Dedicated to sourcing and providing the
purest and most natural solutions
for complicated skin issues.
Formulated for Problem Skin,
suitable for All Skin Types.
Presented by:
Category Product Formulation # Descriptions
Bath & Body - SEA WATER & WHITE CLAY Our Sea Water & White Clay Mask is packed with renewing and purifying
FBW041817-12 minerals. Shea butter, aloe vera, and a special blend of extracts work to provide
Bath & Body - MINERAL MUD MASK moisture to the skin, long after rinse-off. With a kaolin clay base, skin feels
smooth and soothed. This
mask can be used weekly as needed for a revitalizing lift.
Our Mineral Mud Mask works hard to purify skin. Formulated with a mineral-
FBW041218-11 rich medley including coconut water, algae and cucumber extracts, this mask
allows skin to feel firm, clean, and nourished after every use. Natural
moisturizing ingredients aid in a
youthful bounce-back effect.
Bath & Body - CHARCOAL MUD MASK FBW050217-2 Two of skin's biggest purifiers have been combined to create our Charcoal Mud
Muds Mask. Activated Charcoal draws out bacteria, dirt, and other micro-particles to
leave skin clean and refreshed. Willow Bark and Calendula extracts gently
soothe skin while the Dead Sea Mud is hard at work clearing out pores. Our
Charcoal Mud Mask also includes a carefully formulated blend of moisturizing
agents to improve elasticity.
Bath & Body - ROSE MUD MASK FBW041318-1 Gently cleanse skin with our Rose Mud Mask. French Pink Clay and Rose Water
Muds clear pores and remove dead skin, while providing a natural mood-boosting
aromatherapy. Unlike many harsh deep-cleaning masks, our Rose Mud Mask
contains a carefully formulated blend of moisturizing and soothing agents to
help you achieve your skin goals, no matter your skin type.
Our Bubble Mud Mask is a unique blend that permeates deep into pores for a
Bath & Body - refreshing clean unlike anything you've experienced before. This mask reacts
Bath & Body - BUBBLE MUD MASK FBW041218-15 with the natural oils commonly found on our faces and creates a "bubbly"
Muds effect. It's more than a fad,
Bath & Body -
Muds though, our mask also contains natural moisturizing, purifying, and soothing
Bath & Body - ingredients.
Bath & Body - DEAD SEA MUD MASK No formulation Obtain a nourished, healthy glow with our popular Dead Sea Mud Mask. Dead
Muds - as is Sea Mud contains minerals such as magnesium, potassium, iron, and calcium
known to reduce skin impurities and improve elasticity. This mask can be used
once or twice per week
as needed for healthy, clean skin.
RHASSOUL MUD MASK FBW041418-1 Our Rhassoul Mud Mask is one of the most versatile products as it can be used
for skin and hair. The base for this mask is made of high-quality Rhassoul Clay
that draws out blackheads and impurities from the skin, and moisturizes and
remineralizes your hair and
scalp. Our Rhassoul Mud Mask also helps control shine for a matte look with
regular use.
STRAWBERRY MUD MASK FBW041418-2 Enjoy the freshness of strawberries in your skin care routine! Our Strawberry
Mud Mask contains soothing and purifying properties to give skin the youthful
glow it has been yearning for. Strawberry Extract works as a toner and reduces
pores, while French Red
Clay mattifies and removes dead skin.
FRENCH GREEN MUD MASK FBW041418-3 Our French Green Mud Mask is the ultimate skincare go-to for firming, toning,
and purifying. French Green Clay absorbs and removes impurities from the skin
while a blend of natural moisturizing and soothing ingredients minimize harsh
effects for a do-it-
all remedy.
Bath & Body - VANILLA BATH SALT FBW041418-21 Our Vanilla Bath Salt is a great choice for a mood-boosting bath. Vitamin E softens the
Salts FBW041418-4 skin while the warm vanilla aroma provides olfactory comfort that lingers on the skin.
Our bath salts are formulated with no dyes, parabens, or phthalates.
Salts SALT Our Strawberry Bath Salt is the perfect precursor to our Strawberry Mud Mask.
Strawberry Extract soothes and protects the skin, and contains lots of energizing
Vitamin C. Our bath salts are formulated with no dyes, parabens, or phthalates.
Bath & Body - ANTI-AGING BATH SALT FBW041418-5 We love anti-aging facial products but often overlook the importance of anti-aging for
Salts the rest of the body. Our Anti-Aging Bath Salt contains Rosemary Extract and Vitamin
C, as well as a special blend of skin-tightening ingredients for firm, refreshed skin. Our
Bath & Body - PASSION FRUIT BATH FBW041418-6 bath salts are formulated with no dyes, parabens, or phthalates.
