Getting in ‘gear.’ P2 Seeing the light? P6 Holiday home runs!
Grant dollars help Indialantic MelBeach mulls transition to
Fire Rescue upgrade equipment. energy-efficient LED streetlights.
’Tis the season for theaters. Page 12
SANTA’S TIRELESS HELPER MAKES Indialantic businessman
CHRISTMAS MAGICAL FOR KIDS charged in fraud scheme
[email protected] Casey said it’s rare for his de-
An Indialantic man faces partment to receive a request
Sally Sullivan has spent her life creating that like this from the FBI.
special Christmas memory for children and serious charges for allegedly
families in Indian Harbour Beach – that mag- “But when any law enforce-
ical moment when kids actually receive the taking part in a “pump and ment agency asks for assis-
specific toy at the top of their Santa list. tance, we comply with their
dump” scheme that netted request,” Casey said. “They
Now, 33 years after joining the Christ- were wanting us to stand by
mas Outreach Program sponsored by the over $3.3 million in illegal with a marked patrol vehicle
Indian Harbour Beach Police Department, while they executed their ar-
Sullivan will retire Jan. 11 as administra- profits.
tive assistant to Police Chief David Butler, CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
leaving a legacy of behind-the- In the early-morning hours
scenes effort for the program
that she would be too mod- of Nov. 15, agents from the
est to detail, highlighted
each year by person- Federal Bureau of Investiga-
ally shopping for
tion served Chris Romandetti
Sr. with an arrest warrant at
Sally Sullivan, right,
with Ocean Breeze’s his home, accusing him
School Resource Officer
Jennifer Imperato. of conspiring to com-
PHOTO: RYAN CLAPPER mit securities fraud, wire
fraud, money laundering,
and personally receiving
$560,000 in kickbacks.
Indialantic police
were on hand to assist,
and traffic on the street
in front of Romandetti’s
home on N. Riverside
Drive was temporary re-
Bike-sharing model may have a future in southern Brevard Opponents likely
in last bid to KO
STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER Cape Canaveral Community Engagement Director Joshua Surprenant says his district. They can be located and high-speed trains
[email protected] community is seeing the Zagster traffic it was hoping for. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER unlocked using a smartphone
app. The nine-station, 45-bike STORY BY FEDERICO MARTINEZ STAFF WRITER
Dockless bike-sharing with Zag- test launched in March is being
ster is showing such promise in the funded by the Tourist Develop- Indian River and Martin Coun-
first six months of a test in Cocoa ment Commission. ty officials will return to federal
Beach and Cape Canaveral that court on Nov. 27 to make what
the service may be in the future for The challenge for the service at will likely be their final legal stand
southern Brevard beachside towns. times involves the efficient dis- in the effort to derail All Aboard
tribution of bikes at various loca- Florida’s plans to run high-speed
The Zagster system features tions, and misplacement of dock- passenger trains through the
three-speed cruiser bikes, quick less bikes can be a real issue. Treasure and Space Coasts.
smartphone rentals, reservations
and drop-offs, and does not re- The Florida Legislature last ses- CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
quire a docking station so bikes sion considered a bill that would
can be parked within a defined
ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 Brilliant breakfast
NEWS 1-6 DINING 28 PEOPLE 7-10 Dining review: Lily’s Beachside
ARTS 11-14 GAMES 21-23 PETS 20 is a culinary ray of sunshine
BOOKS 19 HEALTH 25-27 REAL ESTATE 33-40 in Satellite Beach. PAGE 28
2 Thursday, November 22, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
STORY BY JENNIFER TORRES CORRESPONDENT partment to purchase three sets of firefighters, including Fire Chief Tom As for the bunker gear, the National
bunker gear, which include a firefight- Flamm. Fire Protection Administration re-
A grant benefitting Indialantic ing coat, pants, helmet and boots, and quires fire departments remove from
fire rescue will save the town nearly three new self-contained breathing Flamm said they have been trying service any part of the gear ensemble
$26,000. apparatus (SCBAs). to upgrade their older SCBAs for sev- that’s over 10 years old.
eral years. “We currently have SCBAs
The Florida Firefighter Assistance Established in 1965, Indialantic Fire on one of our trucks that require a “This grant will allow us to replace
Grant is specifically aimed at volun- Rescue is a combination department, different face mask which is a safety some of that gear as well as outfit a vol-
teer and combination fire depart- meaning they have both paid and vol- hazard for us,” Flamm said. “With the unteer that does not currently have bun-
ments to assist in expanding their unteer firefighters. The staff is com- purchase of these three SCBAs, we will ker gear,” Flamm said. “This grant will
emergency response capabilities. In prised of 13 volunteers and seven paid be able to resolve that issue.” ultimately save the town $25,899.70.”
this case the grant will allow the de-
Kindergartners and first-graders at Surfside Elementary decked out in
colorful paper head dresses, along with their parents and teachers, were
treated to an early thanksgiving feast last Thursday, prepared by cafeteria
manager Jamie Tarry and his staff. The menu was comprised of roasted
turkey and gravy, mashed potatoes, stuffing, fresh green beans, cranberry
sauce and, of course, pumpkin pie.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 22, 2018 3
Currently the department’s equip- for beach rescue; and a staff car used grant after a motion by Councilman tic and our Fire Department, but also
ment includes a 1,250-gpm fire en- by the chief. Dick Dunn. his proactive dedication to the citi-
gine; a 75-foot aerial ladder truck; zens of Indialantic by saving taxpayers
one squad which carries water res- In October, the town council unani- “In the October council meeting I $25,000,” Dunn said.
cue equipment; one jet ski; one four- mously agreed to approve the agree- spoke about the topic to acknowledge
wheel-drive all-terrain vehicle used ment with the Florida Department Chief Flamm for his outstanding ser- “Chief Flamm is a dedicated public
of Financial Services and accept the vice, to not only the town of Indialan- servant.”
4 Thursday, November 22, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
create statewide regulations for dock- at Oars and Paddles Park, he said. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER those exact gifts to create that magic
less bike-share systems, but it died in Enthusiastic about being part of the moment.
committee. Tourist Development Commission,
initial test is Cape Canaveral Com- said Cocoa Beach Director of Market- Sullivan works with Ocean Breeze
Indian Harbour Beach City Council munity Engagement Director Joshua ing Melissa Byron. Elementary School to shop for children
member Frank Guertin attended the Surprenant, who had used a similar – including all siblings — and families
Sept. 14 Florida League of Cities Trans- service when living in Orlando. “The whole idea is to have the sta- who may be in need of assistance.
portation and Intergovernmental Re- tions a quarter mile apart and we’re
lations Legislative Policy Committee For Zagster, the city allocated $8,000 pleased with our locations. Things Sullivan carries that feeling of family
meeting in Orlando where Coral Ga- each of the next three years for a sta- have improved with the distribution for the group to great lengths, some-
bles and Orlando made presentations tion and bikes at Manatee Sanctuary of bikes with staff being hired. We’re times shopping at several stores for the
on their communities’ recent actions Park, which records show is so far the very appreciative to the TDC for using same item and even traveling to Or-
to address dockless vehicle rentals. He most used in the system also includ- us for the first big push on this,’’ she lando for a hot item wanted by a local
requested city staff to bring back an ing Cocoa Beach location. He is work- said. child.
ordinance on the issue. ing to get stations at other locations
including City Hall and near Port Ca- Zagster bikes are a three-speed She remembers her father, a long-
While not as tourist-oriented as Co- naveral. “We’re seeing the traffic that cruiser with baskets, GPS, adjust- time barber, was a great example,
coa Beach and Cape Canaveral (with we were hoping for,’’ he said. able seat height, automatic front teaching her how to be passionate
their destinations like Port Canaveral and rear lights, Bluetooth electronic about helping those in need through
and the large surf shops), cities like Cocoa Beach picked its nine station ring lock, fenders and chain guard. a holiday gesture. Now she is passing
Indian Harbour Beach are working to locations, each with nine bikes, as the Rentals are by the hour ($3), with the outreach program torch to Ocean
address the possible concerns in case focus of the test study funded by the monthly ($12) and annual ($60) Breeze Elementary School Resource
the service also takes root in smaller contracts available. Officer Jennifer Imperato, who has
cities. “It is difficult to know’’ about fu- shopped with Sullivan for the gifts for
ture demand, which also could mean three years in anticipation of the honor.
use by locals in their daily routines,
said Indian Harbour Beach City Man- “She’s very particular about getting
ager Mark Ryan, who with city staff is something that the child wanted.When
“benchmarking the best practice or- you think of all the lives that it touches,
dinances form other communities to I really want to continue it. Nobody
develop an ordinance to meet Indian can replace (Sullivan). but I want to do
Harbour Beach’s needs.’’ what I can to keep it going,’’ she said.
She spends an average of nearly $100
For example, bike-sharing could be each for gifts often including clothing,
a useful mode of transportation for shoes, bikes and school supplies. Se-
athletes from all over the world who niors in need receive gift cards.
come to train in Indian Harbour Beach
Another part of the program trans-
forms Indian Harbour Beach City Hall
into a food pantry, at which families
INDIALANTIC MAN CHARGED mission (SEC) alleges that Romandetti, Stock Research, a boiler room run by by the town for donating patrol car
who serves as president and chief exec- co-defendant Anthony Vassallo, to decals. He was also an avid sponsor of
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 utive officer of First Choice Healthcare promote First Choice to vulnerable in- the Space Coast Sports Hall of Fame.
Solutions on U.S. 1 in Melbourne, col- vestors, some of who invested retire-
rest warrant.” luded with others to “pump” the com- ment savings.” On its website, Melbourne-based
Romandetti, 57, was released after pany’s stock price from under $1 per First Choice Healthcare Solutions is
share to $3.40 per share by buying up Romandetti is well known in the described as “one of the nation’s only
posting a $200,000 bond and agreeing large quantities of it. area. For many years through his com- non-physician-owned, publicly trad-
to abide with an order setting the con- pany First Choice, he often contribut- ed healthcare services companies fo-
ditions of his release. On Friday after- According to the SEC complaint, ed to local causes including a $1,000 cused on the delivery of orthopaedic
noon, it seemed to be business as usu- “the defendants used multiple ac- donation in 2012 that enabled the In- care and treatment.”
al at the First Choice Medical office on counts in an attempt to disguise dialantic Police Department to obtain
Harbor City Boulevard. The door was their trading, engaged in manipula- new graphics for two patrol cars. Ear- A determination of counsel hearing
still open to serve clients. tive trading practices, and hired Elite lier this year, he was again recognized was set to take place Nov. 21 at 10 a.m.
at the federal courthouse in Orlando.
