse
their different backgrounds. passion for free speech? societies, people are going
Booth by Karen Joy Fowler What new challenges speech is likely to change. If to have diverse opinions
Karen Joy Fowler’s “Booth” offers an absorbing tale of has social media and that’s not necessarily a
the family of Junius Booth, one of the most famous I was born in secular, presented? you were living in the 17th threat. In many ways, it’s a
Shakespearean actors of his time – whose sons included bonus. But sometimes
John Wilkes Booth, the assassin of Abraham Lincoln. Her liberal Denmark where ... I century, you would look people will have diverse
focus is on the circumstances that produced this man, and opinions that you really,
how his heinous act affected his close-knit, pro-Union, took free speech for We’re in a process of upon deists or atheists as really disagree with.That’s a
mostly abolitionist family. But like the best historical fiction, cost of living in a free and
“Booth” helps us recognize connections between the past granted. It was like migrating from the analog [advocating] the worst kind equal society, and it’s a cost
and present. that is worth bearing.
Glory by NoViolet Bulawayo breathing air. Then the city to the digital city. That of disinformation. Many
“Glory” depicts the anguish, absurdity, and grind of life in By Tara Adhikari
a fictional African autocracy. Each well-drawn character – cartoon affair – when a means the institutions we people would think that it
from the ancient despot and his sycophants, to the
rapacious successor, to exhausted citizens – is an animal. Danish newspaper built, which sustained us for was perfectly legitimate to
The engrossing allegory delivers a powerful emotional
punch, along with keen political and social commentary. published cartoons a long time, are not persecute such ideas
The Cartographers by Peng Shepherd
Peng Shepherd’s captivating thriller begins with the depicting the Muslim necessarily as relevant and because no society could
death of an esteemed cartographer, who years earlier
inexplicably fired his daughter, Nell, from the New York Prophet Muhammad – legitimate in our minds as stand that allowed such
Public Library after she uncovered a 1930 map. Nell’s
investigation unveils secrets about her family’s past and the made Denmark the they used to be.We’ve seen attacks on its foundation.
map’s allure.
Read Dangerously by Azar Nafisi epicenter of a global battle a plummeting of trust in Today, we look at such ideas
A prolific reader and gifted Iranian American writer
argues that careful reading of challenging literature helps of values over the traditional media, as pretty uncontroversial.
us make sense of our chaotic and turbulent times. A
meticulously reasoned, timely, and welcome reminder relationship between free institutions, and politicians. Open democracies have to
about why we read.
speech and religion, and And I think social media has be very, very careful about
story continues on page 15
also forced a lot of people contributed to that. But I limiting free speech. [It can
14 SMART READER March 24, 2022
in Denmark to rethink, think it would be be] intuitively attractive to
what does free speech dangerously misguided to want to limit free speech
mean? Is it just an empty, say we need to then abolish because you say, “Well, if
abstract principle that we or roll back free speech. free speech facilitates
can use in a tribalist concrete harms against our
manner? Or, does it really What lessons can we democracies, against
matter? And that’s why I take from history on how, minorities, against our
wanted to look at and how not, to institutions, against truth
contemporary-era [free counteract dis- itself, we should limit it.”
speech] issues through the information and hate But [even though] free
prism of history because speech? speech may sometimes
that allows you to get a First of all, we have to be facilitate harms, [it] does
aware that what counts as
more detached view of not necessarily follow that
current affairs than if you restrictions on free speech
1. One Damn Thing After Another (Barr) 1. Run Rose Run (Parton/Patterson)
2. In Love (Bloom) 2. Shadows Reel (Box)
3. The Body Keeps the Score (van der Kolk) 3. It Ends With Us (Hoover)
4. Allow Me To Retort (Mystal) 4. High Stakes (Steel)
5. From Strength to Strength (Brooks) 5. Verity (Hoover)
6. How Do I Un-Remember This? (Pellegrino) 6. The Paris Apartment (Foley)
7. Red-Handed (Schweizer) 7. Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo (Reid)
8. All About Love (Hooks) 8. The Golden Couple (Hendricks/Pekkanen)
9. The Splendid and the Vile (Larson) 9. The Lightning Rod (Meltzer)
10. The 1619 Project (Jones/Roper/Silverman) 10. One Italian Summer (Serle)
Unearthing the last slave ship: A tale of
suffering – and reckoning
The Atlantic slave trade was percent of all the Africans sold into Africatown was polluted and What ties families
abolished in the United States in bondage worldwide between 1600 blighted.Those who could afford to together – and pulls
1808, but in 1860, planter Timothy and the 1880s.” In the late 1920s, leave did. them apart
Meaher bankrolled a voyage that author Zora Neale Hurston
smuggled 110 West African captives interviewed Clotilda survivor Cudjo Raines’ narrative shines as the Tightly woven into Anne Tyler’s
into Alabama. His criminal operation Lewis, by then the last man alive story reaches the present day.As an French Braid is the idea that
was praised by a local newspaper. who’d endured the Middle Passage. environmental journalist (his first families are much like the novel’s
“Whoever conducted the affair has Raines relies on her work to re- book, “Saving America’s Amazon: titular hairdo and the colorful
our congratulations,” the editorial create Lewis’ account of the brutal The Threat to Our Nation’s Most braided rug on its cover. Like both,
read, reasoning that not only did raid that led to his capture, Biodiverse River System,” was a call families are composed of plaited
planters require labor, but they imprisonment in Ouidah, and eventual to protect Alabama’s diverse aquatic strands. But also like braids,
were “civilizing and Christianizing a sale to Foster. ecosystem), he is well positioned to families can unravel. And when
set of barbarians by the same assess the devastating impact of they do, the individual strands
course.” The Clotilda captives were mostly industrial pollution on Africatown. often show the telltale crimping of
divided between Foster, Meaher, and The author is also a charter captain their former weave.
The Civil War erupted months Meaher’s brothers; thus, they were intimately familiar with Alabama’s
later, so the ship that Meaher able to remain in proximity upon waterways, and as such, he turned Tyler’s 24th novel is the latest addition to the remarkable
commissioned for the horrific task, arrival in the United States. Because out to be uniquely qualified to find human comedy she has spun over the last half century,
the Clotilda, ended up being the last the Civil War broke out months later, the Clotilda’s sunken remains. “The mainly set in Baltimore. It is an artful mix of several
vessel to transport enslaved people they were freed within five years. current was running hard and the recurrent elements in her work, along with some new
to America. Meaher and Captain river was so muddy it looked like twists, including the coronavirus pandemic.
William Foster, who sailed the After being unable to raise enough chocolate milk,” he recalls of the cold
schooner on its four-month journey money to return to Africa, they April day when he dove beneath the The appeal, as always, is in being privy to the feelings,
from Mobile to what is now the created their own community, surface and emerged with a plank of insecurities, uncertainties, and peculiarities of ordinary
African nation of Benin and back, governed according to African wood that belonged to the ship. people who come alive in Tyler’s hands. The wonder of
burned the ship and sank it in an customs, on the outskirts of Mobile. It “French Braid” is the easygoing fluidity with which Tyler
Alabama swamp to destroy evidence came to be known as Africatown. The book feels especially timely jumps and floats between characters and decades to create
of their crime. The Clotilda stayed “Unlike their newly emancipated when Raines assesses the what in the end is a deftly crafted family portrait that spans
hidden for 160 years, until journalist American counterparts,” Raines controversies that continue to some 70 years.
Ben Raines uncovered its remains in observes, “the Africans already knew surround the Clotilda. The state of
2018. Now Raines has written The how to be free.” They began by Alabama owns the wreck and has so A wry yet sympathetic eavesdropper into others’ daily
Last Slave Ship: The True Story of renting land from their former far appeared reluctant to spend the routines and thoughts, Tyler has long made it clear that
How Clotilda Was Found, Her enslavers, but eventually they saved millions required to excavate it. even dysfunctional families function, however
Descendants, and an Extraordinary enough to buy their own parcels.They Raines speaks to descendants who problematically. In her fiction, marriage is a long haul, but
Reckoning. chose leaders, established a church, hope to make the ship the then, so is life, with its stages and vicissitudes.
and built a school. centerpiece of a future Africatown
The gripping and affecting book tells museum. “Having the burnt, rotten Part of the lure of long haul plots is watching characters
several stories, and Raines deftly Africatown thrived for years. “By hull of the last American slave ship on who were pigeonholed as children both reinforce and
weaves them into a tight, propulsive the 1950s,” Raines reports, “there display would instantly make confound expectations: the bossy one who becomes more
narrative. He begins with Meaher and were movie theaters, grocery stores, Africatown one of the most fixed in her judgments; the wild child who settles down
his brothers, who grew up in Maine barbershops, restaurants, and twelve important sites in the burgeoning with a dull but unfailingly kind, steady husband and takes
but amassed their fortunes in the thousand residents.” But the Meaher Civil Rights tourism industry,” he over the family plumbing supply business from her father;
South. The Clotilda voyage grew out descendants leased property to a writes. the disconnected, uncommunicative son who has the
of a $1,000 bet that Meaher made paper mill and other heavy industries audacity to move away from Baltimore and marry an older
after boasting that he could illegally once the construction of roads and Raines visits Benin, where he woman his family finds off-putting – yet who shines brightly
import a ship of human cargo without bridges made the area less isolated. writes, “Most everyone’s ancestors as a wonderful husband, father, and grandfather when the
being punished. The factories were initially hailed for were either capturing or being pandemic hits.
bringing jobs, but before long captured as part of the slaving
Aided by Foster’s written accounts, economy.” He finds the people there Marriages, in particular, often turn out to be the wild card
Raines reconstructs the ship’s journey. grappling with this history. in Tyler’s characters’ lives. We read in fascination as Mercy
The Clotilda survived mutiny surreptitiously moves, item by item, into her rented art
attempts by the crew, which had been Not everyone is ready for such a studio as soon as the last of her three children is off to
hired without knowledge of the reckoning. Descendants of Foster college.“Are you leaving me?” her husband asks with alarm
voyage’s purpose; the schooner also seem more interested in selling their when she explains her intention to spend some nights in
had to evade a British fleet patrolling Clotilda artifacts than donating them her deliberately barebones studio. She assures him that she
the African coast to enforce to a museum, and descendants of the would never do that – and, indeed, she continues to care
international slave-trade bans. Meahers have resisted overtures by for him. Bizarrely, their de facto separation is never
the residents of Africatown. Raines acknowledged, even by their children.
The Clotilda’s destination was manages to connect one distant
Ouidah, in what was then the descendant of Foster with members Interestingly, in her recent interview on the BBC radio
kingdom of Dahomey. The kingdom of the Clotilda Descendants show “Desert Island Discs,” Tyler, speaking of her tendency
was notorious for attacking Association, and in a moving chapter, not to remember details from her own novels after they’ve
neighboring villages, executing the he describes the friendships they been published, compares herself to a cat who doesn’t
very old and very young, and selling form. Still, Raines’ use of the term recognize her own kittens. But what a wonderful litter she’s
the rest into slavery. Dahomey, Raines “closure” feels premature. The story sent out into the world.
writes,“may have been responsible for continues to be written.
capturing and deporting about 30 By Heller McAlpin
By Barbara Spindel
Bach to Booth their stories with marvelous skill grit and grace that Morgan
and empathy. possessed.
continued from page 14
Julia Morgan by Victoria In Pursuit of Jefferson by
Woman by Lillian Faderman to be. Kastner Derek Baxter
Lillian Faderman charts the After the Romanovs by Victoria Kastner pulls back the In Derek Baxter’s winning
changing meaning of “woman” Helen Rappaport curtain on architect Julia Morgan, debut, the attorney and amateur
from the 17th century to the the first woman admitted to historian follows the itinerary
present. She illustrates historical One of the effects of the Europe’s finest school for suggested by Thomas Jefferson in
cycles of repression and Romanov dynasty’s fall in 1917 architecture, the first woman an unpublished travel guide,“Hints
resistance with a wealth of was a flood of Russian refugees licensed to practice in California to Americans Traveling in Europe.”
examples, demonstrating that into Europe, including the arrival in the early 1900s, and the creator Along the way, with humor and
women of all races and classes of aristocrats, artists, writers, and of roughly 700 structures, heart, he grapples with the
have chafed against oppressive intellectuals who landed in Paris including Hearst Castle. It’s an founder’s complicated legacy.
notions of what a woman ought at the height of the city’s creative inspiring portrait, highlighting the
ferment. Helen Rappaport tells
FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800 SMART READER March 24, 2022 15
Long-term obesity increases risk for colon,
rectal cancer, study finds
Being overweight or researchers said. Centers for Disease that has a significant Being overweight or obese for many years increases a person's
obese nearly triples a Control and Prevention influence on overall health. risk for colon and rectal cancers, a new study has found.
person's likelihood of "The impact of estimates.
developing colon and rectal overweight and obesity on Unhealthy, fattening foods these cancers, people must "Promoting a lifestyle
cancer, with the risk risk of colorectal cancer is Although "multiple" could are known to increase the "prevent development of with sufficient physical
increasing the longer they stronger than previously explain the relationship risk for some colon and overweight and obesity in activity is a key aspect in this
live with an unhealthy thought," study co-author between weight and colon rectal cancers, while weight childhood, adolescence and context," he said.
weight, a study published Hermann Brenner told UPI and rectal cancers, it is loss has been shown to young adulthood," Brenner
Thursday by JAMA in an email. believed that those who are reduce the risk for these
Oncology found. overweight or obese have diseases, according to
"Considering excess chronic inflammation that previous studies.
The risk for colon and weight across a lifetime, as may play a role in tumor
rectal cancer rises 25% for we did in our study, reveals a growth, he said. For this study, Brenner
every decade a person lives stronger association of and his colleagues analyzed
being overweight or obese, excess weight with They are also at higher body weight data on more
which is severely colorectal cancer risk," said risk for Type 2 diabetes, than 5,600 German adults
overweight, the data Brenner, division head for which in turn makes them with colon and rectal
showed. clinical epidemiology and more likely to develop cancers.
aging research at the cancers, research suggests.
Those who live most or German Cancer Research Collectively, these cancers
all of their lives at an Center in Heidelberg. Previous studies have also are the third-most-common
unhealthy weight have a 2.5- linked diet with the health in the United States and are
fold higher risk for Just over 40% of adults in of the gut microbiome, the third-leading cause of
developing these potentially the United States have bacteria in the digestive cancer deaths nationally,
deadly cancers, the obesity, meaning they are tract that helps the body according to the CDC.
severely overweight, the convert food to nutrients
To reduce the risk for
At-home COVID-19 tests can Signs of appendicitis
pose risks if used improperly, may be cancer
FDA warns
What appears to be
Precautions, and Safety appendicitis can actually be
cancer of the appendix in
Information" in the test some cases, especially in
patients under the age of
instructions for a 50, a new study suggests.
description of chemical
ingredients and While antibiotics can be
used instead of surgery to
recommendations for safe treat acute appendicitis,
patients who receive
handling. This will also antibiotics should be closely
followed in case they
outline what to do if they actually have cancer,
according to the paper
accidentally touch your skin published online recently in
the Journal of the American
or eyes. College of Surgeons.
At-home COVID-19 tests They offer a convenient • Keep the liquid solution researchers analyzed data these tumors.
are a key tool in containing and important way for away from the skin, nose, on nearly 388,000 patients
the spread of the people to check whether mouth and eyes. Do not in the United States Annual cases of
coronavirus. But a few safety they or family members are swallow the liquid solution. diagnosed with right-sided appendiceal cancers more
precautions are in order to infected with the colon cancer from 2004 to than doubled from 814 in
prevent serious injury, the coronavirus, according to • Use only the swab in the Surgery provides the only 2017, including 19,570 with 2004 to 1,928 in 2017 while
U.S. Food and Drug the agency. test kit to collect a nasal definitive diagnosis of cancer of the appendix other right-sided colon
Administration warns. sample. cancer of the appendix, so (appendiceal cancer). cancer cases fell from
However, the liquid acute appendicitis patients 26,445 cases in 2004 to
The tests can cause harm solutions in the test may • After you perform the who receive antibiotics Patients with cancer of 24,712 cases in 2017.
if they're not used according contain irritating or toxic test, follow instructions on instead of surgery could the appendix tended to be
to manufacturers' chemicals such as sodium how to throw away the face a delay in their cancer younger than 50 and have As a result, the
instructions, and they also azide. These chemicals can used test parts. Wash your diagnosis, the researchers fewer other health proportion of appendiceal
need to be kept out of cause harm if they come hands thoroughly with soap explained. problems, but were also cancer to other right-sided
reach from children and into contact with your skin, and water. more likely to have more colon cancers rose during
pets, the FDA said. nose, mouth or eyes, or if advanced cancer than the study period, especially
test parts, such as small vials In addition, contact your "I would counsel patients patients with other right- in patients ages 40 to 49,
It said it has received containing the liquid local poison control or based on age," said study sided colon cancers. going from 10% to 18%.
reports of injuries caused by solutions, are swallowed, the healthcare provider right author Dr. Michelle Salazar, a
incorrect use of at-home FDA cautioned. away if skin or eye irritation general surgery resident at For example, patients Patients most likely to
COVID-19 tests due to: does not go away after the Yale School of younger than 40 accounted have appendiceal cancer
Like many Americans, you exposure, or a person or Medicine/Yale New Haven for 1.4% of other right- compared with other right-
• People accidentally may have received at-home animal swallows the liquid Hospital. sided colon cancers and sided colon cancers were
putting liquid test solution COVID test kits from the solution. 8.4% of appendiceal cancers, those younger than 40 (25%
in their eyes when small federal government or while patients 70 and older more likely).
vials of test solution were purchased some from a If you have questions, "If you're older, you are at accounted for 58.2% of
mistaken for eye drops. retailer. If so, the FDA offers contact the FDA's Division other right-sided colon The study shows that
the following safety advice: of Industry and Consumer less risk for appendiceal cancers and 25.3% of cancer of the appendix is a
• Placing nasal collection Education at 800-638-2041 appendiceal cancers. "small, but real, risk," and
swabs into the liquid • Keep all parts of at- or 301-796-7100. You can cancer and greater risk for that patients with acute
solution prior to swabbing home test kits out of reach also call the customer The study also found that appendicitis should receive
the nose (the liquid solution from children and pets service department for the complications from 28.7% of patients with thorough review, said Dr.
is not supposed to touch before and after use. Also, COVID-19 test you are cancer of the appendix had Nader Hanna, director of
your body). store the test in its box until using. surgery," Salazar said in a carcinoid tumors, a slow- clinical operations in the
you are ready to use it. growing type of Division of General and
• Children putting test journal news release. neuroendocrine tumor, and Oncologic Surgery at the
parts in their mouth and • Follow the that the increased risk of University of Maryland
swallowing liquid test manufacturer's step-by-step "Younger, healthy patients cancer of the appendix in School of Medicine. Hanna
solution. Self-testing is safe test instructions exactly. people younger than 50 reviewed the study but did
when the tests are used and Read the "Warning, are more likely to be able to appeared to be driven by not take part in it.
stored properly.
tolerate an operation and
If you think you had a may want to rule out cancer
problem with your COVID- by undergoing the
19 test, you can report the operation. The
problem through the FDA's characteristics of
MedWatch Voluntary appendicitis should be
Reporting Form. considered in the decision."
For their study, the
16 SMART READER March 24, 2022 FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800
Mayo Clinics
Scoliosis treatment options
My granddaughter was
diagnosed with a severe case
of scoliosis.What is scoliosis,
and what treatments are
ANSWER: Scoliosis is a
side-to-side curvature of the
spine that can occur in about
1 in 300 children. In growing
children, curves can progress
rapidly, especially during the
adolescent growth spurt.
Growth plates, which are
compressed, grow more
slowly, resulting in
progressive wedging of the
vertebra and scoliosis
progression. Large curves
can continue to progress
slowly in adulthood,
eventually causing problems
with quality of life and even
Typically, braces can be vertebrae in the back are reason to perform a and a plastic cord connects out of the way.Three screws rate of an unplanned surgery,
prescribed to treat mild or fused to treat scoliosis, with these screws. The cord is
moderate curves by holding anywhere from 14 to 24 nonfusion procedure. tensioned to shorten the are placed and connected with reports of up to 30% to
the spine in a corrected screws and two solid metal long side of the scoliosis
position while the spine rods being used. However, newer surgeries curve, acting as an internal with a single rod that has 40% of patients needing
grows. Bracing may prevent brace.
the curve from worsening, After fusion however, the that do not involve fusion are two ball bearing joints to surgery within two years.
but it does not typically spine no longer grows over
straighten the alignment of a the area where the spine is available to treat scoliosis. allow for motion. While significant
curved spine. fused, and the spine does not
move over the area that is The goal of these Patients usually spend one advancements have been
For some children, the fused. In most cases, the nonfusion surgeries is to
curvature of their spine is unfused area of the spine can correct the scoliosis but still As some children continue night in the hospital and can made to treat childhood
significant, thus the diagnosis compensate, and children allow for the spinal growth to grow, the curve continues
of severe scoliosis. Severe have normal function and and motion. However, the to correct over time. The return to sports in eight to scoliosis, early detection and
curves can be treated with acceptable spine motion. long-term results of these cord is flexible so the spine
spinal fusion.This reliable and After a fusion surgery, procedures are not known. still can move. 12 weeks. In 10% to 20% of treatment with bracing are
successful procedure, which children are in the hospital
has been around since the for three to four days and patients, a second surgery is always the first choice. For
1960s, prevents the curve could miss about three
from returning. weeks of school. Most required because the screws more severe scoliosis,
children can return to
With spinal fusion, an 8- to normal physical activity and Problems with this can loosen, the device can families now have treatment
12-inch incision is made over play most sports within 12 procedure include the
the back, and the muscles are weeks after surgery. To date, the risk of needing technical difficulty of break, and the scoliosis curve options. Ongoing research
moved out of the way to a second surgery is higher performing the procedure
reach the spine. Screws and In rare cases, patients will after a nonfusion surgery -- safely and predicting how can progress or worsen. and advances in these
rods are attached to the require a second surgery. up to 10% to 20% chance much to correct the scoliosis
curved area of the spine, and Based on research, only within two years of the during the surgery. Younger For young children, similar nonfusion strategies will
the spine is pulled into a about 2% of patients need a procedure. Two devices patients may require a rods can be used that improve the outcomes and
corrected position. Then second surgery within the approved by the Food and second surgery to remove contain a special magnetic reduce the chance of
small joints over the back of two years of the first Drug Administration (FDA) the cord when the spine is device. These are called needing multiple surgeries in
the spine are removed, and procedure. are used for nonfusion spine fully corrected. Other times, magnetic growing rods. The the future.
the bone is roughened with a procedures to treat scoliosis the cord does not correct
high-speed burr. Once a fusion surgery is -- both through a special the curve enough, and a rods are fixed to the spine For now, fusion is the most
performed, there is no humanitarian approval. fusion surgery may be
This process creates a required. above and below the reliable option, but some
solid sheet of bone or a
fusion across the back part scoliosis curve. patients and families may
of the spine. Depending on
where the curve is, between The first device is used for The second approved Patients come to the clinic prefer a nonfusion approach
six to 13 vertebrae of the 17 vertebral body tethering.The four times per year, and the to preserve motion and
spine is accessed through 1- device is used to perform rods are lengthened several spinal growth, and these safe,
inch incisions in the side, and millimeters at a time with FDA-approved options are
a special camera is used posterior dynamic the child awake. After the available now. A. Noelle
while performing the child has completed most of Larson, M.D., Orthopedic
surgery. Metal screws are distraction. A 6- to 8-inch his or her growth, these rods Surgery, Mayo Clinic,
placed in the vertebrae are removed during a second Rochester, Minnesota
where the spine is curved,
incision is made over the surgery, and the spine is
back. The muscles on one fused in a corrected position.
side of the spine are moved These rods also have a high
FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800 SMART READER March 24, 2022 17
rfoecoidpe&s Beef and Broccoli
Nutrition News
with Charlyn Fargo 2 (3 1/2-ounce) bags boil-in-bag brown rice
2 tablespoons dry sherry, divided
Strong Bones, Healthy Life
2 tablespoons lower-sodium soy sauce, divided
My friend Joyce fell 1 teaspoon sugar
recently and broke her
ankle. After surgery, she's 1-pound boneless sirloin steak, cut diagonally across grain into thin slices
couchbound for a while as 1/2 cup lower-sodium beef broth
her ankle can't bear weight. 1 tablespoon cornstarch
A similar thing happened to 1 tablespoon hoisin sauce
my friend Marybeth.
1 teaspoon Sriracha sauce or 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper
We all want healthy Charlyn Fargo is a data comes from the 2006 as certain foods, noise, 2 tablespoons canola oil, divided
bones, and most of us know registered dietitian with Women's Health Initiative lighting, changes in sleeping
that healthy bones require trial where study patterns, alcohol use and 1 tablespoon bottled ground ginger or 2 teaspoons fresh ginger
adequate calcium. It's true SIU Med School in participants were taking as exposure to strong smells 2 teaspoons minced garlic
that dairy foods generally Springfield, Ill. For much as 1,200 milligrams or allergens can trigger
deliver the highest amounts comments or questions, per day from supplements headaches. Research finds 4 cups prechopped broccoli florets
of calcium per serving. But alone, far above the RDA of that vitamins and minerals 1/4 cup water
there are other foods to contact her at 1,000 to 1,200 milligrams found in some foods may
include in your diet as well, [email protected] for most adults. have a positive effect on 1/3 cup sliced scallions
like tofu, bok choy, kale, or follow her on Twitter headaches by preventing,
broccoli and calcium- The bottom line? Work in stopping or soothing Cook rice according to package directions, omitting salt. Meanwhile, combine 1
fortified orange juice. @NutritionRd. some exercise, grab a symptoms. Eating some tablespoon sherry, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, sugar and beef. Stir together broth,
yogurt or roast some foods regularly, such as fatty cornstarch, hoisin sauce, Sriracha and remaining 1 tablespoon sherry and 1
Calcium as we age is just types of physical activity broccoli and track your fish (salmon and tuna), leafy tablespoon soy sauce; set aside. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large skillet over
as important as calcium for (swimming, yoga, tai chi, calcium like you track your greens (broccoli, romaine, medium-high.Add beef mixture; saute 3 minutes or until browned. Remove beef
our kids. It's true that for dancing, walking) are calories for your bones to spinach) and nuts (almonds, from pan.Add remaining 1 tablespoon oil to pan.Add ginger and garlic; cook 30
most people the bone- beneficial.A study, published be strong when you need cashews, peanuts), may seconds, stirring constantly.Add broccoli and 1/4 cup water; cook 1 minute.Add
building years end in the International Journal them to be. reduce how often you scallions; cook 1 minute, stirring constantly.Add broth mixture and beef mixture;
somewhere between age of Behavioral Nutrition and experience headaches. cook 2 minutes or until beef is thoroughly heated and sauce is slightly thick.
25 and 30.After that peak is Physical Activity, found that Q and A Other foods, including Serve beef mixture over rice. Serves 4 (serving size: 1/2 cup rice and 1 1/2 cups
reached, bone mass is a 12-minute regimen of 12 ginger, beans and legumes,
generally stable until age 50, yoga poses designed to Q: Are there any foods plus proper hydration, may beef mixture.
when a steady decline target common fracture that can help ease help soothe the pain once a
begins, according to sites (spine, hip and femur) headaches? headache has started. Per serving: 356 calories; 28 grams protein; 29 grams carbohydrate; 13 grams fat
researchers at Tufts increased participants' bone (3 grams saturated); 4 grams fiber; 4 grams sugars (1 gram added); 464 milligrams
University in Boston. But density when practiced A: It's well known that
there's still plenty we can daily over a 10-year period. environmental factors such sodium.
do to preserve our bones.
Keeping active, eating a Should you take a calcium Chewy Chocolate
healthy diet, avoiding supplement? If you don't Cookies
smoking, maintaining a get enough calcium, it's a
healthy weight and limiting good safety net. Be aware Makes 12 cookies
alcohol consumption are all that your body can only
ways to slow down bone absorb 500 milligrams at a 1/2 cup (2 1/2 ounces) all-purpose flour
loss and prevent time, so choose a 2 tablespoons Dutch-processed cocoa powder
osteoporosis. supplement that stays
under that level.There have 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
All exercise is good for been news articles that 1/4 teaspoon salt
bone health, especially supplements can cause
weight-bearing activity. kidney stones. However, 2/3 cup (4 ounces) semisweet chocolate chips
New research finds that all most of the kidney stone 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
America’s Test Kitchen 1/3 cup packed (2 1/3 ounces) light brown sugar
2 tablespoons sugar
A few tips and tricks will ensure you bake thick, 1 large egg
chewy cookies every time
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
Thick cookies are often chewy cookies -- and
we made recipe choices to create cookies that In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, cocoa, baking powder, and salt.
are nice and thick! First, we use more brown Place chocolate chips in a medium microwave-safe bowl. Heat in microwave at
sugar than white sugar: Brown sugar contains 50% power until melted, 2 to 3 minutes. Use a rubber spatula to stir chocolate
more water, so it helps make cookies moister
and chewier. until completely melted and smooth.
In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment (or in a large
Next, we let the dough rest for 30 minutes bowl if using a handheld mixer), combine softened butter and the sugars. Mix on
before shaping and baking the cookies. As the medium speed until well combined, about 1 1/2 minutes. Scrape down bowl.
dough rests, the flour absorbs some of the Add egg, vanilla and melted chocolate. Mix on low speed until combined, about 2
water in the dough. The dough's texture
thickens up, which means that it won't spread as minutes. Scrape down bowl.
much in the oven.We don't press these cookies Add flour mixture. Mix on low speed until combined, about 1 minute. Scrape
flat before baking, which helps prevent them down bowl and stir in any remaining dry flour. Cover bowl with plastic wrap. Let
from spreading and keeps them thicker. Finally,
removing the cookies from the oven when they dough sit at room temperature for 30 minutes.
look almost done helps maintain their chewy Meanwhile, adjust oven rack to the middle position and heat oven to 350
degrees. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper.
18 SMART READER March 24, 2022 When dough is ready, use your hands to roll dough into 12 balls (about 1 heaping
tablespoon each). Place dough balls on parchment-lined baking sheet, arranging
them in staggered rows and leaving 2 inches of space between balls.
Bake cookies until edges have just begun to set but centers are still very soft, 12
to 14 minutes.Transfer baking sheet to a cooling rack. Let cookies cool
completely on the baking sheet, about 30 minutes. Serve.
animals Pet World
in the news with Cathy Rosenthal
Alligator chases Woman wants two female dogs,
remote-controlled but rescue group says no
boat in Florida
Insurance company retention pond Dear Cathy, We adopted a As well as being a recuring the floor again, grab the leash,
details dirty deeds six-month-old dog from a guest on Happenings Q&A, and walk outside with him.
done by dogs A Florida woman captured video of a local dog rescue in August. She Feed him more treats as you
playful alligator chasing a remote- is sweet and well-behaved. She Cathy M. Rosenthal is a do, so he is focused on the
British home insurance company controlled toy boat across the surface is very playful, and we want to longtime animal advocate, food and not paying attention
Aviva detailed some of the most of a retention pond. The filmer get another dog. I work from author, columnist and pet to who's holding his leash.
unusual claims involving dogs, including captured footage when the gator's home and feel our home can expert who has more than
a canine that flooded its owner's home attention was grabbed by a neighbor's accommodate another dog. If this doesn't work, try a
by running the kitchen sink. Aviva said remote-controlled boat. The video We went back to the rescue 30 years in the animal harness since the leash
it typically receives about 800 shows the gator chasing the boat as it where we got her, and they welfare field. Send your pet attaches to his back and not
accidental damage claims each year for zooms across the surface of the water. told us we could not adopt questions, stories and tips to his neck. Follow the same
incidents involving dogs, and the It was unclear whether the alligator another female dog. I've never directions as above so he can
company said each claim was valued at had simply confused the boat for a heard of not having two female [email protected]. get used to it being attached
an average $1,440. The company potential food source, but University of dogs in a home together.What to him.
detailed some of the most unusual Tennessee at Knoxville researchers are your thoughts? -- Nancy, someone is beating him. He
claims involving the canine companions said in a study that playful behavior had Las Vegas, Nevada walks well beside me on the Let me know if these things
of homeowners, including the story of been identified in alligators and other sidewalk and doesn't like work or if we need to come
a Labrador/Great Dane mix named crocodiles. Dear Nancy, Some rescue other dogs or people. I need up with a new strategy.
Whiskey who turned on the water tap groups are cautious about to get him on a leash because
in his owner's kitchen, causing $5,233 Bears open California adopting two dogs of the same we have leash laws in our Dear Cathy, I have a
worth of flooding damage to the man's car door while sex into the same home. The county.Walking loose is not an comment about the
house.Another customer informed the he eats a sandwich concern is that dogs of the option even though he does it pheromone collars you often
company that she was cleaning out a same sex, especially if they are well. Do you have any mention for cats. I have four
fish tank at her home when her dog A California man enjoying a corned close in age, will fight for suggestions? -- Pat, Ellicott cats. One of the older cats
became snagged on a charging cable beef sandwich in his car captured video territory and resources. They City, Maryland would occasionally mark a
and caused her laptop computer to fall when a trio of hungry bear cubs may do that; and they may not. spot on the rug near our
into a bucket filled with water. The approached his vehicle and opened the Many homes have multiple Dear Pat, Try this. Put the couch; I don't know why. After
company said other claims included a door -- twice. Bill Duvall said he was in female dogs and multiple male leash on him in the house cleaning it up too many times,
dog who spilled paint on their owner's the car with his dog in Sierra Madre dogs who get along just fine. It (where people can't hear his I decided to try a pheromone
stairs, a dog who spilled bleach on their and had a St. Patrick's Day corned beef just depends on the dogs' reaction), toss some high- collar. The good news is it
owner's carpet, a dog who knocked a sandwich on his lap when the bear personalities. value treats onto the floor, and works. It's been three months
hot iron onto a carpet and a dog who cubs appeared nearby. Duvall captured walk away. Give him one to and no more marking.The bad
got excited to see another canine and video as the cubs approached his car Most animal shelters don't two minutes to see if he stops news is the collars will not
knocked over their owner's TV. "There and immediately attempted to open have these rules. Instead, they fussing. If he stops and eats the stay on. At least twice a day, I
are plenty of dog-related incidents the door. The bears managed to open conduct meet and greets to treats, then leave the leash on have to readjust the collar
where home insurance -- and the door two times, but both times ensure dogs are well-paired him for a while before taking it before it falls off or hunt it
particularly accidental damage cover -- Duvall was able to quickly close it regardless of their sex. (They off. You can leave it on him all down in the house because it's
can come to the rescue," said Kelly before they could reach inside. Duvall's can usually spot potential day, as long as you are home to already fallen off. I gave these
Whittington, property claims director wife, Sandy Lewis-Duval, said the bears aggression problems.) It also monitor him. Do this several collars a 2-star review on
for Aviva. are frequent visitors to the can help to space out the ages times a day, building up the Amazon because of this and
neighborhood. of the dogs so a younger dog, time the leash is on him. Over will look for different brands
Authorities warn of like a puppy, won't threaten an time, he should realize that the to try. But they work. -- Bill,
unidentified 'large Police rescue deer older dog's alpha status.While leash is not a bad thing and Gloucester,Virginia
cat' on the loose in trapped in Indiana I wouldn't adopt puppies from that he can still do the normal
South Carolina resident's pool the same litter regardless of things he likes to do with it Dear Bill, If your cat has
sex, I wouldn't hesitate to have attached to his collar, stopped marking, but you want
Authorities in South Carolina are Police and animal control officers in two female dogs in the house, especially if there are yummy to keep using the
urging residents to be on the lookout Indiana came to the rescue of a deer so long as they are both fixed. treats involved. pheromones, you could switch
for an unidentified "large cat" spotted that fell into an empty backyard pool Go for it. to a plug-in pheromone for
on the loose. The Calhoun County and couldn't find its way back out. The When you feel he is used to the house or a spray-on
Sheriff's Office said in a Facebook post South Bend Police Department said Dear Cathy, Seven months the leash, toss some treats to pheromone that you could use
that residents should "use extreme the rescuers initially attempted to on your cat or on objects
caution" after the "large cat" was guide the deer to the stairs in the ago, I adopted a mixed four- around the house. The cost is
spotted in the Sandy Run area of shallow end so it could climb out on its about the same each month,
Swansea. Chief Deputy Matt Trentham own. "However, the animal became year-old part and you should only need to
said multiple people have called the frightened and jumped back into the use one of these methods to
sheriff's office to report a large cat on pool just as it had a chance to escape," Pekingese/Chihuahua. He is a continue this success.
the loose, but no such animals have the post said. The team tried a few
been reported missing in the area. He other tactics before one of the police loving dog but has a major
said some callers identified the loose officers ended up simply lifting the deer
cat as a tiger, but the identity of the out of the pool. "The deer then darted problem. When I try to put
feline has not been confirmed. away from the backyard and returned
Trentham said officials have not yet to the wild," the post said. him on a leash, he screams like
managed to glimpse the animal, but
they have located a paw print that
authorities believe could belong to a
large feline.
FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800 SMART READER March 24, 2022 19
jill on money inflation, which stands at a
four-decade high of 7.9% and
The Fed tries to fight carefully watching the
inflation Russian war in Ukraine,
which has caused a further
with Jill Schlesinger escalation of energy prices.
Central bankers know that
As expected, the Federal as gas prices reach all-time The Marriner S. Eccles Federal Reserve Board building is
Reserve raised short term nominal highs, many will be seen in Washington, D.C.,Wednesday, March 16, 2022.
interest rates from the forced to make choices
emergency levels that have about their limited
been in place for two years resources and could pull
to a range of 0.25 – 0.50 back on spending, which
percent. would in turn slow down
economic growth.
It was the first increase in
Remember that the Fed
the federal funds rate since has two main objectives: to
make sure that the economy
December 2018, which was is strong enough to create
jobs and to keep inflation in
then the conclusion of a Jill Schlesinger, CFP, is a CBS check. That’s a delicate spikes. Analysts say that money market accounts. Americans to absorb. The
News business analyst. A balancing act in the best of inflationary fears can trigger Loans for things like credit easy answer is to drive less,
three-year cycle that former options trader and CIO times – in the post- hoarding and demand for cards, autos, adjustable-rate but that’s not an option for a
of an investment advisory firm, COVID/Ukraine War era of higher wages, which can mortgages, and small lot of workers, who need to
included nine quarter-point she welcomes comments and surging prices and clogged create an inflationary spiral. businesses could cost more. get to their jobs and don’t
supply chains, it’s even more Even if we don’t start While the Fed does not have public transportation
increases and pushed up questions at difficult.The Fed must thread hoarding, higher prices could directly control the longer- options. If you need to
[email protected]. Check the policy needle of cooling at least impact the economic term bonds that impact fixed continue driving consider
rates to a range of 2.25 – down hot prices without growth that was expected mortgage rates, those too paying cash, which can save
her website at inducing a recession by lifting for 2022 and at worst might have started to rise, which about $0.10 per gallon; stick
2.50%. The Fed’s rates too quickly. They trigger a full-blown could make buying a home to regular gas if your car or
probably wish that they recession. more expensive and might truck allows – no need to
accompanying statement to not less, so that workers started the rate hike cycle also cool down the hot pay up for premium; and ease
could continue to see wage months ago to quell inflation, How does this impact my housing market. up on the gas pedal: speeding
the December 2018 meeting gains. The Consumer Price but we are where we are life? and aggressive driving burn
Index (CPI) for December and there’s no going back in What about those gas gas faster. If you are using
noted that economic activity 2018 showed annual inflation time. Beyond the broader prices? apps to find cheaper prices,
growing by 1.9% from the economic risks, the Fed’s don’t go crazy, you spend
and job gains were both prior year, which seems There could also be a actions could help savers Some of you have asked your cost savings by traveling
positively dreamy these days. darker side to the shifts in earn a little more interest on about rising gas prices, which to the cheaper alternative.
“strong.” consumer reactions to price savings, checking, CDs, and I know is difficult for many
This time around, the
The big difference central bank is chasing
between the last Fed
campaign and this one is
inflation. Then, the central
bank was trying to slow
down the economy a bit
(GDP expanded by 2.9% in
2018), but wanted overall
prices to rise a little more,
US ban on Russian
oil hits markets and
with Jill Schlesinger
As the Russian invasion of November high.
Ukraine neared the end of its
second week, emotions were And that was just on
running high. On Monday Monday!
March 7, speculation that the
Biden Administration would The following day, Tuesday
announce new limitations on March 8, President Joe Biden
Russian energy imports sent announced that there would
prices of commodities in fact be a ban on U.S.
higher, and prices of stocks imports of Russian oil, gas,
lower. and coal. While the U.S. only
imports about 8% of Russian
U.S.-traded West Texas oil and petroleum products, Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) speaks at a House
Intermediate Crude Oil the market reaction was Republican news conference on energy policy at the U.S. Capitol
surged to a 13-year high of swift: crude oil added
$120 per barrel, wheat hit its another almost 5% to on Tuesday, March 8, 2022, in Washington, D.C.
highest price since 2009, and $125/barrel (from $90 a
iron soared by 90%, nearly month ago), and stocks fell year highs in the rate higher wages, which can are on the ground assisting in The first step is to be
four times the price seen just by less than one percent, inflation did not impact create an inflationary spiral. Ukraine and in surround defensive: Before you give,
days before. though it was a wild and consumer consumption. Yes, Even if we don’t get into countries. You should also slow down and do some
volatile session. we griped about it, but that hoarding mentality, higher check in with your employer research. Don’t assume a
Concurrently, investors, didn’t stop us from prices could at least impact to see if they have request to donate is
Unfortunately, the two unleashing our post-COVID the economic growth that established a Ukraine relief legitimate because someone
who have been worried days are likely a harbinger of spending sprees. was expected for 2022 and fund or provide a match to posted it on social media.
what’s to come in the short at worst could trigger a full- your donation. Instead, check out the
about inflation for months, term: higher prices, due to blown recession. organization online and
the commodity surge and It pains me to mention search for the name of the
went into full-blown panic renewed pressures on the If that news gets you this, but with every tragedy group, plus words like
supply chain. Given that down, perhaps it’s time to comes some terrible scam. “review,” “scam,” or
mode, selling off global inflation was already look beyond yourself and The Federal Trade “complaint.” You also should
smacking us in the face at chip in to help with the Commission has issued a review the non-profit at one
stocks. That Monday’s action every turn, there is a chance But as gas prices reach all- various Ukrainian relief warning that there have of the charity rating
that high prices will start to efforts.The International Red already been instances of organizations like Charity
was a trifecta of pain: The impact consumers and time nominal highs, some Cross, CARE, Doctors fake charities that look and Navigator, CharityWatch, or
businesses, who will in turn Without Borders and the sound like real ones to try to the BBB Wise Giving
Dow Jones Industrial change their behaviors. consumers will be forced to International Medical Corps get your money. Alliance.
Average slipped into Before Ukraine, the anger make choices about their
and concern over the 40-
correction territory, falling limited resources.
11% below its recent high; Additionally, there could be
the S&P 500 had its worst an even darker side to the
day of 2022; and the shifts in our reactions to
NASDAQ Composite inflation. Analysts say that
entered a bear market, down inflationary fears can trigger
more than 20% from its hoarding and demand for
20 SMART READER March 24, 2022 FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800
101 ways to have
fun in Kenosha
by Meridith Jumisko
It started as a media Meridith Jumisko is
sample story on our Public Relations Director
website in 2010. Just a one-
time list, to show the media at Visit Kenosha.
how many fun and Contact her at
affordable activities are in [email protected]
the Kenosha Area. Soon the
list caught on – in the 101 has categories to make photo:
community and with the information a bit easier
visitors. We started to to digest. This edition's All Aboard!
update it twice a year – for categories are: Life By The
the fall/winter and Lake; Streetcars, Trains, and Our trains deliver
spring/summer months. We Automobiles; The Rest Is classic American food!
produced two lists in the History; Music To Our Ears;
spring of 2020 due to the Artsy Side; Say Cheese; Lenten Specials
pandemic-induced changes. Outdoorsy Pursuits; and
This month, we unveiled our More #KenoshaFun. The Hand breaded cod sandwich
23rd FUN 101 list. first one is – you guessed it with fries and coleslaw $8.99
– all about our Great Lake.
The Spring / Summer The second category covers Butterfly shrimp basket
2022 FUN 101 is now car shows and more includes fries and cole slaw. $10.99
available online: 101 Things transportation-related
to See & Do for $10 & activities. The history
Under (Many are FREE!).We category includes our
consider FUN 101 to be a museums, guided historic
supplement to the Official district tours, and self-
Kenosha Area Visitors guided mansion tours.
Guide. It's seasonal – giving
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FOR ADVERTISING RATES CALL 262-564-8800 SMART READER March 24, 2022 21
'Breadbasket of Europe': War in February 2022
Ukraine drives up food prices Court Report
Even before the Russian army DUIs
crossed into Ukraine, food prices had Acevedo, Edward. Round Lake Beach, IL. OWI (1st)
been on the rise for the past year. But Aguilar-Aguilar, Adrian I. Kenosha. OWI (2nd)
the world has seen large jumps in the Anderson, Kyle R. Kenosha. OWI (1st)
cost of food over the the last two Barnes, Robert D. Racine. OWI (4th)
months. Baumhart, Matthew J.Waukegan, IL. OWI (2nd)
Crump, Markell L.Waukegan. IL. OWI (1st)
Globally, food is 20% more expensive Dankowski, Zachary M. Kenosha. OWI (1st)
than it was a year ago, with prices rising Diaz, Jasmine. Chicago, IL. OWI (1st)
4% since January. In Canada, the annual Diaz Ruiz, Leucadio. North Chicago, IL. OWI (1st)
food inflation rate hit 6.5% in January, Donnell, Charles. Kenosha. OWI (2nd)
the highest in more than a decade. Evans,Vyronica L. Milwaukee,WI. OWI (1st)
Feely, Conor S. Burlington,WI. OWI (1st)
A variety of factors have caused The wheat export supply chains from Ukraine Filson, Larry M. Zion, IL. OWI (2nd)
these price increases, including rising have been disrupted by the conflict. Fisher, Jeremy R. Camp Lake,WI. OWI (1st)
transportation costs, supply chain Garcia, Arnold J. Kenosha. OWI (1st)
disruptions and rising commodity Germain, Kerry D. Kenosha. OWI (2nd)
prices, such as corn and wheat. Gorski, Justin P. Kenosha. OWI (2nd)
Griffin, Grant L. Kenosha. OWI (2nd)
The war in Ukraine will continue to Overall, the farmer share of the food rose significantly, food riots broke out Gutierrez Arias, Rosalinda. Kenosha. OWI (2nd)
push up food prices as the supply from dollar in the United States is in countries with a high concentration Hernandez, Luis M. Kenosha. OWI (2nd)
the "breadbasket of Europe" is cut in approximately 15%, and it's slightly of poor consumers in urban areas, Hutchinson, Karen M.Trevor,Wi. OWI (2nd)
the short term and, possibly, the long higher in Canada.The greater degree of including Egypt, Mexico and Pakistan. In Krauter, Matthew C. Kenosha. OWI (1st)
term depending on how the conflict value added to the product beyond the contrast, other developing countries Lockwood, Christopher J. Kenosha. OWI (1st)
plays out. farm gate, the lower the farm share. with a high proportion of small farms Lopez, Salvador. Kenosha. OWI (1st)
can sell some of their crop into the Moore, Dominic.Waukegan, IL. OWI (1st)
War and wheat prices In contrast, there is a strong market. These farmers benefit from a Niemann, Christine A.Twin Lakes. OWI (1st)
correlation between wheat price and commodity price increase and the Oelke-Beecher, Alexis N. Kenosha. OWI (2nd)
Ukraine and Russia represent around bread price in developing countries, benefits also accrue to the broader Petykowski, Jason M. Silver Lake. OWI (3rd)
10% and 20%, respectively, of global where the farmer share of the food economy as these small farmers have a Ponzio, Robert J. Gages Lake, IL. OWI (3rd)
wheat production, and nearly 30% of all dollar can be close to 50%.Wheat price bit more money to spend. Post, Steven J.Trevor,WI. OWI (1st)
wheat exports come from these two increases will have a significant impact Rickey, Sean M. Beach Park, IL. OWI (2nd)
countries. Most of this wheat is on the price paid for wheat-based Compounding energy prices Rieb, Ronald E. Lake Villa, IL. OWI (4th)
imported by countries in the Middle products. Saldana, Jennifer M. Kenosha. OWI (1st)
East and North Africa. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has Saldana, Michael. Kenosha. OWI (1st)
Income matters, too also shocked energy markets. Russia Sanderson, Johnny D. Kenosha. OWI (4th)
