Manager lineup. P6 Some ‘body’ to love. P28 You go, Girls!
Vacant Melbourne Beach post Surgeon extraordinaire specializes ‘Night Out’ celebrates designing
attracts 10 applicants. in ‘Mommy Makeovers.’ businesswomen. PAGE 10
Confusion reigns as Beachside towns
customers swamped waive permit fees
with utility alerts for storm recovery
[email protected] STAFF WRITERS
The past two weeks, barrier In a gesture of goodwill, au-
island utility customers have thorities in most beachside
been bombarded with a flurry towns and in the county have
of alerts about their water and waived fees on building per-
sewer service, from boil wa- mits needed to repair ripped-
ter notices to conservation off roofs, torn-down fences,
requests, but there was much demolished siding and alu-
confusion over who was served minum work, and other struc-
by what utility system and what tures trashed by Hurricane
they were being asked to do. Irma and the accompanying
Part of the issue is that beach-
side Brevard County is served The window to apply for
by two different water compa- these permits for storm re-
nies. The one operated by the pairs closes on Dec. 31, unless
City of Melbourne provides extended.
water for every community
south of Pineda Causeway, in- The latest to approve a
waiver was Melbourne Beach
A warning sign reflects the grim reality that, due to emergency protocols, raw sewage was released into the lagoon. PHOTOS: JULIAN LEEK on Sept. 27. “We should not
penalize someone” who needs
In drastic measure, sewage released into lagoon storm-related repairs, Com-
missioner Steve Walters said.
cluding unincorporated areas STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER Use of drones
above Indialantic and below [email protected] to assess storm
Melbourne Beach. Cocoa deals damage on rise
with areas north of Pineda. Faced after Hurricane Irma
with the very real prospect of Drone photos of city recreation area before and after the hurricane. PHOTOS: DYLAN HANSEN STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER
Hurricane Irma caused no millions of gallons of waste [email protected]
damage to the Melbourne wa- backing up into the drains and
ter distribution system beach- toilets of homes along the bar- As Hurricane Irma ap-
side. “On the mainland we had rier islands south of Pineda proached, barrier island
two breaks that resulted from Causeway, county officials fol- residents took photographs
Irma. There was one on Pine- lowed emergency protocols of property and valuables
apple in Eau Gallie that broke and released 11 million gallons in case they came home to
twice due to the bank of the of raw sewage into the Indian
Indian River being washed River Lagoon via a small canal CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
away. There was another one in Indian Harbour Beach.
on Buddy Drive that broke due
The release – near 212 Riv-
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 Double creature feature
NEWS 1-8 DINING 31 PEOPLE 9-12 Area playhouses present
ARTS 13-16 GAMES 23-25 PETS 22 ‘Addams Family’ and ‘Beauty
INSIGHT 17-26 and the Beast.’ PAGE 14
2 Thursday, October 5, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
SEWAGE RELEASED INTO LAGOON Drive to the county treatment plant Sewer drain overflows ing into the stormwater system in the
south of Melbourne Beach, pushed the at Riverside Drive and northern section of the city.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 system’s capacity to the breaking point.
Miami Avenue. He wonders about the long-term en-
erside Park Drive from 7 p.m. Sept. 13 Pipes that filled during the power vironmental impact of the emergency
to 9:45 a.m. Sept. 25 – was required to outage, once the pumps were turned carry the flow under normal condi- wastewater release policy on his city’s
free up additional capacity to restart on, backed up wastewater into yards, tions, including “reasonably expected” canals that lead to the Grand Canal,
regular wastewater operations for the streets and homes. However, the cur- storms, said county spokesman Don Banana River and onto the Indian Riv-
area south of Pineda Causeway, said rent system’s 24-inch force main along Walker. er as part of the lagoon system.
county spokesman Don Walker. Riverside Drive is sufficiently sized to
“Sewer system design strikes a bal- “I think you’re going to see an in-
The system was overwhelmed by ance among many competing factors. crease in the amount of muck in the
a combination of an estimated six to It is not reasonable to design for the ex- areas where the discharge went into the
eight inches of rain and already satu- treme condition,’’ he said. canals in Indian Harbor Beach,” he said.
rated ground. Rain intrusion, coupled
with power loss on 49 of the 75 lift sta- One resident dealing with sewage Marine Resources Council Executive
tions that carry wastewater by pipe backup in her own neighborhood is Director Leesa Souto stressed that the
along South Patrick Drive and Riverside Satellite Beach City Manager Courtney main environmental impact of Hur-
Barker, who has repeatedly met with ricane Irma on the barrier islands –
county and Indian Harbour Beach of- which included minor sewage backups
ficials on the issue. at various areas before the pressure was
released – was the actual post-storm 11
“They have nowhere to put it. It’s million gallon wastewater release in
either back it up into people’s houses Indian Harbour Beach.
or pump it out into the lagoon. Eleven
million gallons is a lot. They don’t like “This was not a spill. This was not
it any better than we do but right now accidental. This was an intentional dis-
there’s no solution to that,’’ she said. charge. Except for a toxic waste spill,
there are few worst types of discharges
Beachside communities are discuss- you could put into the Indian River La-
ing ways to get generators going faster goon,’’ she said.
by storing them beachside for use by
city personnel and searching for leaks The long-term solution should be “to
that cause intrusion into the system, try to resolve this and not just pretend
she said. it is just a once-in-a-lifetime situation.
It happens a lot. We try to just put it un-
“What was acceptable 10 years ago der the radar. The system is old and it
(discharging into the lagoon) is not ac- was designed for different time. There
ceptable now. People’s standards are is a thing in engineering called the 100-
changing and we need to come up to year storm event. Those types of 100-
that standard,’’ Barker added. year storms are happening every day.
It’s become like a decade storm event,”
Beachside residents have an infra- Souto said.
structure issue that doesn’t seem to
translate to the mainland very well, she Improvements are no doubt needed
said. and the county – which already is im-
proving lift stations and lining pipes to
“As the highest tax paying residents decrease infiltration – could use all the
in the county, this area deserves a help beachside cities and others can
little bit better treatment in terms of muster, Walker said.
infrastructure. We need to lessen the
amount of times they discharge and “We greatly appreciate this offer
the volume of the discharge. Because and are looking at this partnership as
you can’t ask residents to pay a lagoon well as other options … that can help
tax and at the same time dump sewage us not only address any future power
into the river on a frequent basis. We outages and how to keep our lift sta-
just can’t do that,’’ Barker said. tions operation, but are also looking
– with the city’s help – at potential
Indian Harbour Beach City Manager options such as an expanded plant,
Mark Ryan also reported sewage back- retention ponds or even storage takes
ups through manhole covers and flow- that can help us in the event of future
discharges,’’ he said.
UTILITY ALERTS dian Harbour Beach,” said Brevard
spokesman Don Walker.
Due to heavy flow in the sewer sys-
to a Florida Power & Light pole that tem from Irma, wastewater was dis-
was blown over, said Cheryl Mall, charged to a canal along S. Patrick
public information officer for Mel- Drive and Anchor Drive to prevent
bourne. backup into residential properties.
The sewer lines, which are separate “We had about 50 lift stations with-
from the water lines, did not fare so out power after Irma,” Walker said.
well on the island. “But the main problem wasn’t lack of
power; it was the high inundation of
“Beachside sewage goes to a treat- storm water.”
ment facility near Indian Harbour
Beach, and that’s our line and our The inundation made the 9 million
facility. It’s a 13-mile pipe that runs gallons a day pipe fill with 10-14 mil-
from Patrick Air Force Base to In- lion gallons of stormwater, ground
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 5, 2017 3
water and sewage which caused Two of the lift stations damaged by the trick. Back-up generators restored cations such as Anchor Drive, Wind-
manhole overflows resulting in sew- Irma were on Riverside Park Drive in power for a time until the main power ward Way, Inwood Way, Spinnaker
age backup in some residences. Walk- Satellite Beach and West Coral Way, system was back online, thus circum- Point, Venetian Way and Lansing Is-
er said since the main force line was south of Eau Gallie Boulevard. Lift sta- venting the damaged lift stations. land Drive near Patrick Drive in Satel-
full, it prevented smaller force main tions, also known as pump stations, lite Beach not to use the canal behind
lines from feeding into it, causing pump wastewater up to a higher el- While the sewer system has re- their homes for swimming, fishing or
backup concerns. evation when gravity flow won’t do turned to normal operations, the wading until further notice.
county has advised residents in lo-
4 Thursday, October 5, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
FEE WAIVER Harbour Beach has also waived re- DRONES City recreation area after Hurricane Irma.
pair permit fees associated with storm
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 damage from Hurricane Irma through CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 “If we (the city) had them, there
Dec. 31. As part of the measures sup- would be privacy issues and we would
Indialantic approved its waiver on porting projects helping residents to a worst-case scenario. It only makes have to have all that training and keep
Sept. 13. Chris Chinault, town manager, get back to normal in the neighbor- sense for local government to do the current on the rules. It’s easier just to
said the waiver does not cover every- hoods, damaged fences in Indian same with taxpayer-owned assets. find a qualified drone operator and
thing. The Beach House Motel on AIA Harbour Beach can be replaced in the contract them,’’ she said.
lost its roof among other damages and same footprint without a permit, he While the shift in the storm’s path
it looks like the owner will demolish the said. spared the city buildings and parks Using drones to
building. any significant damage or beach ero- survey is definitely
The permit fees may be waived but sion, the process of documenting something that is
“The motel has many complexi- that doesn’t mean the repairs can be the conditions before the storm was
ties surrounding it, such as the extent done by anyone in a haphazard man- important and will likely be repeated picking up.
of the damage that it could not be re- ner, Ryan said. for future storm events, said Satellite
paired but would have to be rebuilt to Beach City Manager Courtney Barker. – Dylan Hansen
current state requirements. It is pos- “It is important that when a permit
sible that there will be some permit fee is required that you still apply for a no- Freelance drone filmmaker Dylan Hansen said he only recently com-
relief,” Chinault said fee permit as this will insure that the Hansen, founding member of the Satel- pleted the required FAA training and
contractors are checked out for proper lite Beach Sustainability Board in 2015, certification and started working for
Hurricane Irma damage repairs un- license and insurance,’’ he added. spent a couple days filming city proper- the city helping them create drone
der the threshold for demolition and ties before and after Hurricane Irma. and conventional videos. He had
replacement are waiver eligible, but at As for overall big-ticket damage from spent years providing his time and
the sole discretion of the building offi- Hurricane Irma, Satellite Beach lost its “I like having a drone contractor be- passion on many sustainability topics
cial. Chinault dismissed the notion the $250,000 air-conditioning unit at its cause we can just call him when we without charge.
town may take a revenue hit over the recreation complex, Barker said. need him to do things like getting foot-
storm-related waiver. age of all our roofs before the storm. The capability of drones has improved
In Indian Harbour Beach, the city The fire department is also looking at over the years in terms of operating in
“Don’t know that the town loses any assessed about $250,000 in damages using drones to help find out where a bad weather and near electric power
money since the work wouldn’t need a to City Hall, Fire Station 56, Algonquin fire started,’’ she said. lines with distracting electromagnetic
permit had the storm not descended,” Sports Complex, and Millennium &
he said. Bicentennial Beach parks, Metz Field, The city does not have its own person-
and the municipal tennis courts. nel involved with drone photography
Satellite Beach had considered an- because of increasing rules and training
nouncing that it was officially waiving The county commission approved a requirements by the Federal Aviation
all hurricane-related repairs, but de- 90 day waiver on Sept. 19 for unincor- Administration (FAA), Barker said.
cided to handle the permitting issue porated sections like the South Beach-
on a case-by-case basis, said City Man- es, South Patrick Shores and South
ager Courtney Barker. Tropical Trail.
“We waived the fence permits be- Eligible repairs include roof re-
cause we knew we would have a lot of placement, air conditioning equip-
fences blown down but we didn’t really ment, screen/pool enclosures and
have a lot of residential damage at all. destroyed mobile homes, among
Our damage was mostly to commercial other elements. The county enacted
buildings,” Barker said. a similar permit fee waiver following
storms in 2004. As of Sept. 15, dam-
City officials also went one step fur- age assessment teams have identified
ther by tasking city fire fighters on their 2,937 buildings within the unincorpo-
downtime to install emergency fencing rated areas suffering some Irma-relat-
to secure a total of 58 homes with pools ed damage, including mobile homes
exposed presenting a safety issue. along A1A which may have experi-
enced a tornado.
In terms of private property damages
from Hurricane Irma in Indian Harbour In all cases, town and county, a per-
Beach, the city building official’s “wind- mit is still required before construction,
shield survey” indicated 313 affected however. And in Melbourne Beach at
properties and eight minor, said Indian least, a waiver may be extended.
Harbour Beach City Manager Mark
Ryan. “We can look at this again by Dec.
31,” said Mayor Jim Simmons.
Unless directed otherwise, Indian
Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 island readers with the most comprehen- Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
[email protected] [email protected] sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, [email protected]
Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite
Staff Reporter Advertising Account Executives Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
Bill Sokolic, 609-457-5480 Lillian Belmont, 321-604-7833 Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
[email protected] Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 For our advertising partners, we pledge [email protected]
to provide the most complete consulta-
Staff Reporter Columnists tive and marketing programs possible for Corporate Editor
George White, 321-795-3835 Pam Harbaugh, 321-794-3691 the best return on your investment. Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196
[email protected] Cynthia Van Gaasbeck, 321-626-4701 [email protected]
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 5, 2017 5
fields (EMF), and as a result now enjoy a dustries are finding it to be a time and drone resulting from the brush with dured Hurricane Irma, he said.
growing number of uses for cities. money saver, you will continue to hear Hurricane Irma – like the damage to “I am grateful we didn’t get hit as bad
more about drone application when homes and the newly created inlet he
“Using drones to survey is definitely surveying bridges, power lines, build- filmed by drone in the St. Augustine as it could have been. I am sure you have
something that is picking up. Drone ings and more,’’ Hansen said. area following Hurricane Matthew in seen many images (in other areas of the
companies are now creating specific 2016 – but that lack of severity was a state) of buildings flooded, roofs gone, or
drones for surveying, like being resil- There may not have been vast dam- blessing for those residents who en- worse the building completely leveled.
ient to EMF’s, rain, etc. As many in- age in Satellite Beach to film with a We definitely got lucky,’’ he said.
6 Thursday, October 5, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Vacant town manager post attracts 10 applicants
STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER nance manager, serves as interim former town managers known as In- a manager,” said Wingo, who helped
[email protected] town manager. ternational City Managers Association draft a profile, an advertisement and
Senior Advisors, formerly known as job description with agreed upon at-
The search for a new Melbourne Day resigned to be back with his the “Range Riders” program because tributes.
Beach town manager to replace Tim family in Lee County after 19 months they are called on to travel from city to
Day progressed to the next level this on the job. Since 2006, the town has city when and where they are needed. According to Melbourne Beach
week when the posting for resumes had four managers, with the longest The group works with cities that have clerk Nancy Wilson, the town adver-
closed on Tuesday. As of the middle tenure being four years. Day’s prede- a population under 20,000. tised with the Florida League of Cit-
of last week, 10 people had applied cessor lasted just 17 months. ies and the Florida City and County
for the position vacated by Day on “We work with the commission to Management Association, as well as
Aug. 11. The town commission turned the determine what their primary goals on the municipal website. Most of
resumes over to consultant Oel Wingo, are and what they are looking for in the applicants have a Florida con-
Elizabeth Mascaro, the current fi- a volunteer from an organization of nection, but there is one from Geor-
gia and another from Ohio, however
with a history in Florida.
Wingo will rank the resumes based
on knowledge, experience and cre-
“Then we’ll meet to discuss the
rankings,” Mayor Jim Simmons said.
‘We work with the
commission to determine
what their primary goals
are and what they are
looking for in a manager.’
– Oel Wingo
Still to be determined is whether to
schedule interviews with those receiv-
ing the highest rankings. Wingo also
provides guidelines for interviewing
and suggested interview questions, but
does not participate in the interviews.
“We are not involved in the final selec-
tion, negotiations and hiring either.”
In the end, the process may yield
no viable candidates. The recent turn-
over history doesn’t help.
“I’m happy we have engaged the
ICMA Senior Advisors program to
help us define our needs,” Simmons
said. “But it could come back we’re not
happy with anyone. And we’ll have to
take a different path.”
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 5, 2017 7
Buckets of unneeded rain dumped on South Brevard
Ocean Avenue at the site of a partial cave-in due to the flooding
[email protected] email around 2 p.m. Sunday that the
road would be closed, and advised Building Confidence Through Relationships
The low-pressure system called In- drivers to use Oak Street as an alternate
vest 99L camped out over South Bre- route. The road closure was not exten- 321.890.9911 321.729.6000
vard County on Sunday bringing an es- sive enough to prevent police and fire
timated six to eight inches of rain and vehicles from getting in and out of the
prompting a flash flood warning span- town complex, but that traffic might
ning Sunday afternoon and evening. be diverted for several days while the THE HOUSING MARKET IS MOVING FAST - DON’T GET LEFT BEHIND.
damage is assessed and repaired.
On the barrier island, Melbourne BUYING OR SELLING
Beach to Floridana Beach seemed In Indian Harbour Beach and Sat- WE’LL GET YOU WERE YOU NEED TO GO.
to be hit hardest by the deluge, with ellite Beach, the extra inches of wa-
street flooding and even a partial ter flowing into storm drains further 1745 SHORE VIEW DR. • INDIALANTIC, FL 32903
cave-in at the 500 block of Ocean Av- stressed the beleaguered stormwater 146’ Direct River
enue near the Melbourne Beach Town and wastewater system that nearly
Hall Complex. broke from Hurricane Irma’s rains.
The Melbourne Beach Police De-
JUST LISTED - $1,549,000
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Girls’ Night Out celebrates
designing businesswomen
Carla Funk and Jane Kirschenbaum.
10 Thursday, October 5, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Carole Gatto and Sheila Gurr. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Jessi Theofiledes Georgianna Isenman and Kate Tennant. Susan Hopkins and Susan Martin.
Girls’ Night Out celebrates designing businesswomen
STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT and some are home-based businesses. Melbourne artist Jill Collier, owner I make them into dresses and tops,”
[email protected] All presented artful items for sale, with of WDDM Studio, has a bachelor’s she said. “My showroom is in my
a portion of the proceeds benefiting degree in fine art and a passion for house but I also am in Vero Beach
A girls’ night out in a museum. the museum. purses. “I have a source in Orlando boutiques.”
Might that be a little stuffy? Sure, for the hides; I don’t buy anything
if perusing fine art and shopping “We’ve been collecting women art- online. I want to actually go and feel Sherri Whelan, who splits her time
for unique clothing and handbags ists for a long time, it’s been a focus it before purchase,” she said, adding, between Indialantic and Blowing
while sipping wine and nibbling hors of our collection since the 1980s. So “each piece of leather dictates what Rock, N.C., owns Tallulah 9 in Down-
d’oeuvres with old and new friends is this event is celebrating the power of it’s going to be. I don’t have a plan go- town Melbourne. Daughter Cassan-
stuffy. women,” said Carla Funk, executive ing in and I don’t use any patterns.” dra Whelan Welch manages the store
director and chief curator of Florida and the two brought their hobo chic
In the midst of an exhibit dedi- Institute of Technology’s museums. Vendor Ray Young has owned style to the museum. “What we are
cated to female artists of the 20th “We have a lot of women-owned busi- Coastal Cloth Baby & Co. on Fifth showing tonight is our Johnny Was
century, the Foosaner Art Museum nesses and designers who are featured Avenue in Indialantic for a little over collection,” Whelan said. “They are
in the Eau Gallie Arts District last as vendors tonight. I wanted to have a two years now and said she has been out of California and use a lot of silk
Thursday welcomed guests for an fashion-featured event, with jewelry visiting the museum with her aunt and rayon prints with lots of detail
evening of socializing that featured and handbags, very feminine things,” since she was a child. Young said her added to it.”
nine area businesses run by women. Funk added. store focuses on natural parenting
products, “but we also have unique Friends Midge Dunn of Eau Gal-
Girls’ Night Out: Woman Made One designer brought her collection gifts that you’re not going to find in lie and Carlene Bowden and Dawn
brought together for one evening of handmade leather purses in an array box stores.” Schnuck, both of Downtown Mel-
artists and designers offering hand- of styles from “funky to fabulous” that bourne, are longtime arts patrons.
made or thoughtfully chosen design- retail for anywhere from $50 to $200. One of the few men to be seen was Dunn thought the event “was a nice
er items. Some operate boutiques James Roberts, who with his wife and different approach” to bringing
Rhonda operates Therese Sensa- interest to an exhibit. “A lot us were
tional Fashion Jewelry. The home- probably here for the opening of this
based jewelers create pieces out of exhibit so it was a nice combination,”
glass beads, semiprecious stones and she said.
polymer clays. The striking necklac-
es and earrings are “designed by us Bowden, a member of the mu-
and handmade by us,” Roberts said. seum, is glad to see the community
support. “They have a lot of events
Sandra Dee Russell of Melbourne here that, for some reason, a lot of
is the designer and sole proprietor people are unaware of. I noticed to-
of her business. “I’m also a fine art- night there were a lot of young peo-
ist but right now I concentrate on ple here, which I thought was excel-
the jewelry business because I have lent,” she said.
a lot of clients and people who want
things done,” she said. Noted Schnuck: “Our community
is developing these cultural and ar-
Tracy Smith of Suntree mod- tistic programs. We have all kinds of
eled one of her flowing tops as she wonderful things in Melbourne and I
manned her table. “I buy designer think it’s important for all of us to try
scarves, like Carolina Herrera, and and support them.”
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 5, 2017 11
Shelley Johnson, Carla Funk and Becky Price. Deborah Phebes, Mary Beth Kenkel, Betty Lou Steen-Clarke. Cherie Thompson, Sandi Sevigny, Carol Andren.
Tina Murray, Barbara McManus and Bonnie Scalero. Midge Dunn with Sherri and Cassandra Whelan. Richard Seaward and Bruce Stout.
Ore Olomu, Tracy Smith, Bailey Smith and Sydney Smith.
Jill Collier. Carol Reeve and Anita Carbone.
12 Thursday, October 5, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
ONGOING for the Advancement of the Blind (BAAB), 7:30 7 Operation Not On Our Watch, Satellite fles. A generous (tax deductible) donation per
a.m. at Gleason Park, Indian Harbour Beach. Beach Police Athletic League don’t drive person will be accepted in lieu of an admission
Melbourne Beach Rotary Club meets at 7:30 Register at distracted simulated crash event from 10 a.m. to fee. Attendees are asked to RSVP to (321) 723-
a.m. Tuesdays at Ocean Side Pizza, 300 Ocean 1 p.m. with local actors enacting the crash scene 1060 x18.
Ave. #6, Melbourne Beach. www.melbeachro- 7 Will Run for Chocolate, Won’t Stand for while first responders narrate. Event concludes Violence 5K, 7:30 a.m. at Field of Dreams with an open discussion with a father who lost 8 Vern Boushell Concert Series “Orchestral
Park, Melbourne to benefit Zonta Club of Mel- his young daughter in a car accident and left his Masterpieces” Central Florida Winds plays
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 bourne, raising awareness of violence against son severely disabled. [email protected]. masterworks, 3:30 p.m., Riverside Presbyterian
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park women and girls worldwide. Zontaspacecoast. Church, 3400 N. Atlantic Avenue (A1A), Cocoa
org 7 Creatures Fest featuring live creatures Beach, Admission is free. Call (321)525-7825
Saturdays on the Sand with Melissa Faith big and small, animal games, eco-arts,
Yoga, 7 a.m. Saturdays at the Indialantic Board- 7 International Coastal Cleanup make-up sanctuary searches for creatures, conservation
walk across from Starbucks. Free admission, day, 8 to 10 a.m. at Coconut Point Park, mermaid, puppets, children’s author, lionfish, 10 Free Medicare information seminar by
mats and blankets provided. Bring water and Melbourne Beach, hosted by Keep Brevard food carts and more, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the local resident Kim Adkinson-Cowles, 6
other essentials. Beautiful. Volunteers can receive community Brevard Barrier Island Center, 8385 S. Hwy A1A, p.m. Melbourne Beach Library, 324 Ocean Ave.
service hours. Materials for cleanup are pro- Melbourne Beach. Costumes are encouraged. Call (321)305-2554.
Tai Chi and Qigong, 9:30 a.m. Saturdays at vided, including trash bags, gloves, sunscreen Parking is limited, but admission is free. www.
Gleason Park, north side of lake. Donation of and tools. 12 Education Town Hall Meeting with
$5-$10. Superintendent Desmond Blackburn
7 The Rotary Club of Melbourne Beach an- 7 Aquarian Dreams 31st Anniversary Open and School Board Member Tina Descovich, 5:30
OCTOBER nounces Golf-tober-at Aquarina Beach House and Gathering, 1 to 5 p.m. with to 7 p.m. in the theater at Satellite Beach High
& Country Club located at 7500 S Hwy A1A, demonstrations every 15 minutes featuring School. Discuss the future of Brevard Schools.
6-29 Dreams & Wishes, Birds & Melbourne Beach, FL 32951 to benefit Nana’s many of the programs available at the center,
Fishes, a solo exhibit by mem- House home for neglected, abused, needy, or including yoga, acupuncture, Tai Chi, hypno-
ber Renee´Decator. At Fifth Avenue Art Gal- abandoned children Cost is $85 per player or therapy and healing. Reiki and energy work on- 14 Twelfth annual “Parenting in Today’s
lery on Highland Ave in the Eau Gallie Arts Dis- $325 per foursome for golf, cart and awards going throughout the event. Free and open to World” workshop hosted free by
trict. The First Friday Opening Reception will luncheon. Registration deadline Sept. 25. the public. the Brevard County School Board building lo-
be 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Oct. 6. Artist’s talk at 1 Sponsorships available. Sign-up sheets are cated in Viera, 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Keynote
p.m.Oct. 14, at 1 PM, Free event and open to available at Aquarina G.C. clubhouse, Mel- 7 Logos Community Garden Ribbon-Cutting speaker Jackie Flynn will present her inspiring
the public. Exhibit continues through Oct. 29. bourne Beach Market, or by contacting Adam and Dedication Event, 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. at talk is titled: Parenting with Purpose: Keeping Wilke (321) 412-9940. the garden near the City of Satellite Beach Ten- our children physically and emotionally healthy.
nis Courts, 499 Desoto Parkway. Explore the gar- Complimentary continental breakfast, no child-
7 Bob’s Breast Cancer Awareness Ride, 7 7 Area Lutheran churches celebrate the den, Coastal Kitchen food truck, live music from care provided for this event. Translation services
a.m. starting at Bob’s Bicycle Shop, 510 E. Blessing of the Animals in the tradition of Wild & Blue and more. Free event hosted by Sat- available. Participants who remain through the
Eau Gallie Blvd, Indian Harbour Beach. Choose St. Francis of Asissi: a neighborhood celebration ellite Beach Sustainability Board. last session will receive a parenting giveaway.
from 10, 35 and 80-mile routes to support of blessing live and even stuffed animals from 10
breast cancer charities. a.m. to 11 a.m. at Ascension Lutheran Church 7 Annual Feeding Friends & Neighbors event 14 Indian Harbour Beach Volunteer Fire
on Pinetree Drive in Indian Harbour Beach; and to benefit the Daily Bread Food Bank, with Department Annual Open House, 10
7 Seventh annual Sprint for Sight 5K run/ from 10 a.m. to noon Pastor Rick Funk will be a keynote address by Sheriff Wayne Ivey, 6:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the fire station on Pinetree
walk fundraiser for the Brevard Association blessing the creatures brought to Advent Lu- PM, supporters will gather at the Fee Avenue. Drive. Stop by for a hot dog and a beverage and
theran Church’s beachside campus at 1805 Oak Evening includes a cocktail hour, buffet dinner try out a real fire hose and bunker gear.
Street, Melbourne Beach. prepared on-site, silent auction, music and raf-
14 White Cane Safety Day Fundraiser, 11
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN a.m. to 3 p.m. at Jersey Mike’s Subs, 90
in September 28, 2017 Edition 1 HONEST 2 HAZARD Hibiscus Blvd, Melbourne. To help raise aware-
4 SPEARS 2 NAMES ness about the visually impaired and the use
9 ZAMBEZI 3 STETSON of white canes, patrons can experience being
10 LABEL 5 PILOT blindfolded and using a white cane to navigate
11 RISKS 6 ALBUMEN the intersection of Hibiscus and Babcock. Jersey
12 ATTEMPT 7 SALUTE Mike’s will donate a portion of all sales during
20 SHAKE 15 RESOUND 14 Rocky Water Brewfest, 1 to 5 p.m. at
22 EDITS 16 ESTEEM Eau Gallie Square presented by Eau
23 EDUCATE 17 SEVERE Gallie Rotary Club, with unlimited samples of
24 MAYHEM 19 ISSUE craft beers from some of Florida’s best brewer-
25 ADHERE 21 AWARE ies. Adults only; no pets. rockywaterbrewfest.
Sudoku Page 2440 SudokuPPaaggee2451 CrosswordPPage 4204 Crossword PPaaggee 2451 (LET’S GO TO THE VIDEOTAPE)
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14 Thursday, October 5, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Kiernan O’Connor as Wednesday, Brance Cornelius as Uncle Fester, Alejandra Martinez as Morticia, Dominique Solano (Belle) and Benjamin Cox (Beast). PHOTO BY: GOFORTH PHOTOGRAPHY
Joe Rose (behind) as Lurch, Alexander Nathan as Gomez, Marcy Szymanski as Grandmama,
and Kapp McCallister as Pugsley.
Area playhouses present a double creature feature
STORY BY PAM HARBAUGH CORRESPONDENT with vivid production values, not least of wealthy family and married to Morticia, audience laugh at the jokes or clap and
[email protected] which are Titusville Playhouse’s sly and
sophisticated stylings in “The Addams a slinky delight played by Carolyn Jones. cheer after a song, it reminds me why
Timing is everything. And with all the Family” and CVP’s sumptuous designs
literal sturm und drang confronting us for “Beauty and the Beast.” Of its many iterations since then, the I do theater in the first place,” he said.
at every turn, it’s rather nice to disap-
pear into a bit of fantasy. THE ADDAMS FAMILY most popular was the 1991 film starring “And it makes me want to put on an even
Based on Charles Addams’ witty and
And a couple of area theaters have just macabre cartoons which appeared in Raul Julia, Anjelica Huston and Chris- better show for them.”
what you need to put aside your wor- The New Yorker magazine, “The Ad-
ries and delight in the powers of pre- dams Family” catapulted into main- tina Ricci. A musical stage version star- Set amidst a bevy of gleeful undead
tend. They are the current productions stream popularity with the 1960s black
of “The Addams Family” at Titusville and white television series. It starred ring Broadway lumi-
Playhouse and Disney’s “Beauty and the John Astin as Gomez, the head of the
Beast” at Cocoa Village Playhouse. naries Nathan Lane
Both are filled to the theatrical rafters BEAUTY AND THE BEASTand Bebe Neuwirth
opened in 2010 but
was widely panned
by critics. With book by Linda Woolverton, music by Alan Men-
The show was re- ken and lyrics by Howard Ashman and later Tim Rice,
tooled for touring and Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast” has been delighting
regional productions, audiences since the 1991 animated film.
which is the version It was so popular, it soon moved to Broadway in 1994
currently prompting where it ran for an extraordinary 13 years. It had two
Titusville Playhouse four-year national tours. Now, you can find it at regional
audiences to “snap- and community theaters like Cocoa Village Playhouse.
snap” their fingers in And given CVP’s reputation for lavish visuals and
YOU’RE INVITED! time with the famil- big, live orchestra sound, this production is designed
Canadian Rockies by Rail iar music from the to please.
Join us at this special presentation to learn ’60s TV show – even Based on the 18th century fairytale by Gabrielle-
about Rocky Mountaineer’s award-winning
before the curtain Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve, “Beauty and the Beast”
rail journeys and earn upto $600 per
couple in added value. rises. tells the story of Belle, a beautiful young girl who, in an
October 25, 2017 And when it does effort to save her father, agrees to live in an enchanted
5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
rise, audiences are castle presided over by a cultured but hideous Beast.
7640 N. Wickham Road, Suite 107 Melb., FL
Space is limited. Please RSVP to Frosch greeted with a family Eventually, love wins.
Gadabout Travel at 321-253-3674
portrait, as it were, of Directed by Anastacia Hawkins Smith and choreog-
the Addamses stand- rapher Pamela Larson, the CVP production features
ing in front of an Dominique Solano as Belle, Benjamin Cox as the Beast,
ominous looking gate Jason Carl Crase as Lumiere, Jonathan Goforth as Cog-
– foreboding enough sworth, Cathy Cassidy as Mrs. Potts, Lawrence Mazza
to keep people out, or as Gaston and David Morales as LeFou.
keep people in. Extraordinary though it seems, the costumes, in-
“People go wild,” cluding that of the Beast, were done in-house under
said director Niko the guidance of costume designer Dan Hill. The origi-
Stamos. “You forget nal scenic design is by Joseph Lark Riley. The conductor
how much the mu- is J. Thomas Black Jr.
sic is ingrained in Its special consultant is Gavin Little, CVP’s former
memory. The first audio engineer who just finished up touring with the
few notes of the show national production of “Beauty and the Beast.”
causes an almost in- “It really took the entire team working non-stop
stinctual reaction.” on every aspect of the show,” said ensemble member
That reaction is “al- Chris Beavers. “But that’s what it takes to make the
ways encouraging,” magic of Disney.”
said Kirk Simpson, a
17-year-old who trav- “Beauty and the Beast” is scheduled to run through
els from Mount Dora, Oct. 22 at Cocoa Village Playhouse, 300 Brevard Ave., Co-
Fla., to play the role of coa. It performs 7:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and 2
Lucas. p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. Tickets are $16 to $24. Call
“When I hear the 321-636-5050 or visit
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 5, 2017 15
haunting a nearby cemetery, the story Coming Up: The joy of sax at jazz concert
revolves around young Wednesday Ad-
dams falling in love with Lucas, a “nor- STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER 3 This very weekend, in our very before, live-to-picture: the full-length
mal” young man. She confides in her [email protected] own galaxy: The music the Amer- film on the big screen, as the renowned
father, Gomez, who tries to hide the fact Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra per-
from her mother, Morticia. The young Jeff Rupert. ican Film Institute calls the greatest forms the iconic music. The legendary
man and his parents are eventually composer is well-known for scoring all
invited to the Addams’ bizarre home, American film score of all time – the seven films in the Star Wars saga, win-
where a “remarkable” meal is served in ning the Academy Award for Best Origi-
“remarkable” fashion. powerful score of 1977’s “Star Wars,” nal Score for the first film. According to
the concert promo, the soundtrack has
Here, Stamos returns to Addams’ orig- by the incomparable, Oscar-winning been preserved by the Library of Con-
inal cartoon aesthetic. Although they
would not really hurt anyone, the family John Williams – is the centerpiece of CONTINUED ON PAGE 16
has a forbidding air about them. As the
theme song states: “They’re creepy and “Star Wars: A New Hope – in Concert.”
they’re kooky, mysterious and spooky,
They’re all together ooky …” This Sunday at Orlando’s Dr. Phillips
Stamos asked Jonathan Willis to cre- Center, you’ll be transported by “Star
ate paintings based on the original car-
toons. Although he designed most of Wars” as you’ve, literally, never seen it
the show’s costumes himself, when it
came to Morticia’s slinky dress, Stamos 1 Tenor sax man and UCF Jazz
turned to Orlando costume designer Studies Director Jeff Rupert and
Skip Stewart, who has designed for
cruise-ship shows. his Quartet will kick off the Space
Inspired by the Broadway production, Coast Jazz Society’s up-beat new
Stamos asked scenic designer Jay Bleak-
ney to design a large gate for the show’s monthly concert series this Sunday
opening. It ended up over 16 feet tall.
And, given the limited space above TPI’s in a more centrally located venue,
stage – there is no real “fly space” which
allows scenery to be securely raised the Rockledge Country Club. In ad-
and stored unseen over the stage – that
gate needs to be tracked on and off and dition to being a full-time prof at the
squeezed into the cramped quarters at
the sides of the stage. University of Central Florida, Rupert,
“We put our own stamp on something according to Wikipedia, is a Yamaha
people have seen or have expectations
for,” Stamos said. “But we also have a few performing artist, record producer
tricks up our sleeve which have caused
audible reactions. It’s surprising.” and freelance musician, as well as a
The cast features Alexander Nathan featured soloist on numerous record-
as sexy Latin lover Gomez, who does a
romantic tango with Morticia, played by ings with such luminaries as May-
Alejandra Martinez.
nard Ferguson, Sam Rivers, Mel Tor-
Kiernan O’Connor is dismal Wednes-
day, who tortures her happily obliging mé, Diane Schuur and many more.
younger brother, Pugsley, played by
Kapp McCallister. Lucas, the “normal” Ferguson considers Rupert “one of
young man Wednesday loves, is played
by Kirk Simpson. the great jazz players of today.” Ad-
Professional actor Brance Cornelius mission at the door is $10 for Jazz So-
is Fester, the odd uncle who falls in love
with the moon. Marcy Szymanski is ciety and Country Club members, $15
Grandmama, Joe Rose is the growling
Lurch. Willis is Lucas’ stodgy father Mal, for guests, and free for students. The
and Kristen Sellers is Alice, his square
mother who has her day in the musical concert begins at 2 p.m.
number “Waiting.”
2 Shift gears from a hectic week
Already, tickets are becoming scarce and enjoy a cool and uplifting
because quite a few patrons who have
seen the show are coming back for Sunday afternoon of classical mu-
more, Stamos said.
sic, as the Central Florida Winds or-
“The Addams Family” runs through
Oct. 15 at Titusville Playhouse, 301 Julia chestra, under the baton of Richard
St., Titusville. It performs 8 p.m. Fridays
and Saturdays, and 2 p.m. Sundays. An Sabino, opens the 10th anniversary
additional show begins 8 p.m. Thurs-
day, Oct. 12. Tickets begin at $23. Call season of the Dr. Vernon Boush-
321-268-1125 or visit TitusvillePlay- ell Concert Series at Cocoa Beach’s
Riverside Presbyterian Church (The
Music Church) with “Orchestral
Masterpieces.” All works on the pro-
gram have been transcribed for wind
ensemble by international musi-
cian Douglas McLain, who will guest
conduct St. Saens’ “Marche Militaire
Francaise.” Other pieces include El-
gar’s powerful Enigma Variations,
along with the “Prague Waltzes” by
Dvorak, and the dynamic “Le Chas-
seur Maudit” by Franck. Established
in 1999, the 50-piece orchestra in-
cludes professional and retired pro-
fessional musicians, and gifted mu-
sic teachers, high school and college
students, playing woodwind, brass
and percussion instruments, within
the classical music repertoire. The
concert is free and begins at 3:30 p.m.
16 Thursday, October 5, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
gress in the National Recording Regis- sual “Bolero.” Also on the program
try for being “culturally, historically or will be a sequence of scenes from Act
aesthetically significant.” Show time is I of Tchaikovsky’s “Nutcracker.” Con-
7:30 p.m. Tickets start at $49. certmaster Lisa Ferrigno will be fea-
tured in Beethoven’s “Romance” in F
major, and the audience will certain-
ly thrill to a “fantastic arrangement
of the great Tango ‘Por Una Cabeza.’”
Completing the exciting evening will
be Offenbach’s “Overture to Orpheus
in the Underworld” and Hanson’s
“Love Duet” from “Merry Mount.”
The concert begins at 8 p.m.
Maestro Christopher 5 YES! To be specific, YES, the
Confessore. English rock band formed in
London in 1968 and, according to
Wikipedia, one of the most success-
4 The Brevard Symphony Orches- ful, influential and longest-lasting
tra opens its 2017-2018 season
progressive rock bands ever: In its
this Saturday at the King Center in current iteration, “YES featuring Jon
Melbourne with a program of beloved Anderson, Trevor Rabin and Rick
classics featuring works inspired by Wakeman” will take the King Cen-
dance and romance. No matter how ter stage this Tuesday on the North
big and high-tech your audio system American leg of their eponymous
is, there is really nothing as satisfy- 2017 world tour. Co-founded by An-
ing and exciting as immersing your- derson and the late Chris Squire in
self in the music of the masters as it 1968, YES sold millions of units with
was originally intended – performed releases such as “Fragile,” “Close to
live, in concert. Known for his inno- the Edge,” and “Tales From Topo-
vative programming, spirited perfor- graphic Oceans.” The group’s “secret
mances, broad repertoire and con- sauce” is the result of Wakeman’s pre-
nection with the audiences, Maestro dominantly ’70s prog era influence,
Christopher Confessore has led the Rabin’s ’80s pop era success, and
BSO for more than two decades. Of Anderson, a member of both eras,
Saturday’s concert, he says few pieces providing the bridge. Says Anderson,
in the orchestral repertoire are more “It’s very simple. YES music is in our
popular than the opener, Ravel’s sen- DNA!” Show time is 8 p.m.
18 Thursday, October 5, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
The paradox of fear
Crime is down, but many
Americans don’t feel safe
Christian Science Monitor
As recently as five years ago, says piz- keep shooting each other and getting The number of violent-crime victims per Americans is rising. That sentiment has
za shop owner Lisa Curtis, crime was so shot. If anything, [the restaurant has] 1,000 persons age 12 or older dropped at times found an outlet in President
bad in her Atlanta neighborhood that been busier as people have come out to from 29.3 to just 11.1 in that period, ac- Trump and Attorney General Jeff Ses-
newly planted rose bushes would get show support.” cording to Bureau of Justice Statistics. sions, who together have painted scenes
dug up and carted away by thieves. of worsening urban “war zones.”
To some observers, the killing of Jibril And so far, 2017 is on track to have the
So when a succession of gunshots Abdur-Rahman and the neighborhood’s second-lowest violent crime rate of any It’s a conundrum: While U.S. neigh-
rang out in late August, leaving a lo- shocked but measured reaction can be year since 1990, according to figures re- borhoods, as a whole, are safer than
cal rapper dead near her restaurant seen as part of a shifting “paradox of leased this month by the nonpartisan at any time in the past 25 years, many
door, the scene could well have served fear” in America. Brennan Center for Justice. Americans remain convinced that
as evidence of the growing “American crime is a growing problem.
carnage” described by President Trump On one hand, people became 62 per- On the other, surveys are finding
amid a rise in violent crime in some U.S. cent less likely to become the victim of many Americans convinced that a gen- Part of people’s outlook depends on
cities in 2015 and 2016. a violent crime between 1993 and 2014. eral crime threat against law-abiding where they are viewing from: Rural
Yet where such criminal mayhem may
have once been routine on Atlanta’s ur-
ban east side, today it is an anomaly. The
Zone 6 precinct has become the city’s
most peaceful corner, according to an
Atlanta Police Department analysis,
when it comes to theft and violent crime.
That’s partly due to an influx of
wealthier residents, more effective po-
lice crime-fighting strategies, improv-
ing schools, and a blossoming local
economy that benefits a wide swath of
“Nothing changed, nobody is stay-
ing in and locking their doors,” says Ms.
Curtis. “Everybody knows that this is
about a few people – the same ones who
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 5, 2017 19
Americans are far more likely to believe Atlanta Police Officer Neil McCay patrols the city’s Zone 6 in January, 2015. tified, though perhaps the object of
the narrative of big crime in the big city. their concern is misplaced. A 2013
whole, where 20 years ago it was a dan- sor Fox. Annals of Emergency Medicine study
Urban residents, meanwhile, who see gerous city.” Ahead of Election Day, 57 percent of found that the personal risk of injury
children riding their bikes and people death – including violent crime and
walking dogs at night through formerly To be sure, a spike in violence in respondents to a Pew survey said crime accidents – is more than 20 percent
high-crime neighborhoods, are more Chicago, Baltimore, and Washington, has gotten worse in the U.S. since 2008, higher in the countryside than it is in
likely to be aware of the gains. D.C., drove a national murder rate in- including 78 percent of Trump sup- large urban areas.
crease in 2015 and 2016. But this year, porters and 37 percent of Hillary Clin-
Also playing into the question of per- the rate appears once again to be tack- ton supporters. Meanwhile, the reality In other words, while homicide risks
ception versus reality, criminologists ing downward – even in Chicago. The was that U.S. violent crime fell by 19 remain higher in cities, people are safer
say, is our polarized worldviews and murder rate is projected to fall by 2.5 percent between 2008 and 2015, ac- in cities than in rural areas when acci-
how those views can be influenced and percent in 2017, according to the Bren- cording to the FBI. dents are also factored in.
manipulated by Hollywood, the media, nan Center. If that holds true, it would
and politicians. Economic uncertainty, be the lowest since 2009. At the same time, many Americans In terms of the decline in crime so
political unrest, and a lack of civility intrinsically understand that violence is far this year, conservatives point out
also erode people’s feelings of safety. Yet outsize crime fears clearly have being curtailed by a plethora of broader that gun crimes have declined in the
had political impact in the US – and factors, some not yet fully understood, U.S. even as gun ownership and liber-
“The reason people so easily embrace could extend to policy as the Trump says American University criminologist alized gun-carry laws have expanded.
this idea that things are bad out there administration pushes for higher man- Joseph Young, who studies the conse- And others are quick to credit Trump’s
… is because there is a level of discord. datory minimum sentences for drug of- quences of political violence. law-and-order rhetoric for the project-
If we were all getting along and not fenses and scales back ethics oversight ed downtick.
distrusting our neighbor, we wouldn’t of local police departments. “We have seen sustained economic
be so easily persuaded by a short-term growth and we’ve also seen a lot of in- But whether the Trump administra-
spike in crime into thinking that the sky Trump earlier this year noted cor- ner cities invigorated and gentrified, tion has really driven the agenda is a
is falling,” says Northeastern University rectly that “the murder rate in 2015 which in turn has squeezed prob- far different question, says Professor
criminologist James Alan Fox in Boston. experienced its largest single-year in- lems into other places,” says Professor Woodard. In fact, Woodard says he is
crease in nearly half a century.” (Crimi- Young. Police, he notes, have also be- consulting for a Republican statewide
Instead, “it doesn’t matter that the ho- nologists point out that even with that come far more adept in mapping Big campaign in South Carolina, and crime
micide rate is half of what it was 25 years spike, the murder rate was still well be- Data to target high-crime zones in near has not been a top strategy topic. “I don’t
ago – those are just numbers,” adds Mr. low 1990s levels.) real-time, which in turn leads to bet- sense that most of the voting populace
Fox. “What matters is you can turn on ter community-relations as police pay feels like we’re in a violent period – quite
a television set and see plenty of crime. His statement, as well as speeches more attention to what is driving local the opposite,” he says.
We are saturated with crime.” by Mr. Sessions, feed into a broader complaints.
narrative of how the rise in inner- On the policy front, two weeks ago,
Yet dig deeper and criminologists city murder rates in 2015 and 2016 That suggests to some that the stok- the Republican-led Congress balked
and political scientists suggest that ris- were part of a longer-term trend that ing of fears about crime is political. at a Sessions plan to expand civil as-
ing crime is not top of mind for political to some suggested America, in the “If the president said this is the saf- set forfeiture, a controversial program
strategists nor, necessarily, U.S. police Obama era, was coddling criminals est Americans have ever that allows police to seize the assets of
departments, the vast majority of which while over-focusing on rogue cops and been – that suspects who have not been convict-
are seeing the positive impacts of data- corrupt police departments. ed of a crime. And from state to state,
driven policing strategies. one of the few areas of political bipar-
“Trump’s approach was to tisanship has been around criminal
And a large majority of Americans make America justice reforms.
as a whole, at least by some measure-
ments, feel relatively safe in their own Georgia, a ruby-red state, has led the
surrounds. In findings that have been way by introducing strong prison diver-
mirrored elsewhere, a Journal of General sion programs and making it easier for
Internal Medicine study found only 8.7 former convicts to get jobs and rebuild
percent of Americans over 50 regarded their lives.
their immediate neighborhood as un-
safe; 68 percent considered it “very safe.” “There’s been a growing view on
the left and right since the 1990s that
“People hear rhetoric about crime, crime and violence aren’t problems
they see crime on the evening news, you can … incarcerate your way out
but they know in their own minds that of,” says Grawert.
they are safer than they used to be,” says
Ames Grawert, a counsel in the Brennan “There’s a growing con-
Center’s Justice Program in New York. sensus that
That, he says, “is why, even if they think
crime is going up in the United States, we can have
many feel like their neighborhood is a safer and freer soci-
safer than ever.” ety, with a better criminal justice
system, and there are people on both
In fact, he adds, “cities have been the sides invested in that. There are strong
principal beneficiary of crime declining Republican voices like [Sen.] Chuck
– and that includes New York City, which Grassley flatly saying, ‘Crime isn’t out
now has a lower murder rate of control.’ That’s a big reason why the
than the nation fear-mongering rhetoric hasn’t been
as a as successful as one might fear.”
scared again, wouldn’t get
and he did,” says Profes- you very far politically,”
says Clemson University political
scientist Dave Woodard.
Some of the concern about threats
in the rural U.S., at least, may be jus-
WHAT MAKES YOUR HEART TICK? PART I RED BLOOD, “BLUE BLOOD” © 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
How does the human heart work? The right side of the heart, composed of the right atrium and
right ventricle, collects and pumps blood to the lungs through the
WHAT THE HEART IS pulmonary arteries. The lungs refresh the blood with a new supply
of oxygen, making it turn red.
The average adult heart is a 10-ounce pump about the size of
your fist that sends oxygen and nutrient-rich blood throughout the Oxygen-rich blood, “red blood,” then enters the left side of the
body to sustain life. It’s a hollow, cone-shaped muscle located be- heart – the left atrium, then the left ventricle – and is pumped
tween the lungs and behind the breastbone (sternum). Two-thirds through the aorta to the body to supply tissues with oxygen.
of the heart is situated to the left of the midline of the body and
1/3rd to the right. Oxygen-poor blood, “blue blood” (which is really dark red), re-
turns to the heart through veins after circulating through your body.
The heart is divided into left and right sides by an inner wall
called the septum. The division protects oxygen-rich blood from PLUMBING SYSTEM OF VESSELS:
mixing with oxygen-poor blood. The right side pumps blood to ARTERIES,VEINS AND CAPILLARIES
your lungs to pick up oxygen. The left side receives oxygen-rich
blood from your lungs to pump out to the body. Arteries carry oxygen-rich (red) blood away from your heart.
Veins carry oxygen-poor (“blue”) blood back from your body to
Together, your heart and blood vessels comprise your cardiovas- your heart. Capillaries, the smallest of blood vessels, distribute
cular system, which circulates blood and oxygen around your body. oxygenated blood from arteries to the tissues of the body and feed
deoxygenated blood from the tissues back into the veins.
All cells need oxygen. Blood delivers oxygen to all the body’s
cells. As the heart beats, it pumps blood through a system of blood Your heart is also equipped with electrical wiring which keeps it
vessels, called the circulatory system. The vessels are elastic, mus- beating. Electrical impulses begin high in the right atrium and travel
cular tubes that carry blood to every part of the body. through specialized pathways to the ventricles, delivering the signal
to pump. The conduction system keeps your heart beating in a coor-
In addition to pumping fresh oxygenated blood from the lungs dinated and normal rhythm, which in turn keeps blood circulating.
and nutrients to the body’s tissue, the heart and blood vessels also
take the body’s waste products, including carbon dioxide, away The continuous exchange of oxygen-rich blood with oxygen-
from the tissues. This is essential to support life and maintain poor blood is what keeps you alive.
health of all parts of the body.
Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always
welcome. Email us at [email protected].
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 5, 2017 21
Sandwiched between the Great De- tions that preceded the market tem, allowing members to transmit calls and in need of credit. The equity
pression and the financial crisis of meltdown – new and complex large order volumes. And Henriques desks at Salomon Brothers and Gold-
2008, Black Monday doesn’t get the financial instruments, tech- notes that Wall Street’s institutions man Sachs pledged to buy major stocks
attention it deserves. Though Wall nology-powered trading, the had profited tremendously from pro- while they were down, an opportu-
Street suffered its largest single-day rise of powerful institutional gram trading. “Don’t fix things that nistic move that nonetheless helped
loss on Oct. 19, 1987, history text- investors, squabbling govern- aren’t broken,” Alan “Ace” Greenberg, restore confidence and buoyed the
books and 1980s retrospectives tend ment agencies, and deregula- the irrepressible chairman of Bear, market. (The head of equity trading at
to characterize the crash as a coda to tory zeal – haven’t gone away. Stearns, declared. Goldman Sachs was Robert Mnuchin,
Reagan-era excesses. And lawmakers In fact, they’ve grown more father of current Treasury Secretary
and investors searching for ways to pronounced. “The road from By Wednesday, Oct. 14, the stage Steven Mnuchin.) Henriques posits
strengthen the markets and prevent Black Monday could have led to was set for the meltdown Phelan pre- that these kinds of informal, behind-
future catastrophes often look mainly a different outcome, to broader, dicted. Jittery institutional investors the-scenes deals, not shrewd regula-
to repair the cracks exposed by the deeper, more coherent markets started to sell stocks and allocate tory policies, prevented the calamity
most recent debacle, which explains operated for the public good,” money to the bond market. Individual from getting far worse.
why we have the (now-imperiled) writes Henriques, a respected investors started to reallocate their
Dodd-Frank reforms that require financial journalist who also retirement portfolios, causing mutual Indeed, the author bemoans the
banks to show they are strong enough wrote “Wizard of Lies: Bernie funds to sell. And several computer- government inaction that followed the
to survive a 2008-like financial down- Madoff and the Death of Trust.” ized trading models kicked into sell crash, which wasn’t for lack of intro-
turn. “Instead, it led us here — to a mode, too. Nonetheless, regulators spection. An exhaustive report about
global market that is a fragile and White House officials projected the causes of Black Monday by Wall
But ignoring the events of 30 years machine with a million moving confidence. Alan Greenspan, the rela- Street veteran Nicholas Brady (who
ago, and the factors that led to that parts but few levers to govern its tively new Federal Reserve chairman, would go on to serve as treasury sec-
crash, is a terrible mistake, Diana B. size or its speed.” met with President Ronald Reagan retary under Reagan) determined that
Henriques argues in her meticulous- and key White House advisers. Ac- the meltdown could be blamed only
ly researched new book. The condi- The title of Henriques’ book cording to Henriques, Greenspan and partly on technology and financial in-
comes from a comment that Treasury Secretary Jim Baker vouched novation. Poor oversight and coopera-
John Phelan, then the chairman for the soundness of the market. tion by the government and the finan-
of the New York Stock Exchange, cial industry played a significant role.
made to Investment Dealers’ Digest, a When the markets opened on Black Despite being widely panned in Wash-
periodical popular among the finance Monday, sellers flooded in. Rumors of ington, mostly by regulators who felt
crowd, published in March 1987. He’d a temporary trading halt sent stocks they were being called out, the report
seen market activity grow in volume plummeting further. The only people was eerily prescient. Shortly after the
and volatility, and he fretted about who seemed blase were the folks in fall of Lehman Brothers in September
program trading, or the use of com- charge. Greenspan flew to Dallas to 2008, former treasury secretary John
puters to automatically trade stocks give a speech. Baker was en route to Snow complained to Congress: “We
based on a set of rules, a precursor Sweden. The chairmen of the Securi- have a fractured regulatory system,
to today’s algorithmic trading. Pro- ties and Exchange Commission and one in which no single regulator has
gram trading had become widespread the NYSE kept appointments and en- a clear view, a 360-degree view, of the
among arbitrageurs and purveyors of tertained visitors, even as the market risks inherent in the system. We need
a product called portfolio insurance, tanked. Phelan met with the chief ex- to change that.”
which promised to help investors lim- ecutives of Wall Street’s biggest firms
it their losses by buying index futures and reported that they “didn’t seem to Henriques has produced a first-
when the market was up and selling have any inkling of how bad the situ- class cautionary tale that should be
futures when the market fell. ation really was.” It was bad: The Dow on every financial regulator’s and pol-
Phelan said he feared that program Jones industrial average fell 508 points icymaker’s desk – and many an inves-
trading could lead the market to shed (equal to about 4,000 points by today’s tor’s, too.
hundreds of points. “At some point standards), or about 22.6 percent.
you’re going to have a first-class ca- A FIRST-CLASS CATASTROPHE
tastrophe,” he warned. Of course, the In the days after the crash, regula- The Road to Black Monday, the Worst Day
New York Stock Exchange had done its tors and officials sought to reassure in-
part to facilitate program trading by vestors. The Fed said it would provide in Wall Street History
automating its order processing sys- liquidity, then worked with banks to By Diana B. Henriques
make sure they would lend money to
financial institutions facing margin Holt. 393 pp. $32
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22 Thursday, October 5, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bonz has a buongiorno with Peroni the Italiano
Hi Dog Buddies! Face, so it won’t swoop down an grab
This week I interviewed another tall, me. I scare it away every time. The Man
leggy poocheroo who’s still a pupster.
He doesn’t LOOK like a puppy, but he an The Lady call it a Mosquito Control
ACTS like it. He’s very slurpy an frenly,
with a short wavy orange roan coat, long Plane, which is a silly name for a bird,
orange ears, fluffy wiffles and beard, an
bangs that almost cover his hazel-col- doncha think?”
ored, people-lookin’ eyes.
“Woof!” was all I could manage. “Do
His name’s Peroni, an he’s a new-to-
me breed – a Spuh-NO-nay Ee-tal-ee- you do any tricks?”
AH-no. (Just between you an me, I’d
heard the name before, but I always “Not really. But I do bring The Man
thought it was ice cream. Embarrass-
ing.) his paper every morning, that’s sorta a
Peroni trotted right up for the Wag- trick, I guess. We sit together while he
and Sniff. “Oh, Mr. Bonzo, I’m so glad
you could come. We hadda pos-pone reads an drinks his coffee. Whenever he
cuzza the hurry-cane. But now I’m all
spiffed up and ready. I’m Peroni Boone puts milk in his coffee, he gives me some
an these are my humans: The Lady Who
Feeds Me, she’s Beverly. I just call her milk, too, which I Totally Love! I also
The Lady. An The Man, he’s Dan’l.”
know how to ring the special doorbell
“I’m pleased to meet you all,” I said,
opening my notebook an making a when I hafta go out and Do My Doodie.
mental note to get a slurp-proof cover
for it. “I’m ready to hear your story.” PLUS, I helped The Man and The Lady
“Me an my litter (I have three sisters pile up a buncha big palm tree thingys
an four brothers) were born in a ken-
nel in Bushnell on Valentine’s Day. The after the hurry-cane. There were, like,
Lady an The Man had a Brittany Span-
iel named Scout, who’d just left for Dog zillions of ’em.”
Heaven, an they wanted to fill The Void,
but not with another Brittany, cuz it’d Peroni bounded over to his big nap-
make ’em too sad. So they went on the
Merrycan Kennel Club website lookin’ mat and started tossing it around and
for similar dogs an found Spuh-NO-nay
Ee-tal-ee-AH-nos. We’re whatcha call chewing the corners. “The Lady says
a Sporting Breed (I’m not zackly sure
what that means), but The Man an the this napmat has a lifetime guarantee:
Lady thought that kinda pooch’d be eas-
ier to train. I don’t think they’ve decided it’s s’pose to be munch-proof but …” He
whether that’s true, just yet, cuzza my
bein’ a puppy still.” grasped the corner and shook it enthu-
“Since you’re from an Official Breed- siastically. “Corners are The Best!” he
er, do you have one of those long kennel
names nobody ever uses?” said. “’Specially when The Man an The
“Yes! It’s Briar’s Creek Valentine Per- Lady are away, an I’m in the laundry
oni! For the name of the kennel, and
cuzza my birthday bein’ on Valentine’s room with my food an water an toys.
Day. And the Peroni is for an Italian beer
humans really like.” There’s just nothin’ like a nice, chewy
“That is Totally Cool Kibbles! You look corner. Really makes the time go by.
like you have lotsa energy,” I observed.
You wanna share?”
“Woof, yes! I get three walks every
day, an go to the dog park. An me an my “Thanks, but no,”
Bestie, Ginger, play a lot. (She’s a Nova
Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. Don’t ask I said. “I’d better
me what that means. Ginger doesn’t
even know.) One time she snuck out just keep takin’
and ran off. Her Mom spent hours cha-
sin’ her all over the place an hollerin’, Peroni, Spuh-NO-nay Ee-tal-ee-AH-no notes.”
but Ginger thought she was playin.’ Fi-
nally her Mom got Totally Pooped Out He then
grabbed a big
striped canvas
and was scared Ginger’d bag and tossed
run smack into a truck or it in the air,
fall in a hole or get pounced dumping the
on by a Big Scary Monster. So contents onto
I convinced The Lady to let the floor.
me go get her. I found her an “These’re my
explained that she could get in TOYS! See?
Big Trouble, so she followed me An alligator,
right back home. Anyway, she’s ana boo-
away on a trip right now, which merang,
is Soggy Dog Biscuits. I hope she ana fox,
comes home soon. I think she ana squeaky
should have a special collar like seahorse, an my favorite, a
mine, which has a Super Secret bles. I nice, soft towel from the breeder, which
AKC tracking device so our humans also enjoy cha- us puppies snuggled on. It smells like all
can always find us. sin’ squirrels an birds. ’Cept my brothers and sisters.”
“Oh, an I like goin’ out in our pontoon this one bird. It’s real big an loud, and “Awww, that is so sweet,” I said.
boat. I don’t like swimmin’, but I some- it flies real low. So I stand like a statute I was smilin’ all the way home,
times sit in my baby pool and blow bub- and stare right at it with my Serious thinkin’ of Peroni fearlessly standing
Don’t be shy! up to the Mosquito Control plane, and
fallin’ asleep snuggled up in the special
We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up towel that smells like his brothers and
an interview, please email [email protected]. sisters.
-The Bonz
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 5, 2017 23
K Q J 10
Charles Dickens wrote, “Take nothing on its looks; take everything on evidence. There’s WEST Q53 EAST
no better rule.” A76532 AK6 984
10 8 7 2 J74 A
Sometimes, though, the apparent evidence suggests one approach, but later you realize 52 10 9 8 7 3
you have been misled by an opponent, by accident or intentionally. Today’s deal from a 9 SOUTH 6532
social game is an example. —
The bidding was debatable and misleading. West could have made a two-spade weak QJ4
jump overcall on the first round. North’s two-diamond rebid was fourth-suit game- A K Q 10 8
forcing. Then, he might have jumped to four hearts over three clubs to indicate a
minimum game-force with three-card heart support. Over South’s four-club control-bid, Dealer: South; Vulnerable: North-South
North’s four no-trump was Roman Key Card Blackwood. South’s reply denied the heart
queen but showed one ace and the heart king, or two aces. North then bid a slam that The Bidding:
could have been off two cashing aces.
However, the auction affected West’s lead. Believing that his partner was aceless, West 1 Hearts Pass 1 Spades Pass
did not select his singleton, which would have defeated the slam. Instead, he led his 2 Clubs Pass 2 Diamonds Pass LEAD:
ace. 3 Clubs Pass 3 Hearts Pass A Spades
4 Clubs Pass 4 NT Pass
To make the slam, South had to avoid two trump losers. If the suit was splitting 3-2, 5 Hearts Pass 6 Hearts All Pass
there was no problem. If it was 5-0, there was no chance. But what about 4-1?
Declarer played a diamond to the king and led a low heart from the board. Here, the
ace appeared. But if declarer’s king had held, he would have returned a low heart to
dummy’s queen. He would have made the slam whenever possible.
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24 Thursday, October 5, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
1 Nearly (6) 1 View or outlook (6)
4 Paradise (6) 2 Country house (5)
9 Flamboyance (7) 3 Give in (7)
10 Boulders (5) 5 Pulse (5)
11 Largest Ionian Island (5) 6 Small flute (7)
12 Sceptical (7) 7 Evaluate (6)
13 Mixture (11) 8 Principal actress (7,4)
18 Petty (7) 14 Beginnings (7)
20 Sport’s instructor (5) 15 Diplomatic (7)
22 Lead or conduct (5) 16 Part of a flower (6)
23 Thaw (7) 17 Talkative (6)
24 Help (6) 19 Objects (5)
25 Drowsy (6) 21 Unaccompanied (5)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 5, 2017 25
ACROSS 71 More macho 7 West addition? 63 Bird’s beak The Washington Post
writer? 8 Et 64 Of birds
1 Fermat’s forte, 9 With 98 Across, 66 Pale yellow, as a HELLO, I MUST BE GOING By Merl Reagle
briefly 75 Smile with pride
78 ___ instant an early orbiter complexion
5 Ground gripper for 79 Pompeii portraits 10 Malaria symptom 68 Rope, revolver, or
the 80 Cordelia’s dad 11 European-style
Gipper 81 ___ for effort candlestick
83 Line for Willard cafes 72 “Peachy keen”
10 Fiver face 12 The major feud
13 Diving bird Scott 73 Exclamation of
18 Return one’s call? 85 Panama groups? frustration
19 Marilyn of the Met 13 Mom’s mom,
20 Bathtub booze palindrome, partly 74 Microscopic
21 Violin precursors 86 Chef’s affectionately “messenger”
23 Bad-marriage 14 Funny Foxx
overreaction to a 76 Michaelmas daisy,
movie of little criticism? 15 Salon celeb José e.g.
1991? 90 On ___ 16 “We’re ready
26 Nutrition pioneer (carousing) to ___ you” (the 77 Mineral hardness
Davis 92 Garlic, to García scale
27 Departure party 94 Get bullish Ghostbusters’
28 Your favorite piece 95 Mystery-craftin’ motto) 82 Ouzo flavoring
of geometric art? Grafton 17 Filled pastries 84 Wager
30 Cartoon-page 96 Chinese 22 Rhyme or reason 85 Invasion of the
exclamation restaurant owner? 24 ___ the floor with
31 Broad cast? 98 See 9 Down 25 Photo ___ (press Body Snatchers
34 Free 99 Town Without ___ events) prop
35 Frozen wasser 100 Author Levin 29 Like Oscar and 87 Fascinated by
36 Yesterday’s 101 ___ gallop Felix 88 Snip
38 Actor from 102 Clinton pal 31 Sid’s brother? 89 Crucial
Mysore, India Panetta 32 Contribute to 90 Gets in
39 Guy who’s the life 103 Oft-numbered crime 91 Township near
of the party? work 33 Savage breast Hackensack
43 Easter, for one: 105 Tom Thumb soother 92 Reaches
abbr. attire? 36 Film, in Variety 93 Worley et al.
44 Sites for shackles 110 Couch potato’s 37 It’s from the 96 High-pitched
46 Letters before problem bottom instruments
Arizona or Pueblo 113 Very, to Brits of my hearth 97 Day break
47 Charlie and Pete 114 Savings? 38 Ray, the swimmer 99 Cleavon Little’s
48 “Ah so,” for 118 Cosine reciprocal 39 Third-year student 1970 Tony role
example? 119 Arts-funding org. 40 Get the lead out 102 Baton Rouge sch.
51 Sleight maneuver 120 Composer Berg 41 To fly, in Florence 103 Upright
52 Missile crisis 121 “What’s ___ for 42 Discrimination 104 Chest muscle,
“blinker” me?” ending at the gym
53 Orléans outburst 122 Some terriers 44 Ham container? 106 Battleship color
54 Simpson on sax 123 Soviet place name 45 Doogie portrayer 107 Old slave
55 Org. that grabbed abbr. ___ Patrick Harris 108 Decomposes
Patty 124 Sweetbread 49 Native ruler of 109 Pre-1917 power
58 Central Poland 125 Singer James Hyderabad broker
city (anagram of 110 Section of
60 Marlon fights him DOWN MAINZ) Sammy’s autobio
in On 1 World Series 50 A, B, ___ 111 Onomatopoetic:
the Waterfront (multiple choice) abbr.
62 Like numbers winners in 51 Dickens orphan 112 Mystery dog
rackets? 1969 and 1986 54 Occurrence at 115 Newspaper
65 They’re 2 Tylenol target Make-Out Point? 116 ___ along (the
conceivable 3 Foul-mouthed 55 Able to keep a whole time)
67 Coping device hockey team? straight face 117 Hoop grp.
69 Spooner was one: 4 “Stop!” around Freberg?
abbr. 5 Rub the wrong 56 Swan lady THE ONLY POKER ROOM
70 Get around way 57 Mideast gulf IN BREVARD COUNTY!
6 Goldbrick 58 Ms. Wertmuller
59 Evidence of decay PRESENTS
61 Airline to the
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26 Thursday, October 5, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
She wants a baby and a good night’s sleep? Wake up!
STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST about anything. Point being, when
For those who cannot you become a parent,
Dear Carolyn: I’ve always need- you become the care-
ed a good night’s sleep to function, afford a night staff for … giver to individuals, and
at least eight hours but ideally 10. let’s say four or five years individuals have their
after the birth of a child, ways and needs and
I would like to have kids, I’ve al- some sleep loss can’t be tendencies over which
ways pictured myself with kids. I’m avoided – and that’s even you have a little say but
starting to feel a real longing to get if you want to avoid it, nowhere near complete
pregnant and have a baby, but the which I’ll get to in a sec- say. Plans? Hah.
sleep deprivation terrifies me. My ond.
husband and I sort of think parents Plus babies are help-
might be exaggerating this a little, The littlest babies can less for an astonishingly
sleep deprivation is torture. If parents are really get- be up every two hours. long time, which means
ting no sleep, how do they care for their kids? Or go to Older babies can get you you are on the spot to
work? up two or three times a give them what they
Right now our loose plan is to formula feed with a night. A baby who gets need. You can’t make a
night nanny every other night. My husband can do the up just once a night can toddler not vomit at 2
night feedings every other day, but needs to catch up pop up in his little crib a.m. or not have night
sometime. WIDE! AWAKE! Ready to terrors. So, your sleep
When I say this to people who have kids they tell us par-tay! At 3 a.m.! becomes your second
it will never work, at some point I will be up all night. I priority whenever the
feel like my husband and I would be spectacular par- Some babies are super- stars align that way.
ents if we are rested and this is a remedy. I need some- duper sleepers, but some
body objective to weigh in – is it possible to arrange just aren’t. I had one who And you work and
your life to get a full night’s sleep with babies and little woke up for the day, ra- care for your children
kids? rin’ to go, between 4 a.m. tired, you just do. You
and 5 a.m. You can blame find it in you because
– I Need Sleep that on me for not wran- that’s what you signed
gling him better to con- up for.
I Need Sleep: This answer will be way more polite form to my habits, but,
than I want it to be after the “My husband and I sort this was over a decade Giving them what
of think parents might be exaggerating this a little, ago and the household has changed dramatically they need also bonds them to you, and you to
sleep deprivation is torture.” Right. OK. and he can get up as late or as early as he wants to them. Hire some respite, yes, but know there’s
now and the kid is still an early riser. such a thing as too much.
So: With enough money you can arrange just
Surgeon extraordinaire
specializes in
‘Mommy Makeovers’
28 Thursday, October 5, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Surgeon extraordinaire specializes in ‘Mommy Makeovers’
STORY LYN DOWLING CORRESPONDENT Dr. Amy Ortega Michigan, Tennessee and Georgia; to undergo cosmetic procedures,
[email protected] instructor at the University of Texas she advises potential patients; find a
PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Medical Branch College of Medicine surgeon who is trained and special-
Near the end of a long, enlighten- in Galveston; frequent public speak- izes in the surgery or treatment you
ing conversation about plastic sur- er and television news guest. need. If that surgeon is a good one,
gery and what women should know he or she will discuss your goals and
if they are considering breast and She got there through hard work possible treatment options in-depth
body procedures, Amy Ortega, M.D. and resolve. with you. Do not accept that your
finally gets around to saying a little case is the same as the neighbor’s or
about herself. And what she shares “My family did not have the means that of the woman in the office who
is reason enough to warrant admira- to fund my college education, and so had that surgery too. Every patient is
tion. I had to pay for it myself,” the Hous- unique.
ton native says. “I was accepted at
She tells of how she got where she Texas A&M, so I got a job in the Texas “Every time you go into surgery,
is, but she does not mention that Medical Center in Houston to pay for it’s a very different case. It’s so enor-
she is one of the preeminent breast it.” After running her own successful mously satisfying that it’s hard to
and body surgeons in the nation, plastic surgery practices in Atlanta describe. I gravitate toward what is
named to the Consumers Research and Nashville, Dr. Ortega moved to best for the patient and how I can get
Council’s “America’s Top Plastic Sur- Florida in 2015 to be closer to her the best outcome for them,” she says,
geons” list every year since 2006; family, and she joined the team at adding that each treatment plan is
the first surgeon in the Southeast- Clevens Face and Body Specialists. unique and carefully customized
ern United States to be fellowship- Founded by Harvard-trained Fa- around each patient’s goals.
trained in short-scar breast surgery cial Plastic Surgeon Ross A. Clev-
procedures, and the first to use it ens, M.D., FACS, the award-winning Among the most popular requests
here; after medical school at the Uni- plastic surgery practice and medi- she gets is for the “mommy make-
versity of Texas, resident in one of spa provides comprehensive patient over,” in which a woman’s body is
only three programs in the country care at offices in Melbourne and reshaped after pregnancy or weight
that offered an advanced five-year Merritt Island. changes.
program in combined general sur-
gery and plastic and reconstructive Discussions with Dr. Ortega are as The procedure typically includes
surgery; highly respected surgeon in forthright as they are pleasant. Do a breast augmentation and/or
your homework before you decide breast lift, tummy tuck and liposuc-
At Collins & Montz, DMD, we will focus on improving every aspect of
your smile for optimal appearance, function, and comfort through
our general family dentistry, and restorative procedures such as dental
implants. Our comprehensive range of services and dedication of
quality set us apart. Call today to schedule your appointment.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 5, 2017 29
tion. Now affectionately called the plastic surgeon?’ ‘Are you board-cer- The implant of today is much stur- Professional Achievement. She of-
“Mommy Makeover Doctor” by her tified by the American Board of Plas- dier and much more natural feel- ten receives invitations to address
patients, Dr. Ortega is the first to tic Surgery?’ (or the American Board ing than the implant of the past; it’s charitable and community groups
bring the innovative SPAIR Short- of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive made of a cohesive gel and it feels such as the Junior League of South
Scar Breast Surgery technique to the Surgery – the certifying board for Fa- much more like a natural breast . … Brevard and weVENTURE’s “Strong
Southeast. Whenever she’s able, she cial Plastic Surgeons).” That’s another thing we discuss with Coffee, Strong Women.” During her
will use this innovative approach patients.” talks, she shares personal stories
to create a shorter scar and more When consulting with her pa- and lessons learned on her 20-year
rounded shape for women having a tients, Ortega is straightforward Ortega takes a breath and chuck- career journey, as well as the inspir-
breast lift or breast reduction. about dispelling myths and miscon- les. “It’s a lot, isn’t it? Plastic surgery ing message that determination can
ceptions people have about plas- is surgery and there’s so much to dis- lead to success.
“When I practiced in Atlanta, no- tic surgery. “Some people have an cuss.”
body else did the SPAIR (Short Scar unfounded fear of silicone (breast “My first car was a bike,” she tells
Periareolar Inferior Pedicle Reduc- implants) because they read stories A frequent speaker about plas- them. “And the reality is that I was
tion); nobody else had even trained about problems, years ago,” she says. tic surgery of the breast and body, the first person in my family to get
in the procedure, so when I started “Fortunately, over the years, im- Dr. Ortega was honored last year a college education. Necessity dic-
doing them, some of the other staff plants have been vastly improved. by the Melbourne Regional Cham- tates invention, doesn’t it?”
would wander into the operating ber as the Woman of Excellence for
room to watch. It is a wonderful
technique that (gives the patient) a
better-shaped breast and less scar-
Dr. Ortega is passionate about
patient education. She says discus-
sions with patients during the ini-
tial consultation are crucial because
“there are nuances to every type of
surgery, and when you discuss mat-
ters (in advance) with patients, you
may find other conditions that (oth-
erwise) could be missed.”
She also enjoys the challenge of
revision procedures – patients who
had surgery elsewhere and aren’t
satisfied with their initial result.
“The most difficult cases sometimes
land on my doorstep,” she says. “We
see unhappy patients who were not
thoroughly informed by their previ-
ous surgeon (about procedures they
may have undergone). When people
come to consult with me, they get
a good description of it and we ask
what they really want and expect. I
hear them say, ‘Wow! Nobody told
me that before.’
“I recently had a husband and wife
come in for a consultation about her
possible surgery and the husband
stopped me and said, ‘Nobody has
ever sat down and talked to us like
this.’ What that means to me is that
the patient went into (a previous pro-
cedure) not as well informed as she
should have been, but now is hear-
ing the whole story for the first time.
If you don’t get a distinct vibe that a
surgeon wants to (discuss matters in
depth), you may want to find anoth-
er surgeon.”
Ortega is concerned about the
fact that some practitioners at vari-
ous levels – or people with no plastic
surgery training at all – offer cos-
metic procedures. To get the best
possible result in the safest setting,
she recommends prospective pa-
tients be diligent in their research to
find a properly trained and qualified
surgeon. “There are questions that
should be asked about a surgeon’s
credentials (and background), such
as, ‘Are you a fellowship-trained
30 Thursday, October 5, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
B-3’s a charm: Vitamin may prevent miscarriages
STORY MARIA CANFIELD CORRESPONDENT search Institute in Sydney, Austra-
[email protected] lia, says “the ramifications are likely
to be huge. This has the potential
In a 12-year study published in the to significantly reduce the number
prestigious New England Journal of of miscarriages and birth defects
Medicine, researchers from Austra- around the world, and I do not use
lia report that many miscarriages those words lightly.”
and birth defects could be prevented
by a simple substance we are all fa- The study traced the cause of cer-
miliar with: vitamin B-3. tain types of birth defects to a defi-
ciency in a molecule called nicotin-
Lead researcher Sally Dunwoodie, amide adenine dinucleotide (NAD).
from the Victor Chang Cardiac Re-
Niacin is found in foods such as, chicken of the vertebrae, cleft palate, and some
breast, tuna, peanuts and mushrooms. heart and kidney defects.
NAD plays a key role in regulating The significance of the finding is
metabolism, boosting cell survival and amplified because other studies have
repairing DNA when needed. shown that a significant percentage of
expectant mothers have a vitamin B-3
A NAD deficiency can be caused by deficiency during the first trimester of
genetic factors, chronic diseases, or their pregnancy, a particularly impor-
lifestyle issues, such as an unhealthy tant time for the baby’s organ develop-
diet. A key element in the production of ment.
NAD is niacin, more commonly called
vitamin B-3. It is found in foods such as The latest information from the U.S.
turkey, chicken breast, tuna, peanuts National Institutes of Health is that
and mushrooms; it is also widely avail- the general population should intake
able as a dietary supplement. 14 milligrams of niacin per day, or 18
milligrams per day during pregnancy.
Professor Dunwoodie and her col-
leagues suggest that a sustained intake In addition to possible problems
of a B-3 supplement can help prevent in pregnancy, a deficiency in niacin
miscarriages and birth defects such as can cause a disease called pellagra,
spina bifida and other malformations which is characterized by inflamed
skin, diarrhea, fatigue, depression
and dementia. Professor Robert Gra-
ham, executive director of the Victor
Chang Institute, says “just like we
now use folic acid to prevent spina bi-
fida, Professor Dunwoodie’s research
suggests that it is probably best for
women to start taking vitamin B-3
very early on, even before they be-
come pregnant. This will change the
way pregnant women are cared for
around the world.”
At the same time, the researchers
urge expectant mothers to consult
with their doctors about taking B-3
supplements, as it is not clear what ex-
act doses are optimal for preventing
miscarriage and birth defects.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 5, 2017 31
Villa Palma: Bravo to 30 years of classic Italian fare
[email protected]
Diners are creatures of habit, espe-
cially if we only venture out one or two
nights a week, or with kids in tow. We
tend to stick with the tried and true, and
sadly miss some great eateries that are
right under our noses.
Chef Giuseppe “Peppe” Mazzella, a
native of Naples who came to Indialan-
tic by way of Long Island, and his wife
Melinda opened Villa Palma Ristorante
in 1987, and son Frank has joined the
business as chef at least a couple nights
a week. If you haven’t become a regular
there yet, you’re about 30 years late to
the party.
Having lived in between Floridana
Beach and Satellite Beach a good part of
the last 23 years, I’m sad that I just “dis-
covered” Villa Palma last spring. Happy
to have finally found the place, tucked
behind Long Doggers’ Indialantic down
the strip mall from a dance studio and a
chocolate shop; yet sad at all the missed
opportunities for wonderful meals
and special occasions between the col-
umned archways surrounded by
Mozarella Caprice. Shrimp and Scallops Picatta. Veal Parmigiana. Cannoli.
lovely murals of Italian landscapes. noting that everything looked extremely small boy, and Villa Palma’s passed in- made cannoli topped with chocolate
It was a special occasion that led me tempting, and every plate that whizzed
by our table seemed more enticing than spection with flying colors for tasty mar- chips and powdered sugar (6.95). A sweet
to Villa Palma in March, a dear friend’s the last. In our party of nearly 20 people,
40th birthday dinner. A large group of us everyone raved about their food, from inara and moist, flavorful meatballs. ending to a spectacular meal.
– who up until that evening thought we familiar and favorite pasta dishes to
were really smart – had just been hum- meat and seafood and the fresh bread I was craving two things – scallops
bled by the challenges at the Locked In- brought to our table with olive oil and
side Room Escape just yards away from herbs for dipping. and sun-dried tomatoes, and found a We encourage you to send feedback to
Villa Palma’s front door. One group suc-
cessfully escaped and were giddy and Last month I returned with my son Shrimp and Sun-dried Tomatoes dish [email protected].
full of adrenaline. My group failed to and dining compatriot, early on a
escape the Insane Asylum rooms, and weeknight for dinner and though a (21.95) and asked if I could get scallops The reviewer is a barrier island resident
were ready for some conciliatory food bit less celebratory than the birthday
and vino. dinner, the food and the service were, instead. The request was cheerfully met who dines anonymously at restaurants at
again, excellent.
It was Saturday night and nicely- and the dish was exceptional. Out came the expense of this newspaper.
dressed couples young and old were Whenever we try a new Italian bistro
enjoying date night. If you’ve moved my son applies his litmus test by order- a generous bowl of tender, sauteed scal-
to the South Beaches from a big city or ing the spaghetti and meatballs. He
from northern climes and prefer to dine compares them to my homemade ver- Villa Palmalops and sun-dried tomatoes in a light
where people actually dress for dinner, sion, and to all others he’s ever eaten. I
Villa Palma is a great local option for a panicked for a moment when I didn’t see cream sauce with a touch of fresh basil
more formal, white linens, cloth napkins spaghetti and meatballs on the menu, over a bed of angel hair pasta. I ordered
and nice glassware dining experience. but apparently every Italian kitchen has a split of Italian Prosecco and it was the
meatballs handy in case of emergency, or perfect pairing.
I remember looking at the menu and It may sound silly to get excited about HOURS
Dinner 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Daily
a green salad, but the salads served with
our entrees were just about perfect. BEVERAGES
Crisp, mixed baby greens with a home- Beer and wine
made vinaigrette dressing, and that
scrumptious bread with the olive oil and ADDRESS
fresh herbs for dipping. 874 Miramar Ave (A1A),
We finished with coffee for me, and Indialantic
a shared plate of two miniature home- PHONE
(321) 951-0051
32 Thursday, October 5, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
MelBeach pool home
sits in prime location
300 Amberjack Place in the Rivers Edge subdivision: 4-bedroom, 3-bath, 3,967-square-foot home near golf course
and beach offered for $499,000 by Coldwell Banker Paradise Realtor Thomas Englert: 561-632-9636
34 Thursday, October 5, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Melbourne Beach pool home sits in prime location
Location, location, location is the
key to this 3,967-square-foot home
that is close to a golf course and just
a short walk away from an Atlantic
beach. The prime homesite is found
in the Rivers Edge subdivision in Mel-
bourne Beach.
The 4-bedroom, 3-bath house, fea-
turing a large foyer with closet, has
tile and carpeted floors throughout.
Designer elements abound, includ-
ing the high ceiling art display shelv-
ing surrounding the sunken living
room and the banks of windows in
each room, some facing the back-
yard showing a spectacular view of
the huge swimming pool and large
fenced yard.
The large sunken living room is just
a couple steps down from the foyer
and a couple steps up to the dining
room, which is large enough to seat
a family of eight along with plenty of
relatives. The dining room leads back
into the kitchen that flows into a large
family room with wood-burning fire-
place and French doors that open to
the patio and pool.
The kitchen with granite counter-
tops, features a breakfast bar, center
island, walk-in pantry, double ovens,
microwave, dishwasher and side-by-
side refrigerator.
Lots and lots of Florida sunshine
fills the rooms from ample window
exposures. Off the family room is
a large room that could be used for
many purposes.
“It can be used as a den, office or
even a possible fifth bedroom,” said
Realtor Thomas Englert with Cold-
well Banker Paradise. “It could be a
room for a live-in parent. This house
would be great for a family combin-
ing households.”
A full bath with shower is found on
the first floor next to another large
TOP 1% OF BREVARD “Todd is highly motivated, very ambitious and is
COUNTY AGENTS cohnisstacnlitelyntgsowinigthththeeeirxbtreasmt iinlete.r.e.asltwinaymsisnedr!v”ing
TODD OSTRANDER Todd moved here from Minnesota and has been serving the citizens of
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“HALL OF FAME” PRODUCER with people. His vast knowledge of the many neighborhoods and communi-
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321-749-8405 for his clients is a winning combination for either buyers or sellers!
He specializes in marketing unique properties and water properties by using
[email protected] a professional photographer to capture the most beautiful pictures that at-
WWW.DOORTOTHEEASTSHORE.COM tract buyers from all around the world. He also has the experience and knowl-
edge to help ANY seller that wants an agent that is hardworking, trustworthy
and goes the extra mile to handle each of his clients on a “one on one” basis.
Overall he has single handedly closed over 300 transactions which equals
well over 125 Million Dollars of Real Estate since starting in 2007/2008. This
stature has made him one of the preferred agents in the area and landed him
in the “Top 1% of Brevard County agents!” but the most important thing is
that all his clients are happy!
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 5, 2017 35
closet storage area under the stair- bedroom has a built-in bookcase. The The master bedroom is found to Neighborhood:
well. upstairs bath has granite countertops the right of the staircase with the Rivers Edge subdivision
and tile floor. Bedrooms and hallway door opening into its own wing of the
The stairwell to the second floor are carpeted. A great feature of this home. The private bath with jetted Year Built: 1989
ascends to reveal four bedrooms with home is the upstairs laundry room tub and large separate shower fea- Lot Size: 0.31 acre
an open hallway overlooking the first- with plenty of counterspace for fold- tures double sinks with granite coun- Home Size: 3,967 square feet
floor foyer. Each bedroom has a large ing clothes as well as wall-mounted tertops, a huge walk-in closet and
closet, most with a walk-in closet, cupboard storage. Bedrooms: 4
including the master bedroom. One CONTINUED ON PAGE 36 Bathrooms: 3
Association Fee: $70 annually
Additional Features: Extra
room off family room used as
den, office, playroom or bed-
room; wood-burning fireplace,
granite countertops, 2-car
garage, swimming pool and spa;
large fenced backyard on corner
lot; near golf course, walk to
Atlantic Ocean beaches
Listing agency:
Coldwell Banker Paradise
Listing agent:
Thomas Englert, 561-632-9636
Listing price: $499,000
36 Thursday, October 5, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
French doors that open to a private – everyone gathers for get-togethers, builder for his family. It didn’t suffer has a heat pump.
outdoor balcony. especially during soccer season. It is a any damage from Hurricane Irma, To view the home, which is listed
mix of kids, younger folks moving in says the owner.
Located on a large corner lot, the and older folks. It is near a nice beach at $499,000, contact Thomas Englert,
home has a two-car garage and semi- that is never crowded.” A newer AC unit, a new hot-water agent with Coldwell Banker Paradise,
circular drive for guest parking. heater and new pool heater are a plus at 561-632-9636 or email tom@big-
The home was built in 1989 by the for this island house. The pool sauna
“The proximity of this home to activ-
ities and the beach is what is so great,”
Englert said. “You can walk to the golf
course. Even if a guy was retired this
would be a great house to have.”
Sam Cochrane, homeowner, agrees
the house is in a great location.
“It is a great pool for the kids,” Co-
chrane said who is moving due to a
change in employment. We spend most
of our time in the pool. It is an easy
house to live in for parents because it is
so quiet. I just love carpet for that rea-
son. The neighborhood is really great
Mortgage rates and loan applications stall in September
STORY BY KATHY ORTON WASHINGTON POST homes fell 1.7 percent. Both measures differing opinions on where home last week, according to the latest data
have declined in four of the past five loan rates are headed. A majority say from the Mortgage Bankers Associa-
Fixed mortgage rates’ upward months, mainly due to low inventory. rates will fall, a third say they will rise tion. The market composite index – a
climb stalled this week as weak hous- Hurricanes in Texas and Florida were and a quarter say they will remain measure of total loan application vol-
ing data put a damper on investors’ another drag on the market. New relatively stable in the coming week. ume – decreased 0.5 percent. The re-
enthusiasm. home sales dropped 1.7 percent. finance index fell 4 percent, while the
Brett Sinnott, vice president of cap- purchase index increased 3 percent.
According to the latest data re- Meanwhile, home prices continue ital markets at CMG Financial, is one
leased last week by Freddie Mac, the to rise. The Standard & Poor’s/Case- who expects rates will level off in the The refinance share of mortgage
30-year fixed-rate average remained Shiller index gained 5.9 percent in coming week. activity accounted for 50.8 percent of
at 3.83 percent, same as it was a week July as constrained supply has put all applications.
ago, with an average 0.6 point. (Points upward pressure on prices. “Although mortgage rates felt a little
are fees paid to a lender equal to 1 increase after last week’s Fed meet- “Mortgage rates increased to their
percent of the loan amount.) It was In a speech last week, Federal Re- ing, they have remained relatively flat highest levels in almost a month
3.42 percent a year ago. serve Chair Janet L. Yellen spoke of since that time,” Sinnott said. “The following a relatively hawkish Fed
The 15-year fixed-rate average was the danger of the central bank “mov- Fed did keep a final rate increase on statement last week, driving the de-
ing too gradually” when raising inter- the table for 2017 and stated a target cline in refinance activity,” said Joel
also flat, holding steady at 3.13 per- est rates. Because of her remarks and of at least three rate hikes for 2018. Kan, an MBA economist. “The [Fed-
cent with an average 0.5 point. It was despite this year’s low inflation, in- August saw the housing market take a eral Reserve] announced the start of
2.72 percent a year ago. The five-year vestors continue to anticipate a rake small tumble as all three sales figures its plan to reduce the size of its bal-
adjustable rate average rose to 3.20 hike in December. (pending, new and existing) fell, both ance sheet and indicated plans to
percent with an average 0.5 point. It month-over-month and year-over- increase short-term rates one more
was 3.17 percent a week ago and 2.81 Rising home prices and mortgage year. Most are pointing to an issue time this year. Purchase applications
percent a year ago. rates are likely to cause a bigger slow- of supply but increasing home prices increased slightly last week, but were
down in the housing market. have also put a wrench in mortgage still weighed down by tight invento-
Recently released data showed transactions.” ries of homes for sale and lingering
the housing market slowed down, which puts out a effects from the hurricanes.”
in August – pending sales of homes weekly mortgage rate trend index, Mortgage applications were also flat
fell 2.6 percent and existing sales of found the experts it surveyed have
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 5, 2017 37
Why it’s wise to still shop for best refi deal
STORY BY MICHELLE SINGLETARY WASHINGTON POST He also said that FICO scans credit Just so you know: The shopping overextended and therefore is a risk-
reports for mortgage, auto and stu- window does not apply to individual ier borrower.
Even if you are rushing to refinance dent loan inquiries older than 30 credit cards or when you apply for
your mortgage before the Federal Re- days. If such inquiries are found in a several credit cards at once. That Flemish recommends that you pull
serve raises interest rates, you should typical shopping window, they count makes sense to me. Shopping for a your credit scores and reports before
still take the time to shop around. as just one inquiry. In the newest ver- single loan is different behavior than shopping for any credit.
sions of FICO, the rate-shopping pe- that of someone who is trying to open
But having said that, I know some riod is any 45-day span, Arkali said. several credit card accounts in a short The bottom line: “You can shop for
folks are understandably nervous period of time. To a lender, that may the best auto loan and mortgage rates
about having their credit examined By the way, for clarity, I may refer to indicate the person may become without worrying about your credit
by multiple lenders. They fear that your score in the singular, but in fact scores,” said Rod Griffin, director of
if they shop around, all those credit there are multiple versions of credit public education for Experian.
inquiries from lenders – known as scoring models, so you don’t have just
hard inquiries – will lower their credit one credit score. You may be familiar
score just when they need it to be as with FICO, but there is also Vantage-
high as possible. Soft inquiries, such Score, a model developed by the three
as when you check your own credit major credit bureaus.
report, do not affect your credit score.
But let’s say you fall outside the
For a series of columns on myths shopping window. You may still not
about credit scoring, I asked rep- have to worry.
resentatives from the three major
credit bureaus – Equifax, Experian, “The impact from applying for
TransUnion – and FICO, the company credit will vary from consumer to
that created the credit-scoring mod- consumer based on their unique
el used by most lenders, to address credit histories,” Arkali said. “In gen-
some common misconceptions. eral, credit inquiries have a small im-
pact on one’s FICO scores. For most
This time, they answer a concern by consumers, one additional credit in-
some readers about the impact to their quiry will take less than five points
score when shopping for a loan. Let’s off their FICO scores. For perspective,
start with Can Arkali, principal scientist the full range for FICO Scores is 300 to
for FICO. I asked: If someone is shop- 850. Inquiries can have a greater im-
ping for an auto loan or, as many people pact if a consumer has few accounts
are now, a mortgage, will every inquiry or a short credit history.”
count as a hard pull on their credit file,
thus hurting their credit score? Here’s what the credit bureaus had
to say about the issue of rate shopping
Arkali said that when evaluating and hard inquiries.
inquiries, the FICO model uses “shop-
ping windows” to allow consumers Heather Battison, a vice president
time to search for new credit. for TransUnion, said a hard inquiry
could lower a VantageScore by 10 to
“Looking for a mortgage, auto or stu- 20 points. However, the decrease may
dent loan may cause multiple lenders not last long if you pay your bills on
to request a credit report, even though time and reduce the debt you carry.
the consumer is looking for only one
loan,” he said. “To address this, FICO According to Jason Flemish, vice
scores ignore mortgage, auto and stu- president of global customer care for
dent loan inquiries made in the 30 Equifax: “Hard inquiries may have a
days prior to scoring. So if the con- limited effect of just a few weeks or
sumer finds a loan within 30 days, the potentially up to 45 days, depending
inquiries won’t affect the FICO score on the credit-scoring model being
while the consumer is rate-shopping.” used,” he said.
38 Thursday, October 5, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Sept 22 to Sept. 28
The final week of September was a solid one for the real estate market in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903
and 32937. Indialantic led the way with 8 sales, followed by Satellite Beach and Indian Harbour Beach with
7 each, and Melbourne Beach reporting 6.
Our featured sale of the week was of a lakefront home in the Cloisters in Indialantic. The residence at 395
Normandy Drive was placed on the market March 1 for $799,000. The price was subsequently reduced to
$749,900. The sale closed Sept. 22 for $710,000.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Karen Osiniak of RE/MAX Elite. The purchaser was
represented by Jackie Griffin of Florida Lifestyle Realty.
SEABREEZE SUBD 239 SEAVIEW ST 6/13/2017 $500,000 $500,000 9/25/2017 $290,000
INDIAN LANDING PH1 5485 HWY A1A 6/15/2017 $545,000 $545,000 9/27/2017
BCH WDS STG 7 PHS 1 235 SEA CORAL WAY 8/26/2017 $319,000 $319,900 9/22/2017 $459,000
SALES FOR 32903 $425,000
INDIALANTIC SEC A 102 ORMOND DR 3/7/2017 $574,900 $499,500 9/22/2017 $630,000
SANDPINES SEC 3 229 SAND DOLLAR RD 8/9/2017 $465,000 $465,000 9/25/2017 $600,000
PIPER PALMS 370 FRANKLYN AVE 6/28/2017 $449,000 $437,500 9/22/2017 $570,000
TORTOISE ISLAND P2U2 930 LOGGERHEAD ISLAND DR 4/1/2017 $675,000 $650,000 9/22/2017
EMERALD SHORES A CO 1405 HIGHWAY A1A 703 6/12/2017 $635,000 $635,000 9/27/2017
GOLDEN PALM CONDO 1941 HIGHWAY A1A 307 6/26/2017 $599,000 $599,000 9/27/2017
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, October 5, 2017 39
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Indian Landing PH1, Address: 5485 Hwy A1A Subdivision: Indialantic by Sea, Address: 107 Seventh Ave
Listing Date: 6/15/2017 Listing Date: 5/26/2017
Original Price: $545,000 Original Price: $469,000
Recent Price: $545,000 Recent Price: $435,000
Sold: 9/27/2017 Sold: 9/22/2017
Selling Price: $460,000 Selling Price: $421,500
Listing Agent: Gibbs Baum Listing Agent: Cynthia Forstall & David Settgast
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc
Angela Rodriguez Nona Swann
SPC Realty Group Swann & Associates R.E., Inc.
Subdivision: Indialantic Sec A, Address: 102 Ormond Dr Subdivision: Emerald Shores A Co, Address: 1405 Highway A1A #703
Listing Date: 3/7/2017 Listing Date: 6/12/2017
Original Price: $574,900 Original Price: $635,000
Recent Price: $499,500 Recent Price: $635,000
Sold: 9/22/2017 Sold: 9/27/2017
Selling Price: $459,000 Selling Price: $600,000
Listing Agent: Migdalia DeLeon Coffin Listing Agent: Eva McMillan
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Aerospace Realty Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc
Lukas Edward Fullem Eva McMillan
Karr Professional Group P.A. Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc
Subdivision: Piper Palms, Address: 370 Franklyn Ave
Listing Date: 6/28/2017
Original Price: $449,000
Recent Price: $437,500
Sold: 9/22/2017
Selling Price: $425,000
Listing Agent: Todd Ostrander
Selling Agent: Re/Max Elite
James Warburton
Coldwell Banker Paradise
Subdivision: Tortoise Island P2U2, Address: 930 Loggerhead Island Dr
Listing Date: 4/1/2017
Original Price: $675,000
Recent Price: $650,000
Sold: 9/22/2017
Selling Price: $630,000
Listing Agent: Lindsay Sanger
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Solutions (rsol)
Keith Johnson
BHHS Florida Realty