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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-10-19 14:22:43

10/20/2017 ISSUE 42


October 20, 2017 | Volume 4, Issue 42 Newsstand Price: $1.00




Hulk of Vero’s old power plant becomes stunning new brewery

Huge old diesel-powered generator, which once produced electricity for Vero, is now the backdrop to the American Icon Brewery. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer
[email protected]

The raising of pints to Michael Rechter
as American Icon Brewery opened for busi-
ness this week in Vero’s historic old diesel
power plant is a testament to the ambitious
Fort Lauderdale developer who calls Vero
his second home.

Rechter’s grand-scale vision, his good
taste and his pockets, deep enough to fund
the $6 million redo with cash, have pow-
ered a project that could prove to be as
transformative to the Vero downtown as
the addition of two luxury hotels was to the
beachside business district in 2008.

The once-decrepit 12,000-square-foot
brick shell is now a stunningly designed din-
ing and drinking destination on eastbound
S.R. 60, the main downtown thoroughfare.

It was Rechter who two years ago signed
on to build out the hulking red brick struc-
ture that for 90 years has been a hallmark
of Vero beach’s downtown and for the last
30, a blemish on its revival. Built in 1926 as
Vero’s first municipal building, it was added
to the National Register of Historic Places in


take up electric sale
NEWS 1-12 PETS 18 contract on Tuesday By Beth Walton | Staff Writer
HEALTH 13 GAMES B12 By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer A well-known Vero Beach doctor was
CALENDAR B15 [email protected] behind bars this week days after federal
REAL ESTATE 19 agents filed a complaint detailing his al-
B1 The Vero Beach City Council leged involvement in a cross-country coun-
ARTS is set to meet in special session terfeit drug trafficking operation they say
Tuesday morning to consider the led to the overdose death of a Palm Beach
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 much-anticipated contract for the woman.
For circulation or where to pick up full sale of the Vero electric system
your issue call: 772-226-7925 to Florida Power & Light. Dr. Johnny Benjamin Jr., 51, was due in
court on Friday, Oct. 20. His bond was set at
Both city officials and FPL said Dr. Johnny Benjamin, surgeon at Vero’s $820,000. The Pro Spine Center surgeon is a
Monday that the document would Pro Spine Center. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD registered controlled substance prescriber
be ready for review by council in Indian River County and holds staff priv-
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. ileges at the Indian River Medical Center,

2 October 20, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

VERO ELECTRIC CONTRACT The document is expected to consist of Out of the sale proceeds, Vero will place didacy for Governor.
two parts, with a long list of definitions of enough funds in escrow for principal, inter- Latvala has spoken out harshly against
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 terms used throughout. est and fees to defease its outstanding $24
million in tax-free utility bonds once they the FMPA and, where Mayfield lacks the po-
members in their agenda packets prior to The initial, main section would mir- are callable. litical clout to push her failed bills through
the special call meeting. ror FPL’s letter of intent, including recent the legislature in Tallahassee, Latvala’s bite
changes reflecting FPL’s commitment to re- Another $108 million will go to the Flori- matches his bark.
The council review of the contract was move all electric utility infrastructure from da Municipal Power Agency to compensate
originally scheduled to have taken place this the riverfront and to construct a state-of- the remaining co-op members for any ad- Shortly after last November’s election
past Tuesday, but a last-minute addition to the-art, storm-hardened substation diag- ditional long-term risk arising out of Vero’s ushered in Mayor Laura Moss and Coun-
the contract forced the one-week delay.Vero onally on a portion of what’s known as the exit from the organization’s wholesale pow- cilman Lange, who joined with Vice Mayor
City Manager Jim O’Connor said that in the Old Postal Annex property on the southwest er projects. Harry Howle to form a 3-to-2 pro-sale ma-
wake of Hurricane Irma and the subsequent corner of 17th Street and Indian River Bou- jority on the City Council, the FMPA’s newly
no-name storm that flooded coastal areas, levard. When Vero signed on with FMPA, the city minted CEO Jacob Williams visited Vero.
language was added to the contract to clar- pledged its good credit as well as its utility
ify procedures and responsibilities of FPL Rounding out the document would be revenues in perpetuity as collateral for some Despite just arriving from the Midwest,
and the city while the contract is pending. numerous exhibits, potentially hundreds the agency’s financial obligations and the Williams was able to read Florida politics
of pages of legal detail spelling out the en- massive bond debt it floated to purchase well enough to know it was time to broker
“Just working through the last-minute gineering, regulatory, financial and oper- and maintain its power generation hold- a deal and solve the FMPA’s Vero problem.
details such as if a storm hits within 60 days ational logistics of turning over the system ings.
of closing or issues like this and definitions and its records from municipal ownership Moss and O’Connor have fostered a good
of terms,” O’Connor said. to the enormous investor-owned utility. FMPA’s recalcitrance in negotiating a working relationship with Williams and his
workable exit for Vero was one of the main upper echelon of attorneys and advisors
FPL declined to elaborate on the need for In anticipation of construction of the factors that stymied a sale over the past who, once sworn enemies, have said they
the revisions. But O’Connor put a positive new substation, all work on decommis- eight years. will work diligently on the Vero sale as long
spin on the delay. “We feel this is actually sioning Vero’s Big Blue power plant ceased as they’re not distracted fending off assaults
going to bring us closure of the sale, so we over the summer. FPL will lease the facility But consecutive years of lobbying by from Tallahassee.
want to get it right,” he said. from the city until the new substation is op- hired guns paid with county tax dollars, plus
erational and connections can be made to increasing efforts to regulate and scrutinize On top of that massive six-figure payoff
Indian River Shores Town Manager Rob- power down all the equipment on the plant the FMPA’s operations and fiscal practices, to the FMPA, Vero will pay $20 million in
bie Stable also said that the way the delay site. Then FPL will complete the disman- combined with a scathing state audit and penalties to Orlando Utilities Commission
was explained to Mayor Brian Barefoot tling process at its own cost. hearings in Tallahassee combined to help to end its bulk power contract with OUC
when he was invited to attend the Oct. 24 bring FMPA to the table. more than five years early.
meeting, “This will only make the contract If everything shakes out as planned, the
more ironclad.” electric sale is projected to leave Vero Beach The effort to “let Vero go” reached critical OUC had wanted to invoke a higher $50
taxpayers with $30 million in cash after all mass in 2016 when, through connections million penalty also contained in the con-
The contract, which FPL says will contain current obligations are settled. Contract with state Senator Debbie Mayfield, Vero tract, but FPL in a side deal put forth finan-
“no surprises,” formally spells out the detail provisions would also relieve Vero of its and Indian River Shores electric customers cial inducements tempting enough to get
of the $185 million offer by FPL to purchase pension liabilities for electric utility workers made an influential friend in powerhouse OUC to agree to accept the lower penalty.
the entirety of the Vero electric system and going forward. former lobbyist and Republican Senator This big save in August by FPL allowed the
its 34,000 customers. Jack Latvala, who recently declared his can- deal to move forward without costly media-
tion and litigation.

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS October 20, 2017 3

to all qualified Vero electric employees
who seek jobs with the company during By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer istic and untenable,” the ruling said. student and employee recruitment plan
the transition period. There are still some [email protected] “Although Somerset stated in its appli- to address the federal desegregation or-
union squabbles to be worked out with der requirements,” the court ruling add-
that arrangement, according to Teamsters The School Board, after a two-year cations that its proposed schools would ed.
leaders who represent Vero’s workers, as legal battle that cost it $50,000, has suc- be open to all students in Indian River
FPL employees belong to a different union. ceeded in blocking Somerset Academy County, Somerset failed to sufficiently School Board chair Charles Searcy,
Some express concern that good-paying from setting up two charter schools in specify how it would comply with the one of those who originally voted to
technical jobs that match Vero’s generous Indian River County. requirements of the desegregation order block Somerset, said: “It didn’t make
salaries may not be available on the Trea- to achieve racial balance reflective of the sense to allow them in. I don’t remem-
sure Coast, necessitating the uprooting of The 4th District Court of Appeals last community or otherwise offer a viable
families. week unanimously reversed the State CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
Board of Education, which earlier had
But on the flip-side, the sale will end the overturned the local School Board’s de-
flagging morale which city officials say has cision to veto Somerset’s bid to form an
plagued the utility since sale efforts began elementary and middle school here that
in earnest in 2011, making it tough to hire “replicated” its high-performing du-
good workers. al-language charter schools in Miami.

Once approved by the Vero Beach City The appellate court, in a 3-0 ruling
Council, the sale and purchase agreement written by Judge Carole Taylor, found
must also be reviewed and signed-off on the School District provided convincing
by the Florida Public Service Commission, evidence that Somerset would not repli-
the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission cate the dual-language curriculum here,
and the North American Electric Reliability would not follow the federal desegrega-
Corporation. tion order that has been in place here for
50 years, and had sketchy financial con-
In addition, the 19 stakeholder member trols in place.
cities of the FMPA must vote unanimously
to allow Vero to exit the co-op, which will “The School Board painstakingly
necessitate the execution of new member- pointed out how Somerset’s applica-
ship pacts, sans Vero. tions patently showed that Somerset’s
intended budget was financially unreal-
FPL and city officials hope all of this can
be accomplished in time for a closing some-
where between October and December of
2018. Should there be a delay, some of the
financial goalposts of the deal may need to
be recalculated. 

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Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa (772) 567-4930 - [email protected]
Zahner, Society Editor: Mary Schenkel, Reporters: Stephanie LaBaff, Tom Lloyd, Ray McNulty, Sa-
mantha Rohlfing Baita, Kathleen Sloan, Columnists: Claudia Balint, Ellen Fischer, Ron Holub, Siobhan
McDonough, Tina Rondeaux, The Bonz, Christina Tascon, Staff Photograhers: Gordon Radford, De-
nise Ritchie, Graphic Designers: Robert Simonson, Jennifer Greenaway, Tania Donghia-Wetmore,
Kathleen Powell

JUDY DAVIS Director of Advertising
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HANK WOLFF | [email protected] | 772.321.5080
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WILL GARDNER | [email protected] | 407.361.2150

LOCATED AT 4855 NORTH A1A, VERO BEACH, FL 32963 | 772.226.7925

4 October 20, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

CHARTER SCHOOLS BLOCKED choice when we should be welcoming AMERICAN ICON BREWERY day-a-week staff of 80, the brewery could
them here.” spew out much-needed foot traffic through
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 downtown galleries, shops and restaurants.
The School Board originally reject-
ber the details now, but the pieces ed Somerset’s application October 1999, even though its only occupants were That economic shot-in-the-arm started
didn’t come together. It smelled funny 2015. Somerset appealed the decision hoards of pigeons in its rafters. Tuesday, when one of 17 taps in the shape
to me.” to the State Board of Education, which of the torch on the Statue of Liberty was
sided with it in a March 2016 decision. It took Rechter, whose belief in Vero pulled for American Icon’s first paid-for
“I researched the school and Som- The School Board then appealed the commercial real estate has done much to pint. The taps are ingeniously tucked into
erset is very successful,” said School state board’s decision to the 4th Dis- revitalize a sizable chunk of Vero’s U.S. 1 the face of a huge decades-old diesel-pow-
Board Member Laura Zorc, who was trict in April 2016, where the case sat corridor, to see the potential in the historic ered generator that now serves as the
not on the board when the decision to for a year and a half. downtown – and have the wherewithal to backdrop for the bar.
appeal was made. fund such an undertaking by himself.
In an information request, the School Gutted, scrubbed and painted red and
“One of their major strengths is District said about $50,000 was spent As Rechter’s brewery bubbled to life black – its historic colors – the generator
school diversity. We’re stifling school on legal fees through June 2017.  this week, the hopes for downtown were has been fitted with underground pipes
soaring again. With a capacity for several running from seven 30-barrel fermenta-
thousand guests each month and a seven- tion tanks at the southwest corner of the
building. The huge engine is the lone re-
maining generator of five that once pro-
duced the electricity for the town of Vero

Rechter first toured the plant a decade
ago, just as he began buying up commer-
cial buildings in Vero Beach. When it final-
ly became available for purchase from the
city last year, disentangled from a nasty
lawsuit that arose after a failed develop-
ment attempt, Rechter scrambled.

He put together an impressive proposal
for the brewery, which he then viewed as a
$1.6 million project. His proposal was far
more detailed than two others put before
the city, one for an artisan distillery, and
the other for an arts center.

Of the three, only Rechter’s included an
option to assume all issues of diesel con-
tamination, problems he believes are at
the brink of clearing up after recent tests
showed the chemical contaminants had
dissipated. (Three such tests are required
before the property gets the all-clear.)

Rechter bought the property for $500,000
in June 2016. Multiple architects were in-
volved in the design for the brewery. The
interior was left to Asheville, N.C.-based
Alchemy Design Studio. Rechter chose the
firm’s owner, Traci Kearns, for her work with
Asheville’s nationally-known Wicked Weed
Brewery. It was Rechter’s favorite of the doz-
ens he visited across the country.

Kearns, who has worked in Finland
and Asia, created a clean-lined, industri-
al-themed design for the plant. It leaves
the towering century-old red brick walls
exposed, with interior walls painted in car-
bon gray or faced with overlapping shards
of wood. Two walls are papered in a blow-
up of a vintage aerial photograph, overlaid
with historic images of the plant’s interior.

