September 21, 2018 | Volume 5, Issue 38 Newsstand Price: $1.00
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Broad consensus for Developer: I
no new sidewalk, but will work with
wider A1A bike lanes Dodgertown
By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer
[email protected] [email protected]
Island residents, cycling Dr. Gerald Pierone and Marie Andress in front of Whole Family Health Center. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE Lakeland-based developer
groups, county commissioners Mark Hulbert said he’ll provide
and the Metropolitan Planning WHOLE FAMILY HEALTH’S ROLE CONTINUES TO GROW the overflow parking area His-
Organization are now united in toric Dodgertown needs to ac-
their opposition to a new side- By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer mary care as well as mental health services. commodate big-crowd events if
walk along the east side of State [email protected] Marie Andress, who has taken the reins, is the Vero Beach City Council sells
Road A1A through Indian River him the long-idle, golf-course
Shores and in their support for Whole Family Health Center has hired an the former executive vice president and CFO property immediately west of
a wider, safer bike lane along the impressive new CEO at a time when the clin- of Family Health Centers of Southwest Florida, the sports complex.
same 6.74-mile stretch of road. ic is gaining prominence and importance as a a low-cost system with 32 locations and 78,000
healthcare resource in Indian River County, of- patients, where she worked for almost 12 years. “I’m willing to put it in writ-
To that end, county officials fering free to low-cost adult and pediatric pri- ing,” Hulbert told Vero Beach
have asked the Florida Depart- CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 32963 last week, emphatically
ment of Transportation to reduce adding, “for perpetuity.”
the speed limit to 45 mph from
the current 50 mph on the sec- In fact, Hulbert shared his
tion of A1A north of John’s Island desire to cooperate with Indian
when the seaside highway is re- River County, which owns the
surfaced next year. adjacent Historic Dodgertown
grounds, in a Sept. 4 email sent
Support for the speed-limit to County Administrator Jason
reduction and bike-lane widen- Brown.
ing was unanimous at the MPO’s
Sept. 12 meeting. Hulbert wrote that he wanted
to “express publicly my commit-
“Based on what was said at ment to working out an agree-
the meeting, it was obvious most ment with the county, should it
of the people don’t perceive be necessary to meet the needs
a pedestrian problem, just a of Major League Baseball.”
NEWS 1-6 PETS 10 MY City has no plans to buy Super Stop land to build parking garage
REAL ESTATE 11 By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer
B1 [email protected]
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 The way Barbara Thompson sees it – and she has
For circulation or where to pick up seen a lot in her 53 years in Vero Beach – this is the
your issue call: 772-226-7925 city’s last, best chance to buy the land it needs to solve
the long-standing parking problem in Vero’s Central
PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER Beach business district. She might be right.
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. Even City Manager Jim O’Connor admitted “there
are limited options over there,” especially land-pur-
chase options the city can afford or is willing to pay
That’s why, Thompson said, she has offered to sell
2 September 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
MY TAKE garage right now, but at least they’d have ture on the beach.” property for a lot. The fund contained
the land to do it.” At $7 million for 120 spaces, the cost just over $192,000 when it was dissolved
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 in 2004 and the money was returned.
Rumblings about the city possibly per space would be $58,333.
to the city – “at a reduced price” – the buying the Super Stop property to build Seven-million dollars is a sizable in- “Apparently,” O’Connor said, “they
property currently occupied by the Su- a parking garage began in January, when never found a way to use it.”
per Stop convenience store on Cardinal Thompson and her co-owner, James vestment, O’Connor said, especially for a
Drive, immediately north of Camelia Swainston of Nolensville, Tenn., put the project that only partially addresses the Or, as Thompson put it: “They had all
Lane and across the street from The Tides .39-acre parcel on the market. problem. that money for all that time and didn’t
restaurant. buy anything.”
Thompson said she and Swainston “First, the property is on Cardinal
She said she told city officials she will planned to build a boutique hotel on the Drive, which doesn’t have a parking prob- The city isn’t going to buy now, either –
take $500,000 off her initial asking price property – something the city endorsed lem,” O’Connor said. “Second, it’s on the not from Thompson, not at $2.4 million,
of $2.9 million, merely because she has – but he suffered a heart attack shortly south end of the business district. How not for a parking garage.
lived here since 1965, loves Vero Beach after they purchased the land and they many people do you think would park
and, at age 78, wants to help the commu- abandoned the project. there and walk to Bobby’s or the Vero “The city says it doesn’t have the mon-
nity “before I leave.” Beach Hotel, or all those shops north of ey, but what about all those tax revenues
O’Connor said he has had “four or five Beachland Boulevard? from the Ocean Drive hotels?” Thomp-
If the city isn’t interested, however, she conversations” with Thompson this year, son said. “There’s the money the city is
said she’ll probably accept an offer she but quickly added that the city never se- “I’m not sure they’d park there and getting from the sale of the downtown
has received from an out-of-town buyer riously considered buying the land – and walk to Mulligan’s,” he added. “A lot of the post office. Now they’re talking about
and sell the property, which she and a not only because the price was too high. people who go to Ocean Drive want to selling the old Dodgertown golf-course
business partner have owned since May park close to where they’re going, so we’d property.
2016, before the end of the year. “Let’s say the city bought the proper- be spending several million dollars on a
ty at her price,” O’Connor began. “We’d parking garage that at least some people “It seems like the barrier island gets
She has given the City Council until the have to demolish the existing build- won’t use.” very little of that money.”
end of the month to decide if it wants the ing and resurface the lot. Even then, we
property to build a parking garage. might be able to get 40 spaces there. Now O’Connor said the city would be sup- O’Connor said the city “devotes a lot of
divide $2.4 million by 40, and you’ll get portive if the Oceanside Business Associ- time and resources” to the island, but the
“I bought the Grind & Grape proper- the cost of each space.” ation retailers wanted to raise money for City Council has expressed no interest in
ty in 1978, when it was the Vero Beach a parking garage, but he warned that the spending $2.4 million to buy the Super
Motel, and even back then people were That’s $60,000 per spot. benefits probably aren’t worth the cost. Stop property.
talking about parking,” Thompson said. And if the city wanted to build a park-
“But no one has ever really done any- ing garage there? “Even if we had all the money we need- He did find her price curious, though.
thing to solve the problem, and they’re “We’d have to put another $4 million ed to build a garage,” he said, “I don’t “It just happens to be the same price
still just doing a Band-Aid job. into it to go two stories up, which would know that we can accommodate every- the city has been offered for the Dodg-
give us three levels, each with 40 spaces, body.” ertown golf-course property,” O’Connor
“The City Council says it wants to ad- if you use the roof, too,” O’Connor said. said. “Just a coincidence, I guess.”
dress the beachside parking situation, “So now you’re looking at $7 million – In fact, O’Connor said the city creat- Not that it matters.
and this is their chance,” she added. “I’m and that doesn’t include the long-term ed a “parking fund” in 1988, when some Right now, it’s hard to see the city
not saying the city should build a parking maintenance costs of operating a struc- beachside business owners contributed spending that kind of money on a
various sums to address the area’s park- beachside parking problem that a garage
ing needs and, if necessary, purchase might not solve.
President and Publisher | [email protected] | 772.559.4187
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Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa
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LOCATED AT 4855 NORTH A1A, VERO BEACH, FL 32963 | 772.226.7925
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS September 21, 2018 3
electric sale edges forward
By Sue Cocking | Staff Writer able to work with schools and the community in ways that
By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer haven’t been possible before. It’s a huge deal for us and
[email protected] A new marine laboratory focused on restoring the health we’re hoping it’s going to become a huge deal for Indian
of the Indian River Lagoon is coming to Vero Beach. River County.”
While Vero Beach’s 34,000 electric customers wait for
the fate of the Vero electric sale to be determined in Talla- A collaborative effort of the City and the Ocean Research Recruiting citizen scientists, Widder said, is vital to sav-
hassee next month, the city is moving forward with legal & Conservation Association, the Center for Citizen Science ing the lagoon.
housekeeping that needs to be accomplished before any is on track to open next month. Based in the old Coast
closing and transition to Florida Power & Light service. Guard station on the Fort Pierce Inlet, ORCA frequent- “We need an actively informed electorate if we’re going
ly conducts research in Vero and has to clean the environmental mess we’re
On its agenda for this past Tuesday, the Vero Beach City made a name for itself on the island as in,” she said. “The lagoon is in terrible
Council was scheduled to undertake a public hearing on a leader in the effort to save the lagoon. shape. It’s the worst I’ve seen since liv-
a proposed resolution to declare the city’s eight electric ing here in 1989.”
substations and the land they sit on surplus property, “no Operating from the city water An infusion of educated adult and
longer needed by the City for municipal or public pur- and sewer department’s long-vacant student volunteers will enable ORCA
poses,” so they can be sold in conjunction with the trans- 2,500-square-foot environmental lab to expand its patchwork of pollution
fer of all the other electric utility assets to FPL. off Aviation Blvd., ORCA scientists will maps and seek ways to stem pollutants
teach interested students and other upstream before they reach the lagoon
City Manager Jim O’Connor confirmed on Monday residents how to conduct water quality – and lead to a new generation of sci-
that this surplus declaration was tied to the sale of the testing, survey seagrass beds, analyze entists.
electric utility to FPL and that the resolution would not sediment samples, and keep tabs on “You don’t learn science just by
allow the city to dispose of substations outside the larger living shorelines made of oyster shells studying science,” Widder said. “You
sale transaction. Should the sale not be able to close, due and mangroves – all in an effort to ex- have to practice and learn the scientific
to the failure to gain Florida Public Service Commission tend its scientific reach and engage the method.”
approval or for some other reason, the surplus declara- public in protecting the lagoon. ORCA scientists will work with Vero
tion would be canceled. Beach high school students who will
The city will not charge ORCA rent, adopt an area of the lagoon to collect
The PSC approved the sale by a 3-2 vote this summer according to Water and Sewer Director data and monitor progress. In addition,
but several parties have since filed objections, which the Rob Bolton. Bolton said the lab has
PSC will consider in October. been closed for about seven years, ever the research organization hopes to host summer camp
since the city found it more economical to send out water field trips for Indian River County students and introduce
A pre-hearing conference will be held in Tallahassee samples for testing at a commercial facility instead of test- earth and life sciences to local middle schools.
on Oct. 3, with up to two days set aside a week later for ing in-house.
hearings on the three challenges filed by attorney Lynne The central lagoon where Vero is located is much better
Larkin, former Vero councilman Brian Heady and local Vero Beach will maintain the lab building, and provide a off than the northern lagoon, which has been plagued by
resident Michael Moran, who object to the sale of Vero part-time lab technician to assist ORCA’s soon-to-be-hired brown algae outbreaks, and the southern stretch where
electric for various reasons. A fourth challenge by the director of citizen science. City workers are making minor toxic blue-green algae has become a severe problem, but
Florida Industrial Power Users group, filed on behalf of plumbing and AC repairs and trimming the landscaping, it has suffered from high levels of pollution from septic sys-
large commercial FPL customers, has been dropped. and the city will supply paint that volunteers from the tems and fertilizer runoff that have contributed to the loss
Youth Sailing Foundation will use to spruce up the prem- of seagrass, reduced fish populations and widespread ill-
In preparation for these meetings, the various parties ises. In return, Bolton said, ORCA’s work will enhance the ness among marine mammals.
have sent each other interrogatories to gather evidence. city’s water quality data collection.
Time for public comment has been set aside at 5 p.m. on “This is the time to be working on it, before we find our-
Oct. 9, the first day of the hearings, but a notice published “I’m just so excited about this on so many different lev- selves in an economic collapse,” Widder said.
by state officials says that any member of the public who els,” ORCA Senior Scientist Dr. Edie Widder said. “We’ll be
speaks shall be subject to cross-examination.
BROAD UNITY ON A1A PROJECT cyclists to safely ride along a two-lane clude the wider, buffered bike lanes. the project’s path were “pretty much in
highway where the speed limit varies from “I can tell you that being one foot from agreement” in their opposition to the pro-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 35 mph to 50 mph. posed sidewalk, Matson said.
cars traveling at 45 mph is not comfort-
bike-safety problem,” MPO Staff Director A buffered bike lane is a conventional able and, frankly, is dangerous,” said Hugh Matson said the homeowners com-
Phil Matson said. “The county is 100 per- bike lane paired with a designated buffer Aaron, president of the Bike-Walk group, a plained that installing a sidewalk, which
cent behind the bike lane widening.” space separating the bike lane from the bike-safety instructor and an avid cyclist they believe is unnecessary, would re-
adjacent motor-vehicle travel lane. FDOT who claims to ride nearly 100 miles per quire the destruction of a sizable stretch
FDOT’s $7.5 million project, scheduled standards recommend 5-foot-wide bike week on A1A. of mature landscaping in the state-owned
to begin next summer at Tides Road (north lanes with 2-foot-wide buffers. right-of-way alongside the road. They also
of Jaycee Park) and conclude a year later “My biggest fear is someone (driving argued that the sidewalk money would be
at Coco Plum Lane (near Wabasso Beach), Despite an email campaign launched by along the road) becoming distracted and better spent on widening the bike lanes
includes traffic-light and drainage im- the local cycling groups last month, FDOT drifting into the bike lane,” he added. – especially since there already is a wide,
provements, new signage and pavement officials said the approved project required and mostly-unused, sidewalk on the west
markings, and – as of now – the addition of only the repaving of the existing 4-foot- County officials shared his concerns. side of A1A
a 6-foot-wide sidewalk along the east side wide shoulder. In addition, FDOT could “The wider, buffered bike lanes make it
of A1A. delete some or all of the existing bike-lane clear to drivers that bicyclists are on the “They don’t want the sidewalk,” Matson
markings along the 50-mph stretch – be- road,” Matson said. said, “which they saw as an expensive in-
Current plans do not include any wid- cause its new 2018 standards prohibit des- “They also provide enough room for bi- vestment for very little benefit.”
ening or buffering of the existing 4-foot- ignated bike lanes on roads with a speed cyclists to pass other bicyclists, which hap-
wide bike lanes, an omission members limit of 50 mph or higher. pens a lot along A1A. Matson declined to predict what FDOT
of the Vero Cycling Club and Bike-Walk “It’s not just the most-traveled bike lane will do, saying only that he was encour-
Indian River County said violates FDOT’s The speed limit on A1A for most of the in the county – and by a good margin – but aged by the public input and impressed by
preferred standards on the local roadway project is 45 mph, but there is a 2-mile there’s also a wide range of expertise and the civility shown during the MPO meet-
most used by cyclists. section in Indian River Shores where it in- experience among the bicyclists who ride ing.
creases to 50 mph. there,” he added. “There’s no question
The cycling groups and county officials wider, buffered bike lanes would make rid- “We had a good discussion with a lot of
want FDOT to install 7-foot-wide, buffered County officials hope reducing the ing there significantly safer.” robust public involvement,” Matson said.
bike lanes they say are needed to enable speed limit from 50 mph to 45 mph will At the same time, homeowners along “Who’d have thought bike lanes would
require FDOT to amend the project to in- evoke such passion?”
4 September 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
WHOLE FAMILY HEALTH she oversees administratively. the clinic that locates patients to partici- Between its Vero clinic, set amidst doc-
“It’s the only way you can get a feel for pate in drug trials. tors’ offices across the street from Indian
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 River Medical Center, and the Fort Pierce
the patients,” she says. “Administrators When Pierone first came to the Trea- clinic, Whole Family providers log 20,000
With undergraduate and graduate de- have no idea of what our practitioners do, sure Coast in the 1980s, he began work- appointments a year for 4,300 patients.
grees in business management and fi- when you have so many patients coming ing with an existing clinic in Fort Pierce. The in-house pharmacies fill 15,000
nance from Widener University, she’s also in with so many challenges. It really is a At the time, a diagnosis of AIDS was a prescriptions annually and are a critical
worked as treasurer of a regional hospital struggle to be able to provide all the ser- death sentence; only in 1996 did the first source of income for the clinic since the
system in Ohio, but says it was the expe- vices.” combination drug therapy give hope to drugs are provided to the clinic through
rience of working with a large homeless patients. By then, Pierone had founded the federal government.
shelter in Naples that opened her eyes to Andress is particularly proud of Whole his own AIDS clinic in Fort Pierce. It too is
the healthcare needs of the poor. Family’s HIV/AIDS component, now now part of Whole Family, which opened In addition to HIV, primary care
about a fifth of its patient total. Thanks in Vero in 2011. Prior to that, Pierone saw and pediatrics, the clinic offers mental
These days, she makes it a point to step largely to Vero Beach’s Dr. Gerald Pierone, AIDS patients at the Vero medical prac- healthcare with one full-time psychia-
out of the administrative offices and into who founded the nonprofit clinic that tice he still shares with Dr. Nancy Cho, a trist, a part-time psychiatrist and two
the clinics themselves, where she shad- would eventually become Whole Family, prominent cardiologist. mental health counselors. It also offers
ows practitioners or front desk personnel the Center receives HIV/AIDS referrals orthopedic consults and will soon be
to get a sense of who is receiving the care from all over the region, she says. In addi- Today, Whole Family’s focus has great- adding a dental component.
tion Pierone heads a research arm within ly broadened and its presence expanded.
While Medicare and Medicaid patients
make up most of Whole Health’s clients,
29 percent of the clinic’s patients have
private insurance.
Last fall, Whole Family earned a desig-
nation that will help it move forward and
grow. After an effort that began in 2014,
it finally became a Federally Qualified
Health Center Lookalike, a status that
assures can continue with its subsidized
pharmacy program, but a step beneath
its competitor, Treasure Coast Commu-
nity Health, whose “access point” status
allows it to get government grants.
Whole Family board chairman Stephan
Trooboff spoke in June to the Hospital
District board, invited by Chairwoman
Marybeth Cunningham in an effort to
make the clinic more broadly known as
a provider of low-cost care. Trooboff said
Whole Health’s business model will even-
tually require more locations.
“I’ve been talking to CEOs of commu-
nity clinics across the country and the
real secret to their success is access. They
have 15 offices, 18 offices, they operate
out of public schools, they have mobile
vans. You name it: they are taking patient
care to the patient, rather than the pa-
tient coming to them.”
Trooboff has spoken with leaders of
United Against Poverty, which he called
a “perfect place” for a satellite clinic. He
also has an eye on the Senior Resource
“You’ve got our patient population,”
he told Hospital District Trustee Karen
Deigl, who is Senior Resource’s executive
director. “If you think about it, it’s a lot
easier to take care to the patient with the
kind of patients we’re getting.”
Trooboff spent 15 years on the board
of directors of an expanding hospital sys-
tem in New Hampshire. He joined Whole
Family’s board when he retired to Vero
and has been board chair for close to a
“We gross $12 million a year,” he said.
“Our goal is to make 2 percent on the $12
million to pay our bills and move into the
next year.”
Whole Family does not receive taxpay-
er dollars through the county’s Hospital
District, unlike Treasure Coast Communi-
ty Health and the county Health Depart-
ment, the principal primary care provid-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS September 21, 2018 5
never asked,” said District chairwoman
Marybeth Cunningham. “If they did, we By Federico Martinez | Staff Writer and then promptly arrested him. Welsh was trying to break into a resi-
probably would.” Peter Roy Justin Welsh, 29, of Palm dence at 2240 Seaside Street in a sub-
A jilted lover’s luck went from bad to division just south of the Moorings.
Today, as the Hospital District tries worse when he returned to his ex-girl- Beach County, was charged with one The complainant, Grace Rummel, told
to reach deeper into pockets of unseen friend’s house on the island to demand count of possession of controlled sub- deputies she had locked herself in a
poverty in the county, as well as ease the his belongings. Indian River County stance, trespassing and possession of room because she was afraid Welsh, her
non-emergency burden on the hospital’s deputies called to the scene allowed less than 20 grams of cannabis. No bond ex-boyfriend, would become violent.
emergency room, low-cost primary care the man to gather up his possessions – was granted.
has become even more critically import- which happened to include a plastic bag When they arrived, deputies found
ant. Whole Family Health Center may containing crystal methamphetamine – Sheriff’s deputies responded to a
find itself increasingly arising in indigent complaint at 5:56 p.m. on Sept. 5 that CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
care conversations.
Trooboff said data shows that in the
three Indian River County zip codes
where most of Whole Health’s patients
live, there are 17,626 people with unmet
medical needs who are subsisting on in-
come below 138 percent of federal pover-
ty guidelines.
For now, the only way for those people
to find out about Whole Family is by word
of mouth. For all the growth the clinic is
enjoying, it does no advertising, pass-
es out no brochures, and buys no ads in
newspapers or on radio.
“That’s probably the most interesting
thing to me – that we’ve done all that
without marketing,” Trooboff told the
District board.
Like all low-cost clinics, Whole Family’s
patient population has complex medical
challenges. Clinic physician Dr. Oni went
to medical school in Nigeria, practiced in
the U.K. and then came to the U.S. in 2005
to do a residency in internal medicine in
New York. She described to the Hospital
District board heart-rending scenarios
among her low-income patients.
“They are in and out of care; they lose
insurance all the time or don’t have in-
surance. They’ll visit the ER when there’s
a problem, and sometimes visit three or
four different ones. It’s a very challenging
population to look after.”
Describing a hypothetical example of a
typical patient, Oni talks about a 60-year-
old woman who hasn’t been treated in a
year and a half, despite hypertension and
diabetes that are close to out of control.
“She may not remember the names of
her medication, and she may not even be
able to read the labels on her drugs.”
A new complication brought the pa-
tient in most recently – a sore on her foot
related to diabetes.
“You get her situated and started back
on medications, and you order lab re-
sults. But now you can’t reach her be-
cause her phone’s been disconnected,”
Oni said. “You can’t communicate things
within a prompt manner.”
That precipitates another cycle of
skipped appointments. And more com-
Adolescent patients are “a mirror im-
age of the adults,” Oni said. “They too
have bad Medicaid plans. They’re in and
out of care, they come from dysfunction-
al households, and some can be a real
challenge to look after.
“We really do a lot of hand holding,”
said Oni, “and a lot of educating.”
6 September 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
SPURNED LOVER ARRESTED for Rummel as I attempted to interview other bag containing a pink crystal sub- patrol vehicle causing him to complain of
him.” stance. shortness of breath,” Getchell reported.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 “EMS responded to the scene and trans-
Welsh told Dep. Getchell that he had A field test indicated the crystal sub- ported Welsh due to him going in and out
Welsh exiting a patio screen door, accord- come to the house to reclaim his belong- stance in both bags was methamphet- of consciousness.”
ing to the sheriff’s report. When deputies ings, which included a tank top, cigarette amine – a combined total of 1.2 grams,
asked Welsh to fully step out of the patio, case, cellphone, rolling paper and a clear according to the sheriff’s office. Welsh was treated at the Indian River
he returned inside where he set an object plastic bag containing a pinkish crystal Medical Center and then released back to
down on a small round glass before com- substance. The items were lying on the After Welsh was placed in a patrol car Getchell’s custody.
plying with commands to come outside. small glass table on the patio. he said he was having difficulty breathing
and wanted medical treatment. He told He was then transported to the county
“As we relocated to the front of the resi- When deputies escorted Welsh to the deputies that he had recently been smok- jail, where he remains.
dence, I could smell an odor of an alcohol table, he allegedly grabbed the bag con- ing “Molly,” but wasn’t certain what was
beverage emitting from Welsh’s breath,” taining the pink crystal substance and in it. Molly is a street name for the chem- Rummel told investigators that she and
Deputy Eric Getchell wrote in his report. tried to put it into the cigarette case. Dep- ical MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-meth- Welsh, who is homeless, were in a brief
“Welsh would not remain in one spot, uties immediately placed him in hand- amphetamine), also called “Ecstasy.” relationship, and only stayed at the home
kept reaching for items in his pockets, re- cuffs. together for a couple of days. The home
peated himself multiple times, and yelled “Due to Welsh’s level of intoxication belongs to Rummel’s mother.
When deputies frisked Welsh they and recently consuming ‘Molly,’ he began
found marijuana in his pocket and an- to hyperventilate in the backseat of my “I just want him to leave and never
come back,” Rummel told deputies.
DODGERTOWN GOLF COURSE the community would like to see devel-
oped into a public park.
However, Mayor Harry Howle and
County officials are backing an effort councilmen Lange Sykes and Val Zudans
by Peter O’Malley, the former Los Angeles would like to see the property developed
Dodgers owner and now chief executive into an entity compatible with Historic
officer of Historic Dodgertown, to bring Dodgertown – but one that would also
in Major League Baseball to take over the generate much-needed tax revenue.
facility’s operations.
“I know there are a lot of people who
Dodgertown was the Dodgers’ spring want to preserve the grassy knoll, but
training camp for more than 60 years there are also a lot of people who like
and is loaded with baseball history that our idea,” Hulbert said. “I guess we need
makes it attractive to Major League Base- some of those people to say nice things
ball. O’Malley, who will turn 81 in De- about us, because I think the county has
cember, said it’s unlikely MLB confused the public.
would agree to succeed him in
Vero Beach without a guaran- “What the county is talking about is
tee from the county that the extremely inconsistent with what the city
overflow-parking area would wants to do with that property, where
be available for big-crowd nothing is being done,” he added. “We’re
events, such as concerts, festi- going to bring in hundreds of jobs, en-
vals and sports contests, espe- hance the place with beautiful architec-
cially baseball games. ture and green space, and create a place
where the people enjoying Dodgertown
He then warned that the can flow into.
county’s failure to make a deal
with MLB could “jeopardize” “What we want to do makes sense.”
the future of Historic Dodgertown and City Manager Jim O’Connor said last
the year-round boost the complex’s train- week he had not seen Hulbert’s email
ing facilities, tournaments, business con- to Brown, but he said the developer has
ferences and other activities provide the steadfastly expressed a desire to work
local economy. with the county and accommodate His-
toric Dodgertown’s needs.
Hulbert has submitted a proposal – “He has told me all along that he wants
including a site plan – to develop the to be a good neighbor,” O’Connor said,
former Dodgertown Golf Club property “and do what’s best for Vero.”
into a pedestrian-friendly “urban village” Hulbert said his sentiment hasn’t
that would feature high-end retail shops, changed.
restaurants, office buildings, a hotel and “This is a win-win situation,” Hulbert
green space. said. “Dodgertown would get all the park-
ing it needs when it needs it, and we’d
He first offered $2.1 million, and then benefit, too, because the people who go
upped his bid to $2.43 million after the to Dodgertown for those events will be
county jumped in earlier this month with our patrons.
its own $2.4-million offer – which came
in response to O’Malley’s warning that
the MLB deal could hinge on having land
available for overflow parking.
Hulbert said he was surprised by the
county’s interest in the property, but
firmly added: “I will not get into a bidding
Hulbert said he still plans to pursue
the purchase and will attend the Oct. 2
meeting at which the City Council could
decide the fate of the land, which some in
8 September 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH
Beware! Flesh-eating ‘Vibrio’ lurks in our waters
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer Dr. George Mitchell, Dr. Charles Callahan and Diane Bain, RN. PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE mised patients who have HIV or are on
[email protected] chemotherapy to treat cancer, people who
Vibrio Vulnificus. are on dialysis, and those who have other
As a nation we’ve grown blasé when it chronic medical conditions.
comes to bacteria. As Mitchell puts it, “If you get an infec- raw oysters in particular is the most com-
tion and you have the skin type of infection mon way this particular pathogen finds its He flatly states those people should not
Maybe that’s because we’ve spent years and you go longer than 24 hours [without way into our system. eat uncooked seafood or wade in the Trea-
going through store aisles lined with an- treatment], the mortality rate is 50 percent, sure Coast’s brackish waters, especially
tibacterial everything: soaps, sprays, de- but if you go 72 hours, it’s 100 percent.” Additionally, Mitchell adamantly warns between the months of April and October
odorants, cosmetics, kitchenwares, house that the risk of infection and death is much when that water is at its warmest.
paint, clothing, humidifiers, foot warmers It gets worse. Especially for gourmands. higher for very elderly people, those with
and even yoga mats. We think we’re bacte- Eating uncooked seafood in general and chronic liver disease, immunocompro- Callahan says Vibrio Vulnificus bacteria
ria-proof. “can exist in high salt content such as the
ocean, but it prefers brackish water.”
But we’re not.
At Indian River Medical Center, critical Bain joins the conversation by pointing
care specialist Dr. George Mitchell, infec- out “the goal here is to increase the aware-
tious disease specialist Dr. Charles Callah- ness in the community that this organism
an, and registered nurse and Infection pre- does exist and that there are measures
ventionist Diane Bain are raising the alarm you can take to protect yourself. Those in-
about an all-too-common water-borne clude wearing shoes when you’re walking
bacterium: Vibrio Vulnificus. in the water so you don’t cut yourself on
What exactly is this worrisome bug? those shells,” because another prime way
You might know it better by its horror for Vibrio Vulnificus to enter your blood-
movie-like nickname: the “flesh-eating stream is when a cut, puncture or open
bacteria,” or perhaps as “necrotizing fas- wound is exposed to water the pernicious
ciitis.” By any name, it is a potentially le- pathogen calls home.
thal bacterium found naturally in salty
or brackish water, particularly during the And while Florida leads the nation in the
warmer months – a malicious microbe that number of Vibrio cases, as global tempera-
can and does kill people. Quickly. Especial- tures continue to climb, the bacteria is ex-
ly here in Florida. panding its range.
As the Centers for Disease Control said
in a statement this past July, about a dozen In June of this year a Maryland man
Vibrio species can cause human illness, but nearly died from a Vibrio infection while
Vibrio Vulnificus stands out from the pack. fishing on the Chesapeake Bay, some 900
It causes an estimated 80,000 illnesses and miles north of here. A spine on the fin of a
100 deaths in the United States every year. fish he’d caught pierced the skin on his calf
“Most people with a mild case of vib- which then came into contact with saltwa-
riosis recover after about 3 days with no ter containing bacteria.
lasting effects,” according to the CDC, but
“people with a Vibrio Vulnificus infection It took seven surgeries over five weeks to
can get seriously ill and need intensive care save the man’s leg.
or limb amputation.”
The Florida Department of Health says That is a powerful and painful punch
Vibrio Vulnificus infected 346 people here from an organism that measures a mere
between 2008 and 2017, 99 of whom died. 0.00039 inches in size.
Generally, a Vibrio Vulnificus infection
presents in one of two ways: either it at- Mitchell reiterates that “patients with
tacks the skin and soft tissue of the body, liver disease need to be particularly care-
or the gastrointestinal tract, after contami- ful, because for some reason that is the
nated food has been eaten. one organ that tends to attract this bac-
teria,” so if you notice any unusual symp-
toms – especially pain – after downing a
plateful of raw oysters or wading in the la-
goon, river or ocean, seek medical help as
soon as possible.
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1265 36th Street, Vero Beach, FL 32960
801 Wellness Way, Sebastian, FL 32958
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH September 21, 2018 9
New doc helps bariatric team tackle obesity plague
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer ly to our community. We are thrilled she is a theme. to emotionally eat or to sit down in front of
[email protected] part of our team.” “Weight loss,” she explains, “is an inte- the television and eat a whole bag of pota-
to chips. It’s really about our team work-
When Dr. Natalee Stone joined the Riv- “Team” is a word that Stone, too, uses grated effort between the surgical team, ing on their habits and working on their
erside Surgical & Weight Loss Center and frequently. the nutritionists and the psychologists or knowledge about nutrition and figuring
Steward Medical Group at the Sebastian psychiatrists that are working together out emotionally why they got there in the
River Medical Center, she went to work im- “What I was looking for,” she explains, with these patients. It’s really important to first place.”
mediately, preforming five separate bariat- “was a group of people who were surgeons, hit all three of those components to have a
ric surgeries on her very first days on the job well known in the community, who were patient be successful through their weight Dr. Natalee Stone has joined the Riverside
– which happened to be Labor Day weekend. phenomenal [and] had a beautiful repu- loss journey. Surgical & Weight Loss Center and the Stew-
tation proceeding them and were team ard Medical Group at Sebastian River Medical
Why? Because, according to the Cen- players. That was very important for me, “As much as I enjoy surgery and as I Center. Her office is at 14430 U.S. 1 in Sebas-
ter for Disease Control and Prevention, because I am a team player. I was really much as I love the results, it’s really im- tian. The phone number is 772-581-8003.
more than one-third (36.5 percent) of U.S. looking for a group I could join that felt like portant to make sure that we also target
adults are now considered clinically obese I was joining a miniature family.” what psychologically is causing [patients]
and “Bariatric Centers of Excellence” like
SRMC are seeing a huge increase in de- Like any skilled bariatric surgeon, Stone
mand for surgical services to combat the is keenly aware that no surgical procedure
epidemic. is without risk and she echoes the Journal
of the American Medical Association in
According to the National Institutes of pointing out that constantly improving
Health, a mere 12,775 bariatric surgeries safety is always a top priority with her, as is
were performed in this country back in 1996, improving results, and both those things,
and few of those employed today’s safer, she says, also require teamwork.
minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques.
“Weight loss,” Stone says, “is a journey.
Today the number of bariatric procedures It’s not a quick fix.”
is well over 230,000 a year and growing.
SRMC’s bariatric case load has increased 35 Fully aware of horror stories that claim
percent in just the past 12 months. many bariatric patients do lose weight at
first but promptly regain it again – and
Simply put, with that kind of increase then add still more weight – Stone goes
in demand, the hospital’s bariatric surgi-
cal team decided it needed to add a sur- back to her teamwork
geon. One who met their already high
standards. Dr. Natalee Stone.
A former minimally invasive and
bariatric surgery fellow at the Thom-
as Jefferson University Hospital in
Philadelphia, Stone earned her med-
ical degree from Drexel University
College of Medicine after receiving
her B.A. at Florida State.
According to SRMC’s chief of surgery, Dr.
Patrick Domkowski, “Dr. Stone is a highly
trained, board certified surgeon in bar-
iatrics and advanced lapa-
roscopy. Bringing Dr.
Stone onboard al-
lows us to con-
tinue to offer
care local-
10 September 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS
Bonz sings praises of Pointer sibs Jeff and Abby
Hi Dog Buddies! “Because they’d never heard of a dog “Well,” said Abby, “since I hadn’t had any es lizards, rabbits, squirrels. She wants to
named Jeff.” normal interaction with other pooches, on play All The Time.”
This week I innerviewed a coupla sleek, a long-term basis, I wasn’t what you’d call
snazzy German Short-haired Pointers, “Cool Dog Biscuits!” well socialized.” “On land only,” said Abby.
Jeff an Abby Krieger. I was super happy to Jeff continued. “I don’t remember any- “True. Me, I love swimimin.’ When I see
find out they weren’t gonna ackhully be thing before I got to the Pointer Rescue “To say the least,” Jeff laughed. “You just Brody getting’ his swimmin’ pants, I go Cra-
speakin’ German, cuz the only German I place. I don’t think I’d been treated bad or wanted evrybody to know who was boss. zy Kibbles. I grab my favrite ball, an we jump
know is “Blieb weg vom Brot!” (stay away anything. It musta just been Unforeseen An it sure wasn’t me. But, hey, it worked in the pool an play fetch: back-an-forth,
from the bread!) Don’t ask. Circumstances. Anyway, me an Gidget out fine.” He turned back-an-forth, back-an-forth, back an …”
“Bonzo gets the idea,” said Abby, then, to
They greeted me an my assistant at the Jeff and Abby PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE me, “Jeff’s a total water dog. I mean TOTAL.
door for the Wag-n-Sniffs. Jeff was taller Soon as we go out in the boat, he leaps in
an very Dog-About-Town. They were both got along great, but she was lots to me. “I’m an easy-going, laid back kinda and starts paddlin’ around. He likes to fish.
long-leggedy an had great poss-chure. older, an went to Dog Heaven at 13. There poocheroo, an she’s a take-charge, ener- Me, I don’t like to be WET. It’s ickky.”
I was, mopin’ around, missin’ Gidget, so getic liddle gal.” Jeff nosed my notebook. “Are you get-
“Come on in, Mr. Bonzo. I’m Jeff Krieger, Mom an Dad went online to find me a ting’ all this? Should we talk slower?”
I’m 7, this is my adopted sister Abby, she’s Pointer Pooch Pal, like I’d been for Gidget.” “We got it figured out pretty quick,” “You’re good, thanks,” I said. “Seems like
probly 5. This is our Mom, Gillian. Our Dad Abby said. “At first I did have a liddle prob- you two get lotsa exercise.”
Jason’s at work.” Abby spoke up. “I’ll tell this part. Some- lem with what humans call house train- “Yep,” said Jeff. “Plain ol’ runnin’ around.
times I wish I couldn’t remember my story ing. I’d never been outside. All I knew was An two 3- or 4-mile walks a day.”
“Great meeting you both! I gotta say, you look either.” She sounded very serious. “I was concrete and cages, but I finally got used Abby innerupted. “We always pick our
like the models in those fancy dog bed ads.” what humans call a ‘breeder’ at a Dog Busi- to the tickly feel of grass. An Jeff helped me Walk Sides. I HAFTA be on Mom or Dad’s
ness in Georgia. I was a purebred so, as soon learn where to Do My Doody. Mom an Dad right, an Jeff HASTA be on the left. Always.
“Ree-lee? That’s so sweet, Mr. Bonzo,” Abby I could have puppies, I did. Over an over. But were REAL happy about that.” If us hunting dogs don’t get enough exer-
said, tossin’ her long, floppy, brown ears. I never got to name ’em or cuddle ’em or cise (I’m embarrassed to admit), we some-
teach ’em anything, cuz they got sold soon “Fer sure,” Jeff said. “Pretty soon, her times might, kinda tear stuff up, cuzza all
Jeff trotted over and sniffed my note- as they didn’t need Mommy Milk any more. hunter in-stinks kicked in. Now she chas- that unused energy. It’s juh-NED-ic. But
book. “Thanks! We’re built strong an Then, I guess the humans went outta busi- Mom an Dad make SURE we get enough.”
streamlined so we can run ’n hunt ’n swim ness or something, cuz Mom an Dad saw a DON’T BE SHY “Where do you sleep?”
an not get pooped out.” He friffled the pag- pickshure of me for sale on Craigslist at the “We have our own beds. We also like
es with his nose. “So you’re gonna write all low, low price of $65.Woof, was I lucky. Mom We are always looking for pets sleepin’ with Brody in his bunk bed. But
about us in this? Cool Kibbles! Oops. Sorry an Dad bought me for Jeff an I was SAVED.” with interesting stories. it’s getting’ a liddle crowded since we’re big
about the drool.” dogs now and he’s growin,’ too,” Abby said.
“What was it like with your new famly at first?” To set up an interview, email “Any pooch pals?”
“No prob, Jeff. It always dries out before Jeff an Abby looked at each other. “Um,” [email protected]. “I have lots, but Abby prefers just us two
I get back to the office. So, how did you all Jeff said. hangin’ out.” Jeff lowered his voice an said,
find each other?” behind his paw, “I love my liddle sis to the
moon, but I do have a girlfriend, Lucy, she’s
“Well, Mom an Dad loved German a Vizsla. Don’t tell Abby.”
Shorthaired Pointers, an already had two Heading home, I was thinking about
they got from Florida Pointer Rescue. rescue pooches like Jeff an Abby, an all the
When one of ’em went to Dog Heaven, the places where humans can find Wunner-
other one, Gidget, was real sad an droopy. ful Dogs in Need. I was also hopin’ all the
So Mom an Dad decided to get another Carolina pooches who got lost in the hur-
rescue pointer for Gidget. An they picked ry-cane an floods get found again.
ME! Dog, was I happy! At that time, my You an me are Lucky Dogs.
name was Bodie. Not a bad name. But,
guess what! One of Mom an Dad’s human The Bonz
sons was Brody, an even I could see how
confusin’ that was gonna be. So Mom an
Dad let Brody an his brother Colin pick
my new name.”
“How’d they come up with Jeff?” I wondered.
Beautifully renovated home
perfect for a growing family
4850 65th Street: Recently renovated 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 1,500-square-foot home on 1.25-acre lot offered for $239,900
by Berkshire Hathaway Home Services listing agent Heather Pauley: 863-697-8961
12 September 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE
Beautifully renovated home perfect for a growing family
By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer
[email protected]
A wood-frame house with wood siding
on a 1.25-acre lot north of town at 4850
65th St. was cherished by one family since
it was built in 1986.
Before the owners put it on the market,
every surface was burnished and big-tick-
et items replaced, leaving the next owners
with a turnkey property.
“They put a ton of money into it,” Berk-
shire Hathaway Home Services listing
agent Heather Pauley said. “They loved it,
which shows in the high-quality materials
they used. They took time renovating it too
– two years.”
There is room to stretch and grow. The
lot is 120 feet wide and about 400 feet
deep. The home is near the front of the lot,
leaving lots of room to build and develop
in the back. It’s zoned RS-3, allowing an- On the other hand, new owners may pre- lawn, a golden rectangle leading to a two- ite-shingle roof and yellow ochre board-
other home, cottage or studio to be built. fer the minimalist perfection attained by car garage, the floor of which is another and-batten siding.
the prior owners. The back and front lawns rectangle, newly painted a contrasting
“The location is good too,” Pauley said. are lush, uniform, emerald green carpets, chalky brick color. Inside is new dark-walnut-looking lami-
“It’s 10 minutes from anything – the beach, easy to maintain on a well-water irrigation nate flooring that hits just the right note of
shopping on [state road] 60 or Miracle Mile. system that was recently updated. The façade has a fieldstone facing, its handsome ruggedness and planar geome-
earthy tones integrating the colors of the try suggested by the exterior. The walls are
“I can definitely see a family – maybe a The concrete driveway takes on its own deeply-pitched burnt-orange compos- a fresh white, the ceilings punctuated by
multi-generational family – living here,” minimalist perfection in contrast to such a new dark-wood fans.
Pauley said.
The kitchen is outfitted with a new
stainless steel stove, dishwasher and re-
frigerator. New cherry wood cabinets offer
warming contrast and granite counters
containing both warm and cool tones uni-
fy the finishes.
Just off the kitchen is a hallway with a
generous pantry and built-in shelving,
which is adjacent to a large closet with bi-
fold doors that hide any mess, maintaining
the clean lines of the house. The hall leads
to the garage, which has an el dedicated to
the washer and dryer.
Folding stairs in the garage lead to an at-
tic with flooring and shelving, sure to hold
Christmas decorations and tax filings.
The open floor plan allows for a variety
of furniture and living arrangements, the
dining area, living room and family room
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E September 21, 2018 13
End of Add beauty and
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flowing into each other. topped with a burnt-orange granite count-
The back of the house has a large, newly er gives the room punch.
carpeted and screened-in back porch that The master bedroom declares supe-
takes in the glory of the lawn, rimmed with riority via more square footage and an
trees at the far end. Adults will collect here even larger closet. The en suite bath has a
to talk over the day as evening falls, while new walk-in shower with a lovely pebble
watching the kids run the bases or kick a floor and porcelain tile walls. The striking
soccer ball in the nearly regulation-size wooden vanity and granite counter are re-
field. peated on a larger scale.
The three bedrooms are on the other The electric HVAC condensing unit is
side of the house, all with new Berber car- new, as is the air handler and water heater.
peting in a light neutral color.
Proud and confident in their renova-
There is nary a difference between the tions and long-term maintenance, the
two good-sized guest bedrooms. Each has owners left a recent home inspection re-
the same big closet and shares a bath- port on the kitchen counter that attests to
room with new porcelain tile walls above no material defects. At 32, this house has
the tub-shower. The new wooden vanity kept its like-new feel.
FEATURES FOR 4850 65TH STREET 463-6500
Regency Square
Year built: 1986
Home size: 1,500 square feet 2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart
Lot size: 1.25 acres Licensed & Insured
Construction: Wood frame with wood siding and stone facade
Bedrooms: 3 • Bathrooms: 2
Additional features: Totally renovated home with granite
counters, new laminate wood-look-alike flooring, new Berber
carpet in bedrooms, new lighting fixtures, new fans with light-
ing fixtures, new interior and exterior paint, security system,
upgraded plumbing fixtures, two-car garage with attic, irrigation
system on well water, second well for house, lawn maintained
by Creative Pest, septic just pumped, roof replaced 2008
Listing agency: Berkshire Hathaway Home Services
Listing agent: Heather Pauley, 863-697-8961
Listing price: $239,900
14 September 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE
The mainland real estate market saw an impressive 37 transactions of single-family residences
and lots from Sept. 10-14 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week was in Vero Beach, where the home at 2385 Grand Harbor Reserve
Square, first listed in July 2017 for $1,150,000, sold for $1,050,000 on Sept. 10.
Representing the seller in the transaction was agent Stacey Lynn Morabito of Dale Sorensen Real
Estate Inc. Representing the purchaser was a Janyne F. Kenworthy of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s
VERO BEACH 2385 GRAND HARBOR RESERVE SQ 7/31/2017 $1,150,000 9/10/2018 $650,000
VERO BEACH 1880 COBIA DRIVE 7/24/2018 $650,000 9/13/2018 $615,000
VERO BEACH 6235 ARROWHEAD LANE 7/23/2018 $650,000 9/14/2018 $380,000
SEBASTIAN 610 MONARCH WAY 7/21/2018 $384,999 9/14/2018 $370,000
VERO BEACH 4830 ASHLEY LAKE CIRCLE 7/10/2018 $425,000 9/10/2018 $345,000
VERO BEACH 6111 GRAYSEN SQUARE 9/14/2018 $345,000 9/10/2018 $320,000
VERO BEACH 440 21ST COURT SW 7/12/2018 $338,800 9/12/2018 $312,500
VERO BEACH 2215 3RD LANE SW 6/15/2018 $329,900 9/11/2018 $270,000
VERO BEACH 965 4TH LANE 7/31/2018 $265,000 9/12/2018 $267,900
SEBASTIAN 153 EMPIRE TERRACE 7/13/2018 $267,900 9/10/2018 $262,965
SEBASTIAN 139 SANDCREST CIRCLE 4/8/2018 $267,995 9/14/2018 $259,950
SEBASTIAN 781 JORDAN AVENUE 7/22/2018 $259,950 9/13/2018 $255,000
VERO BEACH 605 BRIDGEWATER LANE SW 11/27/2017 $360,000 9/14/2018 $241,000
VERO BEACH 1825 BRIDGEPOINTE CIRCLE 8/6/2018 $259,000 9/14/2018
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E September 21, 2018 15
1880 Cobia Drive, Vero Beach 6235 Arrowhead Lane, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 7/24/2018 Listing Date: 7/23/2018
Original Price: $650,000 Original Price: $650,000
Sold: 9/13/2018 Sold: 9/14/2018
Selling Price: $650,000 Selling Price: $615,000
Listing Agent: Scott Reynolds Listing Agent: Steven Rennick
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Rennick Real Estate
Mark Moore Nancy Marquez
IRRE Group Coldwell Banker Paradise
610 Monarch Way, Sebastian 4830 Ashley Lake Circle, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 7/21/2018 Listing Date: 7/10/2018
Original Price: $384,999 Original Price: $425,000
Sold: 9/14/2018 Sold: 9/10/2018
Selling Price: $380,000 Selling Price: $370,000
Listing Agent: Lynda Murphy Listing Agent: Brent Fadden
Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise Selling Agent: Live Oaks Realty Inc
NOT PROVIDED Steven Rennick
NOT PROVIDED Rennick Real Estate
Coming Up!
FEELING ‘LOOPY’? Enlighten up at One Zen Place Adam Schnell.
HIT RIVERSIDE’S music/art gallery PAGE B2
By Samantha Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]
1 Music and laughter aplen-
ty this week, starting with
Comedy Zone weekend at River-
side Theatre, Friday and Saturday,
Sept. 21-22. Sharing the stage will
be laughmeisters Dean Napoli-
tano, Hollywood and TV vet; and
world-traveling Race Car City native
Vinny Santino. According to his bio,
Long Island-native Napolitano is
a throwback to the great comics of
the past, “but with a modern twist.”
He kicked off his career playing the
Florida club scene, where he devel-
oped his gift for imaginative story-
telling and, through the years, he’s
appeared on numerous TV shows
and opened for such Hollywood
comic A-listers as Don Rickles and
Joan Rivers. Born in Indianapolis,
Santino has been writing come-
dy since his teens. A self-described
“neighborhood guy who’s been
dragged all over the world,” Santi-
no puts his straight-up, pulls-no-
punches “Rust Belt perspective” on
the resulting adventures, with a ra-
B2 September 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
Enlighten up at One Zen Place music/art gallery
By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer ling the ivories of a Bösendorfer Gustav Klimt “It’s a small space,” says Ryan. “Everyone is Amy Dyson and John Ryan.
[email protected] piano, playing classic blues interspersed with only a few feet away from what’s going on and
some of his original compositions. Klimt’s ex- we can interact with them.” PHOTOS: MARYANN KETCHUM
John Ryan and Amy Dyson have spent a quisite “Woman in Gold” is reproduced on the
lifetime devoted to exploring the arts and have inside of that piano’s lid, which segued into That interaction is part of the fun. Ryan inal song for Panasonic for the 2008 Olympics.
recently opened One Zen Place to share their Dyson’s showing and discussing the works of gives a history of the genre du jour and the Another piece that holds special meaning for
multiple talents with others. It’s a fitting under- Klimt.The Atlantic Music Center in Melbourne highlighted musical artists, intermittently him is “Never Forget,” an American anthem
taking for the married couple, who settled in provides Ryan with a different piano to use ev- interrupted by Dyson, who adds to the back- honoring the lives lost in 9/11. He has also writ-
Vero Beach roughly eight years ago. ery few months. ground history, demonstrates art techniques ten songs for Australian singer Jerin-Lei and
and creates pieces in tune with Ryan’s music. has released his own album, “Words Alone.”
In an intimate, salon-style setting, Ryan, an
accomplished pianist, composer and lyricist, One evening former astronaut and retired After putting herself through college as an
entertains the audience with his music while U.S. Navy Capt. Winston Scott was in the au- advertisement model, Dyson eventually de-
Dyson, an experienced artist, creates a visual dience. A talented musician, he just so hap- cided she preferred being behind the camera,
accompaniment. pened to have his trumpet with him and, to doing whatever she needed to do to further a
everyone’s delight, joined in for a few tunes. career as a photographer, before eventually ex-
“Zen basically defies definition, but for One ploring other avenues.
Zen Place it means that we create art and mu- By day One Zen Place is a working studio
sic in the moment,” Dyson explains, noting and gallery. Ryan spends his time writing and “I am an etiologist; I find the reasons and
that their goal is to create an atmosphere in composing while Dyson explores and creates causes for things,” said Dyson. “That’s what I
which patrons can immerse themselves in art her vision, as evidenced by the eclectic array do in art.”
and music. They bill it as a place that offers the of artwork on display in the gallery and the
“opportunity to not merely hear, but listen … diverse mix of pieces in various stages of com- While shooting a show at the National Gal-
not just to look, but to see … not just to think, pletion around the studio. lery of Art, Dyson rediscovered the Natural
but to experience.” History Museum and ultimately changed the
“One thing this place has offered us is free- trajectory of her work. After becoming fasci-
Adding a hint of mystery to the venture, the dom, as artists, to be able to do the things we nated with prehistoric art, she began ques-
music/art studio is located off the beaten path. want to do. To spread our wings and have a tioning the way the Upper Paleolithic paint-
But despite that, the concept has already been platform to do what we want,” shares Ryan. ings in the Caves of Lascaux in France, which
well-received; the salon is full on most eve- had been closed since 1963, were depicted in
nings. The pair introduced their Friday night Ryan began playing the piano at a young various texts.
soirées this summer with a series of Summer- age; undeterred even after his piano teacher
time Blues performances. told his parents they were wasting their mon- She wrote numerous letters to the French
ey. He began performing publicly at age 13 as Ministry, which eventually agreed to look into
They kicked off the series with Ryan tick- a church organist for the whopping sum of $5 40 of the 200 depictions she had mentioned.
per Mass. Six months later, the ministry contacted Dys-
on, inviting her to visit the caves and consult
He is predominately a self-taught musician with them regarding the paintings. In the end,
and attributes his natural ability to genetics. Dyson was proved correct, resulting in the re-
His father was a classically trained pianist, as classification of 250 of the cave drawings.
well as a Pentagon cryptologist.
Dyson does a lot of commission work and
Ryan’s family moved to Melbourne when he is always in the midst of a variety of projects.
was in high school, after which he became a Currently in the works are a series of com-
firefighter for the City of Melbourne. Through- poser paintings in the style of Rembrandt,
out his 25 years of service, he continued with Solo Stones (cairn rock sculptures to be used
his music, honing his skills while performing for neuroscience-based meditation), Enso (a
along the east coast of Florida as a solo per- Japanese art form created with a single brush-
former. Locally he is a popular favorite coun- stroke), Miksang (a form of contemplative
try clubs such as The Moorings, John’s Island, photography), Sumi-e (Japanese ink paint-
Grand Harbor, Oak Harbor and Orchid Island. ing), and prehistoric art designs. There are also
sculptures of marble, wood and metal she de-
In addition to having some of his original signs and commissions out to her protégé, a
compositions featured in several HBO televi- professional welder who previously worked on
sion series, Ryan wrote and performed an orig- the NASA shuttle platform.
Although raised as children not far from
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE September 21, 2018 B3
each other in Maryland, the couple didn’t meet er’s work. “I’ll hear him start playing and I’ll see events of Ryan’s 35-year career behind the pi- Aretha Franklin. In November they plan to
until Dyson flew to Melbourne to conduct an it on the canvas,” says Dyson. ano. They eventually plan to share the entire unveil “Piano Night Live,” which will be live-
art appraisal. Dyson heard Ryan playing at a process, from writing the songs to casting the streamed at for folks who
restaurant and decided that he would be the Pointing to three panels on the wall she play, through an interactive experience at One want to watch from the comfort of their own
ideal person to compose the music for several adds, “he was playing some very big, expan- Zen Place. homes.
animated films she had written. Now, the cou- sive pieces when I came up with this. We play
ple’s relationship has become deeply rooted in off each other a lot.” Through October, Ryan and Dyson will host One Zen Place is located at 4005 43rd Ave.
the arts, each finding inspiration from the oth- evenings featuring different themes each week For more information, visit,
“The Piano Man,” a musical comedy Dyson – from prehistoric art to the music of the late or
has written, is based on some of the comical
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B4 September 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 1 Rappture this Saturday at Live in the Loop. 3 A dazzling day of performing arts is
2 This Saturday at Sebastian Inlet State Park. in store this very Sunday, Sept. 23, at
zor wit and an Indy car-quick delivery. Be- the King Center for the Performing Arts in
fore the laughs begin, and all through the 3 Indonesian Dancers, part of the cultural arts showcase at the King Center Sunday. Melbourne. And it’s free! It’s “Brevard’s Ul-
evening, you can enjoy Live in the Loop, timate Performing Arts Festival,” lovingly
free live music under the oaks on the out- music as the sun sets and the moon rises, park entry. Admission Fee: $8/per vehicle, created for the whole family and present-
door stage. Friday, get your groove on with in one of the most unique and beautiful multiple occupants; $4/single occupant; ed by the highly regarded Brevard Sym-
the two-guys-and-a-girl band Collins and music venues you’ll come across. Concert $2/Pedestrians, bicyclists, extra passen- phony Orchestra in partnership with the
Company, playing music from the ’50s to time: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Admission: free with gers 772-388-2750. King Center. This dynamic cultural arts
current: ’70s funk, ’80s rock, Motown, R&B. showcase is Brevard’s best, pull-out-all-
This experienced trio has been pit band for stops celebration of the arts: a day filled
the Florida tours of such groups as Three with displays, cultural demonstrations,
Dog Night, the Allman Brothers, Marshall (really cool) family activities, and live per-
Tucker, Steppenwolf and Molly Hatchett. So formances across three stages. A highlight
there you go. Saturday Live in the Loop mu- is the not-to-be-missed special family
sic will be courtesy of another hot Loop fave concert by the Brevard Symphony Orches-
– Rappture: according to the show promo, a tra, made possible by music patrons Har-
trio of seasoned professionals out of Jensen ry and Wendy Brandon, and hosted by Lite
Beach who play a wide range of jazz, soft Rock 99.3’s own Mike and Mindy. All your
rock and pop classics. The Loop also always favorite music, theatre, dance, and visual
offers a full outdoor bar and grill. There’s art entities will be there. Here’s a tiny sam-
lots of seating (200 seats), but you can bring ple: Brevard Community Chorus; Space
your own fold-up just in case, because this Coast Jazz Society; Brevard Symphony
is one popular spot. P.S. Don’t B.Y.O. food or Youth Orchestra; Henegar Center; Vero’s
beverages. Comedy Zone times: 7:30 p.m. Riverside Theatre; Historic Cocoa Village
and 9:30 p.m. Live in the Loop: 6:30 p.m. Playhouse; Surfside Playhouse; Brevard
Comedy Zone tickets: $12 to $18. Live in the Arts Academy; Melbourne City Dance
Loop: free, no ticket required. 772-231-6990. Center; Central Brevard Art Association;
Foosaner Art Museum; Space Coast Art
2 A brilliant idea for a truly unique Festival; Space Coast Weavers and Fiber
music venue: the “music” of the Artists; Brevard Zoo; Brevard Renaissance
one-and-only Sebastian Inlet State Park is Fair; and way more than I can possibly
typically seabirds’ cries and the sounds of list. But you get the idea. Bring the kids,
the surf. Now, and for the past few years, for sure. Time: noon to 5 p.m. Concert: 2
the Friends of Sebastian Inlet State Park, p.m. Admission: free, no tickets required.
Inc., has added music of the human sort,
with its Night Sounds Concert Series, Sep-
tember through May. This terrific series 4 This is your last chance to catch the
opens its 2018-2019 season this Saturday Vero Beach Theatre Guild’s edge-of-
Sept. 22, with the Ladies of Soul, a popu- your seat thriller “Yankee Tavern,” about
lar 7-piece band, familiar to series-goers. the owner of a shabby Big Apple bar who
The “Ladies” are three powerhouse female find himself increasingly entangled in pri-
vocalists, who bring tight harmonies and vate and national intrigue. As the chaos
high energy to music inspired by R&B, increases, a stranger appears, and quickly
with a little funk and classic tunes to get the lines between conspiracy theory and
the par-tay going. Night Sounds concerts reality blur. Keep in mind, “Just because
are scheduled monthly, on the Saturday you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not
closest to the full moon, at the Coconut after you.” Show times through Sept. 23:
Point pavilions, south side of the inlet Thursday, Friday, 7:30 p.m.; Saturday and
bridge. Bring family pals, fold-up chair Sunday, 2 p.m. Tickets: Adults, $30; stu-
or blanket, grab some foodstuffs at the dents, half price. 772-562-8300.
nearby Surfside Grill, then relax and enjoy
1. The Glass Ocean 1. Fear BY BOB WOODWARD 1. Dog Man: Lord of the Fleas
2. The Russia Hoax
BY GREGG JARRETT 2. Kristy's Big Day: The Baby-
3. The Best Cook in the Sitter's Club #6 BY ANN MARTIN
2. Robert E. Parker's World BY RICK BRAGG 3. Lemons BY MELISSA SAVAGE
Colorblind 4. Captain Underpants and the Big,
4. Rocket Men
BY REED FARREL COLEMAN Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger
3. Depth of Winter 5. Short BY HOLLY GOLDBERG SLOAN
5. Small Fry
4. Unbound
presents presents
5. The Tattooist of Auschwitz
Northwestern University Press
Practical Actions for a
Sustainable Future Wednesday, Sept 26th at 4 pm 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
Friday, Sept 21st at 3 pm
B6 September 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE
Auction-goers sold on Sebastian Chamber’s mission
Jay Davey, Susan Adams and Maggie Sammons. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Pete and Lynn Anderson. Nicki Walker and Nicholas Ellis.
Amy Selby, Joe Stout and Cindy Williams. Peter and Susan O’Bryan. Capt. Christy and Gary Lenz.
By Mary Schenkel | Staff Writer Grant and east to the ocean. The Indian “We’ve carried the ball and it’s really can learn about all of the new and dif-
[email protected] River County Chamber of Commerce a fun event,” said Mitchell. “To apply it ferent ways to market their businesses;
had already existed for more than 30 to a chamber was a little different, but it and the proceeds go to the chamber,
A large crowd gathered at the Parei- years, but the interrelationship be- certainly made sense.” which helps keep our dues to an afford-
dolia Brewing Company last Friday, tween north and south counties then able rate.”
eager to toss back a few icy-cold brews, wasn’t as robust. Friday’s event featured a huge as-
network with their friends and stretch sortment of more than $20,000 worth of Mitchell has seen a number of chang-
their advertising dollars at a special “I think that the business people in donated media and lifestyle packages es over the years, not least of which
25th anniversary Lifestyle and Media Sebastian at the time were a little bit that people could bid on at a reduced was a complete renovation of the SRA
Auction, hosted by the Sebastian Riv- more isolated than we are today,” said rate – from print and radio advertising Chamber building, now the Pelican
er Area Chamber of Commerce, which Mitchell, noting that there wasn’t as to marketing services, concert tickets, Porch Visitor Center. She also takes
also celebrated its 60th anniversary in much overlap between the communi- dining certificates and staycations. pride in the level of professionalism of
Febr ua r y. ties. In addition to silent-auction bidding, her longtime staff members and in the
County Commission Chairman Peter 500-strong membership.
The evening was a poignant one for Over the last two decades, Mitchell O’Bryan elicited some fierce bidding as
Beth Mitchell, who will be retiring from and Penny Chandler, who also retired auctioneer during the live auction. “So beyond the staff, who are all very,
her position as president of the organi- this year, having served 23 years as very capable, the friendships and rela-
zation on Dec. 31. president of the IRC Chamber, formed “This particular event hits all three tionships that I have had over the last
a strong collaborative relationship points of our mission statement. We 18 years have added a lot of joy to my
“It’s been a great run,” said Mitchell. that fostered countywide connections support business, we support tourism life,” said Mitchell. “You’re dealing with
“It’s a little bittersweet but it is time for on behalf of businesses, residents and and we work on quality-of-life events,” people who are volunteering their time
me to move on. The chamber is in such tourists alike. said Mitchell. “In this case, the Media for everything. This chamber really re-
good shape that it’s a good time to go.” Auction answers all of those elements. flects the Sebastian community and
Mitchell said the Media Auction got It benefits the media partners, because I’m very happy that I spent my time that
Boundaries today are the same as its start when Maureen Nicolace, then they are able, hopefully, to obtain new way, working on positive things for the
when the SRA Chamber was incorpo- a marketing person for Capt. Hiram’s, clients; it benefits the businesses, who community.”
rated in 1958 – an area that runs south introduced the concept to the chamber.
to Wabasso, west to Fellsmere, north to
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE September 21, 2018 B7
Kim Ellis with Robert and Georgia Irish. Ralph Billings, Mickie Cooksey and Cindi Green. Nancy Johnson, Sue Skirvin and Brittany Melchiori.
Gwendolyn and Gerald Wilcox. Kevin Rollin and Beth Mitchell. Michael Natale and Carolyn Plante.
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B8 September 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING
First Bites: American Grill & Bar in South Square
By TIna Rondeau | Columnist Shrimp, Chicken
[email protected] and Greek Tacos.
Ever notice how when a restaurant
closes, other eateries that follow in the
same location frequently struggle?
Well, down in Vero’s South Square,
a new restaurant – the American
Grill & Bar – recently sprung up in
the cavernous space that in recent
times has housed Blue 42, JR’s and
Owner-chef Arturo,
Pub Alfredo Pasta
with Chicken.
an enter- Southern
prising Si-
cilian, is pull-
ing out all stops Palermo Pizzette.
to make his effort the one about $25 per
person; alcohol
that succeeds. Green ran $18.
Headline news: Beyond Tomatoes. Initial impressions: The American Grill
and Bar obviously hopes by offering al-
serving an amazing variety most literally something for everyone,
it has found a formula for success. We
of dishes, Arturo hopes to lure hope so too, but there’s work to be done
– and we will check back in a few months
customers into the American Grill Veggie to see how it’s going.
& Bar with jazz brunches, nights featur- Thursday got off to a Dumplings.
I welcome your comments, and encour-
ing country music and rock, all manner of good start, when we age you to send feedback to me at tina@
cocktails (including several featuring the ordered three appe-
The reviewer dines anonymously at
psychedelic spirit absinthe), and Hump Day tizers to share: South- restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
(Wednesday) camel burgers. ern Shrimp ($14), the Veg-
Look & Feel: Even though the Ameri- an Dumplings ($9) and the burgers on Daily except Tuesday,
the menu, in this case the French Farmer
can Grill & Bar has closed off some of this Green Tomatoes ($7). ($13); one of our companions opted for the 2 pm to 1 am
Palermo Pizzette ($12); and the other opted Beverages: Full Bar
enormous restaurant’s space, it still has a The large Florida coast shrimp were for the pub alfredo pasta topped by slices of
chicken breast ($19). Address:
rather industrial feel. OK for a bar, I guess, deep fried in a Cajun spiced tempura bat- 710 South U.S. 1,
My tacos – one chicken, one shrimp, one
but not much ambiance for dining. ter, and were served with a lemon sriracha Greek (lamb) – were all winners. My husband Vero Beach
was less excited about his burger, topped Phone:
Food: Much of the food, as aioli. Very nice. The dumplings were de- with goat cheese, caramelized onions and
aioli, but loved the crispy sweet potato fries. (772) 410-8100
the name suggests, consists licious, and the green tomatoes – with a
Our companions’ dishes – for one, a per-
of typical American bar and very crisp seasoned breading and soft in- sonal pizza with spicy Italian sausage,
arugula, fresh mozzarella, Parmigia-
grill fare. But the most inter- side – were excellent. no Reggiano and homemade marina-
ra; for the other, tagliatelle in a creamy
esting dishes feature a fusion Then for main courses, it was Thursday garlic Parmesan garlic sauce tossed
with mushrooms, and topped with
of international flavors. The Taco night so I ordered the tacos ($14); my
chicken – both got high marks.
pan-fried veggie dumplings, husband decided to try one of the many Drink: The American Grill and Bar has
for example, come stuffed with a eemingly endless variety of popular and
half crafted local beers, offers wines by
edamame, and are served with the glass as well as the bottle, and has
a selection of cocktails that it would be
an Asian dipping sauce. And the hard to top anywhere.
Greek tacos take this Mexican Service: Service was attentive, and
our server did a good job of guiding us
dish to a new level with a through the menu and the evening’s
tasty lamb filling.
Prices: Food for our party of four ran
Our visit with two
companions this past
French Farmer
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | WINE September 21, 2018 B9
Taste-testing Walmart wines: Are they worth a try?
By Elin McCoy After sampling all 10 of them, I’d say they back one. They don’t look like cheapies you posed bulk wines, she says, but — in to-
Bloomberg don’t outkick their category as much as that. have to hide in the fridge or pour into a de- day’s buzzword — highly curated regional
But more than half of them, from a bright, canter if your snob brother-in-law is com- selections.
Everybody loves a wine bargain. Retail spicy French rosé to a savory Italian Chianti ing for dinner.
chains reflect the zeitgeist, so they’re rush- Riserva, are quite a bit better than I expect- It’s true that many wines from individual
ing to cash in by creating house brands to ed. In fact, all display authentic character The price range is higher than you might producers offer more personality at equally
keep their costs down and customers buy- of the region they’re from, and they are — expect, too, as if Walmart is deliberately try- low prices: Chateau Ste. Michelle dry ries-
ing. The latest is U.S. giant Walmart Inc., mostly — good deals. ing to go upscale and is using wine to rein- ling sells for $9; Louis Jadot Beaujolais-Vil-
which has been rolling out its new Wine- force an image of quality for its grocery sec- lages can be had for $10, as can Gabbiano
makers Selection collection in its stores In a telephone interview, Simpson ex- tion—and maybe, the entire store. Chianti Classico. The 2016 Mouton-Cadet
since May. plains that each of the wines is made by a Blanc at $12 tastes like it could cost nearly
family winery in California, Italy, or France After studying the big data Walmart ac- twice that. But even these well-known la-
My first reaction was a yawn. Walmart specifically for Walmart, though she de- crues on what its customers want and buy, bels aren’t found everywhere.
wines? Seriously, could they be any good? clines to identify her sources. Unlike most Simpson says: “I saw a gap in the market.”
I was intrigued when Nichole Simpson, the supermarket brands, each Walmart wine Her 18-month process, from concept to The biggest virtues of Walmart wines are
company’s senior wine buyer, claimed that has attractive, individually designed labels bottle, included months of tasting hun- value for money and one-stop shopping
the chain’s $11 to $16 bottles “drink like they with helpful information for newbies on the dreds of wines to find winemakers to work with your groceries, which is nothing to
cost $30 or $40.” with in various areas. These are not repur- sneer at.
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B10 September 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING
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call 772.410.0100 for more information
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING September 21, 2018 B11
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B12 September 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES September 21, 2018 B13
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist AQ
Jean Nidetch, a co-founder of Weight Watchers, said, “It’s choice — not chance — that K85
determines your destiny.”
A Q 10
That is not always true at the bridge table. Sometimes, as we have seen over the last few
weeks, you make your choice for a line of play, and it is up to chance whether it works or WEST EAST
not — unless it has a probability of 100 percent. —
?872 96
Does declarer have a guaranteed line in today’s deal, or must he choose the approach that 9643
is mathematically most likely to work? ?8652 ? 10 9 5 4
West leads a low heart against South’s six-spade contract. What should declarer do? J 10 2
North blasted straight into Blackwood, eventually putting his partner into six spades when ?73
he learned that two kings were missing.
South starts with 11 winners: six spades, one heart, three diamonds and one club. There
are two obvious chances to make this small slam: Either the heart or club finesse works. A J 10 8 5 2
But there is a third line; do you see it?
If East has the heart king, the slam is laydown with an endplay. Declarer wins with
dummy’s heart ace, draws trumps, cashes his diamond winners and exits with a heart. AQ7
Assuming East takes that trick, he must either lead a club around to the dummy or
concede a ruff-and-sluff (South sluffs a club from his hand and ruffs on the board). Note J4
also that if West does produce the heart king, the club finesse is still available.
Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Both
Finally, yes, it would have been simpler if North had signed off in six no-trump. North has
12 tricks after taking the club finesse, even if it loses. The Bidding:
1 Spades Pass 4 NT Pass
5 Hearts Pass 5 NT Pass LEAD:
6 Clubs Pass 6 Spades All Pass 2 Hearts
B14 September 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES
1 Bloke (7) 1 Bedlam (5)
5 Lap (5) 2 Idiotic (7)
8 Farewell (5) 3 Chubby (5)
9 Gives (7) 4 Tolerate (6)
10 Captain (7) 5 Realm (7)
11 Thick (5) 6 Consumed (5)
12 Fashionable (6) 7 Doubt (7)
14 Convey (6) 12 Morsels (7)
17 Catches (5) 13 Fate (7)
19 Severe (7) 15 Mediocre (7)
22 Envisage (7) 16 Stroke (6)
23 Proverb (5) 18 Prize (5)
24 Alas (5) 20 Jargon (5)
25 Portion (7) 21 Occasion (5)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES September 21, 2018 B15
ACROSS (anagram of AS A CLUE) 52 The Beatles’ The Washington Post
1 Razor by Gillette 103 Ottoman VIP “Let ___”
5 Little Gilbert on the prairie 105 Little actor Billy 53 “And lived MY MIND IS RACING! By Merl Reagle
12 Mil. outfit for Drew Carey 107 “To ___ not to ...” ___ about it”
16 Abundance of racing 108 ___ fizz (cocktail)
110 Most important 55 Kool-Aid container
victories? 57 Sewing cases
19 Minister of “positive thinking” 112 On the debit side 58 Chihuahua coat?
115 H-deux-O 60 Lie on a ___ nails
fame 116 Subject of Morita’s Made in 64 Monkey’s uncle
21 Compulsion to race? 65 Headlong scramble
23 Fiber from old ropes Japan 67 Classic Bobby
117 No-way-out situation
24 Strip 119 Clark’s love Hebb tune
25 Tallow source 121 ___ in the bucket 68 Fades
123 Speedway feature? 69 Root for the frontrunner?
26 Hairpin or U 127 Coil guy 70 Treacherous speedway?
28 Latin shortening 128 First-place finisher’s 72 Straight-arm
29 Salinger girl 73 Vichyssoise, e.g.
expression? 79 Pointer
30 Beverly Hillbilly Max Jr. 129 Burgundies 81 Mint, as condition
32 Spacious 130 “___ and say we did” 82 Allegro, e.g.
34 Verb ending 131 Tips 84 ’60s drug
35 The British and the Greek, 85 Eddy Arnold’s “What’s He
DOWN Doing ___”
e.g. 1 Lower forty, e.g. 86 Enervate
37 Villain’s visage, maybe 2 Postprandial sweets 87 LBJ VP
40 Old game show, ___ Clock 89 Hang-glide
42 All-news network 3 Bob Hope 91 Long, narrow inlets
44 Chase out of Hollywood specials, e.g. 92 Columbo, Tragg,
4 See 84 Down
46 Not yet anted 5 A Little Woman et al.
48 Like some cheddar 95 Bill used at Disneyland Paris
49 Flail one’s fists 6 Obliterate
51 Gets a flat? 7 Madagascar primates 98 Kobe robe tie
54 ___ of Two Cities 8 “___ delighted!” 99 Jousting weapons
56 Key to success, in racing? 9 Type of ball, curl, 101 Pound ___
or fire (patrol on foot)
59 Supercilious sorts 10 Convened 102 Warbled
61 Cornfield sound 11 “Just ___ thought!” 104 “___ my position can’t afford
62 Comic section, formerly 12 Second word in a fairy tale
13 The Black, Red, to take chances”
63 Joist or lintel or Yellow 106 On the road ___
66 Soleil time 14 Builds speedways? 109 Breckinridge or Hess
15 Gear-shifting stratagems? 111 Part of a renter’s address:
67 Terrier type
68 Start of the 8th century 17 Vanished author Fletcher abbr.
18 Dog that exposed 113 Mischief makers
71 Racer Al or Bobby 114 Darin’s darling
went by? the Wizard 116 Curative springs
74 Nation that found 20 Host 117 Mrs. Dumbo’s dress?
21 Cold War pres. 118 Ex-pres. and son
breaking up hard 22 Novocained 120 Pinnacle
to do: abbr. 27 Yeasty-sounding breads 122 Clichéd
75 Hot rod org. 31 One way to learn 124 Tool common in
76 I, in Innsbruck 32 Bull Run victors
77 Tokyo, before 33 Cookies in ice cream Concentration rebuses
78 Bank offer 34 Coup d’___
80 ___ culpa 36 Oft-numbered print, briefly 125 Rock ’n’ roll will never do it,
81 ___ in the arm 38 Bawlroom? says Neil Young
83 Racing anticlimax? 39 Double-bond suffix
88 Sex, Italian-style 41 Brainstorming shouts 126 One of two dimensions:
90 How racing judges might 42 Tai ___ abbr.
argue? 43 Little louse
93 Birdbrained talker 45 Member of a Philippine tribe
94 River through the Alps 47 Melodies
96 Utters 50 Heart parts
97 Pineapple producer
100 Racing abbr.
101 Poet friend of Sappho
The Telegraph
B16 September 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR
ONGOING p.m. Fri.; 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sat.; 10 a.m. to 4 28 Main Street Vero Beach’s Downtown OCTOBER
p.m. Sun. with historical reenactments, ven- Friday Street Party, 6 to 9 p.m. on
Vero Beach Theatre Guild: Yankee Tavern, a dors and displays, games, kid’s zone and live 14th Avenue. Free. 772-643-6782 5|6 Gallery 14 hosts Sweeney: Spread
9/11 conspiracy-theory thriller thru Sept. 23. entertainment. the Love benefit for Children’s
28|29 Riverside Theatre Howl Home Society Transitional Home, Fri. 5 to 8
Vero Beach Museum of Art - Post-War Im- 22 Ruck March, a 6-mile march with par- at the Moon Experience, p.m. reception and Sat. 1 to 3 p.m. family day,
pressions: Printmaking in the United States after ticipants carrying packs filled with 15 7:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m., with Live on the Loop with interactive coloring book session. Free.
WWII thru Sept. 23; 150 Years of Painting & Sculp- to 30 pounds of non-perishables, 8 a.m. near free entertainment at 6:30 p.m. 772-231-6990 772-562-5525
ture from the Permanent Collection thru Jan. 13. Veterans Memorial Island to raise funds for
Iraq/Afghanistan monument, Upward Amer- 29 Lines in the Lagoon Tri-County Junior 6 Touch A Truck, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (first hour
USPA 2018 National Parachuting Champion- ican Veterans and food for Food Pantry IRC. Fishing Tournament, 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. honk-free) at Indian River County Fair-
ships hosted by Skydive Sebastian thru Sept. 28. 772-584-5157. with casual awards dinner 4 p.m. at Capt. Hiram’s grounds hosted by Kindergarten Readiness Co-
to benefit Ocean Research & Conservation Assn., alition, with vehicles of every size and purpose,
SEPTEMBER 22 Screening of documentary, “Angst: Anglers for Conservation and Coastal Conservation a scavenger hunt, games, arts, crafts and other
Raising Awareness Around Anxiety,” Assn. $25 registration. activities. $5/individual; $15/family; children 3
21 Opioid Crisis Summit presented by 9 a.m. at Emerson Center hosted by IndiFlex and under free. 772-617-4350
Sebastian Chamber of Commerce, 1 Foundation and Sunrise Rotary Vero Beach, fol- 29 Oktoberfest, Noon to 11 p.m. at
p.m. at Sebastian City Council Chambers, to in- lowed by mental health panel discussion. Free. Walking Tree Brewery, with live mu- 6 Running of the Wieners, 1 to 4 p.m. at Pa-
crease awareness and connect the public with sic, German food and beer releases. reidolia Brewing benefit H.A.L.O. No-
resources toward prevention/treatment of opi- 22 Super Fly Dance Off to benefit Feed Kill Shelter, with live music, raffles and wiener
oid/prescription drug abuse. 772-589-5969 the Lambs Enrichment Program, 6 29 Great Bike Bar-A-Thon Charity Bicycle races. $20 dog entry fee.
p.m. at Courthouse Executive Center, with un- Pub Crawl to benefit Marine Resourc-
21|22 Riverside Theatre Come- limited appetizers, cash bar and DJ Lisa playing es Council raising funds and awareness to save 6 Black & White Masquerade Ball hosted
dy Zone Experience, 7:30 music from 60’s & 70’s. $60; $100 for two. 772- Indian River Lagoon, 12:30 p.m. from Sebas- by Exchange Club of Indian River Founda-
p.m. & 9:30 p.m., with Live on the Loop free 501-2617 tian’s Riverview Park. tion, 6 p.m. at Vero Beach Country Club, with
entertainment at 6:30 p.m. 772-231-6990 cocktails, dinner, dancing and auctions. $100.
22 The Ladies of Soul and LOS Band 30 Hunt For Hope Florida, a fami- 772-532-8758
21-23 Vero Beach Pirate Festival at Sebastian Inlet State Park Night ly-friendly team scavenger hunt, 1 to
at Riverside Park, 2 to 7 Sounds concert series, 7 p.m. at Coconut Point 6 p.m. from Riverview Park, Sebastian to raise 6 Design for a Cause, grand reveal transfor-
pavilions. Free with park entry fee. 772-388- funds for IBC (inflammatory breast cancer) can- mation cocktail reception, 6 p.m. at Fern-
2750 cer research. 772-589-1140 dale Lodge in Sebastian to benefit Haiti Clinic.
$60; $100 for two. 772-567-4445
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN Crossword Page B14 (HOUSE CAT)
in September 14, 2018 Edition 1 STAY 1 TREK 6|7 Autumn in the Park hosted by Trea-
4 BULL 3 YONDER sure Coast Pilot Club, 9 a.m. to 4
8 EYES 4 BELFRY p.m. at Riverside Park, a juried arts and crafts
9 PENNILESS 5 LESSEN show, with proceeds supporting local charities.
15 NEARBY 10 STRATUM 6-10 2018 U.S. Senior Women’s Am-
16 NANTES 12 SNUB ateur Championship at Orchid
18 BIGWIG 13 LAUGHABLE Island Golf & Beach Club.
22 DOORMAN 17 SEEK 6 to January 6 - Vero Beach Museum of Art pres-
23 CLANGS 19 GOSSIP ents Made in Germany: Contemporary Art
25 ESSENTIAL 20 FRIEND from the Rubell Family Collection. 772-231-0707
Sudoku Page B13 Sudoku Page B14 Crossword Page B13
Our directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the community an opportunity to make themselves known to our readers at an affordable cost.
This is the only business directory mailed each week during season. If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753.
If you have an estate, or collection of antique or
modern guns for sale - no collection is too large or Protect Your Rights-No Recovery No Fee
too small. Contact us and we will make an offer. Free Consultations
GET YOUR CONCEALED CARRY PERMIT Concierge Legal Services – We make house calls
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$50.00 6PM THURSDAYS CALL AHEAD TO RSVP Wills-Probate-Business Law
(772) 589 5500
TBheefohrireinygouofdaeclaiadwneyd,eear xsispkeaurniseintmocpepo.rrCotavliinedtnedt eyreocsiuspiwoonnitshtihbfalreteesfohwrorucioltdtsetnnooiftnsbfoueritmbaaatstiesodentstaloeblmeolueytnoto.nuradqvuearltiifsiceamtieonntss.
772-581-0640 9090 N. US HWY 1 Sebastian, FL
M - F 10am-6pm • Sat. 10am-2pm • Closed Sun.