Jury sides with Big Tobacco
in Vero lawsuit. P9
Bank of America
closing branch. P8
School District budget
draft hides some expenses. P8
MY VERO Highly touted
shrimp farm
BY RAY MCNULTY now bankrupt
St. Ed’s grad’s tragic death BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA
on a Colorado mountain Staff Writer
Never in his 26 years had From Vero’s beaches to Colorado’s mountain tops: Ryan Marcil, Carly Brightwell, and the north face of Capitol Peak outside Aspen. Florida Organic Aquacul-
Ryan Marcil felt more alive ture, the highly-touted shrimp
than he did in the days, weeks New trial set for man convicted of attempted robbery farm west of Fellsmere that pi-
and months before he and his oneered an environmentally
girlfriend fell to their deaths BY LISA ZAHNER Scene of attempted armed robbery in 2010. in his instructions to the jury. friendly form of aquaculture,
two Sundays ago in a moun- Staff Writer The judicial errors were so has filed for bankruptcy and is
tain-climbing accident. for sale.
A man convicted of an at- stark that defendant Jamie
As much as he loved grow- tempted armed robbery at Grant won an appeal after fil- It was only a little more than
ing up near the ocean in Vero Leigh Jewelers on Ocean Drive ing the paperwork himself, three years ago that, with great
Beach, fishing and boating in 2010 is getting a new trial, from his prison cell. Grant is fanfare and widespread sup-
with family and friends, there after the appeals court found still representing himself and port, South African entrepre-
was something about his new that Judge Robert Pegg erred intends to act as his own law- neur Cliff Morris hosted the
life in the Rockies that sent his company’s official grand open-
spirits soaring. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 ing, and 300 or so state and lo-
cal VIPS gathered to celebrate
There was something in the what was seen as an exciting
scenic, snow-covered, Colora- new venture that would put
do peaks surrounding Aspen Fellsmere on the map.
that called out to him, reached
into his soul and, appealing to Everyone applauded the
his insatiable sense of adven- self-proclaimed “home of
ture, beckoned to him with happy, healthy shrimp,” ex-
new challenges and experi-
There was also Carly Bright-
well, 27, who he began dating
Sheriff doesn’t stonewall after shooting: Longevity Fitness,
That’s good, except when info is wrong in a surprise move,
abruptly closes doors
BY BETH WALTON Two women who were not
Staff Writer criminals have been shot to BY KATHLEEN SLOAN
death by Indian River County Staff Writer
Across the nation in the deputies in 2017. In each case,
hours following a fatal police Loar stepped in front of TV Women who arrived at
shooting, top law-enforce- cameras within 24 hours of Longevity Fitness Club and
ment officials often remain the killing, encountering both Spa at 650 12th St. last week
tight lipped and reveal only criticism and strong commu- to work out or meet friends
scant details as a criminal in- nity support. were surprised to find the
vestigation commences.
He spoke both times with a CONTINUED ON PAGE 7
Not Indian River County somber tone and didn’t mince
Sheriff Deryl Loar.
August 31, 2017 Volume 10, Issue 35 Newsstand Price $1.00 Bank on Team Marine
for an inspired
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2 Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
New trial ordered Appeals found that defense attorneys also overturned by the appeals court store’ and alerted every employee to
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 objected to the way the court was because the court found the state had his presence.”
proceeding, but their objections were not proven Grant used a firearm in the
yer when his case goes before Judge shut down by Pegg. The appeals court commission of a crime. But Grant never got in the door.
Cynthia Cox in late October or possi- called the matter a “preventable error,” “Unknown to Grant, due to a re-
bly early November. pointing out that even lay members of Appeals court records summarize cent ‘snatch and grab’ incident, the
the jury tried to prevent the error dur- the case, stating Grant parked his car store’s owner installed a security sys-
Grant’s conviction for attempted ing deliberations. under a covered area at a nearby home tem which required customers to
armed robbery with a firearm was and walked about 100 yards to Leigh be ‘buzzed’ into the store by an em-
overturned and sent back for a re-trial Jurors asked for clarification during Jewelers. ployee. When the owner reached for
because Pegg did not permit jurors deliberations and were told “to rely on the buzzer, one employee warned of
to be instructed about possible lesser the instructions they had already re- “Once at the store, Grant ‘forcefully’ Grant’s potential dangerousness while
charges they could find Grant guilty of ceived,” the court noted. yanked twice on the store’s entrance others yelled, ‘Don’t let him in,’”court
before sending them off to deliberate door with his left hand, while keep- records state.
his fate. Grant was sentenced to 15 years ing his right hand in the front pocket “This reaction derived not only
in prison, with a 10-year mandatory of his hooded sweatshirt. The force from Grant’s aggressive entry attempt,
Florida’s Fourth District Court of minimum because the crime involved of Grant’s tug was so ‘aggressive’ and but primarily from the way he was
a firearm. That 10-year minimum was strong that it ‘shook the frame of the dressed; despite being a hot day, Grant
was wearing a hooded sweatshirt over
his head, gloves, and a ‘do-rag’ cov-
ering his face from his nose down,”
states the case summary.
Since June 2016, Grant has been out
on $100,000 bond, thanks to bail mon-
ey put up by his grandmother.
After serving five years in state pris-
on, he’s now living under house arrest
with a GPS anklet, working in the mar-
keting field and preparing his case for
trial. By court order, Grant is barred
from contact with Mark and Barbara
Leigh and cannot go within 100 feet of
their store.
The Leighs were out of town and
could not be reached for comment.
Outside the courtroom after the
hearing, Grant explained that he gave
up on using public defenders after he
was sentenced to an improper manda-
tory minimum sentence, and after the
court sent the jury off without telling
them that, should the burden of proof
threshold for his charges not be met,
they had not only the right but the ob-
ligation to convict on lesser charges.
The reading out of potential lesser
charges as part of jury instruction is
pretty basic stuff, especially in cases
involving felony charges.
“We conclude that the court erred in
failing to instruct on attempted armed
robbery with a weapon,” the appeals
judges opined in February 2016.
The errors in his trial and his man-
datory minimum sentencing – both
overturned by the appeals court –
pushed Grant to become a self-taught,
so-called jailhouse lawyer. “I started
going to the library and reading. I went
there five days a week,” said Grant, 33,
who before the November 2010 inci-
dent worked as a truck driver and a gas
The Fayetteville, North Carolina, na-
tive moved to the Vero area a decade
ago with no college education whatso-
ever, and no training in the law. Grant
said he graduated from high school in
2002 and then served in the U.S. Army
for three and a half years before relo-
cating to Florida.
He had two prior arrests on misde-
meanors in Indian River County be-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 3
fore the jewelry store incident. In May In April, Henry Lee Jones’ convic- Pegg abused his discretion in denying ing to prosecute them a second time.
2007, he was picked up for shoplifting tion for the murder of Central Beach the defendant's request to testify. Pegg has been on the bench since
and sentenced to time served in the resident Brian Simpson was remand-
Indian River County Jail. ed for retrial due to the court’s failure Prosecutors obviously don’t want being elected in 2006. He was re-elect-
to allow questioning about interracial to badmouth the judges they try cases ed in 2012 and his current six-year
Then in September 2010, he was violence during jury selection. in front of, but off-the-record, some term expires in January 2019, so he
arrested for driving with a suspend- of Long’s colleagues and some local could run again in 2018. In December
ed driver’s license. Court records say Last year, the Fourth District Court law enforcement officers are quite 2015, judges of the 19th Circuit were
when he was pulled over after the jew- of Appeals reversed and remanded frustrated with these serious felony routinely reassigned and Cox inher-
elry store incident in 2010, he told po- Edward Gibson Jr.’s conviction for convictions getting overturned on ited Pegg’s ongoing felony criminal
lice he was facing some dire economic murder in the first degree, finding that appeal due to technicalities and hav- caseload.
He appeared last Friday morning in
a suit before Judge Cox. He sat in the
gallery and waited for his name to be
called, then approached the defense
attorney’s spot and spoke on his own
Cox thoroughly questioned Grant
to make sure that he was aware of his
right to a court-appointed attorney
and that he did not want an attorney.
Grant confirmed that he has no inter-
est in being represented by a public
defender. He said he’d looked around
for a private attorney to represent him
pro bono, but had no luck.
Grant wants to actively participate
in his defense in the role of co-coun-
sel, and that’s problematic for many
defense attorneys.
Grant thinks he can win this time
around. “I mean I’m nervous, but I’ve
studied,” he said. “I’m claiming that
there’s not enough evidence to con-
He says the Vero Beach police pulled
him over illegally. A “be on the lookout”
(BOLO) alert issued after the Leighs’
911 call said there were two black
males. Grant is very light-skinned
mixed race and was traveling alone.
Appeals court records summarized
Grant’s capture. “A search of Grant’s
person revealed that he had hinged
handcuffs in his right rear pocket and
a purple velvet Crown Royal bag in
his right front pocket. Following the
search, Grant lamented to the detec-
tives, ‘Times are tough, I usually don’t
do this sort of thing.’ Additionally,
from Grant’s car, officers recovered an
unloaded .357-caliber revolver, a black
hooded sweatshirt, sunglasses, a pair
of gloves, and a ‘do-rag type face cover.’
“It looks horrible,” Grant told Vero
Beach 32963 on Friday of what po-
lice found on him and in his vehicle.
“I filed a motion to suppress all that
evidence because the officer didn’t
have a right to stop me. He said I was
speeding but I wasn’t. My motion was
Assistant State Attorney Bill Long
didn’t have much of a comment, other
than to say that it’s been a long haul
and that he’s preparing the case for
trial – again.
Two accused murderers have been
granted new trials in the past two
years after convictions overseen by
Pegg were reversed by the appeals
4 Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Shrimp farm bankrupt of foreign cash, but more was needed restructuring, in a different shape or “back end” after workers were hired
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 to keep the nutrient-rich, temperature- form. We're optimistic. Everybody likes and in place for a specified period.
controlled water flowing and nurtur- to eat shrimp. The market is there,”
pected to produce a couple million ing the millions of baby shrimp within Nunemaker said. Also making a “huge impact,” said
shrimp per year. their carefully monitored nurseries. Nunemaker, is the natural gas line,
He also contended that, regardless of which services the businesses along
The approximately $22 million This past April, Morris was forced to how the company regroups or restruc- the western 512 corridor. Several busi-
project was largely funded by foreign put the company into Chapter 11. As tures going forward, it has already had a nesses have already switched over
investors, including Chinese, via the of this week, the shrimp farm contin- positive impact on the Fellsmere com- and are saving “40 to 50 percent in
federal EB5 Immigrant Investment ued to operate under bankruptcy pro- munity. Local people have been em- energy costs. It's sustainability, and
Visa Program. Additionally, the shrimp tection, albeit with a limited crew. ployed, with the jobs grant funds paid [the aquaculture company] is credited
farm received a county jobs grant and a to Florida Organic Aquaculture on the with that.”
Community Development Block Grant Morris, according to his office ad-
to bring a natural gas pipeline along ministrator, has been in negotia- My Vero According to Colorado authorities
County Road 512 to service the facility. tions that he “can't comment on at and newspaper reports, the couple
this time.” He did, however, forward CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 began their ill-fated expedition on
But while the facility saw substan- a Shrimp News International article Saturday, Aug. 19, when they hiked to
tial early success, having a hard time that provided details of the situation. earlier this year and who touched his the Capitol Lake area of the mountain
keeping up with demand for its prod- heart in a way he didn’t know was pos- and camped for the night.
uct, it wasn’t long before rumors of The article said Florida Organic sible, sparking a once-in-a-lifetime ro-
trouble began to surface. Aquaculture had retained Equity mance that burned so brightly it was The next morning, they continued
Partners HG, a Maryland Investment visible to others in a resort town that their ascent and, during the afternoon,
By June 2016 the company was ex- Banking company, to “seek an inves- seemed to celebrate the couple’s bud- reached the summit of the 14,130-foot
periencing harrowing cash-flow is- tor, partner or buyer.” ding relationship. mountain, which is located west of As-
sues. Morris, just back from Hong Kong pen and considered one of the most
where he'd been seeking additional in- Fellsmere City Manager Jason Nun- “We read a love letter Ryan wrote to difficult climbs of the state’s 50-plus
vestment capital, was ever optimistic. emaker confirmed the report, adding Carly,” said Ryan’s father, Roger, who, “14ers” – peaks that rise above 14,000
that the city is working with the aqua- along with his wife, Karen, and daugh- feet in elevation.
“It's nothing we can't weather. culture company to ensure the site plan ter, Alexa, flew to Colorado last week
There's lots of stuff in the pipeline,” he and all other necessary documents are after the couple was reported missing. Authorities said they didn’t know
said, and praised his staff for “hanging in place, in hopes of negotiations with “He was actually thinking about get- how long the couple spent at the sum-
in there” even when their paychecks potential investors or buyers. ting married.” mit before beginning their descent.
were delayed for over a month. Soon afterward, however, they plum-
Nunemaker has worked with com- “Ever since he moved out here, he’s meted more than 200 feet. It was un-
“We're hanging on by our teeth, and pany founder Morris since the entre- been growing more and more,” Tom clear what caused them to fall.
remaining tough,” Morris said. preneur first began considering the Means, a friend who worked with Ryan
Fellsmere area. at the Surefoot ski-boot store, told the Though Ryan was scaling a “14er” for
The company was finally able to Aspen Daily News. “I think the moun- the first time, Carly was an experienced
make that payroll with a fresh infusion “We have every confidence the tains did a lot for him.” climber who was making her 10th such
shrimp farm will remain: perhaps with attempt, Ryan’s father said, adding that
Means said Ryan moved to Aspen the coroner told the couple’s parents
seeking “peace and tranquility” and that neither survived the fall.
“really found himself here.”
“They died instantly,” Roger said.
That was clear in the photographs Commander Jesse Steindler of the
of Ryan and Carly that were on dis- Pitkin County Sheriff’s Office told
play – along with his love letter – Fri- reporters in Aspen that, judging by
day evening at Aspen’s Herron Park, where the bodies were found, authori-
where hundreds gathered to remem- ties believe the couple might’ve been
ber a special couple three days after intimidated by Knife Edge – a narrow,
a search-and-rescue team discovered 100-foot-long ridge not far from the
their lifeless bodies below a treacher- summit with steep drops on both sides
ous ridge on Capitol Peak. – and sought an alternative route.
“That makes the most sense,” Steindler
Listening to stories of their son’s said, adding there are routes that initially
popularity among locals in the alpine appear to offer a less-daunting descent
community, Roger and Karen Marcil to the lake but actually become more
took comfort in Aspen’s embrace. dangerous further down.
“There’s all kinds of conjecture, but
“This is not our hometown, but I we’ll probably never know for sure
feel like it is,” Ryan’s father told the what caused them to fall,” Roger said.
couple’s many Colorado friends and “We hiked to the site and saw where
acquaintances at the event, which in- they had camped. We saw the moun-
cluded a poignant candle-lighting cer- tain and where they found the bodies.
emony, the release of two doves into It seemed really treacherous there.”
the heavens and a moving rendition of The couple was reported missing
Bob Dylan’s “Make You Feel My Love.” Monday, one day after friends said
they were expected to return to Aspen.
“You guys made us feel special in a Friends already had begun post-
horrible time in our life.” ing on Facebook, seeking leads to the
couple’s whereabouts and wondering
Here in Vero Beach, another memo- if Ryan and Carly had decided to delay
rial is scheduled for 5 p.m. Saturday at their return to watch the solar eclipse
South Beach Park, where hundreds of from the mountain.
friends – Ryan grew up on the island The next morning, Mountain Rescue
and was a St. Edward’s graduate – are Aspen volunteers were deployed, as
expected to mourn his passing and
celebrate his life.
“This one could be even tougher,”
Roger said, “if that’s possible.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 5
was a CareFlight helicopter. A National ple to die on Capitol Peak this summer. ing the couple was merely lost – board- “All we knew when we left is that
Guard helicopter later joined the search A fifth climber, a 21-year-old man, fell ed a Delta Airlines flight in Orlando. they were missing and we were go-
and, shortly before 2:30 p.m. (MST), more than 600 feet to his death Satur- ing out there to help with the search,”
sighted two bodies below Knife Edge. day while attempting to navigate the It wasn’t until the family was in the Roger said. “I didn’t bring any dress
Knife Edge section of the mountain. air, en route to Salt Lake City, that one clothes. All I brought with me was stuff
A rescue team rushed to the area, of them saw a social-media post con- to walk through the woods.
only to find the climbers were dead, Ryan and Carly were already gone taining a link to a news story about the
making them the third and fourth peo- when Roger, Karen and Alexa – believ- missing couple being found dead. CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
6 Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
My Vero he also served on the board of Aspen We all are – especially now, when he ing the criminal investigation, said Guy
Strong, a nonprofit foundation that was more alive than ever. Rubin, the Stuart-based defense attor-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 provides mental health resources in ney representing the Teel family.
the region. “This was hard on everybody, but
“We were in the middle of the flight Ryan lived life to the fullest,” his father “I’m very much concerned about
when we found the news,” he added. Ryan’s belief in the foundation’s said. “And these past few months, he this,” he said. “On one level it’s per-
“We couldn’t believe it. Everyone was work, which Carly also strongly sup- was in the best place that we’d seen sonal to the family who lost a loved
a little hysterical, but Delta really took ported, prompted his family to request him.” one, but in a larger sense we’re talking
care of us. When we landed, they let us donations to Aspen Strong (www.as- about trust between law enforcement
get off the plane first. And when we got penstrong.org) in lieu of flowers. Sheriff doesn’t stonewall and the community and we’re seeing
to Aspen, they had a car waiting for us.” CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 all around the country that that trust
“Ryan was such a good athlete that is seriously broken.”
As of last weekend, Roger said the he’d get good at things quickly, wheth- words as he defended his officers’ ac-
family was doing “better than you er it was hiking, mountain biking, ski- tions. Teel was “no threat to anyone but
might think, under the circumstanc- ing, skinning up mountains, running herself,” the lawyer said.
es,” taking solace in knowing that Ryan marathons,” Roger said. “Pretty much But sometimes, in the early hours
died doing something he loved with everybody we met out here said he of an investigation, details from a Susan Teel, 62, was shot in her bed-
someone he loved in a place he loved. was a natural at everything he did. crime scene are rapidly changing, and room just minutes after her daughter
sometimes the sheriff’s earliest re- called 911 for help. At 8 p.m. that eve-
Those who knew Ryan knew him “And his enthusiasm was conta- marks prove wrong. ning, authorities say, Teel’s husband
to be something of a thrill seeker who gious,” he added. “His exuberance for Dr. Dudley Teel found his wife in the
thrived on the adrenalin rush new ad- doing these things would make others Advocates for the families of Alteria bathtub cutting her wrists with a razor
ventures could bring. In a Facebook do things they probably wouldn’t have Woods, who was shot 10 times by dep- knife. Deputy Jonathan Lozada was
post shortly after his death, Alexa began done. I knew he was an amazing kid, uties during a drug raid in Gifford on on scene by 8:04 p.m. Three minutes
with the words: “To my fearless bro ...” but, talking to people in Aspen, he was March 19, and SusanTeel, who was killed later, before his back-up had entered
more amazing than I realized.” by a deputy in her home on July 26, have the house, shots were fired and the
Young, healthy and athletic, Ryan questioned whether the sheriff’s public 118-pound woman was dead.
had no fear, sometimes to the point of Bruce Wachter, head of St. Edward’s statements hamper the likelihood of a
recklessness. But he also was blessed Upper School, thought so, too. He said thorough and proper investigation. “The deputy did exactly what he was
with an outgoing personality, a wel- many faculty members fondly remem- trained to do,” Loar told reporters the
coming smile and an easy charm. ber the 2009 graduate as a “talented When the top lawman “exoner- next morning. The Sheriff’s Office has
and enthusiastic young man” who was ates” his deputies before the facts are responded to dozens of calls for service
Those qualities, along with his you- an accomplished athlete, particularly known, this influences public opinion at this address, he said. Teel was “at-
only-live-once sense of adventure, in tennis. and Sheriff’s Office personnel conduct- tempting to kill [Lozada] with a large
drew others to him, particularly in the butcher knife,” the sheriff continued.
outdoor paradise that is Aspen, where “We’re saddened by this loss,” She “lunged” at him and he made a
Wachter said.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 7
“split-second” decision. It was the “only expects that and deserves that,” he said. not and cannot work,” shouted com- “There have been press confer-
choice” the deputy had, Loar said. Officers like Lozada are young, Loar munity activist Michael Marsh into a ences in the past where it may have
bullhorn as he stood outside the Vero been better to wait a little while, but
It’s impossible for there to be a fair added. “His peers are looking, think- Beach court house at a rally earlier this remember, every case is incident spe-
review locally after remarks like that ing, maybe that could have been me.” month. In front of theWoods family and cific,” he said. “If we have a volatile
are made to the public, said Rubin. reporters, he called the sheriff a liar. situation in a volatile area, there has
The officers now charged to investi- Deputies are seeing the same news got to be something.”
gate for criminal wrongdoing already coverage as everyone else as these of- A March 20 autopsy report complet-
know what their boss believes. ficer-involved shootings are dissected ed by the District 19 Medical Examin- It’s a no-win situation, the sheriff
online and on TV, he said. er’s Department shows the 21-year old added. If there are no public remarks,
Such emboldened rhetoric perpetu- was shot 10 times by deputies during people think law-enforcement is hid-
ates statements that aren’t true, he “To say they are not a little appre- the early morning raid at a house in ing something. Virtually everything is
added. It wasn’t a “split-second” deci- hensive, I think, would be wrong.” Gifford. Yet hours after her death, Loar public record in Florida, he said. “I
sion, for example. Many seconds went stood in front of TV cameras and said, think that we’re as open as any agency
by and questions remain if the officer Across the United States, police are “Unfortunately, one of the rounds in the state.”
followed protocol when he knew the faced with the prospect of going to fired by a SWAT team member of ours
subject was armed. work and being shot, killed or indicted struck an innocent person.” Longevity Fitness closes
every day, Loar said. In situations of CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
“We’re being critical because we deadly use-of-force, the intent is not The sheriff went on to say the young
see things that are flawed in the sys- to kill. The intent is to stop a threat. woman’s boyfriend, Andrew Coffee doors locked and the building dark.
tem,” Rubin said. “Fifteen hours later, IV, fired at deputies first and used her For more than 20 years, Longevity
[while] the yellow tape was still up, the “When we’re encountered with deadly “cowardly as protection.” He told re-
sheriff was exonerating his deputy.” force, that’s when we use deadly force,” porters about the cocaine and crack has been the only health club in Vero
Loar said.“If someone is coming at us with found at the crime scene and discussed Beach exclusively for women.
In an interview, Loar stood by his of- a butcher knife, a pitch fork, something the Coffee family’s long and sometimes
fice’s ability to investigate its own of- of that nature, when we see deadly force violent past with the police. The gym’s dozen or so employees
ficer-involved shootings and said his coming at us, we do not use less than.” first found out something was amiss
intent when speaking to the media is Coffee IV has since been charged when their automatic-deposit pay-
not to exonerate. Susan Teel’s death, like that of Al- by a grand jury in Woods’ murder. The checks were marked “pending” and
teria Woods’, is being investigated by deputies involved were not indicted. then “deleted” from their bank state-
His office often broadcasts its press the Indian River County Sheriff’s Of- The medical examiner found no traces ments, leaving them unpaid from
conferences on social media to stay fice and the Office of the State Attor- cocaine or crack in Woods’ system. mid-July to mid-August, according to
in front of the story and make sure ney for the 19th Judicial Circuit, which
context doesn’t get lost in abbreviated encompasses Indian River, Martin, St. The day before Alteria Woods’ au- CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
news excerpts. Lucie and Okeechobee counties. Dep- topsy was made public, Loar acknowl-
uties were not equipped with body edged timing is everything.
“I think it is very important to get our cameras in either incident.
message out and I think the community
“The police policing themselves does
8 Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Longevity Fitness closes “I have several local people interest- dSrcahfot ohlidDeissstormicte’sexbpuedngseets
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 ed in what amounts to a great opportu-
nity to own and operate the only ladies’ BY KATHLEEN SLOAN McMillan said all 11 of the hidden
an employee who wishes to remain health club in the area,” Moss said. “I expenses were “publicly discussed”
anonymous. expect the club will reopen soon.” Staff Writer in budget workshops.
The same source said the manager, Neither Barattini nor Thomas could Taking the Indian River County The budget sessions, viewable on
Alicia Castillo, abruptly decided to be reached for comment. School District tentative budget at YouTube, show Assistant Superin-
lock the doors last Thursday rather face value is a mistake. tendent of Finance Carter Morrison
than let employees continue to work Max Fitness, owned by Bonnie and reading from his list of “budget im-
for no pay. Stephen Pfiester, which is within walk- Vero Beach 32963 has learned pactors,” touching on some of the
ing distance of Longevity at 970 14th a line-item referring to substitute concealed expenses, but the public
Longevity’s phone number, 772- Ln., has offered to honor all Longevity teachers is a rabbit hole hiding 11 was not given any time to question or
778-6800, is still answered with a memberships at no additional cost. other expenses having nothing to do comment on the expenses.
voicemail message that sounds as if with substitute teachers.
the business is operating. Callers are “It’s enough stress to get out of your The final budget public hearing is
invited to leave a message and are routine. We just feel if we can take The line item, “(GF) Non-Disc Sal- Sept. 7. McMillan said the items hid-
promised a call back within 24 hours. away any additional stress, if we do ary (Dist.)-(Substitutes),” shows the den behind the substitute teacher
the right thing, then God will take care district’s penchant for inside-base- line will be listed separately in the
“Last year the business was sold to of us,” Bonnie Pfiester said. The hus- ball terminology and disinterest in last draft, making a marginal conces-
Atec Fitness, Inc., a corporation owned band and wife were 50 percent partners making its $278 million budget un- sion to public understanding of the
by Mr. Austin Thomas, who owns and with Longevity when Barattini owned it derstandable to taxpayers. district’s massive budget.
operates healthcare facilities in North from 2003 to 2011, acting as the onsite
Carolina,” said broker Billy Moss of managers and operators. According to the line item, more BANK OF AMERICA
Lambert Commercial Real Estate. “Un- than $6 million was budgeted for sub- TO CLOSE BRANCH
fortunately, Mr. Thomas has had per- About a dozen women have taken stitute teachers this year, a $4.3 mil- ON SOUTH BEACH
sonal problems and closed the facility.” the Pfiesters up on their offer to work lion increase over last year’s $1.7 mil-
out at Max Fitness. lion figure. BY A STAFF WRITER
Thomas must have seen problems
coming because, Moss said, Thomas Like Longevity, Max Fitness offers Vero Beach 32963 asked why the The Bank of America an-
hired him to list the business for sale free child care, which will be helpful to substitute teacher budget was going nounced that it plans to close its
four months ago, with an asking price Longevity members with children. up so much, inquiring whether the South Beach branch on A1A just
of $79,000. district was starting the school year north of Castaway Cove in early
Pfiester admitted her health club with a lot of teacher positions unfilled. December.
Richard Barattini, who previously doesn’t have all the perks that the nearly
owned the company and still owns the 13,000-square-foot Longevity offered, Public Information Officer Cristen In a letter to customers an-
large building, also gave Moss permis- such as an all-women atmosphere and McMillan said the substitute budget nouncing that the branch at 1500
sion to sell the business. a café and smoothie bar seating 30. had not increased by millions and that Highway A1A will be closed as of
the school year started with only 9.5 Dec. 5, Bank of America said it
“It was a special place,” she said of teacher positions unfilled. Since May was “sorry for the inconvenience
the shuttered gym. 9, the district has hired 120 teachers to this causes you,” but suggested
replace the many who left the district depositors use either their branch
last year and during the summer. in Indian River Shores or the
branch on Miracle Mile.
Later McMillan revealed what lay
behind the deceptive line-item’s title, Since the financial crisis, banks
including money for teacher raises, have closed over 10,000 branches,
new teacher salaries, funding for an average of three a day. In the
special education teachers, health first half of 2017 alone, a net 869
insurance funding and other ex- bank branches shut their doors,
penses. Also hidden in the line item according to S&P Global Market
is $50,000 in school administrators’ Intelligence, a research firm.
performance pay.
Bank executives maintain
Only $1.3 million of the $6 million is that they are “optimizing” their
for substitute teachers. branch networks to fit changing
customer habits.
Although the line item is under the
“districtwide expenses” page, clear-
ly many of the items are not. The
teacher pay and insurance-premium
expenses should be attributed to the
proper schools. Because they are not,
up to 22 school budgets are inac-
curate, giving a false picture of how
many teachers are at each school.
The special education positions
hidden behind the substitute-teach-
er line item reveal there’s been a
shakeup in the Exceptional Student
Education Program, left unexplained
to the public. Although the program
has its own budget page, some of its
expenses are hidden in districtwide
expenses, creating more confusion.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 9
Jury sides with Big Tobacco in Vero Beach lawsuit
BY BETH WALTON hospitality industry, he said. tion clinics or to smoking support hangover that I’ve got?” the lawyer
Even the family of the former golf groups, which were rising in popu- asked the jury as he discussed the
Staff Writer larity at the time, Isasi said. He only prospect of awarding damages.
professional believed he could do tried to quit twice.
After spending weeks hearing tes- anything he put his mind to. Why, “Who’s looking back at you in the
timony in a downtown Vero Beach then, didn’t Jones try harder to quit “If you’ve ever had the experience mirror?
courtroom, an Indian River County smoking, the lawyer for the tobacco of maybe having a little too much to
jury took just hours to find no fault company asked. drink one night and you wake up in “It’s not Jack Daniel’s. It’s you.
on the part of cigarette maker R.J. the morning and you’re not feeling Those are the choices that you made.”
Reynolds in the lung cancer death of Jones was educated and well read, well, and you look at yourself in the
a local resident. he said. He undoubtedly saw news mirror, do you ever say to yourself, “We were forced to move for mis-
reports about the risk. I feel 3 percent responsible for that trial multiple times over the course of
Six jurors deliberated behind the trial, and we think the law will ul-
closed doors Aug. 23, concluding that Yet, he didn’t go to tobacco cessa-
Demos Jones was not addicted to the CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
nicotine in R.J. Reynolds’ cigarettes,
and therefore his addiction was not
the legal cause of his lung cancer and
This prevented the jury from
awarding any or all of the $12.5 mil-
lion in damages sought by the Jones
Lawyers for the widow and his son
motioned for a mistrial.
“We believe in our system of jus-
tice and have great respect for the
sacrifices this jury made in consider-
ing this case,” said David Carter, who
represented the family alongside his
co-counsel, Jason Odom.
Carter and Odom are both at-
torneys with the island law firm of
Gould Cooksey Fennell.
“We know they did their best, but
they could only base their decision
on the evidence and arguments pre-
sented to them,” Carter said.
“There were many examples of ar-
guments and commentary on the ev-
idence which we believe to be clearly
While Carter focused much of his
attention in the courtroom on what
the tobacco companies did and did
not disclose about the health risks of
cigarettes, lawyers for R.J. Reynolds
questioned the financial motives
of the family and expert witnesses
called to testify.
They didn’t dispute that Jones
was a heavy smoker, that they hid
the health risks of cigarettes, or that
smoking can cause health conditions
like lung cancer.
They argued instead that Jones un-
derstood the risk he was taking, even
at a young age.
Jones called his cigarettes “coffin
nails” as a teenager.
He also was able to refrain from
smoking in certain situations, like
when he was inside of the high
school, or when he was going to visit
his girlfriend at her parent’s house,
R.J. Reynolds’ attorney, Jose Isasi II,
argued in court.
Jones further went on to successful
careers in banking, leisure and the
10 Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Big Tobacco wins verdict Jones sometimes smoked as much ria Gore versus R.J. Reynolds and Talk of annexing
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 as two packs a day, lighting a ciga- Philip Morris. South Beach into
rette first thing every morning. Vero resurfacing
timately mandate a new trial,” Carter In that case, $2 million in damages
said after the verdict. “I’m asking for justice, not sympa- was awarded to the plaintiff. BY RUSTY CARTER
thy,” Carter told the jurors in closing Staff Writer
A spokesperson for R.J. Reynolds arguments. Thousands of similar cases have
did not respond to a request for com- been filed in the state of Florida in Looming City Council elections in
ment. Carter reminded the jury that R.J. the wake of a 2006 state Supreme Vero Beach are resurrecting a ques-
Reynolds intentionally concealed the Court ruling that such lawsuits must tion that hasn’t gotten much attention
Jones, born in 1931, started smok- health risks of smoking in its market- be heard individually instead of as a in recent years: Should the city at-
ing in the mid-1940s between the ing efforts. class action. tempt to annex unincorporated areas
ages of 14 and 16. of South Beach?
