Eatery on the move. P2 ‘Ware’ the action is. P8 Art films’ new home!
Popular ‘Doubles’ restaurant will Annual Indialantic Craft Fair draws
carry on at new A1A location. artists and artisans from all over.
THURSDAY, JULY 12, 2018 | VOLUME 03, ISSUE 28 Movie lovers will swoon over
Brevard Cinema House. Page 14 | NEWSSTAND PRICE $1.00
Water testing
in works at all
public schools
‘Survivor’ star answers her beachside calling STORY BY JAN WESNER CHILDS CORRESPONDENT
Ashley Nolan of “Survivor” is now teaching aspiring surfers at her Ashley Nolan Surf School in Indialantic. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD Tests are being conducted
at all 13 beachside public
STORY BY ANTHEA MANAYON CORRESPONDENT while finishing in sixth place out of schools to determine wheth-
18 contestants, Nolan now brings her er any of the toxic chemicals
Reality TV hero Ashley Nolan from newfound street cred and “stoke” for recently revealed in water at
“Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hus- life to Brevard’s beachside. Patrick Air Force Base pose a
tlers” plants new seeds around her Sat- threat to students’ drinking
ellite Beach roots by launching a surf Through the Ashley Nolan Surf water.
camp for kids this summer. School, aspiring surfers from 5 years
old and up learn how to catch their Brevard Public Schools
The 26-year-old surfing enthusiast first wave, along with water safety announced the testing last
and former ocean rescue lifeguard in- and lifesaving techniques from a week. It’s expected to be
stantly captured hearts as a fan favorite true survivor – boards provided. The completed, and the results
on Survivor’s 35th season, which ended made public, before school
last Dec. 20. Stranded in Fiji for 36 days CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 resumes on Aug. 10.
“There is no evidence at
this time of contaminated
groundwater,” Dane Theo-
dore, assistant school super-
intendent for facilities, said af-
ter the testing was announced
last week. “We don’t expect
that there will be any of these
for golf cart users
Construction continues on solar array canopy at Pelican Beach Park. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER watts per hour for five to six hours
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER [email protected] per day.
[email protected]
The future of clean energy is That power will be available at
Satellite Beach may soon get being assembled at Pelican Beach the canopies with the extra power
golf cart-friendly for ages 16 Park in Satellite Beach in the form generated by the canopies’ pan-
and older on all of its streets of a solar array canopy to cre- els going directly into the grid.
except South Patrick Drive and ate shade and power, paid for
State Road A1A – by making it through Florida Power & Light’s The pilot SolarNow program,
easier for owners to register SolarNow program. for which FPL customers agree to
them and less costly to insure. pay $9 monthly, started in 2016
On average, the array to be and has been popular in Brevard
Satellite Beach Police Chief completed by the end of the County in the form of solar trees
month should generate 25 kilo-
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 Hot rods, cool wheels
NEWS 1-6 DINING 30 PEOPLE 7-10 For auto aficionados, Beachside
ARTS 11-14 GAMES 21-23 PETS 29 Fun Car Cruise was a ride
BOOKS 19-20 HEALTH 25-28 REAL ESTATE 33-40
CALENDAR 32 INSIGHT 15-24 down memory lane. PAGE 10
2 Thursday, July 12, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
WATER TESTING any groundwater outside of the base. underway by the city at four sites in PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD
The report brought renewed atten- Satellite Beach, including at a site
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 near the high school and another in communities does not come directly
tion to concerns of a “cancer cluster” South Patrick Shores. from local groundwater. Southern
chemicals present in our water.” and other negative impacts, especially beach communities receive their wa-
The Department of Defense recent- in Satellite Beach. Testing is already Drinking water in the beachside ter from the city
of Melbourne,
ly issued a list of 126 military bases
nationwide where water on base or
nearby is contaminated with perfluo-
rinated compounds known to cause
birth defects and certain types of can-
cer. The chemicals are used in many
everyday household items, but are
heavily concentrated in the foam used
to put out aircraft fires.
The contaminants were found in
water at Patrick. The DOD did not test
‘Doubles’ out at South Patrick Drive but ...
[email protected]
ing the type of business the Satellite
The beloved Indian Harbour Beach CRA and City Council wanted
Beach eatery Doubles Beachside to fill the key location.
will live on in a smaller form about
two miles away on State Road A1A at The new lot came with several
Desoto Parkway. Its new home is on a “green” stipulations – environmen-
lot purchased for $1.53 million by the tally sensitive landscaping, partial
Satellite Beach CRA in 2006 to set the solar power, etc. – which are being
tone for development in the area and incorporated into the final plans. The
to keep out high-traffic businesses project must also include 15 parking
like convenience stores. spaces for public use.
The lot, formerly Peg Leg’s Restau- “There were a lot of contingencies
rant, was sold to Doubles Beachside on the property to be more commu-
owners for $600,000 and will aid in nity friendly. They wanted a local es-
continuing a local tradition which, tablishment with local owners who
on June 28, closed the doors on its grew up here as opposed to a corpo-
15,000-square-foot facility at 1896 rate store,’’ said Doubles owner Ray
South Patrick Dr. after 35 years. Featherhoff.
The move to a new 5,500-square- “The local community supported
foot version at the A1A location was us and we were quite busy. The strug-
prompted earlier this year when gle is going to actually be to come up
Zon Beachside Assisted Living and with a more efficient model. We’re
Memory Care, located next door, trying to be more streamlined with
purchased Doubles Beachside to less square footage and less parking
use its lot for a two-story, nearly places. It’s going to require a lot of
30,000-square-foot expansion. thought,” Featherhoff said.
Doubles Beachside debuted in The new restaurant will have a
1983 as a hoagie shop near South drive-through window, outdoor
Patrick and Banana River drives and sitting areas, and will be golf cart
later expanded across the street into friendly with access from the neigh-
a portion of the former Pines Resort. borhoods from Desoto Parkway.
Zon Beachside opened in 2016.
The new location is expected to
The sale of the lot at Desoto Park- continue the tradition of having
way helps solve two challenges: live music, but it may become more
finding Doubles Beachside a new acoustic or provided at different
location nearby for its longtime hours. If all goes well with design and
community supporters, and provid- construction, Doubles Beachside
could be back within about a year,
depending on the weather, he said.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 12, 2018 3
while northern communities get theirs He said the only way that would be is tested regularly for other contami- both Powers and Theodore said.
from the city of Cocoa. possible was if there was an unusual nants by both Melbourne and Cocoa “We are part of the community so
combination of corroded pipes and utilities, and those tests are shared
Theodore pointed out that it’s un- low water pressure that would allow with the school district. we want to do our part in helping solve
likely that any of the dangerous chem- groundwater intrusion. problems,” Powers said. “We’re acting
ical would make its way into drinking The additional testing for the chem- as expediently as we think we can to
water at the schools, even if it is found BPS environmental health and safe- icals cited in the DOD report is being support the process of gathering and
in the groundwater. ty manager Jim Powers said the water done out of an abundance of caution, sharing information.”
4 Thursday, July 12, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
LET THERE der lease agreements like one approved PHOTO: LISA ZAHNER GOLF CART RULES
BE LIGHT ... by the Satellite Beach City Council for
the Pelican Beach Park canopy. Perhaps more important than the CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
The sun’s brilliant actual electricity or shade produced by
rays illuminate It was at a Brevard Zoo solar trees the canopy will be the interest in the Jeff Pearson reviewed the issue at the
Holy Name of Jesus presentation that Satellite Beach Envi- possibilities of solar energy by motor- July 3 City Council meeting and recom-
Catholic Church ronmental Programs Coordinator Nick ists passing by along nearby State Road mended a new ordinance be created.
in Indialantic last Sanzone started inquiring as to how A1A, Sanzone said.
Sunday afternoon. SolarNow could work best in Satellite Pearson explained that state law now
Holy Name is cur- Beach. That led to the solar canopy op- “This is a good opportunity (for use allows golf carts to be modified to be-
rently enrolling for tion to provide shade for parking and of the SolarNow program) meant to in- come street legal at 25 mph or less, but
the 2018-19 aca- special events at Pelican Beach Park. spire learning (about solar) for anyone said the state registration process had
demic year religious who sees it and to prompt them to ask also become “extremely tedious and
studies programs questions,’’ he said. expensive,” requiring golf carts to be
on Sundays and trailered for inspections.
Wednesdays, VPK
and its K-8 private The local proposal is to create an
school. ordinance to “mirror the state statutes
and allow golf carts to be made street
SOLAR ARRAY CANOPY legal but have (inspections) done by
the city” to save some money for the
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 residents and to charge city fees for the
rather than a canopy.
The funds generated by the enroll- “You still are accomplishing the safe-
ty with the seatbelts and all that the
ment fees go toward the construction of state statute covers that is already in
solar energy projects such as solar can- place. You are just streamlining the abil-
opies and free-standing solar trees in ity to get it done,’’ Pearson said.
local public areas, such as parks, zoos,
schools and museums. FPL installs, op- The biggest difference with the local
erates and maintains the projects un- ordinance is that by being registered
with the city, golf-cart users in Satellite
Beach can avoid the need for costly car-
like insurance, he said.
“It’s very popular now. It’s what peo-
ple want to drive so we can either make
it easy for them and cut the costs, or
we’re going to see a lot of non-compli-
ance,” said Satellite Beach City Man-
ager Courtney Barker.
County tax base jumps 9 percent
STORY BY HENRY A. STEPHENS CORRESPONDENT builders added $582.7 million worth of
[email protected] new construction to the county.
Brevard County’s tax base grew to The table at right shows separate
$37.7 billion, almost 9 percent up from figures for the county itself, its library,
last year’s value of $34.6 billion, Prop- fire-rescue and law-enforcement tax-
erty Appraiser Dana Blickley’s staff re- ing units, the School Board and the five
ported on July 1. cities within the Melbourne Beachsid-
er’s coverage area. Their officials will be
Reports show the county’s taxable using the new property values as bases
properties, such as businesses and for budgets that will go into effect Oct.
homes, increased by $2.5 billion in 1 for the 2018-19 fiscal year.
value in the last year. But in addition,
Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 island readers with the most comprehen- Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
[email protected] [email protected] sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, [email protected]
Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite
Staff Reporter Columnists Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
George White, 321-795-3835 Pam Harbaugh, 321-794-3691 For our advertising partners, we pledge Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
[email protected] Jan Wesner Childs, 941-725-0970 to provide the most complete consulta- [email protected]
Michelle Cannon Epting 407-579-4853 tive and marketing programs possible for
the best return on your investment. Corporate Editor
Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196
[email protected]
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 12, 2018 5
Speaking on the issue before coun- ring it to have it officially weighed. She sions all the time. They are not follow- “I don’t think it’s going to be a big
cil was Cindy Berger of Satellite Beach, said she sees an increasing amount of ing guidelines and I don’t see them be- enforcement issue. They are already
who said she was issued a moving viola- golf carts obviously not equipped to be ing stopped or issued tickets to be made out there, we’re already seeing them
tion the first day she had her golf cart. street legal with windshields and turn more responsible,” she said. and have to deal with them anyway.
She later went through the various signals, etc. Yes there will be more of them, but by
steps under the state rules to make the Pearson said the new age 16 require- having a permit we know who owns
cart street legal, including taking pic- “I got a golf cart registered because I ment, and the ability for the city to re- the golf cart and that also means less
tures, purchasing insurance and traile- want to use it and not get tickets. Live voke the registration, will make the new cars,” he said.
on a street corner where I see illegal ver- rules more enforceable.
6 Thursday, July 12, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
ASHLEY NOLAN would I want to run from that?” Instead, five-month “Survivor” challenge for No- fulness. From launching early this year
Nolan returned to the same mindset lan. It included securing various safety providing individual lessons, to growing
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 that once led her from leaving an un- certifications and filling up a friend’s into a full-blown summer camp, the surf
happy office job to lifeguarding: “What house with her surfboards, as she perse- school achieves the majority of its suc-
only requirement is to bring a smile. do I see myself doing right now? I’ll do vered with determination and resource- cess through word-of-mouth.
Coming home from “Survivor” late that.”
“It’s all been pretty organically grown
last year, Nolan found herself in a rest- For now, Nolan has narrowed it down just from this amazing local commu-
less period of looking for her next drastic to surfing, helping people, and work- nity. They want to learn from the local
move, which she thought was moving to ing with kids. She provides one-on-one person that people know – or feel like
California. She had already quit her job surf lessons as well as group lessons for they know,” Nolan says. She also shares
and made the plans, before she realized events and birthday parties with her her passion as a surf coach for Brevard’s
she didn’t have to go anywhere to start own roster of surf instructors. Halfway Special Olympics. She grows continu-
life on her own terms. through the lessons, the parents gather ally fascinated by working with kids and
around her to express their own surfing advocating for inclusivity in the present
“It just hit me one day that this com- aspirations. world.
munity and my family are everything,
and that’s everything that I was think- Starting the small business was like a “People don’t give enough time to re-
ing about when I was out there. So why ally listen to [kids] and not underesti-
mate them, and that’s something I take
very seriously,” she says. “The ocean is
not a classroom. [They are] here to ex-
press themselves and learn a cool new
thing and have fun. I’m just here to sup-
port them in doing that and making sure
they’re safe.”
Her most personal story comes from
a single father-headed family of five
adopted boys, who have become her
regulars. Nolan recalls a conversation
with one of the boys who had a particu-
larly rough past rotating between foster
homes and his birth mother for the first
few years of his life.
“I was in the water with him and he
looked at me at one point – this was after
two weeks with him – and he was like,
‘Do you know that you’re practically our
mom? You’re a lot like our mom but she
couldn’t take care of us. You take really
good care of us.’ I’m just a surf coach;
I have no intentions of filling that role,
but to feel that from a 6-year-old to say
out loud? Every once in a while you’re in
moments like that where you feel like
you’re doing exactly what you’re sup-
posed to be doing,” Nolan says.
Nolan dreams of eventually taking her
Endless Summer-inspired surf school
across the country and world. Being on
“Survivor” has allowed her to zero in on
what really matters, and for now, she is
focused on appreciating life and giving
Official dates for the camp are as fol-
lows: July 9-13 for ages 9+, July 16-20
for ages 5 to 8, July 30-Aug. 3 for ages
9+, and Aug. 6-7 for all ages. There will
also be an Endless Summer Surf Contest
on Sunday, Aug. 5, in Paradise Beach,
where the students will have the chance
to show off their new skills and partici-
pate in a friendly competition with the
community. Prizes from Villon Clothing,
music, yoga and games await as well as
free surf lessons and Softech boards to
borrow. Food will be provided by Long-
doggers Satellite Beach. Registration is
free for all applicants who attend the
summer camp, with more details com-
ing soon.
Ashley Nolan Surf School, Howard E.
Futch Memorial Park, 2301 Hwy. A1A,
Indialantic, 32903. 321-720-9142.
Robert and Nicole Williams
with daughters Isla and Adeline.
Indialantic Craft Fair:
No ‘ware’ art fans
would rather be
8 Thursday, July 12, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Indialantic Craft Fair: No ‘ware’ art fans would rather be
Leanne Tully with Mark and Maddie Martin. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Show coordinators Mike and Mickey Bradham at their statuary tent.
STORY BY BENJAMIN THACKER CORRESPONDENT ry, plants, home accents and fashion and tourists alike. options available on site (apart from
[email protected] accessories adorned the tents of 54 They were busy tending to a grow- some seriously delicious kettle corn),
vendors, who proudly displayed their festival patrons could easily walk to
Artists and artisans from across handiwork and eagerly interacted ing line of customers Saturday morn- a variety of local eateries in the im-
the country came together last week- with a steady flux of friendly art fans. ing at the plaster-ware and statuary mediate vicinity.
end for two days of festival fun in the tent they run; Mike handling sales
Space Coast sun at the 17th Annual Show coordinators Mike and Mick- and taking payment, while Mickey It was the last show of the season
Indialantic Craft Festival, held at ey Bradham, who have run this festi- wrapped the delicate items in paper. for many vendors, including first-
Nance Park. val and others off and on for 10-plus time Indialantic exhibitor Ed Hen-
years, say it’s always a hit with locals “Indialantic is always good to us,” drix of Punta Gorda, who uses a dye-
Vivid colors, tropical motifs, jewel- said Mickey Bradham. “There’s a transfer process to create colorful
little bit for everybody, from soaps to prints on wood.
plants, to statuary.”
“We’re usually in Michigan this
It was balmy with almost no time of year, doing shows up there,”
breeze just after opening Saturday said Hendrix, who has been a regu-
mid-morning, but that didn’t seem lar at the Melbourne Arts Festival for
to stop the crowds from coming out years. “But this year we stayed home,
en masse. so we’re here.”
“We’ve been all the way around Electric fans blew air from under
[the festival grounds],” said Lisa the tent walls, bringing the booth
Connors of Palm Bay, who has been temperature down at least 10 de-
coming to the festival with her hus- grees.
band Dan for years.
“Some people come in here just for
Dan Connors bought a blue woven the fans,” he joked.
hat this year and Lisa bought a dec-
orative stone piece from the Brad- Parking at Nance Park can fill up
ham’s booth. fast, especially with the festival tak-
ing up most of the parking lot, so it’s
“Now we’re going to get a bite to best to arrive early and plan for a day
eat,” she said. of fun.
Although there weren’t many food
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 12, 2018 9
Ed Hendrix of Punta Gorda with some of his work.
Eloisa Bohn-Mota. Dreanna Bane.
Dan and Lisa Connors.
Kathryn Clark.
10 Thursday, July 12, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
A ride down memory lane at Beachside Fun Car Cruise
1951 Chevy 5-window truck. 1957 Chevy Bel Air. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Louis VanDorin with his 1934 Chevy PIckup.
Bill Antonetz, Frank Parravani, Emmett Langville, Jay Bryan and Bob Anderson.
Don DiFrisco of Hell n Blazes Brewing Co. on his 2001 Panzer/Paughco Captain America tribute chopper.
STORY BY BENJAMIN THACKER CORRESPONDENT of charge, where participants and spaces, and a variety of classics cov- ing the signature Lincoln/Mercury
[email protected] spectators can come and go as they ered the rest of the asphalt. retractable rear windshield.
The much-loved and eagerly an- Large sections of the parking lot “The only problem is you can’t
ticipated Beachside Dunkin’ Donuts The show is run by Indialantic conjured flashback images of what park it anywhere!” he joked.
Fun Car Cruise was back this past auto enthusiast Bill Antonetz, whose 1950s and ’60s beachside must have
Saturday, with another museum- baby blue ’57 Chevy Bel Air was looked like, with technicolor clusters Many participants came as mem-
worthy display of American steel. parked in front of the old Pizza Hut of Detroit dream cars lined up and bers of different area car clubs, in-
sign as a sort of beacon to motorists. glistening against a brilliant blue cluding Bob Anderson, president of
If you couldn’t tell by the name, sky. Mopars of Brevard, also known by
the regular yet sporadic gathering “This is the most recognizable car its acronym MOB.
of car owners and aficionados takes on the planet,” said Antonetz. “Prob- Melvin Mills proudly posed with
place in the Dunkin’ Donuts park- ably one of the most iconic cars ever two of his immaculately preserved Mopar is a portmanteau of the
ing lot on A1A in Indialantic, and made.” dream cars, a red 1959 Cadillac El- words “MOtor” and “PArts,” accord-
draws an eclectic mix of cars from dorado and a cream-colored 1959 ing to Wikipedia.
classic to current and everywhere Arriving autos pulled in slowly, Lincoln Continental Mark IV, both
in between. engines purring (or roaring), and with all original interiors. The MOB, like many clubs of its
were directed to parking spots based kind, is a charitable organization
Unlike traditional car shows that on car year and model. The Continental could better be that raises money for several local
charge an entry fee and award tro- described as a dream boat, holding charities each year, working along-
phies to best in show, the “cruise” Later model Mustangs lined the the title for the longest unibody car side groups such as the Space Coast
is more of a casual meet-up, free sidewalk along A1A, Camaros of all ever made (227.1 inches), and sport- Honor Flight at fundraising events
model years took up an entire row of around the area.
12 Thursday, July 12, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Sculptor Sembler preserves, creates timeless treasures
Mention the name Charlie Sembler ing implemented at an unprecedented PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD “The new owners even renamed their
and people are apt to describe him as a rate on landowners, farmers and fish- restaurant after the piece and have a
businessman, commercial fisherman, ermen that it was hard for them to that’s ingrained in me,” he says. signature drink on their menu called
environmentalist, former state legisla- survive and I wanted to make a differ- As he entered his mid-40s, Sembler the ‘Red-eyed Seahorse,’” Sembler says.
tor or tax collector. They are all correct. ence,” he explains, adding the experi-
But for the past several years, he has ence taught him many life lessons. “I says the county was changing, with They also acquired several other piec-
been recognized for the larger-than- learned how to read people, the art of cow pastures and groves being cleared es – a stainless-steel mullet jumping out
life, eclectic art sculptures dotting his persuasion and the value of integrity.” for developments and water quality in of the lagoon, a large sawfish sculpture
Sebastian riverfront property on Indi- the lagoon deteriorating. fashioned after one Sembler’s father
an River Drive. Quickly advancing up the legislative caught in the river as a child, a 7-foot-long
ladder, he became an appropriations “I realized I came from a time and flying fish crafted as a working weather
Sembler transforms pieces of drift- chairman at age 33, handling multibil- place that no longer existed. The nos- vane, and two dragonfly sculptures that
wood, shells, scrap metal and industrial lion-dollar budgets. talgia and things that made this county are now part of the Texas landscape.
materials into looming sea creatures, iconic were being forever lost,” he says.
mermaids and, his latest, a 7,000-pound, “I loved inviting big-city politicians The works on display at his commer-
21-foot-long alligator made from re- down to meet me at the Sembler fish- He tapped into his creative side to cial aquaculture dock, with its unique
cycled battleship chain and excavator ing docks. They’d pull up and see all the create things that would last forever – driftwood railings, are a popular photo
track. Quite the Renaissance man, he forklifts and guys in white rubber boots from sculptures to poetry – that would stop for visitors and residents. The mas-
also makes custom furniture and home and they wouldn’t get out of the car,” tell the story of old Florida. Sembler has sive alligator he and son Charlie created
décor items, writes short stories and po- he says with a laugh. “Then they real- visited scrap yards all around the state, has become a real traffic stopper.
etry, and paints. ized I was one of those guys, we would collecting stainless steel, old chains
meet right there; me in my white boots from elevators and ships, tractor parts Sembler also crafts pieces on com-
For generations, his family support- and them in their blue suits with their and pieces of old appliances. mission, but only after he determines
ed itself through fishing and farming prepared presentations. What they saw the buyers ‘nostalgic soft spot.’ The pro-
and, having limited means, repur- in Sebastian was real old Florida, not “I can walk into the junk yard and cess is documented from the first con-
posed out of necessity. the foreign cars, Gucci loafers and Polo pieces of material catch my eye. I envi- versation to the final construction and
shirts more commonplace today.” sion the sculpture, down to the smallest is presented to the owner, becoming
“My family was in Indian River Coun- detail,” he explains. “Some of the scrap their story to tell to future generations.
ty before it was Indian River County, so When his legislative term was up, he stainless steel I pick up is military and
we measure our Florida roots in cen- still wanted to make a difference on the food grade, which is the highest quality “Everyone loves a story; it’s human
turies,” he says. “We wasted absolutely political front, but also wanted to spend you can get. It may have been special- nature,” beams Sembler. “But the true
nothing. Literally everything was saved more time with his family. He served ordered by NASA or the government gift is to make the story their own. I
and recycled and used time and time eight years as Indian River County Tax and it was originally very expensive, want them to be ecstatic and feel like
again. I remember my grandfather giv- Collector before stepping back to what but since it’s now destined for the recy- they’ve acquired something authentic
ing us wooden toys carved from drift- he loved – working with his hands. cling plant, I can pick it up for a couple that will make their heart full.”
wood for Christmas and, while I didn’t of hundred dollars. Whatever comes to
realize the sentimental value they “I was raised in a family that earned life from this material will literally last “We have reached a point in our lives
would have in the years to come, I still a living by the sweat of your brow, the for many lifetimes.” where we want to protect and preserve
cherish them as an adult.” bend of your back and the strength the past, while still planning for the fu-
of your hands. I wanted to get back to Having grown up on the water, most ture” said Beth.
Similarly, Sembler often hand-crafts the independent and self-reliant work of Sembler’s creations are marine life,
gifts, enjoying the emotional response including the 8-foot-tall seahorse with “The combination of Charlie’s in-
evoked from items made with some- brilliant red eyes that found a home at a credible gift of creativity, combined
thing from the recipient’s past. Old gulf-front resort in Surfside, Texas. with his deep knowledge and love for
barn wood and a chain salvaged from old Florida and nature has given us the
the demolition of a local pioneer fam- opportunity to do something mean-
ily’s boathouse were recently used to ingful and lasting. Each and every
create a frame with a photograph of the piece he makes, whether it’s a stain-
former boathouse. less-steel sculpture, a driftwood table,
a shell mirror or cypress lamp; it’s one
“I reach into the past, pull that piece of kind. It’s art in its purest form, the
to the present and preserve it for the fu- way nature intended.”
ture. What may have been perceived as
a piece of worthless material destined
for the trash pile ultimately becomes a
treasured heirloom with a back story.”
His own creative gift began to
emerge when he and wife Beth were
newly married with a house to furnish.
After building furniture from drift-
wood and other natural materials, he
was soon asked to craft items for fam-
ily and friends.
“It kind of took on a life of its own,”
says Sembler, who with Beth now mar-
kets his work through Victoria-Wil-
liam Company.
