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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2021-06-03 01:29:59

06/03/2021 ISSUE 22


Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 3, 2021 51




Question: What exactly is Salmonella
and how can I avoid it?

Salmonella bacteria are microscopic ards. About 90 percent of reptiles carry
living creatures that spread from the salmonella. Many young birds carry
feces of people or animals. Salmonella Salmonella bacteria in their feces.
can be found in raw poultry, eggs, beef
and unwashed produce. But any food How can you prevent getting infect-
can become contaminated. Salmonella ed by Salmonella? Here are some tips:
is the most common cause of food-
borne illness in the United States.  Don’t eat undercooked eggs, poul-
try or meat.
Salmonellosis is an infection of
the intestinal tract from the bacteria.  Always wash your hands with warm
Symptoms of the infection, which usu- soapy water for 20 seconds after using
ally last four days to a week, include di- the bathroom, holding pets (especially
arrhea, abdominal cramps, fever and reptiles), handling uncooked foods
headache. or utensils used on these foods, and
touching any feces.
Salmonellosis can be more serious in
the elderly, infants and those with im-  Wash utensils, cutting boards,
paired immune systems. Typhoid fever, dishes and countertops after preparing
a more serious disease caused by Sal- each food item.
monella, frequently occurs in develop-
ing countries.  Use one cutting board for fresh pro-
duce and a separate one for raw meat,
Most people who get infected don’t poultry and seafood.
need treatment. However, if Salmonella
germs get into your bloodstream, they  Use disposable paper towels to
can be lethal. When this occurs, antibi- clean kitchen surfaces. If you use cloth
otics are used to treat the condition. towels, wash them often in the hot cycle
of your washing machine.
Seek medical attention if you develop
diarrhea that doesn’t clear within sev-  Avoid foods that may contain raw
eral days. Other symptoms that require eggs such as some salad dressings,
a healthcare provider are blood in your homemade ice cream or mayonnaise,
stool, severe vomiting, abdominal pain cookie dough and frostings.
or dehydration.
 Keep eggs refrigerated below 41 °F.
In some persons, the diarrhea may Discard cracked or dirty eggs.
be so severe that the patient needs to
be hospitalized for rehydration with in-  Cook eggs thoroughly and eat them
travenous fluids. In these patients, the promptly. Undercooked egg whites and
Salmonella infection may spread from yolks have been associated with Salmo-
the intestines to the blood stream, and nella infections.
then to other body sites and can cause
death unless the person is treated  Cook your hamburgers so there is
promptly with antibiotics. no pink in the middle.

A small number of Salmonella vic-  Wash all produce thoroughly.
tims develop joint pain, eye irritation  Isolate raw meat, poultry and sea-
and painful urination. This is called food from other foods.
Reiter’s syndrome. It can persist for  Freeze or refrigerate food promptly.
years and lead to chronic arthritis. Freezers should register 0 °F or below
and refrigerators 40 °F or below.
Salmonella germs in feces remain  Thaw and marinate foods in the re-
highly contagious. These germs are frigerator. Foods should not be thawed
usually transmitted to humans by eat- at room temperature. Foods thawed in
ing foods contaminated with feces. A the microwave or in cold water must
common cause for salmonellosis is a be cooked to a safe minimum internal
food handler who did not wash with temperature before refrigerating.
soap after using the bathroom.  Don’t pack the refrigerator so that
air can’t circulate in it. 
You also can get a Salmonella infec-
tion after handling pets, particularly
reptiles such as snakes, turtles and liz-

52 Vero Beach 32963 / June 3, 2021 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

The new rules of looking fabulous at 50

BY LISA ARMSTRONG to Nicole Kidman of New York. What-
The Telegraph ever floats your boat.

Do I think there should be no laws Does that mean I didn’t set some
about dressing, whatever your age? ground rules for myself when I hit the
Yes. It’s terrific that there’s now a big 50? It does not.
spectrum of 40-, 50- and 60-some-
things to emulate from Mare of East- For starters I raised my grooming
town (although isn’t Kate Winslet game. At 30 and 40 you can get away
playing her as a bit of a depressive?) with bad dye jobs, raggedy cuts and
hangovers. At 50, you need to get
that beauty sleep in (easier said than
done, but breathing exercises and

50 is the new 50

podcasts help). Also advisable: find- the items you know and trust. Read
ing the best hairdresser in town. If the fashion pages (I would say that,
you spend on nothing else, lavish the but I really believe it) to understand
budget on your hair – and your teeth. how something as seemingly immu-
Whitening, invisible braces – they’re table as an Argyle knit evolves. Mix
all accessible and make a huge dif- your favorite staples with something
ference to self-confidence. Oh, and that pushes the boundaries– a pleat-
great supportive underwear. ed skirt with a big sleeved top or flat-
forms for instance.
Some women pride themselves on
a laissez-faire approach to preening. On the subject of shoes, there’s a
It’s a hang up from when self-main- thesis to be written. They can kill an
tenance was synonymous with van- outfit or transform it. Suffice to say
ity. Ditch it. Weirdly, chipped nail that if you’re wearing a pretty, ever-
polish and last night’s makeup can green tea dress, try to avoid kitten
look a bit try hard – as if you’re des- heels and go for something less pre-
perate to pass as a Gen Y-er. Noth- dictable such as some quilted leather
ing’s more aging than not accepting sandals, ankle boots or plimsolls.
what you are.
Will you spend more on items than
Farewell then, proper grunge and you used to – sometimes, but you’ll
faux-festival vibes. You can still do buy far fewer of them because you
boho. In fact you can do elements of know what works.
everything – vintage, punk, kooky –
but it has to look polished. Cutesy and We’re blessed with a certain admi-
frumpy should be banished. They’re ration for non-conformity – and we
not ironic in your 50s. They’re What- should cherish and flex our freedom.
ever Happened to Baby Jane? Admittedly it’s easy to get confused by
all the options. But work out your own
You also need to beware of that pathway, be open to new directions
great fashion grail – classic. It’s good and prepare for a more entertaining
in principle, but easily tips into unad- sartorial ride than any previous gen-
venturous and boring. Try to update eration had. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / June 3, 2021 53

Forget underdone style: It’s time to become an overdresser

The Telegraph

Until midway through jacket from The Fold, high-waisted
2020, my approach to wide-legged trousers, pearls in all
dressing was, ‘If in doubt, go shapes and guises, and velvet shoes.
for the underdone look.’ Here’s the caveat, though: absolutely
nothing uncomfortable.
Of course it was. In north-
ern European culture, under- I’m hardly an outlier in this. Sales
done is cool. Underdressing of glammy items are leaping. “We’re
means no one’s ever go- finding our customers really want to
ing to say, ‘Ooh! Don’t dress up again, even if it’s just lunch
you look smart,’ with a friend,” says Alison Loehnis,
a double-edged president of Net-a-Porter. “Whereas
comment that before they’d maybe wear jeans and a
always sent me blazer, now they go for a tiered skirt or
into a tizzy. What a decorative dress.”
did that inflec-
tion on the ‘ooh’ OK. Phew. We’re not talking feathers
mean? Did it imply or sequins – although if they’re your
I was overstepping thing, now is your time. But we are
an invisible mark? Or seeing the rise and rise of the glammy
I was a hick who never quite hit dress. Not to be confused with last
on the right tone? Who wants year’s voluminous ‘granny’ dresses
to be ‘smart ‘in the first place? (not that any grandmother I knew
seemed keen to embrace a shapeless
Underdressing meant that tent), these dresses are loose, but de-
you were never going to be that fined at the waist and look great with
person who turned up at a belts. The choice of patterns and col-
party in a cocktail dress ors is huge. John Lewis & Partners has
when everyone else was just launched an exclusive collabora-
wearing jeans. Magazines tion with La Galeria Elefante that’s
fueled the insecurity. Remember full of flattering 24/7 glammy dresses
their make-unders? They’d find a that conjure up the spirit of Ibiza –
woman – it was always a woman even if we can’t get there. 
– with frazzled hair left over from
the “Dynasty” years, with overenthu-
siastically applied Kardashian-style
makeup and a magenta skin-tight
dress and turn her into an approxi-
mation of Gwyneth Paltrow.

This is all fine and dandy if you are
Gwyneth Paltrow. Or even if you’re
not, but underdressing gives you a
kick. Some women really suit it. But
it’s not for everyone and if there’s
one thing we’ve realized in the past
14 months, it’s the power of a ruffle,
of pink, of sequins and all that other
jazz, to alter your mood.

So I’m dressing up more, not less,
these days. It started a couple of
months into the pandemic when I re-
alized that staying in my workout leg-
gings all day just wasn’t doing it for me
– no matter how pretty the top I wore
was. So even though 95 percent of the
people I interacted with only saw me
from the waist up, I had to dress all the
way down to my feet – and aimed for
a vibe that combined “The Pursuit of
Love”-style tea dresses and bias-cut
skirts with soft tailoring.

The pieces that most lifted my spir-
its became the ‘glammies’ and includ-
ed silky blouses in my favorite colors
(sky blue and, yes, pink), a cardigan-

54 Vero Beach 32963 / June 3, 2021 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

6 things you probably wear if you’re a ‘geriatric millennial’

BY TAMARA ABRAHAM for one of my friends, who, at 5 feet, 2 My favorites have been worn to work,
inches, knows a boyfriend blazer will weddings, glam birthday dinners and
The Telegraph drown her petite frame, but she wears casual lunches. Use footwear and ac-
her high-waist, barrel-leg jeans on a cessories to dress them up or down as
Don’t be offended – it’s actually a near-daily basis. In style terms, the and when you need.
good thing. GM bridges the gap between classic
and trendy. Great-fitting jeans
Demographic analysts really know Whatever fruit your body shape has
how to hit us where it hurts, don’t they? There may be elements of geriatric been likened to, the right pair of jeans
Hot on the heels of ‘cheugy,’ a term millennial style that appear ‘cheugy’ has the power to make you look and
popularized on TikTok to describe a to the TikTok crowd (Gucci belts, de- feel a million dollars. By your late 30s,
“slightly off-trend” millennial, comes signer sneakers and denim jackets you know the brands that work for you
the ‘geriatric millennial,’ a new name to name a few), but my generation and which don’t, making shopping for
for those born between 1980 and 1985, also knows that the real key to look- jeans less painful. Don’t let this stop
bridging the gap between millennials ing good is less about which clothes you from trying different cuts and
and Gen-X. you wear, and more about making silhouettes though – a straight leg or
the best of the person beneath. They cropped flare from your go-to brand
As a member of that subset of peo- understand the investments they could be a subtle and easy way to up-
ple (I was born in 1981), that really need to make to look good, whether date your look.
stings. I don’t feel particularly con- that’s splashing out on a brilliant,
cerned about turning 40 at the end of face-flattering haircut, or spending
the year, but I certainly don’t want to $100 on a bra that is supportive as it
be labeled ‘geriatric’ – even if it was is comfortable.
delivered in the form of a complimen-
tary Medium article about our ability It’s the kind of sartorial strategy that’s
to “work across generational divides.” only possible once you’ve accumulated
I preferred Xennial, to be honest. a few investment pieces – the perfect
trench coat, or a few wear-anywhere
Descriptors aside, I do think our life dresses – and most people don’t get
experiences set us apart from both to that point until their late 30s. Once
Gen-X and millennials. We remember you’re there, though, your disposable
life pre-Internet, but we also have a income is freed up for skincare, gym
strong handle on digital life. We can classes, haircuts or whatever it is that
remember our best friends’ landline makes you feel your best.
numbers but can also buy a new dress
via a ‘tap to shop’ link on Instagram. It’s a pretty good place to be, style-
wise, even if I do say so myself. So how
We are the so-called ‘lost genera- geriatric millennial are you? Consider
tion,’ but at this point in life, I don’t this guide your GM starter kit:
feel particularly lost – in fact I’ve never
felt less lost. This extends to my per- trend, and think, that’s going to do me
sonal style too, another perk of being no favors, I’ll pass.
a geriatric millennial.
That doesn’t mean they’re averse to
While we all get to know ourselves trends, but by now, the geriatric mil-
at different points in our lives, I find lennial is a little wiser about choosing
that those in their late 30s have a far clothes that fit and flatter their body.
more defined sense of their personal I love the look of a statement col-
style, generally speaking, than those lar, but know without doubt that it’ll
in their late 20s. A millennial might look frumpy and try-hard on me. On
spy a new trend – say, barrel-leg trou- the other hand, oversized blazers are
sers – and give it a whirl, but a geriat- right up my alley. It’s a different case
ric millennial might look at the same

A decent bra
This only really applies
to those with a larger cup

size, but if that in-
cludes you, you’ll

also under-
stand what a

A floral midi dress
Even if you’re a little bored
of your floral midi dresses
like me, they are a mainstay
of the GM wardrobe because
they’re so useful and versatile.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / June 3, 2021 55

difference a properly fitted bra can Victoria Beckham’s new rules for re-entry style
make. Decent underpinnings will
make you look taller, slimmer and BY CAROLINE LEAPER
your clothes will hang better. Go for The Telegraph
a bra-fitting or consider a virtual one.
It’s a geriatric millennial no-brainer.

A grown-up handbag As you pack away your lockdown platforms are back in this extreme Is your re-entry outfit really a re-en-
A sleek, chic handbag has the power loungewear (for good, hopefully, this pair for a second dinner date with Da- try outfit if it isn’t covered with bows,
to transform your whole outfit, but time), what pieces in your wardrobe vid in a week. ruffles and ribbons? Perhaps Beck-
you only need a strap to break once to have you reached for first? ham’s most celebratory outfit of last
put you off cheap ones for good. The 4. If you’re going to wear denim, week was this blouse and skirt from
good news is that a bag will never re- For some, that first dinner back at make it dramatic her own label, complete with con-
quire you to be a particular size, so a favorite restaurant has offered the trasting red collar and a ribbon tie on
they’re easy things to buy for yourself chance to dust off a long-neglected Does this count as a more casual look? the back. She offset the pretty theme
or request for a special birthday gift. pair of heels, or inspired a return to Beckham was been spotted in two new of the look with a pair of sky blue, and
getting dressed up in a new favorite pairs of jeans last week, both a wide flare sky high, heels.
Statement specs skirt that had been previously stuck in- cut. She sharpened the silhouette each
Even those people lucky enough to doors with the tags on. time with a blazer, towering heels and It seems like tracksuit bottoms are
have had 20/20 vision for most of their the aforementioned large hero bag. firmly off Beckham’s style agenda. I
lives will find that they need reading For Victoria Beckham, the British wonder, were they ever really on it? 
glasses as they approach 40, and for fashion designer and former Spice Girls 5. The more frills and flounces, the
the image-conscious GM, it’s an op- star, the first moments of freedom pro- better
portunity to make a style statement. vided an opportunity to bring it in the
There has also never been more choice fashion stakes, wearing everything she
when it comes to desirable eyewear. perhaps hasn’t been able to for the last
18 months.
Comfortable shoes
Whether it’s blister-inducing gladia- Whether she was attending a busi-
tor sandals, or 5-inch heels that cause ness meeting, or heading out on a din-
your feet to ache after just 20 minutes, ner date with husband David, last week
it’s a hard no from the geriatric mil- Beckham upped the ante in a roster of
lennial. You don’t even bother brows- unapologetically fun and ostentatious
ing brands that you know rub your new outfits.
feet, and stick to a mid-heel maximum
for dressier occasions.  Might you follow suit, and now go
all out for a reunion with friends this

Here are Beckham’s rules for fabu-
lous re-entry style ...

1. Wear yellow flares
Does anything say ‘look at me’ loud-
er than a flared canary yellow shirt and
trousers? Beckham was in New York
for work, and seemed to have a packed
schedule full of business meetings as
well as reunions with friends and din-
ner dates with husband David. What
better way to reintroduce yourself to
colleagues you’ve only seen on video
call screens for the last year, than by
making an impact in top-to-toe yel-
low, with huge flouncy cuffs?
2. Bring out the WAG bags
Beckham dusted off not one but two
pricey Hermes Birkin bags last week –
the first in black crocodile, the second
in an orange leather. Let us assume they
have barely been taken out for a spin in
the last year, and this was Beckham’s re-
minder to bring the trophy items in your
wardrobe back into daily service.
3. Platforms are back
The designer who famously once
said she ‘can’t concentrate in flats’ was
out to show anyone who grew fond of
their fluffy slippers during lockdown
that they now need to move onwards
and upwards.
Around 6 inches upwards, ideally.
Every outfit Beckham sported last
week has been finished with a chal-
lenging heel – she even declared that

56 Vero Beach 32963 / June 3, 2021 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 3, 2021 57

Vero & Casual Dining

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58 Vero Beach 32963 / June 3, 2021 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 3, 2021 59

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60 Vero Beach 32963 / June 3, 2021 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Hours are as noted and/or by appointment.


J.M. Stringer Gallery of Fine Art
2465 Ocean Drive. 772-231-3900
Hours: 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tues. to Sat.
Exhibit: Summer Sojourns – at Home & Abroad
Working artists, antique paintings, furnish-
ings, sculptures, object d’art and private col-

Laughing Dog Gallery
2910 Cardinal Drive. 772-234-6711
Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues. to Sat.
Contemporary American craftsmen, including
the Treasure Coast’s largest collection of art

Meghan Candler Gallery Koman Fine Art Barbara Glover, Sherry Haaland, Judy Mercer, Barbara Krupp Fine Art Studio/
6160 Hwy. A1A at the Village Shops. Dawn Mill, Patricia Padoll, Judy Rixom, Fran San Gallery
772-234-8811 2905 Cardinal Drive. 772-231-4500 or 772- Miguel and Rita Ziegler.
Website: 473-1646 Associate Artists: Johnson Hagood and Mimmo 4315 U.S. 1. 440-574-4662
Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tues. to Sat. Instagram: komanfineart Amelio Closed June 1 thru Sept. 30
Curated paintings and sculpture by more than Hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wed. to Sat. Website:
40 contemporary artists Collection of living artists, from realism to Raw Space Resident Artist: Barbara Krupp, original
abstraction 1795 Old Dixie Hwy. 772-410-9126 acrylic paintings
Ocean Drive Gallery Website:
3349 Ocean Drive, Suite 8, 2nd Floor. HISTORIC DOWNTOWN ARTS DISTRICT GALLERIES Hours: 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Wed. to Fri.; 11 a.m. to Hours: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Mon. to Fri.
772-579-7667 All are open during 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. First Friday 2 p.m. Sat. June Guest Artist: Cindy Mochel
Website: Gallery Strolls Resident Artists: Barbara Sharp and Clair Bru-
Hours: 1 to 4 p.m. Wed. to Sat. Gallery 14 netti
Gallery Artists: Elise Geary, Andrea Lazar, Gail Artist Bungalow 1911 14th Avenue. 772-562-5525
Fayerweather, Cree Scudder and Sherrie Peter- 1905 14th Avenue. 772-205-7631 Website: Vero Beach Art Club Annex & Gallery
mann Hours: 10 a.m. to 5p.m. Tues. to Fri.; 10 a.m. to 1903 14th Avenue. 772-217-3345
Hours: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tues., Thurs. and Fri. 4 p.m. Sat. Website:
Palm House Gallery & Studio Artists/Owners: Jeff and Patti Hall Exhibit June to Sept. 10: Summer Squared: An Hours: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tues. to Sat.
3227 Ocean Drive (2nd floor). 772-231-6816 Exhibiting Artists: Amy Grabel, Keila Martin, Invitational of Great Proportions June Exhibit: Big, Bold & Beautiful
Website: Saskia Fuller, J.G. Textiles, Mike Roe, Donald Partner Artists: Lila Blakeslee, Barbara du Pont,
Gallery Artists: Wendy Douglas, Dede Gilbert, Shirreff and Randy Singleton Beth-Anne Fairchild, Mary Ann Hall, Barbara GALLERIES ELSEWHERE
Rick Kelly, Madeline Long, Suzy Mellott, Jack Landry, George Pillorgé, Deborah Morrell Po- The Rowe Gallery
Staley, Barbara Tiffany and Emily Tremml Artists Guild Gallery lackwich and Dorothy Napp Schindel 46 Royal Palm Pointe. 302-521-4175
1974 14th Avenue. 772-299-1234 Website:
Steve Diossy Marine Art Gallery Website: Main Street Vero Beach Studios & Gallery Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thurs., to 6 p.m. Fri.
3247 Ocean Drive. 772-205 2973 Hours: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tues. to Fri., and 11 2036 14th Avenue, Suite 103. 772- 643-6782 and Sat., noon to 4 p.m. Sun.
Website: a.m. to 3 p.m. monthly on first Sat. Website: Resident Artist: Lori Rowe, contemporary im-
Hours: Noon to 6 p.m. Mon., 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Artist Owners: Sue Dinenno, Annette Gekle, pressionism and realism.
Tues. and Weds, to 7 p.m. Thurs. and Fri., 10
a.m. to 7 p.m. Sat., and noon to 5 p.m. Sun.
Artwork by the designer of Florida’s ‘Protect
Wild Dolphins’ license plates

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 3, 2021 61


ONGOING plant experts, but no waterlily photo contest or 20 Father’s Day Classic Car Show, 10 a.m. Iraq and Afghanistan veterans by members of
plein air artists this year. to 3 p.m. at Vero Beach Elks Lodge to the Next Generation Veterans, 10 a.m. at Riv-
Check with organizations directly for up- benefit Vietnam Veterans of Indian River Coun- erside Park, between the Vero Beach Museum
dates/cancellations. 19 Juneteenth, A Day of Celebration, 10 ty, with rock ’n’ roll entertainment and raffles. of Art and the entrance to Veterans Memorial
a.m. to 6 p.m. at Victor Hart Sr. Com- Island Sanctuary. 772-559-3146
Vero Beach Museum of Art: VBMA Glass plex in Gifford, with food, bounce houses, mu-
Works, high-quality glass artworks chosen by sic and vendors. 772-501-7632 20 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra 26 Burgers & Brews – An American Heri-
the curator thru Sept. 1; and A Tribute to Chris- presents the Wonderful World of tage Celebration, 1 p.m. to 8 p.m.
to and Jeanne-Claude: Selections from the Tom 19 Country Inferno Music Festival at IRC Broadway, 3 p.m. at Community Church of Vero in Downtown Vero Beach to benefit United
Golden Collection thru Sept. 5. Free admission Fairgrounds presented by the Indian Beach. 855-252-7276 Against Poverty, with live music, kids zone, ven-
to U.S. military personnel and their families River County Firefighters Fair, featuring Mark dors, beer and Best Burger in IRC competition.
through Sept. 6. 772-231-0707 Chesnutt onstage at 7 p.m., plus performers 25 Riverside Theatre for Kids presents $25 burger competition punch cards; $100 VIP
Pryor and Lee, King Tide, Kurt Stevens, Randy Disney’s Frozen Kids. 772-231-6990 Lounge and punch cards. 772-770-0740
A.E. Backus Museum and Gallery: Through McNeeley and Whisky Trip. Gates open 11 a.m.;
the Eye of the Camera annual juried exhibition all-day performances start 12:30 p.m. Tickets 26 Unveiling of the ‘Words from War 26 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra
thru June 18. 772-465-0630 $40 to $200. Monumental Sculpture’ honoring presents Let Freedom Ring, a free pa-

First Friday Gallery Strolls in Downtown Vero Thomas Francis Slater
Beach Arts District, monthly from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Thomas “Tom” Francis Slater, 76, of Vero Beach, Florida, and Shaker Heights, Ohio,
Turtle Walks, 9 p.m. to midnight June and passed away peacefully on May 26, 2021 after a 13-year battle with cancer, at Memorial
July, registration required: Coastal Connections, Sloan Kettering Hospital in New York City. He was the beloved husband of Anna Bain; Archie Carr National (Ladt) and was the son of the late William R., Sr. and Eleanor (Boland) Slater.
Wildlife Refuge,; Sea Turtle Con- Tom graduated from Yale University in 1966 and went on to serve as a field artillery
servancy,; Sebastian Inlet officer in the United States Army (1966-69). He began his career as a soap salesman
State Parks, for Procter & Gamble in Brooklyn, and spent most of his career as president of
Actron Manufacturing in Cleveland, Ohio. He served on many corporate, charity
JUNE and club boards, including The Oatey Company and EGC Enterprises Inc. in
Cleveland, Ohio and PEBCO in Paducah, Kentucky. He was a 40-year member
3-5 Riverside Theatre for Kids presents of YPO/WPO; and served as a councilman (2013-2016, 2018-2020) and mayor
Joseph and the Amazing Technicol- (2018-2020) of Indian River Shores.
or Dreamcoat, featuring a cast of 19 talented Tom was a devout Catholic, which extended to his role as a board member of Cleveland Central Catholic High School
performers, 6:30 p.m. Thurs. and Fri., 2 p.m. and Catholic Charities. He was also an active member of Carmelite Monastery in Cleveland Heights, where he attended
and 6:30 p.m. Sat. $10. 772-231-6990 mass regularly for over 30 years.
Tom was a gifted athlete, excelling in baseball, hockey, and golf through college at Yale. After college, he continued
4 Book Signing event hosted by La Maison to play competitive amateur golf, winning dozens of club championships and tournaments. He began to compete in
Publishing, 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Heri- U.S.G.A. amateur tournaments, qualifying for three U.S.G.A. Senior Amateurs and the U.S. Senior Open in 2001.
tage Center, featuring 15 local authors in vari- He won the Florida Super-Seniors tournament in 2011 after defeating lymphoma and was an active member of the
ous genres, including poetry, travel, politics, fic- U.S.S.G.A. International Team since 2008. He was recognized for these successes through his induction into the
tion and children’s books. Cleveland Sports Hall of Fame for golf in 2017. A fuller description of his many sports achievements can be found at
4 Premier of Perseverance, documenting Music and theatre were a constant in his life and he enjoyed many Broadway productions, becoming a Patron Producer
the 600-mile sailboat cruise from Vero of Riverside Theatre in Vero Beach. He was an avid historian, traveled extensively (often to historical sites), and valued
Beach to St. Petersburg by Youth Sailing Foun- good conversation.
dation sailors, 6:30 p.m. at Majestic Theatre, Tom was a true fighter and valued perseverance. He never saw the obstacle, only the solution. In fact, he coined the term
with introduction by filmmaker Donathan Wil- “Slaterize” to describe his tenacity in life’s toughest situations. Despite his many accomplishments, he was humble and
liams. always lent a kind ear to friends and family. It’s impossible to sum up Tom in so few words, but one word that stands out
the most is: loved. Tom was loved by many. He was a bright light in the darkness, and we still see and feel his light today.
4|5 Blue Water Open hosted by Sebas- We will miss him dearly but know he will continue to guide us from above.
tian Exchange Club Foundation to In addition to his wife, he is survived by their children Emily Slater, Thomas “L.T” Slater II, Hugh and Brooke Slater, Anna
benefit charities dedicated to child abuse pre- Bain and Brooks Reynolds, Elizabeth Ladt, Thomas “T” and Claudia Ladt, Peyton and Stefan Sterns, Katherine and Mark
vention, 5 p.m. Captain’s Party and 2 p.m. to Peters, and their 17 grandchildren: Oliver, London, Farah, Charlotte, Lyla, William, Hunter, Wesley, James, Palmer, Slater,
5 p.m. Tournament Weigh-in at Capt. Hiram’s. Christian, Shepard, Henry, Cooper, Crawford and Scarlett. He is also survived by his sister-in-law Edith Slater (wife of
772-300-2156 the late William R. II) and nephew Bill Slater III, his wife Lisa, and hundreds of extended family and friends. The family is
grateful to everyone who has shared Tom Slater stories with us over the last weeks and would like to invite friends, family,
5 17th annual Hurricane Expo, 11 a.m. to 5 and acquaintances to share more stories by emailing: [email protected].
p.m. at the Indian River Mall, with WPBF A funeral mass will be held on June 4, 2021 at 10 a.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Church, 500 Iris Lane, Vero Beach, FL
25 ABC chief meteorologist Mike Lyons, info 32963. Reception to follow at 11:30AM at the John’s Island Golf Club. Please note the burial following the mass will be
from local businesses and organizations, mem- immediate family only. Additionally, a Celebration of Life will be held in Tom’s honor this summer in Cleveland, Ohio
bers of IRC Sheriff’s Office, Emergency Opera- details to be confirmed.
tions, C.E.R.T., United Way, IRC Fire Rescue, and The family would like to give a special thanks to Dr. Brad Pohlman of The Cleveland Clinic and the doctors and nurses
Salvation Army. Free. 772-770-9404 ext. 102 at Memorial Sloan Kettering, who cared for him. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to be made in memory of
Tom to one of the following charities supported by Tom and Anna Bain:
6 Car Show, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Wildwood Cleveland Central Catholic High School (; the Cleveland Clinic Taussig
Antique Mall presented by the Indian Riv- Cancer Institute (Checks: Cleveland Clinic Foundation, P.O. Box 931517, Cleveland, OH 44193-1655 or online: (http://
er Region AACA.; Riverside Theatre Endowment Fund (3250 Riverside Park Drive Vero Beach, FL 32963); The
Crossover Mission in Vero Beach (; or Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
19 16th annual Waterlily Celebration, (
8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at McKee Botanical
Garden with repotting workshops and aquatic

