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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2016-07-21 21:43:24



42 Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


The Stuart Press Journal: Losing all touch with Vero

Once again this past Sunday, the Stuart Press Guess some long-shot candidates are ready to do – where the candidates are seeking to replace outgo-
Journal – let’s call it what it is – ran end-of-the-world anything in hope of garnering the Stuart Press Jour- ing State Representative Debbie Mayfield in repre-
headlines asking “Who will help us” in support nal’s endorsement. senting Indian River County in Tallahassee – and we
of its crusade to halt the flow of water from Lake will be sharing those with you in the weeks ahead.
Okeechobee into the St. Lucie River. But article then goes on to question the more
nuanced views of Lange Sykes and Erin Grall – the But let us repeat: Notwithstanding the daily bom-
As we have pointed out repeatedly, this is NOT an two front-runners – as to whether spending huge bardment of the declining number of Vero readers
Indian River County issue. This is a huge issue for amounts of taxpayer money to purchase land south they have left by the Stuart Press Journal, Martin
Martin County and Stuart. of Lake Okeechobee is the world’s best idea. County’s problems are NOT a top issue in our Indian
River County race.
Yet, we are bombarded day after day with the Stu- At this point, we do not have a position on spend-
art Press Journal’s effort to make this OUR issue – a ing Amendment 1 money on purchasing land south Let’s focus on the issues that really concern resi-
fear-mongering assault that threatens to cause cata- of Lake Okeechobee. dents of our county, and not the issues imposed on
strophic damage to Indian River County’s tourism in- us by the Stuart Press Journal! 
dustry and reputation as a sanctuary for snowbirds. But we do have some views on the District 54 race

Just last week, we got calls from several snowbirds Learning to live with Islamic terrorism
– in this case, repeat seasonal renters who have
come to trust our paper – asking how bad the algae BY ELI LAKE | BLOOMBERG
bloom is in Vero, and whether they should risk re-
turning to our barrier island this coming winter. After the horror at Nice, perhaps the most de- tion from a wider network.
pressing comment came from France's prime min- This approach is not an accident. Michael Smith
Where do you suppose they had heard about the ister. Calling for unity in the face of terror, Manuel
toxic algae crisis? Valls observed: "Times have changed, and we should II, the chief operating officer for Kronos Advisory,
learn to live with terrorism. We have to show solidar- which monitors the Islamic State online, told me
Attention Stuart: There is NO algae bloom in In- ity and collective calm." that this is a major emphasis of the Islamic State to-
dian River County. What Lake Okeechobee does or day. "Their leader has explicitly stated 'you are com-
does not do has never affected – and will never af- If this sounds like resignation, it shouldn't. Valls is pelled to pledge allegiance to me and this allegiance
fect – our stretch of the Indian River Lagoon. no squish. After the Charlie Hebdo attack in January is affirmed with action, not just words,'" he said. This
2015, he told the Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg that ac- means one of two things, Smith said: Either emigrate
Yet, there’s the headline on Page 1 of the Stuart cusations of "Islamophobia" were too often used to to the new caliphate and fight in the Middle East, or
Press Journal, right under the World War III type silence legitimate criticism of political Islam. wage jihad in your home country.
blaring “Obama denies algae aid,” proclaiming:
“District 54 hopefuls split on land buy.” What's more, France has been under a state of Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, a senior fellow at the
emergency since November, when Islamic State op- Foundation for Defense of Democracies and an ex-
The first paragraph goes on to say:“What to do about eratives went on a murder spree in Paris. In practice pert on radical Islam, told me that all of this high-
the algae crisis in area waterways has bubbled up as a this has meant the state has monitored the commu- lights that military gains against the Islamic State do
top issue for Republicans seeking Florida House Dis- nications of thousands of young Muslims, searched not diminish the broader threat of jihad. "The ISIS
trict 54, which represents Indian River County and a their homes and businesses without a warrant and self-professed caliphate is collapsing," he said. "This
small part of northern St. Lucie County.” used its national army to defend soft targets. is going to really hurt the organization, but jihad-
ism itself continues to gain power. It's a much bigger
Please!!! Stuart’s algae crisis is NOT a top issue in And yet none of this was able to stop a petty problem than just ISIS."
this race. criminal named Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel from
driving a truck into a crowd of people celebrating That problem is not going to go away, even as the
This is our House district. We are talking about Bastille Day. Some of this is because of the nature of military campaign against the Islamic State begins
representatives who we will elect to represent us. jihad these days. Both al Qaeda and the Islamic State to succeed. The war on terror will be with us for the
We’re talking about representatives whom we hope have encouraged smaller-scale attacks in the West foreseeable future, and so will the war the terrorists
are rightly focused on Indian River County issues. that can be executed without planning or coordina- wage against us. 

The article then goes on to praise two of the four
candidates – Dale Glading and Greg MacKay – for
being “eager to buy land south of Lake Okeechobee
to store its excess water.”

CARDIAC TESTS, PART II is put into the catheter, your coronary arter- test. This test includes imaging to find out
ies become visible on a TV monitor that can whether any areas of the heart muscle are not
These tests look for problems in the “electri- show if plaque has narrowed/blocked your receiving enough blood flow during exercise.
cal” and “plumbing” systems of your heart coronary arteries, problems in your heart Usually two sets of images of your heart are
and for anatomical abnormalities. valves and congenital heart defects. taken – one while you’re at rest and another
after you heart is stressed, either by exercise
TEST TO DIAGNOSE ELECTRICAL STRESS TESTS or medication. A radioactive dye is injected
PROBLEMS  Exercise stress tests into a vein in the hand or arm. When the dye
If your doctor wants to find out how your has circulated through the blood stream, a
Holter Monitor heart responds to exertion – i.e., how much camera takes pictures of the heart while
A Holter monitor is a small device you wear for physical stress your heart can manage be- you’re lying down for the “rest scan” of the
a day or two that records all of your heartbeats fore you develop either an abnormal rhythm heart. Then you get up and go onto a tread-
to find irregular heartbeats that may not have or evidence of ischemia (not enough blood mill. At peak exercise more dye is injected
shown up on your electrocardiogram (EKG). flow going to your heart muscle), he or she into your vein. When the dye has passed
may order an exercise stress test. This stan- through the blood stream, the camera takes
TESTS TO DIAGNOSE “PLUMBING” dard-of-care test usually involves walking more pictures of the heart for the “stress
(BLOOD FLOW), VALVE AND/OR on a treadmill or pedaling a stationary bike scan” of the heart. Blocked arteries show up
ANATOMIC ABNORMALITIES at increasing levels of difficulty, while your as “cold spots” on the scans.
electrocardiogram (EKG), heart rate and For patients unable to do the physical activ-
Cardiac Catheterization blood pressure are monitored. ity, medication can be given during the exer-
Cardiac catheterization is done to see if you  Nuclear stress tests (also known as thal- cise portion of the test that replicates how
have a heart problem, or as a part of a pro- lium stress test, myocardial perfusion scan the heart would function if exercising. 
cedure to correct a heart problem. A long, or radionuclide test) Your comments and suggestions for future
thin, flexible tube called a catheter is put If your routine exercise stress test doesn’t pin- topics are always welcome. Email us
into a blood vessel in your groin or wrist and point the cause of your chest pain, shortness at [email protected].
threaded to your heart. Through the cath- of breath or other heart-related symptoms,
eter, your doctor can do diagnostic tests and your doctor may recommend a nuclear stress © 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
treatments on your heart, including place-
ment of a stent to keep an artery open. If dye

44 Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Donald G. McNeil Jr. believes the Centers for Dis- gency, with the potential to leave massive damage pathogen has been identified as the culprit. How ex-
ease Control and Prevention is doing a disservice to and heartbreak in its wake – and disrupt the upcom- actly does Zika affect neural tissue? How does it cross
women exposed to the Zika virus. Here’s McNeil, the ing Summer Olympics in Rio. the placenta? How soon after infection will dam-
New York Times’ global health correspondent, vent- age to the fetus appear? What if a baby is infected
ing his frustration in an interview he conducted for “Never before in history has there been a situation at birth? Can a man transmit it without ever having
his new book, “Zika.” where a bite from a mosquito can result in a dev- symptoms? Can a woman transmit it sexually?
astating malformation” of offspring, said the CDC’s
Discussing the epidemic with Denise Jamieson, Frieden. This dread distinction is due to Zika’s ability, McNeil has covered other diseases of the world’s
team leader of the CDC’s women’s health and fertil- unique for a mosquito-borne virus, to routinely cross poor, including AIDS, malaria, avian flu, SARS, mad
ity branch, who advises CDC Director Tom Frieden, the placenta; it is also the only mosquito-borne virus cow disease and other “plagues and pestilences,” as his
he points out the obvious: that avoiding pregnancy that is sexually transmitted. author page puts it. Most eye-catching, the first case
in Zika areas is the only certain way to prevent hav- of microcephaly in the United States and its territories
ing a baby with the tiny head and deformed brain Though 80 percent to 90 percent of cases are thank- was recorded in Puerto Rico in May 2016 (the first Zika
characteristic of Zika-induced microcephaly. fully mild, 1 percent to 13 percent of infected pregnant death was also there, in February). Now Zika is spread-
women will have microcephalic babies. Such children ing across the Caribbean island. Further, a woman
“Why,” he asks, “would the CDC not advise wom- may be blind or deaf. Some may never learn to stand, who had earlier lived in Brazil gave birth to a deformed
en to wait?” walk or control their bowels. Serious learning disabili- baby in Hawaii, as did a Honduran woman visiting
ties persist from childhood on. In adults, the Zika vi- New Jersey. Both tragedies were caused by Zika.
“I think the government getting involved in highly rus can trigger the rare but debilitating Guillain-Barre
personal decisions about when to have a baby is not syndrome, an autoimmune condition in which paral- The long, hot summer is now upon us, and the
likely to be very effective,” Jamieson explained. ysis sets in. The condition is usually temporary, but if expectation is that local transmission will happen
it affects the diaphragmatic muscles, the patient must in the United States. The best hope is a vaccine, but
“Suppose you were in your job in 1964,” McNeil receive life support to enable breathing. that will probably take at least two years to develop.
said, “and you knew that huge rubella outbreak was In June, the Food and Drug Administration approved
starting. There was no vaccine. You knew the conse- The story of Zika, like many biographies of pan- a clinical trial for an experimental Zika vaccine.
quences. Babies would suffer. What would your ad- demics, remains a mystery narrative, even after the
vice have been then?” Right now, at least 298 million people in the Ameri-
Shortly after 4 a.m. on July 28, 2012, an 82-year-old cas live in areas conducive to Zika transmission. Im-
“I’d say,” Jamieson answered, “‘This is an extraor- Catholic nun, a Vietnam veteran and a housepainter poverished, overcrowded areas and the Gulf Coast
dinarily risky time to get pregnant.’” cut holes in several security fences surrounding a region are particularly at risk. Messages from some
government facility in Oak Ridge, Tenn., where thou- public health officials – “a whole generation of neu-
“But you won’t give the same advice now?” sands of nuclear bomb cores are stored, walked up to ro-devastated children,” warned one – may be too
“This is different,” she said. “There was no vaccine the massive white concrete-and-steel building and alarmist. Still, McNeil adopts a cautious stance and
then. Highly motivated women can avoid mosquito splashed its walls with blood. They spray-painted slo- strongly recommends that women delay conception,
bites.” gans. They hammered concrete chips off the base of a even though the CDC hesitates to take this step.
“For nine months, 24 hours a day?” McNeil asked. manned guard tower. No one shot them. Six minutes
“Is that realistic?” passed before a security van even arrived to investi- The CDC’s view is not unique, however. An Am-
The spread of Zika is a public health story, but, as is gate. nesty International activist told McNeil that govern-
often the case with pandemics, politics is never far be- ment advice to delay pregnancy puts “women in an
hind. The consuming controversy in the case of Zika is The story of this shocking, peaceful invasion of Oak impossible position by asking them to put the sole
why the CDC and the World Health Organization have Ridge, and what followed, anchors Washington Post responsibility for public health on their shoulders by
dragged their feet in giving strong recommendations journalist Dan Zak’s “Almighty,” but the book exam- not getting pregnant when over half don’t have that
to women to delay pregnancy. Some Latin American ines at eloquent length the current state of nuclear choice.” A spokeswoman for the Center for Repro-
countries, including Brazil, have asked women to do security and diplomacy as well. As Zak finds, these ductive Rights in New York called the advice “naïve”
so. In June, after McNeil’s book went to press, theWHO and “irresponsible,” noting that governments “were
issued an advisory asking women to consider delay- not issuing any recommendation for the men to use
ing pregnancy. However, the CDC has yet to send out condoms, which is very unfair.”McNeil closes the
similar advice. Instead, it warns women to avoid mos- book with a useful appendix detailing responses to
quito bites and not travel to areas of the globe such as most-asked questions. The one he cannot answer,
South America, Central America, the Caribbean and of course, is: How much harm will Zika wreak in our
the Pacific Islands, where Zika is a risk. country and the world? 
McNeil’s account of the rise and spread of Zika
is tight and highly informative. We learn that in Au- ZIKA
gust 2015, babies with the small heads and deformed
brains indicative of microcephaly began appearing THE EMERGING EPIDEMIC
in maternity wards in the northeastern tip of Brazil. By Donald G. McNeil Jr., Norton. 203 pp. $14.95
The condition became popularly known as doença
misteriosa, Portuguese for “mystery disease.” A few Review by Sally Satel, The Washington Post
months later, a local public health agency identi-
fied it as an African virus first discovered in 1947 in a appear to be at least as complacent and contradictory
monkey in the Zika forest in Uganda. as did Oak Ridge security when the nun and her two
When the Brazilian health minister learned this, fellow protesters challenged it in 2012.
the connection between the virus and microceph-
aly was not yet established, and his reaction was You can make a nuclear explosion yielding at least
relief. “Zika doesn’t worry us. It’s a benign disease,” the equivalent of hundreds of tons of TNT simply by
he said. Indeed, the result of being bitten by a Zika- dropping one subcritical piece of a bomb core onto
carrying mosquito had typically been a mild affair: another by hand. For that reason, bomb-core storage
a rash, fever and headache in the vast majority of facilities depend on perimeter defense – on keeping
people. Some infected individuals experienced no the bad guys out of the building. Sister Megan Rice
symptoms at all. Compared with the ravages of other and her two accomplices had no intention of trying
diseases common in South America – such as ma- to breach the storage building’s formidable defenses
laria, dengue, yellow fever and chikungunya, which – it is, so its guardians claim, one of the most secure
are carried by the same species of mosquito, Aedes buildings in the world – but the fact that they were
aegypti – there was little reason to panic. able to stand next to it and fling baby bottles full of
McNeil’s early pages conjure the kind of eerie blood onto its walls indicates that its very physical se-
calm that comes before doom. Zika, as the world has curity had made its guards complacent. They simply
come to learn, is not your run-of-the-mill “bug.” Ac-
cording to the WHO, it is now a public health emer-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 45


couldn’t imagine anyone getting past perimeter se- initiated humanitarian pledge that commits them to itarian movement that is promoting Austria’s pledge.
curity; they actually reset their alarms after the three work “to stigmatize, prohibit and eliminate nuclear To Zak’s credit, he reports as well the opinion of that
protesters set them off, assuming that an animal had weapons in light of their unacceptable humanitarian
tripped them. consequences and associated risks.” guest speaker, a former Navy officer named Frank
Miller, that nuclear weapons have prevented large-
If a flying squad of suicide commandos had blown Zak doesn’t spare what he calls the “nuclear priest- scale war since 1945, that the “humanitarians … have
its way into that building, Oak Ridge today would be hood,” the weapons-makers and suppliers, find- no role in assuring global stability or halting aggres-
a large hole in the ground and eastern Tennessee a ing them meeting in Washington during the same sion,” that “their crusade could create conditions for
radioactive wasteland. Sister Megan made her point, 2015 summer when Sister Megan was released from war, and for massive bloodshed.”
as Rep. Joe Barton told her when she testified later in prison. Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics and
Washington. In return, from a reluctant judge, she got Northrop Grumman sponsored their annual nuclear- Nor is Zak prepared to choose sides, though his
2 1/2 years in prison. triad conference. On that occasion, Rep. Mike Rogers heart is clearly with the nun and the humanitarians.
of Alabama referred to Obama’s speech in Prague in In the end, Sister Megan returns to Oak Ridge, where
Oak Ridge is one node of an extensive and expen- 2009 on eliminating nuclear weapons, claiming hap- a new security company has replaced the old one, to
sive national complex of nuclear weapons deploy- pily, “I think we can safely say the president’s Prague hang a paper crane from the somewhat better-guard-
ment, storage, refurbishment and dismantling. Zak vision is dead,” and a guest speaker warned of a “rela- ed fences. The guards would collect it and throw it
quotes a U.S. official calling it “a zoo of extremely wild tively new threat to our deterrent” – the same human- away in half an hour, he tells us, “but right then … it
animals.” The U.S. nuclear arsenal, Zak notes, has was all she could do.” Having surrendered our author-
been reduced by 85 percent since its numerical high ity as citizens to what the scholar Elaine Scarry rightly
point in 1967, yet our “21st-century budget for nucle- calls a “nuclear monarchy,” with the president, like a
ar weapons is higher than the budget at any point in king, solely in charge of initiating world-destroying
history.” (This seeming contradiction reminds me of nuclear war, it’s all any of us can do.
the British naval historian C. Northcote Parkinson’s
1955 observation that, because work expands to fill Like it or not, this question of fundamental equity
the time allowed, the number of British admiralty of- among nations is the paradox and the core of the nu-
ficials had increased by more than 78 percent during clear dilemma. The report of the Canberra Commis-
a time period – 1914 to 1928 – when the British navy sion on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons stated
had decreased by a third in men and two-thirds in it even more succinctly in 1996, calling it the Axiom
ships. President Obama’s recent call to spend nearly of Nuclear Proliferation: “As long as any state has
$1 trillion to refurbish and upgrade the U.S. nuclear nuclear weapons, others will seek to acquire them.”
arsenal across the next decade continues the trend.) And Obama in Prague added a surely true but terrify-
ing corollary: “If we believe that the spread of nuclear
Zak reports not only on the lives of the three Oak weapons is inevitable, then in some way we are ad-
Ridge protesters but also on the impact of nuclear mitting to ourselves that the use of nuclear weapons
weapons testing over the years on the people of the is inevitable.”
Marshall Islands, where the largest U.S. bombs were
tested, and the downwinders of the American South- With nuns splashing blood, countries making
west below the continental test site at Yucca Flats, pledges, diplomats working to reduce the size of
Nev., who believe that their cancers and other serious world-destroying arsenals, suppliers cheering a new
illnesses resulted from exposure to nuclear fallout. He Cold War, Zak demonstrates that we’re all in it togeth-
looks into the lives of the people who live in the city er. And he’s honest enough to report as well the hard
of Oak Ridge and work at the bomb facility in their truth that none of us yet knows how to get out of it
midst. alive. 

