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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-07-20 14:50:35

07/21/2017 ISSUE 29


July 21, 2017 | Volume 4, Issue 29 Newsstand Price: $1.00




Dick Golden, jazz School District
radio host:‘The lost one teacher
music moves you’ in six last year

By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer A collapsing pier in need of repairs at the Vero Beach Municipal Marina. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer
[email protected] [email protected]
Dick Golden, now 73, has be- Indian River County School
gun what he calls his “transition By Samantha Rohlfing Baita | Staff Writer than a year ago. of the marina – which provides District lost more than one
to retirement,” but it’s difficult to [email protected] In a lengthy and at times intense a first impression of the city for sixth of its teachers during the
imagine him not finding some way thousands of visitors every year – 2016-2017 school year, a high
to remain in radio, reveling in the The City Council has finally got- session with Harbormaster Tim and said repairs can’t be put off any rate of attrition that comes with
music to which he has devoted his ten fed up with unsightly and un- Grabenbauer and City Manag- longer. hard-to-calculate costs to the
life. safe conditions at the Vero Beach er Jim O’Connor during a budget district and its mission of edu-
Municipal Marina that Vero Beach workshop, councilmembers ex- “We’ve been putting Band-Aids cating children.
The part-time island resident 32963 began reporting on more pressed frustration with the state
has interviewed jazz legend Count CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 Nearly 200 of the district’s
Basie, and once wrote a three- 1,120 teachers left during the
page congratulatory letter to Frank 2016-17 fiscal school year which
Sinatra, who responded with a ran through June 30, according
handwritten note on his personal to documents provided in re-
stationery and then followed up sponse to a public records re-
with a cassette containing the un- quest by Vero Beach 32963.
mistakable voice of “Ol’ Blue Eyes”
doing a couple of unscripted pro- That number is more than
mos for Golden’s radio show. double the 8 percent attrition
rate cited by District Superin-
He continues to cherish his tendent Mark Rendell in April.
longtime friendship with Tony More teachers have left since he
Bennett, who he affectionately made that claim, but no update
and accurately describes as “the on attrition has been provided
man who carried the American to the community.
standards songbook into the 21st
century.” The nearly 200 departures
also are almost double the
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 teacher-loss rate claimed by


NEWS 1-12 PETS 18 Meg Laughlin: Reporter with Beloved cafe reopens
DINING B6 a thirst for truth and justice as Frères Patisserie
CALENDAR B15 By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer
B1 Since the sudden death of Patis-
ARTS serie owner Mark Edmonds earli-
er this year, many Vero Beach java
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 By Elinor J. Brecher | Correspondent junkies have found themselves
For circulation or where to pick up adrift. For most, the Patisserie was
your issue call: 772-226-7925 Meg Laughlin, an award-winning journalist whose more than just a place to pick up
reporting for Vero Beach 32963 brought the financial French pastries, organic lunches
challenges and operational problems of Indian River Laughlin (right) with and a great cup of coffee – it was
Medical Center to the community’s attention, died of Kristen Simpson, whose a place to catch up with friends,
cancer last week. She was 70. home was saved. conduct casual business meetings

In a 35-year career that spanned lengthy stints with CONTINUED ON PAGE 5
the Miami Herald, the St. Petersburg Times and Vero


© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.

2 July 21, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

DICK GOLDEN George and Ira Gershwin and performed by the station was sold and the new ownership year, during the high season, and I’d stay
Sinatra, Bennett and Nat King Cole. announced his program would air only on about a week or two each time.”
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 weekends, public outcry persuaded the
“I’m at that intersection,” Golden said, ex- owners to return “Nightlights” to its tradi- He said he quickly fell in love with Vero
Then, last month, one of Golden’s George plaining that he grew up in the Boston area tional schedule. Beach, which he felt shared much of Cape
Washington University-produced radio in the 1950s and ‘60s, when there was a wide Cod’s charm, appeal and “sensibilities.”
shows, which now are broadcast on Sirius/ variety of music across the radio dial. Among those who wrote letters to the sta-
XM’s Real Jazz channel, received the gold tion were Carly Simon, Willie Nelson, Bette When WGYL was sold and changed its
medal in the Best Music Special category at “Although Elvis Presley and Little Richard Midler, Lionel Hampton and, of course, Ben- format in 1997, Golden’s program was elim-
the New York Festivals International Radio and rhythm-and-blues were getting a lot of nett. inated. Two years later, however, the show
Awards. play and were great in their own way, I was was resurrected by Fort Pierce’s WQCS,
drawn more to the jazz artists and the Amer- It was WQRC owner Greg Bone who in- which aired “The American Songbook” on
“To be recognized in such a way is quite ican classics – the well-crafted songs per- troduced Golden to Vero Beach in 1986, Saturday evenings.
an honor,” said Golden, whose radio shows formed by artists who could blend lyric with when Bone’s company purchased WGYL
have been aired locally – first on WGYL-FM melody and communicate on an emotional and WTTB and began sending recordings of “So I’ve been in the market here for 30
in Vero Beach, then on WQCS-FM in Fort level. “Nightlights” to WGYL, which aired the pro- years,” Golden said.
Pierce – for most of the past 30 years, and gram from 8 p.m. to midnight five days per
who has owned a condominium in Indian “That’s the music really touched me.” week. And counting: Golden said WQCS will
River Shores since 2012. So while most of his peers were twisting soon announce that his program will be
and bopping to rock ‘n’ roll, Golden em- “Although the program was on tape, Dave expanded to five nights per week (Monday
“The show was a two-hour birthday trib- braced the music of an earlier generation. said there was such a vibrant community through Thursday and Saturday) starting
ute to Tony Bennett and Louie Armstrong “I didn’t tell anybody I was taking a bus to in Vero Beach for jazz and the arts that he Oct. 1.
that I did in August 2016,” he added. “For Portsmouth to play Tony Bennett and Frank needed me to go down and do some con-
an international radio festival to recognize Sinatra records on the radio,” Golden said. sulting and promotions,” Golden said. “So Golden said he was thrilled by the news –
that genre of music with the gold medal was Golden next worked for two Boston radio I would come down four or five times each so much so that he plans to move from his
pretty extraordinary.” stations while attending Northeastern Uni- home in Washington, D.C., where he has
versity, where he majored in English. That produced his “GW Presents American Jazz”
Which means it was fitting. big-market experience led to his move to program for Sirius/XM on the George Wash-
Across the past 50-plus years, Golden Cape Cod, where in 1970 he became the first ington University campus for more than a
has enjoyed a pretty extraordinary career, program director at WCIB before joining decade, and become a full-time Indian River
one that began during his high school days WQRC in Hyannis two years later. Shores resident.
in the early 1960s, when he would ride a In 1977, Golden experimented with a six-
Greyhound Bus from Boston to Portsmouth, night-a-week, four-hour program that fea- “I expect to relocate by next summer,” he
N.H., to host a radio show on which he would tured what he called “America’s music.” For said. That, too, is part of his transition to re-
play the music that stirred his soul: the jazz the next 28 years, he hosted “Nightlights” tirement. But don’t expect him to spend less
of Basie, Armstrong, Duke Ellington and Ella and became the voice of jazz and American time in the studio. His is a labor of love.
Fitzgerald, along with American standards standards in southeastern Massachusetts.
composed by Irving Berlin, Cole Porter and Golden’s show was so popular that, when “There was some wonderful music
made from the late 1930s through the end
of World War II and into the early ‘50s,”
Golden said. “Musicologists say that was a
time when popular music was great, and



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Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa
Zahner, Society Editor: Mary Schenkel, Reporters: Stephanie LaBaff, Tom Lloyd, Ray McNulty, Sa-
mantha Rohlfing Baita, Kathleen Sloan, Columnists: Claudia Balint, Ellen Fischer, Ron Holub, Siobhan
McDonough, Tina Rondeaux, The Bonz, Christina Tascon, Staff Photograhers: Gordon Radford, De-
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LOCATED AT 4855 NORTH A1A, VERO BEACH, FL 32963 | 772.226.7925

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS July 21, 2017 3

great music was popular. VERO MARINA REPAIRS for the bathroom renovation right away. needs, but servicing the debt sucks a whop-
“That music is timeless,” he added. “Even Sykes also reported that he’s often had to ping $339,000 out of the marina budget an-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 nually – a burden the enterprise fund will be
today, we have Tony Bennett collaborating wait for service at the marina when fueling carrying for another 11 years.
with Lady Gaga. But Tony Bennett isn’t sing- on all this,” councilmember Lange Sykes his boat. “It’s happened to me a lot,” he said,
ing Lady Gaga’s songs. Lady Gaga is singing said. “Repairs need to be made. We have an noting that he has observed employees in Council member Dick Winger believes the
songs by the Gershwins. When they’re on opportunity here to make the marina a jewel the office hanging out, “having lunch togeth- city should somehow take the debt burden
stage singing to 20-year-olds, George Gersh- of the community. Something’s got to give.” er,” instead of fueling boats. “off Grabenbauer’s back,” although he’s pret-
win is very much alive.” ty sure that’s not going to happen. He said
“We agree to have the marina as a focal Residents and visitors have voiced this that the marina has a reasonable income,
Why does this music mean so much to point in the coming fiscal year,” said Mayor same concern about inattentive or inactive but the heavy debt service pretty much can-
Golden? Laura Moss. employees to Vero Beach 32963 for more cels it out.
than a year. Grabenbauer said there are
“I loved people who were able to commu- Longstanding complaints from boaters cameras at the fuel dock so employees can Grabenbauer’s fiscal 2017 budget includes
nicate the human experience,” Golden said. and live-aboard residents have focused on see when a boat pulls up, even if they are fee hikes for dock, anchorage and transient
“The music that I love does the same thing. rentals to raise more income, and he’ll con-
They’re not just songs; they’re short stories. both cosmetic and safety issues. The aging sitting inside, but it was suggested to tinue to apply for Florida Inland Navigation
But when you tell them with music – when piers are of particular concern. Some have him that employees should be more District and other available grant funding.
you get the perfect voice, the perfect intona- slippery surfaces, rotting wood and cracked visible and available outside the office
tion, the perfect phrasing, the perfect melo- concrete with rusting rebar exposed. – to “bump up the service.” In addition, the city has budgeted $75,000
dy – you touch people’s emotions. for center dock replacement and $25,000 for
In April, a woman who lives aboard her “I’ll talk to the staffers as soon as I restroom renovation as part of three-year
“When Sinatra sings, ‘One For My Baby,’ boat at the marina and her dog were dumped get back,” Grabenbauer said. $185,000 capital improvement plan for the
that’s art . . . and it’s timeless,” he add- into the lagoon when the concrete “finger marina. The last major dock renovations
ed. “When you hear a word, you think a pier” on which they were standing suddenly The Council acknowledged the were 30 years ago.
thought. When you hear a sound, you feel collapsed. The woman suffered bruises on marina’s maintenance woes stem in
a feeling. When you hear a combination of her arm in the fall, but was able to make it large part from a huge debt-service Planning Director Monty Falls and Vero
word and sound, you think a feeling or you out of the water and onto the dock. The dog burden that eats up much of its cash Beach Marine Commission Chairman Tom
feel a thought. was also rescued. flow and limits Grabenbauer’s ability Juliano have pledged to work with Graben-
to do more than patchwork repairs in bauer to get the repairs underway as quickly
“That’s why this music endures. It moves A marina resident who did not want to be response to incidents such as the collapse of as possible.
you.” identified said other boaters and at least one the finger pier – which is still unrepaired.
marina employee have fallen from the slip- As a city enterprise fund, the marina is The workshop session included some
Certainly, it moved Golden, who, despite pery, crumbling docks. expected to operate on its own income, but back-and-forth about the possibility of pri-
not being a musician, has spent his entire in 2007 Grabenbauer borrowed $4.7 million vatizing the marina operation as a last resort,
adult life sharing his love for these words Another source related an incident in to buy a dry storage structure, with related but for now, the consensus is to keep it a city
and sounds and how they make him feel. which a resident boat owner slipped on her equipment and floating docks, on a 1.19- operation. “We know where we want to go,”
dock, and tumbled into the water next to her acre parcel south of the Vero Beach Yacht Moss said. “Vero Beach is a first-class city,
He listens to songs composed by Berlin boat. With no ladder on her stretch of dock, Club. O’Connor believes the move was a and we have a real opportunity here. I think
and the Gershwins and he feels the pride she couldn’t pull herself out. Fortunately, wise one, on balance, looking toward future we can still turn it around.” 
and joy of Jewish immigrants celebrating neighbors nearby dragged her to the main
their freedom of expression. dock and hauled her to safety, but not before
she sustained a nasty gash on her arm.
He listens to the jazz compositions and
performances of Basie, Armstrong and El- “The only docks I’ve seen in Florida in
lington, and he recalls the words of Pres- worse shape are in Tarpon Springs,” a mari-
ident Bill Clinton, who cited their black na resident said at the time.
heritage and astutely described the genre
as “music that was forged in great pain and Piles of junk that persist for months, bro-
played with great joy.” ken equipment and damaged bathrooms
have been pointed out by marina visitors
He listens to Sinatra sing, and he feels an and residents alike. Last year, Grabenbauer
honesty that transcends talent and fame. said plans to replace the north restrooms in
2007 had been put on hold when the econ-
“Louie Armstrong was once asked to de- omy tanked, leaving gaping holes in bath-
scribe the music he played, and he said, room walls.
‘What we play is life,’ “ Golden said. “That’s
exactly what I’ve always tried to do when Shower stalls, partitions and fixtures were
putting together a program. The music I play purchased in 2016, but Grabenbauer said
is a representation of the American experi- they were not delivered until the winter sea-
ence.” son when the marina was at its busiest. Not
wanting to close half the available restrooms
Golden, through his radio programs, has at that time, he decided to wait until after
shared that experience with millions of lis- season to do the renovation.
teners. And he still composes his shows with
the same commitment, same joy, and same That was last year, however, and the bath-
improvisation as he has done for more than rooms still have not been repaired, a delay
five decades, mixing information about each that was upsetting to Sykes. “We’re coming
song and keen insights with his selections to into season – again,” he said. “I don’t know
create something special. why it’s taken so long.”

