March 16, 2018 | Volume 5, Issue 11 Newsstand Price: $1.00
For breaking news visit
MY Tom Collins played big role in growth of Sebastian Doctor: $2.5M
TAKE fraud settlement
was ‘shakedown’
By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer
[email protected] By Beth Walton | Staff Writer
The Sandbar at Capt. Hi- A healthcare fraud case against
the founder of Treasure Coast Der-
ram’s Resort on Sebastian’s matology was dismissed in federal
court last week after Dr. Tim Ioan-
waterfront was jammed nides agreed to a $2.5 million set-
tlement with the U.S. Government.
with family members, busi- The move comes years after a for-
mer patient told authorities the
ness associates and friends physician allegedly billed Medi-
care for a procedure she never had,
last week, all gathered to a violation of the False Claims Act.
celebrate the work-hard, Ioannides, a Vero Beach island
resident who owns dermatology
play-harder life of the histor- offices in Indian River, St. Luc-
ie and Martin counties, insisted
ic establishment’s founder he had done nothing wrong. He
called the government and its
and owner. lawyers corrupt, and termed what
happened to him a “shakedown.”
Drinks were being served.
Ioannides’ deal does not admit
Hugs and handshakes were liability and the allegations against
the doctor were never proven.
exchanged. The place was His medical license is unaltered,
though his billing practices and
abuzz with conversation as books will be now subject to addi-
tional audits as part of an integri-
people shared their memo-
ries of Thomas Hiram Col-
lins, who, a dozen days ear-
lier, had died unexpectedly
in his island home, a month
shy of his 70th birthday.
“My brother would’ve Hundreds attend a memorial service at Capt. Hiram’s for the Sebastian resort’s founder Tom Collins. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
loved this,” Collins’ brother,
John, said as his eyes scanned a crowd that stories being told, covering everything from his friends reminisced about days on the
turned a memorial service into a Friday af- his early years in Baltimore and Ocean City, water, nights on the town and trips abroad,
ternoon happy hour, where a rum-and-coke Md., to the entrepreneurial spirit he brought which included an excursion to Europe last
– the departed owner’s favorite drink – was with him to Florida, to his knack for balanc- fall, when Collins and his buddies traveled to
selling for only $3 in his honor. ing work with fun. London, Monte Carlo and Paris.
Certainly, Collins would have enjoyed the There were far more smiles than tears as CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
INSIDE Daughter on Teel shooting:
‘I wish deputy had waited’
NEWS 1-8 PETS 14
DINING B15 By Beth Walton | Staff Writer
CALENDAR B23 The daughter of a woman shot and killed by an
REAL ESTATE 15 Indian River County Sheriff’s deputy responding
B1 to an attempted suicide call told investigators she
ARTS wished she had never dialed 911.
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 In documents released to Vero News, Susan
For circulation or where to pick up Teel’s family details the horrific events leading up
your issue call: 772-226-7925 to her tragic death and their thoughts on law en-
forcement’s handing of the situation.
Vero seeks ways to improve city marina: P. 4
Interview transcripts were provided by the Of-
fice of the State Attorney in response to a public
records request. The agency conducted an inves-
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
2 March 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
MY TAKE So how did he find him? other friend called and said, ‘I think some- the city went through its vision-plan pro-
“I was out with friends one night, sitting thing’s wrong with Tommy,’ so I went back cess in the 1990s.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 in a restaurant, when this guy walks by me and tried every door and window, but they
and he looks very familiar,” Arenson said. were all locked,” he added. “That’s when I “And from a Chamber perspective,” she
According to one longtime friend who “Suddenly, it hits me, and I say, ‘Hey, Tom- called 911.” added, “I can’t tell you how many people
made the trans-Atlantic trip, Collins, while my! Tommy Collins!’ The guy stops, turns show an interest in Sebastian because of
in France, made a point to visit Omaha around and says, ‘Wrong Tom Collins.’ According to Collins’ son, Will, it seems Capt. Hiram’s.”
Beach in Normandy where his great uncle, “I couldn’t believe it,” Arenson said. his father “passed in his sleep, without any
Hiram, lost his life during the D-Day inva- “What are the odds there’d be two guys with pain or suffering.” Scott McGuire, president of the Knight,
sion that altered the course of World War II. the same name, about the same age, who McGuire & Associates civil engineering and
look alike, and they both live inVero Beach?” While knowing his Collins didn’t suffer land planning firm in Vero Beach, fondly
Which was fitting: Not only did his par- He soon learned that there were, in fact, might’ve softened the blow, Arenson said recalled how Collins would try to convince
ents give him the middle name, Hiram, but two Tom Collins in Vero Beach – the other he was stunned to learn that his friend was him to accept “Captain’s Cash” – currency
when Collins opened what was then a raw one owns a local insurance agency – and gone. good only at Capt. Hiram’s – as payment for
bar and marina in Sebastian in 1987, he they did bear a remarkable resemblance, projects.
paid homage to his uncle by naming it Capt. close enough to pass for brothers. “About a half-dozen of us were supposed
Hiram’s. He also learned where he could reach his to go out on the water the next day, so it was The gathering went quiet only for the eu-
long, lost buddy, and the two men resumed a complete shock,” Arenson said, pausing logies, which were offered by Collins’ broth-
“There’s a photo of Tommy pointing to their friendship, which continued until Col- briefly before adding, “To pass at 69 years of ers, Skip and John, and his son, Will, who
his uncle’s name on the Wall of the Missing lins’ death on Feb. 24. age is too short of a life, but he did more in in recent years took over the resort’s oper-
at the Normandy American Cemetery,” said The story, however, doesn’t end there: those 69 years than most people would do if ations.
Terry “Tark” Arenson, an Old Orchid resi- The other Tom Collins attended the memo- they lived to be 100.
dent who accompanied Collins on the trip. rial service, where he and Arenson met for In his eulogy, Collins’ son spoke proudly
“It meant a lot to him to go there and learn the first time since that night in the restau- “He had a great life.” about his father’s forward-thinking work
more about his uncle.” rant and recalled their chance encounter. That was the prevailing sentiment ethic and business success. He spoke warm-
“He still looks a lot like my Tommy,” Aren- throughout the two-hour affair at the Se- ly about his father’s fun-loving nature and
It was Arenson who shared one of the son said of Tom Collins the insurance guy. bastian landmark founded by Collins, nostalgically about the times they shared.
evening’s more entertaining stories – about As fate would have it, Arenson went to which now includes a restaurant, marina
how he and Collins reunited after being out visit his old buddy from Maryland the day and hotel. He credited his father with grooming him
of touch for more than 20 years. his body was found. There was also a recognition of what Col- not only to take over the family business,
“I had taken a friend over to see Tommy’s lins, who had earned a reputation as a tough but also to make the most of life.
As Arenson tells it: They had first met in house, because it was such a cool house negotiator, meant to the Sebastian business
1970 in Ocean City – where he worked as near the river, but when I knocked on the community, where Capt. Hiram’s is the city’s “He shared so much of himself with so
a hotel bartender and Collins operated a door, there was no answer,” Arenson ex- largest private employer. many people,” the younger Collins said,
“beach stand,” renting chairs, umbrellas plained. “Tom was huge,” said Beth Mitch- “but he shared the most of himself – and the
and other accessories – and became friends. “I had just gotten back home when an- ell, president of the Sebastian River Area best of himself – with me.”
Chamber of Commerce. “He was a very fo-
“I saw him quite a bit, but when he moved cused, very engaged individual who was al- Those words brought heart-felt applause
to Florida in the late ‘70s, I lost track of him,” ways looking forward and had tremendous from the Sandbar crowd.
Arenson said. “When I bought a home here vision. In fact, he played a big part when
in 1999, I had no idea he was here.” “Just look around this place,” Arenson
said. “Look at all these people. I’ve known
the guy a long time and I never met anyone
who knew Tommy and didn’t like him.”
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS March 16, 2018 3
SUSAN TEEL ... If [Lozada] would have come down to mitting suicide,” said Lozada, explaining head, Lozada recalled.
get me, she never, never, never would have his haste. “She kept coming,” he said. Lozada re-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 hurt me. I could have talked her out of that
knife.” Lozada said he drew his gun because he peatedly fired his weapon while retreating
tigation into the fatal incident last July and didn’t know where he would find the wom- toward the bedroom door. She collapsed
brought its findings to a grand jury for re- The two were in love, he said. “She an, but knew she was upset and had a knife. after the third round. “Face down, knife
view. wouldn’t have stabbed me. And we could He worried his Taser wouldn’t be effective. still in the left hand,” the deputy recalled.
have gotten her help.” Susan Teel had been drinking and taking
The officer was cleared of both criminal medication, which can lessen Taser shock. Lozada said he was in shock as his part-
and administrative wrongdoing, though an Lozada was not questioned at the time ner ran up the stairs to start CPR.
attorney for the Teel family has notified the and did not speak about the incident at “The last thing I wanted to do was get
Sheriff’s Office of intent to file a civil com- length with investigators until Aug. 17, myself into an ambush setting where I It would have been nearly impossible to
plaint. weeks after Susan Teel’s death. walked up the stairs and if she’s hiding in a shoot her hand or some other limb, Lozada
closet or behind a doorway, she was gonna told investigators. What if the bullet missed
Susan Teel was shot within minutes of When he arrived at the house, he said, attack me with a knife and all I had avail- and went through a window or a wall and
Deputy Jonathan Lozada arriving at her Dudley Teel’s shirt was covered with his able was my Taser,” he said. hit someone else.
home. The confrontation between the dis- wife’s blood.
traught woman and deputy happened so Susan Teel was laying on the bed when Officers are trained to neutralize the
fast, her husband, an emergency room “I wanted to establish a dialog with her, he got upstairs. He asked her to show her threat, to aim for the center mass. She kept
physician, didn’t even make it up the stairs but at the same time, I wanted to keep her hands, and she raised a large knife over her advancing, he said. “I could have been seri-
before his wife was shot. from continuing to harm herself, or com- ously stabbed. I could have been killed.”
Lozada said he shot Teel three times af-
ter she lunged at him with a 13-inch knife
raised above her head. He didn’t wait for
his backup and his partner was still near
the front door when the first shot was fired.
“I wish he had taken a different ap-
proach,” Teel’s daughter, Sara Gordon, told
investigators Oct. 11. “I wish he had wait-
ed ... Knowing my mother as well as I do, I
don’t think she would hurt anybody.”
Gordon, who said she has a high regard
for law enforcement officers, said she re-
grets the way Lozada handled the mental
health emergency and couldn’t understand
why the deputy didn’t wait for backup when
he knew her mother was armed.
“My mother wasn’t a thug, and she wasn’t
a criminal. I mean, we’re not perfect, but I
just don’t feel there was any reason in the
world that she had to be shot.”
She said she was relieved the officer
wasn’t hurt but wondered if he could have
done more. Danger is an inherit part of po-
licing, she told investigators.
“My mother was not a knife wielding ex-
pert by any stretch of the imagination,” she
said. “She was a tiny woman [and] ... She
needed help very badly.”
Dr. Dudley Teel also expressed alarm
about the agency’s response in an interview
with investigators on Oct. 4.
He detailed his wife’s long history with
depression and her recent struggles with
their son. Days prior to her death, the son
was arrested after he became violent with
his mother. The reason a large knife was in
the bedroom was because Susan Teel feared
he might return, the doctor said.
On the day of her death, Dudley Teel
found his wife slitting her wrists with a box
cutter in the bathtub. It was then he asked
his daughter to call for help.
Lozada responded to the house prompt-
ly and started up the stairs with his gun
drawn. Dudley Teel raced up the steps be-
hind him to try and help his wife, but he
didn’t even make it to the top of the stairs
before hearing gunshots. “I went upstairs
and said, ‘What have you done? What have
you done?’” he told investigators.
The deputy was scared and panicked,
the doctor said.
“It was almost instantaneous. There was
no negotiating, there was no conversation
4 March 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
Vero Beach looking for ways to improve municipal marina
By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD balanced. But that hasn’t always been the
[email protected] case. The city has frequently bailed the
marina out, using property tax dollars, on
With the Vero Beach Municipal Marina the premise that having such an amenity
at capacity much of the season, and well- enhances the overall quality of life in Vero
used year around, the city government is Beach and helps boost the local economy.
fishing for ideas on how to run it efficiently
enough to afford upkeep and much-need- The marina’s website states that more
ed renovations. than 3,000 vessels visit per year, resulting
in 20,000 overnight stays. Slips and moor-
The marina is technically a municipal ing ball spots are rented nightly, weekly
enterprise fund, meaning it is supposed to and monthly, and people staying over on
be self-supporting, and this year, the ma- their boats spend money at stores, restau-
rina’s submitted $1.7 million budget looks rants and other venues.
City Manager Jim O’Connor recently an-
nounced a possible solution to the recurring
bailout problem that could right the ship,
but it would take a major infusion of cash.
“If you follow the recommendations of
the Finance Commission, we will be taking
some of our proceeds of the electric sale
and retiring the debt at the marina, free-
ing up somewhere in the neighborhood of
$300,000 a year that could go into capital
projects, which is what the marina really
needs,” O’Connor said.
To get the project rolling, O’Connor ob-
tained a proposal from Milwaukee-based F3
Marina, a national firm that manages facili-
ties such as the Navy Pier Marina in Chicago,
the Village of Egg Harbor Marina in Wiscon-
sin and the Titusville Marina in northern
Brevard County. F3 took over the Titusville
Marina after a national search in 2015.
City Council member Val Zudans said F3
was tactful in pointing out the poor con-
dition of the Vero’s municipal marina, but
that the failings are, in fact, many. He re-
minded the council about an incident last
year when a woman was dumped into the
water when a dock collapsed beneath her.
Marina staff said the most serious issues
have been repaired, but work is ongoing.
Zudans said after reviewing all the data
and the proposal, it was clear “there’s defi-
nitely room for improvement in our city
marina. It’s an entryway into our city, it re-
flects upon us and there are shortcomings
The previous City Council tasked the
Marine Commission with devising a mas-
ter plan for the marina such as the Airport
Commission has done for the Vero Beach
Regional Airport property.
The marina effort is still underway, said
Harbormaster Tim Grabenbauer, so there’s
no formal document yet that details goals
for managing and marketing it. In that
vacuum, the council’s aspiration is to have
enough cash to give Vero a first-class mari-
na facility without draining the city’s gen-
eral fund.
Rather than a targeted approach, Zudans
wants to cast a wide net for ideas. “I want to
see what’s available to us,” he said. “I think
there’s very little harm in starting to prepare
a very open-ended Request for Proposals.”
Some baseline things city officials seem
6 March 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
CITY MARINA ments that we, the city, cannot afford,” Zu-
dans said. “This is not an attempt to turn
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 things over to private enterprise. This is to
look and see what we can do as city coun-
to agree upon are expanding the marina’s cil members to ... make sure we’re doing
dry storage to accommodate larger ves- the best thing for [the marina].”
sels, making sure the marina is safe, and
providing prompt, responsive service that The cost of having a company manage
will impress visitors – whether pumping and staff the marina is unknown, but the
fuel or accommodating tenants. marina’s current revenues and expens-
es are public record. According to Vero’s
The F3 proposal pointed out that Vero published 2017-18 budget, the marina has
needs to accentuate its positives, one of three fulltime employees plus three part-
which is proximity to local shops, restau- time employees.
rants, the beach and local attractions.
The total payroll doesn’t seem excessive,
One idea floated is to start a local land with salaries totaling $203,000 including
or water shuttle service for marina cus- overtime pay, but the cost of benefits for
tomers who don’t have automobiles, to the fulltime workers is high.
better connect them to the countywide
bus system. If the marina was leased to a private
management company, presumably that
In addition to spiffing the marina up firm would compensate employees what-
and connecting it with the larger commu- ever the going rate is in the commercial
nity, F3 recommends “rebranding” it and marina industry. The city will discuss the
launching a strategic marketing campaign issue further as part of the 2018-19 bud-
to draw in more customers. get process so that city staff can draft a
Request for Proposals to bring back to the
“I live in that neighborhood, so I guar- council later this spring.
antee you that I don’t want anything that
would be detrimental to my neighbor- Councilman Tony Young said he under-
hood, and I happen to know that Laura stands that there’s a consensus that “the
Moss also lives in that neighborhood, so status quo is not acceptable,” but that
I assume that she does not want anything the city needs to figure out exactly what it
negative in that neighborhood either,” Zu- wants sooner rather than later.
dans said, assuring the public that any im-
provement options would be fully vetted “The decline of the marina has come
and voted on. with the decisions of the City Council that
we’re not going to invest in it,” Young said,
“There may be someone out there who resulting in a marina that doesn’t meet the
is willing to make the capital improve- standards. “Let’s get it right.”
Expires 03-23-18
Expires 03-23-18 MILTON R. BENJAMIN
President and Publisher | [email protected] | 772.559.4187
Managing Editor | [email protected] | 772.453.1196
Creative Director | [email protected] | 772.539.2700
Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa
Zahner, Society Editor: Mary Schenkel, Reporters: Stephanie LaBaff, Tom Lloyd, Ray McNulty, Sa-
mantha Rohlfing Baita, Kathleen Sloan, Columnists: Claudia Balint, Ellen Fischer, Ron Holub, Siobhan
McDonough, Tina Rondeaux, The Bonz, Christina Tascon, Staff Photograhers: Gordon Radford, De-
nise Ritchie, Graphic Designers: Robert Simonson, Jennifer Greenaway, Tania Donghia-Wetmore,
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JUDY DAVIS Director of Advertising
[email protected] | 772.633.1115
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WILL GARDNER | [email protected] | 407.361.2150
LOCATED AT 4855 NORTH A1A, VERO BEACH, FL 32963 | 772.226.7925
8 March 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
LORD MAYOR TO PERSONALLY DERMATOLOGIST SETTLES do not perform put personal monetary gain
INVITE VERO BAND TO LONDON over their duty to their patients, and they
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 raise the cost of health care for all of us as pa-
By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer Summers and his entourage, as well as local tients and taxpayers,” said Benjamin Green-
[email protected] school and governmental officials, during ty agreement. The patient who brought the berg, U.S. Attorney for Florida’s Southern
the two-hour visit. original complaint to the government will District in a statement. “We will relentless-
The Lord Mayor of Westminster is sched- receive $475,000 in the multimillion-dollar ly pursue this type of fraud and abuse that
uled to visit Vero Beach High School next The Fighting Indians are among 20 U.S. settlement deal. The False Claims Act allows plagues federal healthcare programs and
month to invite the Fighting Indians’ band bands invited to march in the 2019 holiday whistleblowers to receive a portion of any threatens their financial stability.”
to march in the London New Year’s Day Pa- parade through London’s West End, where financial recovery the U.S. Government is
rade next January in England. more than 650,000 people lined the streets awarded. Ioannides told Vero News he had settled
along the two-mile route for this year’s fes- with the government to avoid a multimil-
Steve Summers, who has served on West- tivities and an estimated 3 million watched The elderly woman was referred to Io- lion-dollar court battle. He said his malprac-
minster’s City Council since 2006 and was on television. The bands were chosen based annides in January 2014 with concerns of tice insurance covered all of his legal fees
elected Lord Mayor in 2016, will extend the on their reputations, state ratings, success skin cancer, according to the August 2015 and the bulk of the settlement. The process
invitation to school officials and band mem- in competitions and performances at other complaint filed in Florida’s Southern Dis- of dealing with the legal complaint was dif-
bers at 9 a.m. April 9 at the Vero Beach Per- significant events. This is the first time Vero trict. The dermatologist removed a piece of ficult, but the resolution was not, the der-
forming Arts Center. Beach has been invited to march in the Lon- skin from her forehead and billed Medicare matologist said as he drove home from work
don parade. as if he conducted a muscle flap surgery, Friday night. “The Department of Justice
He will be accompanied on the trans-At- court documents note. Federal prosecutors was not concerned with what was right or
lantic trip by Robert Bone, founder and di- Putzke said the band had been infor- claim, however, that the procedure never wrong; they just wanted the money.”
rector of the London parade, and Jonathan mally invited last fall to participate in the happened. Muscle flap surgery is usually
Whaley, one of the event’s senior directors of 2019 parade, and members decided in Oc- performed by a plastic surgeon in a hospital The doctor informed his patients of his
international participation. tober to accept the invitation, which will over the span of three hours, they say. Ioan- legal woes in a January 2018 newsletter. In
provide the band with an opportunity to nides didn’t operate in a surgical setting, nor it, he writes about his children, his practice
Summers and Bone are expected to give perform in front of its largest audience did he put the patient under general anes- and advances in dermatology. He reminds
brief speeches and make a power-point pre- ever and, possibly, members of the British thesia or use the time typically allotted for everyone to wear sunscreen.
sentation about the parade. royal family. the procedure.
Ioannides also tells in the newsletter of
According to a letter sent to Vero Beach The trip will cost about $3,300 per per- In 2012 and 2013, Ioannides was the na- his legal travails, claiming the whistleblower
from Powell Johann, the parade’s senior di- son, Putzke said, and the band is seek- tion’s top biller for muscle flap surgery in the was working with attorneys for a competitor
rector of international participation, Sum- ing donations from local individuals and United States, despite having offices in rel- and that federal agents didn’t understand
mers “thoroughly enjoys visiting American sponsorships from local businesses. The atively rural counties, prosecutors say. The the complexities of medical billing.
high schools, colleges and other groups of group also plans to conduct fundraisers to “fraudulent scheme is longstanding, ongo-
young musicians in the United States.” offset expenses. ing and widespread,” court documents al- “I am not the kind of person who backs
lege. “[It’s] lucrative and there is no evidence away from a fight,” he writes. “But I was not
Vero Beach Assistant Band Director Bran- of a reason for him to stop.” going to bang my head against the wall for
don Putzke said the band will perform for another three to four years when I saw the
“Physicians who bill for procedures they utter disregard that these ‘government’ law-
yers had for the truth.”
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10 March 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH
Dentists become first line of defense against sleep apnea
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer they’re not feeling well. But the majority of Dr. Jenna Katz Schwibner. 81 percent of people who have that have some
[email protected] our patients aren’t in pain when they come form of sleep apnea. And that’s something
in. They’re just getting their teeth cleaned PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE that only a dentist would see.”
Everybody knows – or thinks they know – and getting maintenance and so we see
what to expect from a trip to the dentist. But people a lot longer.” The diminutive Schwibner is quick to add Likewise, people who grind their teeth at
Dr. Jenna Katz Schwibner at Dental Partners “a dentist cannot tell a patient or diagnose night; Schwibner says teeth grinding is “a big
of Vero Beach is quick to point out there’s a lot Schwibner says patients “don’t typically that they have sleep apnea. You always need sign for us” that they might well have OSA.
more to modern dentistry than just a twice-a- think that they’re sick when they have sleep a sleep study to confirm the diagnosis,” but
year cleaning and filling cavities. apnea. A lot of times they have no idea they there are signs a dentist is likely to spot that And while OSA is most common in men, it
have it. It’s a silent killer, if you will. If we can a primary care doctor, a cardiologist or other is something of an equal-opportunity health
Like, for instance, saving your life. notice these things on regular check-ups, specialist might not notice immediately. threat. Especially as we age. Postmenopausal
OK. Life-saving and dentistry might sound that’s a really big advantage, and then we can women, says Schwibner, are at as high risk as
like a big slice of hyperbole pie from an Amer- get them in to see their doctor.” For example, “a lot of people, they stick out men and the problem is often compounded
ican Dental Association advertising cam- their tongue and they actually have little in- by the use of sleeping pills.
paign, but it’s not. dentations on the side of their tongue. We call
According to the Centers for Disease Con- that a scalloped tongue. It goes into the inden- “The sleeping pill keeps you from waking
trol, more than a quarter of the U.S. popula- tations all around the teeth on the inside and up due to sleep apnea. It’s actually hurting
tion suffers from some kind of sleep disorder, you even more because your body is trying
and the National Institutes of Health esti- to wake you up for a reason. It’s trying to
mates about 18 million Americans have a po- warn you, like, ‘Hey, wake up. Breathe.’ And
tentially lethal affliction called “obstructive if you’re taking sleeping pills, that response
sleep apnea,” or OSA. isn’t there anymore.”
The American Journal of Respiratory and
Critical Care has linked OSA to an increased While Continuous Positive Airway Pres-
risk for developing diabetes, depression, sure or CPAP machines are “always the first
memory loss or confusion, sexual dysfunc- line” of defense for OSA patients, according
tion, high blood pressure, weight gain and, to Schwibner, fully half of patients find they
yes, fatal strokes. cannot tolerate using those devices.
“OSA occurs when your throat muscles
over-relax, causing the airway to collapse, Fortunately, dentists like Schwibner who
blocking proper airflow, and temporarily are trained in sleep apnea management can
preventing you from breathing,” according provide an alternative: a “mandibular repo-
to, a website specializing sitioning dental appliance.” The American
in oral care for older adults. “When breathing Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine calls these
is interrupted your body reacts by increasing “an effective treatment option for snoring and
your heart rate in order to maintain proper obstructive sleep apnea,” for those who can-
oxygen levels. Over time, this may cause other not tolerate a CPAP machine, but there is an
changes to your body and lead to poor breath- important caveat here.
ing and increased carbon dioxide levels.”
And it turns out dentists are in a good posi- TV commercials have begun offering de-
tion to spot the signs and symptoms of this se- vices people can order by phone or online, but
rious condition that doctors might not always Schwibner warns not only are these not cus-
pick up on. tom-fitted, they’re “not something that has
“It’s getting to the point now where den- any medical research backing or any studies
tists are becoming part of the first line de- showing [their] efficacy. It’s definitely not
fense with sleep apnea,” Schwibner says. something that we recommend.”
“We’re one of the primary practitioners to
help with it.” Schwibner, whose local roots run through
Schwibner continues: “When people see Sebastian River High School, Vanderbilt Uni-
their medical doctor, it’s often more of a versity and Nova Southeastern’s College of
sick visit. They see their doctor only when Dental Medicine, is the daughter of longtime
Vero Beach anesthesiologist Dr. Edward Katz.
Dr. Jenna Schwibner is with Dental Partners
of Vero Beach at 3755 7th Terrace, Suite 303.
The phone number is 772-569-4118.
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12 March 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH
Need a hand surgery specialist? Elementary … it’s Dr. Watson
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer replaced. So, it’s morphed over time. The thesis because it’s brand new and patients are Dr. Michael Watson.
[email protected] practice went from youth and sports to joint bringing information from commercials. Do
replacement and hand surgery.” what you know how to do and do it well.” PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
When orthopedic surgeon Dr. Michael
Watson was recruited by the Steward Medical It could well be that hand, wrist and elbow There are advertisements and commer- cine it’s only reasonable to ask where he de-
Group to move his practice here to the Trea- problems will – at least initially – be what cials everywhere promising amazing results rives his greatest satisfaction.
sure Coast, he admits he made one mistake. drives many locals to Watson’s door. but Watson takes a more measured path.
“What I tell the patient to do is just to bring Watson has a ready answer.
Leaving Illinois in late January, where U.S. Longtime hand surgeon, Dr. Paul Dell, the information [they’ve seen] into my office “The biggest satisfaction – if you’ve been
Climate Data says the average temperature used to drive down to the Sebastian River and we’ll talk about it. I’ll give them the facts practicing medicine for a long amount of time
is about 28 degrees, Watson forgot to get his Medical Center weekly from his home base based on the American Academy of Orthope- – really comes from seeing someone come
car’s air-conditioning system checked. at the University of Florida’s Shands Hospital dic Surgery and solid research, rather than back to the office, walking, without pain,”
in Gainesville to surgically repair age-related testimonials with somebody you’re going see says Watson. “Or from having someone with
He quickly found out it can be hot in Flori- disorders of the hand, but Dell retired in De- on a commercial.” a pinched nerve in their hand who has missed
da, even in the winter, and that a shot of Freon cember of 2017. months and months of work and they’re com-
can make a world of difference while driving “I keep manuals from the AAOS right in my ing back for their final follow-up and they’re
here in the Sunshine state. Watson is ready to step into the void he left office,” Watson continues, “When a patient back working. They’re back to normal again.”
behind. brings up something [they have seen on TV] . .
A two-time Academic All-American de- . I’ll open the book to that particular section,” Dr. Michael Watson is with the Steward
fensive back at Illinois Wesleyan University He says people constantly ask him what and show the patient the research those com- Medical Group. His office is at 1715 37th Place,
and former college track sprinter and district types of orthopedic procedures he performs mercials never mention. Both good and bad. Suite 101 in Vero Beach. The phone number is
long jump champion, orthopedic surgeon most often. His reply: “What I do mostly is 772-778-0600.
Dr. Michael Watson says when he began his what there’s mostly of…which a lot of hand All that said, the athletically-inclined Wat-
26-year practice, he “was very focused on surgery is.” son says he has in no way turned his back on
sports medicine. his sports medicine background.
That said, according to Watson, he has
“I was coaching [and] covered maybe six “done over 2,700 joint replacements [and] . . . “I enjoy taking care of kids,” he says, “and
or seven high schools on the field [taking sort of pioneered some of the minimally in- I will do so here. I don’t have an age limit. In
care of players] . . . . So, I spent a lot of time vasive knee replacement [procedures now in fact, I’ve seen quite a few already because not
on the fields and with kids that were playing use] with four inch incisions.” a whole lot of people are seeing them.”
and high schoolers and so on, but as I aged,
so did my patients. In fact, when it comes to knee and hip re- With a practice that includes hand sur-
placements, Watson has his own personal geries, hip and knee replacements, shoulder
“What once was a busy sports medicine and professional mantra. procedures, osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel and
practice has kind of grown up with me and rheumatoid arthritis as well as sports medi-
now a lot of those people need their joints “Do what you do best,” he says. “Not what’s
in the news this week, not this particular pros-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SPORTS March 16, 2018 13
Vero wrestler Mosley shows promise on big stage
By Ron Holub | Correspondent very raw, but athletic talent. He had a mod- Shawn Gagnon is Nathan’s uncle. Freshman “Man, making it to states is amazing,”
[email protected] erately successful season but we figured it Tyler Ginn, another regional qualifier, is the Mosely said. “This was my first time and for
son of Terrill Ginn. There are also a few more a sophomore I can’t believe it. There were a
The Vero Beach High wrestling season would take him four years to get really good. uncles and cousins to go around, but you get lot of people there from all over Florida. It
the picture. was a bigger experience at a bigger stadium.
ended earlier this month when the Fighting But honestly, when this year came around There were a lot of mats.
“It’s a great sport,” Zuniga told us. “You
Indians’ lone representative was eliminated he made vast improvements both technical- learn a lot about yourself. You have to deal “The coaches pushed me hard, they
with adversity and learn how to pick your- pushed all of us hard. Coach Pryor pushes
from the state tournament at Silver Spurs ly and mentally. self up.” Zuniga offered “an extra-special the technique and gives us a fast pace. He
congratulations to Nathan Gagnon, who also pushes the heart and the mindset. He
Arena in Kissimmee. The fact that sopho- “I think his biggest advantage is his work won his second district championship.” The tries to put everything together and he made
2018 state qualifier also had some thoughts it work for me. This experience was unbe-
more Bakari Mosley qualified for states in ethic. He still has a lot to learn. He doesn’t to share. lievable.”
have that much experi-
ence, but he makes up for
it with toughness and a lot
of heart. He’s here every
day, he works hard, he asks
questions, and he’s very
coachable. He tries his
best to improve and that is
what got him to this stage.”
Successes far out-
weighed disappointments
for this team over the
course of the season. Se-
nior Janet Toscano, the
only female on the team,
earned a medal for fourth
place at 195 in the girls
state tournament. The
guys had eight wrestlers
place fourth or better at
Head coach Chris Zuniga; asst. coach Brian Topp; the district meet and ad-
state qualifier Bakari Mosley; asst. coach Jacob Pryor. vance to regionals. Junior
Nathan Gagnon won the
only his second year with the team revealed district championship at 126. Freshman Ja-
how quickly an individual can thrive on this cob Pryor Jr. was second at 120. Junior Billy
close-knit, family-oriented team. Laziman, the only state representative last
Mosely’s achievement was actually a year, was second at 285.
pleasant surprise for head coach Chris Zuni- A big part of what makes this enterprise
ga. His regular-season record of 29-6 set the work is the connection to the past through
stage for a second place showing at districts family bloodlines. Several present-day wres-
in the 195-pound weight class. In the re- tlers have perpetuated a tradition that began
gional tournament Mosley placed third and a generation ago. “There’s a lot of legacy in
punched his ticket to states. here,” Zuniga explained. “It’s interesting to
“He lost two in a row at states and was see the family ties – and I would like to see
eliminated,” Zuniga said. “We were hopeful more. Everyone on the coaching staff wres-
that he could make a run at the state tour- tled at VBHS. That is rarely the case. We like
nament. He was one of our most consistent to say that we are one big family.”
wrestlers all season. He is only a sophomore, For examples of the “All in the Family”
so the goal next year is to get on the podium construct, Jacob Pryor Sr. has son Jacob Jr. on
and place at states. the team this year and will introduce eighth-
“When he came to us last year he was a grade son Jaden to the varsity next year.
14 March 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS
Bonz hangs with Hunter, an ‘Ale’ fellow well met
Hi Dog Buddies! “Mom had a lotta experience Hunter so we moved back to where she was
trainin’ pooches, an she got me from: Sebastian! An now ah have a
This week I had a great yap with a good up to speed pretty quick. Not GRANDpa. We go out in a boat on the
lookin’ poocheroo, Hunter Ale Reed, a laGOON, an we fish. Ah even learned
young Border Collie/Heeler from Colora- to brag, but us herdin’ dogs to SWIM. Finally. It took a while for
do. He’s just 4 anna half and his story is in- Mom to convince me about that. It’s
SPY-ring. I bet you’ll think so, too. are real smart, an real sensitive not fluffy like snow.
Hunter an his Mom work inna animal to our humans, too. So, when “My favorite toy’s a Teddy Bear
hos-pittle, which is where me an my as- ah’ve had since puppyhood. Ah push
sistant went to innerview him. His Mom ah was about 6 months old, it all over the floor with my paws. Ah
was sittin’ at the reCEPshun desk. I didn’t also like retrieving. But ah Don’t Like
see him at first, but soon as I introduced ah began to REE-lize some- Squirrels. Those liddle fuzzballs scare
myself, Hunter popped up from behind his me. They’re MEAN. An LOUD.
Mom’s chair. thin’ wasn’t right with Mom. Ah
“Ackshully, Bonz, most of my best
“Howdy, Mr. Bonzo!” He trotted around didn’t know exactly what, but buddies are human. Did you know
the desk for the Wag-an-Sniff. “Ah’m Hunt- ah’m the Only Male Member of the
er Ale Reed. Jus’ call me Hunter. This is my ah knew fer SURE ah needed to Junior League? An ah have lotsa
Mom, Ciera. She’s a Veterinary Technician frens here at the animal hos-pittle,
and Patient Supervisor an ah’m Assistant stick close to her like burrs on employees an clients.”
Manager. Ah also provide client support in
Difficult Times. Come’on back to my office, fur. To proTECT her. Sometimes Hunter lowered his voice and
take a load off, and I’ll tell ya my story.” spoke behind his paw. “I have the
ah’d whine, or pull her pantleg, humans trained to bring me snacks.
Hunter led the way back, and we all got An the staff ladies share their ice
comftubble. He sat down right smack next an sometimes she’d wake up an cream with me. It kinda reminds me
to his Mom, an I opened my notebook. of eating snowflakes back in Col-
“Ready when you are,” I said. “Say, how’d ah’d be lying on top of her. And orado. But only the vanilla. (Dogs
you get that cool middle name, Ale?” aren’t s’pose to have chocolate.) Ah
she’d REE-lize she wasn’t feelin’ like bacon an pancakes, too, but ah
“The first outing me an Mom went on was don’t get to eat ’em much cuz Mom
tourin’ a brewery. Ah was just a puppy, all ex- right. Finally, she decided to go keeps me on a Dental Diet. She says when
cited an wiggly, an ah knocked a glass of ale you’re in the Public Eye, you need Fresh
over. Embarrassing!” to a dok-ter to find out what was Breath and Clean Teeth. Workin’ in an Ani-
mal Hospital, you haffta Set The Standard,
“That’s huh-LARRY-us!” I said. goin’ on.” ya know?”
“Anyway, we were born in Colorado. Per- “I do indeed,” I replied. (I wouldn’t
fectly good cattle dogs. But for some rea- “What WAS goin’ on?” dream of going on an innerview with
son, all eight of us got dumped by the side Moose Breath.)
of some random road, like ol’ socks. But “The dok-ter told Mom she Heading home, I was thinking how
we got rescued, an our pickshures got put Hunter an his Mom had found each oth-
on Craig’s List. Mom’d been on line lookin’ had Epilepsy, and she’d been er, just when they both needed it most. It’s
for a Heeler (an Australian Cattle Dog) an amazin’ how things work out. I was also
when she saw my pickshure she called IM- havin’ SEEzures an she didn’t thinking maybe I’d check the freezer when
MEDIATELY cuz ah was egg-ZACKLY what I got home in case there was some vanilla
she was lookin’ for. even know it. But somehow ah ice cream.
“Well, Bonzo, ah couldn’t of ever found Till next time,
a better Forever Mom. An, as it turned out, had sensed it an had been tryin’
ah was perfect for her, too.” The Bonz
“How so?” I asked. to alert her.” PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
“The dok-ter said Mom’d need
a specially trained dog to help her “Woof! That is Serious Dog Bis-
when she was havin’ a SEEzure.” cuits!” I hadda take a liddle breath and
“But she had you already, right?” I said. wipe my paw across my eyes.
“Yep, but pooches who are pets aren’t “So, Hunter, you’re A Pooch of the West.
s’posed to be SEEzure Dogs. Thank Lassie, How’d you get all the way down to Flori-
the Humans In Charge knew ah had natch- da?”
rull ability, so ah got special permission to “It was great out in Colorado, specially
go through the training.’ Ah hadda go to in winter. Ah was a real Snow Dog. Loved
school in Montana for three months. Ah’d to run around in it, jump into the piled-
never been away from Mom before, an ah up snowbanks, try to bite the snowflakes.
missed her so much. But ah learned every- But Mom couldn’t do her job anymore,
thing ah was ’posed to, an now my Most
Important Job is bein’ Mom’s Official SEE- DON’T BE SHY
zure Dog. Ah know how to do stuff to pro-
tect her, like barkin’ to alert humans called We are always looking for pets
Caregivers when she’s havin’ a SEEzure, or with interesting stories.
getting’ right up against her so she won’t
get hurt. Ah wear a special vest when we’re To set up an interview, email
Out In Public, so humans’ll know I’m At [email protected].
$6.9M spec home hits
market in North Shore Club
Paul R. Berg VMer3oA3B3I3eNa2c0hOt,hFFSLFtrI3eC2e9tE60 Louis ‘Buck’Vocelle
VOCELLEBERG.COM 772-562-8111
16 March 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE
$6.9M spec home hits market in North Shore Club
By Steven M. Thomas | Staff Writer door entertaining areas on both levels.” $8.95 million package with an 8,000-square- us very competitive in the market,” Zana says.
[email protected] Also hitting the market at North Shore this foot home (12,000 under roof) on a 3-acre Zana and a partner bought the 10-acre
lot with 200 linear feet of ocean frontage.
North Shore Club developer Yane Zana is month are a $5.8 million lot-home package Both are listed with Webb, who works with North Shore property in late 2010, near the
happy with the progress of his boutique luxu- that features a home in the same style as Kay Brown and Jeanine Harris at Premier. low-point of the real estate recession, for a
ry community, located on the ocean between the spec with 5,300 square feet of air-condi- price he calls “too good to pass up.”
Sea Oaks and Disney’sVero Beach Resort, and tioned living space on a one-acre lot, and an “I think it is a good range of prices and makes
probably has good reason to feel that way. The parcel was approved for 66 condos
but Zana was drowning in unwanted condos
His latest North Shore spec home is hit- at several developments in Cocoa Beach,
ting the market at the height of the barrier where dozens of buyers had backed out of
island’s busy season, when homebuyers are contracts as the Florida housing market
abundant. The county issued a certificate tanked, beginning in 2007.
of occupancy in late February, and the $6.9
million oceanfront estate will be debuted at “If we were buying the property now, we
a gala open house later this month. might build those 66 condos,” Zana says,
“but we did not have any appetite for more
What makes the timing even better is a condominiums at that time, so we decid-
lack of competing product. There are only ed to subdivide the land into seven luxury
two similar new oceanfront homes on the home sites.”
island, one that is nearing completion in
Castaway Cove listed for $7.9 million and a Zana formed Coastmark Construction at
spec house about the same size as Zana’s in that time to control infrastructure costs in
the Estate Section offered for $9.9 million. the subdivision.
“I try to keep my feet on the ground about Approvals and site work took a year or so.
pricing,” Zana says. “I think we are offering Shortly after infrastructure was complete,
good value for new oceanfront construction the first buyer showed up. He purchased a
on a large lot.” lot for $1.55 million and hired Coastmark
to build a custom home similar in size and
The house, which has about 7,100 square quality to the new spec.
feet of air-conditioned living space and
about 11,000 square feet under roof, sits on When that was complete, Zana formed a
a one-acre lot with 100 feet of ocean front- joint venture with a local partner and built a
age. It has 6 bedrooms, 6 full bathrooms and spec house in the same size and price range.
3 half baths, and a 3,000-square-foot pool
deck overlooking the Atlantic. “He was the financier, Coastmark was the
builder, and we had a profit-sharing agree-
“The house is superbly done in an An- ment,” Zana says.
glo-Caribbean style but with a slightly more
modern interpretation that incorporates the The quality and appeal of that home can
coastal style and layout that really resonates be inferred from the sales process.
with those we have seen looking for new
construction on the ocean,” says Premier “A very nice couple from Nebraska came
Estate Properties listing agent Luke Webb. “It across the house video online and liked it
has an incredible floorplan which offers lux- so much they booked a ticket and flew out
urious indoor spaces with views of the ocean here,” Zana says. “They didn’t want to look at
from almost every room and expansive out- any other houses, just that one. They wrote a
sales contract two days later and 60 days af-
ter that they owned the house,” paying $5.9
million for the lot and home.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E March 16, 2018 17
Desiring more space and privacy, the Ne- RECORD PRICE PAID FOR FORMER HALE GROVES PROPERTY
braska couple went on to buy the lot next to
their home for another $1.55 million, leav- By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer “If you look at the purchase as a vacant sign services and “a large inventory of
ing it in its natural state as a kind of mini-na- [email protected] land sale, it was sold for $90.60 a square high-quality home furnishings stocked
ture preserve. foot,” Indian River County Commercial right here on the barrier island,” she
The .60-acre property at 615 Beach- Property Appraiser Wayne Bibeau said. said. She hopes to have the business
“Since the first spec house worked out land Blvd. that recently was home to an “That is the highest land sale I’ve seen in open by fall.
well, we decided to build another one,” Zana Ace Hardware store is being redeveloped my tenure, since 1997.”
says, referring to the house that just came on by a local family and will become an in- The building and parking lot footprint
the market. terior design store/studio. The Hill Group removed the hip roof will stay the same as when the hardware
and all but two walls of the 4,500 square- store was operating, according the site
Coastmark broke ground in 2016 and fin- A building on the site that dated to foot building, which sits on a square 148- plan approved by the City of Vero Beach
ished the house in late 2017. By February all 1981 was a Hale Groves Fresh Fruit re-
the final touches were in place and the home
was staged and ready to go in the MLS. PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD
With the spec house on the market, four tail store for a number of years before foot by 150-foot lot. Planning and Development Depart-
of the seven lots in North Shore are spoken the hardware store leased the premises. “The building was not up to code,” ment.
for. Three remain, but Zana is marketing the Most of that building has been knocked
two south-most lots together as part of the down by the Hill Group, which is the said Jeffrey Powers, explaining he and The Powers, who had visited Vero
$8.95 million home-lot package. He says the contractor on the project. his wife bought the site “for my wife’s Beach since the 1970s, moved here per-
two home-lot packages are flexible. If some- vision,” which includes capturing the manently in 2012 after selling the family
one wants a larger home on the one-acre or Eilis and Jeffrey Powers last summer history of the local citrus industry and business, Powers Fasteners, to Stanley
three-acre parcel, he will be happy to build bought the land and building from Hale the Hale family’s rise by repurposing the Black and Decker. The company manu-
what they want, adjusting the price to ac- Groves, one of the largest mail-order cit- “iconic-building location.” factured anchoring and fastening prod-
commodate a bigger construction budget. rus companies in the United States, pay- ucts for concrete, steel and masonry
ing $2.25 million. Eilis Powers is an interior designer structures.
While Northshore has been moving and will open “VB-home,” offering de-
ahead, slowly but steadily, Zana has been
busy elsewhere on the island, building cus-
tom oceanfront homes near the Moorings
and developing a condo project in Central
Beach, currently under construction across
from the Conn boardwalk.
Webb says the launch party for the new
$6.9 million spec house at Northshore will
be Thursday, March 22 from 5:30 p.m. to
7:30 p.m. “We are extending an open invita-
tion to anyone in the community who wants
to come,” he says.
Sturgis Lumber
Hardware Store & Lumber Yard
62 years Family Owned and Operated
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18 March 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE
Another strong week for the mainland real estate market saw 33 single-family residences and lots
change hands from March 5-9 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week in Vero Beach was the home at 5347 Antigua Circle. First listed in March
2017 for $365,000, the 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom house sold for $335,000 on March 9.
In Sebastian, the week’s top sale was the residence at 758 Smith Street. First listed in Novem-
ber for $269,000, this 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom, 1,548-square-foot home sold for $242,000 on
March 6.
VERO BEACH 5347 ANTIGUA CIRCLE 3/7/2017 $365,000 3/9/2018 $280,000
VERO BEACH 7800 93RD COURT 10/27/2017 $324,900 3/6/2018 $253,000
VERO BEACH 445 19TH PLACE 12/18/2017 $259,000 3/8/2018 $245,000
VERO BEACH 236 18TH AVENUE 2/12/2018 $249,900 3/9/2018 $242,000
SEBASTIAN 758 SMITH STREET 11/28/2017 $269,900 3/6/2018 $223,000
VERO BEACH 1108 W 13TH SQUARE 1/2/2018 $229,000 3/6/2018 $219,900
VERO BEACH 7936 95TH COURT 12/8/2017 $229,900 3/7/2018 $215,000
VERO BEACH 4356 60TH AVENUE 12/16/2017 $229,900 3/7/2018 $210,000
VERO BEACH 535 24TH COURT 11/3/2017 $219,900 3/5/2018 $201,000
VERO BEACH 8146 106TH AVENUE 2/19/2018 $219,000 3/6/2018 $195,075
VERO BEACH 855 GREEN LEAF CIRCLE 1/18/2018 $229,000 3/5/2018 $184,900
VERO BEACH 2665 W BROOKFIELD WAY 1/31/2018 $184,900 3/9/2018 $179,900
SEBASTIAN 402 ASH STREET 1/12/2018 $179,900 3/6/2018 $177,500
VERO BEACH 185 E FOREST PARK DRIVE 10/2/2017 $229,900 3/7/2018
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E March 16, 2018 19
7800 93rd Court, Vero Beach 445 19th Place, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 10/27/2017 Listing Date: 12/18/2017
Original Price: $324,900 Original Price: $259,000
Sold: 3/6/2018 Sold: 3/8/2018
Selling Price: $280,000 Selling Price: $253,000
Listing Agent: John King Listing Agent: Sally Woods
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Crown Realty Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Robin Raiff Vance Brinkerhoff
EXP Realty, LLC Coldwell Banker Paradise
236 18th Avenue, Vero Beach 758 Smith Street, Sebastian
Listing Date: 2/12/2018 Listing Date: 11/28/2017
Original Price: $249,900 Original Price: $269,900
Sold: 3/9/2018 Sold: 3/6/2018
Selling Price: $245,000 Selling Price: $242,000
Listing Agent: Jennifer Moscrip Listing Agent: Sherri Sproch
Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise Selling Agent: RE/MAX Crown Realty
Margot Crawford Tonya Coletti
Vero Realty LLC Keller Williams Realty
199$ 3DAYS
Coming Up!
RIVERSIDE’S ‘BUYER Entertaining ‘Gypsy’ leaves Adam Schnell.
AND CELLAR’ IS THE a (long) lasting impression PAGE B2
By Samantha Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]
1 Who thinks up this stuff? In
this case – playwright Jona-
than Tolins. Just reading the plot
to Riverside Theatre’s one-man
comedy play “Buyer and Cellar,”
opening this Tuesday, had me
laughing. It’s about a struggling
L.A. actor, Alex More, who’s just
been canned from his job at Disn-
eyland and, shortly after, is hired
as curator of a Malibu Museum.
And get this: The museum is in
Barbra Streisand’s basement.
Wha-at? It’s full of all the diva’s
“costumes, dolls and trinkets.”
When Streisand descends to
check out the museum, “a real
bonding takes place,” according
to the show promo, and Alex be-
gins to chat with the audience
about his interactions with Strei-
sand. Tolins actually got the idea
after reading a book by Streisand
about her personal collections.
Obviously, his imagination took
B2 March 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
Entertaining ‘Gypsy’ leaves a (long) lasting impression
By Pam Harbaugh | Correspondent Madam Rose’s Toreadorables.
[email protected]
Louise turns to burlesque, becoming the leg- the audience through the heyday of vaude- to life with “Dainty June and Her Farmboys,”
Riverside Theatre gathered its significant endary Gypsy Rose Lee. ville’s national circuit into the seedy confines when director James Brennan gets to show
resources and sure-footed confidence to of burlesque. off some of his high-spirited choreography.
mount one of the greatest American musicals The long show has long musical numbers, That is soon followed by “All I Need Is the
ever, “Gypsy.” Indeed, this is a big, brawny here led by conductor/music director Ann The show is often toe-tapping and fre- Girl,” in which Tulsa (handsome and talented
show steeped in legend, and Riverside has the Shuttlesworth. They are the iconic “Every- quently funny. After a long expository begin- Christian Probst) performs a superb song and
muscle to produce it. thing’s Coming Up Roses,” “Let Me Entertain ning, which seems relentless in its pursuit to dance number.
You” and the signature “Rose’s Turn.” It takes reveal the dismal side of show biz, it sparks
At nearly three hours in length (that in-
cludes intermission), the show will send you
home with almost everything you expect in
this mountain of a musical: show girls, terrific
songs, great tap-dancing, lady-like striptease
and a stage mother’s big number.
Based on the memoirs of the legendary
burlesque star Gypsy Rose Lee, the 1959 mu-
sical has a book by Arthur Laurents, music by
Jule Styne and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim.
Subtitled “A Musical Fable,” the show be-
gins with Mama Rose, the quintessential brash
stage mother, hauling her two daughters, June
and Louise, through the vaudeville circuit.
Rose quickly meets Herbie, a gentle soul who
falls in love with her and agrees to become
their booking agent. Years pass and vaudeville
begins its slow death. June elopes and leaves
the act, but still Mama Rose is determined to
remain in show business. She turns her eye to
Louise, her heretofore neglected, raven-haired
daughter. As vaudeville gasps its final breaths,
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE March 16, 2018 B3
Olivia Fanders as Baby June and
Jacquelyn Piro Donovan as Rose.
Austen Danielle Bohmer as Louise Pam Bradley as Electra and Mary Callahan as Mazeppa.
and Charity Van Tassel as Dainty June.
As expected, the show is nearly stolen in would today alert child services workers, a comes from Louise, played by the elegant beautifully carved false proscenium arch,
the second act by three well-seasoned strip- grown Louise avoids the gut-wrenching con- and charming Austen Danielle Bohmer. Con- complete with four-leaf clovers, an army of
pers – Mazeppa (Mary Callanan), Electra frontation with her mother. stantly put upon and verbally abused, Lou- footlights flanking the stage and vaudevil-
(Pam Bradley) and Tessie Tura (Susan Cel- ise shows her sacrifice and love to the family lian-style placards. Michelle Habeck’s lighting
la) – who perform the hysterical number “Ya As Rose, Jacquelyn Piro Donovan brings when she agrees to do burlesque. She dons a design dazzles, especially in “Rose’s Turn.”
Gotta Get a Gimmick,” complete with bumps, a lot of energy and brassy swagger to her big stripper’s gown, is surprised by her own phys- And again, Craig Beyrooti’s sound design
grinds and a trumpet. voice. She exposes Rose’s irritating pushiness ical beauty, and then walks on stage. Bohmer makes the whole thing feel acoustic, which is
but misses that deeper chord which lays the has some fun moments with the audience appropriate given the setting.
It’s all typical “Gypsy.” groundwork for her dramatic melt-down in and goes through various strip tease num-
Ultimately, though, Riverside’s well-oiled “Rose’s Turn.” Her heart-wrenching lament, “I bers where a glove is doffed, a shoulder strap For sure, Riverside has amassed a talent-
production gets in its own way with the de- was born too soon and started too late,” does slipped off and eventually, ooh la la. Not only is ed crew to tell this “musical fable.” There are
mands of moving the episodic story along. not land. she beautiful, she also has fun in this sequence. scenes that sparkle, some that shine and oth-
The deeper emotional moments don’t reso- ers that maybe need some buffing. But no
nate, undercutting the big payoffs. Instead of Bob Walton makes a sweet Herbie and has With the myriad of depression-era, vaude- doubt, you’ll be entertained. Just take a nap
understanding Mama Rose’s sacrifice, we see a nice ease in song and dance. He is likable in ville and burlesque garb, Kurt Alger continues before you go.
her as a self-serving, impossible stage mother. his scenes with Rose and the grown Louise. to show his smart flair and talent for costume
Herbie barely shows any hurt when he breaks But we really want to see his angry, hurt mo- design. His elegant gowns for Gypsy Rose Lee “Gypsy” runs through March 25 at River-
up with Rose. And despite years of emo- ment when he finally finds the courage to tell are gorgeous and functional. side Theatre, 3250 Riverside Park Drive, Vero
tional abuse and the type of treatment that Rose off. And we need that.We need him to be Beach. Tickets start at $35. Call 772-231-6990
the audience’s voice and tell the stage mother Cliff Simon’s scenic design employs a or visit
just how awful she is. two-dimensional motif evocative of vaude-
ville. His best nod, though, is with the
The biggest character arc of course
B4 March 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
Voigt voices affection for Vero concert, competition
By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer ing all the leading ladies. On the other hand, Deborah Voigt.
[email protected] I’ve done that a very long time. It’s nice to be
settled and have a home and concentrate on PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE
Vero Beach Opera’s adopted diva Deborah these kids.”
Voigt is living out her favorite role – the girl of
the Golden West. And that concentration has proved intense.
“To be honest, I was traveling almost every
Voigt, who grew up in southern California weekend last year and it was absolutely ex-
and trained at Cal State Fullerton, has left New hausting.”
York – and sold her condo here – to settle into At least she will not be going to Abu Dhabi
her new home in Marin County. Now in her alone: her new boyfriend, Joseph Tamborni-
second year in academia at the San Francis- no, a businessman and classically trained Juil-
co Conservatory of Music, her hand-picked liard pianist she met online, will be with her.
contingent of opera students swells to 18 this The way she tells it, when they met, her relief
fall. With far more effort than she imagined it that he looked like his dating profile pho-
would take, Voigt coaches her young singers to was exceeded only by his revelation that
one-on-one, three times a week in a studio he had once shared a stage with her. He was
the Conservatory has built especially for her. singing in the chorus of San Francisco Opera
in the mid-1990s when Voigt performed in
Despite that full load, Voigt is still able to Wagner’s “Tannhäuser.”
carve out time to give a concert in Vero Beach With that, “he had my attention,” she said,
next Wednesday, March 21. And she will stay laughing.
on to host the second Deborah Voigt Inter- Voigt says her Vero concert will be “mostly
national Vocal Competition that Thursday lighter fare,” including some English classical
through Saturday. art songs, some Bernstein, and a couple of
“saucy” cabaret pieces.
Not that she isn’t still performing elsewhere “I just hope they’re not too saucy for Abu
as well. In the past year, Voigt has given mas- Dhabi,” she said.
ter classes and recitals across the U.S. She also Voigt will be flying in a long-time accompa-
toured California and Colorado with the Dan- nist and opera coach, Mary Pinto, to play for
ish National Symphony Orchestra and Fabio her concert here.
Luisi, with the first concert in Copenhagen. “She’s one of my very best girlfriends. We
always have a lot of chuckles.”
A week away from her Vero concert, Voigt’s With more than $20,000 in prize money,
schedule has her in Abu Dhabi, giving a con- the competition fulfills a fervent wish of Voi-
cert with a Lebanese tenor at the ultra-luxuri- gt’s, both in and out of academia: to encour-
ous $3 billion Emirates Palace hotel as part of age young singers in their pursuit of a career
the Abu Dhabi Festival. in opera.
“It’s a lot of fun to hear these young sing-
Generally, though, travel has diminished, ers and have the opportunity to award them
she says, as the performance side of her long some money, which they desperately need,”
career as one of the greatest sopranos in opera she says.
begins to subside. With 30 entrants publicly competing on
Thursday afternoon and evening, half will be
“It’s bittersweet,” Voigt said last week,
reached on her cellphone as she made her
45-minute morning commute to work from
her home in San Rafael across the Golden
Gate Bridge.
“I miss flying all over the world and sing-
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE March 16, 2018 B5
selected to sing again Friday afternoon. Sat- a new and highly visible role for Voigt; she is maintained for 25 to 30 years. Travel had be- And in 2011, working with playwright
urday night, the half-dozen finalists will face a frequent host, introducing the operas and come a nightmare. I’d want to cry just going Terrence McNally and others, she created a
off in concert format beginning at 7 p.m. All speaking on camera with their stars at in- to the airport.” 75-minute one-woman show called “Voigt
take place in the Vero Beach High School Per- termission. Two weeks ago, she returned to Lessons,” which she premiered at Cooper-
forming Arts Center. New York in the middle of a nor’easter to do a In the past few years, Voigt has pursued stown, N.Y.’s Glimmerglass Festival, and still
fund-raiser for the radio broadcasts. other creative outlets. In 2015, she pub- performs.
Voigt’s competitions have been much lished a tell-all memoir, “Call Me Deb-
smaller scale than those of tenor Marcello Voigt’s connection to Vero Beach began bie: True Confessions of a Down-to-Earth All the while, she has remained deeply con-
Giordani, another Met star who sought so- even before Vero Beach Opera. She bought Diva,” about her strict Baptist upbringing nected to Vero Beach Opera. She now serves
lace in Vero in the middle of a busy season. a condo on Hutchinson Island in 2000. “Un- and her years combating food and alcohol as the organization’s artistic advisor, and has
His vocal competitions were staged here for cle Sam said you should live somewhere addiction. Her size famously caused her to based her foundation here since 2007.
three years, with the last in 2015. The 80- with no income tax. That’s why I moved to be fired from a role at London’s Royal Op-
plus competitors were scored in a point sys- Florida,” she says. era House for not fitting into a certain little Voigt’s concert is at 7 p.m. Wednesday,
tem by a five-person panel of judges. Voigt black dress; she has since slimmed down March 21 at the Vero Beach High School Per-
and her two fellow judges use a less formal Three years later, word had reached the lo- with the help of gastric bypass surgery. She forming Arts Center. Tickets range from $15
method that is more Voigt’s style – conversa- cal NPR affiliate that a Met diva had moved to also joined A.A. The book also details her to $50 and are available on the Vero Beach
tion and consensus. town. She was invited to the studios to record stunning successes in the opera world – in- Opera website. A full schedule of the compe-
a segment and arrived to find two local opera cluding singing with Placido Domingo and tition is also on the site, www.verobeachop-
The prizes include a $10,000 first prize aficionados, the Ortega-Cowans. “I could see Luciano Pavarotti.
provided by the Kleinschmidt Family Foun- they were doing a sort of is-that-who-I-think-
dation; Nell and Robert Kleinschmidt have a it-is thing,” she recalls.
home in Riomar. The second prize, $5,000, is
sponsored by Windsor, the high-end commu- The relationship the three formed that day
nity on the north barrier island. has grown even though Voigt ended up selling
the condo in 2012 after a heavy travel sched-
The third price, $3,000, is donated by the ule kept her from coming down to Florida.
Sergio Franchi Music Foundation, named for
the Italian-American opera singer turned pop “I came down to recuperate after I had
star, whose widow, Eva Franchi, is one of the my knees replaced, and it occurred to me
judges in the upcoming competition and a that I was only spending two weeks a year
friend of Vero Beach Opera directors Joan and in Florida,” she recalls. “So I uprooted and
Roman Ortega-Cowan. moved to Manhattan.”
Another judge is Matthew Principe, as- When her Met schedule slowed down,
sociate producer of the Metropolitan Opera she moved out of the city to Fort Lee, N.J.,
radio broadcasts, as well as the Met Live in and commuted.
HD productions broadcast in theaters around
the world. Those broadcasts have provided “Then this offer came up at San Francis-
co, and I thought, well, it’s time. I was be-
ginning to grow weary of the schedule I’ve
B6 March 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 1 Coming to Riverside Theatre this Tuesday. be judged, and unsold winning entries will
be displayed at The Environmental Learn-
over from there. There is a pre-play dis- $8, under 3, free. 772-794-0601. be on display and available for purchase, all ing Center in Wabasso and the Foyer Gallery
claimer: What’s true – there is a “mall” in depicting life along the river and Iagoon-re- at the Emerson Center in Vero. The Open-
Streisand’s basement, and what isn’t – ev- 3 Make time this weekend to take a lated themes. A companion exhibit and a ing Reception is Saturday, 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.,
erything else. “Buyer and Cellar” had an pleasant little road trip to Sebastian perfect exhibition backdrop will be a selec- with an Awards/Appreciation Ceremony at
off-Broadway run and was a hit with au- for the Sebastian River Art Club’s Second tion of (mostly) water-related quilts created 6 p.m.; and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 772-
diences and critics, says the show promo, Annual Beautiful Lagoon Fine Art Exhibi- by the talented fabric artists of the Sebastian 571-6632, 772-581-8281.
quoting the New Yorker, “a fantasy so de- tion. It is free and will benefit the Indian Quilt Club. The 190-member Art Club’s oth-
lightful you wish it were true.” The show River Lagoon National Estuary Program. er gallery spaces will be open as well, includ- 4 Joshua Bell started playing the vi-
runs on the Waxlax stage through April 8. Sebastian boasts an impressive communi- ing an unframed “Off-The-Easel” collection olin at the age of 4, shortly after his
Tickets can be purchased by calling the ty of excellent artists, and 100 or so of their of works in a variety of subjects and media, mom found that he had strung rubber
box office at 772-231-6990, or online at works – paintings, sculptures, and pieces in all available for $50 each, also supporting bands across his dresser-drawer handles Show times glass, wood, jewelry, pottery an more – will the Lagoon Council. The lagoon works will to plink out tunes he’d heard her playing
are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thurs- on the piano. Today the virtuoso violinist
days at 7:30 p.m.; Opening Night (the first plays with the world’s greatest orchestras
Tuesday performance), Fridays and Sat- and, next Friday, March 23, he’ll be at Com-
urdays at 8 p.m.; and Wednesdays, select munity Church playing and conducting
Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays at 2 London’s world-renowned Academy of St.
p.m. Tickets are $55. Martin-in-the-Fields Orchestra (my favor-
ite orchestra). Bell is just as comfortable
2 McKee Botanical Garden is one of the with Ravel, Beethoven and Brahms as with
most excellent examples of nature’s Chris Botti, Sting, Wynton Marsalis and
unparalleled art and, if you haven’t visited Gloria Estefan, and he plays a 1713 Strad
in a while – or if you’ve actually never visit- known as ‘The Gibson,’ the height of clas-
ed – this weekend would be a great time to sical cool. We’ll hear Beethoven’s glorious
do so: It’s McKee’s annual Garden and An- Sixth Symphony, the beautiful tone poem
tique Show and Sale. McKee has carefully “Pastorale,” and Bell will perform a pair of
chosen 30 suitable vendors so you can en- masterworks: a concerto by Hnryk Wienis-
joy “antiques, arts and orchids.” Of course, ki, a leading violinist and composer of the
you’ll want to give yourself plenty of time Romantic Era; and the world premiere of a
to stroll the grounds and absorb the beauty concerto written just for Bell by celebrated
that is McKee. Show times are 10 a.m. to 5 American virtuoso bassist and composer
p.m. Friday and Saturday, and 11 a.m. to 4 Edgar Meyer. This special concert begins at
p.m. Sunday. Standard Garden admission: 7:30 p.m.
adults, $12; seniors, $11; children (3-12),
6APR—IL 27
Photo Credits - Past Entries: Painted Bunting by Walter Veasey,
Kept, Kept Safe by Larry Lovotny, Little Sister by Barbara DuPont,
Foundation by Erika Masterson, Framed by Nature by Charlie Newman,
Through the Eye of the CameraPeople’s Choice Award Winner - Tannery in Fez, by Linda Leonard.
500 N. Indian River Drive Fort Pierce, FL 34950
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE March 16, 2018 B7
Ladies live it up at Connecting for Cancer ‘Nite Out’
By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer Polly Behrens, Gerry Collins, Nancy Cruce and Muci Clemens. PHOTOS: STEPHANIE LABAFF Louise Leary and Ursula Nuechterlein.
[email protected]
screenings, diagnostic procedures, sur- were off enjoying their party. makes boas for people getting infusions
The Wackenhut estate was aglow with gery, medication and cancer treatments “Orchid Island residents work to help and going through treatments, in colors
fairy lights last Monday evening as the for more than 400 patients since it was representing the various different cancer
women of the Orchid Island Golf & Beach created. the community, but so do the people of ribbons.
Club gathered for their annual Connect- Vero Beach,” said Cruce. “In addition to
ing for Cancer Girls’ Nite Out. Not wanting to miss out on any of the all of the fantastic auction items, J. Mc- “Many of us have had our lives affect-
fun, the men of Orchid created their own Laughlin at the Village Shops hosted a ed by cancer,” said Cruce. “The Orchid
The annual cancer fundraiser was the event, Boys’ Nite Out, several years ago. Sip & Shop, contributing 15 percent of all Island women have taken action. We rec-
brainchild of Nancy Cruce and Gerry sales made last Wednesday afternoon.” ognized the ongoing battle of cancer pa-
Collins, who recognized that having fun This way the men also had something tients and came together to help patients
and helping others don’t have to be mutu- fun to do – this year, an evening of cock- Boa ‘hugs’ are another example of the deal with the main killer of Indian River
ally exclusive. This grassroots effort has tails, a silent auction, dinner and the outreach generated by residents of the County residents.”
raised more than $75,000 since it began movie “Stalag 17” – while their wives Orchid Island community. Kathy Dunlop
five years ago.
Guests gathered in the courtyard for
hors d’oeuvres, sipping ‘Pink Lady Cos-
mos’ served via a breast cancer ribbon
luge created by Dean Evans of Vero Ice
Sculptures. Throughout the evening at-
tendees toured the magnificent home
and perused the wide variety of silent
auction items, because “girls gotta shop.”
“We had the biggest group ever this
year. It was a magical evening,” said
Cruce, explaining that 100 percent of
proceeds from the event benefit the Pay
It Forward Patient Assistance Fund of the
Indian River Medical Center Foundation,
which provides much-needed finan-
cial assistance to local cancer patients.
The fund has helped cover the costs of
B8 March 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE
Shining Light Garden celebrates seeds and labor of love
By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer
[email protected]
Gardeners left their overalls and hoes Cheryle and Bob Mackie. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Deborah Kerr-Rosenbeck with Don and Connie Derman.
behind to mingle on the patio of Osceola
Bistro last Tuesday evening at the sixth picked from the garden. Bireley is a long- depend on the groups who distribute the it, harvest it and sanitize it, and have it
annual Spring Dinner to benefit the Shin- time advocate of Shining Light and a pro- vegetables to educate the recipients. in crates ready to go. We’re picking it and
ing Light Garden Foundation. Joel Bray ponent of farm-to-table dining. they’re getting it the same day. Each crop
planted a seed 10 years ago on a 10-acre To broaden their scope even further, is better and better and we’re growing
plot of land in Winter Beach from which Over the years Bray has varied the Shining Light planted nearly 200 avocado more and more. We send out our very best
the nonprofit germinated, continuing its types of vegetables they’ve grown, always and mango trees last year and will soon and I just want to feed as many people as
mission of “Feeding the hungry, one gar- searching for produce with a high-quali- add lemons and limes to their orchard as we can.”
den at a time.” ty nutritional value. This year they plant- well.
ed several kinds of Asian greens, includ- Proceeds from the Spring Dinner will
“Joel started with three guys, a bor- ing bok choy and kohlrabi. The all-volunteer nonprofit provides be used to purchase seeds, farm equip-
rowed tractor and three shovels,” re- fresh vegetables to local food assistance ment and necessary capital improve-
called community liaison Greg Vafiades. “This stuff is so darn good for you, programs at no charge so that those most ments.
“We’ve come a long way since then and but getting people to switch to different in need can enjoy the fruits of Shining
we continue to grow.” things other then what they know is very Light’s labor. For more information, visit shininglight-
difficult,” shared Bray, adding that they
As Bray and his dedicated army of vol- “It’s hard work,” said Bray. “We grow
unteers tended and nurtured the gar-
den, the plot of land doubled in size, in-
creasing capacity and eventually adding
a flower garden. Volunteers cut flowers
weekly and create arrangements for the
VNA Hospice House. At the dinner, every
table bloomed with their floral center-
Dinner guests enjoyed a selection of
items from a menu created by Osceola
Bistro owner Chef Chris Bireley that in-
cluded mixed Romaine lettuce freshly
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE March 16, 2018 B9
Joel Bray and Greg Vafiades. Ellaine Saeva, Barbara Sotos, Cindy Day and Carol Christiansen.
Janice and John Paruolo. Al and Betty Sammartino. Tracey Cameron and Chris Hayden.
B10 March 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE
Hurricane Impact Doors Top Chefs dish it out to
& Impact Glass, benefit ‘Hope for Families’
We Have It All!
Transform Your Existing Door from By Kerry Firth | Correspondent Shrimp Mousseline Volcano Cocktail.
Boring to Beautiful! [email protected]
liam Cooney, HFC board president. “We
■ Glass patterns for every style & budget A sense of promise filled the dining teach them how to get a job, how to bal-
■ Customize to your style room at Bent Pine Golf Club last Monday ance a checkbook and how to budget. Our
■ Impact Glass & Impact Doors evening at Vero’s Top Chef Challenge, out- goal is to help them help themselves. The
■ Wood Interior/Exterior Doors shining even the tantalizing aromas and Hope for Families Center has been help-
■ Fiberglass Doors enticing flavors served up by the eight ing Treasure Coast families for 27 years.”
■ Patio & Sliding Glass Doors celebrity chefs who cooked up their signa-
■ Framed/Frameless Shower Units ture dishes to raise money for the Hope for To qualify for assistance, residents
■ Etching Families Center. must be drug- and alcohol-free, able to
■ Schlage Hardware work and be part of a family unit.
■ Mirror Wraps The sellout crowd of nearly 200 was
treated to some of the area’s finest cuisine “The first thing we do is get the chil-
Regency Square before voting on their favorite dishes to dren into school or day care and make
determine the four finalists who will vie sure the parents are employed,” explained
2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart • Licensed & Insured for the prestigious title of Vero’s Top Chef Diana Grossi, executive director. “Once
and a People’s Choice Award at the March they have stable employment, they are
772.463.6500 19 Challenge Finale, 6 p.m. at Bent Pine required to save 70 percent of their net in-
Golf Club. come to put towards permanent housing.
We work with Treasure Coast Homeless
Guests wandered from station to sta- Services, through their rapid rehousing
tion tasting such delicacies as Asian bar- program, to get them housed and we fol-
beque steam buns, Asian style short ribs, low their progress for about six months.
ginger-marinated grilled pork tenderloin, The program may assist them with a down
hickory smoked duck breast, Jamaican payment, or first and last month’s rent, or
jerk seafood patty, grilled octopus, shrimp utilities. We are basically just giving them
volcanos, spicy tuna tacos, and lobster a boost or head start on their own self-suf-
ceviche coated with macadamia nuts. ficiency.”
Their taste buds fully sated, guests de- For more information or for tickets to the
termined the top four finalists to be: Chefs Vero’s Top Chef Finale, visit hopeforfamili-
Lincoln Dobson, Sea Oaks; James Foerst,
Michael’s Table at Orchid Island Brewery;
Bill Narhi, Vero Beach Yacht Club; andAn-
thony Polito, Regency Park.
Their talented competitors were: Chefs
Jordan Beans, Cobalt; Edward Hunter,
CC’s Place; Cassandra Lynne, Chef Cas-
sandra & Co.; and Alphanso Rodway, Bent
Pine Golf Club.
While the delectable food was the draw
for the evening, the purpose of the event
was to support the efforts of the Hope for
Families Center to assist local homeless
“Through the generous support of our
community we are able to help an average
of 250 families a year get off the street and
into permanent housing,” said Dr. Wil-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE March 16, 2018 B11
Lisa Price, Chef Edward Hunter, and Sandra Hunter from CC’s Place. Chefs Lincoln Dobson and Steve Long from Sea Oaks. Spicy Tuna Tacos.
Esti Galeano, Chef James Foerst and Ted Faulkner Ginger Marinated Grilled Pork Tenderloin. Peter Nacion, Chef Cassandra Lynne
from Michael’s Table at Orchid Island Brewery. and Brittany Davis from Chef Cassandra & Co.
Kathy Quinn, Barbara Bertolami, Diana Grossi and Cindy Barnes.
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B12 March 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE
Art lovers over the moon at ‘Under the Oaks’ show
By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer Event chair Sue Dinenno said
[email protected] that Under the Oaks was voted No.
2 in the nation by artists last year,
A tsunami of art lovers flooded adding “as a result of that, the very
Riverside Park last weekend during best of the best tried to get into our
the 67th annual Under the Oaks show.”
Fine Arts and Crafts Show hosted
by the Vero Beach Art Club, which She said competition for the jur-
has been promoting art through ed- ied show was steep, and VBAC mem-
ucation and exhibitions since 1936. bers spent an entire day last Decem-
Proceeds from the annual three- ber reviewing their applications.
day show enable the club to fund
local scholarships and enrichment The VBAC reserves 15 percent of
programs. the spaces for those talented club
members who meet specific cri-
Barbara King, Deborah Wood, and Melissa Webster with artist Agnes Manganelli.
Katie and Dennis Stapleton.
teria, including volunteering, and sculptures of stone, wood and clay,
must jury in as well. “It’s no cake- along with handmade jewelry to
walk to get in,” said Dinenno. tempt even the most discerning col-
Among the more than 220 artists
exhibiting were works in acrylics, Many of Friday’s attendees were
glass, graphics, pastels, jewelry, just window shopping, with plans
multimedia, oils, photography, pot- to return over the weekend to make
tery, printmaking, sculpture, wa- their actual purchases. As one cou-
tercolor and wood. Exhibitors spent ple sat in the shade of the majestic
the weekend explaining their pro- oaks enjoying a glass of wine, listen-
cesses to art enthusiasts, working ing to the Vero Beach High School
on pieces, sketching ideas for future Band, they debated over which
projects and, of course, selling. piece of art to purchase. In the end,
they decided they had to have both.
Attendees spent a day or more
musing over the vast array of cre- No matter the medium, the art-
ativity put forth with pen and paints ists’ skills and perspective gave
on canvas and paper, and for those art-lovers pause as they contem-
wanting a more tactile experience, plated each exhibit and the mean-
ing behind the work. Pablo Picas-
so once said, “The purpose of art
is washing the dust of daily life off
our souls.” Under the Oaks was an
opportunity for anyone taking the
time to visit to do just that.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE March 16, 2018 B13
Sally Booth, Pat Dessi and Debbie Carbone.
Artist Scot Buccina with Paul O’Keefe and Dida Hagan.
Anita and John O’Neill. Walter Blake and Katherine Muraski admire the
wood sculpture by Niall Mathieson.
Service Center
for being loyal to the last
1550 U.S. 1, Vero Beach 772-778-4332 full-service gas station in
Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8am - 6 pm Indian River County. While
Sat. 8am - 1pm Sun. Closed we no longer sell gas, we
will continue our auto/
truck service, repairs, tire
repairs, sell Michelin tires
and Interstate batteries –
just like we have for the past
35 years.
Sincerly, Wiley Sr., Wiley Jr.,
Marcy & Employees
B14 March 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE
Becker Family Foundation Best of Show winner Aletha Jones.
Elke and George Fetterolf with artist Mark Sudduth. Ben and Diane Goldberg with Laurie Smith.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING March 16, 2018 B15
Cvi.che 105: Peruvian haute cuisine as near as Miami
By TIna Rondeau | Columnist couple of glasses of wine should run $100
[email protected] to $110, before tax and tip.
While Vero has an impressive number Everything about Cvi.che 105 was first
rate. And while it is best known for its cev-
of fine restaurants showcasing Europe- iches, tiraditos and causas, the restaurant
also features traditional dishes like lomo
an and Asian cuisines, one of the world’s saltado (steak) along with other rice en-
trées that reflect the Chinese influence
great cuisines is absent: Peruvian. on Peru’s cuisine.
The South America country’s surge to the This restaurant has risen to the top of
Peruvian gastronomy in the most Latin
gastronomical fore is no secret among food- American city in the United States. If you
plan a visit to the Miami area, make a res-
ies, with Peru recently voted the “world’s ervation and give it a try.
leading culinary destination” for the sixth I welcome your comments, and en-
courage you to send feedback to me at
year in a row, beating out China (another [email protected].
country whose cuisine is not well represent- The reviewer dines anonymously at
restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
ed in Vero) among others.
While you don’t have
to fly to Lima to sample Cancha.
great Peruvian gastron-
Orgia Anconero
omy, you do have to look Ceviche.
beyond the Treasure Pisco Sour.
Coast. But in recent years, there’s been canas’ lime juice, mixed with Arequipan certainly Pulpito a la
an explosion of good-to-great Peruvian onions, cilantro and a sauce that com- roused our Herradura.
restaurants in South Florida. bined a touch of rocoto pepper and aji taste buds.
limo chili pepper. The leche de tigre was Hours:
Gaston Acurio, Peru’s top chef whose very tasty. Portions are large 11:30 am to 11 pm (midnight
Lima restaurants we reported on in these here, and in the interest of
pages in 2013, opened an outpost named The pulpito, pieces of octopus mari- sampling dishes, we overordered. on Friday & Saturday)
La Mar in Miami’s Mandarin Hotel the nated in Peruvian red dry pepper, pisco But prices are very reasonable given Beverages: Full Bar
following year. And Chef Juan Chipoco, brandy and red wine, were tender and fla- the quality of the dishes and
whose downtown Miami restaurant Cvi. vorful, accompanied by golden potatoes, the service. Dinner for two Address:
che 105 is rated even higher than Acurio’s, salsa criolla, Peruvian yellow pepper and here with a couple of 19565 Biscayne Blvd,
recently expanded a bit north to Aventura homemade chimichurri. pisco sours and a Aventura, FL 33180
(which has something else missing on the
Treasure Coast – a world-class mall). We then opted to try one of Cvi.che Perricholi. Phone:
105’s “causas.” Peruvian causas consist of (786) 516-2818
Last week, while visiting the Aventura seafood and other ingredients atop of one
Mall, we took advantage of the opportu- of the country’s 3,000 varieties of potato.
nity to dine at the newest Cvi.che 105.
We ordered the perricholi – slices of
As we relaxed over Cvi.che 105’s signa- spicy raw tuna atop Peruvian yellow pota-
ture pisco sours and munched on cancha, to, served with a warm rocoto cream aioli
the toasted Peruvian large-kernelled corn topped with crispy caviar, truffle oil and
that I find addictive, our very attentive sea salt in a reduction of chicha morada
and knowledgeable server helped us navi- and inca gold flakes. A very interesting
gate a menu that contained way too many combination of tastes and textures.
enticing choices.
Then even though we were by this point
For starters, my husband and I decided quite full, we decided to finish with a sea-
to share a mixed ceviche ($15.95) and the food soup – the sopa parihuela “levanta
pulpito a la herraldura ($18.95). muertos” ($17.95). This rich soup consist-
ed of mixed seafood and shrimp in a broth
The ceviche was one of the best I have heavily augmented with pisco brandy. I
ever had – beautiful slices of raw fish and don’t know about it raising the dead, but it
other seafood, marinated in fresh Chulu-
B16 March 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING
Fine Dining, Elevated
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Award Winning Wine List
Unparalleled Service
Reservations Highly Recommended Proper Attire Appreciated
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reservations strongly suggested
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Vero Beach
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING March 16, 2018 B17
brunch - |-
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B18 March 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING
11:30 - 3:30
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Mon - Sat 11:30am - 3 pm
Nightly 4:30 pm -10 pm
713 17th Street|(17th Shoppes Center)
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING March 16, 2018 B19
Be Known’ My Friends March 17 is the Wearin’ O’ the Green
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B20 March 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES
The Telegraph ACROSS DOWN
1 Flightless bird (4) 1 Cannabis (4)
4 Air movement (4) 3 United (6)
8 Nap (4) 4 Digital camera (6)
9 Something unimportant (5,4) 5 Wanted (6)
11 Not so light (6) 6 So-called black beetle (9)
13 Tardy (7) 7 Terror (4)
15 Jewelled headband (6) 10 Glowing (7)
16 Deny (6) 12 Hero (4)
18 Act unrestrainedly (3,3) 13 Slogan (6-3)
20 Winter vehicle (3-3) 14 Dictionary (7)
22 Swift feline (7) 17 Message (4)
23 Chemical compound; ostler 19 Impassivity (6)
20 Cutting line (geometry) (6)
(anag.) (6) 21 Uncouth (6)
25 Villainous (9) 23 Rescue (4)
26 Fluctuate (4) 24 Spring (4)
27 Sooty matter (4)
28 Expectation (4)
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES March 16, 2018 B21
ACROSS 71 On a slant DOWN one: abbr. The Washington Post
72 Jewelry-case liner, 68 Guitarist Paul
1 Cause of cling 1 Commonfolk? 76 A real turn-on? FINAL BALLOT By Merl Reagle
7 Amenhotep was often 2 Get ready for UPS 81 Draw around
73 First of the double 3 Soulful Franklin 82 Prefix meaning
one 4 Nervous reaction
14 Ristorante digits 5 Concert finale? “eye”
74 Certain microchip 6 Chocolate source 86 Actor Alastair
rundown 75 Top 7 Birds, at times 87 Type of agency or
20 Yacht spot 77 Maigret’s river 8 Henry V’s
21 Otalgia 78 Woodpile tool trailer: abbr.
22 Emulate Vlad 79 Recession nickname 88 Abbr. on a
23 Emetic plant 80 Fermentation 9 Tanker guy
24 Jefferson’s second 10 Campaigned (for) mountain sign
vessels 11 Use the Method 90 A tribute to the
VP 81 Truth, in 12 Cry of discovery
25 Actor Anthony 13 Muppet family? way things are
26 Holiday in Hué Tiananmen 14 Arouse run?
27 Invite Square 15 ___ Darya 92 Kicked off the
29 5-centime piece 83 Serb or Croat ticket
31 Abner’s radio 84 With 68 Across, a (Asian river) 93 “To everything
Bogart-Robinson 16 Home-gym there is ___”
chum film 95 Hit hard
32 “Whadja say?” 85 Mortarboard alternative 96 “... that England
33 Do one’s thing as features 17 “Old Rough and should crouch
87 Break in shooting down ___ and
a 89 They play to the Ready” yield” (Shak.)
responsible citizen balcony 18 Make reference 97 Anagram of AL
(continues at 39 91 “___ the pits” 19 Appeared GORE
Down, backwards 92 He never drinks ... 28 “The Racer’s 98 Old Pontiac model
to 105, and up wine 99 Mr. Symington
to 33 to form a 94 A letter from Edge” 101 Spanish money
square around Lesbos 30 He had 511 career unit
the “X”) 95 Nickname of 102 Vocalist Don or
40 To a Skylark, e.g. basketballer homers Phil
41 Bowler’s save Maurice Stokes 33 Do one’s thing as 103 Relatives of
43 Corporate head 98 Lacking decorum cappuccinos
44 No turns ___ 100 Strip of Chief Executive 106 Abrasive
46 And the rest, membership (continues at substance
briefly 104 Suffix for 105 Across, etc.) 107 Approves
48 Closet skeletons collectibles 34 Second in 114 Essential cell
49 Stop for the 105 See 33 Down command component
Sunset Ltd. 108 Duarte of 35 First name in 115 Tourmaline or
50 Word coined by Argentina bologna turquoise
Frank 109 High school 36 Flagging 117 Clark and
Lloyd Wright debate org. 37 Idyllic places Marilyn’s Misfits
54 Great effort 110 Janitor’s prop 38 Racetrack docs co-star
55 Controversial 111 Kamchatka bird 39 See 33 Across 118 H. Norman was
injection 112 Type of point or 42 House mbr. one
59 Lager cousin theory 45 Ford’s 34 Down: 119 Sky king?
60 Small glass vessel 113 Last king of inits. 120 They usually run
62 Some chart England 47 Big House E and W
checkers, 116 Bellerophon’s members 121 Tell tale site?
familiarly mount 49 Whoopi Goldberg, 123 Permit
63 Young Cleaver, 122 Victoria’s consort to Caryn Johnson 124 Cold remark?
to Wally 125 Breadwinner 50 Euro-nightspot
64 Introduction to 126 Part of EKG 51 Woodcutter in The
corn? 127 Dr. Seuss turtle Arabian Nights
65 Sloppiness 128 Exquisite 52 Orders a second
safeguard 129 Eats in front of the strike on
66 Fix firmly TV 53 Forms of relief?
68 See 84 Across 130 Animal Shelter 55 Like a lackey
69 Some Sun. truckload 56 Face on the
successes cutting-room floor
70 Hemic trio 57 Librarian, at times
58 Walt, Roy, et al.
61 “___ pray”
63 Cotton collections
67 Barney Fife, for
Certified Collision
Repair Center
VeArou’tsoPbroedmy!ier All Insurance
(772) 978-1351 • 463 4th Place SW • Vero Beach, FL
B22 March 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES
KJ942 A7 Q63
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist Q 10 5 4 AJ982
3 K Q 10 8 5 42
Bodhidharma, a Buddhist monk who lived in the 5th or 6th century, said, “Many roads AJ85 K 10 7 6 3 Q92
lead to the path, but basically there are only two: reason and practice.”
Trying to find the best opening lead at the bridge table requires reason, and one’s 10 8 5
judgment will be improved with practice. K763
Look only at the West hand. What would you lead against five diamonds? 4
North used the Unusual No-trump, showing at least 5-5 in the minors. East’s three- Dealer: West; Vulnerable: Both
spade raise indicated the values for a single raise: 6-9 points. (With a normal game-
invitational limit raise, East would jump to four spades. The theory is that West will play The Bidding:
the cards more accurately than usual, knowing so much about the deal’s distribution.)
South jumped to five diamonds, thinking that it might make or be a cheap save. SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
5 Diamonds 1 Spades 2 NT 3 Spades
In a social game, West made the bad lead of the club ace. There was no reason to Pass Pass Pass LEAD:
believe that partner was short in the suit. West continued with a second club. South ??
won with dummy’s king and discarded a spade. He drew trumps ending on the board,
ruffed a club, crossed to the spade ace and ruffed another club, but now he could not
take 11 tricks. He still had to lose a spade and a heart.
Declarer would have survived if he had led a heart from his hand instead of a spade to
the ace, but much better would have been a heart toward his king after drawing trumps
(or even before touching trumps). Here, he would have cruised home.
If West had led a “boring” spade, the contract would have had no chance, the
defenders taking one trick in each side suit.
NOopwen It’s a date.
AL 13068 Join us for a lunch that
you will remember.
Call with an opening on
your calendar.
Assisted Living & Memory Care
2100 10th Avenue l Vero Beach, FL 32960
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR March 16, 2018 B23
ONGOING 16-18 Garden & Antique Show 17|18 March Madness Basket- ception, Sat. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. show, with pro-
and Sale, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. ball Tournament for kids, ceeds to benefit Indian River Lagoon National
Indian River County Firefighters’ Fair at Indian River Fri. & Sat.; 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sun. at McKee Bo- ladies and men to benefit Crossover Mission, Estuary Program of IRC. Free. 772-571-6632
County Fairgrounds thru March 18. tanical Garden – 30-plus vendors of antiques, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Gifford Youth Achievement
arts and orchids. Standard admission. 772-794- Center gym. $100 youth teams; $200 adults; 18 Rock the Boat Gala to benefit Youth
Riverside Theatre – Gypsy, musical mem- 0601 $3 admission. 772-643-3320 Sailing Foundation, 5 p.m. at Moor-
oir of Gypsy Rose Lee on the Stark Stage thru ings Yacht and Country Club with YSF sailing
March 25. 772-231-6990 17 Brew-2-Brew Half Marathon, 7 a.m. 17|18 Beautiful Lagoon Fine Art demos, silent and live auctions, cocktails, din-
from Walking Tree Brewery to benefit Exhibition at Sebastian ner, dancing and live musical entertainment.
Vero Beach Theatre Guild presents “To Kill a Mental Health Association, with Finish Line Fes- River Art Club, Fri. 4 8 p.m. opening re- $200. 772-925-2521
Mockingbird” based on Harper Lee’s novel thru tivities. That evening: St. Patrick’s Day Sham-
March 25. 772-562-8300 rock Shindig, 7 p.m. at Grand Harbor Beach Club
with craft beers, wine and food pairings, auc-
Vero Beach Museum of Art - Medieval To tions and entertainment by Bobby Owen Band.
Metal: The Art & Evolution of the Guitar thru $150. 772-569-9788
May 6, Paul Outerbridge: New Color Photo-
graphs from Mexico and California, 1948-1955 17 St. Patrick’s Day Parade, 10 a.m. along
thru June 3 and Shadow & Light: The Etchings Ocean Drive hosted by Oceanside
of Martin Lewis thru May 13. Business Association.
MARCH 17 ELC EcoTalks Speaker Series: Saving
Sharks from Extinction, 11 a.m. at En-
vironmental Learning Center.
15 Art in Bloom Luncheon and Exhibi- 17 Treasure Coast Jazz Society presents
tion, 11:30 a.m. at Vero Beach Mu- Lisa Kelly and JB Scott with Dave Stein-
seum of Art (galleries closed to public until 2 meyer, 12:30 p.m. at Vero Beach Heritage Cen-
p.m.). $200. 772-231-0707 ter. 772-234-4600
15 Live from Vero Beach presents the lay- 17 Enchanted Music of Ireland Tour ACROSS DOWN
ered harmonies of Firefall, 7 p.m. at featuring Andy Cooney and Shauna 1 CURIOUS 1 CLIMATE
Emerson Center. 800-595-4849 McStravock, Irish Dancers and the Irish Pop 5 CRESS 2 REINS
Ensemble, 7 p.m. at Emerson Center to benefit 8 ICING 3 ORGANISATIONS
15 Performance by the a cappella group St. Francis Manor Building Fund. $39. 772-778- 9 CONTROL 4 SECRET
Yale Spizzwinks, 7 p.m. at St. John of 5249 10 ABSENCE 5 CONSTELLATION
the Cross Catholic Church. Free. 855-252-7276 11 TATTY 6 ERRATIC
Solutions from Games Pages 12 EXCESS 7 SULKY
15 Atlantic Classical Orchestra presents in March 9, 2018 Edition 14 SLACKS 13 CHAPTER
Motzart’s Serenade No. 6, Symphony 17 SMART 15 SPONSOR
No. 40 and Concerto for Flute & Harp, with so- 18 SHAMPOO 16 ESTEEM
loists Tina Aplegren and Kay Kemper, 7:30 p.m. 20 OUTCOME 17 SNOUT
at St. Edward’s Waxlax Center. 772-460-0850 21 IDEAS 19 PLEAT
16-18 Shrimpfest Craft Brew Hulla- 23 MONITOR
balloo at Riverview Park, Se-
bastian hosted by Rotary Club of Sebastian and Sudoku Page B16 Sudoku Page B17 Crossword Page B16 Crossword Page B17 (LEVELING THE PLAYING FIELD)
Fellsmere Exchange Club, 3 to 9 p.m. Fri. St. Pat-
ty’s Party; 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sun., with food & brews, Golden Shrimp compe-
tition, live music and family activities. Free ad-
mission. Special Craft Brew Tasting, 1 to 4 p.m.
Sat., $35 unlimited tastings.
Certified Pedorthic Services
We also have a large variety
of comfort footwear including:
Spira Vionic Revere
953 Old Dixie Hwy,
Suite 9B
Our directory gives small business people eager to
provide services to the community an opportunity
to make themselves known to our readers at an
affordable cost. This is the only business directory
mailed each week during season. If you would like
your business to appear in our directory,
please call 772-633-0753.
B24 March 16, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR
18 Atlantic Classical Orchestra and Vero March 17 | St. Patrick’s Day Parade, 10 a.m. along Ocean Drive Center and United Against Poverty. $8 to $18.
Beach Museum of Art Chamber Music VIP Fri. $100.
Series present Early Debussy and Late Schubert, 20 Cause for Paws to benefit Humane So- 22 Concerts in the Park: Ed Shanaphy and
3 p.m. at VBMA. 772-231-0707 x 136 ciety of Vero Beach and Indian River Friends, 5 to 7 p.m. at Vero Beach Mu- 23 Successful Aging Luncheon present-
County, 6 p.m. at Oak Harbor Club. 772-388- seum of Art. $10 & $12. 772-231-0707 ed by Alzheimer & Parkinson Assoc.
18-20 Vero Beach High School 3826 of IRC, featuring Gail Sheehy, acclaimed author
Performing Arts Dept. pres- 22 Reception with Navy SEAL captains of “Passages,” Noon at Oak Harbor Club. $100.
ents its Red, White & Blue Band Concert 25th 20 to April 8 - Riverside Theatre presents featured in documentary, A Bond Un- 772-563-0505 x 106
Anniversary Spectacular, 2 p.m. Sun., 7 p.m. Buyer & Cellar, a satiric relationship broken, 5:30 p.m. drinks and appetizers at Na-
Mon./Tues. at VBHS PAC. $15; $6 veterans. 772- between a gay actor and Barbara Streisand, on tional Navy SEAL Museum. 772-595-5845 x 204 23 Sebastian River Area Chamber of
564-5497 the Waxlax Stage. 772-231-6990 Commerce Concerts in the Park pres-
22|23 Up with People’s Live on ents Sebastian River High School Jazz Ensemble
19 International Lecture Series presents 21 Vero Beach Opera presents An Eve- Tour 2018 Performance, 7 & Steel Drum Band, 5:30 to 8 p.m. at Riverview
Maya Lin, Vietnam Veterans Memori- ning with the Diva, Deborah Voight p.m. Thurs, 8 p.m. Fri. at IRC Intergeneration- Park. Free. 772-589-5969
al designer, 4:30 p.m. at Vero Beach Museum of in concert, 7 p.m. at VBHS PAC. $30 - $50. 772- al Center, with international songs & dances
Art. 772-231-0707 564-5537 to benefit Youth Guidance, Hibiscus Children’s 23 Indian River Symphonic Association
presents the Academy of St. Martin in
19 Tenth Anniversary Vero’s Top Chef the Fields, with Joshua Bell, conductor & solo-
Challenge Finale to benefit Hope for ist, performing Edgar Meyer New Violin Com-
Family Center, 6 p.m. at Bent Pine Golf Club mission, 7:30 p.m. at Vero Beach Community
with diners voting to crown Vero’s Top Chef Church. 772 778-1070
2018. $150; VIP tables w/wine $250. 772-567-
5537 x326 24 Spring Forward for Hunger Farm to Ta-
ble Brunch, 10 a.m. at Schacht Groves
20 Love of Literacy Luncheon, 11:30 a.m. to benefit Treasure Coast Food Bank, featuring
to benefit Literacy Services of Indian locally sourced foods prepared by Wild Thyme
River County, with Michael Tougias, author of Catering and music by Blue Cypress Bluegrass
‘The Finest Hours: The True Story of the U.S. Band. $60. 772-446-1757
Coast Guard’s Most Daring Sea Rescue.’ $100.
772-778-2223 24 The Big Shave, with Noon at Capt. Hi-
ram’s with ‘Shavees’ and supporters
20 Film Studies 5 - Fond Farewells: Trib- raising money to benefit St. Baldrick’s Foun-
utes to Those We Remember, 1:30 dation which provides funds toward childhood
p.m. or 7 p.m. Tuesdays thru Oct. 24 at Vero cancer research and services to survivors. 772-
Beach Museum of Art. $60 & $80. 772-231-0707 633-4452
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