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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2019-04-26 23:33:35

04/26/2019 ISSUE 17


April 26, 2019 | Volume 6, Issue 17 Newsstand Price: $1.00

For breaking news visit


MY TAKE Sheriff’s spycam
gets half-naked
BY RAY MCNULTY innocent woman

Justice elusive as school VIRGIN TRAINS FINALLY By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer
wars move to social media RAISES FUNDS FOR EXPANSION HERE [email protected]

School Board Vice Chairman By George Andreassi | Staff Writer South Terminal at Orlando International Airport. At least one partially naked
Tiffany Justice wants to put in jail “Construction will begin imminently and is woman – who was receiving a le-
a longtime school employee who Virgin Trains USA’s plan to start zipping pas- gitimate, hour-long, non-sexual
posted social-media comments senger trains through Indian River County in expected to be complete in 2022,” Virgin Trains massage in January – was included
that were sometimes critical, oc- 2022 is now on a fast track thanks to Wall Street said Friday in a prepared statement. in the surveillance videos recorded
casionally disparaging and often investors. by hidden cameras installed by the
implied she was engaged in an in- The project includes installing a second set of Indian River County Sheriff’s Of-
appropriate relationship with Su- Virgin Trains announced that it closed a week tracks in the Florida East Coast Railway right-of- fice during its recent prostitution
perintendent Mark Rendell. ago on the sale of $1.75 billion in private activity way through Indian River and southern Brevard sting at a spa north of Sebastian.
bonds to 67 different investors, which will help counties to handle the addition of 32 passenger
Really. pay for construction of new track between Vir- trains per day. So Vero Beach attorney Andy
In fact, Justice filed a complaint gin Trains’ West Palm Beach station and the new Metcalf, who represents more than
with the Sheriff’s Office and told CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 two dozen of the men charged
deputies she had suffered the with soliciting prostitution, said he
“substantial emotional distress” now plans to review all of the Sher-
required by Florida law to sup- iff’s Office’s in-room videos from
port a cyber-stalking charge – even the East Sea Spa to see if other in-
though none of the social-media nocent customers may have been
posts were in any way threatening. similarly surreptitiously recorded.
Many of them weren’t even
mean. Metcalf, who noticed the wom-
Yet, according to a Sheriff’s Of- an while combing through the
fice report made public Monday video evidence turned over by
afternoon, Justice told Det. Aaron prosecutors during the discovery
Scranton that the social-media process, said the videos expose
posts “caused her anxiety and em- the Sheriff’s Office’s failure to
barrassment, as well as the inabili- minimize the invasion of privacy
ty to sleep well at night.” required by the search warrants
Justice goes on to say in the re-

INSIDE Jones again convicted; shows no emotion as widow addresses court

NEWS 1-5 PETS 10

To advertise call: 772-559-4187 By Federico Martinez | Staff Writer not enough evidence to convict
For circulation or where to pick up Jones of a third charge – the actual
your issue call: 772-226-7925 Henry Lee Jones Jr. will spend shooting of Simpson.
the rest of his life in prison with no
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. chance of parole for the 2011 mur- Shortly after the jury announced
der of Central Beach resident Brian its verdict, Circuit Court Judge
Simpson. Daniel Vaughn sentenced Jones to
two consecutive life sentences with
An Indian River County jury last no chance of parole.
Thursday found Jones guilty of two
first-degree felony charges – First Prior to sentencing, Vaughn al-
Degree Felony Murder and Armed lowed Simpson’s widow, Kristen,
Robbery and Assault and Battery. to address Jones in court. What fol-
The jury determined that there was

2 April 26, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

MY TAKE their performance as district leaders. arrival nearly four years ago. Sidles and others posted anonymous-
But should these tweets – the ones in- “All you have to do is look at the exit in- ly on the fire-Rendell, online petition she
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 launched in response to Justice’s failed effort
cluded in the Sheriff’s Office report, anyway terviews to see there’s a problem,” School to rally support for the embattled superin-
port that the posts have “affected her mar- – have produced such a devastating effect Board Chairman Laura Zorc said. “Employ- tendent – the Sheriff’s Office teamed with
riage,” upset her children and impacted her on Justice’s life? ees feel they have no voice, and they’re afraid prosecutors to solve the county’s crime of
ability to “effectively perform the functions to speak up for fear of retaliation. Eventually, the century.
of her job as an elected school board offi- She is, after all, an elected official. Fair or their frustration builds up until they can’t
cial.” not, personal attacks come with the job. take it anymore, and they resign. Multiple interviews were conducted.
Screen shots were reviewed and recorded.
And she wants Vicki Sidles, who works So do occasional cheap shots, especially “It’s really become an issue the last cou-
in the School District’s purchasing depart- in today’s toxic political climate. You’ve got ple of years,” she added. “We, as a board, A subpoena was obtained to force Twitter
ment, prosecuted and punished for her to be tough enough to shrug them off. tell them they can come to us and talk to to reveal Sidles’ identity, and a court order
posts, particularly on Twitter. us about problems in the district. But they was granted to prevent Twitter from alerting
Snowflakes need not apply. don’t.” her to the investigation.
Cyber-stalking, if that’s what the State At- So the real question is: Did Sidles commit
torney’s office thinks this is, is a first-degree a crime? That’s not likely to change now. Then a search of driver’s license and vehi-
misdemeanor, punishable by a maximum The Sheriff’s Office wisely opted to not Justice just turned up the heat on the cle registration databases was undertaken.
of a year in jail, up to a year’s probation and make that call, forwarding Detective Scran- school district’s climate of intimidation,
up to a $1,000 fine. It doesn’t matter that ton’s report – and the determination of bullying and retaliation. Getting fired is one Finally, a supplemental report was filed
Sidles, posting under the Twitter handle criminality – to State Attorney Bruce Colton thing. Getting arrested is something else. by Flowers, detailing his initial contact with
“BigBear89,” didn’t know she was doing any- and his staff. Sidles is nervous, even scared. Both could happen to Sidles, but neither Justice, consultation with Assistant State At-
thing illegal, or that most of her tweets were Last week, her boss sent her home from should. torney Ryan Butler, interactions with crime
either benign or targeted someone else. work. She said he offered no reason, telling After an investigation that began in Jan- analysts and his decision to put sheriff’s de-
her only that she was being placed on “ad- uary – when Justice first contacted Sheriff’s tectives on the case.
It doesn’t matter that Sidles didn’t tag Jus- ministrative leave with pay” until further Maj. Eric Flowers – and concluded last week,
tice or Rendell in her tweets – she said both notice. Who made the decision to suspend Scranton handed the State Attorney’s Office All of this – all of the man hours invest-
were “blocked,” so they needed to actively her from her job? We don’t know, but we cer- a weak case with little evidence of any real ed – for a misdemeanor case that, given the
seek them out – or that she was merely shar- tainly can take a guess. harm having been done. The most offensive intent of the law and the facts presented,
ing information about school-related mat- Obviously, the suspension is tied to Sidles’ of Sidles’ tweets refers to Rendell having too should never see the inside of a courtroom?
ters and expressing her opinions in a popu- tweets, and she’s worried she will be fired. much power and Justice under his desk.
lar online forum created for such discourse. Her concern is well-founded: Fear of re- Other tweets mention: Think about it: Would a reasonable per-
taliation is the reason she posted under a  Justice as Rendell’s “girlfriend” and son be so emotionally traumatized by these
It doesn’t matter that Sidles had only 50 pseudonym and didn’t identify herself as a Rendell as Justice’s “special man.” social-media posts?
Twitter followers, not 50,000. school district employee.  Rendell’s “unprofessional relationship”
Far too many teachers and other with Justice, stating, “That’s been going on Again, no threats were made.
Yes, some of Sidles’ tweets connecting schools employees have complained, for a long time.” For the record: Justice did not answer her
Justice and Rendell were based on rumor mostly in private, about a culture of in-  A clause that allows for Rendell’s termi- school district-issued cellphone Monday
and undermined her legitimate commen- timidation and bullying by the district nation for “moral turpitude” for his relation- night, and her voice mailbox was full.
tary on other school-related matters. She office and administrators since Rendell’s ship with Justice. Justice also did not respond to a text mes-
would’ve been better-served by focusing on  Justice and Rendell “trying too hard to sage asking if she would like to comment on
cover their tracks.” her complaint.
There are also several tweets in which Si- Sidles, meanwhile, appeared to be an
dles merely infers there’s any type of inap- emotional wreck, saying she has been un-
propriate relationship between Rendell and able to sleep or eat because she’s worried
Justice, or simply critiques Justice. about losing her job and the possibility she’ll
“What’s with the faces from (Justice) be arrested.
during the board meeting last night,” Sidles “I’ve been extremely distraught, suicidal
tweeted. “If she knew how unprofessional and crying uncontrollably,” she said. “I have
she looks, would she still act like this? Prob- epilepsy, and I’ve been experiencing sei-
ably. (Rendell) is on the chopping block. …” zures due to stress because they’re targeting
She also tweeted about Justice at a school me.
board meeting: “Someone PLEASE just shut “They’ll find a way to fire me.”
her up! Not sure how much longer I can take Actually, it’s difficult to imagine Sidles
this idiot! Reminds me of Charlie Brown’s losing her job, even if Rendell recommends
teacher.” her termination – because the move must be
For those tweets – along with comments approved by a majority of the School Board,
and Justice almost certainly would be forced
to recuse herself from the vote.
Besides, a lesser punishment would be far
more fitting, if she’s willing to accept one. 