“You have to have at least the essential Grabenbauer promised to send out RFPs
ingredients forged in your mind, so a lot of
thought and preparation goes into it,” Gold-
en said.

“But then, once you get started, a lot of it
is feel.

“I’m actually listening to the music as I’m
playing it, and one song leads you to the
next,” he added. “It’s not unlike a jazz song.
There’s structure, but there’s also improvisa-
tion. You create something in the moment,
but it fits with the melody.

“You’ve got to keep your focus on what’s
next.” 

4 July 21, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

MEG LAUGHLIN with Vero Beach 32963,” said publisher ami for treatment – continued to keep in the business. Her stories saved lives, homes,
Milton R. Benjamin. touch with her Vero Beach sources, nursing careers and reputations, even as they infu-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 a hope she would be able to return to the riated the rich, powerful and influential.
“The citizens of Indian River County owe journalism wars. “How I wish I was back
Beach 32963, Laughlin was always focused a debt of gratitude to Meg for her tireless snooping around for ‘63,” she emailed only They were counter-intuitive, often up-
on reporting that “made a difference.” efforts to create and focus awareness on weeks before her death. ending the accepted narrative of the event
some of the most important issues facing they highlighted.
In Vero Beach, in addition to her hospital our community,” added Paul Nezi, a retired “Meg was very proud of the work she did
articles, Laughlin’s reporting ranged from insurance executive who served on the at the community paper,’’ said her friend The classic Meg Laughlin story was hard
stories that exposed mismanagement and IRMC Board of Directors. Sydney P. Freedberg, who worked with to report, harder to write, a treat to read,
corruption in non-profits to a series that Laughlin at both the Herald and the Times. and practically guaranteed to cause the ed-
inspired readers of Vero Beach 32963 to “She was uncompromising and thor- “She said the idea wasn’t to make a lot of itor trying to get it into the paper agita.
contribute to a fund-raising campaign that ough. She always checked her facts. And money but to make a difference.’’
saved the home of the widow of slain island she was devoted to finding the truth even During her years at the Miami Herald,
resident Brian Simpson from foreclosure. if it ended up not being what she thought To use a journalism cliché that would her fans eagerly pawed through the Sunday
it would be.” have made her eyes roll: Meg Laughlin paper to see what dark tale of fraud, corrup-
“Meg’s reporting exemplified the very comforted the afflicted and afflicted the tion, sexism, racism, hypocrisy, betrayal,
best of the type of journalism we strive for During a more than year-long battle with comfortable better than almost anyone in greed, cruelty or exploitation she’d dragged
cancer, Laughlin – who moved back to Mi- into the light.

She gave voice to some of society’s most
vulnerable – and least sympathetic – peo-
ple. Among the former: Haitian house ser-
vants, a grieving mother tormented by a
stalker, families in foreclosure.

Among the latter: death-row inmates,
“incorrigible’’ violent teens, accused terror-
ists and their alleged sympathizers.

“Her life was all about fairness,’’ said her
daughter, Helen “Trey’’ Casey Guzman.

Laughlin’s work won awards at both the
Herald and Times, including the Florida So-
ciety of News Editors’ Paul Hansell Award
for Distinguished Achievement in Florida
Journalism, and multiple Green Eyeshade
Awards from the Society of Professional

She shared in two Herald staff Pulitzers
and was awarded a prestigious Knight Fel-
lowship in Journalism at Stanford Universi-
ty in 1996.

Tom Shroder, now a non-fiction author,
was the Miami Herald editor who hired
Laughlin full time in 1990.

“Nobody could see through the bullshit
like she could,’’ he said. “A truly rare talent
connected to a thirst for truth made her one
of a kind.’’

The St. Petersburg Times (now the
Tampa Bay Times) hired Laughlin in 2005
to cover the trial of University of South
Florida Professor Sami Al-Arian, accused
of terrorist ties. She also covered the Hai-
tian earthquake, the U.S. military prison
at Guantanamo Bay, and the criminal-jus-
tice system.

Notable Times stories included “Doubt,”
about a Lakeland man convicted of kill-
ing his wife despite evidence implicating
another man, and “Right by Miles,” which
investigated why a sheriff’s office failed to
investigate its own deputy’s role in a wreck
that killed a teenager.

From the Herald’s late, legendary investi-
gative reporter/editor Gene Miller, Laugh-
lin learned ‘“Keep it simple, stupid, and ask
100 questions … ,’’’ said Freedberg. “She
wouldn’t be satisfied until she got all the
answers. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a
hunger for truth in anyone.’’

Benjamin hired Laughlin in 2012 for Vero
Beach 32963. The former Washington Post
editor specifically sought “tough-minded
veteran journalists committed to long-form
journalism, who wanted the time to report
stories and the space to tell them.’’

In a time of shrinking newsrooms and

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS July 21, 2017 5

straight-to-the-web click bait, Vero Beach FRERES PATISSERIE organic, farm-to-table in-
32963 was journalism heaven for Laughlin.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 gredients. Once the menu
Mark Seibel, a former Herald editor who
sent Laughlin to cover the wars in Iraq and and just hang out. In less than five years is filled out, Gomez hopes
Afghanistan, where she’d share sweltering, Edmonds and his partner, Christian Garcia,
sand-infested tents with frontline troops developed a cult-like following at the café. to extend hours, add beer
half her age, described her as “fearless in
terms of seeing what was there and what While the couple will still be missed by and wine, offer dessert
needed to be told.’’ all who were fortunate enough to cross
paths with them, the buzz now is that Patis- wines and open for special
One of Seibel’s favorite Laughlin stores serie has reopened as Frères Patisserie Vero
involved Elian Gonzalez. Laughlin fig- Beach. New owner Bennett Gomez became evening events.
ured out that the little boy’s Miami cousin, enamored with Edmonds’ French-style
Marisleysis Gonzalez, who helped care for bakery while visiting the area when he and Gomez was in the art
him, had been hospitalized 11 times for his wife were thinking about moving from
emotional problems. the Bayside neighborhood in Queens, New shipping business in New
York to Vero Beach so they could be closer
“Looking into the actual background of to his mother. York City during the ear-
a person who was lionized as Elian’s surro-
gate mother was a very delicate task,’’ Sei- “When I found the Patisserie, I felt like I ly 1980s and feels like he’s
bel recalled. would be able to live here. The next time I
came back for a visit I stopped by the Pa- come full circle with his
Among Laughlin’s many memorable tisserie again, and that’s when I became
Herald stories: “We Love You Dr. Kessel- certain Vero Beach was a place we could be new venture nestled in the
man.’’ happy,” recalls Gomez as he talks about the
inexplicable draw of the café. heart of the Vero Beach Arts
Michael Kesselman was principal of
North Beach Elementary, which in 1990 It was during a visit in April, when he was and Antique District.
was up for a prestigious U.S. Department of doing a walk-through of the home he and
Education award. Laughlin wanted find out his wife Maria were buying, that Gomez Papa Githiomi (left) and new owner Bennett Gomez. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD “My clients were peo-
what made the school stand out. discovered Patisserie had closed. “I had no
idea what happened. I saw everything was ple like Andy Warhol, Ju-
Instead, she found that the revered ed- still in here and there was a leasing sign out
ucator browbeat his staff and cooked the front. My brother Bruce has been in the New York with my brother for more than lian Schnabel, Jeff Coons and Jean-Michel
test-score books. Kesselman lost his job. bakery business in Woodside [in Queens]
for more than 20 years. I thought maybe 20 years. He’s getting a feel for things down Basquiat. At that time, some of them were
Laughlin adored animals. Her peach- this was an opportunity.”
faced lovebird, Parker, flew freely around here. He’s used to cooking with gas, and up-and-coming artists. I would go to their
her house. She fed whatever showed up at From there events gathered momentum
the bowls on the porch: feral cats, raccoons, quickly. Gomez talked with his brother; we have electric here. The structure of the gallery openings and studios. I have such
possums, even a toad. they made an offer and closed on the deal
quickly. “They were on the verge of walk- water here changes things too,” explains fond memories of that, and I want to cre-
“When I visited her in Vero, I couldn’t be- ing the big equipment out of here. My big
lieve that she not only shopped for fish at brother helped me out. He gave me a pur- Gomez, who purchased a special water fil- ate opportunities for artists here.” Working
the fish market to feed this little bird [Ho- pose. That’s why we called it Frères, which
mer the great blue heron] that hung out at is French for brothers.” tration system to ensure patrons would get with local art guru Barry Shapiro, Gomez
the same time every day by the water, but
she’d cut the fish up carefully, then place After sitting unused for months, the the best cup of Joe around. Still at the helm intends to create a space at Frères to dis-
the bird’s dinner on a rock,’’ said Marjorie place got a thorough cleaning, inspections
Klein of Asheville, N.C., a former Miami were made and licenses obtained. Frères of the bean grinder is Papa, everyone’s fa- play artwork by local artists and open in the
Herald freelancer. “We’d watch as the bird held a soft opening last Thursday and Tony,
ate. She did this every day.’’ the head baker, has been busily making vorite Barista, a face synonymous with the evenings for showings.
cinnamon rolls, meringues, cupcakes,
During Laughlin’s last days, her cat, donuts, cookies, pan de sal (Spanish salt original Patisserie experience. Gomez so enjoyed his visits to the orig-
Plumeria (aka Plumey), snuggled on her bread), bread pudding and cakes. “Once we
chest. At 6:30 a.m. on July 12, Plumey had coffee, we opened the door,” Gomez Since pastries are where Tony’s expertise inal Patisserie, he says, “We’re not doing a
jumped off and yowled at Trey Guzman, says with a chuckle.
who went to her mother’s room. Moments lie, that’s the initial focus of Frères Patis- clean slate, we’re reconstructing that slate. I
later, Meg Laughlin took her last breath. “Tony worked in the bakery business in
serie. want to give people back their space.”
Laughlin requested cremation and no
funeral. Her daughter plans a gathering for But Gomez plans to add breakfast, Frères Patisserie Vero Beach is located at
family and friends in the fall. 
sandwiches, salads and soup, and he has 1910 Old Dixie Hwy. Open Mon. through

already begun to make connections with Sat. from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Visit them on

local farmers and produce vendors to add Facebook or call 772-332-7599. 

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8 July 21, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

TWO LOCAL FIREFIGHTERS HELP Landlord gets rid of tenant
BATTLE BLAZES IN WESTERN U.S. who complained about rats

By Nick Samuel | Staff Writer Raymond Kirkland, left, and Trevor Taylor. By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer tone said, “No evidence of rat or roach
[email protected] issues or any other pests has been pre-
Two local firefighters are using their PHOTOS COURTESY OF FLORIDA FOREST SERVICE sented. ... We have observed on several
skills to help battle massive blazes in west- Despite a decision in her favor in occasions dog food and dirty dishes/
ern states, a Florida Forest Service official that ignited about noon on June 17. It’s 85 County Judge David Morgan’s court- water left in the sink which pest control
said. percent contained, according to the Inci- room last Friday, Catherine Kelly will will inform you is extremely attractive
Web site, a national database for wildfires. still be forced out of her rented home to pests.”
Raymond Kirkland, of Sebastian, was Warm and dry conditions combined with by the end of August after complaining
flown to Utah and Trevor Taylor, of Vero sagebrush and grass are fueling the fire. about rat infestation at the property. Belying Titone’s claim are the Vero
Beach, was flown to Arizona, Forest Ser- Beach Code Enforcement and Health
vice spokeswoman Melissa Yunas said. Crews are conducting fire operations as When Kelly’s landlord, Mark Titone, Department of Indian River County
Their ages were not immediately available. needed and will mop up in high-resource didn’t remedy the rat problem at her documents, which point to poor struc-
areas, the site shows. Some areas near the home after repeated complaints, she tural repair as the reason for the rat in-
Kirkland is part of a 20-firefighting hand fire perimeter are still under an evacua- took stronger action, filing complaints festation.
crew that is battling a 71,673-acre fire near tion order. with the Department of Health of In-
Brian Head and Panguitch Lake in Utah, dian River County and the City of Vero According to those documents, it
Yunas said. Taylor is working as a heavy The blaze in Arizona ignited about mid- Beach Department of Code Enforce- appears the house on 10th Avenue has
equipment boss for an additional crew night June 25 and was caused by lightning. ment. had a rat problem for years. In 2014 the
that is battling a 33,826-acre fire northwest That fire is 75 percent contained, accord- house was tenanted by Tina Kumar,
of San Carlos in Arizona. ing to InciWeb. Timber, short grass and Shortly afterward, Titone tried to who also filed a complaint with the
brush are fueling the fire, but it’s not ex- evict her, claiming she had not paid
The two traveled to the blazes this past pected to grow because of heavy rain in her June rent and stating that he Catherine Kelly. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
weekend and will be stationed at both lo- the forecast for the next few days.  planned to sell the dilapidated
cations for about 16 to 18 days, Yunas said. house at 1833 10th Avenue where Vero Beach Code Enforcement. At that
Kelly lives with her teenage son time, Code Enforcement Officer Tom
“Due to the extreme terrain out west, and daughter. Ramsey cited Titone for windows being
wildfires can be very intense,” said Jim inoperable and for windows and doors
Karels, state forester, in a news release. Kelly fought the eviction at- not being rodent proof.
“Nevertheless, our Florida Forest Service tempt and at the Friday hearing
wildland firefighters are prepared for ex- her Florida Rural Legal Services When Kelly complained in April af-
actly this. Their first-class training and ex- Attorney, Valencia Stubbs, sub- ter being bitten by a rat, Ramsey cited
perience battling wildfires in Florida will mitted Kelly’s rent receipts, prov- Titone for nearly identical infractions,
help them fight these fires aggressively ing she is current with her rent. noting “inoperable windows,” “exterior
and safely.” Stubbs also argued Kelly’s lease doors are not weather/water/or pest
required that Titone give 30-days and rodent tight.”
The blaze in Utah is a human-caused fire notice before ordering her out, instead
of the 15-day notice he gave. Ramsey re-inspected the house
When It Comes To Healthcare, about a month later and found “all
We Bring It Home. Judge Morgan dismissed Titone’s corrections have been made to code,”
eviction case and ruled Kelly owes no according to his report, which had no
When you have healthcare needs at home, Nurse rent, but Titone employed a tactic he other details on the violations or cor-
On Call is an excellent option. Since 1989, we has used frequently when renters law- rective actions.
offer individualized care ranging from physical and yer up and fight his eviction attempts:
occupational therapy to skilled nursing and more. It’s negotiating a last-minute, out-of-court Ramsey said Titone usually comes
the care you need when you need it the most. agreement with Stubbs and Kelly to into compliance quickly. The latest ci-
evade fines or sanctions. tation “could very well be for different
Come home to • Skilled & Psych windows and doors,” Ramsey said. “It’s
Nurse On Call. Nursing In hallway negotiations, Stubbs gave a very old house.”
up requests for legal fees and damages
(772) 770-1167 • Physical, Speech & in exchange for an agreement that Kelly But rats were and still are getting into
Occupational Therapy can stay in her home until Aug. 31 and the house. When the Health Depart-
3755 7th Terrace, Ste. 202 will get her rental deposit back. ment sent an inspector to the house,
Vero Beach, FL 32960 • Home Health Aides not only were “rodent droppings”
Titone owns 44 rental units in In- found, wrote inspector G.R. Schuessler,
• Medical Social Workers dian River County. In February, Vero but there was “a dead rat in a trap in
Beach 32963 reported he has brought kitchen!!”
NURSEONCALLFL.COM HHA. 299993207 nearly 70 eviction actions against ten-
ants since 2010. Court documents re- Schuessler found that Kelly’s “house-
veal a common thread. Many of the keeping is satisfactory,” and saw “no evi-
defendants claimed Titone promised dence of trash, debris or garbage,” which
to make a rented property livable, but cleared Kelly as being responsible for the
never did. When they complained, he confirmed presence of rats. 
filed an eviction notice.

With few homes on the market in
her price range, Kelly too rented Ti-
tone’s house at 1833 10th Ave. based on
promises. Since July last year, problems
he was supposed to fix have never been
completed or recurred after being fixed
improperly – with rat infestation the
biggest problem.

Asked about Kelly’s complaints, Ti-

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS July 21, 2017 9

TEACHER TURNOVER School Superintendent Mark Rendell. reasons that are not clear in the school leaving,” Heimler said. “The number one
district paperwork. reason is the lack of respect they are re-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ther they or the district chose not to re- ceiving from the administration, the dis-
new their contract, according to school School Board members asked to com- trict, and the School Board. This is most-
Rendell for the 2015-2016 school year. spokesperson McMillan. The district ment on the high teacher-turnover rate ly being caused by the non-enforcement
The Florida Department of Education dismissed five teachers and two teach- did not respond by press time. of the discipline policy.
ers transferred. The remainder left for
does not require school districts to track But Randy Heimler, who is running for “The teachers cannot teach when they
teacher turnover, and it’s not clear how Indian River County School Board Chair- have children that should either be re-
sharp a fix Indian River County School man Charles Searcy’s seat in the Novem- ceiving services or they are just not be-
District has on the numbers. The ad- ber 2018 elections, said he has already ing properly disciplined by the school
ministration initially refused to provide spoken to nearly 10,000 voters in the administration,” Heimler said.
teacher turnover statistics to Vero Beach several months he has been campaign-
32963, saying it did not have the figures. ing, and teacher turnover is their biggest “The teachers have nowhere to go to
concern. fix this problem and instead they are
This newspaper then paid the district becoming more and more frustrated,
$200 to compile a report, asking for a “The number one issue is the high and then they eventually just leave our
breakdown by school. number of teachers leaving our school school district.” 
district and the reasons why they are
There are 23 traditional public schools
in the district. The charter schools were
not included in the district’s report.

The school with the highest turnover
this past year was the Alternative Learn-
ing Center for discipline-problem stu-
dents. Five out of 11.6 teachers left – one
was part time – for a 43 percent turnover
rate. Indian River Academy had 12 out of
36 teachers leave for a 33 percent turn-
over rate.

Gifford Middle School had 16 out of 53
teachers leave for a 30 percent turnover

In February, Vero Beach 32963 report-
ed on two teachers at Gifford Middle
who said they left teaching because of
discipline problems at the school.

Both Bonnie Julin and Bill Wood said
disruptions in their classrooms made it
impossible to teach, and said they left
their jobs to save their health.

“My doctor told me I’ve got to stop,
I’m going to stroke-out in the class-
room,” said Julin, whose last day was in

“I didn’t sleep last night, all the anxiety
came back,” said Wood, who developed a
heart condition that has eased since he
took an early retirement.

Although previous school spokesper-
son Flynn Fidgeon reported three more
teachers left Gifford this year – which
would push the total of lost teachers
to 19 at the school – new spokesperson
Cristen McMillan said the three left be-
fore July 1, 2016, the start date for count-
ing teacher-losses for 2016-2017.

Four county schools had turnover
rates over 20 percent. Storm Grove Mid-
dle School saw 12 out of 45 teachers
leave for nearly a 27 percent turnover.
Vero Beach Elementary had 13 out of 49
teachers leave, also nearly a 27 percent
rate of turnover. Dodgertown Elementa-
ry and Citrus elementary both lost about
a quarter of their teachers – 9 out of 35 at
Dodgertown and 14 out of 56 at Citrus.

The lowest teacher turnover rate
was at Osceola Magnet, an elementary
school, where just 2 out of 35 teachers
departed. Beachland Elementary had
similar low turnover, with only 2 out of
32 teachers leaving.

Of the teachers who left, 31 retired,
more than 120 resigned and 30 were
coded as “non-renew,” which means ei-

10 July 21, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS


By Mary Schenkel | Staff Writer from around the country to expose them to
[email protected] training from 25 ex-MLB players and coach-
es. Hunter Greene, then a 15-year-old Cali-
James Lakendrick (Ken) Willis is endeav- fornia high school student, participated in
oring to build his field of dreams within the the first EDI and this June was selected by
hearts of minority youngsters. A physical ed- the Cincinnati Reds as the No. 2 overall pick
ucation teacher and head baseball coach at in the MLB Free Agent Draft.
Sebastian River High School, Willis loves the
game of baseball and would like to see more While it’s a little early to see stars in his
minorities develop that same passion. group, Willis says “you can see the growth
of the kids and see their love of baseball and
“Back in the day, in Jackie Robinson’s time their development of the character and life
and Roy Campanella, more blacks played.
They came from the Negro League and it April and James Willis with their children
was appealing to the black community. Af- Kaden and Lathan. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
ter the Negro League faded out, there were
not a lot of minority figures that they looked skills through what we’re doing. That’s a win-
up to,” says Willis. “I tell people all the time, win for me. I love winning championships in
baseball is a great game. It taught me a lot of each kid.”
life lessons, about how to accept failure and
how it builds character. And it has taken me They start young – as in really young, with
places I probably never would have gone.” Baby Ballers for 2-and 3-year-olds and T-Ball
ages 4 to 7. Leagues begin at age 9 and there
Born and raised in Gifford, Willis played are traveling teams of varying ages. They’re
baseball and football at Vero Beach High also starting a girls softball program. Rough-
School before attending Florida A&M Uni- ly 65 participated in Baby Ball/T-Ball this
versity. He spent half of his senior year at past spring, and 84 participated in leagues.
Savannah State University before returning
to graduate from Florida A&M. “We’re the first on the Treasure Coast to
offer baseball for 2- and 3-year-olds. It’s
Although both are Historically Black Col- just something to get them interested,” says
lege or University schools, there were few April Willis.
minority baseball players. When he asked
why, his coach bluntly said that he needed “Their parents tell us, ‘Man, on Saturdays,
the best players available to win and that they wake up saying, baseball, baseball,
incoming minority students were not pre- baseball!’” Willis adds with a smile. “That is
pared to compete. a joy seeing those little kids running around
out there.”
“The landscape of baseball has changed
over the years,” Willis explains. “Most teams With Historic Dodgertown their home
are probably 80/20 or 90/10 white to minori- facility, players are learning on hallowed
ty at HBCUs because all the coaches feel like ground. But though MLB clubs support
‘I have to win to keep my job.’” ‘dependent’ RBI leagues in their local cit-
ies with everything from free uniforms to
Unlike basketball and football, which are umpires, RBIs without a MLB club are con-
less expensive, can pretty much be played sidered ‘independent’ and must find their
anywhere and don’t require as many players, own funding through grants, sponsorships,
he says minorities are not learning baseball fundraisers and donations.
early enough to obtain the required skillset
to play at the college level – and that is exact- One of the RBI requirements is an en-
ly what Willis aims to change. richment component that follows the Jackie
Robinson curriculum of “Breaking barriers
In 2014 he and wife April, academic co-
ordinator at Indian River State College, CONTINUED ON PAGE 12
founded Willis Sports Association, offering
free clinics to children and coaches. April
handles the administrative and fundraising

In 2015 WSA became was accepted as a
Major League Baseball’s Reviving Baseball
in Inner Cities program; at the time, the only
RBI program from Miami to Jacksonville.

Their very first week as an RBI program
he received a call asking for one of his play-
ers to be in an MLB commercial being taped
in Melbourne featuring Washington Nation-
als player Bryce Harper. “So on opening day
it aired and you could see our kid on TV. That
was a great opportunity that just being a lo-
cal league I couldn’t give to the kids.”

