January 12, 2018 | Volume 5, Issue 2 Newsstand Price: $1.00
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MY TAKE VISITS TO IRMC’S John’s Island seeks
4 SUITORS START WITH to build a pipeline
Popular King of the Hill By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer
tourney begins Tuesday [email protected]
There’s something special – John’s Island wants to build a
and very Vero – about the King of $6 million, 5-mile-long pipeline,
the Hill tennis tournament, which about a mile of it under the Indi-
begins Tuesday at The Moorings. an River Lagoon, to meet long-
term irrigation-water needs. The
Maybe it’s the charitable na- pipe will carry “reclaimed” wa-
ture of the annual, in-season af- ter from Indian River County’s
fair that began in 1996 and, for wastewater plants that has been
more than 20 years, has raised treated to a high level of purity,
money for Youth Guidance of In- just shy of drinking water.
dian River County.
The 1,650-acre barrier island
Maybe it’s the enthusiasm gated community – which un-
with which current and former til now has been getting most of
teaching pros from throughout its irrigation water from the City
the area continue to support the of Vero Beach – needs more re-
cause, dutifully showing up every claimed water for its two island
year and treating a tennis-loving golf courses, and for its 1,382
community to six weeks of spir- residents, who live in large sin-
ited, fun-filled and entertaining gle-family homes with big lawns
doubles competition. and in condominiums with acres
of lushly planted communal land.
Maybe it’s simply the wonder-
ful way so many of us here have Vero Beach is unable to fully
embraced this evening event and meet John’s Island’s reuse water
made it the can’t-miss, small- needs.
town happening it has become.
The John’s Island Property
Probably, it’s some combina- Owners Association, formed in
tion of all of the above. 1969, created John’s Island Water
INSIDE By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 Crisis intervention
[email protected] training pays off
NEWS 1-10 PETS 18 IRMC and Hospital District board
DINING B10 An arduous schedule of travel and meetings members touring Cleveland Clinic. By Beth Walton | Staff Writer
HEALTH 11 GAMES B16 wrapped up Tuesday as Indian River Medical Cen-
CALENDAR B20 ter officials toured eight hospitals in four days. and four IRMC board members made the tours, Two Vero Beach Police officers
REAL ESTATE 15 with two or three more joining by conference call were honored last Tuesday for their
B1 They visited two campuses – the health system at District offices in Vero. work diffusing a potentially dan-
ARTS flagship, and a recently acquisition – for each gerous situation at an Ocean Drive
of four prospective partners vying to take over The first leg of the tours began last Thursday resort and getting help for a men-
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 Vero’s community hospital. IRMC officials will with Cleveland Clinic’s stunning main campus in tally unstable island resident.
For circulation or where to pick up make their decision about who to partner with East Cleveland, in tandem with its relatively re-
your issue call: 772-226-7925 near the end of this month. cent acquisition, Akron General. Cleveland Clin- Sergeant Chris Roberts and Of-
ficer Russell Laconic were recog-
Keeping straight the swirling images of hos- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 nized at the Indian River County
pital corridors and conference rooms will be of Courthouse for outstanding im-
critical importance in the days ahead as board
members and trustees meet to discuss their im- CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
pressions and make their final choice.
Four Indian River Hospital District trustees
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 January 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
HOSPITAL VISITS pleted new emergency department. land Clinic showed its partnering down- ic’s nine community hospitals and other
Immediately after seeing the Ohio hos- side quickly last week. The main campus, healthcare facilities, is the task of some
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ranked second-best in the nation by U.S. 53,000 employees.
pitals, officials flew back to Vero and got News and World Report, with 13 special-
ic’s main campus is a world-renowned up the next morning to drive to Orlando. ties ranked in the top 10 in the nation, How IRMC patients and employees
academic and research center focused on There, they toured two hospitals of Orlan- may have the aura of a fine art museum, would fit into that matrix dominated the
treating high acuity patients. do Health, one of Florida’s top healthcare and it certainly has some of the most cel- discussion Thursday.
systems: Orlando Regional Medical Cen- ebrated physicians in the world. But it is
The rest of the 10 hospitals in its system, ter, a large teaching hospital in down- far away from Vero Beach, Florida. Pity the In the elegant executive offices, the Vero
including Akron, are community hospitals town Orlando, and a second hospital pur- Vero official who has a winter meeting of group pulled off jackets and greeted top
like IRMC, with a total of $8 billion in rev- chased from a Health District five years the board there. hospital officials, some familiar from their
enues and 53,000 employees. As stunning ago, Health Central, in Okoee. own December visit to IRMC. Missing
as the Cleveland campus was, Vero offi- It was so cold in Cleveland during the among them was the recently retired Dr.
cials saw a much more down-to-earth fa- With its endless accolades, elite ap- visit that the snow-edged sidewalks on the Toby Cosgrove, perhaps the best-known
cility in Akron, its homey atmosphere little peal and mind-boggling design, Cleve- vast hospital campus were virtually de- hospital CEO in the country.
changed since it was bought just over two serted, most everyone opting for the heat-
years ago, though Cleveland Clinic has in- ed glass-walled skywalks connecting one Cosgrove had much to do with the cur-
vested nearly $50 million in a nearly com- building to another. A helpful PR execu- rent look of the clinic, the color, or lack of it
tive reached out by text to offer hats and (staff calls it 50 shades of white), the soar-
gloves for any ill-equipped Floridians. ing spaces, the carefully crafted minimal-
ism that extends to keeping monitoring
In black SUVs, the Vero group arrived at equipment out of sight in patient rooms
the main entrance of the C-shaped, glass- and hiding the power outlets in the con-
front building, just across from a signa- ference room behind a back-lit floating
ture feature in the landscape: a tree-lined wood panel. Instead, the eye is drawn to
rectangular pool, its neat rows of boulders contemporary art of a caliber high enough
emerging not from water but from snow. to warrant free guided tours on request.
Cleveland Clinic sees the highest-acuity Cosgrove’s recipe for serenity is but one
patient population in the U.S., “the sick- component in the clinic’s singular focus
est of the sick,” and during the visit it was on the patient, a drastic, system-wide evo-
impossible not to imagine the suffering or lution still in play that extends from medi-
improvement, the fear or hope of the peo- cal treatments – care paths, in the vernac-
ple passing through its halls. ular of forward-thinking health systems
– to wider drop-offs at the main entrances
Caring for those patients, thousands to accommodate more cars at once – “Pa-
of whom travel from much further away tients don’t want to wait in lines,” said one
than Florida (the Clinic boasts medical staffer.
translators in dozens of languages), as
well as for patients at Cleveland Clin- And professionals don’t want to work in
silos, corporate-ese for divisions and de-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS January 12, 2018 3
partments. Beginning in 2006, Cosgrove There are stunning buildings at the Or- $3.8 billion in revenues. Even little decisions can make a dif-
tore down those designations and changed lando hospital and at the Health Central One major draw for physicians, includ- ference. When it came time to decorate
the clinic from a profession-oriented in- campus in Okoee, where officials of cap- the walls of the orthopedic wing, nurs-
stitution to one that focused on patients ital-starved IRMC eyed with envy $100 ing the hundreds who work at the hospital es and doctors got to choose the framed
and diseases. In so doing, he opened “col- million in new construction. but remain independent, is Strong’s open- photos. And in the Orlando Health/UF
laboration between physicians and nurs- ness and inclusiveness when it comes to Health Cancer Center, patients painted
es, education and research,” said Brian What Vero doctors also know, or at least key decisions. He amused IRMC visitors their own concept of the protons used to
Donley, the Clinic’s COO. have heard, is that Orlando Health sup- with a story of a recent strategy session in attack their tumors. Those paintings now
ports its physicians. which he involved more than 2,500 peo- line one hallway of the 15,000-square-foot
“It seemed very destructive at the time, ple “in deep ways” by making up a board building, some of it underground and
because we changed the entire structure Last Friday, when Vero officials toured game of potential projects. with four-foot concrete walls, housing the
of the entire enterprise on a very short no- the healthcare system’s flagship, ORMC, proton accelerator.
tice, but it was actually warmly welcomed Orlando Health’s relatively new CEO, Da- “We gave people Monopoly money and
by all providers,” said Tomislav Mihalje- vid Strong, was given considerable credit the list of projects and they had to decide The facility cost $25 million, and the
vic, a cardiothoracic surgeon, and since for changing the culture of a system that how to allocate it,” Strong told the Vero ability to offer proton therapy is a source
Jan. 1, the Clinic’s CEO – the Vero visit was itself was considering partners just a few group. “In doing so, we disclosed the big of pride to Dr. Mark Roh, a world-re-
on his first official day at the office as CEO. years ago; it ultimately decided to heal it- rocks of our strategic plan, but what we nowned liver cancer surgeon who is pres-
He joined the clinic in 2004 and witnessed self and has greatly expanded since, dou- traded in confidentiality we got back in
the change under Cosgrove. bling in size. Strong now oversees some engagement.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
“They rallied around those two words:
patients first,” continued Donley.
The new “matrix” environment allowed
input across multiple specialties and care
levels to exchange opinions and infor-
mation about a single patient. So critical
was the shift that it put the brakes on a
new cancer center, designed with the old
mode of silos of care – radiation, oncolo-
gy, etc. “Five years ago, we were about to
put the shovel in the ground,” said Ann
Huston, chief strategy officer.
“We realized we didn’t have the care
model yet, and we put it on hold for two
years while we actually built out those
programs.” Now, the design of the cancer
center “supports that interdisciplinary
work. They live as interdisciplinary teams;
they’re not in functional silos anymore.
That speaks to the commitment of pa-
tients first, and to always challenging how
we do, and what we do, and making sure
it’s the best that it can be.”
Standardization of care was anoth-
er theme in Cleveland Clinic’s transfor-
mation. That standardization and pa-
tient-first philosophy trickles down to
its growing list of community hospitals,
with nine in northeastern Ohio (a 10th, in
Union, Ohio, is expected to be announced
any day), and one in Weston, Florida, west
of Fort Lauderdale.
It would also trickle down to Vero Beach,
were the Cleveland Clinic to take over IRMC.
But Vero would not be long alone as Weston’s
companion facility. Instead, it would be only
the start of a Florida expansion.
Vero doctors know the best-known of
Orlando Health’s nine owned, leased or
affiliated hospitals is outstanding. ORMC,
as the sprawling downtown Orlando flag-
ship is known, tied for a ranking of fourth
in Florida by U.S. News. That hospital and
three others in the Orlando Health system
– Arnold Palmer Children’s Hospital, Win-
nie Palmer Hospital for Children and Ba-
bies, and Dr. P. Phillips, a general hospital
like ORMC – were named Top Hospitals by
Leapfrog, a widely-known group that acts
as an industry watchdog and monitors
safety and outcomes.
4 January 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
HOSPITAL VISITS the system’s approach to healthcare. I voted my comfort level. It had to do with of quality in patient care. It was the same
Whether those intangibles could sway relationships, people you knew you could thread as in Orlando Health’s first presen-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 pick up the phone and call and get it right. tation in Vero, when an Orlando orthope-
IRMC officials, they appear to have affect- dic surgeon not employed by the hospital
ident of the cancer center. ed at least one vote by a trustee of a differ- “I got so many calls from physicians, system breathlessly expounded on Orlan-
It was Roh who led Vero visitors past the ent health district, this one in West Orange and it came down to the people and were do Health’s inclusion of physicians’ needs
County. It was that district that three years they accessible. I knew from the people and suggestions.
wall of paintings, accompanied by small ago chose Orlando Health over much larg- I met that if there was a problem, I knew
photos of the artists and brief descrip- er offers by other health systems to take where to go and they would want to fix it. Orlando Health’s board of trustees chair
tions of their battles. over its Okoee hospital, Health Central. And I didn’t know with the other two. The Sandy Shugart put it this way, answering a
chain of command was very unclear.” question from Vero vascular surgeon and
The placement of those paintings on Carolyn Karraker, a former school prin- physician representative, Pranay Ramdev,
the wall, small in comparison to the deci- cipal and associate school superintendent Today, Health Central officials told who was on the tour.
sion to acquire the innovative device they is now a member of Health Central’s board IRMC visitors, the hospital had fully inte-
celebrate, speaks to the emotional heart of directors. She spoke to Vero officials Fri- grated into the system’s culture of top-to- “A lot of healthcare systems think their
of Orlando Health. day of her vote as a District trustee. bottom inclusion. Physicians, often con- physicians are problems to be solved, or
sidered the most intransigent in aligning a variable in the algorithm rather than a
In evidence also at its earlier Vero pre- “For me, it was the culture,” she told the with a corporate cultural shift, instead solution,” he said. “We’re interested in you
sentation, the empathy, humility and re- group. “Some people had a whole lot of have been positioned as the cornerstone [the doctors] because we think you already
spect officials showed seemed to pervade flashy money and that was tempting. But care about those things we care about.”
That philosophy extends to the part-
ner hospitals as a whole. “If we didn’t have
alignment in those core ideals, how would
you collaborate in a disciplined way?”
Those partners could one day extend
well beyond central Florida, into not only
the rest of the state but in the southeast re-
gionally, as far as North Carolina, Orlando
Health officials told the Vero group.
“We’re not shopping generally,” he said
with a level eye cast to Vero officials. “We’re
interested in those people that share those
central ideas.”
There was no stronger feeling of connec-
tion, though, than when Orlando Health
showed a video on the hospital’s response
following the Pulse nightclub shooting in
June 2016. ORMC’s Level One trauma cen-
ter, the only one in central Florida, was just
blocks away from Pulse; of the 35 victims
who made it there alive, all survived.
That unimaginable feat, the effort it re-
quired, and the counseling that followed
the very next morning and would even-
tually include 2,000 ORMC staff members
– earned the hospital great praise in the
Orlando community, and in emergency
rooms nationwide.
The video and its visible effect on the
still-traumatized hospital leaders, brought
the already heartfelt session to a near-halt.
“I want to applaud. You are heroes,” said
District Trustee Karen Deigl, breaking the
long silence as guests and officials, includ-
ing several doctors, worked to regain their
AHEAD: Next week, coverage of IRMC
visits to HCA hospitals in Aventura and
Miami, as well as Adventist Health Sys-
tem’s Florida Hospitals in Orlando and
The District Board meets on Thursday,
Jan. 17 to “debrief” the trips. The IRMC
board is expected to do the same on Jan.
22. Consultants from Juniper Advisory will
be present for both meetings. Then, on Jan.
30, Juniper will present to both boards the
results and summary of the second-round
proposals. Following that meeting, the
two boards will meet separately to come
up with a recommendation. “Hopefully
both boards will come up with the same
suitor,” said Cunningham.
6 January 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
CRISIS INTERVENTION they instituted the Baker Act, taking the
woman into custody for a mental health as-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 sessment without effectuating an arrest. She
went willingly and even ended up calling the
plementation of Crisis Intervention Train- police “nice guys,” he said.
ing during a gathering of the Mental Health
Court Team. Weeks later, Vero Beach Police were called
to Quail Valley Club where the woman was
CIT allows police to better respond to again acting disturbed. A second Baker Act
calls involving people with mental illness. was instituted, which hopefully got her the
It challenges officers to rethink traditional help she needs, Currey said.
law-enforcement tactics and utilize skills of
compassion, patience, communication and Florida’s Baker Act allows judges, law en-
collaboration to de-escalate and resolve an forcement, physicians and mental health
incident. professionals to involuntary commit some-
one for up to 72 hours for mental health as-
A 53-year-old woman who is a seasonal sessment if they are unstable and a danger to
resident of the Moorings was staying at the themselves or others.
Costa d’Este Beach Resort and Spa when she
began acting irrationally, Vero Beach Police The officers’ work prompted accolades
Chief David Currey told the group. from the hotel management, the woman’s
psychotherapist and people at the island
Over a two-day period, the woman, who club. The general manger of Costa d’Es-
was confused and complaining, went into te Beach Resort and Spa wrote to say the
the hot tub naked, bizarrely recited nursing officers’ patience and compassion was
rhymes and tried to trade pebbles collected “amazing,” something he had never before
from outside for a toothbrush. She was pac- witnessed in his long career in hospitality,
ing back and forth. according to a letter read by the chief at the
When hotel staff contacted police, Roberts
and Russell were able to locate the woman’s The psychotherapist wrote to say she was
therapist, who went to the hotel with a family proud to live in a town where the police “re-
friend. It turned out the woman was manic spect the needs of the mentally ill.” Quail
bipolar and off her medication. Valley also commented on a third officer’s
She was suspicious of the police when
they approached her but the two officers Law enforcement made a commitment to
used their Crisis Intervention Training to Crisis Intervention Training along the Trea-
calm her down, working in collaboration sure Coast in 2006, Currey said after the cer-
with the therapist, Currey said. emony. Officers from a host of agencies are
Once the situation was under control, CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
Expires 01-31-18
Expires 01-31-18
Expires 01-31-18
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS January 12, 2018 7
JOHN’S ISLAND PIPELINE years the community has gotten most of salt-laden water can be harmful to plants. claimed water within its borders.
its reclaimed water from the City of Vero In addition, use of water from the aquifer “The Town is in the process of review-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Beach, which produces 3.2 million gallons for irrigation is restricted by the Florida De-
a day for irrigation, but the city doesn’t partment of Environmental Protection and ing existing contracts with the City of Vero
Management, Inc. around 1990 to handle have any more to spare for John’s Island’s St. John’s Water Management District. Beach and seeking to understand how the
irrigation water, said Jim Moller, whose increased needs. water is to be distributed and sold, partic-
duties as general manager include over- Those agencies say the Upper Floridan ularly outside the John’s Island area,” Town
seeing both, which he has done for 25 John’s Island has an agreement with the must be conserved primarily for current Manager Robbie Stabe said.
years. city to purchase 1 million gallons of re- and future drinking-water needs. “Every
claimed water a day, said Moller. “But in time we renew our Consumptive Use Per- Indian River Shores has an exclusive
The original irrigation infrastructure the middle of summer, we only get about mit we spend about $60,000 in engineer- contract with Vero Beach for drinking wa-
in the club cost about $3 million, Moller three-fourths of that and we have to make ing fees and they restrict our use more,” ter and sewer service but a non-exclusive
said, including pipes, three pumping sta- up the difference with well water.” Moller said. agreement with the city for reclaimed wa-
tions, a retention pond and lake. The wa- ter, according to Moller, Burke and Vero
ter management company is nonprofit. “We want to get off well water and keep The pipeline deal still needs the bless- Beach Water and Sewer chief Rob Bolton.
It sells irrigation water only, not potable it as a backup,” Moller said. ing of Indian River Shores Town Council.
water, at a price that covers its operations John’s Island is within the Shores’ town “We are moving forward with our re-
and maintenance. The current rate is John’s Island’s wells tap into the Upper limits and must be granted a franchise view,” Stabe said, “and hope to have it ad-
$2.26 per 1,000 gallons, and there are no Floridan Aquifer, which is increasingly con- agreement allowing it to sell county re- dressed by council in the February time
plans to raise the rate to pay for the new taminated with salt due to rising seas, and frame.”
The Indian River County Commission
approved selling 1 million gallons a day
of reclaimed water to John’s Island for
25 years at half the going rate at a recent
meeting. The current rate is .67 cents per
1,000 gallons. In exchange, John’s Island
will build the 16-inch piping system and
then turn it over to the county, recouping
the cost over the 25-year period via the dif-
ferential between what it pays and what it
charges for the water.
Deeding the pipeline to the county sim-
plifies the permitting process because the
county owns the needed right of way where
a bridge, no longer in existence, crossed the
lagoon. Moller said the U. S. Army Corps of
Engineers has already granted a permit for
the project and the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection permit “is pretty
The pipe will start at the county’s 3-mil-
lion-gallon effluent tank at 77th Street,
near Old Dixie Highway, where there is a
pumping station. The pipe will then run
down Old Dixie Highway to 71st Street,
than take a jog east to U.S. 1, running south
three blocks to 69th Street.
It will connect to Old Quay Bridge
Road, about half a mile in from the river.
The pipe then runs at a north-east angle
80 feet under the lagoon. On the island,
the pipe follows Shores Drive and Sea Oak
Drive and then runs south to its final des-
tination, Lake Rheams, which also has a
pumping station owned by John’s Island.
The county will benefit by gaining in-
frastructure reaching reclaimed-water
customers on the island. John’s Island will
get 20 percent of the revenue from these
new customers for 25 years. John’s Island
will pay the going rate, not the discount-
ed price, for water exceeding 1 million
gallons a day.
The county will also benefit by diversi-
fying how it disperses 4.8 million gallons
of daily effluent from its wastewater treat-
ment plants.
Director of Utilities Vincent Burke told
county commissioners effluent is increas-
ing with the push to convert residences
from septic to county sewer.
John’s Island will benefit by diversifying
where it gets irrigation water. For nearly 30
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS January 12, 2018 9
MY TAKE nis Association Futures tournament at camps and college scholarships. it’s a friendly competition.”
Grand Harbor in April, will offer the King A small percentage of the funds raised Which is fitting: Vero Beach is a friendly
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 of the Hill’s Open Division winner and
runner-up a wild-card spot in the main goes to prize money for the pros – $5,000 town, and the King of the Hill is a friendly
“Over the years, little by little, because draw of the Pro Circuit event’s doubles has been set aside this year – but Casapu event.
of the players and the sponsors and the competition. said the players often donate their win-
spectators, the King of the Hill has become nings to Youth Guidance. “This is a special place,” Casapu said. “I
a traditional community event,” said Gigi Last year, that berth went to King of the tell people all the time: There is no other
Casapu, the longtime local teaching pro Hill champion James Van Deinse of the “They enjoy playing and they’re happy tennis town like Vero Beach. There are so
who founded and still organizes the tour- Vero Beach Tennis Club and runner-up to give something back to the community,” many clubs, so many people playing ten-
nament. Andrew Butz, a former St. Edward’s School Casapu said. “Besides, the champions also nis, and there’s no other place where the
and University of Florida player. get their name on the trophy.” pros work together and help each other
“Not only do people look forward to it the way they do here. Then, you throw in
every year, but everybody respects what This year, 32 pros will compete in three That means something, too, even if the the support we get from the community .
we’re doing, particularly in the tennis divisions – 16 in the Open and eight each pros tend to play down the competitive side . . that’s why we’re still doing this 23 years
community,” he added. “Nobody sched- in the 40-and-over and 50-and-over di- of the event. They surely don’t want to play later.”
ules things during those weeks that would visions. The semifinals in both the 40s poorly. And you can bet it means something
create a conflict.” and 50s are scheduled to begin at 6 p.m. to club members who come out to root for That’s why you’ll find a lot of your friends
Tuesday. Play in the Open Division starts their guys spending the next six Tuesday nights at
Ask anyone who has attended a King of Jan. 23. The Moorings.
the Hill night in recent years and they’ll “They’re competing,” Collins said, “but
tell you: There is a Rockwellian feel to the “Gigi asked me to play in the King of the
event. Hill for the first time in 1997, and I’ve been
playing ever since,” said Joe Biedenharn,
There’s the support for a worthwhile head pro at John’s Island. “It’s always fun to
cause. There are local pros playing in front play in front of a crowd and compete. Ev-
of a local crowd that, in most cases, knows erybody takes it seriously, but it’s not like
them personally. There’s also a social as- playing a match that means a lot.
“Everybody on the court is a friend and,
“A lot of people go out there to see their while we’re trying to win, we’re out there to
friends in the tennis community and so- have a good time, too,” he added. “I enjoy
cialize,” said Tom Collins, a former John’s playing. I also enjoy coming out to watch
Island tennis director whose Vero Beach on nights when I’m not playing.
insurance agency has been a King of the
Hill sponsor for nearly 20 years. “At the “It’s just a fun event for everyone.”
same time . . . the level of tennis is excel- The King of the Hill raised $2,000 for
lent.” Youth Guidance in 1997. Twenty years lat-
er, it raised $37,000. Casapu said the money
Mardy Fish Children’s Foundation, is used for recreational, educational and
which runs the annual United States Ten- cultural programs, as well as for summer
10 January 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
Hurricane Impact Doors CRISIS INTERVENTION the help that she needs.
& Impact Glass, High recidivism rates among the mentally
ill have forced police to rethink how they do
recognized quarterly. Forty-four of the 55 their job, creating a paradigm shift. Officers
sworn Vero Beach Police officers have under- now try to find help for mentally ill people.
gone the training, including members of the
administration, Currey said. Better training is the first step. Good of-
ficers are key, Currey said. “We can train in
It’s estimated that 1 in 5 people have an all different parts of law enforcement – firing
undiagnosed mental illness that requires arms, driving the vehicles, all different types
treatment, the chief continued. Years ago, of things – but you know what, if you ask me,
the incidents at the hotel and club would it’s the person prior to the training, as well,”
have likely ended in jail, charges for disor- Currey told those assembled.
derly conduct, trespassing or resisting arrest.
“What they bring when they are hired,
There wouldn’t have been much consid- their compassion, and their upbringing, the
eration of the individual’s mental state or way they treat people . . . I think that goes a
whether or not incarceratin would get her long way. Now you have coupled it with CIT
and it’s a win-win.”
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A12 January 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
Flu vaccine imperfect, but you should still give it a shot
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer I will predict that we’ll
[email protected] have some pretty sick
patients in the hospital
This year’s flu vaccine leaves a lot to be with influenza. I’ll predict
desired, according to Sebastian infectious a pretty bad season... There
disease specialist Dr. Aisha Thomas-St. Cyr will definitely be more cases,
and the New England Journal of Medicine. more people hospitalized
In a December 2017 article, the Journal and more deaths.
reports “mounting concern” over the ef- – Dr. Aisha Thomas-St. Cyr.
fectiveness of the current vaccine against
what’s expected to be the most common – vaccination is especially important for se-
and virulent – flu strain this year, the H3N2 niors, pregnant women and children.
“People over 65 are at higher risk, as are
That’s because the 2017-18 American flu children under two,” she says. “Their im-
vaccine is the same as the vaccine used in mune systems are weaker.”
Australia last year and that vaccine, says
the New England Journal, was only 10 Pausing briefly, she adds, “The people
percent effective in preventing that H3N2 who die [from influenza] tend not to be
strain of flu. vaccinated. So how about we not die?”
Despite such a scary statistic, St. Cyr That’s not a flippant remark. CNN re-
is quick to insist that – regardless of what ports that upwards of 36,000 Americans die
happened Down Under last year – every- each year from the flu and the many com-
one who hasn’t already gotten a flu shot plications it can bring, and St. Cyr minces
should get off their holiday haunches and no words about what might happen if peo-
get one now. ple fail to get vaccinated.
Even if the shot doesn’t keep you from “I will predict that we’ll have some pret-
getting the flu, says St. Cyr, if you’ve had
the vaccine, you’ll likely get a “significantly
milder case” than those who don’t get the
She repeats the common advice that
ty sick patients in the hospital with influ- Australia. There will definitely be more
enza,” St. Cyr says. “I’ll predict a pretty cases, more people hospitalized and more
bad season, based on what happened in deaths.”
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH January 12, 2018 A13
sneezing across the room, I would probably It can – and does – kill.
say ‘Hey, maybe I shouldn’t give them a hug As St. Cyr puts it, “Influenza tends to set
or a handshake this time.’ And I would also
say to people who are sick, ‘please rest up at off an inflammatory cascade, a surge re-
home and don’t spread it.’” action which is systemic in inflammatory
response syndrome.” Or, put more simply,
If you are “immune-suppressed,” St Cyr she says, “People can get strokes and heart
says you should consider wearing a surgi- attacks and things like that” all for the
cal-type mask if you must go out in public want of a quick prick in the arm.
While she hopes her predictions don’t
Is that carrying things a bit too far? Not come true, she also hopes those who hav-
according to Sebastian River Medical Center. en’t yet gotten a flu shot will get the “point”
of her message as soon as possible.
For the first time ever, SRMC has man-
dated that everyone who works at the hos- Dr. Aisha Thomas-St. Cyr’s Sebastian ID
pital who does not get vaccinated must Care offices are directly south of Steward
wear a mask while on duty to help prevent Health’s Sebastian River Medical Center at
spreading the various flu viruses to others. 7955 Bay Street, Suite 2. The phone number is
Though often confused with the com-
mon cold, influenza is much more serious.
On a somewhat brighter note, St, Cyr you’re likely to get at your local Publix or
does point out that current flu vaccines Walgreen’s will probably be the quadriva-
protect against and help control and re- lent one. If you have Medicare, these vac-
duce the symptoms of more than just one cines are free of charge.
strain of influenza.
With the Treasure Coast’s busy social
The Centers for Disease Control says the season just gearing up, getting the flu vac-
“trivalent” vaccines available this year are cine ought to be at the top of everyone’s
aimed at the H3N2 or Hong Kong A virus, “must do” list. And, since flu viruses tend
as well as what’s known as the Michigan to spread most readily through contact and
A-H1A1 and the B-Victoria lineage virus. proximity, more than a little caution is in
order this year.
Quadrivalent vaccines for 2017-18 also
boost immunity to the B-Yamagata lineage If, for example, you’re at a party and, as St.
virus and, according to St. Cyr, the vaccine Cyr puts it, “you see somebody sniffling and
A14 January 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
Healthy Start aims to reduce infant mortality locally
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer expectant mothers to stop alcohol and to- Megan McFall and
[email protected] bacco use, as well as providing a supply of Kristen Crocker.
folic acid supplements, early prenatal care,
Florida has a problem. It has disturbing- and in-home nursing visits after birth are PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE
ly high rate of infant deaths, consistently all parts of the Healthy Start plan.
ranking above the national average in that
dismal statistic. Last year, more than six The folic acid is important: The U.S.
out of every 1,000 children born in the state Preventive Services Task Force says that
died before reaching their first birthday. 75 percent of women aged 15 to 44 do not
consume the recommended daily intake
“Around two thirds of these infant of that particular B vitamin, and the lack
deaths occur in the neonatal period which of it can lead to major birth defects of the
lasts from birth to the first 27 days of life,” brain and spine. The effects of folic acid de-
according to statistic.com. ficiency tend to occur early in pregnancy,
so the sooner that is addressed, the better
Registered nurses Megan McFall and for both mother and child.
Kristen Crocker, the Indian River County
Healthy Start Program, Miranda Hawker Postnatal care is crucial, too: McCall
of the Florida Department of Health, and a points out that women who receive pre-na-
host of other organizations and individuals tal care through the obstetrics clinic, Part-
are trying to improve those outcomes. ners in Women’s Health, “which does like
88 percent of the deliveries within Indian
“Our main goal,” says McFall simply, “is River County,” lose access to care once
to try to decrease infant mortality.” their baby is born. So, Healthy Start helps
those women find postpartum primary
In order to do that, according to McFall, care providers.
the Healthy Start team and its Babies &
Beyond program offer free prenatal edu- McFall calls that “trying to close the
cation classes, lactation or breastfeeding loop,” helping women navigate through a
coaching, hospital bedside support and system that might include Treasure Coast
home nurse visits after birth. In addition, Community Health, the Indian River
they’re developing playgroups and other County Health Department or various pri-
support groups for new mothers and their
Promoting proper nutrition, convincing
A16 January 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
CONTINUED FROM PAGE A14 is in his or her own bassinet or crib placed
close to your bed.”
vate primary care providers.
The “knowledge gap” is another loop The American Academy of Pediatrics
and the CDC both report that upwards of
Crocker and McFall are looking to close 3,700 infants die each year in sleep-related
and the Healthy Start coalition’s free class- incidents.
es play an important role in the effort.
Crocket jumps in to add Healthy Start/
One of the misconceptions they seek Babies & Beyond postpartum nurse visits
to quash is a common one: Many young can really help with that.
mothers feel the best place for their new-
born to sleep is right by their side. In the One of the program’s primary assets,
same bed. she says, is registered nurse Elaine San-
chez, who “will do a safety assessment, as
The March of Dimes, however, emphati- far as is there a safe place [for the baby] to
cally rejects that. sleep. Does [the mother] have everything
she needs?” If not, Sanchez will put that
“Don’t bed-share,” it insists. “Bed-shar- mother back in touch with Healthy Start
ing may put your baby at risk for sudden to connect with available community re-
infant death syndrome (or SIDS) and other sources.
dangers during sleep, including suffoca-
tion. The safest place for your baby to sleep
A ‘baby box’ which
goes home with every
newborn at IRMC.
Babies & Beyond and Healthy Start of- their lives and their babies’ lives better.
fer special prenatal services to expectant While the state, the county and a host of
mothers with pre-existing conditions.
local institutions have embraced Healthy
All too often, McFall explains, these Start’s mission here, it is an expensive un-
women come in with what she calls “a dertaking and the state and county don’t
conglomerate of issues” including chron- budget enough money to cover all the
ic hypertension, obesity or diabetes, all of costs, so donations to help newborns live
which can negatively affect their babies’ longer and healthier lives are always wel-
chances of survival. The organization has come.
a range of strategies to help.
After all, 27 days is far too short a life for
Crocker also mentions a newer and more any child to have.
social element of postnatal care: play-
groups. For more information on Healthy Start
as well as Babies & Beyond, go online to ir-
“We’re now working on setting up plac- chealthystartcoalition.org or visit the office
es in the community where new moms at 1555 Indian River Blvd., Suite B-241. The
can support each other and get some ev- phone number is 772-563-9118.
idence-based education” to help make
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH January 12, 2018 A17
By Maria Canfield | Correspondent of 33 percent in 1993. But that trend masks
significant disparities among age groups.
The nation’s overall cancer death rate Among people 65 and older, the death rate for
declined 1.7 percent in 2015, the latest indi- blacks was 7 percent higher than for whites,
cation of steady, long-term progress against a smaller disparity that likely reflects the
the disease, according to a new report by the effects of Medicare’s universal health-care
American Cancer Society. Over nearly a quar- access. Among Americans younger than 65,
ter-century, the mortality rate has fallen 26 the mortality rate was almost a third higher
percent, resulting in almost 2.4 million fewer among blacks than whites – with even larger
deaths than if peak rates had continued. disparities in many states.
But the report, released last Thursday, For younger people, “disparities are huge,”
shows that Americans’ No. 2 killer remains Jemal said. “We have to improve access to
a formidable, sometimes implacable, foe. prevention, detection and treatment.”
An estimated 609,000 people are expected to
die of the ailment this year, while 1.74 mil- Cancer is the second leading cause of
lion will be diagnosed with it. death, after heart disease, for both men and
women in the nation as a whole. But it’s the
Cancer Statistics 2018, the organization’s leading killer in many states and among His-
annual look at incidence, mortality and sur- panic and Asian Americans, the report noted.
vival, tracks the decades-long decline in mor-
tality as driven largely by falling death rates The death rate dropped 39 percent from
among four malignancies – lung, breast, pros- 1989 to 2015 for female breast cancer and 52
tate and colorectal cancer. Ahmedin Jemal, percent from 1993 to 2015 for prostate cancer.
the group’s vice president for surveillance and It also fell 52 percent from 1970 to 2015 for col-
health services research, said the decreases orectal cancer, the report said, although since
largely reflect reduced smoking and advances the mid-2000s that rate has actually increased
in prevention, early detection and treatment. slightly in individuals younger than 55.
Overall, the cancer death rate has dropped The data show that a swift increase of mel-
from 215.1 per 100,000 population in 1991 to anoma incidence appears to be slowing, es-
158.6 per 100,000 in 2015. U.S. rates of cancer pecially among younger people, but that liver
incidence over the past decade were stable cancer is rising rapidly in women, partly due
for women and decreased by about 2 percent to hepatitis C infections among baby boom-
annually for men. Still, the lifetime proba- ers, Jemal said.
bility of being diagnosed with the disease is
slightly higher for men than for women, with Otis W. Brawley, chief medical officer of
adult height accounting for about a third of the American Cancer Society, said in a state-
the difference. Studies have shown that tall- ment that the report underscores the im-
er people have a greater risk of cancer. portance of continued efforts to discourage
tobacco use. While the reduction in cigarette
The new report also found that the racial smoking has pushed down mortality rates,
gap on cancer death rates is narrowing: The “tobacco remains by far the leading cause of
2015 mortality rate was 14 percent higher in cancer deaths today, responsible for nearly 3
blacks than whites, compared with a peak in 10 cancer deaths.”
A18 January 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS www.veronews.com
Bonz walks (and talks) feline with Tiggy and Punkin
Hi Dog Buddies! 4 of my 9 lives. Maybe 5. So Mom an Dad’s Punkin and Tiggy. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD
co-worker bee-SEECHED them to re-res-
I can’t buh-lieve it’s been three and a half cue me. Thank Bastet, they did.” peacock. Scary.” “You bet your Hairball Greenies it is!
years since I innerviewed my first cat. His “Whaddya you guys do for fun?” I in- Now Punkin, HE has that Aloof Cat Look.
name was Mr. Bugatti, an I was Extremely “Soggy Dog Biscuits!” I blurted sympa- And he’s a total Purr-Meister. Sounds like
Nervous to meet him. I remembered that thetically. “How AWFUL!” (Soon as I re- quired. a motorboat. He purrs so much he drools.
my daddy, a wise old dog, once told me that turned to the office, I Googled Bastet. She “When Megan was liddle, I usta be her Me, when I’m watching the mockingbirds
facing a challenge builds CHARACTER. So I was an ancient Egyptian cat goddess.) in that bush out front, I chirp. I CHOOSE to
faced it (nervously), an now that I’ve innerv- Baby Pillow. An we’d play Pattypaw. That chirp. I’m just not into purring.”
iewed quite a few felines, I ree-lize he was “The soggiest,” Punkin agreed. “Mom was fun. I love playin’ with liddle kids. Now
right. We’re all the same under the fur any- an Dad already had a cat, Sneakers. We that Paige has started walkin,’ a lotta fun Heading home, I was thinking about the
way, right? got along fine but, in 2012, after we had stuff that usta be on the floor is way up off Cat Code, and feIt I could put myself in Tig-
moved here, Sneakers went to Cat Heav- the ground. gy’s paws: being a columnist an in the public
So, this week, I had a fun yap-meow with en. I was dismal, so Mom an Dad went eye a lot, I, too, have to conduct myself with
a coupla rescue cats, Tiggy an Punkin Car- looking for another rescue cat for me.” “Since we’re Total House Cats, we NEVER a certain amount of decorum. I can’t just
son, who live with their Mom an Dad, Deb- go Outside, but we spend lotsa time on the scratch any ol’ itch whenever I want. I can’t
bie and Keith, an their liddle human sisters, “o-KAY! o-KAY!” Tiggy piped up. “I’ll porch. I usta chase flies. Never caught one, just go all puppy when I’m out in public. But
Megan an Paige. take it from here.” though. I also chase squirrels through the after work I’m plain ol’ Bonzo. I couldn’t
screen. I usually bump my nose cuz I forget wait to get home and start munching on a 0,
Tiggy’s about 7, with short, several- “Go for it, Spokescat,” Punkin said. they’re outside an we’re inside, which is kin- and maybe get a nice tummy rub.
shades-of-dark hair. He’s Really Big, too. He “OK, so, first, my full name is Itty Bit- da embarrassin,’ bein’ a cat an all.
strolled right up for the feline version of the ty Iggy Tiggy.” Till next time,
Wag-an-Sniff: the Haughty Sniff-an-Size “Are you woofin’ me right now?” “Truth be told, Bonz, sometime it’s ex-
Up. Punkin sized me up from the security “’Fraid not. But I only get called that when hausting, bein’a cat. All that purrin’ an The Bonz
of his Mom’s arms. He’s a liddle Himalayan, Mom is PEEVED. groomin.’ I don’t know whether you know
long, fluffy fur, round eyes, Real Old (13 in “Anyway, when Mom an Dad were lookin’ this: us cats are ALWAYS s’pose to look like Don’t Be Shy
human, so, about, I think, something like, for a friend for Punkin, I was livin’ at the we know what we’re doing. Paragraph 16B,
maybe 70ish in cat). An he can scrunch his Humane Society. Me an some other kittens Cat Code of Behavior, for Garfield’s sake. We are always looking for pets
fluffy liddle face into a Piercing Gaze or a were out front cuz of bein’ super cute, an Not like you pooches (no offense) who can with interesting stories.
Big Grumpy Glare, even though he’s not Mom an Dad fell in love with me in about go tumblin’ around, bumpin’ into stuff and
grumpy. two seconds. After we spent time together in lookin’ goofy all day long and humans think To set up an interview, email
the Get-To-Know-Each-Other room, where you’re cute. Us cats have a reputation to up- [email protected].
“I’m the Spokescat, Mr. Bonzo,” Tiggy Mom brushed me with a special brush, I got hold.
said as we got situated in the living room. adopted. (I still have that brush an I still love
“Punkin’s a liddle more chill than me. Well, it.) “I totally hear ya, Tig,” I said. “I never
a LOT more. I, basically, rule the house.” “Me an Punkin got innerduced through thought of it that way. It must be quite a
the screen door at first, an we practiced the burden.”
“He THINKS he rules the house,” said Haughty-Sniff-an-Size Up. It didn’t take
Punkin. long before we got to know each other. Now
we’re Cool Catnip. We hang out on the sofa,
“How did you fellas get here?” I asked. stuff like that. But, occasionally, I do kin-
“Mom an Dad were workin’ in Tampa da Fall Outta My Tree, if you know what I
an a human who worked with ’em rescued mean.”
me from Dire Straits in 2006,” said Punkin, “I think I do,” I said with a gulp. With sev-
from a nearby, inconspicuous location. “But eral cat acquaintances, I am familiar with
I hadda be re-rescued cuz that human’s The Zoomies, a feline phenomenon that can
Resident Cat didn’t want any other animal make us pooches a liddle edgy.
in HIS SPACE. EVER. He instantly disliked Tiggy continued. “Usually in the middle
me with the burning hot dislike of a thou- of the night, I’ll go galloping around the
sand suns, and he pounced on me at every house, I don’t know why. An my voice gets
opportunity. I’m pretty sure he took at least all weird. Mom says I sound like a demented
$9.9M spec house
hits island market
at a perfect time
20 January 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
$9.9M spec house hits island market at perfect time
By Steven M. Thomas | Staff Writer Marianne Casarella. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Vic Lombardi, Richard Boga, Cindy O’Dare, and Clark French.
[email protected]
Developer Marianne Casarella seems
to have timed her first Vero spec house
perfectly. The brand-new 8,400-square-
foot oceanfront that debuted at a broker’s
open last month has little competition in
its price range and has already been shown
to seven qualified buyers, including some
who have returned multiple times – always
a good sign.
“I have one buyer who has been to the
house three times, and another agent in
town has had her buyer in three times as
well,” said Premier Estate Properties bro-
ker associate Cindy O’Dare, who shares
the listing with her partners Richard Boga
and Clark French. “It is highly unusual to
have this much interest in the first few
Priced at $9.9 million, the 5-bedroom,
8-bath transitional style house engineered
by Bill Stoddard and built by Vic Lombardi
of Waters Edge Estates has plenty of inher-
ent virtues.
It sits on a rolling 2.3-acre lot that is the
deepest in Vero’s prestigious Estate Section
– 1,000 feet from A1A to the Atlantic Ocean
– and has exceptional design features and
finishes, expansive outdoor living space
and gorgeous landscaping.
But if there were half a dozen other Two houses built in the estate sec-
oceanfront homes in the $10 million range tion by Beachlen Development a few
on the market, it could still be a tough sell. years back that started with list prices
As it is, there is only one house that offers around $18 million languished for more
more or less direct competition, a beau- than 1,000 days and ended up selling for
tiful 6-bedroom, 9.5-bath in Orchid Is- around $10 million each. Another estate
land Golf and Beach Club that is listed for section home that was listed for $45 mil-
$9,995,000. lion sold at auction last month for less
than half that amount.
O’Dare said the lack of inventory is a
tremendous benefit to Casarella’s house “You’ll likely see the days on market in-
at 1840 S. A1A, and helps explain why a crease as the price rises,” said Jay Parker,
crowd of potential buyers has gathered CEO of Douglas Elliman’s Florida broker-
around it so quickly. age, in a recent article on globalmansions.
com. “When you get into the realm of
The home’s price point is another key properties priced at $20 million and above,
selling point, in and of itself. Specs on the you can expect that timeline to increase
island priced closer to $20 million or high- even more.”
er have not fared well in the market.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E January 12, 2018 21
“We think this is in a sweet spot in terms after visiting the town and falling under its Nine months later, in August 2016, per- French said the accreting beach behind
of price,” said French. “The math obvious- spell. She bought the Estate Section lot for mits were issued and work began at the the house is the widest in south Florida
ly works more in your favor at $10 million the bargain price $1.97 million in October site, with retaining walls going up to hold and Casarella said the views of the ocean,
than at $20 million. There are many more 2015. in place more than 10,000 cubic yards of at different times of year and in different
people who can afford $10 million than fill used to raise the level of the lot 20-feet weather, are “mesmerizing.”
can afford $20 million.” “Clark took us to the right place at the above sea level.
right time,” she said. “We had an offer writ- “I took a picture of the water when it
For a full-scale oceanfront estate on a ten up within 15 minutes after arriving at “The views from the first floor are like sec- was a clear turquoise and had the upstairs
deep private lot in a desirable location, the property that the owner accepted.” ond-floor views in most houses,” said Lombardi. carpet custom-made to match that color,”
“this is the perfect home price-wise, size- she said.
wise, and in terms of style and quality,”
says O’Dare. “The owner did not spare any That detail exemplifies the care and
expense.” creativity Casarella lavished on the house,
which has white limestone floors, tum-
Casarella, owner of Sonnett Manor Con- bled marble exterior paving, two two-car
struction, has a strong track record as a garages, two magazine-quality master
luxury home developer in New York. suites, and an off-the-charts kitchen that
includes among its features a $17,000
“I have developed approximately 40 La Cornue La Flamberge gas rotisserie
new-build homes and done full-gut reno- four French workmen traveled across the
vations on approximately 30 homes,” she ocean to install.
said. “These new-build homes were at the
top of the market for the areas in which “I have a sense of what will be aesthet-
they were located – primarily in West- ically appealing in today’s market,” Casa-
chester in communities such as Rye, Pur- rella said. “I am a devoted reader of trade
chase, Harrison, Armonk, Bedford, Pound magazines. I belong to the Builders Asso-
Ridge, New Rochelle, Tarrytown and White ciation and I go to all the national trade
Plains. I have also built in the Naples area shows.”
of Florida.”
“We think this will sell quickly,” said
Casarella decided to do a project in Vero French.
22 January 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
The new year got off to a modest start from a home sale perspective, as 21 single-family residences and
lots changed hands on the mainland from Jan. 2-5 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week in Vero Beach was the home at 3980 Oak Hollow Avenue. First listed in May for
$425,000, this 4-bedroom, 4-bathroom, 3,455-square-foot house sold for $410,00 on Jan. 2.
In Sebastian, the week’s best sale was the house at 318 Manly Avenue. Originally listed in November for
$139,900, the 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom residence sold for $139,000 on Jan. 3.
VERO BEACH 3980 OAK HOLLOW AVENUE 5/18/2017 $425,000 1/2/2018 $385,000
VERO BEACH 5412 ANTIGUA CIRCLE 5/31/2017 $435,000 1/2/2018 $378,000
VERO BEACH 6257 COVERTY COURT 9/7/2017 $395,000 1/4/2018 $374,900
VERO BEACH 5845 34TH STREET 8/26/2017 $389,900 1/5/2018 $329,000
VERO BEACH 5325 56TH PLACE 10/30/2017 $329,900 1/3/2018 $294,000
VERO BEACH 475 45TH COURT 9/25/2017 $299,900 1/2/2018 $270,000
VERO BEACH 5017 CITRUS MANOR SW 11/13/2017 $279,900 1/5/2018 $257,000
VERO BEACH 7300 E VILLAGE SQUARE 10/30/2017 $265,000 1/4/2018 $217,500
VERO BEACH 2589 12TH SQUARE SW 3/31/2017 $243,500 1/3/2018 $178,000
VERO BEACH 154 10TH COURT 11/19/2017 $180,000 1/5/2018 $165,000
VERO BEACH 8245 102ND AVENUE 12/12/2017 $170,000 1/5/2018 $153,000
VERO BEACH 4366 13TH PLACE 12/2/2017 $159,000 1/2/2018 $139,000
SEBASTIAN 318 MANLY AVENUE 11/22/2017 $139,900 1/3/2018 $121,000
VERO BEACH 2669 19TH STREET 7/20/2017 $139,900 1/3/2018
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E January 12, 2018 23
5412 Antigua Circle, Vero Beach 6257 Coverty Court, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 5/31/2017 Listing Date: 9/7/2017
Original Price: $435,000 Original Price: $395,000
Sold: 1/2/2018 Sold: 1/4/2018
Selling Price: $385,000 Selling Price: $378,000
Listing Agent: Al Benkert Listing Agent: Melinda McKee
Selling Agent: Vero Beachside Sales Rentals Selling Agent: McKee Realty
Walter Davis Cheryl Gerstner
Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Alex MacWilliam, Inc.
5845 34th Street, Vero Beach 5325 56th Place, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 8/26/2017 Listing Date: 10/30/2017
Original Price: $389,900 Original Price: $329,900
Sold: 1/5/2018 Sold: 1/3/2018
Selling Price: $374,900 Selling Price: $329,000
Listing Agent: Shane Reynolds Listing Agent: Cliff Glansen
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: FlatFee.com Inc
Shane Reynolds Kelly Fischer
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
199$ 3DAYS
Coming Up! ‘Four’ stars for Riverside’s
‘Million Dollar Quartet’
By SAMANTHA BAITA | Staff Writer
[email protected]
1 On the heels (and toes)
of its lauded premiere
performances of “Nutcrack-
er on the Indian River,” which
launched its 2017-2018 Fifth An-
niversary Season, Ballet Vero
Beach presents “All Rodriguez”
Jan. 19 and 20 at the VBHS Per-
forming Arts Center. If you’ve
seen previous Ballet Vero Beach
performances, you know what
the buzz is all about, as this ex-
citing, talented young company
further enriches Vero’s already
exceptional cultural opportuni-
ties. “All Rodriguez” is a tribute
to the company’s ballet master
and principal dancer Camilo
A. Rodriguez, and features his
works exclusively. Described
fondly by the company as its
“unexpected, irreverent, and
prolific dance maker,” Rodri-
guez grew up in San Juan, Puer-
to Rico, and trained at Ballets de
B2 January 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
Aflutter with anticipation for ‘Madama Butterfly’
By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer Local resident Tiziana Lahey plays Kate Pinkerton. company by working together. Román the world. Under the direction of re-
and Joan made a huge commitment to nowned conductor and pianist Caren
The Vero Beach Opera takes flight Alan Hopper brings a lot to the table. make this opera company the success Levine, those singers along with the ACO
with a banner year presenting “Mada- “He’s a musician and administrator. that it is.” and Stetson University Opera Theatre
ma Butterfly” by Giacomo Puccini in the Having the knowledge of the working Chorus will weave their skills to share
first performance of the season. Adding side of it makes a big difference. Added He credits Román Ortega-Cowan with the woeful libretto of “Madama Butter-
to the intensity of this colossal perfor- to that, Alan also has a lot of experience the talented cast the opera was able to f ly.”
mance is the opera’s first-ever collab- with the opera genre.” put together for the performance. “He
oration with the Atlantic Classical Or- knows the opera world. He knows won- Levine will be a guest conductor for the
chestra. Hopper says of this historic collabo- derful singers, and through those re- collaboration and brings with her the re-
ration, “I’m looking forward to the ex- lationships, he’s able to get them to do sume of an accomplished musician and
For nearly three decades, the op- perience. This brings a sense of commu- these performances.” conductor. The two-time Grammy Award
era and the orchestra have co-existed nity to both the orchestra and the opera winner has been on the roster of the Metro-
in Vero. The husband-and-wife opera Uruguayan soprano María Antúnez politan Opera House as Assistant Conduc-
impresarios, artistic director Román has taken on the role of Madama Butter- tor and Prompter since 2003.
Ortega-Cowan and Vero Beach Opera fly. Critics have noted her “dark voice” as
President Joan Ortega-Cowan, say the having “dramatic weight” with “… ster- During her 2016-2017 season Levine’s
collaboration with ACO has been a long ling silvery high notes, a creamy middle work included the Metropolitan Opera
time coming. register and aristocratic bearing.” production of L’Amour de Loin and Die
Zauberflöte, La Bohème at the Charleston
“Both organizations are very excited Madama Butterfly’s love interest, Opera Company, Il Barbiere di Siviglia with
about working together and anticipate Lt. Benjamin F. Pinkerton, will be per- Opera San Antonio, The Turn of the Screw,
future productions,” says Joan Orte- formed by Martin Nusspaumer. The La Bohème, Les Contes d’Hoffmann and Le
ga-Cowan. “This is something both or- Uruguayan tenor has been called “one Nozze di Figaro at The Miami Music Festi-
ganizations have wanted to do for years.” of the outstanding singers of his gener- val.
ation” and compared to Domingo with
“It’s the natural thing,” adds Román “his effortless high notes and full ma- “The ACO will supply the opera with
Ortega-Cowan. “They are an established ture color make him a heartbreaking some of the best freelance players in south
orchestra. We are an established opera lead.” Florida,” promises Hopper. “I’ve managed
company. We operate in the same areas. six different orchestras, and I would say
After all these years, the stars finally The cast has performed under the di- player for player this is probably the best.”
aligned perfectly.” rection of some of this century’s most
celebrated conductors and graced the Opera is a very complicated art form,
He notes that ACO President and CEO stages of premiere opera houses around says Hopper. “There’s so much visual; it’s
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE January 12, 2018 B3
as they started a fam- stage equipment and a box office, but the “We’ve had great performances here,
ily and is making her opera and orchestra are not amplified,” full operas. We had Marcello Giordani,
return to the stage for explains Román Ortega-Cowan. “The way Paul Plishka and Deborah Voigt. It has
this Vero Beach Opera opera music is written, it will stand for it- been growing steadily on very firm footing.
production. self. But for musicals and solos, the sound- We’ve been backed by the audience,” ex-
board should be upgraded. This is for the plains Román Ortega-Cowan.
“Vero Beach is a entire community. It’s something everyone
fantastic place to live, can enjoy.” The Vero Beach Opera production of
and I am so excited “Madama Butterfly” is on Jan. 14 at 3 p.m.
to share my joy and The Vero Beach Opera’s reputation is at the Performing Arts Center at Vero Beach
passion for the opera known far and wide. According to Joan Or- High School. For the full 2018 season and
here,” says Lahey. “I tega-Cowan, when Tocqueville Asset Man- to learn more about the Vero Beach Opera,
am thankful for this agement opened an office in Vero Beach, visit verobeachopera.org.
opportunity to come they reached out to the opera and are now
back to the stage and a corporate sponsor. “They came from The Atlantic Classical Orchestra season
hope to continue with New York, and they know the Metropolitan opens on Jan. 17 with Ode to Love ~ Ode to
future performances.” Opera. For them to come to us and offer to Joy (Bernstein and Beethoven). For the full
help, that’s a big deal.” schedule, visit atlanticclassicalorchestra.
The Vero Beach com.
Opera has more to of-
Soprano María Antúnez. fer this season after
Lt. Pinkerton breaks
acting, set designs, costume designs and the heart of his geisha
the music. We’re delighted to be a part of wife, Madama But-
that from the musical standpoint.” terfly, or Cio-Cio-San.
Over the years the op-
Levine has a massive job in front of her, era has cultivated a re-
explains Hopper. “You have to know the lationship with Metro-
score very well; and when you’re conduct- politan Opera soprano
ing, you need to feel the confidence from Deborah Voigt. Since her
the orchestra that they’re not going to first Vero Beach perfor-
ever be the problem. Added to that you’ve mance in 2004, Voigt founded the Deborah
got soloists on stage who are singing from Voigt/Vero Beach Opera Foundation as a
memory and moving around on the stage. means to mentor young opera singers. And
All kinds of things can go wrong in an op- in 2016 the diva was named Vero Beach
era.” Opera’s Artistic Advisor. On March 21 she
will kick off the Deborah Voigt 2nd Inter-
According to Román Ortega-Cowan, it national Vocal Competition with a live per-
works because the cast is comprised of ac- formance.
complished professionals. “We only have A large part of the opera’s mission is to
seven days to put an opera together which increase awareness and appreciation of
usually takes a minimum of a month. opera to audiences of all ages. In that vein,
When the performers come here, they Vero Beach Opera partners with the Majes-
know the role.” tic Theater bringing The Met Opera Live in
HD simulcasts to the screen. It also collab-
Local resident Tiziana Lahey has been orates with the Vero Beach Museum of Art
cast as Kate Pinkerton. The Italian soprano to bring adult opera education to the com-
moved to Vero Beach in 2000 with her hus- munity and awards vocal scholarships to
band, Patrick Lahey, the president of Triton draw younger voices to the opera.
Submarines. Tiziana put her career on hold Promoting their belief that exposure to
the arts is a community effort, the Vero
Beach Opera has applied for a 2018 Impact
100 grant to upgrade the technology at the
Vero Beach High School Performing Arts
“We have a nice proscenium, we have
B4 January 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
COMING UP 1 “All Rodriguez.” Ode to Joy” features a pair of gorgeous Curtain is 7:30 p.m. Call 772-778-1070 for
works – Leonard Bernstein’s “Serenade” ticket information.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 to a sold-out house. Of course, nothing (after Plato’s “Symposium”), featuring
goes as planned, sending the already violinist Leonid Sigal; and Beethoven’s Should your musical mood be a little
San Juan and Ballet Concierto de Puerto harried company manager, Henry, into Symphony No. 9, op. 125, D minor (Cho- more informal, put on your woolies and
Rico, before moving to New York City a stressed-out tizzy. His assistant, Max, ral). The orchestra, led by music direc- head to Sebastian’s always pleasant Riv-
with a full scholarship at the prestigious it turn out, is not only a nervous, young tor and conductor David Amado, will be erview Park this Friday for the Sebas-
Joffrey Ballet School. Rodriguez has ap- fellow, but also a “secret tenor extraordi- joined by Treasure Coast choirs and solo- tian River Area Chamber of Commerce’s
peared professionally with the Eglevsky naire.” When, following a major, very vo- ists from the Palm Beach Opera, assuring Concert in the Park. This month, the very
Ballet and Virginia Ballet Theatre, and cal fight, Mirelli’s hot-tempered Italian audiences an exciting musical evening. popular series features the Penny Creek
toured internationally with the all-male wife storms out in a jealous rage, leaving a Tickets are $40 to $60. Curtain is at 7:30 Band, a contemporary bluegrass band
comedy ballet troupes Ballets Grandiva Dear John letter behind, the linguini hits p.m. 772-460-0850. from Melbourne with a “heart-felt, hard
and the fabulous, world-famous Les Bal- the fan. Trying to calm down before go- driving” sound that combines traditional
lets Trockadero de Monte Carlo, where ing in stage, Mirelli inadvertently takes a 4 This Friday, Jan. 12, at the same ven- bluegrass, vintage country and original
he demonstrated a gift for parody. Vero double dose of tranquilizers. Henry mis- ue, Vero Beach Community Church, material, delivered with energy and ex-
audiences will see Rodriguez’s choreo- takes him for dead, Max steps into the London’s famed Royal Philharmonic Or- citement. The concert is free. Time: 5:30
graphic skills in action with dances he Otello role and nails it, Tito awakens and chestra will be in concert, launching the p.m. to 8 p.m.
created for Ballet Vero Beach: “An After- comedic disaster ensues, enhanced by an Indian River Symphonic Association’s
noon in the Paddock,” “Sheer Vibration” ambitious, female co-star; Max’s giddy 25th Anniversary season. Wielding the 5 If you’ve seen “The Mystery of Ed-
and “The Swan,” as well as a world pre- girlfriend; Julia a flirty head of the opera baton will be renowned Israeli violinist, win Drood,” an interactive musical
miere work to the music of local com- guild; and a meddling bellhop, all fight- violist and conductor Pinchas Zukerman, based on an unfinished story by Charles
poser Paul Gay, who collaborated last ing for Tito’s attention. “Lend Me a Tenor” who will also be the featured soloist in Dickens, you know what jolly good fun it
season with Ballet Vero Beach Artistic runs through Jan. 21. Tickets are $13 to Mozart’s Violin Concerto No. 5 in A Ma- is and you’ll likely want to see it again. If
Director Adam Schnell on Schnell’s orig- $26. jor. The program will include Beethoven’s you haven’t, you really don’t want to miss
inal work, “In Which Cio-Cio San Goes Egmont Overture Op. 84; Elgar’s Serenade this five Tony Award-winning show (in-
With Pinkerton.” Curtain is 8 p.m. Jan. 3 The Atlantic Classical Orchestra for Strings in E Minor, Op.20; and Beetho- cluding Best Musical), during its run on
19, and 2 p.m. and 8 p.m., Jan. 20. Tickets opens its 2018 Masterworks Series ven’s Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Op. 92. Riverside Theatre’s Waxlax stage, opening
are $10 to $75. this coming Thursday, Jan. 18, at Vero this Tuesday. According to Wikipedia, the
Beach Community Church. “Ode to Love, first modern major theatrical adaptation
2 The Vero Beach Theatre Guild’s was a musical comedy by Rupert Holmes.
new show, “Lend Me a Tenor,” de- And here’s the cool, interactive part: Since
scribed by its director, Art Pingree, as Dickens himself either never wrote or nev-
“a fast-paced comedy with a little op- er disclosed the ending prior to his death
era on the side,” opens this Thursday, in 1870, the musical hinges upon a novel
Jan 11. A couple of hours enjoying (aka idea – the audience (that’s you) decides by
laughing your way through) this classic, vote which of the characters murdered the
door-slamming farce is a fine, upbeat charming Edwin Drood (and a couple of
way to launch the new year, and “Lend other decisions as well) from a hilarious
Me a Tenor” is certainly a genre at which and challenging suspect pool. Holmes
the Guild excels. After a West End pre- himself wrote brief alternate endings for
mier in 1986, the show’s Broadway run every possible voting outcome, even the
produced nine Tony noms and a pair of most unlikely. Thus is the mystery, night
wins, and, to this day, its witty dialogue after night: who committed the dastardly
continues to entertain audiences in 25 deed? Rosa Bud, Neville Landless, Helena
countries (and 16 languages). “Lend Me Landless, Rev. Crisparkle, Mr. Bazzard,
a Tenor” opens as the Cleveland Grand Dick Datchery? Was it a romantic rival?
Opera Company prepares for the most The purveyor of opium and vice? The new-
important opening night in its history: ly-arrived twins from the east, perhaps?
the world-famous Italian tenor Tito Mi- Murder has rarely been so entertain-
relli will perform the title role “Otello,” ing. “The Mystery of Edwin Drood” run
through Feb. 4. Tickets are $75.
1. The Wanted 1. Grant BY RON CHERNOW 1. Here We Are BY OLIVER JEFFERS
2. Leonardo da Vinci 2. Wonder BY R.J. PALACIO
BY ROBERT CRAIS 3. Nevermoor: The Trials of
2. The Rooster Bar Morrigan Crowe BY JESSICA TOWNSEND
3. The End of Alzheimer's 4. Turtles All the Way Down
3. End Game
4. Bunny Mellon 5. Refugee BY ALAN GRATZ
4. Uncommon Type
5. Make Your Bed
5. Origin BY DAN BROWN
MICHAEL RIEDEL GEORGIA HUNTER 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 | www.verobeachbookcenter.com
presents presents
The Battle for Broadway
A Novel
Simon & Schuster
Wednesday, January 17th at 4 pm
Tuesday, January 16th at 4 pm
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE January 12, 2018 B5
‘Four’ stars for Riverside’s ‘Million Dollar Quartet’
to “Great Balls of Fire” and “Whole Lotta Holding this dramatic line as Phillips is
Shakin’ Goin’ On.” Jason Loughlin, who made such a smart
Elyot Chase last season in Riverside’s pro-
Of course, keeping all these big talents duction of “Private Lives,” and who ap-
in line is Sun Records owner Sam Phillips, peared onstage with Helen Mirren as the
the man who became like a father to the queen’s footman in the Broadway produc-
four country boys, helping them discover tion of “The Audience.” Here, Loughlin
their own uniqueness and setting them brings a sympathetic portrayal of Phillips
on the path to stardom. But tonight, he to the stage but also brings out a surprise
accepts that ultimate parental truth – be- – a mean harmonica.
fore they can fly, you have to let them go.
After all, at this point, they range in age Director/choreographer Keith Andrews
from 21 to 24 and are in hot demand by and lighting designer Yael Lubetzky keep
Columbia and RCA.
By Pam Harbaugh | Correspondent number, sung with fabulous allure by Sar- 2018
[email protected] ah Ellis, another fine talent who toured in
“A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Mur- Travel Expo
Face it. You’re going to surrender to the der.”
joy of rock ’n’ roll in Riverside Theatre’s WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2018 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
tightly crafted production of “Million Moreau, who performed in the show
Dollar Quartet.” five years ago at the Bob Carr Theatre in Hampton Inn & Suites
Orlando, is strong and in deep, rich voice
The foot tapping begins almost in- while making it all look so easy, especial- 611 20th Place Near Vero’s Miracle Mile
stantly when the curtain rises on Ameri- ly in “I Walk the Line” and “Riders in the
ca’s own “fab four” – Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Sky.” Come Speak One-On-One With Representatives From:
Perkins, Elvis Presley and Johnny Cash –
as they let loose with a thrilling presenta- While Sam Cieri, who was in the na- Celebrity Cruises Oceania Cruises
tion of “Blue Suede Shoes.” tional tour of “Once,” may not look like Princess Cruises Royal Caribbean
Elvis Presley, he sure serves up the gyra- Silversea Cruises Norwegian Cruise Line
Indeed, you’ll have to fight the urge tions and nails the sound in “That’s Al- Crystal Cruises
to sing and even dance along. But pace right” and “Hound Dog.” Cunard Line Viking Cruises
yourself. This is just the beginning of a Sea Dream Yacht Club Ama Waterways
jukebox musical about an actual event: But oh my, here comes Nat Zegree as Regent Seven Seas
a December evening in 1956 when these Jerry Lee Lewis. Just as in previous pro- Globus Tours
four young musical icons, all in their early ductions, from Broadway to national Treasure Coast Limousine
20s, found themselves meeting with their tours, this character and the performer
mentor, Sam Phillips, at Sun Records in inhabiting him steal the show. Small Group Presentations By:
Memphis. Ama Waterways - 3:20 pm
And that’s the way it should be. Mr. Crystal Cruises - 3:45 pm
Just as that legendary evening brought Lewis was a bundle of untamed energy Oceania Cruises - 4:10 pm
together great musical talent, so, too, does and so is Zegree, a regular performer at Silversea Cruises - 4:35 pm
Riverside’s production. New York’s 54Below and Joe’s Pub. The
musician basically has his way with the SeaDream Yacht Club - 5:00 pm
Both James Barry, who plays rockabilly piano, pounding on it with his hands, his
great Carl Perkins, and Scott Moreau, who feet and his backside. The music drives
plays Johnny Cash, were in national tours with gleeful relentlessness, as the musi-
of the Tony Award-winning Broadway cian bounds over the piano, jumping into
production. And they’re brilliant. place in front of a microphone and into
someone else’s business.
Barry, who is also the production’s gift-
ed musical director, carves out some fine He’s exhausting. He’s exhilarating.
Perkins-esque stylings and makes the He’s, well, Jerry Lee Lewis, the Louisiana
electric guitar sing. Listen to the seduc- bad boy who still gets America rocking
tive whine he gets from it in the “Fever”
**Space is limited for presentations - Arrive early to reserve your spot**
Free Admission Door Prizes & Booking Incentives For Attendees
For Additional Info. Call Garrett Travel Dream Vacations (772) 359-3673
B6 January 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B5 cast. Fortunately librettists Colin Escott
and Floyd Mutrux do what they need to
the stage electrified with energy and crisp do – get out of the way and let us listen to
precision. Derek McLane’s scenic design the music.
sets the perfect backdrop of a recording
studio but slyly interjects a thematic con- And that’s what this show is about,
cept with the word “Sun” hovering above from beginning to its spectacular ending
(we don’t know it it’s rising or setting). – American music that opens doors in our
Molly Walz’s costumes are period perfect. memory and shows us how to have fun.
And sound designer Craig Beyrooti cer-
tainly needs to take a bow as well. “Million Dollar Quartet” runs through
Jan. 21 at Riverside Theatre, 3250 Riverside
It’s a shame the expositional moments Drive, Vero Beach. Tickets start at $35. Call
don’t rise above serviceable and, except 772-231-6990 or visit RiversideTheatre.
for Loughlin and Zegree, challenge the com.
It’s a date.
Join us for a lunch that
you will remember.
Call with an opening on
your calendar.
Assisted Living & Memory Care
2100 10th Avenue l Vero Beach, FL 32960
AL 13068
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE January 12, 2018 B7
‘Youth Guidance’ team wins big with bigger facility
Felix Cruz, Holly Forde and Alex Pulido. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer Activities program staff and volunteers Brittany Rhoden and Alexandra Cason. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD sters from low-income,
[email protected] couldn’t agree more. The organization single-parent families.
has supported disadvantaged children in
As motivational speaker Josh Shipp as- Indian River County since 1973 through Throughout its his-
serted in his TEDx talk, “Every kid is one its mentorship programs, where positive tory, the nonprofit has
caring adult away from being a success adult role models enrich, inspire trust primarily operated out
story.” and promote the self-esteem of young- of a small office and has
The Youth Guidance Mentoring and CONTINUED ON PAGE B8
B8 January 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE www.veronews.com
leased space in various venues to run Academy in honor of the founder and only meal of the day,” adds Cruz. “The er moved to Brooklyn and Newark where
its weekly programs. Now, after nearly first executive director of Youth Guid- mentors have the opportunity to actu- he and six siblings were raised by a single
44 years, they have found a permanent ance. They hope to complete the build- ally learn how to mentor within this dy- mother who had just a third-grade edu-
home for their Mentoring Academy with- ing’s redevelopment by the fall of 2018. namic. The kids become more comfort- cation. He knows firsthand the obstacles
out even having to change their address. able with the mentors. When a child is the children they serve are up against.
Board members shared their vision comfortable with an adult, they learn to
Felix Cruz, who was appointed execu- for the space – which has expanded trust. If they trust, then they will listen. “I lived in poverty my whole life,” he
tive director this past summer, was hired their footprint from 150 square feet Once you get a child to listen to you, then recalls, sharing that he lived in rat-in-
several years ago to develop programs for to 8,000 square feet – with Vero Beach you’ve got them. They’ll open up and re- fested slums, had to shake roaches out
the Mentoring Academy. As the program High School drafting students, who have ceive assistance, guidance and mentor- of cereal boxes each morning and quit
grew, so too did the need for additional agreed to render a floor plan. ing.” school at 16. “I was lost until an adult
space. The nonprofit had already begun male intervened in my life. If not for that
to look for an expanded location when Plans include a large-group, multi-pur- An upcoming Capital Campaign will person, I don’t know where I would be
the county announced it would sell the pose room that can be partitioned off help fund improvement costs for con- now.”
building where they rented office space. for smaller scale gatherings. Five rooms struction, roof, air conditioner, comput-
The four county agencies that previously will be designated for S.T.E.A.M. (Sci- ers, flooring and exterior refurbishment. Following the advice of his mentor,
shared the space had relocated to the In- ence, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Cruz has also submitted an application Cruz joined the military and later at-
dian River County Administration Com- Math) activities, including a quiet place in hopes of receiving a 2018 Impact 100 tended Rutgers University, where he
plex. for academic enrichment tutoring, an art grant. And, to defer costs, volunteers are stumbled into what would become his
studio, computer lab, Rube Goldberg lab assisting with the painting and carpet- lifelong career and discovered the re-
“The county has always been one of and a graphic design room. ing was donated. wards of helping disadvantaged youth.
our best supporters and negotiated a
good price on the building. We closed Cruz envisions a 16-station computer “Our goal is to raise about half a mil- Approximately 200 children are en-
in October and now we have the whole lab, 3D computer setup, art classes and lion dollars to put this building like it rolled in Youth Guidance mentoring
building,” says Cruz, whose cramped of- space where students will be challenged should be. We need equipment. We need programs each year, mentored by about
fice was previously located in the kitch- each semester to build the best “better state-of-the-art electronics. As a social 35 volunteers who learn the ropes in a
en. “I would be on the phone or writing mousetrap-type” inventions. service agency, we need to step into the group mentoring format before working
a grant and people would be working 21st century. We want to put these chil- one-on-one with students. Mentors can
around me preparing meals for the kids.” Students currently participate in pro- dren at the forefront,” explains Cruz, volunteer for a single eight-week semes-
grams such as the Chartered Junior Ex- adding that with the purchase comes ter or year round, whatever works best
Cruz says he is working with the Vero change (Excel) Club, 3D modeling and more overhead: electricity, garbage, for them.
Beach Historical Society in hopes of hav- printing, Minecraft and coding, cooking, cleaners, lawn care and security.
ing the building, an early home of the dance, sewing, jewelry making, sports, Support Youth Guidance by attending
Indian River County Library, designated academic enrichment and tutoring. “We have a good plan, we have good the annual King of the Hill Tennis Tour-
for historic preservation. people and a great board that is commit- nament at The Moorings Yacht & Coun-
Cooking classes will be taught in a re- ted to doing the fundraising to make this try Club, 6 p.m. Tuesday evenings from
During a groundbreaking ceremony modeled kitchen and an adjacent dining work,” says Cruz. Jan. 16 through Feb. 20.
on March 8, the nonprofit will rename area will provide space for them to eat.
the facility the Rita Dion Mentoring Cruz was born in Puerto Rico and lat- For more information, visit youthguid-
“We feed all of our children in all of anceprogram.org.
our programs. For many of them it’s the
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE January 12, 2018 B9
Attention on intentions at the Resolution Run 5K
By Mary Schenkel | Staff Writer Ashley Davis. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Kim Metz, Dawn West and April Muller. of all ages, including 11-year-old Nua-
[email protected] la Hart, who said running the race was
Although both are runners, Mary try something new.” her resolution, and her brother Quinn,
Hundreds gathered at Riverside Park Lunn and Tony Mehta opted out of this “I want to run another 100-mile race,” 13. Despite it being a first 5K for both of
in front of the Vero Beach Museum of one, but were on hand to cheer on the them, they each ran impressive times;
Art on New Year’s morning to start the others and shared their resolutions. said Mehta. “Last January I ran the Sky- Nuala at 28:22 and Quinn at 27:40.
year off right at the Runner’s Depot Res- dive 100 in Clewiston and did it in under
olution Run 5K to benefit the Education “I have a couple,” said Lunn. “I’m ac- 24 hours.” “I was shocked; there she goes!” said
Foundation of Indian River County. tually going to take tap dancing lessons; their grandmother, Randi Walsh, with a
The Resolution Run drew participants laugh. “Delighted but shocked.”
Looking spiffy in his gold sequined
jacket, Runner’s Depot’s Jim Van Veen The overall winner was Joseph Gran-
shared, “My resolution is to have every- berg, who bested his younger brother
body on the Treasure Coast out here to with a time of 16:50. Jimmy Granberg at
run a race.” 17:16. Top female was Megan Valentine
at 19:52.
He was off to a good start, announcing
to participants before a countdown that The race was the fourth in the Run-
ended with confetti canisters shot over- ner’s Depot 2017-18 Run Vero Race Se-
head, “More than 460 people pre-regis- ries, which included the September
tered, which is a new record.” Twilight 2-Mile, October’s Frightening
4K and December’s Candy Cane 3K pre-
As they helped to set up refreshments ceding the Christmas Parade on Ocean
before the runners returned, Education Drive.
Foundation volunteers Donna Palm-
quist and Deni Gillespie shared their Still to come in the series are the Feb.
own resolutions. 10 Cupcake ‘Short-N-Sweet’ 2-Mile from
AW Young Park to benefit the Vero Beach
“My New Year’s resolution is to get Police Department Foundation, and the
closer to God every day in every way,” March 24 Citrus Classic 5K from Poca-
said Palmquist. hontas Park to benefit Girls on the Run
of the Treasure Coast.
“My resolution is to teach 64 adult be-
ginners to swim by March through my For more information visit runnersde-
new Swimmin’ Women and Men Indian potvb.com.
River County,” said Gillespie.
B10 January 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
Amalfi Grille: Winning combination of great food, service
By TIna Rondeau | Columnist Poached Pear Grilled Octopus. Zuppa di Pesce.
[email protected] Salad.
it can come to considerably more. PHOTOS GORDON RADFORD
From innovative appetizers to the Finally, it came time for dessert. We were But the Amalfi Grille, currently open
hands-down best desserts in Vero, no anxious to see what Chef Dan, who invents Lemoncello
restaurant does it better than the Amalfi the amazing pastries served at the Amalfi, seven nights a week, has put together that Salmon.
Grille. was featuring this time. winning combination of great food expert-
ly prepared, fabulous service and a propri- Hours:
You know a great culinary experience On this evening, it turned out to be a etor who cares. Dinner nightly from
awaits when you embark on an evening at homemade fruit cake soaked with the
this white-tablecloth Italian restaurant on brandies and cognacs, and topped with a When the evening starts great, and then 5 pm to closing
Miracle Mile. warm English custard. One of Dan’s best just keeps getting better, it is difficult to Beverages: Full bar
creations yet, but alas, we are told it will wish for more.
On our most recent visit, proprietor Bob not be served again until the next holiday Address:
Rose ushered us to a very nice table for five, season. Oh well, something to look forward I welcome your comments, and encour- 398 21st Street,
and veteran server Dana quickly took our to. age you to send feedback to me at tina@ver-
drink order. obeach32963.com. Vero Beach
Dinner for two with a couple of glasses Phone:
In addition to some very expensive (and of wine can run anywhere from $100 to The reviewer dines anonymously at restau-
very good) bottles of wine, Amalfi has an $180 before tip. With a great bottle of wine, rants at the expense of Vero Beach 32963. 772-564-8218
excellent selection of modestly priced of-
ferings. On this evening, two members of
our party – in a celebratory mood –started
with a split of champagne, while rest of us
began with Mer Soleil chardonnay.
For appetizers, we decided to order three
to share. Needless to say, one had to be
our favorite, the calamaret-
ti Amalfi ($14) – cal-
amari very lightly
fried with cannel-
loni beans and
cherry peppers in
a lemon and white
wine sauce. A bit
on the spicy side, but
For the second, we had the grilled
Portuguese octopus ($16), a special we
hadn’t seen here before. The very tender
slices of octopus were served on mixed
greens, with a Sicilian marinara and pista-
chio pesto dressing. An excellent dish.
The third was broccoli di rabe ($12), sau-
téed in garlic and extra virgin olive oil, with
a homemade sweet Italian sausage thrown
in to enhance the flavor. Three winners for
Next came salads. Two of us shared an
arugula salad ($9); two shared the beet sal-
ad ($12), a beautiful combination of oven
roasted gold and red beets with arugula,
tomatoes, almonds and gorgonzola; and
my husband enjoyed a classic Caesar with
Then for entrées, I went for one of my
favorites, a very flavorful zuppa di pesce
($36) in a fra diavola sauce; my husband
decided to try the limoncello salmon spe-
cial ($30); one of our companions opted
for the lemon sole picatta ($26); another
chose the pollo carciofo ($21), chicken
scaloppine with penne pasta; and the
third picked the ravioli arogosta ($26),
lobster ravioli and sautéed shrimp in a
vodka cream sauce.
The sole and the salmon were both
beautiful pieces of fish, perfectly cooked,
and the limoncello imparted an unusual,
sweet citrus taste to the delicious salmon,
leaving it bursting with flavor.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING January 12, 2018 B11
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B12 January 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING January 12, 2018 B13
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B14 January 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING January 12, 2018 B15
Breakfast Sandwiches │ Deluxe Burgers │ Chicken Sandwhiches
Classic Reubens │ Giant BLTs │ Salads
917 Azalea Lane │ Corner of Azalea Lane and Cardinal Drive │ 772.231.4790
B16 January 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES www.veronews.com
1 Fertilizer (6) 1 Arrangement of rows
4 Near (4)
9 Hughes, poet laureate (3) and columns (6)
10 Clear of blame (9) 2 Blyton creation (5)
11 Picturesque (7) 3 Small stream (7)
12 Great enthusiasm (5) 5 Cake topper (5)
13 Sudden increased quantity(5) 6 Rumour (7)
15 Japanese city (5) 7 Rap (5)
20 Trouble (5) 8 Criminal (5)
22 One of two limiting 14 Plait of hair (7)
16 View (7)
horse’s vision (7) 17 Sauce; dance (5)
24 Pasta type (9) 18 Lessen (5)
25 Starchy tuber (3) 19 Gosh! (6)
26 Lie in wait (4) 21 Alternative (5)
27 Asps? (6) 23 Inuit canoe (5)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES January 12, 2018 B17
ACROSS safeguard on (Dr. Strangelove 68 Latin verb The Washington Post
some U.S. cars? sign) 70 Grocery store:
1 Precarious perch 80 Vanity Fair 3 Film or phone NEW ENGLAND-STYLE CHATTER 2 By Merl Reagle
5 Coffee coast author’s preceder abbr.
9 Made crow monogram 4 Turkish treat 72 “... devil and the Certified Collision
82 Iliad suicide 5 New Zealander Repair Center
sounds 86 Old undercover 6 Shaggy ape, deep ___”
14 Heart problem? org. briefly 75 Pear variety
18 Where the ounce 87 Bristol break 7 The best, briefly 76 Stamp ctr.
88 Actor Tognazzi 8 Poe’s Lee 77 ___ large (hasn’t
can pounce 89 1987 Coppola 9 Store sign
19 A No. 2, on the film, 10 Commotion been caught)
Gardens ___ 11 Typist’s stat: abbr. 78 Cabbage or
green 91 Place with good 12 Edit, sometimes
20 Veteran circulation? 13 “___ under the moolah
21 Old mother 92 Uses, as a futon apple tree ...” 79 Not too receptive
95 Lovable eccentric 14 Tirana’s land: 81 Early keyboard
Hubbard’s son 96 Sit or shut abbr.
22 Huck Finn endings 15 Stevens or T. synthesizer
97 Rollers in Nelson 83 Enlist in
parodies? barracks? 16 Mandel or Morris 84 Dustin’s Graduate
24 Bordello special? 101 One-time Miracle 17 “The ___ near ...”
26 Filch a la Poe Gro pitchman? 20 Spoken costar
27 Science org. 104 Certain pol: abbr. 23 1992 World 85 Illiterate John
29 R-V center? 105 Meadow Series champs
30 William who wed 107 Corn-eater’s 25 Singer Springfield Hancocks
leftover 28 Chief monk 90 Black bomber
Mary 108 Lover Come Back 33 Rice U. team 93 Winnie ___ Pu
31 Verb in “I Am star 34 Penalized 94 Sleep time, in
109 What a nail feels? amount
Woman” 115 Car-collecting 35 Paw Stuttgart
32 Perennial phone comedian 36 Animal you can 95 Market-watching
118 Pal, to Pascal sit on
problem at Goats 119 Cinco de mayo, 38 Display to good cable channel
R Us? e.g. advantage 98 Of Human
37 Your, in Tours 120 Inning enders 42 Cherokee, for
39 Fly catcher of a 121 Go along with one Bondage author’s
sort Marie Antoinette 43 Son of Rebecca initials
40 ___ double take 124 With 128 Across, 44 Capital on a fjord 99 Takes to heart
41 “___ a date!” good advice at 45 Baylor 100 Henry, in
42 Actress who felt the Medicine Man University’s city Hermosillo
empty inside? Ball? 47 Binet-Simon, for 102 Ohio college town
46 Rival whisky of 128 See 124 Across one 103 Vision supervision
Old Argyle? 130 African Nobelist 48 Crude org. 106 12
51 Guy’s name or 131 U.K. hotspot 49 Express-lane 109 “It ___ Be You”
French word 132 Who-knows-how- requirement, 110 Love in Paris
52 Have a rough long often 111 Like a julep
night 133 Bank take-back 50 Bended part 112 Bank-job scores
53 Deck a Dolphin 134 African antelope 51 Previous 113 Litigant
55 Rex Reed 135 European steel records? 114 Sharpens
rejection center 54 Cut of beef 116 Title giver
56 Family of fancy 136 Others 57 Nest-egg 117 Giraffe’s cousin
birds 137 Goddess of guarantor: abbr. 122 Della, to Perry:
58 Written twice, a discord 60 Insurance city abbr.
dance 61 Ecol.-minded 123 Early grandson,
59 Distaff reference DOWN entity in the Bible
62 Language ending 1 Reading aid 65 Route 125 Rented outfit
63 Idaho staple 2 “Peace ___ 66 Pre-osculated 126 Man of Steel
64 Moon jumper princes emblem
66 Battled Cochise? profession” 67 Start of many 127 Summer, in Lyon
69 “___ drunkard” questions 129 Mortar mixer
in Casablanca) VeArou’tsoPbroedmy!ier
71 Shortened, as a
73 Capt. of industry
74 Butt heads
75 Sun-roof
All Insurance
(772) 978-1351 • 463 4th Place SW • Vero Beach, FL
The Telegraph
B18 January 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES www.veronews.com
Mark Twain said, “I was born modest; not all over, but in spots.” WEST A52 EAST
53 K96 962
One aspect of bridge that separates the top players from others is taking full advantage QJ9 10 8 4 3 K 10 7 4
of the useful spot cards (2 through 10) — in particular, knowing when a low spot is a Q83 J 10 5 2
winner. KQJ76 SOUTH 52
A K Q J 10
How is that relevant in today’s deal? After West leads the club king, how should South 863
proceed in four spades? Did West have a more successful opening lead? A74
South’s jump to four spades was a slight overbid with a six-loser hand, but we tend to
bid game with any excuse. Of course, here, if South had chosen to rebid three no- Dealer: South; Vulnerable: North-South
trump, North would surely have passed, and declarer would have had nine top tricks.
(Also, there was a case for West’s making a takeout double over one spade, not a two- The Bidding:
club overcall. It would not have made much difference here, but the double would have
been more flexible.) SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
1 Spades 2 Clubs 2 Spades Pass
In four spades, though, South has only those same nine tricks; he is faced with four 4 Spades Pass Pass Pass LEAD:
losers: two hearts, one diamond and one club. Is there any hope? K Clubs
Look at those interesting club spots. Declarer should win the first trick, draw trumps and
return the club nine. Suppose West finds the best defense, taking the trick and shifting
to the heart queen. South wins on the board, leads the club 10 and discards a heart
loser. Yes, West takes that trick and cashes a heart winner, but South’s diamond loser
evaporates on the now-high club eight.
If West had led anything other than a club, the contract would have failed.
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665 4th Street, Vero Beach, FL 32962
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR January 12, 2018 B19
ONGOING 15 Tenth Anniversary Vero’s Top Chef
Challenge Qualifier, 6 p.m. at Bent
Vero Beach Museum of Art - Masters of Pine Golf Club to benefit Hope for Family Cen-
American Photography thru Jan. 14. ter. 772-567-5537 x326
Riverside Theatre - Million Dollar Quartet: 16 to February 4 - Riverside Theatre pres-
Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash and ents The Mystery of Edwin Drood, an
Carl Perkins, on Stark Stage thru Jan. 21. 772- interactive musical based on the unfinished
231-6990 novel by Charles Dickens on the Waxlax Stage.
Vero Beach Theatre Guild – Lend Me a Tenor, 16 to February 20 - King of the Hill Tennis
thru Jan. 21. 772-562-8300 Tournament to benefit Youth Guid-
ance Mentoring & Activities Program, 6 p.m.
JANUARY Tuesdays at The Moorings Yacht & Country
Club. $8. 772-979-5582
11 Emerson Center’s Humanities Series January 15 | Tenth Anniversary Vero’s Top Chef Challenge Qualifier 18 Atlantic Classical Orchestra performs
presents rancher Sean Sexton on Lo- Bernstein Serenade and Beethoven
cal Legends: The Sexton Family, as part of the Symphony No. 9 joined by Treasure Coast choirs
Treasure Coast History Festival, 7 p.m. at Emer-
son Center. Free. 772-778-5249 naments; 1/20 Grand Gala, all to benefit local ATLANTIC CITY
charities focusing on children and education. BOYS
12 Sebastian River Area Chamber of 772-492-2020
Commerce Concerts in the Park pres- Sunday, 6 p.m.
ents Penny Creek Band, 5:30 to 8 p.m. at River- 14 Vero Beach Opera presents Madama s
view Park. Free. 772-589-5969 Butterfly, with international cast, or-
chestra and English supertitles, 3 p.m. at VBHS Official Charity
12 Live from Vero Beach presents jazz, PAC. $30 - $100. 772-564-5537 of The Taste
folk singers Livingston Taylor and Karla
Bonoff, 7 p.m. at Emerson Center. 800-595-4849 14 Seed to Sea: Secret Supper, 6 p.m. at McKee TOMMY
Botanical Garden to benefit its Children’s MARA
12 Indian River Symphonic Association Garden – secret multi-course, wine-paired dinner; lo- & THE
presents the Royal Philharmonic Or- cation and chef a secret. $250. 772-794-0601 CRESTS
chestra featuring, Pinchas Zukerman, conduc- CFROARNSCOO AVENNGUETLOO CMRAERSICAEDNEZO
tor & soloist, performing Mozart’s Violin Con- 15 International Lecture Series presents Friday, 8 p.m.
certo No. 5 in A Major, 7:30 p.m. at Vero Beach Robert Mankoff, I Only Read it for the
Community Church. 772 778-1070 Cartoons: An Insiders Cartoon History of The s RVAANCECSI SA HPHAIRLAIPRPIE PHHAIRLAIPRPIE
New Yorker, 4:30 p.m. at Vero Beach Museum
13 Murder Mystery Road Rally, 10 a.m. of Art. 772-231-0707 FESTIVAL ADMISSION $7 SALVATORE
to 3 p.m. to benefit Treasure Coast Children 12 & under FREE • FREE Parking VALENTINETTI
Community Health – leave from TCCH parking
lot and accumulate clues along a rally route to From NBC’s
solve the baffling crime. $125. 772-571-1986
Saturday, 8 p.m.
13 Environmental Learning Center Fund-
raising Gala, 5 p.m. at Oak Harbor Club- F2018 estival Fri-Sat-Sun THE TASTE OF LITTLE ITALY IS PROUDLY SPONSORED BY:
house celebrating 30th anniversary with cocktails, tasteoflittleitaly.net
dinner, auctions and dancing. discoverELC.org 2JA6NU-2AR8Y
13-20 Quail Valley Charity Cup 10799 SW Civic Lane
events – 1/13 5K Walk/Run, Port St. Lucie, FL 34987
Kids’ 1-Mile Fun Run, and Car Show, Craft Beer
& Dine Around; 1/15 Gourmet Wine & Guest JAN 26: 3-10 p.m. • JAN 27: 10 a.m.-10 p.m. • JAN 28: 10 a.m.-8 p.m.
Chef Dinner; 1/17-20 Tennis Tournament; 1/18
In-Home Wine Dinners; 1/19 & 20 Golf Tour- Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
in January 5, 2018 Edition 1 PER 1 PUFFS
25 TOR
26 EAT
Sudoku Page B12 Sudoku Page B13 Crossword Page B12 Crossword Page B13 (WE INTERRUPTS THIS PROGRAM)
Our directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the community an opportunity to make themselves known to our readers at an affordable cost.
This is the only business directory mailed each week during season. If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753.
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TBheefohrireinygouofdaeclaiadwneyd,eear xsispkeaurniseintmocpepo.rrCotavliinedtnedt eyreocsiuspiwoonnitshtihbfalreteesfohwrorucioltdtsetnnooiftnsbfoueritmbaaatstiesodentstaloeblmeolueytnoto.nuradqvuearltiifsiceamtieonntss.
B20 January 12, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR www.veronews.com
and Palm Beach Opera soloists, 7:30 p.m. at January 20 & 21 | Sebastian Riverfront Fine Art and Music Festival try Club - party, duplicate or men’s Swiss games
Community Church. 772-460-0850 followed by lunch to benefit Children’s Home
20 Bark in the Park, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Park, with 100+ artists, craftsmen and musicians Society. $90. 772-344-4020 x 224
18-21 Fellsmere Frog Leg Festi- Riverside Park to benefit Humane So- showcasing their talents. Sebastianartshow.com.
val on grounds of Historic ciety of Vero Beach and Indian River County - 25 Live from Vero Beach presents folk
Schoolhouse, with great food, carnival rides, dog parade, Frisbee dogs, Sherriff’s K-9’s, lure 20 to June 3 - Vero Beach Museum of Art - Paul singer Peter Yarrow, 7 p.m. at Emer-
vendor booths and live entertainment, 4 to 11 and agility courses and vendors to benefit Hu- Outerbridge: New Color Photographs from son Center. 800-595-4849
p.m. Thurs. & Fri.; 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Sat. and 11 mane Society of VB & IRC. Free. 772-567-2044 Mexico and California, 1948-1955. 772-231-0707
a.m. to 6 p.m. Sun. froglegfestival.com 26 Sebastian River Area Chamber of
20 ELC EcoTalks Speaker Series: Fascinat- 22 Riverside Theatre’s Distinguished Lec- Commerce Concerts in the Park pres-
19|20 Conference on Transform- ing World of Bats, 11 a.m. at Environ- turer Series presents U.S. Secretary of ents 20th Street Jazz Band, 5:30 to 8 p.m. at Riv-
ing Landscapes for a Sus- mental Learning Center. discoverELC.org Defense Ash Carter, 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Stark erview Park. Free. 772-589-5969
tainable Future hosted by Pelican Island Audu- Stage and simulcast in Waxlax. 772-231-6990
bon Society, 6 p.m. Fri. and 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 20|21 Sebastian Riverfront Fine 26 Vero Beach Museum of Art Rock
Sat. at Emerson Center. $25/$35. 772-567-3520 Art and Music Festival, 10 22 Have A Heart; Play Bridge For The of Ages Gala, 6 p.m. with cocktails,
a.m. to 5 p.m. along the waterfront by Riverview Children, 8 a.m. at Vero Beach Coun- movable feast and decades of music by Cac-
19|20 Ballet Vero Beach presents tus Jack & the Cadillacs, The Paradise Band,
All Rodrigues, showcas- DJ Willie and The British Invasion . $550. 772-
ing Ballet Master/Principal Dancer Camilo Ro- 231-0707
drigues in three dances, including a world pre-
mier set to music by local composer Paul Gay, 26 Indian River Symphonic Association
8 p.m. Fri. and 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Sat. at VBHS presents Stefan Solyom and the
Performing Arts Center. 772-564-5537 Helsingborg Symphony Orchestra with pia-
nist Gunilla Süssmann performing Rachmani-
19-21 30th annual Art by the Sea nov’s Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor, 7:30
- judged exhibition and sale p.m. at Vero Beach Community Church. 772
by Vero Beach Art Club and Vero Beach Museum 778-1070
of Art members, opening reception 5 to 8 p.m.
Fri., continues 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sat. and till 4 26 Main Street Vero Beach’s Downtown
p.m. Sun. at VBMA. Free. Friday Street Party, 6 to 9 p.m. on 14th
Avenue. Free. 772-643-6782
20 Margo Donadio Memorial/Fire Girls
5K Run/Walk, 7:30 a.m. at South 27 Treasure Coast Jazz Society presents
Beach Park to help provide mammograms for Ed Metz Trio, 12:30 p.m. at Vero
women in need. 772-360-7009 Beach Heritage Center. 772-234-4600
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