Salts SALT
Feed your skin the nutrients it needs with our Passion Fruit Bath Salt. Passion Fruit
Bath & Body - OCEAN BREEZE BATH FBW041418-7 Extract is rich in Vitamins A and C, essential fatty acids, magnesium, calcium, and
Salts SALT other minerals providing antioxidant properties for healthy skin. Our bath salts are
formulated with
Bath & Body - MANGO BATH SALT FBW041418-8 no dyes, parabens, or phthalates.
Bring the sea to your home with our Ocean Breeze Bath Salt! This bath salt is
Bath & Body - LILAC BATH SALT FBW041418-9 formulated with Dead Sea Salt, rich in minerals essential to healthy skin and a fresh,
Salts nautical fragrance that calms and soothes the senses. Our bath salts are formulated
with no
Bath & Body - Salts LEMON BATH SALT FBW041418-10 dyes, parabens, or phthalates.
Bath & Body - Salts GRAPEFRUIT BATH SALT FBW041418-11 Our Mango Bath Salt contains Mango Fruit Extract, rich in Vitamin A, C, and Beta
Carotene. Mango Fruit Extract improves elasticity and prevents the skin from drying
Bath & Body - Salts GARDENIA BATH SALT FBW041418-12 out. Our bath salts are formulated with no dyes, parabens, or phthalates.
Bath & Body - Salts CUCUMBER BATH SALT FBW041418-13 Repair skin with our Lilac Bath Salt. Lilac Essential Oil stimulates skin, improves
elasticity, and reduces stress and anxiety for the ultimate spa experience. Our bath
salts are formulated with no dyes, parabens, or phthalates.
Try our Lemon Bath Salt for bright, clean skin. This bath salt blend is formulated with Lemon Extract that
lightens and softens skin and Lemon Essential Oil that awakens the senses and improves mood and
productivity. Our bath salts are formulated with no dyes,
parabens, or phthalates.
Enjoy a getaway in the comfort of your own home with our Grapefruit Bath Salt, containing the subtropical
Grapefruit Extract. Grapefruit Extract is known for its antimicrobial and antifungal properties, leaving skin
fresh and clean. Our bath salts are
formulated with no dyes, parabens, or phthalates.
Like a walk through a garden, our Gardenia Bath Salt will give your senses a joyful experience! This blend
includes Gardenia Essential Oil known for having antioxidant properties, improving the look and feel of skin.
Our bath salts are formulated with no
dyes, parabens, or phthalates.
Our Cucumber Bath Salt features soothing Cucumber Extract composed of Vitamin C, proteins, lipids, and
minerals. This bath salt moisturizes skin and reduces swelling, leaving you feeling refreshed, relaxed, and
rejuvenated. Our bath salts are formulated with
no dyes, parabens, or phthalates.
Bath & Body - LAVENDER BATH SALT FBW041418-14 Delve into deep comfort with our Lavender Bath Salt. This blend includes
Salts COCONUT BATH SALT FBW041418-15 softening and moisturizing Vitamin E, as well as Lavender Essential Oil
CHOCOLATE BATH SALT FBW041418-16 commonly used in aromatherapy for relaxation. Our bath salts are formulated
Bath & Body - with no dyes, parabens, or phthalates.
Looking for a tropical retreat? Our Coconut Bath Salt may be the answer! This
Bath & Body - bath salt contains coconut oil that not only moisturizes the skin, but also
Salts contains antibacterial and antifungal properties. Our bath salts are formulated
with no dyes,
Bath & Body - parabens, or phthalates.
Attention all chocolate lovers... our Chocolate Bath Salt will satisfy your sweet
Bath & Body - tooth! Formulated with cocoa powder, this bath salt helps repair skin cells and
Salts boosts your mood. Our bath salts are formulated with no dyes, parabens, or
Bath & Body -
Salts GREEN TEA BATH SALT FBW041418-17 Soak, relax, and improve skin with our Green Tea Bath Salt. With Green Tea
Extract, this bath salt draws out impurities and improves the look and feel of
Bath & Body - skin. Our bath salts are formulated with no dyes, parabens, or phthalates.
HIMALAYAN & DEAD FBW041418-18 This super blend of salts is the right choice for your next relaxing bath.
SEA SALT Himalayan and Dead Sea salts are loaded with minerals essential to the body.
Enjoy the simplicity of this fragrance-free formulation. Our bath salts are
SOOTHING FOOT SOAK FBW041418-19 formulated with no dyes, parabens,
or phthalates.
Rest and relax with our Soothing Foot Soak. This bath salt blend contains
mineral-rich Dead Sea Salt and a proprietary blend of essential oils that soothe
muscles and fight bacteria. Our bath salts are formulated with no dyes,
parabens, or phthalates.
SORE MUSCLE SOAK FBW041418-20 Our Sore Muscle Soak is the remedy every tired, overworked body needs.
With a special blends of salts, essential oils, Menthol, and Camphor, you'll feel
brand new and ready to face anything! Our bath salts are formulated with no
dyes, parabens, or phthalates.
Presented by: