November 11, 2021 | Volume 8, Issue 45 Newsstand Price: $1.00
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FORMER ASSISTANT Oceanfront estate sells for county-record $27M! Will mandate lead
SCHOOL SUPT. PLANS nursing home staff
SCHOOL BOARD RUN to get vaccinated?
By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer The sale of an oceanfront home in the Estate Section By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer
[email protected] of Vero’s barrier island closed last Saturday for a [email protected]
whopping $27 million, the highest price ever paid for
Bruce Green, a former assistant a piece of residential real estate in Indian River County. Whether the newly released
school superintendent here, has The 7-bedroom, 14-bath, 15,900-square-foot house was Jan. 4 deadline for healthcare
decided to return to his education purchased in 2015 for $17 million. Saturday’s $27 mil- workers to be vaccinated against
roots and run for the District 1 lion price – a record local agents believe probably won’t COVID-19 changes any minds of
School Board seat currently occu- stand for long – highlights the extraordinary and still nursing home staff here won’t be
pied by Mara Schiff. accelerating increase in oceanfront property values. known for several weeks.
Green, who worked for the But some of the most recent
School District of Indian River numbers for Indian River Coun-
County for 21 years before resign- ty from the CMS – Centers for
ing in June 2018 to spend more Medicare and Medicaid Services,
time with his father, filed the nec- from which the federal health
essary paperwork with Supervisor care mandate emanates – lay out
of Elections Leslie Swan’s office a daunting personnel challenge
last week. among critical service providers
in one of the largest employment
“Indian River County is my sectors here.
hometown, public education has
been my passion, and I have the In the most recent reports on
experience and relationships in nursing home employees, num-
the community needed to do the bers of Indian River County vacci-
job,” Green said during a phone nated workers in mid- to late-Oc-
interview. tober were so low that if they don’t
improve, healthcare entities here
“I know this district, I’ve kept up stand to lose one-quarter to two-
with the issues – at least to some thirds of their staff come the start
degree – and I want to make sure of 2022.
this county remains a nice place to
live and a good place to send your Three of the six skilled nursing
facilities had rates lower than the
CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 Florida average of 59 percent, and
that rate put the state fifth from the
INSIDE MY REY NEVILLE WINS RE-ELECTION BY bottom in the U.S. for vaccinated
TAKE EMPHASIZING POLICIES, NOT POLITICS nursing home staff, according to a
Water-sewer rate hike
PETS B12 CALENDAR B16 By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer fice,” said Al Griffiths, president of the likely to get green light
[email protected] Democrats of Indian River.
REAL ESTATE 11 By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer
[email protected]
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 Rey Neville’s re-election to the Vero Not as Democrats, anyway.
For circulation or where to pick up A slight increase in water-sew-
your issue call: 772-226-7925 Beach City Council last week doesn’t Even School Board member Mara er rates for county utility custom-
ers seemed set for approval at
mean we’re likely to see more Democrats Schiff – the lone Democrat to be elected to this past Tuesday’s County Com-
mission meeting.
winning local elections, or even chip- a countywide office – didn’t tout her party
The staff recommended in-
ping away at Republican dominance of affiliation when she ran for her District 1
our politics. Rey Neville. seat three years ago.
That’s as unlikely to happen now as it “I slid in under the radar,” Schiff said,
was before Neville, a registered Democrat, adding that she expects the nonparti-
secured a second term by finishing second among san race to be considerably more politicized if
seven candidates for two seats on the council. she seeks re-election next year, because she’s a
© 2021 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. “Democrats here don’t want to run for local of- CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
2 November 11, 2021 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
VACCINE MANDATE While providers aren’t yet releasing There is no option to be tested regularly, a much narrower range of jobs at institutions
plans on how to get to 100 percent, the de- as there is in the parallel mandate for busi- that don’t accept those federal dollars.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 lay could mean the push to vaccinate may nesses with over 100 employees.
turn increasingly to a shove if minds don’t Among the possibilities: working for
spokesman for the state AARP. “This is still change on their own soon. Without a valid medical or religious ex- private-pay facilities including people’s
very slow progress,” said Jamie Champion. emption to present on that date, workers homes, or working for insurance compa-
“It appears the line in the sand is now could be fired; unlike the mandate for large nies, though they too may fall under the Oc-
From nursing homes to hospitals, the drawn,” said Don Wright, owner of three as- businesses, there is no option in the health- cupational Safety and Health Administra-
stubbornly high numbers of unvaccinated sisted living facilities in Indian River Coun- care mandate to be regularly tested in lieu tion (OSHA) mandate, assuming they have
workers in the two months since a federal ty and someone who has tried diligently to of vaccination. 100 or more employees.
vaccine mandate was announced appear to convince his workers to get vaccinated. So
show just how entrenched is the anti-vac- far, staff vaccination rates at his communi- The healthcare mandate applies to em- Still others may take early retirement
cine contingent in their ranks. ties range from 55 percent to 75 percent. ployers or practices accepting Medicare or rather than be vaccinated, according to
Medicaid reimbursement for their services. Becker’s Hospital Review, which in April
Four of the six nursing facilities showed “We have been chipping away at those predicted early retirements among health-
essentially no new vaccinations among numbers each month, one person at a For personnel who continue to refuse the care workers could be “drastic” – even be-
staff in the last two weeks of October, de- time.” vaccine, the only option left may be changing fore mandates began to pop up among
spite learning of the coming mandate in jobs. And those nurses, aides, physical thera- major hospital systems. Becker’s cited a Pew
mid-September. Those included Palm Gar- At Cleveland Clinic Indian River Hospital, pists and even doctors will be competing for Research study from last November that
den, which stood at 64 percent vaccinated Dr. Greg Rosencrance, hospital president, showed 1 million more baby boomers were
by the end of October; Orchid Cove at 55 said 74 percent of staff is now vaccinated. retired compared to previous years.
percent; and Florida Baptist, at 73 percent. But the hospital did not provide numbers
from prior months as requested to show Another survey, this one in March,
Sebastian River Medical Center’s rehab whether staff vaccinations were trending up showed the number of people expecting to
wing stood at 55 percent. That could be a or leveling off. work past 67 dropped to a record low of 39.2
hint at the rate overall at the north county percent. Those sectors could well include
hospital though a spokesperson did not re- “We have continued to provide informa- a disproportionate number of physicians,
ply to a request for figures. tion and education to our caregivers about nearly a third of whom are over 60.
the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19
Of the three that did show improvement, vaccine,” Rosencrance said Friday, after the Even if physicians themselves tend to be
it was a matter of a few percentage points. Biden administration finally released an happily vaccinated at a rate of 96 percent,
Vaccinations rose by 4 percent for Consul- early January deadline for the mandate an- their retirement could mean fewer options
ate, with 60 percent of staff vaccinated; 6 nounced Sept. 9. for unvaccinated nurses looking to join
percent improvement at Sea Breeze, up to small practices that do not accept Medicare
37 percent; and an increase of 8 percent That mandate, separate but similar to or Medicaid.
for Willowbrooke Court, the nursing home the mandate for large businesses which has
at Indian River Estates. That facility now been challenged by Gov. Ron DeSantis and Some hospitals who implemented their
stands at 91 percent of staff vaccinated, the others, calls for healthcare workers at enti- own mandates months ago say workers
highest in the county, and up from 65 per- ties participating in Medicare or Medicaid placed on unpaid administrative leave end-
cent at the start of October. to be vaccinated by Jan.4, or to have qual- ed up getting vaccinated and coming back
ified for a medical or religious exemption. to work. Unlike in most states, DeSantis has
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS November 11, 2021 3
pledged to pay those workers who lose their Pierone pointed out some may get reli- MY TAKE Probably, though, it will be – and it could
jobs unemployment benefits. gious or medical exemptions. Others fear be too much to overcome.
they may leave the field. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
While the vaccine mandate for business- “We’re so tribal in our politics and
es with 100 or more employees, ordered Previously, Wright worried about enact- “better-known entity now.” there’s so much divisiveness these days
through OSHA, hit a temporary snag in a ing a mandate of his own because employ- In other words: Local Republican lead- that, if you declare yourself and run as
federal appeals court over the weekend, a ees “have other options.” With the current a Democrat, you’re likely to lose,” Nev-
similar mandate for healthcare workers is shortage in healthcare staffing, skilled nurs- ers, who ignored the spirit of No Party Af- ille said. “People will reject you and your
effective through a rule from the Centers for es are much in demand as are aides and filiation elections when they publicly en- ideas, strictly because of party.”
Medicare and Medicaid Services. therapists. dorsed Teri Barenborg and Jackie Rosario
in their successful School Board races in Neville, a political newcomer when he
A week earlier, the Supreme Court de- “A federal mandate should take some of 2018, would make sure in 2022 that every- was elected in 2019, didn’t have a choice:
clined to block an even tougher Maine man- those options off the table, assuming em- one knows Schiff is a Democrat. City Council elections also are supposed
date for its healthcare workers, a vaccine re- ployees want to stay in the industry,” Wright to be nonpartisan, prohibiting candidates
quirement that does not include a religious said. Schiff’s party affiliation shouldn’t be a fac- from running under a party banner.
exemption. tor, of course, considering her vast experi-
Wright said among the staff members he ence in education, knowledge of the issues It wouldn’t have mattered, though.
The healthcare mandate applies to en- considers excellent, there are some who are and the professional, non-political way she “From everything I’ve seen and heard,
tities that are reimbursed by Medicare or unvaccinated. “We do not want to lose any- has approached the school district’s business. Rey doesn’t want to be identified as a Dem-
Medicaid. one,” he said.
Wright’s facilities – Rosewood Manor,
Pelican Garden and Dixie Oaks Manor – are
assisted living facilities, which don’t receive
Medicare funding.
But some assisted living facilities – in-
cluding Wright’s – do get Medicaid fund-
ing, and so fall under the mandate, as do
all nursing homes in Florida, which are re-
quired by law to accept Medicaid patients.
That means, barring an exemption for
medical or religious reasons, all healthcare
workers at nursing homes will fall under
the mandate. They may be able to find work
at assisted living facilities – provided they
don’t have residents on Medicaid.
But for the most part, assisted livings rely
almost entirely on CNAs, or nursing aides,
employing only a couple of licensed nurses
– practical nurses or registered nurses – for
every 50 or 100 residents. And those few up-
per-level positions may fall under the OSHA
mandate, since many assisted living facili-
ties, as well as nursing agencies, in Indian
River County are part of larger chains likely
to have 100 or more employees.
So far, Wright hasn’t released a formal
plan to inoculate more staff at his three fa-
cilities, saying he has been “waiting on the
sidelines to see the final ruling.”
Rosencrance at Cleveland Clinic Indian
River also appeared to be waiting to hear
“Cleveland Clinic is currently reviewing
the rule, and will comply with requirements
that apply to our health system,” he said.
“We will have more to share in the coming
But Dr. Gerald Pierone, founder and
medical director of Whole Family Health
Center, already put a mandate in place for
staff at the community clinic. “We now have
all staff vaccinated,” he said.
That achievement, though, was not with-
out a cost. He said the clinic “lost a number
of medical staff because of our mandate.”
“Staffing is a major challenge and we are
trying to recruit new employees,” he said.
Pierone cited one positive change com-
ing out of the pandemic: Paychecks got
more generous as the demand for labor
rose. “Wages for entry and lower-level po-
sitions in many organizations, including
ours, have increased significantly,” he said.
“I don’t know what the future holds for
medical personnel who decline SARS-
CoV-2 vaccines.”
4 November 11, 2021 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS
MY TAKE Democratic Party “took credit” for electing “They seemed to not care about the pol- Schiff, however, said Neville’s deep
Neville in 2019 and claimed it was “hard to
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 tell the difference” between him and Pres- itics, which is a good thing,” Neville said. roots and longstanding relationships in
ident Joe Biden.
ocrat,” Griffiths said, “and he’s vehement “I’m flattered that people who are staunch the community helped offset his party af-
about it.” “I’m sure there were some people who
didn’t know I wasn’t a Republican and Republicans voted for me. I could not have filiation.
Instead, Neville ran on his reputation found out when they received that mailer,”
and record, which proved to be strong Neville said. “The mailer, though, wasn’t gotten elected without their votes.” He managed to get re-elected despite
enough to fend off a pathetic attempt by about my policies. It was about my pol-
the Venice-based Citizens For Florida itics. But I don’t let my politics affect my Could another Democrat do spending less money on his
Prosperity – a political action committee positions on policy.”
he suspects was invited by local Republi- the same? campaign than any of the oth-
cans – to inject partisanship into the race The PAC’s misguided efforts failed.
here. Neville doesn’t know how many Repub- Could Schiff – in these er six candidates.
licans voted for him, but he said he appre-
The PAC’s mailer, sent to Republican ciates their willingness to put aside the po- times, now that her party affil- Neville won his off-year
voters in the city, noted that the Florida larization of today’s politics.
iation is widely known – again election race by being apolit-
pull in enough votes to get ical.
re-elected? “I don’t want to get involved
Griffiths said any local can- in party politics,” Neville said.
didates who “run with a ‘D’ be- “I do what I think is right and
hind their names” can count what’s best for the city, and
on getting 35 percent of the Mara Schiff. that seems to be working for
vote, but they’ll need Repub- me.”
licans or No Party Affiliation Schiff does the same serv-
voters to win. ing on our School Board, where she puts
As of Monday: 48 percent of the county’s students before politics and gets along
registered voters were Republicans; 26.7 well with her Republican colleagues.
percent were Democrats; 23 percent had Will that get her a second term, if she
no party affiliation; and 2.3 percent were seeks one?
affiliated with other parties. If not, don’t expect to see another Dem-
“Mara could win again,” Griffiths said. ocrat elected to the School Board – or any
“Rey Neville proved that a person the pub- other countywide office – any time soon.
lic knows and respects can get elected and As Neville said: He couldn’t have won
even re-elected. He got Republican votes, without getting Republican votes.
so that bodes well for her, and she’s also a Until the community’s demographics
proven commodity.” change, no Democrat can.
WATER-SEWER RATE HIKE utility consultants, was already budgeted
into the anticipated revenues of Indian
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 River County Utilities. If approved, the
new rate was to take effect immediately on
crease in the commissioners’ agenda Tuesday (Nov. 9) and apply to water and
packet was 3 percent, which the staff not- sewer service used in October.
ed is less than “the pertinent Consumer
Price Index of 4.2 percent.” “Since the bills produced in October will
reflect usage for both September and Oc-
According to the current and proposed tober, staff recommends the effective date
rates on a comparison chart prepared by for the rate increase to be immediate so
county staff, the impact on the utility bill that the first bills mailed in November will
of the average single-family household of create the new rates. This proposal allows
two people using 6,000 gallons of water per for all usage prior to the new fiscal year to
month would be about $1.80 monthly, or be billed at the current rates,” the staff re-
$21.60 per year. Certain fees not routinely port by Interim Utilities Director Matthew
paid by an existing utility customer are also Jordan said.
increasing 3 percent, but for accounting
simplicity, the staff recommended keeping “Bills dated in November, and thereaf-
the security deposit amount $50. ter, will reflect usage that is entirely in the
new fiscal year. Thus, it seems logical to
The rate increase, which was based enact the rate change at that time,” Jordan
upon a rate study performed by Raftelis reported to commissioners.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS November 11, 2021 5
SCHOOL BOARD RUN scheduling flexibility he wanted to spend Aaron’s Hearing Care Center
time with his aging and ailing father.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 As you reconnect with others, trust your hearing
“My mom had passed 2 ½ years ear- to an audiologist with 30+ years of experience
kids to school,” he added. “There’s no lier, and my dad was in his late 70s and
reason I should say: ‘Let somebody else wasn’t doing well,” Green explained. Aaron Liebman, Au. D. Hopefully, all of you are doing well as we
do it.’ “One morning, I woke up and realized I Doctor of Audiology take the necessary precautions to reduce
hadn’t gone fishing with my dad in two the spread of Covid-19 (coronavirus). We
“I’ll be 51 in January, and I’m not ready years. Why wouldn’t you want to be fit are committed to keeping our patients, any
to ride off into the sunset.” with your hearing aid from the visitors to our offices and our staff healthy
“As fate would have it, I had a good only audiologist-owned hearing and safe.
The 2022 School Board elections are friend who owned a well-established lo- aid office in Indian River At all times we’re careful to maintain clean-
scheduled for next Aug. 23. If there are cal business and he wanted me to help County? According to Aaron liness in our offices in Vero Beach. We take
multiple candidates vying for a district grow it,” he added. “He said he could Liebman, Au.D., Doctor of extra steps and follow guidelines to further
seat and none receives more than 50 per- give me the flexibility I needed, so I took Audiology, “both Audiologists protect everyone.
cent of the votes cast, the election will go the job and was able to spend more time and hearing aid salesmen
to a Nov. 8 runoff between the top two with my dad during his final two years. are licensed by the state. But, We have instituted a deep cleaning policy
vote getters. typically, the salesman has no and our staff disinfects all surfaces that are
“Before my dad’s condition deterio- formal education in hearing, touched throughout the day. We’re read-
Green, who has earned a bachelor’s rated and he passed last summer, my while the audiologist has gone ing up to date recommendations as they
degree in engineering technology from brother and I were able to spend time to college and obtained a degree become available while discussing and im-
the University of Central Florida and with him and take care of him.” in the field”. plementing best hygiene practices to ensure
master’s degree in educational leader- your safety.
ship from Nova Southeastern University, Green said he doesn’t regret his deci- What this means to you –
began his career in education as a teach- sion, but with his dad gone and his two as a patient – is that Liebman than I thought possible.”
er at Fellsmere Elementary School. sons having graduated from college, he’s will not only fit you with “Aaron is a very caring man,
ready to jump back into education – as a a hearing aid, he’ll use patient and works very hard to
After seven years in the classroom, School Board member. alternative methods of testing do the best for your problems.
Green moved to district headquarters, for accuracy, so you receive I would highly recommend
where he served as a school improve- “I’m not quitting my job at Premier,” the proper instrument. He’ll him.” These are just three
ment liaison, educational accountability he said. provide all-around service and of the glowing testimonials
and instructional data analyst, and exec- counseling so its full potential delivered by local people who
utive director of instructional and infor- He is eager, however, to put his years will be clear. And, perhaps most are “graduates” of Liebman at
mation technology. of experience and district expertise to importantly, he’ll consider you Aaron’s Hearing Aid Center.
use again in a community he said he as an individual…including
He was promoted to assistant super- loves. the affordability of the product Dr. Liebman moved to Florida
intendent of technology and assessment he’ll be recommending. in 2001. He is originally from
in 2013. Four years later, he was also as- “You know how some people feel a This type of kid glove treatment Albany, N.Y. area where both he
signed to oversee the district’s human calling? I have to do this,” said Green, may have contributed to a and his father were audiologists.
resources department. whose mother was a teacher for 32 years finding quoted on the AARP He has found the residents
and wife still works as a teacher. “It’s not website that states ‘people fitted of Vero Beach and the rest
During his final two years as an assis- only the right time, but it feels right. for hearing aids by audiologists of Indian River County to be
tant superintendent, Green was the dis- are 13 times more likely to receptive and loyal once they
trict’s chief negotiator with the teachers’ “I’ve already talked to my two bosses – be satisfied than people who are exposed to his caring and
and support staff unions, charter school at Premier and at home – and everyone’s made their purchase through a concern for them.
liaison and school principal supervisor. on board,” he added. “My wife asked me hearing aid salesman’. So, if the concept of having your
three times: ‘Are you sure?’ I told her this hearing aid fitted by someone
“I moved through the district in a is something I’ve got to do.” Dr. Liebman’s satisfied clients who offers more than 30+
unique way, and I filled a lot of roles,” have willingly put their praises years of experience, who offers
Green said. “No matter what job I had, Schiff said last weekend she hadn’t yet into print. no-fee consultations, who will
though, my role has always been to find decided whether to seek re-election and “Everything I needed to know return your phone calls, who
ways to improve the classroom.” that she wasn’t sure when she would. But was talked about up front in a will supply free batteries for the
she welcomed Green’s interest in run- very professional way.” “Aaron life of your hearing instrument,
Green worked for five different super- ning for the board. has done more for my hearing and who will provide quarterly
intendents – Harry La Cava, Tom Ma- clean up and adjustments
her, Pat Pritchett, Fran Adams and Mark “I think he’s a good candidate,” she attractive to you, there’s only
Rendell – and said he “always strived said. “He brings a wealth of experience one local audiologist to seek
to support, as much as I could, anyone in education and knowledge of the dis- out: Dr. Aaron Liebman,
I worked for,” including School Board trict.” owner of Aarons Hearing Care,
members. tOhWe NOENDLYheaAriUngDaIiOdLoOffiGceISiTn
For his part, Green, whose family has Indian River County.
He was a finalist for the superinten- lived in Fellsmere since 1917, pledged
dent’s job in 2015, when the board hired that he would not run a negative cam- For more information call
Rendell, who resigned after four trou- paign against any candidate who enters (772) 562-5100 in Vero Beach.
bled and tumultuous years to become a the race.
principal at Cocoa Beach Senior-Junior
High School in Brevard County. “I’m running for something,” he said,
“not against someone.”
“I was one vote away,” he said, “but I
believe everything happens for a reason.” In fact, Green said he’s troubled by
the heated – and sometimes combative
Green first left the district in 2010, – tone that has defined too many School
when he entered the private sector and Board meetings in recent months.
took a job as a customer advocate for a
software design and development com- “Education is not easy, especially late-
pany. But he didn’t enjoy the traveling ly, but it doesn’t need to be so conten-
that accompanied the position, and he tious,” he said. “I’m open to listening to
returned after only a year away. every side of an issue, hearing the com-
munity’s voices and engaging them in
Three-and-a-half years ago, Green solving problems.
resigned again, this time to become the
general manager of Premier Landscape “I understand the current environ-
Solutions, a Vero Beach company owned ment and the divisiveness that’s out
by a friend who agreed to give him the there,” he added, “but I’m not political
and I have no agenda, other than to help
make our public schools the best they
can be.”
6 November 11, 2021 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH
Pickleball’s popularity – and related injuries – on the rise
By Kerry Firth | Correspondent flocking to pickleball because it promotes
competitiveness and socialization, and 60
Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in percent of ‘core ‘players are 55 or older. But,
the U.S. and pickleball injuries are growing along with the increase in participation
right along with the fast, fun racquet game. comes an increase in pickleball pain.
The Sports and Fitness Industry reported “Pickleball is a great playing field for the
that the number of people playing pickleball Average Joe to really excel in an activity
increased by a fairly amazing 21 percent in even during later stages of life,” Vero Beach
2020. Of the 4.2 million U.S. players counted podiatrist Dr. Robby Caballes said. “Se-
in the report, 2.8 million were ‘casual’ play- niors are excitedly hopping into the sport,
ers who play one to seven times a year, while but they are not doing enough stretching
1.4 million were ‘core’ players who play and not wearing the right shoes. So many
eight or more times a year. Older adults are of the injuries I see like plantar fasciitis,
Dr. Robby Caballes.
CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 Achilles tendinitis, peroneal tendinitis a different grip adapted to the surface of the
and ankle sprains could be prevented with tennis or pickleball court. It’s a hard court
a little education.” so they need a lot more lateral stability in
the structure of the shoe itself,” he said.
According to Dr. Caballes, the No. 1 cul-
prit of pickleball injuries is improper shoes. Since running shoes are often construct-
“So many new pickleball players show up ed with a mesh material, they aren’t best for
to the court in running shoes which are the lateral ankle movement in pickleball or
not suited for the sport. Players need to in- tennis. Supportive court shoes can be found
vest in a good pair of court or tennis shoes online at sites dedicated to tennis shoes,
which typically have a flatter sole and have specialty shoe stores or even from a cata-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH November 11, 2021 7
logue in a doctor’s office. Players should perience lateral heel pain toward the outside treated conservatively as long as they are smallest tissue to the biggest issue.”
run their shoe choice by their podiatrist as of the heel. The pain is intense, especially within an acceptable parameter with min- Dr. Robby Caballes was born and raised
the doctor can make recommendations. when someone first gets up after sleeping, imal gapping and anatomic alignment and
and it needs to be treated aggressively. the bone is not really displaced. If surgery in Miami where he played competitive high
The second most important preventative is needed, I can do that as well. My patients school tennis. He attended Florida Interna-
measure is stretching. “This sport is cut from “The first thing we’ll do is try to immo- don’t need to go to an orthopedic surgeon tional University and pursued his doctor-
the same fabric as tennis and it’s very de- bilize the patient as much as possible to for a foot injury. My training encompasses ate at Barry University School of Medicine.
manding on the feet,” Dr. Caballes continued. calm the inflammation,” said Dr. Caballes. all injuries to the feet and ankles. After he completed his three-year surgical
“Players should stretch before, during and “It can take up to a week for the swelling residency at Bethesda Hospital in Boynton
after the match to keep the ligaments loose. to subside. After that we can prescribe an “The majority of what I do in this prac- Beach, he moved to Vero Beach to join his
A simple stretch is to face a wall and lean anti-inflammatory medication and give tice is surgical from flat foot reconstruc- brother Dr. Timothy Caballes in his podia-
against it with your leg straight and the heel them stretching exercises. tion to total ankle replacement. The field try practice – Advanced Foot and Ankle of
on the ground. If you can feel a tight pull on of podiatry is a broad field and has ad- Indian River County – which has offices in
the calf, you are doing the stretch correctly.” “Sometimes, in severe cases, physical vanced as a surgical field, so if the injury Sebastian at 13852 U.S. 1 and in Vero Beach
therapy may be needed, but in most cases is below mid shin, a podiatrist can address at 3735 11th Circle, Suite 201. To schedule an
Thirdly, players should have realistic the injury will heal on its own with time, it. We like to say our treatment covers the appointment, call 772-299-7009.
expectations about their performance. and rest.”
“It’s an easy sport to excel in and everyone Diagnostic Sleep Medicine Center
wants to be the best,” Dr. Caballes said, Stretching is the passkey to recovery as
“but players should acknowledge their well as prevention. Should you experience 1485 37th Street, Suite 111, Vero Beach, FL
limitations and accept that they may not heel pain, a good remedy is the ice bottle
be able to run back and forth or side to side roll. Simply freeze a water bottle and roll Phone: (772) 226-6855
as much as they’d like to. With the right your foot back and forth over the bottle. Fax: (772) 226-6854
preparation and attitude, the benefits of Phillip A. Nye, MD, FASA
exercise far outweigh the risks of injury in Another good stretch: When seated
pickleball, but you have to play smart.” or in bed, use a stretching band to pull a
straightened leg forward for a period of 10
Most of the injuries associated with to 15 seconds and repeat the repetitive mo-
pickleball are soft tissue injuries that can tion for three or four sets.
take up to four weeks to heal. “I don’t see
too many fractures from the sport but soft Eventually the pain will go away. After
tissue injuries like plantar fasciitis and that, it is wise to continue stretching daily,
tendinitis can be very painful and debili- making it a part of your daily routine just
tating,” Dr. Caballes warned. like brushing your teeth.
The most common symptom for plantar While soft tissue injuries are fairly sim-
fasciitis and tendinitis is heel pain. There is ple to treat, more serious injuries like an
a deep tenderness in the back of the heel that ankle or metatarsal fracture require more
makes it difficult to walk. Other patients ex- complex treatment.
“Not every fracture needs surgery,” Dr.
Caballes assured. “Some fractures can be
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8 November 11, 2021 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | HEALTHY SENIOR
Understanding myasthenia gravis, and how it’s treated
By Fred Cicetti | Columnist breath, and a change in your stride. tem, limiting antibody er to handle. Also, try soft foods and avoid
When MG strikes, the immune system production. Immuno- sticky foods that require lots of chewing.
Q. My brother-in-law was diagnosed with suppressants alter your
myasthenia gravis. Could you do one of your produces antibodies that interfere with immune system. • Install grab bars or railings in places
columns on this subject so everyone in our the muscles’ ability to receive nerve sig- where you may need support, such as next
family can understand it? nals. This interference causes weakness. Among the therapies to the bathtub.
for MG are plasmapher-
Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a muscle There’s a theory that the thymus gland, esis and intravenous MG was first described in detail in the late
disease. The name comes from Greek and a part of your immune system located un- immune globulin. In 19th century when the outlook for patients
Latin words meaning grave muscle weak- der the breastbone, may be responsible plasmapheresis, blood was dark. Many died of respiratory failure.
ness. Myasthenia gravis (my-us-THEEN- for making these antibodies. The thymus is routed through a ma-
ee-uh GRAV-us) affects the muscles that gland is abnormal in most MG cases. chine that removes the In the 1930s, the nature of MG was bet-
control the eyes, face, breathing, chewing, antibodies interfering ter understood; cholinesterase inhibitors
talking, swallowing and limbs. MG symptoms can be intensified by with nerve signals to the became a standard treatment for MG. In
stress, illness, fatigue, extreme heat and muscles. Intravenous immune globulin the 1960s, researchers discovered the au-
MG usually strikes adult women under drugs such as beta blockers, calcium chan- gives your body normal antibodies, which toimmune nature of MG, and began at-
the age of 40 and men over the age of 60. nel blockers, quinine and some antibiotics. alters your immune-system response. tacking the disease at its roots using im-
However, MG can affect people of any age munosuppressant drugs.
and ethnic group. MG is not contagious Myasthenic crisis is a life-threatening A thymectomy is the surgical removal of
and is not inherited. condition that occurs when the muscles the thymus gland. This surgery is done for Today the mortality rate of MG is less
that control breathing become too weak. people with MG who have tumors, as well as than 5 percent.
The cause of MG is a breakdown in the Emergency treatment is necessary to re- for some who don’t have tumors. The surgery
communication between nerves and mus- cover the ability to breathe properly. improves symptoms in most MG patients.
cles. This breakdown causes muscle fatigue
and weakness, which worsens with repeated People with MG are more likely to have There are other ways to deal with MG:
use of the muscle. Symptoms usually improve the following additional problems: a mal- • If you have double vision, use an eye
with rest. Treatment can help MG symptoms, functioning thyroid gland; lupus, a chron- patch. To avoid eyestrain, periodically
but there is no cure for the disease. ic inflammatory disease; and rheumatoid switch the patch from one eye to the other.
arthritis, an immune-system disorder. • Save physical energy by using appli-
The following are some specific signs of ances such as electric toothbrushes and
MG: drooping eyelids, double or blurred Drugs for treating MG include cholines- screwdrivers.
vision, difficulty speaking/swallowing/ terase inhibitors, corticosteroids and im- • Eat slowly and rest between bites.
chewing, inability to smile, shortness of munosuppressants. More frequent, smaller meals may be easi-
Cholinesterase inhibitors enhance com-
munication between nerves and muscles.
Corticosteroids inhibit the immune sys-
Renovated Vista Royale condo
offers great buying opportunity
91 Crooked Tree Lane Unit 207 in Vista Royale: 2-bedroom, 2-bath 1,000-square-foot condo offered for $139,500
by Kimberly Keithahn of Alex MacWilliam Real Estate: 772-321-4656
12 November 11, 2021 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE
Renovated Vista Royale condo offers great buying opportunity
By Samantha Rohlfing Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]
If you are seeking a light, bright and cozy
home in a beautifully landscaped, conve-
niently located “55-plus” community with
a wealth of recreational and social oppor-
tunities, check out the delightful, recently
upgraded corner condo at 91 Crooked Tree
Lane, No. 207.
From your prime parking spot at the
bottom of the stairs, pop up to your front
door and step inside. An expanse of glowing
wood-look vinyl flooring grounds light walls
and ceiling. Corner windows offer lovely
tree-top vistas as well as golf and lake views
– with a different view from each window.
Just off the entrance hallway, the gleam-
ing kitchen boasts a sleek 3-blade ceiling
fan, pale cabinetry with white counter-
tops, white appliances and a double stain-
less-steel sink beneath a window with a
pleasant neighborhood view. Recessed
above- and beneath-cabinet lighting pro-
vides sufficient, yet soft, illumination.
A convenient pass-through counter
connects kitchen and adjacent dining
room, which features a handsome bowl-
shaped pendant light.
The dining area flows into a spacious
living/family room, ready for your special
touch. A window to the south and wide dou-
ble glass sliders provide abundant natural
light and lovely golf, garden and lake views.
The sliders open to the enclosed porch/
Florida Room, a long welcoming space
with windows extending along the en-
tire west and south walls, all with vertical
blinds. This appealing room will likely
become a favorite go-to for reading and
relaxing, crosswords or Sudoku, morning
coffee or evening cocktails, and, of course,
when open to the living room, a fabulous
space for all sorts of entertaining.
The bedrooms occupy the home’s north
side. The guest bedroom looks out upon the
wide, tree-shaded front lawn and parking
area. Equipped with a ceiling fan and closet,
it accesses a full bath along the adjacent hall-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E November 11, 2021 13
condo is conveniently located near U.S.
1 and Indian River Drive, the most eco-
nomical routes to downtown Vero Beach
with its robust gallery, restaurant and pub
district, or across the Intracoastal to Vero’s
charming seaside village, where you’ll dis-
cover boutiques, salons, pubs, restaurants
and resorts and, of course, endless Atlan-
tic Ocean beaches, as well as the Vero Mu-
nicipal Marina, Riverside Park, Riverside
Theatre (Equity), the Vero Beach Museum
of Art, boat launches, jogging trails and
an expansive, well-maintained, waterside
dog park.
The HOA fee includes common areas,
cable TV, insurance, maintenance, park-
ing, pest control, recreation facilities, roof,
sewer and trash pickup.
way. This bedroom also houses one of the
home’s handiest features – a space-friendly,
stacked washer and dryer in its own closet.
Listing agent Kimberly Keithahn points out
that most Vista Royale units share commu-
nity laundry rooms, making this special con-
do even more of a standout.
The cool and spacious primary suite of-
fers a walk-in closet, glass slider access to
the porch and a full bath.
Keithahn calls Vista Royale “a wonder-
fully social neighborhood,” with extensive
recreational/activity opportunities – four
community pools and clubhouses; ten-
nis; pickleball; bocce ball; a workshop for
tinkering; shuffleboard; a computer room;
library; sewing/knitting room; horseshoe
pits; picnic and BBQ area; and, for an ad-
ditional fee, access to three 9-hole on-site
golf courses.
You’ll find your cozy Crooked Tree Lane
Neighborhood: Vista Royale
Year built: 1978
Construction: CBS
Home size: 1,000 square feet
Bedrooms: 2
Bathrooms: 2
Additional features: End
unit; golf and lake views;
central a/c; recently upgrad-
ed vinyl flooring, bathroom
vanities and light fixtures;
newer a/c and water heater;
2021 roof; enclosed porch;
partially furnished; 5 ceil-
ing fans; appliances include
washer, dryer, electric water
heater, microwave, range,
fridge; no pets allowed
Listing agency:
Alex MacWilliam Real Estate
Listing agent:
Kimberly Keithahn,
Listing price: $139,500
14 November 11, 2021 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE
Real estate sales on the mainland picked up some steam as the calendar turned to November,
with 39 transactions of single-family residences and lots reported from Nov. 1-5 (some shown
The top sale of the week was in Vero Beach, where the 5-bedroom, 6-bathroom home at 5175
8th St. – first listed in June for $875,000 – sold for $825,000 on Nov. 2.
Representing the seller in the transaction was agent Amanda Brown of Keller Williams Realty of
Vero Beach. Representing the buyer was agent Anthony Fulcher of Atlantic Shores Realty Execs.