The re-do includes a spectacular mezza-
nine seating area, bordered by a steel rail-
ing and open to the brewery area’s gleam-
ing stainless tanks below. A dumb-waiter
will carry food and drinks to upstairs pa-
trons, including those using a 25-seat pri-
vate meeting room fitted with audio-visual

To access the second level, guests can
climb a dramatic steel staircase illuminat-
ed by a huge light fixture custom made by
an Asheville artisan. Or for a bird’s-eye view
of downtown, they can ride a north-facing
glass elevator.

Just beyond the elevator is a merchan-

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS October 20, 2017 5

dise room, with American Icon-branded Buddha Brewery, often counted among Florida Beer Company, a very large con- Rechter’s American Icon Fort Lauderdale lo-
T-shirts, hats, and other merchandise, a re- the top in Florida. Postelnek, who has tract beer operation in Cape Canaveral. cation – a gastropub with liquor license but
minder that the plant is expected to draw been living in Vero since August, advised Both Postelnek and Robles trained at Sieb- no brewing facilities – opening soon.
plenty of tourists. Rechter on everything from layout and el Institute in Chicago.
equipment to the “ridiculously expensive” As Rechter gave a tour of the Vero brew-
At the same time, the form and func- chemical-resistant floor tiles in the brew- The seven fermentation tanks and 15-bar- ery bustling with last-minute preparations,
tion of the diesel plant makeover remains ing area. rel brewhouse leave room for a canning or he was interrupted by a team of fire inspec-
true to small-town Vero: informal and bottling line down the road. In the mean- tors. “Congratulations,” called out one in
multi-generational, accessible to blue-col- Overseeing the beer-making and reci- time, the newly poured loading dock will the team of men passing through the beer
lar and blue blooded alike. pes is Jesse Robles, former head brewer at allow trucks to load kegs of beer to deliver to room wide-eyed. “You passed.” 

Three brews were ready for the soft
open Tuesday; by the weekend there
should be five, including a porter. Within
a few months, all 18 beers will flow at $5
to $7 a pint, along with affordable wine by
the glass. The menu offers amped-up bar
food like maple-sambal duck wings, Viet-
namese pho, and short-rib sliders.

The food component is being managed
by Ken Dodd, food and beverage manag-
er of Rechter’s Integra Hospitality, which
owns Vero Bowl and Stix Billiard Club in
Majestic Plaza. Rechter owns that plaza as
well as Indian River Plaza next door.

While the sound system, stylish design
and menu will doubtless expand the cool
factor of the downtown restaurant scene,
Rechter will quickly remind you that Amer-
ican Icon’s focus is the beer. Locally he will
compete with Walking Tree Brewery near
the airport; Sailfish Brewery in Fort Pierce,
and to a lesser degree, the small Orchid Is-
land Brewing on the beach. But Rechter’s
goal is much broader – he hopes his brand
will go statewide, at minimum.

For that, he hired Alex Postelnek, former
lead brewer at Fort Lauderdale’s Funky

6 October 20, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS


Hurricane Impact Doors By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer il Rights dismissed half of Warrior’s
& Impact Glass, [email protected] complaints which were also covered
We Have It All! in the desegregation order, and then
The U.S. Department of Education’s narrowed the remaining two. OCR At-
Transform Your Existing Door from Office for Civil Rights has opened an torney Scott Sausser cited the “Case
Boring to Beautiful! investigation into whether the Indian Processing Manual,” which states if an-
River County School District discrim- other federal, state or local civil rights
■ Glass patterns for every style & budget inated against black students, acting enforcement agency is looking into the
■ Customize to your style on a complaint filed more than two same issue, the OCR is not obligated to
■ Impact Glass & Impact Doors years ago. investigate it.
■ Wood Interior/Exterior Doors
■ Fiberglass Doors The federal agency, which is respon- The OCR will investigate “Whether
■ Patio & Sliding Glass Doors sible for ensuring equal access to edu- the district discriminates against Afri-
■ Framed/Frameless Shower Units cation, finally decided to take the case can-American students on the basis of
■ Etching in September. It is seeking to deter- race by punishing [them] more harshly
■ Schlage Hardware mine whether the local School District under discipline policies on gang-re-
■ Mirror Wraps violated Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of lated activities and symbols,” Sausser
1964, which prohibits schools from dis- said.
Regency Square criminating on the basis of race, color
or national origin, OCR Attorney Scott It will also investigate “whether the
2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart • Licensed & Insured Sausser said in a letter. African-American students at the (Vero
Beach High School Freshman Learn-
772.463.6500 The complainant, Dr. Jacqueline ing Center) were subjected to a racially
Warrior, is currently local-branch hostile environment by other students
NAACP education chairperson. following a March 2016 incident involv-
ing the dissemination of flyers about
If the investigation determines the the KKK and, if so, whether the district
School District was discriminating failed to respond appropriately upon
against black students, follow-up steps receipt of notice of the hostile environ-
range from a “transition plan” to cor- ment,” Sausser added.
rect discriminatory practices to a cut
off of federal funding. Warrior’s complaint alleges that the
hostile environment is district-wide.
The local School District will receive Although the investigation is narrowed
about $24 million in federal funding to one incident, the OCR may conclude
this year, about half related to food pro- there is a wider discrimination prob-
grams and the other half to educational lem.
programs, according to budget docu-
ments. “OCR applies a ‘systemic’ approach
to investigations where the individual
Warrior said she filed the complaint complaint allegations themselves raise
in June 2015, “because, at the time, systemic or class-wide issues or the in-
the desegregation order seemed dead vestigative team determines a systemic
in the water, yet the issues addressed approach is warranted through conver-
in it – and by this time, other issues – sations with the complainant,” an OCR
continued to plague students in our spokesperson said. “Additionally, OCR
school district. I was not a member of has long possessed the tools of com-
the NAACP at the time and therefore pliance reviews and directed investi-
had no standing in regard to the deseg- gations for the purpose of proactively
regation order.” looking into and addressing broad, sys-
temic compliance issues.”
The Indian River County School
Board has been under a court order Superintendent Mark Rendell and
to desegregate its schools since 1968. four of the five school board members
The order was amended in 1994, lay- did not respond to a request for com-
ing out eight areas for improvement. ment.
The School Board recently petitioned
the U.S. District Court in Miami to lift School Board Member Laura Zorc
court oversight of three areas, claiming said, “Reading through the Office of Civ-
African-American non-teaching and il Rights letter sent to the district, they
teaching staff ratios are sufficient and state that this is a neutral ‘fact finding’
that building facilities have been equal- investigation. Isn’t this what we all want
ized for black and white students. – facts versus personal opinion? Under
the current climate there is a great deal
The local NAACP was named the of mistrust with how things are being
plaintiff or representative of Afri- handled; so for me, a neutral third-party
can-American school-district parents, investigation is very welcome.”
staff and students in the 1994 amended
order. It is fighting the School District’s The School District declined to pro-
claims, seeking to keep the desegrega- vide Vero Beach 32963 with copies of
tion order in force in its entirety and the documents requested by the OCR,
asking the District Court to strengthen claiming they are exempt until a find-
oversight and monitoring. ing is made. 

In September, the Office of Civ-

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS October 20, 2017 7

VERO DOCTOR ARRESTED code words for marijuana and oxycodone. The informant and the DEA set up a fi- Benjamin began researching synthetic
They arranged a pick up on a recorded nal undercover meeting with Benjamin at opioids at his spine clinic office in 2016,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 line. The surgeon allegedly said he wanted his office last week, but according to the the informant told investigators. He was
five racks, or 5,000 pills, to start. federal complaint, something went wrong interested in manufacturing pills himself,
according to the Department of Health. with the audio recording device. and the two reportedly purchased a pill
Benjamin was arrested by Indian Riv- According to the complaint, Benjamin press machine in 2013.
said he “could get a bunch of them gone Benjamin typed on his computer that
er County Sheriff’s Office deputies late in ‘New York’ and ‘Philly’ where no one he had been stopped by airport police, Customs and Border Patrol data from
last week at his island home after federal could connect the dots,” court documents and wanted to know if the informant was last year show that Marsha Benjamin re-
agents claimed he had threatened one of allege. The price of the pills was to be $4 responsible, according to court records. ceived from China “parts and chemicals
their confidential informants and stole his apiece. typically utilized to service a pill press
cellphone during a heated exchange in his The informant told investigators machine and facilitate the manufacturing
office. Federal agents then watched as Benja- that the doctor threatened him with a of counterfeit pills,” the federal complaint
min met with the informant behind the throat-slitting gesture before saying “to notes.
Agents with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Pro Spine Center Oct. 5 for a transfer of not run and hide because they will just
Agency have been investigating Benjamin, the pills. The doctor took a brown paper come after you, your mom, your sister and Records from Sanilac County, Michi-
and the informant – who had a recording bag and put it in the trunk of his Mer- your kids.” gan, show Benjamin also was connected
device – was at his office undercover. cedes, they say. to an October 2016 incident involving the
He then took the informant’s cellphone alleged felonious delivery and manufac-
Benjamin was initially charged with The two then moved their conver- and hid it inside a jar of peanuts. The in- turing of marijuana and maintaining a
strong armed robbery and theft for sation inside the doctor’s office. There, formant left the office and was able to drug house. That case was moved to cir-
snatching the phone. But prosecutor Ryan Benjamin allegedly advised the CI not to safely return to the custody of the DEA. cuit court and the records are now sup-
Butler of the State Attorney’s Office also sell locally and to use others to pick up pressed.
filed paperwork charging the doctor with the drugs. Benjamin, the complaint says, Later that day, deputies went to Benja-
drug trafficking, and the DEA has since as- told the informant he would be deliver- min’s home on Painted Bunting Lane and Vero Beach defense attorney Andrew
sumed responsibility for the case. ing the counterfeit pills to people in the arrested the doctor, claiming he stole a Metcalf took on Benjamin’s case Friday.
northeast. cellphone using the threat of force or in- He declined to comment about allega-
The doctor could face life in prison on timidation. tions facing his client, but said he has
the federal drug charges. Later, the CI warned the doctor the pills known the doctor for 20 years.
were no good. According to the complaint, Benjamin denied knowing anything
Among other things, prosecutors al- he said that some people ended up in the about the phone or any of the other “He has been a pillar of our community
lege that on Oct. 5, Benjamin, under the hospital after taking them. The informant charges subsequently filed. and has an impeccable reputation. We’re
surveillance of the DEA, purchased thou- wanted to make sure Benjamin told his going to defend him vigorously,” Metcalf
sands of fake oxycodone pills laced with customers to proceed with caution. The federal complaint also alleges Ben- said.
fentanyl with the intent to distribute the jamin received counterfeit drugs from
drugs up north. Fentanyl is a powerful, “Believe me, I’ll tell them, they will be overseas in the mail and was testing prod- Circuit Court Judge Cynthia Cox signed
addictive narcotic. Misuse and over pre- happy to hear that actually,” the doctor al- uct by sending urine samples to Selecta an order Oct. 12 requiring G.P.S. monitor-
scription of the drug has become a serious legedly responded. “But, once again, that’s Laboratories in Miami. ing of Benjamin if he is able to post bond.
problem in the United States, resulting in the reason we’re running it the way we’re She also ordered random drug testing and
thousands of deaths. running it. Because at some point some- Subpoenaed laboratory records show prohibited the physician from prescribing
one is going to have a problem, someone Benjamin requested three urinalysis re- medication. 
In court filings, federal agents paint a is going to do something stupid and when ports – all of which returned positive trac-
picture of Benjamin that starkly counters it does it needs to be so (expletive) far es of fentanyl.
the surgeon’s reputation in the Vero Beach away … There is no way it can ever come
Their Oct. 13 complaint describes a The next day agents followed Benjamin
physician selling and attempting to man- to the Melbourne airport where he was
ufacture counterfeit drugs for profit with caught as he was going through security
little regard for human life or the law. with several bottles of pills and a ticket to
Philadelphia. Benjamin told officials he
The filing begins with a confidential in- needed them for his neck cancer.
formant (CI) telling Benjamin that it was
the doctor’s pills that led to a Sept. 1, 2016, When airport police asked for a pre-
overdose death of a middle-aged Palm scription, Benjamin allegedly returned to
Beach woman. his office and wrote himself a script, the
complaint notes. But airport security de-
According to the complaint, Benjamin clined to return the medication, saying
responded “that she was just another that while the doctor was away, they did
‘page in a large stack,’ and did not seem an investigation and didn’t believe the
too concerned about the death.” drugs were used to treat cancer.

Later, the two talked about Benjamin
purchasing some “trees” and “blues,”

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8 October 20, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

Driver gets 11-year sentence for fatal Jungle Trail crash

By Beth Walton | Staff Writer bourne Beach resident pleaded not guilty time of the crash, she said. Rolling Rock and Natural Ice beer were
to felony charges of vehicular homicide
Just minutes after Zackary Hillegass and vehicular manslaughter while driving The attorney’s pleas for leniency didn’t scattered throughout the car. The scent of
was cut from his overturned SUV after it under the influence.
crashed on the Jungle Trail, police say he work. It took the jury just one hour to con- alcohol was overwhelming.
took responsibility for his actions. Standing The historic road, often used by island
on the dirt road surveying the wreckage, he pedestrians, bikers and off-roading enthu- vict Hillegass on all charges related to the A third passenger, Matthew Wright, 39,
admitted to drinking and driving. He said it siasts for recreation, has poorly marked
was all his fault. speed limits and is dangerous for motor- crash. Facing a maximum of 15 stood shocked nearby. “I can’t
ists, Assistant Public Defender Dorothy
But in the courtroom on Oct. 11 – a year Naumann argued on his behalf. years behind bars, he was sen- believe this,” authorities say
and half after his friend and backseat pas-
senger died from injuries sustained in the The deceased passenger was not wear- tenced by Circuit Court Judge Wright told investigators at the
February 2016 crash – the 24-year-old Mel- ing a seatbelt and was likely drunk at the
Cynthia Cox to 11.5 years in scene. “He was driving too fast.

prison and 3.5 years of proba- I told him not to drive so fast.”

tion. Wright was not located by

In addition to some $177,000 the State’s Attorney’s Office in

in court fees and fines, Hille- time to testify at the trial. In-

gass’ driver’s license was per- stead, a host of law-enforce-

manently suspended. He was ment officers were called to

ordered to attend alcoholic Zackary Hillegass. speak on the state’s behalf.
support meetings upon his The three had been bar-

release and a class for people reling down the winding dirt

who drive under the influence. He also road at speeds estimated to be as high as 50

must complete 60 hours of community ser- mph, said Florida Highway Patrol Corporal

vice – some of which must include speak- T.B. White. The vehicle spun out of control,

ing to high school students about the dan- hit a tree, and landed, flipped on its side,

gers of drunk driving. near a large, murky puddle.

September Jacobson, the victim’s aunt, The speed limit on the Jungle Trail is 30

cried as she spoke during the sentencing mph with a suggested rate of 15 mph on its

hearing. She showed the judge photos of sharp curves.

her nephew, Donovan Clements, and said The car narrowly missed hitting an is-

his death tore her family apart. Clements, land family enjoying the roadway in their

who was 46 years old at the time of the golf cart. Summerplace resident Michael

crash, was in a coma for nearly two months, Hoover, 45, testified he and his wife were

she said. He never woke up. travelling on the Jungle Trail with two tod-

Clements also had drinking problems, dlers, a 5-year-old girl and a dog when they

but he was on his way to get help, Jacob- say they saw the SUV heading their direc-

son told the judge. “Instead of going to the tion.

treatment center, he went on a joy ride with The family’s oldest child and their lab mix

his friend.” had been running alongside the cart, and

“There is not a day that I don’t miss him.” the parents quickly got everyone strapped

During the two-day trial, Deputy Mi- in and pulled to the side of the road. There

chael Ruiz, then an officer with the Indian had been a lot of rain, and a large puddle

River County Sheriff’s Department, said had formed near a sharp corner.

Hillegass admitted wrongdoing shortly af- The driver momentarily slowed down

ter investigators arrived at the scene. “This before speeding toward the water, the com-

is all my fault, I shouldn’t have been drink- mercial pilot recalled. “The vehicle sped up

ing,” he was overheard saying. “I was driv- so fast that it couldn’t have gone any faster,”

ing the car. Dammit man, (expletive).” he explained. “The vehicle drove into the

Clements, also of Brevard County, was puddle to splash us.”

trapped in the backseat. Blood was pouring Hillegass declined to testify during court

out of his mouth. Empty cans of Bud Light, proceedings, but a recorded interview be-

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS October 20, 2017 9

tween him and White was played for the been in trouble for public intoxication, she
jury. said. “This defendant had many chances,”
McCarter told Judge Cox at sentencing. “He
Two months after the crash and just needs to face the consequences of his ac-
weeks after his friend’s death, Hillegass told tions.”
the traffic homicide investigator that he
didn’t remember driving on the Jungle Trail Standing at his public defender’s side,
that day, that he suffered a head injury in Hillegass blinked back tears as he told the
the crash and spent two and a half days in judge he was sorry just moments before his
the hospital. sentencing. He said he comes from a fam-
ily of alcoholics, that he is trying to better
He said he doesn’t like to drink and drive himself and has been attending Alcoholics
and didn’t think they had been drinking Anonymous in jail.
that afternoon. He said he likely had some
alcohol the night before. His attorney said she encouraged the
jury trial. She saw no reason for him to
The three were traveling to Wabasso come to the court with a guilty plea when
to pick up their friend from work. When there was no offer for a mitigated sentence.
he wasn’t ready to leave, they decided to She said the arguments she made during
head back north so Clements could make the trial were not an indication that Hille-
it to his job in time. Sometime that af- gass wasn’t taking responsibility for what
ternoon, they stopped at a convenience has happened.
store to buy beer.
Hillegass told the judge that the pain of
Hillegass, convicted on a felony burglary killing Clements lives with him every day.
charge when he was 18-years-old, was on “A piece of me disappeared when he dis-
probation at the time of the crash. The al- appeared and I’m the one that did it,” he
cohol found in his system the night of acci- said. “Whatever I get here I do deserve, but
dent amounted to his third probation viola- he was a very, very close friend to me and I
tion, said Assistant State Attorney Michelle really made a very bad choice and I regret
McCarter. everything that happened.” 

He previously failed a drug test and had


By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer repair mailboxes, number houses and Expires 10-31-17
assist with yard work at locations around Expires 10-31-17
The United Way of Indian River the county. Some students completed Expires 10-31-17
County joined forces with more than projects at individual elementary schools
1,000 volunteers last Saturday morning at and a group of about 70 students put to-
the annual Day of Caring, raising aware- gether 1,000 care kits for the homeless,
ness about the needs of the community which local law enforcement officers
while completing more than 70 projects hand out when they encounter folks liv-
for fellow residents in need of a helping ing on the streets.
hand. The hands-on work they accom-
plished will continue to have a positive Joe Idelette made his way up and
impact long after the last nail was ham- down several streets in the Gifford com-
mered and paintbrushes were put away. munity with a team of volunteers num-
bering houses and mailboxes on nearly
The morning kicked off with a break- 20 homes, noting, “One lady was sick
fast at the Freshman Learning Center, and she said when the emergency peo-
where Marine Bank and Trust President/ ple came to pick her up they passed her
CEO Bill Penney announced on behalf of home because she didn’t have any num-
his fellow Team Marine co-chairs that the bers on the house.”
2017-2018 campaign fundraising goal is
$3,040,000. A few streets away, 15-year-old Vero
Beach High School student Alicia Manei-
“This is without a doubt the largest ro helped make repairs on the Old Mace-
Day of Caring that we’ve ever had,” said donia Church.
Michael Kint, United Way of IRC CEO, as
workers left to complete their tasks. “This is my community and I love this
church,” she said. “It’s more than 100
The school district stepped up their years old. When people come out and
involvement this year, with School Su- help it shows me that people actually
perintendent Mark Rendell and school care. Everybody comes together and tries
board member Tiffany Justice organizing to help people in need no matter their
more than 300 students, parents and dis- nationality.”
trict employees to take part.
“What I love about Day of Caring is that
“I love that the kids are involved. It you get to see a whole bunch of different
starts when you’re young and you watch people from different places in the com-
your parents and friends who are in- munity coming together and working on
volved in the community and you see the different projects,” said Kirk, summing
impact you can make,” said Katie Kirk, up the unity of everyone working for the
Day of Caring Chair committee chair. common good. 

Teams headed out to paint, erect and

10 October 20, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

Vero Heritage’s ‘Evening in Paris’: C’est magnifique!

By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer ers, a vintage fashion show and French down the Avenue des Champs Elysées, along the Seine.
cuisine. perusing vendors who offered a variety of “I’m always a big promoter and advo-
Guests enjoyed An Evening in Paris sans must-have items, from vintage clothing
the hassle of a transatlantic flight at a soi- The historic landmark facility was trans- and handcrafted jewelry to essential oils cate for historical buildings and organiza-
ree last Wednesday evening to benefit Vero formed into “Gay Paree,” complete with an and scarves. Entertainment featured a live- tions in Vero,” said Zaharczuk, speaking of
Heritage Inc., the nonprofit that operates illuminated Eiffel tower. Chandeliers and ly performance by Moulin Rouge Dancers how she got involved. “I’m a hopeless ro-
and maintains the Indian River Citrus Mu- twinkling festival lights amid draped cloth from Power Entertainment Productions. mantic and should have been born in the
seum and the Heritage Center, where the billowing overhead and velvet-covered Afterward, Zaharczuk and her Fashionistas 20s.”
event took place. Tamara Zaharczuk, own- chairs with diamond buckles contributed blew a flurry of coquettish kisses as they
er of The Parisian Hostess, collaborated to the ooh-la-la sparkle and set the stage showcased items from her shop, including Heather Stapleton, special events coor-
on the inaugural affair, which featured all for fête fit for La Ville-Lumière. vintage Parisian couture befitting a stroll dinator for the Heritage Center, said the
things Parisian, including can-can danc- successful event had surpassed their ex-
Wine glasses in hand, guests wandered pectations, noting, “We had a full house
and more than 20 vendors. We’re looking
MEDICARE ADVANTAGE forward to doing this again next year.”
Come to a seminar where you’ll get your questions answered.
Alex Soares, executive director, said that
in addition to fundraising, the event was a
way to introduce young people to the or-

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7w<[A7wAg2ewgn.t.2eaN5bna7ecmt.ye8t]e6pr0sho0olunteio> BroVoeknduaele Sr. Living Vero CommVuenniutey
Stree2t4a2d5d2re0stsh St.
<Agency website> DaOOtecc,ttt..i2m237ert>dh 10am CeSntrteeert address
3pm O2ct2.62631rdD4ta1ht1eA:,>] ganization and to hopefully create a whole
(TTY users: 1-800-955-8770), 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. local time, Mon. new history of experiences.
- Fri. to speak to a licensed agent.
“We’re a historic building but we want
[<SCeitbyastian Sebasti[a<nCity to be relevant to the community,” said
SeVbeansutiean Library A Better SoVleuntiuoen Soares. “We have a lot of people who have
StreOetcta.d2d3rerdss2pm OctO. 2c4t.th2SD62ttrapehtmee7t,p&taimdm6depr>ems]s a lot of history with this building, but we
Date, time>] have future generations that will also be
potential supporters. We want to keep the
BlueMedicare means more building open. We like to say ‘we’re making
history now.’”
*O*nOenEenEtnetretartianimnmenetnStaSvaivnigngSSpprereebbooookklelettpprroovviiddeedd free ttooeeaacchhaatttetennddee,ew, withithnonoobolbigliagtiaotnio.nTh. TehEentEenrtaeirntaminemnteSnatvSinagviSnpgrSeeprbeoeobkloeot kisleotnilsyoanvlayilaavbaleilaabt le
atsseemmiinnaarrsstthhrroouugghh1111//2222//1177.. FFlloorriiddaaBBlulueeisisaaPPPPOO, R, RPPPOPOanadndRxR(xPD(PPD)Pp)lapnlawnitwhitahMaeMdeicdairceacroenctorancttr.aFclto.rFidloarBidluaeBHluMeOHMis OaniHs aMnOHpMlaOn wpliathnawMithedaicMareedi- As guests began to depart at the end of
cacroenctorancttr.aEcntr.oEllnmroelnlmtiennFtloinridFaloBrliudeaoBrlFuleoroidraFBloluriedHaMBlOuedeHpMenOdsdoenpceonndtrsaoctnrecnoenwtraalc.Ftorerancecwomal.mFoodraatciocnomofmpeordsoantisownitohfsppeercsioalnnseweditshastpsaelceisaml neeeetidnsgas,tcsaallles the evening, it was clear that the Franco-
btBmaipeyluea<oBnpBneefleAulFlditugcCgielanodaeeerSgrnboosnihCucdslscneiy,rsaeydoocp,FlaptdaisIhsenndhslopolddciona<fso.enencFTBAsrr>elhdiaiolcg>muelriBeeisócdi(elnninTuSvaTccaei,hsYloytIeiernSmeupirgcohlsvhdp.nhei,ieocaDrtotlisnsnhdoB:feiles1eAaFo>sb-wglFf8oaa(lrsF0Torarsilea0ridTotsiun-dIYar9onidia,tdf5udoIBrdan5seasl,eocp-uc8dIr.eenens7eT,nc:.o7chH.d1ao,t0e-esMDld8)osin.s0eiBrOAstt,0ecALcnsc-rinoa9ocaiFmcel5mtveliine5oaoispnrs-npral8eiaaidaeng7etnlraege7ssioeo0üoiBorssi)níflgn.soutaAwtihfteinrfcheeie.s,laelraHaBIe.bnglblMLedeudealsebap,eOpsdmyrCpieesiHcresersoooasneesfoabvnadsrleniltaelat1irwhctwnna-ye8iOtdgi,tl,5hoLlepBc5biritcloin-isueseo6lefeoonon0pxrSr1ssf.,rmf,eAeh-enI9eTsinraae4Eeescttl6iNind.dooo,5tCDnAfnbw(IBtsaTayÓhsilAnTtHoNeohdYFc:erB:liiaisoanag1lpiturfl-iihtiopn8oedharl,7naimbCOca7.BalgWr-aaptlo9euiteto5esi,eiossno5cdpnH-sonai8a.smMnasñH7a,nd7obpOIedn3lBlai,,lyc)ialat.ltt.iuwpn,hyeA,eDinpaTctohoeSflABrifvchiaaANsleaiipesaertSFupaxitloYedlg.lodinOAoceriAassfiTiNd.pbsBsEHsaolo:leNousSfeBfceiFCieaclieuCiawrlIótdeÓetrhniodepoHNscrsbanasoeM:lyl.aervscWvBnOeiiKivlhdcruei,raialeoBeagrcbsylinCoueglògaraehmloirsefatSAsfsptisoshlyulplifaayiaiifesatwnetwyoleñddrseseiotondhlf,, phile converts had welcomed the opportu-
gednesaèsvisisteèndcipaoliunglaünísgtikciad. Lislapmoneibalg1r-a8t5is5p-6o0u1o-9u4.6R5el(eTT1Y-:815-58-7670-19-59456-857(7T3T)Y.:A1T-A8N00S-Y9O5N5-:8S7i7w0)p. Yal0e0K1r1e_y9ò0l4A8y4is0y9e1n7, gCeMn SsèAvicscèedppteodu lang ki disponib gratis nity to fully embrace the Parisian attitude:
Noptoauffoiluia.tReedlew1it-h85th5e-6C0i1ty-9O46f 5V(eTrToY:B1e-a8c0h0.-955-8770). Mangez bien, riez souvent, aimez beau-
coup! (Eat well, laugh often, love abun-
Y0011_90484 0917 CMS Accepted dantly.) 

