It’s ‘oeuvres’ due. P12 The beat goes on. P26 Bride and joy!
Foosener exhibit features Tiny implanted pump works Harbour House is all-in-one venue
‘Woman Made’ art. wonders during heart surgery. for the perfect wedding. PAGE 10
THURSDAY, August 31, 2017 | VOLUME 02, ISSUE 35 | NEWSSTAND PRICE $1.00
Former teacher Life term less
pleads not guilty likely despite
to sex charges slay conviction
STORY BY STACI DONOVAN STAFF WRITER Joseph Howard Milman showed no emotion during the reading of the verdicts in his trial. The jury convicted Milman on three counts. PHOTO BY JULIAN LEEK STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER
[email protected] [email protected]
Former Satellite High School During the murder trial of
science teacher and Eastern Joseph Howard Milman, the
Florida State College professor prosecution put more than a
Charles Krininger II has plead- dozen witnesses on the stand,
ed not guilty to sex charges and delivered more than 500
filed in June. His legal challeng- exhibits, including dozens and
es mounted on Aug. 1 when his dozens of photos, some seem-
wife petitioned the court for ingly irrelevant to proving the
divorce. case.
Brevard County School The defense had an easel and
District officials also confirm a stick drawing by Milman and
that Krininger is expected to offered Milman as its only wit-
be shifted from paid admin- ness.
istrative leave to unpaid leave
pending an investigation and Both sides delivered plau-
the outcome of his criminal sible summations on Aug. 22,
case. The question of why each making a case whether
Milman did or did not murder
Barriers return to South Patrick Dr.
as sewer line work enters phase two Effort to save rare
reefs galvanizes
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER “A lot of people thought Sewer line replacement on South Patrick Drive in Indian Harbour Beach. PHOTO BY BENJAMIN THACKER environmentalists
[email protected] we were done, but that was
just phase one, and phase STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER
A brief reprieve from two is a lot more involved,’’ [email protected]
construction barriers for said Project Manager Craig
motorists on South Patrick Helpling. Concerns over possible en-
Drive in Indian Harbour vironmental damage by sand
Beach is over. Barricades A utility contractor has burying rare near-shore reefs
are up again until at least set pilings on the edges of in Brevard County’s Mid-
April for the replacement of two canals to install a much- reach (Satellite Beach, Indian
a critical sewer line by the needed new sanitary sewer Harbour Beach, Indialantic)
Brevard County Utility Ser- force main on South Patrick has prompted an organized
vices Department. “Save The Mid-reach” ef-
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 fort culminating with its first
event “Hands Across the Reef”
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 Profiles in Courage
NEWS 1-6 DINING 30 PEOPLE 7-10 Annual Valor Awards honor 57
ARTS 11-14 GAMES 21-23 PETS 20 of Brevard’s bravest for their
CALENDAR 32 INSIGHT 15-24 selfless acts. PAGE 8
2 Thursday, August 31, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Prosecutor Susan Garrett The state portrayed Milman as not be-
showing a map to Joseph lievable given the opposing testimony.
Scott Hyatt and seriously wound Robert Milman on the stand. A damning piece of evidence involved a
Mell in the commission of a robbery on call from the jail between Milman and
Oct. 19, 2014, in Mell’s residence north PHOTO BY JULIAN LEEK his father, in which the defendant asked
of Indialantic. the father to contact Elvira Hull – known
the third count, the jury found Milman as Grandma - and Jeremy Morelli who
The prosecution’s efforts paid off with a guilty of discharge of a firearm which would be his alibis, even though Mil-
guilty verdict on all three counts. But not caused great bodily harm or death. man all but accused Morelli of the crime
on the original charges. On Count 1, the during his testimony.
jury convicted Milman of manslaugh- Milman showed no emotion when the
ter with a firearm, instead of first-degree floor person read the verdicts. The lesser Neither side called Morelli as a wit-
murder. On Count 2, the jury convicted charges likely take life in prison off the ness. “I can’t accuse him of a crime and
him of attempted first-degree murder table when Judge Morgan Laur Reinman grant him immunity,” defense attorney
with possession of a firearm, instead of sentences Milman on Oct. 26. Defense Michael Pirolo said. “It’s not in my pow-
attempted first-degree felony murder. On co-counsel Sam Edwards said they will er. I cannot do that ethically.”
appeal. Otherwise, neither side com-
mented on the outcome. Neither did An angered Pirolo also said since the
family members who attended the trial. defense did not bring up the notion of
an alibi, playing the call for the jurors
The defense banked its case on the amounts to a violation of due process.
lack of a credible eyewitness and the lack Judge Reinman overruled him.
of DNA and fingerprint evidence linking
Milman to the crime. The state trotted During the call, Milman told his fa-
out witnesses who, to varying degrees, ther authorities charged him with mur-
said Milman admitted to the shootings. der, attempted murder and robbery
with a firearm.
The crime involved the robbery of
some 30 Dilaudid pills from Hyatt at “They got my DNA the other day; they
gunpoint in Mell’s house at 370 E. Riv- had a warrant,” Milman said on the call.
iera Blvd. During the robbery, the per- “Grandma is my alibi but she’s 80 and
petrator shot Hyatt, killing him, and has diabetes. I do not understand this
shot Mell. The gun used in the crime circumstantial evidence crap. Go talk to
came from then-17-year-old Justin Grandma and ask her what I was doing.”
Howard, who stole the pistol from his
mother. But the shooter wore a Hal- Said Pirolo in his summation, “You
loween mask so Mell’s testimony was can find Joseph Milman guilty of being a
based on voice recognition and stature. drug user. You can find him guilty of do-
ing stupid things in his life. But you can-
In addition to the lack of direct evi- not find him guilty of what he is charged
dence the defense team made much with. The whole case is a magic trick.”
of the discrepancies, minor or other-
wise, of witnesses for the prosecution. Pirolo said Mell could not identify Mil-
And the defense also painted a picture man as the shooter on the 911 call.“Who
of the witnesses as drug-addled lead- shot you? I don’t know. What did he look
ing up to and during the crime. like? He had a mask. I don’t know. Every-
thing you heard was circumstantial,” he
told the jury. Yet he knew the specifics of
every other question.
Pirolo mentioned the testimony of
Howard’s best friend, Michael Billias,
who talked about Milman killing a dog.
“Is it something he made up or mistak-
en or does this guy not have a clue what
he talking about. He admitted smok-
ing weed and getting high. He says he’s
pretty sure he did not see a gun.”
Brevard County Sheriff’s Office Crime
Scene Investigation took 69 swabs, none
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 31, 2017 3
of which were sent to the Florida De- tained mixtures with saliva and sweat any wonder he could not remember Milman said he didn’t have a knife.
partment of Law Enforcement for from the shooter. the name.” “Three people said he did.”
analysis. Pirolo said the lead investi-
gator testified the swabs would just In her rebuttal to the summation, Garrett acknowledged the details of Justin Howard confirmed he gave him
show blood from Hyatt or Mell so it state attorney Susan Garrett coun- other witnesses were not identical. “But pills. Milman said he did not.
was inconsequential. Pirolo pointed tered that Mell eventually said it was were they consistent, yes.” She said Jus-
out some of the swabs could have con- Joe from down the block. “Mell was in tin Howard made it clear. “Milman said “Common sense and logic says the
shock, believing he was dying, so is it he shot them. Because he did it.” decision is based on the evidence before
you,” Garrett said.
4 Thursday, August 31, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Sordid tale had depressing common denominator: drugs
STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER Grandma. He met Howard through Mo- marijuana. Bobby said he’d make calls When Morelli returned, Milman de-
[email protected] relli. “Skippy rented one of the rooms at for me.” scribed him as sweaty, kind-of pale
Grandma’s house. I knew Bobby from with blood on one of his hands. Mil-
Through his early and mid 20s, Jo- around the neighborhood.” On arrival, Milman went into Bob- man said Morelli pulled out a bottle of
seph Howard Milman hung around by’s room. “I saw Skippy and Bobby pills from his pocket and dumped the
with teenagers like Justin Howard, thir- In early October 2014, Morelli, How- shooting up Dilaudid with a hypoder- majority in his hand. “He put the bottle
ty-somethings like Jeremy Morelli and ard and Milman discussed a plan to mic syringe.” in the backpack. He tossed the back-
guys in their 50s or close to it, like Scott steal Dilaudids from Hyatt when he pack to me. I slung the backpack on my
“Skippy” Hyatt and Bobby Mell. took a shower. Howard testified he of- Unable to score drugs, Milman and shoulder and took off to Justin’s house.
fered his mother’s pistol for intimida- Morelli returned to Grandma’s and I was on autopilot. I did not believe this
What brought all these characters tion in exchange for 10 pills. But Mil- went to sleep. “I woke up around 10 was really happening.”
together was drugs. And it was drugs man said the gun was to be traded for a.m. and mopped the floor.”
that led to Milman’s arrest on charges methamphetamines. Failing to do so, He testified he did not look inside the
he murdered Hyatt and wounded Mell he gave the pistol to Morelli, Milman Howard and his friend Michael Bil- pack. When Milman arrived, Howard
on Oct. 19, 2014, in a house on East testified. lias stopped by for marijuana. The plan and his girlfriend, Ashley Lawson came
Riviera Boulevard, north of Indialantic. to steal Hyatt’s pills came up. “There outside. “I was out of breath and tired. I
Last week, a jury convicted Milman of “Morelli told me he had someone was not a change in plan that I was walked past them into the house to the
manslaughter and attempted murder who may be interested in buying it,” part of,” Milman testified. “I sold How- hall bathroom.”
in the armed robbery of Dilaudid pills. Milman said on cross-examination. “I ard and Billias’ weed and went back to
did not want to carry gun around.” chores. I was part of the conversation He took off the backpack put it on
But on the witness stand last week, for ten minutes.” the floor and washed his hands and
the lanky and gaunt Milman denied But he never told Howard he gave face. Milman said he spent less than
the charges, all but accusing Morelli of Morelli the weapon. Later, Milman said he joined Morelli five minutes at the house – and left the
the crime. on the bike path that ran past Grand- backpack.
Meantime, Hyatt moved to Mell’s ma’s house. A couple blocks later, Mo-
Milman also painted a picture of a place saying he feared he’d be robbed relli pulled out a golden mask from “I never told Howard I shot them. I
young man taking the wrong road at of his pills, the trial revealed. Milman’s a backpack. “He tried to give me the said Skippy was dead and Bobby might
an early age. “I used drugs since I was story was that Grandma was going to mask. I said (expletive) no. I did not be. That’s what Morelli told me. I had
13 after my mother died.” He’s had 10 kick him out because of syringes found touch it.” no way to tell if Morelli had a firearm in
felony convictions before this trial, and in his room. the backpack,” he said.
of those priors, he said, “I pled guilty Morelli, Milman said, then walked
because I did what I was accused of.” According to Milman’s testimony, in towards Mell’s house. Milman did not, Milman testified he never saw a
the wee hours of Oct. 19, he and Morel- figuring the robbery was going to take knife as Howard and Lawson claimed.
During the fall of 2014, Milman had li searched their contacts for drugs. “As place. He had no blood on his shoes. “I never
no stable residence, living where ever he a last resort I called Bobby. We walked told them Jeremy Morelli did it. I nev-
could find a place to lay his head, a van to Bobby’s house, Jeremy and I.” “I told him two times not to do it. I er took the pills out of the backpack. I
outside Howard’s house; a couch at the tried to deter him. I thought of calling never gave Howard any pills.”
house owned by Elvira Hull, known as On cross, Milman said, “Jeremy Bobby and Skippy to warn them.”
wanted some crack. I wanted some
But he didn’t.
SEWER LINE contributing to the recent devastat- years in the future,” Helpling said. HANDS ACROSS THE REEF
ing fish kills in the Banana and In- The first phase of the project cost
$1.4 million and was completed
Drive from Banana River Drive to Because of that, construction has ahead of schedule Aug. 11. The sec- Saturday at Pelican Beach Park.
Desoto Parkway. The existing pipe been a regular sight along South Pat- ond phase will cost $2.35 million Officials plan to put up to 573,000
was made of PVC plastic and buried rick Drive. and is scheduled for completion in
under the canals. April 2018, he said. cubic yards of sand on 10 locations
“I know the residents of the area along 7.8 miles of beach, from just
Because the plastic pipes leak at are probably aggravated with us be- The line is the main connection south of Patrick Air Force Base south
the joints, the existing force main cause of all the failures we’ve had, but for the entire barrier island from to Flug Avenue. That would widen the
had repeated failures causing di- if they will be patient for this project just south of Pineda Causeway all beach by 10 to 20 feet.
rect discharge of raw sewage to we’ll solve the problems (by using iron the way down to (the treatment fa-
Indian River Lagoon, potentially rather than plastic pipe) for many cility) in South Melbourne Beach. Patterned off the successful “Hands
Across the Sand” event in Cocoa Beach
in response to the BP oil spill, “Hands
Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 island readers with the most comprehen- Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
[email protected] [email protected] sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, [email protected]
Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite
Staff Reporter Advertising Account Executives Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
Bill Sokolic, 609-457-5480 Lillian Belmont, 321-604-7833 Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
[email protected] Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 For our advertising partners, we pledge [email protected]
to provide the most complete consulta-
Staff Reporter Columnists tive and marketing programs possible for Corporate Editor
George White, 321-795-3835 Pam Harbaugh, 321-794-3691 the best return on your investment. Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196
[email protected] Cynthia Van Gaasbeck, 321-626-4701 [email protected]
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 31, 2017 5
Across the Reef” aims at not only stop- concrete mats currently being installed Hosted by Save The Mid-Reach and Finally there will be the sharing of per-
ping the current beach re-nourish- to create sea turtle habitat to make up Surfrider Foundation-Sebastian Inlet sonal stories about the reefs that have
ment project, but also changing the for the up to 4.8 acres of rock that would Chapter, the event starts with music been the heart of the Brevard commu-
philosophy behind sand renourish- be buried by the sand. and refreshments at 10 a.m. followed nity for more than 60 years.
ment as it relates to the Mid-reach by speakers with information about
reefs, said organizer Matt Fleming. He questions the science and intent the project and efforts to try to block it A human chain along the shore will
of the overall Mid-reach re-nourish- during the upcoming funding process. be held at 11:34 a.m. to coincide with
Fleming said he is not opposed to the ment effort. low tide when reefs are most visible.
6 Thursday, August 31, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
TEACHER On July 14, Krininger, through his til charges are officially filed or he is currently does not have a policy or a
Cocoa-based attorney Kenneth Rho- convicted. I believe it will be on our system in place to track second em-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 den, waived arraignment, entered agenda in September to move him to ployment. I brought up the discus-
a plea of not guilty and requested a unpaid leave now that he has been sion at a recent school board meeting
college officials were not notified of jury trial. His next day in court is set officially charged.” Assistant Super- suggesting maybe we create a pro-
the allegations still nags, possibly for Oct. 4. intendent of Human Resources Carol cedure to have our teachers report if
some sort of solution going forward. Kindt has confirmed via a telephone they are teaching at Eastern Florida
Krininger, 40, of Melbourne, was interview on Aug. 22 that Krininger State College.
State Attorney Phil Archer’s office put on paid administrative leave by will be moved to unpaid leave.
secured a warrant for Krininger’s ar- the Brevard County School District “Some board members said we
rest on June 29. He was taken into cus- in February following a student com- During the confidential investigation can’t track all second jobs and where
tody on July 5 and charged with two plaint which launched an investiga- but before his arrest, Krininger con- do we draw the line? Aftercares, day-
felony counts of lewd and lascivious tion by the Satellite Beach Police De- tinued to teach at the college, where cares, Florida Institute of Technology,
conduct and attempted promotion partment. students from Satellite and other area etc. Legal and human resources had
of sexual performance by a child. His high schools attend dual-enrollment privacy concerns especially since he
bail was set at $30,000 for both counts In an email on Aug. 21, Tina Desco- courses. did not have official charges against
and he has been out of the Brevard vich shared: “Legally we are not able him when we put him on leave and
County Jail on bond since July 6. to do anything more than that un- Descovich also said “the district we are two separate employers,” Dis-
covich said.
According to an arrest report filed
on June 29, 2017, the victim – a Sat-
ellite High School student and mi-
nor age 16 or under – was told to stay
after school by Krininger on Feb. 18
because of some inappropriate com-
ments she made in class. Krininger
then allegedly had an inappropriate
conversation with her about having
sex with her.
Charles Krininger II.
Before leaving the room police say
Krininger asked her to videotape her-
self masturbating and post the video
to a Dropbox folder that he had put
on her cellphone several months ear-
Records say the student claims Krin-
inger made her “pinky swear” that she
would not tell anyone. A series of sub-
poenas were sent out to identify the
IP address and it was later confirmed
that the account was owned by the
defendant. The IP address accessed
the victim’s drop box on two occasions
hours after the victim was solicited to
post the video.
Krininger taught science at Satel-
lite since 2006. He received a warning
once before by principal Mark Elliot
in 2013 for making inappropriate and
offensive comments to students. Krin-
inger also taught at Space Coast Jr./Sr.
High in Port St. John until 2005, before
transferring to Satellite High.
Chief Rusty Nail, Palm Bay Fire Department.
Lt. Alexander Barna, Palm Bay Fire Department.
Honor roll:
Valor Awards bestowed
on Brevard’s bravest
8 Thursday, August 31, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Honor roll: Valor Awards bestowed on Brevard’s bravest
Chief Wiley, Dep. Chief Swartzfager, Cpt. Charlie Finsted, Commander Claycomb and Commander Sanders of West Melbourne Police. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Justin Anderson, interim president/
CEO of Melbourne Regional Chamber.
Christine Balba with honoree Nicole Contos. Lt. Steve Fernez, Sgt. Greg Smith, Corp. Matteson and Dep. Thomas Kelly.
The Valor Awards were presented in
[email protected] West Melbourne Police Department: K-9 Officer Joseph LaRosa and K-9 Jax. Saving Medal and Medal of Valor. In
Melbourne Fire Department: Gene Mizelle, Kevin Hardy, Joseph Lucarotti, all, 57 men and women and one ca-
A siren in the distance can mean Rodney Calloway and Robert Kleinschnitz. nine were recognized for their selfless
many things. Intentionally alarming, Brevard County Sheriff’s Department: Cynthia Carlson, Stevie Trejo, Nicole acts while on and off duty.
a siren can mean a crime is in prog- Bernhard, Jeremy Flake, Nathaniel Kirk, Juliann Mangrum, Mike Matteson,
ress and a suspect is about to be con- Marissa Wright, Alicia Miller and Jacqueline Hearon. For each award given, speakers re-
fronted. But more often than not, a si- counted the deeds that led to a suc-
ren means help is on the way. LIFE SAVING AWARD cessful outcome. Success ranges from
45th Security Forces Squadron: Thomas Angelini and Matthew Kline. a suspect being safely subdued, to a
But how many people stop to think hopeless soul being talked out of sui-
about what those first responders are Air Force Technical Applications Center: Jennifer Engblom cide, to an accident victim’s life being
racing toward? Police and firefighters Melbourne Police Department: Christopher Cote, Timothy Sonnenberg, saved by quick actions and presence
are expected to put their lives on the Luke Dummer, Steve Linthicum, Timothy Sonnenberg, Nicole Contos and of mind. But descriptions don’t do jus-
line for the public but the public has Benjamin Brown. tice to the gritty, harrowing, bloody,
very little idea of their near-daily en- sweat- and adrenaline-producing en-
counters with dangerous people and Titusville Police Department:Tyler Wright. counters police and firefighters must
events. Brevard County Sheriff’s Office: Paul Drinkwater, Andrew Salazar, Gregory expect as part of an ordinary day on
Matthews, Benjamin Nemeth, Thomas Kelly, Leonard Jones, Stephen Fernez, the job.
Enter the Valor Awards and the Gregory Smith, Breean Lewis and Caleb Pinkham.
Melbourne Regional Chamber of Many downplay the courage it takes
Commerce’s mission to honor first re- MEDAL OF VALOR to do this calling well. One Melbourne
sponders and to tell their stories. Palm Bay Police Department: Thomas Ribnicky. officer, Timothy Sonnenberg, was the
Brevard County Sheriff’s Office: Taner Primmer. recipient of three awards.
Military, police, fire and rescue per-
sonnel from across Brevard County Palm Bay Fire Rescue: Alexander Barna VI. “I just go to work and do my job.
were the guests of honor Aug. 23 at the Melbourne Police Department: Brian Hart, Michael Schmid, Joseph Ameigh, That’s it. You just go out and try to do
9th Annual Valor Awards at the Hilton Sean Kirby, Ian McDaniel, Michael Szczepanski, Evan Wells, Tyler Davenport, your job and a lot of it’s being in the
Melbourne Rialto Place. Urian D’Errico, Brent Kleeberg, Charles Landmesser, Jeremy Parnell, Michael right place at the right time,” Sonnen-
Sampieri, Brett Self, Brian Smith, Timothy Sonnenberg and Joseph Yorkey. berg said outside the hotel as friends
“We do this for them. We do this for and family took photos of him.
the actions that no one has any clue
about. Their stories deserve to be told. Occasionally, a day on the job
And that’s what we do. We honor them makes the news. Sometimes it’s a re-
by telling their story once a year,” said sult of the public second guessing of-
ficers’ actions, but sometimes it’s be-
cause an officer has performed a truly
awesome act of bravery. One award
recipient became a viral video star for
his heroic deed.
On March 11, Brevard County Sher-
iff’s Deputy Taner Primmer was on
duty at Port Canaveral. As he escort-
ed a cruise ship out of the port, three
young women overturned their per-
sonal watercraft and were in the di-
rect path of the cruise ship. Primmer
swooped in and pulled two of the three
boaters aboard his patrol boat. The
third was rescued by a family member
on another personal watercraft. Prim-
mer quickly backed his boat up as the
cruise ship safely passed through the
channel. The incident was caught on
video and quickly made Primmer a
global superhero.
“The day it happened, nobody real-
ized how close it was. Trying to explain
it versus seeing it actually occurring
are two extremely different things,”
Primmer said, adding, “I just knew I
had to get them out of the water.”
That firm commitment to aid-
ing the public is typical of those who
choose to put their lives on the line.
The Valor Awards are a fitting way to
say thank you.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 31, 2017 9
Joanne Fernez, Michele Morelli, Teri Hoover, with Steve Jr., Steve Sr. and Steve Fernez III. Greg Latulippe, Nelson Moya, Tom Ribnicky and Mario Agullo.
Dale Howlett, Elaine Hinkley and Justin Anderson. Technical Sgt. Tom Angelini, Captain Chris Mansfield, Justin Anderson.
Technical Sgt. Mathew Kline of the U.S. Air Force.
Lori and Charlie Mitchell. Allison Felice with Staci Donovan.
Deputy Chief Swartzfager, Chief Wiley, Officer Larosa with K-9 Jax (honorees),
and Captain Finsted of West Melbourne Police.
10 Thursday, August 31, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bride and joy: Find wedding bliss at Harbour House
Iris Acevedo, Afton Johnson and Jessica Newman. Nicole Fuhrer, Shannon Perez, Kathleen Quimby and Cheryl Lamp. Shannon and Jessee Perez, owners. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER
Johanna and Robert Schenkelberg. Will Hensley and DJ Shane Presley. Geraldine Twigg-Zook and Danielle Matthews.
STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT Imagine that the runup to the special and it’s all done.
[email protected] day was equally stress free: no slog- If that sounds like a dream, it is one
ging through hundreds of possible
Imagine a wedding day in which vendors and venues, no negotiating that the public is welcome to enjoy.
the bride and groom show up to their prices and packages. Just one stop Harbour House in Indian Harbour
chosen venue and simply … relax.
Beach is a dream come true for Jessee
and Shannon Perez, longtime owners dings have taken place since open-
of wedding planning business Simply ing day, with at least 20 more booked.
In Love Weddings. Capacity is 95 people but she prefers
groups of 80 or fewer. “That’s just be-
The 6,000-square-foot special cause it’s super comfortable,” Perez
events venue opened in April and held noted.
the first of two grand-opening rib-
bon-cutting ceremonies last Thurs- The first-floor groom’s suite is just
day, to the delight of dozens of family one of the thoughtful details that
members, friends, business associ- makes the venue so inviting. While
ates and Cocoa Beach Area Chamber the bride is being pampered on the
of Commerce ambassadors. second floor, the men can relax in
their own well-appointed space.
The $1.7 million, oceanfront Har- “They deserve it!” Perez said, con-
bour House is two stories of Key West tinuing, “The bride and groom are on
vernacular design that offers every separate floors so there’s no chance
conceivable luxury for guests to en- of them running into each other. We
joy. have snacks and drinks for them both
all day.”
“It’s all-inclusive here. That’s what
makes us unique. Everything’s in- Beachside elegance is one way to
cluded for the wedding. From the describe the interior. Walls of white
cake, to the catering, open bar, all the and floors of driftwood are punctu-
fresh flowers. We’re an in-house fresh ated with pale blue lighting and high-
florist. The officiant is included, the end objets d’art amid luxurious fur-
photography, the decorations. The nishings, all evoking the residence of
tables, chairs, linens, centerpieces, an ocean lover.
everything. They literally can just
show up,” said Shannon Perez as she Indian Harbour Beach Mayor Da-
took a moment away from the cel- vid Panicola arrived for the ribbon-
ebration. cutting ceremony, held on the brick
paver courtyard overlooking a calm,
Relaxing in the groom’s suite, Perez turquoise ocean. A light breeze, rus-
explained how she and her husband tling palm trees and sea oats and a
arrived at this joyous moment. The cruise ship cutting across the hori-
couple bought the former Satcom Di- zon completed the tropical setting for
rect building in September 2016 and this dream.
construction was completed in April.
“It was basically a day before our first
wedding. We made it happen! To this
day it’s amazing that not one thing
went wrong,” she said. Nine wed-
12 Thursday, August 31, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
‘Oeuvres’ due: Foosaner features ‘Woman Made’ art
[email protected] Volunteer Dolores Bailey. PHOTO BY: BENJAMIN THACKER
Mona Jordan.
Forty years ago I asked my college
art history teacher, Mr. Fraser, why he
didn’t include women artists in our
“Because women artists have never
created anything great,” he replied.
I am happy to report that fewer peo-
ple – male art history teachers included
– would express such an opinion today.
More women artists than ever before
are being noticed by the public not only
for their innovative ideas and desirable
works, but also their ability to shock
and surprise the public as thoroughly
as their male counterparts.
And yet, enlightened attitudes not-
withstanding, women today continue to
represent but a small fraction of the art-
ists deemed worthy of national notice.
“Women are still underrepresented
in the art world,” says Carla Funk, di-
rector of Florida Institute of Technol-
ogy’s Foosaner Art Museum in Mel-
bourne’s Eau Gallie arts district.
The National Museum of Women
in the Arts offers statistics to back her
up: Artworks by women make up only
3 percent to 5 percent of major perma-
nent collections in the U.S. and Europe.
That is partly why the Foosaner’s
current show, “Woman Made: Female
Artists from the Foosaner Collection,”
is currently featured in its galleries.
Funk, who curated the show, says
that in the 1970s and ’80s, some art in-
stitutions tried to address the under-
representation problem by presenting
women artists’ works in all-women ex-
hibitions. There was blowback for the
concept from its inception.
By the ’90s, Funk notes, all-women
shows lost much of their appeal “be-
cause we don’t need to separate the
work of women artists from that of
male artists.”
The idea being that women’s art is
not inherently weaker than men’s. It
does not need the handicap of being
shown only in the company of other
women’s art.
That undeniable argument is still
valid, but with women artists having
made baby steps instead of leaps to-
ward equal representation over the
past 40 years, Funk suggests that may-
be the time for all-women shows has
come again.
“If MoMA and the Pompidou can do
women artists’ shows, then we can do
it here,” she says.
Funk refers to the Centre Pompidou
in Paris and the Museum of Modern Art
in New York, institutions that mounted
exhibitions of woman-created art from
their permanent collections in 2009
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 31, 2017 13
and 2017, respectively. where. Wrong, on both counts.” Coming Up: Musical drama
Here in Florida, the Foosaner’s per- Perhaps it is the fact that the Foosan- ‘Dogfight’ hits the Henegar
manent collection show comprises er is a small and university-sponsored STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER fun – with a touch of green – head for
83 works by women. The examples of museum that gives it the instructive [email protected] the Titusville Playhouse to see “Shrek
painting, photography, graphics and right and responsibility to pull off a the Musical.” Based on the Oscar-win-
sculpture on display are by artists of show like this. And it succeeds. On stage Upstairs at the Henegar ning Dreamworks animated film, this
both national and regional renown. through Sept. 17 is the musical relation- hilarious singing-and-dancing musical
There are also works by artists for In “Woman Made,” sculptor/installa- ship drama “Dogfight.” In 1967, as U.S. comedy production turns the world of
whom biographical information is thin tion artist Alice Aycock’s 5-foot-square Marine Eddie Birdlace heads home to fairytales downside-up. The ogre Shrek
or non-existent. “Do You Know the Monkey Man?” of San Francisco, a lost and broken man has been living, solitary and content,
2002 is a work on paper that at first after a tour in Vietnam, he flashes back in his isolated swamp ever since his
Artists of national standing repre- glance resembles a star chart. Move to a night he spent in San Francisco ogre mom and dad sent him out into
sented in the show include Alice Aycock, in closer, and you will see the figures four years earlier – Nov. 21, 1963, when the world to fend for himself, with the
Jennifer Bartlett, Janet Fish, Viola Frey, of circus monkeys comically walk- the play’s main action unfolds. Bird- warning that, because of his looks, ev-
Louise Nevelson, Dianora Niccolini ing or swinging on the lines that link lace and his two best buddies are ship- eryone would hate him. When a motley
and Miriam Shapiro, among others. stars into constellations. Violet Frey’s ping out to Southeast Asia the next day. band of fairytale misfits shows up in his
Florida-based artists include Brevard nearly 50-inch by 40-inch by 30-inch Determined to take the town by storm, swamp, his life changes forever. Shrek
County art stars Barbara Osmundsen, figural group, “The Three Hags,” well they plan a rowdy night, and seek ap- sets out with his faithful steed Donkey
Nancy Crawford, Susan Martin, Marlis represents that artist’s over the-top, propriate dates to participate in a “dog- to confront the villainous, vertically
Newman, Ellen Pavlakos, the late Ellen California funk style. It is a must-see. fight,” a cruel game with simple rules. challenged Lord Farquaad and rescue
Plankey and Vera Sattler; Vero Beach is The red clay sculpture, iced in pastel- Each Marine kicks in 50 bucks. The one Princess Fiona (who has beauty, an atti-
represented by a sculptural object by colored majolica, is a grotesquely en- who brings the ugliest date to the party tude and a secret) from a tower guarded
the late Jacquie Fort and a landscape chanting mash-up of pop art, abstract wins the pot. Eddie flirts with a shy by a fire-breathing, lovesick dragon.
painting by René Guerin. expressionist painting and Disney-fied young waitress he meets in a diner and What’s not to love? Show times are 8
sweetness. Miriam Shapiro’s 5 ½-foot- invites her to the party – her very first p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, and 2 p.m.
An international aspect to the show by-8 foot-paper and pigment on canvas party – and she excitedly accepts, not Sundays, through Sept. 10.
is provided by the photography of four work is classic, feminist-friendly Shap- knowing his true intention. Ultimately,
artists: Cubans Liset Castillo and Lis- iro. The title of her piece, “Celebrating hard lessons about love, compassion ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream.’
sette Solozano; Dulce Pinzon, who is Women’s Lives,” is the leitmotif of the and forgiveness are learned and heavy
Mexican; and Teresa Segal, an artist show. It is appropriately hung in the prices paid. Show times are 8 p.m.
born and raised in St. Augustine, who lobby gallery near the main gallery’s Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, and
with Solozano was part of a 2003 cul- entrance. Shapiro’s work along with 2 p.m. Sundays.
tural exchange art project sponsored the Frey and notable others in the show
by the St. Augustine-Barracoa (Cuba) were purchased for the museum by Aid 3 A rare (free) treat is in store for
Friendship Association. In 2015, that for the Arts, a group that was founded you this coming week: Shake-
group made a gift to the Foosaner of the as a fundraising arm of what was then
portfolio of prints by the women, along the Brevard Art Museum in 1978. speare’s wonderful, magical comedy
with works by two male colleagues.
The works by Florida artists on view “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” will
Three notable works from Castillo exhibits a broad stylistic range. Art-
feature large-scale, austere photogra- works that stand out for me include be performed by the renowned Cam-
vures of a pile of rice, a garlic bulb, and three pieces by Ellen Plankey, includ-
a metal spoon resting on a rough-hewn ing her oil on canvas self-portrait – it’s bridge American Stage Tour (CAST)
board. The images are a dignified hom- one of the most compelling works in the
age to the Cubans affected by their show. Three paintings by Mona Jordan student theater troupe Wednesday and
country’s economic crisis, or “Special (1908-1995) show the semi-abstract sen-
Period,” of the 1990s. Produced in 2000 sitivity of that artist to the human figure Thursday. The tour is being hosted by
by the Institute for Research in Art at in “The Net Menders” and two paint-
the University of South Florida in Tam- ings of nude females. And then there’s ‘Shrek the Musical.’ the Laura (Riding) Jackson Foundation.
pa, the prints entered the Foosaner col- Fran Knight, a painter and printmaker
lection as a private gift. about whom the Foosaner has very little Performances are 7 p.m. Wednesday at
information. That is regrettable.
There is nothing timid, diminutive or Indian River Charter High School and 7
otherwise “lady-like” about the group Knight’s painting on paper, “Don’t
of works on display. Visitors to “Wom- Look at My Garage,” was a favorite of 2 If you’re ready for an evening of p.m. Thursday at Sebastian River High
an Made” will be impressed by the size mine for its tongue-in-cheek reworking laughter, great music and lots of
and quality of the works here, a num- of Abstract Expressionism. It is com- School.
ber of which represent the very best of posed of not quite recognizable objects
their artists’ oeuvres. limned in black and tied together with
dots, slashes, coils and tubes; it is seri-
And that goes both for the work by ous abstraction touched with Smoky
the nationally celebrated women on Stover inventiveness.
display as well as the regional ones.
Two monotypes by Knight on dis-
Remember those women’s show from play are an all-American, uniquely
the collections of the Pompidou and woman-made groove on Matisse’s
MoMA that Carla Funk cited? They both odalisques. No passive harem girls,
received negative press for trotting out these: Knight’s women are robustly
second-rate works by first-rate artists. active, even in repose.
In her 2009 Guardian review of the The exhibit continues through Oct. 7.
Pompidou show, Germaine Greer
wrote, “By lumping the major with The Foosaner Art Museum is at 1463
the minor, and by showing only minor Highland Avenue, Melbourne. Muse-
works of major figures, elles@centre- um hours are Wednesday through Sat-
pompidou managed to convince too urday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admis-
many visitors to the exhibition that sion is free.
there was such a thing as women’s art
and that women artists were going no-
prestige vw
Once Mexico's glamorous resort city. divers and the Hollywood stars who
once passed through town.
Now, its murder capital integration of order across growing
swaths of this country. That gun battle also made one thing
– From the crescent pulco and the state of Guerrero broke clear: National-level cartels were active
bay and swaying palms, the taxi driv- up a decade ago. The criminals now in Violence is spreading to new places in Acapulco – in this case the Sinaloa
ers of Acapulco need just 10 minutes to charge resemble neighborhood gangs, and taking many forms. In Puebla, cartel, allied with the Beltran Leyvas,
reach this other, plundered world. with names like 221 or Los Locos. An south of Mexico City, a fight rages over and the expansionist Zetas. And they
estimated 20 or more of these groups the sale of stolen fuel. Beach towns such were willing to use tremendous vio-
Here, in a neighborhood called Re- operate in Acapulco, intermixed with as Cancun and Playa del Carmen have lence against each other.
nacimiento, a pharmacy is smeared representatives from larger drug car- been bloodied by drug killings. The bat-
with gang graffiti. Market stalls are tels who contract them for jobs. The tle for human-smuggling routes leaves “That’s when all this began,” Evaris-
charred by fire. Taco stands and den- gang members are young men who bodies strewn along the migrant trail. to recalled.
tists’ offices, hair salons and auto-body often become specialists – extortion-
workshops – all stand empty behind ists, kidnappers, car thieves, assassins In Acapulco, the faded playground Over the next decade, as then-Pres-
roll-down metal gates. – and prey on a largely defenseless of Hollywood stars, where the Kenne- ident Felipe Calderón declared war
population. dys honeymooned and John Wayne on organized crime, Mexican security
On Friday afternoons, however, the basked in the clifftop breeze, drugs are forces and their U.S. allies picked off
parking lot at the Oxxo convenience “They kill barbers, tailors, mechan- no longer even the main story. This is cartel bosses and kingpins, splintering
store in this brutalized barrio buzzes to ics, tinsmiths, taxi drivers,” said Joaquin a place awash in crime of all stripes, their organizations.
life. Dozens of taxi drivers pull up. It’s Badillo, who runs a private security where criminals no longer have to hide.
time to pay the boys. company in the city. “This has turned In Acapulco, the result has become
into a monster with 100 heads.” When Evaristo opened his restau- a kaleidoscope of feuding criminals.
When the three young gunmen drive rant along Acapulco’s seaside strip 15 After the killing of a powerful Beltran
up in a white Nissan Tsuru, Armando, Mexico is halfway through what may years ago, drugs were plentiful, and Leyva brother in 2009, rival factions
a 55-year-old cabbie, scribbles his four- become the bloodiest year in its recent that was just fine with him. Acapulco emerged, with names like the Inde-
digit taxi number on a scrap of paper, history, with more than 12,000 murders has always been a party town, and be- pendent Cartel of Acapulco, the South
folds it around a 100-peso note and in the first six months of 2017. June was came a transit point for U.S.-bound Pacific Cartel and La Barredora. Con-
slips it into their black plastic bag. This the deadliest month in the past two Colombian cocaine and the opium tenders joined the fray from ascendant
is his weekly payment to Acapulco’s decades of consistent Mexican govern- poppy that bloomed along with mari- heroin-trafficking groups and crime
criminal underworld – about $5, or ment statistics. juana in the state’s highlands. The organizations from other cities.
roughly half what he earns in a day. dominant traffickers were the Beltran
There are many theories on why Leyva brothers of the Sinaloa Cartel. With the loss of all-powerful cartel
“They have the power,” said Arman- violence, which dropped for two years bosses who had tightly controlled their
do, who identified himself only by his after the 2012 election of President “What the Beltran Leyvas were do- criminal empires, drug gangs moved
first name because he feared reprisal. Enrique Peña Nieto, has roared back: ing was selling drugs,” said Evaristo, increasingly into other crimes, such as
“They can do whatever they want.” competition for the domain of cap- who identified himself only by his first kidnapping and extortion.
tured kingpins; the breakdown of se- name, for fear of reprisal. “But they left
For each of the past five years, Aca- cret agreements between criminals and us alone.” Some 2,000 businesses have closed
pulco has been the deadliest city in politicians; a judicial reform requiring in the past few years, according to
Mexico, in a marathon of murder that more evidence to lock up suspected For Evaristo, and many other Aca- trade associations, driven away by
has hollowed out the hillside neigh- lawbreakers; the growing American de- pulco residents, the city’s descent into crime and a withering economy. The
borhoods and sprawling colonias that mand for heroin, meth and synthetic lawlessness began with the events bulk of the devastation has come in
tourists rarely visit. And yet, the term opiates. Whatever the primary cause, at La Garita. A brazen January 2006 the poorer, inland neighborhoods, but
“drug war” only barely describes what the result has been terrifying – a dis- shootout in that central neighbor- the tourist strip has not been spared.
is going on here. hood left flaming vehicles and bodies Gone are Hooters and the Hard Rock
in the street and became part of the Cafe, along with famed local spots
The dominant drug cartel in Aca- city’s lore, as much as the iconic cliff such as El Alebrije nightclub and Plaza
Las Peroglas, a shopping mall. An ac-
countant whose clients included res-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 31, 2017 19
taurant owners, doctors, and mechan- A note left with the bodies said this Adm. Juan Guillermo Fierro Rocha, ditionally have had little training, low
ics said that about 70 percent of them is what happens to car thieves. But the the commander in Acapulco for the pay, poor equipment and little capacity
had closed their businesses in the past Nissan had belonged to the family. Mexican navy, which has a critical role to do investigations. Federal police and
year because of extortion. fighting cartels, told El Sur this month the army often lack street-level knowl-
“We feel powerless against what is that criminals are lashing out because edge of cities and their crime gangs.
“Today, in Acapulco, this problem has happening in this city,” Flores said. they are “cornered,” and that he ex-
given us mass psychosis,” said Alejan- pects a decrease soon. Juan Salgado, an expert on police re-
dro Martinez Sidney, president of the When Mayor Evodio Velázquez Agu- form at CIDE, a Mexican research center,
Federation of Chambers of Commerce, irre took office in October 2015, he said, But Mexican authorities have failed said that police are reluctant to visit some
Services and Tourism in Guerrero, which the municipal police force was “totally for years to halt Acapulco’s slide. neighborhoods in Acapulco because
represents more than 8,000 businesses. out of control.” they are outgunned and frightened.
“We are frozen, waiting for someone to Some 5,000 security forces are in Aca-
come and demand our money.” Half the 1,500 officers had failed fed- pulco, and the coastal sliver of hotels and “I’m not sure if crime would increase
eral vetting and background checks.The restaurants brims with federal and state if the whole municipal police depart-
Last September, five gunmen walked police had spent much of 2014 on strike ment in Acapulco disappeared,” Sal-
into Evaristo’s restaurant, asking for the gado said. “They are so inefficient in
phone number of the owner. After he Police look for spent shell casings at the scene of a homicide in Colonia Santa Cruz. stopping crime I don’t think it would
said he wouldn’t pay extortion, the men make a huge difference.”
returned and put their guns to the heads City Coroners remove a body from Barranca de la Laja, an impoverished neighborhood.
of the staff, saying they would burn Meanwhile, many people refuse to
down the restaurant with everyone in- to protest salaries and benefits, leaving police, soldiers, marines and municipal press charges out of concern the infor-
side it, the restaurant owner recalled. state and federal forces in charge. forces. This attention to the tourist strip, mation will leak back to their tormen-
however, leaves the vast majority of the tors. That makes investigating crimes
Since then, Evaristo has paid 40,000 The mayor said that his administra- city exposed, residents say. all the more difficult.
pesos per month (about $2,200). tion has provided the police with life
insurance, housing, new cameras and Mexican police have been hobbled On a recent afternoon, a man wearing
He has cut back on advertising and vehicles. There is also a new, separate by corruption for decades, and Aca- a cowboy hat and carrying an assault ri-
maintenance to cover the payments. tourist police force with jaunty uni- pulco has been no exception. Alfredo fle stood in plain sight on the main bou-
Two of his private security guards were forms to attend to travelers. Álvarez Valenzuela, who oversaw the levard in the Emiliano Zapata neighbor-
riddled with bullets from a passing car Acapulco police for five months until hood, five miles from Acapulco Bay.
one night in May and survived the at- “Acapulco is on its feet,” the mayor May 2014, told the Mexican newspaper
tack. If this keeps up, he will close down. said in an interview. Reforma last year: “The municipal po- At his feet on the pavement lay an-
lice don’t work for organized crime; the other young man, barefoot and curled
“My life is at risk,” Evaristo said. But last year, there were 918 killings municipal police are organized crime.” in the fetal position, his hair matted
Mexico’s crime gangs have not just in the city of 700,000, the most murders with blood. The man with the assault
proliferated, they behave differently of any Mexican city for the fifth straight But the problem goes beyond cor- rifle kicked him repeatedly and sav-
than in past decades. year. During the first half of this year, the ruption. Mexican municipal police tra- agely, then walked calmly back to his
Criminals have begun to show less al- local El Sur newspaper lists 466 murders. white pickup truck. A federal police
legiance to a single organization - acting truck rolled past, but it didn’t stop.
more like freelance subcontractors.
“They hire you for your expertise; Taxi drivers operate at the intersec-
they’re not going to develop you as a tion of Acapulco’s troubles: They have a
human resource,” said Cecilia Farfán, shrinking number of tourists as clients,
a scholar at the Instituto Tecnologico and navigate more dangerous streets.
Autonomy de Mexico, or ITAM, who Some have become part of the crime
specializes in organized crime and is world themselves, working as gang spot-
doing research in Acapulco. ters (voluntarily or under duress), or
The victims of Acapulco’s violence moving drugs or weapons in their cars.
come in many forms: those caught in
feuds between criminal bands; busi- More than 130 taxi drivers were slain in
nessmen who don’t pay extortion; those Acapulco last year, making them about
who cross the invisible boundaries be- eight times more likely to get murdered
tween drug gang territory. The situation than the average city resident.
has become so confused - with crimi-
nals staking out overlapping domains Teens with guns often commandeer
- that residents often complain about taxis in Renacimiento for hours or days.
being forced to pay off two or three dif- They burn taxis to enforce their warn-
ferent groups. People die over mistaken ings. Guillermo Perez, 40, a taxi driver,
identity or as bystanders. putters around the neighborhood in a
On one recent night, an overflow 1995 Volkswagen Beetle, its windshield
crowd waited silently on sidewalk cracked and upholstery ripped out,
benches outside an Acapulco funeral leaving his newer car hidden at home.
parlor. Gerardo Flores Camarena, 57, He no longer picks up strangers, driv-
a hotel bartender, couldn’t stay seated. ing only clients he knows.
He paced back and forth in anguish as
he spoke into his cellphone. “People are terrified,” he said.
“The killers thought they were from an- Years ago, ferrying around tourists
other group,” he told a relative. “They got used to be enjoyable, he said, even lu-
confused. Can you imagine: confused.” crative work – $100 for a day shift, more
The day before, his brother, Ri- at night.
cardo, 42, an ambulance driver, and “It was so different: It was Acapulco,”
Gerardo’s two teenage grandsons had he said. “People were out in the streets.
been found in the trunk of their Nis- We all lived from tourism.”
san Sentra. They had suffered a type The wealthy can leave or build
of torture known as the “tourniquet”: homes with elaborate security systems,
wires cinched around their necks to but the poor are exposed. And so Perez,
the point of suffocation. like many of the 20,000 taxi drivers in
Acapulco, pays his weekly fee for pro-
tection, even though he receives none.
“If 100 pesos a week is what it costs
to stay alive,” he said, “I’ll pay.”
SCREENINGS TO KEEP YOU HEALTHY AND HAPPY, PART I having yearly mammograms at age 45, and every other year begin- © 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
ning at age 55. ACS suggests that women should have the choice to
Seventeenth-century English essayist James Leigh Hunt had it start yearly mammograms as early as age 40. On the other hand,
right: “The groundwork of all happiness is health.” To stay happy the USPSTF recommends women ages 50 to 74 have a screening
and healthy, it’s important to do all we can to prevent or detect mammogram every two years. (They advise women ages 40 to 49
medical problems early. to talk to their doctor about when to start and how often to get a
screening mammogram.)
According to the American Heart Association, mortality rates CLINICAL BREAST EXAMS/SELF-BREAST EXAMS
from heart disease have dropped dramatically. Unfortunately, Neither a clinical breast exam nor a breast self-exam has been
however, heart disease remains the No. 1 cause of death in the U.S. found to decrease risk of dying from breast cancer. ACS and the USP-
To help keep your heart healthy, follow these recommended STF no longer recommend breast exams, either from a medical pro-
guidelines: vider or self-exams. Women should, however, be familiar with the look
BLOOD PRESSURE and feel of their breasts and report changes to their physician.
Beginning at age 20, check your blood pressure every two years. CERVICAL CANCER SCREENING
If it is high you may need more frequent screenings. Both ACS and the USPSTF recommend that women between
CHOLESTEROL the ages of 21 and 29 have a Pap test (smear) every three years.
After age 20, schedule a fasting lipoprotein profile blood test. They advise women between 30 and 65 to have a Pap test, plus
Repeat every four to six years unless your doctor recommends a human papillomavirus (HPV) test every five years or a Pap-
more frequent screenings. only test every three years.
BLOOD GLUCOSE Stay tuned. Future columns will cover recommended screen-
Starting at age 45, check your blood glucose level every three ings for men, plus guidelines for bone, colon, skin and eye
years. Check more frequently depending if you have or are at risk screenings.
for diabetes. For more information, go to the American Heart Association,
RECOMMENDED SCREENINGS FOR WOMEN American Cancer Society and/or the United States Preventive Ser-
For women, effective screening methods have played a signifi- vices Task Force websites at, and
cant role in detecting breast cancer, cervical cancer and other female respectively. And as al-
cancers. ways, seek advice from your personal physician who will help you
MAMMOGRAMS develop a screening regime that’s right for you.
The American Cancer Society (ACS) and United States Preven- Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always
tive Services Task Force (USPSTF) offer differing guidelines. ACS welcome. Email us at [email protected].
recommends that women at average risk for breast cancer begin
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 31, 2017 19
As Ken Burns put it in the subtitle As reported by a witness, yon of the Yellowstone,” graces the tures are the park’s signature attrac-
of his 2009 documentary on the na- Hedges argued that “there “Wonderlandscape” cover.) tions, but Clayton fails to do them
tional parks, they are “America’s best ought to be no private justice. After reminding us that the
idea.” In “Wonderlandscape,” an en- ownership of any portion In a bravura chapter on the park’s park contains “nearly one-quarter
ergetic and insightful new book on of that region, but that the architecture, Clayton focuses on of all the geysers in the world,” he
Yellowstone, journalist John Clay- whole of it ought to be set Old Faithful Inn, designed by Robert says little about what spawned them.
ton shows that, at least as applied apart as a great National Reamer. “Although multistory lobbies Geologists, too, have wanted some-
to America’s first national park, the Park.” He may have had in are quite common today,” the author thing from Yellowstone – scientific
“best idea” has been an evolving one. mind the counterexample observes, the inn’s “was a huge in- understanding – and Clayton would
of Niagara Falls, its envi- novation in 1903: a space so tall and have done well to tag along with one
Several men claimed to have rons already reduced to an airy that it seemed to be both indoors of them as he investigated the park’s
hatched the notion of designating international eyesore by and outdoors at the same time.” So innards.
federal land in Wyoming, Montana commercial greed. admired was Reamer’s design that it
and Idaho as a national park. The fathered a new style, known as Na- On the other hand, I like the au-
semiofficial credit – the nod given Clayton calls this anec- tional Park Service Rustic. thor’s frankness. Yellowstone, he
by Yellowstone’s influential superin- dote “the national parks’ admits, is not an illimitable cornu-
tendent Horace Albright at the park’s creation myth.” Today Seven decades after Moran’s visit, copia of wild splendor. “Although
50th birthday party in 1922 – went many historians believe during World War II, another visual [the park] unfolds vast quantities of
to attorney Cornelius Hedges. In that “Hedges was merely artist, the photographer Ansel Ad- empty backcountry, much of it is mo-
1870, Hedges took part in a fireside articulating a commonly ams, arrived with a commission from notonous lodgepole-pine forest.” If
conversation in which several other held view, a previously the federal government – and a pri- you’re looking for “a steady stream
well-heeled sightseers discussed fil- expressed impulse, to vate agenda. Yellowstone, Adams be- of awe-inspiring solitude,” he adds,
ing legal claims to the canyons and somehow honor this mag- lieved, was being sold to the public as you might try Glacier National Park
geysers they had been exploring. ical land.” Two years after a pleasure ground, whereas to him it instead.
Hedges’ recommendation, was more like a church. Leaving hu-
at any rate, Yellowstone mans out of his shots, “he believed Clayton closes his book with a
National Park was up and that the spiritual validity of wild, discussion of what might eventu-
running. beautiful places arose in part from ally happen to Yellowstone: an erup-
our simplicity of experience in them. tion of the supervolcano beneath
Advancing his insight That usually meant sacrificing com- it, a blowup that might conceiv-
that “the story of Yellow- forts and undergoing difficulties.” ably unleash 8,000 times the fury of
stone is the story of what America If this sounds elitist, the pendulum Mount St. Helens in 1980. The grow-
wants from Yellowstone,” Clayton swung the other way a generation ing concern about such a cataclysm,
identifies boosting the national ego later, with the broadcast of the 1960s the author suggests, reflects today’s
as a powerful early desire. Scenic animated TV series “The Yogi Bear “zombie apocalypse” mentality. In
marvels such as Yellowstone set the Show.” Fans of the program flocked fairness to the zombies, it should be
United States apart from gently pic- to Yellowstone to see the inspira- noted that, in June, tremors felt in
turesque Europe. “America is spe- tion for Yogi’s Jellystone. The cartoon Montana suggested that the super-
cial,” the reasoning went, “because bruin, Clayton writes, “secured [Yel- volcano might be waking up from its
of its wondrous landscapes.” lowstone] for the masses.” long nap. In any event, supervolcanic
Artists and architects gravitated fears nicely round out Clayton’s the-
to Yellowstone with something more By then the masses tended to live sis that throughout its history, Yel-
personal in mind: challenges and in suburbia; accordingly, the Park lowstone has long been both a show-
fame. A year before the park’s estab- Service had embarked on Mission case of natural extravagance and a
lishment, a painter named Thom- 66, a system-wide “infrastructure cultural construct.
as Moran had come into his own upgrade” to make its holdings more
there. His watercolors, shipped back car-friendly. At Yellowstone, this en- WONDERLANDSCAPE
to Washington and enlisted in the tailed the razing of an old hotel and Yellowstone National Park and the Evolution of an
cause, gave lawmakers a sense of the its replacement by “motel-style ac-
incomparable scenery they were be- commodations in an uninspiring American Cultural Icon
ing asked to save from spoliation by location about a mile away.” “The By John Clayton
private enterprise. (Moran’s eventual change,” Clayton dryly notes, “was
masterpiece in oil, “The Grand Can- poorly received.” Pegasus. 285 pp. $27.95
Review by Dennis Drabelle
Old Faithful and other thermal fea-
The Washington Post
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20 Thursday, August 31, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bonz: AmbassaDog Kuma is just ‘plane’ awesome
Hi Dog Buddies! saDog for an airport service business tographers an everything! I
up in the Panhandle.” walked up a ramp with
I nodded and made a quick note-to- this Very Serious mu-
self: “Google panhandle.” sic called ‘Pomp an Cir-
This week I met a ceLEBrity pooch, “One of my favorite humans, Lori, cumstance’ playin’. Then
Kuma Fallon. Kuma’s a real pretty is our airport’s Director of Com- I received my Ambassa-
Black Lab, an you’ll never guess what munications. Back before I met her, Dog Certificate from the
her job is: She’s the Official Ambassa- she thought our airport should have Airport Authority Direc-
Dog for the Orlando Melbourne Inter- an AmbassaDog, too, to greet pas- tor of Operations an every-
national Airport. Cool Kibbles, right? sengers – grown-ups an liddle kids; body clapped and I became
I met Kuma at her Mom and Dad’s help people who are Nervous Fly- the official Orlando Mel-
pilot shop, right at the airport. She’s ers be not so nervous; attend the bourne International Airport
there every day, so she can zip right occasional airport board meeting, AmbassaDog! I shook paws
over to the terminal. She has so much an Speshul Events an stuff. They with a buncha people, an we
energy and enthusiasm, I wudda hadda mascot pooch, but she had refreshments – pupcakes
thought she was a younger pooch if I lived too far away. So they started – an gave out dog biscuits for
didn’t already know she was 10. lookin’ for Just The Right Dog. the passengers’ dogs. Now, my
After she introduced her Mom and “Then a terrible thing hap- AKC-registered name is Kuma
Dad, Kristina and Derek, she told me pened. Last year, Lori’s husbun ‘The Airport Dog’ Fallon! I have
her story, which had some sad parts, Bobby, who was a pilot, got in a an official ID badge for my collar,
but also some happy ones. crash an went to Heaven. One shaped like a bone, with a pickshur
“My Mommy and Daddy adopt- day, me an Mommy and Dad- of me wearin’ my headset. Just yes-
ed me from the humane society in dy were workin’ in our shop terday, I attended an airport board
Fort Lauderdale when I was just a and this lady came in we hadn’t meeting, an the Vice Mayor of Mel-
3-month-old fluffball. We moved up met before. It was Lori. She just want- it’s Am- bourne herself gave me a yummy
here a few years ago. I’ve always had ed to be around pilot stuff. I didn’t bassaDog.” dog biscuit!”
a lotta energy, an I’ve been workin’ know her, but the minute she walked I had to stop taking notes “Shut the Doghouse Door!” I ex-
here with Mommy and Daddy almost in I could tell she was sad, so I came and wipe my eyes. “So then what hap- claimed. “That’s one Serious Dog Bis-
pened?” I managed. cuit!”
“Mommy an Daddy agreed that “I Know! Right?” Kuma agreed. “An
I could go through Special Airport I’ve already helped some people. This
Training to get my certificate, sorta one man scratched me behind my ear,
Kuma Fallon, Black Lab. PHOTO BENJAMIN THACKER like Comfort Dog School, but ’special- which is my totally favorite place to
ly for the airport. But first, Lori hadda be scratched. When I thanked him, he
conduct an innerview: I went to her thanked me back, an said he’d been
office and we walked right out by feeling gloomy an I made him feel
where the airplanes were! It was ex- much better. That made me proud.”
citing, but I remained calm. I wasn’t “You’re really something, Miss
scared One Bit, even at Security, an Kuma,” I told her earnestly. “Whad-
at the gate, an EVEN when a big Delta dya do when you’re off work?”
plane started its engines!” “I got lotsa toys, but I’m more into
“Woof!” I said. bones. I play with my frens at the dog
“That’s cuz I’ve been around air- park. The most fun’s playin’ with my
planes all my life. Me an Daddy fly little human brother an sister, Caleb
up an down the coast in our Cessna an Sarah. It’s like we’re all puppies! I
172. He says I have more hours in the also watch my favorite TV show, ‘Paw
air than a lotta pilots do. I have my Patrol,’ on Nickelodeon. And I chase
own seat, and my own headset. I love armadillos outta the yard at night. It’s
lookin’ out the window. You should my duty as a member of the family.”
see how little bitty everything gets. “What about snacks?”
It’s aMAzing! Then it all gets big again “Peanut butter, of course!”
when we land. “Im with ya there! Any training oth-
“So, anyway, I passed my airport er than the airport school?”
training with a school called Off The “Just the usual sit-shake-stay stuff.
Leash, an, just last month, there was PLUS, I know how to ring a bell on the
my whole life, greetin’ an stuff. Mom- right up an offered a frenly paw an as this special ceremony for ME, in the door when I hafta go Do My Doodie.”
my says I was ram-BUNK-shus when much of a hug as I could. Somehow, I concourse area. It was a Big Deal, “That’s pretty Cool Kibbles!”
I was liddle. I’ve always loved playin’ knew it’d be OK with her. I didn’t ree- with a buncha Important Officials, Heading home, I was picksurin’
with other pooches an humans, ’spe- lize it then, but the airport had found an passengers an reporters an pho- Kuma, soaring through the clouds in
shully liddle humans, an those weird Don’t be shy! her designated seat, wearin’ her head-
lookin’ pooches Mommy calls ‘cats.’” set, lookin’ down at the tiny world. I
We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up bet it’s pretty from up there.
“So how’dja get to be Ambassa- an interview, please email [email protected].
Dog?” I asked, checking to make sure -The Bonz
I had extra pencils.
“It started when the human in
charge of the Whole Airport saw a
pickshur of a pooch who was Ambas-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 31, 2017 21
Joyce Brothers, a psychologist and author, said, “A philosopher is a person who doesn’t WEST KQ EAST
care which side his bread is buttered on; he knows he eats both sides anyway.” A K Q 10 4 A765 73
J2 K J 10 10 9 7 6 3
Last week, we looked at declarer’s making five diamonds in this deal after West cashed Q98 42
two spade winners, then exited with a heart. What resource did West miss? 653 SOUTH 9842
The bidding was intricate. North’s second-round two-spade cue-bid showed his hand A854
strength. His three-spade cue-bid on the next round was an unsuccessful attempt to K J 10 3
reach three no-trump if South had a spade stopper. AQ7
West, after taking his two spade tricks, should check the high-card points. He has 12, Dealer: West; Vulnerable: Both
and dummy holds 13. That leaves only 15 unaccounted for. South surely has the club
and heart aces and, presumably, no more side-suit losers. West should wonder how his The Bidding:
side might collect a trump trick. However, he should also realize that declarer knows that
he, West, has the diamond queen. But because West has such good trump spots, the SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
eight and nine, there is a chance for a trump promotion. 1 Spades Pass Pass
Dbl. Pass 2 Spades Pass LEAD:
At trick three, West should lead the spade four — a loser, not a winner, when you want 3 Diamonds Pass 3 Spades Pass A Spades
partner to ruff. Then the spotlight turns to East. He knows from the bidding that South 4 Hearts Pass 5 Diamonds All Pass
is also out of spades. What is his partner doing? He must be trying for an uppercut. To
play his part, East ruffs with the diamond four.
Note that when South overruffs with the 10, West gains a trump trick to defeat the
22 Thursday, August 31, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
7 Br eathe in (6) 1 Cozy (4)
8 Salary (6) 2 Set of rungs (6)
9 Old (4) 3 Type of stone fruit (5)
10 Animal (8) 4 Broad-minded (7)
11 Result (5) 5 Agricultural tool (6)
13 Kneecap (7) 6 Parasol (8)
15 Sure (7) 12 Making (8)
17 Sea (5) 14 Curl (7)
20 Toil (8) 16 Reliable (6)
21 Breakfast, lunch, supper (4) 18 University grounds (6)
23 Courage (6) 19 Prepared (5)
24 Suspicions (6) 22 Creative (4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 31, 2017 23
ACROSS criticizes a kills Scarpia 64 With “ball,” an The Washington Post
President? 2 The K-9 or the arcade game
1 Marks for Marcel 71 Ground FINAL X-AM By Merl Reagle
8 Phone trio 73 Orinoco shocker Peace 66 Blows away,
11 Surrounded by 74 Typical Moe-Larry- 3 Sole extension, figuratively OpenSoinogn
15 Fields and Handy Curly greetings?
18 Pinocchio author 78 Michelangelo sometimes 68 Digs of twigs
19 Gaucho’s water sculpture 4 ___ vital 69 Camp David pact
79 Blood brother? 5 Makes marginalia
source 81 Lucy’s love 6 Play climaxes, signer
20 1960s album, “A 82 Gun site 70 Shampoo brand
83 Actor Tamiroff briefly 71 Finish, as pottery
Whole 84 Bold bird 7 Goes (through) 72 Stunt flying?
___ Schifrin Goin’ 85 Of a leg bone 75 Leno book,
On” 88 Actress Bethune meticulously
21 Loud or tennis star 8 Aqueduct feature Leading with My
encouragement Garrison 9 Tour de France ___
22 Psychoanalyzes 89 Landers on lakes 76 Neck ache
press 92 Weasellike babes need 77 Curative cities
agents? in the woods? 10 “Heavy, man” 78 German article
25 Alice’s troubadour 95 Winter Palace 11 Partner of 29 79 Flabellate
26 The Christian, for residents 80 Caustic cleaner
one 96 Shiite’s God Down 84 Plath’s The Bell
27 Old Pepsodent 98 Cheerleader 12 Winner of seven ___
rival characteristic 86 Indian org.
28 Rallying cry of 99 Chocolate sub gold 87 Cogito
the Truck Stop 101 Gam cover medals in 1972 88 Pizazz
Avengers? 103 Of heartbeats 13 Society’s woes 90 Where rats are
30 Computer-screen 106 Belief ending 14 See 30 Down guinea pigs
symbol 109 Valhalla cheese 15 Why Tarzan never 91 Obi
31 Bin kin, in Berlin 110 What Liszt always sits on his oboe? 93 CFCs watchdog
32 Puccini heroine bragged he could 16 Actress Kane 94 Skin pigment
34 Types eat, organ- 17 Ladd role 97 Rice’s The
35 Sometimes playing-wise? 23 Address: abbr. Vampire ___
twisted anatomy 113 “... who lived in 24 Cossack chief 99 Reef denizen
36 Above, to a bard ___” 29 Cry of woe 100 Love
37 Florida, to retirees 115 Fabulous bird 30 With 14 Down, a 102 Eightsome
40 Typical Death 116 Kangaroo or Kirk: Jimmy Durante 104 Hypo units
Wish villains abbr. tune 105 Pulsate
42 Italian cigarette 117 Your one-stop 33 Slap-shooting 106 “___ when that
company? friar-costume legend happens”
47 Christening sites headquarters? 35 A single one 107 Cobbler, at times
51 Grindable beefs 119 The first life 36 Passing marks 108 Like drawn-out
52 Closing hr., often preserver? 38 TNT finish divorces
54 The Atlas of Afr., 120 Bay or gray 39 House location? 110 Unfurnished
e.g. follower 41 Good times 111 Stringed
55 Mars, e.g. 121 SSTs cross it 42 Hemingway instrument
56 Name or knife 122 Some dope sobriquet 112 Sch. in the smog
preceder 123 Miz or Six opener 43 Skater’s feat 114 Burg, to a Boer
57 Gas or elec. 124 John Elroy 44 Buck minus 99 116 Showroom star
supplier Sanford, 45 Where 33 Down 118 Pointed-roof
59 Wizard’s familiarly played covering
introduction 125 It’s in the bag 46 Extracts venom
61 Losing 126 Saddle-stitching from We Are at the Corner of 10th Avenue
propositions? place 48 Blue Cross, for on the Miracle Mile. Take a Tour Today! 772-562-8491
62 Certain tackles in one: abbr.
the All-Choirboys DOWN 49 Responsibility Assisted Living & Memory Care l
Football League? 1 When 32 Across 50 Leaking sound 2100 10th Avenue l Vero Beach, FL 32960
65 TNT start 53 Cleo’s guy
66 Peter Pan girl 57 Marshall Plan’s
67 Writer Henry offering
58 Mac toppers
60 Wayne’s World
star Myers
61 City in India
63 1968 Heisman
The Telegraph
24 Thursday, August 31, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Regifting? It’s the lack of thought that counts (against you)
STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST A couple of ways to do that: Put unused gifts in a your kids’ ages or states of mind, but over time your
“gift closet,” then shop the closet when an occasion choices can be a foundation for your kids’ later un-
Hi, Carolyn: I try to be mindful comes up. derstanding of pragmatism as a remedy for excess.
of the lessons I’m passing on to my
kids. They receive a lot of presents Only select something that you and your kids be- Re: Regifting: They could also donate the unwanted
for holidays and birthdays, and lieve the recipient would like – even to the point of items to local charities or thrift shops.
some are never opened. going out to buy something else if the closet doesn’t
provide adequately. Or, return gifts (when pos- – Anonymous
I’ve started regifting them to their sible) for gift cards, then use the gift cards to shop
friends on occasion. I do this not so thoughtfully for other kids. Anonymous: True. It doesn’t help this parent save
much for frugality – although that money, but it would solve the message problem with
is a part of it – but mainly because I’ve found that “missing the point” is a protean the kids. Thanks.
I don’t think the world needs more concept, too, especially with younger kids. Your
plastic (read: junk) and if I buy less of it, perhaps less gift ethics could be failing to register now due to Dear Carolyn: A few months ago, after an in-
will be produced. Also, if we aren’t going to use the creasing amount of silence on her end, an old
item, perhaps someone else will find it enjoyable. friend told me she didn’t want to be friends any-
I explain this to them; however, I worry they’re miss- more. So I backed off.
ing my point. Do you think I’m being cheap and un-
thoughtful? I found out from a mutual friend that she’s now en-
gaged. I feel like I can’t let this event go unacknowl-
– Regifting vs. Recycling edged. Would it be wrong of me to send a card of con-
gratulations and a gift?
Regifting vs. Recycling: Well …
I’m with you on reducing consumption and waste, I have no expectations that this will rekindle our
both for the planet and for the prevention of spoiled friendship; I just want her to know I’m happy for her
children. Watching a kid process (i.e., learn to take and still thinking of her.
for granted in the span of about 60 seconds) an envi-
ronment of excess is sobering. – Old Friend
I balk at the regifting, though, and here’s why.
The beauty of a gift is in thinking of the recipient, Old Friend: If the dissolution were 10 years ago, I
imagining what he or she would want, and going to could see sending a happy-for-you card. Since it was
find that thing. Those are the mechanics of thought, recent, though, the risk is too high that a gift will
which is supposed to be what counts. convey disrespect for her wishes; not enough time
If you can save money while still preserving the has passed for you to have proved with your actions
thought mechanics, though, then I’m all for regifting. that you will honor her request to end the friend-
ship. I’m sorry.
Tiny implanted pump works
wonders during heart surgery
26 Thursday, August 31, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Implanted pump works wonders during heart surgery
[email protected]
Dr. Dinesh Patel is a cardiac sur-
gery specialist whose skills are so
sought-after that he performs pro-
cedures at hospitals in Melbourne
(Health First), Jacksonville (Memori-
al Hospital and St. Vincent’s Medical
Center) and at Sebastian River Medi-
cal Center.
One of the procedures he performs
is implanting a heart pump called
the Impella, which is the smallest in
the world. The pump, which is usu-
ally used for a short period while the
heart is being surgically
repaired, is manufactured
by medical device maker
Abiomed, developer of the
first-ever total replace-
ment artificial heart.
The International
Journal of Angiology as
well as the U.S. National
Library of Medicine say
these Impella pumps
are “miniaturized, Abiomed Impella Controller
serted ventricular assist devic- ARNP Jennifer Konowitz and Dr. Dinesh Patel of the SRMC catheterization laboratory. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 31, 2017 27
es, or VADs” which, in plain English, utes. While doing that, we use this the blood flow,” Patel says. “That can surgery in Gainesville. The Impella
means they are heart pumps that are pump.” form a blood clot while this tube is really helped give us that time for air
small enough to be inserted through in and when the pump is in you have transport.”
the skin and along the arteries rath- Here, Jennifer Konowitz of the to give patient a blood thinner. So all
er than by cutting the chest open to SRMC catheterization lab joins the those things could be an issue, you Patel concurs. The Impella devices
access the heart. conversation, saying these pumps know?” are, he says, “a nice bridge for us. We
“allow the heart rest. So it’s working can provide the care that we can do
Their mission is to stabilize po- while their hearts can rest and re- Konowitz then volunteers that – here, but then if the patient needs
tentially life-threatening circulatory pair” while [the pump] creates bet- on rare occasions – Impella devices something highly specialized, they
problems. ter blood flow.” can also play a key role in patient can still get that excellent care at a
transports. center that specializes in that and
Patel says their journey begins She adds that the device is typi- still have this life-saving device on
by going in through the femoral ar- cally left “in for 24 to 48 hours.” “Sometimes patients need surger- board.”
tery, up into the heart and then de- ies that maybe we don’t offer in this
scending into the lower chambers “The most common use is for hospital or in this area and they need Dr. Dinesh Patel is in practice with
of the heart to temporarily take over short-term duration because, re- to be transported out,” she says. “We Dr. Charles Croft at 1402 Oak Street in
pumping blood. “Basically,” Patel member, the way it goes to the artery just had a patient not too long ago Melbourne. The phone number is 321-
explains, “they help the heart, the in the leg is through a tube – which is who needed a highly specialized 722-3288.
left ventricle, pump blood [more] ef- a sizable tube – and that can occlude
A quick brush-up on cardio physi-
ology might be useful here.
There are four chambers inside
the heart. The lower chambers are
called the ventricles. The lower-left
ventricle is the heart’s main pump-
ing chamber, though both the left
and right ventricles can get “over-
worked” to an extent that leads to
heart failure.
Indeed, heart failure occurs when
blood cannot be efficiently pumped
in or out of the heart. Failure can oc-
cur via a fast or a slow progression.
The heart muscle attempts to make
up for inefficiency by getting larger
in order to hold more blood and the
strain of attempting to maintain the
same volume of blood being pumped
can – in laymen’s terms – simply be
too much for the muscle to handle.
According to the Texas Heart in-
stitute, “In most patients, heart fail-
ure occurs because the left ventricle
fails. As heart failure progresses, the
stress on the left ventricle becomes
so great that it cannot send enough
blood to the body’s other organs.
When medicines and pacemakers no
longer help the heart, patients need
a heart transplant or a mechanical
The Journal of Angiology’s assess-
ment of the Impella pumps is simple
and to the point. “These devices,” it
says, “have proved easy to implant,
performed well and were associated
with a low rate of adverse events.”
According to Patel, Impella pumps
are most commonly employed under
two sets of circumstances.
First, he says, is when “somebody
has what we call cardiac arrest or
cardiogenic shock and the second
use is if the patient has a blockage,”
inside the arteries of the heart.
“For any kind of acute heart at-
tack,” Patel continues, “what we call
an ‘ST elevation myocardial infarc-
tion’ – that’s the name of one kind of
heart attack – the artery is complete-
ly blocked off. In that situation it’s
always an emergency and we have to
open that artery up within 90 min-
28 Thursday, August 31, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Study: Fewer antibiotic prescriptions being filled
STORY BY AMY GOLDSTEIN THE WASHINGTON POST heed warnings that excessive anti- smaller decline and comparable age sis of 31 million commercially in-
biotic use breeds dangerous drug and geographic variations. sured customers a year found that
The use of antibiotics among resistance and “superbug” bacteria. the steepest decrease in filled pre-
Americans with commercial health The analysis is based on 173 million The CDC reported a 5 percent de- scriptions was for children – a drop
insurance has decreased during the insurance claims from people under crease overall between 2011 and 2014 of 16 percent, compared with 6 per-
past several years, according to a age 65 with Blue Cross Blue Shield in antibiotic prescriptions written in cent for adults. Prescriptions filled
new analysis that nevertheless shows coverage who filled prescriptions be- outpatient settings such as doctors’ for infants fell the most – 22 percent.
lingering variations for different ages tween 2010 and 2016. offices, clinics and hospital emer-
and in different parts of the country. gency rooms. As with earlier research, the analy-
It is a sequel of sorts to research by sis also found wide geographic dif-
The study released last week pro- the federal Centers for Disease Con- The study by the Blue Cross Blue ferences, with people in the South
vides the latest evidence of how trol and Prevention, which found a Shield Association found that 9 per- and Appalachia tending to fill pre-
doctors and patients have begun to cent fewer antibiotics prescribed scriptions at rates significantly
in outpatient settings were filled in greater than those in New England
2016, compared with 2010. and along the West Coast. The high-
est rates were in Mississippi, Ala-
Efforts to make sure that doc- bama and Arkansas. However, be-
tors and patients rely on antibiotics tween 2010 and 2016, the rates fell in
only when necessary have gained all states except Delaware, Illinois
prominence in recent years. A study and Nebraska.
last year by the CDC and the Pew
Charitable Trusts was the first to try Among types of antibiotics, the
to quantify the overuse, concluding decrease was greatest among those
that nearly one-third of the antibi- that are broad-spectrum – covering
otics prescribed in outpatient set- a wide range of bacteria and most
tings were not needed. Many of these likely to lead to drug-resistance. Still,
estimated 47 million unnecessary the analysis found that about one in
prescriptions were for colds or other five of the filled prescriptions after
respiratory illnesses that are caused outpatient visits were for conditions
by viruses and do not respond to an- not considered treatable by such an-
tibiotics. tibiotics.
The Blue Cross Blue Shield analy-
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30 Thursday, August 31, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Hula Moon: Get hip to this intriguing taste of Polynesia
[email protected]
Hula Moon is an incredibly fun
place with lots of friendly people and
a group of regulars made up mostly of
former and current military personnel
and their families, and surfers young
and old.
The periodic Polynesian show put
on by the Satellite Beach-based Bre-
vard Hawaiian Dancers is spectacular
and unique, and every island resident
should go see it at some point. You
won’t be sorry. The next show dates
are Sept. 23, Oct. 21 and Dec. 16.
Great music, dancing and the tal-
ented local folks sharing their enthu-
siasm with the packed crowd two Sat-
urdays ago were the highlights of our
experience. Our party of three enjoyed
the show and enjoyed watching oth-
ers get up and participate in a cruise-
ship style dancing lesson led by the The Brevard Hawaiian Dancers
performing traditional Polynesian dances.
traditionally costumed dancers. The
Brevard Hawaiian Dancers range in
served with cilantro lime rice and vege-
age from roughly 10 to maybe 60 and tables. I like my fish cooked longer than
take great pride in performing the most people, so it was perfect for me,
but you might want to order it a little
traditional dances of Polynesia, less done for your taste. We fin-
ished off with the delicious fried
in which dancers communi- apple pie ($4.49), and a scoop
of vanilla ice cream.
cate with their hands and
Orange Chicken. All in all, I would definitely
charm with their hips go back to Hula Moon for the
and their smiles. Ahi Poke Tacos. fun tiki-bar atmosphere and the
friendly people, but I’d be very careful
The best part of re- about what I ordered.
viewing island and We encourage you to send feedback to
[email protected].
select mainland res-
The reviewer is a barrier island
taurants for the Mel- resident who dines anonymously
bourne Beachsider, be- at restaurants at the expense of
this newspaper.
sides the food, of course,
is that I learn something
interesting about the ingre-
dients, the cooking methods or
about a different culture on
every dining expedition.
I’d never eaten Polyne-
sian food before, and what
I learned from this din-
ing assignment is that to-
day’s version of traditional
Hawaiian or Polynesian
cuisine is often prepared
and seasoned with a great Luau Pork
deal of sodium – specifically Coba Cobia.
monosodium glutamate, or food and
sausage and a
MSG – and I’m one of those people scoop of rice. This dish could be a ordered
meal in itself. Then came the spin-
who just cannot consume MSG without ach salad ($8.99), which was a tradi- the cheesy wahoo dip
tional bed of spinach with bacon and
suffering the next day. I’m only passing hardboiled eggs, with ahi tuna added appetizer, a blend of cream cheese,
($3.99), which you can get either raw
this information along because I sus- or seared. I also enjoyed a bottle of pepper jack and chunks of wahoo fish, HOURS
coconut-flavored dark beer. The spin- Sun.- Thurs. 11 am - 9 pm,
pect I’m not alone in this sensitivity. ach salad on its own would have been served with warm, homemade kettle Fri. and Sat. 11 am- 10 pm
great, but the generous portion of tuna
I visited Hula Moon on two occasions was extremely salty. potato chips, and both were yummy. BEVERAGES
The night of the dinner show, we Full bar
– once for a solo lunch a few days prior My son ordered a chicken poke bowl,
to the big show, and then back for din- which had a surprising amount of ten- 1900 Highway A1A,
Indian Harbour Beach
ner and the hula dancers with my son der chicken breast on it, and my co-
and a co-worker. worker opted for the veggie bowl with 321-241-4808
On the first trip, I ordered a bowl corn, black beans and pico de gallo,
of Chowder Hula Style ($5.99), which which he said was good but was load-
was excellent and very unique, with a ed with shredded cheese. I enjoyed
creamy base and tasty chunks of sea- my seafood stuffed flounder ($15.99)
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 31, 2017 31
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The area’s best restaurants, many offering weekly specials.
32 Thursday, August 31, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
ONGOING 1 Opening reception for the 12th Annual 2 Get SOAKed for Autism water fun day, urologists and radiation oncologists, informa-
100% Pure Florida juried exhibit, 5:30 p.m. 11:00am – 4:00pm at Space Coast Har- tion on treatment options for treatment and
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 at Fifth Avenue Art Gallery with 57 pieces rep- ley Davidson, 1440 Sportsman Lane NE, Palm dealing with side effects after treatment. Call
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park resenting 42 artists chosen from 182 entries, Bay, with festivities including music, food, and 321-432-5573.
in the Eau Gallie Arts District, with cash prizes. games. 100% of the proceeds from this event
Saturdays on the Sand with Melissa Faith will stay right here in Brevard county to sup- 16 Eagle Pride 5K and 1-Mile, 7:30 a.m.
Yoga, 7 a.m. Saturdays at the Indialantic Board- port our families touched by autism. www.get- at and to benefit Ascension Catholic
walk across from Starbucks. Free admission, 1 Magic Mike Show Live to benefit Paws for School, Melbourne.
mats and blankets provided. Bring water and Veterans, a Las Vegas Productions girls
other essentials. night out show starts at 8 p.m. at Paws for Vet- 2 Fourth Anniversary Party at Intracoastal 16|17 Regular Joe Surf Festival at
erans, 63 Ocean Blvd, Satellite Beach. Ages 18 Brewing Company, 2 to 10 p.m. in the Eau north jetty, ‘a contest for the
Tai Chi and Qigong, 9:30 a.m. Saturdays at and older. Tickets are $25 in advance, $35 at the Gallie Arts District in the new beer garden with rest of us’ to benefit Surfrider Foundation Sebas-
Gleason Park, north side of lake. Donation of door. Call 702-741-4896 or register through the live local music from Nick and Tone, Vinyl Res- tian Inlet Chapter.
$5-$10. facebook event listing. cue, Zeddemore, and Oranga Tanga. Brick oven
pizza from FM Pizza Oven and Peruvian cuisine 21|22 “Playing with Fire,” a pro-
Beee Rock the Porch Jam — 1:00 to 2:50 p.m. 2 Family Fun Run, 7:30 a.m. at Wickham from Intruck Coastal Bites. www.intracoastal- gram of hot, dangerous
second and fourth Saturdays at Melbourne Park, to benefit affordable mental health and fiery music, will kick off the Melbourne Mu-
Beach Old Town Hall History Center, 2373 Oak counseling through ACF Therapy Associates. nicipal Band’s (MMB) 53rd concert season on
Street (by A1A). Free. 8 Dude Looks Like a Lady: Men Against Do- September 20 and 21 at 7:30 p.m. at the Mel-
mestic Violence cocktail party, 6:30 p.m. bourne Auditorium, 625 E. Hibiscus Blvd. There
AUGUST 2 Boards, Boats, Brews and Paddle Adven- at Radisson Resort at the Port, with Brevard’s is no charge and tickets are not required. Doors
ture, 9 a.m. to noon in partnership with finest ‘made-over’ men raising funds to combat open at 6:30 p.m.
31 Grand opening of Harbour House Paddling Paradise Guides and The Mansion, domestic violence. $75.
Oceanfront wedding and event launch site is Front Street Park, 2210 Front St 22 Swingtime launches its 2017-18 dance
venue, reservation-only reception for the Melbourne. Price per person is $45 ($20 if you 9 Turtle Krawl 5K Run/Walk, the largest 5K in season with a Fall Kick-off Dance at 7 p.m.
public from 5 to 8 p.m., with a general bring your own SUP board) which includes pad- Brevard, 7:30 a.m. at Nance Park in Indial- at the Melbourne Auditorium, 625 Hibiscus Blvd.
look-and-see open house for anyone who dling instruction course, equipment rental, a antic to benefit Sea Turtle Preservation Society. Dance tickets are $7 in advance at various outlets,
wants to stop by 1901 Hwy A1A, Indian Har- 60-90 minute SUP and kayak tour on the Indian or $10 at the door or online. Dance lessons are avail-
bour Beach from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. RSVP for River and up into Crane Creek and back, plus a able from Laura Beers from 6 to 7 p.m. for $5 per
the evening reception to (321)610-3245. $10 gift card toward food and beverages at The 9 One Senior Place presents “Every Day is person. Call 321-339-7705 or visit Mansion. Veterans Day” patriotic concert featuring for ticket outlet locations.
the Space Coast Symphony Winds and Chorus, 2
SEPTEMBER 2 Hands Across the Reef demonstra- p.m. at the Scott Center for the Performing Arts, 23 Space Coast Race to end Alzheimer’s at
tion by Save the Mid-Reach and the 5625 Holy Trinity Drive, Melbourne, Free. Call Riverfront Park in Cocoa Village. Reg-
1 Chocolate tasting 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Surfrider Foundation, 10 a.m. to noon at 321.751.6771 or go to www.OneSeniorPlace. istration 8 a.m. for 9:30 a.m. walk. Volunteers
Green Turtle Market, 855 E. Eau Gallie Pelican Beach Park in Satellite Beach. So- com needed.
Boulevard. Free, hosted by Graffiti Zoo Gourmet cial gathering at from 10 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Chocolate Company. www.greenturtlemarket. with music and snacks, then guest speak- 11|25 US MEN Prostate Cancer 27 League of Women Voters of the
com ers and an opportunity to share stories and Support Group, 6 p.m. at Space Coast luncheon and panel dis-
feelings about the beach and the reef. Join- Melbourne Library located at 540 E Fee Ave. cussion “Current Perspectives on Health Care
ing of hands down the beach at 11:15 a.m. For men who have been diagnosed, or treated Access and Delivery in Brevard County and for prostate cancer. Guest speakers including Beyond”from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Sun-
tree Country Club, 1 Country Club Drive. Cost is
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN Crossword PPaaggee 2431 (ON THE LAMB) $22-$25 for non-members. RSVP by Sept. 20 at
in August 24, 2017 Edition 7 LEMONADE 1 HESITATE or call Doreen Archer
8 OVEN 2 POLITE at 321-622-4071.
10 TREATY 4 FEATURE 30 Long Doggers Kids’ Marathon and Half
11 MARES 5 NOVELS Marathon, 7:30 a.m. from David R.
12 PROSPER 6 ZEST Schechter Center, Satellite Beach to benefit Sat-
15 FEATHER 13 ELEGANCE ellite High School AFJROTC.
20 ASSENT 16 TWENTY Please send calendar information
22 BUREAU 18 SCREEN at least two weeks prior to your
24 AUDIENCE 21 SOLO event to
[email protected]
Sudoku Page 2420 SudokuPPaaggee2431 CrosswordPPage 4202
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Updated Satellite Beach
condo offers luxurious
oceanfront living
403 A1A #242 in the Horizon Condominiums in Satellite Beach: 3-bedroom, 2-bath,
1790-square-foot fourth-floor oceanfront condo offered for $524,900 by Coldwell Banker Paradise
listing agent Phil Price Jr.: 321-536-7695
34 Thursday, August 31, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Updated condo offers luxurious oceanfront living
BY BRENDA EGGERT BRADER 1,790 square feet of luxurious living living room, all facing the ocean view and a five-seat breakfast bar. Beyond
Correspondent space built in 1984. through a wall of sliders that can fold the kitchen, the huge dining and liv-
one into the other to open the rooms ing rooms view the ocean horizon out
The sight of the blue Atlantic ac- A secure elevator whisks owners to fully to the outdoors. The updated across the balcony. The living room
companied by the sound of the surf the home’s entrance that opens into a eat-in kitchen with tray ceiling has a features a convenient wet bar.
rolling onto the shore right just be- long, tiled foyer flanked by two bed- full pantry, plenty of upper and low-
low the balcony at 403 A1A #242 in rooms. A split bedroom design places er cabinets, richly tiled backsplash, The large carpeted master bedroom
the Horizon Condominiums is a the master on the east side, overlook- granite countertops, black appliances has glass sliders that open onto the
dream in paradise. The fourth-floor ing the ocean. balcony and ocean view. The master
unit, located in Satellite Beach, of-
fers panoramic ocean views from Beyond the foyer, the condomin-
ium’s large open floor plan features
a spacious kitchen, dining room and
TOP 1% OF BREVARD “Todd is highly motivated, very ambitious and is
COUNTY AGENTS cohnisstacnlitelyntgsowinigthththeeeirxbtreasmt iinlete.r.e.asltwinaymsisnedr!v”ing
TODD OSTRANDER Todd moved here from Minnesota and has been serving the citizens of
Brevard County for 20 years with high energy, hard work and his unique way
“HALL OF FAME” PRODUCER with people. His vast knowledge of the many neighborhoods and communi-
ties in the area, interest in real estate and willingness to go above and beyond
321-749-8405 for his clients is a winning combination for either buyers or sellers!
He specializes in marketing unique properties and water properties by using
[email protected] a professional photographer to capture the most beautiful pictures that at-
WWW.DOORTOTHEEASTSHORE.COM tract buyers from all around the world. He also has the experience and knowl-
edge to help ANY seller that wants an agent that is hardworking, trustworthy
and goes the extra mile to handle each of his clients on a “one on one” basis.
Overall he has single handedly closed over 300 transactions which equals
well over 125 Million Dollars of Real Estate since starting in 2007/2008. This
stature has made him one of the preferred agents in the area and landed him
in the “Top 1% of Brevard County agents!” but the most important thing is
that all his clients are happy!
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 31, 2017 35
bathroom, featuring two sinks with A large closet completes the ensem- beds, dressers and tables; they share full laundry/utility room. All the clos-
tiled decorative backsplash, has an ble. the second bathroom off a small hall- ets are large and there are plenty of
open, deep-tile shower built without way. Nearby is a large walk-in linen electrical outlets and fancy ceiling
the need for doors or shower curtain. The other two bedrooms, featuring closet. Opposite the linen closet is a fans in each room.
tile floors, are large enough for queen
36 Thursday, August 31, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
The balcony, which can be enclosed VITAL STATISTICS family of four has enjoyed the years
and protected with storm shutters, 403 A1A #242 IN SATELLITE BEACH they have had it. Because they love
offers ample room for dining table the area they want to stay but want a
and chairs, and comfortable sofas to Neighborhood: Horizon Condominiums larger home.
enjoy relaxing and socializing in the Year built: 1984
ocean breeze. “The condominium homeowners
Home size: 1,790 square feet association has updated the lobbies
“It is just gorgeous out here the Bedrooms: 3 and common areas. It is a very quiet
majority of the day,” said Coldwell Bathrooms: 2 semi-private beach with mostly no
Banker Paradise listing agent Phil year around residents. It is more of a
Price Jr. “It is quiet and private and Additional features: Indoor garage one parking space per unit with stor- second home type of thing.”
all you hear is the ocean from the age, community pool, private direct ocean beach access, window treat-
balcony. You are actually five sto- ments, ceiling fans, tile floors, granite countertops, view space launches There is a pedestrian-friendly side-
ries up because the garage is under- from balcony. Secure entry: Door key entrance to lobby. Homeowners walk along State Road A1A in front
neath so that places you right op- Association: Dues $450/month covers common taxes, building insur- of the building and the site is only a
posite the ocean horizon. You never quarter mile from a major food store
hear any beach conversation from ance, maintenance common areas, pest control, trash and garbage, and shopping plaza with a restaurant
here.” water and sewer. Pets allowed. across the street.
There is easy access to the beach Listing agency: Coldwell Banker Paradise “Everything is within moderate
from the condominium grounds Listing agent: Phil Price Jr., 321-536-7695 walking distance,” Price said.
over a short wooden walkway
through a bank of sea grass and pal- Listing price: $524,900 Small cats and dogs are allowed
mettos that flank the sand shore, by the homeowners association. The
forming a border along the edge of $450-per-month HOA fee includes
the condos well-maintained lawns such things as cable, common tax-
and shrubs. The community swim- es, lawn maintenance and common
ming pool is on the sunny south area maintenance, roof replacement,
side of the condominium building, trash, and water and sewer.
which also has a community recre-
ation room that can be reserved for Just imagine the beautiful pink and
parties. A separate poolside picnic red sunrises or watching the moon
area provides another social space. rise over the ocean while sitting and
Each homeowner has one parking sipping a beverage of choice and
spot and storage space inside the overlooking the vast Atlantic. The
immense garage under the building. home’s private balcony also provides
a perfect vantage point to enjoy un-
“The same family has been in own- obstructed views of rockets taking off
ership since the condominium was from Cape Canaveral.
built,” Price said of Unit 242. “The
To see this beauty, contact Phil
Price Jr. at Coldwell Banker Paradise,
321-536-7695 or 321-222-9449.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 31, 2017 37
Homeowners making headway on mortgage debt
BY KENNETH R. HARNEY ership of a house is statistically cor-
Washington Post related with higher equity holdings.
ATTOM found that houses owned
Americans readily gossip about ing; 1.6 million owners became eq- for more than 20 years are five times
home values – “Did you hear the crazy uity rich last year alone. more likely to be equity rich com-
high price the house down the street pared with homes owned for less
sold for?” “Did you hear how little our ● On the flip side of the ledger, than a year.
neighbors were forced to take on their 5.4 million owners (9.5 percent of the
sale?” total) are in serious negative equity Bottom line: Want to build big eq-
positions, owing at least 25 percent uity if you’re not an all-cash buyer?
But people are much more reti- more on their mortgages than their Stay put. Don’t pile on debt. And pay
cent when it comes to home equity, homes could command in the mar- the mortgage.
which is not surprising: Prices and ketplace. But rising home prices are
assessed values are public informa- bailing out large numbers of the eq- JUST LISTED IN THE CLOISTERS!
tion. Equity holdings are not public, uity deficient: their number is down
and they take some effort to figure by more than 1.2 million in the last 12 Building Confidence Through Relationships
out. Equity is intimate financial in- months.
formation, like a bank account or 321.890.9911 321.729.6000
retirement fund balances, and rep- ● The geographical distribution of
resents a major part of most owners’ high and low equity homes is stark –
net worth. and not necessarily where you might
have guessed. At the top of the list of THE HOUSING MARKET IS MOVING FAST - DON’T GET LEFT BEHIND.
So it tends to be closely held. ZIP codes with the highest share of
All of which makes a new statistical equity rich homes is a neighborhood BUYING OR SELLING
report on the equity levels of owners in Pittsburgh (ZIP code 15201, Law- WE’LL GET YOU WERE YOU NEED TO GO.
of more than 150 million homes with renceville), where by most measures
mortgages intriguing. home prices are moderate. The medi- 1745 SHORE VIEW DR. • INDIALANTIC, FL 32903
The report comes from ATTOM an list price this year is $277,000 – not
Data Solutions, a research and ana- a whole lot of McMansions in sight. Yet JUST LISTED - $1,650,000
lytics firm that tracks equity move- three out of every four owners there
ments on a quarterly basis using are equity rich. 5 BEDROOM + 4.1 BATHROOM 5,146 SF • COVERED SUMMER KITCHEN
public property information and 146 OF DIRECT WATERFRONT • GRAND FOYER ENTRY
proprietary automated valuation sys- Close behind is ZIP code 11220, the
tems. According to ATTOM research- Sunset Park area of Brooklyn, N.Y., SPARKLING POOL & SPA SURROUNDED BY STONE PAVERED LANAI
ers, 34 percent of all American home- where prices range from $428,000 for
owners have 100 percent equity in a two-bedroom apartment to more RECENT ACTIVITY
their properties – they’ve either paid than $1 million. More than 74 per- UNDER CONTRACT! 604 N RIVERSIDE DR.
off their entire mortgage debt or they cent of the owner residents here have JUST SOLD! 2640 N RIVERSIDE DR. $1,400,000
never had a mortgage. mortgage debt that is less than half of
Equity is the difference between what their properties are worth. JUST SOLD! 401 MIAMI AVE - $760,000
the current market value of your
home and the debt you’ve got against Then there’s San Antonio, where LET’S CONNECT
it. If you own a $400,000 house and ZIP code 78207 has a current me- DAVID CURRI
your mortgage debt is $150,000, dian list price around $100,000, but C: 321.890.9911
you’ve got $250,000 in equity. During you can get a five-bedroom detached E: [email protected]
the five years following the housing house for $159,900. More than 71 per- Get Your Home Value Today, Visit:
bust in 2007, when the real estate re- cent of the owners in this relatively
covery began taking hold, American modestly priced neighborhood are
homeowners lost billions of dollars equity rich.
in equity. But today many have re-
couped all or most of it, and the Fed- So although regions with high-
eral Reserve estimates that home- priced homes – think San Jose and
owners now control an astounding the Washington D.C. metro area
$1.37 trillion in equity wealth. – statistically are more likely to be
The latest ATTOM report opens flush with equity, more moderately
a window on equity – where and in priced neighborhoods and cities can
what types of homes equity holdings have impressive numbers among
are especially large and where they the equity rich. In fact, according to
tilt negative, with property values ATTOM, substantial percentages of
well below what owners could expect homes valued from under $100,000
to get from a sale. to $300,000 qualify for the same,
Some quick highlights: elite category.
● Fourteen million American
homeowners, roughly one of every ● Not surprisingly, longevity of own-
four owners with a mortgage, are
“equity rich”: Their debt is less than
50 percent of their current home
value. Thanks to rapidly rising home
prices, that number has been spiral-
38 Thursday, August 31, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Aug. 18 to Aug. 23
The dog days of August saw real estate activity slow a bit in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903 and 32937.
Indialantic and Satellite Beach each reported 6 sales, followed by Indian Harbour Beach with 4 and
Melbourne Beach reporting 2.
Our featured sale of the week was of a home in Aquarina with ocean views from the third floor. The
residence at 7431 Matanilla Reef Way was placed on the market April 5 for $849,000. The transaction
closed Aug. 22 for full asking price.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Renee Winkler and Carola Mayerhoeffer of Treasure Coast
Sotheby’s. The purchaser was represented by Bridget Sentz and Carolyn Smith of RE/MAX Elite.
$475,000 $402,500
RIVER COLONY EAST 509 ANDREWS DR 3/7/2017 $425,000 8/24/2017
RIVER OAKS WEST 525 W RIVER OAKS DR 6/1/2017 $1,044,000 $1,044,000 8/18/2017 $950,000
RIVER SHORES 2 SHORE VIEW LN 6/1/2017 $474,500 $474,500 8/18/2017 $460,000
CLOISTER TERRACE 139 CAMBRIDGE CT 7/19/2017 $449,000 $449,000 8/21/2017 $435,000
TORTOISE ISLAND PH 4 202 LANTERNBACK ISLAND DR 7/5/2017 $1,150,000 $1,150,000 8/23/2017 $1,100,000
SEACOAST SHORES U5S3 213 MARION ST 7/11/2017 $399,900 $399,900 8/21/2017 $399,900
FLAMINGO HOMES SEC D 230 AVOCADO ST 4/20/2017 $324,000 $323,900 8/21/2017 $323,900
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 31, 2017 39
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: River Colony East, Address: 509 Andrews Dr Subdivision: River Oaks West, Address: 525 W River Oaks Dr
Listing Date: 3/7/2017 Listing Date: 6/1/2017
Original Price: $475,000 Original Price: $1,044,000
Recent Price: $425,000 Recent Price: $1,044,000
Sold: 8/24/2017 Sold: 8/18/2017
Selling Price: $402,500 Selling Price: $950,000
Listing Agent: DeWayne Carpenter Listing Agent: Kevin Hill
& Shane Burgman & Thomas Donnelly
Selling Agent: Selling Agent:
Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc Re/Max Alternative Realty
Kay Johnson Phillip Welsh
EXP Realty LLC J. Edwards Real Estate
Subdivision: River Shores, Address: 2 Shore View Ln Subdivision: Cloister Terrace, Address: 139 Cambridge Ct
Listing Date: 6/1/2017 Listing Date: 7/19/2017
Original Price: $474,500 Original Price: $449,000
Recent Price: $474,500 Recent Price: $449,000
Sold: 8/18/2017 Sold: 8/21/2017
Selling Price: $460,000 Selling Price: $435,000
Listing Agent: Kathy Bain Heyl Listing Agent: Mary Goodwin
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Curri Kirschner Real Estate Group LLC
Toni Maupin Amanda Moyles Gonnella
Charles Rutenberg Realty Re/Max Alternative Realty
Subdivision: Tortoise Island PH 4, Address: 202 Lanternback Island Dr
Listing Date: 7/5/2017
Original Price: $1,150,000
Recent Price: $1,150,000
Sold: 8/23/2017
Selling Price: $1,100,000
Listing Agent: DeWayne Carpenter
& Kirk Kessel
Selling Agent:
Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc
Jeff Deratany
Riverside Realty of Brevard
Subdivision: Seacoast Shores U5S3, Address: 213 Marion St
Listing Date: 7/11/2017
Original Price: $399,900
Recent Price: $399,900
Sold: 8/21/2017
Selling Price: $399,900
Listing Agent: Jonathan Krauser
Selling Agent: J. Edwards Real Estate
Andrew Barclay
RE/MAX Elite