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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-09-21 14:54:10

09/08/2017 ISSUE 36


September 8, 2017 | Volume 4, Issue 36 Newsstand Price: $1.00



MY TAKE Achievement
gap in schools
BY RAY MCNULTY getting worse

Local insurance agent
is charged with felony

A local insurance agent get- THOUSANDS OF PARKING TICKETS FAIL TO SOLVE PROBLEM. Story, Page 10. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer
ting charged with felony fraud [email protected]
after being accused of stealing Amazing! Star-studded movie is set in Vero
more than $24,000 in commis- The achievement gap between
sions and pirating company By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer in Vero Beach opened here and “We rolled pretty incognito in black and white students in the
files is, by most journalistic [email protected] across the country. About the Vero,” says writer and director Indian River County School Dis-
standards, newsworthy. only locals who knew about Lake Bell, reached by phone in trict is getting worse, not better,
The Chamber of Commerce “I Do…Until I Don’t,” were a Los Angeles. The well-known according to 2016-17 Florida Stan-
What makes the news of this had nothing to do with it and handful of the writer/director’s actress who has a lead role in dards Assessment data released by
particular agent’s arrest worthy the Cultural Council didn’t have former classmates at St. Ed- the movie, says she has known the district.
of a column, however, is the a clue when last weekend, a ward’s School.
sordid tale of betrayal told by star-studded movie that’s set CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Meanwhile, a proposed African
the man from whom the money American Achievement Plan the
and files allegedly were stolen. district has been working on to
remedy the gap – as required by a
“I feel violated,” Tom Collins desegregation order in effect since
said last week. “I treated him 1967 – remains stalled.
like a son. I paid for his insur-
ance education. I paid him a Dr. Jacqueline Warrior, lo-
salary while he was taking the cal-chapter NAACP education
course and getting his license. I chairperson, says just getting the
fed him clients, got him started district to start on the incomplete
and taught him the business.” plan was a struggle.

In fact, the longtime Cast- “The last two years of work on
away Cove resident and owner this plan have been tedious at
of the Tom Collins Insurance best,” she said.
Agency also provided private,
short-term financing to help Warrior worked with Director
his former agent, Ron D’Hae- of Elementary Education Deb
Berg and Director of Secondary
CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 Programs Deborah Long on plan
Berg and Long are no longer


NEWS 1-12 PETS 18 Barges bring parts to power plant pier – but not to revive Big Blue

To advertise call: 772-559-4187 By Debbie Carson | Staff Writer in China are actually destined
For circulation or where to pick up for a combined-cycle natural gas
your issue call: 772-226-7925 Two barges laden with huge generating plant Florida Power &
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. hunks of high-tech steel gener- Light is building south of Yeehaw
ator parts arrived at the power Junction, adjacent to the Fort
plant wharf just north of the Alma Drum Marsh Conservation Area.
Lee Loy Bridge last Saturday – but
the electric components were not Pushed and pulled by tow
bound for the no-longer-opera- boats, the barges, which had
tional Vero Electric facility. plowed down the Intracoastal
Waterway from Port Canaveral,
The 450,000-pound genera-
tor components manufactured CONTINUED ON PAGE 9

2 September 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

MOVIE SET IN VERO ton Legal.” Bell’s reputation
swelled with roles in the HBO

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 series “How to Make It in Amer-

ica” and the Adult Swim series

and loved Vero Beach since she moved “Children’s Hospital.” She also

here in sixth grade. played a memorable part as

“I met her literally the first day she Alec Baldwin’s wife in the movie

came to town,” recalls Elizabeth So- “It’s Complicated.”

rensen, part of the Sorensen family of In 2011, she ventured into

real estate brokers. screenwriting and directed her

It was June of last year when Bell got first effort, a short called “Worst

in touch with Sorensen for help scouting Enemy.” It debuted at Sundance

locations in Vero where the story takes and played at festivals in Nan-

place. With most of the movie being shot tucket, Dallas and Aspen. Two

in Long Beach, Calif., “we were filling in years later came “In a World …”

the blanks,” says Bell. in which she played the lead:

Those local shots that made it into a voice coach and voice-over

the movie include Corey’s Pharmacy, actress who finally breaks the

the Sebastian Inlet and, of course, the gender wall in film trailers. That

downtown shuffleboard courts. Bobby’s film got great reviews, and won

restaurant on the beach also figures into Sundance’s Waldo Salt Screen-

the film: it lent its menus and napkins as writing Award.

props. Throughout her rise in celeb-

In an early scene, Bell “gave a shout- rity, Bell has continued to visit

out to the Sorensens.” They are also Sorensen in Vero, timing her

mentioned in the credits. trips to coincide with Miami’s

Friday, the day “I Do … Until I Don’t” Art Basel (her husband is also

opened nationwide, Bell was bursting Tiffany Padgett, Angela Waldrop and Elizabeth Sorenson outside the Majestic Theater. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD a fine artist) and visits to her

with pride driving to an interview on two grandmothers in West Palm

Sirius-FM, part of a publicity blitz that The film starts out with a cynical view Vero to prove her thesis that marriage Beach. Her mother no longer lives in

included an August segment on “Jimmy on the institution of marriage – hardly contracts should have a seven-year lim- Vero Beach.

Kimmel Live.” the stuff of the Chamber of Commerce – it. Gleefully she signs up one miserable “What’s lovely about Vero is that I can

In Vero, she somehow managed to but eventually turns into a group cheer couple after another, but is ultimately count on it not being dissimilar from when

avoid stares as she slipped in and out of for the status quo. An obnoxious docu- crushed when loyal, legal love wins the I was a kid. That’s comforting,” Bell says.

town with her crew. mentary filmmaker (Dolly Wells) picks day. Even if only a few scenes are actual-

The exteriors shot in Vero include the ly Vero, watching the movie delivers a

homes for the three couples in the script. constant jolt of geographic familiarity.

Make that two couples; the third, played The town’s name pops up throughout,

by Amber Heard and Wyatt Cenac, re- including in the lecture Wells gives to a

quired more of a tropical campground. crowd assembled in what looks like the

In an open relationship, they live with Heritage Center (it’s not). There’s also a

NEWS OTHERS MISS, OR CHOOSE TO IGNORE | PUBLISHED WEEKLY their young son in a New Age commune climactic scene in Riverside Park, though

of drum circles and free love. the only aspect that’s in Vero is the sign,

Heard’s character is the sister of Bell’s “Riverside Park.”

character, Alice, who with her husband, As for Bell’s own marriage, Sorensen is

MILTON R. BENJAMIN played by Ed Helms, are the meekest and familiar first-hand: She went to the wed-

President and Publisher | [email protected] | 772.559.4187 most straight-laced couple. They run a ding. The star-studded 2013 ceremony

weary-looking Venetian blinds shop, a took place in New Orleans, Campbell’s

STEVEN M. THOMAS ringer for any of a dozen mom-and-pops home. The couple have two small chil-
in Vero’s downtown. dren.
Managing Editor | [email protected] | 772.453.1196
The third couple is Vero’s most familiar While celebrity doesn’t seem a prob-

DAN ALEXANDER spousal specimens, a couple of retirees lem for Bell, she clearly preferred her
played by Mary Steenburgen and Paul Vero visit be kept quiet. “I kind of got the

Creative Director | [email protected] | 772.539.2700 Reiser, who came to Vero after the wife feeling they didn’t want a lot of people to

“read that article about Prince Charles know about it,” says Jerusha Stewart, ex-

playing polo in Vero Beach.” (He did.) ecutive director of the Vero Beach Wine

Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa “I lived there. Obviously I treat it with and Film Festival, whose inaugural event
Zahner, Society Editor: Mary Schenkel, Reporters: Stephanie LaBaff, Tom Lloyd, Ray McNulty, Sa- great affection in the movie,” says Bell. “I took place less than three weeks before
mantha Rohlfing Baita, Kathleen Sloan, Columnists: Claudia Balint, Ellen Fischer, Ron Holub, Siobhan tend to only write what I know intimate- the shoot last year.
McDonough, Tina Rondeaux, The Bonz, Christina Tascon, Staff Photograhers: Gordon Radford, De- ly, and since I’ve spent so much time in
nise Ritchie, Graphic Designers: Robert Simonson, Jennifer Greenaway, Tania Donghia-Wetmore, The festival organizers seemed to be

Kathleen Powell Vero, it was the perfect place to set our the only folks in town besides the So-

scene.” rensen clan who knew Lake Bell was in

ADVERTISING SALES Bell, whom Sorensen recalls was “very town. They found out through a board
funny” even as a kid, left St. Ed’s for member who follows Bell on Instagram

JUDY DAVIS Director of Advertising boarding school at 14 – Westminster in and saw photos posted from the shoot.
[email protected] | 772.633.1115 Connecticut. After a year at Skidmore And just as Bell didn’t alert city or

HANK WOLFF | [email protected] | 772.321.5080 College, she headed to London for drama chamber officials she was coming, So-
LOU YACOLUCCI | [email protected] | 772.323.8361 school: Rose Bruford College of Theatre rensen kept it quiet too.
KATHLEEN MACGLENNON | [email protected] | 772.633.0753 and Performance.
WILL GARDNER | [email protected] | 407.361.2150 “My relationship with Lake is very per-
By her early 20s, she was landing sonal,” says Sorensen. “I’ve never tried to
roles in film and television, including promote her work, but this one being in

LOCATED AT 4855 NORTH A1A, VERO BEACH, FL 32963 | 772.226.7925 as Ashton Kutcher’s boss in “No Strings Vero Beach ... it’s different having our

Attached” and roles on “E.R.” and “Bos- town be the stage.” 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS September 8, 2017 3

MY TAKE il lawsuit after the criminal case is re- self a promotion to “Vice President, cies, all in his favor, worth $400 or $500.
solved. He said he wants full restitution Commercial Division” of the agency. “I sent him an email about it, and
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 for the money he alleges was stolen
from him, plus enforcement of the con- Collins responded with an email when he brought it back to my office, he
seleer, buy a house near the Vero Beach fidentiality agreement, which calls for that read: “Just noticed you gave your- said, ‘This is my last day.’ Two days later,
Country Club. double compensation for business lost self a new title. What are you thinking? he was at Vero Insurance.”
as a result of any violation. Change it NOW to previous – commer-
That’s why Collins was so stunned last cial associate agent.” But not for long.
year when he uncovered evidence that According to Lent’s affidavit, D’Hae- After learning that D’Haeseleer had
he said proves D’Haeseleer had been seleer “stole” a total of $24,216.50 It was in September 2015, Collins contacted some of his clients, Collins
stealing from him by submitting fraud- from Collins in 2014 and 2015 – near- said, that he noticed D’Haeseleer paid contacted Vero Insurance, explained
ulent monthly commission statements, ly $17,000 in commissions, just under himself 40 percent on renewals, not the what was happening and produced
failing to split commissions with the $6,000 in improper salary draws and the agreed-upon 30 percent of the 10 per- documentation of his allegations.
agency on life insurance policies, and agency’s 50 percent share of $2,800-plus cent commission the agency receives Shortly afterward, D’Haeseleer was
not deducting salary draws from end- in life insurance commissions. from policy premiums. Only on new no longer employed by Vero Insurance.
of-the-month commission statements. policies do his agents get 40 percent of He then took a job with Brown & Brown
Collins said he discovered 350 to 400 the agency’s commissions. Insurance in Vero Beach, where, accord-
The theft, though, didn’t end there, instances of false reporting on D’Hae- ing to his LinkedIn page, he was still
Collins said. seleer’s commission statements during Curious, Collins said he then checked working last week.
the agent’s last two years with the agen- D’Haeseleer’s commission statement “I’ve known Ron since he was 10 years
Collins also accused D’Haeseleer of cy. from the previous month and found old,” Collins said. “I knew his mom and
downloading without authorization “25 more of the same, prompting him to go dad; we were friends. One reason I gave
years of company files” containing 750 “There was a time I thought he might back to the beginning of the year. Ron the opportunity was because his fa-
to 1,000 accounts and emailing them be the heir to my agency,” Collins said. ther and Don Proctor sent commercial
to himself one week before leaving the “And he does this?” “I found that he paid himself 40 per- business my way and helped me get my
agency, then violating his confidential- cent instead of 30 percent in five of the agency started.
ity agreement by using the information At the same time, Collins said he eight months,” Collins said. “Maybe that’s why I put up with his
to contact clients at his next job with started noticing what he called a “sense complaining about the $550,” Collins
Vero Insurance. of entitlement” in D’Haeseleer, who “That came to about $3,000 or $4,000, said. “Maybe that’s why I put up with
worked for him from July 2011 until No- so I emailed Ron and told him there ap- the 40 percent commissions. But then
Collins said D’Haeseleer also deleted vember 2015, after offering to help his peared to be an error in his commission when he left, he took the deleted files
the hard drive on his company comput- budding agent buy a house in 2014. report. And I asked him to check other and was calling my clients, asking them
er, but a technician found the files on months. to move their business.
the agency’s server and recovered the D’Haeseleer found a home on Par “That’s betrayal,” he added. “That’s
data. Drive but was unable to secure the “He emailed me back and said it was a when I knew he was a bad guy.”
$200,000 in financing he needed from mistake and it was only that one month. A court will decide whether he’s a
“Maybe I was just naive, but, at first, a commercial lender. Upon hearing of When I asked him to check the whole criminal. 
I didn’t want to believe it,” Collins said. his employee’s dilemma, Collins offered year, he knew that I had caught him.
“The more I looked into it, though, the to provide a private mortgage until the Then, when he gave me his October
more I found and the angrier I got. He agent could qualify for a bank loan. commission statement, I looked it over
took advantage of a friendship.” closely and saw numerous inconsisten-
“I even let him pick what he thought
So, after consulting with local law was a fair rate,” Collins said.
enforcement agencies, Collins took his
case to the Fraud Division of the Flor- “He said 6 percent, and that was fine
ida Department of Financial Services, with me.”
which launched an investigation last
September. Then, Collins said, D’Haeseleer asked
him to split a $1,100 attorney’s fee
A year later – armed with a sworn connected to the loan, which Collins
statement from Collins, bank records thought was odd, given his generosity.
and detailed documentation provided Odd, though, soon became bizarre.
by the agency to support the allegations
– DFS Det. Jonathan Lent obtained an Collins said D’Haeseleer contacted
arrest warrant charging D’Haeseleer the local real-estate attorney who han-
with one count of Organized Fraud in dled the transaction and, reminding her
excess of $20,000. that he had sent business her way, asked
her to waive her fee. And she agreed.
Assistant State Attorney Michelle Mc-
Carter said she can modify the charge, “So Ron came to me and said that,
which is a second-degree felony pun- since he got the attorney to waive her
ishable by up to 15 years in prison, or fee, I owed him $550 – my half of the
add charges after she meets with Lent $1,100 he didn’t have to pay,” Collins
and Collins to discuss the case. said. “I told him that was ridiculous, and
he started arguing with me.
In his affidavit, Lent wrote that he be-
lieves the information gathered during “Finally, I told him I’d call two trusted
his investigation establishes probable friends of mine who run businesses and
cause that D’Haeseleer violated Florida ask them,” he continued. “I told him
laws pertaining to “scheme to defraud” that if either of them said I owed him
and “grand theft.” the money, I’d give him the $550 ... Both
said I shouldn’t pay it.
Andy Metcalf, the Vero Beach attor-
ney representing D’Haeseleer, said his “When I called him and told him what
client will plead “not guilty.” they said, he started screaming at me,”
he added. “That was the start of the
“Ron is well-known and well-liked in downfall, the beginning of the end.”
our community, and I will aggressively
defend his good name,” Metcalf wrote Collins said he continued to treat
in an email. D’Haeseleer “with respect as a member
of our office,” and the agent did eventu-
“This is a classic example of the crimi- ally get the financing he needed to pay
nal justice system being used to address off Collins.
issues best left to civil court.”
There was a hiccup in November
Collins hasn’t ruled out filing a civ- 2014, when Collins discovered in an
email that D’Haeseleer had given him-