The Securities and Exchange Com-
Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
Community Editor ADVERTISING We are here to provide Brevard barrier [email protected]
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 island readers with the most comprehen-
[email protected] Key Accounts Manager sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, Creative Director
Tim Bird, 407-927-6451 Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
Staff Reporter [email protected] Beach, and South Merritt Island. [email protected]
George White, 321-795-3835 Account Executive For our advertising partners, we pledge
[email protected] Lillian Belmont, 321-604-7833 to provide the most complete consulta- Corporate Editor
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 22, 2018 5
pick up their wrapped gifts and are al- $8,927 during 2017 to fund the current tional at the thought of leaving the key be dropped off or mailed to the Indian
lowed to select a turkey and other food year’s gifts and food. role in the Outreach program. Harbour Beach Police Department at
for the holidays. 40 Cheyenne Drive, Indian Harbour
Sullivan declined a large retirement “It’s not that I don’t want to let it go Beach, FL 32937. Call Sally Sullivan at
Last year they provided gifts for 47 party for fear she would become too for me. It’s that I care that much’’ about 321-773-3030 or email ssullivan@indi-
children from 23 families and seven emotional to express the farewells her the children, she said. for details.
seniors. The local community donated colleagues deserve. She also gets emo-
HOW TO HELP: Cash donations can
6 Thursday, November 22, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Several advantages seen as MelBeach
mulls a transition to LED streetlights
If all goes according to plan, the
Melbourne Beach officials are con- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 “All necessary permits have been
sidering a plan that would save the change could come as early as next approved,” said Ali Soule, director
town money on its current cost to year. “I am confident that the town That’s when the county officials, of public affairs and media rela-
light the community by converting commission will give their approval who are also part of a lawsuit filed tions.
streetlights to LED. to the LED streetlight conversion, but in February, will make their case
the issue probably will not be on the that the U.S. Department of Trans- “We’ve already started work on
According to Florida Power & Light, agenda until the December meeting,” portation and the Federal Railroad the corridor, including laying fiber
LED (light-emitting diode) lights are Daniels said. “I am conducting a study Administration improperly subsi- cable and landscaping.”
much more energy efficient than to determine where brighter lights are dized All Aboard Florida’s Brightline
standard incandescent bulbs, not needed.” trains with tax exempt bonds, while All Aboard Florida – which an-
only using use less electricity but last- violating the National Environmen- nounced last week it will change
ing up to 10 times longer. According to the U.S. Department tal Policy Act. the name of its trains from Bright-
of Energy, the benefits of LED lights line to Virgin Trains USA, after en-
In addition to saving the town mon- include a reduced carbon footprint, The two counties have already tering into a partnership with busi-
ey, Town Manager Robert Daniels said lower energy bills (with an average spent more than $7 million on the nessman Richard Branson’s Virgin
there are other advantages. savings of 25-to-50 percent), lon- lawsuits and Martin County offi- Group – began service between
ger life, better light distribution, in- cials recently publicly stated they West Palm Beach and Fort Lauder-
“The benefit is less light pollution, a creased visibility, lower maintenance cannot afford to keep fighting. dale in January and extended ser-
more brilliant night sky, as well as do- costs and fewer outages. vice to Miami in May.
ing our part to lessen our carbon foot- Indian River County Administra-
print,” Daniels said. A carbon footprint is the amount of tor Jason Brown said that if the law- The high-speed rail project ul-
greenhouse gases produced to sup- suit fails, Indian River too will have timately is set to run from Miami
“All of the street lights would be re- port human activities, such as heating few options left. through Brevard up to Cocoa before
placed and some of our lights in Ryck- and cooling your home, automobile swinging west to Orlando.
man Park.” use, etc. He has not yet given up the fight,
however, and said the county has The proposed expansion would
During a meeting on Nov. 7, FPL More than 30 cities in Florida are declined offers by Brightline to ne- significantly increase the number
presented commissioners with a pro- already converting to LED lights gotiate the issue. of trains passing through at-grade
gram that would replace their street- through the program, including West road crossings, many in need of
lights with FPL-owned LED lights. Melbourne and Sebastian. “This issue remains in litigation,” safety upgrades.
Brown said during a recent phone
Initial costs would be covered by a interview. In Brevard, trains would go over
tariff approved by the Florida Public 21 crossings in Melbourne, nine in
“We’re not involved in any nego- the unincorporated county, six in
tiations; it’s in litigation.” Cocoa, five in Rockledge, four in
Grant-Valkaria and three in Palm
Other communities have sig- Bay, records show.
naled they are ready to work with
All Aboard Florida by submitting A new $26 million overpass at the
station proposals to the company. Pineda Causeway will take motor-
ists over the FEC tracks instead of
The rail company has prevailed making them cross the railroad.
in eight other lawsuits filed by Trea-
sure Coast communities since 2014, In 2016, the Brevard Transporta-
when the company announced its tion Planning Organization asked
expansion plans. for a new station and suggested two
possible sites.
All Aboard Florida officials said last
week the company is confident it will One is a former FEC Railway pas-
prevail in court this time, too, and senger station straddling the Co-
looks forward to working with the coa-Rockledge city limits; the other
various municipalities. site is a parcel on Michigan Avenue
in Cocoa.
Angela, Grady, Brett
and Judson Lamb.
A will and a ‘Way’
to enjoy inaugural
Sunday Funday
8 Thursday, November 22, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
A will and a ‘Way’ to enjoy inaugural Sunday Funday
Ava Jean, Jason Winer, Allen and Marissa Jean. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Ashley and Thomas Kroning with Kelly Prete.
STORY BY BENJAMIN THACKER CORRESPONDENT The family friendly event was in- ous local sponsor corporations com- services, or recruiting volunteers for
[email protected] tended to bring the community to- peting to pull a 35,000-pound Elite community projects.
gether for a day of fun, while raising Airlines airplane across the runway,
Passing storms and cloudy skies money for the United Way’s local the event also included a Brevard And fitting with the fairground
didn’t stop the crowds from coming charity efforts. Sheriff’s helicopter on static display, feel, a selection of Brevard’s best food
out to the United Way of Brevard’s as well as an opportunity to meet and trucks was on hand with plenty of
first annual Sunday Funday at the Centered around a corporate greet hometown drag racing legend pizza, barbecue and comfort food to
Orlando Melbourne International “Plane Pull” challenge that saw teams Elaine Larsen of Florida Institute of go around, set to the musical stylings
Airport last Sunday. of strong men and women from vari- Technology with her jet-powered car. of Mr. Johnny Danger.
Held in a field adjacent to the air- Notably, the Bearded Chef, who
port’s tarmac, festivities included a we’ve spotted around town quite a
kids zone with bounce houses and bit lately, seemed to draw the longest
obstacle courses, face painting, pony lines throughout the day, filling order
rides and science activities, as well as after order of their delicious staples
an impressive array of Porsches and like the James Beard burger, as well
Corvettes for guests to gawk at. as an ever-changing assortment of
imaginative menu items.
In honor of Veterans Day, the Pat-
rick Air Force Base Honor Guard per- The United Way of Brevard Coun-
formed a heartfelt flag-folding cer- ty was founded in 1957, raising over
emony, and Harris Corp. employee $100,000 for 12 agencies that first
and Army veteran Patrick Savickas year. Since then, it has grown steadi-
delivered a touching speech on the ly, currently bringing in over $20 mil-
subject. lion annually for local charity initia-
In the center of the field, a business
expo offered sponsors and partner For more information of United
agencies a chance to interact with the Way of Brevard, or to make a dona-
public, promoting their products and tion, please visit them online at www.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 22, 2018 9
Greg Kingery, Billy Hazelett and Darrell Sipplen. Chris and Elaine Larsen with Gary Hamm.
Patrick Savickas, Joel Oguete, Kathy Meehan and Debbie Goode. Airplane pull team Harris.
Zuri Sol.
10 Thursday, November 22, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
‘Taste of Jerusalem’ flavored with fun, food and song
Marlee and Rev Cobb. Kaitlyn Ojeda and Katie Zoeller. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Claire and Ronald Reed.
Liz and Ryan Mackie with Susan Grosskreutz. Dave Wrable with Rabbi Craig Mayers and Ryan Mayers. Terry Mayers with Heide and Eric Perlman.
Lori and Jeff Charnow. Joann Willer and Patricia Bartlett. Lori Licker, Sue Cannon with Stella the service dog. Dennis Bachan.
Julius Sheiman and Erin Beard.
It was a day of celebration at
the Wickham Park Community
Center last Sunday, as the Jew-
ish Federation of Brevard host-
ed their annual Taste of Jerusa-
lem festival.
Younger guests enjoyed a va-
riety of inflatable bounce hous-
es, as well as the petting zoo
next to the dining tent outside.
Featuring traditional music
and dancing, and savory Ko-
sher foods like knish, stuffed
cabbage, falafel and pastrami,
and delectable desserts like
rugelach and hamantaschen
for sale, it was a multi-sensory
feast for the whole family.
12 Thursday, November 22, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Ready or not, it’s here. The holiday Jonathan Goforth, Ethan Pucylowski, lywood at Christ- original movie.”
season. Kayla Canada and Henry Barone. mas,” he said. “It It begins during the overture when
has such lush or-
But fret not that your turkey is still fro- PHOTOS BY GOFORTH PHOTOGRAPHY chestrations.” images of the movie’s title sequence
zen, nor that your back-ordered special appear but with TPI’s cast names ed-
gift will ship in January – the performing Corey Brasher as Moreover, he
arts community is eager and happy to Santa Claus. and his co-direc-
get the festivities started. tor, Steven Heron,
Next to open is “It’s a Wonderful Life: are putting a high-
“All you have to do is show up,” said The New Musical,” which runs Nov. 23 to tech spin on the
Peg Girard, artistic and producing direc- Dec. 16 at Titusville Playhouse. nostalgia.
tor at Melbourne Civic Theatre. “It’s a re-
lief to be just entertained and have fun This, too, is loaded with nostalgia. “We built a false pro-
and not worry about anything.” And, like “A Christmas Story,” it is a mu- scenium of a television,” Stamos said.
sical based on a movie. Here, the movie “We installed new projection system.
There are musical comedies, a vari- is the 1946 black and white James Capra We’re using it multiple ways. We’re in-
ety show, holiday classics and even an classic starring Jimmy Stewart as the corporating bits and pieces from the
off-beat one-man show ready to let you man who thinks the world would have
catch your breath and enjoy memories been better off if he had never been born.
of simpler times.
Even if you’ve seen a musical recre-
“The big word that pops is ‘nostalgia,’” ation of this story before, this version
said Jason Crase, production assistant will be new for you, said co-director
and outreach coordinator for Cocoa Vil- Niko Stamos.
lage Playhouse. “Audiences will be de-
lighted.” “This one is the version they do at Dol-
Familiarity with delightful charac-
ters put into heartwarming and sweetly
comic situations is the first step into
nostalgia’s appeal. Then, add some mu-
sic and beautiful set design evocative of
a snowy season and you’ve got surefire
hits designed to please all.
“We do a holiday fund raising show
every year,” Girard said. “The focus is
to entertain and please each audience
member. We try to have something,
either comedy or something touching,
to bring you out of your busy life and
make you feel that old home, warm-by-
the-fire feeling.”
The Playhouse was the first out of
community theater’s holiday gate with
a real crowd pleaser, “A Christmas Story:
The Musical,” running through Dec. 2.
Crase said it’s the perfect show for a fam-
ily feel good experience.
The musical is based on the 1983 film
written by Jean Shepard and based on
his book “In God We Trust, All Others
Pay Cash.” It revolves around young
Ralphie who, more than anything,
wants Santa to bring him a Red Ryder
BB gun. His mother moans that “he’ll
put an eye out.” His father is more in-
terested in the famous leg lamp he gets
sent in a box marked “fragile,” which,
thinking it’s imported from Italy, pro-
nounces as “fra-GEEL-ay.’
Theater producers added music and
lyrics by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul and
the show opened on Broadway in 2012
for a limited holiday run.
Crase said patrons will be enchanted
by the charming cast of both adults and
children and by the beautiful, homey set
design by Joseph Lark Riley.
Then there’s also the show’s music,
which is a big plus for any holiday show.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 22, 2018 13
ited into the sequence. the family musical “Roald Dahl’s Willy 723-8698 or visit
Stamos, who grew up watching the Wonka” from Nov. 30 to Dec. 16. • “MCT’s Christmas Show starring Al-
movie every year, said taking family to a There are a few versions of Dahl’s fie Silva” runs Nov. 30 to Dec. 24 at Mel-
walk down memory lane is a good thing. famous 1964 novel “Charlie and the bourne Civic Theatre, 817 E. Strawbridge
Chocolate Factory.” The one the Hen- Ave., Melbourne. Tickets are $30. Call 321-
“It’s a really fun family outing,” he said. egar is using is closest to the 1972 Gene 723-6935 or visit
“It’s exciting to share that with a new Wilder film, said Henegar artistic direc-
generation of people. It’s a good message tor Amanda Cheyenne Manis. • “The Santaland Diaries” runs Dec. 7
and pulls on those heartstrings.” to 16 in the TPI Second Stage at Titusville
Directed by Beth Shestak and choreo- Playhouse, 301 Julia St., Titusville. Tickets
A couple weeks after “It’s a Wonderful graphed by Natalie McKnight Palmer, are $20. Call 321-268-1125 or visit Titus-
Life” opens, TPI presents something de- the musical tells the familiar story of
cidedly different on its 2nd Stage – “The young Charlie winning a golden ticket
Santaland Diaries.” and visiting Willy Wonka’s chocolate
factory. There are memorable songs like
A one-act play written by humorist “The Candy Man,” kids, Oompa Loom-
David Sedaris, this is a palette cleanser pas and more.
for those who have found the holidays a
bit too sweet to their liking. While it is not set during the holidays,
it certainly has the same appeal.
It is a long monologue, mostly snarky,
based on Sedaris’ one-time experience “It’s the fantasy and the good feel-
as a Santa’s Elf in the Santa’s Workshop ings,” Manis said. “A positive resolu-
at Macy’s. It is witty, raunchy, confront- tion. During the holidays, when people
ing and heartwarming. are taking families to the theater, these
(qualities) are what they want to see.
Director Stamos is not sure how au-
diences will take “Santaland Diaries,” “And there’s something about famil-
but he has two aces up his sleeve: It will iarity. That’s what the holidays are about
be held in TPI’s black box space, which – tradition. This is that.”
has a following expecting something
off-beat; and, he has cast TPI favorite HOLIDAYS ON STAGE:
leading man, professional actor Pat- • “A Christmas Story: The Musical”
rick Ryan Sullivan, in the role of the runs through Dec. 2 at Cocoa Village Play-
curmudgeonly elf. house, 300 Brevard Ave., Cocoa. Tickets
are $18 to $ 26. Call 321-636-5050 or visit
He chose well. “Santaland Diaries”
tickets are close to selling out. • “It’s a Wonderful Life: The New Musi-
cal” runs Nov. 23 to Dec. 16 at Titusville
Instead of looking at classic movies, Playhouse, 301 Julia St., Titusville. Tickets
Girard looked toward classic television are $21 to $29. Call 321-268-1125 or visit
when she put together “MCT’s Christ-
mas Show starring Alfie Silva,” from • “Roald Dahl’s Willy Wonka” runs
Nov. 30 to Dec. 24. Nov. 30 to Dec. 16 at the Henegar Cen-
ter, 625 E. New Haven Ave., Melbourne.
“This one is like Ed Sullivan,” she said. Tickets are $19 to $29. The Henegar’s
“There’s dance, comedy, singing … a lot parking lot is mostly unavailable due
of musical numbers. It shows all of Al- to nearby construction. It is advisable
fie’s talents as an impressionist, like Wil- to arrive early to find parking, or to
lie Nelson, Johnny Cash, Tom Jones and buy valet parking tickets for $10 online
Elvis Presley. And there are a lot of other up to two hours before curtain. Valet
surprises in the show.” parking tickets available in person for
$15. For more information, call 321-
Joining Silva will be Kim Cole, Corrine
Marie and David Hall. The show is full
length and has an intermission.
The Henegar Center is the place to
bring the children when it presents
14 Thursday, November 22, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Coming Up: Music plus water = two must-go concerts
STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER the tried and true.” Night Sounds hap- and Darya Chaharom; and vocalists
pens at the Coconut Point pavilions, Carley Spradlin and Shannon Reid, as
1 Music by the sea this Saturday south side of the inlet bridge. Bring fam- they perform works by Richard Rod-
Nov. 24: The “musicians” of the ily, pals, fold-up chair or blanket, grab gers, Billy Joel, Glenn Miller, Claude
some foodstuffs at the nearby Surfside Debussy, Andrew Lloyd Webber, and
like-no-other Sebastian Inlet State Park Grill, then relax and enjoy music as the others. Time: 3:30 p.m. Admission:
sun sets and the moon rises, in one of free. Donations ($10 would be nice)
are typically seabirds and surf. But right the most unique and beautiful mu- are always appreciated.
sic venues you’ll come across. Concert
now – September through May – the time: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Admission: free
with park entry. Admission Fee: $8/per
Friends of Sebastian Inlet State Park vehicle, multiple occupants; $4/single 3 Modern Gentlemen, Nov. 28
occupant; $2/pedestrians, bicyclists. at King Center.
presents its Night Sounds Concert Se- 772-388-2750.
their own signature pop, rock and
ries each month, on the Saturday clos- 3 The legendary rock ’n’ roll icon doo-wop style: tight, four-part har-
Frankie Valli says these four monies in a mix of classic sound (i.e.
est to the full moon. Through the series the Four Seasons) and modern (i.e.
Michael Buble). With Valli, they’ve
season, the music is wonderfully var- guys are the best he’s ever worked performed on some of the world’s
biggest stages, from Royal Albert
ied: this Saturday it’s the very popu- with. He’s talking about the Modern Hall with the London Symphony Or-
chestra, to Broadway, Asia, Canada,
lar Souljam. This five-member band Gentlemen, all in-demand singers Europe, Israel, Australia and New
Zealand. They’ve shared stages with
plays extended versions of rock ’n’ roll before Valli brought them together the Beach Boys, Manhattan Trans-
fer, Tony Bennett, Smokey Robin-
jam music, covering the likes of the 2 More water, more music, this as a quartet, and they’ll be perform- son; and have performed for U.S.
Sunday, Nov. 25: Music on the presidents and, recently, for Prince
Grateful Dead, Phish and the Tedeschi ing this Wednesday, Nov. 28, at the William, the Duke of Cambridge.
Time: 7:30 p.m. Tickets: start at $27.
Trucks band, with some of their own River is a concert series that takes King Center. For more than 10 years, 321-242-2219.
cool stuff mixed in. Will Keehner, bass; place at Riverside Presbyterian says the show promo, Landon Beard,
Anna Keehner, vocals and guitar; Pat- Church in Cocoa Beach, and spot- Todd Fournier and brothers Brian
rick Williams, drums; Brandon Putzke, lights accomplished young musi- and Brandon Brigham have thrilled
percussion; and John Carpenter, guitar cians. The series is possible through audiences performing all of Valli’s
and vocals, are all about joyful creativ- a partnership among the Space Coast background vocals and choreogra-
ity, and self-expression, and you’ll feel it Symphony; the Creative Arts Founda- phy. So, if you ever saw “Frankie Val-
as well. As Souljam puts it: Their music tion of Brevard; and Riverside Pres- li and the Four Seasons” in concert
“hovers within parameters familiar to byterian Church. I’m betting you’ll anywhere in the world during that
fans of classic rock,” but they also want be moved and impressed by these decade, you’ve seen these four guys
listeners to be “stimulated by the new artists: saxophonists, Michael and beside him. Since then, as the Mod-
and exciting rather than hypnotized by Marlin Rhodeman; pianists, Caspian ern Gentlemen, they’ve developed
Eva McMillan 216 The Road To Waterford Bay, Melbourne Beach • $950,000
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shutter, pool pump, water heater, cooktop.
16 Thursday, November 22, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
INSIGHT COVER STORY Troops in tanks, waving Soviet flags, rolled
out of Afghanistan in 1989 as Moscow with-
drew from its costly, decade-long war with
mujahideen guerrillas.
Russia has been cultivating ties with BY MISSY RYAN AND AMIE FERRIS-ROTMAN WASHINGTON POST helped Afghan forces defend popu-
the Taliban to increase its influence in lated areas, vast swaths of the country
Afghanistan three decades after Mos- The Kremlin’s flirtation with the Tali- small arms to the Taliban, or at least tol- remain no-go zones.
cow’s humiliating defeat there helped ban is all part of a strategy, analysts say, erated a supply of Russian weapons to
hasten the Soviet Union’s collapse. to protect Russia’s southern flank from the militants from Central Asia. Russia In August, militants temporarily over-
the Islamic State’s emergence in Central has denied the accusations. ran a provincial capital, underscoring
Russian engagement with the mili- Asia and hedge against the possibility the fragility of the Afghan government’s
tants drew attention a week ago when of an abrupt U.S. exit from Afghanistan U.S. officials doubt that Moscow is grip on the country.
the Kremlin hosted a so-called “peace after 17 years of war. trying to help secure victory for the
conference” in Moscow attended by militants, the successors of the mujahi- Against that backdrop, U.S. officials
representatives from the Taliban. The Russian gambit is a relative- deen guerrillas who battled the Soviet fear that the Kremlin’s intervention
ly modest political investment that troops in the 1980s. Instead, the offi- may complicate if not damage the ef-
While neither the Afghan nor U.S. could yet yield outsize dividends as cials said, Russia is trying to strengthen fort to foster peace talks by giving the
governments sent an official delega- Moscow seeks to prove its global heft. its own position without provoking the militants new avenues of support, thus
tion, the conference laid bare the Krem- “Supporting the Taliban in a small way United States – and a few crates of Ka- reducing their incentive to cut a deal.
lin’s effort to reassert itself in Afghani- is an insurance policy for the future,” lashnikovs can facilitate meetings and
stan, and reclaim its role as regional said Artemy Kalinovsky, a scholar of establish relationships without alter- “The Taliban needs to feel the Rus-
power broker. Central Asian history at the University ing the battlefield. sian pressure to negotiate rather than
of Amsterdam. feeling emboldened by another pa-
At the conclusion of the event, Rus- Russia’s return comes as the Trump tron,” said a senior Trump administra-
sian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov As Russia has increased its profile, administration struggles to reverse tion official who, like others, spoke on
was photographed posing next to there have been allegations, unsubstan- a prolonged Taliban resurgence and the condition of anonymity to discuss
members of the Taliban leadership, tiated but persistent, from senior U.S. push the militants toward a deal. While sensitive policy. “That is the concern.”
who, paradoxically, are still on Russia’s officials that the Kremlin has provided a more expansive military mission has
terror list. Russia’s inroads with the Taliban rep-
resent a striking turnaround 30 years
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 22, 2018 17
after the Soviet army was beaten by the Soviet troops receive care Soviet troops near ambassador to Pakistan who now
Afghan guerrilla force. at an infirmary in 1982. the city of Jalalabad takes part in discussions with Rus-
sians interested in Afghanistan, said
The 1979-1989 war, which aimed Soviet troops transport in October 1986. Moscow’s influence campaign at its
to prop up an allied Communist gov- soldiers’ remains in Soviet troops stream out of Kabul in October 1986. core was about respect.
ernment, ravaged Afghanistan, killing December 1988.
an estimated 1 million Afghans and A Soviet Mi-24 hovers above an oncoming convoy. “They believe they were humiliated
destroying the country’s infrastruc- Soviet troops haul equipment on the outskirts in 1991, and they want to be back at
ture and farm sector. It also exacted of Kabul in October 1986. Soviet soldiers prepare to change their position the table,” he said. “They want to get
a heavy toll on the Soviets, draining while fighting Afghan Islamic a fair shake and will continue to come
Moscow’s coffers and leaving at least Soviet soldiers conducting training. guerrillas in April 1988. up with ideas on Afghanistan.”
15,000 of their soldiers dead, many of
them killed by an Islamist force armed “first warning call” for Russia, said Dmi- ible in 2014, when a senior diplomat ap- Around the time Kabulov’s effort
covertly by the United States. tri Trenin, director of the Carnegie Mos- proached the United States with an offer. was coming together, U.S. intelligence
cow Center and a former Russian army officials began to flag increasing re-
Soviet veterans, or “Afgantsy” as they colonel. “The Russian military was very Zamir Kabulov, a chain-smoking for- ports of the Taliban receiving arms or
are known, were seldom given a hero’s shaken by the mutiny in northern Af- mer KGB agent at the center of Mos- funding from the Russian government.
welcome when they returned home. ghanistan [and] by the idea of ISIS be- cow’s Afghanistan involvement since
Instead, they were seen as an embar- ing there.” the 1980s, wanted to know whether Officials said the U.S. government
rassment, their lack of battlefield vic- Washington would agree to secret talks lacks detailed, reliable intelligence
tory symbolizing disillusionment with Weeks before the fall of Kunduz, 17 about the country’s future with Russia, about what may be occurring, saying
the Soviet state. people were killed in clashes between Iran and several other nations. they had seen only anecdotal evidence
Islamists and police in Tajikistan. In a about weaponry. The intelligence pic-
When the United States and other sign of mounting anxiety about events For U.S. officials, diplomacy with a ture remains fuzzy, the officials said,
NATO nations moved into Afghani- to its south, Russia had given Tajikistan group that included longtime adver- because surveillance resources are fo-
stan after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, over $1 billion worth of secondhand saries presented difficulties at a mo- cused elsewhere and because Russian
Moscow threw its support behind the hardware from its own army, including ment of tension over Moscow’s actions spycraft makes the task more difficult.
coalition as it battled al-Qaeda and its aircraft, artillery systems and ammuni- in Ukraine and Tehran’s support for
Taliban hosts. tion earlier that year. militias across the Middle East. NATO But U.S. officials acknowledge that
allies had to be kept in the dark be- whatever lethal support Russia is pro-
But Russia grew frustrated with the During a visit to the country in 2017, cause they would probably want to be viding to the Taliban has had no effect
U.S. mission as the years wore on. The Russian President Vladimir Putin involved, former officials said. on the conflict, in part because small
United States seemed to be repeating pledged to help Tajikistan secure that arms are so readily available.
all of the Soviet mistakes, such as losing country’s border with Afghanistan. But the initiative provided a chance
local support through errant airstrikes. to keep rivals, in the depiction of one of- “If it’s 10 Kalashnikovs or 10,000, the
And it was making new ones of its own. Russia’s determination to shape Af- ficial involved, “more onside than off.” message is: ‘We’re still involved. We still
ghanistan’s future anew first became vis- matter,’ ” a former U.S. official said.
Officials in Moscow were also con- Cameron Munter, a former U.S.
cerned that the United States would set Russia’s current campaign, some of-
up permanent bases in their backyard. ficials say, is simply to ensure that if a
Taliban takeover of Afghanistan were
Their perspective changed after Pres- to occur, Russia would have an estab-
ident Barack Obama announced his lished line to those in charge.
plan for a U.S. withdrawal. After increas-
ing U.S. troop levels to about 100,000 in “They think the Taliban has staying
2011, Obama was determined to leave a power,” said Barnett Rubin, a former
minimal force when he departed office. U.S. official who has conducted talks
with Russian scholars on Afghanistan.
The shortcomings of local troops
became immediately clear after U.S. Russian officials believe the mili-
combat operations officially ended tant organization has changed and no
in 2014. As American advisers with- longer poses a threat to Russian inter-
drew, militants resumed large-scale ests, current and former officials say.
offensives. Secured districts quickly And the Taliban, like Russia, opposes a
fell back into Taliban hands. Afghan long-term U.S. military presence and
casualties surged. hopes to extinguish the Islamic State.
In September 2015, militants overran U.S. officials, who hold their own pe-
Kunduz in the country’s north. The fall riodic meetings with Taliban represen-
of a major city for the first time since tatives, have not opposed the Russian
2001 showed the tenuousness of Ka- contacts, but they worry that a fledg-
bul’s grip. The city is just an hour’s drive ling Russia-Taliban relationship would
south of Tajikistan, a former Soviet state give the militants enough confidence to
that has remained in Russia’s orbit. resist peace talks. It might also under-
mine the U.S. effort by creating an out-
“The idea of transition changed the size image of Moscow’s ability to shape
way Afghanistan’s neighbors thought events on the ground, they believe.
about the U.S. role,” said James Schwem-
lein, a former State Department official. “It’s how the Russians use perception
to their advantage,” one former official
That same year, militant cells across said. “They didn’t have to do much to
Afghanistan began pledging allegiance have a strategic effect.”
to the Islamic State, the terrorist group
also known as ISIS that had swept Richard Olson, who served as top
across Iraq and Syria the year before. envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan un-
Unlike the Taliban, which was focused der Obama, said other countries also
exclusively on dominating Afghanistan, are engaged in hedging behavior as
the Islamic State had international am- they scrambled to protect themselves
bitions. The group would go on to re- from a possible breakdown.
cruit thousands from majority-Muslim
countries in Central Asia. “Everyone in the region has their
links to the Taliban, so the U.S. needs
Together, the events represented a to pursue a settlement that includes all
of those players,” he said.
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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 22, 2018 19
Sandeep Jauhar opens his new tion for those of us who harbor this most hallowed or- depends on pressure differences. “He would encourage
book, “Heart: A History,” with the story of a patient – gan but know little about it. The heart, we learn, is the us to think about blood flow, lung congestion, and even
Jauhar himself. Shortness of breath while climbing the first major organ to develop in the human body. It starts human affairs in those terms.”
stairs to his office led to a slew of tests and eventually beating three weeks into fetal life, even before there is
the discovery of a blockage in the main artery feeding any blood to pump. And it is the last major organ to Innovations in cardiac procedures, we learn, are
his heart. stop working. A mechanism of remarkable reliability surprisingly recent. In the middle of the 20th century,
and endurance, the heart beats approximately 3 billion more than 600,000 Americans were dying of heart dis-
After relating the story of his own heart, Jauhar dials times in a lifetime. The amount of blood that passes ease every year. As it happened, President Franklin D.
back to 1953, when his paternal grandfather died sud- through an average adult heart in a week could fill a Roosevelt’s blood pressure was rising in step with the
denly one sweltering summer day in India. In the morn- backyard swimming pool. tensions of World War II. By the time American soldiers
ing, he was bitten by a snake of an unknown type. That landed in Normandy in 1944, his blood pressure mea-
afternoon, he was feeling fine until neighbors arrived Yet it can all turn on a dime. When the heart stops sured as life-threatening. But there was precious little
bearing the corpse of a black cobra, claiming it was the beating, death is instantaneous. that could be done for Roosevelt, and he died in 1945,
culprit. He took one look at the snake, collapsed and of congestive heart failure.
died. Some were convinced that it was that very cobra Jauhar, whose previous books include “Doctored”
that killed him, but his grandson the cardiologist be- and “Intern,” embraces the notion of the heart as a Three years later, Congress passed the National Heart
lieves it was a heart attack, pure and simple, possibly vessel imbued with meaning. He reminds us that it is Act, and the pace of advancement accelerated. The
induced by the fright of seeing the snake. “My grand- linked to bravery: The word “courage” derives from the world’s first coronary bypass surgery, Jauhar reports,
father had succumbed to the most common cause of Latin “cor,” which means “heart.” was performed in 1967 using veins from the leg to by-
death throughout the world,” Jauhar writes. pass coronary obstructions. That decade also saw the
Shakespeare often referred to the heart as the locus first decent survival rates for patients with pacemakers.
In these first scenes, Jauhar, who directs the heart of romantic love. Centuries later, in 1982, when Barney In 1977 came the first coronary angioplasty. By 1994 the
failure program at Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Clark received the first permanent artificial heart, his Food and Drug Administration had approved the use of
sets a tone at once intimate and detached. And over the wife of 39 years asked the doctors, “Will he still be able coronary stents.
ensuing pages, he is our trusty guide through a compel- to love me?” Like the biological heart, the metaphori-
ling story about what makes each and every one of us cal heart has size and shape. To be big-hearted is to As Jauhar describes them, cardiologists are a decid-
tick. be generous. Small-hearted people are selfish. Hearts edly odd bunch, with a penchant for self-experimenta-
can be warm, cold, gold, stone. tion. In 1929, Werner Forssmann, a German, famously
Both primer and ode, “Heart” is a fascinating educa- risked his life when he put himself under local anes-
Jauhar points out that extreme emotional states can thesia, inserted a catheter into a vein on his arm and
lead, quite literally, to a broken heart. Loveless mar- managed to thread it into his heart. In the 1980s, An-
riages, researchers have found, can bring chronic and dreas Gruentzig, a pioneer in balloon angioplasty, had
acute heart disease. Depression and stress have been a coronary angiogram done on himself. “He climbed
found to be strong risk factors for heart attacks. onto the cath table at 5 p.m., underwent the procedure,
and then went to pick up his wife, arriving at the de-
As a small boy, Jauhar was obsessed with his own partment’s Christmas party by 7 p.m.,” Jauhar writes.
heart, in no small part because of his family history. Lit-
tle Sandeep lay in bed monitoring his heartbeat. “I was Jauhar ends the book as he begins it, as a patient.
fascinated by the heart’s dichotomous nature: muscu- Now 49, he imagines he will eventually repeat the CT
lar, constantly toiling, and yet so vulnerable at the same scan that first revealed coronary plaque to see if it has
time,” he writes. progressed. But, he writes, he is not afraid of what he
will find, so reassuring is the knowledge that has ac-
He decided to pursue cardiology, a field so fast-paced cumulated in his field since the day his grandfather
and exciting it was “as if flowing out of the steady beat- slumped in cardiac arrest to the floor. In the meantime,
ing of the heart itself.” He sees heart shapes in every- Jauhar has made lifestyle changes – exercising more,
thing from strawberry slices to raindrops on his car’s eating better, spending more time with his family and
windshield. Ever the fluid writer, Jauhar even employs friends. And even after all these years in the business,
the metaphorical heart to describe what it took to face he still sees heart shapes everywhere.
the devastated parents of a young patient who had just
died: “Once, it was difficult to witness the grief of loved HEART
ones. But my heart had been hardened.”
Yet when he began his cardiology fellowship at New
York’s Bellevue Hospital in 2001, all metaphors were BY SANDEEP JAUHAR | 269 PP. $27
suddenly beside the point. “The heart in disease was REVIEW BY KATIE HAFNER, THE WASHINGTON POST
best understood as a complicated pump,” he writes.
Everything, he was told by one curmudgeonly mentor,
1. Past Tense BY LEE CHILD 1. Andrew Jackson & the 1. No Slam Dunk BY MIKE LUPICA
2. The Reckoning 2. The Meltdown (Diary of a
Miracle of New Orleans
BY JOHN GRISHAM Wimpy Kid #13)
3. Every Breath BY JEFF KINNEY
BY NICHOLAS SPARKS 3. Becoming BY MICHELLE OBAMA 3. Dog Man: Lord of the Fleas
4. Cook Like a Pro (Dog Man #5) BY DAV PILKEY
4. Nine Perfect Strangers
BY INA GARTEN 4. Bridge of Clay
5. Ship of Fools BY MIARKUS ZUSAK
5. Dark Sacred Night
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20 Thursday, November 22, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Bonz feels hip hangin’ with cool cats Opie and Cake
Hi Dog Buddies! place, an we kinda go nuts. We’re fast,
Remember a coupla years ago, how but we haven’t ever caught it. One of
nervous I was about innerviewing
pets of the fee-line pursuasion? Well, these days, though … One time, I was
I’m proud to say I’ve Grown as a Dog
an, several cats down the road, I ree- starin’ intently at this gecko way up
lize we’re all the same, under the fur.
by the ceiling. I jumped on the dresser
So, anyway, this week, I innerv-
iewed Opie Nathan an his Dad, Cake. to get closer, and I was concentratin’
Since they’re cats, I was a liddle suh-
prized when me an my Assistant so hard, I totally tumbled off. It didn’t
knocked and heard – barking. The
door opened and there was this frenly hurt or anything, but I forgot to pre-
Border Collie waggin’ up a storm, stan-
d i n’ next to a human lady. I began tend I meant to do it. SO embarrassing.
Cake. “Miss Kimmie taught me how to
flippin’ through come when she whistles. An I always
my notebook to see if I had gotten my
schedule mixed up. do. Unless I’m not in the mood. I some-
The pooch trotted up for the Wag- times lie on Miss Kimmie’s face an help
an-Sniff an, before I could apologize
for my (probably obvious) confusion, her adjust her make-up. Oooo, an me
she said, “I know who you are! You’re
Mr. Bonzo the Columnist. I’m Eva. I’m an Cake’s favrite treat is yoghurt, spe-
Cake’s sister an Opie’s aunt. I can sit, an
twirl an roll-over an play dead. Watch!” Opie. cially strawberry.
An whoosh, at the lady’s prompts, she
launched into a very skillful routine: “We also get Leash Walks. At first I’d
sitting, twirling, rolling over an play-
ing dead. Then she said, “This is Opie’s just lie down, which really annoyed
an my Mom, Miss Kimmie. She drives
the Fur-Ever Rescue Bus. Madeline’s Cake, cuz we kept stoppin,’ an he
our Sorta Sister. She’s elsewhere.”
couldn’t get his Flow goin.’ But then I
I was getting a liddle dizzy, an more
learned Leash Walk Etiquette, and the
Cool Cat Stroll.”
“Got any special pals?” I queried.
