Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 29, 2016 51
ACROSS 76 Port-au-Prince 15 Flushing stadium Day the Earth
native 16 Cheers Stood Still (1951)
1 Site of many a 17 Tom Swiftie word 95 Essayist Susan
D.C. interview 78 Blame bearer 18 Singer-actress 98 Some Mad Libs
79 A conjunction blanks
13 Overenthuse 80 Impress sharply Kazan 99 Singer Haggard
17 He had a right to 19 Drives forward 101 Singer Wooley of
and distinctly 24 Cut “Purple People
knock your block 81 Where the Alps 29 Investigate Eater” fame
off 104 Most blood
20 ___ correct are: abbr. at random can do it
(like some dolls) 82 Big scene in 32 There 105 Start of an
21 Pacific island 34 Calyx component elimination
22 River project Carrie 35 Inspirit procedure
23 WWII allied 84 ___ record 36 Diamond facets 108 Old French coin
commander 85 Worshippers, 38 Amatory ploy 109 Part of “snafu”
25 Nobody’s opp. 40 Tootsie woes
26 Pitcher pourer in Greek art 41 Ms. Barrett The Washington Post
27 Like some skirts 88 Extremely 45 Hutches
28 Maurice Leblanc 89 1014, to Cicero 48 Soothing agent WHAT DO YOU KNOW? By Merl Reagle
detective, ___ 90 Part of the sky 49 Frequently
Lupin 50 Singer Zadora
30 Covers that’s in the news 52 See 53 Across
downtown? 94 Jasmine et al. 54 Welby and
31 Hauls, in a way 95 Fatuous
33 One of 4 with 30 96 Equip a ship all Arrowsmith: abbr.
34 Take care of 57 Harmonious
36 Possibly: abbr. over again 59 Parliament kin
37 They don’t talk to 97 Most unruffled 61 Cop’s gun
strangers 62 Remington’s
39 French magazine 99 Hood’s escort
40 Life’s work 100 Jong and others output
42 Hereditary ruler 102 Refuses to 63 Satisfy
43 Sidekicks 65 Sordid
44 Small dosage consider 66 Ayesha, to
46 Cowboy feats, 103 Play Circe
briefly 106 Old card game H. Rider Haggard
47 Farm structure 107 Epitome of 67 Make a
51 “___ price you
can afford” authenticity restaurateur
52 Mr. Rogers 110 Choice: abbr. happy
53 They’re out to 111 Specialized coll. 68 Trajectory
get me 112 Software chore 69 Hot spots?
55 Discophile’s buy 113 Addition to 70 Disgruntled
56 Assignments of a remarks
sort Sudan 71 Common funds
58 ... ___ Hyde 114 Border on 72 Ambiguous
59 The Nile has one 115 Stop! Or My 73 What a bad
60 Sycophant’s waiter gets
replay Mom Will Shoot 74 Profit, culinarily
61 Aides-de- star speaking
campus?: abbr. 76 Make whole again
64 Compass pt. DOWN 77 Phrase coiner
65 ___ transit 1 Modern composer 78 Sovereignty
gloria mundi 2 Yet again emblem
66 Beds of coal 3 Slender cigars 83 Ici
69 Nursery buy 4 Says again 84 Cobalt-nickel
71 Cheating, in a 5 Bullish fellow arsenide
way 6 Sharif and 86 Thames event
75 Vollenweider’s 87 Ballet impresario
Bradley Diaghilev
instrument 7 Like Abner 90 End of a threat
8 Invested with 91 Most of a million
92 Gypsy moth
imperial authority predator
9 Customized 93 Klaatu in The
10 St. ___
11 Appeals
12 Sentence
13 Voucher’s
14 Detroit org.
The Telegraph
52 Vero Beach 32963 / September 29, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Compatibility 101: Agree to learn how to disagree
BY CAROLYN HAX the way they handle disagreements. work is too big for one person. Complaining that
Washington Post So, if your girlfriend is puttering around in her it ruins your Saturday to help her, in those cases,
would send a message about you that I doubt you
Hi, Carolyn: My girlfriend and yard as a form of recreation, then there’s no harm want to send.
I have been seeing each other for in your opting out on the grounds that it’s no fun
almost eight months, and we still for you. Meanwhile, anything beyond a rare need for
each live separately and have our help would put her in an unflattering light. When
own houses. We have two differ- If she’s laboring vs. hiring it out because she people get in over their heads on a house – i.e.,
ent opinions on various house- can’t afford to do otherwise, then it gets more more jobs than they can do themselves or afford
hold and yard tasks that take more than a couple complicated. Liking her would presumably be to hire out – it’s not right for that to become the
of hours. She is a do-it-yourselfer. She is very handy enough to motivate an able-bodied companion to problem of everyone they know within favor-ask-
and prefers to accomplish many tasks on her own help her out on the infrequent occasions when the ing distance.
without paying for outside professional help. I, on
the other hand, would much rather pay someone The linchpin, as always, is transparency. You
to do something that would otherwise take me a need to be honest about your distaste for yard-
whole day or more to accomplish so that I can en- work, lest you grow resentful of her SOS calls and
joy my time off from work. of the time she spends mulching that you could be
My belief is that neither one of us is right or spending together. She needs to be honest about
wrong in these instances. why she takes on these projects, lest she grow re-
However, recently she is asking for my assistance sentful that you play touch football and get your
for tree removal, which I have no interest in doing nails buffed while she hauls bags of mulch.
and would have paid someone to do if it were my
property. If I don’t want to do this at my own house, Any peaceful resolution will emerge from these
then why would I want to do this at hers? details, so start the conversation: “I don’t mind
How should I approach this particular situation, pitching in on rare occasions for people I care
and others like it that would no doubt come up in about [right?], but not for fun. Plus, it feels odd
the future? to do for your house what I won’t even do for my
own.” If she doesn’t know your policy of hiring to
– Yard Work Not for Me preserve your leisure, now’s the time to explain.
