MELBOURNE BEACH Police: Burglar just wanted
to go back to prison. P5
Brevard's South Barrier Island Newsweekly For many, PBA no laughing matter. P16
Indialantic Council passes
parking and alcohol ordinances. P2
MY TAKE Brevard County
declines to fund
BY WILLIAM SOKOLIC vets memorial
Northern kin give cold
shoulder to my whines
It’s all relative. LuAnn Apple holds Dusty at her parrot rescue and rehab facility. PHOTO BY RYAN CLAPPER BY WILLIAM SOKOLIC
For a couple of days earlier Staff Writer
this month, the temperature Are you for the birds? Consider adopting a parrot
in Brevard County dipped Whenever she gets the op-
close to freezing overnight. BY TERRY CONWAY accentuates his conversations high bird has resided at Lu- portunity, Debbie Berry visits
In the daytime, the ther- Correspondent with frenetic head bobs while Ann Apple’s nonprofit par- the Central Florida Veterans
mometer didn’t get out of the madly flapping his wings in rot rescue and rehab facility Memorial Park at Lake Nona,
mid-50s. A stiff wind blew Say hello to longtime beach- upward scoops. He tends to in Melbourne Beach for the next to the Orlando VA Medi-
and I needed a sweatshirt to side resident Kiefer. He’s a talk- get his point across. past 16 years. cal Center. She goes to honor
take a walk along the beach- er, or should I say squawker – her brother, Paul, killed in
front in Indialantic. I gave se- the handsome white cockatoo Native to Maluku Islands Known for their bright Vietnam when she was seven.
rious consideration to wear- in Indonesia, this 18-inch-
ing a pair of gloves. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 “If I am visiting the memo-
The waves tumbled in rial you will most likely find
quick succession on a beach me sitting on the bench fac-
with very few strollers and ing the granite pillar which
no beach chairs. A handful honors those who paid the ul-
of kite boarders braved the timate sacrifice while serving
cool water, bouncing up and in Vietnam, the pillar which is
etched with the name Paul L.
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 Berry. For those few minutes
I find a sense of peace and
Woman caught tranquility,” said Debbie, who
in a rip current grew up in West Melbourne.
Of the counties served by
the medical center – Orange,
BY CHRIS BONANNO Popular park sports a famous name
Staff Writer
A 52-year-old woman, BY WILLIAM SOKOLIC The two brothers in their
believed to be from out of Staff Writer mid-50s play baseball year
state, was “unresponsive” round for the Melbourne Beach
in the intensive care unit at Chewing gum magnate Wil- Orioles, part of the Palm Bay
Holmes Regional Medical liam Wrigley Jr. never played Space Coast Baseball League
Center on Monday, according baseball on the field named af- at the Flutie Athletic Complex
to Melbourne Beach Police ter him, but Bill and Doug Flutie in Melbourne Beach, operated
Chief Dan Duncan, follow- have played countless innings by the Brevard County Parks &
ing an incident in the area on the field named in their fam- Recreation.
of 1900 State Road A1A near ily’s honor.
January 19, 2017 Volume 2, Issue 3 Newsstand Price $1.00 Muscle Car Museum
revs up for
News 1-6 Editorial 22 People 7-10 TO ADVERTISE CALL fundraisers. Page 9
Arts 11-14 Faith 24 Pets 33 772-559-4187
Books 23 Games 25-27 Real Estate 35-40
Calendar 34 Health 15-18 Style 29-30 FOR CIRCULATION
Dining 31 Insight 19-21 CALL 772-226-7925
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 19, 2017 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Parrot lays her eggs and talks to them. A
stunning blue and gold macaw, El-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 liot, age 20, never saw the outdoors
until he arrived here at this sanctu-
plumage and intelligence, cockatoos vered [with the bird rescue effort],” 1925, it was home to the first Mel- ary near the ocean.
and other types of parrots are the she says. “We are starting our 10th bourne Beach Postmistress who used
third most popular pet in the U. S. – year in this Ocean Avenue location. the side living area to set up 20 mail- Meanwhile, Kiefer has taken a break
even though cockatoos have strong It is never ever dull and the workload boxes. Today, the ground floor area is from rocking and talking. He’s busy
personalities that sometimes get never ever gets any easier. It requires stacked with birdcages, toys and feed. munching on a peanut-buttered slice
them in trouble. an unending source of personal en- Walk out the back door and you step of apple clutched deftly in his foot.
ergy from our fantastic volunteers. I into an outdoor aviary with still more
“These birds are so misunderstood,” don’t get much time for a vacation. It’s birdcages, perches and a dazzling “We allow them freedom to fly, to
Apple laments. “They are friendly and always about the birds.” flock of parrots. sit in trees, to feel what it’s like to get
loving birds, but people give them up a bath from real rain,” Apple, 63, re-
because they scream or screech too Her Melbourne Avian Rescue Sanc- The oldest is “Big Bird,” 38, a yel- lates. “Last Sunday they were all out
much. They are sociable and curious, tuary (M.A.R.S.) has housed as many low-naped Amazon. In the far cor- getting fresh air, sunshine, and see-
can learn tricks and be trained. An as 45 birds. Today, there are about 25 ner is Bella, a glorious red, green and ing people. Being a bird. They don’t
isolated cockatoo will instinctively at the splendid Dutch colonial-style blue macaw, age 25. Timy is a quiet ever want to fly away. “
call out. But if you keep a cockatoo in structure on Ocean Avenue. Built in 8-inch tall African gray female that
an environment with other people or How smart are parrots? Experts say
pets, he relaxes, making him a well- some have the cognitive capabilities
behaved avian companion.” of a 5-year-old child.
Apple, who grew up in Valley Forge, “You have one-on-one conversa-
Pennsylvania, knew little about par- tions and they get it,” Apple explains.
rots when she moved to Ft. Lauder- “They imitate human speech. I’ve
dale in the late 1970s, but she met a had ones that speak Russian, Ger-
cockatoo in that colorful South Flori- man and Spanish. They love chil-
da city that pulled at her heartstrings. dren’s voices, a high-pitched sound
She soon developed an affinity for ex- just like their own.”
otic birds and has been working with
cockatoos and other members of the Parrots’ inquisitive natures and
parrot family for the past 35 years. ability to interact with humans make
it all too easy for animal lovers to
Passionate and effusive with long overlook their challenges as pets.
blonde hair, Apple relocated to Mel- When abandoned by humans, they
bourne Beach in 1981. are twice-traumatized creatures.
“We lived in this ramshackle place Denied their natural inclination to
down near the beach and just perse- flock and then the companionship of a
human keeper, the fallout can be dev-
Indialantic Town Council passes parking and alcohol ordinances astating. M. A. R. S. fields plenty of calls
each year from bird owners no longer
BY CHRIS BONANNO code] that they caught and they’re The hope is that the new code able or willing to maintain their par-
Staff Writer now trying to plug those holes,” said will eliminate confusion for those rots. Death, divorce and moving away
Town Attorney Paul Gougelman. who patronize businesses that sell are some of the reasons birds end up
The Indialantic Town Council alcohol in and near Indialantic. homeless. Other owners are just a poor
tightened up parking regulations The council also passed an or- match for their parrot. Some birds
and simplified alcohol service dinance standardizing the times “You’d like to be consistent be- are so psychologically, emotionally or
hours at a meeting last Wednesday when alcohol can be solid in Indi- cause people don’t always know physically damaged that in all likeli-
at Town Hall. alantic so they match the permitted where they’re at when they are in a hood they may never be adopted.
hours in the rest of the county. bar or a restaurant,” said Berkman.
The parking clarification was The mayor made the point that some With a lifespan often of 50 to 90
needed following a recent dispute Per the new town code, it is law- businesses with an Indialantic ZIP years, the parrots may outlive their
over a parking ticket, according to ful to sell alcoholic liquors or bev- code are not within the town limits. owners. Apple and her crew of eight
Indialantic Mayor Dave Berkman. volunteers work with the birds to
PHOTO BY RYAN CLAPPER “The average citizen has no idea make them happy, healthy and ready
“Someone got a ticket for park- where the dividing line is between for adoption. In volunteers Apple
ing a suburban in the compact spots erages in the town on any day from unincorporated Brevard County looks for traits such as confidence,
in front of the pizza place and com- 8 a.m. to 2 a.m. the following day. and the town of Indialantic,” said self-motivation, strong problem-
plained to me that, you know, it wasn’t Previously, there had been a rule Gougelman. “Much of the area that solving skills, a sense of personal re-
legit, so we looked at the code and that alcohol could only be sold on has an Indialantic mailing address sponsibility and a strong worth ethic.
[found out it didn’t spell out that you Sundays from 9 a.m. until mid- is in the unincorporated area or the
get a ticket for that] so we dismissed night, with an exception that beer City of Melbourne, so I think the Volunteers begin their days clean-
the ticket,” and passed the new ordi- and wine could be sold for off- idea is to cut down on confusion for ing floors and giving baths, feeding
nance to clarify the situation. premises consumption from 8 a.m. consumers and the general public and talking to the birds, and setting
Sunday until midnight. and make it uniform.” up social interactions for them. Apple
Per the ordinance, town code now patiently works with individual birds,
clearly states the penalties for park- Both ordinances were passed training them to change destructive
ing in a manner contrary to posted unanimously by the council. behaviors so they can be re-homed.
directions, with a $20 civil penalty Veterinarian care is also provided.
assessed for violations when the The next regularly-scheduled The highest adoption fee is $475, but
ticket is paid within 10 days of the council meeting is set for Feb. 8 at typically they go for much less.
first violation, $25 after 10 days, $30 7 p.m.
after 20 days and $45 after 30 days. “We have no-fault adoption,”
Contact Bonanno at ChrisBonan- Apple explains. “We want the pro-
“There were some glitches in [the [email protected] and follow him on spective bird parents to spend time
Twitter @FTChrisBonanno. at their home with the bird. Make
sure it works with their life and their
family. Maybe give them a room of
their own and talk and play with
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 19, 2017 3
them a lot. If the bird doesn’t work for them which gives them a little unteers. They recently received a small all look the same, but each parrot has
out, bring it back to us. sunshine and a lot of love.” grant from the Bristol Hansen Founda- a different personality,” Apple relates.
tion and nice donations from Outback “If you look into their eyes you can
“There are so many birds who need Fundraising is never easy. M.A.R.S. Mobil veterinarian and Elite Estate feel their happiness, their sadness.
homes, it’s heart wrenching. But we operates entirely on donations to cover Sales. Their recent “Fill the Christmas They are such intense and amazing
focus on the ones here we can help. its already stretched $45,000 annual Tree Toy Drive” raised $1,000. creatures. If you get to know them,
Right now, we’re at capacity. Our mis- budget. It has plenty of needs, including they give us back so much.”
sion is to find a parrot-friendly home carpenters, handymen and more vol- “Within the same species, they may
4 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 19, 2017 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Flutie Park the most athletic fields of any Brevard right behind the field,” Stacey says. “I tion fee. Having such low expenses
County park on the beachside, and in- can hear the crack of the bat and see enables us to make sure that every
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 cludes soccer fields, softball and base- the lights when they come on.” child is able to play regardless of their
ball fields, tennis courts and a play- parents’ financial condition.”
“It’s a neat thing,” Bill said. “I have lots ground. Both adult and youth leagues The park is a safety net for 12-year-
of fun on this field. A lot of memories.” play on the fields, serving the South old Andy and his buds. “All they want Doug Flutie comes to Little League
Beach area down to Sebastian Inlet. to do is be on the field,” says Stacey, opening day in the spring. “He also
Since 1984, the field has carried whose 16 year-old daughter, Sylvie, participates in the opening parade,
the Flutie name, in part to celebrate The federal government deeded played softball and now plays tennis gives a motivational speech and
the college and professional career of the land that Flutie sits on to Brevard at Flutie. hangs around for photos and auto-
Heisman Trophy winner Doug, who County in 1950, along with Spessard graphs,” Skarbek said.
grew up playing on these same fields. Holland Park and Spessard Holland The South Beaches Little League
But more than that, the name cele- Golf Course. The first baseball field Andy plays for has used the field On a crystal clear Saturday morn-
brates the whole Flutie family. Bill and was constructed in the late 1960s, since 1974, before the park was called ing in December, Logan Klaproth was
Doug’s parents, Dick and Joan Flutie, around the same time the Flutie fam- Flutie. The league has a spring and on the soccer field at Flutie, scrim-
were instrumental in establishing ily settled in Melbourne Beach. Bill and fall season, with the next season be- maging with teammates. The county
youth sports at the county park. Doug later moved to the Boston area, ginning practice this month with 22 soccer alliance season ended last
but returned more than six years ago. baseball and three softball teams, month until March, but coach Kristie
Today, the 29-acre complex boasts encompassing boys and girls ages 4 Utzler wanted her team to squeeze in
“I always wanted to come back to 16. The league is one of two recre- one more practice.
down here,” said Bill, who works for ational partners with the county at
a tech company. “We played baseball the park, the other being the Brevard Klaproth has played here for four
in Boston and wanted to keep play- Soccer Alliance. years. He used to play with a team
ing, so we started the Oriole team. It’s from Indialantic.
grown to where we’re pretty good.” “Being allowed to use the fields
without paying for them or having to “I like it better here at this field. I’d
The Brevard baseball field surpasses reserve them helps us keep our costs rather play here,” said the 13 year-old
the ones the Flutie brothers played on down while still providing a first- from Melbourne, one of 250 soccer
in Boston. “None of them used orange class experience,” said Little League players who play at Flutie.
clay that is used down here. These Vice President Adam Skarbek. “We
fields are like professional fields. And offer scholarship opportunities to “Most are Melbourne Beach kids,
the crews are great. This is perfection players that can’t afford the registra- from Sebastian Inlet to Indialantic,
compared to Boston,” Bill said. although Satellite Beach sends kids
too,” Utzler said.
The field also offers the most im-
portant element in real estate, said Coaches and players praise the
team manager Mike Fears: “Location, county for its upkeep of Flutie. The
location, location! Most of the play- annual maintenance cost is approxi-
ers live close by and we love home mately $253,207, said Steve Kimball,
games,” he said. recreation superintendent for county
parks & recreation’s South Area Parks
Stacey Neff enjoys being close to the Operations.
fields, too. Her son, Andy, played a Lit-
tle League game at Flutie the first day “Our only expense for the fields is
the Neff family arrived in Melbourne the lights,” Skarbek said.
Beach and the ballfields have been a
constant part of life since then. “I live Recreation partners pay $15 per
hour for lights while other users, like
the men’s baseball league the Flutie
brothers play in, pay $30 per hour.
My Take see my in-laws. I always liked Pub- selection of pastries, something that
lix, and still do. The employees are would make Starbucks envious.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 friendly. They bag for you. They’ll
load the groceries for you, and refuse To be fair, Publix has its share of
down in the waves. It almost looked to accept a tip. fast food and pastries too. And great
like fun. hoagies, I am told. But they don’t
But it’s not Wegman’s. have tables and chairs to relax while
When I called the kids back in New Unless you hail from the Northeast you imbibe.
Jersey and Pennsylvania and New section of the country, you probably
York to complain about the chill, they never heard of Wegman’s –what I call Another retail note: We were
seemed to lack compassion for me. the supermarket of supermarkets. told everything is less expensive in
The temperature back where they Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s have Florida. For the most part, that has
are barely hit 20 degrees and in some nothing on Wegman’s. Neither is in turned out to be true. Until Nov. 1,
cases almost a foot of snow littered Brevard County anyway. however, it wasn’t true of gasoline.
the landscape. Secretly, I was glad Wegman’s has to be the largest mar- When we first planned our move to
I didn’t have to deal with the snow ket I’ve ever seen, no matter where it’s Brevard County, gas in New Jersey
and the shrinking wind chill and the located from Virginia to Massachu- was hovering around $1.85 a gallon.
plummeting temperatures. setts. It has a free day care center for Here in Brevard, it was $2.15 a gal-
those who don’t want to drag a whiny lon. And in New Jersey, you didn’t
But that doesn’t stop the fact that I child standing up in the cart as they have to pump it yourself. Then on
was unhappy about donning a sweat- maneuver down the busy aisles. They Nov. 1, a new gas tax in New Jersey
shirt and carrying gloves this far sell flowers, same as Publix. But Weg- added 23 cents to each gallon put-
south in Florida. I felt cheated out of man’s has a florist on staff. ting the state in the Florida ball
warm weather those days. And they have a fast food res- park as far as gas prices went.
taurant. Not a McDonald’s or other
Like I said, it’s all relative. chain. But one that serves Chinese, Good for me I suppose. Not so good
When you move to a new city or seafood, Italian entrees, all kinds for people living or driving in New
new state, one of the first stops is to of sandwiches and a wide variety of Jersey through snow and ice storms
the local supermarket. I was more soups. And a coffee shop with a large and muttering curses under their
than familiar with Publix from my breath.
numerous visits to Daytona Beach to
Like I said. It’s all relative.
8 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 19, 2017 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Face it: Floridians just eat up Key Lime Pie fest
Diamond Dixie Band. PHOTOS: RYAN CLAPPER Jesus and Kelly Pino try Keylime shots.
Gene Huggins selling local honey. Art by June Brown. Susie Benton, Steven Stewart and Alisha Lidey.
BY CHRIS BONANNO tants to the event’s main stage. Michael Embry had a great train for the kids. Darry Belding.
Participants were asked to stand up John Boyle IV and Sykes Evans serve Keylime Pie. Jim Hannan of Ricky Carrol Surfboards.
Staff Writer
and keep one hand behind their backs,
Thousands gathered at Shepard leaving the other hand to hold what
Park in Cocoa Beach last Saturday for Morehead said was a 32-ounce, home-
the sixth annual Florida Key Lime Pie style market Key lime pie. Contestants
Festival which, as one might expect, of all ages and sizes had three-and-a-
featured a number of Key lime pie- half minutes to simply plunge their
themed contests throughout the day. faces in and eat as much of the pie as
they could.
“We have our Florida Key Lime Pie
eating contest,” said event organizer David Gering of Melbourne said he
Louie Morehead, owner of the Flori- had multiple reasons for wanting to
da Key Lime Pie Company in Cocoa participate, including the $250 first
Beach. “This year we tried something place prize, adding, “I like the pie too;
a little different and new; we did our that’s the thing.”
Key lime pie hula hoop contest and our
Key lime pie toss contest. We also have Ben Walker of Indian Harbour
a Miss Florida Key Lime Pie contest.” Beach said he had never participated
in a pie-eating contest, but wanted to
The event, which moved to Cocoa do it for fun and because “Key lime pie
Beach after previously being held near is amazing.” Walker said he employed
the Exploration Tower at Port Canav- a very simple strategy: “Eat as fast as I
eral, featured much more than just the can.”
By the end of the contest, many of
“We have a little over 25 food trucks, the contestants had at least some of
we have about 150 vendors,” Morehead their faces covered in Key lime pie, and
said. “We have the Brevard County a few even managed to eat the entire
Sheriff’s Office here with their bomb pie in that short time.
squad and their K-9 Unit, we’ve got
five different bands and five different No one, at least outwardly, seemed
world-class street performers.” to be the least bit fazed by it, perhaps
best exemplifying the festival’s laid-
Despite the wide variety of activities back, enjoyable vibe.
offered at the festival, the pie-eating
contest was easily one of the bigger at- “It’s a quick calorie load, that’s for
tractions, drawing roughly 40 contes- sure,” said Morehead, summing it
all up.
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 19, 2017 9
American Muscle Car Museum revs up for fundraisers
Staff Writer
The most unusual aspect of the Mark Pieloch with his 1966 Ford Mustang convertible. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
recently opened American Muscle
Car Museum in Melbourne – aside an occasional school or car group. It maintenance and restoration fa- fondness for the midnight blue 1966
from its magnificent collection of wasn’t until he sold off five of his six cility. An expansive parking lot – Shelby Cobra 427. But then again,
mint-condition cars and trucks – is businesses that he was able to con- enough to park 600 cars on concrete his favorite car year is 1957, the year
that the facility only opens its doors centrate on his dream of building a and still maintain a 10-foot-wide he was born and the year iconic
for nonprofit fundraisers, car ac- car museum. space between them – is ideal for tailfins peaked.
tivities and educational opportuni- outdoor car shows and low-speed
ties. Its opening fundraiser in Octo- “I was into cars ever since I was a autocross events. Lately, Pieloch has spent much
ber benefitted the American Cancer little kid. I still have all my Match- of his time meeting with nonprofit
Society and it’s been nonstop ever box cars,” says Pieloch. “I started But the real sparkle emanates representatives about fundraisers
since. restoring my first car when I was in from Pieloch’s extensive collection already on the books. The number
high school.” of roughly 270 mostly American- currently stands at 27 – three each
“We’re not open to the public and made classic cars (nine Porches and car shows and autocross events plus
we have no plans to be open to the In 2014 he purchased the Mel- one Ferrari were thrown in for good 21 events ranging from small spon-
public,” says owner Mark Pieloch, bourne property, primarily because measure), valued at somewhere sored receptions to ticketed fund-
who has residences in both Orchid Florida was conducive to year- around $32 million. The museum raisers with upwards of 300 people.
Island and Melbourne Beach. “We round activities. Construction of is home to what he calls a “Who’s
really want to focus on being a des- the 123,000-square-foot museum Who” of American Muscle cars, For the charities, use of the mu-
tination property. The goal of host- took a little over two years to com- including the largest collection of seum is like manna from heaven.
ing the fundraisers is to raise at plete. The abundant Florida sun- Yenko Super Camaros in the world, Pieloch charges them nothing and
least $1 million for local charities. shine was another advantage. A and 45 out of 61 years (1955 to 2016) basically gives them free rein with
Looking at the events we have on hurricane-resistant, green facility, of Indy pace cars. Baby-boomers their events.
schedule we’re easily going to meet the museum is completely powered will especially love the stroll down
our goal.” by 1,200 solar panels (40 structures, memory lane, revisiting the days “We just let them have the facility.
30 per structure). of drive-in movies, family car trips What really makes it possible is that
On Saturday, Feb. 25, Treasure and cruising “American Graffiti”- we have about 40 volunteers who
Coast Community Health will be The museum boasts a style. help with the events; many from car
the first nonprofit outside of Bre- 90,000-square-foot main display clubs. Without them we wouldn’t
vard County to host an event at the area, 18,000-square-foot showroom And, while it’s hard to pick a fa- be able to do this because we don’t
museum – the 2017 Vero Road Rally with numerous auto-related col- vorite, Pieloch admits he has a have the staff,” he explains.
Tour Magnifique with honorary co- lectibles, and a 15,000-square-foot
chairs James and Dawn Redman. CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
Tickets are $125 and will help fund
a much-needed update of the Fells-
mere Health Center, the first of the
TCCH facilities and easily its busi-
Participants will gather at the
Fellsmere Health Center at 9 a.m.
for coffee and bagels before heading
out together at 10 a.m. for the trip to
the impressive new museum. In ad-
dition to being among the first to
experience this singular opportu-
nity, guests will enjoy food, drinks
and an auction featuring books and
memorabilia autographed by Brian
Redman, jewelry and fabulous trip
Pieloch, raised in a blue-collar
Boston family where education was
deemed paramount, worked his way
through college to earn advanced
degrees in pharmacology and busi-
ness. Over the years he established
and sold a number of pet pharma-
ceutical businesses and still main-
tains ownership of PF Inc., formerly
known as Pet Flavors.
Before moving to Florida, Pieloch
owned a 42,000-square-foot car fa-
cility in Nebraska but was so busy
establishing his businesses that he
only had enough time to invite in
10 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 19, 2017 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
“Right now we’re not taking any
more bookings for nonprofit fun-
draising activities within the mu-
seum, because we’re basically full.
With only three full-time employees
we don’t have the capability to do
any more than we are already. My
goal is not to be over 26 weekends
within a year; it was originally 12 per
year. Because of the newness I think
we’ve been overrun with charities. I
think in 2018 it will slow down.”
Treasure Coast Community
Health currently has five locations
in Indian River County, providing
quality services including primary,
women’s, pediatric and mental-
health care, dental care, discount
drugs, an on-site lab, EKG and X-
rays. It served more than 16,000
unduplicated patients last year and
expects that number to increase by
3,000 this year. Staying true to its
mission of serving the community’s
most vulnerable individuals and
families regardless of their ability to
pay, more than 90 percent of TCCH
patients live in poverty.
To register for the Vero Road Rally,
call Dennis Bartholomew at 772-257-
8224 ext. 201. For information about
the museum, visit americanmuscle-
12 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 19, 2017 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Dragon Festival breathes fire into Palm Bay weekend
BY CHRIS BONANNO Jacob Claypool serves local made soda. P HOTOS BY RYAN CLAPPER
Staff Writer which enjoyed ideal weather – be-
gan out of a desire to fill what a void
The Renaissance – the period right in Brevard.
after the Middle Ages in Europe
which saw a great flowering of music, “We all really liked the Renais-
philosophy and art – was celebrated sance thing,” Hendry said. “We saw
in Palm Bay over the weekend as the it being done in other places but not
4th annual installment of The Drag- here, so we decided that maybe we
on Festival was held at Celebration should create our own and try it out.
Square at the corner of U.S. 1 and It did really well the first year, so we
Port Malabar Road. just keep doing it.”
And if there were no actual Renais- There were numerous renais-
sance masterpieces on hand, there sance-themed activities, including
were lots of colorful costumes and sword fighting, jousting and ar-
enactments that drew rave reviews chery, juggling and magic available
from more than a thousand people for event-goers to enjoy in the festi-
who showed up for the fun. vals fourth year.
“Most people who come out – they The jousting in particular was a
just want to dress up and volunteer,” featured attraction with eight com-
said event organizer Taylor Hendry. batants seeking to win the favor of
“A lot of them are from other ren the “king” and “queen” in a tourna-
fairs. So they start with us and then ment.
they move on.”
There was also a host of vendors
Many dressed in traditional medi- selling themed apparel and goods,
eval gear, as opposed to Renaissance such as jewelry. Some of the food
costumes, with some, including “King vendors got into the spirit of the day,
Arthur” and “Queen Gwendolyn” with the “Dragon Em Inn” and “Holy
role-playing their characters. Crepe” establishments decked out
like medieval castles.
“More fun than I can even put into
words. It’s my life,” said Paige Mel- Children’s activities included both
drum of Melbourne, dressed in Viking pony and elephant rides.
attire and going under the name of
“Einmyria Runasdottir. “ “There’s a kid’s map where you can
go around to the different vendors
Hendry said the Dragon Festival –
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 19, 2017 13
Sir Haroun (James Hacking) and his opponent Kyle Cox. ARTS & THEATRE
DylanCarson. Coming Up: For Renaissance
fun, Fair is joust the thing
BY MICHELLE GENZ in on the life and death of King Ar-
Staff Writer thur this year, and adding the third
weekend of costumed characters,
1 For the fourth year, Wickham demonstrations of tin-smithing and
Park Amphitheatre is taking a glass-blowing, jousting exhibitions
and street performers with period
giant step back in time this weekend, instruments. This effort includes a
massive number of local volunteers –
and for the first time staying there
for three weekends. The renamed
Brevard Renaissance Fair is zeroing
Jousting fight GNARLY, DUDE
Sir Haroun (James Hacking) and his
Retired skateboards, reimagined and
opponent Kyle Cox. transformed by artist George Peterson
into compelling works revealing wear,
age and quiet strength.
Priscilla Patino, Tara LoCicero and Maryann Poulakos.
and get all of the signatures and you In short, there was a little something 2910 CARDINAL DR.
get to pick out of the treasure chest,” for everyone at an event that is becom- THEL AUGHINGDOGGALLERY.COM 7 72 . 2 3 4 . 6711
Hendry said. ing a January fixture in Brevard.
14 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 19, 2017 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Brevard Renaissance Fair. ARTS & THEATRE
Art and Algorithms Festival.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 13 made its Carnegie Hall debut in 2014.
weavers, singers and dancers among 4 Starting Jan. 31 and running
them – and thousands of people through Feb. 5, Titusville’s free
make a day of it.
Art and Algorithms Festival takes
Another fair, once related, now the
breakaway Dragon Fair, took place place downtown and at Sandpoint
last weekend in Palm Bay. May the
Park. The festival celebrates digi- stop as you pass Matt’s Casbah, the up in art, starting with fabrics. Before
Brevard Symphony sushi-slash-pizza place with an out- that, the carmine came from another
Orchestra. door terrace. The Usual Suspects will insect that stained the artworks of
be playing their high-energy brand ancient Egypt. The Foosaner exam-
of blues delivered by Rick Fincke on ples include not just paintings and
guitar – he’s a longtime teacher of sculpture, but decorative arts, cloth-
guitar, mandolin and ukulele; JT Bur- ing, and even manuscripts.
ley on bass and vocals; and George
Wilson on drums. Wilson gets an
infusion of good music by osmosis
– he’s a senior underwriter of WFIT-
FM, Florida Tech’s excellent indepen-
dent radio station.
6 Opening this weekend at the
Foosaner Art Museum in the
Eau Gallie arts district is an exhibit
two never meet with swords drawn tal art, and not only artists will be from the International Folk Art Mu-
on U.S. 1.
on hand. There will be interactive seum of Santa Fe. The Red that Col-
exhibits and well as screenings of ored the World is guaranteed to fa-
2 The Brevard Symphony Or- international short films. On hand miliarize you with, of all things, one
chestra is offering concerts of
will be artists involved in digital art important bug: the cochineal, a scale
all French music at the King Center and interactive exhibits. The website insect which produces carminic acid
Saturday afternoon and evening. shows a plethora of concepts from to protect itself. That acid, when ex- Dee Negroni-Hendrick.
Gabriel Faure’s haunting “Pavane” a spectacularly-designed inflatable tracted from the bug or its eggs, is
written in 1887; Camille Saint-Saens’ mini-village called Arboria that you the source of carmine, the natural
“Cello Concert No. 1” featuring Cic- can enter and walk through, not un- red dye that shows up in everything
ely Parnas on cello. (She made her like a bounce house; an “augmented from alcoholic drinks to lipstick. And 7 There’s a sad note for Brevard’s
arts community. Dee Negroni-
Carnegie Hall debut in 2012 with reality” sandbox; and a demonstra- since 15th century Peru, it has shown
the same piece with the New York tion of the virtual reality Hendrick, a sup-
String Orchestra under the direction software Tilt Brush, released The Usual Suspects. porter of the Brevard
by Google in April, that lets
of Jaime Laredo; the New York Times Symphony Orches-
called her performance “rhapsod- you create room-scale 3-D tra, the Community
ic.”); Maurice Ravel’s “Le Tombeau designs. Organizers them- Band of Brevard, the
de Couperin,” a tribute to the great selves had to do some com- Cocoa Village Play-
Baroque composer written to mourn plex algorithms to transpose house and the Hen-
Ravel’s friends lost in World War 1; the festival to that week after egar Center, died
and Claude Debussy’s four tone pic- it was originally scheduled January 5, days be-
tures in “Petite Suite.” Those last two to start the same weekend fore her 84th birth-
were both originally written for pia- that Hurricane Matthew hit. day.
no and later expanded for orchestra. While films will be shown It was through her
throughout those dates in largess – a $1 million
3 The Lysander Piano Trio is play- downtown Titusville’s Sec- donation through the
ing this Friday night at 7:30 St.
ond Stage, the full festival foundation begun by
Mark’s Church in Indialantic, bought takes place Friday, Saturday her father Sam Foo-
here by the Melbourne Chamber Mu- and Sunday. saner in honor of her
sic Society. Lysander Piano Trio is mother Renee – that
made up of violinist Itamar Zorman, 5 If you love blues and the former Brevard
you’re strolling up
Liza Stepanova on piano and Michael Art Museum became
Katz on cello. This group has won top New Haven Avenue Satur- Florida Tech’s Foosan-
honors at numerous competitions and day night, you’re likely to er Art Museum.
16 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 19, 2017 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
For 5 million Americans, PBA is no laughing matter
BY MARIA CANFIELD pression is fundamentally different:
Correspondent It’s a continuous state of sadness or
hopelessness that can last for weeks,
There are several conditions that months or years, while the episodes
characteristic of PBA are relatively
affect around 5 million Americans in brief, and most often don’t reflect
how the person is actually feeling.
any given year – including Alzheim- However, PBA and depression can
co-exist in the same person, so it’s
er’s, fibromyalgia, heart failure and important that each condition be di-
agnosed and treated separately.
psoriasis. But there’s another condi-
Dr. Urfer says that the most fre-
tion, just as prevalent, that is much quent misdiagnosis is bipolar disor-
der, because PBA seems to show se-
less known: pseudobulbar affect vere mood fluctuations. In addition
to bipolar disorder and depression,
(PBA) – a neurologic condition that PBA can be mistaken for or misdiag-
nosed as generalized anxiety disor-
results in involuntary and uncontrol- der, schizophrenia or even epilepsy.
It can also go completely undiag-
lable outbursts of crying or laughing. nosed, due to a general lack of aware-
ness about the condition.
If you have heard of it, it’s likely be-
Based on their symptoms, patients
cause it has affected you or a loved suffering from PBA may first seek
help from a psychiatrist; Dr. Urfer
one, or because you have seen the says this specialty is well able to rec-
ognize the condition. For a formal
commercials with actor and direc- diagnosis, a thorough neurological
examination is needed, consisting of
tor Danny Glover, who has partnered a series of simple questions and non-
invasive tests that provide crucial in-
with Avanir Pharmaceuticals in a formation about the nervous system.
campaign to educate patients and Once diagnosed, the goal of treat-
ment is to reduce the severity and fre-
caregivers about PBA. quency of outbursts. Although PBA
has been recognized in medical liter-
Liana Urfer, a Vero Beach psy- Dr Liana Urfer. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE ature for over 100 years, the first and
only drug specifically designed to
chiatrist, sees the campaign as a treat it was approved by the FDA fair-
ly recently, in 2010. The drug – Nue-
good thing. She says “it will increase is now.” in effect causing a short circuit. dexta – is manufactured and mar-
keted by Avanir, the pharmaceutical
knowledge about PBA for both pa- PBA is caused by damage in the ar- Strokes are a common cause of the company that sponsors the Danny
Glover PBA awareness campaign. Ac-
tients and physicians, which will lead eas of the brain that control the ex- condition and up to half of all stoke cording to the Mayo Clinic, a study of
people with MS or ALS showed that
to it being correctly diagnosed and pression of emotion; this damage dis- survivors experience it at some time. those taking Nuedexta had about 50
percent fewer laughing and crying
correctly treated more often than it rupts the brain’s signaling processes, Other neurological causes of PBA episodes than those taking a placebo.
are amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Although PBA is not depression,
antidepressants are sometimes pre-
CM (ALS), multiple sclerosis (MS), Par- scribed to treat it, typically at doses
kinson’s and Alzheimer’s. (A team of lower than are used in the treatment
clinicians affiliated with from Brook- of depression. Some people with PBA
dale University Hospital and Medical find working with an occupational
Center in Brooklyn recently screened therapist helpful, as they can de-
80 nursing home residents and deter- velop ways to better complete every-
mined that symptoms of PBA were day tasks despite frequent episodes
present in nearly 45 percent of pa- caused by the condition.
tients diagnosed with Alzheimer’s
and other forms of dementia.) Dr. Urfer says “an increased aware-
ness of PBA will help to destigmatize
A traumatic brain injury can also it, and even more importantly, will let
sufferers know that it is treatable.”
COLLINS & MONTZ DENTISTRY lead to PBA. In 2015, football Hall of
Dr. Urfer’s practice is located at
Famer Barry Sanders went public to 641 17th Ave in Vero Beach; the office
phone is 772-978-9793.
raise awareness about some of the
cosmetic dentistry preventive dentistry serious, long-term neurological prob-
restorative dentistry dental implants lems – including PBA – that can occur
from playing football and other con-
tact sports. Speaking of retired NFL
players, Sanders said, “Well over 90
Experience the fusion of traditional percent of those guys have had a head
values and modern dentistry. injury when they played, and a third
of those guys are suffering from PBA-
like symptoms, so we're just getting
the word out that they should visit a
In PBA, the outbursts of laughing or
crying are often inappropriate to the
situation, like laughing when a friend
shares a serious story, or crying dur-
ing a funny movie. And if the emo-
Dr. J. Hunter Collins Dr. Roger Montz tion is appropriate, the eruptions can
be more intense or of longer duration
524 Ocean Avenue, Melbourne Beach, FL 32951 than warranted by the situation.
(321) 725-6565 Because crying episodes are more
common in PBA than are eruptions of laughter, the sufferer may mistake
the condition for depression. But de-
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 19, 2017 17
Don’t just sit there! Walk your way to better health
BY DANIELLE DOUGLAS-GABRIEL The new findings build on a body enough insulin to convert blood sugar but researchers said their activity
of research that shows a relationship into energy. failed to entirely counteract the risks
The Washington Post between sedentary lifestyles and in- that came with prolonged sitting.
creased risk for chronic conditions Another study from the University
If you have a desk job, it is pretty and premature death. Health Network in Toronto concluded Still, incorporating exercise into
easy to spend most of your day on that people who sit too much every your day, in addition to cutting down
your bum. Even after you punch out at One study in the Diabetes Research day are not only at risk of diabetes, but the amount of time you spend sitting,
the end of the day, chances are there and Clinical Practice journal found a also heart disease, cancer and shorter can lower the risk for diabetes, heart
will be more time sitting during your connection between prolonged sitting lifespans, even if they work out. Peo- disease or stroke, Barlow said. Even
commute and the nightly intake of and Type 2 diabetes, which occurs ple who exercise are at lower risk of short, periodic bursts of activity can
your favorite shows. when the body fails to use or make developing those health conditions, do the trick.
You know you should walk a bit
more during the day, but if you are like
most people, it is difficult to get moti-
vated. Recent research may push you
to try harder, however, especially if
you are a man.
In a study published last week by
the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, researchers looked at the
amount of time 4,486 men and 1,845
women spent sitting during work,
school and at home. They examined
obesity among participants, ages 20
to 79, by measuring the size of their
waistlines and percentage of body fat.
No matter the metric, the more men
sat, the likelier they were to be obese.
“Men who sat more were more likely
to be obese, and that held even when
we adjusted for their fitness level,”
said Carolyn E. Barlow, who led the
research team at the Cooper Institute
in Dallas. “The other risk factors that
we looked at – cholesterol and glucose
– were also not associated with sitting
time. That was a bit surprising.”
The research team asked partici-
pants to report the frequency and du-
ration of 11 types of physical activity,
including walking, running and bicy-
cling. Nearly half of the men reported
sitting three-fourths of the day, while
only 13 percent of women said the
same. But even women who sat for
long periods of time had lower levels
of obesity than men, according to the
Researchers did not pinpoint a root
cause for the higher rates of obesity
in sedentary men, and said further
research is needed to explore the rela-
tionship. Barlow said one limitation of
the study is participants self-report-
ed their activity level. Participants
were also primarily white, generally
healthy and well educated, making it
difficult to apply the results to more
diverse populations.
“We’re limited to some degree with
the population who comes in because
they’re all self-referred or corporate-
referred patients,” Barlow said. “We
definitely want to look at the changes
in sitting time and how that associates
with different risk factors among pa-
tients who come back to the clinic.”
18 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 19, 2017 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Matter-of-fact advice for dealing with hemorrhoids
BY TOM LLOYD rhoids” or “piles.” movement. When you sit on the toi-
Staff Writer “It really is routine,” says Canipe. let you just want to let it happen. If it
doesn’t happen you need to get up and
Nobody really likes to talk about “It’s part of what I do.” do something else and then come back
hemorrhoids – well, nobody who The Mayo Clinic reports that “nearly when you feel the urge again. You don’t
isn’t a gastroenterologist, anyway. want to sit on the toilet because that
three out of four adults will have hem- allows the connections of the hemor-
Fortunately, Dr. Ashley Canipe orrhoids from time to time,” while add- rhoids to the rectal wall to prolapse
at the Indian River Medical Center ing “the exact cause often is unknown.” down further with gravity. It’s a gravity
isn’t bashful about how to best deal thing.”
with the swollen veins of the anus Symptoms include “rectal pain, itch-
and lower rectum we call “hemor- ing, bleeding and possibly prolapse or And, Canipe warns, “No reading, no
hemorrhoids that protrude through iPad. You just do your thing and get up.
the anal canal,” according to Harvard It’s not a place to hang out or watch TV.”
Dr. James Grichnik. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Increasing fiber in your diet is an-
other of Canipe’s suggestions. She is a
Medical School. “Everyone has hemor- big fan of “My Fitness Pal,” a website
rhoids: the pillow-like clusters of veins and iPhone app to monitor fiber in-
that lie just beneath the mucous mem- take. “The typical American diet,” Ca-
branes lining the lowest part of the rec- nipe states flatly, “is about 15 grams of
tum and the anus. The condition most fiber a day. We need to be getting twice
of us call hemorrhoids develops when that.”
those veins become swollen and dis-
tended, like varicose veins in the legs. And, if hemorrhoids do become a
Because the blood vessels involved problem, says Canipe, don’t over-do
must continually battle gravity to get your cleansing routine.
blood back up to the heart, some peo-
ple believe hemorrhoids are just part of “You just want to wash yourself with
the price we pay for being upright crea- a mild soap and water and then just
tures.” leave it alone,” say the matter-of-fact
Canipe. “No lotions, potions or loo-
But since moving about on all fours fahs. Don’t scrub it; don’t put a bunch
isn’t really a desirable option for most of stuff down there. Our anuses have
folks, understanding as much as pos- these normal mucus glands and it’s
sible about hemorrhoids is probably meant to be a little bit acidic down
the next best thing and Canipe is an there. When you start to change the
approachable expert. PH, that can actually contribute to the
itching and the breakdown of the skin,
“Hemorrhoids are really a normal which then can contribute to the irrita-
structure,” she says. “If you’ve ever tion. When people start to have prob-
been pregnant or lifted heavy things, lems down there, they have this false
you’re going to have hemorrhoids. The sense that they need to clean more.”
question is, really, do they bother you
or not. If they don’t bother you then we Sometimes, however, people do
don’t bother them. That’s the bottom need more than fiber and warm, soapy
line.” water. Sometimes a procedure called
“hemorrhoid banding” is the best bet
But there are bottom lines and then to provide relief.
there are bottom lines.
The quick, in-office procedure in-
For instance, Preparation H, one of volves a small rubber band being tied
the world’s best-selling hemorrhoid off at the base of the hemorrhoid pillow
treatments, was acquired by Pfizer making it shrink and disappear.
Pharmaceutical in a $68 billion deal.
And that was back in 2009. (It may be Canipe explains, “There’s no seda-
a measure of how bashful people are tion required and it’s a fast procedure.
about the condition, or how desperate Just 10 minutes or less. The outcomes
they are for relief, that BusinessInsur- are very good and the risks are very says Preparation H low.” But it’s not something she expects
ointments, creams and suppositories or even wants people to come in and
are among the most frequently shop- ask for.
lifted products in the country today.)
In a few very, very rare instances, it
Despite the popularity of the over- is possible a full-blown surgical pro-
the-counter remedy, Canipe points to cedure called a “hemorrhoidectomy”
what she calls “healthy toileting hab- might be indicated, in which case Ca-
its” as an infinitely better first step in nipe would refer the patient to a sur-
treating hemorrhoids. geon.
“That means only allowing two, Dr. Ashley Canipe is with the Indian
three minutes, up to five at most,” ac- River Medical Center. Her office is in the
cording to Canipe, “to have a bowel new Health and Wellness building at
3450 11th Court, Suite 206 in Vero Beach.
The phone number is 772-299-3511.
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 19, 2017 21
But it is an important part of the world. And the have a similar feeling that something is slipping away In 1972, when trade was dominated by a handful
anger of substantial numbers of citizens against their from them, but it’s rooted in unique problems. In the of industrialized countries and China was a closed
elites is palpable. Brexit was a huge shock to the Brit- U.S., it’s illegal immigration across the southern bor- economy, trade accounted for 27.1 percent of glob-
ish political establishment and Europe as a whole. der that’s an issue. In the EU, it’s legal migrant work- al output, according to World Bank figures. In 2008,
ers and refugees. trade reached 61.1 percent of global output.
Trump’s subsequent victory was “Brexit times
three,” according to Nigel Farage, the U.K. Indepen- In Britain, Ms. May promises that Brexit means What’s going on? Start in Asia, the most dynamic eco-
dence Party leader and a euroskeptic. Italy weighed a free flow of goods across borders but a more con- nomic region. Its largest economy, China, is moving up
in with its own populist insurrection in December. trolled flow of people. Even in Germany, which has the value chain. China is “moving from an economy
Call it Brexit with red sauce. An Italian vote essential- accepted more than 1 million asylum-seekers in re- based on assembly of other people’s components to
ly ousted technocrat Prime Minister Matteo Renzi. cent years, decidedly nonpopulist Chancellor Ange- increased production of those components in China,”
la Merkel now says Islamic full-face veils should be says Robert Lawrence, a professor of international trade
Should Italy withdraw from Europe, it may actually banned “wherever legally possible” and that sharia at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government.
have larger consequences than Brexit. Britain has al- (Islamic law) will never replace German justice.
ways been an EU outsider, reluctant to join, eager to At the same time, China is rebalancing its econo-
stand by the exits. Italy was one of the original nations It’s the pace of societal change that may drive my away from exports to domestic consumption. In
to adopt the common euro currency and has long these positions. In Britain, the foreign-born popula- 2006, exports made up 35 percent of its total output,
seen advantage in the idea of a united Continent. tion grew 66 percent between 2004 and 2014. In Ger- estimates Ghemawat. By 2015, that had fallen to 21
many, it grew 75 percent between 2011 and 2015. In percent. That matters: China is the world’s largest ex-
An Italian bank collapse could take the euro with the U.S., it’s about doubled since 1990. porter of manufactured goods.
it. Going forward, the existing shape of the world eco-
nomic system seems in question. Will the EU single This rapid shift makes some whites feel their status Other forces have slowed globalization’s march
market, the world’s largest, split into pieces? Can the is in doubt. English villagers committed to Brexit com- as well. Technology and automation make it easier
euro survive? WWTD? (What Will Trump Do?) How will plained that in London they feel like strangers because to produce more goods in higher-cost labor markets
Asia’s rising economies deal with the chaos in theWest? such as the U.S. or EU.
Marine Le Pen, leader of
For rising populist politicians, the answer is to re- France’s National Front Then there’s the increased protectionism by Group
verse course. The current system serves only the few, party. She is expected to of Twenty countries, from tougher regulations on
insist National Front leader Ms. Le Pen and others. In do well in French elections where banks hold capital to buy-local measures and
a recent interview with Foreign Affairs magazine, the this spring. other restrictions on trade. And all that was before the
conservative French politician labeled globalization Brexit vote and election of Trump. That has propo-
“a form of totalitarianism” and called for an end to the David Cameron stepped down as Prime Minister nents of freer trade reaching for historical analogies.
euro, tighter immigration controls, and more govern- in the aftermath of the Brexit vote.
ment intervention in the affairs of big corporations. In 1930, Congress passed the Smoot-Hawley Tar-
of the many Asian tourists and Middle Easterners. In iff Act, which imposed tariffs on more than 20,000
Bucks aren’t the only things behind populism’s Louisiana, rural whites told author Arlie Russell Hochs- items. The result was to deepen and extend the Great
rise, of course. There’s also identity politics. Immi- child that they feel as if they’re in a line climbing a hill to Depression. Globalization could absolutely go into
gration – legal, illegal, and crisis-created – is a huge reach the American dream – but the line’s progress has reverse, and it would be politics not economics that
issue from the U.S. southern border to Berlin. Writing stopped, as blacks and immigrants cut in front of them. would bring that about.
in The New York Times, former human rights lawyer
Amanda Taub calls it “the crisis of whiteness.” “People feel it is not their country anymore,” says If Trump truly wants to boost U.S. employment for
Mudde of the University of Georgia. “To a certain ex- less-educated workers, maybe he should keep a wary
Whiteness, in this case, means skin color and/ tent, it is not their country anymore.” eye on Amazon and its experiment with unmanned
or privilege, the right to belong to a group that’s in stores, or the start-up Otto and its work on self-driv-
charge and dominates the majority culture. Globalization helps drive this sense of loss. Many ing trucks. Automation of retail and long-haul truck-
workers see jobs flowing overseas and read the ing could be huge killers of jobs decades hence.
Trump appealed to people with this grievance. “Made In” labels on all the foreign-sourced products
“Make America Great Again” – what does that really in Wal-Mart and Home Depot and generally feel as “Trade was never the dominant reason why we
mean? To many, it means bringing back the time when if the new world of free trade may be great for some saw the shrinking of manufacturing, and stopping
pressing “2” to hear a menu in Spanish wasn’t an op- people but not for them. trade certainly won’t be the solution,” says Law-
tion. It means more factory jobs, but it also means the rence, citing the effect of automation and technol-
days when city streets were full of white people in sober “It used to be generally accepted that reducing ogy on factory productivity.
work clothes, not a polyglot of races and different faiths. trade barriers increases prosperity and promotes
peace, benefiting investing and recipient countries 2017 is now picking up where 2016 leaves off, geopo-
Trump didn’t invent this approach. In many ways, and promoting international cooperation in solving litically speaking. An inaugurated Trump may proceed
he’s just the apotheosis of the Republican Party’s so- problems around the world,” wrote former Treasury with his promises to build the wall, block noncitizen
called Southern Strategy, which dates to the days of Secretary Lawrence Summers. “Almost all of this was Muslims, and cajole U.S. firms to keep jobs at home.
candidate Richard Nixon. Following the passage of called into question in 2016.”
civil rights legislation under President Johnson, South- May might start Brexit negotiations and find the
ern working-class whites began moving en masse to EU less forgiving than her voters want. Italy will
the GOP. Republican candidates up to and including form a new government, its 63rd in the past 70 years.
Ronald Reagan pushed “states’ rights” – an issue Dem- France will hold a presidential election in the spring.
ocrats charged was racially tinged. By the 1980s the
white working-class emotional connection to the old In the short run, populist nationalism is likely to
Democratic Party, forged by F.D.R., the New Deal, and prosper. It is clearly sailing with the voting tide. In
big social programs, had effectively vanished. the long run. its future depends on how it performs
where it gains power. Today’s populists, Trump in-
Nor was Trump elected solely by white men in cluded, have made larger-than-normal claims about
pickups who fly Confederate flags. He received al- their ability to effect national change. That gives
most 63 million votes. You don’t get that many with- them, potentially, more opportunity to fall short.
out winning some women, some college-educated
voters, and even some minorities. In the U.S., demographic change is an upcom-
ing variable. The electorate is becoming less white,
But in the aggregate, the 2016 divide along racial meaning perhaps more trouble for the GOP.
and gender and education lines was striking. Trump
won 57 percent of whites, as opposed to the 37 percent The aging of voters may be more important. In
who voted for Mrs. Clinton, CNN exit polls showed. many countries citizens under, say, 30 are much more
He won 62 percent of white men, while Clinton won accepting of diversity. In France, 77 percent of 18- to
31 percent. He won 71 percent of white men without 24-year-olds think globalization is a force for good.
a college degree, while Clinton took only 23 percent.
In the meantime, the way issues are framed is crucial.
Across the Atlantic it’s the same thing but differ- Even individual words matter in today’s heated,Twitter-
ent. Less-educated whites in European countries fueled world. Call someone a “refugee,” and they tend
to get a sympathetic hearing from most Europeans. Call
them a “migrant,” and more hackles rise.
26 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 19, 2017 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
7 Delightful (6) 1 Existence (8)
8 Not transparent (6) 2 Strip of fabric (6)
9 Culinary plant (4) 3 Akin (7)
10 Miscellaneous (8) 4 Grilled bread (5)
11 Founder (7) 5 Justly (6)
12 Minor road (5) 6 Sandy hill (4)
15 Sewn joins (5) 13 Clearly visible (8)
17 Dishevelled (7) 14 Trainer (shoe) (7)
20 Parasol (8) 16 Optical illusion (6)
22 Component (4) 18 Domain (6)
23 Disastrous (6) 19 Group of sheep (5)
24 Chore (6) 21 The‘red planet’(4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 19, 2017 27
ACROSS puzzle have in and author who 69 A “W” The Washington Post
common was an on-air 70 Like a shampoo
1 Island gift 73 Dobbs or Spade NBC
4 Nettled portrayer correspondent for egg
10 1966 film, Cast 75 Chewbacca’s 45 years (1950- 72 Macron’s kin
chum 95) 74 Political columnist
___ Shadow 76 Thrill 4 Fore score? 77 Fictional rube
16 Welsh dog 78 Where diners 5 World War I or II 83 Too fresh, as print
19 Skylight? spend dinars locale 85 He was simply
20 1969 Stella 79 Homework 6 Damaging, as soil
assignment: abbr. 7 Vanna’s turn? Devine
Stevens thriller, 80 Have creditors 8 Clear the boards 87 Sufficient, old-
The ___ 81 Homespun 9 Quite a while
22 Early TV host who abode? 10 Decibel increaser, style
was an associate 82 Meter food for short 88 Henry VIII’s quest
of J. Fred Muggs 84 Mason, for one 11 He hosted 89 Grounder
24 “Baby doll” 86 Endorsements of I’ve Got A Secret
26 Dressed to the tauricide 12 Notion grabber
___ 89 Denoted 13 A Watergate 90 Factual
27 Ukraine grain port 91 Penultimate mo. prosecutor 94 Norm Peterson’s
29 Old cheer 92 Example of 7 14 “Oh ___ won’t!”
30 Campus 50 miles Down, perhaps? 15 Got sick perch
W of Topeka 93 City of bandits 17 Film critic 95 Waspish fellow?
31 Bottom lines, in a 94 Young girl at a 18 “By the Time ___ 96 “Celebrated,” at a
way rock concert Phoenix”
32 Corduroy or velvet 97 Was sure of 21 Maine man Ed banquet
33 Motive 99 Seems to never 23 10th 98 Open invitation
35 “Ike” introducers end Commandment 100 Punish
37 Worldly worry 101 Nail’s partner animal
39 Mohandas 102 Kenny Rogers hit 25 Rescuer’s horse discretionarily
portrayer 104 English isle or 28 Cobbler’s tool 103 Minuet event
40 Horner’s fruit Ron 34 Crowd’s silence 105 Went to pieces:
41 Contradict 106 Siamese sounds 36 Dutch painter
42 Skating waiters 107 Make like Cicero 37 Galatea’s love slang
44 Look agog 108 Thumbs up 38 Punny poet 109 Unescorted
47 Soi-disant 109 Woody’s kid 39 Bingo call or 110 Flattens, as flats
49 Madeira, for one 111 Celebrators of vitamin 111 Blow or Schmo
50 The first seders 40 Teller’s magic 114 Mandlikova of the
transplant? 112 Switch positions partner
52 Actress Grey 113 P, in Piraeus 43 Security breach court
53 Breakfast at 115 “Green grow” 45 World War II 116 Girder type
Tiffany’s girl these beachhead in 118 Pittsburgh’s
54 Writer Silverstein 117 Not copies: abbr. Italy
55 Devon river 119 ___ a Deal 46 Long-time Illinois location,
56 New Mexico 122 Larry Harmon senator gazetteer-style
Indian persona 48 Heavy hitter 120 Shoat’s home
58 Hood’s heater 125 Reason for a shot 51 The cap of 121 It means “within”
59 Dumbo’s mom, 126 Lack of vitality France 123 Grasps
e.g. 127 Wed informally 57 Greek letter 124 Bird’s beak
62 Limo riders 128 Workaholic or little bit
64 Thinness 129 Bowling buttons 59 Kuralt’s Sunday A PAIN IN THE NECK By Merl Reagle
exemplar 130 Dollop’s opposite Morning heir
66 Year before 60 Part of SOS,
Jesus’s birth DOWN apocryphally
68 Tint 1 Watch display, 61 Unsuitable for
69 Corresponds, e.g. sitting
71 Mix of letters commonly 63 Erstwhile nerd of
which, when 2 Of the dawn TV and film
“unknotted,” will 3 Dapper journalist 65 Overwhelmed
spell out what 67 Japanese warrior
the people in this
The Telegraph
28 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 19, 2017 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
WhenPTSD istouchedoff bysmall-talkconversations
BY CAROLYN HAX talk speak to your general normalcy and absorb this py with a psychologist or social worker to your treat-
Washington Post small exception for you. ment plan.
Dear Carolyn: I was recently di- Take it from someone whose sense of humor is I’m sorry you have to go through this and hope you
agnosed with PTSD. I have been routinely too weird for its audience; it’s a very differ- feel better soon.
severely restricting my exposure to ent context, yes, but the “Wha?” reaction I get is the
the topic that triggered the initial same one you’d be getting with your abrupt depar- Dear Carolyn: I am hosting a weekend-long family
breakdown, which nearly landed tures and/or subject changes, and I get by OK, ac- party at my small lake house but offering hotel rooms
me in the ER. This isn’t forever, but cepting that some people just think I’m weird. for family members out of a desire for more personal
given the stakes, I’m only going to space and comfort. My sister believes I should never
re-expose myself under the guid- You don’t have to field-test this theory alone. If have asked her to stay in a hotel, even if I paid for it,
ance of my psychiatrist. other therapeutic goals don’t leave room for you to saying, “I would never do that to you.” Two years ago,
I’m not sure how to handle this around other people, discuss and role-play such social questions with your our parents stayed in a hotel while my sister’s family
though. For close friends, I can explain everything; for psychiatrist, then please consider adding talk thera- stayed at the house.
small talk with strangers, I can excuse myself abruptly
and wander off. It’s the people in the middle I don’t My husband and I could go to the hotel, but this,
know how to handle, and what makes it even more too, would be seen as un-family-friendly.
difficult is that the topic is normal small-talk mate-
rial and pretty innocuous other than its associations Rather than fight, I reversed course. I apologized
in my head (think “babies” or “the weather,” not “guns” and insisted they stay over.
or “rape”).What do I tell people?
Except, she snippily responded, “No, we booked the
– New to PTSD hotel room, you got what you wanted.” Which is NOT
what I want now! Is there any way to salvage things?
– New to PTSD: Short answer, tell them whatever
you want. – Halfway Host
It’s not what most of us strive for socially, of course, – Halfway Host: You made your salvage gesture al-
but there’s nothing wrong with the occasional odd re- ready. Your sister chose to throw it back in your face,
action that leaves people mystified. yes, but that doesn’t mean you owe her a better, even
more salvage-y salvage gesture, or a buy-in to her cra-
So why not “excuse myself abruptly and wander zy. It’s on her now to come around; you need only be
off” with those people in the middle, too? If that’s an a gracious host to her and/or in spite of her.
effective way for you to handle it, then, fine; let the
normalcy of other, non-triggering exchanges of small I could argue that your sister’s response, both times,
serves only to reveal the wisdom in your hotel prefer-
ence, but let’s see how the weekend plays out.
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Style Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 19, 2017 29
Fashion in a fix: Should designers dress Melania and Ivanka?
BY ROBIN GIVHAN er to make a formal declaration of re- them, a fashion designer’s work can For example, Prabal Gurung has
fusing to associate with a Trump first be equally as intimate. In many ways, crafted collections inspired by his
The Washington Post lady. “The rhetoric of racism, sexism, it’s why we are drawn to them. We childhood in Nepal and asked the
and xenophobia unleashed by her feel a one-to-one connection. fashion industry to help him aid the
The American fashion industry husband’s presidential campaign are victims of the 2015 earthquake there.
begins a new year faced with a quan- incompatible with the shared values Shayne Oliver of Hood by Air injects
dary it has never had to consider: Will we live by,” she wrote. “I encourage my his views about gender, sexuality,
designers choose to dress the nation’s fellow designers to do the same. Integ- race and disenfranchisement into
new first lady? rity is our only true currency.” his often inscrutable collections.
Brandon Maxwell has described his
In the past, regardless of the politi- Marc Jacobs, Derek Lam and other fashion point of view as rooted in his
cal party controlling the White House, designers agreed with Theallet. But experience growing up “very gay in
this has never been a question for others, such as Thom Browne, have a very small town” in Texas, finding
Seventh Avenue, particularly when it said they believe that the symbol- solace in the strong women who sur-
comes to the wardrobe the first lady ism of the first lady is more impor- rounded him. Jacobs injects his work
wears on Inauguration Day. Because tant than the person in the role; pa- with the many pop culture references
that gown is traditionally enshrined triotism compels them to take on the that inform his world and has used
in the National Museum of Ameri- task. Tommy Hilfiger went so far as his design talent to support Hillary
can History, its designer is instantly to chastise some designers for being Clinton. Kerby Jean-Raymond has
written into the history books. It is an “political” and told Women’s Wear made his Pyer Moss label a tool for
honor. But this election cycle, nothing Daily, “I think Melania is a very social protest, commenting on police
is as it has always been. President-elect beautiful woman and I think any de- violence and the Black Lives Matter
Donald Trump ran a campaign that signer should be proud to dress her.” movement through fashion.
framed immigrants, minorities, wom-
en and Muslims as “other,” inspiring A lot of designers, however, weren’t For all these designers, their
new waves of racism and violence. quite sure what they would do. clothes are commodities, certainly,
Whether to associate with him has but they also have an artful point of
become a moral question. Performing Theallet’s argument was based view that is distinctly personal. That
during his inauguration, marching in on the idea that, “as an independent is part of what distinguishes their
his parade and attending his swear- fashion brand, we consider our voice
ing-in ceremony are all decisions that an expression of our artistic and CONTINUED ON PAGE 30
have caused personal and public soul- philosophical ideas. ... Our runway
searching for people in the public eye. shows, ad campaigns and celebrity
dressing have always been a celebra-
And so, catering to his wife quickly tion of diversity and a reflection of
became an ethical dilemma for de- the world we live in.”
signers. Would doing so signal tacit
approval of her husband’s scorched- Like other creative individuals,
earth tactics? Theallet sees fashion as a way of ex-
pressing her views about beauty and
Ultimately, it may be that design- the way women are perceived in soci-
ers focused on the wrong person. ety. Fashion is her tool for communi-
With Melania Trump planning to cating her world vision. In the same
remain in New York a while for her way that a poet’s words or a musi-
son’s schooling, it increasingly ap- cian’s lyrics are a deeply personal
pears that the president-elect’s eldest reflection of the person who wrote
daughter, Ivanka Trump, who is mov-
ing to town, may be taking on many
of the ceremonial duties typically
assigned to the spouse, even dipping
into policy issues. (Ivanka, as it hap-
pens, has her own fashion brand, but
it focuses on workday attire, not eve-
ning wear.) Indeed, one might make
an argument that Ivanka’s inaugural
gown will deserve the place in the
Smithsonian – instead of Melania’s.
But the heart of the question
remains. Should designers dress
them, these extensions of his ad-
There are multiple considerations:
How do designers view their work?
What is the role of the fashion de-
signer in the broader culture? What
is the definition of patriotism, and
what is the best way to express it? And
is there anything wrong with a first
lady simply buying retail?
In an open letter in November, So-
phie Theallet became the first design-
30 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 19, 2017 Style Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
Why ‘La La Land yellow’ is
THE color to wear this January
The Washington Post
Brandon Maxwell 2017 Buddhist monks during the “La La Land,” the upbeat Old Hol- slip, while the Philosophy Di Loren-
Spring runway. Prabal Gurung show in 2015. lywood musical that swept the Gold- zo’s serafini top, in a tropical printed
en Globes, lead actress Emma Stone jacquard is a simple but stylish addi-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 29 Hood by Air 2017 captured mid-twirl on posters, is tion to any woman’s wardrobe and
Spring runway. sporting a much-talked-about dress looks great worn with denim.”
brands. Fashion does not have to in a shade that we’re dubbing “La La
be partisan to be political. It can be some red-carpet celebrities choose to Land yellow.” If you’re usually into more of a mut-
concerned with the public affairs of do so. Hayden Panettiere purchased ed palette, Venables suggests starting
a country, worried about the state of a Tom Ford gown for the 2014 Golden Just as the uplifting film itself has with just a splash of your new hue to
its citizens – engaged. Globes. For the 2016 Globes, Bryce been released in January, costume ease yourself in. “Often the less there
Dallas Howard picked up her Jenny designer Mary Zophres has inten- is of a color, the more impact it has,”
Critics of those designers who’ve Packham gown at Neiman Marcus. tionally utilized the power of this hue she advises, “so start with accesso-
voiced their reluctance to dress the to make viewers feel great about this ries. A scarf, sandals or a handbag.
new first lady have maintained that That’s why declining to dress a ce- character on screen, offer an all-sing- A pattern with a splash of yellow is
it’s a designer’s job to simply make lebrity is not the equivalent of refusing ing all-dancing antidote to the post- almost always regarded as a happy
clothes – that they should keep per- service. In doing so, designers would Christmas blues. thing, too.”
sonal opinions out of it and not pass in fact be refusing a favor, with all the
judgment on people who wear their publicity that goes along with it. Beyond the movie dream-lands Finding the right shade of yellow
clothes. But over time, society has and back in our real world, psycholo- for your skin and hair is also an ex-
demanded much more from the fash- What about patriotism? Should gists are suggesting that injecting a periment to conduct before you shop,
ion industry. It expects Seventh Av- personal feelings and personal satis- little zest into our wardrobes could as one woman’s custard-colored
enue to be cognizant of its impact on faction be put aside out of respect for actually be good for us, too. dream dress could be a sickly-look-
young women predisposed to eating the symbolism of the first lady? Not ing nightmare for another. “Many
disorders. It rallied against the indus- necessarily. Protest that grows out of Yellow is often described as an people find yellow the hardest color
try’s lack of diversity. It has pressured a desire to make the country better, to optimistic, life-affirming color that to wear,” says Standish. “It’s all about
the industry to concern itself with the push it to live up to its ideals, is surely reminds us of sunshine and stimu- wearing a shade that harmonizes
labor practices of its subcontractors a form of patriotism. lates our mind, body and emotions,” with your underlying skin tone;
and to create clothes that empower says Helen Venables, managing di- warmer skin tones will look great in
women instead of objectify them. Seventh Avenue is not a monolith. rector of image consultancy firm brighter shades, plus golds and mus-
There are designers who would hap- House of Colour. “Research has tards, while cooler skin colors will
Society expects fashion to be phil- pily, and without reservation, create shown that yellow arouses the brain suit pastel shades and neons.”
anthropic and awake to the world in a splendid wardrobe for the incoming and helps memory.”
which it exists. So doesn’t taking a first lady. But frankly, there is nothing You only have to look at the Golden
stand on a new administration and its wrong with the first lady – or daughter “Wearing yellow indicates that you Globes’ red carpet to appreciate the
policies – in the most direct manner – announcing that her inaugural gown are full of self-confidence, a great range of beauties who could pull it
possible – fall into that category? was purchased at Bergdorf Goodman, communicator and that you enjoy off. It was declared the night’s biggest
which is where Jacqueline Kennedy’s life,” agrees Jules Standish, color trend after stars from Natalie Port-
The designers based in New York’s inaugural gown was designed and counsellor and author of “How Not To man to Viola Davis chose to hit re-
Garment District and scattered made. Or even Macy’s, or perhaps Wear Black.” “It’s the color of mental fresh on their winter looks and offer
around the city are, by and large, not some little independent boutique that intellect and clarity, and wearing it some optimism for 2017.
personal dressmakers, or haute cou- would thrill at the extra attention. will help with all decision making. It
ture houses making one-of-a-kind There is nothing that demands that will also help to overcome fear and Whatever you do, though, remem-
garments for individuals. When they a designer’s name be attached to the depression and is an inspiring color ber to take it off at the end of the day.
do something for a single customer dress at all. There is only the expecta- to wear at work – not only will you “Don’t wear large amounts of yel-
– typically a celebrity – they are step- tion that the dress, in some way, repre- feel more positive and self-assured low if you are overanxious, as it’s a
ping outside the day-to-day business sents the country. but, for everyone else, seeing you in very mentally stimulating color and
model of their company. Anyone yellow will make them smile.” can create an inability to relax,” says
with disposable income can buy a But as for those designers for whom Standish.
designer’s wares at retail – and even fashion serves as their voice in the Hot off the catwalks and onto the
world, they should not feel obligated shop floors, sunnier shades are defi-
to say something in which they do nitely in for spring. “From the canary
not believe. hues of Victoria Beckham’s silk two
piece to the mustard and lemon wall-
paper florals seen at Isabel Marant
and Red Valentino, we’re excited to
see all the vibrant shades of yellow
arrive in store,” says Claire Miles,
head of The Shop at Bluebird.
“Maison Margiela’s ribbed knit-
wear offers a cool, day time option,
which can be layered during tran-
sitional periods under a camisole or
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 19, 2017 31
& Casual Dining
The Patio: Really tasty burgers rarely disappoint
Last summer, I was one of the judg- for whatever reason with the lighting The Napa Burger. The Raging Bull Burger. PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD
es at the Best Burger in Vero compe- out here, it just doesn’t look the same
tition that awarded 2016 bragging as inside. But when we put it under the color it is. It wasn’t rare.” there two-and-a-half hours at that
rights to The Patio. fluorescent light in the kitchen, it was The discussion went on in this vein point and declined.
rare as can be.”
I thought The Patio’s entry in the for another minute or so, before the pro- Had the proprietor come over as we
July 4th weekend street festival was “My Raging Bull burger was not rare,” prietor exited, sans apology. were leaving, I would have told him
good. But in the insanity of an event my husband said. our visit certainly confirmed that The
where one burger after another was Ultimately, the new burgers arrived Patio’s burgers are among the very
pushed in front of the judges and you “Trust me, it was,” the proprietor – this time perfectly prepared – and all best in Vero Beach. But we never saw
hardly had a chance to swallow, it was replied. At that point, my husband – three of them were excellent. him again. Too bad. I might also have
hard to say how good. who has been eating everything rare suggested to him that explanations
for the past half century – became the But what sense does it make for a are fine; prolonged arguments with
So last week, three of us descended Raging Bull. “Do you imagine that restaurant proprietor to argue with customers, not so much.
on The Patio to more leisurely sample I don’t know what rare is,” he asked a patron over how the food was pre-
three of this venerable restaurant’s dif- somewhat heatedly. “I don’t care what pared? At the end of the meal, the A dining experience does not consist
ferent burgers. It was a gorgeous winter server – not Brown, mind you, but the solely of food.
evening, so we grabbed a table outside server – offered free desserts to make
on the patio – and settled back with our up for our long wait, but we had been I welcome your comments, and en-
glasses of wine. courage you to send feedback to me at
[email protected].
Before getting to the burgers, how-
ever, we decided to share the flash The reviewer dines anonymously at
fried calamari appetizer ($10). This is restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
not your ordinary fried calamari. At 32963.
The Patio, they julienne calamari
steaks, then after lightly frying The Patio
the long thin strips, toss them Seafood Tavern
with citrus beurre blanc, srira-
cha, capers and tomato. Abso- Hours: Daily, 11:30 am
lutely delicious. till late
After then enjoying salads (I Beverages: Full bar
had a Caprese Rustica with beauti-
ful slices of vine ripe tomato), we got Address:
down to business choosing our burgers 1103 21st Street,
from a dozen possibilities.
Vero Beach
I decided to go with the Napa burg-
er ($13.79), which is topped with brie, Phone: 772-774-8232
figs, caramelized onions and a mus-
tard aoli; our companion chose the
Wisconsin burger ($12.85), which of
course features cheddar along with
bacon, sautéed mushrooms and a
tangy ranch sauce; and my husband
was drawn to the Raging Bull burger
($13.75), topped with fresh mozzarel-
la, crispy pancetta, and a red pepper
and tomato ragout.
Then we waited. And waited. And
waited. At first, it was kind of pleasant
because Thursday is Dave Scott Blue
Jam night, and while it was very loud
inside (where a goodly crowd seemed
to be having a great time), the music
was just right for dining on the patio.
But it was an hour before our burgers
emerged. My burger and fries and those
of our companion were lukewarm and
not medium rare; my husband’s was far
from rare as ordered. So we called our
very nice server, Taylor, and she took
them back to have the kitchen try again.
A couple of minutes later, proprietor
Bill Brown strode over to our table.
“We’re redoing your burgers for you,”
he said. “But I will tell you we looked
at them inside, in the kitchen. Outside,
32 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 19, 2017 Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly
& Casual Dining
Brevard’s South Barrier Island Newsweekly Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 19, 2017 33
Bonz says this Cock-A-Poo is adorable to the Max
Hi Dog Buddies! and I was the only one in my litter that
hadn’t got adopted. Mom an Dad saw
This week, I went to one of the Most Pooch a picture online an went out to meet
Friendly communities ever – Sea Oaks – to me! An that was that!
yap with an energetic, exuberant young
sprout, Max Saidel, 14 months old, still in total “They brought me here to my For-
puppy mode. He’s a Cock-A-Poo, with maybe ever Home when I was 10 weeks old.
a little dash of Labrador, his Dad thinks, cuz I love it here. I got the BEST Mom an
he’s taller than the average Cock-A-Poo. Dad an fun places to walk an tons
of dog buddies. Dad says I’m really
So, we ring, and he comes wiggling up to smart an I have super good hearing.
the door, all smiley. “HI! You’re Mr. Bonzo, I don’t chew stuff up, ’cept my toys,
right? I’m Max! This is my Mom and Dad, they last about a week. Oh, yeah, an
Judith and Peter. They told me you were the occasional newspaper. But only
gonna come and ask me stuff and take my the parts Mom hasn’t read yet. She
PIC-shur! See! I’m all ready! I got all spiffed thinks it’s amazing how I know that.
up! Do I look OK?” I’m tryin’ to quit, tho, cuz I think
Mom would prefer I didn’t. And
He looked great. He was bouncing all over socks. I am a Stealthy Sock Snatch-
the place, including on my assistant, who er. But who can resist a nice soft
kept laughing and friffling his ears, which sock that smells like your favorite
wasn’t helping. humans, right?
“Max, DOWN!” his Mom and Dad said,
berry patch at the edge of the
garden. It’s so thick, Mom can’t even see me. my next-door neighbor up
“Travelin’s fun, too. Like, last summer we at the farm, and we have the BEST time.
went up to a cabin in the AderRONdacks When she’s in school, I wait for her bus. Her
“Dad sez I sleep (which is a bunch of big hills) and I got to Mom leaves their gate open for me. In the
like a log. I don’t know what that means.
I jump over ’em at the farm and they’re al- run all over the woods and had my own Ad- morning, if she doesn’t want to get up and
ways just lying there. I mostly sleep on
And he’d get Mom’s feet, make ’em nice and cozy. She sez erRONdack chair an everything. I’m always get ready for school, I run right upstairs and
down and go, “Oops! ’Scuse me!” I’m Uh-fec-shun-nut, cuz I love kisses and
Then he’d forget, and bounce again. “I jus snuggles and ear friffles. careful to Check Stuff Out before I make a wake her up, cuz bein’ on time for school is a
get so exCITed! Oh, poo, I keep forgetting “Whaddya do or fun?” I inquired.
that Wag thing, Mr. Bonzo. How does it go? “Everything’s fun, when I’m with Mom and move to be sure it’s OK. Like those crabs on Big Responsibility.”
I’m still learning the rools of edd-uh-cut. It’s Dad! Like, WALKS. I LOVE walks. But Mom
not that easy.” and DAD BOTH hafta go! Walks are a Fam- the beach. And growly dogs. And a noise in “It’s been a real pleasure,” I said sincerely.
“Wag-and-Sniff,” I said. “No worries, kiddo. ily Affair. And tennis matches. Sea Oaks has
It’s more of a guideline. You’re doing just fine.” ’em every Wednesday, and me and a buncha the bushes. You can’t be too careful, right?” Heading home, I was thinking of Max,
He had this real nice coat, cut short but other pooches go, with our humans. I’m very
still curly; warm brown color; matching eyes; polite and just sit and watch and don’t try to “Absolutely! Seems like you get a lotta ex- the happy, goofy chocolate puff ball,
long, wavy ears (like mine). He looked kinda retrieve the balls like some pooches do.
like a chocolate puff ball. “Oooh, and up at our farm in New York, ercise,” I observed. stealthily nabbing socks and leaping into
“So, Max,” I said, when we got all settled, me and Mom spend hours gardening. Dog!
“what’s your story?” our farm is WA-AY fun. I dig holes (digging “I do. Sometimes – I think it’s cuz I’m still the air outta shear joy. I smiled all the way
“Well, I have big paws to fill. Mom an Dad holes is the BEST! Do you like to dig? I like to
had a long line of super pawsome pooches. dig!). Anyway, I dig holes and she plants stuff growing into my feet – I have what Mom back to the office.
After their last one, Ben, went to Dog Heav- in ’em.We grow ledduce an pebbers an green
en, Dad was All Gloomy cuz the house Just beans an ’sparagus. Sometimes I explore the calls Outbursts. I tear all over the house Till next time,
Wasn’t the Same, and Mom knew they need- at top speed, and Ieap into the air. Do you
ed another dog. I was born in Fellsmere,
ever have that feeling, like you just hafta The Bonz
RUN and JUMP?”
Don’t Be Shy
“I do,” I replied.“But not as much as I usta.”
“Oh, an me an Dad do what he calls Male We are always looking for pets
Bonding. I call it ’rolling-around-on-the- with interesting stories.
“Do you have any special pals?” To set up an interview, email
“Oh, I’ve got lotsa pooch friends. But [email protected].
my BFF is Sheridan. She’s a human. She’s
8, which is my same age in Dog. Sheridan’s
34 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 19, 2017 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
ONGOING Free Science Cafés hosted by Brevard Zoo and 20 To February 26 - Melbourne Civic The- nor, 7:30 p.m. at Community Church of Vero
FIT, every second Wednesday thru June at Duran atre presents Calendar Girls, by Tom Beach. 772-778-1070
Riverside Theatre Vero Beach – The musical Golf Club’s Tradewinds Restaurant. Free. Firth, weekends.
Chicago thru Jan. 22 and An Empty Plate in the 27 To February 12 - Historic Cocoa Village
Café du Grand Boeuf thru Feb. 5. 772-231-6990 JANUARY 21 Brevard Symphony Orchestra presents Playhouse presents the musical, On
The French Connection, 2 p.m. and 8 the Town. 321-636-5050
Henegar Center for the Arts in Melbourne - It 20 J.T.’s Bluegrass presents David Parmley p.m. at King Center for the Performing Arts, show-
Shoulda Been You thru Jan. 29. & Cardinal Tradition, 7 p.m. at Faith casing cellist Cicely Parnas performing Saint-Saens 28|29 Brevard Renaissance Fair:
City Church, Titusville. Cello Concerto No. 1. The Time of Excalibur, 10
Surfside Playhouse in Cocoa Beach - The Rain- a.m. to 6 p.m. at Wickham Park, Melbourne,
maker (weekends) thru Jan. 29. 321-783-3127 20 Melbourne Chamber Music Soci- 21|22 Brevard Renaissance Fair: with 34 acts on 5 stages, jousting, food, drink,
ety presents the Lysander Piano The Time of Excalibur, 10 artisan booths and craft demonstrations to sup-
EGAD First Friday in Eau Gallie Arts District, 5:30 Trio, 7:30 p.m. at St. Marks United Methodist a.m. to 6 p.m. at Wickham Park, Melbourne, port arts and education programs of local non-
to 8:30 p.m. every first Friday; and Melbourne Main Church in Indialantic. melbournechambermu- with 34 acts on 5 stages, jousting, food, drink, profits.
Street Friday Fest, 6 to 10 p.m. every second Friday. artisan booths and craft demonstrations to sup-
port arts and education programs of local non- 31 To February 19 - Riverside Theatre
CWrdaeobwnbtiylcliofbmyeoe!u profits. presents Noel Coward’s Private Lives
on the Stark Stage. 772-231-6990
InviteS Sunday, February 5, 2017 • 6pm 21|22 Sebastian Riverfront Fine
YOU To Art & Music Festival, 10 FEBRUARY
SupeR FREE DOMESTIC DRAFTS TIL 1ST SCORE a.m. to 5 p.m. at Riverview Park, with 100+ pro-
Bowl fessional artists, craftsmen and musicians show- 1|2 Jazz 4 the Soul presented by Mel-
Sunday! $5 Appetizers • .75¢ Wings casing their talents. bourne Community Orchestra, 7:30
$3 Mixed Well Drinks p.m. at Melbourne Auditorium. Free. 321-285-6724
$2 Domestic Drafts 25-30 Space Coast Birding and
Wildlife Festival at Eastern 3-5 Brevard Renaissance Fair: The Time
$200 CASH if you guess the final score! Florida State College, Titusville, with world-class of Excalibur at Wickham Park, Mel-
speakers, field trips, workshops and exhibits. bourne, Fri. 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. school day; Sat/Sun
HALF TIME PRIZES! 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., with 34 acts on 5 stages, joust-
ing, food, drink, artisan booths and craft demon-
Call ahead for guaranteed seating 27 Sweetheart’s Ball presented by Swing- strations to support arts and education programs
time, the 22-piece Big Band ensemble of local nonprofits.
3830 Hwy A1A - Melbourne Beach, FL 32951 of the Melbourne Municipal Band, 7 p.m. at
In Publix Shopping Center - Ph: 321.914.0995 Melbourne Auditorium. $10. BYOB; snacks, soft 3-18 Melbourne’s Upstairs at The
drinks, water & ice for sale. Dance lessons 6 p.m. Henegar presents Lady Day at
$5. 321-339-7705. Emerson’s Bar and Grill, with show-stopping Bil-
lie Holiday songs.
27 Indian River Symphonic Association
presents National Symphony Orches- 4|5 Gardenfest! Sat. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.;
tra of Ukraine featuring pianist Alexei Grynyuk Sun. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Riverside
performing Schumann Piano Concerto in A mi- Park in Vero Beach hosted by Garden Club of IRC,
with 85 vendors offering plants, furniture, lighting
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN and garden accessories, Ask the Experts, raffles
in January 12, 2017 Edition 7 SPRING 1 OPPOSITE and children’s activities. Free. 772-567-4602
9 BOLD 3 IGNEOUS 6 Eau Gallie Founders Day, celebrating the
10 EMIGRATE 4 ACRID historical roots of old Eau Gallie, starts at
11 TIMEOUT 5 PATROL Noon with live entertainment, family fun, Turtle
12 CLEAN 6 PORT Splash children’s area, and traditional fish fry.
Sudoku Page 4268 Sudoku Page 2479 Crossword Pagee4286 Crossword Page 4297 (SHEESH, WHAT A GROUCH) 10 Melbourne Chamber Music Society
presents the Berlin Philharmonic Wind
Quintet, 7:30 p.m. at St. Marks United Method-
ist Church in Indialantic. melbournechamber-
Advertising Melbourne Beach Services | If you would like your service to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753
This directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the beachside community an
opportunity to make themselves known to island readers at an affordable cost. This is the only service directory
mailed each week during season to all 8,000+ homes on the South Brevard barrier island. If you are interested
in a listing in the Melbourne Beach 32951 Business Directory, please contact marketing representative
Kathleen Macglennon at
[email protected] or call 772-633-0753.
36 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 19, 2017 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Indian Harbour Beach townhome ideal on many levels
BY MARIA CANFIELD is a private courtyard graced with
Correspondent palms and colorful bougainvillea;
the courtyard’s charm is enhanced
The townhome at 802 Tradewinds by the crisp white lattice-and-bead-
Drive in Indian Harbour Beach has board entry gate and attractive brick
much to offer homebuyers seeking accent wall. Entering the home, you
their personal piece of paradise. see an updated island kitchen on
Overlooking a lovely pond near the your right and a good-sized (13’-by-
shore of the Banana River, the two- 11’) formal dining room on your left.
story home has a number of archi-
tectural elements that add to its vi- The tiled kitchen combines beauty
sual appeal and livability. with efficiency. Its counters and is-
land are covered in beige and cream
Your first introduction to the home granite, with pleasing streaks of gray;
the colors blend attractively with the vaulted ceiling and high-hat light-
diamond-patterned wall tile. There ing add space to what is already a
is plentiful white cabinetry, topped room of generous proportions. The
with crown molding in a nicely-con- laminate wood flooring – which car-
trasting maple tone. The stainless ries through much of the rest of the
steel appliances and undermount house – has a subtle knot-look design
sink with its tall, arced faucet add that adds to its style. A sliding glass
sleekness to the look of the kitchen, door leads to a covered screened
and the “office nook” running paral- porch with a direct view of the pond
lel to the foyer is a practical touch for (which, in an eco-friendly approach,
bill-paying and handling other do- is refreshed directly from the nearby
mestic chores (this space could also Grand Canal). The floor of the porch
be used as a breakfast nook). is a pebble-patterned tile in varying
light hues that enhances the inviting
The centerpiece of the first floor feel of the space.
is the 18-by-15.5 living room; its
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 19, 2017 37
The first floor is also home to the Neighborhood: Indian Harbour Beach walk-in closet in the master bath, and
15.5-by-13 master bedroom, with ac- Year Built: 1987 the toilet and one shower are tucked
cess to an open-air patio, perfect for away in a separate room. In a design
morning coffee and pond-gazing. In Home Size: 1,744 square feet stroke of eminent sense and practi-
an unusual architectural feature, the Bedrooms: 3 cality, there is second shower in the
bedroom ceiling ascends in height as master bathroom; it is brightly tiled
it approaches the en suite bathroom, Bathrooms: 2 full, 1 half-bath in white, with a wide gray accent
resulting in both drama and a sense Additional Features: Unlike condo insurance, the HOA fees includes stripe. The mirror spans the length of
of increased volume. There’s a large complete dwelling insurance for exterior structure and interior elements,
A/C new in 2013, water heater new in 2014, 2-car garage with opener, CONTINUED ON PAGE 38
ceiling fans throughout, laundry in kitchen
Listing Agency: Coldwell Banker Paradise
Listing Agents: Joe and Teresa Ferrara, 321-626-4192
List Price: $295,000
38 Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 19, 2017 Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Jan. 6 to Jan. 12
The real estate market remained relatively quiet in the South Brevard island ZIP codes 32951 and 32903,
with 3 properties sold in Melbourne Beach and 4 in Indialantic.
The featured sale of the week in 32951 was of an oceanfront home on South Highway A1A. The residence
at 7185 South Highway A1A was placed on the market April 14 with an asking price of $999,999. The price
was subsequently changed to $799,000. The transaction closed Jan. 6 for $759,000.
Both the seller and the purchaser in the transaction were represented by David Settgast of Treasure Coast
$225,000 $759,000
ROMAC SUBDIV 401 SURF RD 12/17/2016 $225,000 1/5/2017 $528,500
MELBOURNE BEACH 7185 S HIGHWAY A1A 4/14/2016 $999,999 $799,000 1/5/2017 $520,000
OCEAN DUNES AQUAR P2 130 WARSTEINER WAY 603 9/16/2016 $569,000 $559,000 1/10/2017 $335,000
SILVER PALM CONDO 2805 N HIGHWAY A1A, #401 8/26/2016 $570,000 $540,000 1/10/2017
CORAL PALM CONDO 2875 HIGHWAY A1A N, #501 9/26/2016 $429,000 $399,900 1/10/2017
ASPINWALL 3381 TITANIC CIR 28 12/22/2016 $329,900 $329,900 1/8/2017
THE CLOISTERS P3D 283 FLANDERS DR 11/2/2016 $699,900 $694,900 1/8/2017
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 37 case or other storage solutions. (There are two carpeted bedrooms, each 11- of which feature ranked profession-
is also a lighted closet in this alcove.) by-13, and a full bath. The brightness als. There is also access to a commu-
the long double-sinked vanity. The second floor is delightful; you en- of the second floor is boosted by its nity dock on the deep water Grand
Completing the first floor is a pow- ter directly into a bright, sharply-an- soaring skylight. Canal, with slips large enough to ac-
gled sitting area painted in a sooth- commodate a 25-foot boat.
der room with a space-conserving ing shade of almond; while laptops The community is in easy walk-
pedestal sink; this room is painted in and smartphones could certainly be ing distance to the Kiwi Tennis Club, This spacious and open-feel home,
a pretty shade of pale pear. used here, the space beckons you to with its 13 lit courts. The club is open with its charming interior design
sit down in a comfortable chair and to the public for casual fine dining at choices, is offered by Coldwell Banker
The white-slatted stairs leading to read a book. Surrounding this area their beautiful breezeway restaurant Paradise agents Joe and Teresa Ferr-
the second floor rise strikingly from and for watching tournaments, many ara for $295,000.
the living room; nestled underneath
is an alcove, ideal for a small book-
Brevard’s South Beach Newsweekly ™ Melbourne Beach 32951 | January 19, 2017 39
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Romac Subdiv, Address: 401 Surf Rd Subdivision: Ocean Dunes Aquar P2, Address: 130 Warsteiner Way 603
Listing Date: 12/18/2016 Listing Date: 9/17/2016
Original Price: $225,000 Original Price: $569,000
Recent Price: $225,000 Recent Price: $559,000
Sold: 1/6/2017 Sold: 1/11/2017
Selling Price: $225,000 Selling Price: $528,500
Listing Agent: David Curri & Maria Allaire Listing Agent: C Howes & P Vanderveer
Selling Agent: Curri Kirschner Real Estate Group LLC Selling Agent: Aquarina Properties
David LaDrew C Howes & P Vanderveer
Real Estate Direct Brevard Aquarina Properties
Escalation clause can make difference in bidding war
BY DEAN COTTRILL But if you have the extra cash and lation clause increases the offer price So, say the offer on the property
really want the house, here’s how it by pre-set increments up to a prede- is $500,000. The escalation clause
Washington Post works: The buyer would submit an termined maximum in order to beat might allow for the price to go up in
offer for a certain price, but the esca- out any competing bids. increments of $5,000 up to a maxi-
Even though much of the country mum of $550,000 to beat any other
is in what we would consider a fairly offers. That means that if another
normal market, with moderate price offer comes in at $515,000, the offer
increases and a climate that favors with the escalation clause will auto-
neither buyers nor sellers, there are matically go to $520,000 in order to
some pockets that remain hot sell- beat it.
ers’ markets. Whether it’s the most
sought-after neighborhood or a hard- For the buyer’s protection, the sell-
to-find price point, the end result er must provide a copy of the compet-
is often the same — a bidding war ing offer (with personal information
breaks out. redacted) as proof of the offer being
escalated against.
While bidding wars are thrilling for
sellers, they can be extremely frus- It’s important that the escalation
trating and even heartbreaking for amount is meaningful to the seller.
buyers. Some buyers bid on multiple It’s not “The Price is Right” — you’re
properties without ever winning and not going to win a home by outbid-
eventually give up. That doesn’t have ding other offers by $1. Sellers look
to happen, though. Here in Washing- at terms as much as price, and if a
ton, there is a form that can be added competing offer is cleaner — all
to a purchase contract to help ensure cash, no contingencies, preferred
the buyer has the winning bid. It’s closing date, etc. — the seller will
called an escalation clause. choose it over a slightly higher dol-
lar offer.
An escalation clause is just that —
a clause that escalates the offer price, Another potential negative is that
as needed, to win the deal. For exam- escalation clauses can be frustrat-
ple: A buyer is interested in a property ing for a seller when the other offers
and their agent reaches out to the sell- received aren’t high enough to acti-
er’s agent to let them know an offer is vate the escalation. But even though
coming. The seller’s agent indicates the seller might look at the escalation
that they have interest from several clause’s maximum and think they’re
buyers, and this will most likely be a losing out on that money, the reality
multiple-offer situation. The buyer’s is that escalation clause is ensuring
agent would then recommend to the they’re receiving — and the buyers
clients that their offer include an es- are paying — true fair market value
calation clause. for their home.
Of course, escalation clauses aren’t Any home buyer, seller or agent
right for every buyer. If a buyer is operating in a competitive market
struggling to come up with a down environment should take a moment
payment or having a tough time se- to learn about escalation clauses.
curing a mortgage, staying within a The form and the process are very
set budget is essential. And no buyer straightforward, and they can trans-
should ever offer or pay more for a form a stressful, frustrating situation
home than they’re comfortable with. into a win-win for all involved.