April 13, 2018 | Volume 5, Issue 15 Newsstand Price: $1.00
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One year later – and no arrest likely in Grove shooting Former manager
of Nino’s pizzeria
MY TAKE pleads to theft
More than a year had passed since By Beth Walton | Staff Writer
Andy Capak, one of the co-owners Croce Giambanco and Bren-
nan Baker were like father and
of The Grove Bar, was shot multi- son.
ple times at close range outside the The owner of Nino’s Café, a
popular beachside pizzeria that
downtown establishment in the wee has mainland locations as well,
hired Baker when he was just a
hours of a Friday morning – and still boy, impressed by his work ethic.
he hadn’t spoken publicly about The two worked together for
more than a decade, as Giam-
what happened. banco taught Baker the ins and
outs of the restaurant industry.
So, seizing upon the March 31 He co-signed on a car loan for
Baker and eventually promoted
anniversary of the shooting as a po- him to manager of the Easter Lily
Lane pizzeria, across from Hu-
tential opportunity, I requested an miston Park.
interview, sending him a text mes- Then, one day, the business
owner was forced to notify police
sage that listed the topics I wanted that his long-time employee was
stealing from the business. It was
to discuss with him for this column. a call Giambanco said he never
wanted to make
Capak declined, just as he had
Giambanco and his attorney
done when I made a similar request twice attempted to settle the
$21,000 dispute out of court, of-
last summer.
This time, though, he offered an The Grove Bar, where an alteraction last year spilled into the street and ended with a co-owner shot. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
“I’m not interested in doing an interview, number of conflicting witness statements, Capak, now 32, then addressed the
but I will give this statement,” he responded, and the fact that I could not positively ID the life-threatening injuries he sustained after be-
“because I believe my community deserves suspect.” ing shot at least three times and the financial
it.” He continued: “It should not be inferred in assistance he received to cover his medical
In his statement, which he sent via text any way that the department dropped the ball expenses.
message last week, Capak wrote that he be- on this investigation. Detectives working the The St. Edward’s School graduate expressed
lieved the Vero Beach Police Department “did case were always patient, thorough and kept gratitude for the community’s support and
all they could, given the lack of good evidence, me up to date on the process.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
INSIDE Rounds and rounds they go
at jam-packed Sandridge
NEWS 1-7 PETS 14
DINING B10 By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer
HEALTH 9 GAMES B16 [email protected]
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 The busy season at Sandridge Golf Club isn’t PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
For circulation or where to pick up like a baseball season: There are no make-up
your issue call: 772-226-7925 dates, and rainouts can’t be rescheduled. Would a U.S.-China trade war impact Piper? Page 6
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
When the weather is bad, you simply get in
fewer games.
So while Sandridge’s tee times were filled and
its two county-owned courses were jam-packed
throughout a warm, dry February and a cool,
dry March, they did nothing to make up for the
rounds of golf lost to rain, morning frost and cold
2 April 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
MY TAKE “I’m not sure I’ll ever feel deserving of so onto 14th Avenue. Maybe, after surviving the shooting, he’s
much support, but I want everyone out there Capak told detectives he was engaged in simply thankful to be alive and married and
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 who lifted a finger for me to know: I got your the fight outside the bar and “remembered he no longer wants to think about it. Maybe
backs and I love you all!” punching an individual with dreadlocks.” he’s still traumatized. Maybe he doesn’t want
vowed to return the favor should others Capak also told detectives that he was any negative publicity for his bar.
need his help. “I have nearly made a full re- The statement was, certainly, a nice ges- “actively approaching the shooter” and was
covery and, thanks to GoFundMe.com, the ture. And there’s no reason to doubt the sin- about 20 feet from him when he was struck by Maybe it’s something else.
beachside benefit and negotiations with bill cerity of the sentiments he shared. But there the first shot. He said he was 10 to 15 feet away We don’t know, and, at this point, it prob-
collectors, we should have most of the major are still questions that need to be asked. when the second and third shots hit him. ably doesn’t matter. While the investigation
medical bills under control,” Capak wrote. Capak told detectives he saw the shooter remains open, police say it’s not active – and
Thus far, all we know is this: and saw the gun discharge multiple times, won’t be until or unless a new witness comes
“My wife and I (Yes, I got married on The trouble began inside the bar shortly but he said he “would not be comfortable forward, new evidence surfaces or someone
10/14/17) can’t say enough about the Vero before 2 a.m., when one of at least two men making an in-court identification.” confesses.
Beach/Fort Pierce community – family, friends, in the suspected shooter’s group said some- Detectives identified a suspect they want-
acquaintances, service industry professionals, thing to a woman who was accompanied by So I’m wondering . . . ed to charge with attempted murder, but
small business owners, first responders and another man. Why, when the incident first became a state prosecutor denied their warrant re-
even complete strangers,” he added. “So many Harsh words were exchanged, which physical, didn’t Capak simply call the police quest last fall, citing discrepancies in witness
people pitched in on so many levels. ignited a physical altercation and then and let them handle it? statements, mistaken identification and the
a brawl that spilled outside the bar and Why did Capak remain engaged in a brawl failure of most of them to select the shooter
after it moved outside the bar and onto the from a photographic lineup.
street? In other words: There were too many con-
Why did Capak, after punching one of the flicting accounts and not enough hard evi-
men, then approach the shooter, who was 20 dence to establish the probable cause neces-
feet away and posing no immediate threat? sary to file a criminal charge.
Those are practical questions. “In this matter,” Assistant State Attorney
Here’s a legal one: Could the shooter claim Bill Long wrote in a four-page letter an-
he saw Capak, who already had struck one nouncing his decision in November, “the
man, moving toward him in a threatening state cannot ignore the fact that the incident
manner and fired in self-defense under Flor- occurred at a bar, where a majority of the wit-
ida’s controversial stand-your-ground law? nesses who reported their respective obser-
Then there’s the obvious question: How vations had been consuming alcohol prior to
could Capak not be able to identify the the event.”
shooter, who was only a few feet away and And the event occurred shortly before
standing directly in front of him? Especially closing time.
after serving him drinks at the bar? So while Long said, “I won’t say it will nev-
Only Capak has the answers, and he er be solved,” it seems increasingly unlikely
doesn’t want to be interviewed. Why? we’ll ever see an arrest.
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS April 13, 2018 3
SANDRIDGE more than 500 rounds were played on coun- of times available for others.” to find a balance.”
ty-operated courses. The crowded tee sheet, however, also Might the county eventually expand the
“We had a nice run of great weather,” he produces a crowded golf course. Nagy said facility and add a third course?
temperatures in January. said. Capacity crowds have become typical foursomes tee off at eight-minute intervals Nagy said he has made such inquiries
“We did normal for February and March, at Sandridge during Vero Beach’s busy sea- until noon, when the intervals are expanded
son. to nine minutes, if all goes as planned. But to county officials, only to be rebuffed. He
which is good,” Sandridge Golf Director Bela a crowded course often produces slow play, tried to convince them to buy Hawk’s Nest
Nagy said. “I like normal. ... But we were “We can’t get any more than that,” Nagy which can back things up. before it was acquired by The Moorings. He
down about 2,500 rounds in January, be- said. “Our tee times are booked, and most also suggested they look at the 200 acres to
cause we had a very rainy, cold month, and days we’re busy until 2:30 in the afternoon. On a good day, Nagy said, a round on Sandridge’s immediate east.
you can’t get those rounds back. That’s our normal, and that’s good.” The Dunes course takes four hours and 20
minutes to complete. That number drops to There’s not enough room to build anoth-
“You can’t overcome a bad January with Nagy said Sandridge takes in 60 percent four hours and seven minutes on The Lakes er course on the club’s existing property, he
a great February, or even a great March,” he of its annual revenues in the 12 weeks from course, which is shorter. said.
added. “There are only so many days and so early January through the end of March.
many tee times. Once you lose them, they’re The other nine months, the number of dai- “People gripe about the slow pace of “I’m always looking for ways to expand
gone.” ly rounds drops to an average of about 200, play, but if we went to nine-minute inter- and improve the facilities,” Nagy said of
and that’s on a weekend day. vals, we’d have people griping that they Sandridge, which opened with one course
Wet weather, in fact, contributed mighti- can’t get a tee time,” he added. “You’ve got in 1987 and currently employs 35 workers,
ly to Sandridge’s two 18-hole courses – The (For those who don’t know: During the three of them on a full-time basis.
Lakes and The Dunes – being down a com- busy season, weekdays are busier than
bined 3,800 rounds for the 2017-18 fiscal weekends. The rest of the year, the opposite
year, which began Oct. 1. is true.)
Nagy said Vero Beach received 48 inches Nagy, who has been teaching golf at San-
of rain from Sept. 10 through Dec. 31, fol- dridge for more than 20 years, said the num-
lowed by an unusually wet, cold January ber of rounds played mirrors the seasonal
that produced several mornings when frost traffic on local roadways. Rounds start to
covered the courses. drop in April and decline further in May.
“I run the Florida Municipal Golf Course Sandridge relies on outside groups – from
Association, and everyone is down rounds communities such as Sea Oaks and Grove
for the same period this year,” Nagy said. Isle – and club-organized leagues to help fill
“We had a rough January – down 11 percent its tee times throughout the week.
– but part of the reason we were down was
because January 2017 was excellent ... with Those groups and leagues reserve blocks
no frost, no rain, no bad weather at all.” of tee times on certain days, Nagy said, and
they occupy about 40 percent of the club’s
February and March are Sandridge’s bus- rounds. “We rely a lot on those guys,” he
iest months, Nagy said, adding that on a said. “My job is to fill the golf course, and it’s
“normal day” during those months this year nice to have the tee sheet almost half-filled
before we put it out. And there are still plenty
4 April 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
NINO’S THIEF payments on a car loan, cosigned by his He taught me everything I know about the at all. The cash register wasn’t balancing
boss, which cost Giambanco an addition- restaurant industry. I have nothing but re- with sales receipts at the end of the night.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 al $13,000. spect for him.” Money was also missing from the ATM.
Only a few people, including Baker, had
fering Baker the option to repay the stolen Baker, 29, pleaded no contest to felony Baker, who is now employed, agreed to keys to access the machine.
funds, along with an outstanding person- third-degree grand theft last week and is pay $8,000 in restitution to Giambanco
al loan. But, Brennan Baker, also known set to be sentenced in June. His negoti- by his sentencing hearing and an addi- “I gave him all my trust,” said Giamban-
as “Red,” stopped making payments Jan. ated plea, arranged by defense attorney tional $5,000 by Oct. 1. He did not admit co, who at the time was grieving the loss
31 and the business owner finally recom- Andrew Metcalf and prosecutor Patrick guilt and claimed he agreed to the deal of his wife. “I let him run Nino’s Café on
mended criminal prosecution. O’Brien, calls for a withhold of adjudi- because it was in his best interest. He had the beach. He was the manager. Then, he
cation pending completion of two years’ never been in trouble with law enforce- started hanging with the wrong crowd. “
“It broke my heart,” Giambanco told probation. ment before. Third-degree grand theft is
Vero News. “It’s not even the money. I punishable by up to 5 years in prison and Baker admitted to his boss he had been
treated him like my own son.” Baker, reached by phone, said he feels a $5,000 fine. skimming money from the other employ-
remorse every day. It was a bad time in his ees, according to court records. Later,
Baker, of Vero Beach, stole at least life and he didn’t make the right choice. It was September 2016 when Giamban- when Giambanco’s lawyer was present, he
$9,000 from the restaurant’s cash register, There are circumstances that people don’t co noticed something was amiss with the confessed to taking nearly $9,000 from the
payroll and ATM machine, according to understand, he said. restaurant’s finances. Some employees restaurant – $3,300 from payroll, $4,300
court documents. He also failed to make said Baker wasn’t paying them on time or from the register and $1,200 from the
“I love Croce. He was like a father to me. ATM.
The police were notified, but the owner
wanted to handle the issue out of court.
“During the conversation Mr. Baker
readily confessed to the theft and became
very emotional, apologizing to Mr. Giam-
banco and [asking] if he could make it up
in some way,” attorney Robert Meadows
wrote police.
“At first Mr. Giambanco was very reluc-
tant to work with Mr. Baker and just want-
ed to involve law enforcement. After some
discussion, Mr. Giambanco agreed to al-
low Mr. Baker to make payments to him to
pay back the full amount of the theft and
the moneys Mr. Baker had borrowed from
Mr. Giambanco.”
Baker promised payment in two weeks,
but by November no money had been
paid, according to court documents.
The police were notified again, and this
time a detective with the Vero Beach Po-
lice Department interviewed Baker. Ac-
cording to court documents, Baker con-
fessed again over the phone and said he
was trying to pay his boss back by putting
his boat for sale. Baker no longer had a job
and money to pay off the debt was hard to
come by, he said.
He admitted to making a mistake. He
said he believed if he had been honest with
his boss from the beginning, Giambanco
would have given him the money and he
would have never had to break the law.
The restaurant owner again decided to
be lenient and keep the case out of court.
The parties made a financial agreement.
Baker would pay $3,000 immediately and
then make $150 payments each week for
no more than 32 months. Twenty-one
dollars, or 6 percent, would go toward in-
terest. The remaining $129 would cover a
portion of the debt’s principal balance.
Baker’s initials are on the Dec. 6 docu-
ment next to a clause that said if he de-
faulted on the deal, his boss would exer-
cise all legal remedies against him. Seven
months later Giambanco’s attorney wrote
police calling for a criminal prosecution.
Baker had paid nearly $3,800 but had
since missed four out of 10 payments.
“I was trying not to ruin his life,” Giam-
banco lamented. “Young people make
mistakes. I was trying to help him out. I
gave him chances. Finally, I said, ‘Enough
is enough.’”
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6 April 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
Experts: Many IRC teachers blame students for academic failure
By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer They were hired at the request of the Af- were filled out by about 840 of the 1,100 Elementary, Sebastian Elementary, Gifford
[email protected] rican American Achievement Plan Com- teachers in the district, and conducted in- Middle School, Sebastian River High School
mittee. The School District has been under terviews with students, staff and parents. In and Vero Beach High School and the Vero
Experts hired to figure out why minority a desegregation order for the past 50 years. addition, a team of 12 experts split up and Beach Freshman Learning Center.
students in the Indian River County School A plan to address the achievement gap be- visited classrooms without prior notice.
District are not doing as well as white stu- tween white and black students was added The School Board will decide whether
dents say there is an overriding perception when the plan was amended in 1994. Three survey prompts dealt with “equi- to hire the Urban Learning and Leadership
by district teachers that they are doing a ty” they said. The first was, “We have good Center to work with teachers, administra-
great job, “but it’s just these students” hold- Little progress has been made though. working relationships with the communities tors and students in five schools chosen by
ing themselves back. At a recent African American Achievement of all students attending our school.” Near- Superintendent Mark Rendell.
Plan Core Committee meeting, school dis- ly 38 percent of the 842 teachers surveyed
Harvey Perkins and John Hodge, who trict staff analyst Brian McMahon said he’s disagreed or were not sure. At Oslo Middle The contract would be for three years,
founded the Urban Learning and Leadership been examining test scores for 12 years and School, 70 percent of the teachers disagreed minimum, because it takes that long to “in-
Center, of Hampton, Virginia, 20 years ago, “the needle hasn’t moved.” or were not sure. stitutionalize” new ways of teaching and
have closed achievement gaps all over the learning that also addresses students’ so-
country. They told the district’s African Amer- The most recent state test data shows a The second question was, “Students cial-emotional needs, Perkins said.
ican Achievement Plan Core Committee it is huge achievement gap between white and sense that they are safe and cared for in this
common for teachers to think students are at black students for third-grade reading, a key school, regardless of their race, gender or “It would be a two-prong attack,” he add-
fault for their underachievement. indicator. A child should be reading to learn socio-economic status.” Nearly 21 percent ed, starting with the administration and
by third grade; if not, their chances of suc- of the 842 teachers disagreed. Oslo Middle teachers, because they have to “model” the
“And it’s not necessarily a white and black ceeding at school and life are slim. School again had 70 percent disagree or behavior – equitable, respectful treatment of
thing either,” Perkins said. “Old-thinking state they weren’t sure. all – before the students will follow.
teachers” feel students should come to The Florida Standards Assessment for last
school with good behavior, family support school year’s third-grade English Language The third question was, “Teachers believe “This is very difficult, very sensitive, hard
and a good work ethic as givens. Arts showed 39 percent of black students that students can achieve at high levels, re- work,” Hodges said. “We don’t think it will be
were performing at grade level or above gardless of a student’s race, gender, or so- fixed quickly.
“Other teachers know ‘it’s my responsibil- compared to 69 percent of white students. cio-economic status.”
ity to teach these things or this student will In a presentation to the School Board,
not only fail school, but life.’” The district has operated on the assump- Oslo Middle School was again the high Hodges cautioned officials not to “push for
tion “a rising tide lifts all boats,” African negative scorer, with 43 percent of teachers us to go into schools that don’t want us. It
The Urban Learning and Leadership Cen- American Achievement Plan Core Commit- disagreeing or “not sure.” doesn’t work. We sometimes tell superinten-
ter was hired by the district for $77,000 nine tee member Jacqueline Warrior said, “but dents, ‘we don’t think anything can be done
months ago to profile each of the district’s not if they have holes in them.” Other schools that had high negative re- if the current leadership remains in place.’”
schools and the district in general, and has sponses to one or more of the equity ques-
turned in over 2,000 pages in reports. Each Urban Learning and Leadership Center tions included the Alternative Learning Cen- Hodges said one school his team visited
school “profile” was about 100 pages long. personnel distributed staff surveys, which ter, Dodgertown Elementary, Pelican Island “looked like they were still fighting the Civil
By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer China decide move forward with imple-
[email protected] menting the tariffs.”
Piper Aircraft CEO Simon Caldecott Two months ago, Piper announced that
said last week he does not expect the Vero it had received an order for 152 airplanes
Beach-based company to be hurt by the – 100 Archer single-engine trainers, 50
tariffs threatened by Beijing in response to multi-engine Seminoles, one Seneca and
President Trump’s trade-war rheto-
ric targeting Chinese exports to the one M350 – from Fanmei Aviation Tech-
United States. nologies, a subsidiary of Sichuan Fanmei
Education Group, the leading provider of
He said the planes Piper is build- aviation education in China.
ing for a Chinese aviation compa-
ny, which ordered 150 training air- The seven-year purchase agreement
craft in February, are well below the was the largest single training-aircraft or-
weight range cited by China’s com- der in Piper’s 80-year history. Deliveries
merce ministry on its list of U.S. im- are scheduled to begin this spring.
ports that could be subject to duties.
Jackie Carlon, Piper’s marketing direc-
The list of American-made prod- tor, said the company is continuing to
ucts that could be hit with retaliato- monitor the tariff talk coming out of Wash-
ry Chinese tariffs includes small aircraft, ington and Beijing as the war of words es-
but only those weighing over 15,000 kilo- calates.
“Currently, Piper Aircraft manufactures
eight different models of aircraft with the
largest weighing significantly less than
15,000 kilograms,” Caldecott said in a
“While we are continuing to review the
list of 106 products,” he added, “given the
current information available to us, we
do not believe that Piper products will
be subject to the described duties should
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10 April 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
Listening to patient key to proper bad-back diagnosis
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer and painful – as we age.
[email protected] Diagnosing the exact cause of back pain
Dr. Craig Popp, a board-certified and fel- can be something of a medical Rubik’s
lowship-trained orthopedic surgeon with cube. There are 33 separate vertebrae in the
Vero Orthopaedics & Neurology, isn’t likely human spine in five separate regions – the
run out of patients anytime soon. cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum and coc-
cyx – and more than 20 vertebral disks along
That’s because, according to both the Na- with many muscles, ligaments, tendons and
tional Institutes of Health and Johns Hopkins nerve bundles – and all those individual el-
Medicine, nearly 80 percent of U.S. adults ex- ements must work collaboratively.
perience back pain and 50 percent experience
neck pain. When they don’t the result can be pain,
sometimes severe.
And, according to the Centers for Disease
Control, those problems get more common – It can be neck pain, lower back pain, mid-
Dr. Craig Popp.
dle back pain, upper back pain, low back “The way I approach it,” he says, “is basi-
pain with sciatica, leg pain or some other cally talking to the patient; getting to know
bone, nerve and muscular problem such the patient.
as lumbar radiculopathy, spinal instability,
spinal stenosis, arthritis, compression frac- “Eighty-five percent [of making the right
tures, osteoporosis, slipped or herniated diagnosis has to do with] taking a history –
discs, scoliosis and spondylolisthesis. and listening.”
In fact, according to the Mayo Clinic, two Popp says “the vast majority of people
of the top three reasons people in this coun- [having an episode of back pain] get bet-
try go to see a doctor are back pain-related. ter without any sort of intervention.” But if
medical intervention is needed, he is confi-
Popp, who has nearly 20 years of experi- dent about his own skill set and those of his
ence in this field, says the best way to find colleagues at Vero Orthopaedics.
the cause of an individual’s back pain isn’t
by individually examining each of the 50- In any event, Popp says, “I’m very fortu-
some bones and disks in the spine. nate here – it’s almost like a comprehensive
12 April 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 have leg pain associated with it, and if they On mended knees: 3D printing
have enough leg pain, or they have insta- creates custom-fit joints
spine program. I have bility in their spine, that’s when surgical
individuals that can do intervention becomes necessary.” By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer about knee replacement surgery.
the injections, I have [email protected] Keeping up with him? Well, that’s an-
individuals that can do Spinal surgery is – obviously – serious
nerve conduction tests. I business, but Popp points to major im- It’s not hard to get Sebastian River Med- other matter altogether.
have a neurologist that provements in both the technology and the ical Center and Steward Health ortho- Let’s start with this: The first knee re-
can weed out some of procedures in use today. pedic surgeon Dr. Anthony Ware to talk
those other unusual type of placements were performed in this coun-
conditions. “The nice thing is technology has al-
“Then we have Dr. [Seth] lowed us to really define what the pain
Coren. I see a lot of patients generator is,” he explains, “with the imag-
with compression fractures in ing techniques, the image-guidance tech-
their back, and while I used to niques and use of microscopes, you can re-
do some osteoporosis work be- ally limit the scope of the surgery that you
fore, now I have an individual have to do.”
who really concentrates on
that type of thing” just down And since Popp favors a minimally in-
the hall. vasive approach to most surgeries, he adds,
Popp says the net result “having the right retractors, the right kind of
of having so many talented tubes to work through, and the right imaging
colleagues in one loca- modalities available really allow you to do
tion “is that I can quickly more in less space.”
differentiate things by
obtaining certain types Asked if he a “favorite” procedure, Popp
of tests right within the pauses briefly and says “I like to do the pro-
office.” cedure that makes the patient feel the best.”
Popp continues by When pressed for a more specific response,
saying, “I think one of he adds. “I do like a nice microdiscectomy. If
the most common prob- lumbar disc is putting pressure on the nerve
lem people have, and it’s root and that patient is just dying in pain and
probably the No. 1 people you take the pressure off the nerve root and
seek medical care, is just a they feel really good,” that, he says smiling, “is
simple lumbar strain. Low-back really rewarding.”
pain. A lot of those individuals will
Dr. Craig Popp is with Vero Orthopaedics &
Neurology at 1155 37th Lane in Vero Beach. The
phone number is 772-569-2330.
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH April 13, 2018 13
joints and his motivation was a simple one. rienced any adverse events at discharge or
Even though knee replacements have 90 days after discharge when compared to
off-the-shelf replacement joints.”
a high overall success rate, the outcomes
using standard parts are far from perfect. Want more? Becker’s Spine Review says
Up to 40 percent of knee-replacement patients with custom-made joints are 1.7
patients complain about residual knee times more likely to have “excellent” results
pain long after their operations and Ware than patients with “off-the-shelf” knee re-
thinks he knows why. placements. Likewise, patients with stock
parts were 2.6 times more likely to achieve
Since the 1960s, most manufacturers of a “poor” rating than those with person-
replacement joints have made a limited alized joints. And Ware says the price is
number of sizes. about the same for both procedures.
“Most knee systems will have only That said, there are a couple of things to
about eight different sizes,” Ware says. consider. The first is time.
That has in most cases forced orthope- Patients who select the ConforMIS op-
dic surgeons to saw off part of the patients’ tion, Ware says, have to wait “about six
natural femur and/or tibia in order to make weeks” for the implant to be made. Sec-
the off-the-shelf parts fit properly. ond, patients with a “large deformity of
the knee” are not good candidates for a
That’s a problem Ware’s patients don’t custom-made joint.
have to deal with if they elect to have their
replacement joints custom-made – 3D Currently, Ware says he is “probably doing
printed replacements fit like a Savile Row 40 percent” custom joints and 60 percent off-
suit, or better. the-shelf ones, in part because many people
with severe knee pain want something done
It works like this: Patients get a CT scan now, not six weeks from now.
of their entire limb. Using that data, the
manufacturer – in this case ConforMIS – Asked what’s on the horizon for joint re-
creates a two-dimensional design that is placements, Ware says, “I’m not sure if it’s
fed into a 3D printer. The printer then, lay- public knowledge yet, but ConforMIS is …
er-by-layer, creates an incredibly accurate working on a custom-performance total
mold for the replacement joint. hip” joint.
Are these 3D joints really better? Dr. Anthony Ware is with Steward Medi-
Both Orthopedic Design & Technology cal and the Sebastian River Medical Center.
and the peer-reviewed Journal Arthroplasty He has offices in Vero Beach and Sebastian.
Today think so. They say “a smaller percent- The phone number is 772-563-0146.
age of knee replacement patients treated
with [custom-3D-printed] implants expe-
try back in 1968, and over the ensuing chapter and verse on the advances.
half-century, according to the Agency for One of the most recent innovations, ac-
Healthcare Research and Quality, knee
replacement operations are now “one of cording to Ware, is the use of 3D printing
the most successful procedures in all of to create a replacement knee joint that
medicine.” precisely matches the dimensions, curves
and contours of the patient’s – unlike a
That’s a good thing since, as Fox News re- pre-made “stock part.”
ports, “every 45 seconds, a patient in the U.S.
undergoes a knee replacement surgery.” Specifically, he points to the ConforM-
IS iTotal CR knee replacements, the third
The positive results have come, in part, generation of this particular technology.
due to a steady evolution in procedures,
materials and technical innovations over Ware was the first orthopedic surgeon in
the past 50 years, and Ware can give you Indian River County to employ this “cus-
tom-built” approach for replacement knee
14 April 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS www.veronews.com
Bonzo’s new French friends are beaucoup cool
Hi Dog Buddies! us, at separate times, Curley had only two I was writing like crazy, by that time. back in when Mommi asked us to, they
days left, I had but four. In France, Mom- “Mommi finally found an airline that EX-paw-dited our check-out, because they
This week I really feel like a Dog of the mi an Daddy were involved in dog rescue: could meet our needs. Lufthansa. It’s Ger- knew we needed to Do Our Duty. Merci,
World, cuz I got to innerview two pooches, a group called ‘Jeshi, Second Chance.’ man an, in Germany, they really like dogs. Lassie.”
Curley an Matti LaViolette, who were born (Jeshi was the first dog it rescued, 18 years ALL their shelters are no-kill. Anyway, for
in The-South-of-FRANCE, an lived inna ago.) Curley’s been with Mommi an Daddy months before we left, me an Curley prac- “I guess your life is way different here,
place called San Tro-Pay, on the Riv vy-AIR- since he was liddle, around 1. But I was 7 ticed staying in our comfy boxes, with the right?”
uh. They woofmailed me to see whether I’d
like to meet ’em, an even wrote some stuff PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD Curley & Mattti “Oui. We love it!” said Matti.
in FRENCH. I was hopin’ they were bi- Lifting his head, Curley added, “We are
linguel, cuz last time I attempted French, I when they got me an, Messieur doors open at first, then closed. We had most fortunate doggies. We are happy as
ordered a shoe with cheese. Bonzo. I was in tray, tray bad shape. I was our blankets an toys, and we ackshully re- larks here in the USA. Mommi an Daddy
infested with zillions of ticks an so dirty ally liked those boxes by the time we were have given us a great doggie life.”
They were bigger than me, very well- they thought I was brown. Mommi saved ready to fly. We drove to Munich (that’s in “What’s your basic day like?”
groomed, came right up for the Wag-an- me from the ticks, smushed them all to bits, Germany) and stayed in a pooch-friend- “As you can see, we have a so pleas-
Sniff, Curley first, then after gettin’ the an the veterinaire helped me get beaucoup ly hotel. The next morning at the airport, ant yard,” Matti gestured. “We do much
nod from Curley, Matti, too. Curley’s, like, better. Curley an I became best frens the a veterinaire inspected us, our passports wrestling around. I frequently swim in the
100-plus pounds, honey-colored, part Ma- moment we met. I was still very weak, and were checked, and we flew straight to pool. Curley likes it not so much. And me,
linoise an part Ridgeback, about 11. Matti’s he stayed with me everywhere, to protect North Carolina (where Mommi and Daddy j’adore l’ocean! We also visit the dog park.
9 anna half, a Picardy Shepherd, a pretty me. He knew what I’d been through.” spend the summer). We were in our crates See-BONE! Curley knows all the pooches.
rare breed, inna rare, white color. She’s All for 13 hours and it was tray bone. When He keeps an eye on things. Should things,
Girl, 70 pounds, long wavy hair all over her “Well, you are both pawsome! But how we arrived, Mom accidently let us out of perchance, get too rowdy, he rushes over
head, ears that stick up, sorta like those come you moved? I read somewhere that our boxes too soon. When the customs and politely but firmly breaks it up. One
butterfly dogs, um, Papillons, real pretty. lotsa humans think that place where you humans saw how nicely we hopped right of our favorite dog park frens is a liddle
They both had stylish “Florida cuts.” lived, the Riv vy-AIR-uh, is Totally Cool Dog chihuahua, no bigger than Curley’s head!”
Biscuits.” DON’T BE SHY “Bein’ from France an all, do you like
“Bone-JURE,” said Curley. (They men- fancy food? Sauces? Cheese? Fries?”
tion bones a lot, I noticed.) “It was great fun, we drove to many plac- We are always looking for pets They laughed. “Non. Mostly kibbles.
es, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Spain (we with interesting stories. Dog tummies are the same everywhere, I
“B’YEN-ve-NEW,” said Matti. “My pass- love road tips), but Mommi and Daddy re- think,” Matti said.
port name is Maquisarde, but, see-voo- tired, and there’s very liddle for humans to For a questionnaire, email “Do you usually speak French or English
PLAY, call me Matti. Meet our Mommi do there, if you’re not a tourist. There were [email protected]. now?” I inquired.
Anne an our Daddy, Bill.” no cultural opportunities. So they decided “To each other, mostly French. But
to fly across The Pond. Woof! THAT was an around Mommi and Daddy, English. How-
“I shall be the, how you say, egg-sperience!” ever, when Mommi wants us to Pay Atten-
‘Spokespooch,’” said Matti. tion Right This Minute! she uses French.
Like, when she says ‘Ah-see-ey!’ (sit) or
We sat in the shade by the pool. I opened ‘Koosh!’ (down) or ‘Eh-see!’ (Come here).
my notebook. “I’m eager to hear your story.” Then we know we’d better get our wiggles
“We are both rescues, and we are both “C’est la verite!” added Curley.
TRAY shan-say (very lucky.) You see, in “It’s been a real pleasure,” I said, rising
France, there aren’t any no-kill shelters. to leave.
Should you be so unfortunate as to be “For us as well,” Matti said.
picked up, even if you have a famly but just “Bone-SWAH-ree, Messieur Bonzo,”
ran off, you go to dog jail. If you don’t get they called.
rescued or adopted in 10 days, you go to a
‘station de morte.’” The Bonz
My French isn’t that good, but I knew
what she meant.
“That’s harsh!” I exclaimed.
“See-vray! When Mommi and Daddy got
Pointe West attached villa won’t
be unattached for long
7541 15th Lane in Point West: 2-bedroom, 2-bath, 1,454-square-foot, maintenance-free attached villa
offered for $209,900 by Berkshire Hathaway Home Services agent Chip Landers: 772-472-7888
Paul R. Berg VMer3oA3B3I3eNa2c0hOt,hFFSLFtrI3eC2e9tE60 Louis ‘Buck’Vocelle
VOCELLEBERG.COM 772-562-8111
16 April 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
Pointe West attached villa won’t be unattached for long
By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer care of everything, including exterior man, not the car, the measure of all things. The housing and recreation are already
[email protected] painting, roof and yard, and Berkshire Ha- When totally mature, the four villages will filled out, with wending trails, lakes, a
thaway listing agent Chip Landers expects be a mix of shops, services, residences community clubhouse, an 18-hole golf
A rare attached villa at 7541 15th Lane it to sell quickly. and recreational areas, an update of the course, and equestrian and polo fields
in the Central Village at Pointe West just Andy-of-Mayberry lifestyle, although the placed throughout the villages.
came on the market. This is a popular type The community’s design is also a draw. architecture is West Indies, not American
of unit because it is one-story, affordable Pointe West has won awards for its “tradi- Gothic. But it is a less obvious, more mundane,
and the homeowners association takes tional neighborhood design” that makes feature – alleys – that make the villages feel
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E April 13, 2018 17
so warm and cohesive. Cars pull into the tube” that illuminates a Star Trek beam-
alley and park in their respective garag- me-up cylinder of light. The walk-in show-
es, most remaining open while neighbors er will please old and young alike and
chat or tinker on home projects. his-and-hers sinks will prevent waiting to
preen or floss.
The neighborliness extends to the front
of the house. All the homes, even the at- “It was built in 2003 so it meets all the
tached villas, have lovely covered porches new hurricane codes. The shutters are in
out front, most with rocking chairs that Neighborhood: Pointe West, Central Village PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD
get used by residents enjoying a view de- Year built: 2003
void of cars and filled with greenery, with the garage,” Landers said.
mature trees shading narrow streets de- Lot size: 42 feet by 125 feet • Home size: 1,454 square feet “Because the homeowners association
signed to maximize yard space. Construction: Concrete block with stucco
Bedrooms: 2 • Bathrooms: 2 does everything, including the roof, which
The sound of the garage door rolling up, is rare, these attached villas attract young
the cue for a neighborly wave and chat, Additional features: Corian kitchen and bath counters, break- people, who are away working all the time,
brought Bruce Smith out of his garage and fast bar, tile and blond-wood laminate flooring, two-car and or seasonal buyers who don’t want to wor-
into the alley to greet Landers. “We’re the golf-cart garage, covered and screened porch, plantation shut- ry when they leave it,” Landers said. “All
only dead-end alley in the whole develop- you have to do is clean the inside.”
ment,” Smith said. “We just had an alley ters, ceiling fans
party and 25 people came ... We have great Listing agency: Berkshire Hathaway Home Services
Listing agent: Chip Landers, 772-472-7888
Beyond the end of the alley is the lake, Listing price: $209,900
fish darting and a turtle scurrying away as
we neared the edge. Across the lake is the front. A den is also near the front, which
village pool. Landers said is often outfitted with a fold-
out couch to accommodate more guests.
The attached villa has a two-car garage Once beyond these two facing rooms, the
plus a golf-cart garage, with its own drive- space opens up into a combination kitch-
way and door, which Landers said would en, breakfast nook and family room.
also fit a “mini.”
“The floors are tile or wood laminate,”
Inside, plantation shutters and high Landers said, “which is good for people
windows that characterize West Indies de- with allergies or a dog, making it easy to
sign let in light but maintain privacy. The clean.”
floor plan splits the two bedrooms, with
the master in back and guest room up The washer and dryer are hidden be-
hind bi-fold doors.
French doors lead to a tiled and screened
patio that looks onto mature plantings.
The master bedroom has his-and-hers
deep-panel closets with shelving and the
master bath is distinguished by a “sun
18 April 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
A very strong week on the mainland real estate market saw 40 single-family residences and lots
sell from April 2-6 (some shown below).
The top transaction of the week in Vero Beach was the condo at 3 Royal Palm Pointe, Unit #2-W.
First listed in June 2016 for $2,225,000, this 3-bedroom, 4-bathroom condo sold for $1,800,000
on April 3.
In Sebastian, the week’s top sale was the residence at 106 Blue Heron Way. First listed in January
for $389,000, this 4-bedroom, 3-bathroom, 2,560-square-foot home sold for $379,900 on April 3.
VERO BEACH 3 ROYAL PALM POINTE UNIT#2-W 6/21/2016 $2,250,000 4/3/2018 $880,000
VERO BEACH 5495 CAMINO REAL LANE 9/6/2017 $899,900 4/2/2018 $460,000
VERO BEACH 5809 PINE RIDGE CIRCLE 1/22/2018 $489,000 4/3/2018 $440,000
VERO BEACH 8155 25TH STREET 2/13/2018 $449,000 4/2/2018 $379,900
SEBASTIAN 106 BLUE HERON WAY 1/17/2018 $389,000 4/3/2018 $295,000
SEBASTIAN 562 PERIWINKLE DRIVE 2/5/2018 $295,000 4/6/2018 $295,000
VERO BEACH 1510 OAK HARBOR BLVD UNIT#104 1/11/2018 $315,000 4/2/2018 $280,000
SEBASTIAN 502 BROWNING TERRACE 1/26/2018 $295,000 4/4/2018 $259,900
VERO BEACH 575 E FOREST TRAIL 1/24/2018 $259,900 4/2/2018 $250,000
VERO BEACH 2415 COMPASS POINT DRIVE 2/12/2018 $255,900 4/5/2018 $250,000
SEBASTIAN 593 BIRCH COURT 12/7/2017 $275,000 4/6/2018 $232,500
VERO BEACH 215 56TH DRIVE SW 2/14/2018 $244,500 4/4/2018 $226,000
VERO BEACH 1788 33RD AVENUE 1/12/2018 $249,000 4/2/2018 $215,000
VERO BEACH 1985 1ST STREET 1/18/2018 $235,000 4/3/2018
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E April 13, 2018 19
5495 Camino Real Lane, Vero Beach 5809 Pine Ridge Circle, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 9/6/2017 Listing Date: 1/22/2018
Original Price: $899,900 Original Price: $489,000
Sold: 4/2/2018 Sold: 4/3/2018
Selling Price: $880,000 Selling Price: $460,000
Listing Agent: Matilde Sorensen Listing Agent: Robbie Berlingieri
Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Billero & Billero
Patty Valdes Robbie Berlingieri
Alex MacWilliam, Inc. Billero & Billero
8155 25th Street, Vero Beach 106 Blue Heron Way, Sebastian
Listing Date: 2/13/2018 Listing Date: 1/17/2018
Original Price: $449,000 Original Price: $389,000
Sold: 4/2/2018 Sold: 4/3/2018
Selling Price: $440,000 Selling Price: $379,900
Listing Agent: Phyllis Horner Listing Agent: Shane Reynolds
Selling Agent: David Walsh & Associates Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Scott Reynolds Scott Reynolds
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
199$ 3DAYS
Coming Up! Piano man: Spotlight on
Flores at Chamber concert PAGE B2
A MÉLANGE OF Adam Schnell.
By Samantha Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]
1 The week is filled with
A concert sure to stir your heart
is set for this Sunday, when the
mighty Rodgers organ of St. John
of the Cross comes alive under
the masterful hands of one of the
Treasure Coast’s most respect-
ed concert organists, Ryan Kas-
ten, St. John’s director of music
ministries. The concert is part
of the church’s Fine Arts Series,
and will include works by Vierne,
Widor, Elgar, Franck and Dupre.
According to allevents.in, Kasten
has performed with the Rock-
ford Symphony Orchestra and
the Bach Chamber Choir and Or-
chestra in Rockford, Illinois; has
presented solo recitals through-
out the U.S.; and debuted at Car-
negie Hall as accompanist for the
Rock-Valley Community Chorale.
The concert begins at 4 p.m. and
is free. 772-584-9744.
B2 April 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE www.veronews.com
Piano man: Spotlight on Flores at Chamber concert
By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer Marcos Flores. While Jose Daniel Flores moved on from performing in concerts there and around
[email protected] his post at Community Church and now leads town. He teaches piano to students from
PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD a large choir in Albany, N.Y., Marcos Flores high school to well into retirement, and to the
It’s been 30 years since Marcos Daniel Flores has stayed – as he promised he would, not young winners of a long-established piano
has performed Saint-Saens’ Concerto No. 2. boards – organ or piano. only leading the very active music program scholarship through Vero Beach Opera.
Both Marcos and Jose Daniel Flores at Christ by the Sea Methodist Church, but
The last time he played it, he was a music “The beautiful thing about Vero is that it’s a
major at the University of Puerto Rico and played at a packed memorial service in Vero. small town and we musicians can create our
his parents were likely in the audience. “They A similar service was held in Puerto Rico, own little world here,” says Flores. “We help
were always so supportive,” he recalls. where Diana’s husband is a well-known re- each other. We all love kids and we want them
tired Baptist minister. to succeed. This creates a sense of unity.”
His performance of the well-known piece
at Sunday’s Vero Beach Chamber Orches- That world of music yields benefits for
tra concert comes at an emotional time for Flores as well. With those contacts, twice a
Flores. It’s been only a few months since he year, at Christmas and Easter, he casts up to
played at a memorial service for his mother 100 people in a choir and orchestra for canta-
Diana. She had survived the eye of Hurri- tas at Christ by the Sea.
cane Maria passing over the family home in
Juncos, Puerto Rico, last fall, when, after ex- What he can’t find locally, he recruits re-
traordinary efforts by her family, she and her gionally. Musicians and vocal soloists drove
husband were evacuated on a mercy flight to from as far away as Stetson University and
Vero Beach. Her first day here – her 80th birth- Miami on the Saturday before Easter to join
day – she saw an oncologist hoping to resume voices recruited from Christ by the Sea as well
the cancer treatment that the hurricane had as church and community choirs, including
interrupted. It all proved too much for her, the Vero Beach Choral Society; Flores spent a
though – she died 10 days after her arrival. year conducting that group as well.
Diana Caraballo-Flores was the matriarch Now, for the first time, Flores is the fea-
of a remarkable family that has woven itself tured soloist with the town’s community or-
into Vero’s classical music scene, with two of chestra. In a concert that wraps up the Vero
her three sons becoming church music direc- Chamber Orchestra’s 10th season, he will
tors here. Diana herself served as judge when, join no fewer than 50 musicians on stage.
over the years, her sons held mock competi- Those performers, conducted by Vero Beach
tions to determine which is king of the key- High’s band director, Page Howell, are di-
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE April 13, 2018 B3
vided evenly between top high school or- you for their dedicated service.” good friends. I arrived in Vero 13 years ago It’s just ambiance.”
chestra members, music professionals and Flores joins a distinguished list of soloists and we’ve been playing together ever since. Fritz, a retired Naval commander (CK), is an-
semi-professionals including teachers and We have always tried to help each other,”
adult amateurs, some of whom have dusted who have played with the orchestra – all of says Flores. other stalwart in the Vero music scene: Along
off their old violins or clarinets from their them with ties to Vero. They include Linda with the community orchestra, he founded
own high school days. Spiwak, a violinist and teacher of 30 years He recalls the time Stott invited him the Indian River public school orchestra pro-
who was assistant concertmaster of the Utica to conduct the high school orchestra in a gram currently run by Stott. It is in the spirit
“What is beautiful to watch is the intergen- Symphony; Michèle Witt, who studied piano Beethoven overture. Flores obliged him by of community that he is donating his time and
erational aspect. We have high school kids at Mannes College of Music and later earned dressing up as Beethoven, with the help of talent to the community orchestra’s concert –
next to college people next to professionals a performance certificate from the Guildhall the costume department of Vero Beach Op- two rehearsals plus the performance, after two
and even retired people. It’s beautiful chem- School of Music and Drama in London (while era. Flores played the role to the max, don- months of practicing on his own.
istry,” says Flores. running the U.S. equities division of Donald- ning a wig and pretending to be deaf when
son, Lufkin and Jenrette); and cellist Joe Loeh- they called him to the podium. The concert takes place 2 p.m. April 15 at
“Our only requirement is that you can play nis, formerly with the Green Bay Symphony the Vero Beach High School Performing Arts
and you can come to rehearsals,” says Tom Orchestra who for a time worked as a golf pro These days, it is his family that pretends Center. And that too is a cause close to Flores’
Fritz, who founded the orchestra with Paul in Vero. He is now earning an MBA at the Uni- not to hear as Flores finally sits down at the heart: His two children have both participated
and Linda Spiwak. versity of Wisconsin. piano at 11 p.m. to practice the Saint-Saens in the school’s music programs. Son Marcus
concerto. “This has been a very challenging plays drums in the school band and daughter
All three had played with Treasure Coast Jacob Craig, who leads the extensive music year to get my regular practice in,” he says. Diana sings in the choir and intends to major
Symphony, a Martin and St. Lucie Coun- program at First Presbyterian Church in Vero, “My family, they don’t even hear the piano. in voice in college next fall.
ty-based community orchestra, and were played harpsicord and piano in two differ-
looking to establish an intergenerational ent concerts with the orchestra. St. Edward’s
orchestra in Vero. The new orchestra would School graduate Eric Willet studied flute in
make classical music “accessible and afford- Vero with Vera Guimaraes before graduating
able to everyone,” Fritz says. Today only a magna cum laude from Yale University in
donation is taken at the door, and that money economics; he is currently working in Los An-
goes to buy the sheet music for the concert, geles. Judi Lampert, who has a master’s in mu-
which then goes into the Vero Beach High sic performance from Illinois State University,
School music department’s permanent li- played flute with the Illinois Symphony for 20
brary. So far, the orchestra has donated an es- years and currently teaches flute at First Pres-
timated $15,000 in music. byterian’s Primo music school.
The orchestra also raises funds to help And finally, Matt Stott, director of the Indian
student musicians travel to larger venues to River County School orchestra program who
play. Last year, it donated $7,900 toward the teaches at both Vero High and Gifford Middle
school orchestra’s trip to Vienna, Austria. “If School. Stott, a violinist, played with Flores in a
we have a particularly successful year, we January concert at Christ by the Sea.
give scholarships to the seniors who have
given their time to play with us, as a thank- “Matt and I are colleagues, but we’re also
B4 April 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE www.veronews.com
Wander and wonder at Attas’ artistic retrospective
By Ellen Fischer | Columnist er, whose largest paintings, some 7 feet tall sure 30 inches by 20 Aric Attas. PHOTOS BY BENJAMIN THACKER
[email protected] and nearly 6 feet wide, overwhelm not only inches; they are hung
their viewers’ sense of scale, but also their in a straight line on the tals bears two etched plates that rest with-
Aric Attas’ retrospective exhibition of emotional composure. For some, tears are a south and east walls of in two empty beakers, a reference to their
photographs, video and recorded sound natural response to the Rothko experience. the gallery. A second transformation through immersion in nitric
succeeds in transforming Raw Space, Vero’s series of these prints in acid. The other pedestal holds a copper plate
downtown alternative cultural venue, into The non-subject matter of Attas’ photo- a 6-by-4-inch format is mounted under a glass dome. The destruc-
a retreat for the seeker of transcendence. “I graphs is as boundless as that of Rothko’s arranged in a spiral con- tive action of the acid, selectively stopped by
want to create a sense of floating and mov- canvases; Attas’ work plays hard to get. figuration in the gal- a resistant coating, left two crescent-shaped
ing through space with my art,” says Attas. lery’s southwest corner. holes in the plate, each rimmed with lacey
It is not just their smaller size; after all, in eye lashes of copper.
On view through April 30, “Ancient/Fu- art as in love, size doesn’t matter to the dev- As for photography,
ture: Exploring the Wonders of the Universe” otee. If Rothko’s largest works were painted Attas got hooked during The mesmerizing quality of those two
includes color digital photos from his cur- to be seen in that modern temple of art – the seventh grade, in a sum- exhibits will cause you to sidle around their
rent A Glimpse of Infinity series. There are museum gallery – Attas’ work is sized to the mer-school program. pedestals for a better look at of the plates in
also photos from 2013’s Seeking the Light, as intimate sanctuary of the home. At that time photogra- all their 3-D glory.
well as a video and soundscape completed in phy involved learning
2015. And there are camera-less photograms The emotional problem with photo darkroom skills, includ- Raw Space is located at 1795 Old Dixie
on paper and metal plates from Attas’ 1996 prints is that their slick surfaces – the result ing how to develop film and paper prints Highway in Vero Beach. The exhibition is open
graduate school thesis show and his 1997 of glossy paper or being shown under glass – with chemicals. Watching an image exposed to the public from Wednesday through Friday
Quantum Fluctuations series tend to add an intellectual coolness to their onto sensitized paper magically appear in from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., and on Saturday from 11
presentation. That reflective layer makes of the developer tray was a revelation to Attas. a.m. to 2 p.m., through April 30. Additionally,
Throughout his fine-art career, Attas has them artifacts to be dutifully viewed rather Although he subsequently earned a B.S. with Attas will give an artist talk there at 6:30 p.m.
continuously returned to the same source for than instigators of experience. It is a form honors in psychology, he turned to commer- Thursday April 26.
inspiration, one that comingles the waters of of crystal gazing: you can remotely experi- cial photography to make a living after grad-
physics and metaphysics, filtered through ence what is going on, but you cannot jump uation. Six years later, he entered graduate
the mysticism of Kabbalah. The study of any into the action. school for the study of photography as a fine
one of those disciplines does not necessarily art, graduating in 1996 with a master’s degree
exclude the other two; all try to or make sense The strong imagery of Attas’ latest series, from Hartford Art School in Connecticut.
of the world, and humanity’s place in it. A Glimpse of Infinity, does overcome the po-
tentially distracting gloss of their surfaces. The current exhibition contains works
The resulting artworks do not compel the Digitally printed on aluminum substrates, from Attas’ graduate thesis show, “Ions in the
viewer’s attention. Instead, they quietly in- the sharply-focused pictures seem to be Ether.” Based on photograms (camera-less
vite it. Attas considers his work to be med- glimpses of starry sky seen through the oc- prints made in the darkroom by selectively
itative rather than descriptive in nature. ulus of a space age dome. Conversely, they exposing sensitized paper to light and devel-
Rather than being a wall on which images also resemble gem-like planets – blue with oping it in chemicals), these include framed
are drawn, each artwork is a door through the promise of life-sustaining atmosphere – photogram prints on paper and free-stand-
which the spiritual pilgrim can pass into a surrounded by a regimented nimbus of stars. ing constructions featuring small photoen-
limitless realm. Varying subtly from one to the next through- graved rectangles of zinc and copper. Of the
out the series, the imagery was inspired by latter, one is displayed float-mounted in a
Attas “very much” uses the images he pro- the idea of the mandala, says Attas. shadow-box frame, while two other others
duces as targets for his own meditative jour- are presented atop pedestals.
ney. On display is an airy blue 40-by-60-inch A mandala (the Sanskrit word for “circle”)
photo from his Seeking the Light series; that is a painting that represents the universe in As photographic objects, the pedes-
work was his meditative go-to place during a Hindu and some Buddhist religious practic- tal-mounted works have great appeal. The
difficult course of medical treatments he un- es. In meditation, gazing upon the concen- undecipherable imagery on the plates were
derwent five years ago. tric lines and repeating patterns and colors deeply etched in an acid bath, and the bas
of a mandala can help a practitioner focus on reliefs on the front of the plates are only part
He mentions the large canvases of painter something other than the disruptions and of their dimensionality. One of the pedes-
Mark Rothko as inspiration for the shifting, worries of everyday life.
amorphous colors Attas used in Seeking the
Light. He admits to a tad of envy of the paint- The 16 photos in Glimpse of Infinity mea-
with 1. Before We Were Yours 1. Red Notice 1. Uni the Unicorn and the Dream
Purchase of THE FATES DIVIDE 2. Beneath a Scarlet Sky 2. I've Been Thinking BY AMY KROUSE ROSENTHAL
serves as admission to the event!
Tickets are available at our check- BY MARK SULLIVAN BY MARIA SHRIVER 2. Wrinkle in Time
out counter or 772.569.2050 3. The Light We Lost 3. Secret Empires BY MADELEINE L'ENGLE
Thursday, April 19th at 7 pm BY JILL SANTOPOLO BY PETER SCHWEIZER 3. Turtles All the Way Down
4. The Great Alone 4. Tiger Woods BY JOHN GREEN
5. The Punishment She 5. Last Hope Island BY ERIN ENTRADA KELLY
BY LYNNE OLSON 5. Dog Man and Cat Kid
PETER GOLDEN 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 | www.verobeachbookcenter.com
A Novel
Atria Books/Simon and Schuster
Monday, April 16th at 11 am
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE April 13, 2018 B5
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 3 Starts April 19. forms Saint-Saens’ “Piano Concerto No. 4 Marcos Flores performs April 15.
2” in the final concert of the Vero Beach
2 A gifted young musician with a “fer- museum’s popular Concerts in the Park se- Chamber Orchestra’s 10th anniversary sea- Fauré, and Mendelssohn’s “Symphony No.
vent love for the trombone,” VBHS ries. On the 19th you can enjoy “spirits,” the son, he won’t be playing just any old piano. 1.” Born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Flores
senior Lance Lunceford will be featured museum says, while listening to live mu- As befitting Saint-Saens’ most popular pia- began studying piano at 16, ultimately
in the Vero Beach Choral Society’s “Songs sic by Don Bestor, amidst “a landscape of no concerto and Flores’ exceptional artist- earning his doctorate at Arizona State Uni-
of the Soul Spring Concert” this Sunday at monumental sculpture, trees and flowers” ry, a 7-foot grand piano will be brought to versity. He has performed in numerous
Community Church of Vero Beach. The So- – that’s three of your five senses right there. the VBHS Performing Arts Center (through venues, including Carnegie Hall, and with
ciety’s Artistic Director Jason Hobratschk Concert time: 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Admission: a partnership with Atlantic Music in Mel- such renowned artists as international op-
describes Lunceford as demonstrating $10 for museum members; $12, general. bourne) specifically for the Sunday, April era diva Deborah Voigt and Pagano himself,
maturity of musicianship, sensitivity in his P.S.: It’s rain or shine. 772-231-0707. 15 performance. Now that’s classy. Flores and as soloist with the Atlantic Symphonic
playing and prodigious technical ability will also perform “Pavane” by Gabriel Orchestra. He currently serves as director
that is “remarkable to see in a young mu- 4 When well-known concert pianist of worship arts for Christ by the Sea United
sician.” These characteristics led to Lunc- and teacher Dr. Marcos Flores per- Methodist Church. The concert begins at 2
eford being awarded the Choral Society’s p.m. Admission is free. 772-562-6125.
annual scholarship, first in a field of 12 out-
standing applicants. “Songs for the Soul”
was composed (but not named) by Mozart
in 1780 for liturgical use in Salzburg. The
second work on the program is the folk
song cycle “The Sprig of Thyme” by John
Rutter. Throughout its existence, the Cho-
ral Society has dedicated itself to enriching
the community through performances and
by providing educational opportunities,
both of which will be clear in this uplifting
spring presentation. Music begins at 4 p.m.
Tickets are $20. 772-494-5011.
3 Jazz galore: On Thursday, April 19,
there will be cool jazz for a warm eve-
ning in, of all places, the Vero Beach Mu-
seum of Art’s Beckwith Sculpture Garden.
Perhaps not where you’d expect a concert,
but that’s precisely where you’ll find the
B6 April 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE www.veronews.com
Relay for Lifers raise $91K and run circles around cancer
By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer Roughly 60 teams and 500 people laced
[email protected] up for the community-based effort to raise
more than $91,000, celebrate cancer survi-
The Citrus Bowl at Vero Beach High vors and honor those lost.
School glowed with hope last Friday night
during the 22nd annual Relay for Life Indian “Tonight we relay for everyone touched
River, with proceeds supporting American by cancer, and we are going to continue that
Cancer Society research and patient care fight,” said emcee Chelsea Rose, 93.7 GYL.
programs. “The American Cancer Society Relay for Life
represents the hope that those lost to cancer
This was one of the biggest relays held in will never be forgotten and those who face
the county, according to Jenny Davis, ACS cancer will be supported, and one day can-
community development manager, the re- cer will be eliminated.”
sult of merging the Beaches, North County
and Indian River relays. Rose shared that statistically, one in
Robert Kirrie and Theresa Woodson. Nalani Keen and Kawena Keen.
Michael Hyde. PHOTOS: STEPHANIE LABAFF Jeremy Schwibner and Dr. Jenna Schwibner with son Ari.
three people will be diagnosed with cancer of the relay. Then, to make things more ex-
during their lifetime. And, while two out citing, team members played a variety of
of three are now surviving, she added, “It’s games as they took turns circling the track.
amazing, but not enough. We have to finish Games included tossing beach balls, Red
the fight.” Light/Green Light, a FitBit Challenge and
even a poker lap with individuals earning
Bagpiper Michael Hyde blessed the track playing cards toward winning hands. Vari-
before the opening ceremony and later, ous other games kept everyone amused off
during the Luminaria Ceremony, shared his the track as well.
personal experience as a survivor. Each light
along the track offered a beacon of hope and Theresa Woodson, ACS senior market-
represented a life: survivors, those battling ing manager, said Vero Beach High School
the disease and lives lost to cancer. students really stepped up this year, giving
manicures on the sidelines, donating pro-
Nicole Grice-Noll, event leader, addressed ceeds from the business students’ Coffee
survivors, family members and caregivers, Bean enterprise from the week prior to the
saying “we are all here for the same reason, relay, and having ROTC students organize
to finish the fight against cancer. By walk- the HOPE message spelled out in lights in
ing this track, you are joining forces with the stadium.
millions of people worldwide who want to
save lives.” As the clock struck midnight, relay par-
ticipants packed up and headed home with
Survivors, cheered on by family members a renewed resolve to aid in the fight against
and caregivers, kicked off the celebration of cancer.
life and hope with a victory lap at the start
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE April 13, 2018 B7
Maureen Leu and Mary Helen Sullivan. Laurie Hoover, Beth Dunton, Emily Addis, Lisa Segroves, Steve Wert and Kim Garcia.
Patti Martin, Pilar Rose and Camille Yates. Ron Gunnarson, Darby Dickerson and Simon Caldecott. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE B8
Anita Henggeler, Jennifer Howell and Carol Franz.
B8 April 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE www.veronews.com
Jennifer Quach, Esther Cadet and Isis LeTolbert.
Expires 04-20-18 Sandi Goding, Lori Veber, Lin Reading, Donna Noel and Lynn McIntosh.
Expires 04-20-18 Karen Barbato, Brandy Hisle and Cindy Creech.
Expires 04-20-18
Michal Pollack with Dan and Mindy Pollack.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SPORTS April 13, 2018 B9
Vero tennis is well served by Hurricane Impact Doors
coach Van Deinse’s expertise & Impact Glass,
We Have It All!
By Ron Holub | Correspondent
[email protected] SES coach Joseph Van Deinse and VBHS coach
James and Joseph Van Deinse arrived in
Florida two years ago when the Van Deinse
family purchased the Vero Beach Tennis &
Fitness Club at Timber Ridge. Already estab-
lished as professional tennis coaches work-
ing primarily with high school prospects in
Traverse City, Michigan, the brothers sought
to carve out the same niche here.
Trey Olmstead, Eric McCann and Kendall Schlitt.
Last week in an exhibition match between the boys and hoping to make a run at states. Transform Your Existing Door from
Vero Beach High School and St. Ed’s at Tim- There are a lot of good schools with top- Boring to Beautiful!
ber Ridge, the planets aligned perfectly and notch players out there, but we feel we can
the ultimate dream for both became a reality compete at that level. We are undefeated ■ Glass patterns for every style & budget
in Disney-like fashion. against district teams and have put up a lot ■ Customize to your style
of zeros against them. So I feel like we are go- ■ Impact Glass & Impact Doors
James, 27, took over as head coach at ing to make it through districts comfortably. ■ Wood Interior/Exterior Doors
VBHS at the beginning of this season. Jo- We should do well, but you never know how ■ Fiberglass Doors
seph, 29, became the head coach at St. Ed’s players play from one day to the next.” ■ Patio & Sliding Glass Doors
just a day before the crosstown match when ■ Framed/Frameless Shower Units
Francisco “Paco” Munoz relinquished the The ideal boys lineup one through five is ■ Etching
position for the remainder of the season for Trey Olmstead, Sebastian Mendoza, Eric Mc- ■ Schlage Hardware
medical reasons. Cann, Drew Bochte and Manasseh Suranof- ■ Mirror Wraps
sky. Sam Weinstein, Jariel Evaristo and Harlie
“It was a last-minute type thing,” James Hillary are prepared to move up if needed. Regency Square
Van Deinse said about becoming VBHS
coach. “Brad (Tulenko) had the job before, On the other hand, the girls are progress- 2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart • Licensed & Insured
but when he left I took the position as quick- ing through the early stages. Van Deinse is
ly as I could. I was very excited to do it. optimistic about their future based on what 772.463.6500
he has seen so far this year.
“Joseph and I wanted to get into the high
schools here because we had coached a lot “It’s a rebuilding year for the girls. A lot of
at that level in Traverse City. We basically them are new and they’ve all done a good
coached all of the kids who were on high job. The improvement that they’ve made
school teams in that area, and we thought it since the beginning of the year is actually
would be a nice step up for both of us to be greater than that of the boys. So the girls get
able to coach actual high school teams here the most improved award. Next year they are
in Vero Beach.” going to step up and start winning matches
for us.”
