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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2018-07-19 16:04:47

07/20/2018 ISSUE 29


July 20, 2018 | Volume 5, Issue 29 Newsstand Price: $1.00

For breaking news visit

IRMC becoming
TAKE Panhandler takes break to ‘grab a cold beer’ at the beach comprehensive
stroke center
By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer
[email protected] By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer
[email protected]
Talking to a reporter last
In a bold move, Indian River
week at the southwest cor- Medical Center has signed an ex-
clusive contract with three high-
ner of Beachland Boulevard ly specialized neurologists who
worked previously at Lawnwood
and State Road A1A, a chatty Regional Medical Center to turn
the Vero Beach hospital into a
and well-equipped panhan- comprehensive stroke center.

dler from Indiana wiped the This will be a rare and pres-
tigious designation for a small
sweat from his brow and community hospital, and to the
credit of leaders here, the move
asked, “Is it 1 o’clock yet?” was put in motion even before the
Cleveland Clinic set out to acquire
Told that it was, he closed IRMC – a process that should be
entering its final phase in a matter
up his red and black umbrel- of weeks.

la, put away his cardboard The upgrade in stroke care at
Indian River is bound to impact
“Help” sign, and prepared to the stroke program at Lawnwood,
even if it finds replacements for
depart the intersection on a the doctors; there are only 800
physicians in the nation specializ-
bicycle loaded with his be- ing in the interventional neurolo-
gy, a service that must be offered
He said he was headed
Court OK’s ‘pill mill’
down the street – to Mul- evidence obtained by
local sheriff ’s deputy
ligan’s Beach House Bar &
By Beth Walton | Staff Writer
Grill. Panhandling, a recent phenomenon in Vero, last week spread from the mainland to the island. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
“Haven’t had much luck State prosecutors recently
strengthened their case against
today and it’s really hot out- several defendants accused of run-
ning a “pill mill” in Vero Beach. The
side, so I think I’ll go grab a cold beer,” said “I’m glad he’s enjoying his stay here,” tion, panhandling is not illegal in Vero Fourth District Court of Appeals
overturned an earlier ruling and
the blond-haired man, who refused to give O’Connor said sarcastically. Then, his tone Beach, which has seen a noticeable in- found police work done by a local
sheriff’s deputy outside his juris-
his name. “I’ll be back for the evening rush becoming more stern, he added, “It takes a crease in the presence of roadside beggars diction was admissible.

hour.” lot of nerve for him to say what he said.” the past few years. The order usurps Circuit Court

Later that afternoon, Vero Beach City Despite O’Connor’s irritation at the City officials’ attempts to halt the prac- CONTINUED ON PAGE 4

Manager Jim O’Connor seemed perturbed prospect of a panhandler enjoying a beer tice have so far been ineffective and they

when he learned of the exchange. beachside between shifts at the intersec- CONTINUED ON PAGE 6


NEWS 1-6 PETS 14 By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer
DINING B8 [email protected]
CALENDAR B16 Asphalt shingle roofs on hundreds if not
REAL ESTATE 15 thousands of homes built in the Vero Beach
B1 area during the early years of the millennial
ARTS real estate boom are wearing out.

To advertise call: 772-559-4187 Most are at least 15 years old and they
For circulation or where to pick up have been beaten up by Hurricanes Frances
your issue call: 772-226-7925 and Jeanne in September 2004, Hurricane
Wilma in October 2005, Tropical Storm Fay
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. in August 2008, Hurricane Matthew in Oc- PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
tober 2016 and Hurricane Irma in Septem-
ber 2017.

So it should come as no surprise – as we


2 July 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

RUSH FOR ROOFERS vide the required worker’s compensation an abnormal number of complaints about customers to research the local roofing
insurance and lack the necessary permits. roofers.We’re not seeing any kind of a spike.” companies online, talk to friends and
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 neighbors who’ve had similar work done
“Ride around with me for a day and you’ll But that doesn’t mean problems aren’t and, once you’ve hired someone, ask to
move deeper into the 2018 Atlantic hurri- see it’s a problem,” one of the more-estab- out there. see the required permits and proof of in-
cane season, which already has produced lished local roofing contractors said. “I’ve surance.
several named storms – that local roofing got four jobs right now where I’m having David Checchi, one of the county’s con-
contractors are busy. And I mean BUSY. to fix or re-roof houses because of inferior tractor licensing investigators, said the “If you’re having any type of contracting
work done by unqualified roofers.” Building Division is seeing an increase in work done,” said Paul Lucas, president of
They’re so busy, in fact, that many of out-of-town roofing contractors registering Lucas Roofing, “don’t let them start until
them are booked for the next three months Another contractor said his crews en- with the county, and the Division doesn’t they show you all the necessary paper-
– and sometimes longer – especially if you counter similar situations “all the time.” have enough investigators to simply drive work, not just the permit.”
need a new roof. Even repairs, though, of- around town in search of violations.
ten require a two-week wait. A third contractor said his company has If you have doubts, call the Building Di-
replaced a number of roofs installed by “un- Two inspector positions are currently vision to check on the company or paper-
“If you’re looking for quality work, it’s qualified, out-of-town opportunists” who vacant, and officials must rely on residents work.
tough to get somebody right away,” said flocked to Florida in the wake of Hurricanes and even other contractors to call in com-
Doug Leman, owner of Orchid Island Roof- Frances and Jeanne, powerful and damag- plaints. If you’re still not sure, then wait. See if
ing. “We’ve got seven crews booked out un- ing storms that hit the Treasure Coast three you can get by with a temporary patch un-
til October.” weeks apart and made blue tarps part of the “It’s hard to be proactive because we can’t til a contractor you trust can do the job.
local landscape. be everywhere,” said Checchi. “The coun-
“You have to find a way to expand with- ty is growing and the economy is good, so But don’t hire just anyone, simply to get
out losing integrity, and that’s not easy. “They might’ve done the job quicker,” he we’re seeing a surge in everything we do, the work done as quickly or as inexpen-
We’ve had guys poached from us [by com- said, “but they didn’t do it right.” not just roofs. sively as possible. You might regret it.
panies offering to pay] $5-an-hour more.
The stories of shabby work done after the “We investigate every complaint, but we “I honestly believe people in this area
“Right now, people are scrambling to storms in 2004 and 2005 – as well as reports rarely just pop in,” he added. “We hope the are getting wise to all this, and that’s a good
find qualified guys.” from residents who said supposed roofers public will be our eyes and ears in the com- thing,” Leman said. “There’s an incredible
accepted down payments and then nev- munity.” opportunity out there right now [for good
Some people are, that is – and some ar- er returned to do the job – didn’t surprise roofing companies] and I don’t see it slow-
en’t. According to several longtime Vero longtime county building official Scott But what if the public doesn’t know what ing down any time soon.”
Beach roofing contractors, who agreed to McAdam. to look for?
speak only on the condition of anonymity, Forecasters at Colorado State University
some of their newer competitors are so ea- “People were coming out of the wood- Doesn’t know to ask about licensing and are now predicting a below-average sea-
ger to cash in on the local roofing rush that work,” McAdam said of the army of out-of- permits? Doesn’t know the contractor is re- son in the Atlantic, with 11 named storms,
they’re hiring workers who are unqualified, state roofers and con artists who showed up quired to provide worker’s compensation four hurricanes and one major hurricane
unlicensed and/or uninsured. in Florida after the storms. “Some of them insurance – to protect the homeowners as (Category 3 or stronger). No one knows
started jobs they never finished. Some were well as the crew? when and where the storms will hit. But if
Many are from out of state and are un- taking money, then leaving the state. We got any of them come this way, local contrac-
familiar with the Florida Building Code. In a lot of complaints. What if you need a new roof and can’t tors will be even busier.
some cases, apparently, the contractors ha- wait three months for one of the more-es-
ven’t registered with the county, don’t pro- “But that’s not happening now,” he add- tablished contractors to do the work? There’s only so much those 15-year-old
ed. “As busy as they are, we’re not getting roofs can take. 
There is no easy answer.
The contractors interviewed advised



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Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa
Zahner, Society Editor: Mary Schenkel, Reporters: Stephanie LaBaff, Tom Lloyd, Ray McNulty,
Samantha Rohlfing Baita, Kathleen Sloan, Columnists: Ellen Fischer, Ron Holub, Tina Rondeau, The
Bonz, Staff Photograhers: Gordon Radford, Denise Ritchie, Graphic Designers: Robert Simonson,
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LOCATED AT 4855 NORTH A1A, VERO BEACH, FL 32963 | 772.226.7925

