Outta their way: P6 Green thumbs up! P7 Eire apparent
Beach restrictions in effect with Satellite Beach City Council Irish eyes smile on South Shores’
turtle season underway. approves community garden. St. Patrick’s festival. PAGE 11
THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 2017 | VOLUME 02, ISSUE 12 www.melbournebeachsider.com | NEWSSTAND PRICE $1.00
New two-headed Lagoon projects
dragon coming given green light
to Merritt Island by Commission
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER The dilapidated house at Dragon Point will be torn down and replaced with a new 7,000-square-foot estate. PHOTO: BRUCE CADY STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER
[email protected] [email protected]
A new chapter in the legend At a meeting this month the
of Dragon Point on Merritt Is- County Commission approved
land is set to begin. County several elements of the Indian
officials have confirmed the River Lagoon plan and voted to
start of construction on a interview the top two executive
7,000-square-foot contempo- search firms bidding for the
rary estate that will replace contract to find a new county
the crumbling mansion on manager.
the site, and a new two-head-
ed dragon named “Rojak” will The Save Our Indian River
be created to take the place of Lagoon project grew out of a
the namesake original dragon massive algae bloom and fish
“Annie,” which was wrecked kill a year ago. The outcry over
during a storm in 2002. that ecological nightmare led
to the successful referendum
Property owner Don Fac- to add a half-cent infrastruc-
ciobene, a Palm Bay general ture sales tax in Brevard Coun-
contractor, bought the 0.86- ty to raise money to mitigate
acre estate in 2015, drew up pollution in the county’s long
FIT well suited to help get Repairing docks
space tourism off the ground seen taking time
STORY BY TERRY CONWAY COLUMNIST viduals will be launched from Professor Ondrej Doule testing the FIT spacesuit. STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER
[email protected] historic Launch Pad 39 at the [email protected]
Kennedy Space Center on a
In late February Elon Musk Dragon 2 vehicle powered by The sigh of relief about rela-
announced the first joy ride SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket. tively light winds during Hurri-
into space is set to occur next cane Matthew last October has
year. The founder and CEO The two private citizens given way to a groan of realiza-
of SpaceX plans to use one of who will make the flight, “who tion that storm surge caused
his rockets to transport two have not yet been named, ap- massive dock and seawall dam-
paying customers around proached SpaceX about tak- age along the eastern shores of
the moon in 2018. The indi- both the Indian and Banana
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 rivers in Brevard County.
In response, the state De-
partment of Environmental
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 ‘Rumors’ has it
NEWS 1-8 FAITH 22 PEOPLE 9-12 Hype surrounds Neil Simon
ARTS 13-16 GAMES 23-25 PETS 33 play coming to the Melbourne
DINING 31 INSIGHT 17-26 Civic Theatre. PAGE 14
2 Thursday, March 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
A United Launch Alliance Delta IV rocket carrying a Global SATCOM satellite for the U.S. Air Force takes off from Space Launch Complex-37 Saturday night.
SPACESUIT In the spring of 2016 the School of ing the Brooklyn-based startup Final very responsive and flexible, it’s been
Human-Centered Design purchased a Frontier Design. a smooth working relationship,” said
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 functional spacesuit for $28,000 from Doule, a native of East Bohemia in the
Final Frontier Designs of Brooklyn, Boasting two decades of experience Czech Republic, who arrived at FIT
ing a trip around the moon, and have N.Y., for use in developing a universal as a mechanical engineer at Russia’s five years ago.
‘already paid a significant deposit’ for cockpit specifically for space tourism. national space suit supplier, Moiseev
the cost of the mission,” according to Florida Tech is one of just three univer- is responsible for spacesuit designs The garment Doule and his team are
space.com. “The names of the two indi- sities nationwide that are testing the that have protected cosmonauts in working on is called an intra-vehicular
viduals will be announced later, pend- functionality of a spacesuit that pilots deep space since 1988. An American activity, or IVA, suit that would be worn
ing the result of initial health tests to en- and passengers will wear when they fine artist with an MFA in sculpture, inside the space vehicle during mission-
sure their fitness for the mission.” blast off for the moon and make the Southern has a dozen years of materi- critical events such as launch, reentry
journey back to earth. als and fabrication experience for the and landing. The IVA suit provides a
“Like the Apollo astronauts before special effects and costuming indus- contained head-to-toe pressurized en-
them, these individuals will travel into “The suit provides pilots and space- tries in New York City. vironment that protects the body from
space carrying the hopes and dreams of flight participants with another level any loss of cabin pressure. The biggest
all humankind, driven by the universal of safety and we believe it may be as They first met at NASA’s Astronaut concerns are air flow and overheating,
human spirit of exploration,” SpaceX common in future space tourism as Glove Challenge in 2007. The pair lost according to Doule.
representatives said in the statement. gloves and helmets are for motor- that competition, but teamed up to win
cycle road trips,” said Ondrej Doule, the next one in 2009. It earned them a “The suit is quite soft, flexible and en-
When space tourism shifts into high an assistant professor at the School. $100,000 grant as well as garnering se- durable as well as being roughly 60 per-
gear, research from Florida Institute of “What we learn in space about artifi- rious attention from NASA. They used cent lighter than suits NASA used in the
Technology is expected to play a critical cially built environments can be then their windfall to further develop a five- past,” explained Doule, whose transpor-
role. Last year the School of Human- applied on earth for enhancement of finger glove that outperformed NASA’s tation of choice around Melbourne is a
Centered Design, Innovation and Art re- sustainable development.” own technology at the time. Another Fazer 300 Yamaha motorcycle. “It can
ceived a grant from the Federal Aviation slice of their winnings launched Final be put on in 10 to 15 minutes. It’s also
Administration to develop standards for Both a machine and a garment, the Frontier Design where Southern is the adjustable and can be worn more than
keeping passengers and crew safe from suit shields space travelers from the president and designer. once and by more than one person.”
the ground to zero G. inhospitable conditions of space. It
also demonstrate how science and art Final Frontier Design’s next-gener- Doule is also developing an Adap-
FIT scientists and technicians are can go together – just ask the seem- ation spacesuit consists of three lay- tive Spaceship Cockpit Simulator that
testing the spacesuit passengers will ingly mismatched pair of Ted South- ers: an undergarment, a body hugging will help astronauts make the most
wear and developing a universal cock- ern and Nikolay Moiseev, who part- pressure garment and an outer shell of their time in space and improve
pit/flight deck especially for space nered in 2010 to design and develop constructed of Nomex, a protective efficiency and safety during human
tourism as well as working with the apparel for space missions, launch- flame-resistant fabric. spaceflight missions.
FAA on designing safety rules for com-
mercial tourism spacecraft. The Final Frontier team has “been “For any area of spaceship flight
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 23, 2017 3
deck research, design or engineering, system is most efficient in the complex wearing gloves and a helmet, dealing ploration, commercial missions and sub-
the understanding of one’s dexterity, environment of human spaceflight that with the motion in a cockpit? orbital space tourism,” Doule said.
perception and work constraints im- is affecting the body and perception
posed by a spacesuit are extremely im- even as gravity changes. Is it a joystick, “Understanding what will work best as Three weeks ago, Musk told report-
portant,” Doule noted. a mouse, a track ball? Which communi- an astronaut interacts with the spaceship ers the 2018 trip to the moon and back
cation system is fastest and safest while systems in any possible scenario could will traverse more than 300,000 miles
“It’s all about which input and display shape our success with future space ex- and take about a week.
4 Thursday, March 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
WRECKED DOCKS PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER surge like that. With the river already “The higher they were, the surviv-
being high, the rainfall, and the wind ability was better because they took
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 the state. There was also a King Tide at driven water, it was bad,’’ he said. less storm surge for a shorter period
the time. of time. The docks that were only a
Protection relaxed the regulations – Most docks were damaged by pres- few feet off the water took the biggest
which went back into effect March 1 – When the storm veered east, it was sure surging up against the bottom of beating. All the older structures failed
requiring permits for the dock repairs. the winds on the backside of the storm platforms and walkways. sooner because they were in a weak-
that seemed to pile up the water right ened state,’’ he said.
“If there was something left [of the onto the docks, DeFillips said. “It was waves beating a dock to death
dock] and they are just putting back and especially all the larger platforms DeFillips was surprised by the
what was there originally, they didn’t “That had already raised the water with more surface area. A lot of docks amount of work that flooded his
need a permit per the emergency levels so when the winds came, that with platforms were 90 percent ripped business after the storm during the
order,” said Kimberly Rush, state amplified that effect, especially on the off and walkways were lifted but maybe initial rush to get repairs completed
Department of Environmental Pro- eastern shore of both rivers. not completely taken,’’ DeFillips said. under the relaxed emergency permit-
tection permitting program adminis- ting rules.
trator for the central district covering “It really stacked the water high – Damage depended largely on the
Brevard. I’m talking 6 feet of storm surge, which age and condition of docks and how “There’s just dock after dock af-
is so unlikely. We’ve never had a storm high they were off the water, he said. ter dock. There were a lot of con-
Still busy with Hurricane Matthew tractors who came in from out of
repair work and considering hiring town, and there were some fly by
additional staff is Steve DeFillips, nights. People were very anxious to
owner of East Coast Docks of Mel- get stuff done, so they would get a
bourne Beach. handy man and neighbors to put
stuff back together.
“Obviously, after the storm we were
flooded with phone calls. The phones “All your reputable dock companies
wouldn’t stop ringing and we started and marine contractors are inundat-
making lists by location. About two ed and will be that way for at least a
days after doing that we realized there year. We are currently booked out 10
was no way [we could take jobs in other months,’’ he said.
areas]. We ended up only taking phone
calls for people who lived in Melbourne DeFillips thinks Hurricane Matthew
Beach and Indialantic,’’ he said. will go down in history for its shore-
line impact.
DeFillips believes that the water
levels in the Indian and Banana rivers “I would say, compared to other hur-
had been elevated before the storm as ricanes, the winds weren’t as strong,
water control officials took measures but because of the wind direction and
to prevent flooding in the interior of river surge, more damage occurred in
hurricane Matthew than in the 2004
hurricanes,” he said.
VERO BEACH 32963 Media LLC DRAGON POINT feature at the end of the point for navi-
PRESIDENT AND PUBLISHER: MILTON R. BENJAMIN gational safety in the form of a torch
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 held by an Ais Indian.
772-559-4187, [email protected]
CREATIVE DIRECTOR: DAN ALEXANDER plans for a luxury waterfront home, Dragon Point is located at the
and commissioned the design of a southernmost tip of Merritt Island and
772-539-2700, [email protected] replacement dragon from Jim Mc- marks the confluence of the Indian
MANAGING EDITOR: STEVEN M. THOMAS Millian, a Micco artist who formerly and Banana rivers.
772-453-1196, [email protected] served as assistant to the Palm Bay
City Manager for Economic and Busi- The original concrete-and-steel drag-
To learn about the cost-effective advertising rates being offered in ness Development. on named “Annie” was built in 1971 by
The Melbourne Beachsider, please contact our advertising Florida artist Louis VanDercar for then
representatives listed below: Plans were approved by the county property owner Aynn Christal and be-
DIRECTOR OF ADVERTISING: JUDY DAVIS in 2016 but there was a delay after that came a widely known landmark and
772-633-1115, [email protected] as the unusual project got tied up tem- point of interest.
ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES porarily in the permitting process and
Facciobene got busy with other proj- In 1981, the statue was expanded for
WILL GARDNER, 407-361-2150, [email protected] ects, McMillian said. new property owner Warren McFad-
KATHLEEN MACGLENNON, 772-633-0753, [email protected] den, with the addition of a tail, an ex-
Now, though, demolition of the ru- tended neck, two cavepeople and four
To talk about stories, or invite us to cover social and charitable events, ined mansion is set to begin; trucks will hatchling dragons named Joy, Sun-
call 772-453-1196 or email us at [email protected]. be hauling away the longtime eyesore, shine, Charity and Freedom.
while crews construct scaffolding and
stabilize the shoreline in preparation for According to the new story McMil-
construction, according to McMillian. lian has imagined for Dragon Point,
Rojak is Annie’s fifth hatchling who
“We’re finally in the process. All per- was kept hidden in a magical passage
mits are finalized and demolition at beneath the water because he had
Dragon Point begins in a week or two,” two heads and was different and An-
the dragon-designer said. “Facciobene nie feared he would not be accepted.
wanted to get started on construction so
that the permits don’t lapse and then we “I talked Facciobene into doing a
would have had to start all over again.” two-headed dragon – one for the In-
dian River, one for the Banana River
According to a county stipulation, – and started a new legend about the
the footprint of the 60-foot dragon will dragon,” said McMillian. “I took on the
be pulled back further from the point project and really had some fun with
than the previous configuration. In- it. I had a blast designing it. I wanted it
cluded in the design is a lighthouse to stand for something.”
6 Thursday, March 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Beach restrictions in effect as turtle season commences
STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER Brevard County Natural Resources protective measures like turtle nesting and nest on Florida beaches. These
[email protected] Management department does not ap- monitoring.” beaches typically see 15,000 nesting log-
prove building permits for structures gerheads in a year. Overall, Florida can
It’s that time of year again. A time on the dunes. For a few years, turtle nesting sea- expect 40,000 to 60,000 sea turtle nests
when hope springs eternal. A time for son delayed installation of a new gate by season’s end. The turtles, which have
renewal. A time when a new season is “Because the county coastal con- to allow easier entrance for emergency existed since prehistoric times, lay 80 to
upon us – Turtle Season. struction ordinance disallows most vehicles onto Melbourne Beach at the 110 eggs in nests they dig in the sand.
structures east of our coastal setback end of Ocean Avenue. This year, the
The season began March 1, but doesn’t line this usually means that dune cross- project finally got completed – barely – “Females can lay up to seven nests
kick into high gear until May 1 and doesn’t over permits are on hold and dune res- before the March 1 cut-off date. per season about two weeks apart, but
wind down until the end of October.
toration or planting projects also have Many of the restrictions have to do with they only nest every two to six years de-
During that time, a whole raft of legal to wait,” said Darcie McGee, of Environ- lighting along or near the beachfront. Ev- pending on the species,” Shellabarger
restrictions and common sense prac- mental Resources Management. “The ery beachside community, including Mel- said. “Once deposited, incubation lasts
tices go into effect to protect threat- exception would be if a state or federal bourne Beach, Indian Harbour Beach, for approximately two months.”
ened and endangered sea turtles in a agency issued a permit. For instance, Satellite Beach and Indialantic have ordi-
county with the largest concentration you may see Brevard County conduct- nances that require light control. That’s a lot of eggs, but Cheney says
of nesting sites in the world – in a state ing sand placement and revegetation only one in 1,000 grow to adulthood.
that is home to 90 percent of nests in after March 1. However, the activity is “At night on a natural coast, the re- Sea turtles range in size from the 75-
the continental United States. permitted and includes marine turtle flection of the moon and stars make the 100 pound Kemp’s Ridley to the 1,300
ocean the brightest part of the beach. pound, 8-foot-long leatherback. Most
“We may see a few leatherbacks as Hatchlings use this light to navigate to- sea turtles grow and mature slowly,
early as March, and some loggerheads wards the ocean. Both sea turtle hatch- with life-spans of 70-80 years.
nesting by mid-April,” said Dave Cheney, lings and adults are easily disoriented by
media coordinator for the Indialantic- artificial lighting and will head towards Cheney said going by the numbers,
based Sea Turtle Preservation Society. lights on beach homes or properties if the restrictions have helped. The num-
“But the peak of loggerhead nesting runs they appear brighter than the glow of the ber of green turtle nests rose last year.
from late May to early June. The green ocean horizon,” said Sarah Shellabarger, Once considered endangered, they
turtles usually nest from June to late Au- a spokeswoman for the Florida Depart- have now improved to the threatened
gust.” ment of Environmental Protection. category. That said, Cheney added you
cannot look at a single year, but have to
Restrictions impact construction proj- Laws restrict or prohibit floodlights consider five- and 10-year trends.
ects east of A1A that come close to the and other illumination aimed at the
dunes where turtles nest. beach; low intensity lighting for build- Shellabarger said that in spite of hur-
ings and public property is required, ricanes and other stormy weather, there
along with hoods or shields. In addi- was “a significant increase in nests on
tion, shade screens, tinted windows DEP’s Florida Coastal Office-monitored
or blackout draperies are mandated beaches in 2016 in comparison to the
reduce the glare in buildings facing the prior year. The total number of hatch-
ocean, especially after 9 p.m. lings recorded on these beaches was
“There are many alternatives that can
be implemented so lights are not seen Turtle-friendly tips from DEP in-
from the beach,” McGee said. “When clude:
it comes to code enforcement, we aim
for compliance first and give time and Never stop a turtle hatchling or adult
guidance for the violation to be rem- that is returning to the ocean. Not only
edied. In the event that does not hap- can interference tire them and increase
pen, we send the case to the Special mortality, the journey from nest to wa-
Magistrate who will hear the evidence ter may be part of the process to learn
and assign the penalty. The ordinances the location of their home beach so they
list fines and jail as potential penalties. can return to nest in the future.
However, no one has been sentenced to
jail time in my 13 years here.” Keep the beach clear. Do not litter or
leave behind beach equipment. Demol-
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conser- ish sandcastles and fill in holes. Consider
vation Commission report that the con- cleaning up litter spotted around you.
tiguous beaches from Brevard to Palm
Beach counties are the most important Report sightings of nesting turtles to
loggerhead nesting sites in the Western 800-404-FWCC. Workers and volunteers
Hemisphere. Adult female sea turtles will mark off the nest area to help pre-
can come from as far as Africa to breed vent inadvertent damage.
For more information, visit www.
seaturtlespacecoast.org or call 321-676-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 23, 2017 7
Grow forth! Satellite Beach Council OKs community garden
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER $1,500 and a trellis, bench and fencing September. We want to take the time vegetables, the community garden is
[email protected] for $300. to build something and do it right,’’ he expected to benefit Satellite Beach by
said. City officials are testing the salin- becoming a gathering place for resi-
Green thumbs are coming out of the Funds generated by the sale of the ity and other aspects of the city water to dents to meet and positive neighbor-
woodwork to sign up for planting beds community garden plots for $50 each make sure it is suitable to irrigate veg- hood focal point, officials said.
in the new Satellite Beach Community will be used to pay for all mainte- etables, he said.
Garden approved by the City Council nance and workshops. The garden will “A community garden not only gives
March 1. be managed by the city Sustainabil- The beds will be arranged in an s-pat- our residents the ability to plant a gar-
ity Board officially created at the same tern to avoid shade from nearby trees den when they may not have been able
Half of the 20 raised beds have already March 1 City Council meeting. and separated by simple rope fencing. to at their own home, it also brings
been requested for the 7,650-square- Rain barrel systems may be fed by gut- people together, and there is something
foot garden to be located between ex- The presentation on the garden was ters on the racquetball courts, hooked therapeutic about getting your hands
isting landscaping on the lawn next to made during a workshop at the meet- together or stacked to provide addition- in the soil and watching your garden
the city racquetball courts near DeSoto ing by the city’s environmental program al water pressure, he said. The project grow,” said city council member Mindy
Parkway. coordinator Nick Sanzone. The motion is patterned after a similar garden at Gibson, who was on the Sustainabil-
approving the plan passed unanimously. Florida Tech and one which opened in ity Board before she was elected to the
The Council authorized $5,000 from Wickham Park in 2016 with 40 beds. council and served on the planning
the Recycling Trust Fund for construc- While many gardeners have ex- committee for the garden.
tion which includes 20 beds (four feet pressed interest in getting started as Other ideas considered for the Satellite
wide, eight feet long and two feet tall) for soon as possible, Sanzone suggested Beach community garden but dropped Sanzone originally researched how
$110 each and $1,000 for irrigation sys- a September completion date to have because of cost included the use of cedar to advertise for garden participants but
tems with pumps and pipes for use of time to do it correctly and to take ad- lumber for the beds rather than pressure told the council he was no longer con-
city water during dry weather and rain vantage of the fall growing season. treated pine and creating small storage cerned about that aspect of the project
barrels to capture and store water dur- boxes as part of each bed. considering the initial community re-
ing rainy seasons. Also in the budget are “With approval, we can purchase sponse to the idea.
50 cubic yards of soil and compost for materials in May or June, construct Besides producing tasty, nutritious
the beds and have a ribbon cutting in
STORY BY BILL SOKOLIC STAFF WRITER this week. Day said the completed ramp tion of plants to help beautify Ocean Park. Commissioners also voted to op-
[email protected] will be ready for opening by March 27. The spending authorization by Wil- pose Florida House of Representatives
HB 17, which bars local governments
The Melbourne Beach boat ramp In other meeting news, the com- liamson and the town is pending ap- from imposing or adopting regula-
at 6th Avenue and the river sustained mission approved the donation of proval of the appropriate type of plants tions on businesses, professions and
enough damage during Hurricane $500 to match the donation by resi- which will be decided at a workshop at occupations.
Matthew to warrant $6,500 in repairs. dent Tamara Williamson for the addi- the end of the month.
The cost includes a last-minute addi-
tion to the repairs: handrails on one
side of the reconstructed ramp.
The commission at its March 15
meeting approved the supplement
to make it easier for kayakers and
paddle boarders to slide their boats
into the water. The commissioners
also agreed to match a private dona-
tion for plantings at Ocean Park and
passed a resolution in opposition to
legislation pending in the Florida
legislature that would strip power
from local governments
“I think hand rails would be safer,”
Mayor Jim Simmons said in support
of the boat ramp addition.
Also speaking in support, Commis-
sioner Wyatt Hoover said the handrail
would help when the boat ramp gets
too slippery when wet.
But Commissioner Steve Walters
opposed the inclusion. “The handrail
won’t last six months before someone
knocks in over.”
Town Manager Tim Day says the
rails will be bolted into the concrete.
The project cost comes from city
coffers. The ramp also serves as the
launch site for river rescues by the
Melbourne Beach fire department.
The handrail expects to be installed
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 23, 2017 11
Eire apparent at South Shores’ super St. Pat’s fest
Ed Doran, Beth Doran and Hal Doran. Bobbie Walsh and Chris Fink. price included all the food, drink, mu- orful, sparkling outfits.
sic, dancing and camaraderie one could At a celebration more likely to be
ask for. “Our community creates the ul-
timate Irish experience,” she said. organized by a municipality than a
neighborhood, it was clear that the
As the sun set and lights switched residents made its success possible.
on, residents swayed around the
dance floor to music provided by Re- “It’s like paradise here,” said Mir-
member When DJ service. At 8 p.m., iam Smith, a snowbird resident from
the Rondeau School of Irish Dance Elmira, N.Y. “Five years ago, I was a
took the dance floor for a spectacular brand-new widow and this commu-
step-dance exhibition performed by nity opened its arms to me, helping
12 accomplished young ladies in col- me heal. I am forever grateful. This is
such a lovely night.”
Anita Munn, Ursula Jumper, Ron Brock, Linda Spoelker.
Marguerite Tomasello, Frank Seney, Dottie Seney, Dorothy Whitesall and Donna Casey.
STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT dressed in the color of the season.
[email protected] At a little after 7 p.m., the unmistak-
It’s safe to say that most neighbor- able whine of bagpipes and the rhyth-
hoods do not roll out the green carpet mic thumping of drums grew as the
for St. Patrick in quite the fashion of City of Melbourne Pipes and Drums
South Shores, a community south of band rounded the street corner and
Melbourne Beach. came into the limelight in front of the
community pavilion. One needn’t have
A holiday known more for its festivi- been Irish (or Scottish) to spout tears
ties than the ancient story in which it of pride as the band played “Coulter’s
is rooted, St. Patrick’s Day encourages Candy.”
people of all backgrounds to see the
world through Irish eyes, something Young and old guests alike broke into
this community of 138 homes nestled spontaneous hand clapping and Irish
between the Atlantic Ocean and the In- jigging as the band, under the com-
dian River Lagoon has been doing for 19 mand of Drum Major Jay McClure, be-
years. gan a crowd favorite, “When Irish Eyes
Are Smiling.”
Originally started in 1998 by John
and Iris Culhane, the party has grown The band performed five more songs,
by word of mouth to embrace residents including a touching version of “Danny
and guests in an evening of celebration Boy.” Musicians and guests mingled in
featuring bagpipes, step-dancers, tradi- a sea of Kelly Green and shared a few
tional foods and, yes, traditional drinks. pints before the band marched away for
The day has evolved well past the party another year.
stage and is now the community’s event
of the year. Iris Culhane said they eventually
handed organizational duties over to
The festivities began at 5 p.m. under others, including Bill and Mary John-
a huge white tent, where 156 new and son and Sharon Overton, and “now we
longtime friends heaped their plates just come here to enjoy the party of the
with corned beef and cabbage, shep- year.”
herd’s pie, red potatoes and Irish soda
bread, and sat among 14 long tables Overton, an enthusiastic community
member, said the bargain $38 ticket
14 Thursday, March 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Forget March Madness. Brevard’s More characters arrive, including
got its own dream team lined up for gossips, a psychiatrist, an accountant
Melbourne Civic Theatre’s revival of with whiplash and a TV cook with back
“Rumors.” spasms.
Indeed, there is an element of com- The plot becomes increasingly fran-
munity theater legend in this produc- tic with the arrival of each new charac-
tion of the Neil Simon farce. Some of ter and with the fibs unraveling about
the area’s best-known comic actors the gunshot, the never-seen politician
have performed in it multiple times and his missing wife.
– together.
It’s basically “add water and stir” for
Their previous productions sold out this troupe.
and this new one, opening March 23
in the intimate, 93-seat venue in Mel- “It’s very fast and it’s fun,” Peg Gi-
bourne, is quickly following suit. With- rard said. “We’re having a blast in re-
in hours of tickets going on sale, the hearsal.”
first two Sundays sold out and many
performances only have a scant num- Her cast echoes that sentiment.
ber of seats left. Plans are already being “We are so in tune with each other,”
made for additional performances. said Bob Campbell, who plays Ken
Gorman for the fourth time. “We know
“I don’t know if there’s a cult sur-
rounding it, but I know a lot of people
are excited about seeing it again,” said
actor Terrence Girard, who for the
fourth time plays Leonard in the show.
Written in 1988, Simon’s “Rumors”
ran for a year-and-a-half on Broadway.
Directed by Gene Saks, it had a host of
big-name actors including Christine
Baranski, who won the Tony for her
turn in it.
The story takes place north of New
York City in a politician’s comfortable
home in Snedens Landing, a ritzy en-
clave on the Hudson River. Friends
are about to gather to celebrate the
10th anniversary of the politician’s
“It begins with a gunshot and never
stops,” said director Peg Girard, who
also is reprising her role of Cookie.
Like her husband, Terrence, this is her
fourth time in the show.
The first couple to arrive at the
home are Ken and Chris Gorman,
both lawyers. They decide it is in the
politician’s best interest to keep the
gunshot accident in the dark.
how the other actors work and how Phoenix and the Theater Company. A
they’ll respond. We all know how to few years ago he moved north to take
play off each other.” care of his family’s natural gas, oil and
lumber business and eventually settled
The ensemble’s first time in the show outside Washington, D.C.
was in 1992 at the old Phoenix Theatre
directed by Rodney Fairbanks. At the The last show he did here was the
request of its patrons, the Phoenix re- 2008 production of “Rumors,” which
prised the show in 2004. After the Phoe- was directed by Peg Girard.
nix closed, the ensemble regrouped at
the old Theater Company of Palm Bay, When Girard knew she was going to
where the show was produced in 2008. do this show again, she decided to call
Campbell and offer him the role. She
Campbell used to be a frequent face told him that his “old cohorts” would
in Brevard’s community theater scene be doing the show as well, prompting
and made quite a name for himself an immediate “yes” from Campbell.
in both dramas and comedies at the
“I figured this will be the fourth and
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 23, 2017 15
probably last time I do this role be- Coming Up: Chamber music phenoms
cause I’m getting up there in age. In the earn spotlight at St. Mark’s concert
first 10 minutes of the show I’m run-
ning up and down stairs 15 to 20 times. STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER explained why, after hearing him Osborne had joined Huang for that
It kicks my butt.” [email protected] play last spring: “Huang possesses concert last April and will again join
a big, luscious tone, spot-on intona- him for the Indialantic concert. She
In addition to casting her husband tion and a technique that makes the has performed extensively in the
Terrence, Peg Girard also called Adri- most punishing string phrases feel United States and Europe, appearing
an Cahill right away. It will be the third as natural as breathing. It’s the per- in such prestigious concert venues
time playing the psychiatrist for Ca- fect sound to lavish on 19th-century as Carnegie Hall and the Kennedy
hill, who is British. violin literature.”
He said people jumped at the op-
portunity to reprise their roles or even SPEAKING IN
take on different ones if need be. STONES
“She said hey, we’re doing ‘Rumors’ Violinist Paul Huang.
again, and you’ll either do this or you’ll
never work in this town again,” Ca- Pianist Jessica Xylina Osborne. JOIN US FOR A TRUNK SHOW FEATURING
hill said, with the droll humor of his JEWELRY BY
homeland. “But I couldn’t bear think 1 Next Friday, the Melbourne
of someone else being Ernie. I would Chamber Music Society pres- JAMIE JOSEPH
hate being in the audience watching it
and not being a part of it.” ents two young rising stars of the FRIDAY & SATURDAY, MARCH 24 –25
The newcomers to the family, if SEE THESE AND OTHER FINE THINGS AT VERO’S FINEST
Moreno. Make that Brevard resident,
Rita Moreno. chamber music world, Taiwanese-
Moreno will be playing the role of American violinist Paul Huang and
Cassie Cooper, a jealous woman who
uses a quartz crystal to get back to pianist Jessica Xylina Osborne, in a
center. Opposite her is Steven Wolf, a
very popular area actor who swings concert at St. Mark’s Church.
effortlessly from drama to comedy
and who used to be a professional ac- Huang debuted at the Kennedy
tor in New York. This is Wolf’s third
time in the play. Center in 2012 to critical acclaim,
Most recently, Moreno and Wolf and earned similar raves at his ap-
portrayed another married couple
in Melbourne Community Theater’s pearance last year with the Bre-
production of Arthur Miller’s drama
“The Price.” vard Symphony. In 2015, Huang 2910 CARDINAL DR.
“It’s all so new to me,” Moreno said. was the recipient of the prestigious 7 72 . 2 3 4 . 6711
“It’s been fun watching the original
cast go through the show. I’m just Avery Fisher Career Grant. Wash- THEL AUGHINGDOGGALLERY.COM
laughing out loud and I’m having a
good time of it. It has a following and ington Post music critic Joe Banno
a history.”
Ganio will play the part of taciturn
Officer Pudney, who arrives on the
scene with no-nonsense Officer Welch,
played by Michael Thompson in his
third turn in the show. In addition to
being a well-known Brevard actor,
Thompson is also a director and has
worked at numerous theaters through-
out the area.
Although she’s in a different role,
this will be the fourth time Sally Con-
tess will be in “Rumors,” this time as
attorney Chris Gorman. Susan Suomi
will appear for her second time as gos-
sipy social climber Clair Ganz.
Both Contess and Suomi are also
very well known in Brevard’s commu-
nity theater scene.
Yes, Campbell said, there are some
of the funny bits that caused the audi-
ence to double over in laughter the last
three times. But there are some new
touches as well.
“Rumors” runs through April 30 at
Melbourne Civic Theatre, 817 E. Straw-
bridge Ave. Tickets are $29 and $31. Call
321-723-6935 or visit MyMCT.org.
16 Thursday, March 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Downtown Center. Banno had ‘Mame.’
Melbourne high praise for
her, too, calling so brilliantly: He finds comedy in
Festival her “a model of re- the most absurd and trying of hu-
of the Arts strained passion man circumstances. Happily for the
in the Franck, deputy mayor, it’s a flesh wound to
The Most Prestigious Art Festival and throughout the ear lobe, and the four couples
to Premiere in Downtown Melbourne the recital gauged gathered to celebrate his wedding
her phrasing with anniversary quickly come down
March 25th – 26th great perception with a case of confusion and hi-
Sat./Sun. 10am – 5pm and subtlety, al- larity. Simon wrote “Rumors” at a
ways articulating tough time in his life, expecting to
Free Admission the musical arc, find solace in his comedic writing.
but never hogging Mission accomplished. “Rumors”
East New Haven Avenue in Downtown Melbourne the spotlight.” The runs through April 30. Show times:
program, with one Fridays and Saturdays, 8 p.m.; Sun-
ArtFestival.com intermission, will days, 2 p.m.
include Beethoven’s Sonata No. 3 in
A Howard Alan Event E-Flat Major; Grieg’s Sonata No. 3 in C
Information: (561) 746-6615 minor; Chopin’s Nocturne in C-sharp
minor; and Saint-Saens’ Sonata No. 1
in D minor. The concert at St. Mark’s
Church, 2030 N. A1A, Indialantic, is
Friday, March 31, at 7:30 p.m.
2 The duo Heart of Oak will fill
Sebastian’s Riverview Park
with Celtic music and sea songs this
Friday, as the Sebastian River Area
Chamber of Commerce and the
City of Sebastian continue their free
Concerts in the Park series. Jinna
and Lonnie Dee Robertson perform
on a variety of stringed instruments, 4 Last call for “Mame,” “Hunch-
back” and “Aida,” all ending
with a pleasant folk sound and di-
verse repertoire. In addition to play- their runs in our area Sunday. The
ing music, the two are sailors and Disney musical “The Hunchback of
custom boat builders, producing Notre Dame” closes at the Heneger
dories for rowing, sailing or motor- in Melbourne; “Mame” at Riverside
ing. The concert is from 5:30 p.m. to Theatre ends down in Vero Beach;
8 p.m. Bring a blanket or lawn chair. and the Elton John and Tim Rice
musical “Aida,” finishes its
run at the Cocoa Village
5 Here’s a suggestion:
Get the Led Out! No,
really. Get the Led Out is
a Philly-based Led Zeppe-
lin tribute band (aka The
American Led Zeppelin)
whose current tour brings
them to the King Center
‘Rumors.’ in Melbourne Friday. The
concert starts at 8 p.m.
3 Neil Simon’s “Ru-
mors” opens Fri-
day at the Melbourne
Civic Theatre. When
a play begins with the
deputy mayor of New
York having just shot
himself in the head,
“comedy” might not
immediately spring to
mind. But this is what
Simon, one of the most
prolific, versatile and
acclaimed writers in ‘Get the Led Out.’
theater history, does
18 Thursday, March 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
BY JOBY WARRICK | WASHINGTON POST Pyongyang’s ambition to become increasing the range and power of a mands: a clamoring for security guar-
an advanced nuclear-armed state is stockpile of homemade short- and antees and international respect by a
On the day of North Korea’s first not new. North Korea began building medium-range missiles, all based on paranoid and nearly friendless gov-
atomic test in 2006, aides to President its first reactor for making plutonium Soviet-era designs. ernment that perceives its democratic
George W. Bush began phoning foreign more than three decades ago. Over neighbors as plotting its destruction.
capitals to reassure allies startled by the years, it has shown ingenuity in Often, in the past, the new innova- After the first atomic test in 2006, then-
Pyongyang’s surprising feat. The test, tions have been accompanied by de- leader Kim Jong Il threatened to launch
aides said, had been mostly a failure: nuclear missiles unless Washington
a botched, 1-kiloton cry for attention agreed to face-to-face talks.
from a regime that had no warheads
or reliable delivery systems and would North Korea has been slammed in-
never be allowed to obtain them. stead with ever-tighter United Nations
sanctions meant to cut off access to
“The current course that they are on technology and foreign cash flows. Yet,
is unacceptable,” State Department in spite of the trade restrictions, diplo-
spokesman Sean McCormack said matic isolation, threats and occasional
publicly at the time, “and the interna- sabotage, the country’s weapons pro-
tional community is going to act.” grams have continued their upward
march, goaded forward by a succes-
A decade later, that confidence has sion of dictators willing to sacrifice
all but evaporated. After Pyongyang their citizens’ well-being to grow the
successfully lobbed four intermediate- country’s military might.
range missiles into the Sea of Japan ear-
lier this year, U.S. officials are no longer And now, in the fifth year of Kim Jong
seeing North Korea’s weapons tests as Un’s rule, progress is coming in leaps.
amateurish, attention-grabbing provo-
cations. Instead, they are viewed as evi- Pyongyang’s fifth and latest nuclear
dence of a rapidly growing threat – and weapons test occurred on Sept. 9 on
one that increasingly defies solution. the 68th anniversary of North Korea’s
founding. As usual, seismic monitoring
Over the past year, technological stations picked up vibrations from the
advances in North Korea’s nuclear and underground blast and quickly deter-
missile programs have dramatically mined that this one was exceptional.
raised the stakes in the years-long
standoff between the United States Scientific analyses of the test de-
and the reclusive communist regime, termined that the new bomb’s explo-
according to current and former U.S. sive yield approached 30 kilotons,
officials and Korea experts. two times the force of the “Little Boy”
bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan,
Pyongyang’s growing arsenal has rat- in 1945. The device was twice as pow-
tled key U.S. allies and spurred efforts erful as the bomb North Korea tested
by all sides to develop new first-strike just nine months earlier, and 30 times
capabilities, increasing the risk that a stronger than one detonated in 2006 in
simple mistake could trigger a devas- a remote mountain tunnel.
tating regional war, the analysts said.
More ominously, North Korea last
The military developments are March displayed a new compact bomb
coming at a time of unusual political design, one that appears small enough
ferment, with a new and largely un- to fit inside the nose cone of one of its
tested administration in Washington indigenously produced missiles.
and with South Korea’s government
coping with an impeachment crisis. Regardless of whether the miniature
Longtime observers say the risk of con- bomb is real or a clever prop, North
flict is higher than it has been in years, Korea does finally appear to be “on the
and likely to rise further as North Ko- verge of a nuclear breakout,” said Rob-
rean leader Kim Jong Un seeks to fulfill ert Litwak, an expert on nuclear pro-
his pledge to field long-range missiles liferation and director of International
capable of striking U.S. cities. Security Studies at the Woodrow Wil-
son International Center for Scholars.
“This is no longer about a lonely dic- He said Pyongyang’s arsenal is believed
tator crying for attention or demand- to now contain as many as 20 nuclear
ing negotiations,” said Victor Cha, a bombs, along with enough plutonium
former adviser on North Korea to the and highly enriched uranium to make
Bush administration and the Korea dozens more.
chair at the Center for Strategic and
International Studies, a Washington “When I got into this field,” Litwak
think tank. “This is a now a military said at a North Korean symposium
testing program to acquire a proven this month, “I couldn’t have conceived
capability.” of North Korea acquiring a nuclear
arsenal approaching half the size of
Great Britain’s.”
The country’s missiles also have
grown more sophisticated. Last year,
North Korea’s military conducted the
first test of a two-stage ballistic mis-
sile that uses solid fuel – a significant
advance over the country’s existing
liquid-fueled rockets because they can
be moved easily and launched quickly.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 23, 2017 19
Also in 2016, North Korea broadcast covert operations to defensive anti- borne fruit, judging from a rash of the new administration, according to
images of engineers testing engines for missile shields. Lately, the search for missile failures in the past year, said aides familiar with the discussions.
a new class of advanced missiles with solutions has taken on an intensity not one former official familiar with the
true intercontinental range, potential- seen in years. program. The officials spoke on the The Trump White House has since
ly putting cities in the U.S. mainland condition of anonymity to discuss the convened three deputies’ committee
within reach. As diplomatic initiatives have stalled, secret operations. meetings on North Korea and ordered
U.S., Japanese and South Korean of- a new, top-to-bottom threat assess-
The provocations have continued ficials have broadened the search for “We’re stopping shipments. We’re ment. White House officials say that
in the weeks since the inauguration of measures to ensure that Pyongyang’s making sure things don’t work the way Trump is weighing all options, from a
President Trump, who, just before tak- missiles remain grounded, or – in the they’re supposed to,” one former of- new diplomatic initiative to enhanced
ing office, appeared to taunt Pyongyang event of a launch – can be brought ficial said. “We’ve been able to delay military capabilities, possibly includ-
in a Twitter posting, saying that North down before they reach their target. things, in some cases probably by a lot. ing a highly controversial return of tac-
Korea’s plan for building intercontinen- The efforts have proven to be partly It’s a cat-and-mouse game.” tical nuclear weapons to South Korea
tal ballistic missiles “won’t happen.” successful at best. for the first time since the early 1990s.
But the second official, familiar with
A month later, Kim launched one Three years ago, alarmed by North the Pentagon’s cyberwarfare efforts, The administration dispatched Sec-
of the country’s new solid-fuel mis- Korea’s advances on missile systems, the acknowledged that North Korea re- retary of State Rex Tillerson to East
siles, interrupting Trump’s Mar-a-La- Asia last week to confer with counter-
go dinner with visiting Japanese Prime Obama administration ordered the Pen- mains an exceptionally difficult target parts in Beijing, Tokyo and Seoul.
Minister Shinzo Abe. The coordinated tagon and intelligence agencies to de- because of its isolation and limited
launch of four intermediate-range ploy highly classified cyber and electron- digital infrastructure. The official sug- While China urged the United States
missiles appeared intended to show- ic measures against North Korea, largely gested that at least some of the recent to remain “coolheaded” over North Ko-
case the country’s ability to fire mul- aimed at undermining the country’s nu- missile failures were probably caused rea and not to turn its back on dialogue,
tiple rockets simultaneously at U.S. clear and missile programs, two former by North Korean errors. “I would be visiting Secretary of State Rex Tillerson
military bases in Japan, increasingly senior administration officials said. wary of claiming too much,” he said. expressed a “sense of urgency” to curb
the likelihood that some will penetrate dangerous levels of tension on the Korea
anti-missile shields. Aspects of the initiatives were de- “We were trying to use all the tools peninsula. Tillerson had earlier declared
scribed in a recent report by the New that were available to us in order to that diplomacy has failed to persuade
North Korea’s state-run media have York Times. The effort was further in- degrade as much of their capabilities North Korea to abandon its nuclear pro-
occasionally shown propaganda foot- tensified last year, the officials said, in as possible,” a second former official gram and ominously warned that all op-
age of Kim huddling with his generals response to new intelligence assess- said. “But we just did not have nearly tions were on the table to counter the
over what some analysts have jokingly ments showing North Korea inching as much game as we should have.” threat from Pyongyang.
called the “map of death”: a chart that closer to its goal of fielding long-range
portrays Japanese and U.S. mainland ballistic missiles. In handoff meetings with Trump, As more missiles streak across North
cities as potential targets. Obama described the gathering threat Korea’s eastern coast, Japanese and
The clandestine effort begun un- in stark terms, calling it the most se- South Korean officials are pledging
The laughter has now stopped, said der President Obama appears to have rious proliferation challenge facing increased investments in defensive
Jeffrey Lewis, an expert on North Ko- shields and highly accurate, conven-
rean weapons systems. “This idea that tionally armed missiles designed to
these things were just bargaining chips preemptively destroy North Korean
– something that was true years ago – launch sites and command centers if
is superseded by the fact that there is an attack seems imminent. North Korea
now a rocket force . . . with a command- has responded with similar threats, de-
er and a headquarters and subordinate scribing its recent missile launches as a
bases, all with missiles,” said Lewis, di- dry run for a preemptive attack on U.S.
rector of the East Asia Nonproliferation bases in Japan, the presumed staging
Program at the James Martin Center ground for forces preparing to come to
for Nonproliferation Studies. “This is South Korea’s aid if war breaks out.
now a living, breathing thing.”
In the past, such a strike would be
There have been notable failures seen as suicidal, as it would certainly
as well. Numerous test rockets have result in a devastating counterattack
drifted far off course, and others never against North Korea that would prob-
made it off the launchpad. Many ana- ably destroy the regime itself. But Kim
lysts say it could still be several years is betting that an arsenal of long-range,
before Kim can construct a true ICBM nuclear-tipped missiles would serve
that could reliably reach the U.S. main- as an effective deterrent, said Cha, the
land, and perhaps longer before he can former Bush administration adviser.
demonstrate an ability to incorporate a
nuclear payload into his rocket design. “That’s why they want to be able to
Yet, already, the basic components for reach the continental United States, so
a future arsenal of long-range, nuclear- they can effectively hold us hostage,”
tipped missiles already are in place, Cha said. “Do we really want to trade
Lewis said. Los Angeles for whatever city in North
“The ICBM program is real,” Lewis
said. “They’ve showed us their static Such an attack on the U.S. mainland
engine test. They showed us the mock- is not yet within North Korea’s grasp,
up of the nuclear warhead. They have and U.S. officials hope they can eventu-
done everything short of actually test- ally neutralize the threat with improve-
ing the ICBM. When they do test it, the ments in anti-missile systems. But in
first time it will probably fail. But even- the meantime, each new advance in-
tually it will work. And when it works, creases the chance that a small mishap
people are going to freak out.” could rapidly escalate into all-out war,
Cha said. In a crisis, “everyone is put in a
For decades, the United States and use-it-or-lose-it situation, in which ev-
its East Asian allies have tried an ar- eryone feels he has to go first,” he said.
ray of strategies to blunt North Korea’s
progress, ranging from diplomacy to “The growing danger now,” he said,
“is miscalculation.”
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 23, 2017 21
Let me say straight out that if all consisting of largely black sol- from Thucydides’ “History of the through waterless bush tangled with
military histories were as thrilling diers – into “a highly efficient Peloponnesian War.” Under attack thorn scrub where German firepower
and well written as Robert Gaudi’s fighting force, aggressive and and blockade by the Athenians, Syra- could not be used with effectiveness.”
“African Kaiser,” I might give up read- completely self-supporting,” and cuse called on its ally Sparta for help. He would later apply these lessons
ing fiction and literary bio¬graphy. one that was “the first racially But the Spartans were themselves against the British.
integrated army in modern his- hard-pressed and could spare only
Anyone interested in 20th-century tory.” As von Lettow bluntly said, one man, Gylippus. But that one man Back in Germany because of his
culture is bound to spend some time “Here in Africa we are all equal. “by sheer force of personality and eye injury, von Lettow worried that
thinking about World War I. Yet while The better man will always out- military skill” reorganized Syracuse’s his career as a field officer was over.
most of us are aware of the horrors of wit the inferior and the color of army and “choosing the right mo- Eventually, though, he was given
trench combat and the thousands ly- his skin does not matter.” These ment to attack, turned the tide of the command of the 2nd Sea Battalion
ing dead in Flanders fields where pop- words were not mere lip service, war against the Athenians.” As Gaudi on the North Sea. Four years later, by
pies blow, what about the war outside either: His actions show that he points out and von Lettow’s opera- now in his mid-40s, he was finally or-
Europe? What about German East Af- genuinely believed them. tions repeatedly demonstrated, “in dered to lead the small Schutztruppe
rica? Until I read Gaudi’s book, almost battle, numbers don’t matter as much in German East Africa, a colony that
all I knew was that Lord Greystoke On his very first page Gaudi re- as resolve.” had earned the allegiance of its indig-
fought “Huns” in “Tarzan the Un- veals his own awe of what von Let- enous people through respectfulness
tamed” and that the sinking of an en- tow and his men accomplished: Described only as a freelance writ- and education. Typically, von Lettow
emy warship provided the climax for er living in Virginia, Gaudi writes immediately began to learn Swahili.
the movie “The African Queen.” “Cut off from the world by with the flair of a latter-day Macau- En route to Dar es Salaam, he encoun-
the British blockade in what re- lay. He sets his scenes carefully and tered a charming young Danish wom-
Still, the war in Africa was more mained of Germany’s last colony describes naval and military action an named Karen Blixen, with whom
than a sideshow. A brilliant guerrilla … they marched through bush like a novelist. His sentences are he shared a shipboard romance. Later
strategist, Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck and jungle and swamp and thorn models of clarity and vivacity, some- during the war, Blixen – better known
forged his fanatically loyal Schutz- scrub pori. They clambered up times further enlivened with wry au- as Isak Dinesen, author of “Out of Af-
truppe – a small colonial infantry mountains and across arid, rocky thorial comments. The academically rica” – used her admirer’s inscribed
plateaus, mostly without shoes. inclined, however, may fault his deci- picture as a talisman against violence
Their rifles were ancient or cap- sion to eschew source notes. Caught by German partisans.
tured from the enemy; their artil- up by Gaudi’s skillful story¬telling,
lery a few naval guns scavenged off a most readers aren’t likely to care. The second half of “African Kaiser”
gutted battleship in the fetid sluice of follows von Lettow’s guerrilla opera-
the Rufiji [River]. They attacked, re- Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck came tions, as he outfoxes the British time
treated, advanced, attacked, retreat- from a long line of soldiers. He was and again. His aim was almost always
ed to fight again. And though vastly brought up with Prussian discipline, tactical – through his commando
outnumbered by British, South Afri- attended the military academy at raids he could assist the Fatherland’s
can, Belgian, and Portuguese armies, Kassel, enjoyed reading philosophy larger war effort by compelling Brit-
they could not be caught or beaten.” and literature, mastered English, ain to divert men and material to Af-
“African Kaiser,” however, doesn’t French and several African languag- rica. In the end, he would be the only
just focus on these ragtag troops and es, and tasted first blood in China undefeated German general of World
their general. Gaudi tells us about during mop-up operations following War I and a recipient of his nation’s
Room 40 – center for British cryptog- the Boxer Rebellion. equivalent of the Medal of Honor.
raphy – and the history of zeppelins. Amazingly, Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck
We are given a brief account of the After his service in Asia, von Lettow lived on to oppose Hitler, survive an-
colonial wars in southern Africa. We was assigned to German South West other world war and die in 1964, just
learn myriad odd facts, such as the Africa during fierce uprisings by the short of his 95th birthday.
widespread belief that drinking sweet Herero and Hottentots. In 1906, an
vermouth offered protection from exploding shell cost him the use of his AFRICAN KAISER
malaria. Periodically, Gaudi veers off left eye. But his experiences taught General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck and the Great
to recount the daring exploits of con him that Africans “fought with the
artists, great white hunters and bat- country rather than against it; they War in Africa, 1914-1918
tleship commanders. generally eschewed pitched battles By Robert Gaudi
To illustrate his hero’s character and were extremely mobile, drawing
he even retells the story of Gylippus heavily laden, plodding German sol- Caliber. 436 pp. $29
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22 Thursday, March 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Feeling stuck? God will help find a way forward
STORY BY REV. DRS. CASEY & BOB BAGGOTT COLUMNISTS seem equally unappealing. Or, we been enslaved in Egypt by Pharaoh forward. We stepped forth. The wa-
may think we lack the skill, the cour- and his forces for many years without ters parted … God who creates, God
Most of us get stuck. It doesn’t hap- age, or the stamina to move on. And hope of rescue. The Israelites are too Who Redeems, if it can happen once,
pen predictably, but it does happen so we are stuck, dead in the water, numerous to quietly slip away and it can happen over and over and over.
almost inevitably. There will come paralyzed. The world can look pretty too weak to mount a rebellion. But V’yisa’u. Let us cross …” (from “The
some point in our lives when we just dismal from that place of inertia. God prepares a way for them to leave Great Spiritual Migration,” by Brain
don’t know how to proceed. We may their captors and then guides them in McLaren)
think there is no option before us To make matters worse, when their escape toward the shore of the
at all. Or, we may find ourselves be- we’re stuck it’s not unusual to sup- Red Sea. At this point, Pharaoh deter- Feeling stuck? Remember that
tween a proverbial rock and a hard pose the condition is permanent and mines to pursue the fleeing Israelites, God is never through with us, and so
place, where available alternatives we’ll never get out of this quagmire. and when the frightened runaways many possibilities still lie ahead. The
We imagine we’re doomed to sit in see the mighty Egyptian army and God who creates and redeems may
this unpleasant spot forever. But, of its chariots on their trail they panic. very well be calling us right now to
course, we’re not. The greatest sol- Of course, they anticipate the worst go forward. Though the way ahead
ace people of faith have in such hard and find themselves wishing they’d seems unclear or even impossible, a
times is the gift of hope. Hope re- remained stuck in Egypt. But God way through may open as we set out.
minds us that though everything may wasn’t through with them yet. It happened once. It can happen
not unfold just as we wish or by the again.
timing we choose, there is neverthe- A portion of a stirring rabbinic
less always possibility ahead because prayer imagines the scene this way: THE BAGGOTTS
God isn’t through with us. God has “God Who Creates, God Who Re-
come time and again to help people deems … We remember standing at Rev. Dr. Robert Baggott is Senior
without any apparent direction or the shore of the sea, afraid, our en-
prospects or choices. slavers in hot pursuit, ready to take Minister of Community Church
us back to captivity. We remember
One of the most treasured stories the tumultuous sea before us that of Vero Beach. Rev. Dr. Casey
about God helping people get un- showed no signs of parting. And we
stuck comes from the Book of Exo- remember you told us: v’yisa’u – go Baggott is Executive Minister.
dus. We read that the Israelites had
The Baggotts write a regular faith
26 Thursday, March 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
How couple can tell who is/isn’t pulling their weight
STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST I don’t mean to imply that every bean needs to not just hours worked or chores done, either, and
be counted like this. To the contrary. But, when it’s not even just about the household – it’s a sys-
Hi, Carolyn: My husband eas- there’s a sense of injustice brewing between you, tem of Whole Marriage Thinking. It’s about hours
ily makes four times my salary some counting is inevitable, and so my advice is worked, chores done, goals supported, emotional
(I’m in healthcare and he’s in to count using as broad a scope as possible. It’s needs met, everything.
banking) and works 60-80 hours
per week. I do shift-based work, Paying loans is part of that, supporting the sis-
so I often have consecutive days ter is part of that, delegating housework is part of
off after pulling several long that, your career choices are part of that. What it
shifts. Obviously this gives me a all takes out of you, what it all gives back. It all fac-
lot more time to deal with house- tors in.
hold tasks than he does, but I’m
starting to get fed up with doing all the housework. So look at your marriage and ask yourself:
Since he makes so much more than I do, is it fair 1. Are you really putting in more than you’re get-
that he doesn’t do a lot of housework? We can’t af- ting out, and/or is he putting in less than he takes?
ford to hire outside help yet, because we still have a 2. If yes, then is this a temporary condition in
ton of student loans to pay off. My husband is also service of a mutual goal, like paying off debt? Or is
financing his younger sister’s education. there a power imbalance between you? Or are you
He works in a fairly intense and high-stress envi- taking more upon yourself than you need to?
ronment, so as a spouse, I feel inclined to do what- 3. Are there things you agreed to initially that
ever it takes to make his life a little easier. However, you’re questioning now? Say, does it bug you that
I get annoyed every time I think about how he’ll the sister goes to Mexico on spring break while
probably also be OK leaving me with the bulk of you’re too broke to hire a housekeeper? Or is it all
child-care/household duties in the future. What do still OK for now, and you’re more fearful of some-
you think? thing that hasn’t happened yet? Or are you OK with
it but need to be reassured it’s only temporary?
– Clarifying Once you’ve identified your ducks, rounded
them up and got them in a formation you can live
Clarifying: I think money earned has nothing to with, then you have the conversation with your
do with these calculations. husband accordingly.
Or not, of course, if you realize it’s all OK with
I think time, though, does. He works 60 to 80 you, and you just needed to look at it all again
hours per week for your family’s benefit, so argu- with fresh eyes – and maybe an open mind, too, to
ably you can do your 40 hours plus an hour a day things you too quickly ruled out.
of housework.
28 Thursday, March 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Nobel laureate’s protégé signs on at Scully-Welsh
STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRITER Dr Suzanne Kirby. Lymphoma, meanwhile, according stick to the protein on the surface of,
[email protected] to New York’s Memorial Sloan Ketter- say, a lymphocyte, and then use the
PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE ing Cancer Center, is another form of body’s own immune system” to kill
Dr. Suzanne Kirby, a medical he- cancer that affects the immune sys- only the cancer cells.
matologist and oncologist, joined the duction of abnormal blood cells in tem.
Scully-Welsh Cancer Center staff this general and white blood cells in par- “As we’ve gotten more and more
month. ticular. Specifically, it affects the lymphat- data about particular gene muta-
ic system which includes the lymph tions that happen in lymphomas and
A protégé of Dr. Oliver Smithies, a “I always tell people,” says the di- nodes, the thymus, the spleen and leukemias,” Kirby continues, “we’ve
British-born American geneticist who minutive Kirby, “that bone marrow tonsils, as well as in the digestive been able to see more and more tar-
won the Nobel Prize for Medicine cancers happen a lot of times because tract. geted agents come along.”
in 2007, Kirby brings both a medi- the bone marrow is kind of like the
cal degree and a Ph.D. in pathology canary in the coal mine. It’s the first The most common form of lym- Turning the tables on cancer, says
to Scully-Welsh, along with exten- one to show some signs of all the tox- phoma is Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma Kirby, those agents can now create
sive expertise in treating leukemia ins we get exposed to in life.” (NHL), which accounts for roughly 90 mutations within the cancer cells
and lymphoma, according to Scully- percent of all cases. themselves causing them to – instead
Welsh director, Dr. James Grichnik. Those toxins can come from pesti- of growing all the time – literally shut
cides or from any number of the various Kirby pauses briefly and then ex- down and go into a “resting” state.
Leukemia and lymphoma are two man-made chemicals we’re all exposed plains, “There many, many types of
of the deadliest – and most common to in our daily lives. Almost ominously, Non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas and some Almost beaming at the arrival of
– forms of cancer in the world. Kirby points out, “We all have around of them grow slowly and people can his center’s newest doctor/scientist,
400 chemicals, at least, in our bodies.” live with for a long time; others are Grichnik says Kirby “really has a
The National Cancer Institute very aggressive and if you don’t treat wealth of experience in hematology,
says leukemia is the sixth most com- them aggressively, they’re going to get both in benign and the malignant
mon cancer in this country with you in a short time. So, there’s a wide counterparts, and particularly leuke-
over 62,000 new cases diagnosed range of therapies that are available, mias and lymphomas.”
each year. The disease claims almost depending on what subtype of lym-
25,000 lives in the U.S. annually. phoma you have.” Then he quickly adds, “We’re ba-
sically bringing her in to help take
Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, mean- Like almost all forms of cancer, care of our community,” and to be a
while, will account for an even larg- treatments for both leukemia and valuable resource and asset for other
er number of new diagnoses, with lymphoma have evolved dramatically area hematologists and oncologists to
72,000 cases likely to be uncovered over the past few years. work with.
over the next 12 months, and it will
claim a further 20,000 American lives. Kirby says, “We used to just use Dr. Suzanne Kirby is now with the
general toxic agents – chemothera- Scully-Welsh Cancer Center. For more
Yet, according to Grichnik, these pies – that would damage the DNA information or to schedule an appoint-
two types of blood cancer have often and cause cells to die. ment or consultation the phone num-
been “underserved” in this area. ber is 772-226-4810.
“Then we started using antibody
Until now, that is. therapy, which are products that can
In addition to her work with Smith-
ies, Kirby is also a winner of the pres-
tigious Leukemia Society of America
Special Fellow Award as well as the
American Society of Hematology
Scholar Award.
And while Kirby was also recruited
by Duke Health in Durham, N.C., she
elected to come to Vero Beach instead.
Leukemia is cancer of the body’s
blood-forming tissues, especially
the bone marrow. Unlike most other
cancers, leukemia does not produce
tumors. Instead it causes an overpro-
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 23, 2017 29
Cold, hard reality about growing opioid epidemic
STORY BY KRISTINE PHILLIPS WASHINGTON POST “What do you mean? My mom?” his taxing, Walters said. The morgue can Walters said the cold-storage trailer
son said. house only 12 bodies at a time. That’s arrived late Friday night in Canton,
By about 3 p.m. Friday, a county small for a county with a population of Ohio, where the coroner’s office is lo-
morgue in east Ohio was already full – “Yes,” Clark said. more than 375,000, he added. cated.
and more bodies were expected. “How!” the boy cried out.
“From drugs,” Clark said. The drug epidemic also has caused Designed for use at disaster scenes
Rick Walters, an investigator for the Clark posted video of the heart- the county to spend roughly $75,000 a or mass-fatality illnesses, the is loaded
Stark County coroner’s office, had just wrenching discussion on Facebook, year in toxicology tests alone, Walters with trays about 20 inches wide and 7
left for two death scenes: a suicide and where it has been viewed more than 35 said. In some months, the county racks feet long and can hold 18 bodies.
an overdose. million times. up $10,000 in toxicology bills.
In Stark County, where the popu- Since calling the state to request the
From the road, he called the director lation had outgrown the morgue, the “We’re just spending all kinds of trailer, the coroner’s office has seen at
of the Ohio Emergency Management drug problem has been especially money on lab work because there’s so least six more deaths, two of which are
Agency to ask for help. He needed more many different drugs,” he said. possibly drug-related, Walters said.
space, he explained – specifically, a
cold-storage trailer to act as an over-
flow morgue.
As with much of the United States,
Ohio is in the throes of a heroin and
opioid epidemic that shows no signs of
That request for a cold-storage trail-
er highlights the epidemic ravaging
the state.
Drug overdoses have led to a spike
in the number of bodies coming to the
Stark County morgue – an increase of
about 20 percent in the last year.
“I’ve been involved in public safety
for 40 some years; I remember the drug
problem we had in the late ’60s and
early ’70s when I joined the depart-
ment,” Walters said. “The fatality num-
bers are nothing even close to this.”
Last year, the coroner’s office pro-
cessed about 500 deaths, more than
100 of which were drug-related, Wal-
ters said.
Statewide, the numbers are stagger-
According to the Ohio Department
of Health, the number of opioid-related
deaths skyrocketed from 296 in 2003
to 2,590 in 2015 – a 775 percent jump
over a 13-year period. These numbers
include deaths involving prescription
opioids, heroin and fentanyl, which
is similar to morphine but is 50 to 100
times more potent.
Behind the bleak statistics are
haunting scenes of overdose victims.
Several times in recent months, Ohio
has been the setting for such shocking
In September, authorities in the
town of East Liverpool stopped a car
and found a man and a woman barely
conscious in the front seats. The wom-
an’s 4-year-old grandson sat in the
back seat.
A disturbing photo of the scene – the
driver with his head tilted back, the
woman slumped across the passenger
seat, and the boy staring at what’s in
front of him – spread like wildfire.
Weeks later, in northeast Ohio, a re-
covering addict delivered some devas-
tating news to his 8-year-old son.
“Mommy died last night,” Brenden
Clark said. “OK?”
30 Thursday, March 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Time for smart watches to detect and predict illness
STORY BY MARIA CANFIELD CORRESPONDENT catch illnesses at their earliest stages,”
[email protected] Snyder says.
Research from Stanford University Snyder was also a participant in the
in California suggests that data col- study, and his smart watch helped him
lected from smart watches may be able and his doctor figure out that he had
to detect or predict illness. Lyme disease. He says that he had an
elevated heart rate and decreased ox-
Most of us have a pretty good idea of ygen, and knew “something was not
what smart watches do. But for those quite right.” Suspecting Lyme disease,
whose watches just provide the time – he visited his doctor, who confirmed
and maybe the date – a smart watch is the diagnosis and prescribed an antibi-
basically a wrist-bound device that can otic. Early detection helped in the quick
do many of the same things as smart resolution of this serious condition.
phones: make calls, connect to the In-
ternet, provide directions through the The Stanford study was published
Global Positioning System (GPS), send in the medical journal PLOS Biology.
text messages and so on. One of its findings was that people
with signs of insulin resistance are at
There’s also a health-related com- high risk for Type 2 diabetes, but they
ponent to smart watches – among oth- are often unaware that they have this
er things, they can, for instance, mea- risk factor. Personal biosensors could
sure how many steps the wearer takes potentially be used to detect the varia-
in any given day. tions in heart rate patterns indicative of
this risk factor.
Mark Frankenberger is a doctor of
pharmacy and the pharmacy manager Vero’s Frankenberger agrees with
of Corey’s, a Vero Beach institution the Stanford team that the research
since 1956. He says that many of his has great potential, paving the way
customers benefit from using a smart for smart watches to serve as a health
watch. “The step-counting function “dashboard” of sorts, looking for early
enlightens them by telling them how signs of illness, even before the wearer
active they are, or aren’t,” he says. is aware of any symptoms. Stanford’s
“Many times, I have seen this aware- Dr. Snyder says, “The information col-
ness lead to beneficial lifestyle chang- lected could aid your physician, al-
es.” though we can expect some initial
challenges in how to integrate the data
In addition to simple step-counting, into clinical practice.”
smart watches can track other physi-
ological factors such as heart rate and Another interesting finding of the
skin temperature. But up until now the research illuminates an effect most of
information these devices gather has us have experienced: feeling fatigued
not been seen as a vehicle to alert the during and after an airplane flight.
wearer to their current – or potential While we may attribute the feeling to
– medical conditions. The Stanford re- the stress of traveling or the associated
searchers believe this could change in changes in our regular schedule, the
the near future. researchers were able to specifically tie
fatigue to the decrease in blood oxygen
In their research, the team followed levels that occurs during flights, pri-
60 people through their everyday lives, marily due to the low-humidity air in
in some cases for up to two years, the cabin. This knowledge allows for
tracking a wide variety of physiologi- countermeasures to be taken – stay-
cal measurements. Because smart ing hydrated by drinking plenty of wa-
watches (and other personal biosensor ter prior to and during the flight, and
avoiding caffeine and alcohol in-flight.
devices) track such physiological fac-
tors continuously, they can detect de- Frankenberger has advice for those
viations from the wearer’s “baseline,” who are interested in the currently-
providing a near real-time way to sig- available fitness benefits of a smart
nal the onset of common conditions watch, but may find their limited tech-
– such as a cold – and even flag the be- nology know-how to be a roadblock. “If
ginning of more serious and complex you have trouble setting it up, don’t just
conditions, such as diabetes. give up and put it in drawer. You very
likely have a friend or family member
Michael Snyder, Ph.D., professor who is adept at that sort of thing, and
and chair of genetics at Stanford and would love to help you. They may even
senior author of the study, says that be a source of ongoing support, to en-
heart rate and skin temperature tend courage you to achieve the fitness goals
to rise when people become ill. He you set.”
and his team wrote a software pro-
gram using smart-watch data to detect Corey’s Pharmacy is located at 2912
these deviations and to sense when Ocean Drive on the Vero barrier island;
people are becoming ill. “We want to their phone number is 772-231-6931.
tell when people are healthy and also
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 23, 2017 31
Trattoria Dario: Delicious dining and oh, the cioppino!
BY TINA RONDEAU Cioppino. PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD tremely flavorful. Happily, the dish was
served with slices of grilled bread, which
Columnist Grilled Octopus. was perfect for mopping up the broth.
A year ago, my search for a great ci- exact recipe varies considerably from scallops, mussels, clams, cherry toma- On our previous visit, I enjoyed sogliol-
oppino took me to San Francisco. Last place to place. toes and carrots, served in a light broth. amugaia ($44), imported Dover sole pan-
week, I found an excellent rendition of The seafood was very fresh and tender, seared with a scampi sauce and toasted
this City-by-the-Bay classic at Trattoria Dario’s version of this maritime stew and the broth was well seasoned and ex- almonds, and my husband savored the
Dario on Vero’s South Beach. was an array of calamari, shrimp, diver grilled veal chop San Gimignano ($45),
a 16-ounce center-cut veal chop topped
The kitchen at this attractively deco- Brevard restaurant reviewer with sautéed wild mushrooms in a rose-
rated upscale Italian restaurant on south mary-white wine-truffle sauce.
Ocean Drive is now in the hands of Chef The Melbourne Beachsider is looking for a freelance food critic to write weekly
Gregorio Silipo, and the first hint that reviews of restaurants in Brevard County. Until we find the right person, we will We concluded our visits with slices
one of my favorite dishes might now be continue to run reviews in this space by our Vero Beach restaurant reviewer. If you of Baba Cake and Chocolate Fondant –
found there came when, on a visit a cou- have food expertise and think you can help Beachsider readers with their dining both house-made and $9 each. Dinner
ple of weeks ago, we belatedly learned he choices, please send a resume and a 600-word review of a restaurant you recently for two with a glass or two of wine is like-
had previously founded a well-regarded ly to run $120-$150 before tax and tip.
restaurant in the Palm Beaches named – visited to [email protected].
you guessed it – Il Cioppino. In its fifth year, Trattoria Dario – which
was packed last week when we visited
Hmmm, I thought: Got to give his ci- on a Wednesday night – has become a
oppino a try. So last Wednesday, we re- favorite restaurant of many island resi-
turned to Trattoria Dario on a mission. dents. If you haven’t tried it, both the
cioppino and the grilled octopus appe-
Proprietor Dario Bordoli, as usual, tizer strongly suggest an early visit.
was at the front door to greet us, and
while on our previous visit we had opt- I welcome your comments, and en-
ed for a table out on the seaside patio, courage you to send feedback to me at
on this chilly March evening we decid- [email protected].
ed to dine in the red dining room.
The reviewer is a
Even before we placed our wine order, beachside resident
our veteran server Bernardo brought us
a basket of hot bread out of the oven and who dines anony-
a dish of olive oil and herbs. mously at res-
taurants at the
While I probably would have voted expense of this
to go straight to the cioppino, my hus- newspaper.
band insisted we have appetizers since
on our previous visit, he had fallen in Mixed
love with the grilled octopus ($18). A bit Berry Pie
expensive, yes. But these slices of octo-
pus were oh-so-tender, and served with HOURS
cannellini beans sautéed with onions Daily 4:30 pm to 1 am
and cherry tomatoes over arugula. A
sensational starter. BEVERAGES
Full bar
I, meantime, started with half of a
beet salad ($8), a tasty crisp mix of roast- ADDRESS
ed gold and red beets, arugula, fennel, 1555 Ocean Drive,
oranges segments, mint flavored can-
died pistachio nuts and goat cheese, Vero Beach, FL
with a delightful light citrus dressing. PHONE
Then for entrées, I ordered the ciop- 772-231-1818
pino ($34), my husband chose one of the
evening’s specials, grouper Livornese
($39), and our companion opted for the
pappardelle Bolognese ($23).
My husband’s medallions of fresh
black grouper were perfectly pan-seared
with garlic, white wine, olives and ca-
pers in a light cherry tomato sauce. An
excellent dish. And our companion gave
high marks to her pappardelle, served in
a classic Northern Italian tomato sauce
with veal and pork.
But my cioppino was the prize of the
night. For those not familiar with ciop-
pino, this dish supposedly was invented
by fishermen who would toss their left-
over catch into a pot at the end of the
day. Just about every cioppino starts
with tomato sauce and shellfish, but the
32 Thursday, March 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
costadeste.com | 772.410.0100 In partnership with local wine shop, Varietals, The Wave Kitchen and
Bar invites you to join us for the first wine pairing dinner of 2017 at
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Herb Roasted Lamb Loin
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Braised Short Beef Rib
Smoked Mushroom Ragout | Polenta Cake | Red Wine Reduction
Roureda Llicorella Gran Seleccio, Blend, Priorato, 2011
Manchego Cheese-cake | Raspberry Puree
Vinedos Alonso del Yerro, Tampranillo, Ribera Del Duero, 2011
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 23, 2017 33
Bonz: Snowbirddog Zeke’s not the retiring type
I was an hour away from Buyin’ the and Dad decided to
Doghouse.” call me Zeke, which is
Hi Dog Buddies! “Say wha-at? An HOUR?” okey-dokey with me.”
This week I yapped with a retiree, “Yep. I was wandering homeless on “So, Zeke, got any
Zeke Sparks. Zeke’s story gave me the
Total Willies, but it had a happy end- the streets of Buffalo when I got scooped food favs?”
ing, thank Lassie. And it sure remind-
ed me how lucky I am. up and taken to Dog Jail. After a month, “Ar you woofin’
Zeke’s a black Shih Tzu: good lookin’ with no prospects, the shelter people de- me? I love chicken,
poocheroo, upbeat an fren-ly. Him
and his Mom and Dad are from Buf- TER-munned I was Not Adoptable, so I and Milk-Bone, of
falo, Way Up North, where you gotta
bundle up so you won’t freeze your got scheduled to be Put Down.” course!”
Kazoo off. Now they’re Snowbirds
(Zeke’s a Snowbirddog), an they drive I got a chill. “Why, ‘of course’?”
down here in an RV (you know, a cool
house on wheels), an stay in this real “Shelter dogs knew what that I queried.
pretty campground with trees an lotsa
pooches. means. Humans think we don’t, but “Because, Milk-
When me an my As- WE KNOW. The Day came, and I was Bone’s made in
sistant drove up, all three of ’em were
out front to greet us. “Hi there Bonz! cowering behind my water bowl and BUFFALO! I get
Did you find us OK? Great to meetcha!
This is my Mom, Karen, and my Dad, wouldn’t come out. THEN some peo- to sit at the table,
George. Come’on, we’ll go yap inside.”
ple from a place called Black Dog Res- too. I have my own
I got out my notebook, and Zeke
hopped up on a chair next to his Mom cue swooped in and saved me. I got a chair and place-
and Dad. “Ready when you are,” I said.
lovely bath an a chip an a haircut an mat and dish. And
“Stop me if I yap too fast,” he said.
“I’m about 6 now. I was adopted April the No-Puppies Procedure. Then I was I am VERY polite. I
3, 2012. I remember the date because
Ready! But I didn’t know what for. NEVER steal food
“That’s when my Nana Elaine saw from other plates.
me and told her Dad Or beg. And I’m
(who I now call Daddy tidy. When the
Rex), an he called his family gets to-
friends, my Mom and gether for Christ-
Dad (they were down mas and Thanks-
here) and told ’em I was giving dinner,
The Dog For Them. they don’t even
So, Black Dog didn’t ask why there’s
put me up for adop- a dog at the ta-
tion. They put me On ble, any more. I
Hold so Mom and Dad mean, after all, I Zeke, the Shih Tzu. PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE
could meet me when AM FAM-ly.
they got back to Buf-
“What do ya
falo, and The Shel- do for fun?”
ter could make sure “Us guys watch the Bills’ and Sabres’ games. At Christmas, I wear a
Mom and Dad’d be games on TV. When we’re Up North, Santa suit an deliver a nice basket of
Good Pooch Parents. we take the RV to the Bills games. An people treats to my vet’s office. I think
They hadda have I have lots of pals, ’specially little kids. it’s important to show appreciation.
references and ev- One of my human Besties is Riley. She “I also help Mom an Dad shop.
erything. As it turns walks me A LOT. In fact, one time, me When they were getting new furniture
out, I’d been well and Dad were leash walkin’ and this for our RV, they took me to the store to
trained. After we little kid asked Dad why he was walkin’ help ’em choose. They wouldn’t buy
got past that one lit- Riley’s dog. In Buffalo, my pooch pals anything unless I gave it a Paws Up.
tle incident where I are Zsa Zsa and Buddy. I love to camp “Makes sense,” I commented.
Did My Doodie in in St. Augustine cuz they have pet- “Once, at Disney World, I hadda stay
the basement cuz I friendly beaches. Restaurants, too. At in the pet accommodations, which are
didn’t know where my favorite one, the chef comes out to Totally Awesome Dog Biscuits. I just
I was s’pose to go, see how I liked my meal.” loved the handler. I was havin’ a great
I got to join the “I like goin’ go out in the boat, an time, but Mom and Dad spent most of
family.” I have my own boogie board for the their time watching me on the video
“Woof! That’s pool. When Mom rides her bike, she monitor. I told ’em they had to go out
some story, stuffs me in the basket an I navigate. on their own sooner or later. I think
Zeke!” I ex- There’s a special plate on it that says they were havin’ separation anxiety.”
claimed. “How’d you come by “SPOILD-1.” I’m also a pretty snazzy “I hear ya,” I agreed.
your name?” dresser; got outfits for Up North an Heading home I was thinking about
“Well, first, Nana Elaine called me down here: a sweater an a parka an Zeke’s Close Call, and how it all turned
Miller, after a goalie for the Buffalo Sa- boots, an a Hawaiian shirt, an, of out for The Best. And assessing my
bres (that’s hockey, ya know). But Mom course, a Bills T-shirt for goin’ to the chances of getting my own seat at the
Don’t be shy! table, and placemat and plate. I almost
fell over laughing.
Till next time,
We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up -The Bonz
an interview, please email [email protected].
34 Thursday, March 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
ONGOING Bread, Inc. providing food to and services to the 7 A Night Filled with Stars Gala honoring 28 To May 14 - Historic Cocoa Village Play-
less fortunate. Free. Dailybreadinc.org. veterans, POWs and MIA, 6 p.m. at Hilton house presents the Broadway musical,
Melbourne Rialto Place with dinner and live en- Mary Poppins. 321-636-5050
Melbourne’s Henegar Center for the Arts - 25|26 Downtown Melbourne tertainment to support the Ride Home Project.
The Hunchback of Notre Dame thru March 26. Festival of the Arts, 10 a.m. $100. 29 Conservationist Bindi Irwin, daughter of
henegar.org to 5 p.m. on New Haven Ave., a juried art show the late ‘Crocodile Hunter’ Steve Irwin,
with 140+ artists displaying original paintings, 8 Pirate and Plunder 2-Miler, 6:30 p.m. at will speak about her animal adventures and pas-
Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse - Elton John pottery, jewelry, photography and more. Free. Meg O’Malley’s to benefit Harmony Farms sion for wildlife, 10:30 a.m. at the Brevard Zoo
& Tim Rice musical, Aida: The Timeless Love Equine Assisted Therapy, with costume prizes to benefit its animal wellness, conservation and
Story thru March 26. 321-636-5050 31 Spring Fling Dance, 7 p.m. at Mel- and post-race party. 321-751-8890 education initiatives. $50 & $60. brevardzoo.org.
bourne Auditorium hosted by Swing-
Riverside Theatre - Mame on the Stark Stage time, Melbourne Municipal Band’s Big Band 8 An Evening of Hope IX, 7 p.m. at Eau Gallie 30 Fifth annual Great Duck Derby to ben-
thru March 26; The Christians on Waxlax Stage ensemble, with lessons available at 6 p.m. $7 Yacht Club to benefit Scott Center for Au- efit Treasure Coast Community Health,
thru April 9. 772-231-6990 - $10; lessons $5. 321-339-7705 tism Treatment. 321-674-8106 Noon at Captain Hiram’s, with 5,000 yellow ‘ad-
opted’ ducks launched into the Indian River La-
EGAD First Friday in Eau Gallie Arts District, 31 Melbourne Chamber Music Society 8 Friends of Sebastian Inlet State Park Night goon at 2 p.m., with cash prizes for first three
5:30 to 8:30 p.m. every first Friday; and Mel- presents violinist Paul Huang and Sounds concert series features St. John’s through finish gate. $5 per duck; discounts for
bourne Main Street Friday Fest, 6 to 10 p.m. pianist Jessica Xylina Osborne 7:30 p.m. at St. Wood, 7 p.m. at Coconut Point pavilions. Stan- multiples. 772-257-8224
every second Friday. Marks United Methodist Church in Indialantic. dard park entry fee. 321-984-4852
melbournechambermusicsociety.org MAY
Free Science Cafés hosted by Brevard Zoo 11-30 Riverside Theatre presents
and FIT, every second Wednesday thru June at APRIL Saturday Night Fever: Songs 5-21 Henegar Center for the Arts in
Duran Golf Club’s Tradewinds Restaurant. Free. from the Bee Gees on the Stark Stage. 772- Melbourne presents the musi-
231-6990 cal, Hands on a Hardbody. henegar.org
MARCH 1 Brevard Symphony Orchestra presents
The Three B’s, 8 p.m. at King Center for 18 Women of Excellence Awards Gala, 6 Friends of Sebastian Inlet State Park Night
23 Melbourne Community Orchestra the Performing Arts, showcasing violinist Elmar 5 p.m. at Crowne Plaza Melbourne Sounds concert series features Smokin’
presents A Romantic Vienna, 7:30 p.m. Oliveira performing Beethoven’s Violin Concer- Oceanfront. 321-724-5400 Country, 7 p.m. at Coconut Point pavilions. Stan-
at Melbourne Auditorium. Free. 321-285-6724. to. brevardsymphony.com dard park entry fee. 321-984-4852
19|20 Melbourne Municipal
24 To April 30 - Melbourne Civic The- 1|2 Melbourne Air and Space Show at Band Arabesque concert, 7 Golf Tournament and Luncheon to benefit
atre presents Neil Simon’s Rumors. Melbourne International Airport, 7:30 p.m. at Melbourne Auditorium with music the Sisterhood of Temple Beth Shalom,
mymct.org featuring U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds, Patrouille by Hazo, Holst, Grainger and others. Doors open 8:30 a.m. shotgun start at Meadowood Golf &
de France, GEICO Skytypers and Ken Pietsch. Ai- at 6:30 p.m. for pre-show entertainment. mel- Tennis Club in Fort Pierce. $110 pp or $400 per
25|26 Strawberry Festival, 10 randspaceshow.com bournemunicipalband.org foursome. 772-567-8740.
a.m. to 7 p.m. Sat., 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m. Sun. at Eastern Florida State College, 6 Atlantic Classical Orchestra conducted by Da- 22|23 Melbourne Art Festival at 10|11 Saddle Up with Melbourne
Palm Bay, with fresh Plant City strawberries vid Amado presents Brahms, Double Concer- Wickham Park kicks off Community Orchestra and
served every way imaginable, Arts and Crafts to in A Minor for Violin and Cello, with soloists Leo- with 5K Flamingo Run, 7:30 a.m. Apr. 22 and the Wild West, 7:30 p.m. at Melbourne Audito-
exhibits and a Kids Zone, an Open Car & Bike nid Sigal and Ashley Garritson, 6:40 p.m. lecture; continues both days with juried art show, live rium. Free. 321-285-6724.
Show Sat., and 8 a.m. 5K Sun., all to benefit Daily 7:30 p.m. concert at St. Edward’s School Waxlax musical entertainment, workshops and chil-
Performing Arts Center, Vero Beach. 772-460-0850 dren’s activities. Free. melbournearts.org 13 Running Zone Foundation Run for the
Gecko, 7 a.m. at Wickham Park Com-
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN munity Center to benefit Leukemia Lymphoma
in March 16, 2017 Edition 7 DARE 1 MARINA Society’s Team in Training (Brevard County
8 SPECKLED 2 ZEST Chapter), followed by 14th Anniversary Celebra-
9 DIATRIBE 3 ASPIC tion Party. 321-751-8890
11 FAITH 5 SKELETON 19-21 Sebastian Lionfish Fest:
13 FEATHER 6 GENTLE Making Delicious Dishes
15 PORTRAY 12 TATTERED from Destructive Fishes. Tournament May 19-
17 SNARL 14 BARGAIN 21, with Cook Off Noon to 4 p.m. May 21 at
20 EPEE 16 OSPREY Capt. Hiram’s. Sebastianlionfishfest.com.
Sudoku Page 2640 Sudoku Page 6251 Crossword Page 6204 Crossword Page 2651 (PRESIDENTIAL PIZZA PARTY) 19 To June 25 - Melbourne Civic Theatre
presents The Glass Menagerie, by Ten-
nessee Williams. mymct.org
Join our directory for the most affordable way to reach out to customers for your service or small business
targeting the South Brevard barrier island communitites. This is the only directory mailed each week into
homes in 32951, Indialantic, Indian Harbour and Satellite Beach. Contact Will Gardner, 407-361-2150
[email protected].
36 Thursday, March 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Aquarina pool home boasts sweeping golf-course views
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER with Realtor Carola Mayerhoeffer.
[email protected] “What I love about it is all the rooms
come out to the pool and yet a lot of
An open-floor-plan courtyard the pool deck is covered. You have
home with indoor-outdoor living and a lot of indoor and outdoor living
great views is being offered at 375 space.”
Hammock Shore Dr. in River Oaks,
part of the gated community of Aqua- Other features of the pool deck area
rina in Melbourne Beach. include a hot tub, shower and large
round table.
Starting with first impressions,
you can tell the home has been well To the right of the foyer is a sepa-
maintained by the owners who have rate 240-square-foot guest suite with
lived there since 2008. Climbing bou- summer kitchen and Cabana full
gainvillea blooming on the front en- bath.
tranceway and the well-established
fruit trees in the side yard testify to “Everything focuses on the pool
the loving care the property has re- deck,” Winkler said.
In fact, the pool area can be seen
Going into the Mediterranean- through ample windows from a for-
styled home via the front entrance mal dining area, an eat-in kitchen
reveals an enjoyable surprise, as it with granite countertops and a
leads not to the home’s interior, as breakfast nook with glass walls.
anticipated, but into a covered out-
door foyer overlooking a heated pool, “I like the big kitchen and the open
which serves as the focal point of the concept living space but you also have
home. an additional formal dining space,”
Winkler said.
“It’s a true Florida-style courtyard
pool home so the main entrance door Beyond the dining room, toward
is accessed from the pool deck,” said the front of the house, is a guest suite
Renee Winkler, broker associate and with full bath.
co-listing agent of the property along
On the other side of the home is
a large living room with a screened
porch highlighting the other view:
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 23, 2017 37
the 12th fairway of the golf course at “It’s pretty fantastic I think. It’s a And, fittingly, the home has an Neighborhood:
Aquarina Country Club. semi-private course but you can pay oversized garage with a golf cart en- River Oaks in Aquarina
to play. If you’re a member you get trance right onto the course, she said.
And it is not just a glimpse – the discounts and the fees are not that Year built: 1998
panoramic view stretches for hun- high compared to other private golf Another high-end special feature Architectural style: Contempo-
dreds of yards down the manicured courses,’’ Winkler said. in the 773-square-foot garage is a
and landscaped course. rary with Mediterranean flair
CONTINUED ON PAGE 38 Construction:
Concrete block, stucco
Builder: CBC
Home size: 2,755 square feet
under air, 3,528 square feet
under roof
Lot size: 29 acre.
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 3 full baths;
1 half-bath
Additional features: Interior
courtyard pool, summer kitch-
en, separate guest suite with
cabana bath, 2-car garage with
golf cart entrance.
Listing agency: Treasure Coast
Sotheby’s International Realty.
Listing agents: Renee Winkler,
321-302-1049; Carola Mayer-
hoeffer, 321-704-9769
Listing price: $685,000
38 Thursday, March 23, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: March 10 to March 16
Real Estate activity in island ZIP codes 32951 and 32903 slowed a bit last week, though it was a
very active week in 32937. Indian Harbour Beach reported only two sales, and Melbourne Beach
and Indialantic three each, but Satellite Beach reported 10.
Our featured sale this week is of a waterfront home in the Sunnyland Beach subdivision of
Melbourne Beach. The residence at 447 Nikomas Way was placed on the market Dec. 9 with an
asking price of $699,900. The price was subsequently reduced to $675,000. The transaction closed
March 15 for $635,000.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Dave Settgast of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s.
$462,500 $635,000
HAWKS NEST AT AQUARI 715 SPANISH MOSS CT 2/21/2016 $699,900 $419,900 3/14/2017 $240,000
SUNNYLAND BEACH S7 447 NIKOMAS WAY 12/9/2016 $299,000 $675,000 3/15/2017
BCH WDS STG 5 PHS 2 3175 RIVER GARDENS CT 9/12/2016 $279,000 3/15/2017 $385,000
INDIALANTIC RPLT 451 WAYNE AVE 11/25/2016 $449,000 $425,000 3/10/2017 $190,000
OCEAN SD VIL P2 B8P9 52 BOUNTY LN 1/23/2017 $210,000 $210,000 3/14/2017 $190,000
SALES FOR 32937 $269,400
MICHIGAN BEACH SUBD 180 CINNAMON DR 11/28/2016 $329,999 $285,000 3/10/2017 $280,000
SKYLINE SUBD 172 SKYLINE BLVD 9/21/2016 $225,000 $209,500 3/10/2017 $225,500
OCEANUS CONDO 199 HIGHWAY A1A C205 3/22/2016 $182,495 $181,000 3/10/2017 $352,900
WATERWAY ESTATES 2ND 446 N NEPTUNE DR 2/1/2017 $199,000 $199,000 3/10/2017 $213,000
INDIAN HRBR BCH S8 301 WIMICO DR 2/13/2017 $279,900 $279,900 3/13/2017 $145,000
S PATRICK SHORES 1S 150 OCEAN BLVD 4/16/2016 $251,000 $219,000 3/10/2017 $350,000
LAS BRISAS CONDO P1 541 HIGHWAY A1A 9/21/2016 $375,000 $295,333 3/13/2017
AMHRST GRD SEC 1 206 CARISSA DR 9/8/2016 $265,000 $237,500 3/14/2017
EAU GALLIE SHORES 300 ROOSEVELT AVE 1/23/2017 $359,900 $359,900 3/15/2017
WATERWAY TWNHMS 2B10 431 DOVE LN 610 1/27/2017 $218,900 $218,900 3/15/2017
HARBOUR ROYALE SOUTH 520 PALM SPRINGS BLVD 707 9/17/2016 $174,900 $147,900 3/16/2017
OCEAN ROYALE CONDO 1595 HIGHWAY A1A HWY 302 12/6/2016 $362,000 $362,000 3/15/2017
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 37 well as toilets. It adjoins through the lifestyle includes tennis, golf, boating munity,” Winkler said. “This house
walk-in shower. and fishing, as well as the opportuni- can really accommodate a large par-
chilled wine storage room. ty to exercise at the fitness center and ty with a lot of family and friends and
Winkler‘s favorite part of the home “The office space has a closet so it access to the ocean at the luxurious there’s a lot of outdoor living space.
could be used as a nursery,” Winkler Beach Club. In my opinion, it’s the ideal home if
is a huge master suite with adjacent said. you’re not living on the water.”
oversize office space. The master “Nothing else compares to this in
suite has a sitting area and a double River Oaks is part of the gated com- Brevard County for a beachside com- The home is listed at $685,000.
bathroom with his and her closets as munity of Aquarina, where the resort
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, March 23, 2017 39
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Hawks Nest At Aquari, Address: 715 Spanish Moss Ct Subdivision: Indialantic Rplt, Address: 451 Wayne Ave
Listing Date: 2/21/2016 Listing Date: 11/25/2016
Original Price: $462,500 Original Price: $449,000
Recent Price: $419,900 Recent Price: $425,000
Sold: 3/14/2017 Sold: 3/10/2017
Selling Price: $385,000 Selling Price: $385,000
Listing Agent: Margret Cornell Listing Agent: Grace Belcher
Selling Agent: Cornell Real Estate Selling Agent: Re/Max Alternative Realty
Cara Mattingly Timothy F McWilliams
Brevard County Realty McWilliams Realty and Dev
Subdivision: Eau Gallie Shores, Address: 300 Roosevelt Ave Subdivision: Ocean Royale Condo, Address: 1595 Highway A1A Hwy 302
Listing Date: 1/23/2017 Listing Date: 12/6/2016
Original Price: $359,900 Original Price: $362,000
Recent Price: $359,900 Recent Price: $362,000
Sold: 3/15/2017 Sold: 3/15/2017
Selling Price: $352,900 Selling Price: $350,000
Listing Agent: Kristen Plante Listing Agent: Dale Cox
Selling Agent: Dreyer & Associates Selling Agent: CENTURY 21 Baytree Realty
Cailey Dreyer Silvia Mozer
Dreyer & Associates RE/MAX Elite