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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2016-04-28 15:13:06



Consultant to design fix for
our eroded beaches. P12
Piper’s new plane
off to strong start. P11

Vero Wine & Film Festival
draws big Sundance winner. P10

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County gets few jobs for our
economic development millions

BY ALAN SNEL for inducement payments,
Staff Writer job grants and tax abate-
ments intended to generate
Shores Council votes to site a 115-foot mock pine tree cell tower on Town Hall property. STORY, Page 8 ILLUSTRATION BY DAN ALEXANDER The Indian River Board of job growth by luring new com-
County Commissioners has panies and retaining current
poured more than $7 million ones, but a Vero Beach 32963
into its economic develop- look at these economic devel-
ment program in the past de- opment subsidies show the
cade, yet there are fewer jobs overwhelming majority of the
in the county now than when tax money went to two deals
the program started – even that were controversial at best,
though the county’s popula- with most of the grants raising
tion has increased by more questions about why the com-
than 10 percent over that time. mission continues to throw
good money after bad.
The taxpayer dollars went
Here are some of the find-
Contractor arrested, MY Fish Foundation dreams of a tennis stadium ings from the 32963 investi-
accused of bilking VERO gation:
remodeling clients
BY RAY MCNULTY – our home-grown tennis star according to Fish’s father, Tom,  Despite millions of dol-
BY LISA ZAHNER Staff Writer putting his name on our home- is to find a permanent home for lars spent on incentives, the
Staff Writer town tennis tournament – was the tournament. And the foun- number of people working in
The Mardy Fish Children’s a no-brainer. dation. And other sports, cul- the county in January 2016
Vero Lake Estates resident Foundation’s decision this year tural and entertainment events. was lower than the number
and contractor Mark Freder- to take over Vero Beach’s an- The next step, however, will employed in January 2006, ac-
ick Murphy is facing felony nual USTA Pro Circuit event take some thought. Tom Fish, the tennis direc- cording to the Florida Research
charges for allegedly bilking
his remodeling clients out of That’s because the next step, CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
big deposits, and never fur-
nishing the materials or fin- It’s that time of year, and several Charter schools sue
ishing the work paid for by stores are closing on Ocean Drive School District on
two barrier island homeown- divvying up funds
ers and one in southwest Vero. BY ALAN SNEL
Murphy, 47, who state re- Staff Writer
cords show had been a li- Take a walk along Ocean Drive in the The Gazebo to share space with The Lazy Daisy. PHOTO BY PHIL SUNKEL
censed building contractor in heart of the island’s business district and All five charter schools in
Florida since February 2007 – along with shoppers and tourists trying Indian River County are su-
until his license was suspend- to dodge motorists at the Beachland Bou- ing the school district, alleg-
ed last month, was arrested levard intersection – you will see some For ing the district is flaunting
state funding guidelines that

April 28, 2016 Volume 9, Issue 17 Newsstand Price $1.00 Sudden ‘Impact’
for 4 recipients of
News 1-12 Faith 73 Pets 65 TO ADVERTISE CALL $100K grants. P30
Arts 35-40 Games 51-53 Real Estate 75-88 772-559-4187
Books 50 Health 55-59 St. Ed’s 72
Dining 66 Insight 41-54 Style 60-64 FOR CIRCULATION
Editorial 48 People 13-34 Wine 67 CALL 772-226-7925

© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.

2 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Economic development geted $1,314,992 for the Indian River but about two-thirds of that went for a  The county spent another
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 County Chamber of Commerce, which consulting study and more salary/ad- $108,619 on consultant reports com-
runs the county’s jobs effort through its ministrative costs. The only Economic missioned to evaluate its economic
and Economic Information Database Economic Development Division, con- Development Division-assisted com- development policies, procedures and
Application. According to the database, tinuing to fund it year after year despite pany to deliver jobs in 2014 and 2015 spending during the past three years.
there were 58,611 people working in the the fact the county has experienced a was True Aero, which anticipated 13
county in January 2006, but only 57,947 net loss of jobs during that time. jobs, but actually delivered eight.  Companies that receive job
employed in January 2016, a loss of 664 grants and do actually create jobs
jobs.  In 2013-14, $84,717 out of  Under the 2015-16 budget of don’t necessarily stick around. A com-
$139,898 the county budgeted for eco- $163,445, Caseltine is receiving $53,559 pany called OcuCue received $50,334
 This decrease in employment came nomic development went for admin- in salary, $11,271 in benefits and $5,555 in county job grants for creating nine
during a time when the county’s popu- istrative costs at the Chamber, with a for payroll/unemployment taxes from jobs but has since relocated out of the
lation increased by nearly 18,000, rising big chunk of that money helping fund the county ($70,385 total, or 43 percent county after being acquired.
from 129,980 in 2006 to 147,919 in 2016, the salary of Chamber Economic De- of the annual budget). A group called
according to the U.S. Census Bureau. velopment Director Helene Caseltine. the Economic Leadership Alliance  The Chamber’s Economic Devel-
raises private money to further bolster opment Division provided 32963 with
 Since 2006, the county has bud-  The county spent $186,488 on her compensation. a document that claims 1,277 “total
economic development in 2014-15, number of new hires to date” as a re-
sult of its efforts over the past 10 years,
but the same document shows that
more than half of the jobs included in
that number were not “new hires” but
jobs “retained” at Piper Aircraft.

 Even the claim of job retention
at Piper appears to be inaccurate: The
Chamber claims to have retained 650
jobs at the airplane factory (its website
claims 850 jobs), but Jacqueline Car-
lon, Piper director of marketing and
communications, told 32963 the com-
pany presently has only 625 full-time
equivalent positions.

Looking back, the biggest county
dole-out during the past 10 years was
a $4 million payment to Piper Aircraft
in 2008 for a job incentive deal that fal-
tered. Under the 2008 deal, Piper was
supposed to invest a certain amount for
capital improvements at its Vero plant,
spend a specified amount on research
and development and have 950 em-
ployees on its payroll by the end of 2011.

Piper fell short by 230 employees but
county commissioners let the compa-
ny off the hook and did not demand
repayment of the incentive money.

The second largest investment was
nearly $1.2 million in tax savings and job
grants given by the county to INEOS for a
$130 million biofuel plant on Oslo Road
that so far appears to be a failure. Vero
Beach 32963 reported this month there’s
no evidence a single drop of biofuel has
been distilled at the government-sub-
sidized plant. Although jobs have been
created at the facility, if it can’t produce
fuel those jobs will likely go away. An
INEOS executive declined to comment
about the plant’s production.

Piper acknowledged not hitting the
jobs benchmark under the 2008 agree-
ment because of the severe economic
downturn that began in 2007, and its
decision to cancel development and
production of a single-engine jet. But
the company said it has complied with
a 2012 amended agreement and done
much to bolster the local economy.

“Since the original agreement and
despite serious global economic chal-
lenges, Piper has invested more than
$100 million in the Vero Beach opera-
tion in addition to annual payroll and
Florida supplier purchases. Piper’s in-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 3


vestment in the community, through Caseltine defended her office’s mar- relationships, those would not be one- of improving its trade show strategy:
product development costs and capi- keting strategy. She said Indian River is time visits abroad, but multiple trips “Beginning next fiscal year, we will
tal expenditures, has directly returned a county of only 147,000, so it doesn’t with more than one person represent- work with a firm that will represent In-
more than $9 for every $1 invested by have the financial and personnel re- ing this county,” Caseltine said. dian River County at six industry trade
the state and local governments in eco- sources to recruit internationally, as shows, distributing our collateral ma-
nomic development incentives for the Morris suggested. “Much larger metropolitan econom- terial. We are able to attend any of the
company and its employees,” Carlon ic development organizations, such as trade shows under their registration
wrote in an email to Vero Beach 32963. “I agree that face-to-face interactions Jacksonville or Miami, do this as part fee, so there is no additional cost to us
with prospective clients are best, but of their business recruitment strategy except travel. They also provide and
Piper did not provide any documen- costs of travel abroad are high and more – unlike counties with a population of coordinate opportunities to meet key
tation to back up its return on invest- than our budget would accommodate. 147,000,” she said.
ment claims, but it is the county’s fifth It is proven that to earn trust and build CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
largest employer and says it is getting She said the chamber is on the verge
ready to hire 75 more workers as it be-
gins producing the new M600 airplane. NEW LISTING

Caseltine defended the disconnect Exclusively John’s Island
between anticipated and actual job
creation, noting that the county does Capturing magnificent, multiple fairway and lake views is this beautifully
not lose money from a company’s un- designed 4BR/5BA retreat perfect for indoor/outdoor living. The infinity edge
fulfilled expected new jobs. A company pool convincingly merges with the nearby lake providing uncompromising views
only receives job grants for the actual from nearly every room. Enviable feature include, extensive custom millwork and
new jobs that meet certain wage stan- ceiling details, tumbled marble flooring, 5,168± GSF, a voluminous living room with
dards under performance guidelines: fireplace, gourmet island kitchen, luxurious master suite, a tropically landscaped
“If a company does not ‘perform,’ i.e. courtyard and summer kitchen. 270 Island Creek Drive : $3,300,000
create the anticipated number of new
jobs, they do not receive the funds that three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
were encumbered under their award. health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
Funds not used then go back into the
county’s General Revenue,” she said. 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :

She said the Chamber’s high admin-
istrative costs are justified because “I
know my job and am good at my job.
I am certified as an economic devel-
opment professional. I have nearly 30
years of experience as an economic
development professional. I am asked
by national organizations to serve on
economic development panels, and
asked to serve as a mentor to other
economic developers pursuing their
own certification. I believe the county
is well-represented.”

Partly because of their limited suc-
cess, the jobs grants have been con-
troversial, and even some company
owners who received job grants said
the county would be better off using
its job-creation money for workplace
training, international recruiting and
working to remove code restrictions
that inhibit business growth.

Clifford Morris, president and found-
er of Florida Organic Aquaculture, a
hugely successful shrimp operation in
Fellsmere, thinks the county’s econom-
ic development incentives and market-
ing strategy are too conventional.

He said distributing thumb drives
and hiring site consultants for trade
show visits doesn’t make Indian River
County stand out from the rest of the
cities and counties recruiting busi-
nesses and recommended the county
look outside the U.S. to attract com-
panies from South America.

“I don’t think its [marketing and
recruiting] is properly focused. Busi-
ness stimulation should be niched
and focused. They’re going to semi-
nars. What does that help us?” Mor-
ris said. “We can resonate with South
Americans. We have a big Hispanic
population in Indian River.”

4 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Economic development there is “very good inventory for an area Contractor arrested the company’s specialties – kitchen
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 of our size,” with industrial space in the CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 and bath remodels – and states, “Let
10,000 square foot range along the U.S. us help enhance the value and style
industry representatives.” 1 corridor and Old Dixie Highway. Contractor Mark Frederick Murphy faces felony charges. of your property. Our seasoned team
Another company owner who received will work closely with you to turn your
Enticing companies with financial in- on April 12 and charged with steal- dream home into reality.”
job grant money was Bob Putnam, presi- centives to locate or stay in your town is ing about $150,000 from three local
dent of Boston Barricade Company. He hardly new. University of Central Flori- clients, including the owners of one The business address listed on state
said just throwing money at companies is da economic professor Sean Snaith said North Beach home just off Jungle Trail, documents is at Highpoint Commer-
not the best strategy and there are other sometimes local governments have to and one South Beach home on Pelican cial Center on 65th Street in Winter
ways to entice businesses. give inducements to compete. “If you’re Lane. Beach. Murphy was picked up at his
looking to add jobs, you will want to be home in the 9900 block of 81st Street
“It’s not a friendly area for business. in the game,” Snaith said. A third victim lives in Legend Lakes in Vero Lake Estates, which county
Vero Beach Electric is picking your in southwest Vero. Investigators sus- property records show he and his wife
pockets every day and industrial space But “not everyone is a big fan of pect more victims may come forward Lynda have owned jointly since 2004.
is limited because of the costs of meet- them,” Snaith said of the incentives. after they learn Murphy is being held
ing the [fire and building] codes,” said accountable. Lt. Milo Thornton of the Indian Riv-
Putnam, noting 70 of his company’s County Commissioner Peter O’Bryan er County Sheriff’s Office investigated
200 workers are in Vero Beach. defended the county’s incentives to re- After being arrested and assigned a the case, working closely with Assis-
cruit business, explaining county officials $250,000 bond, Murphy hired defense tant State Attorney William Long, who
Putnam’s company has received realized a decade ago that being a bed- attorney Bobby Guttridge, who was is prosecuting Murphy. The investiga-
$80,333 in job grant money the past room community and agriculture market able to get Murphy’s bond reduced to tion covers events that allegedly oc-
two fiscal years toward a total award was not good enough and cultivating a $175,000. He made bail and was re- curred over about a two-year period.
of $126,000, but says code revisions diversified economy was necessary. leased the afternoon of April 15, but
would be more helpful to him than job was required to relinquish his pass- The first victims listed in the prob-
grant money. He argues stringent fire Site consultants“want to see an open- port and have no contact with the vic- able cause warrant affidavit that led to
and building code requirements are for-business attitude,” said O’Bryan, the tims or their residences. Murphy’s arrest lost a total of $78,151
hindering his efforts to grow in Vero county commission’s liaison to the Eco- paid in deposits and pre-payments
Beach and adding to the cost of doing nomic Development Division. Absolute Building & Restoration’s for materials to renovate their South
business in Indian River. website is still active, urging clients to Beach home, plus $16,450 paid directly
Jason Nunemaker, Fellsmere city call for a free quote. The website touts to other vendors. The second victims
Putnam also said economic devel- manager since February 2005, said the listed in the affidavit lost $44,500 paid
opment efforts need to be focused on need for economic development was to renovate their North Beach home.
creating more industrial sites. apparent when “during great reces-
sion the lack of diversity in our econ- The third and final victims involved
“We’re challenged with finding a omy was laid bare.” in this case so far lost $20,250 in mon-
new building in Vero Beach,” he said, ey paid to renovate their southwest
noting his company operations are Like Caseltine, Nunemaker said In- Vero home. The total involved in the
spread between three local buildings. dian River County doesn’t have the alleged scheme to defraud these three
resources to throw money around and sets of victims is $159,351.
“I don’t want my wife closing the lure big companies with hefty finan-
business at 11 p.m. out at [Interstate] cial inducements. “For us, we do have Court records say that Murphy would
95,” Putnam said of the available indus- to be creative and dynamic in how give clients an estimate and typically
trial land in the I-95 area. we attract people. We can’t just throw require a 10 percent deposit, then his
money at things. The public has no “project manager” William “Charlie”
“The county should take a look and appetite for that either,” he said. Jones would visit clients and present
quiz business owners like myself about them with quotes for materials that
the challenges of setting up businesses “It’s not a matter of bribing some- needed to be ordered, or say that he
in Indian River County,” Putnam said. one with incentives,” Nunemaker needed funds to hire subcontractors.
“It’s been a challenge to attract talent.” added. “Because if that’s the only
reason they’re here, when another Sometimes clients would wire mon-
Caseltine disputed Putnam’s claim sweeter deal comes along, they’ll be ey to Murphy, and other times they
about a lack of industrial space. She said gone eight years later.” 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 5