12 October 20, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SPORTS

Seniors push to extend Vero High volleyball season

By Ron Holub | Correspondent Vero Beach High School seniors, from left, Lindsay Barkett, Eliza Biedenharn and Taylor Story. Below, Story records her 500th career kill. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD

The Vero Beach High varsity volley- when some parents told her of a job we’ve been switching things around in “The seniors have been playing club
ball team finished the regular season on opening that might be of interest. the rotation and trying different people volleyball since we were nine or ten years
an upswing last week with consecutive in different spots,” Barkett told us. “That old. We’ve been on the varsity team to-
straight-set victories over Bayside and “Of course I jumped on the opportu- shows our versatility as a team. Each play- gether for all four years. Ending it all will
John Carroll. It was a vitally needed foun- nity,” she said. “It was the perfect way to er has certain strengths, but we are all be really sad I’m sure, but it hasn’t really
dation for Vero (6-7 overall, 4-4 in district) get back into the swing of things. To come well-rounded. hit me yet.”
to enter the district tournament this week into all of this talent was really exciting.
at Martin County High with a positive The girls already knew what they were “I think we are starting to get the hang Two knee surgeries in the past 18
outlook. doing. They are really athletic and have a of it. We have a good lineup that uses ev- months didn’t completely derail the aspi-
lot of drive, heart and motivation. We’ve erybody to the best of their ability and for rations that Barkett previously held about
A methodical consistency in the 25-17, got a lot of depth on the bench. All I had whatever helps the team the most. playing in college. After vacillating on the
25-17, 25-16 win against John Carroll on to do with this group was give them a lit- matter, she is leaning toward walking on
Senior Night boosted the odds that the tle bit of guidance.” “I hope we can keep our heads level “somewhere.” Right now that somewhere
high school volleyball careers of seniors and try to fight through a pretty tough could be Emory, UVA, Wake Forest or
Taylor Story, Lindsay Barkett and Eliza Barkett started on the back line against district. The other teams have stepped it Princeton for the senior class vice presi-
Biedenharn will be extended under first- John Carroll with Biedenharn and sopho- up a lot, but I’m looking forward to it and dent. 
year head coach Sarah Harper. more libero Olivia Forman. Story was up our goal is to be competitive.
front with juniors Summer Seevers and
The trio was honored in the tradition- Catherine Jacobs. Freshman Destiny Nel-
al fashion before the regular-season fi- son was off the bench in no time flat.
nale, and for Story the evening became
even more special when she recorded her “We had a little bit of a rough start, but
500th career kill in the first set.

The team took on a few bumps and
bruises during the season as the new
coach and players settled in together.

“Our first district match was against
Martin County at home and the girls
played with tons of fire,” Harper ex-
plained. “After that we kind of dropped
off with our energy just a little bit. Nerves
took over in the middle of the season and
we lost four games back-to-back. Then we
had a really good win against Fort Pierce
Central. Now we are trying to get our
mojo back because the district playoffs
will be really tough.

“So we started off with a really good
high and then we had to sort a few things
out. We’ve actually had a lot of lineup
changes this season to see what works
well for everyone. Finishing our regular
season with three straight wins helped us
a lot. I think we have some momentum
going into the playoffs.”

Harper played volleyball at the Univer-
sity of Maryland and moved here recently
from her home in Virginia -- primarily to
play beach volleyball. She was coaching
several VBHS players at the Jungle Club

Breathe easier –
there’s new hope
for asthma patients P.16


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A14 October 20, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Breathe easier – there’s new hope for asthma patients

By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer prescribed medications such as corticoste- Dr. Michael A. Layton. ed heat, delivered through a highly special-
[email protected] roids can often relieve that inflammation, ized bronchoscope and catheter, to reduce
they don’t always work for everyone. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE the smooth muscle mass of the airways in-
If you suffer from asthma you are far from side the lungs. That, in turn, opens up air-
alone. Bronchial thermoplasty is also exciting Alair Broncial Thermoplasty Catheter. ways and allows freer, easier breathing.
because of the results it has produced.
The Centers for Disease Control and Pre- room” with breathing problems after under- Once deemed “experimental” by some
vention says upward of 26 million Americans According to Layton, “79 percent of people going the procedures, explains Layton. And insurers, bronchial thermoplasty now en-
have this disease and those numbers appear [nationwide] who have the procedures done “there is a 66 percent reduction in days lost joys both the FDA’s and Medicare’s seal of
to be rising rapidly. report an increased quality of life from their from work or the activities of daily life by us- approval as well as that of most insurance
asthma.” ing bronchial thermoplasty.” companies.
Perhaps worse, the CDC admits, “we don’t
know why” those numbers are climbing so Want more numbers? Layton has them. Even five years after having the proce- Bronchial thermoplasty, Layton explains,
much and so fast. “There is an 84 percent reduction in the dures, Layton points out, “there is a 34 per- is performed in “three different procedures
need [for patients] to go to the emergency cent reduction in severe asthma exacerba- and they are normally three weeks apart.
Dr. Michael A. Layton of Riverside Pulmo- tions.” When we do the procedure, we are going to
nary and Internal Medicine and the Sebas- apply thermal energy to the airways. Any-
tian River Medical Center doesn’t have the How does it manage that? thing that stimulates airways has the poten-
answer to why asthma is becoming more In a bare-bones description, bronchial tial to cause problems, so we only do a part of
common. But he does have a new and star- thermoplasty uses radio frequency-generat- the lung at any one time. We do about a third
tlingly effective treatment for those with se- the first time,” specifically the right lower
vere asthma who don’t respond well to med- lung. “The second time we do the left lower
ication. lung, and the third time we do both upper
That treatment is called “Bronchial Ther-
moplasty” and it just might be a real live, Asked why all three sessions aren’t rolled
honest-to-goodness lifesaver. into one, Layton explains, “We do it over
three different procedures is because we
“We are the first hospital on the Treasure don’t want somebody to have respiratory
Coast to provide this service,” Layton beams. compromise and end up having to come
“There are service centers in Orlando and [back] into the hospital, so we only do part of
physicians in Fort Lauderdale and maybe the lung at a time.”
one in Jupiter, and then as far north as Jack-
sonville, but we are the only provider hospi- Bronchial thermoplasty is not for every-
tal” for bronchial thermoplasty on the Trea- one.
sure Coast.
“It’s not for children,” Layton freely ad-
Layton quickly adds, “We’ve been do- mits. “It is only approved for patients who are
ing this here now for at least three or four 18 years of age and above. And, if somebody
months.” He briefly pauses checking his has a pacemaker or an AICD or a nerve stim-
mental calendar and almost bashfully ad- ulator, they don’t qualify.” In fact, any num-
mits, “probably a little longer than that.” ber of implantable devices may rule some-
one out.
What exactly is bronchial thermoplasty,
and why is it so exciting? Still, for any of those 26 million Americans
who suffer from asthma and are finding their
It’s exciting because, as the Mayo Clinic corticosteroids are not working well enough,
reports, “serious asthma attacks mean you’re a conversation with their primary care phy-
likely to need multiple trips to the emergency sician or an experienced pulmonologist like
room over the course of your life,” and “a very Layton may open more doors – and airways
severe asthma attack can lead to respiratory – and lead to a better quality of life.
arrest and death.”
Dr. Michael A. Layton is with Riverside Pul-
The CDC calls asthma a lifelong disease monary and Internal Medicine at 12920 U.S.
that can severely limit quality of life – or even 1, Suite A in Sebastian. The phone number is
worse – put an end to that life. 772-388-8322. 

The National Institutes of Health agrees,
calling asthma “a chronic lung disease that
inflames and narrows the airways.” While

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A16 October 20, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Java ’nother! Study links coffee to longer life

By Maria Canfield | Correspondent used data from the Multiethnic Cohort Colleen Symanski, RN, CDE.
Study, a collaborative effort between
Various health benefits of coffee Keck and the University of Hawaii Can- PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
drinking have been widely reported in cer Center.
recent years, including coffee’s associ-
ation with a reduced risk of liver cancer Nearly 186,000 study participants be-
and dementia. Now a new study, the tween the ages of 45 and 75 completed
largest of its kind, has found a connec- questionnaires about their lifestyle,
tion between coffee consumption and medical history, and diet – including
longer life. how often they drank coffee. The health
of the participants was then followed
The study was conducted by re- for an average of 16 years.
searchers from the Keck School of Med-
icine at the University of Southern Cal- Study participants who drank one
ifornia in Los Angeles. The researchers cup of coffee daily – caffeinated or not

– were found to have a 12 percent lower ternal Medicine, remained in place
risk of death from cancer, stroke, heart even after adjusting for factors such as
disease, diabetes, kidney disease, and age, gender, smoking status, and alco-
respiratory disease (compared to those hol intake. The reduced mortality risk
who never or rarely drank coffee). The was found across the four ethnicities
risk of death from these conditions was included in the study: white Americans,
even lower – 18 percent – for partici- Latin-Americans, Japanese-Americans
pants who drank three cups each day. and African-Americans, and the team
is confident that the results will also
“It’s a complex topic, and it’s good to apply to other ethnicities.
see such a large analysis,” says Colleen
Symanski, a registered nurse, health Lead study author Veronica W. Se-
coach, certified diabetes educator, and tiawan is careful to say that the study
co-owner of A Healthier Me, a health does not prove a cause-and-effect re-
and fitness studio on Vero’s barrier is- lationship between daily coffee con-
land. “There is no doubt,” Symanski sumption and longer life, but she be-
continued, “based on other research, lieves the findings indicate the benefits
that coffee is a rich source of plant phe- of coffee-drinking outweigh any poten-
nols, which most researchers believe is tial risks. “Some people worry drinking
the primary reason for coffee’s health coffee can be bad for you because it
benefits.” Plant phenols are power- might increase the risk of heart disease,
ful antioxidants which can protect the stunt growth, or lead to stomach ulcers
body from cellular damage and diseas- and heartburn,” she says. “But research
es. on coffee has mostly shown no harm to
people’s health.”
The association between coffee con-
sumption and a longer life, which was Vero’s Symanski stresses moderation
recently reported in the Annals of In- and good choices. “For optimal well-be-

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH October 20, 2017 A17

ing, I tell my clients to eat and drink a va- oats. Foods containing these grains in-
riety of healthy foods, and never rely on clude breads, oatmeal, tortillas, pastas
only one food or beverage source, as that and cereals.
can deplete the body of essential vita-
mins and minerals. Fortunately, no one  Soybeans and other legumes, in
thinks they can exist on coffee alone.” the form of canned or dried beans or
spreads. Add beans and peas to soups,
While consuming 24 ounces of coffee salads and dips.
daily is considered moderate, certain
coffee beverages have built-in health In the beverage category, Symanski
disadvantages. A plain cup of brewed also recommends green tea. Past studies
coffee has less than 5 calories and no fat have shown that long-term consumption
or carbohydrates, but many coffee shops of green tea could be beneficial against
offer concoctions that are far more like type II diabetes and could reduce the
dessert than a morning pick-me-up. For risk of coronary disease.
example, Starbucks’ website describes a
Caramel Cocoa Cluster Frappuccino® The researchers do note that people
Blended Coffee as “Toffee nut syrup, should apply caution when drinking
blended with coffee then topped with coffee and other hot beverages, as a 2016
caramel sauce, whipped cream and a report from World Health Organization
mocha drizzle.” The “Grande” size (16 (WHO) linked the consumption of very
ounces) contains 450 calories, 17 grams hot drinks to an increased risk of esoph-
of fat, and a whopping 71 grams of car- ageal cancer.
The National Coffee Association re-
In addition to coffee, other high-phe- ports that about 62 percent of Ameri-
nol foods include: can adults drink coffee daily, with three
cups being the average amount con-
 Fruits, especially berries. Apples, sumed; because of this, Setiawan says
peaches, apricots, plums, pears, grapes any positive effects from drinking coffee
and cherries are also good choices. Tip: are far-reaching. She says, “We cannot
the darker the fruit, the higher the phe- say drinking coffee will prolong your
nol count. And eat the skins! life, but we see an association. If you like
to drink coffee, drink up! If you’re not a
 Vegetables. Yellow onions are the coffee drinker, then you need to consid-
best; artichokes, potatoes, red cabbage, er if you should start.”
cherry tomatoes, celery and broccoli
also offer a good supply of phenols. A Healthier Me is located at 2855 Ocean
Drive, Suite C-2 in Vero Beach; the phone
 Grains such as buckwheat, rye and number is 772-231-5555. 

A18 October 20, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS

Bonz makes 3 new amigos: Dylan, Sadie and Coco

Hi Dog Buddies! “Pawsome!” I said. Sadie, Coco and Dylan. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
Dylan and Coco started wrestlin’, an came on, he rushed up to the
This week I had the best time yapping with Sadie said, “Dylan’s The Best Big Broth-
three labs, Dylan, 9; Sadie Mae, 7; and Coco, er but, a couple years after I got here, I screen and started barkin’ like mad. The kit- soon as
5. They came in an assortment of Official Lab started thinkin’ it’d be fun to have a liddle
Colors: Dylan, black; Sadie, golden; an Coco, puppy around to play with an take care tens didn’t pay any attention. Dylan saw ME getting at-
chocolate (of course). Right from the first Wag- of, so Momma an Daddy got me one.
and-Sniff, it was a total woof, wag an slurp fest. They saw an ad for Coco in the paper, “An guess what?” Sadie said. “I’m a trained tention, he came right over to Momma, cuz he
an when we saw her in the fur, we knew
Dylan introduced his sisters an his Momma she was IT!” Therapy Dog, took classes at Dogs For Life. I always likes ALL the attention. So she gave him
Laurie Beebe, an explained his daddy Andy Dylan and Coco were pullin’ on ei-
was at work. ther end of a toy bone, rolling around love helping humans, so every Saturday me an his ear medicine an he got all better.”
an play-grrrrin’.
“So, who’s the Spokespooch?” I asked. “That is one tough toy,” I observed. Momma visit people at The Brennity.” “Clever, Sadie. Very clever!” I told her.
“ME!” said Dylan. “True,” said Sadie. “Dylan’s 85
“ME!” said Sadie. pounds; Coco’s 65; an I’m 75. We’re “What’s that?” “I KNOW! Right?”
“ME!” said Coco. real strong. Momma an Daddy hafta
“Let’s just play it by our ears,” I suggested. get us special toys. They’re rated to show “It’s an assisted living an memory care place, Heading home, I was thinking about Dylan
“You’re oldest, right, Dylan? how much playin’ it takes to rip ’em to bits.
“Yup. Momma an Daddy got me when I was Our yellow bone’s lasted an entire year. That’s Momma says. We say hello to the residents, an an Sadie an Coco having a ball, playing an
a pupster. We were livin’ up near St. LOO-is. It amazin’! Hey, Dylan,” she called, “show Bonzo
was way fun. Daddy took this cool pickshur of our yellow bone.” I give ’em liddle nose bumps an a few slurps hangin’ out together. Made me think it might
my whole litter, all 14 of us inna row, and it won Dylan trotted off an returned carrying a
a CONtest and got put on the cover of the Orvis bone-shaped toy with a big ring on each end, (real soft an polite). They talk to me an give me be pretty fun to have a puppy of my own to
CATTA-log!” well-munched but intact.
His Momma showed us the pickshur. It was “Cool Dog Biscuits!” I said, as Coco grabbed pats. It makes ’em happy, an it makes me hap- play with. Sharin’ MY toys. Eatin’ MY kibbles.
Totally Cool Kibbles! one end, an she an Dylan continued ruff-
“It gets real cold up there,” Dylan contin- housin’. “Whaddya do for exercise?” py too, cuz I can help Others. I get recertified Sleepin’ in MY fluffy bed. Getting pats an tum-
ued. “We played in the snow, an I watched a “Up North we’d go on hikes, an play in the
lotta ‘Animal Planet’ on TV. There was one snow,” said Sadie. “When we moved here, we every year.” my rubs from MY Mom an Grandpa an Grand-
little problem, though. Whenever Momma an missed the snow a lot, ’til we saw the pool!
Daddy went out an I hadda stay home, I got Dylan and Coco are in it every day. Dylan even “Woof, Miss Sadie, that’s Really Important ma.
Separation Anxiety: that’s when you get Really used it for THER-uppy when he had hip sur-
Upset an think your humans are Never Com- gery. I myself prefer Yoga, the Downward Dog Work!” On second thought. Nah.
ing Back, so you start chewing stuff. Mostly ev- in particular.” She demonstrated.
erything you can reach. “We also go on walks. We have our own col- “I think so, too. But it’s not like a Service Dog.
“Finally, Momma an Daddy got tired of or-coordinated collars an leashes, an we use
havin’ to fix stuff and replace stuff and sweep Gentle Leaders across our noses, so we won’t I can’t go in stores an restaurants. But it’s still Till next time,
stuff off the floor. I think the time when I dis- pull Momma over on her caboose. We have
covered Momma’s knitting was the Last Straw. designated positions, Dylan an Coco on the an Important Contribution. Oh, an I MUST tell The Bonz
They decided to get me my very own puppy so left, me on the right. Dylan HASTA be farthest you about Dylan an the Ear Medicine.”
I wouldn’t be alone. So they got me a baby sis- left. If anyone tries to walk on his left, forged-
ter, Sadie, a liddle fluffball from a kennel called daboudit! We sometimes walk with our neigh- “Oh, for Lassie’s Sake, Sadie,” interjected
Siever’s Retrievers. I loved bein’ a Big Brother. I bors Bailey Zangre, a German Shepherd, and
took care of her and taught her pooch stuff. An Lenny Zangre, a Black Lab. Dylan. “Really?” He shook his head, but he was Don’t Be Shy
I stopped chewin’ stuff up!” “An Dylan loves the Animal Channel.” Their smiling.
Mom flipped on the TV, an Dylan immediate- We are always looking for pets
ly started watching. When a buncha kittens “See, Dylan had this terrible earache, so with interesting stories.
Momma got medicine. She tried for hours, but
he wouldn’t let her near his ear. Then I had this To set up an interview, email
idea. I got Momma to pretend she was putting

medicine in MY ear. I stood very calmly, didn’t [email protected].

wiggle or anything, to show it didn’t hurt. Well,

Zoning overhaul ‘mixed’ into
Vero’s comprehensive plan

20 October 20, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE

Zoning overhaul ‘mixed’ into Vero’s comprehensive plan

By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer sive plan has been reduced to what people state because it will allow us to do zoning sending it to the state, or voting it down for
[email protected] do know about – the Cultural Arts Village changes so people can work, live and sell further revision. Moss said the other mem-
– spearheaded by Barbara Hoffman. artwork in their homes.” bers were swayed by the Cultural Arts Vil-
Vero Beach is updating its comprehen- lage proponents, who were the only ones
sive plan – the legal scaffolding for land The executive director of the Cultur- The Cultural Arts Village takes up three in the audience.
use in the city – and if it passes in its cur- al Council of Indian River County has east-west streets, 19th Place, 19th Street
rent draft form, it will spread “mixed use” presented their plan at numerous public and 18th Street, and five north-south During the two “readings” of the plan, in
throughout the main traffic corridors in venues over the last two years, gathering a streets, from 14th Avenue to 20th Avenue. August and September, Moss and resident
A little free library on 19th Colorful homes on the 17th block of
Mixed use is a primary concept found Avenue in Vero Beach. 19th Street. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD
in “smart cities” and “sustainable growth”
city-planning philosophy that’s infiltrated large base of support. Mayor Laura Moss is the only member Phyllis Frey expressed alarm at the chang-
comprehensive plans for the last 25 years Proponents of the Cultural Arts Village on the City Council who wants to slow the es “mixed use” zoning will bring to the city,
– which is the age of Vero Beach’s plan, approval process. She has requested about claiming it will increase density and possi-
which was last updated in 1992. are pushing for a quick approval, because 140 changes to the plan. It is unclear how bly building height.
the project cannot move forward until the many of her edits will be incorporated, but
City budgets can’t sustain the attenuat- comprehensive plan is approved by the a new draft will be posted before it goes to They claim the plan weakens home rule,
ed network of roads, electricity, sewer, wa- City Council. public hearing. opening the door to outside-government
ter and other infrastructure now leading control, because new policies require
to dead shopping malls, single-family en- “It appears to have taken over the whole At the last city meeting, Moss was the city to promote infill, renovation and
claves and languishing downtowns. Prop- conversation of the comprehensive plan, out-voted by the other four members new-building development by reward-
erty values and their tax revenues have de- and that is unfortunate, but we’re just pre- who ruled the comprehensive plan will ing or matching state and federal grants
clined and city coffers are stretched thin. senting our interest. We’re protecting the go to public hearing Nov. 7. A vote by the offered by the Department of Transpor-
project,” Hoffman said. “It is important to council will follow, approving the draft and tation, Housing and Urban Development
Mixed use maximizes infrastructure use have the plan approved and sent on to the
and minimizes cost by combining land-
use functions, allowing people to live,
work and play in what were single-use
zones. It cuts down on car use and pro-
motes walking or biking to work or taking
mass transit.

In mainland Vero Beach, the areas prin-
cipally affected by mixed use would be
Royal Palm Pointe, U.S. 1, Miracle Mile,
Old Downtown, the Twin Pairs and the
Cultural Arts Village.

The Planning and Zoning Board and city
planning department didn’t educate the
public or the City Council on these new
concepts. They held nine public meetings
in the middle of the day on each of the
nine chapters in the plan and then held a
public hearing with no one attending or
speaking at any of the sessions.

Then the 400-page comprehensive plan
with its 270-page technical document and
144-page policy document and multiple
complex maps were dropped into the pub-
lic’s and City Council’s laps.

Few have read the documents, and in
the absence of education and public out-
reach, public debate on the comprehen-

NOopwen We Are at the Corner of 10th Avenue
on the Miracle Mile. Take a Tour Today! 772-562-8491

Assisted Living & Memory Care l
2100 10th Avenue l Vero Beach, FL 32960

AL 13068

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E October 20, 2017 21

and other government entities. The grant Before forking over money for a home inspection ...
money comes with strings they said – zon-
ing changes allowing mixed-use develop- BY ILYCE GLINK AND SAMUEL J. TAMKIN thing rather than release the lien they money now and allow the sale to proceed.
ment built up around transportation hubs. The Washington Post had on the home. But all this sort of negotiation takes

They foresee “stack and pack” develop- Q: We placed a contract on a home that In your situation, it would seem to time, and you might not have been will-
ers making Vero into the next West Palm should never have been listed in the first us from your question that the tax liens ing to wait and see what happened or if
Beach. Both are in favor of the Cultural place, since it had more than $150,000 in might have been federal income tax liens the lien holder was willing to negotiate
Arts Village, but that project is only a small tax liens. Am I entitled to a refund of my as opposed to mortgage liens and that with the seller and if the seller was un-
part of the comprehensive plan. inspection fee of $450 since the seller’s you didn’t want to give the seller addi- willing or unable to come up with the
real estate agent did not perform her due money needed to allow the closing to
At the most recent public vetting ses- diligence in listing this home? tional time to negotiate a reduced pay- occur. If this describes the situation you
sion, Sept. 20, City Council Member Tony ment amount with the IRS or other lien were facing, you were right to terminate
Young said, “The staff is not opening the According to the contract, if the seller holder, if it wasn’t the IRS. and move on; but you don’t have the right
door to high-density stack-and-pack. is unable to cure title defects and obtain under the contract to get anything more
There is no radical departure from the cur- a policy of title insurance within 14 days Recently, Sam worked on a deal in from the seller other than what is under
rent plan … the plan aids in implementing after the defect is discovered, the buyer which the seller of a property owed the the contract. The seller was not in default
a vision we all agree on.” can terminate. IRS more than $100,000; and when the under the contract, and you had the rem-
IRS reviewed the sale documents, the IRS edies provided to you under the contract
Young was referring to a visioning pro- This contract was terminated and the was willing to take only $25,000 to allow as well.
cess undertaken 12 years ago, which de- contract became null and void. The con- the sale to go forward. The IRS would still
veloped ideas that are the basis of the new tract also stipulates that the buyer can be have the right to lien the seller’s other While those remedies may not have
comprehensive plan, as stated in plan reimbursed from the seller for the cost of properties and go after the seller in other been as good as you would have wanted
documents. the title search. But my question is wheth- ways, but the IRS was willing to get some and you are out of pocket the $450 you
er I can also get reimbursed for the cost of spent on your inspection fee, you didn’t
Despite Young’s assertion, many resi- the home inspection. need to proceed with the purchase. Like-
dents said the visioning process excluded wise, if you had the inspection but didn’t
all but those who agreed with the Trea- A: In response to your issue, the listing like the results of the inspection, you
sure Coast Regional Planning Council’s broker is not responsible for and does not could have terminated the deal at that
tenets, which include stack-and-pack and have an obligation to search the title on a time but you would not have been enti-
mixed-use development centered around home. The listing broker does not have a tled to a refund on the inspection fee.
mass transit, including All Aboard Flori- legal duty to know what items may or may
da’s Brightline high-speed train, reviled by not affect the title to the home. Having There are plenty of fees and expenses
many in the area. said that, the listing broker will certainly that you can incur during the home sell-
want to know whether a home will sell or ing and home-buying processes that you’d
“I understand the push-back,” city Plan- can sell if it has serious issues, and a tax lose if the deal does not go forward. 
ning and Development Director Tim Mc- lien of that size would certainly qualify as
Garry said. “What I don’t understand are a serious issue.
the false statements. It does not take away
home rule; it doesn’t increase density or We have yet to meet a listing broker
building height.” who is willing to put the time and effort
into trying to get a home sold knowing
McGarry said claims about “outside that the issues involving the home will
influences” are also false. He was the pri- make it impossible to sell.
mary author of the documents. He did not
consult with the Treasure Coast Region- When a homeowner lists a home with
al Planning Council and he significantly real estate tax liens, federal tax liens, state
changed Jupiter-based consultant Nilsa revenue tax liens or litigation liens, the
Zacarias’ drafts; Zacarias was paid $30,000 home may still be salable, but the seller
to create a technical document. may have to take additional steps to get
from the contract state to the closing ta-
McGarry admitted relying on the ble. And the steps may vary depending on
12-year-old visioning process as evidence what liens are attached.
of community consensus “is a fair criti-
cism.” But he defended the idea of mixed Let’s start with real estate tax liens.
use, “which was made to sound like a dirty These liens may be for unpaid real estate
word” during the two readings. taxes. If the sales price of the home is suf-
ficient to pay off the mortgage and the un-
“Mixed use is good planning practice,” paid real estate taxes, you will be able to
McGarry said. “It helps reduce vehicle close. If the money is not enough to close
transmissions and reliance on cars, it con- and the mortgage lender is unwilling to
nects neighborhoods and promotes com- take less money than what it is owed, the
munity.” sale will fall through.

Home rule is ensured by the rule-mak- Digressing just a bit, in the years since
ing process that follows the adoption of the Great Recession, many sellers and
the plan, McGarry said. “Putting some- buyers became acutely aware of short
thing in the comp plan and implementing sales. A short sale is where the sales
it are two different things – it’s always in price is too low for the sales proceeds to
the details. After the comp plan is passed, pay for all of the closing expenses and
a whole regulation process to implement it the liens on the home. In a short sale,
must take place. New ordinances and zon- the seller negotiates with the lenders or
ing regulations will be revised. They’ll first lien holders to see if they will accept less
be heard at the P&Z level and then the city than the full amount owed in exchange
council will hold a first reading and then a for releasing the lien on the home. Many
public hearing.” lenders agreed to take less than what
they were owed and some equity line of
“Overlay zones, special districts and credit holders would hold out for some-
planned unit developments are a few of
the concepts that are being introduced –
to protect, not change – existing neighbor-
hoods,” McGarry said, “which will all go
through a rule-making process.” 

22 October 20, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE



Last week saw a bit of a slowdown on the mainland real estate market, as a good-but-not-great
total of 24 single-family residences and lots changed hands.
The top sale of the week in Vero Beach was the home at 4813 S Harbor Drive. First listed earlier in
the month for $915,000, this 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom house sold for $850,000 on Oct. 12.
In Sebastian, the top sale was the residence at 510 Atlantus Terrace. Originally on the market in
July for $200,000, the 3-bedroom, 2-bathroom, 1,695-square-foot home fetched the asking price
on Oct. 10.


VERO BEACH 4813 S HARBOR DRIVE 10/2/2017 $915,000 10/12/2017 $575,000
VERO BEACH 120 44TH TERRACE 4/7/2017 $629,500 10/10/2017 $397,500
VERO BEACH 4025 CHARDONNAY PLACE 8/25/2017 $397,500 10/10/2017 $385,000
VERO BEACH 2830 GRAND ISLE WAY 5/17/2017 $415,000 10/12/2017 $380,000
VERO BEACH 1050 31ST AVENUE 8/17/2017 $397,500 10/10/2017 $354,000
VERO BEACH 470 GREYSTONE COURT SW 6/20/2017 $379,900 10/12/2017 $315,000
VERO BEACH 241 14TH PLACE 4/8/2017 $320,000 10/11/2017 $308,000
VERO BEACH 950 45TH DRIVE SW 8/14/2017 $329,900 10/10/2017 $277,000
VERO BEACH 732 HONEYBELL COURT SW 8/25/2017 $277,000 10/11/2017 $263,000
VERO BEACH 6760 51ST AVENUE 7/10/2017 $259,000 10/13/2017 $219,000
VERO BEACH 375 53RD CIRCLE 5/3/2017 $250,000 10/10/2017 $200,000
SEBASTIAN 510 ATLANTUS TERRACE 7/31/2017 $200,000 10/10/2017 $190,000
VERO BEACH 1155 17TH LANE SW 8/25/2017 $195,000 10/12/2017 $189,000
VERO BEACH 985 36TH AVENUE 6/2/2017 $199,000 10/10/2017 $187,000
VERO BEACH 496 19TH PLACE 8/18/2017 $200,000 10/7/2017 $185,000
VERO BEACH 7530 15TH LANE 8/27/2017 $200,000 10/10/2017 $185,000
SEBASTIAN 857 CARNATION DRIVE 8/3/2017 $190,000 10/9/2017 $178,000
VERO BEACH 845 18TH PLACE SW 8/17/2017 $175,000 10/10/2017 $135,000
SEBASTIAN 159 KILDARE DRIVE 9/25/2017 $155,000 10/12/2017 $118,000
VERO BEACH 364 GROVE ISLE CIRCLE UNIT#364 12/7/2016 $130,000 10/9/2017 $115,000
VERO BEACH 2180 PINE CREEK BOULEVARD #204 9/19/2017 $119,900 10/13/2017 $110,000
VERO BEACH 34 PLANTATION DRIVE UNIT#103 12/12/2016 $120,000 10/9/2017 $82,000
VERO BEACH 5766 38TH STREET 6/29/2017 $89,900 10/11/2017 $35,000
VERO BEACH 4275 24TH COURT 8/27/2017 $48,000 10/9/2017

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E October 20, 2017 23


120 44th Terrace, Vero Beach 4025 Chardonnay Place, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 4/7/2017 Listing Date: 8/25/2017
Original Price: $629,500 Original Price: $397,500
Sold: 10/10/2017 Sold: 10/10/2017
Selling Price: $575,000 Selling Price: $397,500
Listing Agent: Sherrie Coleman Listing Agent: Karen Conrado

Selling Agent: Sea Turtle Real Estate LLC Selling Agent: RE/MAX Associated Realty

Tripp Hernandez Susan Rane

Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Keller Williams Realty

2830 Grand Isle Way, Vero Beach 1050 31st Avenue, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 5/17/2017 Listing Date: 8/17/2017
Original Price: $415,000 Original Price: $397,500
Sold: 10/12/2017 Sold: 10/10/2017
Selling Price: $385,000 Selling Price: $380,000
Listing Agent: Rita Curry Listing Agent: Jonathan D Sternberg

Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: RE/MAX Associated Realty

Susie Perticone Not Provided

Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Not provided

199$ 3DAYS


Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE October 20, 2017 B1


Coming Up! Bespoken for:
Sawyer creates

[email protected]

1 Although he couldn’t read
music, and died at only
29, Hank Williams is consid-
ered one of the most signif-
icant, influential American
singers and songwriters of the
20th century. This Tuesday,
the award-winning tribute to
the country star, “Hank Wil-
liams: Lost Highway,” opens at
Riverside Theatre. Williams’
numerous hits included 35
on Billboard’s Top 10 Coun-
try and Western chart, among
them “Your Cheatin’ Heart,”
“Hey, Good Lookin,’” and “I’m
So Lonesome I Could Cry.” The
Mount Olive, Alabama, native
liked to say, “If a song can’t be
written in 20 minutes, it ain’t
worth writing.” His songs have
been covered and become hits
in various genres by many art-
ists, who consider him an icon
and a major influence, includ-


B2 October 20, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

Bespoken for: Sawyer creates wondrous wall art

By Ellen Fischer | Columnist The set of six wall panels spanning 24 feet ing from the same place.” The latter part of Sawyer’s childhood was
[email protected] lead to the home’s salon from its entry hall. Vero Beach comes into this saga because spent in the Seychelles, Mauritius (where
They feature stylized foliage, birds and bees her grandparents retired), the British West
Artist Thomasina Sawyer likes to say that set against a background of golden ochre Sawyer, whose parents have had a home on Indies and then Europe, where she went to
good things happen for her “by mistake.” and taupe. the barrier island for three decades, found secondary school. “After that, by mistake,
Take, for example, the serendipitous series the perfect business partner here in Alyssa I sort of fell into the fashion business,” she
of events 18 months ago that inspired her For Sawyer, an autodidact who began Hatfield Kantzler, who has a degree in archi- says.
hand-painted wall covering business, Hat- painting more than 30 years ago, it’s all in a tecture from the University of Florida and
field and Keating. day’s work. experience in real estate sales and manage- A summer job at a modeling agency in
ment. London stretched into a decade-long career
Sawyer, who visits Vero Beach often to see “Doing a garden to me is like doing a that included three agencies; she managed a
her mother, author Stephanie Keating, was painting. For me they are part of the same Together, the women created Hatfield division in the largest of them.
working on a formal garden design for the thing.” and Keating. Kantzler acts as the business’
owners of a chateau in the south of France. manager and agent; Sawyer provides the tal- Working in the fashion industry “suited
Her ideas for the garden, as well as her And so it was that Sawyer, who lives and ent. Sawyer opted to use her mother’s name the organized part of my brain very well,”
charmingly rendered watercolor plan for it, works in London and the south of France because Hatfield and Sawyer sounds “too she says.
inspired her clients to commission Sawyer (the latter at her extended family’s home, much like the Hatfields and the McCoys,”
to create a garden-themed decoration inside where she has a studio), decided to begin she says. “But all during that time I was painting at
their home. a business in bespoke wall coverings: com- home by myself. One week I’d be at fashion
missioned works of art on fabric, paper, In Vero, it may prove a good marketing shows in Paris or Milan and then I’d go home
That’s when her “Golden Series” hap- wood and glass that are installed semi-per- strategy, tapping into her mother’s broad and continue on my painting.”
pened – by mistake. manently on a client’s walls. circle of friends as well as her local fan base.
Her interest in art began in Kenya, where
Sawyer painted “a whole bunch of sam- If you only know the word “bespoke” in Stephanie Keating and her sister Barbara she “gobbled up” her mother’s collection
ples” envisioning the theme of the décor, the context of custom-made men’s suits, Keating, Sawyer’s aunt, have written a trilogy of art books on everything from Old Mas-
where it was to be installed, and how much then you may wonder when the term is used of historical romance novels that begin and ter paintings to Picasso. The glossy pages
of that space it would encompass. The cha- to describe hand-painted wall décor. end in Kenya: “Blood Sisters,” “A Durable reflected a culture quite different from the
teau’s Mediterranean garden features a Fire” and “In Borrowed Light.” one she experienced “hanging around in the
collection of striking plants – Sawyer used Sawyer laughs and says, “I don’t know if bush.”
Washingtonia palms, olive trees and blue other people use the word ‘bespoke’ for it. Kenya is where the Keating sisters where
agapanthus in designing her part of it. She But my work is very tailored to the client’s raised, and where Sawyer spent her early Although Sawyer began painting in ear-
incorporated the pattern of foliage into her home.” childhood. nest in her 20s to scratch an artistic itch, her
scheme, as well as the recurring figure of a urbane London friends liked her work – fig-
stunning crowned bird known as the hoo- She adds, “I feel there is the same Sawyer says that the sisters instilled in ural compositions with a touch of the surre-
poe that visits the garden to nest. amount of personal integrity in my cus- their own children the idea that the world al – well enough to begin buying it. She had
tom bespoke wall paneling as there is in was theirs to travel and enjoy. her first solo show in Paris at about the same
my painting or my drawings. It’s all com-
“It works for me,” says Sawyer.

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE October 20, 2017 B3

time that a gallery in New York
took her on.

She continued to exhibit in
Europe as well, and enjoyed
prestigious artists’ residencies
in Spain and India. Her African
upbringing and her self-taught
status, however, made her think
of herself as an art world out-
sider. Eventually she tired of the
gallery system, which she calls
the “treadmill of what your CV
looks like.”

Today, Sawyer divides her
time between her personal fine-
art work and the work she calls
applied art: her wall décor.

“My personal work is more
difficult, because it’s that strug-
gle with yourself. But somehow
that goes out the window when
you’re working with a client.”

That, she says, “is like a really
nice conversation; I’m not un-
der any pressure, other than to
come up with something stun-

Artist Thomasina Sawyer likes
to say that good things happen
for her “by mistake.” Take, for
example, the serendipitous se-
ries of events 18 months ago
that inspired her hand-painted
wall covering business, Hatfield


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B4 October 20, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

CONTINUED FROM B3 works in London and Together, the wom- says. A summer job at a modeling agency in
London stretched into a decade-long career
and Keating. the south of France en created Hatfield that included three agencies; she managed a
Sawyer, who visits Vero Beach often to see division in the largest of them.
(the latter at her ex- and Keating. Kantzler
her mother, author Stephanie Keating, was Working in the fashion industry “suited
working on a formal garden design for the tended family’s home, acts as the business’ the organized part of my brain very well,” she
owners of a chateau in the south of France. says. “But all during that time I was painting
Her ideas for the garden, as well as her where she has a stu- manager and agent; at home by myself. One week I’d be at fashion
charmingly rendered watercolor plan for it, shows in Paris or Milan and then I’d go home
inspired her clients to commission Sawyer dio), decided to begin Sawyer provides the and continue on my painting.”
to create a garden-themed decoration inside
their home. a business in bespoke talent. Sawyer opted to Her interest in art began in Kenya, where
she “gobbled up” her mother’s collection of
That’s when her “Golden Series” hap- wall coverings: com- use her mother’s name art books on everything from Old Master
pened – by mistake. paintings to Picasso.
missioned works of because Hatfield and
Sawyer painted “a whole bunch of sam- Although Sawyer began painting in ear-
ples” envisioning the theme of the décor, art on fabric, paper, Sawyer sounds “too nest in her 20s to scratch an artistic itch, her
where it was to be installed, and how much urbane London friends liked her work – fig-
of that space it would encompass. The cha- wood and glass that much like the Hatfields ural compositions with a touch of the surre-
teau’s Mediterranean garden features a al – well enough to begin buying it. She had
collection of striking plants – Sawyer used are installed semi-per- and the McCoys,” she her first solo show in Paris at about the same
Washingtonia palms, olive trees and blue time that a gallery in New York took her on.
agapanthus in designing her part of it. She manently on a client’s says. In Vero, it may
incorporated the pattern of foliage into her She continued to exhibit in Europe as well,
scheme, as well as the recurring figure of a walls. prove a good market- and enjoyed prestigious artists’ residencies
stunning crowned bird known as the hoo- in Spain and India. Her African upbringing
poe that visits the garden to nest. If you only know ing strategy, tapping and her self-taught status, however, made
her think of herself as an art world outsider.
The set of six wall panels spanning 24 feet the word “bespoke” Thomasina Sawyer. PHOTOS BY: GORDON RADFORD into her mother’s broad Eventually she tired of the gallery system,
lead to the home’s salon from its entry hall. which she calls the “treadmill of what your
They feature stylized foliage, birds and bees in the context of cus- circle of friends as well CV looks like.”
set against a background of golden ochre
and taupe. tom-made men’s suits, as her local fan base. Today, Sawyer divides her time between
her personal fine-art work and the work she
For Sawyer, an autodidact who began then you may wonder when the term is used Stephanie Keating and her sister Barbara calls applied art: her wall décor.
painting more than 30 years ago, it’s all in a
day’s work. to describe hand-painted wall décor. Saw- Keating, Sawyer’s aunt, have written a trilogy “My personal work is more difficult, be-
cause it’s that struggle with yourself. But
“Doing a garden to me is like doing a yer laughs and says, “I don’t know if other of historical romance novels that begin and somehow that goes out the window when
painting. For me they are part of the same you’re working with a client.” 
thing.” people use the word ‘bespoke’ for it. But my end in Kenya: “Blood Sisters,” “A Durable

And so it was that Sawyer, who lives and work is very tailored to the client’s home.” Fire” and “In Borrowed Light.”

She adds, “I feel there is the same amount Kenya is where the Keating sisters where

of personal integrity in my custom bespoke raised, and where Sawyer spent her early

wall paneling as there is in my painting or childhood.

my drawings. It’s all coming from the same Sawyer says that the sisters instilled in

place.” their own children the idea that the world

Vero Beach comes into this saga because was theirs to travel and enjoy.

Sawyer, whose parents have had a home on “It works for me,” says Sawyer.

the barrier island for three decades, found The latter part of Sawyer’s childhood was

the perfect business partner here in Alys- spent in the Seychelles, Mauritius (where

sa Hatfield Kantzler, who has a degree in her grandparents retired), the British West

architecture from the University of Flori- Indies and then Europe, where she went to

da and experience in real estate sales and secondary school. “After that, by mistake,

management. I sort of fell into the fashion business,” she

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE October 20, 2017 B5

COMING UP ‘Big Band Favorites.’ ular Concerts in the Park. And this park is
truly unique – it’s the Museum’s wonderful
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 Beckwith Sculpture Park. You’ll relax with
sweet and soulful music amidst a land-
scape of monumental sculpture, blossom-
ing trees and flowers. PLUS: Libation and
BBQ will be available. Concerts in the Park
is fast becoming one of the area’s favorite
outdoor music series. Time is 5 p.m. to 7
p.m., rain or shine. Cost is $10 and $12.


‘Hank Williams: Lost Highway.’ lington and others, with Stetson Uni- such beloved Protestant hymns as Lu- 5 OR, how about some serious and
versity’s Hennessey wielding the baton. ther’s own powerful “A Mighty Fortress not-so-serious music with a dis-
ing Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan and the A New Orleans native, Hennessey is a is our God.” The Reformation Hymn tinctly spooky, eerie seasonal flavor – all
Rolling Stones. Eventually fired from music clinician, educator and trom- Festival will be under the joint direction family-friendly? This Thursday, Oct. 26,
the Grand Ole Opry because of his alco- bone player who has toured with Big of Ryan Hostler, Our Savior, and Betty Jo the VBHS Performing Arts Department
hol abuse and unreliability, Williams’ Bands and numerous Broadway shows. Couch, Advent, leading and playing the Orchestra presents its annual “Spooktac-
short, self-destructive life ended Jan. 1, Jazz vocalist Lisa Kelly will perform sev- organ accompaniment in their respec- ular Concert” at 7 p.m. in the Performing
1953, when he suffered heart failure en eral Big Band favorites. Tickets are $20 tive sanctuaries. (Advent’s concert will Arts Center. The musicians will be in cos-
route to a concert gig. “Hank Williams: in advance, through the orchestra web- take place Saturday.) A slide backdrop of tume, and kids who come in costume get
Lost Highway,” follows his career from site or at Marine Bank & Trust; $25 at the famous works of art in free. Admission is $10 and $15. 
its start on Louisiana Hayride to the door; and free for 18 and under or with illustrating the texts
Grand Ole Opry triumphs to his death. student ID. Remember, “It don’t mean a will accompany the
Of the show, Anthony DeCurtis in Roll- thing, if it ain’t got that swing.” music. In addition
ing Stone wrote, “I was genuinely sur- to the choir will be
prised, even stunned, by the forceful, 3 This Sunday, the action that a brass sextet, and
clear-eyed and moving depiction of his sparked the Protestant Reforma- the praise ban, D-13.
life in ‘Hank Williams: Lost Highway.’” tion is being commemorated with a The audience will
The show runs through Nov. 12. Reformation Hymn Festival concert at be invited to partic-
Our Savior Lutheran Church of Vero by ipate in singing the
2 “This is going to be one swinging the 45-member combined choirs of Our well-known hymns.
concert” promises veteran jazz Savior and Advent Lutheran Church of
band leader Dr. Patrick Hennessey. Suntree, as will venues worldwide. The 4 Super cool and ‘Concerts in the Park.’
Three decades of Big Band-era hits will festivals celebrate the bold action of jazzy, that’s
fill the hall as the Space Coast Sympho- Martin Luther, the Franciscan friar who, Dave Mundy and
ny Jazz Orchestra presents “Big Band 500 years ago, nailed a list of 95 griev- Soulfege, and this se-
Favorites” at the Vero Beach High School ances to the door of the castle church riously smooth com-
Performing Arts Center this Sunday at 3 in Wittenberg, Germany, asserting that bo will provide deli-
p.m. Many of Central Florida’s top jazz freedom from God’s punishment for sin cious ear candy this
musicians will perform numbers from could not be purchased with money. Thursday, Oct. 26, at
legendary band leaders Glenn Miller, The music inspired by the Reformation the Vero Beach Muse-
Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw, Duke El- dates back hundreds of years, including um of Art’s tres pop-


1. The Cuban Affair 1. Killing England 1. I Am Sacagawea BY BRAD MELTZER

2. A Column of Fire 2. Bunny Mellon BY JOHN GREEN

5. Creepy Pair of Underwear
3. Origin BY DAN BROWN 3. Hillbilly Elegy BY J.D. VANCE
4. A Legacy of Spies 4. Food Can Fix It BY AARON REYNOLDS


presents 5. Haunted BY JAMES PATTERSON 5. Protecting the President

A Lifetime of Discovery
STUART WOODS 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
The Scott Kelly event is being held at Saint Edward's
presents School Waxlax Center for the Performing Arts. Call the

QUICK & DIRTY Book Center for ticket information.
A Stone Barrington Novel
Wednesday, November 1st at 7 pm
G.P. Putnam's Sons

Thursday, October 26th at 6 pm

B6 October 20, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE

Sebastian River Art Club fetes 80 years of creativity

Mary Rahmig, Judy Burgarella and Edie Dawson. PHOTOS: MARY SCHENKEL Monika Kings and Richard Ramirez. Bob Burgarella and Jean Archibald.

By Mary Schenkel | Staff Writer ident Judy Burgarella paid tribute to the shoot of the Vero Beach Art Club, by artists Arts and Humanities month, the SRAC
[email protected] late Rosalee Taylor Hume, a founding who wished to gather closer to home. The will offer a free class from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
member and the namesake of the club’s club officially became the Sebastian River Oct. 26. Their popular Little Gems show,
Members and supporters of the Sebas- scholarship fund. A noted artist and Art Club in 1972. featuring miniature works of art perfect
tian River Art Club gathered last Saturday sculptor, Hume created the iconic Paul for holiday gift-giving, will be held from 3
afternoon at the SRAC Art Center for an Kroegel Statue at Riverview Park in Se- “We’re a friendly group of people who p.m. to 6 p.m. Nov. 16, with 100 percent of
80th Anniversary Celebration – com- bastian. like to share our knowledge and our tal- sales benefiting the local food pantry. The
plete with cake and plenty of goodies, a ents with the community,” said Burgarel- Art Center, located on the Sebastian City
free raffle of a dozen pieces donated by “The founders were maybe about a la of the roughly 170 members. “We have Hall campus, is open Tuesdays, Thursdays
members, and an 80th Anniversary Art dozen people who came together and classes, workshops, art shows, fundrais- and most Saturdays 11:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Show of members’ works, which will run they met in each other’s homes,” said ers; we raise money for the food pantry
through the end of the month. Burgarella. She added that the group be- with our Little Gems.” For more information visit sebastianriv-
gan meeting in 1937, possibly as an off- 
After welcoming guests, current pres- In recognition of October as National

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING October 20, 2017 B7

The Tides: Great food along with unrivaled service

BY TINA RONDEAU Colorado Boneless over a light blueberry lentil dahl. The
Columnist Rack of Lamb. lamb was topped with an orange, honey
and cinnamon reduction sauce, and gar-
Last Tuesday, we did something that PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD nished with homemade mango chutney.
won’t be possible a few weeks from now.
Grilled Berkshire The dish was lightly spiced, with both
We decided in mid-afternoon that it Pork Chop. North African and South Asian influenc-
would be great to dine at The Tides that es. I thought it worked perfectly.
night, so we called and were lucky enough
to succeed in obtaining a last-minute din- My husband’s roasted half-duck was
ner reservation. nice and crispy, and was served with
whipped potatoes, buttered and oh-so-
Don’t even think of trying that at this tender haricot verts and glazed carrots,
venerable island restaurant once “The with an orange cranberry sauce. He gave
Season” gets underway. A beachside fa- it high marks.
vorite for many years, The Tides is heavily
booked days in advance during the winter. For dessert, I had an excellent crème
brulee ($10) and my husband concluded
Even on an early-in-the-week evening with a double espresso ($6). Dinner for
in October, it was crowded. But when we two with a modest bottle of wine, if you
arrived, we were warmly greeted and es- have dessert, will run approximately $160
corted to a cozy corner of one of the taste- before tip.
fully refurbished interior dining rooms. A
very personable server, Anastasiya, quick- As we were dining, Chef Leanne Kelle-
ly took our wine order. her emerged from the kitchen a couple of
times to greet regulars. Her food is great,
For appetizers on this evening, I decid- but it isn’t the only attraction that keeps
ed to order the grilled pear salad ($12) and diners coming back. The Tides for years
my husband opted for one of the specials, has had far and away the best front-of-
the pan-seared sea scallops ($16). the-house team in town.

My salad consisted of caramelized Über-host Claudia Arens, who directs
pears atop a bed of romaine, radicchio the dining room staff, spent the evening
and Belgian endive, topped with candied going from table to table, making sure
walnut confetti and gorgonzola crumbles, all were well taken care of. Assisting her
with a champagne Dijon dressing. Re- was Valerie Martin, host at Maison Mart-
freshingly delicious. inique during its glory days when her late
husband presided over the kitchen.
But my husband’s perfectly seared jum-
bo scallops were a thing of beauty, served Even the servers treat diners as long-
over a goat cheese polenta cake and ac- lost friends. At one point, Kenny (who was
companied by a basil pesto and a tomato busy with a section some distance away)
jam. I had to steal a couple of bites. Sump- rushed over to say hello and proudly tell
tuous. us of his son being promoted directly from
fifth to seventh grade.
Then for entrées, I went for one of the
evening’s specials, the bourbon crusted This solicitous service, which almost
boneless rack of lamb ($44), and my hus- makes you feel like family, is part of what
band decided to try the roast Maple Leaf distinguishes this very special place to
Farm duck ($36). dine. If it sounds like we love The Tides,
we are pleased to be in the company of its
My dish consisted of nicely sliced me- legion of fans.
dallions carved from lamb chops served
I welcome your comments, and encour-
age you to send feedback to me at tina@ver-

The reviewer dines anonymously at restau-
rants at the expense of this newspaper. 

Wild Alaskan Halibut. Pan Seared Hours:
Day Boat Scallops. Nightly from 4:30 p.m.

Beverages: Full bar

3103 Cardinal Drive
Phone: (772) 234-3966

B8 October 20, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING October 20, 2017 B9

A Modern Diner with fresh local ingredients

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reservations strongly suggested

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B10 October 20, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

Thai & Japanese Cuisine Live Music and Jazz
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING October 20, 2017 B11



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B12 October 20, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES


1 Late (7) 1 Beginnings (7)
5 Inexpensive (5) 2 Expel (5)
8 Thoughts (5) 3 Be worth of (7)
9 Inundation (7) 4 Snare (6)
10 Global (13) 5 Short-legged dog (5)
11 Clandestine (6) 6 Everlasting (7)
13 Pill (6) 7 Flower part (5)
17 Hedonistic (4-9) 12 Gather (7)
20 Alluring beauty (7) 14 Minor illness (7)
21 Alike (5) 15 Completely (7)
22 Paces (5) 16 Cherished (6)
23 Indecisive (7) 17 Indications (5)
18 Heroes (5)
19 Avoid (5)

The Telegraph

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

The Telegraph

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES October 20, 2017 B13

ACROSS 82 Prize founder 4 Greek crosses Little Red Hen’s The Washington Post
86 Stuck 5 Shearing plea
1 “Oh no,” to Ohm 88 Chamber effect 77 Maine, the ___ SUBLILMINAL CHESS By Merl Reagle
4 Darjeeling break 90 Afros and candidate Tree State
11 Arena feature, 6 Fuel finale 78 Organic
beehives 7 Pins-and-needles compound (or
often 93 Agenda heading “unaccompanied”
15 “Alas!” 94 “Whether ’tis ___ feeling backwards)
19 Refuges from sun 8 ___ instant 79 Popular Jewish
...” soap opera? (6)
or rain (4) 95 Radio-TV jargon (pronto) 83 Too thin
21 Birth of a notion 9 Merged film co. 84 Competitive zeal
22 Gusto (8) 10 Language ending 85 Bird or birdbrain
23 It’s up in lights (5) 98 Exile isle 11 Individual 87 Bridge coup
24 Ishtar tried to 99 Proposition vote 89 Bird’s or baby’s
101 Cameo style numbers sound
seduce him (4) 102 Chinese concept 12 Head Norse? 91 Porosis preceder
26 They have bad 103 Japanese lettuce, 13 Velvet Fog’s first 92 Palindromic
habits perhaps name 95 Brave, clean, and
27 A new 104 Problem child? 14 1969 moon lander reverent grp.
106 Earvin’s nickname 15 Emerald City 96 Roman 111
homophone? 108 Champagne 97 Mary and
28 Timing abbr. princess Murray’s boss
29 ___ Lena cooler (or a fat rap 16 Letterman’s times 100 Winged giant
star?) 105 Uncut, in a way
(affectionate term 111 Country pops (6) 107 January birthstone
for an old boat) 113 Burma’s first P.M. 17 Actor Davis 109 Certain musical
30 Labor leader 115 Perform without 18 Cultural prefix chord
Eugene ___ 20 Followers of 110 Infant in a
31 Every last bit 117 Operator info: celebrated
33 Go ___ (fight) abbr. “N-O”? surrogate-mother
35 German article 118 Kirlian 25 Plane prefix, case
36 A revived version phenomenon 111 Rotelle, e.g.
of 122 Off the boat formerly 112 Fur company
37 Drove slowly 124 Soc. or league 28 Sum things wrong founder
40 Test of a sort 125 Collegian Bush, 31 Feats on ice 114 Aeries
42 Sashimi lover’s e.g. 32 OPEC member 116 Plains abode
sash 127 Main monk 34 Gambling (4) 119 Lusitania sinker
44 What -ation 128 Open, Closed, or 35 Salon buy 120 Way to go
means Bus. Hours (6) 38 It had Ham in it 121 “... a poem lovely
47 CSA defender 130 With 135 Across, 39 Bit of goo as ___”
48 Aleutian island a British pub 41 Crazy, in a phrase 123 40 Across
50 Pot pie morsel request (9) 43 Brest beast specimens
52 Waffle brand 133 Drink to excess, 44 Early recitation 124 Grimm heavy
55 Roebling feat, old-style 45 Rider’s prop 126 Santa makes one
1869-83 (4) 134 Rent 46 Thousand-pager, 127 ___ Good Men
59 Lamaze has one 135 See 130 Across 129 Debtor’s letters
61 Workers’ ___ 136 War god usually 130 Smaller, as some
(type of insurance) 137 The fat of the 49 Lieutenant on dicts.
62 Saint, in Rio lamb 131 Slangy seagoer
63 “... ___ happy 138 Hurled anew Perry Mason 132 Song-ending
new year” 139 1992 Kentucky 51 Nicola of shout, in Sonora
64 Artist’s colors Derby
65 Typist’s asset winner Lil E. ___ Cremona
67 At General Mills, it 53 ___ the dogs
“stands for DOWN 54 Laudatory lit
goodness” 1 Clear ___ (not 56 Page for polit.
69 Role for Clark
71 Emerg. call clear) cartoons
72 Near-obsession 2 Jurist Salmon or 57 Ora pro ___
77 Cent preceder Samuel (pray for us)
80 Cease, at sea 3 Mt. Sinai, in the 58 Anna Christie
81 Acceptable: slang
Bible star, 1930
60 Singer John
64 Rub the right way
66 Hang loosely
68 Bury
70 Poet Doolittle
73 Africa’s ___ Coast
74 Brewery vessel
75 Capricious
76 Answer to the

The Telegraph

B14 October 20, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES

Here is one of Jeff Foxworthy’s redneck jokes: “If you think the last four words of the WEST 10 EAST
national anthem are ‘Gentlemen, start your engines,’ you might be a redneck.” K 10 J 10 6 9763
Q8653 876 942
When you are a bridge declarer, you try to play smoothly and make your contract. Like a 98743 AQ
race car driver, you try to steer around bumps in the road. A SOUTH Q432
In this week’s deal, which bump should South avoid in three no-trump after winning the AKJ7
first trick with dummy’s heart 10? K52
K J 10 9 5
In the auction, after North opened with a weak two-bid, South sensibly used the
artificial two-no-trump inquiry. He planned to pass if partner rebid three spades to Dealer: North; Vulnerable: North-South
show a minimum. Here, though, North replied with three no-trump. In the old days, this
guaranteed a suit headed by the ace-king-queen. However, as that happened so rarely, The Bidding:
nowadays this rebid indicates a maximum with a suit headed by at least the ace-queen-
jack. (Note that four spades fails if East leads a club, West shifts to a diamond and SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
West gets a club ruff.) 2 NT Pass 2 Spades Pass
3 NT All Pass LEAD:
South understandably wanted to score four club tricks, but just in case the break was 5 Hearts
bad, he carefully covered dummy’s six with his jack. West now made a very sneaky play
— she shifted to the spade 10!

South never believed West could be underleading the king, so he won with dummy’s
ace and successfully ran the club eight, underscoring his key play at trick two. Declarer
took another club finesse, then cashed his remaining winners in that suit and hearts.
Finally, he led the heart jack and was lucky that he had to score his diamond king.

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28 25$ $+tax +tax Mike Yurigan
Includes: Cart, Green Fees and Range Balls General Manager

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR October 20, 2017 B15

ONGOING tion projects to combat child abuse - cocktails, 26-31 Sebastian River Junior dren. $8.
dinner, dancing, live and silent auctions. $100. Woman’s Club’s Haunted
Downtown Vero Beach – monthly 5 to 8 p.m. House: Terror on Main Street, 7:30 p.m. at 26 Concerts in the Park: Dave Mundy &
First Friday Gallery Strolls. 1036 Main Street (by Sebastian United Meth- Soulfege, 5 to 7 p.m. at Vero Beach
21 Run Vero’s Frightening 4K, 6 p.m. from odist Church); not suggested for small chil- Museum of Art. $10 & $12. 772-231-0707
Vero Beach Museum of Art - DeWitt Boutelle South Beach Park - Halloween-themed
after Thomas Cole: The Voyage of Life thru Jan. race followed by free 6:45 kids race and festiv- NOW AVAILABLE! LIMITED OPENINGS
7 and Masters of American Photography thru ities to benefit IR Elite Youth Track Club. 772- SEASONAL GOLF MEMBERSHIPS
Jan. 14. 569-7364
$110000 Single + tax $150000 Family + tax
Riverside Theatre - Oktoberfest Nights, 21 HALO’s Hoedown, 7 p.m. at Indian
weekends 6 to 9:30 p.m. with music, German River County Fairgrounds to benefit 9 Hole Facility Weekly Men’s & Ladies
food and beer. H.A.L.O. No-Kill Animal Rescue - live country Tournaments
music and dancing, BBQ, live and silent auc- Designed by
Christ by the Sea Pumpkin Patch, 10 a.m. to tions. $75 & $100. 772-589-7297 Join our Ladies Golf Association
6 p.m. daily, with pumpkins, gourds, gourmet “Joe Lee”
foods and pies, thru Oct. 31. 21|22 Sebastian River Junior Take lessons from PGA/LPGA
Woman’s Club’s Haunted
OCTOBER House: Terror on Main Street, 7:30 p.m. at 1036 Professional, Kathy Cassese
Main Street (by Sebastian United Methodist
20-28 Leo, A Ghost Story at Riv- Church); not suggested for small children. $8. 229-2739Island Dunes
erside Children’s Theatre. Country Club
772-231-6990 8735 S Ocean Country Club • Jensen Beach
22 Space Coast Symphony Jazz Orchestra Located on Hutchinson Island, 3 miles south of the Power Plant (Closed Mondays)
21 Dan K. Richardson & William L. Ma- presents Big Band Favorites, 3 p.m.
rine Golf Classic to benefit Scholarship at VBHS PAC with music of the 1920s, ‘30s and
Foundation of IRC, 8:30 a.m. shotgun start at ‘40s. $20; students free. 855-252-7276
Grand Harbor Golf Club. 772-569-9869
22 Reformation Hymn Festival, 4 p.m.
21 American Cancer Society Making at Our Savior Lutheran Church, com-
Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk, memorating 500 years of the Reformation.
9 a.m. at Riverside Park to raise awareness and Free. 772-567-2253
funds for breast cancer research, education, ad-
vocacy and patient services. 772-562-2272 23 Signature Chefs Auction, 6 p.m. at CURRENT RATES Iinlasdln_iHOneigtEh_060917 Ask About Our
Quail Valley River Club, with culinary Frequent
21 ELC EcoTalks Speaker Series: Myths creations by local chefs and unique auction $25 $20 $15
& Amazing Facts about Manatees, 11 items to benefit March of Dimes efforts to pre- Player Programs
a.m. at Environmental Learning Center. discov- vent birth defects, premature babies and infant Before 11 AM After 11 AM After 3 PM mortality. $250. 561-290-0905. (All Rates Include Cart and Tax)

21 IRC Veterans and Family Picnic, Noon 24 to November 12 - Riverside Theatre 1600 SOUTH 3RD ST., FORT PIERCE 772-465-8110
to 4 p.m. at Gifford Park, Vero Beach presents Hank Williams: Lost High-
hosted by Veterans Council of IRC, American Le- way, a musical tribute on the Stark Stage. 772- From US1, turn East on Ohio Ave., Directly behind TD Bank
gion Post 181 and Vietnam Veterans of IRC, with 231-6990
BBQ, music and children’s activities. BYO lawn
chairs. 772-538-7347 Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
in October 13, 2017 Edition 1 ATTIC 2 AUTUMN
21 Howl-O-Ween Dog Costume Pawrade 4 MYSTIFY 2 TOAST
and Expo, 2 p.m. registration; 4 p.m. 8 TRAINER 3 CANTEEN
Pawrade at Dogs for Life. 772-567-8969 9 ERICA 4 MIRROR
21 Family Fall Festival, 2 to 6 p.m. at 11 PRUNE 6 IMITATE
Summer Crush Winery in Ft. Pierce to 13 OFTEN 7 YEARLY
benefit Senior Resource Association – BBQ, live 18 INTERNATIONAL 12 RETREAT
music, games and cash bar. $15. 21 ENEMY 14 FRIENDS

21 Black & White Masquerade Ball, 6 Sudoku Page B12 Sudoku Page B13 Crossword Page B12 Crossword Page B13 (SPACE EXPLORATION II)
p.m. at Vero Beach Country Club to
benefit Exchange Club of Indian River Founda-


ATTORNEY STEVEN LULICH Our directory gives small business people eager to
provide services to the community an opportunity
to make themselves known to our readers at an
Protect Your Rights-No Recovery No Fee affordable cost. This is the only business directory
Free Consultations mailed each week during season. If you would like

Concierge Legal Services – We make house calls your business to appear in our directory,
Real Estate Closings-Title Insurance please call 772-633-0753.
Wills-Probate-Business Law

(772) 589 5500

TBheefohrireinygouofdaeclaiadwneyd,eear xsispkeaurniseintmocpepo.rrCotavliinedtnedt eyreocsiuspiwoonnitshtihbfalreteesfohwrorucioltdtsetnnooiftnsbfoueritmbaaatstiesodentstaloeblmeolueytnoto.nuradqvuearltiifsiceamtieonntss.

B16 October 20, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR

26 Read, Write & Brew, 6 to 9 p.m. at Amer- Beach Museum of Art Atrium. 772-231-0707 hosted by Gifford Youth Orchestra to meet GYO Vero Beach Women’s Club; 10 a.m. walk north
ican Icon Brewery to benefit Education musicians. $60. 772-213-3007 along 14th Avenue to Community Center for
Foundation of Indian River County. 772-564-0034 27 Half-Haunted Halloween, 4 to 7 p.m. children’s costume contest (up to age 17) and
at Environmental Learning Center, 27 Downtown Friday Street Party hosted goodie bags. Free. 772-567-2144
26 Vero Beach High School Performing Arts with nature nightmares and spooky sounds, live by Main Street Vero Beach, 6 to 9 p.m.
Dept. presents Orchestral Spooktacular music and canoe trips. Costumes optional. dis- on 14th Avenue. Free. 772-643-6782 28 Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, 10:30
Concert, 7 p.m. at VBHS PAC. 772-564-5497 a.m. at Indian River Mall to bene-
28 City of Vero Beach Recreation De- fit SafeSpace, with walkers donning red sti-
26 to November 2 - Samaritan Center 27 ‘Getting to Know You’ reception, 6:30 partment’s 59th annual Halloween lettos to stand against domestic violence.
Soup Tureens display in the Vero p.m. at Grand Harbor Beach Club Parade & Costume Contest, 9:30 a.m. lineup at 772-223-2399




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