Yard Work Not for Me: Couples don’t have to Ask whether she feels the same way – and if not,
agree on everything, they just need to agree on why not. She brought you into this, so you have
standing to ask. It’s hard to think of a topic more
germane to a couple’s compatibility than how you
spend your money vs. how you spend your time.
NATURE Pelicans
are close at hand but wild
Brown Pelicans often rest peacefully in the same places we walk, fish, swim
and boat. But it is important to remember these magnificent birds are wild
and avoid disturbing their natural behavior. If an accident occurs and a bird
is hooked – as hundreds of pelicans get hooked daily in Florida – use a net or
walk to where you can slowly reel the bird up. NEVER CUT THE LINE. To hold
this large but light, 8 lb. bird, grasp the beak, hold it partially open for breath-
ing. (It has no nostrils from which to breathe! Outer nostrils would inhibit its
diving from 50 feet heights headfirst into the water to catch fish.) Restrain
the bird’s body by folding the wings against its body. Wrap an arm around it.
Cover the bird’s head with a towel to calm it down. You will need assistance
to hold it and remove the lure. The barb of the hooks must be cut off; then
backed out to reduce tissue injury.
Don’t feed pelicans when cleaning fish. Tossing leftover bony carcasses from
fish cutting tables can lead to a pelican’s death: 1) Sharp ribs may permanent-
ly tear the pouch so it no longer functions, or bones get caught in their throat
or stomach, 2) associating anglers with handouts, birds can inadvertently
get hooked or tangled in line when in fishing areas, either way causing slow
starvation and death. These are wild birds and feeding wild animals teaches
wrong lessons. Help our amazing Pelicans thrive!
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / September 29, 2016 53
Thanks, Mrs. Spanx! Meet billionaire underwear guru Sara Blakely
The Telegraph
It’s departure time at Hartsfield- closet and thinking, you see the panty
Jackson Atlanta International Airport, line, you see the thong, you see every-
and Sara Blakely is in the thick of her thing – there’s got to be other women
standard pre-flight panic. Pulse fran- who are feeling this way.”
tic, chest tight, tears streaming, she
presses “play” on her ritual take-off She ploughed $5,000 of savings and
track (“What It Is,” by Mark Knopfler) two years of nights and weekends into
and focuses on her breathing. And developing a prototype.
then the flight attendant flashes Sara
her bra strap. Then she pitched it – taking retail
buyers into office toilets for before-
This happens more than you might and-after fashion shows and sending
think. “I get flashed all the time. Peo- gift baskets and handwritten notes to
ple lift up their skirts or pant legs, or potential celebrity ambassadors.
open up their tops,” Sara says, smiling
and composed on a London hotel sofa. One of those baskets made it to
Oprah’s dressing room. Sara quit her
Because she isn’t just any fearful sales job right after she got the call that
flier. She’s the founder of Spanx, the the chat-show host and lifestyle guru
company synonymous with its lump- would feature Spanx on-air as her fa-
and-bump-smoothing flagship prod- vorite product of the year 2000.
ucts – elastane shapers that women
rely on when it comes to dressing for Today, those problematic white
their most important social occasions. trousers reside in a display case at
Spanx HQ in Atlanta. Every day, 189
And big meetings. And christenings, employees walk past them as they
hot nights out, red carpets and, as Sara work on products such as the Slim
discovered thanks to one conspirato- Cognito high-waisted shaper, Boost-
rial stewardess, transatlantic flights. ie-Yay! bodysuit, and the Bra-llelujah!
“My husband says it’s a perk of being back-fat-blasting bra, beloved by the
married to me, because he’s constant- company founder and flight atten-
ly flashed too.” dants alike.
At 45, Sara is America’s youngest self- “All the women we tested it on start-
made female billionaire. To women ed singing ‘Hallelujah,’” Sara sings,
who buy her products, she’s just Sara raising her hands into the universal
from Spanx, a woman with a smile as “praise be” pose, “and so it just be-
sparkling and hair as blonde as Sunny, came ‘Bra-llelujah.’” Of all the prod-
her cartoon doppelgänger from the ucts in the Spanx arsenal, Bra-llelujah
original Spanx packaging. is the one Sara says she’s most proud
of. She wears one every day.
She has an ability to connect with
her clients – fans, even – that can CONTINUED ON PAGE 54
eclipse her status as one of the world’s
most successful inventors.
She’s also evangelical about her
products. “Being in the butt business
for as long as I have, I can’t help but
notice people’s butts everywhere I go,”
she says, managing to come across as
both playful and matter-of-fact. “If I
see a woman wearing great clothing
and the undergarments are distract-
ing, that’s where I want to say some-
thing to her.”
The Spanx story is the stuff of cor-
porate mythology. In 1998, Sara, then
a 27-year-old door-to-door fax-ma-
chine saleswoman, wanted to wear
white trousers to a summer party, but
couldn’t find any VPL-free undergar-
“I wanted a smooth canvas, a smooth
look,” she says, and she found it by cut-
ting the feet off a pair of control-top
tights. Sara realized that these proto-
Spanx represented an opportunity.
“All of these things that I owned, I
just kept staring at hanging up in my
54 Vero Beach 32963 / September 29, 2016 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 53 “I’ve never subscribed to the idea tell you this: When I say things like,
that money’s bad or that I shouldn’t ‘Well, let me think about it – I’m go-
Spanx are now sold in 60 countries, have a lot of it, because I think it’s ing to ask the universe for a sign,’ they
from the UAE to Sri Lanka and Peru, great. I think it’s fun to make, fun to don’t think I’m as crazy as they did 16
and have become red-carpet main- spend and fun to give away.” years ago.”
stays. Gwyneth Paltrow said she dou-
ble-Spanxed after having children. While she was working her way to Blakely takes pride in the fact that
(“It’s not necessary,” Sara says, “but billionaire status, Sara was single most of her employees are women. She
I have a lot of respect for the women and dating: money and ambition “al- understands her symbolic importance
who go there.”) ways seemed to bubble up as an issue as a female company founder and
or a problem.” talks a lot about empowering women,
Spanx are the bedrock upon which particularly through her Leg Up initia-
most of the Kardashian-Jenner wom- She met Jesse Itzler, entrepreneur tive, aimed at helping female entrepre-
en’s skin-tight looks are based. The and former rapper, who would become neurs, and her foundation.
world’s most powerful trouser-suit afi- her husband, at a charity poker tour-
cionada is a fan. “I met Hillary Clinton nament in Las Vegas. Initially he didn’t But even with a recent marketing
at an event, and she specifically came understand the extent of her success. pivot to emphasize comfort rather
over and told me how much she loves than compression, at the heart of
Spanx, which was awesome,” Sara says. “Watching him struggle to explain Spanx remains the assumption that
Spanx to his friends was hilarious. At women everywhere want to shape and
It’s not lost on Sara that the brand’s parties, I’d overhear him trying to talk smooth – correct – their bodies, rather
most vocal devotees include women through it, and then finally one day he than accept them. Sara brushes off the
whose bodies seem least in need of said, ‘Guys, she’s like the Michael Jor- idea that her wares might be problem-
Spanx-style shaping. That applies in dan of undergarments,’ and then all atic from a feminist perspective.
the civilian world, too – Selfridges’ the men would get it.”
bestselling size of core Spanx styles is “I make Spanx for all different wom-
small. “The bar for us is: ‘does every- One month before their wedding, en,” she says. “For me, it’s about cele-
thing, but feels like nothing,’ no matter Sara took Jesse out for dinner and a brating all different shapes and sizes,
the size,” she says. “major talk.” “I was nervous. I said, and it has been from the start.”
‘I think I make more money than
Creating a smooth canvas is good you think I do.’ He looked at me and Between her work on Spanx product
business. Sara retains full ownership smiled and said, ‘It couldn’t have hap- development, marketing and public-
of her company, and business maga- pened to a nicer person.’ And then he facing initiatives, and her busy family
zine Forbes values her net worth at started eating his spaghetti and we life, Sara calls “time alone to think”
$1.07 billion. Money, to her, is a “mag- never talked about it again. It didn’t her greatest luxury. She could have
nifying glass. It makes you more of who change a thing, not a single dynamic it, of course – many founders sell up,
you already were,’”she says, “whether in our relationship.” move on, retire.
that’s generous or kind or a jerk.”
The couple have been married for What keeps her going? “The idea
She set up the Sara Blakely Founda- eight years and have four children: a that there’s another thing that wom-
tion in 2006, aimed at helping women 7-year-old son, 2-year-old twin boys, en don’t know that they need, but
through educational scholarships and and a baby daughter. They run their can’t live without, that I can create for
entrepreneurial training, and in 2013 family like a relay. “We tag-team a lot. them,” she says, eyes sparkling. “I’ve
she became the first woman to join the If he’s getting up in the middle of the got pages and pages of ideas. The list is
Giving Pledge, Bill Gates’ and Warren night with the children, then I get up really long.”
Buffett’s initiative in which billion- first thing in the morning.”
aires commit to donating at least half What’s on it? “Oh my God, crutches! I
their wealth to charity. A few things have changed since Sara broke my leg last year and those things
was the sole Spanx employee, includ- are archaic – I don’t think they’ve
She also relishes spending her earn- ing the reactions she perceives from changed apart from going from wood
ings on property (including multimil- her, mostly male, negotiating partners. to metal since, like, the 1500s.” I kind
lion-dollar homes in Atlanta and on of hoped and expected that you would
the Florida beachfront, among others), “I think it went from, ‘Aw, isn’t she say swimwear, I tell her.
fashion and jewelry (today: a white cute, with her idea,’ in a way that people
top and blazer from Ann Demeule- weren’t really taking seriously … to now. “Really? Tell me what you want.
meester, jeans, Maison Margiela heels Results speak for themselves,” she says. What silhouette do you like? What
and about five figures’ worth of dia- “Business is very masculine. There’s complaints do you have with what’s
monds), and leisure (she’s part-owner more male energy, and I approach this out there?” She smiles, leans in. “We
of the Atlanta Hawks basketball team). with a real feminine energy.” put a man on the moon – certainly we
can figure this out.”
Hope Resale Boutique She pauses, recrosses her legs. “I can
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Call for Free Pickup!
(772) 918-4640
(Tax Deductible 501 (c) 3 Charity
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8860 N US Hwy 1 (just north of Hwy 510)
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / September 29, 2016 55
J.W.Anderson’s ‘Pierce’: The new ‘It’ bag to have on your radar
BY EMILY CRONIN nysus shoulder bag. This time round, ingly-compact three pockets, that
The Telegraph it’s the turn of J.W.Anderson and his has captured the imagination, and
delectable Pierce bag. credit cards, of the street stylers.