4 September 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

County police agencies not pursuing illegal immigrants

By Beth Walton | Staff Writer whose community is nearly 80 percent His- tiny a couple of months ago after five Mexi- is the same as the federal government’s, he
panic. can immigrants were arrested in connection said. “If you are here illegally and you are vi-
While the Trump Administration con- with a prostitution ring at a local residence. olating the law, then we are going to do our
tinues to seek increased cooperation by lo- An officer with U.S. Immigration and Those men were in the country illegally and part to make sure federal immigration offi-
cal law enforcement agencies with federal Customs Enforcement had just stopped by they were referred to federal immigration cials are aware of where you are. If you come
immigration officials, police leaders here his office to check in, and Touchberry said officials. to the U.S. to commit crimes, we don’t want
mostly view public safety as their primary working with federal agents is one tool to you here. We don’t want you in our commu-
focus in dealing with people living in Indian achieve an overall goal of protecting every- “That was a crime problem,” Touchberry nity.”
River County illegally. one from criminals – both those who have said. “We eliminate that crime by removing
documentation to live and work in the Unit- from the area people who are engaging in But to be tough on crime and also have
“If your only crime is that you are here ed States, and those who do not. the crime.” the community’s trust is a sensitive balance,
illegally, then you are not our focus,” said Touchberry said – especially in overwhelm-
Fellsmere Police Chief Keith Touchberry, The police chief came under some scru- Fellsmere Police Department’s priority ingly Hispanic Fellsmere.

The police chief often meets with the
leaders of local agriculture associations to
make sure people know they can call police
and report a crime. Unless they are partici-
pating in illegal activity as well, it is unlikely
they will be turned over to immigration au-
thorities, he said.

“This isn’t about immigration,” Touchber-
ry said, “This is about preventing crime and
improving the quality of life.”

Vero Beach Police Chief David Currey,
however, takes a slightly different tack. He
said his department almost always informs
ICE of someone’s undocumented status,
even when if they are a victim of a crime.
“You don’t get anything done without coop-
eration,” he said. “From our end, it’s infor-
mation sharing.”

That doesn’t mean, however, that law en-
forcement is simply casting a wide net and
rounding up people who are here illegally,
said Indian River County Sheriff Deryl Loar.
The county will hold undocumented people
who have been arrested in connection of
a crime for 48 hours to allow immigration
agents to take custody.

There were just seven people in the Indian
River County Jail awaiting Immigration and
Customs Enforcement on a recent Thursday
in August, Loar said. They came from places
like Haiti, Mexico, Guatemala and El Salva-
dor. Battery and strangulation, the sale of
heroin, money laundering, burglary and the
lewd molestation of a minor were some of
the alleged offenses.

“It’s not our business to round up non-
U.S. citizens,” the sheriff said. “But it is our
business to detain them if they have com-
mitted an egregious crime.”

The National Public Safety Partnership
was established in June under Attorney
General Jeff Sessions. The program enhanc-
es support given to state and local agencies
from the DOJ for the investigation, prosecu-
tion and deterrence of violent crime, espe-
cially as it relates to gun violence, gangs and
drug trafficking.

The Department of Justice announced
Aug. 3 that in order to participate in the fed-
eral government’s new Safety Partnership
Program, local jurisdictions must show a
commitment to reducing crime stemming
from illegal immigration. The announce-
ment is part of an ongoing push by the
Trump administration to increase deporta-
tion of undocumented immigrants. 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS September 8, 2017 5

Developer seeking tenant for planned Ocean Drive restaurant

By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer cause, he said, the city was “rearranging If a restaurant other than The Tides against serving lunch or breakfast.”
[email protected] utilities over there.” He was hoping to re- moves into the Ocean Drive location – During their public meetings, members
sume construction late last week, but the which now seems likely – the new business
Apparently, the new restaurant under city’s work was still ongoing. could make parking in that area far worse of both the Planning & Zoning Board and
construction on Ocean Drive across from than anyone thought. City Council asked about the possibility of
Bobby’s will not be the new home of The “We can’t do anything more until they’re limiting the new restaurant to dinner-on-
Tides. finished, so we’re waiting,” Parent said. The Tides doesn’t serve lunch. Another ly service – to ease the parking shortage
“We’re eager to get back to work.” tenant might. during the business day.
According to Kristin Casalino of the Rita
Curry Real Estate Team, which has the list- Over the past few weeks, Vero Beach “We approved the site plan,” City Plan- Barkett said Sony would not agree to
ing, property owner Sony Investment Real 32963 has left several phone messages for ning Director Tim McGarry said. “The ap- any such restriction, which would’ve been
Estate Inc is actively seeking a tenant for Kelleher at her restaurant. She has not re- plicant met all the conditions required by unenforceable under the city code, any-
the 2,685-square-foot, 143-seat restaurant. sponded to any of them. the city code. There were no restrictions way. 

Sony’s Vero Beach attorney, Bruce
Barkett, identified The Tides as the new
restaurant’s tenant during a Vero Beach
Planning and Zoning Commission meet-
ing in March.

However, The Tides owner and chef Le-
anne Kelleher began backing away from
the project this past spring, after island
residents and other Ocean Drive busi-
ness owners publicly voiced concerns
about the new restaurant’s impact on an
already-difficult parking situation in the

Central Beach business district.
Kelleher said in late May that, although

she had expressed interest in moving her
popular restaurant to the Ocean Drive
location and was still involved in discus-
sions with the property owner, she had not
yet made a decision.

Now, Kelleher appears to have decided
against making the move to Ocean Drive.

Casalino said her group is seeking a
tenant that would sign a five-year, tri-
ple-net lease for the restaurant – the
tenant would pay all taxes, insurance and
maintenance expenses that arise from the
use of the property – with rent of $12,000
per month.

“We’ve gotten a few inquiries,” Casalino

Paul Parent of Parent Construction, the
Vero Beach contractor who broke ground
on the project last month, said he’s build-
ing only the restaurant’s shell and, weather
permitting, expects to be done in January.

He said work on the interior probably
won’t begin until the Miami-based proper-
ty owner finds a tenant willing to commit
to and pay for the Ocean Drive location.

“I have no idea who they’re going to put
in there,” Parent said. “All I know is that it’s
going to be a restaurant. The interior is a
separate project, and that will be up to the
tenant. We’re not even putting down a slab

Actually, Parent’s crew didn’t do much
of anything the past couple of weeks – be-

6 September 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

Add beauty and 200 ATTEND SOUTH BEACH
natural light to your MEMORIAL FOR RYAN MARCIL
EXISTING entryway
By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer ment of silent reflection before family
in about an hour! [email protected] members and friends were permitted to
address the group.
• Glass patterns • Patio & Sliding Under dark, threatening skies and
for every style Glass Doors with winds whipping off the ocean, Among those who spoke were Mar-
and budget more than 200 family members and cil’s sister, Alexa, who read a poem ti-
• Framed / friends gathered under and around a tled, “Remember Me.” She was followed
• Customize to Frameless large tent Saturday at South Beach Park by uncles, cousins, her brother’s child-
your style Shower Units to remember Ryan Marcil, the 2009 St. hood friends and a buddy from his alma
Edward’s School graduate who was mater, Bucknell University.
• Impact Glass • Etching killed in a mountain-climbing accident
Aug. 20 in Colorado. Marcil’s paternal grandfather, Roger
• Wood Interior/ • Schlage & Sr., urged other grandparents in atten-
Exterior Doors Fusion Hardware “Ryan wouldn’t want us to be sad,” Mar- dance to spend more time with their
cil’s father, Roger, said during the 90-min- grandchildren now.
• Fiberglass • Mirror Wraps ute celebration of his son’s life. “He’d want
Doors us to seek our dreams and live our lives to “I wanted to get to know Ryan better
the fullest, just as he did.” and get closer to him,” the elder Mar-
cil said. “I made it a top priority on my
Those who attended the casual-dress, bucket list.”
seaside event were handed orchid leis
to wear and white candles that were lit He paused to compose himself be-
for the closing, circle-of-love ceremony fore adding: “Don’t hesitate. Do it as
during which Bob Dylan’s “Make You soon as you can. They’ll respect you for
Feel My Love” was performed by a gui- it, and you’ll never regret it.”
tar-singer duo.
For most in the crowd, the memori-
The walkway to the beach was lined al was the first opportunity to console
with tiki torches and enlarged photo- Roger and Karen Marcil face to face
graphs of Marcil, who was 26 when he since news of their son’s death reached
and his girlfriend, Carly Brightwell, Vero Beach. Both said they appreciated
fell to their deaths on Capital Peak, a the support their family has received.
14,000-foot mountain west of Aspen.
“We’re still in shock, and we’re in-
Brightwell’s family also attended the credibly sad,” Marcil’s father said. “But I
memorial, which included a brief biog- wouldn’t trade having Ryan as a son for
raphy of Marcil’s life, a prayer and a mo- 26 years to have any other son for 60 or
80 years.” 

Regency Square
2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart

Licensed & Insured

Family and friends gather at South Beach Park to remember Ryan Marcil. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD

It’s also known as

fFuIUWNrQrnRoChUiNRoteAubmIErTLreepDeIUsTaiIytnBRaYtoisanLEouiNnEddt’yaAlehSlawnMaEfcydiLthconEEeeipudsCsBroresTcFRohoolIfAoOlornoairNmNserirdiDseydeoaoafecfoa.uSraPnretrsAyddeuTlveaatIehOdl rey

“No One Beats a Paradise Price”



8 September 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS


By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer ly, return home to reunite with their furry

For the Love of Paws Senior Pet Sanctu- friends. The nonprofit also began provid-

ary, a safe refuge for the displaced pets of se- ing free pet food after volunteers from the

nior citizens, was born out of one woman’s Senior Resource Association learned that

love of animals. It was a love the late Jessica some of their Meals on Wheels clients were

(Jess) Pankiewicz shared with husband Ted sharing their meals with their pets.

Pankiewicz Jr. and sons Hunter and Ryder. “The SRA asked us for pet food, and since

“It didn’t matter what it was. Whether it partnering with Meals on Wheels, we are

was a goldfish, a horse or a wild deer, ani- now providing pet food to 16 food banks in

mals were her passion,” he shared. Sadly, she the county,” said Pankiewicz Sr.

passed away in January 2013 at age 32 of the Each week, volunteers at the facility bag

rare auto-immune disorder, Devic’s disease. and distribute food to pet owners needing

“When she passed away, for quite a while assistance. Others fan out to deliver pet

I was in a dark place. Then my father came to food to food pantries and the homebound.

me one day and said, ‘You’ve got the proper- Just last month they gave out 4,500 pounds

ty and we’ve got the time. Let’s do something of cat and dog food; roughly 10,000 meals a

in Jess’ name for the animals,’” Pankiewicz month. The pet food is replenished through

Jr. recalled. donations of food and money and by food

“We had a place out in western Jersey drives held by schools, churches and local

with ducks, cats, horses, goats and pigs,” ex- businesses.

plained Pankiewicz Sr., a retired New Jersey “We have a proactive impact on keeping

police officer who spent 25 of his 30 years animals out of shelters. A lot of these seniors

working with K-9s. “So the kids grew up with that would have gotten rid of their animals

animals and I was known for bringing dogs because they couldn’t afford to take care of

and cats home.” them anymore, would have sent them to the

In his capacity as manager of Park shelter,” said Pankiewicz Jr.

Place, a 55-plus community in Sebastian, “We’re helping people make ends meet

Pankiewicz Sr. became aware of the need and keeping pets out of shelters and

for a pet rescue for animals owned by senior pounds. When it comes to feeding your kids

citizens who were heading into surgery, re- or your pet, people have to make tough de-

hab, assisted living, nursing homes, hospice cisions. By doing this, we’re helping people

or who passed away, noting, “In many cases, with their grocery bills, so they don’t have to

we found the pet is the only thing the seniors worry about food,” added Pankiewicz Sr.

really have left. They’ve outlived their friends Seeing an ever-growing demand, For the

and their family. We give peace of mind to Love of Paws is now seeking a larger facility

the seniors because we will take care of their to store the food they need to have on hand.

pets when they can’t.” They have a proposal to lease property on

Knowing their pets are well cared for, 510, next to Operation Hope in Fellsmere,

seniors can focus on healing and, hopeful- with an eye toward purchasing the property.

The move would more than qua-

druple their space, enabling a cat

loft, a memorial park and future

development. It would also pro-

vide space to store a tractor-trail-

er worth of dog food that a na-

tional organization has offered to

provide once or twice a year.

“That’s 45,000 pounds of food;

that will be a phenomenal boon

for us,” shared Pankiewicz Sr.

“We’ll be able to expand to all

these groups that are waiting for

us to be able to supply them. We

can always use volunteers, food

donations and foster families,

but what we really need is a ware-

house to store and distribute the


Tearful calls for assistance

are received on a daily basis. A

disabled senior relayed that her

husband had died and she was

having trouble feeding their two

cats. Another woman was more

concerned with what would hap-

Ted, Cookie and Ted Jr. Pankiewicz with Libby. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD pen to her 8-year-old dachshund

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS September 8, 2017 9

than with her own hospice care placement. than knowing you’ve made an impact and
One woman lost her job right after taking in changed somebody’s life for the better,” said
all of her father’s pets when he passed away. Pankiewicz Jr.
And another refused to be admitted to the
hospital until someone promised to take “If we weren’t doing what we’re doing,
care of her beloved pet. these seniors wouldn’t be able to keep their
pets. We couldn’t do this without our won-
“We’ve taken in animals at least 40 times derful volunteers,” said Cookie, wife of
the last 14 months. And we have six cats that Pankiewicz Sr.
are all foster failures. Nobody’s taken them,
so they’re ours now,” says Pankiewicz Sr., “A lot of seniors are on a fixed income so
adding that on average, pets remain any- they can’t afford to keep their pets,” said vol-
where from one week to five months. unteer Judy Udell. “I don’t know what I’d do
if I didn’t have my pets.”
And then there’s Libby, a blind 12-year-old
dog relinquished by a senior who couldn’t Retired nurse Lyn McGinnis, who pre-
take care of her anymore, and who has since viously worked for VNA & Hospice, agreed,
become their mascot. “We had all the inten- adding, “The work they do here is fantastic.
tions of adopting her out, but then we fell When I found out what they do, I had to be
in love with her. Everybody loves her,” said part of it.”
Pankiewicz Sr.
For the Love of Paws will host an inaugural
“You get attached to the animals. But Trap/Skeet Fun Shoot on Nov. 19, from 9 a.m.
seeing the senior citizen who’s already gone to noon at the Indian River County Shooting
through hell because they went through re- Range. For more information on how you can
hab or surviving cancer being reunited with help, visit or call 772-
their pet is amazing. There’s no better high 539-2417. 



in those positions, but Long, as “equity di- Dr. Jacqueline Warrior. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
rector,” is still involved with closing the
achievement gap. Member Laura Zorc said. “Many factors are Expires 10-8-17
going to have to come together because Expires 10-8-17
Warrior is not pleased with the latest state I do not see one easy fix or solution to the Expires 10-8-17
test results. “It appears more black students achievement gap.
are falling into the lower levels than climb-
ing into the upper levels – the trend we are “This is not going to happen overnight.
trying to reverse.” We didn’t get here overnight, therefore it’s
unrealistic to expect a quick fix to a decade
There are five levels of achievement on or more of achievement decline. In the long
the Florida Standards Assessment exams, term, I don’t see it working if we can’t get
with level one the lowest. Levels three and more parental involvement and participa-
above are considered passing. tion.”

The key indicator of future academic suc- Superintendent Mark Rendell declined to
cess – 3rd-grade scores – showed a 5 percent comment on black students’ worsening test
decrease in the number of black students scores or the status of the so-called African
passing English in 2016-17. Only 39 percent American Achievement Plan, which was
of black students passed English compared supposed to help the district get out from
to 69 percent for white students at that level, under a decades old federal desegregation
a 30 percent achievement gap that expands order. 
in later school grades.

The worst result was 6th-grade English,
with 14 percent more black students in level
one than had been the year before. In 4th-
grade math, 10 percent more were in level

“The African American Achievement Plan
is a working plan in progress,” School Board

BARGES DOCK AT POWER PLANT Bigge Crane and Rigging said there will be
at least 15 late-night convoys rolling out
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 of the gates of the Big Blue grounds over
the next several weeks, starting on a 3-to-
nosed into the dock at noon. 4 hour trek to the plant site, accompa-
A dozen or so additional shipments will nied by escorts, utility crews and flashing
be arriving in Vero over the next month,
according to city officials. Once offloaded, The Florida Public Service Commission
the huge generator parts will be moved by approved the plant in 2016 and it’s expect-
special trucks and trailers, traversing State ed to go online in mid-2019.
Route 60 in the dead of night when their
size will be less of a hazard and hassle for Once complete, the FPL Okeechobee
other motorists. Clean Energy Center will produce about
1,600 MW using natural gas, which is
A representative of transport contractor enough to power about 300,000 homes. 

10 September 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

Thousands of tickets fail to solve beachside parking woes

By Rusty Carter | Staff Writer Parking “When they pull out of the angled spac- a seat on the Vero Beach City
Enforcement es, it places that vehicle into oncoming Council. His election flyer lists
The City of Vero Beach issued more than Officer John traffic,” Martin explained. Ocean Drive parking as one of
4,000 parking tickets over the past year, and Makolin marks the issues he intends to tackle.
more than 60 percent of those annoying lit- tires along Those and other offenses can increase
tle slips of paper were given out on Ocean Ocean Drive. fines. Blocking a fire lane will cost the of- Good luck. Police say few
Drive and at Sexton Plaza. fender $30. Illegally parking in a handicap hotels on the beach provide
PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD space will run $200. Arguing too much with on-site parking for their em-
But the island parking problem they were the officer issuing a parking ticket could ployees and storeowners note
intended to help with – a problem that has Occupying a parking space for too long cost you $100. that up to three times a day ho-
plagued beachside shops and restaurants for is the most frequently ticketed offense, but tel workers come out en masse
years – has not improved. Vero Beach Police Lt. Kevin Martin said According to Martin, several years ago to move their vehicles to differ-
vehicles are also ticketed for parking in 2-hour parking spaces were the law. A ent parking spaces, continuing
In fact it seems to be getting worse. handicap spaces and for backing into the movement meant to entice visitors to stay to occupy spots needed by cus-
Some people do not pay the tickets, es- angled spaces. longer at the beachfront led to increasing tomers while avoiding the $20
pecially tourists driving rental cars, and for the limit to 3 hours. Businesses failed to fine.
others the fines are just part of the cost of reap the foot traffic they’d hoped for, so in
doing business. early 2016 timed parking reverted to two “Sometimes you see the
A banker who works on the island fre- hours. workers come out to move
quently pilots his SUV into one of the many their cars,” said Melissa Ardu-
2-hour-limit slots along Ocean Drive and, “It wasn’t us looking to write a bunch of tick- ini as she manned a register
also frequently, doesn’t bother to move the ets,” explained Anna Carden, Public Informa- at The Beach Shop on Ocean
vehicle before 2 hours have passed. tion Officer for Vero Beach Police. “It was the Drive. She also related a tale
As a result, he was ticketed 28 times be- business owners who lobbied for a return to of one worker who supposedly
tween July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017, but the shorter time limit.” lost his job after parking in a
it doesn’t seem to have bothered him. He space reserved for his boss.
paid the $20 fine for all 28 tickets – a total of It’s also become a political issue. Local
$560 – and quite possibly is hogging a space ophthalmologist Val Zudans is running for A few doors down from The
today. Beach Shop, Leslie Mather and her daugh-
Similarly, a local woman was issued ter were serving customers at the Country-
parking tickets 21 times – including one side Citrus store.
on Valentine’s Day. At some point the next
day, on Feb. 15, another was affixed to her “I can say it has hurt our business,”
windshield. Mather said of the congested parking on

A short-lived shuttle didn’t help. Work-
ers were supposed to park in Riverside
Park and ride the free bus to their hotel
and retail jobs, but no more than a hand-
ful ever did.

Now the city is taking another crack
at the problem. City Council recently di-
rected the Planning and Zoning Board to
come up with recommendations on how
to ease parking along the stretch of Ocean
Drive most frequented by tourists and

Paid parking may be the only thing that
will really work, and city officials say they
are open to that idea – not meters, but
the kind of setup where you put money
in a machine and put a paid slip on your
dash. 