wrote personal checks. Investigators and picked up. several weeks later to see the finished When asked how clients of Murphy’s
interviewed the materials suppliers One of the victims even said he product only to learn that the cabinets who experienced a similar loss might
in each case and found that the items were no longer in the shop,” the affi- be of help to the case, the State Attor-
quoted were never ordered and per- thinks his money was used to pur- davit states. “The cabinets were never ney’s Office said the appropriate point
mits sometimes never pulled for the chase cabinets that ended up in installed within his residence and he of contact would be Lt. Thornton at
work to be done. Permits sometimes someone else’s home. The victim, was never provided an explanation of the Indian River County Sheriff’s Of-
were applied for, but never paid for concerned about the status of his cab- where they were taken.” fice, investigations division. 
inets, “stated that he visited the shop


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6 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


My Vero Tom Fish: Dreaming of a stadium to become the permanent home of the foundation. PHOTO BY PHIL SUNKEL and support tennis. The tournament
here has been a huge success.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 At the moment, that’s all this is – a such a complex since heading the ef-
possibility. fort to bring to Vero Beach a 2012 Fed “But if we want to bring in other
tor at Windsor and foundation chair- Cup first-round match between the events,” he added, “we need some
man, said the foundation is exploring Or as Tom Fish put it: “We’re one U.S. and Belarus. The match eventu- type of stadium facility.”
the possibility of building, buying or step beyond dreaming.” ally was awarded to Worcester, Mass.
sharing a multi-purpose facility that And the foundation needs a home.
would serve as the headquarters for The concept was the creation of “Tom and I worked on that proj- So Walker pitched his idea to Tom
its after-school and weekend youth part-time Moorings resident Randy ect, and we quickly realized that there Fish and others on the foundation’s
programs as well as the home of the Walker, the longtime tennis author, needs to be more of a tennis infra- board of directors. They agreed to ex-
$10,000 Mardy Fish Children’s Foun- writer and publicist who has teamed structure here to bring in those kinds plore the matter further and see if it’s
dation Tennis Championships. with Tom Fish to serve as the tourna- of events,” Walker said. “This is a terrif- possible to put such a plan in motion.
ment’s co-director. ic tennis community. People here love “It’s just talk right now – there is no
The facility would include a small, real plan – but the talk is accelerating,”
open-air stadium – 1,000 to 1,500 Walker said he has been thinking of Walker said. “We’ve run our idea past
seats – that could be used for con- some city and county officials, but only
certs, plays, sports exhibitions and on a very casual basis and only in terms
other tennis competitions, such as Fed of the long-term vision of the founda-
Cup, Davis Cup, ATP Challengers and tion, but it seemed to be well-received.
Champions Tour tournaments. “Truth is, we’ve been very busy get-
ting ready for the tournament, which
“We were talking about what’s down has taken up a lot of time,” he added.
the road for us, and our dream from Day “We’ll give it more attention and the
1 has been to have our own place, a home talks will get more serious after the
for the foundation,” Tom Fish said. “We’d tournament.”
love to have a place where the kids can That doesn’t mean all talk of the
come after school, do their homework, project has been put on hold until May
then get involved in some type of activity, 2, however: Walker said he and Tom
whether it’s tennis or basketball or soccer. Fish might mention their idea to some
potential donors and sponsors who are
“It would also be a home for this expected to attend the tournament.
tournament and, if we had a small sta- USTA Pro Circuit officials say the Vero
dium, give us an opportunity to bring Beach tournament, which was run by
in other events,” he added. “There are longtime local tennis pro Mike Rahaley
a lot of possibilities.”

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 7


for two decades before he turned it over Walker said. “Even if we brought in an- bands, plays, Shakespeare under the pick up rackets and spend an hour or so
to the foundation this year, is among other tournament, it makes no sense stars, pro beach volleyball exhibitions, running around a tennis court. I like the
their most successful stops. to build a stadium for a couple of tour- maybe a Jake Owen concert,” he add- idea of sitting under the stars listening to
naments a year. What do you do the ed. “That’s just off the top of my head, a concert or watching a play.
“The tournament is a catalyst for other 50 weeks of the year? but I think we could make it work.”
this, because it gets people excited And, yes, being a tennis guy, I’d love to
about tennis,” Walker said. “That “We could use it for lots of things I like what the foundation does, get- see a Fed Cup, Davis Cup or Champions
makes it a good time to talk to them.” other than tennis – orchestras and ting kids to put down their smart phones, Tour event come to Vero Beach. 

Nobody needs to sell Joe Pappalar- Stores closing its Ocean Drive store and at a second corner at 919 Azalea Lane, where it will
do, the retired business executive who location on 81st Street. share space with The Lazy Daisy, a Lilly
moved to Vero Beach in 2004 and lived at CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Pulitzer signature store, co-owner Julie
John’s Island and Windsor before moving Soiree owners Eric Lahaine and John Knight said. She said she’s combining
to Orchid Island. Lease signs on retail storefronts as sev- Strausberg declined to comment to the two stores and will have five dress-
eral longtime shops close or move. a reporter on Friday about why their ing rooms between the two shops.
He cares about kids, he loves this store is closing.
community and he believes in what Soiree Kitchen to Table closed on The Gazebo will be with The Lazy
Walker and Tom Fish want to do. Saturday, after five years in business. The former Soiree space is available, Daisy starting on June 1.
Customers scored discounted buys said Derek Arden, the leasing agent. The
He said he won’t be surprised if the last week at the kitchen utensil store marketing sheet says the 2,068 square feet Knight said The Gazebo opened four
people step up and support the foun- at the northwest corner of Ocean and store will lease for $45 per square foot. decades ago, and that she has owned
dation’s effort. Beachland across from Sexton Plaza. it for the past 20 years. She said she is
Soiree was previously located at 690 A few steps south of the Soiree space, moving The Gazebo around the cor-
“This would be an ambitious un- 21st St. in Miracle Mile Plaza, first Ann McEvoy is closingThe Admiralty Gal- ner for better parking and lower rent.
dertaking,” he said. “But Vero Beach is opening in 2010. lery and retiring after 16 years. She leases
a magical place. Randy is a visionary, 1,535 square feet at 3315 Ocean Drive. Knight’s husband, Dan, co-owns
I’m a marketing guy and the founda- Not only did customers walk away and runs Tusk Clothing & Gifts for Men
tion has become an important part of with great deals on kitchen items, the “It’s been a great run, great clients, at 925 Azalea Lane, two doors from
this community. If everyone contrib- owners of nearby Countryside Citrus great town,” McEvoy said last week. Her The Lazy Daisy. The couple also owns
utes a little bit, it can add up to a lot.” bought some of the store furnishings – a gallery was known for marine paintings Otter Brown Home Garden & Gifts at
table and some shelving – from Soiree. and other works of a similar theme, in- 498 22nd Pl. on the mainland.
But will it add up to enough? cluding paintings of the Indian River La-
Again, the fate of such a project would “It’s sad they’re closing,” said Brit- goon, often by local or regional artists. Arden said the space at 3227 Ocean
depend greatly on the generosity of do- tany Banack, a member of the family Drive will be available June 1. The 900
nors and the ability for the foundation that owns Countryside Citrus, which And nearby, The Gazebo women’s square feet storefront will be offered at
to attract sponsors. Also, the founda- sells juice, coffee, deserts and fruit at clothing store at 3227 Ocean Drive a lease rate of $55 per square foot, ac-
tion would need to find ways to utilize is shuttering its current location and cording to marketing information. 
the stadium on a regular basis. relocating to a side street around the
“A tennis-only facility isn’t feasible,”

8 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Charter schools sue table per student basis. ey to share, as our capital dollars are At least one school board member
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 The referendum even stated it was already needed to cover the repairs supports Waddell’s interpretation;
and renovations to our facilities,” In- others ducked the controversy by de-
require it to treat charter schools the for “all students” in the district, and dian River County School Superinten- clining to comment.
same as district schools. by law public charter school students dent Mark Rendell told Vero Beach
are supposed to be funded equally. 32963 in February. “I believe in, and have written sev-
Charter school leaders blame eral op-eds in support of, equal fund-
overcrowded conditions, class cuts The 0.60 levy “passed overwhelm- “The amount of capital funding ing,” Shawn Frost wrote in an email.
and the loss of valued teachers on ingly” in November 2012. Because they receive directly from the state “Not only am I a charter dad, but I
the district’s refusal to provide more of the levy, property owners in the was robust for them a few years ago, also pay taxes on three homes here in
funding for campus repairs and new county pay an extra 60 cents for each but has recently declined, and I be- this county. It is an injustice that our
buildings needed for an expanding $1,000 of assessed value each year, lieve that prompted them to look for district discriminates against those
student population. which brought in an extra $26 million additional funding,” Rendell said. who embrace school choice JUST
in revenue for the schools over the “We do already share some addition- BECAUSE THEY CAN. Many horrible
The five charters – the Charter High past three years. al funding with them from a discre- policies have been legal, that's not
School, North County Charter School, tionary property tax millage. They are the measure of ethical behavior,”
St. Peter’s Academy, Sebastian Char- So far, so good. But when it came currently requesting a larger share of
ter Junior High and Imagine School – to doling out the revenue, which is that, and this is the matter being con- Administrative Law Judge Cathy
educate 13 percent of county students controlled by the district, the char- tested right now.” Sellers issued an initial order the
but the schools receive only $295 per ter schools were given only 5 percent same day the case was filed. She
student in capital funding while other of the total collected – even though Waddell says the term “discretion- asked the charter schools’ lawyers,
schools in the district get $1,546 per charter students make up 13 percent ary” tax applies to a choice of wheth- Shawn Arnold and Jeffrey Wood, to
student, according to Gene Waddell, of the county’s student population. er or not to hold a referendum, but arrange a date and place to hold a
Charter High School board chairman. the district is interpreting it to mean hearing locally that is acceptable to
Waddell said the district owes the the district can choose whether or all parties between mid-May and
If the money was divided equally, charter schools about $2 million in not to share with charter schools. end-of-June. 
all schools would get $1,365 per stu- back disbursements. In the coming
dent. year, which is the fourth and final year Shores to disguise cell tower as
of the levy voters approved in 2012, pine tree on Town Hall property
Even though the charters are pub- another $600,000 to $700,000 will be
lic schools entitled to tax dollars, they due to the charters according to their BY LISA ZAHNER recommendation based upon radio-
say they have been shortchanged by calculation. The charters are asking for Staff Writer frequency studies showing that the
the Indian River County School Board 1 percent monthly interest calculated Town Hall location would provide the
for the past three years. Since 2013, daily on top of the past due revenue, in After nearly a dozen years of dith- best service, without relying on up-
the charters have been trying to get accordance with a state law penalizing ering, the Indian River Shores Town grades to other cell towers to elimi-
what they believe is their fair share of districts for withholding money from Council voted last week to locate nate dead spots. (Whether or not the
a tax levy they helped pass and have charter schools. “We haven’t calculated a 115-foot cell tower, disguised as owners of those towers and the carri-
finally gone to court to force the dis- that [interest total] yet,” Waddell said. a massive pine tree, on Town Hall ers would invest in those upgrades is
trict’s hand. property, with the exact spot to be beyond the Town’s control.)
Waddell went before the school determined later.
The charters filed their case against board more than a year ago, in the Vice Mayor Jerry Weick, who lives in
the school board this month in the winter, asking board members to put The decision made enemies and po- Bermuda Bay, cast the lone “no’”vote.
State of Florida Division of Adminis- money aside during that spring’s bud- tential litigants out of 90 Bermuda Bay Bermuda Bay residents oppose the
trative Hearings, seeking $2 million in get talks, and to warn them the char- residents who have signed petitions Town Hall location because it will be
back funding, interest on that money, ters were prepared to take legal action. opposing the move, which is intended only a few hundred feet from their
and reimbursement for legal fees. to remedy notoriously bad cellphone homes, and they fear it will impact
“We told them you can avoid this,” service that has long plagued resi- their property values and quality of
The school board came to the Waddell said. “You can do the right dents of the wealthy town. life.
charter school leaders in 2012, Wad- thing, you can avoid attorney fees –
dell said, and asked them to help get pay us back.” Instead of agreeing to By a four to one vote, the Town The residents showed up last week
a referendum passed to replace and additional funds for the charters, Council adopted its consultant’s for the vote on the tower with Miami
increase a school tax levy soon to school board members got mad
expire. The leaders gave their sup- about the request, Waddell said.
port with the understanding charter
public school students would count Mediation talks were held in De-
equally with other public school cember 2015. “It took about half an
students and the money would be hour,” Waddell said. “We said you owe
shared among schools on an equi- us $1.9 million – it’s gone up since
then – and their answer was zero.”