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS April 26, 2019 3

JONES CONVICTED AGAIN and expert testimony that indicated Jones VIRGIN TRAINS teract with about 20 daily freight trains per
was involved in the burglary and murder. day traveling less than 80 mph.
But Assistant Public Defender Dorothy Indian River County has filed suit in
lowed was an emotional 22-minute speech Naumann frequently reminded the jury that Virgin Trains also plans to construct state court asking a judge to rule the
by Simpson, who unleashed eight years of most of the evidence, while looking bad for new train tracks along State Road 528, county is not responsible for the addi-
anger, pain and frustration on her husband’s her client, was still circumstantial. also known as the Beachline Expressway, tional costs of upgrading and maintain-
killer. to connect the airport terminal to the ing railroad crossings related to the pas-
She also tried to discredit police inves- Florida East Coast Railway tracks in Co- senger train service.
“You’re the kind of person who would tigators and forensic experts by claiming coa.
kill another human being – a cold, heartless they were biased against her client or sloppy A consultant estimates Indian River
coward who would shoot somebody from during their investigation, although she did “Connecting Miami and Orlando County local governments could face pay-
behind a door,” said Simpson as she glared at not back up those accusations with evidence. makes tremendous business sense,” said ments of $1 million per year to lease and
Jones sitting less than 10 feet away. Virgin Trains USA Chairman Wes Edens. maintain the FECR railroad crossings,
A last-minute decision to allow Jones to “But even more, it provides a public ben- more than twice their current costs.
Jones did not look directly at Simpson testify near the end of the trial seemed to efit to the state of Florida including thou-
while she spoke. He showed no signs of emo- backfire. sands of jobs that will keep the state eco- Indian River County is also appealing the
tion until Vaughn pronounced the two life nomically competitive for decades.” dismissal of its federal suit challenging the
sentences. That’s when Jones suddenly low- Jones, who denied ever being at the Simp- federal environmental review process for
ered his head, his body shaking involuntarily. son residence, also claimed he had never “[The bond sale] is affirmation that the passenger train project.
burglarized a home. But when questioned our vision for passenger rail holds great
When Vaughn asked Jones if he wanted to by Chief Assistant State Attorney Thomas promise and highlights a tremendous Martin County had been a party to the
say anything, Jones barely raised his head, Bakkendahl, Jones struggled to explain why appetite in the private markets for large- suit, but settled as part of an agreement
and in a near whisper said, “No Sir.” items stolen from several homes, including scale transportation and infrastructure that requires Virgin Trains to pay for a va-
Simpson’s, were found in his bedroom and in projects,” Edens said. riety of safety improvements.
Jones, 30, was initially found guilty of the glovebox of his motorcycle.
first-degree murder for the same crime in The company started express passenger Fort Pierce and Stuart are vying for train
2014 and received a life sentence at that The most damning evidence was the GPS service between Fort Lauderdale and West stations so city residents can benefit from
time. But the fourth District Court of Ap- data extracted from Jones’ cellphone that Palm Beach in January 2018 and added Mi- the passenger rail service.
peals in 2017 ruled a new trial was warrant- placed him near the Simpson home at the ami in May.
ed because Jones’ public defender had not time and night of the murder. Jones weakly Vero Beach and Sebastian passed on ap-
been allowed to question potential jurors dismissed the phone data by claiming “there The project is expected to cost a total of plying for a train station because local op-
about racial prejudice or bias. Jones is Afri- are a lot of discrepancies and lies about it,” $4 billion by the time it’s finished, Virgin position to the project remains strong.
can-American, Simpson, who was 41 at the although he refused to elaborate. Trains said. Travelers will be able to ride a
time of his death, was white. passenger train between Miami and Orlan- Supporters argue the project will reduce
His troubles were further exacerbated do in a little more than three hours. traffic congestion and air pollution on
According to testimony at both trials, by the final-day testimony of two witnesses north-south highways and facilitate busi-
Jones shot Simpson after he and a young who claimed Robinson, who was 16 when Indian River County officials have raised ness and tourist travel.
accomplice, Darius Robinson, got caught in- the murder occurred, had confessed to them safety and environmental concerns about
side the Simpson family’s Fiddlewood Road that Jones was innocent while they and Rob- the project, including how 32 daily passen- “We are revolutionizing rail travel and
home. inson were in jail together seven years ago. ger trains traveling up to 110 mph will in- realizing a decades-long vision of operat-
ing express passenger rail in the state of
Robinson testified at both trials that it was The testimony of the two witnesses, one Florida,” said Virgin Trains USA President
Jones who shot Simpson. But despite shoe of whom is Jones’ cousin, Tyrez Brown, kept Patrick Goddard. 
and handprints found in the bathroom in- changing under questioning. Their stories
dicating Jones was the shooter, the new jury frequently contradicted each other’s and REPUBLICAN
determined there wasn’t enough evidence even placed Jones at the scene of the murder. CLUB OF
to prove “beyond a reasonable doubt” that
Jones fired the fatal shots. The jury deliber- Brown also confessed that Jones illegally INDIAN RIVER
ated nearly six hours before coming to a de- sent a letter instructing him to get Robin- INC.
cision. son to retract his statements and say police
forced him to implicate Jones in the murder. PRESENTS
Assistant State Attorney Steve Gosnell
shrugged his shoulders when asked about Robinson received a 10-year prison sen- ROGER STONE
the verdict. “Apparently, the jury didn’t feel tence for his role in the crime.
that there was sufficient evidence to prove "THE MAKING OF A PRESIDENT 2016"
he shot Mr. Simpson,” Gosnell said. “But we Following the trial, Kristen Simpson said
don’t care. They found him guilty of the other her family was pleased with the sentencing, THURSDAY MAY 2ND
two charges and he will spend the rest of his but noted no prison sentence will bring back
life in prison.” her husband. SIGNED BOOK INCLUDED WITH YOUR TICKE

The two-week trial was filled with witness “We will rest knowing he (Jones) will never BOB O’MALLEY
do this to another family and will spend the
rest of his life in jail,” she said. “But time will VICE PRESIDENT OF GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS
never erase my husband’s murder.” 






4 April 26, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

SHERIFF’S SPYCAM tape someone when they’re naked.” plan to use as evidence against his clients if over on the massage table. The Sheriff’s Of-
Metcalf has joined with other area de- the men take their cases to trial. fice has an obligation to inform the woman
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 that she was recorded at the spa, he said.
fense attorneys in disputing the legality of Last week, Morgan ordered the State At-
issued by Circuit Court Judges Cynthia Cox the so-called “sneak-and-peek” warrants torney’s Office to provide Metcalf with all “They recorded it, and I have it,” Metcalf
and Paul Kanarek. used to arrest more than 200 men who al- the in-room videos recorded by the Sheriff’s said, adding that deputies working the case
legedly paid for sex at massage spas from Office. However, the judge denied Metcalf’s “absolutely” saw the woman’s video.
He also contends the Sheriff’s Office’s six- Jupiter to Orlando, more than 150 of them in request that the court compel prosecutors
week, video-surveillance operation lacked Vero Beach, Sebastian and the northern tier to identify the woman. Metcalf said he initially received from
the required judicial oversight and, thus, of Indian River County. prosecutors “about seven” videos recorded
continued longer than was necessary to Metcalf included with his motion a by the Sheriff’s Office, along with 25 record-
break up the prostitution ring. The attorneys claim the hidden-camera time-stamped photograph that shows the ed by the Vero Beach Police Department at
video recordings of the acts inside the spas woman covered by a white towel and lying the East Spa on 14th Avenue in downtown
“Law enforcement has a duty to minimize violated the elevated privacy rights guaran- face-down on the massage table during her Vero. He expects to receive from prosecutors
the invasion of privacy – not to invade the teed in the Florida Constitution and reveal a early-afternoon visit to the spa on Jan. 18. another 50 videos from the East Sea Spa, lo-
privacy of people committing no criminal disturbing abuse of police powers. cated on U.S. 1 north of Sebastian, as a result
act and doing nothing more than getting Metcalf said the woman “has a right to of Morgan’s order.
a massage,” Metcalf said. “I can’t think of a In fact, County Judge David Morgan was know” that the video records her undressing
more invasive surveillance than to video- expected to rule Tuesday on Metcalf’s mo- and wrapping herself in the towel, and that The Sheriff’s Office’s videos show simulta-
tions to suppress the videos prosecutors her “breasts are exposed” when she turns neously the activity in all four rooms at the
Sebastian-area spa, Metcalf said, enabling
him to see legitimate massage sessions along
with the alleged sex-for-money activity.

He said the Sheriff’s Office was required
by the warrant to “stop the recording” once
deputies saw the woman was receiving a
lawful massage. To do so, however, would’ve
prevented them from observing the actions
taking place in the other three rooms.

Metcalf said he hadn’t requested all of vid-
eos from the East Spa’s two massage rooms
because Vero Beach police use a different
recording system that provides visual access
to only one room at a time.

Two weeks ago, a Jupiter man filed a fed-
eral lawsuit against the town police, one of
its detectives and Palm Beach County’s state
attorney, Dave Aronberg, alleging they vio-
lated his constitutional rights by video-re-
cording the massage he received at the Or-
chids of Asia Day Spa.

The plaintiff, using the name “John Doe”
to protect his identity, accused police of
“spying” on him while he was in a “state of
undress” during his Jan. 19 massage at the
Jupiter spa, where he “did not engage in any
sexual or illegal activity at any time” during
his visit. The lawsuit states that the plaintiff
suffered “invasion of his privacy” and “em-
barrassment” as a result of the video surveil-

According to Aronberg’s office, four of the
spa’s customers – two men and two women
– were recorded while receiving lawful mas-
sages. Metcalf said there’s no legal precedent
or case law in Florida pertaining to the type
of stealthy video surveillance used during
the prostitution sting. Instead, he said state
courts have interpreted the law to authorize
such surveillance, relying on a wire-tap stat-
ute that “mimics” federal law.

“There’s no Florida law that specifically
authorizes surreptitious video surveillance,
because we don’t do this,” Metcalf said, “so
they’re applying wire-tap procedures.”

Those procedures, however, require law
enforcement agencies to report back to the
judges and end the video surveillance once
enough evidence has been obtained to pros-
ecute the case.

Metcalf said the local judges didn’t in-
clude in their warrants the clause requir-
ing the agencies to “cease the interception”
when enough video evidence had been col-
lected. “We’re definitely in uncharted terri-
tory,” Metcalf said. 

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6 April 26, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Take these steps to treat problematic diabetic foot wounds

By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer ambulatory care center. begin in a mundane way. Maybe it’s
[email protected] Dr. Paradoa, despite her youthful ap- a new pair of shoes or an extra-long
walk. Next thing you know, you
More than 65,000 lower limbs are am- pearance, is more than a podiatrist. She have a small callus or blister on
putated annually due to complications is also a wound healing and hyperbaric your foot,” and that – for diabetics
from diabetes including diabetic foot ul- medicine expert as well as a foot and ankle – is a big red flag.
cers, according to the American Podiatric surgeon who is keenly aware that after one
Medical Association. amputation, the chance of having another “The problem arises,” the Cleve-
one within three to five years can be as high land Clinic continues, “when you
Even worse, a huge percentage of those as 50 percent. lose feeling in your feet. If you keep
amputations could have been avoided if di- walking instead of stopping
abetic patients had stuck to their treatment According to Cleveland Clinic, “the best or changing shoes, a
plans and made at least one visit a year to way to prevent diabetic foot ulcers is to keep small sore may turn
a podiatrist like Dr. Amberly Paradoa at your blood sugar levels under control,” but into a much more se-
Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital’s it is also true that diabetic foot ulcers “can rious wound.”

The loss of Dr. Amberly Paradoa.
feeling is due to
peripheral neu- PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
ropathy, which
the Mayo Clinic “Diabetic foot ulcers,” she explains,
points out “is “are just so problematic because these
a type of nerve patients can have reoccurrences of their
damage that can wounds … our goal is to try to heal them
occur if you have as quickly as possible.”
diabetes.” It dam-
ages the nerves in That, she says, is vitally important be-
your legs and feet. cause “some of the statistics show that
for patients with diabetic foot ulcers
“Peripheral neu- with diabetic neuropathy and peripher-
ropathy,” the Roch- al vascular disease, the mortality rate is
ester, Minnesota, in- [just] five years.”
stitution adds, “is the most common type
of diabetic neuropathy. It affects the feet “There are times I have to tell patients
and legs first.” The signs and symptoms [about their foot wounds] ... because they
of peripheral neuropathy include numb- don’t feel their foot. They don’t feel the
ness or a reduced ability to feel pain or pain. So, they don’t even realize there’s
temperature changes. a problem.”

Not feeling the pain from one of those “Prevention is key,” Paradoa says. “It’s
“small sores” can lead to big trouble since the key. Diabetics should at least be seeing
about 10 percent of people with diabetes their podiatrist once a year.”
will end up with a foot ulcer.
And, she adds, what you wear on your
Or worse.
“I always tell my patients,” Paradoa
states flatly, “that [with peripheral neu-
ropathy] the foot and the brain are no lon-
ger wired correctly. And that neuropathy
gradually gets worse and worse without
them realizing it.”
She advises checking the bottoms of the
feet and in between the toes looking for any
red spots, any blisters or any open sores.

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH April 26, 2019 7

feet can make a big difference, too. Infectious disease doctor also treats persistent wounds
Besides daily inspections of your feet,
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer A lot of urinary tract infections and then I’m referred patients who [other physi-
Paradoa strongly recommends protective [email protected] bone and soft tissue infections. And then, cians] think are infected and I think at
footwear and avoiding walking barefooted, with world travel, we get exotic things ev- least two or three times a year we get re-
even in the home. Infectious diseases, says the World ery now and then,” but he quickly adds ferrals for patients who have had wounds
Health Organization, “are caused by he spends a good part of his week at the for several months and they’ve been treat-
“I have patients who will tell me, ‘Oh, I pathogenic microorganisms such as bac- hospital’s ambulatory care center treating ed with 10 different antibiotics,” but when
wear socks at home,’ but socks don’t pro- teria, viruses, parasites or fungi.” diabetic wounds. Phillips examines them and performs a
tect your feet from sharp objects or banging biopsy, this so-called wound turns out to
your toes, things like that.” According to the National Center for “Infections and wounds,” Phillips says, be skin cancer.
Health Statistics and the National Foun- “go hand in hand. With any condition that
The plain fact is, people with diabetes dation of Infectious Diseases, that in- gives you a chronic wound, you have a po- “Something that can look infectious
need to pay particularly close attention to cludes the 1.4 million Americans who tential for infection.” isn’t always infectious,” Phillips says.
their feet. have chronic hepatitis B infections along
with another 3.9 million with chron- However, “not everybody I see in here Like most up-to-date medical special-
Depending on both the diagnosis and ic hepatitis C infections and the nearly has an infection,” Phillips adds. “Often
the patients’ adherence to a treatment plan, 10,000 new cases of Tuberculosis that are CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
that may be enough. Or it may not be. diagnosed in this country each year.

During a screening, Paradoa may realize Add sexually transmitted disease and
there are other problems that need to be ad- illnesses like chicken pox, whooping
dressed such as peripheral artery disease. cough, Diphtheria, Meningitis and Vib-
She might then send the patient to a vascu- rio is to that list, along with a seemingly
lar specialist. But the sooner those steps – if endless number of potential influenza vi-
they’re needed – are taken, the less likely it ruses, and you might think an infectious
is that amputations and other surgical in- disease specialist like Cleveland Clinic
terventions will be needed. Indian River Hospital’s Dr. Michael Phil-
lips wouldn’t have enough hours in the
Considering that the Centers for Disease day to take on anything else.
Control estimates “more than 100 million
U.S. adults are now living with diabetes or You would be wrong.
pre-diabetes,” an annual visit to a podi- “In Vero Beach,” Phillips explains, “we
atrist is a prudent move to help keep your see a lot of what we call bread-and-butter
feet firmly on the ground. things like skin and soft tissue infections.
And pneumonias: a lot of pneumonias.
Dr. Amberly Paradoa is with the Cleveland
Clinic Indian River Hospital. Her offices are
at 1000 36th Street and 3735 11th Circle, Suite
201 in Vero Beach. The phone number at
36th Street is 772-563-4625 and the number
at 11th Circle is 772-299-7009. 

8 April 26, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Dr. Michael Phillips.


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 dealing with for the last 20 or 30 years.”
He points to the development of infec-
ists, Phillips is keenly aware of the over-
use of antibiotics. The New York Times tions like MRSA, which is a staph infec-
went so far as to say antibiotics “are not tion that has become resistant to the anti-
just overprescribed. They often pose spe- biotics that were used to treat it.
cial risks to older patients, including ten-
don problems, nerve damage and mental Then, almost boastfully, Phillips adds,
health issues.” And they are all too often “we have an excellent infection-control
prescribed incorrectly. program in this hospital and the numbers
– year after year – have been well below
“People are being treated for allergies the national average for infections.”
with antibiotics and they’re just inappro-
priate for that.” Of course, Vero being Vero, Phillips ad-
mits that new, “imported” problems ap-
While it might be appropriate, say, to pear all the time.
share photos of your children or grand-
children with friends on social media, one “Everybody comes here from every-
thing that clearly frosts Phillips is people where else to retire. So we import a lot of
“sharing” their antibiotic prescriptions. our diseases. I think that’s something we
get used to handling because there’s al-
“What we see,” says Philips, “is people ways something new coming from some-
who borrow their friends’ antibiotics. We where else that we have to adapt to and
see that a lot. [Friends will say], ‘I have some take care of.”
leftover whatever. Do you want to borrow
it? It looks like you need an antibiotic.’ Dr. Michael Phillips is an infectious dis-
ease specialist who is also board certified in
“The risk with the overuse of antibi- internal medicine. His office is at 3450 11th
otics is that we now see [antibiotic-resis- Court, Suite 203. The phone number is 772-
tant] infections. That’s what we’ve been 794-5631. 

10 April 26, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS

Bonz thinks itsy bitsy Lil Lee is as cute as can be

Hi Dog Buddies! PHOTO: KAILA JONES Lil Lee She wiggled the grass but the snake didn’t
move. So she threw mothballs at it, and it
Lil Lee Slater thinks she’s probly a chi- en an she was alone. What happened then quite an impressive slithered off.”
huahua, the kind with long wavy hair. was Meant to Be, Mr. Bonzo: I was waiting bark, Lil Lee. So, what about pooch pals?
An, cuzza her big beautiful, fluffy ears, for a Mommy an alluva sudden, There She Toys? Food preferences?” “Mothballs?”
I think maybe she’s got some Papillon, WAS, even though I didn’t reelize it yet. I “Yep. When Mommy gets out my har-
too. (That’s French for budderfly. I don’t was very shy an gloomy. I didn’t bark, or “To tell you the truth, Mr. Bonzo, ’cept ness before a walk, I run around her three
ackshully speak French. One time when wag or anything. Had the personality of a for my neighbor Misty (she’s my BFF), I times for luck before she puts it on me. I
I tried, I ended up asking for a shoe with turnip. But Mommy knew I was Her Pooch prefer boy pooches. Sammy’s OK. So’s Jeter. have a collection of bandanas in lotsa col-
cheese on it. I just met a Papillon pooch and she was my Mommy. When we were innerduced, I barked an he ors. I mostly wear the red one Aunt Tootsie
once at a party.) just walked off, but then he stayed here got me. I also have a buncha swedders. My
“For the longest time after I got to my one time while his humans were away, and favorites are the red an green Christmas
Anyhow, Lil Lee is real pretty: golden Forever Home, I just sorta hung out. I was we got to know each other bedder. Now me one and the red one with a dog on it.”
coat, delicut fee-chures, feathery hair on what humans call list-luss. Inside, I was an him are like brother an sister. “I’m guessing red’s your favorite color,”
her legs, thick, wavy tail. An DOG can she wonderin’ if Mommy was gonna drop me I commented.
bark! She also makes this real high squealy off somewhere pretty soon, like what hap- “I don’t like toys all that much. One time “Yes, I s’pose it is. It goes so well with my
sound that could slosh the water right out- pened before. I couldn’t imagine an ack- Mommy gave me one of her socks to chew. wavy, golden hair, don’t you think?” She
ta your dish. shul Forever Home, so I didn’t wanna get That was fun. Then she washed it and it gazed at me with those big, dark eyes.
my hopes up. was never the same. I like chasin’ lizards, “Ab-so-woofin’-lutely, Miss Lil Lee,” I
Lil Lee stood peeking out from behind of course. One time I was concentratin’ on said with great sincerity.
her human when me an my assistant en- “I didn’t make a single sound for weeks a lizard an there was this snake right by Oh, an guess what Mr. Bonzo? Two of
tered. She immediately started jumpin’ all an weeks. But Mommy just kept givin’ me me an I didn’t notice it, but Mommy did. Mommy’s other dogs were in the ackshull
over the place, twirlin’ around and barkin.’ love and kibbles. Anna a nice bed. An lot- PAY-per. In that part humans call comics
sa toys. An leash walks. She knew I’d figure DON’T BE SHY an are always laughin’ at. It was in one
“Good morning, I’m Bon …” stuff out uh-VEN-shully. Then, one day, I called ‘Marmaduke.’”
“Bark. Bark. Bark. Bark.” did! When we were getting’ ready for our We are always looking for pets “Oh, right, the Great Dane!”
“Bonzo. This is my ...” walk, there was this Sound. It startled both with interesting stories. “Yes. They had their pickshurs in that
“Bark. Bark. Bark. Bark.” of us. It was ME! I had barked. Now, maybe one cuz they did funny things. Come,
“It’s a pleas…” you noticed, Mommy can’t shut me up.” To set up an interview, email look.”
“Bark. Bark. Bark. Bark.” [email protected]. She showed me a big framed pickshur of
Her human picked her up, an she “I did notice that,” I said. “You’ve got the cah-mick.
shushed. “Oh. Sorry. I just get SO excit- “Shut the Doghouse Door! That’s Seri-
ed about CUMP-ny. PLUS, I always alert ously Cool Dog Biscuits!” I exclaimed. “So
Mommy if I hear anything outside. This is what’s your favrite food?”
my Mommy, Gwen. I’m Lil Lee Slater. We’ll “I guess I’m a teeny bit picky. Mommy
go sit in the kitchen, OK?” cooks me chiggen tenders with cell-ree an
“Absolutely,” I said. Lil Lee remained rosemary an a liddle garlic. An she always
gracefully seated in her Mom’s lap for the makes sure I have good dental hi-jean. I
duration of the innerview. Except when the love getting’ my teeth brushed. It gives me
Garbage Truck went by. that squeaky clean feeling. Then, Mommy
I opened my notebook, and she shared gives me my treat. I grab it an rush to the
her story. bedroom, to a spot where I can eat it AN
“Back in January 2017, when I was watch the front door. Just in case. You al-
around 3, I got dropped off atta rescue ways gotta be VIDGE-i-lunt. Even though
place called Dogs an Cats Forever. I had just I’m liddle, I’m BRAVE. Nothing scares me!
had the No Puppies Procedure, an I was
restin’ in a volunteer’s lap, when Mommy The Bonz
came in. She had had lots of ShihTzus over
the years but they’d all gone to Dog Heav-

Peaceful Stoney Brook Farm
home is move-in ready

425 Stoney Brook Farm Court: 3-bedroom, 3-bath, 2,700-square-foot single-family home offered for $449,000
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12 April 26, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE

Peaceful Stoney Brook Farm home is move-in ready

By Debbie Carson | Staff Writer Ryan said the house is perfect for those beat with friendly conversation or what’s ble-oven mounted in the wall and a flat
[email protected] who spend a lot of time indoors – the set- happening on the television. cook-top. The counters throughout the
up is logical; the flow is easy. While cooking house, including the kitchen, are granite.
Standing outside a home on Stoney and cleaning up, you don’t have to miss a The gourmet kitchen is stocked with
Brook Farm Court, the faint sound of cows stainless-steel appliances, including a dou- And the center of the kitchen is a mas-
mooing in a nearby field can be heard, lend- sive island with built-in storage, a sink,
ing the large-lot neighborhood an almost FEATURES FOR 425 STONEY BROOK FARM COURT and space enough to easily seat three on
rural feel, even though it is close to town. bar stools.
Neighborhood: Stoney Brook Farm • Lot size: 1/3-acre
“It has a peacefulness about it,” home- Construction: Concrete block, custom built through GHO Cupboards fill the wall space and cabi-
owner Lindsey Mills said, standing with nets and drawers provide all the storage a
her husband, Ryan, and their 16-month- Year built: 2016 • Size: 2,700 square feet family would need – and then some.
old daughter, Harper. The streets see lit- Bedrooms: 3 – plus den • Bathrooms: 3
tle traffic and children ride bicycles along Additional features: Impact windows, lake view, 2.5-car Lindsey said one of her favorite things
the sidewalks. garage, plantation shutters, granite counters. about the house is all the storage – numer-
Listing agency: Berkshire Hathaway Home Services ous closets, shelves, cupboards.
The idyllic Stoney Brook Farm commu- Listing agent: Beth Livers, 772-559-6958
nity sits west of town, two minutes from the “This house is stacked,” she said.
interstate and south of State Road 60. Listing price: $449,000 And that applies to the 2.5-car garage,
too, which has plenty of room to store bicy-
The Mills family built their dream home cles and trash and recycle bins, as well as a
with GHO in the community in 2016. But, potential workbench or other storage. And,
less than three years later, decided that they near the door to the house, the A/C unit is
want a home on the Indian River Lagoon. housed in a large, climate-controlled closet
that can be used for more storage – like hol-
“If we could have picked up this home iday décor and suitcases, things that would
and moved it, we would have,” Ryan otherwise wilt in the heat of an attic.
Mills said. Between the garage and kitchen sits the
laundry room. It, too, is well-appointed
Instead, they lucked into an older home with cupboards and cabinets, along with
on the island side of the river. “We’re big a utility sink. The Mills are leaving behind
boating people,” Lindsey said, adding that their front-loading washer and dryer.
river purchase happened quickly. The couple upgraded their daughter’s
room with solid wood flooring and had ev-
When they were searching for a home ery intention of doing the same for the oth-
in Vero Beach, Lindsey said she found er bedrooms. The other bedroom and the
most new neighborhoods too cookie-cut- master bedroom both have lush carpeting
ter and the houses crammed together. that looks freshly installed.
Stoney Brook Farm was free from both The bedrooms have ceiling fans with
flaws. light and the two standard bedrooms have
upgraded closets – wooden shelving in-
Lindsey essentially had free rein to de- stead of typical coated wire racks.
sign the house with GHO’s studio, opting The pièce de résistance of the master bed-
for a 2,700-square-foot estate-style modern room are the custom-built his and her clos-
home. The open concept and a split floor ets. “I decked this thing out,” Lindsey said.
plan provide ample space for entertaining. The lady’s side is cognizant of the need for

“It has everything we wanted in a house,”
she said – the entertainment space, an of-
fice-den, the open concept. “It just feels
homey. It feels right.”

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E April 26, 2019 13

different hanging heights, along with plenty seat. A transom window on the shower wall center, a meeting room, a library, a small made use of the clubhouse pool instead.
of shelving space for shoes and drawers for lights the room brilliantly. kitchen, and a large gathering space. Selling the house is bittersweet for the
storage. The guy’s side also features several
drawers and shelves, along with retractable “There’s a really nice flow,” Lindsey said There’s also a heated pool and a children’s couple.
tie and belt racks. of the master suite. playground, both of which are fenced. “It served us so well,” Lindsey said, even

The en suite features an open shower Stoney Brook Farm has four lakes, one “That was a huge selling point for us,” in the short amount of time they lived there.
with a bench and a wall-length dual vanity of which provides lovely views for all three Ryan said of the clubhouse’s amenities. She said she hopes another young family
with space between the sinks for a bench bedrooms. The neighborhood also has a While they had thought about installing will move in and enjoy it as they would have
community center that boasts a fitness a pool on their property, the Mills often if they had stayed. 

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FABULOUS NEW executive home in upscale com- Open Sunday
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WAKE UP early so you can see beautiful sunrise with AFFORDABLE condo 2 BR, 2 full baths. Deck view is Custom block home built in 2003; popular Burgoon
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community amenities: clubhouse, pool, docks, tennis. Needs a little love-- great value! $223,500
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14 April 26, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE



A whopping 46 transactions of single-family residences and lots were reported from April 15-19 in
the mainland real estate market (some shown below).
The top sale of the week was in Vero Beach, where the riverfront pool home at 499 12th St. SE –
first listed in December for $899,000 – sold for $740,000 on April 17.
Representing the seller in the transaction was agent Shane Reynolds of Treasure Coast Sothe-
by’s International. Representing the buyer was agent Piper Johnson of LaRocque & Company


VERO BEACH 499 12TH ST SE 12/4/2018 $899,000 4/17/2019 $610,000
VERO BEACH 2266 12TH ST 10/26/2018 $749,000 4/17/2019 $490,000
SEBASTIAN 6626 110TH ST 4/11/2019 $535,000 4/15/2019 $425,000
SEBASTIAN 816 YEARLING TRL 5/3/2018 $435,000 4/18/2019 $389,000
VERO BEACH 5335 SOL RUE CIR 1/19/2018 $499,000 4/19/2019 $335,875
VERO BEACH 5106 FORMOSA CIR 2/19/2019 $355,000 4/18/2019 $325,000
VERO BEACH 4587 ASHLEY LAKE CIR 8/12/2018 $350,000 4/15/2019 $325,000
VERO BEACH 1025 WHITE TAIL AVE SW 2/21/2019 $375,000 4/18/2019 $304,000
VERO BEACH 484 S KEY LIME SQ SW 12/27/2018 $359,900 4/17/2019 $300,000
SEBASTIAN 349 FORDHAM ST 2/11/2019 $300,000 4/15/2019 $295,000
VERO BEACH 8185 25TH ST 1/22/2019 $300,000 4/15/2019 $295,000
VERO BEACH 5221 4TH PL 1/4/2019 $309,900 4/17/2019 $282,500
VERO BEACH 1889 37TH AVE 9/3/2018 $325,000 4/15/2019 $275,000
SEBASTIAN 156 S WIMBROW DR 2/22/2019 $279,900 4/15/2019

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E April 26, 2019 15


2266 12th St, Vero Beach 6626 110th St, Sebastian

Listing Date: 10/26/2018 Listing Date: 4/11/2019
Original Price: $749,000 Original Price: $535,000
Sold: 4/17/2019 Sold: 4/15/2019
Selling Price: $610,000 Selling Price: $490,000
Listing Agent: Gary Farless Listing Agent: Scott Reynolds

Selling Agent: Farless Properties LLC Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

NOT PROVIDED Ashleigh Lovell

NOT PROVIDED Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.

816 Yearling Trl, Sebastian 5335 Sol Rue Cir, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 5/3/2018 Listing Date: 1/19/2018
Original Price: $435,000 Original Price: $499,000
Sold: 4/18/2019 Sold: 4/19/2019
Selling Price: $425,000 Selling Price: $389,000
Listing Agent: Robin Raiff Listing Agent: David Riley

Selling Agent: EXP Realty, LLC Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

Robin Raiff Scott Meredith

EXP Realty, LLC Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl

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All information (including, but not limited to prices, floor plans, site plans, features, standards and options, planned amenities) is not guaranteed and
remains subject to change. Maps are not to scale. Prices may not include lot premiums, upgrades, and options. Community Association or other fees may
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Adam Schnell.
Coming Up!
SCORE ONE FOR THE Riverside’s ‘Legally Blonde’:
SYMPHONY’S TRIBUTE Perky, quirky and fun PAGE B2

By Samantha Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]

1 Next Sunday. Try to imagine
a movie without music: From
the depths of the ocean to a galaxy
far, far away, a score can transform
a film’s words and visuals to create a
completely absorbing emotional ex-
perience. (Who can forget those two
ominous notes that defined terror
lurking beneath the waves?) When it
comes to creating breathtaking, un-
forgettable movie scores, the incom-
parable John Williams stands alone
at the summit. This Sunday, April
28, at the VBHS Performing Arts
Center, the Space Coast Symphony
Orchestra continues its exciting 10th
anniversary season with a smash-
ing multi-media concert celebrating
Williams, one of the most lauded
composers of all time, a brilliant tal-
ent who has composed some of the
most popular and recognizable film
scores in cinematic history. More
likely than not, your favorite score
was written by Williams, sometime
during his more than six-decade-


B2 April 26, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

Riverside’s ‘Legally Blonde’: Perky, quirky and fun

By Pam Harbaugh | Correspondent Kathryn Brunner as Elle Woods.
[email protected]
Riverside Theatre and Walnut Street The-
atre spent a whopping $1,390,513 to co-pro-
duce “Legally Blonde: The Musical.” Gulp.

As Elle Woods, in her perky pink suit and
clutching her bedazzled Chihuahua would
exclaim – “Oh My God … Oh My God You

But no worries – Elle is here to say that
you can have it all.

That’s what you learn in the snappy, bub-
blegum musical “Legally Blonde,” which has
come to energetic life at Riverside Theatre.

The 2007 musical – based on the 2001
Reese Witherspoon movie, which was based
on Amanda Brown’s book – revolves around
a perky young woman, Elle, whose signa-
ture color is pink. And yes, she’s got gobs of
blonde hair.

Director/choreographer Richard Stafford
keeps the bouncy pace bright and breezy
throughout. Dancers fill up the space with
gyrating arms and high kicks, and fling their
bodies this way and that, like it’s a televised
Dance Party and everyone is doing “The

Music director Anne Shuttlesworth
leads the almost non-stop music, written
by Laurence O’Keefe and Nell Benjamin.

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE April 26, 2019 B3

Jenna Pinchbeck as Enid and
Kathryn Brunner.

Kathryn Brunner. ... the musical pleases and will draw Parker Krug as the UPS Guy and Rebecca Robbins
several laughs from the weary and as Paulette.
The 11-piece pit orchestra makes some big
sounds here. even more from the unjaded. “Legally Blonde” begins with “Omigod You
Guys,” a sweet, bouncy number that will
But the look of the show is a bit on the become a total earworm. In it, UCLA Delta
slim side, and not exactly the full-on visuals Nu sorority sisters chatter about Elle getting
you would expect for a $1 million-plus pro- engaged; peppered with frequent good-na-
duction. Nevertheless, the musical pleases tured calls to “shut up!”
and will draw several laughs from the weary
and even more from the unjaded. Instead though, boyfriend Warner an-
nounces he’s going to Harvard to study law
Evocative of the opening of the 1960 mu- and to, hopefully, find a “Jackie” instead of
sical “Bye Bye Birdie,” this production of

B4 April 26, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

CONTINUED FROM PAGE B3 Sara Brophy as Brooke. There’s slimy lawyer Professor Callahan
(strongly portrayed by Paul Schoeffler), who
a “Marilyn” – someone he feels could help Rebecca Robbins. sings that the best lawyers are sharks and
him on the political front. the rest are chum. When Callahan makes a
move on Elle, she slaps him good and hard.
Ever the positive person, Elle (a most One person in the audience was heard say-
adorable Kathryn Brunner) decides on the ing “That hurt!”
spot to become a lawyer as well, scores
big on the LSAT and finagles her way into There’s also the lesbian and the gay men,
Harvard Law. And no, her parents did not and a Greek chorus of go-go dancing Delta
grease any palms, nor did she send in doc- Nu sisters.
tored photographs of herself rowing for
crew. Well, it takes a lot of ingredients to make
decent bubble gum, and you will enjoy
Instead, she sends a video; one featur- this show’s pop for sure. It’s just that we’re
ing her with a marching band that has so getting sort of used to questioning certain
much energy it’ll leave you exhausted. The things, which makes “Legally Blonde” seem
head honchos at Harvard Law decide that suddenly old.
it would be a good exercise in diversity to
admit her. (Oh My God … Oh My God You Perhaps we’ve grown sensitive to empty
Guys!) sugar. Now, jokes about lesbians feel cru-
el. And stereotypes about gay men feel as
Warner (Sean Thompson) is surprised to wrong as the racist stereotypes of Asians in
see Elle at Harvard. And Elle is just as sur- “Anything Goes” or “Thoroughly Modern
prised to see his new girlfriend, Vivienne Millie.” It becomes a little squirmy.
(Lindsey Bliven, who enjoys the musical’s
most well-rounded character). Vivienne Elle says you can have it all. Maybe you
begins as Elle’s enemy but ends up her can’t.
But then there are those two adorable
There’s also the sincere law graduate, Em- trained dogs that win our hearts more than
mett (Elliott Styles), a guy who feels comfy anything. Yes they do!
in wrinkled corduroy. Even if you never saw
the ultra-popular movie, you know that Em- And yeah, we do have fun watching the
mett is the guy for Elle, even though they UPS guy (Parker Krug) wiggle his backside.
never kiss. Shut up!
OMG you guys … Pink wins.
Don’t leave out Elle’s new best friend, Pau-
lette (Rebecca Robbins), a hard-working hair “Legally Blonde: The Musical” runs through
stylist; and her Delta Nu sister, Brooke (Sara May 5 at Riverside Theater, 3250 Riverside Park
Brophy), who is wrongfully accused of murder. Dr., Vero Beach. Tickets start at $35. Call 772-
231-6990 or visit 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE April 26, 2019 B5

CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 1 A tribute to John Williams, Sunday at VBHS Performing Arts Center. Davis came to stand-up late, being otherwise
occupied with raising a family. When he did
long career. As the concert promo puts it, Indian River Community Cats, and Dogs and day, May 3 and 4, it’s the Comedy Zone: a pair enter the comedy biz, he wasted no time get-
Williams’ music “has transported us be- Cats Forever.You’ll discover all sorts of creative of stand-up comics whose mission in life is ting noticed and boosted by the likes of Joan
yond our imagination – to new worlds – pieces in oil, acrylic, watercolor, mixed media, to put a smile on your face, and humor that Rivers, who nabbed him for her opening act
through heart-pounding adventures.” For collage, sculpture, ceramic, jewelry and pho- best suits 18 and up. Bringing the funny this after watching his video for about 20 sec-
this not-to-be-missed concert, Maestro tography by the gallery’s 14 artist-owners, its weekend will be Sid Davis and Gali Kroup. onds. Boom. He was also voted Best of Fest
Aaron T. Collins will conduct 18 pieces – se- represented artists, and well-known animal by audiences at the San Luis Obispo Comedy
lections from “Superman,” “Jurassic Park,” artists Georgina Love, Gail Damon and Keri Festival three years in a row. Kroup was born
“E.T.,” several from the “Star Wars” series Keene. And the animal theme isn’t limited to in Israel and had the “stage bug” right off the
and more. The orchestra’s principal clari- only dogs and cats, but includes other species bat, along with a “highly developed sense of
netist, Jennifer Royals, will solo for “Victor’s – domestic and wild. Drop by the gallery recep- humor and a zany wit,” according to the Riv-
Theme” from “The Terminal,” and Con- tion Friday, May 3, during the Historic Down- erside promo. Her delivery is deadpan, her
certmaster Carey Moorman will perform town Vero Beach First Friday Gallery Stroll. In one-liners are zingy and her style is clean,
the violin solos in the “Schindler’s List” se- fact, why not make an evening of it. Galleries, smart and sophisticated. Before and during
lection. On-screen movie clips will also be a shops, restaurants and pubs will be open; drift the comedy shows inside, you can hang out
part of the concert. Gleaned from Wikipe- in and out at your leisure. Perhaps you’ll find a under Riverside’s famous oaks for Live in the
dia, here are but a few reasons Williams is a work that calls your name. The vibe is always Loop, the free live music venue, with a full bar
true musical icon: numerous unforgettable pleasantly artsy. Stroll time: 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. and grill to go with. (You might want to BYO
scores, all but four of Steven Spielberg’s fea- 772-643-6782. chair, just in case, but don’t BYO anything
ture films during their 40-plus-year part- else.) This Friday, the Bobby Owen Band will
nership, the 1984 Summer Olympics and keep the tempo up with classic rock. Keeping
NBC Sunday Night Football. Plus he was the rock classic on Saturday, the Oddessey
the Boston Pops’ conductor for 13 years, Band covers the Allman Brothers, CSN, Jimi
has won 24 Grammys, seven British Acad- Hendrix, Grateful Dead and the like. Times:
emy Film Awards, five Oscars and four Comedy Zone: 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., Live
Golden Globes, a coveted Kennedy Center in the Loop, 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Tickets: Com-
Honor, and a ton of other accolades. “I grew edy Zone: side seats, $12; table seating, $14-
up with the music of John Williams front $18. private special occasion VIP booth, $36/
and center in my life,” Collins shares. “His person. Live in the Loop entertainment: free.
ability to convey action, excitement, dra- 772-231-6990. 
ma and every conceivable human (or alien)
emotion through his film music made me 3 Keep those laughs coming: We could
realize that orchestral music was for me.” all use a little more levity, right? The
Tickets are going fast. Time: 3 p.m. Tick- place to find laughs and more (more being
ets: $25 in advance, $30 at the door, under live music, food, bevs and a great venue) is
18 or with student ID, free. 855-252-7276 or Riverside Theatre, most weekends through- out the year. This coming Friday and Satur-

2 Animal lovers and/or art lovers – make
a note: Through the ages – from the
walls of prehistoric caves to the halls of Ver-
sailles, ancient Egypt to Wall Street – animals
have always been a favorite subject of art in
its various forms. Opening this Tuesday, April
30, at Gallery 14, and running through May,
dogs and cats will again be the inspiration for
art. The works on display will not only be “of”
dogs and cats, but also“for” dogs and cats, says
the show promo. “Artful Animals II” (a repeat
of the successful 2017 event) will benefit a pair
of nonprofit animal support organizations,


Washington Bureau Chief 1. Whe We Left Cuba 1. The Matriarch BY SUSAN PAGE 1. Diary of an Awesome Friendly
"in conversation" with BY CHANEL CLEETON 3. Bad Blood Kid BY JEFF KINNEY
Susan McManus, USF Professor Emerita 2. We are the Gardeners
2. Where the Crawdads BY JOHN CARREYROU
THE MAKING OF AN AMERICAN DYNASTY 3. The Lost Girls of Paris 5. Lessons from Lucy 3. Don't Let Them Dissapear

Autograph Line Tickets with book purchases. BY PAM JENOFF BY DAVE BARRY BY CHELSEA CLINTON & GIANNA MARINO
We kindly request that seating be reserved for autograph line
4. Silent Patient 4. The Good Egg BY JORYJOHN &
ticket holders - thank you.
Sunday, May 5th at 3 pm
5. Wild Card BY STUART WOODS 5. Anatoly Anole: The Boastful

RICHARD J. KERR 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |


Odd and Intriguing Stories from
Vero Beach

Tuesday, May 14th at 4 pm

B6 April 26, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE

Hibiscus Festival helps showcase what’s up downtown

Miss Hibiscus 2019 Rebekah Parsons. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Host Cindy Goetz with contestants Unique Eden, Mackenzie Cooley, Kylie Gilbert, Jasmine Murray, Marie Lorenz,
Michaela Silvey, Grace Carlon, Alicia Maneiro, Daisy Cabanas and Rebekah Parsons.

Kim Partlow with Jackpot Jack the Gorilla. Katrina Collins, Melinda Smith and Blake Green. Alex Dietrich.
Lucy Vitek with sisters Calais and Aviana Bouyssou.
Residents gathered en masse al Hibiscus History Ride, which
for the 2019 Hibiscus Festival in took them to historic sites about
historic downtown Vero Beach, town. The Thursday before
perusing the Fine Art and Fine the weekend festival, 10 young
Craft Show and the numerous women between the ages of 15
vendor booths, cheering on par- and 19 competed in the Hibiscus
ticipants in the United Against Pageant hoping to be crowned
Poverty Shopping Cart Parade, Miss Hibiscus 2019. Taking the
and enjoying live musical enter- title was Rebekah Parsons, Ma-
tainment throughout the day. rie Lorenz was runner-up and
The event raises funds to sup- Unique Edden was second run-
port the efforts of Main Street ner-up. Additional awards were
Vero Beach to preserve and grow presented to Miss Photogenic
the downtown area. Early Satur- Alicia Maneiro and Miss Conge-
day, cyclists rode in a Centenni- niality Mackenzie Cooley. 

Dale McGee and Sharon Lay.


B8 April 26, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

Amalfi Grille: Superior restaurant cares – and it shows

By TIna Rondeau | Columnist red onion, hardboiled egg, and capers with
[email protected] toasted crostinis. Sinful.

For a dinner that’s reliably wonderful, On this evening, we opted to pass up a
from appetizer to dessert, there’s no place salad – though the truffle burrata salad
better in the heart of Vero than the Amalfi with grilled black plums and crispy pro-
Grille. sciutto sounded mighty tempting – and
went straight to the entrées.
You absolutely know a great culinary ex-
perience awaits when you make a reserva- I ordered the hogfish piccata
tion at this white-tablecloth-yet-intimate ($38) while my husband (for
Italian restaurant on the Miracle Mile. about the 90th time) went

Veal Chop.

Lemoncello Raspberry
Mousse Cake.

Calamaretti Amalfi.


Proprietor Bob Rose, who cares deeply for the grilled veal chop ($49). es of wine can run anywhere from $120 to you to send feedback to me at tina@verobe-
about the food and wine served at Amalfi, The beautiful pieces of fresh hog snap- $180 before tip. With a great bottle of wine,
is constantly coming up with something it can come to more. But you also can dine
new, and was hinting last week at a sum- per, sautéed in extra virgin olive oil, white well there for considerably less. The reviewer dines anonymously at
mer surprise he will be unveiling shortly. wine, lemon, capers and butter, were restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
served with a couple of beautiful shrimp The Amalfi Grille, currently open seven 32963. 
But we were in the mood for a couple of over spinach. A very successful dish. nights a week, has put together that win-
the dishes we have come to know and love ning combination of great food expertly
over more than a decade of dining at Amal- My husband’s first bone veal chop, per- prepared, fabulous service and a propri-
fi, so we stuck with a couple of old favorites. fectly grilled medium, was as tender and etor who cares. It is difficult to wish for
tasty as you could possibly hope, topped more.
For starters, we decided to share the cros- with a wild mushroom marsala sauce and
tini of Ducktrap River smoked salmon ($16). served with garlic truffle mashed potatoes I welcome your comments, and encourage
and sautéed asparagus. Superb.
If you believe that starting with the best
ingredients is the sine qua non of a fab- Finally, it came time for dessert – which
is always a highlight of the evening at
Amalfi, where the pastries are a work of
art. On this evening, we went for another

long-time favorite, the limoncello rasp-
berry mousse cake. To die for!
Dinner for two with a
couple of glass-

Dinner nightly

5 p.m. to closing

Beverages: Full Bar

ulous dish, smoked Crostini of Smoked Pear, Pecan & Address:
salmon simply doesn’t Salmon. Gorgonzola Salad. 398 21st Street, Vero Beach
get any better than that cre-
ated by Ducktrap River – and Phone:
the sliced salmon was served with 772-564-8218
a homemade remoulade sauce, diced

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING April 26, 2019 B9

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a la carte brunch menu
11:30 am - 3 pm

call 772.410.0100 for more information 

B10 April 26, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

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Beer, Wine, Sake & Fri & Sat, 6 pm - 10 pm
Full Liquor Bar
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SAT & SUN 4-9

56 Royal Palm Pointe  772-567-4160  Follow us on Facebook & Instagram

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING April 26, 2019 B11





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B12 April 26, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

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9090 N. US Highway 1, Sebastian (next to Rock City) • 772-571-5880

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES April 26, 2019 B13



By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist AJ65

The Farmers’ Almanac in 1978 claimed, “To err is human, but to really foul things up requires J54
a computer.” Also to split an infinitive?
Players who bid up must know how to play up, to make the maximum number of tricks. In
today’s deal, South pushed into six spades. How should he have planned the play after West WEST EAST
led the diamond 10 to declarer’s ace? K52
K74 3
South’s two-diamond rebid was New Minor Forcing, showing at least game-invitational 10 9 8
values and asking partner to describe his hand further. Three spades was game-forcing, KJ64 Q 10 9 8 2
promising a long suit. North liked his maximum with three aces, so control-bid four clubs.
(With an unappealing hand, he would have settled for four spades.) South used Roman Key 7632
Card Blackwood and jumped to six spades when he learned that his partner had two aces
and the spade king or three aces. 10 9 8

Things looked grim, but hoping for the best, South ran the spade queen. When it won, SOUTH
declarer realized that if trumps were 2-2, he was safe; but if West had started with three
trumps, South had to find him with exactly 3-3-3-4 distribution and the club king. Q J 10 9 8 7 6

Declarer played a heart to the ace, ruffed a heart, crossed to the spade ace (bad news), 3
ruffed another heart, cashed his other two diamond tricks and exited with a spade to West’s
king. Good news — West had to lead a club away from the king. South won with his queen AKQ
and claimed his very lucky slam.

Dealer: North; Vulnerable: Both

The Bidding:

1 Clubs Pass
1 Spades Pass 1 NT Pass OPENING
2 Diamonds Pass 2 Hearts Pass
3 Spades Pass 4 Clubs Pass LEAD:
4 NT Pass 5 Diamonds Pass 10 Diamonds
6 Spades Pass Pass Pass

Established 18 Years in Indian River County

(772) 562-2288 |
3920 US Hwy 1, Vero Beach FL 32960

B14 April 26, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES


7 Dependable (8) 1 Downpour (6)
8 Test (4) 2 Rent (4)
9 Writing desk (6) 3 On the subject of (5)
10 Root vegetable (6) 4 Dare (7)
11 Unwind (5) 5 Resent (8)
13 Genius (7) 6 Adage (6)
15 Togs (7) 12 Height (8)
17 Culinary plants (5) 14 Thaw (7)
20 Circumstance (6) 16 Director (6)
21 Expose (6) 18 Summer jacket (6)
23 Nourish (4) 19 Mortar for tiling (5)
24 Waste (8) 22 Aperture (4)

The Telegraph

How to do Sudoku:The Telegraph

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three


Hardware Store & Lumber Yard



63 years Family Owned & Operated
4645 US-1 • (772) 562-4171 •

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES April 26, 2019 B15

ACROSS 85 CIA precursor 33 Rich kid in Nancy comics The Washington Post
87 The following 36 George Eliot, really
1 “Lazy River” preceder 89 “Washboard” muscles, on TV 37 Derek and Diddley OF TURKEYS AND POLITICIANS By Merl Reagle
4 “Wicked Game” singer 90 A cable network 38 A Gershwin
92 Transit system preferred by 39 Blotto NOW AVAILABLE - NEWLY RENOVATED!
Chris 41 Rise
9 What the word “cycloptic” November electees? 44 Relaxation SUMMER MEMBERSHIPS - May 1st - Oct 31st
95 Agnus ___ 45 Legislator’s turf
has? 96 Golden or Walden 48 Indistinguishable, Golf
13 Doing potato duty, 98 Not new
99 Bears witness as November candidates?
to a G.I. 103 Either Holbein 51 Adlai’s inits.
17 November election strategy? 105 Neigh sayers 53 Ex-coach Parseghian
20 Born Yesterday author 107 Earlier 54 Politician’s November
108 Nobel decliner
Garson theatrics?
22 Shares power with political Le Duc 56 Song for Simon & Garfunkel
109 Illinois, par exemple 58 Old-hat
cronies? 110 Spoken 59 Controversial November
23 Heisted 111 Confident comment
24 Anatomical loops 114 Video game name issue?
25 Pilgrim stops 116 Lose greenness 60 Pop in the mail
26 Cup edge 118 Honest candidate’s 61 Secy., perhaps
28 Overwhelms 63 Monkeying (with)
29 Graying reason chances? 65 Like lemons
30 Browning work? 122 WWII plane, the 67 Botch
32 Peace accord 69 ___ Tuesday
34 Plunder ___ Gay
35 Psychopath, 123 Wholesome candidate’s (Mardi Gras)
73 “___ your move”
to his mother appeal? 74 Rawls or Reed
38 Golfer Aoki 124 Aussie hello 76 Loesser’s The
40 Pocket bread 125 Over again
42 Opp. of SSW 126 Raft in Some Like ___ Happy Fella
43 November polling-place list? 77 Queeg’s ship
46 Surprised shouts It Hot 80 Cowboy with a bullwhip
47 Hellene’s H 127 Demise 84 Wide view
48 See 80 Down 86 Chaplin’s brother
49 Evian, e.g. DOWN 88 Blockbuster
50 Epic director David 1 Lip-stretching native 89 Stick
52 Check alternative 2 3.26 light-years 91 N.Y.C. area
54 Overhead compartment in a 3 Edison’s A 93 Give, as homework
4 Certain moths 94 Makeshift wipecloth
jetliner 5 Actor Erwin 97 Use, as one’s experience
55 Paper VIPs 6 Go for ___ (drive) 100 Eschew nightlife
57 Blarney, for one 7 FYI relative 101 House of Wax was filmed in it
59 Male models? 8 Ex-baseball boss Bowie 102 Étienne’s evening
61 Holy holders 9 Frequently 104 Inscribed pillar
62 With 75 Across, to flatter folks 10 Daughter of Tantalus 106 Snail trail
11 Envelop 107 Ma ___ Kettle
in November? 12 Starter switch 112 Skunks
64 Vowel rhyme 13 Approves 113 Take ___ (snooze)
66 Have a meeting with 14 Of birth 114 “... of Orient ___”
67 Two-fingered eye poker of 15 Have November political 115 Package sealer
117 Opposing word
comedy savvy? 119 Opposing word: slang
68 Keats was one 16 Distract folks with 120 Liable
70 Slugger Mel 121 Polite request word: abbr.
71 Current carrier in a gas homespun humor?
72 Wisely 18 Gettysburg loser Single 50$
75 See 62 Across 19 Of a gala Includes tax
77 Wood quantity 21 Pekoe drink brand
78 African bloodsucker 22 Man of Misery Family 75$
79 Crude craft 27 Tall tale Includes tax
81 Sierra Madre treasure 30 How a November electee
82 Curry of TV news
83 Russian news agcy., once vows to cut spending?
84 Andean tableland 31 Assent asea

Island Dunes

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Located on Hutchinson Island, 3 miles south of the Power Plant

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The Telegraph

B16 April 26, 2019 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR

ONGOING the Art Zone. Awards presented to Indian River Horizons of the Treasure Coast; gates open Boulevard Tennis Club, featuring world-ranked
County Juried Student Art Exhibition of works 12:30, Polo at 1:30, Hat Parade at 2:30. 772- up-and-coming touring tennis profession-
Riverside Theatre - Legally Blonde, The Musi- by public, independent, charter and homes- 696-2729 als competing in single and double matches,
cal on the Stark Stage thru May 5. 772-231-6990 chooled students, on display thru May 19. to benefit youth-based charities and schools
28 Mardy Fish Children’s Foundation supported by the Mardy Fish Children’s Foun-
McKee Botanical Garden - Seward Johnson 27 Charity Gun Shoot to benefit Educa- Tennis Championships Tournament dation. $20 daily; $100 all sessions. mardyfish-
exhibit thru April 28. 772-794-0601 tion Foundation of Indian River Coun- Kickoff Party, 5:30 p.m. at the Boulevard Tennis
ty, 10 a.m. at Windsor Gun Club at Indian River Club, with music by Riptide, “shoot-out” mini
Vero Beach Museum of Art - Victorian Radi- Trap & Skeet, followed by lunch. $125 inclusive; tennis matches featuring world-ranked players, 30 My Life Flows on in Endless Song
cals: From the Pre-Raphaelites to the Arts and $35 viewing and lunch only. 772-564-0034 cocktails and hors d’oeuvres. $60. MardyFish- Spring Chorus Concert by members
Crafts Movement thru May 5. 772-231-0707 of Vero Beach High School Mixed Choir, Men’s
27 All American Country BBQ Bash, 5 p.m. Choir and Women’s Choir, 7 p.m. at VBHS PAC.
APRIL at and to benefit St. Francis Manor, with 28 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra $6 & $12. 772-564-5537
BBQ dinner, silent auction, bounce house and presents the music of John Williams,
27 Earth Day and Arbor Day Celebration, country music by Spayed Koolie. $25; $20 chil- composer of numerous iconic film scores, 3 30 Social Justice Initiative presents an in-
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Riverview Park, Se- dren 11 to 20; free 10 and under. 772-562-8575 p.m. at Vero Beach High School PAC. 855-252- teractive conversation, Building a Bet-
bastian, with Eco-Friendly activities for children 7276 ter Vero One Word at a Time, with Kiesha Edge,
and adults, live entertainment and vendors. 27 Vero Heritage Pioneer Dinner, 6 p.m. Anti-Defamation League education director, 7
Free. at the Heritage Center, honors the 30 My Life Flows on in Endless Song p.m. at St. Edward’s School Waxlax Center. No
Hamilton-Mathis Family, homesteaders on Spring Chorus Concert by members charge; registration appreciated. 772-569-4770
27 Children’s Art Festival at the Vero John’s Island in the early 20th century, with a of Vero Beach High School Mixed Choir, Men’s
Beach Museum of art, 10 a.m. to 3 presentation based on an oral history by Lydia Choir and Women’s Choir, 7 p.m. at VBHS PAC. MAY
p.m. features art projects, youth performanc- Hamilton Mathis. $75. 772-770-2263 $6 & $12. 772-564-5537
es, kid friendly exhibition tours and play time in 2 The Derby de Mayo, merging the Kentucky
28 Fashion and Polo: Vero Beach Polo 29 to May 5 - Mardy Fish Children’s Foun- Derby and Cinco de Mayo to support the
Club Season Finale to benefit New dation Tennis Championships at The fundraising efforts of Dr. Raul Storey for the
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, 6 p.m. at Costa
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN d’Este, with Derby and Mexican delights music,
in April 19, 2019 Edition 1 PYRE 2 YANK raffles and auctions. $150. 646-456-3007
8 RING 4 NOTION 2 Swinging into Spring Vero Beach High
9 SNOWSTORM 5 AURORA School Jazz Band Concert, 7 p.m. at VBHS
11 OARING 6 LITIGATED PAC. $6 & $12. 772-564-5537
15 CORDON 10 MAYPOLE 3|4 Riverside Theatre Comedy Zone,
16 APIARY 12 ACID 7:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m., with Live on
18 DRIVER 13 ARTILLERY the Loop free entertainment at 6:30 p.m. 772-
20 CLIENT 14 MONEYED 231-6990

Sudoku Page B13 Sudoku Page B14 Crossword Page B13 Crossword Page B14 (I, GLUTEUS) 4 March for Babies, a 2.5 mile walk from
Riverside Park to benefit March of Dimes,
7:30 a.m. registration, 8:30 a.m. walk.


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