They targeted kids, he said. This Arguments made by plaintiffs and
His wife, Phyllis Jones, cried on the formed the world Jones grew up in. their attorneys in the so-called “En- The topic was expected to resur-
stand as she discussed the months “This is what was happening to lay gle progeny” cases are boosted by the face this week when the South Beach
leading up to his death in 1995. The the groundwork.” high court’s findings that smoking Property Owners Association hosts its
two met in high school. causes certain diseases and that to- “Eminent Speakers’ Forum,” one of
Gould Cooksey Fennell also served bacco companies hid its dangers. the events taking place as part of the
as co-counsel in a 2015 lawsuit, Glo- organization’s Silver Jubilee.
Among those set to speak was Vero
Beach Mayor Laura Moss. She’s an ad-
vocate for annexation, calling the bar-
rier island communities south of the
city limits “very compatible.”
Moss stops short of calling for a ref-
erendum, noting that residents of the
island neighborhoods that lie between
the Vero Beach city boundary and the
St. Lucie County line would have to
vote on annexation. According to Vero
Beach City Clerk Tammy Bursick, ap-
proval would require a simple majority.
The clear benefit for the city would
be a sizeable bump in its property tax
collections. Current estimated value
of property in the city is just shy of
$2.7 billion, according to Indian River
County records, and annexing South
Beach neighborhoods could add
many tens of millions to that total.
In exchange, island residents could re-
alize several potential benefits: Increased
police protection, upgrading their cur-
rent septic systems to the “STEP” sewer
system now being installed within the
city, and having their neighborhoods
covered by the city’s tougher restrictions
on short-term rentals.
Whether the Vero Beach City Coun-
cil would back an initiative to annex
South Beach is another question.
Harry Howle, who is seeking a second
term this November, isn’t sold. “Yes, it
would bring in more property taxes,”
he said, “but I’m not convinced yet.”
Randy Old, who is seeking to return
to the Council, is a proponent of the
STEP system and would like to see it
extended to South Beach.
Beyond Moss, speakers for Thurs-
day’s event include Dr. Valerie Paul,
head scientist at the Smithsonian Ma-
rine Station, and Florida state senator
Debbie Mayfield.
The event takes place at 6 p.m. Thurs-
day in the Waxlax Center for the Per-
forming Arts at St. Edwards School.
12 Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
With graphic design skills, teens will make an ‘Impact’
Staff Writer
The generous and forward-thinking Lou Boccabella, Paul Sexton, Kathleen Knowles and Rey Navarro. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
women of Indian River Impact 100 are
helping formerly abused, abandoned “The graphic design program will variety of Hibiscus events, learning the chair. “Our members felt the Graphic
and neglected teens who have reached give me experience and beginning process while creating a portfolio of Design Impact Center was transfor-
the safety of the Hibiscus Children’s knowledge,” says another. items to showcase the scope of the cen- mative to the children learning a tech-
Village in Vero Beach to design their ter’s ability to prospective customers. nology-focused career, the organiza-
way to a better life. Part of the allure is even after turn- tion through continued connection
ing 18, students can finish the pro- Knowles sees graphic design as a with their graduates after the abrupt
In 2011 Impact 100 awarded the gram at the Village, participate in an place where art and business merge, aging-out process, the Indian River
Hibiscus Children’s Center a grant of internship and potentially work in the with students learning how to commu- County community as these youth en-
$100,000 to develop its Career Path- graphics center as a paid employee. nicate as well as design, noting, “They ter the adult and local world with the
ways to Independence program, which have to consider who their audience is training to make a good life and career
provides Hibiscus residents with skills Although the center is not yet fully and grasp what the client wants. If you that will adequately support them.”
training and career preparation. This functional, one former Hibiscus Vil- couldn’t read, would you understand
past April, Impact 100 women again lage client is currently working as an what the message is saying?” Cetrulo adds that they were particu-
stepped forward to help build better intern with Kathleen Knowles, the larly impressed by the program’s sus-
futures; this time through a $100,000 center’s director. “From a social work standpoint, tainability through the graphic design
grant for an extension of Pathways – drawing and singing can be a coping work and income that will be gener-
the Graphic Design Impact Center. “I’ve recently turned 18 and am now skill,” says Rey Navarro, director of Vil- ated by program participants.
on my own,” he explains. “Working lage operations, commenting that the
“We’re thrilled Impact 100 had the with Ms. Kathleen gives me a chance to program is beneficial to individuals “We talk about numbers of children
vision to get a group of ladies together learn new skills to use out in the world suffering from trauma. “Most of the in care. We do not tell the story about
to raise a significant amount of money and to stay connected; keeping me in kids have been through several trau- what would happen if we weren’t serv-
to make something transformational an environment I know and trust.” mas, and channeling their feelings ing these 40 kids,” stresses Sexton.
happen in our community,” says Paul into creating something is a positive “There’s a cost to that. Prison is $89,000
Sexton, Hibiscus Children’s Center “Life is like design; there are good way to work through something.” a year. Then there is loss of income po-
President/CEO. “That’s very much in and bad choices, all attached to out- tential and mental health costs. When
line with what we’re doing as profes- comes,” says Knowles, a graduate of Sexton says their goal is to introduce you start adding up the price for one
sionals taking care of kids in the child Corcoran School of the Arts and De- socially innovative programs that child, it’s huge. Then you look and say
welfare space.” sign at George Washington Univer- change the lives of the children they because they have this program, they
sity. “Our program provides youth a serve. “One way to do that is to expose didn’t go to jail, they didn’t end up at a
For the past 13 years teens ranging vehicle to slow down their thought them to things like the Graphic Design psych hospital, and they did graduate
in age from 13 to 17 have been provid- processes to reflect on what and how Impact Center,” he said. “We chose from high school. With a $100,000 in-
ed a safe, supportive environment at they’re expressing ideas through im- graphic design because it’s transfor- vestment, Impact 100 probably saved
the 40-bed group homes of the Village. ages and words; targeting audiences mational in a couple of unique ways. between $3 and $5 million.”
But it is only after they have been given with specific, measurable outcomes.” It’s a white-collar job, and they can
the basic necessities of food, shelter, earn a competitive salary. The house “These kids have been told ‘You’re
clothing and counseling that they can Students will work independently in has been transformed into a welcom- not worth it.’ ‘You can’t do anything.’
really begin to look forward to more a classroom setting and one-on-one ing workspace. Kathleen and some ‘You’re nothing.’ This totally coun-
promising futures. And the future with Knowles, working on projects of the kids made a sign, and on Oct. 1 teracts that,” adds Tracy Savoia, HCC
comes all too quickly for these teens. from concept to final printed piece. A we’ll be ready to open for business.” marketing vice president. “It will give
On their 18th birthday, Hibiscus cli- print shop has been set up with indi- them a sense of accomplishment and
ents must move out of the Village and vidual workstations, training equip- “The Hibiscus Children’s Center self-worth for the first time.”
make their own way in the world. ment for visual presentations, a library grant met the four criteria necessary
and open drawing area. for an Impact 100 grant,” says Brenda For more information, visit Hibiscus-
The center will provide a platform Cetrulo, Impact’s grant committee ChildrensCenter.org.
to help those young men and women Their first “real world” project will
launch careers in the graphic design be to design promotional pieces for a
industry, while also honing their so-
cial and life skills. Students will learn
the design process from concept to
completed project through a five-
module curriculum that focuses on
the elements of design, marketing, de-
velopment, software and branding.
Lou Boccabella, HCC vice president
of project management and regulatory
compliance, describes it as “a trans-
formation of our Career Pathways pro-
gram, where we work with children to
develop their independent living skills,
work on internships, develop career
goals and skills to better their lives.”
The teens say they can’t wait to get
started. “I would like to be a part of this
graphic design center because I love
drawing; it’s part of my life,” one said.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 15
Bank on Team Marine for an inspired United Way plan
Staff Writer
The public portion of the United Way Mary Cone, Bill Penney and Georgia Irish. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
of Indian River County 2017-18 Annual
Campaign will begin Oct. 14 with the (ORCA), Oceanside Business Asso- bank will again be a campaign Torch always had a very successful employ-
announcement of this year’s goal at the ciation, Treasure Coast Builders, Vero Bearer, meaning a $12,000 contribu- ee campaign here at the bank. One of
Day of Caring and Campaign Kick-off Beach Air Show and Youth Guidance. tion. “That’s a pretty big commitment the things I personally like about the
Breakfast. But the Team Marine cam- for a small group of employees. We’ve
paign chairs have actually been hard at Penney says that despite its size, the CONTINUED ON PAGE 16
work since even before the campaign’s
official July 1 start date.
Representing Marine Bank & Trust
Company, this year’s campaign co-
chairs are President/CEO Bill Penney;
Mary Cone, residential/consumer
lending vice president; Georgia Irish,
business development/client services
vice president; and Kim Prado, branch
manager/vice president.
“The four of us are going to be the
face of the campaign but it’s really
about the whole team,” says Penney,
referencing employees of the bank,
founded in 1997. “We’re going to try to
involve everybody in some aspect of
the campaign.”
Their United Way liaison is Tracey
Segal, UW campaign director, who
says that in choosing campaign chairs,
“we look for community minded folks;
familiar faces in the community, who
have a strong understanding of the
United Way and a level of engagement
within the community.”
Team Marine clearly meets the cri-
“We’ve had a long-term commitment
to the community and of encouraging
employees to give back to the commu-
nity from where we make our living,”
says Penney. In addition to serving two
terms on the United Way board, Pen-
ney previously co-chaired campaigns
with wife Karen in 1999/2000 (“Y2K”
Penney notes with a smile) and with
Alan Polackwich in 2006/07.
“I don’t think there are many or-
ganizations that we haven’t touched
or been a part of over the years,” adds
Cone, one of just two employed at the
bank the full 20 years. “And we’ve pret-
ty much been involved in every area of
the United Way.”
In addition to serving on the United
Way board and various committees,
employees have actively volunteered
with numerous local organizations,
including the Alzheimer & Parkinson
Association, American Cancer Soci-
ety, Board of Realtors, Environmental
Learning Center, Habitat for Human-
ity, Healthy Start Coalition, Hibiscus
Children’s Center, IRC Chamber of
Commerce, March of Dimes, Ocean
Research & Conservation Association
16 Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
United Way is that it touches so many ‘here’s a history of your employee and rine is up to the challenge. “Clearly, “We’ve had a couple of employees
different agencies. If you’re only to do corporate giving,’ thanking them for they want to make sure it’s done well with the bank who say that if it weren’t
one thing and make one donation, it’s what they’ve done and asking ‘what and that it’s a success. There’s a lot of for United Way services they wouldn’t
a way to touch a lot of people and a lot can we do to keep it going and make it psychological and mental engagement be where they are today,” says Irish.
of agencies.” a little bit better?’” says Penney. “That in every aspect of this. This is Bill’s “It’s really something when you can
helps put together the campaign goal.” third term; nobody else has done that see the results.”
The co-chairs and Segal have had a before.”
busy summer, building the campaign After recently attending a meeting of “It’s not about the United Way, it’s
cabinet, planning their strategy and Publix store managers he came away “We’re not all going to be at every- not about the agencies; it’s about the
reviewing the campaign’s five business impressed with the group’s passion thing, but there’s four of us and we all people that the agencies help,” says
divisions – Agra-Business, Commerce and generosity, noting their contribu- are versed in this, so we will be there to Penney.
and Industry (small businesses), Fi- tions last year amounted to close to help out as needed,” says Penney. “You
nance and Allied Professionals (insur- $600,000 of the $3.035 million cam- really have support from all parts of Cone agrees adding, “You don’t
ance companies, law firms and banks, paign. “Publix is an amazingly philan- the community; it’s very broad-based.” get the full impact until you visit the
etc.), Healthcare and Public Service thropic company, not only for United agencies.”
(such as governmental entities and Way but all the other nonprofits. We “Our work and our reputation is
nonprofits). were there to say ‘thank you; keep it go- solid and people always want to see us In the spring, the citizen’s review
ing.’” succeed so they’ll do what they can to process will involve roughly 100 volun-
Volunteers assist the campaign in a help,” says Kint. teers reviewing the grant applications
variety of ways, such as the campaign There are also residential cam- and financials submitted by the vari-
cabinet, which helps with solicita- paigns, such as the one at John’s Is- Once campaigns are underway, ous agencies and doing on-site visits
tions to businesses within the five di- land being run by Dave and Sharon loaned executives will arrange with before recommending the amounts
visions plus residential communities; Northrup, and Penney made sure to businesses to make pitches to their the agencies should be funded.
the major accounts team, which calls meet with them before they left for the employees, often including a talk by
on workplace CEOs to discuss their in- summer. a partner agency to build compassion “The distribution of the money is
ternal workplace campaigns; loaned and help them better understand the decided by local citizens, so there’s
executives, who make presentations The cabinet will soon meet to review needs. tremendous accountability and it
at the various workplaces; and in the historical data and the results of recent stays local,” says Penney.
spring, on the citizen review panel, CEO discussions. “One thing we’re going to do this
which determines agency fund alloca- year that we haven’t done in the past, “We have a very generous commu-
tions. “We’ll roll it up and come up with a is we’re going to be taking all of our nity; they see the need. They see the
number, a really big number. You al- team, each employee, out to visit the benefits of their United Way invest-
One of the more critical tasks is de- ways want to set the goal a little bit different agencies,” says Cone of their ments and they continue to give gen-
veloping a realistic campaign goal. higher,” says Penney. “And then we’ll own workplace campaign plans. “We’ll erously. And we appreciate that,” says
roll the goal out on the Day of Caring.” be taking them out 10 at a time to visit Segal.
“We had a group of people doing the with the different agencies that United
CEO calls, where we go visit the CEOs “The process is really very involved,” Way supports to get each member of The United Way is always in need of
of the different organizations to say, says UWIRC CEO Michael Kint, who our organization involved.” volunteers. Visit UnitedWayIRC.org or
has every confidence that Team Ma- VolunteerIndianRiverCounty.org for
more information.
18 Vero Beach 32963 /August 31, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Violinist pair instrumental in students’ string success
Staff Writer
When Vero native Jake Owen, the The Storm Grove Orchestra. PHOTOS BY: GORDON RADFORD Nicole Ballinger holds a Kindermusik class
pop country singer, got married on the at the Vero Beach Leisure Center.
beach a few years back, it was the Ball- bies for future music-making through ranged in age from 6 months to 3 years,
ingers who played for the ultra-private the Kindermusik program, offered at caught on quickly to Nicole’s prompts. dle-school strings teacher in Lakeland,
ceremony that took place at the crack of Vero’s Leisure Square. Nicole Ballinger Most watched raptly as Nicole passed who also shuttled between schools and
dawn. So secretive were the bride and got her training through the national out various shakeable, bangable noise- managed to create an excellent orches-
groom that when the Ballingers got the program, first by taking online courses makers, including bead-filled hula tra program there. He went on to earn a
call to play, the wedding planner didn’t and then meeting in Orlando for a four- hoops and plastic tambourines, and, B.A. in music performance from Florida
even tell them who they’d be playing day seminar. Last week she taught an using song, delivered various prompts Southern College.
for. “She just told us to be there at 6 a.m. introductory class to what will be her to follow. Rattles and triangles were
– on a Monday morning,” says Nicole, second group of budding instrumen- traded and demanded, the earliest hint It was just as he was preparing to
laughing. talists, leading a half-dozen babies and at future battles for first chair. graduate that he met his future wife.
toddlers and their parents through the Originally from Rhode Island, Nicole
“I had to get permission from my fundamentals of music-making. As the 45-minute class drew to a close, had moved to Jupiter with her family at
principal to be a little late to school,” Richard Ballinger was making the trek age 9. She and Richard had driven with
says Richard. “Babies are born having heard their across town from Oslo to Storm Grove, separate groups of mutual friends to a
mother’s heartbeat. Internally they where his chamber students were as- swing dance in Orlando. Several dances
And when a lone paparazzo showed have rhythm. They’re moving to a beat,” sembled in the school’s spacious music in, Richard saw Nicole standing by the
up on the shoreline, the Ballingers she says. “When we move with them, room. With his time divided between dance floor. “Why haven’t you danced
ducked inside with the rest of the wed- play music and use ASL (American sign two schools, Ballinger’s string classes yet?” he asked. She answered: “Because
ding party. language), it engages their entire brain. have swollen to as many as 70 kids per you haven’t asked me yet.”