“We don’t have any additional mon-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 9


attorney Dan Reid, but Town Manager trying to bog down approval of a tower tion that they are happy with,” Stabe Datapath Towers originally agreed
Robbie Stabe said that he hopes con- near their homes with nasty letters said, adding that the Town must have to pay half of the $300,000 estimate
tinued dialogue with several key rep- and threats of litigation. exact location coordinates so its tow- for an unadorned monopole tower or
resentatives from Bermuda Bay will er contractor Datapath can move for- a monopole with some palm fronds
eliminate the need for costly litigation Despite the controversy, Town offi- ward with permitting, environmental on it. But the monopole was not an
that might hold up the project. cials hope to actually bring the tower studies and Federal Aviation Admin- aesthetically acceptable option when
to fruition in the next year or so. In- istration approval. it came down to a vote on the plan,
“I have not heard from . . . [Dan creasingly, the need for a tower is be- so Town residents may need to pick
Reid], as of now,” said Stabe. “I really ing viewed as a matter of urgent pub- “I have also requested as many up the tab for the pleasure of seeing
don’t expect to. I have primarily met lic safety as residents rely more on photos of actual monopine towers a towering faux pine tree instead of
regularly with three residents of Ber- cell phones, and less on landlines, for as possible that Stealth Concealment bare cell tower transmitter arrays on
muda Bay – Jim King, Mr. Seawright basic communication and for dialing has manufactured so we can deter- the skyline.
and Mr. Ferguson. I have also met with 911 for help in an emergency. mine exactly which one looks most
Penny King and Dr. Becker in the past realistic.” Stabe said he hopes to be able to
but not lately.” “I plan to continue to meet with the re-negotiate the deal with Datapath
same group from Bermuda Bay that Mayor Brian Barefoot warned resi- so the Town won’t have to pay the en-
Bermuda Bay’s major beef is that I have been meeting with for months dents that the decision to go with a tire $150,000 difference between the
the Town Hall tower will impact nearly and try to zero in on the exact loca- “monopine” tower would be costly, monopole and the monopine.
four times more homes than the alter- and that residents may end up paying
nate location at the end of Fred Tuerk up-front costs for the tower in their A clock tower concept was also
Drive near Bee Gum Point. Only a cou- taxes. Once the tower is up and run- looked at, but that type of camou-
ple dozen homes in John’s Island and ning, the Town can replenish those flage would be a major upgrade, cost-
The Estuary would have their vistas funds via the portion of the proceeds ing about $1 million.
marred by that location, adjacent to it will receive from fees paid by carri-
the Vero electric substation. ers to be on the tower. Barefoot said Just to cover its bases, the Town
the Town’s reserves are meant for Council included in its motion a cost
It was this disparity in the num- emergencies, not for this type proj- range of $300,000 up to $700,000 for
ber of homes affected that Weick said ect. the tower, with the funding source to
caused him to vote no on the tower be determined.
plan last week. Weick is term-limited The monopine, depending upon
in November, so his vote is not seen as the manufacturer and model select- The Town will begin its budget
grand-standing for re-election, but a ed, carries a price tag of nearly a half process for the next fiscal year in the
gesture of loyalty to his neighbors. million dollars for design, permitting next month or so, with the Finance
and construction. The “stealth” tower Commission looking at projected ex-
The John’s Island and Estuary resi- will be covered in foliage crafted of a penses and revenues and the Town
dents, who are represented by beach- Fiberglas-like material in an effort to Council voting on the budget over
side attorney Michael Haire, have in disguise its function. the summer for the 12-month period
the past spared no expense or effort beginning Oct. 1. 

10 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Vero Wine and Film Festival signs Sundance winner

BY MICHELLE GENZ The film, directed by Carlos del Cas- when she called to confirm his attendance. at age 35 to go to medical school. Taylor
Staff Writer tillo, won the Sundance World Cinema In the film, Cruz plays a severely disabled eventually became the team physician
Audience Award, and its two lead ac- man whose goal in life is to go to the beach, of the Toronto Blue Jays.
For a rookie film festival, the up- tors won the World Cinema Special Jury even though he lives in a shack on stilts
coming Vero Beach Wine and Film Award for Acting. It was also nominated over a marshy inlet off the Caribbean. For the film, Taylor’s sons interviewed
Festival is scoring some big-league for the Sundance Grand Jury Prize. a number of prominent sports figures.
titles. Last week, organizers were mak- Cruz, who lost 44 pounds in prepa-
ing Vero travel arrangements for the Manolo Cruz, a well-known Colom- ration for the role, plays a character The Toronto-based Taylors will stay
creator and star of “Between Sea and bian actor who in addition to having who can barely move or speak; con- in the home of “a generous benefac-
Land,” a full-length narrative feature the male lead conceived of the film nected to a breathing machine, he is tor,” says Stewart.
that in January won two big prizes at and wrote its screenplay, will be com- tended to by his mother, played by
the Sundance Film Festival. ing to Vero for the festival in June. Vicky Hernandez, with whom Cruz Their company, Film House Inc., also
shared the Sundance acting prize. made “Our Man in Tehran,” a 2013 full-
“I get to go to the beach!” he told Stewart length documentary that premiered at
“There’s already Oscar buzz,” says the Toronto International Film Festival,
Stewart, who met Cruz at the Sonoma about a Canadian diplomat Ken Taylor
Film Festival, Vero’s partner festival. A and his role in the Iranian hostage crisis.
star in Colombia known for roles in TV
series, Cruz contributed half the produc- It won five Canadian Screen Awards
tion costs in order to see his movie made. in 2015 and multiple film festival awards
before that.
An actor since childhood, he said he
has never been able to play the roles Also in store for Vero is Véro – that’s
he wanted to play until now. “I felt with an accent, short for Véronique –
trapped,” he told a film industry news- Vanblaere, an artist and native of Bel-
paper, comparing his frustration to gium who moved to Birmingham,
that of the character he plays. Alabama 20 years ago. Over a bottle of
wine, Vanblaere teamed up with a film-
Rights to the Spanish-language film maker friend, JenWest, and animator Joe
were picked up for worldwide distri- Walker to make “Bottomless,” a 2-min-
bution by Global Screening just prior ute animated short about adjusting from
to its premiere at Sundance. Northern Europe to the Deep South.

The film was scored by 22-year-old The novice filmmakers were lucky
David Murillo, a student at Berklee enough to land a spot next month at the
College of Music in Boston, who was Cannes Emerging Filmmaker Showcase
handed the finished film and given 20 at the festival’s American Pavilion, and
days to come up with the music. have crowd-sourced enough money to go
themselves. Billed as a festival within the
Also scheduled to visitVero for the film festival, the showcase, a juried competi-
festival are major league pitcher-turned- tion, screens a dozen or so films to invited
physician Ron Taylor and his filmmaker guests attending the Cannes Film Festival.
sons, Drew Taylor and Matt Taylor.
“She had already submitted to our
“RonTaylor: Dr. Baseball” is a 20-min- festival when I saw her in Sonoma,”
ute documentary about the 77-year-old says Stewart. “When I told Véro she
Taylor, a two-time World Series-cham- was selected for our festival, she said,
pion pitcher (for the St. Louis Cardinals ‘Oh my gosh, this is an amazing week.
in 1964 and the New York Mets in 1969), I’ve been accepted at the Vero Beach
who after seeing war zone field hospi- Wine and Film Festival – and Cannes.’
tals on a USO tour of Vietnam, decided
“I never expected to hear those two
references in the same sentence,” adds

The Vero Beach Wine and Film Fes-
tival runs June 9-12. Starting this week,
passes to the event can be purchased
through the Riverside Theatre box of-
fice, as well on the festival website. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 11


Piper books $90 million in orders for new plane

BY ALAN SNEL Owners & Pilots Association, predicts fied to create more room for fuel. It car- comfortable. The leather interior gives
Staff Writer “the M600 will be good for Piper. The ad- ries 260 gallons of fuel compared to the the cabin a luxurious feel.
ditional range and payload of the M600 M500’s 170-gallon load. The M600 wing
Piper’s new, bigger, dressed-up corpo- makes it a much stronger competitor in span is the same as that of the M500, “We knew the M500 was a great
rate prop plane seems to be finding favor the single-engine turboprop market.” but the wing is fatter and heavier. product, but it had some shortcom-
in the market. The company says it has ings,” said Jackie Carlon, Piper director
already sold more than 30 of the $2.85 The M600 succeeds the M500, The M600 can also carry 6,000 pounds of marketing and communications.
million, six-seat aircraft, months ahead which sold for $2 million. Piper devel- at take-off, compared to the M500’s
of the plane’s earliest delivery date. oped the aircraft after it received feed- 5,092 pounds. Both are six-seaters. Once the aircraft draws U.S. certifi-
back from dealers who said customers cation and is sold in this country, Pip-
The result: The company says it wanted a turboprop with a bigger pay- The plane is powered by a 600-horse- er will then look to markets in Europe
plans to add 75 employees as produc- load and flying range. power Pratt & Whitney engine and has and Brazil, Carlon said.
tion ramps up later this year. a maximum cruising speed of 260
The M600 has a range of 1,441 nau- knots, or 299 mph. The typical buyer is a business
Piper announced the M600 a year tical miles, a big increase over the owner who is a pilot but non-pilots
ago and expects to begin delivering M500’s 1,000-mile range. Now, the Besides making the plane fly fur- also are buying the M600 and hiring
planes to customers in August. M600 can fly from Vero Beach to New ther and faster carrying a heavier load, a pilot to fly the aircraft, Carlon said.
England and the Midwest without a Piper also spruced up the interior by Some corporations are adding the
Three M600s have been built for test- pit stop to refuel. improving the arm rests and head M600 to their corporate fleets so a
ing purposes, and Craig Masters, Piper room for the pilot seats, while making jet doesn’t have to be used for some
manager of flight operations, said a The M600’s wing design was modi- passenger seats more convenient and assignments when the smaller M600
pilot and flight test engineer with the will do, she said. And there are even
Federal Aviation Administration are some M500 owners trading in their
at Piper now checking out the plane’s aircraft for the M600.
handling, stability, control, climbing,
take-offs and landings. “The improvements in the M600 al-
low it to carry a professional pilot and
“It is the complete gamut of testing,” paying passengers, making it a con-
Masters said. tender for charter operations, a first
for Piper in their single-engine turbo-
Planes four, five and six, the first prop line,” said Haines. “The single-
production models, are being built in engine turboprop market is strong
Piper’s factory this month. and the M600 will be well received.” 

Tom Haines, editor-in-chief at Aircraft

12 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


County hires consultant to design fix for eroded beaches

BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA That stretch of beach is the most ec- and Humiston Park that are the coun- process that led to extensive delays,
Staff Writer onomically important piece of sand in ty’s most popular tourist attractions huge cost overruns and lawsuits the
the county. It borders the Ocean Drive were classified as critically eroded by last time a beach repair project was
Here is the good news about the is- business district, and the island’s high- the Florida Department of Environ- undertaken a couple of years ago.
land’s eroding beaches: The Board of end hotels and restaurants are on mental Protection in 2008, and it will
County Commissioners has approved these beaches. The county's updated take the county at least three to four The central beach shoreline was
a $142,763 contract for the design of Beach Preservation Plan reports more more years to actually get the needed slated for repair in 2011 at a cost of
a $3 million-plus project that will re- than 1.9 million beach visits a year sand onto the beaches. $6.6 million. The county planned to
plenish beaches along 2.2 miles of to this section pump approximately place more than 200,000 cubic yards of
shoreline, extending from Tracking $33.1 million into the local economy. Another downside is that commis- sand to widen the beaches and restore
Station Beach Park south to the Gables sioners apparently plan to use sand protective dunes that would break the
Oceanfront Condominiums. Here is the bad news: The narrow mined west of town instead of sand force of storm waves and keep build-
beaches at Jaycee Park, Sexton Plaza from offshore for replenishment, a ings from being washed away.

But the beach replenishment pro-
gram got bogged down on the north
island in 2009 when the county com-
mission voted to abandon the time-
tested method of pumping offshore
sand onto eroded beaches and decid-
ed to truck inland sand to the beaches
and spread that instead.