12 September 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

Gruesome slay case to be retried at county courthouse

By Beth Walton | Staff Writer posed body lay face up and contorted on the Edward Gibson Jr., the man eventually ar- street and began talking about Fraiser. Gib-
grass. rested and convicted for his death. son reportedly asked his friend if he had
It was a Wednesday morning in early heard anything. When the other man re-
December when landscapers called police Dressed in black, the dead man’s upper That is about to change. plied no, “Gibson smiled and laughed and
to report something they had found. The torso pointed east. His feet looked to the Six years after the murder, and more than kept on walking,” documents filed with the
two men had been hired to cut the grass at west. His skull was on the ground next to three years after Gibson was convicted and court state.
a home on the 4800 block of 61st Court in him – two feet away at waist level. There was sentenced to life in prison, a jury will revisit
west Gifford but a foul smell kept them from a bullet hole in the back of his head. the violent details of the crime. It was on the second day of the trial when
their work. The Fourth District Court of Appeals re- Pegg asked Gibson if he would like to testify.
The gruesome 2011 murder of Douglas versed and remanded Gibson’s April 2014 The judge told him that he would have to tell
They followed the scent, something they Frasier Jr. grabbed local headlines that year, conviction for murder in the first degree last the truth, but that if he opted to stay silent
later told sheriff’s deputies was akin to the but in the aftermath the story fell out of the year, finding that Indian River County Judge the jury would be instructed not to use that
odor of a dead animal, to a shed near a va- news and little was reported about the fate Robert L. Pegg abused his discretion in de- against him.
cant property next door. A severely decom- of Frasier’s then 22-year-old acquaintance, nying the defendant’s request to testify.
During the trial, Gibson, who pled not Gibson said no, but a day later changed
guilty, initially declined to speak on his own his mind. The exchange is documented by
behalf, but later changed his mind. Pegg the Fourth District Court of Appeals.
refused his belated request and Fort Pierce
Attorney Jeffrey Garland appeared before a “And what, what is your decision,” Pegg
different Indian River County judge in Au- asked Gibson after a short recess.
gust to ask for more time preparing Gibson’s
new defense in a retrial that is likely to begin “No, I ain’t going to testify,” Gibson said.
early next year. “You’ve decided not to,” the judge replied.
The state and federal constitutions pro- “Okay. You have every right to do so.”
tect a defendant’s right to speak on his own The next morning, Gibson’s lawyer told
behalf, justices with the Fourth District the judge his client was “having a change of
Court of Appeals wrote in their 2016 de- heart,” but Pegg wasn’t having it. “We dis-
cision. “Great latitude,” the decision says, cussed it fully yesterday,” he told the attor-
should be given to “a defendant who wavers ney. “We had all afternoon. We’re ready to go.
in his decision to testify.” Both sides have rested.”
While a judge’s patience may be taxed, “So, you’re saying I can’t get on the stand?”
the justices note, it is best for the court to Gibson interjected.
proceed. “In the interest of finality and the “No, sir. You had a chance to do that yes-
justice system’s primary goal of seeking the terday,” Pegg said.
truth, a presentation of all the evidence As the court proceeded with instructions
should always be encouraged,” the decision for the jury, a prosecutor spoke up. “Judge,
says, citing case law. I’ve never done this before, but I understand
Court had been in session three days in the defendant has expressed a desire to tes-
the spring of 2014 when the judicial miscue tify.”
occurred. Pegg wasn’t swayed. He told the lawyer
According to search warrants filed that it was to the state’s advantage to not
months after Frasier’s death by detectives hear the testimony. He said that Gibson was
with the Indian River County Sheriff’s Office, trying to create an environment ripe for a
Gibson was publicly bragging about killing mistrial.
his friend. “It’s simply a ploy to create error and he’s
In one incident, he was observed pur- done it on purpose,” Pegg said. “And he
chasing a cigarillo at Mosley’s on 26th Av- knew he didn’t want to testify from the start
enue chatting with another customer. “I and I’m not going to permit it.”
popped him and law enforcement was look- Shortly after, Gibson was sentenced to life
ing for me,” he allegedly said. in prison with a mandatory minimum of 25
Another acquaintance came forward and years behind bars. He asked for an appeal
said he was part of the “blue printing” of the just days after his conviction, acting as his
murder. He told police “they were going to own co-counsel from his cell.
make Frasier return the property he stole In neat handwriting on lined paper he
from Gibson and then they were going to kill wrote the clerk’s office April 6, 2014. “I am
him,” warrants state. informing the court of my request to appeal
The men were allegedly in an argument my charge of first degree murder,” he said.
over jewelry obtained during a home rob- Four days later, his lawyer called for a ju-
bery. dicial review, arguing that the jury’s verdict
Gibson, now 28, allegedly called his was contradictory to the law and the weight
co-conspirator one weekend and said the of the evidence presented. The court, he
plan was ready. The two met, but when Gib- said, erred in sentencing Gibson.
son asked the other man to drive, he had sec- Gibson is being held without bond at the
ond thoughts and backed out of the scheme. Indian River County Detention Center on
The next day Gibson called and said, “It’s charges of first degree murder and battery
done,” before hanging up the phone, his of a detained person. He maintains his in-
friend told the authorities. nocence.
The two didn’t speak again for several In a 2014 letter drafted from behind bars,
weeks. Later, they saw each other on the he begged his then public defender to priori-
tize his case. “My life is literally in your hands
right now and I pray that you take this as se-
riously as I do.” 

ER team’s ‘door-to-doc’ efficiency
does Sebastian River proud


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A14 September 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Sebastian River proud of ER team’s ‘door-to-doc’ time

By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer Emergency Services Medical Director Dr. John Fernandez and Emergency Services Director Jason Redding. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
[email protected]

One thing that’s not likely to change
in the immediate aftermath of Steward
Health’s takeover of the Sebastian River
Medical Center is the day-to-day operations
of the hospital’s emergency department.

There’s to be a simple reason for that,
which can be summed up with the common
phrase: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

The hospital’s emergency medical direc-
tor, Dr. John Fernandez, can’t help but smile
when he points out, “We have a door-to-doc
time which is the lowest in the state. It’s
somewhere between 10 and 15 minutes. On
a bad day, maybe 20 minutes.”

Very few – if any – other area hospitals
can come close to that.

“We have front-end optimization mech-
anisms to get patients through triage,” the
genial Fernandez explains. Then he points
out, “In fact, triage is something of a mis-
nomer now because we ‘direct-bed’ every-
body. Regardless of their level of severity.
We try to find them a place immediately
where a physician or a mid-level provider
can get to them.”

The ER’s success, Fernandez claims, is a
result of a total team effort; he cites Jason
Redding, the center’s youthful-looking di-

When It Comes To Healthcare, rector of emergency services and nursing I then became an ER nurse and traveled
We Bring It Home. administration, as a prime example. around the country working in ERs, and
then moved into management, working for
When you have healthcare needs at home, Nurse Redding, says Fernandez, “is a very effec- [healthcare conglomerate] HCA. I worked
On Call is an excellent option. Since 1989, we tive leader and we’re lucky to have him. He for HCA in Panama City and Miami and
offer individualized care ranging from physical and transferred up here from Mercy Hospital in then came here.”
occupational therapy to skilled nursing and more. It’s Miami and has been a boon to our organiza-
the care you need when you need it the most. tion since his tenure began. While no ER anywhere can claim a 100
percent success rate, Fernandez is no-
“[It seems] he gets promoted every ticeably proud to say his Sebastian team
month, so each time I see him, I’m not sure members “are leaders in sepsis and stroke
what to call him. But that’s a good problem,” management as well as heart attacks [and]
Fernandez adds with a grin. time-to-cath-lab. We lead the pack.”

Knowing exactly what to call Redding About a year ago, SRMC launched an
might be tricky even without all those pro- innovative “call ahead” program for its ER
motions. that Fernandez says “allows people to set a
time when they are expected to show up so
In his own words Redding says, “I origi- that reduces the queue. It reduces any kind
nally started off as a firefighter paramed-
ic, became a police officer and worked for CONTINUED ON PAGE A16
quite some time as a full-time police officer.

Come home to • Skilled & Psych
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A16 September 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Considering that the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention reports that just over
135 million Americans – or roughly 44 percent
of the country’s total population – will go to
a hospital ER this year, SRMC’s consistently
low wait times seem all the more remarkable.

CONTINUED FROM PAGE A14 from a Steward Family Hospital is higher
efficiency, reduced hospital admissions and
of waiting that they may have to go through, [vastly] reduced re-admissions.”
gets us their registration info ahead of time
and problem-orients us to what we should When asked if there is a way to prevent ER
be looking for to try to help them.” cases altogether, Fernandez’s smile grows
even wider.
At least for now that, too, will continue.
Considering that the Centers for Disease “That’s a great question,” the medical di-
Control and Prevention reports that just rector says. “I think the emergency depart-
over 135 million Americans – or roughly 44 ment is the final common pathway that,
percent of the country’s total population sooner or later, everyone will find their way
– will go to a hospital ER this year, SRMC’s through [thanks to] some mishap, accident
consistently low wait times seem all the or illness no matter how well they try to pre-
more remarkable. vent it. Emergency physicians and nurses
Will changes eventually come to this par- are still vital to our community. You can’t
ticular ER? live without them. If you were on a desert
Of course they will. island, the doc you’d want to be with is an
Still, Fernandez is clearly happy with the emergency physician.”
Steward model. “Steward,” he states, “is an
ACO, which is an ‘accountable care organi- Compacting that into an even simpler
zation,’ but it’s a modernized version where message, Fernandez says, “We’re the Mac-
healthcare quality, maintenance and uti- Gyvers of medicine. We’ll figure out any-
lization reviews are all at the front of their thing. No matter what it is.”
business model.”
“So,” he continues, “what you can expect The Sebastian River Medical Center is at
13695 U.S. 1 in Sebastian. The phone is 772-
589-3186. In case of emergency, dial 911. 

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH September 8, 2017 A17

Certain diabetes meds can help with osteoporosis

By Maria Canfield | Correspondent Dr. Seth Coren. than 1,600) milligrams of calcium in your We need vitamin D to absorb calcium as
daily diet. Calcium supplements are readi- part of the bone-building process, and we
Many people – women especially – have PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE ly available, and good food sources include don’t know if we need a supplement unless
both Type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis. This yogurt, cheese, sardines, kale, broccoli we are tested.
isn’t surprising, as the risk of both condi- because of their negative effect on bone and almonds.
tions increases with age, and Type 2 diabe- metabolism. Insulin, the researchers say, • Engage in “resistance” exercise. This
tes directly affects bone strength. But, until should be used with caution because it • Get your vitamin D levels checked. is a type of exercise that causes the mus-
recently, research studies largely ignored can cause low blood sugar and dizziness, cles to contract against what is called an
this link. which increases the risk of falls and frac- “external resistance,” which can be dumb-
tures. bells, rubber exercise tubing, bottles of wa-
A comprehensive review recently pub- ter, or your own body weight. The goal of
lished in the Endocrine Society’s Journal Dr. Coren is familiar with the published resistance exercise is to increase strength,
of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism review. He says lead author Dr. Stavroula tone and muscle mass and to slow down
changes that. The researchers, from the A. Paschou has conducted much research sarcopenia (the loss of muscle tissue as a
National and Kapodistrian University of on osteoporosis and he “has a level of natural part of the aging process).
Athens, Greece, systematically reviewed trust in its conclusions.”
the effects of medications on both Type 2 • Undergo a bone density evaluation.
diabetes and osteoporosis and determined Taking a diabetes medicine that helps Women over age 50 and men over age 70
that certain diabetes medications affect bone health is also an important consid- should get a baseline evaluation, as should
bone metabolism. eration for people who don’t have osteo- people who have experienced a “fragility”
porosis, as studies show the risk of frac- fracture, a fracture resulting from a fall
Seth Coren, M.D., a Vero Beach orthope- ture is increased in people with Type 2 from a standing height or lower.
dist with a sub-specialty in osteoporosis, diabetes, especially if they have had the
says osteoporosis – commonly defined sim- condition for a long time, if it is poorly Dr. Coren also recommends that people
ply as a condition in which bones become controlled, or if it has caused other health with osteoporosis visit the National Oste-
weak and brittle – is actually very complex. complications. oporosis Foundation website at www.nof.
org. “It has a lot of valuable information,”
“Osteoporosis is not just one thing,” he Dr. Coren has specific guidance for he says.
says. “It is a multifactorial disease, with those in the community who are over age
many interrelated causes.” In addition to 50: Dr. Coren’s practice is part of Vero Or-
gender and age, those causes include genet- thopaedics and Neurology, located at 1155
ic factors, inadequate consumption of cal- • Include at least 1,200 (but not more 35th Lane, Suite 100 in Vero Beach and 801
cium, inadequate consumption of vitamin Wellness Way, Suite 100 in Sebastian. The
D, smoking, lack of exercise, and excessive phone number for both locations is 772-
consumption of alcohol and caffeine. 569-2330. 

The study concluded that there are Type
2 diabetes medications that help protect
bone health, and are therefore preferred for
people who also have osteoporosis. Here
are those medications, with their common
(and tongue-twisting) brand names in pa-

• Metformin (Glumetza, Glucophage,

• Sulfonylureas (Glibenclamide, Glime-
piride, Glipizide)

• DPP-4 inhibitors (Sitagliptin, Lina-

• GLP1 receptor agonists (Liraglutide, Ex-

The researchers also concluded that cer-
tain Type 2 diabetes medications are to be
avoided, such as TZDs and canagliflozin,

A18 September 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS

Bonz meets jumpin’ Jennifer, a water-lovin’ Lab

Hi Dog Buddies! introduced me to the pool. I was Very Jennifer. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD “Er, Muppy?”
Nervous. I didn’t get too close in case “That’s our word for
This week I interviewed Jennifer Groepler, a it wanted to grab me. Mark jumped in She did it a couple ‘mouth.’ We go through a
chocolate Lab who loves water about as much and said, ‘Come on, come on, come more times. Mark counted to dif- lotta frisbees. I save ’em, like
as any pooch I’ve ever met. She was super wag- on, Jenny.’ But I didn’t wanna. ferent numbers and Jenny always knew when trophies.” She pointed a paw
gy when her Mom answered the door. to jump. Then, she’d paddle to the stairs, slosh toward the side of the house
“Next day he tried again. But I over to Mark, drop the frisbee, then take her where 10 or 12 deceased fris-
“You must be Miss Jennifer,” I said. “It’s a still didn’t wanna. So he picked me position by the pool again. bees hung onna string, like a
pleasure.” up (carefully) and just plopped me buncha of fish.
into the pool. WELL, for a second, “How do ya know when he’s gonna throw “Do you like the ocean?” I
“I’m happy to meet you, Mr. Bonzo. An you I was all ‘Aagghhhhhhhhhhh!’ But it?” I asked. “Do you know how to count?” inquired.
can call me Jenny. This is my Mom, Mickey. then I ree-lized my legs were kickin’ “Totally! I LOVE runnin’ on
Come’on back and I’ll innerduce you to my like mad, my tail was swishin,’ my Jenny laughed. “Everybody thinks I can. our Secret Beach. I race out and
brother, Mark. He’s my Best Friend In The nose was out of the water, an I was But,” she whispered, “it’s really a silent mouth leap over that white foamy wa-
World. My dad Bill’s restin’ on the porch.” MOOVIN! Then I REE-lized … I signal. We can do it without sayin’ ANYthing. ter, and SPLASH!, right into the
can SWIM! An that was it! Now I Watch!” waves! One time when me an
When we were all sittin’, I asked Jenny how Mark were playin’ frisbee, I no-
she found her Forever Family. love it better than anything, ’cept maybe a nice She stood by the pool like a statue, nothing ticed this liddle girl, looked like
bone. I’m in the pool every day! Mark says I’m movin’ but her tail, real slow, staring at Mark. 2 or 3 in People Years. Her family
“Well, my Mom an Dad an Mark were dog half otter. I can do a lotta cool stuff, too!Wanna Then, her tail stopped, an Boom! The Frisbee was there, playin’ around, an she
shopping. They’d had a buncha Labs before see?” an Jenny were in the air. Pow! She nailed it. was just standin’ an lookin’ at the
me cuz they say Labs have the Best Disposi- water. So I trotted over politely, with
tions. It’s TRUE, I’m sure you’ve noticed.” ”I’d love to!” Then, with Jenny in the pool, Mark stood at my frisbee, an plopped it down right in front of
We went out to the pool an sat under one the edge with a big piece of rope. She grabbed her to see if she wanted to play catch. She DID!
I nodded. All the Labs I’ve met so far are of those big umbrellas. Mark got a cool lookin’ it an hung in while he did a buncha Pooch- She’d throw it, not real far, an I’d bring it back.
frenly an happy, with lots of energy. frisbee that wasn’t made outta plastic. It was Ups. Next, he jumped in an said, ‘Bunny Rab- Then she gave me a big hug!We found out later
cloth. bit.’ Jenny stood up on her back legs, put her she was deaf.”
“Plus,” Jenny continued, “they’d had all the “Watch THIS!” Jenny said. She stood right front paws up by her chin, lifted her head way “Awww, that’s so sweet! So, when do you just
other color Labs ’cept chocolate. I was about at the edge of the pool, didn’t move a muscle, out of the water, and hopped like a bunny. It chill-lax?”
a year an a half old, residing at that pawsome just watched Mark real close. He counted, one, was hiLARious! Then she got out of the pool “I have my own chaise in front of the TV. We
shelter in Sebastian, when they stopped in. I’ve two, three, four, FIVE! and threw the frisbee. and did The Big Shake. Me an my assistant en- all watch together every evening. I’m a lucky
never been too interested in other pooches (no Soon as FIVE! was outta his mouth, before he joyed a refreshing shower. girl.”
offense)m but I’m a fan of humans. We all hit even threw, Jenny was in the air, and grabbed Heading home, I was thinking about Jen-
it off right away, so we adopted each other. My that frisbee before she or it hit the water! “Cool Kibbles, right? Mark says I have a very ny flyin’ through the air with her frisbee. And
shelter name was Maya, but Mom an Dad an “Woof!” I exclaimed. “That was PAWsome!” strong Muppy.” thinking maybe I’d take a little dip in the pool
Mark changed it to Jennifer cuz that was the myself later.
name of their FAV-rit other Lab, which was fine Till next time,
with me.
The Bonz
“Anyway, Mark’s a surfer: If he was a pooch,
I’m pretty sure he’d be a Lab. So he’s all excited Don’t Be Shy
to have a pal to play with in the pool. But I had
this one teeny little secret. I’d never been in the We are always looking for pets
water. Ever. And I wasn’t interested in starting, with interesting stories.
To set up an interview, email
“But you’re a LABrador ReTREEVer. That’s [email protected].
kinda your thing,” I blurted.

“Yeah, I’d heard that rumor, but I hadn’t
had so much as a toenail in water my whole
life, ’cept my water bowl. And the occasion-
al bath. The first day in my new home, Mark

Developer Michael Rechter now
focused on downtown Vero

20 September 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE

Developer Rechter now focused on downtown Vero

By Rusty Carter | Staff Writer adjoining lot as a single .34-acre parcel in caught his eye. When he called Vero Beach PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD
[email protected] 2014 for $480,000. The seller was Compass City Manager Jim O’Connor to inquire
Therapeutics. about purchasing the property, O’Connor O’Connor pushed to get the parcel back
The developer who led the way in re- was initially doubtful because the site had under control of the city so it could be sold
vamping the U.S. 1 commercial corridor He was about to redevelop the property been in litigation for two years. through a bidding process.
in Vero Beach roughly a decade ago is in 2015 when the Old Diesel Power Plant
now busy breathing new life into the city’s At least five bids were on file. Rechter
downtown. and fellow developer Scott Parker won the

Michael Rechter, co-owner of Integra
Corporations, calls Fort Lauderdale home,
but you wouldn’t know it. “I probably
spend 3-4 days in Vero Beach each week,”
he said in a telephone interview. “My focus
now is on the city’s downtown.”

Rechter has two projects underway.
Foremost is his high-profile American
Icon Brewery, which is now scheduled to
open in October in the huge, handsome
old former diesel power plant at edge of
downtown. The red brick building, which
is listed on the National Register of Histor-
ic Places and was Vero’s oldest municipal
building when it was sold to Rechter last
year, was built in 1926.

As the brewery and restaurant near
completion, Rechter has turned some of
his attention to 14th Avenue. That’s where
renovation has begun on a simple white
rectangular building that will be home to
three businesses.

The largest of the three will be Post &
Vine, a restaurant that plays on the build-
ing’s history – it was once a Post Office,
though when Rechter bought it a thera-
peutic center occupied the space. Vine is
a not-so-subtle hint that wine will be a key
feature of the menu.

At the other end of the building will
be Boho House, an upscale hair salon. A
tenant for the middle space has not been

Rechter is adding some unique touches
to Post & Vine. He installed glass garage
doors that can be opened to a large cov-
ered patio area, dramatically expanding
the restaurant’s seating capacity.

Located at 1919 14th Ave., the
6,000-square-foot building was built in

Rechter purchased the building and

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E September 8, 2017 21


BY KATHY ORTON | The Washington Post tend to follow the same path as long-
term bond yields.
A terrorist attack in Spain and polit-
ical drama in Washington continued to Investors are also keeping an eye on
put downward pressure on mortgage the Jackson Hole symposium where
rates this week. Federal Bank chair Janet L. Yellen could
signal how the central bank will begin
According to the latest data released unwinding its balance sheet.
last Thursday by Freddie Mac, the 30-
year fixed-rate average dropped to its, which puts out a week-
lowest level in nine months, falling to ly mortgage rate trend index, found that
3.86 percent with an average 0.5 point. more than half of the experts it surveyed
(Points are fees paid to a lender equal say rates will remain relatively stable in
to 1 percent of the loan amount.) It was the coming week. Shashank Shekhar,
3.89 percent a week ago and 3.43 percent chief executive of Arcus Lending, is one
a year ago. The 30-year fixed rate has who expects rates to hold steady.
fallen the past three weeks.
“Rates have remained mostly the same
The 15-year fixed-rate average re- during the month of August and not much

process with a $650,000 offer. The plant’s an arts center with studios that could be mained the same as it was a week ago, should change in the coming week,”
appraised value was $500,000. leased to artists. The catch was that the art- holding steady at 3.16 percent with an Shekhar said. “The net effect of various
ists had to allow the public to watch them average 0.5 point. It was 2.74 percent a economic news on one side and threat of
Much has changed since Rechter work. A similar concept has prospered in year ago. The five-year adjustable rate a government shutdown and termination
bought the power plant and 14th Avenue Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, just outside average edged up to 3.17 percent with of NAFTA by the president on the other
parcels. Back in 2015 he looked to lease Washington, D.C., where an idle naval mu- an average 0.5 point. It was 3.16 percent side will be not much. Other than small
the 14th Avenue site to Fort Pierce-based nitions factory was converted into an art a week ago and 2.75 percent a year ago. intra-day changes, consumers can expect
Sailfish Brewing Company. The old power center. a stable interest rate this week.”
plant site was eyed as an option if Sailfish’s Investors are becoming increasingly
business took off and needed more space. Despite a petition of support that gar- wary of the political climate in Wash- Meanwhile, mortgage applications
nered 2,000 signatures, the Cultural Coun- ington and tensions around the world. were flat again last week, according to the
In the end, it was Rechter’s own busi- cil’s plan was abandoned when it failed to Those concerns have prompted them latest data from the Mortgage Bankers As-
ness plan that caught a favorable wind. In raise the $4 million it needed to complete to flee toward the safe haven of govern- sociation.
2016 he bought the long mothballed plant the project. ment bonds. As a result, bond prices
for $500,000, but had to await a judge’s have risen and yields have fallen. The market composite index – a mea-
ruling in a civil suit between the City of Lastly, former Charlotte Hornets owner sure of total loan application volume –
Vero Beach and B-B Redevelopment Team, George Shinn proposed buying the power The yield on the 10-year Treasury ticked down 0.5 percent. The refinance
which had been a tenant in the building. plant. His concept was to turn the building sank to 2.17 percent Wednesday, its low- index increased 0.3 percent, while the
The city won, allowing Rechter’s purchase into a car museum where he would house est level in two months. Mortgage rates purchase index decreased 3 percent. 
to be completed. his personal collection of classic cars.

O’Connor had long favored selling the Rechter opposed Shinn’s plan, arguing
power plant, saying the city should cease that car museums are poor tourist draws.
“being a landlord.” He cited a 1999 car museum that opened
in Fort Lauderdale. It did little for the
Over the years there have been several community. A few years back a gastropub
proposals for the property. opened several blocks away. It was credit-
ed with drawing additional business, and
In 2013 Guy and Lisa D’Amico offered property values rose sharply.
the city $595,000 for the site. Their idea
was to open a distillery, restaurant and bar, “It created the vibe,” Rechter said of
and a retail store. the business, which has similarities to his
American Icon Brewery concept. 
The following year the local Cultural
Council proposed turning the plant into

22 September 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE



The mainland real estate market said goodbye to August in a big way, as 48 single-family residenc-
es and lots sold from Aug. 28-Sept. 1 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week in Vero Beach was the home at 4304 Summer Breeze Terrace. First listed
in April for $489,000, this 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom, 2,616-square-foot house sold for $435,000 on
Aug. 30.
In Sebastian the week’s best sale was the residence at 449 Englar Drive. Originally listed in June
for $329,900, the 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom, 1,644-square-foot home fetched $329,000 on Sept. 1.


VERO BEACH 4304 SUMMER BREEZE TERRACE 4/6/2017 $489,000 8/30/2017 $390,000
VERO BEACH 6263 COVERTY COURT 6/29/2017 $409,900 8/31/2017 $380,000
VERO BEACH 4460 6TH PLACE 4/18/2017 $429,000 8/29/2017 $329,000
SEBASTIAN 449 ENGLAR DRIVE 6/14/2017 $329,900 9/1/2017 $322,000
VERO BEACH 545 45TH COURT SW 2/14/2017 $369,900 9/1/2017 $299,900
VERO BEACH 5936 BUTTONWOOD 4/11/2017 $299,900 8/30/2017 $286,000
VERO BEACH 5595 W 1ST SQUARE SW 6/20/2017 $290,000 8/31/2017 $280,000
VERO BEACH 760 22ND AVENUE 11/7/2016 $300,826 8/31/2017 $280,000
SEBASTIAN 237 DICKENS AVENUE 7/14/2017 $279,900 9/1/2017 $260,000
VERO BEACH 1939 GREY FALCON CIRCLE SW 6/15/2017 $325,000 8/31/2017 $259,000
VERO BEACH 1395 BUNKER COURT 6/26/2017 $265,000 9/1/2017 $254,000
VERO BEACH 289 53RD CIRCLE 4/13/2017 $274,500 8/29/2017 $245,406
SEBASTIAN 129 ASHBURY BOULEVARD 10/9/2016 $224,550 8/31/2017 $244,900
VERO BEACH 509 53RD SQUARE 7/15/2017 $244,900 8/30/2017

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E September 8, 2017 23


6263 Coverty Court, Vero Beach 4460 6th Place, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 6/29/2017 Listing Date: 4/18/2017
Original Price: $409,900 Original Price: $429,000
Sold: 8/31/2017 Sold: 8/29/2017
Selling Price: $390,000 Selling Price: $380,000
Listing Agent: Melinda McKee Listing Agent: Marilee Mintzer

Selling Agent: McKee Realty Selling Agent: Keller Williams Realty

Stephen Boyle Kathleen Provancher

IRRE Group Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

449 Englar Drive, Sebastian 545 45th Court SW, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 6/14/2017 Listing Date: 2/14/2017
Original Price: $329,900 Original Price: $369,900
Sold: 9/1/2017 Sold: 9/1/2017
Selling Price: $329,000 Selling Price: $322,000
Listing Agent: Carolyn Plante Listing Agent: Georgann Schreiber

Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

Gustav Brugger Georgann Schreiber

RE/MAX Crown Realty Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

199$ 3DAYS


Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE September 8, 2017 B1


Feast your eyes on Gooch artwork
at Freres Patisserie PAGE B2

Coming Up! try style. You’ll be tapping to the beat
before the night’s over, for sure. Sun-
SUNSET SATURDAY NIGHT set Saturday Nights are family-friendly
MEANS OCEANSIDE FUN events, which feature a different music
genre each month, south on Ocean at
By SAMANTHA BAITA | Staff Writer Humiston Park, 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
[email protected] Post-concert, you can linger and enjoy
a late supper at one of the great restau-
1 An evening by the ocean with rants, hotels or bars nearby.
friends, food, libation and live
music is always an appealing option, 2 For over a century (the last one),
and that’s just what’s on tap (no pun Ann Landers dispensed advice to
intended) this very weekend: It’s Sun- millions of us, who turned to her news-
set Saturday Night, the free month- paper column first thing in the morn-
ly concert hosted by the Oceanside ing for our daily dose of insight, humor
Business Association and featuring, and common-sense advice. Landers,
this month, Jessica Spears and Plan B. aka Eppie Lederer, she of the big hair
This Florida gal can kick up some dust, and bigger style, is remembered in
pickin’ and singin’ with a classic coun- “The Lady With All the Answers,” a solo
play by David Rambo, opening at the
Vero Beach Theatre Guild this coming


B2 September 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

Feast your eyes on Gooch artwork at Freres Patisserie

By Ellen Fischer | Columnist ries will consist of solo exhibitions, all last-
[email protected]
ing two months.
The downtown Vero bakery Freres Pa-
tisserie has just introduced a schedule of On view now through September are
art shows there that is as toothsome as
its pastries, says the café’s new co-owner, nine works by Deborah Gooch, a well-re-
Bennet Gomez.
spected artist and educator who is recov-
“I feel very comfortable giving my wall
space up to beautiful art,” says Gomez, ering from a serious health scare of her
who in his previous life in New York City
worked in the art shipping business. His own: a brain tumor that while benign still
32-year career with Ollendorff Fine Arts
saw him moving paintings and sculptures required complex surgery and radiation.
by the blue-chip likes of Andy Warhol and
Jeff Koons, among others. Back at the easel within weeks of her sur-

But that was then; this is now. Don’t ex- gery in early April, Gooch is displaying in
pect to see New York City art stars on Freres
Patisserie’s walls. Still, Gomez feels “very her paintings the dynamic mix of realism
fortunate” to be presenting the work of Ve-
ro’s artists, many of whom were patrons of and non-representa-
Patisserie Vero Beach, the bakery’s first it-
eration, owned by two former New York ac- tional abstraction for Art by Deborah Gooch
tors, Mark Edmonds and Christian Garcia.
When Edmonds died suddenly in February which she has long
at the age of 47, Garcia decided to sell and
enlisted the help of longtime friend and been admired.
Vero artist Barry Shapiro.
Her work, says
It is Shapiro who is curating the art
shows at Freres Patisserie. He says the se- Shapiro, typifies the Barry Shapiro, Deborah Gooch and Bennett Gomez. PHOTOS BY: DENISE RITCHIE

“high creative level”

that art-loving nosh-

ers can expect of the

café’s subsequent of-


After studying

painting at Baltimore’s

Maryland Institute of Art, Gooch established

herself as a freelance illustrator and com-

mercial designer. She worked first in Mary-

land and then in Florida, where she and her

husband Jim have lived for the past 30 years.

Anne Whitney and Kim Weissenborn.

cibo ~ vino ~ famiglia ~ amici Today Gooch considers herself above all boundary. Behind the runner, and bearing
a contemporary painter; her busy studio no relationship in scale either to the figure
5 CourEsxepser~ie$nc2e9th~efNroewm 5pm and gallery is located on 7th Avenue, just or to each other, a disembodied goat’s head,
west of Vero’s Miracle Mile. a watermelon wedge, and a recumbent dog
Entrees float in a pale miasma. Various drips, scrib-
For this exhibition Gooch’s paintings are bles and bursts of pink and yellow pigment
Flounder Picatta • Shrimp Gorgonzola not titled but numbered, the numbers on add a juddering energy to the mix.
Bolognese Lasagna • Veal • Chicken the wall next to each artwork correspond-
ing to on-site checklist of price and size. At 48 inches high and 60 inches wide, the
Liver & Onions • Beef Wellington • Ribs lone nonrepresentational picture on display
Among the show’s abstracts are two is also the show’s largest. In it, a freely drawn
398 21st Street • Miracle Mile paintings in which the human figure takes composition of colorless circles and squares
Dinner Monday through Sunday center stage. One shows a runner balanced dance and duke it out with a host of brushy
on the picture’s lower edge, foot upraised
from 5pm as though to step right out of the painted CONTINUED ON PAGE B4

Proper Attire Requested

F7or7re2se.r5va6tio4ns.p8le2as1e c8all


Carol Goldberg.

B4 September 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE


Deborah Gooch and Tim Sanchez with a portrait. know if she would have the energy for got the right kind of attention.”
it,” he says. Gooch’s surgery in Miami lasted 11 hours.
Art by Deborah Gooch
Two miles away, at work in her stu- When she awoke, her first thought was
squiggles atop shifting fields of blue and yel- sometimes turn into fruits: specifically, a half dio, Deb Gooch laughs on hearing Sha- whether she would paint again. The answer
low-gold. cantaloupe, a peach, and a green apple. piro’s concern. “I think that Barry was was a resounding yes. In addition, Gooch
just hoping I’d be alive long enough to was thrilled to find that her studio, where
Shapiro’s favorite in the bunch is Gooch’s Shapiro, sipping a latte at a table beneath get it done. Everybody wonders what’s she regularly provides critique to a following
42-inch square canvas #5. The trapezoidal that painting, talks about Gooch’s health or- going on with me,” she says. of advanced painters, was still humming.
shape that dominates the composition can deal, something many in Vero’s intimate art
be read as the tipped-up plane of a floor or community already know. The first symptom Gooch noticed Tim Sanchez, a prominent abstract paint-
tabletop. It is weighted with colorful brush was double vision four years ago. er in Vero and a close friend of Gooch, made
marks, smaller trapezoids, and circles that “I was very excited to have Deb agree to sure that her classes continued without
have the first show here, because I didn’t “My eyesight is compromised. My break during her two-month absence.
depth perception is compromised, and
my peripheral vision isn’t what it was,” “Tim wouldn’t let me pay him, and he was
she says. “And I lost a lot of my hearing in here every day,” Gooch marvels.
over that four years.”
The first painting Gooch did after her re-
Perhaps the scariest part of her ill- turn is a 24–inch square canvas whose bold,
ness was the memory gaps. black passages are counterbalanced by ar-
eas of cold, bright pink. A small pear pen-
“I didn’t even know when I’d had one,” ciled near the composition’s center affirms
she says. “One day I was driving west Gooch’s continuing interest in the fruit- and
from the grocery store on 12th Street to flower-infused abstract series she was work-
my house, and I ended up going 8 miles ing on in the months before her surgery.
past my turn-off. I had no concept of
where I was, or what I was doing. Gooch noticed that as her illness pro-
gressed, her paintings became “more deli-
“That was pretty close to the time cate,” while in the first painting post-surgery
that I found out I had the tumor,” she “uses a lot of black – which is something I did
adds. when I was a young college student.”
Gooch saw several physicians over the
years hoping to find the cause of her symp- “I have always used art to work my way
toms, but she did not receive a diagnosis un- through life,” she reflects. “When I look at
til late March of this year. The discovery of a my paintings from any period, I can tell
brain tumor was ancillary to her treatment you what was going on.”
for another illness.
“Luckily, I got pneumonia,” she says. “My Freres Patisserie is at the corner of Old
husband Jim took me to a hospital where I Dixie and 9th Street in downtown Vero
Beach. 

Call to Artists for the Henegar musical ‘Dogfight’
A.E. Backus Museum’s looks at regret, forgiveness

Annual Juried By Pam Harbaugh | Correspondent weeks in the 85-seat venue, which has direc-
Art Show [email protected] tor Amanda Cheyenne Manis very nervous.

Open to all artists. Upstairs at the Henegar expands its “The show having such a short run, if
reputation for provocative theater with people wait to get their tickets, they aren’t
Cash Prizes, Ribbons, People’s Choice & this weekend’s opening of “Dogfight.” going to get in,” she said.
Director’s Award
Opening Thursday, the show runs for two Indeed, that’s exactly what happened with
For complete rules and information download an
application online at Amanda Cheyenne Manis directs Bella Rohrer and Chris Fallows.
Call 772-465-0630 for more information.

Entries accepted between 9/20 - 9/23 - 9/27 - 9/30,
10/4 - 10/7 during regular Museum hours.

No entries accepted after 3 pm., Saturday, October 7, 2017.

Exhibition dates October 15 - November 17, 2017
$30.00 per work entry fee — No limit on # of entries

— judged from work not slides

Entries Accepted in 4 Categories:
Watercolor ~ Oil/Acrylic ~ Varied Techniques (Mixed media

Generated/Other) and Three Dimensional.
Size Restrictions Apply.


Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE September 8, 2017 B5

three Upstairs at the Henegar productions Cast of “Dogfight” at a rehearsal. “The show is kind of an emotional roll- leave feeling stretched as people and ex-
– “Spring Awakening,” “Hand to God” and er coaster for Rose,” she said. “The hardest hausted as performers,” Manis said.
“Lady Day at Emerson’s Bar & Grill.” such a challenging experience as an actor.” part is definitely portraying her sadness, her
Bella Rohrer is the socially awkward anger and everything in between.” Both Fallows and Rohrer have learned a
“The show is going to sell out,” she said. lot about 1960s American history by being
“Dogfight” is a musical re-telling of the Rose in “Dogfight.” Rohrer had listened to Manis said her talented cast are such in this show.
1991 River Phoenix film written by the late the original cast recording and had a basic decent people and so kind to one another,
Bob Comfort. The stage version was writ- understanding of the story’s theme. it has been difficult for them to plumb the Knowing her young cast needed to learn
ten by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, the duo deeper, darker parts of the characters and about the period, Manis asked Vietnam vet
who wowed Broadway this past season with “Rose is a kind-hearted and awkward girl to realistically portray being mean to each Jack Maloney to speak to them. Maloney,
their lyrics and music to another provoca- with such a tenacious spirit,” she said. “She other on stage. who lives in Melbourne and is active in the
tive show, “Dear Evan Hansen.” discovers her own power and inner beauty community theater scene, was in the Ma-
Set in 1963 San Francisco, “Dogfight” re- and forms a special bond with Eddie.” “My actors, who are all pretty young, rines from 1968 to 1972.
volves around a group of young Marines on
their last night before heading to Vietnam. Like Fallows, though, she finds the emo- He spoke to the cast about Marine cama-
Full of bravado, they compete to see who can tions the biggest challenge in her portrayal. raderie and what it felt like to be a 17-year-
find the ugliest date for the night. Hence, the old Marine on liberty. As a former clinical so-
word “dog” – a pejorative for a woman con- cial worker with the Department of Veterans
sidered by some to be unattractive. Affairs, he had a lot to tell them about PTSD.
Think a fraternity “pig party” which has Maloney also discussed what it was like com-
the same cynical theme; or the 2010 Steve ing home in the 1960s and being spat on and
Carrell movie “Dinner for Schmucks.” It’s all called “baby killer.”
the same concept with the ironic theme that
the ugliest people are actually the exploiters. “It was hard for (the actors) to under-
And, sentimentally, we want to see one of stand,” he said. “Considering today’s atti-
the misanthropic men discover that reality. tude towards the uniform.”
We want to see him touched by the heart
of a young woman whom society has used Fallows said the musical underscores
only as an object of ridicule and discarded. major themes in American history and so-
And “Dogfight” delivers that, Manis said. ciety, from pre-hippie America to the sexu-
In the story, character Eddie Birdlace al revolution
meets Rose, a young woman whose loving
soul captivates him. “I sincerely hope that people will take
Portraying Eddie Birdlace is Chris Fal- away a respect for veterans in our Armed
lows, who has not been on the stage for three Forces,” he said. “I also hope people will ap-
years. When he heard that the Henegar was preciate the theme that there’s more to a hu-
producing the show in the intimate Upstairs man being than appearances or first impres-
venue, he knew he wanted to audition for it. sions. It’s a musical I hope will get the love it
“Eddie is a complex character,” he said. deserves.”
“He embellishes his stories and puts on a
tough guy persona. But truthfully, he is an For Rohrer, “Dogfight” has taught her
awkward 18-year-old who hasn’t figured out about the resiliency of the American spirit.
who he is.”
Rose reveals a “softer side” to Eddie, who “And that men, especially Marines, love
eventually deals with post-traumatic stress to drink and swear,” she laughed.
That brings the hardest layer for Fallows While the storyline may repulse gentle
– a “plethora of emotions.” souls, it has a redeeming resonance, Manis
“I have to laugh, cry and deal with a deep said. It looks at loss, regret and forgiveness,
depression I have never personally gone “forgiving each other for poor behavior
through,” Fallows said.“It is a privilege to have and forgiving themselves,” as Manis put it.

