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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-05-25 14:23:09

05/26/2017 ISSUE 21


May 26, 2017 | Volume 4, Issue 21 Newsstand Price: $1.00




Restaurant rumors Fall vote possible
rife in Central Beach on proposals for
ahead of Council vote electric property

By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer The Grove Bar on 14th Avenue in Vero’s Old Downtown. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer
[email protected] [email protected]
What’s the story on the Grove Bar shooting?
That buzz you’re hearing in the Now that the sale of Vero Elec-
Central Beach area? By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer outside bleeding from multi- When asked for a copy of a tric seems back on track with the
[email protected] ple wounds, no arrest has been sketch or description of the City Council voting 4-1 to pursue
It’s the local rumor mill, churn- made and Vero Beach Police shooter outside the Grove Bar Florida Power & Light’s $185 mil-
ing out all kinds of gossip con- Nearly two months after a Department Capt. Kevin Mar- on 14th Avenue, or the model lion offer for the utility, officials
nected to the proposed construc- closing-time bar shooting in tin on the record will only say and color of his getaway vehi- have begun discussing in earnest
tion of a fine-dining restaurant on the heart of Downtown Vero that police are “waiting for in- cle, to disseminate to the pub- what to do with the city’s last re-
Ocean Drive, whether The Tides Beach left a 31-year-old own- formation to come back.” maining buildable acreage on the
will move there, and how long- er collapsed on the pavement CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 Indian River Lagoon – and Vero
time island restaurateur Bobby Beach may hold a referendum on
McCarthy will react if the City various options in November.
Council allows the controversial
project to go forward. According to David Gay, the
city’s chief surveyor, Big Blue sits
“It’s a small town,” said McCa- on 17.4 acres with 620 feet of water-
rthy, owner of Bobby’s Restaurant front. The substation and switch-
& Lounge, which opened in 1981 ing equipment that will need to
and immediately became the remain there take up about 1.1
spring-training hangout for the acres on the northwest corner. The
Los Angeles Dodgers. “There are wastewater treatment plant across
always rumors.” 17th Street sits on 16.3 acres with
500 feet of waterfront, not includ-
Maybe you’ve heard a few of ing the canal at the south.
them, particularly about this.
Across the street from the waste-
The first to get traction was water plant is the parcel referred to
that Leanne Kelleher, The Tides’ as the “old postal annex” – another
owner and chef, had made a deal 4.6 acres on the southwest corner
to move her popular restaurant of 17th Street and Indian River
from its Cardinal Drive location


NEWS 1-12 PETS 18 American Icon Brewery launch
DINING B7 now delayed until Labor Day

To advertise call: 772-559-4187 By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer to start at developer Michael
For circulation or where to pick up [email protected] Rechter’s new dining and drink-
your issue call: 772-226-7925 ing establishment until Labor
If you were hoping to cele- Day, or later. His building permit
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. brate the 4th of July at the new had a slower-than-anticipated
American Icon Brewery, you are slog through the county’s per-
going to have to hoist your toast mitting process, and that caused
to the good old U.S.A. at some a delay of more than a month in
other location.
The fun is now not scheduled

2 May 26, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS


By Samantha Rohlfing Baita | Staff Writer tory evacuation order went into effect, causing Inlet District Commission not carry out its is responsible for keeping the ocean-to-
[email protected] not just the jetty but the entire park to be closed. plan to replace the temporary barrier with lagoon boat-way open and in good repair,
a permanent structure, and the commission owns the jetty.
The Sebastian Inlet North Jetty, considered As it blew by, the storm damaged 45 metal has agreed. But Smithson is concerned that
by some the best shore-accessed ocean fish- grates that form part of the walking surface aggressive behavior and violence on the jet- “It is strictly a navigational structure,”
ery in the entire country, is open again, from of the jetty, making the outermost 150 feet of ty will resume unless the Fish and Wildlife Smithson said of the jetty, which helps con-
end to end – apparently against the wishes the 745-foot structure unsafe. Service is able to fund a 24-7 law enforce- trol water flow and sand drift to keep the in-
of the Sebastian Inlet District Commission, ment presence at the Inlet. let navigable. “Fishing out there is a [second-
which owns and maintains the jetty. When the park reopened after the storm, ary usage and revocable] privilege. When we
district and park personnel were busy clean- Only one day after the chain link fence made the agreement to allow fishing, the
The commission planned to close the jet- ing up and performing repairs. The night- was removed, Smithson relates, a fisherman chief park ranger carried a gun and was a
ty at night last fall because of increasingly time closure never went into effect, but the on the jetty illegally cast a line across the sworn officer. That is no longer the case.”
violent confrontations between fishermen district erected a chain link barrier to block bow of a boat piloted by a District surveyor
on the jetty and those in boats entering or the damaged part of the jetty. who was gathering data in the inlet. He believes keeping order and enforc-
leaving the inlet. ing laws and regulations on the jetty is the
Smithson says the Inlet Commission had “We’ve tried signs, videos, brochures, but Park’s responsibility, and says “our board
Aggressive fishermen on the jetty fought planned to replace the temporary barrier people visit the park from all over the world, has been diligently trying to engage” with
over prime locations, usually after dark, and with a durable structure, permanently clos- often not knowing or understanding the the Park Service.
cast lines with lead weights and hooks onto ing the outermost 150 feet – where much of rules. And some people just don’t care.”
passing boats. They also reportedly threw the conflict between fishermen had taken The Park Service was contacted for a com-
objects at boats, a violation of state law. place – to the public. Although the Jetty is inside Sebastian ment on the situation at the jetty but did not
Inlet State Park, the Inlet District, which respond by press time. 
A heavy metal gate was fabricated and in- But once District completed repairs to
stalled at the base of the jetty, and the night- jetty, replacing the metal grates at a cost of
time closure was set to begin at sunset on $30,000, park personnel on May 11 removed
Oct. 7, according to District Administrator the barrier and re-opened the outer section
Marty Smithson. of the jetty to the public without consulting
the District, according to Smithson.
Before that could happen, though, Hurri-
cane Matthew came along. On Oct. 6, a manda- The Park Service has since asked that the



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Creative Director | [email protected] | 772.539.2700

Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa
Zahner, Society Editor: Mary Schenkel, Reporters: Stephanie LaBaff, Tom Lloyd, Ray McNulty, Sa-
mantha Rohlfing Baita, Kathleen Sloan, Columnists: Claudia Balint, Ellen Fischer, Ron Holub, Siobhan
McDonough, Tina Rondeaux, The Bonz, Christina Tascon, Staff Photograhers: Gordon Radford, De-
nise Ritchie, Graphic Designers: Robert Simonson, Jennifer Greenaway, Tania Donghia-Wetmore,
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LOCATED AT 4855 NORTH A1A, VERO BEACH, FL 32963 | 772.226.7925

