My Vero: Dale Glading’s bid
for legislature. P9
United Way drive
shatters record. P17
Vero, Shores open a new
front in their electric battle. P42
New questioning For breaking news visit
about viability of
INEOS biofuel Elite Airways:
Vero flights
‘here to stay’
Staff Writer Staff Writer
National biofuel publica- County officials complain of excessive wait times for ambulances bringing patients to Indian River Medical Center emergency room. The tryout is over and Vero
tions are questioning the vi- Beach has made the Elite team.
ability of the INEOS ethanol Indian River Medical Center again reorganizing ER
operation on Oslo Road after "The flights between Vero
running into the same stone BY ALAN SNEL ing its contracted ER operator, of long delays for patient care. Beach and Newark are here
wall of silence Vero Beach Staff Writer ApolloMD, and transitioning IRMC spokesman Lewis to stay, at least for the fore-
32963 has encountered in to a system staffed and run by seeable future," Elite Airways
trying to find out what is hap- After years of complaints its own physicians. This is the Clark confirmed the transi- Vice President David Dow said
pening at the beleaguered about patient wait times at the second time in the last couple tion, slated to be completed Monday. "We've already con-
plant. emergency room, Indian Riv- of years that the hospital has by June 1, noting that consul- tinued our Thursday and Sun-
er Medical Center is dump- changed its ER staff in the face tants recommended the hos- day flights through Septem-
Ever since the government- ber, and we'll extend through
subsidized $130 million plant CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 the end of the year.
opened in 2013, questions
have swirled about whether "There are no plans to do
the secretive operation has anything but expand our ser-
produced marketable quanti- vice."
ties of biofuel – or any at all.
In fact, Dow said Elite could
So far the silence from announce as soon as next
INEOS has been deafening week the addition of more
and, after more than two years, flights between Vero Beach
that in itself seems to support Regional Airport and Newark
the word on the street in In- Liberty International Airport
in New Jersey.
Shores preparing to put prime property
at the southern end of town up for sale County worried about
serving big power plant
BY LISA ZAHNER tract east of A1A at the south- Historic Dodgertown is poised to turn its first profit in 2016. Story, Page 7. across Okeechobee line
Staff Writer ern end of town up for sale.
With Indian River Shores The roughly rectangular Staff Writer
nearly built out and land parcel, which includes 300
near the beach at a premium feet of frontage at 5110 A1A Indian River County fears
in a booming island housing between Pebble Bay Villas and it will be stuck with the role
market, the Town Council Surf Lane, was appraised last of emergency-responder for
sees an opportunity to put a month at $7.7 million, provid- Florida Power & Light’s pro-
prime 5.5-acre undeveloped ed the property is re-designat- posed $1.2 billion Okeechobee
April 7, 2016 Volume 9, Issue 14 Newsstand Price $1.00 Spring Boat Show
makes splash at
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2 Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Shores prime property or to pay down the Town’s unfunded lator, residential land developer, or a work with staff to create some sort of
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 pension or other post-employment local/regional home builder,” the ap- license agreement permitting the pur-
benefit liabilities, or a combination of praisal states. The land was acquired chaser of the parcel to have beach ac-
ed by the Town to allow medium-den- both. A portion of the proceeds could in the mid-1970s as part of a land- cess, either by a beach path or some
sity residential construction, which be used to fund the Shores’ ongoing swap deal for some land west of A1A. sort of dune crossover, which would
the appraiser noted is compatible battle with Vero electric. Indian River County retains first right add to the value of the property.
with the surrounding area. That would of refusal on the property, and also
mean condominiums or townhouses, Theoretically the windfall could also owns the actual oceanfront in front of Once sold and on the tax rolls,
most likely. be used to reduce property taxes for a the parcel, which has a 300-foot front- though, the County and the School
year or a number of years, should the age abutting the dune and the county- Board, as well as the Town, would en-
Though the council voted to go Town Council choose that route. Each managed beach. joy new tax revenue from the property,
forward with the appraisal in Janu- year, the Town raises about $4 mil- with tax revenue increasing further as
ary, Town Manager Robbie Stabe said, lion in property taxes from its tax rate Neither County Administrator Joe homes are built there. An R1-A resi-
“Council has not voted on how the of $1.67 per $1,000 in taxable value, Baird, nor Commissioner Wesley Da- dential zoning with low-density or LD
proceeds would be used.” roughly 90 percent of that going to vis, who attended last week’s Shores land use designation would provide
fund public safety services. council meeting, indicated the County for a maximum of three units per acre,
If the property is sold, the cash infu- wants to purchase the Town’s acreage Stabe said; R2-A residential zoning
sion could be used to bolster reserves “The most likely purchaser of the at this time. Baird did say he would with medium-density or MD land-
subject land would be a land specu- use designation would allow up to six
units per acre, meaning as many as 20-
30 units could be built on the property,
creating millions of dollars’ worth of
additional real estate value.
Because the parcel is owned by a
government entity, the current future
land-use designation is open-space
recreation or OSR, but the property is
still zoned residential.
The parcel is reportedly “cleared of
most large trees,” but is overgrown
with native grasses and invasive Bra-
zilian peppers, which are prevalent all
over the barrier island where not kept
in check. There are no structures on
the property now, but it is occasionally
used as a training field for the Shores
Public Safety Department, as it was
most recently for extrication train-
ing, where smashed-up vehicles were
brought in and officers practiced res-
cuing victims.
As for next steps, Stabe said the
Town’s Finance Committee will get a
crack at analyzing the appraisal and its
fiscal possibilities for Town residents.
“It is my intention to work closely
with Bob Auwaerter (Finance Commit-
tee chairman) to develop some options
to present to the Council,” Stabe said,
adding that there are two steps that
need to happen before the parcel is put
up for sale. “Part of the property was
never annexed into the Town and we
would need to do that first. Then the
rezoning to . . . either LD or MD.”
Once all of the annexation and up-
dated zoning work is completed, and
the land use is incorporated into the
Town’s comprehensive plan to ensure
the buyer has no issues down the road
when he or she tries to develop the
property, the Shores can find someone
to market the land. Appraisers esti-
mated it might take a year to find the
right buyer.
“The Town is not required to put the
property up for bid through an RFP
process. What we will do is conduct an
RFP to select a real estate broker who
is familiar with large parcels like this,
has a good track record, has the mar-
keting experience needed, and who
will offer the best deal,” Stabe said.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 3
INEOS biofuel the syngas,” an INEOS headquarters longer even responds to inquiries. wood wrote, “For ICIS, this is impor-
spokesperson stated in response to ear- Over the past two years, this paper tant because INEOS could mark the
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 lier inquiries, adding, “It has taken us second time that biomass gasifica-
longer than expected to put the plant has received numerous reports from tion technology has failed. Rentech
dian River County: As one anonymous through its paces and demonstrate full current and former employees concern- (a company with facilities in 12 US
current employee recently put it, ”not nameplate capacity, particularly in the ing various problems at the plant. They states, Canada and South America)
a drop” of biofuel has been distilled. area of cleaning the syngas.” consistently state little or no biofuel has had attempted similar technology to
been produced. All request anonym- make synthetic fuel . . . Rentech gave
Now, the cloak of silence surround- Mark Niederschulte, the newest ity, saying they have been forbidden to up. Now, unless INEOS confirms that
ing the plant is stirring up talk in the INEOS spokesperson, has declined to speak on penalty of unemployment. it’s making ethanol, it may well mark
global biofuel industry as well, and it discuss anything to do with produc- another failure of this technology.”
looks more and more that what ap- tion, or lack thereof, and he now no In an e-mail to a former local INEOS
pears to be the case is, indeed, the employee, ICIS journalist Al Green-
case: INEOS has yet to produce any-
thing remotely resembling the 8 mil- NEW PRICE
lion gallons of biofuel per year its early
press releases trumpeted. Exclusively John’s Island
INEOS Bio’s much-vaunted game Nestled along John’s Island Sound, this charming three-bedroom retreat
plan was to convert biomass – non- including a detached 1BR/1BA cabana, overlooks expansive and private water
food vegetative and yard waste –into views. A tropically landscaped courtyard greets you upon entering the 4,625±
cellulosic ethanol, using its gasifica- GSF home. A cozy fireplace separates the gracious living room and dining area
tion and fermentation technology. In with vaulted beamed ceiling, both opening unto the spacious screened lanai.
brief, after a gasifier converts the feed- Features include an island kitchen, breakfast area, den with custom built-ins
stock into synthetic gas, bacteria me- and a dock for easy river access. 341 Indian Harbor Road : $2,800,000
tabolizes the syngas into ethanol.
three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
However, a recent article from global health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
industry market information provider
ICIS (Independent Chemical Informa- 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
tion Service) reports, “INEOS Bio will
not confirm if its US cellulosic ethanol
plant is running or if it has made sig-
nificant amounts of the biofuel, leav-
ing unanswered if its gasification route
is a viable alternative to sugar fer-
mentation. In addition, the company
would not say . . . how much ethanol it
has produced since start-up.”
The Environmental Protection
Agency also refuses to shed any light
on production. Despite repeated in-
quiries from ICIS over a period of two
months, “the (agency) would not dis-
close the amount of ethanol produced
by the plant, saying that most com-
panies consider such data confiden-
tial business information, meaning it
could not be disclosed to the public.”
Yet the plant was built with tens of
millions of dollars in public subsi-
dies from the state and federal gov-
ernment, and has been supported by
hundreds of thousands of our tax dol-
lars in county grants and tax credits,
most of which were based on its re-
newable energy project.
In mid-2013, the Department of En-
ergy, which has a vested interest since
it provided a $50 million grant “to de-
sign, construct, commission and oper-
ate the Indian River BioEnergy Center,”
published a news story on its website
reporting on “the nation’s first commer-
cial-scale cellulosic ethanol production
at INEOS Bio’s Indian River BioEnergy
Center in Vero Beach, Florida.”
Although the definition of “com-
mercial-scale cellulosic ethanol pro-
duction” remains elusive, it now seems
this early production report may have
been premature at the very least.
“Yes, we had the commercial scale
fermenter running at that time, but not
at full capacity due to the impurities in
4 Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Elite Airways Okeechobee power plant
He said airline executives also are According to Dow, the small num- to attract more commercial businesses. power plant, with none of the property
considering upgrading to larger jets to bers are the result of the success of "Local tourism has probably seen an tax income and all of the extra costs
meet a greater-than-expected demand Elite's service connecting Vero Beach and impacts dumped on Indian River
and planning to add service to other and Newark. Vero Beach is a stopover uptick, too," Menger said. "I know it's County taxpayers.
cities, possibly this summer. on the airline's Thursday and Sunday helped C.J. Cannon's business."
flights between Naples and Newark. It claims Okeechobee County,
"There has been a lot of talk of flights Pat Cannon, co-owner of the popu- where the huge plant is slated to
between Vero Beach and other destina- "The bookings out of Vero Beach lar, 32-year-old restaurant located in be built just across the Indian River
tions," Dow said. "I can't tell you what have been so good," Dow said, "that the airport terminal, said Elite's service County line, isn’t ready to be the
they'll be or when it will happen, but I travelers in Naples can't book the has boosted business – and not only designated first-responder. Both
would be surprised if we don't add at flights through Vero Beach." during breakfast hours. Okeechobee and FPL dispute this
least one or two other destinations." claim. A looming deadline has
Menger said he has no major meet- "When they first started, people brought the disagreement to a head
In December, Elite became the first ings scheduled with Elite executives, would come in for coffee, maybe a muf- after two years of comment and re-
commercial carrier in 20 years to offer but he communicates with them sev- fin or bagel," Cannon said. "Now, we're view.
passenger service from the Vero Beach eral times each week and they've given getting more people eating breakfast
airport. The airline was so encouraged him no reason to doubt the airline's before they get on the plane." The permitting process is overseen
by the early response to its non-stop commitment to Vero Beach. by the State of Florida Division of Ad-
service between here and Newark – She said the restaurant also is "get- ministrative Hearings, which gathers
many flights were sold out – that it add- "The only thing that could have a ting people who come in for a late information from affected agencies,
ed Fridays and Mondays to its schedule negative impact," Menger said, "is if lunch or drinks" when their flights ar- with final “agency reports” due this
last month, but only through April 1. fuel prices start climbing and go too rive in the afternoon. Some travelers week. The assigned judge will decide
high." are even returning at night for dinner. what, if anything, FPL is required to
City Airport Director Eric Menger do to mitigate or guard against ill ef-
said the additional flights "were doing Though it's too soon to gauge the "A lot of people who've come in for fects the Okeechobee Clean Energy
very well" and that the Elite jets that economic impact of Elite's flights on these flights have told us they didn't Center might bring to the area before
flew between Vero Beach and New- the local community, Menger said pas- even know we were here," Cannon issuing the go-ahead.
ark operated at 97 percent of capacity senger air service has enhanced the said. "Some of them have asked about
throughout the month of March. airport's name recognition and efforts our dinners and said they'd be back. So “It’s been two years and still
it's more than just a breakfast thing." Okeechobee has no (emergency re-
"We expected to get a lot of vacation sponse) plan,” Indian River County
travelers, but we've noticed we're getting Commissioner Tim Zorc said. “Once
more business-type passengers than we the permit is issued by the judge, it’s
anticipated," Menger said. "We're only over.”
four months into this, but, all in all, it ap-
pears to be working well for everyone. Differences among the three en-
tities were aired in recent county
"The service has been excellent and commission meetings. Indian River
people seem to like it." County discussed the matter first on
March 22. Okeechobee’s commis-
Dow agreed, saying, "We're very sion added an agenda item for its
happy with the bookings, which have March 24 meeting at the last minute,
been beyond our expectations." perhaps to assure the public it’s not
slacking off on the issue.
Elite began non-stop service be-
tween Vero Beach and Naples in late Zorc and fellow County Commis-
February, but Menger said the flights sioner Bob Solari said the two coun-
rarely attract more than "four or five
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 5
ties have “different standards” for the National Fire Protection Associa- spond to a power plant fire or other Franklin disagrees. He said all that is
emergency response requirements to tion standards, which are higher than emergency. Okeechobee County’s required is “two in, two out,” that is,
the proposed 1,600-megawatt plant the standard used by Okeechobee. entire emergency response fleet and “when two people enter a building,
that will be located 24 miles west of staff can’t meet that standard, he you have to have two outside, in case
Vero Beach. Zorc says “three fire engines, a bat- added. they have to go in and rescue them.”
talion chief and a medic unit,” which
Indian River County is relying on is 15 people, should be ready to re- Okeechobee Fire Chief Ralph CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
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6 Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Okeechobee power plant they can be ready in time. The plant’s The administrative judge has the Commission meeting, Indian River
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 construction period is the most vul- power to approve the plant based County’s assessment of Okeechobee’s
nerable time and will take about on the agency reports alone. To get emergency response capability and
Response time is also an issue. two years. By FPL’s own estimate, six a fuller airing of the issues, Indian the supposed tax windfall also were
The legal requirement is that first re- emergencies a year will occur during River County has requested that the challenged.
sponders be located within 30 min- construction, with 650 employees on judge schedule a hearing on the mat-
utes, but Okeechobee’s nearest fire site. During regular operations, three ter before rendering a decision. Fire Chief Ralph Franklin said the
station is about 30 miles away, ac- emergencies will occur a year. “So it’s distance to the fire station is 23 miles,
cording to Zorc, making it doubtful not a question of if, but when,” Zorc Indian River will also extend an in- not 30, and claimed his crew can get
responders can meet the standard. said. vitation to FPL to “voluntarily annex” there in less than 30 minutes, meet-
IRC’s nearest station is only 18 miles the power plant property into Indian ing the legal standard.
away. Construction will start in six to River County, which has closer emer-
nine months, Zorc said, and it takes gency-response proximity and capa- The notion that 15 people need to
The two counties have a mutual- a year to order and receive a new fire bility in place. show up “is Indian River County’s
aid agreement that is supposed to truck and as long to build a new fire opinion,” he said, and the resources
have Indian River County arrive sec- station. FPL Project Development Manager actually needed are still being estab-
ond and in a supporting role, Zorc Jacquelyn Kingston rejected Indian lished in ongoing conversations be-
said, but both counties are regularly Although Indian River County is River County’s points. tween the Okeechobee County and
called out at the same time and “tra- not the official first responder, the FPL.
ditionally we would get there earlier,” County Commission believes Indian She said Indian River could take
recent history shows. River will end up fulfilling that role advantage of the “free training” the Okeechobee County Administrator
on a regular basis, with no compen- company will be offering – without Robbie Chartier also disputed Indian
Okeechobee County also does not sation for training and other costs, travel, food or worktime compen- River’s property tax estimate.
have a hazmat team and Indian River while Okeechobee is set to receive sated – and dismissed the notion
does, Zorc said. While the plant will about $18 million a year in property Okeechobee is not ready. “They have He said Okeechobee’s “windfall”
be powered by steam and natural-gas taxes from FPL, according to county adequate existing capability” and will be a mere $2.6 million the first
combustion turbines, 8 million gal- staff estimates. have plans to beef up their services, year, not Indian River’s estimated $18
lons of combustible oil also will be she said. million.
stored onsite as an alternate fuel in The Commission directed county
case of interruption in the natural gas staff to include in its the agency re- FPL senior attorney Michael Tam- The Okeechobee Clean Energy
supply, according to county officials. port, filed this week, a request that FPL maro told the Indian River County Center is to be located at 3193 N.E.
be ordered to pay to have Indian River Commission, “Your authority to im- 366 Trail in Okeechobee County.
Okeechobee has been so slow pre- firefighters and EMTs trained for pow- pose conditions will be rejected by
paring to meet emergencies at the er plant emergency response, which the DEP (Department of Environ- FPL is seeking site certification
new plant, Zorc said, there is no way would probably run over $200,000 mental Protection),” but agreed the under the “Florida Electrical Power
since it would require overtime. county could petition for a hearing. Plant Siting Act” for the 2,942-acre
property, which is projected to gener-
At last week’s Okeechobee County ate 1,600 megawatts in 2019 – enough
to power 1.6 million homes a year.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 7
Hospital ER times for most of 2013 and part of 2014 Indian River County assistant chief for when crews were spending as long as
were about four and a half hours, ac- fire rescue. 45 minutes at the hospital – more than
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 cording to Medicare. ER waits at IRMC twice the targeted time.
are also longer than those at either There is a perception that ambulances
pital move to an ER covered by staff Sebastian River Medical Center and are spending too much time waiting to Burkeen said Indian River Medical
doctors instead of those provided by a Lawnwood Regional Medical Center. transfer their patients to ER beds when Center is not being singled out. He said
contracted group. they need to get back to the street in a county emergency services are also
Meanwhile, in response to ongoing position to respond to 911 calls, Burkeen monitoring ambulance wait times at
Paul Giasi, IRMC emergency de- delays, Indian River County emer- said. “Over the last several years (emer- Sebastian River Medical Center, Lawn-
partment medical director, is leading gency response officials have begun gency units) have been delayed at the ER wood Regional Medical Center and
the transition, said Clark. monitoring the time it takes for its am- because there are no beds.” Holmes Regional Medical Center in
bulances to transfer patients to a bed Melbourne.
“The transition to an employed at the Indian River Medical Center ER. Ideally, an ambulance crew should
model is the best way to stabilize spend 15-20 minutes at an ER, en- Vero Beach 32963 reached out to
long-term physician staff for the de- Indian River County began track- compassing arrival, transfer and vehi- ApolloMD in Atlanta to get its side of the
partment, while continuing to im- ing ER wait times about 60 days ago to cle cleaning, Burkeen said. Problems story after its dismissal, but the com-
prove outcomes and patient satisfac- create a database, said Brian Burkeen, surfaced during peak seasonal periods pany did not return two phone calls.
tion scores,” Clark wrote in an email to
Vero Beach 32963. Historic Dodgertown poised to turn first profit in 2016
IRMC has struggled with long ER BY ALAN SNEL University of South Florida football been re-invented into an all-purpose
wait times for years. Little over two Staff Writer helmet. And a Korean baseball team sports center, one that includes a
years ago, in December 2013, the hos- jersey signed by its players. 110-by-150-yard field for soccer and
pital jettisoned a team of ER doctors A framed Sandy Koufax baseball football, sand for beach volleyball, and
under contract with Emergency Phy- jersey signed by the famed southpaw The non-Dodgers logo gear rep- a large pool to augment its 10 baseball
sicians of Central Florida and replaced pitcher and other Dodgers memora- resents the revised business model and softball fields.
them with the ApolloMD group in an bilia fill Historic Dodgertown executive and re-branding that continues to
attempt to improve patient care. Craig Callan’s spacious office that over- be tweaked at Historic Dodgertown, And while high school and college
looks centerfield at Holman Stadium. which is poised to turn a profit in 2016 baseball use still accounts for the sin-
ER patients at IRMC waited on aver- for the first time in five years. gle biggest source of revenue for the
age six and a half hours to be admitted But there’s more than just old Dodg- complex’s annual $5 million budget,
in 2013, with 2014 numbers showing ers goodies, which seem natural and The one-time spring training com- the treasured place where Jackie Rob-
that they had to wait an average of fitting in this location. There’s the plex of the former Brooklyn Dodg-
five hours and 45 minutes, with some ers and current Los Angeles team has CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
people waiting much longer. Figures
for 2015 are not yet available.
State and national average wait
8 Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Historic Dodgertown in Arizona in 2008 after staging their control of the former spring train- ing $250,000 a year from Indian River
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 last Florida spring training in 2007. ing site and worked to create an all- County for capital improvements.
purpose field for football and soccer
inson helped integrate Major League The complex that was purchased from a former half-baseball field. Indian River County owes $6.8
Baseball is also generating income by Indian River County for $16.8 mil- million on the $16.8 million Dodg-
from professional football teams lion in 2001 faced tough financial O’Malley said as long as an O’Malley ertown purchase and shells out
from Canada, elite swimmers from times after the Dodgers left Florida family member controls Historic $860,000 a year to service the debt,
Denmark and Nova Scotia and rowers for the Arizona desert. The once Dodgertown, the “Dodgertown” mark Indian River County Administrator
from colleges in Ohio and Michigan. proud baseball field of dreams was can be used. He said the name is “key Joe Baird said. The $860,000 includes
renamed “Vero Beach Sports Village” to the business plan.” $500,000 from the state and the bal-
They’re all coming to a multi-sport – a major branding and marketing ance of $360,000 is paid with hotel
hub once known as a mecca of spring challenge – when previous Los An- “Re-branding was key,” said room fee revenues. The county ex-
training baseball to train for other geles Dodgers owner Frank McCourt O’Malley, who was a child when he pects to pay off its share of the debt
sports – and help bolster Historic declined to allow the county to use and his sister, Terry, first got to know by 2021, Baird said.
Dodgertown’s financial bottom line. the Dodgertown name. Dodgertown as kids in 1948 when
the complex made its spring training O’Malley runs Historic Dodger-
With this year-round business mod- Enter another well-known name. debut. O’Malley and his sister, Terry town with 22 full-time employees
el, annual losses are getting smaller, Former Dodgers owner Peter O’Malley Seidler, along with former and revenue is now generated year-
said Callan, Historic Dodgertown vice O’Malley and his private company Dodgers pitchers Chan Ho Park and round instead of during the six weeks
president. The operation, he said, lost gained control of the old spring train- Hideo Nomo, are partners in running in February and March of Dodger
$138,000 in 2012; $83,000 in 2013; ing complex by renting the site for a Historic Dodgertown. spring training.
$35,000 in 2014 and $9,000 in 2015. dollar a year in 2012 and established
the 12-month approach to stirring up O’Malley acknowledged he has in- Identifying the level of spending
“For us to be an economic engine, new business. vested several hundred thousand dol- from sports events in a local market
we have to be everything from la- lars into Historic Dodgertown, and is a controversial topic because many
crosse to rugby to sand volleyball,” Longtime former Brooklyn base- that doesn’t include all his travel costs university economists say sports
Callan said. “If you want a dominoes ball fans might remember O’Malley’s and time related to overseeing the backers provide inflated financial im-
tournament, we’ll have a dominoes father, Walter, as the owner who multi-sport complex. pacts. But Baird said Historic Dodg-
tournament. We’re not forgetting broke their hearts when he moved ertown’s revised business model as a
our roots, but we are expanding. Our “da Bums” to Los Angeles after the Meanwhile, Indian River County year-round sports center generates
business is year-round.” 1957 season. But in Vero Beach, Pe- spent $2.4 million on a cloverleaf of more spending in the local econo-
ter O’Malley is recognized as the four softball fields on the site of Walter my than the spending tied to spring
The Dodgers, who revolutionized man who is saving the city’s beloved O’Malley’s old heart-shaped lake that training.
spring training baseball with Dodger- Dodgertown. was de-mucked and filled in next to
town in 1948 at a former military base Holman Stadium. “It might not sound as sexy as
and built Holman Stadium in 1953, O’Malley successfully lobbied the having a professional baseball team
left Vero Beach for a new spring home current Dodgers owners to restore Callan said O’Malley has invested having spring training in your city
the Dodgertown mark after he gained $250,000 to $300,000 in improving but the impact (from Historic Dodg-
the 80-acre complex while also draw-
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 9
ertown) has been a lot more,” Baird said. generate about 10 percent of the rev- cVoMERYnOflicOt rindaseineekdinmg liengisistleartisveeessenaot
Thanks to Historic Dodgertown, enues, representing the balance of
Historic Dodgertown’s income, Cal- BY RAY MCNULTY Core" campaign, Glading made a case
high school and college ballplayers lan said. Staff Writer for his faith-based candidacy – and his
poured into Vero Beach literally by belief that he can win.
the busloads in March, with local mo- The fact that non-baseball reve- Vero Beach minister Dale Glading
tel rooms along State Road 60 near nues account for 30 percent of overall has chosen to emphasize his religious "Did you know that 29 of the 56
Interstate 95 to the oceanfront filling income is a big deal. Two years ago, values as he runs for a seat in the Flor- signers of the Declaration of Indepen-
up with players and their families. non-baseball revenue was only 10-15 ida House of Representatives in a time dence were either ministers or attend-
percent, Callan said. of increasing secularization. ed seminary?" Glading said. "Did you
Instead of Duke Snider, Jackie Rob- know Harvard, Yale, Brown and Princ-
inson, Gil Hodges and Mike Piazza Callan said 60 percent of the teams So two questions needed to be eton all started with seminaries, and
playing in 6,500-seat Holman Stadi- stay off the grounds, which means asked. that the Bible was the main textbook?”
um, there were players from dozens local hotels, motels and restaurants
of teams pitching, hitting and catch- host the teams and their families. But No. 1: Should an ordained minister, He went on to assert that “many of
ing from morning into the evening sports economists warn that those especially one who urges members of our Founding Fathers were evangeli-
at the historic ball yard and practice rooms would likely be occupied his congregation to move beyond their cal Christians.”
fields. during busy months such as March, spiritual comfort zones and be bolder
when spring break across the country in their faith, run for public office? Glading, who in 1987 created an
On a recent day, Historic Dodger- triggers thousands of visitors to the athletic prison ministry that has be-
town fed 542 young players for lunch, Vero Beach area. No. 2: Can an ordained minister, come the largest of its kind in the U.S.
with 26 teams in town and ballfields particularly one who so staunchly and also runs other faith-based pro-
playing host to as many as four games Historic Dodgertown even markets embraces the pro-life cause that he grams, clearly sees no conflicts arising
a day. Multiply the number of games itself as a conference center, promot- describes abortion as "genocide," get a minister’s pursuit of political office.
played per week by 52 weeks a year ing its 20 meeting rooms that range elected in Indian River County?
and Historic Dodgertown is home in space from 200 to 3,000 square But some of Glading's supporters
to more than 3,000 ballgames a year, feet. With 89 motel rooms, two tennis Glading, one of four Republican have advised him to tone down the
Callan said. courts and a pool, the place also sells candidates seeking to replace Debbie faith aspect of his campaign.
itself as a “resort for young adults. Mayfield as District 54 state represen-
Baseball camps of all types – from We’re a destination place,” Callan tative, was more than ready to tackle "I've had a number of people in my
training sessions for minor league said. both questions. corner who've said, 'Dale, we're not
umpires to international baseball going to tell you to not talk about your
clubs to the plethora of youth and Not too bad for a historic baseball As we sat in a local bistro last week faith, but don't lead with it. Don't you
college teams – account for about 70 treasure that was on the verge of clos- to discuss his "Conservative to the
percent of the revenues, Callan said. ing only a few years ago. CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
Football camps, softball events and “If we make money, (O’Malley) will
other miscellaneous sports such as not take a penny of it,” Callan said. “It
rowing and swimming training each will be invested in the facility.”
10 Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
My Vero chance in the Aug. 30 primary. Glading sees no problem with wear- which would ban the procedure 18 days
"Obviously, I don't make my deci- ing his faith on his sleeve and is con- after conception, could gain traction.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 vinced that being “passionately pro-
sions based on poll numbers," said life,” as he described himself, won't When told that many would con-
be the one who brings it up,'" he said. Glading, who is running against Vero hurt his campaign. sider his position on abortion to be
"But I can't do that. This is who I am." Beach attorney Erin Grall, island real- extreme, he replied, "So be it."
tor Lange Sykes and local gastroenter- "The life issue is, to me, the No. 1 is-
Besides, Glading, who moved to ologist Gregory Mackay. sue," Glading said. "It's slavery in 1860. Glading says that since founding
Vero Beach from New Jersey five years It's women's suffrage in 1910. It's civil the New Jersey-based Saints Prison
ago, doesn't see his ministry, his faith "But poll numbers will tell you that rights in 1960. It is THE issue of our time. Ministry nearly 30 years ago, he has
or his Christian values as obstacles his one-third of the voters in a Republican ministered to nearly 500,000 inmates
campaign must to overcome. primary are evangelical Christians, If elected, Glading said, the first in more than 400 prisons in 33 states
and I'm going to get the evangelical piece of legislation he will introduce and Canada.
To the contrary, Glading believes his vote," he added. "I'm going to get 8,000 is the "Human Heartbeat Act," which,
appeal to the local evangelical and pro- to 10,000 votes just from the evangeli- if passed, would greatly curtail abor- After moving to Florida in 2011, he
life voters – as well as his ministry's out- cal community alone, and I'm going tions in the state. founded Risk Takers For Christ, a non-
reach to the Gifford community through to win Gifford. I minister there. I work profit, evangelical-in-nature, Baptist-
its predominantly black churches – cre- with the ministers there. So is there a Glading doesn't believe the Legisla- in-doctrine ministry that encourages
ates a coalition that gives him a real path to victory? Absolutely, there is." ture has the political will to make abor- bolder shows of faith, provides guid-
tions illegal, but he thinks his proposal, ance for at-risk youth and strives to
achieve racial reconciliation.