Additionally, for the past four summers
MLB has hosted an Elite Development In-
vitational camp at Historic Dodgertown,
flying in 200 minority youth ages 12 to 18

12 July 21, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

natural light to your PLANT NOW IN HOME STRETCH
EXISTING entryway
By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer into ethanol, Alliance will move its corporate
in about an hour! [email protected] headquarters from West Palm Beach and its
laboratory equipment and staff from Long-
• Glass patterns • Patio & Sliding Alliance BioEnergy’s offer to buy the wood, Florida, relocating both to the former
for every style Glass Doors shuttered INEOS ethanol plant has been INEOS site.
and budget approved by the U.S. Department of Agri-
• Framed / culture, and the deal is expected to close in a Chief engineer Jim Brown, de Liege said,
• Customize to Frameless couple of months. will be the point person dealing with the
your style Shower Units county on any needed permits and on gen-
Alliance CEO Daniel de Liege told the eral operations.
• Impact Glass • Etching County Commission last week that final-
ly, after months of delays and much longer Alliance plans to produce ethanol using
• Wood Interior/ • Schlage & negotiations than he ever expected with technology developed and tested by Univer-
Exterior Doors Fusion Hardware the bank and the broker of the property, sity of Central Florida scientists. The tech-
he’s ready to start implementing his eco-fu- nology is owned by the state, but Alliance
• Fiberglass • Mirror Wraps el production plans and, not far down the has purchased the exclusive right to develop
Doors road, rehiring former INEOS technical per- and commercialize the patented process.
sonnel to help operate the plant.
“We want to do a scientific incubator,
“They have been reaching out to us,” de what we would like to do is have a satellite,
Liege said. “Certainly where appropriate if you will, of the university right here on our
we’ll bring those people on because we cer- property that deals with renewable technol-
tainly need people who know the facility and ogy,” de Liege said. “We would foster those
have worked there to get it turned on easily ideas and then have the ability to commer-
and quickly.” cialize them if there are viable.”

De Liege said Alliance has all the funding Because of the university involvement
in place, a combination of cash and loans, and state ownership of the patent, de Liege
to close the deal. At the same time, look- said he can be completely open about the
ing ahead at expansion and development technology because he’s legally protected
needs, Alliance continues to raise money from anyone pilfering it.
from the public through stock offerings, de
Liege said, “so I can get as close to zero debt Commission Chair Joe Flescher said he
as I can on this first round.” very much appreciates the transparency, be-
cause the county was left mostly in the dark
“We still have a ways to go on the closing,” about what was or was not happening at the
de Liege said, adding that it’s a minimum 60- INEOS plant before it was shuttered and its
day time period of due diligence, some final secret technology was sold off to a Chinese
environmental testing and drafting a formal company.
agreement. “Then we get to start painting
and tearing down, not necessarily in that “I hope it continues,” Flescher said about
order.” the open lines of communication.

Before staffing up to convert the plant to De Liege said he plans to host an open
a patented, mechanical process of turning house at the plant soon after Alliance takes
yard waste into cheap sugar and ultimately over ownership and has a chance to clean
the facility up a bit. 

463-6500 REVIVING BASEBALL ertown, as the district’s afterschool bus has
Regency Square very limited availability. Money is also need-
2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 ed to purchase uniforms and equipment.

Licensed & Insured in life and sports.” Their 4.Me after-school “We’re fairly new; no one really knows
male empowerment and enrichment pro- about us,” says April Willis. “So we’re trying
gram at Gifford Middle School will be ex- to make people aware and get some support
panded to girls next year. from the community. We’re in that three-to
five-year span, the challenging period of
This fall they will add an elementary-level starting anything; getting people to know
afterschool program at Sebastian River and who we are, why we are.”
Dodgertown Elementary and at Fellsmere
Boys and Girls Club called Fun at Bat. It’s de- “It’s going to take programs like this, start-
signed by MLB, Shape America, USA Base- ing from the ground and building the love
ball and Franklin Sports to teach baseball of the game, the enjoyment and the funda-
basics to children who have never played mentals to help kids compete at the high
the game. school and the collegiate level,” says Willis.

“The last half of that 8-week program “It’s putting the life back into it, the fun,”
deals with literacy,” says April Willis. “Each adds April Willis. “And we’re trying to do it
player gets a book and each week they will at a much younger age, rather than intro-
have a championship principal that they go ducing it to them in middle school or high
over, such as responsibility, teamwork, lead- school. We make sure when they come, it’s a
ership, character and being respectful.” place where they can be a kid and have fun.
A 2-year-old might want to hit the ball off the
Their greatest need is funding for a van T, but five minutes later they might just want
to transport students from school to Dodg- to chase the ball.” 

Construction starts on new
IRMC endoscopy center P.16


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A14 July 21, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Don’t be a gluten for punishment: Supplement may help

By Maria Canfield | Correspondent Dr. Alejandro Perez. was low. He says, “The study opens the stroys the villi, the microscopic projec-
conversation as to what may be possible tions lining the small intestine that allow
A new study from Sweden suggests that PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD in the near future for patients suffering for the absorption of nutrients into the
an enzyme found in an over-the-counter from gluten-associated symptoms. Crit- body. The classic symptom is diarrhea;
supplement can stop gluten from reach- gested as part of a liquid meal, but this is ical in understanding these study find- other symptoms include bloating, gas, fa-
ing the small intestine, acting as a safe- the first study to confirm the results us- ings is that even a small amount of glu- tigue and low blood count (anemia).
guard against gastrointestinal distress ing solid foods. ten – equal to the amount of a half-slice
for gluten-sensitive people. of bread – can be enough to cause symp- Additionally, osteoporosis – weakened
Alejandro Perez, D.O., who is toms in gluten-sensitive people.” bones – can be a complication of untreat-
The findings were presented at Diges- board-certified in gastroenterology and ed celiac disease. Vero’s Dr. Perez says
tive Disease Week 2017, an international practices as part of the Gluten is a protein occurring natu- “the damage to the small intestine pre-
conference for gastroenterologists and rally in wheat, rye and barley, and may vents the proper absorption of nutrients
other specialists in related fields. Sebastian River Medical Group, be- often be found in processed foods. Glu- such as calcium and vitamin D, which
lieves the findings of this study are in- ten-sensitive people usually learn to eat a can eventually lead to bone loss and os-
Lead researcher Julia König, Ph.D. is triguing but should not be considered gluten-free diet, but occasions may arise teoporosis.”
from the School of Medical Sciences at conclusive, as the number of participants when they are not sure if what they’re
the University of Örebro. She and her eating contains gluten. The University of The government has made it a little
colleagues tested the enzyme, called Örebro’s Dr. König says, “AN-PEP allows easier to buy gluten-free food at the su-
AN-PEP, on patients who reported them- gluten-sensitive patients to feel safer, for permarket; as of August 2014, any food
selves to be gluten-sensitive. The par- example, when they are out with friends labeled “gluten-free” must comply with
ticipants consumed porridge and wheat at a restaurant and cannot be sure wheth- the FDA definition (less than 20 parts-
cookies – both of which contained gluten er something is 100 percent gluten-free.” per-million of gluten). Additionally, there
– and were then given either AN-PEP or are many foods that are naturally gluten
a placebo. The team then monitored the Some estimates indicate that up to free, including fresh fruits and vegeta-
levels of gluten in the stomach and small 18 million people in the United States – bles, eggs and dairy, unprocessed meats
intestine over a three-hour period. about 6 percent of the population – have and poultry, fish and seafood, beans,
some degree of gluten-sensitivity, but ce- nuts, rice, corn and potatoes.
The results showed that those partici- liac disease only affects about 1 percent
pants given AN-PEP had 85 percent less of the population. For those with celiac Dr. Perez says there is greater aware-
gluten in their stomachs than the place- disease, eating gluten causes an immune ness of gluten sensitivity now than there
bo group; this was regardless of whether system reaction which damages or de- was a decade ago, which had led to an in-
they had received a high or low dose of crease in the number of diagnosed cases.
the enzyme. Earlier research had shown He cautions, “patients should not jump to
that AN-PEP broke down gluten when in- a quick diagnosis without an appropriate
work-up. Symptoms of gluten-sensitivity
commonly overlap with other conditions,
such as irritable bowel syndrome. And
often, a wide array of gastrointestinal
symptoms will improve on a gluten-free
diet due to its overall healthier dietary

AN-PEP is available in a supplement
called Tolerase G. It is intended for people
who are gluten-sensitive but not for those
with celiac disease.

“Patients who suspect they may have
gluten sensitivity or celiac disease should
seek the care of a specialist for an appro-
priate evaluation,” says Dr. Perez.

Dr. Perez’s practice is located at 920 37th
Place, Suite 105 in Vero Beach; the phone
number is 772-567-4825. 

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A16 July 21, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Construction starts on new IRMC endoscopy center

By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer in-patient hospital procedures each number of patients seen each year has
[email protected] year. nearly doubled.

Having gastrointestinal issues? You Combine those numbers with the “Five years ago when our group, Vero
are far from alone. American Cancer Society’s April 2017 Gastroenterology, joined with the hos-
prediction that colon cancer will claim pital to improve GI care within the com-
The National Institute of Diabetes some 50,000 lives this year, and the munity, we developed an outpatient
and Digestive and Kidney Diseases re- overall gastrointestinal picture might endoscopy center. It was in an intensive
ports that well over 70 million Ameri- seem somewhat bleak. care unit or ICU that was being vacat-
cans are affected by various digestive ed when the new surgical ICU opened.
health problems annually. In the eyes of Indian River Medical We had an area that we renovated on a
Center gastroenterologist Dr. Gregory fairly small budget but made it extreme-
That’s roughly one in every five peo- MacKay, however, the local outlook is ly functional and good for patient care.
ple in the country. much brighter now that construction It worked very well for five years and
has begun on the new Scully Endoscopy delivered excellent care to the commu-
Those digestive – or gastrointestinal nity. [But now] our number of patients
– problems lead to well over 6 million has been expanding and the procedures
we’re doing have expanded.”
Dr. Gregory MacKay.
Vero’s demographics account for a
PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD substantial part of the new patient load.

Center at the Vero Beach hospital. “GI conditions,” MacKay says, “are
“We’re thrilled,” says a smiling MacK- worse as we get older. That’s why this
community has a tremendous amount
ay. “I think it’s going to be excellent for of GI problems.”
patient care. We’re going to be able to
take care of more patients with this cen- Today, the center boasts five full time
ter. And, it’s going to be, I think, easier gastroenterology physicians including
for patients to access our center.” Dr. Ashley Canipe, Dr. Charles Eberhart,
Dr. Bruce Grossman, Dr. Joseph Zerega
Pausing only briefly, MacKay adds, and MacKay in what can now accurate-
“We’ll have areas for family to wait and ly be described as cramped quarters or
we are getting new scopes and equip- – as MacKay diplomatically phrases it –
ment to fully outfit” the new facility. “an extremely busy” workplace.

Endoscopy, in its simplest terms, is Here Richard Van Lith, an IRMC vice
the use of Lilliputian-sized cameras at- president, enters the conversation say-
tached to flexible tubing which allows ing that the new facility will be “about
physicians to view, in real time, areas or 10,000 square feet.”
organs inside the body which may be in-
fected, damaged or cancerous. That’s roughly twice the size of the
current center.
The U.S. National Library of Medicine
calls endoscopy “the keystone of mod- Approximately 4,500 square feet,
ern gastroenterology.” according to Van Lith, will be on the
ground floor with a covered, drive-up
At IRMC, endoscopy has grown expo- entrance, a reception area and an eleva-
nentially both in terms of patients seen tor that goes up to an additional 5,500
and procedures performed over the past square feet on the second floor where
five years, becoming an invaluable di- the new endoscopy suites will be locat-
agnostic and treatment tool. ed.

Aside from its well-documented suc- Just the covered drive-up entrance,
cess in finding and removing colon can- says Van Lith, will be a welcome change
cers, endoscopy allows doctors to look for both current and future patients.
for gastric, rectal, pancreatic, esopha- Currently those patients have to park
geal, liver and other cancers while also over by the hospital’s Patient Pavilion
tackling a staggering array of gastroen- and ER entrance and – as Van Lith puts
terological issues including acid reflux, it – “traipse all the way through the hos-
GERD, heartburn, dyspepsia, irritable pital to get here.”
bowel syndrome, hemorrhoids, anal
fistulas, peptic ulcers, abdominal pain That’s asking a great deal from pa-
syndrome, biliary tract disorders, gall- tients with wheelchairs, walkers, hip or
bladder issues and pancreatitis. knee problems or a bad stomach ache.

That’s a massive workload and an Van Lith says the endoscopy center
even longer checklist to go through was designed with future growth in
before any accurate diagnosis can be mind
“If the demand does grow, we’ve been
MacKay knows that better than most. smart enough to do this expansion in a
In 2012, he was one of the current cen- spot where we can expand within the
ter’s founding fathers and since then the existing [building] footprint and not
[have to] build more building.”

The new $6.1-million facility is sched-
uled to open in early 2018. For more infor-
mation, call the IRMC endoscopy center
at 772-299-3511. 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH July 21, 2017 A17

Excess of opioids prescribed for Medicare patients

By Lenny Bernstein | The Washigton Post spector General Daniel R. Levinson’s office an opioid last year. tioners or physician assistants.
reported. The CDC recommends avoiding Those drugs were authorized by more Every state but Missouri has established
Nearly 70,000 people on Medicare’s consumption of more than 90 milligrams
drug plan received “extreme” amounts per day and says use of the drugs for more than 115,000 prescribers who ordered opi- databases that prescribers are required
of narcotic painkillers in 2016 and more than three months substantially raises the oids for at least one person at serious risk or encouraged to check for signs of doctor
than 22,000 others appeared to be “doctor risk of dependence. The most common of misuse or overdose because of their shopping or abuse before authorizing the
shopping” for drugs, patterns that put both drugs were Tramadol and pills containing consumption patterns or doctor shopping, drugs. Some authorities believe that these
groups “at serious risk of opioid misuse or hydrocodone or oxycodone. the inspector general concluded. The vast “prescription drug monitoring programs”
overdose,” a government watchdog report- majority did so for just one or two patients, are helping to curb doctor shopping for
ed last week. In the extreme group, 678 people re- but 198 of them each prescribed drugs for painkillers.
ceived more than 1,000 milligrams a day at least 44 beneficiaries receiving extreme
In all, about half a million people on the for the entire year – a level that might amounts of the addictive painkillers. Also last week, the National Academies
drug plan took amounts of the powerful indicate they were selling or otherwise of Science, Engineering and Medicine pre-
drugs considered too large under stan- diverting their drugs to others. One per- One Florida physician ordered the dicted that it would take years to undo the
dards set by the Centers for Disease Con- son in New Hampshire was prescribed 13 equivalent of 1,239 milligrams daily of oxy- harms of the prescription and illegal opioid
trol and Prevention, according to the In- months’ worth of 80-milligram OxyCon- codone and fentanyl for a single patient. crises. In a new report on pain manage-
spector General’s office of the U.S. Health tin, 13 months of 60-milligram OxyContin, The doctor’s overall prescribing habits cost ment and the opioid epidemic, a panel of
and Human Services Department. That 13 months of 40-milligram OxyContin, 14 Medicare Part D $1.6 million. A third of the experts urged the Food and Drug Admin-
number excludes people who had cancer months of 30-milligram oxycodone and 13 401 prescribers who showed “questionable istration to begin considering the public
or were in hospice, who may require large months of fentanyl patches. prescribing patterns” were nurse practi- health implications of new opioid medica-
doses of painkillers. tions and conduct a full review of the safety
The 22,308 doctor shoppers received and effectiveness of all opioids currently
The report highlights another aspect more than 120 milligrams of controlled on the market.
of the prescription opioid epidemic that substances daily for at least three months,
killed more than 15,000 people via over- and used at least four prescribers and four The organization, which provides in-
doses in 2015: potential abuse by older and pharmacies in 2016. dependent guidance on a wide variety of
disabled people who qualify for Medicare policy issues, also called for the expansion
Part D, the program’s optional prescription “Although beneficiaries may receive opi- of treatment for substance abusers and im-
drug benefit. In 2016, 43.6 million people oids from multiple prescribers or pharma- proved insurance coverage for comprehen-
were covered. Medicare primarily serves cies for legitimate reasons,” the report not- sive pain management using both drugs
people who are older than 65. ed, “these patterns raise concern.” and non-pharmacological techniques. The
panel also recommended explicit authori-
The opioid crisis has been most close- The report found sharp differences zation of needle exchange programs, along
ly linked to people between the ages of 25 among states in opioid consumption. In with sale or distribution of syringes. 
and 44, particularly economically stressed Alabama, 46 percent of Part D beneficia-
whites and people in rural and small-town ries had received at least one opioid, and
America. But the new report shows that in Mississippi, the figure was 45 percent. At
older people are far from immune. the low end of the scale was Hawaii (21 per-
cent) and New York (22 percent). Overall, 1
As pressure to rein in use of addictive in 3 Medicare drug beneficiaries received
painkillers has grown along with the epi-
demic, some older people and patients in
chronic pain have pushed back, worrying
that they will not be able to obtain the med-
ications they say allow them to function.

In a Washington Post poll published in
December, a majority of long-term opioid
users said the drugs have dramatically im-
proved their lives by relieving intractable
pain, and two-thirds said the relief is well
worth the risk of addiction.

The nearly 70,000 extreme users re-
ceived the equivalent of 240 milligrams of
morphine every day for the entire year, In-

A18 July 21, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS

No Bull! Bonz says this Mastiff is one cool Dude

Hi Dog Buddies! “Sure, Dawg! It can get a little con- The Dude. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD got That Faraway Look.
fusing, so stop me anytime.” “I hear ya, Dawg,” I said.
Woof! Wait’ll you hear who I interviewed “Word,” I said.
this week. I mean, this poocheroo takes Cool “Roger that.” “You’ll get a kick outta this Bonz. You’d think “So, what’s your favorite
Kibbles to a whole new level. He’s a 110-pound “So, when my human sister Katie cuz I’m a big, impressive poocheroo I’m a fear- snack?”
Bull Mastiff who everybody calls “The Dude.” I was startin’ med school, she decided less watchdog. For example, this is my bark.”
KNOW! Right? We met in his office over by the she wanted a dog, so she did some And he bellowed out this Big Deep Bark that “Deer antlers! They last
HOS-pittle, where he works a coupla days a research an found out us Bull Mas- startled the kibbles out of me. I picked up my forEVER. And Bunn makes
week as a consultant and patient support as- tiffs are good at stayin’ home, and pencil from the floor. “Dog! That was intense!” me these pup-a-licious Meat
sociate. aren’t super high-maintenance like “I KNOW. So that alone can keep bad guys Pops. She mixes canned food
some of those fluff-muffin-y diva away. But, truth be told,” he leaned closer, with water and freezes it in
Soon as me an my assistant entered the of- dogs (no offense). So she got King. “when there’s a car backfire, or thunder or fire- little cups. You gotta try one,
fice, we spotted a sign on the inside door that He was a real champion, a big deal works, I hide under the bed.” Bonz! She even made a special
said, “The Dude Abides.” The receptionist said pooch fer sure. He just stole hearts “No woof!” gourmet cake for my birthday.
The Dude’d be with us in a minute, an pretty right and left, including Bunn’s. He “Lassie’s Honor. PopPop’s thinkin’ about Just turned 3 July 7. It had pea-
soon he came strollin’ out, big, good lookin’ had about 50 kids all together. So, getting’ me a Thundershirt.” The Dude’d been nut butter, sweet potatoes an
pooch, fer sure, lotsa character, black around Bunn totally wanted one of King’s chewing on a toy panda, and now he arose, yogurt, I think. It was fabulous!
his sorta mushy face and gold everywhere else. puppies. But all his kids had dropped the slightly soggy bear, and ambled My Gramma Helene up in Philly
families already, ’cept for the over and laid his big head on his PopPop’s knee. thinks that’s a little nuts, and she
“Bonz! Dawg! Great to meet you! I’m Dude very last litter before he retired. “Any special pooch pals?” I queried. shares The Dude stories with her
Heskel: They call me The Dude. This is my Pop The breeder out in Cali told “I’m buds with all the neighborhood dogs, friends, but then, she hasn’t met
Pop, Neil. My Mom – I call her Bunn – travels a Bunn only one puppy from that but my cross-the-street neighbor, Quinnie me yet.” He winked. “I have an-
lot for work, so me an PopPop are bachin’ it.” litter was still available – ME. Campbell, she’s special: prettiest little Yellow other sister, too, Anne, she’s a vet in
SHE says she told PopPop, but Lab you’d ever wanna meet.” He sighed and New York City, so I can get Special
I noticed The Dude’s dad was wearing this PopPop says he doesn’t exact- Care if I get sick.”
cool tie with Bull Mastiff silhouettes all over it. ly remember that. Anyway, by I couldn’t believe it was time to
Sweeet. the time she got back in touch, it was Too Late: go already. “It was great yappin’ with
Somebody’d put a deposit on me, an poof! I you, Dude. You’re a dog after my own
“It’s a pleasure,” I told him. was gone. heart.”
After the Wag-and-Sniff, The Dude led us “Bunn was bummed, but, just in case, she “Back atcha, Bonz. Hey, let’s get to-
back to his office. On the way, I commented on called First Dibbs on me, if they changed their gether one of these nights.We can have coupla
“The Dude Abides” sign and he showed me the minds. WELL, Bonz, as you probly figured out, Meat Pops an watch ‘The Big Lebowski.’ It’s my
back, which they turn to the front when he’s the first deal fell through.” fav!”
left the building. It says, “The Dude has gone “Woof! That was a close one!” I exclaimed. “Lookin’ forward to it,” I told him.
bowling.” “You bet your biscuits it was! Bunn an Pop- Heading home, I was makin’ a mental list:
I was a little puzzled. “Bowling?” Pop had me flown all the way from Cali, an Tell Mom about Meat Pops. Put antlers on the
He chuckled. (Most dogs don’t know HOW they picked me up in OrLANdo. I was only 4 grocery list. Circle my birthday on the calen-
to chuckle, but it totally suited The Dude.) “See, months old and sorta nervous at first. But not dar.
I was named for that guy in the movie “The Big for long. Now I have the coolest life. I love my Till next time,
Lebowski.” Back in the ’90s humans went bar- family, an I have a ton of pooch an people
kin’ nuts for it. Anyway, a human called Jeff friends. At work, I’m really good at helping The Bonz
Bridges played The Dude, who was Super Cool patients stay nice an calm, an I’m always avail-
(for a human). And he loved bowling. So, since able if they need a Second Opinion. Don’t Be Shy
I’m a cool dude myself …” “I usta play in the ocean, but I drank too
“Woof! That’s Way Pawsome! You’ve sure got much salt water and barfed all afternoon. So We are always looking for pets
it goin’ on!” that’s out. Other than goin’ for walks and the with interesting stories.
“You bet yer Beggin’ Strips.” occasional car ride, I’m cool just hangin’ out at
“So tell me about yourself,” I urged. my place, right along river, with the fam. You To set up an interview, email
know, that peaceful, easy feelin.’” [email protected].

Custom-built ‘island home’
offers luxury on the mainland

470 Greystone Court SW: 3-bedroom, 2.5-bath, 2,500-square-foot pool home offered for $379,900 by
Berkshire Hathaway Home Services agent Chip Landers: 772-473-7888



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20 July 21, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE

Custom-built ‘island home’ offers luxury on the mainland

By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer homes on the mainland and people loved it,” er, which is tankless. “There is no waste, the new carpeting. Interior columns and nich-
[email protected] said listing agent Chip Landers, who is with water is heated on demand,” Landers said. es have picture molding, interior doors are
Berkshire Hathaway Home Services. “They 8 feet and of fine wood. The sliders and
The early 2000s were a heyday of luxury put a lot of features in these custom homes “Natural gas is a big deal. There are only French doors are also 8 feet. The walls are
building in Vero Beach, making a teenaged and sold them at a reasonable price. You a few developments that have it here, but the richer “knock-down finish,” not the
house better than a new one in some cas- don’t have to do any upgrades, because they Northerners expect it,” Landers said. “The plain “orange-peel spray-on finish,” Land-
es, such as 470 Greystone Court SW, built are already there. It was one of the first de- whole Greystone subdivision doesn’t have ers said. Archways, chair rails, plantation
in 2002 and recently put on the market. velopments on 5th Street Southwest, a very it, but this house does.” shutters and other superior finishes are
desirable area with a lot of custom homes.” throughout the house.
Greystone is a small subdivision with 16 The development is in unincorporated
high-quality homes on lots twice the size county land and electric service is through

of most newer developments. The devel- The big front and back yard are typical Florida Power & Light, which keeps the “This is how they did things in 2002,”
oper and builder were one-in-the-same: of the homes in the subdivision. The lot is utility bill low. Landers said.
Brackett Parker & Associates. The father, a capacious 100 feet by 138 feet, and one
Bob Brackett, and his two sons, Danny side has lake-front footage, therefore there The interior also has generous dimen- The common rooms include open-
and Robby Brackett, are known for their is only one adjacent neighbor. sions. “All the ceilings are 9 feet 4 inches with floor-plan kitchen, breakfast nook, gath-
craftsmanship and attention to fine detail. crown molding. It would have been much ering room, dining room, living room and
The Brackett family has since moved on to The owner took advantage of a natu- cheaper to build an 8-foot ceiling and then den or office.
commercial building, making their Grey- ral gas pipeline that went in to service the put in a vaulted ceiling,” Landers said.
stone residential development a rarity. more recent Citrus Springs development, The kitchen has fine cabinetry, including a
hooking his home into the line. The pool is The front door is solid wood with side- see-through hutch above the bar, perfect for
“They wanted to build island-quality heated by natural gas, as is the water heat- lights and a transom window. The floors showing off china, top-shelf brandy or silver
are square-foot tile, real wood and brand- service.The counters and island top are granite.

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E July 21, 2017 21

The screened-in pool is big enough for laps FEATURES FOR 470 GREYSTONE COURT SW an Egyptian motif. Magazine readers will enjoy
and the pool skirt and large roofed porch deck the water closet with a pocket door.
are Chattahoochee natural stone. Neighborhood: Greystone subdivision
Year built: 2002 • Home size: 2,500 square feet The laundry room is darn fancy, granite
“There is a wood ceiling on the porch versus counter tops surrounding an industrial-sized
sheetrock. Sheetrock – with the humidity – gives Bedrooms: 3 • Bathrooms: 2.5 sink with extra storage above.
way eventually,” Landers said. Additional features: Over-sized garage, natural
gas-heated pool, granite counter tops, crown mold- The garage is oversized, accommodating two cars
There are three bedrooms, all with ceiling ing, picture molding, chair rails, wooden floors, new and a golf cart or riding lawnmower. Abundant shelv-
fans, and two-and-a-half baths. The split floor carpeting, surround sound system, two-year-old ing maximizesstorage.Theconcretehasbeentopped
plan has the owners’ suite on one side and the air-conditioning and refrigerator, surround-sound with blue commercial flooring todelightthe hobbyist.
two guest bedrooms on the other. The half-bath
is just for the pool. system, plantation shutters “I can see retirees or a couple or a professional
family who want room and a big yard moving in
The owners’ suite has a large walk-in closet Listing agency: here,” Landers said. Green thumbs will be drawn
with custom shelving and a sitting area off the Berkshire Hathaway Home Services by the mature 15-year-old plantings that form
bedroom. The bathroom has raised counters a base for further landscaping. The remaining
made of cultured marble and a jetted tub. The Listing agent: Chip Landers, 772-473-7888 swards of lawn provide scope for creativity.
separate walk-in shower is made of tumbled Listing price: $379,900
marble. The tub and shower trim is listello tile in Interested buyers may want to attend Landers’
open house, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., Sunday, July 23. 

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22 July 21, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE



Summer activity heated up in the mainland real estate market last week, as 37 single-family resi-
dences and lots changed hands from July 10-14 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week was in Sebastian, where a 4-bedroom, 4-bathroom, 3,773-square-foot
house at 13340 N Indian River Drive – first listed last November for $1,400,000 – sold on July 7 for
In Vero Beach, the week’s best sale was the home at 8680 Shore Lane. Originally listed for
$940,000, the 4-bedroom, 4-bathroom, 2,956-square-foot residence fetched $890,000 on July 13.


SEBASTIAN 13340 N INDIAN RIVER DRIVE 11/17/2016 $1,400,000 7/10/2017 $890,000
VERO BEACH 8680 SHORE LANE 2/27/2017 $940,000 7/13/2017 $715,000
VERO BEACH 6800 3RD PLACE SW 11/3/2016 $749,000 7/14/2017 $497,000
VERO BEACH 455 SAPPHIRE WAY 12/5/2016 $493,890 7/13/2017 $400,000
VERO BEACH 2066 5TH COURT SE 4/2/2017 $449,900 7/11/2017 $390,000
SEBASTIAN 5225 94TH PLACE 4/28/2017 $439,000 7/14/2017 $365,000
VERO BEACH 4085 CHABLIS STREET 6/2/2017 $379,000 7/13/2017 $347,000
VERO BEACH 1835 GREY FALCON CIRCLE SW 5/17/2017 $369,000 7/14/2017 $325,000
VERO BEACH 4500 5TH PLACE SW 12/30/2016 $365,000 7/14/2017 $325,000
SEBASTIAN 6031 RIVER RUN DRIVE UNIT#6031 2/1/2017 $332,000 7/11/2017 $310,000
VERO BEACH 6148 GRAYSEN SQUARE 2/24/2017 $365,000 7/12/2017 $297,000
VERO BEACH 845 5TH PLACE 6/2/2017 $279,000 7/12/2017 $285,000
SEBASTIAN 560 DURANT STREET 6/2/2017 $284,900 7/10/2017 $275,000
VERO BEACH 3136 ASHFORD SQUARE 6/7/2017 $279,000 7/10/2017

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E July 21, 2017 23


8680 Shore Lane, Vero Beach 6800 3rd Place SW, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 2/27/2017 Listing Date: 11/3/2016
Original Price: $940,000 Original Price: $749,000
Sold: 7/13/2017 Sold: 7/14/2017
Selling Price: $890,000 Selling Price: $715,000
Listing Agent: Sally Woods Listing Agent: Beth Livers

Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida

June Antoinette Fitzgerald Dorothy Hudson

Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Alex MacWilliam, Inc.

455 Sapphire Way, Vero Beach 2066 5th Court SE, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 12/5/2016 Listing Date: 4/2/2017
Original Price: $493,890 Original Price: $449,900
Sold: 7/13/2017 Sold: 7/11/2017
Selling Price: $497,000 Selling Price: $400,000
Listing Agent: Shane Reynolds Listing Agent: Marilee Mintzer

Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Keller Williams Realty

Hugo Raasveldt Marilee Mintzer

Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Keller Williams Realty

199$ 3DAYS


Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE July 21, 2017 B1


Coming Up! Guild ‘shows’ its hand with
classic concert benefit

By SAMANTHA BAITA | Staff Writer
[email protected]

1 Billed as “a magical con-
cert of castles, knights and
ladies,” the Space Coast Sym-
phony Orchestra’s first classi-
cal concert of the new season,
”Fantasies,” seems certain to
enchant. This Sunday at Com-
munity Church in Vero Beach,
under the baton of Aaron T. Col-
lins, the orchestra promises to
bewitch its audience, leading
off with Dukas’ famous work
(that might have been a cer-
tain rodent’s most iconic movie
role), “The Sorcerer’s Appren-
tice.” Collins says, “The music is
absolutely gorgeous and really
creates mental pictures,” and
adds, “I’ve given up trying to
get the image of Mickey Mouse
out of my head.” The first half
of the program also includes
“Elsa’s Processional to the Ca-
thedral,” a wonderful work
from Wagner’s “Lohengrin,”


B2 July 21, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

Guild ‘shows’ its hand with classic concert benefit

By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer Cast members of the Summer Show rehearse at the Vero Beach Theater Guild. P HOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD
[email protected]
come available to community theaters. big-name shows, Vero’s Guild
To the favorites familiar from past per- “Some of these shows could be staged
formances, the Vero Beach Theatre Guild tends to pounce. Rights to “Evi-
is adding songs from a wish list of future within the next five or ten years,” Wygo-
shows as its summer benefit. nik says. ta” were finally made available to

The annual fundraiser, which has in- One musical he particularly looks for- the theater last season. “It wasn’t
cluded formats as varied as operettas ward to is “Waitress.” Now in its second
like “The Mikado” to readers’ theater and year on Broadway, it competed against available for a long time,” says
avant-garde one-acts, this year is a clas- “Hamilton” in the 2017 Tonys for Best
sic concert, with some of the volunteer Musical. The Broadway tour is coming to Wygonik. “You’re always at the
guild’s top singers not in costume but in Orlando’s Dr. Phillips Center in March.
formal wear, taking center stage at the mercy of whether a theater with-
microphone. “‘Waitress’ is a wonderful show with
really beautiful music,” says Wygonik. in 50 miles is going to be doing Vallery Valentine.
“A classy concert,” as longtime theater Music and lyrics were written by Sara Ba-
guild director and set designer Mark Wy- reilles, herself a singer/songwriter and ac- the show. We kept applying for it
gonik puts it. tress best known for her hit song “(I’m Not
Going to Write You a) Love Song.” and applying for it.”
Wygonik is co-directing the benefit
with Ben Earman who will also perform. “It’s a very simple show,” says Wygonik, He says last year’s success get-
Other singers include Vallery Valentine, explaining that the show’s low-tech qual-
a well-known Vero R&B and soul singer; ities make it perfect for limited-budget ting “Evita” was a lucky break:
Scott Freshley, who in sang the title role community theaters.
in “Beauty and the Beast,” among many “We really expected Riverside
others; Derrick Paul, who played Che in “Sister Act” is another show he’s hop-
“Evita” and the King in “The King and I”; ing to mount. That show was part of the Theatre to be able to do it.”
Sara Gordon, who was the Witch in “Into all-professional Riverside Theatre’s 2016-
the Woods”; and Kelly Clemenzi, who 17 season, after rights were released to re- In addition to pianist Craig
played Cinderella in “Into the Woods.” gional theaters. “And high schools can get
Dana Rogers is also in the show; she the watered-down kiddie version, which accompanying the singers, there
played Tracy Turnblatt in “Hairspray.” is not what we want to do,” he adds.
Jillian Lopes, who played Juan Peron’s will be one other musician in the ersatz ing expanded storage, added dressing
mistress in “Evita,” will sing a song from When rights do become available to
“Secret Garden” in the concert. Dan Hall pit: Nick Keeler on drums. That he even rooms and bathrooms, and provided a
will sing the ‘90s Australian singer/song-
writer Peter Allen’s songs from “Boy from knew how to play came as a surprise three rehearsal space so that while one show
Oz,” and “Book of Mormon.”
summers ago, when Keeler, after acting in was mounted on the main stage, another
Guild veteran Larry Strauss serves as
narrator. “The Mikado,” mentioned he was also a show could begin rehearsing.

Accompanying those voices is a top drummer. Shows scheduled for the upcoming
Vero pianist, Jacob Craig, who directs the
strong and multi-faceted music program Money raised from tickets sales for season are Neil Simon’s “Laughter on the
of First Presbyterian Church.
the concert will go toward staging plays 23rd Floor,” “Joseph and the Technicol-
The as-yet unsung tunes – at least, not
at the Guild’s home, a recently expanded – for a change. For the past four years, or Dreamcoat,” “Lend me a Tenor,” “The
playhouse on San Juan Avenue – include
songs from “Book of Mormon,” “The Col- the theater has been aggressively fund- Fantasticks” and “To Kill a Mockingbird.”
or Purple,” “Boy from Oz,” and “Spring
Awakening.” All are shows that the Guild raising for a new three-story expansion.
is hoping to stage – as soon as rights be-
Completed last summer, that build- Tickets for the concert are $25. 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE July 21, 2017 B3


By Ellen Fischer | Columnist Robert McCall - Jon Kral 1999.

Robert McCall will tell you right away that Robert McCall. P HOTO BY GORDON RADFORD Pandora Productions, vid Nordahl, became a life-long friend. (Nor-
he does not do weddings, portraits or com- taking photos that were dahl later became pop star Michael Jackson’s
missions. who chose school over soldiering, was of a enlarged to wall-sized personal portrait painter.)
different mind. murals. One of the com-
“I didn’t have to sell out,” he says. “I could pany’s owners, artist Da- A 1972 photo by McCall shows a wild-haired
make money other ways.” “I didn’t like school. Didn’t like it since Nordahl with a skeptical gleam in his eye,
third grade.”
Before he settled on hanging wallpaper for CONTINUED ON PAGE B4
a living, he tried making money with his cam- His college career kept McCall out of the
era. For a couple years he took photos that Army for only a couple years. When he with- Furniture • Home Décor • Art • Glass • Jewelry & MUCH MORE!
were made into wall murals. He co-founded drew from a class that he was failing, his
a fashion photography business. credit load fell below the 12 hours required We Take Consignments & Buy Estates!
for his deferment. Store is over 7,500 Sq. Ft. - Come See Us!
And he worked undercover for a law firm
before realizing that he “wasn’t very good at “I ended up in the service on April 15, 1969. Amazing Selections! Best Prices!
taking photographs of stuff I didn’t like to The April draft in 1969 was the largest draft Inventory Changes Daily.
photograph.” ever.”
$5 OFF $50 or
That, he said, was when he decided to con- It was also the year McCall began to con- $10 OFF $100
centrate solely on “fine art” photography. sider himself a professional photographer.
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Although he has never made a living from When asked during basic training what his
his photography, his work in the medium is dream job in the military would be, McCall (772)226-5719
much more than an avocation. For nearly 50 said, “I want to do photography.” 644 Old Dixie Hwy SW
years McCall has used his art not only as a di- (Between 4th St. & Oslo)
ary, but also as a lens through which he views “You’ll get it,” he was told. Blue Heron Plaza, Vero Beach
different aspects of his life: relationships, McCall began his photo career as a lab OPEN TUES - SAT 10AM to 5PM
ideas and experiences. technician at Fort McArthur in San Pedro,
California. He soon graduated from develop-
He is truly a photographer who takes pic- ing film and “souping” prints, to being given a
tures to discover what the world looks like. camera and told to “go out and take whatever
you want” to learn how to use it.
Born in Minneapolis in 1946, McCall says McCall ended up taking photos of ceremo-
that he began “fooling around” with a Brown- nies, Army basketball games and head shots
ie camera at age 10, but didn’t feel the pho- of the brass. He was never sent overseas; his
tography bug’s bite until he was in his mid- orders for Vietnam were discovered behind
teens. a file cabinet in the personnel office when
McCall was four months away from his dis-
That was in the early 1960s, when his dad, charge date.
Robert Sr., purchased an Olympus-Pen half- “The guy from the office said, ‘Don’t worry
frame camera for his own use and allowed his about it. You’ve got less than a year left; you
son to experiment with it. Small and easy to can’t go. We took care of it,’” McCall says.
carry around, it was perfect for a young man After his discharge, he returned to Minne-
just starting to taste the freedoms – and re- sota where he worked for a company called
sponsibilities – of adulthood.

“I remember taking photographs with it
and trying to have some meaning to it,” he

His first attempt at creating a meaningful
composition was a still life of a pop bottle.
He still has a print of that one. At the time
he was a college student working part time
at a gas station, where he photographed an
acid green bottle of Kick soda pop on a jet
black desktop.

“I thought it was cool,” he chuckles.
“It was in Ektachrome,” he says, referring
to a type of color transparency film, the kind
used for slides. Made for amateur use, it was
simpler and cheaper to process than Koda-
chrome, the superior color and longevity of
which were immortalized in Paul Simon’s
1973 ode to the jaded reminiscences of
young adulthood.
“It wasn’t until I started shooting in the
Army that I realized what Kodachrome was,”
McCall says.
Shooting film, that is.
His life took a turn in 1965 when McCall got
a letter from the draft board requiring him to
report for a physical, after which he immedi-
ately registered for college at the University of
Minnesota. He was granted a deferment.
That their only child was furthering his
education made his parents happy; McCall,

B4 July 21, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE


Robert McCall - Hourglass - Jaycee Beach 2006. kept on shooting roll film.
In 1998, McCall’s first solo show in Vero
Robert McCall - My Mother - Ft. Pierce 2009. tor – first in Minnesota and, after his move the show remained on display for a month,
here in 1989, in Vero Beach. during which time several prints were sold Beach inaugurated a Royal Palm Pointe gal-
standing with his girlfriend in front of a gigan- from it. lery owned by photographer David Bazinet.
tic earth-moving machine. The picture fairly In January 1982 McCall had his first solo In more recent years McCall has exhibited in
sums up what young adults in the Midwest photography show in Minneapolis, in a At that time McCall was photographing the Vero Beach Art Club’s annual Art by the
looked like and did for fun back in the day. restaurant in the Hennepin Center for the the South Dakota landscape as well as land- Sea Exwwhibition at the Vero Beach Museum
Arts. The exhibition opened on one of the scapes in northern Minnesota near Lake Su- of Art. The museum’s then-director Lucinda
A couple years later McCall worked with a coldest nights in Minnesota history. Of the perior. When he found a darkroom he could Gedeon bought one of McCall’s ocean ab-
designer to create window displays for “the 100 people who had RSVP’d for the event, borrow or rent, he printed his black-and- stracts from the show in 2007.
largest wallpaper company in St. Paul.” He only about 30 showed up. Nevertheless, white images himself. When he couldn’t, he
eventually took up the paper hanger’s brush In the early 2000s, McCall exhibited at the
himself to work as an independent contrac- St. Paul gallery of his friend, hot glass artist
Dick Huss, and at the Frank Stone Gallery in
northeast Minneapolis. A solo show of Mc-
Call’s work was held at the Phipps Center for
the Arts in Hudson, Wisconsin. In 1973 Mc-
Call’s parents had moved to the Lakewood
Park area of Fort Pierce, where his father, who
had taken up pottery as a hobby, soon began
making a name for himself with his talent.
After his father died in 1993, McCall’s mother
gradually came to rely on her son’s help for
day-to-day living. She died in 2009.

In her declining years, Lois McCall was the
subject of some of McCall’s most compel-
ling photographs. In one of these, she is en-
sconced in a wicker armchair and peers quiz-
zically at us over the top of her sunglasses.

No matter how personal the subject, Mc-
Call has one unalterable rule.

“Whatever I take pictures of, it has to be
more than a pretty picture. It has to have
something interesting about it. I’ve always
had that.” 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE July 21, 2017 B5

COMING UP side Children’s Theatre (many of whom jects and media created by members of and three-time Rock ‘n Roll Hall of Fame
have gone on to careers in professional the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of inductee Eric Clapton. Front and cen-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 theater). Critic David Sherwood in Back- Vero Beach, also based at the Emerson. ter stage – with a great back-up band, of
stage writes enthusiastically about the Enjoy this new exhibit Monday through course – will be Ed Willey, who bears an
‘Fantasies.’ Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and Sunday 10 eerily strong resemblance to Clapton. The
a.m. to 12:30 p.m., now through Aug. 31. show will include not only Clapton songs
but also those of some of his equally fa-
4 Rockin’ Riverwalk, Downtown Stu- mous rock-star pals, including George
art’s free open-air Sunday concerts, Harrison, Carlos Santana, Cream, the
are now year-round, thanks to supportive Yardbirds and more. There will be food
sponsors, say Rockin’ Riverwalk plan- and beverages vendors and handy park-
ners. This Sunday it’ll be “Forever Eric,” a ing lot and on-street parking. Music is
tribute to the rock and blues guitar legend from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. 

depicting Elsa’s engagement to Lohen- musical’s “fairy dust-infused whimsy” Ed Willey.
grin, a knight of the Holy Grail. Part two and raves, “this is a celebration of youth
brings Berlioz’s intense and passionate and of the power of theater to inspire
“Symphonie Fantastique,” inspired by children and adults alike.” The show is
“a fever-dream of unrequited romantic based on the 2004 novel by Dave Bar-
love.” $20 advance tickets are available ry and Ridley Pearson, and, according
through the SCSO website and at Marine to its website, “upends the century-old
Bank’s Vero branches. Tickets at the door story of how a miserable orphan boy be-
are $25. The concert begins at 3 p.m. comes the legendary Peter Pan.” Show
times, on Riverside Theatre’s Stark Stage,
2 Bring your children to this one, and will be Friday and Saturday at 1:30 p.m.,
you will likely be delighted, too, 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. One hour before
with “Peter and the Starcatcher,” per- the evening shows and one hour after
formed by the talented students of River- the matinees, RCT invites you and the

‘Peter and the Starcatcher.’ kids to enjoy Riverside’s new
Kidspot! with games, crafts,
activities, snacks, character
meet-and-greets and prizes.
Locals “in the know” make
up the lively crowd at the
small and stylish Havana
Nights Piano Bar, upstairs at
Maison Martinique Restau-
rant at The Caribbean Court
Boutique Hotel, tucked away
amidst tropical foliage on
south Ocean Drive. You’ll
find live music Monday
through Thursday from 4:30
pm., and Friday and Satur-
day from 5 p.m.

3 Vero’s Emerson Center,
home of the Celebrat-
ed Speakers Series and the
Florida Humanities Series,
has opened a new exhibit in
its Foyer Gallery, featuring
art works in a variety of sub-


1. Camino Island 1. The Swamp BY ERIC BOLLING 1. Wonder BY R.J. PALACIO
2. Hillbilly Elegy BY J.D. VANCE 2. Who Pushed Humpty Dumpty
BY JOHN GRISHAM 3. Make Your Bed
2. A Gentleman in Moscow BY WILLIAM MCRAVEN
3. The Legend of Rock Paper
BY AMOR TOWLES 4. Rediscovering Scissors BY PETER BROWN
Americanism BY MARK LEVIN
3. Beach House for Rent 4. If I Had a Little Dream
5. Earnest Hemingway: A

4. Cocoa Beach 5. From Percy Jackson: Camp
Half-Blood Confidential
5. The Little French Bistro


JENNIFER PREUSS 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |


A Girlfriend Memoir

Thursday, July 20th at 6 pm

B6 July 21, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

Amalia Café: Tapas and Spanish paella in St. Thomas

BY TINA RONDEAU Paella Valenciana.
no bread is served at the Amalia Café un-
Charlotte Amalie, picturesque capital of less you order it, and you are charged $3 for
the U.S. Virgin Islands in the West Indies, a basket. But how can you not have bread
has never been a gourmet’s paradise. A with all of that wonderful garlic sauce just
shopper’s paradise, maybe. But Saint Thom- waiting to be mopped up?
as is not home to the great restaurants you
find on Caribbean islands like Saint-Martin, As for Café Amalia’s paella, the seafood
Saint Barts or Anguilla. components on last week’s visit were great
as always – very fresh, very well-seasoned
However, years ago, while seeking ref- calamari, shrimp, mussels and clams. But
uge from a tropical downpour, we stum- the saffron rice this time was just a bit dis-
bled into a Spanish restaurant named the appointing; perhaps because we arrived
Amalia Café in one of Charlotte Amalie’s on the late side, the rice had been prepared
cobblestone alleys. separately from the flavor lenders.

We had lunch on the porch while wait- However, lunch on the porch at the Ama-
ing for the skies to clear, and ever since, lia Café is always a great way to decompress
on visits to St. Thomas, we have made the after a day of shopping in Charlotte Amalie.
Amalia Café our lunchtime destination. While my husband says he plans on future
visits to stick with the tapas, I am already
Owned and managed by Randolph and thinking about the zarzuela de mariscos.
Helga Maynard, this open-air Spanish
restaurant has had the same chef forever – I welcome your comments, and encour-
a rarity in the islands – and his zarzuela de age you to send feedback to me at tina@ver-
mariscos ($24), a Costa Brava-style seafood
casserole of snapper, grouper, salmon and
hake in a tomato brandy sauce with mussels, The reviewer is a beachside resident who
clams and shrimp, draws raves from every- dines anonymously at restaurants at the ex-
one who tries it. pense of this newspaper. 

Generally, though, we arrive for a late
lunch hot and, tired from shopping, order a
carafe of the Amalia Café’s refreshing white
sangria (they also have red), and simply en-
joy a selection of some of the tastiest Span-
ish tapas you will find anywhere.

On our most recent visit a week ago, we
ordered only two of our favorite tapas – the
gambas ajillo ($12) and the almejas salsa
verde ($14) – because I insisted that we once
again enjoy the Amalia Café’s paella Valen-
ciana ($21). That meant we passed up one
of their great tapas, the very lightly battered
calamaris frito ($13), which is always an ex-
quisite rendition of this dish. However, the
gambas ajillo, beautiful shrimp cooked in
garlic and rosemary, and the almejas, clams
prepared in a green garlic sauce, were won-
derful as always.

Curiously, as seems to have become the
custom in many tapas restaurants in Spain,

Gam.bas Ajillo. Almejas Salsa Verde.

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING July 21, 2017 B7

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B8 July 21, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING July 21, 2017 B9

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B10 July 21, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING July 21, 2017 B11





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B12 July 21, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES


7 Gown (4) 1 Bay (4)
8 Well-spoken (8) 2 Produce (8)
9 Discover (6) 3 Falcon that hovers (7)
10 Writer (6) 4 Majestic (5)
11 Director (7) 5 Brusque (4)
13 Fragrance (5) 6 Declare (8)
16 Different (5) 12 Self-rule (8)
17 Bike bag (7) 14 Real, solid (8)
19 Riddle (6) 15 Thirsty (7)
21 Root vegetable (6) 18 Elementary (5)
23 Discourteous (8) 20 Gleam (4)
24 Grass clod (4) 22 Sculls (4)

The Telegraph

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Email resume to [email protected]

The Telegraph

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES July 21, 2017 B13

ACROSS in the city 13 Evergreen “leaf” 76 Welles role The Washington Post
84 Puts the cuffs on 14 Browned quickly, 77 Nile avian
1 Canoe-bark tree 85 Handle shape, in 78 Mountain road RODENTS’ GALLERY By Merl Reagle
6 Tyke’s tender as tuna
10 Parts of a flight space 15 Edward K. shape
15 Live in sewers, for 86 Dental degree 80 President’s
87 Greek sun god Ellington
example? 91 Musical Joplin 16 Mayberry moppet promise
19 Palmer, to pals 92 With 97 Across, 17 Prop for 19 Across 82 Like a grate
20 Biggest dessert at a line from a 18 Carefree, to 86 Units of force,
in physics
the rodent fairy tale? Camille 87 Crackers brand
Rodent Diner? 95 Fries lightly 20 Old bed condition 88 Composer Satie
22 The ___ Carta 97 See 92 Across 21 Extra-noteworthy 89 He was the
23 Related 99 Sapporo sash 26 “Bennie and the
24 Guinea pig tender 100 Investment in the Wolfman
25 Dry, cold wind Jets” 90 Popular business
of France and future? singer
Switzerland 101 Fine all around 29 16 Down’s pop mag
27 Docking place 102 Church section 30 Pooh pal 91 Styne at the
28 “Well, whattaya 103 Opp. of 8 Down 31 “___ in the wrist”
know!” 106 Exam adjective 32 Little Steinway
29 Jessye Norman 108 Name-change homewreckers 93 Lobster catcher?
selection 33 London restaurant 94 See 117 Down
32 Pitcairn, for one: nation hub 96 Tipper’s guy and
abbr. 110 Start of the 35 Fighting sound
34 Yasir, that’s his effect on TV’s others
baby: abbr. second half of the Batman 97 The elusive
36 SSW U-turn 6th century 37 Cozy recess
37 New pet rodent? 112 Walt Kelly 38 Mind’s I spondulix
42 Hidden hikers character 39 Secretariat rider 98 Ashbury crosser
44 Popular beverage 113 Radiated Turcotte 103 Rodentlike
at the Rodent happiness 40 Young lady of Sp.
Diner? 115 Most popular 41 1973 Orson insectivore
45 ___-schmancy dessert at the Welles film about 104 Too much sun or
46 Dance great Alicia Rodent Diner? frauds,
48 Soldier adjective 121 “And it won’t cost ___ Fake worry, for example
49 Latin word on a you 42 Soft or hard 105 Gleason’s
bill ___” products
51 Pisa’s river 122 Rodent tycoon? 43 Freud’s daughter bartender
52 Au alternative 123 Hollywood Hopper 45 Beatles adjective 107 Ingrid Bergman’s
53 Top bond rating 124 “___ old pappy 47 Puts
54 Shampoo brand used to say ...” 50 Bullshout character in
55 Rich rodents’ 125 Fish sandwiches 52 Canine comments Casablanca, Ilsa
home? 53 Piedmont town ___
61 Tony Randall film, DOWN 54 Game played with 109 “Gotcha!”
7 Faces of Dr. ___ mallets 110 Say (it) isn’t so
63 “Doo-dah” lead-in 1 Bingo call 56 Verve 111 Trip “vehicle” of
64 Munchkin kin 2 Her, to Hesse 57 Sword handle the 1960s
65 Locate 3 Bakker was one: 58 Ore ending 112 Worst
67 Literary 59 Abner’s pal, on 114 Educ. liaison
monogram abbr. radio 116 Shatner and
69 “___ man 4 Magnon intro 60 Escape route? Shak.
answers ...” 62 Exxon rival 117 With 94 Down,
72 Nile ophidian 5 Honey-sesame 66 Mr. Ferrari play on which
74 Rodent’s favorite seed candy 68 “Moonlight,” for Cabaret is based
snack? one 118 ___ de Cologne
79 Dixon’s colleague 6 Helens intro 69 “___ little 119 He lost to JFK
81 Enjoy 7 Asian gazelle confused ...” 120 Jamboree org.
empanadas, e.g. 70 Funny Girl subject
83 Capybara’s home (or a topless 71 Press adjective
Hawaiian island?) 73 Boringly
8 Musical abbr. explanatory
9 Cole Porter show, 75 Loose talk
Red, Hot, ___
10 Casablanca
11 Lobster catcher
12 Masterminded

The Telegraph

B14 July 21, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES

John Buchan, a Scottish politician and author who wrote “The Thirty-Nine Steps,” said, WEST 7 EAST
“The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual 87 10 5 3 9542
series of occasions for hope.” J 10 9 3 QJ765 AQ65
J974 A62
The same can be said about bridge. Whenever you make a bid or play, you hope it K 10 8 SOUTH 43
will prove best. More often than not, it is right to stick to the tried-and-true actions, but K 10 6
occasionally doing something unusual will work like a charm. K842
In this deal, look only at the West hand. What would you lead against three no-trump, A92
given that you know from the Stayman auction that dummy will have four spades and
declarer holds four hearts? Dealer: North; Vulnerable: Neither

If South had denied a four-card major, North would have rebid three clubs, which would The Bidding:
have shown game-forcing values, a four-card major and longer clubs. Perhaps five clubs
would have made and three no-trump failed due to a fatal heart weakness. SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
Pass Pass
In a social game, sitting West was Susan Ludwig of Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. 1 NT Pass 2 Clubs Pass LEAD:
Normally, one would have expected her to lead the diamond four. Here, that would have 2 Hearts Pass 3 NT All Pass ??
made the defense difficult. East would surely have won with his ace and returned a
diamond. Then, though, declarer would have established the club suit and cruised home.
To defeat the contract, East would have had to win the first trick and shift to hearts, a very
tough play to find.

Ludwig led the heart jack, which worked perfectly. The defenders easily took three hearts,
one diamond and one club.

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From US1, turn East on Ohio Ave., Directly behind TD Bank

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR July 21, 2017 B15

ONGOING and Glutens; 7/29 Healthy Snacks; 8/5 Fun and 21|22 Peter and the Star Catcher fea- covering eight learning modules in two weekends
Healthy Cooking for Kids, a children-only work- turing Riverside Children’s The- hosted by Pelican Island Audubon Society and
Vero Beach Museum of Art – Watershed: Con- shop. Registration required. 772-794-0601. atre performers on the Stark Stage. 772-231-6990 Audubon of Martin County. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. July
temporary Landscape Photography thru Sept. 10. 22 & 23 at Pelican Island Audubon House, and
JULY 22 Christmas in July, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Aug. 5 & 6 at Savannas Preserve State Park Edu-
Riverside Theatre - Vegas Nights at Riverside Riverview Park, Sebastian to benefit cation Center. $125. 772-288-2637
Theatre, with live music, full bars and food ser- 20-23 ‘Celebrating 60’ a Musical Shop with a Cop, with entertainment, auctions,
vice, plus casino games with proceeds to ben- Review Concert show- vendors and Santa. Free. 772-978-6248 23 SpaceCoastSymphonyOrchestrapresents
efit Children’s and Family programs, 6 to 9:30 casing the 60th Anniversary of Vero Beach Fantasies, 3 p.m. at Community Church of
p.m. weekends thru July 28. Free admission. Theatre Guild, the Treasure Coast’s longest 22 Pet Adoption Day and BBQ, 10 a.m. to 2 Vero Beach, featuring ‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentice’,
running community theatre, with songs from p.m. at Dyer Subaru, which is sponsoring no- ‘Elsa’s Procession to the Cathedral’, and Symphonie
Sea Turtle Walks, 9 p.m. through July at Se- many of its biggest hits, 7 p.m. Thurs, 8 p.m. fee adoptions of shelter cats and dogs. 772-388-3826 Fantastique. $20. 18 & under free. 855-252-7276
bastian Inlet State Park, Archie Carr NWR Bar- Fri. & Sat., 2 p.m. Sun. $12 students; $25
rier Island Sanctuary and Windsor Beach Club. adults. 772-562-8300 22|23 Audubon Field Academy, an 28-30 Vero Beach Pirate Festival,
Reservations required. and accelerated summer session 2 to 6 p.m. Fri., 10 a.m. to 8
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN Crossword Page B13 (A HARD-DRIVING PUZZLE)
Where’s Waldo Community Scavenger Hunt in July 14, 2017 Edition 1 MILLER 1 MOROSE
thru July 28. Have ‘passports’ stamped with 10 4 KNEES 2 LAMBADA
or more ‘I Found Waldo’ signatures at 25 partici- 8 ROMEO 3 ELOQUENT
pating businesses and bring to Vero Beach Book 9 INERTIA 4 KEEP
Center to enter prize drawing. 772-569-6650 10 STATUTE 5 EXTOL
Free Healing Path Workshop series, 3 p.m. 12 TUB 7 BIZET
Wednesdays through Aug. 23 at IRSC Richard- 14 GAIN 13 BANKROLL
son Center hosted by Cox-Gifford Seawinds 15 APEX 16 EVASIVE
Community Outreach. 772-562-2365. 18 TOW 17 JACKAL
Lighten Up cooking demonstrations at McKee 23 AWKWARD 20 ADVENT
Botanical Garden, 11 a.m. Saturdays in the Café 25 KARAOKE 22 TARDY
followed by lunch: 7/22 Demystifying Grains 26 OPINE 24 WOOL

Sudoku Page B12 Sudoku Page B13 Crossword Page B12



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B16 July 21, 2017 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR

p.m. Sat., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sun. at Riverside Park. July 22 | Christmas in July 5 to 8 p.m., with participating businesses 17 Silver Tones Concert, 10:30 a.m. at The
around town firing up the heat and compet- Brennity, 7955 16th Manor, with dona-
29 Treasure Coast Waterway Cleanup, 8 showcasing storytelling and contemporary ing in the Pineapple Challenge. 772-589- tions accepted for Senior Resource Association.
a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at marinas, boat dance works to culminate the sixth annual Riv- 5969 772-299-7900
ramps, beaches and other waterways in the erside Dance Festival, 8 p.m. at Riverside The-
tri-county area. atre. $10 - $75. 772-231-6990 13 Cultural Council of IRC presents the 20 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra
Summerfest Chamber Orchestra, 3 presents The Merry Widow, 3 p.m. at
29|30 Sea Turtle Conservan- 5 RT Star’s Back to School Party, 10 a.m. to p.m. at Christ by the Sea United Methodist Vero Beach High School PAC. $20. 18 & under
cy’s Tour de Turtles be- 2 p.m. on the Riverside Theatre campus in Church, with Maestro James Brooks-Bruzzese free. 855-252-7276
gins with Sat. 7 to 9 a.m. release of two log- partnership with Education Foundation of IRC, conducting 20 musicians from around the world
gerhead turtles at Disney’s Vero Beach Resort with shows, entertainment, games, contests, vi- in a program of works by Bach, Mendelssohn, 23 Riverside Racquet Complex US Open
to be tracked in Tour de Turtles ‘race’ to raise sion testing, school information, children’s activ- Vivaldi, Piazzolla and Ravel and pieces by Loren- kickoff, 5:30 to 8 p.m. with Round Rob-
awareness of threats to marine life. Sat. 6 ities and bounce slide and 2 p.m. Dance Festival zo Turchi-Floris, Summerfest Composer in Resi- in Tennis and Drills for all levels with Tennis Pro
p.m. Kickoff Party at the Barrier Island Sanc- performance on Stark Sage. Free. 772-231-6990 dence. $35; middle through high school music MacDougall, refreshments and prizes. Limited
tuary at Archie Carr National Wildlife Refuge students free. 772-770-4857 spaces; pre-registration required. $11 & $14. 772-
with featuring refreshments, live music and 11 Grill Out Night hosted by Sebastian 231-4787
silent auction to benefit sea turtle conser- River Area Chamber of Commerce,
vation efforts, and Sun. 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. SEPTEMBER
release of two loggerheads at Barrier Island
Sanctuary. Kick-off Party $20 advance; $35 14 An Evening in Paris, 5 to 9 p.m. at
at door (if available); release viewings free. Heritage Center with Parisian themed
321-723-3556 or vendors and Moulin Rouge-style entertainment
to benefit Vero Heritage Inc. 772-770-2263
16|17 Regular Joe Surf Fes-
3-5 Vero Beach Recreation Dept. pres- tival at north jetty, ‘a
ents Fire and Ice, the 43rd annual contest for the rest of us’ to benefit Sur-
Aerial Antics Youth Circus, 7 p.m. at Saint Ed- frider Foundation Sebastian Inlet Chapter.
ward’s School, featuring performers from ages
3 to 33 showcasing gymnastic, aerial and dance
routines. $7 & $8. 772-567-2144 16 HALO Rescue’s Chase Your Tail 5K,
7:30 a.m. at Sebastian Community
4|5 Ballet Vero Beach presents Ariel Center to support the no-kill rescue organiza-
Rivka Dance, an all-female troupe tion. $25/$30. 772-589-7279




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*plus tax, tag, title, destination, and $289 Dealer fee. Price includes all factory rebates, cash back, and dealer discounts. Vehicles subject to prior sale. Not responsible for typographical errors. Offers Expire 7/31/17.

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