October 12, 2018 | Volume 5, Issue 41 Newsstand Price: $1.00
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MY TAKE ‘The stars have aligned’ Electric hearing
delayed a week
BY RAY MCNULTY by real tempest
Dodgertown Golf not the By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer
key to keeping Vero Vero [email protected]
For years, I’ve been driving Interested parties were already
past the former Dodgertown in Tallahassee, or en route Mon-
Golf Club property, occasion- day, for a Tuesday hearing on
ally glancing over at the nostal- the Vero Electric sale to Florida
gia-filled parcel and remember- Power & Light when the Florida
ing the afternoons spent walking Public Service Commission an-
the nine-hole course. nounced it was rescheduling all
of its business for the rest of the
Not once, though, have I week due to Hurricane Michael.
looked over and thought: This
grassy knoll is all that stands be- Tuesday’s hearing had been
tween Vero Beach and an army of called because four parties had
developers who want to invade challenged a June 5 vote of the
our community and Browardize PSC to approve the terms of the
our seaside slice of heaven. $185 million sale of Vero Electric
and its 34,000 customers to FPL.
Because it isn’t.
Contrary to the conspiracy Of the four parties, the Florida
theories you might be hearing Industrial Power Users Group (FI-
from the “Keep Vero Vero” crowd, PUG) had dismissed its protest,
which seems to care about those
35 acres only when someone CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
wants to buy them and build on
them, the golf-course property Central Beach woman
is not sacred ground that must gets nine months for
remain untouched until the city Shores jewelry theft
deems it worthy of conversion to
another of its many municipal By Federico Martinez | Staff Writer
A Central Beach woman was
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 sentenced to nine months in jail
and more than $15,000 in fines and
INSIDE Marybeth Cunningham, chair of Hospital District, and Wayne Hockmeyer, chair of IRMC. PHOTOS: LEIGH GREEN/DENISE RITCHIE court costs after pleading ‘no con-
test’ to stealing more than $21,000
NEWS 1-9 PETS 18 HOW TWO MIDWESTERNERS LED THE WAY worth of jewelry from Belle Cose
CALENDAR B16 “I’m ashamed of my behav-
REAL ESTATE 19 ior which led to my arrest,” Dawn
B1 Jeannine Van Dorne, 55, told the
ARTS court before her sentencing.
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer chairmen of the two boards involved – the IRMC Van Dorne, who was credited
For circulation or where to pick up [email protected] board and the Hospital District board – were in ob- with 160 days already served in the
your issue call: 772-226-7925 vious lockstep. After a nearly two-year process, the Indian River County Jail, is also be-
It was, after a quarter of a century of bickering, two were even talking alike. ing held without bond on a Felony
back-biting, and open hostility, an amazing mo- Fugitive of Justice Warrant from
ment of unity – unprecedented unanimous agree- “This is one of the most important things I think
ment by both the Indian River Medical Center the board will ever do for this community,” Chair- CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
board and the public Hospital District trustees on man Wayne Hockmeyer told the IRMC board of
the future of medical care for our community. directors gathered in a hospital conference room.
By the time the final votes were taken approv- And across the street at Hospital District head-
ing the hospital’s takeover by Cleveland Clinic, the
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 October 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
MY TAKE er of Vero Beach – wants to create an ur- ship has run the longtime spring-training sign on our property.”
ban market containing a hotel, restau- facility for the past six years. He was referring to Historic Dodger-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 rants, office buildings and plenty of green
space that would give the place a park- County Administrator Jason Brown town, where O’Malley’s lease with the
Other than providing overflow parking like feel. told council members the county needs county expires in May.
for Historic Dodgertown a few times each the golf-course land to “protect and pre-
year, that parcel isn’t especially pivotal in The county, which didn’t come forward serve what we have there,” alluding to the O’Malley, 80, said he has met with MLB
determining the future of Vero Beach. with a bid until after city officials were se- $15 million per year in “direct spending” Commissioner Rob Manfred multiple
riously considering the developer’s offer, County Commission Chairman Peter times to discuss the potential takeover,
If it were, it wouldn’t have sat idle and wants the land for an overflow parking O’Bryan said Historic Dodgertown gener- and he remains optimistic. Brown said a
ignored for more than a decade, during area to accommodate big-crowd events ates for the local economy. deal between the county and MLB could
which the city has been making annual at Historic Dodgertown. be done “in a couple of months.”
payments in excess of $660,000 on the $9.9 “Our concern is that if we can’t secure
million loan it used to buy the property in In fact, county officials say they need a deal with Major League Baseball, we Let’s hope so, because the alternative
2005 and spending another $15,000 per the parcel to enhance their pitch to Major might not be able to secure a deal with isn’t pretty.
year to cover the costs of mowing, main- League Baseball, which they hope will take anyone,” Brown said in the council’s
tenance and liability insurance. over Historic Dodgertown’s operations jam-packed chamber, later adding, “If Had it not been for O’Malley, whose
from former Los Angeles Dodgers owner we’re not able to find a successor to Peter lifelong affection for Dodgertown and
But it has. Peter O’Malley, whose five-way partner- O’Malley, the county may have a for-sale Vero Beach spurred him to ride to our res-
And now, it appears, that oft-forgotten cue in 2012, the complex almost certainly
property, which the City Council declared would’ve been shuttered in 2011.
to be surplus in 2015 and put on the mar-
ket in 2016, will remain an empty, unused That’s again a possibility: Brown said
field for the foreseeable future – unless, of MLB officials believe the golf-course par-
course, we get an October hurricane and cel is crucial to their future plans for the
need a place to dump storm debris. complex.
The City Council rendered that verdict
last week, when, after four fun-filled hours If so, the council – to act in the best in-
of discussion and public comment, it vot- terests of the community – would have
ed 3-2 to retain ownership of the proper- little choice but to sell the land to the
ty, rejecting a pair of seemingly fair, $2.4 county, even though the city would be
million offers from an award-winning, forfeiting the much-needed tax revenue a
certified-green developer and Indian Riv- private enterprise would generate on the
er County, which owns the adjacent, 72- property.
acre Historic Dodgertown complex.
The developer – a partnership between Or so I thought.
Lakeland-area builder Mark Hulbert and Then I spoke with the developers, who,
retired sports-car driver Terry Bortschell- in response to the county’s competing
bid, said they would “put in writing in
perpetuity” their commitment to provide
the overflow parking Historic Dodger-
town needs for its marquee events, if the
city sells them the land.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS October 12, 2018 3
“Nobody wants the county to secure a point, the developers offered the best VERO ELECTRIC SALE in one or on the road during an evacu-
lease with Major League Baseball more deal for the city,” Howle said. ation. That is asking too much,” Larkin
than we do,” Bortscheller said. “What we CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 wrote on Monday.
want to do on that property will do noth- County officials, on the other hand,
ing but enhance what they’re doing at said they would use the land primarily for and local residents Brian Heady and Indian River Shores Mayor Tom Slat-
Historic Dodgertown, and it will benefit overflow parking on the grass field, add- Michael Moran were removed from the er had already boarded a plane to Talla-
everyone – Dodgertown, us and the com- ing that they might install a stormwater case on Oct. 3 after failing to appear for hassee when he heard the hearing was
munity. treatment area and build walking trails. a pre-hearing conference to discuss is- rescheduled.
sues, one of which was the standing of
“A healthy Dodgertown is a healthy Brown said the county would not rule the parties. Only attorney Lynne Larkin Former Indian River Shores Mayor
prospect for us,” he added. “The people out future development on the property, and her Civic Association of Indian Riv- Brian Barefoot was already in Talla-
who go to those events over there will because it didn’t want to “place a lim- er County remain of the four objectors. hassee when he heard Larkin was re-
find their way to our establishments, es- itation” that could hinder MLB’s plan. questing a continuance. Initially, Bare-
pecially those who park on our property. O’Bryan mentioned the possibility that The Florida Office of Public Counsel foot said he was confident the hearing
We’ll not only be compatible, we’ll com- MLB might want to build dormitories has also joined in the proceedings to would go on and that delay was unnec-
plement each other.” there. reiterate the OPC’s position presented essary.
in June that FPL should not be able to
And if MLB doesn’t come to Vero? For now, at least, none of that matters: book a $116.2 million acquisition ad- Then just after noon, PSC spokes-
“Even if Historic Dodgertown isn’t Vice Mayor Lange Sykes and Councilman justment above and beyond what the person Cindy Muir confirmed that the
there, our development would stand on Tony Young voted with Councilwoman Vero system is worth on the books, hearing had been rescheduled. About
its own,” Bortscheller said. “My perspec- Laura Moss to not sell the property at this according to the PSC staff and to the two hours later the PSC issued a notice
tive might be skewed by all the time, work time. OPC’s hired consultant. postponing the entire week’s business.
and money we’ve already invested in this
project, but I don’t see anything better “Were we voting to do nothing with the After Tallahassee was among the Indian River Shores and Indian River
than what we’re proposing to do with that property in perpetuity, or just for now? I areas where Gov. Rick Scott declared County have joined the case to support
property.” still don’t know,” Howle said. “But Laura a state of emergency on Sunday in Vero and FPL in getting to a final ap-
Vero Beach Mayor Harry Howle and found a way to walk down the middle of advance of Michael’s approach, both proval so the deal can close.
Councilman Val Zudans agreed, publicly the road and say, ‘Let’s do nothing,’ which FPL and OPC asked to have some of
supporting the developers’ offer, which is essentially what we decided to do.” their witnesses excused from the Oct. Larkin had wanted the Shores tossed
began at $2.1 million, increased to $2.4 9 hearing. out as a party, asserting that Indian
million when the county entered the con- Moss hinted that she’d prefer the city River County represents the Shores, so
versation and then was bumped to $2.43 keep the parcel until voters decide what Larkin also sent out a notice request- the town did not need separate recog-
million in an attempt to get the inside to do with the lagoon-front property that ing that the hearing be rescheduled. nition.
track. currently contains the Vero Beach power
The developers also predicted that plant and wastewater treatment facility. “I can’t travel to a storm area during The hearing will begin at 9 a.m. Oct.
their project would create 250 jobs and That could take up to five years. a state of emergency. I am actually 18 with technical presentations by the
generate at least $300,000 in annual tax shaking just writing this. I’ve been in parties, and public comment sched-
revenues for the city. “From a fiscal stand- In the meantime, the city would con- hurricanes, and I have no desire to be uled for 2 p.m., with a continuation of
tinue to write annual checks for $660,000 the technical and evidentiary hearings
to pay back its loan and spend another on Oct. 19, if necessary.
$15,000 per year on mowing and insur-
ance – through 2026.
4 October 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
County to file suit to make section of beach in Summerplace public
By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer portion must be proven by the county to from various citizens that an individual tion President Walter Garrard provided
[email protected] win a favorable judgment from the court, who owns a parcel of real property in Sum- documents he claimed showed the beach
according to the new law. merplace development has erected a barri- is owned communally, not individually, by
Indian River County is likely to become er on the beach to prevent public access,” those living in the development, and said
the first jurisdiction in Florida to file suit The county gave “notice of intent” to file Reingold said. the development has always welcomed the
to make a section of its beach public as re- the suit on Oct. 2. The suit will only focus public.
quired by a new law that went into effect on 2,000 feet of beach in front of Summer- County Natural Resources Manager
July 1, according to county officials. place, just north of Wabasso Beach Park. James Gray did not name the owner who he Several Summerplace residents testified
said had “put up a barricade” and “no tres- that they wanted the beach to remain ac-
The “dry sand” part above the “mean County Attorney Dylan Reingold said the passing signs,” but he previously was iden- cessible to the public.
high water mark” is at issue. The “wet part” suit is being filed because for the first time tified in Vero Beach 32963 as Robert Jaffe of
of the beach is already public under the in the county’s known history, there is a dis- 1802 E. Barefoot Pl. Jaffe was not at the public hearing. His
Florida Constitution. “Customary use” or pute over the right to use the beach. lawyer, David Earle of Stuart, was asked if
historical use by the public of the dry sand Summerplace Improvement Associa- Jaffe cared to comment. No response had
“... the County has received a complaint been received at deadline.
The county must file the “Complaint
for Declaration of Recreational Customary
Use in circuit court in which the properties
subject to the notice of intent are located”
within 60 days of the Oct. 2 public hearing,
Reingold said.
The law gives the private property own-
ers 45 days after the county files to “inter-
vene” or counter the customary-use claim.
The County Commission approved up to
$30,000 to pay for expert witnesses, the le-
gal work to be done in-house by Reingold
and Kate Cotner.
California. After completing her nine-month
sentence in Indian River County, she will be
extradited to California where she is wanted
on unspecified criminal charges, according
to Judge Cynthia Cox and court and police
Van Dorne was convicted of third-degree
grand theft charges for stealing two pink
tourmaline and diamond rings valued at
$15,000 and $6,100 from the top of a display
case at the Belle Cose boutique on March 27
during a trunk show.
After Indian River Shores police posted
a very clear surveillance camera image of
Van Dorne on social media, a Riomar resi-
dent called to say she recognized the blonde
woman. The white jeep registered to Van
Dorne was also captured on Shores license
plate cameras entering and leaving the town
on the date of the theft during the time frame
of the incident.
Investigators were able to use the evidence
to track down Van Dorne, who was living at
her parents’ residence. Police obtained a
search warrant on April 26 and recovered the
stolen jewelry and arrested Van Dorne.
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6 October 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
MEDICARE CLEVELAND CLINIC ment of immunology at Walter Reed Army
SOLUTIONS Institute of Research. A graduate of Purdue
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 with a Ph.D. from the University of Florida,
choices.BlueMedicare means more Hockmeyer founded MedImmune in 1988,
quarters: “This is the most important vote which became one of the top biologics com-
Come to a Florida Blue office to learn more about our plans. we will ever have as a group,” said Chair- panies in the world.
Get answers to your Medicare questions, woman Marybeth Cunningham. “The out-
and choose a plan that’s right for you. come will have ramifications far beyond this Cunningham is daughter of a president
year, or the following few years, but for de- of General Motors, the late Jim McDonald, a
A BlueMedicare Advantage plan is an affordable choice. cades to come in this community.” longtime resident of Vero. She retired in 2009
It provides the same coverage as Medicare Parts A & B as executive director of global operations for
Hockmeyer and Cunningham, both Mid- Delphi Packard Automotive Systems, a com-
plus additional benefits and services westerners with high-powered business pany with $5 billion in annual revenues.
backgrounds, proved a match made in ne-
Get covered with a gotiation heaven, a point made by IRMC She joined the Hospital District board af-
board member Kathy Hendrix just before ter besting Laura Moss, who subsequently
BlueMedicare plan. the final vote last Wednesday. became a Vero City Council member, in the
November 2014 election. That race drew a
There’s one that’s right for you! Hockmeyer, who joined the IRMC board record number of voters for the low-profile,
of directors in 2011, became chairman in unpaid post.
CALL NOW! 2015 just as Cunningham was taking her
For a personal appointment! seat on the Hospital District Board of Trust- Cunningham was viewed as a support-
ees. The board elected her chairwoman in er of the hospital and expressed a belief to
772-257-8600 January 2017. Vero Beach 32963 that a more diplomatic
approach to asking tough questions of the
(TTY users: 1-800-955-8770), 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. local time, “Shortly after, I met with Wayne Hock- hospital would result in less divisiveness.
Mon. - Fri. to speak to a licensed agent. meyer and suggested we needed to look to The relationship between the hospital and
the future and do something,” Cunningham the district was finally showing signs of im-
Your Local Agency for recalled for Vero Beach 32963 last week. provement, and Cunningham said “con-
“Shortly after, we started the collaborative frontation undermined confidence in the
committee. And you know the rest.” hospital and hurt donations.”
“The stars aligned to have you and Mary- That tenuous truce would prove cru-
beth Cunningham as chairmen at the same cial to IRMC’s future. As Hockmeyer said at
time,” said Hendrix to Hockmeyer on the both the initial presentation on the defin-
day of the final vote. “I think that enabled the itive agreement with Cleveland and the fi-
process to run much more smoothly.” nal vote a week later, the board of directors
of the hospital had been debating the issue
Hockmeyer is an affable, optimistic in- for years, including through the worst of the
novator of vaccines and immunotherapy, a battles with the Hospital District trustees.
retired Army officer and chief of the depart-
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS October 12, 2018 7
“This board really has been engaged in hour last Wednesday, Oct. 3 – high noon, as meeting, the doubter was Keith Morgan, a er the dynamic is in the community at the
discussions on this very topic for at least one director put it. retired CPA. He questioned the priorities time,” said attorney Glaser. “We didn’t want
four or five years,” he said. That would take listed under Cleveland’s $250 million capital to lock in something two years from now if it
discussions back to at least January 2014, Directors and trustees had spent nine commitment, which included routine main- didn’t make sense in light of what’s happen-
when Hospital District trustees were lock- days reading over a multi-hundred-page tenance. ing in healthcare in a rapidly challenging en-
ing horns with IRMC officials, complaining agreement, drawn up at a cost of multiple vironment.”
about opacity on the part of hospital admin- millions in attorneys’ and consultants’ fees. “In my mind, routine maintenance is fix-
istrators and balking at requests for more That didn’t include the costs to the other ing something that’s broken, existing things. In addition, the agreement provides for
taxpayer funds. health systems competing for IRMC, eight It’s not a capital project,” said Morgan. a committee designed to make sure those
with preliminary proposals and four with promises are fulfilled and can bring an ac-
At the same time, patients were telling both preliminary and secondary proposals. It turns out, it was the Hospital District tion if they are not, Glaser said.
horror stories of their experiences in the that requested routine maintenance be in-
IRMC Emergency Room, including some For the final four systems vying to take cluded in the list of priorities since it owns There was resistance at the Hospital Dis-
covered in Vero Beach 32963. Those ac- over Indian River Medical Center, there were the buildings and is leasing them to Cleve- trict’s meeting, too, chiefly voiced by two of
counts in turn were souring donors, provok- also hours of presentations from C-suite ex- land Clinic. the seven trustees, Tracey Zudans and Mi-
ing bitter complaints from former hospital ecutives – plus some very busy physicians – chael Weiss. Zudans called it “the perfect
CEO Jeff Susi. Those donations, along with both in Vero and at their top hospitals, where “The parties insisted on including it,” ex- partner and the wrong deal.”
the Hospital District’s reimbursement for in- visiting IRMC and Hospital District board plained Lou Glaser, the hospital’s lead attor-
digent care, were keeping the hospital afloat. members were welcomed with red-carpet ney in the partnership process. “The district “I have been disappointed since Day 1
tours. was concerned, because they lease the fa- with the minimum $250 million being the
“This hospital is sinking downhill to a cilities, that if money wasn’t committed the lowest capital expenditures of the four (can-
dangerous level,” said the late Dr. Burton IRMC had likely never felt so desirable. facility could in theory be allowed to fall into didate health systems),” she said. “So I was
Lee, a District trustee and revered figure in Not that it went to anyone’s head, but at the disrepair.” hoping the capital expenditure would be
healthcare. He blamed “most of the hospital final votes on Wednesday, there was nos- presented as higher.
board” for rarely questioning anything, in talgia for the leadership that had built the Along with routine maintenance, the
his words. hospital – board member emeritus Dr. Hugh agreement mentions non-routine develop- “Second, we were given a verbal agree-
McCrystal pointed out attorney William ment; improvement and expansion of facil- ment that indigent care would be covered
By the time the collaborative committee Stewart sitting in the gallery, and reminisced ities; information technology; and strategic on the day we selected the Cleveland Clinic
invited nationally known consultant Jamie about the vote in 1984 to let a separate com- capital investments including the acquisi- as our finalist. Not only is Cleveland Clinic
Orlikoff to speak in the fall of 2017, Hock- pany, IRMH Inc., take over the running of tion of businesses. There is also mention of asking for $15 million over the next three
meyer and Cunningham’s joint alarm had the hospital from the Hospital District. an outpatient surgical center. years, there’s nothing in the contract pre-
sounded, and Orlikoff’s warnings were a call venting them from coming back and con-
to arms. “Your model is the most particularly There was no mention of the leadership Notably absent from the list is a bed tow- tinuing to ask for $6 million or so every year
compromised model for hospitals that there that had brought IRMC to the brink; for- er, the industry term for a wing of patient in the future from the Hospital District,” she
is right now,” he told IRMC officials. mer CEO Susi’s unexpected retirement, an- rooms. That long-hoped-for addition to went on. “It’s our responsibility to fix these
nounced in the wake of a $4 million loss that IRMC may be dropped if anticipated chang- issues before we vote.”
A year later, as leaders hoped, the vote prompted pursuit of a takeover, was effec- es in healthcare make hospital stays increas-
to become part of Cleveland Clinic’s new tive this past December. ingly rare. Transaction attorney William Boyles
Florida expansion was unanimous by both pointed out that while Cleveland Clinic Flor-
boards, taken separately but at the same While the final vote was unanimous, each “One of the things that makes Cleveland ida does have the right to change its indigent
board had its naysayer. At the IRMC board’s Clinic such a good partner is that these de-
cisions should be made in light of whatev- CONTINUED ON PAGE 8
8 October 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
CLEVELAND CLINIC voiced his own about a clause in Cleveland’s At that point, Cunningham made the case Cleveland Clinic’s point of view, they’re say-
10-year commitment to maintain certain for the old saying: “A good deal is when nei- ing, I don’t know in 20 years what healthcare
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7 critical services like obstetrics at the Vero ther side is happy.” is going to be like. There may not be any bed
hospital. The clause says Cleveland can ter- towers in 25 years. It could be that they’re
policy statewide, Indian River’s new policy minate those services if “comparable care” “Could we have made a better deal? May- doing acute care services from their home.
will be the same as the Cleveland, Ohio hos- is provided within a 25-mile radius. Weiss be. Could we, with somebody else, have had
pital’s policy. “For that to change, it would brought up a possibility: What if the com- more money? Probably. But I think when “It’s scary,” she went on. “This is a big
have to be a systemwide change.” parable care is at another Cleveland Clinic you’re putting together a 30- or 75-year lease, deal and it’s scary and I get that. A lot. From
location? in healthcare, you have to be able to look at my perspective, I prefer to go into it believ-
Weiss agreed with Zudans’ concerns, and all the changes or potential change. From ing that they’re going to be a great partner,
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS October 12, 2018 9
and that they’re going to stick to their word, for whatever reason, they didn’t feel wel-
and their words have continually been, ‘We come and they left. Shame on us if we let
believe in staying in the community. We be- that happen. I think we’re doing the right
lieve in building here.’ They’ve told us that thing for the whole community, and we
continually.” ought to figure out a way to make them not
only proud, but obligated to be here and ful-
She said it seemed implausible that Cleve- fill every single thing they have in this con-
land Clinic would send its Vero patients to tract. I agree with Ann Marie: Some of that
another provider under the “comparable requires faith.”
care” proviso. The inference: Cleveland Clin-
ic’s care is incomparable. “They are very, McCrystal had hit the church-going Zu-
very concerned about their reputation,” she dans with a little pressure from on high.
said. “I said a little prayer last night that I hope
we will vote unanimously. That would say
When Trustee Ann Marie McCrystal had something to the community.”
her turn, she found her voice as historian. “I
can remember when we were looking for the Zudans, seated to her right, is admired
land to build this hospital,” she said. “There for her diligence but known on the board
was controversy: it’s too close to the airport; as nixing nearly everything. She had come
somebody owns too much land. There was in as a ‘no,’ she admitted later, and changed
controversy even building Indian River Bou- her mind only at the last minute. “I’ve been
levard. So, you know, you have to have a little talking to a lot of people in the community
bit of faith. I think we chose wisely for this and they already think Cleveland Clinic is
community. I think the plan they have for here, so I wouldn’t want to disappoint them.
Cleveland Clinic Florida is exciting. We will I will vote ‘yes.’”
be a part of that.”
“Good girl!” exclaimed McCrystal. “It’s
Trustee Allen Jones, a notorious numbers your first ‘yes’ vote!”
guy, had been at it again. He calculated the
value to the community of Cleveland’s addi- As for Weiss, he looked stricken on his first
tional coverage of indigent care, which it pro- two tries to say “yes,” and barely mouthed
vides to patients with incomes that fall un- the word on the third. Two other trustees,
der 250 percent of federal poverty guidelines Karen Deigl and Barbara Bodner, also voted
– far more generous than the District’s cur- yes. It was Cunningham who cast the final
rent ceiling of 150 percent for free care. And vote. “Absolutely,” she said.
beyond that, Cleveland will give discounts to
people earning up to 400 percent of poverty That moment of accord struck even the
guidelines. All that, added to the rent the Dis- most jaded of consultants and attorneys in
trict would receive after 30 years, and “you the room.
start to get close to $1 billion,” he said.
“We’re making you people famous across
“I actually have more faith in Cleveland the country,” said Barry Sagraves, managing
Clinic knowing what’s happening in health- director of Chicago’s Juniper Advisory, hired
care than I do in myself or even the board of by IRMC to chart the path to partnership.
IRMC. I think we’re going to be at a whole “We’ve never seen two groups that used to
other level,” Jones said. want to kill each other actually come togeth-
er and develop an outcome for the commu-
Then he brought up a bit of history that nity in this way. And there are more and more
would have made Cleveland Clinic Flori- district hospitals, county hospitals, hospital
da uncomfortable: the closure of the only organizations with a government entity and
other hospital it ever tried to open beyond a nonprofit entity, that are considering these
Weston. Built in 2001 – the same year the things, most of whom have some history of
Weston hospital opened – the Naples 90-bed difficult relations.
hospital shut down less than five years later,
because, among other issues, neighboring “Our message to these other people is if
hospitals persuaded the state not to issue it they’ve got the right leadership and the right
a Certificate of Need for cardiac surgery, the attitude, they too can come up with an out-
Clinic’s signature medical specialty. come like this. The future doesn’t have to
look like the past. Thank you for being part
“They went to Naples,” began Jones, “and of our pitchbook. You’re going to see your-
selves mentioned around the country.”
10 October 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
Surgeons favoring tourniquet-free knee replacements
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer Dr. Kenneth Sands.
[email protected]
Everybody has heard of tourniquets. In
cases of traumatic bleeding a tourniquet can
save your life.
In a total knee replacement procedure,
however, there’s now ample evidence that
tourniquets may actually do more harm
than good.
Sebastian River Medical Center ortho-
pedic surgeon Dr. Kenneth Sands has seen
more than his share of traumatic bleeding
after spending more than a dozen years as a
U.S. Army surgeon.
That said, Sands has also spent the past
six years performing “total knee arthrosco-
pies” or knee replacement surgeries at a rate
of close to 60 procedures a month and, as he
puts it, “one of the things we are doing now
that’s different is something called tourni-
quet-less total knee replacements.”
Bucking a more than half-century-old
formula, Sands and many other ortho-
pedic surgeons have now turned to the
tourniquet-less technique to help speed
recovery times and allow patients to com-
fortably leave the hospital in less than 24
hours after surgery.
“In a traditional total knee procedure,”
Sands explains, “we’d put a tourniquet on the
thigh to decrease blood loss during the oper-
ation. That’s been standard care for 60-some-
odd years.” But Science Direct’s Seminars on
Arthroplasty says “we have encountered no
difference in blood loss or transfusion rates”
between the two approaches.
Sand then adds, “the downside of using
a tourniquet is, patients end up having a lot
of thigh pain after the operation. If you have
a lot of thigh pain after the operation, that
tends to decrease your ability to [start on]
your physical therapy.”
The National Institutes of Health agrees. It
says that in clinical trials comparing patient
outcomes with and without tourniquets, “pa-
tients in the non-tourniquet group showed a
better outcome in all knee replacements and
better early knee range of motion.”
And then there’s the pain factor.
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH October 12, 2018 11
operation to cut down on pain receptors.” And that’s for 95 percent of the patients.”
Simply put, using fewer and lower-dose Finally, Sands can’t resist adding one
opioids combined with other medications more piece of positive information.
substantially reduces the risk of post-oper- In the recent past, knee replacement
ative addiction.
patients could only expect their prosthetic
The overall goal, according to Sands, is implants to last 10 to 15 years, but Sands
just as simple. “We want to get people back flatly states that “now we can confidently
to just being active. Like I said, the surgi- tell people [their implant] will probably last
cal techniques that we’re using nowadays, them 20 to 25 years.”
removing tourniquets, using the analgesic
cocktails, all of those things are assisting a Dr. Kenneth Sands is with the Steward
lot people to get back sooner.” Medical Group and also has offices in Mel-
bourne at First Choice Medical Group at 709
How soon? S. Harbor City Blvd. In Vero Beach he is at
According to Sands, “most of our patients 1715 37th Place. The phone number for both
here only stay for 23 hours. With making locations is 321-725-2225. He performs hip
some of these changes, if you came in to and knee replacements as well as other or-
have your surgery done on Monday, you thopedic procedures.
would usually leave on Tuesday afternoon.
NIH also states “postoperative pain and leagues are adjusting how they treat pain,
analgesic consumption were less when a as well as how they perform knee replace-
tourniquet was not used.” ment operations.
That “analgesic consumption” line is, in Instead of relying strictly on opioids,
many ways, just as important as the pain Sands says, “we use this special cocktail that
reduction. we inject into the patients. It helps control
pain post-operatively so that patients ac-
As Kinamed Corporation, a designer and tually feel good the next day and they want
manufacturer of implants and instruments to go home. It [also] cuts down on some of
for orthopedics and neurosurgery puts it, the post-operative nausea that makes many
“the ability to reduce opioid consumption people want to come back into the hospital.
is significant since opioid addiction has
become a national crisis and protocols that “It’s a combination of different medica-
result in reduced patient pain are highly tions,” Sands continues, “that they’ll get
sought after.” during the operation and then there’s also
some medication that they’ll get prior to the
For that reason, Sands and his col-
12 October 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | HEALTHY SENIOR
Acupuncture treatment often sought for osteoarthritis
By Fred Cicetti | Columnist lieved that there are 12 main meridians and 8
secondary meridians. The points can also be
Q. I have arthritis in my knee. I’m think- stimulated with heated herbs, magnets, mild
ing about trying acupuncture, but my friends electrical current, manual pressure, low-fre-
think I’m nuts. What do you think? quency lasers, or even bee stings.
Several recent studies show osteoarthritis Most acupuncture patients feel little or
symptoms can be relieved with acupuncture. no pain as the needles are inserted. Some
One Scandinavian study reported that 25 people are energized by treatment, while
percent of patients canceled their plans for others feel relaxed. Improper needle place-
knee surgery after acupuncture. ment, movement of the patient, or a defect
in the needle can cause soreness and pain
About 15 million Americans have tried this during treatment.
needle therapy. The World Health Organiza-
tion recommends it for more than 40 condi- Relatively few complications from acu-
tions as diverse as asthma and nausea from puncture have been reported to the FDA.
chemotherapy. The Food and Drug Adminis- However, inadequate sterilization of needles
tration regulates acupuncture needles. and improper administration have led to
complications. When done improperly, acu-
So, no, I don’t think you’re nuts. puncture can cause serious problems such as
By the 3rd century B.C., the Chinese docu- infections and punctured organs.
mented a medical system that is based on qi
(pronounced “chee”), a concept of vital energy Western scientists don’t know how acu-
that is believed to flow throughout the body. puncture works. However, studies show
Qi is said to regulate a person’s physical, that stimulating acupoints causes multiple
spiritual, emotional and mental balance. biologic responses. For example, this stim-
Advocates of Traditional Chinese Medicine ulation can prompt the release of the body’s
(TCM) say qi is affected by yin (negative en- natural pain-killing endorphins.
ergy) and yang (positive energy). When the
flow of qi is disrupted and yin and yang are If you are interested in acupuncture,
unbalanced, the condition leads to pain and ask your doctor about it. Healthcare prac-
disease, according to TCM. titioners can be a resource for referrals to
Treatments that are integral to this ancient acupuncturists. More medical doctors, in-
system are herbal and nutritional therapy, re- cluding neurologists, anesthesiologists, and
storative physical exercises, meditation, acu- specialists in physical medicine are becom-
puncture and remedial massage. ing trained in acupuncture.
To correct the flow of qi, acupuncture uses
superfine metal needles inserted into the Look for an acupuncture practitioner who
skin at more than 2,000 “acupoints” along is licensed and credentialed. And, check with
pathways known as “meridians.” It is be- your insurer before you start treatment to
see whether acupuncture will be covered for
your condition.
14 October 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
Shot of confidence: Why this flu vaccine may work better
Dr. Aisha Thomas-Cyr.
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer
[email protected]
The Florida Department of Health is ad- country in more than 40 years.
amant. Everyone should get vaccinated for Also, this year’s vaccine is expected to
influenza by the end of this month.
work better than last year’s.
Infectious disease specialist Dr. Aisha The 2017-18 flu shot was only about 26
Thomas-St. Cyr at Sebastian Infectious
Disease Care and Steward Health agrees percent effective against last season’s dom-
wholeheartedly with the FDH, saying “yes, inant flu strain, the H3N2, but Thomas-St.
I recommend everyone – 6 months of age Cyr says “this year’s vaccine will be a better
and up – get vaccinated.” match than last year’s.”
Let’s start with this: According to Dr.
Robert Redfield, the director of the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, some
80,000 Americans lost their lives to the flu
last year.
That’s the highest death toll in this
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH October 12, 2018 15
“because as you age, your immune system Cyr strongly urges everyone to go online
may weaken and is not as powerful, so giv- to www.cdc.gov and check their Adult (or
ing you more of the antigen would make Children’s) Immunization Schedule.
you react more and make your immune
system rev up.” You, your children or even your grandchil-
dren may have gotten immunization shots
Does getting the 2018-19 flu vaccines years ago for any number of life-threatening
provide a 100 percent guarantee you won’t disease and felt secure ever since, but you
be affected by the flu? could well be due for a booster.
No. Thomas-St. Cyr suggests checking the
Some flu viruses may not appear or be- CDC website right before your next annual
gin circulating until well into the flu sea- wellness exam because sometimes booster
son, long after the vaccines have been shots are “the last thing” a busy primary
formulated and distributed. Still, the CDC care physician is likely to think about.
says if you are vaccinated, you’re likely to
have a much less virulent reaction to any Dr. Aisha Thomas-St. Cyr is at Sebastian
such new strain and that, alone, could save ID Care at 7955 Bay Street, Suite 2, directly
your life. south of the Sebastian River Medical Center.
And speaking of saving lives, Thomas-St. The phone is 772-388-9155.
Melissa Martin with
Dr. Aisha Thomas-Cyr.
‘This year’s vaccine will be a better
match than last year’s.’
– Dr. Aisha Thomas-Cyr
Additionally, after a two-year hiatus, the ture rather than when it grows from an egg
FluMist nasal spray is back on the market, culture, so they think it might be a little
providing another option for protecting more effective.”
your health. In fact, the FluMist may actu-
ally have an edge over the shots this year. This year’s nasal spray contains the
same four flu viruses as the flu shots: an
The current process for producing shots influenza A (H1N1) virus; an influenza A
requires the flu viruses to be grown in eggs, (H3N2) virus; and two influenza B viruses
per FDA regulations. In the 2017-18 shot, – the B/Colorado and B/Phuket.
that turned out to be a problem. Last year’s
H3N2 strain may well have packed such a And, no. You can’t “catch the flu” by get-
deadly punch because it is one of a handful ting the shot. Or inhaling the spray.
of flu viruses that grows poorly in eggs.
Seniors have even more options for the
FluMist nasal spray, however, uses a live, 2018-19 vaccine.
inactive virus, not one grown in eggs.
As Thomas-St. Cyr explains: “Age over
Because of that, Thomas-St. Cyr believes 65, you can get a special high dose vaccine.
this year’s spray may represent “a more It pretty much has four times the antigen as
natural immunity. It’s what we find in na- the regular vaccine.”
That, she continues, can be important,
16 October 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
Shake up your breakfast routine … with dinner
By Casey Seidenberg whip up a hollandaise sauce on a Monday doughnuts, muffins and cereals Americans burger for breakfast or a sandwich of any
The Washington Post night, no sweat, breakfast foods can be usually reach for. But a hearty breakfast kind, and it doesn’t have to be of the sau-
some of the simplest and cheapest to make. doesn’t have to be confined to the tradi- sage, egg and cheese variety.
My teenage boys don’t need Taco Tues- tional American paradigm.
day or Wacky Wednesday to make meals Here are some ideas: Even if you don’t have a theme-happy
interesting. They are generally so hungry •Hash: use leftover salmon, sausage or So, consider. Sometimes a bowl of child under your roof, toppling your reg-
when they get home from football practice beans, and veggies steaming chicken noodle soup is more ular routines can put some life back into
they just want to eat, and right away. But my •Avocado toast comforting on a cold morning than yogurt mealtime and get you out of a repetitive
second-grade daughter loves a good theme. •Eggs any way: quiche, frittata, casse- just out of the fridge. Leftover spaghetti rut. Going backward can sometimes move
She already has nine possible motifs for her role, egg sandwiches, egg bake and meatballs might better suit the palate us forward.
March birthday and dreams about match- •Breakfast burrito or quesadillas and hunger level of a quickly growing teen
ing family Halloween costumes that would •Omelet waffles (mix omelet ingredients than a bowl of cereal. Eating such a hearty
make her brothers cringe; they won’t want and pour into a waffle maker) meal can also help if your child’s lunch
to dress as unicorns. But even the most ma- •Oatmeal: top with a fried egg or nuts hour is on the late side. Most of these din-
ture or jaded of us can get behind a playful and seeds ner-for-breakfast ideas will keep a child full
concept once in a while. •Pizza: top with sausage, egg and cheese a lot longer than a pancake.
•Tofu scramble
Our recent family favorite is Backward •Waffle tacos: wrap ingredients of choice Here are a few to try:
Day. We serve dinner for breakfast and into a folded waffle (a big hit in our house) •Grilled cheese and tomato soup
breakfast for dinner. And frankly, this flip •Fried chicken and waffles •Chili and a corn muffin
thrills everyone. My daughter relishes the •Smoked salmon and tomato on bagel •Quesadilla, burrito, or taco with fillings
theme. My boys get to eat some of their fa- •Oatmeal, almond flour or sweet potato of choice, including guacamole
vorite foods. I appreciate that my kids head pancakes •Fried rice with leftover chicken or eggs,
off to school having consumed a healthy •Pancakes with cheddar and scallions and vegetables
and hearty breakfast, and everyone seems (or another savory combination) •Black beans and rice
a little more relaxed at the table when I •Ham and cheese crepes •Risotto
serve breakfast for dinner. There is nothing •Steak and eggs •A polenta bowl with vegetables and
wrong with making mealtime fun. •Grits with a fried egg and cheese cheese
(shrimp is a great addition) •A baked potato with toppings of choice
There are abundant breakfast-for-din- Of course, these hearty breakfast meals •Leftover lasagna
ner ideas. My in-laws overachieve by serv- would work better in the morning than the •Leftover pizza (toss a fried egg on top)
ing eggs Benedict and champagne every •There is also nothing wrong with a
Christmas Eve. If you don’t have time to
18 October 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS www.veronews.com
Bonz leaves happy after meeting Phil and Scrappy
Hi Dog Buddies! Phil and Scrappy I asked in my outdoor voice. wrapped every piece of chocolate without
The rolling ceased. “Sometimes we go leaving a single toothmark.
This week I innerviewed Phil an Scrappy PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
Hopmayer. It was so fun, the time went by to the beach,” said Phil. “So fun! I rush out “Whenever Phil does something he
super fast. Phil’s a 5-year-old Parson Rus- “Oh, brother” Scrappy said. into the waves an body surf in. I also love shouldn’t when Mom an Dad are gone,
sell Terrier, wirey white hair, very trim, tidy “Well, it’s true!” Just then, a propeller our pool.” he gets in his bed an doesn’t rush to the
an alert; Scrappy’s probly about 8, of Mys- plane flew by, an Phil immediately shot door with me as usual when they return.
terious Origin, cool salt-an-pepper hair out to the backyard an started barking like He looked at his Dad, got the go-ahead, So Mom knew right away there was Some-
that totally covers his eyes. He looks like an crazy. then jumped in and began swimmin’ in thing Up. Sure enough, there was Phil on
Ewok. They were, like, the dog version of Scrappy innerupted. “Mom an Dad circles. “This is great! Come’on in, Mr. the bed with The Guilty Dog Look, Droopy
“The Odd Couple.” would never bring a new pooch into the Bonz!” Sad Ears, an a Chocolate-covered Face. He
family without consulting me, so they ar- can open doors, too. Once he got in the
Everybody greeted me an my assistant: ranged a ‘Meet an Greet.’ I brought my spe- Being a spaniel, I, too, love the water, pantry an ate potato mix, soup mix, an
Phil (Official Spokespooch); Scrappy (Unof- cial chewing ball in case he’d like to share.” but I was On The Clock. When Phil climbed chocolate chip cookie mix. Huge mess. It
ficial Spokespooch) and their mom an dad, “That WAS really nice,” conceded Phil, out, drippin,’ I could see his skin was all was delicious. He stayed in his bed then,
Lisa an Marc. After Wag-an-Sniffs, we got prancing back. “We’ve been BFFs ever spotty, like a Dalmatian. Or a giraffe. Or a too.”
comftubble by the pool. “So, what wouldja since, even though we’re pretty different.” cow. It was Super Cool Kibbles, an I told
like to know first, Mr. Bonz?” Phil asked. “How so?” I inquired. him so. “OK. Scrapman,” innerrupted Phil. “I’m
“Well,” Scrappy replied, “I’m just a good changin’ the subject. I don’t like thunder.
“I usually start with how evrybody got ol’ basic pooch. But Phil’s a Purebred. Has- “Confidentially,” said Scrappy, “Phil can Or that big noisy thing on a leash Mom
together.” ta know what’s happenin’ every single sec- be a liddle mischievous. Like, I noticed pushes all over the floors. I always attack
ond. An SOMEtimes he can be a bit of a there was a box of chocolates on the top it an save her. An I bark to remind Mom
“Ah cabe FURFT,” Scrappy said, around Snobnose.” shelf of the pantry, so I innocently point- to GO when the traffic light changes. Dad
a mouthful of tennis ball. “Hey, Scrapman, I just want what I want ed it out to Phil.” He smiled. “How was I to says I’m a Linear Thinker. I dunno what
when I want it is all. Like, if I’m not in the know he could get all the way up there?” that even means, but I think it means I
“Beg pardon?” mood for takin’ a walk, why should I? After He smiled a bigger smile. “It’s amazin’ how can figure stuff out. I patrol the bushes for
He petooied the tennis ball. “I came first. all,” he turned to me, “my breed originated Phil got that box down, and carefully un- lizards. An we dig the Dog Park. We hafta
It started in Mass-uh-choo-sits, where Mom in 19th century England. We were fearless stay in the Liddle Dog side, but I go right
was at the time. She got me at a rescue.” hunters. I come from a long line of VIDs.” DON’T BE SHY up to the fence an race the Big Dogs back
Phil said, “Then, down here, Mom an “Er …” an forth. I usually beat ’em, cuz I’m so Fleet
Dad decided Scrappy needed a roommate. “Very Important Dogs.” We are always looking for pets of Paw. An dinnertime’s extra fun cuz Mom
So they visited the Humane Society. This At that point, Scrappy took a flying leap with interesting stories. always sings the Doggie Dinnertime song.”
one day, a new bunch of pooches was be- and landed on Phil, and they began wres-
ing processed: a coupla pit bulls, three tling around, pretend-growling, an rolling To set up an interview, email “Hey, Phil,” said Scrappy. “Show Mr.
chihuahuas. An me. My name was even over an over. [email protected]. Bonz that cellphone thing.”
on my liddle cage: ‘Phil.’ The humane so- “So, fellas, what’s your day usually like?”
ciety human told Mom an Dad I’d been Their Mom opened a video on her
wanderin’ around the island, lookin’ lost. phone of Phil watching a video of himself
A pleeceman brought me to the Humane on her phone. He jumped into her lap an
Society, handed me over an said, ‘This is watched it intently. When it was over, he
Phil.’ He had no clue what my ackshull bopped the screen with his paw to start it
name was, an I didn’t remember either. again. Amazin.’
So Phil it was. The humane society people
were surprised nobody claimed me; Mom “Me, I’m way more chill than Phil,” said
an Dad think I was a Pooch of Privilege, Scrappy. “Like, when Mom’s gone, Phil’s
maybe even a jet-setter, cuz I was healthy, mizz-rubble. Totally Soggy Dog Biscuits
very well-trained and Very Smart. I always the whole time. I remain cool. ’Cept if he
recognize (an bark at) propeller planes and tries to grab my Antler Chew. Some things
motor boats. I Can’t Stand motorcycles or are just Off Limits.”
bicycles. An I can run like the wind.”
I was smilin’ all the way home.
The Bonz
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Exquisite native landscaping
defines ‘Grove’ home
4545 12th St. SW in The Grove: 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 2,260-square-foot home with swimming pool, lanai and beautifully landscaped .43-acre lot
offered for $324,900 by Berkshire Hathaway Home Services listing agent Chip Landers: 772-473-7888
Paul R. Berg VMer3oA3B3I3eNa2c0hOt,hFFSLFtrI3eC2e9tE60 Louis ‘Buck’Vocelle
VOCELLEBERG.COM 772-562-8111
20 October 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
Exquisite native landscaping defines ‘Grove’ home
By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer sick and Billy Graves, are old-time Vero, ing, is best for hurricanes. The “hip and usual leveled land with retention ponds,”
[email protected] not the typical South Florida developers,” valley” design, a main roof line with two Landers points out. Hensick and Graves
said Berkshire Hathaway Home Services wings, creates a façade of pleasing rhyth- carved swales into the land, giving it beau-
The joys of a well-designed and solidly listing agent Chip Landers. mic triangles with a slightly off-center ty and variety and also superior retention,
built house include ease of mind, com- recessed front door. Lightening the sol- which Joyce has made into a “marsh gar-
fort and functionality, but Michael Joyce’s People in the know want to live in id forms are arched windows and a front den” on his lot.
home at 4545 12th St. SW. in The Grove homes built by Hensick and Sons, a cus- door with stained glass and sidelight.
subdivision also has an indefinable extra. tom-home builder in the area since the It is a corner lot, nearly half an acre,
Similar to a person having charisma, the 1930s. Partnering with Graves to develop The landscaping has added immea- which allowed the garage to have a side
home’s proportions and landscaping give The Grove, a 68-home enclave, Hensick surably to the beauty of the home, as the entrance. No driveway or garage door mars
it a compelling quality that rises above also built some of the houses, including contrast between early and current photo- the integrated beauty of the front presen-
mere “curb appeal,” its welcoming beauty Joyce’s 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 2,260-square- graphs demonstrate. tation. On the outside, two windows help
drawing the eye like a magnet. foot home, which was completed in 1995. disguise the garage as a wing of the house.
Joyce and his late wife, Mary Ann, met On the inside, natural light sheds cheer
“The Grove developers, Norman Hen- The hipped roof, stable and self-brac- while volunteering at McKee Botanical onto the carpenter’s work bench, making
Gardens. “We both learned a lot about in- it a pleasant work space.
digenous plants,” Michael Joyce said. “If
you put in the right ones, they survive and The interior has high, 9-foot ceilings,
thrive without a lot of maintenance.” with a “knock down” finish that comple-
ments the heavy crown molding. Thick
Many of the plants are cuttings from leg- porcelain tile gleams throughout the com-
acy plants at McKee’s, which was founded munal rooms and extends out to the cov-
in 1929. Stand-outs are huge potted impe- ered porch.
rial bromeliads, live oaks, as well as Bud-
dha belly, pony tail and triangle palms. The Look up and admire the porch ceiling
various trees, orchids and other flowering made of cedar, resistant to water damage
plants bloom in turn throughout the year. and insects. Its reddish color contrasts
with the icy blue kidney-shaped pool,
“There is always something happen- kept pristine by the screened lanai. Potted
ing,” Joyce said. “They’re magnificent now, plants within and beyond the screen form
[though] most of them started as small a private oasis. “We ate out here often,”
plants in coffee cans. [The landscaping] is Joyce said. The pool was placed with a
what I’ll miss the most.” southern exposure to get sun and breezes,
Landers added.
An irrigation system on a separate well
makes watering almost effortless. The kitchen has been recently updat-
“This development doesn’t have the
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E October 12, 2018 21
ed, the thick round-edge granite a supe- to the pool. Both a walk-in closet and a large End of Add beauty and
rior grade with a rich molten texture. The second closet with built-in shelving will sat- Summer
wooden cabinets with crown molding and isfy the clothes horse. The bathroom has an Clearance! natural light to your
rope trim have been enameled. Joyce put L-shaped cultured marble counter, the two EXISTING entryway
in the chair-rail and bead board wainscot- sinks set near the ends of the right angle, in about an hour!
ing in the breakfast nook with the help of a giving couples elbow room. The large mirror
family member. A bar provides seating and has traditional wood trim with plinth blocks. • Glass patterns • Patio & Sliding
company for the cook. The cultured marble tub and surround is for every style Glass Doors
below an arched window. A walk-in shower and budget
There is a formal living room and dining is farther along, with a separate water closet • Framed /
room, the latter with a half-wall. The fam- completing the large room. • Customize to Frameless
ily room “is pretty much where we lived,” your style Shower Units
Joyce said. A solar tube illuminates the Off the two-car garage is a big laun-
room with natural light. “Solar tubes are dry room, the beauty of the porcelain tile • Impact Glass • Etching
better than skylights,” Landers said. “They leavening chore time. A big, high sink en- • Wood Interior/ • Schlage & Fusion
are flush with the roof line and aren’t prone sures the family dog can’t escape his bath. Exterior Doors Hardware
to leaking.” There’s also a built-in ironing board. • Fiberglass • Mirror Wraps
The split floor plan has two guest bed- The house is on county water and Flor- Doors
rooms, sharing a bath that also serves the ida Power & Light electric. Once far from
pool with a door off the covered porch. shopping, The Grove is now surrounded
Ceramic tile covers the floor and ceiling, with convenient shops, with a Publix just
lovely and durable. One bedroom has a a few blocks away.
view of the pool, while the other has built-
in shelving. Both have pristine off-white Landers will hold an open house from 1
carpeting and walk-in closets. p.m. to 3 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 14, for those inter-
ested in viewing the home and what his friend
The owner’s suite has a sliding-glass door calls its “arboreal oasis” landscaping.
Neighborhood: The Grove • Year built: 1995
Home size: 2,260 square feet • Lot size: .43 acres
Construction: Concrete block with stucco
Bedrooms: 3 • Bathrooms: 2
Additional features: Irrigation system on well water, county
water for house, two-car garage, pool with screened lanai, ex-
tensive landscaping, corner lot, covered porch, granite counters,
cultured marble counters, porcelain tile floors, crown molding,
bead board wainscoting, walk-in closets, walk-in shower
Listing agency: Berkshire Hathaway Home Services
Listing agent: Chip Landers, 772-473-7888
Listing price: $324,900
Regency Square
2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart
Licensed & Insured
22 October 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
The month of October saw a modest first week on the mainland real estate front, with 22 sin-
gle-family residences and lots changing hands from Oct. 1-5 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week was in Vero Beach, where the residence at 5430 W Harbor Village
Drive, first put on the market in May for $759,000, sold on Oct. 3 for $686,000.
Representing the seller in the transaction was agent Sally A. Baskin of Sea Turtle Real Es-
tate LLC. Representing the buyer was agent Paula M. Bushell of Dale Sorensen Real Estate
VERO BEACH 5430 W HARBOR VILLAGE DRIVE 5/29/2018 $759,000 10/3/2018 $450,000
VERO BEACH 3017 GOLFVIEW DRIVE 8/19/2018 $495,000 10/5/2018 $380,000
SEBASTIAN 726 S EASY STREET 6/3/2018 $419,500 10/1/2018 $325,000
VERO BEACH 1546 35TH AVENUE 7/17/2018 $375,000 10/3/2018 $289,000
VERO BEACH 5825 39TH PLACE 8/7/2018 $289,000 10/1/2018 $242,000
SEBASTIAN 979 STARFLOWER AVENUE 8/31/2018 $250,000 10/3/2018 $240,000
VERO BEACH 866 17TH PLACE SW 8/13/2018 $259,000 10/5/2018 $239,000
VERO BEACH 326 LEXINGTON AVENUE SW 7/25/2018 $239,900 10/1/2018 $230,000
VERO BEACH 1805 2ND STREET 7/20/2018 $230,000 10/3/2018 $230,000
VERO BEACH 8061 WESTFIELD CIRCLE 8/3/2018 $248,000 10/4/2018 $210,000
VERO BEACH 6380 OXFORD CIRCLE UNIT#101A 7/30/2018 $228,000 10/4/2018 $176,000
VERO BEACH 1420 16TH COURT SW 9/11/2018 $184,000 10/1/2018 $175,000
VERO BEACH 1745 POINTE WEST WAY 1/18/2018 $194,900 10/3/2018 $160,000
VERO BEACH 603 5TH PLACE SW 8/15/2018 $159,000 10/4/2018
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E October 12, 2018 23
3017 Golfview Drive, Vero Beach 726 S Easy Street, Sebastian
Listing Date: 8/19/2018 Listing Date: 6/3/2018
Original Price: $495,000 Original Price: $419,500
Sold: 10/5/2018 Sold: 10/1/2018
Selling Price: $450,000 Selling Price: $380,000
Listing Agent: T.P. Kennedy Listing Agent: Sam Robbins
Selling Agent: Collier Crawford, LLC Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Kelly Spence Khristine Brugger
Berkshire Hathaway Florida RE/MAX Crown Realty
1546 35th Avenue, Vero Beach 979 Starflower Avenue, Sebastian
Listing Date: 7/17/2018 Listing Date: 8/31/2018
Original Price: $375,000 Original Price: $250,000
Sold: 10/3/2018 Sold: 10/3/2018
Selling Price: $325,000 Selling Price: $242,000
Listing Agent: Ashley Harris Listing Agent: Sam Robbins
Selling Agent: Sea Turtle Real Estate LLC Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Jan Malcolm Tammy Harris
RE/MAX Crown Realty RE/MAX Crown Realty
Coming Up! From Sanchez, a ‘collage’ education
in sophisticated art PAGE B2 Adam Schnell.
By Samantha Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]
1 October is the month when
you’re pretty much required to
Howl at the Moon. Happily, you’ve
got a designated venue: Riverside
Theatre, going all out with Oktober-
fest Nights, especially designed for
singing, dancing, laughing, eating,
drinking and – howling. The Howl
at the Moon experience centers on
a pair of terrific pianists – this Fri-
day and Saturday, Oct. 12-13, Amy
Keith and Ken Gustafson – facing
off on stage across a pair of baby
grands. Then you, the audience,
get to pick the songs. You’re always
challenged to find one that these
entertainers don’t know, but lots of
luck with that. Their repertoires are
vast. You can choose tickets for ei-
ther the 7:30 p.m. or 8:30 p.m. seat-
ings. Pre-show, there’s always free
music and lots of food and bevs (full
bar) outside On the Loop. It’s there,
starting at 6:30 p.m., that you’ll get
a free, live concert. This Friday it’ll
be the Bob Houston Quartet, an
“authentic Oom-Pah-Pah German
B2 October 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE www.veronews.com
From Sanchez, a ‘collage’ education in sophisticated art
By Ellen Fischer | Columnist Tim Sanchez.
[email protected]
Tim Sanchez needs no introduction to his
Vero Beach public. His paintings, which com-
prise expressionist abstracts with collaged-on
elements, as well as moody landscapes and
spare interior scenes, can be seen in a number
of private collections in the 32963 area, as well
as a public one; the Vero Beach Museum of Art
added a large Sanchez painting to its perma-
nent collection in 2014.
“The collectors here have responded to my
work so positively,” says Sanchez.
He notes that demand for his work – es-
pecially his collage paintings – is associated
with the increased sophistication of art lov-
ers who, like him, have come to live on the
barrier island.
When Sanchez and husband Jim Haigney
moved here from Long Island 17 years ago,
a taste for nonrepresentational painting
had not yet been established among the
art-buying public.
“People looked at art in a more decorative
way,” Sanchez says, tactfully.
He attributes the rise in interest in post-
World War II art, from abstract expressionism
to digital projection, to Vero’s Museum of Art,
as well as its contemporary retail galleries.
With affection, Sanchez recalls gallerist
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE October 12, 2018 B3
Martha Lincoln, whose eponymous gallery sooner or later detect the fact. For example transparent acrylic gel medium into which he brush or graphite and see where that takes me,
was located at 675 Beachland Boulevard (a real if, after consideration, a color is seen to show had mixed crushed particles of vine charcoal. and then start adding paint and then adhere
estate office now occupies the building). In the itself too proudly, or to cower when it should maybe collage pieces on top of that.”
early aughts, the gallery specialized in works be bold, the artwork is whisked off the wall and For now, Sanchez seems satisfied with
by living artists whose oeuvres featured bright, back into the studio for a revisit with the brush. the painting’s current state; it just might be Leaving himself open to the possibly of
impressionistic landscapes and floral pieces. finished. A visitor gazing upon the unified change is perhaps the most important part of
The abstracts sold by the gallery had pleasing The painting currently on probation in the complexity of the piece might wonder how Sanchez’s non-process process.
and clearly definable subject matter. bedroom is named “An A and an Arrow” for it all began.
two collage elements Sanchez has adhered “This one came rather easily,” he says of a
“Martha was very good to me; she gave to the painting’s surface – a commercially “I deliberately try not to make the process 4-four-foot tall, nearly 7-foot-wide abstract
me a little show in 2002. She understood my printed arrow on a rectangle of metal and a the same, so that the outcomes are unique diptych he calls “Two Connected Panels.”
work, but she couldn’t sell it. She knew what similarly printed “A.” and different unto themselves,” says Sanchez, (Sanchez “hates” to title his paintings, fear-
was marketable in that time and place,” who is willing to speak in general terms about ing an undue influence on the way they are
Sanchez says. In an old apartment house, an “A” like this his method. viewed. He therefore makes his titles guile-
one might be stuck on the first mailbox in a lessly obvious.)
Today, he notes, not only is there more new foyer row, while an arrow would point the way “Especially with the non-objective abstract
art to see in Florida, there are more opportuni- to the nearest fire extinguisher. But this is a expressionist stuff, I will start with collage, Each of the diptych’s panels was intend-
ties to buy it. painting and, although they catch the eye, the rather than paint. And then I’ll draw on top of ed as a stand-alone piece, though Sanchez,
symbols’ conspicuous placement merely an- that. Sometimes I will just start drawing with who likes to have a few paintings in prog-
That includes the big art fairs in Palm Beach nounces their superficiality. As in a McGuffin ress at one time, worked on the two pieces
or Miami, but also the number of contempo- in film (think of that classic “Rosebud” in “Cit- simultaneously.
rary artists right here inVero who, like Sanchez, izen Kane”), you are initially led to believe the
open their studios to those who not only want story is about them, but soon find yourself en- The two were united only after one of the
to see where the sausage is made, but purchase grossed in an entirely different adventure. paintings was all but declared finished; the
it fresh off the easel. other was still in progress.
In Sanchez’s painting, the journey begins
Sanchez welcomes collectors year-round to with a color somewhere between salmon pink The paintings were at opposite ends of the
his studio by appointment, but the annual re- and paper-bag beige. A good deal of the can- studio when, says Sanchez, “I thought, ‘Wait a
ception at his seaside residence is a must-have vas has been collaged over with translucent minute!’ and I pulled them together.”
invitation for cognoscenti who crave the art- plastic sheeting which, in the lacunae between
ist’s boldly visceral work. On that date, existing the passages of pigment with which it has been After adding some touches to the wider,
clients and collectors intent on buying their covered, is still tantalizingly see-through-able right hand panel to complete the visual tran-
first Sanchez flock to the house, which is hung to an earlier paint strata. sition between its serenely open composition
from parlor to pantry with the prolific painter’s and the left hand panel’s dynamically active
recent work. The home’s garage is Sanchez’s The topographical aspect of this many-lay- one, the two paintings became one.
studio, proper. There, stacks of canvases lean ered work is enhanced by a patina of age; it
against the walls and a paint-spattered easel appears as though the work has languished for “It gives the viewer a tremendous amount
holds the latest work in progress. years in an atmosphere of dust and soot. San- of power to be able to look at these pieces (to-
chez achieved the effect with an application of gether) and pull what she, or he, wants from
One of the paintings currently on display them,” Sanchez enthuses.
in the master bedroom is hot from the easel.
There is a reason why Sanchez has placed this And that is “so much more delightful” than
newest of paintings in seclusion. the way they started out.
In the mid-1970s, while working toward a
degree in art education at the State University
College of Buffalo (he subsequently received
his MFA from Long Island University), San-
chez first experienced the issue of not know-
ing when to deem a painting “finished.” That’s
when his teacher, a recent Yale Art School
graduate named Richard Baumlier, offered
Sanchez some memorable advice.
“He said, ‘Hang it on the wall and live with
it,’” Sanchez recalls.
And what better way to consider the “do-
neness” of an artwork than to confront it first
thing in the morning (before coffee, at that)
and prior to closing your eyes at night?
If the work is not finished, the artist will
B4 October 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE www.veronews.com
Oktoberfest Band.” Saturday’s Live in the
Loop band Nightfly will bring “classic rock
and roll and more.” Tickets for the Howl
Experience: $12 to $22. 772-231-6990.
2 All it takes is one: Reader’s Theatre 1 At Vero Beach Theatre Guild this weekend.
Productions at Vero Beach Theatre
Guild will present the classic courtroom fourth annual Indian River Bird and Nature of Conservation.” This weekend will be such a 5 “A Bernstein Celebration”
drama “12 Angry Men” this Friday, Saturday Art Show at the Sebastian Art Club, adjacent great opportunity to acquaint or re-acquaint at King Center Saturday.
and Sunday. Audiences will find themselves to the beautiful North Sebastian Conserva- yourself with the natural wonder that is the
engrossed as the compelling story un- tion Area, hosted by the Pelican Island Pres- Refuge and its surrounds. Sunset cruise: $45. the world premiere of the ‘On the Town Rhap-
folds on stage in front of the Grand Drape: ervation Society. On Friday’s schedule: see 772-202-0697 or 772-494-6306. sody,’ with Jennifer Frautschi as soloist.” The
the fate of a 19-year-old man who has just the pigments fly during a fascinating, fun- vocal soloists for the “West Side Story Suite”
stood trial for murder – the fatal stabbing of to-watch Plein Air Paint Out, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., 5 What a spectacular choice for Bre- are “two amazing performers I work with at
his father – is now in the hands of the jury, followed by an artists’ reception, 6 p.m. to 8 vard Symphony Orchestra’s 65th Sea- Disney: Jackie Stressman and E.J. Cardona.”
and, observes a guard, “He doesn’t stand a p.m. Then, for you early-birds, rise and shine son opener: This Saturday, Oct. 6, Brevard’s This one is not to be missed. Curtain: 8 p.m.
chance,” he’s going down in what is seen as and be ready by 8 a.m. to join nature activist all-professional orchestra, under the baton of Tickets: start at $45. 321-242-2219.
an “open and shut” case. Then, as the clocks an scrub jay advocate/expert Jane Schnee Maestro Christopher Confessore, performs “A
ticks inside the bleak jury room, one of the on a Florida Scrub Jay tour. The wonderful Bernstein Celebration,” celebrating the 100th
12 begins opening the eyes of his fellow artworks will be on display (and for sale) Sat- anniversary of Leonard Bernstein’s birth with
jurors to the facts of the case. Show times: urday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Sunday, 9 a.m. to a concert presented by the King Center that
Friday, 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, 2 p.m.; Sunday, 2 4 p.m. They’ll be judged by Sebastian River will feature, says the concert promo, Bern-
p.m. Tickets: $12.50. 772-562-8300. Chamber of Commerce Executive Director stein’s “great theatrical works, with excerpts
Beth Mitchell, Indian River Lagoon Project from “Candide,” “On the Town,” “West Side
3 In conjunction with its powerful communications director Kathy Hill and Vero Story,” “Mass” and “Fancy Free.” A special
and compelling current exhibition Beach Art Club artist Lizdeil Ramos-Hering. guest, Confessore shares, will be one of Ber-
“Made in Germany: Art Since 1980,” the You’ll have another opportunity to commune nstein’s personal assistants and librarians,
Vero Beach Museum of Art presents a trio with the area’s precious, truly unique, natural Charlie Harmon, who has fascinating anec-
of provocative films, the first, “Wings of environment at Capt. Hiram’s on Saturday, dotes about his time working with Bernstein
Desire” (1987), this coming Thursday, Oct. 5 p.m., when you join the sunset wine-and- and watching him prepare for and perform
18. The film, explains the promo, “explores cheese pontoon boat cruise to the Pelican the very works you’ll hear on the evening’s
German social consciousness through im- Island Willdlife Refuge. Also at Capt. Hiram’s, program. And it gets better and better. Har-
agery and elements drawn from the real at 3 p.m., Missi Hatfield will provide some his- mon has created a special arrangement
world.” There will be a short intro by the torical back story with “National Wildlife Ref- for solo and orchestra, says Confessore, of
museum’s film studies coordinator, Diane uges and the Migratory Bird Treaty – 100Years themes from “On the Town,” and “we’ll give
Thelen, who will highlight “broad connec-
tions to be made with the art exhibition’s
major themes: artists and artworks.” The
film will be screened in the Leonhardt Au-
ditorium. Time: 4:30 p.m. Admission: free
with museum admission: adults, $12; se-
niors, $10; under 17, free. 772- 231-0707.
4 Spend a relaxing, low-key weekend
enjoying art and nature this Friday,
Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 12-14. Sound ap-
pealing? If you’re not yet familiar with North
County’s rich artistic presence, this would be
a wonderful time to remedy that. The Peli-
can Island Preservation Society is hosting the
1. Vince Flynn's Red War 1. Whiskey in a Teacup 1. Swing BY KWAME ALEXANDER
BY KYLE MILLS BY REESE WITHERSPOON 3. Last Kids on Earth and the
2. Depth of Winter 2. Ship of Fools Cosmic Beyond BY MAX BRALLIER
3. Carnegie's Maid 3. Hidden Tapestry 4. Supernova (Amulet Book #8)
4. Man of War BY SEAN PARNELL 4. In Pieces BY SALLY FIELD 5. The Magic Misfits: The Second
5. The Escape Artist 5. Leadership Story BY NEIL PATRICK HARRIS
STUART WOODS W. BRUCE CAMERON 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 | www.verobeachbookcenter.com
presents presents
A Stone Barrington Novel Tor Forge Books
G.P. Putnam's Sons Sunday, Oct 21st at 3 pm
Wednesday, Oct 17th at 6 pm
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE October 12, 2018 B5
Awe, yes: Island View Cottages ‘reveal’ impresses
Page Franzel and Allyson Bootes. Kristen Knudsen, Warren Dill and Donna Keys. PHOTOS: MARY SCHENKEL Christy and Dr. Neil Heskel.
By Mary Schenkel | Staff Writer laughed and told her ‘You can’t get this preventive healthcare, vaccinations and ular medical care, fresh water, nutrition
[email protected] done in four months.’ I said, ‘That’s the immunizations, medicines and nutri- and sewer systems.
wrong thing to say to Christy.’ So guess tional supplements, and desperately
Dr. Neil and Christy Heskel hosted De- who got it done.” needed dental care. “The kids have worms; this is a third
sign for a Cause last Saturday evening, world. This is real poverty; some of these
treating guests to a Grand Reveal unveiling Of the former 12 cottages, two were com- “They saw up to 15,000 people last kids are really malnourished. I go down
of their new venture – the stunningly rede- bined into one, a resident home for the full- year, so they’re quite busy,” said Dr. there and I say, ‘This is why I went to med-
signed Island View Cottages in Sebastian, time manager was renovated, and a garage Heskel, who just recently returned from ical school.’”
which will officially open in November. was converted into a social room. his 30th trip there.
After almost seven decades, the cottages He said they envision Island View Cot-
of the former Ferndale Lodge, built in 1949 “We didn’t want to change it too much; He explains that in addition to con- tages as another way they can support the
along the Indian River Lagoon, have been there’s so much history in this old place,” ditions such as heart disease, diabetes clinic, adding, “I’m excited about it.”
spectacularly transformed by a group of said Christy Heskel, a territory manager for and cancer, they must also tackle dis-
über-creative local and national decorators. gen-E. “The rooms now are just amazing. eases of poverty created by a lack of reg- For more information visit islandviewse-
They’ve all incorporated something that’s bastian.com or haiticlinic.org.
More than 200 guests enjoyed hors Haitian-themed, which is really awesome.
d’oeuvres donated by Sebastian River Med- It’s been a community effort getting ready
ical Center, kegs of local craft beers donat- for this event. It’s been incredible.”
ed by Mash Monkeys and Pareidolia, and
music by the nationally acclaimed band All money raised at the event will ben-
Naked Blue as they wandered throughout efit Haiti Clinic, a nonprofit dear to their
the charmingly renovated property, which hearts.
maintains its old Florida charisma.
Dr. Heskel has been involved with Haiti
“So many people have contributed to Clinic since its founding a little more than
this; it’s the work of a lot of people,” said Dr. a decade ago by local physician Dr. Dirk
Heskel, a Vero Beach dermatologist, who Parvus. The clinic operates out of the Haiti
was quick to give credit to his wife. “It was Partners Children’s Academy and Learning
all her idea to get the decorators in, for each Center in Baocia and in the slums of Cité
one to have a room, and to have this Grand Soleil, near Port au Prince.
Reveal party for Haiti Clinic.”
People receive a wide range of services
He said they took possession of the at the clinics – staffed with Haitian physi-
property after Memorial Day. “Everybody cians, dentists and other personnel – in-
cluding primary, prenatal, pediatric and
B6 October 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE www.veronews.com
At Hunt for Hope, a pink-y promise to educate about IBC
By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer Dr. Holly Hamilton and Sue Skirvin. women. This rapidly progressive cancer
[email protected] is often misdiagnosed and/or undetect-
tian, their rosy attitudes belied the serious- ed until it has reached stage III or IV. Left
A pink hue settled over Sebastian recent- ness of IBC, a little-known killer. Although untreated, the cancer spreads to other
ly, as folks set out for the sixth annual Hunt considered the most fatal of all the breast areas of the body, significantly reducing
for Hope Florida, a scavenger hunt de- cancers, IBC receives minimal research
signed to raise awareness of Inflammatory funding. survival rates.
Breast Cancer and fund clinical research “Most of the people that come to our
through the IBC Network Foundation. The message of the nonprofit is clear:
“No lump, still cancer!” events and most of the people that we
Kicking off Breast Cancer Awareness encounter in the community aren’t even
month in a big way, participants popped Dr. Holly Hamilton, owner of Riverside aware of IBC,” said Hamilton, adding that
into local businesses in a rosy flurry, draw- Family Dental in Sebastian, was moved to by the time IBC presents symptoms it’s
ing the attention of passersby with an un- start Hunt for Hope Florida in honor of her usually too late. That’s why awareness and
abashed display of pink hair, socks, tutus, friend Dr. Lori Grennan, who lost her battle education are so important, said Ham-
boas, suspenders, fairy wings and beads as ilton. “If I can even educate one person,
they performed more than 60 wacky tasks that’s a success for me.”
during the three-hour scavenger hunt.
While cancer survivor Kathleen Brown
Flush with excitement, teams with mon- said she didn’t have IBC, she joined the
ikers such as the Hakuna-Ma-TaTas, IBC hunt knowing firsthand the importance of
Boobie Brigade and Team TaTa visited local
venues to complete as many tasks as pos-
sible while also educating everyone they
encountered about IBC. Teams sent back
smartphone photos and videos of them-
selves performing planks, counting pep-
peroni, pilfering coasters, reading books,
flossing a team member’s teeth, playing
thumb wars, running through a sprinkler,
making a sand angel and singing the Na-
tional Anthem.
As each group trekked through Sebas-
Front: Katie Rapach and Michael Payne. Back: Stephen Gould, Adam Ogilvie and Rob McKinney.
with IBC five years ago. cancer research.
While combating the disease, Grennan “I am a recent survivor. The best advice
founded the first Hunt for Hope in Ohio to I can give to anybody is how important
help provide funding to the IBC Network early detection and a positive attitude are
Foundation, which was established by IBC to recovery. That’s what got me through,”
survivor Terry Arnold. Since its inception, shared Brown of her experience with sur-
Hunt for Hope events nationwide have gery and recovery. “I look forward to the
raised more than $1.1 million, with 100 per- day that cancer has been cured.”
cent of the proceeds funding IBC research.
For more information visit theibcnet-
IBC is a highly aggressive form of breast work.org.
cancer that generally affects younger
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE October 12, 2018 B7
Kathleen Brown and Angie Stokes. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Jaclyn Addeo, Tambi Cobb, Lucy Brobst and Kelley Smith. Team B.B.M Moms at Pareidolia Brewing.
Christine Marshall, Jennifer Roberts, Amy Speak, Jessica Ogonoski, Delanie Ogonoski, Front: Randy Miller. Back: Jessica Emert, Cierra Nancy Wilkinson, Alicia Wilkinson,
Alaina Roberts and Kelly Speak (front). Kelly Beuth and Sherrie Beuth. Flores, RIchie Hope, Dylan Gronley and Jessica Baker. Steven Southall, and Nicky Talkington.
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B8 October 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
Yellow Dog Café: Harvest Moon special a bone-a-fide deal
By TIna Rondeau | Columnist
[email protected]
If you have never visited the Yellow Dog
Café in Malabar, you want to head there
in the next few weeks while they are
still offering the Harvest Moon Fall
You’ll want to make a reser-
vation because you’ll be com-
peting for a table with the
many long-time fans of the
Yellow Dog, who recognize
that this $35 four-course menu Crab Bisque.
in the off-season is a bone-a-fide Potato Crusted
great deal.
Grilled Portabello
You also want to get there while it is Mushroom.
still daylight, because the Yellow Dog is The reviewer
dines anonymously at
one of those rare dining spots that com- restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
bines good food with a drop-dead view of
the Indian River Lagoon. Lunch: Tuesday - Sunday
Totally redone after the 2004 hurricanes, 11:30 to 2:30pm
Dinner: Sunday & Tuesday -
the restaurant consists of three charming
Thursday - 5 to 9pm
dining areas: a cozy room overlooking the Friday & Saturday - 5 to 10pm
lagoon and an open kitchen; a more tra- Beverages: Full Bar
ditional room filled with antiques; and a Caesar Salad.
large downstairs that opens onto an open- 905 US Hwy 1 in Malabar
(1/2 mile north of Malabar Rd)
air seating area leading to a dock (yes, you
can come by boat). entrée from the (321) 956-3334
On these nice Florida fall evenings, Harvest Moon menu – the
there’s nothing better than dining on the fresh cod baked in lemon
covered porch overlooking the water. Last butter topped with bread
Saturday night, we arrived early and were crumbs and melted Ha-
seated at a waterfront table. varti cheese – and my
While the Yellow Dog was offering sev- husband had the pep-
eral great-sounding specials that evening, percorn crusted yellow
we decided to stick with the Harvest Moon fin tuna served with
menu. delicious Canton
For the first course, you get to choose noodles and mixed
from two soups and two appetizers. My Asian veggies.
husband ordered the Yellow Dog’s signa- We accompa- Crème Brulee.
ture crab bisque, which he loves, so I de- nied our din- lasts, you can’t beat the dining experience
you get for not far into three figures.
cided to try the soup of the day, which on ners on these
I welcome your comments, and encour-
this evening was the chef’s riff on a New visits with selec- age you to send feedback to me at tina@
England clam chowder. The bisque was tions from the Yellow Dog’s quite reason-
sumptuous, as always, and I really liked able wine list.
the clam chowder. Dinner for two here has never been in-
Next came a choice of salads, and my expensive, but with the food portion of
husband and I each had a very nice Caesar your check running only $70 for two while
with just the right number of anchovies. this special (which is good all evening)
For entrées on this evening, I chose the
grilled portabello mushroom and my hus-
band opted for the potato crusted salmon.
The portabello, stuffed with artichoke
hearts, fresh spinach, roasted red peppers
and Havarti cheese, was accompanied
by Chef Stuart Borton’s wonderful rice. A
great vegetarian dish.
My husband’s Scottish salmon, encrust-
ed with potatoes and perfectly cooked,
was served atop beautiful asparagus
spears, the chef’s rice, and topped with a
lobster saffron cream sauce.
Then to conclude another great evening
at the Yellow Dog, along with espressos,
I enjoyed the chocolate walnut dog bone
brownie with vanilla ice cream and my
husband had an excellent crème brulee.
On a visit earlier this fall, I tried another
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING October 12, 2018 B9
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call 772.410.0100 for more information
B10 October 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING October 12, 2018 B11
4-9 Lunch & Dinner Open:
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B12 October 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES October 12, 2018 B13
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist A Q 10 6 5 4
Andrew Lloyd Webber said, “What strikes me is that there’s a very fine line between Q92
success and failure. Just one ingredient can make the difference.”
Sometimes, that ingredient is being in the right place at the right time, not pure talent. J96542 EAST
In today’s deal, what do you think of the auction, and what should West have led against 10 7 5 K Q 10 3
five diamonds? AK3
North, especially given the favorable vulnerability, might have made a three-heart weak
jump overcall, but that would not have worked well here. South, fearing a bad misfit, 4
would probably have passed throughout. When North passed, East added 3 points for
his singleton and made a game-invitational limit raise. Now South might have bid four no- Q85
trump to show his minor two-suiter, but with longer and stronger diamonds, he chose to
intervene with four diamonds. In a way West did well to bid four spades, because it would SOUTH
have made, but it persuaded South to persevere with five clubs. West doubled that and,
on less firm ground, North’s correction to five diamonds. A
There is a reliable rule: When the opponents are sacrificing, lead a trump. Here, as long 7
as West then wins the first and second rounds of clubs to continue leading trumps, the
defenders will take three club tricks for down one. AKJ863
At the table, West started with a spade. Now declarer played on clubs, eventually J 10 6 4 2
benefiting from the 3-3 break, losing only two clubs and scoring plus 550.
Dealer: West; Vulnerable: East-West
The Bidding:
1 Spades Pass 3 Spades
4 Diamonds 4 Spades Pass Pass LEAD:
5 Clubs Dbl. 5 Diamonds Pass ??
Pass Dbl. All Pass
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3920 US Hwy 1, Vero Beach FL 32960
B14 October 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES www.veronews.com
1 Overseas (7) 1 Stage when tempers are
5 Poorly (4)
7 Blacksmith’s block (5) lost (10)
8 Insect’s middle (6) 2 Dream (7)
10 Listen! (4) 3 Doing nothing (4)
11 Bitter feud (8) 4 Aromatic spice (6)
13 Wild cat of Central and S 5 Plant with drooping white
America (6) flowers (8)
14 Pointy beard (6) 6 Art; ship (5)
17 In theory only (8) 9 Tender of birds killed for
19 Ice cream holder (4)
21 Adieu (2,4) sport (10)
22 Supply with (5) 12 Exclusive control (8)
23 Separated part of milk (4) 15 Excess (3,4)
24 Jug (7) 16 Pub nag (anag.) (4,2)
18 Canine or incisor? (5)
20 Garment under a shirt (4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:The Telegraph
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
Hardware Store & Lumber Yard
63 years Family Owned & Operated
4645 US-1 • (772) 562-4171 • SturgisLumber.com
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES October 12, 2018 B15
ACROSS 83 Actress Danes 50 75 percent of a thousand?The Washington Post
1 Experiences follicle fallout 84 Inveigles 51 Put ___
6 Agriculture secretary, 1971- 85 Taste
86 His Highness, (act superior)
76 53 Rod Stewart’s ex
14 Determinant in Qatar 54 Reasonable
20 Some income outgo 87 Droves
21 Hardly any 88 Grouses amount of money, work-wise
22 Like a farm animal 89 Yield 55 Insignificant domain
23 Like a farm animal 90 Test the horsepower 57 Oscar-winning animated
24 Just-baked item 91 Cosi fan ___
25 Really groovy? 92 Shakespearean effort short of 1981 (based on
26 Furry favorites 93 Avis predecessor? the sound of a tree being
27 Batch of new furry favorites 94 Bring out chopped down)
28 Prince Harry’s mom 96 Examined 58 Aquatic park features
30 10-10, for one 98 Slangy stadium ticket 60 Body extreme
31 Peel 99 Cassiterite 63 Canadian Indian
32 Garden worry 100 Orpheus’s heartthrob 65 French frigate on which the
33 Galactica’s patriarch 101 Unsettling Statue of Liberty was
34 Uma’s role in The Producers 102 Green coups brought over
35 Actress Gasteyer 103 Made doubly clear 66 Robert’s list
36 Detach, in a way 104 Mix 69 Most in need of TLC
37 The Tin Man’s first request 71 Makes jump
38 Jodie Foster film DOWN 73 Covered in Berber
39 School of whales 1 Strike, euphemistically 74 Smart aleck
40 Bad-tempered 2 ___ to grind 75 Fossil fuel fallout
41 Lengthwise, at sea 3 Way off? 76 Won twice in a row
43 It’s on the fast track? 4 Slow to understand 78 Lair
45 The heart, for one 5 Wilkes-Barre to Philly dir. 79 Super’s concern
46 Kip spenders 6 Extinct horse 81 Cylindrical or slightly
49 “ ’Twas ___ I was born” 7 One more tapering
8 Tommy who played Jeff on 82 First name of the author of
(Shak.) Last Flight
50 Veteran Lassie 84 Judge who
52 Run off, in a way 9 Like our ears became the first
53 Throws in 10 Winter comment commissioner of baseball,
55 Make hard 11 Salt Lake City athlete Kenesaw Mountain ___
56 1970 Beatles hit 12 Poppycock 88 Female students, in old lingo
57 Staff symbol 13 Concerning sky signs 89 Unrelentingly severe
58 “Hey you” reply 14 The French Connection 91 Flag
59 Meat on a stick with 92 Terrier island
costar 95 Klink’s rank: abbr.
Thai peanut sauce 15 Bluish-green 97 Esposito teammate, once
61 Arrived home? 16 Set shout 98 Ball celeb
62 Indy sight 17 Gossip
64 “Heav’n” has one 18 Beyond the Horizon WHITE OPEN SPACES By Merl Reagle
66 Mother of Zeus and
Poseidon 19 Announcement after a card
67 Have ___ the ground SEASONAL GOLF MEMBERSHIPS
68 What “I wouldn’t be” foul-up
69 Singer Johnny’s boy 27 Woolly .25 Single Includes tax $ .25 Family Includes tax
70 Places for WACs to relax 29 Start of a famous 1331 1757$
72 The King James, for
palindrome 9 Hole Facility Weekly Men’s & Ladies
example: abbr. 33 Gauge reading at a gas Tournaments
73 Era of the Cuban Missile Designed by
station Join our Ladies Golf Association
Crisis 34 Like Schubert’s Eighth “Joe Lee”
77 Consoling words 36 Addicts Take lessons from PGA/LPGA
79 The going price 37 Vigor Professional, Kathy Cassese
80 Water cooler 41 Certain chocoholics
81 “The Miller’s” or 42 Fighting, perhaps
44 Cardinal memento
“The Monk’s” 45 Smoke shapes
47 Old region of Africa
48 Went over the limit
Island Dunes
772.229.0803Country Club
8735 S Ocean Country Club • Jensen Beach
Located on Hutchinson Island, 3 miles south of the Power Plant
The Telegraph
B16 October 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR www.veronews.com
ONGOING petitors from Boys & Girls Clubs and Gifford & 13, Oct. 19 & 20, Oct. 25 to 27, and Oct. 29 bier and entertainment by The Sophisticats.
Youth Achievement Center. 914-954-1882 to 31, 1036 Main Street Sebastian hosted by $20. 772-562-8450
Vero Beach Museum of Art - 150 Years of GFWC Sebastian River Junior Woman’s Club.
Painting & Sculpture from the Permanent Col- 12|13 Riverside Theatre Howl at the 772-663-8107 14 Great Duck Derby, 12 Noon to 4 p.m.
lection thru Jan. 13; Made in Germany: Con- Moon Experience’s Oktober- at Capt. Hiram’s to benefit Treasure
temporary Art from the Rubell Family Collec- fest Nights, 7:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m., with Live on the 13 Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Coast Community Health, people ‘adopting’
tion thru Jan. 6. Loop free entertainment at 6:30 p.m. 772-231-6990 Walk, 7 a.m. check-in, 8 a.m. opening ducks that race at 1:30 p.m. to the finish line at
ceremony, 9 a.m. walk at Riverside Park to sup- Hiram’s Sandbar. 772-257-8224
OCTOBER 12-14 Reader’s Theatre Produc- port American Cancer Society efforts to fight
tions at Vero Beach Theatre breast cancer. 772-562-2272 x2406 14 No Tail Left Behind pet adoption
11 An Evening in Paris, 6 p.m. at Heri- Guild presents 12 Angry Men, by Sherman Ser- event, Noon to 4 p.m. at Walking Tree
tage Center to benefit Vero Heritage gel. 772-562-8300 13 Crown Jewel Marching Band Festi- Brewery to benefit Humane Society of VBIRC,
Inc., with Parisian market, fashion show, live val at Vero Beach High School Citrus with adoptable pets, food trucks, vendors and
entertainment and French foods. $30. 772- 12-14 Indian River Bird and Na- Bowl, 9 a.m. preliminary exhibition, 6:30 p.m. raffles.
770-2263 ture Art Show at Sebastian finals. $6 & $14.
River Art Club hosted by Pelican Island Preser- 14 Jeane Graves Charity Cupcake Chal-
11 Florida Humanities Series presents vation Society, with 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Fri. Plein 13 Steven Mauldin Memorial Youth Ro- lenge, 2 to 4 p.m. at the Heritage
a virtual tour of ‘Lighthouses of the Air Paint Out and 6 to 8 p.m. Fri. artists’ recep- deo, 1 p.m. at Fellsmere Riding Club, Center with three divisions of bakers compet-
Sunshine State’ with Brendan Burke of St. Au- tion, followed by public showing 9 a.m. to 5 Fellsmere. 772-473-0989 ing for audience and judges’ votes, to benefit
gustine Lighthouse & Maritime Museum, 7 p.m. Sat. and to 4 p.m. Sun. Also, 5 p.m. Sat. Parkinson’s research through Michael J. Fox
p.m. at Emerson Center. Free. 772-778-5249 Sunset Cruise to Pelican Island Wildlife Refuge 13|14 Treasure Coast Marine Foundation. $10; $5 children 12 & under. 772
($45) and 3 p.m. Sat. keynote talk by Missi Hat- Flea Market and Seafood 473 3410
field, both at Capt. Hiram’s. firstrefuge.org Festival at Indian River County Fairgrounds.
18 Replogle Family Award Dinner Dance,
Hope Float of IRC Swim Meet, 5:30 Oktoberfest Dinner, 5:30 p.m. at Elks 6 p.m. at Grand Harbor, with cock-
Lodge with German food, Oktoberfest tails, award presentation, gourmet dinner and
12 12-31 13p.m. at North County Pool, with com- dancing, to benefit The Arc of Indian River
Terror on Main Street County. $125. 772-584-9511
Haunted House, Oct. 12
19|20 Riverside Theatre Com-
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN edy Zone’s Oktoberfest
in October 5, 2018 Edition 1 CHANGE 1 CONCENTRATION Nights, 7:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m., with Live on the
4 GALLON 2 ATTRACT Loop free entertainment at 6:30 p.m. 772-231-
11 EXAM 6 LUNGI 20 Inaugural Sporting Clay Shoot to ben-
12 FLOURISH 7 NEIGHBOURHOOD efit Treasure Coast Exchange Club’s
14 TUTORS 8 SKILL support of Child Abuse Prevention programs,
15 STUDIO 13 DRAMATIC 8:30 a.m. registration; 9 a.m. shoot at Indian
18 ASSEMBLY 16 DILEMMA River County Range in Sebastian. Individuals
20 BLUR 17 FLOCK $95; teams of four with golf cart $450, includes
22 INLET 19 SPLIT lunch. Tcexchangeclub.org
Sudoku Page B13 Sudoku Page B14 Crossword Page B13 Crossword Page B14 (DOIN’ THE CELEBRITY SHUFFLE)
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