“I did,” he said, sorta quietly. “My
ready here when Miss Kimmie brought BFF was Woody. He was a Harlequin
confused, when a me home. I’m named Opie cuz I have Great Dane (that means black-an-
meowy voice said, red hair like the liddle boy on that TV white). He’d come over to my house
“No worries, Mr. show. My human Dad’s Troy. He’s gives when his humans were away. ’Cept
B, we’re one big, The Best. Tummy. Rubs. Ever. He’s on when he got to fly with ’em in a private
happy, blended an Exciting Adventure inna buncha jet. We played together an snoozed to-
famly. I’m Opie. I’ll eye-luns called the Gloppa-ghost. He gether all day long. I could ackshully
be your Spokescat. gets to play with big turtles an eee- walk right under his tummy. After I
My cat Dad Cake’s gwah-nuhs. He’s gonna tell us lotsa had the No Kittens Procedure an was
in the back. Our hu- stories when he gets back.” feeling Totally Sour Sardines, Woody
man Dad, Mr. Tom’s “Cool Catnip,” I responded. stayed right beside me till I was all bet-
at work. Cake calls “Our newest famly member is Oliver. ter. But then he got old an went to Dog
him Daddy-O.” We just rescued him. He’s a Yorkie. He’s Heaven. I miss him a LOT. I hope Dog
Opie’s fluffy coat 12. He’s way liddler than us – only 8 Heaven an Cat Heaven are next door to
was a coupla shades pounds. Me an Miss Kimmie took him each other.”
of gold, with white to get all spiffed up. He’s somewhere I thanked them all for sharing their
ruff an toes, an he restin’ now. Me an Eva are gonna help Blended-Famly Story.
had gold eyes. I made him learn stuff around here. But we’ll Opie asked me to give you some
more quick notes, be nice and slow an not rowdy, cuz he’s Important Information from his purr-
re-grouped, an said, Real Old. sonal experience. One time, when he
“Great to meet you “I bet your days are fun,” I ventured. was “Makin’ Biscuits” (you know, that
all!” “Totally. Me an Cake really like car funny 2-paw thing all cats seem to do),
As we were getting rides, specially to Natural Pet Store, he accidently scratched Miss Kimmie.
situated, Cake strolled where we get to ride around in our And she got Cat Scatch Fever and had-
in. He was a hansome stroller. One time, before I knew the da go to the hos-pittle. Opie felt AWFUL
gray an white Ragdoll, ROOLS, I accidently bopped some cat- about it. He had No Idea. So he wants
looked VERY fluffy an bunny- nip off the shelf an accidently rolled cats an their humans to Be Aware. It’s
soft. As per “Basic Cat for Dummies,” I around in it. I was feelin’ Super Meow real, real rare. Most scratches don’t
waited for him to make the first move. all afternoon. At Halloween, me and cause it. But it’s important information
Without hesitating, he approached Cake were in the big pet costume pa- to have.
for the Sniff-an-Size Up. (There’s not rade, just us, anna whole buncha
-The Bonzpooches. (I was a sheriff and Cake was
much wagging in the Cat World.) “I’m
a Rasta cat with dreads.)
Cake Nathan. Miss Kimmie sometimes “We love to chase the laser. It’s a-
calls me King Tut cuzza my pawsome
posture. But you can just call me Cake. MAY-zing! It zips around all over the
You’ve met my boy, Opie. Make your- Don’t be shy!
self cumf-tubble.”
“A pleasure, Cake,” I told him. “I
can’t wait to hear your famly story.”
Cake an Eva curled up, an Opie be-
gan. “I’m half Ragdoll cuzza my Dad We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up
an interview, please email [email protected].
Cake, an half Scottish Fold cuzza my
Mom, Peaches. Cake an Eva were al-
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 22, 2018 21
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist 765
A novel event for mixed teams was held from October 31 to November 2, 2016. Four teams A3
played online in three venues. The Bridge Base Online (BBO) team was at the Silver Cloud
Broadway Hotel in Seattle; Lavazza competed at the company’s research center in Turin, WEST A 10 8 7 5 4 2
Italy; and the Chinese Contract Bridge Association (CCBA) and Yeh played in the Beijing J742 EAST
International Convention Center. KQ3
7642 A985
The event consisted of a round robin of 16-board matches. The final result was Lavazza K9
83.64 victory points, CCBA 65.98, Yeh 49.59 and BBO 40.79. J82
The highlight for the BBO team was the participation of Bill Gates, who partnered Sharon 10 9 8
Osberg. Their teammates were Jill Meyers-Bob Hamman and Sheri Winestock-Fred
Gitelman. Q63
This week’s deal was one that Gates played. At his table, North-South were “happy” with SOUTH
three clubs, made with an overtrick.
K Q 10 6
But in the given auction, Meyers bid a game-invitational three clubs, and Hamman went for
game in no-trump. West led the spade two: three, ace, six. East returned the spade nine: A 10 9 4
king, four, heart five. What did Hamman do next?
Declarer could have gotten lucky in clubs, but knew that that was against the odds — 16.96
percent, to be precise. Instead, Hamman played a diamond to the ace and a heart to his 10. J
With hearts 3-3, West had no defense, but she surprisingly led another spade, so Hamman
immediately claimed nine tricks: three spades, one heart, four diamonds and one club. Dealer: South; Vulnerable: North-South
That gave BBO 10 international match points against Lavazza. The Bidding:
1 Diamonds Pass 3 Clubs Pass
3 NT Pass Pass Pass LEAD:
2 Spades
22 Thursday, November 22, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
The Telegraph ACROSS DOWN
1 Emit smoke (4) 1 Test (4)
4 Occident (4) 3 Water heater (6)
8 Halt (4) 4 Peevish complaint (6)
9 Denoting final attempt (4-5) 5 Power point (6)
11 Regal (6) 6 All-male do (4,5)
13 Hit hard (7) 7 Sprightly (4)
15 Design (6) 10 Frightful (7)
16 Occupant (6) 12 Whispered exclamation (4)
18 Dissertation (6) 13 Fleece (9)
20 Sprinkled (6) 14 Compendium (7)
22 Impractical (thinking) (4-3) 17 Fuss (2-2)
23 Squire (anag.) (6) 19 Arm covering (6)
25 XVII (9) 20 Beat (6)
26 Tidy (4) 21 Performer on ice (6)
27 Zone (4) 23 Stylish establishment (4)
28 Roue (4) 24 Yank (4)
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 22, 2018 23
ACROSS 103 Name of an actual book by 63 You can get one even if you The Washington Post
1 Sub order LEO Buscaglia fly out to center field
7 Early U.S. labor organizer STARTING LINEUP By Merl Reagle
11 Dog watchdog agcy. 110 Least 65 Eng. honor
15 Pastoral plaint 113 Comment by STU right 66 Reaction to a UFO sighting
18 Where the Slaney flows
20 The Man in the White Suit about now 67 Digestion aid
117 “You betcha!” 68 Primeval stew
star’s first name
21 Where Fats had chats 118 Not bad 69 Initials of a Patton
23 Best part of being president, 119 Nonessential amino acid contemporary
120 Dino-cloning need
according 121 Dips for duds 70 Up-to-date
to LIV 122 They give you the wrong 73 Harry Lime’s creator
25 By ___ 74 Dressing-room fixture
26 AMY’s autobiography idea
28 Hesitates 123 Reveal one’s secrets 75 Supplies the grub
31 Dash units 76 Video-game Bros.
32 ’elpful tidbit? DOWN
33 Four starters 1 Part of RSVP 77 Boone, briefly
37 Swiss canton 2 Caroline’s stepdad 79 Put away the groceries?
38 Alphabet center 3 Author Deighton 80 Smoking reminder?
40 What MAY is 4 Spring ___ 81 Booth treater
44 Item on TOM’s fridge 5 Letter opening 82 Prefix meaning 70 Down
48 Adapted, as a trad. song 6 Part of IBM 83 Beer dispenser?
49 Capybara’s cousin 7 Crockett and Jones 84 Green and Smith
50 Dyes and spies 8 Part of a general’s name 85 AAA offering
51 FLO’s favorite rule 9 Track actions 89 Niello, e.g.
56 Basset asset 10 Nova ___ 90 Ray of GoodFellas
57 4-hr. movie of ’39 11 In the Heat of the Night town 92 Squeals
59 Fatty spread 12 Atlantic, to Brits 93 ___“Inferno”
60 Rundown on a disinfectant 13 Ending passage 94 Flavor-enhancing powder
label 14 Friend indeed 95 Wyndham Lewis novel, The
61 Rock producer Brian 15 Kickstand, basically
62 Three, to Spee 16 Some math. ___ God
64 “___ be dreaming ...” 17 G.B. gulp 100 Prefix meaning “yellow” or
66 “Unhappily ...” 19 Make crazy, old-style
67 Mickey-and-Judy musical 22 Attacks “gold”
that BOB likes 24 1992 Stallone film, Stop! Or 102 Cara or Ryan
70 A step up from micro 104 Smelly
71 Recipient ___ Will Shoot 105 Part of VSOP, on cognac
72 March time 27 Howards ___ 106 Understanding words
73 Initials on some trucks 28 Lighter fuel 107 Benihana founder Rocky or
76 Old-peach fuzz? 29 Catherine’s place
77 Take a nap 30 Comme ça golfer Isao
78 Maui bird 34 “Kookie” of the TV oldie 77 108 Ill-humored one
80 Offenbach offering 109 Hawaiian city
81 Like MIA’s car Sunset Strip
84 Say it is so 35 Burning briquets 110 Director Pollack, briefly
86 A prefect conclusion 36 The job 111 Ed, Fred, Jed, Ned, and Ted,
87 Swamp land 39 Milhaud’s milieu: abbr.
88 Like NAT 40 Wall, in Gaul e.g.
91 DOM is one 41 Scott of Happy Days 112 Simile center
96 ___ Marie Presley 42 It may hold gold
97 Part of a double negative? 43 Le Guin et al. 114 Lie-telling, e.g.
98 “It’s a ___ deal” 45 Palindromic direction: abbr. 115 Big Burmese, once
99 Creature that scares Indiana 46 Salamander
Jones 47 Stalemate result 116 Get-up-and-go
100 Leachman, to friends 52 Old capital of Mozambique,
101 Parking garage features
___ Marques
53 In addition
54 Keep
55 Anthem start
57 Kin of “criminy!”
58 Conventional ___
62 Dress up
The Telegraph
24 Thursday, November 22, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
A lonely holiday season without the extended family
BY CAROLYN HAX This disappointment may have come to you from
Washington Post the outside, but your work now is strictly internal and
doesn’t involve your sister – except, genuinely, when
Dear Carolyn: Our extended you’re ready: “I’ll miss the tradition, but I admire you
for having the courage to do what you needed. Car-
family – siblings and kids – has rying the expectations of the entire family for three
decades can’t have been easy for you.
always gathered at Thanksgiving
“Thank you for those 30 years.”
and Christmas. Last week I got a Which beats berating her for the 31st.
Which brings me to the next point: Isn’t fatigue
text from my sister saying she and more than enough to explain “why they would do
that”? You mention grown kids and 30-year traditions
her family would be going away for and widowhood (my condolences), so I hope I can in-
offensively deduce that you’re all in the slowing-down
the holiday and would no longer host Christmas Eve years. Therefore, you have the option to interpret this
as a slowing-down, period, vs. torturing yourself with
at their home. ways to take it personally.
Slowdowns bring their own grief for sure, but they
This came out of the blue and is really upsetting me. have nothing to do with being “rejected,” “left out”
and/or “unwanted.” You can be wanted and accepted
My brother and I have both been widowed in the last yet still affected when the terms of inclusion must
four years and this event was something we looked So you don’t have to feel OK about this anytime
soon, but I urge you to turn your thoughts – as soon as
forward to because everyone attended and it was a lot you’re ready – to inclusion that’s easier on everyone.
Smaller groups, non-holiday times of the year, more
of fun. (My brother has grown children; I do not.) We emphasis on local connections. Whom can you host
for Christmas Eve? Your brother and his kids? Do you
feel surprised and unwanted and don’t understand have friends in your position?
In cosmic gratitude for 30 years of warm inclusion,
the decision. whom can you now include?
