Leadership shuffle. P6 Aw, ‘Shuck Shack.’ P28 A passion for painting
Who’s who and who’s new Dining review: New Satellite Beach
at beachside schools this year. restaurant shows great potential.
THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 2018 | VOLUME 03, ISSUE 32 Capturing ‘beauty
and joy.’ PAGE 12
www.melbournebeachsider.com | NEWSSTAND PRICE $1.00
Motorists, take note: After a six-month trial period of predictable openings every 30 minutes, the Mathers Bridge at Indian Harbour STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER Subsequent tests showing
Beach has reverted to a schedule of on-demand openings, pending a Coast Guard study of the trial. Story, Page 2. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD [email protected] acceptable levels in ground-
water along the barrier island,
Worried residents arrived and drinking water test results
early for a meeting Sunday for island schools, didn’t allay
afternoon, more than 200 fill- the fears caused by a growing
ing the Satellite Beach Civic body of new reports of rare
Center amid concerns about
groundwater contamination CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
causing cancer clusters in their
neighborhoods. Several car- Rodolfo Olivas.
ried photos of loved ones who
had passed away or were too FRAUD SUSPECT
sick to attend. The line to ask FACES 30 YEARS
questions took more than an
hour to wind to the end. STORY BY JENNIFER TORRES
The apprehension now
reaching a boiling point be- The fraud case against
gan this spring with the an- an Indialantic man won’t
nouncement that chemicals be going to trial before the
called PFOA and PFOS used end of summer.
in firefighting foams were
found in Patrick Air Force On April 12, 46-year-old
Base groundwater. Rodolfo Olivas was ar-
rested for fraud, theft and
City: Our record clear Lagoon tourism is endgame of dredging drudgery money laundering.
on development rules
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER [email protected] say they received infor-
[email protected] mation in June 2017 from
For six months now, contrac- Hills, Inc. that their book-
Despite social media spec- tors for Brevard County and Cocoa keeper/accountant had
ulation to the contrary, Sat- Beach have been dredging muck
ellite Beach city officials say from the bottom of the Indian Riv- CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
they have been playing by er Lagoon.
the rules when it comes to Muck removal continues in the Indian River Lagoon. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
growth and development, The goal of the $2 million proj-
and will continue to do so. ect, part of the county’s Save Our
Indian River Lagoon Plan, is to
Those rules allow the remove 83,000 cubic yards of the
city to legally apply relaxed black, rotted vegetation from the
height requirements – for the lagoon. Nitrogen and phospho-
Oceana Condominiums un- rous in the muck have nourished
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 Step right this way!
NEWS 1-6 DINING 28 PEOPLE 7-10 Club puts heart and ‘sole’
ARTS 11-14 GAMES 21-23 PETS 20 into back-to-school shoe drive
CALENDAR 30 INSIGHT 15-24 for Nana’s House. PAGE 10
2 Thursday, August 9, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
LAGOON DREDGING For the tourism-related improve- “As long as we don’t have, like, three “This money will be based on a 3-1
ments, the County Commission on Aug. hurricanes in a row, they should have match,” King said. “So if you have a
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 14 is scheduled to consider amending that ($1 million) to spare,” Barker said. plan to help the lagoon and you need
its tourist-development ordinance by $100,000, you provide $75,000 (in state
growths of algae that block sunlight including lagoon- and estuary-related Barker said she could envision such or federal money). Of course, this all
from seagrasses and choke off oxygen projects. Tourist-development money lagoon-tourism projects to include needs to be fine-tuned.”
from fish and other marine creatures. comes from the 5 percent “bed tax” the shoring up some causeway parks, where
county adds onto hotel and other short- horseshoe crabs have historically mated Commissioners on July 24 voted 5-0
And while that work goes on, county term rental stays. and laid eggs. on Commissioner Curt Smith’s motion
Natural Resources Director Virginia to advertise the upcoming public hear-
Barker is looking to another phase of Starting next year, in fiscal year 2019- But so far, acting Space Coast Tourism ing – but not before Smith and rival John
lagoon improvement – restoring the 20, county tourism officials expect to Director Bonnie King said, her agency Tobia got into a quarrel over it.
environment for tourism. “The muck have $1 million a year left from their won’t have a project list until commis-
project and others we’ve done are based beach-improvement program after sioners approve the new use for tourist Tobia recalled Smith opposing an ef-
on removing nitrogen and phosphorus,” paying for beach projects. The lagoon- taxes and advisers compile the list. fort last year by state Rep. Randy Fine (R-
Barker said last week. “The new projects tourism money would come from that Palm Bay) to use county tourist taxes on
won’t be pollution-reduction. They will $1 million. To make the list, she said, projects will the lagoon.
be more about restoring the habitat.” need at least a 4-1 vote. And any grant
more than $50,000 would need a match. At the time, Smith said recently, legal
[email protected]
Making (NPRM) and Temporary Final
After a six-month trial period of Rule (TFR), followed by another pub-
predictable openings every 30 min- lic comment period.
utes, Mathers Bridge has reverted to
a schedule of on-demand openings, If they decide against the change,
pending a Coast Guard study of the the idea, if supported by the public,
trial period. could live again and the process could
start at square one, said Coast Guard
All that’s known for sure is that the spokesman Lt. Bryan Reed, stationed
experiment, which ended last Satur- in Jacksonville.
day, got mixed results.
“It is difficult to provide an accurate
Supporters of the change, prompted estimate as to if and when a new rule
by residents living on Merritt Island, would go into effect. There are sev-
say the scheduled openings help mo- eral phases involved in the process.
torists in that they can plan their trips It could take several months to go
around the opening of the bridge. through these steps,’’ he said.
Opponents, who comprised a ma- Either way, it’s on-demand open-
jority of the official comments on the ings until an official determination is
issue, said the scheduled openings made.
cause more car traffic and safety is-
sues by boaters stacking up at the Mathers Bridge, spanning the Ba-
bridge or racing through a No Wake nana River at Indian Harbour Beach,
zone to making it to an opening. While is a swing bridge with a vertical clear-
the official policy during the trial pe- ance of 7 feet at mean high water in the
riod was for the bridge to open for closed position, and a horizontal clear-
emergencies, there were numerous ance of 74 feet and 81 feet.
reports of boats waiting in peril dur-
ing thunder storms. The effort for a change began Jan.
12, 2017, when the Brevard County
If the Coast Guard chooses to move Public Works Department, the bridge
forward with a new regulation, it will owner, requested the Coast Guard
involve a Notice of Proposed Rule- consider the change in order to reduce
traffic delays caused by the numerous
on-demand openings of the bridge.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 9, 2018 3
uses for tourist taxes didn’t include the ist Development Council. Tobia wanted to paint him as an opponent of the la- Chairwoman Rita Pritchett called for a
Indian River Lagoon. Fine changed that that money spent on the lagoon instead. goon. He said he has always favored the five-minute break.
this year, getting fellow lawmakers to in- Smith and the others opposed it. idea of helping the lagoon, considering
clude “estuaries” in the uses. he has fished it and boated on it, but was “If one commissioner wants to be
“Now the TDC can come to us with a held back by rules on spending tourist childish, he can be childish by himself,”
Then in April, Tobia proposed remov- lagoon project,” Smith said. “But we still taxes. Smith said.
ing $9.4 million in tourist taxes from can’t go to the TDC and say, ‘We want to
four projects which he had questioned, use that money.’” During the meeting, as Tobia and Following the break, Tobia joined
but which were approved by the Tour- Smith kept quarreling, commission the others in a unanimous vote – after
Smith said Tobia and Fine have tried thanking Smith for his turnaround.
4 Thursday, August 9, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Dr. Julie Clift Greenwalt, below, addressed Sunday’s standing-room-only community meeting in Satellite Beach regarding groundwater testing results. PHOTOS: JULIAN LEEK CITY DEVELOPMENT MEETING
GROUNDWATER TESTING city to detect contaminants. Protection Agency in 2016 published CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
On hand were representatives a voluntary health advisory warning
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 that long-term exposure to drinking der construction, and the future de-
from Brevard County, which also water containing more than 70 parts velopment of the former Patrick Air
cancers being compiled by Satellite had acceptable test results in South per trillion of these chemicals could Force Base housing area.
Beach oncologist Dr. Julie Clift Green- Melbourne Beach, and the Brevard be dangerous. No longer used, they
walt, who has spearheaded the effort. County School District, which tested are now considered to be a “com- Getting that point across to the
and found drinking water at barrier pound of emerging concern.” public was the goal during a mostly
Greenwalt, herself a survivor of island schools –supplied by the City cordial standing-room-only meeting
a rare form of cancer of the appen- of Melbourne – to be below harm- A March 2018 Department of De- held July 24 at the David R. Schechter
dix, asserts there may be actual can- ful thresholds of the chemicals. fense report showed Patrick exceeded Community Center. All related docu-
cer “clusters,” or higher incidences Also present was District 4 Brevard the EPA recommended level for the ments are now posted on Satellite-
of certain cancers and other health County Commissioner Curt Smith chemicals in some test wells, with the beach.org.
problems in Satellite Beach, linked and District 52 State House Rep. highest level detected on the base at
to the nearby air force base. She got Thad Altman. 4.3 million parts per trillion. A host of city officials participated
emotional at testimonials of parents in compiling the information for an
with children now battling cancer as The chemicals, perfluorooctane Satellite Beach City Manager extensive PowerPoint presentation.
they remembered their youngsters sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluoroocta- Courtney Barker gave results from The meeting was emceed by Satellite
playing in the sprinklers and playing noic acid (PFOA), once were used in three test wells quickly drilled in Beach City Manager Courtney Barker
sports and drinking the now-suspect firefighting foams on base. They are response to the concerns causing a with Mayor Frank Catino, a native of
groundwater. also found in Teflon coatings, elec- stir on social media about the DOD Satellite Beach, starting the meeting
troplating and waterproofing treat- report. Those results: 41.5 parts per off with a detailed city history. Catino
Unfortunately, Greenwalt said for ments. The federal Environmental trillion near City Hall; 22.85 parts also covered how the city purchased
every water test that comes out clean, per trillion at Jackson Avenue near (and received grants for) 40 percent
there seem to be new reports of can- Satellite High School; and 30.13 of the beachfront property which has
cer cases for all ages found in the area. parts per trillion near Sea Park El- been set aside for parks and beach
ementary School. She noted that access.
“There are many questions still to Cocoa Beach reported even higher
be answered. The more of the data rates of the chemicals, proving the “We were trying to address rumors
I look at, the more trends I find, the issue is more widespread and will and incorrect information on so-
more cases I get,’’ she said. require coordination among all state cial media and to provide some real
and local agencies. facts about what people were talking
Initial data mapping of those di- about,’’ Barker said.
agnosed with cancer shows a higher “This is a new road that we’re all
incidence in some Satellite Beach walking along. We have to confirm For example, some of that highly
neighborhoods. That mapping co- the tests and there is going to be more prized property came into the city
incides with Greenwalt calling for testing in the future. If we are going as part of the Oceana deal, with the
blood testing of Satellite Beach to be worried, we need to know what condominium allowed to be built
residents to determine their cancer we’re going to do about it,’’ she said. two stories taller than normal in ex-
risks. Also ongoing are groundwa- change for 1.9 acres of beachfront
ter tests of wells throughout the property with the developer also
paying more than $500,000 in impact
fees. Rumors was that no impact fees
had been paid.
The meeting also gave details on
another concern picked up by social
media: the 85-foot heights to be al-
lowed on the future development of
the 27.5-acre former Satellite Shores
neighborhood where 105 rental
homes are being demolished at the
northwest corner of State Road A1A
and Shearwater Parkway.
Developers plan to use the area
build single-family homes, three
condo buildings close to SR A1A and
Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 island readers with the most comprehen- Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
[email protected] [email protected] sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, [email protected]
Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite
Staff Reporter Columnists Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
George White, 321-795-3835 Pam Harbaugh, 321-794-3691 For our advertising partners, we pledge Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
[email protected] Jan Wesner Childs, 941-725-0970 to provide the most complete consulta- [email protected]
Michelle Cannon Epting 407-579-4853 tive and marketing programs possible for
the best return on your investment. Corporate Editor
Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196
[email protected]
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 9, 2018 5
a hotel, but no official plans have Shearwater Parkway which is com- and, more recently, contamination of to make positive comments.
been submitted. mitted to military housing for the groundwater – should step back from “There are just a few people intent
next 30 years. approving any high-density develop-
Most of the city allows 65-foot-tall ments. on putting the incorrect information
or lower buildings. Subsequent Facebook posts by out there. We know we’re not going
opponents say the city – consider- Barker said the effort was worth- to change their minds. We care more
This property was part of the Pat- ing the questions surrounding sew- while to set the record straight with about the larger group of people that
rick AFB south housing complex built age capacity, infrastructure needs several residents waiting afterwards we were trying to reach,’’ she said.
in 1957. There still is a tract south of
6 Thursday, August 9, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Who’s who and who’s new at beachside schools
STORY BY JAN WESNER CHILDS CORRESPONDENT The shuffling of administrators is not Satellite Assistant principal Ilene Bradley Merrill left his position as
uncommon, although Satellite High in Herr also retired while assistant prin- principal at Hoover to become princi-
A bevy of new – and familiar – faces particular will undergo a sea change cipal Kevin Rhyne transferred to be pal at Rockledge High School. He was
will walk the halls of beachside schools this year as the school will also have an assistant principal at Cocoa Beach replaced by Buster Burt Clark, formerly
this year after several top staff changes. two new assistant principals and a new Junior/Senior High. Courtney Lundy, assistant principal at Bayside High
athletic director. assistant principal assistant principal School.
Ocean Breeze Elementary, Hoover at Viera High School, filled one of the
Middle School, DeLaura Middle School Here’s a recap of top staff changes: assistant principal slots at Satellite. Shelley Michaud was named prin-
and Satellite High School all start the Mark Elliott retired as Satellite cipal at Ocean Breeze Elementary, re-
school tomorrow with new principals. principal and was replaced by Bobby Jeremy LeBrun, formerly assistant placing Laurie Hering, who will be a
Pruett, who moved from DeLaura Mid- principal at Merritt Island, is the new teacher at Andersen Elementary.
Several other top administrators dle School next door. principal at DeLaura.
have also either retired or transferred to DeLaura assistant principal James
new positions. Rehmer was named principal at Mer-
ritt Island High School. He was re-
placed by Laura Barna, who was pre-
viously assistant principal at Central
Middle School.
Hoover guidance counselor Lau-
ren Feronti left her position to become
assistant principal at Bayside High
taken $175,000 from the company us-
ing an unauthorized American express
card. Following a 10-month investiga-
tion, investigators found the amount
was over $1 million in unauthorized
credit card transactions and $291,000
in written checks deposited into his
personal accounts. Olivas began work-
ing for Hills, Inc. in 2001. Police say the
alleged activity dates back to 2010.
During a press conference in April,
West Melbourne Detective Donovan
Brickhouse said the money was used
for a variety of purchases including
cruises, Disney trips, and Tampa Bay
Buccaneer seats and passes.
“Because of his addiction with al-
cohol and drugs, we think that he lost
focus of what reality was, so to say, and
it spiraled out of control,” Brickhouse
said. “Once he started it he couldn’t stop
it.” The case is set for a docket sounding
on Aug. 28.
Todd Brown, who handles communi-
cations and social media for the Office
of the State Attorney in the 18th Judicial
Circuit, says Olivas is currently charged
with 159 counts and, if convicted, faces
a 10-year minimum mandatory sen-
tence in prison. He could face in excess
of 30 years in prison if convicted and
sentenced on all counts.
“When we file an Information, as we
did in this case, the prosecutor believes
that there is enough evidence to prove
the case beyond and to the exclusion of
any reasonable doubt at trial,” Brown
said. “We would also recognize the hard
work of the West Melbourne Police and
Brevard County Sheriff’s Economic
Crimes Task Force in conducting this
extensive investigation.”
Club puts heart and ‘sole’ into
Nana’s House shoe drive P. 10
8 Thursday, August 9, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Upbeat vibe flows at Panhellenic Summer Wine Down
[email protected]
In a bizarre twist of fate, a full 15
years out of college, yours truly fi-
nally found himself the only guy at
a sorority summer party.
I must admit, I was slightly over-
whelmed as I walked into the club-
house and 20 different women si-
multaneously offered me glasses
of wine, but I held my ground and
politely declined.
I was there to cover the Mel-
bourne Alumnae Panhellenic year-
ly Summer Wine Down happy hour
event, held this year at the Sanctu-
ary in Indialantic, and by the looks
of it, this was a lively bunch.
Corks popped and glasses clinked
as members continued to arrive,
each adding a bottle of wine or pro-
secco to the bar, and an appetizer
or dessert to the mounting array of
mouth-watering offerings on the
food table.
Thankfully everyone was (slight-
ly) over 21, so nobody was too wor-
ried about a raid by the cops.
Florida Institute of Technology
Front row: Secretary Wendy Knippel, Fundraising Chair Marcia Chochran, Membership Chair Diane Bryant, Vice
President Sharon Johnson. Back row: Treasurer Mary June Joseph, Publicity Chair Julie Mallak, Past President
Marcia Meskiel-Macy, Parliamentarian Michelle Everett and Telephone Chair Ann Anthony. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER
professor Julie Mallak, the group’s members range in age from mid 20s
bubbly publicity chair, made me to late 80s, and hail from all over the
feel right at home as she filled me in cou nt r y.
on all things Panhellenic.
“It’s not just a social organiza-
The Melbourne chapter, founded tion,” explained Mallak. “We have
in 1958 as the Panhellenic Associa- speakers on local issues like the la-
tion of South Brevard, boasts 200 goon, voting and groundwater, and
members and is part of the larger take trips to the symphony and the
Panhellenic Conference, a network museums.”
of local organizations that pro-
mote and enable the college soror- The idea behind the Wine Down
ity experience through grants and event is to gather all the ladies who
scholarships. are back from their summer travels
for a casual meeting, before the of-
Open to anyone that’s been in one ficial season kicks off.
of the 26 national college sororities,
“It’s an informal type of thing,”
said Mallak. “Everyone just brings
an hors d’oeuvre and a bottle of
wine and we start to plan upcoming
Regular monthly meetings are
held the second Monday of each
month from September to May, with
an emphasis on a scholarship lun-
cheon in March.
This season’s Girls and Pearls
luncheon will be held at the Eau
Gallie Yacht Club on March 29, and
will feature a presentation by Won-
derful World of Pearls, as well as a
gallery where guests can shop.
Tickets run $80 and include ad-
mission, lunch and a $49 gift of
pearls. Email Mallak at mallak@cfl.
rr.com for more information.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 9, 2018 9
Jean Roye, Julie Mallak and Vivian Kendall. Victoria Edwards, Judy Davis and Wendi Nolder.
Ann Anthony, Carol Aumann and Carolyn Matthews. Carol Wright, Betsy Halden, Diane Bryant, Jackie Pantello and Jan Shaffer.
Jackie Pantello and Pat Honeywill.
Vivian Kendall, Wendi Knippel, Susan Perers, Sharon Johnson and Victoria Edwards.
10 Thursday, August 9, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Club puts heart and ‘sole’ into Nana’s House shoe drive
Betty Offenhauser, Kim Frodge, June Stoff and Adrianne LaJoie. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER
STORY BY ANTHEA MANAYON CORRESPONDENT of nonprofit service. Nana’s House, the children either attend private ion show at the Hilton Melbourne
[email protected] a home for needy, abused, neglected school or are home-schooled. Beach Oceanfront last March 20.
or abandoned children is a rare gem
The New Neighbors Club of South of its kind. As a 501(c)3 nonprofit At the present time, volunteers Aside from their community
Brevard Beaches joined Kim Frodge, organization, it is completely com- are urgently needed at the shelter service opportunities, the New
founder and director of children’s munity- and volunteer-supported, and at their two thrift store loca- Neighbors Club also offers a busy
shelter Nana’s House, last Friday without any funding from the state. tions. calendar of activities catering to
to drop off donations in support of All donations received go into sup- aficionados of reading, golf, wine
their annual back-to-school shoe porting the children. The shoe drive is a part of the New tasting, bunco, bridge, Mahjongg,
drive. Neighbors Club’s mission of “aid- crafts, film and more. The monthly
At Nana’s House, the children ing the local community through socials are a part of the club’s inten-
Over the course of the summer, range from newborns to 11-year- the gift of financial support, time tions of extending a helping hand to
the club’s services committee col- olds. They are placed in groups of and energy for worthy purposes.” newcomers, introducing them to a
lected monetary donations from five into each home with volunteer The club’s main goal each year is new social life in their community.
their members to purchase shoes house parents. Once a house couple to devote their charity efforts to a
for children living in sheltered has applied, they go through a rig- specific cause. This year, they have The club currently has more than
homes “to wear proudly on the first orous interview process to ensure selected the Children’s Hunger 100 members. It is open to women
day of school.” they are the right fit as parental role Project as their main beneficiary, voter residents residing on the bar-
models. for which they have raised full pro- rier island bordering the Atlantic
Adrianne LaJoie, Betty Offen- ceeds through a luncheon and fash- Ocean, south of the Pineda Cause-
hauser and June Stoff were among Children come to Nana’s House way to Sebastian Inlet.
the committee members present, as from a variety of reasons not limited
well as involved in the purchasing to abuse, neglect, parents’ or guard- Nana’s House thrift stores are lo-
and delivering of shoes to a private ians’ death, incarceration, drug ad- cated at 2715 Garden Street off Mala-
list of children’s homes around Bre- diction or relinquished custody bar Road and 4490 South Babcock
vard County. The shoes are specially to physically care for the child. In Street, Melbourne, FL. For volunteer-
chosen based on a list of children’s awareness of this, the shelter priori- ing opportunities with Nana’s House,
names and ages handed to the com- tizes to maintain a loving, safe and go to:
mittee by the various shelters. family-based environment to sup-
port children in their healing and http://nanaschildrenshome.com/
For Frodge, what started out as growth potentials. Early childhood get-involved/committees/
a series of nightly dreams, which stimulation is provided as well, and
informed her vision for the shelter, To be a member of New Neighbors
has now materialized into the heart Club of South Brevard Beaches, visit:
Artist Mellott captures
‘beauty and joy’
on canvas
12 Thursday, August 9, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Artist Mellott captures ‘beauty and joy’ on canvas
[email protected] changed her major to business, ironi-
of course makes painting them slightly cally because she was tired of watch- just a happy mistake. I’ve come to re-
Suzy Mellott doesn’t take things at more difficult. ing her friends have fun while she alize it’s probably not.”
face value, especially not when it has worked on art projects – now exactly
to do with her art. To have her art- She admits finding landscapes more what she most desires to do. Mellott is drawn to post-impres-
work tell a tale, the artist likes to get challenging, explaining, “I feel ex- sionists such as Vincent van Gogh,
to know her subjects before putting tremely overwhelmed. I have a hard Although she went on to work as a whose use of color and brush stroke
paint to canvas. time looking out at all that green and CPA in a large accounting firm, Mel- techniques she admires. “There are so
knowing what to paint. I need an an- lott always had some creative project many things to think of: composition,
“I like to know their personality, chor, and that’s what flowers, people underway to fill the artistic void. She values, color and light.”
because I’m trying to capture it on and animals are for me.” says she doesn’t regret her foray into
canvas, whether it’s a dog or a per- the business world, noting, “I might As with many artists, she continu-
son. I’m trying to tell a story, but Several years ago Mellott was ap- not like art as much if it had been my ally has to remind herself not to over-
mostly I just want to celebrate beauty proached by and joined Painting for job. I might have seen it as more of a think her work.
and joy,” says Mellott, who wields her Good Causes, a nationwide nonprofit chore.”
paintbrush in a flurry of color and based out of Tampa. It’s member art- “You want to be loose, but you want
beautiful brush strokes. ists paint portraits of foster children She eventually left the firm to raise the drawing to be accurate.” If she be-
seeking homes, deployed servicemen their three daughters, all of whom gins to feel the analytical left side of
“A lot of times I’ll paint something and women, and children diagnosed have or are pursuing art-centric ca- her brain is overpowering the artistic
that we’ve all done. That’s what’s with cancer, that are then gifted to the reers. One daughter is an art history right side, she’ll set aside the project
compelling to me. It may be a family families. professor at the Savannah College of and start something else.
on the beach or a girl riding a bike,” Art and Design, another a graphic arts
she says. “I want to paint portraits “It’s a great organization and I want- student attending the same college, “It’s better to paint a few things at
that are more atmospheric. I’m hop- ed to get more portrait experience, so it and the third is an elementary school once,” says Mellott, pointing to sev-
ing to find a niche and tell more of was such a win-win,” says Mellott, who teacher. eral of her current projects. Included
a story by shying away from the tra- has contributed roughly 20 paintings. in the mix are several canvases which
ditional posed portrait and instead, The difficulty, she says, is that their Her advice to budding artists comes will eventually be used for a children’s
painting people doing what they emotional stories sometimes make it from a book she once read that sug- ABC book of animals, and another
love.” difficult to depict the children as they gested, “Challenge yourself to do 100 painting that is 90 percent done.
should be – happy and loved. paintings from life and expect them to
Given the dedicated fan base and be bad.” “The magic is going to happen in
stream of portrait commissions she Mellott says her artistic tendencies the last 10 percent,” she promises.
has underway, the approach is work- began at an early age, attributing the Putting it into context she adds,
ing. interest to her mother. “you have to make mistakes to get bet- Mellott will be the featured artist
ter at art. It’s a requirement. I’ve real- in November at the Center for Spiri-
Mellott’s family began vacation- “My mom always liked art; she was ized there is so much to know. I used tual Care, with an exhibit entitled
ing in Vero Beach when she was 10 pivotal in exposing us to art. She took to have the attitude that a lot of art was “Bloom.” As the name implies, the
years old and later she and husband us to the Toledo Museum of Art and I exhibit will focus on flowers, to cel-
John, former publisher of the Atlan- took classes there.” ebrate God’s creativity and embrace
ta Journal-Constitution, continued the center’s mission of fostering spir-
the tradition with their own family. After two years as an art major at the itual and holistic growth.
They purchased a home in Vero 10
years ago, after he retired, and began
splitting their time between the two
states. The couple recently moved
into a new home at Palm Island Plan-
Mellott initially met Palm House
Gallery & Studio owner Emily Trem-
ml while out walking her dog, and
fate brought them together again at a
class Tremml taught at Quail Valley.
The gallery had recently opened and
Tremml invited her to join the stu-
dio’s other artists.
Having dabbled in various medi-
ums over the years – first watercol-
ors and then pastels – she eventually
decided her strength lay in oil paints,
explaining, “I find it the most diffi-
cult but the most rewarding. I think
I’m better at pastel, but I’m deter-
Her favorite subjects are people
and animals, preferably dogs.
“I’m freer when I do an animal. I
don’t get as uptight,” says Mellott, ad-
mitting that it is sometimes difficult
to get the animals to sit still. They all
seem to sense that she is nuts about
them and want to sit on her lap, which
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 9, 2018 13
14 Thursday, August 9, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Coming Up: Summer heats up with ‘Music of the Night’
STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER ply, “Andrew Lloyd-Webber is respon- show opens next Friday, Aug. 17, and
[email protected] sible for some of the most exciting and runs weekends through Sept. 9. Cur-
expressive music ever composed for tain: Fridays, 8 p.m.; Saturdays, 8 p.m.
1 The Space Coast Symphony the theater.” Show time: 7 p.m. Admis- and 2 p.m. except Aug. 18; Sundays, 2
Orchestra promises “Music of sion: $25. Under 18 free. 855-252-7276. p.m.; Tickets: $21-$29. 321-268-1125.
the Night” will “make your summer
sizzle,” and there’s absolutely no
doubt this Saturday’s concert at the 2 The Titusville Playhouse bring 3 You can count on music nightly
to the boards the Tony-winning at Lou’s Blues, a laid-back neigh-
Scott Center for Performing Arts in
Melbourne will do all that and more. Disney musical “Newsies,” based on borhood spot for food, drink and – al-
Ensconced firmly at the zenith of the 1992 film of the same name, which ways – live music. On the ocean off
his profession, English composer was inspired by the real-life newsboys’ A1A in Indialantic, Lou’s Blues decor is
and impresario of musical theatre strike in New York City in 1899. Filled colorful, fun, eclectic and sure to put
Sir Andrew Lloyd-Webber’s works 1 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra with dynamite hoofing and singing a smile on your face. This Friday and
presents “Music of the Night”.
include “Phantom of the Opera,” “Je- (its pair of Tonys were for choreogra- Saturday at 9:30 p.m., the Luna Pearl
Kit Cleto and baritone Michael John
sus Christ Superstar,” “Evita,” “Cats” Foster, along with Stephanie Newman, phy and music), the story takes place Band (aka The Big Energy) will crank
Stephanie McCranie, Brian Hayes, and
and many other smash-hit musicals, Andrew Lejeune. In addition to Lloyd- in New York City at the turn of the it up and keep it moving with top-of-
Webber’s wonderful songs will be se-
and his six Tonys, three Grammys, lections from Sondheim, Weill, Rodg- century. Newsies, according to IMDb. the-chart covers in multi-genres –
ers and others. According to the show
an Oscar, Kennedy Center Honors, a promo, “Music of the Night” promises com, is the inspiring tale of Jack Kelly, pop, rock, country, heavy rock, blues
to “embody the glamour, magic and
star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame mystery of both musical theater and a charismatic newsboy and leader of a and jazz. Sunday at 2 p.m., the five-
opera repertory.” Delighted to be part-
and a knighthood, are but a few of nering with Orlando Light Opera and ragged band of teenage ‘newsies’ who piece Sweet Jane Band takes the stage,
Opera del Sol, SCSO Conductor and Ar-
his many honors and accolades. tistic Director Aaron Collins says sim- hawk newspapers on the street corners styling “songs through the decades.”
Professional singers from Orlando and dream of a better life far from the At 7 p.m., it’s singer/songwriter Jeff
Light Opera and Opera del Sol will hardship of the streets. But when pub- Bynum on violin, guitar, loops and vo-
join the symphony in this thrilling lishing titans Joseph Pulitzer and Wil- cals. You might find Bynum to be an
tribute to Lloyd-Webber. Broadway liam Randolph Hearst raise distribu- atypical musician, with an unusual
veteran Michelle Knight (“Disen- tion prices at the newsboys’ expense, repertoire range. For example, on any
chanted,” “Jersey Boys,” “Finding Jack finds a cause to fight for and rallies given night, he might tuck his violin
Nemo”) headlines the show with newsies from across the city to strike under his chin and play Pachelbelis
mezzo soprano Sarah Purser, tenor and take a stand for what’s right. The Canon in D Major. 321-779-2299.
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16 Thursday, August 9, 2018 THE MELBOURNE
When Barack and Michelle Obama ances – they are rarely spotted around with the officers before proceeding Favorite causes, public appearances,
announced they were staying in Wash- town. They still love going to restau- to any of the homes. Not that anyone romantic birthday wishes, envy-wor-
ington after eight years in the White rants and attending the occasional ex- would run into the Obamas: They thy vacation shots.
House, there was a palpable buzz. hibition or play. But outside a rarefied rarely walk their dogs and typically
circle of close friends, they fly pretty come and go from a secured side en- There’s a shot of their two dogs walk-
The conventional move for a post- much under the radar. trance of their home. ing down the sidewalk that Michelle
presidency life is back home: a return posted in March 2017, and a tweet
to roots, a presidential library and dis- “I think that the Obamas probably But that bubble is also figurative: from Barack when D.C.’s hockey team
tinguished service. No modern presi- appreciate that folks in D.C. are let- Residents nearby wouldn’t talk about won the Stanley Cup last month: “Con-
dent has remained in the nation’s capi- ting them just live their lives as private their illustrious neighbors. The Obam- gratulations to the @Capitals! This @
tal after leaving office; the last was the citizens and continue to be part of as, they say, are quiet, unobtrusive and NHLBlackhawks fan knows what it’s
ailing Woodrow Wilson in 1921. this community,” said Stephanie Cut- entitled to their privacy. like to lift that cup – and I’m happy for
ter, who served as a senior aide in the all the Caps fans who cheer so hard for
So the idea of the Obamas – two of Obama White House. The Obamas have always been care- their team . . . .”
the most famous people in the world ful about controlling their message,
– living in Washington was a very big In the nation’s capital, the Obam- and the code of silence extends to al- Get over it, Washington. The Obam-
deal. Expectations were high. as have created a protective bubble most every aspect of their social lives: as may own a home in the nation’s cap-
that allows them maximum flexibility Speak without authorization and you ital, but they’ll never really be Washing-
Longtime Washingtonians hoped and minimum public exposure. That could be exiled from Obamaland. tonians.
they would become unofficial ambas- bubble is literal: The street in front of
sadors for the nation’s capital, embrac- their home is blocked by a police car, Through their spokeswoman, the Most people assumed that the
ing their adopted city. Instead, they’ve with officers on duty 24-7, a standard Obamas declined to comment for this Obamas would move back to Chicago,
embraced their new lives as private security detail for any former presi- story. And no one in their inner circle where they still own their Hyde Park
citizens, emphasis on “private.” dent. would discuss their post-presidency home. But eight months before leaving
life in Washington. Their Instagram office, the president said they would
In the past 18 months – aside from Visitors to the block must check in and Twitter feeds are strictly on brand: stay in town until younger daughter
a few carefully curated public appear-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 9, 2018 17
Sasha graduates from Sidwell Friends The Obamas can’t just slip into a res- dent to outshine or criticize his succes- There are also exotic trips for living
in June 2019. taurant. Their security team went to sor, something more likely to happen their best life: kite surfing in the Carib-
the Hank’s location at the Wharf two when they live in the same city. bean with billionaire Richard Branson
After renting the home of former days prior and checked perimeters (they returned the favor by having him
Clinton administration press secre- on the day of their reservation. The But also because they travel a lot to over for a drink at their D.C. home), a
tary Joe Lockhart in Kalorama, they Obamas, Valerie Jarrett and friends sat promote their pet platforms: youth luxury getaway to Tuscany, and a vaca-
purchased the eight-bedroom manse at a corner table overlooking the water; leadership, health care, women’s rights tion last year in French Polynesia on
for $8.1 million last spring, giving the their detail sat at the next table. Cus- and wellness. Last month, Barack was David Geffen’s $590 million yacht with
first indication that Washington might tomers took pictures from afar but did in South Africa for a Nelson Mandela Oprah Winfrey, Tom Hanks and Bruce
be their home base even after Sasha not approach; one party sent a round birthday tribute; Michelle took in Be- Springsteen. As one does.
leaves for college. of shots. Guests clapped as they shook yoncé and Jay-Z’s show in Paris.
a few hands on the way out. “What happens on the boat stays on
Earlier this year, Michelle told Ellen Several of those trips include paid the boat,” Winfrey told reporters.
DeGeneres that the family has settled “You could feel the energy in the speeches, the modern golden goose for
into their new home. Barack, she ex- room,” said Sabrina Zahid, the restau- every former president and first lady. Details are even harder to come by.
plained, has the smallest room for his rant’s marketing director. “You could Individual speaking fees are not dis- Former attorney general Eric H. Holder
home office, Sasha a two-room suite tell it was a special night.” closed, but according to multiple me- Jr., who persuaded Obama to attend
because she’s the only child living at dia reports, the Obamas get top dollar: a private fundraiser for the National
home, and Malia – who started at Har- Despite all this, why does it feel as if He receives an average of $400,000 per Democratic Redistricting Committee,
vard last fall after taking a gap year – they’re not really in Washington? speech, and she gets about $200,000. did not respond to requests for com-
has “a room in the attic somewhere.” His spokesman explained last year that ment. Jarrett, one of their most trusted
From a political standpoint, keeping the speeches allow the couple to do- confidants, declined to answer ques-
The former president has an office a low profile follows a long tradition: nate to their favorite social programs. tions about their post-White House life.
in Washington’s West End, where he’s It’s considered poor form for a presi-
working on his memoirs and receiving Given the close ties between Winfrey
visitors. And he’s golfing a lot. Obama THE $8.1 MILLION and the Obamas, it seemed probable
joined Columbia Country Club and KALORAMA HOME that they would go to her “Watching
Robert Trent Jones Golf Club but plays THE OBAMAS Oprah” exhibit at the National Museum
on courses all over town. PURCHASED of African American History and Cul-
IN 2017 ture. They weren’t at the opening party
Michelle is a regular at Solidcore, for 700 people. Maybe they had a pri-
a fact touted on the exercise studio’s FORMER U.S. FIRST vate tour or attended a VIP event with
website, which also states that the LADY MICHELLE Winfrey? A museum spokesman never
owner “doesn’t talk about her fitness OBAMA LEAVES A responded to questions.
CALCARI, MALLORCA There’s one other factor, a more
There are public photo-ops: The subtle and complicated aspect of
Obamas visit schools, Boys & Girls FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT their lives here: Most of their closest
Clubs and other educational pro- BARACK OBAMA WITH friends are African American. They
grams. Museums and theaters in move in an elite, exclusive circle
Washington hoping for the Obama FORMER ITALIAN PREMIER that entertains privately and does
touch have been treated to a few: AND NEWLY RE-ELECTED not tweet, Instagram or share details
The couple dropped by the National DEMOCRATIC PARTY (PD) about their own lives, much less the
Gallery of Art for the Theaster Gates Obamas.
show and the Kennedy Center for a LEADER MATTEO RENZI (L)
performance of “The Humans,” and “Black Washington is not observed
Michelle attended “The Wiz” at Ford’s by white Washington,” says a friend
Theatre as well as concerts by Erykah who is not authorized to speak about
Badu, Ledisi and Bruno Mars. the Obamas but socializes with them.
“They’re still the first couple of the world.
The biggest public splash was the But the notion that they’re not here is
unveiling at the National Portrait Gal- something black people laugh at.”
lery in February of the Obamas’ of-
ficial portraits, which have attracted They are around – just protected,
record crowds. he explains. “The Washington they
travel in is appropriate to their ages.
And restaurants, of course. The People in their 50s and 60s don’t whip
Obamas eschewed the Washington out their phones and tweet about it.”
social scene in favor of more intimate
date nights during their White House We’ll all see a lot more of the Obam-
years, and that hasn’t changed. as soon, at least on television.
In the past year they’ve eaten at Dab- “Becoming,” the autobiography by Mi-
ney, Rasika, Del Mar, Maydan, and Fi- chelle Obama, will come out in Novem-
ola Mare, to name a few – often tucked ber; her husband’s new book is scheduled
away in private rooms. Their VIP status for next spring. Both are part of a reported
scored them a table at A Rake’s Prog- $65 million deal with Penguin Random
ress before it had its official opening House, one of the largest advances in his-
for a celebration of Michelle’s birthday. tory. Expect a very public book tour, be-
cause they need to sell a record number
There’s a fine line between respecting of books to justify that amount.
privacy and bragging when the Obamas
make an appearance. Restaurants typi- A year ago, they announced plans
cally skirt the issue when customers or for the Obama Presidential Center on
employees share a sighting: One tweet- Chicago’s South Side, both a presiden-
ed a photo of the couple at Tail Up Goat; tial library and a community center.
another excited patron videotaped the The Obama Foundation, a key focus
former president at Nobu. of his post-presidency and develop-
er of the presidential center, is also
In March, Hank’s Oyster Bar owner based in Chicago and held its first
Jamie Leeds tweeted her own encoun- summit last October.
ter, admitting that she was “star struck.”
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compilation of recommendations. As always, tests earlier or more often.
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 9, 2018 19
Sometimes the best way to her head. Then there is well-known cases, bringing closer to speed dating than fully
understand how a “normal” brain Joel, a physician whose mirror-touch much-needed context and fleshed profiles. Perhaps she found the
works is to explore those that are synesthesia means he can literally depth. She also has a gift condition more interesting than the
unique. Such is the insight in reporter feel his patients’ pain. While this for metaphor. At one point person? Or more likely, there wasn’t
Helen Thomson’s enjoyable new almost certainly makes him a more she describes the relative enough time. Fortunately, even the
book, “Unthinkable: An Extraordinary successful and understanding doctor, importance of different weaker profiles are surrounded by
Journey Through the World’s Strangest he watches horror movies at home to functions of the brain by excellent supporting material, so this
Brains.” Unsatisfied with the “cold temper the intensity of his feelings. comparing it to a car. While is more of a rough patch of road rather
and impersonal” accounts that make The notable exception is the case of than a serious detour, and soon enough
up the bulk of modern case studies, Matar, a schizophrenic who thinks you absolutely must have the narrative is flowing again.
she reaches out to the humans they he is a tiger. His condition prevents an engine or gas to make it
feature to get a fuller picture of their him from leading a normal life, and run, parts like windshield Perhaps the most poignant chapter
lives. She goes one step further than Thomson’s unsettling interview is cut wipers and a steering wheel is the story of Tommy McHugh, whose
her idol Oliver Sacks: Instead of off abruptly. His chapter ends with a ensure that the experience personality completely changed after
interviewing them in a clinical setting, sad coda. is safe and pleasurable. he suffered a stroke. He goes from being
she meets them on their own turf – in an emotionless, quasi-menacing figure
their homes, favorite restaurants and A great science writer knows what Along the way she with a criminal record to becoming a
other haunts of regular life. What is it is interesting to the reader, and here corrects several popular sensitive, compulsive painter with a
like, she constantly asks, to live with a Thomson shines. Her book is tailor- misconceptions about deep reverence for life. His daughter
brain that is so incredibly different? made for anyone who loves intellectual our brains. It turns out describes his horrific brain injury as
brain trivia: why extroverts need we aren’t left- and right- giving him a clean slate. While by all
Her nine subjects, mostly identified more anesthesia, the advantage in brained so much as top- accounts he becomes a much kinder,
only by their first names, all have wearing red on a date, the murdered and bottom-brained, happier person, his mother never
decidedly unusual conditions. Bob priest behind the first lie detector. with, roughly speaking, quite trusts that he won’t go bad again.
(highly superior autobiographical If this isn’t your first brain/psych/ the top part of the brain His story brings up philosophical
memory) can remember every single neuro-anything rodeo, then you will specializing in taking action and questions about redemption and guilt,
day of his life, Graham (Cotard’s recognize examples like Phineas the bottom part in doing analysis. and to what extent we are responsible
syndrome) believed he was dead for Gage, but she elaborates on even the What you want is a relative balance for our actions. McHugh dies of liver
three years, and Sharon is perpetually between the two, but if one dominates disease while Thomson is working
lost in her own house. Each person’s too strongly, you may either act too on her book, but in his moving last
story anchors a chapter, and impulsively or fail to act at all. email to the author, he writes: “I look
Thomson’s conversations with her One of the most fun features of at my reflection in the mirror Helen. A
subjects are liberally interspersed with Thomson’s book is that she addresses stranger I see. But a happy one, xxxx to
background information and famous the reader directly, enthusiastically all.”
experiments. Together they take the suggesting tips to try at home and do-
reader on an engaging tour inside it-yourself diagnostics for your brain. It’s reflections like these that make
the head, from the hippocampus to If you’ve ever walked into a room and you wonder about the true nature of
the temporal lobe, explaining how we forgotten what you planned to do, self. Do we have free will, or are we
use the different parts of our brain in try quickly looking left and right to just a function of our particular brain
everyday life. help jog your memory. Or if you are anatomy? As with the majority of what
feeling more ambitious and want to we learn in “Unthinkable,” it’s complex,
Most of the individuals we meet safely (and without drugs) explore and we don’t have nearly enough
have adapted to maintain fairly hallucinations through the ganzfeld answers. Mostly, though, this book is
ordinary lives, even when they have technique, all you need to make your a chef’s tasting menu of fascinating
challenging and sometimes ironic own sensory deprivation chamber is things about your brain – and a good
conditions. Sylvia, who we meet in the a sawed-in-half ping-pong ball, some one at that.
sixth chapter, is nearly deaf, but since good noise-canceling headphones and
2004 she has had vivid hallucinations unobtrusive lighting. Who knew? UNTHINKABLE
of music. By concentrating on Bach, Oddly enough, it is with some of the An Extraordinary Journey Through
she has trained herself to mostly personal stories – the inspiration for
ignore the rest of the never-ending her book – that the author occasionally the World’s Strangest Brains
symphony of disjointed notes in stumbles, with interviews that feel By Helen Thomson I Ecco. 275 pp. $27.99
Review by Lucinda Robb l The Washington Post
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20 Thursday, August 9, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bonz chats with lovely Laci, a sociable Sato
Hi Dog Buddies! don’t remember much about life in the friend Bentley, he’s a Burmese Moun- more treats than I probly should, an
streets or on the beach, cuz my litter got
Woof, is it hot! I hope all you pooches saved when we were just tiny puppies. tain Dog; an Diesel, he’s a St. Bernard; ‘m getting’ a liddle tubby around the
are stayin’ cool an slurpin’ lotsa water See, there are these groups of humans
during the “Dog Days of Summer.” I here on the mainland who unnerstand Cooper’s a mix like me; Marcie’s a Bos- middle. So me an Mommy walk a lot.
wondered why it’s called that: Google how scary an dangerous it is for us Sa-
says the ancient Romuns named those tos, and they work with Sato Rescue ton Terrier; an my BFF’s Bailey.” “Up north, when me an Daddy were
days cuz the Dog Star, Sirius, was in the groups in Puerto Rico who scoop us
sky during the hottest part of summer. up and fly us to shel- “When did you move down?” walkin,’ this liddle, funny-lookin’
Sirius was the brightest star EVER, and ters over here. We
it hung out with a star group called Ca- got sent to the Ster- “I was a snowbird-dog ’til last Octo- pooch came up an rubbed against Dad-
nis Major, which means “Big Dog.” ling Animal Shelter
in Mass-uh-chooo- ber. That’s when we moved per-muh- dy’s ankle, an Daddy patted its head; so
So, anyway, this week I yapped with suts, an that’s where
Laci Malenfant, a sweet little Sato. Mommy an Daddy nutly. I have lotsa pooch pals here, now. I went over for the wag-an-sniff, an it
I ackshully knew what that is cuz a found me. Daddy
coupla years back I innerviewed an- saw a picksure of my rubbed against me,
other Sato, Nola Kratz. (A Sato is a stray litter on The NET.
pooch from Puerto Rico, where it’s very He called Mommy, too, an, after that, it’d
scary to be a stray pooch.) an went to see us in
the fur. My brothers join us on our walks. I
Laci an her Mom and Dad were right and sisters ran up to
out front, waitin’ to greet us. She was Daddy, bein’ all Cute Laci. didn’t ree-lize it was a
a dainty, mostly black pooch, with Puppy. I was sitting, cat ’til years later.”
a frenly face an cute ears that sorta very ladylike, on my PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD
lapped over. blanket. Then I came
over an gave Daddy “Didja ever do any
“Good morning. I’m Bonzo and this lots of licks to let him
is my Assistant. I’m so pleased to meet know I was the pooch goofy puppy stuff
you, Miss Laci.” he was looking for.
He unnerstood right back in your youth?
She looked up to her Mom an Dad for away. I was 12 weeks
the “OK,” then came over for the Wag- old then. Now I’m 12 Like, you know, chew
n-Sniff. “It’s my pleasure, Mr. Bonzo. years old. I was SO
This is my Mommy, Mary Jean, an LUCKY! shoes?”
my Daddy, Bill. If you don’t mind, I’m
gonna just take a quick roll in the grass “First time I saw “Well, not shoes.
before we go inside. I love grass. It’s so snow, I thought some
soft an cool, great for nappin’ an rollin,’ pooch was gonna But this one time,
an just hangin’ out.” be in Big Trouble for
tearing a pillow apart. Then I ree-lized Mommy fell asleep
After a few energetic, paws-up, rolls, it was Super Cool Kibbles to play in,
right-to-left, left-to-right, she led the throw it around, dig in it. It was Chilly on the couch an,
way in. I’d worried whether I shoulda Paws, but I loved it.”
Boned Up on my Spanish, but breathed when she woke up,
an inconspicuous sigh of relief when “Sounds fun! But it musta been kinda
she spoke great Dog English. “So, tell weird, coming down here where it’s so there was this pile
me about how you got here from Puer- hot, and we got sand insteadda snow.”
to Rico,” I suggested, opening my note- of sawdust on the
book. “It was puzz-ling at first. I really
missed my pals, too, ’specially my boy- floor. I had accidently
“I was a very lucky Sato, Mr. Bonzo. I
chewed the leg of the
couch almost all up.
Also, I don’t eat my
kibbles at the bowl. I
prefer to take a nice
mouthful and go to
the dining room. I
mean, that’s where
Mommy an Daddy
dine, right? An, if they
should happen to for-
get my mealtime, I sit
smack in front of ’em
There’s Roxi, she’s a big mix; Sparta- and give ‘em The Look.
cus, a black Lab; Daisy, she’s a mix “But sometimes, Mr. Bonzo, I need
(we’re sorta frienemies, cuz we some- some Me Time. So I go out to the
times get on each other’s Last Nerve); screen porch an just listen to the birds
my newest fren is Dixie, she’s a Beagle; an think about how lucky I am. It’s so
Sam’s a boxer; an Abby’s a Catahoola. Zen.”
An then there’s Teddy, he’s my boy- Heading home, I was thinkin’ about
friend. He’s a Cavalier King Charles. An the Dog Star, up in the sky with the
he has a big crush on me.” she giggled other Big Dog stars. I wonder if Canis
and lowered her voice. “I like him a lot, Major is anywhere near Dog Heaven,
too, but don’t tell him, OK?” cuz there’s a lotta bright shining dog
“Not a word, Miss Laci,” I promised. stars there, too.
“You’re a very social girl!” Till next time,
“Well, I love pooches, an humans,
cats even. There’s a human in our
-The Bonzneighborhood who pedals around on
a 3-wheeler handin’ out Treats. I can
spot him a mile away. And the liddle
humans around here are great. They
love me an I love them. But I do eat
Don’t be shy!
We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up
an interview, please email [email protected].
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 9, 2018 21
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist Q94
Les Dawson, an Englishman whose profession you will soon divine, said, “My mother- AJ83
in-law has come round to our house at Christmas seven years running. This year, we’re
having a change. We’re going to let her in.” K43
When you are in a trump suit, the number of rounds of that suit you play may determine WEST EAST
whether the door opens — you make the contract — or stays closed — you go down. Q J 10 4 3
2 A976
South is in four hearts. West leads the spade queen, which wins the trick, and continues K9764
with the spade 10. After declarer ruffs that, how many rounds of trumps should he 87 853
immediately draw: zero, one, two or three?
Q 10
When North rebid one no-trump, South just went with the known eight- or nine-card
heart fit. (North would not have bid no-trump with a singleton heart. With, for example, Q J 10 9
3-1-5-4 distribution, he would have rebid two clubs.) In this deal, a raise to three no-
trump would have worked fine too, but that was far from obvious with the singleton SOUTH
Declarer might concede four tricks: one spade, one diamond and two clubs. He must
eliminate a club loser. One chance is to find the suit splitting 3-3, but that happens only A K J 10 7 6
one time in three. If the clubs are 4-2, South has to ruff his last club on the board. Since
this requires only one trump, some players would think that they could afford to draw 52
two rounds of trumps — but not here. When East wins a club trick, he leads his last
trump to kill the ruff. A652
Declarer should draw one round of trumps, then play three rounds of clubs. Dealer: North; Vulnerable: East-West
The Bidding:
1 Diamonds Pass
1 Hearts Pass 1 NT Pass LEAD:
4 Hearts Pass Pass Pass Q Spades
22 Thursday, August 9, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
1 Groaned (6) 1 Disperses (7)
4 Relief for the poor (4) 2 Donations (5)
8 Favor (6) 3 Deserve (4)
9 Reply (6) 5 Pays attention (7)
10 Untrue (5) 6 Water as vapour (5)
11 Cries (7) 7 Observed (7)
13 Utilised (4) 12 Ten laps (anag.) (7)
15 Fib (3) 14 Undergarments (7)
16 Large vessel (4) 17 Ailment (7)
18 Stays (7) 19 Mistake (5)
20 Charm (5) 21 Frolics (5)
23 Pressing (6) 22 Desire (4)
24 Pictures (6)
25 Get up (4)
26 Spectres (6)
The Telegraph
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
per month special* The Telegraph
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 9, 2018 23
ACROSS 94 Is in store for 48 Where Ennis is The Washington Post
1 Ratings period when TV 96 Eighth Hebrew letter 50 Julie Walters’s
97 Fool time
increases its sleaze quotient 98 Desirous Oscar-nominated role
7 To a greater degree 100 Behaved toward 52 With a little crying
13 Walk out, officially 103 Electricity: slang
17 Accords, e.g. 104 Horde horseman 57 Like most Martin Scorsese
18 Halls for brawls 105 British prime minister, 1945- movies
19 Misrepresentational art?
20 Flew in 51 58 Substance used in
22 “Let’s have it!” 106 Church recess fireworks fuses
23 Boca ___, Fla. 107 “Are you seeing ___?”
24 Going on 2 a.m. 108 Visual aid props 60 Enriqué’s emphatic assent
25 Home o’ Roma? 61 Lahr and Parks
27 Decreases de creases DOWN 62 Beach bird or Irish river
28 Baseball’s Gil 1 Na Na or la-la opener 64 Sad, to de Sade
30 Japanese theater 2 Ring magazine topic 65 Montgomery Clift, Marlon
31 Certain acid salt 3 Make mad
35 Traveled across a Tesla coil 4 Like most movies on Brando, or Nick Nolte by
36 Paderewski’s first name birth
38 The Day of the Locust network TV 67 Most cacophonous
5 Does road work 68 Numbers
author 6 Compass pt. 70 Engage the enemy
39 Weather org. 7 World War I siren 71 Upright
42 Frequent Billy Wilder 8 Turgenev’s birthplace 73 Outride, as a posse
9 Cover with fresh paper, 74 Ecclesiastical assembly
co-writer, ___ Diamond 76 “Wink, wink, nudge,
43 Labor ___ delusion as shelves nudge, say no more”
44 “Aha!” 10 Name from China’s past member of Monty Python
46 Foot-stomping music 11 Casablanca or Maltese 80 Border on
49 Sans sense 84 Portland suburb, Lake ___
51 Mugger Falcon character 85 Flimflams
53 Metal of freedom? 12 Lact something? 86 Disconcert
54 Shot putter? 13 Brendan Behan play, 87 A Honeymooner
55 Goosebumps creator R.L. 88 Actor Glover
56 She once called Han Solo The ___ Fellow 90 Eighth Greek letter
14 Scriptural preposition 91 Site of Mexicali
“laserbrain” 15 Mary’s picture, 92 “___ and Away”
57 Fitted notch in a board 93 Eye part
59 The ___ High Dam for one 95 Extraordinarily long time, old
61 Paging device 16 They can be long and gross chap
63 Love god 98 “___ married woman!”
64 Japanese gateway 19 Region of NW France 99 Negating prefix
66 ___ new phase 21 Sound that makes our dogs 101 Actress Charlotte
69 Still life specialist? 102 ___ Plaines, Ill.
72 Clinkers bark
75 Be subjective when one 26 Firmness WELL-WOVEN WORDS By Merl Reagle
28 Israel’s chief port
should be objective 29 Certain exams
77 With great concentration 32 A little after 1400 hours, to a
78 Advice to a shrinking
violet 33 Bow out, in a way
79 Cleans a sheet
81 Barbarous type 34 ___ in the dark
82 Toupee 36 Made at Cuzco, for
83 Things done, in Latin
84 African antelopes example
85 Words to live by 37 Alfalfa portrayer in Our Gang
87 Goes to
89 Prompt comedies
90 The Thing did it before it 39 Western swing band of the
escaped (1951) 1970s
91 Erected 40 Rob and Laura’s neighbor
41 Resembling a phonograph
43 Dark, as streets
44 Hill dwellers near ancient
45 Turn the ___
47 Swedish actress who
married Sammy Davis Jr.
The Telegraph
24 Thursday, August 9, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
My sister fights the world, and I’m waving the white flag
BY CAROLYN HAX sorry for her? And is there anything I could do to obligation or repaying a debt. Unless, that is, you
Washington Post support her better? She is married with grown see kindness to the afflicted as a cosmic debt we
children, but that is another story I can’t fix. all would do well to pay – there I’d agree, within
Dear Carolyn: I don’t know limits.
how to help my troubled sister. – Broken Sister’s Little Sister
She has been fighting the world But even if that’s the source of your guilt,
since she was a little girl. Broken Sister’s Little Sister: Standing by her is a please know you can be kind and boundaried
thoughtful gift you’re giving your sister. both. They’re not contradictory. In fact, listening
She is so unhappy and stops without limit isn’t support – it’s enabling.
speaking to friends and family Note: Gift. You are not making good on an Unloading on you satisfies any need she has to
members, including me, on a rotating basis because talk, thereby rewarding her choice to reject the
we have disappointed her or stood up to her. much harder work of therapy.
It is always someone else’s fault and she doesn’t
see herself as the common denominator. I have That your sister has been “fighting the world
learned I can’t fix this for her, and any advice I since she was a little girl” does aptly convey your
provide puts me in the hot seat for an hour or so of sense of futility, but it also suggests you’re in over
verbal beating. I love her because she is my sister, your head in trying to help.
and I won’t abandon her as several of her close
friends and family have. I know it is hard to be her, To support her at this point, consider a session
and I am sad this is her life. or three of professional help for yourself. It’s
I think the only thing I can offer is to listen to her unrealistic to expect families to both diagnose
problems, which are many and daily. I would tell and respond helpfully as laypeople to someone’s
her to go see a therapist, as this isn’t what I want mental and emotional challenges. So while you
to do anymore, but she has chased them or bullied can certainly tweak your current approach –
them all away. consult your conscience and patience, make a
I have set boundaries and don’t always answer sparser call schedule, set shorter time limits,
the phone but feel occasionally I should reach out follow meticulously – there’s no substitute for an
and call – but then it is another hour of saying “uh- informed understanding of what you and she are
huh” as she tells me her current troubles. When I up against.
cut her off and say I have to go, I feel guilty, even
though I am so often on the receiving end of her A call to the National Alliance on Mental Illness
venom. help line (800-950-6264 or NAMI.org) is free and
I guess my question is, how do I stop feeling so might be all you need. Your guilt feelings, though,
hint at deeper entanglement, in which case your
family doctor can likely start you off with some
therapists’ names.
New opioid
law comes
with challenges
for hospitals
26 Thursday, August 9, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
New opioid law comes with challenges for hospitals
STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRITER Dr. Katherine Grichnik and Dr. Brian Wiley. P HOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE Grichnik explains, “has to be ac-
[email protected] credited or certified education.”
– and can document – that those (There are some exemptions to the
Florida has a new opioid law. drugs are medically necessary, that new three-to-seven-day rule, includ- Emergency department director
It’s a law that will affect many state prescription be expanded to a seven- ing for cancer patients and those in Wiley jumps in to add, “I am actu-
residents and all hospitals, including day supply. After that, patients will palliative care or end-of-life care.) ally in process of going through all
Indian River Medical Center. need to be reassessed by a physician our discharge software and making
IRMC’s chief medical officer Dr. in order to get a refill – not a bad idea, What will likely go unnoticed by sure we’re in full compliance with
Kathy Grichnik and emergency de- but inconvenient for patients that the public at large, however, is what all the new narcotics regulations.
partment director Dr. Brian Wiley need the drugs for a longer period of the new law is requiring from hospi- In addition, all our care providers
say they are prepared for challenges time. tals. That includes mandatory opioid are currently in the process of going
posed by the new law. education for the entire staff, which through their opioid education.”
That’s a good thing, because it’s a
big challenge. Wiley’s work has already paid at
For starters, the new law requires least one dividend.
all Florida physicians – including
those in hospitals – to check a state “We had somebody come into the
database every time they prescribe emergency department yesterday,”
opioid drugs. If the patient’s records Wiley recalls, “and we did an E-
show a history of multiple prescrip- FORCSE (Electronic Florida Online
tions for certain medications, a big Reporting of Controlled Substance
red flag will be raised. Evaluation) search and found out
What will probably grab the most he had just gotten three scripts from
attention, however, is the law’s new three different providers within the
three-day supply limit for drugs last week.”
such as codeine, oxycodone, hydro-
codone, Demerol and Percocet for That is the scourge of opioid addi-
patients with acute pain due to sur- tion. Addicts will do anything – in-
gery, trauma or acute illnesses. cluding going to multiple doctors,
If the prescribing doctor decides clinics or hospitals – to try to get the
drugs they crave, and frankly, emer-
gency departments shoulder some
of the blame for that. According to
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 9, 2018 27
a July 28 article in the Washington YOUR HEALTH
Post, a study in the journal “Annals
of Emergency Medicine” covering fects [than with opioids alone].” the same. Prepare patients ahead
the years 2011 to 2015 found that “The No. 1 side effect of opioids is of time. Teach them, educate them,
fully “one quarter of adults who get them ready for the surgery. Have
went to hospital emergency depart- going to be respiratory depression. them be physically ready. In the OR,
ments with sprained ankles were People die because they take too minimize your analgesics. Mini-
prescribed opioid painkillers.” much and they don’t breathe.” mize your opioids. Use multimodal
analgesia and regional anesthesia, if
As Orlando Health points out, Grichnik points to two new pro- you can.”
“When taken for a short duration by grams that have been launched at
prescription, opioid pain relievers IRMC. Will changes like the ones above at
are considered safe. But these drugs hospitals across the state put an end
interact with the nerve cells in the “We now have a new pain team to the opioid crisis? No. Will there be
body and brain, producing a sense for optimizing pain management all hiccups? Will changes be needed?
of euphoria in addition to bringing the way through the hospital: what’s Yes. But if the new law does begin to
pain relief, which makes them invit- best for patients, what’s not. It’s be- slow the rate of opioid addiction and
ing to take beyond the need for re- ing led by our pharmacists. opioid-related deaths, it will be an im-
lieving pain. As the brain becomes portant step in the right direction.
used to the dosage, it requires more “The other program we’re starting
of the drug to provide pain relief and is called Enhanced Recovery after
the feeling of well-being. This makes Surgery, or ERAS. The goal is exactly
it easy to become addicted.”
How easy? Current estimates are
that up to 30 percent of patients who
are prescribed opioids for chronic
pain end up misusing these drugs.
In fact, opioid addiction and over-
doses are now the leading cause of
accidental death in this country.
In 2016 alone, over 5,700 Florid-
ians lost their lives to opioid drugs.
Add that to more than 50,000 ad-
ditional deaths nationwide and it’s
easy to understand why the term
“opioid crisis” has become a staple
on the nightly news.
Oddly, the word “opioid” itself is
largely a misnomer today.
It is derived from the word opium,
a hypnotic drug first made from the
seeds of the poppy flower sometime
around 3400 B.C. in lower Mesopo-
tamia and Babylon.
Today, however, the vast majority
of opioid drugs are purely synthetic.
Naturally, no one wants to be in
pain and ‘opioids’ are quite effec-
tive at relieving it, but Grichnik says
there’s an even better way.
At IRMC, she says, “there’s been a
big push around the hospital, in the
ED, in the OR and on the floors, to
use multimodal analgesia.”
What’s multimodal analgesia?
Grichnik explains it this way: “If
I choose four or five different kinds
of drugs, I can reduce the amount of
opioid I get because I’m going to get
a better efficacy, better pain control
and reduce side effects.
“Part of our opioid crisis in the U.S.
is because we have relied on opioids
as the sole method of pain control
when we actually know that multi-
modal analgesia is a better.
“If you add some intravenous Tyle-
nol,” Grichnik continues, “or you add
a drug called gabapentin, you can
use smaller doses of each drug and
they actually work together. When
they work together, you have better
pain control and decreased side ef-
28 Thursday, August 9, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
First Bites: The Shuck Shack shows great potential
Seared Ahi Tuna. Zing Zang Skirt Steak. PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD etables, mostly zucchini, were nicely
Roast Porch Sandwich. seasoned and cooked through, may-
Fish Dip. rience. We ordered the honey-glazed be a bit overcooked if you like more
or for anyone who enjoys a meal and salmon ($17.95) and the ahi tuna tacos texture in your veggies.
REVIEW BY LISA ZAHNER STAFF WRITER a cocktail with their toes in the sand. ($12). The salmon plate my compan-
[email protected] There was still some construction go- ion ordered arrived on its own, with- We had to ask three times for various
ing on outdoors last week, but the two out the tacos. Langsten, who seemed servers to check on the tacos and we
We typically give a new restaurant a large dining rooms and covered patio brand new and not familiar with the were told it would do no good to check
few weeks to work out the kinks of open- were finished and really well done. menu, had not asked if I wanted the because the kitchen was very backed
ing, but owners of The Shuck Shack in tuna seared or raw, or if I wanted corn up. When the tacos finally arrived we
Satellite Beach posted so many mes- Food & Service: We arrived around or flour tortillas, so we waited to see almost sent them back. Picture hard,
sages, photos and promotional videos 6:30 p.m. last Friday; my companion what would pop out of the kitchen. dry flour tortillas, not even steamed,
on social media the first week beck- got there first and was promptly seat- And waited, and waited . . . with cubes of raw tuna with zero sea-
oning customers in, it seemed like the ed, though the place was packed in- soning or sauce, shredded kohlrabi,
place was ready for prime time. side and out. Things started out OK as It’s a good thing that we’d planned a dollop of “seaweed salad” and no
we got our drinks – with paper straws to sample each other’s dinners (and mango salsa as listed on the menu. The
Headline News: By the time seasonal – and our server Langsten took our ap- that we’re close, longtime friends) tortillas cracked and fell apart into sev-
residents flock to our barrier island this petizer order. The beer-battered onion because we ended up sharing the eral pieces when we tried to pick up the
fall, The Shuck Shack should be run- rings ($7) were served hot, by another one salmon dinner while waiting an- tacos, so we had to scoop up the con-
ning like a well-oiled machine. But for server who was running food, and the other 30 minutes for the tuna tacos tents with forks. What could have been
now, the food and service is hit or miss. rings were huge, golden brown and to arrive. The salmon was delicious. a really tasty dish was totally lifeless
tasty. But we had to ask for small plates Not a huge portion for the price, but and unappealing. The good news is the
Look & Feel: Wow. You simply to share, and for the remoulade that it was moist and perfectly cooked in tuna was very fresh and sushi grade.
would not recognize this place from was supposed to accompany the rings. a slightly sweet glaze that was deli- Langsten asked a manager and took $5
when it was the pizza parlor. We cately caramelized. The sautéed veg- off our bill for the taco fail.
loved the cool beachy colors and the During our entrée course the bot-
laid-back, island décor. The white- tom kind of fell out of our dining expe- Drinks: The Shuck Shack may turn
sand-filled patio with wooden picnic out to be a more popular drinking
tables is also a fun spot for families, place to catch live music and enjoy
some oysters, than a serious restau-
rant. Time will tell. Featuring a full
liquor bar, a dozen beers on tap and
a creative menu of tropical cocktails,
variations of the bloody mary, plus
frozen drinks and massive buckets
and “fish bowls” of boozy concoc-
tions, it’s a good thing The Shuck
Shack is only a short Uber ride for In-
dian Harbour Beach and Satellite res-
idents. This place could become our
new local version of Margaritaville.
Prices: The food is reasonable and
so are the drinks. The Shuck Shack
was built on the historic, original lo-
cation of Bunky’s raw bar, and it was
created for locals who go out often
and are looking for a friendly, nearby
neighborhood spot to call home. We
will be back in a month or so to give
the kitchen and serving staff another
try; the place is too cute and the vibe
is too good for the Shuck Shack not to
do well in Satellite Beach.
Call ahead, or check the
restaurant’s Facebook page, as
hours seemed to still be in flux.
Full liquor bar
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 9, 2018 29
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The area’s best restaurants, many offering weekly specials.
30 Thursday, August 9, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Please send calendar information 13 New Neighbors of South Brevard
at least two weeks prior to your Beaches plays MAHJONGG at Papa-
gallo’s in Satellite Beach each Monday at 12:15
event to pm. For information on joining the club contact
[email protected] Toni Hanussey at [email protected]
ONGOING 15 Registration is now open for Daytime
Dig Turtle Walks. The walks will be con-
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 ducted most Wednesday and Saturday mornings
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park from 8 to 9 a.m. August 15 - September 8 at the
Barrier Island Sanctuary, 8385 S. Hwy A1A, Mel-
bourne Beach. www.carrrefuge.org/turtle-walks
The New Neighbors Club of South Brevard August 11 | Steel Pulse band, headlining the Long Doggers’ Beachside Bash. 18 Floridana Tropicals Annual Garden Tour
Beaches is holding their annual New School and Sale August 18 from 7:30 a,m, to 2
Shoes Drive for local shelter children. Please Years Classic, Antique Muscle Cars Trucks & Bikes al admission or $40 for the VIP section (www. p.m. at 6630 Floridana Ave., Melbourne Beach.
consider supporting this effort by sending Welcome. Contact Bill Antonetz (321)725-3648. eventbrite.com) with kids 12 and under admit- More than 50 types of plants and trees for sale
your tax deductible check to New Neighbors ted free. www.longdoggersbeachsidebash.com. from the garden, with a portion of the proceeds
of South Brevard Beaches to Mary Gallo, 761 11 The Eau Gallie Arts District ever-popular benefiting the Barrier Island Center, Sea Turtle
Poinsette Dr, Satellite Beach Fl 32937. For more Eighth Annual Dog Days of Summer, 4 to 11 SpaceCoastSymphonyOrchestrapresents Conservancy. www.floridanatropicals.com or
information, call (301)752 5059 or email mer- 8 p.m. at the Eau Gallie Square and on Highland. Music of the Night at 7:00 PM on Saturday, (321)726-0800.
[email protected] Event is free and open to the public. This year’s August 11 at the Scott Center for the Performing
event will feature food and beverage vendors, and Arts at Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy, 5625 Holy 18 Vegan Takeover of the Downtown Mel-
Beach Rotary Club meets at 7:30 a.m. Tues- fun for dogs and their humans, our traditional Fun Trinity Drive in Suntree. $25 advance tickets at www. bourne Farmer’s Market at Riverview
days at Oceanside Pizza, 300 Ocean Ave. #6, Dog Contest, music, Camp Bow Wow and Woofa- SpaceCoastSymphony.org or at Marine Bank & Trust Park, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Melbourne Beach. www.melbeachrotary.org palooza for dogs, and a VIP K9 Cool Zone for $25 in Suntree. Tickets at the door are $30. Under 18 or
which includes two drinks per human and free de- students with valid ID admitted free. 19 Siren Salon and Spa at 3270 south
Open Registration for Dance Arts Centre Studio lo- signer water bar for dogs. www.egadLIFE.com Highway A1A, Ste 104 in Melbourne
cated in Indian Harbour Beach 1855 South Patrick 11-12 Bonsai Weekend at Brevard Beach will host a complimentary Zumba w Lor-
Drive and the Henegar Center. Classes for jazz, tap, 11 Long Doggers’ 2018 Beachside Bash, 5 Zoo, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday raina from 7 to 8 p.m. All are welcome. Call 321-
musical theatre, ballet, modern, hip hop, lyrical, to 11 p.m. at Nance Park, Indialantic. and Sunday. See dozens of incredible miniature 614-7706 for more information.
acro, creative movement begin Aug. 20 and are of- Featuring food trucks, full bars, VIP section and trees and purchase a bonsai of your own at this
fered for ages 2 and up. For more information go to live music by Kulcha Shock at 5 p.m., Kash’O Pit event organized by the Bonsai Society of Brevard. 22 Tenth Annual Valor Awards to honor
DanceAC.org or call (321)777-2155. at 6 p.m., Iya Terra at 7:30 p.m. and headliner A bonsai care demonstration will take place at 1 our local heroes in uniform, from law
Steel Pulse on the stage at 9 p.m. Fire Dancers pm on both days. Included with Zoo admission. A enforcement, fire-rescue, EMS and the military,
AUGUST sponsored by Kona Brewing Co. perform at 7 bonsai workshop for ages 10 – 17 (registration re- as nominated by their respective chiefs and
and 8:30 p.m. Tickets cost $20 for adult gener- quired) is scheduled for Saturday from 1 to 3 pm. commanders. Hosted by the Melbourne Re-
11 Beachside Indialantic Dunkin Donuts gional Chamber of Commerce, 6 to 9 p.m. at the
Dog Days of Summer Car, Truck and Bike Hilton Melbourne Rialto Place. Tickets available
show, 8 to 11 a.m. at 1120 N.Highway A1A, Indi- at www.chamberorganizer.com
alantic, one-half mile north of 192 Causeway. All
22-31 WBSC Women’s Baseball
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN World Cup coming to the
in August 2, 2018 Edition 1 TIMER 1 TUCKSHOP USSSA Space Coast Complex in Viera, Florida,
5 SHEEN 2 MIAOWS this 10-day event will feature 12 countries com-
8 INPUT 3 RIFFRAFF peting for the Women’s Baseball World Cup
9 CHAFF 4 APPALS Title. Reserve tickets at www.viera2018.com.
11 SEW 6 ELATED 26 An information session on the upcom-
12 STARSTUDDED 7 NEWS ing June 2019 Holy Name of Jesus Par-
15 PROOFREADER 13 UNDERTOW ish-sponsored pilgrimage to Ireland will be held
19 EEL 14 DULLARDS on Sunday, August 26, at 1:30 p.m. in the Parish
20 REGISTRAR 16 ORGANS Community Room, 3050 N. Hwy. A1A, Indialan-
22 TUTOR 17 EUROMP tic. The trip will include visits to traditional Irish
23 GUMBO 18 RENTAL tourist spots and is open to non-parishioners.
24 PASTE 20 ROMP There are limited spaces available. For more in-
25 WELLS 21 SAGE formation, contact Julie Mallak at 321-725-4374
or [email protected].
Sudoku Page 2420 SudokuPPaaggee2431 CrosswordPPage 4202 Crossword Paggee 2431 (CHOICE WORDS)
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Beachside home radiates
mid-century charm
290 Harwood Ave. in Satellite Beach: 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 2,198-square-foot pool home two blocks
from the beach offered for $365,000 by Coldwell Banker Paradise agent Jason Geiger: 321-586-7668
32 Thursday, August 9, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Beachside pool home radiates mid-century charm
STORY BY BRENDA EGGERT BRADER CORRESPONDENT blended with a cementitious binder swimming pool that yields plenty said Coldwell Banker Paradise listing
that once polished lasts for genera- of room for lap swimming or a brisk agent Jason Geiger about the roomy
A charming beach home can be tions. These are handsomely restored. game of water volleyball. side and front yards.
found at 290 Harwood Ave. in Satellite
Beach listed for just $365,000. Upon The home’s large living room offers The pool oasis features a large sur- The modern gourmet kitchen has
entering the mid-century single-fam- an abundance of space for conversa- round deck with room for furniture plenty of granite counter space with
ily house, what immediately catches tion and television viewing, sharing and umbrellas for shade. There is also back splash. Large off-white cup-
your eye are the desirable building an open area with the dining room, a covered screened porch that over- boards accent the stainless-steel
features of that classic era in residen- separated by a half wall. looks the pool and sunny backyard. oven, refrigerator and dishwasher. An
tial design, with the piece de resistance A new pump was installed in the pool open counter area includes a built-in
being the gorgeous terrazzo floors Abundant Florida sunshine this year. desk for keeping household accounts,
– those beautiful, indestructible, streams into the house through the making grocery lists or working on
poured-in-place floors consisting of sunroom that opens off the dining “Being an oversized lot and extra some other task at a handy computer.
chips of marble, quartz and granite, area. Large picture windows offer wide, there is room for boat or RV
a view of the sparkling, free-form parking on either side of the home,” A new roof was installed on the
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 9, 2018 33
home in 2012, followed by a new air reading areas. The master bedroom Both the main and master bath- Year built: 1957,
conditioning system in 2013. accommodates a king bed and a walk- rooms are like visiting an episode of since remodeled
in closet. Its bathroom has the black Nicole Curtis and her TV show “The
All the bedrooms are generous in tile retro look and convenience of a Rehab Addict,” for each bathroom re- Architecture:
size. Two guest or children’s bedrooms bench in the walk-in shower. tains the appeal of original mid-cen- Concrete Block/Stucco
easily accommodate queen beds and Lot size: 10,454 sq. ft. (.24 acre)
Home size: 2,198 square feet
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 2
Additional features: Original
terrazzo floors, storm shutters,
large free-form swimming pool,
sprinkler on well, ceiling fans,
large tiled sunroom
Listing agency:
Coldwell Banker Paradise
Listing agent:
Jason Geiger, 321-586-7668 or
[email protected]
Listing price: $365,000
34 Thursday, August 9, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
tury tile combinations and colored more storage. Pavers finish the drive-
baths and commodes that evoke the way, where there is plenty of room for
era of the home. additional parking.
A wide hallway contains both a “People care for their homes here
large storage closet and a separate and there is no homeowners associa-
linen closet. tion,” Geiger said. “Homeowners are
retired air force veterans, and many
The home has a single-car garage are families working at Harris. This is
containing laundry space and yet
a family neighborhood with quiet in- River and beach,” Geiger said. “The
terior streets. You always see kids on home is near schools, restaurants
skateboards and bikes.” and shops and still has that beach
feel to it.”
The area is close to the Indian River
and the Atlantic Ocean beaches are To see this home, contact Jason Gei-
just two-blocks away. ger, realtor for Coldwell Banker Para-
dise, at 321-586-7668 or Jason.Geiger@
“It is a great area for something ColdwellBanker.com.
different with access to the Indian
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 9, 2018 35
New program lets borrowers go without escrow accounts
STORY BY KENNETH R. HARNEY WASHINGTON POST numbers of new buyers with subpar country’s largest wholesale lender, credit scores of about 640 – and who
credit opted out of escrow accounts, departs from the traditional ap- make down payments as low as 5 per-
Do you really need an escrow ac- exposing them to potential problems proach to escrows: It allows conven- cent to avoid escrow accounts.
count attached to your mortgage? down the road. tional-loan applicants who have sig-
Aren’t you capable of remembering nificant dings to their credit – FICO The loans are being originated for
when it’s time to pay tax and insur- A little background here: Escrow sale to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,
ance bills? (or impound) accounts are stan- the big federally regulated mortgage
dard features on many convention- investors. FICO scores for home-pur-
Such questions suddenly are more al home mortgages in the United chase loans at both companies aver-
controversial than you might guess. States. They require the borrower to age in the 750s, according to data and
deposit money in advance for later software vendor Ellie Mae. UWM has
A new program offered by one of payment of local property taxes and a network of 7,000 brokerage firms
the country’s highest-volume lenders hazard-insurance premiums by the with 30,000 individual loan officers,
allows a wide swath of borrowers to lender or loan servicer. The idea is according to the firm. Unlike banks
say “no, thanks” to escrow accounts, that individual borrowers are more or mortgage companies that have
at no charge. More important, the likely to forget – or otherwise fail to retail operations, wholesale lenders
escrow-free option is open to bor- pay – insurance and tax bills that purchase loans originated by third
rowers who have dings in their credit come due annually or semiannu- parties, typically brokers.
histories and are making small down ally. Failing to make those payments
payments. exposes the property to foreclosure, The idea behind escrow-free loans,
endangering the lender’s collateral according to UWM, is to slash upfront
Traditionally, borrowers granted and the owner’s equity. costs. On a hypothetical $300,000
waivers from mandatory escrow ac- first mortgage, borrowers could save
counts have had good to excellent Waivers of escrow requirements $3,625 – $750 that would otherwise be
credit scores and substantial down are possible for borrowers who meet paid at closing for an escrow waiver
payments – often 20 percent or more. lenders’ criteria on financial capac- fee, $2,500 on deposits for property
Opening the door to escrow-free sta- ity and credit, subject to a fee – often taxes and another $375 for insurance
tus for borrowers who don’t fit this one-quarter of a percent of the loan premiums.
profile is raising eyebrows in the amount.
mortgage field. Michael Fratantoni, But aren’t there inherent extra risks
chief economist for the Mortgage A program being introduced by when buyers with low cash and sub-
Bankers Association, told me it would United Wholesale Mortgage, the
be “a troubling development” if large CONTINUED ON PAGE 39
What you need from your lender to prove you paid off your mortgage
STORY BY KENNETH R. HARNEY WASHINGTON POST ters. You can start there and speak documents out. In these cases, the shows that the loan has been paid
with a representative. lender will prepare a new docu- in full, you should be fine.
Q: I live in Indiana. Who can I hire ment and send it out to you. Once
to call Fannie Mae to get the facts on Once you get a real, live person, you receive it, you will need to have One additional piece of informa-
the satisfaction of my mortgage? I got you can ask to speak to someone that document recorded or filed. tion: If you check your credit re-
a paid-in-full letter from the lender. in the lien release department. You port at AnnualCreditReport.com,
The loan servicer is one of the biggest can explain that your loan is paid in Having told you all that, you
banks in the country. full and you are looking to find the should check your files and see you can see what outstanding li-
release of lien on your mortgage. whether you got those documents abilities you have, including what
A: We’re not sure why you need They may also call it the mortgage back from the lender. The lender loans have been paid in full. In your
to hire anyone to find out whether release or satisfaction of mortgage. should have also sent you the can- credit report you should see an ac-
your loan is paid in full or to find out celed note and the canceled mort- count with the bank showing the
where the paperwork is that shows If they tell you that the document gage or deed of trust. While it would original amount of your loan. You
your loan is paid in full. While Fan- was filed or recorded with your local be best to have those canceled will also see that the balance on the
nie Mae may be the owner of the recorder of deeds or other office that documents, if you don’t have them account will show a zero, and there
paper on your loan, they use your handles real estate documents, you but the release is recorded or filed should be a note on that account
big bank or one of its entities to ser- might have to check if the document and you have a final statement that that states that the account is paid
vice your loan. was filed or recorded. If it was, you as agreed.
can get a copy from the recorder’s
We would suggest you call the office or the office that handles the
bank and ask for the lien release filing of documents. You might even
department. Your mortgage loan find that document online through
statement – or the last statement that same office’s website.
you have from them – will have
your loan account number and the Sometimes borrowers look at the
toll-free number to call with loan websites and can’t find the docu-
questions. ment, or the lender never filed or
recorded the document. Some
Once you get through to that ser- lenders mail the document to the
vicing number, you can go through borrower and leave it to the bor-
the phone prompts and determine rower to record or file the release
which one gets you to the right de- document. Some borrowers get
partment. Frequently, you will hear the documents, don’t realize what
a prompt for demand or payoff let- they have received and throw those
36 Thursday, August 9, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: July 27 to Aug. 2
The real estate market had a strong midsummer week in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903 and 32937. Satellite
Beach led the way with 20 transactions, followed by Indialantic with 12. Melbourne Beach reported 5 sales,
and Indian Harbour Beach had 2.
Our featured sale this week was of a riverfront home in Satellite Beach. The residence at 834 Loggerhead
Island Drive was placed on the market Feb. 5 with an asking price of $1.199 million. The sale closed July 31
for $1.1 million.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Kevin Hill of RE/MAX Alternative Realty. The purchaser
was represented by Timothy Sheehan of Progressive Real Estate.
NONE 7095 S HIGHWAY A1A 1/16/2017 $1,192,500 $1,192,500 7/30/2018 $870,000
SUNNYLAND BEACH 7313 S HIGHWAY A1A 2/16/2018 $989,000 $930,000 7/31/2018 $595,000
SUNNYLAND BEACH S7 411 NIKOMAS WAY 1/25/2018 $629,000 $639,000 7/31/2018
RIVER SHORES 1ST ADD 1848 RIVER SHORE DR 6/7/2018 $850,000 $850,000 7/30/2018 $809,000
RIO VILLA UNIT III 3081 RIO BAYA N 2/15/2018 $679,000 $669,000 7/30/2018 $625,000
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 455 GENESEE AVE 6/8/2018 $669,000 $669,000 7/30/2018 $610,000
TORTOISE ISLAND P2U1 767 HAWKSBILL ISLAND DR 5/19/2018 $1,339,000 $1,289,000 7/31/2018 $1,193,000
TORTOISE ISLAND P3U2 557 LANTERNBACK ISLAND DR 6/13/2018 $1,125,000 $1,125,000 7/31/2018 $1,020,000
FLORES DE LA PLAYA C 245 HIGHWAY A1A 601 4/22/2018 $599,500 $599,500 7/31/2018 $540,000
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 9, 2018 37
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Sunset Bay, Address: 405 Sunset Blvd Subdivision: Sunnyland Beach, Address: 7313 S Highway A1A
Listing Date: 5/11/2018 Listing Date: 2/16/2018
Original Price: $595,000 Original Price: $989,000
Recent Price: $585,000 Recent Price: $930,000
Sold: 7/31/2018 Sold: 7/31/2018
Selling Price: $550,000 Selling Price: $870,000
Listing Agent: David Settgast Listing Agent: Kathy Heyl
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Andy Waterman Not Provided
Waterman Real Estate, Inc. Not Provided
Subdivision: Tortoise Island P3U2, Address: 557 Lanternback Island Dr Subdivision: Eau Gallie Shores, Address: 215 Sheridan Ave
Listing Date: 6/13/2018 Listing Date: 6/16/2018
Original Price: $1,125,000 Original Price: $329,900
Recent Price: $1,125,000 Recent Price: $329,900
Sold: 7/31/2018 Sold: 7/31/2018
Selling Price: $1,020,000 Selling Price: $320,000
Listing Agent: David Curri & Meili Viera Listing Agent: Kirsten Youngblood
Selling Agent: Curri Kirschner R. E. Grp. LLC Selling Agent: Keller Williams Realty,Brevard
Brenda Burton Jenny Beach
Ellingson Properties Coldwell Banker Paradise
38 Thursday, August 9, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Sunnyland Beach S7, Address: 411 Nikomas Way Subdivision: Rio Villa North P2-3, Address: 472 Bella Camino Way
Listing Date: 1/25/2018 Listing Date: 6/5/2018
Original Price: $629,000 Original Price: $499,900
Recent Price: $639,000 Recent Price: $499,900
Sold: 7/31/2018 Sold: 7/27/2018
Selling Price: $595,000 Selling Price: $499,000
Listing Agent: Susan Williammee Listing Agent: Kevin Hill
Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc Selling Agent: RE/MAX Alternative Realty
Susan Williammee Damien Capuano
Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc BHHS Florida Realty
JUST LISTED IN THE CLOISTERS! Subdivision: Indian Hrbr Bch S7, Address: 127 Algonquin Trc
Waterfrontbrevard.com Listing Date: 6/22/2018
Original Price: $350,000
Sold: 8/2/2018
BUYING OR SELLING Selling Price: $355,501
WE’LL GET YOU WERE YOU NEED TO GO. Listing Agent: Eva McMillan
Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc
JUST LISTED! - $669,000 • .47 ACRES
Annette Braly
Surfside Properties & Mgt.
Subdivision: Montecito Phase 1B, Address: 329 Montecito Dr
Listing Date: 6/20/2018
Original Price: $480,000
Recent Price: $480,000
Sold: 7/30/2018
Selling Price: $480,000
Listing Agent: Coastal Home Team
Selling Agent: Curri Properties
David Curri
Curri Kirschner R. E. Grp. LLC
Subdivision: Indialantic By Sea, Address: 455 Genesee Ave
4 BEDROOM / 3 BATHROOM 2,715 SF Listing Date: 6/8/2018
.47 ACRES GATED PROPERTY • SPARKLING POOL Original Price: $669,000
Recent Price: $669,000
Selling Price: $610,000
David Curri Listing Agent: Elliott Grozan & Corey Craigie
Broker/Owner Selling Agent: Curri Kirschner R. E. Grp. LLC
[email protected] Elliott Grozan & Corey Craigie
321.890.9911 Curri Kirschner R. E. Grp. LLC
Get Your Home Value Today, Visit: value.myckhome.com
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, August 9, 2018 39
par credit scores handle their own tax verified by our underwriters.” The waivers under specified guidelines are highly critical of the idea, how-
and insurance payments? During the program saves money and “it’s better but had no comment on UWM’s loan ever. David I. Ginsburg, president of
super-easy credit years preceding the for consumers to have options,” Ish- option. Freddie Mac also had no com- Loantech, a national authority on
housing bust – no or minimal down bia said. ment on the program. escrow-account audits, says UWM’s
payments, no documentation, super- program “sounds like we are back in
low credit requirements – many of For its part, Fannie Mae permits Some experts on escrow accounts 2008 again. When the next slowdown
the subprime loans that ended up in occurs, those borrowers will have
foreclosure had no escrow accounts. problems, and we know what that
When hard times hit, those borrow- will look like.” Paul Skeens, presi-
ers found it difficult to come up with dent of Colonial Mortgage Group of
large, lump-sum tax and insurance Waldorf, Md., called the program
payments and frequently lost their “foolish.”
What to make of all this? No ques-
Mat Ishbia, president and CEO of tion the upfront savings are attrac-
UWM, told me in an email that this tive, especially for cash-short first-
is not the scenario ahead for his com- time buyers. But they better keep
pany’s new program. “These are all track of their tax and insurance due
high-quality borrowers that are ap- dates and build up rainy-day finan-
proved through automated engines cial reserves to handle economic
at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and rough spots ahead.