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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2018-09-14 13:22:39

09/06/2018 ISSUE 36


Jimmy Graves sports complex
set to open this fall. P9
Survivors unite for

Making Strides fight. P12
Restaurateurs said eyeing
new building on Ocean Drive. P10

MY VERO For breaking news visit

BY RAY MCNULTY Pro-sale forces
go on offensive
Keep the Farmers Market in electric battle
right where it belongs

Why gamble with the future Shoppers buying vegetables this past Saturday morning at a stand in Farmers Market Oceanside. PHOTOS BY BENJAMIN THACKER BY LISA ZAHNER
of the Farmers Market Oceans- Staff Writer
ide, the wildly popular market Indian River renovates hospital rooms as merger looms
that for nearly a decade has One down, three to go. Now
been drawing more and more BY MICHELLE GENZ yond rest: A patient’s recovery ing the immune system with that the Florida Industrial Pow-
people on Saturday morn- Staff Writer can be speeded by a well- sunlight and serenity. er Users Group has voluntarily
ings to the heart of the island’s designed room, studies show, dismissed its challenge to the
beachside shopping district? It’s a visit no one looks for- lowering the risk of infec- That’s why last summer, as Florida Public Service Commis-
ward to, but a stay that gets tions and falls, and boost- Indian River Medical Center sion’s approval of the $185 mil-
Moving the entire Farmers rated more rigorously than lion sale ofVero electric to Flori-
Market – which during season any hotel. That’s because the CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 da Power & Light, pro-sale legal
spans Ocean Drive with about comforts of a hospital room teams are poised to gang up on
60 vendors, a success story not have ramifications well be- the three local obstructors.
even dreamed of a decade ago –
out of its winter home, pushing FPL’s attorneys have already
everyone onto the sidewalks filed a motion to dismiss sepa-
and walkways of Humiston rate claims filed by Michael
Park, isn’t going to solve Vero’s Moran, former Vero council-
parking problem in the Central man Brian Heady, and attorney
Beach business district. and former Vero councilwom-
an Lynne Larkin, who asserts
Why mess with something that she’s challenging the sale
that has become part of the on behalf of 900 unnamed
fabric of Vero Beach – some- members of the Civic Associa-
thing that enhances our quality tion of Indian River County.
of life, something that adds to
the seaside, small-town charm Vero Mayor Harry Howle on
of our community? Saturday predicted Vero and

At best, moving the market CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
out of the city-owned lot on
Ocean Drive will make the Citrus Grillhouse now
parking situation better for a hoping to reopen from
fire by Valentine’s Day
Despite School Board hoopla, little progress Staff Writer
here on 1960s federal desegregation order
When the Citrus Grill-
BY KATHLEEN SLOAN getting out from under a fed- house finally reopens for
Staff Writer eral desegregation order that business in February, the
has lingered over the county fire-damaged, seaside res-
When the School Board since civil rights days, the
last month heralded a par- Press Journal reported it as a CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
tial agreement with the lo- clearing of the path that could
cal NAACP as a major step to

September 6, 2018 Volume 11, Issue 36 Newsstand Price $1.00 Daredevil doggies
are all aboard at
News 1-10 Faith 43 Pets 53 TO ADVERTISE CALL ‘Puppy Paddle.’ P15
Arts 21-24 Games 35-37 Real Estate 55-64 772-559-4187
Books 34 Health 39-42 Style 44-47
Dining 48 Insight 25-38 Wine 49 FOR CIRCULATION
Editorial 30 People 11-20 CALL 772-226-7925

© 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.

2 Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Desegregation order agonized over signing the agreement nally retain oversight over closing the about conditions in the district, but
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 but felt he had no other recourse. If academic achievement gap between Warrior says there is not a shred of evi-
he didn’t sign, then the NAACP would black and white students, mentoring dence it did – at least in recent years –
have Indian River County free of this have had to hire a new lawyer to repre- of new teachers, recruitment of black and a document request filed by Vero
half-century-old stigma in just three sent them in federal court, Brown said. teachers, the ratio of black students in Beach 32963 seeking reports to the
more years. “We have no money for a lawyer.” individual schools, the ratio of black federal court produced nothing.
students on buses, and the ratio of
The NAACP last week, however, had The mediation agreement, which black students participating in extra- The mediation agreement further
a somewhat less euphoric assessment still must be ratified by U.S. District curricular activities. dissolves the African American Achieve-
of the outcome of the court-ordered Judge Kathleen Williams, frees the ment Plan Committee, replacing it with
mediation. “We got what we paid for,” School Board from three areas of court But the agreement is not likely to an Equity Committee, thereby reducing
said Dr. Jacqueline Warrior, NAACP oversight. Under the agreement, the make much difference one way or an- NAACP oversight of the desegregation
education chairperson. Which is to court will no longer oversee integration other. The School Board has not been process, according to Warrior.
say, since the organization had pro of school facilities, the ratio of black complying with the reporting terms of
bono legal representation – nothing. non-teaching staff to white, and the the desegregation order anyway, and The equity committee will “main-
ratio of black administrators to white the court has not been enforcing it. tain a high level of accountability to
The president of the local branch of administrators. the School Board and citizenry in en-
the NAACP, Anthony Brown, said he The School Board was supposed suring compliance with the remain-
The court, however, would nomi- to make regular reports to the court ing requirements to the August 2018
order and facilitating the achievement
of full unitary status,” according to the
agreement. Full unitary status means
a complete lifting of court oversight.

Warrior said, however, “the equity
committee adds another administrative
layer the NAACP must go through to
give input. It dilutes the NAACP’s ability
to intervene on behalf of our students.”

There will be five members on the
committee, two unpaid volunteers
appointed by the NAACP, two district
staff members and one unpaid volun-
teer member appointed by the four

When the committee wants infor-
mation, members must first agree what
data or documents should be request-
ed, Warrior was told, and then it’s up to
the School District to grant or deny the
request. “I’ve had trouble getting data
and information in the past. Requiring
a quorum will make it worse.”

The agreement repeatedly states
the equity committee can only make
recommendations “in an advisory ca-
pacity,” and has no power to mandate

Each year, the equity committee will
hold a public meeting to present to the
School Board and NAACP areas eligi-
ble to be lifted from court oversight,
with the goal of removal of all court
oversight within three years.

The NAACP’s Brown said he signed
this agreement “because I feared the
court outcome.” But, he added, after we
get three new School Board members
in the fall elections, “maybe we can sit
down and have a real discussion.” 

Citrus Grillhouse

taurant will have been closed for near-
ly 11 months – long enough, in many
cases, to have become an afterthought.

But not in this case.
“Usually, when a restaurant goes
through something catastrophic, like
we did, it loses momentum,” Citrus
Grillhouse chef/co-owner Scott Varric-
chio said last week. “But based on the

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 3


chatter I’m hearing locally and the feed- said. “I’ve been traveling around the offered by a renowned French pastry they’re letting me into their world,”
back I’ve received in emails and letters, country, visiting restaurants that I re- chef, continues his travels this week Varricchio said. “This a great oppor-
we might’ve actually picked up steam. spect and sampling what they have. after spending a few days in Vero. tunity for me to see what the best of
Before we reopen, we’ll do some test- the best do.”
“Almost every day, in one way or an- ing and have some family-and-friends He’s jetting to San Francisco to
other, someone asks me when we’re dinners to test the new menu and see work and observe the staff at famed He’ll then share what he has
going to reopen,” he added. “So we’re how our kitchen pulls it off.” French Laundry, located in the Napa learned with his new staff, which he
still on people’s minds, still on the ra- Valley and annually rated among the expects to include many of those who
dar, and I’m so thankful we haven’t Varricchio, who was in New York world’s best restaurants. worked for him before.
been forgotten. last week to attend what he called an
“exclusive, high-end chocolate camp” “It might be the best restaurant in “A large portion of our old staff is
“If anything, there’s a lot of anticipa- the country, so I feel very blessed that
tion about when we’re going to reopen.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 4

That was supposed to happen in COMPLETED! NEW CONSTRUCTION
October, or so Varricchio thought. But
the process of collecting from his in- Exclusively John’s Island
surer proved to be more challenging –
and take far longer – than he expected. MOVE IN READY! Refined elegance prevails in this exceptional
4BR+Office retreat nestled on a private cul-de-sac. Designed by Moor,
It wasn’t until “recently,” he said, Baker & Associate Architects and built by Builders East, this 7,138±
that he received the “first large install- GSF home enjoys ultimate privacy with desirable SE exposure and
ment” from the insurance company long, captivating pool and lake views. Distinct architecture, bi-fold glass
and could embark on a complete doors, expansive living spaces, custom finishes, gourmet island kitchen,
renovation of the popular dining spot, beverage center, and luxurious master suite complete the picture.
located at 1050 Easter Lily Lane in the 791 Shady Lake Lane : $4,350,000
Ocean Park complex by Humiston
Park, where a kitchen fire in the wee three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
hours of March 27 resulted in massive health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
water damage.
772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
County fire inspectors ruled the
blaze, which wasn’t discovered until
5:30 a.m., an accident.

“We’re just getting started on re-
construction,” Varricchio said. “There
was so much damage, we had to gut
the place. We’ve submitted our plans
to get the necessary permits. Once we
get them, we’re ready to go.

“Everything has been designed and
picked out – the flooring, walls, lights,
sound-dampening equipment, etc. –
and it’s on order,” he added. “It was
just a matter of getting the money.”

Varricchio and his business partner,
Matt Gaston, are confident they’ll be
back in business in early February.

“We’ve been playing the holiday
game,” Varricchio said. “First, we were
looking at being open for Halloween,
then Thanksgiving, then Christmas.
Now, we expect to be open before Val-
entine’s Day.”

When it reopens, Varricchio said,
a “new-and-improved” Citrus Grill-
house will have a different look and
feel, and the setting will be noticeably

The layout will be familiar – the bar,
kitchen and dining room will be in
the same places – but Varricchio said
a new decor will give the restaurant a
“little bit more formal” ambiance.

“You’re going to walk in and it will
look like a very different restaurant,”
Varricchio said. “It’ll be the same foot-
print, but we’re doing a complete re-
design. We’re going with softer tones
to get a warmer feel.

“I’m really looking forward to seeing
it once it’s done.”

Varricchio also plans to revamp the
menu, which he said will include only
two carryovers from the restaurant’s
previous offerings.

“Right now, it’s up for grabs,” he

4 Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Citrus Grillhouse The most significant damage, Var- proof: How does this action harm you?” by the PSC, the county and the Shores
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 ricchio said, was done by water – FPL characterizes Heady’s claims as would have the power to issue inter-
some from the sprinkler system, most rogatories to all three protestors. This is
biding time at other establishments,” from inside-the-ceiling PVC pipes “legally deficient,” claiming his objec- likely of little consequence to Heady and
Varricchio said. “Once we’re ready to that burst when exposed to the fire’s tion “fails in all material respects to Moran, but it puts Larkin in the hot seat.
pull the trigger, they’re coming back – extreme heat for several hours. allege the requirements necessary to
about 60 percent of them, anyway. We obtain standing to challenge the Com- Larkin’s Civic Association has come
employ about 70 people, so, consider- Fortunately, Varricchio said, he and mission’s proposed agency action.” under fire for not being anything close
ing that we’ll have been closed for al- Gaston also had purchased interrup- to what Larkin purports it to be – an
most a year, that’s a good number.” tion-of-business insurance cover- In FPL’s opinion, Heady did not dem- active organization of 900 engaged
age. The payments will make the clo- onstrate how he would be injured by members who have a stake in the Vero
According to Varricchio, the fire was sure of the restaurant from October the sale, noting that Heady even states electric sale.
caused by a kitchen employee who, through January – the first half of Vero he’s not opposed to the sale itself, but
while cleaning up after the restau- Beach’s busy season – less painful, at instead to how it has been conducted. Larkin has refused to release a list
rant had closed, unknowingly turned least financially. FPL Senior Counsel Kenneth Rubin of members or to produce a meeting
on the burner where a five-gallon pot also argued in a 10-page motion that agenda where the electric sale was dis-
containing oil strained from the fryer “This isn’t what we wanted," Var- Heady has not challenged relevant cussed, or meeting minutes showing
had been placed to cool. ricchio said. “Still, looking at a worst- facts and that his filing goes way be- where a vote of the Board of Directors
case scenario, what happened wasn’t yond the scope of the matter at hand. or corporation officers was taken to
He said the pot was so large that as bad as it could’ve been.”  file the objection and engage Larkin to
nobody noticed the burner, much “The Heady Motion is nothing more represent the entity in the matter.
smaller in diameter, was lit before Electric battle than an expression of Mr. Heady’s dis-
the staff left for the night at 10:30 satisfaction with the political process Former Vero councilman and utility
p.m. The fire caused the 8-year-old CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 that led to the execution of the Asset Pur- activist Charlie Wilson has filed a com-
restaurant to lose power, so the own- chase and Sale Agreement (“PSA”) for the plaint with the Florida Bar saying that
ers were unable to view surveillance FPL will ultimately prevail at the PSC, sale of the COVB electric utility to FPL,” Larkin improperly filed the PSC chal-
video to determine exactly when the but said the protests have forced the Rubin wrote in the motion filed Aug. 10. lenge because, Wilson argues, Larkin
blaze started. city to push back the sale closing until has not shown that she was officially
early 2019, according to the PSC’s pub- With regard to Moran, who describes engaged to do so.
It wasn’t until early the next morn- lished schedule of hearings on Oct. 9 himself as a “deaf American” and who
ing that a resident of one of the apart- and 10 to consider claims and motions asked for a PSC hearing with sign- In simple terms, Wilson alleges that
ments above the restaurant called and a final decision by Dec. 31. language interpretation to be held in the Civic Association of Indian River
911 and reported seeing smoke in the Vero Beach, FPL basically lumps him County is an empty shell of an organiza-
courtyard. Firefighters responded im- Howle said he thinks those object- with Heady as a malcontent who dis- tion that Larkin dusts off whenever she
mediately and needed fewer than 30 ing to the sale “will fall flat on their approves of how the City of Vero Beach needs a legitimate-sounding platform
minutes to extinguish the blaze. face, having not met the first burden of and individual public officials execut- from which to launch a political attack
ed the electric sale. or legal challenge of an issue or policy.

Moran even claims in his July 23 Wilson also argues that Larkin has
petition that several media outlets – knowingly made false statements in her
corporate and independently owned filings on behalf of the Civic Association.
newspapers and television stations, The City of Vero Beach has its attorneys
plus bloggers and newsletter publish- researching Wilson’s claims to see how
ers – collectively, deliberately withheld the city might join the Florida Bar com-
information from the public about po- plaint, but so far that has not happened.
tential future increases in FPL rates.
In FPL’s Aug. 6 motion to dismiss
“Nowhere in the Moran Petition does Larkin’s challenge, FPL’s Rubin said
Mr. Moran identify how he has been the Civic Association’s filing is “both
or would be impacted by Order 2018- legally deficient and factually inac-
0336. The Moran Petition also fails to curate,” as well as not meeting the re-
specifically identify the substantial quirements to establish standing as it
interests that have been affected by alleges only “speculative harm.”
Order 2018-0336 or the issues that are
being disputed,” Rubin states for FPL. “The Civic Association, dissatisfied
with the political process that led to
Moran’s challenge is described as no the City of Vero Beach (“COVB”) City
more than a litany of personal beefs Council’s approval of the agreement
with agencies and individuals. to sell the COVB electric utility to FPL,
has filed its Protest Petition in a thinly
“The Moran Petition is replete with veiled – and legally deficient – attempt
the author’s personal misgivings about to use the administrative process to
circumstances and events that played challenge the sale, motivated by po-
out at the local level related to the util- litical objectives that are not jurisdic-
ity sale, including those related to: vot- tional to this Commission and despite
ing representation; local referendum the fact that the typical COVB resi-
administration; supposed local media dential customer using 1000 kWh per
blackouts; Sunshine laws as applied to month stands to save approximately
local officials; alleged neglect of cer- $26 a month by transitioning to FPL’s
tain FPL customers; and impolite at- rates,” Rubin states in the FPL motion.
titudes and behavior of local officials,
attorneys, and an unnamed FPL em- Over the past month, interrogatories
ployee,” the motion to dismiss states. and responses have been flying back
and forth among the parties, but un-
The Indian River Board of County fortunately for the public, those docu-
Commissioners has petitioned to join ments are either not disclosed, or they
the matter as an intervening party, and are heavily redacted. Testimony of in-
the Indian River Shores Town Council tervenors is due to the PSC by Friday,
has voted to do the same, both sup- Sept. 7, with staff testimony and rebut-
porting the sale as approved by PSC. tals to follow throughout September

If both are approved as intervenors

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 5


and a prehearing date on Oct. 3. Then would be substantially impacted by Baird, who managed the county from on land-use issues, but that he could
come two days of hearings on Oct. 9 the PSC’s approval of the sale, presum- 2004 until he retired in 2016, and who not remember the group approaching
and 10, moved up from Oct. 10 and 11 ably Larkin would need to disclose ex- held top positions in the county bud- the county about an issue or being in-
so Larkin could attend a family reunion. actly who those people are, where they get office and utilities department for volved with local politics for decades.
live and whether they are Vero Beach three decades, said two weeks ago that
To show that a substantial number of electric ratepayers, or FPL ratepayers. he remembered the Civic Association “Aren’t they all dead?” Baird asked.
her 900 member-clients Larkin says are being very active in the 1980s, mostly “I thought they were probably all gone
represented by the Civic Association Former County Administrator Joe by now.” 



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6 Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


My Vero Any possible reward isn’t worth the plained, the sidewalks would become line petition to “Save The Vero Beach
risk. overcrowded and the walkways in the Farmers Market Oceanside.” As of last
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 park aren’t wide enough to accommo- weekend, the post had
“Take the Farmers Market out of the date the large number of in-season garnered more than 4,300 signatures.
couple of hours, one day a week, and parking lot and, yeah, it’s in jeopardy,” market goers.
only in the immediate vicinity. said Al Benkert, OBA treasurer and vice Benkert said the OBA would present
president of events. “And some other According to Benkert, the market that petition at Tuesday’s City Council
It would do nothing to discourage things are in jeopardy, too. The money typically has about half again as many meeting, which he hoped would at-
employees of the Ocean Drive hotels for the parades and the concerts and vendors during the winter as it does tract a large crowd opposed to moving
and restaurants from parking on the the banners? That has to come from during the slower summer months, the market out of the parking lot.
street, where they occupy many of the some place.” when the parking lot isn’t needed –
increasingly insufficient number of and the OBA regularly turns away “Without those 20-something ad-
spaces needed by merchants through- Benkert said the OBA was caught would-be vendors because there’s not ditional vendors who come in for the
out the business day. off-guard two weeks ago, when mem- enough room to add tents. season, we’d be in financial trouble,”
bers of the City Council discussed the Benkert said. “I’ve looked at the num-
It would provide no relief to Ocean possibility of removing the market If the city forces the market out of bers, and they tell me, ‘This is not go-
Drive merchants whose shops are from the lot as a way to address the the lot, Benkert said, there would not ing to be good.’
north of Beachland Boulevard. parking shortage in the Central Beach be room on the sidewalk for the sea-
business district. sonal increase in vendors. “And we’d “Could we continue with the mar-
Even in the Humiston area, it would have a very tough time putting 20-plus ket?” he added. “We’d try to, but I think
not free up enough parking spaces for The issue wasn’t on the meeting’s vendors in the park,” he added. we’d have a very hard time making it
a long-enough period of time – and for agenda and no vote was taken, but, the work.”
enough days of the week – to make a next day, City Manager Jim O’Connor Even if there were room for those
noticeable dent in the beachside park- called OBA president Georgia Irish vendors, Benkert said getting their ve- For what it’s worth, the City Council
ing shortage. and told her the council wanted to hicles into Humiston to unload mer- members who proposed moving the
move the market out of the lot. chandise would be difficult and the market – Lange Sykes and Val Zudans,
So why bother? incline of the park grounds might be with the support of Mayor Harry Howle
Why jeopardize the Oceanside Busi- “Apparently, they’ve decided to do too challenging for some shoppers. – are merely responding to a never-
ness Association’s sponsoring of the this, spur of the moment, without ending chorus of justifiable complaints
monthly Sunset Saturday free con- bothering to study the viability of the “The city would have to design ways from Ocean Drive merchants whose
certs, Vero Beach Christmas Parade, park,” Benkert said. “Is it even fea- to provide access and add some walk- businesses are being hurt by the beach-
retailers’ sidewalk sales and decorative sible? I don’t believe it is, at least not ways,” he said. “I’m willing to listen if side parking shortage.
banners on the light poles along Ocean without modifications to the park. they want to show me how it can be
Drive and Beachland Boulevard, all of done.” Unlike past councils that were all
which is funded by revenues gener- “We probably haven’t stated that as too willing to tolerate the status quo,
ated by the Farmers Market? strongly as we need to.” In the meantime, the OBA respond- this group appears to be serious about
ed to O’Connor’s call with an on- tackling the issue, which has no ob-
Without the parking lot, Benkert ex-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 7


vious or easy solution. At least these Hospital rooms In the face of continuing losses, IRMC, had just been bought by Stew-
folks are thinking, talking, trying. hospital officials formed a collabora- ard Health and was adding an all-new
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 tive committee to take a hard look at three-story bed tower.
But this isn’t the answer. whether IRMC could survive as an
Worse, it’s a bad idea, one that de- was beginning its search for a deep- independent nonprofit hospital. The The $62 million project, though de-
serves no further discussion and should pocketed partner, hospital officials consulting firm they hired to advise layed after the change in ownership,
be given no more consideration, be- dipped into a budget barely in the them, Stroudwater Associates, rein- resumed in May with a target comple-
cause it doesn’t solve the problem. black and found more than $1 million forced the idea that IRMC could not tion date of late 2019, said spokes-
Surely, upon further reflection, this to begin renovating its rooms. afford the needed expansion. woman Donna Jones last week. At
City Council possesses the wisdom to 94,000 square feet, the tower would
see that moving the Farmers Market “We thought, don’t wait for a new Stroudwater suggested a new bed add 48 private rooms and 10 operating
doesn’t really accomplish anything tower, let’s take care of the home we tower would actually cost $170 mil- rooms, along with an area for physical
meaningful – that it does far more live in,” said Rick Van Lith, who updat- lion and said financing such a project therapy and rehab.
harm than good. ed the Indian River County Hospital would be ruinous for the struggling
Some Central Beach merchants District Board last week on how reno- hospital, likely earning IRMC a junk The construction will increase Se-
might disagree, arguing that the mar- vations are going. rating in the bond markets. Philan- bastian River’s capacity by 30 percent,
ket exacerbates the in-season parking thropy, of the ilk that built the stun- to more than 200 beds. Along with the
nightmare along Ocean Drive. And Like the proverbially high cost of a ning cancer center two years earlier, tower, another 20,000 square feet in
they’re not wrong. hospital Band-Aid, this quick fix was would be “inadequate” to reduce the the existing low-slung structure will
But the market runs from 8 a.m. to pricey – $1.2 million for the first 96 risks associated with “the gap between undergo renovation, Jones said. Hos-
noon on Saturdays, and its impact on rooms, with a similar amount being IRMC’s resources and needs.” pitals in St. Lucie and Martin counties
beachside parking can be felt mostly discussed for next fiscal year – but not also are upgrading and expanding.
during the final two hours. Again, nearly as pricey as the major patient At the same time, the consultants
we’re talking about two hours of one room addition IRMC had been con- stressed the urgency of building a After Stroudwater’s discouraging
morning each week. templating. new patient tower to keep up with presentation, hospital companies
That’s a minor inconvenience to en- the Jones. According to Stroudwa- around the country began making
dure for something that does so much In fact, it was the cost of a new pa- ter, IRMC had just five years to bring pitches to take over IRMC. And a new
good in so many ways – something tient tower and IRMC’s inability to af- IRMC’s 40-year-old “chassis” in line bed tower was a top priority in every
that helps make this community such ford it that helped launch the search with competing hospitals. presentation.
a special place to live. for a well-heeled partner.
You want to keep Vero Vero? Among the competing hospitals The hospital’s various boards even-
Keep the Farmers Market Oceans- Hospital leaders first discussed a Stroudwater had in mind was Sebas- tually chose to be acquired by Cleve-
ide where it belongs.  $100 million addition in the fall of tian River Medical Center, a 20-minute land Clinic, which has promised to
2016, but ditched the idea when first drive from IRMC. At the time the hos- spend at least $200 million upgrading
quarter financial results came in that pital, built in 1973, five years before and expanding the Indian River medi-
showed a $4 million loss.

8 Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Hospital rooms and the CDC has strict guidelines, en- tient volumes, particularly in July. Still, the bucket under the winning partner-
forced by the accreditation group, the he predicts the east tower rooms – 96 ship proposal of Cleveland Clinic. The
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 Joint Commission. in all – will be finished by Sept. 30, the health system included a capital com-
end of the fiscal year. mitment of $200 million to $250 mil-
cal campus, building a new patient They yanked out the linoleum floor- lion over the next 10 years and would
tower and more. ing, tore down a half-wall and the sink The balance of the rooms may be doubtless include a new patient tower.
in front of it that bisected the room included in the budget process under- Final details are expected to be outlined
In the meantime, hospital officials in an awkward way. They ripped out way right now, but construction would in a definitive agreement to be revealed
are pushing ahead with renovation dated toilets and their weird metal not begin until winter visitors leave and – provided negotiations are completed
of existing rooms to help IRMC stay “handlebars,” as Matt Depino called decrease the hospital’s daily census, – Sept. 25 in a public meeting of hospi-
competitive. The redo started last them; he has been IRMC facilities di- sometime around May, Van Lith said. tal and health system officials at Indian
October, when hospital occupancy is rector for the past decade. And the River State College’s Richardson Center.
typically low, and began with the East entire shower stall came out – to the By then, IRMC may well have begun
Tower, the largest of three wings that relief of cleaning crews who had to a new era under a new health system In the meantime, patients admit-
jut out like spokes from the central scrub hopelessly stained grout lines that will be able to fund a new bed ted to IRMC have a four in 10 chance
hub’s front façade. between tiny square tiles, never mind tower. of getting a spruced-up room for their
discolored metal drains. recuperation. 
“You would think that would be That extra $1 million to finish re-do-
an easy thing,” Van Lith told trustees. A larger, solid surface shower base ing existing rooms would be a drop in
“But the plumbing in our facility runs was installed, along with modern safe-
up and down, so you couldn’t just take ty bars. Insulation was inserted where NEUROSCIENCE CENTER AT TRADITION:
out a floor; you had to take out two there had been none. Wall tiles in a COMPETITOR OR ADJUNCT FOR IRMC’S
rooms on the second floor, two rooms more contemporary design were laid, COMPREHENSIVE STROKE CENTER
on the third floor, two rooms on the and an interior closet was relocated,
fourth floor, and two rooms on the freeing up more space in the room. BY MICHELLE GENZ include Ayman Gheith, MD, Vi-
fifth floor.” Fresh paint completed the facelift. kas Gupta, MD, and Akram Shha-
Staff Writer deh, MD. With their ability to treat
Starting with two or four rooms on Amazingly, all that work seems not ischemic strokes using mechani-
each floor, depending on how many to have disturbed many patients, Van Less than a month after Indian cal thrombectomy, Indian River no
patients the hospital had, workers Lith said. If it did, “we gave them head- River Medical Center hired away longer needs to transport patients
placed polyethylene barrier sheeting phones to listen to music or TV.” a team of stroke specialists from to other hospitals for the potential-
over the doorway, maintaining nega- Lawnwood Medical Center, gaining ly life-saving procedure.
tive air pressure within the room, to By January, when work paused as the capacity overnight to earn the
guard against construction-related winter residents descended on Vero, prestigious designation of compre- Martin Health, which like Indian
airborne infection – hospital renova- 40 rooms were finished, each at a cost hensive stroke center, Martin Health River Medical Center is negotiating
tion poses unique risks of pathogens of $12,000. Construction resumed has announced it plans to open an a merger with Cleveland Clinic, es-
getting into the patient environment, May 21, Van Lith said, but it’s been even larger, more extensive center at timates its neuroscience center will
complicated by unexpectedly high pa- its Tradition Medical Center. generate about 150 new jobs.

The development, construction Samples said the center will begin
and equipping of the center would to take shape even as negotiations
cost close to $30 million, according with Cleveland Clinic move forward.
to Martin Health spokesman Scott
Samples. “Should we eventually finalize
what a deeper relationship between
“We are looking to develop a neu- Martin Health System and Cleve-
roscience center, which would en- land Clinic would look like, we an-
compass our neurosurgeons, neu- ticipate moving forward with this
rologists and pain management project,” he said.
specialists, as well as ancillary ser-
vices such as diagnostic imaging and Cleveland Clinic Florida's Weston
physical therapy,” said Samples. hospital ranks third in the state in adult
neurology and neurosurgery after UF
At this juncture, the plan is to build Shands in Gainesville and Mayo Clinic
not only a comprehensive stroke Jacksonville, according to U.S. News
center, but a medical complex that and World Report's rankings.
would include radiation oncology,
spinal and brain surgery, stroke care The proposed neuroscience cen-
and rehabilitation, and treatment of ter at Tradition, should the hospital
patients with such neurological dis- become part of the Cleveland Clinic
eases as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. system, would heighten focus on
the specialty in the Cleveland Clin-
Samples anticipates the project ic’s Florida division, particularly if
could take up to two years once combined with Indian River's po-
planning and design gets underway tential certification as a Compre-
and permits are issues. hensive Stroke Center by the Joint
Indian River announced its ex-
panded stroke center capabilities Indian River is set to review its de-
in July with the addition of three finitive agreement with Cleveland
interventional neurologists from Clinic on Sept. 25 in a public meeting.
Lawnwood who specialize in per- Separate votes by the hospital’s board
forming surgery within arteries in of directors and the Hospital District
the brain. The doctors, part of the trustees on the Cleveland partner-
Arubah Neuroscience Institute, ship are scheduled for Oct. 3. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 9


Jimmy Graves sports complex
will be ready to open this fall

BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA plex throughout the fall, ahead of the
Staff Writer formal opening.

The Jimmy Graves Foundation, cre- A Sept. 29 football camp led by
ated to honor the memory of a Vero NFL and college players will focus on
Beach high school athlete who died “health, safety and parent education,”
in a tragic boating accident, has made according to Joe Graves. The 3X3 Kick It
substantial progress on its centerpiece Soccer Tournament is slated for Oct. 6,
effort to build a sports and leadership and the Indian River Soccer Association
training facility on 16th Street, across plans to use the complex during the fall.
from Vero Beach High school.
While sports are the Foundation’s
Joe and Carole Graves started the main vehicle, its larger mission is “en-
foundation after their 15-year-old son, gaging and empowering student lead-
a popular athlete who attended St. ership on and off the field, through
Edward’s and VBHS and often played education, athletics and arts, to ignite
on the 16th Street fields, was killed on passion and purpose.”
an outing with friends on the Indian
River in 2016. “Jimmy was friends with everyone,”
a leader on and off the field and a good
Front: Jimmy Graves’ grandfathers Leo George (left) student, his dad said. He was pals not
and Jim Graves (right) with Foundation volunteers only with teammates, but with kids in-
Dale Dawkins, Chris Bieber and Jim Copeland. volved in art, drama and music. With
that in mind, Graves and the Foundation
Joe Graves said last week that im- board are committed to teaching leader-
provements already made at the 16th ship that reaches beyond athletics.
Street site include a $30,000 demoli-
tion project that removed worn-out To that end, a countywide leadership
dugouts, lights, fencing, baseball development program for students,
fields, utilities and the northwest and parents and “student influencers” is
southwest fieldhouses; a $130,000 set for October, using proven curricula
re-sodding project including drain- from top-flight universities and college
age, irrigation and grading; a $30,000 and professional football programs.
fieldhouse renovation; and $15,000 in
parking lot improvements. Florida Gators men’s basketball
head coach Mike White told Graves
Graves said the foundation has re- the Foundation’s focus on leadership
ceived generous monetary and in-kind is “just what we need [in high school
donations from community members players] coming in,” explaining that
and that, while it is too early to reveal many talented players enter college
specifics, several “major corporations ball with excellent athletic prowess
have shown interest” in supporting but lacking leadership skills.
the Foundation’s projects and goals.
The county declared the 16th Street
An official opening event for the ballfields surplus property in 2016 and
renovated ballfields and community offered the 11-acre site to the school
complex is scheduled for Nov. 9, which district. When the district passed,
would have been Jimmy Graves’ 17th the county put the land up for sale.
birthday. The Foundation’s programs There were concerns that the property
and staff will be announced at that would be sold to a developer and that
time, but activities will take place at the ballfields where Vero youth have
the Jimmy Graves Community Com- played for decades would be lost.

That possibility was taken off the
table in March 2017 when the County
Commission voted unanimously to
sell the property to the Jimmy Graves
Foundation for renovation and con-
tinued community use.

Even as work goes forward at the ball-
fields with the help of volunteers who
have memories of playing on the fields
themselves, the Foundation board is put-
ting in place an organizational structure
that is “laser-focused on its long-term
sustainability, to ensure the property and
programming are strong for generations
to come,” according to Joe Graves.

“I’m proud of the programming
we've developed,” Graves says. “I think
people will want to be a part of it.” 

10 Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


‘Very interested’ restaurateurs eyeing Ocean Drive location

BY RAY MCNULTY some very interested suitors and we’re property from Miami to Los Angeles said, “but all of them also consider the
Staff Writer working on it,” Moss said last week. and that he’s getting interest from bar business to be very important.”
“We’re getting a lot more interest now “individual entrepreneurs and well-
Several parties have shown interest that the building is taking shape. known chefs" in Vero and other parts The property, located across from
in leasing the new restaurant under of the country. Bobby’s Restaurant & Lounge, is
construction on Ocean Drive, accord- “People buy with their eyes, and owned by Sony Investment Real Es-
ing to Vero Beach-based commercial they’re excited about what they see,” He would not identify the parties, tate Inc., the Miami-based company
realtor Billy Moss, who said he’s hop- he added. “We’re just looking for the saying only that he’s using his coast- that also owns the adjoining buildings
ing to have a contract signed within right tenant.” to-coast connections in the restaurant to the north and south, on the west
the next two months. business to attract potential tenants, side of Ocean Drive, between Acacia
Moss, a Lambert Commercial Real all of whom he said probably would and Banyan roads.
“There’s nothing final yet, and the Estate agent who specializes in sell- serve lunch and dinner.
property is still available, but we have ing and leasing restaurant proper- Moss, who took over the listing in
ties, said he has been marketing the “Everyone has different ideas,” Moss April, said Sony is seeking a tenant
that will sign a five-year, triple-net
lease for the restaurant – the tenant
would pay all taxes, insurance and
maintenance expenses that arise from
the use of the property – with rent of
$12,000 per month.

“But everything is negotiable,” he

Sony is hoping the restaurant will be
open for business this coming winter,
Moss said, adding that, once a con-
tract is signed, the build-out for the
restaurant’s interior should be com-
pleted within 90 days.

Moss said Sony president Jose Val-
le, who owns a home on Vero’s South
Beach, has flown in prospective ten-
ants from Miami to show the prop-

Sony received approval from the
Vero Beach City Council last year to
build a 2,685-square-foot, 143-seat
restaurant on the site.

Vero-based Parent Construction
was hired to build the structure’s shell,
and the tenant will help design the in-

“This is a very important property
for Vero Beach – not only for the peo-
ple who live in this community but
also for our guests and the tourists
who come here,” Moss said. “I’m an
old-time deal maker, and my goal is to
make the best deal for the owner and
Vero Beach.”

Enthusiasm for a successful new
restaurant on the site is not universal.

Some island residents and nearby
business owners have voiced con-
cerns about a busy restaurant’s impact
on an already-challenging parking
situation along that stretch of Ocean
Drive, especially during Vero Beach’s
crowded winter season. 

Gavin Hayes.


12 Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Survivors unite in the fight at ‘Making Strides’ kickoff

Kneli Spencer, Bonnie Wetherell, Theresa Woodson, Alan Dritenbas and Lynne George. Victor Basile, Luke Basile, Dr. William McGarry and Dr. Raul Storey. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE

Suzi April, Ron Stransky, Michael Malsbury and Elizabeth April. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 14
Laura McGarry and Albert Del Tufo.

BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF ees learned more about the dreaded the newly diagnosed feel the sting of and funds toward research and ser-
Staff Writer disease. its thorns. vices.

The 9.23 Community Center at The American Cancer Society es- Breast cancer survivor Elizabeth Victor Basile, Ralph Carter, Dan
Christ Church Vero Beach was awash timates that of the roughly 268,670 April shared the story of her own Chappell, Bill Conti, Bob DelVecchio,
with the blush of rose-colored hope men and women likely to be diag- struggles as a three-time survivor, Alan Dritenbas, Mark Heyer, Mayor
last Tuesday evening at the 2018 nosed with breast cancer this year, as recounting her initial hesitation to Harry Howle, Dr. Theodore Perry,
Making Strides Against Breast Can- many as 41,400 will succumb to it. share the diagnosis with others. It Dr. Jason Radecke, Dr. Nicholas Rut-
cer Kickoff party. Cancer survivors, wasn’t until a 1999 MSABC walk that ledge, Harold Schwartz, Dr. Raul Sto-
teams and individual walkers, busi- With those daunting statistics in she admitted for the first time pub- rey, Capt. Milo Thornton, Andrew
nesses and other supportive organi- mind, emcees Scott Tripp and Chel- licly that she was a breast cancer sur- Trilla and William Watkins will be
zations enjoyed a fun-filled evening sea Rose of 93.7 WGYL punched up vivor. donning fuchsia, coral, roseate and
as they geared up for the MSABC the energy level, reminding partici- rose to support the women in their
walk to benefit the American Can- pants and survivors that “what unites April said the ACS played a signifi- lives who have been diagnosed with
cer Society. This year’s walk, 9 a.m. us, ignites us.” cant role in her survival through its breast cancer.
Oct. 13 at Riverside Park, is presented support of research that led to the
by Seacoast Bank, with event leader Cancer survivors were acknowl- development of Herceptin, a targeted Last year close to 2,500 Indian
Laura McGarry. edged for their strength and courage, chemotherapy that she received for River County MSABC participants
each given a pink rose and a survivor 13 years after her third breast cancer strode their way around the park,
After catching up and enjoying sash. diagnosis. raising $120,000 to help fund the ACS
a buffet catered by Carrabba’s Ital- mission to save lives, celebrate lives
ian Grill, the pink-hued group gath- “Survivors are the heart of our “The victory of this drug is my vic- and lead the fight for a world without
ered for a motivational session on Making Strides Against Breast Can- tory. It has the potential to be the vic- cancer. Funding supports cancer re-
how best to optimize their efforts cer event, and the reason why we tory for millions more,” said April. search, patient support, prevention
to support the ACS goal of eradicat- continue to do what we do at the “For those of you living with cancer and education, as well as breast can-
ing breast cancer. The evening was American Cancer Society,” said Rose. – keep on forging forward.” cer detection and treatment.
chock-full of fundraising tips, team-
building activities and even a rousing “We see today these individuals A prominent group of local gentle- For more information call 772-562-
game of MSABC bingo, where attend- that have overcome the thorns to be men will again dedicate their time 2272 or visit
like gorgeous pink roses, a beautiful as Real Men Wear Pink participants indianriverfl or Making StridesWalk.
reminder of life and grace,” added over the next several months, in an org/realmenindianrivercofl. 
Tripp, noting that roses are a symbol effort to raise additional awareness
of love, beauty and strength, and that

14 Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 Sue Davis, Joanne Bartolucci and Kim Feliciano. Valerie Stein, Diana Stein and Kaitlyn Stein.
Jeremy Lloyd, Nancy Madsen and Dr. Nancy Baker.

Jack Lamothe, Gwen Lamothe and Grace Lamothe.

Chelsea Gallant, Ralph Carter and Shannon Haynes.

Don Reagan, Lola Brown and Lillie Holt.

Alan Dritenbas with mom Kathy Dritenbas.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 15


Daredevil doggies are all aboard at ‘Puppy Paddle’


All paws were on deck last Sunday morning at the third annual Puppy Pad-
dle, with pupsters having a great time taking a wet spin around the Indian
River Lagoon with their humans. After a brief lesson on proper paddle-
boarding techniques and safety, pet owners launched their boards from
the MacWilliams Park boat launch, where the only stroke allowed was the
dog paddle. The event, sponsored by Orchid Island Dog Spa & Resort and
Paddles by the Sea, was organized to support the nearby Vero Beach Dog
Park, which relies on contributions to provide a free public dog park to
members of the community and their four-legged friends. 

Ellie Ruiz with Foolish. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE

Vanessa Bartoszewicz with Foolish, Brooklyn Martin with Gunner, and Alisha Zaleuke with Irie.

Chris Woodruff and Ben Denvir.

16 Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Spring in their step at run-up to ‘Walk to Remember’

BY MARY SCHENKEL Saturday, Nov. 3 at Riverside Park.
Staff Writer In addition to graciously hosting

Team leaders, committee members the event at their lovely facility, Re-
and supporters of the Alzheimer and gency Park Independent Living/Har-
Parkinson Association of Indian River bor Chase Assisted Living and Memory
County gathered last Thursday after- Care helped to kick-start the fundrais-
noon for a Walk to Remember Kickoff ing effort with a generous $5,000 con-
event to get pumped up for the 15th an- tribution.
nual Walk to Remember, taking place
Guests enjoyed refreshments
and a delectable assortment of hors

Katya Bailor, MD Erica Caudle, Amber Gwinnup, Charles Brashears, Teresa Hilton and Lin Goldstein. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Vero Facial Cosmetic
that is the highest goal we have ever
Surgery & Medispa had. And so, it’s time to turn on the
1255 37th Street Suite D heat.”

Vero Beach, FL 32960 She added that the increase in goal is
Tel 772.562.2400 needed as their services – and the need
for them – have continued to grow.
Vero Facial Cosmetic Surgery & Medispa
is pleased to announce that esthetician After thanking Regency/Harbor
Christina Davies Chase and an impressive list of other
is now on staff! sponsors, Cunningham stressed the
importance of their partnerships with
Katya Bailor, MD Christina Davies, Esthetician Will Tripson and Tiffany Tripson. local providers.

Christina is licensed in New York and Florida d’oeuvres, while brainstorming vari- “I look around the room and I’m
and has been providing excellence in ous fundraising ideas. seeing partners in the care and the
skin care for over 20 years. help that we give to the families in this
“This walk is so important, because county who are trying to manage the
Visit our full service Medispa for facials, wax and tint, all the money stays right here in Indi- care of someone with dementia,” said
Hydrafacial, dermaplaning, traditional microneedling an River County to support these vital Cunningham.
programs for our local residents and
and the newest technology, their caregivers,” said event chair Tif- “Whether they are in a facility,
Radiofrequency microneedling with VIVACE fany Tripson, MA/nursing supervisor whether they are receiving home care,
at Primary Care of the Treasure Coast’s whether they are coming to our pro-
Call today to schedule your appointment-- Sebastian office. grams – whatever it is, we’re all part-
Evening and Saturday hours available! nering together.”
772-562-2400 She said she developed a passion for
the cause several years ago after learn- “What I think is really amazing is
Connect With Us ing of the programs and services – all how many of us are really networking
free to residents – that the local organi- for the right reasons tonight. We’re
zation provides. all from competitors, but we came
together to support what I feel is one
“I had a patient that I took care of of the most important things in the
back in my early days of primary care United States to deal with, and that’s
who had Alzheimer’s and dementia Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s,” said
and had no family. I didn’t know about Debbie Hollenbach, Regency/Harbor
these programs back then; I wish I Chase campus executive director.
had,” said Tripson. “It helps so many
patients and their caregivers, because In addition to assisting Alzheimer
a lot of times the caregivers are the and Parkinson patients, the organi-
ones who take the toll of the stress and zation also has services for those with
the everyday issues. And we have a lot essential tremor or who are stroke
of good programs to help with that.” victims. Its Respite Program offers
an opportunity for individuals to
“This is the event that keeps our enjoy physical and mental activities
doors open; it always has. It’s abso- in a social environment and, more
lutely unique for a county to have the importantly, affords respite to their
resources that you are helping to pro- caregivers. Other programs include
vide,” said Peggy Cunningham, APA- memory screening, a Virtual Demen-
IRC executive director. “Just as a little tia tour, support groups, movement
motivational point, I want to tell you and exercise, counseling, training
what our goal is this year. It’s $123,000; and education.

For more information, visit walk- 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 17


Nancy Bryant, Marilyn Pascale and Mugs Holifield. Peggy Connelly, Carrie Jones and Marta Wallace. Janean Barrows, Bruce McEvoy and Bubs Baird.

Pete Moabed, Eric Young and Kenneth Borchers. Jenna Mergott, Sean Mixon and Carmen Ryan. Katie Otto, Jason Pomar and Jeanne Talbot.

Kylia Hardy, Jennifer Raymond, Wendy Lee (back); Maci and Madisyn Purvus (front).
Debbie Hollenbach, Dr James Fisher, and Peggy Cunningham.

18 Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


‘Board’-certified excitement at Throwdown Skim Jam

Staff Writer

Mother Nature occasionally Chris Ellison. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Nicole and Tim Capra with Fin, Marleigh and Penny.
played havoc Saturday, at one point
clearing the beach with bolts of light- Competitors ride out, hit waves need for alternative play spaces; it’s his left tibia, and his family.
ning, but in the end the tenacity of and execute various maneuvers – not just about skateboarding,” said “He’s got a long way to go with che-
the competitors and an army of vol- rife with a lingo all their own – and Brooke Malone, a Skate Park Alli-
unteers prevailed at the 2018 Throw- are judged on such criteria as how ance board member. “Tokyo in 2020 motherapy and surgeries, so we de-
down Skim Jam hosted by shore lb. hard the ride was, how well and how is going to have street skate as an cided we wanted to help the family
and Mulligan’s Beach House. many times they did the tricks. The Olympic sport. It duplicates what out,” said Ellison.
skateboarders just showed off their it’s like to skateboard through an
Later in the day, and long into skills; there was no competition. urban area, which our kids can’t do “I think it’s very, very nice of them;
the evening, Walking Tree Brewery because it’s illegal in the city. It’s I’m very thankful they’re doing this,”
hosted an after-party and awards “He’s a little daredevil; this is his not illegal in the county but there’s said Fannin.
presentation, where a mobile skate second time on a skateboard,” said nowhere to do it. We’re way behind
park was set up to promote the Vero Lindsey Tkaczow of 2-year-old son what other cities are doing.” “He loves the ocean; he’s main-
Beach Skate Park Alliance. Coltten. “I’m super excited for him. ly a fisherman but we have lots of
He already has a couple of tricks. Proceeds were to be split between friends who have been into skim for
Already billed as the world’s larg- He’ll have a helmet next time for the Vero Beach Lifeguard Associa- a long time,” said his mother, Mandy
est one-day skimboarding competi- sure. We definitely support getting tion and Skate Park Alliance, but this Gaudreault. She said after 10 weeks
tion, organizer Chris Ellison, found- a skate park in the neighborhood. I year all agreed to donate funds to of chemo he will have surgery to re-
er/CEO of shore lb., said the event think it’s good, positive thing.” support Breton Fannin, 13, a Storm move the tumor, followed by more
continues to grow. Grove Middle School student recent- chemo and likely additional sur-
“We’re trying to raise awareness ly diagnosed with osteosarcoma in gery. “Chris and Tiffany (Ellison) are
“This is one of our largest years and inform the public about the amazing. They’re making this hap-
ever, maybe the largest,” said Elli- pen for him.” 
son. “We’ve got 110 competitors who
have traveled from all over the Unit-
ed States, as far as California. We’ve
got some of our buddies in from
South Africa and our buddy Salty
just got back in town from India. So
the whole world has showed up for
our contest.”

Contestants self-identify based on
skill level into one of five divisions – I
Suck (beginner), I’m Good (interme-
diate), I’m Better (advanced), I’m Go-
ing Pro Tomorrow (expert) and I’m
a Professional; reclassified if judges
feel they’re competing in the wrong

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 19


Brian Roberts and Todd Rhoten. Coral Grigas, Gary Ferris and Amber Grigas. Christoper Zummo and Colin Jones.

Jacob Valentin. Amanda Martin, Jeanne Talbot and Brooke Malone. Coltten Tkaczow.

Hayden Darras. Alistair Rockley. Tim Everest. Dawson Carstairs.


22 Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Stage smorgasbord: Sumptuous Theatre Guild season on tap

BY PAM HARBAUGH PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE shows, the Guild brings back its popu-
Correspondent lar Apron Series for Readers Theatre. A
Jeff Hall, set coordinator; John Putzke, president; and Phillis Rock, vice-president, on the set of Yankee Tavern. stage “apron” is the deck of the stage in
The Vero Beach Theatre Guild put a front of the grand drape, so the Guild
toe in the water this past July with “Di- play is set in a New York bar named the Chicago Tribune theater critic closes the grand drape and sets actors
xie Swim Club,” the first production Yankee Tavern. In it, a young couple gets Chris Jones wrote that the play “… ac- on that little bit of stage in front to de-
of its huge 61st season. And with next involved with a possible nut-job of a bar complishes a number of things in the liver the presentations.
Tuesday’s opening of “Yankee Tavern,” owner in what Putzke calls “an edge-of- theater that are very difficult to do at
the nonprofit community theater dives your-seat thriller centered around the once and has many useful things to In conventional Readers Theatre, ac-
right in with a season packed all year- conspiracy theories of 9/11.” say about how most of us stake out a tors place the written plays onto music
long with productions. position that rejects what we see as stands and then interpret the char-
outlandish conspiracy theories, even acters and action without benefit of
There’s a thriller, a drop-dead-hys- as we remain less than convinced costume, props, scenery and staging.
terical whodunit, a couple of heart- that the government is dispensing the Done right, Readers Theatre can be as
warming comedies and an iconic whole truth.” exciting as an actual production. It’s
American musical comedy. Addition- just a different form.
ally, the Apron Series for Readers The- Next up, “The Game’s Afoot or
atre serves up four goodies, including a Holmes for the Holidays,” runs Nov. The four Readers Theatre produc-
courtroom drama, a spin on a Christ- 6-18. This is a popular comedy writ- tions this season are:
mas classic, and comedies of the liter- ten by American farce-meister Ken
ary and adult persuasions. Ludwig. Set in 1936 in a dreary Con- “12 Angry Men” runs Oct. 12-14. This
necticut castle, it concerns a Broadway is Sherman L. Sergel’s classic drama of
“We wanted the 61st season to be actor who has had his turn as Sherlock 12 jurors deciding the fate of a young
one that will be remembered for many Holmes. Over-the-top characters and man accused of murder.
years to come,” said stage director Jon razor-sharp one-liners make this a fa-
Putzke, Guild president. vorite of theaters around the country. “Jacob Marley’s Christmas Carol”
runs Dec. 8-10. Written by Tom Mula,
There’s nothing better to ramp “Miracle on South Division Street” this is a wonderful take on Dickens’ “A
things up than with a production of runs Jan. 15-27. Written by Tom Dudzick, Christmas Carol.” In it, Marley is given
“Yankee Tavern,” which runs Sept. 11- the warmhearted comedy is about a the chance to redeem Scrooge and by
23 and is directed by Puzke. family, faith and deathbed confessions. doing so, redeem himself.

Written by Steven Dietz, this unusual “A Funny Thing Happened on the “A Night in the Theatre” runs Feb.
Way to the Forum” runs March 12-24. 8-10. Written by Lawrence Casler, this
This is one of the American musical revolves around a couple and their
theater’s funniest, goofiest and most friends who talk throughout a produc-
loved works. Created in 1962 by Burt tion of “Hamlet.”
Shevelove and Larry Gelbart and with
music by Stephen Sondheim, this show “Things You Shouldn’t Say Past Mid-
has arguably graced every stage on the night” runs April 12-14. Written by
continent. And boy, does it have legs. Peter Ackerman, it is an adult comedy
Whip-smart and fast, the show has a with naughty one-liners served up by
vaudeville aesthetic to it that cries out three randy couples.
for rim shots.
“This season, we have something
“The Savannah Sipping Society” for everyone,” said Putzke, adding that
runs May 7-19. This comedy is writ- more work than ever has gone into the
ten by Jessie Jones, Nicholas Hope selection of their plays and musicals.
and Jamie Wooten, the same trio who
wrote “The Dixie Swim Club,” which For sure, a community theater with
launched the season this summer. a storied history like the Vero Beach
Theatre Guild, is already known for
In addition to these mainstage serving up something for everyone.

Founded in 1958, the Guild was itin-
erant in nature, initially producing its
shows in an old naval base and schools,
while storing props and costumes in
people’s garages. In 1973, it became
the resident acting company in the old
Riverside Theatre building. But when
the decision was made to turn River-
side into an Equity theater, the Guild
decided to look for a new home.

“The Guild stood by its mission
statement, that it would be a commu-
nity theater for, of and by the people
of the Vero Beach community,” Putzke
said. “So they bid farewell to the Riv-
erside, crossed the bridge and plant-
ed themselves on San Juan Avenue in
their own 300-seat theater (in) a con-
verted church.”

Fast forward to 2014, when the Guild
renovated the space to a three-story fa-
cility which now houses props and cos-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 23


tumes as well as a rehearsal hall and, of renovated, remodeled and became the ing that a couple of her favorites were Tickets begin at $15 for the mainstage
course, the mainstage. proud owners of their own theatre,” “The Pajama Game” and “Making God productions and at $12.50 for the Apron
Putzke said. “Thousands of volunteer Laugh.” They entertained and had some Series Readers Theatre.
Since then, the Vero Beach Theatre man hours made the campus the hub of “wonderful” talent on stage, she said.
Guild has seen a growing number of family oriented, community theatre.” The Vero Beach Theatre Guild is at
directors, actors, board members, “It’s a charming community the- 2020 San Juan Avenue, Vero Beach. Call
backstage personnel and patrons. Vero Beach resident Shane Framp- ater,” she said. “It’s warm, friendly and 772-562-8300 or visit VeroBeachThe-
ton says it is a beloved institution, add- a lovely place to spend the evening.” 
“From a converted church, the Guild

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24 Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Coming Up: Conspire to see ‘Yankee Tavern’ at the Guild

BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA p.m. to 12:30 a.m., it’ll be Alex Ivanov
Staff Writer and 3 Link Society, billed as “an up-
and-coming guitar-driven rock and
1 Intrigued by conspiracy theo- blues band” out of Orlando. Satur-
ries? You’re no alone. The Vero day, 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., it’s Brad Sayre,
a vocalist and musician who really
Beach Theatre Guild lauds Steven knows his way around a guitar, and
has toured all over the world with
Dietz’s “Yankee Tavern” – the second numerous artists. Sayre performs
covers and his own music. Through
show of the Guild’s 2018-2019 season the night, til the clock strikes Sun-
day, it’s an Earl’s favorite, get-down-
– as an “edge-of-your-seat thriller,” and-party crew, The Roughhouse
Band, taking the stage 8:30 p.m. to
and quotes a line from Joseph Heller’s 12:30 a.m. Earl’s Trivia: This place
has quite a colorful history. It’s been
1961 novel “Catch-22” to further peak a landmark on Sebastian’s River-
front since the ’50s, and was origi-
your interest: “Just because you’re nally founded by Earl Roberts, once
the mayor of Sebastian. I’ll bet he
paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not had some tales to tell. (There’s food,
after you.” With director Jonn Putzke

at the helm, the play tells the story of

soon-to-be-married Adam, who owns

a run-down New York City bar and

becomes increasingly entangled in

private and national intrigue, stoked

by his deceased father’s best friend,

barfly and hardcore conspiracy theo-

rist. Amidst the mounting chaos, a

stranger appears and quickly blurs

the lines between conspiracy theory 2 Jerry Seinfeld at King Center Sept. 13. 4 The incomparable Canadian
pop, folk, jazz, country singer/
and reality. Putzke wants audiences ‘Yankee Tavern,’ he mostly just wants
to play with our heads.” Can it pos-
to know that, although “9/11 serves sibly be a coincidence that the show songwriter k.d. lang comes to Or-
opens this coming Tuesday, Sept.
as the show’s backdrop, ‘Yankee Tav- 11? I think not. Fierce. Funny. Grip- lando’s Dr. Phillips Center Walt Dis-
ping. Mind-bending. Pick one. I hear
ern’ it is not a story about 9/11.” As the set is fabulous, too. Show times ney Theatre this Saturday, Sept. 8,
through Sept. 23: Tuesday through
the New York Times puts it, “Mr. Di- Friday, 7:30 p.m.; Saturday and Sun- to celebrate the 25th anniversary of
day, 2 p.m. Tickets: Adults, $30; stu-
etz likes his symbolism heavy, but in dents, half price. 772-562-8300. her Grammy-winning, critically ac-

claimed album “Ingenue,” with a

live performance of the platinum-

selling record, in its entirety, which

contains the Grammy winning

2 There’s no subject so insignifi- single “Constant Craving.” Accord-
cant that Jerry Seinfeld can’t
ing to Wikipedia, Lang first earned

get a joke out of it. That sometimes international recognition in 1988

uncanny gift will be on display next when she performed as “The Alberta

Thursday, Sept. 13, when the man Rose” at the closing ceremonies of

himself takes the main stage at the the Winter Olympics. Lang received

King Center in Melbourne. The man another huge career boost when

the King Center calls “America’s pre- Roy Orbison picked her to record a

mier comedian” got his start in the duet of his standard “Crying,” which

big time in 1981 with an appearance won them the Grammy for Best Col-

on the “Tonight Show” with Johnny laboration with Vocals in 1989. The

Carson. His career took off like a rock- opening act will be guitar virtuoso

et, hitting the top when he partnered Mak Grgic. Show time: 8 p.m. Tickets

with fellow comedian Larry David to from $39.50. 844-513-2014. 

create what many consider one of the

greatest and most influential sitcoms

ever made – “Seinfeld.” The wildly

popular sitcom made a ton of money

for NBC (and Seinfeld) for almost a

decade and nabbed multiple Emmys,

Golden Globes and People’s Choice

awards. Show time: 7 p.m. Tickets:

$78. 321-242-2219.

3 A one-of-a-kind biker bar where
you don’t have to cruise in on a

Harley to enjoy the atmosphere, in-

side and out, and the great bands:

It’s Earl’s Hideaway Lounge and

Tiki Bar on the riverfront in Sebas-

tian. You can most always count on

cooler-than-average live music un-

der the fronds on the Tiki Bar stage. 4 k.d. lang in Orlando this Saturday.

For example: this Friday, Sept. 7, 8:30

26 Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


of ruinous wars, has Baghdad been as
free and as fun as it is now.

“Every Iraqi has reached the con-
clusion that it is important to have as
much fun as you can before you die,”
said Alaa Kahtan, a theater director
who had come to Coffee and Books,
one of Baghdad’s hip new cafes that
attracts a mostly literary crowd.

The absence of bombings is not the
only reason for the new sense of free-
dom, Kahtan said. The Shiite militias
and their associated political parties,
which surged to prominence in the
wake of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq
in 2003, are now more powerful than
ever. They won big in the elections this
spring and are set to play a leading role
in whatever government emerges.

Their ascent, however, has also pro-
pelled the militias away from the petty
intrusions into people’s lives that once
characterized their attempts to assert
authority, such as forcing women to
cover their hair and blowing up liquor

Customers at the Kahwa wa Mutanabbi Street is the
Kitab cafe in Baghdad. 1,000-year-old center for
booksellers in Baghdad.


It’s nearing midnight on a Thursday problem, the relentless suicide bomb- On Fridays, poets recite their works
and the streets are jammed with traffic. ings that deterred all but the hardiest and artists show off their paintings in
There are people heading home after revelers have abated since the territo- the Ottoman-era gardens surrounding
dinner with family and friends, and peo- rial defeat of the Islamic State last year. Mutanabbi Street, named for a 10th-
ple for whom the night has just begun. century Iraqi poet who lived when
And the city is starting to breathe a Baghdad was at the epicenter of the
At the newly opened Ibrahim Basha little easier. civilized world.
club, the party is just getting going. A
Syrian singer with waist-length blond Cafes, clubs and bars are prolifer- The city still has a long way to go if it
hair and sky-high pink heels is singing ating. There are shopping malls with is to reclaim its past glories as a capital
Arabic hits, accompanied by a talented cinemas showing the latest releases, of culture and entertainment, Iraqis
Iraqi musician alternately playing the including a glitzy glass enormity with a say. But there’s a widespread consen-
saxophone, the piano and the oud. Dubai-style helicopter pad on the roof. sus that at no time in the past 40 years,
When she breaks into old Iraqi favor- There are restaurants on the river and since Saddam Hussein acquired ab-
ites, the mostly male customers sitting plays at the theater and comedy nights solute power and led Iraq into a series
at tables strewn with whiskey bottles at the coffeehouses.
get up and dance dabka, the tradition-
al Arabic style that involves crescendos
of rhythmic stomping.

Fifteen years after the U.S.-led inva-
sion of Iraq plunged the country into
a cycle of insurgency, dysfunction and
war, Baghdad is undergoing a renais-
sance of sorts.

The insurgency still simmers and the
dysfunction is as pronounced as ever.
Iraqis angry at their leaders’ corrup-
tion and failure to deliver basic neces-
sities such as electricity and water have
spent the summer protesting in many
parts of the country. There is little in the
way of optimism among the wearied
residents of a war-weary city that has
been crushed too many times in the
past to dare hope for a brighter future.

But for the first time in as long as
anyone can remember, at least Bagh-
dad isn’t at war. Although there are
still explosions, and kidnappings are a

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 27


stores. A move to ban alcohol by the Families enjoy an evening out.
Shiite religious parties that dominate
parliament was voted down last year. VIOLENCE IS RECEDING
“The militias have left these things
behind and have ambitions to a big- PARTYING AGAIN
ger role. They don’t care what you wear
or if you drink alcohol,” Kahtan said. “I
feel more free in my theater, more free
in my passions. I have a girlfriend, and
I can hug her in the street.”

He recounted the reception to a
scene in one of his recent plays in
which a scantily clad woman wearing
a niqab, or face veil, performs a pole
dance. He was summoned by a gov-
ernment committee to account for the
scene and received a visit from repre-
sentatives of the militia run by the cler-
ic Moqtada al-Sadr, who were worried
that he was insulting Islam. It could
have ended badly, but after explaining
that he intended only to make a com-
ment on the objectification of women,
the matter was dropped.

There is no guarantee the current

mood will last, said novelist Ahmed An old Iraqi film is screened credit Iraq with the invention of liquor
Saadawi, who was sitting at a nearby during the exhibition of a some 7,000 years ago. “It is rooted in
table discussing a cover for the next private antique collection. the Iraqi culture to have fun. Iraqis
edition of his book “Frankenstein in aren’t spiritual. They like to party.”
Baghdad.” Set during the height of the neither Sunnis nor Shiites nor Kurds
sectarian killings of a decade ago, when have the energy for another conflict.” Some of the partying has a distinctly
Baghdad was consumed by heartache sordid air. The clubs lining Abu Nawas
and hate, it was shortlisted for the Man He credits ordinary Iraqis and their Street, which runs along the Tigris
Booker International Prize. zest for life, rather than the inept gov- River across from the heavily fortified
ernment, for the new spirit. The surge Green Zone — and is named for a be-
“All this could be reversed by the of sectarianism that followed the 2003 loved Iraqi poet who lived in the 8th
politicians, who have shown their invasion, when Sunnis and Shiites century and wrote about wine and sex
foolishness time and again,” he said. sought refuge in their religious identi- — are strictly men-only. Men pay steep
“But we hope they have learned from ties and set about slaughtering one an- prices to drink alcohol in the company
the tragedies that went before, because other, was an aberration, and Iraqis are of hostesses, and female customers
reverting to their true selves, he said. aren’t allowed.

“There is something about the Iraqi One of the somewhat more exclu-
character that dates back thousands of sive locales is the recently reopened
years,” he said, noting that historians bar on the rooftop of the Palestine
Hotel, once a hangout for Baathist of-
ficials and now frequented by mem-
bers of Iraq’s new elite. They pay $100
for bottles of whiskey and can choose
company for the night from among the
heavily made-up young women seated
around the bar.

A doctor nursing a beer alone in one
of the cushioned booths confided that
he didn’t like the place but said there
aren’t many better alternatives to grab
a drink.

“It’s not like in your country, where
men and women can go together to a
bar and relax,” said the doctor, who
declined to give his name because
of the bar’s reputation. “This place is
cheap. I mean morally cheap. It’s all

Many women are benefiting from
the more liberal environment, too.


28 Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Women and children walk
by a stand selling fresh

juice on a Saturday night.

A singer performs at the Families gather in a park near
Ibrahim Basha in Baghdad. the Tigris River in Baghdad.
The Iraqi capital has seen a
revival in its nightlife after
years of war.

Though most of the clientele at the wearing headscarves, some not, some come the social focus. Until a few years year and draws a mixed crowd with its
Ibrahim Basha club were men, a mid- in all-women groups. They tapped ago, the dangers on the streets deterred comedy nights and live rock bands.
dle-aged couple sat smoking shisha their feet and wiggled their shoulders families from allowing their daughters
pipes and a family including women and looked like they wanted to get up to go out alone, said Mariam Sultan, “People have become much more
and children clapped to the music. and dance, but didn’t. 24, who has a master’s degree in medi- free in their attitudes,” she said.
cal chemistry and works in a lab. She
At the upscale Shawarma restaurant Most Iraqis don’t drink, and it is ca- had come with a group of girlfriends to For people who can’t afford cafes
earlier that night, an Iraqi singer enter- fes, where women can go out alone the Faisaliyah cafe, which opened last or bars, the Jadriyah bridge over the
tained a majority-female crowd, some and freely mix with men, that have be- Tigris River serves as a sort of im-
promptu party venue. Typically, they

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 29


come with cans of beer, turn on their when temperatures top 100 degrees become Friday morning, a bit before 2 a.m. down the bridge. Everyone jumped into
car radios, and sometimes there is even in the middle of the night. Starting in mid-July, police have their cars and sped away.
“It’s too hot at home, so we come here, sought to stamp out alcohol consump- Half an hour later, they were back.
The bridge is said to be the coolest because there are lots of people and we tion in the open air, and the bridge has The police came back, too, and the
spot in Baghdad because of the breeze can relax,” said Imad Salman, 50, who become a target. As Salman spoke, a po- people scattered again.
that wafts down the river, and families was standing on the bridge with his wife lice patrol arrived. “Run, run, the police
come, too, especially in the summer and three children. Thursday night had are coming,” someone shouted farther It was close to 3 a.m. and time for us
to call it a night. 

30 Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™



BY DAVID IGNATIUS | WASHINGTON POST in Idlib, which Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov de- a “perfect storm.” In this case, that overused meta-
scribed last Wednesday as “a festering abscess” that phor seems apt.
As the Syrian tragedy lurches toward a bloody fi- must be “liquidated.”
nal showdown in Idlib province, the Trump admin- U.S. goals in Syria have been sketched publicly by
istration is struggling to check Russia and the Assad Russia has mobilized about 15 ships near Syria Pompeo and Mattis: withdrawal of all Iranian-com-
regime from an assault there that U.N. Secretary as a prelude to a final assault. National security ad- manded forces from the country, rather than just
General António Guterres warns would be a “hu- viser John Bolton warned publicly last week that from a 50-mile buffer zone along the Israel border,
manitarian catastrophe.” the United States would respond “very strongly” if as in the deal Russia arranged; and a political transi-
President Bashar al-Assad’s regime used chemical tion that can prevent Syria from becoming a terror-
The administration’s efforts are so late in coming, weapons. ist base again and stabilize it enough that refugees
and so limited, it’s hard to muster much hope they can return to their homes. Pompeo and Mattis want
can reverse seven years of American failure. Idlib, located in the northwest corner of Syria, has more U.S. involvement in the Geneva deliberations
become a haven for terrorists, anti-regime fighters on a political transition, too.
But at least the administration has stopped the and desperate civilians who fled there after the fall
dithering and indecision of the past 18 months and of Aleppo and Daraa. The province’s population is The challenge is convincing Syria’s neighbors that
signaled that the United States has enduring inter- now about 3 million, swollen by perhaps 1 million America’s influence still matters, particularly when
ests in Syria, beyond killing Islamic State terrorists refugees. In the Idlib cauldron are about 10,000 Russia and the Assad regime seem poised for vic-
– and that it isn’t planning to withdraw its Special hardcore al-Qaeda fighters, along with foreign ji- tory.
Operations forces from northeastern Syria anytime hadists who joined the Islamic State caliphate.
soon. Israel has worked closely with Moscow this year
Turkey fears that a massive assault on Idlib could as it struck Iranian targets in Syria. But Israeli of-
“Right now, our job is to help create quagmires drive as many as 2.5 million refugees north toward ficials say they’ve concluded that only the United
[for Russia and the Syrian regime] until we get what the Turkish border. From there, some (including ter- States can drive Iranian commanders from the field.
we want,” says one administration official, explain- rorists) would try to make their way to Europe, cre- Jordan, too, has welcomed Russian help in reopen-
ing the effort to resist an Idlib onslaught. This ap- ating a new security nightmare for countries already ing its border crossing with Syria, but Amman’s sur-
proach involves reassuring the three key U.S. allies panicked by refugees. Staffan de Mistura, the United vival depends on U.S. aid.
on Syria’s border – Israel, Turkey and Jordan – of Nations’ envoy for Syria, last week described Idlib as
continued American involvement. Turkey poses the trickiest problem. Its relations
with the United States are poisonous these days
President Trump’s personal commitment to Syria because of the botched deal to free American pas-
is unclear, given his frequent past comments that tor Andrew Brunson. But on the ground in Syria,
America’s role there should be limited to fighting cooperation is far better than it was six months
terrorists. But the revamped policy appears to have ago, thanks to a face-saving accord between Turk-
the backing of Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and ish forces and U.S.-backed Syrian Kurdish fighters.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who recently ap- Russia doesn’t have all the answers, in other words.
pointed Jim Jeffrey, a respected former ambassador
to Iraq and Turkey, to coordinate Syria engagement. The paradox of Syria is that the stablest area now
is probably the northeast, where U.S. forces oper-
This 11th-hour rediscovery of Syria is poignant, ate alongside Kurdish-led militias, Sunni opposi-
because it comes as America is mourning the death tion groups, Turkish-backed fighters and elements
of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who anguished in friendly to the regime.
his final years about the United States’ inability to
check the slaughter there. McCain believed that be- If the United States really means to be back in
cause of feckless policy, the United States was com- the Syria game, it must prevent the Idlib bloodbath
plicit in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Syr- – and then encourage this same process of coexis-
ian civilians. tence across the country. 

The administration has signaled a stiffer stance This column first appeared in The Washington
by warning Russia against its planned escalation Post. It does not necessarily reflect the views of Vero
Beach 32963.

Comfort care is anything that can be done to soothe and relieve
Medical Decisions to Consider suffering. It includes managing shortness of breath, offering ice
chips for dry mouth, limiting medical testing, providing spiritual
This column continues discussion regarding medical decisions and emotional counseling and giving medication for pain, anxiety,
to consider while you are healthy. By letting others know your nausea or constipation. It’s often provided at home or in a hos-
wishes now about how you would want to live at the end of your pice facility, skilled nursing center or hospital.
life, you’ll all gain peace of mind.
In review, an advance directive is a legal document that includes Additional considerations include:
a living will and appointment of a healthcare surrogate to be your WHAT IF…
spokesperson. It’s only used if you are unable to communicate and I HAVE A PACEMAKER OR IMPLANTABLE
need certain emergency or special measures to keep you alive. CARDIOVERTER-DEFIBRILLATOR (ICD)?
Some medical decisions covered previously are do not resuscitate If you have a pacemaker and are near death, it may not necessar-
(DNR) orders, organ and tissue donation and cardiopulmonary re- ily keep you alive. But, if you have an implantable cardioverter-
suscitation (CPR). defibrillator (ICD) placed under your skin designed to shock your
Other important decisions relate to ventilator use, artificial nutri- heart back into regular beatings and the decision has been made
tion, hydration and comfort care. to discontinue other life-sustaining measures, you or your health-
DO I WANT… care surrogate may need to decide if the ICD should be turned off.
Ventilators are machines that help you breathe. A tube is put I OR SOMEONE I LOVE HAS ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE?
through your throat in the trachea (windpipe) so the machine Many people are unprepared to deal with the legal and financial
can force air into your lungs. Because the tube is uncomfortable, consequences of a serious illness such as Alzheimer’s disease. Ad-
medicines are used to keep you sedated (unconscious) while on vance planning can help clarify wishes and make well-informed
the ventilator. decisions about healthcare and financial arrangements.

ARTIFICIAL NUTRITION OR ARTIFICIAL HYDRATION? These are difficult questions. By thinking about them and letting
If you are recovering from an illness and are unable to eat or drink, others know how you feel now, the better prepared you and your
a feeding tube and/or intravenous (IV) liquids can sometimes be loved ones will be.
used to provide nutrition. However, if you are near death, these
could actually make you more uncomfortable, increasing the bur- Next time: Questions to ask yourself about how you want to live
den on failing kidneys and necessitating surgery to insert a feed- at the end of your life, and what you value the most. 
ing tube into the stomach.
Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always wel-
come. Email us at [email protected].

© 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved



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34 Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


One of the Cold War’s viet leaders misread NATO’s Able Archer 83war game. binder also explains how the war scare became a seed-
scariest years was 1983. Although detente had eased Concluding that the exercise was actually the start of bed for the unwinding of Cold War tensions and com-
superpower tensions in the 1970s, the United States and a first strike, the Kremlin put its soldiers in garrisons, munism’s collapse by decade’s end. “The politicians,
the Soviet Union were edging toward the precipice dur- moved its nuclear missiles near military jets and mobi- strategic thinkers, generals, and intelligence profession-
ing Ronald Reagan’s third year in office. In March, Rea- lized its nuclear arsenal for war. als who made hard choices in the early 1980s deserve
gan called the Soviet Union “an evil empire,” rattling the to be ranked in the upper echelons of historic achieve-
men in the Kremlin. The president backed up his words “Misunderstandings, the consequence of trying to ment,” he asserts. “They helped win the Cold War. They
with deeds. He lavished the U.S. military with funding, control the uncontrollable, hurtled the world toward deserve credit for that.” In his judgment, as tensions
issued national security orders directing his government a conflict that not one single thinking person on either peaked, Reagan started to empathize with the Soviet
to wage economic and political war against the U.S.S.R., side ever wanted,” Marc Ambinder writes in “The Brink: leadership, recognizing how much they feared him. He
and announced his plan for a Strategic Defense Initia- President Reagan and the NuclearWar Scare of 1983.” His let them know that he was not going to launch a first
tive (aka “Star Wars”), which was supposed to establish book describes the scare from the vantage point of the strike and that he was serious about diplomatic negotia-
a nuclear shield that would take out any incoming bal- soldiers, spies, military commanders and political lead- tions. He dialed down the rhetoric and evolved during
listic missiles and render “mutually assured destruction” ers who had to try to manage it, and how leaders of good his time in the Oval Office. After the close calls of his early
obsolete. will on both sides were trapped in a cycle of mistaken as- White House tenure, Reagan “began to try to understand
For their part, Soviet leaders started to fear that the sumptions, mutual fears and human foibles. This deeply the world through the minds of the Soviet leaders.”
West was newly emboldened and that Reagan was will- researched book is written with verve, and serves as a
ing to launch a first nuclear strike. The world shuddered study in the messy intricacies of nuclear doctrine and the This “Reagan-centric” view of how the Cold War end-
when a Korean passenger plane strayed into Soviet air- utter incapacity of humans to faithfully control awesome ed is part of a growing trend in scholarship. But it tends
space, the Russian military shot it down and Reagan arsenals of unfathomable destructive force. Although to shortchange Mikhail Gorbachev’s arguably more in-
branded it a “crime against humanity.” The pent-up both Washington and Moscow extensively prepared for fluential role in winding down the Cold War, as well as
fears, suspicions and tensions came to a boil when So- nuclear war and did their utmost to guard against nucle- decades-long developments – such as the lure of West-
ar accidents, the leadership understood that war meant ern capitalism and the appeal ofWestern materialism, as
decapitation of the government on each side, leaving all historian Stephen Kotkin has argued – in explaining the
decisions in the hands of unelected or untested officials. decline of the Soviet-U.S. standoff.
“The soundness and reliability of nuclear command and
control was largely a myth,” Ambinder finds. At times, “The Brink” moves so quickly from scene to
scene and involves so many characters, plotlines and ac-
Other problems beyond the control of those respon- ronyms (SIOP, RYAN, NMCC) that the arc of the story can
sible for safeguarding the nuclear arsenals were equally be hard to track; the themes of the book get obscured in
concerning in that fear-drenched time. For example, the whipsaw-like narration. Ultimately, however, “The
Capt. Lee Trolan, commander of the 501st Army Artil- Brink” conveys not just the causes of the 1983 war scare
lery Detachment, who helped secure nuclear missiles in but also how control of nuclear weaponry is inherently
West Germany’s Fulda Gap, nursed legitimate fears that a flawed human undertaking. In spite of safeguards and
a left-wing, anti-imperialist terrorist organization would plans put in place by the world’s most advanced militar-
attempt to invade his facility and sabotage his nukes. ies, political leaders had far less control over the use of
Ambinder reports how “Trolan’s site was regularly bom- such weapons in 1983 than anybody cared to admit pub-
barded with phoned-in bomb threats.” Trolan took the licly. And even though the collapse of communism re-
threats so seriously that he found them “scary.” duced the threat of nuclear war between the superpow-
ers, the continued existence of nuclear weapons remains
The technology was imperfect and prone to failure. a major threat to the human race in the 21st century – a
Once, Soviet satellites indicated that an intercontinen- point Ambinder drives home in his haunting study. 
tal ballistic missile launched from the United States was
heading toward the Soviet Union. But the satellites had THE BRINK
merely picked up on “reflections from high clouds pass-
ing over F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming.” Even PRESIDENT REAGAN AND THE NUCLEAR WAR SCARE OF 1983
though war had been averted, it was a near thing.
“The Brink” is not all a bleak narrative about the war REVIEW BY MATTHEW DALLEK, THE WASHINGTON POST
that almost came to be in that terror-tinged year. Am-


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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 35


J983 652 K 10 7
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist J 10 9 7 643 82
8 K 10 5 4 9763
Tia Mowry, an actress and model, said, “Having a second chance makes you want to work A K Q 10 762 8543
even harder.”
Bridge players should work hard to try to spot a second chance to make or break AQ4
a contract. This week’s deal is similar to last week’s, but with one critical difference: AKQ5
Dummy’s diamonds are stronger. How does that affect South’s approach in three no- AQJ2
trump? West cashes his four club winners, then shifts to the heart jack. J9

South’s sequence, a strong, artificial and forcing two clubs followed by two no-trump, Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Both
showed a balanced hand with a good 22-24 points. North dredged up a raise, more in
hope than expectation. The Bidding:

Declarer starts with eight winners: one spade, three hearts and four diamonds. As in SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
last week’s deal, it seems that the ninth trick must come from either a successful spade 2 Clubs Pass 2 Diamonds Pass
finesse — a priori a 50-50 shot — or a 3-3 heart split — which is only a 35.53 percent 2 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass LEAD:
chance. So, yesterday, when South could try only one or the other, he banked everything A Clubs
on the spade finesse.

This week, though, declarer can afford to discard a high diamond on the fourth club,
keeping the spade ace-queen and all four hearts. Then, when South takes trick five in
his hand, he can cash his other top hearts to see if they divide 3-3. Here, they do not, so
declarer cashes his four diamond tricks, discarding the heart five, and takes the spade

Finally, note that if West has the spade king, he cannot be squeezed, because he discards
after South.

36 Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


1 Trade (8) 1 Male deer or rabbit (4)
5 Lump of earth (4) 2 Arena (7)
9 Type of platter (7) 3 Sleepwear (12)
10 Fear (5) 4 Imp (6)
11 Totalitarianism (12) 6 Midday meal (5)
13 Countryside walk (6) 7 Interpret, solve (8)
14 Energetic (6) 8 Grateful (12)
17 Suspect, unproven (12) 12 Regular (8)
20 Radiate (5) 15 Unlawful (7)
21 Seashore gravel (7) 16 Tight bodice (6)
22 Towering (4) 18 Alike (5)
23 Spires (8) 19 Charges (4)

The Telegraph

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

The Telegraph

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 37


ACROSS 51 Compass pt. tribesman 54 FDR’s Park
125 L.A. judge in the 57 Northern African
INSTRUCTIONS: In this 52 Dog’s cousin
puzzle, all 8-letter answers 53 Latin deeds news, 1995 capital
are noted personalities 54 Thatch dwelling 126 Gullible dog in 58 Gesturing G.I.
with 4-letter first and 55 Computer 60 Reputed founder
last names (like MORT Garfield
SAHL). Clues to their keyboard key 127 MOVIE of San Francisco
identities are listed in 56 Outfits 61 Worked at,
caps but in random order. 58 “Runaround” girl PRODUCER
For example, the answer 128 Quarterback as one’s trade
to 1 Across may appear of song 62 Tavern
in any 8-letter location 59 Confines to a Marino 63 Stole, for one
in the puzzle EXCEPT 129 “Boy!” 64 Little drum
at 1 Across. Use the sickbed 130 Some poems 66 TV BATMAN
crossing words to get you 62 Women’s wear 131 ACTOR 67 GODFATHER
started and cross off the
capitalized clues as you daily? DOWN COMPOSER
discover where names go. 63 ISRAELI 1 Impact sound 68 French pronoun
2 Nigerian native 71 Hear ___ drop
SCHOLAR 3 Wt. units 73 Home of the
65 Hefty chunks of 4 Scottish girls
5 Make (a bull) safer Ewings
rock 6 Rhyme scheme 76 Earth hue
69 Totaling job: abbr. 7 Nostrils 78 “Isn’t It ___”
70 Alfalfa’s amour 8 Picnic pest 80 Some rtes.
72 Seeped 9 “The deal’s off” 82 Run new lines
74 Concerning 10 Butter substitute
1 MADONNA 75 Fibber McGee’s 11 GENTLEMAN JIM on a ship
MARRIER 84 Rowboat need
9 First animal- medium STAR 85 Bridge coup
77 ACTRESS IN 12 Skater Sonja 86 EXODUS
rescue guy HAVANA 13 Breastbones
13 States, in the 14 Millennium AUTHOR
comics 79 Bout settings 15 Element in metal 87 CHINESE-BORN
81 Film’s blueprint
16 TV alien plating ACTOR
MEMBER 84 “... that married 17 “PUPPY LOVE” 91 Atticus Finch
dear ___”
20 Outdated, spelled SINGER portrayer
in an 85 E. Murphy’s old 18 Business card 93 Mt. St. Helens
outdated way show
88 Coop denizen number spew
21 You, in France 89 Singer Pinza 25 Takes a forbidden 95 Cozy, book-lined The Washington Post
22 Maude star
23 VAMPIRE 91 Buddies look rooms
92 Health haven 28 Bank confiscation, 96 Back-comb
CHRONICLER 94 German songs 97 Despicable
24 RUSSIAN-BORN briefly 98 Went too far with
ACTRESS 96 Horse’s gait 30 1970 film, The 100 Wax colorer
97 Aloe ___ 102 Zellweger and
26 It holds your hat 98 Singer Redding Mind ___ Soames
27 “___ the first on 31 OLYMPIC Fleming
your block” 99 JOSE JIMENEZ 104 “Ten Cents ___”
COMIC RUNNER 107 The Jungle Book GANG OF FOURS By Merl Reagle
28 Having more 101 Like 130 Across 32 EX-TV COP
space 34 ___-truth bear
29 Fargo director Joel 103 “He ___ the poor 36 Photographer 109 Tale
31 Muslim noble, from the sword” 112 Milk choice
(Job 5:15) Diane 114 Dust Bowl fleer
variantly 38 Business VIP 116 Knee neighbor
33 Home of the Mets 105 Complain 39 Seagoing 117 Fill with verbiage
35 Eloi girl in The 106 ___ bite 119 Greek letter
(eat on the run) affirmative 120 Ebony’s sister
Time Machine 108 Lodge members 40 Crossed home
37 Smoke passage magazine
39 1986 sci-fi sequel 110 Car damage plate 121 Writer LeShan
41 Jobs and 111 An ex-Supreme 42 Tied, as shoes 122 Entirely
113 Dry ___ (parched) 44 “___ pray ...” 123 Napoleon’s field
Wozniak’s baby 115 Peter I was one 47 Bullfight sound
43 SINGER 49 Inexperienced marshal
45 Talks incessantly 117 D.C. denizen
46 The Centennial St. 118 PLAYWRIGHT boxer
48 Poisonous snakes 120 M*A*S*H-ER 52 Madison’s st.
50 Elton’s partner 124 Philippine 53 Of hearing

The Telegraph

38 Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Don’t fight mother’s negative energy. Neutralize it

BY CAROLYN HAX won’t happen, some people find a sense of security
Washington Post in the reverse. Better to be expecting it than to have
high hopes and a broken heart, right? It is unfair, and
Dear Carolyn: joyless and sad, and, if it’s the reason your mother’s so
negative, it’s also not about you.
Last night I told my mom that I’m
Actually, it’s not about you if she’s clingy, controlling
pregnant. Her reaction was: “What?! or bitter, either – and that’s what you need to absorb. I
know, this is your mother, whose affirmation can feel
You’re too young to raise a child! And more than your own. But: This is her way. Don’t fight
it anymore. Instead, neutralize it. When she rushes to
how in the world are you going to the darkest emotional conclusions, meet her there,
without fear.
pay for everything? This is a big mis-

take.” Carolyn, I’m almost 24, I’ve been married for a

year and on my own for about three years. My husband

and I thought about this a lot – it was no accident – and

we are comfortable with our decision and very happy to

be starting a family. But my mother’s horrified reaction Dear Carolyn: Long story short: Difficult long-dis-

is bothering me more than I’d like to admit. I just want tance relationship is starting to unwind. Factors have

her to be happy for me and trust that I’ve thought this been discussed ad nauseam for months – youth, bad

through. By the way, she had the same reaction when I timing, lots out there, etc.

told her I wasn’t moving back home after college, and As this is happening, a new guy appears on scene. My

again when I told her I was getting married. She’ll only girlfriend has admitted being curious/having feelings

get upset if I talk to her about this, and tell me how over- for new guy, who has told her the same, but she’s said

ly sensitive I am.Why can’t she ever say:“Oh, that’s great! pretty clear she’s not going to grant you that. nothing would ever happen while we are still figuring
Why? I can’t be sure, and it’s possible she isn’t, either.
Congratulations!” things out and it’s not a reason for the breakup.
Could be she feels increasingly irrelevant, that your
– Cleveland, Ohio gains are her losses. Could be she digs the power she Am I supposed to believe this? I really want to trust,
has over you. Could be she’s simply bitter.
and want things to end on a “good note” or whatever
Or, maybe she’s just like a lot of people who feel
Cleveland, Ohio: Oh, that’s great! Congratulations! compelled to shoot down good news: scared. All the and maintain friendship after our long relationship,
Because it is great. So was your finding a way to live milestones you mentioned are happy ones, but each
independently right after school, and so was your get- also comes with some risk. Living on your own? Finan- but if there is more to this story than I think, that would
ting married. cial ruin. Marriage? Divorce, or death. A baby? Death,
I know hearing this from me wasn’t quite the valida- financial ruin, divorce. be impossible.
tion you had in mind, but it might be time to get used
to taking what you can get. Yes, you want the satisfac- Instead of assuming or even hoping these things – Unsure
tion of pleasing your mom, just once. But she’s made it
Unsure: She is interested in someone else and was
honest with you about it. There’s your good note. Now
end it. 


40 Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


CRISPR gene editing has potential to write off cancer

BY TOM LLOYD new and possibly game-changing type editing is a group of technologies that
Staff Writer of gene editing that may prove capable give scientists the ability to change an
of stopping cancer – and a host of other organism’s DNA. These technologies
When Scully Welsh Cancer Center diseases – dead in their tracks. allow genetic material to be added,
director Dr. James Grichnik talks about removed, or altered at particular loca-
something that sounds a lot like “crisp- calls CRISPR “one of the tions inside the genome,” and it goes
er,” he doesn’t mean the refrigerator biggest and most important science on to say CRISPR is “faster, cheaper,
drawer where you store your lettuce. stories of the past few years, which will more accurate and more efficient than
probably also be one of the biggest sci- other existing gene editing methods.”
Instead, he’s talking about CRISPR/ ence stories of the next few years.”
Cas9 or “clusters of regularly inter- In ongoing laboratory tests, the
spaced short palindromic repeats,” a The U.S. National Library of Medi- CRISPR/Cas9 process has shown it can
cine agrees. It says “genome (or gene) now “recruit” cells in our blood to fight
cancer tumors. As the Washington Post
put it in a July 2018 article, it does this Dr. James Grichnik.
by transforming a type of white blood
cell that normally targets bacterial or PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE
fungal infections into a living cancer
drug which, “like microscopic blood- as CRISPR arrays. The CRISPR arrays
hounds,” can track down tumors and allow the bacteria to ‘remember’ the
kill them. viruses. If the viruses attack again, the
bacteria produce RNA segments from
Grichnik almost gleefully admits the CRISPR arrays to target the viruses’
“we stole it from nature.” DNA. The bacteria then use Cas9 or a
similar enzyme to cut the DNA apart,
The National Institutes of Health which disables the virus.”
confirms that “theft,” saying “CRISPR-
Cas9 was adapted from a naturally oc- It’s obviously a complex topic, but a
curring genome editing system in bac-
teria. The bacteria capture snippets of
DNA from invading viruses and use
them to create DNA segments known

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 41


clearly energized Grichnik makes it at App-y days are here in fighting coronary artery disease
least somewhat clearer.
BY TOM LLOYD And why not? “I have it on my phone,” says
“So, cells naturally don’t want to be Staff Writer The American College of Cardiol- Ahiable. “You can plug in your risk
accepting DNA from the outside world. ogy says that every 40 seconds, some- factors and it ranks your 10-year risk
What we have to do in our research cen- Worried about a heart attack one in this country dies from CAD. of having a coronary artery disease. It
ters is develop a number of techniques brought on by coronary artery dis- Indeed, the ACC says cardiovascu- gives you a score.”
to get DNA into cells so that we can ease (CAD)? lar diseases in general and coronary
study them or change them in one form artery disease in particular account For the record, CAD is the narrow-
or another. A number of approaches Dr. Lilian Ahiable, a fresh face at for roughly 800,000 U.S. deaths a ing or blocking of arteries leading to
have developed through the years.” the Steward Medical Group in Vero year. the heart. It is caused by the buildup
Beach, is using a modern mantra to If an “app” can help slash those of cholesterol and fatty plaque deposits
One older approach [compared to help stop CAD. numbers, that’s got to be a good thing. along the inner walls of those vessels. If
CRISPR] is electroporation which,
Grichnik says, “is essentially electro- There is, she says, an app for that. CONTINUED ON PAGE 42
cuting cells. You fry them in an electric
field. You poke them full of holes and
DNA gets in. It may even be pulled in
by that electric current.”

Grichnik goes on to offer a caveat,
warning that no matter how encourag-
ing gene editing seems now, we’re not
quite there. Yet.

He cautions that “putting something
into a patient that years later turns
out to be a cancer that you induced
because the virus integrated into the
wrong location is the underlying fear.
We’re going to have situations where
we probably induced a mutation or we
created a problem … but the hope is
that would be very, very rare.”

Continuing on what he calls “the risk
benefit ratios,” Grichnik points out that
similar risks are found in today’s cancer
treatments, including chemotherapy.

“We have patients [on chemo] where
we’ve cured the cancer,” Grichnik con-
tinues, “but we’ve hurt their immune
system so much that they get infec-
tions. Or they get anemia which [also]
causes problems.”

Still, this world-renowned mela-
noma expert remains enthused about

“Genetic engineering is where the
power is now. I think we feel comfort-
able with engineering the immune
system to kill cancer and that’s what
we’re talking about today.”

A topic he hopes is only slightly fur-
ther down the road relates to children
born with autoimmune blistering dis-
eases. Fixing those infants’ skin cells
so they don’t have to have those hor-
rible diseases is something Grichnik
feels may also be possible soon.

Asked to pull out his crystal ball
and make a prediction, Grichnik stoi-
cally says, “I think we’re going to see
this in the next few years. I think that
technology is moving very quickly now
and I think three to five years is a very
rational timespan. I think the reality
is the advances we’ve made in cancer
therapy in the last decade have been
enormous and the ability now to en-
gineer the immune system to specifi-
cally clear cancers is huge.”

Dr. James Grichnik is the medical di-
rector of Vero Beach’s Scully-Welsh Can-
cer Center, located behind the Indian
River Medical Center. 

42 Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


that plaque restricts or blocks the flow Dr. Lilian Ahiable. she says, “is if a patient has significant weeks [to see how prescribed treat-
of blood to the heart, a heart attack – risk factors such as hypertension, ment is working]. And what I would
and sometimes death – can occur. PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE high cholesterol, coronary artery dis- probably advocate is for them to have
ease or diabetes, they automatically one of those blood pressure monitors
But Ahiable is also quick to point over the age of 20 get a cholesterol go on a high intensity statin. at home to check it while they’re on
out that while an app might be able test or lipid panel to determine their the medication and we also do some
to predict, it can’t by itself protect you low-density (bad) cholesterol, high- “Initially if someone comes to me lifestyle changes. Once the patient is
from developing CAD. She cites risk density (good) cholesterol and their with the high blood pressure, I would stable on a medication, it’s mostly go-
factors that include “high blood pres- triglycerides, but the rules – or guide- love to see them again in three to six ing to be maybe every six months to a
sure, diabetes, high cholesterol and lines – for lipid panels have, accord- year check-up, mostly just make sure
obesity,” which are largely up to the ing to Ahiable, recently been revised. that everything is going on well.”
patient to address.
“So what the guidelines say now,” The good news, according to
But the app can serve as motiva- Ahiable, is that while statins used to
tion to change bad habits and seek be something patients had to take for
needed treatment, and addressing the rest of their lives, today it’s gen-
those risk factors earlier in life can erally accepted that in many cases,
make a big difference later on. with changes in diet and exercise
routines, “we can probably get them
Today, Ahiable says, pediatricians off that medication.”
as well as primary care physicians
are actively looking for telltale signs When asked why, in an area chock-
of CAD so that “lifestyle changes” in- full of cardiologists, people on the
cluding diet and exercise can be put Treasure Coast should come to see
into play sooner rather than later. her, she pauses and flashes a win-
ning smile. “I’m fresh from training.
Let’s face it: Old habits are hard to I have the latest updated informa-
break. It’s easier to start healthy hab- tion on cardiovascular care. I’m very
its early in life and stick with them. outgoing. Very patient-oriented. Very
friendly and I definitely give the best
Take, for example, what we eat. care that is out there.”
“What we advocate now in terms of
diet,” Ahiable explains, “is the Medi- Dr. Lilian Ahiable is with the Stew-
terranean diet, which is based on ard Medical Group in Vero Beach at
olive oil, legumes, beans, fruits and 3745 11th Circle, Suite 105. The phone
vegetables and more of those than number is 772-794-7791. 
your red meat. And more exercise.”
The American Heart Association
now recommends that everyone

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 43


Who do you think you are? Just remember WHOSE you are

BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT came over him when he realized that now to admit that we share a few tendencies fine houses and live in them … and all
Columnists his importance was evident to all. with that general who wanted to be seen that you have is multiplied, then do not
as significant. We live in a world that of- exalt yourself, forgetting the Lord, your
Mark Trotter tells the story of a man Within a few minutes, the new briga- ten tells us the most important thing to God.” Apparently, self-importance is
whose great ambition was to become a dier general’s aide walked in and said, concern ourselves with is getting to the not a modern malady at all. But thank-
general in the army. He imagined all the “Excuse me, sir. There’s a man here to top, gaining power, amassing wealth and fully, its appropriate treatment is equally
respect he would command, how every- see you.” The general replied, “Send him establishing status. And while there is ancient. The well-established cure for
one would salute him and rapidly carry right in.” And then he thought, “I’m going nothing wrong with ambition or success, bloated self-centeredness is a little hu-
out his orders. He daydreamed of the to impress this man with how prominent if they are accompanied by grandiosity mility. It’s fine to strive to be all we can
driver who would take him wherever he I am, how much clout I wield.” So the mo- and self-importance, we may not gain the be. Let’s just not forget who we are and
wanted to go as others looked on with ad- ment the man walked through the door, respect and admiration of others, as we’d Whose we are. 
miration. the newly minted general turned to pick hoped, but rather, we wind up looking a
up the phone and pretended that he was little silly.
One day this man reached his goal and talking to the president of the United
was promoted to brigadier general. The States. “Yes, Mr. President, I fully under- Perhaps the antidote to pretentious-
next day he moved into his new office stand what you are saying to me. I concur ness is careful and consistent monitor-
and sat for the first time behind his big, with your idea, and I can tell you that I ing of our motives. Will the successes we
new desk. A feeling of great satisfaction will share it with the Secretary of Defense yearn for serve only ourselves, or do they
when I see him tomorrow. Thank you for have a bigger goal and a wider purpose?
calling. Mr. President. Goodbye.” Do we think of ourselves first and fore-
most, or are there other people whose in-
The general hung up the phone and terests have as great a claim on us as our
addressed the rather ordinary soldier own interests do? Do we see ourselves as
standing in front of him, “And what can I always taking center stage, or do we cede
do for you, soldier?” The soldier respond- that place of prominence in our lives to
ed,“Oh, nothing, sir. I’m just here to hook Someone else?
up your phone.”
Interestingly, many, many centuries
It’s pretty amusing to witness some- ago the writer of the book of Deuter-
one who has puffed himself up, having onomy cautioned his people: “When
his pretentions punctured, isn’t it? But, if you have eaten your fill, and have built
we are honest, we would probably have

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44 Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

A preview of NY Fashion Week

BY LEANNE ITALIE The superstar’s size-inclusive Sav- The midi dress with a black lace top and
The Washington Post age x Fenty line of lingerie, undies and pink and white details sold out quickly.
intimate accessories will close eight
The French luxury house Long- days of fashion with an “immersive Rosario Dawson’s Studio One Eighty
champ will be there for the first time. experience” the night of Sept. 12 in Nine will also be on hand. It already
So will Studio One Eighty Nine, the Brooklyn, because the fashion horde
Ghana-based artisan initiative co- loves a good schlep to Brooklyn. has a store in New York, along with
founded by actress Rosario Dawson. one in Accra, and a slew of awards.
Look for Rihanna, but don’t look for No matter. It’s Rihanna after all. They include the prestigious Council
Victoria Beckham or Alexander Wang. She debuted the line in May with of Fashion Designers of America Lexus
sizes ranging up to size 44DD in bras Sustainable Fashion Initiative Award.
There’s a never-ending churn to and 3XL in apparel. The latest will be The company has a manufacturing
New York Fashion Week and its packed available for immediate purchase on facility in Accra and supports artisan
schedule of more than 200 September Pop-ups in New York, communities in Africa specializing in
shows and other events is no different. Minnesota’s Mall of America and else- indigo, hand-batik and kente weav-
where are planned. ing. It supports initiatives aimed at
Here’s a rundown of who will be empowering women, job programs
there, who won’t and other highlights: NEW ARRIVALS and educational opportunities in the
The family-owned Longchamp is industry.
RIHANNA’S A YES having its cake and eating it, too, as
the company marks 70 years in busi- WHO WON’T BE THERE
ness with its first full-scale runway
show in New York. It was a big Amer-
ican-themed year for the house with
the opening of a Fifth Avenue flagship
store, a collaboration with Shayne Oli-
ver and Kendall Jenner as its new face.
Longchamp will also celebrate in
Paris with a September event at the
Opera Garnier, according to a com-

pany statement, as it has expanded in
recent years from leather goods into
ready-to-wear apparel.

“Longchamp has always acted on
intuition – something we can allow
ourselves to do because we are inde-
pendent – and we chose New York as
we are inspired by the energy and free-
dom of the city,” the company said.

Was Self Portrait similarly inspired
as it landed on the New York schedule,
or was it the London-based company’s
higher profile due to one particularly fa-
mous fan, the Duchess of Sussex?

Meghan wore a black-and-white Victoria Beckham is celebrating 10
dress from Self Portrait for her first go- years in business and has decamped
around at Queen Elizabeth’s annual to London, where she’ll show at the
Christmas lunch, before the wedding. fashion week immediately following
New York. The Brit built her empire in
New York and her company remains
based here.

Vera Wang has been off the fashion
week hamster wheel for a while, as
has Kanye West. And Philipp Plein?

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 45

He polished up a huge spaceship for that had never been able to attend a
a wintry splash of a February show in Proenza Schouler show and on that
New York after leaving Milan but has level, as well as on a creative level, it
not yet spoken about future extrava- felt really right.”
ganzas here.
the keynote speaker at The Curvy
As for Alexander Wang, he gener- Con, now in its fourth year. Also on
ated a lot of buzz earlier this year by hand: The WWE and “Total Divas”
announcing he would dump fashion stars Brie Bella, Nikki Bella and Nia
week schedules altogether, choosing Jax will be on a panel to discuss body
to show in June and December rather positivity. 
than participate in New York’s weeks
in February and September. The idea
is to shorten the time consumers need
to wait between reveal and store de-
livery, from six months to four. Other
brands have followed suit.



turning to the New York ready-to- THE CURVY CON 09/07/18 -
wear schedule in September to debut Coinciding with fashion week is a 09/13/18
their latest. three-day convention (Sept. 6-8) cel-
ebrating the plus-size community.
Another returnee: New York-based This time, Gabourey Sidibe will be
Proenza Schouler. The design duo Jack
McCollough and Lazaro Hernandez
showed in Paris for two seasons but
took to Instagram in June to say they’d
be back at New York Fashion Week,
where it all began, come September.

Spade, the co-founder and former
co-owner of the company with hus-
band Andy Spade, killed herself in
June. She and Spade created their
first handbag line in 1993 and sold off
bits of the company starting in 1999,
cashing out completely in 2006. But
the brand lives on and this will be its
first runway show and the first time
at fashion week since the loss of its

The show will be staged at the ornate
main branch of the New York Public
Library and will be the introduction
of new designer Nicola Glass. A tribute
was expected.

WHO’S BACK “NY will always be home,” the two
Los Angeles sisters Kate and Laura said in the post. “Paris was an amaz-
Mulleavy headed off to Paris couture ing opportunity to show what we do
week last year, but they announced to a completely different audience
on Instagram in July they’d be re-

46 Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Why the cape is set to be a hero item in your new season wardrobe

The Telegraph

Remember when shoulder-robing,
which later became known as “shrob-
ing,” was a thing? Yes, wearing a coat
without putting your arms in the
sleeves actually got so popular that it
was turned into a verb. It was harder
than it needed to be. Firstly, your
posture had to be straighter than the
Duchess of Cambridge’s at a charity
lunch, in order to stop the coat from
physically slipping off your shoulders.
Then there was the ‘what the hell do
you do with your stuff’ dilemma ...

At this stage you might be wonder-
ing how it lasted so long as a trend.
Like most things that are highly im-
practical but we continue to endure, it
was flattering. By creating volume up
top and hiding any sign of a waistline,
suddenly your silhouette is longer
and leaner.

For autumn 2018 designers have
channeled this idea into something a
little bit more wearable. A goes-with-
anything, architecturally draped cape
is set to become your new season su-

perhero purchase. From slick leather throws up plenty of theories as to why
at Alberta Ferretti to padded at Off- Melania Trump has worn several, in-
White, to a floor-sweeping tasseled cluding a black Givenchy one to greet
version at Missoni, capes in a myriad the French President Emmanuel Ma-
of styles swooped down the catwalks. cron and his wife Brigitte to the White
At Dior, Maria Grazia Chiuri added a House. They give her a ‘glamorous
shearling cape to offer some protec- sense of mystery,’ apparently.
tion to her 1960s revolutionary wom-
an. Anthony Vaccarello brought even With new season drops slowly fil-
more drama at Saint Laurent with long tering into stores, I’ve got my eye
ruffled capes, while Maison Margiela on burgundy striped cape from
sent out an incredible holographic Palmer//Harding that would make a
cropped cape for a futuristic spin. nice transition into cooler tempera-
tures. A patchwork wool cape from
This isn’t the first time this year Elizabeth and James also makes the
we’re seeing the cape make an ap- thought of colder days not so unap-
pearance. The Duchess of Sussex is pealing, whilst Chloé has a gorgeous
already a fan, wearing a navy cape biscuit block-colored cape with
dress from Stella McCartney to the stripe detailing that would look as
Queen’s 92nd birthday celebrations good with jeans as it would with tai-
and later in the year a white Given- lored trousers.
chy dress with a structured mini
cape sleeve for her first official out- The trend is yet to hit the stores en
ing with her Majesty. mass but early bird shoppers would
do well to check out Zara’s caramel
Elsewhere, the Duchess of Cam- hued cape coat hybrid. Come eve-
bridge wore a blush gown with a chif- ning time, Erdem’s opulent jacquard
fon train overlay from Alexander Mc- and softly embellished cape is just
Queen for a royal dinner in Norway calling for night on the town. Opera,
earlier this year. A quick search online anyone? 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 47

Four effortless style tweaks which will transform your look now

The Telegraph A designer belt is an investment
piece worth having in your fashion
For many of us, the slow return of arsenal – it is a tool which will rack
cooler weather marks a reluctant re- up so many outings that the price-
turn to old clothes. If you’ve been per-wear will be minimal. You’ll see.
enjoying the sun too much to start Most styles come in at around $300
shopping for a new autumn/winter but you could also search out a vin-
wardrobe then you’re not alone. Don’t tage one on Vestiaire Collective or
worry, though, because there are eBay. Let your belt do the talking
quick fixes on offer in the form of new with a monochrome ensemble or
season accessories, which will trick take a statement outfit up a level with
you into feeling like you’ve got a new the addition of a chunky gold logo
outfit altogether – perfect for these in- around your waist.
between times.
4. Tie the knot
Here are our top 4 new-season pick- Another one-stop outfit trans-
me-ups for your wardrobe: former is the humble silk scarf. Wear
it around your neck, tie it to your bag
2. Use your head handle or use it as a belt for an instant
If you hadn’t noticed already, hair pop of color to your outfit. Whether
accessories are making a serious you favor a delicate Liberty print or a
comeback and, bonus: they’re one of traditional bandana style, there is a
the most accessible trends of the sea- scarf to suit everyone. And, if you re-
son. Scrunchies, embellished clips, ally want to get the most out of your
headbands and ribbons are being new scarf purchase, it can even dou-
snapped up like never before. There’s a ble up as an aforementioned hair ac-
fun, nostalgic element to their appeal cessory, it’s all about being brave and
which makes this trend all the more experimenting. 

1. A hint of print
One sure-fire way to get stuck into
AW18 is with the addition of animal
print to your wardrobe. Leopard is
by far the most popular choice, but
snakeskin and zebra stripes also of-
fer up fun solutions for both day and
night dressing. If an animal-print
dress or coat feels too adventurous for
you, let your accessories take a trip to
the wild side instead. Animal prints
work perfectly with neutral colors
and bold brights alike; you might be
surprised by how many print-com-
patible items you already own.

48 Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Chuck’s Seafood: Wonderful venue for fine, fresh fish

BY TINA RONDEAU Blackened Cobia.

It had been another sultry August
day but still no rain when we arrived a
bit after 7 at Chuck’s, the venerable Fort
Pierce seafood restaurant on an inlet to
the Indian River Lagoon an easy half-
hour drive south of Vero.

The hostess led us to a table in the
second-floor dining room, and it was
then we noticed there were tables avail-
able outside on the veranda.

Lucky us! We love dining on Chuck’s
balcony, where ceiling fans produce a
nice breeze even on an evening when
there is none – and you can watch the
boats returning to their marinas as you
enjoy a cocktail or a glass of wine.

The hostess tried to warn us off –
rain’s coming, she said – but we decided
to risk it, claimed a table on the veranda
right next to the railing, and watched
the storm clouds move in from the east.

Soon, there was a light rain. When it
showed signs of turning into a down-
pour, we moved across
the aisle to a table a

Steamed Clams.

Fried Shrimp. took our excellent This is Hours:
server David’s advice and not a place that 3-9 pm, Sunday - Thursday
bit farther back against the wall. Then went for the latter. demands fancy dress.
finally, le deluge. Chuck’s fried shrimp – butterflied The atmosphere, even in the dining (closed Monday);
and very lightly breaded – are generally room, might charitably be described 4-10 pm, Friday & Saturday
But we remained totally dry (well, as good as you are going to find any- as casual. On the deck, even more so.
perhaps not the soles of our shoes), and where, and this evening proved no ex- Beverages: Full Bar
the sound of the rain – and the some- ception. My husband’s cobia could well But for good fresh seafood, simply
what cooler air it brought – provided the have been swimming earlier in the day, prepared, the food measures up to that Address:
perfect al fresco ambiance for another and served blackened, it was cooked to in most white-table-cloth restaurants. 822 Seaway Drive
wonderful evening of dining at Chuck’s. perfection. (at the eastern end of
On previous occasions, we have en- As we were leaving, the hostess South Causeway Park)
For starters on this evening, my hus- joyed the stuffed shrimp with crabmeat pointed out four spectacular lobsters
band and I decided to share an order of stuffing, the plump and juicy broiled that had just come in. On a previous Phone:
steamed clams ($17.49 for a dozen). scallops, and yellowfin tuna. The din- visit, we were lucky enough to have 772-461-9484
ners come with a choice of potatoes, scored one of these.
The steamed clams were delicious rice or veggies.
though at that price, it was probably For dessert, we decided to share a slice Too bad we were full. Not many
just as well that Chuck’s included 14 of of Chuck’s house-made caramel cheese things beat feasting on a spiny lobster
these beauties in our order of a dozen. cake ($6.99). Absolutely delicious. out there on Chuck’s veranda.
We then each had a house salad, which Dinner for two with wine and before
is included with dinner entrées. tip is likely to run in the $90 to $110 I welcome your comments, and en-
range. courage you to send feedback to me at
For main course, I chose the “famous [email protected].
fried shrimp” ($21.99) and my husband
– torn between whether to have genu- The reviewer dines anonymously at
ine red snapper ($32.99) or fresh cobia – restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
32963. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 49


Wine tasting going up market in Napa and Sonoma

BY DAVE MCINTYRE Silver Oak Alexander Valley, a popu- Silver Oak Alexander Valley. bers (just sign up!) can reserve one of the
The Washington Post lar Napa producer of plush, collectible twice-a-day tasting slots to try and buy
cabernets (LeBron James and Oprah are a tasting room, though it added a new the wines.
Over the last decade, wineries have fans), has opened the ultimate sustain- winery in Sebastopol a few years ago.
begun to rethink the whole tasting expe- able winery and tasting room at its Alex- Almost all of its 14 bottlings go to the Cost: $75 active members; $125 wait-
rience and investing in upscale settings, ander Valley vineyard in Sonoma. Floor- 20,000-plus devotees on the mailing list. listers
with prices to match. to-ceiling windows frame panoramic (The wait list is very long.) But at the just-
views of 75 acres of cabernet vines. Tast- opened Gallery, even new waitlist mem- Ashes & Diamonds
If your image of a winery tasting room ings feature the latest vintage of Silver The stark, white buildings with port-
in Napa or Sonoma is a long bar dotted Oak’s Napa and Sonoma cabernets. wednesday | steak night hole windows and a floating, zigzag roof
with open bottles and black plastic spit give Ashes & Diamonds, a winery that
buckets no one uses anyway, you’re out Cost: $30 to $300 a la carte specialty steak menu opened in September 2017, a mid-20th
of date. century Los Angeles vibe. Tasting places
Promontory thursday | paella night include a bright outdoor patio, a casual
New tasting rooms are opening at Napa wineries that make the most lounge and bar with colorful chairs, and
twice the rate of new wineries. expensive cabernets, such as Scream- selection of paella dishes a buzzy restaurant serving small plates
ing Eagle and Harlan Estate, don’t have that doesn’t close until 7 p.m. Don’t miss
Millennial hot spot Scribe, a pictur- tasting rooms. So it’s a big deal that Bill mojito monday the Red Hen cabernet.
esque hacienda winery in Sonoma that Harlan’s newest venture, Promontory, Cost: $40 to $250 
opened in 2007, helped shift the para- is now opening its doors to tasters. The $8 flavored mojitos
digm. Soon, other small, remote winer- stunning 840-acre estate in the foothills early-bird
ies began opting for swanky, salon-style of Mount Veeder is run by his son Will, happy 1/2 off appetizers dinner
wine bars in more urban settings away who wants you to savor the atmosphere hour $4 draft beer
from the vineyard: Outland, in down- in which this intense, smoky, mineral $5 house wine sunday - thursday
town Napa, is a collaboration among cabernet is made. He’s hoping you’ll 4 - 6 pm daily $6 house cocktails 5 - 6 pm
three tiny producers – Farella, Poe, and bond to Promontory for life.
Forlorn Hope. A few blocks away is the Cost: $200, but the tasting fee is de- sunday brunch three courses
tasting room for Blackbird, which it dubs ducted from a purchase. $22 per person
RiverHouse by Bespoke Collection, and a la carte brunch menu
charming spots from the likes of Acu- Kosta Browne 11:30 am - 3 pm
men, Brown Estate, and Mark Herold are Before August, celebrated Sonoma pi-
also nearby. not brand Kofta Browne had never had call 772.410.0100 for more information 
Why? Selling direct to consumers is
essential for small and medium-sized
wineries because it cuts out the whole-
saler and retailer middlemen that take
substantial cuts from profits. And it’s
become a way to cement customer re-
lationships, persuade you to join their
wine clubs, and keep buying their

Here’s my pick of wineries with new,
very different tasting rooms. For most,
reservations are necessary.

Silver Oak Alexander Valley

50 Vero Beach 32963 / September 6, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Available Daily 4:30 - 5:30 1 COMPLIMENTARY BOTTLE OF HOUSE WINE
$5 House Wine and Well Drinks OR 20% OFF ANY BOTTLE OF WINE!
W/purchase of two entrees. Expires 9-14-18 Valid Sun - Thurs
Choice of Tides’ House Salad,
Caesar Salad or BLT Iceberg Wedge

Carolina BBQ Pork, Chicken, Scottish
Salmon, Steak Au Poivre, Rigatoni Bolognese

Zagat Rated Reservations Highly Recommended A Roger Lord and Chuck Arnold Restaurant
2013 - 2017 Proper Attire Appreciated
Wine Spectator Award Open 7 Days 2950 9th St. S.W. #105 Open Tues.-Sun. 5pm-9pm
2002 – 2017
(772) 234-3966 Vero Beach reservations strongly suggested 772.794.7587

3103 Cardinal Drive, Vero Beach, FL

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