You touch all the domains that they class. “I delegate,” he says, when asked
Cue the violins: Every parent knows need to learn in: physical, emotional, how he maintains order. “The section The Ballingers are part of Florida’s
the moments. From a baby’s first steps social and cognitive.” leaders are in charge, just as they are in tight-knit community of Jehovah’s Wit-
to the walk up the aisle, Richard and a real orchestra.” nesses. Once they married, in 2001, they
Nicole Ballinger have positioned them- Perched on their parents’ knees or began to minister to the Haitian com-
selves to provide the musical accompa- scooching around on a room-size rub- In any moments of chaos, Richard munity in Fort Pierce, learning Creole in
niment, not only teaching the youngest ber mat, the babies and toddlers, who takes inspiration from his own mid- addition to French. Eventually that mis-
children, but performing at their most sion brought them to Vero Beach.
sentimental ceremonies.
In his 14 years in Indian River County
public schools, Richard Ballinger es-
timates he has taught strings to thou-
sands of kids, dividing his teaching
time between Oslo and Storm Grove
middle schools, in addition to giving
private lessons.
As Richard Ballinger funnels his stu-
dents into the acclaimed orchestra pro-
gram at Vero Beach High School, his
wife Nicole is prepping batches of ba-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 /August 31, 2017 19
‘Oeuvres’ due: Foosaner features ‘Woman Made’ art
BY ELLEN FISCHER “Women are still underrepresented shows lost much of their appeal “be-
Columnist in the art world,” says Carla Funk, direc- cause we don’t need to separate the
tor of Florida Institute of Technology’s work of women artists from that of
Forty years ago I asked my college Foosaner Art Museum in Melbourne’s male artists.”
Eau Gallie arts district.
art history teacher, Mr. Fraser, why he The idea being that women’s art is
The National Museum of Women not inherently weaker than men’s. It
didn’t include women artists in our in the Arts offers statistics to back her does not need the handicap of being
up: Artworks by women make up only shown only in the company of other
studies. 3 percent to 5 percent of major perma- women’s art.
nent collections in the U.S. and Europe.
“Because women artists have never That undeniable argument is still
That is partly why the Foosaner’s cur- valid, but with women artists hav-
created anything great,” he replied. rent show, “Woman ing made baby steps instead of leaps
Made: Female Artists toward equal representation over
I am happy to report that fewer peo- from the Foosaner the past 40 years, Funk suggests
Collection,” is cur- that maybe the time for all-women
ple – male art history teachers includ- rently featured in its shows has come again. “If MoMA and
galleries. the Pompidou can do women artists’
ed – would express Funk, who cu- shows, then we can do it here,” she says.
rated the show, says
such an opinion that in the 1970s Funk refers to the Centre Pompidou
and ’80s, some art in Paris and the Museum of Modern Art
today. More women institutions tried in New York, institutions that mounted
to address the un- exhibitions of woman-created art from
artists than ever derrepresentation their permanent collections in 2009
problem by present- and 2017, respectively.
before are being no-
ing women artists’ works in all-wom- Here in Florida, the Foosaner’s per-
ticed by the public en exhibitions. There was blowback manent collection show comprises
for the concept from its inception. 83 works by women. The examples of
not only for their in- painting, photography, graphics and
By the ’90s, Funk notes, all-women sculpture on display are by artists of
novative ideas and
desirable works, but
also their ability Volunteer Dolores Bailey. PHOTO BY: BENJAMIN THACKER
to shock and sur- both national and regional renown.
There are also works by artists for
prise the public as Carol Goldberg. whom biographical information is thin
thoroughly as their or non-existent.
male counterparts. Artists of national standing repre-
And yet, enlightened attitudes not- CONTINUED ON PAGE 20
withstanding, women today continue to
represent but a small fraction of the art-
ists deemed worthy of national notice.
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20 Vero Beach 32963 /August 31, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
sented in the show include Alice Aycock, the University of South Florida in Tam- Coming Up: First Friday
Jennifer Bartlett, Janet Fish, Viola Frey, pa, the prints entered the Foosaner col- Stroll gets to art of matter
Louise Nevelson, Dianora Niccolini lection as a private gift.
and Miriam Shapiro, among others. BY SAMANTHA BAITA the patronage of Dame Judi Dench.
Florida-based artists include Brevard There is nothing timid, diminutive or Staff Writer Each year, the student theater troupe
County art stars Barbara Osmundsen, otherwise “lady-like” about the group takes an original Shakespearean piece
Nancy Crawford, Susan Martin, Marlis of works on display. Visitors to “Woman 1 Here’s a pleasant way to stroll into and turns it into a modern, comic per-
Newman, Ellen Pavlakos, the late Ellen Made” will be impressed by the size and the weekend and enjoy Vero’s bur- formance, then tours the U.S., perform-
Plankey and Vera Sattler; Vero Beach is quality of the works here, a number of ing at colleges, high schools and profes-
represented by a sculptural object by which represent the very best of their geoning art scene at your own, relaxed sional theaters. The tour is being hosted
the late Jacquie Fort and a landscape artists’ oeuvres. by the Laura (Riding) Jackson Founda-
painting by René Guerin. pace: It’s the Main Street Vero Beach tion. Performances are 7 p.m. Wednes-
And that goes both for the work by day at Indian River Charter High School
An international aspect to the show the nationally celebrated women on First Friday Gallery Stroll, 5 p.m. to 8 and 7 p.m. Thursday at Sebastian River
is provided by the photography of four display as well as the regional ones. High School.
artists: Cubans Liset Castillo and Lis- p.m., along and around 14th Avenue.
sette Solozano; Dulce Pinzon, who is Remember those women’s show from ‘Totally Awesome
Mexican; and Teresa Segal, an artist the collections of the Pompidou and There are typically refreshments and ’80s Nights.’
born and raised in St. Augustine, who MoMA that Carla Funk cited? They both
with Solozano was part of a 2003 cul- received negative press for trotting out live music here and there along the
tural exchange art project sponsored second-rate works by first-rate artists.
by the St. Augustine-Barracoa (Cuba) way, and a vibe that’ll make you want
Friendship Association. In 2015, that In her 2009 Guardian review of the
group made a gift to the Foosaner of the Pompidou show, Germaine Greer wrote, to linger. Participating galleries include:
portfolio of prints by the women, along “By lumping the major with the minor,
with works by two male colleagues. and by showing only minor works of Flametree Gallery, Island Images, Main
major figures, elles@centrepompidou
Three notable works from Castillo managed to convince too many visitors Street Studios, Artists Guild Gallery, Ti-
feature large-scale, austere photogra- to the exhibition that there was such a
vures of a pile of rice, a garlic bulb, and thing as women’s art and that women ger Lily Gallery, Gallery 14, The Other
a metal spoon resting on a rough-hewn artists were going nowhere. Wrong, on
board. The images are a dignified hom- both counts.” Half Gallery, The Highwaymen Gallery,
age to the Cubans affected by their
country’s economic crisis, or “Special Perhaps it is the fact that the Foosan- Art on 18th and Raw Space Gallery. Some
Period,” of the 1990s. Produced in 2000 er is a small and university-sponsored
by the Institute for Research in Art at museum that gives it the instructive downtown businesses may open their
right and responsibility to pull off a
show like this. And it succeeds. doors as well, with art, refreshments and
The exhibit continues through Oct. 7. specials. Whether you’re strolling for the 3 It’s time to get your lupine on
again, this Friday and Saturday
first time, or checking out what’s new
and cool, you’ll find the First Friday Gal- at Riverside Theatre. The Labor Day
lery Stroll enjoyable. And perhaps you’ll Weekend theme for Riverside’s uber-
extend the evening with a bit of dinner at popular Howl at the Moon Experience
one of the nearby restaurants. is “Totally Awesome ’80s Nights.” This
A Special Exhibition, In Memory of James Gibson week’s musicians are: Howl fave Ken
Gustafson, who’s been a musician vir-
tually all his life. Gustafson now plays
at Walt Disney World Resort and does
Howl at the Moon shows. At the op-
posing piano will be Brian Wilk, who’s
had leading roles in dozens of “major
‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream.’ motion home movies,” Wilk enjoys
pointing out. His stage persona, ac-
cording to Riverside’s promo, has been
2 A rare (free) treat is in store for you described as “Robin Williams meets
this coming week: Shakespeare’s
Howie Mandel.” These guys can nail
wonderful, magical comedy “A Mid- pretty much any song you can come up
summer Night’s Dream” will be per- with. Shows are at 7:30 p.m. and 9:30
formed by the renowned Cambridge p.m. both nights. Tickets are $16/$22;
American Stage Tour (CAST) student or $30 for show ticket, fire-grilled
theater troupe Wednesday and Thurs- sandwich or salad, cocktail or bever-
day. CAST was founded in 2000 under age, and dessert. Call first.
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will donate 10% of sales to Gibson’s Scholarship Foundation. (772) 978-1351 • 463 4th Place SW • Vero Beach, FL
This is a rare opportunity to pay your respects to this artist
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22 Vero Beach 32963 /August 31, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bonz: AmbassaDog Kuma is just ‘plane’ awesome
airport service business up in the Pan- ree-lize it then, but the airport had name is Kuma ‘The Airport Dog’ Fallon!
found it’s AmbassaDog.” I have an official ID badge for my collar,
handle.” shaped like a bone, with a pickshur of
I had to stop taking notes and wipe my me wearin’ my headset. Just yesterday,
Hi Dog Buddies! I nodded and made a quick note-to- eyes. “So then what happened?” I man- I attended an airport board meeting,
self: “Google panhandle.” aged. an the Vice Mayor of Melbourne herself
“One of my favorite humans, Lori, is gave me a yummy dog biscuit!”
our airport’s Director of Communica- “Mommy an Daddy agreed that I
could go through Special Airport Train- “Shut the Doghouse Door!” I ex-
This week I met a ceLEBrity pooch, tions. Back before I met her, she thought ing to get my certificate, sorta like Com- claimed. “That’s one Serious Dog Bis-
Kuma Fallon. Kuma’s a real pretty Black our airport should have an Ambassa- fort Dog School, but ’specially for the cuit!”
Lab, an you’ll never guess what her job Dog, too, to greet passengers – grown- airport. But first, Lori hadda conduct an
is: She’s the Official AmbassaDog for the ups an liddle kids; help people who are innerview: I went to her office and we “I Know! Right?” Kuma agreed. “An
Orlando Melbourne International Air- Nervous Flyers be not so nervous; attend walked right out by where the airplanes I’ve already helped some people. This
the occasional airport board meeting, one man scratched me behind my ear,
port. Cool Kibbles, right? were! It was exciting, but I remained which is my totally favorite place to be
I met Kuma at her Mom and Dad’s pi- an Speshul Events an stuff. They hadda calm. I wasn’t scared One Bit, even scratched. When I thanked him, he
lot shop, right at the airport. She’s there mascot pooch, at Security, an at the gate, an EVEN thanked me back, an said he’d been
when a big Delta plane started its feeling gloomy an I made him feel much
every day, so she can zip right engines!” better. That made me proud.”
over to the terminal. “Woof!” I said. “You’re really something, Miss Kuma,”
“That’s cuz I’ve been around air- I told her earnestly. “Whaddya do when
She has so much en- planes all my life. Me an Daddy you’re off work?”
fly up an down the coast in our
ergy and enthusiasm, I Cessna 172. He says I have more “I got lotsa toys, but I’m more into
hours in the air than a lotta pi- bones. I play with my frens at the dog
wudda thought she was a lots do. I have my own seat, and park. The most fun’s playin’ with my
my own headset. I love lookin’ little human brother an sister, Caleb an
younger pooch if I didn’t out the window. You should see Sarah. It’s like we’re all puppies! I also
how little bitty everything gets. watch my favorite TV show, ‘Paw Patrol,’
already know she was 10. It’s aMAzing! Then it all gets big on Nickelodeon. And I chase armadillos
outta the yard at night. It’s my duty as a
After she introduced again when we land. member of the family.”
“So, anyway, I passed my
her Mom and Dad, Kristi- Heading home, I was picksurin’
airport training with a school Kuma, soaring through the clouds in
na and Derek, she told me called Off The Leash, an, just her designated seat, wearin’ her head-
last month, there was this special cer- set, lookin’ down at the tiny world. I bet
her story, which had some emony for ME, in the concourse area. It it’s pretty from up there.
was a Big Deal, with a buncha Important
sad parts, but also some Officials, an passengers an reporters an Till next time,
photographers an everything! I walked
happy ones. up a ramp with this Very Serious music The Bonz
called ‘Pomp an Circumstance’ playin’.
“My Mommy and Daddy Then I received my AmbassaDog Certif- Don’t Be Shy
icate from the Airport Authority Direc-
adopted me from the hu- tor of Operations an everybody clapped We are always looking for pets
and I became the official Orlando Mel- with interesting stories.
mane society in Fort Lau- Kuma Fallon, Black Lab. PHOTO BENJAMIN THACKER bourne International Airport Ambas-
derdale when I was just a saDog! I shook paws with a buncha peo- To set up an interview, email
3-month-old fluffball. We ple, an we had refreshments – pupcakes [email protected].
– an gave out dog biscuits for the pas-
moved up here a few years but she lived too sengers’ dogs. Now, my AKC-registered
ago. I’ve always had a lotta far away. So they started lookin’ for Just
energy, an I’ve been workin’
here with Mommy and Daddy almost The Right Dog.
my whole life, greetin’ an stuff. Mommy “Then a terrible thing happened. Last
says I was ram-BUNK-shus when I was year, Lori’s husbun Bobby, who was a
liddle. I’ve always loved playin’ with pilot, got in a crash an went to Heaven.
other pooches an humans, ’speshully One day, me an Mommy and Daddy
liddle humans, an those weird lookin’ were workin’ in our shop and this lady
came in we hadn’t met before. It was
pooches Mommy calls ‘cats.’”
“So how’dja get to be AmbassaDog?” I Lori. She just wanted to be around pilot
asked, checking to make sure I had extra stuff. I didn’t know her, but the minute
she walked in I could tell she was sad, so
“It started when the human in charge I came right up an offered a frenly paw
of the Whole Airport saw a pickshur of an as much of a hug as I could. Some-
a pooch who was AmbassaDog for an how, I knew it’d be OK with her. I didn’t
24 Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Implanted pump works wonders during heart surgery
BY TOM LLOYD ARNP Jennifer Konowitz and Dr. Dinesh Patel of the SRMC catheterization laboratory. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Staff Writer
Dr. Dinesh Patel is a cardiac surgery
specialist whose skills are so sought-
after that he performs procedures at
hospitals in Melbourne (Health First),
Jacksonville (Memorial Hospital and St.
Vincent’s Medical Center) and at Sebas-
tian River Medical Center.
One of the procedures he performs is
implanting a heart pump called the Im-
pella, which is the smallest in the world.
The pump, which is usually used for a
short period while the heart is being
surgically repaired, is manufactured by
medical device maker Abiomed, devel-
oper of the first-ever total replacement
artificial heart.
The International Journal of Angiolo-
gy as well as the U.S. National Library of
Medicine say these Impella pumps are
“miniaturized, percutaneously-insert-
ed ventricular assist devices, or VADs”
which, in plain English, means they are
heart pumps that are small enough to
be inserted through the skin and along
the arteries rather than by cutting the
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 25
chest open to access the heart. diogenic shock and the second use is if
Their mission is to stabilize poten- the patient has a blockage,” inside the
arteries of the heart.
tially life-threatening circulatory prob-
lems. “For any kind of acute heart attack,”
Patel continues, “what we call an ‘ST el-
Patel says their journey begins by evation myocardial infarction’ – that’s
going in through the femoral artery, the name of one kind of heart attack –
up into the heart and then descending the artery is completely blocked off. In
into the lower chambers of the heart to that situation it’s always an emergency
temporarily take over pumping blood. and we have to open that artery up
“Basically,” Patel explains, “they help within 90 minutes. While doing that, we
the heart, the left ventricle, pump blood use this pump.”
[more] efficiently.”