VERO BEACH 5175 8TH ST 6/12/2021 $875,000 11/2/2021 $695,000
VERO BEACH 195 66TH AVE SW 7/13/2021 $799,000 11/2/2021 $620,000
VERO BEACH 2182 FALLS CIR 9/24/2021 $599,000 11/5/2021 $612,000
VERO BEACH 5640 RIVERBOAT CIR SW 9/22/2021 $550,000 11/2/2021 $500,000
VERO BEACH 1115 AMETHYST DR SW 9/10/2021 $500,000 11/1/2021 $482,000
VERO BEACH 5040 SAINT JOSEPHS ISLAND LN 9/2/2021 $475,000 11/2/2021 $475,000
VERO BEACH 6580 35TH LN 6/22/2021 $469,900 11/1/2021 $460,000
VERO BEACH 1916 NEWMARK CIR SW 8/4/2021 $465,000 11/1/2021 $410,000
VERO BEACH 3915 58TH CIR 9/17/2021 $395,000 11/3/2021 $400,000
VERO BEACH 2100 STEWART LN 6/9/2021 $460,000 11/1/2021 $389,900
VERO BEACH 3134 ASHFORD SQ 9/16/2021 $400,000 11/5/2021 $387,980
VERO BEACH 8355 SUMMER LAKE DR 2/19/2021 $364,965 11/5/2021 $385,000
SEBASTIAN 817 GRANDIN AVE 9/15/2021 $385,000 11/2/2021 $369,000
VERO BEACH 1915 BRIDGEPOINTE CIR UNIT#42 2/1/2021 $369,000 11/2/2021
Professional Cabinet
Design Available
CARPET ONE Creative Floors & Home has more for your
CREATIVE FLOORS entire home from the floor up! With Flooring,
Tile, Cabinets and even vacuum cleaners!
1137 Old Dixie Hwy • Vero Beach
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E November 11, 2021 15
195 66th Ave SW, Vero Beach 2182 Falls Cir, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 7/13/2021 Listing Date: 9/24/2021
Original Price: $799,000 Original Price: $599,000
Sold: 11/2/2021 Sold: 11/5/2021
Selling Price: $695,000 Selling Price: $620,000
Listing Agent: Ralph Santoro Listing Agent: John Stringer
Selling Agent: Billero & Billero Properties Selling Agent: Alex MacWilliam, Inc.
Melissa Talley Debbie Noonan
Premier Estate Properties Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
5640 Riverboat Cir SW, Vero Beach 1115 Amethyst Dr SW, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 9/22/2021 Listing Date: 9/10/2021
Original Price: $550,000 Original Price: $500,000
Sold: 11/2/2021 Sold: 11/1/2021
Selling Price: $612,000 Selling Price: $500,000
Listing Agent: Kathleen Pogany Listing Agent: Kristi L White
Selling Agent: Compass Florida LLC Selling Agent: Keller Williams Realty of VB
Kathleen Pogany Not Provided
Compass Florida LLC Not Provided
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH November 11, 2021 B1
Coming Up
By Pam Harbaugh | Correspondent
1 Since you’re reading this,
chances are literacy is an
important subject to you and your
family. In that case, you’ll want to
know about the 50th anniversary
celebration of the Literacy Services
of Indian River County. While the
celebration runs through March
2022, the organization is hosting
a Launch Party this Friday, Nov.
12. Sponsored by Sandy and Don
Mann, the event is free to the public
and includes activities to encourage
families to read, learn and have fun
together. Guests will also help build
a time capsule. All activities will be
held at the Brackett Library and the
Laura (Riding) Jackson Foundation
on the campus of Indian River State
College. Prizes will be handed out
to the first 300 guests completing all
the activities courtesy of the Indian
River Chamber of Commerce and
Chick-fil-A. The first 100 to attend
the party will receive a free Kona
B2 November 11, 2021 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
Lisa Willnow, camera in hand, goes where nature takes her
They say a picture is worth a thousand PHOTOS: KAILA JONES
words. However, nature photographer Lisa
Willnow says that in her case, words have “I wanted to see
frequently sparked interest in a topic, lead- the glaciers; I was
ing to her packing a bag in search of the next
big adventure. Willnow is one of eight local reading about how
photographers showing their work in the they’re breaking
“Impressions of Light” exhibit at the Emer- off and melting.
son Center through Jan. 6. I thought that I
She readily admits that photography needed to see
has given her an excellent excuse to travel that from the
around the world; often just reading about a waterside, so I
place has been the impetus for her wanting took a cruise so
to “go get a picture of it.” I could see what
I wanted to see,”
In one instance, she was inspired to take she explains.
a trip to the Panama Canal after reading Willnow says a
about its remarkable construction. trip to the Supai Vil-
lage, tribal lands of the
“I thought, I’d like to see that. So, I went Havasupai Tribe
and saw it. I rode on it and went through it.
It’s one thing to read about it, but another
thing to see it,” says Willnow, fondly recall-
ing the water locks rising and lowering.
“I especially like Central America, for the
birds. I just finally got a picture of the elusive
quetzal, which I found in Panama after bus
rides and hikes through the cloud forest. It
took a while, but I found one.”
On a trip to the Galapagos Islands, Will-
now says she’s not likely to ever forget see-
ing its wild tortoises, commenting that she
found them as remarkable as the hippos she
saw in South Africa or the snowy egrets and
spoonbills right here in Florida.
“My favorite photograph is of a howler
monkey holding a newborn infant,” says
Willnow. “The baby didn’t have any hair yet,
so its little pink body and coiled tail showed
up clearly against the mother’s dark fur. I
only had a couple of seconds, because we
were floating down a crocodile-infested riv-
er, but I was able to get one shot. Even though
I don’t feel it is quite good enough to put in a
show, it is my favorite.”
To date, Willnow has traveled to all 50
states, including twice to Alaska, first by
land and later by water.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE November 11, 2021 B3
in Arizona’s Havasu Canyon, ranks among Despite the pandemic having curtailed and go where the wind takes me.” ture, too. You’re walking along and, all of the
her favorite destinations. travel, she cautions people to not wait until Willnow feels that to really grasp the sudden, here’s this big moose coming in, 3
“someday” to take a trip. feet away from you. There’s so much that
“You had to hike 9 miles down through enormity and beauty of a place, you need happens on a trip other than the picture.”
the canyon, and then you get to this little “Someday is, by definition, in the future, to see it in person.
Indian village. Then you hike down a cou- which means it’s never going to happen. CONTINUED ON PAGE B4
ple more miles to see Havasu Falls,” she I know people who have never gone any- “There’s so much more to it than the pic-
recalls, remarking on the water’s gorgeous, where. What a small, small life.”
light blue color.
Willnow says she has been lucky enough
Willnow lived for a time in Tucson, Ariz., to be able to combine her love of hiking and
where she concentrated on some of nature’s the great outdoors, with the quiet nature of
tiniest birds, the hummingbird. photography and the challenge of catching
birds in flight.
“Hummingbirds are very challenging,
and there are lots of hummingbirds out “I like taking pictures. I like looking for
there. There’s so much good about Tucson, something, finding it. I like the quiet pa-
but there’s no water,” she recalls. She adds tience of waiting for it to do something. But,
that despite loving hikes in the moun- when I get back, it’s funny. Sometimes I won’t
tains, “it wasn’t for me. I just couldn’t get even take the pictures off my camera for a
acclimated.” week or two,” Willnow explains, adding that
it’s more about the journey than the photos.
Although she has traveled to Europe sev-
eral times, a visit to Camargue in the south- “Sitting at the computer and looking
ern part of France is still on her list of places through them, that’s not the part I like. It’s
to go; a salt marsh area famous for numerous the getting out, going to a foreign country
migratory birds, pink flamingos and its spe- and taking the pictures and finding things
cial breed of white horses. worth taking a picture of. I travel very light
B4 November 11, 2021 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B3 esting flock of birds to photograph, wheth- Her photographs have been featured in she explains is an excellent way for her to
er at the bird rookery at the St. Augustine shows across the country. Most of her sales “fund” her adventures.
A self-taught photographer, she advises Alligator Farm Zoological Park, or closer to are through her website, and at stores in
that the best way to hone camera skills is home, along the Indian River Lagoon. Florida and Arizona as greeting cards, which For information about the exhibit, visit
to experiment.
“You can get great photos from almost
any camera. It’s an innate ability; having an
eye for it. You can learn about composition
and perspective, but some people just have a
better eye than other people,” she explains.
“When people see an oil painting or a
watercolor in an art show, they say, ‘Oh
my God, that’s gorgeous, I could never
do that.’ When they see a photograph,
they think, ‘Oh my God, that’s gorgeous.
I wonder if I could do that?’ It’s a differ-
ent thinking process because anyone can
take pictures,” says Willnow.
“Maybe they can take it, and maybe
they can’t. But you always have that, ‘I bet
I could.’”
Case in point, she says, is a photograph of
a colorful bush in a Japanese-style park that
she took in Portland, Ore.
“It was so pretty, and the leaves were
pink and mauve and orangey. I crawled
under it to take a picture up. It was just a
little bush, but from underneath with the
sun shining through those leaves, it was
so beautiful,” she says. She recalls with a
chuckle that she had been “busted” by a
park employee who chastised her for stray-
ing from the path.
Born in Michigan, Willnow now happily
calls Vero Beach her home base. In Florida,
Willnow explains, there is always an inter-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE November 11, 2021 B5
CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 their art,” Peloquin says. Students may ex- coolers at home” because there will be
hibit their work at Gallery 14, 1911 14th Ave. plenty of food and drink to purchase. Do
Ice. The partner organizations helping with in Vero’s Historic Arts District. The work- plan ahead where you will park, however,
the event are Ballet Vero Beach, Brackett shop cost is $350 ($330 for VBAC members). because Ocean Drive will be closed during
Library, Big Brothers Big Sisters, the Buggy For further information and on-line regis- that time to vehicles between Dahlia and
Bunch, Environmental Learning Center, tration, visit Camilia. For more information, call 771-
Laura (Riding) Jackson Foundation and the or call 772-217-3345. 410-VERO or visit
Learning Alliance. Moreover, current tutors
and students of the Literacy Services will 3 The Vero Beach Oceanside Business 4 The big Beachside Bonfire Fest takes
become “human books” for participants Association also is bringing back place 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. this Saturday,
to check out at a “People’s Library.” Those a monthly activity missed by many – its Nov. 13 at a variety of beachside business-
“human books” will then relate stories and Sunset Saturday Night Concert Series. es including Costa d’Este, Mulligan’s, Wal-
goals about Literary Services, which, in part, This Saturday’s concert, the second since do’s and The Boiler on Ocean Drive in Vero
seeks to use innovative approaches to teach the series returned, will feature Ryz-N- Beach. There will be a Hawaiian Luau, fire
English language and literacy for everyone. Soulz, which organizers call a cover band dancers, a masquerade party, barbecue and
The months’ long celebration culminates in with a “mix of original and multi-genre
a special event on March 7, 2022 at Sea Oaks. music with originality and flare that is
For more information, call 772-778-2223 or
2 If you’ve been missing the Vero Beach Christin Peloquin. sure to grab your soul.” The concert runs 6 a ceremonial lighting of the torches for the
Art Club’s multi-day workshops, then p.m. to 9 p.m. on Ocean Drive at Humiston bonfires at 5 p.m. by Paris Air. The event
you’re about to jump for joy because the variety of styles, including portraiture, fig- Park. The concert is free. And if you go, do raises funds for the Vero Beach Lifeguard
organization is bringing them back start- uratives, landscapes, still life and abstract. bring your own lawn chair. However, or- Association through raffle sales of $20 “trav-
ing tomorrow, Friday, Nov. 12. This group Emphasis will be placed on drawing and ganizers say to “leave your tumblers and el cards” to the businesses listed above. Go
of lessons is “Drawing and Painting on painting, materials such as papers, fabrics, to those properties, get your card stamped
Mixed Media Collage with Christine Pelo- gelliplate, mono-printing, found objects, and you can turn the card in to a drawing
quin.” It runs three days, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., personal photos, previous artwork, pencil for four grand prizes. For more information,
Friday through Sunday, Nov. 12-14 at the and/or charcoal drawing and acrylic paint. call 908-797-8725 or go onto Facebook and
Vero Beach Art Club Annex, 1903 14th Ave. “The purpose of the workshop will be to search for Beachside Bonfire Fest.
Peloquin is an award-winning artist from explore new mixed media techniques and
Florida’s Mount Dora area. Widely collect- excavate each students’ authentic voice in
ed, the prolific artist has work in galleries
and public places including the Daytona
International Airport. Peloquin will focus
on “the joys” of mixed media collage in a
B6 November 11, 2021 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE
Hello yellow! ‘Duck Derby’ is
winner for Community Health
Vicki Soulé, Migdalia McDonald, Daniel Zoll, Ryan Kasten and Colette Heid. PHOTOS: STEPHANIE LaBAFF
By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer testing and vaccinations, but also adding a
[email protected] mobile health vehicle so the transportation
challenged could have access to healthcare.
Thousands of rubber duckies got their
feathers ruffled at Capt. Hiram’s Sandbar Additionally, TCCH had already added
recently during the ninth annual Duck retinal scans for diabetic patients several
Derby to benefit Treasure Coast Communi- years ago and they recently began offering
ty Health. eye exams and affordable glasses for chil-
Crowds cheered as a veritable sea of
yellow rubber ducks were carried by the “Our pediatricians have always had the
current, with a little help from duck wran- children screened, but there’s a lot of things
glers, after being released from a Sea Tow that need a deeper exam, particularly as
boat. The owners of the first three ‘adopted’ we are so screen-dependent. We’re finding
ducks making it through won cash prizes, that there’s a lot of opportunities to help
and all went home knowing their donation children see better. If you can’t see, you
would help their neighbors live healthier can’t learn. Whether it’s play learning as a
lives. 3-year-old or letters and words as they get
into that,” explained Soulé.
Prior to the release, a number of duck
diva sponsors showcased their own cleverly “We will be doing a lot more in communi-
decorated duckies, such as a showstopping ty education over the next six to 12 months.
“Phantom of the Opera Duck” by River- We know that health literacy is very im-
side Theatre, and others outfitted in best portant. It’s not a subject that you learn in
web-footed fashion. school. We will be emphasizing a lot of that
educational opportunity about diseases
TCCH has provided healthcare to local and ways that they can improve their own
residents for more than 25 years, serving health.”
nearly 25,000 unduplicated patients in 2020
alone. She emphasized that people should ob-
tain whatever care may have been over-
The $23,000 netted by the event will looked during the pandemic.
enable the nonprofit to continue provid-
ing adults and children with high-quali- “We know that we have a lot of women
ty, comprehensive healthcare, including who have for one reason or another not
substance abuse, dental care, behavioral, had their regular mammogram. Women’s
mental health and medical healthcare at health will continue to be a focus of ours
reduced costs, based on income. through the end of the year. If the woman
isn’t able to take good care of herself, how
Vicki Soulé, TCCH CEO, said funding can she take good care of her family and
will also help defray expenses for flu shots, friends?” asked Soulé.
well-child visits, mammograms, insulin,
and dental cleanings and dentures. “Treasure Coast Community Health is
special because we turn no one away. More
“Little things that act as barriers to a importantly, just like adoptive families, we
more successful life were exacerbated by work to wrap our arms around everyone
the pandemic, particularly housing and and meet their individual needs in the most
food,” said Soulé. compassionate way we can,” said Soulé.
TCCH actually expanded its services For more information, visit
throughout the pandemic, not only as-
sisting the entire community with COVID
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE November 11, 2021 B7
Alan Madison, Wayne and Ellen Sobczak with Iris Madison. Karina Salvador, Tina Zayas and Nichelle Rains. Karen and John Franke with John Waite.
Christine Hyde.
Haylei Emanuel and Amanda Emanuel.
Samantha and Erik Toomsoo.
B8 November 11, 2021 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING November 11, 2021 B9
$6 House WIne
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fresh seafood craft cocktails
and fantastic wines while r
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B10 November 11, 2021 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING November 11, 2021 B11
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B12 November 11, 2021 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS
Bonz sings her praises: Brandy, you’re a fine girl
Hi Dog Buddies! dreamin’ of havin’ a Smart, an play on the BEACH! When
it’s real hot, I flop down in the
This week I innerviewed a fascinatin’ Loving Pup BFF (like me) breakers, an sometimes swim
young lady, Brandy Tubaugh, an Australian around. Also, me an Mommy
Shepherd/Poodle mixture. She won’t be 2 and, together, they’d visit go out in our Boston Whaler
till January, so she still has a whole buncha boat. I sit up front cuz I’m First
“pupper” goin’ on. But she’s real smart, and special humans who need Mate: I love that feeling of salty
oh-beedee-unt, always looking up at her air in my nose, an my ears flap-
Mom and turnin’ her head to the side, ears Extra Love an Support. pin’ back in the breeze. It’s PAW-
forward, makin’ sure she’s doin’ the right SOME runnin’ all over those lid-
stuff. Impressive. “Mommy PON-dered an dle river islands.
“My human frens are: Mr.
Plus, she’s built like a brick doghouse: PON-dered and decided to Dennis, he gives the Best Tum-
long legs, beautiful gray-an-black poodle-y my Rubs EVER!; an, when Mom-
hair, trimmed sorta short ’cept for her paws, go to school to be a nurse. my hasta go somewhere without
which were fluffy, like liddle boots. Ex- me, I stay with Mr. Dave an Vir-
ceedingly Cook Kibbles. (“Get a grip, Bonz! When that duh-ZEES ginia. An, guess what? I got my
You’re On The Job!” I sternly reminded my- very first taste of fill-LAY from
self several times during the innerview.) thing happened an all Mr. Dave. It was the most duh-
LISH-shus thing I EVER ate! Mr.
Brandy an her human were outside to the humans hadda stay Dave also lets me share his nice
greet me an my assistant. Brandy was woof- soft pillow.
in’, frenly, eager woofin’, like how us pooch- home, Mommy kept stud- “Of course, my Very Best Fren Forever
es say ‘Hi!’ in our dog voices, an she trotted is Mommy. We talk all the time. Ackshully,
up for the Wag-an-Sniff. yin’ On The Line, an de- mostly, she talks an I listen. I’m a great lis-
tener. She named me Brandy after a song,
Inside, Brandy said eagerly, “Oh, Mr. cided it was time to get A the part where it says ‘your eyes could steal
Bonzo! It’s so ick-CITING that I’m gonna be a sailor from the sea,’ cuz now Mommy
in the PAYper! I wore my speshull collar with DOG. She did a lotta REE- stays here with me instead of sailing those
a rose on it. See?” (It was a black collar with big YOTS.”
white hearts, an a big white rose attached search an discovered Woof, had the time gone fast. Headin’
at the side.) “This is my Very Own Mommy, home I was thinkin’ about sweet, funny
Tina. She got me when I was a 9-week-old me in a PetFinder ad. Brandy. Miss Brandy, an her big dark eyes, an fluffy
fluffball. Now I’m almost a grown-up grrrl.” My breeder was majorly paws. An about a nice big hunk of fill-LAY.
downsizing, so Mommy PHOTO BY KAILA JONES
“It’s a great pleasure, Miss Brandy!” I re- Till next time,
plied with sincerity, fiddlin’ with my note- got me for a Spesh-ull
book. “How did you an your Mom find each The Bonz
other?” Reduced Price. an she got wet eyes.
“I’m also good at Not Barkin’. ’Cept when Don’t Be Shy
I turned my notebook right-side-up. “Mommy started my ed-juh-kay-shun
Brandy began her tale. we have cump-nee. I LOVE cump-nee! I We are always looking for pets
right away. She says I’m a Smart Cookie (not guess you noticed. Whenever I hear Mom- with interesting stories.
“My Mommy had this Totally Crispy Bis- my say ‘Hi!’ I start lookin’ around an wag-
cuits job travelin’ all over the WORLD on an ackshull cookie). I just love learnin’ stuff gin’ an barkin’. On leash walks, she’s always To set up an interview, email
big YOTS. She even got her captain papers, sayin’ ‘Hi!’, an stoppin’ to talk to other hu- [email protected].
whatever that means. Anyway, a few years an pleasin’ Mommy. For IN-stance: I nailed mans. I wanna say ‘Hi’ to ’em, too, in my
ago, Mommy was in Ohio with a fren who dog voice, but she keeps shushin’ me. So I
was visiting a famly member in a nursing that potty training thing in just two weeks! shush, but it’s kinda a bummer.”
home. Mommy took the fren’s liddle dog
to say hello to some of the other residents. AND I NEVER did what humans call Num- “Awww, that’s really sweet,” I said. “Got
WELL, when she saw the JOY that liddle any pooch frens?”
pooch brought to the humans, she started ber 2 in the house, which I hear is a Very
“Mosta my pals are fluffy liddle white
Good Thing!” pooches. And there’s a new doggie in the
neighborhood. I heard the humans say
“Woof! Miss Brandy, it totally IS!” I told he’s a shepherd from Germany. That musta
been a really a long car ride, doncha think?
her. I hope he got to hang his head out the win-
dow. I can’t wait to play with him!
“I hafta admit,” she continued, “I did
“Then there’s Boomer,” Brandy said with
chew plastic (A LOT) cuzza bein’ a liddle a soft liddle laugh. “He’s the handsomest
Papillon! He was my first puppy love.”
nervous. But now I don’t. PLUS, I NEVER
She sighed, looked straight at me with
chewed a SHOE, or anything like that. her big, dark eyes, then moved on. I picked
up my notebook.
“I’m also trainin’ with my fren Mr.
“Me, Casey an Logan ride to Doggie Day
Marcel, learning a buncha ways to help Care together, an watch sunsets together,
humans. He even taught me to NOT go
NUTS when those liddle squirrels want to
play chase. (An I LOVE chase.) But I just sit
there. It feels like a game, but it’s import-
ant Cool Kibbles stuff. Like, I know how to
pull a laundry basket from the bedroom to
the laundry room to help Mrs. Marcel, who
drives a cool liddle chair around the house
instead of walkin.’ Mr. Marcel told Mommy
I learned Super Fast! Mommy hugged me
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES November 11, 2021 B13
A K 10 9 5 4 J8 632
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist 10 3 K94 QJ8752
2 10 9 8 3 764
Sherwood Smith, an author of fantasy and science fiction, said, “When I turned 13 Q 10 8 5 AJ92 7
and took a typing class, with typical early teen enthusiasm and total lack of critical
ability, I started sending my stuff to publishers once I’d baby-sat long enough to earn SOUTH
the postage.” Q7
If you can count to 13 at the bridge table, you will quickly win the money to buy sheets AKQJ5
and sheets of stamps — assuming you are playing for greenbacks. K643
How did that ability help South in this week’s deal? He was in five diamonds. West Dealer: South; Vulnerable: East-West
cashed his two top spades (East showing three by following suit in ascending order),
then shifted to the heart 10. The Bidding:
West made a weak jump overcall. South’s three-spade cue-bid asked his partner to SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
bid three no-trump with a spade stopper. When North could only admit to some club 1 Diamonds 2 Spades 3 Diamonds Pass
values, South signed off in five diamonds. 3 Spades Pass 4 Clubs Pass LEAD:
5 Diamonds Pass Pass Pass A Spades
The key to the contract was avoiding a club loser. The normal line would have been to
cash the king, then play low to dummy’s jack. But the original declarer decided to find
out as much as he could about the deal.
He took the third trick with his heart ace, drew trumps, played a heart to dummy’s king
and ruffed the heart nine. What had he learned?
That West had started with six spades, two hearts, one diamond ... and therefore four
South cashed his club king to see East’s singleton, then played a club to dummy’s
nine. When it held, he returned to his hand with a trump and played a club to the jack.
The number 13 is lucky for bridge players.
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B14 November 11, 2021 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES
1 Gourd (5) 2 Voter (7)
4 Sheepdog (6) 3 1/16 of a pound (5)
10 Rigid, tough (5) 5 Supervise (7)
11 Gemstone (7) 6 Exit (5)
12 Thespian, artiste(7) 7 Eternal (7)
13 Velvety leather (5) 8 Continent (4)
14 Titbit (6) 9 Thick and heavy (5)
16 Revolutionaries (6) 14 Pungent condiment(7)
19 Elegant (5) 15 Intense (7)
21 Certain (7) 17 Serious, sincere (7)
24 Illness (7) 18 Belief, trust (5)
25 Perfect model (5) 20 Book of maps (5)
26 Banish (6) 22 Excel (5)
27 Arrears (5) 23 Sure enough (4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES November 11, 2021 B15
ACROSS 90 Fate 39 Walton or Waterston The Washington Post
1 Dublin-born literary giant 92 Stinger 40 Cold desserts
5 Thomas of That Girl 93 Tiny hairs 41 Hunger’s cousin TWAIN OF THOUGHT By Merl Reagle
10 Knack, as for writing 94 ___ headache 42 Netman Nastase
15 Cuts with a cleaver 96 Owns 43 The Sundance Kid’s girl
19 “I’ll take one of ___” 97 Stopped flying 45 Antifreeze company
20 ___ a high note 98 Twain quote, part 6 49 Evita character
21 Longest river in France 102 Secluded valleys 50 All time
22 Theater award 103 Baseball’s Wagner 51 Bothers big-time
23 Start of a Twain quote 104 Rain cats and dogs 53 Produces milk
105 Worshipped one 55 “Now hold on!”
(paraphrased slightly) 107 Miserable 57 Film excerpts
26 Bank service 110 Rain-dance accompaniment 59 Smoqui, for example?
27 Little Luke’s sister on The 112 Piano pieces 62 They’re on the plus side
116 Jai ___ 63 Crooner Chris
Real McCoys (now this is 117 End of the Twain quote 65 Basis
trivia) 120 Connector 68 One-word question
28 Rogues 121 Jeannie, for one 69 Play opening
29 “Nobody was home” 122 Arrive at 71 Crop-friendly
followup 123 Common verbe 72 Accumulate
31 Shoulder warmer 124 Theater seat 73 Showers in winter?
33 Jessica of Fantastic Four 125 Idyllic settings 75 Cause of needless anxiety
34 Star of the 1968 Winter 126 Newark’s county 78 Wyo. time
Olympics 127 Over a fielder’s head 79 Some math lines
35 Hiding place 80 “What’s ___ for me?”
38 Twain quote, part 2 DOWN 81 Chop shop?
44 “Alice’s Restaurant” singer 83 Finished
45 It’s got a Tiger in its ranks 1 Funnyman Meyers 85 Fine violin
46 Info-gathering 2 Gag reflex? 87 Resembling a platter
47 There’s a lot of money in it 3 Experts 89 Reasons
48 Pre-V trio 4 Volumes of people 91 Who sells seashells on the
49 Piano man Floyd 5 Greek sorceress
52 Out of the bus. 6 Either you know it or you seashore
53 Runs: slang 94 Blown away
54 Twain quote, part 3 don’t: abbr. 95 Beat decisively
56 London’s Old ____ 7 Dosage suggestions: abbr. 97 Made sly references
58 Sand bar 8 OK for a dieter 99 Infuriate
60 British East India Co. 9 In stores 100 Power problem
product 10 Sticky stuff 101 Fumbles
61 Sign of Big Macs 11 Stock setback 102 ___ bat for
62 Attorney Melvin 12 Have the blahs 106 A drug
64 Slobby sportswriter 13 Employee’s last words
of TV 14 Related again treatment ctr.