On one gorgeous, sunny afternoon last
week it all came together. The official scores The girls go one through seven with McK-
were 7-0 in favor of the VBHS boys, and 7-0 in ayla Sattler, Kendall Schlitt, Adela Rodriguez,
favor of the St. Ed’s girls. We will call it a draw. Sarah Wolf, Loren Dombroski, Isabell Poulit-
sas and Amy Vasquez.
The postseason is the next challenge, and
the Vero boys are the clear favorites in the “Working with this group of kids is incred-
district tournament next week at Melbourne ibly fun. My brother and I have only been
High School. here for two years, and a lot of these players,
especially the boys, want to play in college.
“This season is going really well,” Van If they are truly interested in transitioning to
Deinse said. “First of all it was a very smooth that level – that’s what I really enjoy doing as
transition. The kids have been great. The a coach.
boys in particular are about as strong as you
can get. They are going to be very compet- “Joseph and I still compete at the profes-
itive at the state level. We have a very deep sional level, so when we watch these kids, we
lineup with all five of our boys. Our only loss know what they are going through. We can
so far has been to Freedom High School. relate. We can feel what they are feeling. It
helps when you are able to do that.”
“So we are anticipating good things from
B10 April 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
Capt’n Butcher’s: View hasn’t changed, but food has
By TIna Rondeau | Columnist Blackened Mahi BLT. Stuffed Portobello
[email protected] Sandwich.
Lobster Bisque.
A year and a half after it closed, Capt’n I welcome your comments, and encour-
Butcher’s is back – sort of. Capt’n age you to send feedback to me at tina@
Calamari. verobeach32963.com.
We were pretty excited when we heard
that our favorite spot for dining al fresco Alas, these all have disappeared. The and it was accompanied by wonderful large The reviewer dines anonymously at
on the Indian River waterfront in Sebas- clams, we were told, had been taken off French fries! restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
tian was once again open. the menu because “we couldn’t get good 32963.
ones.” And the lobster rolls are “not com- So what to make of all this? Well, forget
But it’s under new ownership, the menu ing back for different reasons.” the old Capt’n Butcher’s. This is a totally Hours:
is totally changed, and the food is uneven – new restaurant – run by a group that has Daily from 11 am to 9 pm
some dishes very, very good, some . . . well, In any event, my husband started with a couple of restaurants up north of Mel-
not so good. Only the view is the same. the lobster bisque ($6). Out came a half- bourne in Rockledge – which has kept the Beverages: Full Bar
filled cup of a gummy substance more like a old name, but has its own approach to Address:
On a recent warm evening, we arrived pudding than a soup (but in fairness, cheer- food.
shortly after 7:30, and told the host that we fully taken off the bill). The stuffed porto- 1732 Indian River Drive,
would like to dine on the outside deck. bello sandwich ($13) I finally chose was rel- The old dishes that many loved are gone. Sebastian
atively tasteless. Will we become more enthusiastic about Phone:
While there was a table free next to wa- their replacements? All we can say for the
ter – where you can watch the fishing boats But on the other hand, my husband’s moment is Capt’n Butcher’s is still a beautiful 772-918-4229
coming in and out of the marina – the host blackened mahi BLT ($16) was excellent – spot for al fresco dining.
showed us to a not-so-charming table on
the path to the dock.
When we demurred, he grudgingly
agreed to clear the dishes from the empty
table, and a couple of minutes later, hand-
ed us menus and said, “You can go over
This less-than-inviting start was off-
set by the arrival of veteran server
Misty, who was both cheerful
and attentive. Misty quickly
took our drink order, and
we decided to start with the
fried calamari ($11), served
here with pickled aspara-
gus and onions.
While the dish was crisp
and crunchy, it unfortunately
consisted largely of flash-fried
breading. I can’t recall seeing as
few calamari in a squid appetizer.
Next, I ordered a Caesar salad ($6)
and my husband decided to try the New
England clam chowder ($6), which he
remembered quite fondly from the old
Capt’n Butchers. This clam chowder was
a different story – more, my husband said,
like potato soup. As for my salad, it was
heavily drizzled with a dark balsamic – not
exactly what I was expecting in a Caesar.
Then for entrées, I opted for the shrimp
and grits ($24) and my husband decided to
go with the fish of the day, swordfish ($21).
The shrimp sautéed in redeye gravy
were served with cheese garlic grits topped
with rendered bacon and chives. This was
a great dish, the shrimp well prepared and
the sauce very tasty. My husband’s grilled
swordfish was a nice piece of fish, accom-
panied by rice and asparagus.
For dessert, we shared a slice of a house-
made cheesecake ($8).
Our dinner for two with a modest bottle
of wine came to $105, before tax and tip.
A few days later, we returned for a Satur-
day lunch, nursing memories of lunching
on the old Capt’n Butcher’s steamed clams,
lobster rolls, and fried shrimp and oyster Po
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING April 13, 2018 B11
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING April 13, 2018 B13
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B14 April 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING April 13, 2018 B15
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Open Tues-Fri 11am-8pm, Sat 12-8pm 40 43rd Ave Vero Beach 32968
B16 April 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES www.veronews.com
1 Pile fabric (5) 1 Vehicles (7)
4 Conservative (4) 2 Be in control (4,3,5)
8 Everything (3) 3 Period of time (4)
9 Carpet town in Devon (9) 4 Hoyden (6)
10 Destiny (4) 5 Try to escape (3,3,2)
11 Sledge (8) 6 Aside (5,7)
12 Shy (3) 7 Grain refuse (4)
13 In good spirits (6) 11 Plaything (3)
14 Tepee (6) 12 Campaigner (8)
16 Posed (3) 14 Jocular person (3)
17 Journey over water (8) 15 Communication (7)
18 Prejudice (4) 16 Supercilious (6)
20 US edition (anag.) (6,3) 17 Receipt (4)
21 Pulse (3) 19 Stump (4)
22 Host (4)
The Telegraph 23 Narrow boat (5)
How to do Sudoku:The Telegraph
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES April 13, 2018 B17
ACROSS 77 Morgue content 17 One of Stalin’s in Mexico
1 Intolerance 79 “The music is secret forces 95 Scores high on
director ___; let them 18 Expensive an assignment
11 “___ a white play” (Shak.) failures 99 Underdog wins
81 H’s is 1.00794 103 Helium adjective
powder ... ” (A. 85 Naumachy 21 Once-secret 106 “I did it, and
Conan Doyle) setting flying wing
19 Halting words 86 British-battling ___ you!”
20 Watchmaker Bantu 22 Having left a will 109 Dancer
23 Some perform 88 Indicator 30 In the style of To
without nets 90 Bert and John Nazimova
24 Get rid of human 92 Bush was one a Skylark, e.g. 111 Knobby part
bondage 94 Consarned 32 Tax anew 112 No. 2 in the lab
25 Ruby and rose 96 Delaware Indian 34 I love, to Livy 113 Collections
26 Horne and Olin 97 Heavens 37 Dresden donkey 116 She’ll treat your
27 Have ___ mind 98 Nom ___ 39 Laine and Moore
to 100 God or gastropod 40 Necessary to life creature
28 Cleanser-label 101 Milnes milieu 42 Zygote 118 Three or four,
list 102 Lace
29 Chilly river 104 FedEx rival precursors approx.
chunks 105 Pronoun 48 Counsel, old-
31 Any guy, to Sen. 107 Bergen dummy The Washington Post
Claghorn 108 Virginia willow style
32 Kurosawa’s King 110 Nursemaids 50 Pro ___ WORD BUILDING By Merl Reagle
Lear 112 Lhasa ___ 52 Royal sport
33 Equality letters 114 Eye invader 55 Closet-clearing
35 Pharaoh’s pet 115 Like a certain
36 “___ cute?” scale event
(Mom’s query) 117 Any compact, 57 Genus of marine
38 Efforts that get easily stored item
compliments 119 Dressed down skates
41 Spondulix 120 Six years, in D.C. 58 Rabbit keepers
43 Old cars 121 Sleep on it 59 “___ know you?”
44 Jethro ___ 122 Crossing 61 “Time ___ the
45 Face of Caesar
46 Speedy Steve of DOWN essence”
the 1980s 1 Causing to look 63 Cell dweller
47 Marathon, e.g. 64 Be indecisive
49 Come together small
51 Drawn Alley 2 Turns, often in about
53 Tennis great 65 Super “scoopers”
54 Dodgers owner anger 66 McKinley et al.:
and mover 3 He’s Sting
56 Get too big for 4 Risk more, in a abbr.
one’s britches? 68 Bovary, Butterfly,
59 Actress Irene way
60 Noted 5 Snit intro et al.
Dogpatcher 6 Plummeted 70 Blockhead
62 William Dean 7 Certain buzzers 73 Namely, in Latin:
Howells’s The 8 “___ rien appris”
Rise of Silas ___ abbr.
67 Eschewers of (“They have 74 Escapes
seconds learned nothing”) 75 Of tissue
69 Wrong (Talleyrand) 78 Anti-crabgrass
71 Start of an Eden 9 Aircraft metal
series 10 Dame Myra product
72 Mesh, or part of 11 Uris opus 80 Thaw
a bird 12 Anastasia’s last 81 Loser to Herbert
76 Returns from the name
dead 13 Sea that’s a lake Hoover
14 Edward the ___ 82 Second-try
15 Blind MacGyver
actor Dana words
16 “___ lied” 83 Common shade
84 Italian 3
87 One who opens
by tearing (from
the “flammable /
school of
dictionary words)
89 “O ye gods, ___
worthy” (Shak.)
91 Fancy plane
93 Lizards for lunch,
The Telegraph Sturgis Lumber
Hardware Store & Lumber Yard
62 years Family Owned and Operated
4645 US-1 • (772) 562-4171
B18 April 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES www.veronews.com
Q 10 3 98654 J
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist KQJ92 A7 10 8 3
J 10 5 743 A96
You probably have a copy of “25 Bridge Conventions You Should Know” by Barbara J3 972 K Q 10 8 6 5
Seagram and Marc Smith. Now comes a companion book, “Practice Makes Perfect”
by Seagram and David Bird (Master Point Press). In each of the 25 chapters, you get a SOUTH
précis of the convention followed by four instructive deals showing that convention in AK72
action. (It is a pity that each deal isn’t set as a 26-card problem first, but then the book 654
would be huge.) KQ82
In this deal, how should South plan the play in three spades after West leads the heart
king? Dealer: South; Vulnerable: East-West
North used a transfer bid, showing five-plus spades and at least zero points! I think The Bidding:
South should have rebid three spades, a superaccept showing four-card support, a
doubleton somewhere and an excellent hand for play in spades. SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
1 NT Pass 2 Hearts Pass
Given the 3-1 spade break, the dummy (the long-trump hand) has six potential losers: 2 Spades Pass Pass 3 Clubs LEAD:
one spade, one heart, two diamonds and two clubs. One of North’s clubs can be ruffed 3 Spades Pass Pass Pass King Hearts
in the South hand, so declarer needs to find East with the diamond ace.
After winning with dummy’s heart ace, South should lead a diamond toward his hand.
Assuming East ducks, declarer wins with his king, takes his top trumps and returns a
heart. West wins, cashes the spade queen and shifts to the club jack, but South wins
with his ace, ruffs his last heart on the board and leads a second diamond toward his
hand to get home.
Master Point Press books are usually available in printed and PDF editions, the latter
being a tad cheaper.
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR April 13, 2018 B19
ONGOING 15 Jackie Robinson Celebration Game
between St. Lucie Mets and Duned-
Riverside Theatre - Mamma Mia featuring in Blue Jays at Historic Dodgertown’s Holman
the music of ABBA, on the Stark Stage thru April Stadium to benefit United Way of Indian River
29. 772-231-6990 County. Gates open at 11:40; ceremony at 1
p.m. and game at 1:40 p.m. $8 at Dodgertown.
Vero Beach Museum of Art - Medieval To April 15 | Jackie Robinson Celebration Game between St. Lucie Mets and Dunedin Blue Jays 15 Vero Beach Chamber Orchestra 10th
Metal: The Art & Evolution of the Guitar thru Anniversary Closing Concert, 2 p.m. at
May 6, Paul Outerbridge: New Color Photo- Noon to 4 p.m. Sun. at McKee Botanical Garden generational Recreation Center, with Science, Vero Beach High School PAC, featuring Marcos
graphs from Mexico and California, 1948-1955 - replicas of Union Pacific’s Big Boy and Norfolk Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math hands- Flores performing Saint-Saens’ Piano Concerto
thru June 3 and Shadow & Light: The Etchings and Western’s Y6B trains presented by the HO on experiences, demos and activities for K-12 No. 2. Donations appreciated. 772-562-6125
of Martin Lewis thru May 13. Group. Standard admission. 772-794-0601 students and families. $5.
15 Laura (Riding) Jackson presents Voices:
French Film Festival at and around FIT’s Foo- 14 Treasure Coast Jazz Society presents 14 Freedom Fund Banquet hosted by IRC Beyond Water and Walls at Poetry & BBQ
saner Art Museum - 2 screenings/week at Foo- the Vero Beach High School Jazz Trio at NAACP, 6:30 p.m. at Gifford Commu- 2018, 3 p.m. at LRJ historic home on ELC campus
saner thru April 21. 321-674-8916 11:30 a.m. followed by the John DePaola Quin- nity Center, with guest speaker Rev. Gil Ford and with featured poets Naomi Shihab Nye, Analicia
tet at 12:30 p.m. at The Plaza. 772-234-4600 music by James Broxton. $45. 404-771-3575 Sotelo and Peggy Ann Tartt. 772-569-6718
Environmental Learning Center – Lagoon
Tour d’Art exhibit; award winners from Sebas- 14 Inaugural Oyster Shell Tossing Cham- 14|15 Indian River Nautical Flea 15 Concert by organist Ryan Kasten, di-
tian River Art Club Beautiful Lagoon Fine Art pionship, 9 a.m. on the beach at Sex- Market and Fishing Show, rector of music ministries, 4 p.m. at St.
Show, thru May 10; opening reception 5 p.m. ton Plaza to benefit Oceanside Rotary Club with 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Indian River Fairgrounds. FL- John of the Cross, performing works by Vierne,
April 13. 772-581-8281 live music, and food available for purchase. NauticalFleaMarket.com Widor, Elgar, Franck and Dupré. Free will offer-
Contestants must be 18 or older; cash prizes. ing. 772-584-9744
APRIL $20 advance entry; $25 on-site. 772 299-1383 15 Chimpathon 16K Walk/Run takes
runners through 150-acre Save the 15 Indian River Symphonic Association
12 VNA Caregiver Conference, 9 a.m. at First 14 Indian River STEAM Fest 2018 hosted Chimps Sanctuary, home to roughly 250 res- presents Maestro Christopher Confes-
Presbyterian Church spotlighting health- by IRC Rec. Dept., 10 a.m. at Inter- cued chimpanzees. 772-429-2225 sore and the Brevard Symphony Orchestra, with
care and human services available in our commu- soloist Bharat Chandra performing Mozart’s
nity. Free but RSVP required. 772-978-5515 Clarinet Concerto, 7:30 p.m. at Vero Beach
Community Church. 772 778-1070
12 Wine and Wickets, 5 p.m. at John’s
Island West Course Croquet Lawn to 16 Vero Beach High School Performing
benefit Education Foundation of IRC; instruc- Arts Dept. presents Symphonic Band
tion (4:30 p.m.) and equipment provided. $100. Masterpieces, featuring Symphonic Philhar-
772-564-0034 monic and Symphonic Concert bands, 7 p.m. at
VBHS PAC. 772-564-5497
12 Mint Juleps & Big Hats Cocktail Party
and Auction, 7 p.m. at Courthouse 18 Law Enforcement Torch Run for Spe-
Executive Center to benefit Indian River County cial Olympics Florida, 10 a.m. start at
4-H Foundation, with appetizers and open bar,
entertainment, raffle, silent and live auctions. Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
$50. 772-226-4330 in April 6, 2018 Edition 1 LOW 2 LUPIN
12 Vero Beach High School Performing 5 BERET 3 GULL
Arts Dept. presents Petite Master- 8 PERIL 4 NIPPER
pieces Chamber Concert, 7 p.m. at VBHS PAC. 9 PARAGON 5 BARBECUE
772-564-5497 10 NAIL 6 REGAL
13 Sebastian River Area Chamber of 13 CARTEL 12 SEDATIVE
Commerce Concerts in the Park pres- 14 BUBBLY 13 CHASSIS
ents Ladies of Soul & the L.O.S. Band, 5:30 to 8 17 ALLIANCE 15 BUOYANT
p.m. at Riverview Park. Free. 772-589-5969 19 HOOT 16 SCHEME
25 END
26 TIN
13-15 HO Model Train Display, 10 Sudoku Page B16 Sudoku Page B17 Crossword Page B16 Crossword Page B17 (LEAVE US OUT OF THIS!)
a.m. to 4 p.m. Fri. & Sat.;
Our directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the community an opportunity to make themselves known to our readers at an affordable cost.
This is the only business directory mailed each week during season. If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753.
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B20 April 13, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR www.veronews.com
Publix CR 510/512, ending with free BBQ at Se- cluding with a ‘Red Carpet’ award ceremony to
bastian Boys and Girls Club at Friendship Park. benefit Wheels & Keels Foundation, supporting
772-978-6142 local charities. 772-559-9758
18 Junior League of Indian River Woman April 21 & 22 | The Blue Angels highlight the Vero Beach Air Show 21 ELC EcoTalks Speaker Series: Dolphin
of the Year Luncheon, 11:30 a.m. at Rescue on the Indian River Lagoon, 11
the Moorings Yacht and Country Club honoring, Beatles, BeeGees and Beach Boys, 7 p.m. at to benefit Mardy Fish Children’s Foundation, a.m. at Environmental Learning Center. discov-
Civic/Non Profit, Rising Star, Business and Vol- First Presbyterian Church. 772-569-0760 which funds local after-school programs. $10 erELC.org
unteer nominees. $100. to $100; children 18 and under free. Tennisver-
20 A Decade of Dancing, celebrating obeach.com 21|22 The Blue Angels highlight
19 Concerts in the Park: Don Bestor, 5 to 10th anniversary of Healthy Start Co- the Vero Beach Air Show
7 p.m. at Vero Beach Museum of Art. alition’s Dancing with Vero’s Stars, 5:30 p.m. at 21 Fairy & Pirate Festival, 10 a.m. to 1 at the Vero Beach Regional Airport to benefit
$10 & $12. 772-231-0707 IRC Intergenerational Center, with silent auc- p.m. at McKee Botanical Garden – the Veteran’s Council of Indian River and the
tion, refreshments, music and mingling with children wonderland with treasure hunts, fairy Vero Beach, Treasure Coast and Indian River Ex-
19 Starlight and Sneakers to benefit The Vero’s Stars alumni and current dancers. Free. houses, crafts and games. Standard admission. change Clubs. VeroAirShow.com
Arc of Indian River County, 6 p.m. at 772-563-9118 772-794-0601
Rock City Gardens with cocktails, dinner and 22 Space Coast Symphony presents
dancing under the stars to Gypsy Lane Band. 20-29 Mardy Fish Children’s 21 Wheels & Keels at The Moorings Yacht world premiere of Christopher Mar-
$175. 772-584-9511 Foundation Tennis Cham- and Country Club, featuring cars, shall’s “Transcending” for trumpet and strings
pionships at Grand Harbor Golf & Beach Club boats and motorcycles, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., con- featuring trumpeter Louis Miguel Araya,
19 Coastal Conservation Association plus Tchaikovsky’s “Romeo and Juliet” and
Treasure Coast Banquet, 6 p.m. at Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade, 3 p.m. at
Intergenerational Recreation Center, with Ve- Vero Beach High School PAC. 855-252-7276
gas-style games, auctions and raffles, cocktails
and dinner. $110, includes CCA membership. 25 Doug Berky, Large Mask Storyteller,
904-982-4144 uses costumes, mime and music to
weave entertaining tales for children, 6:30 p.m.
19 A Night of Hope, Salvation Army an- at Vero Beach Museum of Art Leonhardt Audi-
nual Benefit Dinner, 6:30 p.m. at First torium to benefit Gifford Youth Achievement
Presbyterian Church with guest speaker Os- Center educational programs. $10. 772-794-
car Roan, retired Cleveland Brown NFL player. 1005
772.978.0265 Ext 104
27 Main Street Vero Beach’s Downtown
19 Senior Resource Association Silver Friday Street Party, 6 to 9 p.m. on 14th
Tones Spring Concert, The Three B’s: Avenue. Free. 772-643-6782
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