Subsequent to the decision, the 6.6-
mile north island repair job, which would
likely have been done in a few months
with offshore sand, ended up taking
three years and costing twice as much as
expected, $15 million in all, for sand pur-
chase, placement and monitoring.

By the time the project finally
wrapped up in 2012, the 2011 timeframe
for fixing central beach was out the win-
dow. State money that helped pay for
earlier beach replenishment had dried
up. The county now says the central
beach project will require 52,000 cubic
yards of sand, and probably more.

County Coastal Engineer James
Gray says the amount will be based
on shoreline data gathered during the
design and permitting process, which
will include a detailed environmental
impact assessment. He says it will take
12-18 months to complete the permit-
ting process with at least another year
and half to truck sand in and spread it
on the beaches.

Since state funding went away dur-
ing the long north island delay, the
county will have to pay for the project
in its entirety and hope for partial re-
imbursement later. Funds will come
from local option tourist tax revenue
and the county’s one cent sales tax.

India River County began beach re-
nourishment in 1978. Since then, ap-
proximately 3.55 million cubic yards
of sand have been placed. County of-
ficials say beach management efforts
over the last decade have been suc-
cessful, claiming that the shoreline
has advanced an average of 2.6 feet
per year compared to an estimated 1.0
foot per year retreat that would have
occurred without renourishment.

CB&I Coastal Planning and Engineer-
ing Inc. was awarded the contract to
commence the design and permitting
work for the central beach project. 

14 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Well-deserved ‘Laurels’ for 4 who support arts

Larry and Carole Strauss with Linda Anderson. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Lisa and Jon Moses with Donna Lindsay.

Staff Writer

Four special individuals were hon- Barbara Hoffman and Aaron Collins. Mark Wygonik and Lis Bech.
ored last Thursday evening at an ele-
gant 20th Anniversary Laurel Awards
Dinner at the Riomar Country Club,
presented by the Cultural Council
of Indian River County. The annual
event recognizes leaders, educators,
artists and volunteers for their sup-
port of the cultural arts in the com-

Maestro Aaron Collins, founder and
artistic director of the Space Coast



16 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Jim Davis and Karl Steene. Diana Stark and Alma Lee Loy.
Karen Franke, Oscar Sales and Suzan Phillips. Eric and Colleen Lee with Jim Davis.
Sherri Perlstein and Michael Kissner.

Jennifer Royals and Page Steffens.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 17


Don deLora Reagan and Willie Reagan. Richard Giessert and Shelley Adelle. John and Kathi Schumann.

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 disease, working jointly with them Schumann Jr. a friend, so it was very members,” said Hoffman. “The nomi-
and using Guild actors. It turned out special to have been honored with the nations come in accompanied by up
Symphony Orchestra, received the to be a great success and wonderful Schumann award,” said Davis. “One to three letters of support and then
Richard A. Stark Award for Cultural for the community.” of the commitments we all make is they are sent to the judges.”
Leadership; Carole Strauss received that these radio stations don’t belong
the Alma Lee Loy Award for Volunteer Lis Bech said she loved being an art- to us; they belong to the public. I have To ensure impartiality, judges come
Leadership for her work with the Vero ist and a teacher, adding, “I think most always viewed radio as being a soap from outside the area. This year’s
Beach chapter of the American Asso- of the art teachers in our district work box for the public and to that end we judges were John Whitney Payson,
ciation of University Women and the extremely hard; it is not a position that try to never forget to try to use it to president, Jensen’s Florida Citizens
Vero Beach Theatre Guild; Lis Bech, is glamorous. It is really nice that they make this community a better place for the Arts; Joy Satterlee, executive
art teacher at Sebastian River Middle are recognized by the Cultural Coun- to live.” director, Art & Cultural Center of Hol-
School, was awarded the Willie C. Rea- cil because we don’t really get a lot of lywood, Florida; and Nancy Turrell,
gan Award for Educational Leader- recognition for what we do.” “Applications to nominate anyone executive director, Arts & Cultural Al-
ship; and Jim Davis, Treasure & Space are available to all Cultural Council liance of Martin County. 
Coast Radio general manager, was “I am so fortunate to call John
honored with the John J. Schumann Jr.
Award for Business Leadership.

“It is a way for us to honor the peo-
ple who produce the music, create the
art, teach our students and the profes-
sional staff who volunteer and pro-
mote the cultural arts in numerous
ways,” said Barbara Hoffman, CCIRC
executive director.

Collins, who began bringing his
then-fledgling symphony to Vero
Beach five years ago, said he felt quite
honored. “I have received a lot of
awards and am surprised every time,”
said Collins. “We have so many great
people who run the organization and
I kind of get all the credit because I am
the face that they see. But it takes a lot
of people to do what we do and we are
all very proud of receiving this award.”

Strauss, who served as AAUW presi-
dent for three years, helped the orga-
nization receive its very important
nonprofit status, and has also volun-
teered for many years with the Vero
Beach Theatre Guild.

“I probably jumped up and down
when I heard,” said Strauss. “I am
most proud of the effort the AAUW
did with Indian River Medical Center,
putting on a play about Alzheimer’s

18 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Aiming to please, this Charity Shoot was a blast!

Mary Miner, Gail Kinney and Cynthia Falardeau. Cathy Filusch and Karen Fox.

BY CHRISTINA TASCON at the Windsor Gun Club at Indian in 1995. “The special
Staff Writer River Trap & Skeet last Saturday thing about the charity
morning. Roughly two dozen shoot- shoot is the team fea-
The smell of gunpowder filled the ers took part in the event, which ture. Since players are
air as shots rang out at the Educa- concluded with a barbeque lunch picked out of a hat, you
tion Foundation of Indian River catered by Windsor. can meet people you
County’s 16th annual Charity Shoot have not met before so
Teams of participants, randomly everyone really enjoys
Stephanie and Nicky Szapary.
As the teams of three
drawn to keep the playing field lev- were drawn, there were
el, took their places at stands and good-natured moans
attempted to shoot down the high- and groans as shoot-
est number of the 100 skeets sent ers realized that some
flying into the air. There was a lot teams were comprised
of friendly banter as skeet shards of all good players
rained down on the players’ heads and others were made
– hats and glasses an essential part up of novices. Dede
of every outfit. Many of the players Snowden, an origina-
took advantage of the option to buy tor of the charity shoot
mulligans – do-over second chanc- event with Szapary, was
es to increase their odds for a better paired with husband
score. Guy, who is also known as a good
“This event is to raise money. So “Oh no, I guess I cannot be cap-
we usually don’t do it, but I will add tain if my wife is on the team,” said
mulligans just to raise even more Snowden with a laugh, indicating
money,” said Count Nikolaus Sza- she was the boss. Their team even-
pary. Nicky to his students, Szapary tually came in third.
is the director of the Windsor Gun “This is a great event,” said Ben
Club, whose members shoot at In- Bailey, the defending champion
dian River Trap & Skeet. The former who was teamed up this year with
Austrian Olympian was recruited Todd Marchant and Schuyler Rose-
by Windsor developer Galen Weston land. Although their chances looked
good at the outset, they ranked
fifth after the scores were totaled.
“When we come out here to shoot
with Nicky during competitions it
is serious and we have pressure, but
this is just fun.”
“It’s great, you have 100 clays
coming at you and it gets your
adrenaline really pumping,” added
The team made up of Tony Zande,

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 19


Guy and Dee Dee Snowden with Deke Welles. Cindi Dixon and Thad Davis. Mack Singleton, Chris Campione and Nick Roseland.

Thad Davis, Trish Backal and Tony Woodruff. Nicholas Bespolka and Bill Hudson. Ben Bailey, Schuyler Roseland and Todd Marchant.

Schuyler and Cheryl Roseland.

Neil Shaw and John Kinsella won Education Foundation Executive
first place and teammates Trish Director Cynthia Falardeau expect-
Backkal, Tony Woodruff and Thad ed the event to net approximately
Davis placed second. The young- $20,000 thanks to entry fees and
est and one of the few women par- generous donations and sponsor-
ticipating, Schuyler Roseland, said ships.
knowing how to shoot is a positive
asset. “We do a lot of things to support
the basic needs of children and
“I love it. It is just different and teachers whether that is backpacks,
not everyone can say ‘I shoot sport- vision exams, school supplies or
ing clays.’ My friends think it is very larger projects to increase the grad-
cool,” she said. When asked what uation rates and kindergarten read-
the boys at school thought, she iness,” said Falardeau. “A variety of
laughed and said it scared them a things, but all centered around ad-
bit. “It’s a real conversation starter!” vancing student achievement.” 

20 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


A hero among us: Col. Gadson inspires at benefit

BY CHRISTINA TASCON Retired U.S. Army Col. Gregory D. Gadson speaks
Staff Writer to the Sebastian River High School football team
and Vero Beach High School ROTC.
At the Grit Ganache and Gadson fun-
draiser to benefit the Mental Health Patty Vasquez and Angela Guzenski.
Association of Indian River County,
Col. Gregory Gadson, U.S. Army (ret.)
shared his inspirational story of over-
coming unthinkable challenges after
losing both legs to a roadside bomb

Brian Heller, Sylvester McIntosh and Stephen Sackman. PHOTOS: LEAH DUBOIS

Shelly Ferger and L.A. Bykowsky of Dogs For Life.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

while serving in Bagdad on May 7, 2007.
Roughly 300 guests attended the

event last Tuesday evening at the Wax-
lax Center for the Performing Arts
at Saint Edward’s School, including
members of the Sebastian River High
School football team and Vero Beach
High School ROTC, and numerous vet-

The audience sat riveted as the West
Point graduate spoke about his incred-
ible journey of recovery and resiliency.
Gadson became one of the first mili-
tary personnel to use a technologically
advanced, powered prosthetic knee af-
ter the explosion which almost took his
life. Despite being eligible for medical
retirement, he went on to assume com-
mand of the Fort Belvoir, Va., installa-

Gadson followed up his talk with
a wide-ranging Q & A, tackling such
queries as why he enlisted and what
inspired him – and whether he thought
Army would ever beat Navy on the
gridiron. “Absolutely!” said Gadson
enthusiastically, injecting a touch of
humor into a night filled with solemn

Gadson played football at West Point
and after his near-fatal injury, friend
Mike Sullivan, then a coach with the
New York Giants, asked him to speak
to the team. Gadson’s inspiring talk
earned him a specially minted Super
Bowl XLII ring after the team beat the
New England Patriots, and he contin-
ues to play a role as a team mentor even

Many of the students in the audience
recognized him from the feature film
“Battleship,” where he had a role which
won him critical acclaim as a paraple-
gic war hero helping to fight aliens.

When Gadson spoke about mental
health, he acknowledged that he ini-
tially refused any counseling at Walter
Reed Hospital.

“For 48 hours I prayed to God to take
me, but then I realized I had a choice
to live,” said Gadson. “I had to give ev-
erything I had to get where I was going.
Most importantly, God, my family, my
friends and my team got me through.”

Gadson said that it took more cour-
age to ask for help and none to not ask.
He was most proud when someone told
him they had seen him on the screen
and it inspired them to get their life to-

“Sometimes it is uncomfortable, but
you have a chance to build character
and strive to live up to the best you can
be. We all have to do our part to share
our stories and live by example,” Gad-
son explained.

“Faith is also important in recovery.
I tell the kids, if you don’t have faith, it’s
like getting into an accident and not
having 911 to call.”

Afterwards guests had a chance to


22 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Dr. Karen Mersky, Col. Gregory Gadson, Dr. Bob Brugnoli and Kathie Pierce. Maureen Nicolace with Mark and Kim Wieleba. Kathy Allston with Tom and Nancy Garvey.

Tony Young and Ted Cooperstein. Tommy and Simonetta Steyer with Dr. Karen Mersky. Jerri Ripp, Ellen McGovern and Joanne Dorey.

Michael Pierce, Hal Ofstie, Bob Ripp and Charles McGovern. Alice Francis, Barbara Cruse and Karen and Roger Marcil.

Nancy Ofstie and Kathie Pierce.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 23


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 21 tive Director Dr. Bob Brugnoli. “I find is available for those that are strug- “I am so happy to have seen the
it interesting to note that 65 years ago gling.” community come out tonight,” said
speak personally to the colonel as they the very first Mental Health of America board member Kathie Pierce after
enjoyed champagne and delectable campaign was to raise awareness of “If you were not inspired tonight, you the successful evening. “Colonel
desserts at a reception catered by Adri- returning veterans from World War II. are not human,” said Col. Tony Young, Gadson was great and he got our
enne Drew. And now we continue to focus atten- who introduced Gadson. “Col. Gadson biggest point across – that it really
tion on making people aware that help has gone through enormous adversity is OK to get help.” 
“This event kicks off our May Men- and yet is a great force in healing.”
tal Health Month,” said MHA Execu-

24 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Oaks, what a night! Raves for ‘new’ beach club

Staff Writer

It was the moment members of the Pat and Dick Heffern.
Sea Oaks Beach and Tennis Club had
been eagerly waiting for over the past Priscilla Engel and Lyn Stewart. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
year as they were closed off from their
much-loved Beach Club while it un- members so we owed it to ourselves to modernize the
derwent a major facelift. Roughly 500 beach club for current and future members.”
members and invited guests happily
poured into the beautifully renovated “This is just spectacular. It’s more spectacular than
facility last Tuesday to enjoy a Grand I’d envisioned,” said Marion Golfinopoulos, echoing the
Opening Gala and Ribbon-Cutting sentiments of everyone in attendance.

