Center (court) stage. P8 Special in-sight. P26 Simply song-sational!
Amateurs’ hour unforgettable Eye Institute ‘visionaries’ focus
at Kiwi Tennis Club event. on their patients seeing better.
Review of ‘Mamma Mia!’ Page 12
AFTER ‘MATT’ Private school
raises funds to
Pineda water pipeline should prevent repeat of ’16 storm woes boost security
A $12 million water line under the Pineda Causeway is one major improvement prompted by 2016’s Hurricane Matthew. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER STORY BY JAN WESNER CHILDS CORRESPONDENT
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER generator to prevent a repeat disaster. ricane Matthew, such as a predicted 13- Brevard County public
[email protected] The barrier island water customers foot storm surge, met criteria to do so, schools aren’t the only ones
said Ralph Reigelsperger, Melbourne’s grappling with how to pay
Beachside water pressure problems – served by City of Melbourne Utilities Public Works/Utilities director. for increased security: Holy
which allowed a Satellite Beach home to were “isolated” from the rest of Mel- Trinity Episcopal Academy re-
be claimed by fire during Hurricane Mat- bourne’s water system by manually Prediction criteria met by Hurricane cently launched a campaign
thew in October 2016 – have helped speed shutting two valves after dire hurricane Matthew, which weakened as it veered to raise $75,000 to help fund a
up the purchase of a new pump station predictions just prior to landfall of Hur- full-time school resource offi-
CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 cer at the upper school, a sec-
ond private security guard at
the lower school, and several
physical upgrades including
additional security cameras
and gates.
“From charter to public to
private, everyone’s in the same
boat,” said Colleen Middle-
brooks, the school’s director
of advancement. “Every year
we have to upgrade or fortify
PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD STORY BY HENRY A. STEPHENS CORRESPONDENT get high-speed passenger rail opera- Sheriff’s Deputy Chris Hendrix outside Holy
[email protected] tors to shoulder a greater proportion Trinity Episcopal Academy. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER
of costs for needed fencing and up-
For two years now, state Sen. Deb- graded intersection crossings.
bie Mayfield has seen her bill, the
proposed “Florida High-Speed Pas- The bill would have required fenc-
senger Rail Safety Act,” get derailed ing and upgraded intersection cross-
in committee before fellow lawmak- ings, and, in a bit of an apparent
ers could vote on it. power play, would have stressed the
state Department of Transportation’s
Had it not died in committee –
again – the bill would have sought to CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 Hankering for Havana?
NEWS 1-6 DINING 29 PEOPLE 7-10 Dining review: Tasty fare for
ARTS 11-14 GAMES 21-23 PETS 20 the whole family at Indialantic’s
BOOKS 19 HEALTH 25-28 REAL ESTATE 33-40 Cuban Island Restaurant. PAGE 29
2 Thursday, April 19, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Calling all volunteers for bioswale planting
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER etated ditch which allows for the col- to settle out of the water.
[email protected] lection, conveyance and filtration of
stormwater. Ultimately, the Deso-
Satellite Beach Environmental
Programs Coordinator Nick Sanzone The initial project, partially funded to project is expected to
needs dozens of volunteers willing to through a National Estuary Program
roll up their sleeves to get two things grant, will transform 700 linear feet of treat 389 million gallons
to grow in the medians of Desoto the median with plantings between
Parkway: bioswales and inspiration. curved edges 4 to 12 feet wide. Also of stormwater generated
called filter strips, the deep-rooted
Starting with a work day from 9 grasses and plants enhance water from 296 acres resulting
a.m. to 2 p.m. this Saturday, volun- quality by ponding the stormwater be-
teers will help plant native plants in tween berms and allowing pollutants in a 1,000-pound annual
the city’s first bioswale, a linear, veg-
reduction of nitrogen and
phosphorus going into the
Indian River Lagoon. The
new swales will allow for a
minimum stormwater re-
tention of 21,563 gallons.
In preparation for the
event, Sanzone recently
went to New Smyrna Beach,
where he and others har-
vested native grasses and
bushes from a recently re-
stored wetlands. The two do-
nated grasses collected were
Spartina Alterniflora and
Spartina Patens. There also is
$10,000 worth of 20 types of
native plants for the project Nick Sanzone removes grass and muck ahead of a community bioswale
already purchased and being planting on Desoto Parkway.
cared for by the city.
As for the Desoto Project helping The Desoto project may become
grow inspiration, the visibility of the a model for bioswales in other cit-
roadway should help the public un- ies, but it will only truly make a local
derstand the value of the project which impact if the community buys in and
also features trails, informational sig- creates its own similar projects to help
nage and other outreach efforts. the lagoon, Sanzone said.
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER lar was a bad omen: The last time a
[email protected] similar scene happened was just be-
fore the massive 2016 fish kill.
Minor fish kills reported in the Sykes
Creek area in Merritt Island, and fish Preceding the 2016 event there was
seen dead and gasping for air in the a greater drop in dissolved oxygen
Cocoa Beach area on April 10, may not over a larger area in 2016, and sunny
be as severe as the massive fish kill of weather which boosted oxygen levels
2016, but current algae blooms and in the Sykes Creek area, he said.
poor water quality make county offi-
cials reluctant to say the Indian River “Yes, I think the sunnier weather
Lagoon has dodged a bullet. over the past couple days has im-
proved our chances’’ of a less severe
Rain and wind from a cold front fish kill, he said.
passing through helped change the
trajectory of the current fish kill, but The nature of most algal bloom
predicting large fish kills is dicey due events makes it tough to predict
to a multitude of variables, said Terry where and when a bloom will occur
Williamson, lead environmental sci- or how long it will last, or whether
entist for Brevard County Natural Re- it will result in a fish kill. However,
sources Department. lessening the negative effects of algal
blooms, such as fish kills, is possible
Cocoa Beach residents reported through restoration work to improve
hundreds of fish gasping for air at water quality by reducing nutrients as
the surface of the Banana River on is being undertaken by several agen-
April 10. At least half a dozen dol- cies, he said.
phins were seen feverishly feeding
on them for two hours in one sec- “Reducing levels of nitrogen and
tion of the river near Lori Wilson phosphorous can lead to fewer, less
Park, and several otters later came intense and shorter algal blooms
to pick off the fish, too. because those are two nutrients are
needed in large quantities,’’ he said.
Long-time residents in the area said
the dolphin feeding frenzy in particu- Correspondent Jan Wesner Childs
contributed to this report.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 19, 2018 3
COMMISSIONERS With just less than two months under Knox, who retired last month. praise of Bentley’s legal acumen. But only
REMOVE INTERIM her belt as the interim Brevard County at- But instead, they voted 3-2 on Commis- Chairwoman Rita Pritchett and Commis-
FROM COUNTY torney, Eden Bentley last week was pro- sioner Jim Barfield supported Smith with
ATTORNEY’S TITLE moted to the permanent post. sioner Curt Smith’s motion to give the job their votes. Commissioners John Tobia and
to Bentley, who logs 32 years in the County Kristine Isnardi said they wanted to look at
Commissioners were scheduled to help Attorney’s Office. She won’t get a raise with a pool of other would-be county attorneys
Human Resources Director Jerry Visco the promotion, however, as her yearly sal- before choosing anyone.
draw up criteria for seeking applicants ary has been $180,952 since being named
to replace former County Attorney Scott interim. All commissioners echoed Smith’s – HENRY A. STEPHENS
4 Thursday, April 19, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Sheriff’s Deputy Chris Hendrix chats with students Olivia Yochum and Holly Rugar at Holy Trinity. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER PRIVATE SECURITY AT SCHOOL paying for the SRO, and that informa-
tion was not immediately available
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 from the Sheriff’s Office. The full-time
resource officer will replace off-duty
based on the climate.” officers who work in four-hour shifts.
Last week, Holy Trinity signed a con-
School Principal Katherine Cobb
tract with the Brevard County Sheriff’s said the change does more than pro-
Office for a full-time school resource vide enhanced day-to-day security.
officer at the upper campus on Pineda
Causeway, becoming the first private “What this new agreement gives
school in the county to do so. us is a dedicated resource officer that
will really be assimilated here within
“This is the absolutely right program our culture,” Cobb said, adding that
to protect this campus and we are the officer would hopefully be able to
proud to be in partnership with Holy identify any potential security threats
Trinity,” Sheriff Wayne Ivey said at the before they happen.
contract signing.
A second private security guard was
A Sheriff’s Office spokesman said recently hired for the lower school,
Friday that he was not aware of any which serves grades pre-kindergarten
other private schools currently in dis- through sixth, on Strawbridge Avenue
cussion to receive school resource of- in Melbourne. This means the school
ficers. will now have security on-site during
all hours that children are on campus,
The Catholic Schools of Brevard Cobb said, including during before-
County, meanwhile, also recently and after-school care. Both security
made a move to focus on security by guards have extensive military and law
contracting with a private firm to an- enforcement backgrounds, and Cobb
nually review the schools’ security said they would work in partnership
plans and training drills. with the SRO at the upper school. They
Holy Trinity administrators declined
to comment on how much they are
WATER SUPPLY LINE resulting in low water pressure in the
hydrants and ‘boil water’ notifications.
Other City of Melbourne water-sys-
east at the last minute, were a storm tems improvements already under-
path near Brevard and a storm inten- way include a $12 million project to
sity of more than Cat 3. bury a new water main supply along
Pineda Causeway.
Isolation of the barrier islands is a
seldom-used safety measure in ad- The bigger improvements to the
vance of a major storm designed to system will come as a result of the
prevent a large leak or other damage additional water main line at Pine-
from quickly draining. With barrier is- da, along with two others located at
lands evacuated, timely repairs would Avenue B and at State Road 192 in
be impossible. Melbourne. The new line will have a
special switch which will close auto-
Even isolated, the beachside system matically in case of a pressure drop.
had been designed to maintain pres- It will be buried rather than attached
sure by pumps with emergency gen- to the causeway bridges because of
erators, and there is enough storage structural considerations.
capacity to maintain hydrant pressure.
However, during Hurricane Matthew, a “The Pineda crossing provides us the
faulty automatic transfer switch at the reliability to be able to do repairs (with-
generator at the Canova Beach pump- out service interruption) if problems
ing station caused the beachside water come up. There some of our pipes that
system pressure to drop to nearly zero, are 50 years old,’’ Reigelsperger said.
Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 island readers with the most comprehen- Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
[email protected] [email protected] sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, [email protected]
Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite
Staff Reporter Advertising Account Executives Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
George White, 321-795-3835 Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 For our advertising partners, we pledge Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
[email protected] to provide the most complete consulta- [email protected]
Columnists tive and marketing programs possible for
Pam Harbaugh, 321-794-3691 the best return on your investment. Corporate Editor
Cynthia Van Gaasbeck, 321-626-4701 Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 19, 2018 5
will also carry weapons. The fundraising campaign, dubbed drills, Middlebrooks said, and another said parents have recently become
“It is the intent of school leader- “For Our Safety,” kicked off in March is planned before the end of the school more concerned about security as they
and has raised almost half its goal. year. compare their school options.
ship that all security personnel will be A similar campaign in 2010 raised
armed and will hold the appropriate $60,000 to help pay for a stoplight at While the plan to hire a full-time “When parents are coming in, some
certifications and licensures,” Cobb the school entrance on Pineda. SRO was in the works before the Feb- of the first questions they are asking
said in a recent letter to parents and ruary shooting at Marjory Stoneman are not just about curriculum,” she
supporters. Both campuses do active shooter Douglas High School, Middlebrooks said. “It’s about safety and security.”