He follows the trial of the three protesters from the ALMIGHTY
point of view of the uncomfortable government law-
yers who led the prosecution. He profiles Rose Got- COURAGE, RESISTANCE, AND EXISTENTIAL
temoeller, Obama’s leading U.S. nuclear diplomat,
as she tries to untie the nuclear knot incrementally PERIL IN THE NUCLEAR AGE
while more than 100 other nations sign an Austrian-
By Dan Zak, Blue Rider. 402 pp. $27

Review by Richard Rhodes, The Washington Post


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46 Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Congress hands air travelers an ‘amazing’ victory

BY CHRISTOPHER ELLIOTT airlines, in terms of new regulation, is in a seat adjacent to the seat of an ac- high-volume travel times at appropri-
The Washington Post a rule that directs the transportation companying family member over the ate airports. Another mandates “every
secretary to establish a policy to allow age of 13” at no additional cost. There practicable effort” to provide expedit-
After months of debate over the children under age 13 “to be seated is an exception for when such a seat as- ed screening at standard lanes during
Federal Aviation Administration re- signment would require an upgrade to times when PreCheck is closed.
authorization bill, and at an appar- another cabin class or a seat with extra
ent impasse over privatizing air traf- legroom or seat pitch, for which addi- The bill also requires the TSA to de-
fic control, Congress has settled on a tional fees generally are required. But ploy “private sector solutions” in order
compromise – with some unexpected as a practical matter, this policy is cer- to increase PreCheck program enroll-
benefits for the average air traveler. tain to chip away at the billions of dol- ment. It orders the government to offer
lars in seat reservation fees the indus- secure online and mobile enrollment
The House and Senate have agreed try collects from passengers annually. opportunities and partnerships to col-
on an extension that would fund the lect biographic and biometric iden-
agency at current levels through Sep- The extension bill’s greatest impact tification information. This would be
tember 2017. Among other things, could be felt when it comes to the done through kiosks, mobile devices
it would also require airlines to seat Transportation Security Administra- or other mobile platforms to increase
families with children together without tion, and is almost certainly a direct enrollment flexibility.
charging them more, accelerate the response to the lengthy security lines
security screening process and issue travelers have faced this summer. The In short, Congress is telling the TSA
prompt refunds for baggage fees when bill offers several measures intended to shorten the lines, quickly.
luggage is lost for more than 12 hours. to expedite screening, including one
that directs the agency to keep the The new seating rules are not the
The legislation surprised consumer PreCheck program’s screening lines only ones upsetting the airline indus-
advocates, who had expected a far open and available during peak and try. A proposed rule affects another
less ambitious extension bill. “This is source of almost pure profit: bag-
an amazing win for consumers,” said gage fees. Under current Department
Charles Leocha, president of Travelers of Transportation rules, luggage fees
United, a Washington nonprofit orga- must be refunded only if a bag is lost.
nization that advocates for airline pas- The extension directs the DOT to cre-
sengers. ate a rule to require airlines to prompt-
ly and automatically refund “any ancil-
Perhaps the most troubling item for lary fees” paid for checked baggage if
it is delivered later than 12 hours after
the arrival of a domestic flight or 15
hours for an international flight.

Larry Berman, a Washington at-
torney and frequent traveler, said
air travel has become so uncivilized
and dehumanizing that stronger leg-
islation is needed to restore some
dignity. Seats are too small for the
average passenger, fees are out of
control, service is all but extinct and
the airline industry is a monopoly, for
all intents and purposes, he noted.
“I’d like to see the return of the Civil
Aeronautics Board, the federal agen-
cy that regulated airline service,” Ber-
man said. The agency was phased out
in 1985 after the airline industry was
deregulated. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 47


Is it possible we’re here for ‘just such a time as this’?

BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT of Persia and all is well until a par- tion. Though Esther puts her own you have come to royal dignity for
Columnists ticularly ambitious palace employ- life at risk if she reveals her Jewish just such a time as this.” So Esther,
ee, who disliked Mordecai, decided identity to the king, she alone is po- with great bravery and cleverness,
How well do you know yourself? to take out his animosity on all the sitioned to be of influence in pre- reveals her identity and exposes the
You may be better acquainted with Jews of the realm. He convinced the venting a slaughter. Cousin Morde- plot against her people to the king.
yourself than anyone else you know, King to utterly destroy them all. Now cai urges her to save her people with The king intervenes as Esther sug-
but we would venture to guess you Mordecai and Esther swing into ac- these words: “Who knows? Perhaps gests and disaster is averted.
are still something of a mystery to
yourself. For example, did you know What a marvelous little story. Who
that you can’t tickle yourself? Did could ever have guessed that Esther
you know that if you are a woman would be just the right person, with
then you blink twice as many times just the right qualities, at just the
as a man? Did you know you are one right time, to do something critically
centimeter taller in the morning important? Esther would probably
than in the evening? If these surpris- have been as unwilling as anyone else
ing facts are true of you, what more to imagine it.
significant realities about yourself
might you be missing? Her story always leaves us won-
dering about the seemingly chance
The Hebrew Bible’s Book of Es- occurrences of our lives. Why were
ther explores the question of our we placed in the families that claim
unknown and untapped potential us? What started us down the life
in a fascinating story set in 5th cen- path we’ve undertaken? Why have
tury B.C. Persia. Here’s the story, in we been endowed with our own
brief: Esther is the cousin of Morde- unique configuration of strengths,
cai, a Jew who worked for the King of gifts, and abilities? Might we, like
Persia. When the king is searching Esther, be uniquely positioned for
for a new wife, Mordecai arranges some important act, at some critical
for Esther to get an interview for the moment, for some significant end?
job, but warns her not to reveal her Could we miss recognizing some-
religious identity. Esther is eventu- thing important about ourselves or
ally selected to become the queen our circumstances, and thereby fail
to fulfill a mission that we alone can

Now, it’s true that the chance to
save the lives of a whole group of
people doesn’t emerge very often.
Esther’s situation was not our own.
But perhaps our opportunities for
doing some dramatic good in the
world aren’t as limited as we think.

Maybe there’s a broken relation-
ship you can help to reconcile. May-
be there’s an injustice against which
you can speak out. Maybe there’s a
fear you can calm, a wrong you can
right, a hand you can hold, a dream
you can fulfill. God knows, maybe
you were placed here, for just such a
time as this. 

48 Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Bonz’s book on Norman: This hound’s a hoot!

Hi Dog Buddies! figured I had bonked my head or “I use my paws to open
something and developed retro-
This week I got a tip from a pal, Taco grade amnesia.)” doorknobs, and my mouth
El Chihuahua, who told me about a
pooch he thought would make a great I tried to look like I had a clue and my tongue to open
interview. And, Dog, was he right. Nor- what he was talking about.
man Gould is just like Taco described: deadbolts. It’s not that
handsome, neat as a pin, and friendly. “Anyway, two girl students
On top of that, Taco said, he’s “one of spotted me. They posted my hard, ackshully. So they
those rescue types and just a plain ol’ picture to see if anyone would
hound dog.” claim me, but nobody did, so moved the deadbolts too
they thought maybe one of
I couldn’t wait to meet Norman, and their fellow students, Jeffrey, high for me to reach, cuz
I’m callin’ this column “The Book of might want me. WELL, Jeffrey
Norman.” (For all you Broadway-lovin’ was in law school and didn’t when I opened the inside
poocheroos.) know if he could take care of
me so he called his Mom in garage door, us dogs’d be
Norman’s Dad is a doctor, and Nor- Vero Beach for advice. (She’s
man works in his office. His job is to a Major Dog Rescue Human.) waiting for Mom and Dad,
hang around looking adorable and So she flew up to meet me. Me
greeting patients. So there he was, and Jeffrey and his Mom spent and we’d surge out when
trotting up for the Wag-and-Sniff soon the day getting me Dog Supplies and
as me and my Assistant walked in. He talkin’ about Jeffrey’s busy schedule. they opened the big garage
looked very Beagle-y but taller, red- We were driving his Mom back to the
dish-brown and white coat, and the airport that evening when Jeffrey re- door.”
coolest leather collar I ever saw. alized he couldn’t give me the atten-
tion and stuff I needed, with all his law “Obviously,” I managed,
“Good mornin,’ Bonz. I’m Norman school work. I got scared cuz I thought
Gould. This is my Mom, Nancy, and I’d be All Alone again. “your Mom and Dad love
my Bestie, Edi Mae. I have two other
pooch sisters at home, Sylvia and “Well, Bonz, I was, like, the lucki- you VERY much!”
Elaine.” est pooch EVER, cuz Jeffrey’s Mom
scooped me right up. The airplane Norman. PHOTO BY LEAH DUBOIS Just then a human walked
Well, up comes this BIG bee-ootiful, people wouldn’t let me fly back with
curly-haired black Newfoundland, her, so she rented a car! For ME! Can in wearing all blue clothes.
wearing a collar of daisies and a nice you beLIEVE it? We drove all the way
smile. “Absolutely delighted,” she said, back to Vero, 11 hours (with potty made A Few “This is my Dad, Marc,” Nor-
as we all got settled. stops).
Adjustments for me.” man said. “Lots of patients walk right
“As am I,” I told her, with great sin- “I was nervous, so I occupied myself
cerity. Then, to Norman, “I hear you by shredding my leash. When we got “Adjustments?” I queried. “Like past him to say hello to me first. He
have quite a story to tell.” to the Orlando airport to get her car,
the leash was only, like, 4 inches long. what?” clears his throat and they say, ‘Oh,
“Not to brag but, Yes. Yes I do. My So there we were, schlepping through
journey to Vero Beach began on the the airport, her and her stuff and me “I’m a runner! I ran back and forth Hello, Doc!’ But he doesn’t mind. He
campus of Duke University in Dur- on a 4-inch leash.
ham, N.C. Back in ’09. I found myself in the yard so much it wore the grass gives us special allergy treats and takes
wandering around. Couldn’t remem- “Finally, around 4 in the morning,
ber who I was or how I got there. (Later we got to my Forever Home, and Dog! off so Mom and Dad yanked it all up us out when we haffta go. He’s Totally
I looked in Dad’s medical books and Is it great! And Mom and Dad have
and put down papers! And I run figure Cool Kibbles!”