62 Vero Beach 32963 / June 3, 2021 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


triotic concert, 2 p.m. at the Emerson Center. 3 Red, White & Brew 5K, 6:45 a.m. at Ameri- maninoff’s thrilling Symphonic Dances, 3 p.m. (12 p.m.), vendors, pony rides and visits with
855-252-7276 can Icon Brewery, with light post-race break- at Community Church of Vero Beach. 855-252- numerous critters.
fast, patriotic costume contest and free kids run 7276
JULY to benefit United Against Poverty. AUGUST
23|24 Riverside Theatre for Kids
3 Sebastian River Area Freedom Festival, 14-25 Vero Beach Theatre Guild presents Puffs, about a 6|7 Riverside Dance Festival pre-
with Parade beginning at 8:30 a.m. fol- presents the Tony Award- ‘Certain School of Magic and Magic.’ 772-231- sented by Ballet Vero Beach and
lowed by Freedom Festival at Riverview Park winning play, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. 6990 Riverside Theatre, features performances by
and nighttime Fireworks, hosted by City of 772-562-8300 the NYC company, konverjdans alongside BVB
Sebastian, Sebastian Lions Club and Sebastian 31 Back to School Family Fun Day, 11 resident professional dancers, 7:30 p.m. on the
Masonic Lodge #232. 18 Space Coast Symphony Orches- a.m. to 1 p.m. at LaPorte Farms, with Stark Stage. 772-905-2651 or balletverobeach.
tra presents Dance Party – Rach- child finger printing, free bookbag giveaway org.

Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN Crossword Page 31 (SWEETIE PIE) 8 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra pres-
in May 27, 2021 Edition 1 DELI 2 EXUDE ents Summon the Heroes: Music of the
4 GAY 3 INSIPID Olympics, 3 p.m. at Vero Beach High School
6 SHUN 4 GEESE PAC. 855-252-7276
9 LAMBDA 6 SAMBA 13 Grill out Night presented by Sebastian
10 HELPLESS 7 UNDOING River Area Chamber of Commerce,
11 AXIS 10 HID with local businesses opening their doors to
12 DADDYLONGLEGS 13 AMATEUR offer music, door prizes, nibbles and specials.
19 ORDINARY 15 LONGBOW 27 End of Summer Luau 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
22 DECREE 16 SPY at Heaton’s Vero Beach and Cobalt
23 CUBISM 18 ARROW Restaurant, with light bites and entertainment.
24 CREW 20 DECOR $50. Seating is not reserved. 772-231-5666

Sudoku Page 30 Sudoku Page 31 Crossword Page 30


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12546 N. A1A, Vero Beach: 3-bedroom, 2.5-bath, 2-level, 2,448-square-foot home offered
for $1,550,000 by Janyne Kenworthy of ONE Sotheby’s International Realty: 772-696-5110

64 Vero Beach 32963 / June 3, 2021 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Ambersand Beach house perfect for surfers or treasure hunters

BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA in the friendly, toes-in-the-sand Am- whether you are a year-round resi- “It’s a very efficient home, built to
Staff Writer bersand Beach community, it’s but a dent or snowbird. the highest commercial hurricane
short walk across the lawn and along standards,” says Tuck. “And it has one
This one is a surfer’s dream; a trea- a sandy path to the blue Atlantic. Owners Tuck and Cathy Ferrell pur- of the best views on the north beach.”
sure hunter’s dream; a beachcomber’s chased their wonderful beach house
dream – a place where you can ob- You can relax, unwind and im- from an aeronautical engineer who He elaborates: There is high-tech
serve gorgeous Florida sunrises, sea merse yourself in the simple natural built the house for his family when foam insulation; pre-stressed con-
turtle hatchlings, and space launches wonders of the tropical seaside when- he went to work at Grumman’s facil- crete sub-flooring – like that used in
from Cape Canaveral from your very ever you wish. Offering endless blue ity in Melbourne. The family had only bridge construction – with tile on top;
own stretch of beach. skies, sparkling azure sea and surf lived in the home for two years when and turtle glass windows. This spe-
lapping along an inviting stretch of he was called to another location, and cial glass was created to protect turtle
From the charming, well-main- soft sandy shore, this tidy, light-filled – in the right place at the right time – hatchlings from following artificial
tained beach retreat at 12546 N. A1A home is the perfect beach getaway, the Ferrells acquired the property. lights inland instead of the moonlight

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 3, 2021 65


reflected on the sea when they crawl ily room and dining room spaces and
out of the nest. is open to the kitchen. High above
the double glass sliders that open to
An outside stairway on the south the balcony, where the pale, pickled
side leads to the main/second lev- cypress cathedral ceiling reaches its
el, which features a broad, shaded apex, is a wide, turtle glass, eyebrow
balcony spanning the length of the window, adding natural illumination
home. From this wonderful front- and further enhancing the phenom-
row-center spot you have marvelous enal views.
ocean views to the east and north.
A bay/alcove to the north is just the
The home is immediately south of spot for a cozy seating area or infor-
Treasure Shores Park, which ensures mal dining nook, and the spacious
a permanently unobstructed beach/ room itself can easily accommodate a
ocean view to the north. variety of sofa and comfy chair con-
figurations. Extending from the peak
With plenty of room for alfresco of the ceiling is a large, rattan fan.
dining or simply lazing about, this
broad tiled second-level deck will al- The open kitchen features mottled
ways be a favorite hangout –morning, black granite countertops and blonde
noon or night, solo or with family and cabinetry. Beneath a wide, clear win-
friends. dow, the kitchen sink offers a great
view to the north.
Sunrise with a mug of steaming
coffee is always a fine way to start the The roomy owner’s suite is config-
day, and sipping your bev of choice ured so your bed can directly face
as the day fades and the sea and sky the ocean. You literally have only to
darken brings relaxation as little else open your eyes to greet the rising sun.
does. Blinds provide light control.

Inside, the home is surprisingly The owner’s bath offers a tub/
spacious. The millwork is white, and shower and warm wood vanity with
the windows and slider doors are glowing white top and built-in sink.
clean, wide rectangles that frame
rather than obscure the gorgeous The other two bedrooms share a
ocean view. The shades of tan/brown full bath with shower.
in the textured floor tile echo the san-
dy beach just over the dune. A pleasant surprise awaits on the
first level – from the east end of the
Opening from the small entrance large, well-lighted carport with its
alcove, the expansive heart of the 3-double door wall of enclosed stor-
home houses the living room, fam- age space, pass through glass French

66 Vero Beach 32963 / June 3, 2021 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


doors and you’ll discover a spacious is currently in use as a studio for own- fish and other marine creatures that kids’ hangout space; or perhaps out-
flex room with half-bath. er Cathy Ferrell, a renowned sculp- live in and around Ambersand Beach. door party central/staging area. Or,
ture artist who grew up in Florida and Use your imagination here: You might maybe you, too, are an artist. Perfect
A bright, airy space, it sports a has long been inspired by the birds, envision an exercise or yoga room; in any iteration.
cheerful, barn-red concrete floor and
This delightful room is filled with
natural light, pouring through two
windows on the south side, and two
sets of clear glass sliders which open
to a broad, gracefully curved paver
patio and a long, wide swath of lawn
completely surrounded by palms
and high tropical growth, extend-
ing to the dune line vegetation and
the almost magical little path out to
the shore. This pleasant “back yard”
also sports a fire pit, always a favorite
gathering place for after-dark parties.

From Ambersand Beach it is a
short, pleasant drive south on A1A to
Vero Beach’s charming seaside vil-
lage, offering a plethora of up-scale
boutiques, shops, galleries, restau-
rants, pubs and resorts, as well as
Riverside Park, home of Riverside
Theatre (Equity), the Vero Beach Mu-
seum of Art, the city tennis center, a
boat launch, walking trails, outdoor
festivals throughout the year, and a
dog park. 

12546 N. A1A

Ambersand Beach

Year built: 1989
Construction: Concrete block

with a metal roof
Home size: 2,448 square feet

Lot size: .44-acre
Bedrooms: 3

Bathrooms: 2.5
Additional features: 55-foot
ocean frontage; open floor plan;
vaulted ceiling; tile throughout;
generator; second floor bal-
cony; lots of storage; appliances
include washer, dryer, disposal,
microwave, range and fridge;
pantry; central air; covered park-
ing; paver driveway; no HOA
Listing agency: ONE Sotheby’s

International Realty
Listing agent:

Janyne Kenworthy
Listing price: $1,550,000

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 3, 2021 67


Building or renovating? What to know about construction loans

BY DAVID MOUNT it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself should be prepared to deliver on a mands and scarce supply. Any short-
The Washington Post with the intricacies of the process and down payment of at least 20 percent. ages or delays in the supply chain can
what to expect. After all, construc- quickly put you days, weeks or even
Whether you’re building your dream tion loans are nontraditional in terms The shorter timeframe of the loan months behind schedule – which will
home or undertaking an extensive ren- of how they work, so you want to feel can also impose risk. As one can imag- cost you money in the long run.
ovation, you may turn to a home con- comfortable and confident when it’s ine, having only one year to build a
struction loan to help finance the costs time to apply. home is a large feat, especially if you Before you break ground on your
of the project. run into any delays. new home, it’s a good idea to speak to
Construction loans have lots of flex- a financial adviser. They can help you
If you’re in the market for such a ibility in their terms and guidelines When it comes to construction, it understand the potential impacts a
loan, you’ll need to consider factors compared with traditional loans. You seems as though everything is behind construction loan could have on your
that would not be relevant to a tradi- can even customize those terms for the schedule because of the pandemic. long-term finances, both now and in
tional mortgage. Let’s look at some of specific needs of your project. retirement. 
the things that can help you decide if a Projects are taking much longer
construction loan is right for you. Another benefit of building your than usual as a result of record high de-
home with the help of a construction
A home construction loan is de- loan is that you are using an estab-

signed to facilitate the construction lished lender for the financing, rather
process of building a new home. De- than a personal loan or home-equity
signed to be short-term and high-inter- line of credit.
est, construction loans typically have
one-year terms and finance the costs Additionally, the payments are inter-
that go into construction, such as sup- est-only during the building process.
plies, labor or permits. Unlike a traditional mortgage loan,
construction loans also do not include
While the home is being built, the any principal payments, and you will
lender pays the contractor in install- only have to pay closing costs once.
ments until the building process is
complete. Once the project is finished, The added scrutiny imposed on
the borrower has a few options: Refi- such projects can also ultimately work
nance the loan to be paid off through in your favor. Builders are paid by the
a traditional mortgage, obtain a new lender only when they meet certain
loan with more favorable terms to pay milestones in the construction, which
off the construction loan or pay the helps keep the process moving forward
loan in full to the lender. and presumably forces the project to
stay on budget.
With a construction loan, you will
typically pay a percentage of the ap- While you benefit from a home
praised value of the home in a down construction loan’s flexibility, it also
payment. Then you will only pay inter- comes with higher standards.
est on the money that was borrowed
throughout the construction process. A construction loan is not a normal
mortgage, so naturally, there is more
As someone with personal experi- potential for things to go wrong. Be-
ence obtaining a construction loan, I cause you are taking on more risk with
learned how important it is to talk to a construction loan, it also tends to be
different lenders to get a feel for what’s more difficult to qualify for. Addition-
in store. For example, if you go through ally, interest rates tend to be higher
a bank, it may offer lower rates if you and more variable.
bank with it. Some simply provide rates
with no other requirements. Others of- Be prepared for your lender to be
fer the construction loan and then can strict in the underwriting process. To
convert it to a permanent loan. ensure you are qualified for the loan,
lenders will dig deep into your finan-
As with any big financial decision, cial situation. You should aim for a
credit score of 680 or higher, and you

68 Vero Beach 32963 / June 3, 2021 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: May 21 to May 27

The closing days of May produced another banner week for the island real estate market with 24
transactions closing last week, including eight for more than $2 million.
The top sale of the week was of a spectacular waterfront estate in John’s Island. The home at 131
Gem Island Dr. was placed on the market Nov. 17. for $11.5 million. The sale closed on May 24 for
$9.5 million.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Matilde Sorensen of Dale Sorensen Real Estate.
The purchaser was represented by Elizabeth Sorensen, also of Dale Sorensen Real Estate.


$6,200,000 $3,898,000
SANDERLING 2210 SANDERLING LN 3/24/2021 $3,898,000 $6,200,000 5/25/2021 $2,380,000
SHORELANDS 1580 SHORELANDS DR E 8/20/2020 $2,499,000 $3,898,000 5/26/2021 $2,200,000
$2,800,000 $1,450,000
ORCHID ISLAND 538 WHITE PELICAN CIR 2/5/2021 $1,650,000 $2,499,000 5/27/2021 $1,150,000
$1,150,000 $1,139,000
SOUTHERN SHORES 5800 HIGHWAY A1A 12/2/2020 $1,150,000 $2,800,000 5/26/2021 $1,000,000
$988,000 $950,000
MAROON 910 HOLOMA DR 3/12/2021 $950,000 $1,550,000 5/21/2021 $875,000
$995,000 $844,000
SEAGROVE 336 EGRET LN 3/27/2021 $849,000 $1,150,000 5/24/2021 $820,000
$850,000 $738,775
JOHN’S ISLAND 423 SILVER MOSS DRIVE 10/13/2020 $725,000 $1,139,000 5/24/2021 $650,000
$799,000 $600,000
BERMUDA BAY 171 LAUREL OAK LN 4/5/2021 $600,000 $988,000 5/26/2021
ORCHID ISLAND 70 CARIBE WAY 3/28/2021 $950,000 5/27/2021 $2,300,000
VEROMAR 727 FIDDLEWOOD RD 3/30/2021 $995,000 5/24/2021 $732,500
PEBBLE BAY ESTATES 4676 PEBBLE BAYS 2/7/2021 $849,000 5/25/2021 $375,000

VERO BEACH 415 GREYTWIG RD 4/7/2021 $850,000 5/27/2021

SEASONS 2130 INDIAN SUMMER LN 4/5/2021 $725,000 5/24/2021

ORCHID ISLAND 170 SEASPRAY LN 2/8/2021 $799,000 5/27/2021

SEA OAKS 8775 LAKESIDE BLVD 4/26/2021 $600,000 5/27/2021


ORCHID ISLAND 50 BEACHSIDE DR, #202 2/17/2021 $2,395,000 $2,395,000 5/26/2021
CARLTON VERO CONDO 200 BEACHVIEW DR, #2S 3/23/2021 $2,450,000 $2,450,000 5/27/2021
ORCHID ISLAND 30 BEACHSIDE DR, #301 4/12/2021 $2,350,000 $2,350,000 5/26/2021
VICTORIA CONDO 5680 HIGHWAY A1A, #305 9/1/2020 $775,000 $775,000 5/27/2021
RIVER MEWS CONDO 2198 VIA FUENTES, #2198 4/2/2021 $435,000 $435,000 5/21/2021
SEA OAKS 8725 LAKESIDE BLVD, #303 3/24/2021 $425,000 $397,000 5/25/2021

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 3, 2021 69


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Orchid Island, Address: 538 White Pelican Cir Subdivision: Shorelands, Address: 1580 Shorelands Dr E

Listing Date: 2/5/2021 Listing Date: 8/20/2020
Original Price: $2,499,000 Original Price: $3,898,000
Recent Price: $2,499,000 Recent Price: $3,898,000
Sold: 5/27/2021 Sold: 5/26/2021
Selling Price: $2,380,000 Selling Price: $3,898,000
Listing Agent: Bob Niederpruem Listing Agent: Beth Livers

Selling Agent: Premier Estate Properties Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida

Heidi Levy Beth Livers

Orchid Island Realty Berkshire Hathaway Florida

Subdivision: Sanderling, Address: 2210 Sanderling Ln Subdivision: Orchid Island, Address: 30 Beachside Dr, #301

Listing Date: 3/24/2021 Listing Date: 4/12/2021
Original Price: $6,200,000 Original Price: $2,350,000
Recent Price: $6,200,000 Recent Price: $2,350,000
Sold: 5/25/2021 Sold: 5/26/2021
Selling Price: $5,950,000 Selling Price: $2,300,000
Listing Agent: Matilde Sorensen Listing Agent: Anne Torline & Heidi Levy

Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Orchid Island Realty

Cindy O’Dare & Richard Boga Scott Oberlink

Premier Estate Properties ONE Sotheby’s Int’l Realty

70 Vero Beach 32963 / June 3, 2021 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Southern Shores, Address: 5800 Highway A1A Subdivision: Maroon, Address: 910 Holoma Dr

Listing Date: 12/2/2020 Listing Date: 3/12/2021
Original Price: $2,800,000 Original Price: $1,650,000
Recent Price: $2,800,000 Recent Price: $1,550,000
Sold: 5/26/2021 Sold: 5/21/2021
Selling Price: $2,200,000 Selling Price: $1,450,000
Listing Agent: Stacey Morabito Listing Agent: Stacey Morabito

Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

Stacey Morabito Michael Neville

Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Keller Williams Realty

Subdivision: Carlton Vero Condo, Address: 200 Beachview Dr, #2S Subdivision: Orchid Island, Address: 50 Beachside Dr, #202

Listing Date: 3/23/2021 Listing Date: 2/17/2021
Original Price: $2,450,000 Original Price: $2,395,000
Recent Price: $2,450,000 Recent Price: $2,395,000
Sold: 5/27/2021 Sold: 5/26/2021
Selling Price: $2,300,000 Selling Price: $2,395,000
Listing Agent: Matilde Sorensen Listing Agent: Nancy Hardy

Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Premier Estate Properties

Matilde Sorensen Heidi Levy

Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Orchid Island Realty

The Vero Beach Barrier Island Newspaper

June 3, 2021 Volume 14, Issue 22 Newsstand Price $1.00

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