Here, Jennifer Konowitz of the SRMC
A quick brush-up on cardio physiol- catheterization lab joins the conversa-
ogy might be useful here. tion, saying these pumps “allow the
heart rest. So it’s working while their
There are four chambers inside the hearts can rest and repair” while [the
heart. The lower chambers are called pump] creates better blood flow.”
the ventricles. The lower-left ventricle
is the heart’s main pumping chamber, She adds that the device is typically
though both the left and right ventricles left “in for 24 to 48 hours.”
can get “overworked” to an extent that
leads to heart failure. “The most common use is for short-
term duration because, remember, the
Indeed, heart failure occurs when way it goes to the artery in the leg is
blood cannot be efficiently pumped in through a tube – which is a sizable tube
or out of the heart. Failure can occur via – and that can occlude the blood flow,”
a fast or a slow progression. The heart Patel says. “That can form a blood clot
muscle attempts to make up for ineffi- while this tube is in and when the pump
ciency by getting larger in order to hold is in you have to give patient a blood
more blood and the strain of attempting thinner. So all those things could be an
to maintain the same volume of blood issue, you know?”
being pumped can – in laymen’s terms
– simply be too much for the muscle to Konowitz then volunteers that – on
handle. rare occasions – Impella devices can
also play a key role in patient transports.
According to the Texas Heart insti-
tute, “In most patients, heart failure “Sometimes patients need surgeries
occurs because the left ventricle fails. that maybe we don’t offer in this hospi-
As heart failure progresses, the stress tal or in this area and they need to be
on the left ventricle becomes so great transported out,” she says. “We just had
that it cannot send enough blood to the a patient not too long ago who needed
body’s other organs. When medicines a highly specialized surgery in Gaines-
and pacemakers no longer help the ville. The Impella really helped give us
heart, patients need a heart transplant that time for air transport.”
or a mechanical pump.”
Patel concurs. The Impella devic-
The Journal of Angiology’s assess- es are, he says, “a nice bridge for us.
ment of the Impella pumps is simple We can provide the care that we can
and to the point. “These devices,” it do here, but then if the patient needs
says, “have proved easy to implant, per- something highly specialized, they can
formed well and were associated with a still get that excellent care at a center
low rate of adverse events.” that specializes in that and still have
this life-saving device on board.”
According to Patel, Impella pumps
are most commonly employed under Dr. Dinesh Patel is in practice with Dr.
two sets of circumstances. Charles Croft at 1402 Oak Street in Mel-
bourne. The phone number is 321-722-
First, he says, is when “somebody 3288.
has what we call cardiac arrest or car-
26 Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
No time to ‘waist’ in fight against overfat pandemic
BY MARIA CANFIELD Overfat is a term coined by research-
Correspondent ers writing in the journal Frontiers in
Public Health to describe excessive
You may think a healthy body type body fat that builds up in certain parts
is measured by the pounds you see on of the body – particularly the belly –
your home scale, or by your body mass posing significant health risks. Overfat
index (BMI) as calculated in your doc- can affect people whose weight is con-
tor’s office. And while that may in part sidered normal; in fact, up to 50 percent
be true, there is another factor that of those considered to have too much
needs to be considered – it is called overfat may have BMI measurements
“overfat.” that are in the normal range.
SRMC Registered dietitian Samantha Lynch. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 27
The researchers point out that be- reduce your belly fat by 1 inch in about of soluble fiber include beans, oat cere- height is an indication of being overfat.
ing overfat is directly associated with four weeks.” als, vegetables (Brussels sprouts and For example, in a man who is 5-feet-10
serious health conditions such as in- asparagus especially), fruit (oranges, (70 inches), a waistline of more than 35
sulin resistance (a possible precur- Stress. Stress itself can drive over- apricots and apples are the highest in inches could be cause for concern.
sor to diabetes), high blood pressure, eating, and it also causes an increase in soluble fiber) and flaxseeds, which can
heart disease, stroke and even cancer. the production of the hormone cortisol. be sprinkled on foods. Lynch has simple but powerful ad-
Cortisol promotes the storage of belly vice for the community: “Buy a tape
“The [study] results are staggering,” fat. If you look at traditional BMI mea- measure if you don’t already have one,
says Samantha Lynch, MS, RDN, LDN, surements, it appears that obesity rates and check your waist circumference
a registered dietitian and nutritionist Not enough sleep. Studies have have plateaued in the United States (measured at your belly button) month-
with a private practice in Vero Beach. shown that short or poor-quality sleep in recent years; however, rates of ab- ly. This is a cheap, easy and much more
may lead to weight gain, including the dominal obesity have been on the rise. reliable measure of detrimental fat than
The study, consisting of a review accumulation of belly fat. Abdominal fat is measured by waist BMI or the number on the scale.”
of existing research, focused on 30 of circumference: the researchers ad-
the world’s most developed countries Lynch adds that including more sol- vise that people measure their waist- Samantha Lynch’s office is located at
and found that the prevalence of over- uble fiber in your diet can reduce belly line and compare it to their height. A 4445 Hwy A1A, Suite 239, in Vero Beach.
fat adults and children is “extremely fat. “It helps you feel more satiated, waistline that is 50 percent or more of She can also be reached via her website:
high.” Alarmingly, the researchers therefore you eat less. It also helps to www.samanthalynchnutrition.com.
concluded that 90 percent of men, 80 regulate blood sugar.” Top food sources
percent of women, and 50 percent of
children in the United States carry
excessive overfat, making it a “pan-
“We have a significant body fat
health crisis in our country and see-
ing these high percentages confirms
its seriousness and prevalence,” Lynch
says. She adds she was glad to see the
study confirms BMI is not a reliable
measure of excess of body fat, saying,
“In the 10 years I have been practicing
I have never used BMI to assess my pa-
Paul B. Laursen, the lead author of
the study and a professor at the Auck-
land University of Technology in New
Zealand, says, “As an unfulfilled public
health action, it is crucial to clinically
identify individuals who are overfat in
order to implement successful treat-
ment and prevention strategies.”
Belly fat – officially called “visceral”
fat – is fat that surrounds the liver and
other organs in the abdomen. Here
are a few of the primary causes for the
increase in this most-dangerous fat;
some are more obvious than others:
Sugary foods and beverages. High-
fructose corn syrup is the primary
culprit; sugar-sweetened beverages
may be especially problematic, as they
make it easy to consume large doses of
sugar in a short period of time.
Alcohol. Some studies have shown
that alcohol suppresses fat burning
and that excess calories from alcohol
are partly stored as belly fat (think
“beer belly”).
Low protein diets. Diets low in
protein are less filling, leading to an
increase in calorie intake. Addition-
ally, low-protein diets have higher
levels of a hormone called NPY, which
increases appetite and promotes the
gain of belly fat.
Inactivity. Even after intentional
weight loss, a lack of activity can lead
to the regain of belly fat; this can be
prevented by exercise, either “resis-
tance” (which forces your skeletal
muscles to contract) or aerobic. Vero’s
Lynch says, “Brisk walking for about 20
minutes a day after your biggest meal
helps lower blood-sugar levels and can
30 Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Once Mexico's glamorous resort city. June was the deadliest month in the
past two decades of consistent Mexi-
Now, its murder capital sentatives from larger drug cartels who can government statistics.
contract them for jobs. The gang mem-
bers are young men who often become There are many theories on why
violence, which dropped for two
– From the crescent has hollowed out the hillside neigh- specialists – extortionists, kidnappers, years after the 2012 election of Presi-
dent Enrique Peña Nieto, has roared
bay and swaying palms, the taxi driv- borhoods and sprawling colonias car thieves, assassins – and prey on a back: competition for the domain of
captured kingpins; the breakdown
ers of Acapulco need just 10 minutes that tourists rarely visit. And yet, the largely defenseless population. of secret agreements between crimi-
nals and politicians; a judicial reform
to reach this other, plundered world. term "drug war" only barely describes "They kill barbers, tailors, mechan- requiring more evidence to lock up
suspected lawbreakers; the growing
Here, in a neighborhood called Re- what is going on here. ics, tinsmiths, taxi drivers," said Joa- American demand for heroin, meth
and synthetic opiates. Whatever the
nacimiento, a pharmacy is smeared with The dominant drug cartel in Acapulco quin Badillo, who runs a private se- primary cause, the result has been
terrifying – a disintegration of order
gang graffiti. Market stalls are charred by across growing swaths of this country.
fire. Taco stands and dentists' offices, Violence is spreading to new places
and taking many forms. In Puebla,
hair salons and auto-body workshops – south of Mexico City, a fight rages over
the sale of stolen fuel. Beach towns such
all stand empty behind roll-down metal as Cancun and Playa del Carmen have
been bloodied by drug killings. The bat-
gates. tle for human-smuggling routes leaves
bodies strewn along the migrant trail.
On Friday afternoons, however, the
In Acapulco, the faded playground of
parking lot at the Oxxo convenience Hollywood stars, where the Kennedys
honeymooned and John Wayne basked
store in this brutalized barrio buzzes in the clifftop breeze, drugs are no lon-
ger even the main story. This is a place
to life. Dozens of taxi drivers pull up. awash in crime of all stripes, where
criminals no longer have to hide.
It's time to pay the boys.
When Evaristo opened his restau-
When the three young gunmen drive rant along Acapulco's seaside strip
15 years ago, drugs were plentiful,
up in a white Nissan Tsuru, Armando, a and that was just fine with him. Aca-
pulco has always been a party town,
55-year-old cabbie, scribbles his four-
digit taxi number on a scrap of paper,
folds it around a 100-peso note and slips
it into their black plastic bag. This is his
weekly payment to Acapulco's criminal
underworld – about $5, or roughly half
what he earns in a day. City Coroners remove a body from Barranca de la Laja, an impoverished neighborhood.
"They have the power," said Arman-
do, who identified himself only by his and the state of Guerrero broke up a de- curity company in the city. "This has
first name because he feared reprisal. cade ago. The criminals now in charge turned into a monster with 100 heads."
"They can do whatever they want." resemble neighborhood gangs, with Mexico is halfway through what
For each of the past five years, Aca- names like 221 or Los Locos. An esti- may become the bloodiest year in its
pulco has been the deadliest city in mated 20 or more of these groups oper- recent history, with more than 12,000
Mexico, in a marathon of murder that ate in Acapulco, intermixed with repre- murders in the first six months of 2017.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 31
and became a transit point for U.S.- represents more than 8,000 business- He has cut back on advertising and "They hire you for your expertise;
bound Colombian cocaine and the es. "We are frozen, waiting for some- maintenance to cover the payments. they're not going to develop you as a
opium poppy that bloomed along with one to come and demand our money." Two of his private security guards were human resource," said Cecilia Farfán,
marijuana in the state's highlands. The riddled with bullets from a passing car a scholar at the Instituto Tecnologico
dominant traffickers were the Beltran Last September, five gunmen walked one night in May and survived the at- Autonomy de Mexico, or ITAM, who
Leyva brothers of the Sinaloa Cartel. into Evaristo's restaurant, asking for tack. If this keeps up, he will close down. specializes in organized crime and is
the phone number of the owner. After doing research in Acapulco.
"What the Beltran Leyvas were do- he said he wouldn't pay extortion, the "My life is at risk," Evaristo said.
ing was selling drugs," said Evaristo, The victims of Acapulco's violence
who identified himself only by his first Residents and tourists play in the Pacific Ocean at La Caleta, a popular Acapulco beach. come in many forms: those caught in
name, for fear of reprisal. "But they left feuds between criminal bands; busi-
us alone." Acapulco’s hotel vacancies are high, and many establishments are in a state of disrepair. nessmen who don't pay extortion;
those who cross the invisible boundar-
For Evaristo, and many other Aca- Police look for spent shell casings at the scene of a homicide in Colonia Santa Cruz. ies between drug gang territory. The sit-
pulco residents, the city's descent into uation has become so confused - with
lawlessness began with the events men returned and put their guns to the Mexico's crime gangs have not just criminals staking out overlapping do-
at La Garita. A brazen January 2006 heads of the staff, saying they would proliferated, they behave differently mains - that residents often complain
shootout in that central neighborhood burn down the restaurant with everyone than in past decades. about being forced to pay off two or
left flaming vehicles and bodies in the inside it, the restaurant owner recalled. three different groups. People die over
street and became part of the city's Criminals have begun to show less mistaken identity or as bystanders.
lore, as much as the iconic cliff div- Since then, Evaristo has paid 40,000 allegiance to a single organization - act-
ers and the Hollywood stars who once pesos per month (about $2,200). ing more like freelance subcontractors. On one recent night, an overflow
passed through town. crowd waited silently on sidewalk
benches outside an Acapulco funeral
That gun battle also made one thing parlor. Gerardo Flores Camarena, 57, a
clear: National-level cartels were ac- hotel bartender, couldn't stay seated.
tive in Acapulco – in this case the He paced back and forth in anguish as
Sinaloa cartel, allied with the Beltran he spoke into his cellphone.
Leyvas, and the expansionist Zetas.
And they were willing to use tremen- "The killers thought they were from an-
dous violence against each other. other group," he told a relative. "They got
confused. Can you imagine: confused."
"That's when all this began," Eva-
risto recalled. The day before, his brother, Ricar-
do, 42, an ambulance driver, and Ge-
Over the next decade, as then-Pres- rardo's two teenage grandsons had
ident Felipe Calderón declared war been found in the trunk of their Nis-
on organized crime, Mexican security san Sentra. They had suffered a type
forces and their U.S. allies picked off of torture known as the "tourniquet":
cartel bosses and kingpins, splintering wires cinched around their necks to
their organizations. the point of suffocation.
In Acapulco, the result has become A note left with the bodies said this
a kaleidoscope of feuding criminals. is what happens to car thieves. But the
After the killing of a powerful Beltran Nissan had belonged to the family.
Leyva brother in 2009, rival factions
emerged, with names like the Inde- "We feel powerless against what is
pendent Cartel of Acapulco, the South happening in this city," Flores said.
Pacific Cartel and La Barredora. Con-
tenders joined the fray from ascendant When Mayor Evodio Velázquez Agu-
heroin-trafficking groups and crime irre took office in October 2015, he
organizations from other cities. said, the municipal police force was
"totally out of control."
With the loss of all-powerful car-
tel bosses who had tightly controlled Half the 1,500 officers had failed fed-
their criminal empires, drug gangs eral vetting and background checks.
moved increasingly into other crimes, The police had spent much of 2014
such as kidnapping and extortion. on strike to protest salaries and ben-
efits, leaving state and federal forces
Some 2,000 businesses have closed in charge.
in the past few years, according to
trade associations, driven away by The mayor said that his administra-
crime and a withering economy. The tion has provided the police with life
bulk of the devastation has come in insurance, housing, new cameras and
the poorer, inland neighborhoods, but vehicles. There is also a new, separate
the tourist strip has not been spared. tourist police force with jaunty uni-
Gone are Hooters and the Hard Rock forms to attend to travelers.
Cafe, along with famed local spots such
as El Alebrije nightclub and Plaza Las "Acapulco is on its feet," the mayor
Peroglas, a shopping mall. An accoun- said in an interview.
tant whose clients included restaurant
owners, doctors, and mechanics said But last year, there were 918 killings
that about 70 percent of them had in the city of 700,000, the most mur-
closed their businesses in the past year ders of any Mexican city for the fifth
because of extortion. straight year. During the first half of
this year, the local El Sur newspaper
"Today, in Acapulco, this problem has lists 466 murders.
given us mass psychosis," said Alejandro
Martinez Sidney, president of the Fed- Adm. Juan Guillermo Fierro Rocha,
eration of Chambers of Commerce, Ser- the commander in Acapulco for the
vices and Tourism in Guerrero, which Mexican navy, which has a critical role
fighting cartels, told El Sur this month
that criminals are lashing out because
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 31 Guillermo Perez drives his taxi in Acapulco. More than 130 cabbies were slain in the army often lack street-level knowl-
Acapulco last year. Perez pays a weekly protection fee to stay safe. edge of cities and their crime gangs.
they are "cornered," and that he ex-
pects a decrease soon. Bottom left: The Juan Salgado, an expert on police
“Zona de Tolerancia,” reform at CIDE, a Mexican research
But Mexican authorities have failed or Zone of Tolerance center, said that police are reluctant to
for years to halt Acapulco's slide. once a thriving night- visit some neighborhoods in Acapul-
club and red light dis- co because they are outgunned and
Some 5,000 security forces are in trict, now lies nearly frightened.
Acapulco, and the coastal sliver of abandoned.
hotels and restaurants brims with "I'm not sure if crime would increase
federal and state police, soldiers, ma- if the whole municipal police depart-
rines and municipal forces. This at- ment in Acapulco disappeared," Sal-
tention to the tourist strip, however, gado said. "They are so inefficient in
leaves the vast majority of the city ex- stopping crime I don't think it would
posed, residents say. make a huge difference."
Mexican police have been hobbled Meanwhile, many people refuse to
by corruption for decades, and Aca- press charges out of concern the infor-
pulco has been no exception. Alfredo mation will leak back to their tormen-
Álvarez Valenzuela, who oversaw the tors. That makes investigating crimes
Acapulco police for five months until all the more difficult.
May 2014, told the Mexican newspaper
Reforma last year: "The municipal po- On a recent afternoon, a man wear-
lice don't work for organized crime; the ing a cowboy hat and carrying an as-
municipal police are organized crime." sault rifle stood in plain sight on the
main boulevard in the Emiliano Za-
But the problem goes beyond cor- pata neighborhood, five miles from
ruption. Mexican municipal police tra- Acapulco Bay.
ditionally have had little training, low
pay, poor equipment and little capacity At his feet on the pavement lay an-
to do investigations. Federal police and other young man, barefoot and curled
in the fetal position, his hair matted
with blood. The man with the assault
rifle kicked him repeatedly and sav-
agely, then walked calmly back to his
white pickup truck. A federal police
truck rolled past, but it didn't stop.
Taxi drivers operate at the inter-
section of Acapulco's troubles: They
have a shrinking number of tourists
as clients, and navigate more danger-
ous streets. Some have become part of
the crime world themselves, working
as gang spotters (voluntarily or under
duress), or moving drugs or weapons
in their cars.
More than 130 taxi drivers were slain
in Acapulco last year, making them
about eight times more likely to get mur-
dered than the average city resident.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 35
Teens with guns often comman- stery ripped out, leaving his newer lucrative work – $100 for a day shift, tems, but the poor are exposed. And
deer taxis in Renacimiento for hours car hidden at home. He no longer more at night. so Perez, like many of the 20,000 taxi
or days. They burn taxis to enforce picks up strangers, driving only cli- drivers in Acapulco, pays his weekly
their warnings. Guillermo Perez, 40, a ents he knows. "It was so different: It was Acapul- fee for protection, even though he re-
taxi driver, putters around the neigh- co," he said. "People were out in the ceives none.
borhood in a 1995 Volkswagen Beetle, "People are terrified," he said. streets. We all lived from tourism."
its windshield cracked and uphol- Years ago, ferrying around tourists "If 100 pesos a week is what it costs
used to be enjoyable, he said, even The wealthy can leave or build to stay alive," he said, "I'll pay."
homes with elaborate security sys-
36 Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Why Florida farmers want to kill NAFTA
BY ALAN BJERGA | BLOOMBERG Americans buy come from Mexico, not Florida. said Raúl Urteaga Trani, general coordinator of in-
While annual U.S. tomato consumption has risen ternational affairs for Mexico’s agriculture minis-
Duette, a tiny Florida farm town about two hours 61 percent since 1994, to 6.9 billion pounds, do- try.
due west of Vero Beach, averages about 52 inches mestic production has fallen 11 percent, to 3.2 bil-
of annual rainfall. This year it’s ahead of schedule, lion pounds, according to government data. The last thing U.S. farm lobbyists want is for
with 63 inches since June, when the rainy season Florida’s problems to hold up a NAFTA renegotia-
began. For Gary Reeder and other tomato farm- Meanwhile, Mexican tomato imports have qua- tion or to change the status quo too much. Mexico
ers, that’s slowed down everything and threatened drupled, to 3.57 billion pounds, and strawberry has become the top buyer of U.S. corn, by far the
their ability to bring the harvest in on time. imports have risen sixfold, to 568 million pounds. most valuable crop in the U.S.
This has led to a rash of fruit and vegetable farm
“We’re way behind on spraying. We’re behind bankruptcies across Florida. Although farm groups would like any new trade
on everything,” Reeder says as his F-150 pickup deal to be reached quickly, they acknowledge the
churns through ankle-deep mud. But too much Mexico’s lower labor costs are a major concern concerns of Florida growers. “We do have a prob-
rain isn’t Reeder’s biggest worry — it’s Mexico. “We for a producer such as Reeder; he, unlike an Illinois lem in Florida,” says Zippy Duvall, president of
can handle the weather,” he says. “It’s harder to corn farmer who can harvest thousands of acres the American Farm Bureau Federation, the biggest
beat unfair competition.” alone with his tractor, needs 500 fieldworkers to U.S. farmer group. But he says the state’s issues
pick 600 acres of tomatoes by hand. have to be balanced with the interests of the rest
As U.S. trade representatives sit down with their of the country.
Canadian and Mexican counterparts to renego- Says Brown: “I understand that people will say if
tiate the North American Free Trade Agreement Mexico can grow it cheaper, let them produce it. Florida farmers’ strongest ally may be President
(NAFTA), fruit and vegetable farmers in the South- But there are small towns depending on this, and Trump. As NAFTA negotiations kicked off on Aug.
east have emerged as a staunch component of the as an American, that is my first and foremost con- 16, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer
anti-free-trade movement. cern.” said Trump isn’t looking for “a mere tweaking of a
few provisions” and that “Nafta has fundamentally
That’s put them at odds with much of the U.S. It’s not only labor costs that make it cheaper to failed many Americans and needs major improve-
agriculture industry, which has long been one of grow fruit in Mexico. Pesticide rules also differ, an- ments.”
the biggest advocates — and beneficiaries — of other competitive disadvantage for fruit and vegeta-
NAFTA. Since 1994, the year the agreement went ble farmers whose crops need more hands-on care Trump’s NAFTA focus has been on the loss of
into effect, exports of staple crops such as corn, than genetically modified grain and oilseed crops. American manufacturing jobs, largely in the U.S.
soybeans, and wheat have more than quadrupled. Rust Belt, but Florida’s status as a crucial swing
“When people think of farming, they think of state may help its farmers get his attention.
But outside the U.S. Grain Belt in the Midwest, corn and soybeans,” Reeder says. “People have
NAFTA has harmed U.S. fruit and vegetable farm- no idea what it takes to get a tomato on a grocery Their plight has taken on more political impor-
ers, who’ve struggled to maintain market share in shelf. [Corn] farmers have a whole different set of tance in the state, particularly as Florida’s agricul-
the face of cheaper Mexican produce. interests, and that’s why we end up on the outside ture commissioner, Adam Putnam, has emerged
of this debate.” as the front-runner for Florida’s Republican nomi-
Florida, where crops can be harvested in the nation for governor in 2018. Putnam, who advised
dead of winter, has emerged as the epicenter of Florida growers have a list of demands they’d Mitt Romney on trade and agriculture issues dur-
anti-Nafta sentiment in U.S. agriculture. Located like a new trade deal to address, including putting ing his 2012 presidential campaign, has taken Mex-
farther south than California, Florida made year- quotas on Mexican imports, aligning Mexico’s food ico to task for the alleged dumping of fruits and
round fruits and vegetables possible in U.S. gro- safety and environmental rules with the U.S.’s, vegetables in the U.S.
cery stores. “There were times of the year when raising wages for Mexican workers, and demand-
Florida vegetables fed the whole nation,” says Reg- ing the country cut its farm subsidies. Back on his farm in Duette, Reeder says Florida
gie Brown, executive vice president of the Florida growers are watching the NAFTA debates as closely
Tomato Exchange, a grower group. “Everyone else Mexico’s government says wages are off the table as the weather forecast. “We don’t have a choice
has a frost. We can still produce.” and that the nation has always cooperated with the on whether to fight this,” he says. “This is tomato
U.S. on food safety issues. “Attempting to restrict country. We’ll keep fighting as hard as we can until
Increasingly, though, the fruits and vegetables Mexican imports to the U.S. market through man- we can’t do it anymore.”
aged trade schemes [is] totally rejected by Mexico,”
HEPATITIS, PART IV Hepatitis B Loss of appetite © 2017 VERO BEACH 32963 MEDIA, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Mild fever
Millions of Americans are living with the hepatitis virus but most don’t Nausea
know they are infected. In some types of hepatitis, as long as a person Tan-colored bowel movements
has the virus, he or she can spread it to others. Yellowish eyes and skin (jaundice) (may appear only after other
symptoms have started to go away)
While hepatitis A is spread by eating food and drinking beverages that have
been contaminated with the feces of an infected person or by coming in DIAGNOSIS
close contact with a person who has hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C
are spread mainly through infected blood, semen or other body fluids. A simple blood test can tell your doctor if you have the hepatitis B
virus now or if you’ve had it in the past.
Hepatitis B is a virus that infects the liver. While most cases are acute
(short term) and patients get better on their own, in chronic (long- Usually hepatitis B goes away on its own if you rest, eat healthy foods,
term) cases, the infection can cause serious liver damage, necessitat- drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol and drugs. Tell your doctor what
ing a liver transplant. Fortunately, only about 5 percent of adults with medications and herbal products you take; some can make liver damage
hepatitis B develop the chronic form. caused by hepatitis B worse.
RISK FACTORS Most people with hepatitis B can live active, full lives by following healthy
routines and getting regular check-ups. While medications to treat hepa-
You may get hepatitis B if you: titis B are available, they may not be right for everyone. If you are one of
Get a tattoo or piercing with tools that weren’t sterilized the few diagnosed with chronic hepatitis B, ask your doctor if you would
Have sex with an infected person without using a condom be considered a candidate.
Share needles (used for injecting drugs) with an infected person
Share personal items like razors or toothbrushes with an infected PREVENTION
You cannot get hepatitis B from casual contact such as coughing, sneez- The best way to prevent hepatitis B is to get the hepatitis B vaccine. De-
ing, hugging, kissing or by sharing food or drinks. veloped in the 1980s, the vaccine is administered through a series of
three or four shots. There is also a vaccine that protects against both
SYMPTOMS hepatitis B and hepatitis A.
Many people don’t have any symptoms. Those that do may feel like To avoid getting or spreading the virus to others, use a condom when
they have the flu. Symptoms include: you have sex, wear latex or plastic gloves if you have to touch blood and
Dark-colored urine steer clear of other “risk factors” noted above.
Headache Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always
welcome. Email us at [email protected].
38 Vero Beach 32963 /August 31, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
As Ken Burns put it in the subtitle of “there ought to be no private owner- observes, the inn’s “was a huge inno- the park contains “nearly one-quar-
his 2009 documentary on the national ship of any portion of that region, but vation in 1903: a space so tall and airy ter of all the geysers in the world,” he
parks, they are “America’s best idea.” that the whole of it ought to be set that it seemed to be both indoors and says little about what spawned them.
In “Wonderlandscape,” an energetic apart as a great National Park.” He outdoors at the same time.” So ad- Geologists, too, have wanted some-
and insightful new book on Yellow- may have had in mind the counter- mired was Reamer’s design that it fa- thing from Yellowstone – scientific
stone, journalist John Clayton shows example of Niagara Falls, its environs thered a new style, known as National understanding – and Clayton would
that, at least as applied to America’s already reduced to an international Park Service Rustic. have done well to tag along with one
first national park, the “best idea” has eyesore by commercial greed. of them as he investigated the park’s
been an evolving one. Seven decades after Moran’s visit, innards.
Clayton calls this anecdote “the na- during World War II, another visual
Several men claimed to have tional parks’ creation myth.” Today artist, the photographer Ansel Ad- On the other hand, I like the au-
hatched the notion of designating many historians believe that “Hedges ams, arrived with a commission from thor’s frankness. Yellowstone, he ad-
federal land in Wyoming, Montana was merely articulating a commonly the federal government – and a pri- mits, is not an illimitable cornucopia
and Idaho as a national park. The held view, a previously expressed im- vate agenda. Yellowstone, Adams be- of wild splendor. “Although [the park]
semiofficial credit – the nod given pulse, to somehow honor this magical lieved, was being sold to the public as unfolds vast quantities of empty back-
by Yellowstone’s influential superin- land.” Two years after Hedges’ recom- a pleasure ground, whereas to him it country, much of it is monotonous
tendent Horace Albright at the park’s mendation, at any rate, Yellowstone was more like a church. Leaving hu- lodgepole-pine forest.” If you’re look-
50th birthday party in 1922 – went to National Park was up and running. mans out of his shots, “he believed ing for “a steady stream of awe-inspir-
attorney Cornelius Hedges. In 1870, that the spiritual validity of wild, ing solitude,” he adds, you might try
Hedges took part in a fireside con- Advancing his insight that “the sto- beautiful places arose in part from Glacier National Park instead.
versation in which several other well- ry of Yellowstone is the story of what our simplicity of experience in them.
heeled sightseers discussed filing le- America wants from Yellowstone,” That usually meant sacrificing com- Clayton closes his book with a dis-
gal claims to the canyons and geysers Clayton identifies boosting the na- forts and undergoing difficulties.” cussion of what might eventually hap-
they had been exploring. As reported tional ego as a powerful early desire. If this sounds elitist, the pendulum pen to Yellowstone: an eruption of the
by a witness, Hedges argued that Scenic marvels such as Yellowstone swung the other way a generation supervolcano beneath it, a blowup
set the United States apart from gen- later, with the broadcast of the 1960s that might conceivably unleash 8,000
tly picturesque Europe. “America is animated TV series “The Yogi Bear times the fury of Mount St. Helens
special,” the reasoning went, “be- Show.” Fans of the program flocked in 1980. The growing concern about
cause of its wondrous landscapes.” to Yellowstone to see the inspiration such a cataclysm, the author suggests,
for Yogi’s Jellystone. The cartoon bru- reflects today’s “zombie apocalypse”
Artists and architects gravitated in, Clayton writes, “secured [Yellow- mentality. In fairness to the zombies,
to Yellowstone with something more stone] for the masses.” it should be noted that, in June, trem-
personal in mind: challenges and ors felt in Montana suggested that the
fame. A year before the park’s estab- By then the masses tended to live supervolcano might be waking up
lishment, a painter named Thom- in suburbia; accordingly, the Park from its long nap. In any event, super-
as Moran had come into his own Service had embarked on Mission 66, volcanic fears nicely round out Clay-
there. His watercolors, shipped back a system-wide “infrastructure up- ton’s thesis that throughout its his-
to Washington and enlisted in the grade” to make its holdings more car- tory, Yellowstone has long been both
cause, gave lawmakers a sense of the friendly. At Yellowstone, this entailed a showcase of natural extravagance
incomparable scenery they were be- the razing of an old hotel and its re- and a cultural construct.
ing asked to save from spoliation by placement by “motel-style accom-
private enterprise. (Moran’s eventual modations in an uninspiring location WONDERLANDSCAPE
masterpiece in oil, “The Grand Can- about a mile away.” “The change,” Yellowstone National Park and the Evolution
yon of the Yellowstone,” graces the Clayton dryly notes, “was poorly re-
“Wonderlandscape” cover.) ceived.” of an American Cultural Icon
By John Clayton
In a bravura chapter on the park’s Old Faithful and other thermal
architecture, Clayton focuses on Old features are the park’s signature at- Pegasus. 285 pp. $27.95
Faithful Inn, designed by Robert tractions, but Clayton fails to do Review by Dennis Drabelle
Reamer. “Although multistory lobbies them justice. After reminding us that
are quite common today,” the author The Washington Post
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 /August 31, 2017 39
Joyce Brothers, a psychologist and author, said, “A philosopher is a person who doesn’t WEST KQ EAST
care which side his bread is buttered on; he knows he eats both sides anyway.” A K Q 10 4 A765 73
J2 K J 10 10 9 7 6 3
Last week, we looked at declarer’s making five diamonds in this deal after West cashed Q98 42
two spade winners, then exited with a heart. What resource did West miss? 653 SOUTH 9842
The bidding was intricate. North’s second-round two-spade cue-bid showed his hand A854
strength. His three-spade cue-bid on the next round was an unsuccessful attempt to K J 10 3
reach three no-trump if South had a spade stopper. AQ7
West, after taking his two spade tricks, should check the high-card points. He has 12, Dealer: West; Vulnerable: Both
and dummy holds 13. That leaves only 15 unaccounted for. South surely has the club
and heart aces and, presumably, no more side-suit losers. West should wonder how his The Bidding:
side might collect a trump trick. However, he should also realize that declarer knows that
he, West, has the diamond queen. But because West has such good trump spots, the SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
eight and nine, there is a chance for a trump promotion. 1 Spades Pass Pass
Dbl. Pass 2 Spades Pass LEAD:
At trick three, West should lead the spade four — a loser, not a winner, when you want 3 Diamonds Pass 3 Spades Pass A Spades
partner to ruff. Then the spotlight turns to East. He knows from the bidding that South 4 Hearts Pass 5 Diamonds All Pass
is also out of spades. What is his partner doing? He must be trying for an uppercut. To
play his part, East ruffs with the diamond four.
Note that when South overruffs with the 10, West gains a trump trick to defeat the
40 Vero Beach 32963 /August 31, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
7 Br eathe in (6) 1 Cozy (4)
8 Salary (6) 2 Set of rungs (6)
9 Old (4) 3 Type of stone fruit (5)
10 Animal (8) 4 Broad-minded (7)
11 Result (5) 5 Agricultural tool (6)
13 Kneecap (7) 6 Parasol (8)
15 Sure (7) 12 Making (8)
17 Sea (5) 14 Curl (7)
20 Toil (8) 16 Reliable (6)
21 Breakfast, lunch, supper (4) 18 University grounds (6)
23 Courage (6) 19 Prepared (5)
24 Suspicions (6) 22 Creative (4)
The Telegraph
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numbers one through
Assisted Living & Memory Care l renaissanceverobeach.com nine appear just once
2100 10th Avenue l Vero Beach, FL 32960 in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 /August 31, 2017 41
ACROSS criticizes a kills Scarpia 64 With “ball,” an The Washington Post
President? 2 The K-9 or the arcade game
1 Marks for Marcel 71 Ground FINAL X-AM By Merl Reagle
8 Phone trio 73 Orinoco shocker Peace 66 Blows away,
11 Surrounded by 74 Typical Moe-Larry- 3 Sole extension, figuratively
15 Fields and Handy Curly greetings?
18 Pinocchio author 78 Michelangelo sometimes 68 Digs of twigs
19 Gaucho’s water sculpture 4 ___ vital 69 Camp David pact
79 Blood brother? 5 Makes marginalia
source 81 Lucy’s love 6 Play climaxes, signer
20 1960s album, “A 82 Gun site 70 Shampoo brand
83 Actor Tamiroff briefly 71 Finish, as pottery
Whole 84 Bold bird 7 Goes (through) 72 Stunt flying?
___ Schifrin Goin’ 85 Of a leg bone 75 Leno book,
On” 88 Actress Bethune meticulously
21 Loud or tennis star 8 Aqueduct feature Leading with My
encouragement Garrison 9 Tour de France ___
22 Psychoanalyzes 89 Landers on lakes 76 Neck ache
press 92 Weasellike babes need 77 Curative cities
agents? in the woods? 10 “Heavy, man” 78 German article
25 Alice’s troubadour 95 Winter Palace 11 Partner of 29 79 Flabellate
26 The Christian, for residents 80 Caustic cleaner
one 96 Shiite’s God Down 84 Plath’s The Bell
27 Old Pepsodent 98 Cheerleader 12 Winner of seven ___
rival characteristic 86 Indian org.
28 Rallying cry of 99 Chocolate sub gold 87 Cogito
the Truck Stop 101 Gam cover medals in 1972 88 Pizazz
Avengers? 103 Of heartbeats 13 Society’s woes 90 Where rats are
30 Computer-screen 106 Belief ending 14 See 30 Down guinea pigs
symbol 109 Valhalla cheese 15 Why Tarzan never 91 Obi
31 Bin kin, in Berlin 110 What Liszt always sits on his oboe? 93 CFCs watchdog
32 Puccini heroine bragged he could 16 Actress Kane 94 Skin pigment
34 Types eat, organ- 17 Ladd role 97 Rice’s The
35 Sometimes playing-wise? 23 Address: abbr. Vampire ___
twisted anatomy 113 “... who lived in 24 Cossack chief 99 Reef denizen
36 Above, to a bard ___” 29 Cry of woe 100 Love
37 Florida, to retirees 115 Fabulous bird 30 With 14 Down, a 102 Eightsome
40 Typical Death 116 Kangaroo or Kirk: Jimmy Durante 104 Hypo units
Wish villains abbr. tune 105 Pulsate
42 Italian cigarette 117 Your one-stop 33 Slap-shooting 106 “___ when that
company? friar-costume legend happens”
47 Christening sites headquarters? 35 A single one 107 Cobbler, at times
51 Grindable beefs 119 The first life 36 Passing marks 108 Like drawn-out
52 Closing hr., often preserver? 38 TNT finish divorces
54 The Atlas of Afr., 120 Bay or gray 39 House location? 110 Unfurnished
e.g. follower 41 Good times 111 Stringed
55 Mars, e.g. 121 SSTs cross it 42 Hemingway instrument
56 Name or knife 122 Some dope sobriquet 112 Sch. in the smog
preceder 123 Miz or Six opener 43 Skater’s feat 114 Burg, to a Boer
57 Gas or elec. 124 John Elroy 44 Buck minus 99 116 Showroom star
supplier Sanford, 45 Where 33 Down 118 Pointed-roof
59 Wizard’s familiarly played covering
introduction 125 It’s in the bag 46 Extracts venom
61 Losing 126 Saddle-stitching from
propositions? place 48 Blue Cross, for
62 Certain tackles in one: abbr.
the All-Choirboys DOWN 49 Responsibility
Football League? 1 When 32 Across 50 Leaking sound
65 TNT start 53 Cleo’s guy
66 Peter Pan girl 57 Marshall Plan’s
67 Writer Henry offering
58 Mac toppers
60 Wayne’s World
star Myers
61 City in India
63 1968 Heisman
The Telegraph
42 Vero Beach 32963 /August 31, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Regifting? It’s the lack of thought that counts (against you)
STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST A couple of ways to do that: Put unused gifts in a
“gift closet,” then shop the closet when an occasion
Hi, Carolyn: I try to be mindful comes up. Only select something that you and your
of the lessons I’m passing on to my kids believe the recipient would like – even to the
kids. They receive a lot of presents point of going out to buy something else if the closet
for holidays and birthdays, and doesn’t provide adequately. Or, return gifts (when
some are never opened. possible) for gift cards, then use the gift cards to shop
thoughtfully for other kids.
I’ve started regifting them to their
friends on occasion. I do this not so I’ve found that “missing the point” is a protean
much for frugality – although that concept, too, especially with younger kids. Your
is a part of it – but mainly because gift ethics could be failing to register now due to
I don’t think the world needs more your kids’ ages or states of mind, but over time your
plastic (read: junk) and if I buy less of it, perhaps less choices can be a foundation for your kids’ later un-
will be produced. Also, if we aren’t going to use the derstanding of pragmatism as a remedy for excess.
item, perhaps someone else will find it enjoyable.
I explain this to them; however, I worry they’re miss- Re: Regifting: They could also donate the unwanted
ing my point. Do you think I’m being cheap and un- items to local charities or thrift shops.
– Anonymous
– Regifting vs. Recycling
Regifting vs. Recycling: True. It doesn’t help this parent save money, but Old Friend:
I’m with you on reducing consumption and waste, it would solve the message problem with the kids. If the dissolution were 10 years ago, I could see
both for the planet and for the prevention of spoiled Thanks. sending a happy-for-you card.
children. Watching a kid process (i.e., learn to take Since it was recent, though, the risk is too high
for granted in the span of about 60 seconds) an envi- Dear Carolyn: A few months ago, after an increasing that a gift will convey disrespect for her wish-
ronment of excess is sobering. amount of silence on her end, an old friend told me she es; not enough time has passed for you to have
I balk at the regifting, though, and here’s why. The didn’t want to be friends anymore. So I backed off. proved with your actions that you will honor her
beauty of a gift is in thinking of the recipient, imagin- request to end the friendship. I’m sorry.
ing what he or she would want, and going to find that I found out from a mutual friend that she’s now
thing. Those are the mechanics of thought, which is engaged. I feel like I can’t let this event go unacknowl-
supposed to be what counts. edged. Would it be wrong of me to send a card of con-
If you can save money while still preserving the gratulations and a gift?
thought mechanics, though, then I’m all for re-
gifting. I have no expectations that this will rekindle our
friendship; I just want her to know I’m happy for her.
– Old Friend
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 43
One of the ‘Beautiful People’ has an ugly narrative
BY ROBIN GIVHAN diamond bracelet, necklace and pair not talking about how much you’re sac- planing that she wanted to share that
of earrings. The message was not that rificing in the name of patriotism. image on social media. The whole run-
The Washington Post Linton has several pieces of deeply ning-the-country thing was straight out
meaningful jewelry; it was that Linton In a single Instagram post, Linton of central casting. The couple looked
Louise Linton has proved herself to has lots of diamonds and pearls and managed to tap into elitism, narcis- the part. But even the best actors will
be an exceptionally obnoxious human aren’t they gorgeous? She then married sism, self-righteousness, incivility, apa- tell you that beautiful costumes can’t
being. Mnuchin in a black-tie wedding at the thy and blonde privilege. Linton was so compensate for a lousy narrative.
District’s Mellon Auditorium to which pleased with how chic she looked de-
She has done this by posting on Ins- she wore a custom white-lace princess
tagram a boastful photo of herself step- gown with a plunging V-neck by Toron-
ping off a government plane ahead of to-based designer Ines Di Santo. We
her husband, Treasury Secretary Steven know all about the gown and its prov-
Mnuchin. “United States of America” enance because Linton purchased the
is emblazoned on the fuselage. He’s in dress through the Georgetown bridal
a dark suit and red tie. Her long hair is shop Carine’s Bridal Atelier, which
blowing back in a gentle breeze. It’s all posted a quote thoughtfully provided
looking rather presidential, truth be told. by Linton on its Instagram account: “I
The picture is also reminiscent of fash- was thrilled that there was a bridal sa-
ion advertisements. And Linton cap- lon right here in DC that could call on
tioned it with a litany of designer credits. designers to fly in gowns for inspira-
tion to create my custom looks.” Most
The couple was returning from Ken- brides typically just say, “Thank you.”
tucky, where Mnuchin made the case
for tax reform. Linton, in case anyone Linton is a regular presence at
was wondering, is not a tax expert; Mnuchin’s side, and not just at major
she is a Scottish-born actress and pro- events such as the inauguration, when
ducer. Her post was, of course, criti- she was still his fiancee, but also at
cized. And in response, she unleashed hearings and commissioning ceremo-
a condescending tirade that essentially nies. She is always camera-ready.
amounted to: I’m rich. You’re not. Shut
up and go watch “Game of Thrones.” To be clear, Linton’s Instagram post
was not obnoxious because of the de-
Linton’s Instagram account is now signer shout-outs. Those were ill-con-
private. After a thorough lashing in the sidered, but fashion folks do that all the
media, after her name trended on Twit- time as they delight in some splendid
ter, and not in a good way, Linton apolo- new bauble. Everyone should be free to
gized for her post. But the hell storm has chirp with glee. And it’s not as though
already been unleashed. Oh, Louise. anything she was wearing was startling
or exceptional in the great scheme of
In the picture, Linton is a study in fashion. (Sorry, Louise.)
white and beige, from her platinum
locks to her studded sandals. She has Instead, it was Linton’s impulse to
helpfully tagged the various designer lash out at JenniMiller29, who had all of
brands she’s wearing. Thus, everyone 379 followers, with an extensive com-
knows she’s dressed in Roland Mouret mentary about Linton and Mnuchin’s
trousers, Valentino sandals and Tom financial contribution to the economy
Ford sunglasses. She is carrying an Her- that set people’s teeth on edge. “Have
mès scarf. She doesn’t mention it, but you given more to the economy than
she’s also toting a white Hermès Birkin. me and my husband? Either as an indi-
But you knew that, right? vidual earner in taxes OR in self-sacri-
fice to your country? … Pretty sure that
A lot of bragging occurs on Instagram, the amount we sacrifice per year is a lot
with users regularly sharing pictures more than you’d be willing to sacrifice
of glorious vacations, mouthwatering if the choice was yours,” Linton wrote.
meals, adorable babies and pets, and
many, many fashion highlights. This is She made the sneering suggestion
the nature of social media, and folks are that a person’s income is the best mea-
generally pretty forgiving about an ex- sure of their value and stature, which
cessive amount of look-at-me obsessive- is to suggest that the millions of dollars
ness. But Linton isn’t just anyone. She is Mnuchin made in banking and hedge-
married to the treasury secretary. This funding reflect his actual cultural and
doesn’t mean she is a celebrity or even in societal value rather than the nature
the public eye – despite her acting cred- of a capitalist economy – an economy
its. It means she is spotlight-adjacent. It that typically undervalues teachers,
means people will only pay attention to mothers, home healthcare aides, day-
her if, for better or worse, she conscious- care providers, etc. Linton implied that
ly scooches over into the limelight. becoming treasury secretary for the
world’s largest economy was a breath-
Linton has been doing a lot of taking sacrifice in service to his country.
scooching. Surely it has its challenges, but part of
sacrificing in the name of patriotism is
Before her June wedding, she gave
Town and Country magazine a peek in-
side her jewelry box along with lengthy
descriptions of how she acquired each
44 Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Inside the private collection of Audrey Hepburn
BY EMILY CRONIN polo neck and the cigarette pant. sulting malnutrition gave her her 20- sophistication.
Born in Brussels in 1929, to a Dutch inch waist; it also caused anemia, jaun- The actress and the couturier struck
The Telegraph dice, asthma and other acute afflictions
baroness and a British businessman, throughout her life. And the woman up a fast friendship. She wore a floral
Footsteps and the purposeful thrum Hepburn moved between Belgium, who longed far more for a large, stable Givenchy dress to collect her Best Actress
of air conditioners are the loudest England and the Netherlands during family than for film stardom endured award at the 1954 Academy Awards, and
sounds in Christie’s Park Royal ware- her childhood. two divorces and four miscarriages – from the time she filmed fashion-world
house on the day of a recent visit. Be- and kept smiling. romp “Funny Face” in 1957, Hepburn’s
yond two leopard-print chaises lounges Although she spent the Second World contracts included a non-negotiable
and a phalanx of vacant plinths and War in the Netherlands (her mother hav- “Underneath the fragility and the clause stipulating that Givenchy must de-
pedestals is Adrian Hume-Sayer, di- ing made the grave miscalculation that it beauty and the enchanting smile, she sign her costumes. She also wore Given-
rector of private collections at the auc- would remain safe and neutral through was really quite a tough cookie,” says chy for her second wedding and all her
tioneer’s, busying himself with Audrey the conflict, as it had in the First World Meredith Etherington-Smith, creative most important events thereafter.
Hepburn’s trove. War), in 1948 she returned to London to consultant on the forthcoming auction.
study at the Ballet Rambert. “I wouldn’t want you to miss this,”
Most of it remains packed away, ar- Hepburn’s appeal was elusive. “Her fa- Hume-Sayer says, withdrawing from
rayed on tidy shelves or on scores of When Marie Rambert gently told Hep- cial features show character rather than a garment bag a black satin Givenchy
velvet hangers. One rolling cart heaves burn that she would never make it as a prettiness,” Cecil Beaton wrote in his Couture cocktail dress with a feathered
with straw bags, carefully coiled belts prima ballerina, Hepburn turned to act- analysis of Hepburn in Vogue’s Novem- V-neckline and hem, dating from 1968.
and individually bagged pieces of jew- ing, initially in West End chorus lines. ber 1954 issue. “She is like a portrait by “In terms of little black dresses, this is
elry. Nothing has been photographed. It was during a shoot for a small film in Modigliani where the various distortions the ultimate.”
“We’ve had tremendous trouble getting Monaco that Colette, the French author, are not only interesting in themselves but
mannequins for the clothes because spotted Hepburn on set and, enraptured, make a completely satisfying composite. The sale also includes an ice-blue clo-
she was absolutely tiny – I mean, sub- declared that this girl and no other must ... [She] gives every indication of being the qué satin dress by Givenchy that Hep-
zero,” he says. star in her Broadway production of Gigi. most interesting public embodiment of burn wore in 1966 for a photo shoot
our new feminine ideal.” promoting “Two for the Road,” a film
The auction, which will take place at The rest is silver-screen legend. about a squabbling husband and wife
Christie’s in September, includes a selec- Along with an awards collection that Where Marilyn had curves and smol- on a road trip. And a much humbler red,
tion of Hepburn’s clothing, accessories, included an Emmy and a best-actress der, Audrey had straight lines and ga- fuzzy-cuffed cardigan from a Givenchy
film memorabilia and photography that Golden Globe, Oscar and Tony (she re- mine charm. The garments she favored boutique. “Apparently she wore this a tre-
she left to her sons, Sean Ferrer and Luca mains one of only 12 people ever to ac- – Breton tops, the classic trench, pencil mendous amount to award ceremonies,”
Dotti. The collection shows the personal, complish the EGOT), she also received skirts – were unassuming and minimal Hume-Sayer says, “for comfort and to
domestic side of a woman whose impec- the Presidential Medal of Freedom enough that they wouldn’t look out of keep warm on the way in.”
cable taste had as its corollary a lack of in- in recognition of her work as a Unicef place in wardrobes in 2017.
terest in material wealth for its own sake. Goodwill Ambassador. There are pieces by other designers
“Her look has gone on being wonder- – a Burberry trench coat, an Yves Saint
“She was just innately elegant in every Yet behind the glamour and those fully popular because, first of all, she had Laurent Rive Gauche suit with crystal
aspect of her life. It permeates enormous sunglasses was a woman a radiance about her, and second, it’s es- buttons, a cream Valentino Couture
everything she touched,” who endured more pain and privation sentially very modern and pared down,” coat dress. The last dates from her Rome
Hume-Sayer says. than her public could possibly imagine. explains Etherington-Smith. years, after she had divorced Ferrer and
was enjoying “a rather smart life” in the
“I think the sale will During the war, the Nazis executed “She found a look that worked for her Italian city.
deepen the public vi- her uncle, imprisoned one of her and stuck to it all her life,” says Sean
sion of Audrey, and shed half-brothers in a labor camp and Ferrer, her son with her first husband, “You know, Givenchy was very expen-
new light on her thought sent the other into hiding. the actor Mel Ferrer. “She often said sive, and she always paid for everything,”
processes,” he continues. Hepburn raised funds for the that she dressed more like an English Etherington-Smith says. “She asked one
“These items let us see be- Dutch Resistance through silent gentleman, in terms of adopting a sys- of her Roman friends whether there was
hind the scenes of the life dance performances (“The best au- tem, than a woman. someone in Rome. Valentino was just
of Audrey Hepburn, dience I ever had made not a single starting out and she went to him.”
which is a pretty sound at the end,” she said), “When you’re not always trying to
amazing thing.” and she reportedly acted as break new ground or change your look, In contrast to so much couture is the
a courier for anti-Nazi orga- chances of catastrophe are reduced to costume jewelry. There are pearl neck-
The star of “Ro- nizations. Like many Dutch a minimum.” She ordered all her jack- laces, Kenneth Jay Lane crystal earrings
man Holiday,” citizens, she was forced to ets from a men’s tailor in Rome and and some bold 1980s costume pieces
“Funny Face” and grind tulip bulbs to make bought multiple versions of favorite from Saint Laurent – no Tiffany in sight.
“Breakfast at Tif- flour for bread during the pieces, remaining loyal to designers
fany’s” didn’t in- Hunger Winter of 1944. she loved for a lifetime. To house a selection of these fancies
vent the little black The re- a buyer might also snap up Hepburn’s
dress (that dis- Hepburn met the couturier Hubert multi-level jewelry case, its velvet-
tinction belongs de Givenchy in the summer of 1953, lined interior just waiting to welcome
to Coco Chanel), when the producers of “Sabrina” (in a triple-strand pearl necklace. “Some
but she wore of these things are quite humble items,
it better than which she plays a chauffeur’s daugh- but they give you this tangible link with
anyone has be- ter who entrances Humphrey Bo- her, which has this indefinable magic,”
fore or since. gart) sent her to his atelier to Hume-Sayer says.
And the ballet select pieces that would
pump and the convey her charac- The highlight of the sale isn’t a dress
ter’s new-found or a gem, but a text: Hepburn’s working
script for 1961’s “Breakfast at Tiffany’s.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 45
The role of Holly Golightly was consid- In a triptych of Paramount publicity something that is good and useful,” he burn canon is far more accessible. Dotti
ered so racy that Hepburn nearly didn’t photographs, Hepburn-as-Holly is the says. He thinks of her whenever he uses recently introduced his two daughters,
accept it, and the Paramount Pictures focal point in a mad, swirling smudge of her basket to carry in tomatoes, auber- aged 5 and 7, to “Funny Face.”
publicity department took pains to dis- a party scene, her mien changing with gines, onions and salad leaves from his
tance their star from her character. each exposure. Tuscan garden. “It’s nice to watch these movies again
with them and see how they react,” he
“If there is one fact of life that Audrey The selections from Hepburn’s per- Preparing the sale has been emotional says. “Because, of course, they never
Hepburn is dead certain of, adamant sonal photography archive represented for the brothers, and neither plans to at- met their grandmother, but on the other
about, irrevocably committed to, it’s the in the auction include artist prints (some tend the auction. But they’ll always have hand, their grandmother is almost ev-
fact that her married life, her husband with personal dedications) from Beaton, the films. While Ferrer and Dotti both erywhere – on posters, on mugs and on T-
and her baby, come first and far ahead of “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” on-set photogra- recall renting a projector for screenings shirts. They see her almost every day.”
her career,” read one press release from pher Bud Fraker and Steven Meisel. at La Paisible, for their children, the Hep-
November 1960, which went on to char-
acterize Holly Golightly as “a New York Other items include a rainbow of ballet
play girl, café society type, whose con- pumps, and a compact gold snuff box, a
stancy is highly suspect. gift from Rex Harrison upon the comple-
tion of filming for “My Fair Lady.” Its in-
“This unusual role for Miss Hep- scription reads, “To Eliza Doolittle/From
burn brought up the subject of career Henry Higgins.”
women vs. wives – and Audrey made
it tersely clear that she is by no means There are more prosaic lots as well,
living her part.” including the hat stands and rotary-dial
phones from La Paisible, her home of 30
Hepburn’s personal copy of the script years in Tolochenaz, Switzerland. Every
starts on page 93 (the pages arranged in piece practically fizzes with the magic of
order of shooting) and many of the multi- its past ownership. “In a way this is the
colored pages bear notes scrawled in her opposite of the Elizabeth Taylor auction
favorite teal ink. Some of the annotations [at Christie’s in December 2011], where
are copied-out lines; others are under- the things had intrinsic value because
lined for emphasis. “The scripts give you the auction was mostly Bulgari jewelry,”
an idea of how very hard she worked,” Ferrer says. “Here, the emotional value is
Etherington-Smith says. “It wasn’t all just greater than the intrinsic value.”
coming on to set looking fabulous.”
“These are all items that were part of
“Breakfast at Tiffany’s” represented a her life, part of her career, which she kept
breakthrough and a breakaway from the because they were connected with living
naive, princessy roles Hepburn had in- experiences, friends, movies,” says Luca
habited until then. It is also the film that Dotti, Hepburn’s son with second hus-
even those with only the most glancing band Andrea Dotti. “She was a straight-
awareness of Hepburn will have seen, forward person with very simple goals.
and the bedrock for her future incarna- During her life she was amazed, from
tion as a style icon. the start of her career to the very end,
about the ongoing public interest.” She
“There’s a party scene in ‘Breakfast at died, aged 63, in 1993.
Tiffany’s,’ and all the women are in out-
rageous hats and brocade dresses, and Her sons held back their mother’s
in the middle of it, like a good deed in a awards, important pieces of furniture
naughty world, there’s Audrey in a sleeve- and family photographs, though for
less black dress,” Etherington-Smith says. Dotti, at least, the item of his mother’s he
“She just wipes the floor with everyone.” treasures most is decidedly more modest:
the flower basket she used to carry roses
There is another party outfit from the and fruit in from her garden at La Paisible.
same film – the curtain that Holly trans-
formed into a dashingly draped gown. “It connects me to my mother and my
childhood in Switzerland, and it’s also
46 Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
First Bites: Green Marlin Restaurant and Raw Bar
BY TINA RONDEAU the outside, the tuna was rare on the Fried Grouper Cheeks.
Columnist inside. Served with a seaweed salad, it PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD
An unusually busy summer of restau- was indeed what hipsters used to call
rant debuts in Vero saw the opening last
week of the Green Marlin, the newest “da bomb.”
creation of Chef Lou Kolbauer, the driv-
ing force behind the popular Chive on The steamed clams also were
Royal Palm Pointe.
excellent, served with a
Unlike Chive, where you go to the
counter to select the ingredients you great garlic and herb
want to eat, the Green Marlin is a sit-
down restaurant that took over the large butter sauce. You
U.S. 1 building previously occupied by
the Outback Steakhouse. will certainly
Headline news: While the name want to ask, as
would suggest this is a primarily a sea-
food restaurant, the menu (or, more I did, for some
accurately, menus) offers something
for everyone – ranging from raw bar bread to mop
choices, to soups and salads (including
a salad bar), chicken wings, pastas, beef up the broth
and chicken entrées, and even family-
style dinners. after you’ve
Look & Feel: This space has been ren- enjoyed the
dered somewhat more nautical since it
housed the Outback, but it still has a fa- sweet young
miliar feel. Walking into the Green Mar-
lin from the parking lot, you pass the clams. Very, very Irish Stew. Steamed Clams.
bar area to your left and enter the din- tasty.
ing room, which has wood tables in the
front and then rows of wooden booths For entrees, I
along either wall.
had the salmon
Food: On our visit the first week the
Green Marlin was open, we sampled ($18), my hus-
three starters (a soup and two appetiz-
ers), three entrées, and a dessert. band had the
For starters, we tried the ahi tuna fish of the day
bomb ($7.99), the soup of the day
(mushroom – $4), and a bowl of ($18), and our
steamed clams ($14).
companion had delicious
The tuna bomb consisted of a tuna spicy red
loin, placed in an egg-roll wrapper the shrimp and sauce. The ingre-
which had been smeared with tahini dients could not have
paste, and fried at a super- scallop pasta fra dia- been better.
high temperature. For dessert, we shared a slice of the
Seared on volo ($18). house-made grapefruit pie ($7). A good
way to end the meal.
My Scottish salmon was a Drink: With a full bar, the Green Mar- Entrées top out with the roasted beef
lin offers a variety of cocktails, as well as tenderloin for $20 or the admiral’s
beautiful piece of fish, blackened and large selection of craft beers. It also has platter for $21. Family dinners – such
a well-priced wine list. as chicken alfredo for four for $36 –
served with a delicious butter, salt and Service: It’s probably not fair to be are a bargain.
too critical of a server in a restaurant
Old Bay sauce. My husband’s grilled just getting started, but while Initial impressions: While we have
enthusiastic and eager, sampled only a tiny fraction of the
swordfish also was excellent served many dishes offered, everything we
our server had a had was very fresh, very well cooked,
with a Cajun remoulade sauce. Both and very well-seasoned. Our guess is
the Green Marlin is in for a long run.
dishes were accompanied by a side of
I welcome your comments, and en-
fresh zucchini, squash and carrots. courage you to send feedback to me at
[email protected].
Our companion’s shrimps and scal-
The reviewer is a beachside resident
lops, along with seasonal vegetables, who dines anonymously at restaurants
at the expense of this newspaper.
were served over cavatappi
(pappardelle was the
other option)
in a
Ahi Tuna Bomb. fairly Hours:
shaky Dinner: Daily, 11am to 10 pm
grasp of
how various Beverages: Full bar
menu items Address:
were prepared. 1475 U.S. 1
That seems likely
to get better. Phone: (772) 999-5248
Prices: Prices seem
extremely reasonable.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 47
Trump Winery: Producing pretty good table wines
BY DAVE MCINTYRE es of Trump wines show improvement. zine articles featuring Eric Trump and “I think we deserve the credit,” she
The Washington Post Despite its name, Trump Winery his stewardship of the winery. says, noting that the reinvestment in
the vineyards was paying off at about
For the record, Trump Winery in Vir- typically tries to distance itself from While sales have increased in recent the same time Donald Trump declared
ginia is not “one of the biggest winer- politics. There is no political merchan- years, general manager Kerry Woolard his candidacy. The wines have done
ies in the country,” as the president dise for sale at the vineyard, no Make would like to attribute success to the well in contests, where judges don’t
recently claimed. At about 42,000 cases America Great Again hats, no photos of winery’s improvements rather than a know which wines they are tasting.
produced each year, it is squarely in the the president – just some framed maga- Trump political bounce.
“small” category of wineries produc- Trump sparkling wines won the
ing under 50,000, according to Wines & Monticello Cup for best Charlottes-
Vines magazine. ville-area wine in 2014 and 2015, and
the 2016 sauvignon blanc recently won
That places Trump Winery in the top a double gold medal in the San Fran-
21 percent. There are 65 “large” winer- cisco International Wine Competition.
ies producing more than 500,000 cases
a year, 263 in the “medium” category The sparkling wines were good un-
of 50,000 to 499,999, and about 1,600 der Kluge Estate, and the Trumps ben-
in the small category of 5,000 to 49,999 efited from purchasing three vintages
cases. Nearly 7,300 wineries produce (2008-2010) that aged on their lees
fewer than 5,000 cases. during the bankruptcy. Longer aging
makes for richer, more complex spar-
But with 210 acres planted to vines, kling wine. Trump Winery was able to
Trump Winery can say it is Virginia’s sell those vintages under its own label
largest vineyard. Chateau Morrisette while its own production benefited
and Williamsburg Winery, however, from longer aging.
each produce about 60,000 cases a year,
according to the Virginia Wine Market- The wines I tasted on my recent visit
ing Office, making them the largest in were a 2010 Blanc de Blancs, rich and
the Old Dominion. opulent from an unusually ripe vin-
tage, a 2012 rosé and a 2009 reserve.
Also for the record: The wines are pret- All were made by winemaker Jonathan
ty good. Since Donald Trump purchased Wheeler, who was hired by Patricia
the former Kluge Estate winery in a bank- Kluge in 2006 to oversee the sparkling
ruptcy auction in 2011 and installed his wine program.
son Eric as president, the Trump regime
has invested in refurbishing the vine- Wheeler took over the still wine pro-
yards, purchasing new farm equipment duction in 2013. His current releases
and constructing a new facility for spar- include a delicious 2016 rosé made
kling wine production. from merlot and pinot noir, that med-
al-winning sauvignon blanc (made
It has paid off. Sparkling wines were richer by blending in some semillon),
good under Kluge Estate, but the table a modestly oaky chardonnay and a
wines were uneven. The current releas- fleshy viognier.
48 Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 49
Thai & Japanese Cuisine Live Music and Jazz
Tues – Thurs, 6 pm - 9 pm
Beer, Wine, Sake & Fri & Sat, 6 pm - 10 pm
Full Liquor Bar
$2 Off Martini Tuesdays
Dine in & Take Out
Mon - Sat 11:30am - 3 pm
Nightly 4:30 pm -10 pm
713 17th Street|(17th Shoppes Center)
4-6 PM
costadeste.com | 772.410.0100
50 Vero Beach 32963 / August 31, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Vero & Casual Dining
Japanese Steak House with EARLY BIRD DINNER MENU
Hibachi and superb Sushi. Mon-Wed 4:30-5:45
1335 US-1,Vero Beach Dine-In Only. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Holidays Excluded.
772-492-3530 • vbtakara.com
Special Appetizer Menu
STORE HOURS Edamame $2.95
Lunch Shrimp Shumani 3.95
Monday - Friday 11 am - 2:30 pm Gyoza 3.95
Dinner Spring Roll 3.95
Monday - Thursday Golden Rangoon 3.95
Fried Calamari $4.95
4:30 pm - 10 pm Sashimi Guacamole $5.95
Friday 4:30 pm - 10:30 pm
Saturday 12:30 pm - 10:30 pm Tuna Tartaki $5.95
Sunday 12:30 pm - 10 pm Tuna or salmon Roll $3.95
Seaweed or Kani Salad $3.95
$5 TAKARA DAILY DRINK SPECIALS: White Tiger (Escolar) $4.95
Maitai • Margarita • Mojito • Bahama
Mama • Long Island • Bloody Mary Hibachi Entrée Menu
SKY Cosmos Martini Special
Served with soup, salad, fried rice, noodles and vegetables.
Chicken $13.95 • New York Steak $16.95
Scallop $17.95 • Shrimp $16.95 • Salmon $14.95
Any Choice of 2 Different Items Above $18.95
Jack Daniels • Bacardi Superior • Captain
Morgan • Absolute • Tito
Tanqueray • Bombay sapphire