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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2016-04-01 15:34:07



Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 51

The man who helped create the est De- began to or to social media.
Joker flashed a wide grin beneath his tective, acquire What Weldon ultimately achieves
crisp white whiskers. This artist, then and so one of the
in his 80s, had lived through every in- it’s apt greatest here is a character and comic-fran-
carnation of Batman, honing the pri- that author Glen Wel- rogues’ galleries in comics chise history that is itself flexible
mordial superhero during World War don approaches his subject like history. enough to become what the reader
II and witnessing the cinematic shifts a metaphor-loving sleuth for a mis- Through the succeeding de- needs it to be. If you’re a Bat-neophyte,
in the character during America’s sec- sion that could be called “The Case of cades, Batman went through cycles this is an accessible introduction; if
ond Iraq war. And that smile said it all. the Rubbery Mutability.” as a driven loner, then a father figure you’re a dyed-in-the-Latex Bat-nerd,
to sidekick Robin, and then paterfa- this is a colorfully rendered magical
The late Jerry Robinson was the last Three years ago, Weldon published milias to a growing cast before being history tour redolent with nostalgia.
studio man who truly spanned the life “Superman: The Unauthorized Bi- returned to the role of solo vigilante.
of Batman. On a dark night six years ography,” which shed light on how And through these iterations, Batman If Batman has become an Idea as
ago, I asked him whether he liked another DC hero has stayed popular was adapted – on page and screen – much as Character – an invention that
Heath Ledger’s Oscar-winning perfor- since his 1938 birth. Now, Weldon, a to environments involving sci-fi, sat- engages “our darkest selves” – then
mance as the Joker, the grinning vil- pop-culture journalist and podcaster urated-color high camp and bloody Weldon is a well-suited detective to il-
lain whom Robinson helped create. at NPR, delves deep into Batman’s noir. If his cape is sometimes as black luminate these darkest literary places.
story in “The Caped Crusade: Batman as a movie theater, all the better for us Ahead of the newest Hollywood itera-
The verdict: He loved what he saw. and the Rise of Nerd Culture,” just in to project our literary needs onto him tion, it’s noir or never. 
That anecdote reflects the most fas- time for the release of the film “Bat- through each reinvention.
cinating pop aspect of Batman: How man v Superman: Dawn of Justice.” Weldon especially shines when THE CAPED CRUSADE: BATMAN AND THE
does one comic-book character re- rendering Batman’s shift from ’60s RISE OF NERD CULTURE
main so consistently intriguing to so Weldon goes on the trail of the Go- TV camp to the reactionary “Great In- BY GLEN WELDON
many people over eight decades? tham hero’s popularity as if he’s craft- ward Turn,” when “Batman changed
An engaging new book takes up that ing a procedural. He hews tightly to for good” as a dark figure, and then Simon & Schuster. 324 pp. $26.
question. Batman is the World’s Great- the chronology to piece together clues again in the ’80s, when Frank Miller’s Review by Michael Cavna,
from each distinctive era, and his ul- influential “The Dark Knight Returns” The Washington Post
timate conclusion is that for every morphed Batman from merely “ob-
generation, Batman becomes what sessive” crimefighter to a nocturnal
we need him to be. “No single image vigilante saddled with “full-blown
defines Batman,” Weldon writes. The schizophrenia.” The author rightly
Caped Crusader functions like an ink- calls the ’70s move the “most dra-
blot: “He’s whatever the reader brings matic and influential reboot of any
to him.” character in the superhero genre” and
deftly emphasizes how Miller “set out
Batman was born 77 years ago this to engage with, and update, Batman
month, as Bob Kane and Bill Finger the Idea, not Batman the Character.”
borrowed from numerous pop influ- As Weldon documents the rise of
ences – comic strips, pulp detective geek culture in recent decades – he’s
stories, children’s books, even German fond of dividing comics consumers
Expressionist film – to create a “winged into “nerds” and “normals” – he also
figure of vengeance.” Weldon delicious- shines a Bat-light on how the casting
ly calls this many-fathered creation “a of on-screen Batman projects, includ-
crude, four-color slumgullion of bor- ing Michael Keaton and George Cloo-
rowed ideas and stolen art.” Orphaned ney, has excited fevered fan reactions
by his parents’ murders and powered by and off-the-charts criticism, even pri-
an oath to forever wage war on crimi-
nals, this dark-caped hero became the
“badass Batman of 1939” – who soon


1. Letters to My Grandchild
1. Deep Blue 1. The Finest Hours
2. The Tale of Peter Rabbit (Sound
2. A Girl’s Guide to Moving 2. Call Me Debbie Story Book) BY BEATRIX POTTER

3. Fool Me Once
3. When Breath Becomes Air BY BEATRIX POTTER
BY PAUL KALANITHI 4. Pansy in Venice
4. Cometh the Hour
4. And Then All Hell Broke BY CYNTHIA BARDES
5. American Girls BY NANCY SALES
5. A Man Called Ove 5. Playing to the Edge


DAVE JOURDAN MARTHA LEMASTERS 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
presents presents

FLEET One Woman’s Journey to Finding
Her Own Happiness and Success
USS Nautilus and the Battle During the Apollo Space Program
of Midway
Wednesday, April 6th at 4pm
Sunday, April 3rd at 3pm

52 Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Contemplating a Cuba trip? What Americans need to know


The Washington Post

Since re-establishing diplomatic ties
with Cuba, the U.S. has made it easier
for Americans to travel to the island
nation. Here is what you need to know
about changes that make it easier to
visit Cuba.

U.S. travel restrictions to Cuba
are easing further as of March 16.
But don’t plan your beach-lounging,
mojito-sipping vacation to Cuba just
yet, says Tom Popper, president of in-
sightCuba, a nonprofit travel organi-
zation that’s been leading Americans
in legal travel to Cuba since 2000.With
the changes set forth by the Treasury
Department’s Office of Foreign Assets
Control (OFAC) and the Commerce
Department’s Bureau of Industry and
Security (BIS), Americans can plan
their own “people-to-people” educa-
tional trips to Cuba. In the past, peo-
ple-to-people educational trips were
the domain of companies licensed
through the OFAC. Even with the per-
sonal travel developments, tourist
travel remains prohibited by U.S. law.

“The intent (with people-to-people
travel) is to not just do tourist activi-
ties, but to meet Cuban people and to
exchange, talk about life in the United
States, learn about life in Cuba,” Pop-
per says. The announcement came
just a few weeks after the U.S.-Cuba
agreement that will allow commer-
cial flights to resume between the two
countries. In December 2014, Presi-
dent Obama announced the move to
normalize relations with Cuba. Those
efforts have been focused on easing
financial, trade and travel restrictions.
The latest changes happened just
days before Obama made a historic
trip to Havana, marking the first time
a sitting president has visited Cuba in
more than 80 years.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 53


Popper said the phones of insight- cause everything is taken care of. WP: What if they’re spending a time on travel to Cuba could change?
Cuba were ringing off the hook after WP: If people travel to Cuba on their with, say, a musician or an artist as a peo- TP: All of these changes since January
the announcement. “The No. 1 thing ple-to-people interaction, and there’s no
we’re hearing, every time there’s a own, they’re expected to keep records exchange of money or a receipt? 16 of last year are indeed absolutely, 100
news cycle like this, people call up of that travel for five years. What kind percent historic. They’re all being done
and say, ‘I want to go to Cuba now, of record is legitimate? Is it more of an TP: I think just writing down the per- at the executive level, which means if
book me a trip, I want to see it before honor system? son’s name and where they met them there is a new executive in the White
it changes,’ ” he says. and what they discussed would suf- House and they feel differently, there is
TP: That’s always been the case for fice. Some sort of proof. Oftentimes, always the possibility that these things
Popper shared the following insights travel to Cuba. Anything incidental what they’re looking for, if they do ask, can be reversed. I think the hope and
for people interested in planning a to their travels, any receipts, plane is for receipts: Show us what you spent, the strategy is so much momentum will
people-to-people educational trip. tickets, hotel receipts, meal receipts. where you went. They want to see if you have swung the other way — you have
They’re also requiring that travelers went to an all-inclusive beach resort. commercial airlines, and if you do one
Washington Post: What qualifies as keep records of what type of activity Did you do anything other than check day have banks involved, that’ll be very
people-to-people travel? they participated in. And, as it is right into the all-inclusive beach resort? difficult to reverse the changes. This is
now, we are unaware of OFAC pur- one more effort in pushing that pendu-
Tom Popper: OFAC has never de- suing any travel violations per se for WP: Is there a possibility that this lum in that direction. 
fined it, per se, in their own language. people-to-people. move toward the easing of restrictions
The bottom line is for a people-to-
people trip to be compliant — the ac-
tivities or the trip in its entirety can’t
be for tourism purposes. What we do
with our insightCuba groups is we
bring them to meet with normal Cu-
ban people in normal life settings,
whether it’s a school or a community
project — and there are so many in
Cuba that are amazing — meeting
with artists and musicians and so
forth. The intent is to not just do tour-
ist activities but to meet Cuban people
and to exchange, talk about life in the
United States, learn about life in Cuba.
This can be done across the country.

WP: How does an individual even
begin to go about planning a people-
to-people itinerary with no insider
knowledge of Cuba?

TP: It’s extraordinarily difficult. We
first started doing this in 2000. It was
really hard to figure out what that
would mean. But I think really what’s
intended in this regulation is for Presi-
dent Obama to open up travel, do the
best he can without eliminating the
travel restrictions or lifting the U.S.
embargo against Cuba, which he can’t
do; it has to be an act of Congress.

WP: What are some of the biggest
challenges individuals face in plan-
ning a trip to Cuba?

TP: The biggest difficulty, not just
planning a people-to-people itiner-
ary, is getting on a flight and getting
a hotel room. The hotels have been
sold out for more than a year. Pretty
far in advance. It’s one of the ma-
jor bottlenecks to Cuba right now.
How do you get there and where do
you sleep? There’s a limited amount
of hotels that the American traveler
would find sufficient or satisfactory
to stay in. A lot of companies, like in-
sightCuba, we’ve blocked hotels until
2018. It’s so much easier to travel to
Cuba if you go in a small group, be-

54 Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Bonzo meets Karu, who’s got a Golden gig goin’

Hi Dog Buddies! in Welsh, only they spelled mine with a “Right!” I said, Karu. PHOTO BY LEAH DUBOIS
“K” just to be different. Mom remem- still laughing at his
Seems like more and more pooches bers when I was a fluffball, running pun. “Good move, or the sand.
are getting out into the working world down the hall at the clinic with a roll Karu! You musta And, since I'm a retriever, Mom and
– mostly by helping their humans run of toilet paper streaming out behind. been SO busy.” Dad want me to Fetch. WELL, Fetch
their businesses. This week I yapped Those puppy days were fun! isn't my fav, but I'll fetch the first time.
with a pooch who took that a pawprint “Woof, yes! After that, forget it. Chase is always fun,
further. Karu Pettyan is the inspiration “Anyway, I did therapy work for a With the clinic too: squirrels down here, rabbits in
behind an entire business that totally while. I was a natural at making the pa- and making pet Canada. And I have lots of pooch pals:
changed the lives of him and his hu- tients smile. But I had a whole bunch food, we were Heidi, a Doxie; Beauford, a Golden like
mans. of ear infections and food allergies, so running our tails me; Sadie and Stanley, Basset Hounds.
I had to stop. I just kept chewing and off. (At least, I
Karu's a big, handsome Golden Re- licking, trying to make my ears not hurt. was.) Finally I “One of my most favorite times is
triever with a very Golden Retriever-ish The vet tried all kinds of yukky medi- told Mom and in the morning, before work, me and
personality – outgoing and extroverted, cines and diets, but I'm a picky eater. Dad we needed Mom and Dad have cuddle time. That's
but not hyper. He was at the door to Nothing worked ‘til Mom decided to to decide on one or the other. So we the Total Best!”
meet us, with his Mom and Dad. get creative and make my food her very went pet food full time. We named our
own self. She'd make it in one of these brand after ME – 'Caru.' Now we're Heading home, I thought how cool
“Welcome to our home!” he said, ap- big pots that takes a long time and Made in the USA. I've got a work per- it'd be to have a whole line of dog food
proaching for the Wag-and-Sniff. “I've the whole house smells delicious. She mit and I'm hoping to get a green card. named after you. And how yummy that
been looking forward to meeting you! used fresh meat and fresh vegetables, I LOVE it here! Duck Snack was that Karu gave me for
This is my Mom and Dad, Pamela and no sugar, salt, or that glue-something, the road.
Adrian. We're Canadians, from Toronto. and, Dog, was it seriously yummy! Af- “And, as the inspiration for the com-
Come on, let's go sit in the living room.” ter a little while, I started feeling Much pany, I have an important position: Till next time,
Better. Every Friday Mom'd make a big Spokespooch and Chief Taster. If I don't
We settled in. I got out my notebook. batch of food for the whole week and like it – it's outta here. Like, Mom was The Bonz
“So, Karu, tell me how you ended up take some to the clinic staff who had making dog cookies and she'd try 'em
way down here, from Canada.” pooches. They totally loved it, too. on me first. Most of 'em were A-OK, but Don’t Be Shy
I nixed one batch fast – Broccoli Cook-
“Well, Mom's a therapist, Dad's a chi- “Then I had an 'A-Ha' moment. I ies. I mean, pul-EEEZE!” We are always looking for pets
ropractor. They ran a health care clinic suggested we make more of my spe- with interesting stories.
in Toronto and wanted to add a therapy cial foods so more pooches could have “Can't argue with you there,” I said. “I
dog to the staff. After they scoped out some, too. After all, it solved my prob- guess you travel a lot?” To set up an interview, email
different breeds, they decided Goldens lems and I look really great. Mom and [email protected].
had the best personalities for the job. Dad thought I was a total genius! They “'Yep. Lotta store visits. And we got
Which is true. We love humans and oth- looked into it and pretty soon we were rave reviews at the Global Pet Expo in
er pooches and we don't get stressed in business. Orlando. Not to brag, but it's me they
or grumpy. Anyway, they got me as a come to see. Oh, yeah, I've seen the
pupster from a Reputable Breeder. And “We have 4 stew flavors and 6 treats looks. I've heard the whistles. The only
you'll NEVER guess my Papers Name – flavors. (Venison's my favorite.) We put part of the job I don't like is those goofy
Winter Faire What's Up Doc. Can you the stew in those cool 'juice boxes' so it costumes I hafta wear, New Year's, St.
beLIEVE it?” doesn't get all gronky and doesn't have Patrick's Day, you name it. I do it for the
to be frozen. That was my idea, also. biz, but I'm always thinkin' 'Hurry up,
“Woof!” I exclaimed. “How'd they I like to say it's Uncanny. Get it? Un- take the picture and get me outta this!' ”
come up with that one?” CANNY? And I'm really proud that my
food is made in human food plants. It's “What about plain ol' playin'?”
“It's cuz my Dad totally LOVES Bugs FDA-certified human grade. After all, “I enjoy peek-a-boo on our open
Bunny! But, thank Rin-Tin-Tin, nobody us pooches are worth it, right?” staircase: Dad pretends he's a monster
ever actually uses those Papers Names. and I pretend-growl. Depending on
They call me Caru cuz it means “to love” where we are, I love rollin' in the snow,

Most recently, a Golden Retriever ses” had Canine Vestibular Syndrome, a sure who needed medical treatment first. of injury. Without the membranes secured,
named “Moses” had an emergency in the malfunction of the system which maintains His owners were devastated and sobbing. the debris from the infection was getting
middle of the night. The devastated own- balance. Of course Moses was picking up the vibes pushed into the middle ear. We did a
ers thought their 9-year-old ”furry family from his owners as well as trying to deal ravage of both ears to remove the nasty
member” just had a stroke. While doing a comprehensive examina- with his own confusion. He needed to go debris and infection.
tion on Moses, it did not take long to see to the bathroom and could not even stand
The main symptoms Moses had were the nystagmus (eyes rapidly going back and up to do so. We then kept Moses at the hospital for
dizziness and falling over, holding his head forth) so we had our first diagnostic guide. three days to clean and flush the ears twice
in an abnormal position, circling, and a Typically the patients we see presented to The good news was that Moses had daily as well as giving the needed antibiotic
general look of drunkenness in his move- us that have this condition are middle-aged peripheral vestibular syndrome because injections. Oh, yes, the really good news,
ments. to older dogs. of a bad bilateral ear infection with both Moses is home with his family and they are
tympanic membranes having some degree all recovering together.
Fortunately it wasn’t a stroke. “Mo- Upon entry to the hospital, we weren’t

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 55


9 8532 764
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist A94 732 KQJ65
643 K Q J 10 9852
Wilson Mizner, a playwright who died in 1933, said, “Some of the greatest love affairs A K J 10 6 2 94 7
I’ve known have involved one actor — unassisted.”
At the bridge table, sometimes one defender can singlehandedly defeat a contract. But A K Q J 10
more often the defenders need to cooperate, signaling carefully — assuming each is 10 8
watching the cards, of course. A7
In today’s deal, West might come up with the right answer unassisted, but East can
make his life so much easier. South is in four spades. How should the defenders work Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Both
together to take four tricks after West leads the club ace?
The Bidding:
North’s three-spade response was a modern gadget: In competitive auctions, jump
raises are pre-emptive. He was showing four-card support (getting to the nine-trick level SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
with a nine-card fit) and less than game-invitational values. With a stronger hand, he 1 Spades 2 Clubs 3 Spades Pass
would have cue-bid three clubs. 4 Spades Pass Pass Pass LEAD:
A Clubs
Here, South’s raise to game was debatable. He was hoping dummy would be very short
in clubs and that he could ruff his losers in that suit without East’s being able to overruff.

At trick two, West will cash the club king. What should East discard?

If he throws a discouraging diamond deuce, maybe West will find the heart shift, but
it is doubtful. He is much more likely to lead a third club, hoping East can overruff the
dummy. Here, though, South can ruff with dummy’s spade eight, draw trumps, and claim
an overtrick.

Instead, East should signal boldly with the heart king — top of touching honors since he
couldn’t win the trick. Then it will be easy for West.

56 Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™



1 Twoscore (5) 1 Hooha (6)
4 Masticated (6) 2 Stunningly beautiful (9)
9 Variety show (5) 3 Concedes (6)
10 Affluent (7) 5 Wanting food (6)
11 Remainder (7) 6 Ironic (3)
12 Crest (5) 7 Evades (6)
14 Beam; fish (3) 8 Pinch identity of (11)
15 Baulk (3) 13 Reliant (9)
16 Copy (3) 17 Sharpness (6)
18 Pigeon call (3) 18 Produce (6)
21 Cheroot (5) 19 Threaten (6)
22 Token (7) 20 Categorically (6)
23 Second (7) 24 Star (3)
25 Bring to bear (5)
The Telegraph 26 Northern American (6)
27 Simple song (5)

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

The Telegraph

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 57


ACROSS 82 Poverty 10 Intro to con 78 Having a transfer The Washington Post
83 Actor’s break 11 Followers option
1 Goo of the gods 84 Cork’s place 12 Having two eye
6 “Benny and the 85 Drive away 79 Announcer on the
86 Lady Bird sockets first televised
Jets” singer 13 Tree trunk baseball game,
11 Brooklyn Lane Johnson, nee 14 Agnes on August 1939
15 Climaxes Claudia ___
19 S Taylor Bewitched 81 Like “egad,” as
21 He fronted the 87 Jimmy Hoffa’s 15 Hoodwink oaths go
apt middle name 16 “___ beauty”
Belmonts 89 Some hunters 17 Aprons for 84 Israeli airline
22 Sylvan plug-ugly 91 V 85 Sofa relatives
23 L 95 Evil half of a actors? 88 Disrepute, in
25 The light stuff famous dual 18 French legislature
26 He might be personality 20 Succeeds French
96 Letter getter 24 Paddle pin 90 Radioactive
passed over 97 Salt, briefly 29 Vital: abbr.
27 Actor Dennis, not 98 Thingum finish 32 X chemical element
100 Foils an 34 He loves Rose 92 Tierra ___ Fuego
artist Georgia attempted steal 36 J 93 How birthdays
28 From ___ out 104 Relative of 97 38 Part of E.-U.
Across 40 Fastened come and go
(starting now) 105 She starred in 41 “___ lay me ...” 94 Marked with
30 Badge-oriented Algiers 42 Address numbers
107 Blowout backups spots
org. 109 Comic actress on one side of the 96 ___ and mirrors
31 River of no return Charlotte street
33 French 110 Favorite art of 43 Like the ground (obfuscatory talk)
mechanics? under plants 99 Port of SE Iraq
feminizing suffix 112 R 44 Guardian spirits 101 Emerged
34 Elemental choice 115 Not spoil or go 45 New Zealand 102 All elbows and
35 No-goodnik? sour native
37 Have to 116 Singer that Julia 48 Both Begleys big feet
39 T married 51 Climber’s peril 103 Context
42 It’s alive! 117 W 53 Distaff restraints, 106 His Giants
46 Feeler, in 118 She, meaning once
Sophia 56 Douglas, for one number was 24
Spanish 119 River of W 57 1944 Paulette 107 ___ pan
47 Glaucus loved Flanders Goddard film,
120 Time for a chime I Love ___ (Chinese abacus)
her 121 Doesn’t bat ___ 58 Home- 108 Zoological bristle
49 “Easy ___!” entertainment 111 Vacation
50 Entr’___ DOWN buys
52 Fancy marbles 1 Bali and Capri 60 Psychologist who destination
54 Xerothermic 2 In the Line of Fire coined “inferiority 113 Snake-eyes
55 No Smoking, No complex” 114 Grayish brown
guy 61 And the like,
U-Turn, etc. 3 Versatile briefly THE ARTISTIC TYPE By Merl Reagle
56 Cruisin’ ___ 4 Tauromachy 64 Flawed service
65 Two stars,
bruisin’ sound perhaps
57 “___ $10 down 5 Ballplayer 66 Henry’s six
67 ___ You Being
and ...” Enrique Served?
59 Regain 6 Hemingway and 68 Complaint
69 Louis of law
consciousness Tubb 73 Diner in TV’s Alice
60 Barnstormers 7 Calls the toss 74 Major airline
62 Clark’s Mogambo 75 Sharer’s portion,
wrong cutely
co-star 8 Nursery-rhyme 76 Snarls
63 Y 77 Sweat
70 Current creature seat
71 Donut 9 Platte-Missouri

alternatives Indian
72 Fedora feature
74 “A bishop must

be blameless,
as ___ of God”
(Titus 1:7)
80 Sub order
81 Indian corn

The Telegraph

58 Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Her ex was a mama’s boy. Will her son be one, too?

BY CAROLYN HAX ture your own network of friends.
Washington Post While you wait for those networking efforts to

Dear Carolyn, bear fruit, make sure you’re busy outside the home
– fitness, volunteering, crafts, classes, part-time job,
My 10-year marriage ended whatever it takes. Show him he is not responsible for
keeping you company. Give him room to be himself,
largely because my ex-husband to make his own plans, to find his own way, to dis-
agree with you.
is and always was a mama’s boy.
On these terms, he can move home without get-
He was living with his mother ting sucked into codependency. Your senses of self
won’t allow it.
when I met him and she was a large presence in
Dear Carolyn,
our courtship, one the two of us always deferred to. We just received a save-the-date for the wed-
ding of a good friend. Yay! The wedding is three
Their emotional and financial entanglements both- weeks after the due date for our first child. Taking
a 3-week-old to a wedding is probably not possible
ered me while we were dating, and later devastated (and I’m not sure we’d be ready to leave a baby with
a sitter at that point), but if I have the baby early
our marriage because I was unable to ever feel like it might be.
Would you just recommend RSVPing no?
his No.1. – I Want to Avoid Being in the Wedding Hoot

Some five years after our divorce he is, you guessed it, Dear 'I Want to Avoid':
Talk to this good friend. Offer to keep things sim-
back living with her, and I am not exaggerating when ple just by saying no, but ask if s/he’d prefer that you
wait and see.
I say she could barely contain her triumph at having You can go with a teeny baby, by the way. You
bring a trusted “holder” who doesn’t go to the wed-
him back. ding, but instead cares for your baby nearby so you
can stop in as needed. Expensive if travel’s involved,
So now, I am a single mother to our 14-year-old son but it gets the job done. 

(he is with me full time, which has always been his

preference). Now that he is not a baby anymore, I am

experiencing firsthand how tempting it is to let him

be the primary relationship in my life, and I am terri- Dear 'Mama's Boy's Ex':
My goodness, you have an instruction manual for
fied. He and I are such good friends, and I know this what not to do right in front of you, in the form of
your ex and his mom.
will change eventually (maybe when he goes to college, Don’t monopolize your son’s time; don’t impose
your will on his decisions with friends or partners;
maybe sooner). don’t use emotional blackmail (i.e., tears and other
distress) to get him to do what you want.
But what if it doesn’t? What if he moves back home Choose not to depend on him as your primary
relationship by making the effort to create and nur-
after school, as many kids now do, and what if I am so

lucky as to continue having a strong relationship with

him? How does a doting mother keep from doting too

much on her only son?

– Mama's Boy's Ex


Seize the Day

The beauty and variety of the natural world in and around Vero Beach is one of
the area’s strongest draws. This is where the temperate and tropic zones meet,
resulting in an abundance of species from north and south inhabiting our wa-
ters, woods and skies, making the Indian River Lagoon the most diverse estuary
in the nation.

To highlight this extraordinary environment and give our readers up-close imag-
es of its wonders we are launching this new feature, entitled Nature. Each week
the Environmental Learning Center, Ocean Research and Conservation Associ-
ation, Pelican Island Audubon Society and other scientific and conservation or-
ganizations will provide photographs and a few paragraphs of information about
what is seen in the photos for our reader’s enjoyment, edification and inspiration.

The first photo, provided by Audubon, is of a Florida Snail Kite swooping down
on its prey, extending long, curved claws to capture and transport the snail to
a feeding perch. The Snail Kite uses its highly adapted, sharp sickle-like bill to
insert inside the curving shell and slice the muscle holding the flesh to the shell.
Instantly fresh escargot!

Snail kites were not discovered in Florida until 1844 and the species was nev-
er painted by J.J. Audubon. Photographer Mac Stone spent many days on the
water devising a means to photograph this endangered bird capturing its prey.

“I spend a lot of time working and talking with biologists,” Stone says. “In order
to make the images that really bring viewers in, I want to know as much about
my subject as possible.”

60 Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Non-Hodgkins lymphoma is 'highly treatable'

BY MARIA CANFIELD There are two major types of lym-
Correspondent phoma. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma,
(NHL), which accounts for roughly
Lymphoma is one of the most 90 percent of all cases, and Hodg-
common forms of cancer, and while kin's lymphoma which is respon-
its frequency is a negative, there is sible for the remaining 10 percent.
some good news about the disease.
The focus here is NHL.
“(It is) highly treatable,” says Dr. The American Cancer Society
Raul Storey of the Florida Cancer projects that some 72,580 new NHL
Specialists and Research Institute. cases will be diagnosed in this

Vero Beach oncologist, Dr. Raul Storey. PHOTOS: LEAH DUBOIS

country this year and more than that never get it, and there are peo-
20,000 Americans will die from the ple who have never been exposed
disease. to those risk factors and they do get
In Florida alone, ACS expects
5,370 new cases will be reported Storey – along with fellow Flor-
with almost 1,500 deaths. ida Cancer Center and Research
Institute physician Dr. Noor Mer-
“We don't know what triggers it,” chant – was recently mentioned in
Storey says. “We do know about the an interview with Dr. James Grich-
risk factors, or the things that make nik, director of the new $48 million
someone more prone to develop the Scully-Welsh cancer center, as one
disease, but there are people who of the Vero Beach cancer specialists
are exposed to those risk factors

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 61


he'd “really love to have associated” there could be multiple other in the oncology tool belt. vartis and the Seattle-based Juno
with Scully-Welsh. It's not hard to causes for any of those symptoms, Meanwhile, promising new tech- Therapeutics are developing simi-
understand why. especially in people 65 and older – lar new technologies and while rig-
and that age group is the one most nologies appear to be on the hori- orous testing by the Food and Drug
Personable, articulate and la- commonly affected by NHL. zon. Administration still lies ahead for
ser-focused, Storey has a knack all three, they could someday mark
for making even a complex cancer “The majority of the time,” Storey As recently as March 11 of this the beginning of the end of the sixth
such as NHL much more under- continues, “having a swollen lymph year, the Los Angeles Times reported most common cancer in the United
standable. node is caused by an infection.” that biotech firm Kite Pharma has States.
plans to completely revolutionize
According to New York's Memo- Still, he warns, if the patient's the treatment of NHL. Dr. Raul Storey is with Florida Can-
rial Sloan Kettering Cancer Cen- primary care doctor treats that cer Specialists & Research Institute at
ter, NHL starts in the body’s white swollen node with antibiotics and The Santa Monica, Calif., com- 1880 37th Street, Suite 101 in Vero and
blood cells or lymphocytes – im- it doesn't improve – or gets worse – pany is currently re-programing pa- 13060 U.S. Hwy. 1, Suite A in Sebas-
mune-system cells responsible for then it's probably time to take the tients' own lymphocytes to seek out tian. The Vero phone number is 772-
helping fight infections. next step and get a biopsy. and destroy any cancerous lympho- 567-2332. The number for the Sebas-
ma cells they encounter within the tian office is 772-589-0879. 
They are present throughout the Like all cancers, the earlier treat- immune system.
entire body through the lymphatic ment begins, the better the chances
system which includes the lymph for survival. Swiss pharmaceutical giant No-
nodes, the bone marrow, the thy-
mus, spleen and the tonsils as well Today there are nearly 600,000
as in the digestive tract. Americans whose NHL is either un-
der control, in remission or gone
The American Cancer entirely.
Society projects that some
72,580 new Non-Hodgkin's Still, the terminology many phy-
lymphoma cases will be sicians use to explain NHL to their
diagnosed in this country patients seems to be full of contra-
this year and more than dictions. The cancer is often cat-
20,000 Americans will die egorized as being either “indolent”
from the disease. or “aggressive” yet the indolent
strains are actually harder to treat
In Florida alone, ACS than the aggressive types.
expects 5,370 new cases
will be reported with almost In fact, Merck Manuals, the
1,500 deaths. world's leading medical textbook,
claims, “Indolent lymphomas are
NHL can cause those cells to slowly progressive and while re-
grow abnormally and as they pass sponsive to therapy they are not
throughout the body they can be- curable with standard approaches.
gin forming tumors. Aggressive lymphomas are rapidly
progressive but are responsive to
Unfortunately, non-Hodgkin's therapy and often are curable.”
lymphoma is difficult for the lay-
man to detect; symptoms are often Storey says there are essentially
ambiguous, at best. five treatments he recommends
most frequently and, perhaps sur-
The American Cancer Society prisingly, the first is doing nothing.
lists swollen lymph nodes in the
neck, armpits or groin, unexplained The National Cancer Institute
weight loss, fever, weakness or fa- agrees. “If you don't have symp-
tigue and a feeling of fullness in the toms,” says NCI, “you may not need
abdomen as potential signs. treatment right away. This is called
watchful waiting.”
Storey points out, however, that
If symptoms do appear and be-
gin adversely affecting a patient's
lifestyle, Storey continues, chemo-
therapy, immunotherapy, radiation
therapy and bone marrow trans-
plants are all highly effective tools

62 Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Testosterone therapy boosts sexual function

BY MARIA CANFIELD Testosterone is a hormone pro-
Correspondent duced primarily in the testicles. In
men, it helps maintain sex drive,
Research published in The New bone density, muscle strength and
England Journal of Medicine con- mass, facial and body hair, and red
cludes that daily application of a blood cell production. (Even though
testosterone gel boosts testosterone women produce a small amount of
levels of older men, improving sexual testosterone in their adrenal glands
drive and function, mood and walk- and ovaries, it is known as an “andro-
ing ability. gen” – a male hormone.)

Dr. Arturo Castro. PHOTOS: LEAH DUBOIS

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 63


Dr. Arturo Castro, MD, a Vero Beach walk a longer distance in a 6-minute safety of testosterone therapy. "To used in the study) rather than injec-
endocrinologist affiliated with the In- walk test. fully evaluate the potential risks of tions, which he says can have more
dian River Medical Center, says that testosterone treatment, a larger and side effects.
one outcome of the study reinforces The researchers also analyzed longer study may be needed," says
what has long been known: that testos- the men’s blood samples, and found study co-leader Dr. Christina Wang, In his practice, Dr. Castro talks to
terone therapy for men with low levels that those who received testosterone of the Los Angeles Biomedical Re- his low-testosterone patients to de-
of the hormone increases libido (the therapy had blood testosterone levels search Institute in California. termine what they want to accom-
desire to have sex). “I will prescribe that were comparable to those of men plish though therapy, and then helps
testosterone for men whose levels are aged 19-40. Vero’s Dr. Castro says that past them set realistic expectations. He
clearly low and who are symptomatic,” studies about the safety of testoster- also advises his overweight patients
Dr. Castro says. “But if their issue is pri- While the researchers found no dif- one therapy are inconclusive. “One to shed some pounds; he says, “When
marily the inability to get or maintain ferences in adverse events (e.g. heart study showed an increased mortal- weight is reduced, testosterone levels
an erection, there are more efficient attack, stroke and prostate problems) ity, one did not,” he says. He avoids go up.”
remedies, like Viagra.” between men who received testoster- prescribing testosterone for patients
one therapy and those who received with any form of cardiovascular dis- Dr. Castro’s practice is located at
Testosterone levels generally peak the placebo, they stress that no firm ease, and he prefers gels (like the one 880 37th Place, Suite 105; the office
during a man’s early adulthood. Levels conclusions can be made about the phone is 772-562-9707. 
fall as part of the normal aging process,
typically by about 1 percent annually
after the age of 30 or 40. There is also
a disease – hypogonadism – in which
the body is unable to produce normal
amounts of testosterone due to a prob-
lem with the testicles, or with the pitu-
itary gland that controls the testicles.

Research published in
The New England Journal
of Medicine concludes
that daily application of
a testosterone gel boosts
testosterone levels of older
men, improving sexual
drive and function, mood,
and walking ability.

The research was done as part of what
is called the Testosterone Trials (TTri-
als), a set of seven studies launched to
assess the safety and effectiveness of
testosterone treatment among men
aged 65 and older. The first three tri-
als focused on sexual function, physi-
cal function, and vitality. Researchers
screened 51,085 men over the age of 65,
identifying 790 who had low testoster-
one levels and met other study criteria.

The 790 men were divided into two
groups. One group applied a testos-
terone gel daily for a full year, while
the other group applied a placebo gel.
(It was a double-blind study, which
means neither the participants or the
researchers knew who was using the
actual testosterone gel.) At the start of
treatment and after six, nine and 12
months, participants completed ques-
tionnaires disclosing their sexual and
physical function, as well as their vitali-
ty, mood, and symptoms of depression.

Compared to those who used the
placebo, participants who used the
testosterone gel reported significant
improvements in all areas of sexual
function – including sexual desire,
sexual activity and the ability to get an
erection. Participants also reported an
improvement in mood and a lessening
of symptoms of depression, and could

64 Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Sex in a time of Zika: CDC issues detailed guidelines


Washington Post

The Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention issued detailed and
sweeping guidelines Friday for pre-
venting the sexual transmission of
the Zika virus, action that reveals
medical experts' evolving under-
standing of the scope and severity of
health risks posed by the mosquito-
borne pathogen.

Among the guidelines for couples
trying to have a baby: If a woman
has been diagnosed with Zika or has
symptoms of Zika after possible ex-
posure, the CDC recommends she
wait at least eight weeks after her
symptoms first appear before trying
to get pregnant.

Likewise, if a man has been diag-
nosed with Zika or has symptoms
of the illness, he should wait at least
six months from those first signs
before having unprotected sex, ac-
cording to the public health agency.
That longer waiting period reflects
the length of time the virus has been

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 65


found in semen – 62 days – with ad- the CDC said it considered the lon-
ditional months added to minimize gest known risk period and then
risk. multiplied that by three.

The CDC released the new guid- One of the new reports highlights
ance in three reports. It and the the potential risk facing women of
World Health Organization had al- childbearing age in Puerto Rico,
ready issued warnings about the where the virus is spreading more
dangers of Zika infection for fetal rapidly than anywhere else in the
development and the importance of United States. An estimated 138,000
couples using condoms or abstain- women on the island don't want to
ing. But with sexual transmission get pregnant but have no access to
turning out to be more common effective birth control, putting them
than initially thought, U.S. health at risk for unintended pregnancies
officials became much more spe- and Zika infection, researchers said.
Puerto Rico has at least 317 con-
Of the 273 confirmed Zika cases firmed Zika cases, with at least 24
on the U.S. mainland as of this week, involving pregnant women. CDC of-
19 include sexual transmission, the ficials have warned that thousands
CDC said. of pregnant women could get infect-
ed with the mosquito-borne patho-
The recommendations issued Fri- gen there, but the report is the first
day cover a much broader range of time they have quantified that risk.
scenarios than what the agency rec-
ommended last month after a Dallas Mosquitoes remain the primary
resident was infected by having sex way Zika is spread, and preventing
with someone who had contracted bites is the best way to avoid infec-
the disease while traveling in Ven- tion. Typical symptoms include rash,
ezuela. red eyes and joint pain – although 80
percent of individuals who are in-
They include updated information fected never experience any prob-
for health care professionals coun- lems.
seling patients about pregnancy
planning and the timing of preg- Global health officials say circum-
nancy after possible exposure, as stantial evidence now overwhelm-
well as information about how long ingly links Zika infections during
men and women should consider us- pregnancy to a range of birth de-
ing condoms or not having sex. fects. Brazil, the epicenter of the epi-
demic in the Americas, is expected
With men and women who had to have more than 2,500 cases of mi-
possible exposure from recent travel crocephaly based on current data,
or sexual contact but who remain the head of the World Health Orga-
free of symptoms, for example, pro- nization said earlier this week. The
viders should advise patients to wait rare congenital condition causes
at least eight weeks after that po- babies to be born with abnormally
tential exposure before trying to get small heads and often underdevel-
pregnant. oped brains. 

In making the recommendations,

66 Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Runaway interest in fashion puts focus on runway diversity

The Washington Post

People want a lot from fashion mod-
els these days. Possibly too much.

During the recent fall 2016 shows,
critics wanted models that were plus-
size, old, transgender, Latina, black,
Asian, Body Mass Index-normal, beau-
tiful, eccentric-looking — and smiling.
(Oh-by-God did men especially want
them smiling because a model who
is not smiling is, by default, glaring or
angry or maybe just too focused, and
how dare these young women strut-
ting about in velvet puffer coats and
oversized blazers suggest they might
have a serious thought floating around
in their head.)

We’re hearing these demands be-
cause fashion has ceased being a niche
interest and is now a fascination for a
wide swath of the population. Fashion
is popular culture and big business.
The expansion of fashion’s audience is
good for the industry and good for the
social conversation. People should be
more invested in the global production
of frocks; it impacts us all. And models

are the public face — or body — of that about why racial diversity matters.
industry. While designers are increas- Part of their activism included pub-
ingly becoming celebrities in their licly chastising brands that mount
own right, it’s still mostly the models runway shows without casting mod-
who are responsible for embodying the els of color. That public shaming
anonymous ideal of the brand — its no- awakened a lot of designers to their
tion of beauty and desirability. It’s the subconscious prejudices, and they
models who are expected to connect to changed their ways.
consumers and welcome them into the
fashion fold. And now, that tough love has pro-
gressed to a regular statistical analysis.
Diversity should be part of that equa-
tion. But how much? And what sort? According to the The Fashion Spot,
nearly 32 percent of the models on the
In the last few years, the conver- fall 2016 runways in New York were
sation about diversity has focused women of color. It has been a slow slog
on race. Influential members of to reach this point; in the mid-1990s,
the fashion industry, from activist the percentage was closer to zero.
Bethann Hardison to models Naomi But this website and others have also
Campbell and Iman, have spoken up taken to counting the number of plus-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 67

Lady Gaga during Kanye West's Yeezy The Undercover
Marc Jacobs' show. Season 3 show. show focused on
age rather than
racial diversity.

size models, transgender models and gian-born, Paris-based designer consumer base of a luxury brand, are, by definition, a rare and lucky
those who are deemed “aged.” What chose an eccentric-looking group of well, clear the runway for 30-some- lot. They are the chosen.
other categories shall we add: lesbian, models — but there was no obvious thing men of Asian and Middle East-
disabled, Native American, and so racial diversity. That caused an out- ern descent. Is it to more accurately They should also be a diverse group
on? After all, they are part of the great cry because both shows buzzed with represent womankind — at least the because they bear the responsibility
consumer melting pot, too. possibility. They were at the epicen- American version? Then there should of embodying a cultural standard.
ter of cool. And being part of them be a glut of size 14 models who stand
Diversity is now being measured, meant something more than simply 5-foot-4. But no one is counting the But as we all become more invested
defined and demanded in so many being gainfully employed as a model. number of short models on the run- in fashion, there is the temptation to
ways that it’s almost impossible for It meant being part of a wave of in- way (Lady Gaga in the Marc Jacobs expect that each show should offer a
a single runway, a single designer, to f luence. show notwithstanding). unique representation of every con-
tick off all the boxes. ceivable consumer. To some degree,
Gvasalia embraced diversity, but We understand that fashion must we are looking to see near mirror-im-
It’s useful to have an accounting of not the kind that his critics deemed balance fantasy with the reality of ages on the runway. But fashion has
who makes it onto a fashion runway most important. doing business in a diverse world. a responsibility to reflect the culture,
in order to measure our progress to- Those models booked for a runway not the individual.
wards inclusiveness, but this kind of In contrast, the New York-based show are cast to express a unique vi-
bean-counting presumes a certain designer Zac Posen presented a show sion, to make viewers dream. They It’s fine to dissect diversity in all
end goal. What is the magic percent- that was dominated by black models. its many iterations. The question is
age that will signal victory? Is it 36 Kanye West populated his Madison whether all those fractions add up to
percent, the approximate percent- Square Garden production with men a more welcoming industry or just a
age of the American population that and women of color. Both of them growing list of numbers. 
identifies as African-American, non- did so to make a point, and good for
white Hispanic and Asian? Is it 50 them. But that’s not a win; that’s just
percent? Or 100 percent? And should part of the skirmish.
that percentage be the same regard-
less of where the designer is based, Surely success is when those mod-
the product price point and its aes- els are regularly just part of the mix
thetic? at Prada, Céline, Saint Laurent and
other shows that have far-reaching
Does a designer inspired by street aesthetic influence and can launch
style have a greater obligation to ex- a model into a lucrative advertising
press racial diversity on a runway contract.
than does one focused on fantasy
cocktail dresses? Does the size or Ideally, diversity should be part of
stature of a brand matter? Some crit- the story-telling and myth-making,
ics argued “yes” after Demna Gvasa- not a mathematical equation. All
lia’s runway show for Vetements and the counting is well-intentioned, but
his well-received debut at Balencia- what’s the goal? If it’s to have a run-
ga. Both collections had aesthetics way show more honestly reflect the
born out of street style. The Geor-

68 Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Nothing to wear? How to edit your closet

BY KATE FINNIGAN into negative space, my shoes were
The Telegraph in disarray and my socks were so
single they’d signed up to Tinder. In
Sometimes you can’t see what to time-honored tradition, I had a full-
wear through all of your clothes. This to-bursting closet, and not a thing to
was the situation I had found my- wear. It was time to call Anna.
self in over the past few months. My
closet was a disaster. My clothes were Anna Berkeley is a personal stylist and
so squashed that I had to iron them womenswear buyer. I last called on her
after they emerged from its depths. I services 15 months ago. She completely
was attempting to squeeze hangers transformed my closet into a space that
was functional rather than dysfunc-

Kate and her closet after the edit.

tional. Getting dressed became a plea- when I found myself with three new
sure again. I looked at my clothes anew. winter coats, I didn’t rid myself of any
Thanks to her arrangements, I saw older styles (well, you don’t with coats,
what I had and what I didn’t have, and do you?). My outerwear began infring-
shopped for the things I actually needed ing upon my eveningwear and, lo, it was
(with her words, "Your fine-knit section chaos again.
is looking at bit sad," ringing in my ears,
for shame). Winter to summer transi- You may think, shouldn’t someone
tioned seamlessly – I vacuum-packed who writes about fashion, a fashion
my sweaters and everything. But the editor in fact, be able to edit her own
system became unstuck when I failed closet? Possibly. But maybe it’s like edit-
to make a smooth return from summer ing your own writing. Yeah, you can do
back to winter, let alone back to spring it, but it’s always better when someone
again. I blame the weather: If Novem- else does it for you. And actually, I can’t
ber would stop behaving as though it’s do it. Clothes fly at me like stricken chil-
mid-July, perhaps I’d know when to re- dren and – unless they’re completely
tire my summer dresses; and if February ridiculous or I can’t get them past my
hadn’t felt like an Arctic winter, I’d know thighs – I find it hard to bat them off.
when to get them out again. But then, There’s something I love in all of them:
color, fabric, that sleeve detail … So

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ StyleANNA'S CLOSET RULES Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 69

I give them chance after chance. My • Warning: You will be tempted to have a glass of wine to ease the process. need to have a straight cut.
closet becomes like a halfway house. Don’t. It will make you overly sentimental about your garments, making it harder. When that pile is dealt with honestly,
Clothes linger there, rejected but toyed • Separate summer and winter clothes. Put away the season that is not rel-
with, not really fulfilling their true po- it leaves three bags of clothes for the
tential in my sad sartorial purgatory. evant into storage bags. You can only do one season at a time. charity shop and three more (see the
And we can’t forget – for all the talk of • Put your clothes into the six piles. Ask yourself: list above) in almost-perfect condition
fashion as a medium of self-expression that I can sell. Anna happens to be do-
and creativity, blah blah – that clothes Does it fit me now? (Or will it fit me, realistically, in the next six months?) Do I ing an event with
are merely rather expensive security feel good when I wear it? Do I look good when I wear it? Do I love it? Am I later that week, so I give them to her,
blankets. There can be something very but selling via
comforting in having a full (albeit un- comfortable in it? is another option, as well as local dress
worn) closet. Particularly in my job. If • Try to remain detached and clear-headed. Don’t try too much on. agencies. Now, I can better see what I
my closet was bare, what kind of fash- • Hang or store your remaining clothes in sections categorized by use and need (yes, I do still need some things),
ion journalist would I be? Well, a saner occasion rather than by color or garment type, i.e. workwear, occasion wear, I can go shopping with the money I
one, maybe. One who wouldn’t have a weekend wear. This will save you from having to look right through your make (it won’t be as much as I paid for
meltdown looking for that perfect silk- them, but it will help). I’m more than
mix roll-neck that I swear I saw only wardrobe when you are getting ready. fine for coats, shoes, bags (I still have
yesterday … about 25!) and eveningwear, but I’m
worn" pile – including lovely sweaters out is just too big across the chest. I lacking woven long-sleeved tops and
Anna sends instructions. Before she that are almost new. need to wear French tailoring because fine knits for work. I need more flat-
arrives, I have to take everything out the cuts are neater and sharper and fronted trousers and a full skirt to wear
of my closet and sort it into six piles: 1. There are distractions, too. I get better suited to my freakishly small with my tops and shorter knits.
Items not worn for two years (I change nostalgic over a pair of brown pat- shoulders. Those four pairs of trou-
this to six months – vintage items that ent Chloé shoes with gold knots and sers – cropped and wide-cut – have The terrifying, sobering thing is that
I haven’t worn for longer than that are towering block heels that I bought on pleated fronts. They’re never going to when the following day Anna sends me
put into storage). 2. Items that are too a weekend away. Still amazing, but flatter my shape. From now on, Anna a catalogue of the items that I’m going to
big, small, overworn or damaged (any they’re too high to wear now. I spent a advises, I need to stick to flat-fronted sell, I barely remember any of them. Ten
tatty, "kicking about the house" gar- good 10 minutes wondering whether trousers in ‘a robust fabric’; straight- handbags that I can’t even remember?
ments, are not allowed). 3. Special- my 6-year-old will wear them when cut or cropped only. This is the most It’s shameful! But also a relief. I certainly
occasion wear. 4. Clothes that used to she’s a teenager. Conclusion: no idea. helpful bit of the session – and the bit don’t miss them. And when I open my
work but don’t fit my lifestyle any more. Will keep anyway. More pointless but that’s hard to do yourself. The knits closet now, I don’t feel stress or panic
5. Items for work. 6. Items for daily life pleasing minutes are whiled away ar- that aren’t working? That’s because but pleasure in far fewer items that I not
and weekends ranging the rest of my shoes into color I’ve bought too many rib-hemmed only love but – novelty! – suit me, fit me
tones. When I finally go to bed, my sweaters that fall in the wrong place. and I want to look after. Sartorial lesson
I start at 9 p.m. the night before and room looks like the recycling depot at From now on, I can only buy fine-knit of the season? A closet half empty turns
finish at midnight. Even though I last Oxfam. I anxiously observe that the sweaters to tuck into skirts or trousers, out to be one that’s half full. 
did this only a little over a year ago, it biggest pile is the "Not worn for six or styles that stop at the top of the hip
is exhausting, emotional and embar- months." Surprise surprise … So this to wear with full skirts. Chunkier knits
rassingly dusty work. In the process, is the mountain that Anna and I spend
there are a few shocking discover- most of our time on the next day. (Pile
ies – a cutout swimsuit I must have 3 is largely fine, I have no Pile 4, and
bought in a state of extreme body Piles 5 and 6 mostly consist of jeans
dysmorphia, a pair of legwarmers for and shirts.) But number 1 … why am I
that perfect ballet moment that never not wearing any of these clothes? One
came, 10 white shirts unworn – two vintage dress has a tear at the seam,
still in cellophane! There are four pairs one sweater needs a good old comb to
of trousers by very nice (expensive) la- defuzz it. The rest are in perfect condi-
bels not worn in months, which makes tion but remain unworn. Occasionally
me dwell on how much weight I’ve put I’ll give one of them a go but usually
on in the past year, which makes me end up changing immediately be-
depressed, which makes me want to cause I don’t feel comfortable.
give up and get into bed (if only there
wasn’t a dump truck of clothes on top Anna makes me try on some of these
of the duvet). In a temper, I haul out all items and the truth is – and this is em-
of my knitwear and fling it on the "Not barrassing, because surely I shouldn’t
be making errors of this kind – that
they don’t fit well or the cut doesn’t
suit me. A gray wool jacket that I love
but always feels wrong, Anna points

70 Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Why shirt dresses combine the best of both

The Telegraph

You know you’ve hit the jackpot weight jacket as useful as the sleeveless (avoid tight-ribbed styles) with the tails before you’ve even started.
when you find something that looks coat we came to love last year. swinging and a pair of wide cut trou- It’s en vogue, it’s comfortable – and
right for now, but is also going to make sers for the freshest take on tailoring in
the business of getting dressed a whole Buttoned at the middle and belted your office. I tell you, you’ve got at least the fact that a long shirt is most forgiv-
lot easier. Doesn’t happen often, which over another dress or skirt of the same three outfits out of this one garment ing to derrières is not at all beside the
is why it feels like winning the lottery. length, your swish factor will be in- point. Unlike some things in life (not
Slight detour: comparable. least the lottery), with a shirt dress, ev-
eryone’s a winner. 
I recently heard an American tourist Or wear it under a wide-cut sweater
telling his wife the reason prices are so
high in England is "because everyone
keeps winning the lottery." Uh-huh.

Back in the real world, where we’re
not a nation of multi-millionaires, the
long shirt dress makes total economic
sense. It’s a multiple-use piece. Sure,
you can wear it as a dress. Toughen it
up with chunky loafers, sandals, white
sneakers or sturdy biker boots – I’m
very taken with the idea of biker boots
with everything, as seen on the Chloé
catwalk in Paris earlier this month.

But, you can also – and this may
knock those socks off – wear it as a
shirt. And don’t ignore its valuable
layering potential. Unbuttoned over a
roll-neck and jeans, it becomes a light-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 71


St. Ed’s rowers strategize for prestigious regatta

BY RON HOLUB Gunther Read and Michael Burke. PHOTOS BY PHIL SUNKEL can get between now and then.
“We are pushing for it the same way
Correspondent boys double will compete at the scull- “We are participating in more events
ing state championships in Sarasota in than ever at the state level,” Lee said. we have in years previous when it has
Head coach Aaron Lee has the most mid-April. Those boats will be able to “Most years we had entries in three worked out for us. It’s just a matter of
experienced group of rowers in his six advance. events at the most. When we came into seeing what the other competition
years at St. Ed’s, but that hasn’t stopped this year the vast majority of the team looks like.”
him from trying something he’s never Two weeks later Lee will take four had two of more years of rowing expe-
done before. crews back to Sarasota for the state rience, and we thought we would do Read is also a senior and this is his
sweeps championships. The boats par- more refining than teaching. Then we fourth year on the rowing team. He
The coach has completely revamped ticipating in that event will not be able had these issues crop up and we had to has been rowing in the same boat with
the rowing style he feels is necessary to to advance. change our focus.” Michael Burke for three years and fully
have two boats qualify for the national understands the crucial dynamic of
Stotesbury Cup Regatta in Philadelphia Here are the lineups for both events: Maggie Taylor and Villanova-bound teamwork.
in May. • Boys Varsity Double: Gunther Read, Valerie Burke will be on the girls varsity
Michael Burke. double boat.Taylor is a co-captain of the “Mr. Lee gives us a lot of freedom to
“The boys varsity four boat has three • Boys Varsity Four: Gunther Read, team along with Gunther Read – and do what we need to do on the water and
high school boys and an eighth-grad- Michael Burke, Tyler Zudans, Eddie both have raced at national regattas. on the erg,” Read said. “We are pushing
er,” Lee explained. “Because we have an Pines, coxswain is Rachel Gambee. each other for the common good. Sure
eighth-grade boy rowing, even if that • Boys JV Four: Jonathan Buckley, “This is my fifth year on the crew you can be one of the best rowers, but
boat won at the state level, it would not Emil Firat, Paul Siegl, Jake Burns, cox- team,” Taylor, a senior, told us. “We are it really takes the whole group of you to
be eligible for the national sweeps (four swain is Devon Regan. prioritizing the doubles speed-wise. do well. It’s important to have someone
rowers with one oar each) races that • Girls Varsity Double: Maggie Taylor, We hope to do pretty well at next to you or behind you that is doing
we’ve been lucky enough to go to for Valerie Burke. sculling states and contin- just as well or better. We are all pushing
the last several years. • Girls Varsity Four: Maggie Taylor, ue on to the Stotesbury each other to be the best.”
Valerie Burke, Kira Zudans, Caroline Cup. It depends on
“So what we will do is have Gunther Campione, coxswain is Cameron Katz. how fast we The team practices on land three
Read and Michael Burke compete in • Girls JV Four: Julie Lombardi, El- mornings a week from 6 to 7:30. Then
what’s called a double. That means two lie Huryn, Veronica Burkarth, Rachel in the afternoon it’s out on the wa-
rowers with two oars each in a sculling Gambee, coxswain is Cameron Katz. ter, conditions permitting. With a full
event. They will be eligible to go on (to school day in between, that’s an ex-
Philadelphia), and we are hoping that hausting schedule.
they can do well enough.
“’I’m obviously in awe of what
“Before we started this, Gunther had they’ve done,” Lee said. “St. Edward’s
spent a total of two days sculling, and rowing program has developed a
Michael had never done it at all. Usu- reputation for being very successful
ally we are trying to get the boys varsity despite our small size. I’ve been lucky
four boat as competitive as it can be, over the last six years to have kids
but his time we are trying to teach two that have been so dedicated, so hard-
guys how to do something new and get working and so capable.
them as competitive as they can be. It’s
a much more challenging prospect. “And one of the big ways you can see
that is having kids go off to rowing pro-
“We ran into a similar situation on grams in college.” 
the girls side. It was not a matter of hav-
ing middle-school girls on a boat, but
for a variety of reasons the girls won’t be
able to qualify for the sweeps nationals,

All of this means that the outlook for
the rest of the rowing season is vastly
different than in the past. For the first
time ever, one girls double and one




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72 Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Something fishy? Why truth-in-dining matters

BY TINA RONDEAU salmon worldwide has soared. And I personally would not even think of as well. Some of the best farm raised
like anything else, all farm-raised eating farm raised salmon from Chi- salmon, if you see it on a menu, comes
Columnist salmon are not created equal. Many na. But which of the many countries from the Faroe Islands, located north
farms that grow Atlantic salmon in producing farm-raised salmon follow of Scotland and east of Norway.
Last Tuesday night, I dined at a res- high-density pens wind up using an- the best practices?
taurant in the Old Downtown that ar- tibiotics to fight disease, pesticides to But all I want, when I visit a restau-
guably has one of the more talented kill sea lice, and additives to give the I like Scottish salmon, which you rant and see Atlantic salmon on the
chefs in Vero. farm-raised fish – which would oth- can find on the menu of several fine menu, is an honest answer. If I’m not
erwise be white – a salmon color. Vero Beach restaurants. I rate Atlan- enthused about where it comes from,
A review was planned for this issue, tic salmon from Norway pretty high hey, no problem. It’s easy enough for
and based on his preparation of the me to order something else. It’s not like
dishes that evening, we would have giv- I’m going to talk out of the restaurant.
en the restaurant a quite positive rating.
Which brings me back to Tuesday
But I have decided not to write a night. We asked the server at this res-
regular review of this restaurant be- taurant about the origin of the Atlantic
cause the chef flat out lied to me about salmon, and she quickly offered to go
what I was eating. ask the chef. She returned with word
it was wild Canadian salmon. “Wild?”
Let me start from the beginning. As we inquired. She replied: “The last
we were preparing to order entrées, time I asked the chef, he said: ‘Noth-
I noticed one of the choices on the ing’s farm raised.”
menu was “seared Atlantic salmon.”
Now, I like salmon. The great wild Toward the end of the meal, the chef
Pacific salmons that you see from was making the round of tables in the
time to time on menus here in the dining room, and we had a chance
summer – king (or Chinook), sockeye to put the question to him directly.
and coho – are an incredible treat. But Caught in the wild or farm raised?
the window when those are available “Wild Atlantic salmon from Canada,”
here each year is all too short, and Pa- was his reply.
cific salmon won’t be back in season And who is the purveyor of this
for several months. salmon? He muttered the name of
one of the major seafood suppliers
So from time to time, I order Atlan- that serves the area. Follow-up phone
tic salmon. calls to all the major local seafood
purveyors confirmed that none sells
The first thing that it is important commercially harvested wild Atlantic
to keep in mind is all of the Atlantic salmon.
salmon you see in markets and res- One of them, with an audible sigh,
taurants – ALL of it – is farm raised. said: “We try to encourage our restau-
rant customers not to misuse words
Oh, sure. If you are an angler, you like ‘wild’ and ‘local’ in describing fish
perhaps can book a fishing vacation to dishes when they are neither.”
Newfoundland or Labrador, and catch But I think my takeaway message
your own wild Atlantic salmon. But here is: No matter how talented the
wild Atlantic salmon population lev- chef, if you cannot trust a restaurant
els remain very low, and commercial to be totally honest with you about the
fishing of salmon in the North Atlan- origins of the food they are serving,
tic has been largely banned for more why would you want to eat there?
than two decades. Banned by the U.S. The reviewer dines anonymously at
Banned by Canada. Banned by a vari- restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
ety of other countries that border the 32963. 
North Atlantic.

As a result, the farming of salmon
has become a huge business. From
China to Chile to Canada, over the
past five years production of farmed

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 73


New Zealand is mad for pinot gris. Why aren't we?!?

BY VICTORIA MOORE gle, high-end pinot grigio on the list. sun is sinking ever-lower in the skin gris is beautifully balanced,
The Telegraph It’s like saying, “You want to drink and the light over the vines is a deep off-dry, yes, but also lithe
yellow-gold. and vivacious with a streak
On a recent trip, I was surprised it? You’ll have to pay through the nose of white grapefruit running
to see how crazy everyone in New for a good one. Or trade down to a These grapes have waited so long to through the blossom.
Zealand seemed to be for pinot gris. wine that I’d prefer you to try because be picked that they are rich in sugar
Growers were scrambling to make I think it’s more interesting.” and make lusciously sweet, nectar- Perhaps one reason for
more of it to meet demand. “Pinot like wines, reminiscent of the ripest the lack of enthusiasm
gris is now well-established on wine The idea of having a dedicated pinot and most giddily fragranced peach for pinot gris is uncer-
lists here,” said Clive Jones, wine- grigio section could cause an anxi- you have ever smelt, if it were growing tainty about what to
maker at Nautilus in Marlborough. ety attack, unless the pinot grigios in in a rose garden with tendrils of wood do with it (apart from
“It’s come out of the main list so you question were orange wines, made by smoke drifting from across the way. pour it into a glass
have your sauvignon blanc section, leaving the fermenting grapes in con- and tip it down your
your chardonnay section, and now tact with the skins, ideally in ampho- One of the most entrancing sweet throat). In Alsace. pi-
you have to have your pinot gris sec- rae, to create wines that glow, amber wines I’ve tasted was an opulent pi- not gris is drunk with
tion as well.” in color, and which have astringency not gris made by Hugel from grapes rich food, such as tar-
from the tannins in the skin. selected berry by berry. Perhaps the tiflette or quiche. Its
I can’t even imagine that happening easiest pinot gris to drink, though, is smoky tinge is good
in the U.S. First of all, we barely drink As pinot gris, of course, it’s a dif- the type that has some fragrance, and with smoked ham and
pinot gris. We drink pinot grigio. Same ferent matter. Here is a wine with a gentle buffer of sweetness, but that cheese.
grape, different style of wine. It’s an spring blossom in its step. This grape is made with freshness also in mind.
unofficial distinction, but pinot grigio is a mutation of the much-lauded, red- Oregon and New Zea-
is crisp, dry and often fairly neutral, skinned pinot noir, a fact that is very “What I’ve learned with pinot gris is land pinot gris tends to have less of
while you can expect pinot gris to be surprising if you have only ever tasted that if you wait for the flavor – that gor- that smoke, to taste cleaner, more of
textured, aromatic, floral and often the insipid, dry “hose it down in the geous pinot gris floral smell – to come fresh lemons and super-ripe pears
also off-dry. park” versions. It has a blush, rather on the vine, then you lose the acid,” and roses, but they go extremely well
than a white skin, and a vestige of this says Helen Masters, who works with with Thai coconut curries. There’s a
Pinot grigio is the ultimate anti- color is often seen in the wine, which this variety at Ata Rangi in Martinbor- lovely resonance between the sweet
wine. It is usually Italian, or Hungar- might be the palest pink, or gris. ough on New Zealand’s North Island. coconut milk and the perfume in the
ian masquerading as Italian, and so “If you wait until you think, 'Oh yeah, wine, and the sugar allows the spices
insipid it can be drunk by the vat (and Its wines can be deeply perfumed, it tastes like pinot gris,’ it’s too late. You to come alive against the fragrant
very often is). Sommeliers scorn it. with a heady smell of blossom and a have to bring the grapes in, and that backdrop of the wine, rather than
Often, knowing their customers will riffle of smoke and spice. Alsace is the flavor then comes through in the win- buckling and hardening as the chilli
want to drink it, they satisfy demand homeland for this style of wine, which ery and you end up with a wine that hits the alcohol. Red Thai curry with
and their own vanity by placing a sin- may be made dry, off-dry or even from has loads in there but is still sharp.” pinot gris is particularly delicious. 
grapes harvested long after the au-
tumn equinox has passed, when the Her 2015 Ata Rangi Lismore pinot

74 Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Vero & Casual Dining

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 75

Vero & Casual Dining

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76 Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 77

Vero & Casual Dining

78 Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Counting down the 7 top food cities in America

BY TOM SIETSEMA phia for its cheesesteaks, Read- Orleans, shortly before the 10th an- With the possible exception of New
The Washington Post ing Terminal Market, good Italian niversary of Hurricane Katrina. Talk Orleans, no American city obsesses
reputation and BYOB restaurants: about understatement! Joie de vivre more about food – buying it, cooking
To be a great food city, it helps to plentiful tradition, in other words. and a reverence for tradition were it, eating it, talking about it – than San
have a large body of water nearby, a “Philly is very aware of its image as a constant companions everywhere Francisco. Trends, including open
classic dish or three, and a popula- blue-collar town,” says Don Russell, I went in the Louisiana port town: kitchens and communal tables, often
tion with a fondness for drink. known to readers of the Philadelphia Guy’s for cayenne-spiked pork chop originate among the hilltops; argu-
Daily News as Joe Sixpack. “No drink po’ boys, Hansen’s Sno-Bliz for snow- ably the first pop-up in the country
Those are among my impressions evokes that better than beer.” Small balls (in 100-degree weather!), Gala- is Tadich Grill, born as a coffee stand
after spending more than 60 days on wonder he counts 50 or so breweries toire’s for the best lunch of my entire for gold miners in 1849. Easy access
the road this year, visiting more than in the area. Scratch that workingman year. Is there a single dish anywhere to fresh-grown everything makes
a dozen destinations, then measur- surface, however, and you’ll encoun- that’s more hallowed and more ac- cooking at home a pleasure, although
ing them against a set of standards — ter riches including ambitious veg- cessible than red beans and rice in the cutting-edge restaurant scene,
for creativity, community and tradi- etarian restaurants, contemporary New Orleans? I think not. At the same fueled by some of the country’s most
tion, among other criteria — to come Jewish standard-bearers and neigh- time, the only city with its own cui- progressive chefs, provides plenty of
up with a Top 7 list of America’s Best borhoods not previously known for sine is quick to adopt fresh ideas, competition for appetites. “San Fran-
Food Cities. their eats – funky Fishtown and East evinced by how banh mi came to be cisco is doing fine dining better than
Passyunk – growing more delicious called Vietnamese po’ boys here. any other city in the country,” says
Let the debate begin! But remem- by the season. no less an arbiter of taste than Kate
ber: I didn’t just parachute into these 3. Los Angeles Krader of Food & Wine magazine.
cities, try a few bites and fly home. 5. Houston Name a part of the world you want
Before rating my subjects, I ate, drank The city I knew the least surprised to taste, and Los Angeles probably 1. Portland
and shopped in 271 restaurants, bars, me the most. Houston, where have offers it somewhere on its sprawling “Everything you see on ‘Portland-
food stores and farmers markets. you been all my (food) life? Your best map. Better yet, large groups of peo- ia’? It’s kind of true,” a friend said dur-
Vietnamese cooking returns me to ple who appreciate the food of their ing my swing through the city that
7. Chicago Saigon, and some of your Chinese heritage support restaurants that I’d most want to move to if I didn’t
Great Everyman food? Check. Fine menus rival those I’ve dipped into in don’t have to simplify their cooking already have the job of my dreams. I
dining on par with the country’s Beijing. As for Mexican, the seafood- for anyone. That said, diners here are relish the abundant quirks: lines for
best? Chicago can claim that dis- themed Caracol and Cuchara, staffed receptive to mashups; the filling on (stellar) breakfasts, even midweek,
tinction, too. Innovation and acces- by female chefs from different re- your tostada might mingle big-eye and strip clubs inclusive enough to
sibility propel the Windy City’s food gions of Mexico, set the pace. Mean- tuna, sea urchin and furikake, Ja- offer vegan fare. And I applaud the
scene, second only to New York’s for while, locals of all persuasions gather pan’s answer to salt and pepper. The sense of pride demonstrated even by
the recognition it has received from around the city’s signature: not faji- only destination to be covered by a fast-food operators, foremost Burger-
the prestigious James Beard Founda- tas, but Asian-Cajun seafood boils. As Pulitzer Prize-winning food critic, ville, which rolls out raspberry milk-
tion (more than 40 chef and restau- one discerning palate put it, “If L.A. Jonathan Gold of the Los Angeles shakes and Walla Walla onion rings
rant awards). Chef Rick Bayless sets and New Orleans had a baby, it might Times, the city is a year-round Gar- in the summer. But most of all, I love
the Mexican standard in the country, be Houston.” den of Eden, bursting with produce the ingredients here – 300 kinds of
at all price points, with a fleet of first- and seafood that are the envy of the truffles, berries so delicate they don’t
class eateries, while Grant Achatz of 4. New Orleans country, found not just at celebrated leave the state – and what a small
Alinea, which serves fruit-flavored “We’re a small city with outsize farmers markets but also in grocery contingent of talented chefs does
balloons for dessert, pushes the mo- appetites,” writer and photographer stores of distinction. with them. One of the scene’s few
lecular envelope to the moon. Pableaux Johnson told me over one missing ingredients: fine-dining es-
of our several meals together in New 2. San Francisco tablishments. 
6. Philadelphia
Armchair diners know Philadel-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 79


Facing life’s hardships with heart-felt hope

BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT for someone too naïve or too unreal- and possibly irredeemable. They see Vaclav Havel – Czech writer, author,
Columnists istic to face the dismal facts. their own well-being as threatened. and statesman – once had to say
But if their pessimism leads only to about the perspective he adopted
You probably remember the story But is finding joy amid hardship anger or outrage, nothing much is ac- in facing life’s difficulties. He said,
by Eleanor Porter of the little girl, really all that foolish? Are hopes, ide- complished. Because, when we lash “I am not an optimist, because I am
Pollyanna, orphaned and living with als and dreams just so much fluff? out or strike back, we rarely achieve not sure that everything ends well.
her stern aunt, who made a huge sen- Maybe not. Maybe they just need the outcome we truly desire – we just Nor am I a pessimist, because I am
sation in her small town by show- tempering with enough sober reflec- contribute to more unpleasantness not sure that everything ends badly.
ing even the grumpiest residents tion that they are capable of buoying (and serpentine hissing). I just carry hope in my heart. Hope
things for which they could be glad. us up without letting us float away. is the feeling that life and work have
It seemed no difficulty, no illness, no “Be ye wise as serpents and inno- On the other hand, wide-eyed op- a meaning. You either have it or you
heartache was too grim to prevent cent as doves” was an admonition of timism doesn’t get us too far, either. don’t, regardless of the state of the
Pollyanna from finding something Jesus to his followers that seems to We dare not assume our problems, world that surrounds you. Life with-
redeeming to celebrate. Eventually, promote just such a balance in out- whether communal or personal, can out hope is an empty, boring, and
because of the book’s success, Pol- look and practice, though these days be quickly and easily transcended. useless life ... I am thankful to God for
lyanna became a household word, it’s hard to find that sort of balance. Nor should we expect that at heart this gift. It is as big as life itself.”
though her name was not always ap- We tend to be serpents or doves, but everyone is good and kind and sim-
preciatively recalled. In fact, Polly- not both. ply wants the best for us. There’s no Maybe Pollyanna got a bad rap.
anna is still used as a dismissive label use in pretending we human beings Maybe acknowledging life’s strains,
For example, we frequently hear are any nobler than we are. If we are heartaches and hardships – while
people speak out who are deeply emotionally undefended and practi- still carrying within us the hope to
discouraged about the world and its cally ill-prepared, we’re sitting ducks tackle and redeem them (and even
prospects, don’t we? They judge the (or helpless doves). claim some joy in the process) – is the
hard realities of our political, social very heart of wisdom. 
and economic problems to be dire So what’s the answer? We like what

80 Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


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231-0707 hicle; free admission. 772-231-4200

Riverside Theatre: Freud’s Last Session on Polo Sundays at BG Polo, gates open at 1 p.m. 1 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra hosts 2 Runners Depot Citrus Classic 5K Run/
the Waxlax Stage thru Apr. 3. 772-231-6990 for 2 p.m. matches thru May 1. 772-999-3709 concert by the Yale Whiffenpoofs, the Walk, 7:30 a.m. from Pocahontas Park to
oldest collegiate a cappella group, 7:30 p.m. at benefit elementary school mileage club pro-
McKee Botanical Garden: Roar of the Dino- MARCH Vero Beach High School Performing Arts Cen- grams. 772-569-7364
saur exhibit thru May 1. 772-794-0601 ter. $25. 855-252-7276
2 Defender’s Law Enforcement Motorcycle
Vero Beach Museum of Art: Oscar Bluem- 31 Love of Literacy lunch featuring poet/ 1|2 Indian River Twisted Tail BBQ & Coo- Club Treasure Coast Chapter Benefit Poker
ner: Selection from the Vera Bluemnar Kouba artist/rancher Sean Sexton, 11:30 koff at IRC Fairgrounds, with enter- Run for the Fur Faces of H.A.L.O. No-Kill Shelter,
Collection thru May 22, John Baeder’s Ameri- a.m. at Vero Beach Country Club to benefit Lit- tainment and BBQ competitions for best chicken, 9:30 a.m. from Earl’s Hideaway, riding through In-
can Roadside thru May 15 and Nature Illumi- eracy Services of Indian River. $60. 772-778- ribs, pork and beef brisket to benefit charities dian River and St. Lucie County, ending at Moose
nated: Landscapes and Still Lifes by Heade 2223 supported by Rotary Club of Vero Beach, Fri. 5 to Lodge in Vero with music at 1:30 by Country Line
Road, lunch and raffles. $15/bike, $5/passenger,
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN Crossword Page 61 (LOST IN SPICE) $5/sixth card at final stop. 540-525-1538
in March 24, 2016 Edition 5 DOUBLEAGENT 1 QUESTION
7 CRISIS 2 CLUSTER 2 Treasure Coast Vintage Toy Buying Show,
8 THREAD 3 BALTI 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Country Inn and
9 DELIVER 4 FEAR Suites, featuring and buying mostly pre-1980
10 SPEED 5 DIRGE vintage toys. 561-628-1990
15 NOURISH 11 PARALLEL 2 Lunafest Film Festival hosted by Center
18 MATTER 12 CONCEAL for Spiritual Care, Friends after Diagno-
20 COLLAR 14 TOAST sis and the Treasure Coast Ovarian Cancer Al-
21 TRANSPARENT 16 SCANT liance, featuring award-winning short films by,
17 TRUST for and about women, and a talk by Judge Cyn-
19 TEAM thia Cox on Ending Domestic Violence: A Com-
munity Effort, 1 p.m. at IRSC Richardson Center.
Sudoku Page 60 Sudoku Page 61 Crossword Page 60 $25. 772-567-1233


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82 Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Island-inspired jewel is filled with delightful details

BY SIOBHAN MCDONOUGH John’s Island; it has that unique dou- scenery surrounding this stunning accrued wonderful memories over
Staff Writer ble quality of satisfying the aesthetic property on the Intracoastal Water- the years in their John’s Island home,
and functional qualities of a well- way, owner Rick McDermott says, which they purchased in 1998 and did
There are houses that are beauti- built home, as well as making you feel “My sister-in-law is standing on the major renovations to shortly thereaf-
ful and then there are houses that incredible when you’re inside of it, or back lawn and taking in the view. I ter. Still, it’s time to downsize, and
are beautiful and also make you feel anywhere on its sprawling lawn, pa- take it for granted sometimes. It’s like the house is listed with John’s Island
beautiful. tio or dock. if you’re in New York and you take the Real Estate Company for $6,990,000.
Statue of Liberty for granted.”
That’s the case with the majestic Watching his houseguest enjoy the The 11,800-gross-square-foot prop-
home at 120 South Shore Circle in lovely breezes and endlessly gorgeous McDermott and wife, Laura, have erty with 4 bedrooms, 5 full baths,

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 83


and 2 half-baths sits on a .93-acre lot. floors, cabana, 3-car garage, steam
It was designed by well-known archi- shower in master and east guest bed-
tect George F. Bollis and built in 1990. room and an ultra-high quality sound
A Ludawucci concrete tile roof was system are added amenities.
installed in 2006 and a new dock and
lift in 2012. A gas-heated pool with The house would be powerfully im-
spa, two gas fireplaces – in the living pressive even without all the luxuri-
room and family room –Mexican tile ous amenities.

“Location, location, location,” said

84 Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


McDermott. “I don’t know that there’s “It’s remote on one hand, but there
a better location on John’s Island.” is easy access to everything John’s Is-
land has to offer,” McDermott said.
There is little traffic near the house,
which is situated on a cul de sac. When Bob Gibb, broker/owner of John’s
their two children were younger and Island Real Estate Company echoed
wanting to ride their bikes, there a similar sentiment about 120 South
wasn’t a lot of worry about cars go- Shore Circle being a prime location.
ing back and forth. The location also “Being on a double cul de sac and
is convenient to everything at John’s having one of the broadest views
Island – the fitness center, pool, golf on the water make it one of the top
courses and clubhouses. houses at John’s Island,” he said. “It

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 85


has great outside living, great views landscaped gardens, custom mill-
from the master balcony and has a work and cypress-coffered beamed
classic design. ceilings add character and warmth to
the retreat. The wood-paneled living
“There is not another one like it on room with fireplace, custom built-ins
John’s Island,” Gibb added. and wet bar opens onto the generous
lanai, creating one expansive yet co-
Rising two levels from a lovely site hesive space that is perfect for enter-
on the shores of the Intracoastal Wa- taining.
terway, this beautifully renovated
residence is an island-inspired jewel “Whether we are two or four people
that showcases exceptional water in the house, or we have a reception
views from nearly every room. Lushly


Year built: 1990; renovated in 2000 by RCL Development
Lot size: .93 acre

Home size: 11,800 gross square feet
Bedrooms: 4

Bathrooms: 5 full baths, 2 half-baths
Waterfront: Fronts on the Intracoastal Waterway
Additional features: Quiet cul de sac location, convenient to club ameni-
ties, expansive landscaped grounds, swimming pool and spa, 3-car ga-
rage, separate guest cabana, fireplaces, custom millwork, steam shower

and view-balcony in master suite
Listing agency: John’s Island Real Estate Company: 772-231-0900

Listing Price: $6,990,000

86 Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


for 75 people, the house works well “We love to have coffee or a glass
both ways,” McDermott said. of wine on our veranda just watching
sailboats go by or seeing schools of
A bright and airy family room with dolphins going back and forth,” said
fireplace adjoins the large gourmet, McDermott.
island kitchen with breakfast bar.
“Here comes a yacht down the riv-
Two private en suite guest bed- er now ... the scenery changes every
rooms grace the main level along couple of minutes!”
with an attached guest cabana with
kitchenette, full bath, storage and Members of John’s Island for 33
covered porch. years, the couple has enjoyed time at
home as well as participating in club
The entire upper level is dedicated activities.
to the luxurious master suite with
private balcony overlooking sweep- “John’s Island keeps everything
ing treetop views of the river, a spa- current,” McDermott observed. “I
cious study with built-ins, an exercise walk into the clubhouse, the golf
room and marble-appointed bath- clubhouse, and it all looks terrific,”
room featuring a steam shower, two he said. “Everything they do is first
custom vanities and walk-in closets. class.” 

text 

88 Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Iwth’sawt oyrotuhrihtotuoskenioswworth

BY KENNETH R. HARNEY got? Is it a big deal to you financially? Equity is the difference between worth of mortgages on it, you’re un-
Washington Post Such questions are especially rel- your mortgage balance and the mar- derwater by $50,000.
ket value of your property. If your
Did you get your share of the esti- evant in the wake of the Federal Re- house or condo is worth $350,000 Although the vast majority of the
mated $1.2 trillion in equity growth that serve’s frothy new estimates, which and you’ve got $200,000 in mortgage country’s houses with mortgages
American homeowners reaped in the put total home-equity holdings na- debt against it, you’ve got positive eq- have positive equity, roughly 4.3 mil-
past 12 months? Do you have at least a tionwide at $12.5 trillion – a stunning uity of $150,000. If the house is worth lion homes are underwater, mainly as
rough idea of how much equity you’ve doubling between 2011 and the final $350,000 and you’ve got $400,000 a legacy of the financial crisis and the
quarter of 2015. Great Recession. Another 9.5 million

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 89


are what analysts call underequitied, value has increased since 2012, 80
with less than 20 percent equity, ac- percent of them underestimate how
cording to data from the research much it has actually risen. That’s at
firm CoreLogic. odds with findings by Quicken Loans’
monthly analysis of owners’ estimates
When you have minimal or no eq- compared with appraisers’ reports. In
uity, your financial options tend to be its latest study, Quicken found that
limited: You may find it impossible owners overestimate their home val-
to sell your house without having to ues by around 2 percent.
bring lots of cash to the closing. You
may also find it difficult to refinance Either way, many of us can only
out of an albatross mortgage that’s guess about the size of what may be
been around your neck for years. our largest investment asset. Bryan
And you probably can’t tap into your Sullivan, loanDepot’s chief financial
home’s value for help on worthy ex- officer, says this is especially the case
penses. For example, you can’t take for people who purchased during the
out a second mortgage or a home eq- housing boom, watched home prices
uity line of credit to help with tuition crater and since then haven’t kept up
payments or remodeling the kitchen. with local market changes. They have
“regain[ed] equity many thought was
The most significant news emerg- lost forever,” but also “are unclear
ing from the latest national data on about how to determine changes in
equity is that things are looking up.

Thanks to rising home prices and their equity.” That, in turn, may be
pay-downs of mortgage principal, stopping them from making good use
large numbers of people previously in of their equity positions, whether to
negative equity are crossing the line sell and move or to pull some of it out
into positive territory. CoreLogic esti- via a home equity credit line or sec-
mates that around a million of them ond mortgage.
did so during 2015. Another half-
million owners escaped from unde- So how to keep track? Start with
requitied status, moving above 20 the part of the equation you prob-
percent equity. If prices rise another ably know precisely because it’s sent
5 percent in the coming year, 850,000 to you monthly by your lender: your
more homes should see significantly outstanding principal balance. To get
broadened financial options, re- an idea of your market value, you can
searchers say. type in your address at the sites of Zil-
low, Redfin and others that offer auto-
That’s great, but what does it mean mated estimates online. But beware:
for you? Local area median error rates on these
sites can mangle your calculations.
Start with your knowledge of where
you are equity-wise. Equity is inher- If you are considering selling your
ently challenging to track; nobody home in the foreseeable future, you
sends you a monthly accounting. You can contact several local realty agents
can’t just go look it up somewhere. who specialize in your area, level with
Recent research from loanDepot, a them about your timing and ask for
mortgage lender, suggests that most their best estimates. Or you can hire
of us don’t have a good grasp of our a local real estate appraiser. It’ll cost
home’s market worth, making equity you some money, but if you seriously
estimates difficult at best. want a benchmark on your equity,
either of these two options would be
Researchers found that although 57 the way to go. 
percent of owners believe their home’s

90 Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


How best to dispose of a lifetime of possessions

BY WENDY A. JORDAN liquidation process for them. of the agents to list the condo, a build- three major professional associa-
Chotin’s mother had both an RLT ing resident stepped forward and tions — the International Society of
Washington Post bought it directly from Chotin and Appraisers, the American Society of
and a will, which simplified deci- her brother. It is not uncommon for Appraisers and the Appraisers Asso-
Like many people in similar cir- sion-making. “She did everything buyers to purchase furnishings and ciation of America.
cumstances, Annapolis, Md., resident right ahead of time,” Chotin says. other contents of a property, but this
Betsy Chotin and her brother faced an Another plus was that Chotin and buyer did not. Membership indicates that an ap-
overwhelming situation when their her brother agreed on a course of ac- praiser conforms to the profession’s
elderly mother died last year. tion and worked well together. Nev- The next steps were for Chotin and ethical code and prepares reports
ertheless, they still had the daunting her brother to get help in determining that abide by the Uniform Standards
While coping with their grief, they task of selling the condo and figur- what to do with the condo’s contents, of Professional Appraisal Practice. All
had to sell their mother’s condomin- ing out how and where to dispose of and then in carrying out that plan. three organizations have websites
ium, go through her belongings and all the contents that they and other The field of professionals in estate that identify members by location,
find appropriate homes for every- relatives did not wish to keep. Cho- liquidation includes appraisers and describe their specialties and list the
thing. How would they get it all done tin’s advice: Ask lots of questions at evaluators of various types of belong- accreditations or certification they
quickly and correctly? every stage along the way, so you will ings; estate sale specialists; auction have earned.
know your options and can make in- houses; cleanout companies that
Disposing of the property of loved formed decisions. sort, pack, transport, distribute and In addition, Proulx recommends
ones when they downsize and move, discard; and charitable organizations selecting an appraiser you would be
or when they die, can be very diffi- First on the agenda was selling the that accept property donations. comfortable working with. The ap-
cult, both logistically and emotion- condo. Even if a residence is owned praiser’s website might include cli-
ally. But, as Chotin and her brother outright, with no mortgage, until it Real estate agents, estate plan- ent comments or testimonials that
learned, expert help is available. is sold the family must continue to ning lawyers, financial planners and would be helpful to review. “Be sure
cover any condo obligations and pay accountants often can recommend not to hire an appraiser who charges
Lawyer Gerald K. Gimmel of Gaith- for insurance, utilities and other on- companies that specialize in apprais- a percentage of the appraised value,”
ersburg, Md., says numerous spe- going expenses. als, estate sales and general property Proulx adds. That is a conflict of inter-
cialized services are offered to guide liquidation. National websites such est. Appraisers who also are dealers
family members and/or carry out Chotin and her brother asked as, EstateLiquidators. or work for an auction house should
the property disposition work. Estate around for recommendations of real com and list busi- have explicit and clear boundaries
planning lawyers, he says, can help estate agents knowledgeable about nesses by location. between these functions and their
families “set up a game plan.” condo sales in the immediate area. appraisal work.
They met with five agents. Each said Ideally, Gimmel says, the first step
It is best for some of the planning the condo should be offered as-is — is for family members to remove im- Appraisers can provide a cost esti-
to be done in advance, “before it’s no new carpeting or paint — because portant papers as well as jewelry and mate and usually charge a flat fee or
an emergency,” Gimmel says. A law- it was in good condition. The wall other valuables. Next, an appraiser an hourly rate plus expenses. Proulx
yer can help set up a revocable living oven was broken, so the sales con- would evaluate the valuables for tax says charging an hourly rate is most
trust (RLT), for example, through tract would include an allowance for and sales purposes. common; that rate can range from
which title to real estate and other purchase of an exact replacement. $150 to $350, based on the appraiser’s
belongings can be given to relatives The agents said pricing of the condo Francine Proulx, president of Art/ credentials and experience.
or others when the owner dies. While should be based on the sales price of Antiques Information Resource in
living, the original owner maintains other units in the building; special Fairfax, Va., says appraisers often Once the valuables have been dealt
control of the possessions, but after- features such as a private patio would are brought in too late, after items with, experts in general property dis-
ward the decision-making authority contribute to sales appeal but not to whose value was not recognized position can move forward. Gimmel
shifts smoothly to the designees. An the sales price. have been given away. She recom- stresses that “yard sale values” are
RLT avoids probate or court autho- mends choosing an experienced used in determining prices of most
rization. Just as they were about to hire one appraiser who belongs to one of the ordinary items sold or donated. Pro-
ceeds from sales may be used to pay
Another approach is to prepare a the bills related to the property; any
will that designates what is to be done net proceeds can be distributed as
with belongings. Wills can specifical- the will specifies. (Often, Gimmel
ly list items. While wills go through says, family members agree to take
probate, that’s not necessarily a rea- items in lieu of their financial share.)
son to opt for an RLT instead. Gim-
mel says Maryland, Virginia and the Specialists such as booksellers
District have straightforward probate might review items in person or on-
procedures. He adds that probate has line and offer to buy some for resale.
the advantage of providing a court Rock Toews, of Back Creek Books in
review of the accounting regarding Annapolis, says booksellers often of-
distribution of property and, if all is fer a low price, such as 25 percent of
well, written documentation that ev- what they hope to sell a book for, be-
erything has been done right. cause it can take quite a while to find
the right buyer.
Families may want to decide to-
gether who will become the owner Just as in the appraisal stage, the
of certain things, such as furniture, first cardinal rule with general prop-
jewelry and keepsakes. Some fami- erty liquidation is not to toss things
lies simply talk it over in advance and out before bringing in the pros. What
agree on a plan for distribution of looks like junk to you may be valu-
possessions. able. Professionals in the business
have a trained eye; let them evaluate
Fran Nystrom, who runs Annap- everything you have and determine
olis-based Empty Nest Estate Sales, what to discard. Toews says, for in-
says her goals as an estate sale profes- stance, an old book that does not look
sional are to make as much money for
the client as she can, and to ease the

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 91


special to you might be a collectible points out, “It still represents 100 Cleanout pros know which chari- size. As with estate disposition, it can
first edition. And that old casserole? percent profit from inherited items ties take furniture — and the types be wrenching for the clients and their
Joann Cameron, of A2Z Estate Sales in which you don’t have a dime in- of furniture they accept — as well as families to discard things.
and Appraisals in Silver Spring, says vested,” and the house ends up emp- which will pick up donations. They
Pyrex prices are “through the roof” ty and broom clean. can advise on where to donate cloth- To ease the pain, Knoll says, “I try
right now. ing, rugs, linens, glassware, dishes to find new homes for things as much
Fran Nystrom, who runs Annap- and all the other contents of the as possible” rather than throwing
The second cardinal rule is to step olis-based Empty Nest Estate Sales, house. Another resource is the web- them away. Suits and dresses might
away from the liquidation process says her goals as an estate sale site, which lists go to groups that give job interview
once you have removed what you professional are to make as much charities by location that will pick up outfits to those in need. Beds, barely
want to keep and have hired a pro- money for the client as she can, and donations of various types. used guest room mattresses, other
fessional. Pulling items that have to ease the liquidation process for furnishings, linens and housewares
been included in an estate sale as- them. “I’m not attached to things,” Real estate agent Jennifer Knoll, might go to organizations that help
sessment or listed for sale misleads she says, so it is easier for her than with TTR Sotheby’s International Re- the formerly homeless set up a home.
customers and may result in addi- for the client to empty things out of alty in Chevy Chase, Md., has helped
tional charges, or even cancellation the house. Cameron agrees and says, many elderly clients get rid of a life- “People light up,” Knoll says, “when
of a scheduled sale. “One reason to hire people [to liqui- time of belongings when they down- they see that their donations can
date belongings] is that it’s hard to change someone else’s life.”  recommends that let go. If something makes you hap-
you call numerous estate sale and/ py, then keep it. Don’t sell it and then
or liquidation companies before se- regret it.” But let the liquidator take
lecting one. Ask about their services, care of the rest for you.
prices and insurance, and how they
operate from start to finish in the Nystrom examined Chotin’s
process. Select at least three compa- items, estimated what an estate sale
nies to come to the house, meet with might earn, and advised her against
you and look over what is there. doing a sale. That was because fam-
ily members were keeping most
Initial visits usually are free and of the valuable items, so that not
often include not only assessments enough contents were left to merit
of what will appeal to buyers, but the cost of a sale.
also tips on where to donate or recy-
cle other things. If service providers Chotin and her brother turned to
seem trustworthy and you like them, a pair of Damascus, Md., companies
check their references. You might for help: Attic to Basement, a sorting
even visit estate sales run by compa- and packing company, and Junkit
nies you are considering. Dumpit, a hauler. Janet Ray, owner of
Attic to Basement, says cleanout com-
Estate sale companies assess, panies such as hers can do as much
sort, clean, price and tag items. If or as little as the client wants, from
needed and they are able, they may sorting and packing, to transporting
appraise valuables; they also may small electronics to collection sites
bring in appraisers. They publicize for recycling or disposal, to returning
and advertise the sale, often post- cable boxes.
ing photos online of items included.
They set up and conduct the sale Roland Ray, Janet’s husband, runs
(at the house or online), which usu- the hauling company, which trucks
ally runs for two or three days, and items to auction houses, charitable
arrange for remaining items to be organizations, the dump and else-
donated, recycled or discarded. Fi- where as needed. Both businesses
nally, they clean up the house, tally charge an hourly rate based on the
the sales proceeds, deduct their fee number of personnel involved. “We
and present the net earnings to the do an assessment — 30 or 40 min-
client with a sales report and tax do- utes on average — then sit down
nation receipts. with [potential clients] and tell
them if it is cost effective to hire us,”
While owners may be tempted to Janet Ray says.
host their own estate sale, Cameron
says, “There are so many details to Estate sale and cleanout compa-
cover that [people who do so] wind up nies search for important documents
getting ripped off, burned out, at the and other valuables that may be un-
chiropractor, or all three.” known or misplaced. They have been
known to find a range of items, from
Fees charged by estate sale com- car titles, tax documents and photos
panies may include a guaranteed to traveler’s checks, cash and long-
minimum of, say, $1,500, part of lost jewelry. All this is turned over to
which constitutes a retainer when the client.
the contract is signed; a cleanout fee
based on an hourly rate; and a com- Decisions then are made about
mission ranging from 35 percent to what to do with everything else. Valu-
50 percent that is tied to a schedule able items may go to high-end auc-
of gross sales amounts. While the tion houses that deal in antiques and
associated fees may be a surprise major collectibles. Boxes of books
to some owners, Cameron says that and other everyday things may go to
many hours of work are involved and auction centers that handle more or-
sales prices often are low. Likewise, dinary items. Silver and gold may be
clients may be surprised if the net sold to fine metals dealers for melt-
earned is not large. But as Cameron down at a foundry.

92 Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: March 17 to March 23

The barrier island real estate market picked up steam this past week, with 13 transactions recorded including three
for more than $1 million.

Our top sale this week was of a magnificent golf course home in Riomar. The property at 991 Greenway Lane was
placed on the market Feb. 13, 2014 for $6.995 million. The price was subsequently reduced to $4.995 million. The
home was sold on March 21st for $4.545 million.

The seller in the transaction was represented by Cindy O’Dare and Clark French of Premier Estate Properties. The
purchaser was represented by Marta Proechel, also of Premier Estate Properties.


$799,000 $560,000
SUMMERPLACE 1821 BAREFOOT PLACE 11/7/2014 $625,000 $675,000 3/22/2016 $2,450,000
VERO BEACH 415 GREYTWIG ROAD 5/21/2015 $2,850,000 $625,000 3/22/2016 $1,400,000
$1,475,000 $605,000
JOHN’S ISLAND 315 ISLAND CREEK DRIVE 11/10/2015 $649,000 $2,850,000 3/21/2016 $400,000
$439,000 $538,000
ORCHID ISLAND 171 SEASPRAY LANE 12/17/2015 $634,900 $1,475,000 3/18/2016
BRIGGS TIERNEY 711 FLAMEVINE LANE 1/19/2016 $649,000 3/18/2016 $320,000
VERO BEACH ESTATES 725 ACACIA ROAD 10/5/2015 $419,000 3/18/2016

SUNSET DRIVE 935 SUNRISE TERRACE 1/19/2015 $575,000 3/17/2016


RIVER MEWS CONDO 2041 LAS RAMBLAS. #2041 5/5/2015 $485,000 $450,000 3/23/2016
SOUTH PASSAGE 901 SPYGLASS LANE, #901B 9/15/2015 $385,000 $385,000 3/18/2016
VISTA DEL MAR 5400 HIGHWAY A1A, #E4 1/27/2016 $186,000 $186,000 3/17/2016

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 93


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Vero Beach, Address: 415 Greytwig Road Subdivision: John’s Island, Address: 315 Island Creek Drive

Listing Date: 5/21/2015 Listing Date: 11/10/2015
Original Price: $625,000 Original Price: $2,850,000
Recent Price: $625,000 Recent Price: $2,850,000
Sold: 3/22/2016 Sold: 3/21/2016
Selling Price: $560,000 Selling Price: $2,450,000
Listing Agent: Claudia Johnson Listing Agent: John’s Island Real Estate

Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida Selling Agent: John’s Island Real Estate

Gretchen Hanson John’s Island Real Estate

Berkshire Hathaway Florida John’s Island Real Estate

Subdivision: Orchid Island, Address: 171 Seaspray Lane Subdivision: Vero Beach Estates, Address: 725 Acacia Road

Listing Date: 12/17/2015 Listing Date: 10/5/2015
Original Price: $1,475,000 Original Price: $439,000
Recent Price: $1,475,000 Recent Price: $419,000
Sold: 3/18/2016 Sold: 3/18/2016
Selling Price: $1,400,000 Selling Price: $400,000
Listing Agent: Becky Rossway Listing Agent: Debbie Bell

Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida Selling Agent: Norris & Company

Heidi Levy Bill Baysura

Orchid Island Realty, Inc. Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

I N T E G R I T Y ~ R E S U LT S


Beautiful waterfront 3BR/4BA home on deep water canal, River view building lot in prestigious, gated community, 3BR/2.5BA two story detached courtside home, large patio,
screened heated pool w/spa, dock, access to Intracoastal amenities include 2 clubhouses, fitness center, 2 pools short walk to tennis club, gated community, beach access
$495,000 $439,000

Y our satisfaction is my highest goal, real estate is a lasting relationship.

direct 772.492.5333 | cell 772.538.1861 | [email protected] |

94 Vero Beach 32963 / March 31, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Summerplace, Address: 1821 Barefoot Place Subdivision: Briggs Tierney, Address: 711 Flamevine Lane

Listing Date: 11/7/2014 Listing Date: 1/19/2016
Original Price: $799,000 Original Price: $649,000
Recent Price: $675,000 Recent Price: $649,000
Sold: 3/22/2016 Sold: 3/18/2016
Selling Price: $630,000 Selling Price: $605,000
Listing Agent: Sam Robbins Listing Agent: Christine R McLaughlin

Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Shamrock Real Estate Corp

LuAnn Donnelly-Willemen Elizabeth M. Sorensen

Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

Subdivision: Sunset Drive, Address: 935 Sunrise Terrace Subdivision: River Mews Condo, Address: 2041 Las Ramblas

Listing Date: 1/19/2015 Listing Date: 5/5/2015
Original Price: $634,900 Original Price: $485,000
Recent Price: $575,000 Recent Price: $450,000
Sold: 3/17/2016 Sold: 3/23/2016
Selling Price: $538,000 Selling Price: $425,000
Listing Agent: Kitty Rossetti Listing Agent: Elizabeth Sorensen &
Bob DeWaters
Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Ed Schlitt Selling Agent:
Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Mary Pat Slater
Bob DeWaters
Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.


Club Drive exquisitely remodeled 5300 sq. ft. duplex. Live in the 2650 sq. ft. 3/3
owners’ side with hardwood floors, gas range and private pool while generating
income or accommodating guests in the 3/3 2650 sq. ft. rental side. Metal roof,
impact windows and doors, Hardy siding. Steps from the beach and restaurants.
Flood Zone X. No HOA. MLS 164985. Priced below appraisal, asking $998,000.

Text or call Sara Galyean

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