Of course it is their right to celebrate as they wish,
and I kick myself for expecting a 30-year tradition to
continue. But I can’t figure out how to feel OK about text, ugh) can feel like a death – as if the tradition itself
was a family member, too.
this. I feel rejected, and I don’t know why they would
So you don’t have to “feel OK about this.” At least,
do that. not now, as you get used to the change. It’s been only
a week.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so painful if I had a family of
It’s also really good that you stuck to the limited “I’m
my own, but I no longer do. Any advice? I haven’t said disappointed” response. As you said yourself, this is
their holiday to plan as they choose, so pushback
anything except “I’m disappointed” to my sister. would be inappropriate. Worse, it could sour your re-
lationship with your sister, which could then retroac-
–Left Out in Minnesota tively tarnish past Christmas Eves.
Left Out in Minnesota: I’m sorry. Change is hard,
changes that subtract time with loved ones are harder,
and changes to long-standing tradition (delivered by
Medicare sees fit to cover
‘necessary’ eyelid surgery
26 Thursday, November 22, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Medicare sees fit to cover ‘necessary’ eyelid surgery
STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRITER ‘I really enjoy doing these
[email protected] [procedures] because they’re
People tend to think of eyelid sur- different from my Lasik
gery as purely cosmetic, but it often practice ... there’s much more
has an important medical purpose
because those drooping eyelids can of an art to it.”
dramatically diminish a patient’s field
of vision. Dr. David O’Brien
The procedure physicians like New Dr. David O’Brien. Of course, whatever your age, if you’re
Vision Eye Center ophthalmological the kind of person who feels queasy at
surgeon Dr. David O’Brien use to fix the PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE the thought of someone wielding a scal-
problem is called blepharoplasty – and pel or surgical scissors anywhere near
Medicare pays for it if it’s deemed medi- your eyeballs – relax. Odds are you’ll
cally necessary. be sound asleep during a New Vision
“Blepharoplasty,” says the Mayo
Clinic, “is a type of surgery that re- “I prefer to do these procedures with
pairs droopy eyelids and may involve IV sedation in our operating room,”
removing excess skin, muscle and fat. says O’Brien. “In our surgery center, we
As you age, your eyelids stretch and the have full control of the patient’s level
muscles supporting them weaken. As a of comfort and have access to their in-
result, excess fat may gather above and travenous state if there are any prob-
below your eyelids, causing sagging lems with blood pressure or heart rate.
eyebrows, droopy upper lids and bags [That’s important] because a lot of the
under your eyes.” patients I operate on are older and they
have very dramatic drooping of their
“I really enjoy doing these [procedures] upper eyelid skin.”
because they’re different from my Lasik
practice. That’s very tech-driven. This is If patients are of a certain age, they
a very different type of procedure.” may be taking medications that will
have to be temporarily put on hold.
“Lasik,” O’Brien continues, “is using For folks taking a daily aspirin, that’s
likely to be 10 days prior to surgery
Collins & Montz the laser. It’s very quick. It’s very auto- and “for Coumadin, it’s typically three
mated.” With blepharoplasty, “there’s to five days, depending on what their
DCOESMNETTICI&SFTAMRILYY much more of an art to it.” cardiologist says.”
Experience the fusion of traditional
values and modern dentistry. That artistry helps his patients see bet- Non-prescription supplements, in-
At Collins & Montz, DMD, ter – and makes them look younger, too. cluding flaxseed oil and fish oil, also
should be stopped before surgery.
we will focus on improving every aspect of your smile for optimal appearance, “There’s always a cosmetic com-
function, and comfort through our general family dentistry, and restorative ponent [to a blepharoplasty],” says And the cost?
procedures such as dental implants. Our comprehensive range of services and O’Brien. “Because there are no pa- “The fees that we charge for a cosmet-
dedication of quality set us apart. Call today to schedule your appointment. tients who say, I want you to fix my vi- ic lid surgery are the national average
sion by doing eyelid surgery but I don’t of $3,500.” O’Brien says. “The fee that’s
524 OCEAN AVENUE, MELBOURNE BEACH, FL 32951 want to look better.” billed to Medicare is roughly the same.
However, there needs to be a demon-
(321) 725-6565 • MELBOURNEBEACHDENTISTRY.COM “Every ophthalmic resident gets strated amount of vision loss with a pe-
trained as an oculoplastic surgeon,” ripheral vision test,” before Medicare
O’Brien explains. “We all do lid surgery will pick up its share.
in our training. Some people choose to There will be some bruising for about
do a fellowship in oculoplastic surgery, a week after surgery and patients will
and in my training, I did six months of need to come back in 10 days to have
that in addition to my corneal fellow- stitches removed, but O’Brien says “pa-
ship. I always enjoyed lid surgery, so I tients don’t have a lot of pain. This is
went and pursued that.” typically not a painful procedure.”
The better vision and more youth-
“I was very blessed to have a gentle- ful appearance, he adds, can last up
man who’s a very well-known oculo- to 10 years.
plastic surgeon in Baltimore, Md., who
has a home here in Orchid – Dr. Marco Dr. David O’Brien is with New Vision
Doxanas – come here and for a year, he Eye Center at 1055 37th Place in Vero
sat by my side and we did blepharo- Beach, directly across from the hospital.
plasty cases together. So I had a kind The phone number is 772-257-8700.
of second fellowship with him, which
was unofficial, but it’s the best kind of
training you can have.”
It is training he uses daily to help his
“My typical patient,” O’Brien says
changing gears “is not the 40-year-old
who wants to try to regain the 25-year-
old look. My typical patient is an older
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 22, 2018 27
ALS affects all age groups, but strikes older people more often
STORY BY FRED CICETTI COLUMNIST side muscles. Additional tests may in- help ALS patients breathe.
clude a magnetic resonance imaging However, there are other treatments
Q. Is ALS an old-person’s disease, or (MRI) scan, a spinal tap between two
does it affect every age group? lower vertebrae, blood tests and mus- to help people with ALS. These include
cle biopsies. physical and occupational therapy, re-
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) spiratory therapy and assisted ventila-
usually strikes between the ages of 40 The drug Rilutek (riluzole) and the tion, speech therapy, nutritional and
and 70, but there have been cases of it NeuRx Diaphragm Pacing System emotional support. There are devices,
in young adults and children, as well as have been approved by the U.S. Food too, such as special grips for writing
older people. The average age for get- and Drug Administration for treating implements and eating utensils, canes,
ting ALS is 55. ALS. The NeuRx Diaphragm Pacing supportive braces, walkers, wheel-
System™ is a medical device used to chairs and scooters.
ALS is known as Lou Gehrig’s disease
in the USA. Gehrig, who played base-
ball for the New York Yankees, died of
the disease in 1941. In other countries,
ALS is often called motor neuron dis-
ease. It is not contagious.
ALS destroys nerve cells – motor
neurons – that control muscle cells. In
most cases, the cause is unknown. As
the motor neurons are lost, the mus-
cles they control weaken. Eventually,
people with ALS are paralyzed.
Amyotrophic means “no muscle
nourishment.” Lateral identifies the
affected areas in the spinal cord. Scle-
rosis refers to the scarring or harden-
ing in the region.
ALS doesn’t directly affect involun-
tary muscles, so the heart, digestive
tract, bladder and sexual organs con-
tinue to work. Hearing, vision, touch
and intellectual ability generally re-
main normal. Pain is not a major com-
ponent of ALS.
The most common form of the dis-
ease in the United States is “sporadic”
ALS. It may affect anyone, anywhere.
“Familial” ALS is inherited. Only about
5 percent to 10 percent of all ALS pa-
tients appear to have the inherited
form of ALS. In those families, there is
a 50 percent chance each offspring will
inherit the gene mutation and may de-
velop the disease.
Respiratory problems usually kill
those with ALS in three to five years af-
ter diagnosis. About 10 percent of those
with ALS live more than 10 years. Some
survive for many years. For example,
the famed British physicist Stephen
Hawking had ALS from the 1960s until
his death this year. In a small number
of people, ALS mysteriously stops.
The usual early symptoms of ALS
are weakness or spasms in a limb, and
trouble speaking or swallowing. After
the initial symptoms, the disease may
progress in the following way: cramp-
ing of muscles; demitted use of the
limbs; thick speech and difficulty pro-
jecting the voice; difficulty breathing.
Doctors begin testing for ALS by
checking muscle and nerve function.
The next step is usually an electromyo-
gram (EMG). This test measures the
signals that run between nerves and
muscles and the electrical activity in-
28 Thursday, November 22, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Lily’s Beachside: A ray of culinary sunshine in SatBeach
REVIEW BY LISA ZAHNER STAFF WRITER Blueberry Crepes. ate them like Simply Poached.
[email protected] chips. They don’t
The chef starts with very thick-cut rus- really need ketchup, PHOTOS BY BENJAMIN THACKER
I’m always amazed when I walk into set potato chip slices, with the skins on but they’re perfect for dip-
someone’s home for a party and it looks of course, and deep frys them just barely ping if you’re a ketchup lover. We Sante Fe Omelette.
like they thoughtfully planned and tend- golden. They are soft and piping hot both thoroughly enjoyed the home fries.
ed to every detail. That’s what Lily’s feels and encourage
like when you walk in the door for break- like a really good steak fry inside, My companion said her eggs were you to send feedback to
fast or lunch. and delicately crispy on the out- tasty and her bacon was cooked to order, me at lisamelbournebeachsider@gmail.
side, seasoned with salt, garlic and on the verge of crispy but not cooked to com.
First off, it’s one of the most cheerful spices. Yum! I picked mine up and death. My omelet was excellent, I chose The reviewer is a Brevard resident who
places (but not in a tourist-trap way) I’ve the Mexican from the many varieties be- dines anonymously at restaurants at the
been to in a long time. The bright and Mirror Glazed expense of this newspaper.
pastel colors will instantly life your spir- Mini Muffins. cause it listed chorizo as
its, even on a dreary day. the meat and was curi- RESTAURANT HOURS
ous. The smoky, spicy 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily
The morning we stopped in for Spanish sausage was
brunch last Thursday it was an off time, fantastic mixed with ADDRESS
around 10:30 a.m., so the place was the onions, veggies and 240 Highway A1A,
only about halfway full. But I can imag-
ine it gets really busy on the weekends cheese. Add a bit of salsa Satellite Beach
as there are very few breakfast places and some hot sauce and it PHONE
in Satellite Beach. We were greeted made a satisfying break-
instantly, and I had my much-needed fast. 321-773-7655
mug of strong, black coffee in what Lily’s boasts the “Best
seemed like seconds. Muffins on the Beach” but
we were too full of home
So many choices on the menu ... fries to even look at a muffin.
for breakfast or for lunch, you’ll Sometime we’ll have to stop
find something everybody in just for coffee and muffins,
likes – even the picky eat- or get a box to take home. The
ers who make it so chal- selection looked as colorful,
lenging to enjoy a meal cheery and sweet as the restau-
out. I opted for the Mexi- rant and the service.
can omelet with a side of
salsa, home fries and an I welcome your comments,
English muffin. My com-
panion selected the two-egg
create-your-own breakfast with
poached eggs, bacon and home fries.
Do you love potatoes? I mean really
love potatoes? If so, you might just have
a near-religious experience when Lily’s
home fries arrive at the
table and you pop
one in your mouth.
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 22, 2018 29
Bordeaux heading for ‘great’ vintage after dry summer
STORY BY GUY COLLINS comparisons between the 2018 har- vintners were spared the frost dam- “exceptional, beautiful, very elegant.”
Bloomberg vest and recent standout vintages. age that destroyed many vines in Saint Now that grapes are in the winer-
Emilion and Pessac-Leognan in 2017.
Bordeaux wine-makers are heading “2016 is better than ’15, and ’18 will ies, more than five months of fermen-
for a “great” vintage this year after an be better than ’16,” according to Ber- “The quality is extraordinary,” said tation, maturation and blending will
unusually warm growing season and nard Audoy of Chateau Cos Labory, an Eric Perrin, whose family owns Chateau follow prior to the vintage being pre-
exceptionally dry summer and harvest, estate in the Saint Estephe region of Carbonnieux in Pessac-Leognan, noting sented to the wine trade in early April.
according to Olivier Bernard, whose the northern Medoc. “We’re at the lev- that water from the spring rain retained Wines will be priced between April
family owns Domaine de Chevalier in el of ’09 and ’10, more ’10 than ’09.” He in the soil meant “vines didn’t suffer” and June for delivery a couple of years
Pessac-Leognan south of the city. described the vintage as excellent fol- during the dry summer. The wines are after the harvest.
lowing a “beautiful end to the season.”