8’s through the doggie doors. There By the time the interview was over I

wasn’t one on the screen patio so I had enough material for two columns.

sorta made my own. So they put in an- Heading home, I thought maybe I’d

other official one there.” ask my Mom for one of those cool col-

I was speechless. lars for my birthday, or Christmas, or

“And I love to climb trees!” St. Roch’s Day.

“Shut the Doghouse Door!”

“I dunno where I learned it. I’m not Till next time,

great climbing down, tho. I get so far, The Bonz
then I sorta drop. The neighbors kept
calling Animal Control to report A Dog

in A Tree. So Mom and Dad put up bar- Don’t Be Shy

“Plus, I can open doors, even ones
with doorknobs. So Mom and Dad re- We are always looking for pets with
placed them with Keyed Entry Devices. interesting stories.
I can also open deadbolts, which they To set up an interview, email
didn’t believe ’til they took a video.” [email protected].

He leaned closer and spoke softly,

Most of us pet parents experience frustra- test results and treatment options when hours a day. In an emergency, your pet can see for pets with arthritis, hip dysplasia, disc dis-
tion over wait times when we need a doctor. they pickup. We can even pick pets up and a doctor within minutes at our hospital without ease, and other conditions and injuries.
drop them off after their visits. We also offer having to drive to an emergency facility.
At Divine Animal Hospital, we want to housecalls. In addition to providing state of the art
make going to the doctor as pleasant as pos- Our clinic offers full diagnostic services in- medical care, we offer boarding, and groom-
sible for both pets and their parents. Housecalls minimize stress both to own- cluding in-house labs, digital x-ray, ultrasound, ing with two master groomers. We make
ers and pets. Imagine not having to catch and endoscopy. We are able to manage major sure every pet gets an ice cream cone before
When owners call to make an appoint- cats and get them into carriers or having to emergencies in-house, even those that need they leave so their last memory of their visit
ment, we work very hard to accommodate lift pets with arthritis or conditions affecting immediate surgical stabilization. will be a pleasant one.
busy schedules. We offer drop off appoint- their mobility into cars.
ments for busy parents, owners an drop off One of our specialties is pain management Does your doctor give you an ice cream
patients and still speak to a doctor about We are available to pets and parents 24 and we provide the most innovative options cone?

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 49


854 KQJ 62
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist 3 Q8 97542
K97642 A J 10 Q83
Alexis Carrel, a French surgeon and biologist who was awarded a Nobel Prize in ?83 K J 10 5 2 ?96
1912, said, “All great men are gifted with intuition. They know without reasoning or
analysis, what they need to know.” SOUTH
A 10 9 7 3
Inter alia, that applies to bridge players. There are days when the top players are A K J 10 6
“in the zone,” just knowing where all of the cards lie. But they still analyze — draw 5
deductions from what has happened. In this deal, the original South, who thought he 74
was an expert, lost two club tricks after reaching an incorrect conclusion.
Dealer: South; Vunerable: East-West
In six spades, South started with 11 top tricks: five spades, five hearts and one
diamond. He was faced with guessing the club suit for the 12th winner. The Bidding:

He won the heart lead with dummy’s queen, drew trumps in three rounds, and ran the SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
hearts, discarding three clubs from the dummy. Then, after a diamond to the ace and a 1 Spades Pass 2 Clubs Pass
diamond ruff, the evil moment had arrived. When he led a low club toward the dummy, 2 Hearts Pass 3 Spades Pass LEAD:
what should declarer have done, or was it a guess? 4 Hearts Pass 4 NT Pass 3 Hearts
5 Hearts Pass 6 Spades All Pass
At the time, South claimed that it was a guess; that West would always play low
smoothly. The latter comment was right, but it was not a guess.

West’s lead was known to have been a singleton. He would not have chosen that card
looking at an ace, because he would have known that his partner could not have a
speedy entry to deliver a heart ruff. So South should have played dummy’s club jack,
which would have pulled out the ace and let the slam make.

50 Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™



7 Next to (6) 1 Transfer, detach (6)
8 Universal (6) 2 Boring (8)
9 Go, transport (4) 3 Trident, spear (7)
10 Calmness (8) 4 Greek marketplace (5)
11 Heal, improve (7) 5 Midday (4)
12 Pains, hurts (5) 6 Fort (6)
15 Harbour, oasis (5) 13 Tableware (8)
17 Temporary camp (7) 14 Hoping (7)
20 Power (8) 16 Writer (6)
22 Goodhearted, nice (4) 18 Yearbook (6)
23 Cheerful, lively (6) 19 Nimble, fleet (5)
24 Commonplace (6) 21 Heroic, huge (4)

The Telegraph

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

The Telegraph

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 51


ACROSS dessert chef? 5 Profound Pound 72 Overhaul the front The Washington Post
78 1957 musical, 6 Change the of a building
1 Licorice flavoring bottom line? 74 Old sword
6 Helps reach ___ Girls 7 Evoke 75 Rich and
79 Meditator’s quest 8 Popular cat food
maturity 81 Dubai et al. 9 Second luxurious
11 Jogger’s run 82 Sufficient, 76 ___ Morgana
15 Check ’em at publication: abbr. 77 Tiniest
the door slangily 10 Nose noise 78 Car transfusion
18 Russian-born 84 For example 11 Make 80 Pool area
violinist Shlomo 87 Cosine’s 83 Gotham paper:
19 Exorcist star’s antimacassars
first name reciprocal 12 Go by abbr.
20 Mister Ed star’s 88 What the two 13 Killer 41 Down 84 Excited
first name in a film 85 Quaff for Falstaff
21 Teen in a tomb, divorced pastry 14 Hillock 86 Sammy bio start
chefs got into? 15 Gambler’s 88 Blindness aid
1922 92 Long-running Las 89 Pharmaceutical
22 Irons or Woods, Vegas show that dessert remark?
closed in 1991 16 Crime-scene giant
e.g. 93 “Oh, he’s just 90 Gun
23 Jumbo dessert? going fingerprint 91 You must
27 Trendy dessert through ___” technician
94 Computer 17 Takes the wheel remember this
shop in Arizona? whizzes 24 Peace, to 95 Any wasp
29 Throb 95 By way of Pompey 96 Harmonizing
30 100 qintars 97 57 Acr., e.g. 25 Stone on the set 98 Chestnut
31 Nice friend? 99 Babysitters 26 “Made in ___” 100 Endorse, as a
32 One-way doors watch ’em 28 Wilhelm et al.
34 Surgeon’s tool 101 Taunt 33 Get pooped motion
35 Tombouctou’s 102 Authors Bagnold 36 Responsible 103 ___ lunch (ate in
and Blyten 38 Not what usually
country 105 Mrs. Helmsley happens Hollywood)
37 Kicking point 108 Conductor de 39 Atelier prop 104 Thai-food option
40 Mountaintop Waart 41 Gentle giant 106 Butterfly catcher
110 “___ you 43 Fed. property 107 Special, as a
home’s through?” overseer
112 Like highways 44 Deauville committee
selling point or tigers approval 109 Maverick, for one
42 Time meas. 114 Norwegian pastry 45 “Bali ___” 111 Rub out
43 Notre Dame chef’s title? 47 Chiang Kai-___ 113 Mr. Ferrari
118 Result of Fido 48 Saintly glow 115 Showroom auto,
exhortation getting too close 50 Part of a Desert
46 Noted reindeer to the baby? Storm address maybe
49 Visibility reducer 120 Sky tracker 51 Quagga relatives 116 Hebrew month
52 Dessert with two 122 ___ pinch 53 Less used 117 Stoker of note
123 U.S. drug chief, 55 Numismatist’s 119 Mouths, in biology
spoons? e.g. find 121 Roulette selection
54 Hasty glance 124 Saudi neighbor 56 Nobelist chemist
57 First ___ 125 Cause guffaws Harold SWEET DREAMS By Merl Reagle
58 Cracker cheese 126 Van Owen on 60 Camel or Carlton,
59 River lurker L.A. Law briefly
60 Cream, as a 127 Eastern discipline 61 “Jehovah”
128 French twine substitute
team 129 Scooter’s kin 63 Gone by
61 The Rev. 64 Shooters’ org.?
DOWN 65 Yearned (for)
Sharpton and 1 Med. corps, of 67 Bible book
others 68 Fourth piggy’s
62 Soupy Sales hit? sorts take
66 French ex- 2 Actor Williamson 69 When certain
president Coty 3 Imagined desserts are half
67 Positive-ion 4 Actress Channing off?
emitter 70 Lady of the house
70 One of the March
71 Sizable
72 Torn and tattered
73 Old LP format
74 Actor-turned-

The Telegraph

52 Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Conflicting emotions in coping with a senseless death

BY CAROLYN HAX you is over. The how and the why, and the anguish of and there’s nothing wrong with that. Feel what you feel
Washington Post these, are really secondary, and no one is under any on your time and be present for your sister as you can.
obligation to make sense of a senseless death.
Dear Carolyn: Take care.
After many years of suspected If you come to some way of turning her loss into
(vehemently denied) psychologi- motivation to help others, then of course that aids Dear Carolyn:
cal issues and drug use, and after healing, but right now your feelings are complicated My son is 2, and my husband wants to take him on
burning bridges with an entire ex- vacation with his parents to Florida. I cannot get the
tended family, my 32-year-old niece died the other day. time off from work. I don’t really want my son’s first
I’m overcome with, I don’t know what, sorrow, plane trip to be without me, plus, I don’t feel ready
guilt, relief, anger, ambivalence. I had enough stress for him to be that far from me. I trust my husband
in my life that I didn’t want anything to do with her and in-laws, but neither has been my son’s primary
in recent years. Her mom, my sister, went in endless caregiver. My husband rarely gets time off work and
cycles of writing her off, eventually sending more really wants to take him. He always defers to me on
money, and then long tearful phone calls to me that the kids, but sounded really disappointed that I said
were the same over and over. no. Am I being unreasonable?
Relief is that this agony is over, guilt is that we all – Parent
felt we had to turn away from her, anger is that her
need to get high was more important than everyone Dear ‘Parent’:
who loved her. I wish this could be a reason some oth- I wouldn’t call it unreasonable – of course you
er kid gets off drugs, but it won’t be, they think this’ll want to be present for “firsts,” and it’s hard to send
never happen to them. your baby off on a plane without you, though send-
This is a long way of asking, but what can I do to ing him off in a car is statistically a bigger risk.
help my sister, and myself, and my own kids, cope But I would call your decision unfair: You’re tak-
with this awful thing? ing something valuable and material away from
– Grieving your husband and child, just to preserve something
conceptual for you. This is a huge opportunity for
Dear ‘Grieving’: your boy to get closer to his daddy. If your husband
I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s awful to witness a hasn’t yet learned to care for his son solo, when ex-
slow-motion tragedy. actly is going to be the right time?
I suggest you cope with the loss by sticking to the A “yes” would be a loving and selfless gift. Deep
most basic truth here – that a life precious to all of breath, step back, yield the controls. Your husband
has the same right to them as you do. 

Invite these butterflies NATURE
to your garden


Anyone who has walked a nature trail in a shaded hammock or has a shaded
yard with nectar flowers nearby has seen the beautiful, gracefully-flitting Ze-
bra Heliconian, which was named Florida’s state butterfly in 1996.

Indian River Land Trust volunteers have planted and maintain butterfly gar-
dens near the parking lot trail entrances at two Land Trust properties open
to the public – the Lagoon Greenway in Vero Beach, at the intersection of 8th
Street and Indian River Boulevard, and Toni Robinson Waterfront Trail on
79th Street in Winter Beach. Zebra Heliconians (Heliconius charitonia), also
called Longwings, do well in both of those gardens, with nearby host plants
where they can lay their eggs that provide food for larvae. These dramatically
striped insects host exclusively on passion vines, and the native passion vines
they prefer are Corky Stem Passion Vine and Maypop.

Many people put native plants in their yards to attract butterflies and this is
one of the easier ones to attract if you have shaded areas. If you plant blos-
soming flowers for nectar (favorites of this species are native Scarlet Sage and
Firebush) and some Passiflora vines for larvae, you’ll have a continual show
of beautiful flowers and Zebra Longwings. Other butterfly species will join
in. It is important to remember, butterflies and their caterpillars are insects
so do not use insecticides in or near your yard or garden if you want these
creatures to thrive.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 53

Make up your mind to try a makeup makeover

BY KATY YOUNG with eyeliner or more subtle matte The products the pros suggest to perfect the look
tones on the eyelid and socket line,”
The Telegraph says Alexander. “Definition is still CLINIQUE QUICKLINER FOR EYES INTENSE
important, so don’t be afraid to carve
There comes a time when you have out the shape you like on your eyes.” LAURA MERCIER URBAN DECAY
to rethink your makeup regime. If BROW DEFINER NAKED 3 PALETTE
you want stay looking your best, your As for eyeliner, it’s time to create
makeup tone, texture and techniques some softness. “You don’t have to L’OREAL INFALLIBLE LANCOME
need to change just like your skin and give up your black mascara, but try SEXY BALM TEINT IDOLE
style have. using a dark chocolate or warm gray ULTRA 24H
eyeliner instead of black to define:
And that means ditching a few it gives intensity along the lash line
products along the way. but leaves a far less harsh line,” says
We asked international makeup
artists for that blacklist of products Make your foundation long-lasting
and for their advice on keeping your “Give up on powder foundations
look fresh no matter your age bracket. and replace it with primer and a
Get ready to declutter your kits and long-wear fresh, matte finish foun-
swipe off years while you’re at it. dation instead,” says Lancome
makeup artist Shehla Shaikh, who
Know the importance of your brows recommends the brand’s Teint Idole
“We lose brow hair as we get old- Ultra 24h. “Powder foundations can
er, but avoid kohl. It looks hard and make the skin look dry and flat, so
dense over older eyes, so instead use switching to a long-lasting fluid
brow tints to catch tiny fine brow will still give you fresh, buildable
hairs,” advises Caroline Barnes, coverage for a youthful complex-
brand ambassador for Max Factor. ion.” If you want add more light
“Go for a soft pencil one shade to your face, “try to play around
lighter than your original tone with with light by using an illumina-
smaller flicking movements so as tor over the tops of cheeks up to
to recreate hairs and thickness. Lift the temples and down the bridge
your brows slightly over the arch to of those nose,” advises White.
open up the eyes and frame your Highlight your lips
features,” advises Florrie White, Bin those trusty brown lip colors.
color artist for Clinique. “Move away from lipsticks with brown
Or use a colored brow mascara, undertone if you have a pale skin as it
like Mac’s Prolongwear Waterproof drains color away from the face as we
Brow Set, “and fill the shape back in age,” says Barnes.
using a blonde or gray-toned pencil As lips thin with age, you could also
like Mac’s Eyebrows in Fling,” says try White’s trick of “a highlighter sub-
Rebecca Butterworth, senior make- tly placed above the cupid’s bow to ac-
up artist at Mac. centuate plumpness. If you do already
Meanwhile, the Brow Definer have thin lips though, choose a light-
from Laura Mercier is a clever little er, more natural shade of lipstick.”
pot, which coats each brow hair, The Infallible Sexy Balms from
boosting color to eliminate dull- L’Oreal are a softer-on lipstick, provid-
ness. ing 12-hour color, and come in Sheer
Create your own eye shape and Bold, so you can choose exactly
“Start to move away from bright, how much color you want to wear. 
colorful shimmery eye shadows, and
opt instead for a more classic look

54 Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Elizabeth Taylor’s most personal jewelry goes on display

The Telegraph

“Undeniably, one of the biggest together once again by SUGAR LOAF EMERALD ENGAGEMENT RING
advantages to working on ‘Cleopa- Bulgari. The rare and highly personal SAPPHIRE FROM RICHARD BURTON
tra’ in Rome was Bulgari’s nice lit- jewels are worth a cool $30 million
tle shop” Elizabeth Taylor wrote in between them. The spectacular – and PLATINUM,
her memoir “My Love Affair With highly meaningful – items were dis- EMERALD AND
Jewelry.” played at Bulgari’s Bond Street Lon- DIAMOND BROOCH
don flagship.
“I used to visit Gianni Bulgari
in the afternoons and we’d sit in On display in the exhibition is an
what he called the ‘money room’ emerald engagement ring with a
and swap stories” she continued. 7.4-carat square emerald surrounded
by 12 diamonds, totaling 5.3 carats.
Taylor is famed not just for her Richard Burton gave this to Taylor
acting prowess, but also for her during the filming of “Cleopatra” in
diamond addiction. The actress
owned one of the most beautiful – and
expensive – jewelry collections in the
world. Following her death in 2011, Tay-
lor’s jewelry, wardrobe and other per-
sonal items were auctioned at Chris-
tie’s in New York. The sale smashed
records, drawing bidders from around
the world and fetching over $100 mil-
lion. It was the most expensive jewelry
auction in the house’s history, with 26
of the lots selling for over $1 million.

This week, some of Taylor’s most
treasured pieces have been gathered

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 55

TSRAOPMPBHIINROE Brighten your look with
these summer nail colors


1962. “This ring was al- EMERALD AND Dolce & Gabbana Essie
ready in the store,” Lucia Boscaini, the DIAMOND BULGARI The Nail Lacquer Nail Polish in
display’s curator, says. “At that time the Shades On
couple used to come to the store often, NECKLACE in Lemon Sally Hansen
as they preferred to go places where Complete Salon
they could be in privacy for a while. num, emerald and diamond brooch Manicure Nail Color
given to her in 1960 by her third hus-
There are a number of gifts from band, Eddie Fisher. in Get Juiced
Burton in the exhibition, including an
emerald and diamond Bulgari neck- “That was a ‘recovery gift’ – Eddie
lace which was given to Taylor as a Fisher wanted to offer her something
wedding gift in 1964. The pendant on special to maintain the relationship
the necklace was a brooch that Burton as he knew she was having an affair
had given the actress as an engage- with Richard Burton,” explains Bos-
ment present two years earlier. Taylor ciani. “The legend goes that when she
wore this necklace to accept her Acad- wanted to go on with the relationship
emy Award in 1966. with Richard, Eddie Fisher asked for
the brooch back and apparently she
“Richard was so romantic that he’d answered, ‘No, I’m paying for it myself,
use any excuse to give me a piece of because I can stay without you but I
jewelry,” Taylor wrote of his presents. can’t stay without it.’ Of course, that’s a
“He’d give me ‘It’s a beautiful day’ pres- legend, but she was a woman in control
ents or ‘Let’s go for a walk’ presents.” and was very rich and was used to buy-
ing jewelry for herself.”
“Burton gave Taylor the sugar
loaf sapphire for her 40th birthday,” Proving that Taylor by no means re-
Boscaini explains. “He wanted to lied on the men in her life to buy her
have this special stone – it’s an in- jewelry, the “Trombino” 1930s sapphire
tense blue with a touch of violet which ring in the collection was a present
looks like Elizabeth Taylor’s eyes. The from Taylor to herself. She bought it to
sugar-loaf cut is like a pyramid so it’s match the sapphire necklace given to
not easy to mount this stone as it’s 65 her by Burton. 
carats, and it needed to have a special
jewel around it to maintain a good
balance and anchor such an excep-
tional stone.”

“This is the most expensive jewel we
have owned by Elizabeth Taylor, worth
$6 million” Bosciani says.

In the exhibition there is also a plati-

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56 Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Amalfi Grille: A superb special menu for summer

Chicken Gruyere.


BY TINA RONDEAU Carolina Flounder Piccata Veal Sorrento.
Columnist Over Angel Hair.

When you’re sitting in one of Ve- on the prix fixe menu, I became en- out to be a great choice. The pan- And the Beef Wellington, sliced ten-
ro’s top restaurants, agonizing over grossed in the Amalfi Grill’s daily seared sea bass was a thing of beauty, derloin with a mushroom duxelle
whether to order from the regular specials. More about that later. topped with a peach and sweet cherry wrapped in puff pastry, and topped
menu or the summer special menu, relish and served over basmati rice. with a mushroom bordelaise sauce,
the items on the special menu must But for starters from the prix fixe was served with garlic truffle mashed
be mighty darned good. menu, our party split between the But at less than half the price, our potatoes and sautéed green beans.
fried mozzarella appetizer and the party’s four prix fixe entrées got raves
And that certainly is the case this cannelloni. The fresh mozzarella was as well. The egg-battered veal scal- Finally, for dessert, the prix fixe on
summer at the Amalfi Grille, a superb sliced and panko-encrusted, served lopini was topped with pan-sautéed this evening offered Italian cream
restaurant on Miracle Mile which is with a light, house-made marinara prosciutto, eggplant and mozzarel- cake or chocolate pecan pie with
offering a “4 for 29 special menu” with sauce, and the veal, spinach and la and served over penne. The gulf chocolate ganache topping. You
dishes every bit as delicious as the ricotta-cheese cannelloni was served shrimp were sautéed with wild mush- couldn’t go wrong with either – or
more expensive regular menu items with the same marinara. Both were rooms, sun-dried tomatoes and spin- any other confection that may be a
that have made this one of Vero’s fa- sumptuous. ach, and were tossed with cavatappi special on the night you go – because
vorite places to dine. pasta in a gorgonzola cream sauce. the Amalfi Grille has the best pastry
For salads, we again went in differ- chef in Vero.
This special prix fixe menu – with ent directions, with two choosing the Amalfi Grille
a choice of appetizers, salads, en- classic Caesar, and the others opting As we have said in previous re-
trées and desserts for only $29 – is our for the mixed-green salad with either Hours: Dinner nightly from views, even with comparatively
idea of what a special summer menu tropical or white balsamic vinaigrette. 5 pm to closing high prices, the Amalfi delivers
should be: a nice variety of dishes Bar: Full bar excellent value. But the “4 for $29”
representative of this fine restau- Then it came time to choose from Address: menu is a summer dining bargain
rant, and available all evening, seven among the evening’s seven entrées. that can’t be beat.
nights a week. No 5:15 cutoff, no one- My husband picked the beef Welling- 398 21st Street, Vero Beach
day-a-week deals. ton, one of our companions chose Telephone: I welcome your comments, and en-
the shrimp gorgonzola, and the other courage you to send feedback to me
When five of us arrived for a 7:30 two picked the veal Sorrento. (772) 564-8218 at [email protected] .
reservation last Thursday, we were
quickly shown to a very nice round What about me? Well, I couldn’t re- The reviewer dines anonymously
table. Three members of our party sist the Chilean sea bass ($36) from at restaurants at the expense of Vero
ordered the mixed drink of the day the list of the daily specials. It turned Beach 32963. 
– a very refreshing lemonade made
with pureed blue berries and vanilla
rum – and the other two started with
glasses of chardonnay.

Then the fun began as we started
pondering a single sheet of paper with
the “4 for 29” menu, a second sheet of
paper with the regular specials of the
day, and the bound menu.

While four members of our party
lost no time in zeroing in on choices

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 57


A sparkling wine worth a summertime try? Have a Cava

BY SUSY ATKINS still offers quality and, of course, the premium category of Cava, which before release. They’ll cost more,
The Telegraph beloved bubbles. launched just last month. Wines la- but let’s hope this new class of Cava
belled “Cava del Paraje” will indicate proves inspiring.
If Champagne is the handsome Cava’s name comes not from a those made from named single-es-
prince of the sparkling-wine world, place, grape variety or winemaking tate vineyards that have spent at least For a sparkler that hasn’t been cel-
with Prosecco its party-mad princess, technique, but from the stone cellars three years maturing in the bottle ebrated enough lately, this could be a
where does that leave Cava, the tradi- (cavas) in which the wine is matured. happy ending. 
tional fizz of eastern Spain? Cava is made in the same meticu-
lous, bottle-fermented manner as
It’s certainly no ugly sister. The best Champagne, and top examples can
Cavas are deliciously dry and refresh- be complex.
ing, with snappy flavors of green ap-
ple and cool lemon, and savory hints The style was first produced in
of toast and yeast. the 1870s, by a Josep Raventós, on
his return to Catalonia after a visit
Many less-expensive Cavas are to France. Raventós had married
miles better than cut-price Prosecco, into the Cordorníu family, whose
which usually is a bit sweeter, simpler, brand still dominates Cava produc-
and not as champagne-like as Cava. tion today.

Cava is made the same way that While the original Cavas were pro-
Champagne is produced, but with duced exclusively in Catalonia – spe-
different grapes. cifically in a small town called San
Sadurní de Noya – modern Cava can
In the past, Cava was referred to come from various parts of Spain.
as “Spanish Champagne,” which is
no longer permitted under European The production conditions placed
Union law. on Cava winemakers are not dissimi-
lar to those followed by their counter-
Since the adoption of its name, Cava parts in Champagne. All Cava wines
and its producers have worked hard must be lees aged for a minimum of
to distinguish it from its more famous nine months, and reach a final alco-
French counterpart. It doesn’t bear hol level of no less than 10 percent
Champagne’s hefty price tag and thus and no more than 13 percent.
has been portrayed as a beverage not
confined to special occasions that At the fine end, look out for a new

58 Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Thai & Japanese Cuisine Live Music and Jazz
Tues – Thurs, 6 pm - 9 pm
Beer, Wine, Sake & Fri & Sat, 6 pm - 10 pm
Full Liquor Bar
$2 Off Martini Tuesdays
Dine in & Take Out

Mon - Sat 11:30am - 3 pm


Nightly 4:30 pm -10 pm

713 17th Street|(17th Shoppes Center)

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 59

60 Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Vero & Casual Dining

EAT LOCAL. (Early)

Introducing Osceola Bistro’s Early Bird Menu

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Dine on delicious, fresh, local food at a great value.
All meals are $16 and include choice of daily soup or a house or caesar salad.
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(across the street from the post office in downtown Vero Beach)