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS July 20, 2018 3

COMPREHENSIVE STROKE CARE ty of Iowa and Rutgers University. hospitals that you serve,’” said Rick Van hospital’s recently purchased 256-slice CT
He taught vascular and interventional Lith, Indian River’s vice president of stra- scanner that captures quadruple the data
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 tegic planning and business development. in less time than the more common 64-slice
neurology full time at the University of Mis- “Because the science has changed, we scanner, with 90 percent less radiation ex-
around the clock, along with stroke critical souri, where he was the director of the com- wanted to have access to that for the resi- posure to the patient. The scanner can be
care and advanced imaging, for a hospital prehensive stroke center there. dents of our community. Then the oppor- loaded with special software for neurology.
to be designated a comprehensive stroke tunity presented itself for us to get together
center. The third partner, Shhadeh, went to and develop a program here.” And soon, Gheith says, the hospital will
medical school in Damascus, Syria, and did be updating the stroke center with a new
As the only such center until now along a residency in neurology at Temple Univer- As talks began in earnest with Arubah biplane angiography machine. With two
the Treasure Coast, Lawnwood has since sity, and fellowships at Rutgers in vascular in April, Van Lith coordinated with Todd big C-arms arcing over the table where the
2016 regularly treated Indian River’s most neurology and endovascular surgical neu- Bibens, Indian River’s vice president of oper- patient lies, the doctor can spin the ma-
severe cases of stroke. Before that, patients roradiology. ations, to develop a plan that would not only chine around the patient’s head to take pic-
from Vero were transferred to Orlando’s add an interventional neurology suite, but tures, and study those images as they ap-
Florida Hospital or Orlando Regional Med- The doctors, who came to know each streamline the entire process of a stroke vic- pear just in front of him, on the other side
ical Center or to St. Mary’s Hospital in West other through training and conferences, tim getting optimal care. That meant treat- of the patient.
Palm Beach. There are no comprehensive are part of an independent group known as ing the patient from ER to imaging to proce-
stroke centers in Brevard County. Arubah Neuroscience Institute. dure or ICU on a single floor of the hospital. It is similar to the machine used in heart
disease treatment, but provides images
The prospect of having the more acute The expected takeover of Indian River by Patients suspected of stroke trigger a on multiple planes. Until then, the group
stroke therapy here is a life-saving one for the Cleveland Clinic is a major reason the phone call from EMS to alert doctors a pa- will use the existing single-plane machine.
patients who otherwise would lose pre- group chose to come to Vero Beach, though tient is on the way. (An ambulance is the “We’ll use the existing facility as we build
cious time being transported to another both Gheith and hospital officials stress only recommended way to get to the hospi- out something here.”
hospital, potentially losing brain function talks began before a deal was even in the tal in the event of stroke symptoms such as
along the way. works. a droopy face, weakness or paralysis in the “Machines are important, but I will tell
body and confused speech.) you something, and I’m going to stress this:
“A transfer time of 60 minutes, that’s 20 “Our mission statement aligned with not It’s really the physicians’ expertise that’s go-
million neurons lost. That’s enough to lose only Indian River but also the Cleveland “We’re the docs that meet you in the ER, ing to make a difference,” said Bibens.
the memory of a grandchild. It’s enough time Clinic,” Gheith said. “It was a great opportu- we’re the ones that make the decision as to
to lose the ability to swallow, and that’s a nity for us to really fill a niche in an under- whether or not you need a procedure, and For Gheith, it didn’t take data from pub-
huge deal,” said Dr. Ayman Gheith, one of the served area.” if you do, we’re the ones who do it,” said lished trials to prove that difference his field
doctors hired by IRMC. He along with Drs. Gheith. “And if you don’t, you go to the ICU can make. “We as interventionalists have
Vikas Gupta and Akram Shhadeh are among Collectively, the three doctors coming to and we’re the ones that manage you in the always known that this was beneficial for
only 800 neurologists nationwide who have Vero have specialized in seemingly every ICU. We basically stay with you from the patients. When I take a devastated patient
trained in interventional neurology. aspect of stroke, the nation’s fifth leading moment you come in until the moment who’s completely paralyzed, and I take that
cause of death and the leading cause of dis- you’re coming home or going to rehab. clot out and they start to move on the table,
These doctors employ a recently devel- ability. All three have trained in neuro criti- That’s what makes it comprehensive care.” that is why we wake up at 2 in the morning
oped technique: brain surgery done from cal care and interventional neurology, both and rush into the hospital, because you can
inside an artery that can clear out a clot too key to comprehensive stroke care. The new higher-acuity stroke center take people from the brink of death and
big to dissolve with the “clot-busting” drug at Indian River will take advantage of the send them home.” 
tPA, in use since 1996 for the treatment of They are particularly versed in mechan-
ischemic strokes. Those strokes, almost al- ical thrombectomy – removing large blood A Common Sense Business
ways caused by blood clots, account for 80 clots with advanced surgery. Approach for our School System.
percent of all strokes; the rest are typically
caused by bleeding in the brain, known as a “If you have a clot length of 8 mm or great- • Educator with over 2000 hours of classroom experience
hemorrhagic stroke. er, the chance of it opening up with just the • Florida Dept. of Education Volunteer of the Year
medication (tPA) is zero,” said Gheith. “Al-
Because tPA has to be administered with- though this therapy is not for every stroke • Parent of a 7th grader at Storm Grove Middle School
in three hours of the stroke, it is far more patient, a large proportion of those patients • 4O years of a successful business career
limited in its uses. Interventional methods, would qualify. It could mean a difference
on the other hand, have been shown to re- between a tracheotomy and a nursing home • Increase the oversight of the Superintendent
store blood flow in the blocked artery to the because of a devastating completed stroke, • Retain our teachers by enforcing the discipline policy
brain’s tissue up to 6 hours after the stroke. versus the ability to make a meaningful re-
And data from a 2017 trial known as DAWN covery and go home to your family.” H: (772) 794-1327 I C: (786) 512-7017
that used a stent retriever – what Gheith
calls a “stent on a stick” – opens the window Guided by various types of radiology,
for certain patients up to 24 hours. doctors can thread a catheter from a tiny Paid for by Randy Heimler for School Board District 4
incision in the leg, up through the body and
Interventional neurology is a field so new, into the brain, performing surgery from in-
there is not yet a board to certify its special- side the affected artery.
ists. Gheith trained at Medical College of
Wisconsin, one of only five in the nation Interventional methods were first used
that is accredited for graduate medical ed- in the 1960s to close aneurysms, first with
ucation in interventional services, he said. balloons, and later with embolizing coils.
He spent eight years there following medi- It wasn’t until the 2000s that doctors be-
cal school, graduating in 2014. gan treating not only hemorrhagic stroke,
but ischemic strokes caused by clots. Then
That training was extensive. “To graduate in 2015, a cluster of five major randomized
from any fellowship, you need 250 proce- trials showed the procedure was effective,
dures,” he said. “In my fellowship I did over something doctors like Gheith had seen
1,500. Over the last four years, I think I’ve with their own eyes: paralyzed patients un-
done close to 3,000 more.” dergoing a procedure under only light seda-
tion suddenly began to move again.
Gheith’s partner Gupta trained in three
specialties: neurocritical care, vascular neu- The surgery-from-within was so dramat-
rology and interventional neurology/endo- ically effective, Gheith said, that clinical tri-
vascular surgical neuroradiology. A gradu- als posed ethical questions, since the tech-
ate of the University of Calcutta who went nique worked so well that there could be a
to med school at the University of Michigan, threat of lawsuits if patients in the control
Gupta’s residencies and fellowships were at group were denied treatment for the sake of
the University of New Mexico, the Universi- science.

’We had been talking for a couple of years
and we had said, ‘Gee, maybe you ought
to come up from Lawnwood and have two

4 July 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

‘PILL MILL’ EVIDENCE peals Court Justices Burton Conner and Alan Management Center in Vero Beach and oth- the Stuart Pain Management Center in 2011.
Forst concurred. er allegedly fraudulent pain management At that time, Flowers obtained a warrant
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 clinics. for a phone tap that yielded information
“The statutes merely require the affiant about pain clinic activities in other counties
Judge Cynthia Cox’s earlier determination be ‘some person’ or ‘some credible per- Practitioners at these facilities broke the throughout the state.
that Maj. Eric Flowers, then a narcotics de- son,’” they wrote, comparing the issue to law by prescribing excessive and unneces-
tective with the Indian River County Sheriff’s police officers making a citizen’s arrest out- sary painkillers, authorities claim. Drugs He then went to judges in those counties
Office, was acting out of bounds when he se- side their jurisdiction. “The officer did not were so easy to access that patients from as to obtain warrants to search the property of
cured search warrants for defendants’ prop- violate the ‘under color of office’ doctrine far away as the Midwest traveled to Florida several defendants. Flowers did not execute
erty in Broward and Palm Beach counties. because he relied on evidence lawfully ob- for prescribed opioid narcotics like Oxyco- any of the warrants and remained at home
tained,” they said. done. Culpable doctors and other healthcare while local law enforcement and the DEA
Florida statue has no requirement that professionals made millions from people’s searched the homes in other counties.
someone who applies for a warrant be an of- The panel heard oral arguments in the growing addiction and pain, they say.
ficer of the law, therefore jurisdiction is not case in May after Cox’s 2017 ruling jeopar- Laws regarding jurisdictional authority
relevant, opined Judge Spencer Levine. Ap- dized the state’s aggressive prosecution of The Indian River County Sheriff’s Office are there to prevent police overreach, argued
those behind the now-closed Stuart Pain embarked on a year-long investigation into defense attorney Donnie Murrell at a hearing
in West Palm Beach.

Flowers used evidence obtained in Indian
River County to secure warrants elsewhere,
he said. He didn’t partner with local law en-
forcement or follow the fellow-officer rule.

It’s not the same as a private citizen apply-
ing for a search warrant, Murrell explained.
Detective Flowers has more assumed credi-
bility than Mr. Flowers. The evidence he used
to obtain the warrants, the wiretap conversa-
tions, were under seal, and only available to
officers of the law.

“Frankly, judge, in most modern court-
houses, a civilian isn’t going to be able to get
to a trial judge to apply for a warrant. I mean
it’s the uniform that got him there.”

The Legislature has already spoken on this
issue, countered Assistant Attorney General
Kimberly Acuña in an attempt to have Cox’s
ruling overturned. “The statutes control,”
she said. An Appeals Court cannot modify
the plain language of a clear and unambig-
uous statute.

If the warrant application satisfies prob-
able cause and a judge has jurisdiction, all
that matters is that the applicant is a “cred-
ible person,” Acuña said.

Flowers was not asserting his authority
when he went to those counties to get war-
rants; rather, he was applying for it, she ex-
plained. The attorneys for the defendants are
not challenging the content of the warrants
at all, only the signatory.

“I’m glad the 4th DCA affirmed my ac-
tions were correct,” said Flowers. He said he
felt vindicated by the ruling and happy the
courts found in his favor.

Flowers’ detective work helped launch a
statewide investigation targeting a complex
web of doctors and clinics that extended
from Miami to Pensacola and resulted in 14
high-profile arrests. Among those arrested
were Lewis Stouffer, 37, of Coconut Creek;
Clark Jeffrey Thompson, 38, of Pompano;
and Craig Turturo, 38, of Boca Raton. All three
men lived outside of Indian River County at
the time their homes were searched using
warrants filed by Flowers.

Stouffer was “the organizational leader of
the drug trafficking, money laundering and
racketeering organization,” the detective
alleges in court filings. Thompson, Turturo
and others were “lieutenants” designated to
operate pain clinics, distribute pills for profit
and grow the organization, he writes.

“Basically, this organization has blanketed
the State of Florida with their ‘franchise’ clin-
ics in an effort to attract pill seekers from all
corners of the state and beyond.” 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS July 20, 2018 5

New sidewalk along Bethel Creek road draws few complaints

By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer TRAFFIC” signs at the neighborhood’s en- O’Connor with a petition in favor of the side- received since the project began came when
[email protected] tryways at A1A and Beachland. Vero Beach walk earlier this year. heavy rains forced a work stoppage, after the
police also cracked down on speeders along ground had been dug up.
Despite some early resistance from home- the roadway, particularly between Greytwig “It’s a pretty road, and a lot of walkers,
owners who didn’t want their front yards dis- Road and Mockingbird Drive. runners and bikers like to go through there,” “One person called and wanted to know
turbed, city officials say they have received O’Connor said. “And the makeup of that when we were going to fill it in,” he said. “But
few complaints about the new sidewalk be- But when a majority of homeowners along neighborhood is getting younger and more you can’t pour concrete in the rain.”
ing installed along Indian River Drive East the Live Oak-Indian River Drive East corridor active. So all that, combined with the in-
and Live Oak Road, a continuous roadway voted in favor of a sidewalk, O’Connor took crease in traffic, convinced people that the The other calls, O’Connor said, were
with two names that curves from State Road the proposal to the City Council, which ap- sidewalk was needed.” from residents thrilled by the look of the al-
A1A near Jaycee Park to Beachland Boule- proved the $220,000 project. ready-completed sections of the new side-
vard at the base of the Barber Bridge. O’Connor said the only complaint he has walk. 
“Back when we first started talking to peo-
In fact, Vero Beach City Councilman Val ple in that neighborhood and asked if they
Zudans, who lives on Indian River Drive wanted a sidewalk, more than 50 percent
East, said his neighbors have told him they’re said they wanted it,” O’Connor said, refer-
pleased with how the project is turning out. ring to a 2015 survey sent out by the city. “But
when we came out with our plan, we had
“Everyone I’ve talked to is happy,” Zudans more people against it.”
said. “The city, and especially the workers,
deserve a lot of credit. They’re doing an out- That’s because the city’s initial plan put
standing job. They’re paying attention to de- the sidewalk on the north side of Live Oak
tail and making it look nice.” and the west side of Indian River Drive,
and homeowners on those sides of the road
City Manager Jim O’Connor said the proj- didn’t want their property disturbed.
ect, which began last month, should be com-
plete by the end of August, when the newly Also, the plan called for a 12-foot setback
built sections of sidewalk will connect with from the roadway and a 6-foot-wide side-
existing short stretches at each end of the walk, and the homeowners were reluctant to
residential road and provide a safe walkway part with that much of their property – even
through the picturesque island neighbor- though the land they viewed as part of their
hood. When the sidewalk is finished, pedes- yard was actually part of the city-owned
trians won’t have to walk in the narrow road- right-of-way.
way, which has seen an increase in vehicular
traffic in recent years as motorists began to “Nobody wanted it in their front yard,
use it as a cut-through to avoid backups at which is not unusual when you do side-
the intersection of A1A and Beachland, es- walks,” O’Connor said. “Others don’t want
pecially during Vero Beach’s busy winter people walking in front of their house.”
So the plan was amended to include only
The city responded to complaints about a 5-foot setback and 5-foot-wide sidewalk,
the traffic increase, which homeowners which proved to be enough to satisfy the op-
said threatened the safety of pedestrians, ponents of the city’s initial proposal.
bicyclists and pets, by posting “NO THRU
Sidewalk proponents began gathering
homeowners’ signatures and presented


By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer A second loss of state money was related
[email protected] to career tech education.

Because the School District gave the state For two years in a row, in 2015 and 2016,
incorrect numbers and other faulty infor- the Auditor General chided the district for
mation over the past several years, the Flor- not expending its adult career tech or “Work-
ida Department of Education has decided force Education Programs” funding, and for
to withhold $2.1 million from the support it having no plan for the money provided by
provides annually to Indian River County the state.
Morrison said the most recent audit
The state auditor found the School Dis- findings regarding the district’s failure to
trict claimed to be transporting 117 more follow guidelines in the use of the adult
students on school buses in 2015-2016 than career tech money resulted in a $1.5 mil-
actually was the case, resulting in decision lion cut in state funds. As a result, local
to withhold approximately $625,000 in state tax dollars will be used to pay for the new
funds, according to a presentation given by adult technical college adjacent to Gifford
Assistant Superintendent of Finance Carter Middle School instead of “Workforce De-
Morrison during budget workshops. velopment” funds the state would have
“Noncompliance related to student
transportation resulted in 10 [negative School Board members did not ask any
audit] findings and a proposed net adjust- questions about the loss of more than $2 mil-
ment of negative 117 students,” the Audi- lion in state funds, and did not respond to a
tor General’s report states. request for comment. 

6 July 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

MY TAKE similar law to the Vero Beach City Council PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD ing her housekeeping job at Historic Dod-
because, after discussing Sebastian’s or- gertown and being unable to pay the rent
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 dinance with Coment, “we’re not sure it’s a dollar . . . one of our officers would have at her 26th Street home.
legal.” to see them do it.”
say there’s little else they can do to stop it. The man on the island said he “used to
Vero Beach police have cracked down Currey said panhandlers are not break- Currey said he has seen some of “the have a lot of money,” but he lost it all in a
ing any existing law as long as “they’re on a regulars” still on the corners, often stand- divorce. He said he can’t work because he
on nuisance crimes committed by pan- sidewalk, not disrupting the flow of traffic ing near or sitting right in front of the city’s has a “bad back” and a “bad heart valve
handlers, and last winter the city installed and not accosting people,” and that po- signs, which read: “DUE TO PUBLIC SAFE- that needs surgery,” so he turned to pan-
signs that discourage panhandling at ma- lice “need to be careful not to violate their TY CONCERNS, PANHANDLING IS DIS- handling.
jor intersections. But the panhandlers are constitutional rights.” COURAGED” in red letters, with “Please
still at it, especially at U.S. 1’s intersections Donate To Local Charitable Organiza- “All I own is what I’m wearing and
with State Road 60, 17th Street and Avia- He said the panhandlers “aren’t sup- tions” underneath in smaller black letters. what I’ve got on that bicycle, so I have no
tion Boulevard. posed to go onto the roadway, but if traffic choice,” he said. “I’ve been in Vero Beach
is stopped and someone in a car is waving In addition, the police department still about two months, but I’ve only been on
At least one of them has now set up gets calls from the public complaining this corner a few days.
shop on the island. about the presence of the panhandlers.
“I tried doing it by the Cumberland
“I don’t think there’s anything more we “We hope the signs have deterred some Farms on U.S. 1, but there was a guy on
can do, legally, to prevent it,” O’Connor people, and we think it has helped some,” every corner,” he added. “So I thought I’d
said, adding that he and Vero Beach Police Currey said, “but we’ve been dealing with come over here and see how it goes.
Chief David Currey consulted with City At- this for a while now.”
torney Wayne Coment before concluding “The first couple of days were pretty
that an ordinance banning panhandling Both Currey and O’Connor said the pan- good, but I’ve haven’t gotten much love
would be difficult to defend in court. handlers seem to know what they’re legally lately.”
allowed to do and, for the most part, stay
In fact, Vero Beach officials opted not to within the law. The panhandlers said local law enforce-
follow the city of Sebastian, which, in July ment checks on them regularly, but not to
2016, passed an ordinance that prohibits “I still see them out there, even in this hassle anyone. Instead, the roadside beg-
panhandling at 12 intersections, including summer heat,” O’Connor said. “They re- gars praised the police officers and sher-
those at County Road 512 and U.S. 1, Bar- ally don’t cause problems, per se, except iff’s deputies for being courteous, even
ber Street and U.S. 1, and County Road 512 when somebody stops in traffic and hands helpful.
and Roseland Road. them a bill.
“The police come by every day and
The Sebastian ordinance makes it un- “The problem is, people are giving them they’re always friendly,” the island pan-
lawful “for any person to solicit money for money,” he added. “As long as that contin- handler said. “One of the guys saw my sign,
any cause” at the city’s “busiest and most ues, the panhandlers will be out there.” which says ‘HELP,’ and told me I should
dangerous intersections,” where “drivers add the word, ‘PLEASE.’ He also told me
need to be most alert and more aware of The panhandlers interviewed last week to go to a shelter called The Source, which
their surroundings.” by Vero Beach 32963 at three local inter- was really nice.”
sections – U.S. 1 and 17th Street, U.S. 1 and
O’Connor said he has not proposed a Aviation Boulevard, and Beachland Boule- Cynthia, who for months has been pan-
vard and A1A – all had their own story. handling at the intersection of U.S. 1 and
Aviation Boulevard, said the bicycle she
Some had been panhandling for years. rides around town was given to her by Ted-
Others were new to the lifestyle. All said dy Floyd, the Sheriff’s Office’s community
they were once productive members of so- relations deputy.
ciety, only to be driven to desperation by
health issues, the loss of their jobs or other She said some motorists or their pas-
cruel twists of fate. sengers yell obscenities at her as they pass
by, but she shrugs them off.
A man who identified himself as Kev-
in said he had been an electrician for 27 “People don’t know our stories,” Cyn-
years, working locally at Indian River Med- thia said, adding that she’s always po-
ical Center and Sam’s Club, but he recent- lite and grateful when drivers offer cash,
ly turned to panhandling because a severe food, clothing and shoes. “We have back-
hernia – which he was quick to display – grounds. A lot of us have gotten educa-
prevents him from doing his job. tions and had jobs. We just fell.

A woman who identified herself at Cyn- “We’re not scumbags.”
thia said she lives “in the woods” and has As for the city’s anti-panhandling signs,
been panhandling for two years, since los- the panhandlers say they’ve noticed no
real difference in behavior. While some
drivers point to them and shrug, others
ignore them, open their windows and con-
tinue to give money.
“The people who are going to give,
they’re going to give, anyway,” Cynthia
said. “The people who aren’t going to give,
now they have an excuse. But do the signs
bother me? Absolutely not.”
What does bother her, she said, is being
on the roadside begging – something she
says is temporary.
“I hate this,” Cynthia said. “I don’t want
to be out here. Most of us don’t want to be
doing this. But for some of us, we’ll starve if
we don’t. And as long as we stay out of the
road, there’s no law against it.”
As O’Connor said: “We can’t prohibit
people from standing on the sidewalk.”
Or going to get a cold beer between pan-
handling shifts. 


8 July 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Long and winding road leads ‘family’ doc to Vero

By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer 1997, and she’s from the Philippines.”
[email protected] So Hurst, a former medical recruiter, set

Dr. David Hurst, a family practice physi- his sights on something he says he’d “al-
cian, is now with the Indian River Medical ways wanted” and decided to leave recruit-
Center’s Primary Care South at 4165 9th ing behind to become a doctor, himself.
Street SW (Oslo Road).
He enrolled at the Cebu Doctors’ Univer-
He didn’t have to travel far to get here but sity in the Philippines, earned his medical
he did need to log over 20,000 miles to get degree and went on to serve an internship
his medical degree and return to his home at the Cleveland Clinic and a residency at
state of Florida. Memorial Health University Medical Cen-
ter in Georgia before returning to Florida.
“I grew up in Miami,” says the affable
Hurst, “and I worked in Miami and Fort Just prior to signing on at IRMC, Hurst
Lauderdale. I met my wife in Miami around was with the Heart & Family Institute in

Dr. David Hurst.


Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH July 20, 2018 9

Port St. Lucie, where he garnered a 2017 pa- “eat your bone away. They’re called osteo-
tient satisfaction award from WellCare and clasts. They cleave or break down bone. In
a 2017 Humana certificate of achievement. osteoporosis a lot of them are going hay-
wire. These classes of meds inhibit those
One area of special interest for Hurst is pac-men.”
checking for and treating osteoporosis.
Oddly, human men appear to be at
The word “osteoporosis” means “po- something of a disadvantage when it
rous bone,” and the National Osteoporosis comes to being screened or treated for os-
Foundation defines condition as “a bone teoporosis.
disease that occurs when the body loses
too much bone, makes too little new bone, “Unfortunately, insurance doesn’t cover
or both. As a result, bones become weak men’s screening very well,” Hurst says, and
and may break from a fall or, in serious neither does Medicare.
cases, from sneezing or minor bumps.”
However, if men have certain underlying
Osteoporosis takes a serious toll on older conditions or are currently taking certain
Americans. One in every three women, and medications, insurance may cover their
one in four men, over the age of 50 suffers screening, so it’s wise to ask.
a broken bone due to osteoporosis with an
annual cost of roughly $19 billion. Meanwhile, with or without a diagnosis
of osteoporosis, Hurst says he’s also firmly
Worse, says the National Institutes of in the camp of those who now realize con-
Health, “for older people, weak bones can tinual updating of every patient’s prescrip-
be deadly. One in five people with a hip tion list is a must-do priority.
fracture dies within a year of their injury.”
“Every single visit we do a med reconcil-
Fortunately, according to Hurst, a bone iation,” he says. “That’s what our job is: to
density test – which he describes as a mod- look at the whole body, the whole picture
ified X-ray – can spot the disease in its early [and that includes] looking at a patient’s
stages and there are now a variety of pre- entire med list.”
scription medications (bisphosphonates)
available to treat the disease and some of It’s all too common, according to Hurst,
the newer drugs even help rebuild dam- to spot a prescription on those lists and say,
aged bones. “‘this one is not a good idea with that one.’ I
mean, it is a big problem.”
“Prolia,” Hurst continues, “is a newer
[class of drug] that we’re going to start giv- And problems are what Hurst is hoping
ing at this office. It’s a shot, like a flu shot, to help his patients avoid.
every six months.”
Dr. David Hurst is with the IRMC’s Pri-
Turning to a pop culture reference to ex- mary Care South at 4165 9th Street SW (Oslo
plain the situation, Hurst says these drugs Road) suite 106 in the Publix shopping cen-
inhibit what he calls the “pac-men” that ter. The phone number is 772-569-7706. 

10 July 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Study: Sleep hygiene even more critical post-stroke

By Maria Canfield | Correspondent Dr. John Suen.
[email protected]
It’s long been known that sleep can be elu-
sive for people who’ve had a stroke. Accord-
ing to the National Stroke Association, more
than half of stroke survivors experience sleep
problems – including insomnia – which can
delay recovery, impede cognitive function,
worsen memory problems and ultimately
lead to depression.

But exactly what happens in people’s
brains during their post-stroke recovery has
been a bit of a mystery.

Recently, in a first-of-its-kind study, re-
searchers from Europe set out to change
that. Using sophisticated testing techniques,
they compared the brain signals of people 12
months after they had a stroke with the brain
activity of people in the general population.

Dr. John Suen is the Medical Director of
Sleep Disorders Center Florida, located in
Vero Beach. He is familiar with the study
and says it is useful, particularly because
the research was conducted a full year after
the stroke occurred. “That’s important, as it
suggests that sleeping problems are caused
by other factors in addition to the stroke it-
self. This observation offers greater oppor-
tunities to provide help.”


12 July 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Dr. John Suen and
Lindsay Mosesso.

CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 matched to the stroke victims by gender and the brain’s sleeping patterns. of the test – not intended to be a clinical as-
age. The participants spent two nights and It was discovered that it took those who sessment – can be found on Sleep Disorders
Participating in the study were 21 peo- one day in a sleep lab, where the researchers Center Florida’s website @ www.sleepdisor-
ple who had had a stroke at least 12 months conducted a polysomnogram test to assess had a stroke longer to fall asleep than the vol-
earlier, and 21 healthy volunteers, who were unteers, and that they also had poorer “sleep
efficiency” – the ratio of time spent asleep The research team’s bottom line, and Dr.
compared to the time spent in bed. Suen agrees, is that treatment of sleep disor-
ders should be routinely included in stroke
Importantly, the team found that while rehabilitation practices. Unfortunately, that
sleep efficiency was poorer in those who had is not currently common practice.
a stroke, total sleep time between the groups
was similar. This mean it’s unlikely that le- Dr. Suen says “it begins with people recov-
sions (abnormal tissue) in the brains’ centers ering from a stroke taking extra care to have
for sleep-wake regulation are the cause of good sleep hygiene. If they still have prob-
post-stroke sleep problems; rather, the re- lems falling asleep or staying asleep, they
searchers (and Vero’s Dr. Suen) believe those should seek treatment from a healthcare pro-
problems are due to a number of contributing fessional who specializes in sleep medicine.”
factors, including pain and discomfort, great-
er psychological strain and reduced levels of A few tips for good sleep hygiene:
physical activity. • Go to sleep and wake up at the same time
each day.
The research team was from the Univer- • Don’t take more than one nap a day, and
sity of Surrey in the U.K., the University of keep it short.
Freiburg in Germany, and the University of • Create a pleasant sleeping environ-
Bern in Switzerland. The study was published ment; make your bedroom cool, dark, and
in the journal Scientific Reports in May 2018. comfortable.
• Exercise moderation in consuming al-
The researchers also recorded partici- cohol.
pants’ brain activity during the day using • Use a sound machine, or other type of
a multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) which white noise, to block out unwanted noise.
measures the time from the start of a day- • Do not watch TV or use the computer in
time nap period to the first signs of sleep. bed. This is the most important tip, according
The results showed that those who had had to Dr. Suen. “Our eyes are connected by the
a stroke were less likely than the healthy optic nerve to the part of the brain that regu-
volunteers to nap or fall asleep during the lates our internal sleep clock. The light from
day to compensate for lost sleep at night, these sources acts as a potent stimulus.”
and were also more likely to achieve poorer
results on the “psychomotor vigilance test,” Dr. Suen is board-certified in Sleep Medi-
suggesting increased daytime impairment cine, Pulmonary Disease, Internal Medicine
due to sleep problems. and Critical Care Medicine. Sleep Disorders
Center Florida is an accredited medical treat-
The psychomotor vigilance test is a tool ment center for all sleep-related issues. It is lo-
used to measure a person’s behavioral alert- cated at 3735 11th Circle #103 in Vero Beach; the
ness. It involves measuring the speed at phone number is 772-563-2910. 
which a person reacts to visual stimuli. Poor
results can increase the risk of cognitive
lapses and even falls. A simplified version

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH July 20, 2018 13

The Healthy Senior

Acetaminophen works great
– but can be dangerous

By Fred Cicetti | Columnist Acetaminophen is one of the most com- prescription medicines and OTC medicines than younger adults. This is why older adults
mon pharmaceutical agents involved in can lead to problematic drug interactions. need to be especially careful about drug-
Q. What is acetaminophen and why do I see overdose, as reported to the American Asso- drug interactions.
it listed on so many products in my medicine ciation of Poison Control Centers. All older adults should consult their doc-
cabinet? tors before taking any OTC medication or If you’re a senior, talk with your doctor
One of the problems with acetaminophen herbal. about all of the drugs and herbal health prod-
Acetaminophen is the most widely used is its widespread use. You have to check your ucts you take. He or she can tell you whether
pain-reliever and fever-reducer in the world. medicine cabinet to see what products con- Often, older adults use many drugs at the you are at risk for having a bad reaction from
It is contained in more than 100 products. tain acetaminophen. Then, if you’re taking same time, including prescription and OTC taking an OTC drug. 
Tylenol is the best known over-the-counter more than one medication, be sure you don’t drugs. They also process drugs differently
acetaminophen product. The drug is also exceed the maximum daily dose.
available in generic form on the shelves of
most drug stores and retailers like Target and Acetaminophen should not be taken for
Walmart. high fever, for fever lasting more than three
days, or for recurrent fever without a doctor’s
Acetaminophen is widely available with- supervision.
out a prescription, but it’s also a component
of well-known prescription drugs such as There are basically two types of over-
Darvocet and Percocet. Follow the direc- the-counter pain relievers. Some contain
tions on the over-the-counter package label acetaminophen and others contain non-ste-
carefully. If your doctor prescribes it for you, roidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
the prescription label will tell you how often Examples of OTC NSAIDs are aspirin, ibu-
to take it. profen (Advil) and naproxen sodium (Aleve).

Taking too much acetaminophen can lead NSAIDs are associated with stomach dis-
to liver damage. The risk for liver damage tress. You should talk to your doctor before
may be increased if you drink three or more using NSAIDs if you are over 60, taking pre-
alcoholic drinks while using medicines that scription blood thinners, have stomach ul-
contain acetaminophen. When dosing rec- cers or other bleeding problems.
ommendations are followed, the risk of liver
toxicity is extremely small. NSAIDs can also cause reversible damage
to the kidneys. The risk of kidney damage
Adults should not take more than 4,000 may increase in people who are over 60, have
mg of acetaminophen a day. You should take high blood pressure, heart disease or pre-ex-
less if you are over 65 years old. Taking more, isting kidney disease, and people who are
especially 7,000 mg or more, can lead to a se- taking a diuretic.
vere overdose problems. If you have liver or
kidney disease, you should discuss the use of You should talk with your healthcare pro-
this drug with your health care provider. fessional if you have questions about using
an over-the-counter medicine before using it
in combination with other medicines – either
OTC or prescription medicine. Combining

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14 July 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS

Bonz has rarely seen a lass as cute as Leena

years when she went to Dog Heaven last play tug-of-war with. MumMA an Dad- “That adventure was fun, but last week I
had a not-so-fun adventure. I hadda have
Hi Dog Buddies! summer. Daddy said NO MORE DOGS! dy fixed me a super comf-tubble place in the No-Puppies procedure. The humans
at the dog hos-pittle were real nice. But it
This week I innerviewed a liddle black But MumMA was prayin’ every night for the back seat. MumMA calls it my Zsa-Zsa
Shih Tzu, Leena Dzama, who has her very still wasn’t any fun. I was sore and
own Cool Kibbles buggie. She calls it her a Small Dog. THEN this Cool Dog Biscuits Place cuz it’s pretty an fancy, an MumMa pooped for a few days, but I’m much
Buddha Buggie. It’s got a pillow an blan- better now.”
kets: pur-pull, an green an a pink-an-white thing happened. Last Fall, a lady came into says Zsa-Zsa was a pret-
one with her name on it, like, a hundred “I’m happy to hear that, Miss Leena.”
times. She can look out, an there’s this the shop to apply for a holiday job, “Soon I can play in the dog park.
liddle sorta screen door. PLUS, it’s bright An go Swimmin’! You should see my
PUR-pull! Sweeet! an MumMA hired her. The second Leena Dog Paddle! And I’ll hang out with
day she was workin’ she noticed my dog buddies on the south side
Leena an her Mom an Dad have a flower that shelf with a pick-shure of of the inlet. I can’t WAIT! An, guess
shop in Vero, an she’s there every day gree- what? Daddy sometimes takes me
tin’ people an hangin’ out in her Buggie, or Sandee,” she pointed a paw. “The along on flower dee-LIV-rees. That’s
running around being cute, which is what real important. He says, “Leena,
she was doing when me an my assistant lady looked all sad, an told Mum- Please don’t Eat the Daisies. But he
walked in. She ran right up for the Wag-an- knows I would never! Plus, MuhMA
Sniff. MA she had this liddle dog that she cooks my food. I get spinach, green
beans, us-PARA-gus, sweet puh-ta-
“A gracious good morning, Mr. Bonzo. Loved So Much, Palusa (that was does and chiggin. I’m not big on
You look like your pikshure, but even more crunchy things.”
han-sum in the fur.” me), but she was gonna hafta get
“Any favorite treats?”
“Well, thank you, Miss Leena,” I replied, rid of it cuz of Unforeseen Circum- “YES! Once a week I get the Best
blushing under my ‘han-sum’ fur. I no- Treat Ever! A big frozen marrow
ticed she had a sparkly collar, an a Summer stances, an was worried she couldn’t bone. I can munch on that forever.”
Bob, with some attractive white highlights “That sounds duh-lish! How
around her face, which really made her find a loving home. about tricks? You know: Sit?
black eyes stand out. So I told her so. (Hey, Shake?”
Poocheroos, I’m trying to notice those “WELL, MumMA thought about it “Well, um, when MuhMA is
things; you know, tap into my softer side. saying stuff like that, I ALWAYS lis-
The ladies like that. Make a note.) for a nano-second, an said “I’ll take ten politely. I tilt my head to one
side an look Extremely Adorable.
“This is MumMA Aimee, an Daddy her!” She knew it was an answer But I just don’t feel, you know, motivated
Frankie, who has to go deliver flowers right to ackhully do any of it. Well, on occasion,
now.” Her Daddy zoomed off. Leena led us to her prayer. An, the minute I met I might sit. Or, if I’m already sitting, that
to a big round table, an plopped down in counts, right?”
the middle of it. MumMA an Daddy, I knew it was an I pretended to sneeze to keep from
laughing. “Toys! Got any toys?”
“Snazzy wheels you got there.” I nodded answer to mine an my first Mom’s, “I’m not a big toy girl. I only have my tug-
at the pur-pull Buggie. of-war sock, an one stuffy to sleep with.”
too. I guess that NO MORE DOGS! Heading home, I was thinkin’ about seein’
“I KNOW, right? When I’m not on the if my Gramma would buy me one of those
table bein’ a cennerpiece, or bein’ charm- thing was just a suggestion.” frozen marrow bones. An getting Leena’s
ing to CUS-tummers, I’m reclining in my Woofmail address from my assistant.
Funky Buddha Lounge.” “Before, I hadda stay inna kennel
The Bonz
“It’s pawsome, all right. So, Miss Leena, day an night. Now I get to run an
how’d you find your Forever Family?”
play an meet people, an I sleep with
“MumMA an Daddy hadda a white
Lab-mix – Sandee. She was real pretty. MumMA an Daddy. This is my very
I’ve seen picck-shures. She was 15 people
own Forever Home. Sometimes I still

can’t buh-live it – ’til I see my Pur-pull PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD


Her MumMA picked her up an gen-

tly plopped her into it, an she almost disap- ty, fancy lady. Like me. Look, this is one of

peared into the fluffyness. my Zsa-Zsa Place snuggly things.”

“Woof! Wonderful story! But how come Her MumMA brought out a round, sorta

you got a new name?” flat, floppy pillow, wrapped it around Lee-

“Leena was MumMA’s grandmother’s na, an picked her up. All I could see were

name. I really like it.” her eyes an nose. She looked like a Zsa-Zsa

“Cool Kibbles. So, have you had any ad- Burrito.


She poked her liddle face out through DON’T BE SHY
the front opening. “Have I ever!! Mostly

fun. Like my first vacation with MumMA We are always looking for pets
and Daddy. It was Christmastime. We rode with interesting stories.
inna car to a place called Suh-van-uh. An
we’re goin’ to Chicago soon an stay inna To set up an interview, email

dog-frenly hotel right on the Loop. I’m not [email protected].
sure, but I think that’s something we can

New home with owner financing
available in Pointe West

1370 Bunker Court in Pointe West: New 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 1,700-square-foot home in charming traditional neighborhood offered for
$269,900 by Berkshire Hathaway listing agent Chip Landers: 772-473-7888



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16 July 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE

New home with owner financing available in Pointe West

By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer and may help buyers who are in a position streets more walkable and delightfully old addition to the two-car garage and drive-
[email protected] to purchase now but who were affected fashioned. Greenbelts and alleyways add way in the back. The corner lot is oversize,
by the recession. “They have lived in two more paths and opportunities for recre- big enough for a private pool, although the
Husband and wife Helen Carr and Bill houses and bought two investment homes ation and meeting friendly neighbors. heated community pool is just a stone’s
Marakis, who live in Pointe West, built in Pointe West,” Landers said of the entre- Large shady porches encourage coffee and throw away.
a home near their house thinking they preneurial couple. “Obviously they con- cocktail get-togethers.
would rent it, but decided later to sell it. “It’s not a gated community, but it’s

Their 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 1,700-square- sider reinvesting in the community worth- On Bunker Court, the front porches self-enclosed,” Landers said. “People are
foot property at 1370 Bunker Court is now while.” of four single-family homes overlook a not driving through here. The walkability
on the market, offered by Chip Landers greenbelt. Because the couple’s house is of the neighborhood appeals to everyone
of Berkshire Hathaway Home Services for Pointe West is a “traditional design” at the end of the court, extra parking for – retirees, families and second-home sea-
$269,900. neighborhood that puts the garage in the guests is available near the front door, in sonal residents who want to step outside
back of the house on an alley, making to a park-like setting.”
The couple realized the market has
changed, with rent creeping higher than The neighborhood also is dog-friendly.
mortgage payments for houses of simi- DR Horton built Carr and Marakis’
lar quality and size. People are deciding recently completed house. The builder
to buy in order to save money while also package includes 9-foot ceilings, granite
building equity. counters and maple cabinets with a cher-
ry finish, and brushed-nickel pulls in the
Landers said owner financing offered kitchen and bathrooms. The floors are
by Carr and Marakis, whereby they will large ceramic tile in the communal rooms
receive monthly payments similar to rent, with carpeting in the bedrooms. The
will still give them investment income,

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E July 20, 2018 17

taupe, brown, rust, beige, gray and cordo- and a bath on one side of the house and Hurricane Impact Doors
van finishes are a handsome combination. the master suite on the other. & Impact Glass,
Ceiling fans are in every room. Outside We Have It All!
plantings are a cut above, too, with oak, A tray ceiling distinguishes the master
palm trees, gardenia and hibiscus already bedroom, as well as a walk-in closet and
spreading shade. larger bathroom. The double sink vani-
ty, garden tub and ceramic-tiled, walk-
“The utilities will be low, probably less in shower, as well as a water closet that
than $200 a month,” Landers said, “be- provides extra privacy, will give couples
cause this section has natural gas, which plenty of grooming room. Guest and mas-
is not true for the newest section in Pointe ter bathroom vanities are 42 inches high,
West, the East Village. The dryer, stove and with more storage below and less stooping

water heater are on gas. The electric is above while brushing your teeth.
[provided by] Florida Power & Light.” The homeowners’ fee is a low $155 a

The yard has a well for irrigation, which month and includes yard maintenance
will keep water costs down. and the community pool.

The spacious house will appeal to fam- “You can put in more plants, subject to
ilies with children as well as retirees who approval,” Landers said, “and they’ll take
want to spread out a little. The communal care of them too.”
rooms are combined in an open floor plan,
allowing the owner to configure living, To soak up the ambiance of the serene
dining, breakfast nook and family room and lovely neighborhood, appreciate the
locations. A den is set off by an open arch- wafting breezes on the shady front porch,
way and includes a large closet. A laundry run your hand over the rich granite count-
room is off the open kitchen area. ers and pace out the walk-in closet, stop by
during Landers’ open house, from 1 p.m.
The split floor-plan has two bedrooms to 3 p.m., Sunday, July 22. 

FEATURES FOR 1370 BUNKER COURT Transform Your Existing Door from
Boring to Beautiful!
Neighborhood: Pointe West • Year built: 2018
Home size: 1,700 square feet • Lot size: 70 feet by 140 feet ■ Glass patterns for every style & budget
■ Customize to your style
Construction: Concrete block with stucco ■ Impact Glass & Impact Doors
Bedrooms: 3 • Bathrooms: 2 ■ Wood Interior/Exterior Doors
■ Fiberglass Doors
Additional features: Brand new, owner financing, attached ■ Patio & Sliding Glass Doors
two-car garage and driveway, covered porch, granite counters, ■ Framed/Frameless Shower Units
breakfast bar in kitchen, tile floors, irrigation well, natural gas ■ Etching
for stove and water heater with hook-up for dryer, corner lot ■ Schlage Hardware
■ Mirror Wraps
Listing agency: Berkshire Hathaway Home Services
Listing agent: Chip Landers, 772-473-7888 Regency Square
Listing price: $269,900
2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart • Licensed & Insured


18 July 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE



The mainland real estate market picked up steam last week as 33 single-family residences and lots
sold from July 9-13 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week in Vero Beach was the house at 215 Sea Gull Avenue. First listed in March
for $990,000, the 3-bedroom, 5-bathroom, 3,489-square-foot home sold for $870,000 on July 12.
In Sebastian, the week’s best sale was the residence at 108 Harbor Point Drive. Originally listed in
February for $419,000, this 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom, 2,132-square-foot abode fetched $385,000
on July 9.


VERO BEACH 215 SEA GULL AVENUE 3/21/2018 $990,000 7/12/2018 $385,000
SEBASTIAN 108 HARBOR POINT DRIVE 2/27/2018 $419,000 7/9/2018 $299,000
SEBASTIAN 181 DAY DRIVE 4/19/2018 $299,000 7/10/2018 $294,500
VERO BEACH 5130 WIND JAMMER LANE 5/29/2018 $294,500 7/12/2018 $280,000
SEBASTIAN 159 DAY DRIVE 5/8/2018 $290,000 7/9/2018 $258,999
VERO BEACH 515 VALENCIA CIRCLE SW 4/17/2018 $262,500 7/9/2018 $248,000
VERO BEACH 559 HIGH HAWK CIRCLE 5/9/2018 $245,000 7/10/2018 $239,900
VERO BEACH 1279 VINTAGE DRIVE 6/12/2014 $239,900 7/12/2018 $225,000
VERO BEACH 4570 22ND LANE 8/1/2017 $249,900 7/9/2018 $218,000
SEBASTIAN 822 WASENA AVENUE 6/1/2018 $218,900 7/13/2018 $218,000
VERO BEACH 1809 25TH AVENUE 4/17/2018 $220,000 7/9/2018 $217,500
VERO BEACH 5060 HARMONY CIRCLE UNIT#304 4/5/2018 $220,000 7/11/2018 $217,500
SEBASTIAN 1711 SKYLINE LANE 4/16/2018 $239,982 7/11/2018 $215,000
SEBASTIAN 1063 PERSIAN LANE 2/13/2018 $225,000 7/13/2018

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E July 20, 2018 19


108 Harbor Point Drive, Sebastian 181 Day Drive, Sebastian

Listing Date: 2/27/2018 Listing Date: 4/19/2018
Original Price: $419,000 Original Price: $299,000
Sold: 7/9/2018 Sold: 7/10/2018
Selling Price: $385,000 Selling Price: $299,000
Listing Agent: Susan Maitner Listing Agent: Robin Raiff

Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise Selling Agent: EXP Realty, LLC

Rhonda Dykal Erica Ogilvie

RE/MAX Associated Realty RE/MAX Crown Realty

5130 Wind Jammer Lane, Vero Beach 159 Day Drive, Sebastian

Listing Date: 5/29/2018 Listing Date: 5/8/2018
Original Price: $294,500 Original Price: $290,000
Sold: 7/12/2018 Sold: 7/9/2018
Selling Price: $294,500 Selling Price: $280,000
Listing Agent: Roger Smith Listing Agent: Louise Muller

Selling Agent: Alex MacWilliam, Inc. Selling Agent: RE/MAX Crown Realty

Rhonda Dykal Khristine Brugger

RE/MAX Associated Realty RE/MAX Crown Realty


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Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Oral representation cannot be relied upon as correctly stated representations of the developer. For correct representations, make reference to this advertisement and to the documents required by section 718.503, Florida Statutes,
to be furnished by a developer to a buyer or lessee. Images displayed may not be the actual property for sale, but may be model or other homes built of similar design.




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Coming Up! Museum proudly serves up
‘150 Years’ of savory art PAGE B2

By Samantha Rohlfing Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]

1 Riverside Theatre’s Summer
Camp Showcase “takes it
to the next level,” with the Sum-
mer Teen Intensive production of
“Once on This Island Jr.” this Fri-
day and Saturday. With book and
lyrics by Lynn Ahrens and music
by Stephen Flaherty, this Olivier
Award-winning one-act musical
tells the story of a peasant girl on
a tropical island in the French An-
tilles archipelago who, through
the power of love, brings people
together of different social class-
es. Think “Romeo and Juliet” or
“The Little Mermaid.” Sigh. Af-
ter its success on the West End, it
opened on Broadway last year and
won the 2018 Tony for Best Revival
of a Musical. If you’ve not yet seen
the results of Riverside’s excellent
summer camp program, you will
be very pleasantly surprised. This
one’s recommended for 13 and up.
Show times: Friday and Saturday,
2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Tickets: $10. 772-

2 If it’s just too darn hot and
you’re feeling the Summer
Glums, Riverside Theatre has
the remedy – it’s the ever-popu-
lar Howl at the Moon experience,
along with the free outdoor Live in
the Loop concert, plus all kinds of
food and beverages (full bar), the
whole shebang with a Vegas Nights
theme. It’s sure to take your mood
from a 2 to a 10. Bringing the Loop
music Friday will be the Duoson-
ics and, on Saturday, it’s the Bob-
by Owen Duo, both kickin’ up the
dust with classic rock ’n’ roll. The
Howl experience, on stage inside,
will be a dueling piano show, with


B2 July 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

Museum proudly serves up ‘150 Years’ of savory art

By Ellen Fischer | Columnist Curator Danielle Johnson.
[email protected]
For the past year,Vero Beach Museum of Art
curator Danielle Johnson has been familiariz-
ing herself with the museum’s permanent col-
lection, which is now over 900 pieces strong.
While it is hardly the soup-to-nuts holding of a
big city institution, the VBMA collection offers
some tasty à la carte dishes, nonetheless.

The result of a sampling she has chosen
is on view through Jan. 13 in the Stark and
Schumann Galleries: “150 Years of Painting
and Sculpture from the Permanent Collec-
tion.” It is a satisfying spread.

While Vero museum-goers are used to see-
ing selections from the collection on view for
months at a time in the Stark Gallery, that is not
true of the Schumann Gallery. Until now, that
gallery has held a summer show, often on loan
from someplace else, followed by a different
loaned exhibition between Labor Day and the
beginning of “season.”

The added space and long run time devoted
to “150 Years” is a boon for visitors who want
to savor some of the museum’s newest acqui-
sitions, as well as pieces that haven’t been seen
much in recent years.

Johnson says that she chose to display rep-
resentational works from the late 19th through
the 20th centuries in the Stark Gallery, and

Furniture • Home Décor • Art • Glass • Jewelry • Gifts & MUCH MORE! more contemporary ones – in style, as well as
date – in the Schumann. She did not hang
Don’t pay new prices when you can have the artworks within those galleries in
quality pre-owned items for ½ the price! chronological order.
HUGE Selection - Lowest Prices In Area
“It was more about which pieces
Inventory Changes Daily looked good and had a nice dialog”
with their neighbors, she says.

In the Stark Gallery, for example,
Elizabeth Catlett’s semi-abstract
onyx sculpture “Triangular Wom-
an” of 1994 glows like a heaven-
ly body against the expansive,
crepuscular landscape of
Martin Johnson Heade’s
1886 “Duck Hunters in
a Twilight Marsh.” (That

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE July 20, 2018 B3

recalls the streamlined aesthet- position does not change. The robe is pre- sionism in the early 1960s, his “Red March”
ic of the 1920s; Liselotte Moser, sented in a symmetrical composition that might also represent a jokey jab at art history.
with an enigmatic 1964 portrait, fills the frame. Invariably, a knotted sash is He is said to have painted his first bathrobe af-
“Gretchen”; and Marguerite Zor- cinched around its middle, and its empty ter seeing one illustrated in a print ad. Here, the
ach, whose magical “The Golden sleeves are placed jauntily akimbo. mundane symbol is executed in the expres-
Orb” of 1921 entered the collec- sionist manner of an action painting, where
tion just this year. “The Red March Forward” features long messy drips, as the product of the painter’s
paint runs that descend from the sleeves’ process, were not only tolerated but expected.
“We have more men than edges and the lower edge of the robe’s sash
women in the collection,” says to the bottom of the canvas. The cascading Joan Snyder’s 1973 work continues a series
Johnson. paint can be read as fringe on the garment; she started four years earlier with a painting
it might also suggest water falling from the titled “Lines and Strokes.” The VBMA’s work
That is not surprising. Large or robe, like mountain cataracts in a classical was created during a time of change in the
small, in almost every museum Chinese landscape. series, when Snyder was beginning to person-
in the country, art works by men alize her loosely constructed grid paintings
make up the lion’s share of the Because Dine is associated with the Pop Art with private symbolism that made reference
permanent collection. movement that superseded Abstract Expres- to feminism in general, and to female genita-
lia in particular.
“It is something that I would
like to be more conscious of in the For those who prefer something that elides
future,” she adds. the gender gap, Patrick Archer’s mixed media
A heady whiff of testosterone in the Stark work, “Fleur et Klee” of 2000, is it.
Gallery can be traced to a 1936 painting by
Waldo Peirce that holds pride of place on the “The most obvious reference to Klee would
back wall. “Hemingway, Dos Passos, and Wal- be right here,” says Johnson, pointing out a
do Peirce, Dry Tortugas, 1929” presents a mov- small photo-reproduction collaged to the can-
ie-star handsome Ernest Hemingway loung- vas. It is a detail of Klee’s 1937 “Harbor with
ing with John Dos Passos in an open-air shed. Sailing Boats.”
Dos Passos is shown tipping a bottle toward
Papa’s proffered cup as Peirce, sitting on the Johnson explains that Archer’s colors and
dock outside, points a pistol toward stage left. his use of sgraffito (scratched-through) layers
A view of Fort Jefferson forms the backdrop for of paint also pay homage to Klee.
the scene.
A 2017 gift of William D. Hammill and fam- “I like the fact that in this work you do have
ily (who, notes Johnson, have presented three these obvious references to a famous prede-
other works by Peirce to theVBMA). this paint- cessor, yet at the same time, it’s unique,” says
ing of Hemingway et al. is a fascinating glimpse Johnson, who remarks on the variety of subtle
of Florida history. textures Archer has used in his picture.
In the Schumann Gallery, Jim Dine’s 9-foot-
square bathrobe painting “The Red March “Every time I look at it, I see something dif-
Forward” of 2005 vies for breathing room with ferent,” she says. 
the other abstract works on display. Hung ad-
painting is on loan to the VBMA from the jacent to it, Joan Snyder’s untitled 1973 paint- Discover
Manoogian Collection.) ing is a much smaller work. While it does not Where
exactly play David to Dine’s Goliath, it handily Florida
Johnson says that, in preparing for her job holds its own in comparison. In addition to Art Began!
interview at the VBMA, Elizabeth Catlett was sharing a palette of colors, the two paintings
one of the names she planned to suggest re- both display formal compositions that have Discover nearly Eye of the Beholder by A.E. Backus
garding future acquisitions. That was before been deconstructed by their artists’ expressive 100 original Backus (American, 1906-1990)
she visited the museum and saw “Triangular paint handling. paintings. Visit the Florida
Woman” on display. Artistically speaking, Jim Dine first used Highwaymen collection.
a bathrobe as a stand-in for himself in 1964; Shop the Museum Store for
“I thought, ‘Oh, I won’t be talking about since then it has appeared in scores of his unique gifts. Browse the
that!’” she says. prints and paintings. Although the colors consignment gallery.
and textures he uses to present the motif
She continues, “I do love this piece. De- vary from piece to piece, Dine’s basic com- Open Summer Hours Photos by Aric Attas Creative
spite the coldness of the material, it’s very Saturdays 10 - 4
touchable.” Sundays 12 - 4 A.E. Backus Museum & Gallery
500 N. Indian River Drive
In addition to the sculpture’s organ-
ic curves, the polished stone’s russet and Historic Downtown Fort Pierce
honey-colored striations, shot through with (772) 465-0630
milky veining, makes this chef-d’œuvre look
good enough to eat.

Purchased by the museum in 2016 with
funds donated by Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Mac-
Millan, the sculpture honors the tenure of
VBMA director emeritus, Lucinda Gedeon.

Speaking of whom, Johnson says that new
acquisitions are being shepherded in the same
direction that Gedeon and past curator Jay
Williams had pointed them: toward works by
American and international artists of the late
19th century to today.

In addition to Catlett, an American-born
artist of international reputation, there are
four other women represented in this gal-
lery, including Isabel Bishop, whose “Hearn’s
Department Store – 14th Street Shoppers”
of 1927 has the classical composure of a
Greek frieze; Heloise Crista, with a bronze
family group, “Archetype” of 1988-89 that

B4 July 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE


a pair of super talented pianist entertain-
ers facing off across the ivories with no set
agenda. Every show is different and, most
fun of all, you get to pick the songs. See if
you can come up with one they don’t know.
Lotsa luck with that. Free Live in the Loop
concert, 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Dueling Pianos
shows: 7:30 pm. And 9:30 p.m. Tickets: $12
to $22. 772-231-6990.

3 How about a good, old-fashioned,
full-of-friends street party? Vero
Beach has got it down. This coming Friday
July 27, its Main Street Vero Beach’s Last Fri-
day Street Party. Vero’s Historic Downtown
District along 14th Avenue will be filled
with live music (you can dance if you’d
like). Up and down both sides of the street,
shops and galleries will welcome you to
pop in and look around. Of course, you can
grab all sorts of food and drink. Last Friday
is a very family friendly event, and you’re
welcome to bring your well-behaved family
pooch, too. Time: 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on 14th
Avenue. Admission: Free. 772-643-6782.

4 Guitarist Jimmy Page summed 4 The Pure Zeppelin Experience at Sunrise Theatre
up his band Led Zeppelin thusly: Saturday.
“Power. Mystery. And the Hammer of the
Gods.” If you ever actually got to see Zep- 5 At Kravis July 26. Wikipedia says the hilarious musical connected by the central theme of love
pelin backin the ’70s, live in concert, you comedy “I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now and relationships, designed to suggest an
must still remember how you felt, how secretly thought about dating, romance, Change,” opening at the Kravis in West overall arc to relationships throughout
the combustible music and the “blues marriage, lovers, husbands, wives and in- Palm this coming Thursday, July 26, is the the course of one’s life. While there are
and whiskey” vocals of Roger Plant moved laws, but were afraid to admit?” Nobody. second longest-running Off-Broadway lots of characters, the cast is compara-
you. This Saturday, you can tap into those musical ever. A good indication of how tively small. (The original Off-Broadway
thrilling days of rock and roll with the much alike we humans are, no matter production had only four.) Show times:
Pure Zeppelin Experience, on stage at the where we’re from, “I Love You … etc.” has Thursday and Friday – 7:30 p.m.; Saturday
Sunrise Theatre in Fort Pierce. This Flori- been translated into at least 17 languages, – 1:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday – 1:30
da-based tribute band, says the show pro- including Hebrew, Spanish, Dutch, Hun- p.m. Tickets: Thursday, July 26, final dress
mo, reproduces a full Zeppelin concert, garian, Czech, Slovak, Slovene, Japanese, rehearsal, $25, general; $10, students/ed-
“the madness and the majesty, to thrill- Korean, Italian, Portuguese, German, ucators, 2 tickets per valid ID, $10; all oth-
ing, chest-pounding effect.” The show in- Catalan, Finnish, Mandarin, Norwegian, er performances, $55. “I Love You, You’re
cludes a special guest band, billed as “The Polish, French and Turkish, according Perfect, Now Change” runs through Aug.
No. 1 Tribute to Journey,” Never Stop Be- to Wiki. The show is a series of vignettes 12. 561-832-7469. 
lievin.’ A portion of the proceeds benefits
Multiple Sclerosis. Show time: 7:30 p.m.
Tickets: $30 to $50. 772-461-4775.

5 Who can resist a musical whose ta-
gline is “everything you have ever


1. Florida BY LAUREN GROFF 1. Assume the Worst 1. Pie is for Sharing
2. The Lost Letter
3. The Perfect Couple 3. Make Your Bed BY ADMIRAL
4. Dog Man and Cat Kid
4. The Cuban Affair 4. Barracoon
(Dog Man #4) BY DAV PILKEY

5. The President is Missing 5. Three Days in Moscow of Apollo #3) BY VERONICA ROTH


Pajama Party for the Family! 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |

Saturday, July 28th 11 am

PAJAMA PARTY with Miss Michelle

Wear your Pajamas—stories, craft, photo booth and more!

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE July 20, 2018 B5

Kids live (it up) and learn at Pajama Pizza Party

Paisley Kaplan, Baerbel O’Haire and Annette Bello. Iris and Lili Hughes. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Chance Morrow and Meredith Egan with Dorrian and Cindy Bridges.

Carey Hodge, Tammy Fessler and Jan Forbes. Payton Kaplan. Angeles Ortega with daughters Emily and Analy Ortega.

By Mary Schenkel | Staff Writer munity outreach manager, watching as is a chance to learn.”
[email protected] pajama-clad youngsters gathered around Before the book reading and movie,
the various craft tables.
The ditty of years past that suggested ‘no Dorrian Bridges, youth pastor at South-
more pencils, no more books’ over summer “This is such a great idea; it’s all good,” side Christian Church, shared an encour-
vacation breaks has become a thing of the said Baerbel O’Haire, one of many Merrill aging poem he wrote about compassion-
past. Children today are encouraged to Lynch employees who came to help out as ate problem solving.
embrace all the fun and engaging summer event volunteers.
learning opportunities available to them as The Learning Alliance is part of the In-
a way to avoid the ‘summer slide,’ wherein Many of the activities corresponded dian River County Moonshot Community
students lose learning achievements made with the screening of a movie added this Action Network, comprised of the school
the prior school year. year – the animated Disney Pixar film “In- district, businesses, nonprofits and resi-
side Out,” about the voices in a little girl’s dents, all working toward the Moonshot
To show children and families just how mind representing five emotions: joy, sad- Moment goal of 90 percent literacy by
exciting learning can be, The Learning ness, fear, anger and disgust. third grade.
Alliance, in partnership with the Moon-
shot Community Action Network and the Another craft – making paper plate For more information visit thelearnin-
National Summer Learning Association, ‘tambourines’ – was related to the NSLA or 
hosted its fifth annual Moonshot Moment National Read Aloud of the book “Trom-
Family Pajama Pizza Party last Thursday bone Shorty,” the inspirational illustrated CRUISE THERAPY 2019
evening at the Heritage Center in Vero story of New Orleans musician Troy An-
Beach. Similar parties, all geared toward drews. 8-Night Eastern Caribbean
children ages 4 to 12, were also held at (Fort Lauderdale Roundtrip)
Fellsmere Elementary School and the Se- Parents and children also enjoyed slic-
bastian Boys and Girls Club. es of delicious pizza before the little ones, Adventure of the Seas
clutching bags of aromatic popcorn, be- April 27, 2019
The event was one of hundreds taking gan to nestle on their pillows and blankets
place across the country in recognition at the front of the room. Motor coach transportation available from Vero Beach
of National Summer Learning Day. The (40 Passengers Required)
idea, according to the NSLA, which aims to “We are so thankful for The Learning
reach 2 million children nationwide, is to Alliance and we continue to make sure Contact Garrett Travel for further pricing details
“promote awareness of the importance of they know we appreciate their dedication
keeping kids healthy and engaged during to our students and our teachers and our GARRETT TRAVEL  (772) 359-3673
the summer.” families,” said School Board member Tif-
fany Justice to the gathered crowd, also
“All of our activities tonight are tied to thanking parents for being the No. 1 driv- Sarah Garrett, Vacation Specialist
social/emotional development and skill ers of their children’s success in school.
building,” said Marie O’Brien, TLA com- “And thank you to the Moonshot Mo-
ment, who recognizes that every moment

B6 July 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE

Drop in anytime! Skydivers get the jump on ‘Splash Bash’

Laurie Ewing, Cookie Pankiewicz, Ted Pankiewicz Jr., Lyn McGinnis, Ted Pankiewicz, Hunter Pankiewicz and Cheryl Diedolf. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Jeff Holmstock and Amanda Smalley.

By Kerri Firth | Correspondent from all over the United States and from according to 95-year-old WWII veteran
[email protected] as far away as Germany and England to Mike Holmstock.
the Drop Zone for three fun-filled days,
Brilliantly colored parachutes danced complete with jumps and camaraderie “I did my last jump on my 93rd birthday
in the wind against a cloudless blue sky last weekend. right here in Sebastian,” said Holmstock,
during Skydive Sebastian’s third annu- adding that he has been jumping since he
al Splash Bash Boogie, luring jumpers Not only could participants relish un- first enlisted in the 82nd Airborne at age
19. “This year I’m sitting it out, but I can
surpassed views in jumps over the Sebas- feel the sense of freedom and the adrena-
tian Inlet and Atlantic Ocean, but after line rush just watching them.”
their descent could cool off and relax in
huge inflatable pools, soak in a hot tub Proceeds from the event will benefit
to ease sore muscles or enjoy great bands Love of Paws, a Fellsmere-based nonprof-
and succulent barbecue. it organization that provides food and
care for pets belonging to the elderly and
“The Splash Bash has quickly become disabled.
the largest charity skydiving event in the
country. Last year we raised a little more “Our pet pantry has over 5,000 pounds
than $7,000,” said event organizer Jeff of free pet food every month for those in
Holmstock. “We have over 200 attend- need,” said Ted Pankiewicz. “We deliver
ees this year. Skydivers love to jump here to Meals on Wheels every Monday morn-
because of the incredible view, but also ing so pets can have a hearty meal deliv-
because we offer so much fun and enter- ered along with their owner’s.”
tainment in between their jumps.”
They also have their own delivery route
Skydivers love diversity, so this year to other homebound seniors and their
they brought in two vintage transport pantry serves roughly 300 walk-in seniors
planes – a Casa 212 and a WW2 Biplane – each month who need assistance feed-
as well as a Bell Huey 42 Huey Helicopter ing their beloved pets. Additionally, they
to take them up. work closely with 17 Indian River Coun-
ty food banks, the Humane Society and
Skydiving is not just for the young, H.A.L.O.

“The demand is very high so we are very
thankful to be chosen as the beneficiary of
this spectacular event,” said Pankiewicz.

The group also has a five-acre sanc-
tuary to care for pets surrendered by el-
derly owners entering hospice or nursing

“We foster those pets until we can find
them a new home, or they live with us un-
til they join their owners in Heaven,” said
Pankiewicz, adding they similarly foster
pets whose owners are in rehab after sur-

For more information, visit pawspet- 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE July 20, 2018 B7

Neil Hutchinson and Mike Holmstock. Curt Vogelsang, Matt Morici, Rafael Dunin, Manny Guevara and Rita Roy.

B8 July 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

Amalfi Grille: A great four-course culinary bargain

By Tina Rondeau | Columnist start to the meal. Shrimp Gorgonzola.
[email protected] The second course was a choice of sal-
Of all the summer dining deals being ads. I went for the mixed green salad,
advertised these days, nothing tops the and chose a light white balsamic
four courses for $24 special being offered dressing. My husband opted for
at the Amalfi Grille. the Caesar salad with anchovies,
which he pronounced a good
While we have on a number of occasions version of the classic Caesar.
cheerfully spent a few dollars more than
that savoring some of the creative dish- For entrées, the choices got
es offered by the Amalfi, $24 a head is all tough. There were chicken
you need to lay out to enjoy a great four- and fresh local fish options,
course culinary experience at this excel- and I was sorely tempted by
lent restaurant. the sausage lasagna. But I
finally settled on the shrimp
On our visit last week, we waved off gorgonzola. My husband flirt-
several of the evening’s specials – which, ed for a time with the beef Wel-
as usual, sounded mighty tempting – and lington, but ultimately ordered
told our excellent server Dana we intended the veal and mushrooms.
to see how happy we could be sticking to
the special menu. My shrimp gorgonzola consisted
of beautiful large Gulf shrimp, sautéed
No problem, she said. with wild mushrooms, sun-dried toma-
So for appetizers, I started with the fried toes and spinach, and tossed with cavatappi
mozzarella while my husband ordered the pasta in a gorgonzola cream sauce. Yummy.
other choice available, the spinach and

Beef Wellington. Veal and

mushroom ravioli. My husband’s slices of veal scaloppini Depending on what you choose to drink, Hours:
The fried mozzarella cheese had been were sautéed with extra virgin olive oil, the total tab for two can obviously climb Dinner nightly from
white wine, butter and mushrooms, topped a fair bit above the $24-a-person prix fixe
panko breaded, and flash fried to crispy with a light cream reduction and served price for the special menu. 5 p.m. to closing
golden perfection, it tasted terrific when over penne. He loved the dish.
dipped into a homemade marinara sauce. But it’s your choice. You are getting a full Beverages: Full Bar
Finally, it came time for dessert – which four-course dinner – the same caliber of
The spinach, mushroom and ricotta is always a highlight of the evening at food that you would get if ordering a la carte Address:
cheese ravioli, however, was positive- Amalfi, where the pastries are nothing from the menu – and your meal deal is not 398 21st Street,
ly sublime, and was served with a won- short of amazing. being bundled with a bottle of so-so wine.
derful gorgonzola cream sauce. A great Vero Beach
I ordered the coconut-infused white Will we order from the 4 for $24 menu on
Lemon cake layered with coconut mousse and our next visit? That depends on how tempt- Phone:
Spongecake. ed we are by that night’s specials. (772) 564-8218
finished with fresh coconut, and
my husband tucked into a But on this visit, we went home feeling
large slice of fresh lem- happy and well fed after enjoying a bargain
on sponge cake layers evening at the Amalfi Grille.
with a fresh blueberry
mousse and finished I welcome your comments, and encour-
with whipped cream. age you to send feedback to me at tina@ver-
The desserts to-
tally lived up to ex-
pectations. The reviewer dines anonymously at restau-
rants at the expense of Vero Beach 32963. 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING July 20, 2018 B9

SUNSET MENU $17 A Modern Diner with fresh local ingredients
Available Daily 4:30 - 5:30
$5 House Wine and Well Drinks