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS May 26, 2017 3


lic to help solve the case, the department By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer for a long time,” but he did not wish to iden- ers voted unanimously to sell the ballfields
shared nothing. [email protected] tify his son’s buddy. He said the families, too, across from Vero Beach High School to the
were friends, and that there has been “no civil Graves’ foundation, which plans to use the
But public records requests by Vero Joe Graves has heard versions of what action” filed in connection with the incident. property as a youth sports complex.
Beach 32963 for a record of 911 calls and happened on that tragic December morning
the incident report on the shooting raise when his 15-year-old son, Jimmy, died in a That could be because of the relationship The 11.6-acre plot, which the county un-
a number of questions about what actu- boating accident in the Indian River Lagoon, between the boys and their families. Or it successfully tried to swap for property owned
ally happened, why no public help has just south of the 17th Street Bridge. could be because the boy driving the boat did by the School District, was appraised at more
been sought, and why no arrest has been nothing wrong – that what happened on that than $500,000. The commissioners agreed to
made. But he’d rather not share them. ill-fated Sunday morning was nothing more sell it to the foundation for $250,000 – with a
“I’ve talked with some people, and I have than a horrible, heart-breaking accident. condition.
After a scuffle in the bar escalated and a vague idea of how it happened, but I really
shots were fired just before 2 a.m. on Fri- don’t know all the circumstances,” Graves, a That there’s no one to blame. The property must be used for youth-ori-
day, March 31, frantic 911 calls came in local attorney, said Monday from his office in Let’s hope that’s what the FWC’s long-await- ented purposes, such as athletic fields or a
to Vero’s dispatchers – not from bar staff Vero Beach. “I’d like to see the final report be- ed report tells us. There’s already been enough park. Joe Graves, who wants to name the
reporting the fight or the shooting of fore I make any comment.” suffering, enough angst, enough loss. Even facility the “Jimmy Graves Sports Complex,”
their boss, Stephan Andrew Capak, but So would I. though he will confront no legal consequenc- pledged it would never be used for develop-
from bar patrons who heard gunfire, and In fact, I’ve been requesting for months es, the boy driving the boat will carry this ment.
saw and described the man they thought the final incident report from the Florida haunting memory for the rest of his life.
was the shooter. Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Let’s remember Jimmy Graves, who, by all “The foundation has received a tremen-
which has jurisdiction over the tragedy. Each accounts, was a terrific kid and a credit to our dous amount of support,” Joe Graves said.
Two of them even went outside to get time, though, I was told the investigation community. Many who knew Jimmy are do- “We should be closing on the ballfield prop-
the tag number off a vehicle parked in wasn’t complete. ing so by supporting a foundation created in erty later this month.”
front of The Grove bar on 14th Avenue. Now, it is – sort of. his name.
Rob Klepper, spokesman for the FWC’s law Let’s embrace his family’s efforts to seize By then, we should have the FWC’s find-
The first 911 report of a shooting came enforcement division, said the lead investi- upon a terrible tragedy and turn it into some- ings, which, I’m sure, will stir our emotions,
in at 1:51 a.m., with the sounds of a cha- gator handling the case filed the final report thing valuable – a place for our children and forcing us to remember how we lost one of
otic scene and a woman shouting “Oh Monday, nearly six months after the boy’s grandchildren to gather and play. our own at such a young age.
my God” in the background. death. Back in March, the county commission-
However, he added that the agency’s legal I can only hope that, once we’ve read the
The frightened caller said the shooter department needs to redact some of the in- report, it eases the community’s pain – and
was in what he thought was a black SUV, formation before the report can be released the agony endured by his family. 
a Chevy, and that two black males were to the public. That could happen by the end
involved. He then attempted to get to the of this week, he said.
vehicle to get the tag number. “I can’t get “I’m not surprised it’s taken this long,”
close, they’re still firing shots,” the man Graves said of the FWC’s investigation, which
told the police dispatcher. went well beyond the 90 days agency officials
had estimated. “I’ve handled cases like this as
A minute or so later, the caller did ap- a lawyer. When there’s a death involved, it just
proach the vehicle and read the tag num- takes time.”
ber to the dispatcher. Klepper said no charges have been filed in
connection with the Dec. 4 incident, which,
“OK, can you give me any information according to the FWC’s initial report, involved
about who is shooting the gun?” the op- another 15-year-old boy who was operating
erator asked. the boat when Graves’ son fell overboard at
about 10:45 a.m.
“It’s a black male, with dreads,” the The initial report stated that the driver of
caller said. the 17-foot Boston Whaler throttled down
and Graves’ son tumbled over the boat’s bow
The operator asked, “Is he still there?” while it was moving, fell into the water and
“He’s still here, they’re not in the car. did not resurface.
Need someone here right the (expletive) A St. Lucie County Sheriff’s Office dive
now.” team, brought in to assist local agencies and
At that point, only three minutes af- equipped with a sonar scanning unit, found
ter the call came in, a Vero police officer the body underwater three hours later.
arrived on scene, but the 911 operator The initial report did not name the teen
continued to get information from the driving the boat, nor did it say whether the
caller and tried to calm him down as he boys were wearing life jackets. And the FWC
apparently saw the victim on the ground has not provided further information in the
on his way back into the bar and cried months since the incident.
out, “Oh my God, someone’s been shot. On Monday, Klepper said he was not per-
Oh my God!” mitted to provide even a general summary of
The dispatcher asked the caller if he the report’s contents.
saw the policeman outside, and put him “I can only provide the final incident re-
on hold to relay the gathered informa- port,” he said, “and only after it has been re-
tion to the officer, but the system kept dacted.”
recording and the caller, unaware he was Graves said the two boys had been “friends
on hold, kept talking – convinced he was
observing the shooter.
“He’s walking away. The dude is walk-
ing away, the dude is walking in and out,
he’s walking into the crowd,” the caller
said. “He’s wearing a blue shirt, he’s try-
ing to blend in with the crowd. The dude
is walking into the bar, he’s walking into
the bar. He’s behind a white girl with
blonde hair.”


Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS May 26, 2017 7

RESTAURANT RUMORS pact on parking.” Vero Beach attorney Bruce Barkett, who a phone call from one of the property’s
City Planning Director Tim McGarry, represents Sony Investments Real Estate, owners, asking if he would be interested in
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 said he will attend the Council meeting partnering up to buy it – but the price was
who recommended the P&Z Board ap- and address the questions raised in the ap- too high.
to a yet-to-be-built, 2,685-square-foot, prove the project, said the plans do not vi- peal.
143-seat structure on Ocean Drive north of olate the city codes and that he will make He said he’s in the process of renewing
Beachland Boulevard, directly across the same recommendation to the City Coun- In the meantime, the rumors continue. his lease on the Reef Ocean Resort prop-
street from Bobby’s. cil. The latest? erty.
Kelleher said she has heard that McCar-
She quickly clarified the rumor, saying “Nothing has changed,” McGarry said. thy was exploring the possibility of buying “I’m not looking to go anywhere, and I
that although she was engaged in discus- “The appeal raises eight or nine questions, the Super Stop convenience store property won’t be surprised if Leanne ends up stay-
sions with representatives of the Coral but there are sound answers to all of them. at Cardinal Drive and Camelia Lane, where ing where she’s at, too,” McCarthy said.
Gables-based investment firm that plans The fact is, based on our codes, there’s no he would build a new home for his restau- “People know her. They know her restau-
to build the new restaurant, nothing had reason to deny the project. If we do, I’m rant. rant. They know where she’s located. She
been finalized. pretty sure we’ll end up in court. “Why don’t you look into that one?” she does a really good business.
That was two months ago – after the “I agree that we need to take a look at McCarthy said he had, indeed, received “And I hear she can work out a deal to
city’s Planning & Zoning Board approved the codes,” he added, “but that’s not going stay there, so . . .”
the project and before McCarthy filed an to stop this project.”
appeal, asking the City Council to overturn More grist for the mill. 
the board’s decision because a new restau-
rant would make worse an already-chal-
lenging parking situation along Ocean

The rumor last week?
According to the beachside buzz, Kelle-
her’s circumstances had changed, prompt-
ing her to reconsider moving The Tides to
Ocean Drive and, instead, stay in her pres-
ent location.
Upon hearing this one, Kelleher became
“I don’t know where people get their
information,” she said. “It’s getting really
frustrating to constantly hear this stuff. Do
you know how many rumors I hear every
single day? The other day, I heard I was
moving to Miami.”
For the record: Kelleher said she has no
plans to leave town, nor has she decided to
stay on Cardinal Drive.
“I haven’t decided anything yet,” Kelle-
her said, though she admitted that she
continues to talk to representatives from
Sony Investments Real Estate Inc., the
company that owns the proposed restau-
rant site.
“They’re going through their process
and doing what they need to do,” she add-
ed. “When they’re done and everything is
set, they’ll tell me. Then I’ll decide what I’m
going to do.”
The City Council is scheduled to hear
McCarthy’s appeal – he filed the papers,
but he has the support of several Ocean
Drive merchants, all of them concerned
about the parking shortage in the Central
Beach business district – at next week’s
McCarthy wants the council to halt, or
at least delay, the restaurant project until a
solution to the parking problem is solved.
He said he addressed the Ocean Drive
parking issue for about 15 minutes during
the city’s Vision Plan workshop last week.
“I’ve been here for 35 years, and I’ve
watched the landscape along Ocean Drive
change, usually for the worse,” he said.
“We have a parking problem and nobody
wants to deal with it, so a bad situation just
gets worse.
“They say the plans for this project ad-
here to the city codes, but the codes are
antiquated,” he added. “You can’t tell me
that this restaurant won’t have a huge im-

8 May 26, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

School Board member calls teachers union leaders ‘thugs’

By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer He said HB7069 provides $15 million taken in high school (the college entrance take advantage of them! Teachers=awesome,
[email protected] for paper-and-pencil testing for third- exam) that will neither recruit nor retain unions=usurpers.”
through-sixth-grade students, “so what is teachers.”
Open hostility has broken out between being tested is content and not technology When told 70 percent of Indian River
Indian River County School Board Member familiarity, especially important in low-in- She also challenged Frost’s and the coa- County teachers were union members, Frost
Shawn Frost and teachers union President come populations.” lition’s claim that the bill reduces and im- said, “You misunderstood intentionally.
Liz Cannon after Frost called teachers union proves testing. “It reduces tests by one . . . and Bosses are thugs. Not members.”
leaders “thugs” in a recent Twitter posting. Cannon said many of Frost’s claims nothing is made better,” Cannon said.
about the bill are false. The $214 million in Cannon, during public comment, asked if
Cannon fired back at a school board meet- teacher bonuses is mostly “based on a test In his April 18 Tweet, Frost wrote “Never that meant she was a thug. Frost did not re-
ing, criticizing Frost’s inflammatory post and mistake teachers with the union thugs who spond.
accusing him of “cheering on bogus legisla-
tion designed to cripple our schools.” Frost told 32963, “I don’t blame Ms. Can-
on, she’s just carrying water for the state or-
Frost is a founding member and current ganization, but she is literally being paid to
president of the Florida Coalition of School attack me in public meetings. Teachers in our
Board Members, a group formed in 2015 to district pay half of her salary in union dues.
promote charter-school funding and other She’s a part-time professional pessimist ...
educational-reform measures. I am a full-time optimist who has worked
hard, by meeting with education commit-
He recently returned from Tallahassee tee chairmen, the speaker of the House and
where he lobbied for several education bills, president of the Senate to shape the best
including the 278-page House Bill 7069, possible outcome for teachers, parents and
which is now on Gov. Rick Scott’s desk. students contained in HB7069.

Frost said the teacher bonuses in the bill “Being willing to stand against the status
would far exceed the $900 a year Cannon ne- quo makes me a target to the guardians of
gotiated for them through the Indian River the status quo and the greatest of these is
County Education Association, with some the Florida Education Association,” Frost
teachers qualifying for up to $7,200 a year. said. “I apologize if any teacher or volunteer
union member took offense at the way my
Frost also claimed the bill would improve the comments were misrepresented. I certainly
testing climate, moving the Florida Standards meant no offense to our outstanding teach-
Assessment to the end of the year, “so teachers ers whom I referenced as ‘awesome’ in the
have more time to teach and don’t have to cram Tweet.” 
a year’s worth of teaching in before a testing
window that opened on February 28 this year.”




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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS May 26, 2017 9

AMERICAN ICON BREWERY Rechter’s right-hand man in the ambi- Add beauty and
tious diesel plant brewery project is Ken natural light to your
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Dodd, formerly director of operations for EXISTING entryway
the Yardhouse chain of 67 pubs. He is now
starting the massive renovation of the old running Rechter’s food, beverage and en- in about an hour!
diesel power plant. tertainment company, Integra Hospitali-
ty, which includes the brewery as well as • Glass patterns • Patio & Sliding
Even more impenetrable was the six- Vero Bowl Lanes and Lounge, also in Ma- for every style Glass Doors
foot concrete slab crews encountered jestic Plaza. Integra also includes a new and budget
when demolition got underway. It was restaurant Rechter is developing in Fort • Framed /
twice the thickness they anticipated, and Lauderdale in an up-and-coming arts • Customize to Frameless
extended under what was believed to be district called FAT Village near Rechter’s your style Shower Units
a dirt floor in one corner of the hulking home.
brick shell. • Impact Glass • Etching
At the brewery, buried lines running
While it proved expensive to break up from an outside cooler will shoot the beer • Wood Interior/ • Schlage &
and haul away – amounting to more than Exterior Doors Fusion Hardware
to the bar taps, which
a million pounds of rubble, according to will emerge from cast- • Fiberglass • Mirror Wraps
Rechter – it was a silver lining, literally, iron holes in the one Doors
in the case of another intransigent prob- remaining generator.
lem. The concrete served as a barrier to That huge engine holds 463-6500
the EPA-monitored contamination that a place of honor in the Regency Square
resulted from decades of spilled diesel brewery; it will be the 2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart
fuel. That fuel, brought in on tanker cars centerpiece of the bar.
running on the adjacent railroad tracks, Licensed & Insured
ran the huge generators that produced Its new concrete
Vero Beach’s electricity for nearly 50 pad was poured before
years. anything else, while
the engine was parked
Now instead of fuel tanks, the structure outside being gutted,
will be home to fermentation tanks, sev- cleaned up and primed.
en of them to start with, each holding 30 Moving the generator
barrels of beer. That’s enough to serve not in and out involved
only the on-site beer drinkers but those heavy equipment and a
in bars and restaurants within distribu- flat-bed truck.
tion range.
Now back in place
When it is set up and operating in the on the fresh, steel-rein-
building’s southwest corner, the brewing forced concrete slab, the generator awaits
will take place behind glass walls that al- a final coat of paint, a return to the en-
low patrons to watch the action. gine’s original colors: red for the stacks
and black for the body.
Last week, Rechter got to sip the first Rechter is the first private owner of the
iteration of his brewery’s products, a property since the structure was built
taste-testing of beers made in a small- as Vero’s first municipal power plant in
scale brewery housed at Majestic Plaza. “I 1926. His purchase deal closed in June
like all this construction, but what’s cool, of last year, in the middle of an unrelated
what excites me is the lab,” he says. trial over the plant involving the city and
the plant’s last tenants, developers Phil
The pilot system, run by American Barth and David Croom.
Icon’s new brewmaster, Jesse Robles, After pouring $1.5 million into the
brews five-gallon batches to test out reci- project, Barth and Croom blamed project
pes on a small scale. Robles, used a simi- delays on diesel contamination that the
lar system when he learned to brew at the city was required to remediate. The city
Siebel Institute of Technology in Chicago, won that suit and a countersuit for rent
and later in Germany. For the past three owed by the developers.
years, he has worked for the contract Traces of contaminant remain today,
brewer Florida Beer Company in Cape but it is Rechter who assumes any further
Canaveral. remediation burden. He got a $150,000
discount on the $650,000 price tag for
the property by assuming responsibili-
ty for the clean-up. The brewery trans-
formation is expected to cost $1.7 mil-
lion, pushing his investment to at least
Friday, diesel fumes filled the plant’s
cavernous space, not from decades-old
fuel residue but from a concrete mixer
that suddenly roared into the building
through a giant garage door in the rear.
With a clunk, the operator set the mixer’s
spout to pour footers for the mezzanine.
That upper level will be accessed by
stairs as well as a glass-front elevator, af-
fording additional views.


12 May 26, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

Hurricane prep ‘school’ at Red Cross’ Hangar Party

By Mary Schenkel | Staff Writer Students from Indian River Charter High School wait to take the stage for the period fashion show.
[email protected]
People often have short memories;
even recollections of the damages our one for the local chapter, which celebrat- for 100 years,” said Sarah Ruwe, exec- and Company, choosing from a large se-
area incurred with the 2004 double ed a century of service to the communi- utive director of the chapter. “In 1917, lection of silent-auction items, noshing
whammy of hurricanes Frances and ty. Vintage Red Cross posters spanning they started rolling bandages with the on food-truck goodies and sipping on
Jeanne have faded over time. the decades lined the walls and displays Women’s Club and formed a Vero Beach aptly named “Waldo’s Hurricane” bever-
showcased a history of the organization, branch.” ages,
And while there were sighs of relief founded in 1881 by Clara Barton.
after Matthew only gave us a glanc- A Retro Red Cross Fashion Show fea- Members of the Vero Beach Amateur
ing blow, things could easily have been “The Red Cross has been in Vero Beach tured students from the Indian River Radio Club displayed one of the Go-Kits
much worse. Charter High School modeling men’s and they use to communicate with the Red
women’s uniforms from the early 1900s Cross and the Emergency Operations
With the June 1 to Nov. 30 hurricane through to today. Center. Carl Wade, retired USNR Chief
season almost upon us, the American Warrant Officer, and wife Judy Nash-
Red Cross Florida Coast to Heartland “One of the young ladies is in my Wade, volunteers with the Red Cross Ser-
Chapter hosted a Hurricane Hangar Par- grandmother’s uniform,” said Ruwe with vice to the Armed Forces, spoke about
ty last Friday at the Corporate Air Hangar, a smile. the critical support services provided to
providing a refresher course for longtime members of the Armed Forces and their
residents and informing newcomers that The local chapter serves residents in families.
yes, hurricanes are a real possibility and four counties, helping to prepare for all
here is how to protect yourself. sorts of disasters and is on hand to re- Another booth exhibited the all-inclu-
spond when tragedy strikes. sive Red Cross Emergency App, which
“They’re predicting another busy year; provides everything from weather and
the numbers in the Atlantic are very “We are here 24/7, 365 days of the year other emergency alerts to water safety
much the same as last year,” said Jim Ha- to help all the citizens with everything and first aid guidance. As with all the
gan of Red Cross Preparedness Planning. from a single-family fire to a hurricane,” services provided by the Red Cross, the
The National Weather Service is predict- said Ruwe. “Anyone can be a volunteer, app is free.
ing 10 to 16 named storms, four to eight and we need volunteers. Ninety-six per-
hurricanes, and one to four major hurri- cent of our workers are volunteers.” For more information, visit redcross.
canes. Last year’s actual numbers were org. 
15, seven and three. Attendees wandered through various
exhibits while enjoying music by Collins
The event, co-chaired by Glynn Trem-
blay and Brenda Doblinger, was a special


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‘Back’ to the future: Advances
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14 May 25, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

‘Back’ to the future: Advances made spinal surgery

By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer An anterior cervical dis- In an ACD, according to the Lumbar spinal region.
[email protected] cectomy (ACD), for exam- Mayfield Clinic of Cincinna-
ple, “is one of the most ti, Ohio, “the surgeon reach- or nerves.
Twenty years ago, spinal surgery had prevalent spine surgeries es the damaged disc from the According to the Mayo Clinic, “That
a reputation for often causing as much – performed to treat a variety front of the spine through the
or more – pain than it helped to relieve. of disorders in the cervical throat area. By moving aside pressure is most commonly caused by
(neck area) of the spine,” ac- the neck muscles, trachea bony overgrowths within the spinal ca-
That’s not the case today, according cording to the National Insti- and esophagus, the disc and nal, which can occur in people who have
to Dr. David Vecchione, an enthusiastic tutes of Health. bony vertebrae are exposed. arthritis in their spines.”
young orthopedic surgeon with Sebas-
tian River Medical Center whose offices Dr. David Vecchione. Cervical spinal region. Vecchione describes the procedure
are in Vero Beach. this way: “We’ll go in, remove the bone
PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE Depending on the patient’s particular off the back of the spine and then get
Two specific procedures – the “anteri- symptoms, one disc or more discs may access to the soft tissue that’s overgrow-
or cervical discectomy” and the “lumbar It is now performed largely on an out- be removed.” ing. We’ll remove the soft tissue and that
laminectomy” – are of particular inter- patient basis thanks to newer, less-inva- lets you get access to the hole where the
est to Vecchione – although this 35-year- sive techniques, and is designed to treat After a disc is removed, a space-hold- nerve is running out on both sides. Then
old surgeon says he actually spends a nerve root or spinal cord compression. ing bone graft may be inserted to fill the I have small instruments – little hooks
great deal of his time talking some pa- open space to prevent future nerve com- and little biters – that I can slip over the
tients out of surgery. The word “discectomy” literally pression. nerve and cut out the overgrown bone …
means “cutting out the disc.” and make sure the nerve is now free.”
“If a patient comes in with neck pain A “lumbar laminectomy,” meanwhile,
or back pain and nothing else,” says is a lower back procedure which enlarg- WebMD, however, warns the pro-
Vecchione, “a lot of times they’ll tell me, es the spinal canal by removing the lam- cedure “can also make your spine less
‘You need to operate on my back. You ina, which is the back part of the verte- stable. If that happens, you’ll probably
need to fix my back,’ but a lot of times, bra that covers the spinal canal. Its goal need a spinal fusion.”
that really isn’t the way to go.” is to relieve pressure on the spinal cord
In a spinal fusion, the Mayo Clinic
“Usually I’ll get an X-ray the first time explains, “the surgeon places bone or
I see a patient just to get a baseline of a bonelike material within the space
how their bones move [and] if they’re between two spinal vertebrae. Metal
moving back and forth [and] if I can find plates, screws and rods may be used to
an instability in their spine,” Vecchione hold the vertebrae together, so they can
explains. “Then I’ll get an MRI to check heal into one solid unit.”
on how much compression is on the spi-
nal cord and nerves coming out of the No surgery – and especially spinal
side of the cord.” surgery – should be entered into lightly.

“There’s always a progression of types Moreover, surgery is not a time ma-
of treatment,” Vecchione continues, chine. As Vecchione points out, older
adding that “usually physical therapy patients with multiple arthritic prob-
will be the first thing” he recommends. lems will very likely not get 100 percent
relief from any one procedure so it’s im-
If that doesn’t work, Vecchione might portant to have an in-depth discussion
turn to anti-inflammatory drugs or a about what to expect with your doctor.
steroid injection. “Most of the time,” he
says, “a steroid right at the level that’s Dr. David Vecchione is an orthopedic
symptomatic whether it be in the neck surgeon with the Sebastian River Medical
or the back can help.” Center. His offices are at 1715 37th Place
in Vero Beach. The phone number is 772-
If surgery is finally determined to be 778-0600. 
the best course of treatment, Vecchione
switches into surgeon mode and starts
educating his patients on their person-
al pathology, the specifics of the proce-
dure and what that patient can expect
both during and after surgery.

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16 May 25, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

There’s the rub: What
to know about sunscreen

By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer In any case, aside from dangers posed
[email protected]
by specific sunscreen products, Dr.
Summer is almost here and the mad
dash to the store for sunscreen is about James M. Grichnik, one of the world’s
to begin.
leading melanoma experts, says sun-
Caveat emptor, folks: Not all sun-
screens are created equal. And we are screen should not be anyone’s first line
not just talking about the sun protection
factor – SPF – number. of defense against skin cancer.

The Environmental Working Group, a Grichnik, the director of Vero Beach’s
nonprofit, nonpartisan research organiza-
tion founded in 1992, reviewed some 2,000 Scully-Welsh cancer center, explains:
sunscreens from over 250 brands and
found that 75 percent of them “contained “Let’s start with the data and the data is
toxic chemicals that can increase your risk
of cancer and other health issues.” that ultraviolet light, particularly UVA or

A study by U.S. government scientists UVB, damages DNA and has the capa-
suggests that retinyl palmitate, a form of
vitamin A that is an ingredient in many bility of driving mutations,” says Grich-
sunscreens, may speed the development
of skin tumors and lesions when applied nik. “These mutations can then go on to

Dr. James Grichnik. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE cause skin cancer.”

to the skin in the presence of sunlight, Perhaps surprisingly, the man who
and officials in Germany and Norway
have cautioned that retinyl palmitate earned his medical degree at Harvard,
and other vitamin A ingredients in
cosmetics could contribute to vitamin his Ph.D. in cellular biology at Baylor and
A toxicity due to excessive exposure.
Sunscreens that contain oxybenzone, a then went on to groundbreaking mel-
hormone disrupting chemical, also are
suspect. anoma research at both the University

of Miami and Duke, actually puts sun-

screen on the bottom rung of his three-

point skin cancer prevention list.

The Environmental

Working Group’s sun-

screen information

and evaluation page

reinforces the point,

stating “sunscreen

should be your last re-


“The first thing,”

says Grichnik, “is time

of day. Basically, what

I think people need to

know is that the ultra-

violet light during the

day is a bell-shaped

curve and it’s very high

when the sun is right

above you in the sky.

“So point one is to

try to do your outside

activities at the begin-

ning or end of the day.

Try to do your indoor

activities in the middle

of the day. That actual-

ly has a huge impact on

the amount of muta-

genic rays that hit your

skin surface.”

Pausing br ief ly,

Grichnik tackles what

might be the toughest

change he’d like people

to adopt.

“The second thing,” he continues, “is

clothing. A good tight weave outfit is very

effective at blocking ultraviolet light. If

you hold it up to the light and you can’t

see light through it, it should be an effec-

tive sunblock.”

“If you look at the beach 100 years

ago,” Grichnik points out, “people

weren’t running around half naked. But

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH May 25, 2017 17

now we are.” While he knows fashion is Women with advanced breast cancer surviving longer
against him, he nevertheless notes peo-
ple would be wise to cover themselves up By Laurie McGinley | The Washington Post Patients with Stage 4 breast cancer – the disease as well as improved palliative care
with loose-fitting clothing at the beach. most advanced – have the most intensive mean women “can and often do live for
The number of women living with ad- healthcare needs, and advocacy groups, years with reasonable quality of life, albe-
Moving on, Grichnik then broach- vanced breast cancer is rising substantially providers and researchers are increasing- it undergoing constant treatment to keep
es the topic of sunscreens, SPF ratings in the United States, reflecting improved ly interested in knowing
and what the savvy consumer be should survival among all ages, according to a how many are affected. their disease under con-
looking for. study published recently. The study estimated the trol,” they said.
number rose by 4 percent
This particular melanoma expert The study found that between 1992 and from 1990 to 2000 and by The authors, who in-
favors the “broad spectrum physical 1994, and 2005 and 2012, the five-year sur- 17 percent from 2000 to cluded researchers at Fred
blockers” of UV rays with zinc oxide or vival rate among women under age 50 ini- 2010. From 2010 to 2020, it Hutchinson Cancer Re-
titanium dioxide. tially diagnosed with advanced disease is projected to increase by search Center in Seattle
doubled from 18 percent to 36 percent. almost a third. and the Metastatic Breast
“We’ve been putting [zinc oxide] on The median survival time for that group Cancer Alliance, said the
babies’ behinds for a long time and as increased from 22.3 months to almost 39 Metastatic breast can- study was the first to es-
far as we’re aware there’s really no major months. For women ages 50 to 64, the sur- cer once was considered timate how many women
health risks to that product. Likewise, ti- vival time grew from a little more than 19 an immediate death sentence, and it’s still are living with advanced
tanium dioxide is also a food whitening months to almost 30 months. largely incurable, the researchers said. But disease in the United States. Their findings
agent and so this is something we’ve new therapies targeting the triggers of the appeared online in Cancer Epidemiology,
actually been ingesting and we’re not The lead author, Angela Mariotto of Biomarkers & Prevention. 
aware of problems there, either.” the National Cancer Institute, called the
findings “favorable” because they were
“I also really like the wax-based sun- partly due to longer survival times result-
screens,” Grichnik continues. “They ing from better treatments. For example,
come in these little sticks and they often the drug Herceptin, which was approved
have titanium and zinc oxide in them. in the late 1990s, has been shown to
The benefit of the wax is you put it on lengthen the lives of women with certain
your forehead, on your face, around your aggressive breast cancers.
eyes and it’s less likely to get in your eyes
or drip off the skin.” The researchers calculated that more
than 154,000 women are currently living
Grichnik also suggests people avoid with cancer that has spread beyond the
spray-on sunscreens. “With the sprays, breast, the most serious form of the disease.
there’ve been some problems with them
igniting [and] there have been some Mariotto, who is chief of the Data An-
burns, but the real issue is that you alytics Branch in the NCI’s Division of
can inhale them [while they are being Cancer Control and Population Sciences,
sprayed], so there may be some risks said the study didn’t explore why younger
with those sunscreens that aren’t fully women survived longer, but one possibili-
appreciated. You clearly don’t need sun- ty was that they received more aggressive
screen inside your lungs, so I would pre- treatment.
fer to use a product that you’re not going
to be inhaling.”

Then there’s the tangle of SPF ratings
where, quite frankly, the “math” in-
volved is often fuzzy. At best.

Does a product claiming an SPF of 90
or 100 really protect three or more times
better than one with an SPF rating of 30?

Despite what manufactures would like
you to think, the answer is no.

A sunscreen with an SPF of 15, accord-
ing to the Mayo Clinic, blocks about 94
percent of UVB rays. One with an SPF
of 30 blocks roughly 97 percent of those
same UVB rays. So while 30 is twice as
large a number as 15, the difference in
their UVB-blocking ability is a paltry 3
percent. And, as WebMD bluntly says,
“after that it just gets silly.”

So, think long and hard before reach-
ing for that SPF 100 product.

Grichnik also reminds everyone that
applying sunscreen is not a one-and-do-
ne precaution. “Keep re-applying it,” he

Finally, Grichnik points back to the
Environmental Working Group calling
it “an excellent, excellent resource to re-
search sunscreens.”

He highly recommends people go to for ad-
ditional information and warnings. Click
on the buttons that say best sunscreens
or worst sunscreens to see which specific
products are panned or praised. 

