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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-06-01 13:08:44

06/01/2017 ISSUE 22


Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 1, 2017 55

Market Hours: Mon-Sat • 10am - 9pm


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56 Vero Beach 32963 / June 1, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Vero & Casual Dining

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Spring Roll 3.95
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Monday - Wednesday Fried Calamari $4.95
Sashimi Guacamole $5.95
3:30pm - 10:00pm
Thursday - Saturday Tuna Tartaki $5.95
5:00pm - 11:00pm Tuna or salmon Roll $3.95
Seaweed or Kani Salad $3.95
Sunday White Tiger (Escolar) $4.95
12:00pm - 10:pm
Hibachi Entrée Menu
Monday - $3.99 SKYY Vodka Martinis Served with soup, salad, fried rice, noodles and vegetables.
Tuesday - All Beer Half Price
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Thursday - $2.00 Margaritas Scallop $17.95 • Shrimp $16.95 • Salmon $14.95

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 1, 2017 57

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58 Vero Beach 32963 / June 1, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Bonz sure not ‘board’ at Puppy Paddle playdate

Hi Dog Buddies! “Woof Max, this is a Totally Cool Kib- up to catch all the interesting
bles idea!”
Well, there’s no chance I’ll EVER get smells on the breeze, happily
bored as long as I’ve got this gig: I get to “I KNOW! Right?” Max grinned. “My
meet pawsome poocheroos every week human buddies Chris Woodruff and paddling along.
(not to mention fab felines and the Brent Bernhard brought these cool
occasional zebra or pot-bellied pig). boards. Of course, us pooches wear life “You really gotta TRY this,
PLUS, I get to go to parties and have jackets. I mean, it’s fine to be a Hot Dog,
adVENtures. but NOT a Dumb Dog, right? Our first Mr. Bonz!” he woofed.
Puppy Paddle, last year, was for our cus-
Like, a coupla weeks ago, my pal Max tomers, and it was real popular. So we’re Ginger Perosa, a beautiful
Dixon gave me an Ears-Up about an expanding. We get a lotta boaters from
event him and his Mom Cindi and some Elsewhere who love the dog park, and Australian Shepherd, sat on
other humans were doing over by the this is extra added fun.”
Vero Dog Park. It was the Second Annual the bank with her Dad Ron,
Puppy Paddle. An you didn’t hafta be an A good-lookin’ brindle pooch came
ackshul puppy. Grown-up pooches can down to the water’s edge, on leash, with just watchin.’
do it, too. It was for FUN and socializing, his humans. He had that Puppy Walk
of course, but also to help the Dog Park, like he was still growing into his BIG “Are you gonna try it?” I
which I know a buncha you go to. paws. He didn’t look scared, but he also
didn’t look thrilled. asked her.
So, anyway, Max and his Mom run
this nice dog spa, and they got together I introduced myself, and he said, “I’m “Not today,” she said. “But
with a coupla guys who have a kayak Buddy Clark. My Aunt Mackenna and
and paddleboard place, and planned it my Daddy Taylor told me this was gonna it does look pretty spiffy.
all out. The pooches and their humans’d be FUN. But it’s a lot more water than in
meet on a Sunday morning, right on the my dish at home. I’m not sure I’m s’pose Next Puppy Paddle I’ll defi-
river, near that big, tall bridge by the dog to get IN it. And those floaty things are
park, and paddle around. Paddleboard kinda small.” nitely give it a burl. I’ve al-
newbees could get lessons, too. AN,
there were reFRESHments! Buddy’s aunt got on one of the floaty ready RSVP’d.”
things while his Dad led him into the
A buncha paddleboards were neatly water. Gypsy Pinnell was sit-
lined up along the water’s edge, and a
few pooches an their humans were al- “EEK! Wait!” Buddy was sayin’ as his ting on the way far end
ready out in the water when me and my Dad sorta schooshed him up onto the
assistant arrived. It looked like a floating board behind her. Buddy gripped with of the bank, ears up. She
Puppy Play Group. all four paws and looked around. As
Buddy’s aunt began to paddle farther out barked as I approached,
Max yoo-hooed me from his pad- into the river, Buddy slid off the back of
dleboard. Even tho he’s a fluffy little the board and dog-paddled to shore. till her Mom told her it Cindi and Max Dixon. PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
poocheroo, he’s a take-charge kinda was okey-dokey. Gypsy
guy, real fren-ly. “Yo, Bonz! I’ll be right “So, whaddya think?” I asked him, is an all-black German
in.” His Mom steered their board over dodging the Shake-Off.
to the shore. Of course, as a spaniel, I Shepherd, only 7 months old, she told “Woof!” I said
was real excited. I’ll sign up for pretty “Um. I’m not SURE. I mean, I just
much anything that involves getting’ don’t KNOW. It doesn’t feel BAD or any- me. “I’m sorry I barked at you. I bark at to myself in admiration. “That is one
wet. However, since I was On The Job, thing. An those OTHER pooches are
an takin’ notes, I hadda stay dry. (Full doin’ it. I just don’t want my Daddy to strangers – pooches, humans, squirrels Salty Dog!”
Disclosure: I did manage to get my paws be mad at me for getting’ all WET. I’m
in, right at the edge.) still learnin’ the ROOLS.” sometimes – but I’m still learning when I Back on shore, as Max was getting me

“I’m pretty sure it’s totally OK to get should and when I shouldn’t. An I’m still some additional info, I noticed that his
wet this morning,” I assured him. A
while later, I spotted Buddy, sitting getting used to bein’ around other dogs stylish life vest was color-coordinated
calmly on a board next to his Dad, nose
and humans, so I’m sorta nervous.” to his water bowl – AND his Jeep. They

“No worries,” I replied. “We’ve all been were all chartreuse with black trim.

there.” Snazzy! “Thanks, Max! It’s been great!”

Meanhile, back on the water, Celeste I waved goodbye.

Bartoszewicz, a 5-pound chihuahua Heading home, I decided to ask my

with a 10-pound name, was floating up grandpa if we could maybe get one of

and down with her Mom, Vanessa. “I’m a those paddle boards for the pool.

nature girl so I love anything outdoors,”

she told me. “It’s my first time doin’ Till next time,
The Bonz
THIS, though. It’s pretty Cool Kibbles,
once you get over the Wobble Paws.” Don’t Be Shy

Bohdi Gear was at the very front of We are always looking for pets
the board as his Mom, Phaedra, paddled with interesting stories.
smoothly along. He was a little pooch-
eroo, but he stood there, sure-pawed,

like the captain of a Really Big Ship. “Ah,

THIS is the life!” he said as they floated To set up an interview, email
by. “The salt spray! The cry of the gulls! [email protected].
The wind’s song! The dolphin jumping!”

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 1, 2017 59


Grace, humility add points to heavenly scoreboard


John Jewell tells the story of the man you can think of?” ceptional. You now have a total of 402 God’s grace!” “Ah, now that,” exclaimed
who came to the gates of heaven and The poor man at heaven’s gates broke points. Impressive, but can you think of Peter, “is worth a thousand points!”
was greeted by St. Peter. Peter asked the anything else to recommend you?” And the gates to the kingdom of heaven
man to give a brief history of his life, in out in a cold sweat and began to dredge swung wide open.
order that Peter could make an assess- through old memories to recall every By now the man at the gates was truly
ment of his suitability for entrance into single act of kindness he had offered. distressed. He wracked his brain for How many points could you tally to-
the kingdom of heaven. “You will need He listed them as the angel furiously re- good deeds and remembered helping an ward your entry into those heavenly
one thousand points to be admitted,” corded them on his angelic clip board. old lady across the street and paying bus gates? Of course it matters how faithful-
Peter told the man. Let’s see… server at a soup kitchen, fare for a stranded traveler. This time ly we live, how we deeply we love, how
volunteer at a homeless shelter, tutor the recording angel and Peter came up compassionately we serve. But none of
“This will be a cinch,” the man to disadvantaged children, generous with a grand total of 431 points. Know- us is really capable of earning our entry.
thought to himself, confidently. “I’ve donor of time and money to numer- ing there were no more grand achieve- And so, we all need the humble aware-
been faithfully involved in church ous worthy causes. “Yes, this will do it!” ments or glorious acts of goodness that ness of the man at Peter’s gate. What a
from childhood.” The man began to the man thought. When he finished the he could relate to Peter, the humbled soul-stirring, heart-healing realization it
list all his activities and all his achieve- angel and Peter again had a whispered man cried out in dismay, “I’m sunk! is to finally see that our lives have been
ments for Peter. He was an officer in conversation. Then Peter turned back There is no hope for me! What more pure grace from our first breaths to our
his church’s youth group. He partici- to the man and said, “This is quite ex- could I have done? All I can do is beg for last – and beyond. 
pated in every possible way he could
as a youngster. As an adult he was on
the church council and served on every
committee the church had to offer. His
list was extensive.

“Very impressive,” Peter said, smiling
brightly at the man. An angel standing
with them also smiled and nodded as
he tallied the points and then whis-
pered in Peter’s ear. Peter announced
the tally to the man. “This is quite strik-
ing. We seldom see men with your level
of commitment to the things of God.
You will be pleased to know that you
have 227 points. Is there anything else

64 Vero Beach 32963 / June 1, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

to-ceiling, French eyebrow win- REAL ESTATE

Off the kitchen to the east is the
laundry room, with outside access;
a pantry; and the entrance to the
roomy 3-car garage – which will
please the family handyman and
watersports lover with plenty of
storage space for tools and grown-
up “toys.”

On the south side of first floor
is the Berber-carpeted master
suite, private and spacious, with
light mint-green walls and a huge,
custom built-in display wall. As
throughout the home, the white
woodwork is exquisite. A very
large walk-in closet offers hang-
ing space, shelf space and drawer
space galore, including a floor-to-
ceiling unit.

Double colonial-style doors lead
to the covered veranda where, sus-
pended from the ceiling, is a won-
derful, surprising feature – an ac-
tual, old-fashioned porch swing.
This comfy, cushioned spot will
likely be a magnet for anyone wish-
ing to read, relax, dream, sip a glass
of wine – or maybe just hang out
with the family cat.

Against the white woodwork, the
deep coral walls of the master bath
absolutely glow. The star of this
room, hands down, is the bright
white, free-standing clawfoot
bathtub, positioned beneath an
arched double window, its planta-
tion shutters allowing as much pri-
vacy – or view – as a bather could
wish for. The master bath includes
a water closet, glass-front shower
and, facing each other from across
the room, large custom sink vani-
ties with large mirrors and lavish
storage space.

Almost hidden away just off the
kitchen/family room, an enclosed
staircase leads to the carpeted sec-
ond floor bedrooms. Two of these
pleasant light-filled spaces share
a Jack and Jill bathroom, with
tub/shower, and access from both

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 1, 2017 65


rooms. One, in pale pink with white third second-floor bedroom has its
woodwork, has served as a little girl’s own bath, with walls in a bright wake-
hideaway, and has a built-in shelf and up-and-smile red. All upstairs closets
drawer unit that takes up an entire are extra-large.
wall, split by a window, and features a
cozy, cushioned window seat. From the back yard, a path leads
to the dock, with deep water access
The other bedroom is being uti- from the lagoon, only about 100 yards
lized as an office; it could revert to a away. There is power and water, and
bedroom or remain an office, study, an electric boat lift, which can handle
library, as the owner’s desire. The a 30-foot craft.

66 Vero Beach 32963 / June 1, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Homeowner Chris Talley says
that, from the first time he saw the
house, he was taken with the beau-
tiful and ornate millwork, the heavy
doors, and unusual arches. He loves
“the West Indies look, the dark wood
floors – it is a warm house.” The ex-
tensive work he has had done in-
cluded staining and refinishing the
lovely hardwood floors, and paint-
ing “everything.”

Talley enjoys the deep water river
access, and the convenience of boat-
ing to the Sebastian Inlet to the north
and the Fort Pierce Inlet to the south,
both of which provide access to the
Atlantic Ocean. He also mentions the
feeling of privacy the home imparts.
“It is just a nice neighborhood.” 


Gorgeous 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath custom home with over 2,700 sq. ft. under air Neighborhood: Seagrove West
located at 720 Pirate Cove Lane on Vero’s barrier island Year built: 1991

$769,575 • Call Patti Croswell to schedule a visit today! Home size: 3,189 square feet
under air
561.568.4848 GHOHOMES.COM
Lot size: 0.57 acre
Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Oral representation cannot be relied upon as correctly stated representations of the developer. Bedrooms: 4
For correct representations, make reference to this advertisement and to the documents required by section 718.503, Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a developer to a buyer or lessee.
Bathrooms: 3.5
Images displayed may not be the actual property for sale, but may be model or other homes built of similar design. Waterfront: 152 linear feet of

water frontage
Additional features: Pool;
crown molding throughout;
storm panels; 3-bay garage;
irrigation sprinklers; recessed
lighting throughout; ceiling
fans throughout; wood-burning
fireplace; central vac; vaulted/
cathedral/volume ceilings;
hardwood floors first level;
deep water access; private dock
with water, power and boat lift;
3-zone a/c – downstairs, master
suite and upstairs; community
tennis courts, staffed guard gate.

Listing agency:
Alex MacWilliam, Inc.

Real Estate
Listing agent: Roger Smith,

Listing price: $1,199,000

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 1, 2017 67


What if Congress kills the capital gains tax exclusion?

BY KENNETH R. HARNEY tax overhaul plan can move through
Washington Post a fractious Congress this year or
even next – which is no sure thing. It
It’s often the biggest pot of gold also turns on whether Republicans
available to any homeowner, yet its in Congress and the administration
fate remains unclear under the main want to risk the political firestorm
plans for a tax code overhaul pro- they would surely face if they limit
posed so far on Capitol Hill. or take away the benefit many home-
owners – especially boomers in their
The capital gains “exclusion” al- 50s and 60s –have hard-wired into
lows eligible owners to pocket up to their financial future. 
$250,000 (taxpayers filing singly) or
up to $500,000 (joint filers) from the that the House tax writers ultimate-
net gains on their home sales, tax- ly will reach back three years to an
free. earlier “reform” plan that sought to
tighten the rules governing who’s
Along with mortgage interest and qualified to take the tax-free exclu-
state and local tax deductions, it ranks sion and how often.
among the major federal induce-
ments encouraging Americans to own That plan, proposed by Dave Camp
– not rent – a home. Between 2016 and (R-Mich.), who was then the House
2020, unless changed by forthcoming Ways and Means Committee chair-
legislation, the $250,000/$500,000 ex- man, would have:
clusion is expected to result in $166.3
billion in uncollected tax revenue for L● engthened the minimum period
the federal government, according to that taxpayers need to own and use a
the congressional Joint Committee house as their principal residence to
on Taxation. That’s money that stays qualify for the tax-free exclusion from
in owners’ pockets rather than get- two years to five years. Under current
ting sent to the treasury. law, you can be eligible for the exclu-
sion if you own and use the property
Both the House Republican “blue- as your main home an aggregate two
print” tax plan and the Trump years of the five years preceding the
administration’s summary of its sale. Under Camp’s plan, that would
forthcoming tax proposals would have been extended to five of the pre-
effectively limit the two other hefty ceding eight years.
benefits for homeowners. Although
the mortgage interest deduction L● imited the frequency with which
technically is retained as a benefit owners can claim tax-free cash from
in both plans, its likely use and at- a home sale from once every two
tractiveness would be limited by the years to once every five years.
doubling of the standard deduction.
With that deduction pushed up to L● imited the exclusion for high-
$24,000 for joint filers ($12,000 for er-income owners – those making
single filers), the vast majority of $250,000 (single filers) and $500,000
owners who now itemize are expect- (joint filers).
ed to opt for the standard deduction.
That would water down the long- The Camp plan on the tax-free ex-
standing special tax status of own- clusion would have increased federal
ership over renting, critics say, and revenue by nearly $16 billion over a
probably lead to a decline in home 10-year period, according to an es-
values. timate by the Joint Tax Committee –
enough to make it a seductive option
Under both the Trump and House for tax writers looking to save the gov-
Republican plans, deductions for ernment some serious money.
state and local taxes would be
scrapped. Housing proponents are up What might be the impact on
in arms about that potential change homeowners of an elimination or
because the deduction benefits mil- severe cutback on the exclusion? J.P.
lions of owners who pay property Delmore, tax lobbyist and assistant
taxes, especially those who live in vice president at the National As-
the high-tax states along the East and sociation of Home Builders, says it
West coasts. could be disastrous. Not only would it
“lay a direct and unexpected tax bill
But what about the tax-free exclu- on homeowners who expected to use
sion? Curiously, both plans are silent housing equity as a source of retire-
on the subject. One tax expert on ment wealth,” but it also would lower
Capitol Hill told me that the failure demand for ownership and depress
of the House blueprint plan to even home values – “thereby inflicting a
mention the exclusion could mean windfall loss on existing homeown-
that it’s destined to be eliminated. ers.”
Another said it was much more likely
What’s the outlook here? Most fun-
damentally, it depends on whether a

68 Vero Beach 32963 / June 1, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: May 19 to May 25

The barrier island real estate market had another banner week, with 21 transactions recorded,
including seven for more than $1 million.
Six of the million-dollar sales were registered in John’s Island, including the top sale of the week.
The riverfront property at Sago Palm Road was placed on the market Feb. 8 for $4.725 million.
The sale closed on May 19 for $4.4 million.
In all six John’s Island transactions – three of which were on the market less than two weeks – both
the sellers and the purchasers were represented by John’s Island Real Estate.


$439,000 $415,000
$1,350,000 $1,330,000
OLD ORCHID 9580 W MAIDEN COURT 12/6/2016 $434,500 $439,000 5/25/2017 $400,000
2,250,000 2,100,000
CACHE CAY 57 CACHE CAY DRIVE 1/11/2017 $525,000 $1,350,000 5/24/2017 $488,850
$429,000 $395,000
SEA OAKS 1605 BENT OAK LANE 8/1/2016 $1,325,000 $419,500 5/24/2017 $1,275,000
$435,000 $410,000
JOHN’S ISLAND 211 CLARKSON LANE 9/15/2016 $3,500,000 2,250,000 5/22/2017 $3,300,000
$1,025,000 $1,000,000
SUMMERPLACE 1940 W SHELL LANE 10/21/2016 $2,775,000 $519,000 5/22/2017 $2,775,000

ISLAND CLUB OF VERO 811 ISLAND CLUB SQUARE 3/10/2017 $429,000 5/22/2017

JOHN’S ISLAND 285 INDIAN HARBOR 4/8/2017 $1,325,000 5/19/2017

ISLAND CLUB OF VERO 825 ISLAND CLUB SQUARE 2/17/2017 $435,000 5/19/2017

JOHN’S ISLAND 150 SAGO PALM ROAD 4/15/2016 $3,500,000 5/18/2017

JOHN’S ISLAND 393 SILVER MOSS DRIVE 12/10/2016 $1,025,000 5/17/2017

JOHN’S ISLAND 315 ISLAND CREEK DRIVE 3/16/2017 $2,775,000 5/16/2017

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / June 1, 2017 69


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Cache Cay, Address: 57 Cache Cay Drive Subdivision: John’s Island, Address: 211 Clarkson Lane

Listing Date: 1/11/2017 Listing Date: 9/15/2016
Original Price: $1,350,000 Original Price: $2,250,000
Recent Price: $1,350,000 Recent Price: $2,250,000
Sold: 5/24/2017 Sold: 5/22/2017
Selling Price: $1,330,000 Selling Price: $2,100,000
Listing Agent: Suzanne Leffew Listing Agent: John’s Island Real Estate

Selling Agent: Sea Turtle Real Estate LLC Selling Agent: John’s Island Real Estate

Ken Bradley John’s Island Real Estate

Florida HomeTown Realty Inc. John’s Island Real Estate

Subdivision: John’s Island, Address: 150 Sago Palm Road Subdivision: John’s Island, Address: 315 Island Creek Drive

Listing Date: 4/15/2016 Listing Date: 3/16/2017
Original Price: $3,500,000 Original Price: $2,775,000
Recent Price: $3,500,000 Recent Price: $2,775,000
Sold: 5/18/2017 Sold: 5/16/2017
Selling Price: $3,300,000 Selling Price: $2,775,000
Listing Agent: John’s Island Real Estate Listing Agent: John’s Island Real Estate

Selling Agent: John’s Island Real Estate Selling Agent: John’s Island Real Estate

John’s Island Real Estate John’s Island Real Estate

John’s Island Real Estate John’s Island Real Estate

I N T E G R I T Y ~ R E S U LT S


Lakefront 3BR/3.5BA plus office, over ½ acre prime lot, East of A1A, 3BR/2.5BA Mediterranean style townhome, one Oceanfront 18th floor 4BR/3BA penthouse, enclosed garage,
2 master suites, fireplace, pool, gated/guarded community block to the ocean, 1st floor master, 2 private courtyards ocean to river views, gated community, pool, beach access
$575,000 Last Asking Price $459,900

Y our satisfaction is my highest goal, real estate is a lasting relationship.

direct 772.492.5333 | cell 772.538.1861 | [email protected] |

70 Vero Beach 32963 / June 1, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: John’s Island, Address: 285 Indian Harbor Subdivision: John’s Island, Address: 393 Silver Moss Drive

Listing Date: 4/8/2017 Listing Date: 12/10/2016
Original Price: $1,325,000 Original Price: $1,025,000
Recent Price: $1,325,000 Recent Price: $1,025,000
Sold: 5/19/2017 Sold: 5/17/2017
Selling Price: $1,275,000 Selling Price: $1,000,000
Listing Agent: John’s Island Real Estate Listing Agent: John’s Island Real Estate

Selling Agent: John’s Island Real Estate Selling Agent: John’s Island Real Estate

John’s Island Real Estate John’s Island Real Estate

John’s Island Real Estate John’s Island Real Estate

Subdivision: Spinnaker Point Cond, Address: 1855 Bay Road, #D103 Subdivision: Village Spires Devel, Address: 3554 Ocean Drive, #803S

Listing Date: 4/28/2017 Listing Date: 2/1/2017
Original Price: $550,000 Original Price: $669,000
Recent Price: $550,000 Recent Price: $609,000
Sold: 5/22/2017 Sold: 5/22/2017
Selling Price: $540,000 Selling Price: $560,000
Listing Agent: Judy Hargarten Listing Agent: Beth Livers

Selling Agent: The Moorings Realty Sales Co. Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida

Daina Bertrand LuAnn Donnelly-Willemen

The Moorings Realty Sales Co. Sea Turtle Real Estate LLC

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