At the age of 25, Sembler was elected to
the state Legislature and served 10 years.
“There were so many regulations be-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 12, 2018 13
Coming Up: Swing to symphony’s ‘Big Band Sound’ on Saturday
STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER journey through Houston’s greatest
hits, among them “I Will Always Love
1 If I say “It don’t mean a thing if it You,” “I Wanna Dance With Some-
ain’t got that swing,” you say …. body,” “One Moment in Time,” “Didn’t
We Almost Have It All,” “Greatest Love
(all together now) “Doo wah, doo wah, of All,” “Queen of the Night” and many
more. Show time is 8 p.m. Tickets start
doo wah, doo wah doo wah, doo wah, at $29. 321-242-2219.
doo wah, doo wah.” If Big Band is how
you roll, the Space Coast Symphony
Orchestra Jazz Orchestra has a swing-
ing summer concert for you – “Big 5 You could be going to the dogs:
Treat the kids in your life to
Band Sound” – this Saturday, July 14,
at Westminster Church in Indialantic. “PAW Patrol Live! The Great Pirate
Wielding the baton will be Frank Wo- Adventure!” on stage at Dr. Phil-
sar, Valencia College jazz trombone lips Center Walt Disney Theatre in
professor. Wosar’s musical creds are Orlando this coming Saturday and
lengthy and impressive: “He’s played Sunday. The new tour promo out-
in Grammy-winning groups and per- lines the tail: It’s Pirate Day in Ad-
sonally won four Downbeat Awards venture Bay, and the mayor has
and international recognition for his planned a big celebration. However,
jazz solos,” says SCSO conductor and before the festivities begin, PAW Pa-
artistic director Aaron Collins. The 2 Space Coast Gospel Quartet Sunday at Riverside trol (Ryder, the head pooch, and his
Presbyterian Church in Cocoa Beach.
concert promo promises “Florida’s fin- pirate pups) have to rescue Cap’n
est jazz musicians” performing works Turbot from a mysterious cavern, so
by Herman, Ellington, Basie, Man- it’s all paws on deck. While carrying
cini, Monk, Miller, Williams. And if sic by Richard and Robert Sherman, band, vocalists, choreographed danc- out the mission, they discover, what
based on what the Henegar calls “one ers, state-of-the-art sound, lighting
you’d like a little dance with your song, of the most popular Disney movies of and special effects, is spot-on Hous- else, a treasure map and, of course,
all time,” and who would disagree? ton, and the two-hour production,
you’re in luck: New Zealand dance Theatre camp kids are immersed in all says the show promo, is a heartfelt “X barks the spot.” Show times are
aspects of theater: singing, dancing,
whiz and Disney World choreographer creating a character, and the myriad 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. both days. Tickets
tech aspects of producing a mainstage
Joanne Collins pairs with fellow Dis- musical. This one should be a delight. start at $22.25. 321-242-2219.
Show times are Friday, July 20, 7 p.m.,
ney cast member Brett Gunio to bring and Saturday, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Tick-
ets: $11 and $13. 321-723-8698.
you several dance numbers with the
orchestra. Show time, 7 p.m. Tickets:
$25. 855-252-7276.
2 Do you sometimes long to re-
turn to a simpler time? This
Sunday, July 15, an “Old Fashioned
Community Hymn Sing” at River- 4 A powerful tribute to the leg-
endary Whitney Houston, “The
side Presbyterian Church in Cocoa
Beach will turn the clock back for a Greatest Love of All – The Whitney
little while, as the Space Coast Gospel Houston Show,” comes to the King
Quartet – Tim Harris, Jim Valdes, Mil- Center stage this Friday. Presented
lie Smith and Bob Fleming – leads the
audience in singing beloved, classic 4 Belinda Davids at King
Center this Friday.
hymns straight from the 1947 Broad-
man Hymnal. Quartet members are
Tim Harris, Jim Valdes, Millie Smith
and Bob Fleming. A member of the
Grammy-winning Century Men,
Fleming will be the evening’s song
leader. Riverside’s own music direc-
tor, Diana Amtower, will accompany
on piano. Audience participation will
make this musical event memorable.
Music begins at 5 p.m. No tickets are
required. 321-525-7825. by Showtime Australia, the show has
toured worldwide, and stars South
3 One of my favorite aspects of Africa native Belinda Davids, whose
summer theater is watching the breathtaking voice is a fitting tribute
to the incomparable and tragic star.
talented and enthusiastic summer According to the Guinness Book of
World Records, Houston is “the most
theater camp kids put on their end-of- awarded female act of all time,” and,
adds Wikipedia, “one of the best-sell-
camp show. For example: on stage at ing music artists of all time, with 200
million records sold worldwide.” Da-
the Henegar Center this coming week- vids’ stunning voice, backed by a live
end, the young thespians of the Feller
Theatre Academy Middle School Sum-
mer Theatre Workshop will present
“Mary Poppins Jr.” with original mu-
14 Thursday, July 12, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Movie lovers will swoon over Brevard Cinema House
Something new is about to have its
grand opening Friday. It’s the Bre-
vard Cinema House, the area’s only
art film house.
But there’s going to be more than
subtitled movies from Sweden (think
Ingmar Bergman); the Brevard Cin-
ema House will also screen indepen-
dent films, second run movies and
film classics.
Patrons will eventually be able to
choose meals from menus of local
eateries, dress up for costume con-
tests, enjoy sing-a-longs, game nights
and more fun things still waiting to
pop into the mind of owner Cassan-
dra Garner. Cassandra Garner and Kelli Mondshein of
“Ever since I was little, I’ve been the Brevard Cinema House in Cocoa Village.
obsessed with movies,” Garner said. PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD
“It has always been in the back of
my mind to open a theater and have chairs lets patrons relax before the very busy street, making parking a bit and starring Alec Baldwin, Rosanne
Cash, Mike Myers and many more.
theme nights and just share with oth- movie is shown. Inside the theater it- of a challenge. However, Garner has
Magnolia Pictures has a diverse
er movie lovers.” self, 48 extraordinarily comfortable, secured parking privileges in the lot set of titles as well, including: “Black-
thorn” with the late Sam Shepard as
She wanted to open the art film roomy seats just this side of “lounge at nearby Snug Pub, which is tucked Butch Cassidy; Takashi Miike’s “13
Assassins”; and “The Good Doctor,” a
house in Cocoa Village because there chair” status. The movies are digitally back on the corner of Willard Street horror film starring Orlando Bloom.
is built-in appeal for storytelling projected in high resolution onto a and County Road 515. Make your own suggestions on
which films to screen by visiting
thanks to Cocoa Village Playhouse. 220-inch screen with surround sound. Brevard Cinema House had a soft ht t p://w w w.mag nol iapic t u
all-movies/ and http://oscilloscope.
Garner hopes the playhouse’s patrons Indeed. You may not want to leave opening May 30 with the cult horror net/films/.
will learn about Brevard Cinema when the movie is over. classic “Night of the Living Dead.” Although she’s determined to con-
tinue building relationships with
House and check out the new venue. Of course, this space was not any- Garner chose that because it’s her fa- other film distributors, Garner also
hopes to get to know local indepen-
Already, she’s sharing posters and thing like that when Garner, a Titus- vorite genre. dent filmmakers.
collectibles spawned by movies from ville resident, gave up her job as an It has its official grand opening this That also excites Warren, who said
showcasing works by local filmmak-
“Star Wars” and “Gremlins” to “Casa- office manager and poured her life Friday, July 13. Garner is still making ers is a boon for the community.
blanca” and “Willie Wonka.” savings into the art film house proj- up her mind about which movie will “It’s another platform for the tre-
mendous talent we have here in Bre-
Central Florida jazz singer Kristen ect. It took four months of renovating open the place. She’s got a couple of vard,” she said. “I’m all for giving art-
ists a chance to shine.”
Warren is excited about the opening a space that was once a storefront- choices but her main choice, which,
Already, Garner has been getting
of a new art film house. style church turned Salvation Army yes, has something to do with Friday queries about a perennial interactive
audience favorite – shadow casts for
“It’s very exciting and opens up outlet. To turn it into a movie house the 13th, is up in the air pending a last- “The Rocky Horror Picture Show.”
so many new possibilities,” said the meant first of all raising the ceiling minute decision from the distributor. Plans also include game and trivia
nights, theme nights such as holi-
Melbourne resident. “There are plen- in order to accommodate the large Other movies the Brevard Cinema day themes and black and white film
nights, horror nights and more.
ty of music venues, a few theaters, but screen. Seats were found at a liqui- House has presented so far include
“We are also working on partnering
a film house is something new and dation warehouse. New carpet, new the 1937 “A Star Is Born,” a variety of with local restaurants to offer dinner
and a movie type combo tickets and
unique.” lighting, new paint … et voila, a new Charlie Chaplin short films, “His Girl even local artists to paint murals on
our walls and doors,” Garner said.
The theater set-up is clean and movie house for old movies. Friday” and “RBG,” the documentary
The Brevard Cinema House is at
homey. A cheery reception area in- The location is Willard Street, on Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader 234C Willard Street (S.R. 520), Cocoa.
Parking is available at a nearby Snug
cludes high-tech Apple Pay and vin- where SR 520 splits into westbound Ginsberg. Pub. Tickets are $6 general with dis-
counts possibly becoming available for
tage candy display racks. A friendly and eastbound in Cocoa, on the north Garner expects to present two to children, seniors and military. For more
information, call 321-305-4266 or visit
reception area complete with lounge extremes of Cocoa Village. That’s a three movies a day, with a number
of them being family-friendly to be
shown during its “Afternoon Adven-
tures for Kids” series.
While they both hope to screen
some of their favorite flicks, which
include “Beetlejuice,” “Jaws,” “The
Secret Life of Walter Mitty,” so far
they are working with two distribu-
* Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective 06/29/2018. CDs offered by Edward Jones are bank-issued and FDIC-insured up to tors, Oscilloscope Films and Magno-
$250,000 (principal and interest accrued but not yet paid) per depositor, per insured depository institution, for each account lia Pictures.
ownership category. Please visit or contact your financial advisor for additional information. Subject to availability
and price change. CD values are subject to interest rate risk such that when interest rates rise, the prices of CDs can decrease. Garner has reached out to possible
If CDs are sold prior to maturity, the investor can lose principal value. FDIC insurance does not cover losses in market value. patrons for what movies they’d like
Early withdrawal may not be permitted. Yields quoted are net of all commissions. CDs require the distribution of interest and do to see screened. Oscilloscope movies
not allow interest to compound. CDs offered through Edward Jones are issued by banks and thrifts nationwide. All CDs sold by
Edward Jones are registered with the Depository Trust Corp. (DTC).
Cameron B Mitchell Joseph Townsend include titles such as “Howl” (James
Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Member SIPC Franco as Allen Ginsberg), Andrea
Arnold’s fresh take on “Wuthering
600 W Eau Gallie Blvd 401 Ocean Ave Heights” and Eugene Jarecki’s “The
Melbourne, FL 32935 Suite 103 King,” a road trip movie concerning
321-425-6493 Melbourne, FL 32951 Elvis “as a metaphor for the country”
16 Thursday, July 12, 2018 THE MELBOURNE
JAAR, Yemen rity forc- following Men rest near a wall
es and others. year. AQAP also tagged with spray
The land mines had been planted. As took credit for the 2015 paint in Zinjibar. The
hundreds of U.S.-backed forces ap- The intense clashes that assault on the Paris office of the city was under AQAP
proached in pickup trucks mounted lasted two days in the eastern Al Khabr French satirical newspaper Charlie control until it was
with machine guns, the al-Qaeda mil- mountains of Abyan province in May Hebdo that killed 11 people. liberated in 2014.
itants watched and waited in their re- pitted some 500 local fighters against
doubt, tucked into the jagged moun- three dozen militants, witnesses said. In 2011, AQAP took advantage of the Shabwani Elite Forces
tains of southern Yemen. political chaos that followed the Arab fighters in Azzan dis-
Five local fighters died and 19 were in- Spring populist revolt that eventually play the flag of South
The first explosion shattered one ve- jured, according to hospital officials. Four ousted President Ali Abdullah Saleh. Yemen.
hicle, but the convoy pushed forward. militants were killed. The rest escaped af- Within months, AQAP seized large
Then came a second blast. Within min- ter they left behind two snipers on a sui- swaths of southern Yemen. Last year,
utes, five trucks were destroyed and cide mission to fend off their enemies. the U.S. mili-
the militants began firing with heavy A U.S.-backed Yemeni government tary carried out 131
weapons from their perches, recalled Al-Qaeda has lost about half the Ye- offensive in the middle of 2012 drove airstrikes, more than six
five witnesses to the ambush. meni territory it controlled at the peak the militants from many towns. times the tally in 2016, accord-
in late 2015, several security analysts ing to the Pentagon’s data. The vast
“There were many traps,” said Raoof said. But the militants remain active But three years later, the civil war majority targeted AQAP, although 13
Salim Ahmed, 28, a fighter who was shot in portions of at least seven provinces, erupted, drawing in a U.S.-backed Sun- of the airstrikes were against the na-
by an al-Qaeda sniper in the thigh and including Shabwa, Abyan, Al Bayda ni regional coalition led by Saudi Arabia scent Islamic State affiliate. So far this
testicles, and spoke from a hospital bed. and Hadramawt, according to anti-al- and the United Arab Emirates that is try- year, there have been at least 30 air-
“They weren’t afraid. If they were, they Qaeda fighters, and at times operate ing to restore the government and weak- strikes, all but one targeting AQAP.
wouldn’t have fought so ferociously.” elsewhere in the south of the country. en the influence of Iran, which is sup-
porting the Shiite rebels. AQAP exploited In December, Army Lt. Col. Earl
Over the past year, the shadow war be- “Now they are more dangerous,” said the vacuum created by the civil war to Brown, a spokesman for the Penta-
tween al-Qaeda and local Yemeni fight- Rami Ali, 25, an anti-al-Qaeda fighter seize territory, weapons and money. gon’s Central Command, said U.S.
ers has intensified, largely out of sight who participated in the battle. “They counterterrorism efforts had degrad-
and out of the headlines. While much are not located in one specific place or Al-Qaeda militants retook con- ed AQAP’s propaganda apparatus, en-
attention has been paid to a separate area, so it is difficult to find them. And trol over Jaar and Abyan’s provincial hanced intelligence gathering about
Yemeni civil war pitting northern rebels they try to find any opportunity to car- capital, Zinjibar, and swept into Mu- the group and improved the target-
against the internationally recognized ry out their attacks.” kalla, Yemen’s fifth-largest city and a ing of militants. AQAP’s footprint and
government, the battle being waged by major port. Meanwhile, over the past influence was “diminished,” and the
U.S.-backed Yemeni forces against al- The winding road from eastern Aby- four years, the rival Islamic State has goal now was to prevent the Islamic
Qaeda militants has escalated. an to Shabwa is peppered with signs spawned its own modest affiliate in State from “filling the vacuum.”
glorifying al-Qaeda. Graffiti praises Yemen with at most a few hundred
In the first year of President Trump’s Osama bin Laden and urges rule by members, mostly al-Qaeda defectors. While the airstrikes have helped
term, the United States conducted far Islamic sharia law. Near a green-and- U.S.-backed Yemeni forces and their al-
more airstrikes against al-Qaeda mili- cream-colored mosque, a message is Against this backdrop, the Trump ad- lies from the UAE regain territory, some
tants in Yemen than it had in previous scrawled on a wall: “Jihad is the solu- ministration has given the U.S. military 4,000 AQAP fighters remain in Yemen,
years. While the pace so far this year tion.” On a craggy mountainside flies a more latitude to launch air and ground according to a study by the Council on
has slowed significantly, it remains black-and-white al-Qaeda banner. attacks without White House approval. Foreign Relations earlier this year.
well above the rate of President Barack The week after Trump’s inauguration, a
Obama’s administration. For nearly a decade, U.S. intelli- U.S. Navy SEAL was killed in a botched At the eastern entrance to the town
gence officials have considered al-Qa- raid north of Abyan that was antici- of Azzan, which al-Qaeda once ruled,
U.S. Special Forces are on the ground eda’s Yemen branch, known as al-Qae- pated by al-Qaeda. buildings are pocked with shell craters
here advising the anti-al-Qaeda fight- da in the Arabian Peninsula or AQAP, as the size of cantaloupes, and graffiti glo-
ers and calling in American airstrikes, the most dangerous of all its affiliates. rifying the extremists remains.
a role that has grown as the air cam- In 2009, AQAP tried to bomb an airlin-
paign has escalated. er headed to Detroit and send parcel The battle for Azzan last August began
bombs via cargo planes to Chicago the with airstrikes, driving out many of the
Pentagon officials have said this ef-
fort is successfully rolling back al-Qa-
eda’s franchise in Yemen, considered
to be the militant group’s most lethal
But while the militants have been
expelled from some of their strong-
holds, Yemeni forces acknowledge that
their recent gains against al-Qaeda are
precarious. Yemeni fighters combating
the group in the hinterlands of Shabwa
and Abyan provinces say al-Qaeda has
weathered this pounding and remains
a fierce opponent.
Militants have pressed their cam-
paign of hit-and-run attacks and stra-
tegic retreats, and have carried out a
wave of bombings and assassinations,
targeting government officials, secu-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 12, 2018 17
militants, wit- Mohammed Salim Raoof Salim Ahmed, vative population became a source of
nesses there recalled. al-Buhar, commander recovers at the mili- recruits and sympathizers. Hundreds,
When U.S. and Emirati-backed Yemeni of the Shabwani Elite tary hospital in Jaar. if not thousands, of AQAP fighters
forces entered the town three days lat- Forces, walks outside He was shot by an hailed from local tribes and families.
er, the remaining AQAP fighters put up a grocery store in al-Qaeda sniper.
little resistance. Two al-Qaeda snipers liberated Azzan. For those who battled al-Qaeda
stationed at the entrance to Azzan fired hideouts or fighters in the Al Khabr mountains in
away until their deaths. The rest fled. Jaar was liberated in training camps May, there was a suspicion that they
2014, but there are and maintain sleeper had been betrayed, quite possibly by
“That’s how they fight,” said Moham- still a number of sym- cells inside “liberated” areas. people they knew.
med Salim al-Buhar, the slender 31-year- pathizers in the area. The militants’ use of mines and
old commander of the anti-AQAP forces sophisticated explosives has slowed “They expected our attack because
that now control Azzan and Hota, once Shabwani Elite Forces, a homegrown Buhar’s efforts to pursue AQAP. In one there are people that feed them intel-
another militant stronghold. “They try provincial militia that claims to have house in Hota, Buhar’s fighters found ligence,” said Yasser Saleh, an anti-
to prevent you from moving forward, to more than 3,000 fighters. 80 bombs and C4 explosives. It was a al-Qaeda fighter who took part in the
buy time for their fighters to escape.” lab that Buhar thinks may have been battle. “And so they were ready.”
Inside a spacious carpeted tent on run by Ibrahim al-Asiri, AQAP’s infa-
The militants adopted a similar strat- his miliary base hangs a large portrait mous bomb maker, who has eluded Both Abyan and Shabwa provinces
egy when Emirati and Yemeni forces of the UAE’s leader, Sheikh Khalifa bin U.S. airstrikes for years. have long been breeding grounds for
retook Mukalla in 2016, withdrawing Zayed al-Nahyan. The UAE supplies “The traps they plant for us, and anti¬American sentiment. The United
without bloodshed. AQAP waged a Buhar’s men with weapons, training the ambushes, are the most difficult States’ support for Israel, as well as its
fierce 72-hour battle in trying to defend and salaries. While UAE troops fight obstacles we face,” he said. “They use wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, have fu-
Hota but eventually melted away after a alongside his men, he said, U.S. Spe- explosives in dangerous and innova- eled anger and resentment, as have
month of hiding and deploying snipers. cial Forces soldiers are there to call in tive ways.” allegations of hundreds of civilian
airstrikes that he requests. During the year that the militants deaths in attacks by U.S. drones and
Buhar nearly died in the battle for controlled Zinjibar and Jaar, they set up fighter planes over the past decade.
Hota after snipers shot him twice in “There’s usually a group of four or five what they dubbed the “Islamic Emirate
the hip. Dozens of his men perished in Americans in armored vehicles at the of Waqar.” They ran the courts and the “There are people who sympathize
the fighting. back,” Buhar said. When asked about the police, apprehended thieves and met- with al-Qaeda and support them,”
U.S. role on the ground, Capt. Bill Urban, ed out swift justice, and provided ser- Saleh continued. “They don’t like
Buhar, who wears camouflage and a spokesman for the Pentagon’s Central vices in ways that the country’s weak Americans. And they don’t like any of
a scarf around his neck, leads the Command, said he could not provide spe- and fractured government seldom did. the forces working with them.”
cifics due to “operational security and the In the towns of Azzan and Hota, resi-
safety of our forces” in Yemen. dents said that the militants targeted Nasser al-Hassani, 26, understands.
government employees but treated the He was an al-Qaeda member in Az-
Today, Buhar’s men stand guard at rest of the population well. zan. But he became disillusioned with
dozens of checkpoints and outposts In rural Yemen, the largely conser- the militants and fled to Jaar, where
in former AQAP strongholds. But he joined the local tribal forces fight-
large contingents of al-Qaeda fight- ing AQAP. In his native town, his family
ers still control four remote districts and neighbors disowned him.
where mountains and caves serve as
“I can’t go back to my village,” Has-
sani said. “To them, I am a non-Mus-
lim because I defected.”
Even inside the militias fighting al-
Qaeda, there is a fear of double agents
who routinely tip off the militants. One
senior leader arrived for an interview
wearing a pistol on his right hip and car-
rying an AK-47 rifle for added protec-
tion. He spoke on the condition of ano-
nymity and of not being photographed
because he feared being assassinated.
“We caught many of the double
agents, but there are still some around,”
said the leader, who was wiry with a thin
mustache. “Only Allah knows what’s in
a man’s heart.”
Among those glad to see the militants
gone, there’s a fear that the country’s
political vacuum would open the way
for their return. “If the government sta-
bilizes, they can’t come back,” said You-
nous Ajudum, a shopkeeper in Hota.
For Ahmed, the wounded fighter in
the hospital bed, as long as southern
Yemen’s tangled loyalties to AQAP per-
sist, a military victory over the mili-
tants could prove elusive.
“If we are all working together, we
can get rid of al-Qaeda,” Ahmed said.
“But until now, we are not together.”
Today we’ll conclude this three-part series liver. Overdose can also cause liver damage. Advil and Aleve can cause or worsen stom- In 2015, Business Insider information from
on over-the-counter (OTC) pain killers. Some drugs contain a certain amount of ach, gastrointestinal or kidney problems. the National Institutes of Health, Harvard
Tylenol in them which could result in your Many also believe all OTC pain relievers are Medical School, Columbia University and the
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NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory treat swelling and inflammation, while Tyle- pain relievers for specific ailments. Note that
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acid [aspirin], ibuprofen [Advil and Motrin] scription and are so readily available, many what’s known as hard-tissue inflammation, which are the best at treating specific types
and naproxen [Aleve]). Today we’ll discuss people incorrectly surmise their potential such as bone swelling. (It also provides lon- of pain based on reviewed drug studies.
the most popular non-NSAID Tylenol. We’ll side effects must be inconsequential. That’s ger lasting relief than other NSAIDs and non-
also summarize which medications are con- not the case. OTC pain killers can have un- NSAIDs.) Other OTC pain relievers are more Your comments and suggestions for fu-
sidered best for which ailments. intended side effects, especially in people effective at reducing soft-tissue inflamma- ture topics are always welcome. Email us
with existing health conditions. For instance, tion, like sore muscles, inflamed sinuses, at [email protected].
NON-NSAID ACETAMINOPHEN Tylenol can cause or worsen liver problems; muscle soreness and arthritis. © 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
Tylenol is a pain killer that can also be used NSAID: Aspirin NSAID: Advil/Motrin NSAID: Aleve Non-NSAID: Tylenol
to reduce fever.
(Acetylsalicylic acid) (Ibuprofen) (Naproxen) (Acetaminophen)
It’s prescribed for ailments such as: Arthritis
Aches (headaches, backaches Earache
and toothaches) Hangover
Colds Headache
Fever Menstrual cramps
Since it is not an anti-inflammatory drug, Ty-
Small dose to help prevent
lenol is not used for people with problems
heart attack and stroke
such as arthritis, gout or tendinitis. Sore muscles
Be cautious taking Tylenol with alcohol
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 12, 2018 19
Down in the toe of cases – these women Author Alex Perry
the Italian boot, in rus- took down vicious
tic Calabria, a criminal clans and shattered ciola, an abused wife who can’t take any more, and
subculture thrives: The the myth of Mafia in- Giuseppina Pesce, who’s something else again; a char-
’Ndrangheta, it’s called. vulnerability. acter worthy of Elena Ferrante, Pesce has gotten her
If the word seems un- own hands dirty (though not bloody), yet while fearless
pronounceable, that’s in One of the wom- about mob work, she’s a jelly donut when it comes to
keeping with this gang’s en, Lea Garofalo, has her kids.
shadowy ways. In “The achieved the status
Good Mothers: The True of martyr in Italy; The children, for all three “good mothers,” afford
Story of the Women Who there’s even a movie leverage for the bad guys. The women don’t do well
Took On the World’s Most about her. Garofalo under state protection; in a motel up north, with no
Powerful Mafia,” Alex Perry first denounced her one but cops for company, the old crowd down south
takes care to sound out the mobster husband, starts to look appealing. The kids especially suffer, and
name: “un-drung-get-a.” one by one the women cave, recanting their testimony
The term derives from the as well as others, and falling back into ’Ndrangheta clutches. The results
Greek, the original tongue in 1996, then spent aren’t always fatal, thanks in particular to Cerreti, but
in what Perry calls a land of a dozen difficult the sorry pattern creates a problem for the book, a
“hard beauty.” It means “so- years in witness touch of the predictable. The same quality sometimes
ciety of men of honor and protection with afflicts the closing courtroom sequences.
valor.” her daughter, De-
Yet it’s good to go step by step, as Perry does, through
Perry’s book, however – nise. In the end the destruction of these clans. It’s good to linger over
an essential addition to the the state let her the women’s triumph, since theirs is but one battle in
growing library on organized down, failing to the war against what Perry calls a “global mafia.” So his
crime – puts the women, not deliver on a bet- book celebrates how a few heroes made a significant
the men, at the center of a ter life, and Garo- change for the better – in a “display of adamant and un-
story that is both harrowing falo attempted a yielding femininity.”
and heartening.
rapprochement THE GOOD MOTHERS
Calabria, when Perry be- with her old
gins his tale at the turn of the crowd. This THE TRUE STORY OF THE WOMEN WHO TOOK
21st century, remains “ban- ended in her ON THE WORLD’S MOST POWERFUL MAFIA
dit country,” in the grip of the disappearance BY ALEX PERRY | 333 PP. $27.99
same mob families who ruled – a lupara bi-
at the end of the 19th century. The machismo is deep- anca, a “white REVIEW BY JOHN DOMINI, THE WASHINGTON POST
ly ingrained. Wives and mothers have nothing like the shotgun,” in local parlance, although in
influence enjoyed by the fictional Carmela Soprano, her case it was strangulation and a bonfire (a change of
whose husband’s associates have ties to Calabria. Rath- plans from a vat of acid). Lea’s vanishing provides “The
er, “the severity of the misogyny,” Perry writes, “prompt- Good Mothers” with a suspenseful kickoff, her last days
ed some prosecutors to compare the ’Ndrangheta with alive as observed by a teenage Denise. The mystery’s so-
Islamic militants. Like ISIS or Boko Haram, ’Ndranghe- lution waits till the closing chapters. Thus human drama
tisti routinely terrorized their women” in the service of shapes the narrative; it ends with the daughter’s tearful
“an immutable code.” farewell at a massive 2013 rally in the mother’s memory.
Still, “The Good Mothers” is casting a wider net, in-
Mountains of illicit cash, largely from drugs, extor- dicting an entire pestilent culture. Another protagonist
tion and weapons smuggling, sustained the code. The is the magistrate and investigator Alessandra Cerreti,
economics of the syndicate are spelled out in the open- southern Italian herself, with a lifelong dedication to
ing chapters, a grim accounting that runs to tens of bil- fighting the Mafia. Like the others, she benefits from
lions of dirty euros. But Perry, while never lax about the Perry’s deep research, so that a couple of the episodes
bookkeeping, keeps the emphasis on matters of heart featuring her have the moment-to-moment intensity of
and conscience: the risks taken by a brave few Calabrian Garofalo’s final night alive.
women. At great personal cost – the ultimate cost, in two The same is true of events involving a pair of other
’Ndrangheta women. These are Maria Concetta Cac-
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20 Thursday, July 12, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
It’s hard to com- for “embodying Lubitsch made a series of edgy films during the “pre-
prehend how Ernst an ever-fresh, code” era, before censorship employed rules instead
Lubitsch – one of the delightful, tan- of loose guidelines. A film such as “Design for Living”
wittiest, most sub- talizing, slyly witty blend of style and sub- (1933), about a risque living arrangement that leads to
versive filmmakers stance” known as the “Lubitsch touch,” and a love triangle, wouldn’t get made after the code got its
of Hollywood’s Gold- he was a pro at getting around the censors. teeth. Lines such as, “It’s true we have a gentleman’s
en Age – could be so When two characters begin to kiss in “Trou- agreement, but unfortunately I’m no gentleman,”
overlooked by today’s ble in Paradise,” for example, the camera would be too hot for the times. In fact, the film was the
film fans. Luminar- cuts to a hand hanging a “Do not disturb” first to be condemned by the Catholic Legion of Decen-
ies adored him: Alfred sign on the door. That may seem cliche now, cy. Its re-release was prevented for years, and remakes
Hitchcock counted the but in the early 1930s, it was a sly maneuver were also forbidden by censors.
German-born director to conjure up a steamy scene without actu-
as an influence, and ally showing one. As formal censorship took hold in Hollywood, Lu-
Billy Wilder had a sign The director himself may have said it best bitsch found himself in a difficult spot, unable to pro-
in his office that asked, when he said, “I do not make German or duce the sexually progressive films that made him
“How would Lubitsch American films, but rather Lubitsch films.” famous. After rethinking his approach, Lubitsch man-
do it?” But popular Like Quentin Tarantino or Wes Anderson aged to direct some remarkable films, such as the sly
opinion has been less today, the filmmaker crafted stories that anti-communist “Ninotchka” (1939), which features a
reverent. could only happen in a Lubitsch world. He cunning, sassy and witty Greta Garbo, “You’ve Got Mail”
was also ahead of his time with depictions of precursor “The Shop Around the Corner” (1940) and
Here to remedy the sexually liberated themes. As early as 1918, the sharp anti-Nazi yarn “To Be or Not To Be” (1942).
oversight is film histo- he toyed with gender roles in “I Don’t Want
rian Joseph McBride, to be a Man.” Since Lubitsch’s day, McBride observes a consistent
whose new book, “How At Paramount Studios, Lubitsch created decline in sophisticated comedy, which has been re-
Did Lubitsch Do It?,” re- some of the first integrated musicals, in- placed by shock humor and profanity. The author fears
acquaints readers with cluding 1929’s “The Love Parade” and “One that “the trends that have dumbed down our society”
the director’s genius Hour With You” in 1932. That year, Lubitsch – such as “the decline of our educational system, the
while pondering how he also made one of his most beloved films, widespread loss of interest in the past, the frenetic ac-
slipped from our collec- “Trouble in Paradise,” a romantic comedy celeration of the pace of life, [and] the aggressive forces
tive memory. about two criminals falling in love featuring of political ignorance” – explain, in part, why interest in
dialogue replete with censor-dodging dou- historic films has waned.
Revisiting the German-born filmmaker’s singular ble entendres.
vision is a worthy task. “Through his eyes,” McBride These early sound films used what Mc- However, McBride remains optimistic. Access to
writes, “we can live vicariously in that artificial, large- Bride calls “visual shorthand” that baited films new and old is on the rise, which means that
ly imaginary world he created and which he made so the audience by dancing around taboo more people may discover hidden gems, sparking re-
much more alluring than the messy world outside the subjects, often involving sex, class, gender newed interest in Lubitsch and other Golden Age film-
movie palaces or the video screens of our day.” or nationality. Mary Pickford once described Lubitsch makers. McBride’s study serves as both a biography
as a “director of doors,” because he used doors the way and a cultural history of Europe’s influence on Holly-
Lubitsch films, McBride declares, became known other directors used cigarettes. Instead of showing wood that will be a great companion for those inter-
the aftermath of a sexual encounter with two people ested in underexplored comedies in film history.
smoking – a common trope in classic films – he en-
couraged us to imagine what was going on behind the HOW DID LUBITSCH DO IT?
image of a closed door.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 12, 2018 21
9865 K72 J 10 3
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist J 10 2 A843 Q7
10 9 8 6 54 AK72
In last week’s deal, South had to visualize an end-position in which he could make an J4 K653 Q 10 9 8
apparently unavoidable loser evaporate when he forced an opponent to concede a ruff-and-
sluff. That deal did not require any luck. This week, though, not only must declarer visualize SOUTH
a winning distribution of the opposing hands, but he must also get lucky because that AQ4
distribution is a priori unlikely. However, as Seal, an English singer-songwriter, said, “The K965
harder you work ... and visualize something, the luckier you get.” QJ3
South is in four hearts. West leads the diamond 10. East takes two tricks in the suit, then
shifts to the spade jack. How should declarer continue? Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Neither
Strangely, three no-trump and four hearts are comparable contracts in that both can be The Bidding:
made unless West leads a club at trick one.
Even after the diamond start, declarer seems to have four unavoidable losers: one heart 1 NT Pass 2 Clubs Pass
(assuming the suit is splitting 3-2; if it is 4-1, the contract has no chance), two diamonds 2 Hearts Pass 4 Hearts All Pass LEAD:
and one club. South cannot do anything about the red suits; how can he eliminate that club 10 Diamonds
Declarer needs the defender with three trumps to have at most two clubs. There might be
a little guesswork involved, but not here. South takes the third trick, draws two rounds of
trumps, then cashes the diamond queen (discarding a club from the board) and the black-
suit winners. Finally, he casts adrift with a trump.
West wins and must return a spade or a diamond. Declarer ruffs in one hand and sluffs the
remaining club from the other..
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22 Thursday, July 12, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
1 Husky (6) 1 Dealt with (7)
4 Go away! (4) 2 Carrying a weapon (5)
8 Creature (6) 3 Flogged (4)
9 Misery (6) 5 Half rum (anag.) (7)
10 Sword (5) 6 Smell (5)
11 Carry out (7) 7 Elements; views (7)
13 Tots up (4) 12 Put forward (7)
15 Healthy (3) 14 Parts of the year (7)
16 Deficiency (4) 17 Rushed; attacked (7)
18 Held up (7) 19 Incident (5)
20 Inexpensive (5) 21 Useful (5)
23 Take away (6) 22 Leave out (4)
24 Run (6)
25 Trial (4)
26 Remained (6)
The Telegraph
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numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
per month special* The Telegraph
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 12, 2018 23
ACROSS to resist 12 Odist’s word The Washington Post
1 A god of love 67 Boarded grasslands 70 Letter from
5 Dances a sexy 68 Liberal arts deg. INITIAL REACTION By Merl Reagle
69 Chronicler of the 13 Concerning London?
dance 14 2018 Super Bowl 71 Tic-tac-toe line
11 767, to an air Corleones 73 “Hizzoner”
72 Comedy units losers 74 Itty-bitty bit of
traffic 73 Copier need 15 Spokes
controller 74 Salami 16 Brother of Julia goo
15 Design all over 77 Carpet type
again salesrooms Roberts 78 Erma Bombeck’s
19 City NW of Los 75 N.Y. securities 17 Desperate
Angeles, 18 Schwarzenegger’s long-running
___ Valley market column,
20 Individually 76 Manipulate bodybuilding “At ___”
21 Glinda in The Wiz 77 Cobbler’s stock nickname, 79 Word on a
22 Lakmé’s “Bell 78 Ultimate “the Austrian parking-garage
Song,” for ___” ticket machine
example confrontation 24 Author Gardner 82 Black, to Bardot
23 PITH 79 Madrid museum and film director 83 Drunks
26 Actor Bogarde 80 See 20 Across Kenton 84 Once around the
27 OHMS 81 Delilah portrayer 25 Media blitz of a clock
29 Darjeeling, for sort 85 “___ thou our
one opposite Victor, 28 Like Tarzan’s God?”
30 Former St. Louis 1949 transit system (II Chron. 20:7)
player 82 Pen point 33 Talks out of 86 Backstabber
31 Elect 83 Agent 86 34 Christmas tree 87 Times of
32 The unthinkable 86 Bread spread 35 Longtime House reckoning
78 Across 87 Part of a j speaker 88 Young spy
33 Patron saint of 88 To drink, as vin 36 Shorten, as a sail chronicled in The
France 89 Inc. or GQ, e.g. 37 Nick Adams’s Falcon and the
34 “A pox on you!” 92 DADS character in the Snowman,
35 Nuclear 98 Pounds, in old TV oldie The Christopher ___
instrument ending London Rebel 89 Dancer Shearer
37 Brandenburg 99 YAMS 38 Valentino role 90 Ball’s guy
Concertos 100 Wrist-to-elbow 39 Stock 91 Flying wedge
composer: inits. part alternatives members
40 Record holders? 101 Just 40 Worked (up) 92 Ennui-inducing
43 Code word? 102 “___ meet you” 41 George’s lyricist 93 Where to find a
44 Godliness 103 Major times 42 Home run soul on ice
45 Palindromic cry 104 Types 43 Sets off 94 Words to Nanette
46 Another god of 105 Rogers and Clark 44 Break new 95 Appropriately
love 106 Cutting and ground? 96 Bradbury’s
47 Color ’twixt red forming kit 47 Fugard’s A Fahrenheit
and green 107 Test for a mouse Lesson from ___ number times II
50 Montagnes de la DOWN 48 Actress Adams 97 “Thar hills”
France 1 In ___ (stuck) of Bond movie preceder
51 Not now 2 Pooh’s creator fame 98 On the ___ vive
52 Greek T’s 3 City near Council 49 Brand of candy
53 Milk at a French Bluffs 50 Hangout for
café 4 Krispy grain Socrates
54 Make ___ (err) 5 New Zealand’s 51 Rip to shreds
55 National Velvet discoverer 54 When some
author Bagnold 6 House of wax? nightly news
56 ROOT 7 Black-clad comes on
59 Disciplines, as a Japanese 57 Secret org.
brat warriors 58 Lean on or
61 BOATS 8 “___ while toward
63 ___ a doornail they’re hot!” 59 “Ignore
65 HAND 9 New York Times correction” marks
66 It might be hard boss, once 60 “Bean limousine”
10 Make sure 62 Certain act div.
11 Sanctified, in the 63 Excavated
Bible 64 Wipe out
67 Encouraging
The Telegraph
24 Thursday, July 12, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Kindness is given the right way, and taken the wrong way
BY CAROLYN HAX M and, honestly, M has additional step- and half- sponsibility for the decision on himself instead of
Washington Post letting you carry it, though “doesn’t care what her
siblings in her mother’s household and this obliga- mother says” is a path that tends not to lead any-
Hi, Carolyn: where good.
Dear Carolyn: My son-in-law tion could be never-ending.
has a 10-year-old daughter, “M,” You can legitimately change nothing in response
from a previous relationship. He What is your advice? Not only for this situation but to this new development. You are at arm’s length
and my daughter also have a and managing your part with compassion and fair-
5-year-old daughter, “L,” together. I in the future? Summer camp, vacations, etc. ness, not to mention the autonomy that spending
have always been careful to treat both girls the same your own money affords you.
in terms of gifts, activities, special occasions, etc. I – Limited
had a step-grandmother who made an obvious show Given the complexities, costs and the impres-
of preferring her “real” grandchildren to us. I know Limited: I appreciate the mother’s concern for sionable ages of these children, though, it might
how it feels. fairness, if not her grasp of it. help for you to shift your approach to such gifts
Last year, I offered to pay for both girls to partici- – ever so slightly. Instead of arranging the lessons
pate in one extracurricular activity of their choice – It’s also thoughtful of you to take such care not to yourself, figure out the cost in advance and make a
dance, music, sports, etc. They both chose gymnastics repeat your step-grandmother’s mistakes. gift of that money to your daughter and son-in-law.
lessons and have been enthusiastically participating This takes you out of this family’s decisions entirely.
ever since. And your son-in-law was right to take the re-
M also has a younger stepsister, “B,” in her mother’s Assuming they’d want that, of course. Your in-
family. M’s mother has decided that unless I can also volvement might provide your son-in-law cover for
provide this other sister, whom I’ve never met, with sibling M to have things sibling B doesn’t; if the gift
lessons, M can no longer participate because it isn’t comes from a third party who is related legally to M
fair to B. but utterly unrelated to B, then any expectation that
I understand Mom’s point of view, I really do, which B receive the same strains logic, no matter what B’s
is why I found gymnastics lessons for M that were on mother says.
the days she was living with her dad. Neither of these
families can afford any special treats. I can, but I am B herself will be able to see this someday, and
retired and there are limits. that’s the key to all of this – how B feels about
M’s father says he doesn’t care what her mother herself and her opportunities. She’s probably too
says, M will continue with the lessons as long as she young now, but when she’s old enough to under-
wants to. I want to do the right thing for both L and stand all the connections, there will be no direct fa-
milial connection between her and the source of a
gift she did not receive. If the adults involved have
compassion and boundaries – big “if,” alas – then
the whole alphabet will be fine.
Heart disease: How
to survive America’s
No. 1 killer
26 Thursday, July 12, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Heart disease: How to survive America’s No. 1 killer
[email protected]
Heart disease is still the No. 1 kill-
er in the U.S.
The National Center for Health
Statistics reports that some 633,482
lives were lost to heart disease last
year and the Centers for Disease
Control now says one in every four
deaths in this country will be tied to
heart disease.
Dr. Alan Rosenbaum of the Indian
River Medical Center is a five-star-
rated cardiologist on Healthgrades.
com who is very familiar with the
symptoms and complexities of heart
disease – along with preventive ac-
tions and treatment regimens that
can save tens of thousands of lives
a year.
Let’s start with heart attacks. Ac-
cording to the American Heart As-
sociation, “your heart muscle needs
oxygen to survive. A heart attack
occurs when the blood flow that
brings oxygen to the heart muscle
is severely reduced or cut off com-
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 12, 2018 27
It’s incredibly commonplace. change is made or added, change it Rosenbaum that could be a huge red If you’ve been diagnosed with
In fact, the AHA says, “every 40 on your list or make a new list. It’s f lag. heart disease or have a family his-
seconds, someone in the United laborious I know, but it keeps the re- tory of it, talk to your primary care
States has a myocardial infarction.” cord straight. And it’s a good habit “The erythromycin family of an- physician. He or she may refer you
It’s here where Rosenbaum makes to present this list to each doctor tibiotics,” explains Rosenbaum, to a highly qualified cardiologist
a vitally important observation: your see and say, ‘Am I on all these “can be challenging from an elec- like Rosenbaum who will fully ex-
Men and women often have strik- medications according to your re- trical perspective.” Certain patients plain the best way or ways for you
ingly different heart attack symp- cords?’” can develop arrhythmias (irregular to avoid being one of those 633,482
toms. heartbeats) or even complete cardio- people who lose their lives to heart
For men, he says, “there’s a typi- Is that really a big deal? You bet vascular collapse from antibiotics disease each year.
cal 30 to 40 minutes of chest pain your life it is. when they’re combined with heart
radiating down the left arm [with] medications like beta blockers. Dr. Alan Rosenbaum is with the
some pain in the jaw and shortness Say you have heart disease, but Indian River Medical Center. His of-
of breath, nausea, diaphoresis – or another doctor prescribes an anti- Of course, the best medicine is fice is in the hospital’s Health and
sweating – that occurs with exer- biotic for something totally unre- preventive medicine. Things like Wellness building at 3450 11th Court,
tion and goes away with rest. lated to your heart. getting adequate exercise, eating Suite 102. The phone number is 772-
“Women,” Rosenbaum continues, a healthy diet, reducing stress and 778-8687.
“are much more variable in how Odds are you won’t see a con- getting regular checkups.
their symptoms present. For exam- flict there, but for cardiologists like
ple, in my training I saw a woman
who came in with right elbow pain.
I had another lady who had a left
anterior descending artery block-
age, but her pain was like a neck-
lace: right around her neck and that
was it. That’s the only pain that she
had with exertion.”
Assuming patients get prompt
medical attention and survive their
first heart attack, the preventive
actions and treatment regimens to
avoid a second heart attack, says
Rosenbaum, start with aspirin. “I
would recommend 81 milligrams
[because] there’s really no evidence
that 325 mg does any better than 81
Rosenbaum says beta blockers
should be considered too, because
they “have been shown in trials to
decrease a second heart attack from
Beta blockers – drugs like Ace-
butolol (Sectral) and Metoprolol
(Lopressor) – cause the heart to beat
“more slowly and with less force,
thereby reducing blood pressure.
Beta blockers also help blood ves-
sels open up to improve blood flow,”
according to the Mayo Clinic.
“If the patient is hypertensive
[has high blood pressure], ACE in-
hibitors or ARBs are also recom-
mended,” Rosenbaum adds.
But cardiac care doesn’t stop
there and patients have to take re-
sponsibility for their own care, even
as they rely on their doctors for
guidance and treatment.
The plain truth is neither doctors
or their electronic medical records
are infallible. Patients need to keep
better track of all the medications,
vitamins and supplements they
take and share that information
with every physician they see. Every
time they see them.
“My strong recommendation to
my patients is they make a list of
their medications [whether they’re
for heart disease or something else,
entirely]. Every a time a medication
28 Thursday, July 12, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bliss is best: Spats with spouse worsen chronic pain
STORY BY MARIA CANFIELD CORRESPONDENT Lisa Terry. group had greater pain, they were in
a worse mood the next day and ex-
Most people don’t like to argue PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE perienced greater tension with their
with their spouse for general reasons spouse.
of happiness and harmony at home.
Now it turns out there are physiolog- Of the arthritis group, Penn State’s
ical reasons as well for older people Martire says, “this almost starts to
with certain chronic conditions to suggest a cycle where your marital
keep the peace, according to new interactions are more tense, you feel
research from Penn State Center for like your symptoms are more se-
Healthy Aging. vere, and the next day you have more
marital tension again.”
Lisa Terry, a licensed clinical so-
cial worker (LCSW) in Vero Beach, Terry describes a pattern she often
confirms the study results. In her sees that takes Martire’s observation
own practice, she often sees a con- one step further: “Chronic illness
nection between spousal tension can exacerbate a person’s natural
and the worsening of health-related tendencies. Someone who often gets
symptoms, although it’s can be a bit agitated when healthy is likely to be
of a chicken and egg thing. “The ill- even more easily agitated when they
ness can affect the relationship as are suffering from a condition they
much as the relationship can affect have to live with for a long period of
the illness,” she says. time.”
In their study, the Penn State team On the flip side, Terry says people
used data from two groups of partic- who deal well with adversity are
ipants: one group of 145 people with likely to take extra steps, such as
osteoarthritis in the knee; another practicing deep breathing or medi-
of 129 people with type 2 diabetes. tation, to remain calm and centered
All participants kept daily diaries for when faced with a chronic illness.
about three weeks on their mood,
how severe their symptoms were, The study results were recently
published in the journal Annals
and whether their interactions with of Behavioral Medicine. In light of
their spouse were positive or nega- their conclusion that the overall
tive. quality of spousal relationships may
have some impact on health, the re-
The researchers found that within searchers believe there is value in
both groups, the study participants creating interventions specifically
were in a worse mood and had great- targeted to couples who are dealing
er pain or more severe symptoms with a chronic disease.
on days when the tension between
them and their spouses was higher Terry offers this advice on how to
than usual. keep relationships on an even keel
when dealing with an illness. “The
The Penn State team says that most important thing is for the per-
while previous studies have shown son with the illness to have good self-
a connection between satisfying care. Controlling what you can con-
marriages and better health, there’s trol makes you feel like less of a victim
been a lack of research into how day- and makes it less likely that you will
to-day experiences impact those place blame on your spouse for how
with chronic illness. he or she is reacting to your situation.”
Study lead Lynn Martire, profes- She adds that couples – even those
sor of human development and fam- without health issues – should never
ily studies, says “other studies have talk about anything serious late in
looked at the quality of someone’s the evening. “It’s hard to commu-
marriage right now. But we wanted nicate effectively when you’re tired.
to drill down and examine how posi- And when it gets dark early, people
tive or negative interactions with tend to shut down even more.”
your spouse affect your health from
day to day.” If you feel a visit with a therapist
could help your relationship with
She adds: “It was exciting that we your spouse, Terry suggests that
were able to see this association in you plan ahead so that you can talk
two different data sets – two groups about specifics, as it’s much easier to
of people with two different diseas- work through a specific issue rather
es. The findings gave us insight into than a general feeling of discontent.
how marriage might affect health,
which is important for people deal- The Terry Mindfulness Center is
ing with chronic conditions like ar- located at 333 17th Street, Suite 2T
thritis or diabetes.” in Vero Beach. The phone number is
772-564-0406 and they can be found
The researchers also found that on the web at www.terrymindful-
when the people in the arthritis
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 12, 2018 29
Bonz bud Brewster’s ‘berry’ important safety tip
Hi Dog Buddies! didn’t know what was wrong with me. Brewster, the Chocolate Lab. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD
She was so scared. She rushed me to the
This week I yapped with a Choco- vet, who figured out I had eaten, like, 50 STERRR!!!!’ After almost an hour,
late Lab puppy, Brewster Bowin. He’s 9 berries from a tree called a Sago Palm.
anna half months old and Totally Lab- Sago Palms are poisonous to pooches, Mommy found me. I was snoozin’ in that Brewster shared his story
by: sweet, frenly an adorable. Of course, an liddle humans. They can damage
he was Right At The Door to greet me an dogs’ livers (one of our inside parts we the clothes hamper in Mommy’s clos- with me, so I can share it with you, an
my assistant an, after the Wag-an-Sniff, can’t see but it’s Very Importunt) an
escorted us to the living room. even cause ackshull death. My liver et, and somebody’d closed the door. you can tell your dog buddies. I bet
was damaged real bad. I almost went
“I’m sorta nervous, Mr. Bonzo. I never to Dog Heaven. Mommy still gets up- Mommy took a pickshur. We have re- lotsa you didn’t know how dangerous
had an innerview before. But I’m mostly set just thinking about it. She didn’t
excited! I’ve been practicin’ bein’ puh- have any idea those pretty trees were ally nice neighbors.” Sago Palms are to us pooches, cats and
lite. So, um, I’m Brewster Bowin an this dangerous. You probly see ’em all over
is my Mommy, Christine. My Daddy the place. They’re real popular. But “Indeed you do,” I agreed, gathering liddle humans. I sure didn’t.
Adam’s at work.” they’re also pooch poison.
my stuff. “It’s been great yapping with
“Well, you’re doin’ a fine job, Brews- “Sissy an Daphne an T. unnerstood
ter!” I assured him. “I understand you how sick I was. They all babied me you Brewster. Your story could save a Till next time,
have a Serious Story and an Important an stayed real close. I even got some-
Safety Tip you wanna share.” thing called aaa-Q-punk-sure, which life.”
looks a liddle weird, but it didn’t hurt, -The Bonz“Me an Mommy just want other
“That’s right, Mr. Bonzo. I almost an it made me feel relaxed. That was
bought the doghouse, an my life has six months ago. Now I’m doing Much pooches an their humans to NEVER
changed forever. So I figured at least I Bedder, I don’t barf as much, thank have to go through what we did.”
can help Fellow Pooches by warnin’ ’em Lassie, but my liver can’t do its job Heading home, I was feeling glad
about the dangers that could LURK in without help. I don’t weigh enough
their very own yards.” yet, an I don’t have nor-mull Puppy En- Don’t be shy!
ergy. I’ll always hafta take holistic meds We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up
“I’ll do my best, Brewster.” I opened an SUPP-luh-ments, an eat only Special an interview, please email [email protected].
my notebook. “How ’bout start with Mommy-cooked Food.
your Forever Family.”
“But no complaints, Mr. Bonzo. We’re
“OK. Well, Mommy’d been wanting a Snuggly Family! I’m a lucky puppy,
a boy Chocolate Lab puppy for a long anna Mommy’s Boy. I love ridin’ in the
time. Her fren was raisin’ purebred truck. An sittin’ in Mommy’s lap, even
Labs, with PAY-pers even, an a litter was though I hang over the edges. An we
on the way. Mommy got all excited, but all snuggle with Daddy. Every Sunday I
there weren’t any chocolate boys, so help Mommy do my Weekly Meal Prep.
she waited for the next litter. Last Sept. Well, she ackshully does it. I supervise.
12, MY litter arrived, with TWO of us It is Majorly Tasty! All organic: turkey,
chocolates. Imagine the Adorable Fac- beef, chiggen, eggs, cottage cheese,
tor. But I was the one who ran right to sammon, sweet potadoes, an my Favor-
Mommy. She scooped me up, an THAT ite, SPINACH.”
was THAT. She named me Brewster cuz
her childhood Golden Lab was Punky, “Yum! So, whaddya do for fun?”
after some liddle girl on TV. “Bein’ a Lab, Swimmin’s No. 1, pool
or ocean. Me an Sissy walk on the beach,
“I was One Happy Puppy. I had my an watch Daddy shore fishin’ and Mom-
very own Forever Famly: a sister, Xena, my shellin.’ When I get home all sandy,
she’s a Husky. I call her Sissy. She’s my Daddy hoses me off and Mommy blow-
Best Fren. She showed me The Ropes. I dries me. Pawsome! I like goin’ to the
also have a dachshund sister an brother dog park an playin’ Fetch. Sometimes
who are Really Old in Dog, like, a hun- I go to work with Mommy an hang out
drud: Daphne, she’s 14 in people, an with The Nice Office Ladies. There’s a
Tolbert’s 16. (We call him T.) Sissy clued real comf-tubble couch there.
me in right away that they Rule the “Oh, an I gotta funny story. Well,
Roost. They even have their own bed- Mommy didn’t think it was that funny.
room for whenever me an Sissy get on Last Easter, we were in the middle of
their Last Nerve. moving to here. Movers were goin’ in
an out. Mommy called me, but I didn’t
“Anyway, everything was Cool Kib- come like I usually do. She called some
bles ’til, one day when I was about 2 more. No me. I was real liddle, and
months old an we we’re still livin’ in a she was scared to bits I had slipped
rental house, I was puppyin’ around in out with the movers and something
the backyard an I spotted these really terrible had happened to me. So the
innersting trees with fluffy tops, kinda neighbors hadda party to search for
short bottoms an lotsa duhlicious-look- me. Everybody was runnin’ around
ing berries. So I ate ’em. All up.” in their Sunday clothes looking under
bushes an hollerin’ ‘HERE, BREW-
“Oh, no!” I exclaimed, pretty sure
what was coming next.
“That night, I got a terrible tummy
ache and started barfing. Mommy
30 Thursday, July 12, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Tabone’s Po Boys: A little Louisiana over the bridge
REVIEW BY LISA ZAHNER STAFF WRITER Fried Oyster Basket. All-You-Can-Eat The “504” Fried Shrimp Po Boy.
[email protected] Fried Pollock Platter.
It’s true, and we don’t apologize for it. Salad. [email protected].
Beachside residents are spoiled having The reviewer is a Brevard resident who Classic Beignets.
virtually everything we need a five-min- Overall, Tabone’s offers customers
ute drive away and we pretty much hate good, authentic Louisiana eats and ser- dines anonymously at restaurants at the RESTAURANT HOURS
to go over the bridge, but when we get a vice with a smile. We will be back soon expense of this newspaper. 11 a.m.- 8 p.m. Mon. - Wed.,
list of three or four mainland errands or to get our fix. 11 a.m.- 9 p.m. Thurs. - Sat.,
meetings, OTB we go. And we invariably
get hungry while we’re over there. We encourage you to send feedback to Closed Sunday
If you’re tired of the chain restaurants Beer & wine
and want to mix it up, Tabone’s Po Boys
is worth a try if you’re in a casual eating ADDRESS
mood. Tabone’s was my pick to catch up 601 E. New Haven Ave,
with a friend over an early dinner before Historic Downtown Melbourne
a district Boy Scout meeting a couple
weeks ago on a Thursday. My son and I PHONE
recently visited New Orleans, so I was (321) 536-8499
lured in by the promise of some authen-
tic Cajun cuisine and good po boys.
The po boy is Louisiana’s answer to the
sloppy submarine sandwich, loaded with
meat or seafood, on really good French
bread, with sauce or gravy. Tabone’s
specializes in these man-sized delights
and my companion ordered one that
was highly recommended, the seafood
combo ($15.95) filled with fried oysters,
shrimp and clam strips with remoulade
sauce. Remoulade is that peach-colored,
savory sauce with a kick of horseradish
that is often served with fried seafood,
but I love it for dipping fries, too. If you’re
hungry you might eat half the yummy
seafood combo po boy; it’s large enough
to share, or to have for lunch tomorrow,
but it’s best eaten freshly made.
We also ordered the bacon-wrapped
shrimp appetizer ($8.95) and what can
you say about that other than bacon
plus shrimp? The only bad thing about
this dish is that it disappears too fast.
For my entree I selected the grilled top
sirloin steak platter ($13.95) served with
red beans, rice and cole slaw and it was
a solid dish with authentic sides, not a
huge portion like the po boy. The white
sangria ($4) we had was refreshing.
For dessert, I was craving some of that
strong chicory coffee like I got hooked
on in NOLA, and some beignets ($4.95).
Service was a tad slow at first because we
got there in between shifts and the chef
was doing double-duty. Already running
late for my 6:30 meeting, I had to take the
beignets to go. My friend and I split the
four delicate, flaky puffs of fried dough
and later agreed that they were quite
If the beignets could maybe be fried
in a small, dedicated fryer that isn’t used
for any of the seafood, they would be per-
fect. By the time I got out of my meeting,
my vehicle smelled to high heaven of fish,
but the only takeout container I had was
the beignets. The fish smell was soaked
into the white paper wrapping.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 12, 2018 31
Available Daily 4:30 - 5:30
$5 House Wine and Well Drinks
Choice of Tides’ House Salad,
Caesar Salad or BLT Iceberg Wedge
Carolina BBQ Pork, Chicken, Scottish
Salmon, Steak Au Poivre, Rigatoni Bolognese
Zagat Rated Reservations Highly Recommended
2013 - 2017 Proper Attire Appreciated
Wine Spectator Award Open 7 Days
2002 – 2017
(772) 234-3966
3103 Cardinal Drive, Vero Beach, FL
32 Thursday, July 12, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Please send calendar information ble, $80 per golfer includes green fees and cart,
at least two weeks prior to your two beer tickets, heavy appetizers and silent
auction. Register at
event to
[email protected] 15 Old-fashioned Hymn Sing, 5 p.m. at
Riverside Presbyterian Church, 3400
ONGOING N. Atlantic Ave, Cocoa Beach, featuring an hour’s
worth of hymn favorites, combining the voices
New Neighbors of South Brevard Beaches of the attendees with the talents of The Space
plays MAHJONGG at Papagallo’s in Satellite Coast Gospel Quartet, whose four members in-
Beach each Monday at 12:15 pm. For informa- clude Tim Harris, Jim Valdes, Millie Smith and
tion on joining the club contact Toni Hanussey Bob Fleming. For more information, visit www.
at [email protected] or by call 321-525-7825. No
ticket is required for the casual attire event.
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 July 14 | Rossetter House Museum book club.
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park 17 New Neighbors of South Brevard
Beaches monthly meeting and lun-
Beach Rotary Club meets at 7:30 a.m. Tues- 13 New member coffee, hosted by New inspired by the literary work of Zora Neale Hur- cheon at the Doubtree Indialantic. Members
days at Oceanside Pizza, 300 Ocean Ave. #6, Neighbors of South Brevard Beaches, ston. We will be reading “Their Eyes Were Watch- $19, non-members $22. Reservations required.
Melbourne Beach. a ladies social club for residents of the Beach- ing God.” The meeting will be held July 14th from Call Phyllis (321) 777-9370
side (Merritt Island south of 520 and the Pineda 1pm to 4pm, and the fee is $10. We will have
JULY Causeway south to Sebastian Inlet). For infor- snacks, drinks, discussions, and even a showing 17 Informational meeting for June 2019
mation on joining the club and/or attending the of the Oscar-winning film adaptation of the book! Ireland Trip, 7 p.m. at Holy Name of
12 Family Night Out at Satellite High coffee, contact Toni Hanussey at newneighbor- We will also be including a tour of the Rossetter Jesus Church’s Life Center, Room 138. All are
Pool, use the diving board, lap [email protected] House Museum. Please contact us in advance to welcome to learn about the group trip to Ire-
swim and bring your inflatables from 6 to 8 reserve a spot at site-manager@rossetterhouse- land, June 11 to 20, 2019. For more informa-
p.m. Thursdays through July 26 for $5 per 14 Free Medicare Seminar hosted by Kim, or by phone at 321-254-9855. tion contact Julie Mallak at 321-725-4374 or
family. A parent must stay with children at Cowles and Mike Reisert at 9:30 a.m. [email protected]. HNJ Church is located at
pool. in the Community Room at Holy Name of Jesus 14 Big Band Sounds concert presented 3050 N. Hwy. A1A, Indialantic.
Catholic Church. Discussion will include Medi- by the Space Coast Symphony’s Sym-
12 Free Summer Youth Band Concert un- care Advantage plans, Supplement plans and Rx phony for Everyone program, 7pm at Eastmin- 18-19 Music to Cool You Off, a free
der the direction of Swingtime Con- plans. As well as enrollment periods and oppor- ster Presbyterian Church, 106 N Riverside Dr, Swingyime concert by the
ductor Art Martin and featuring the graduates tunities to change your coverage throughout Indialantic. Melbourne Municipal Band, a free Swingtime
of the Melbourne Municipal Band Summer Pro- the year. All are welcome. Call or text Kim at concert, 6:30 PM. Doors open at 5:30. Melbourne
gram, 6 p.m. at the Melbourne Auditorium, 625 (321)305-2554 with any questions. 15 Satellite High Football Golf Tourna- AuditoRium. Tickets not required. Call 724-0555
E. Hibiscus Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32901. Tickets ment, check-in 12:15 p.m. for 1 p.m. or email: [email protected]
not required. Go to www.melbournemunicipal- 14 The Rossetter House Museum is excited shotgun start at Suntree Country Club, 1 Coun- to host a book club once again, this time try Club Drive, Melbourne. Four-person scram- 20 Satellite Beach Police Athletic League
Family Fun and Food Truck Festival with
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN Crossword Page 2431 (IS THAT YET ANOTHER CHICKEN JOKE?) food and craft vendors and music, 5 to 9 p.m., at
in July 5, 2018 Edition 1 GAUDY 2 GRAFFITI the D.R. Schechter Center, 1089 S. Patrick Drive.
8 OBESE 3 YOUTHFUL 21 Run the Tide, on the beach in Indialan-
9 ADIEU 4 RELISH tic. Run or walk a 5k, 10K or a 2 mile
10 THICKNESS 5 LEAK fun run on our awesome coastline at low tide!
11 FOE 6 COGENT The 10K and 2 mile fun run are new distances for
12 SOFTHEARTED 7 SEAS 2018 for folks that want to go a longer or shorter
15 INCOLDBLOOD 13 ATOMBOMB distance. After party hosted by Longdoggers.
19 AIR 14 DEGRADES Free beer and hog dog for finishers with race
20 SMOKEBOMB 16 COOKER bib. Awards for Overall, Masters and 5-year age
22 OILED 17 BROKEN group divisions for 5K and 10K. Register at www.
25 BEARS 21 EDGE 25 US-TOO Prostate Cancer Support
Group meets from 6:15 to 7:45 p.m.
Sudoku Page 2420 SudokuPPaaggee2431 CrosswordPPage 4202 the last Wednesday of the month at the Mel-
bourne Public Library, 540 E. Fee Avenue. Call
Vanita Gagliani at (321)432-5573 for details.
CERTIFIED Windows & Doors Join our directory for the most affordable way to reach out to customers for your service or small business targeting the
Siding & Soffit South Brevard barrier island communitites. This is the only directory mailed each week into homes in 32951, Indialantic,
“Everything You Need To Be” Screen Room’s Indian Harbour and Satellite Beach. Contact Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 [email protected].
[email protected] CGC 1524354
321.508.3896 772.226.7688
Spacious home features
fantastic river views
8150 A1A in Melbourne Beach: 5-bedroom, 3.5-bath, 5,439-square-foot riverfront home on 1.4-acre
lot offered for $1.35 million by Dale Sorensen agent Eva McMillan: 321-327-6761
34 Thursday, July 12, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Spacious home features fantastic river views
STORY BY BRENDA EGGERT BRADER CORRESPONDENT open to the back balcony. piece de resistance is the “silent but- this level is spacious and open.
“The cool view of the Indian River ler” conveyance, large enough to hold Two bedrooms and a full bath are
A modern, Florida-style, three-sto- stacked groceries coming up from the
ry home in Melbourne Beach sits on a versus the beach includes the mana- garage to the kitchen. The “butler” off the living room. The generous
1.4-acre lot with a backyard on the In- tees, dolphins and the nearby fish- also continues upstairs to the master bedrooms have large closets and
dian River. A special property, it is se- ing,” said Cynthia Eiler, who owns bathroom to be loaded with laundry. plenty of space for queen-size beds
cluded and quiet, far enough off A1A the home with her husband, Jeffery. and conversation areas.
to not hear traffic, but close enough “Properties here are unique, secluded A huge kitchen pantry area allows
to enjoy water views from generous and quiet.” for additional storage of food staples The master bedroom suite, which
balconies in the front and back. and other kitchen goods. Here too, includes a wet bar, and a small room
To the north of the living area is the are found the connections for the ca- that could be used as a sitting/read-
Built in 2001, the 5-bedroom, 3.5- eat-in kitchen with table and chairs ble television and telephone for easy ing room, office or child’s playroom
bath, 5,439-square-foot home, which and additional dining at the break- access. are found on the third floor.
is listed with Dale Sorensen Real Es- fast counter. Stainless-steel applianc-
tate agent Eva McMillan for $1.35 es include an electric cooktop, double The off-white kitchen cupboards The master bedroom, with bright
million, was completely remodeled in wall ovens, French door refrigerator are accented by flecked black granite white walls with black carpeting and
2012 by the current homeowners. with double lower chests, dishwash- countertops that continue the black tile flooring, is flooded with sunshine
er and trash compactor. But ah, the and white color theme. A half-bath on from all the large surrounding win-
They chose a bold white and black dows and more high-impact sliders
color scheme featuring white walls
and kitchen cupboards, and black
hickory hardwood flooring in many
areas including the stair treads. Off-
white tile is found in other areas such
as bathrooms and the kitchen.
The home’s first floor consists of
two garages with space for six cars
and an office.
Climbing the stairs from the drive-
way to the second floor living space,
the front double-door entrance opens
into a small foyer area. Beyond the
foyer, the space is open concept with
14-foot ceilings featuring a combi-
nation living and dining room with
a view of the Indian River through
three high-impact glass sliders that
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 12, 2018 35
8150 A1A,
Year built:
2001(renovated in 2012)
Lot size: 1.4 acres
Home size: 5,439 sq. ft.
Bedrooms: 5
Bathrooms: 3.5
Waterfront: 100 linear feet on
the Indian River with seawall
Additional features: Six-car
garage; waterfront property
on the Indian River Lagoon
with seawall and dockage; just
minutes by boat from Sebas-
tian Inlet and ocean access; dry
acreage for additional construc-
tion space; gated with chain
link fencing; two large balconies
with ocean and river views;
central vacuum.
Listing agency:
Dale Sorensen Real Estate,
Listing agent:
Eva McMillan, 321-327-6761 or
[email protected]
Listing price: $1.35 million
36 Thursday, July 12, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
that open to the third-floor balcony with a rotating 360-degree door with makes its end run to the third floor. its own bath, said Cynthia Eiler.
with Indian River view. mirror. A wet bar highlights the sitting/TV An artesian well supplies water for
“Every night is a spectacular sun- The master bath features a glass-brick, room off the master bedroom. The wet the property.
set,” McMillan said of the view west walk-in shower large enough for two, bar is pre-plumbed for another bath- “We also have a water room with a
over the water. a jetted garden tub and double sinks in room if desired thereby making the sit-
a black vanity. Here the “silent butler” ting room into another bedroom with 450-gallon storage tank for water in a
There is a room-size walk-in closet hurricane,” Eiler said.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 12, 2018 37
For a swim in the Atlantic, ocean Millan. “The coquina rock seawall on great home, or even a second home, a perfect get-away.”
access is right across A1A. the Indian River side is solid, strong for a family with children,” she add- To view this property, contact Eva Mc-
and huge. ed. “It is a very private area and is
“There is plenty of room for a swim- close to Miami or Orlando making it Millan, with Dale Sorensen Real Estate
ming pool in front or back,” said Mc- “This property would make a in Indialantic, at 321-327-6761.
BY KENNETH R. HARNEY deceptive practices. Zillow has stead- agent, along with contact informa- website in an area designated for re-
fastly denied that its program violates tion. In exchange for the placement, alty agents it touts the program as a
Washington Post any federal law. lenders pay as much as half of the re- way to “promote your favorite lenders
alty agent’s Zillow bill. As with premi- to customers on Zillow.”
In a move with potentially signifi- The focus of the bureau’s concerns um agents, “premium” lenders do not
cant implications for consumers, re- was Zillow’s “co-marketing” plan, necessarily offer the best financial In multiple cases, the bureau under
alty agents and lenders, the Trump under which “premium” realty agents deal or the lowest interest rates to the Cordray targeted what it considered
administration has decided not to have portions of their advertising bills shopper; they pay money to reduce to be illegal and deceptive market-
take legal action against online realty on Zillow sites paid for by mortgage the realty agent’s monthly expenses ing arrangements. In one high-pro-
giant Zillow under federal anti-kick- lenders. (Some quick background file settlement last year, the bureau
back and deceptive-practices rules. and market their own mortgages. fined Prospect Mortgage, a national
here: When buyers visit Zillow’s web- Among the key issues in the CF- lender, $3.5 million for allegedly il-
The decision represents a depar- site, which includes millions of home legal referral-fee-marketing arrange-
ture from the direction the Con- listings, they frequently see “pre- PB’s investigation, according to le- ments with more than 100 realty
sumer Financial Protection Bureau mium” agents featured prominently, gal experts familiar with the case, firms. The schemes were designed to
appeared to be headed under its along with a photo and contact infor- was whether the Zillow plan violates “funnel payments to [realty] brokers
previous director, Richard Cordray, mation.) federal prohibitions against paying and others in exchange” for referrals
an Obama appointee who resigned compensation for referrals of busi- of loan business involving “thou-
last November to run for governor of “Premium” agents often are not ness – kickbacks. RESPA bans “giv- sands” of buyers, according to the
Ohio. the listing agent for the property, nor ing or receiving” anything of value CFPB. Among the allegations in the
are they necessarily among the most in exchange for referrals of business settlement were that Prospect paid
Mick Mulvaney, the CFPB’s act- active or successful in the neighbor- related to real estate settlements. The portions of realty agents’ marketing
ing director appointed by President hood. Instead, they are advertisers, rationale is that referral payments are costs on an unidentified “third-party
Trump, simultaneously serves as paying Zillow hundreds, sometimes anti-consumer: They add to overall website” – a site widely understood to
director of the White House Office thousands of dollars per month for costs, they frequently are unknown be Zillow. Prospect neither admitted
of Management and Budget. Mul- the placement, hoping that shoppers to the consumer, and they discour- nor denied wrongdoing as part of the
vaney has promised to bring a more will contact them. age shopping for the best available settlement.
business-friendly approach to the services or prices. Zillow insists its
bureau’s enforcement activities in Given these high costs for leads, co-marketing plan does not entail Following the Prospect settlement,
the financial arena. Cordray, by con- Zillow instituted a “co-marketing” referrals or endorsements, but on its some lawyers active in the finan-
trast, aggressively sued or obtained plan that allows mortgage lenders to cial regulatory field expected that
settlements from banks, mortgage be featured on the same page as the the CFPB would sue Zillow or seek a
companies, title companies and settlement. By dropping the case, the
other businesses, and he obtained bureau under its new leadership ap-
an estimated $12 billion in fines and pears to be signaling that Cordray’s
consumer restitutions. tough approach to policing co-mar-
keting arrangements involving realty
Although the consumer bureau agents, lenders and title companies is
made no announcement of its deci- dead, said Marx Sterbcow, a nation-
sion and declines to discuss the case, ally known RESPA expert.
Zillow said in a statement that “we
are pleased the CFPB has concluded “This is going to drive up consum-
their inquiry into our co-marketing ers’ costs” in real estate transactions,
program.” Early last year, Zillow was said Sterbcow, because the extra
informed by the CFPB that the bureau expense paid by participants in co-
was considering legal action because marketing schemes – whether they
of possible violations of the Real Es- violate RESPA or not – inevitably gets
tate Settlement Procedures Act (RE- passed on to consumers.
SPA) and federal rules on unfair and
38 Thursday, July 12, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: June 29 to July 5
The real estate market came roaring back to life last week in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903 and 32937.
Satellite Beach led the way with 12 transactions, followed by Melbourne Beach with 6 sales, and
Indialantic and Indian Harbour Beach with 5 each.
The top sale of the week was of a riverfront home with tremendous views in Indialantic. The residence at
2780 North Riverside Drive was placed on the market April 24 with an asking price of $2.1 million. The sale
closed June 29 for $1.95 million.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Tina Murphy of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s. The purchaser
was represented by Selene Sedeno of the Tailored Investment Group.
SUNNYLAND BEACH S6 361 HIAWATHA WAY 2/17/2018 $779,000 $700,000 7/5/2018 $607,500
SOUTH SHORES OCEANSI 5635 S HIGHWAY A1A 604 1/12/2018 $675,000 $630,000 7/2/2018 $510,000
DUNE CREST SUBD 160 MAR LEN DR 1/23/2018 $549,000 $525,000 6/29/2018
MAGNOLIA KEY CONDO 1 8TH AVE 1303 5/31/2018 $525,000 $525,000 7/2/2018 $525,000
RIVER SHORES 1984 RIVER SHORE DR 4/19/2018 $435,000 $435,000 7/2/2018 $436,000
PUTNAM PARK SUBD UNI 322 BEACH ST 3/7/2018 $325,000 $324,000 6/29/2018 $307,886
1 AC AS DES IN DB 74 789 SHELL ST 4/19/2017 $2,500,000 $1,999,799 6/29/2018 $1,700,000
TORTOISE ISLAND PH 4 268 LANTERNBACK ISLAND DR 5/18/2018 $849,000 $849,000 6/29/2018 $820,000
HARBOUR LIGHTS PH3 241 WATERSIDE DR 3/17/2018 $725,000 $725,000 6/29/2018 $675,000
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, July 12, 2018 39
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Dune Crest Subd, Address: 160 Mar Len Dr Subdivision: Windjammer Twnhs P3, Address: 1712 Atlantic St 6D
Listing Date: 1/23/2018 Listing Date: 3/13/2018
Original Price: $549,000 Original Price: $260,000
Recent Price: $525,000 Recent Price: $235,000
Sold: 6/29/2018 Sold: 7/2/2018
Selling Price: $510,000 Selling Price: $215,000
Listing Agent: David Settgast Listing Agent: Sandy Kilpatrick & Gibbs Baum
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Coastal Home Team Christina & Robert Geiger
Curri Properties Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Subdivision: South Shores Oceansi, Address: 5635 S Highway A1A 604 Subdivision: 1 AC AS DES IN DB 74, Address: 789 Shell St
Listing Date: 1/12/2018 Listing Date: 4/19/2017
Original Price: $675,000 Original Price: $2,500,000
Recent Price: $630,000 Recent Price: $1,999,799
Sold: 7/2/2018 Sold: 6/29/2018
Selling Price: $607,500 Selling Price: $1,700,000
Listing Agent: DeWayne Carpenter Listing Agent: Mark & Kelly Palace
& Kirk Kessel
Selling Agent: Selling Agent: Palace Properties Intl
Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc
Mark & Kelly Palace
Jonathan Bacon
Palace Properties Intl
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl