December 21, 2018 | Volume 5, Issue 51 Newsstand Price: $1.00
For breaking news visit
board meets
BY RAY MCNULTY By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer for last time
[email protected]
Dodgertown deal is best By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer
thing that could happen It was mid-morning Mon- [email protected]
For those of us who were here day when Vero City Manager If hugs seemed more appropri-
when Dodgertown was our slice ate than hellos as members of the
of baseball heaven, when Vero Jim O’Connor had a moment of board of directors of Indian River
Beach was America’s quintes- Medical Center entered the hospi-
sential spring-training town, the epiphany: He no longer operat- tal conference room last week, it
nostalgic images are forever em- was because the meeting to come
bedded in our memories. ed an electric utility. was at its essence a goodbye.
For many of us, the park-like Convened by chairman Wayne
confines of Dodgertown remain Hockmeyer, the last coming to or-
hallowed ground, our field of der of the board of directors of the
dreams, a magical place where, 80-year-old hospital was for the
if we close our eyes, we still can purpose of disbanding.
see and feel the Dodgers of yes-
teryear – from Brooklyn to Los With pedigrees from corporate
Angeles, from Jackie Robinson America worthy of a major met-
and Duke Snider to Sandy Kou- ropolitan board, it’s likely IRMC’s
fax to Mike Piazza. volunteer directors never enjoyed
ceding power as much as they did
Even now, more than a de- last week. Their dream of the hos-
cade after the Dodgers divorced pital becoming part of the presti-
us and moved their preseason gious Cleveland Clinic was at the
headquarters to the Arizona cusp of becoming reality.
desert, we drive past the aging
complex and still sense a con- The chief item on Wednesday’s
nection, still take comfort in agenda was to approve a handful
knowing it’s there. of their ranks to join the brand-
And for those selfish reasons, CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
as much as for the positive im-
School finance chief —
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 suspended, demoted,
then reinstated — quits
Before heading to the pow-
By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer
INSIDE er plant to symbolically hand [email protected]
the keys over to Florida Power After accusing Assistant Super-
intendent of Finance Carter Mor-
NEWS 1-5 PETS 10 & Light President and CEO Eric rison of wrongdoing, putting him
DINING B8 on paid leave for five months and
HEALTH 6 GAMES B13 Silagy, O’Connor chuckled and unsuccessfully trying to demote
CALENDAR B16 him, School Superintendent Mark
REAL ESTATE 11 said, “I can’t get in there any- Rendell reinstated Morrison to his
B1 former position, announcing it
ARTS under public pressure at the Dec.
more.” Vero’s Jim O’Connor presents symbolic key to FPL’s CEO Eric Silagy. PHOTOS: LEIGH GREEN CONTINUED ON PAGE 5
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 As of the preceding midnight,
For circulation or where to pick up
your issue call: 772-226-7925 Big Blue and the secure area around it had become former wholesale power providers, the Florida
FPL territory, and O’Connor’s all-access city key Municipal Power Agency and the Orlando Utili-
card no longer worked on the automatic gate. ties Commission. The ceremonial closing Monday
The second “aha moment” came when O’Con- morning at Vero Beach City Hall was part reunion,
nor saw that the city’s bank account was $39 mil- part rally. It brought together many of the people
lion richer. A wire transfer from FPL represented, without whom the $183 million transaction might
approximately, the net proceeds of the sale after not have happened.
Vero meets all its long-term obligations to its bond- If the efforts to sell Vero Beach electric were a
holders, its employee pension plan and its two CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 December 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
ELECTRIC erated about savings to schools and hospi- consummate fiscal conservative, Turner Indian River Shores began working political
tals, theaters and museums, and pitched it brought her experience in finance and in the and regulatory angles to put pressure on the
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 out with passion. Wilson was there Monday oil and gas industry where she held top posi- FMPA acquiesce.
morning, inches from Silagy and current tions as an engineer and an executive. Car-
television series, this would be Season 11 – Vero Beach Mayor Harry Howle as the final roll was fearless, high-energy and brought The county hired lobbyists who managed
and Monday was the season finale. closing documents were signed. Silagy even significant sales experience, plus deep con- to get the FMPA audited, bringing public
mentioned him by name in his litany of nections to the business and nonprofit com- shame to their financial and investment
The two main characters from Seasons thank-yous, and later gave him the pen he munity. practices. Legislators including then-Rep.
One and Two were there on Monday, Moor- signed with. Debbie Mayfield kept the municipal electric
ings resident Dr. Stephen Faherty and local In any good show, characters from the past utilities and their lobbyists over at the Florida
CPA Glenn Heran. Heran and Faherty were Days after being elected in November are introduced, and in Season Five, former Municipal Electric Association busy fending
the first two guys to channel the general 2009, Wilson made a motion to invite FPL to mayor Craig Fletcher felt called to run for of- off annual efforts at regulation.
angst of Vero electric customers over soaring a City Council meeting to begin negotiating fice again to help usher Vero out of the elec-
rates into a salient argument and a spread- a potential purchase. One-term Councilman tric business in November 2011. Vero voters The Shores, under the leadership of
sheet model, famously showing that even if Brian Heady also played a key role, casting overwhelmingly gave the city permission to then-mayor Brian Barefoot, also hired law-
Vero gave away the utility, ratepayers would one of three votes to launch talks with FPL. lease the power plant property and, for plot yers to beat on Vero in court and at the Flor-
be better off getting power from FPL. purposes, things were going too smoothly. ida Public Service Commission. The war of
That vote brought FPL’s Regional Director attrition continued for four years, wearing
It sounded absurd, but it got the conversa- of External Affairs Amy Brunjes into the dra- By 2012, one of the Operation Clean down the FMPA and FMEA and its leaders
tion started. Then the issue took on a life of ma. When Wilson and Heady left the cast, Sweep crew, Mayor Jay Kramer, went rogue, until they either retired or found someplace
its own in the off-season as Vero electric rates Brunjes served as the glue that held the pro- turning his back on his colleagues. Kramer else to work.
soared in the summer of 2009 to 58 percent sale team together and kept FPL committed found new friends who convinced him that
higher than FPL rates. Tempers flared in the to overcoming any political or economic ob- municipal-owned utilities were a good thing, In the meantime, pro-sale candidates be-
sweltering heat when city officials arrogant- stacle to acquiring Vero’s nearly 35,000 elec- and openly opposed the sale. But he was gan to re-emerge in Vero city elections.
ly told customers to “open a window” if they tric customers. re-elected and joined by Dick Winger. The
didn’t want high power bills. Kramer-Winger subplot would turn out to be Finally in Season Nine, new key characters
Season Four brought more characters a troublesome buddy story. came on the scene who could actually work
In Season Three, Charlie Wilson came on into the show, as Wilson in 2010 engineered together toward getting Vero Beach electric
board. Wilson, who in his short tenure on the a slate of candidates running on an unstop- Season Six is typically when things fly off out of FMPA’s clutches, and to get a deal that
City Council before being removed over a pable pro-sale platform. Operation Clean the rails in a long-running series, and that would finally bring low FPL rates to Vero’s
residency dispute, used his decades of expe- Sweep did indeed sweep the opposition to was the case for efforts to sell Vero elec- electric customers. As mayor, Laura Moss
rience as a political strategist to bring some the sale off the dais, paving the way for an tric. The Florida Municipal Power Agency worked closely with FPL and with incoming
heart – and occasionally some heat – to the April 2011 bona fide offer from FPL to pur- seemed utterly recalcitrant about allowing FMPA chief Jacob Williams throughout Sea-
sometimes dry and weedy financial argu- chase the utility for $100 million cash. Vero Beach to exit the statewide electric co- son Ten to hammer out terms by which Vero
ments that Faherty and Heran were making op. Without that exit, the sale was dead. could buy its way out of the co-op for $108
at every club and homeowner association Former Mayor Pilar Turner and former million. But that meant the purchase price
meeting where there was a podium and a Vice Mayor Tracy Carroll brought a dynamo With the council back in the hands of an that had been offered by FPL had to go way
microphone. factor to the sale effort when Vero needed it anti-sale majority, everything stalled for up to make ends meet.
the most. They were like fire and ice, a dead- two long years. But the Indian River Board
Wilson took the numbers Heran had gen- ly combination. With the steady hand of the of County Commissioners and the Town of Vero brought seasoned negotiator, attor-
ney Nat Doliner of the Carlton Fields law
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS December 21, 2018 3
firm, in to make sure the city did not squan- HOSPITAL a board as I think you could find: dedi- gift – a crystal vase from a beachside shop
der this latest opportunity to close the sale. cated, knowledgeable, and pretty much – she was nearly undone by a double-dose
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 unflappable. You brought a lot of talent to of bubble wrap.
FPL came back with a plan to pay $185 the performance of this hospital.”
million for the system, a deal that would re- new board that will govern Cleveland “This is the greatest challenge I’ve had
lieve Vero of all its long-term contracts and Clinic Indian River. There were misty eyes as interim CEO all year,” she joked.
commitments plus provide between $30 mil- Karen Davis accepted thanks for what
lion and $40 million cash at closing. There were clear symptoms of slaphap- Hockmeyer and others called an incredi- And there was rousing applause for
py – how else to explain belly laughs at the ble effort at the helm of a hospital in tran- the man who was named to be the first
Most of Season Eleven was spent on a sub- phrase “pending regulatory approval,” sition. president of Cleveland Clinic Indian Riv-
plot, with the city and FPL fighting it out with which found its way into a half-dozen re- er, Dr. Gregory Rosencrance, who arrived
the last remaining naysayers at the Florida marks about the all-but-finalized merger. While assisting Cleveland Clinic’s at- four days earlier with his wife Jackie. Both
Public Service Commission. Finally three torneys and accountants as they combed are natives of Charleston, West Virginia,
weeks ago, the PSC solidified its decision to There was also back-slapping and through financial records, Davis man- and share Davis’ Southern accent; Rosen-
approve the terms of the deal. That’s the deal praise for the work done under the gun aged to improve patient care, they said, crance joked it will ease the transition be-
that Howle and Silagy signed on Monday, of the impending deal. That included a $7 raising safety scores, easing the strain at cause the staff has already grown used to
something Howle called “a miracle.” million swing in operating revenues over the emergency room, and coping with a Davis’ drawl.
expenses, from a $2.5 million loss in 2016- steep rise in patient visits in a particularly
Silagy was beaming as he addressed a 17 to $4.5 million in black ink in 2017-18 bad year of the flu. The personable Rosencrance made
packed house in the Vero council chambers, – though much of that was eaten up in at- a strong impression: “He’s wonderful,”
camera shutters snapping among a crowd torneys’ fees, added insurance and other Davis, who has been widely praised sighed one hospital leader, as if with re-
grateful that FPL’s top guy wanted to person- costs associated with the Cleveland deal. through her year here, will return to her lief. Along with a warm manner, he boasts
ally mark the occasion. Silagy credited the prior employer, the national health care a strong resume. “This is a momentous
momentous event to a team of people with- But those were one-time charges, fi- consulting firm of Alvarez and Marsel, thing for Indian River County and the
in his company, and in the Vero communi- nance chairman Jack Weisbaum report- where she was a senior director. ability of our people to get the kind of
ty, whom he said “never, ever gave up.” He ed to the board as one contiguous smile healthcare they’re going to have access
pointed to O’Connor especially. seemed to circle the table. “It’s a very, very “I know the board gave Karen some to,” said Hockmeyer.
positive result,” he said, something re- guidance – directions, maybe even, be-
“He rolled up his sleeves and was always sembling joy breeching his ever-somber cause we knew what we were in the mid- As Hockmeyer tried to gavel the final
about finding a way to get to yes,” Silagy said tone. It seemed the once-struggling hos- dle of,” said Hockmeyer. “We wanted to meeting to a close, director Don Laurie
of the city manager, who took the helm in pital had buffed itself up and done them make sure the performance of the hospi- interrupted to get a word in about the
July 2011 and vowed to get the utility sold proud, selling itself to the one of the high- tal not only stayed the way it was, but that chairman himself.
in his tenure. “It’s a big difference when you est-regarded health systems in America, if it got better. And it got better – it got better
have leaders who don’t start with no.” not the world. financially, it got better in patient care, it “To observe what Wayne and Mary-
got better in terms of safety metrics, and it beth [Cunningham, the Hospital District
Rep. Erin Grall, who came onto the scene “We are about to embark on an ex- got better in terms of service to the com- chairwoman] have guided us through
late but made an impact at the state level traordinary journey,” Hockmeyer told munity.” was just an extraordinary act of leader-
when it counted, said, “I am so proud to be the board. “This has been about as good ship,” he said. “Hear, hear, to Wayne and
part of a community that takes on obsta- As Davis unwrapped her going-away Marybeth.”
cles together.” Grall called the FPL takeover
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4 December 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
MY TAKE And it was O’Malley who served as a county officials and three years to do maintenance work that
matchmaker between the county and MLB representatives had been deferred because of a funding
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 MLB last year. He turned 81 last week last week agreed on a shortage during the Great Recession: re-
and wanted to find a fitting successor at long-term lease that placing the roofs on most of the build-
pact its sports-related businesses have Historic Dodgertown, where his group’s will bring much-need- ings, removing mold throughout the fa-
on our local economy, we celebrate the lease was set to expire April 30. ed repairs, desired im- cility, and making repairs to the press box
news that Major League Baseball will provements and even and concession stands.
take over the operations of what is now With a deal finally in place, O’Malley, expansion of the cam-
“Historic Dodgertown.” whose lifelong affection for Dodgertown pus’ facilities, with the The county also will spend up to
and Vero Beach is legend, issued a state- costs shared by both $800,000 the first five years and up to
The complex had been run by Peter ment to express his delight. parties. With three five- $400,000 in subsequent years to match an
O’Malley since 2011, when the former year options, the cur- estimated $10 million in improvements
Dodgers owner put together a five-way “MLB’s plans are impressive for con- rent lease could extend MLB is required to make through the first
partnership to prevent the once-iconic, tinuing year-round activity, while further for more than 25 years. 10 years and 8 months of the lease.
county-owned facility from being shut- developing and investing in the prop-
tered after the previous tenant, Minor erty,” he said in the statement, adding, According to Brown’s staff report to The most significant of those improve-
League Baseball Inc., failed to turn a “This long-term partnership is good the County Commission, the coun- ments are the construction of an indoor
profit there. news for the county and Vero Beach.” ty will spend $4.9 million over the next training facility – with an artificial-turf
infield, batting cages, classrooms and of-
After nearly a year of negotiations, fice space – and a renovation of Holman
Stadium that includes replacing the en-
tire seating bowl and upgrading the dug-
outs; installing an NCAA-approved turf
baseball field; and adding outfield fences
and erecting a new scoreboard.
MLB also will upgrade the on-campus
hotel rooms, replacing carpet and beds,
and will totally revamp the kitchen and
dining areas.
“We’re going to transition to Vero
Beach a number of our programs that ex-
isted elsewhere, so enhancing the facility
is important to us,” said Tony Reagins,
MLB’s senior vice president for youth
programs. “We also plan to run some
larger events there, and we’re commit-
ting the resources necessary to make that
“We’re not looking to make money on
this deal,” he added. “We’re working with
the county to make Dodgertown a world-
class facility for baseball and softball de-
velopment, one that will be run at a high
level and service as many groups as we
“For us, it’s not just a matter of bring-
ing the MLB brand to Dodgertown. We
also want to involve the local community
in what we’re doing.”
Partnering with MLB was, really, the
best outcome we could’ve hoped for.
Certainly, it beat the alternative, which
almost certainly involved shutting down
a facility sorely in need of maintenance
and eventually putting up a “For Sale”
“There are only so many potential op-
erators of a facility of this type,” Brown
“Without this deal, there was a good
chance we’d have seen the end of Dodg-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS December 21, 2018 5
ertown as a baseball complex.” SCHOOL FINANCE CHIEF At the Nov. 20 School Board meeting, after Just before the Dec. 11 meeting, Rendell
So, yeah, we got lucky. the report was released to board members, pulled discussion of Morrison’s demotion
We got lucky that we had someone like CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Rendell attempted to slip Morrison’s demo- from the agenda. New School Board Chair
tion from CFO to transportation coordinator Laura Zorc said “in the interest of trans-
O’Malley, who cared enough about Dod- 11 School Board meeting. through in a way that would not draw scru- parency” the agenda change should be
gertown to rescue the facility and keep it Morrison, chief financial officer for 12 tiny. addressed, after members of the public re-
viable the past eight years, so that there quested explanations. In response, Rendell
was a chance this could happen. years, was not present at the meeting, but But new board member Mara Schiff merely stated that returning the CFO to his
resigned the next day, although neither the pulled it from the consent agenda and position was in the best interest of the dis-
We got lucky that O’Malley, who school district nor School Board would made it a separate item to be discussed by trict.
used his baseball clout to acquire the confirm the resignation. the board in public.
more-marketable Historic Dodgertown There was no explanation of how that ac-
moniker and then transformed the com- Julianne Pelletier, director of finance, the But the discussion was put off until the tion jibed with Rendell’s prior accusation of
plex into a multi-sport facility, cared second-ranking position in the finance de- Dec. 11 meeting after Schiff and fellow wrongdoing.
enough about the place to make sure it partment whom Morrison hired in April, new board members Jacqueline Rosario
stayed in good hands. also resigned at the same time, according to and Teri Barenborg said they had not re- So far, there has been no comment or
sources close to them. The school district is ceived the investigative report until an explanation regarding the sudden resigna-
We got lucky that MLB cared enough now advertising the CFO and director of fi- hour before the meeting, and had not had tion of the district’s two top finance man-
about Dodgertown’s history – Reagins nance positions on its website. time to study it. agers.
said the spring-training legacy of the
Dodgers and especially Jackie Robinson, Rendell accused Morrison of transfer-
baseball’s first black player, contributed ring $2.3 million out of the general fund
mightily to MLB’s interest in the deal – to and into 12 school salary accounts without
want to come here. his permission. He made the accusation at
the July 31 public hearing on the tentative
County officials said Historic Dodger- budget, after suspending Morrison.
town’s operations have contributed $15
million annually to the local economy The transfer left the general fund short
each of the past four years, and we can of cash, in violation of School Board policy,
expect that number to increase now that which requires a 5 percent cash reserve.
MLB, with all its resources and a renovat-
ed campus, is running the place. Rendell and School Board Attorney
Suzanne D’Agresta hired a law firm to
That, more than anything else, is a rea- both represent the accuser, Rendell, and
son to thank O’Malley, applaud the ef- to investigate the accused, Morrison, an
forts of our county officials and celebrate arrangement one member of the public
the arrival of MLB. called a conflict of interest at a later meet-
For most of us, Dodgertown is a place
we go to only in our memories – but The outside attorney’s report concluded
knowing baseball is still played there that Morrison was guilty of “very poor judg-
makes for a more pleasant trip. ment” and a “breach of trust.”
6 December 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH
Psoriatic arthritis incurable, but symptoms manageable
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer Beach, is a rheumatologist at Indian River
[email protected] Medical Center. She points out that “in 85
percent of cases [the skin condition] psori-
Everyone with a television probably asis will precede psoriatic arthritis,” which
knows a little something about psoria- she says “is pretty much an inflammatory
sis, the skin condition with the raised red autoimmune disease.”
patches and silver-colored scales on the el-
bows and knees. The Mayo Clinic is more specific. It says
“psoriatic arthritis occurs when your body’s
What far fewer people know is that pso- immune system begins to attack healthy
riasis frequently is a harbinger of worse cells and tissue. The abnormal immune re-
things to come. sponse causes inflammation in your joints
as well as overproduction of skin cells.”
Sometimes much worse things.
Dr. Ivana Parody, who served her residen- Joint pain, stiffness and swelling are the
cy at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami
Dr. Ivana Parody.
main symptoms of psoriatic arthritis and “It may cause inflammation of the fin-
the condition can affect almost every part gers [so severe that] the fingers may look
of your body. like sausages.”
Worse, according to Harvard Medical, In other words, it’s not a pretty picture.
people with psoriatic arthritis “are more And it can get even worse.
likely to have other conditions linked to
inflammation, including heart disease, Psoriatic arthritis, Parody continues, “may
diabetes, obesity, Crohn’s disease and ul- also inflame the attachments of the liga-
cerative colitis.” ments and the tendons to the bones. That is
called enthesitis and usually presents as in-
Parody, meanwhile, says psoriatic ar- flammation of the Achilles tendon or inflam-
thritis “may affect the small joints of the mation of the tendon in the knee, and it may
hands and the feet or it may affect the large also cause inflammation of the eye.”
joints like the hips and knees. It may also
affect the spine and the joints in the pelvis And the worst news of all? The Mayo Clin-
called sacroiliac joints. That manifestation ic says “no cure for psoriatic arthritis exists,
is called spondyloarthritis. so the focus is on controlling symptoms and
preventing damage to your joints.”
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH December 21, 2018 7
Parody says, “We have many medica- Holy cow! Bovine patch may help fix torn rotator cuff
tions we use now that target specific in-
flammatory pathways that are very active By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer Dr. Anthony Ware demonstates
in psoriatic arthritis.” [email protected] graft placement using the Rotation
These drugs include Cosentyx, Orencia, Rotator cuff tears are so common, says the Medical delivery instrument.
Stelara and Otezla, and Parody adds that American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons,
one of the newer treatments on the market “that each year almost 2 million people in PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
is a psoriatic arthritis version of the EpiPens the United States visit their doctors” seeking
used for asthma. treatment for the condition.
“We have these pens so patients can inject Dr. Anthony Ware of Coastal Orthopedics
themselves every two weeks in the belly or and the Steward Medical Group thinks he
the thigh,” she explains, though according may have found a better and longer-lasting
to both the Mayo Clinic and Consumer Re- way to repair those tears.
ports, none of the above treatments actu-
ally cure the disease. And they don’t come It’s called “biological augmentation.”
cheap, either. The rotator cuff quite literally keeps your
arm in your shoulder socket. The cuff consists
A May 2018 report from the National In- of four separate muscles that come together as
stitutes of Health flatly states that psoriatic tendons to form a covering around the head of
arthritis patients “incur substantially high- the humerus bone – the long bone in the upper
er costs” than patients with other inflam- arm – between the elbow and shoulder. When
matory diseases. the rotator cuff is torn, you may not be able to
raise or even lower your arm.
That’s at least in part because the newer Even the simplest of daily tasks, such as
“biologic” class of drugs like Cosentyx can getting dressed or combing your hair, can
cost between $15,000 and $25,000 a year and become difficult and painful. And the Mayo
even a single tube of topical psoriatic oint- Clinic warns “without treatment, rotator cuff
ment can carry a $600 price tag. tears may lead to permanent loss of motion or
weakness and may result in progressive de-
That makes it vitally important to have a generation of the shoulder joint.”
detailed discussion with your rheumatolo- The National Institutes of Health says that
gist about the right medication for you. And while “excellent clinical results of arthroscop-
for your wallet. ic repair of rotator cuff tears have been report-
ed … re-tears after those surgeries are one of
As the National Psoriasis Foundation the most common complications.”
points out, “one in three people have trou- It’s here that biological augmentation is
ble paying for the cost of care” for their pso- showing its promise. It seems to provide a
riatic arthritis. stronger fix for torn rotator cuffs and may
make those post-operative re-tears much
Even if the cost of care isn’t an issue, get- less likely.
ting careful supervision definitely is. As Ware explains, Regeneten, the company
that packages the biological augmentation kit
Says Parody: “Whenever we put a patient he uses, “came up with this idea of trying to
on a treatment, we need to closely monitor use some type of a collagen patch. Our ten-
that patient.” dons are made of collagen, so they decided
they would try to use this collagen and lay it
Why? Because the side effects from some on [the torn tendon] like a patch. Almost like
of the above treatments may, according to with a flat tire on your bicycle: You take off
WebMD, lead to tuberculosis, pneumonia, the tube and you put a patch on it. And this
hepatitis, staph and/or fungal infections collagen will incorporate into your native
and even lymphoma or blood cancer. collagen in about a three-month period and it
So what actually causes psoriatic arthritis? CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
No one really knows.
Genetic factors, the individual’s unique
immune system and environmental factors
are all believed to play a role in the onset of
psoriatic arthritis.
Dr. Ivana Parody is with the Indian Riv-
er Medical Center. Her office is at 3450 11th
Court, Suite 302 in Vero Beach. The phone
number is 772-794-1444.
8 December 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH
Dr. Anthony Ware.
tcch CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 also able to purify these grafts more to get all
the foreign debris and DNA out. That’s the
actually thickens your tendon by two to three material your body can react to as foreign.
millimeters and therefore reduces the strain So, we’re able to get a somewhat more pure
on the tendon.” … collagen implant so when you do put it in,
it doesn’t have graft rejection. It’s also a lit-
Briefly sounding more like a physics teach- tle bit more porous so it allows in-growth of
er than a surgeon, Ware points out “stress is your native tissue into it,” making the patch
force for area,” so, as he puts it, when the cuff is all the stronger.
even partially torn, “you’re distributing a larg-
er force on a smaller area, thereby increasing That said, if you’ve never heard of this ap-
the stress.” proach, you’re not alone. As Ware freely ad-
mits, “I think it only became commercially
Is this new approach infallible? No. It available earlier this year.
hasn’t even been in use long enough to have
medically significant statistics to claim that “What’s really interesting about this is that
it is. But patients who have had this biologi- although we put the patch on the top [of the
cal augmentation have spent an average 31 torn tendon], it is actually healing tears under-
fewer days needing to wear post-operative neath. And so what they theorize is happen-
slings and were able to return to work some ing is that by reducing the strain on the rotator
50 days sooner than those who did not have cuff by about 40 percent, it is allowing these
this procedure. partial tears to actually heal.”
They also required substantially fewer If that’s the case, it truly is groundbreaking.
post-op pain relievers during recovery. Dr. Anthony Ware is with Coastal Orthope-
dics and the Steward Medical Group. His Vero
These collagen patches can be as small as Beach office is at 1715 37th Pl., Suite 101. The
a postage stamp and, like modern aortic valve phone number there is 772-778-0600. In Se-
replacements, they are harvested from cattle bastian, his office is at 13000 U.S. 1 where the
rather than cadavers. phone is 772-589-0331.
“These seem to work better than donor
grafts from cadavers,” Ware explains. “We’re
10 December 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS
Bonz adds Ralph to growing list of feline friends
Hi Dog Buddies! PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER Ralph for nothin.’ Our yard was fenced, but when
did that ever stop a cat in Exploration Mode?
For my last-column-before-Christmas, mess. Somehow, I felt safe. Bonzo, if cats could cry, I woudda, I’m not I just squeezed under the fence an had my-
I innerviewed a Cool Catnip dude of the “Anyway, long cat-tale short, they took ashamed to admit. Couldn’t stop purring self a liddle adventure. Well, Momma went
feline persuasion: Mr. Ralph Getson. He’s me to a doctor an, after (among other for weeks.” buh-listic. She an Papa searched for HOURS,
around 18 in human (like 89 in cat), an he’s things) having ALL my hair shaved off, I lookin’ low an high for me. Finally they gave
got It Goin’ ON! He even has his own Insta- was proclaimed Flea-Free and I recovered. “Humans. You gotta love ’em,” I said. up an came home, probly plannin’ to call the
gram – ralphpurrusual. I think of it as my “Pavement to Plush Tran- “I didn’t make it to the wedding, but I Marines or something. And there I was, ly-
sition.” Now I have a Forever Family, my prepared some Words of Advice that were ing on the porch, wonderin’ where the fluff
Mr. Ralph is a long, lanky, orange Tab- own saucer, a cozy bed, an a sunny porch read on my behalf.” they’d been all that time.
by who recently moved from Clearwater for daydreamin.’ I have everything I need. “Really?”
to this side of the state with his Mom an Momma even wrote me my Very Own “Here’s some of my favorites:‘spend time “I’m not as stealthy or fleet-of-paw as I
Dad. He loves humans, but I’d heard he Song! If you have time after the innerview, together outside, under a canoe stored on usta be, but I still have a blast with a crin-
could be a liddle crotchiddy with fellow I’ll sing it for you. Momma plays MEW-zick the porch is an ideal spot; be forgiving if kly paper bag. An, once I got the harness
pets so, when the door opened, I wagged in onna violin. When she’s wearin’ boots, it’s the toilet seat gets left up: everyone makes figured out, I enjoy leash walks around the
place and said in my Pleasant Pooch voice, called a fiddle. I don’t know why. She does mistakes, and it is, after all, an excellent neighborhood. We’ve only been here cou-
“Good morning, Sir.” one song with other humans on guh-TARS source of drinking water; share your food pla months, so it’s a nice way to meet the
an stuff called ‘The Tabby Went Down to with one-another, ’specially tuna; an, most neighbors. I’m also a great fan of catnip
Mr. Ralph strolled slowly but suavely Georgia.’ I can’t even swish my tail that important, always greet each other like it’s imported from Maine. One of my Maine
over for the Sniff-an-Size Up. “Welcome, fast.” been forever since you were together, cuz Coon street pals from the old neighbor-
young fella. Bonzo, is it? I’m Mr. Ralph. This “Pawsome, Mr. Ralph! What’s life like there’s no concept of time when it comes hood turned me on to it. Nothin’ better for
is my Momma, Mollie. My Papa, Mike, is at now that you’re in the Plush part?” to being separated from the one you love.’” reclinin’ on my mat, chill-laxin.’”
work. Come’on back.” “Well, THIS was Super Cool Catnip: “Woof. That’s a lotta wisdom.”
when Papa proposed to Momma, I was a “Here’s a funny story,” he continued. “I “I’ve heard that.”
His voice was raspy, but he wasn’t major part of the engagement.” love exploring.’ They don’t call cats curious “My besties are Momma’s Godfather
crotchiddy at all. We sat around a table by “No Woof!” Bruce an his dog Addie. They’re up in
the pool cuz Mr. Ralph’s an outdoor kinda “It was SO ro-MAN-tick. Momma was DON’T BE SHY Maine. An Aunt Alyssa, who I stayed with
guy. He wore a snazzy bowtie and totally holdin’ ME, an Papa was holding The Ring. when Momma an Papa went to The Moon
rocked a Regal Lion Look. Then Papa asked Momma The Big Ques- We are always looking for pets after they got married. I thought it’d take a
tion. (It’s a human thing.) Then, instead of with interesting stories. lot longer than it did. As for toys, I’m not
“So, how does this work? You ask ques- Momma accepting with ‘YES!’ she chose into laser mice or feathers-onna-stick. My
tions, I answer?” the symbolic ‘Handing Over of the Cat’: To set up an interview, email favorite’s a long ribbon. It’s old now, but
placed me right in Papa’s arms. Honest, [email protected]. still fun. Now I LOVE getting’ brushed. But
“Yes sir, pretty much. Maybe start with I. Don’t. Do. Baths. Just thinkin’ about my
how you all got together.” one-an-only bath experience still gives me
the Utter Willies. I’m pretty sure Momma
“Can do. About a year anna half ago (in feels the same way.
human) I was livin’ on the Mean Streets: “I sleep with Momma an Papa, except
sleepin’ under cars, skinny, a total fleabag, when I awake at the purrfectly reasonable
with a bad cough anna chipped tooth. A hour of 3 a.m. and wanna have a conversa-
real paw-to-mouth existence. I musta used tion. Then I sleep in MY room, or hang out
up at least 4 of my lives.” on the porch with the raccoons.”
Heading home, I was still hummin’ the
“Woof! That’s harsh. You look great now.” song Ralph’s Momma wrote for him. I know
“It was a close one. Just when my lives he’s gonna have a very Meowy Christmas,
were passing before my eyes, an I figured and I wish the same for all you pawsome
I’d never have a loving family, my (future) pet pals an your humans.
Momma an Papa scooped me up and whis-
kered me away. (Papa’s a lifelong Cat Guy, The Bonz
but I was Momma’s first cat experience.) I
had no idea what was happenin,’ but they
were talkin’ gently like they ackshully cared
about me, even though I was a fleabitten
Fine architecture highlights
large Indian River Club home
842 Carolina Circle SW in Indian River Club: 3-bedroom, 4-bath, 3,270-square-foot golf course home
offered for $674,000 by Berkshire Hathaway Home Services listing agent Beth Livers: 772-559-6958
Paul R. Berg VMer3oA3B3I3eNa2c0hOt,hFFSLFtrI3eC2e9tE60 Louis ‘Buck’Vocelle
VOCELLEBERG.COM 772-562-8111
12 December 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE
Fine architecture highlights large Indian River Club home
By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer loved Indian River Club. They designed and The lot at 842 Carolina Circle was raised to tioned, following the classical Roman archi-
[email protected] built 32 of the 245 homes in the gated golf enhance the view, and the couples consult- tect Vitruvius’ maxim that parts of a build-
community, living in three of them. “You ed intensely on every aspect of the home. ing should correspond with each other and
When they were looking for a place to never saw one without the other,” Katt said. with the whole, like movements within a
build a home, Katt and Dick Krug were A DiRocco home is beautifully propor- symphony, resulting in a sense of harmony.
captivated by the beauty of Indian River
Club, one of the first golf communities The home’s overall theme is a modern
designated an Audubon Wildlife Sanctu- take on classical architecture. Arches, col-
ary, a rare combination of preserved and umns and entablatures outside are repeat-
cultivated nature. They chose a prime lot ed in the interior, down to the smallest de-
to build on, and then selected the impec- tail in the fine built-in cabinetry.
cable husband-and-wife team of Fred and
Maria DiRocco to design and construct The house has a deep hip roof, best for
their 3-bedroom, 4-bath, 3,270-square- withstanding high winds and allowing for
foot house, completed in 2005. 10-foot ceilings inside.
The home, at 842 Carolina Circle SW, The two-car plus golf-cart garage ap-
has a view of the lake and the 10th, 18th pears as a hip-roofed wing set at a 90-de-
and 15th fairways. The lot was one among gree angle from the main house, the side
four adjacent lots owned by the DiRoccos, entrance hiding the garage doors from the
carefully chosen because of the view. street view.
The DiRoccos, who died within a year The entrance is recessed but set off as
of each other in 2015 and 2016, knew and a small tower, with its own hip roof. An
archway with a keystone and two columns
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E December 21, 2018 13
frames the entrance, a motif repeated in- narrow map drawers, reeded glass door master bath also has a tray ceiling. ter heaters, one servicing the master suite,
side. Large carriage lamps with pineap- fronts, marble desk surfaces, and wood The cherry cabinetry below and above the other the two guest bedrooms in the
ple-shaped globes crowned with wrought- wainscoting and floors complete the bar- split floor plan, ensuring privacy and tem-
iron leaves announce hospitality can be rister’s splendor. the two vanities have tower storage on perature control among inhabitants.
found within. either side of the mirrors that look like
There is a large closet that houses the square columns with capitals, which carry The house is freshly painted and immac-
The double front door with large glass printer. the classical-architecture theme. ulate, the Krugs living much of the time
panels has a lunette window above, re- elsewhere, leaving the lightest trace. Vari-
peating the shape and proportion of the Next door is a full bath with a walk-in The large corner tub has a marble front, ous furnishings are negotiable, including a
entrance archway. shower with similar finishes in cabinetry separating the two vanities, a lovely sym- golf cart.
and counter found in the study. metrical layout.
The large ceramic tile throughout the The Krugs are moving to Tampa, the
The living room has a columned entry- The walk-in shower, with similar marble family center migrating west in recent
tile and a frameless-glass front, has jets run- years. The next owners are sure to be de-
ning the length of the body. lighted with this modern classic.
There are two heat pumps and two wa-
open common rooms is a warm off-white way with architrave above. A deep tray ceil- FEATURES FOR 842 CAROLINA CIRCLE SW
and looks like marble, a modern materials’ ing emphasizes the upper reaches, giving a
interpretation of a classic with the same feeling of expansion. The French doors at Neighborhood: Indian River Club
gleam, but easier to maintain. the end of the room overlook the screened Year built: 2005 • Lot size: 93 feet by 152 feet, .33 acres
lanai, lake and golf course beyond.
To the right of the door is the dining Home size: 3,270 square feet
room, the entryway open, bracketed by The lanai is paved with rich travertine tile. Construction: Concrete block with stucco
columns. A dramatic setting awaits the The kitchen has an enormous, wide-an-
diner, who should be attired in formal gle eating bar, 14 feet on one side and 4 feet Bedrooms: 3 • Bathrooms: 4
wear. A double tray ceiling is set off by on the other, with lovely raised-panel clad- Additional features: Lake views, golf-course views, 10-foot
concealed lighting, contrasting paint and ding beneath and granite counters above. ceilings, tray ceilings, beautiful carriage and interior lamps and
molding. The chandelier has frosted-glass The cabinetry is also raised-wood panel – chandelier, plantation shutters, two-car plus golf-cart garage
globes and brushed-nickel arms, a fresh cherry with a medium finish – that matches with terrazzo floor, screened lanai with travertine tile, exquisite
built-in cabinetry, granite counters, huge breakfast bar, granite
counters and wooden cabinetry in bathrooms, two water heat-
ers and heat pumps in split floor plan
Listing agency: Berkshire Hathaway Home Services
Listing agent: Beth Livers, 772-559-6958
Listing price: $674,000
update of alabaster and bronze finishes. the cabinetry in the adjoining family room.
The study to the left of the door also The top-notch Sub-Zero refrigerator is clad
in the same wooden panels.
displays architectural sophistication. Col-
umns grace the entryway to an anteroom The two guest bedrooms each have
with a marble bench and bowl pendant their own bathroom with walk-in showers
lamp above that would please a pres- as well as walk-in closets.
ent-day Jefferson.
The master bedroom is distinguished
The study’s built-in cabinetry has reed- by a tray ceiling and expansive view of the
ed pilasters that recall the engaged col- golf course. His-and-her walk-in closets
umns at the entrance. The cubby holes, have lovely maple built-in cabinetry. The
14 December 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE
The second week of December saw 28 transactions of single-family residences and lots in the
mainland real estate market (some shown below).
The top sale of the week was in Vero Beach, where the residence at 850 Carolina Circle SW – orig-
inally listed in February for $749,900 – sold for $725,000 on Dec. 14.
Representing the seller in the transaction was agent Beth Livers of Berkshire Hathaway Florida.
Representing the buyer was agent Peggy Hewett, also of Berkshire Hathaway Florida.
VERO BEACH 850 CAROLINA CIRCLE SW 2/9/2018 $749,900 12/14/2018 $550,000
VERO BEACH 5415 SOL RUE CIRCLE 10/31/2017 $610,000 12/11/2018 $428,000
VERO BEACH 1035 WHITE TAIL AVENUE SW 11/5/2018 $428,000 12/10/2018 $370,000
VERO BEACH 1180 SOUTHLAKES WAY SW 10/24/2018 $374,900 12/10/2018 $339,500
SEBASTIAN 121 AMHERST LANE 6/22/2018 $349,000 12/14/2018 $300,000
SEBASTIAN 798 GOSSAMER WING WAY 9/10/2018 $308,000 12/14/2018 $290,000
VERO BEACH 5526 53RD AVENUE 8/7/2018 $299,500 12/12/2018 $276,000
VERO BEACH 7654 FIELDSTONE RANCH SQUARE 7/25/2018 $319,990 12/12/2018 $259,000
VERO BEACH 2698 HERON BAY LANE SW 8/20/2018 $275,000 12/12/2018 $250,000
SEBASTIAN 233 DICKENS AVENUE 9/27/2018 $269,900 12/11/2018 $250,000
VERO BEACH 4080 8TH PLACE 10/17/2018 $270,000 12/10/2018 $245,000
VERO BEACH 3315 ROCKPORT STREET SW 9/27/2018 $249,000 12/14/2018 $245,000
SEBASTIAN 692 BRUSH FOOT DRIVE 8/6/2018 $285,000 12/14/2018 $224,900
SEBASTIAN 1491 ABBOTT LANE 11/12/2018 $234,900 12/14/2018
Established 18 Years in Indian River County
(772) 562-2288 |
3920 US Hwy 1, Vero Beach FL 32960
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E December 21, 2018 15
5415 Sol Rue Circle, Vero Beach 1035 White Tail Avenue SW, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 10/31/2017 Listing Date: 11/5/2018
Original Price: $610,000 Original Price: $428,000
Sold: 12/11/2018 Sold: 12/10/2018
Selling Price: $550,000 Selling Price: $428,000
Listing Agent: Diane De Francisci Listing Agent: Mary Frances Driscoll
Selling Agent: Alex MacWilliam, Inc. Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida
Camille Yates Roberta Richichi
Alex MacWilliam, Inc. Keller Williams Realty of VB
1180 Southlakes Way SW, Vero Beach 121 Amherst Lane, Sebastian
Listing Date: 10/24/2018 Listing Date: 6/22/2018
Original Price: $374,900 Original Price: $349,000
Sold: 12/10/2018 Sold: 12/14/2018
Selling Price: $370,000 Selling Price: $339,500
Listing Agent: Shane Reynolds Listing Agent: Jennifer Martin
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: RE/MAX Crown Realty
Meg Hickey Jen Goodall
Premier Estate Properties RE/MAX Crown Realty
Coming Up!
By Samantha Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]
1 Holidays at McKee absolutely
deserve a spot on your Christ-
mas to-do list: This weekend, live
music of the season will provide a
festive soundtrack for the always
magical Garden, decked out in its
Merry potters hail creation of
Indian River Clay studio PAGE B2AdamSchnell.
B2 December 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
Merry potters hail creation of Indian River Clay studio
By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer artists and an engaged public in an effort to “You can be involved at the level you Jim Cohoe and Linda Drake.
[email protected] help them discover that clay is the perfect want. Full membership at the studio entitles
medium through which to explore artistic a member to access the studio at any time of PHOTOS: LEIGH GREEN
Wheelers, slabbers, coilers and pinchers talents. the day or night. Each member gets a key so
can now get their hands dirty at the recently they can work when they want to and for as
opened Indian River Clay community studio. long as they need to,” explains Maria Spar-
It’s the perfect place to roll up your sleeves sis, studio founder and resident artist.
when you want to throw some mud.
Indian River Clay is the creation of sev-
Local potters are ‘hand building’ a space
where they can create, connect and foster
the arts. The collaborative features a mem-
bership studio with shared workspace and
communal equipment, and it is also a teach-
ing facility for the whole community, provid-
ing support for all levels of potters.
The collaborative has applied for approv-
al to incorporate as a Florida not-for-profit
corporation and, upon receipt of that ap-
proval, the Becker Foundation has gener-
ously committed to a $25,000 donation to
help fund the studio.
Members enjoy studio access and equip-
ment, including wheels and kilns, un-
limited firings and use of studio dipping
glazes, dedicated storage space and class
discounts. The collaborative’s founders and
members seek to promote the develop-
ment of pottery skills among those already
hooked on clay art, while also fostering cu-
riosity about the craft within the commu-
nity. The goal is to draw together students,
November 23 - December 30, 2018
Come see the work of these contemporary masters who drive
studio glass toward new thresholds of possibility,
imagination, and wonder.
Don’t Miss
the Final Days
Closes Sunday, December 30!
A.E. Backus Museum & Gallery
500 North Indian River Drive, Fort Pierce, FL 34950
772-465-0630 CONTINUED ON PAGE B4
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE December 21, 2018 B3
Maria Sparsis demonstrates technique to Linda Drake and Susan Scarola. “People go out of town and take classes and that will allow us to expand.”
bring information back and they share it,” The hope is to have that expansion include
says Sparsis in agreement. “One of the things
that I found with potters is they’re extremely partnerships with other nonprofits. Plans are
generous with information. If you’re working in the works to develop programs for cancer
in a studio with other people, you get the ben- patients, teachers, veterans and their fami-
efit of everybody else’s experience.” lies, and clay-based summer camps.
As to why so many people are drawn to Beginner, intermediate and advanced
pottery, Sparsis explains that even someone classes are ever-changing, but will include
with no experience or natural talent can do it. such instruction as hand-building with
coils and slabs, wheel throwing, vessel and
“There’s something about the tactile nature figurative sculpture, and glazing. In addi-
of clay that you can lose yourself in. There’s an tion to Sparsis, Scarola and Street, the other
intimacy with the medium. If you learn how co-founders of Indian River Clay are Leah
to follow the rules and do what you’re told, Cady, Jim Cohoe and Joan Cortright.
you will be able to make something. You don’t
have to be creative,” says Sparsis. “We are try- Indian River Clay is located at 1174 South
ing to think in a way that will allow this to be- U.S. 1 in Vero Beach. For class schedules,
come a bigger collaborative over time, a place hours, membership costs and additional in-
formation, visit
eral local clay artists who wished to form a This wasn’t the first community clay ven-
shared space where they could create their ture for Ginny Piech Street, co-founder and
own works while cultivating interest within studio manager. She had been involved with
the broader community. Sparsis says that Ve- Peacock Clay in Fort Pierce, before a fire in an
ro’s ever-growing community of potters had adjacent storefront forced it to close.
been batting around the concept of forming
a community studio for at least 15 years. “Vero already has a big clay presence with
the museum. I think this is just an extension
“Most everybody in town involved in clay of the possibilities to get your hands in the
took classes at the museum [Vero Beach Mu- mud,” says Street.
seum of Art],” notes Sparsis. After “outgrow-
ing” museum classes, the potters began es- “There’s just something about it that is
tablishing their own home studios or shared soothing; it’s therapeutic. It’s good for the
workspaces. soul. Maybe because it comes from the
ground and it’s grounding. It just does some-
“But there’s always been this buzz about thing for me. And it seems to do something
town that one day we would have our own for everybody that I come in contact with
pottery place where we could have master who messes with the clay. It’s just a pile of
workshops, where we could have alterna- mud. What’s there to be precious about? You
tive firings; a collaborative of some sort,” mess up, you start over again.”
says Sparsis. “Many of them have home stu-
dios, but there is a difference between work- As they began to develop a blueprint for
ing in a solitary fashion and being around the studio, the board did their research. They
people. There is a sense of community with looked to several of the large community stu-
clay people; they feed off of each other.” dios across the country as examples of what
they were hoping to become – a regional re-
Susan Scarola, board chair, co-founder and source that could bring in big names for lec-
resident artist, says she got the mudbug after tures and workshops.
she retired and moved to Vero Beach perma-
nently. She was looking for a way to get to “We’d like to create a place that is
know the community and try new things. open-minded, present and hospitable, and
a place where creative energy can grow. A
“Working with clay was not intimidating place where everybody can share what they
for someone who comes with very little artis- know, so that everybody can grow creative-
tic background,” says Scarola. “I found it was ly and express themselves creatively,” says
a way that I could do something tangible and Street. “Every artist has their own method of
express myself in a way that I never had, and working, but I think a lot of people need or
be with people who were encouraging.” appreciate interaction with other makers.”
B4 December 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 2 Dec. 22 at Sebastian Inlet State Park. are also looking for a super cool, laid- back
watering hole – with foodstuffs and music
sparkling holiday best. On Friday, Dec. – where you can escape the Holiday Crazy
21, the clear voices of the Imagine School for a couple of hours, check out Waldo’s at
Tangerines Music Group will float out the Driftwood Resort. The live music on
across the Garden. Saturday brings mu- the oceanside deck this weekend starts Fri-
sical entertainment by McKee’s (own) day, Dec. 21, 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., with singer/
Melody Makers. Sunday it’ll be dynamic songwriter Brad Brock who, says his pro-
vocals by April French of the Lady Sings mo, combines “the soul of Jimmy Buffett
the Blues Band. Time: 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. with the voice of Cat Stevens.” His shows
General admission rates apply: Adult, are called “beachball and Hawaiian lei-
$12; seniors and ages 3-12, $8; members filled and (no surprise) nautical-themed.”
and under 3, free. 772-794-0601. Then, on Saturday, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., it’s
2 While somewhere Up North, with
three days till Christmas, they’ll be
shivering and shoveling snow, you can spend
this Saturday night, Dec. 22 (aka Christmas
Eve-Eve-Eve) at the beach listening to jazz
PERFECT STOCKING STUFFER GIFT IDEA! under the moon and stars. It’s the Sebastian
Inlet State Park’s popular Night Sounds Con-
FOR BEST SEATS...BUY NOW! cert Series December version, this month 3 Dave and the Wave Saturday
bringing to the Inlet’s Coconut Point Pavilion at Driftwood Resort.
WWW.MUSICWORKSCONCERTS.COM the 20th Street Jazz Band, a truly fun-loving
15-piece band that plays jazz, swing and Dave and the Wave, bringing a range of
CLASSIC ALBUMS LIVE dance tunes – Big Band-era faves and newer musical genres from classic rock to Mo-
tunes with Big Band-friendly arrangements. town to R&B to smooth jazz, and billed as
(800)595-4849Performs You can bring folding chairs or blankets. “one of the premiere entertainment groups
Food is available nearby. Enter from A1A, in South Florida.” Sunday afternoon, 1
Fleetwood Mac north side of the Inlet. Time: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. p.m. to 4 p.m., you’ll hear Pretty Ruthless,
Admission: free concert with regular park musicians from the Treasure Coast who lay
Rumours fees. 772-388-2750. down a variety of new country, classic rock
and “much more.” P.S. Google Waldo’s. The
Note for Note Cut for Cut 3 If you’re tired of boring straight walls, history’s fascinating.
even floors and Serious Decor, and
Fleetwood Mac
Note for Note
Cut for Cut
Visit for more information. Live!VEROFROB3MEASMC H FRIDAY 6th Avenue Jewelers
FRIDAY 6 YEARS OF CONCERTS Buying vintage Rolex watches and estate jewelry
Note for Note Cut for Cut AND
EARLY ELTONVisit for more information. JIMMY WEBB
Concerts are at 7 pm at The Emerson Center
SE corner of 16th Street and 27th Avenue in Vero Beach
LIVE! From Vero BeachSM is a production of MusicWorks, Inc. & Paris Productions
Performs On site fine jewelry and watch repairs.
Vero’s largest selection of estate jewelry and timepieces.
Led Zeppelin II
Note for Note
Cut for Cut 2060 6th Avenue, Vero Beach, FL 32960
Presenting Sponsors: CINDY O’DARE & RICHARD BOGA
Sponsors: Alex MacWFillelieatwPmeorfoorRmdseMalacEstate · The Audiohouse · CenterState
Charles Schwab · Joe andRuDmeonuisrse Corr · Hampton Inn & Suites Downtown
New Vision Eye Center · OceanNote for Note Cut for Cut Grill · Springhill Suites by Marriott
Non-profit Partners: City of Vero Beach Centennial · Cultural Council of IRC
Indian River Land Trust · Quail Valley Charities · The Emerson Center
Veterans Council of Indian River County
Printing Sponsor: ABC Printing Screen Sponsor: The Majestic 11
Visit for more information.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE December 21, 2018 B5
5 “A Christmas Carol” at King
Center Saturday.
Trapp is ordered to accept a commission
in the German navy, but he opposes the
Nazis, so he and Maria devise a plan to
flee Austria with the children. Many songs
from the musical have become stan-
dards such as “Edelweiss,” “My Favorite
Things,” “Climb Ev’ry Mountain,” “Do-
Re-Mi,” and the title song, “The Sound of
Music.” Show time: 8 p.m. Tickets: start at
$42. 561-832-7469.
4 At Kravis Center this Friday. musical, based on the heartwarming, nun, Maria, a tomboyish postulant at an 5 And what Christmas season would
real-life story of the Von Trapp Family Austrian abbey, becomes a governess in be complete without experiencing at
4 A beloved musical favorite comes singers, who became one of the world’s the home of widowed naval Capt. Georg least one version of “A Christmas Carol”? This
to the Kravis Center in West Palm best-known concert groups in the era im- von Trapp and his seven children, and Saturday, Dec. 22, at the King Center, it’s the
this Friday, Dec. 21: a brand-new pro- mediately preceding World War II. While brings a new love of life and music into classic favorite as you’ve likely never seen it
duction of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s deciding whether she wants to become a the home. According to Wikipedia, von before. According to the show promo, this ver-
“The Sound of Music.” Lose yourself in sion, from Nebraska Theatre Caravan, with a
this Tony-, Grammy- and Oscar-winning cast of 23, musicians and “Broadway-style”
scenery and costumes, “is rich with thrilling
ensemble music and alive with color and
movement,” created for the enjoyment of
all ages. Interspersed throughout the show
are “beautiful new arrangements and mov-
ing renditions” of holiday songs we all know
and love, among them “Away in a Manger,”
“Greensleeves,” “God Rest Ye Merry, Gentle-
men” (does anybody know for sure where
that comma is supposed to go?) and more.
Time: 7 p.m. Tickets: adults, start at $28.50;
children, start at $21. 321-242-2219.
CSHaRnuItOSanTPtsiMlEh6oNAppSsmEhVeEre! AAsSkTRfoAr ycoautarl2o0g1! 8 RECOMMENDED
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392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
B6 December 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE
A sip of holiday magic at ‘Tea Up for the Nutcracker’
By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer Adam Schnell, Linda Downey and Camilo Rodriguez. PHOTOS: LEIGH GREEN Rita Chanfrau, Cindy O’Dare and Patty Casale.
[email protected]
Vero Beach Centennial Celebration. After its,” said Schnell, adding they also host a During the luncheon, a stream of
In what has become a much-anticipat- all, this Nutcracker version is set in the free student matinee series for third- and hometown models showcased seasonal
ed holiday tradition, the third annual Bal- same year Vero was chartered. Also, an fourth-graders. attire from local boutiques and student
let Vero Beach Tea Up for the Nutcracker adoptable Humane Society dog, dubbed performers from the upcoming ballet pre-
Luncheon and Fashion Show at the Oak ‘Muttcracker’ by Schnell, will make a BVB has teamed up with the Learning sented a preview of costumes designed by
Harbor Club conjured up visions of sugar guest appearance during the show, and 16 Alliance to create a dance and literacy Travis Halsey. Closing out the show was
plums to usher in the holiday season. students from Fellsmere and Dodgertown component, and a one-hour Nutcrack- an appearance by Santa and Mrs. Claus.
elementary schools will perform with the er on the Indian River version will debut
Delightful dancing manatees opened professional dancers and young dance next year geared toward the 20 percent The Vero Beach version of the beloved
the fashion show, giving viewers a sneak students. of local students defined as differently Nutcracker follows Marie and her fam-
peek of the upcoming Nutcracker on the abled. ily as they travel from New York to Vero
Indian River performances. “We are the only professional arts or- Beach in 1919, so flora- and fauna-themed
ganization in the area that donates free “These are the kids that can’t come to centerpieces were designed to hearken
Thanking supporters, Linda Downey, tickets and educational outreach initia- our show because either they can’t sit the memories of that era, resplendent with
BVB board chair, said “it’s Adam’s tives to 14 local, social service nonprof- entire time or their parents can’t afford citrus trees; sandhill cranes and vintage
[Schnell] vision along with the board, but it,” he explains.
it’s incredible what we’ve accomplished
in five years.”
“I am still basking in the glow of last
year’s reception,” said Adam Schnell, ar-
tistic director/CEO.
“We’ve strengthened the partnerships
we had on the production and we’re work-
ing on new ones. The Land Trust has real-
ly stepped up, and the information about
the lagoon that adorns the hallways will
be like waiting in line at Disney World.”
He added that in addition to presenting
beautiful, professional ballet, Ballet Vero
Beach is working to become enmeshed
in the community. New outreach part-
nerships include being part of the City of
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE December 21, 2018 B7
Add beauty and
natural light to your
EXISTING entryway
in about an hour!
Dan and Elli McElroy with Marie Healy. • Glass patterns • Patio & Sliding
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Angela Waldrop and Elizabeth Sorensen. Annie Casale with Juniper and Coral.
Maddie Chambers.
suitcases overflowing with Nutcracker
After the show, children played mini-
golf, decorated cookies and sat with San-
ta, while adults enjoyed champagne and
gourmet desserts and perused items from
the silent auction and Boutique.
Nutcracker on the Indian River perfor-
mances will take place at 8 p.m. Dec. 30
and 2 p.m. Dec. 31 at the Vero Beach High
School Performing Arts Center. Then, on
Jan. 4 and 5, BVB Program 2 presents Pre-
miers, showcasing works spanning from
classical to contemporary, also at the
For more information, visit balletver-
Regency Square
2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart
Licensed & Insured
Debbie Wykoff and Barbara Leigh.
B8 December 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING
Wind & Waves Grill: Dining at Disney’s Vero Beach resort
Key West Shrimp
and Grits.
By TIna Rondeau | Columnist a restaurant that
[email protected]
will appeal
Grandkids coming for the holidays?
If you’re looking for a new place to try to adults as
for a family dinner – where they offer ev-
erything from cheeseburgers and chicken much as to
nuggets for the kids, up to steaks and ci-
oppino (not to mention cocktails) for the children,
adults – you might want to try the Wind &
Waves Grill. and there
Never heard of it? Well, this bright, airy
restaurant at Disney’s Vero Beach resort really is
may be the area’s best-kept dining secret.
Servers tell us that relatively few local res- something
idents dine at the Wind & Waves Grill, even
though it is closer than any other restaurant for pretty age you to
to the communities on the northern third send feedback
of our island. near everyone Cioppino. to me at tina@verobe-
On a visit last week, my husband decid- on the dinner
ed to start with the iceberg wedge salad The reviewer dines anonymously at
($9) while our companion and I opted for menu. restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
the beets and goat cheese ($9). Both salads 32963.
were excellent, the red beets and whipped You don’t need kids to
goat cheese attractively plated with local Hours:
lettuces, walnut vinaigrette and black cur- enjoy a nice meal here, and for anyone Daily, 5 pm to 9 pm
rant granola. Beverages: Full bar
Then for entrées, I chose the cioppino who still needs a little help getting into the
($24), my husband opted for the swordfish Address:
special ($29), and our companion decided Crab Cakes. Christmas spirit, the soaring lobby of Dis- Disney’s Vero Beach Resort
to go with the grilled porkchop ($25). Highway A1A south of CR 510
My husband’s swordfish was a beautiful ly a gorgeous piece of meat, nicely seared, ney’s Vero Beach Resort also currently fea-
large filet, grilled perfectly, served atop an but also served with the butternut puree. Phone:
autumn vegetable stir fry and surrounded Again, raves for the chop – not so much for tures the biggest, most lavishly decorated 772-234-2180
by a butternut soy puree. The dish would the puree.
have been wonderful without the puree, tree around.
which was way too sweet. As for my cioppino, it turned out to be a
Our companion’s porkchop was similar- very light rendition of this San Francisco If you live toward the northern end of our
favorite – with clams, shrimp and chunks
of fresh fish in a wine and tomato broth. island, the Wind & Waves Grill is definitely
For dessert, our excellent server Muriel worth a try this holiday season.
talked us into an order of pineapple up-
side-down bread pudding with caramel I welcome your comments, and encour-
sauce and a scoop of Dole Whip ($8).
S’mores Tart.
Dinner for two, accompanied by a glass
of wine or one of the Wind & Waves Floridi-
an craft beers, should run in the neighbor-
hood of $100-$120 before tip.
While this isn’t fine dining (no white
tablecloths here), Wind & Waves comes
close. Disney clearly has sought to create
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING December 21, 2018 B9
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B10 December 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING
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A FREE Bottle for Two of Our Smooth House Wine
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Then Select an Appetizer of Fried Mushrooms, Boudin Stuffed Jalepenos or Fried Oysters.
As a Starter, You Will be Offered Breads and a Choice of Our Famous Bean and Kale Soup,
or A Cool House Salad with Dressing Options.
Our Main Entrée will Surely Delight YOU with a Generous Ten-Ounce NY Strip; Drizzled with
a Light Red Wine Reduction Sauce and grilled or Blackened to order. Our Entrée Sides are Grilled
Asparagus and a Hot Baked Potato Served with Cajun Butter on the Side.
If you Request, We will Finish your Feast with an Option of
Bourbon Bread Pudding or a Hot Beignet.
Entree Items From Our Main Menu are Always Available
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING December 21, 2018 B11
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B12 December 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING
AKOHO is a take-away culinary boutique and dessert shop. We use LBJ Farm fresh
local eggs, locally bought produce and organic milk to create homemade
quiches, soups, bowls and exceptionally delicious desserts and strudels.
Menu is fresh and changes daily. Vegan and Vegetarian choices available.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS! We will be closed Dec. 25th to 27th.
FREE 12oz. Rio Coco French Pressed Co ee with any purchase.
Expires 12/28/18
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES December 21, 2018 B13
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist 10
Henry Cotton, who won the British Open three times, said, “Golfers have analyzed the game A K 10 4
in order to find ‘the secret.’ There is no secret.”
In contrast, bridge players rely on their analysis of a deal to give them “the secret” for the
right bid or play. At the 2016 Yeh Online World Bridge Cup, this deal featured the best bid, WEST EAST
in my analysis.
A K Q 10 9 7 5 82
Look at the North hand. In second seat, partner opens one club, and righty overcalls four
spades. What would you do? Q65 AKJ98
Once you have decided, read on. Whether you pass or make a value-showing double, Q72 J983
partner rebids five clubs. What would you do then?
— 10 6
The deal occurred in the match between Lavazza (who played in Turin, Italy) and Bridge SOUTH
Base Online (who competed in Seattle). When BBO was North-South, North doubled four
spades. Then, when South removed to five clubs, North passed. —
Sitting North-South for Lavazza were Sylvie Willard from France and Giorgio Duboin from 7432
Italy. Willard passed over four spades. But when partner rebid five clubs, Willard anticipated
South’s having a spade void and long, strong clubs. If so, they rated to have only one heart 65
loser. Backing her analysis of the deal, Willard raised to six clubs — a hole in one!
West led the spade ace. Duboin ruffed and gave up a heart. East won and shifted to
a trump, but declarer won with his seven and crossruffed hearts and clubs to take two Dealer: East; Vulnerable: Neither
diamonds, seven clubs and three heart ruffs on the board.
The Bidding:
Minus 420 and plus 920 gave Lavazza 11 international match points en route to the title.
1 Clubs 4 Spades ?? Pass
K Spades
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B14 December 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES
1 Fortress (6) 1 Cold (6)
4 Take up, obtain (6) 2 Greatest (7)
9 Urge (7) 3 Calm (4)
10 Domain (5) 5 Merry-go-round (8)
11 Ogle (4) 6 Delete (5)
12 Paper, record (8) 7 Salad fruit or berry (6)
14 Doggedness (11) 8 Build again (11)
18 Gentlemanliness (8) 13 Adventure (8)
20 Norwegian capital (4) 15 Waterfall (7)
22 Diadem (5) 16 __ broth; soup variety (6)
23 Weather conditions (7) 17 Second, flash (6)
24 Listened (6) 19 Mental representation (5)
25 Contemporary (6) 21 Rasp (4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:The Telegraph
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
Hardware Store & Lumber Yard
63 years Family Owned & Operated
4645 US-1 • (772) 562-4171 •
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES December 21, 2018 B15
ACROSS mettle 38 Leonowens of Siam The Washington Post
1 Reads smoothly 94 Plane-seating section 40 Night before Christmas
6 Plane study: abbr. 95 See 86 Across 43 Monarch, to Monique SEPARATED AT BIRTH? By Merl Reagle
10 Beliefs 98 Rainy 45 Hide away
14 Frightfully big ref. books 100 Peanuts 47 Expanse of land
18 Set one’s sights on 103 Marine mollusk 48 Like a tsunami
19 “Death be not proud” poet 104 Goulash seasoning 49 French river or department
20 Sports factoid 107 Main horizontal lines, 53 Too much sun or stress, e.g.
21 Type of circus or market 54 My Fair Lady guy
22 Twin of 28 Across (both born on math graphs 55 Syrup source
108 Fossilized ___ (Jurassic 57 “___ take a hint”
July 22, 1947) 59 German novelist-Nobelist
24 Superman first name Park premise) 63 Pretty
109 Twin of 119 Across (both 65 Know-it-all
25 Rube 66 Passed easily, as an exam
26 Land of which Synge sings born Mar. 14, 1933) 67 Giant or baby item
27 Hot car? 111 Regulator of “particulate 68 Packs (down)
28 See 22 Across 69 Couch-potato-esque
31 “A clue!” matter”: abbr. 70 “That’s the truth”
33 Kurt who headed the San 113 First name in rock-guitar 71 Wake with a shake
72 What nudistes wear
Francisco Opera, 1956-81 wizardry 73 Pancreas product
35 Abilities 117 Loy-al dog? 76 ___ pro nobis
36 Blind ___ 118 Jockey’s strap 79 Membrane covering the eye
39 Cousins of colleens 119 See 109 Across 80 Mississippi port
41 A natural beginning? 122 Big name in cookies 81 Pulpit-ations?: abbr.
42 Twin of 52 Across (both born 123 Name of some cracker 83 Talk noisily and stupidly
124 College load 84 Word on Ron Howard’s
Feb. 1, 1937) 125 Speechify
44 Peron and others 126 Glutton’s mantra résumé
46 Start of a flavor 127 Author Seton 85 Home for gulls
50 Dull grayish brown 128 Colonial rights defender 87 A kid may go through one
51 Tokugawa Ieyasu’s capital 88 Industrial-strength
52 See 42 Across James
56 For Whom the Bell Tolls 129 Ms. Lauder intelligence
89 God, to Garibaldi
setting DOWN 91 Like some suckers
58 Fleeting flashbacks 1 Nod off 96 Yeses
60 Berne’s river 2 Other face of a cheat, often 97 Musical chords
3 Introduction to science 99 ___ del Fuego
61 Block ending 4 Slangy aspirer 101 Ghost that haunts Macbeth
62 Bird served au vin 5 Pigpen 102 (They leave),
6 She works for chimp
64 Stock-pages abbr. in play lingo
65 Ant / bee relative change 104 California beach or clam
7 Part of SASE 105 Hopkins or Hoskins
67 Operation reminder 8 Shaquille’s family 106 Casual Calvin
68 Twin of 72 Across (both born 9 Haggard and Oberon 109 Woman’s address
10 Man or Wight, e.g. 110 Spanish explorer of
Nov. 26, 1938) 11 Gets an initial salary of
72 See 68 Across 12 ___ ray California
74 (Auth. unknown) 13 Centered 112 Desktop devices, commonly
75 Current coursers 14 Word ___ 114 “Love comes ___ the eye”
76 French river or
(Brit’s promise) (Yeats)
department 15 Adam Bede author 115 Carry (out)
77 Hydrocarbon ending 16 Swab’s jobs 116 Agreeing words
78 Brooks with Tonys, 17 5th Ave. retailer 120 The Rainier who wed Grace
19 Mail “morgue”: abbr. 121 Midnight Cowboy character,
Grammys, Emmys, and an 23 OK for the whole family
Oscar 29 Thorny bushes ___ Buck
79 Mr. Erwin 30 Seminary VIP
80 Spitz and chow, e.g. 32 Lucre lacker
82 Watch covertly 34 Sports events needing no
86 Twin of 95 Across
(both born July 1, 1961) lights
90 Café water 36 Annexes
92 Imitate 37 Pea, for example
93 Metal describing one with
The Telegraph
B16 December 21, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR
ONGOING 23 Run Run Santa 1-Mile, 7:30 a.m. from 28-30 Nights of Lights Celebration, shows by New Deco Orchestra, ball drop and fireworks
Pocahontas Park, with ALL participants 6 to 7:30 p.m. at McKee Bo- at midnight. $85 and $150. 772-643-6782
Vero Beach Museum of Art - 150 Years of running in provided Santa suits. 321-412-1830 tanical Garden, with holiday lights and decora-
Painting & Sculpture from the Permanent Col- tions, vintage band organ and large-scale model JANUARY
lection thru Jan. 13; Made in Germany: Con- 27-29 Wintergreen Night Lights, train display. Standard admission. 772-794-0601
temporary Art from the Rubell Family Collec- 5 to 8 p.m. at the En- 1 Centennial Resolution Run 5K presented
tion thru Jan. 6. vironmental Learning Center, with live en- 30|31 Ballet Vero Beach presents the by Run Vero, 10 a.m. at Riverside Park
tertainment, crafts, holiday-inspired crafts, original production, Nutcrack- followed by 10:45 a.m. kids run and post-race
Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge tours, games and reserved seat pontoon and canoe er on the Indian River, 8 p.m. Sun., 2 p.m. Mon. at festivities. 772-643-7010
8 to 10 a.m. Wednesdays through March. Free; rides. Details/costs at Vero Beach High School PAC, features a local take on
RSVP required. 772-581-5557 X 2 green-night-lights. 772-589-5050 the original ballet. $10 to $75. 772-905-2651 4|5 Ballet Vero Beach presents Pre-
mieres, with company premiers
DECEMBER 28|29 Riverside Theatre Howl at 31 Diamonds are Forever New Year’s Eve Cen- staged by choreographers Matthew Carter,
the Moon Kiss 2018 Good- tennial Celebration, 8 p.m. at Heritage Center Ariel Grossman and Camilio Rodriguez, 8 p.m.
20|21 Christmas Road Trip, pre- bye Party, 7:30 p.m. & 8:30 p.m., with Live on and along 14th Avenue in Downtown Vero Beach host- Fri.; 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Sat. at Vero Beach High
sented by City of Vero the Loop free entertainment at 6 p.m. 772-231- ed by Vero Heritage Inc. and Main Street Vero Beach, School PAC. $10 to $75. 772-905-2651
Beach Recreation Department’s Aerial Antics 6990 with champagne reception, dinner, dancing and floor
Youth Circus, with 200+ performers ages 3 to Crossword Page B14 (POLITENESS QUOTIENT)
25, 6 p.m. at Vero Beach High School PAC. $7 & Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
$8. 772-567-2144 in December 14, 2018 Edition 1 BARBER 1 BISECT
21-23 Holidays at McKee, 6 to 8 8 SORTS 3 ELSINORE
p.m. at McKee Botanical 9 URANIUM 4 QUAD
Garden, with holiday lights and decorations, 10 CABINET 5 ELITE
vintage band organ, model train display and vis- 11 FEET 6 ENMITY
its with Santa. Standard admission. 772-794- 12 EBB 7 SUITE
0601 14 STIR 13 BOASTFUL
22 20th Street Jazz Band at Sebastian 18 ELK 17 REPAIR
Inlet State Park Night Sounds concert 21 EACH 19 KOALA
series, 7 p.m. at Coconut Point pavilions. Park 23 ONSHORE 20 DELETE
entry fee. 772-388-2750 25 ALCOHOL 22 COCOA
Sudoku Page B13 Sudoku Page B14 Crossword Page B13
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