“2018 was a vintage with two periods,”
he said at a tasting of wines from the Some growers suffered from mildew
2016 vintage organized in London by the as a result of the wet spring, but most
Union des Grands Crus de Bordeaux. “A were able to handle it and while that may
very wet period until the end of June, reduce yields in some areas, Audoy said
and very dry after July. We can already the rain in spring “wasn’t a problem.”
tell you we have a great vintage.”
Wine consultant Michel Rolland
Bordeaux, which remains the ref- said that 2018 was overall “a beautiful
erence point for the fine wine market vintage” for Bordeaux, but added that
due to its combination of high-quality there was a lot of mildew following
vineyards and relatively large produc- the wet spring weather, which some-
tion, is susceptible to swings in the times caused “tricky conditions” for
weather, unlike New World wine-mak- the vines.
ing areas such as California, South Af-
rica and Australia that tend to have a Weather data on the
more reliable climate. website shows heavy rain in January,
March and April, with wet conditions
Over the past decade Bordeaux has persisting through May, June and into
had exceptionally high quality vin- July, while August and particularly
tages in 2009, 2010, 2015 and 2016, and September were exceptionally dry,
a run of notably more difficult years ideal for the harvest.
between 2011 and 2013, with 2013 be-
ing remembered particularly for be- Hailstorms did hit some growers in a
ing cold and wet. Wine-makers inter- localized manner in May, notably in the
viewed at the London tasting drew Cotes de Bourg region on the right bank
of the Gironde estuary, but this year
30 Thursday, November 22, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
FINE & CASUAL DINING Fine Dining, Elevated
Exciting Innovative Cuisine
Award Winning Wine List
Unparalleled Service
Reservations Highly Recommended Proper Attire Appreciated
Zagat Rated (772) 234-3966 Open 7 Days
2013 - 2017 3103 Cardinal Drive , Vero Beach, FL
Wine Spectator Award
2002 – 2017
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 22, 2018 31
Please send calendar information
at least two weeks prior to your
event to
[email protected]
Satellite Beach Farmers‘ Market, 10 a.m. to
5 p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park on A1A,
Friday Night Lights, watch tennis competi-
tion and exhibition, 6 p.m. most Fridays at Kiwi
Tennis Club, 30 Tradewinds Dr, Indian Harbour
22 Rotary Club of Melbourne Beach Get November 23 | Space Coast Symphony Holiday for Everyone at the Avenue Viera
Up, Gather and Groove Fun Run (2
miles), 8 a.m. at Melbourne Beach Community 24 Plant-Based Brevard Beach Bon- 1 World AIDS Day Bonfire hosted by PFLAG tree Drive, Suite 3. In-dulge in Herbal Culinary
Center on Ocean Avenue. Call (321) Registration fire, 5:30 to 9 p.m. at Pelican Beach Melbourne Space Coast, 6:30 p.m. at Delights-Free Samples Will Be Served. Organic
starts at 7 a.m., donation $10-$20 or equivalent Park, Satellite Beach. Casual meet-up, bring Pelican Island Beach, north access. PFLAG Herbal Chocolates, Culinary Spice Blends,
nonperishable food to benefit the South Brevard your own snacks and drinks. Fire starts at 6 will provide hot dogs/veggie dogs/rolls and Handcrafted Health Bar & Pie Mixes, Healthy
Sharing Center. Kids, families and well-behaved p.m. smores makings! Bring a chair or blanket or Jams & Preserves, & Cheeseball Mixes and
pets welcome. both and enjoy. much more.(321)779-4647.
28 US-TOO Prostate Cancer Support
22 MAC Attack Bootcamp 8:45-9:45 Group meets from 6:15 to 7:45 1 Ocean Reef Beach Festival, 10 a.m. to 5 1 Green Gables Christmas Party, 11 a.m. to 4
($15.00 drop-in fee) and a 90 minute p.m. the last Wednesday of the month at the p.m. at Pelican Beach Park, Satellite Beach. Green Gables at Historic Riverview
dance class at 10am ($10 drop-in fee) at the Mel- Melbourne Public Library, 540 E. Fee Avenue. Celebrate the ocean lifestyle with activities, ven- Village, 1501 Harbor City Blvd, Melbourne. Cel-
bourne Athletic Club. Call (321)425-5838 or go to Call Vanita Gagliani at (321)432-5573 for de- dors and entertainment. www.oceanreefbeach- ebrate the giving spirit and share stories of old for more info. tails. Brevard. Guided tours of Historic Green Gables
will be available (suggested donation for tour
23 Space Coast Symphony Holiday for DECEMBER 1 Mama Jo’s Sunshine Herbals Annual Open is $20). All proceeds go to save and preserve
Everyone at the Avenue Viera kicks House, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., 1300 Pine- Green Gables.
off the holiday season with the annual lighting
of the colorful 35’ Christmas tree at 6:00 PM in Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
front of the AMC Avenue 16 movie theater off in November 15, 2018 Edition 1 OBOE 1 BENEATH
Lake Andrew Drive, Viera. Youth musicians from 4 REDUCE 3 EWER
Quartet Movement, a program of the Space 9 LANTERN 4 RENTED
Coast Symphony, will play holiday favorites on 10 STARE 5 DISORDER
stringed instruments for Black Friday shoppers 11 CLAY 6 CRAZE
as the majestic tree comes to life. Go to www. 12 FEARLESS 7 BLOCKBUSTER or call 855-252-7276 14 BEHOLD 8 MEASUREMENT
for details.. 15 LETTER 13 FLATTERY
24 Small Business Expo, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 20 BRIM 17 ADJOIN
at Wickham Park Community Cen- 22 EVADE 19 LLAMA
ter. Free to the public, vendor tables $15. Call 23 OPINION 21 KIDS
(321)608-7490 for more information. 24 CANYON
24 Downtown Melbourne Annual Tree Sudoku Page 2520 SudokuPPaaggee2531 CrosswordPPaage 5202 Crossword Page 2531 (LIGHT OPERA)
Lighting, on Main Street,5 to 6 p.m. crafts
and kids‘ activities with tree lighting at 6 p.m.
CERTIFIED Windows & Doors Join our directory for the most affordable way to reach out to customers for your service or small business targeting the
Siding & Soffit South Brevard barrier island communitites. This is the only directory mailed each week into homes in 32951, Indialantic,
“Everything You Need To Be” Screen Room’s Indian Harbour and Satellite Beach.
Contact Lillian Belmont, 321-604-7833 [email protected].
[email protected] CGC 1524354
321.508.3896 772.226.7688
32 Thursday, November 22, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
1-2 Stroll Through the Lights, 6:30 December 24 | Cocoa Beach Surfing Santas festival way. No registration is required, event is free to
to 10 p.m. two nights only at the surfers and spectators.
Space Coast Lightfest, Wickham Park, hosted 14-15 Eastminster Presbyterian Church p.m. in the parking lot of the D.R. Schechter Re-
by the Riverside District of the Central Florida Live Nativity, 5 to 7 p.m., outside ser- cration Center. Food and drink, music and ven- 23-28 Space Coast Birding and
Boy Scout Council. Games, hands on activi- vicewithcarolsat6p.m.Saturday,106N.RiversideDrive. dors. Wildlife Festival, various lo-
ties, music and tons of fun! We will have food cations in Titusville.
trucks, pony rides for the kids, homemade 21 24Satellite Beach Police Athletic League Cocoa Beach Surfing Santas festival, 8
crafts, seasonal items, and other fun vendors. Food Truck Friday Family Fest, 5 to 9 a.m. at the end of the Minutemen Cause- 25 Sock Hop dance with music by the
The cost is $5 a person under 3 free-Tickets Rock and Roll Revue, 7 to 10 p.m. at
must be purchased at the gate. the Melbourne Auditorium, 625 E. Hibiscus
Blvd., Dance to music of the 50s and 60s pro-
2 The Nutcracker Ballet by the Brevard Bal- vided by an 8-piece combo with a male vocal-
let Company, 1 p.m. matinee and 6 p.m. ist and a Doo-Wop trio. Tickets $10 available
evening performance at the Performing Arts at the door or any Swingtime or Melbourne
Center at Eau Gallie High School, 1400 Commo- Municipal Band event. Also at WMMB Radio
dore Blvd, Melbourne. Tickets cost $15 for ages in Melbourne, at Marion Music in Palm Bay,
17 and younger, $20 for matinee adult, $25-$30 Brass and Reed Music Center in Merritt Is-
for evening performance adult, and may be land, Guitar Haven in Indian Harbour Beach,
purchased online at Art Gallery of Viera in Viera, Ocean Sports
tickets. World in Cocoa Beach and Genesis Boutique
in Melbourne. Call (321)339-7705 or go to
7 Holiday Tree Lighting in the Eau Gallie Arts for
District, 6 p.m.with music in the bandshell, details.
shopping on Highland Avenue and Santa Claus in
Eau Gallie Square. MARCH
9 Indialantic Chamber Singers Sounds of the 16 Third Annual “Brevard’s Got Tal-
Season, 3:30 p.m. at Eastminster Presbyte- ent” 2019 Competition at the
rian Church, 106 N. Riverside Drive, Indialantic. Melbourne Auditorium, presented by Space
Coast Cultural Arts & Business Organization
9 Space Coast Symphony Youth Orchestra Charities. For more information, visit www.
Winter Magic, 4 p.m. at Highland Fellow-; call/text 321-215-1226 or 321-
ship Church, 1591 Highland Ave, Eau Gallie Arts 431-1614.
District. Admission is free. (321)652-4913.
Spectacular modernist
home overlooks the ocean
1611 Atlantic Street in Melbourne Beach: 3-bedroom, 3.5-bath, 4,356-square-foot oceanfront home
offered for $1.8 million by Dale Sorensen waterfront luxury specialist Eva McMillan: 321-327-6761
34 Thursday, November 22, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Spectacular modernist home overlooks the ocean
STORY BY BRENDA EGGERT BRADER CORRESPONDENT two-level structure with much of the 4-bedroom, 3.5-bath property im- Built-in shelving surrounds space
daily living space found on the sec- maculate as well as welcoming. for a large television on the north wall.
The home at 1611 Atlantic Street is ond floor, where there is a deep, wide Couch and chairs fill the open area fac-
in a choice spot, located on the ocean, balcony upon which to enjoy the The front entrance opens into a ing the ocean. The kitchen and dining
with a 100 linear feet of private beach- ocean view and sea air. large foyer with a staircase on the area combine but are separated by an
front, but also right in the pretty little right that leads to the second floor. immense granite island housing sepa-
town of Melbourne Beach, within In keeping with the clean lines and Ahead through pocket doors is the rate wine and soft drink refrigerators
easy walking distance to shops, res- look of modernist design, the interior living room with long granite bar of- along with stow-away trash bins.
taurants and parks. walls are pale gray, accented with fering casual seating as well as space
white woodwork and darker gray ce- for food and drinks. The sleek modernist kitchen with
The classic modernist home listed ramic tile, making this sophisticated German Miele appliances – refrigera-
for $1,800,000 is a poured-concrete, The bar wall to the right is flanked tor, dishwasher, double wall oven, gas
by two doorways, each entering a first- cooktop and coffee maker – is com-
Todd Ostrander Top 1% of Brevard floor bedroom complete with huge pletely open to the living area, on the
“Door to the East Shore” ® County Agents walk-in closets. Each room has an ad- opposite side of the island bar.
321.749.8405 joining bathroom with vanity, glass
Over 175 Million door walk-in shower and commode. A walk-in pantry holds floor-to-
One bedroom accommodates a king ceiling shelving and has space for the
SOLD! bed with ease, the other a queen bed. microwave. Here, too, continues the
classic gray and white color palette.