18 May 25, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS

Bonz is blushing after meeting pretty Miss Pink

Hi Dog Buddies! The only other dog on our side of the fence when they first arrive. I explain how all a MGPHoiOsTldOsGePOnRiDnORNkReAWtDFrOoiReDlvde,r
was a little black and white Spaniel. She came us different sizes and breeds still see the
A few weeks ago I got a Woof-Mail from up to us, did a coupla nose bumps, sniffed a world from the same perspective – about Pink. She didn’t
Miss Pink Wold, a Golden Retriever who works little bit then lay down to snooze. “That’s Luci,” 8 inches off the floor. I remind ’em we’re budge, didn’t even look down.
with her Mom and also competes in lots of said Pink. “She’s my big sister. She’s 14 and deaf pack animals, after all, so they gotta learn THEN, her Mom put two treats on top of each
AKC shows. She wondered if I would like to and blind. Her sniffer works extra hard, but pack behavior. Of course, there’s always front paw. Miss Pink STILL didn’t move.
interview her. she still bumps into stuff, so I help her. We’re gonna be Crabby Aunt Fifi or Weird Un-
Besties! So, you wanna hear my story, right?” cle Bowser, but, as you can see, every- I mean, I was droolin, myself, and was
“Well, SURE!” I Woof-Mailed back. We met one gets along fine. That little chihua- about to run over an grab ’em. Finally, Miss
at her workplace, A Dog’s Life, which is a day “Ready when you are.” hua doesn’t see himself as smaller than Pink’s Mom gave the go-ahead and the treats
care and training place. Since it’s a BIZness, “Five years ago, Mom’s friend’s pooch, Tory, the labrador. Me, I went right from my disappeared – poof!
me an my assistant just walked right in. An this had a 4-puppy litter – my litter. Mom’s a Dog litter to here, so it just comes natural
bee-oo-ti-ful pooch comes trotting up for the Person, so when her friend told her there was to me. It’s not Work. I come here to “Woof!” I exclaimed in admiration. “HOW
Wag-and-Sniff, shiny, light gold coat, tail wav- this little boy puppy she’d like, she decided to rest. My Work’s at home.” do you even DO that?”
ing like a flag, big smile. Dog! was she ready for check it out. You know how breeders usually
her close-up. name litters with themes, like flowers or col- “Whaddya mean?” I queried. She just smiled and said, “I have a good life.”
ors, or somethin’. Well, MY litter theme was “That’s where I train for my AKC The time had disappeared as fast as those
“Mr. BONzo, He-LOOO! I’m Pink Wold and Girl Bands. I was named after “Pink.” Since competitions. I’m on the road 2-3 treats had. Heading home, I was picturin’ Miss
this is my Mom, Cindy. Come’on, we’ll sit over I was a girl, an the runt of the litter an had weekends a month, got this Cool Pink, talented, frenly, smart, all in one pretty
here by our Reception Desk.” light-colored fur, I figured I probly didn’t have Dog Biscuits rolling doghouse when pooch package. Maybe I’d get up the nerve to
much of a chance. But, guess WHAT?” I travel. Earned my first AKC title ask her for a pikshur for my billfold. Oh, wait, I
I admit I was a little dazzled, and for a sec- I cocked my ears. when I was only 7 months old. Now I got a don’t have a billfold. Sigh.
ond my paws were glued to the floor. I think I “Turned out, Mom LOVES runts, AN the doghouseful of awards. Last month I qualified
Pink Band, AN light gold dog coats. So, she for the AKC National Agility Championships at The Bonz
said something clever like, “Umm” before my figured it was a SIGN! Isn’t that Totally Cool the Georgia National Fairgrounds, a Very Big
Professional Poise kicked back in. Kibbles?” Deal! I got some Excellents, but the most fun Don’t Be Shy
“Absolutely!” was when Mom rented a golf cart and rode me
“Delighted to meet you. This is some place “Soon as Mom brought me home, she start- all around. I felt like Princess Pink!” We are always looking for pets
you’ve got.” There was a great big room with ed takin’ me to work, an I started learnin’ stuff “Can you show me what you’ve learned?” with interesting stories.
the back half separated by a fence. Behind the right away, even though I was only 8 weeks old. “Sure, Mr. Bonzo, watch!” She went over to
fence a whole buncha pooches of all shapes It’s funny, Mr. Bonzo, I don’t remember EVER her Mom and sat in front of her, very straight. To set up an interview, email
and sizes were hangin’ out, playin’ around, not going to training classes or ackhully workin’. “I don’t remember where I put my cell, Pink. [email protected].
barkin’ or carryin’ on. There were places to ex- I’m glad cuz, when humans hafta go to work, Can you find it?” her Mom asked.
ercise and rest and hydrate, too. During the in- they get Sad Faces. Us pooches just spend Pink sniffed around the room ’til she locat-
terview, humans’d come in to drop off or pick every day playin’ and playin’ an then, alluva ed the phone under a chair. and brought it to
up their pooches, and Miss Pink knew ’em all sudden, we know how to do something. It’s a her Mom. Next, her Mom said, “Oh, Pink, will
by name. MYS-tree. For some reason, Mom calls it Play- you hand me those brochures?”
ing With a Porpoise.” Same thing. All very soft-mouth, with no
“Huh? Playing with a …” I started to ask, slobbers.
then I’m like, “Oh, RIGHT! I get it.” Then her Mom got a buncha trash and scat-
“Some of the stuff I picked up by watching. tered it all over the floor. “Pink, will you recy-
I’m very smart an well-mannered. Mom sets cle, please?” she said. Well, I almost woofed
stuff up an I make MY OWN choices. When I out loud when Pink went to each piece of trash
do something cool, Mom showers me with and decided what was recyclable. Then she’d
hugs an says what a good girl I am. Mom gives take it over and plop it into the recycling bin.
the Best! Hugs! Ever!” She got ’em all, too!
“I thought you worked here,” I said. Miss Pink’s grand finale was A-Woof-
“Oh, I don’t think of it as work. I welcome in’-MAZing. Her Mom asked her to sit. Then
the newbees an help ’em get comf-tubble she scattered a bunch of yummy treats around

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E May 26, 2017 21

which led to the dispensaries being lo- KC Barkley, owner of an adjoining building, speaks about her According to the Orlando Sentinel,
cated there. concerns during the meeting. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD “Florida law bans patients from smok-
ing the substance, but doesn’t prohibit
“It got pushed into the industrial ar- vendors from selling marijuana buds
eas,” zoning board member Lawrence meant for use in vaporizers – but which
Lauffer said. also can be smoked in joints, pipes or
other delivery devices.”
Garff said the 1814 Commerce Ave.
property was the only available site that According to the paper, Trulieve start-
met the city’s criteria when Trulieve ed selling buds at its other five Florida
scouted potential locations here, and dispensaries last week “just days after
McGarry said with all the restrictions lawmakers failed to reach agreement”
that have been put in place, it is unlikely on comprehensive state pot shop reg-
a second dispensary could find a home ulations.
within the Vero Beach city limits.
Garff said all marijuana products will
While it might make more sense for be secured in a separate room that will
a medical marijuana dispensary to be have odor control devices. Trulieve will
located near other medical facilities, also be required to have lighted “No
on or near 37th Street, Garff said the in- Loitering” signs, provide an armed se-
dustrial location won’t be a problem for curity guard during business hours,
Trulieve. and have alarms and emergency call
buttons throughout the dispensary. No
Those who purchase marijuana consumption of marijuana or alcohol
products at the facility will do so at the will be allowed on the premises.
recommendation of their doctor and
walk-in traffic will not be a consider- Per city rules, the dispensary will be
ation. There will be no signage on the allowed to operate between 9 a.m. and
building marking it as a dispensary. In- 7 p.m., Monday through Friday, and
stead, the sign will only show the com- from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday.
pany name, Trulieve. Garff said those
not in the know won’t even be aware the Trulieve is one of seven medical mar-
building is a dispensary. ijuana dispensary companies approved
to operate in Florida. It has five dis-
He said the dispensary will be pensary locations now, in Clearwater,
stocked with prepackaged products Tallahassee, Tampa, Pensacola and Mi-
that include cannabis oils and capsules. ami, with another 21 locations listed as
Smokable marijuana may also be avail- “coming soon” on its website. 

22 May 26, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE



A massive week on the mainland real estate saw 51 single-family residences and lots change
hands from May 15-19 (some shown below).
In Sebastian, the top sale of the week was the home at 102 Blue Heron Way. First listed in January
2016 for $469,000, this 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom, 2,486-square-foot abode sold for $450,000 on
May 19.
The best sale of the week in Vero Beach was the residence at 478 34th Ave. Originally on the mar-
ket in December for $379,900, the 4-bedroom, 3-bathroom house fetched $365,000 on May 19.


SEBASTIAN 102 BLUE HERON WAY 1/28/2016 $469,000 5/19/2017 $365,000
VERO BEACH 478 34TH AVENUE 12/7/2016 $379,900 5/19/2017 $365,000
VERO BEACH 5205 TOPAZ LANE SW 10/28/2016 $389,900 5/17/2017 $348,650
VERO BEACH 4160 CHABLIS STREET 3/31/2017 $380,000 5/19/2017 $345,000
VERO BEACH 4703 ASHLEY LAKE CIRCLE 3/27/2017 $349,000 5/15/2017 $325,000
VERO BEACH 5463 BARBADOS SQUARE 8/12/2016 $347,000 5/15/2017 $302,000
VERO BEACH 1916 NEWMARK CIRCLE SW 2/6/2017 $324,900 5/15/2017 $274,000
VERO BEACH 3075 11TH TERRACE 2/14/2017 $287,000 5/19/2017 $256,000
VERO BEACH 1292 LEXINGTON MANOR SW 4/10/2017 $260,000 5/16/2017 $250,000
VERO BEACH 465 11TH AVENUE 3/31/2017 $249,000 5/17/2017 $250,000
VERO BEACH 1670 51ST COURT 12/9/2016 $350,000 5/18/2017 $250,000
VERO BEACH 8162 WESTFIELD CIRCLE 2/5/2017 $289,000 5/15/2017 $249,500
SEBASTIAN 360 SEBASTIAN CROSSINGS BOULEVARD 3/15/2017 $264,900 5/19/2017 $248,300
VERO BEACH 3212 ASTOR AVENUE 8/2/2016 $269,900 5/16/2017

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E May 26, 2017 23


478 34th Avenue, Vero Beach 5205 Topaz Lane SW, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 12/7/2016 Listing Date: 10/28/2016
Original Price: $379,900 Original Price: $389,900
Sold: 5/19/2017 Sold: 5/17/2017
Selling Price: $365,000 Selling Price: $365,000
Listing Agent: Cheryl Michel Listing Agent: Jonathan Arsenault

Selling Agent: Daley & Company Real Estate Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl


Rick Baker Realty LLC NOT PROVIDED

4160 Chablis Street, Vero Beach 4703 Ashley Lake Circle, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 3/31/2017 Listing Date: 3/27/2017
Original Price: $380,000 Original Price: $349,000
Sold: 5/19/2017 Sold: 5/15/2017
Selling Price: $348,650 Selling Price: $345,000
Listing Agent: Billie Rutledge Listing Agent: Cliff Glansen

Selling Agent: Laurel Agency, Inc. Selling Agent: Inc


Suncoast Realty & Rental Mgmt NOT PROVIDED

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE May 25, 2017 B1


True grit: DeMario’s
art weds ‘beauty
and breakdown’


Coming Up!

SYMPHONY’S ‘COSMOS’ ‘The Cosmos.’ written while the Bohemian composer Christopher
IS GALACTIC EXCITEMENT was living in New York City and, accord- Marshall.
above the Earth, some from the Hubble ing to Wikipedia, “purportedly incor-
By SAMANTHA BAITA | Staff Writer telescope. As the film is screened, the porated the composer’s reflections on
[email protected] orchestra will perform Antonin Dvor- his American setting.” “The New World
ak’s incredible Symphony No. 9, a pow- Symphony” premiered in Carnegie Hall
1 “The Cosmos” is the final, excit- erful masterpiece commonly known as in December 1893. Completing the con-
ing installment of the Space Coast “The New World Symphony.” It is by far cert is “The Unanswered Question,” a
Symphony Orchestra’s (so far) sold-out the composer’s most popular sympho- dark, intriguing musical work by Amer-
series, “The Planets and An Earth Odys- ny and, arguably, one of the most pop- ican composer Charles Ives, a haunting
sey,” a production five years in the mak- ular of all symphonies. Dvorak is said piece that poses but does not answer
ing, in collaboration with NASA. “The to have been influenced by music of
Cosmos” will be presented this Sunday the African/American South, as well as CONTINUED ON PAGE B5
at 3 p.m. at the VBHS Performing Arts by Old World elements. The piece was
Center. In the series’ final chapter, the
Orchestra’s innovative, multi-media
production will incorporate a NASA film
of stunning images taken from on and

B2 May 25, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

True grit: DeMario’s art weds ‘beauty and breakdown’

By Ellen Fischer | Columnist describes her feelings for her Detroit child-
[email protected] hood that underlie many of the 28 works
on view.
The Portuguese word “saudade” has no
equivalent in English. In Portugal, though, Composed of acrylic paint, marker ink,
it is used to describe a melancholic longing spray paint and found photos from the
for a beloved person or place separated by Internet (printed in black and white and
time and distance from the person experi- collaged or otherwise transferred onto the
encing the feeling. canvas), the paintings present the worn
and battered aspects of Detroit’s inner-city
For Gina DeMario, who used the term architecture as well as the spontaneous
as the title of her current exhibition of complexity of the graffiti that overlays it.
abstract mixed-media paintings at the In-
dian River County Courthouse, saudade They range in size from 20 by 24 inch-

Foundation Cracks.

es (“Northville” and “People Movers”) to values for their impact.
a 72-inch wide triptych (“Verbose”). Most DeMario employs a slash and burn tech-
measure a respectable 48-by-36 inches in
a vertical format. The exhibition occupies nique in which glimpses of photo collage or
public thoroughfares and waiting areas on previously applied paint layers have been
all three floors of the courthouse. not quite obliterated by subsequent over-
paints, scribbles and stenciled or freehand
DeMario says that she has long been areas of spray-painted calligraphy.
drawn to modern ruins.
“Sometimes I want a controlled chaos,
“A lot of the buildings in my paintings are and at other times I just want chaos,” she
abandoned, vacant buildings in Detroit,” says of her results.
she says, citing the 3.5-million-square-foot
Packard auto plant as one of them. Born in Toledo, Ohio, DeMario’s parents
divorced when she was 4. At 8 she moved
“That’s where I’ve always been drawn to Detroit with her mother, the present
to,” she says. “I call it beauty and the break- Pamela Tan, upon the latter’s marriage to
down.” Melih Tan.

Created over the past two years, the DeMario’s interest in art moved along
show’s earlier works marry red, hot pink, with her.
aqua and ultramarine passages to a basic
palette of black, white and gray. Her most “I was always an artist since I was little,”
recent paintings eschew bright colors she says.
completely, relying entirely on texture and
graphic juxtapositions of light and dark About the time she began researching
colleges in high school, her father, Michael


Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE May 25, 2017 B3

Lost in the Fire.


B4 May 25, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

DeMario, was diagnosed with Gina DeMario. stylistically. That’s what walls with my own thoughts – I just got on
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis P HOTO BY GORDON RADFORD I did accidently, and I the computer and started looking at imag-
(ALS), known as Lou Gehrig’s was reprimanded for it: es,” she says.
disease. ‘You’re not doing your
homework. You should “It really opened up my window of cre-
The shocking news about have known this has al- ativity that had been closed for quite a
her father made DeMario ready been done!’” while.”
narrow down her school de-
cision to one that would be DeMario pauses and She began taking painting classes from
within proximity to her dad, smiles. Deborah Gooch at the Vero Beach Museum
who lived in Ohio. of Art, following the popular teacher for
“I was like, ‘So – I’ve another class or two after Gooch opened
“So I could be closer to been channeling Frank her own teaching studio.
home when things got bad,” Stella?’”
she says. Eighteen months ago DeMario teamed
Painters whose work up with her mom Pamela (also an interior
Fortunately for her, in 1995 she has intentionally architect as well as a representational paint-
DeMario was one of only 14 been inspired by include er in oils) to form Tan & DeMario Designs.
students accepted by Ohio those minimal mas- Together they work to stage houses on the
University’s School of Art to ters of restraint, Brice real estate market, working in concert with
its undergraduate painting Marden, Sean Scully and Realtors to make the homes’ interiors pic-
program. She graduated in Christopher Wool. ture-perfect for prospective buyers.
2000 with a double major
in architectural design and During her junior and Decluttering and decorating in neu-
painting. Sadly, her father senior years, DeMario trals and vibrant accents are key values in
died when she was halfway and a few of her friends staging a home, DeMario says, adding that
through her college career. would drive to Vail, Col- home buyers generally make a decision
orado, to work in its ski about a house within moments of enter-
DeMario says it was an shops and restaurants ing it.
“honor and a privilege” to during winter break. The
attend the university. She good times she experi- That’s where DeMario’s paintings some-
found a mentor there in one enced there induced her times come into play. In staging an oth-
of her professors, abstract to move to Denver – a erwise vacant home, she will often hang
painter Guy Goodwin. couple hours away from one or more of her abstract canvases in
Vail – after graduation. strategic spots to enliven – or as she puts
“He was helpful in point- it, “freshen” – an unbroken expanse of wall.
ing out artists that I needed DeMario lived in Den-
to keep an eye on. Because if ver for 16 years, working That doesn’t mean she’d use all of her
you’re not careful, you can ac- at first as sale associate works. “I’m not going to put one of my
cidently reinvent the wheel, for a designer show- graffiti paintings in a house to be staged,”
room, and then as an in- she says.
Sunshine Savings terior architect.
She might be in Denver yet had she not Instead she hangs paintings that are
Thursday, Friday, Saturday developed an infection that got out of hand. long on dynamism and short on decay, ur-
“I was very, very sick. I couldn’t live on ban or otherwise. Works of this type can be
May 25th through May 27th my own at that point.” seen on the third floor of the courthouse
Her mother and stepfather (who by show.
20% off that time had moved to Vero Beach) flew
to Denver, where they stayed with DeMa- One real estate client, captivated by the
Gucci and Kate Spade rio for about a month before bringing her look of DeMario’s paintings in her staged
back to Vero. house, bought them all.
sunglasses After reestablishing herself in Florida,
DeMario again fell gravely ill. A religious While DeMario was very pleased by the
Eric Javits person, she believes that the “power of sale, she was not particularly surprised by it.
prayer” (her own, and friends’) helped her
hats and handbags pull through. “The work looks amazing in that house,”
That, and art. she says.
Luisa DÓrio “It was after I recovered – after about
four months of lying in bed, combing the “Saudade,” an exhibition of mixed me-
sandals dia paintings by Gina DeMario, continues
at the Indian River County Courthouse
assorted styles and colors through Sept. 14. Located at 2000 16th Av-
enue in Vero Beach, the courthouse is open
to the public from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday
through Friday. 

3385 ocean drive vero beach harbour bay plaza stuart

772/231-2772 772/221-9973

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE May 25, 2017 B5

COMING UP ‘Riverside Theatre’s Live
in the Loop.’

the “perennial question of existence.”
According to,
a common interpretation of the piece
has the trumpet asking “The Perennial
Question of Existence,” the woodwinds
replying, “I don’t know!” before realiz-
ing the futility of the question, and the
strings representing an eternal and un-
changing reality. In the end, the ques-
tion remains, stated one final, futile
time by the trumpet. Many believe Ives
was inspired by Ralph Waldo Emerson’s
poem “The Sphinx.”