"I've never had an actual church," said
Glading, a self-described "Jersey boy"
who graduated from Temple University
with a sports management degree he
hoped would eventually take him to the
general manager's job with the NewYork
Yankees. "My church has always been
behind bars or out in the community."
As for politics, this is Glading's third
campaign. He ran for Congress twice
in New Jersey, where he won Republi-
can primaries in 2008 and 2010, only
to lose in the general election in a
Democrat-dominated district.
"People see me as a minister, but
I've also been, in some ways, a small-
business owner, too. God owns my
business, but I've created two differ-
ent non-profit organizations that, all
together, employed 15 people in six
different states with a combined bud-
get of nearly $1 million.
"So I've created jobs," he added.
Two of his political opponents, how-
ever, have raised significantly more
than the $35,000 his campaign has
received, with Sykes bringing in more
than $175,000 and Grall's haul in ex-
cess of $150,000 at the end of the last
reporting period.
That's a tangible advantage, Glad-
ing concedes, but he isn't sure how
much it will help.
"They're going to spend $300,000 on
a race for a job that pays $29,000 a year,"
Glading said, adding that most of the
money his campaign has received has
come in donations of $50 or less. "The
thing is, you can only spend so much in
a local race.
"We're not in Orlando," he added.
"We're not in Miami or West Palm
Beach. TV isn't going to win it for you.
I'm knocking on more doors than any
other candidate."
Still, Glading acknowledged that he's
an underdog, even a longshot to win.
"Do I think I can win this race? Yes,"
Glading said. "Do I think I'm going
to win this race? I've got a fighting
chance. I think I have a stronger base
that will come out and vote for me.
"I'm the blue-collar, faith-based,
underdog candidate."
12 Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
1. Cathleen Tillman, Elke Fetterolf, Debbie Altman
and Debbie Caldwell. 2. Fé Domenech and Beverly
McCormick. 3. Kevin and Chris Madden, Debbie
Altman and Trent Leyda. 4. Susan Smith, Diane
Wilhelm and Mackie Duch. 5. Jacqueline Hickey
Table artistry abounds at Hope for Families event
BY MARY SCHENKEL The event featured special guest Chris the unique creativity of our local tal- artist Barbara Sharp, referencing the
Staff Writer Madden, who has enjoyed an extensive ent. Each participant had contributed lovely décor gracing the table of her
design career as a TV host and author. a raffle item, and most of the items in Seaside Splendor display. “It’s nice that
Local floral designers and artists Madden moved to Vero Beach four their various settings were also for sale. they’re coming in before the luncheon
demonstrated their individual styles years ago from Rye, N.Y., with husband The luncheon was a simpler version to see the tables and the diversity of
with gorgeous tablescapes at the Hope Kevin. of a 2014 fundraiser, Dress for Dinner, these peoples’ talents. They’re all so
for Families Center Spring Luncheon & which likewise gave stylists free rein to different.”
Designer Showcase last Tuesday after- Champagne in hand, guests wan- “dress” their tables.
noon at the Oak Harbor Club House. dered the lobby of the club where Other displays included Deborah
artistically-laid tables highlighted “I’ve sold half of this already,” said
14 Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 She’s done a lot of incredible things,”
said event chair Debbie Altman, who 7
Murphy’s Irish Bridal Brunch display moved to Vero Beach from Kansas just 10
highlighting crystal and china from last fall and quickly got involved with
the Emerald Isles; Fe Domenech of the community. HFC LUNCHEON CAPTIONS
The Event Firm Int’l. and Florals by Fe,
whose lush Tropical Bliss contained Before Madden’s presentation, sev- 6. Sally Fusco, Tyna Collier and Carol Emmons
enormous sprays of palms and bou- eral board and staff members spoke Finch. 7. Susan Hamilton, Kristin Meek and Emilie
gainvillea; and Ishkabibbles Designs about the Hope for Families Center, Burr. 8. Pat Ollis and Eleanor Caldecott. 9. Barbara
by Kristin Meek featured the simple which just celebrated its 25th anniver- Sharp and Liz Mayo. 10. Nicki Maslin, Diana Stark
elegance of orchids and beachside jew- sary. All stressed the need for funding and Helen Robertson.
elry with Tidal Wave. to support the various programs which
are providing hope for the future to 8
Jacqueline Hickey of New Leaf De- an ever growing number of families in
sign Solutions created two tables – Sub- need.
aquatic, with a striking kinetic center-
piecebyartistEdUttridge;andArtDeco Madden, whose mantra is “Turning
Revival, a sophisticated silvery setting. Home into Haven,” spoke about the im-
Dinner with Your Main “Squeeze” by portance of creating personal spaces,
Monti’s Flower Market showcased lo- noting that it is especially valuable for
cal citrus. Against the backdrop of a women – whom she called natural born
Highwaymen painting, Angela Speck nurturers – to take time out for them-
Designs’ Highwaymen also presented selves to recharge their batteries.
handcrafted dinnerware and an un-
usual tree stump centerpiece made of Showing slides of photographs from
concrete by Crystal Ploszay of Your Per- her book A Room of Her Own: Wom-
sonal Artist. And spectacular roses took en’s Personal Spaces, Madden shared
center stage at A Natural Garden, by Jen stories about the special sanctuaries
Killen of Vero Beach Florist. of famous and accomplished women
throughout the country. “You never
Additionally, HFC volunteer Tam know where you’re going to find your
Saxby displayed some of the many vin- personal space,” said Madden, dis-
tage accessories and jewelry available playing retreats that ranged anywhere
at the HFC Second Chance Thrift Store. from luxurious to simple; even a Sherpa
tent. She also shared some “essentials”
“The biggest inspiration for reviving – ideas to help others carve out an all-
the theme was having celebrity design- important little room of their own.
er Chris Madden as our guest speaker.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 15
A Bella Notte for cancer survivors and fundraising
gram, which guides oncology patients fundraisers such as Bella Notte is find-
through needed services. ing a cure for the devastating disease.
“Currently, we have three naviga- “We have now had an explosion
tors who assist patients through a of new drugs, which has become
complex healthcare system and help second to chemotherapy and sur-
them get things they need, such as gery,” said oncologist Dr. Michaela
transportation to treatments, support Scott, a cancer survivor, event spon-
groups and other resources,” McCor- sor and former Indian River County
mick said. ACS board president. “The American
Cancer Society has been in the fore-
The primary mission of the Ameri- front of that research.”
can Cancer Society and the goal of
BELLA NOTTE PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 16 Dr. Raul Storey and Vicky Dominguez.
Maureen Leu and Valerie MacMillan. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
BY CHRISTINA TASCON fitt for seven weeks and it was won-
derful because you just cross the
Staff Writer sidewalk to the hospital where I had
radiation and chemotherapy every
“One out of two of men and one day,” said Fraley. “My husband was
out of three women here tonight will also able to stay with me the entire
get some type of cancer that can po- time.”
tentially take their life,” said local
oncologist Dr. Raul Storey, honor- Ken Fraley, an employee at Piper
ary chair of Saturday evening’s Bella Aircraft, was able to keep his wife
Notte: A Beautiful Night to Celebrate company and work from a suite at
Life to benefit the American Cancer the lodge provided to them through
Society. “And that’s why events like an arrangement with the ACS. It
Bella Notte are so important.” was especially important during
those times when Janet did not feel
Co-hosted by Valerie MacMillan well enough to make the long drive
and Maureen Leu, the annual Hope home.
Gala drew more than 130 guests to
the Oak Harbor Club House for an “They provided a residence right
elegant evening of cocktails, dinner next to the treatment facility. Traf-
and dancing to raise money for valu- fic was very busy in Tampa but we
able ACS research programs seeking were right there so it was a tremen-
enhanced treatments and a future dous convenience. They gave us
cure. housing, laundry facilities and a
place to cook. They also had local
Leu and MacMillan opted to ACS Relay for Life groups come in
change things up this year, choosing and make a dinner for everybody,”
a new venue, switching the night slot said Ken Fraley.
from Monday to Saturday and offer-
ing more entertainment –highlight- Additionally, the couple was in-
ed by the Motown sounds of Curtis vited to various activities to make
Hill – to increase the fun level. John their stay more bearable, includ-
Moore, auctioneer extraordinaire, ing a patient makeover through the
led a live auction that included such “Look Good, Feel Better” program,
valued items as VIP passes to the which helps boost patient self-es-
upcoming Blue Angels show and a teem.
Sunset Getaway Naples resort/spa
package. “Although I did not lose my hair,
cancer gives your skin a yellow pal-
Neal Watkins, as master of ceremo- lor, so they made us look more nor-
nies, kept things moving along, intro- mal,” said Janet Fraley. “I told one
ducing guest speakers Storey as well lady they made her look so beauti-
as Janet Fraley, who spoke about her ful that her husband better take her
personal cancer story. A Vero Beach out.”
esophageal cancer survivor, Fraley
had to travel to Tampa to receive Lori McCormick, administrative
treatments at the Moffitt Center. director of the Scully-Welsh Can-
cer Center, said everything is provided
“We stayed at The Lodge at Mof- through the ACS Patient Navigator Pro-
16 Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
12 3 4
7 8
5 6 10 11
1. Jan and Ken Fraley with Neal Watkins. 2. Dr. Jim Grichnik and Dr.
Michaela Scott. 3. Karen and J.B. Egan with Diane Parentella. 4. R.J.
MacMillan with Amy and David Colclough. 5. John Moore with Tracey
and Dave Griffis. 6. Cliff and Julie Norris. 7. David and Lori McCormick.
8. Laura and Dr. Bill McGarry. 9. Theresa Woodson and Linda Ruding.
10. Alice and Rene Donars. 11. Bob and Linda Barclay with May and Dr. Alec Lui.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 17
Thanks $3 million! United Way Campaign shatters record
Michele Lee and Shannon McGuire-Bowman. Lenora Ritchie, Susan Chenault and Andrew Weintraub. Katie Kirk and Meredith Egan. Freddie Woolfork, Angelina Perry and Sue Tompkins.
Nicki Maslin, Janie Graves Hoover, Melissa Weaver Nate Bruckner with Martin and Renee Bireley. Kyle Morgan, Michelle Malyn and Larry Salustro. Dr. Ginger and Ford Fegert with Tracey Segal.
and Terri Sloan-Bartz. PHOTOS: LEAH DUBOIS Michael Kint and Andrew Weintraub. “It’s not only about the number,” said people who work within the numerous
Tracey Segal, UW Campaign director, United Way community initiatives.
BY CHRISTINA TASCON million. Now, another decade later, the explaining that the night was all about
Staff Writer ceiling has been topped yet again. thanking everyone for being involved “We cannot do what we do without
in the campaign and celebrating the you,” said Kint to attendees. “Thank
United Way of Indian River County “We thought that Michael might you from the bottom of our hearts.”
volunteers, corporate partners, torch- miss all of us,” said Tompkins as she
bearers, board members and staff presented Kint with a framed photo of
packed the Grand Harbor Golf Club the seven co-chairs on horseback. “It’s
last Thursday to celebrate the spectac- a picture of all of us because we know
ularly successful 2015-16 United Way you are going to want to have it on your
Campaign. This year’s campaign was desk and cherish this forever.”
co-chaired for the first time by seven
powerhouse women – Kerry Bartlett, The seven have bonded their friend-
Susan Chenault, Janie Hoover, Katie ship over the years through annual
Kirk, Leah Muller, Lenora Ritchie and vacations at dude ranches in the Mid-
Sue Tompkins. west, and long before the sensational
seven moniker took hold began call-
As CEO Michael Kint began to intro- ing themselves the “Giddy Up Girls.”
duce the “sensational seven,” a special The audience broke into laughter when
UPS delivery arrived with several pack- Tompkins dubbed Kint an honorary
ages for the ladies. As they opened the “Giddy Up Guy” for always being there
boxes, seven oversized silver numbers for them as they deluged him with hun-
floated out. Surprisingly, despite this dreds of phone calls and emails during
year’s campaign goal of $2,955,000, the campaign.
none of the balloons represented the
number two. Applause erupted when Next year’s campaign chairs, Kyle
a three popped out, indicating that and Debbie Morgan, will have the dif-
the total to date was a record-breaking ficult task of attempting to fill seven
$3,004,570. sets of shoes as they try to reach the
next level, but with the help of the Unit-
“And the campaign is not over; the ed Way’s exceedingly dedicated staff,
final cut-off is officially June 30th,” said hundreds of campaign volunteers and
Kint. “This is going to be a new chal- the generosity of the community, they
lenge to sustain or top those numbers hope to make it happen.
each year.”
Enthusiastic supporters congratu-
lated themselves on a job well done,
pleased that the United Way thermom-
eters all over town will “raise the red”
to indicate that the goal has been met.
The local United Way has amassed
close to $54 million since 1961, rais-
ing the bar each year since that initial
campaign amount of $41,000. The first
$1 million mark was achieved in 1995-
96, and 10 years later they reached $2
18 Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Grant’ land! 9 area charities receive $70K ‘Outreach’
Donna Polk, Chuck Bradley and Lori Isaac. PHOTOS: PHIL SUNKEL Kevin Moree, Doug Borrie, Annabel Robertson and Ed Perry. Jim Weiss, Antoine Jennings, Diantha and Bill Harris.
Staff Writer
Nine local charities were granted Larry Salustro and Mary Beth Cunningham.
a total of $70,000 from generous resi-
dents and members of the Indian Riv- taining employment after high school.
er Club through the Head, Heart and Sally Bryan presented $4,830 to
Hands Community Outreach program
they established in 2014. Within the Childcare Resources Executive Direc-
three-part program, Head features a tor Shannon McGuire Brown, toward
speaker series to learn about the needs tuition for seven children due to en-
of the community, Hands addresses ter kindergarten in the fall to attend
those needs through volunteerism, an eight-week summer program at
and Heart is the philanthropy aspect. Maitland Farms. Childcare Resources
provides childcare for children aged 6
“We’re doubling the number from months to 5 years for working parents
$35,000 last year to $70,000 this year, whose income levels fall between 150
which is a big deal for us,” said Mary percent and 200 percent of the federal
Beth Cunningham, Outreach chair- poverty guidelines.
man, at a poolside grant distribution
reception last Thursday afternoon. “Crossover Mission supports and
redirects at-risk youth in Indian River
Grant chairman Larry Salustro and County through a year-round com-
other committee members each made munity youth recreational activity,
individual presentations to represen- academic enrichment and personal
tatives of the various organizations. mentoring program,” said Jim Weiss,
before presenting a check for $5,000
“The Arc of Indian River County
supports individuals with special
needs and empowers them to achieve
their life goals,” said Donna Polk, pre-
senting a $6,000 check to Arc Executive
Director Chuck Bradley. The grant will
help provide computers, technological
support and training for a new after-
school program called SURF (Students
Unleashing Rewarding Futures), to
provide them a better chance of ob-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
to founder Antoine Jennings.
More than 40 volunteers mentor 100
mostly middle-school students, utiliz-
ing intervention, academic mentoring,
basketball tournaments and confi-
dence-building techniques.
Jeff Ward presented Education
Foundation of Indian River County
Executive Director Cynthia Falardeau
with a $7,800 check toward the Gradu-
ation Equation program, a profession-
al development platform for middle
school teachers of pre-algebra math,
to prepare students lacking the basic
math proficiencies needed for the Al-
gebra 1 curriculum.
Mary Skinner presented $5,000 to
Gifford Youth Orchestra board mem-
ber Jim Parks, toward the cost of stu-
dent fees for 11 children currently in
the program who are at risk of home-
lessness. “Music instruction and ac-
cess to instruments and the experi-
ence of tutoring younger kids and
performing in public would not oth-
erwise be available to these kids,” said
Ed Perry presented $10,000 to Unit-
ed Against Poverty (formerly Harvest
Food and Outreach) Executive Direc-
tor Annabel Robertson to expand its
Jump Start Opportunities program,
offering 300 hours of intensive class-
room instruction and internships over
16 weeks to help individuals increase
their income and achieve a measure of
financial stability.
Hibiscus Children’s CEO Paul Sex-
ton received $11,900 from Chris Coy
to improve the security system in the
eight group homes of the Vero Beach
campus. “Monitoring of these facili-
ties is essential to the safety of the kids
who live there and necessary for the
sense of security that Hibiscus Chil-
dren’s Village attempts to develop in
them,” said Coy of the formerly aban-
doned, abused or neglected teens liv-
ing there.
Larry Salustro presented $10,000 to
Youth Guidance Mentoring and Activ-
ities Executive Director Doug Borrie
toward the cost of a new program di-
rector at a Mentoring Academy under
development to serve the Oslo/High-
lands part of the county. The organiza-
tion provides one-on-one mentoring
to low-income children from single-
parent families, plus group mentoring,
activities and outings.
“Indian River Club is very pleased
the Economics Opportunities Coun-
cil is expanding to our part of the
county and is proud to be the initial
funder of Early Bird at Indian River
Academy with this grant of $10,000,”
said Dave Hammerstrom, present-
ing a check to EOC CEO Leonard Ed-
wards. Eighteen 3-year olds will enter
the new pre-school program this fall,
operating similarly to Head Start pro-
grams for 4-year olds.
20 Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Lunafest films inspire with meaningful messages
12 34
56 78
BY MARY SCHENKEL The Treasure Coast Women’s Fo- tive of Vero Beach, who was elected LUNAFEST CAPTIONS
Staff Writer rum & Films fundraising event was circuit judge in 1996 and currently
hosted by and benefited the Center for serves on the 19th Judicial Circuit 1. Jeanne Bresett, Candy Cappar, Leni Mustapick
An assemblage of roughly 150 Spiritual Care, Friends after Diagnosis Court of Florida. Although she left the and Susan McGarry. 2. Donna Ruehman, Cidanelia
women and a sprinkling of men and the Treasure Coast Ovarian Can- Domestic Violence Division five years Brozenick, Miriam C. Salome and Laura Saputo.
gathered at the Richardson Center cer Alliance, as well as Lunafest’s of- ago, Cox previously presided over 3. Suzy Stoeckel, Fran Basso, Lori Veber, Linda
at Indian River State College to enjoy ficial charity, the Breast Cancer Fund. many DV cases. She devised a quiz Ellis and Nancy Dustin. 4. Carol Ludwig and
an inspirational afternoon showcas- The event’s top sponsor was the Ro- to test the audience’s knowledge and Judge Cynthia Cox. 5. Sheryl Coppel-Sallow,
ing Lunafest, a nationwide traveling tary Club of Vero Beach Sunrise. used the answers to share informa- Rebecca Sawyer, Fran Basso and Kat Shippee.
film festival featuring short films by, tion about the weighty issue. 6. Carol Ludwig, Pat Martin, Scott Kingsbury,
for and about women. Before the films were shown, guests Nancy Dudley, Maryann Wegerbauer and Deb
heard from Judge Cynthia Cox, a na- “Domestic violence is so impor- Avery. 7. Annette Winkler, Rita Faillace, Colette
Anusewicz and Kay Miller. 8. Jaci Pinge-Swarts,
Myrna Renkert and Beth Petta. PHOTOS: LEAH DUBOIS
tant,” said Cox. “It affects families,
you and me; it affects everything.”
She spoke about the various phases
of domestic violence, often escalating
from verbal to physical abuse before a
“honeymoon” phase, with promises
that it will never happen again – until
the next time. A learned behavior, Cox
said that she has seen the same names
coming before the bench, with chil-
dren of abusers emulating that same
Cox delved into the various injunc-
tions available, including domestic
violence, sexual violence and now cy-
berstalking, but emphasized, “When
an injunction is filed, that is the most
dangerous time for the victim; that is
when most domestic violence deaths
occur. When someone decides to
leave the relationship, their life is in
Explaining that an abused woman
will attempt to leave an average of six
times before actually doing so, Cox
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 21
advises that if you know of someone through a juried process for Lunafest Another poignant one was about a Ryland,” the transgender experience
who is a victim, help them develop a from about 900 films. “These are the little boy who wants to be a girl.” of a 6-year old boy whose loving par-
plan, provide them with resources six best, so I think you’re going to re- ents struggle to support and affirm
and, most important of all, just listen. ally enjoy them.” The films she spoke of were “Boxea- their transgender child. The other
dora,” which follows a woman boxer’s four films were “Balsa Wood,” “Find-
In introducing the films, Carol Lud- Having already screened them, Lud- dreams of Olympic glory as she trains ing June,” “First World Problems” and
wig, director at the Center for Spiri- wig shared, “The most poignant one in secret despite Castro’s ban on fe- “Beach Flags.”
tual Care, said they had been selected for me was about the boxer in Cuba. male fighters in Cuba; and “Raising
22 Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Success stories inspire at Love of Literacy lunch
BY MARY SCHENKEL ist and cattle rancher Sean Sexton as Peter Walker, Mary Silva and Sean Sexton.
Staff Writer guest speaker. The only adult literacy
organization in the county, Literacy
Inspirational stories of determina- Services is funded entirely through
tion and hard work reaping valuable grants, donations and fundraisers.
rewards underscored the mission
of Literacy Services of Indian River The organization continues to grow,
County, as students shared their sto- said board President Don Mann, not-
ries at last Thursday’s Love of Literacy ing an increase in the number of stu-
Luncheon at the Vero Beach Country dents tutored in Fellsmere from just
Club, which also featured poet, art- one student in 2012 to 80 last year.
Another 50 parents graduated from
LITERACY PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 24 Herb Fitzgibbon and Carmen Stork.
Guillermina Cendejas and Linda Barker.
the PEN (Parents Engaged Now) proj- ty) Labastida, tutored by Len Marcy.
ect, which helps parents navigate the “Today I am able to speak in many life
school system and become more en- situations.”
gaged in their children’s education.
The Literacy Student of the Year
Noe Chico, a graduate of that pro- Award was presented to Carlton Buc-
gram, related how it has helped to de- knor, tutored by Nancy Merillat, who
velop his own self-esteem and that of said that since learning how to read
his 7-year old daughter, saying, “I want and write he is no longer afraid and fi-
her to be able to do better than I could. nally feels like he’s “a somebody.”
I tell her, I believe in you.”
Longtime supporter Evelyn Mayer-
Mann and Literacy Services Execu- son, the self-described warm-up act,
tive Director Mary Silva alternated introduced guest speaker Sexton, a
the presentation of this year’s awards, member of one of Vero’s better known
beginning with the Outstanding Busi- and often colorful pioneer families.
ness Supporter, which was awarded to
Joanne Quaile, owner of Toyota/Kia “The literacy theme and idea is very
of Vero Beach with husband Bob, for close to my life,” said Sexton, who
their continued sponsorship of the an- shared that his life was enriched by
nual Family Holiday Fest. a 1973 school assignment to keep a
journal, which he has been doing ever
The Nat Jackson Award, named after since, using it as a repository for his
one of the eight women who founded thoughts, sketches and poetry. “It’s
the organization 45 years ago, was sort of like an external hard drive. It’s
presented to fellow founders Ann an incredible resource for me,” said
Hamner, Helen Brackins and Kathryn Sexton, before treating guests to a
Moss. Jackson and two other found- sampling of some of his heartfelt po-
ers, Marie Banks and Gertrude Terry, etry and journal entries on ranching
also attended the luncheon along with and life.
Randy MacMillan, who represented
his mother, Mary Lane MacMillan. Silva closed out the luncheon, reit-
erating her thanks to past and pres-
Two students were named ESOL ent tutors, “the heart and soul of the
(English for Speakers of Other Lan- organization,” who gave the gift of lit-
guages) Student of the Year, each cred- eracy to more than 300 students this
iting their dedicated tutors for their past year, and to the visionaries who
success and now both working to re- founded the organization and still re-
cruit additional tutors so that others main active with its cause 45 years lat-
might improve their lives. er. She also stressed the importance of
adult literacy as key to combating gen-
“My tutor has given me confidence,” erational literacy, noting that a child’s
said Guillermina Cendejas of her tutor academic success is directly tied to the
Linda Barker, noting that she now en- literacy skills of the caregiver.
joys reading for pleasure and recently
gave a tour of her workplace to visitors Literacy Services currently has a
-- in English. wait list of students desiring its servic-
es and will provide training to anyone
“I came here 20 years ago and could interested in becoming a tutor.
say just yes and no,” said Beatriz (Bet-
24 Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
LITERACY PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 22 Phyllis Reeds, Evelyn Mayerson, Marjorie Mann
Sandy and Don Mann, Joanne Quaile and Stephanie Zimmerman.
and Eileen Salvador.
Candace and Randy MacMillan, Alma Lee Loy and Penny Chandler.
Mary Dvoran, Emilie Brady, Alice Donars and Joyce Gorman.
Ernst Furnsinn, Wanda Lincoln, Stella and Paul Covill.
26 Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Where’s the beef? At the Twisted Tail BBQ fest!
BY MARY SCHENKEL aroma of smoked and roasted meats 1 2
Staff Writer wafted over the Indian River County
Fairgrounds, luring in hungry crowds
Indian River County residents to the Kansas City Barbeque Society-
continued their fervor for food last sanctioned event.
weekend, this time whetting their
appetites with finger-licking-good Things kicked off Friday evening
barbeque at the Rotary Club of Vero with a pre-competition preview,
Beach’s inaugural Indian River Twist- where folks could chow down on
ed Tail BBQ Cookoff – “Where the some seriously good BBQ and wash
Beer is Cold, the BBQ is Hot and the it all down with beers from Southern
Competition is Fierce.” The fragrant Eagle Distributing or various non-
alcoholic libations. Two great bands –
Vero’s Lifestyle Store 5 BBQ COOKOFF CAPTIONS
‘END OF the Tom Jackson Band on Friday and 1. Donald Twiss, Russell Twiss, Malinda and
SEASON’ the Crooked Creek Band on Saturday
– kept the crowds entertained as they Mike Kanuka. 2. John and Gertrude Webster.
SALE munched on their messy, mouthwa-
tering meats. 3. Darlene Mauro, Nina Mayes, Steve Connelly,
Begins Thursday
April 7th The main event took place Satur- Sheila Hughes and Diane Hughes. 4. Cayden
day, when 25 teams of professionals
BOTH STORES competing for bragging rights and a Morrison chows on some ribs. 5. Dan Zebrowski,
total contest payout of $10,000 pre-
2900 Ocean Drive 231.2901 pared their very best four meats – Linda Jensen and Roger Moak.
1882 Old Dixie Hwy 770.6420 chicken, ribs, pork and brisket – for
the judges. A total payout of $2,000 PHOTOS: PHIL SUNKEL
was on the line for the 7 Backyard
teams, who competed with chicken and well-used idea, but additional
and ribs. Russell Twiss, event chair garbage receptacles and places to sit
and Rotary Club president-elect, and enjoy the delicious fare would
credited farrier Tom Curl with the make it even better.
concept of the fundraiser and invit-
ing KCBS, the largest competitive This was serious business for the
barbeque organization in the world, professionals, who came from as far
to be its sanctioning body. away as Michigan and Wisconsin.
Even the judges were predominantly
Many attendees were surprised to professionals, said Twiss.
learn that unlike most of the local
cook-offs, only the judges got to sam- “We have 35 judges; 31 profession-
ple the actual dishes prepared for the als qualified by Kansas City Barbeque
competition. But not to worry: There and four amateurs to help judge the
was no shortage of vendors selling backyard teams. They’re mostly from
all variety of food, including plenty Florida but some are flying in from
of BBQ to go hog wild over. Hand- other states,” Twiss explained. “There
washing stations were a welcomed are 25 professional teams with one
judge per team plus one table captain
for each six teams. It’s a double blind
tasting; they don’t know who’s judg-
ing them and the judges don’t know
who they’re tasting. They’re judged
on taste, appearance and texture.”
The Vero Beach Rotary Charities
Foundation was donating proceeds
from the event primarily to the
Boys and Girls Clubs of Indian Riv-
er County. The Rotary Club of Vero
Beach, which meets at noon every
Thursday at the Vero Beach Yacht
Club, celebrated its 90th anniversa-
ry this year.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 27
$tride right: Orchid Island 5K helps Camp Haven
Orchid Island Golf and Beach Club members, joined by their families,
friends and even a few pooches, participated in the 14th Annual 5K Run/
Walk through the gorgeous grounds of their community last Wednesday
morning. Proceeds from the event, raised through generous sponsorships
and participation fees, benefits a different charity each year. This year’s
beneficiary was Camp Haven, a transitional home in Vero Beach that pro-
vides shelter, food, clothing, vocational training and life-skills classes to
adult males committed to rising out of homelessness and reentering soci-
ety as contributing members of the community.
1. Rocky Kurita wins the men's race and Jen Gallant wins the women's race. 2. Lalita Janke and Rob Tench.
3. Denise Duda, Quentin Cookson, Mickey Weilbaker, Patty Blatus and Peggy Hamilton. 4. Greg, Matthew,
Molly, and Megan Brozowski with Ann and Howard Loeffler. PHOTOS: PHIL SUNKEL
28 Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
'Naut' to be believed: Spring Boat Show makes splash
12 34
1. Scott Deal, founder of Maverick Boats, with Paul
Ellig, owner of Treasure Coast Boat Works. 2. Richard
Hoffman, Mark Castlow and Ralph Boynton. 3. Ed
and Carol Woorster with Russ and Marilyn Freeland.
4. Jake and Tracy Lavoie. 5. Regina and Joe Kiely with Wayne and
Maureen Maskiell. 6. Michelle and Jeff Green. PHOTOS: PHIL SUNKEL
Lured by all things nautical, hundreds headed to Riverside Park this
weekend to attend the 33rd annual Vero Beach Spring Boat Show. A big
draw for residents is that the community event is put on and exhibited
by boat dealers and suppliers from the tri-county area, covering south-
ern Brevard to St. Lucie. The show featured a wide variety of watercraft,
including people-powered kayaks and stand-up paddle boards, pontoon
boats and shallow-water skiffs, off-shore fishing craft and cruisers, plus
all manner of related nautical necessities. There were also fishing semi-
nars by local authorities and, for those ready to sign on the dotted line,
even bankers to help finance the deal.
30 Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Music-maker Shikaly jazzed up to be part of Vero scene
BY KATE SHANAPHY sides, above and below. Shikaly’s Al Shikaly
Correspondent dad, a long-time fan of Benny Good-
man, quickly suggested the clarinet PHOTOS BY LEAH DUBOIS
On weekend mornings, there’s not instead. Shikaly agreed.
just the smell of coffee filling the
ocean breeze on Bougainvillea Lane. So began his life-long love affair
There’s music – soulful and jazzy with music.
– drifting out of Grind and Grape
espresso and wine bar. His clarinet studies in grade school
led to the flute, the piano and, ulti-
That sound, also heard on Wednes- mately, the saxophone in his teenage
day evenings there, has a lot to do years. Graduating from Yonkers High
with musician Al Shikaly’s third- School in 1970, Shikaly pursued a de-
grade class in Yonkers, New York. gree in music education at the Berk-
lee College of Music in Boston.
As Shikaly – a recently added gem
to Vero’s jazz scene – tells it, a flyer He declared a major in music edu-
was handed out to all the students cation, but Shikaly knew he wanted
one afternoon in the early 1960s. It to perform. So he took every music
listed all the music classes and in- class Berklee had to offer, required
struments available to study the fol- for his degree or not.
lowing year.
“I was extremely lucky to have the
Excitedly, Shikaly came home and opportunity to take classes with jazz
showed the list to his parents. “So, legends like award-winning vibra-
which instrument do you think you phonist Gary Burton, the great trum-
would like to play, Al?” his father peter Herb Pomeroy and saxophon-
asked the 8-year-old. ist Charlie Mariano,” he recalls.
Shikaly didn’t miss a beat. “The Joe Viola, a noted educator and
drums!” But Mr. Shikaly shook his performer, and founding chair of the
head no. Their apartment building Berklee College of Music, was his sax
had thin walls and neighbors on both instructor. “I mean, wow!” Shikaly
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 31
Bobby Tee and Al Shikaly. shared an appreciation for smooth tronic music and music production.
jazz, R&B classics and Latin music. “As a musician, it’s so impor-
Along with the faculty’s superior legendary R&B groups The Tempta- With complementary vocal stylings,
musical talent, his classmates were tions, The Spinners, and legends Lou it was a no-brainer for them to form tant these days to stay current with
a who’s-who of jazz luminaries: jazz- Rawls, Melba Moore and Tavares, while their jazz duo, S.E.A. Wind, last fall. technology because the nature of it
rock guitarist John Scofield, tenor teaching music at Broward County’s changes so quickly,” he says.
saxophonist Joe Lovano, bassist Marjorie Stoneman-Douglas High and Their talents have been in demand
Abraham Laboriel, Grammy-win- North Broward Prep. ever since, performing private parties Shikaly creates his own tracks in his
ning trumpeter Claudio Roditi and for beachside residents, and three home studio with Apple’s Logic Studio
the renowned American composer Shikaly joined the Boca Raton Sym- weekly shows at Grind and Grape. 9 software, ensuring that his audienc-
Philip Glass, to name a few. phonic Pops and accompanied a long es enjoy authentic originals and cre-
list of musical greats including Henry Recently and quite out of the blue, ative covers.
With his increased course load, Mancini, Freddie Hubbard, Tony Ben- Berklee College contacted Shikaly.
Shikaly did not perform much during nett, Lionel Hampton and Maureen After reviewing his 1970s transcripts, It’s clear from the response of Shika-
college, though on weekends the band McGovern. they offered him the chance to com- ly’s enthusiastic crowds that this stu-
he formed with friends played small plete his degree online. dent-turned-teacher-turned-student-
venues throughout New England. Many years later, it was McGovern again needs no instruction on how to
who was responsible for Shikaly’s He enrolled and is satisfying his play to get folks dancing: There’s rarely
“We played all original rock tunes and initial discovery of Vero Beach when final 12 credits with courses in elec- any room on the dance floor.
had a lot of fun. The other sax player in her saxophonist was snowed in up
the band, Marion Meadows, and I have in New York, unable to play for her
kept in touch through the years and he’s show at Riverside Theatre. Shikaly
gone on to have his own successful ca- was contacted to see if he could
reer, which has been great to watch.” come save the day and perform.
Shikaly had to leave Berklee after “That was no easy gig to come into,
his third year and return to New York though,” Shikaly admitted. “With no
to begin working. He quickly found practice, I had to match her complex
a job with a six-piece dance band vocal stylings with a lot of bebop and
called 20th Century. Performing in in perfect harmony, of course. But it
hotel ballrooms and dance clubs was fun.”
around the tristate area, Shikaly got
his first glimpse of life on the road as During the 1990s, Shikaly created his
a touring musician. Florida-based entertainment compa-
ny, S.E.A. Coast Music, which managed
As it developed into a fairly hectic talent for the Fort Lauderdale Marriott
performance schedule, an old high Harbor Hotel and large corporations.
school classmate and fellow musician,
Bill Lancton, invited him to Indiana to Hurricane Wilma did substantial
share a house and try out the music damage to their home in Boca Raton
scene. Shikaly jumped at the chance. in 2005 and the Shikalys moved back
to Indiana. He got a job teaching at
Although he found work in mu- Lawrence Central High School in Indi-
sic education in Indiana, the Mid- anapolis, one of his most challenging
western music scene didn’t match and richly rewarding experiences in
Shikaly’s needs. He did find a match education. There, he created a student
romantically, however, when he was jazz ensemble called the Jazzy Boys,
introduced to his future wife, Sandy, whose accomplishments and rapid
a grade-school teacher. They moved success are still a great source of pride.
back to New York in 1975.
A few years ago, the Shikalys were
Once back in the New York groove, back in Florida visiting their daugh-
Shikaly’s career quickened its tempo ter Erin in Boynton Beach when they
when he was hired to tour with Latin decided to visit Vero again. Having
music giant Tito Puente. Those four breakfast at a beachside café one
years with the Tito Puente Orches- morning, Shikaly turned to his wife
tra provided him with experiences and said, “Now this I can do!”
that would inspire him musically,
increase his industry contacts, and Last summer, they bought a home
catapult him to an improved level of in Pointe West. Within a month,
performance and prestigious venues. Shikaly was sitting in with local
musicians Dave Scott at Blue Star,
A happy smile of nostalgia ac- Kenny Clark at Grind and Grape, the
companies his recollections of play- Wiley Nash Band and Ed Shanaphy &
ing at Madison Square Garden with Friends (of which I am part) at River-
Puente’s orchestra, of the nights he side Theatre’s Live in the Loop.
opened for James Brown, and of the
two times he performed with Carlos It was on one of these occasions
Santana at the Roseland Ballroom. that Shikaly met Bobby Tee, a retired
New York City police officer and tal-
Having relocated his family to South ented percussionist. Along with sev-
Florida in the '80s, Shikaly toured with eral mutual musical buddies, they
32 Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Coming Up: Spring ballet, ‘Sister Act,’ stinging comedy
Staff Writer
1 Ballet Vero Beach has its spring
performance this weekend with
a world premiere of another work by
ballet master Camilo Rodriguez. “Hang
On, No Need to Be Lonely,” set to the
music of Pink Martini, is a contempo-
rary work with a Latin sensibility.
Also on the program, artistic director
Adam Schnell’s “Pas de Cinq Russe,”
which he choreographed nine years
ago to the music of Tchaikovsky. This
will be a premiere for Schnell’s young
company and new tutus have been
commissioned for the occasion by
costume designer Travis Halsey. And
a reprise of a work that won a stand-
ing ovation at its premiere last year,
Schnell’s “Finch Concerto.” Also con- "Sister Act" the musical is coming to Riverside
Theatre on Tuesday.
temporary, it is set to a score of Welsh Vero Beach Ballet's spring performance is this weekend.
but. I can only imagine what he’s got
harpist Catrin Finch. to rant about with the current roster of
presidential candidates, but maybe he’ll
The dancers are here from Omaha, stick to more challenging material.
Nebraska, where they are part of Bal- vent being used to hide the witness to a Menken wrote the music. And Kathy Griffin stops in Mel-
murder. The witness, played by Whoopi The show opened in 2009 in the West bourne on her “Like a Boss” tour. She’s
let Nebraska. Performances are set for Goldberg in the movie, happens to be still basking from her Grammy win
a disco star who sees her gangster boy- End and an adaptation opened on for her 2014 comedy album, only the
Friday night at 8 p.m. and Saturday at 2 friend off a snitch. She’s not thrilled that Broadway in 2011. Riverside’s produc- third woman ever to be so honored
the convent rules forbid her cute outfits, tion plays through May 1. – Lily Tomlin and Whoopi Goldberg
p.m. and 8 p.m. at the Vero Beach High never mind a cocktail and a smoke. But were the other two. That’s April 16 at
everything gets happy anyway when the King Center.
School Performing Arts Center. Tickets her coaching helps the nuns kill it in a
talent show. How could they fail? Multi-
are $10 to $50. ple Oscar- and Tony Award-winner Alan
2 Tuesday, Riverside Theatre raises 3 Two big-name comics are play-
the curtain on its final production ing the King Center in Melbourne.
First, Lewis Black plays Sunday, April 10,
of the season. “Sister Act” is the musical at 7 p.m. Black’s calling this his “Naked
version of the 1992 hit film about a con- Truth Tour,” as if he ever told anything
4 If you like your comedy a lit-
tle more family friendly, Paula
Poundstone is performing the same
night as Griffin – April 16 – at the Lyr-
ic Theatre in Stuart. She’s doing two
shows, at 6 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. She’s
known for her exchanges with audi-
ence members, and is able to think
on her feet and deliver with flawless
comedic timing. She just voiced the
Pixar movie “Inside Out,” and regular-
ly appears on NPR’s weekly news quiz
show, “Wait, wait … Don’t Tell Me.”
5 The King Center’s Studio The-
ater provides a two-part seminar
on the history of the Allman Brothers.
April 15, Gregg Allman’s son Devon All-
man performs. Devon made a name
for himself founding a jam band called
Honey Tribe, then another called Royal
Southern Brotherhood.
Then, on April 28, Butch Trucks and
the Freight Train Band are coming to
Melbourne. A founding member of the
Allman Brothers Band, Trucks will be
playing with his son, Vaylor Trucks, as
well as Berry Oakley Jr. on bass, key-
board legend Bruce Katz and Damon
Fowler on slide guitar.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 33
‘Prize’ fight: Artists vie to create wine/film fest trophy
Everybody loves a contest. And al- Design entries for the Vero Beach Wine and Film Festivals trophy. PHOTO BY PHIL SUNKEL
though it may not count as a specta-
tor sport, the competition is red hot review of the proposals by five jurors. The jurors were told that the artists nearly so) copies of the award-winning
among Vero artists vying to be named This writer was asked on behalf of were given some basic guidelines in design in time for the festival, which
designer of the Vero Beach Wine and crafting their trophies. The trophies runs June 9-12.
Film Festival winners’ trophy. the Art Club to be one of the jurors. My had to be between 10 inches and 18
colleagues were members of the Wine inches high, and had to incorporate the In return, the winning design
At the very least, the contest has and Film Festival executive committee. festival’s logo or the letters “VBWFF.” would reap glory for its creator, a
the festival’s steering committee and They included Stewart and Horn, Marie The contest was open to works in any ticket to the Wine and Film Festival
the Vero Beach Art Club on the edge Healy and Gail Shepherd, whose din- medium. Each artist had to agree, if awards ceremony, and a cash reim-
of their seats. ing room table served as the reviewing selected, to produce five identical (or bursement for materials.
stand for this particular beauty pageant.
It all started at the Art Club’s Art-ti- CONTINUED ON PAGE 34
ni Art Night at the Marriott Springhill
Suites last November. The festival co-
founders, Jerusha Stewart and Susan
K. Horn, were admiring the works in
the Art-tini exhibition when Stewart
had a brainstorm. “I said, ‘Being that
this is Vero Beach, how cool would it be
to have the awards designed by a Vero
Beach artist?’ ”
A woman of action, Stewart el-
bowed her way through the Art-tini
crowd to vet the idea to the club’s
president, Sue Dinenno.
Dinenno embraced the idea, and
recommended having an Art Club
members-only design contest for the
Festival’s coveted centerpiece.
The club devised rules and an ap-
plication form for the contest, and
set a date for three-dimensional sub-
missions of Feb. 15. That deadline
was extended when it became ap-
parent that a few more contestants
needed to be coaxed into entering.
By the first week in March six en-
tries – a respectable number – had
been received. The next step was a
34 Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The six entries came from 10 art- figured walnut, Cuban mahogany and
ists. There were four who worked solo: oak; the woods’ natural colors and pat-
Joan Earnhart, Sheryl Coppell-Sallow, terns glow via a clear finishing coat.
Tillman Maxwell and Al Gustave. Six
others teamed up in pairs: Bill Gim- Tillman, who says he usually makes
bel and Albert J. Norton; Sue Dinenno “standard jewelry boxes and a little
and Ron Miller; and Barbara Sharp furniture,” confesses that the trophy
and Sherry Wilson. project is “quite a departure from what
I normally do.”
The gilded ornaments that are central
to film festivals around the world are Sheryl Coppell-Sallow is certain that
more than pretty dust catchers. Their her design will bring a little bit of hu-
designs represent not only the laurels of mor to the festival. “I think the people
victory, but also the very spirit of the cit- who receive it will enjoy displaying it,”
ies in which they are presented.TheVen- she says.
ice Film Festival’s award bears a winged
lion, representative of St. Mark, the city’s Her design features a miscellany
patron saint. The Golden Bear Award of of corks, spirals of wire, glass beads,
Berlin honors that city’s heraldic animal. and flotsam found on the beach, piled
Even the Woodstock Film Festival award atop one circular end of a large plastic
is suggestively apt: It resembles a peace spool. The spool, according to Coppell-
sign atop a bicycle wrench. Sallow, used to hold Christmas lights; it
now represents a film reel. The whole
The challenge then for the Vero is precariously balanced on an over-
Beach artists was to come up with a turned wineglass, the stem of which
design that symbolizes the city while sports a ring of letter beads with the
keeping the festival’s emphasis on festival’s initials.
wine and film front and center.
Al Norton wanted to present
Art Club President Sue Dinenno “something simple – something you
says her trophy design, executed by could hand over to someone.”
Ron Miller, was inspired by ocean
waves. The dark brown-stained wood He sprayed-painted a champagne
sculpture links the cursive letters “V” bottle metallic gold and set it on a
and “B” in a graceful pas de deux. walnut plinth. A paper collar around
the bottle’s neck is decorated to sug-
“In my mind, you can’t look at our de- gest a circlet of movie film; the logo
sign and not think of Vero Beach. Who- of the film festival is shown within
ever walks away with this award will re- the paper silhouette of a wine glass
member where they got it,” she asserts. glued to the body of the bottle.
Joan Earnhart submitted a wood Norton’s partner Bill Gimbel will
assemblage sculpture, and in its cen- form the bottle’s collar and wineglass
ter, a niche for a wineglass to nestle. silhouette out of molded plastic – if the
Wood tiles from the game of Scrabble design gets the nod for production.
bearing the festival’s initials are glued
on top of the box-shaped piece. Wood sculptor Al Gustave submit-
ted a turned poplar bottle shape that
Her unique design, which uses found he stained a deep wine red. Mount-
wood and other castoff objects, doesn’t ed on a dark wood plinth, the bottle
look as if it could easily be reproduced bears a gold-toned metal label on its
as five nearly identical awards. front with the festival logo and room
for the award winner’s name. Near
“They want uniformity, so I doubt the bottle’s foot, two pieces of “film,”
they will select me,” Earnhart admits. made of the same gold-toned sheet
metal, sprout like skinny wings – or
She adds, however, that her reason perhaps a “V” for “Victory.” The neck
for entering the contest is flawless: “I of the bottle is finished with a fancy,
think of anything like that as a per- hand-applied wrap of gold leaf.
sonal challenge.”
The retired architect and interior
Barbara Sharp and Sherry Wilson designer says his design was made
take equal credit for their design. It with continuity in mind. Assuming
features a giant crystal wine glass on that the festival continues for many
which is painted the Wine and Film years, Gustave’s design could be
Festival logo, as well as a film reel, “jobbed-out,” as he puts it, to some-
the masks of comedy and tragedy, one else, should he not be able to
and a movie clapperboard. personally see to its production.
The glass, which has a strip of “It’s like an Oscar,” he says. “People
33mm film curled about its stem, will be coming from all over the place
rests on a movie film canister – all over the world – for this festival.
adorned with a cluster of plastic You don’t want something that looks
grapes, some corks and a corkscrew. amateurish.”
“We wanted to cover all the bas- A ceremony to announce the win-
es,” Sharp says. ning trophy design will be held at the
Marriott Springhill Suites April 17
Tillman Maxwell, a retired firefighter from 1-3 p.m.
and paramedic-turned-woodworker,
submitted a miniature replica of a To RSVP or get further details, call
movie camera on a tripod. The beau- 772-978-9292.
tifully crafted model is made of cedar,
36 Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The bartender measures a shot of Johnnie Walker The still-developing Born to an Ethiopian mother and a Chinese fa-
Red Label in a steel jigger and dumps it over ice. A neighborhood of Haramous. ther, he roamed East Africa with his family before
waitress sets the glass on a tray and steers it through settling here in 1977, the year Djibouti declared
the dining room, where Abouye Wang, the restaurant of soldiers, speculators, diplomats, spies, aid work- independence from France. He was 7 years old, an
owner, commands a booth in the back corner, elbows ers, contractors – all the outsiders who are turning exotic import in a place no one ever visited, where
on the table, surveying the dinner crowd. Djibouti into an unlikely epicenter of 21st century nothing ever happened.
geopolitics. Thomas Kelly, the American ambassador
The buzzcuts perched around the high table in here, likes to say that Djibouti today feels like what Back then, Djibouti, a country about the size of New
the middle of the room are Americans, he guesses. Casablanca must have felt like in 1940. Jersey, had one paved road and less than a square mile
The two women lost in conversation behind them of arable land. The Associated Press deemed it per-
are French. He recognizes the men in the adjacent “All the different nationalities elbowing into each fectly devoid of resources, “except for sand, salt, and
booth as German. He spots an Italian port executive other,” he says. “All the intrigue.” Wang stands in the 20,000 camels.” The New York Times guessed the new
and a Palestinian diplomat from the newly opened center of the mix, walking from table to table, slip- nation might get swallowed up by one of its neighbors
embassy. ping from language to language, witnessing Djibou- – Ethiopia or Somalia, maybe – because it was “so im-
ti’s transformation at close range. poverished that it cannot stand on its own.”
The restaurant, La Chaumière, sits on a corner of
the central square in Djibouti, the capital city in the Years passed, and those neighbors were too pre-
tiny African country of the same name, which un- occupied with wars, famine, and civil anarchy to pay
til recently was of little consequence to anyone who much attention to it. Such upheavals, and almost ev-
didn’t live there. erything else, skirted Djibouti. Then the new century
rolled around and, seemingly overnight, the coun-
La Chaumière’s menu pushes the outer limits of try’s sleepiness became a valuable commodity.
fusion as Wang caters to his evolving clientele. East
African seafood dishes, Asian stir fries, French stews, After Sept. 11, the U.S. military rushed to estab-
American sandwiches, they’re all here. “If we don’t lish its first base dedicated to counterterrorism, and
have what you want,” Wang tells me, “we’ll make it Djibouti was about the only country in the neighbor-
for you.” hood that wasn’t on fire. Sitting beside the narrow Bab
el-Mandeb strait – a gateway to the Suez Canal at the
It’s my first night in Djibouti, and I’ve come to mouth of the Red Sea, and one of the most trafficked
La Chaumière because I was told it would be full
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 37
shipping lanes in the world – it provided easy access has begun construction on its first-ever military in- gorous construction site. Back in 2002, when the
to hot spots in both Africa and the Middle East. stallation abroad, about four miles from the Ameri- Americans took the camp over from the French, it
can and Japanese bases. A week after that, Saudi Ara- sprawled across 97 acres. Now it’s pushing 600 and
A few years later, when Somali pirates started bian officials say that they, too, plan to move soldiers the CLUs are slowly being replaced by multistory,
threatening the global shipping industry, the mili- to Djibouti and establish the country’s first military apartment-style barracks.
taries of Germany, Italy, and Spain joined France, station in Africa.
which has maintained a base since colonial times, About 4,000 soldiers and contractors live here, and
by moving troops to Djibouti. Japan arrived in 2011, The Port sits on one they include commandos from Joint Special Opera-
opening its first military base on foreign soil since of the world’s busiest tions Command, the team that undertakes the mili-
World War II. tary’s most sensitive counterterrorism operations.
shipping lanes. After the 2012 attack on the diplomatic mission in
Last year, refugees displaced by war in Yemen – Benghazi, Libya, a 150-member rapid response team
just 13 miles across the strait – began arriving by the The road to the new, Chinese-built Doraleh Container Terminal. was established at Camp Lemonnier, assigned to han-
thousands, attracting aid workers and NGOs looking dle future threats to diplomatic personnel abroad.
for a stable regional base. Camp Lemonnier, the American base, presses
against the side of Djibouti’s only commercial airport, Djibouti is also the U.S. military’s regional hub
They eventually come to La Chaumière to gos- hidden behind a maze of concrete barriers and razor for drones, and it sends thousands of Predators and
sip, to eavesdrop, to see who’s new in town. Wang is wire. Inside, it’s a wilderness of containerized living Reapers across the region each year.
a central branch on the local grapevine. When I ask units, or CLUs, stacked atop one another. The laundry
people here how Djibouti has managed to avoid the building looks like the movie theater, which looks like All those secretive aircraft buzzing around an ac-
turmoil that has plagued the other countries in the the credit union. It’s as if someone built a city from tive international airport created serious air traffic
region, a stock answer comes back to me from nearly Legos and spray-painted the whole works tan. problems, which injected some tension between the
everyone, both local and foreign. Americans and their local hosts. In 2011 a Predator
For years the Americans insisted it was a tem- drone crashed into a residential area less than three
“No country is completely safe, but everybody porary, or “expeditionary,” camp. But a $1.4 billion miles from the airport. The following year, a U-28A
knows everyone here, and they all talk,” Ilyas Mous- upgrade launched in 2013 has turned it into a clan- surveillance plane crashed five miles from the camp,
sa Dawaleh, the country’s minister of finance, tells killing its four-man crew.
me. “Every time a new camera comes into the coun-
try, for example, we know whose it is.” The grapevine, Some of the Djiboutian air traffic controllers at
in other words, doubles as a safety net. the airport resented the drones, on both practical
and moral grounds, and occasionally they would re-
Wang knows better than most that the influx of fuse to allow them to take off or land. The Washing-
outsiders can stretch the net thin. One evening in ton Post reported that a $7 million program to retrain
2014, planted in his corner booth, he spotted an un- the local controllers was a complete failure. Often
familiar figure: a veiled woman walking toward one the controllers failed to show up for class; once, they
of the high tables in the middle of the floor. Before even locked their American trainers out of the tower.
he could approach her, she exploded, filling the room
with fire, noise, and confusion. Today most of the drones take off from a more iso-
lated airstrip, about six miles from Camp Lemonnier.
A moment later, a second suicide bomber blew
himself up just outside the front door. More than a After a couple days in Djibouti, I noticed that of all
dozen people were wounded, and three died. Al-Sha- the foreign militaries stationed here, the American
baab, the Somali-based terrorist group, took credit soldiers were the least conspicuous, rarely spotted
for the attack, saying it was targeting French com- at La Chaumière or in any of the places locals and
mandos for their role in battling Islamic militants in outsiders mixed. At Camp Lemonnier, the soldiers
Somalia and the Central African Republic. said that since the restaurant bombing, they can’t
leave the base without special approval. (“They call
Wang, uninjured, decided to rebuild. The Djibouti it ‘liberty,’ and we don’t have it anymore,” one officer
government, recognizing the symbolic power of the explained to me.)
decision, helped him pay for it. The place looks almost
exactly the same as it did before, but the clientele keeps Those who do get to go outside the security gates
evolving. “I’m noticing more Chinese,” Wang tells me. are often members of the Army’s Civil Affairs Bat-
talion, reservists who rotate through for several
Three days later, on Feb. 25, China announces it months at a time. For Djiboutians, they’re the face of
the U.S. military.
On a morning in February, a convoy of a half-doz-
en white Toyota SUVs exits Camp Lemonnier and
heads west toward the village of Arta, a little more
than an hour outside the city. The Civil Affairs unit is
heading for a local clinic, where an Army dentist will
offer free care to anyone who wants it.
It’s public relations, an attempt to show the locals
that the Americans have more to offer than crash-
ing drones. The Djiboutian interpreter assigned to
the excursion, Hersi Aden, tells me he thinks the trip
might also show the Americans that the vast majority
of locals aren’t the sort that go around blowing them-
selves up in crowded restaurants.
Aden says most Djiboutians, the air traffic con-
trollers notwithstanding, value the presence of all
that American military muscle, figuring it might
deter radical Islamists from storming in and tak-
ing over the country. But Aden says the Americans’
approach to security – the barriers, the lockdowns,
the secrecy – is sometimes interpreted as mistrust.
“Djiboutians are peaceful people, and they don’t
understand this,” he says. “They say, ‘Why are
these Americans so scared of us?’ ”
38 Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The clinic in Arta is a cinder-block rectangle with “In the colonial period, everything in Djibouti
a couple rooms full of medical supplies. In the mid- was viewed negatively. They all said we only
dle of one, the soldiers place a portable, lightweight had a hot sun, dry winds, and a lot of rocks.
dental recliner. A table behind it holds a box of latex … But now the negatives are positives”
gloves, gauze, syringes, disposable dental mirrors,
and a pair of pliers. The Americans have provided the A Chinese-made railroad is being built parallel to the unused French railroad.
clinic with $6,000 worth of medical supplies.
At the tiny clinic in Arta, about 50 people wait out- headscarves and light shawls. Inside, an Army dentist
While they set up, an Army surgeon who has side, the men dressed in button-down shirts and ma- straps a headlamp to his forehead and stares into the
come to assess the facility tells me this isn’t where cawiis – a loose garment that wraps around the legs mouth of an unemployed, 29-year-old mother of four.
residents come when there’s an emergency. “There’s like a sarong – and the women draped in colorful He jabs her gum with a syringe and pries out a tooth.
a new hospital down the road,” he says, “and it’s sup-
posedly pretty impressive. Supposedly has lasers
and all sorts of state-of-the-art equipment. I’d like to
check that one out. The Chinese built it.”
The U.S. soldiers can’t go anywhere without being
reminded of the People’s Republic. On the drive to
the clinic, I’d noticed lengths of black tubing lying by
the side of the road. “That’s a new water pipeline to
Ethiopia,” the driver said, “built by the Chinese.”
Nobody knows how the new Chinese base will
change things, mostly because its scale isn’t yet
known, but traces of anticipatory tension are palpa-
ble. Several diplomatic officials and members of U.S.
Congress have publicly fretted over China’s growing
influence in Djibouti, speculating that it might sig-
nal an era of increased Chinese military engagement
around the world.
Kelly, the U.S. ambassador, told me that “snoop-
ing,” electronic or otherwise, will be an obvious con-
cern around Camp Lemonnier.
The Americans still have the largest foreign mili-
tary presence in the country, but China’s intensify-
ing interest in Djibouti is shifting the balance of in-
fluence. That brings us back to community relations.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 39
Mohamed Khaireh Robleh’s truck rumbles over a most a century ago, a narrow-gauge line linked the into management positions, until the trains stopped
set of railroad tracks that run through the center of the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa to a small, shallow- running in the early 2000s. The narrow tracks couldn’t
city, toward the port. There are no trains in sight, and water port established by the French on the Red Sea. handle big payloads, and derailments were common.
the crossing lights don’t work. The tracks are broken. The trains rattled over a hot and treeless moonscape “We thought the European Union might help us re-
to carry the food, water, and labor needed to trans- build and modernize it, but they didn’t believe in the
“I grew up with that railroad,” says Khaireh, 67. “It form the port into a modest colonial outpost. project,” he says. “I felt like crying.”
was my life. It was our life.”
Khaireh worked those tracks for 40 years, rising STORY CONTINUED ON PAGE 40
In the beginning, Djibouti was a railroad town. Al-
40 Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Along came China. For decades it U.S. personnel play “We want to be able to have the
has invested heavily in African infra- soccer with children president come out here and celebrate
structure, bankrolling projects from near Camp Lemonnier. by riding on one of the first trains,”
Angola to Zimbabwe, in exchange for he says. “We will get it done.” The
access to natural resources. To move freight wagons, tankers, and air-con- certainty of that statement – not that
those resources from the heart of the ditioned passenger cars sit beside the they’ll complete the project, but that
continent to Asia, it needed a terminus, tracks, and dozens of locomotives are the president will win the election – is
a reliable outlet to the east. Djibouti hidden under blue plastic tarps. The a near-universal assumption here, and
was perfectly positioned. station itself is encased in scaffolding. it casts a revealing light on everything
Workers with whirring circular saws that’s unfolding in this country.
China is financing a railroad, as well balance high on the beams. Showers of
as an expansion of port terminals, fuel sparks fall to the ground, where a Chi- “There’s a new hospital down the
and water pipelines, a natural gas liq- nese worker cuts slabs of marble and road, and it’s supposedly pretty im-
uefaction plant, highway upgrades, two plasters them to the building’s facade. pressive. … I’d like to check that one
proposed airports, and several govern- out. The Chinese built it”
ment buildings. The new military instal- “Someday,” Khaireh says,“the railroad
lation will be a sort of insurance policy, will extend to South Sudan, and then all The presidential election is just
a security station to protect its invest- six weeks away, but I don’t see a soul
ments and extend its economic reach. hanging campaign banners or mak-
ing speeches. The election season, by
When the Chinese began construc- law, is limited to the two weeks before
tion on the railroad in 2013, Khaireh was votes are cast.
called out of retirement, and now he’s
driving me to one of the projects he’s Djibouti’s president is Ismail Omar
overseeing: a passenger station rising on Guelleh, who in 1999 became the sec-
the outskirts of town. The tracks linking ond president since independence.
that construction site to Addis Ababa When term limits got in the way of a
are finished. The first freight train began third term for him in 2011, he changed
running last November; it’s powered by the constitution. That election was
a diesel engine because the electrifica- boycotted by opposition leaders. This
tion system isn’t finished. The first pas- time they say they’ll field a challenger,
senger trains will run when the station is but it’s not yet clear who it will be.
completed and the electricity works.
“The opposition is very unorga-
Khaireh drives along a dusty front- nized,” says Mohamed Osman Farah,
age road to see how construction is an editor with La Nation, the country’s
coming. Hundreds of new Chinese principal newspaper, which is aligned
with Guelleh’s government. “Most of
the way to the Atlantic.” He’s pushing them live abroad. The people don’t
the workers, a mix of Chinese and Dji- trust someone who moves his family to
boutians, to finish the station by April. Europe, because he doesn’t believe in
Djibouti’s vacation season begins in the development of our country.”
May, when lots of people flee the humid,
100F-plus temperatures for the more That’s one way of looking at it, but
tolerable hills of Ethiopia. But that’s not what if the opposition leaders didn’t
the only thing driving construction. He choose to move abroad so much as
reminds me, with a smile, that Djibouti they were forced to flee?
has a presidential election in April.
The most visible leader of the oppo-
sition, Abdourahman Boreh, lives in
London. He once was one of Guelleh’s
closest confidants and oversaw the
country’s free-trade zone and port,
which is by far the biggest driver of the
economy. In 2008 the government ac-
cused Boreh of taking kickbacks when
he negotiated on Djibouti’s behalf for
the construction of a container ter-
minal, managed by the Dubai-based
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 41
company DP World. Boreh says the ac- ditionally exploitative sense, was sup- permanent supplementary barracks. the calculator on his phone, tabulat-
cusation was in retaliation. posed to look like: The dirt was red, the One floor is occupied almost solely by ing hours worked, unclaimable ex-
leaves were green, and the hills spar- German soldiers. When I try to connect penses, total wages. He puts the phone
Threatened with arrest, Boreh fled kled on the inside. But the ministers in to the hotelWi-Fi, I’m given two network down and leans back in his chair. “A
to London. Djibouti soon seized all of President Guelleh’s cabinet all tried to options: one for guests, one for “Ger- thousand dollars a week,” he says.
Boreh’s assets inside the country, and paint me a much different picture of mans.” I can’t find a single tourist here.
in 2010 its courts convicted him in ab- modern opportunity. “A thousand? Hell, we can make that
sentia on terrorism charges: He was the At night in the lobby bar, six German at home.”
mastermind, the government alleged, Imagine a trackless desert, a relent- soldiers are playing cards, leaning into
of a politically motivated grenade at- less sun, and a near-complete absence the game over a low table. Along the “That’s what I’m saying.” He tastes
tack on a local grocery store. The con- of fresh water. With that lineup of natu- far wall, 14 Japanese sailors stare at 13 a wedge of orange and makes a face.
viction allowed Guelleh’s government ral resources – along with a port on one cell phones (two of them share one, “Why are we here?”
to freeze Boreh’s assets worldwide and of the most geopolitically significant watching a video). Two American con-
to try to extradite him to Djibouti to straits in the world – they believe that tractors, tech workers, are snacking on They don’t come up with an an-
face a 15-year prison sentence. in the next 20 years or so, Djibouti will fruit, eyeing it suspiciously, and slan- swer, as if they're unwilling to believe
become the next Dubai, a magnet for dering their bosses. history could have deposited them
The key evidence in the terrorism capital and free trade. To hear them in this remote, forlorn corner of the
case was a tapped cell phone call. “Last talk, making billions by selling the One starts punching numbers into world. But the country where nothing
night the act was completed,” Boreh world’s militaries on the country’s lack happens no longer exists.
was recorded saying. “The people of incident was just the first step.
heard it, and it had a deep resonance.”
“And why not?” asks Foreign Minis-
The call, however, wasn’t made after ter Mahamoud Ali Youssouf. “We have
the supermarket blast; it was recorded some assets that Dubai never had.”
the day before.
First, there’s that shipping lane. It’s
The corruption charges against busier than Dubai’s. Second, there are
Boreh were tried in a London court, all those landlocked African countries
which had jurisdiction over the case stacked up behind it; they’re desperate
because extradition hadn’t yet been for a portal to the wider world. Third,
granted. Djibouti’s lawyer, from the there’s the infrastructure. Not tradi-
American-based firm of Gibson, Dunn tional infrastructure, which, China
& Crutcher, hid the timing of the inter- notwithstanding, is still in short sup-
cepted call from the British courts. ply, but rather digital infrastructure.
After the discrepancy was discovered, Seven submarine fiber-optic cables,
a British judge last year reprimanded the kind that carry the vast majority of
Djibouti and its lawyer for “reprehen- the world’s digital information, come
sible” conduct. Early this March, the ashore in Djibouti, making it the most
judge dismissed every one of the gov- important hub of connectivity in East
ernment’s claims, concluding that Africa. “Forget gigabytes,” says Finance
Guelleh himself had been aware of the Minister Ilyas Moussa Dawaleh. “We
terms of the deals with DP World. The offer terabytes.”
court ordered Djibouti to pay Boreh
about $13.1 million for his legal fees. Instead of a bountiful freshwater
reservoir, Djibouti has Lac Assal, which
A couple weeks before my visit, is 10 times saltier than the ocean and
supporters of the Djibouti opposition where the only sign of aquamarine life
based in Paris issued a letter urging the is an abundance of common bacteria;
international community – “especially it’s also beautiful, in an extraplanetary
those countries with a military base or sort of way, and the centerpiece of the
who are partners in development” – to government’s tourism plan.
hold Guelleh to democratic standards.
The scouring Khamsin winds, which
The statement referred to an inci- blow through the country from June to
dent in December when government August, are being harnessed to power
security forces killed 19 people, includ- a 60-megawatt wind farm, and the
ing a 6-year-old girl, at a meeting orga- pitiless sun, which beats down with
nized in part by opposition members. near-kinetic force, will power solar
(The government disputes the death energy developments and more than
toll, contending that seven people were quadruple the country’s total domes-
killed.) I asked the U.S. ambassador tic energy output. Within a decade, the
if Guelleh’s reputation as a crusher of government hopes to be the first coun-
dissent was something the U.S. would try in Africa to be powered solely by re-
simply have to live with, given the im- newable energy.
portance of Camp Lemonnier.
“It’s interesting,” says Ali Yacoub
“We don’t want to have to ‘live with Mahamoud, the minister of energy
it,’ ” he said. “For our presence here to be and natural resources. “In the colo-
sustainable in the long term, this place nial period, everything in Djibouti was
has to be governed with transparency.” viewed negatively. They all said we only
had a hot sun, dry winds, and a lot of
But the U.S. has already signed on rocks. Nothing valuable. Even the no-
for the long term. In 2014 it extended mads felt that way. But now the nega-
its lease on the base for at least 20 more tives are positives.”
years. In negotiating the terms of that
deal, Guelleh nearly doubled America’s When the dinner crowd leaves La
rent, to about $64 million per year. Chaumière each night, the lobby of the
Sheraton fills up. For contractors and
Before I arrived in Djibouti, I carried foreign militaries, the hotel is a quasi-
a picture in my mind of what untapped
African economic potential, in the tra-
42 Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Another front opens between Shores & Vero A NEW POLICY ON
BY LISA ZAHNER utilities, mounting a rate case can the three-page resolution states,
cost millions in legal and consult- concluding with, “The City of Last week’s dining column on “The impor-
Staff Writer ing fees. Vero Beach hereby initiates the tance of Truth in Dining” drew a number of
conflict resolution procedures comments from readers, most of them sug-
When the Indian River Shores The Shores’ “mini PSC” plan pursuant to Chapter 164, Florida gesting that we should have identified the
Town Council voted last fall to does not in any way guarantee Statutes, regarding the City's op- restaurant whose chef lied to our reviewer
confer upon itself power to review Shores customers would pay any- position to the Town's Ordinance about whether the salmon on his menu was
the rates Vero electric can charge thing close to FPL rates – only No. 520.” farm-raised.
customers who live in the Town, it that the Shores would get a crack
seemed too tempting a challenge at analyzing whether all of Vero’s If any of this prompts a déjà vu “We entrust much to the owners and chefs
for Vero’s lawyers not to pounce. operating, capital, renewal and reaction, it’s the Shores and Vero of dining establishments, not the least of
replacement costs are genuinely unsuccessfully trudged through which are our health and the value of the
So at Tuesday’s City Council same protracted, state-mandated meal,” read one typical email that we re-
meeting, Vero officials were set to NEWS ANALYSIS conflict resolution process for a ceived. “Just as the Dining Review always
launch yet another legal dispute year prior to the Shores’ civil court identifies the restaurant receiving a positive
between the Shores and Vero elec- for the benefit of providing power. suit against Vero over electric rates. or negative review, a restaurant misrepresent-
tric, this time over Shores’ Ordi- The idea that the Shores Town ing the origins of their food should always be
nance 520 appointing itself a min- Informal meetings facilitated by disclosed.”
iature Public Service Commission Council has (or should have) any mediator Carlos Alvarez brought
for the Town’s utility customers. clue how to review a rate case, or forth zero progress. All the while, It is hard for us to disagree with this point
that the experts atVero electric have Vero was really just running out the of view. Given our reviewer’s past experiences
At the time it was proposed, Or- any clue how to mount and defend clock, a clock that now ticks more with fabrications at other local restaurants –
dinance 520 was criticized by this a rate case before the Shores rate- loudly and ominously as the date largely told by servers eager to appear knowl-
publication, not only for being a making board, is preposterous. of Nov. 6 swiftly approaches – a date edgeable – she felt it unfair to single out one
boondoggle for the pricey con- when the Shores says it intends to restaurant for a column that would most likely
sultants needed to carry out the Even Town Attorney Chester kick Vero and its electric utility out severely damage its business. That view pre-
unwieldy plan, but also as having Clem had his doubts about this one. of its Town borders. vailed in our discussions prior to publication.
little chance of actually achiev-
ing the desired outcome of lower “If and when it’s adopted, it’s As long as Vero maintains the But upon further review, we have concluded
electric rates. going to require a re-structuring status quo, the Town’s threat seems that falsehoods about the food we are about to
to some extent of our core depart- empty, since Vero is the only util- eat – whether by servers or chefs – should not
Under the ordinance, Vero ments,” Clem said in March 2015. ity with poles and lines in place to be allowed to pass unnoted in our pages.
would need to submit to the Shores keep the lights on and air-condi-
Town Council justification that its Despite Clem’s serious concerns, tioners humming in the Shores. From this issue forward, we are adopting a
rates are reasonable, in relation to the Town Council moved ahead. new policy.
its cost of producing and providing The only positive thing that
electricity. This is what investor- If put into play, Vero says could possibly come out of this Since local restaurateurs certainly should
owned utilities like Florida Power mounting rate cases to the Shores new round of “conflict resolution” now consider themselves forewarned that we
and Light and Duke Energy do pe- as a regulatory body would im- is if the Shores and Vero could use regard misrepresenting the origins of food as a
riodically before the Florida Public pose too much of a burden on the venue to sit down and earnestly serious matter, we intend in future dining col-
Service Commission. the city. “The added costs to the discuss some reasonable terms for umns to point out any such untruths so readers
City's electric utility, the City's selling the Shores customers to can make an informed decision as to whether
The process is called making a electric customers in the Town, Florida Power and Light. Short of they care to eat in the prevaricator’s restaurant.
“rate case” and the PSC tells utili- and the Town of participating in that, this, too, shall be a complete
ties which expenses they may in- the regulatory proceedings envi- waste of time and a sad use of the Restaurants, govern yourselves accordingly.
corporate into their rates, and sioned by the Town's Ordinance public’s money.
which they may not. For the big No. 520 would be substantial,”
HOSPITALISTS, PART II WHAT TYPE OF TRAINING DO HOSPITALISTS HAVE? © 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
Most hospitalists are board-certified general internists who un-
Hospitalists are physicians who primarily dedicate their practic-
es solely to the care of the hospitalized patient. Today, more and dergo a 3-year residency in internal medicine.
more medical centers use hospitalists exclusively to care for their
While the majority of hospitalists come from an internal medicine or
Last time we outlined some of the advantages of a hospitalist
program for patients who are hospitalized, such as: 24/7 accessi- family practice background, other types of physicians may also limit their
bility, familiarity with hospital systems that helps streamline care, practice to the care of hospitalized patients. Pediatricians, intensive care
and expertise at diagnosing and treating disease. Doctors’ office specialists, pulmonologists (lung doctors), infectious disease specialists,
patients also benefit. Doctors who no longer need to visit the hos- and even members from cardiology and gastroenterology group practices
pital once or twice a day on rounds have more time, with less in- can be considered hospitalists. Some physician practices (such as cardi-
terruptions, to spend with their office patients. ologists and gastroenterologists) assign a member of the group to rotate,
usually on a weekly basis, inside the hospital to provide inpatient care.
Hospitalists typically manage most aspects of patient care after As these doctors work together every day, professional relation-
ships develop that also contribute to more expedient, efficient and
admission – not only providing medical care but also organizing sub- streamlined care.
specialty services, palliative care, and social services, when neces-
The American Board of Internal Medicine is in the process of devel-
Typically, each hospitalist cares for an average of 18-25 patients
per day. Because hospitalists usually work 7 days on/7 days off, they oping a possible board certification program for the field of hospital
have an opportunity to build close relationships with patients and medicine. Such subspecialty certifications have been created in the past
their families. One of the most valuable aspects of hospitalist care for emergency medicine, critical care medicine and family practice.
is the detailed oversight they provide. As specialists are called in to
evaluate and treat the patient, hospitalists see the big picture and In summary, the next time you or a loved one needs to be hospi-
make adjustments in the care plan accordingly. talized, it’s likely your care will be managed by a group of physicians
called hospitalists. These expert diagnosticians will work closely with
Some hospitalists may be assigned to work in the hospital’s ER, you, your family, specialists and hospital staff to deliver the best clin-
seeing and/or admitting patients who require additional time in the ical outcomes possible.
hospital for work up and treatment of their acute illness.
Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always wel-
come. Email us at [email protected].
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46 Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
AUTHOR ÁLVARO ENRIGUE but around it the scrambled chronolo-
gies of different threads are designed
First, a chatty post-modern pref- of Mexico’s most garlanded writers present, similarly devastated by glo- to make us lose our way in time. Obvi-
ace of hints and disclaimers, featur- (“Sudden Death” won the Herralde balization and the ruthlessness of fi- ousness has never been Enrigue’s goal.
ing the author’s mother; then, a ten- Prize in 2013). It builds a scrapbook nanciers rather than popes. Though
nis match between the Spanish poet of disparate elements that combines minutely researched, it’s not so much Enrigue has called the tennis duel
Quevedo and the Italian painter Car- the cheeky freedom of Roberto Bo- a historical novel as a metaphor of a metaphor of geopolitical confron-
avaggio in 1599; next, a description of laño with the narrative telescopings rupture and continuity, enlivening tations, but it’s more riveting as the
tennis from an 18th-century Spanish of Mario Vargas Llosa, gradually over- fact with fiction: Anne Boleyn was comically desperate, hung-over con-
encyclopedia. lapping to form a shimmer of sugges- beheaded by Jean Rombaud, but he test between two artists with lowlife
tions about happenstance and the didn’t stuff tennis balls with her hair; habits who fancy each other. While
What exactly are we reading? creative imagination. Galileo knew Caravaggio, but prob- he can’t resist the odd metafictional
“Sudden Death,” the first of Álvaro ably didn’t have regular sex with him. aside (“Maybe it’s just a book about
Enrigue’s novels to appear in Eng- “Sudden Death” proposes the dev- how to write this book”), such mod-
lish, is perhaps his most ambitious. astations of the Counter Reforma- The tennis match between Quevedo ishness pales beside the champion
The riotous impurity of his intellec- tion and the conquest of Mexico as and Caravaggio progresses through storytelling. The ball traditionally
tual forays has already made him one both cause and image of our violent the novel, game by hilarious game, represented the soul; here it’s also the
reader, batted between continents,
moments, minds.
What makes the novel so enthralling
is the intimate humanity of its charac-
ters. Enrigue demystifies them using a
rich, baroque naturalism, cut by flip-
pancy and goofy jokes (all hail to trans-
lator Natasha Wimmer for relaxed per-
fection in every key). He invents with
such empathy that the closest thing
to an unmitigated villain is Pius IV,
the new Nero presiding over the con-
flagration lit by the Council of Trent.
There’s a dissolute, sexy Caravaggio,
inviting Quevedo to lap wine from his
mouth. Hernán Cortés has never been
more persuasively portrayed, an as-
cetic Spaniard out of his depth, reck-
less or cruel in his improvisations, but
not the monster of legend, just a gray-
ing provincial who “had broken the
stewpot of the world without realizing
what he was doing.” He’s abetted by La
Malinche, a resentful captive noble-
woman whose “clitoris . . . changed the
world.” Accidents of character or cir-
cumstance, plus linguistic or cultural
misunderstanding, are the motor of
events in these pages.
It’s unclear whether Enrigue thinks
that had such details been other-
wise, subsequent history might really
have been different. With his yen for
a spherical time, he regrets that “the
future has no place in memory”; it
might have made people more careful
of consequences. No historian could
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 47
say a thing like that. But where the Revenge narratives are a Why won’t her father tell Connie about ago, and to connect the woman
novelist and the politicized citizen, strange genre. The crimes that her childhood? And why has he disap- wronged with the loving voice
the fantasist and the scholar, come inspire retribution are usually peared after another woman is found of Cassie, whom Connie re-
together, stunning passages ensue. horrible – so horrible that we murdered in the river near their home? members reciting poems and
The most beautiful are also wishfully often find ourselves uncom- songs that come back to her in
conciliatory. It’s often forgotten that fortably rooting for a “justice” The answers to these questions are snippets. In the meantime, we
there was a reciprocity between New as ugly as the original offense. revealed in pieces, through numer- switch to the point of view of
and Old World: Indian culture also ous short scenes that switch point of the men who were involved in
had an impact on Europe. Kate Mosse plays with this view among various characters, most the long-ago rape, as they are
unsettling truth in her novel notably Harry Woolston, a young man summoned one by one to an
Glowing featherwork miters were “The Taxidermist’s Daugh- whose father has also disappeared. To- isolated cottage.
sent to Europe after 1536 from Bishop ter.” As Connie Gifford, the gether, Harry and Connie attempt to
Vasco de Quiroga’s utopian lakeside taxidermist’s daughter of the sort out what has happened. It’s not Mosse traverses this compli-
community in Mexico, one of which title, tries to puzzle out the long before we begin to understand the cated terrain adeptly. At times,
might possibly have influenced Cara- mysteries of her childhood, details of the crime committed years though, she makes it too easy.
vaggio’s concept of color, while by po- another woman she doesn’t Characters sometimes make
etic coincidence he and the feather art- realize she’s connected to is mistakes that seem implausi-
ists worked by night, under controlled bent on retaliation for a rape ble; for instance, Connie doesn’t
light. Quiroga’s project put Thomas committed 10 years earlier. check the location where read-
More’s “Utopia” into literal practice, ers know her father has been
and there are two marvelous twists Mosse, best known for her locked away. Other characters
on this: The model worked, because it 2005 bestseller “Labyrinth,” who seem to have sharp judg-
restored the system prevalent in indig- draws an evocative setting – ment end up trusting people
enous societies before the Conquest; a small British village in 1912 they obviously shouldn’t.
and More himself may have known, or – and creates a memorable
dreamed, of those societies, since his character in Connie, a patient Yet mostly, Mosse, co-found-
1516 work mentions vestments “com- and intelligent woman car- er of the Baileys Women’s Prize
posed of the plumes of several birds.” ing for her alcoholic father. for Fiction (formerly the Or-
When the book opens, Con- ange Prize), succeeds in strik-
“Sudden Death” resembles the arts nie is running her father’s ing a delicate balance as she
it celebrates: selective, dramatized, business, despite being ini- explores a wronged woman’s
all dark gaps and sensual glare, bend- tially repulsed by the work. justifiable anger and her un-
ing naturalism to some post-God In an early scene, we see her justifiable revenge. The venge-
purpose, like Caravaggio. Building preserving a dead jackdaw, ful Cassie, who worked for
a luxuriant picture that only ignites clutching a scalpel that “looked like Connie’s father, might also be called a
into meaning when angled a certain a stiletto,” a tool that in other house- taxidermist’s daughter. Is she, too, the
way, like the feather artists. Through- holds would be used for paring fruit, novel’s heroine? The answer for Mosse
out this mercurial novel, playing fast “not flesh.” “Blood, skin, bone,” Con- is clearly no, but in asking us to consid-
and loose with facts lets richer truths nie thinks, as she breathes in the scent er the possibility, she poses larger, more
about the world emerge. of rotting animal, a smell that used to complicated questions about when a
nauseate her. woman’s revenge is acceptable.
TRANSLATED BY NATASHA WIMMER child that erased her earlier memories. BY KATE MOSSE
Riverhead. 263 pp. $27 Yet as ominous events begin happen-
Review by Lorna Scott Fox, ing in her seaside town, scenes from her Morrow. 412 pp. $26.99
past begin to seep through: Who was Review by Carole Burns,
The Washington Post that vaguely familiar woman she saw
watching the house a few weeks before? The Washington Post
Beloved American Hero
and Mission Control Director, Christina Korp
"in conversation"
Life Lessons From a Man Who Walked on the Moon
Book purchase/per person of NO DREAM IS TOO HIGH from the Vero Beach Book Center
is required for entrance to the BUZZ ALDRIN event.
Space is limited. Please contact us for details.
392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
48 Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bonz says ‘hola’ to Lola, a Pomeranian princess
Hi Dog Buddies! Fast-iddy-us. See, Mommy to come pick me up.”
“It must be fun having a people
This week I met Lola – yep, just I’m paper trained
Lola, the cutest little Pomeranian I’ve groomer for a Mom,” I observed.
ever laid eyes on (she may have been and I always need my “Ackshully, I don’t care much for be-
the first too, actually, now that I think
about it). We met at my office cuz her privacy. I mean, after ing groomed. I make Mommy sit on the
Mom works nearby. She trotted right floor with me to do it. But I really like
up for the wag-and-sniff. ALL, a girl’s gotta have how I feel later – all spiffy and fluffy.”
“Hi, Mr. Bonzo. I’m Princess Lola, her privacy, doncha Just then, two humans on bikes rode
but you can call me just Lola, and through and we all jumped, ‘specially
this is my Mommy, Sharon. It’s just think?” Lola.
us two girls. We told all our friends
and we’re just so-o excited for my “Er, yes, sure, abso- When they’d gone though, she said,
interview. Mommy got me all fluffed “Humpf, I wasn’t really scared, just sor-
up special, see?” lutely,” I mumbled. ta surprised. But what REALLY scares
me is the dog gate Mommy puts up so
And she did this little prancy thing at “Me and Mommy I don’t go upstairs. Sometimes I knock
the end of her pink leash. She looked it over and it makes a loud, scary noise.
like she was wearing fluffy, white have a Special Routine The other thing that scares me is the
bloomers. Her eyes were big and dark big, loud, slurpy machine Mommy
greenish-brown, and her white, feath- every morning. I wake uses to clear the rugs and stuff. I’m
ery tail curved over onto her back. Her pretty sure it’d GRAB me if I didn’t pay
fur reminded me of cotton candy, or up and give Mommy attention. I’ve seen Dust Bunnies big-
maybe a dandelion puff right before it ger than me.”
blows away. little slurps to wake
I couldn’t believe the time had gone
“You look lovely,” I managed. “And her up. Then she puts by so fast. “It’s been a real pleasure,” I
your coat colors are really pretty, too.” told her.
Lola. PHOTO BY LEAH DUBOIS me down on the floor.
“Oh, thank you. It’s called Party Col- I DON’T jump up OR “Same here, Mr. Bonzo. Maybe we’ll
ors, orange and white,” she said, flash- meet again sometime.” And she gave
ing a smile. “So tell me about yourself, Lola,” I down myself. I probly that happy little smile.
Her face and ears were orange, and encouraged. She trotted over. could, but I’d just rather not. So then “Oh for Lassie’s sake,” I thought,
she was so fluffed up that her ears just “think of something clever to say.”
vanished into the orange fluffiness “Sure, Mr. Bonzo. Well, did you know I Do My Duty and then I get breakfast.
on her head, ‘cept when she spotted “Well, don’t take any wooden dog
something interesting. Then they just my ancestors way, way back came from Which I don’t eat until Mommy puts biscuits,” I blurted out.
popped right up, all pointy.
the Arctic? It’s up at the top where it’s some lovely Parmesan cheese on it. I Till next time,
Since we were in the downstairs
open area, there were lots of things to real snowy. They were sled dogs and LOVE Parmesan cheese, don’t you?” The Bonz
explore, and she checked ‘em all out.
“Oooo, look at those big green leaves.” much bigger than us now. I mean, can “ I ... er …” Don’t Be Shy
She gave ‘em a sniff. Then, “Oooo, look
at all those cars!” Then, “Oooo, look at you even imagine ME pulling a sled? “I also love company cuz they al- We are always looking for pets with
that nice man with a TREAT for me. interesting stories.
(Our building is very dog-friendly.)” Our name comes from a part of Ger- ways love me and give me tons of pats.
To set up an interview, email
many that isn’t even there anymore. Specially Mommy’s besties called The [email protected].
Anyway, somewhere along the line, my Shadies. I dunno why, but they’re super
breed got way smaller, like me. We did fun. I also like walking on the beach. I
herd sheep for a while back then. I’m investigate all the stuff that washes up.
glad we don’t haf to now. It’d mess up My best pooch pal is Gidget, she’s even
my fur. Plus, I only weigh 10 pounds. smaller than me – she’s a sorta Maltese.
The sheep couldn’t even see me, right?” “And my totally favorite human,
“Right,” I agreed. “So tell me how you ‘cept for Mommy, of course, is my
and your Mom met.” Grampa Jim. I have Doggie Day Care
“My Mommy had a Pomeranian with him when Mommy goes to work.
named Daisy who went to Dog Heav- She’s a sorta groomer for human ladies,
en. When she got done feeling sad, she she makes their hair all pretty. She does
looked for a Nice Breeder, and found mine, too! But I’m not allowed to go to
ME – on Palm Sunday. I was just a work with her, so me and Grampa have
teeny puppy, only 3 pounds. Now I’m fun all day. He has lotsa treats. Some-
4, I’m a big girl. Me and Mommy got times he takes me for a ride in his golf
along right away. I get to sleep with cart. Later, Grampa sits in his big chair
her, of course. And I give her, like, zil- and I sit on the couch and we just hang
lions of kisses. Mommy says I’m very out. Then I sit by the door and wait for
What is endoscopy? screens! Now, the sky’s the limit for imaging! patient had chronic nasal discharge that abnormalities like esophagitis, gastric ulcers,
-Endoscopy is the use of a tiny fiberoptic did not respond to antibiotics or other polyps in the colon, and tumors. We can take
At Divine Animal Hospital, we are proud treatments. We were able to isolate the endoscope-guided biopsies of abnormal ar-
of being a progressive practice with state of camera to visualize tissues. Endoscopic cause of the discharge as a piece of grass eas with minimal risk to the patient. Foreign
the art equipment to diagnose and treat your procedures are minimally invasive and typ- that was trapped in the nasal passages body removals and other procedures can be
pets. In addition to complete in-house lab ically involve minimal discomfort. We have causing chronic irritation. Once the grass performed as well which lessens the recovery
services, ultrasound, and digital x-rays, we been able to help our patients tremen- was removed, the discharge resolved. time compared to exploratory surgery.
offer endoscopy in-house. Our clients have dously through this technology. We had a
been delighted by our Welch Allyn digital chronic coughing patient recently who was We are also able to visualize the gastro- Patients with chronic issues like intermit-
otoscopes that allow us to demonstrate the found to have airway abnormalities that intestinal tract in many cases avoiding ex- tent vomiting or diarrhea, blood in stools, or
appearance of the ear canal on large viewing we would have been unable to diagnose ploratory surgery. We have the ability to look difficulty eating can benefit from endoscopy.
and manage without endoscopy. Another at the GI tract from the inside out and find Our doctors are there for pets 24 hours a day.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 49
A9854 K QJ7
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist 9742 A65 10 8 3
63 9542 Q J 10 8 7
When was this spoken? “The national budget must be balanced. The public debt K4 Q J 10 9 8 72
must be reduced; the arrogance of the authorities must be moderated and controlled.
Payments to foreign governments must be reduced, if the nation doesn’t want to go SOUTH
bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.” 10 6 3 2
Here is a deal in which East must assist his side’s cause. South is in three no-trump. AK
West leads his fourth-highest spade. What happens after that? A653
Note North’s response. He should not think about five clubs, even though in this deal, Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Both
three no-trump can be defeated and five clubs will make! However, this is a rarity. The
converse will be the case much more often. The Bidding:
I have one other guideline for you: When you have a singleton king, mentally imagine SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
that it is king-doubleton. 1 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass
After applying the Rule of Eleven (five from 11 is six), East knows that South has two 5 Spades
spades higher than the five — and that they will not be the ace and 10, because West
would have led the nine from a suit headed by the 9-8-6-5.
At trick one, East must unblock and signal with his spade queen — when you cannot
win the trick, play the top of touching honors.
South will take the club finesse at trick two, but it will lose, and West will continue with
a low spade to his partner’s jack. Then the spade-seven return through South’s 10 gives
the defenders one club and four spades.
The opening passage was spoken by Cicero, in 55 B.C.
50 Vero Beach 32963 / April 7, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
1 Scorch (4) 2 Apply (5)
4 Comfort (7) 3 Wickerwork material (6)
8 Total disaster (8) 4 Exhibition (4)
9 Useful hint (3) 5 Bestow (6)
11 Make illegal (6) 6 Last longer than (7)
13 Shooting star (6) 7 Range of skills (10)
14 Lowest point (5) 10 Unconcerned (10)
15 Barrel (4) 12 Thin biscuit (5)
17 Jason’s ship (4) 13 Half note (5)
18 Lukewarm (5) 16 Colonist (7)
20 Flower part (6) 18 Place of worship (6)
21 Predatory cat (6) 19 Large numbers (6)
24 Piercing tool (3) 22 Satisfy thirst (5)
25 Common person (8) 23 Brave man (4)
26 Underwater weapon (7)
The Telegraph 27 Agitated state (4)
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph