March 23, 2018 | Volume 5, Issue 12 Newsstand Price: $1.00
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By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer at jammed ER
[email protected]
Retired CEO Duke Haber-
nickel spent two years assem- By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer
bling the 2,400 photos he shot [email protected]
for his “Studies in Green,” a A bad flu season combined with
30-foot-long montage that drastic staff cuts at the county’s
recently hung in the annual health department have com-
John’s Island art show. bined to jam up patient flow at In-
And still a tile or two can dian River Medical Center, making
suddenly catch his eye. emergency room waits longer.
“Look at that,” he said a Last week, IRMC’s interim CEO
half-dozen times one morn- Karen Davis described to the Hos-
ing last week, interrupting his pital District board a systemwide
own interview to lean in at an effort to ease congestion at the
image. hospital resulting from a 10-per-
Habernickel believes that cent increase in patients.
a single photo will draw in a “It’s just a crunch everywhere,”
particular person for a rea- said Davis. “Every bed that we can
son. At least that’s how he physically put in that building, we
explains how a hospital exec- have put in.
utive stepped out of her office “We’ve moved people out of of-
last week and zeroed in on a Duke Habernickel and his 30-foot-long photo montage, “Studies in Green,” at his home in John’s Island. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD fices [to make room for patients]
one 2-inch by 2-inch slightly . . . I don’t want to leave the chair
risqué photo out of the vast wall of images. el, who wanted the artwork displayed where ernickel, who is in his 80s, is impishly grin- in my office for long for fear that
“And that was it,” said Habernickel. “After it would serve a purpose: distracting and de- ning beside his own raised middle finger. A someone will be in that chair too.”
that, this thing was non grata.” lighting people in a stressful situation. nearby sign warning not to feed the squirrels Davis anticipates that some
It happened just minutes after the artwork The offending photo was a shot of Hab- – the target of Habernickel’s defiant gesture – of the estimated 600 patients a
was installed outside an Indian River Medical ernickel himself, taken by his 13-year-old is cropped from the shot. month who are being turned away
Center waiting room, a dream for Habernick- grandson as the two were out for a walk. Hab- CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 by the Health Department due to
INSIDE MY Craig Callan, the face of Dodgertown, is retiring
NEWS 1-8 PETS 14
HEALTH 9 GAMES B16 By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer the plaques ... Everything here means
CALENDAR B19 [email protected] something.”
B1 Craig Callan was sitting behind his Together, these cherished memen-
ARTS desk at Historic Dodgertown last week, tos tell the story of a mostly wonderful,
pointing to his attempts to organize 40 sometimes-tragic, never-dull life spent
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 years of memories, photos and memo- as Peter O’Malley’s full-time ambassa-
For circulation or where to pick up rabilia stacked around the room in not- dor to Vero Beach, where, for 20 years,
your issue call: 772-226-7925 so-neat piles. Callan represented the Los Angeles
Dodgers and their owner with the class,
“This is all very personal to me,” Craig Callan is retiring after 40 years with Dodgers. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD character and compassion expected of
he said as his eyes scanned the keep- a franchise once regarded as baseball
sakes-covered walls of his spacious royalty.
office, which offers a panoramic view
of Holman Stadium. “The photo- And he will take all of them with him,
graphs, the jerseys, the hats, the bats,
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 March 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
MY TAKE “But this is the right time for me,” he Charlie Blaney, with his work ethic, enthu- and administrative offices.
added. He paused for a moment, then con- siasm and attention to detail – all of which Under Callan’s leadership, Dodgertown
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 tinued: “I’ve been reading more and more earned him the opportunity to take over in
articles about people my age passing away, 1988, after O’Malley promoted Blaney to vice was named Major League Baseball’s “Best
along with the memories, when he leaves the and there are things I want to do before it’s president of minor league operations. Spring Training Site” by Baseball America
room for the last time, which will probably too late. I’ve got a 9-year-old son, Liam, and I three times.
happen within the next few weeks. want him to have memories of doing things “Peter didn’t really know me,” Callan said,
with me because I might not be around “but he took a chance and I made sure he “People ask how I could do the same job
Callan, a month shy of his 69th birthday, when he’s in his 20s. So I’m going to spend never regretted it.” for 40 years, but I never did the same job,”
announced his retirement this week, ending more time with my family and use whatever Callan said. “I was like a utility infielder. I
four decades of devotion to a baseball trea- years I have left to take it easy, enjoy life and As the Dodgertown director, Callan was played a lot of different roles.”
sure that always will occupy a special place make more memories.” responsible for the year-round operations of
in his heart. the conference center, overseeing the man- None, though, was more important than
He knows the future doesn’t come with agement of the Dodgers’ Vero Beach-based being the year-round face of the Dodgers
Officially, his retirement becomes effective a guarantee: His first son, Christian, was 29 Florida State League (Class A) and Gulf Coast in the Vero Beach community, where Cal-
April 25, exactly 40 years after he launched and suffering from bipolar disorder when he League (Rookie level) teams, and supervising lan served as a United Way of Indian River
his Dodgertown career as the general man- committed suicide in Arizona in 1999. all aspects of big league spring training. County president, sat on several civic-group
ager of the complex’s Sports and Conference boards, received a “Key to the City” in 2004
Center and 10 years after being named direc- “Christian’s been gone for 19 years,” Cal- He also made arrangements for training and was honored with two “Citizen of the
tor of the entire baseball campus. lan said wistfully. “There are pictures of him visits from international baseball teams and Year” awards.
here, too.” NFL teams, along with the wildly popular
“Peter and I have been talking about it for Dodgers’ Adult Baseball Camps. And he su- “He’s been a real hero in this communi-
a year,” Callan said of O’Malley, who sold the Callan was only 20 and attending Chris- pervised the operations of the team-owned ty,” said former Vero Beach police chief Jim
Dodgers in 1998 but returned to Vero Beach tian Brothers University in Memphis, Tenn., Dodgertown Golf Club and Dodger Pines Gabbard, one of Callan’s closest friends. “The
in 2012 to rescue the town’s struggling sports in 1971, when he married his first wife and Country Club, prior to their sale in 2002. Dodgers gave him carte blanche to do good
facility, four years after the team moved its their son was born. When the couple di- things in the community, and he’s done more
spring-training headquarters to Arizona. vorced, he was granted custody of Christian. It was in 2002 that the Dodgers rewarded than anybody I can think of – a lot of things
Callan for his performance by promoting most people don’t know about. He’s just a re-
When Callan finally decided he was Callan eventually moved to Pennsylva- him to vice president in charge of spring ally good guy.”
ready to go, O’Malley embraced his deci- nia’s Pocono Mountains, where he worked training and minor league facilities – a pro-
sion, thanked him for his years of service for Harrison’s Conference Centers, which motion that expanded his duties to include By 2007, though, the Dodgers had decid-
and warned him about the difficulty that in April 1978 sent him to Vero Beach to run overseeing operations at the Dodgers’ Cam- ed to move their spring-training operation
sometimes accompanies the transition to Dodgertown’s conference center. po Las Palmas training facility in the Domin- to Arizona, where they put Callan in charge
retirement. ican Republic and serving as a liaison with all of transforming a Glendale broccoli farm
“My boss asked me if I wanted to work of the organization’s minor league affiliates. into Camelback Ranch – a glitzy, new Cactus
“Peter was great with this,” Callan said. with the Dodgers, and I told him, ‘Hey, I’m League complex they would share with the
“He was very supportive, very accommo- from Brooklyn,’ “ Callan said. “I didn’t know He also was responsible for directing the Chicago White Sox.
dating. He talked about how hard it was for where Vero Beach was, but I didn’t care. It 2002 construction of a 30,000-square-foot
Tommy Lasorda when he left managing and was the Dodgers.” building beyond Holman Stadium’s right- “I was in Glendale for two years, on and
how tough it can be to pull yourself away field wall. The much-needed structure off,” said Callan, who supervised the de-
from what you’ve been doing your whole life. It didn’t take long for Callan to impress would include clubhouses, training facilities sign and construction of the facility, which
the Dodgers’ then-director of Dodgertown, opened in 2009.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS March 23, 2018 3
Then fate again threw him a curveball: Ten ple’s son, Liam, Callan’s wife experienced Six weeks later, Callan and his wife re- eventually operate under the name “Vero
years after the devastating death of his son, life-threatening complications stemming turned to Vero Beach, where she underwent Beach Sports Village.”
Christian, Callan nearly suffered another from a pregnancy-related blood clot. a slow, difficult recovery. Their son, Liam,
tragic loss. who was a heathy baby, is now 9. After MiLB endured heavy financial loss-
Doctors treated the clot with a blood thin- es, however, the place was about to be shut-
He returned to Vero Beach in late January ner, which caused her to bleed internally. Oh, and he never made that move to Ar- tered again in 2011. That’s when O’Malley
2009 to accompany his eight-month-preg- Not long afterward, some of her organs, in- izona. “I had to stay in Vero with Cynthia returned to Vero Beach with a newly formed,
nant wife, Cindy, to what was expected to be cluding her kidneys, began shutting down, and Liam, so the Dodgers needed to bring five-way partnership, which took control of
a routine doctor’s appointment at the Win- prompting the medical team to put her in a in someone else to run the facility in Arizo- the complex’s operations, expanded its facil-
nie Palmer Hospital for Women and Babies chemically induced coma. na, and that’s what they did,” Callan said. ities and negotiated with Major League Base-
in Orlando, fully expecting to fly back to Ari- “They were ready to open the new place, and ball for permission to use the name “Historic
zona the next day to prepare for Camelback “She was in a coma for 10 days, and the I couldn’t be there, so I was out.” Dodgertown.”
Ranch’s opening. doctors were preparing me for the worst,”
Callan said. “We almost lost her.” He wasn’t unemployed for long. O’Malley also kept Callan on as a vice
More than a month later, however, he was Dodgertown was closed for less than six president, a position he held for the past six
still in Florida – and his wife, then 49, was But Callan stayed at her bedside and kept months when Minor League Baseball leased years.
still in the hospital. praying, never giving up hope. Miraculously, the property and hired Callan to help turn
mere minutes before doctors were to begin the baseball complex into a year-round, “I couldn’t ask for a better career,” he said.
Hours after undergoing an emergen- harvesting his wife’s organs, her kidneys be- multi-sport training facility, which would “Now I’m looking forward to the next chap-
cy Caesarian-section delivery of the cou- gan functioning again. ter.”