Every fashion week season, one For every black Pierce that comes
handbag gains ‘It’ status among the Call us suckers, but we have fallen onto fashion aggregation site Lyst,
street style set. During the AW16 hard for the Pierce too – and we’re 100 people try to buy it. Traffic to
shows everyone carried Gucci’s Dio- not the only ones. It is the mid-sized J.W.Anderson’s designer page on Lyst
Pierce, with its capacious-yet-seem- has tripled in the last three months
because of fans searching for the
handbag. New York shows. The fact that influ-
encers, such as Kate Foley and Lucy
First spotted on the AW16 catwalk, Williams, have been toting their
the medium-sized shoulder bag fea- Pierce bags constantly during this
tured front-stud detailing and ruf- show season, has had a massive im-
fled straps. A sleek, plain leather ver- pact on sales.
sion of the Pierce, with its signature
gold-tone circular barbell piercing If the Pierce is not in your handbag
closure, was then put into commer- budget, or you simply can’t get hold
cial production in small, medium of the colorway you want, the trend
and large sizes, and a handful of for gold hardware on leather bags is
block colors. A small Pierce current- present on the high street too. Both
ly retails for $1,145, a medium for Mango and Zara stock bags with cir-
$1,480, and the large size for $1,825 cular gold fastenings that aren’t too
on dissimilar to the barbell detail on
the Pierce (FYI: if you think that the
The recent New York Fashion Week barbell looks a little like a septum
has bolstered the ‘It’ bag status of the piercing, you’re not alone, hence the
Pierce. Sales of the handbag on Lyst name).
are up by 45 percent this week com-
pared to last month, with the major-
ity of bags actually bought during the
56 Vero Beach 32963 / September 29, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bobby’s: Go for the tasty burgers and steak tidbits
BY TINA RONDEAU Shrimp Skewer Salad.
Last week, several residents of the Shelter. Bon Appetite ! Steak Tidbits on Garlic Toast. Key Lime Pie.
Homeless Family Shelter unexpectedly The irony in all this is that my recent
got to dine on takeout meals from Bob- weeks ago, our plan was to try a couple in the Vero’s best burger competition
by’s. Courtesy of Vero Beach 32963, we experiences at Bobby’s have all been of the seafood entrées, which we rarely (never would have seen that coming),
might add. No thanks go to restaurant very positive. have at a restaurant better known for its but there’s no question that the burgers
owner Bobby McCarthy. burgers and steaks. here are the best in town.
When we went there a couple of
Each year, we try to review all of Ve- I ordered the blackened scallops The steaks at Bobby’s are pretty
ro’s major dining establishments for ($25.95) and my husband ordered darned good as well.
columns in our weekly papers, and for
inclusion in the 32963 Vero Beach Din- one of the nightly seafood specials, On previous visits, I have enjoyed the
ing Guide. The 2017 edition will be pub- the broiled snapper ($31.95). Both prime rib, which is touted on the menu
lished just a couple of months from now. of these were served with baked as “local’s favorite.” The prime rib, juicy
and tender, may even be worthy of this
Most Vero restaurants are eager to potatoes and several nice accolade.
appear in the Dining Guide, which spears of asparagus.
people keep around all year to help The snapper and Another time, I had a flatiron steak
them decide where to eat – and to have scallop entrées served with five shrimp prepared scam-
the restaurant’s phone number handy were good – the pi style. Then there are the steak tidbits,
to call for reservations. seafood here is strips of marinated London broil served
always very fresh open face with gravy on garlic bread.
But not Bobby! It’s a toss-up as to – but if you’re Bobby’s says this is its number one sell-
which Bobby hates more – dining re- craving fish, Vero er, and it is easy to see why. The steak is
views, or American Express (which he has better options. as tender and tasty as you could possi-
doesn’t accept). Our companion bly ask. One of my favorites.
that evening, who
Bobby each year hassles our pho- shrewdly declined Dinner for two with a modest bottle
tographers – we try to always show off to participate in our of wine, before tip, runs about $90. If
a restaurant’s tastiest looking dishes seafood test, ordered you stick to Bobby’s excellent burgers,
– and the past couple of years, he has her favorite Bobby’s the tab with wine runs about $60.
flatly refused to prepare dishes to be burger ($11.95). It was,
photographed. as always, luscious. After all these years, Bobby’s is still
So with memories of her going strong. It’s a place where you can
So after I had dined there for this dine fairly late by Vero standards, and
year’s review – and we mostly say very burger lingering in our minds, still enjoy a good meal. Bobby may be
good things about Bobby’s, because we returned several nights later more than a bit difficult to deal with, but
this long-established beachside hang- and all ordered burgers. Bobby ear- his burgers are difficult to live without.
out has been serving good food for as lier this year declined to participate
long as we can remember – our pho- I welcome your comments, and en-
tographer went to the restaurant, and courage you to send feedback to me at
ordered several items from the menu. [email protected].
After they were served, she photo- The reviewer dines anonymously at
graphed them, then asked restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
for them to be boxed up 32963.
– and took them to
the Homeless Bobby’s
Hours: Daily, 11:30 am
Blackened Snapper with to midnight
Sweet Potato Fries.
Beverages: Full bar
3450 Ocean Drive,
Vero Beach
Phone: 772-231-6996
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 29, 2016 57
Let’s drink to 40th anniversary of Ravenswood zinfandel
BY DAVE MCINTYRE blends, which were more affordable. my projects to keep me engaged.” is now on display in the Smithsonian’s
One of my favorite wines early in my I asked him what tool he would use National Museum of American History.
The Washington Post grape explorations was Ravenswood’s
Sonoma County Old Vine Zinfandel. to punch down the fermenting grapes, “I made two!” he said. “I still have
In the fall of 1976, a San Francisco And today, one of the best ways to ex- since his handmade one from the 1970s the other one.”
medical laboratory scientist named Joel plore the effect of terroir on wines is to
Peterson bought four tons of zinfan- compare Ravenswood’s single-vine-
del grapes. He made wine by hand, in yard zins from the same vintage.
open-top fermentation tanks, punch-
ing down the grapes with a makeshift Other wineries followed a simi-
tool he fashioned himself, using tech- lar model — most notably Ridge and
niques he had learned while apprentic- Rosenblum, who along with Raven-
ing with Joseph Swan, a noted Sonoma swood became known in the 1980s
County winemaker. He ended up with and 1990s as “the three Rs of zinfan-
327 cases of wine. del.” The model is followed today by
Peterson’s son, Morgan Twain-Peter-
That was the first vintage for Raven- son, and a few other young vintners
swood winery, which would become working to preserve and rehabilitate
one of California’s most influential and California’s oldest vineyards.
a major champion of the Golden State’s
signature grape. Peterson was bucking Peterson created the inexpensive
a consumer tide: Zinfandel was known Vintners Blend series of wines with
as “white zinfandel.” Peterson coined a statewide California designation.
the slogan “No Wimpy Wines!” to coun- They established Ravenswood as a
ter the white zinfandel image and pro- national brand and satisfied distribu-
mote his wines as robust expressions of tors who wanted something cheap
California’s climate and terroir. and easy to sell. Some wineries have
struggled with the tension between
This is a banner year for California cash flow and quality wines, but Pe-
wine anniversaries. The Robert Mon- terson managed to build Ravenswood
davi Winery turned 50 in July, and in in size while maintaining focus on
May the winners of the 1976 Judgment the single-vineyard zinfandels.
of Paris wine tasting celebrated four
decades of the marketing event that “Of course, the larger-volume wine
keeps on giving. Amid that hoopla, Pe- becomes your center of gravity,” Peter-
terson has been relatively low-key in son says. “But my focus remained the
marking his own milestone. single-vineyard designate wines and
the county wines, because they reflect
But he took a break last week from the character and sense of place of the
shoveling grape skins and stems from vineyards.”
fermentation tanks at Ravenswood’s
winery near the town of Sonoma to Ravenswood was acquired in 2001
reminisce in a phone interview. “The by drinks conglomerate Constella-
wine business has changed substan- tion Brands, which turned the Vint-
tially since I started,” Peterson recalled. ners Blend line into a widely available
“It was smaller and simpler back then. supermarket brand. Peterson became
We sold all the wine ourselves.” senior vice president of the parent
company, overseeing production of
Small wineries could not rely on several wineries. Now 69, he stepped
distributors to build their markets, so back from that position recently, re-
Peterson hit the road to tell his own taining the title of “Founder/Wine-
story. Luckily, he was good at it. Grad- maker” at Ravenswood, working with
ually, he established a foothold. director of winemaking Gary Sitton.
“The sophistication of the wine “What I like about this business is
drinking public has really changed, the winemaking, the viticulture and
and it’s a wide-ranging group,” Peter- the interaction with people at all lev-
son says. “Back then, there were small els,” Peterson told me. “So I still go
pockets of people in food and dining meet with the growers, check on the
clubs.” He still travels about a third of vineyards, taste the wines every day
each year to visit markets and meet and participate in the blending. I
consumers at winemaker dinners and don’t do purchase orders or HR, thank
other events. goodness.”
Ravenswood never owned vine- And he misses the old days of mak-
yards. Peterson cultivated relation- ing wine by hand. “I’ve started anoth-
ships with family growers who tend- er little project I call Once and Future
ed older vineyards of zinfandel, those Wines, making wines like I did with Joe
gnarly, thick-trunk vines still scat- Swan — small, open-top fermenters,
tered throughout California. Names punch down by hand, all small lots,”
such as Pickberry, Dickerson, Teldes- he says, the excitement evident in his
chi, Belloni and Old Hill vineyards are voice. “So when I do retire from Raven-
familiar to Ravenswood fans. swood, I will not actually retire. I have
He also crafted county-designate
58 Vero Beach 32963 / September 29, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Vero & Casual Dining
EAT LOCAL. (Early)
Introducing Osceola Bistro’s Early Bird Menu
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Dine on delicious, fresh, local food at a great value.
All meals are $16 and include choice of daily soup or a house or caesar salad.
Dine in only. Must be seated by 6pm.
Menu items include:
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• Steak & Fries
• Local Fish & Chips
• Stuffed Pork Loin aka “Charlotte’s Favorite”
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Book your reservation online at or call us at (772) 569-1299.
Mon - Fri (lunch & dinner): 11a - 9:30p | Sat (dinner only): 5:30p - 9:30p | Sun: Closed
2045 13th Avenue | Downtown Vero Beach Follow us...
(across the street from the post office in downtown Vero Beach)
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 29, 2016 59
Vero & Casual Dining
Thai & Japanese Cuisine Live Music and Jazz
Tues – Thurs, 6 pm - 9 pm
Beer, Wine, Sake & Fri & Sat, 6 pm - 10 pm
Full Liquor Bar
$2 Off Martini Tuesdays
Dine in & Take Out
Mon - Sat 11:30am - 3 pm
Nightly 4:30 pm -10 pm
713 17th Street|(17th Shoppes Center)
60 Vero Beach 32963 / September 29, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Vero & Casual Dining
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 29, 2016 61
Vero & Casual Dining
62 Vero Beach 32963 / September 29, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
ONGOING with points and prizes at 5 p.m. to raise funds for featuring Fri. Bret Michael, Gin Blossoms, Edwin The Dolls, Jill Truax and ensembles from the Choir
the IBC (Inflammatory Breast Cancer) Network McCain and L.A. Guns; Sat. Jake Owen, David and Chorale. Free will offering. 772-567-4341
Vero Beach Museum of Art – Landscape artist Foundation. Minimum $25 donation per adult Nail, David Ray, Clare Dunn, Scotty Emerick and
Bruce Marsh thru Jan. 2; David Drake: Potter and team member. 772-589-1140 Adley Stump. 13 Florida Humanities Series presents Uni-
Poet thru Dec. 18. 772-231-0707 versity of Florida lecturer Steve Noll,
1 Indialantic Chamber Singers presents Can- 7-15 Restaurant Week, with par- Ph.D., on Florida’s transportation history, 7 p.m.
OCTOBER vas of Colors concert for organ and voices ticipating restaurants in Vero at The Emerson Center. Free. 772-778-5249
with art auction, 3 p.m. at Trinity Episcopal Beach, Sebastian and Fellsmere offering three-
1 Lines in the Lagoon Tri-County Junior Fishing Church. Free; $10 donation appreciated. 321- course, prix-fixe menus showcasing their best 14-31 Haunted House: Terror on
Tournament, 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. with Awards 426-0360 creations at prices similar to early bird menu Main Street, presented by
Dinner 4 p.m. at Captain Hiram’s to benefit ORCA, pricing. 772-567-3491 GFWC Sebastian River Junior Woman’s Club, 7:30
Everglades Foundation and CCA Florida. 1|2 Dialogue: Racism, a two-day work- Oct. 14 & 15, Oct. 21 & 22 and Oct. 26 thru 31. $8;
shop examining racism through 8 Beachside Half Marathon, 5K Run/Walk $7 with a nonperishable item for the Ecumenical
1 25th annual Jungle Club 5K Run/Walk, 7:30 films and discussion, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sat., 1 to and Toddler Dash to benefit Indian River Food Pantry. Student night Oct. 26, $4 with ID. (for
a.m. at the Jungle Club to benefit the Vero 5 p.m. Sun. at Unitarian Universalist Fellowship County Healthy Start Coalition, 6:45 a.m. and 7 ages 8 and up.) Free Trunk or Treat, 2 to 4 p.m.
Beach Lifeguard Association. 772-567-1400 of Vero Beach. $25 includes Sat. lunch. 772-778- a.m. at Riverside Park. 772-563-9118. Oct. 29 at Sebastian United Methodist Church,
5880 with treats, games and food. 772-663-8107
1 Party at the Pineapple Plantation, 11 a.m. 8 United Way Day of Caring at various loca-
to 3 p.m. at historic Hallstrom House, with 6-28 Think Pink Art Show at Gallery tions around the county begins with 8 a.m. 15 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, 8
BBQ, tours, educational activities, crafts and 14, with a portion of proceeds welcome breakfast at First Presbyterian Church. a.m. at Riverside Park, a noncompetitive
vendors to benefit Indian River County Historical from sales and 100 percent of raffle proceeds 772-567-8900 x 117 walk to raise funds for the American Cancer Soci-
Society. 772-778-3435 benefitting Friends in Pink. Gala reception 5 to ety in the fight against breast cancer. 772-562-2272
8 p.m. Oct. 7 during Gallery Stroll. 772 785-8730 9 Michael, Patti & Friends Concert, 4 p.m. at
1 Hunt for Hope Florida, a scavenger hunt at or 772 562-5525. First Baptist Church, featuring Minister of 15 Veterans and Family Picnic hosted
2 p.m. from Riverview Park in Sebastian, Music Michael Carter and wife Patti Carter of The by Veterans Council of Indian River
7|8 Beach Town Music Festival at In- Dolls, with guests Ray Adams, Judy Carter, Brady County, American Legion Post 181 and Vietnam
dian River County Fairgrounds, Johnson, Dolores Mark, Richie Mola, Dave Mundy, Veterans of Indian River County, Noon to 5 p.m.
at Gifford Park in Vero Beach, with free hotdogs
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN Crossword Page 43 (THE GENU-WINE ARTICLE) and hamburgers, music, games, crafts and activi-
in September 22, 2016 Edition 7 DATA 1 PARADISE ties. BYO lawn chair. Free. 772-538-7347
9 TALENT 3 CANTEEN 15 Wine Women & Shoes, 5:30 p.m. at
10 ZEPHYR 4 PRIZE Bent Pine Clubhouse, with wine, hors
11 PITCHER 5 EGGPLANT d’oeuvres fashion and auctions to benefit Hu-
13 GAFFE 6 ENVY mane Society of Vero Beach and Indian River
16 MERIT 12 CRITICAL County. $125 & $175. 772-388-3826
19 SENIOR 15 FEATHER 15 Black & White Masquerade: Let’s Have
21 TARGET 18 FRAUD a Ball, hosted by Exchange Club of Indi-
23 CREATURE 20 ECRU an River Foundation for its child abuse prevention
24 RICH 22 RARE projects, 6 p.m. at Vero Beach Country Club, with
cocktails, dinner, cash bar, auctions and dancing
Sudoku Page 42 Sudoku Page 43 Crossword Page 42 to music by DJ Fuzzy. $100. 772-321-2522
Advertising Vero Beach Services | If you would like your service to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753
This directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the beachside community an opportunity to make themselves known to island readers at an affordable cost. This
is the only service directory mailed each week during season to all 11,000+ homes on the Vero Beach barrier island. If you are interested in a listing in the Vero Beach 32963 Service
Directory, please contact marketing representative Kathleen Macglennon at
[email protected] or call 772-633-0753.
210 Coconut Creek Court in Palm Island Plantation: 5-bedroom; 6.5-bath house with more than
5,000 square feet of air-conditioned space listed for $1.9 million by Matilde Sorensen of
Dale Sorensen Real Estate: 772-532-0010
64 Vero Beach 32963 / September 29, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Coconut Creek Court gem truly a ‘fantastic buy’
Staff Writer
Looking at the handsome West In-
dies-style house at 210 Coconut Creek
Court in the lovely, gated Palm Island
Plantation community, you can’t help
but feel a breeze.
Perhaps that’s just the natural
cooling effect the 2-story house with
balcony and double courtyards has
on a person.
Situated at the end of a quiet cul de
sac, where a statement is made by a
large oak tree planted in a circular area,
the home feels very welcoming and of-
fers a variety of living spaces, both in-
doors and outdoors, to nestle. There’s a
cabana and even an impressive “play-
house” that can serve as an escape from
household duties and routines.
Entering the home with over 5,000
square feet of air-conditioned space,
one is impressed by the openness and
scale of the house, though individual
rooms offer a warm, cozy feeling, de-
spite their generous sizes.
The décor has all the elements of
classic island architecture, with dark
hardwood floors, louvered doors and There are two covered lanais, two
elegant white woodwork, including courtyards, including one with a gas
wainscoting and double crown mold- fireplace, and a fenced-in pool area
ing. Many rooms have coffered or with heated pool and spa.
vaulted ceilings, adding to the airy
tropical feel. The two indoor gas fireplaces are in
the 17-foot by 16-foot living room and
The home includes a cabana with the 17-foot by 27-foot den/office with
a bedroom, full bath and closet, just more French doors.
off the patio closest to the pool, and
across from the main house. The The spacious, gracious family room
main house features four bedrooms features an inverted hip ceiling with
and five full baths and one half-bath. bead board accent.
With a coffered ceiling, the dining The kitchen features top-of-the-
room has an elegant feeling to it. It line appliances, including a Bosch
is 20 feet by 16 feet and is lined with dishwasher, extra-large sink, Sub-
French doors with magnetic screens Zero refrigerator and Viking range;
to allow for cool breezes to sweep in. a butler’s pantry is right off of the
kitchen with a wine cooler and an-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 29, 2016 65
other dishwasher. The breakfast nook ida for the last 25 years, have decided
overlooks the patio and pool. to live full time in St. Louis to spend
more time with their children and
The first-floor master bedroom is a grandchildren.
spacious 20 foot by 15 feet and over-
looks a courtyard on each side of the They say “Palm Island is a great
room. The suite includes two clos- place to live. The Beach Club is beau-
ets and his and her bathroom areas. tiful and the dock is secluded and
Three large guest or children’s bed- secure. The house is wonderfully de-
rooms with bathrooms are located on signed to be very comfortable for the
the second floor. two of us and even more comfortable
when the kids and grandkids visit,
The owners, a retired couple who because the second floor has three
have spent about half the year in Flor-
Year built: 2004
Home size:
More than 5,000 square feet of air-conditioned space
Bedrooms: 5
Baths: 6 full baths, 1 half-bath
Additional features: Elegant, authentic West-Indies architecture, custom
millwork, vaulted ceilings with bead board finish, hardwood floors, 2
courtyards, heated pool and spa, 3-car garage
Listing agency:
Dale Sorensen Real Estate,
Listing agent:
Matilde Sorensen, 772-532-0010
Listing price: $1,900,000
66 Vero Beach 32963 / September 29, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
big bedrooms and bathrooms – plus, REAL ESTATE
a great cabana next to the pool.”
“This home is a fantastic buy,” said
Matilde Sorensen. “It is custom-built
and spacious with high ceilings and
elegant finishes throughout. It offers
plenty of outdoor living spaces in-
cluding a private and expansive lanai
and pool area and a cabana that is
perfect for guests.”
Palm Island Plantation amenities
include an oceanfront clubhouse and
pool overlooking unspoiled Atlantic
beaches, another community pool, a
fitness center, a main clubhouse and
a marina on the Indian River Lagoon.
Noted for its high-quality, consis-
tent West Indies architecture, the bar-
rier island community is located just
a few minutes north of Vero’s charm-
ing seaside shopping and dining dis-
trict, which features scores of high-
end boutiques and fine restaurants.
Also nearby are Riverside Theatre,
a renowned, producing equity play-
house and the highly regarded Vero
Beach Museum of Art, both situated
in the green, oak-shaded expanse of
Riverside Park, location of many fes-
tivals and community celebrations
throughout the year.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 29, 2016 67
Windsor building on its land in the town of Orchid
BY ALAN SNEL chasing building is 3,374 square feet, owned country club community that the neighboring luxury residential
Staff Writer Powers said. stretches from the Indian River La- community of Windsor in 1989.
goon to the Atlantic Ocean.
The big, freshly cleared lot on the There will be parking for 62 cars. Windsor’s website describes the de-
west side of A1A a mile or so north Powers explained that the Orchid The club was conceived and first velopment as a “village by the sea” with
of CR-510 that island residents have Town Council approved the building developed by Robert Haines III of 350 homes on 425 acres. It is home to
been asking about will be the location plan back in 2007 before the recession Avon, Connecticut, beginning in many wealthy seasonal residents, in-
of four new buildings with a total of hit and delayed construction. Proper- 1987. Development was later taken cluding a number of European mem-
ty records show the triangular parcel over and completed by Canadian bers.
businessman W. Galen Weston.
Windsor recently announced polo
Weston and his philanthropist wife, player Max Secunda as its director of
Hilary M. Weston of Toronto, founded equestrian operations.
about 16,000 square feet of office and transferred from Orchid Island Prop-
storage space. erties, Inc. to Windsor Properties that
The open 3.2-acre lot that breaks
up the island’s signature wall of Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard are engi-
green landscape along A1A is lo- neers for the project.
cated within the Town of Orchid
but owned by the adjacent high- Geoff Barkett, one of the firm’s
end Windsor development and will managing members, said invasive
be the future home of three small pepper trees have been cleared and
office buildings and a purchasing that new landscaping will be installed
building. after construction begins soon.
The four structures will provide The site “should disappear again”
more space for Windsor, which has after the landscape goes in, Barkett
been using nearby modular struc- said.
tures for development operations a
little north of the site, Town of Orchid Powers said based on preliminary
Manager Noah Powers said. documents filed in May, construction
was projected to be completed in in
A small sign in front of the land early 2018.
shows the address is 10025 A1A.
County property records show the 32963 called Windsor Properties
undeveloped parcel has a taxable val- Vice President for Development Mark
ue of $640,000. Justice several times to get more in-
formation on the buildings, but he
Powers looked at documents on file was unavailable.
at the town and said the three office
structures will be 3,516, 6,000 and Incorporated in 1965, the Town
3,020 square feet, respectively. A pur- of Orchid is almost entirely co-exis-
tent with the Orchid Island Golf and
Beach Club, a high-end, member-
68 Vero Beach 32963 / September 29, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: Sept. 17 to Sept. 23
The middle of September saw moderate real estate activity on the barrier island, with eight transactions
The top sale of the week was of a home in Floralton Beach. The home at 2140 Periwinkle Drive was placed
on the market Jan. 29 with an asking price of $1.1 million. he price was subsequently lowered to $950,000.
The sale closed on Sept. 19 for $835,000.
The seller was represented by Beverlee B. Pulling of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s. The purchaser in the
transaction was represented by Peggie Hollinger of RE/MAX Associated Realty.
MOORINGS 905 STARBOARD DRIVE 4/9/2016 $650,000 $650,000 9/20/2016 $381,500
VERO BEACH ESTATES 650 DAHLIA LANE 8/23/2016 $359,900 $359,900 9/20/2016
VEROMAR 3606 INDIAN RIVER DRIVE E 1/4/2016 $445,000 $419,000 9/19/2016 $290,000
ISLAND CLUB RIVERSIDE 1340 RIVERSIDE LANE 5/12/2016 $560,000 $560,000 9/16/2016
HARBOR INN 2140 SPYGLASS LANE, #116 6/17/2016 $295,000 $295,000 9/20/2016
HARBOR INN 2140 SPYGLASS LANE, #113 6/7/2016 $309,000 $309,000 9/16/2016
SEAQUAY CONDO 4800 HIGHWAY A1A, #407 5/6/2016 $750,000 $750,000 9/16/2016
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 29, 2016 69
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Veromar, Address: 3606 Indian River Drive E Subdivision: Island Club Riverside, Address: 1340 Riverside Lane
Listing Date: 1/4/2016 Listing Date: 5/12/2016
Original Price: $445,000 Original Price: $560,000
Recent Price: $419,000 Recent Price: $560,000
Sold: 9/19/2016 Sold: 9/16/2016
Selling Price: $381,500 Selling Price: $520,000
Listing Agent: Lori T Davis Listing Agent: Beverly R Cambron
Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Lucy B Hendricks Craig Von Kohorn
Berkshire Hathaway Florida Alex MacWilliam, Inc.
Subdivision: Harbor Inn, Address: 2140 Spyglass Lane, #116 Subdivision: Seaquay Condo, Address: 4800 Highway A1A, #407
Listing Date: 6/17/2016 Listing Date: 5/6/2016
Original Price: $295,000 Original Price: $750,000
Recent Price: $295,000 Recent Price: $750,000
Sold: 9/20/2016 Sold: 9/16/2016
Selling Price: $285,000 Selling Price: $720,000
Listing Agent: Marsha M Sherry Listing Agent: Tripp Hernandez
Selling Agent: The Moorings Realty Sales Co. Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate
Terri McConnell Hope S. Brovont
The Moorings Realty Sales Co. Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
I N T E G R I T Y ~ R E S U LT S
Lakefront 3BR/3.5BA plus office, over ½ acre prime lot, Beautiful 4BR/3BA on desirable corner lot, move-in ready Lakefront building lot in prestigious, gated community,
2 master suites, fireplace, pool, gated/guarded community w/fireplace, screened patio/pool, walk to beach access clubhouse, deep water marina slip available for purchase
$939,000 $399,000
Y our satisfaction is my highest goal, real estate is a lasting relationship.
direct 772.492.5333 | cell 772.538.1861 | [email protected] |
70 Vero Beach 32963 / September 29, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Moorings, Address: 905 Starboard Drive Subdivision: Vero Beach Estates, Address: 650 Dahlia Lane
Listing Date: 4/9/2016 Listing Date: 8/23/2016
Original Price: $650,000 Original Price: $359,900
Recent Price: $650,000 Recent Price: $359,900
Sold: 9/20/2016 Sold: 9/20/2016
Selling Price: $585,600 Selling Price: $344,000
Listing Agent: Lee Kimball Listing Agent: Mara M. Puerner
Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Nancy C. Spain Kathleen Provancher
Lakeside Realty Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Subdivision: Harbor Inn, Address: 2140 Spyglass Lane, #113 Subdivision: Sea Oaks, Address: 1215 Winding Oaks Circle E Unit#404
Listing Date: 6/7/2016 Listing Date: 5/5/2016
Original Price: $309,000 Original Price: $249,000
Recent Price: $309,000 Recent Price: $249,000
Sold: 9/16/2016 Sold: 9/12/2016
Selling Price: $290,000 Selling Price: $235,000
Listing Agent: Erika L Ross Listing Agent: Jill Rowell Tench
Selling Agent: The Moorings Realty Sales Co. Selling Agent: Sea Oaks Real Estate
Kathleen Davila Debbie Ann Cleveland
RE/MAX Associated Realty Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.