6 Thursday, April 19, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
HIGH-SPEED RAIL SAFETY So when Gov. Rick Scott last month Miami north to Cocoa on a new pas- dents may see Brightline trains head-
approved an $88.7 billion budget for the senger track alongside the Florida East ing through Brevard and making the
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 year starting July 1, it included new lan- Coast Railway’s existing freight track, westward turn in Cocoa. When fully
guage Mayfield submitted through the and then on an all-new track from Co- operational, the train service has said it
jurisdiction over that. It’s often left to the Legislature. It calls for an independent coa west to the Orlando International expects to carry 4,800 people each day, if
Federal Railroad Administration’s con- study of the existing state passenger rail Airport. all seats on the 240-passenger trains are
trol, Mayfield said. She pointed to Flor- system, plus any plans for expansion, filled.
ida Statutes Chapter 351, which places and to make safety recommendations Brightline started in January on par-
safety at railroad crossings under the by Nov. 1. tial service between Fort Lauderdale Mayfield said her efforts are especially
authority of the state DOT, while the fed- and West Palm Beach. All Aboard Florida needed now, days after police say a Del-
eral agency oversees the rest of the track. All Aboard Florida, owner of new spokeswoman Ali Soule said the com- ray Beach man was killed by a Brightline
Brightline passenger trains, is working pany is finishing the extension to Miami train traveling from Fort Lauderdale
While the bill is dead, Mayfield, R- on an estimated $2.25 billion project and hasn’t yet announced a start date for north to West Palm Beach. That was the
Melbourne, isn’t giving up. “We’re look- connecting tourists in Orlando and Mi- construction on the segment that even- sixth death on the same section of tracks
ing for recommendations that we can ami by high-speed rail. tually will take the high-speed track into since December.
forward to the Legislature that will en- Brevard County.
sure the safety of the citizens,” Mayfield Plans call for sending 32 Brightline Mayfield said she ran into frustration
said last week. trains a day, 16 in each direction, from But in a few years, Space Coast resi- during talks on her original bill when
she’d get differing information on the
state of rail safety.
“You’d keep hearing All Aboard Flor-
ida say one thing, the state DOT say
something else, and the U.S. DOT say
something different,” Mayfield said.
And her bill depended on accurate in-
formation, she said. So now the budget
asks the Legislature’s Office of Program
Policy Analysis and Government Ac-
countability to find an outside consul-
tant to do an independent study.
Janet Teschner, general counsel for
the analysis office, said her agency staff
is still drawing up criteria for seeking the
Within the “next few weeks,” she said,
she expects the staff to issue a formal
Request for Proposals and review offers
from various consultants. Then House
and Senate staff officials would have to
approve the analysis agency’s final se-
lection before they could pay the con-
sultant any state money.
Mayfield said she wanted to stress
what often is ignored: the Florida De-
partment of Transportation’s own au-
thority over railroad crossings.
All too often, however, she said, Flor-
ida transportation officials defer to the
federal agency, even on safety issues
within their own jurisdiction. She said
she hopes to prompt the state DOT to
“do its job.”
“The state is responsible for the cross-
ings,” she said. “At every gate crossing,
state regulations are the authority.”
During talks on Mayfield’s bills, All
Aboard Florida representatives criti-
cized them for trying to encroach on
an area already governed by the federal
But Soule said the company hails
Mayfield’s new effort. “Note it’s not for
Brightline, but all passenger rail sys-
tems,” she said last month in an email.
Further, in a company statement,
Soule added, “Rail safety is our top
priority, and a study that looks at key
components of engineering, education
and enforcement is important. Passen-
ger rail is a key part of Florida’s future,
and we applaud the Legislature for tak-
ing a positive position on the benefits
it will bring to our state, residents and
Amateurs’ hour
unforgettable at
Kiwi Tennis event
Sveta and Angelina Zhuravleva.
8 Thursday, April 19, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Amateurs’ hour unforgettable at Kiwi Tennis event
[email protected]
and that’s why I did it. It’s for a great Julia Elbaba.
“You were brave, girl!” cause,” Starkey said, adding that she
Pam Starkey walked the breezeway was put up to it by a member of the
as she cooled off after her hour-long, staff.
friendly but intense tennis match.
Sincere compliments showered “It was Anna Stroman in the pro
Starkey as she wiped away sweat and shop. She said it would be a lot of fun
anxiety, and she smiled broadly with and it was!”
the realization that she had just con-
quered a few fears. Stroman is the pro shop manager
The Satellite Beach landscape de- and is director of marketing at the
signer was one of four amateurs who club.
paired with four professionals last
week for a Pro-Am round-robin dur- “Basically, the amateur gets to play
ing Kiwi Tennis Club’s 13th Annual with a pro … in a fun, round-robin
Space Coast Pro Tennis Classic in In- type of format and the money goes
dian Harbour Beach. directly to the charities. This year our
Starkey’s partner was 23-year-old main sponsor is Omni Healthcare,
Romanian Irina Maria Bara, current- they’re our title sponsor, and we are
ly ranked No. 170 in the world. Their a not-for-profit tournament. So once
first match had them squared off we pay all our expenses, it goes to the
against Fred Sutton and pro Dia Ev- charities that Omni Healthcare has
timova of Bulgaria. To the west of the chosen. We have two beneficiaries
breezeway and in the afternoon sun this year: Conquer Cancer and Jess
were Chris Shumake and pro Ange- Parrish Medical Foundation,” Stro-
lina Zhuravleva from Russia lobbing
and volleying against Tom Fulmer
and pro Julia Elbaba from the USA.
The four teams would switch sides
and clay courts to ensure fair com-
petition, though it’s all for fun.
“I’m glad you did it! You’re braver
than me!” Brevard County artist
Gretchen Ten Eyck Hunt said to Star-
key afterward. She had watched both
courts from her table in the middle
of the open-air party, dining and
lounging spot.
“Tennis is a difficult sport and
there are different levels of skill.
To me she was brave for getting out
there and playing with the pros and
being able to be competitive. She did
great,” said the member of Art & An-
tique Studio in Eau Gallie.
“I was nervous about playing on
the main courts but it’s for charity
man said as the teams battled under “This is a great club, and this is a
partly cloudy skies. really great event,” she said before
heading off to the locker room.
“This was my first time doing the
Pro-Am and my pro was really en- A players’ party immediately fol-
couraging and a lot of fun. I have a lowed the competition; tables filled
lot of fun playing tennis. That’s what up and the noise level rose well past
it’s for at this time in my life,” she courteous. Play had finished for the
said. day and the pros arrived to mix with
the locals. The rest of the week would
Charities can get people to do a lot see world-class competition as 32 up-
of things they wouldn’t normally do. and-coming pros would dominate
the courts in between thunderstorms
Starkey is a member and plans at the $60,000 tournament.
to accept the challenge once again
next year.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 19, 2018 9
Lily Ho, Rick Boysen, Joey Cacciatore, Mike Randolfi and Ingrid Neel.
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Amy and Tom Fulmer. Ingrid Neel, Stefany and Deniz Khazaniuk.
10 Thursday, April 19, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
‘Civil’ discourse enlightens history buffs in Eau Gallie
Richard and Marilyn Shaffer. First Sergeant Joe Drost, Private Tom Mills, Private Mark Radler and Corporal Ron Doyka.
Wreatha and Tom Mills.
[email protected]
Early morning showers made
way for warm and sunny weath-
er Saturday as the blue and the
gray symbolically faced off on
Civil War History Day at the
historic Rossetter House in Eau
Gallie Arts District.
Costumed members of the
Sons of Union Veterans of the
Civil War (SUVCW) set up camp
on the north lawn, proudly
displaying period-appropriate
weaponry and regalia, and ea-
gerly engaging with guests on
all topics Civil War.
Appropriately, their Confeder-
ate counterparts held the south
lawn, where infantry men dem-
onstrated field positioning and
rifle technique.
The Rossetter House Museum
hosts this event yearly, com-
memorating some of its own his-
tory pertaining to the property’s
first inhabitant, John Carroll
Houston. Houston and his son
were blockade runners for the
Confederacy, and his son John
Carroll Houston Jr. was cap-
tured by the Union in the last
year of the war. The oldest part
of the house, the kitchen, was
built in 1859 prior to the Civil
War, and then rebuilt and added
onto over the next 60 years.
12 Thursday, April 19, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
‘Mamma Mia!’: Simply song-sational entertainment
Riverside Theatre in Vero Beach sends wedding invitations to three
throws the gauntlet at your feet with its men who, 21 years ago, caught the
professional production of “Mamma eye of her mother, Donna, who owns
Mia!” So relent. Pick it up and have a a tavern in the town. Two of Donna’s
ball at this bouncy juke-box musical. old girlfriends from a former singing
trio also arrive.
This “Mamma Mia!” is simply as
good as it gets. It has personality, beau- In Riverside’s production (in asso-
ty, energy, passion and Broadway-wor- ciation with Philadelphia’s legendary
thy performances. Walnut Street Theatre), director/chore-
ographer Richard Stafford begins the
The musical’s book is by Catherine
Johnson and is all about love. The
compositions and lyrics are by Benny
Andersson and Björn Ulvaeus, former
members of ABBA, the ’70s Swedish pop
group responsible for some of the best
feel-good music to wake us from our
hard-rock stupor. ABBA’s best-known
works saturate this musical, including
“Honey, Honey,” “Fernando,” “Dancing
Queen” and “Mamma Mia.” If you’re
humming right now, then this show is
most definitely for you.
Johnson sets her simple but engag-
ing storyline in Greece, where young
Sophie is getting ready to marry
handsome Sky. Hoping to discover
the identity of her father, Sophie
show with an ebullient and story-telling als, playful choreography and immac-
dance sequence in which the chorus ulate vocals.
appears like a wave, casting beautiful,
gleaming Sophie onto the shore and Anne Brummel, who electrified
into the arms of Sky. the stage as the title role in River-
side’s “Mystery of Edwin Drood,”
This smart, artistic touch is only the lets loose her powerful stage pres-
first in an evening filled with fresh visu- ence and muscular voice in the role
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 19, 2018 13
of the mother of the bride, Donna. tunes, don’t let it bother you. It’s gonna
This amazing performer seems in- happen. Because “Mamma Mia!” at
capable of a misstep. She has tackled Riverside is infectious.
the big roles for women in American
musical theater, including lead roles “Mamma Mia!” runs through April
in national tours of “Wicked” (Elpha- 29 at Riverside Theatre, 3250 Riverside
ba), “Evita” (Eva) and “Cats” (Griza- Drive, Vero Beach. Performances are
bella). Here, she stops the show with 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays through Thursdays, 8
her heart-wrenching performance of p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, and 2 p.m.
“The Winner Takes It All” when she Wednesdays, select Thursdays, Satur-
agonizes over the end of her relation- days and Sundays. Tickets start at $35
ship with Sam, her real lost love. and are quickly selling out. Call 772-231-
6990 or visit
Sam is the most seriously drawn
of the trio of possible fathers. He is lively Giknis evokes images of a young
played by Eric Kunze, who has that Kristen Chenoweth. And she’s probably
experienced, stage ease and meticu- tired of hearing that by now. But like
lous perfection which comes from Chenoweth, she certainly has the me-
a lot of professional experience. In- ticulous voice which wants to sing … all
deed, he has performed major roles the time. And she has such fun doing it.
on Broadway including Marius in It’s as if Giknis is just waiting to explode
“Les Miserables” and Chris in “Miss into song at any urging. She’s fun and
Saigon.” He and Brummel deliver a pert and excellently cast in the role of
sensational “S.O.S.” when it’s clear young Sophie.
they still love each other.
You’ll also find yourself keeping an
Jonas Cohen is wonderful and heart- eye on elegant Kristyn Pope, the en-
felt as Harry Bright, a bumbling Lon- semble’s dance captain. She’s got some
doner happy to take on what he thinks amazing moves. And Schyler Conaway
is his sudden fatherhood. Christopher as Sky, who has some amazing abs.
Sutton is warm and utterly likable as
Bill, an Aussie who is adventurous Making this all look so good are sce-
enough to walk Sophie down the aisle. nic designer Peter Barbieri and costume
designer Gail Baldoni, who employ
Donna’s two girlfriends are played by beautiful Aegean blue and sun kissed
a couple of scene-stealing, very funny sand tones in the show’s visual palette.
and power-voiced women. Lyn Phi- Lighting designer Jack Mehler tucks in
listine is Tanya, the sexy woman who the visuals with soft lighting evoking
sings “Does Your Mother Know” to a the Greek Isles.
flirtatious boy toy. And Charis Leos is
drop-dead perfect as mouthy Rosie, a Music director Anne Shuttlesworth
confident woman who has her eye on leads the eight-piece pit orchestra and
Bill and sings “Take a Chance on Me.” keeps the fun, energy and music pop-
ping from beginning to end.
The show does not tease for long. It’s
just midway through the first act when As reminded on Riverside’s open-
Rosie, Tanya and Donna gather to remi- ing night by producing artistic di-
nisce about their good old singing days rector Allen D. Cornell in his brief
and unleash “Chiquitita” and “Danc- curtain speech, the show opened on
ing Queen.” And yes, the audience goes Broadway less than a month before
wild for that scene. 9/11 and became eagerly embraced by
audiences needing something to buoy
But through all these wonderful their souls.
voices and powerful performances, it is
Laura Giknis who walks away with your It remains such. And when the per-
heart in her role of Sophie. Petite and son next to you starts humming the
14 Thursday, April 19, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
2ND ANNUAL Coming Up: You’ll get a kick
out of ‘Kinky Boots’ at King
[email protected]
FeCsrtaivfat l
1 You’re going to love “Kinky Boots,”
An Outdoor the Broadway smash with tons of
Craft Show
heart, music by Grammy- and Tony-
The Avenue Viera on
Town Center Ave. in Viera, FL winning pop icon Cyndi Lauper, book
(north of Melbourne) by Tony winner Harvey Fierstein, some
April 21st – 22nd terrific choreography – and heaps of
sparkle-embellished red boots. Based
10am – 5pm
on a true story, this joyful, high-heeled
hit steps onto the King Center stage
American Craft Endeavors
(813) 962-0388 next Tuesday, April 24. “Kinky Boots,”
says IMDb, is the story of Charlie Price,
who inherits a failing gentlemen’s shoe 1 April 24 at King Center.
factory in Northampton after his fa-
ther’s untimely death. When Charlie
meets Lola, a fabulous drag queen in pyramids and other such spectacular
sites. (I still have my “Live at the Acrop-
search of some sturdy yet glamorous olis” cassette tape.) Curtain is 7:30 p.m.
Tickets start at $52.50. 321-242-2219.
stilettos, an unlikely partnership is
formed, the business is saved, and the
two realize they’re not so different af-
ter all. According to Wikipedia, “Kinky 3 The very name – Scheherezade –
conjures visions of ancient myths
Boots” entered the 2013 awards season
as an underdog, but its box office gross and mysteries, of Aladdin, Ali Baba, Sin-
and advance sales soared and, ulti- bad the Sailor and 1,001 Arabian Nights.
mately, it grabbed 13 Tony noms and six This Saturday, Aaron Collins and the
wins, including Best Musical, and Best Space Coast Symphony Orchestra will
Score for Lauper in her first outing as a bring those wonderful tales to life at the
Broadway songwriter, making her the Scott Center for Performing Arts in Mel-
first woman to win alone in that cat- bourne, as they present Nikolai Rim-
egory. Curtain is 7:30 p.m. Tickets start sky-Korsakov’s exotic symphonic suite
at $57.75. 321-242-2219. “Scheherezade.” It’s a marvelous musi-
cal interpretation of an ancient folk tale:
2 Yanni. Need we say more. In 1994, the story a beautiful storyteller, Sche-
the legendary Greek composer
herezade, whose brand-new husband,
and performer (with the great hair) re- the sultan, had the annoying habit of
corded his first live album and concert marrying a woman at night, and killing
video, “Live at the Acropolis,” in Ath- her the next morning. To prevent her im-
ens with London’s Royal Philharmonic minent demise, the clever bride would
Concert Orchestra, and mixed and tell him an irresistibly captivating story,
produced it in his home studio. It was then leave it hanging, night after night.
subsequently made into a TV special After 1,001 such intriguing tales, the
that aired in the states on PBS, became sultan decided to keep her. Scott Simon
a huge success and is widely considered of National Public Radio calls Rimsky-
the work for which he is best known. Korsakov’s work “a technicolor tour de
Now, a quarter of a century later, Yanni force.” This exciting concert includes
is kicking off his “25th Anniversary of another dramatic and beautiful work,
Yanni Live at the Acropolis” world tour Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s breathtaking
this very Monday, April 23, at the King “Romeo and Juliet” Overture, based on
Center in West Palm. Yanni blends jazz, Shakespeare’s tragic tale of star-crossed
classical, soft rock and “world music” young lovers. The evening will also fea-
to create “predominantly instrumen- ture trumpet player and University of
tal works,” according to Wikipedia. Al- Central Florida professor Dr. Luis Araya
though this genre “was not well suited in the world premiere of a haunting new
for commercial pop radio or music TV,” piece, “Transcending,” for trumpet and
Yanni achieved international success strings, by Christopher Marshall. Mar-
by producing concerts and videos at shall’s music has been performed in
historic monuments across the globe, such venues as Carnegie Hall, the Ken-
including his breakthrough album nedy Center and the Barbican in Lon-
“Live at the Acropolis.” Other concert don. The concert begins at 7 p.m. Tick-
venues include the Taj Mahal, the For- ets are $20 in advance; $25 at the door;
bidden City, Burj Khalifa in the United and free for people 18 an under or with
Arab Emirates, the Kremlin, Egypt’s student ID. 855-252-7276.
16 Thursday, April 19, 2018 THE MELBOURNE
When Congo plunged into a vicious and 4.5 million have been displaced Yeruse and more than a dozen other small children. The displaced are al-
war two decades ago that led to an es- from their homes nationwide – more refugees in Uganda interviewed by most entirely Hema.
timated 5 million deaths, the north- than anywhere else in Africa. But even The Washington Post said they had
eastern province of Ituri was one of by Congo’s standards, the speed and passed through burned villages and Growing instability across Congo
the country’s bloodiest corners. scale at which the crisis in Ituri has stepped over bodies all the way after comes against the backdrop of an in-
unfolded is extraordinary, catching fleeing their homes until they boarded creasingly intransigent president. Jo-
But by the mid-2000s, a tenuous many, including locals, by surprise. overloaded boats operated by men seph Kabila, who had already served
peace prevailed. Healing was begin- who made them sell everything they through a two-term limit, refused
ning between Ituri’s two main ethnic Vomulia Yeruse was in her garden had for seats. to step down in 2016. Strife in other
groups, whose animosity had spiraled when she heard the voices of a group provinces has benefited Kabila, who
into tit-for-tat massacres. Most who of men approaching her home. The “If they don’t chop you, you may still has used it as grounds for putting off
had fled made a cautious return. There house was perched on a steep hillside, starve in the bush,” said Yeruse, just elections, effectively keeping himself
were even interethnic marriages. Two and her garden was downslope and hours after she arrived in the fishing vil- in power long after his tenure should
warlords from the province were the out of sight. Her husband, she said, lage of Sebagoro on the Ugandan shore have ended.
first people in the world to be convict- was inside, probably relaxing and lis- of Lake Albert. “People are even starv-
ed by the International Criminal Court. tening to their transistor radio. ing at the dock because they have no Three independent observers work-
money to pay for the boat or for food.” ing in the province, who all spoke on
A sudden return to violence in Feb- People in her village, Gobu, had the condition of anonymity to protect
ruary and March has shattered any il- been saying the old war was starting To those who are fleeing and to out- their ability to work there, said there
lusion of stability. again, but it came quicker than Yeruse side observers, some aspects of the was no direct evidence linking Kabila’s
expected. current situation worryingly echo Itu- government to instability in Ituri, but
Nearly 400,000 people have been ri’s traumatic past. they said there were reasons to believe
displaced by renewed violence, ac- With nothing but her daughter, the fighting was not purely ethnic in
cording to the United Nations. More Christine, 3, tied to her back, her son, Relations between the Hema and nature.
than 40,000 of them have fled Congo David, 6, in her arms, and about $11 Lendu, thought to be on the mend,
entirely, crossing Lake Albert in rick- she had tucked into a sock, she fled are plainly still raw, imbued with They, as well as numerous refugees
ety boats to Uganda, where they have down the hill and into the bush. She generations-old grievances over land now in Uganda, cited a recent state-
been resettled in an ever-expanding has not seen her husband since that ownership and unsettled scores from ment by Corneille Nangaa, the head
refu¬gee camp. day in mid-March. past conflicts. The brutality displayed of Congo’s electoral commission, that
over the past two months is on par instability in Ituri could hamper the
Ituri is only the latest of Congo’s “If they find you in the house, they with some of the worst from the crisis government’s ability to conduct a gen-
provinces to veer toward humanitar- will burn it so you come outside,” years ago: widespread rape, dismem- eral election, long-delayed but now
ian catastrophe. More than 13 mil- Yeruse said. “Then they catch you and berment of victims, the kidnapping of scheduled for December. Vast swaths
lion Congolese need emergency aid, chop you with the machete.”
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 19, 2018 17
of Congo are under limited govern- Bangladeshi peacekeepers are being and 2014, another, Bosco Ntaganda, a from Sudan, Rwanda and Congo. New
ment control at best, and the U.N. deployed in Ituri to prevent fighting Hema warlord, is still on trial, accused arrivals are bused to the camp from Se-
peacekeeping force, despite being the from spreading farther south and west, of 13 counts of war crimes and five bagoro and given basic items like jer-
world’s largest and most expensive, is he said. “This needs to be contained counts of crimes against humanity. rycans for water collection, tarpaulins
increasingly stretched. before it sets the whole place on fire.” for shelter and machetes to chop tree
A new set of ringleaders may be be- branches from a nearby forest to prop
Lambert Mende, a spokesman for Of Congo’s tinderboxes, Ituri is the hind the recent violence, but journal- up the tarps.
Congo’s government, said that Nan- most combustible. Four major bouts ists and human rights groups have not
gaa’s comments had been taken out of of ethnic violence predate this year’s determined exactly who. The journey from Ituri can take
context and that “the situation is cool- three to 10 hours, depending on the
ing down” in Ituri. He vehemently de- strife, and locals say grievances be- “You can’t live a settled life there, not quality of the boat’s motor. Many op-
nied that the government was provid- tween the Hema and Lendu go back to now, maybe never,” said Yeruse. “May- erators prefer to cross at night, when
ing Lendu militias with weapons. colonial times, when Belgian adminis- be I will die in Uganda.” the lake is calmer, their boats navi-
trators gave the Hema better access to gating among the thousands of scat-
“There is no reason to delay elec- education and government jobs. Not returning to Congo means set- tered Ugandan fishermen who set
tions,” he told The Post, adding that tling in Kyangwali. The land it sits on their nets in the dark. From the shore,
reporters should be wary of “desperate Although two militia leaders from was bought by the Ugandan govern- the fishermen’s lanterns make it ap-
opponents” who are trying to smear the Ituri were convicted by the Internation- ment in the 1960s and has been used pear that the boats filled with those
government with a “bad image.” al Criminal Court in The Hague in 2012 to host successive waves of refugees fleeing Congo are passing through
the reflection of a starry sky, while the
The Congolese government has silhouette of Ituri’s Blue Mountains
held close to that line. In saying it will looms behind them.
boycott a U.N. conference in Geneva
this month aimed at raising funds to Most who arrive have not eaten for
alleviate Congo’s humanitarian crises, days and have spent multiple nights
acting prime minister José Makila ac- sleeping in Ituri’s dense forest. Com-
cused the United Nations of overstat- pounding the misery, some of the most
ing the severity of the situation. Aid recent arrivals have brought cholera,
organizations were propagating a “bad which is endemic in eastern Congo.
image of D.R. Congo throughout the Nearly 2,000 cases have been reported
world,” he said, using an abbreviated in Kyangwali. Thirty-six people have
form of the country’s name, the Demo- died, and new cases have been report-
cratic Republic of the Congo. ed in locals near where the refu¬gee
boats come ashore. The only silver lin-
Anti-Kabila sentiment was palpable ing is that this outbreak is not of the
in Kyangwali refugee camp in Uganda, drug-resistant variety. By government
about two hours by road from Sebago- order, each person arriving in Uganda
ro, where the refu¬gee boats land. by boat is now put on a prophylactic
course of antibiotics.
“If Kabila isn’t giving the Lendu pan-
gas and petrol, then who is?” asked But a much more common afflic-
Makivuno Silva, 18, using a common tion – boredom – has spread more
word for machetes. He said that this widely through the camp, making the
time around, as opposed to the war prospects of settling here all the grim-
that started just before he was born, mer for its largely young inhabitants.
no one thought of putting up a fight
against the Lendu. “How can we even “I had been in school for almost
think of fighting back when we are two years back in Congo. I might have
outmatched like that?” wanted to be a nurse, or a teacher, but
no matter what, I wanted to learn Eng-
He and others scoffed at the idea of lish,” said Mapenzi Dzanina, a 16-year-
returning to Congo anytime soon, ex- old who managed to bring with her a
pressing a sentiment that may point to cherished necklace but little else.
another political calculation behind
the violence. If the displacement num- In late February, she and a few
bers are correct, and most of the dis- schoolmates watched from the for-
placed are indeed Hema, then Lendu est as a group of men set their village
politicians may be able to prevail over alight. The arsonists spoke to each
Hema candidates who they claim are other in Lendu, which she under-
wealthier, favored by the central gov- stands, and to her, it seemed that they
ernment and use those advantages to were under the influence of drugs.
win elections despite coming from a While storage rooms full of corn and
minority population. cassava that their families had har-
vested went up in flames, the men
David Gressly, the U.N. secretary laughed, she said.
general’s deputy special rapporteur for
Congo, recently traveled through the af- It was not until she reached the Ugan-
fected parts of Ituri and said that while dan shore three days later that Mapenzi
most of the Lendu population seemed had anything to eat – biscuits given to
still to be in place, Hema villages were her by a U.N. worker. In Kyangwali, she
devoid of women and children. Some stood again among her friends from
Hema men, ages 15 to 50, have stayed home, this time surveying the hills dot-
behind to protect what is left of their ted with tents made of white tarp, sticks
livelihoods. The United Nations says and mud that would be their home for
nearly 80 percent of those who have fled the foreseeable future.
to Uganda are women and children.
“There are no schools here,” she
“We consider the situation to be said. “Maybe I won’t ever go to school
quite tense and quite serious,” Gress- again.”
ly said. Battalions of Uruguayan and
SLEEPLESS IN … PART IV ing too close to bedtime; caffeine late in the day; to causing injuries, sleep spells make it challeng-
reading/watching TV in bed; and shift work. ing to work and maintain normal personal and
SLEEP DISORDERS social relationships.
Author Mary Shelley claims the idea for her novel Sleep apnea occurs when your breathing stops People with narcolepsy may experience over-
Frankenstein came to her in a dream. Likewise, Paul or becomes very shallow during sleep. You like- whelming daytime sleepiness, sudden muscle
McCartney woke up from a dream one morning in ly snore loudly and frequently. More men than weakness, a temporary inability to talk or move,
1964 to write down the melody for “Yesterday.” women have sleep apnea and the majority of pa- and vivid dreams that are so lifelike they can be
tients are overweight. It’s important to note, how- confused with reality, when falling asleep or wak-
Indeed, a good night’s sleep can produce creative ever, that just because someone snores doesn’t ing up.
ideas, insight, problem solving and innovation. But necessarily mean he or she has sleep apnea. Also,
many sleep disorders can keep you from getting a some people who do not snore have sleep apnea. DO YOU HAVE A SLEEP DISORDER?
good night’s sleep. Talk to your doctor if you…
RESTLESS LEGS SYNDROME (RLS) Consistently take more than 30 minutes each
More than 70 sleep disorders affect at least 40 mil- People with RLS have a difficult time falling asleep night to fall asleep
lion Americans each year. and staying asleep due to an unpleasant prickling Consistently wake up more than a few times or
or tingling in their legs, especially in the calves. for long periods of time each night
The four most common sleep disorders are: Many also experience brief, sometimes abrupt Take frequent naps
limb movements during sleep. These repeated Often feel sleepy during the day or fall asleep at
INSOMNIA interruptions reduce total sleep time. Symptoms inappropriate times during the day
If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep can usually be relieved by moving or massaging Fall asleep in less than five minutes
at least three nights per week for more than one the legs. Often inherited, RLS is treatable but not
month, or if you sleep enough hours but wake up always curable. For more information, go the National Center on
feeling unrefreshed, you may be among the 10-15 Sleep Disorders Research website at www.nhlbi.
percent of adults who suffer from chronic insomnia. NARCOLEPSY
Even though they receive adequate nighttime
Some causes of chronic insomnia include: depres- sleep, people with narcolepsy often fall asleep at Your comments and suggestions for future topics are
sion/anxiety; medications such as decongestants/ inappropriate times and places. These daytime always welcome. Email us at editor@32963staff.
pain relievers/steroids; drinking alcohol; exercis- “sleep attacks” can last from seconds to more com.
than one-half hour, without warning. In addition
© 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 19, 2018 19
“This is the beginning of an Ameri- Employees (IATSE) kept versus democracy, national security film industry. The Hollywood Ten, as
can concentration camp.” relations tense. By the versus freedom of expression.” they would be known, were the first of
end of 1945, less-than- a long list of movie industry employ-
Those words shook the Washing- peaceful strikes organized The HUAC investigations split Hol- ees shut out of work for the coming
ton courtroom as Hollywood screen- by IATSE and the more lywood into two camps. On one side, decades.
writer Dalton Trumbo shouted over a radical Conference of Stu- the anti-communist Motion Picture
slamming gavel. Trumbo was one of dio Unions (CSU) took center stage. Alliance for the Preservation of Ameri- The official blacklist originated
many who refused to cooperate with Although Doherty notes that formal can Ideals found footing with the pro- from a meeting of powerful Holly-
the House Un-American Activities support for communism never held defense crowd. wood moguls, producers and indus-
Committee (HUAC) investigation into much of a base in America, time was try lawyers at the Waldorf Astoria in
communist influence in motion pic- ripe for speculation as to who was On the other side, the anti-HUAC New York City in 1947. Motion Pic-
tures. driving this growing agitation in Hol- Committee for the First Amendment ture Association of America president
lywood. comprised naive yet well-intentioned Eric Johnston called the closed-door
The Hollywood blacklist is one of the In the 1930s, House Democrats in fellow travelers who would quickly meeting to discuss the potential con-
most written about eras of film history Congress investigated radical influ- disband when subpoenas turned into sequences of employing known com-
but also one of the least understood. ence in Hollywood. In 1941, the iso- jail sentences. munists. Doherty explains that Hol-
Thomas Doherty’s illuminating new lationist Gerald Nye (R-N.D.) accused lywood leaders felt they had only two
“Show Trial” presents readers with the Hollywood’s Jewish studio bosses of The hearings brought to the stand options: “Continue to employ the men
tumultuous state of labor relations in war propaganda. While the attack on both friendly and unfriendly witness- and risk the further alienation of the
the American film industry that led to Pearl Harbor put an end to Nye’s in- es. Big names made up a long list of American public – or flat-out fire the
several investigations into Hollywood, vestigation, Congress targeted Hol- friendly witnesses with studio bosses ten liabilities.” By the end of the hear-
culminating in 1947. lywood again after World War II, this like Jack Warner, Louis B. Mayer and ings, it was clear that most Americans
time focusing on possible communist Walt Disney reading prepared state- were suspicious of Hollywood. There-
As Doherty explains, the relation- influence in movies. ments. Stars such as Gary Cooper, fore, if Hollywood wouldn’t cut ties
ship between labor and the studios The HUAC examination of Holly- Ronald Reagan and Robert Montgom- with the communists, then the mo-
was always strained. During the 1930s wood was a complete media circus. ery also presented their patriotism to guls feared moviegoers would simply
and early 1940s, the mob-run Inter- However, as Doherty observes, “the the committee. Unfriendly witnesses blacklist the industry.
national Alliance of Theatrical Stage congressional show trial was not a subpoenaed to the hearings were
celebrity marriage, a scandalous di- largely made up of writers like John There have been countless studies
vorce, or a shocking indiscretion; it Howard Lawson, Alvah Bessie and and articles on the Hollywood black-
was the serious stuff of Communism Trumbo. Ten of the unfriendly wit- list, but most undercut their research
nesses would be found in contempt of by standing against the Hollywood
court, fined and sentenced to a year in moguls and producers who were in
prison before being blacklisted by the the Waldorf meeting. Doherty is not so
quick to throw Hollywood under the
bus, as these men were responding to
an impossible situation forced upon
them by the government. With acces-
sible prose and astute academic in-
sight, Doherty shows us that both the
studios and the Hollywood Ten were
victims of HUAC. His “Show Trial” is
likely to become the standard author-
ity on the genesis of the Hollywood
Hollywood, HUAC, and the Birth of the Blacklist
By Thomas Doherty
Columbia University Press. 406 pp. $29.95
Review by Christopher Yogerst
The Washington Post
1. Before We Were Yours 1. Let Trump Be Trump 1. Dear Girl
2. Shoot First BY STUART WOODS DAVID BOSSIE 2. Wrinkle in Time
3. Save My Place
2. I've Been Thinking BY MADELEINE L'ENGLE
BY MARIA SHRIVER 3. Turtles All the Way Down
4. Beneath a Scarlet Sky
BY MATTHEW SULLIVAN 4. Lost City of the Monkey
4. Hello Universe
5. The Great Alone God BY DOUGLAS PRESTON
BY PETER SCHWEIZER 5. Dog Man and Cat Kid
DAVID BALDACCI present 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
My Story of Che Guevara, War in
THE FALLEN the Congo, and the Communist
An Amos Decker Novel Threat in Africa
Grand Central Publishing Wednesday, April 25th at 4 pm
(autograph line tickets
with book purchase)
Monday, April 23rd at 6 pm
20 Thursday, April 19, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bonzo says ‘Ahoy there’ to Pirate in Key West
Hi Dog Buddies! man pal Arthur (he’s a co-
Last weekend, me an my Assis- worker, too),
tant took a mini get-away, an I made
a new pooch fren – a 16-month-old Pirate.PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD an my pooch
Portuguese Water Dog, full of Youth-
ful Exuberance. He (an his Dad) have him nuzzles an gentle nose pals Char-
a Key Lime (pie an other stuff) shop bumps.
in Key West, an he’s Official Greeter. I lie Brown an
KNOW, right? “I love my job, especially the lid-
dle humans,” he said. “One time, Shadow, an
We were takin’ a liddle stroll along when the Disney ship was in, I got
Elizabeth Street, when, in front of a to play with six liddle humans all at swim in the
bright yellow an green store on the one time. Woof! Those were the Best
corner, we spotted a human holdin’ Tummy Rubs EVER!” ocean with my
a big yummy-lookin’ green pie, wea-
rin’ a green jacket an poofy green “You’ve got a Super Cool Dog Bis- girlfren Daisy
hat shaped sorta like a mushroom. cuits job,” I observed.
Beside him, wearin’ a green halter, (she’s a Golden
was a middle-sized pooch with curly When Pirate finished his shift, we
white hair an big black fluffy circles went back to his office. Even though Retriever). Co-
around his eyes that made him look he was bigger than me, he jumped
like a pie-rat. Or Zorro. smack into his Dad’s lap. His front conuts are fun,
legs flopped over one side an his ca-
“Dawg,” I said. “Whazzup?” (Bein’ boose hung over the other, an he was also: I totally
off the clock, I was in a laid-back, is- happy as anything.
land state of mind.) shred ’em. An
“So, how’d you two get together?”
“Oh, goody,” he said, wiggle/wag- “Dad’s fren hadda Portuguese Wa- Dad an me play
gin’ over for the Wag-an-Sniff (an a ter Dog like me, only brown. They’d
European Double Smooch). “I love stop by Dad’s shop every day, an Dad with my Chuck-
meetin’ pooches who come from ree-lized us Porties were, like, the
Afar. Do YOU come from Afar? What’s perfect pooch for people who live on It: he flings a ball
your name? I’m Pirate Carpenter. You an eye-lund, ya know?”
can call me Pi.” “Word!” I said. all the way across
“So Dad went On Line an found Ju-
On the Spur-of-the-Moment, I had lie’s Porties in Ohio, which is WAAY the dog park, an I
an IDEA. “I’m Bonzo. I’m a journal- far up. When he saw my pick-shur,
ist, down from Vero Beach for the he said, ‘This is The Dog For ME!’ I run like the wind
weekend. That’s sorta Afar, I think. mean, I’m adorable now, as you can
Ackshully, I write a newspaper col- see, but when I was a liddle pupster I after it. That to-
umn about pooches: a story an was Totally Irresistible.”
PICKshur. The minute I spotted you, “How did you get all the way down tally poops me out,
I knew you’d be a great innerview. here?”
Whaddya think? Got some time to “It was scary, leavin’ my pooch which I think is
yap?” Mom an litter, an flyin’ far, far away
Dad’s Plan.
“Are you WOOFIN’? A COL-umn
about ME? In the PAY-per? With a “By Sunset (which
PICK-shur? Ab-so-woofin’-LOOT-ly!”
He nudged the human in the green is a Big Deal down
hat. “This is my Dad, Kermit. We’re
business partners. We can yap soon here but I’m not sure
as I finish my shift, if you don’t mind
hangin’ out for a bit.” why) I’m ready for
“Of course,” I said. “Us journalists bed. I pile up lotsa
are flexible.”
rugs in my Sleep
Pi sat on the corner, alert an ador-
able, while his Dad waved to the hu- Spots, then I rotate
mans walkin’ or drivin’ by; or ridin’
in one of those big red trolleys. He during the night:
pretended to throw the pie at ’em, but
it was stuck to his hand. The humans by myself. The closet, floor, then the
were laughin’ an wavin’ an hollerin’
“Hi, Pirate!” Everybody knew him. He humans were nice an stuff, an I bed with Dad.
was FAY-muss!
behaved like Mom taught us to, but I “Oh, an, guess what? I’m so stoked!
A liddle boy, walkin’ by with his
Mom, plopped right down on the was homesick.” I’m gonna be on the COV-er of a CAL-
sidewalk next to Pi, and started pat-
ting him an talkin’ to him. Pi gave “I can imagine.” endar we’re doing. It’ll be pickshurs
“But that’s OK, cuz soon as me an of me and my pooch pals. Isn’t that
Dad saw each other, even though I Cool Kibbles?”
was just a liddle fluffmuffin, I ree- “Woof! Totally!”
llized I had a Forever Home. I didn’t wanna leave, but we hadda
“I’ve been learning Basic Dog Stuff, get back home.
like Sit, Stay, Down and Don’t Jump “Oh, wait, Mr. Bonzo, I almost
Up (that’s the hardest cuz I really, re- forgot. Here’s a bag of my special
ally, really like to Jump Up).” Key Lime dog biscuits, for your trip.
A lady walked in an gave Pirate a They’re all natural.”
pat on the head. Heading home, I was thinking
“This is Carina,” he explained. about the exuberant, big-hearted
“She’s my Official Trainer, anna co- “lap dog” who lives on an island and
worker. She’s like my human Mom. loves everybody. And those Key Lime
She says I’m Eager To Learn, an pooch treats kept me in the Island
smart. When she gives me a Cuh- Mood all the way back to “Afar.”
MAND, I do it, cuz I know she Means
Business. But, when Dad gives me a
-The Bonzcuh-MAND, its seems more like a
Guideline, an sometimes I do it, an
sometimes I don’t. Specially ‘Don't
Jump Up.’ But I’m tryin’ to do better.
“I also like to hang out with my hu-
Don’t be shy!
We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up
an interview, please email [email protected].
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 19, 2018 21
7 8642 10 9 3
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist Q876543 J 10
8 AKQ4 10 9 7 5 3 2
As mentioned last week, books from Master Point Press are typically available in Q 10 5 3 9872 KJ4
standard book form or as a PDF computer file that you can open and read or print.
Strangely, given how useful it is, “Should I or Shouldn’t I?” by Marc Smith, which runs AKQJ5
to 241 pages, is in PDF format only. The well-written book, as an addendum to the title AK92
points out, covers the difficult subject of drawing trumps in suit contracts. J6
How quickly should South draw trumps in this seven-spade deal after West has led the
diamond eight? Dealer: South; Vulnerable: East-West
North’s four-heart response was a splinter bid announcing at least game-going values in The Bidding:
spades with a singleton (or void) in hearts. Then came four control-bids before the jump
1 Spades Pass 4 Hearts Pass
Declarer normally counts losers in the long-trump hand, but when in a grand slam, he 5 Clubs Pass 5 Diamonds Pass LEAD:
cannot afford any. He should count winners. 5 Hearts Pass 6 Diamonds Pass 8 Diamonds
7 Spades Pass Pass Pass
Here, South has 12: five spades, two hearts, four diamonds and one club. So he needs
only one ruff in the dummy for his 13th winner. This means that declarer, after taking the
first trick with his diamond jack (honor from the shorter side first), can immediately draw
three rounds of trumps and claim.
If he starts with the heart ace and a heart ruff, East overruffs the dummy, gives West a
diamond ruff and receives a second ruff for down three.
Apart from Master Point Press, books may be purchased from Baron Barclay Bridge
Supplies ( and The Bridge World (
22 Thursday, April 19, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
The Telegraph ACROSS DOWN
1 Bellow (4) 1 Porridge mix (4)
4 Whirl (4) 3 Poured (6)
8 Yearn (4) 4 Private (6)
9 Steps (9) 5 Editions (6)
11 Except when (6) 6 Medics’portable bed (9)
13 Arbitrator (7) 7 Not that? (4)
15 Recognition (6) 10 Opponents (7)
16 Has a hint (of) (6) 12 Sections in play (4)
18 Searched for (6) 13 Consequent (9)
20 Kalahari, e.g. (6) 14 Freight (anag.) (7)
22 Pocket (7) 17 Location (4)
23 Couch (6) 19 International agreement (6)
25 Nuclear emissions (9) 20 Tasks (6)
26 Geometrical shape (4) 21 Guard (6)
27 Observes (4) 23 Item of clothing (4)
28 Philosophy with exercises (4) 24 Yearn (4)
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
RETIREMENT PLANNING Member FINRA/SIPC. Established 1947. The Telegraph
Securities offered through National Securities Corporation, Sr. Investment Executive
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Stocks, Bonds,
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529 College Planning, etc.
Main Office located at:
2424 N. Federal Highway
Suite 400
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 19, 2018 23
ACROSS 74 Ukase selling 66 Earthly goal of a The Washington Post
1 Tennessee 75 Slangy followers 9 Home of Jules Verne
77 The way, to expedition MY EXPLOSIVE CAREER By Merl Reagle
Williams’s Odysseus
Maggie Beijing 10 Unknots 68 Scented bag
7 Slogs 78 Really smell 11 Planes for VIPs 69 That guy’s
12 Past, to Picasso 79 That Stephen 12 Full of vim and 73 People watch it
18 Proportionately
19 They are driven King feeling vinegar on Fourth of July
20 California 81 59 Across 13 Catcher under a night
institute where 76 Mollifiers
Fritz Perls taught truckful grate 78 Chart anew
Gestalt 83 Singer 14 Out of danger 80 Chicago hub
21 War lover’s 15 ___ Romeo 82 1963 John
justification? Pendergrass 16 Knock away, Wayne film,
23 Sound of nuclear 84 Stands up to Donovan’s ___
destruction? 87 Name for a farm as a pass 83 House cover
24 Serena Smash 17 Thunder Bay’s when painting or
25 Hombre’s home: dog fumigating
abbr. 89 ___-de-lance prov. 84 Gave Gerber’s
26 Nuclear 90 What XX means, 18 Acad. tests 85 Friend of
attraction? 22 Second tel. line François
28 Arms buildup? sex-wise: abbr. 27 Pound ___ 86 Scams
32 Win ___ nose 91 Overactor 88 Rodents in the
33 She who’s shorn 93 Start of a carol (do a cop’s job) family
36 Like Mitty’s “life” 29 Too soon to 90 Pay for in a big
37 Female praying title way
figure 95 Kind of make good 92 ___ in (make
39 Reagan and 99 Ear assault kindling money in a big
Sinatra 100 Gassy prefix 30 Actor way)
42 Rock producer 102 Only place where Auberjonois 94 Flight navigation
Brian 31 Actor Calhoun syst.
43 Craft crammed nuclear issues 34 Old Faithful’s 96 Knock one’s
with critters are black and state: abbr. socks off
44 Fly like an eagle white? 35 Govern ending 97 Silly as ___
46 Comics sections, 105 With 111 Across, 38 50-50 98 “___ have no
old-style the propositions bananas”
47 Roast host theme of this 40 British upper- 101 Lanchester and
50 Loopy Louis puzzle crusters Maxwell
51 Pipe down, 109 “___, then B ... ” 41 ___ public 103 Carnival city
Navy-style 110 ___ Alamos 43 Actress Beverly 104 Forsyth’s
53 Blue hue 111 See 105 Across D’___ The Dogs ___
54 ___ rat 112 Bird’s-eye view 45 Black Sea 106 Usually nicer rds.
(slangy toddler) of World War III? country 107 Glazed finish for
56 Mr. Edison: abbr. 116 Spain and 47 Old French coin, fabrics
59 Iron-rich Portugal or new European 108 Arts degs.
Minnesota range 117 Without ___ in currency 111 Woody’s
62 Decorative the world 48 Countless Husbands and
vessel 118 Needle-shaped 49 “____ just agree Wives co-star
63 Put ___ (sail) 119 Items of real to disagree” 113 Actress Sandra
65 With 70 Across, worth 52 Attended 114 Trifecta, for one
the trouble with 120 Rhyme or reason 54 He probably has 115 History chapter,
fallout? 121 Record again shingles perhaps
67 Riposte to a DOWN 55 Loan sharks
bomb advocate? 1 Lozenge 57 Hilton or
70 See 65 Across 2 Class in Sheraton
71 Cranky household skills alternative
conditions 3 Before, once 58 Part of a
72 Triennia parts: 4 Tech preceder caveman’s
abbr. 5 “___ cast away name, in the
stones” comics
(Ecclesiastes) 60 Kept afloat
6 “I can ___ hint” 61 Accustomed (to)
7 Pei or wan 63 “Hath not ___ a
preceder thorn,
8 Do better at Plantagenet?”
(Henry VI: Part I)
64 Regarded highly
The Telegraph
24 April 19, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Anger mismanagement is keeping close friends apart
BY CAROLYN HAX I could just shrug it off, but it is still a pretty deep ladder. She’s still inviting you to things one-
Washington Post on-one, so all you need to do now is accept,
wound. –T meet up and say what you feel.
Dear Carolyn:
T.: It sounds as if you haven’t even talked with Such as: “You were right that I had be-
The behavior of a person your friend about your new insights on the situa- come unbearably negative. I still feel bad
whom I considered to be my tion. When you haven’t yet exercised the power of for that.
closest friend changed – irrita- your truth, you still have many possible outcomes
ble, sarcastic, snippy and mean, – and you’re at the very bottom rung of the effort “With time to reflect, I also feel hurt and
mostly to me but also to my partner. This went on angry that you lashed out and didn’t just
for months. When I finally brought it up, this per- talk to me. I had to ask what was wrong for
son told me it was my fault. I had become “nega- you to tell me.
tive,” it was intolerable and a “vacation” from the
friendship was required. “Also upon reflection, I see I didn’t talk
I won’t dispute the negativity accusation. I guess to you right away, either: I noticed your ir-
I slipped into that mode and needed to change ritation with me for months before I finally
before it became permanent. But although I was brought it up” – as you note in your letter.
shattered with guilt when accused and accepted
total responsibility for the “problem,” I have since “So I wonder what you think about this,
been thinking about it. I have an issue with the and how we can be better to each other –
manner in which this person handled the situ- and maybe why we didn’t communicate
ation: I am extremely hurt and even angry. I did more kindly, more honestly, and sooner.”
not inflict my negativity on anyone deliberately;
I wasn’t even aware of being negative at the time. As your recent reflections have shown
I feel that this person chose to be hurtful rather you, it doesn’t sit well to be accused of
than constructive as a friend would be. something by someone who is guilty of the
Since the confrontation this person has occasion- same – even if to a lesser degree. So the first
ally reached out with email invitations to activi- step in testing the viability of this friendship
ties, both one-on-one and group, but I am now very is for you to make it clear that whatever you
self-conscious and feel that the friendship is over. It ask of her, you ask the same of yourself and more.
would take a lot of effort to rebuild and I’m not sure That’s the first piece of the answer to whether
it’s even possible. Is there any value in trying? I wish this friendship can be saved.
The next piece is hers: whether she’s willing
and able to bring this same humility to her inter-
actions with you and apologize for her part.
Then you find out whether these pieces fit. I
hope for your sake they still do.
Eye Institute ‘visionaries’
focus on patients
seeing better
26 Thursday, April 19, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Eye Institute ‘visionaries’ focus on patients seeing better
The doctors at the Eye Institute for PHOTOS BY BENJAMIN THACKER
Medicine and Surgery have one goal
in mind: to help their patients see
The Eye Institute has four locations
throughout Brevard County – Palm
Bay, Titusville, Rockledge and Mel-
The Melbourne facility, at 1995 W.
Nasa Blvd., includes an ambulatory
surgery center that treats up to 60
patients per day, according to Chief
Executive Officer Jerry Orloff. “These
are all major surgeries,” Orloff said.
The institute’s all-star lineup of
doctors includes those who have done
groundbreaking research in cataract
surgery, cornea transplants, lens im-
plants and glaucoma treatment.
Dr. Jim MacManus has been prac-
ticing at the institute since 1989, and
has 31 years total experience. He spe-
cializes in cataract surgery and has
done extensive research relating to
glaucoma and other aspects of medi-
cal and surgical eye care.
“My patients come first,” MacManus
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 19, 2018 27
YOUR HEALTH approved by the Food and Drug Ad-
ministration in 2016 to treat cataracts
and astigmatism. Other eye condi-
tions treated run the gamut from cata-
racts and cornea transplants to lens
implants and lens detachments. They
also treat a condition known as “surf-
er’s eye,” a condition which is often
caused by long-term sun exposure and
worsened by the sun’s rays reflecting
off the water.
The condition results in a growth on
the eye that can invade the cornea.
Dr. Jason Darlington, a cornea and
glaucoma specialist at the eye in-
stitute, treats surfer’s eye – formally
I personally ensure
that they [the
patients] receive
the best eye care
possible in a
comfortable and
convenient setting,
and in a timely
– Dr. Jim McManus
said. “My staff and I treat patients with
dignity, empathy and respect. I care-
fully listen to their concerns and do
my best to answer questions in detail.
I personally ensure that they receive
the best eye care possible in a comfort-
able and convenient setting, and in a
timely manner.”
On a recent day at the institute,
MacManus was busy hopping from
patient to patient with a smile on his
face. One procedure that he performs
often utilizes a YAG laser to disrupt
the tissue in the eye where cataracts
form. The treatment is sometimes
used as a follow up to cataract sur-
gery, is painless, and only takes a few
It’s just one of the many ways that
cataract surgery – and other major eye
treatments – have evolved. “Today cat-
aract surgery in the hands of a master
is quick and safe,” Orloff said.
The same laser is also sometimes
used for glaucoma treatment. One of
the highlights of MacManus’ career
was research that led to FDA approval
of Lumigan and Combigan, two lead-
ing glaucoma medicines.
The institute uses several cutting-
edge treatments and procedures, and
was one of the first in the country to
offer Symfony, a type of lens implant
28 Thursday, April 19, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
EXCLUSIVE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 27 eye surgery center operates out of a
OFFERS ON former aviation company building
known as pterygia – by using stem near the airport.
BEAUTIFUL cells to help the cornea heal after the
COTTAGES! growth is removed. “Yes, right here in sleepy Mel-
bourne, Florida,” Orloff said. “This
“People ages 20 to 50, who spend isn’t just another practice. This is a
a good deal of time in the sun, who world-class facility.”
do not wear sunglasses or brimmed
hats on a regular basis, who have light And it is a facility that reaches out
complexions and light colored eyes, to the world.
tend to develop pterygia more fre-
quently than others,” Darlington said Alex Dickinson, the institute’s mar-
in a recent written report on the pro- keting coordinator, launched a proj-
cedure. ect to bring priests from Cuba for free
treatment of surfer’s eye.
Orloff said the fact that surgeries at
the institute are all outpatient proce- For his part, MacManus said the
dures result in more timely treatment thing he enjoys most about his job ev-
and less cost to the patient. And he ery day is simple: helping patients.
admits some people might be sur-
prised to hear that such a specialized “I restore and enhance people’s vision
and I bring hope to people,” he said. “It is
an honor to be able to do so.”
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 19, 2018 29
Cuban Island Restaurant: Tasty fare for the whole family
REVIEW BY LISA ZAHNER STAFF WRITER food was mildly seasoned, as tradi- Ropa Vieja. Lechon Asado.
[email protected] tional Cuban cuisine is full of flavor,
but not hot or peppery, so no need to PHOTOS BY BENJAMIN THACKER sweet, tender lobster that was per-
Readers of this column often send be concerned if you’re not into spicy fectly cooked and nicely plated.
us notes of appreciation for providing food. Our guests ordered the Cuban- Grilled Seafood Dish.
honest reviews of local eateries from The desserts we ordered – choco-
the point of view of a family dining style hamburger ($8) on a tasty grilled late flan ($4) and guava cheesecake
with school-age children. Will there be bun, with fries, and Langosta en Salsa ($4) for the adults – were nothing spe-
anything there, besides chicken nug- ($29) which was a mound of pasta in cial. The cheesecake was still frozen
gets on the kiddie menu, that my son a creamy, cheesy garlic sauce similar solid and the flan was not creamy
or daughter will eat? That’s a common to an alfredo sauce, with chunks of at all. The boys opted for simple va-
concern for parents or even grandpar- nilla ice cream with chocolate sauce,
ents looking to enjoy an uneventful which they said was good, but on a
meal with youngsters. return trip we probably would skip
dessert altogether. The cafe con leche
On this occasion two Saturdays ($3) however, was an excellent end-
ago, my 10-year-old son and I dined ing to the adults’ meals. Yes, you can
with another Boy Scout parent and get your cafecito fix at Cuban Island.
another young man at Cuban Island There’s nothing like real Cuban cof-
Restaurant in Indialantic. After a fee for those who have developed a
morning of fundraising, we were all taste for it.
ready for a hearty meal. The restau-
rant was nearly empty when we ar- Overall, our lunch at Cuban Island
rived shortly after noon and sat down was a satisfying meal with good com-
at a four-top, but by 1 p.m. the dining pany, and this is definitely the kind
room was totally packed. of place you’ll want to visit with the
whole family in tow.
It’s easy to fly right by Cuban Island
on A1A just south of the Hilton and We encourage you to send feedback to
Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church, [email protected].
but it’s definitely worth checking out
this tiny restaurant – even if you have The reviewer is a Brevard resident who
to wait a few minutes for a table. dines anonymously at restaurants at the
expense of this newspaper.
We started out with an appetizer to
share, the Ejempares de Cuba, or Cu- RESTAURANT HOURS
ban Sampler ($12) and our friendly Mon- Thurs 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
server brought us a basket of yummy,
complimentary Cuban bread. Instead and 5 to 10 p.m.
of butter, the bread was served with a Fri- Sun 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.
traditional Cuban ham-based spread.
After tasting it, we decided that the BEVERAGES
spread had to be something you grew Full Bar
up eating, but good, freshly baked
bread is a universal comfort food no ADDRESS
matter what your ethnic heritage. The 2910 Highway A1A
empanadas in the appetizer were very
good, as were the Ropa Vieja and Pica- Indialantic, FL
dillo that we spread on our bread in PHONE
lieu of the ham. The fried yuca was fun
for the boys to taste a different type of (321) 241-4886
French fry. The croquettes, filled with
the same ham served with the bread,
were our least favorite of the sampling
of Cuban goodies.
My son also ordered a bowl of chicken
vegetable soup ($4) and said it was the
very best part of the meal. With a taste
like it came straight off your grand-
mother’s stovetop, the hearty soup was
loaded with tender chicken breast and
For an entree, I ordered the En-
salada Mixto con Salmon Ahumado
($8) and my son ordered the Lechon
Asado ($15). My mixed green salad
topped with smoked salmon was ex-
cellent, as was my son’s slow-roasted
pork in a slightly spicy, garlic sauce,
served with yellow rice and black
beans. A note about spices: All the
30 Thursday, April 19, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Host a wine party for serious tasting – or just for fun
STORY BY DAVE MCINTYRE worth of wine parties.
The Washington Post Some questions to ask yourself when
The reader’s question was straight- planning such a thing: Is this for seri-
forward, but pointed in several direc- ous study of wine, whether you are new
tions. She was to attend a rosé party, to it and exploring to see what you like,
and was asked to bring food. What or studying for some certification of ex-
would be a suitable match? pertise? (We’ll call this a wine tasting.)
Or will this be more of a social event
Without knowing more about the centered on wine? (Which we’ll call a
plans for the event, I offered a few wine party.)
quick suggestions. But my mind
raced with possibilities for a year’s For either, you’ll need decent glass-
es. For a wine tasting, you will need ing into the market and we all want to
brown lunch bags to conceal the decide which ones to stock up on for
wines and a marker for numbering summer.
the bags; serving them “blind” re-
duces any bias we get from the label June: Italian white wines. There is in-
or the price. Each guest will need a credible variety in Italian whites, from
white background – a sheet of paper grechetto, Gavi, Soave, fiano, Roero
or a cloth napkin will do – to best ap- D’Arneis, to vernaccia, Verdicchio and
preciate the wines’ color. They will many more. Warning: Your guests will
also need cups to spit into. Red Solo immediately think of pinot grigio, so I
cups are ideal, as are coffee mugs or suggest the host supplies that and tells
your collection of cups from college everyone else to bring something dif-
football games. Finally, you’ll need at ferent.
least one dump bucket for everyone to
empty their spit cups into July: American wines for Indepen-
dence Day. Lots of leeway here: Pick a
For a wine party, you may want to state or region. An Oregon wine party
skip the brown bags, though it can be would include lots of pinot noir, but
fun to have everyone vote for their fa- guests could include some chardonnay,
vorite wine and then do a big reveal. pinot gris and Riesling to showcase the
The person who brought the crowd fa- state’s variety. Or toast the fireworks
vorite earns bragging rights until next with U.S. sparkling wines.
time. You may also skip the spit cups
– walking around with glass, plate and August: The dog days of summer
spit cup can be precarious – but it’s call for some “cool-climate” wines.
still a good idea to have a dump bucket Cool-climate generally means areas
handy if someone doesn’t want to fin- where it is challenging to ripen grapes
ish a wine. because the growing season is cool-
er than others. Think West Sonoma
One essential you don’t want to ne- Coast, Michigan, New York’s Finger
glect is food. And don’t plan on having Lakes, or the newer wine regions of
the tasting first and food later – that’s Chile and Argentina.
a recipe for intoxication. Even when
spitting, it’s good to have some food be- September: If you didn’t do U.S.
tween tastes. bubblies in July, you could cool down
in September by exploring sparkling
So get your group together and wines from around the world, saving
form a wine club. Alternate hosts each the expensive ones such as champagne
month. The host chooses a theme and for December. Think cava, prosecco,
sets a price range, and each guest Crémant de Limoux.
brings an appropriate bottle and
some food. October: German Rieslings for a
classy Oktoberfest party. Compare
For themes, the possibilities are wines of the Mosel with those of Rhe-
seemingly endless. Here are some sug- inhessen and Pfalz. Add some from
gestions to get you started over the next Austria, Australia, New Zealand or the
six months: United States for comparison.
May: Rosé, duh. It’s perfect for These ideas should goad your thirst
springtime, as the 2017 rosés are pour- for exploration and discovery of new
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 19, 2018 31
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32 Thursday, April 19, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Please send calendar information APRIL
at least two weeks prior to your
19-22 As part of 2018 National Vol-
event to unteer Week, to recognize
[email protected] and promote volunteerism in Brevard County,
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
ONGOING Cocoa Florida Stake, has chosen this time to an-
nounce the gift of to the Brevard
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 community, a free service of matching volun-
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park teers with worthy organizations that need their
time and talent.
Beach Rotary Club meets at 7:30 a.m. Tues- 19-22 The Vietnam Traveling Me- 20 Satellite Beach Police Athletic League Earth Day 2018 | Sunday, April 22
days at Oceanside Pizza, 300 Ocean Ave. #6, morial Wall comes to Wick- Third Friday Food Truck Fest, 5 to 9 p.m.
Melbourne Beach. ham Park, Melbourne. in the parking lot of the D.R. Schechter Recreation goon restoration efforts and projects, as well as
Center. Food trucks, local vendors and Kidz Korner. hands on activities that allow you to give back
Melo’s RIitsatoliraannote to the Lagoon. All topped off with a tasty lunch
ALL-YMOUUS-CSAELNS-EAT 20 Brevard Schools Foundation “Rio Carni- catered by Coastal Crab Co. and live Caribbean
val” 4th Annual Sunset, Moonlight and music. Shoreline cleanup begins at 9 a.m., with
Every Thursday Music Fundraiser, 6 to 10 p.m. hosted by Dr. Ravi rain barrel workshop and other events to follow.
Palaniyandi and his wife, Ambika Ravindran, at
EHARALPYPBYIHRDOUMRE&NU their oceanfront home in Indialantic, benefitting
The Supply Zone for Teachers. For more informa- 21 Explore science and nature at the Bre-
Tuesda2y--FForird-a1yD4r:i3n0ks-6:00PM tion contact Janice Kershaw, kershaw.janice@ vard Zoo Party for the Planet, 10 a.m. or 321.633.1000 ext. 754, or to 3 p.m. with exhibits or presentations by the
W10W00WEA.SMT EeAlUosGIAtaLLlIiEaBnLRVeDs-tIaNuDIrAaNnHt.AcRoBmOU-R3B2EA1C-H7,7F3L-332593575 go to Brevard American Association of Zookeepers,
Serving Brevard Since 1988 Brevard County Natural Resources, Keep Bre-
21 Clean the Carr cleanup of the entire vard Beautiful, Recycle Brevard, Sea Turtle Pres-
20.5 miles of the Archie Carr National ervation Society and our very own Sea Turtle
Refuge, 8 to 11:30 a.m. hosted by the Brevard Healing Center will be here with fun hands-on
Barrier Island Center in Melbourne Beach. Vol- activities. Other festivities include face painting,
unteers should register at music from a DJ and the opportunity to create
on Clean The Carr event page. enrichment items for zoo animals. Included with
Zoo admission.
21 Marine Resources Council’s Earth Day
Celebration, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Ted 21 Brevard County Environmentally En-
Moorhead Lagoon House on Harbor City Bou- dangered Lands Program Earth Day, 10
levard (U.S. 1) in Palm Bay. Admission is free. a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Enchanted Forest Sanctu-
Join the MRC for a day of Lagoon learning and ary, 444 Columbia Blvd, Titusville. Free Florida
giving. Fun, educational talks on current La- wildlife presentations, exhibits, guided walks,
live music, crafts and hands-on kids’ activities.
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN 21 Earth Day Expo, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at
in April 12, 2018 Edition 1 TERRY 1 TRAFFIC Unity of Melbourne, 2401 N. Harbor
4 TORY 2 RULETHEROOST City Blvd. Organic/vegan cafe, eco-friendly ac-
8 ALL 3 YEAR tivities, solar energy exhibit, drum circle, hydro-
9 AXMINSTER 4 TOMBOY ponics, Florida gardening and natural health op-
10 FATE 5 RUNFORIT tions. Free. [email protected]
12 COY 7 BRAN 22 Satellite Beach Earth Day Celebration,
13 CHEERY 11 TOY 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the D.R. Schechter
14 WIGWAM 12 CRUSADER Recreation Center, 1089 S. Patrick Drive. Kid-
16 SAT 14 WAG friendly event with environmental displays, ac-
17 CROSSING 15 MESSAGE tivities, rain barrel painting, giveaways, native
18 BIAS 16 SNOOTY plantings and vendor booths. Food trucks will be
20 INSIDEOUT 17 CHIT onsite serving lunch. Call 321-773-4409 or email
21 PEA 19 STUB [email protected] for details.
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CERTIFIED Windows & Doors Join our directory for the most affordable way to reach out to customers for your service or small business targeting the
Siding & Soffit South Brevard barrier island communitites. This is the only directory mailed each week into homes in 32951, Indialantic,
“Everything You Need To Be” Screen Room’s Indian Harbour and Satellite Beach. Contact Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 [email protected].
[email protected] CGC 1524354
321.508.3896 772.226.7688
Eco-friendly beach home
boasts spectacular views
3435 S. A1A in Melbourne Beach: 4-bedroom, 4.5-bath, 3,145-square-foot Florida Green Building Certified
beach home is offered for $1,425,000 by Kevin Hill of RE/MAX Alternative Realty: 321-543-3649
34 Thursday, April 19, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Eco-friendly beach home boasts spectacular views
Bask in the sun and enjoy the light,
cooling ocean spray right in your own
private beach backyard just steps
from your Florida Certified Green
Home at 3435 S. State Road A1A in
Melbourne Beach.
This beautiful, eco-friendly 4-bed-
room, 4.5-bath, 3,145-square-foot
home is listed with Kevin Hill of RE/
MAX Alternative Realty for $1,425,000.
A glass door with sidelights pin-
points the main entrance of the com-
pletely remodeled 1950s beach home.
Once inside, marvel at the great room
with massive views of the Atlantic
directly in front of you. The spacious
room includes a bank of windows
with sliders that allow entrance onto
the long, bright-yellow interior sun-
room that then opens onto a patio
that follows the length of the home.
Back inside, note the kitchen com-
Please call today!
Susan Williammee
[email protected]
Melbourne Beach Real Estate Specialist
Thank you for saving our beaches!
prised of Thomasville custom cherry ocean view, is opposite the kitchen.
cupboards with granite countertops, Cupboards with beveled glass doors
stainless steel appliances, including form a buffet that faces the dining room
large side-by-side refrigerator, coun- area. The dining room also has access,
ter cooktop, built-in microwave oven via sliders and a separate glass door, to
and large pantry. A generous penin- both the patio and the sunroom.
sula comfortably seats four for enter-
taining or a quick breakfast. Exit south from the great room into
the generous master bedroom with
A small dining room, again with an large mirrored closets, room for a
Learn more at
Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. 436 Fifth Ave. Indialantic, FL 32903
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 19, 2018 35
king-size bed and large area for a sit- windows that take in the sea view. a third bedroom with a generous sit- Year built: 1950;
ting area, office or fitness space with A second bedroom with a queen- ting room. This could provide space fully updated and remodeled
walkout to a private east-facing lanai. for a mother-in-law suite or as live-
The master bathroom features a tiled size bed also features its own sitting in housekeeper quarters. A separate Architecture: Beach house
shower with glass door and granite room with ocean view and access to outside entrance from the driveway Lot Size: 24,394 square feet
countertop vanity with double sinks. the Florida room and great room. enhances this special area, making it Home Size: 3,145 square feet
A jetted bath offers privacy in a spa- private from the main house.
like separate room surrounded by Passing the kitchen, a full bath with Bedrooms: 4
tub/shower and single vanity sink is The hallway from the suite ends at Bathrooms: 4.5
off the kitchen hallway on the way to Views: Wide-open ocean beach
and ocean vistas
Additional Features: Florida
Green Building Certified home,
storm shutters, solar hot water,
travertine flooring throughout,
2-car garage under air, ocean-
facing deck, patio, sunroom.
Listing agency: RE/MAX Alter-
native Realty, Indialantic
Listing agent: Kevin Hill,
321-543-3649 or
[email protected]
Listing price: $1,425,000
36 Thursday, April 19, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
a doorway into the double-car garage, and granite countertops, repeating the
all under air, with a quick walk to the kitchen decor of the main home.
laundry room and a half-bath at the
rear of the garage. Another outside The guest house deck yields plenty
doorway yields exit to the side yard. of room for entertaining and relaxing
in a cooling breeze under the Florida
Opposite the garage entrance are a sunshine.
set of stairs to an apartment over the
garage. A concrete pad provides ample
apartment parking along the main
The stairs end on a small deck land- driveway.
ing that features a built-in bench with
storage. The apartment entrance Energy-saving and eco-friendly fea-
opens into the apartment dining area tures added to the house during the
on the right opposite the compact remodeling process earned it the ac-
kitchen. colade of being Florida Green Building
Certified home. Some of the features
Beside the kitchen is the compact of a Green Home include design to
bathroom next to the bedroom that reduce energy consumption, reduce
faces east with an ocean view. With waste and use of resources (using re-
room for a queen bed, the bedroom cycled and reused materials), better
has a wall of mirrored closets and insulation and use of solar as in this
sliders out to a grand deck. home’s solar hot water system, that
contribute to savings on utility bills.
The bathroom has black tile, show-
er with glass door and single sink on a To view this home, contact Kevin
granite vanity. Hill of Re/Max Alternative Realty
at 321-544-9684 or Kevin.Hill289@
The kitchen has stainless appliances
with cherry Thomasville cupboards
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 19, 2018 37
Oodles of equity giving homeowners lots of options
BY KENNETH R. HARNEY that require borrowers to retain at least payments of principal plus interest. on what precisely may be deductible
Washington Post 20 percent equity after a transaction. Here’s an example of current HELOC if your new total debt exceeds the
amount of your original mortgage.
Americans are awash in record To illustrate: Say you own a $400,000 terms from an active lender, TD Bank:
amounts of equity in their homes, pos- house with a $200,000 first mortgage Your house is valued at $400,000, you’ve Skeens says that in the present rising-
ing the question for millions: So what balance. You’ve got $200,000 in equity, got a $200,000 balance on a first mort- rate environment, most of his clients
do we do with it? putting aside transaction costs. You’d gage at 3.25 percent that you snagged are opting for the fixed-rate cash-out
like to transform some of it into cash to when rates were near historic lows. refi instead of a HELOC. But Freddie
Leave it for a rainy day or retirement? invest in a new business venture. Assuming you’ve got solid credit, you Mac deputy chief economist Len Kiefer
Tap into it to remodel the house? Make might qualify for a $100,000 HELOC says both cash-outs and HELOCs are
a down payment on a vacation condo? How much can you get? Most lenders at an annual percentage rate (APR) of likely to grow in popularity – the key
require that the total mortgage indebt- 3.99 percent, with monthly interest- difference being the rate owners have
These are crucial financial deci- edness secured by your home not ex- only payments of $327.95. Looks good. on their current mortgage.
sions, but the abundance of equity is ceed 80 percent of the property’s value But there are complications: If you
giving large numbers of owners op- – $320,000, in this case. So assuming want to use that $100,000 for anything Home-equity loan. These are tra-
tions they didn’t have before. that you qualify on credit and other other than home improvement or pur- ditional second mortgages and come
criteria, you might be able to pull out chase, your interest payments won’t be with fully amortizing fixed rates cur-
Consider:● According to the latest $120,000 from your equity. deductible under new tax rules. Also, rently in the low and mid-5 percent
Federal Reserve estimates, homeown- with the Federal Reserve planning to range and higher, depending on your
ers control more than $14.4 trillion in There are three main ways you can ratchet up interest rates, your interest credit. TD Bank, for example, quotes
equity, up by nearly $1 trillion during accomplish this: costs probably will increase. a rate of 5.31 percent APR for 15 years
2017. This explosive growth is being with a payment of $805.98 for the same
driven by increases in home values Home-equity line of credit, or HE- Cash-out refinancing. This involves $100,000 deal discussed above. Some
and selling prices, tight inventories of LOC. This is a credit line secured by replacing your current first mortgage lenders offer more-generous qualify-
houses for sale, and pay-downs of prin- your home equity that allows you to with a larger one, allowing you to ing terms than HELOCs but have the
cipal on existing mortgages. withdraw amounts you need whenever pocket the additional funds. A down- same tax restrictions if you want to de-
you choose. Typically, HELOCs come side here: The loan you exchange your duct the interest.
● As a practical matter, not all of this with floating interest rates tied to an precious 3.25 percent rate for is likely
can be turned into spendable cash. index, often the bank prime rate. You to cost at least one percentage point Bottom line: If you’re among the
Roughly $5.4 trillion is tappable, ac- pay interest-only for a preset period, at more than your current loan. And you newly equity-affluent Americans,
cording to data analytics and software which point your outstanding balance should check with your tax adviser check out your options with lenders. Or
firm Black Knight. That is, it could be comes due. Or the HELOC morphs just sit tight and enjoy the ride.
extracted by owners using loan types into full amortization mode, requiring
38 Thursday, April 19, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: April 6 to April 12
The real estate market had a strong week in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903 and 32937. Melbourne Beach
and Indialantic led the way with 9 sales each, closely followed by Satellite Beach with 8. Indian Harbour
Beach reported 3.
The top sale of the week was of a spectacular riverfront estate in Indialantic. The home at 3460 North
Riverside Drive was placed on the market Aug. 4, 2017, for $4.795 million. The asking price subsequently
was reduced to $4.495 million. The sale closed April 11 for $4.2 million.
The seller in the transaction was represented by Kalli Kamholz of Hart to Hart Real Estate. The purchaser
was represented by Gibbs Baum of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s.
SOUTH SHORES OCEANSI 5635 S HIGHWAY A1A 303 12/19/2017 $585,000 $585,000 4/6/2018 $432,000
INDIAN LANDING PH2 381 PENTLAND DR 2/2/2018 $584,000 $559,000 4/6/2018
OCEAN RIDGE 170 OCEAN RIDGE DR 12/19/2017 $449,000 $439,900 4/11/2018 $463,500
SALES FOR 32903 $350,000
RIO VILLA UNIT III 3093 RIO BONITA ST 10/23/2017 $485,000 $485,000 4/6/2018 $391,000
SHADY SHORES 596 OAK RIDGE DR 10/3/2017 $419,000 $379,000 4/11/2018 $370,000
RIO MAR FIRST ADDITI 485 RIO LN 2/7/2018 $369,900 $369,900 4/11/2018 $358,500
VENETIAN GARDENS SUB 6 VENETIAN WAY 0 9/17/2017 $395,000 $395,000 4/6/2018
MICHIGAN BEACH 6TH A 470 NORWOOD AVE 1/2/2018 $384,500 $379,000 4/6/2018
OCEAN SPRAY ESTATES 406 ROSEDALE DR 6/30/2017 $375,000 $350,000 4/6/2018
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 19, 2018 39
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: La Costa Ocean Clb1, Address: 101 La Costa St 2 Subdivision: Indian Landing Ph2, Address: 381 Pentland Dr
Listing Date: 11/21/2017 Listing Date: 2/2/2018
Original Price: $245,000 Original Price: $584,000
Recent Price: $239,000 Recent Price: $559,000
Sold: 4/6/2018 Sold: 4/6/2018
Selling Price: $230,000 Selling Price: $552,000
Listing Agent: David Settgast Listing Agent: Aaron James
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Ellen Rubino Lisa Goddard
RE/MAX Aerospace Realty Keller Williams Realty,Brevard
Subdivision: South Shores Oceansi, Address: 5635 S Highway A1A 303 Subdivision: Stuart Terrace, Address: 124 Jupiter Ct
Listing Date: 12/19/2017 Listing Date: 2/15/2018
Original Price: $585,000 Original Price: $335,000
Recent Price: $585,000 Recent Price: $335,000
Sold: 4/6/2018 Sold: 4/12/2018
Selling Price: $578,000 Selling Price: $325,000
Listing Agent: Carola Mayerhoeffer & Listing Agent: Alan & Sarah Munkacsy
Renee Winkler
Selling Agent: Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Sarah Horschel
Not provided
Curri Properties
Not provided