August 17, 2018 | Volume 5, Issue 33 Newsstand Price: $1.00
For breaking news visit
MY TAKE Petition drive
shows support
BY RAY MCNULTY for electric sale
Vero High grad killed in Elite discontinuing flights to White Plains By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer
naval helicopter accident [email protected]
By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer Elite president and Chief Executive Officer John
Aft At 5:20 p.m. on July 31, after [email protected] Pearsall said the airline also will temporarily of- Vero Beach residents have
his stunned and devastated par- fer limited service along those routes during the launched a quixotic grassroots
ents had been assured by doctors Elite Airways will discontinue its non-stop ser- Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. petition drive in hopes of persuad-
at the University of California-San vice connecting Vero Beach to White Plains, N.Y., ing Florida Industrial Power Users
Diego Medical Center that their and Portland, Me., after the Labor Day weekend, but “The service to and from White Plains and Port- Group (FIPUG) to abandon its ef-
son would not recover from the says it plans to resume those flights “near the end of land was seasonal, anyway,” Pearsall said, adding fort to derail sale of Vero’s electric
massive injuries he had sustained the spring,” the company’s president said last week. utility to Florida Power & Light.
the day before, the life-support CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
system was turned off. Zaqary Sanders, a technician
at Vero Councilman Val Zudans’
Fifteen minutes later – 23 hours medical office, set up an internet
after being struck petition at and
by a jettisoned to date nearly 900 people have
fuel tank during a signed.
training exercise,
12 years after The petition is addressed to FI-
his graduation PUG, which objects to the price
from Vero Beach Florida Power & Light would pay
High School – for Vero’s electric system under the
Navy Helicopter agreement approved June 5 by the
Aircrewman 1st Florida Public Service Commis-
Class Jonathan sion.
Clement was gone. In the room By some calculations, FPL is
were his mother and father, two paying $116.2 million more than
brothers, sister, and a few of his the utility is worth, but FPL says
closest Navy buddies, all of whom the transaction will not impose a
were heartbroken as they watched financial burden on its existing 4.9
Clement, only 31, take his final million ratepayers.
NEWS 1-5 PETS 10
REAL ESTATE 11 By Sue Cocking | Staff Writer tom about 200 feet in diameter, ar-
B1 ranged roughly in a V-formation in
ARTS Indian River County plans to 50 to 55 feet of water.
sink a new artificial reef next week
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 about three and a half miles off- The site lies about 5.5 nautical
For circulation or where to pick up shore from Windsor that will be- miles south of Sebastian Inlet. De-
your issue call: 772-226-7925 come a haven for fish and other ployment is scheduled for Aug. 22,
marine creatures, and is expected depending on weather conditions.
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. to attract large numbers of scuba
divers and anglers. “It’s a multipurpose, multiuse
reef, [that will be used for] recre-
Alan’s Reef will consist of 10 hol- ational fishing, diving, dive train-
low, pyramid-shaped structures ing for first responders, and edu-
made of lime rock and concrete cation,” said James Gray, Indian
that will cover an area of sand bot-
2 August 17, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
MY TAKE “I’ve spent the last 11 years wondering under investigation, but Clement’s father where he had been assigned to Helicop-
how I would react if I got that call.” said he already has spoken with the injured ter Sea Combat Squadron 85, an elite unit
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 sailor, who is from Jensen Beach and will nicknamed the “Firehawks,” for the past 13
That call came minutes after midnight attend the funeral service Saturday in Vero months. He had received the Enlisted Naval
breath. “It was,” said Clement’s father, Chris, July 31 – from his daughter, Rebecca, who Beach. Aircrew Warfare Specialist and Enlisted Avi-
“a surreal moment.” had moved to California and was living in ation Warfare Specialist badges, as well as
her brother’s condo. Through tears, she told Clement’s father said the helicopter had five Navy and Marine Corps Achievement
The elder Clement, a project manager for her parents that Clement had been in an ac- returned to the base after a training mission awards, a Good Conduct medal and a Sea
the Hill Group builders in Vero Beach and an cident on the base, suffered massive head in which the crew practiced shooting mis- Service Deployment ribbon.
Air Force veteran, knew his son had placed trauma and was taken to the hospital. siles at targets off the San Diego coast.
himself in harm’s way when he joined the “He had finally made the big leagues,”
Navy in 2007. “And she said the injuries weren’t sur- “The exercise is designed to simulate an his father said. “Everybody liked him and
vivable,” Clement’s father said. “My knees operation where you land the helicopter, respected him. We’ve got 15 guys from his
As an aircrewman in a combat-oriented buckled. As a parent, it was the worst news refuel it and do a crew change, all while the squadron coming to Vero Beach for the fu-
squadron, Clement did more than conduct you can get.” Within hours, Clement’s par- bird is running,” Clement’s father said. “The neral.”
pre-flight inspections of Navy helicopters. ents – his mother, Laura, is a teacher at two pilots hadn’t gotten to the aircraft yet,
He was also a rescue swimmer, trained to Citrus Elementary School – and brothers, and Jon and the other crew member went Among the 15 is expected to be Fire-
pull downed pilots from the sea, and a door Chris Jr. and Matt, were jetting to San Diego, out to do the inspection. hawks squadron commander Cmdr. Joe
gunner, tasked with protecting his aircraft where they were greeted by a military detail Zack, who spoke fondly of Clement at an
from hostile fire. that took them to the hospital and explained “That’s when the tank, filled with 280 on-base memorial service held two weeks
what had happened. gallons of aircraft fuel, somehow jettisoned ago in San Diego.
Though Clement never engaged in actu- from an aircraft’s pylon.” Clement took the
al combat, he went on two deployments to According to news reports, Clement and brunt of the impact, and four men were “In our business, it’s all about trust and re-
the Persian Gulf aboard the aircraft carrier another sailor were injured when a fuel tank needed to get the tank off him. lationships,” Zack said, pausing throughout
U.S.S. Abraham in 2010 and 2012, patrolling detached from an HH-60H Seahawk heli- his eulogy to regain his composure. “In my
the strategic Strait of Hormuz. copter while it was on the ground at Naval “It took a Herculean effort,” Clement’s squadron, I expect professionalism, honesty
Air Station North Island and landed on them. father said. “You’re talking about more than and teamwork. Jon embodied each of those
Then, while stationed in Japan in late The other sailor, a petty officer 2nd class the 1,000 pounds.” qualities.”
2012, Clement was deployed to the disput- Navy did not identify, sustained only minor
ed waters of the South China Sea aboard the injuries. He was treated at the hospital and After nearly 30 minutes at his son’s bed- In a video tribute produced by one of the
U.S.S. George Washington, a nuclear-pow- released the same day. side in the hospital’s intensive care unit, squadron member’s wives, the Firehawks
ered carrier sent to the region as a show of Clement’s father was asked by a member took turns describing Clement, using words
American strength. The incident, which occurred at 6:30 of the squadron to come out into the hall- like “charismatic,” “confident,” “selfless,”
p.m. on July 30, was not disclosed by the way, where the corridor was lined with men “energetic,” “funny” and “positive,” saying it
“I was in the Air Force for four years and Navy, which cited an obligation to publicly wearing flight suits, utilities and military was “impossible to get him down.”
my brother was a Marine Corps aviator for announce only combat-related casualties. uniforms.
28 years; I know military aviation is dan- The story wasn’t reported until six days later, He was also thoughtful, so much so that
gerous,” Clement’s father said from his Vero when the Navy Safety Center released the in- “They all had sad faces, but they were he would volunteer to teach archery, one of
Beach home. “Those guys are out there on formation to the website. there for him,” Clement’s father said. “This his favorite hobbies, to the children of Gold
the sharp end of the stick. Bad things can was a big loss for all of us.” Star parents.
happen. A Navy spokesman said the incident was
It was a big loss for the Navy, too. A account has been cre-
Clement was in his 12th year in the Navy,
August 28, 2018
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS August 17, 2018 3
ated in his honor – the Jon Clement Memori- ARTIFICIAL REEF area 200 feet in diameter. DISCONTINUING FLIGHTS
al Fund was launched with money collected Gray said plans call for up to 60 new
by members of his squadron – and dona- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
tions will go to the Special Liberty Project’s artificial reefs to be put down in the
Gold Star Corps Mentoring Program. River County’s coastal engineer. complex over the next decade or so in- that customer demand for those flights
Named after Palm Bay businessman cluding a rubble reef constructed from “depends on the time of year” and “isn’t as
Clement’s father said he and his wife are approximately 900 tons of concrete strong in the fall, for sure.”
still reeling from their loss, and they’ll prob- Alan Harshman, an ocean advocate, from the Wabasso Fishing Pier, a catwalk
ably seek grief counseling in the weeks after community volunteer and member of beneath the 510 Causeway damaged by According to Elite’s website, seasonal ser-
their son’s memorial service at Community the Sebastian Inlet Sportfishing Asso- Hurricane Matthew, that is scheduled to vice connecting Vero Beach and Portland
Church and burial at Crestlawn Cemetery ciation who passed away last year, the be sunk next year. ends Sept. 2, one day before the last regularly
on Saturday morning. modules will have smaller rocks embed- scheduled flights between Vero Beach and
ded in their concrete surface that came Indian River County’s artificial reef White Plains.
“It’s been really hectic, making all the ar- from the Harshman family’s backyard. program began in the mid 1990s after
rangements, especially with so many people members of the Sebastian Inlet Sport- Pearsall said the airline will announce the
coming in from out of town,” he said. “This Gray said the heavy structures will be fishing Association said they’d like to dates and schedule for its holiday season
thing was quite a jolt, and I’m sure it’s going transported to the site on a barge and see manmade fishing reefs constructed flights later.
to hit me even harder when all this is over, lowered by crane onto the bottom by near the inlet. Between 1997 and 2014,
but it helps knowing how much life Jon McCulley Marine Services of Fort Pierce. the county sank 10 structures about 12 Elite currently offers flights to and from
crammed into his 31 years.” The $30,000 project cost, he said, will nautical miles offshore in about 70 feet Portland on Sundays and Thursdays. The
come from the county’s budget, plus of water. airline offers flights to and from White Plains
Clement’s dad said his son was a rabid contributions by Harshman’s friends. on Mondays and Fridays.
fan of the NFL’s Washington Redskins. He Materials include concrete light
enjoyed sailing, whitewater rafting, archery, Alan’s Reef will be the latest addition poles, culverts, railroad ties and bridge Elite’s seasonal service between Vero
double-deck pinochle and karaoke. And he to a collection of manmade structures in decking. Beach and Asheville, N.C., will continue into
was a devoted “Parrothead” who loved Jim- the recently-permitted Orchid Island Ar- early November.
my Buffett’s music. tificial Reef Complex – a 2.5-square-nau- Harshman’s widow Jane is thrilled the
tical-mile zone stretching 5 to 8 miles new marine habitat will honor her late The Asheville flights will be discontinued
Clement, who was single, was planning to south and 3 miles offshore of Sebastian husband. “I am amazed they actually through the winter months and also are ex-
spend 20 years in the Navy, then move to the Inlet. went ahead and did this for him,” Jane pected to resume in the spring.
Florida Keys, buy a sailboat and find a way to Harshman said. “I mean, who has a reef
use it to make a living. The inaugural reef was Strike Zone, named after them?” The Vero-Asheville service is offered on
deployed last year ago a short distance Sundays and Thursdays, with scheduled de-
Then came that fateful and fatal accident. north of Alan’s site and named for a Mel- She said she expects her grandson partures from Vero Beach at 3 p.m. and from
“If Jon had died in a blaze of glory in a bourne marine retailer that helped with Colin, an avid angler, and the rest of the Asheville at 5:15 p.m.
battle fighting against al-Qaeda, it wouldn’t the project. family will go fishing on the reef.
hurt any less,” Clement’s father said. “The Pearsall said no changes are planned
only difference is that there’s no Silver Star or It’s made up of 14 similar modules The GPS coordinates for the center of for Elite’s year-round service between Vero
Medal of Honor, but that doesn’t mean any- arranged in a bulls-eye pattern over an Alan’s Reef are: 27 50.12658 north; 080 Beach and Newark, N.J., the airline’s most
thing to me. I’m proud that he was serving 21.63936 west. popular route with flights offered on Thurs-
his country.” days, Fridays, Sundays and Mondays.
“We love the Vero Beach market,” Pearsall
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4 August 17, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
ELECTRIC SALE PETITION bers already enjoy the benefits of being an for Oct. 10 and 11 in Tallahassee. no matter how passionately they want to be-
FPL customer, and stand to gain even more “We had tables outside of both of the FPL come FPL customers.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 when Vero Beach customers join FPL.”
open houses. We also had local business “Many people, especially those in un-
FIPUG claims to represent multiple large His petition reads, “We the undersigned owners that are on Vero Electric offer to col- incorporated parts of the county, have
commercial electric customers, including Vero Beach electric system customers re- lect petitions for us,” Sanders said. “People thanked me for starting the petition because
big-box retail stores and manufacturing quest that the Florida Industrial Power Users are outraged. When you are paying $50 to it gives them a voice,” Sanders said.
plants, which draw power from FPL’s sys- Group drop its protest at the Florida Public $100 more for electricity than your neighbor
tem. The group’s attorney, Jon Moyle, says Service Commission and allow the Vero across the street that has a similarly-sized Activist and former Vero councilman
he wants the PSC to take another look at re- Beach electric system sale to be completed.” house, it’s extremely frustrating.” Charlie Wilson has taken aim at another
couping those millions from Vero customers challenge to the sale, the one filed by attor-
via a temporary surcharge, or from some- In addition to the 900 online signatures, The sale is sure to be a major issue in the ney Lynne Larkin on behalf of the Civic As-
where else other than his members’ pockets. Sanders says he has 248 signatures on pa- November Vero Beach City Council election, sociation of Indian River County.
per petitions and intends to collect sig- but customers outside the city limits in the
But Sanders says “many of FIPUG’s mem- natures through September. The PSC has unincorporated county and Indian River Larkin is protesting the $185 million deal
scheduled hearings on FIPUG’s objections Shores cannot vote for pro-sale candidates, on several grounds, including what she
claims was a lack of adequate public input
into the process.
Wilson, in a complaint to the Florida Bar
Association filed on Aug. 7, says Larkin fab-
ricated information to boost her chances of
having standing with the PSC to object, and
that she had no right to file the objection as
the attorney for the Civic Association.
The two-page complaint with 15 pages of
backup documents questions Larkin’s credi-
bility, as well as that of the 900 members Lar-
kin says she represents.
Items B and C of Wilson’s complaint point
out that “Ms. Larkin can show no evidence
of a meeting of the Board of Directors or the
membership where a vote was taken to au-
thorize her to file a protest which resulted
in great financial harm to the City of Vero
Beach, its citizens, and its ratepayer. Ms.
Larkin made numerous assertions in the
petition that she knew to be false, including
the number of members and other errone-
ous facts outlined in the backup provided.”
Wilson said he hopes going to the Bar
might get some results with the PSC. “Before
even considering the issues in the Larkin
complaint, the [main] issue is standing, and
it is clear that Ms. Larkin made false claims
to achieve standing before the PSC – an ac-
tion resulting in considerable damages to
the City of Vero Beach. In my opinion she
should be disbarred and held liable for legal
fees and possible damages.”
On Aug. 21, Wilson plans to ask the Vero
Beach City Council to initiate some sort of
appropriate legal action against Larkin.
Larkin said on Monday, “I’ve not seen
anything, so I can’t comment on it specif-
ically other than to say that if such a com-
plaint was filed, it certainly goes to show the
type of harassment levied by the (pro-sale)
cabal at anyone who demands answers and
accountability regarding such a momen-
tously important transition for the City.”
Meanwhile, Vero Mayor Harry Howle has
asked ratepayers to bombard PSC Chair-
man Art Graham with letters and emails ex-
pressing their support of the sale. Graham, a
well-known fan of municipal-owned electric
utilities, led the opposition to allowing FPL
to book the $116.2 million acquisition ad-
“The recent appeal submitted by FIPUG
is not entirely unexpected when you con-
sider their history of appealing many FPL
and PSC actions . . . [but] it’s disturbing that
a group, which is not subject to paying Vero
Beach electric rates, is so very interested in
subverting the sale of our utility as struc-
tured,” said Mayor Howle.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS August 17, 2018 5
School Board renews Rendell’s contract despite poor reviews
By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer Laura Zorc, who gave Rendell his lowest “Teachers are pleading for support with member Dale Simchick gave Rendell a 3.6.
[email protected] score of 2.25, was critical both of the level student discipline,” Zorc said. The lack of public awareness of the up-
of educational achievement and of the “cul-
The School Board has extended Super- ture and climate” in the schools. Searcy, who gave Rendell an overall grade coming contract renewal and of board
intendent Mark Rendell’s contract through of 2.6 – an F grade on any test – awarded members’ opinions of the superintendent
2020, with almost no public discussion and English Language Arts scores on the Flor- the superintendent a 2.0 for his handling was due to Frost’s efforts. He quashed pub-
without letting the public see individual ida Standard Assessment for third through of personnel issues and failure to attract “a lic knowledge of Rendell’s performance re-
board members’ evaluations of the man in eighth grade are stagnating or declining, high-quality workforce.” view.
charge of a nearly $300 million annual bud- Zorc said. “When I look at these numbers
get, not to mention the education of 17,800 for the 2017-2018 school year, I see 4,504 “Many teachers and CWA (Communi- The renewal only appeared on the July
students. students who are struggling to read and cations Workers of America) employees do 31 agenda, where the decision to extend his
write.” not trust administration and the superin- contract was made, because Searcy protest-
Vero Beach 32963 had to file public tendent. Retribution is an ongoing concern ed its absence and insisted that it be men-
document requests to find out what board Zorc’s concerns belie Rendell’s claim in in the district,” Searcy said. “Trust is nearly tioned in the public document. Even then,
members think of Rendell, whose perfor- his self-evaluation claim that “we have im- non-existent.” there was no backup material, such as cop-
mance measures are the same as the dis- proved student performance in every test- ies of board member evaluations.
trict’s five-year-strategic-plan measures ed subject area except 7th grade Civics.” School Board Chairman Shawn Frost
and thus also reveal what board members Rendell awarded himself a 4.25 for his over- saw things differently. In his evaluation, he Fellow board members couldn’t see each
think about the county schools’ perfor- all performance. wrote that Rendell has done a fine job “cut- other’s evaluations and the public had no
mance. ting through the noise where possible and access, chilling School Board discussion
Zorc and board member Charles Searcy correcting misperceptions,” and gave the and eliminating the possibility of public
Board member’s evaluations of Rendell both were critical of the “culture and cli- superintendent a 4.0 as a communicator. comment.
ranged from 2.25 to 4.5 on a scale where 5 is mate” in the schools. Rendell had claimed Frost’s overall evaluation of Rendell was a
perfect, and averaged 3.44, which is equiva- that discipline referrals are down 14 percent, 4.25. After voicing mild disapproval of Frost’s
lent to scoring 69 on a math, science or En- indicating an improvement in classroom actions, the School Board went ahead and
glish test in one of the county’s 26 schools behavior, but Searcy said teachers have been Rendell got his highest mark from Tiffa- unanimously voted for Rendell’s contract
– hardly a stellar grade. told not to write discipline referrals. ny Justice, who gave him a 4.5. She said that extension, with no discussion of the con-
criticism of Rendell is undeserved. Board tract details.
Builder hopes Vero will approve sale of former Dodgertown Golf Club
By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer ately west of Historic Dodgertown, Hul- what he described as an “urban market” O’Connor said in June that the selling
[email protected] bert said he could break ground within development that would contain retail price would be “north of $2 million” but
the next 12 to 18 months. stores, restaurants, hotels, office space probably less than $2.5 million. Hulbert
The Lakeland-based builder who and plenty of green space. said he will offer $2 million.
wants to buy and develop the former “Typically, the due-diligence process
Dodgertown Golf Club property said he’s takes about six months, and we’re prob- His initial proposal in June included a “We think that’s a fair price and we’re
optimistic the Vero Beach City Council ably looking at a year or so to get the nec- small section of townhouses, but, after taking a big risk,” Hulbert said. “We want
will approve his plan at Tuesday night’s essary permits,” Hulbert said. “But that’s council members showed no interest in to do something different there – some-
meeting, now that he has removed the out of my control.” residential construction on the property, thing Vero Beach doesn’t have [and]
residential part of the project. he replaced them with more commercial something the city would like to see.”
He said he doesn’t anticipate any fur- buildings.
“I’ve done what they’ve asked me to ther objections from the council, but The city bought the land for $9.9 mil-
do, and I can’t imagine anyone doing added that he won’t be surprised if some Hulbert said he did not want to include lion in 2005, near the peak of the real-es-
anything better with that property,” Mark homeowners in the nearby residential the townhouses, but did so to “play it tate boom, but it recently appraised for
Hulbert said. “I’m tired of dancing. I’m neighborhoods oppose the commercial safe,” because it’s easier to calculate “what only $3.5 million. O’Connor said the city
ready to get to work.” project. residential construction will bring.” should be prepared to lose money on the
If the council approves his plan and “There are always a couple,” he said. The development would be designed
instructs City Manager Jim O’Connor Hulbert wants to transform the prop- in a pedestrian-friendly, open-air style Vero Beach still owes between $5.5
to begin negotiating the sale of the city- erty, which has sat idle since the nine- with trees, park-like fields and retention million and $6 million on the loan it took
owned, 35-acre parcel, located immedi- hole golf course was closed in 2004, into ponds, all enclosed by fencing. out to buy the land.
6 August 17, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH
Exciting LASIK surgery advances come into focus
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer seasoned professional like New Vision eye
[email protected] surgeon Dr. David O’Brien.
Going online to read about LASIK eye After all, O’Brien had his own vision cor-
surgery will bring an instant avalanche of rected by LASIK eye surgery some 21 years
acronyms to your screen. ago and was pioneer of laser surgery in
Vero Beach.
You’ll find LASIK, LASEK, PRK, AST,
IOL and a host of other procedures all on Despite all the options mentioned above,
the same page and you might just need a LASIK – the letters stand for laser-assisted
Greek-to-English dictionary to decipher in situ keratomileusis – is by far the most
some of them. commonly performed laser eye surgery for
myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (far-
A much easier and much less confusing sightedness) and various astigmatisms. In
way to learn about the wide range of laser most cases, the procedure can be complet-
eye surgeries available in 2018 is to talk to a
“As usual, my wife knew best
and called 9-1-1.”
“Thanks to my amazing Dr. David O’Brien. PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
stroke care team, I’m back
on the shooting range.” ed in as little as 15 minutes – for both eyes. already had amassed valuable experience
Greek scholars might recall that “Kera- in their use, and they have continued to
At 46 years old, Adam Goodner experienced a stroke. Luckily, his wife upgrade their equipment constantly.
recognized the signs and insisted on getting him to the hospital right to” means “corneal” and “mileusis” means
away. She knew that the sooner a patient is treated, the better the “cutting” or “carving” but, happily, there There are, in fact, two separate lasers
chance of regaining pre-stroke health. After successful treatment, isn’t any carving involved. No surgical involved in LASIK surgery: an ultra-fast
Adam returned to work at the Sheriff’s Office and was even promoted blade of any kind is used in LASIK surgery. “femtosecond laser” which generates an
to Captain in the Patrol Operations Division. energy burst every one quadrillionth of a
The doctors that took care of Adam are all fellowship-trained in As O’Brien puts it, “we use lasers exclu- second, and an “excimer laser” that uses
endovascular surgical neuroradiology and now lead the Interventional sively,” and as it happens, very few eye cen- ultraviolet light to vaporize tissue from
Neurology and Stroke Team providing 24/7 coverage at IRMC. ters have the experience with lasers that the eye’s surface.
O’Brien and New Vision have – 23 years’
• Ayman Gheith, M.D. worth, to be exact. The two lasers combine to reshape eye’s
• Akram Shhadeh, M.D. cornea (the clear, round dome at the front
• Vikas Gupta, M.D. O’Brien got a head-start on many doc- of the eye) improving the way the eye fo-
Learn more about Adam tors by participating in FDA clinical trials cuses light rays onto the retina.
and the Interventional of laser surgery devices and techniques.
Neurology Program at IRMC While the Federal Trade Commission
by visiting “Being involved in clinical trials gave says “millions of people have had LASIK
or call (772) 448-8600. us access to [the newest laser] technolo- surgery to correct their vision with great
gies,” O’Brien says. “We kept getting new success,” it also points out that not every-
iterations before they were FDA-approved. one is a good candidate for the surgery.
We used them in those clinical trials, and
then stopped using them until they were O’Brien wholeheartedly agrees.
approved.” “You have to have good judgment in your
patient selection,” he says. “People who ar-
When the FDA did approve various la- en’t good candidates should not have this
sers for surgery, O’Brien and New Vision
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH August 17, 2018 7
procedure done.” Secondhand smoke a major danger for seniors
“For me,” O’Brien continues, “people
By Fred Cicetti | Columnist
who have very high corrections [needed]
that will require a deep laser ablation of Q. How dangerous is secondhand smoke?
the cornea to change the shape appropri- My son smokes in the house and it is annoying.
ately or if they have very dry eyes,” should
be treated with alternative surgeries such Secondhand smoke – also called envi- most of which are stricter than state laws. To solve your problem, you should try
as AST, or Advanced Surface Treatment, in- ronmental tobacco smoke (ETS) – is made Although air-conditioning may remove to get your son to seek help in fighting his
stead of LASIK. up of the “sidestream” smoke from the end addiction to nicotine. There are many pro-
of a cigarette, pipe or cigar, and the “main- the visible smoke in your home, it can’t re- grams available. Call your doctor for some
AST utilizes “the latest in custom, wave- stream” smoke that is exhaled. move the particles that continue to circu- recommendations. Meanwhile, for your
front optimized excimer laser technology late and are hazardous to your health, so own health, you should insist that he not
… [that creates a] cool ultraviolet light and Nonsmokers exposed to secondhand don’t delude yourself that running the AC is smoke in your house.
produces no heat,” and can correct most smoke absorb the same 4,000 chemical the answer to secondhand smoke dangers.
visual problems while leaving cornea in- compounds that smokers do. More than 60
tact, according to New Vision. of these compounds are known or suspect-
ed to cause cancer.
“Although the healing process is slightly
longer with AST versus LASIK, the end re- About 1 in 100 deaths worldwide is
sults are equally good and the re-treatment caused by secondhand smoke, which kills
rate is very low.” an estimated 600,000 people a year, ac-
cording to World Health Organization
Re-treatment rates is another area (WHO) researchers.
where O’Brien and New Vision seem to
shine. While the FTC claims that “10 per- Secondhand smoke causes increased
cent of LASIK patients in the U.S. require cardiovascular risks by damaging blood
a second surgery, called re-treatment to vessels, decreasing your ability to exercise
restore the desired vision correction,” and altering blood cholesterol levels.
O’Brien notes, “my re-treatment rate is
less than 1 percent.” Some research indicates that people
exposed to a spouse’s cigarette smoke for
That’s important because most LASIK- several decades are about 20 percent more
type surgeries are not covered by insur- likely to have lung cancer. Those who are
ance or Medicare and the prices can range exposed long-term to secondhand smoke
from $4,000 to $12,500. in the workplace or social settings may in-
crease their risk of lung cancer by about 25
O’Brien says that at New Vision, the price percent.
for LASIK surgery is “typically $4,800” and
points out that, in the statistically unlikely Some of the components found in tobac-
event a patient does need re-treatment, he co smoke that are known to cause cancer or
will do it at no charge for up to a year after are suspected to be carcinogenic include:
the first procedure. formaldehyde, arsenic, cadmium, benzene
and ethylene oxide.
If you ask O’Brien what the future of
LASIK and all those other laser eye sur- Here are a few other chemicals in to-
geries will be, he has a ready answer and it bacco smoke along with their effects: am-
doesn’t involve re-inventing the wheel. monia (irritates lungs), carbon monoxide
(hampers breathing), methanol (toxic
“I think that, really, when I go to our when inhaled) and hydrogen cyanide (in-
academy meetings,” O’Brien says, “what terferes with respiration).
you hear people talking about is manage-
ment of the ocular surface. It’s not sexy. It’s Throughout the world, governments are
not a super new X-ray laser that’s going to taking action against smoking in public
give you even further results. What people places, both indoors and outdoors. Smok-
are focusing on now is how we can take an ing is either banned or restricted in public
excellent procedure and really perfect it.” transportation. Several local communi-
ties have enacted nonsmokers’ rights laws,
Dr. David O’Brien is with New Vision Eye
Center at 1055 37th Place in Vero Beach, di-
rectly across from the hospital. The phone
number is 772-257-8700.
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8 August 17, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | HEALTHY SENIOR
E-I-E-I-Oh? Two studies challenge dairy fat’s bad rap
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer low-saturated fat diet did not reduce mortali- “When a person comes in, I usually recom- Samantha Lynch.
[email protected] ty,” according to the New York Times. “In fact, mend low-fat dairy,” says the genial Lynch.
the study found that the greater the drop in “I’m not necessarily recommending a fat-free PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
The debate about the health risks – or cholesterol, the higher the risk of death during or a full fat. I usually go in between, because
benefits – of dairy fat has been going on for the [five-year long] trial” – which makes it there are some benefits.” Lynch, however, has both a bachelor’s and
a while, with the USDA, the Department of seem like dairy fat might be good. master’s degree in course work accredited by
Health & Human Services and a majority of One the one hand: “We know there are the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, has
cardiologists coming down on the side of di- Soon after the old study came to light, some great benefits to a lower-fat diet that been in practice for 10 years and is licensed by
ary fat being harmful. Medical News Today reported on a brand- has some diary fat in it because [that fat the state of Florida. To her, the language of a
new study from the Friedman School of Nu- helps you] absorb more of the food that clinical trial is like a “Dick and Jane” book to
But now, two studies – one new and one re- trition Science and Policy at Tufts University you’re consuming throughout the day. Es- the rest of us.
cently unearthed – have emerged to support in Boston that was published in the American pecially as we age we can’t absorb nutrients
the idea that dairy fat is not so harmful after Journal of Clinical Nutrition. as well,” and those particular fats help the So it makes sense to carefully consider
all and actually has some significant benefits. body absorb more nutrients. her “middle-of-the-road” approach to dairy
Strikingly, Medical News Today concluded, fat – even though that kills the dream of un-
Like anyone in a medically-related field, “whole-fat dairy does not raise cardiovascu- On the other hand: “As we get older,” limited Haagen-Dazs sundaes or wedges of
Vero Beach registered dietitian and nutri- lar risk. Conversely, some fats present in cer- Lynch continues, “we have less of this en- French brie.
tionist Samantha Lynch has a reading list that tain dairy products might even keep stroke zyme called lactase in our gut. We make less
seems to go on forever. and heart disease at bay.” of it and that’s the thing that digests lactose. Of course, before changing your diet, it is
So people become more lactose intolerant as best to consult with your physician to see if he
Most of the time it’s just-released ac- Lynch says she sits somewhere in the mid- they get older. And if you have a full-fat dairy or she agrees that at least a little dairy fat in
ademic studies. But last month it meant dle of what will likely now become an even product, it takes longer to digest, so people your diet might be a good thing.
going back in time some four decades to more hotly contested debate. That makes have more issues with it.”
review a long-forgotten controlled clinical sense, in part, because she is keenly aware Samantha Lynch’s office is at 4445 Hwy.
trial sponsored by the National Heart, Lung that dietary guidelines can and do change. And then there are fat-soluble vitamins to A1A, suite 239 in Vero Beach. The phone num-
and Blood Institute on the effects of dairy consider. ber is 772-584-1835.
fat on cardiovascular health. For example, not that many years ago,
heart patients were advised to eliminate but- “For instance, they fortify milk with vita-
That 9,000-person study, recently rediscov- ter from their diets entirely and replace it with min D,” Lynch explains, “and there are not a
ered in a dusty basement at the University of margarine – until researchers determined lot of food sources of vitamin D. The fat-solu-
Minnesota, yielded a mixed verdict. that the trans fats in margarine were worse ble vitamins are A, D, E and K. If you’re getting
for the heart than the butterfat. vitamin D in your milk, and you’re using full-
On the one hand, participants lowered fat milk, you’re getting more vitamin D than
their cholesterol levels by an average of 14 It is also because Lynch is aware of the you would if you’re having skim milk. So you
points by going on a low dairy-fat diet – which many benefits of dairy products. can absorb your nutrients and vitamins much
seems to indicate that diary fat is bad. But “the better using full-fat or even a low-fat product
as opposed to a fat free.”
Because of the mix of risks and benefits,
Lynch says, “I usually recommend the 2 per-
cent dairy products, and I always go for grass-
fed because the lipid profile is different there.”
Of course, studies like the recent one from
Tufts can be difficult – if not impossible –
for laymen to read on their own. Sentences
like this would probably stop most of us in
our tracks: “In multivariable models, circu-
lating pentadecanoic, heptadecanoic, and
trans-palmitoleic acids were not significant-
ly associated with total mortality, with ex-
treme-quintile HRs of 1.05 for pentadecano-
ic (95% CI: 0.91, 1.22), 1.07 for heptadecanoic
(95% CI: 0.93, 1.23), and 1.05 for trans-palmi-
toleic (95% CI: 0.91, 1.20) acids.”
10 August 17, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS
Bonz salutes Sarge for his service and selflessness
Hi Dog Buddies! Sarge get excited, too, an bark or jump injury that got worse, and I hadda
up or run away. But somehow I unner- have surgery. Mom sold Thomas’
This week I innerviewed Sarge O’Neal, PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD stood that takin’ care of Brandon was gon- Harley to pay for it. The vet was su-
a sturdy, good-lookin’ pooch with a real na be my Special Job. I donno how I knew, I per nice, but I couldn’t run or jump,
important job. He looks sorta Lab-ish, o-bee-dee-unt as I could, but I got dropped just did. So I bumped him gently to distract an I hadda stay in my crate for, like,
but he’s ackshully a mix of Giant Schnau- off just the same. The lady told Mom I him and slow him down, so we could get WEEKS. It was Soggy Dog Biscuits.
zer, Coon Hound, German Shepherd an knew some commands and she thought I’d to know each other. Then I looked at Mom
Terrier. been a vet’s service dog. I did the usual Sit, to see what she wanted me to do next. She “Anyway, I got all better. Then,
Stay, Down, Come routine for Mom. She had accidently found the perfect pooch one day, we were in Harbor Freight,
He came right up for the Wag-an-Sniff, looked kind, an she gave me a liddle Pity to help her an Brandon. I’m ackshully his where Brandon loves to sit in the
introduced his Mom, Debbie, an greet- Pat. But when the lady asked if she want- pooch. I keep him walkin’ and active. I’m pontoon boat. Alluva sudden we
ed my assistant with welcoming slurps. ed me, Mom said she just didn’t know. The with him at the Special Olympics, too. And heard someone sayin,’ ‘Sarge, is that
When we were all comf-tubble in the liv- lady whisked me away, an Mom left. It was I help Mom pick up stuff and carry stuff, you?’”
ing room, I got out my notebook. a real Downward Dog moment. like Brandon’s laundry an the Christmas
decorations last year.” “What?”
“So where should I start?” he asked. “Later I found out that Mom had “It was my first owner. He was a
“Just tell about how you found your For- planned to get some lunch then keep “That’s a pawsome story, Sarge.” Purple Heart vet, which means he
ever Family an what your life’s been like.” lookin’ for a puppy, when something said “But there’s more. Mom had noticed I was brave an fought for his country
“It’s kinda complicated. Before I joined to her, ‘Go back and get your dog!’” sorta limped. Then, one day, runnin’ in the an got wounded. I looked at Mom
the family, my future Mom and my future yard, I went totally lame. Mom took me to for the OK, then I started waggin’
brother Brandon had lost their huz-bun “Shut the doghouse door!” the vet, who discovered I had an old knee like crazy. He was so happy. He told
and dad, Thomas. It was a very sad time for “I know. Weird, right? I dunno what it Mom his fren Nikki was an Official
them, an it was extra hard, too, cuz Bran- was, but she came right back to the shelter DON’T BE SHY Dog Trainer and had trained me since I
don (he’s 28) has aw-tism, which means he and said, ‘I want Sarge.’ A different shel- was a puppy, so I’m a Bone-uh-fied Service
needs lotsa special TLC. ter lady told Mom she’d heard I could do We are always looking for pets Dog. But she got sick an couldn’t help him
“Mom couldn’t do it by herself, so she something with keys. The lady tossed her with interesting stories. take care of me anymore an that’s why they
decided to get a trained service dog. But keys on the ground an I picked ’em up an hadda take me to the shelter. Later, Nikki
she found out it’d cost lots of munny, a put ’em on the counter. An Mom rescued To set up an interview, email came to visit us, an I was so excited to see
buncha thousands, which she didn’t have.” me, Thank Lassie!” [email protected]. her. She gave Mom a list of all my com-
“Woof!” I exclaimed. “I didn’t ree-lize “Talk about perfect timing! What was it mands, so now I’m even more helpful.”
that.” like with your new family?” “Whaddya do for fun?”
“PLUS, there was a 2-year wait. So she “When Brandon saw me he got so excit- “I love swimmin’! One time, I was swim-
decided to get a shelter puppy and train it. ed, he squealed an started running to me. min’ in the ocean, an Mom’s fren was snor-
The first shelter didn’t have any puppies, Mom was like, ‘Oh, No!’ cuz she thought I’d klin.’ I accidently bumped him an, dog! he
so she went to the Port St. Lucie Humane just shot outta the water. I buh-leeve he
Society, but they were outta puppies, too. thought I was a shark. My Dog Beach bud-
She noticed a coupla older dogs way at the dies are Murphy, a shih tzu; an my girlfren,
back and wondered why they got brought Koda. Our other pooch pal has two wheels
to the shelter. One of ’em wasn’t barking, for paws, so I put myself between him an
just sitting quietly. The shelter lady said other pooches if he’s gettin’ crowded. Mom
he’d been dropped off the day after Christ- calls us a Motley Crew.”
mas and was going through a lifestyle Heading home, I was thinkin’ of all the
change.” stuff that fell into place so Sarge and his
“Woof! The day after Christmas. That’s Forever Family could find each other, and
harsh,” I said. “I get a feeling, um, was that he could keep usin’ all his amazing skills to
you, Sarge?” benefit his humans. Pretty inspiring, don-
“Yep. I was confused. I thought I’d been cha think?
a good dog. I’d tried to be as helpful and
The Bonz
Blue at 8050: Luxury condos
planned for The Shores
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12 August 17, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE
Blue at 8050: Luxury condos planned for The Shores
By Steven M. Thomas | Staff Writer dian River Shores and the Florida Depart- estate market are in good shape, with no front originally was part of a 39-acre
[email protected] ment of Environmental Protection. He looming thunderclouds on the horizon. ocean-to-river tract that was assembled
projects a 14-month build-time with units Second, “reasonably priced” newly-built from grove land in 2004 as the real estate
Prominent island developer Yane Zana ready for occupancy early in 2020. Two oceanfront inventory is almost non-exis- boom was heating up and sold to an out-
has purchased the 4.7-acre oceanfront have already been reserved. tent in Vero. of-state developer.
tract at 8050 A1A in Indian River Shores
with plans to build a substantial luxury If sales meet expectations, Zana plans to Only one $2.8-million unit remains By the time the developer had plans and
condominium community. start the second two towers in mid-2019. at Surf Club townhomes and other new permits in place, the market had cooled off.
oceanfront homes on the island range Nothing was built at that time, and the land
This is the second high-end condo proj- To accelerate the process and reduce from about $5 million to $10 million, but a has been sold several times since then.
ect planned in the location. The first one, his costs, Zana is using the complete set of
called 8050, never gained traction, but buyer can get into Zana’s project for $1.54 Rick Hodge
Zana has already sold two units and began Developer Yane Zana. million.
to clear the site this week. In 2014, Alloy Development, a partner-
PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD “Of particular interest to us is the void in ship between Vero Beach businesswoman
There will be four 26,000-square-foot con- the market in the $3- to $4-million range for Katherine McConvey and New York archi-
do buildings, plus a clubhouse with fitness building plans he and his engineers devel- new construction oceanfront product,” he tect Jared Della Valle, paid $7,250,000 for
center, 70-foot lap pool and putting green. oped for the nearly sold-out Ocean Drive says. “We believe the double residence con- the 4.7-acre oceanfront part of the parcel
condo, where the concrete shell is now com- dominium homes fulfill for the first time in that Zana and his partners now own.
The four-story residential buildings, plete, which functions like a model home for a very long time this element of the market.
which will be nearly identical to the con- the new development. The plans still must Della Valle designed an 18-unit mod-
do Zana is building on Ocean Drive across be approved by the Shores, but they meet all “For $3.5 million you can get a brand- ernist condominium project with pre-con-
from Conn Beach, have a flexible configu- requirements of the Florida Building Code, new oceanfront luxury residence as large struction prices that ranged from about $3
ration. The three occupied floors all have on which local codes are based. as single-family home, and it’s in a lifestyle million to $3.5 million that drew rave re-
5,000 square feet of living space that can community with excellent amenities. That views but never attracted buyers.
be sold as a single residence or built out as The site is nearly build-ready now. “It’s not really doesn’t exist anyplace else in Vero
two 2,500-square-foot units. With covered in the flood zone and we will need to bring in Beach.” The project was taken off the MLS earli-
terraces, the square footage jumps to 6,600 very little fill,” Zana says. “We are not asking er this year and the land became available
and 3,300. Parking occupies the first level for any zoning variances. Those just slow you Located just north of the Carlton, the again, though it was not on the open mar-
of each building. down. We are going with straight zoning.” 4.7-acre site with 300 linear feet of ocean- ket. Zana started looking at the property in
May and closed on it June 15.
Pre-construction prices range from The favorable market conditions Zana
$1,545,000 for a second-floor, 3-bedroom, is in a hurry to capitalize on are twofold.
3.5-bath, 2,500-square-foot home with a First, the U.S. economy and island real
two-car private, climate-controlled garage,
to $3,995,000 for a full-floor penthouse
unit with a four-car garage. Depending on
what type units sell fastest, the communi-
ty will have between 12 and 24 residences,
with a unit-count in the mid-teens likely.
Zana is fast-tracking the project to take
advantage of favorable market conditions.
“We are not wasting any time,” he says.
Preliminary land clearing is underway
and Zana plans to go vertical in January,
starting with the two south-most towers,
once permits have been secured from In-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E August 17, 2018 13
He is confident his condos will sell, The community will be surrounded with Hurricane Impact Doors
even though the Alloy project never got a block wall and have a secure, gated en- & Impact Glass,
off the ground. While his penthouse units trance. Amenities will include a fitness trail We Have It All!
are half a million more expensive that Al- and barbeque patio as well and the club-
loy’s, his entry-level homes are only half house/pool complex, which will feature a
the cost and he is targeting a wider slice spa, men’s and women’s locker rooms with
of the luxury buyer demographic, offering saunas, 15 poolside cabanas and an ex-
six price points between $1.54 million and pansive rooftop terrace.
$4 million.
The project, named Blue at 8050, is be-
And he is selling a proven product in a ing developed by Vero A1A LLC, which is
project that is underway. If someone signs Zana and unnamed partners with Zana as
on the dotted line this month, they can managing partner. It will be built by Zana’s
plan on moving into their new home with- construction company, Coastmark Devel-
in 2 years, maybe a little sooner. With the opment. Engineering is by Schulke, Bittle
Artist Rendering
Alloy project the wait-time was open-end- & Stoddard L.L.C. Transform Your Existing Door from
ed with at least a 3-year lag between the The condo units are listed with Kay Boring to Beautiful!
first contract and completion.
Brown, Jeanine Harris and Luke Webb at ■ Glass patterns for every style & budget
At the Ocean Drive condo, Zana sold the Premier Estate Properties. ■ Customize to your style
top floor as a 5,000-square-foot penthouse ■ Impact Glass & Impact Doors
and expects to sell all the top floors and Blue at 8050 is Zana’s third oceanfront ■ Wood Interior/Exterior Doors
probably some second and third floors at project underway on the island. Besides ■ Fiberglass Doors
the new project as full-floor units. the 5-unit condo at 4091 Ocean in Central ■ Patio & Sliding Glass Doors
Beach, he is offering lot-home packages at ■ Framed/Frameless Shower Units
“I know the demand for that product North Shore, next door to the Disney Re- ■ Etching
is out there,” Zana says. “Those units will sort. He plans to start at 5,500-square-foot ■ Schlage Hardware
be 64 feet wide, as large as a single-family spec home there soon and has a double-lot ■ Mirror Wraps
oceanfront house on a 100-foot-wide lot, for sale that can accommodate a large es-
with one-level living in a maintenance-free, tate, which gives him exposure to pretty Regency Square
amenitized community. You get all of that much the entire range of oceanfront luxu-
for between $3.5 and $4 million.” ry buyers. 2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart • Licensed & Insured
The condo buildings will be in the An- “There was no master plan behind it,” 772.463.6500
glo-Caribbean style and all units will have Zana says, “but Coastmark Construction,
private elevators, high-end fixtures, fin- in partnership with Premier Estate Proper-
ishes and materials, and wide-open ocean ties, is now able to cover the full spectrum
views. Cabinets, flooring and other finish- of new oceanfront price points in Vero,
es can be customized in all units and the from $1.5 for a 3/3.5 condo residence to
floorplans can be built to order in the full- $8,995,000 for a 12,000-square-foot estate
floor residences. on a 3-acre oceanfront lot.”
14 August 17, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE
A solid week of sales in the mainland real estate market saw 30 single-family residences and lots
change hands from Aug. 6-10 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week was in Vero Beach, where the home at 3 Royal Palm Pointe Unit#P-W,
originally listed in February for $2,395,000, sold for $2,295,000 on Aug. 7.
The seller was represented by Marshall Carlton of Berkshire Hathaway Florida. The purchaser was
represented by Jane Schwiering of Berkshire Hathaway Florida.
VERO BEACH 3 ROYAL PALM POINTE UNIT#P-W 2/20/2018 $2,395,000 8/7/2018 $723,000
VERO BEACH 5455 E HARBOR VILLAGE DRIVE 3/5/2018 $769,000 8/9/2018 $470,000
VERO BEACH 5039 PENDELTON SQUARE 5/2/2018 $495,000 8/7/2018 $440,000
VERO BEACH 1205 RIVERWIND CIRCLE 4/12/2018 $459,000 8/10/2018 $400,000
VERO BEACH 4670 HAMILTON TERRACE 6/15/2018 $418,000 8/10/2018 $370,000
VERO BEACH 2404 84TH AVENUE SW 4/9/2018 $399,000 8/10/2018 $335,000
SEBASTIAN 778 ATLANTUS TERRACE 2/23/2018 $375,000 8/10/2018 $299,000
VERO BEACH 1271 VINTAGE DRIVE 5/3/2018 $325,000 8/9/2018 $290,000
SEBASTIAN 122 SALAZAR LANE 3/23/2018 $325,000 8/7/2018 $280,000
VERO BEACH 4610 W 59TH DRIVE 5/23/2018 $279,000 8/7/2018 $279,000
VERO BEACH 582 HATTERAS COURT 9/29/2017 $284,888 8/7/2018 $270,000
SEBASTIAN 788 ATLANTUS TERRACE 7/27/2018 $269,900 8/6/2018 $268,000
VERO BEACH 656 COLONIAL DRIVE 4/16/2018 $293,500 8/9/2018 $265,000
SEBASTIAN 653 BRUSH FOOT DRIVE 6/4/2018 $279,000 8/9/2018
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E August 17, 2018 15
5455 E Harbor Village Drive, Vero Beach 5039 Pendelton Square, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 3/5/2018 Listing Date: 5/2/2018
Original Price: $769,000 Original Price: $495,000
Sold: 8/9/2018 Sold: 8/7/2018
Selling Price: $723,000 Selling Price: $470,000
Listing Agent: Stacey Clawson Listing Agent: Earle Beasley
Selling Agent: Alex MacWilliam, Inc. Selling Agent: The Alexander Group Realty
Wayne Tozzolo Not Provided
Tozzolo & Associates RE LLC Not Provided
1205 Riverwind Circle, Vero Beach 4670 Hamilton Terrace, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 4/12/2018 Listing Date: 6/15/2018
Original Price: $459,000 Original Price: $418,000
Sold: 8/10/2018 Sold: 8/10/2018
Selling Price: $440,000 Selling Price: $400,000
Listing Agent: Cheryl Burge Listing Agent: Jim Knapp
Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida Selling Agent: Alex MacWilliam, Inc.
Cheryl Burge Sally Lurie
Berkshire Hathaway Florida Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
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Coming Up!
By Samantha Rohlfing Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]
1 It’s becoming a summer
tradition of sorts in Vero
Beach, for folks who like to have
some let-your-hair-down week-
end fun with lots of music, food
and adult beverages. Yes, it’s
Riverside Theatre’s music-cen-
tric Summer Nights Series. This
month’s theme is “Cheeseburgers
in Paradise,” a perfect match for Paint, we got fun!
the free Live in the Loop concert Lougheed follows her passion PAGE B2
band: none other than longtime
favorite Jimmy Buffett tribute
B2 August 17, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
Paint, we got fun! Lougheed follows her passion
By Samantha Rohlfing Baita | Staff Writer said, ‘See what a good artist HE is – and he’s got PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD
[email protected] to cut hair to make a living.’”
Sheila Lougheed says: “If Georgia O’Keefe Undeterred, she matter-of-factly replied,
and Jackson Pollack ever reproduced, I would “Well, I’m an artist!”
be their child.” Lougheed’s vibrant, ebullient
paintings do reflect the influence not only of As a second-grader in Catholic school,
her own endearing, exuberant persona, but Lougheed and her classmates were told to
also O’Keefe’s erotic rhythm and Pollack’s draw a picture of what they wanted to be. “I
spontaneity and application of layers.
Born and raised in Danbury, Conn.,
Lougheed is a tall, colorfully elegant woman
with an asymmetrical tousle of recalcitrant sil-
very curls and an irrepressible sense of humor
inherited from her Irish father.
Her earliest memory of wielding a paint
brush was at age 2, when her dad was fixing up
their first house. “I found some red paint and
thought, ‘I should paint.’”
So the toddler confidently set to work paint-
ing – the barn, the garage, the bathroom – and
wondered why her dad didn’t share her enthu-
siasm. “I was just – enhancing,” she remem-
bers with a laugh.
Although dismayed when their daughter’s
artistic tendencies didn’t subside, both parents
lovingly supported her, while trying, subtly, to
steer her toward a more traditional career path.
“When I was 3, I was watching my dad get
a haircut. The barber had painted a lot of car-
toon characters on the shop walls and my dad
didn’t know we were expected to draw a nun her friends, ‘My daughter did this! I don’t
or priest, or teacher or fireman. I drew a car- know what it means but isn’t it wonderful?’”
toonist for Mad Magazine. My mother got a Lougheed lost her mom shortly before mov-
call from the concerned nun.” ing to Florida in 2014.
Her always perfectly-turned-out mom A graphic arts course at West Connecticut
did have to put her foot down to get her State College was “the closest I ever came to art
tomboy daughter to wear dresses to school. school.” Although her college career was cut
But her loving support never ceased. “She short to “make a living,” she put her art skills to
always, always tried her best to understand work at Danbury Hospital, eventually becom-
my work. She was so proud of me. She’d tell ing an art therapist.
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE August 17, 2018 B3
While Lougheed was pursuing a master’s studio under his supervision. “I immediately interpretation of each Sunday’s sermon. The and make something of the mess. She’s taught
degree at the College of New Rochelle, her burst into tears,” she recalls. works were then displayed at a reception on me as well, kept me on my toes.”
world took a frightening turn: only in her 30s, Easter Sunday.
she was diagnosed with colon cancer. She un- Lougheed thrived under van Eeden’s men- This spring, hearing that the Foosaner had
derwent lengthy, aggressive chemotherapy torship, calling it “the best four years of my life. “She is singularly the most creative person reopened, Lougheed decided to call Funk to
treatments. During most of her 30s, she says, Can you imagine that gift? Almost every day, I’ve ever met,” Craig says. “Her output is in- see if she was still interested. Gathering her
“I was so sick.” to absorb all that energy and creativity from a credible, and she attaches meaning, intention courage with determination and another bag
true genius? My whole world opened up.” and value to everything she does.” of Doritos, she called. Funk was delighted and
Making the ordeal worse, her previously un- chose nine of Lougheed’s florals and six ab-
stoppable father had been taken gravely ill and One day, Lougheed got a call from Carla Van Eeden describes his student with a tor- stracts. For the formal reception at the Fooo-
was undergoing dialysis. Funk, executive director of Florida Institute rent of praise: she’s impressive, incredible, pas- saner,“I bought every white flower I could find.
of Technology’s Foosaner Art Museum. Could sionate, original and fresh, he says. “She loves David catered it. It was beautiful.”
For a while, the doctors held out little Lougheed prepare an exhibition?Van Eeden, a to experiment; she’s not afraid to make a mess,
hope for Lougheed, and she struggled to ac- longtime teacher at the Foosaner, encouraged
cept the probability that she wouldn’t see her her and suggested flowers as a theme.
40th birthday.
“I don’t want to paint flowers,” Lougheed
“When you think you’re going to die, you protested, but she took her mentor’s advice.
go out and buy shoes in every color. You She gave the project her all, and, after a year
eat whatever you want. Nothing scares you. and a half, the collection was ready.
Nothing matters.”
Then came the bad news. “Carla calls me
She laid her paints aside. and says, ‘We’re closing.’ Well, I immediately
But David Holzbach, Lougheed’s Danbury took to the couch with a bag of Doritos and
Hospital co-worker, was quite taken with the the dogs.”
outgoing young woman and had kept in touch.
Although undergoing chemo, and frequent- But not for long. Lougheed decided to re-
ly violently ill, she accepted when Holzbach vive a passion related to her Irish heritage.
asked her out on NewYear’s Eve. She recalls her Back in Connecticut, Lougheed had taught
aunt’s advice that, under the circumstances,“if step dancing. One evening during a break,
he asks you on a second date, he’s a keeper.” she watched auditions for the Danbury Celtic
He did, and he was. Cross Pipes and Drums, as the director grew
During a 1993 trip to Florida to visit her increasingly frustrated with the drummer ap-
parents, Holzbach asked Lougheed’s father plicants who couldn’t maintain the beat. He
for her hand in marriage. Sadly, her father called Lougheed over and thrust the drum-
passed away before seeing the couple wed sticks into her hands. “You can keep a beat. So,
the following year. dance with the sticks, instead of your feet.”
With the support of family and friends, they
made it through the long cancer ordeal. On Then and there, the step-dancing artist be-
her 40th birthday, with Lougheed proclaimed came a bass drummer, performing with the
cancer-free at last, they journeyed to the South band throughout the Northeast. One of her
Pacific, traveling to Tahiti in the artistic foot- most popular paintings was an unplanned but
steps of Gauguin. And, at last, Lougheed start- joyful rendition of a bagpiper in full regalia, en-
ed to paint again, beginning to make a name titled “Then Danny Led the Band.”
for herself in the Northeast, with several gallery
exhibitions, including two in New York City’s Later, Lougheed tried out for theVero Beach
Broome Street Gallery in Soho. Pipes and Drums. Jacob Craig, the band’s Pipe
Moving to Sebastian, Lougheed quickly as- Major and director of music at First Presbyte-
similated into the local art community, and rian Church, quickly realized Lougheed would
began taking classes with well-known Dutch be a great fit, even after she told him, “If you
artist Frits van Eeden, whom Lougheed calls want Janis Joplin, I’m your gal.”
a modern day “Dutch Master.” After her third
class, Van Eeden invited her to work in his Some of her most interesting projects have
developed through her friendship with Craig,
an artistic kindred spirit. This year, during
Lent, Lougheed set up her easel at the back of
the sanctuary and spontaneously painted her
B4 August 17, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
band – the Landsharks – putting us in
that Cayo Hueso state of mind. Inside,
it’s the Howl at the Moon Dueling Pia-
nos Experience, with a pair of daring and
skilled pianists burning up the ivories
for your listening pleasure. This week’s
musical combatants will be Rob Volpe
and Rhoda Johnson. You can listen, sing
along, even dance, and help pick the
tunes. Try to stump them. Few have done
it. Dueling Pianos: 7:30 p.m. or 8:30 p.m.
2 The Kilted Mermaid is known to lo- 2 Oranga Tanga this Friday at Kilted Mermaid.
cals as a funky, eclectic neighborhood
pub with a chill atmosphere, and good lo- 3 Brad Brock Duo and Hypersona this weekend at Capt. Hiram’s. on stage, note for note, cut for cut, prom-
cal music, which totally fits the Mermaid’s ising absolutely no “gimmickry and cheesy
vibe. This Friday, 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., you’ll band that promises “no style is off limits.” ding or the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Peter impersonations,” but rather, according to
hear and see the unique stylings of Oran- Saturday afternoon at 3:30, the acoustic Tosh or Charlie Daniels.” Hypersona re- the company’s founder Craig Martin, rely-
ga Tanga, a band with an interesting story. duo from Fort Pierce, Live Bait, will bring turns to the stage at 7:30 p.m. to take you ing solely on the music, performed by “the
Originally six longtime musician pals (“a their unique blend of songs from many into the night. 772-388-8588. world’s best musicians.” Expect such unfor-
half-dozen musical weirdos,” they called genres. Multi-instrumentalists they cer- gettable cuts as “Back in the U.S.S.R.,” “Ob-
themselves) who had never played togeth- tainly are: Will on vocals, guitar, bongos, Doing what it does best, the Classic Al- La-Di, Ob-La-Da,” “Dear Prudence,” “While
er as a band, they tried it in 2008 and sur- Cajun, harmonica, melodica, and Dave bums Live Tour will perform “The Beatles My Guitar Gently Weeps” and the rest.
prised themselves by becoming successful. adding vocals, guitar, flute, harmonica, White Album” on the King Center stage in Show time: 8 p.m. Tickets: start at $29.75.
In 2014, one of their members died, and melodica, ukulele. Will and Dave are fond Melbourne this Saturday. Classic Albums 321-242-2219.
the other five began a new chapter with a of saying they’ve got a little something for Live performs across North America and
new name – Oranga Tanga. Come see and everyone, “whether you’re into Otis Red- is known for recreating classic albums, live 4 By popular demand, Hot Pink returns
hear them for yourselves. You won’t be to the Historic CocoaVillage Playhouse
bored. Saturday, same time same place, it’s this weekend with the unforgettable music
Rowan’s Irish Rebels, bringing songs from of Queen. (All together now … “Scaramouch,
the Emerald Isle and the pubs thereon. Scaramouch, will you do the fandango”) This
772-569-5533. Cocoa-based, five-man rock band plays orig-
inal stuff as well as ’60s, ’70s and ’80s covers.
3 What’s cookin’ musically at Capt. But their Queen show is what really rocks
Hiram’s, not too far down (or up) the house. The last time Hot Pink brought
the road in Sebastian, this weekend? On the music of Freddie Mercury’s band to this
Friday at 3:30 p.m., it’ll be the Brad Brock venue – last January – tickets sold out in a hot
Duo, which, says its website, is a “2-man second. So make your move. Show times: Fri-
full band duo” who’ve logged close to 15 day and Saturday, 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, 2 p.m.
years of professional performing, all over 321-636-5050.
the state and aboard cruise ships. Brock is
a “multi-instrumentalist” with a smooth
voice, backed by acoustic guitar, foot
drums and bassist virtuoso Justin Man-
dell. It’s said their sound and intensity
“can compete with a full four-piece party
band.” Be there, enjoy a mix of Top 40 rock,
country, and dance music, and find out for
yourself. Taking the stage at 7:30 p.m. is
Hypersona, a full-throttle rock and dance
presents 1. The Sunflower Girl 1. The Russian Hoax 1. The Lost Continent (Wings of
OCHRE COURT 2. The Burning Maze (The Trials
2. Quick and Dirty 2. The Best Cook in the
A Gilded Newport World BY RICK BRAGG of Apollo #3) BY ICK RIORDAN
3. The Things That Matter 4. The Lost Continent (Wings of
Kensington Books 3. The Girl Who Takes
Saturday, Aug. 18th 3 pm 5. The Marauder's Map Guide to
BY DAVID LAGERCRANTZ 4. The Genius of Birds
BY NELSON DEMILLE 5. The Plant Paradox
5. The Other Woman BY STEVEN R. GUNDRY, M.D.
392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE August 17, 2018 B5
Go, mango! Sebastian businesses sizzle at Grill Out Night
Bruce McMann, Rachel Williams, Shawn Hoyt and Dustin Kyle. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD Anna Brooks and Matt McGill.
Beth Mitchell and Britney Melchiori.
By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer Susan Viola and Patty Giannetta. Steven Schlitt and Sherry Carrigan. Officer Tegpreet Singh and Chief Michelle Morris
[email protected] Nicholas Santos and Martha Ospina. of the Sebastian Police Dept.
ping by. Families strolled down the Susan Cortes, Gloria Tausch and Susana Hurt.
After the storms rolled through last streets stopping to find out what vari- Ginny Heeter.
Friday afternoon, more than 30 busi- ous businesses had to offer from as far
nesses fired up their grills for a night of north as the Sebastian River Medical PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD
Mango Madness during the eighth an- Center, where a large crowd gathered
nual Sebastian River Area Chamber of for the full buffet served by the hospi-
Commerce Grill Out Night. tal’s leadership team, all the way down
to the Tax Collectors office.
“It’s the middle of summer, and while
it appears that things have slowed down “Any time that you have an organized
like they do every year, it’s a great time event like this, the community bene-
of year for our businesses to open their fits,” said Mitchell as friends and neigh-
doors to the community and show cus- bors clustered in groups catching up
tomers their appreciation,” said Beth and debating over their favorite mango
Mitchell, Sebastian Chamber president. dishes while children played cornhole
“We’ve had a tremendous response to and gobbled up hot dogs. Music blared,
this low-key Friday night Sebastian par- new shops were discovered, Mariner
ty over the years.” Pete flew in and visited with children
at Marine Bank, Pareidolia Brewing Co.
The summertime event was inspired brewed up their special Mango Wheat
by Light up Night, which began more beer and the Sebastian Police Depart-
than 25 years ago, according to Mitch- ment’s COPs mobile (Community Out-
ell. “For the businesses it’s a great way reach Program) featured Miracle, the
to show customer appreciation, but it’s star potbellied pig who was on hand to
also a way for the community to learn accept praise for her debut in the de-
about the businesses that are out there. partment’s Law Enforcement Lip Sync
Hopefully, people will learn about video, Piggypop.
what’s available in terms of goods and
services to keep it local and do their Se- Mother Nature did her part to end
bastian shopping here.” the evening on a high night, putting on
a powerful display of pinks and reds as
Local businesses celebrated every- the sun began to set bursting with the
thing mango ̶ enticing patrons to stop orange blush of a mango.
by and taste mango Italian ice, mango
salsa, mango-themed appetizers, man- The Sebastian River Area Chamber
go cocktails, mango sweets and more. of Commerce will host the 25th Annual
Not mad about mangoes? Not to worry ̶ Lifestyle & Media Auction on Sept. 14 at
there were plenty of other options avail- Pareidolia Brewing Co. Visit sebastian-
able along the way. for details.
“Getting their grill out adds a sum-
mer touch to it. We select a special fruit
every year and challenge our businesses
to be creative and come up with ways to
serve that fruit to the public. It’s Mango
Madness this year. That’s certainly a lo-
cal fruit,” explained Mitchell.
Raffles, games and discounts were
offered to thank consumers for stop-
B6 August 17, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE
Artwork reaffirms ‘Unbroken’ bond among veterans
Rick Woolard, Pete Peterson, Mary Ann Koenig and Ron Yeaw. Melanie Tarnoff, Nicole Moran and Leah Cady.
By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer Veterans who served in World War II members, veterans and their families,
[email protected] through to the wars in Iraq and Afghan- participation in the arts ̶ whether for
istan gathered to raise funds to construct expressing, educational, recreational or
The Next Generation Veterans honored the Next Generation Veterans’ monu- therapeutic purposes ̶ is proven to build
those who came before them during a ment “Words from War.” The monument resilience, enhance coping skills, increase
tribute to service members who served in was designed by world-renowned mon- self-esteem and generate well-being.”
the Vietnam War last Wednesday evening ument artist Ross Power, according to
at the Heritage Center. The evening was Bruce Cady, Veterans Council director of The central theme of the evening was
hosted in partnership with the Veterans operations. based around the documentary film “A
Council and the Cultural Council of Indi- Bond Unbroken,” which chronicles a re-
an River County. Through the veterans’ partnership union 40 years in the making. Retired
members of the Vietnam-era U.S. Navy
Carl and Ellen Rantz. SEALs discovered their combat interpret-
er, Nguyen Hoang Minh, is still living. Re-
with the Cultural Council, a call for united, they discover that the bond forged
artists was sent out, and Vietnam War- all those years ago during the conflict is
era-themed art created by local artists as strong as ever. The SEAL community
was auctioned off. Pieces included the created a fund to see to Minh’s care for the
winning entry by Grace Dooley entitled rest of his life.
“Men of War,” along with works by local
artists, including veterans and civilians. Film director Mary Ann Koenig, pro-
One rather patriotic collage of army men ducer Rick Dobbis and Ret. Navy SEAL
was submitted by the child of an Iraq War Captains Pete Peterson, Rick Woolard
veteran. and Ron Yeaw chatted with the audience
about the impact Minh made on their
The Cultural Council has earmarked lives and his contributions to the war ef-
funds raised for programming specific fort.
to veterans to promote reintegration and
raise awareness about the experiences “He probably had more SEAL opera-
and the struggles of this segment of the tions, and more SEAL experience than
population. any SEAL has ever had,” noted Peterson.
“A number of Navy SEALs have told me
“The connection between the arts and that Minh saved their lives. I think there
the military has always been strongly are a lot of us that don’t know that he
rooted in shared history that we have as saved our lives. He had such situational
a people and a nation,” noted Barbara awareness. We were able to operate in a
Hoffman, Cultural Council of IRC exec- way that was much less risky because of
utive director. As examples she points to the information Minh had.”
the music of “America the Beautiful,” the
painting of Washington crossing the Del- The bond forged in combat lost none of
aware, photographs of U.S. Marines rais- its potency over the years and is a fitting
ing the flag on Iwo Jima, and deployed representation of the camaraderie and
soldiers strumming guitars for respite support created among the veteran com-
and solace. munity in Indian River County, whether
it’s from the veterans themselves, the
Hoffman continued, “Art defines our community at large or through the sup-
human experience and every solemn or port of art-based programs.
joyous occasion we have in our national
family and individual lives. For service To learn more about the Cultural Coun-
cil, visit and for infor-
mation about the Veterans Council of IRC
visit or nextgenvet-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE August 17, 2018 B7
Sam Kouns, Barbara Hoffman and Bruce Cady. Marty Zickert and Laura Moss. PHOTOS: STEPHANIE LABAFF Patrick Williamson, Tony Young and Curtis Holden.
Ross Power and Pat Geyer.
Carroll and Roberta Oates.
Carl and Ellen Rantz.
Ellen and Wayne Sobczak.
B8 August 17, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING
11 Maple Street: Still good, but not quite the same
By Tina Rondeau | Columnist Pan-seared Sea Scallops.
[email protected]
At 11 Maple Street, for three decades
regarded as one of the best restaurants on
the Treasure Coast, dining goes on.
But things did not seem the same last
week in the absence of co-owner Margie
Perrin, the front-of-the-house manager
who died unexpectedly last November at
the all-too-young age of 61.
Husband Mike still presides over the
kitchen of this century-old Florida cottage
just off the main thoroughfare in Jensen
Beach, and he is still preparing the sel-
dom-seen-locally dishes like spotted skate
wing, sturgeon and elk that have won the
restaurant high marks from Zagat, Florida
Trend and other guides.
But this charming old home with an-
tique furniture and lace curtains on the
windows seemed a bit empty in the ab-
sence of Margie’s ubiquitous presence and
cheery generosity.
When we visited a
year ago, we men-
tioned to
her how much Provencal Fish Stew.
we loved the house-
baked walnut sourdough
bread – which is offered as an appetizer pan-seared sea scallops ($38).
with a price ($5.95 for a half loaf, $8.95 for My fish stew was described as “just like
a full loaf). a bouillabaisse” with a filet of ahi tuna scallops ($27.95), as well as what seems a
permanent fixture (and the most expen-
To our amazement, at the conclusion of sitting atop a mix of bay scallops, shrimp, sive item) on the large-plate menu, the 11 Maple
wood-grilled North American elk tender- Street
our meal, she presented us with a loaf of and little neck clams in a saffron, leek and loin ($59).
the bread to take home for breakfast the tomato broth. The tuna was nicely seared, Dinner for two, accompanied by the Wednesday to Saturday,
suggested wine pairings, is likely to run
following morning. Who does that? and the other seafood components were over $150 before tip. 5:45 pm to closing
So naturally on our visit last week, we very tasty, but the dish would have bene- This restaurant was described by Emeril Beverages: Beer and Wine
Lagasse a couple of years ago as a “hidden
started with the bread, and a beautiful fited from more broth. gem,” and it remains one of the better din- Address:
ing establishments on the Treasure Coast. 3224 Northeast Maple Ave,
crusty half loaf was brought to the table My husband’s two pan-seared sea
But if you’re planning to make the drive Jensen Beach
along with herbed goat cheese, salsa verde scallops were cooked perfectly, and were down from Vero, a couple of parties were Phone:
turned away the night we visited for lack
and yummy roasted garlic. I could have served with shitake mushroom empana- of a reservation – so be sure to book in ad- 772-334-7714
made an entire meal out of it. das that had been blackened with squid
I welcome your comments, and I encour-
Next, from the seven small plates on ink, along with two slightly spicy sauces age you to send feedback to me at tina@ver-
the menu ranging from pan-fried Caicos – a yellow crema made with the amarillo
The reviewer dines anonymously at restau-
conch (19.95) to wood-grilled Spanish chili pepper, a staple in Peruvian cooking, rants at the expense of Vero Beach 32963.
octopus ($23.95), we decided to share an and a red sauce made from fresno chili
order of roasted beets with Laura Chenel peppers. The sauces perfectly comple-
goat cheese, mixed greens and a walnut mented the scallops, but the taste of shi-
vinaigrette ($14.95). take mushrooms was largely lost among
The plating of this dish was a work of art the other ingredients in the rather doughy
and the tastes matched the presentation. empanadas.
The elements came together flawlessly. On previous visits, we have enjoyed a
For entrées, I ordered the Provencal fish variety of the small plates including the
stew ($39) and my husband opted for the sautéed skate wing with Canadian bay
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING August 17, 2018 B9
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B10 August 17, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING
Sundays | 2 - 5 PM
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No reservations required. Call 772.410.0100 for more details.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING August 17, 2018 B11
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B12 August 17, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING
Lunch & Dinner Open:
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Gift Certificates & Private Parties Available SPECIALTIES OR BASKETS
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES August 17, 2018 B13
8752 KJ9 A Q 10
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist J A52 10 4 3
K Q J 10 865 A932
Fran Lebowitz said, “No animal should ever jump up on the dining-room furniture unless 8763 A J 10 4 952
absolutely certain that he can hold his own in the conversation.”
My cat Max once jumped onto the only empty chair at the dinner table, knowing he 643
could hold his own in eating. I thought it was funny, but one of my guests did not. KQ9876
At the bridge table, sometimes jumping is correct, even necessary. In this deal, South’s KQ
second-round jump to three hearts was game-invitational. North did well to pass. Four
hearts and three no-trump would surely have failed. But what about three hearts after Dealer: North; Vulnerable: East-West
West opens with the diamond king?
The Bidding:
When partner leads a high honor at trick one, third hand is expected to make an attitude
signal (unless the dummy’s holding in the suit makes it redundant). Here, holding the SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
diamond ace, there would be a natural reaction for East to jump enthusiastically with his 1 Clubs Pass
diamond nine. However, that would surely kill the defense. West, trusting his partner, 1 Hearts Pass 1 NT Pass LEAD:
would continue with another diamond. 3 Hearts Pass Pass Pass K Diamonds
Instead, East should ask himself from where five tricks might come. Looking at the
dummy should make it clear that two or three spade tricks will be needed, and there
might be no time to lose. At trick one, East must discourage with his diamond two.
Then, West should shift to the spade eight, top of nothing. East will win as cheaply as
possible and return his diamond three. West will take that trick and lead the spade two,
lowest from three remaining cards. East now knows to take two more spade tricks to
defeat the contract.
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B14 August 17, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES
1 Missive (6) 1 Unashamed (7)
8 Small fish (6) 2 Asian dish (4-3)
10 Whirlwind (7) 3 Rot (5)
11 Transparent (5) 4 Place to cook (7)
12 Geek (4) 5 Wrath (5)
13 Beneath (5) 6 Prize (5)
17 Holy books (5) 9 Silent (9)
18 Centre (4) 14 Drunk (3-4)
22 Abrupt (5) 15 Receptacle for 7 (7)
23 Spread (7) 16 Educated (7)
24 Fawlty Towers waiter (6) 19 What to put on 7 before
25 Distant (6)
putting in 15 (5)
20 Salt water (5)
21 Trainee (5)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES August 17, 2018 B15
ACROSS 100 Specialist in faults 54 Lenient The Washington Post
1 Girls’ names meaning 101 Cotillion celeb 57 Part of a circle
102 Another stinking adjective 60 Reef skeletons PRONOUNS ON PARADE By Merl Reagle
“flowers” 103 Of a military branch: abbr. 62 Grp. that grabbed Patty
7 Emulated Enya 104 ___ polloi
11 Ritual washing of hands 105 “___ in itself” (filling) Hearst
17 IT 107 Linda Ellerbee’s ___ It Goes 64 M over 2, plus 3
20 Type of show, 110 ___ majesté 66 Leg, to Legs Diamond
band, or army 112 Ex-Virginia senator 68 Giraffe relatives
21 ME 116 Really laughed 69 Wells’s blond race
23 Some mushrooms 71 High Noon star, to friends
24 It means “foot” 118 THEM! 72 South America’s
25 Rel. of “now hear this” 121 Antiseptic surgery pioneer Rio de ___
26 Alleviates 122 THEM 75 1950s Arkansas governor
28 Pew break 123 One from the heart
29 Opposite of masc. 124 Spud’s buds Faubus
31 And whatnot, briefly 125 Fixes a squeak again 77 Weighty dict.
33 Sweeping stories 80 Hunting for birds’ homes
35 Coll. arts degree DOWN 81 Info-gathering mission
36 As written 1 Hightail it 82 Feature of Lauren Hutton’s
37 SHE 2 Wambaugh’s
40 Back again former dept. teeth
41 Military ranks: abbr. 3 Of the creation 85 Spanish article
43 Writer Kesey of a world 87 Either Chaney
44 Choice: abbr. 4 1970s Dodger pitcher Doug 88 Chinny host
45 Requiring a macron 5 James Garfield’s middle 91 Writer buried in Baltimore
47 Dessert in the sky 94 Kenya’s capital
48 HIM AND HER name 97 Axel, in Beverly Hills Cop
52 Beat 6 Are, in Arles 98 The Matterhorn’s canton
53 Econ. yardsticks 7 Motorcycle leaps, e.g.
55 Prophets 99 Happening
56 Of ancient Portugal 8 Bellinis and Cellinis 101 Our Gang cutie
58 Witch 9 Sodium hydroxide, briefly 102 Sneer (at)
59 Special, as 104 Steppenwolf author
a committee 10 Taunt 106 First name from Laugh-In
61 La-la preceder 11 Actor Herbert 108 House of Windsor’s former
62 Like some wines 12 Celebes oxen
63 1920s hotel-lobby style 13 Pretzel brand, ___-Thin name, ___-Coburg-Gotha
65 Make unclear 14 YOU, YOU, YOU 109 Warwick hit,
67 HE & SHE 15 YOURS, MINE AND OURS “Walk ___”
70 City in Egypt or Illinois 16 “The light that never was,
71 Part of CST 111 Mix
73 Alias ___ or land” (Wordsworth) 113 The shape a
74 Follies guy 17 Golden State Fwy. officer runner’s in?
76 Clam named for a beach 18 Helen Keller’s first word 114 Remaindered-book holders
78 Mindy’s friend’s world 19 Bathroom floor-layer 115 Oyster community
79 Blake or Plummer 117 Like some wines
81 Arrange anew: abbr. 22 Is against 119 Italian three
83 Common acknowledgment 27 Region of SW Poland 120 Conductance unit
84 Disney’s Darby ___ and the 30 Sci. that watches
Little People rainforests
86 US 32 Sober pickles?
89 A bit daffy 34 Animation frame
90 Acidity measuring fig.
91 Polite wd. 36 IT
92 Olympic org. 37 The F-16, e.g.
93 “___ saved is ...” 38 Meadow
95 Booker T’s group 39 Fished, in a way
96 THEM 40 Winter affliction
41 WE
42 Scale abbr.
46 ___ dancers
47 Golf grp.
49 Spanish painter
50 Pretended courage
51 Old Nick
52 Available
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B16 August 17, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR
AUGUST 19 24|25BBQFundraiserforVeroBeachHighSchool Riverside Theatre Comedy 31 & September 1 - Riverside Theatre Howl at
Band’s trip to England, 2 p.m. at and host- Zone Experience, 7:30 p.m. the Moon Experience – Totally Awesome
80’s Party, 7:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m., with Live on the
17 Seller to Cellar reunion show filming, 5:45 ed by Vero Beach Veterans Club, with entertainment & 9:30 p.m., with Live on the Loop free enter- Loop free entertainment at 6:30 p.m. 772-231-6990
p.m. at Heritage Center to benefit Vero by Kent Taylor Brown. $10 donation. 772-532-9087 tainment at 6:30 p.m. 772-231-6990
Crossword Page B14 (WELL-WOVEN WORDS)
Heritage Inc., with live entertainment, and wine Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
pouring of 70+ wines. $50 & $75. 772-770-2263 in August 10, 2018 Edition 1 SIGHED 1 SPREADS
17|18 Riverside Theatre Howl at the 8 PREFER 3 EARN
Moon Experience – Cheeseburg- 9 ANSWER 5 LISTENS
ers in Paradise, 7:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m., with Live on the 10 FALSE 6 STEAM
Loop free entertainment at 6:30 p.m. 772-231-6990 11 SCREAMS 7 WATCHED
18 A Brewin’ Birthday Bask, 5 p.m. at 15 LIE 14 DRAWERS
American Icon Brewery with free chil- 16 SHIP 17 ILLNESS
dren’s activities on the lawn to celebrate 4th
birthday of Little Birthday Angels, which pro- Sudoku Page B13 Sudoku Page B14 Crossword Page B13
vides birthday parties to homeless children.
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Prices are subject to change at anytime. Sale prices includes all available dealer discounts, factory rebates and consumer rebates. All applicants will not qualify for all discounts and/or incentives. Florida residents add tax, title, license,
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