66 Hostess snack cake 15 Fool around 107 Leaves time?
67 Twain quote, part 4 16 A woodwind 108 Eclectic group
70 They’re a rowing concern 17 “La vie en rose” singer 109 Pealed
74 ___ to all mankind 18 Snail-mailed 110 Elvis had one
76 Kirk’s backyard 24 Old pizza dough? 111 1969 World Series champs
77 Without principles 25 Brownish-yellow 113 Heap affection (on)
79 It’s on top of things 30 Randy Newman tune 114 Tipperary’s place
82 Like bachelors and 32 Heathen 115 Plant your foot
bachelorettes 34 Wood feature 118 How some rivers run: abbr.
84 Rested 35 1948 remake 119 Fwy. abbr.
85 Twain quote, part 5
86 Jittery of Algiers
88 Coxcomb 36 Conductor Toscanini
37 Brood of chicks
The Telegraph
B16 November 11, 2021 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR
ONGOING 13 Tactical 10K and 2-Mile, 7 a.m. at South followed by Amateur Golf Tournament, with cil of IRC Veterans Helping Veterans program.
Beach Park to fund needed equipment lunch and a 12:30 p.m. shotgun start, cocktail 845-239-1315
Vero Beach Museum of Art: Martin Puryear, for Vero Beach Police Department. 772-978-4600 reception and awards ($350 pp), both to benefit
Printmaker; and American Perspectives, Stories Boys & Girls Clubs of IRC. 772-299-7449 20 Sebastian River Art Club presents Arts
from the American Folk Art Museum Collection, 13 Walk to Remember, registration be- and Crafts by the River, 10 a.m. to 3
through Jan. 2. 772-231-0707 gins 7:30 a.m., walk at 9 a.m. at Riv- 18 Wine Women & Shoes, 6:30 p.m. at p.m. at Riverview Park, sales from the SRAC Tent
erside Park to benefit the free programs and Sun Aviation to benefit the weVenture supporting local food banks and the SRAC Schol-
Vero Beach Theatre Guild: Anthony Schaffer’s who- services of Alzheimer & Parkinson Assoc. of Women’s Business Center at Florida Tech., with arship Fund. 772-321-9333
dunit “Sleuth,” through Nov. 21. 772-562-8300 IRC. wine tasting and savory bites, designer shopping
and fashion show, Shoe Guys and Best in Shoe 20|21 Vero Beach Boat Show, 10
Riverside Theatre: Weekly Friday &. Saturday 13 Beachside Bonfire Fest to benefit Vero contest, auctions and raffles. $150 general ad- a.m. to 5 p.m. at Riverside
Comedy Zone, 7 and 9 p.m. on the Waxlax Stage Beach Lifeguard Association, 5 p.m. to mission: $200 VIP tickets. 321-674-7007 Park, with local boat dealers and suppliers of-
($20), and Live on the Loop concerts, 5:30 to 9 9 p.m., with Waldo’s country BBQ, Costa d’Este fering all things nautical. Free.
p.m. (free; tickets required). 772-231-6990 Latin Night, Mulligan’s Hawaiian Luau and fire 18 Vero Beach High School Fall Band
dancer, and the Boiler Masquerade Party. Paris Concert, 7 p.m. at VBHS PAC. 772- 21 Capt. Hiram’s River Challenge Sprint
First Friday Gallery Strolls in Downtown Vero Air swoops in at 5 p.m. to deliver ceremonial 564-5537 Triathlon, with 7:30 a.m. 400-meter la-
Beach Arts District, monthly from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. torches for bonfires. 908-797-8725 goon swim from the Capt. Hiram’s Sand Bar, fol-
18-21 St. Helen’s Harvest Festival, lowed by 19 km bike ride and 5K run to benefit
NOVEMBER 13 Sunset Saturday Night Final 2021 Con- 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Thurs; 5 to lagoon-centric nonprofits. 772-581-6179
cert Spectacular, 5:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. 11 p.m. Fri; noon to 11 p.m. Sat. and noon to 6
11 Veterans Day Ceremony, 8:45 a.m. at on Ocean Drive at Humiston Park hosted by p.m. Sun. at Jackie Robinson Training Complex, 21 Concert featuring classical guitarist
Veterans Memorial Island, with guest Oceanside Business Assoc., with a performance with midway rides, games, food and family fun. Miguel Bonachea and pianist Marcos
speaker Col. Carlos Halcomb, USAF (Ret.), and by Rhythm & Soul dancers at 5:30 and music 772-567-5457 Flores, 3 p.m. at Christ by the Sea United Method-
the unveiling and dedication of a WWI Memorial by Ryz-N-Soulz beginning at 6 p.m. Free. vero ist Church. Adults $25; youth $10. 772-231-1661
by Military Officers of America, IRC. If inclement or 772-410-VERO 19 Denim & Diamonds Hope Gala at the
weather, ceremony will be at VBHS PAC. 772- Rustica to benefit American Cancer 25 14th annual Thanksgiving Day Trot
410-5820 13 & 14 Holiday Art & Craft Expo, 10 a.m. Society, with honoree and childhood cancer Against Poverty, 7:30 a.m. at Riverside
to 6 p.m. Sat., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sun. at research ambassador, Lily O’Dare and music by Park to benefit United Against Poverty, with
12 Literacy Services of Indian River County Indian River County Fairgrounds, with exhibitor country music singer/songwriter Scotty Emerick. ¼ mile kids race, timed 5K Run/Walk and free
50th Anniversary Launch Party, 6 p.m. booths, live music, food/drink and kids’ zone. 772-205-3990 sweet potato pancake breakfast with/fixings.
to 8 p.m. at Brackett Library, a literacy-themed Free admission/parking.
family event with activities indoors and outside 19-21 Riverside Theatre presents
offered by partner agencies Ballet Vero Beach, 13|14 Vero Beach High School “Elf Jr., The Musical,” 5 p.m. 27 Wings and Wheels Exhibition: A Cele-
Big Brothers Big Sisters, Buggy Bunch, Environ- drama “All Together Now,” Fri., 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. Sat., and 1 p.m. Sun., a bration of Aviation and Automobiles
mental Learning Center, Laura (Riding) Jackson 7 p.m. Sat., 3 p.m. Sun. at VBHS PAC. 72-564- fully staged production by Riverside Theatre through the Years, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Vero Beach
Foundation and Learning Alliance. Free. Prizes to 5537 students. $10. 772-231-6990 Regional Airport sponsored by the City of Vero
the first 300 to complete all activities, and Kona Beach, with classic cars, trucks and planes, law
Ice to the first 100 attendees. 15 Nine & Shine Golf Tourney for ladies, 20 Stars & Stripes Cornhole Tournament/ enforcement vehicles, hands-on Flight Simulator
9 a.m. shotgun start at Bent Pine Golf Family Fun Day, 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at demos by Experimental Aircraft Assoc. Youth
Club followed by lunch and awards ($225 pp), St. Sebastian Church to benefit Veterans Coun- Outreach, and other informative booths. Free;
donations to Gold Star Mothers to support vet-
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN Crossword Page B10 (PRESIDENTIAL STEW) erans and their families appreciated.
in November 4, 2021 Edition 1 TRAIT 1 TOPONYMY
4 LETTERS 2 AROMA 27 Free pickup of ‘Storytelling in Art’ Take-
8 PROCRASTINATE 3 THREADS Home Art Kits, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at
9 NYALA 4 LESSEN Vero Beach Museum of Art. 772-231-0707
12 MODEST 6 EXAMINE 27 Fall Fundraiser, 7 to 10 p.m. at Stout-
14 SPEEDY 7 STEM house, featuring art by Geoffrey Myers
17 RESCUE 11 SYNOPSIS and music by jazz guitarist Mike T, to support Stout-
19 RATIO 13 DRESSER house resident artist program. $75. 772-589-8826
23 TARGETS 16 REALMS 28 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra
24 RUNGS 18 CREPE presents Christmas with Emmet Cahill,
20 THORN acclaimed Irish tenor singing selections of Christ-
21 OMIT mas and Irish favorites, 3 p.m. at the Emerson
Center. 855-252-7276
Sudoku Page B9 Sudoku Page B10 Crossword Page B9
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