For example, Lebanon and Tunisia, produces 23% of the world's natural Santiago Torres, Jomary. Beach Park, IL. OWI (3rd)
two countries with vulnerable The relative effect of any food price gas, and about 40% of the European Seiberlich, Kurtis J. Kenosha. OWI (3rd)
economies, import more than half of increase will also depend on the share Union's natural gas comes from Russia. Shields, Jerry W. Kenosha. OWI (4th)
their wheat from Ukraine. of income spent on food. This share Russia is also a major exporter of oil. Solano Arroyo,Yolanda. Kenosha. OWI (2nd)
Consequently, production from declines with the wealth of the nation Stamborski, Sharise. Salem,WI. OWI (1st)
Ukraine, or lack thereof, influences or consumer, as summarized by Engel's Sanctions have helped pushed up Staron, Elizabeth J. Antioch, IL. OWI (1st)
global food security.While Ukraine has Law. Brent crude oil prices by more than Wates, Dwayne E. Kenosha. OWI (3rd)
been a consistent supplier in the past, 60% since the beginning of the year, Wells, Alyssa. Fon du Lac,WI. OWI (4th)
we've seen global shortages impact The average Canadian household although they are not the only reason Williams, Nevelle. Racine,WI. OWI (2nd)
food security before. spends less that 10% of its income on the price of oil is high. Willkomm, Mark A. Burlington,WI. OWI (1st)
food. An increase in the cost of food Wright, Lamar E.Waukegan, IL. OWI (1st)
The wheat export supply chains can be absorbed, although it will lower In developed countries, including Zeien, Megan E.Twin Lakes,WI. OWI (1at)
from Ukraine have been disrupted by the amount of disposable income for Canada, the increase in energy prices is
the conflict. Port facilities in Ukraine other goods and services. Food price the major driver of food inflation. The DIVORCES
have suspended commercial increases take away income for things food supply chain from the production Leeann Renee Avila & Apologia Avila Aguilar
operations, preventing the outflow of like leisure activities. at the farm level to the transportation, Wendy Kim-Batten Morey & Chris Allan Morey
the wheat crop harvested in 2021. processing, storing and eventually Karin Beth Bergquist & Joshua Francis Hackbarth
In less-developed countries -- and for selling at retail, relies heavily on energy. Elisa Berstain & Robert Frank Mason
While the 2022 wheat crop was poorer households domestically -- the In developing countries, the increase in Meaghan Leigh Burns & Cody Burns
planted last fall, other crops need to be share of income spent on food can be energy prices does not have the same Tonya L Capps & Giovanni E Capps
planted soon. Final production for all above 40%. For example, Lebanon and relative impact, but it will further Breanne Frances Carter & Tyler Charles Carter
crops in Ukraine depends on farmers Yemen will need to import wheat at a exacerbate the increase in food prices. Benjamin Caruso & Alexis Vance
being in their fields, not fighting a war, higher cost than what they were paying Yukeena Cosey & Isaiah Kenneth Cosey
to fertilize, harvest and move the crop, for wheat from Ukraine, in a tight The most vulnerable Gale Marie DeAngelis & Robert Allen DeAngelis
if the supply chain is sturdy enough. market. The large price increase will Stephanie Marie Drake & Greyson Drake
force a corresponding large increase in The Russian invasion of Ukraine has Carolyn Ann Drosen & Charles Cole Drosen
Since Russia invaded the Ukraine, the price of bread, given the higher set off a series of direct and indirect Kerry Lynn Gerlach & Alan Donald Gerlach
concerns about supply disruptions have farmer share of the food dollar. supply shocks to commodity markets. Angell R Gore & Daniel F Gore
pushed up wheat prices on the Chicago The impacts of these shocks will vary Kayla Groom & Michael G Groom
Board of Trade by over 50% to nearly The financial consequences for those with the degree of reliance on wheat Victor Gutierrez & Jannet Espinal
$13 per bushel. Prices rose by the consumers will be large given the and energy from these countries. Melissa Jean Hamel & James Richard Hamel
maximum possible allowed by the relatively high percentage of income Matthew Allen Hampson & Elin Linnea Helander
board for the first five trading days of spent on food, and bread in particular. The most vulnerable are net Ashley Niccole Harrell & Hilton Maurice Harrell Jr
March -- an unprecedented increase. With less room to divert income from importing food countries that are Joshua Hunt & Kaitlynn J Hunt
other expenditures, food security may dependent on Ukraine. The risk to Bill Jenkins & Helen Jean Jenkins
Domestic, international impacts be compromised. Low-income global food security in these regions Allyssa Marie Knudsen & Steven Daniel Knudsen
Canadians who are also facing rent can be mitigated to a degree by Shannon Kraft & Carl T Kraft
Higher wheat prices will translate increases will be similarly squeezed. allowing food trade to continue. One Steven A Leyes & Claudia T Leys
into higher food prices for all. But the means is to avoid sanctioning Russian Elizabeth A Lord & Jarett K Lord
impact will depend on the farmer share Another factor influencing the food exports, and the other as Marc Lee Manderfield & Kristen Nicole Manderfield
of their food dollar, and the percentage distributional impact of an increase in advocated by G7 agricultural ministers, Neftali Martinez & Samantha Elizabeth Cali
of an individual's income spent on food. wheat price is whether the household is for other countries to not use Brandi Amber Lynne Moon & Jeremy Howard Moon
or region is a wheat producer or export bans that would restrict Megan M Mueller & Michael J Mueller
A significant increase in the price of consumer. Developing countries with a movement of food out of their country. Kristy Michelle Nixon & Terry Lee Nixon II
wheat won't mean an equally large large share of poor households in Julie O’Neal & Erich O’Neal
increase in the price of bread in Canada urban areas are especially vulnerable to However, the only way to ultimately Roman A Ostojic & Leanna F Ostojic
and the United States. This is because the financial hit of an increase in wheat reduce the impact is stop the conflict in David Petersen & Amy Petersen
the average farmer's share for every price. Ukraine and get wheat flowing again. Christine L Peterson & Gregory J Peterson
dollar spent on a loaf of bread is 4 Ira Lee Phillips Jr & Anissa Kathleen Phillips
cents (4%). For flour, which is less A decade ago, when crop prices last By Alfons Weersink Jenelle Rae Price & Leroy Price
processed than bread, the farmer's Amanda Noelle Remillard & Seth Allen Willis
share is 19 cents (19%). Kelly Santos & Oscar P Santos
Sara Beth Sawyer & Adam Michael Sawyer
22 SMART READER March 24, 2022 Steinunn Keeva Seay & Mark David Seay
Ashley Nicole St Julien & Dejhe St Julien
Melvin Torres-Alvarado & Heather Damian
Karen A VanBlarcom David L VanBlarcom
Shaunassee Nieca Vizcaino & Victor Marcello Vizcaino
Lisa Marie Walley & Keith Edward Walley
Christina Watson & David S Watson
Darrin J Wolf & Valerie A Wolf
John Philip Zank & Sara Marie Zank
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