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 61

Vero & Casual Dining

62 Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


ONGOING the Riverside Theatre Waxlax Stage, with free Borodin, Rachmaninov and Stravinsky, 3 p.m. life treasure hunters, interactive games, cos-
music at Live on the Loop outdoor stage. $16 - at Community Church of Vero Beach. $20; stu- tume contests and activities, treasure hunts,
Vero Beach Museum of Art – Out of this $22. 772-231-6990 dents and under 18 free. 855-252-7276 live music, mermaids, a water taxi between
World: The Art and Artists of NASA thru Sept. venues and entertainment for all ages. 2 p.m.
25; Masters of Studio Glass thru Sept. 11; and 23 Ninth annual Treasure Coast Water- 28 Wine Tasting to benefit Hibiscus to 6 p.m. Fri., 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sat., 10 a.m. to 4
From Exhibition to Collection thru Sept. 4. 772- way Clean-up, 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Children’s Center, 5:30 p.m. at Va- p.m. Sun. Suggested $2 buck-n-ear donation to
231-0707 at various sites around the county: Riverside rietals and More. $35; RSVP by 7/25. 772- benefit Vero Beach Lifeguard Association. Full
Park Boat Ramp, Vero Beach Municipal Marina, 299-6011 x 313 details at
JULY Loggerhead Marina at Grand Harbor, Wabasso
Causeway Boat Ramp at State Road 510, Se- 29 Riverside Children’s Theatre presents 30 Guest presentation by NASA scientist
22 Dance Theatre Production Let Go, bastian Main Street Boat Ramp, and Sebastian iRascals Kids, 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. in the Weiping Yu, Ph.D. on ‘The Past, Pres-
Round 2, contemporary-modern Inlet Marina. Volunteers will receive a T-shirt Anne Morton Theatre. $6 & $12. 772-231-6990 ent and Future of U.S. Space Exploration and
dance guided by poetry by Portia Nelson, 7 and watercraft a commemorative burgee to fly. Scientific Discoveries, 2 p.m. at Vero Beach Mu-
p.m. at Vero Beach Museum of Art, followed by Register at 29|30 Vegas Nights Comedy seum of Art. Free. 772-231-0707
Q&A with the cast. $10. 772-713-6634 Zone Experience with live
23 Pink Ribbon Yard and Art Sale to bene- entertainment inside and out, casino games 30 Sea Turtle Conservancy’s 2016 Tour
22|23 Riverside Children’s The- fit Ride Beyond Diagnosis in support of and Caribbean poker with prizes (casino pro- de Turtles Kick-Off, 6 p.m. at Barrier
atre presents 13, The Mu- breast cancer survivors, 8 a.m. to Noon at 2301 ceeds benefit Riverside Children’s Theatre pro- Island Center at Archie Carr National Wildlife
sical on the Waxlax Stage at Riverside Theatre. Avalon Avenue, Vero Beach. 410-718-2200 gramming), and comedians Mutzie and Jamie Sanctuary, with hors d’oeuvres, live music and
$6 & $12. 772-231-6990 Ward on Waxlax Stage at Riverside Theatre, silent auction to benefit sea turtle conservation
23 Christmas in July to benefit Shop with 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. $16 -$18. Free Live and habitat protection. Advance $25; $35 at
22|23 Howl at the Moon Experi- a Cop, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Riverview in the Loop with East Harbor Band Friday and door. 321-723-3556
ence, a high-energy music Park, with interactive scavenger hunt at 11 Salsa Dance Night Saturday. 772-231-6990
show to sing, dance and howl along with fea- a.m., auctions and a special visit from Santa. 31 2016 Tour de Turtles sea turtle release,
turing rock, pop and dance hits from the ’80s, 772-589-5233 29-31 Vero Beach Pirate Festival 8 a.m. from beach at Barrier Island
’90s and today, 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. on at Riverside Park and Royal Center at Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge,
24 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra Palm Point, with historical and living history followed by children’s educational activities.
presents Russian Masters, works by reenactments and exhibits, food vendors, real- Free and open to public; parking limited.

Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN AUGUST
in July 14, 2016 Edition 1 SLEEP 1 SLIPSHOD
5 HURRY 2 EXPEND 1 Interactive Food Jam hosted by Grind
8 UNITE 3 PUTDOWNS & Grape and Daley and Company Real
9 INPUT 4 HICCUP Estate to benefit Haiti Partners, with teams
10 DECOMPOSE 5 HELM paired up to prepare a portion of a tapas-style
11 SIN 6 REMOTE meal, with recipe and ingredients provided,
12 DOWNPAYMENT 7 YOKE 6 p.m. at Grind & Grape. Limited tickets. $35.
15 DOMESTICATE 13 YEARLING 772-539-8521
20 ARCHANGEL 16 MOCKED 4-6 Aerial Antics Youth Circus pre-
22 INEPT 17 INGEST sented by City of Vero Beach Rec-
23 ARSON 18 ELDEST reation Department, 7 p.m. at Saint Edward’s
24 NADIR 20 AKIN School. 567-2144

Sudoku Page 50 Sudoku Page 51 Crossword Page 50 Crossword Page 51 (FOR A BRAINY DAY)


Advertising Vero Beach Services | If you would like your service to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753

This directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the beachside community an opportunity to make themselves known to island readers at an affordable cost. This
is the only service directory mailed each week during season to all 11,000+ homes on the Vero Beach barrier island. If you are interested in a listing in the Vero Beach 32963 Service

Directory, please contact marketing representative Kathleen Macglennon at
[email protected] or call 772-633-0753.


260 Sabal Palm Lane in John’s Island: 4-bedroom, 4.5-bath, 4,893-square-foot, golf-course home
listed with John’s Island Real Estate Company for $3,250,000. Contact: 772-231-0900

64 Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


John’s Island home offers privacy and superior design

625 Beachland Blvd. FULL SERVICE BY SIOBHAN MCDONOUGH Croom Construction Company has
REAL ESTATE Staff Writer been building high-quality custom
COMMISSION homes in Indian River County for 38
The exceptional new home at 260 years, along with a reputation as one of
Sabal Palm Lane in John’s Island is the premiere builders in the area. The
the product of a top-notch team. Croom name is also associated with
upscale condominium, renovation
Croom Construction Vice Presi- projects and commercial buildings.
dent Dave Lyons, an Ivy League
graduate with an engineering de- The team behind the Sabal Palm
gree, and Charles Croom, vice Lane home also included Jill Shev-
president of operations, along with lin Design for the interior work, and
John’s Island residents Ned and Em- August Schwartz for the landscape
ily Sherwood, of O.B. Realty Part- architecture.
ners, LLC, smartly conceived the
golf-course home. Add to the mix Knowing who is behind the beau-
the talents of architect Harry Gan- tifully-designed and expertly-con-
dy Howle, and you couldn’t ask for a structed private retreat tells an im-
better partnership. portant story to would-be buyers of
this lovely country-club home.

We really love Sea Forest Court. Just south of the Village Shops its
a wonderful location. This home has been updated and maintained
to perfection. 3 bedroom, 3 bath plus den! Private beach access. A
recent price adjustment to $795,000 results in an exceptional value.
Call us or come see us on Sunday. 80 S. Catalina Court.

Open House 12 - 2pm. Kim and Ron Small 772-480-4660

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 65


“There’s a certain expectation
when you walk into our houses,” said
Lyons, who has worked at Croom
for more than 25 years, managing
all pre-construction activities and
working closely with owners, archi-
tects and engineers during the design
and planning stages for each project.

“Everyone at Croom has so much
pride in what they do,” he said. “It is
not just about building a beautiful
home, but it’s also about making sure
the client is really happy. We have an
excellent team who strive to execute
the perfect fit and finish. We never

The stunning 4-bedroom, 4.5-
bath house with 4,893 gross square
feet takes advantage of its superb
setting with multiple golf-course
and pool views. A covered lanai and
sprawling patio overlook double
fairways, a lake and romantic-look-
ing oak trees.

The golf course is basically an ex-
tension of the botanical garden-like
back yard, providing about 300 yards
of extra green space beyond the
property line. The lush landscaping
masterfully provides privacy.

Located on a large .43-acre lot on
a peaceful cul-de-sac, the home is
listed with John’s Island Real Estate
Company for $3,250,000.

Starting at the entryway, when
setting foot onto limestone tile in
the generous gallery and looking
into the beamed great room, one
can’t help but feel an immediate
sense of quality, sturdiness and el-
egance emanating from this spec-
tacular house.

Aesthetics aside, the house com-
prises smart thinking, good plan-
ning and practicality. It’s construct-
ed above the flood plain. This is
highly relevant, Lyons says, noting
that many people including those
from the Northeast who suffered
the blows of Hurricane Sandy, or
came close to it, want the reassur-
ance that their house is well above
the flood zone minimum so they
can secure proper flood insurance

66 Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


with no difficulty and less expense. house for greater privacy, and yet most renowned country-club com- area, which features a gas fireplace,
VP of operations Charles Croom when it’s time for everyone to be munity. Because the home is move- custom built-ins and a handsome
together, spacious gathering places in-ready, it will save the lucky buyer coffered ceiling.
– son of company president David throughout the indoors and out- 18 months or longer that would be
Croom – joined Croom Construction doors make that possible in beauti- spent in purchasing land, acquir- Designed for entertaining, the
in 2006 after 10 years in commercial ful surroundings. ing permits and building a custom 13-foot by 18.6-foot gourmet island
construction in the Orlando market. home from scratch – and it has all kitchen with premium appliances
“People aren’t looking for sprawl- the qualities and features home- and wine bar adjoins the voluminous
He noted the flexibility of the ing; they are looking for more effi- owners want, including mahogany family room with vaulted tongue and
home’s floor plan and its appeal to cient design and planning,” Lyons French doors leading to the lanai, groove wood ceiling and access to a
a broad age group. For example, a added. which has motorized screens that large covered side porch with sum-
guest room can easily be converted allow tropical breezes to flow into mer kitchen.
into an office or sitting room. Vari- The brand-new, up-to-code home the 19-foot by 24-foot living/dining
ous family members or house guests is located conveniently near the The luxurious master suite with
can settle in different parts of the south gate entrance in the island’s vaulted beamed ceiling enjoys won-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 67


derful views and private access to looking the South golf course,” said
the lanai. Large his-and-her closets John’s Island Real Estate agent Jean-
and the very well-appointed bath- nette Mahaney. Prevailing southeast
room are sure to please. This suite breezes off the ocean sweep across
is accessed via an anteroom and the property.
hallway, providing extra quiet and
privacy. Mahaney said the home offers
great value, too. The buyers will
There are three spacious guest or have a unique opportunity to have
kids rooms, all with private bath- a one year Property Management
rooms. Service offered by Whitehall Prop-
erty Management included in the
“This home is brand new construc- purchase price. Furnishings as seen
tion and ready to move in with fan- are also available for purchase. 
tastic multiple fairway vistas over-


