Sheriff wanted to charge
road-rage shooter. P10
Vero City Council’s
night moves. P8
Jay McLaughlin’s new
pizza place, Station 49. P9
For breaking news visit
Year after son died, School Board
Joe Graves prays for to take more
Christmas miracle hands-off role
BY RAY MCNULTY Reef Road home designed by modernist architect Jeremy Young for Graham and Laura Hazell. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD BY KATHLEEN SLOAN
Staff Writer Staff Writer
Modernist architecture taking hold in Vero Beach
Nearly a year after his Despite many serious chal-
15-year-old son died in a boat- BY STEVEN M. THOMAS or underway on the island and clarity, functionality and drama lenges and pressing problems,
ing accident in the Indian Riv- Staff Writer more projects planned. of the style, which has emerged the School Board just voted to
er Lagoon, Joe Graves is pray- in retrospect as the highpoint hold business meetings only
ing for what he believes would Modernism has arrived in Architects from London, the of 20th century architecture. once a month, instead of twice
be a Christmas miracle. Vero Beach in a big way, with a Hamptons and other parts of a month as has been the prac-
number of impressive modern- Florida are jetting in to design “The modernism you have tice until now.
Two new daughters. ist homes recently completed seven-figure oceanfront hous- seen for a long time in South
The Vero Beach attorney es that brilliantly embody the The push for fewer meet-
and his wife, Carole, have CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 ings came from Superinten-
been trying since May to dent Mark Rendell, whom the
adopt two school-age sisters Negligence suits board is supposed to oversee.
piling up against Rendell said the move will save
Carole and Joe Graves. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD Vero nursing home $22,000 a year in staff pay and
legal notices out of a budget
from Colombia, only to see BY BETH WALTON of nearly $300 million. He said
their efforts stalled by gov- Staff Writer he will continue holding work-
ernment bureaucracy. shops for the board the second
Severe skin infection. Consulate Health Care of Vero Beach facility on 37th Street. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD Tuesday of the month.
So Graves has turned to so- Malnourishment. Poor hy-
cial media in hopes of reach- giene. Wrongful death. All Only one board member,
ing someone with the political charges made against Con- Laura Zorc, voted against cut-
clout to answer his prayer. ting back the number of meet-
CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 ings. Zorc said, “I would like
In a heart-tugging, six-min- to see three or four meetings
ute video he posted last week a month” in order to perform
on his Facebook page, Graves “the due diligence needed.”
said he has been praying for
weeks that “God grant a way CONTINUED ON PAGE 7
for the right governmental of-
ficial to get involved and make Sewage spill into lagoon
worse than early reports
Staff Writer
The amount of sewage that
poured from a pressurized
pipe into the Indian River La-
goon was more than 30 times
greater than first estimated,
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2 Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Modernist architecture the trend is taking off as Vero contin- 18,000-square-foot modernist master- was frequented by Jane Austin, discov-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ues to gain national and even interna- piece that has since disappeared be- ered Vero Beach while visiting Laura’s
tional cache as a sophisticated but still hind a wall of plantings. parents in Stuart.
Florida is definitely coming here now,” unspoiled seaside resort.
says island developer and builder Yane Another smaller but still striking Like many other visitors before
Zana, whose company Coastmark The trend began when business- modernist home was built nearby, at them, they were charmed by what
Construction recently completed a woman Katherine McConvey built 319 Live Oak Drive, and others fol- they found.
striking modernist home on Reef Road her home on Ocean Drive in Central lowed, including, most recently, the
for English clients. Beach in 2013. Designed by Jared Della house Zana built for Graham and Lau- “We instantly felt at home in Vero,”
Valle of New York-based Alloy Devel- ra Hazell. Graham wrote in an email to Vero
There have always been scattered opment, which is co-owned by McCo- Beach 32963. “Whilst we enjoyed our
examples of modern residential de- nvey, and built by Joe Foglia of Foglia The Hazells and their Architectural time in other towns nearby, nothing
sign in Vero Beach, a house here and Custom Homes, the project literally Digest-worthy home on the ocean else came close in providing the range
there – along with skepticism about stopped traffic as it was going up, with near the Moorings are a good illustra- of places we liked to be. Whether it’s
a style many viewed as too urban or sidewalk superintendents along the tion of the advent of modernism on walking through Rio Mar, pedaling
avant-garde for the community – but street watching progress and debating the barrier island. along the Jungle Trail or strolling on the
the virtues of the 8-bedroom, 12-bath, beach, everything about Vero made us
The couple, whose home in England feel lucky and happy to be here.”
is a historic estate in Hampshire that
He remembers the day and hour
when “the idea of building our
own home [on the island] sudden-
ly emerged whilst we were walking
through The Moorings.”
The Hazells, who have various busi-
ness ventures in England, sold a house
in the South of France and bought
a .91-acre lot with 100 feet of ocean
frontage on Reef Road for $1.9 million.
They chose noted modernist archi-
tect Jeremy Young, of Featherstone
Young Architects in London, to design
the house and credit him with the es-
sential style, though Zana says both
Laura, who has a background in de-
sign, and Graham, were co-designers,
adding many features and details.
“They deserve a lot of credit for cre-
ating something very special,” says
The sleek, inviting structure, sheathed
in cypress, shell-stone and stucco, be-
lies the misperception of modern archi-
tecture as sterile and cold.
“They brought in a lot of natural
elements that give it warmth and tex-
ture,” Zana says.
A three-car garage and three-bed-
room guest house seen from the street
hide a magnificent central courtyard
with a stepping-stone swimming pool
that Graham says is one of his favorite
parts of the layout.
At the far end of the courtyard is
the main house with a killer kitchen,
sunken media room, ribbon staircase
and corner of pocket doors that slide
back to open the main living area fully
to the oceanfront environment. Be-
yond the main house is a lanai with re-
tractable screens, another swimming
pool and a wooden walkway leading
to the beach.
Including guest house and main
house, the estate encompasses 15,000
square feet under roof with about
8,000 square feet under air, and in-
cludes two full kitchens, 7 bedrooms,
8 full baths and 2 half-baths.
With the architect in London, the
design and build process was leisurely,
with the house permit pulled in April
2015 and the house completed in Oc-
The Hazells spent part of the fall
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 3
at the house and plan to winter here Nursing home lawsuits suits involved allegations arising from cases like Reich’s are still being litigated.
in the future, getting involved in the CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 patient deaths. Twelve of the 23 suits Both an attorney and the general
community as time goes by. ended in confidential settlements.
sulate Health Care of Vero Beach, a 159- manager at the Vero Beach facility did
“We need to reduce our UK com- bed nursing home on 37th Street. The most recent complaint was filed not respond to requests for informa-
mitments, and then we will be able to in May by the family of Lewis Reich. tion about conditions at the nursing
spend a good portion of the winters The large nursing and rehabilitation The lawsuit alleges Reich died after home. A spokesperson for the Mai-
in Vero,” Graham says. “Hopefully we facility diagonally across from the hospi- developing decubitus ulcers, or bed tland, Florida, parent company also
will have more and more time in Vero tal has been sued for some type of neg- sores, pneumonia and sepsis while in declined comment. In court filings for
as the years go by.” ligence 23 times in Indian River County the nursing home. Reich’s case, the company has claimed
Circuit Court since 2008. Eighteen of the no wrongdoing.
Meanwhile, a mile or so south at The family isn’t alone in their grief-
2120 S. Highway A1A, another major stricken fight for legal recourse. Five CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
modernist structure is half built, al-
ready dwarfing the so-called Bar Code NEW PRICE
Lady’s house beside it.
Exclusively John’s Island
Designed and built by Orlando ar-
chitectural and development power- Enjoy 180’ of expansive, panoramic lake views throughout this beautiful
house Phil Kean Designs, the house 3BR+Study lakefront home. Located on a coveted, tree-lined street
sits on a 3.44-acre double-lot with where privacy is paramount sits this 5,238± GSF residence. Sited on
hundreds of feet of ocean frontage .85± acres, features include a voluminous living room with fireplace,
that was purchased by Trace McCrea- island kitchen adjoining the family room with wet bar, dining area, study,
ry for $2,570,000 in 2015 and elevated bonus studio, private master suite, pool, outdoor living areas, new roof
with 13,000 cubic yards of fill. and a 2-car garage fitted with “Tesla” compatible car charging unit.
60 Dove Plum Road : $2,650,000
With approximately 20,000 square
feet under roof, the house rests on a three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
forest of steel reinforced concrete pil- health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
ings extending 43 feet below grade. It
has bedrooms and baths galore, ex- 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
tensive balconies and terraces over-
looking the beach and three interior
In a blog on his website, Kean
writes, “Modern architecture lends it-
self to a lifestyle – large pieces of glass,
indoor/outdoor spaces, sculptural el-
ements and artistic expressions used
to articulate a building. I find that de-
signing the floor plan to meet lifestyle
needs first, then designing the eleva-
tion afterward is a modern concept
that I use . . . Though one might think
of a simple ‘white box’ when discuss-
ing modern design, that is only one
example of what can be considered
modern architecture. Much of today’s
modernism uses wood, stone and tex-
ture to add warmth to the typical con-
crete, metal and glass materials.”
A few hundred yards north of the
Kean project, at 1980 S. Highway A1A,
still another significant modernist
home is in the works on a 5-acre par-
cel with 300 feet of ocean frontage
that was purchased for $7.59 million
in June 2016.
“It is being designed by an archi-
tect from the Hamptons in a totally
modern style and will be in the 15,000
square feet range,” says Zana, who has
the contract for site preparation that
included moving 300 palm trees and
creating a Tahiti-like grove along the
front of the property.
“There is definitely a movement and
trend toward modernism on the is-
land,” says Joe Foglia, who adds that he
has seen plans for several other large
modernist homes that are being bid
right now. “I wasn’t a fan before I built
the beautiful house Katherine McCon-
vey and her people designed, but work-
ing on that had a big impact on me and
what I do as a developer.”
4 Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Nursing home lawsuits Investigative reports from 2017 show been tied up for three hours the previous state are far too low, he said.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 the nursing home violated a patient’s night. The nurse then allegedly respond- Rarely will care providers have more
privacy, failed to properly assess medi- ed in a soft voice that she wished some-
Charges against Consulate Health cation regimes, didn’t disclose allega- one would tie her up so she wouldn’t staff on the payroll than is required by
Care of Vero Beach are especially trou- tions of abuse, and used improper hy- have to work with crazy old women. law, explained Fischer. “Nursing homes
bling since the local facility is part of a giene practices which could result in are simply a business and the idea is
national chain of senior care services. the spread of infection. “The nurse’s comments were au- for the business to make as much profit
The Consulate Health Care brand is the dible to this surveyor,” the evaluator as possible,” he said. “They are not de-
largest of its kind in Florida and the sixth- Further, hazardous chemicals were notes. “The nurse did not ask the resi- signed to do what they purport to do,
largest provider in the United States. accessible to one resident, wheel- dent if she was injured and/or conduct which is provide compassionate care
chairs and other facilities were found an assessment at that time.” for aging people.”
It claims to have a strong focus on pa- to be broken or poorly maintained,
tient needs, marketing its care facilities and the call bells in some rooms were The employee later explained she The bulk of nursing home negligence
as places where staff members treat pa- malfunctioning, making it difficult for told the patient her allegations were deals with three main violations of a
tients like family “not because it’s their residents to seek emergency help. untrue. She said that particular resi- patient’s rights, said attorney Spencer
job, but because it’s their calling.” But dent made faulty claims of abuse fre- Kuvin with the Law Offices of Craig
court filings, federal evaluations and In one instance a surveyor saw that a quently. She was then informed that Goldenfarb who has challenged Consul-
state records call into question the Vero door to a resident’s room was left open all allegations must be reported, even ate Health Care of Vero Beach in court.
Beach facility’s quality of care. while he was going to the bathroom. if the complainant suffers from de-
People in the adjacent common area mentia or some other mental illness. Residents who can no longer move
Nursing homes certified by Medi- could see the man on the toilet and a on their own tend to develop severe skin
care and Medicaid are inspected by staff member standing nearby with a The parent company of the local ulcers, like bed sores, when they aren’t
the federal government each year. A disposable brief. The woman later told franchise also has problems. A federal turned and repositioned regularly, he
star rating is then assigned based on investigators that she didn’t close the judge in March ordered the Consulate said. If this goes unnoticed and untreat-
the three most recent reviews. door because she “was in a hurry.” Health Care chain to pay $331 million ed, the skin can become so infected and
for fraudulently coding Medicare claims damaged that a patient’s muscle tissue
Consulate Health Care of Vero Beach Another time, evaluators note, a pa- for patient therapy services. The whis- or bone becomes exposed.
received just one out of five stars in its tient was given antipsychotic medica- tle-blower case came after a registered
most recent health inspection from tion after acting out, yet records didn’t nurse who worked for the company in Kuvin said in some instances an ulcer
the U.S. government, and it is graded indicate the woman received a psychiat- Florida brought allegations to officials. has grown to the size of a fist. If proper
below average overall, designated as a ric consultation. “There was no evidence care is being given, there is no reason
two-star facility. that the resident was exhibiting inappro- Attorney Scott Fischer, who represents for this condition to exist, he said.
priate behaviors to justify antipsychotic Reich’s family in its lawsuit, declined to
Licensed nurses there spend just medication,” evaluators noted. talk specifically about the Vero Beach Falls are also frequent in nursing
one hour and 24 minutes per resident facility, but said in general the nursing care as patients begin to lose their
per day as compared to a Florida aver- Documents also show during a third home industry in Florida has problems. sense of balance, said Kuvin. Facili-
age of one hour and 46 minutes. visit that a surveyor overheard a resident ties sometimes fail to properly assess a
say she wanted to report that she had Facilities lack competent employ- patient’s physical ability and then put
ees and staffing standards set by the them in risky environments.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 5
General malnourishment and mis- like skin infection, broken bones and adequate and appropriate healthcare in “The key is to make sure the facili-
treatment is also common in nursing weight loss are a part of the natural ag- a courteous, fair and dignified fashion, ties charged with caring for our par-
care facilities. Sometimes, a patient will ing and dying process, and they blame free from mental and physical abuse. ents and our grandparents are doing
be unable to feed themselves, but staff the resident, claiming, for example, the the right thing and taking care of our
will leave a food tray in the room with- client refused to move or would not eat, “Other than children, this is the one older generations, not just forgetting
out staying behind to help them eat. the attorney said. But, Florida law pro- group of society that can’t really care for about them and letting them fall apart
vides patients with a right to receive themselves and they are wholly depen- based on neglect and negligence.”
Facilities will often argue that things dent on the care of others,” said Kuvin.
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6 Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Graves: Praying for miracle heartbroken over their son’s death. on its website, describes itself as “more in adopting the younger girl – only the
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 “What happened to Jimmy, we’ll nev- than an adoption agency” and, instead, younger girl – but she didn’t want to be
an “orphan care ministry” that works separated from her sister and decided
it possible so these girls can come and er stop grieving for him, and grief is dif- with government officials “around the to remain in foster care.
be home with us for Christmas.” ficult,” he explained. “When something world to help keep children within
like that happens, the world just doesn’t families and out of institutions.” “We didn’t really know where the
Graves said the international adop- make sense. Eleven months ago, I never adoption journey was going to take us,
tion is “locked up” in an immigration thought I’d be where I am now. That’s how they learned of the plight but we soon found out there was high
system in which it is “not possible” to of the two sisters in Colombia, where, demand for infants and low demand
bring the girls to the United States in “But as we worked through the pain Graves said, the girls will “age out” of the for older kids and kids that have sib-
time for the holidays. and the feelings of loss, as we contin- country’s foster-care system when they lings,” Graves said, adding, “There’s not
ued to pray, God laid it on our hearts to turn 16 and then have “no place to go.” enough people to house all these kids,
He said he has contacted Florida parent again . . . to adopt.” so our hearts went out.
Congressman Brian Mast and ap- He said the girls’ father is in prison,
pealed in writing to both U.S. Senator The Graves have two daughters, but their mother is “gone” and the where- “We didn’t want these young girls to
Marco Rubio and President Donald Emily, 26, and Sara, 21, no longer live abouts of their nine siblings is un- have no future in Colombia and be set
Trump. As of last weekend, Graves said, full-time at home. So when Jimmy known – that these sisters have only out on the streets.”
he had not received a response from died, the family’s house – along with each other as a family.
anyone in the government. everything else in their lives – felt jar- Engaged with the international bu-
ringly different. “They deserve a home; they deserve reaucracy for the past six months – he
“We’re trying to do everything the to have two parents that love them,” calls it a “broken process” – Graves
right way,” he said. “You’re saying this Graves said in the video that he and Graves said in his video. “We have a lot said he and his family have undergone
is the way things ought to be done, and his wife were enjoying their son’s ado- of love to give them. We want to give the required “home study” interviews,
you want to curb illegal immigration. lescence when, “all of a sudden, in a them our love. We want to give them as well as psychological evaluations
Well, help us do it the right way. Give flick of a switch, we went from parents our home. We want to give them op- and background checks.
these beautiful girls a chance at life.” of a teenager to empty-nesters.” portunity. We just need our govern-
ment to help us make it happen.” They’ve also received the necessary
How did Graves and his wife go from On the phone, he said, “We just social, psychological and medical re-
mourning the tragic loss of their son, weren’t ready to be empty-nesters. We He believes the process doesn’t need cords of the girls they want to adopt.
Jimmy, last December to pursuing love kids.” to be so difficult and protracted, espe-
with passion the adoption of two Co- cially when he’s trying to adopt chil- “We have a really good understand-
lombian sisters – one is 12, the other is Graves said he and his wife first ex- dren nobody seems to want. ing of their history and their situa-
soon to be 14 – only six months later? plored traditional adoption avenues, tion,” Graves said. “All we’re waiting
but, “after sitting through a few meet- “There’s not much of a demand for for now is for the Immigration Service
Reached by phone last week, ings,” they decided to consider other kids in the older age group,” Graves to give us the approval and let the girls
Graves said he and his wife are still options. said. “Everybody wants an infant.” into the country.”
That’s when they discovered All Another family expressed interest He said the girls would be eligible for
God’s Children International, which,
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 7
citizenship after two years as members zens, not the superintendent. Now that longer for a single meeting where all of stuff on the board agenda is not vet-
of his family. we are going to one meeting a month, monthly business will have to be trans- ted at the workshops.
it solidifies for me that the superinten- acted, Zorc asked Rendell if the board
Though he hasn’t yet met the girls, dent wants us to be seen but not heard. will get the agenda two weeks ahead of “[Rendell’s] preference is one time a
Graves said they know about his family’s time. month,” board member Dale Simchick
desire to adopt them. In fact, the sisters “As long as I show up to be a cheer- said before the vote, “and I’m here to
have sent videos introducing themselves leader, things are great. But if I chal- She got no response. support the superintendent.”
and saying, “We want to meet you.” lenge him on issues, I hit a brick wall Board members’ duties take up sev-
of stall tactics. I can’t get my questions en single-spaced pages in state law. Board member Tiffany Justice said
The feeling is mutual. answered, access to staff or informa- They are responsible for fiscal over- she wasn’t concerned about compress-
And for those wondering: Graves tion. We are the largest taxing body in sight, personnel, educational program- ing the work load into one meeting,
said the decision to adopt the girls was the county and we have the least trans- ming, school safety and school district but admitted it will curtail public com-
not an “emotional reaction” to their parency and oversight. To me, that is policy, among other duties. The board ment. “I hope they (the public) would
son’s death. It’s a way to honor Jim- absolutely unacceptable. also heads a corporation that issues reach out to us privately,” she said.
my’s legacy of standing up for people bonds and currently owes $167 million
who need help. “As a board member of a $287 mil- to investors, with district buildings and Board chairman Shawn Frost said,
“If he were here and we asked him lion annual budget, 18,000 students, land put up as collateral to be seized in “Two meetings a month are a strain on
if we should do this, he’d wonder why 27 facilities and 2,100 employees, I see the case of default. staff and this board is good about at-
we even needed to ask that ques- the current system as broken. To do The board’s own budget this year, ac- tending special meetings.”
tion,” Graves said, adding that he and this job right, to carry out the respon- cording to district documents, is over
his wife also discussed their adoption sibilities as set forth by legislation, we $2.1 million, much of that for anticipat- Even as they were agreeing to cut
plans with their daughters. should be pushing for fulltime fully- ed attorney’s fees in various lawsuits. back meetings, board members cheer-
“It was a family decision,” he said. committed board members, not vol- Despite all those serious responsibil- fully accepted a 4.5-percent raise that
Now it’s up to the government. unteer or part-time members.” ities and duties and all the money in- ups their salary by $1,500 a year.
volved, the other four board members
School Board Bimonthly meetings generally last were unconcerned about the switch to The increase brings their yearly sala-
between two and three hours. Cur- once-a-month meetings. ries to $35,051. In addition, they get
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 rently the board gets a meeting packet “Dr. Rendell must feel one meeting “benefits” worth about $22,000 annually,
with anywhere from 200 to 400 pages is adequate to get the work done,” said according to district budget documents.
“One of my biggest challenges is the a week before the meeting. Zorc said board vice chairman Charles Searcy.
lack of respect for the board member’s she needs at least a week to do “the By phone he said, “The workshops While the raise comes from the state,
role by the superintendent,” Zorc told legwork” required to understand con- should prepare us for the meeting,” but the School Board is free to reduce or
Vero Beach 32963. “I work for the citi- tracts, projects and other items on the then contradicted himself saying, “A lot eliminate members’ salaries.
bimonthly agenda.
School Board candidate Randy
Since the agenda will logically be Heimler is running for Searcy’s seat,
which comes up for election in No-
vember 2018. He said, “The board has
8 Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Night council meetings: Possibly a good move, badly done
BY LISA ZAHNER with full-time jobs can fully participate that results in more robust attendance would likely elicit a surprising amount
Staff Writer in city business. Retirees, he said, are by young professionals, business own- of public comment, he was abruptly
free to attend meetings anytime. ers and students. But the goal should shut down by the newly elected Zudans.
Four Vero Beach City Council mem- have been accomplished differently.
bers decided last week to move all Vice Mayor Lange Sykes wholeheart- “There was a motion on the floor and
regular business meetings to 6 p.m. to edly agreed about making meetings NEWS ANALYSIS it was seconded by a council member,
increase public participation, but they more accessible to residents who work so it’s probably not for the city attorney
are going to have to revisit the matter during the day. When City Attorney Wayne Coment to tell us, you know,” Zudans said.
this coming Tuesday because they took very tactfully suggested to the council
action without notifying the public. The council for some years has that the item should be delayed and But it is, in fact, Coment’s job to
been alternating between day meet- placed on a publicly noticed agen- counsel city officials and managers on
Councilman Val Zudans called for the ings and night meetings. da, since it was a “drastic move” and what’s legally required and on what’s
change so more young people and those customary and proper procedure.
The rationale for holding all meetings
in the evening may be a very good one Coment said that he was unsure
whether the meeting times were codified
in a city ordinance, and would have to
look that up to see if an amendment was
When City Manager Jim O’Connor
was put on the spot, he waved a hand
motioning for the council to vote, men-
tioning they could clean it up afterward
if they needed to amend the city code.
They voted 4-1 in favor. Councilman
Tony Young dissented on the grounds
that the public deserved the opportu-
nity to weigh in.
As it turns out, more formal action
was required after all. When asked, Co-
ment said on Monday, “Pursuant to
the council action, we have prepared
the formal resolution establishing the
meeting times that is required by the
Code. It should be on the next council
agenda for adoption.”
In other words, the vote Zudans insist-
ed on was neither valid nor binding.
School Board
their job description backwards. They
think they are there to serve the su-
perintendent instead of the other way
around. Since they voted to meet once
a month, their salaries should be ad-
justed accordingly.”
School Board salaries may be on the
ballot next November. Every 20 years,
the Florida Constitutional Review Com-
mission convenes and Erika Donalds
is among the commissioners. She is
also a School Board member in Collier
County and has drafted an amendment
doing away with salaries. She says it’s a
part-time job and making it a volunteer
position would attract candidates truly
dedicated to the public good. She’s also
proposing term limits. Those serving too
long become cozy with staff, she said,
advocating for them, not constituents.
If 22 of the 37 Florida Constitutional
Review Commissioners are in favor,
the amendment goes on the ballot. It
would then take 60 percent of those
going to the polls voting in favor to be-
come law.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 9
Sewage spill into lagoon than 50 years old, continues to carry IlasluanncdhrientgamileariJnalaynMdcpLizazuagshpliont
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 sewage from thousands of households
and the repair site is wedged tightly be- BY KATHLEEN SLOAN Opening a pizza restaurant there
totaling more than 3 million gallons, tween Highway A1A and a massive re- “was a good idea that had to be
according to the City of Vero Beach taining wall. Staff Writer shelved,” McLaughlin said, because
and the Florida Department of Envi- the return on investment didn’t add
ronmental Protection. He said the cause of the break, which Like their J. McLaughlin resort up.
will cost between $25,000 and $50,000 wear line that reinterpreted tradi-
As first reported by Vero Beach to repair, has not been determined but tional clothing’s heraldic patches But gourmet pizza, as served in
32963 last week, a 12-inch sewer main is likely related to recent construction and school-tie nostalgia, husband such places as Danny Meyer’s piz-
that carries waste water from most of work in the area. and wife Joan and Jay McLaughlin zerias in New York, “is a concept
Indian River Shores and a number of are opening a restaurant that re- that has not been exploited here,”
Vero neighborhoods to the city sewage “It seems like the pipe cracked the interprets humble food favorites McLaughlin said.
treatment plant ruptured near Jaycee previous weekend and was leaking for with the aim of taking them to new
Park at the spot where it intersects a several days, but then on Wednesday culinary heights. “I passed this place when it
major storm water drain that empties something happened that blew a hole opened [as The Garage],” McLaugh-
into the lagoon. in the bottom of the main. The restaurant, the couple’s third lin said. “I thought the former-gas-
eatery and the second in this area, station idea was fresh and there is a
The spill came to light on Thursday, “About 600,000 gallons leaked Sun- is called Station 49. tremendous energy downtown. We
Nov. 16 when residents complained of day through Tuesday and then most liked the chemistry of the area too.”
a foul odor along Bethel Creek, an inlet of the spill occurred on Wednesday, It slated to open this week in a
that connects to the lagoon near the Thursday and Friday, prior to the re- neighborhood that also is reinter- Besides bringing the gourmet
city marina north of the Barber Bridge. pair,” Bolton said. preting itself. pizza wave to Vero, the McLaugh-
lins also wanted to again utilize
After a reporter called the city to The spill will do ecological harm to Located in a remodeled gas sta- the talents of Dino Parton, their
check on the cause of the smell, Wa- the already beleaguered lagoon. The tion on Old Dixie Highway, it is near chef for many years at Island, a
ter and Sewer Department chief Rob extent of the harm is not yet known trendy antique and design stores restaurant they opened on Man-
Bolton investigated and discovered but the problem is made worse be- and not far from the recently opened hattan’s Upper East Side more
the broken line. cause Bethel Creek has little natural American Icon Brewery. than 30 years ago.
flow, which means contamination will
At that time, he estimated 100,000 be slow to disburse. The abandoned gas station was Parton’s wife recently retired and
gallons of sewage had spewed into originally leased and turned into a the couple moved to Vero Beach
the lagoon, but after checking flow The Water and Sewer Department pizza place known as The Garage in for the good life, but at 53, Dino
records at the sewage plant he upped and State Health Department are test- 2014. Earlier this year, a real estate asked Jay McLaughlin, “What am I
the estimate to 3.1 million gallons, ing the water in the lagoon at five sites in agent who knew the McLaughlins gonna do?”
making it the fourth largest spill along and near Bethel Creek and have found were looking for a spot tipped them
the lagoon since 2015, according to re- high but varying levels of toxic bacteria. that the restaurateur was interested McLaughlin’s suggestion: Bring
cords provided by DEP. in moving on. all the experience and nuance of
Bolton said the water in Bethel haute cuisine to pizza, burgers, sal-
A repair crew of city employees and Creek is so contaminated that resi- A year and a half ago, the McLaugh- ads and desserts, to be accompa-
contract workers hired to help with the dents are being warned not just to lins had considered opening a pizza nied by select beer, wine and coffee.
emergency managed to enclose the stay out of the water but to thoroughly restaurant in The Village Shops, an
ruptured pipe in a sleeve that Bolton wash their hands if they touch the wa- upscale shopping complex on the is- The restaurant will be open for
says is working well to keep most of ter while fishing or boating. land they purchased and reinvigorat- lunch and dinner seven days a
the sewage in the pipe. ed with new retail boutiques and their week, McLaughlin said, opening a
“It seems to get better one day and popular restaurant, Citron Bistro. bit earlier for brunch on Sundays.
Bolton and his team are now trying to then worse then next,” Bolton said.
figure out the best way to enact a perma- “We may need to bring in aerators or
nent repair. pumps to try and disperse the pollu-
tion or make the waste break down
It is a challenging task. The corroded faster. We may pull in marine scien-
cast iron pipe, which Bolton says is more tists from Harbor Branch to consult on
the best way to clean up the creek.”
10 Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Sheriff wanted to charge shooter in road-rage killing
BY RAY MCNULTY room for hours, and we feel there Wayne Hicks while their vehicles were slaughter charge." As of Monday, no
Staff Writer should be some type of charge, pos- stopped at the intersection of State arrests had been made and no charges
sibly for recklessly discharging a fire- Road 60 and 53rd Avenue at about 7 had been filed, but Assistant State At-
Sheriff Deryl Loar said his detectives arm in public," Loar said, adding, "We p.m. on Nov. 20. torney Steve Gosnell said the sheriff's
"truly wanted to make an arrest" in can't condone someone just discharg- office was continuing its investigation.
the aftermath of the deadly road-rage ing a weapon the way he did. Four of Sartori's bullets, however,
shooting two weeks ago on one of Vero traveled across traffic lanes and struck "I'm waiting for follow-up investi-
Beach's busiest roadways, but the pros- "It wasn't like it was one or two or a third vehicle in which 3-year-old boy gation to be concluded, and then I'll
ecutor assigned to the case told them three rounds. It was 10 to 15 rounds. was a passenger. Neither the driver of review the full report," Gosnell said.
they did not have enough evidence to He emptied the gun." that car, Michael Clemente, nor his "You can't make an arrest until you
prove that a crime had been committed. young son were injured. have probable cause. At this point,
Claiming he felt threatened and there's not enough evidence to prove
"We had the guy in our interview "opened fire" in self-defense, Timothy "If that child had been shot," Loar this was an unlawful shooting."
Daniel Sartori shot and killed Dennis said, "we'd be looking at a man-
According to sheriff's office reports,
the incident began when Hicks, 38,
became irate with an unidentified
motorist – not Sartori – while driving
along 58th Avenue.
With all three vehicles stopped at
the traffic light at the State Road 60 in-
tersection, waiting to turn east, Hicks
began angrily honking his horn at the
unidentified motorist.
All three drivers turned east onto
State Road 60. Hicks, of Vero Beach,
and Sartori, of Sebastian, were stopped
side-by-side at the traffic light at 53rd
Avenue, in front of the Applebee's res-
taurant, when the shooting occurred.
Sartori, 29, told deputies that his
window was down when Hicks pulled
up next to him, looked over and said,
"What's your problem?" Sartori re-
plied, saying he didn't have a problem.
It was then, Sartori told deputies,
that Hicks verbally threatened to shoot
him and appeared to reach for some-
thing, so Sartori grabbed his gun and
shot. Sartori then drove into a nearby
parking lot, called 911 and gave his
version of what had happened.
Loar said Gosnell's initial assessment
of the incident supported Sartori's self-
defense claim, despite the fact that dep-
uties didn't find a gun in Hicks' car.
"Gosnell is going with the stand-
your-ground defense, at least for now,
but that doesn't mean there won't be
charges coming," Loar said. "We're
not done with our investigation."
The sheriff remains suspicious.
"When we questioned him, he was
like, 'What do you want me to do? Let
him get the drop on me?'“ Loar said.
”Then he empties his magazine. That
seems a little reckless to me."
Loar said the shooting should serve
as a warning to local motorists that it
is dangerous – and can be deadly – to
angrily engage with other drivers. He
said 13,000 county residents possess
concealed carry permits.
"Somebody looked at somebody the
wrong way, and somebody got shot,"
Loar said. "In this case, the guy who
got shot got upset with the wrong driv-
er. It might've been that third car that
initiated the whole thing."
Phillip Keeling and
Michelle Griffin
12 Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Miguel Bonachea and Quentin Walter. Robert Brulotte, Gigi Robinson, Nadia Gatto and Huey Zaplin. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Lynn Johnson and Tim Glover.
Laura and Jim McConnell. Missy and Mark Coopman with Mike Brown and Penny Phillips. Diana and Robert Diedrich.
Arts in the right place at fundraiser for Stouthouse
BY MARY SCHENKEL mid-1980s and showcases several previous resident artists: Sebastian George Ireland and Betty Kleopfer PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Staff Writer of his works, including stained- musician Alesandra Valenzuela; Ulf
glass installations and original Enhorning, a Swedish painter and
Acclaimed classical guitarist Mig- oil paintings. The residence also musician; Nashville portrait artist
uel Bonachea captivated his audience features the Seth Theolonius Alvin Kyle Baker; and Cuban contemporary
at a recent fundraising concert at the Foster Art Collection of pieces by artist Manuel Ojea.
Marsh Island Clubhouse to benefit artists from around the world and
Stouthouse, a not-for-profit artist resi- locally, including some of Walter’s “Kyle Baker is now in Hanoi teach-
dency founded by Quentin Walter to own. ing English and he has a studio there,”
preserve the home and legacy of her said Walter. “Manuel is now in Spain.
late husband, Weldon J. Stout. Funds from the benefit concert and All the former artists-in-residence
raffle will go toward a stipend for the really appreciate the time they had
Prior to the concert, guests enjoyed next artist-in-residence, New Jersey here and they keep in touch. They’re
an assortment of delectables and musician/songwriter Peter Myers. very grateful and appreciative being
wine, perused silent-auction items Winner of the 2013 Jersey Acoustic able to concentrate on their talent
and purchased raffle tickets for a Music Awards Top Folk/Americana and work without having to deal with
sterling silver, amethyst and abalone Act for his “Jigsaw Monet” CD, Myers everyday stuff.”
bracelet donated by Robert and Tere- is now working on a third CD titled
sa Nilsson, owners of Allure on Ocean “Family Portrait.” Walter hopes to eventually con-
Drive. Raffle tickets will continue to struct an environmentally sustain-
be sold until the Feb. 10 Sebastian Art “I first heard Peter when he came able, solar powered studio on the
Studio Tour, when the winner will be down to visit his brother Geoffrey property, which she describes as
drawn. Myers, a sculptor, painter and musi- magical, adding, “I have a couple of
cian. He’s a neighbor of Stouthouse,” Geoffrey’s sculptures on loan and we
Nestled in the woods of a private said Walter. “He’s going to be com- have two native gardens we’re work-
Sebastian enclave near the Indian posing new songs and I believe he’s ing on that are doing really well.”
River Lagoon, Stouthouse was also working on a book.”
designed and built by Stout in the For more information visit stout-
Myers follows in the footsteps of
14 Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘White’ hot! Cinema de la Mer party sizzles beachside
BY CHRISTINA TASCON dent film “D-Love” by Elena Beuca and rice-paper lanterns and lovely ocean
Correspondent Dave Rogers. breezes added to the ambiance, as did
the rhythmic Mambo Mexicana music
The Vero Beach Wine + Film Festival Although attendees had been given played by DJ Muhne.
offered residents yet another unique the party date, to pique maximum ex-
experience with the launch of a visu- citement the ‘super-secret’ location re- Volunteers held huge ornate raffle
ally stunning Cinema de la Mer White mained a mystery until a just few days buckets offering prizes from cooking
Party at South Beach Park, where in- before the event. The evening was the classes and wine packages to a walk-
vited guests enjoyed dinner, entertain- premiere kick-off in a series of events on role in Xaque Gruber’s new movie,
ment and a screening of the indepen- leading up to the 2018 festival in June. “Pistol,” to be filmed entirely in Vero
“Our mission is to surprise and de-
light as usual,” said an ebullient Jeru- After the sun began to set, a thrilling
sha Stewart, WBWFF co-founder with fire dancer entertained, before guests
Susan Keller Horn. “We’re coming back were treated to a screening of the
bigger, better, more beautiful and out- award-winning film.
rageous! This year we are increasing
the film program to include a larger “This is very reminiscent of the
scope of films from the world cinema kinds of events I have seen in places
never seen in the United States. They like Bali, outside on the beach,” said
are extremely touching and come from Kai Martin. “Vero needs more events
filmmakers who are incredible story like this where they are charging a rea-
tellers.” sonable price and it’s fun, it’s different
and we are out on this beautiful night
Following the directive of an all- with such perfect weather.”
white dress code, partiers toted picnic
baskets or dinners they purchased Last year’s VBWFF, highlighted by
from Chelsea’s on Cardinal down to a visit by actor Burt Reynolds, was at-
the beach, where they dined oceans- tended by approximately 2,000 people.
ide at long tables set with candles The 2018 festival will be held June 7-12.
and champagne. Tall pillars of white,
For more information, visit vbwff.
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 15
Marilyn Mustapick, Pat Murphy, Julie Pape and Angela Morgan. Janice Bruton, Eric and Denise Campion with JoAnn Hitt. Janis and Gordon Nodstrom and Gail Shepherd.
Linda Clerch and Sandra Lackas. Scott and Catherine Caddell.
Marie Healy and Anthony Aruffo. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD Una Vesey and Virginia Rinehart. Debbie Estenson and Kathy Johnson. Herb and Trish Hinkle with Elaine Stuhlman.
Jerusha Stewart and Susan Keller Horn.
16 Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Oeno,’ oh yes! Tasty Vero Vino festival benefits B&GC
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF er came from Glenn Ferdinand, one of
Staff Writer the event organizers.
Foodies and oenophiles filled the “His family lives in New Orleans
Heritage Center at the inaugural Vero and right after Katrina he had to bring
Vino Wine & Food Festival hosted by his grandchildren to live with him. He
the Unity Center of Vero Beach, with works full time, so he needed a place
a majority of proceeds benefiting the for them to go,” she explained, adding
Boys & Girls Clubs of Indian River that the Boys and Girls Club filled that
County to help fund its programming need and has held a special place in
and afterschool scholarships. his heart ever since.
The Indian River Charter High “It was very thoughtful of them to
School Wolves Jazz Ensemble kept think of our charity; there are so many
the energy level high as festival-goers charities in this county,” said Eliza-
sipped their way through the dazzling beth Thomason, BGCIRC executive
roster of domestic and international director.
wines selected by Varietals and More
and craft beers from Walking Tree “For a first annual event, the atten-
Brewery, each chosen to enhance the dance is unbelievable.”
dining experience when paired with
gourmet dishes from Wild Thyme Guests also got a head start on their
Catering and Sweet Creations. holiday shopping as they bid on silent-
auction items and perused offerings in
“This was about giving back to the the wine-centric pop-up shop, which
community,” said Susan Rane, event offered wine glasses, jewelry, reusable
chair. “We’ve got all these wonderful wine caps, ornaments and more.
festivals in Vero and we wanted one
that kicked off the season.” Jessica Schmitt, Elizabeth Thomason, Susan Rane and Robert Catapano. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD For more information about the Boys
& Girls Clubs of IRC and its upcoming
Rane said the idea for the fundrais- Angel Dinner fundraiser on March 7,
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 17
Sherri Philo and Tammy Bursick. Mark and Patti Carlson. Rachel Bowen and Mike Otworth.
Robert Evren and Anne Engel. Phil and Nicole Matson. Deborah Brown and Norman Wells.
Rey Camacho, Charles Thomas, Marie Camacho, Rasheedah Ahmad and Robert Onderlinde.
Carrie Johnson, Cindy Kienitz, Patti Carlson, Barbara Petrillo and Glenn Ferdinand.
18 Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Santa stars at Book Center’s Holiday Open House
Emma and Connor McInerney. With ‘visions of sugar plums
dancing in their heads,’ boys and
girls gathered at the Vero Beach
Book Center for its annual Holi-
day Open House, eager for a visit
with the big man himself and an
afternoon of seasonal stories,
songs and crafts.
Miss Erin, adorned in a Santa
skirt and snowball-topped ruby
red slippers, helped the children
welcome jolly old Saint Nick
with a rendition of “Here Comes
Santa Claus,” and patient staff
members kept everyone busy as
they waited their turn to regale
Santa with stories of their good
behavior and suggestions for his
Christmas Eve visit.
Santa held court sitting upon
a hand-carved Throne made
by a former employee and be-
queathed to the Book Center, en-
suring that good boys and girls
for years to come would have a
sturdy perch for their turn on the
coveted knee.
Santa (Ron Davidson) with Emily Patton. Vanessa McGaw.
Cecilia Sikdar.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 19
Kim and Rob Atkins with Kenzie and Zoey. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Erin Rich.
Greyson and Jordan Keene.
20 Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Welcome back, ‘Trotters’!
5K stuffed with runners
Emily and Nicky Colontrelle with Colten Gadd and Sarah Whitelock.
Staff Writer
Anyone who believes Vero is de- Steven Schmidt, Marina Westover and Breck Healy.
serted around the holidays has never
been to Riverside Park on Thanksgiv- pants has gone up,” said Austin Hunt,
ing morning. Roughly 2,000 people, UP founder with wife Ginny. “We’re
and plenty of well-behaved pooches, just so grateful to the community for
packed the park for the 10th annual the support we’re getting. With 40 per-
Thanksgiving Day Trot Against Pov- cent of the community struggling to
erty 5K to benefit United Against Pov- meet the basic cost of living, United
erty. Affectionately known as the Tur- Against Poverty is unfortunately need-
key Trot, 1,650 registered runners and ed more than ever. Families are look-
walkers were cheered on by several ing for a hand up to economic prosper-
hundred spectators and an army of ity and independence and that’s what
volunteers. we’re all about.”
It’s a collaborative community effort Grinning from ear to ear, eager
with everyone doing their part, from young gobblers started things off with
the George E. Warren Corporation, a children’s sprint before the rest of the
which led the generous sponsorship crowd, from serious runners to infants
pack, to the efficient Runners Depot pushed in strollers, began the trek.
race coordinators and pre- and post-
race banter of Treasure and Space “We love the community tradition
Coast Radio’s Hamp Elliott. of families who come out year after
year to start their Thanksgiving,” said
Volunteers arrived in the pre-dawn Annabel Robertson, executive direc-
hours to direct the parking of hun- tor. “It’s a great way to kick off the day
dreds of cars – a particular challenge and help families in need.”
due to a rather soggy field – and helped
to serve and clean up after the post- United Against Poverty assists those
race breakfast. Still others lined the living in poverty with programs and
route to hand out water and, along services such as crisis care, case man-
with 16 members of the Vero Beach agement, education, employment
Amateur Radio Club, directed and training and placement and a cost-
monitored participants along the way. share grocery.
Chef Cassandra Lynne of A Fraiche
Note and Bent Pine Golf Club Execu-
tive Chef Sarah Wills stepped up to
the griddle this year with their team to
cook up 2,000 sweet potato pancakes
using six 5-gallon buckets of batter
prepared by Marsh Landing Restau-
rant, along with 2,000 links donated
by Bent Pine.
“Every year the number of partici-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 21
1. Patty Raineri and Yazmin Steinwand.
2. Ben and Liz George with Kassidy Guettler.
3. Tracy Tomlinson, Cecilia Perez and Jasmine
Jaffe. 4. Bonnie Nicholas, Bill Honey and George
Nicholas. 5. Cassandra Lynne flips a hotcake.
6. Kenny Gumpel and Bear. 7. Michele Modica
with daughter Allie. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD
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22 Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Women’s Refuge fetes 20 years of ‘hope, opportunity’
Staff Writer
The Women’s Refuge of Vero Beach Margit Maria, Sue Sargent, Mary Lumadue, Paula Bogart and Carolina Garcia. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
celebrated two decades of assisting
women in crisis, recently hosting a they presented a heartfelt selection of
gathering of more than 250 guests at songs.
its 20th Year Anniversary Gala at First
Church of God. Keynote speaker Dr. Wayne Creel-
man, medical director at Vero’s
The hall was filled with past and Center for Psychiatry and Addiction
present residents, board members, Medicine, noted that the refuge “is
staff and donors who had come to
mark the milestone anniversary.
Donna and Ted Robart founded the
Women’s Refuge of Vero Beach, “a
place of hope and opportunity for the
wounded,” to assist women coping
with emotional, mental and spiritual
Members of the Space Coast Sym-
phony Orchestra performed as guests
renewed friendships, bid on silent-
auction items and dined on Cajun
cuisine prepared by Donna Lee Ro-
bart’s son, Rich Lee, an executive
chef in New Orleans. Later he joined
Robart’s daughters, MaryAnn Rut-
ter, Alice Guthman and Linda May, as
Ted Robart and Gene Lofaro.
a real sanctuary where people can ping down as the executive director
start over, find their purpose and and passing the torch to Diane Lud-
true identity. As a psychiatrist and wig, currently their director of ad-
an ordained deacon in the Catholic ministration.
Church, I find their biblical counsel-
ing to be unique in the field of psy- “The Women’s Refuge is a minis-
chotherapy and highly successful.” try that provides a place for those
who are emotionally, mentally and
During a brief video presentation, spiritually wounded; a sanctuary for
several residents shared the hard- people who are serious about getting
ships they have faced; from online well,” said Ludwig.
prostitution and bad relationships to
rape, co-dependency and feelings of For more information, visit women-
despair. After receiving counseling at
the refuge, the women said they now
felt they could move forward.
Mary Lumadue, a former resident,
took the stage and gave an honest
and vulnerable testimonial, sharing
her journey from hopelessness to a
newfound joy in life.
As the evening came to an end, Ro-
bart announced that she was step-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 23
Diane Ludwig, Dr. Wayne Creelman and Donna Robart. Bill and Jean Borduin with Ruth and Murray Martin. Lisa Miller and Judith Rosenblatt with Jimmy and Tanya Roulette.
Kit and Lundy Fields with Ruth and Kevin McDonald.
David and Jackie Culpepper with Becky Oliver and Tim Calahan.
24 Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Capt. Hiram’s Sprint: Triathletes make ‘seagrass’ dash
Roughly 120 brave souls ac-
cepted the challenge to “Get off
your ass and save some seagrass!”
as participants in the fifth an-
nual Capt. Hiram’s River Chal-
lenge Sprint Triathlon. Greeted
by a gorgeous sunrise and enthu-
siastically cheered along the way
by spectators lining the route,
the triathletes dashed into the
1 2 Indian River Lagoon from the
beach at Capt. Hiram’s Resort for
a 1/4-mile swim before sprint-
ing to their bikes for the 12-mile
bike ride and finishing up with a
5K run along Indian River Drive.
In addition to raising awareness
of issues facing our once-pristine
waters, proceeds from the event
benefited the Coastal Conserva-
tion Association, Environmental
Learning Center and Ocean Re-
31 search and Conservation Associa-
tion. Ramses Rodriguez was over-
all winner with a time of 59:08 and
Abigail Garner was top female fin-
isher at 1:05:48.
1. Pamela DeChellis and Dr. David O’Brien. 2.
Bill Westrom. 3. Sondi Ryersee and Laurie Paul.
4. Elizabeth and Ed Burrows. 5. Jeff
McFarlane and Tim Keithahn. 6. Amanda
Breen and Kristen Collins. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD
26 Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Camera in hand, lawyer/photog loves to ‘seas’ the day
BY MICHELLE GENZ Sunrise abstract by Kirsten Kowalski. alski waits for first light with her camera ski’s family life. Though she is still prac-
in manual mode. Of late, she has been ticing the art of getting up on a surf-
Staff Writer Vero Beach Landscape. playing with longer exposures to create board, her husband and both daughters
abstract bands of color where nature’s are all grabbing boards when the ocean
Atlanta attorney Kirsten Kowalski times, including for a bedroom of a set boundaries of shore, sea and sky are de- warrants. On calmer days, they paddle-
knew it was time to move when the of young sibling surfers; another large lineated. Vero’s shoreline and vast sky board, and the youngest daughter, in
drive into the city from her rural hamlet print on metal of an emerald green sea have become the backdrop of Kowal- middle school, just earned her dive cer-
in the exurbs grew from 40 minutes to and blue sky served as the palette for a tification and finished a boating class.
two hours. customer’s bathroom renovation.
Kowalski herself has taken part on
After a whirlwind visit to Florida, she Reaching the shore 15 to 30 minutes one of Vero’s youngest sports – rowing
and her husband Jack, also a lawyer, before sunrise, her dog at her side, Kow- – after dropping in on a learn-to-row
were swept away by the beauty of Vero day at McWilliam Park, sponsored by
Beach. Both got the OK to work remote- Vero Beach Rowing. It was something
ly and three years ago, they and their she’d always dreamed of learning, with
two daughters settled into a house near a brother who rowed at Annapolis, and
the ocean. a great-uncle who rowed in the Olym-
pics. Shorty Hunt was part of the Olym-
Today, Kowalski makes her own pic team, immortalized in the book and
schedule for her legal work; she is in- film “The Boys in the Boat.”
house general council for a real estate
development company. But she still ris- “I loved it,” says Kowalski. “It’s a great
es before dawn, not to tackle paperwork sport, lots of good exercise out there in
but to capture the sunrise on her Nikon nature. With all the birds we saw, os-
camera. It is the latest spin on what has preys and eagles, all I could think of was
always been a tandem career for her: I need my camera in my boat.”
professional photography. In Atlanta, it
was portraiture; now it is seascapes. There, she met one of the rowing
club’s longtime officers, Shotsi Lajoie,
Her photos, often shot in knee-deep who paints large abstracts and does
water, are printed on canvas, glass or clay sculpture at Tiger Lily.
metal. They splash the walls of her new
workspace in downtown Vero’s Tiger That bit of serendipity continued
Lily Studios and Gallery. She is the lat- when another Tiger Lily artist, Julia
est to join the co-op of artists that in- Carter, happened to hire her to shoot a
clude some of the Vero arts district’s portrait of her daughter. So did Travis
earliest supporters: Glenda Taylor, Julia Blanton, who used Kowalski to photo-
Carter, Shotsi Lajoie, Sharon Sexton and graph her sculptures for her website.
Travis Blanton. And yet another Tiger Lily artist, Sha-
ron Sexton, turned out to have painted
“I’ve got new working coming in” for a large mural of a tropical jungle for an
Friday’s Gallery Stroll, Kowalski says. outside bar area at the house the Kow-
Already her prints are selling well, alski’s bought.
she says: One stunner of a single wave
breaking at the center of the frame As much as she’s photographing
has been printed and sold multiple Vero, Kowalski also keeps her camera
The secret’s out!
The Laughing Dog Gallery has been
named one of InStore Magazine’s
Coolest Stores in America!
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 27
close on vacation. She just returned roommate – a girl who played the char-
from a trip to Oahu with her siblings. acter Mickey Mouse. She also enrolled
“My head was on a swivel,” she wrote at University of Central Florida “so I
in a new blog on the Tiger Lily website. wouldn’t flounder,” she says.
With the crashing waves before her and
the cloud-draped mountains behind, Two years later, she got a job as a
she estimates she has over 1,000 images cocktail waitress at Church Street Sta-
from that trip, waiting to be digitally tion. Jack Kowalski, it turned out, was
developed and printed as fine art pho- working as a bartender, having gradu-
tography. Some of those will eventually ated from University of Florida. When
ended up at Tiger Lily, she says. he left to go to law school at Alabama’s
Samford University, she followed him.
“It was always my dream to travel for They married while she was still an un-
‘National Geographic,’” says Kowalski, dergrad majoring in photojournalism.
who describes her younger self as “very, She too went on to the law school there.
very independent.” A “Navy brat” who
moved frequently in her youth, Kowals- Jack Kowalski continues as a partner
ki was living in Scituate, Mass., a coastal with Burr and Forman, specializing in
fishing village south of Boston. She was construction litigation.
barely 20 and studying to be a teacher at
a state college there when she hit a wall. It was a friend from law school, Vero
“I was sick of Boston and I wanted to be native Andy Metcalf, who invited the
somewhere warm.” It was 1989 and Mi- Kowalskis to come check out Vero when
ami was her first choice, but she gave he first heard they were interested in
in to her mom and chose Orlando. “She moving. He and his wife Merrin drove
thought it was safer.” Kowalski bought a the couple around the Vero downtown,
car and together with her mom, drove crossed the beach to Ocean Drive and
south. “It was heartbreaking,” she re- took them for pizza at Nino’s. “I said,
calls. “I cried all the way to Virginia. My that’s it. Done,” recalls Kowalski.
mom was asking, ‘Are you sure you want
to do this?’ I told her yes, Mom. And then Kowalski’s photos, and the artwork of
I focused on what I was going to do.” the other Tiger Lily artists, will be on view
along with dozens of other artists’ works
Her mom stuck around until she at downtown galleries Friday from 5 p.m.
found a job (as a cashier at Disney) and a to 8 p.m. as part of the monthly gallery
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28 Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
BSO maestro: Symphony’s season will ring in the ‘new’
BY PAM HARBAUGH two performances of the same con- pal pops conductor for the Alabama
Correspondent cert are the same. Symphony Orchestra as well as select
conductor for Epcot Center’s seasonal
Fabulous recordings are wonderful, The audience impacts the perfor- Candlelight Processional.
but they’ll never replace a live concert. mance and vice versa. Being with
So says Christopher Confessore, the others amplifies the experience – just Although the BSO seasons begin of-
music director and maestro of the Bre- as important.” ficially at their free July 4th Symphony
vard Symphony Orchestra, as he looks Under the Stars performance, there
ahead to new repertoire and new artists Confessore speaks for more than are still plenty of concerts designed
in the balance of the 2017-2018 season. just his Melbourne and Vero Beach to please. They run from January to
audiences. April at the King Center, where BSO
“It’s a living thing,” he said. “No serves as resident orchestra. Three of
Along with leading the BSO, Confes- the four remaining concerts will also
sore is resident conductor and princi- be performed at Vero Beach’s Com-
munity Church as part of the Indian
PAID ADVERTISEMENT River Symphonic Association’s season. Christopher Confessore.
(And this year is a banner year for that
EXCITING LIVE! CONCERTS group: Apart from the BSO concerts, “We always try to give the audience a
COMING IN IRSA is hosting violinist Pinchas Zuker- mix of familiar pieces as well as pieces
2018 TO VERO BEACH man performing with and conducting that are new to many of them,” Con-
London’s Royal Philharmonic Orches- fessore said. “But we feel that they will
Vero Beach -- The New Year begins with the Peter Yarrow tra Feb. 12; and on March 23, violinist love them all equally.”
double-header of Livingston Taylor & Karla Joshua Bell performs with and con-
Bonoff on Friday, January 12. Taylor enthralls ducts the chamber orchestra, Academy The Jan. 13 concert features pianist
audiences with Jazz, Folk, Rock, Soul and of St. Martin in the Fields.) Natasha Paremski performing the
Gospel. Bonoff, who has written many songs Ludwig van Beethoven Piano Con-
for some of our great female performers, is In addition to well-known pieces by cert No. 5 “Emperor.” Also on the pro-
best known for her hit “All my Life.” Peter Mozart and Beethoven, the BSO rep- gram are Jean Sibelius’ “Valse Triste”
Yarrow, known well by the young and old for ertoire this season includes a couple of and Felix Mendelssohn’s Symphony
the classic, “Puff the Magic Dragon,” was pieces and programs that the orchestra No. 3 “Scottish.”
originally part of the celebrated band Peter, has never presented before.
Paul and Mary and performs Thursday, “This is a program of much more fa-
January 25. miliar works, composers who we fea-
On Thursday, February 8, Live From Laurel
Canyon performs a 90-minute retrospective
of the amazing music and stories created Poco
by pioneers of American Folk Rock. Poco, a
Southern California country rock band, follows
on Thursday, February 15. They were part of
the first wave of the West Coast rock genre.
Wrapping up the month is The Association on
Thursday, February 22. They are one of the
most successful bands to come out of the 60’s
with hits like “Cherish” and “Windy.” The Association
The series continues through March with
bands like Broken Arrow – A Tribute to Neil
Young on Thursday, March 1. “1964” The
Tribute performs on Thursday March 8. They
are the most authentic and endearing tribute
recreation of The Beatles actually playing
before LIVE audiences. The award-winning
Firefall follows on Thursday, March 15. They Firefall
are best known for “You are the Woman” and
their many genres from rock to country. The founder of The Lovin’ Spoonful,
John Sebastian, concludes the series on Friday, March 30. with hits like
“Summer in the City” and “Daydream.”
Purchase tickets at or call 1-800-595-4849. SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy AArrtt LLiinnkk IInntteerrnnaatitoionnaal l
An added 20 or more tickets to any show or combination of Sponsored by Art Link International
shows and receive a 10% discount using this code: BUY20.
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All Live! From Vero Beach concerts are held at 7 pm at The Emerson Center,
on the SE corner of 16th Street and 27th Avenue, Vero Beach. Parking is free. SSMDAPIOSSELNPESC’ED!TITOCSAMNHPILA’EITSELCMSIASISTLASHSL(HFAFTAeEElrRoHxlLi!lcEdMEEidl!auuEadysy,Aie(FAHne6sDHAOFuloDrg6xal:lormilpl:0celMidilM0beMdideld0cu0auoaauSnacIdessyyyyo--itSoneie,o,mskn8su8nguDaSrD:sgmat:le0mbee)iRl0Ien0beScOceMe0oSutceocpocroNneetmeormpeotekrs1nimpbrncmsMAte,utDhe)ieibne2LroMaresuce0Ln1ncehDer,1dreaaesW2cni7cm1ns0hdDed,eEim1a•bse27neHbceE260dee2ro0:Kr0im10ls2%2%iE70debaaoaneNo2nf-ydrf0fdDf832%S:3aa0olne0fdf pm
For more information, contact 772-234-4412.
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of Ocean Oaks Dental Group. NON PROFIT PARTNERS: The Cultural Council of
Indian River County, Indian River Land Trust, Quail Valley Charities Inc. PRINTING
SPONSOR: ABC Printing. SCREEN SPONSOR: The Majestic 11.
A.E. Backus Museum & Gallery ▀
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 29
ture often,” Confessore said. “And Na- cial. There’s an extra bit of electricity.” get discounted tickets. BSO Pops! Broadway Our Way, with
tasha Paremski is a great new artist, an The season’s subscription series There is also a “Full House” perk guest vocalist Michelle Amato, Feb. 3 at
international super star. We’re excited 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.;
to have her.” ends in April with a big concert that available to season subscribers; they
brings new works to the BSO audi- can bring new patrons to the Jan. 13 Schubert, Barber & Dvorak, with
The February concert is the an- ences – Bohuslav Martinu’s “Memo- performance for $10 a ticket. violinist Paul Huang, March 3 at 2 p.m.
nual BSO Pops concert and it is also rial to Lidice” and Sergei Prokofiev’s and 8 p.m.;
slated for Vero’s Community Church. Symphony No. 5. The guest artist will And, if you get there early enough,
This year, it features Michelle Amato be clarinetist Bharat Chandra who you can enjoy a “Concert Conversations Martinu, Mozart & Prokofiev, with
who will perform a number of big will perform Wolfgang Amadeus Mo- with Christopher Confessore” which clarinetist Bharat Chandra, April 14 at
Broadway tunes. It also serves up a zart’s Clarinet Concerto. are lively, fun and informative. They 8 p.m.
100th birthday tribute to the great begin 40 minutes before the concert.
American composer Leonard Bern- The Martinu and Prokofiev works are All concerts are held at the King Center
stein, who composed music for “West a first for the BSO. The Martinu piece The remaining concerts for this sea- for the Performing Arts, 3865 N. Wick-
Side Story” and “Candide.” There will was written for victims of a 1942 mas- son’s subscription series are: ham Rd., Melbourne, 321-242-2024. The
also be music from “Hamilton” and sacre in the Czech village of Lidice. The Vero concerts are at Community Church
George Gershwin’s “An American in Prokofiev symphony was written at the Sibelius, Beethoven and Mendels- at 1901 23rd Ave., Vero Beach. Call 772-
Paris,” which had a much ballyhooed end of World War II, within one year of sohn with pianist Natasha Paremski, 778-1070 for ticket information.
revival recently at Lincoln Center. the Martinu piece. Its tone has a “more Jan. 13 at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.;
optimistic vision for the future,” Con-
Amato, who lives in Orlando, toured fessore said.
with international singing sensation
Yanni as one of his solo vocalists. This also marks the first time Chan-
dra, the clarinetist, will appear with
The March concert, also scheduled the BSO. But as a guest conductor for
for both Melbourne and Vero ven- the Sarasota Orchestra, Confessore
ues, brings back violinist Paul Huang has had the opportunity to work with
who stunned BSO audiences two sea- before with Chandra, who is Sarasota’s
sons ago with his electrifying virtuoso principal clarinetist.
performance. This time, he will per-
form the Samuel Barber Violin Con- While bringing in world class musi-
certo. Also on the program are Franz cians to perform exciting works, the
Schubert’s Rosamunde Overture and Brevard Symphony Orchestra also
Antonin Dvorak’s Symphony No. 6. looks to grow its audience base.
“He’s one of the finest violin soloists To that end, it offers free member-
we’ve ever had,” Confessore said. “You ship in something called its BSO Kids
can tell when something is extra spe- Concert Club. Open to students in 4th
through 12th grades, members can
30 Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Coming Up: For Jake’s sake, don’t miss Beach Town fest
BY PAM HARBAUGH Fairgrounds this coming weekend Beach Town Music Festival. open-house tour of 10
Correspondent – Dec. 8 and 9 – and you should abso- member artists’ home
lutely grab your tickets pronto because
this Music City country rock luminary studios, 10 a.m. to 4
draws crowds like bees to blossoms.
1 When I say “Jake Owen”, you say The festival website calls Vero Beach “a p.m. Not coinciden-
… “Yeeee-haw!” Vero’s very own gracious seaside hamlet” (apropos) and
promises the hottest acts in rock and tally, you will be able
country (can’t argue with that). Check
country music star (painted-on jeans, not only to enjoy the
200-watt grin, charm galore) brings his wonderfully diverse
Beach Town Music Festival (country works but also, should
and rock) to the Indian River County one speak to you, ac-
quire it for yourself or
as the perfect gift for
someone very special.
You’ll likely recognize
a number of this year’s
artists: Alicia Colian-
out the line-up: Friday, Jake’s headlin- der, Al Gustave, Eileen Farrell, Pau-
ing, of course. Featured artists include lette Visceglia, Mark Kirby, Deborah
David Nail (No. 1 hit, “Whatever She’s Gooch, Mags Hobbs, Phil Reid, Anne
Got”); Claire Dunn (opened for Florida Malsbary and the art studio group Gail
Georgia Line, Chris Young, Miranda Fayerweather, Margaret Goembel, An-
Lambert and others); and another drea Lazar and Elise Geary. Tickets are
Nashville star from Vero, songwriter/ required and available at the Art Cub
singer Scotty Emerick, who tours with office at the Vero Beach Museum of
and writes songs for Toby Keith among Art; and the Artists Guild Gallery or the
others, including “Beer for My Horses,” Cultural Council office, both on 14th
I Love This Bar”and “As Good As I Once Avenue, downtown: $25 in advance,
Was”). Saturday will be rockin’ out with $30 day-of-event at the artists’ studios.
headliner Bret Michaels (killer blue You can download a map on the Art
eyes, signature dew rag, lead singer of Club website.
the glam metal band Poison, reality
TV series “Rock of Love”); and featured 3 Have you attended a Night Sounds
artists Gin Blossoms (rock band), Ed- concert at the Sebastian Inlet
win McCain (two Top 40 hits, “I’ll Be” State Park? It’s a unique Florida expe-
an “I Couldn’t Ask for More”); David rience. This Saturday, bring a folding
Ray (describes his music as “rock and chair or blanket and take full advan-
roll rooted in country soil”); and Ad- tage of being in the land of sand and
ley Stump (rose to fame on the second salty breezes instead of snow and salt-
season of The Voice. Hit singles “Stay At ed roads this Christmas season. Bring-
Home Soldier” and “Don’t Wanna Love ing the music will be Rod MacDonald, a
Him”). Tickets: Friday, $69; Saturday, well-known and prolific folk singer and
$49; both, $99. songwriter, novelist and educator at
Florida Atlantic University. Relax, enjoy
2 An excellent and much antici- the tunes, watch the sun set (perhaps a
pated way to enjoy a taste of the moon rise, as well) and even grab pop,
creative, artistic talent that flour- snacks, burgers and dogs from BG’s
ishes in the Vero area, Vero Beach Art Surfside Grill and Adventures nearby.
Club’s Art Trail, is happening this Sat- The concert is free with regular park
urday. The Art Trail is a self-guided, entry fee. Music starts at 7 p.m.
music works
32 Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
n Monday, Sept. 25, five days after Hurri- serole designed to remain edible on shelves for a radic clients. I want predictability. I want Mr. and
cane Maria pounded Puerto Rico, Aaron quarter century. Mrs. Smith in Everytown U.S.A. The Walmarts, the
Jackson got a notification on his phone Home Depots – those are my golden geese.”
from Michael Lee, supply chain and in- Over the past several years, the prepper phenom-
ventory manager for the Federal Emergency Man- enon – people gearing for imminent disaster – has Jackson’s lived in Utah since high school, when
agement Agency. “Contact me right away,” it read, come out of the backwoods via shows like the Na- his family moved there from a suburb of Los Ange-
followed by a number. tional Geographic Channel’s Doomsday Prepper and les. After graduating from the University of Utah, he
Lee needed help, fast: FEMA was running low media reports of the very rich and very worried buy- spent the first 15 years of his career selling chicken
on food rations. In the previous four weeks, the ing and fortifying luxury bunkers. Jackson’s been po- nuggets and Honey Bunches of Oats, among other
agency had supplied millions of meals to the Tex- sitioning Wise to feed the trend. kitchen-table icons, first at Tyson Foods Inc., where
ans and South Floridians displaced by hurricanes he specialized in frozen cutlet products, and then at
Harvey and Irma. Jackson has filled many emergency orders, in- Post Consumer Brands cereals, where he became a
Maria had created a third disaster zone with cluding supplies for Ebola victims in Liberia and vice president for sales and marketing.
more complex logistics, having knocked out Puer- for people in the Philippines devastated by 2013’s
to Rico’s electricity, gutted its roads, and destroyed earthquake. Carnival Cruise Line has stocked Wise Now he’s relying on his corporate experience to
its markets and ports. Restoring food security on pouches at its Caribbean ports to feed employees suburbanize survivalism – a goal that seems at once
the island could take months. Lee had to procure when storms rock the region. Just a few days before respectable, preposterous, and, suddenly, attainable.
millions of servings of just-add-water meals to sus- the FEMA call, the Salvation Army purchased 100,000
tain the victims. Could Jackson provide at least 2 servings of Wise products for Florida shelters near ar- Jackson first connected with Wise in 2012, when
million and begin deliveries immediately? eas affected by Hurricane Irma. a headhunter tried to recruit him. He declined the
Jackson is the 42-year-old chief executive officer offer, but commenced some research. “My aha! came
of Wise Co., a leading brand in survival foods, that But these last-minute orders aren’t how Jackson in mid-2012 when I read that more than half of Amer-
is, Mylar pouches of freeze-dried meals such as wants to define his core business. Since 2013, when ican homes have first-aid kits on hand, along with
Savory Stroganoff and Loaded Baked Potato Cas- he came on as CEO, he’s been trying to move the com- fire extinguishers and flashlights. I realized then they
pany beyond the volatile disaster-response industry. haven’t added the food component.”
“I’m not going to turn down an incredible op- Ultimately, Jackson accepted the job of CEO and
portunity,” he says, “but I’m also not after spo- cautiously started to shift the marketing focus to his
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 33
Packing dehydrated strawberries
at the Wise plant in Salt Lake City
ideal customer, one who looks less like Ted Kaczyns- cerned suburbanites as well as disaster responders Americans got nervous about pesticides – poised to
ki and more like himself, his wife, who’s an attorney, have contributed to the increase. explode.
and their two tweens: someone who isn’t entirely
convinced that humanity is hurtling toward annihi- The factory has made it possible for Jackson to The pot-pie room at Wise’s factory in downtown
lation but who’s willing to stock the pantry with a meet both sudden surges and steady growth in de- Salt Lake City is a large space with white walls and
Mylar-fortified food supply just in case. mand. He ultimately managed to ship the 2 million cement floors, filled with stainless-steel equipment.
servings to FEMA in a matter of weeks, with only a Machines hum and chuff as conveyors move mate-
“This is the food equivalent of life insurance – brief disruption to his regular customers’ supply. rials between them. A funnel the size of a back-alley
staples that every American household in this age of dumpster dominates the room, drawing the eye like
uncertainty should have,” he says. In four years, Wise’s annual retail sales have more an industrial interpretation of Marcel Duchamp’s
than doubled, to about $75 million. Using his net- Fountain. Inside it is a grayish blend of freeze-dried
Jackson hired a young designer who’d been at the work of former clients, Jackson persuaded Wal-Mart potato chunks, carrot pieces, celery and onion sliv-
surf company Quiksilver to revamp the packaging. Stores, Target, Home Depot, and Bed Bath & Beyond ers, peas, and whey protein.
“We’d been selling our products in large, black plas- to carry Wise products.
tic tubs. We needed something that doesn’t scream When no one’s looking, I dig my gloved hands into
doomsday, so we moved to clean white boxes, con- In 2014 he also persuaded Home Shopping Net- the pallid, pebbly stuff, sifting through it like a pile of
temporary fonts, high-quality food images – packag- work to feature the company’s wares; the TV net- shells at the beach. It’s oddly weightless – hundreds
ing that makes sense on a Target shelf,” Jackson says. work has become its biggest distributor. But at this of gallons of vegetables with the heft of confetti.
point, only 2 percent of Americans have bought into
As orders came in from big-box stores, he added survival foods, according to industry analysis. The portions travel to a machine emitting clouds
a manufacturing facility a 15-minute drive from the of beige powder as it dispenses shots of dehydrat-
office (production had previously been outsourced) Wise’s two main competitors, Emergency Essen- ed milk, celery salt, powdered garlic, and chicken
that can produce 25 million pouches a year. tials LLC and Mountain House are, like all compa- bouillon. The seasoned kibble is then deposited
nies in the industry, privately held and don’t report and sealed, one 7-ounce portion every few sec-
In the past four months, the spate of natural di- sales data, but Jackson estimates that survival food onds, inside Mylar bags along with pods of oxygen-
sasters combined with the specter of nuclear war sales total about $400 million annually. absorbing sachets of iron filings, clay, and salt. The
with North Korea has pushed up Wise’s total sales 40
percent from the previous four-month period. Con- Jackson sees the survival food industry today STORY CONTINUED ON PAGE 34
where the organics industry was in the 1950s before
34 Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
bags are labeled, “chicken flavored pot pie.” Aaron Jackson, Chief Executive Officer of Wise Co. for rehydration in the event a household’s water sup-
The scene evokes Willy Wonka’s factory in part be- ply is cut off.
can retain more than 90 percent of the food’s nutri-
cause the workers are achieving Wonkian ends. As a ents and preserve it for far longer. Like most survival food companies, including
kid, I spent hours imagining the sensations of Roald Emergency Essentials, Wise was founded in Utah
Dahl’s three-course chewing gum invention “made of In pursuit of rich taste and longevity, Jackson has and began marketing its products to the Mormon
tomato soup, roast beef and baked potato, and blue- worked with food scientists to develop ingredient community preparing for the end of times, a prac-
berry pie.” This, too, is an attempt to create an all-in- combinations and airtight, light-resistant packaging tice encouraged by the Church of Jesus Christ of
one meal that bears little resemblance to the foods it that extends storage times for most Wise meals to 25 Latter-day Saints. (Jackson isn’t Mormon.) But Mor-
conjures – a product that when combined with a serv- years. Wise also sells water storage and filtration kits mons – and for that matter, male preppers – no lon-
ing of hot water simulates a home-cooked dinner. ger represent the entirety, or even the majority, of
Wise’s exploding market.
Wiping a film of beige powder from his safety
glasses, Jackson displays his range of products, from a The company’s first customers a decade ago were
small, 72-hour “survival kit” for $19.99, to a one-year anxious about inflation, economic collapse, and ter-
supply for a family of four that goes for $7,999. Each rorist attacks. “Five years ago, our market was more
serving is about 300 calories and costs less than $1 – a than 95 percent men,” Jackson says.
per-calorie cost on par with prices at a McDonald’s.
“But today, we’re reaching about 50 percent women,
Jackson’s technology isn’t new. Modern freeze- many of them moms – ‘guardian moms,’ we call them
drying methods were created during World War II to – worried about a stable food supply for their kids.”
preserve blood serum so it could be shipped interna-
tionally to treat the wounded. The current processes Today, the major concern is environmental insta-
arose in the late 1970s when concerns over the oil cri- bility. “It’s not just the freak events. We get calls from
sis and stagflation motivated millions of Americans people saying, ‘I live in Miami, and flooding is now
to cache food. routine. I’m worried Florida is going to be under wa-
ter in two years,’ ” he says.
Wise has tweaked this decades-old formula only
a little: Fresh ingredients are rapidly blast-frozen “Or from people in upstate New York who expe-
at temperatures as low as –112F to prevent the for- rienced a 1-in-a-1,000-year blizzard and couldn’t
mation of ice crystals that could affect food texture get out of their driveway for two weeks. People who
and nutrition. The food is then placed in a heated lived through the California drought, the forest fires
vacuum chamber that causes the ice to sublimate, of Texas and the Northwest, and who think maybe
changing directly from a solid to a gas without pass- the government won’t come to their rescue when a
ing through a liquid phase. disaster hits.”
When the foods are rehydrated, pores left from “This isn’t about the zombie apocalypse anymore
the vanished ice quickly reabsorb water. The process – natural disasters are the new normal,” says Daisy
takes almost double the energy used for canning, but Luther, the blogger behind the website the Organic
Prepper and a survivalist in the more typical vein.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 35
She thinks we should all follow the adage, “eat from the reasonable concerns of citizens who rec- I live in Nashville in a flood-prone region that was
what you store, store what you eat,” and has guns ognize that we’re up against increasing environ- hammered by rains when Harvey and Irma swept
to protect her daughters – and her stockpiles – from mental threats on the one hand and diminishing inland. My friends and neighbors might actually
the lazy hordes who didn’t plan ahead. “Being pre- government safety nets on the other. welcome those 72-hour survival kits Wise promotes
pared is now just acting responsibly, especially for after Black Friday if I give them as holiday gifts. We
moms,” she says. “Luck favors the prepared,” Jackson says more can stuff them in the corners of our pantries and
than once during my visit. I still have yet to invest in hope like hell we never have to add water.
Luther, like Jackson, sees a movement arising this luck, but I’ve begun to consider it.
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It’s your lifetime. Spend it wisely.
38 Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
For the daily, new city and county officials are not news
As we write this editorial, more than room in the pathetic handful of pages be interested that at a subsequent Boston, New York, Washington – but
a week has passed since theVero Beach wrapped around the wad of Black Fri- meeting last week, City Council mem- never before lived in a community
City Council elected Harry Howle to day inserts for some local news. bers voted four-to-one to abandon the where the daily did not cover the ac-
serve for the next year as Mayor of current practice of alternating month- tions of the local governmental bod-
Vero Beach and Lange Sykes to serve An entire week has now passed, and ly meetings between morning and ies. We’ve voiced a lot of complaints
as Vice Mayor. still not a word in the Press Journal evening, and wants to hold all future over the years about the coverage of
about the changes in leadership of the Vero City Council meetings at 6 pm. the daily, but this past week’s non-cov-
That vote occurred last Monday, a Vero Beach City Council, the Indian (See our story, page 8.) erage hits a new low.
few hours after the Thanksgiving issue River County Commission or the In-
of Vero Beach 32963 had gone to press. dian River School Board. Apparently, the daily doesn’t regard The subscription rate keeps going
We posted the news on VeroNews. that as news, either. up, and for what? This sure isn’t your
com, and expected to read all about it And we reckon the daily also figured grandfather’s Press Journal.
the following morning in the local daily that residents of Vero Beach wouldn’t We’ve lived in several big cities –
A net neutrality compromise? Congress needs to step in.
But the Tuesday daily arrived in the
driveway, and there was no story. Also Are you ready for another thrill- to be voted on by the full commis- bouts of debate, and a thick tangle of
no story online at ing fight over network neutrality? It's sion in December, would also reclas- legal challenges before they were al-
coming. sify ISPs, thereby relinquishing much lowed to stand.
How is it possible, we wondered, that of the FCC's authority over them.
our community can change mayors, and Ajit Pai, the chairman of the Fed- Now the rules the Obama FCC put
the local daily and its website don’t con- eral Communications Commission, Instead, the ISPs would simply have in place may be overturned because
sider that news? Well, the Press Journal plans to dismantle rules put in place to disclose their policies to customers, a new administrator has other ideas.
is frequently a day or two late with local in 2015 that require internet service and the Federal Trade Commission
stories. Maybe Wednesday, we thought. providers – the companies called would monitor whether they were liv- A better approach is for Congress
ISPs that you use to connect to the ing up to their end of the deal. to enshrine net-neutrality rules into
But nothing Wednesday. And there internet – to treat all content travel- law. That may seem fanciful amid
was also no story Wednesday reporting ling through their pipes equally. Some key details are still hazy. But Washington's current dissipation.
that Peter D. O’Bryan had been elected one thing is clear: This is a crazy way But a reasonable compromise has
the day before to serve for the next year The rules prohibit ISPs – on the bar- to set policy. been in view for years: Maintain the
as Chairman of the County Commis- rier island, for the most part, either prohibition on banning or throttling
sion, or that Bob Solari had been elect- Comcast or AT&T – from blocking or The rules put in place under Presi- apps and services, which would be
ed to serve as Vice Chairman. "throttling" certain web traffic, and dent Barack Obama survived a bru- plainly anticompetitive, while allow-
from offering "fast lanes" for content tal lobbying onslaught, passionate ing the ban on "fast lanes" to be su-
Nor was there any hint Wednes- providers who paid for the privilege. perseded when it would demonstra-
day that at the School Board meeting bly benefit consumers.
the previous night, Shawn Frost had The FCC during the Obama years
been elected School Board Chairman was haunted by the specter of ISPs ac- Such a deal would help ensure that
for the coming year, or that Charles cepting payments from big content ISPs don't abuse their role as gateways
Searcy had been elected to serve as providers like Netflix to prioritize their to the internet to favor subsidiaries or
Vice Chairman. services, thus making it difficult-to- to crowd out startups. It would also
impossible for upstarts to compete. allow for more flexible pricing plans
And there was nothing about theVero and new business models, while still
mayoral vote, the County Commission Pai wants to undo the Obama rules. protecting consumers.
vote, or the School Board vote in Thurs- His proposal, which is scheduled
day’s daily, even though Gannett touted
the Thursday newspaper as “the biggest
paper of the year.” Guess there wasn’t
FACTS Eight (8) percent of long-term smokers develop the If you’re a smoker, what fact, figure or circumstance will per-
suade you to try to quit – one more time, for good?
Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud, the founder of characteristic set of facial changes known to doctors IT’S NEVER TOO LATE TO QUIT
as “smoker’s face.” Quitting has short- and long-term benefits.
psychoanalysis, committed doctor-assisted suicide be-
cause of oral cancer caused by smoking. Smoking near Apple computers may void the warranty.*
After quitting Benefit Reference
20 minutes Heart rate and blood pressure drop. Mahmud A, Feely J. Effect of smoking on arterial stiffness and pulse
pressure amplification. Hypertension. 2003;41(1)
12 hours Carbon monoxide level in blood drops to normal. US Surgeon General’s Report, 1988
2 weeks to 3 months Circulation improves and lung function increases. US Surgeon General’s Report, 1990
1 to 9 months Coughing and shortness of breath decrease. Tiny hair-like structures that US Surgeon General’s Report, 1990
move mucus out of the lungs (called cilia) start to regain normal function
in the lungs, increasing their ability to handle mucus, clean the lungs and
reduce risk of infection.
1 year The excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of someone who still US Surgeon General’s Report, 2010
smokes. Heart attack risk drops dramatically.
5 years Risk of cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, and bladder is cut in half. US Surgeon General’s Report, 2010 and World Health Organization.
Cervical cancer risk falls to that of a non-smoker. Stroke risk can fall to that Tobacco Control: Reversal of Risk After Quitting Smoking.
of a non-smoker after 2 to 5 years. IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention, Vol. 11. 2007 © 2017 VERO BEACH 32963 MEDIA, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
10 years Risk of dying from lung cancer is about half that of a person who is still US Surgeon General’s Report, 2010 and US Surgeon General’s Report, 1990
smoking. Risk of cancer of the larynx (voice box) and pancreas decreases.
15 years Risk of coronary heart disease is that of a non-smoker’s. World Health Organization. Tobacco Control: Reversal of Risk After
Quitting Smoking. IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention, Vol. 11. 2007
Source: American Cancer Society (
CLOSING THOUGHTS Life expectancy for smokers is at least 10 years shorter ing before they reached 30 years of age lived almost as long
as those who never smoked. Stopping smoking in one’s sixties
Cigarette smoking is the leading preventable cause of than that of non-smokers.
can still add three years of healthy life.
death in the United States. The average smoker in the U.S. spends $1,500 to $3,300
*Source: The Consumerist magazine
If nobody smoked, one of every three cancer deaths in the a year.
Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always
United States would not happen. Food tastes better and you’ll smell better when you’re a welcome. Email us at [email protected].
Quitting smoking lowers your risk of diabetes, lets blood non-smoker.
The British Doctors Study found that those who stopped smok-
vessels work better, and helps your heart and lungs.
Hutchinson Island, Florida
6 Luxury Inlet Front Townhomes
Including Boat Slips
40 Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Sometimes Franklin D. Roosevelt faith in the Almighty God. That Roos- thesizer of primary sources, Dallek, of war materiel made its way across the
could be a man of superstition. When evelt’s nostrums were anchored around who previously won the Bancroft Prize, Atlantic. “Now, what I am trying to do
he left New York for his presidential Providence shocked Farley; he didn’t brilliantly deliberates on Roosevelt’s is eliminate the dollar sign,” Roosevelt
inauguration in early March 1933, he know that the president-elect, a nomi- Hudson Valley childhood, tenure as said of his scheme, “and that is some-
insisted on symbolically taking the ex- nal Episcopalian, was very religious. assistant secretary of the Navy (1913- thing brand new … get rid of the silly,
act train route to Washington as Abra- Sure enough, in the opening line of his 1920) and years as a progressive New foolish old dollar sign.”
ham Lincoln had in 1861. And why not? famous “Nothing to Fear” inaugural York governor (1929-1932). The anchor
The national malaise and fear were the speech, Roosevelt designed March 4 as of this book, however, is the White By tapping into the vast correspon-
highest since the Civil War. Unemploy- a “day of national consecration.” And, House years. While thoroughly admir- dence between Churchill and Roos-
ment was at a dismal 25 percent. Thir- true to form, throughout his four-term ing of Roosevelt’s savvy World War II evelt, Dallek discerns a more strained
teen million jobless men were looking presidency (1933-1945), he delivered commander in chief decisions such as relationship between the leaders than
for work. Hunger and starvation cursed radio prayers to God with drumbeat in French Morocco and Algeria (Opera- presupposed. In the crucial days fol-
the land. Trust in banks, thousands of regularity. tion Torch), Sicily (Operation Husky), lowing the D-Day invasion (June 6,
which had foreclosed, was almost non- and Italy (Operation Avalanche), Dallek 1944) Churchill berated the president
existent. Historian Robert Dallek tells this doesn’t flinch from tackling low-water for promoting a wrongheaded military
Farley story at the outset of “Franklin marks such as his lackluster assistance strategy. Churchill wanted to abruptly
Pondering all of these Great Depres- Roosevelt: A Political Life,” his me- to European Jews being mass slaugh- abandon the slated Allied assault on
sion woes, Roosevelt invited Demo- ticulously researched and authorita- tered by Adolf Hitler. Truly reprehen- southern France (ANVIL) in favor of
cratic operator Jim Farley into his train tive biography of our 32nd president, sible to Dallek was Roosevelt’s horrific a swift liberation of Yugoslavia and
compartment to kibitz about the dark to remind readers that FDR constantly mistake of opening Japanese American Greece, with the ultimate trophy being
uncertainty. Everything in America governed on whims, hunches and hail- internment camps in Western states af- the capture of Vienna. Roosevelt, quite
was unraveling. Roosevelt grimly Mary passes. His ballyhooed Hundred ter Pearl Harbor. Concerning the latter, correctly, worried that Churchill’s plan
confessed to Farley that no New Deal Days programs – including the Civil- Dallek offers that President Trump’s would unnecessarily provoke Joseph
economic plan would save the cash- ian Conservation Corps (CCC), which proposal to “round up” American Mus- Stalin’s paranoia about British troops
strapped nation, only a wellspring of put unemployed men to work planting lims in 2016 invoked the “injustice vis- invading the Eastern Front. Waving
trees; the Tennessee Valley Authority ited on Americans of Japanese descent off Churchill’s dissent, Roosevelt stub-
(TVA), which built dams to create cheap decades ago and Roosevelt’s expedi- bornly ordered the ANVIL attack to
hydroelectricity in the South; and the ency in the matter.” commence.
Agricultural Adjustment Administra-
tion (AAA), which raised crop prices I found Dallek’s spirited examination A feud, or what Churchill called a
to help farmers – were off-the-charts of how Roosevelt interacted with Brit- “very full argument,” ensued. The
experimental. The early New Deal was ish Prime Minister Winston Churchill prime minister virtually begged Roo-
like a county fair where grand policy from 1940 to 1945 the most enthralling sevelt to deviate from the script; he
ideas were hurled against the national part of this biography. Starting in 1940, stubbornly refused. “History will never
barn to see what stuck. Roosevelt’s Churchill’s plea for U.S. intervention forgive us if we lose precious time and
guiding ethos was giant steps aimed in World War II became increasingly lives in indecision and debate,” Roo-
at humanizing the U.S. industrial sys- desperate. With what Labor Secretary sevelt tried to calm Churchill. “Let us
tem. “The truth is that Roosevelt had Frances Perkins called a “flash of al- go ahead with our plan. Finally, for
no more idea of how he would restore most clairvoyant knowledge,” Roo- purely political consideration over here
the country’s prosperity,” Dallek writes sevelt determined that what Britain I would never survive even a slight set-
about 1933, “than Abraham Lincoln needed, pure and simple, was mas- back … if it were known that fairly large
had in trying to persuade the rebel- sive financial assistance to outlast forces had been diverted to the Bal-
lious southern states to remain in the Germany. Constrained by Congress kans.”
Union.” from appropriating U.S. foreign aid
to Britain, Roosevelt constructed an FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT
Adequate single-volume biographies elaborate Lend-Lease deal, a political A Political Life
about FDR abound. But none are as masterpiece that ended any pretense By Robert Dallek
heroically objective and wide-angled of neutrality. Billions of dollars’ worth
as this fine Dallek effort. A master syn- Viking. 692 pp. $40
Review by Douglas Brinkley
The Washington Post
1. Winter Solstice 1. Endurance BY SCOTT KELLY 1. The Mermaid BY JAN BRETT
presents 2. Sisters First BY JENNA BUSH 2. The Getaway (Diary of a Wimpy
2. The Rooster Bar 3. My Journey to the Stars
Autograph line tickets with book 3. Make Your Bed
Vero Beach Book Center 3. The Midnight Line 4. How the Grinch Stole Christmas
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Saturday, December 2nd at 5 pm BY LEE CHILD BY DR. SEUSS
4. End Game 5. Dog Man (#01) BY DAV PILKEY
5. God, Faith, and Reason
5. Quick & Dirty
392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 41
Gladys Bronwyn Stern, a British author and critic who died in 1973, wrote, “Both WEST AJ EAST
optimists and pessimists contribute to our society. The optimist invents the airplane; and K972 985 Q 10 8
the pessimist, the parachute.” 752 AQ9863 Q 10 9 6
J643 KQ
A bridge player should be pessimistic unless he needs to be lucky to make or break the J5 SOUTH 10 7 4 2
contract. How would that approach help South in this deal? He is in three no-trump, A653
and West leads a fourth-highest spade two. Declarer tries dummy’s jack (in the hope K843
that West has led from king-queen-empty-fourth), but East covers with the queen. A 10 7 2
South might have responded one heart, but with game-forcing values he was right to
keep all of the suits in play. Six or seven diamonds might have been the best contract if Dealer: North; Vulnerable: Neither
North had a minor two-suiter. North’s two-club rebid guaranteed at least a six-card suit
and denied a four-card major. South bid what he hoped he could make. The Bidding:
Declarer starts with seven top tricks: one spade, two hearts, one diamond and three SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
clubs. After taking the spade ace on the third round of the suit, the optimist unblocks his 1 Clubs Pass
club king, plays a heart to dummy’s ace, then cashes the club ace and queen. However, 1 Diamonds Pass 2 Clubs Pass LEAD:
when West discards on the third club, the contract can no longer be made. Yes, if clubs Pass Pass 2 Spades
are 3-3, South wins 10 tricks, but that is against the odds. 3 NT Pass
The pessimist sees that he needs only five club winners, not six. He overtakes his king
with dummy’s ace and cashes the queen, happy to see the jack appear from West.
Declarer drives out the club 10 and claims. Note, though, that he also succeeds if clubs
are 3-3, just not with an overtrick.
OPEN 7 DAYS | Mon - Sat 8 to 5 | Sun 9 to 3
(772) 569-6870 •
Conveniently located in the heart of Vero Beach at 852 Miracle Mile.
42 Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The Telegraph ACROSS DOWN
1 Narrow inlet (5) 1 Smooth talker (7)
4 Radiators (7) 2 Go in (5)
8 Perform (3) 3 Red sauce (7)
9 Cat (3) 4 Baloney (6)
10 Daft (5) 5 Legal defence (5)
11 Parade (5) 6 Age (3)
12 Mythical beast (7) 7 Glow (5)
15 Impulse (4) 13 Approach (4)
17 Formula (6) 14 Sphere (3)
19 Tillable (6) 16 Make anew (4)
22 Challenge (4) 18 Prisoner (3)
24 US politician (7) 20 Daydream (7)
26 Worth (5) 21 Voter (7)
28 Giant (5) 23 Zeal (6)
30 Row (3) 24 Locations (5)
31 Barrel (3) 25 Pick-me-up (5)
32 Motorbike attachment (7) 27 Furious (5)
33 Duck (5) 29 (A) bit, touch (3)
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 43
ACROSS follower, once: 9 Outfit 73 TV oldie, The Washington Post
1 Whacks a “dog” abbr. 10 Vintage Jag You ___ for It
6 Plumbing 77 Hall of Famer 11 Slangy
Aparicio 74 Burning
problem 78 Sense of identity affirmative 82 Lamp fuel
10 Plant equivalent 79 Fire, in France 12 Praise 83 Playwright Rice
80 Mercury or 13 Tied up 85 Piano piece
of blood vessels Saturn 14 One of Ataturk’s 87 Globule
15 Chew the fat 81 Doggie in need 90 Best-loved thing,
18 Lie ahead of a diet? names
19 One of Faith’s 84 General’s 15 Island of coffee briefly
signature 16 World War II 92 Actress Joanna
friends? 86 Shogun’s capital 93 Othello, for one
20 Jack in Speed 88 Canal or lake powers 94 Erwin and
21 Dispatched car 89 Toy-sized 17 Hard to get
22 Aerobicised toymaker Symington
91 Comic actor around 96 Roulette color
one’s Pendleton 21 Socialize at a 97 Heats glass
doggies? 92 Bible book 98 Soothing
25 Inveterate 95 Doggie author? nightclub 99 Tempted
26 Depraved 101 Record spoiler 23 Find the quotient 100 Gets that pins-
27 Haul into court 102 TV exec Arledge 24 British P.M., once
28 Computer 103 Second gardener 29 Is on TV and-needles
organization? 104 Tightens, 30 Peeve feeling
30 0 on an altimeter perhaps 31 Ante up? 105 Bogart film,
34 Forgo play 106 Game marker 32 The Pope’s High ___
37 Passages author 107 Transgressions 109 Attach, as
Sheehy 108 Ohio team doggie? buttons
38 Ultimate 110 Loreleis 33 Milk, in 111 Actress Jeanne
39 Fathers 112 Follow 112 Some
41 Following-suit 116 Atop, to a scop Monterrey 113 Board groove
word 118 Grandpa Walton 35 An appetizer 114 Science fiction
42 Violinist or his portrayer 36 Boom modifier award
actor son 119 Debussy subject 40 Peres of Israel 115 Eye
44 ___ the knuckles 120 Ad placed by a 43 Photo showing 117 Ready to eat
(like some footloose 121 Burnt sienna, for
pitches) doggie? Tormé posing one
46 Doggie races? 127 Advantage with his doggie? 122 Cleopatra’s fatal
50 Author Gay 128 Whoppers 45 Endowments friend
52 Collided with 129 Bee’s ward org. 123 English subj.
53 Circle area, ___ 130 Lasso 47 Kiosks 124 It’ll move you
squared 131 Attract 48 Pal, in A 125 Paris when it
54 Olive genus 132 A bed habit Clockwork sizzles
56 Turkey side 133 New Jersey team Orange lingo 126 Too easygoing
57 Frame anew, 134 Side building 49 Samantha’s
as a picture DOWN lookalike WOOFGANG By Merl Reagle
59 Doggie 1 Witnessed cousin on
playground? 2 Rare bill Bewitched
63 Little Caesar’s 3 G.A. Nasser’s 51 Odoriferous
lead spitter land 55 Mogul emperor
65 Part of the 78 4 Entertainer of
Across Theodore Hindustan
67 Responsibility 5 Martin and Rossi 57 1942 Ginger
69 Prelude to ahs 6 Disease of Asia Rogers film, ___
70 Two of its 7 The Hulk’s real Hart
counties are first name 58 What an eye
Sioux and Custer 8 Chooses develops into
71 Fuzz-faced prez 60 Husband of
72 Name for a Pocahontas
doggie deli? 61 Indian butter
75 Internal makeup 62 Meet the Press
of a sort fodder
76 Kazakhstan 63 Canadian
64 Totally involve
66 Ascend
68 Singer portrayed
Jennifer Lopez
The Telegraph
44 Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Hubby, wife worked up over who should quit job first
STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST if he quits his job is so profoundly entitled that I marriage. What personal quality does he have that
couldn’t take his side even if it had other merit. you can treat as a guarantee that he won’t make
Dear Carolyn: My husband this “break” an indefinite one?
and I, both unhappy in our jobs, I would also be very suspicious of granting a “to-
have determined that with some tal mental break and reset” to someone who appar- He hasn’t quit already, which, to be fair, is signif-
strategic penny-pinching, we can ently prioritizes himself above his spouse and the icant, as is his honesty, but your one-income plan
live on one salary for a while. The rests on trust of a higher order, and your marriage
question now is, whose salary? can’t afford for one of you to take advantage.
The argument for my husband To be fair, you are likewise (though not as starkly)
quitting is: He’s been in his job for more focused on your interests than on his or your
longer than I have, and unhap- marriage’s. It does serve him and the marriage that
pier for longer, too. you’d still earn side money and take over house-
He has no idea what he’d like to do next and feels hold management, but it’s doing what you already
like he needs a total mental break and reset in order “genuinely enjoy,” not taking one on the chin.
to figure it out.
The argument for me quitting is: I have a side A healthy marriage is one where each of you vol-
business that would continue to bring in a few thou- unteers to sacrifice for the other vs. volunteering
sand dollars every month even if I quit my day job. the other for sacrifice.
I also genuinely enjoy cleaning and cooking, and I
would be happy to take on the lion’s share of house- Unless you both can embrace that ethic here, I
keeping and errand-running, which I think would don’t recommend that either of you quit to live off
improve the quality of both of our lives. the other. Too high a risk of resentment.
My husband readily admits he would not agree
to do any extra housekeeping if he was not working. I’d be interested instead in seeing what you both
I know I’m biased, but I think the arguments would come up with if you, say, set a dollar amount
for me quitting are stronger. Husband feels his are you can live on; cut it in half; priced out any neces-
stronger. Do you have advice on how to move for- sary benefits like health insurance; found an equi-
ward? table split on household chores; then established
that you could each find your own way to bring
— Which One Gets the Break? that in for the family.
Which One Gets the Break?: I can’t answer objec- Part-time work, piece work, cutting back on your
tively because I think your husband’s comfort with current jobs, etc., with any extra time used for re-
refusing to carry any more of the household weight grouping or job hunting or retraining. Insurance
and benefits alone could make this unrealistic, but
why not do the work to find out? Character test in-
46 Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Brain reboot? Psychiatric care may see radical shift
BY MARIA CANFIELD tonin in the brain, are commonly Dr. Liana Urfer.
Correspondent prescribed as a treatment for depres-
sion and other mental health condi- PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
Even if you’re unfamiliar with se- tions.
rotonin, a chemical messenger in the
brain, you’ve likely heard of drugs Now, researchers from Imperial
such as Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft that College London are suggesting that
are designed to affect its function. a better understanding of how sero-
Called SSRIs (Selective Serotonin tonin works could lead to a radical
Reuptake Inhibitors), these drugs, shift in psychiatric care.
which increase the amount of sero-
Vero Beach psychiatrist Liana Urfer
says the research is “exciting, reason-
able and backed up by science.” She boosting levels of serotonin in the
adds that the study’s lead author, Dr. brain.
Carhart-Harris, is well-known in the
psychiatric community as an inno- One of these serotonin receptors –
vator who, through his research and called 1A – is thought to be particu-
experiments, challenges traditional larly important. Evidence suggests
thinking. that SSRIs increase activity at this re-
ceptor, which in turn reduces activity
It has long been known that sero- in the brain’s “stress circuits,” help-
tonin helps brain cells communicate ing ease symptoms of depression. But
with each other, playing an impor- writing in the Journal of Psychophar-
tant role in stabilizing mood and reg- macology, the UK researchers say
ulating stress. This communication that this approach ignores the thera-
is through “receptors”; SSRIs work by peutic importance of activating an-
interacting with these receptors and other serotonin receptor, called 2A.
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 47
A growing body of evidence HEALTH
shows that in certain conditions
– such as treatment-resistant depres- circuitry could be- his brain had been ‘defragged’ like ECT can provide rapid, significant
sion, obsessive compulsive disorder come entrenched, and a computer hard drive, and another improvements in symptoms of sever-
(OCD), and addiction – some brain therefore resistant to said he felt ‘rebooted.’” He adds, “In al mental health conditions, includ-
change. Carhart-Harris psychiatry, as in science, things are ing severe depression, severe mania,
and his team suggest rarely black and white, and part of schizophrenia, and the agitation and
that activating the 2A the approach we’re promoting is to aggression sometimes associated
receptor with medica- have a more sophisticated model of with dementia.
tion could potentially mental healthcare that isn’t just a
allow the brain to en- drug or psychotherapy, it’s both. I be- Clinical trials using Psilocybin to
ter into a more flexible lieve this is the future.” target the 2A receptor also are under-
state, making the per- way. Psilocybin is a naturally occur-
son more receptive to Vero’s Dr. Urfer agrees that the ring psychedelic compound found
psychotherapy. combination of medication and in certain types of mushrooms. (Of-
psychotherapy (which is designed ten called “magic” mushrooms, they
Carhart-Harris says, to help people change negative be- have been used for centuries in vari-
“Several of our pa- haviors and thought patterns) is of- ous cultures for healing and religious
tients described feeling ten the best approach for treating purposes.)
‘reset’ after the treat- depression and other mental health
ment and often used conditions. She says, “Because SSRIs Dr. Urfer believes an even more
computer analogies. target the 1A receptor, they are good significant development involves
For example, one said at providing relief from symptoms, MDMA, the main ingredient in the
which allows the person to live more recreational drug Ecstasy. MDMA,
he felt like comfortably. Adding treatments that which also activates the 2A receptor,
target the 2A receptor could make the has been granted a “Breakthrough
person more engaged, more willing Therapy Designation” by the FDA for
to push themselves. This could make treatment of post-traumatic stress
psychotherapy more effective, taking disorder (PTSD).
treatment to the next level.”
This designation indicates that the
Currently, there is one approved FDA believes that MDMA may have a
treatment that activates the 2A re- “meaningful advantage” over avail-
ceptor: electroconvulsive therapy able PTSD medications, and signals
(ECT), a procedure in which a brief the FDA’s intent to help accelerate the
application of electric stimulus is approval process.
used to produce a generalized sei-
zure. According to the Mayo Clinic, Dr. Urfer’s practice is located at
641 17th Ave in Vero Beach; the office
phone is 772-978-9793.
48 Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Clinical trial yields tantalizing heart and cancer clues
BY TOM LLOYD As Time Magazine reports, “In Dr. Jose Rivera.
Staff Writer a new paper published in the New
England Journal of Medicine and PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
Dr. Jose Rivera, a cardiologist with presented at the European Society
the Steward Health Group and the Se- of Cardiology meeting, scientists
bastian River Medical Center, is finally say they now have proof that low-
getting some high-powered validation ering inflammation alone, without
for his long-held view that reducing affecting cholesterol, reduces the
inflammation – not just cholesterol risk of a heart attack.”
levels – can prevent heart attacks.
The Washington Post and the
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 49
New York Times both ran front-page side effect. Today we call that drug percent rate of avoiding fatal lung may have on cancer treatments.
articles about the study. ‘Viagra.’” cancers holds up, let alone the 50 In the meantime, Rivera plans to
percent rate of avoiding all cancers
The Post quoted David Goff, di- This type of story is commonplace altogether. continue helping his patients re-
rector of the division of Cardio- in drug development. In the search duce both their cholesterol levels
vascular Sciences at the National for ‘X’ drug developers sometimes Possibly overstating the obvious, and their inflammation levels with
Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, find ‘Y.’” Rivera smiles and says, “It’s going to simple, already well-proven steps.
as saying this clinical trial “has need more research,” but this par- Those may include statins, exercise
opened up a potent way to lower the Meanwhile, the current pro- ticular cardiologist is clearly opti- and diet as well as monitoring “C-
risk of heart attacks.” jected price for Canakinumab is mistic. reactive proteins” with CRP blood
somewhere between $64,000 and tests that can spot potential inflam-
The Times went further, calling $200,000 a year (assuming it ever “I think that this is, again, a great mation problems before they lead to
the study “a major milestone” and gets FDA approval in its current for- story because it give us a lot of infor- heart attacks.
“proof of a biologic concept that mulation). mation in terms of validation [and]
opens the door to new ways of treat- confirmation on inflammation. Dr. Jose Rivera is with the Stew-
ing and preventing cardiovascular That would be quite pricey as How important inflammation is ard Health Group and the Sebastian
disease.” a cardio drug, but it would be a after atherosclerotic disease or car- River Medical Center. His offices are
bargain-basement cost when com- diovascular events,” not to mention at 7754 Bay Street in Sebastian. The
At the center of the massive study pared to some cancer drugs on the the further study-worthy impact it phone number is 772-589-3003.
– 10,000 patients from 39 countries market today – especially if that 75
– is the Novartis drug “Canakinum-
Rivera says the drug “binds this
pro-inflammatory protein called
Interleukin-1 beta that triggers a
cascade of inflammation.”
But don’t rush to Rivera or any
other cardiologist looking for a pre-
scription just yet. The drug is not
approved by the FDA for use in car-
dio cases and probably won’t be any
time in the near future.
That’s because Canakinumab
also suppresses part of the immune
system, increasing the risk of infec-
tions – including fatal ones.
In fact, the Times reports, “deaths
from infection in the study ap-
peared to match lives saved by the
drug, so there was no difference
in overall mortality between the
groups that got the drug and [those
who got] the placebo.”
So is that game, set and match? Is
it the end of Canakinumab?
Not likely.
The New England Journal of Med-
icine offers another Canakinumab
bombshell that will likely make it
impossible to stop further work on
the drug.
It reports that a separate study
published in the prestigious Brit-
ish medical journal “The Lancet”
found people taking Canakinumab
lowered their risk of dying from any
type of cancer over four years by a
startling 50 percent and their risk
of fatal lung cancer by a mind-bog-
gling 75 percent.
This wouldn’t be the first time a
drug developed for one purpose ex-
plodes into a blockbuster cure for
something else entirely.
In the 1990s, Pfizer was trying to
develop a new drug for angina. In
clinical trials, it seemed only mod-
estly effective.
But as puts it,
“researchers found that men tak-
ing the drug experienced an unex-
pected side effect. Their sexual per-
formance improved dramatically.
Soon no one at Pfizer cared about
the [drug’s] effect on chest pain.
The company only cared about the
50 Vero Beach 32963 / November 30, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bonz meets Maggie, a dental office princess!
Hi Dog Buddies! then, wanted a pooch. Plus, buhlieve it “Of course!”
or not, Dad had NEVER HAD A DOG!
This week I had a fun yap with Maggie She leaned closer and spoke
Hamilton, a pretty, slender, long-leggedy “Shut the kennel door!” I blurted.
pooch with a short, shiny brindle coat “I KNOW. So, anyway, they looked softly. “See, I love White Moun-
an liddle white sox on her back paws. She at all the dogs but none of ’em were the
had cute ears that stuck up, then flopped Right One. They were gonna leave when tain Bread. It’s my totally favorite
over at the tips, so she always looks alert. one of the humane society ladies came
Maggie’s a Plott Hound, which I hadda in with two puppies that had just been food! I can sneakily get a loaf off
Google: her German ancestors hunted dropped off and hadda be PROcessed.
wild boars (which are Big, Really Scary An Guess What? the counter and eat the bread
pigs, not the cute, pink kind). Then, 1,400 “I think I can guess,” I said.
dog years ago, a human named Mr. Plott “YEP! It was ME an my brother. We all up, then sneakily put the bag
brought ’em over to North Carolina an were anxious cuz we didn’t know where
they hunted not only boars but also we were, an everybody was a stranger. right back like it was.”
BEARS an MOUNTAIN LIONS, for Lass- Mom and Dad took one look at us and
ie’s sake. Woof! stopped leaving. They were leaning to- “No Woof!” I exclaimed.
ward a boy dog, but James, he was only
Anyway, Maggie is real frenly and EE- 3, but he had already decided in case “It’s true. Trouble is, Mom an
ger. We did the interview in her Mom’s they ever got a dog, he was gonna call
an Dad’s office where she spends a lotta it Maggie. So they picked me cuz of me Dad always figure out it was me
time. When me an my assistant came up bein’ a girl. It took a few days for me to
to the reeCEPshun desk, Maggie almost get spiffed up, then, just after Christ- cuz I have a Guilty Look. I’ve
jumped over it cuz she was so excited. mas, they picked me up an we drove to
my new Forever Home.” gotta work on my Poker Face.”
“Hello, Mr. Bonzo! I’m Maggie Ham- “What was it Iike at first?”
ilton and this is my Mom Holly an my “Great! Me an Muffin hit it off right “So,” I asked, “what with your
Dad Mike. I also have two human broth- away. We play together an nap together.
ers, James an Patrick; a Tortoiseshell Our coats are even the same colors, so ancestors an all, do you ever get
cat sister, Muffin; an a Bearded Dragon we’re kinda a set. I specially like boppin’
brother, Bychee. Mom’s a dentist for hu- her tail when she swishes it around, and the urge to hunt wild boars?” Maggie, the Plott Hound. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD
mans. I greet everybody an I get lots of she likes lickin’ my face. Bychee’s cool, “Oooo, no! I wouldn’t know a
pats from the patients an snacks from too, but he’s not that snuggly, bein’ a
the UPS man an I have my own bed right REPtile an all. wild boar if I tripped over one. I
here, see? An TOYS. See?” “I learned the rools pretty fast. I am a
Chewer, though. So I sorta chewed Dad’s only hunt table scraps. I hang out in the for Bass Pro Shop
She grabbed a squashed-up orange shoe up. Now I mostly only chew what
ball thingy an shook it. I’m allowed, usually balls. Like that or- break room at lunchtime in case the girls an James having a girl’s name all picked
ange one. It’s s’pose to be indeeSTRUCK-
“I’m pleased to meet you, Miss Mag- tubble, but I chewed the squeaker an the drop anything on the floor. They’re a fun out, I don’t know where I’d be.”
gie, an I’m eager to hear your story.” stuffin’s totally out of it.”
“I noticed.” bunch. I have a birthday party every year. “The right dogs always seem to find
She petooied the orange ball thingy “I know some tricks, too: high 5; roll
out. “Just before Christmas 2011, Mom over; and don’t-touch-the-treat-that’s- Mom gets a dog bone cake from Bark the right humans, I’ve observed.”
an Dad were visiting frens down south right-there-on-the-f loor-in-front-of-
an they decided to check out the Bass you-until-Mom-says-OK. I also have a Avenue and we wear pointy party hats. “I know I did,” Maggie said happily,
Pro Shop. Well, right next door was the secret trick that Mom an Dad never fig-
humane society, so, Mom says it was ured out. Wanna hear it?” Mine’s pink. An then, on May 24, Tiara jumping into her Dad’s lap, her long legs
spur-of-the-moment, they decided to
take a look around, cuz James an Patrick, Day, me an Mom an Dad an the staff all hanging over. “Every night at 8, it’s time
who were just puppies themselves back
wear sparkly tiaras. I’m the office prin- for bed. No cold floor for me. I burrow
cess.” under the covers at the end of the bed an
“Whaddya do for exercise?” pull the blanket up over my nose an have
“Me an James an Patrick aren’t pup- a lovely snooze.”
pies anymore but we still play Fetch. Heading home, I was thinking about
I go for walks, of course. I don’t swim, Maggie’s White Mountain Bread esca-
though, cuz my right front leg’s always pades. I hadn’t mentioned it to her, but
been turned out. It makes me look like bread is my weakness, too: probably the
a ballerina, which is fun, but I can’t Dog reason I currently carry a little excess
Paddle. I love ridin’ in Dad’s pick-up. It avoirdupois. Sigh.
has these cool seats that Dad can fold
straight up so I’ll have lotsa room in The BonzTill next time,
back. This one time he looked in the mir-
ror an I was sittin’ on the seat lookin’ out.
I think he was impressed cuz I had fig- Don’t Be Shy
ured out how to unfold the seat. I mean,
it’s a much better view that way.” We are always looking for pets
“That’s pretty impressive, Miss Mag- with interesting stories.
gie,” I told her. “Most pooches don’t To set up an interview, email
have that much manual dexterity.” [email protected].
“I’m a lucky girl, Mr. Bonzo. If it wasn’t