‘Howl At The Moon.’ tor running with live outside music and ‘The Jacks Band.’ music all weekend. This Friday you’ll hear
food and bar service starting at 6:15 p.m. Letters to Abigail, an Appalachian/Amer-
2 If you’re in the mood to try some- (See Live in the Loop below). The Duel- in the Loop presents the Mighty Flea icana acoustic band from North Caroli-
thing a little different this week- ing Pianos shows begin at 7:30 p.m. and Circus Band, gettin’ down with swing na, with appealing, downhome southern
end, something with music and energy, 9:30 p.m. and require reservations, so and rockabilly, to keep your weekend harmonies. Saturday brings Sonder Blue,
somewhere you can let your hair down, you don’t have to rush your pre-show moving along. Riverside’s popular out- an alt-rock, four-piece boy band out of
Riverside Theatre’s Howl at the Moon outside fun. Plan to sing, dance and howl door series is free, no ticket required, Hilton Head Island, with three lead sing-
Experience this Friday and Saturday all night long. Call the theatre to reserve. and you can purchase food and bev- ers creating tight harmonies reminiscent
could be what you’re looking for. Howl at Tickets are $16 to $22. erages, soft and full-bar hard. There’s of some classic groups but with their own,
the Moon touring shows are for mature, some seating available, but you might totally contemporary sound. On Sunday,
fun-loving audiences, and take place on 3 Back by popular demand, the want to BYO lawn chairs. Live in the Flint Blade brings his not-run-of-the-mill
Riverside’s Waxlax stage, with a cabaret Jacks Band will take the stage at Loop runs from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. music to the Mermaid, creating “psy-
seating set-up and a dance floor. Talent- Riverside Theatre’s Live in the Loop chedelic soundscapes” with his unusual
ed, fearless pianists, often with a bent this Friday. The four-man Indian River 4 The Kilted Mermaid on old Dix- instrument, a Chapman Stick. Blade is
for comedy, face off on Dueling Pianos, County group plays classic hits, dance ie downtown calls itself “a funky, South Florida-based and tours national-
without a set play list: Every show is dif- tunes, rock, blues and Motown at ven- eclectic neighborhood pub with a chill ly. Music is from 8:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.,
ferent because these daring and versatile ues all over the area. On Saturday, Live atmosphere,” and indeed it is. You can get Friday and Saturday, and 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
musicians play your requests, so you get wines and craft beer, cheeses and deca- Sunday. 
to create your own par-tay. Get your mo- dent fondues, enjoy the cozy ambiance
inside or out on the deck, and listen to live


1. The Fix BY DAVID BALDACCI 1. Portraits of Courage 1. Keep Curious and Carry a
2. Slightly South of Simple
2. Strangers Tend to Tell Me
3. A Gentleman in Moscow Things BY AMY DICKINSON BY PETER RAYMUNDO

BY AMOR TOWLES 3. Make Your Bed 3. Dragons Love Tacos 2:
5. The Woman in Cabin 10 4. The Book of Mistakes
4. Option B
5. Wandmaker BY ED MASESSA
5. An Ice Age Mystery


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presents presents

America Divided or United A Memoir of Food, Love,
and Manic Depression
Thomas Dunne Books
WedneBsedraklye,yJPuunbelis7htihngat 6 pm
Thursday, May 25th at 6 pm

B6 May 26, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

Bistro Fourchette in Old Downtown: Great Soufflés

BY TINA RONDEAU Steak Tartare.
On a back street midway between Place
Vendôme and the Place de la Concorde,
there’s a small restaurant called Le Soufflé.
My husband – always on the watch for souf-
flés – first discovered it many years ago on a
business trip to Paris.

He subsequently claimed that on more
than one occasion, he actually feasted on
an appetizer soufflé, an entrée soufflé, and
a dessert soufflé. In Vero, alas, he finds souf-
flés hard to come by.

But recently, he noticed that Bistro Four-
chette, an intimate French restaurant in the
heart of Vero’s old downtown, tends to offer
soufflés on some weekends – a chocolate
soufflé one week, Grand Mariner another,
raspberry a third.

Frise’e Aux Lardons. Soft Shell Crab. Grand Marnier Soufflé.

So last weekend, we went there on Moth- My steamed Prince Edward Island mus- of this whole-grained mustard from Meaux. dishes are being served on the night of
er’s Day, ostensibly so I could enjoy a soufflé. sels were extremely tender, and were served The chop was accompanied by broccoli rabe your choice.
in a luscious shallot, garlic, herb and Chablis and Cippolini onions.
Ushered to a nice table in their attractive- broth. My husband’s snails, prepared the I welcome your comments, and encour-
ly decorated side room, our server quickly classic way, were flambéed with Cognac and My husband loved his calves liver, per- age you to send feedback to me at tina@ver-
took our wine order. baked in herbed garlic butter. fectly prepared with onions and bacon. He
noted that it is almost as hard to find good
For starters on this visit, I opted for moules It clearly was going to take a lot of the calves liver in Vero as it is a soufflé. Our The reviewer is a beachside resident who
“à la mariniere” ($11), my husband chose the crusty French bread to dip in the very gar- companion also gave high marks to her dines anonymously at restaurants at the ex-
escargots “Bourguignon” ($10), and our com- licky broth from the mussels or the herbed cheeseburger, which of course was served pense of this newspaper. 
panion ordered French Onion Soup “Au Gra- garlic butter from the escargots to tell which with bistro pommes frites.
tin” ($8). Hours:
was better, and our attentive server quick- Then it came time for dessert. The Tuesday through Saturday,
Escargot ly replenished the bread basket. Our Grand Marnier soufflés (shown above)
Bourguignon. companion’s onion soup also served with crème anglaise were a thing of 5 pm to 8:30 pm
was excellent. beauty. All in all, a fine bistro dinner. Beverages: Beer and wine
Then for entrées, I or-
dered the Côte de Veau As it completes its second season, Bis- Address:
Grillé ($32), my husband tro Fourchette finally seems to be hitting 1309 19th Place
went for the calves liver its stride. The space long occupied by the Phone: (772) 770-2071
($22), and our compan- beloved Swiss Melody Inn now has a very
ion settled on the Bistro French feel. Nicely decorated and en-
Fourchette Black Angus hanced by French cabaret music, it is more
cheeseburger ($17). attractive and cozy than ever – and chef
My grilled veal chop Stephane Becht clearly knows how to pre-
was topped by a delicious pare authentic bistro fare.
Pommery mustard sauce. A
very good chop, and I love the taste But since the menu changes from week
to week, if you are a soufflé or liver lover,
you want to call ahead to make sure those

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING May 26, 2017 B7

B8 May 26, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

Join Us To Conclude Our Dinner & Wine Pairing Series!

French Summer Wines- Vins Français d’Été
Wednesday, May 24th
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See you at the bistro! Like us on Facebook!

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING May 26, 2017 B9

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B10 May 26, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING


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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING May 26, 2017 B11

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Lunch & Dinner Open Tuesday - Saturday 11:30 am - Close • Sunday 4pm - Close Chicken Parmigiana

772.770.0977 • • Like us on Facebook!

B12 May 26, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES


7 Vocalist (6) 1 Shame (8)
8 Lime tree (6) 2 Human eating giant (4)
9 Leer (4) 3 Faithful (6)
10 Encircle (8) 4 Broccoli stem (6)
11 Uneven, random (6) 5 Proclaim (8)
13 Passageway (6) 6 Eager (4)
15 Save (6) 12 Rooster (8)
17 Steep, soak (6) 14 Thrilling (8)
18 Flexible (8) 16 Too much (6)
20 Adore (4) 17 Excursion (3,3)
21 Urges (6) 19 Male cats (4)
22 Relax (6) 20 Dispirited (4)

The Telegraph

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING May 26, 2017 B13

ACROSS 81 Wash 9 Tuskegee’s st. 78 Melodic, in music The Washington Post
1 Encouraging 82 Old Brit. coin 10 End of a Chevy 79 “Just the two
84 Pourer’s skill at a
touch Chase intro ___”
4 Jaws star wine-tasting? 11 Museum or 80 Excellent, on Tin
8 “A votre ___” 87 Wine-tasting
13 Hedda, to opera house Pan Alley
ailment? 12 No problem 83 Modern fastener
Louella 91 Bend, as a ship’s 13 Morocco’s capital 85 Muslim title
18 Woody’s son 14 Spain and 86 One of Steve
19 Something plank
92 Binges (on) Portugal Allen’s “men on
solemn 93 Blood letters 15 S Georgia the street”
20 McGarrett’s 94 Part of “snafu” 87 Place to hoist a
95 Wine salutes college city few
signoff 97 Like many 16 Satisfied a 88 Final
21 Subside announcement?
22 Wine-tasting Helmuts: abbr. craving 89 Amadeus star
99 Specs parts 17 Author Stanislaw 90 Flatfish
millionaires? 101 Mrs. Dithers et 18 Relative of “get 96 Music machines
25 N Brazil port 98 Construct anew
26 “___ ears!” al. real,” in Clueless 100 Mr. Smith’s
27 Full of bacteria 103 Day of the wk. 23 They, in Tours body?
28 105 Part of B.C.E. 24 Big name in U.S. 102 ___ the occasion
108 Grape artwork at 104 Exhausts
Businessperson’s trucks 106 Prepare for more
intro a 29 Place to see shooting
30 Go nose-to- wine-tasting? 107 Refer (to)
nose at a wine 115 Negotiators with stars? 109 The End
competition? management 31 Snickers et al. 110 Tickle one’s ___
35 Vegas opening? 116 ___ for the 32 Ridiculed 111 Supreme Ct.
36 Show at the front common cold 33 Pig meat, in 59 convening mo.
37 ___ a limb 117 ___ fast one 112 Ancient land
38 Beginning 118 Part of E.A.P. Down along the Nile
40 Took the stand 120 Wine-taster’s 34 Cheers regular 113 It’s payback time:
(oddly enough) opinion of this 39 Watcher of the abbr.
42 Tie again in a puzzle? 114 Smart talk
way 124 Prickly pears skies: abbr. 118 Deck leader
46 Sparkling Ruby 125 Belief system 41 Razor-billed bird 119 Luxury locale
48 La-la intro 126 Promises to pay 43 Old French coins 121 Comedienne
49 Divot content 127 Youngsters 44 Trent of Margaret
52 Dog seen at the 128 Parrying 122 Toothpaste brand
end of Family weapons Mississippi 123 Lion’s tail?
Ties episodes 129 Able to seat six 45 Technique, to
54 Tension-filled easily MY SEDIMENTS EXACTLY By Merl Reagle
wine-tasting? 130 Pharaoh’s Tiberius
57 Study for one slitherers 47 Don’t lean too far
aspect of wine- 131 U.S. Pres.,
tasting? 1890-1969 over it
60 Wine concern DOWN 49 Seat belt
61 Prego competitor 1 Fundamental 50 Tara belle
62 Insult-filled fete 2 Andes animal 51 Start eating
63 ER denizens 3 Exposed in a 53 Wolfpack
65 Thorns in way
society’s side 4 Part of the Trinity member
69 Very dry 5 Traditional 55 Gold-painted
70 Sanborn’s Scottish dish
instrument 6 “Whattaya lookin’ statuettes
71 Police blotter ___?” (Lou 56 Mardi Gras and
abbr. Costello cry)
73 Cut and paste 7 San Francisco Carnival
74 1929 feeling feature 58 One with
76 “Adieu” 8 VCR maker
79 Hatch of Utah clothes-
59 Mexican state
64 Glides over the
surface of
66 Northwestern
67 In a rage
68 Hitchcock’s 39
72 Neil Sedaka hit,
Door to ___”
75 Fizzy drink
77 Rat-a-___

The Telegraph

B14 May 26, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES

J 10 6 5
Artemus Ward, a 19th-century humorist, said, “Let us all be happy, and live within our WEST 83 EAST
means, even if we have to borrow the money to do it with.” 9 K92 74
Q764 AQ74 K J 10 5 2
Bridge players are happy with plus scores, even if occasionally they have to “borrow” Q8754 A J 10
tricks from opponents’ mistakes. In today’s deal, though, both East and South have 652 SOUTH K83
chances to make good plays. What are they? South is in four spades, and West leads his AKQ832
fourth-highest heart. Also, what was West’s more effective lead? A9
The North hand has eight losers (three spades, two hearts, two diamonds and one club), J 10 9
perfect for a game-invitational raise. But change the spade jack to the spade queen, and
that lowers the loser count to seven and — just — makes the hand worth a forcing raise. Dealer: South; Vulnerable: East-West

South has 10 winners: six spades, one heart and three clubs. But he might lose one heart, The Bidding:
two diamonds and one club, if the club finesse loses, and West can push a diamond
through dummy’s king, with East holding the ace. South must keep West off the lead. SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
1 Spades Pass 3 Spades Pass
East, knowing his partner is not underleading the ace, should play his heart 10 at trick 4 Spades Pass Pass Pass LEAD:
one, to find out who holds the heart queen. 4 Hearts

If South takes that trick, he goes down. The play continues: draw trumps, take a losing
club finesse, low-heart lead to West’s queen, diamond shift.

However, if South plays low from his hand at trick one, he is safe.

Lastly, suppose West had led a diamond. Then, if East had won with his 10 and shifted
to a heart, four spades would have failed. Nevertheless, it is usually better to lead from
shorter suits against trump contracts.

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR May 26, 2017 B15

ONGOING 10 Tropical Night Luau, 7 p.m. at Grand JULY 5-14 Vero Beach International Music
Harbor Golf Club to benefit Youth Festival hosted by Mick Block
Vero Beach Museum of Art – Deborah But- Guidance Mentoring and Activities Program, 1 Burgers & Brews Festival – An American String Camp at First Presbyterian Church, featur-
terfield: Horses thru June 4. with tropical buffet, silent and live auctions and Heritage Celebration to benefit United ing world-class folk, bluegrass, Celtic, Americana,
dancing to Gypsy Lane band. $125 772-770- Against Poverty, 11 3 p.m. Best Burger rock and jazz musicians. Wed. 7/5 Artist/Faculty
MAY 5040 Competition featuring top local chefs at Her- Concert; Sat. 7/8 Student concert & Barn Dance;
itage Center ($30 to taste all sliders with two Wed. 7/12 Artist/Faculty Concert; Thurs. & Fri.
28 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra 17 Waterlily Celebration: A Spectacle beers or $3 per slider); 1 to 7 p.m. free street 7/13 & 14 Faculty-led Advanced Student Concert.
Cosmos concert, with special narra- of Color, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at McKee festival with live entertainment in historic Donations to MBSC Scholarship Fund of $10 stu-
tions by Astronaut Buzz Aldrin and Dvorak’s Botanical Garden, adorned with the state’s downtown Vero Beach. VIP Pavilion passes (in- dent concerts; $20 faculty concerts appreciated.
New World Symphony with HD images on largest collection of waterlilies, with repot- cludes sliders and bloody Mary bar) $80. $80
screen, 3 p.m. at Vero Beach High School PAC. ting demonstrations, plant sale and waterlily 772-770-0740 15 Third annual Barefoot Beach Ball, 5
$20; free 18 & under. 855-252-7276 photo contest. Standard admission. 772-794- p.m. at Waldo’s Restaurant, an ‘ab-
0601 4 45th annual Freedom Festival, hosted by normal formal’ with music by Dave and the
29 Memorial Day Ceremony, 9 a.m. at Lions Club of Sebastian and City of Sebas- Wave, refreshments, raffles and a 7:50 p.m.
Veterans Memorial Island Sanctuary 17 Live Like Cole Foundation’s Charity tian, with 8:30 a.m. Fourth of July Parade fol- ‘hunk dunk’ to benefit the Vero Beach Life-
with music by VBHS Band, keynote speaker Alan Golf Tournament, 8 a.m. shotgun lowed by Freedom Festival at Riverview Park. guard Association. $20. 772-778-2832
Thompson, Vice Admiral US Navy (Ret.), and new start at Grand Harbor Golf Club followed by
Boots on the Ground Memorial. 772-978-6543 BBQ lunch, to raise funds for a Riverside Park 4 City of Vero Beach annual 4th of July Cele- 28-30 Vero Beach Pirate Festival,
fishing pier and lagoon related charities. 772- bration, 4:30 to 10 p.m. at Riverside Park. 2 to 6 p.m. Fri., 10 a.m. to 8
559-5907 p.m. Sat., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sun. at Riverside Park.

30 Splash Party, 5 to 7 p.m. at Waldo’s 17 To Sept. 3 - Vero Beach Museum of MAY RATES Iinlasdln_iHOneigtEh_050517 Ask About Our
Restaurant to welcome home Two Guys Art presents Dan Gunderson: A View $30 $25 $20 Frequent
United Against Poverty, Rev. Scott Alexander and from Above. 772-231-0707
Jake Piper returning from 3,400-mile coast to Before 11 AM After 11 AM After 2 PM Player Programs
coast journey to benefit Success Training for Em- 24 Vero Pride 2017 hosted by Amend-
ployment Program (STEP). Free admission. ment One Activists IRC, 5 to 10 p.m. (All Rates Include Cart and Tax)
at Heritage Center to support Vero’s LGBTQ
2-24 Summer Nights Block Party, 6 to 9:30 community through an all-inclusive event fea-
p.m. weekends at Riverside Theatre, turing food, drinks, entertainment, followed by
with live music, full bars, food service and games, plus after-party at Kilted Mermaid. $45. tickettailor.
wine tastings on Saturday nights. Free admission. com

JUNE 30 To July 28 - Vegas Nights, 6 to 9:30 1600 SOUTH 3RD ST., FORT PIERCE 772-465-8110
p.m. weekends at Riverside Theatre,
3 To Sept. 10 - Vero Beach Museum of with live music, full bars and food service, plus From US1, turn East on Ohio Ave., Directly behind TD Bank
Art presents Watershed: Contemporary casino games with proceeds to benefit Chil-
Landscape Photography. 772-231-0707 dren’s and Family programs. Free admission.

3 Champions for Charity Golf Shamble, 8:30 Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
a.m. tee off at Moorings at Hawk’s Nest in May 19, 2017 Edition 7 TAKEPART 1 CAMOMILE
Golf Club followed by awards lunch to benefit 8 UNIT 2 TEAL
Exchange Club of the Treasure Coast and CAS- 9 COOL 3 MARROW
TLE. $150. 772-321-8308 10 REACTION 4 ATTAIN
3 A Celebration in the Vineyard, 4 to 8 p.m. 13 NEARLY 6 SILO
at Summer Crush Vineyard and Winery 15 FEDORA 12 SHOWCASE
to benefit CASTLE, a casual afternoon of spirits 17 INTAKE 14 LUKEWARM
and food, live entertainment, raffles and auc- 18 LOWCLASS 16 APATHY
tions. $50. 772-465-6011 20 DOWN 17 INSIST

8-11 Vero Beach Wine + Film Festi- Sudoku Page B12 Sudoku Page B13 Crossword Page B12 Crossword Page B13 (GOING UP!)
val to benefit SunCoast Mental
Health Center.


Our directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the community an opportunity to make themselves known to our readers at an affordable cost.
This is the only business directory mailed each week during season. If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753.


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NEW ADDRESS • 2682 U.S. HWY 1 • VERO BEACH, FL • • 772.562.9045

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