Community: John’s Island Club
Year built: 2016
Lot size: .43-acre

Home size: 4,893 square feet
Bedrooms: 4

Bathrooms: 4.5
Additional features:
Golf fairway views, located on a quiet cul-de-sac, screened
lanai, pool, fire pit

Listing agency:
John’s Island Real Estate Company, 772-231-0900

Listing price: $3,250,000

68 Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: July 7 to July 13

The barrier island real estate market remained active the first full week of July, with 9 transactions closing,
including two for more than $1 million

The top sale of the week was of a riverfront home with exceptional water views in John’s Island. The
residence at 120 South Shore Circle was placed on the market Oct. 15, 2015, with an asking price of $6.99
million. The sale closed on July 7 for $6.45 million.

Both the seller and the purchaser in the transaction were represented by John’s Island Real Estate.


$329,900 $264,900
OLD ORCHID 9485 W MAIDEN COURT 4/2/2016 $264,900 $329,900 7/13/2016 $1,110,000
WALTER KITCHING 2718 CARDINAL DRIVE 5/4/2016 $1,350,000 $264,900 7/11/2016 $375,000
$429,000 $592,500
SHORES 101 SHORES DRIVE $1,350,000 $599,750 $1,199,000 7/11/2016
SEA OAKS 8765 LAKESIDE BOULEVARD 2/6/2016 $429,000 7/8/2016 $226,000
VERO BEACH ESTATES 609 BOUGAINVILLEA LANE 2/5/2016 $599,750 7/7/2016 $275,000


ROBLES DEL MAR 5601 HIGHWAY A1A, #S-301 12/1/2015 $329,000 $310,000 7/12/2016
BAHA MAR 4150 HIGHWAY A1A, #107 3/1/2016 $239,000 $239,000 7/11/2016
SEA OAKS 8814 S SEA OAKS WAY, #305 1/28/2016 $695,000 $695,000 7/7/2016
VERO BEACH HOTEL AND CLUB 3500 OCEAN DRIVE, #111 2/3/2016 $299,900 $299,900 7/1/2016

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 69


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Shores, Address: 101 Shores Drive Subdivision: Sea Oaks, Address: 8814 S Sea Oaks Way, #305

Listing Date: $1,350,000 Listing Date: 1/28/2016
Original Price: $1,350,000 Original Price: $695,000
Recent Price: $1,199,000 Recent Price: $695,000
Sold: 7/11/2016 Sold: 7/7/2016
Selling Price: $1,110,000 Selling Price: $650,000
Listing Agent: Kimberly Hardin Thorpe & Listing Agent: Debbie Cleveland
Michael Thorpe
Selling Agent: Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Debbie Cleveland
Kimberly Hardin Thorpe
Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

Subdivision: Vero Beach Estates, Address: 609 Bougainvillea Lane Subdivision: Sea Oaks, Address: 8765 Lakeside Boulevard

Listing Date: 2/5/2016 Listing Date: 2/6/2016
Original Price: $599,750 Original Price: $429,000
Recent Price: $599,750 Recent Price: $429,000
Sold: 7/7/2016 Sold: 7/8/2016
Selling Price: $592,500 Selling Price: $375,000
Listing Agent: Cheryl Michel Listing Agent: Polly Schoettle Miller

Selling Agent: Daley & Company Real Estate Selling Agent: Polly S. Miller, Broker

Sally Woods Polly Schoettle Miller

Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Polly S. Miller, Broker

I N T E G R I T Y ~ R E S U LT S


Elegant 4BR/3.5BA home, unique appointments throughout! East of A1A! Inviting 3BR/2BA, screened lanai & pool, Lakefront building lot in prestigious, gated community,
Remodeled between 2002-2006 with expansive pool & patio HGTV touches throughout, gated community, beach access clubhouse, deep water marina slip available for purchase

$1,200,000 $534,900 $399,000

Y our satisfaction is my highest goal, real estate is a lasting relationship.

direct 772.492.5333 | cell 772.538.1861 | [email protected] |

70 Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Old Orchid, Address: 9485 W Maiden Court Subdivision: Robles Del Mar, Address: 5601 Highway A1A, #S-301

Listing Date: 4/2/2016 Listing Date: 12/1/2015
Original Price: $329,900 Original Price: $329,000
Recent Price: $329,900 Recent Price: $310,000
Sold: 7/13/2016 Sold: 7/12/2016
Selling Price: $320,000 Selling Price: $287,500
Listing Agent: Cheryl Goff Listing Agent: Elizabeth Sorensen

Selling Agent: Boca Executive Realty, LLC Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

Gene Billero Mary Frances Driscoll

Billero & Billero Properties Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

Subdivision: Walter Kitching, Address: 2718 Cardinal Drive Subdivision: Baha Mar, Address: 4150 Highway A1A, #107

Listing Date: 5/4/2016 Listing Date: 3/1/2016
Original Price: $264,900 Original Price: $239,000
Recent Price: $264,900 Recent Price: $239,000
Sold: 7/11/2016 Sold: 7/11/2016
Selling Price: $264,900 Selling Price: $226,000
Listing Agent: Robin Burgarella Listing Agent: Donna Loftus

Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: David Walsh & Associates RE

Robin Burgarella Donna D Loftus

Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. David Walsh & Associates RE

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / July 21, 2016 71


Buyer beware: Is that
new home really green?

BY KENNETH R. HARNEY lington, Va., a new national listing
portal exclusively for “eco-friend-
Washington Post ly” homes, says “greenwashing is a
growing problem – clearly there’s a
The practice is called “green- desire to jump on the train and use
washing,” and home shoppers need buzzwords” like “green,” “sustain-
to be on guard: It means a house is able” and “high-efficiency,” too of-
being marketed as environmentally ten with little to back up the claims.
friendly and energy-saving when it Her website (at vivagreenhomes.
doesn’t deserve that description. com) carries free listings for homes
certified by HERS, LEED, Energy
Greenwashing is a growing issue Star, Built Green, NetZero and other
in real estate as multiple studies programs as well as for noncertified
demonstrate that consumers are at- homes that have some green fea-
tracted to – and will often pay pre- tures such as solar panels, geother-
miums for – homes that are highly mal systems, energy-efficient win-
efficient in saving on utilities bills. dows and doors, water conservation
devices, etc.
Just about everybody likes the
concept of green, and builders and When noncertified homes are
real estate agents increasingly use listed on the site, the seller or agent
the term as a sales come-on. But ex- must check off boxes indicating
perts say too often what’s marketed which green features the proper-
as green isn’t what it purports to be ty offers. Viva Green Homes then
when you take a close look. produces a “Green Score” ranging
from one to five stars to give poten-
Sandra Adomatis, an appraiser tial purchasers a rough idea of how
in Punta Gorda, Florida, who is na- green the house is.
tionally known for her expertise
in valuing green properties, says, The site, which only recently
“Look in the MLS and you’ll see lots emerged from a beta testing phase
of homes listed as having green fea- but already has more than 4,500
tures,” but it may mean as little as properties listed from across the
“somebody put in some LED light country, also allows visitors to shop
bulbs or a couple of Energy Star ap- for specific features or high ratings
pliances in the kitchen.” by area.

In an interview, Adomatis de- So how can buyers and shoppers
scribed one listing she saw recently recognize a bona fide green house?
on a home built in 1959. It indicated Adomatis says you need to look for
that the house had a Home Energy six essential elements:
Rating System (HERS) score of zero
– signifying net zero energy use.  Site planning for the house
(The HERS index measures a home’s that is sensitive to the immediate
energy efficiency and requires test- environment, minimizes tree de-
ing of the home’s performance by a struction and is strong on manag-
certified HERS rater. The lower the ing water runoff.
score, the better.)
 Energy efficiency through-
Adomatis knew it was unlikely out, including high-performance
that an older home would come HVAC, lighting, insulation and ap-
anywhere close to such an impres- pliances.
sive rating, so she asked the listing
agent why she was marketing the  Exceptional interior air quality
house with a zero HERS score. Her through the use of advanced air fil-
response: “I don’t know what HERS tration and exchange systems.
is or how they score, so I just put in
zero.” Wow.  Extensive use of nontoxic
building materials.
Allison A. Bailes III, founder and
president of Energy Vanguard, a  Water conservation efficien-
home energy rating and consult- cies, such as water-saving toilets
ing company based in Decatur, Ga., and shower fixtures and possibly
says, “Absolutely, [greenwashing] some reuse of waste water.
happens all the time. A lot of [build-
ers] are doing things that are just  Ease of long-term operation
standard” but they’re marketing and management.
them as green.
The “house should work for you”
Kari Klaus, chief executive and thanks to the combination of green
founder of Viva Green Homes of Ar- features and products, she says,
“rather than you having to work for
the house.” 





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