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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-02-16 12:45:06

02/16/2017 ISSUE07


Red art to dye for! P12 Who needs sleep?! P2 Krista’s a real cutie

Don’t miss a colorful new Tireless volunteer firefighters Pretty German Shepherd leaves
exhibition at the Foosaner. always there when needed. Bonzo (almost) speechless PAGE 33


Cape Canaveral Council tackles
startup shoots for flurry of issues
moon...and $20M in Indialantic

[email protected] [email protected]
Waves of enthusiasm for ‘Locals Only Surfest’
Call it the“Great Moon Rush.” At its Feb. 8 meeting, the Indi-
The race is on to launch the first alantic Town Council approved
privately-funded landing craft a plan to evaluate speed limits
to the moon by the end of the on four streets, joined an effort
year. That’s the deadline for an to ban plastic bags that threat-
international contest in which en marine life, and denied the
the winner will take home the use of Nance and Ocean Beach
Google Lunar XPRIZE’s $20 Parks for the Utah-based Rag-
million grand prize. nar Relay race, which would
have been have been held on
The competition requires Nov. 11, Veteran’s Day.
the winning team’s spacecraft
to land on the moon and ma- If the Ragnar Relay had
neuver at least 500 meters to been permitted it would have
another site, and beam high- begun in the wee hours of the
definition video, photos and morning and run until late
data back to Earth. If it hap- afternoon. Additionally, time
would have been needed to
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 set up for the event on Nov. 10.

Commissioner wants “They’re not local events,”
to abolish community Mayor Dave Berkman said.
redevelopment agencies “We would be bringing in a


[email protected] [email protected] experienced lots of
highs over years
County Commissioner John Brevard’s barrier island surf
Tobia is not a fan of commu- scene was celebrated over the STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER
nity redevelopment agencies. weekend at the 3rd annual Lo- [email protected]
Given his druthers, he’d like to cals Only Surfest held at Pelican
see them all abolished, includ- Beach Park in Satellite Beach. Too tall to join his fel-
ing the CRA in Satellite Beach, low test pilots as one of
the only one in the southern A lively crowd gathered for America’s first astronauts,
half of beachside Brevard the Saturday event, which took retired Air Force Col. Nor-
County. As a first step, he in- place in ideal weather condi-
troduced a proposal last week tions and attracted more than CONTINUED ON PAGE 5
to prohibit the establishment 150 competitors from up and
of new CRAs without the con- down the beach who came out
to compete for $3,000 in prize

ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 ‘Seas’ the day

NEWS 1-6 FAITH 24 PEOPLE 7-10 Enthusiasts flock to Ocean
ARTS 11-14 GAMES 25-27 PETS 33 Treasures and Sea Glass
DINING 31 INSIGHT 19-28 STYLE 29-30 Symposium. PAGE 8


2 Thursday, February 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


MOON SHOT there were a lot of questions that had relocation moving from one coast to In mid-January the company an-
never been asked, and the FAA had the other. The state provided econom- nounced it secured a $20 million fi-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 to figure out if we could do this,” said ic incentives, the cost of living is much nancing round bringing total invest-
Dale Ketcham, director of strategic al- less expensive than Silicon Valley and ment in the start-up to $45 million
pens, it will mark a return to the moon liances for Space Florida. “We knew it there are many nice amenities. from individuals and venture capital
for the first time in 40 years. would be a long, hard slog, but Moon sources including Founders Fund,
Express had as good a shot as anyone. “We’re bringing in young, new tal- Collaborative Fund, and the software
For Cape Canaveral space startup Now they just have to execute.” ent and hope to keep FIT graduates company Autodesk.
Moon Express, it’s full speed ahead to here as well. We’re an employee-
achieve the goal and claim the prize. Moon Express was co-founded in owned company that offers a nice “They’ve done it with private invest-
Silicon Valley in 2010 by space vision- work-quality of life balance. We hope ments,” Ketcham said. “Other people
The company’s lunar lander is the ary Dr. Bob Richards, billionaire entre- to bring more sizzle to the Space Coast are betting their money on Moon Ex-
MX-1E. About the size of the “Star preneur Naveen Jain, and serial entre- with what’s best from our Silicon Val- press’s success. That’s always what you
Wars” robot character R2-D2, the preneur and artificial intelligence and ley culture and style.” want to see.”
spacecraft is designed to ride to a high space technology guru Dr. Barney Pell.
Earth orbit on the top of a commercial Their common vision is to be at the One of Richards’ earliest childhood Moon Express says its first mission
rocket where it’ll fire its engines and forefront of commercial space explo- memories is walking hand-in-hand will cost less than $10 million and will
head to the moon. ration and innovation, and ultimately with his parents through the Kennedy carry scientific and commercial pay-
to mine the moon for precious metals Space Center’s Rocket Garden during loads for several customers along with
Moon Express will not take off from and other valuable natural resources. vacations from their Toronto home. It the cremated ashes of an unidentified
Cape Canaveral, however. Company of- fostered a keen interest in space ex- individual.
ficials say they have found a better deal Moon Express made the move to ploration that has driven his entrepre-
and plan to launch the MX-1E on an Florida last year after the U. S. Air neurial career. “They are leading the way in devel-
Electron rocket from U.S.-New Zealand Force licensed Launch Complex 17 oping hardware, technology and ex-
company Rocket Labs, blasting off from and 18 at Cape Canaveral Air Force “Now here I am at Cape Canaveral, pertise on other celestial bodies away
Auckland, New Zealand in March. Station to the company for its business building and testing lunar landers from earth,” said Ketcham. “Pushing
and technical operations. The State of that will reach out to the moon and forward to the New World or to the
In an historic ruling, Moon Express Florida and Moon Express both will other worlds,” Richards said. “It’s an American West, it was initially about
became the first private company to invest $1.85 million to fund infrastruc- honor walking shoulder-to-shoulder exploration. But America really suc-
win U.S. government approval to fly a ture improvements at the complexes. with the early space pioneers that so ceeded when it started capturing rare
commercial deep space mission. The inspired me.” minerals. That’s when things really
company submitted an application “We have created 40 to 50 high- take off. Out in space there’s unlimited
to launch missions beyond the earth skilled jobs in the space sector and ex- Moon Express is part of a rising tide quantities.”
orbit to the U. S. Federal Aviation Ad- pect to create a couple hundred more of new commercial space businesses
ministration that took months to work as we evolve.” noted CEO Richards, a that are, or soon will be, manufacturing Moon Express’ larger goal is to
its way through a number of other native of Toronto. “It was a substantial capsules, satellites, rockets and rocket create a commercial cargo service to
government organizations. hardware on the Space Coast. the moon to facilitate research and

“No one had ever done it before so

VERO BEACH 32963 Media LLC INDIALANTIC it might be a comfort to some resi-
PRESIDENT AND PUBLISHER: MILTON R. BENJAMIN dents if speed limits were reduced.
772-559-4187, [email protected] “Sometimes there are speeding
for-profit organization out of Utah problems, but a lot of times people
CREATIVE DIRECTOR: DAN ALEXANDER to put 4,000 people in a town that are just estimating a speed,” said
772-539-2700, [email protected] has a population of 2,800 people Indialantic Police Chief Michael
and has 150 parking spots. Where Casey.
MANAGING EDITOR: STEVEN M. THOMAS are they going to go?”
772-453-1196, [email protected] Casey added that speed bumps
Berkman cited extra police- are not a good alternative solution.
To learn about the cost-effective advertising rates being offered in related costs and inconvenience “A lot of people don’t like them.
The Melbourne Beachsider, please contact our advertising to residents wanting to visit park They’re pretty rough,” he said.
representatives listed below: beaches on Veterans Day as other
DIRECTOR OF ADVERTISING: JUDY DAVIS reasons the council voted not to Casey said the police department
772-633-1115, [email protected] allow the event. is paying close attention to speed-
ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES ing in the town, deploying enforce-
The council also decided that ment details when there are com-
KRISTY GRIMES, 321-499-7999, [email protected] four roads – 4th Avenue, 6th Av- plaints and citing speeders when
WILL GARDNER, 407-361-2150, [email protected] enue, Watson Drive and Magnolia they are detected.
KATHLEEN MACGLENNON, 772-633-0753, [email protected] Drive –will be evaluated to deter-
mine whether speed limits on the In other action, the council voted
To talk about stories, or invite us to cover social and charitable events, local roads should be bumped to join Melbourne Beach in en-
call 772-453-1196 or email us at [email protected]. down from 25 mph to 20. dorsing a proposal by the Surfrider
Foundation that would ask the state
“The law makes you do a study to “allow coastal municipalities
before you reduce the speed to see with populations under 100,000 to
if it is warranted,” Berkman said. create a pilot program to regulate
or ban disposable plastic bags.”
There have been some com-
plaints from residents, but it’s pos- Berkman explained why the pro-
sible the cars aren’t actually speed- posal is in the town’s best interests.
“It gives power back to the town
“It’s something that’s been going on things that are important to
on for years and years and years. us,” he said. “We have significant
Most people, when they see a car wildlife damage from these plas-
coming down the road doing 25, tic bags and this gives us the abil-
they perceive it as doing 50,” Berk- ity to control things that are more
man said. “We’ve done the stud- unique to our area. It is about
ies in the past to show that very being good ecologists and being
rarely are cars going that fast,” but good for the area.” 

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 16, 2017 3


mining for economic and scientific beyond, transforming the economics funding. And then there is the $20 “Space is hard, but my confidence is
gain. of space travel.” million in prize money that Moon Ex- really high that we’ll be the first private
press hopes to bag. sector company to get to the moon,”
“Water on the moon can be har- NASA believes in them. They’ve Richards asserted. “We want to create
vested turning it into hydrogen and given Moon Express a $10 million Time is ticking and four other space commercial trade routes, bridging the
oxygen for rocket fuel,” Richards said. grant from the NASA Innovative Lu- teams around the globe have their gap between the Earth and what I call
“It’s a gas station in the sky that would nar Demonstrations Data program launch contracts in place to compete the eighth continent.” 
change the costs of going to Mars and to supplement the company’s private for the Google Lunar XPRIZE.

4 Thursday, February 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


SURFEST REDEVELOPMENT AGENCIES Typically, CRAs receive 40 percent cial corridors,” said Courtney Barker,
of their funding from county dollars, executive director of the agency.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 with the balance from the municipal
area covered by the agency. The mon- In Satellite Beach, the city council
money and enjoy the “Endless Sum- sent of the county commissioners. ey comes from an increase in prop- serves as the CRA board and the agen-
mer” vibe. The measure would also eliminate the erty tax income within redevelop- cy has projects scheduled through
county contribution to such agencies ment areas on a year-over-year basis. 2020, with a sunset date in 2026, based
“We wanted to get everyone to- even if approved. If a property’s tax bill increases from on the debt it owes.
gether,” said Mark Quavillon, event $1,000 to $1,500, a percentage of the
organizer. “We have a bunch of food “Many of our roads are in disrepair $500 gain goes to the CRA. The county Barker agrees that CRAs need an
trucks, tiki carvers, local artists, surf- and these funds would be better spent expects to contribute $4.6 million to end point. “Otherwise, people have
board shapers – same deal, locals towards the county’s critical infra- community redevelopment agencies the inclination to build and build
only.” structure needs,” Tobia said. in the current fiscal year, Tobia said. some more.” She also has no problem
putting a stop to any new CRAs.
“We did our research on the waves The measure did not get a second CRAs can borrow money to pay for
and we nailed it down to the second and was scrubbed, but Tobia’s idea got local projects; when they do, the agen- However, a number of municipal
week in February [as the most likely some traction when the board agreed cies have to remain in existence until officials spoke in favor of CRAs at the
time for good surf],” said J.C. Cous- to Commission Chair Curt Smith’s the debt is paid off. After 28 years of county commission meeting. Mike
man, general manager of Long Dog- recommendation to hold a workshop a 30-year bond, for example, officials Miller, a city commissioner in Cocoa
ger’s restaurant in Satellite Beach, on the fate of CRAs. The workshop can take out new debt and extend the Beach, said the CRA led to an increase
which was a sponsor for the event. will be held April 13 with community life of the CRA. “We need to put an in taxable property which resulted in
“The most important thing of course and public participation. end to that cycle,” Smith said. a 15 percent return on investment.
for a surf contest is to have good “Why turn it down?” he said. “Don’t
waves and we’ve been really fortunate “We are getting to the point where Critics like Clerk of Courts Scott Ellis tinker with what works well.”
with that all three years.” CRAs seem to be ongoing forever,” are even harsher in their assessment.
Smith said. “We do not need them in Karalyn Woulas, also a Cocoa Beach
Besides being stoked by the quality perpetuity. There is a county shortfall “CRAs are simply another form of commissioner, said the CRA, voted in
of the surf and size of the prize mon- so we need all the money we can get.” self-perpetuating crony capitalism,” by referendum, helped build up the
ey surfers Patrick Nichols and Steven he said. “The money is diverted to downtown area, which in turn pro-
McLean said they enjoyed the spirit of Created by state legislation in 1969, various special interests with little duces more sales tax money for the
the big crowd and the locals-only vibe. community redevelopment agencies oversight and with no endgame ob- county.
are local taxing authorities, designat- jective.”
“This has been popular with the ed by cities or counties for the pur- But Satellite Beach resident Richard
surfers every year,” said Julie Finch, pose of ending or preventing blight. Brevard County paid $525,458 in Charbonneau complained that CRAs
administrative assistant to the city Brevard County currently has fifteen fiscal year 2016 to the Satellite Beach have no accountability, and Commis-
manager. “Satellite Beach likes to host CRAs. The oldest, established in 1981, Community Redevelopment Agency, sioner Smith confirmed the county
events like this. It gets a lot of locals out is in Cocoa. Some municipalities have formed in 2002, according to Tobia’s has abdicated its authority over the
and it’s really fun to just walk around more than one and none have ever office. agencies. County Attorney Scott Knox
and see everyone you know.”  been dissolved. agreed the county commission has
“The CRA was created to address nu- no control over the CRAs. “The Tobia
merous vacant buildings and aging in- resolution would have captured the
frastructure along the main commer- authority back,” Knox said. 

Sleep is a casualty for the relentless
Melbourne Beach volunteer firefighters

STORY BY CHRIS BONANNO STAFF WRITER to school, pursuing my engineering
[email protected] degree, and I have a 3-year-old son,”
said Erik Sprauer, who is in his ninth
Believe it or not, Melbourne Beach year as a volunteer firefighter.
Volunteer Fire Department Chief
Dave Micka serves as a firefighter in There is something about the job
part to unwind after work. that gets under your skin – just ask Lt.
Steve Stewart, who served with the
Employed fulltime as security department for more than 25 years
manager for United Launch Alliance before taking a break recently.
at Cape Canaveral, working 12 hours
a day, he looks forward to the change “I stepped down to do some other
of pace. things, and I just couldn’t stand it,”
Stewart said.
“When I started into this, all I
wanted to do was have some stress “You get a certain kind of pride out
relief from work – put the wet stuff on of what we do, you know? I have my
the red stuff,” Micka said. small business here in town, so ev-
erybody knows me . . . and it makes
It’s hard to imagine someone serv- me feel proud and when we help peo-
ing as a fire chief after working such ple. It really makes you feel good.”
a demanding schedule and job, but
Micka makes it work. “I don’t sleep,” It takes a courageous person to
he joked. serve in fire-rescue and Micka knows
the dangers as well as the rewards of
Other members of the department, the profession. In 1998, he was de-
which numbers around 25, also have ployed to fight a massive fire near
to cram their volunteer service into Scottsmoor and Mims that burned
busy schedules. down 40 homes and consumed
13,000 acres of brush.
“I try to make as many calls as I
can when I’m not at work. I also go

8 Thursday, February 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Enthusiasts ‘seas’ the day at Ocean Treasures event


A plethora of cars lined A1A last Sat- 23
urday by the Brevard County Barrier
Island Center at Archie Carr National 45
Wildlife Refuge, filled with people
anxious to attend the third annual OCEAN TREASURES EVENT CAPTIONS
Ocean Treasures and Sea Glass Sym-
posium. The bright, sunny day was Cover: Julian Sage. 1. Barbara Stavely-Schoener and Dawn-Marie Warnick. 2. Anne Fidler and Andy McBrearty.
ideal for the occasion where indoors
and out the center was bustling with 3. Paula Cerefice and Ann Fasciano. 4. Summer Adams and Terry Spencer with Benny and Charlie. 5. Terry and
families enjoying the welcoming and
hands-on environment. Melissa Tarrant. 6. Keith Curry and Maria Puzino. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER

Inside, there were tickets being sold servation biologist and ate their very own seashell necklaces
for raffle items to benefit the Sea Tur-
tle Conservancy and children were author of “Our Sea Tur- with help from volunteers. It seemed
putting a lot of concentrated thought
into trying to guess the number of sea tles and Florida’s Liv- as if everyone in the room eventually
glass pieces in a jar, hoping to score a
prize. There was also an assortment of ing Beaches: A Guide ended up sporting their own seashell
informational booths, such as those 6 for the Curious jewelry. A host of fun, practical ac-
of the Sea Beans, Friends of the Carr
Refuge and the Free from the Sea -
Sea Glass Club. And outside, Taco City
and Sweet City Gelato food trucks
provided a variety of food options for
anyone wanting to grab a bite to eat.

Everyone there had one thing in
common – a love for our beautiful
beaches and their conservation.

“What we’ve always tried to do is
find art and science and overlap the
two,” said Ray Mojica, Barrier Island
Sanctuary Land Manager. “We love
how art can educate the people about
our environment and that is exactly

what we do here.”
There was plenty to do
for children as well as
adults. Some folks
bagged up their
beach findings and
submitted them
for the Beach Trea-
sure Competition.
Celebrity judge
Blair Witherington,
senior Sea Turtle Con-

Beachcomber,” had tivities encouraged guests to com-

the difficult task of bine their creativity and love of the

judging the treasures. beaches into artwork.

Categories included sea glass, On the ocean-side deck, vendors

sharks teeth, seashells, fossils and sold marine-related objects, from

man-made items. Kerry Miller’s hand-crafted seashell mirrors to

piece, a man-made wooden sculp- unique rings and bracelets – much

ture of a woman holding her child, of it made from objects found while

received the award for “Best of Show.” walking the beaches.

Witherington, who said the piece was And just steps away the san-

“probably hand-carved by someone dy shores were awaiting

in the village; very cool,” noted that new beachcombers

she had looked for “something that seeking their own

told a story” and this item certainly treasures. As Bren-

did that. da Spletter, a mem-

There was also a sharing table ber of the Sea Glass

where children could leave a shell Club said, “You just

and trade it for a different one, as well have to keep your

as a craft table where they could cre- eyes open.” 

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 16, 2017 9


Candlelighters’ Valentines extravaganza touches hearts

STORY BY BRENDA EGGERT BRADER CORRESPONDENT so they don’t feel left out. The children “This is the time of year we like to County in their recent fiscal year. With
with cancer can play together to be share our heart with the community,” no pediatric oncology in Brevard Coun-
With a touch of Hollywood, search ‘normal’ for a day.” Duran said. “We couldn’t do the work ty, families must travel throughout the
lights marked the Melbourne Hilton we do without our donors, who share state and the nation to obtain care.
Rialto Place Saturday evening as the The annual event is their biggest their talent and resources. All the en-
site for the 15th annual Have-A-Heart fundraiser of the year, last year netting tertainment elements show the do- “We take care of all the financials
Valentines Extravaganza to benefit $200,000 for families in need. This year nors are appreciated in every way with associated with that through our ser-
Candlelighters of Brevard. For more more than 350 guests were treated to a special night for them. It is time to vices,” Duran explained. “Through a
than 26 years, the nonprofit has pro- cocktails, silent and live auctions, din- share back with them that is why we transportation allotment fund, car care
vided emotional and financial assis- ner and dancing. Cassie Quinn left have a heart theme.” courtesy of Brevard County Hyundai
tance to families with children diag- happy as the winner of the evening’s dealers for safe vehicle travel, prescrip-
nosed with childhood cancers. largest raffle, a Hyundai Tucson do- Duran said Candlelighters served tion drugs, utilities and counseling –
nated by the Brevard County Hyundai more than 71 active families in Brevard whatever the families need.” 

1 23


67 8

1. Julie Lalonde and Brenda Sanchez. 2. John Schmitt, Raffy Nelson, Tony Diana and Chris Schmitt. 3. David and
Rebecca Alpizar. 4. Heather and Norm Fowler with Heather Sharron. 5. Nanette Sanger, Darren Jordan, Kim
Downs, Steve Gould and Audrey Downs. 6. Vibha and Anurag Maheshwari. 7. Dr. Angela McNeight and Laura
Steele. 8. Todd and Heather Charron. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER

“We raise funds for support through Dealers, Johnson family.
a number of events that we do and Bright colors added to the festive dé-
have events where families can get to-
gether so they are not alone,” said Na- cor. Huge bouquets of red roses were
tasha Duran, executive director. “They placed throughout the hallway and
can see families going through the ballroom, along with red rose pet-
same thing. Fathers and mothers are als scattered atop tables and display
included to share with one another. counters. And in the dining room, ta-
The kids and their siblings also gather bles were accented with tall black and
white feather topiary trees.

‘Paddock’ ballet
is the mane event

12 Thursday, February 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


To dye for: Foosaner’s ‘Red that Colored the World’

STORY BY ELLEN FISCHER COLUMNIST most brilliant and permanent dyes in predominantly brown, ocher Eighteeth Century
[email protected] history, is a bug. Novice - Our Lady of
and white colors in the design, St John of the Lakes.
The current exhibition at Florida A parasitic scale insect, the tiny co- accents of cochineal-derived
Tech’s Foosaner Art Museum is about chineal infects prickly pear cacti in
a color whose absence from the paint- tropical and subtropical South and pinks and salmon leap to the
er’s palette – or the dyer’s vat – would North America, from Chile to Colum-
make civilization a lot less fun. bia and from Mexico to Colorado. eye with surprising vigor.

Organized by the Museum of Inter- Although a red dye-yielding insect Near it a loincloth from Pe-
national Folk Art, “The Red that Col- was also known in Poland, the color
ored the World” is a look at the origin, extracted from those European bugs ru’s Chancay culture is a mar-
cultivation and world-wide depen- paled in comparison to the American
dence on cochineal red. product. vel of sophisticated weaving;

The discovery by Columbus of a Cochineal dye is believed to have here deep pink cochineal is a
vast New World beyond the crowded originated in Mexico, and the earliest
confines of Europe was a bad thing use of the bright red juice is thought major element in the textile’s
for America’s first residents, but a very to have been body paint. Because
good thing for the rest of the world. Mexico’s climate is not conducive to repeating design of stylized
In Europe, people hailed the arrival the preservation of textiles, the ear-
of animals, minerals and vegetables liest surviving artifacts to contain human figures.
whose value soon reached Africa, In- cochineal red are 1,800-year-old An-
dia and China through trade. dean textiles. It is the intricate work of an

Although potatoes, tomatoes, co- In the Foosaner exhibition the old- Incan “ceremonial sling” that
coa, tobacco and the turkey were est textile on display is a fragment of
among the novelties that explorers Peruvian tunic created at least 1,000 truly astonishes. The showy
brought back to the Old World, it was a years ago by a people known as the
six-legged American beast that caught Wari culture. The well-preserved fab- red ornament features cylin-
the attention of European entrepre- ric features a vertical band of wool
neurs. patterned with frets, spirals and styl- ders of finely woven designs
ized faces. In marked contrast to the
That animal, the source of one of the centered on a braided length

of crimson cord; luxuriously

long tassels of the same color

terminate each end. Nobility

and high-ranking military of-

ficers wore this badge of dis-


Long before the Spanish

arrived in Mesoamerica, indigenous the Bolivian-born Melchior Pérez Hol-

people had developed an industry guín. In that picture the saint holds

around the cultivation and propaga- before him a cochineal-colored flam-

tion of cochineal bugs and their cac- ing heart, symbolic of religious fervor.

tus hosts. In pre-Columbian times as In contrast to that academically

well as today, cochineal farmers in- proficient work, a homely retablo, or

fest cacti with cochineal larvae and, devotional picture, “Our Lady of St.

in about three months’ time, hand- John of the Lakes,” is in the untutored

collect the adults, which are then pro- style of the folk artist. In this 18th cen-

cessed by drying. tury painting, cochineal can be seen

Dried cochineal was shipped back in the red drapery around the saint

to Spain to dye the finest wool and silk as well as in the embellishments on

cloth (cochineal adheres well only to her dress. The artwork was created by

animal-based textiles). The color was a New Mexican known only as “The

also adapted to oil painting, where Eighteenth Century Novice.”

it was used in putting to canvas the Several mid-19th century painted

crimson robes of kings and cardinals, wood santos (religious statues) by var-

the passionate bloom of the rose, and ious New Mexican carvers are also on

the modest blush on a saintly cheek. exhibit. The labels for each tell exactly

Second only to silver in Spanish where and when cochineal was used

imports, cochineal thus became as- on the statue.

sociated with wealth and power. Among the contemporary retablos

From Spain, cochineal found its way and santos on display is a small wood

around the world. A commodity to triptych that depicts the Virgin of Gua-

be reckoned with, cochineal was fol- dalupe flanked by archangels. It was

lowed on the stock exchanges of Lon- created by Arlene Cisneros Sena in the

don and Amsterdam. late 1990s.

Meanwhile, in the New World, Most of the exhibit is devoted to

Spanish colonists pressed native arti- cochineal’s use as a textile dye. The

sans, once the creators of their societ- world-wide appeal of the versatile

ies’ kingly regalia, codices and sacred organic colorant – which can take on

objects, to produce things the Span- hues from pink to blood red to deep

ish valued such as maps, manuscripts purple – is exemplified by such ob-

and Catholic icons. At the same time jects as a length of silk velvet from

European painters arrived in the New Uzbekistan; a quilted bedcover from

World to ply their trade as well to as Lynchburg, Va.; and a Sonkket bro-

teach young artists the current paint- cade from Bali.

ing styles of Europe.

In the Foosaner exhibition, ex- The exhibition is on view through

amples of Spanish colonial artworks April 15. The Foosaner is at 1463 High-

include a late 17th century Baroque land Avenue in Melbourne’s Eau Gallie

painting of St. Augustine attributed to Arts District. 

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 16, 2017 13


Ballet Vero’s ‘Paddock’ dance is the mane event

STORY BY MICHELLE GENZ STAFF WRITER reographed the piece and dances in a surprise as to what he will wear. In “At first I thought the music was too
[email protected] it, that work began on the Internet, the original 1912 ballet to the same specific,” says Rodriguez. “Then I just
downloading images of Butterfield music, the great male dancer Nijin- let the process take over.”
From the first toddler who strad- horses and listening to lectures she sky wore spots painted on his chest
dled a stick and galloped around a has given about her art. and arms and printed on a tunic. Wo- The result is a solo of mostly clas-
campfire, man has imitated horse. ven into his wig were tiny horns – the sical movements, often suggestive of
This weekend, the Vero Beach Muse- “From early in her career, she was mythical faun in the title is half-man, the movements of a horse, as when he
um of Art provides some stunning ex- interested in the mare,” says Rodri- half-goat. Nijinsky’s role was later rolls on his back on the floor. But just
amples, not only in its new exhibition guez. “She saw a sort of serene vul- dance by Rudolf Nureyev and is now as often he plays with the horse as a
of Deborah Butterfield’s horse sculp- nerability in a horse lying down. We part of the repertory of the Joffrey concept – he lies with an arch in his
tures, but in a collaboration Friday always think of horses for battle or Ballet, among others. back and rocks at one point: a rock-
night with Ballet Vero Beach. work, often as heroic. She was look- ing horse. 
ing for something different from that
Tasked with creating a work using concept. She saw a self-portrait in the
Butterfield’s horses as inspiration, Ca- work that she was doing. I was looking
milo Rodriguez, the young company’s for something pensive, a kind of wis-
ballet master and star dancer, has cre- dom, a vulnerability.”
ated one of his most beautiful ballets
He also gave thought to the mate-
Camilo Rodriquez.PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD rials she used in her sculpture, the
“palettes of materials that she started
to date. At least that was the opinion seeing these shapes in.” His “palette”
of this viewer, who saw a rehearsal last included the confines of the stage at
week; Rodriguez himself hinted that the museum’s Leonhardt auditorium;
he may agree. As the 10-minute run- the space became his “paddock,” and
through came to a close, leaving his he makes his entrance through a side
audience of one awestruck, he placed door like a horse bolting of the barn.
his hands to his heart and quietly
sighed, “I cherish it.” Not every movement is that literal.
Most of the dance alludes to the emo-
“An Afternoon in the Paddock,” as tions and attitudes of the horse, and
Rodriguez calls his dance set to De- the emotions and attitudes humans
bussy’s “The Afternoon of a Faun,” is attribute to them. “We think they’re
another in a series of performances feeling a certain way, but we don’t
at the museum featuring choreog- know,” says Rodriguez. “We assume
raphy inspired by the art on exhibit. things from the visual.”
This time, there are six dances – two
interpretations for each of three ex- In addition to taking in Butterfield’s
hibits. He is one of seven choreog- own musings, for three days, almost
raphers who created the works – all endlessly, he watched videos of hors-
premieres – and one of three dancers es, absorbing the “psychological and
performing them. internal energy of the horse,” much as
he perceived Butterfield does.
Each of those dances represents
many hours – weeks, even – of cre- “I watched wild horses, domesti-
ative work, to say nothing of rehearsal cated horses, horses running, jump-
time. For Rodriguez, who both cho- ing, doing dressage and just in nature.
Then I would come to the studio and
subconsciously all that I had seen
would come out.”

Details as telling as how a horse
sleeps – standing, but with its head
lowered to the ground – stayed with
him as he composed his movements.
In his dance, that “non-trusting” pos-
ture told of an animal always pre-
pared to flee.

Unlike other choreographers, Ro-
driguez typically doesn’t see his
dance in full prior to putting it to pa-
per. Instead, he would improvise in
the studio, letting information and
inspiration “wash my brain.” With
Debussy’s score playing, the shapes,
steps and moods evolved over hours
and days.

“I did five different drafts of this
and ended up scratching them all,”
he says. “That’s how I work.”

At point, he considered doing the
dance as a man but on pointe; that
was scrapped, though he is leaving it

14 Thursday, February 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Coming Up: BSO ‘Pops’ up with Hollywood hits

STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER soul groups of the 1970s and still per- and bringin’ it on Sunday will be Ab-
[email protected] forming for fans around the world. solute Blue, five musicians channel-
With five Top 100 singles and two in ing the Blues Brothers look, playing
1 Maestro Christopher Confes- the Top Ten, the Spinners have sold what they like to call “the unique and
sore and the terrific Brevard millions of records with smash hits sometimes debilitating musical styl-
like “I’ll Be Around,” “Then Came ings that have become known as the
Symphony Orchestra will bring their You,” “Mighty Love,” “One of a Kind Absolute Blue Experience.”
(Love Affair),” “Games People Play”
high-energy 2017 pops concert, “Hoo- and “Could It Be.” Original member
Henry Fambrough, now 78, will be
ray for Hollywood,” to the Main Stage joined onstage by singers Charlton
Washington, Marvin Taylor, Ronnie
at the King Center Saturday. It’ll be Moss and Jessie Peck, backed up by Cocoa Village Mardi
their soul-infused five-piece band Gras Celebration.
wall-to-wall favorites from some of led by Keith Ferguson. The show 5 Saturday afternoon from 1 p.m.
starts at 7 p.m. who rocked the 1970s and ’80s with to 5 p.m. is the Downtown Mel-
Hollywood’s greatest film scores, in- a string of Top 40 hits and platinum
albums, including “Take Me Home
cluding Elmer Bernstein’s “The Mag- Tonight” “Build Me Up, Buttercup,” bourne Art and Wine Walk. You can
“Ain’t No Mountain High Enough”
nificent Seven” and “To Kill a Mock- and “Good Lovin’.” There will also experience the charm of Melbourne’s
be entertainment for the kids, plenty
ingbird,” along with an 85th birthday of food and music, and handicapped downtown, whiling away the after-
access. A previous attendee raved,
salute to the incomparable John Wil- “a chance to wear a great mask, and noon discovering new shops and res-
great food. I have been to the best,
liams, featuring music from “Star New Orleans, but too many feathers taurants, visiting old favorites, and
in my face, less crowded in the Vil-
Wars: The Force Awakens.” Concerts lage, and just plain crazy enough.” enjoying both the fruit of the vine and
The fun begins at 5 p.m. Saturday
are at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. with a New Orleans-style parade. the works of a variety of artists. Check

3 Get your Mar- in at Waterscapes Gallery, 720 E. New
di on this Sat-
The Spinners. Haven Ave., No. 4, as early as noon, if

urday at the Cocoa you wish, but note that wine will not

Village Mardi Gras be served until the clock strikes 1.

Celebration, a 30- Each ticketholder ($30) will receive a

year tradition. This passport and map to guide them along

family-friendly the route, with a wine-tasting and an

take on the New art demonstration at each stop. Each

Orleans blow-out stop will have an artist demonstration

typically welcomes and a wine tasting, and some stops

some 50,000 cel- 4 Plan on another music-infused will have coffee or tea. Passports will
weekend at Coppola’s Bar and
ebrants, as the be stamped at each stop to be entered

charming, historic Grille at the historic Sebastian Beach into the raffles.

village shifts into Inn on Melbourne Beach. On Fri-

festival mode for a day, kick back and enjoy the ocean 6 The 11th Annual Florida In-
stitute of Technology Interna-
day. The musical view and the music of Rick Ferrin on

2 Sunday, the King Center hosts headliner is singer, songwriter and guitar; Saturday brings the country tional Festival takes place Saturday,
The Spinners, one of the biggest
multi-instrumentalist Eddy Money, blues sound of the Buckshot Band; noon to 5 p.m., on the Florida Tech

campus’ Panther Plaza. The festival

will offer abundant food and drink,

unique merchandise, live entertain-

ment and information-filled display

booths representing nations and

cultures from around the world.

Performances and cultural displays

will be presented by student asso-

ciations representing Latin America,

Africa, the Caribbean, Sri Lanka and

Oman, as well Chinese, Muslim and

Taiwanese student associations; the

Ruth Funk Center for Textile Arts;

the International Student Service

Organization; the Institute for Cross

Cultural Management; and others.

Community groups will also partici-


7 Join the fun- and brew-loving
crowd Saturday at the Florida

Craft Brew and Wing Fest on Royal

Palm Pointe in Vero Beach, hosted

by the Sunrise Rotary Club. With the

purchase of the $35 tasting bracelet,

you can sample from among 150 craft


Local restaurants and groups will

sell beer’s BFF, chicken wings, as they

compete for the coveted Best Vero

Beach Wings designation. Proceeds

support Rotary projects. 

16 Thursday, February 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Cost cuts fuel new Medicare rules for joint replacements

STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRITER the 90-day period.” Ware explains: “Dr. Marshall Steele Dr. Anthony Ware.PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE
[email protected] If costs exceed Medicare’s target- is an orthopedic surgeon who was
trying to devise a pathway for total placement joints will be immune to
Nothing makes a medical device ed total, providers will have to pay joint patients from pre-op through the cost-cutting knife, according to
manufacturer, hospital or physi- back many of the dollars they re- surgery, post-op and into rehab. Ware. “There is a fairly wide range
cian move faster than the prospect ceived from Medicare. What he was trying to do was make of cost for implants,” Ware says, and
of having their Medicare reimburse- a seamless pathway that was stan- then adds, “I think it’s incumbent
ments cut. If, however, total costs fall below dardized so each patient would sort upon the physicians to work with
Medicare’s targeted number, hos- of go through the same protocol and the hospital to try to decrease those
That daunting prospect looms pitals, surgeons and other provid- get the same care. And the goal was costs.”
large right now for orthopedic sur- ers will not only get to keep what to maximize outcomes, improve
geons because the Centers for Medi- they’ve already been paid, they will outcomes and reduce cost.” Ware adds “we have to find what
care & Medicaid Services (CMS) has also be eligible for extra bonus dol- works best for the patient and for us
shifted how it pays medical provid- lars above and beyond that. That is in line with the goal of the in terms of surgery. This [Marshall
ers for hip and knee replacements. new Medicare reimbursement plan, Steele Program] is hopefully going
Since those reimbursements cur- which “is to give hospitals a finan- to be a good way to do that.”
Out is the old “fee-for-service” mod- rently total somewhere between $8 cial incentive to work with physi-
el in which hospitals and doctors get billion and $10 billion a year just for cians, home health agencies, skilled As an orthopedic surgeon, Ware
paid for every procedure they perform hip and knee replacements, there’s nursing facilities and other provid- quite naturally looks at Medicare’s
– regardless of patient outcomes; in is a lot of cash at risk, now and in the ers to make sure [Medicare] benefi- new payment directives from a pro-
the “Comprehensive Care for Joint Re- future, because of the change. ciaries get the coordinated care they vider’s point of view, saying, “Medi-
placement” model that follows each need,” according to the Department care, in its infinite wisdom, has de-
patient for a three-month period from Well over 600,000 people in the of Health and Human Services. cided to say you’re on the hook” for
surgery through recovery. U.S. got joint replacements this past any complications the patient expe-
year and the National Institutes of HHS continues by adding that hip riences during that 90-day period.
As U.S. News & World Report says, Health forecasts that number will and knee replacement patients “re-
“Doctors, hospitals, rehab centers, climb to 3 million a year by 2020. ceive care from many providers and But Medicare is looking at these
therapists, home health agencies suppliers,” and points out that can new rules through the patients’ eyes.
and other providers will continue So, the Sebastian River Medical often lead to serious complications
to get their regular reimbursements Center has turned to Stryker Perfor- and re-hospitalizations which only If a doctor cuts into someone’s
from Medicare. But at the end of the mance Solutions and its Marshall drive health costs higher. knee, grinds off large sections of
year, hospitals will be held account- Steele Program for help in navigat- bone, drills a series of holes into
able for the total cost of care over ing the new environment. That’s especially important here what’s left of that bone, inserts an
on the Treasure Coast. artificial joint into those holes and
SRMC orthopedic surgeon Tony 90 days later that patient still can’t
The Pew Charitable Trust, which walk or move about freely, maybe
CM calls Florida “the grayest state in the providers involved shouldn’t be
COLLINS & MONTZ DENTISTRY the nation,” points out that a whop- paid as much as those who do re-
ping 20 percent of the state’s popu- store full mobility to their joint re-
cosmetic dentistry  preventive dentistry lation is 65 or older and has – by far – placement patients.
restorative dentistry  dental implants the highest per capita number of hip
and knee replacements of any state Since Medicare’s Comprehensive
Experience the fusion of traditional in the union. Care for Joint Replacement payment
values and modern dentistry. plan was just launched in April 2016,
Says Ware: “So Sebastian has de- there isn’t yet a statistically valid
Dr. J. Hunter Collins Dr. Roger Montz cided to go ahead and implement this sampling of how effective it is or is
Marshall Steele Program that was going to be. Still, CMS remains confi-
524 Ocean Avenue, Melbourne Beach, FL 32951 designed by an orthopedic surgeon. dent it will “support better and more
They come in and examine our exist- efficient care” for Medicare hip and
(321) 725-6565 ing pathways and they make changes knee replacement patients.
and suggestions and implement this new pathway and plan.” Dr. Anthony Ware is with the Sebas-
tian River Medical Center. His office is at
Not even the actual prosthetic re- 8005 Bay Street, Suite Two in Sebastian.
The phone number is 772-589-0331. 

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 16, 2017 17


Stem cell therapy may help ease arthritic pain

STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRITER dic Surgeons reports that “treatment at the Naval Medical Center in Dr. Brett Haake and Dr. Jason Griffeth.PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD
[email protected] with stem cells and platelet-rich plasma Portsmouth, served his resi-
could hold promise; however, current dency in anesthesiology and
Pain is big business, and treating ar- research studies to back up the claims saw time in Afghanistan before
thritis pain is one of the biggest parts of in the media are lacking.” coming to Vero – has no qualms
that business. about employing stem cell and
In 2015, the National Institutes of platelet treatments.
Arthritis ranks as the third most Health chimed in, saying more clinical
common cause of pain in the U.S. be- trials needed. “One of the more prominent
hind only chronic back problems and studies that just came out,”
headaches. Despite the call for more studies, Haake says, “was a retrospec-
Haake – who used a U.S. Navy scholar-
More than a quarter of the U.S. popu- ship to attend medical school, interned CONTINUED ON PAGE 18
lation “has been told by a doctor that
they have some form of arthritis,” ac- TwoThirds
cording to the Centers for Disease Con-
trol, and “the most common form of
arthritis is osteoarthritis.”

In an effort to combat arthritic pain,
some 300 million prescriptions – worth
about $24 billion – are written each

Here in Vero Beach, however, Jason
Griffeth, managing director at the Re-
generative Biologics Institute, and RBI’s
medical director Dr. Brett Haake, are
taking a decidedly different approach
to treating osteoarthritis pain.

“Osteoarthritis,” according to Web-
MD, “is commonly known as wear-
and-tear arthritis. It is a condition in
which the natural cushioning between
joints – cartilage – wears away. When
this happens the bones of the joints rub
more closely against one another with
less of the shock-absorbing benefits of
cartilage. The rubbing results in pain,
swelling, stiffness, decreased ability to
move and, sometimes, the formation of
bone spurs.”

Griffeth and Haake are seeking to
combat that pain, swelling and stiff-
ness by restoring worn-out or lost car-
tilage using stem cell and platelet-rich
plasma injections.

“We specialize in regenerative medi-
cine,” says Griffeth. “Essentially what
that is, is trying to replace damaged or
diseased tissue with new healthy and
functional tissue. We do that by isolat-
ing the body’s own healing ability, con-
centrating it and putting it into the area
of need.

“The way that the body heals itself is
with stem cells and with platelets. So
we will take a tissue sample from the
patient: Usually an adipose or fat tissue
sample, because it tends to be the rich-
est source.

“Then,” Griffeth continues, “we iso-
late the regenerative cells and concen-
trate them and then we combine that
with highly concentrated platelets
and inject that directly [back into the
patient]. It mimics the body’s natural
healing mechanisms and it’s just a bet-
ter therapy.”

The therapy, while promising, is not
yet fully recognized.

The American Academy of Orthope-

18 Thursday, February 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


tive study that looked at 1,128 patients, Treadmill’s trek to fitness-industry fortune
and what they found was that at least 90
percent of the patients had at least a 50 STORY BY MIKE PLUNKETT THE WASHINGTON POST evolved from those join the running boom.
percent reduction in pain.” Moreover, accounted for al- Inspired by Cooper’s book, engi-
says Haake, “with those 1,128 patients, In its 2016 survey, the Sports & Fit- most 40 percent
there were zero measured adverse ness Industry Association (SFIA) of an estimated neer Bill Staub founded Aerobics Inc.
events.” found that more than 50 million $3.5 billion in fit- in 1968 and launched the PaceMaster,
Americans said they used a treadmill ness equipment re- convinced that an affordable tread-
This backed up by the National Insti- at least once in the previous year. tail sales in North mill had a place in the home. Accord-
tutes of Health, which says “there are America, ranging ing to his New York Times obituary,
no reasonable arguments against treat- Yet if the monotonous motion feels from the $300 home Staub sold 2,000 units a year dur-
ment with the patient’s stem cells.” like torture to some, that shouldn’t products to the ing the 1980s, and by the mid-1990s,
come as a surprise. more than $10,000 35,000 PaceMasters were sold per year.
“We have a guy that we’re talking to commercial-grade
right now,” Haake continues. “His or- The tread wheel, a variation of what treadmills. Other companies saw opportuni-
thopedic surgeon is telling him, ‘I’m we know as the modern treadmill, was ties to make the treadmill more com-
looking at your scan. You don’t need a used in the 1800s to keep British pris- The treadmill’s fortable and easier to use. In 1991,
knee replacement.’ And he’s like, ‘Well, oners from idleness but more so for evolution is em- Life Fitness invented the 9500HR,
I’m in excruciating pain. I’m a very hard labor punishment. blematic of the shift with wide springs and a bouncier
active guy and the steroid injections in how humans work and work out running surface.
aren’t working.’ “I can’t get my head around the that occurred because of the Indus-
fact that we now pay to run on ma- trial Revolution, Cregan-Reid said. “We went from not having a tread-
“So that’s a perfect patient for us, be- chines that were the harshest form of mill to being number one in market
cause the orthopedic surgeon is saying, punishment, short of the death pen- Before that time, most people had share two years later,” said Chris
‘Well, try this,’ but if someone needs a alty, for about 100 years,” said Vybarr agrarian jobs that required constant Clawson, former president of Life
knee replacement and a surgeon has Cregan-Reid, a senior lecturer at the physical labor, so there was no reason Fitness.
told them they need a knee replace- University of Kent in England and to work out.
ment, I will never tell them, don’t get author of “Footnotes: How Running Treadmill usage grew as gyms be-
the knee replacement.” Makes Us Human.” Any sort of “exercise,” Cregan-Reid came more popular in the 1990s and
said, stemmed from an upper-class 2000s, and as treadmills gained mu-
So, simply put, stem cell and plate- The British outlawed the tread understanding of leisure. To most sic, television and eventually WiFi.
let-rich plasma injections are another wheel as a punishment device near aristocrats, exercise was a break from
option to consider for the millions of the start of the 20th century after being sedentary, which was part of be- On today’s treadmill, one can
Americans currently suffering from de- outcries of it being seen as cruel and ing elite. walk, dance (Google “OK Go” and
bilitating arthritic diseases. unusual. “treadmill” and be amazed), watch
With the rise of factory jobs and lat- television, listen to music and read.
The Regenerative Biologics Institute is at Nevertheless, machines that er with office jobs, work life became One can shop online, write emails
3755 7th Terrace, Suite 102 in Vero Beach. compartmentalized, and corporate and read some more.
The phone number is 772-492-6973.  culture spawned perhaps the most
consequential move: We sat down to “This machine really is the foun-
work. dation of a lot of people in their lives
and their physical activity,” SFIA di-
A sedentary life became the stan- rector Tom Cove said.
dard, and specialized machines
cropped up to improve on what be- Boutique health clubs are using
came an activity of leisure: exercise. the treadmill’s capabilities for more
specialized workouts. Florida-based
The changes started by the Industri- Orange Theory Fitness offers high-
al Revolution took root in the 20th cen- intensity interval workouts that are
tury, which paved the way for tread- based on using the treadmill and its
mills to become machines meant for heart rate monitor.
privilege instead of punishment.
RunSocial chief executive Marc
In the 1920s, photos of beauti- Hardy said his augmented-reality
ful Gatsby-era women in high heels programs are on most major tread-
standing on wooden treadmills por- mill lines, including Life Fitness and
trayed the machine as fashionable Nautilus, while other companies
and luxurious. are creating their own virtual simu-
lations of racecourses and scenic
Thirty years later, medical re- routes for users to engage while us-
searchers used metallic treadmills ing a treadmill. 
with rubber belts to test heart and lung
disease, finding the treadmill’s capa-
bilities to measure heart rate and VO2
max levels useful for diagnosis.

One researcher, Kenneth Cooper,
published his book “Aerobics” in 1968,
encouraging readers to find ways to
improve their cardiovascular fitness.

The late ’60s were the unofficial
start of the fitness era and of using the
treadmill for recreational runs.

President John F. Kennedy inspired
Americans to improve the national
state of physical fitness.

A decade later, runners strapped on
their newly invented running shoes to

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 16, 2017 21


He added: “What is really worrying is that people Nanaksar Sikh Temple in Essen. Situated on a curved gested by a friend – a speech by Pierre Vogel, a former
frequently look the other way. They say it’s just a road, the temple is right next door to a mosque. boxer and Muslim convert known for spewing radi-
phase of adolescence and surely they will grow out of cal Islamist rhetoric who called for a public funeral
it. Often parents don’t really know what their children The temple’s glass door was locked. The Sikhs – a prayer service for Osama bin Laden after he was killed
are doing in their rooms.” faith based on the teachings of Indian gurus – had in Pakistan.
become concerned for their safety. Young Muslim
Since the start of the Syrian civil war, Europe has men from the neighboring mosque had passed by the “I didn’t know,”Yaman said, burying her head in her
grappled with the kind of radicalization that led thou- temple after Friday prayers, spitting at its gate. That hands. “I had no idea the things [Vogel] said.”
sands of its Muslim citizens to travel to the Middle East, Saturday evening, a group of Sikh children gathered
often to join the Islamic State. But as Turkey and other for singing classes had gone upstairs so that the adults But Yusuf was hooked – and he quickly sought out
nations more actively block the path of foreign fighters could pray. Singh was making his way to the altar new friends. They were men in Islamic garb from a
to Syria and Iraq, the journey has become harder. when he felt a crushing force, searing heat and pain. movement known as True Religion, which for years
handed out free Korans from booths in German cit-
So the targets of radicalized youths are shifting, A piece of his left foot had been blown off. Shards of ies. In November, German authorities outlawed the
European intelligence officials said, with terrorist glass were lodged in his body. Two wounded worship- group, calling it a recruitment network for the Is-
groups either enlisting or inspiring them to attack ers lay near him screaming. lamic State.
their homelands. They are employing propaganda
tailor-made for youths, including several recent The bleached-out blood from that day still stains In 2014, the men of True Religion welcomed Yusuf
graphic videos showing grammar-school-age chil- the temple’s prayer room. as “a brother.”
dren executing prisoners and a newly released com-
puter game, inspired by “Grand Theft Auto,” in which Neriman Yaman holds her phone with a picture of her son, Yusuf. “He never really had friends – because of his behav-
users kill enemies under the Islamic State flag. ior,” Yaman said. “But they welcomed him, included
“I don’t understand where that much hate comes him. Gave him respect.”
Islamic State recruiters carefully monitor children from,” said Singh, who is still unable to walk without
who visit their propaganda sites or enter radical chat crutches. “I try to grasp it, but I can’t. The ones who And he absorbed their ideas.
rooms, meticulously evaluating who may be suitable did this, they were very young, very young.” In class, he threatened to break the neck of a Jew-
for cultivation. ish girl – resulting in his expulsion and an order to
Yaman – the mother of the Emir – is also trying to attend deradicalization classes sponsored by the
Typically, they don’t immediately attempt to chal- understand and attending all her son’s court hearings. state intelligence services. For 18 months, to little
lenge children’s relationships with their parents but apparent effect, he received therapy and partici-
nudge them toward violence by convincing them that “I need to. I need to understand what happened to pated in discussion groups. At the time, his age pre-
Allah smiles on those who defend the faith. They groom my son,” she said. vented the authorities from monitoring his commu-
children much the way that pedophiles do – deploying nications.
flattery and attention while pretending to be friends, Yusuf – whose last name is being withheld because “What we can do is to open the door, but the
according to people who study the phenomenon. he is a minor – grew up the only son of a Turkish meat people themselves have to go through it,” said Joerg
delivery man and his wife in old coal mining country Rademacher, spokesman for the domestic intelli-
“They’ve built a structured recruitment process. in west Germany. gence branch in the German state of North Rhine-
They’re online, scanning for young adults,” Koehler Westphalia.
said. “They have stages of [cultivation]. They won’t “Yusuf was the class clown,” said Yaman in an in- Yusuf’s downward spiral continued. In 2015, he
even mention violence until later in their contact, un- terview in her kitchen. “But his jokes became disrup- secretly married a burqa-wearing Muslim girl, 15,
til they’ve built up trust with these younger recruits.” tive behavior. He would go under a table or a desk at whom he had met on a website. A radical Muslim
school and refuse to come out. We knew he had prob- cleric presided over the marriage – and chastised Yu-
Often, radicalized minors are also children at risk, lems. We tried to get him help.” suf’s parents when they objected.
either suffering from psychological disorders or living Using social media, Yusuf also connected with oth-
in broken or violent homes. For instance, the 12-year- In 2012, a child psychologist diagnosed him with er Muslim boys his age who admired the Islamic State.
old detained in December after building his own attention-deficit disorder. Yet the prescribed medica- There is no evidence to date that they had any direct
bomb – which failed to go off only because of a faulty tion – methylphenidate – made him so lethargic that contact with the group, but they collected behead-
fuse – had been visited frequently by social workers he could not get out of bed. He complained of violent ing videos on their phones, praised the militants at
because his father had a history of violence, according stomach cramps. “We took him off it after one day,” school and began to plan their own attack.
to German officials familiar with the case, who spoke Yaman said. In late 2015, the mother of a student at Yusuf’s
on the condition of anonymity to discuss a juvenile. school became alarmed and informed authorities
The son of Kurdish Iraqi immigrants, the boy had be- His behavior nose-dived. He would berate his young- after he allegedly bragged about having a gun. He
gun attending a local mosque – alone – that had been er sister and her friends and would throw tantrums. had also celebrated the November 2015 Paris attacks
previously linked to an Islamist movement. and warned that students at his school “would die.”
“He started seeing things – and he asked for God’s A search of his family home ensued, but no gun was
In the face of terrorist attacks, freedom of religion help,” she said. “He said he wanted to know more found.
is being tested in Germany – with even the progres- about his religion.” On Jan. 2, 2016, Yusuf and two other boys built a
sive Chancellor Angela Merkel now calling for an elec- test bomb at his parents’ house, pouring explosive
tion year ban on the full Muslim covering known as Yaman’s answer was to take him to an event sug- compounds into an emptied fire extinguisher and at-
the burqa. A German soccer club recently canceled taching a fuse. They detonated it at a local park – and
the contract of one of its Muslim players – Anis Ben- showed a video they shot to classmates who reported
Hatira – after a media uproar over his involvement in the incident.
a legal Islamic charity that promotes a conservative The school summoned Yaman to tell her and also
brand of the faith. informed the authorities. This time, Yusuf was called
in for questioning, but he was not detained. The
The heightened sense of insulation and persecu- school did not pursue disciplinary action beyond
tion among young Muslims, experts said, is only fos- alerting the police.
tering more radicalization. “Of course the school has taken action, but we
have nothing to do with how the authorities react,”
“Religious extremist propaganda, Salafist propa- said Werner Gallmeister, principal at the St. Michael
ganda, can only work if it is addressed to an audience School that Yusuf attended.
that is already marginalized and feeling uncomfort- Three months later, Yusuf and his friends attacked
able in society,” said Goetz Nordbruch, co-director the Sikh temple that abutted the mosque where the
of Horizon, a German group offering counseling and boys had started worshiping without their parents,
workshops on Islamophobia in German schools. officials said. In their texts to one another, recovered
by police, they described the temple as a den of in-
“The public discourse is turning against these kids, fidels. 
against Islam,” he said. “It is making it harder for them
to feel both Muslim and German.”

At 6:45 p.m. on April 16, Kuldeep Singh, a 62-year-
old cleric and immigrant from the Indian state of Pun-
jab, was passing inside the side door of the Gurudwara

26 Thursday, February 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly



7 Honest (8) 1 Communicate (8)
8 Canopy (4) 2 Road (6)
9 Leg joint (4) 3 Attempts (7)
10 Cloudy (8) 4 Sadness (5)
11 Copy (7) 5 Problematic (6)
12 Heatresistant glass (5) 6 Employer (4)
15 Animal bedding (5) 13 Outside (8)
17 Calculate (7) 14 Agreement (7)
20 Puddings (8) 16 Help (6)
22 Gain by labour (4) 18 Lovely (6)
23 Eras (4) 19 Float (5)
24 Role (8) 21 Brim (4)

The Telegraph

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

The Telegraph

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 16, 2017 27


ACROSS 80 Mt. Sinai, in openings Addams The Washington Post
ancient times 11 Remains here? 74 Leaking
1 It probably came 12 Tell tales 75 Disney computer-
first 81 Indy 500 family 13 Loose overcoats
name 14 Soviet-era state animation film
7 Prozac maker, 15 Unaccounted-for 76 In ___ (caught)
___ Lilly 82 Co-star with 78 Doleful
Bolger and Haley GIs
10 Enterprise 16 Major addition? 79 Terrible age
navigator 83 Result of a 17 Scholarship 86 Fights tooth and
14 Indicator consideration nail (with)
18 Hall-of-Famer 84 Dye family 19 “Runaway” singer 88 Ex-Congo
85 Green land
Fingers 87 Popular brand of Shan non premier
19 Politician’s stand? 21 Dentist’s request Lumumba
20 Fossil-hunter’s bathing suit 23 Celeb’s book, 89 Paved the way
90 Tortilla dough? for
find 91 Dubbing problem often 90 Coup for a duffer
22 Tulsa university 27 Mogambo 92 Goose egg
93 Clockmaker 94 Having a growling
24 Clean ___ Thomas and actress’s first stomach
(eat ev ery thing) others name 95 Imogene’s co-star
25 Shade from the 30 Words before 98 Dummies
96 Sheridan of mode or mort 100 Level
sun Kings Row 32 Actress’s cameo 102 Unaccustomed to
26 March exhibitions 97 Hush-hush org. role, sometimes 103 ___ generis
28 Provoked in sport 99 “Think of ___ a 34 Frank admission (unique)
29 Spanish 36 Central Polish 104 Jump for joy
gift” city 105 Ford supporters?
nobleman 101 Utah range 38 Humvee hotbed 106 Lauder of
31 Ex-Twin Tony of 1991 cosmetics
32 Lobster moms 103 Hide 39 1984 Peace 107 Lily of Utah
33 Atticus Finch 107 “___ up!” Nobelist 108 The Nautilus, for
(“Get a move on!”) 40 Section of an example, in
creator 110 Shrubbery imperial dome headlines
34 Old White House 112 Greek letters 41 Yellow vehicle, 109 Zenith
113 Shunning often 110 Single femmes
moniker 115 Best Actor Oscar- 42 Element element 111 Mr. Hyde’s
35 To go, in Togo 43 La Toya’s sister creator
37 WWII partisan winner of 1985 45 ___ glance 114 “Why am ___
117 Type wiper (instantly) blue?”
leader 118 The greatest, 46 Dashing types 116 Cry’s partner
41 ___ California in old slang 48 Masters’ medium
44 Road workers 51 Microorganism I FILL YOUR PAIN By Merl Reagle
47 -odd 119 Grand ___ Dam that can live
49 Cheap toupee 120 Higher, in without oxygen Simulcast Wagering
50 Acting teacher 53 Playlist? Doors Open @ 11:45
Heidelberg 54 Lunchbreak lgth.,
Hagen 121 Very positive often LIVE GREYHOUND RACING
51 Self starter? 122 Slugger Williams 56 Bread pudding MONDAY - SATURDAY AT 1:00 PM DAILY
52 Urges on addition
55 Furious 123 African menace 58 “___ to be in your NOW DEALING
57 Meathead, to shoes!”
DOWN 59 Powers of The Fastest Growing Games in the South at
Archie 1 Pledged fidelity Hollywood
59 Third-place honor 2 Aristophanes play 60 Practice doing THE ONLY POKER ROOM IN BREVARD COUNTY
61 Olympic honor standup
62 In readiness (meaning “The 63 Acts the villain FAST & EASY TO LEARN
64 Point systems, in Seasons”) 66 Walls up
3 His horns are 67 Big Sur POKER ROOM
math twisted movement OPENS @ 9:45
65 Eliot classic 4 Try-square shape 68 Runner’s shoe?
69 Composer 5 Foundation part 72 Space chimp
6 Sleeping car 73 Cartoonist
Khachaturian designer
70 Sea animals that 7 It’s often grasped
in charades
can eat while 8 Less lofty
floating on their 9 Japanese
backs immigrant
71 Start of a DDE 10 Of small
slogan biological
73 Witch-trial figure
77 Similar-sounding

The Telegraph EXIT 183 OFF I-95 MELBOURNE
Corner of Wickham & Sarno

321-259-9800 

28 Thursday, February 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


No joy when mom-in-law treats our boy like a toy

STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST and of her. Let’s say you witness an instance of his ter all, is not to vilify Grandma. Instead, it’s to
looking uncomfortable as she’s showing him off teach your son to find his limits and articulate
Dear Carolyn: My mother- to her friends. In that case, you need to stand up them for himself. Think of these as the inner
in-law treats my son like a toy for your son as you also acknowledge her needs: workings of respect.
that (not who) is there to amuse “I know how proud you are of your grandson, but
her on her terms and show off that’s enough for now – he’s uncomfortable.” As your son matures, teach him ways to apply
to her friends. My husband and this formula himself. Do this both in the mo-
I are trying to raise our child to It’s a formula you can apply widely here, to en- ment – “I know Grandma loves your voice, Son-
respect others and be attuned to force limits firmly while showing kindness to- ny, but you don’t have to sing ‘Heart and Soul’ for
others’ feelings, but how do we ward your mother-in-law. The primary goal, af- us if you don’t want to” – and in conversations
do this when Grandma defies with your son after any awkward encounters
all of that, especially with him? with your mother-in-law. “You looked uncom-
Plus, what are the chances he’ll grow up to re- fortable when Grandma asked you to sing for ev-
sent her, as she clearly disregards what he wants/ eryone. Did I read that correctly?” And if yes: “I
needs for her own amusement? I had a relative don’t think she understands how that puts you
treat me that way when I was a child, and I still on the spot. You can always say no to such a re-
resent her even though she’s dead. quest, from her or anyone else. We will back you
up.” Then do.
– Anonymous
Another crucial example of respect is to rec-
Anonymous: Any education includes exam- ognize your son isn’t you. He might not react to
ples of what to do, and what not to. Just because his grandmother the way you did to your bound-
Grandma is a persistent what-not-to doesn’t ary-challenged relative. At all. He might bask in
mean she will undermine the lessons you teach the attention, and/or see it as her way of showing
your son. love. Thanks in part to your careful teaching, he
might have the emotional intelligence to distin-
In fact, the very thing you’re concerned about guish her expressions of pride from the boundary
– that your son will resent being treated as a toy – issues they’re wrapped in.
might prove more enlightening to him than any- Accordingly, the most respectful example you
thing you and your husband do. Knowing how can set for your boy is to act on his feelings on this
disrespect feels can give him the insight and mo- issue, not yours. Summon the poise to let these
tivation he needs to be respectful of others. two develop a relationship of their own. Coach
and protect as needed, yes, but with the lightest
An important piece of that will be the way you touch that your duty as a parent permits. 
and your husband handle Grandma’s behavior. To
start, you need to be respectful both of your son

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 16, 2017 29


Designer Simons helps Calvin Klein thrive in a new America

STORY BY ROBIN GIVHAN about America as an ideal, rather than this city. Other designers came out, advertisement for the brand – the one
The Washington Post a place. But Simons also excelled at a too. Narciso Rodriguez, who worked in which she declared that nothing
designer’s most fundamental – most at Calvin Klein during the 1990s, was came between her and her Calvins.
Calvin Klein is renewed. The nearly difficult – job: He created desirable, in- there for Simons’ big day, along with
50-year-old American brand famous ventive clothes. Diane von Furstenberg, the president But the collection was not a look
for jeans and underwear looks youth- of the Council of Fashion Designers of back as much as it was a meditation on
ful – but not immature – sharp and rel- Last summer’s announcement that America. Former models Lauren Hut- how this moment in time tracks with
evant. Simons would take the helm at Calvin ton and Brooke Shields sat side by side our historical understanding of what
Klein was greeted with great enthusi- during the show. And Shields chuckled America means.
Raf Simons, the brand’s new chief asm by a fashion industry hungering when a model walked by wearing a pair
creative officer, has situated the label for something new and dynamic in of jeans with a patch emblazoned with The clothes tapped into the large-
in the center of a cultural conversation New York. Simons had a track record a silhouette of Shields from her famous type tropes of Americana. There were
- not simply one focused on fashion but for creativity and reinvention both at oversized parkas lined with heirloom-
one that includes the arts, politics and his own menswear label and as cre-
national identity. ative director at Jil Sander and later, CONTINUED ON PAGE 30
Christian Dior. His reputation as a
So much can bubble up when an minimalist with an affinity for street
outsider takes a look at America - its culture and a love for the visual arts
reality, the cliches and the mythology seemed a perfect fit at an American
- and allows all of those contradictory brand, founded in 1968, that trans-
and complimentary notions to churn formed blue jeans and underwear into
through his imagination. That’s what sexual foreplay, stirred outrage from
Simons did for his debut men’s and shopping malls to Capitol Hill when it
women’s collections at Calvin Klein. sexualized youth culture and delight-
And the result was a captivating pre- ed the eye with its red carpet creations.
sentation that avoided rehashing the
corrosive political anger of the day and Simons’ Friday morning show last
instead explored the melancholy our week was set in the heart of the Gar-
politics has stirred up. ment District, where the grit and grime
are reminders of the grueling reality of
Artful, contemplative and pointed, fashion. As a measure of his star-watt-
Simons’s collection for fall 2017 used age, he attracted a more international
fashion – Western shirts, heirloom audience than most designers here,
quilts, sharp tailoring, blue jeans – as luring editors from Europe as well as
a rich vocabulary for nuanced sto-
rytelling. For unwinding a narrative

30 Thursday, February 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


The Grammys: Best Dressed

style quilts, big leather bomber jack- souls, to the dystopian darkness, to The Grammys: Worst Dressed
ets with rose appliqués, Western style the continued segregation. But that
shirts in deep indigo denim, slim dark- view comes faster now. Perhaps it
washed jeans, glen plaid banker blazers even comes first.
with pronounced shoulders, marching
band shirts and brightly colored trou- As the models walked, David Bowie
sers with racer stripes down the side. played through the speakers, and he
made a sorrowful declaration: “This Is
Overcoats were sealed in clear Not America.”
protective plastic – recalling a 1970s
crushed velvet sofa with its custom A little piece of you
plastic slipcover. And sheath dresses The little peace in me
were little more than layers of clear Will die (This is not a miracle)
plastic stuffed with feathers. One mod- For this is not America
el even wore an American flag skirt, its Blossom fails to bloom this season
golden fringe streaming from beneath Promise not to stare
a trim overcoat. Too long (This is not America)
For this is not the miracle
The models were noticeably diverse
– a parade of young men and women of What exactly is it that Simons has
all shades with long, flowing hair, spi- created? The memory of America?
ral curls and tight kinks.
He commissioned the Los Angeles-
“It is the coming together of different based artist Sterling Ruby to create an
characters and different individuals, installation – a mise-en-scene for his
just like America itself,” wrote Simons show.
in his show notes. “It is the unique
beauty and emotion of America.” The results were metal buckets and
sheets of faded denim hanging from
This is a newcomers’ America – the ceiling alongside old cheerleader
the beautiful, charming, delightful pom-poms and other detritus from a
bits of this country. The romance of star-spangled America.
the beautiful mosaic. It used to take
a while before a new arrival got to Simons celebrated an America that
the Rust Belt underbelly, to the lost is beautiful and mesmerizing. 

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 16, 2017 31


Amalfi Grille: Delightful dining saves best for last

[email protected] Brownie Cake.
From innovative appetizers to the for my husband’s steak, it was perfectly
hands-down best desserts in Vero, no Escargot. New York Prime prepared Pittsburgh style, and was ac-
restaurant does it better than the Amalfi Strip Steak. companied by green beans and truffle
Grille. mashed potatoes. An excellent steak.
Brevard restaurant reviewer
You know you are going to be in for Finally, it came time for dessert. We
a great culinary experience when you The Melbourne Beachsider is looking for a freelance food critic to write weekly were anxious to see what Chef Dan, who
make a reservation at this white-table- reviews of restaurants in Brevard County. Until we find the right person, we will invents the amazing pastries served at
cloth-yet-intimate Italian restaurant on continue to run reviews in this space by our Vero Beach restaurant reviewer. If you the Amalfi, was featuring this time.
Miracle Mile. have food expertise and think you can help Beachsider readers with their dining
choices, please send a resume and a 600-word review of a restaurant you recently While it was simply called caramel
On our most recent visit two weeks brownie cake ($10.50), there was noth-
ago, proprietor Bob Rose ushered us to a visited to [email protected]. ing simple about it. It consisted of three
comfortable booth along the west wall, tiers of orange cake layered with cara-
and veteran server Dana quickly took mel, coconut and fudge cookie mouse,
our drink order. with pieces of chocolate and bursts of
mandarin orange, finished with a choc-
In addition to some very expensive olate glaze and shredded coconut. One
(and very good) bottles of wine, Amalfi of Dan’s best creations yet.
has an excellent selection of modestly
priced offerings. On this evening, we Dinner for two with a couple of
decided to start with the Colin Barollet glasses of wine can run anywhere
chardonnay, an elegant little white Bur- from $120 to $180 before tip. With a
gundy. great bottle of wine, it can come to
considerably more.
For appetizers, we decided to order
two to share. Needless to say, one had to But the Amalfi Grille, currently open
be our favorite, the calamaretti Amalfi seven nights a week, has put together
($14) – calamari very lightly fried with that winning combination of great food
cannelloni beans and cherry peppers in expertly prepared, fabulous service and
a lemon and white wine sauce. A bit on a proprietor who cares.
the spicy side, but wonderful.
When the evening starts great, and
For the second, Rose persuaded us to then just keeps getting better, it is diffi-
try Amalfi’s escargot special ($14). Oh, cult to wish for more.
my! The snails, sautéed in white wine
and garlic, were served with braised I welcome your comments, and en-
buttered leeks in a flaky homemade puff courage you to send feedback to me at
pastry. The dish was topped by a hol- [email protected].
landaise sauce, with a lemon white wine
sauce around that. The reviewer dines anonymously at
restaurants at the expense of this news-
If you are thinking that this might all paper. 
be too much – too many things going on
– you’d be wrong. It not only works, but is HOURS
sinfully delicious. French purists might Dinner nightly from
be pained to hear this, but my husband
said he would take the Amalfi’s version 5 pm to closing
over escargots in their classic form. BEVERAGES

Next, we shared two salads – the Full bar
Amalfi’s pear, pecan and gorgonzola ADDRESS
salad ($12), and the evening’s special 398 21st Street, Vero Beach
spinach salad ($12). The pear salad PHONE
here is always excellent, but the spin- (772) 564-8218
ach salad was its equal – fresh spinach
served with slices of baby Portobellos,
gorgonzola cheese and toasted pine
nuts with a warm Applewood smoked
bacon dressing.

Then for entrées, I had the vitello
pizzaiola ($26), my husband had the
14-ounce prime New York strip steak
($45), and our companion had the ca-
vatelli Bolognese ($22).

Vitello pizzaiola and the cavatelli Bo-
lognese are both relatively simple Ital-
ian dishes, but made as they are at the
Amalfi from the freshest and finest in-
gredients, these dishes are consistently
wonderful. The thin slices of veal sca-
loppini in my dish were fork-tender. As

32 Thursday, February 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 16, 2017 33


Krista almost leaves bilingual Bonz speechless

stuff. Not just any stuff, though. I

’specially enjoyed Corners. Furni-

Hi Dog Buddies! ture corners and baseboard cor-

This week I had a fun yap with Krista ners are the BEST. I guess I did get
Runyon, a German Shepherd who just
turned 2 this month. I brushed up on a little carried away on the couch.
my German, cuz you just never know. So
I was ready with “Guten morgen! ” (Good But just the one section. Oh, and
morning!); “Was ist der Schuss? ” (What’s
the woof?) Stuff like that. I usta have this Big Huge Loud

When me and my assistant stepped Yawn when I first woke up. So
in, Krista was right there with her Dad.
“Woof!” I thought to myself. She was loud it woke Dad up, too. He said
real pretty, taller than me, long-leggedy,
beautiful big, pointy ears, nice fluffy tail. it was ob-NOX-shus.”
She was sorta prancing around, gave a
coupla woofs, looked at her Dad to make “Whadyaa do for fun?” I in-
sure we were Good Guys. He told her we
were, and that I was the reporter who quired.
was gonna do her story.
“BALL. I love playin’ catch
“OH! Cool Dog Biscuits!” she said,
and pranced over for the Wag-and- with Dad. Not Bad Brad,
Sniff. “I’m happy to meet you, Mr. Bon-
zo! I just hadda be sure, ya know. It’s a though. He wants nothin’ to
German Shepherd thing. So, I’m Krista
Runyon, and this is my Dad, Billy. My do with play. He’s kinda a de-
Aunt Jessica lives here, too, and so does
Brad. He’s a Morkie.” tective. Does a lot of nosin’

“Um, a Morkie? I’m not sure what … ” around, checkin’ stuff out. And
“That’s a Maltese mixed with a Yor-
kie. Brad’s a Big Grump! We call him Bad sometimes he sneakily sneaks
Brad. We get along fine now (mostly),
but we didn’t usta.” my toys, and then I chase him,
No German. I was relieved. “So tell me
about yourself, Miss Krista.” which is fun. For me. Ooo,
“I was named after a German Shep-
herd that Dad and Aunt Jessica had when and I love the pool. I’m a great
they were kidlets, she was Krista the First.
But they couldn’t keep her, so she ap- swimmer, but only when
plied for a job in law enforcement. Dad
an Aunt Jessica were really bummed, and Dad’s with me, which is only
Dad decided, then and there, that he was
gonna get another German Shepherd when he’s in the mood to dry
someday, when he was a grown-up. So,
two years ago, he saw this puppy ad from me off. See, it takes forEVER
Geneva, Florida, and there was a picture
of ME. Well, you know how irresistible us cuz my coat is So Thick! Dad
puppies are, right?”
“Yup, I do.” hoses me off and uses Head
“So there I was in all my adorable-
ness, a little fluffball with my front paws and Shoulders so I’m all nice
up on a ledge, and big ol’ puppy eyes. Of
course, that was that. I got to come here and soft and pretty.
soon as I was 8 weeks old. But I hadda
ride in a CAR, which I didn’t like much “You sure are,” I thought
cuz it gave me Tummy Troubles. Still
does. I drooled all the way home. So now to myself.
I don’t hafta ride in it ’cept when I go to
the vet, thank Lassie! “Sometimes me and
“First time I met Dad I KNEW it was
gonna be Me and Him. As long as I can Aunt Jessica play dress-up.
be with Dad, I’m happy and seCURE.
But back when I was a pupster, I did Like, for my birthday, I got
have this little problem with chewing
to wear a little pointy hat.

And I have a pink collar,

see? And for Christmas,

I get to wear a Santa hat!

Aunt Jessica takes me to

the Dog Park, too. Brad

doesn’t get to go with us

cuz I go on the Big Dog

side, and he hasta go on

the Little Dog side, and Krista, the German Shepherd. PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
Aunt Jessica can only be
on one side atta time.

Brad thinks that’s Soggy Dog Biscuits, treat in each box.

cuz in his heart, he’s a Big Dog.” “See, it’s called a Poker Box cuz I hafta treat after each. “45 seconds!

“Any favorite treats? Or tricks?” poke my nose around and figure out My Personal Best!” she announced,

“I do High Fives and Dad gives me Soft how to get the treats. So watch how fast I smiling and prancing around.

’n Chewies.” She demonstrated. “And can do all four. I’m gonna try to beat my “Woof!” I said with admiration. “That

I also get big rawhide bones to chew. record!” was aMAZing!”

They’re good for at least a coupla hours’ She sat like a statue, staring at the “I KNOW! Right?” she agreed.

chewin’. Oooo, and you gotta see THIS. box, till her Dad, the Official Timer, “It’s been a real pleasure yapping with

It’s like a Dog IQ Test.” said, “OK! GO!” you, Miss Krista,” I told her, realizing, re-

Krista’s Dad brought out four lit- With her paws and nose, she poked luctantly, that it was time to go.

tle red plastic boxes on a base. Each at the boxes, really fast, pulling, lift- “I hope you come back to visit me, Mr.

opened in a different way. He put a ing, sliding and pushing, gulping the Bonzo,” she said.

Don’t be shy! Heading home, I was thinking, “I sure
hope so, too!”

Till next time,

We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up -The Bonz
an interview, please email [email protected].

34 Thursday, February 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


ONGOING Free Heart lectures and a light lunch offered Free Science Cafés hosted by Brevard Zoo Riverside Theatre Vero Beach – Private Lives
by Health First Heart & Vascular Services at var- and FIT, every second Wednesday thru June at thru Feb. 19. 772-231-6990
ious locations thru Feb. Duran Golf Club’s Tradewinds Restaurant. Free.
Upstairs at The Henegar presents Lady Day at
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN Crossword Page 5237 (STAKEOUT!) Emerson’s Bar and Grill thru Feb. 18.
in February 2, 2017 Edition 7 FETE 1 BEVERAGE
8 ALTITUDE 2 DESERT EGAD First Friday in Eau Gallie Arts District,
9 REJECT 3 CANTEEN 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. every first Friday; and Mel-
10 DRIVEL 4 STUDY bourne Main Street Friday Fest, 6 to 10 p.m.
11 PARTNER 5 STRIDE every second Friday.
20 BATTER 16 GATHER 16 Foremost ragtime pianist Scott Kirby
22 SLEEPY 18 PLENTY presents Main Street Souvenirs, a mu-
23 LUKEWARM 19 BREAK sical and cinematic celebration of Classic Amer-
24 TRIP 21 AQUA ica, 7 p.m. at Eastminster Presbyterian Church,
Indialantic. $10 at door. 321-723-8371
Sudoku Page 2562 Sudoku Page 2573 Crossword Page 5226


Join our directory for the most affordable way to reach
out to customers for your service or small business

targeting the South Brevard barrier island communitites.
This is the only directory mailed each week into homes

in 32951, Indialantic, Indian Harbour and Satellite
Beach. Contact either Kristy Grimes, 321-499-7999

[email protected] or
Will Gardner, 407-361-2150

[email protected].

36 Thursday, February 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Charming waterfront chalet features pool and dock

STORY BY Maria Canfield CORRESPONDENT The kitchen’s beveled-edge tum-
[email protected] bled tile floor adds to the no-fuss,
pleasantly rustic vibe of the house.
Most houses have a “feel” you The center island, topped with butch-
sense as soon as you enter; the canal- er block, has drawers and cabinets of
front home at 265 Arrowhead Lane is various sizes to tuck away cooking
no exception. What makes it differ- apparatus, and an open space for a
ent is the specific feeling it evokes: microwave or other small appliance.
with its peaked roof, dark hardwood The countertops are an appealing
floors, wood-beamed ceilings and mix of butcher block and blue tile.
wood-burning fireplace, the home
sings “chalet.” The kitchen is large enough to ac-
commodate a table and six chairs;
The paver driveway curves up to an from this vantage point, the canal
outside foyer and a handsome wood and the home’s sparkling pool – the
front door; it is painted in a deep color of blueberry popsicles – are in
shade of cerulean blue, an accent full and enchanting view.
color that is nicely used throughout
the house. The door is fronted by an The living room is just the right size
ornamental iron grille. and shape for comfortable everyday
living as well as for casual entertain-
Inside, you’re treated to the sight of ing and is situated to take full advan-
an open-flow floor plan, resplendent tage of the glorious water-focused
with wood and striking design choic- scenery.
es. To your left is an 11-feet-by-14-feet
dining room surrounded by rough- The long, beautifully-curved pool
hewn wood posts that embrace the and waterfall is part of the screened-
space without separating it from the in patio; the patio has an under-cover
rest of the house. A leaded-glass win- eating area and an outside shower,
dow with diamond-shaped stained allowing for a quick rinse-off after an
glass accents allows diners to enjoy enjoyable swim. The west side of the
the beautiful front-of-house land- pool – facing the canal – is lined with
scaping and foliage. large rocks in hues of cream, brown

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 16, 2017 37



and gray; this touch provides a subtle tie to the Subdivision: Sunnyland Beach substantial size for a non-master, and could
living room’s stone fireplace. Year Built: 2006 easily be used as a den. The pool sits invit-
ingly just beyond the smaller third bedroom,
The canal is just a few steps from the patio, Construction: Concrete Block, Stucco Finish giving the room a resort-type feel. These two
accessible from a private deck and pier. The Home Size: 2,158 square feet bedrooms share a full bath; the two sinks are
boat slip is equipped with an electric lift, al- Lot Size: 9,148 square feet separated by the toilet and shower.
lowing for no-hassle jaunts to the nearby In-
dian River Lagoon and Intracoastal Waterway. Bedrooms: 3 • Bathrooms: 2 full baths, 1 half-bath There is also a half-bath on this side of
Additional Features: Private beach access, oversized the house; in keeping with attractive design
The large (14-x-20) master bedroom is split 2-car garage, additional room above the garage that touches seen throughout the house, its lower
from the other two bedrooms, and includes a can be made into an office or den, storm shutters, new walls are lined with wainscoting.
slightly recessed sitting area, perfect for light A/C, laundry, kitchen pantry, ceiling fans and recessed
reading or simply gazing out of the tall win- The home is in the distinctive community
dows. The en suite bath is huge; it has a stall lighting throughout. of Sunnyland Beach, adjacent to the Archie
shower, a vintage-feel clawfoot tub, a walk-in Listing Agency: Coldwell Banker Paradise Carr National Wildlife Refuge and the Indian
closet and tile floors of sage and almond. Listing Agent: Virginia Heeter, cell phone 772-766-4158 River Lagoon Preserve State Park. It is offered
by Coldwell Banker Paradise for $669,000. 
The second bedroom, at 14-x-16, is of a very List Price: $669,000

38 Thursday, February 16, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Feb. 3 to Feb. 9

The first week of February saw a mix of real estate activity in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903 and 32937.
While Melbourne Beach was strong with 7 sales and 6 were recorded in Satellite Beach, Indialantic and
Indian Harbour Beach both took a breather.
The top sale of the week was of a townhome in Satellite Beach. The Pineda Ocean Club residence at 121
Highway A1A was placed on the market Sept. 19 with an asking price of $459,900. The transaction closed
Feb. 3 for $435,000.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Ronda Harber of In the Home Zone Realty. The purchaser
was represented by Joya Hoffard of Re/Max Alternative Realty.



HOMER RODEHEAVER RES 7820 HIGHWAY A1A 11/21/2016 $370,000 $370,000 2/7/2017

RIVER COLONY NORTHWE 605 HIBISCUS TRL 6/15/2016 $235,000 $235,000 2/7/2017 $297,000

VILLA DE TROVA 1404 ATLANTIC ST E 1/3/2017 $245,000 $245,000 2/8/2017 $246,250

BCH WDS STG 2 PHS 2 3220 BEACH VIEW WAY 8/19/2016 $245,000 $219,500 2/8/2017 $210,000

BREAKERS CONDO P1 2203 ATLANTIC ST 715 1/10/2017 $359,000 $359,000 2/8/2017 $351,000

WEXFORD CONDO PH II 215 BALLYSHANNON ST 202 10/15/2016 $469,900 $449,000 2/8/2017 $430,000

NEW MELBOURNE BEACH 0 PALM DR 12/28/2016 $159,000 $159,000 2/6/2017 $150,000




SKYLINE SUBD 197 SKYLINE CT 8/11/2016 $249,500 $247,000 2/3/2017 $230,000
SEA PARK HOMES 2ND A 650 2ND AVE $185,000
MICHIGAN BEACH 8TH A 490 SHERWOOD AVE 1/5/2017 $185,000 $328,000 2/3/2017 $175,000
PINEDA OCEAN CLB P1 121 HIGHWAY A1A 121 $459,900
S PATRICK SHORES 5S 158 SEA PARK BLVD 8/30/2016 $349,000 $339,900 2/6/2017 $328,000
9/19/2016 $459,900 2/3/2017 $435,000

12/18/2016 $339,900 2/6/2017 $330,000

1/5/2017 $243,900 2/8/2017 $247,900

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, February 16, 2017 39


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: HOMER RODEHEAVER RES, Address: 7820 Highway A1a Subdivision: BREAKERS CONDO P1, Address: 2203 Atlantic St 715

Listing Date: 11/21/2016 Listing Date: 1/10/2017
Original Price: $370,000 Original Price: $359,000
Recent Price: $370,000 Recent Price: $359,000
Sold: 2/7/2017 Sold: 2/8/2017
Selling Price: $311,500 Selling Price: $351,000
Listing Agent: Patricia J Halpin Listing Agent: David Settgast

Selling Agent: Salt Water Realty of Brevard Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

Patricia J Halpin Peggy Penridge

Salt Water Realty of Brevard RE/MAX Elite

Subdivision: WEXFORD CONDO PH II, Address: 215 Ballyshannon St 202 Subdivision: S PATRICK SHORES 5S, Address: 158 Sea Park Blvd

Listing Date: 10/15/2016 Listing Date: 12/18/2016
Original Price: $469,900 Original Price: $339,900
Recent Price: $449,000 Recent Price: $339,900
Sold: 2/8/2017 Sold: 2/6/2017
Selling Price: $430,000 Selling Price: $330,000
Listing Agent: Lisa A. Goddard Listing Agent: William Jesseman

Selling Agent: Keller Williams Selling Agent: Brevard County Realty LLC

Laura Dowling Roy Irina Litwak

Premier Properties Coldwell Banker Paradise





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