“Dogfight” runs Sept. 7-17 in the Upstairs
at the Henegar studio theater, 625 E. New
Haven Ave., Melbourne. Tickets are $26 gen-
eral admission, $23 for seniors and military
and $16 for students. There is a $3 handling
fee per ticket. The show is not recommended
for young audiences. Call 321-723-8698 or
visit 


A 1. Y Is for Yesterday 1. Make Your Bed 1. The Mermaid BY JAN BRETT
V 2. Creepy Pair of Underwear
T 2. A Gentleman in 2. Hillbilly Elegy BY J.D. VANCE
H Moscow BY AMOR TOWLES 3. Walking to Listen 3. What Am I? Florida

BY RUTH WARE 4. Writer, Sailor, Soldier, Spy 4. Descendants 2: Mal's Spell
Book 2: More Wicked Magic
5. Sons and Soldiers
BY JOHN GRISHAM 5. Dog Man: A Tale of Two Kitties

EAutograph line tickets with book purchases SULFER SPRINGS

Sfrom the Vero Beach Book Center. Simon & Schuster Publishing

Wednesday, Sept. 27th at 7 pm ! Thursday, Sept. 28th at 4 pm 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |

B6 September 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

Coming to the Vero Beach Theatre Guild Sept 14-24. Friday or Saturday because it’s Com- sations. He likes to say “It’s a sick, sad
edy Zone time again. You always get a world and I’m a happy guy,” and, when
COMING UP from some, and sharing her life story. two-fer at Riverside’s “hilarious, wild, he has delivered a bit of sage advice, he
“The Lady with All the Answers” opened untamed” Comedy Zone: this week- concludes with, “That’s a tip from your
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 at New York City’s Cherry Lane Theatre end it’ll be Larry Reeb and Bob Lauver. Uncle Lar.” Lauver grew up in rural cen-
in 2009. Of the play, New York Times Well-known on the stand-up circuit, tral Pennsylvania, then joined the Navy
Thursday. The show is a chatty tour de critic Charles Isherwood wrote that Chicago native Reeb has had a good and saw (a good bit of) the world. He
force starring Guild favorite and multi Rambo’s writing “is breezy and fluid, bit of TV experience, primarily with was a “gentlemen’s club” manager for a
Genie Award-winning actress Eleanor although you can often hear the punch fellow comic Rodney Dangerfield. His while as well, and that unusual combi-
Dixon. It takes place in Landers’ Chica- lines coming a few beats off,” and calls alter ego, Uncle Lar, is that sarcastic, nation of experiences left him with an
go apartment on a night in 1995, as the it “a genial primer on a genial subject.” often raunchy uncle (every family has interesting perspective on life, and a
straight-talking advice columnist faces Director for the Guild production is Art one) who is compelled to interject his great source of fodder for his routines.
a column she doesn’t know how to write. Pingree, and long-time local director observations into everybody’s conver- Lauver has worked with some of the big-
Although she had fearlessly and confi- Jon Putzke is producer and set designer. gest names in the biz: Tom Arnold, Bill
dently written about everything from The 10-show run is Sept. 14-24. Larry Reeb Bellamy and John Witherspoon among
nude housekeeping to sibling rivalry to Bob Lauver them. Show times are7:30 p.m. and 9:30
heartbreak, she was going to write about 3 If you’re in the mood for some p.m. And, P.S., if you didn’t have time to
a heartbreak of her own. Unable to face stand-up, grown-up comedy (and Riverside Comedy Zone Friday and Saturday. grab a bite before, you can get food and
the typewriter, she chats with us as she can’t we all use a few laughs these drinks at Riverside.
rummages through columns, reading days?), head for Riverside Theatre this
Here’s what cooking, musically, at the
Tiki Bar and Grille in Sebastian: Friday
it’ll be Minus Turmoil (soulful Roots
Reggae mixed with rock and blues) 7
p.m. to 11 p.m.; Saturday you’ll hear
Front Porch Blues (acoustic blues), 1 pm.
to 5 p.m., then Big Bad Murphy (rock ’n’
roll and blues) from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.;
Sunday afternoon, grab a brew and en-
joy Dave Goodman (acoustic guitarist
and vocalist) from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. If you
haven’t been, the Tiki Bar and Grille is
one of those laid back, toes-in-the-sand,
locals-and-visitors hangouts along the
Indian River. here Chill-laxing is the
name of the game. 

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644 Old Dixie Hwy SW
(Between 4th St. & Oslo)
Blue Heron Plaza, Vero Beach

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING September 8, 2017 B7

11 Maple Street: Clearly still one of Florida’s best

BY TINA RONDEAU with a walnut vinaigrette ($14.95). The plat- Wood Grilled Ahi Tuna.
Columnist ing of these dishes was a work of art, and
the tastes matched the presentation. The PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD
For three decades, 11 Maple Street, locat- elements came together flawlessly.
ed in a century-old Florida cottage on a side Wood Grilled
street just off the main thoroughfare in Jen- For entrées, I went with a large Spanish Octopus.
sen Beach, has been regarded as arguably plate, Provencal fish stew ($38).
the best restaurant on the Treasure Coast. My husband, however, opted
for one of the larger small
It’s a bit of a drive for dinner from Vero – plates, the sautéed skate
close to an hour each way either via U.S. 1 wing with Canadian
or tracing the river down St. Lucie County’s bay scallops ($22.95),
narrow, winding Indian River Drive (you and our companion
don’t want to choose the latter for your re- chose another small
turn home if you have been savoring the plate, the fresh jum-
wines they suggest pairing with each of 11 bo lump crab cake
Maple’s dishes). ($23.95).

But this charming old home with antique My fish stew was
furniture and lace curtains on the windows a spectacular mix of
is one of our favorite dinner spots. Owner Pacific red rockfish,
Mike Perrin, a self-taught chef, has not only bay scallops, shrimp,
developed a large, loyal following for such little neck clams and
seldom-seen-locally dishes as spotted skate PEI mussels in a tasty
wing, sturgeon and elk, but has regularly saffron, leek and tomato
won high marks from Zagat, Florida Trend broth. Our companion’s
and other guides.
Crispy Okra with
The first surprise awaiting a newcomer to Black Mission
this restaurant is that bread is listed at the Fig Tapenade.
top of the single-page menu as an appetizer
– with a price. gested wine pairings, is likely run about
$150 before tip.
On this visit, we ordered the house-baked
walnut sourdough bread – a beautiful crusty This restaurant was described by Emer-
half loaf ($5.95 – full loaf, $8.95) served with il Lagasse last year as a “hidden gem.” If it
herbed goat cheese, salsa verde and yummy was in a major city, it would be nationally
roasted garlic. We’ll cheerfully pay for bread renowned and you’d have to book three
this good anytime. I could have made an en- months in advance to get in. Happily, this
tire meal out of it. gem is just down the road, and making a
reservation a couple of days in advance
Next on the menu are 10 small plates should get you one of the best meals to be
– dishes ranging from crispy okra with had in Florida.
black mission fig tapenade ($13.95) to en-
trée-sized seafood, beef and rib specialties I welcome your comments, and en-
topping out at $23.95 for the roasted quail. courage you to send feedback to me at
Listed beneath these are five entrées. [email protected].

We decided to start by sharing two small The reviewer is a beachside resident who
plates: warm escarole salad with crispy dines anonymously at restaurants at the ex-
calamari, fennel, white beans and parme- pense of this newspaper. 

san cheese ($16.95), and roasted beets
atop goat cheese with
arugula, dressed

Walnut Sourdough Bread. crab cake was beurre blanc. Exquisite. Hours:
served atop On previous visits, we have enjoyed a va- Wednesday to Saturday,
a fried green
riety of small plates which seem to not be 5:45 pm to closing
tomato, all sur- on the current menu – the small-plate menu
rounded by a changes every couple of weeks – as well as Beverages: Beer and wine
delicious carrot what seems a permanent fixture (and the
reduction. most expensive item) on the large-plate Address:
My husband’s menu, the wood-grilled North American elk 3224 Northeast Maple Ave,
skate wing was tenderloin at $50.
Jensen Beach
topped not The farm-raised elk when we had it came
just with medium rare, accompanied by roasted faro Phone: 772-334-7714
bay scal- and butternut squash, with a dried porci-
lops, but ni sauce. The oak grill imparted a slightly
tomatoes, smoky flavor, and the elk was surprisingly
moist and tender.
capers and
olives in a herb Dinner for two, accompanied by the sug-

B8 September 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING September 8, 2017 B9

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B10 September 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

A Modern Diner with fresh local ingredients

A Roger Lord and Chuck Arnold Restaurant

The Best Food In South County!

reservations strongly suggested

2950 9th St. S.W. #105 Open Tues.-Sun. 5pm-9pm
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4-6 PM | 772.410.0100

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING September 8, 2017 B11

DiTnea-kIenout On The Beachside 5pmD-eclliovseery

Summer Specials: $12.95
Served 3pm-6pm Monday thru Sunday.

Lasagna • Chicken Parmigiana • Eggplant Parmigiana • Shrimp Parmigiana • Fish Parmigiana

Cannelloni • Baked Penne Alfredo • Tortellini alla Panna • Manicotti • Stuffed Shells
All dinners are served w/a side salad, garlic breadsticks & a choice of a soft drink, ice tea or coffee.

Now Offering Gluten Free!
Pizza • Pasta • Desserts • Wraps

Nino’s Cafe: 1006 Easter Lily Ln•Vero Beach•772.231.9311
Hours: Sun-Thurs:11am-9pm•Fri-Sat:11am-10pm

Homemade Cannoli Pepperoni
Chicken Parmigiana

B12 September 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES


7 Consolation (6) 1 Educate (6)
4 Orient (4) 2 Boundary (5)
9 Border (3) 3 Companion (7)
10 Butter substitute (9) 5 Scare (5)
11 Externally facing (7) 6 Accolade (7)
12 Manhandles (5) 7 Self-esteem (5)
13 Iron alloy (5) 8 Feel (5)
15 Pains (5) 14 Roar (7)
20 Fit out (5) 16 Blood-red (7)
22 Gourmet (7) 17 Sordid (5)
24 Pharmaceuticals (9) 18 Mock attack (5)
25 Chop (3) 19 Expose (6)
26 Discourteous (4) 21 Walked (5)
27 Illusory (6) 23 Custom (5)

The Telegraph

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

The Telegraph

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES September 8, 2017 B13

ACROSS 77 Invertible 7 Launder again 71 Collar-and-tailcoat The Washington Post
palindromic cry 8 “Love ___ two- college
1 Given to giving FILM CRITICISM MADE SIMPLE By Merl Reagle
orders 78 Bk. before Job way 72 Sotheby’s signals
81 “___ ... my street” 73 Sea salt?
6 War-loving 9 Simon follower 74 Manny of baseball
goddess sentiments 10 Seasickness, to 79 “Fancy ___!”
exactly” Cousteau 80 “Java” trumpeter
10 Poet at Bill’s 85 Drift, as of events 11 Starting bet 82 Asian desert
inauguration 87 Hillbilly 12 Basic monetary 83 Bakery topper
possessive unit of China 84 1963 book by Bob
14 Tear down (its 89 Tiebreaking 13 Fruit with a pit
homophone periods: abbr. 14 Went on a tear Hope, ___ Russia
means the 90 Garbage vessel 15 “Eri tu,” for one $1,200
opposite) 92 Supercollider tidbit 16 Penultimate 86 Photog’s soak
93 Mountain lake element 88 Nap takers
18 Truly ticked off 94 Co-founder of 17 Do a dele? 91 Name that’s
19 Tableland TriStar Pictures 20 Demi-diameters almost
20 Accumulated, as 95 Small working part 23 Kitchen device for a direction
98 Shearing subject a 93 Any and all
a bill 99 “___ ... but not gambler? responsibility
21 Extra dry this one” 29 Working on 94 Munich mister
22 “___ ... my least 104 Respond “like a 30 Russian space 95 The world of
rug” station metropolises
favorite movie” 105 Hockey legend 32 Mideast grp. 96 Eightsome
24 Where to vow to 106 Parent sub for a 33 “Watch yourself 97 Phone co.
night now” 100 Scram, on the
your partner 107 “___ ... on a scale 36 Small green thing range
25 Smaller size of in your soup 101 Scent of a Woman
26 Criticize 1-to-10” 37 Whence the Magi director Martin, or
113 It’s looking at you, came a French city
mercilessly kid 38 Sgt. Snorkel’s dog 102 Journalist Salinger
27 ___ huff 114 The goldfish in 39 One-third of a war 103 Waif
28 “___ ... thud!” Pinocchio movie 107 In the cellar
31 Directed skyward 118 Broadway 40 Test 108 Come again?
34 Baked good beginning 41 Poodle’s name 109 Stash
35 Org. for moles? 119 Parrying weapons 42 First game 110 Church section
36 “___ ... and with 120 “___ ... my 43 Torn from today’s 111 Illuminating
attention” headlines subject?
good reason” 123 “Get away!” 49 Agreeable, to 112 Mild exclamation
44 Take back (your 124 Of ___ teens 115 Escape from, as
(somewhat) 51 Frolicking fish- trackers
words) 125 Spanish artist lover 116 It vies with Vogue
45 Bauxite, e.g. Joan 52 Emperor’s dog, 117 Feats of Keats
46 Stark from Randy 126 Path to “I do” perh. 121 Trouble
127 Boys or Boom 53 Type of Bags or 122 Table wood
Andy’s past 128 Addition place rags
47 Big turnoff? 129 Pre-teeners’ sch. 56 Tom’s role on
48 Mighty 130 Strike-zone Roseanne’s show
50 On the subject of boundary 57 Fertile loam
52 According to 58 Bob Randall play,
53 Tennis star DOWN 6 Rms ___ Vu
54 Promotional 1 Son of Willy 59 Twin Peaks
product Loman 61 Dogie catcher
55 “___ ... that’s what 2 Like slander, as 62 It means “bone”
66 Metric weights
the studio should opposed to libel 68 Factory
order” 3 Miss Toga? 69 Gauguin’s
60 Minderbinder of 4 Delay bedtime getaway
Catch-22 5 Desire 70 Jinx
63 Revival prefix 6 Arise (from)
64 Carriage for Boris
65 Shaggy Tibetan
67 Too
69 “___ ...sure
seemed that way,
all right”
74 Some dwellers in
75 And the like: abbr.
76 More muumuulike

The Telegraph

B14 September 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES

Oscar Wilde wrote, “I always pass on good advice. It is the only thing to do with it. It is WEST 10 9 5 2 EAST
never of any use to oneself.” 9532 KJ A8
K AQ8 764
These days, every bridge player tries to find a reason, however thin, not to pass. 10 9 8 7 4 AQ63
Occasionally, though, a pass passes on valuable information — as in this deal. How 653 SOUTH 10 9 4 2
should South play in four hearts? West leads the diamond 10. East wins the first trick Q 10 6
with his queen, cashes the diamond ace, and shifts to the club two. (What was East’s AQJ83
stronger defense?) 52
In the auction, North’s two-no-trump response was the Jacoby Forcing Raise: four-plus
trumps, at least game-forcing values and, usually, no singleton or void. (Otherwise, he Dealer: East; Vulnerable: Both
would have made a splinter bid.) South, with a minimum and no shortage either, jumped
to four hearts. The Bidding:

South has to play the trump suit without loss. This would normally involve taking a SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
finesse. A priori, the chance that East has the king is 50 percent and West a singleton Pass
king only about 6.25 percent. But sometimes those numbers are worthless. 1 Hearts Pass 2 NT Pass LEAD:
4 Hearts Pass Pass Pass 10 Diamonds
South would like to know who holds the spade ace. He should lead a spade, taking a
slight risk that East will get a club ruff. Here, East produces the ace. Then South should
know that West must have the heart king. If East had that card — and a total of 13 high-
card points — he would have opened the bidding. Declarer should play a heart to his

East would have done better to shift to a trump at trick three, before South could find
out who had the spade ace. Then surely declarer would have gone with the odds and
taken the finesse.

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on the Miracle Mile. Take a Tour Today! 772-562-8491

Assisted Living & Memory Care l
2100 10th Avenue l Vero Beach, FL 32960

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR September 8, 2017 B15

ONGOING September 11 | Patriot Day Remembrance. by a light supper. Free. 772-672-8333

Vero Beach Museum of Art – Watershed: The Lady With All the Answers, about the life/ Suncoast Mental Health Center in Vero, with 23 Lines in the Lagoon Tri-County Junior
Contemporary Landscape Photography thru letters of Ann Landers. 772-562-8300 after-ride party at Treasure Coast Harley Da- Fishing Tournament to benefit ORCA,
Sept. 10. vidson in Martin County to benefit Suncoast. Anglers for Conservation and CCA Florida, 7
15 Sebastian River Area Chamber of 772-812-8338 a.m. lines in, 2 p.m. lines out, followed by 4
Downtown Vero Beach – monthly 5 to 8 p.m. Commerce Lifestyle and Media Auc- p.m. Family Awards Dinner at Capt. Hiram’s.
First Friday Gallery Strolls. tion, 6 p.m. at Springhill Suites Vero Beach - live 16 Run Vero Twilight 2-Mile evening $25 includes dinner.
and silent auctions. $10/$20. 772-589-5969 race, 6:30 p.m. (7:10 p.m. kids run)
SEPTEMBER from MacWilliam Park, with post-race festivi- 23 National Estuaries Day Celebration,
16 HALO Rescue’s Chase Your Tail 5K, 7:30 ties to benefit VBHS Cross Country team. 772- 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Environmental
6|7 Laura (Riding) Jackson Foundation a.m. at Sebastian Community Center 569-7364 Learning Center, with dip-netting, mangrove
hosts the Cambridge American to support the no-kill rescue. 772-589-7279 potting, canoe trips, seining, Discovery Station
Stage Tour (CAST) performing Shakespeare’s 16|17 Regular Joe Surf Festival Interactive Museum & Aquariums and family
Midsummer Night’s Dream, 7 p.m. Wed. at 16 International Coastal Cleanup hosted at north jetty to benefit activities.
Indian River Charter High School and 7 p.m. by Keep Indian River Beautiful, 9 a.m. Surfrider Foundation Sebastian Inlet Chapter.
Thurs. at Sebastian River High School. castcam- to Noon at locations throughout the county. 23 Celebrate the Arts Festival hosted by or 772-226-7738 Cultural Council of IRC, 10 a.m. to 4
20 National Suicide Awareness Month p.m. at Riverside Park - fine art and perform-
9 Tunnel to Towers 3.43-Mile Run/1-Mile 16 Treasure Coast Ride to Fight Sui- Community Health Forum, 5:30 p.m. ing artists, authors, musicians and nonprofits.
Walk, 7:30 a.m. at Riverside Park – hon- cide, kickstands up at 11 a.m. from at Brackett hosted by New Horizons followed Free.
ors the 343 first responders who perished 9/11
and supports first responders/military mem- 23 Dogtoberfest at Humane Society of
bers through Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Vero Beach and IRC, 12:30 to 4 p.m.
Foundation. 772-569-7364 - German food, beer, hayrides and canine activ-
ities. 772-388-3826
9 Walk to End Alzheimer’s, 2-mile walk to
fund research through Alzheimer’s Asso- 24 IRRC Game Show Series and Jackpot
ciation in Jacksonville, 9:30 a.m. at Humiston #1 at Indian River Riding Club, 8:30
Park. 904-281-9077 a.m. exhibition, 10 a.m. jackpot barrels fol-
lowed by game show.
9 OBA Sunset Saturday Night Concert, 6:30
to 9:30 p.m. at Humiston Park on Ocean 24 National Estuaries Day, 9 a.m. to 1
Drive. Free. 772 532-7983 p.m. at Environmental Learning Cen-
ter - canoeing, music, crafts and family fun.
11 Patriot Day Remembrance, 8:30 a.m. Standard admission. 772-589-5050
at Riverview Park, Sebastian, paying
tribute to 9/11 victims and honoring law en- 24 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra
forcement and emergency responders. 772- presents An American in Paris, 3 p.m.
589-3405 at VBHS PAC, with remastered film, and music

11 Never Forget 9/11 Tribute, with 3,000 Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
American flags, Youth Art Exhibition in September 1, 2017 Edition 7 INHALE 1 SNUG
& Contest and reception, 6 p.m. at Cox-Gifford 8 INCOME 2 LADDER
Seawinds Funeral Home. Free. 772-562-2365 9 AGED 3 PEACH
14 An Evening in Paris, 5 p.m. at Heritage 11 SCORE 5 SCYTHE
Center - Parisian-themed vendors, 13 PATELLA 6 UMBRELLA
wine tasting and Moulin Rouge-style entertain- 15 CERTAIN 12 CREATION
ment to benefit Vero Heritage Inc. $25. 772- 17 OCEAN 14 RINGLET
770-2263 20 STRUGGLE 16 TRUSTY

14-24 Vero Beach Theatre Guild Sudoku Page B12 Sudoku Page B13 Crossword Page B12 Crossword Page B13 (FINAL X-AM)
presents Eleanor Dixon in


Our directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the community an opportunity to make themselves known to our readers at an affordable cost.
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TBheefohrireinygouofdaeclaiadwneyd,eear xsispkeaurniseintmocpepo.rrCotavliinedtnedt eyreocsiuspiwoonnitshtihbfalreteesfohwrorucioltdtsetnnooiftnsbfoueritmbaaatstiesodentstaloeblmeolueytnoto.nuradqvuearltiifsiceamtieonntss.

B16 September 8, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE

by Gershwin, Gould, Ellington and Saint-Saens. October 3 | National Night Out. of Pre-K to 12-graders, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Peli- 7|8 Special Olympics State Swimming
855-252-7276 can Island Audubon Society’s Audubon House. Championships, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
cal law enforcement, fire rescue, EMA agencies $25. 772-567-3520 Sat.; 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Sun. at North County
30 Save the Sea: Go Plastic Free state- and more. Free. Aquatic Center, plus 8 p.m. Opening Ceremo-
wide campaign launch at Jaycee Park, 7 Replogle Family Award Dinner Dance, 6 p.m. ny and Dance at Indian River Intergenerational
8 a.m. donation beach yoga, 9 a.m. beach 3 Opening reception of Bodyscapes, pho- at Grand Harbor hosted by The Arc, Indian Center.
cleanup and 11 a.m. family BBQ hosted by Flor- tography by Allan Teger to benefit Friends River County, recognizing outstanding support of
ida Young Democrats of IR. in Pink, 5 to 8 p.m. at Gallery 14. Show runs special needs individuals. $125. 772-584-9511 8 American Association of University Women
thru Oct. 27. Free. 772 562-5525 hosts Amanda Cox’s dance theatre perfor-
30 Golf Tournament to benefit Women’s 7|8 Treasure Coast Pilot Club’s 30th mance Let Go, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. at Vero Beach
Refuge of Vero Beach, 8:30 a.m. shotgun 6-28 OktoberfestNights,6to9:30p.m.week- annual juried Autumn in the Park Theatre Guild. $30; students $15. 772-562-8300
start at Orchid Island Golf Club followed by lunch ends at Riverside Theatre - live music, Arts and Crafts Show, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at River-
and prizes. $125; $475/foursome. 772-770-4424 Germanfoodandseasonalbeer. Freeadmission. side Park to fund scholarships, Project Lifesaver 10 Vero Beach High School Performing
and other programs. Free. Arts Dept. presents Fall Choral Clas-
30 Hunt for Hope Florida scavenger hunt 7 Project Learning Tree environmental edu- sics, 7 p.m. at VBHS PAC. 772-564-5497
to fund IBC research through the In- cation program for educators and parents
flammatory Breast Cancer Network Founda- 13 Catch & Release, 1 to 4 p.m. at Camp
tion, 1 to 6 p.m. at Sebastian Riverview Park. Haven, with ‘Big Fish’ caught and
772-589-1140 tasked with raising donations to be released.
30 Jeans, Stilettos and Pearls Scholarship
Gala, 7 p.m. at Pointe West Country 13-15 Indian River Birding Festival
Club to fund Lambda Beta Zeta Vero Beach and Nature Art Show host-
Chapter scholarships for local students. $50. ed by Pelican Island Preservation Society and
Pelican Island Audubon Society at Audubon
30 20th Street Jazz Band at Sebastian House on Oslo Road. 772-494-6306
Inlet State Park Night Sounds concert
series, 7 p.m. at Coconut Point pavilions. Free 14 United Way Day of Caring, 8 a.m. to Noon -
with park entry fee. 772-388-2750 kickoff breakfast and check-in at Freshman
Learning Center before teaming up for community
OCTOBER improvement projects. 772-567-8900 ext. 117

3 National Night Out, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at 14 Pineapple Party at historic Hallstrom
Humiston Park, to meet members of lo- House, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. hosted by
IRC Historical Society. 772-778-3435




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Automatic, AC, USB Port, Blue Tooth Power Windows & Locks, 7 Airbag System, Keyless
Entry, USB Port,140 Watt CD MP3, Fuse hands free
42 MPG HIGHWAY link system with Bluetooth





Sedan. Automatic, Great on Gas. 4dr Hatchback, 39,000 Miles Back Up Camera. 55,000 Miles. Full Power, Cruise, 47,655 Miles. Only 25 miles! Cargo Package.

$4,750 $8,125 $8,325 $9,200 $10,965

Keyless Entry, 44,198 Miles. One Owner. 29,126 Miles. Torch Red, Hard and Soft Top Backup Camera. Bluetooth. Fully Loaded, Only 3500 Miles

$13,500 $12,900 $16,200 $16,305 $48,500

772. 569.12001440 U.S. 1, VERO BEACH I MON. - FRI. 8:30 A.M. - 7 P.M. SAT. 8:30 A.M. - 5 P.M. I


*plus tax, tag, title, destination, and $289 Dealer fee. Price includes all factory rebates, cash back, and dealer discounts. Vehicles subject to prior sale. Not responsible for typographical errors. Offers Expire 9/14/17.

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