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Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa
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4 March 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
REDUCING ER DELAYS and less expensive, where they can form a discharge, not when they’re ready to leave.” metrics at every level. “It’s full visibility and
relationship with one doctor as opposed to Davis has decades of experience in ad- transparency on the responsiveness of the
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 dealing with the rotating ER docs. lab, radiology, how long it takes for a physician
dressing such problems. A senior director to see them and treat them; how long it takes
recent cuts in primary care will be turning to “We’re screening with a physician from of the national health care consultancy from the time they register until the head is in
the ER for treatment. Some may be arriving the beginning,” Davis said. “If it’s not an Alvarez and Marsal, she was selected by a the bed or their feet are out the door.”
for minor non-emergency problems, while emergent case, we’re giving them options nine-member search committee of IRMC
others will have true emergencies that are of places where they could receive care that officials who came together to find a tempo- Six weeks ago, with the approval of the
the result of not having been treated at an would be less expensive than coming to the rary replacement for retiring CEO Jeff Susi. hospital’s board of directors, Davis contract-
earlier stage. [emergency room].” (IRMC is in merger negotiations with Cleve- ed with Emcare, a national physician out-
land Clinic, which would doubtless appoint sourcing company, to take over the staffing
Thanks to a Hospital District initiative, At the other end of the hospital stay spec- a CEO of its choosing.) of the emergency department.
there are now patient navigators in the trum, case managers have the task of ar-
ER to help patients find the right place for ranging for transitional care either at home Davis began taking a hard look at the hos- Thursday, Davis praised the new doctors,
non-emergency treatment. Early numbers with the help of nursing agencies and Meals pital’s problematic emergency department, calling them “a wonderful pleasure to have.”
point to a 50-percent success rate at ar- on Wheels, or in rehab facilities. Now, those which has been plagued with unusually long
ranging for patients to get appointments at case managers are being assigned to pa- delays for years, soon after taking over leader- At the same time, Linda Walton, chief
facilities that are less focused on acute care tients when they come in the door, Davis ship of the hospital almost three months ago. nursing officer, has created a flex-pool for
said. “That’s the time you start to think about Her strategy to improve patient flow involves the nursing staff so that familiar faces stay
on the floor when the crunch times hit, and
the hospital doesn’t have to resort to hiring
contract nurses.
“We’ve honestly had to do some incen-
tives during the busy period. We have people
working two or three extra shifts, but they’re
willing to do it. And I had much rather have
our own staff do it than have somebody else
that we hired from the outside.”
Even housekeeping has proved a critical
arena. “That’s one of the big issues and it was
something I noticed when I first came in. It
just didn’t feel like it should,” Davis said.
Now, staff custodial workers are tasked
with the most important work – proper-
ly cleaning hospital beds – while contract
workers help with common areas like lob-
bies and waiting rooms.
As a result, Davis says quality scores on
environmental services have “absolutely”
gone up. “That’s a huge accomplishment.”
Beds represent the wrench in the works
of emergency treatment. “In the past four
months, our hospital has been complete-
ly full, including today,” said Davis. “We
have had 200 patients on average every day
come into the emergency department, and
there are 41 beds in the ER. Just the math
tells you where the issue is. We have to wait
for discharges.”
While a triage nurse and a physician now
see a patient immediately, there still has to be
a bed in the ER for the patient to be examined.
Once an examination room opens up and it
turns out the patient needs to be admitted
to the hospital, a second wait – often much
worse – begins. “When we have holds in the
ER of eight or nine hours, it’s only because
we’re trying to get a bed emptied,” Davis says.
“The beds don’t have a chance to get cold be-
fore we’ve putting another patient in it.”
She has called in a group consisting of
representatives from every department to
help cure those delays. “We’re taking this
apart thread by thread,” she told the Dis-
trict Board trustees at their monthly meet-
ing last week.
Davis is also talking with representatives
from the agencies that provide transition-
al care after patients are discharged. Those
include home health nurses and Meals on
Wheels for patients being discharged to
home, and for other sicker patients, nurs-
ing facilities, rehab hospitals, and even hos-
pice. Her hope is to “form a continuum with
them, a partnership, so that they can help us
get patients out.”
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6 March 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
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IRMC TOSSES LARGE ARTWORK jected to some of the images.” ter the John’s Island show. the funny part about it.”
“I suppose they’re kind of nervous about Even the offended hospital executive had When Duke’s wife Gael suggested replac-
the impending Cleveland thing,” says Haber- trouble finding backup, said Ross-mell. “She ing the offending images, they debated how
“I’m offended by this,” said the executive nickel, referring to the current negotiations grabbed another woman from the hospital they would do it. “We had other images that
to Joel Rossmell, one of two men Haber- with the Cleveland Clinic to take over IRMC. just to prove her point. But the other wom- we could have made work,” said Rossmell,
nickel hired to wrangle the three 10-foot by an just looked at it and laughed. She said, ‘I “[but] the hospital took it down before we
8-foot panels into place. After maneuvering Cleveland didn’t respond to a request for don’t find it offensive at all.’ “ could even change anything.”
through a tight stairwell, they installed the its policy, but a 2010 piece in the New York-
plexiglass panels end to end on a track out- er says certain topics are off-limits there “I don’t know this man. I don’t know Now, Habernickel has decided his work
side the new intensive care unit and recov- – no images of violence or explicit sexual- what he’s thinking about. But I think it’s of art won’t be changed, no matter what; an
ery room. ity. “But that doesn’t mean that the images funny,” the second woman said, according artist shouldn’t bow to censorship. Asked
[that are allowed] aren’t challenging,” the to Rossmell. if he was upset by the hospital’s decision,
Interim hospital CEO Karen Davis had author wrote. Habernickel instantly shrugged it off.
helped pick the location, Habernickel said. “Out of 2,400 images, there’s going to be
The hope was that the tiny images of nature, “I wouldn’t want to be the one to make something for you to react to,” said Ross- “Nah. You can’t enrage me. Come on. Get
people and fine art would help people pass that call” as to whether Habernickel’s pho- mell. “So for that woman to walk up and go a life,” he said.
the time as they waited and worried about tos were offensive, said Tribus, an artist to that picture, in my mind, that’s your deal,
friends or family being treated nearby. herself. She liked “Studies in Green” so you know? “They don’t want it. I understand their
much she kept it up an extra day or two af- point of view, but I’m not going to change it.
Habernickel, a Princeton graduate who “It was almost like, the shoe fits. That was It’s my art,” he declared.
for many years led his father’s mail-order
clothing business, Haband, has been pur-
suing his art fulltime since retiring to Vero
more than a decade ago. From more tradi-
tional works like portraiture he has moved
to whimsy, vividly painting coconuts he sets
out in his John’s Island front yard at Easter,
and carving a 12-foot-tall totem pole out of
a holly tree.
“Duke really has become a star,” says Jan-
et Tribus, organizer of the well-respected
John’s Island show for more than a decade.
“He has a real artist’s mind.”
Habernickel is a member of the hospital’s
Eagle Society, donors who over a lifetime
give more than $10,000. Not long ago, he also
was a patient after suffering a stroke from
which he has fully recovered. He even has a
souvenir of his stay embedded in “Studies in
Green”: a tight shot of the shower drain in his
hospital room.
He hadn’t pointed out that shot to Da-
vis when she happily agreed to exhibit the
work, Habernickel said. She only saw a few
sample panels and they did not include
the finger photo, nor any of several others
that could be construed as controversial: a
squatting dog, a swastika, a sign saying “Je-
sus is Looking for YOU!”
It didn’t take long for those images to find
their audience, as the executive and one
other passer-by took umbrage, warily scan-
ning the tiny tiles in a sort of Where’s Waldo
of offensiveness.
Rossmell said a dozen other viewers re-
acted favorably to the artwork during the 20
minutes he was there. First thing the next
morning, Habernickel got a call to pick up
his work of art. A hospital maintenance crew
had already dismantled it and left in on a
cart in Davis’ office, he said.
Asked for comment, neither Davis nor the
offended executive responded directly, nor
was the hospital forthcoming about a gener-
al policy regarding the art it displays. But an
emailed statement from the hospital’s mar-
keting person seemed to tread lightly on the
inference that anything was actually shock-
ing, and referred only to “negative feedback
regarding a few of the thousands of images.”
“Knowing that art is subjective and that
we are here to provide care and comfort to
people from the community, we felt it im-
portant to be responsive to those who ob-
Volunteer Thomas Sukas.
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10 March 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH
Sebastian hospital ‘desperately’ short of volunteers
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer for volunteers to support the hospital.” tal’s auxiliary, is quick to add that age is no
[email protected] Shirley Harris, of the volunteer auxiliary, obstacle to volunteering.
Tennessee, not Florida, is known as “the makes a more impassioned plea. According to all of three, “snowbirds” cur-
Volunteer State,” but at the Sebastian Riv- “We just need volunteers desperately.” rently make up about 20 percent of the Sebas-
er Medical Center, Anthony Gabriel, Shirley She points out that while the hospital has tian facility’s volunteer base and when those
Harris and Rose Marie Breinlinger are hoping folks head home to their northern roosts, the
people from all over the Treasure Coast will gotten busier and busier over the years, the situation will only get worse unless a new
flip that script. ranks of people willing to serve as volunteers crop of volunteers sprouts up.
to assist patients and keep things running
Sebastian River Medical Center needs vol- smoothly have diminished. “We have 150 So how does a hospital recruit between 80
unteers. And it needs them now. volunteers now [but] … we would like to have and 100 new volunteers?
between 230 and 250.
Anthony Gabriel, who runs volunteer ser- Well, for starters, says Gabriel, there’s
vices at the hospital as well as its patient advo- Meanwhile, Rose Marie Breinlinger, a spry “the Florida Student Scholarship Grant
cacy program, says “there’s an ongoing need octogenarian who is president of the hospi- program known as Bright Futures, a lot-
tery-funded scholarship program for
in-state students with a record of high Anthony Gabriel.
academic achievement that requires com-
munity service for participation.” PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE
To meet the service requirement of the tient feels and in their recovery.
grant, students must identify a social prob- Whether a volunteer is a student or a re-
lem in their community, develop a plan for
personal involvement in addressing that tiree, Gabriel continues, “we try to match
problem – such as volunteering at a hospital them and their skills and talents” to the best
– and then submit documentation of the ex- job for them.
perience that verifies the hours they put in.
To date, the program has helped fund near- That might be the gift shop, customer ser-
ly 800,000 Florida students as they pursue a vice, interaction with patients, driving a golf
college education, and Gabriel says “we have cart in the parking lot to bring patients to the
lots of student volunteers who want to take front doors, library services, helping in the
part in that.” surgical waiting room or the front desk, or any
one of a hundred other places where a helping
Regardless of age, one thing Gabriel, Harris hand is needed.
and Breinlinger emphasize is that the hospi-
tal isn’t asking for a 40-hour work week from So, whether you’re eagerly looking for-
its volunteers. Far from it. ward to your 17th birthday or fondly looking
back at your 80th, one thing volunteers don’t
One tenth that time would do just fine. have to worry is taking on tasks they’re not
“What we’re looking for is a minimum of trained to do.
four hours a week,” says Gabriel, “and we’re
flexible and understanding to your schedule.” Research by the Corporation for National
Again, that’s four – and not 40 – hours a and Community Service claims “volunteers
week. have lower mortality rates and greater func-
Here on the Treasure Coast, with its large tional ability later in life than people who
population of visitors and retirees from up don’t volunteer.” And while Gabriel might
north, some hospital patients don’t have fam- agree with that, he simply states that there are
ily or friends in the area, and that can make “a lot of opportunities for volunteers to not
overcoming an illness or recovering from a only to feel good about what they do but also
surgery a very lonely experience. to make a difference in someone else’s life.”
Multiple studies have shown that just hav-
ing a volunteer come in and talk with patients For information on volunteering at the Se-
or bring them a magazine or fluff a pillow can bastian River Medical Center, call Anthony Ga-
make a significant difference in how the pa- briel at 772-589-3186, extension 5011.
12 March 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | HEALTHY SENIOR COLUMN
It may sound funny, but shingles is no laughing matter
By Fred Cicetti | Columnist follows a single nerve path to the skin. Persistent pain is a common symptom in make Shingrix the preferred vaccine and
The shingles rash helps with its diagno- people over 60. recommended it for all adults over age 50.
Q. I heard a comedian make a humorous sis; the rash erupts in a belt-like pattern The committee also recommended Shin-
reference to “shingles.” I had shingles and I on only one side of the body, or it ap- However, most victims of shingles over- grix for adults who’ve received Zostavax.
didn’t find any humor in the experience. Am pears on one side of the face. It usually come their symptoms in about a month.
I missing something? begins as a patch of red dots which be- And the odds are against them getting Check your health insurance provider to
come blisters. shingles again. determine the coverage it offers for the new
Shingles is a painful skin disease caused vaccine.
by the chickenpox virus awakening from a Physicians treat shingles with antivi- Outbreaks that start on the face or eyes
dormant state to attack your body again. ral and pain medications. The antivirals can cause vision or hearing problems.
Some people report fever and weakness don’t cure shingles, but they weaken the Even permanent blindness can result if
when the disease starts. Within two to virus, reduce the pain and accelerate the cornea of the eye is affected. In pa-
three days, a red, blotchy rash develops. healing. The antiviral medications work tients with immune deficiency, the rash
The rash erupts into small blisters that faster if they are started early -- within 72 can be much more extensive than usu-
look like chickenpox. And it’s very painful. hours from the appearance of the rash. al and the illness can be complicated by
pneumonia. These cases, while more se-
Does this sound funny? I don’t think so ... The disease’s name comes from the rious, are rarely fatal.
Anyone who has had chicken-pox can get Latin word cingulum, which means belt.
shingles. Half of all Americans will get shin- The virus that causes shingles is varicel- The Food and Drug Administration last
gles by the time they are 80. Shingles occurs la-zoster, which combines the Latin word year approved the Shingrix vaccine to
in people of all ages, but it is most common in for little pox with the Greek word for gir- prevent painful shingles in people 50 and
people between 60 and 80. Each year, about dle. In Italy, shingles is often called St. older.
one million Americans are diagnosed with Anthony’s Fire.
shingles. Large international trials have shown
The virus that causes chickenpox and If you have had chickenpox, shingles that the vaccine prevents more than 90
shingles remains in your body for life. It is not contagious. If you have never had percent of shingles cases, even at older
stays inactive until a period when your im- chickenpox, you can catch the virus from ages.
munity is down. And, when you’re older, contacting the fluid in shingles blisters.
your defenses ain’t what they used to be. However, you will not get shingles, but you Zostavax, an earlier shingles vaccine
The inactive virus rests in nerve cells could get chickenpox. that remains on the market, prevents
near the spine. When it reactivates, it about half of shingles cases in those over
The pain of shingles can be severe. If age 60 and has demonstrated far less ef-
it is strong and lasts for months or years, fectiveness among elderly patients.
it is called postherpetic neuralgia (PHN).
A committee of The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC) voted to
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14 March 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS
Bonz all Jazz-ed up after meeting this black Lab
Hi Dog Buddies! Jasmine Labs LOVE to was a Dog Beach here, though. We
play in the water. I couldn’t see the fun in go to Walton Rocks Beach, down in
A coupla weeks back I got a woofmail PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD splashin’ around in my water dish, makin’ Martin County. It’s very popular,
from a black Lab rescue pooch, Jasmine a mess, but then – they showed me the tons of dogs. The pooches are Well
Bowden, who lives over on the beach with cess to be sure they’d be good Pet Parents. POOL. Capt. Dad gently coaxed me off the Behaved. Everybody picks up their
two black retriever step-brothers an their Finally they got a call about a Puppy Pos- stairs into the water, an I tried to do what own Poop.”
Mom an Dad. She wondered whether I’d sibility: ME, of course. I was just a fuzzball Jack an Flint were doin.’ It looked easy, but
be innersted in doin’ an innerview. puppy, an was livin’ in a liddle crate for, the more I paddled like crazy with my front “Got any pooch pals?”
like, 12 hours a day, which was NO FUN. I paws, the more my caboose sunk like a “Sure! Maggie Johnson, she’s a
“Well, SURE,” I woofmailed back. was Very Depressed. rock. Finally, after a few snoot-fulls of wa- Chocolate Lab. She gets to come
Three waggy an sociable pooches were ter, I learned how to balance. Now I LOVE with her Mom an Dad when we
at the door to greet my assistant an me. I “Soggy Dog Biscuits!” I sympathized. swimming.’ have a party. Mom an Capt. Dad call
spotted Jasmine right away. She was real “Totes! So Capt. Dad an Mom came to it a Cock Tail Party, but Me an Mag-
(real) pretty, very graceful, smaller than her visit an see if we were MFEO …” “Almost every day, at 4:30 On The Nose, gie haven’t EVER seen any chiggens
brothers (big, handsome poocheroos). Af- “Um, what’s, MFEO?” we’re at the door, waitin’ for Capt. Dad to around. Probly cuz we’re too busy
ter the Wag-an-Sniffs, Jasmine said, “It’s just “Meant For Each Other, of course,” she get home in the Jeep, so we can go to the playin.’ Up in Vermont, we play
lovely to meet you, Mr. B. This is our Mom, said. “Anyway, Jack an Flint hadda be there, Dog Park. Flint’s the Mayor of the Dog with Bear, a Golden Retriever. An
Stuart, an our Dad, Lee. He’s a sea captain. too, to make sure we’d all get along. At Park. He greets every single pooch, an, if sometimes she comes down to visit
We call him Capt. Dad. And these two sea first I was real shy an app-ree-HEN-sive, there’s a con-frun-TAY-shun, he tries to get us. An I’m pretty sure Handsome
dogs are my big brothers. They’re PIE-rats! but Capt. Dad an Mom an Jack an Flint all everybody to chill. I think he’s runnin’ for Capt. Flint is crushin’ on Lexie, a cool mix we
Capt. Jack Sparrow’s a total Lab, with Pa- unnerstood, an they were real patient. So, office. see at the Dog Park.”
pers, but he was raised by Chesapeake Bay finally, the Florida Lab Rescue people de- Flint, who’d been snoozing,’ raised his
retrievers so he thinks he’s part Chessie, es- cided we were com-PAT-ubble, and I got a “Me an Jack love playin’ in the ocean, head, winked at me and said “Humpff!”
pecially near water. Capt. Flint, the big guy Forever Famly.” too! Jack’s great at body surfin’! Flint most- “I know you all came from different
with the long, curly coat, he’s a rescue like “That’s a wonderful story, Jazz!” I ex- ly hangs out on the beach. We wish there places. Do you enjoy travelin’?”
me. He’s part Flat Coat Retriever an part claimed. “We LOVE ridin’ in the way back seat of
Burmese Mountain Dog. I think he looks “When I first got home, I didn’t know DON’T BE SHY Capt. Dad’s big ol’ Jeep. But when him an
very majestic! An I’m Princess Jasmine, how to play. (I KNOW! How weird is that?) Mom go onna big trip, WE get to go to a re-
Leader of the Crew.” But then Jack started nosin’ a tennis ball We are always looking for pets SORT!”
“Cool Kibbles,” I thought to myself. around, an pretty soon I was Playin’! With with interesting stories. “Say what?”
“Ahoy, everyone! Request permission to him.” “It’s Maximum Cool Dog Biscuits! It’s
come aboard.” “That’s true,” Jack interjected. “After a To set up an interview, email wa-ay out in the Boonies on the Adams
They laughed. “Granted, Mr. B.,” Jas- while, your personality totally changed, [email protected]. Ranch. We get our own 3-bed suite so we
mine giggled. Durin’ the innerview, Jas- didn’t it, Jazz?” can be together. There’s a TV and a pick-
mine, Jack an Flint kept givin’ my assis- “Sure did. That’s when I became Lead- shur window so we can look out at the
tant frenly nose bumps. Most retrievers, er of the Crew. Jack an Flint told me us horses an stuff, an a dog door so we can go
I’ve observed, keep their puppy joyfulness outside an play. It’s totally PAWSOME isn’t
their whole lives. it, guys?”
“I’m eager to hear your story, Princess “Totally!” said Jack.
Jasmine.” “Pooch Perfect!” agreed Flint.
“You may call me Jazz. Jack an Flint were Heading home, I was pickshuring Jazz,
already here when I arrived. Capt. Dad had Jack an Flint hanging out at Walton Rocks
always had three pooches, but, about 5 Beach, an imagining how nice it is to have
years ago they were down to two, so him a dog-frenly beach close to home.
an Mom were lookin’ on the Innernet for a Till next time,
Girl Lab. They got all signed up with Flor-
ida Lab Rescue – went through a long pro- The Bonz
Renovated home ideal for family
or as investment property
663 Eugenia Road in Central Beach: 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 2,200-square-foot pool home near ocean offered for $549,000 by
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices listing agent Chip Landers: 772-473-7888
16 March 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE
Renovated home ideal for family or as investment property
By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer so there are no rules,” says Landers. “You dendron, umbrella plants, banyan and oak laid on the diagonal, “which is a 20-per-
[email protected] can do what you want; use it as a home or a trees provide shade, beauty and privacy. cent upgrade because it takes more time
rental, put your boat in the side driveway.” and materials,” Landers said.
A home that was built in 1965 and has The lot is large, 115 feet by 120 feet, and
undergone several renovations over the Without an association fee or services, the back is enclosed in a 6-foot wooden A pickled-wood look-alike laminate is
years, making it more usable and beautiful, the owner would probably spend about fence, perfect for Fido or giving vent to a the new wood flooring in the bedrooms,
would be a great family home or good in- $200 a month to get the pool cleaned green thumb. also laid on the diagonal, the owner oust-
vestment property, located just 1,400 feet and keep the yard in shape, Landers es- ing the wall-to-wall carpeting.
from the Jaycee Park boardwalk along the timated. “The pool is screened in, so that Utilities are typical for the Central Beach
neighborhood – City of Vero Beach electric The kitchen was given new stainless
ocean, according to Berkshire Hathaway helps,” he said. and water, with a private septic system – steel appliances, granite countertops and
Home Services Listing Agent Chip Landers. The front of the house has a shallow the latter redone in 2012. white-wood cabinetry with nickel-finish
handles. The large island forms the com-
The owner of 663 Eugenia Road rented horseshoe drive, as well as a side driveway The current owner redid all the flooring, mand center of the vast open space.
out the 3-bedroom, 2-bath house for the leading to the two-car garage. Landers said putting in large ceramic tile in the expan-
past four years, earning about $2,500 a the two-car garage is “a rarity in the cen- sive space that is combination living room, The bathrooms are graced with the same
month. The single-family home has a two- tral-beach neighborhood.” family room, dining room and kitchen, granite countertops and also have new
car garage and a pool. which is wide open for interpretation and wooden cabinetry, the 42-inch height sav-
Mature plantings, such as a topiary hi- different furniture groupings. The tile is ing much back-bending. The master bath
“There is no homeowners’ association, biscus, palm trees, a big magnolia, rhodo-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E March 23, 2018 17
Neighborhood: Central Beach
Lot size: 115 feet by 120 feet • Home size: 2,200 square feet
Construction: Concrete block with stucco
Bedrooms: 3 • Bathrooms: 2
Additional features: Swimming pool with fountain, screened
lanai, wooden backyard fence, 2-car garage, two driveways,
new tile and laminate flooring, new granite counters in kitchen
and bathrooms, new cabinets in kitchen and bathrooms, open
floor plan, French doors
Listing agency: Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices
Listing agent: Chip Landers, 772-473-7888
Listing price: $549,000
has a new walk-in glass-encircled shower. prising places, such as the laundry room, Ryan Weaver Insurance Inc. is a locally owned
The house gets high marks for maximiz- that make the space more functional. and operated independent agency. Located in the
CenterState Bank Building, just off of Miracle Mile
ing storage space, always at a premium in In a past renovation the enclosed porch and across from Classic Car Wash in Vero Beach.
basement-less Florida homes. The master was walled in, adding hundreds of square
bedroom has a large walk-in closet with feet to the huge central room, which has Serving Vero Beach for over 10 years!
built-in storage and the two guest bed- several horizontal windows punctuated by All lines of commercial or personal insurance available.
rooms also have large closets with elabo- two sets of French doors, giving a 180-de-
rate built-in storage. There are three linen gree view of the swimming pool.
closets, one for each bedroom.
The concrete apron has an area set aside
The laundry room, with a sink big for outdoor grilling, so there is no need to
enough to rinse a 20-pound turkey or wash apply bug spray before turning the steaks –
a good-sized dog, also has a high folding you’re safe inside the screen.
counter, and upper- and lower-cabinets.
The yard has an irrigation sprinkler on
Most of the windows, which were re- an irrigation well, making it clear all the
placed in the not-to-distant past, are wid- conveniences have been worked out and
er than they are tall, in keeping with 1965 refined in this beautifully updated home.
ideas of keeping the house cool and awash
with daylight. There are windows in sur- Landers will hold an open house on
Sunday, March 25, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
CHARITABLE Contact any one of our professional agents for a quote!
5% Donated To Charity of Your Choice Melissa and Ryan Weaver, 855 21st Street
25 Years of Experience Agency Owners CenterState Bank Building
Fully Insured
Call For A Free Estimate 2nd Floor – Vero Beach
All Work Guaranteed
(772) 567-4930
(772) 217-8443 [email protected]
18 March 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE
A very active week saw 53 single-family residences and lots sell in the mainland market from
March 12-16 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week in Vero Beach was the condo at 5380 E Harbor Village Drive #203. First
listed in October for $710,000, the 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom, 2,414-square-foot condo sold for
$672,500 on March 15.
In Sebastian, the week’s top sale was the residence at 526 Cross Creek Circle. First listed in Decem-
ber for $449,000, the 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom home fetched $430,000 on March 12.
VERO BEACH 5380 E HARBOR VILLAGE DRIVE #203 10/26/17 $710,000 3/15/2018 $430,000
SEBASTIAN 526 CROSS CREEK CIRCLE 12/16/2017 $449,000 3/12/2018 $420,000
VERO BEACH 5716 TURNBERRY LANE 12/21/2017 $439,000 3/14/2018 $400,000
VERO BEACH 6536 35TH PLACE 12/19/2017 $429,000 3/13/2018 $360,000
VERO BEACH 5190 ELEUTHRA CIRCLE 1/19/2018 $375,000 3/15/2018 $318,500
VERO BEACH 545 ALEXANDRA AVENUE SW 1/29/2018 $325,000 3/12/2018 $290,000
VERO BEACH 4921 4TH PLACE 2/1/2018 $290,000 3/16/2018 $286,500
VERO BEACH 3494 DIAMOND LEAF DRIVE 6/29/2017 $275,226 3/15/2018 $285,000
VERO BEACH 1837 GREY FALCON CIRCLE SW 10/24/2017 $295,000 3/16/2018 $285,000
VERO BEACH 4492 5TH PLACE SW 6/22/2017 $305,000 3/12/2018 $269,900
VERO BEACH 522 S VALENCIA CIRCLE SW 1/12/2018 $269,900 3/15/2018 $267,000
SEBASTIAN 913 STARFLOWER AVENUE 2/2/2018 $279,900 3/12/2018 $263,000
VERO BEACH 5995 46TH LANE 1/22/2018 $264,900 3/12/2018 $260,000
SEBASTIAN 728 WIMBROW DRIVE 12/17/2017 $265,000 3/12/2018
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E March 23, 2018 19
526 Cross Creek Circle, Sebastian 5716 Turnberry Lane, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 12/16/2017 Listing Date: 12/21/2017
Original Price: $449,000 Original Price: $439,000
Sold: 3/12/2018 Sold: 3/14/2018
Selling Price: $430,000 Selling Price: $420,000
Listing Agent: Karl Dietrich Listing Agent: Claudia Pascal
Selling Agent: Alex MacWilliam, Inc. Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Nancy Bartlett Claudia Pascal
Four Star Real Estate LLC Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
6536 35th Place, Vero Beach 5190 Eleuthra Circle, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 12/19/2017 Listing Date: 1/19/2018
Original Price: $429,000 Original Price: $375,000
Sold: 3/13/2018 Sold: 3/15/2018
Selling Price: $400,000 Selling Price: $360,000
Listing Agent: Sherri Sproch Listing Agent: Kelly Fischer
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Crown Realty Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Mary Lou Ciambriello Karen Burke
RE/MAX Associated Realty Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
199$ 3DAYS
Coming Up!
‘UP WITH PEOPLE’ Pamela Pike Gordinier finds joy Adam Schnell.
ROCKS MESSAGE in her artistic journey PAGE B2
By Samantha Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]
1 An uplifting evening, for
certain: Since 1965, Up With
People, a troupe of talented young
singers and dancers in their teens
and 20s, have brought music,
boundless enthusiasm and a mes-
sage of peace and unity to audi-
ences all over the world, and this
Thursday and Friday they’re bring-
ing it all to Indian River County.
The 2018 tour focuses on “shared
hope for a better tomorrow,” and
the 100-plus troupe members, from
many countries and with diverse
mindsets, cultures, ethnicities and
beliefs, will be at the Indian River
County iG Center (1590 9th Street
SW) for a pair of performances
featuring international songs and
dances, to benefit Youth Guidance,
Hibiscus Children’s Center and
United Against Poverty. Genera-
tions of youth have been a part of
this group – perhaps you or some-
one you know has – since its found-
B2 March 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
Pamela Pike Gordinier finds joy in her artistic journey
By Jane Beattie | Correspondent losophy applies to life,” says Pamela Pike Gor- tune 500 companies, and she has been an She is married to Dr. Glenn Gordinier, an
[email protected] dinier. “My goal is to create honest art and live elected member of the Connecticut Acad- avid year-round surfer off the coast of Rhode
an authentic life; a life worth living.” emy of Fine Arts, Copley Society of Boston, Island and author of the book “Surfing Cold
“As an artist, my work and life are one. I Mystic Museum of Arts and the Connecticut Water: A New Englander’s Off-Season Ob-
believe that working with intention is a mind- An award-winning artist, Gordinier’s Watercolor Society. session.” When not surfing, he is a professor
spring for creating art and that this same phi- works are in the collections of several For-
Direct From Las Vegas
An Evening With Cher, Elton John, Lady Gaga & Streisand
Starring Master Las Vegas Impersonators The Edwards Twins
Dancing With Vero’s Stars, Contestant David Thomas
Presents A Bene t For The Indian River County Healthy Start Coalition.
Live At The Emerson Center
Sunday April 1, 2018
7:00pm - 10:00pm
Balcony $55 Premium $75
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE March 23, 2018 B3
of Maritime History for the Maritime Studies some hair and teeth, ample supply blue pills; says she uses “process questions” that are communication and to present ideas that
Program of Williams College and Mystic Sea- seeking 90+ foxy cougar, to snuggle under af- universal, personal and timeless to inform elicit self-reflection.
port, and is the Robert G. Albion Historian at ghan, swap podiatry, colonoscopy, & dental her work, such as “What moments in time
Mystic Seaport. stories …’ and ‘Worn-Out Husband, friend to capture our imagination and create mem- Gordinier teaches at her studio in Stoning-
his wife’s nerves & father to five silly daugh- ories?” and “How can art create a platform ton as well as locally at the Vero Beach Muse-
Despite her husband’s affinity for cold ters for a quarter century, seeks wealthy, titled, for a dialogue of social issues, such as do- um of Art. She will present workshops there
water, she says “thinking about creating and childless widow of an un-entailed estate for mestic violence?” on the exhibit “Shadow and Light: The Etch-
teaching art in a warmer climate during the long walks across ha-ha’s.’ ings of Martin Lewis” from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.,
winter months held a great deal of appeal.” Color is a constant source of expres- April 13-14, asking the question, “If you paint
“My art begins with an intention, a ques- sion for Gordinier, who uses it to create the shadow, can the image appear?”
Vero Beach was also home to many of her tion that interests me; either person, univer- an emotional response in her figurative
students from Connecticut and Rhode Island, sal or timeless,” says Gordinier. “I believe that, works, such as in her “Colorful Woman Se- Her work will be featured in April at the Ben-
so the couple decided to settle here for part of like art, if we live with intention then we live ries,” and often in many of her landscape educe Realty gallery on 14th Avenue in Down-
the year, now happily dividing their time be- an authentic life; a live worth living.” pieces as well. town Vero Beach. The opening reception is Fri-
tween Vero and Stonington, Conn. day, April 6 during First Friday Gallery Stroll.
Of her creative process she explains, “I Asked what her experience has been as
Gordinier says that while she works in all think of creating art as a medium of commu- an artist, Gordinier says that while it’s hard MARCH 16
mediums, “my work is about ideas. And then I nication; a passage of ideas that elicits self-re- work, her art is who she is; the journey, not —
wait for the smile or a look of confusion.” flection. Creating art that is accessible to the the product, is what has given her the most
viewer is important to me so that the viewer joy. Her goal is to create art as a medium of APRIL 27
Her work recently received both reac- becomes a participant.” 2018
tions at this year’s Art on the Island 3-Di-
mensional Fine Art Exhibition at the Marsh Over the years, Gordinier has had several
Island Clubhouse. At the 2016 judged exhi- one-woman exhibitions that utilized ques-
bition, she won first place in the mixed me- tions to create her vision. For an exhibition
dium category. last June at the Lyman Allyn Art Museum
in New London, Conn., she worked with a
Her February piece asked the question, community organization to create an instal-
“What are you seeking?” Using the chart of the lation of paintings, poetry, music, video and
Brooklyn waterfront and referencing “A Tree dance that stressed hope for survivors of
Grows in Brooklyn,” she used the branches domestic violence and asked the question,
to represent the strength and hope embodied “What do you Hope?”
in the human spirit. Every leaf on the tree is a
reprint of an actual personal submitted to the Gordinier explains that her inspiration for
New York Book Review in bygone years. the exhibit had been derived from the image
of Vero Beach men walking in red stilettos at a
Included in the humorous mix were doozies benefit for SafeSpace, which assists victims of
such as ‘Portly, Handsome Man, 81 summers, domestic violence. As with all her exhibits, her
interest is in bringing positive outcomes and
awareness to an issue.
During her creative process Gordinier
Photo Credits - Past Entries: Painted Bunting by Walter Veasey,
Kept, Kept Safe by Larry Lovotny, Little Sister by Barbara DuPont,
Foundation by Erika Masterson, Framed by Nature by Charlie Newman,
Through the Eye of the CameraPeople’s Choice Award Winner - Tannery in Fez, by Linda Leonard.
500 N. Indian River Drive Fort Pierce, FL 34950
B4 March 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
Collections matter: VBMA curator builds for future
By Ellen Fischer | Correspondent its disappearance in 1932, had simply been well as underrepresented groups of artists, Danielle Johnson.
[email protected] cut into quarters by Magritte for reuse; three such as women and artists of color.
paintings by him in other collections were PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
Late last month a Coffee with the Curator subsequently found to have been painted over Johnson mentioned the works of several liv-
lecture by Vero Beach Museum of Art curator the remaining fragments. ing artists, represented in MoMA’s collection, ter featured water-inspired abstractions. In an
Danielle Johnson was presented by the Gallery that she would not mind seeing represented outdoor grouping from Benglis’ 2014 “Pink La-
at Windsor in the planned community’s club- Johnson related the story of the lost and here, including Howardena Pindell. dies” series, water spilled from the tops of a trio
house lounge. Subtitled “Building a Collec- found painting to illustrate the importance of fuchsia red, polyurethane sculptures into a
tion: Contemporary Art at MoMA and VBMA,” of the museum in collecting and preserving Now 75 years old, Pindell studied painting pool below. Each sculpture was composed of
Johnson’s lecture spoke to her past experience art for the future. MoMA’s acquisition of the at Boston University and Yale University. In several funnel-shaped cones, with the narrow
as a curatorial assistant at the Museum of painting (it was a 1956 gift from the collection 1967 she took a job in the print department end of each inserted into the broad top of the
Modern Art in New York and her ideas about of Surrealist painter Kay Sage) revealed for at MoMA, which she left a dozen years later to next. The tallest sculpture of the three was a
the future of the Vero museum collection. Johnson the “usefulness,” – i.e. meaning – that pursue her career as an artist and teacher. Her little over 9 feet high.
an artwork can have in the context of a muse- non-objective work of the 1970s was created in
Johnson is a 2012 Ph.D. graduate in Art His- um collection. That “usefulness” changes over part by collaging punched paper dots onto pa- Johnson speculated that the cast poly-
tory from New York University’s Institute of time, with every new generation of caretakers, per or canvas. In her most recent work, Pindell urethane favored by Benglis for “Pink La-
Fine Arts; her dissertation was “Salvador Dalí researchers, presenters and audience mem- collages words, phrases and photo imagery dies” might prove resistant to Florida’s
and René Magritte, 1928-1938.” Her under- bers that interact with it. onto canvas to address social issues that in- harsh climate.
graduate degree, in art history and French, clude homelessness, sexism and xenophobia.
was taken at Colgate University. She has held When it concerns a living artist’s work, “We have a strong sculpture garden at the
adjunct teaching positions at City University a contemporary art museum’s acquisition Johnson also admires the work of mid-ca- Vero Beach Museum of Art. I want to think
of New York Graduate Center, New York Uni- choice will reflect current trends and ideas in reer artist Kara Walker. Her 2014 installation about continuing to develop it,” she said.
versity and Hunter College. the art world as well as the museum’s trust in (short title: “The Marvelous Sugar Baby”) in
the artist’s potential. As the acquisition ages a defunct Brooklyn sugar refinery included a
For four years starting in 2011, Johnson and the museum’s staff and audience change, huge, sphinxlike figure sculpted using tons of
worked as a curatorial assistant in MoMA’s the artwork may come to have meaning as a refined sugar. MoMA collected some of the
Department of Painting and Sculpture. Her mile marker in the artist’s development; later installation’s smaller auxiliary figures, which
research for the exhibition “Magritte: The still it may be researched and exhibited as a were recreated in long-lasting resin.
Mystery of the Ordinary” exposed her to historic artifact of the society that produced it.
René Magritte masterpieces from collec- Closer to home, Johnson is intrigued by the
tions worldwide. As Magritte’s “The Portrait” illustrates, work of Miami’s Edouard Duval-Carrié. Paint-
even a well-known work whose meaning has ings by him that have caught her eye address
In researching the works in that show, evolved over the years can still hold surprises the revolutionary history and current hard-
Johnson was party to an exciting discov- 80 years after its creation. ships of Duval-Carrié’s native Haiti.
ery regarding a work in MoMA’s collection.
Magritte’s 1935 painting, “The Portrait,” was According to Johnson, a collecting muse- Acquiring the work of living artists is par-
found by conservators to have been painted um’s priority is “building a collection for the amount to building a collection that looks to
over a piece of canvas that once was part of future.” the future, Johnson says.
a larger (and presumably lost) Magritte titled
“The Enchanted Pose.” Johnson, whose current title is Curator of “If you don’t collect at the moment, you
Modern and Contemporary Art, acknowledges have to fill in the gaps (in the collection) later,”
The subject of “The Enchanted Pose” was a that the VBMA has tended toward the collec- she cautioned.
pair of identical nudes, placed left and right on tion of early 20th century American paintings.
the canvas in identical poses. “The Portrait” at Not to worry; she envisions the continued col- Johnson notes that MoMA’s relationship
first glance depicts a table setting for one, fac- lection of that material, even though its artists with a young Jasper Johns led to its acquisition
ing the viewer. It takes only a moment to no- – many of whom were born in the 19th century of “Target with Four Faces” when Johns was
tice that the slice of ham before us is looking – have long since departed this vale. still in his 20s. Today there are more than 350
back: there is an unblinking eye at its center. works by Johns in the MoMA collection: paint-
She also anticipates adding more contem- ings, sculpture and prints from every stage in
As a scholar and art historian, Johnson porary art to the museum’s collections, espe- that artist’s long career.
was interested to learn that the older paint- cially the work of living artists. That includes
ing, which had received critical notice before artists near the beginning of their careers, as Another artist Johnson selected for com-
ment was veteran sculptor Lynda Benglis,
whose 2015 exhibition at Storm King Art Cen-
1. The Escape Artist 1. In Full Flight 1. Samantha Spinner and the
2. Beneath a Scarlet Sky 2. Red Notice BY RUSSELL GINNS
3. Closer Than You Know 3. Last Hope Island CHRISTOPHER ELIOPOULOS
4. I've Loved You Since Forever
4. The Woman in the Window 4. Russian Roulette
5. Dog Man and Cat Kid
5. The Great Alone 5. I've Been Thinking
JILL SANTOPOLO ROSEMARY DRONCHI 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
presents presents
A Novel The Final Book of the
Monday, March 26th at 4 pm Rossini Trilogy
Tuesday, March 27th at 6 pm
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE March 23, 2018 B5
1 This Thursday and Friday at Indian River County iG Center. 25TH ANNUAL
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 Amazon) album, “Emmet Cahill’s Ireland.” INDIALANTIC
In the hands of these gifted musicians, fa-
ing in the tumultuous ’60s, when Vietnam miliar and beloved songs from the Irish Art
and civil rights were in the forefront and repertoire such as “An Irish Lullaby” and Festival
young people took to the streets in protest “Danny Boy,” as well as selected numbers
and solidarity. The Up With People website from musicals, will touch hearts and soar An Outdoor Art Show
states that the group’s founder, J. Blanton to the rafters. The show promo offers an at Nance Park
Belk, observed this phenomenon and real- interesting bit of trivia: According to the
ized young people might be able to do what last U.S. Census (2010), some 34.5 million March 24th – 25th
government couldn’t: “walk across borders, Americans list their heritage as mostly or Sat./Sun. 10am – 5pm
see beyond race, and build bridges of un- partly Irish. That number is, incidentally,
derstanding between people.” Among its seven times larger than the population of Free Admission
many hundreds of performances, Up With Ireland itself (4.68 million). Show time is 3
People counts four Super Bowl halftime p.m. Doors open one hour before curtain. N. Miramar Avenue in Indialantic (near Melbourne, FL)
shows, and an emotional performance at Tickets are $29.99 for adults and $14.99 for
the Olympic Village Theatre in Munich on students 18 and under. A $49.99 VIP pass
Sept. 8, 1972, after the tragic massacre of includes a pre-concert Q&A with Cahill, an
Israeli athletes. Today, Up With People con- individual photo op, and an autographed A Howard Alan Event
tinues to travel the globe, with a new gener- poster. 855-252-7276.
ation of young performers, blending social Information: (561) 746-6615
action with good cheer, determination – 3 “Welcome Back!” John Sebastian:
and music. Show times are 7 p.m. Thursday Sebastian is of course, the Grammy
and 8 p.m. Friday. Tickets are adults, $18; Award-winning singer-songwriter, gui-
students, $13; children 12 and under $8. tarist, harmonica player, autoharpist and
raconteur who founded the band with the
2 To many ears, there’s no voice quite super cool name – the Lovin’ Spoonful –
so compelling as an Irish tenor. One and he’ll be in concert at the Emerson Cen-
of the best, Emmet Cahill, late of the Irish ter next Friday, March 30, to close the LIVE!
group Celtic Thunder, will take the stage From Vero Beach concert series. The Lovin’
this Sunday at the Emerson Center. Fresh Spoonful, Wikipedia reminds us, made it
from his St. Patrick’s Day debut at Carnegie into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame back in
Hall, Ireland’s premier tenor returns to join 2000, having answered the British Invasion
the Space Coast Symphony Orchestra, un- by putting their first seven singles on the
Top 10, unprecedented, gushes Wikipedia,
at the height of Beatlemania. Those of us
of a “certain age” probably remember Se-
bastian’s impromptu appearance at Wood-
stock in ’69, and that No. 1 hit “Welcome
Back.” Show time is 7 p.m. Tickets start at
$35. 772-234-4412.
3 Emmet Cahill Sunday 4 Veteran radio journalist Janie Gould,
at Emerson Center. well-known for her popular radio se-
ries “Floridays,” which ran on public radio
der the baton of Aaron T. Collins, to perform WQCS-FM for almost a decade, will present
“Emmet Cahill in Concert.” The afternoon the final program of the 2017-18 Florida
will feature songs from the eponymous Humanities Series season next Thursday,
world chart-topping (Billboard, iTunes and March 29, at the Emerson Center. For this
unique presentation, “Global Events That
Touched Florida: Great Depression Through
the Cold War,” which will cover such diverse
topics as the history of U-boat attacks, Ger-
man POWs, the Cuban Missile Crisis and
more, Gould will employ anecdotes har-
vested from her priceless collection of 300
recorded interviews with Floridians sharing
their first-hand experiences and recollec-
tions of life on the Treasure Coast “back in
the day.” The free program will begin at 7
p.m. 772-778-5249.
B6 March 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE
Thousands scampi out at ShrimpFest & Brew bash
Kim Jones and Joe Falzone. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD Debbie and Tibor Brandauer. John and Kathy Patterson.
John Pollacek and Michelle Grainger.
By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer Sebastian Barracudas.
[email protected] Lou and Dana Bare.
The ShrimpFest & Craft Brew Hullaba-
loo last weekend was a jumbo success. The
third annual event, a collaborative pre-
sentation by the Rotary Club of Sebastian
and the Exchange Club of Fellsmere, was
moved this year to Riverview Park in Se-
bastian from its previous location on the
grounds of the Historic Fellsmere School.
The three-day crustaceous festival was
filled with music, food and family fun in
support of north county youth sports and
nonprofit organizations. About 300 volun-
teers helped to serve roughly 4,000 pounds
of Florida shrimp to an estimated 15,000
hungry people, according to event chair
Marc Gingras.
Five local restaurants cast their nets
wide, vying to earn the coveted Golden
Shrimp Award. The Chubby Mullet Bar &
Grill served up pickled shrimp; the Old Fish
House Bar & Grill treated festival-goers to
fried shrimp cocktails; Squid Lips prof-
fered peel & eat shrimp; Woody’s Bar-B-Q
made shrimp salad rolls; and the Tiki Bar &
Grill, which took home the trophy for their
sautéed buttered garlic shrimp.
In addition, the Rotary club tossed
shrimp scampi pizzas into a brick oven
and, for those wanting to nibble on some-
thing other than shrimp, food trucks pro-
Michael and Sara Dipardo with Declan and Connor.
vided a variety of alternatives. Hollie and Fred Rose.
A Craft Beer Tasting Garden was the per-
fect stopover for those wanting to wet their
whistle, offering ale aficionados a sampling
of suds from more than 20 Florida craft
brewers, including local favorites Ameri-
can Icon Brewery, Orchid Island, Pareidolia
Brewing and Walking Tree Brewery.
Nearly 90 vendors filled the park, hawk-
ing artwork, crafts, jewelry, homemade
soaps and educational exhibits. Face
painting, games and a clown offered dis-
tractions for the children, while a motor-
cycle show on Saturday and car show on
Sunday attracted an older set.
Patsy and Marshall McCammack said
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE March 23, 2018 B7
Keoni Stinson, Yolonda Anderson, Aniyah Stinson and Jaleah Bellany. Arthur Hodge, Jaime Labbe, Bob Morgan, Andrew Manero and Joe Falzone. Maria Lopez, John Campbell and Yecenia Castro.
Marc Gingras and Kim Prado. Barb and John Silkauskas.
Olivia McCabe and Colleen Le. PHOTOS: STEPHANIE LABAFF they were on their way out to lunch when
they stumbled across the festival and de-
cided to stop by, and were glad they did.
Both declared that the fried shrimp they
polished off was scrumptious, adding that
they couldn’t think of a better way to spend
a Saturday afternoon.
Through deeds and actions, the Rotary
Club of Sebastian and the Exchange Club
of Fellsmere serve individuals in need.
“We are a group of people who have a
heart for and are looking out for people
who need help; who are less fortunate than
us and maybe aren’t in a position to help
themselves,” explained Kim Jones, Rotary
Club of Sebastian president.
Proceeds from the event will benefit
north county youth organizations: Se-
bastian River Girls Basketball, Sebas-
tian River Interact Club, Sebastian River
Wrestling, Sebastian Sharks Youth Foot-
ball & Cheerleading, Treasure Coast Rug-
by, and Boys and Girls Clubs of Sebastian
and Fellsmere.
B8 March 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE
Raising lots of green at St. Pat’s Day run and shindig
Mark and Kim Wieleba with Donna and Jim Hagedorn. Steve Erickson, Joan Chesley, Mary Pat Slater and Stacey Morabito.
By Mary Schenkel | Staff Writer Florida craft beers and wine. The Bobby said clinical psychologist and MHA board the integration of physical, emotional,
[email protected] Owens band played poolside, enticing chair, Karen Mersky, Ph.D. “If someone occupational, social and spiritual health.
guests to get up out of their seats and is in a crisis they can walk in and see a
The luck of the Irish was with the Men- dance under the stars while enjoying the counselor right away. We will see them Earlier in the day, 127 green-clad run-
tal Health Association of Indian River lovely evening. regardless of their ability to pay.” ners, and even a few leprechauns who
County at two St. Patrick’s Day events to infiltrated the pack, participated in an
raise funds for its Walk-In & Counseling Bidding was steady at the silent auction “The Mental Health Association serves inaugural Brew to Brew St. Patrick’s Day
Center. Saturday evening featured a fes- tables for coveted prizes that included about 1,000 patients per year at our Walk- half-marathon. The day was picture-per-
tive Shamrock Shindig After-Party at the impressive trip packages, artwork, wine In Counseling Center, but we provide fect with blue skies and 70-degree tem-
newly remodeled Grand Harbor Beach baskets and a signature hand-painted between 10,000 to 11,000 services over- peratures for the runners, some of whom
Club. Turtle Trax sculpture valued at $20,000. all,” said MHA Executive Director Bob came from as far away as Washington
Brugnoli, Ph.D. “Services include indi- State, New Jersey, New York, Georgia and
Roughly 100 partygoers, colorfully clad “The proceeds from today go direct- vidual and family therapy, medication Arkansas. The 13.1-mile course began
in multiple shades of green, enjoyed lep- ly toward providing immediate access management, psychiatric evaluation, and ended at Walking Tree Brewery, tak-
rechaun plates of food paired with local to mental health care without barriers,” case management and group therapy ing runners on a tour through downtown
support.” Vero and McAnish Park, past the airport
and as far west to 66th Avenue before
Brugnoli noted that any Indian River returning to cross the finish line. An af-
County resident can receive free mental ter-party celebration included live music,
health screening and crisis intervention costumes, food-truck delights and some
help. well-deserved handcrafted brew.
“We also operate some drop-in centers “This was our first St. Patrick’s Day
to provide a supportive environment for celebration,” said Mary Silva, fund devel-
people struggling with mental health opment and special events manager for
conditions,” he added. “These centers the MHA Walk-In & Counseling Center.
are run by peers in recovery and are open “We had over 60 volunteers serving water
seven days a week, 365 days a year.” at various stops along the course and we
couldn’t have done it without them.”
Brugnoi took a moment to talk about
the recent Whole Health initiative intro- For more information about upcoming
duced by the MHA last year. In an effort classes and lectures at the Walk-In & Coun-
to ward off severe emotional and behav- seling Center and other MHA services, visit
ioral problems before their onset, MHA is
offering classes and lectures that address
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE March 23, 2018 B9
Florida Residency
To Be or Not To Be?
Joanne Quaile, Mark and Patricia Ashdown, Kit Fields. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Lyndal and Chris Hill. Justin and Vanessa Larson. At this free and informative seminar,
a local attorney will discuss:
• Pros/Cons of Florida Residency/Homestead
• Explanation of Florida Tax Structure and
Contrast to “Income Taxing States”
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• Estate Planning Strategies
Nate and Kristen Bruckner. Nancy Ofstie and Ellen McGovern. This Seminar may benefit persons who are considering
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This Seminar is most beneficial to those persons
required to file a Federal Tax Return
Hosted By: James P. Covey, Esq.
Tuesday, January 23, 2018 • Tuesday, February 6, 2018
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Jamie Bloss with Tom and Miley Cyr. The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements.
Before you decide, ask us to send you free written information about our qualications and experience.
B10 March 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SPORTS
Three out-of-staters too tough for Vero lacrosse
Lexi Patton (26) comes up
with a save at the goal.
By Ron Holub | Correspondent good. You are not going to bring your team what the goals and the standards are with this take the initiative to be at the forefront, wheth-
[email protected] down here to get beat 50-0. program. Not even close. er it be strategy, drills or anything dealing with
lacrosse. We always wanted to be the first, and
The Vero Beach High girls lacrosse team “So we already know that if teams are “We realized the bottom line was that what it just felt like we got complacent. That’s hu-
ran into an annual buzz saw last week in the traveling, they are feeling good about them- we were doing was not working anymore. Let’s man nature. We got into a little rut. I will even
form of McDonogh High from Owings Mills, selves. We obviously have been a perennial be honest here, it was a very successful season. speak for myself, a coaching rut.
Maryland. The humbling 16-3 defeat started a powerhouse down here for the past 10 to We were in the elite eight, the state quarterfi-
mini three-game skid and sentVero on a three- 15 years, so when teams come down to Vero nals. However, for us that is not even close to “So we made some changes, but obviously
game road trip at 8-3. Beach they know that win, lose or draw, they being good enough. That did not meet our there is still an underlying way to do things the
are going to get a quality game.” expectations and we were very disappointed. right way. We realized that we have to go back
Head coach Shannon Dean called it the to some things that were successful, but we
gauntlet. From March 9 through March 16, For the record, Vero had one brief spurt to “When we got knocked out we took a also have to be innovative.”
the Fighting Indians faced four teams from try to make it a game vs. McDonogh. After good long look at where we were at with our
out-of-state, and one from out-of-country. falling behind 6-0, Raegan Gibbons and Gab- program. That included the coaches, the Dean has experience galore to assist in
The planning for this busy scramble started by Sposato scored to light a spark, but it was players, the parents, and what we do in the the process. Twelve of the 22 girls on the
last summer. quickly extinguished. The deficit grew to 9-2 off-season. We got together and made some roster are seniors, and in the eyes of a coach
by the intermission. Lily Linehan accounted changes that we felt were needed. building upon a legend, it’s fair to say – state
“Coaches from high schools call and say for the other goal. championship or bust.
they are coming down to Florida at a certain “We have always been innovative here. We
time and we work it out,” Dean explained. Ap- This is nothing new because McDonogh
parently they all come down at about the same never loses – to anyone. The Eagles have
time. As a consequence, Citrus Bowl audienc- been the No. 1 team in the nation for a de-
es with fans from near and far were treated to cade. VBHS has hosted them six times in the
games on four successive evenings. past seven years. The closest the home team
came was 12-8 in 2014.
Vero Beach has become a popular spring
training site for high school lacrosse teams Vero came through the five-game out-of-
looking for our type of weather, and the vis- state gauntlet at 2-3. St. John’s of Texas and Hill
itors give Dean an idea of how his girls stack Academy from Canada were defeated 15-2
up against some of the best. It should not go and 9-4, respectively. After McDonogh, Nava-
unnoticed that the local economy benefits in to of California squeaked by Vero, 11-10. Last
no small measure as a result. Friday night, St. Paul’s School for Girls from
Maryland prevailed 11-7.
“I’m at the point in my career where we
like to play out-of-state teams,” Dean said, Those games were de facto exhibitions,
“I think the parents and players love it. The and although the competitive aspect is entire-
players enjoy it because it’s a different game. ly serious, the No. 1 task at hand resumes at
They play against young women from an- this point. It is now a matter of climbing back
other state (or Canadian province) who are to the mountaintop. After 10 straight state
usually really good. championships, missing out the past two
years does not sit well.
“You don’t travel unless you are good.
You’re not going to spend the money to bring “After the early exit last year in the state
your team to Florida from Texas, California, quarterfinals I think we were all a little disap-
Maryland or Canada unless you are really pointed,” Dean said.“That wasn’t even close to
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING March 23, 2018 B11
Dining in Havana: Paladares and frozen daiquiris
By TIna Rondeau | Columnist bronze statue of Hemingway occupies his Fisherman’s Casserole, consisting of sau- those who have patronized El Floridita).
[email protected] customary spot at the bar. We also could téed fish, octopus, shrimps and lobster in San Cristobal is the paladar that President
not resist trying what were said to be some a creamy sauce of tomatoes and spices.
When we booked a cruise a year ago that of his favorite dishes in the rear dining Obama dined at on his historic trip to Hava-
would include a couple of nights in Hava- room, which has the ambiance of a good The dishes were not bad, but have I na in March 2016, and the walls of this eclec-
na, my first thought was that it would give spot for a meeting of Mafia dons. mentioned the frozen daiquiris? tic restaurant are covered with photos of the
me an opportunity to see the paladares. Obamas, various pop-culture celebrities, as-
My husband ordered the Gran Plato Then for a paladar on this short stay in sorted memorabilia, and a couple of hundred
My husband’s first thought was it Hemingway – alleged to be “his” special Havana, we decided to visit a place, San antique and grandfather clocks.
would give him a chance to see the famed dish, featuring lobster, shrimp and fish, Cristobal Paladar, that also has hosted
El Floridita. all in a garlic sauce – and I opted for the some famous names (though none the The clocks were quite amazing.
equal, my husband would contend, of Both El Floridita and San Cristobal were
The paladares are privately-owned packed when we visited. While we shoe-
restaurants that in the last half dozen horned our way into El Floridita, we had a
years have begun to transform Cuba’s half-hour wait for a table at San Cristobal
dreary dining scene. Often located in a even though we had reservations.
converted section of a family home, these Our excellent server pointed out that even
independent restaurants serve fresh food though Barack and Michelle Obama both
at moderate prices with good service – a had “solomillo a la plancha” (steak on the
combination that did not exist in Havana grill), San Cristobal - like many new Hava-
during Fidel Castro’s long reign. na restaurants - features fresh seafood.
El Floridita, on the other hand, is the leg- Hence, I ordered the Camarones al Ajillo
endary Havana bar and seafood restaurant (shrimp in garlic) and my husband had
that preceded Fidel (and Teddy Roosevelt, the Gran Plato del Mar (lobster, fish,
for that matter) and just celebrated its 200th prawns, and creamed potato).
anniversary!! More to the point, it is where
one of my husband’s literary idols, Ernest The shrimp were perfectly cooked
Hemingway, dropped by daily in the 1930s in a buttery garlic sauce. A simple but
to drink frozen daiquiris (which were in- very tasty dish. My husband particular-
vented by a bartender there). ly enjoyed the Caribbean lobster and the
pan-sautéed snapper.
On a visit last week, we got to achieve While it would be absurd to generalize
both objectives. from such a small sample, Havana would
seem to still have some way to go to become
We arrived at El Floridita, I’m happy a serious foodie destination. But as more vis-
to report, considerably later than the 10 itors make their way to this island, the dining
o’clock morning hour when Hemingway scene no doubt will just keep getting better
generally started on his daily tipple (he is and better.
reputed to one day have consumed 16 fro-
zen daiquiris). I welcome your comments, and encour-
age you to send feedback to me at tina@
The drinks at this bar, where memo-
rabilia and photos cover the walls, are
indeed superb, and to this day, a life-size
B12 March 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING March 23, 2018 B13
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B14 March 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING
Thai & Japanese Cuisine Live Music and Jazz
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING March 23, 2018 B15
Lunch & Dinner Open:
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B16 March 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES
1 Skin blemish (4) 1 Home appliances (5,5)
3 Bottomless pit (5) 2 Traipse over (7)
7 Toy building sets (4) 3 Beast (6)
8 Nullify (10) 4 Fermenting (6)
9 Mischievous spirits (4) 5 Coil of yarn (5)
12 Large and bulky (11) 6 Arrest (4)
13 Mammal,‘Tarka’(5) 10 Lake (4)
15 Pudding (5) 11 Colony (10)
19 Make in large quantities (11) 14 Restrained (4)
21 Pace (4) 16 Spectator (7)
23 Plague (10) 17 College treasurer (6)
24 Jumping insect (4) 18 Space (6)
25 Truck (5) 20 Horrify (5)
26 Sort through (4) 22 Price exacted (4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES March 23, 2018 B17
ACROSS 73 Trade back diesel 76 China’s Zhou The Washington Post
75 Sodium hydroxide 7 Hooklike 80 Jewish month
1 Arnold’s are 77 Docs’ org. 8 It drops in Times 81 One way to get to
awesome 78 Craving
79 Chevy Chase Square on New Paris
5 Short and thick- Year’s Eve 82 Propels,
set comedy 9 Tunesmith
about the comet? Jacques as a grenade
11 Requested, in 84 Pricey, bygone 10 “You rang?” 83 A Big Three
Dogpatch travel option 11 A way to the altar
85 Big name in 12 Fragrant garden university
14 William Abbott, refrigerators plants 85 Imitation of life?
familiarly 88 A fvll deck? 13 Winnie was one 86 ___-jongg
89 Mauna ___ 14 Residents of the 87 Italian mountain
17 Site of a 1981 90 Crumpet “chaser,” world’s third
nuclear reactor perhaps largest island chain
bombing 92 French article 15 Word on many 91 Learn ___
94 Undivided, as schoolbooks
18 Crescent-shaped attention 16 Latin gods (apprentice)
wristbone 95 React 20 Shinbone 93 Comet’s milieu
appropriately to 21 “Can’t make ___ 95 Humorist-
19 ___ Jima the comet? out of it” (comet-
20 Your things, rather 99 “Life is over gazer’s comment) publisher Bennett
there— 23 ___ anchor (rests) 96 Muse of love
than my things Behind ___” 24 Pigtail, to Pierre
22 COMET (Dickinson) 27 Women poetry
25 Old palindrome, 101 Out of the sack 31 Clangor 97 Opens, as a letter
102 Hear her roar? 32 Sequester 98 Stops
“Able was ___ 103 Breathing down 33 Magellan’s access
saw Elba” one’s neck 35 Advertising award stonewalling
26 COMET 104 Narrow inlet 36 Aleutian island 100 Caucasian, in
28 Spill the beans 106 Act of seeing, 37 Puppy
29 Asian holiday old-style precautions Hawaiian
30 Keep secret 109 COMET 39 Faithful to the 105 Disguised, for
31 Frisbees and 116 The Vagabond orig.,
many UFOs King composer sound-wise short
34 “And ___ of 117 COMET 40 Modernist, for 107 Sprite
thousands” (to a puzzle buff) short 108 Cuzco’s people
38 Bird under glass 119 “Walk Away” girl of 41 Summer coat? 109 Ex-pitcher
42 Peggy Lee’s song 43 Win
comet query 120 Mil. rank category 44 Insurance giant Hershiser
46 Eminently 121 Aviatrix’s first 45 Suffer sans air 110 “Everything but”
draftable name conditioning
47 Neither partner 122 Whopper 51 Electrical unit appurtenance
48 Squared, it’s nove 123 Nogales shout 53 Beatles song 111 Asian nursemaid
49 “What am ___ 124 Frat party buy about the comet? 112 Big rig
do?” 125 Greetings for 55 “Wait a second ...” 113 Expwys., e.g.
50 Two-left-feet type Snidely Whiplash 56 Do, as laces 114 Coup d’___
51 Bean of 126 Charon’s crossing 57 Repair shops 115 Depend
“Desperate 58 Vacation island: 116 Half a swing?
Housewives” DOWN abbr. 118 Sgt. Preston of
52 Impute, as blame 1 Lulu 62 Disheveled
54 Comet comment 2 Stink or switch 63 As a replacement the Yukon’s horse
from a teen? 64 Warmed the
58 Scott of Happy ending bench THE BIG BURNOUT By Merl Reagle
Days 3 Crunch’s rank, 67 He “has left the
59 Merkel or building” Certified Collision
O’Connor in cerealdom 68 Contents of “a Repair Center
60 Bradbury’s ___ 4 Crush with a retort pocket full”
for Space 5 Journalistic 70 Hornswoggled VeArou’tsoPbroedmy!ier All Insurance
61 Prizes for Perlman 71 Be overdramatic Accepted!
65 Caesarean attitude 74 “I caught you!”
section? 6 Word with jet or
66 Part of MGM
69 Medically, it’s a
72 College in New
Rochelle, N.Y.
(772) 978-1351 • 463 4th Place SW • Vero Beach, FL
The Telegraph
B18 March 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES
Q J9653 K 10
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist QJ963 4 K8752
A73 962 Q J 10 5
The most prolific bridge-book author is David Bird from England, with well over 10 8 6 2 AKJ4 73
100 titles. The monks of St. Titus, led by the egocentric Abbot, are his most famous
characters. SOUTH
In “The Abbot, the Parrot and the Bermuda Bowl” (Master Point Press), the Bozwambi A 10
tribe from the Upper Bhumpopo has qualified for the 2015 Bermuda Bowl in India. The K84
players had learned bridge from missionaries sent there by the Abbot many years ago. Q95
When the Abbot visits the tribe and learns of their success, he insists on being added to
the team. His teammates are Miss Nabooba, Mrs. Okoku, Mbozi and the Witchdoctor; Dealer: North; Vulnerable: Neither
his partner is the Parrot, the tribe’s best player.
The Bidding:
The Parrot made this four-spade contract look easy. What did he do after West led the
1 Spades Pass Pass Pass
Declarer needed to find trumps splitting 2-1, but he still might have lost one spade and 4 Spades All Pass LEAD:
three diamonds if East got on lead and shifted to a high diamond, West having the ace Q Hearts
hovering over South’s king.
To maximize his chances, the Parrot won the first trick, ruffed his remaining heart on
the board and led a trump. When East played the 10, the Parrot flicked a low spade
onto the table. West won with his queen, but had no winning defense. If he had played
a club, declarer would have drawn the missing trump and claimed 10 tricks: four
spades, one heart, four clubs and the heart ruff. When West, in desperation, shifted to a
diamond, hoping South had only queen-third, the contract made with an overtrick.
The deals are instructive and the prose entertaining — as usual from this author.
NOopwen It’s a date.
AL 13068 Join us for a lunch that
you will remember.
Call with an opening on
your calendar.
Assisted Living & Memory Care
2100 10th Avenue l Vero Beach, FL 32960
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR March 23, 2018 B19
ONGOING 23 Sebastian River Area Chamber of dation which provides funds toward childhood 25 Two Chords, featuring guitarist, composer
Commerce Concerts in the Park pres- cancer research and services to survivors. 772- and poet Peter Myers, wine and hors d’oeu-
Riverside Theatre – Gypsy, musical mem- ents Sebastian River High School Jazz Ensemble 633-4452 vres, 5 p.m. at Sebastian home of artist Geoffrey Myers
oir of Gypsy Rose Lee on the Stark Stage thru & Steel Drum Band, 5:30 to 8 p.m. at Riverview tobenefitStouthouse. $40;$50atdoor.772-589-8826
March 25; Buyer & Cellar, relationship between Park. Free. 772-589-5969 24|25 Twisted Tail Ribfest at Riv-
an actor and Barbara Streisand on the Waxlax erside Park, with BBQ, en- 27 Acclaimed string duo Hanneke Cas-
Stage thru April 8. 772-231-6990 23 Indian River Symphonic Association tertainment, vendors and children’s activities to sel and Mike Block perform Darkness
presents the Academy of St. Martin in benefit Vero Beach rotary Charities Foundation to Light: A Night of Music to Celebrate Easter
Vero Beach Theatre Guild presents “To Kill a the Fields, with Joshua Bell, conductor & solo- support of Camp Haven, ELC and GYAC. Twist- Week, 7:30 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church.
Mockingbird” based on Harper Lee’s novel thru ist, performing Edgar Meyer New Violin Com- Donations benefit Mike Block String Camp
March 25. 772-562-8300 mission, 7:30 p.m. at Vero Beach Community Scholarship fund. 772-562-9088
Church. 772 778-1070 25 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra
Vero Beach Museum of Art - Medieval To presents Irish tenor Emmet Cahill per- 29 Vero Beach Easter Parade, 6 p.m. on
Metal: The Art & Evolution of the Guitar thru 24 Run Vero’s Citrus Classic 5K, 7:30 a.m. forming favorite songs of Ireland, 3 p.m. at Em- Ocean Drive preceded by 4:30 p.m.
May 6, Paul Outerbridge: New Color Photo- in Historic Downtown Vero Beach, erson Center. 855-252-7276 Children’s Easter Egg Hunt and other activities at
graphs from Mexico and California, 1948-1955 with post-race festivities in Pocahontas Park
thru June 3 and Shadow & Light: The Etchings to benefit Girls on the Run of the TC. 772-569- Crossword Page B21 (FINAL BALLOT)
of Martin Lewis thru May 13. 7364
MARCH 24 City of Vero Beach Recreation Dept.
Easter Egg Hunt, 10 a.m. at Mulligan’s
22 Concerts in the Park: Ed Shanaphy and Beach House for children up to age 9; please
Friends, 5 to 7 p.m. at Vero Beach Mu- bring 6 empty plastic Easter eggs. 772-567-2144
seum of Art. $10 & $12. 772-231-0707
24 Spring Forward for Hunger Farm to Ta-
22 Reception with Navy SEAL captains ble Brunch, 10 a.m. at Schacht Groves
featured in documentary, A Bond Un- to benefit Treasure Coast Food Bank, featuring
broken, 5:30 p.m. drinks and appetizers at Na- locally sourced foods prepared by Wild Thyme
tional Navy SEAL Museum. 772-595-5845 x 204 Catering and music by Blue Cypress Bluegrass
Band. $60. 772-446-1757
22|23 Up with People’s Live on
Tour 2018 Performance, 7 24 The Big Shave, with Noon at Capt. Hi-
p.m. Thurs, 8 p.m. Fri. at IRC Intergeneration- ram’s with ‘Shavees’ and supporters
al Center, with international songs & dances raising money to benefit St. Baldrick’s Foun-
to benefit Youth Guidance, Hibiscus Children’s
Center and United Against Poverty. $8 to $18. Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
VIP Fri. $100. in March 16, 2018 Edition 1 RHEA 2 HEMP
22-24 Deborah Voight Interna- 8 DOZE 4 WEBCAM
tional Vocal Competition 9 SMALLBEER 5 NEEDED
hosted by Vero Beach Opera at Vero Beach High 11 DARKER 6 COCKROACH
School Performing Arts Center; finals 7 p.m. Sat. 13 BELATED 7 FEAR
772-564-5537 15 DIADEM 10 RADIANT
23 Successful Aging Luncheon present- 18 LETRIP 13 BATTLECRY
ed by Alzheimer & Parkinson Assoc. 20 SNOCAT 14 LEXICON
of IRC, featuring Gail Sheehy, acclaimed author 22 CHEETAH 17 NOTE
of “Passages,” Noon at Oak Harbor Club. $100. 23 STEROL 19 PHLEGM
772-563-0505 x 106 25 NEFARIOUS 20 SECANT
Sudoku Page B20 Sudoku Page B21 Crossword Page B20
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B20 March 23, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR
Humiston Park and 5:30 p.m. Bonnets & Bow Tie 30 Live from Vero Beach presents singer/ 31 HabiTrot & Realtors ‘Hop for Habitat’ choreographer Samuel Kurkjian, 8 p.m. Fri. and
Contest. $50 per cart to support Boys & Girls Clubs songwriter John Sebastian of The Lo- 5K Run/Walk at South Beach Park to 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Sat. at VBHS Performing Arts
of IRC; no charge for other activities. 772-231-4712 vin’ Spoonful, 7 p.m. at Emerson Center. 800- benefit Habitat for Humanity – 7:30 a.m. Bunny Center. $10 - $75. 772-564-5537
595-4849 Hop for Kids; 8 a.m. 5K. 772-562-9860 ext.220
29 Emerson Center’s Humanities Series 7 Help Kids Kick Cancer Superhero 5K Run/
presents journalist Janie Gould on 30 Diamond Dixie at Sebastian Inlet State 31 Vero Beach Volunteer Fire Depart- Walk to benefit Maya Matters, 7:30 a.m.
Global Events that Touched Florida: Great De- Park Night Sounds concert series, 7 ment 51st Annual Fish Fry, 10:30 from South Beach Park. 772-342-6099
pression through Cold War, 7 p.m. at Emerson p.m. at Coconut Point pavilions. Free with park a.m. to 3 p.m. at Fire Rescue Station #2 (Barber
Center. Free. 772-778-5249 entry fee. 772-388-2750 Bridge). Open to the public. 772-410-7965 7 Vero Beach High School Golden Grads
picnic at Indian River County Fair-
APRIL grounds Ag Building for 50-year plus gradu-
ates of VBHS, doors open at 9 a.m. with lunch
1 Swinging with the Stars, 7 p.m. at the Em- at 11:30 a.m. $20 advance; $25 at door.
erson Center featuring the Las Vegas Ed- 772-696-5710
wards Twins to benefit Healthy Start Coalition
through Dancing with Vero Stars contestant Da- 7 Moonshot Family Literacy Festival – The
vid Thomas. $55 & $75. 772-778-5249 Power of our Stories, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at
Gifford Middle School, with guest reader Tasheba
5 Blue Ribbon Luncheon and Fashion Show to Berry-Mc Laren, author of “Space Station Elemen-
benefit Hibiscus Children’s Center, 11 a.m. tary,” and 1 p.m. Poetry Slam, with students ages
at Oak Harbor Club. $150. 772-299-6011 x 313 7 to 18 competing. Free.
5 Miss Hibiscus Pageant, 7 p.m. at Heri- 7 Inaugural Old Florida Folk Fest, 11 a.m.
tage Center hosted by Main Street Vero to 5 p.m. at Summer Crush Vineyard and
Beach. 772-643-6782 Winery, with entertainment by Cracker the Box,
the Cracker Cowman and Blast of Grass, Old
5 Atlantic Classical Orchestra presents commis- Florida Cow Camp demos and displays, food,
sioned work by 2018 Rappaport Prize winner Muscadine wines and 25+ local microbrews.
Hannah Lash, Prokofiev’s Concerto No. 3 with soloist $12. 772-460-0500
Alon Goldstein, and Brahms’ Second Symphony, 7:30
p.m. at St. Edward’s Waxlax Center. 772-460-0850 7 Rock & Brew, 8 p.m. at Vero Beach Muse-
um of Art, highlighting Medieval to Metal
6|7 Ballet Vero Beach presents Circle Guitar exhibition with music by Souljam and
of Influence, a tribute to the late Walking Tree brews to benefit VBMA Art for
Health’s Sake Program. $35. 772-231-0707 x 145
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