Choice of Tides’ House Salad,
Caesar Salad or BLT Iceberg Wedge

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Salmon, Steak Au Poivre, Rigatoni Bolognese

Zagat Rated Reservations Highly Recommended A Roger Lord and Chuck Arnold Restaurant
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(772) 234-3966 reservations strongly suggested

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sunday brunch live entertainment wednesday
steak night
a la carte brunch menu fridays | cabana bar | 5:30-8:30 pm
a la carte
11:30 am - 3 pm saturdays | the wave | 7-10 pm specialty steak menu

early-bird dinner DJ thursday
paella night
sunday - thursday saturdays | cabana bar | 1-5 pm
5 - 6 PM sundays | cabana bar | 2-5 pm variety paella dishes

three courses happy hour mojito monday
$22 per person
1/2 off appetizers $8 flavored mojitos
$4 draft beer
$5 house wine

$6 house cocktails

4 - 6 pm daily

call 772.410.0100 for more information 

B10 July 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

Excellence Market Hours: Mon-Sat • 10am - 9pm

Innovative Mediterranean Cuisine & Gourmet Market

Summer Special • Offered all night

Prix Fixe $16 Entrees
$5 Select Glasses of Wine

Includes Free Gelato, Any Flavor

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BBiissttrrooLLuunncchh: :MMoonn. .--FFrri.i.111am -- 22ppmm •• BBiissttrro Dinner: Monn..--SSaat.t.55ppmm--99ppmm

772.234.4181 • 1409 S. A1A, Vero Beach •


Sundays | 2 - 5 PM

Relive classic vodka cocktails:
Cosmo, Lemon Drop, Screwdriver, Harvey Wallbanger

Join us at Cabana Bar
for Costa d'Este's

Summer Entertainment Series,
featuring a DJ

& specialty cocktail samples.

In partnership with Moet Hennessy
Additional beverages & food available for purchase.
No reservations required. Call 772.410.0100 for more details. 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING July 20, 2018 B11

Start with a Small House Salad

1. Snow Crab, Mussels, Spicy Boiled Potatoes
2. 1/2 Rack Ribs, Fries, Blue Cheese (BC) Slaw
3.Yummy Catfish, BC Slaw, Hush Puppies
4. Hangover Burger, Fries, BC Slaw
5. Chicken Etoufee, Rice

Fine Dining 5-10PM – 7 Nites
89 Royal Palm Pointe l 772-617-6359

Regular Menu Available
Reservations Suggested

Thai & Japanese Cuisine Live Music and Jazz
Tues – Thurs, 6 pm - 9 pm
Beer, Wine, Sake & Fri & Sat, 6 pm - 10 pm
Full Liquor Bar
$2 Off Martini Tuesdays
Dine in & Take Out

Mon - Sat 11:30am - 3 pm


Nightly 4:30 pm -10 pm

713 17th Street|(17th Shoppes Center)

B12 July 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES July 20, 2018 B13

K75 AJ62 Q 10 4
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist J82 93 Q76
Q 10 8 3 K54 J96
Hans Rosling is a Swedish medical doctor who rose to prominence when he produced J94 A832 K 10 6 5
a Ted Talk in which he promoted the use of data to explore development issues. He said,
“My best friend in medical school was a magician. We were shown an X-ray of a sword SOUTH
swallower, and I tried it and failed. Then I got a sword swallower as a patient, and he 983
taught me.” A K 10 5 4
If you know how to do something, it seems easy. But until you do, it can appear very difficult. Q7

At the bridge table, we would all play better if we had X-ray vision. In this deal, for example, Dealer: South; Vulnerable: East-West
what happens in three no-trump after West leads the diamond three?
The Bidding:
South starts with six top tricks: one spade, two hearts, two diamonds and one club. He
should hope that East has the club king and that he can get four heart tricks. What is the SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
best play in the heart suit? 1 Hearts Pass 1 Spades Pass
1 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass LEAD:
Ideally, you run the nine. Then, assuming it loses to the jack or queen, you cash the ace and 3 Diamonds
king. Your chances are just under 50 percent. Here, though, declarer’s communications are

The simplest-looking line is to win the first trick with dummy’s diamond king and to lead a
club toward the queen. Suppose East takes that trick and returns a diamond. South should
win that, cash the club queen, then lead a low heart from his hand. Yes, the defenders take
that trick and two diamond winners, but when hearts prove to be 3-3, declarer is home.

Note, though, that if East had shifted to the spade four at trick three, it would have defeated
the contract — not easy.

Sturgis Lumber
Hardware Store & Lumber Yard


62 years Family Owned and Operated
4645 US-1 • (772) 562-4171

B14 July 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES


1 Central (5) 1 Foist (6)
4 Perfumes (6) 2 Smart (5)
9 Flower (7) 3 Tier (4)
10 Ancient language (5) 5 Crumble (8)
11 Underworld river (4) 6 Zilch (7)
12 Inspect (7) 7 Vocalist (6)
13 Asian cooking pan (3) 8 Enemy of Doctor Who (5)
14 Jumping insect (4) 13 London station (8)
16 ___ and onion (4) 15 Peewit (7)
18 Observe (3) 17 Rubber (6)
20 Satisfied (7) 18 Hearing, e.g. (5)
21 Dull pain (4) 19 Vegetable (6)
24 Not moving (5) 22 African capital (5)
25 Holiday destination (7) 23 Rear (4)
26 Area (6)
The Telegraph 27 Eccentric (5)

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

The Telegraph

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES July 20, 2018 B15

ACROSS bandleader, then 5 Last words? 78 Rough stuff?
1 Dash units, actor, making ___ 6 Dines 79 Trellis, e.g.
72 Ph. bk. data 7 Start over, as on 80 Vermouth order
perhaps 73 Late host Convy a sweater 81 Too bad, to bards
4 Apostrophe-free 74 Love god 82 South African
75 Before, to Byron 8 First offender? runner in the
possessive 76 Naturalist weds 9 “Park yer ___” 1984 Olympics
7 Fun (room) Irish 10 Convex molding 86 Sprat’s wife
10 Unlock, to tenor, making ___ 11 Stockholder, in a eschewed it
80 Garfield’s term? way 88 Teachers’ org.
Shakespeare 81 Sky hue 12 Airport info 89 Small body of
13 In the center of 83 That Geller feller 13 Huge showplace water
17 Neck wrap 84 The Dead, e.g. 14 Building with 91 ___ in the grass
18 Overweight fish? 85 Vacation spots many screens 94 Miniver, e.g.
20 Marlon’s female 87 Letter signoff 15 Going 96 Young,
88 Sulfur alloy 16 ___ Plaines insectwise
co-star in On the 90 Nudist’s hue 19 Lava flow rock 97 Beat at bat
Waterfront 92 Celtic 24 Talk during slides 99 Lamebrains
21 Dye holder 93 Heady order 25 Rains in 100 Singer Gormé
22 Ancient symbol 94 TV diner owner Casablanca 101 Dutch city
23 Lady bandit weds 95 Tias, in the U.S. 26 Adj. ending 103 Taste fully
carmaker, letting 97 Meal ingredient 31 Sky whatzit 104 Milnes’s milieu
___ 98 Actress weds 33 Electrolysis 105 Inhospitable, as
27 Trees in an comic, elements weather
O’Neill title making ___ 35 Silent star weds 109 Bando and
28 Zeno’s home 102 In ___ (together) TV actor, making Mineo
29 German industrial 106 Personal accts. of ___ 111 Maui adornment
city a sort 36 ___ Na Na 112 Chairman ___
30 Secret society 107 FDR’s Park 37 Pay attention to 113 Badly
31 Bible preposition 108 “And ___ of 42 Lariat, or the 114 Resolution
32 Samantha’s TV thousands” name of the resolution?
hubby 110 Wine valley ranch in Giant
34 Writer weds 111 Break (in the 43 “The Old ___ The Washington Post
orchestra action) Bucket”
leader, making 112 After actress ALTAR’D STATES By Merl Reagle
___ weds 44 Fantastik job?
38 Curtain support singer-actor, ___ 46 Ognomy or ology
39 Wood strips 115 Fix sloppy copy preceder
40 Guy on first 116 Clay, today 47 Exist
41 Holiday dessert 117 Cole Porter was 48 Mast pole
42 A horse of one 49 Certain chord,
another color 118 Marlon’s director in music: abbr.
44 R-V center? in 50 Butt in
45 European nation, On the Waterfront 52 Unchilled
to its populace 119 Leftover 54 Birthplace of
48 Wild plum 120 Mrs. Ho and Pythagoras
49 Skedaddles Mrs. No? 57 Like litmus, after
51 Inc., in Ireland 121 Sonora shout an acid
53 Otto I’s realm: 122 Nurse’s forte, 58 Throw mightily
abbr. for short
54 Part with, as 123 Pig’s digs 59 Real people?
pennies 124 Bob and ___ 61 ___ mind
55 Force to DOWN (in agreement)
56 Actress weds 1 Went out 65 Finnish lake
comedian, giving 2 Simoleons 66 Seething
___ 3 More rational 67 Actor Beatty
60 Lunched 4 Here on the 68 Wheat, for one
61 Mayberry kid Champs Elysées 69 Rock fans, often
62 Hop on ___ 70 Wear away
(commute) 71 Anchor’s
63 Start of the 10th announcement
century 76 Children’s books
64 Actress weds 77 Workers’ meeting

The Telegraph Come in and let us create a masterful blend of function
and esthetics for the kitchen of your dreams.

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(772) 562-2288 |
3920 US Hwy 1, Vero Beach FL 32960

B16 July 20, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR

ONGOING JULY 20 Star Party at the Vero Beach Museum activities in the Art Zone, and telescopic views
of Art, 7 to 10 p.m., a celestial cele- of the heavens thanks to Treasure Coast Astron-
bration for the whole family, with tours of the omy Club. Members free; standard admission
for non-members. 772-231-0707
Vero Beach Museum of Art - Insight Astron- Astronomy Photography exhibit, star-themed
Crossword Page B14 (INITIAL REACTION)
omy Photographer of the Year exhibition thru

Sept. 16; Post-War Impressions: Printmaking in Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
the United States after WWII thru Sept. 23; 150 in July 12, 2018 Edition 1 HOARSE 2 HANDLED
Years of Painting & Sculpture from the Perma- 4 SHOO 2 ARMED
nent Collection thru Jan. 13. 8 ANIMAL 3 SOLD
Vero Beach Theatre Guild - The Dixie Swim 10 BLADE 6 ODOUR
Club thru July 22. 11 PERFORM 7 ASPECTS
McKee Botanical Garden cooking classes: 15 FIT 14 SEASONS
July 21 Healthy Cooking for Children; July 28 16 LACK 17 CHARGED

Gluten Free Deliciousness; Aug. 4 Cooking for

Diabetes; Aug. 11 Healthy Desserts. 772-794- Sudoku Page B13 Sudoku Page B14 Crossword Page B13

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Prices are subject to change at anytime. Sale prices includes all available dealer discounts, factory rebates and consumer rebates. All applicants will not qualify for all discounts and/or incentives. Florida residents add tax, title, license,
registration, dealer admin, fees, and destination. Prices not valid with any other promotions. Vehicles subject to prior sale. Offer expires July 31st 2018. See dealer for full details. Not responsible for typographical errors.

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