Throughout the $3.8-million trans-
formation, members had peeked into
windows and watched online video
updates in the club newsletter, but
this was the real thing. The excite-
ment level was high for the highly
anticipated project – even the gold-
toothed alligator head in the entry-
way was smiling.

“It’s been a long journey but this is
a magnificent job; essentially a new
beach club,” said Dick Heffern, Sea
Oaks Property Owners Association
president. “The beach and the ocean
are the number one draw for our

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 25


Angel and Ken LaVine. Jane Culley, Ve and Dr. Willard Emch, Kristine Davis and Elizabeth Jahncke. SEA OAKS PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 26
Diane and Tom Lynn, Kevin and Gina Staten, and Brian Wormser.
It was a perfect evening for outdoor
dining – ideal temperatures, a light
wind off the ocean to keep away any
no-see-ums and an almost full moon
rising up overhead. So it came as no
surprise that the oceanside tables
along the repaved pool area and in the
new gazebo bar, which debuted that
evening, were quickly snapped up.

Bountiful buffet stations had been
placed inside and out, upstairs and
down, and libations were flowing at
strategically placed bars. A continu-
ally replenished raw bar downstairs,
highlighted with a number of stun-
ning ice sculptures and all variety of
shellfish, seemed to be the most pop-
ular of all. The Fabulons band per-
forming outdoors in the gazebo had
folks jitter-bugging in place, while in
the upstairs lounge, entertainment
was provided by the smooth crooning
of Tony Fernandez.

“It’s been a long time in the making.
We got to be the lucky ones, getting to
work with Thom and his staff,” said
Lyn Stewart, co-chair of the Decorat-
ing Committee with Priscilla Engel,
speaking of renowned American in-
terior designer Thom Filicia, who put
his expert touch on the club’s much-
needed makeover.

“It’s like day and night,” said Ve
Emch of the transformation. “It’s fan-

Before the ceremonial cutting of
a bright blue ribbon draped along
the upstairs balcony, several people
spoke. Heffern and Keith Miller, who
chaired the Modernization Commit-
tee, reiterated their thanks for the
hard work of the numerous people in-
volved, from committee members and
staff to contractors and contributors.

“This is really a home run. It’s
been a great project,” said Heffern.

“Once Thom agreed to take on our
project, the atmosphere was electri-
fied,” said Priscilla Engel.

“It’s a beautiful beach club that
represents your community really,
really well,” said Filicia. “I hope you
enjoy it as much as I enjoyed work-
ing on it.” 

26 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


SEA OAKS PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 25 Jasmine Pelletier and Frank Cancro. Jeff and Candy Mullins.
Pam Dawson and Executive Chef Steve Long.

Marilyn and Jim Truesdale. Alice Moszczynski, Thom Filicia and Laura Panebianco Roz Chadwick and Ginny Taylor.

Pat Miller and Sandy Busby.

Marge Minicozzi and David Stevens.

Come in and let us create a masterful blend of function
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 27


Substance Awareness’ efforts paying dividends

Sebastian Police Chief Michelle Morris, Dane Morris and Carrie Lester. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE SUBSTANCE AWARENESS PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 28
Judge Cynthia Cox, Vero Beach Police Chief David Currey and Lalita Janke.

BY MARY SCHENKEL Pamela and Jim Bennett Michael Becker and Elizabeth Kennedy. where she lost everything; we didn’t
think she would be alive today. And
Staff Writer integral to helping our students be pre- was among them. Dapp said they had now she’s here, healthy and thriving.”
pared to be successful later on in life.” purposely decided not to identify her.
Supporters of the Substance Aware- Clinical Director Carrie Lester
ness Center of Indian River County He shared some data showing the “I just felt at this point in time there’s spoke a little about that woman’s
gathered last Friday evening for “An impact the program has had on the just a little too much misunderstand- journey. Prior to her addiction, she
Evening with Friends” at the Indian 6,100 students who have participated ing about the issue. We hope to change had a successful career, marriage
River Shores Community Center to in LST, including 2500 who partici- that. Most everyone has been touched and two children. Over the course of
get an update on efforts to promote a pated all three years. Since 2010, there by addiction one way or another,” said 10 years, as alcohol began to take it
healthier lifestyle through education, has been a 55 percent decrease in the Dapp. “This disease took her to a place all away, she would occasionally seek
prevention, treatment and recovery number of teens smoking cigarettes, a treatment but couldn’t manage the
support. 29 percent decrease in marijuana use, recovery on her own. She developed
and a 64 percent decrease in the num- such serious medical complications
“We serve about 5,000 kids with our ber of middle-school students who are that they needed medical clearance
LifeSkills Training Program. That’s our drinking alcohol. to admit her, but once she surren-
universal prevention program; every dered to the program she began to
middle school gets it,” said SACIRC “That’s fantastic. That’s not just re- heal.
Executive Director Robin Dapp. “And search-based; that’s results,” said Ren-
now we are piloting a program in the dell. “She got better physically, emo-
elementary schools. The earlier pre- tionally, mentally and spiritually,”
vention happens, the better the re- On the other end of the spectrum, said Lester. “The investment in her
sults.” their Recovery Assistance Program paid off and it paid off in dividends.”
provides sober transitional living facili-
The evidence-based LifeSkills Train- ties for eight to 10 women, giving them Lester said that when one person
ing (LST) program launched in middle the tools needed for recovery in a safe, recovers it also positively affects
schools at the start of the 2011-12 school stress-free environment. That program families and communities, adding,
year and the results are encouraging. is completely supported by the commu- “Invest in a life because it’s more
Taught by health educators, it features nity, including the two group homes. than one life. We’re all connected by
15 weeks of training at the sixth-grade One of the graduates of the program golden thread.” 
level, with boosters of 10 weeks in sev- attended the event, mingling socially
enth grade and five weeks in eighth. with guests who were unaware that she

In addition to advice on alcohol, to-
bacco and drug use, LST promotes
self-image, decision-making, conflict
resolution, coping with anger, violence
and anxiety, and developing social
and communication skills. It has been
proven effective at reducing bullying,
including cyber bullying, delinquency,
teenage pregnancy and other negative

“LifeSkills is a critical component of
our curriculum in middle school,” said
Indian River County School Superin-
tendent Mark Rendell, the evening’s
featured guest speaker. “It’s one of
those things that’s not part of our stan-
dard subject matter. But LifeSkills is

28 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


SUBSTANCE AWARENESS PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 27 Christina DeFalco, Malaika Zokirova and Lauren DeFalco.
School Superintendent Mark Rendell, Bernadette Emerick and Robin Dapp.

Gina and Buddy McGirt with daughters Chynna and Chayse. Melinda Struwas, Trish Holycross, Sharon Carlquist and Tracy Rooney.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 29


Lillian Torrez Martinez and IRS Public Safety Director Rich Rosell. Lynn Williams with Dr. Ferdinand and Kathy Becker.

Jim Pagano, Pat Collins and Jan Pagano. Steven and Melinda Struwas. Bernadette Emerick, Tobi and Lenny Schelin and Anne Sinnott.

30 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Sudden ‘Impact’ for 4 recipients of $100K grants

Heather Roberts, Pat Austin, Jamie Jackson, Annabel Robertson, PHOTOS: PHIL SUNKEL
Sara Mayo, Diana Mancini, Barbara Hammond and Liz Woody
dence-based best practices to
BY MARY SCHENKEL for Humanity be- help individuals with mental
Staff Writer came the latest In- health illnesses learn or re-
learn the skills of daily living
dian River Impact and employment so that they
can live meaningful, productive
New Horizons of the Treasure Coast 100 Community Suzanne Bertman, Rebecca Emmons and Suzanne Carter. lives. “One out of five Americans is
coping with issues of mental health,”
and Okeechobee, The Learning Alli- Partners as recipients said Pat Austin, Community Outreach
director, noting that Florida has the
ance, United Against Poverty of Indian of $100,000 transformational grants. anthropic members of the all-woman “dubious distinction” of ranking 50th
in mental health funding. “At Learn-
River County and Indian River Habitat The four were selected by the 421 phil- organization at their eighth Annual ing Centers we don’t think of them
as victims of mental illness; we think
Meeting last Wednesday afternoon at of them as students who are trying
to learn how to put their lives back
the Oak Harbor Club, sponsored by together again and how to have a fu-
The Art & Science Wilmington Trust. The Learning Alliance will con-
“It is because of the commitment tinue its Moonshot Moment goal of
achieving 90 percent literacy by third
of Cosmetic Surgery that you have for collective philan- grade through a year-long Moonshot
thropy that our organization can con- Institute Learning Lab for Educators,
tinue to thrive, and be able to provide giving them the tools and strategies
necessary for their students to achieve
the impact that we do to the nonprofit academic success. “There is no blue-
print for the work we’re doing,” said
SPECIALTIES INCLUDE: organizations in our community and CEO Barbara Hammond. “Everything
• Minimal Incision Lift for the the individuals and families that they we’ve learned over the past six years
serve,” said Board President Rebecca has been thrown into this initiative.
Face, Body, Neck & Brow Emmons. “It marks our fifth consecu- We’re not lowering expectations; we’re
• Breast Augmentations & Reductions tive year that we have been able to do- raising them, but we’re giving teach-
ers the tools to lift them up.”
• Post Cancer Reconstructions nate four $100,000 grants to organiza- The United Against Poverty Jump
• Chemical Peels • Botox tions in our community.” Start Job Opportunities program will
• Obagi Medical Products • Laser Surgery take their existing educational STEP
Impact 100 was founded as a phil- (Success for Employment Program)
anthropic initiative for women to initiative that much further by ex-
panding enrollment, acquiring addi-
• Liposculpture • Tummy Tucks pool their resources and gift signifi- tional computers and other learning
• Skin Cancer Treatments cant, transformational grants. Annual materials, and creating a simulated
membership dues are $1,000, with 100 workplace environment. “Your sup-
port will transform lives from depen-
percent of those dollars granted based dency and hopelessness to dignity
and self-reliance,” said Executive Di-
Celebrating Over 25 on a vote by the members. Many also rector Annabel Robertson. “Together
Years in Vero Beach contribute an additional amount to
help defray administrative costs. With

this year’s grants, Impact 100 will

3790 7th Terrace have awarded more than $2.9 million
Suite 101 in grants to Indian River County non-
Vero Beach, Florida
Roughly half the members had

voted by absentee ballot, and the rest

772.562.5859 after listening to brief, passionate pre-
sentations from each of the seven fi- nalists who had been vetted through
an extensive grant review process led

by Grants Chair Wanda Lincoln.

Ralph M. Rosato New Horizons will use the grant to
MD, FACS open an Indian River County Learn-
ing Center where they will use evi-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 31

we will jump-start job opportunities 3
and transform lives.”
Habitat for Humanity will partner
with the City of Fellsmere to create 1. Linda Knoll, Laura Steward, Brenda Cetrulo, Denise Battaglini, Brenda Lloyd,
Meadows Field, a 25-acre recreational Wanda Lincoln, Baerbel O’Haire and Beth Howard. 2. Ilka Daniel and Chalmers
area with soccer and baseball fields, a Morse. 3. Camille Yates and Molly Steinwald. 4. Donna Halleran and Kristen Beck.
walking trail and picnic facilities sur-
rounded by the homes of underserved
working families earning less than
$27,000 per year. “We not only build
homes; we build communities,” said
Sara Mayo, Habitat CFO, adding that
this is a way to bring families together.
“This is the type of community we can
do together.”

The remaining three finalists will
receive merit grants of $7,000 each –
the Environmental Learning Center to
utilize nature therapy to improve hu-
man wellness and the environment;
the Humane Society of Vero Beach
and Indian River County for Opera-
tion SNIP (Spay Neuter Intervention
Program); and the Pelican Island
Audubon Society, partnering with
Florida Outdoor Center, to expand
its Audubon Advocates After-School
Program and introduce an Audubon
Women’s Outdoor Program.

A new Impact 100 board was also
installed at the annual meeting, with
Emmons handing over the presidency
to Suzanne Bertman. Suzanne Carter
will serve as president-elect. 

32 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


As health care benefit, Duck Derby fills the bill

Staff Writer

Talk about getting your ducks in a Donna and Dr. John Kestranek with Dr. Zenaida Bongato. PHOTOS: PHIL SUNKEL Vicki and Russ Soulé with grandson David Palgon.
row. Thousands of little yellow rub-
ber duckies were once again dumped Rob Hough, Jennifer Green and Nathan Hough. Spring Fling Reunion alumni from Hialeah High School classes ’71 to ‘77.
into the Indian River Lagoon last Sun-
day afternoon for a race to the sandy Tow, helped to push the little racers South Vero medical/dental facility.
shores of the Captain Hiram’s Sand in. Once the winners were deter- “We are quite busy. We’re booked
Bar in the fourth annual Great Duck mined (with cash prizes to the first
Derby to benefit Treasure Coast Com- three), excited children helped gath- out two or three weeks in advance,”
munity Health. er the remainders, scooping them said Dr. John Kestranek, a dentist at the
Fellsmere facility. “There’s a demand
One-hundred percent of each $5 for quality dental care at an affordable
duck “adoption” was being funneled price. We are busy and growing. It’s
back into the community in the form reflective of the need that the commu-
of expanded patient services. TCCH nity has for us. The patients are really
provides affordable medical and grateful; that makes all the difference.”
dental care to thousands of patients
each year, many the working poor He added that in May and June they
living at or below the poverty line will offer complimentary oral cancer
who don’t qualify for insurance. screenings – no appointment needed.
“Our oral surgeon, Dr. Richard Carlin
“We started the day at about 2,100 spearheaded that at both facilities,”
ducks, and we’ll continue selling said Kestranek.
them until about a half hour before
they’re released,” said Paulette Heid, By late summer they plan to open a
TCCH communication director. dental office across the street from St.
“We’re only selling 5,000; same as Helen’s Catholic Church, and to ex-
last year.” pand the pediatric and adult medical
practice into Sebastian.
Staff members and their families
were doing a brisk business selling “Accessibility is really important, so
duck adoptions, 50/50 raffle tickets we try to stay ahead in the planning,”
and all variety of duck-themed para- said Soulé. 
phernalia. “We’re all ducked out,”
said Heid.

Unlike the rose-adorned chapeaux
favored at the “other” Derby, the hats
on this Derby Day featured duck bills
and fluffy yellow tails. There were
also T-shirts, duck necklaces and
sunglasses, and even yellow duck
callers – the “quackers” later used
prodigiously as encouragement for
the ducks’ mad dash to the shore.

It couldn’t have been a more per-
fect day. A lovely breeze off the wa-
ter kept temperatures moderate and,
once they were released from the Sea

Joann Banner and Keri Johnson.

into laundry baskets to be put away
for another year.

“It’s really a fun day for us all,” said
TCCH CEO Vicki Soulé.

Treasure Coast Community Health
will be expanding its operation this
summer, so funding from the Duck
Derby will quickly be put to use. TCCH
operates two facilities in Fellsmere
(one medical and one medical/dental),
a Central Vero medical facility and a

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 33


Kids eagerly look on as the ducks cross the finish line. Veronica Andrade, Daniela Padrilla and Sergio Palomo, 2.

Betty Bried, Justin Richards, Tom Bried with
Makenna and Marion Richards.

34 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


400 ‘Superheroes’ run to Help Kids Kick Cancer

12 34




1. Gary and Dru Conkle with Bekah Rush. 2. Erin Laviska, Kendall Laviska, Katie Murphy and Karen Syrkus.

3. Jessica D'Elia with Gianna, Katie Clemons with Britton and Annslie, and Kingsley and Tisha Lowery.

4. Michael and Eric Gajewski with Maddy. 5. Female Masters winner Josephine Holtzclaw. 6. Abi Harbin

and Cara Pettit with Lilly Ann Harbin (front). 7. Overall men's winner James 'Jazzy J' Cole. 8. Back: Eric,

Angela, Mackenzie and Adrianne Gajewski. Middle: Ryan Gajewski. Front: Danielle Gajewski with Chopper,

Rozzy and Joey Gajewski. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE

Costumed participants were superheroes indeed as they ran, walked
or jogged – their superhero capes flying in the breeze – in the Maya
Matters sixth annual Help Kids Kick Cancer Superhero 5K last Satur-
day morning at South Beach Park. More than 400 turned out to flex
their muscles in the fight against childhood cancer in honor of Maya
Marie Pettit, a vivacious little girl with an endearing smile who lost her
battle with an aggressive form of leukemia on November 19, 2003, at
age 4. Maya Matters provides financial assistance and social support
to the families of children with cancer in Florida. 

36 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Kerwick brings a collage of artistic talent to Vero

BY ELLEN FISCHER nine,’” Kerwick says, indicating one of Jill Kerwick. PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE
Correspondent her latest works.

A brand-new arrival to the Vero art The picture’s setting looks like a doll-
scene, artist Jill Kerwick (along with her house living room decorated by a mad
fiancé, Arthur “Artie” Kontos) has lived child. The pattern of the flocked wallpa-
in Vero Beach all of two months now. per looks too big for the velvet turquoise
The studio in Kerwick’s John’s Island couch in front of it. Two females facing
home, however, is already comfortably each other on the couch are engaged in
lived-in and production-ready. earnest conversation. Their heads and
hair are of painted china; their bod-
A recent afternoon found the artist ies, clad in suburban casualwear, are of
studying a group of art works she has flesh and blood.
pinned to the studio’s walls. With a solo
show at the Visual Art Center in Sum- A large painting behind these half-
mit, New Jersey, coming up in July, she human beings presents yet another
needs to decide which of her archival chimerical impossibility. It shows two
pigment prints (a photo printing pro- chestnut racehorses in a pasture. One
cess) to show, and how large she should of them looks normal enough, but the
have them printed. other is composed of two equine hind
ends joined together at the belly, each
Although the artist’s digital images ex- end complete with its own tail. The
ist in her computer until she decides to creature has no head, and appears com-
print them, Kerwick does not think of pletely at ease without one.
her prints as photos, but rather as col-
lages that have been assembled via Pho- A recent work titled “Agape” (2014) is
toshop. Despite their photographic ori- set against the painted backdrop of an
gins, the expressive power of Kerwick’s early autumn landscape. On a grassy
collages is derived from the tradition of bank in the foreground, a china-headed
narrative painting, with a surreal twist. ash blonde sits with a cute baby rabbit
in her lap. On the grass next to her, an-
“I call this one ‘Masculine and Femi- other rabbit – a white, polar bear-sized

Here are some of the "lady head vases"
that Kerwick uses for her collages.

one – is an unsettling presence. wick notes, was a master of the Mac-
“Man, Woman and Child” (2015) Guffin). The important thing, Kerwick
notes, is not to understand the why of
is an interior where a doll-woman in the MacGuffin, but to experience the
an armchair elicits the attention of a story, whether it be a film, a novel or one
gargantuan baby sitting on the floor of her collages.
beside her. On the wall behind them,
a gloomy painting of a man in armor Kerwick’s MacGuffin is not found
adds more mystery to the scene. Is he in any of the things she adds to her
the reason this odd couple have been pictures. It is instead in the relative
brought together? scale of the things that occupy her
“That is what’s so much fun,” notes
Kerwick. “The scale is all wrong.” Kerwick says that “things happen”
in her pictures because she builds
If Kerwick’s tableaux remind you of them, in a manner of speaking, from
scenes from fantasy fiction or an Alfred the ground up. The persuasive power
Hitchcock movie, you are not far off. of photography takes over where she
leaves off, lulling the viewer into ac-
The artist is fond of a storytelling de- cepting the improbable. That, Kerwick
vice called a MacGuffin. Defined as a asserts, is because her invented worlds
compelling object or concept that sets are “just real enough.”
the motive for a story, the MacGuffin
has no narrative importance in and of As with a perfectly executed magic
itself. Its value is created and shaped by trick, the viewer may at the same time
the actions of the story’s characters in want, and not want, to know how it
relation to it. was done.

The movies contain many a notable Kerwick, however, is not shy about re-
MacGuffin. In “Citizen Kane,” the Mac- vealing her methods.
Guffin is a word: “rosebud.” It is a miss-
ing client in “The Thin Man,” and the The objects in her pictures were dis-
color red in “Marnie” (Hitchcock, Ker- covered (or created) by her specifically

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 37


The varied talents Kerwick employs in 1978. After leaving school she “just
in her current body of work – painting, fell into” a job as an art director in New
collage, photography, printmaking and York, an occupation she subsequently
set design – are a product of nature as held for 15 years.
well as nurture.
When graphic design became a
Her interest in art was inspired by the matter of computer keystrokes, Ker-
example of her father, who in addition wick went back to school at New York
to painting owned a convenience store University for a master of fine arts in
in New Jersey (where Jill grew up and painting and printmaking. She gradu-
where she still calls “home” in the sum- ated in 1995.
mer). The elder Kerwick was trained
in art at Pratt Institute and the Art Stu- Since then she has devoted herself to
dents League in New York. her art, pursuing continuing education
at Anderson Ranch Arts Center in Colo-
Jill Kerwick studied art at Moore Col- rado and Vermont Studio Center.
lege of Art and Design in Philadelphia,
where she received a bachelor of fine Kerwick’s solo show at the Visual Art
arts degree in illustration and painting Center in Summit, New Jersey, runs from
July 22 to Sept.11. 

for use in the artworks. She photographs gradually became more complex when
each component separately – the gen- she shot the heads in a “real” landscape,
eral setting or background, the human and then collaged photos of her own ap-
figures, the dolls’ heads and other de- plicably costumed body into the picture.
tails – and joins them seamlessly in her
computer’s Photoshop program. “Then I decided I had to learn Photo-
shop,” she says.
The ceramic heads that figure in the
works are 1960s-era “lady head vases” The new level of veracity this brought
that Kerwick began collecting about to her art prompted Kerwick to start
seven or eight years ago. The heads are building her own “sets” for the goings-
the very image of mid-century chic, on of her imaginary world. For land-
with their bouffant hairstyles, arched scapes pictures, she used some of the
eyebrows and shiny red lips; some wear canvases painted by her late father,
ceramic bows in their hair, and one Thomas Kerwick, a talented amateur in
sports a strand of faux pearls around the Hudson River School style. Kerwick
her neck. now paints the landscapes she wants
for her backgrounds in a similar style,
Kerwick was into scissors, paper and fronting them with squares of sod where
glue collages then. The lady heads came the action of the story takes place. Her
into play when she began to collage interiors are constructed like miniature
photos of the heads onto other pho- stage sets, with fabric-covered walls and
tographed environments. The process floors and scaled-down potted plants.

38 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Coming Up: Closing ‘Act,’ Broadway hits and Staples’ soul

BY MICHELLE GENZ cal fan base of Riverside Children’s The-
Staff Writer atre students who got to see him at the
Junior Theatre Festival in Atlanta a few
1 Even if it’s just for sisters and years back.
giggles, fans of Alan Menken’s
Based on the movie starring Whoopi
music will enjoy “Sister Act,” in its last Goldberg and subsequent Broadway
show, the musical tells the story of a
weekend at Riverside Theatre. Men- singer placed in the witness protec-
tion program after seeing her boyfriend
ken is known for writing the music to murder someone.

many Disney productions as well as There, she takes over the choir and

for “Newsies,” “Little Shop of Horrors”

and “A Christmas Carol.” He’s got a lo-

Mavis Staples and the Blind Boys of Alabama perform at the Kravis Center next Friday.

suffuses it with soul. Riverside’s high- lissa Etheridge, Tom Petty and Tanya
wattage production climaxes on a set Tucker, with whom he recorded the
of strobing stained-glass windows. Di- hit “Tell Me About It.” And in 1991 he
rected by Richard Stafford, the sets and won the first of three Grammys for his
cast head up to Philadelphia’s Walnut duet with Bonnie Raitt, “Good Man,
Street Theatre, the co-producers of the Good Woman.” His last album was
season closer. There are evening per- with Glen Clark and he’s got a new one
formances through Saturday night, and in the pipeline.
matinees on Saturday and Sunday.

2 Heads up for fans of comedian 4 Also next Friday, at West Palm’s
and political commentator Bill Kravis Center, soul great Mavis

Staples performs with the Blind Boys

Maher: There were still some tickets of Alabama. She just wowed the young

available at press time in the grand tier crowd at Coachella last month, set-

of the King Center where Maher will ap- ting up the song “I’ll Take You There”

pear Sunday, May 15, at 8 p.m. by randomly pointing to people in the

And if you missed 1980s rock sensa- audience: “She wasn’t born. He wasn’t

tion Pat Benatar in February when she born. She wasn’t born.” And she got a

played the King Center, she’s coming roar of approval when she gave spe-

back to our area and it’s even closer cial emphasis to the line “Put away that

this time. Fort Pierce’s Sunrise Theatre gun” from the Talking Heads’ “Slippery

is hosting an acoustic concert with People.”

Benatar and her husband Neil Giraldo Born in Chicago in 1939, Staples sang

Wednesday May 4 at 7 p.m. gospel with her family as the Staple

Singers before going solo. With the fam-

3 While in my book there’s no top- ily patriarch Pops Staples a close friend
ping the southern indie rockers
of Martin Luther King Jr., Mavis Staples

Alabama Shakes’ appearance at Sun- has long been a civil rights activist (Ma-

Fest Sunday night, for more conven- halia Jackson was another close friend

tional tastes, there’s a Saturday con- of the family and a powerful influence

cert at Melbourne’s King Center that’s on Mavis). She also appeared on the

bound to have broad appeal for many very first episode of “The Late Show

in Vero. Broadway’s Hugh Panaro, who with Stephen Colbert.”

played both the good guy and the bad

guy in “Phantom of the Opera” and 5 The Majestic 11 Theatre’s Live in
HD broadcast this weekend fea-
Marius in “Les Misérables,” is giving a

concert of Broadway hits with the Bre- tures a winner you won’t want to miss:

vard Symphony Orchestra. a minimalist production of the Strauss

And if your ears aren’t still ringing opera “Elektra,” conducted by Esa-

by next Friday, Delbert McClinton Pekka Salonen and starring soprano

is performing May 6 at King Center. Nina Stemme in the title role.

Hard to believe McClinton’s success Based on Sophocles’ tale of the house

dates back to Emmy Lou Harris mak- of Agamemnon, with the action start-

ing a country-chart topping single ing after he is murdered by his wife and

out of McClinton’s “Two More Bottles her lover, the one-act opera lasts only

of Wine.” His “Givin’ It Up for Your an hour and a half, certainly worth the

Love” reached the Top Ten, and his sacrifice of the start of a Saturday after-

“Live from Austin” album got him his noon.

first Grammy nomination in 1989. A “Elektra” is repeated on Tuesday eve-

year later, he was working with Me- ning at 6 p.m. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 39


New chapter: Globe-trotting lawyer pens thriller

BY MICHELLE GENZ Bank. There, she led a project through Cannady, 32, paid her tuition and went. Teresa Cannady and her book
USAID to improve the Palestinian jus- Landing in Russia, she was whisked "The Triangle". PHOTO BY LEAH DUBOIS
Staff Writer tice system’s family courts.
off from the airport to a microdistrict In subsequent years her work and
Five years ago, Teresa Cannady finally For the daughter of parents who of sprawling apartment buildings, and travels took her to – among other loca-
realized she was never going to finish the still don’t have passports, the former found herself in the cramped home of tions – Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uz-
book she was writing if she kept bounc- accounting major in college laid the a woman judge who spoke almost no bekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Macedonia, Bos-
ing around the world. groundwork for her international ca- English. nia, Albania, the Philippines and Egypt.
reer at the University of Alabama law
From Kazakhstan to Cairo, Albania school – though she never expected to For 12 days, the judge led Cannady on While she left enough cliff-hangers
to Sri Lanka, the one-time small-town do more than hang a shingle in her own a tour of the Russian court system. Brief to write a sequel to “The Triangle,” she
attorney from Alabama had worked for hometown. as it was, that experience hooked her on is also working on another nonfiction
18 years in what she and her cohorts call international consulting. “That’s what book, a memoir of her travels. The work-
the “legal Peace Corps,” advocating for For seven years, she practiced civil got me interested.” ing title: “That Monkey Stole My Pizza.”
human rights and attempting to mod- and criminal law in Albertville, Alabama, That, of course, actually happened – at a
ernize justice systems, particular with not far from Huntsville. There her father poolside restaurant in Botswana. 
regard to women. made his living driving an 18-wheeler
taking Cargill feed to chicken farms – he
Often in places where she had no used to bring his daughter his log books
cable TV and no knowledge of the lan- to practice writing in. Neither he nor her
guage, she pursued a lifelong passion: mother went to college. Teresa, who was
She wrote. Poems, essays, the occasional always a good student, and published a
article, and the start of a novel. few poems and stories in high school,
found herself first at community college,
It was during a year-long break from then a small private college, and finally
living abroad, just over a year in Wash- the University of Alabama.
ington, D.C., that she was hanging out
with friends from her most recent post- With her newly minted law degree
ing – running a family law project in in 1991, she went into private practice.
Egypt – when somebody suggested visit- “It wasn’t a goal; it just happened. And
ing a coworker living in Naples, Florida. pretty soon, you figure out that it was the
Envious of her friend’s life by the beach, same case, different face, and you start
Cannady began to think it would be the to think, is this all there is?”
ideal setting to wrangle the rest of her
book into publishable form. Then a brochure about an exchange
program crossed her desk. The Alabama
Already she had more material than state bar had set up a program with the
she needed, with each stop in her career bar in St. Petersburg, Russia, as a con-
seeming to inspire another chapter.“The tinuing education program. It was 1995.
Triangle,” published last fall, is a thriller
involving the U.S. and China both want-
ing to develop chemical weapons, with
Taiwan playing both sides against the
middle. Unraveling the secret schemes
were two young American biologists
trying to find the reason for mutant ma-
rine life showing up on a remote Pacific

“I started writing the book a long, long
time ago,” Cannady says. “I had a very
broad outline about what I wanted to
have happen, but ideas would just pop
up like popcorn.” Finding time to put
the pop-ups to paper was proving more
and more difficult.

So on that visit to Florida, Cannady
crossed the state to Vero Beach, check-
ing into Costa d’Este on a Friday. The
next day, she went house-hunting. And
by Saturday evening, “I was signing the
contract by the pool,” she recalls.

“My friends were shocked that I
moved so quickly,” she says from the
living room of her home in a develop-
ment southwest of Vero. “I’ve been very

She also finished her book. Not that
she wasn’t distracted again. She spent six
months in Sri Lanka in 2013, helping the
government there improve its judicial
system, then headed off for most of the
next two years in Ramallah in the West

42 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Here's how the Paris attackers used the migrant route from the Mideast to Europe

On a crisp morning last October, 198 migrants ar- a cautionary tale for a continent suddenly facing its European security officials say they believe that
rived on the Greek island of Leros, all of them seem- worst security threat since the end of the Cold War. the Islamic State has seeded terror cells on the con-
ingly desperate people seeking sanctuary in Europe. tinent over the past year and was able to do so in
Hiding among them were four men with a very dif- The mens’ journey from the battlefields of Syria part because the European Union failed to come to
ferent agenda. was reconstructed through interviews with intelli- grips with a migrant crisis that opened a funnel for
gence officials and from French investigative docu- the militant group.
The four were posing as war-weary Syrians – all ments obtained by The Washington Post, as well as
carrying doctored passports with false identities. an interview with an Islamic State commander. Europe is now working with Turkey to bar its
And they were on a deadly mission for the Islamic doors, ending the waves of irregular migration that
State. washed over the continent last year. But more than
a million migrants – a record – have already entered.
Two of the four would masquerade as migrants Hundreds of thousands of them, European intelli-
all the way to Paris. There, at 9:20 p.m. on Nov. 13, gence agencies say, may have done so without thor-
they would detonate suicide vests near the Stade ough checks at their entry point: Greece.
de France sports complex, fulfilling their part in the
worst attack on French soil since World War II. The vast majority of migrants were genuinely flee-
ing war and poverty. But, over the past six months,
The other two men would not make it that far. more than three dozen suspected militants who
Stopped upon arrival in Greece for lying about impersonated migrants have been arrested or died
their identities, they were delayed – but only for a while planning or carrying out acts of terror. They in-
few weeks before being granted permission to con- clude at least seven directly tied to the bloody attacks
tinue their journey deeper into Europe. Their story in Paris and Brussels.
– including key details never before disclosed – offers

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 43


The Islamic State is gloating that they have far TOP: ISIS militants Adel Haddadi, left, an Algerian, and Mohamed become a martyr,” an Islamic State commander told
more lying in wait. Usman, a Pakistani, hoped to join the Paris attacks and entered them, according to their testimony, which was cited
the European Union pretending to be Syrian migrants, according by a European security official.
“We have sent many operatives to Europe with the to authorities. BOTTOM: Two unidentified Iraqi men who deto-
refugees,” an Islamic State commander said in an in- nated suicide vests at the Stade de France sports complex in Paris. The men, in interviews with European investiga-
terview over an encrypted data service. “Some of our tors, would later recall an intense sense of pride at
brothers have fulfilled their mission, but others are according to two senior European security officials. being picked for such a mission.
still waiting to be activated.” That September meeting in Syria would prove
“They were happy and honored that they were
The accounts of the two men who landed in Leros fateful to their futures. In the living room of a home, chosen to die for the cause and for Allah,” said the
with plans to die in France, only to stop short of their according to their accounts, a senior Islamic State of- European security official. “They were told that they
goal, expose the weaknesses in a haphazard system ficial told them that the time had come to leave the would go to paradise.”
that has created risks of unknown dimensions. Caliphate.
To get as far as Leros, the four men were spirited
“The Greeks failed in protecting the borders into “You are on a mission to go to France, to kill, to out of Syria and into Turkey, where they made their
the E.U.,” said a senior European intelligence official way to the coast. From there, they told investigators,
who, along with 11 other senior European, U.S. and they took a smuggler’s raft laden with migrants.
Arab officials interviewed for this story, spoke on the
condition of anonymity in order to discuss classified The vast majority of asylum seekers departing
information. from Turkey were arriving on Greek islands – some
of which lie a brief 30-minute boat ride away. The
He added, “And we all failed by not pushing hard numbers of arrivals were so large, in the thousands
enough to establish that security.” per day, that Greece – a nation brought to its knees by
recession and E.U.-imposed budget cuts – could not
OVERWHELMING THE GREEKS handle the caseloads.

In early September, just a few weeks before the Frontex, the E.U.’s border agency, provided some
four men landed on Leros, they were invited to at- preliminary vetting. But managing the masses was
tend a secret meeting in a central Syrian city con- largely left to the overwhelmed Greek Coast Guard
trolled by the Islamic State. and to local island police, who were more used to
chasing pickpockets than screening for possible ter-
Two of them – the ones who would blow them- rorists.
selves up outside the Stade de France – were later
glorified in an Islamic State video as unnamed mili- Many of the new arrivals – particularly Syrians
tants from Iraq. The other two men, both round- fleeing war – had no passports or legal travel docu-
faced and lightly bearded, were Mohamed Usman, ments at all. Yet European intelligence agencies and
a Pakistani who claims to be 23 years old, and Adel security analysts now estimate that up until the Paris
Haddadi, a 28-year-old Algerian. attacks in November, only about 20 percent of the
new arrivals were being thoroughly questioned and
Usman and Haddadi had joined the Islamic State checked.
in 2014, the men would tell European investigators.
In Syria, they received extensive training with auto- “The fact that only about 20 percent of those who
matic weapons, but neither was a stranger to extrem- entered Greece were fully processed allowed for a lot
ism. of cracks in the system,” said Ioannis Michaletos, an
Athens-based security analyst. “This increased secu-
Haddadi had previously been on the watch lists rity risks in Greece, but also for the rest of Europe.”
of Algerian intelligence for his activities; Usman was
suspected of links to Lashkar-e-Taiba, a radical Paki- In an interview, Zacharoula Tsirigoti, lieutenant
stani terror group tied to the 2008 siege of Mumbai, general of the Greek police, conceded her forces
were overwhelmed. Greece, she said, had pleaded
with the E.U. for more help, but until the Paris at-
tacks, that assistance – including requests for more
staff and machines to enter migrants’ information
into a regional database known as Eurodac – was not

“We had been asking for support knowing we
needed more specialized personnel in the islands
and more Eurodac machines,” she said. “But we re-
ceived very little. Everyone knew we were facing huge
financial problems. So for months we had to make
due with what we had, hoping help would arrive.”

On the morning of Oct. 3, the four terrorists tried
to blend in with the migrants who had come ashore
that day. According to a manifest, they were among
at least 47 asylum seekers who said they were Syrians
fleeing war. But there was also a dizzying array of oth-
er nationalities, including Somalis, Yemenis, Afghans
and Palestinians.

When their turn came, the two Iraqi militants
showed authorities doctored Syrian passports, ac-
cording to the classified French files obtained by The
Post. Remains of the documents found near their
bodies at the Stade de France suggested they had
come from a cache of more than 3,800 passports – all
authentic – seized by the Islamic State after its major
advances in Syria in 2013.

While the passports had been tampered with to
insert new photographs, they otherwise appeared
real to the eye and touch. The men’s claims of be-


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46 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


ing Syrian asylum seekers were not France, but the men said they had “The cells don’t necessarily know fanning out across Paris on the eve-
seriously questioned by Frontex or the not been given precise instructions one another; that’s to protect other ning of Nov. 13, Usman and Haddadi
Greeks. Along with dozens of other mi- on when or where the attacks would operatives,” he said. “So even if one or were still on the road. After passing
grants who landed that day, they were unfold. They also were unaware of the two get arrested, they won’t be able to through Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia
not detained and merely told to leave identities of the other Paris attackers lead to other operatives, because they and Slovenia, they arrived in the shad-
Greece within six months. besides the two Iraqi militants they don’t know them. We are not finished ow of the Alps: Austria.
had traveled with. They were to get fur- yet with Europe, since they didn’t seem
Classified records show the Iraqis ther instructions along the way. to have understood our warnings.” The men entered Austria without
who claimed to be Syrian – and who passports and offering fake names,
still have not been identified – then The Islamic State commander who But their delay in Greece had a ma- while this time claiming to be from
quickly traveled over land to Serbia, spoke to The Post said that was the jor side effect that may very well have their real countries, Pakistan and Al-
where they registered at a refugee way the group was seeking to operate. saved lives: As the nine attackers were geria. On Dec. 4, both men applied for
camp in Presevo on Oct. 7. By Novem- asylum in Austria, and then took up
ber, they had linked up with the other residence in a teeming refugee center
assailants involved in the Paris attacks. – a converted truck storage depot –
about a mile from the German border.
On Nov. 13, they became the only
non-European born attackers to take Their phone records show that they
part in a series of assaults that saw nine had begun reaching out to contacts
men kill 130 people at different loca- all over Europe, a list that, investiga-
tions in Paris. But that day, what was tors say, included other newly arrived
nine assailants might have been 11, migrants as well as longer-term im-
possibly leading to even more victims migrants tied to the region’s criminal
but for the grace of a few extra ques- underworld.
tions in Leros.
European authorities had immedi-
Like the two Iraqis, Usman and ately launched a massive investigation
Haddadi also produced falsified Syr- following the Paris attacks, and were
ian documents that senior European beginning to retrace the attackers’
intelligence officials now think came steps. After finding a Syrian passport at
from the same Islamic State stash the Stade de France, investigators ran
of seized passports. But when ques- fingerprints and discovered that two
tioned by Frontex, the two men, unlike of the dead men had arrived in Greece
the Iraqis, crumbled. as Syrian migrants on Oct. 3. With the
aid of German and U.S. intelligence, a
Usman, a Pakistani, did not speak manifest of the day’s migrant arrivals
Arabic well – quickly betraying his – including photos – was run through
claim to be Syrian. Haddadi knew al- databases and a face-recognition sys-
most nothing about the city he said tem of known radicals and Islamic
was his birthplace – Aleppo, Syria. State militants, according to a senior
European intelligence official.
Under E.U. guidelines, the most the
European border agency could do was The searches returned two hits –
pass them on to the Greeks. So that’s men also claiming to be Syrian who
what they did, and the local authorities had arrived that day.
promptly lumped them in with a then-
surging backlog of economic migrants
who were using fake documents to en-
ter the asylum system.

Both men were transferred to the
larger Greek island of Kos, where they
were given lightening legal judgments.
In what became a customary practice
in Greece, Usman and Haddadi re-
ceived suspended three-month sen-
tences along with an order to leave the
country within a month. It didn’t mat-
ter how or which way they went.

After gaining their freedom on Oct.
28, Haddadi, the more senior of the
two, quickly sent a text via the mes-
saging app WhatsApp to their Islamic
State handler in Syria.

“We need money,” it simply said, ac-
cording to intelligence officials with
access to the pair’s phone records.

That money soon arrived via the
same method often used by migrants
– a wire from Turkey to Greece. Now
flush with cash, the two men contin-
ued their journey.

They were only 25 days behind their
Islamic State comrades traveling to Paris.

The men, taking a path frequently
traversed by migrants, embarked on a
trek through the western Balkans.

They knew their destination was

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 47


On Dec. 10, Austrian police in Sal- in their room. As they were taken into jail in Austria, and based on their tes- to France to stand trial in connection
zburg received their photos and fake custody, Haddadi attempted to pass timony investigators are pursuing with the Paris attacks.
Syrian names from French intelli- his SIM card to another migrant, who various leads that have already led to
gence. Within four hours, they had was later arrested. the arrest of two more migrants in the “They are sad because they are still
tracked them down to the refu¬gee same Salzburg camp where the men alive, because they feel they should
center on Münchener Street. A SWAT During 150 hours of interrogation, were living. Officials expect that the have been martyrs,” said a European
team moved in, arresting the two men both men would tell their stories. They two men will ultimately be extradited security official. “They are sad they did
are now being held at an undisclosed not die with the others in France.” 

48 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Cuba: One true believer reaches out to another

BY DICK KERR fought in Ethiopia against the Somali forces. would offer military assistance if it had the financial
Cuba also was a prime supporter of the Sandinistas wherewithal. Perhaps Castro hopes that relaxation of
32963 Guest Columnist US economic restrictions will free up funds to sup-
in Nicaragua during the 1970s and 1980s, and contin- port revolutionary elements once again.
I have a long history with the Castro regime. ues to have a strong connection with that Government.
My involvement began when I was assigned to a It is unlikely that Castro feels any regret for the
small unit in the CIA responsible for analysis of So- President Obama's recent moves to establish trouble he has caused throughout the world – such
viet military forces in Cuba in October 1962. Initially closer relations with Cuba have several obvious as his support for Robert Mugabe in fighting for con-
I was the sole analyst in the newly formed group re- objectives; ending over 70 years of hostility with a trol of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). Mugabe, one of
porting on Soviet military activities on the island im- neighbor, trying to improve the lot of Cuban citizens the world’s worst leaders, is a popular Cuban hero.
mediately after strategic missiles were found. by ending economic sanctions and allowing direct
For over a year, I was involved in reporting first contact between Cubans living in the US and their On the other hand President Obama almost
on the standoff with Russia, then the withdrawal of families in Cuba – not to mention the benefits of US certainly regrets many US actions to prop up au-
strategic missiles, and finally the turning over of So- investment on the Island. thoritarian regimes – such as America’s support of
viet weaponry to the Cuban armed forces. Anastasio Somoza in Nicaragua in the 70s. His list
My involvement with Cuba did not end when I The President has strongly held views about the in- probably would be considerably longer.
moved on to another assignment in 1964. justice of US support for a host of autocratic leaders
Over the next 30 years I regularly got involved in against "democratic" revolutionary movements dur- A net assessment of who won in the long struggle
following Cuban support of revolutionary move- ing the "cold war." Many of these involved military between Cuba and the US offers some interesting con-
ments throughout the world – Africa, the Middle East conflict pitting pro-US governments directly against clusions. First, this little pesky country has been a seri-
and Latin America. In the bi-polar world of the "Cold the Cuban military. ous thorn in the side of its rich, powerful neighbor. It
War," countries whether they liked it or not had to promoted insurgencies in dozens of countries. Some
side either with the US or the Soviet Union. You were The President's recent moves embracing Cuba lasted for years; some were Cuban "victories," others
with us or against us. probably are intended to correct and indirectly failed and many left the countries involved in tatters.
The close ties between Cuba and Russia – and the apologize for what he views as past injustices.
predilection of both counties to support revolutionary While Castro did not create the revolutions he
movements throughout the world – often led to conflict But Castro had strong uncompromising words af- hoped for, he left behind some radically changed
with the US. The Soviets offered financial support and ter the President's visit. He is the last surviving Com- political landscapes.
Cuba provided the surrogate for Russia in its ideological munist "cold war" leader and remains a convinced
struggle with the US, just as many of the regimes under Communist. As he approaches age 90, he quite clear- The record of the US, in trying to prevent a Com-
attack by revolutionaries acted as surrogates for the US. ly has no intention of turning his back on 70 years of munist government from gaining control, is reason-
The list of revolutionary groups assisted by the history as a leading revolutionary. ably good. But in limiting the spread of Commu-
Cubans is long. Even before the embers of their own nism, some believe the US lost the high ground as a
revolution cooled, Castro sent armed expeditions Cuba continues to train and provide other support champion of free and democratic government.
into Panama, the Dominican Republic and Haiti with to revolutionary movements and almost certainly
little or no success in developing viable insurgencies. Neither Castro nor President Obama is likely to
These efforts were followed by further Cuban fail- change his judgement about the other.
ures in Guatemala, Columbia, Venezuela, Peru and
Bolivia, where Che Guevara was killed by govern- Castro will hang onto his view that the US is an
ment troops. Castro changed tactics but not goals. imperialist country that has done considerable harm
Cuba, with Soviet logistical and financial backing, to burgeoning democracies and Cuba. President
was much more successful in Africa; over 20,000 Cu- Obama’s criticisms of the US are deeply etched in his
ban troops in Angola tried to secure control after the consciousness and not easily modified.
departure of Portugal and another 13-15,000 troops
Nevertheless, the changes President Obama initi-
ated in US-Cuban relations probably cannot be re-
versed. The lure of prosperity, baseball and family
ties will win out in the long run. 

Dick Kerr, an island resident and former deputy
director of the Central Intelligence Agency, provides
periodic columns on foreign affairs for this paper.

NO ONE SHOULD DIE FROM COLON CANCER transmits a real-time image of the lining of the colon onto a TV moni- © 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
tor for the doctor to examine for any abnormalities.
What do Audrey Hepburn, Vince Lombardi and Bewitched’s Eliz-
abeth Montgomery have in common? All lost their battle against The scope blows air into the colon to make it expand to give the
colon cancer. doctor optimal visualization. If any suspicious areas are found, he or
she can pass surgical tools through the tube to take tissue samples
We’ll never know if they had the benefit of preventive screen- (biopsies) for analysis. Abnormal growths, or polyps, can be identi-
ings. Colonoscopy wasn’t invented until 1969. But today, although fied and removed.
it’s not fun, we have lifesaving tools that can diagnose colorectal
cancer at its earliest stage, even before lesions become cancer. No In many cases, colonoscopy allows accurate diagnosis and treat-
one should die from colon cancer. ment without the need for major surgery.

According to the American Cancer Society:
 Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer and second People at an average risk for colon cancer are recommended
leading cause of cancer deaths in the U.S. to start having colonoscopies around age 50. Those who have a
 134,490 new cases of colorectal cancer will be diagnosed in history of colon cancer in their family or other risk factors, should
2016 (estimate) begin at age 45, or as recommended by their physician.
 49,190 people will die due to colorectal cancer in 2016 (estimate)
Locally, in Indian River County, 81 people were diagnosed with
colorectal cancer in 2014, the most recent year for which statistics Screening, education and early detection are making a differ-
are available. ence. Deaths due to colorectal cancer are on the decline. Most
attribute this success to finding and removing colorectal polyps
Finding colon cancer at its earliest stage provides the greatest before they can develop into cancer or finding them earlier when
chance for a cure. Screening has been shown to reduce your risk of the disease is easiest to treat. Treatment for colorectal cancer has
dying of colon cancer. also improved. As a result, more than 1 million people – includ-
ing Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and TV personality
WHAT IS COLONOSCOPY? Sharon Osborne – can call themselves colon cancer survivors.

Colonoscopy is a 30-60 minute outpatient procedure in which To learn more about colorectal cancer and colonoscopy, visit the
your large bowel (colon and rectum) is examined. The doctor inserts American Cancer Society’s website, 
a long, flexible, tubular instrument about 1/2 inch in diameter, called
a colonoscope, through the rectum and advances it to the other end Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always
of the colon. At the tip of the colonoscope is a tiny video camera that welcome. Email us at [email protected].

50 Vero Beach 32963 / April 28, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Among all the books published in want to live on and on, especially if we, Or should this generation take a longer Whether offering a final set of goals
recent years about old age and dying like so many other old people, might view and strive for a noble reputation for achievement-oriented boom-
– and there have been plenty of them outlive our mental capacities? “So the after death? That’s fine, Kinsley ob- ers, describing his DBS (deep brain
– it would be hard to find one that is real game is cognition, isn’t it? Who serves, “But start now, because if you’re stimulation) surgery, debating stem-
more fun to read than “Old Age: A Be- can keep their marbles the longest?” a boomer, time is running out.” cell research or defending his deci-
ginner’s Guide.” In it, Michael Kinsley, sion after the Parkinson’s diagnosis
a political columnist and founding edi- (“I chose denial”), Kinsley, a contrib-
tor of Slate, dryly advises baby boom- uting columnist to The Washington
ers: “What you actually really want, Post, is refreshingly straightforward
or should want, is long years of good and often wickedly funny. “Even the
health, not long years of simply breath- most successful people die eventually,”
ing in and out.” he writes, “and they spend more time
dead than alive.”
It’s an adage that could apply to any-
one, really, and coming from Kinsley, Even for those who distrust genera-
it’s especially poignant. In 1993, at age tional labels – the Greatest Genera-
43, Kinsley was diagnosed with Parkin- tion, baby boomers, millennials – and
son’s disease. “Having Parkinson’s is those who have a very different per-
very much like growing old,” he quips, spective on old age, this book is well
and a “pretty good joke on someone worth reading. It offers bracing humor
who used to like being thought of as about the inevitabilities most of us find
precocious.” hard to contemplate at any age, and
it encourages us to keep on thinking
Kinsley is both realistic and remark- about the future while we still can.
ably cheerful in writing about aging,
death and his own health in this brief As Kinsley notes: “Decades before
collection of essays, some of which the nursing home … we all cross an
have appeared in Time, the New Yorker invisible line. Most people realize this
and elsewhere. The book is framed as a only in retrospect. If you have a chronic
guide to old age for Kinsley’s contem- disease – even one that is slow-moving
poraries. “Sometimes I feel like a scout and nonfatal – you cross the line the
for my generation,” he writes, “sent out moment you get the diagnosis. Sud-
ahead to experience in my fifties what denly, the future seems finite. There
even the healthiest boomers are going are still doors you can go through and
to experience in their sixties, seventies opportunities you can seize. But ev-
or eighties.” ery choice of this sort closes off other
choices, or seems to, in a way that it
And what has Kinsley, now 65, found didn’t used to … Each change feels like
out on his early expedition to the lat- an unexpected gift, or a coupon I’d bet-
ter edge of life? For one thing, it’s not ter redeem before it expires.” 
a place where achievements and ac-
quisitions matter much. “You’d hap- OLD AGE
pily trade them for more time with the A BEGINNER’S GUIDE
grandchildren, wouldn’t you?”
Perhaps the ultimate prize for Tim Duggan/Crown. 155 pp. $18
boomers – a group likely to be remem-
bered “for being especially ambitious Review by Reeve Lindbergh,
and competitive” – is longevity, he The Washington Post
writes. But at what cost? Do we really


1. Family Jewels 1. No Dream Is Too High 1. Welcome to Mars BY BUZZ ALDRIN
presents 2. Reaching for the Moon
2. The Nightingale 2. The Rainbow Comes and
HarperCollins Books Goes BY ANDERSON COOPER & 3. Look to the Stars
3. The Little Paris
Bookshop BY NINA GEORGE 3. The Road to Little Dribbling 4. The Boy Who Harnessed the
4. A Man Called Ove BY BILL BRYSON
5. Kirby the Space Dog



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Practices for Doing Justice,
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Intervarsity Press

Thursday, May 12th at 6pm

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