Hall of Fame Service areas are found on the
Producer north end of the home. The large “You don’t hear any noise from the
oversized double-car garage has a street, due to the poured concrete,” door from a hallway that also allows said Eva McMillan, a Dale Sorensen
[email protected] access to an A/C and hot water tank listing agent known up and down the
storage room. Another door off the island as a luxury waterfront specialist.
Opening Doors To the Beaches & More! hall opens to the backyard, walkway “All you hear are the waves crashing on
and wooden steps that extend down shore from your upstairs living area.”
the dunes to the wide, sandy beach.
A bonus room, found off the family
Heading up the crisp, uncluttered room, could be a small bedroom, or
staircase, you encounter a spectacular be used as it is now, as a great office
view of the ocean seen through an en- space with ocean view.
tire wall of sliding impact glass doors
running from the family room through The master suite continues the
the dining area to the kitchen. calming gray and white palette. The
spacious bedroom easily accom-
Direct Riverfront in Melbourne - $699,500 Lakefront home in Montecito - $419,000
Great pool home in Indialantic - $449,000 Convenient in Satellite Beach - $275,000
Representing Both Buyers and Sellers With Their Best Interest in Mind!
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 22, 2018 35
modates a king-size bed and seating The home’s location is as stellar as services – is 15 minutes or less by car. Year built: 2011
area, and, of course, enjoys a stun- its design and finishes. It is easy walk- “This is a prime location,” McMil- Architecture: Outstanding
ning ocean view. The walk-in closet is ing distance to shops, restaurants
the size of another room, literally. and parks in the charming seaside lan said. “It is minutes to cityside be- modernist design
village of Melbourne Beach and less cause it is so close to the causeway. Construction: Poured concrete
The huge bathroom, with an en- than two miles from the Melbourne
trance from each side of the bedroom, Causeway that connects the island to To view the home, contact Eva Mc- on pilings with stucco finish
holds an elegant free-standing tub, the mainland. Downtown Melbourne Millan, luxury waterfront specialist Lot size: 16,117 square feet
walk-in glass and tile shower, com- – with all its shops, restaurants and with Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Indi- Home size: 4,356 total square ft
mode, bidet and double sink vanity. alantic, 321-327-6761 or emcmillan@ Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 3.5
View: Wide-open ocean views to
the east; view of nature preserve
Additional features: 100 linear
feet of private beachfront, ex-
pansive oceanfront balcony, im-
pact glass windows/doors, south
view is of a nature preserve, city
water/sewer, walking distance to
Melbourne Beach shops, restau-
rants and parks, 15 minutes by
car to downtown Melbourne via
the nearby causeway
Listing agency: Dale Sorensen
Real Estate, Indialantic
Listing agent: Eva McMillan,
luxury waterfront specialist,
321-327-6761 or
[email protected]
Listing price: $1.8 million
36 Thursday, November 22, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Nov. 9 to Nov. 15
The real estate market was steady last week in island ZIP codes
32951, 32903 and 32937. Melbourne Beach led the way with 7 sales,
followed by Satellite Beach with 5, and Indialantic and Indian
Harbour Beach each reporting 3 transactions.
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Realtor David Settgast had a big week,
representing sellers in two sales that each topped $2 million.
In Melbourne Beach, the oceanfront home at 8345 South Highway
A1A was placed on the market March 26 with an asking price of $3.5
million. The sale closed Nov. 15 for $2.9 million. The purchaser was
represented by Tara Hughes of Waterman Real Estate.
In Indialantic, the riverfront home at 1412 South Riverside Drive was
placed on the market Aug. 10 with an asking price of $2.59 million. The
sale closed Nov. 15 for $2.1 million. The purchaser was represented by
Brian Greene, also of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s.
$424,500 $1,100,000
CRYSTAL LAKES SUBD 250 ROSS AVE 5/30/2018 $1,400,000 $395,000 11/9/2018 $768,300
NONE 8685 S HIGHWAY A1A 4/13/2018 $649,900 $1,300,000 11/9/2018 $124,000
MATANILLA REEF AT AQUARINAA 7442 MATANILLA REEF WAY 12/26/2017 $130,000 $649,900 11/9/2018 $420,000
A1A CONDO PARK CONDO 2710 PAYNE CT 10/12/2018 $439,900 $130,000 11/13/2018 $305,000
OCEAN RIDGE 213 SANIBEL WAY 9/2/2018 $395,000 $429,900 11/13/2018
WILCOX MELBOURNE BEA 507 1ST AVE 7/6/2018 $319,900 11/14/2018 $399,900
SILVER PALM CONDO 2805 N HIGHWAY A1A 505 3/2/2018 $468,000 $399,900 11/13/2018 $185,000
INDIALANTIC HGHTS 2 585 BAHAMA DR 4/12/2018 $399,900 $399,900 11/13/2018 $280,000
GOLDEN BEACH EST 1ST 250 HARBOUR DR E $299,900 11/15/2018 $227,000
LYME BAY SEC 3 PART 436 HAWTHORNE CT SALES FOR 32937 $209,900 11/15/2018 $320,500
DE SOTO PARK 660 JAMAICA BLVD $290,000 11/9/2018 $426,500
EAU GALLIE SHORES 308 LEE AVE 7/24/2018 $319,900 $239,900 11/9/2018 $409,250
INDIAN HRBR BCH S8 302 WIMICO DR 6/27/2018 $224,500 $329,000 11/9/2018 $337,000
SILVER SANDS CNDO P2 297 HIGHWAY A1A 211 1/12/2018 $349,900 $448,000 11/9/2018
VILLA DEL MAR SEC 1 205 DESOTO PKWY 10/26/2018 $239,900 $419,000 11/14/2018
EAU GALLIE BY THE SE 640 POINSETTA DR 10/11/2018 $329,000 $340,000 11/14/2018
9/8/2018 $448,000
9/25/2018 $429,000
9/21/2018 $340,000
STORY BY BRENDA EGGERT BRADER CORRESPONDENT for the company’s latest project.
What will these new luxury homes
A major new luxury condominium
community is coming to Melbourne’s and their residents bring to the down-
riverfront. Paramount Riverfront town community?
Condominiums will rise as twin
10-story towers on acreage overlook- “The Paramount condominiums
ing the Indian River at 1445 Harbor will add to the number of people living
City Blvd. (U.S. 1). downtown and we suspect they will be
frequenting the downtown businesses,
“Located a few blocks from down- just from the proximity of the location,”
town Melbourne, Paramount Riv- said Cindy Dittmer, city of Melbourne
erfront Condominium will offer 68 community development director.
direct riverfront luxury residences,” “Residents will experience the down-
said Maurice Kodsi, owner of Tricon town and there are a lot of jobs close to
Developments, a Brevard County that location. So people looking to live
company that has built 40 oceanfront close to their job, or just five to 10 min-
and riverfront condominium struc- utes away, will begin to create a little
tures over the past 39 years. Kodsi more of that urban environment.”
projects a 2- to 3-year buildout period
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 22, 2018 37
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: None, Address: 8685 S Highway A1A Subdivision: Matanilla Reef at Aquarinaa, Address: 7442 Matanilla Reef Way
Listing Date: 4/13/2018 Listing Date: 12/26/2017
Original Price: $1,400,000 Original Price: $649,900
Recent Price: $1,300,000 Recent Price: $649,900
Sold: 11/9/2018 Sold: 11/9/2018
Selling Price: $1,100,000 Selling Price: $768,300
Listing Agent: Theresa Daukshus & Listing Agent: Renee Winkler &
Barbara Van Dam Carola Mayerhoeffer
Selling Agent: Selling Agent:
Melbourne Beach Properties,Inc Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
David Settgast Lynn Burley
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Burley Properties
Subdivision: Lyme Bay Sec 3 Part, Address: 436 Hawthorne Ct Subdivision: Eau Gallie Shores, Address: 308 Lee Ave
Listing Date: 6/27/2018 Listing Date: 10/26/2018
Original Price: $224,500 Original Price: $239,900
Recent Price: $209,900 Recent Price: $239,900
Sold: 11/15/2018 Sold: 11/9/2018
Selling Price: $185,000 Selling Price: $227,000
Listing Agent: Thomas Englert Listing Agent: Paul Frommann II
Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise
Audra Farley Paige Lane
Coldwell Banker Paradise Keller Williams Realty, Brevard
38 Thursday, November 22, 2018 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Crystal Lakes Subd, Address: 250 Ross Ave Subdivision: Ocean Ridge, Address: 213 Sanibel Way
Listing Date: 5/30/2018 Listing Date: 9/2/2018
Original Price: $424,500 Original Price: $439,900
Recent Price: $395,000 Recent Price: $429,900
Sold: 11/9/2018 Sold: 11/13/2018
Selling Price: $360,000 Selling Price: $420,000
Listing Agent: Laura Downey Listing Agent: Misty Morrison
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: RE/MAX Alternative Realty
Benjamin Glover Jill Wallace
National Realty of Brevard RE/MAX Elite
Subdivision: Silver Sands Condo P2, Address: 297 Highway A1A 211 Listing Date: 9/8/2018
Original Price: $448,000
TO ALL IN OUR COMMUNITY Recent Price: $448,000
Sold: 11/9/2018
Happy Thanksgiving Selling Price: $426,500
Listing Agent: Lee Romano
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Aerospace Realty
25 PINEHILL DR • INDIALANTIC, FL 32903 RE/MAX Aerospace Realty
PRICE REDUCED! - $599,000 Subdivision: Villa Del Mar Sec 1, Address: 205 Desoto Pkwy
4 BEDROOM / 3 BATHROOM 2,715 SF Listing Date: 9/25/2018
.47 ACRES GATED PROPERTY • SPARKLING POOL Original Price: $429,000
Recent Price: $419,000
Selling Price: $409,250
Listing Agent: Taylor Sentz
Selling Agent: RE/MAX Elite
Steve Brandon
RE/MAX Aerospace Realty
David Curri
[email protected]
Get Your Home Value Today, Visit:
Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, November 22, 2018 39
The restaurant and bar scene in ums, and they will be successful in with space for meetings and a gather- to $700,000.” Penthouse units will be
historic downtown Melbourne has selling those.” ing room for residents.” priced higher, at $1,324,900.
been steadily developing in recent
years, Dittmer said. And now, there “It is a wonderful location,” said The steel-reinforced, concrete-block There will be 9-foot ceilings up
are people who live and work in the Kodsi, “close to downtown amenities, condominium buildings will be built through the eighth floor, with 10-
area 24 hours a day. and near the [Orlando Melbourne to withstand up to “140 mph winds foot ceilings on the ninth and 10th
International] airport, all the new in- along with impact glass windows and floors. Sound shield underlayment is
“We have a hotel project [located dustry coming into Melbourne, and sliding glass doors,” Kodsi said. planned in the tiled areas to prevent
behind Meg O’Malleys Restaurant the cruise lines in Cape Canaveral.” noise from penetrating to units below.
and Irish Pub] that was recently ap- Each home will have granite coun-
proved, again to bring people here 24 The condominiums will feature tertops in the designer kitchen, a pan- “We are pleased this project is mov-
hours a day, seven days a week,” Dit- views of the river and include ameni- try, breakfast bar, upgraded appli- ing forward,” said Melbourne Mayor
tmer said. “When we looked around ties such as covered parking, gated ances with French-door refrigerator, Kathy Meehan. “These new condo-
the United States, we see that is the entry and a heated swimming pool. glass cooktop, combination double miniums will be a welcome addition
way to keep downtowns sustainable. The units include the choice of two oven with convection, dishwasher to the outstanding variety of housing
It is a trend that we have been encour- layouts with three bedrooms, two and garbage disposal. Private balco- choices Melbourne currently offers.
aging and we were heading in that bathrooms, laundry, kitchen and din- nies will have panoramic river views. The development’s proximity to the
direction before the economy went ing/living room with balcony. city’s major employers and the down-
south [during the 2008 crash]. Now “The sixth floor up will present pos- town entertainment district makes it
that the economy has strengthened “Garages will be under the build- sible ocean views as well as the river an attractive option for prospective
again, you see the new condomini- ing at street level with direct access to views,” said David Omler of Palm Re- employees considering a move to our
the lobby,” Kodsi said. “A clubhouse alty, sales agent for the project. “Pric- community.”
will be created in the recreation area, es for most units range from $490,000