Plans unveiled for new luxury
community in Shores. P10
‘Poker Run’ looks
to come up aces. P24
Annual ‘Taste of Vero‘
draws beachside crowd. P22
For breaking news visit
MY VERO Vero arts groups
take stock of cuts
BY RAY MCNULTY in state funding
How frequent are delays
on Elite Airways flights?
Elite Airways flights from Vero facing final hurdle to electric sale in PSC BY MICHELLE GENZ
Vero to the northeast – New Staff Writer
Jersey, New York and now BY LISA ZAHNER news for Vero Beach, but with The good news was the PSC
Maine – have been a big hit Staff Writer some complex analysis that staff recommendation that The drumbeat of news alerts
with island snowbirds and an will keep supporters of the sale the Commission on June 5 about possible arts funding
even bigger hit with real estate A long-awaited Florida Pub- of the city’s electric utility to approve the sale and amend cuts began just as Vero’s cul-
brokers who say convenient lic Service Commission staff Florida Power & Light on ten- FPL’s service territory to in- tural season was reaching its
access provided by the flights recommendation was released terhooks until the PSC meets clude Vero’s 34,000 customers peak, staffers so swamped
has opened the Vero market late last week with some good next week. with shows and concerts they
to new buyers. CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 hardly had time to inhale.
But over the past few They managed a collec-
months, I’ve heard from read- tive gasp, though, when they
ers complaining that they had learned in March that state
experienced lengthy delays matching grants many rely on
and flight cancellations while had been slashed by a stag-
traveling – or attempting to gering 90 percent.
travel – on Elite, particularly
on its wildly popular, non-stop Today, as their audiences
service between Vero Beach head north or settle in for the
and Newark, N.J. lassitude of summer, Vero’s
signature cultural institutions
So I made a few calls, cu- are taking stock of the blow
rious to find out if there’s a dealt them by a governor and
problem our local officials state legislature who consider
might need to know about. the arts non-essential.
Here’s what I’ve learned: The cuts in the state’s Divi-
There’s no way to verify wheth- sion of Cultural Affairs recom-
er these complaints have merit mended matching grants will
IRMC may charge non-emergency copay to ease ER crowding
BY MICHELLE GENZ those patients who are medi- ty’s Hospital District – which Owner of half-sunk boat facing charges. Story, P8. PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD
Staff Writer cally indigent and arrive with exists to provide medical care
a non-emergency, what is not to indigent residents of the
When patients arrive at the assessed is a copay. county – reimburses IRMC for
emergency department of In- any expenses.
dian River Medical Center, they In other words, if someone
are assessed by a medical team with little or no income and That policy appears on
to determine the urgency of no insurance shows up at the the verge of changing. In the
the illness or injury. Patients ER for treatment of a non- hopes of thinning out the
also provide financial and emergency condition, they seemingly eternal ER logjam,
insurance information. For are not required to pay for hospital officials are consider-
treatment. Instead, the coun-
May 31, 2018 Volume 11, Issue 22 Newsstand Price $1.00 St. Ed’s 2018
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© 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
My Vero which, as a customer service, rank In 2018, in fact, there are only 18 car- not even required to keep internal re-
many of the world’s airlines, from riers reporting these numbers, which cords of their on-time performance.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 global titans to U.S.-based regional cover non-stop, scheduled-service
carriers, according to their records for flights between points within the U.S. Which prompted me to ask: Does
because nobody keeps track of Elite’s on-time departures and arrivals. and its territories. Among them are the Elite keep those records?
on-time performance or its reasons three major airlines – American, Delta
for flight delays and cancellations. The reason? Elite’s operation is so and United – as well as JetBlue, South- John Pearsall, Elite’s president, said
small that it isn’t worth monitoring. west, Spirit, Allegiant and Frontier. he could provide “no numbers” per-
Not the Federal Aviation Adminis- taining to his airline’s on-time perfor-
tration, which, I was surprised to dis- According to the BTS, only airlines Elite is not on the BTS radar. mance on flights arriving in and de-
cover, doesn’t monitor such things. that generate at least one-half of one “There is no requirement on airlines parting from Vero Beach because it’s
percent of the total, scheduled-ser- that do not meet the revenue threshold such a “small market.”
Not the U.S. Department of Trans- vice, domestic passenger revenues for reporting,” Dave Smallen, the bu-
portation’s Bureau of Transportation are required – under federal law – to reau’s director of public affairs, wrote in As for recent complaints about
Statistics (BTS), which does keep such report their on-time performance and an emailed response to my questions. delays and cancellations, Pearsall
records but receives mandatory re- provide the reasons for flight delays. Indeed, Smallen said below-the- blamed the weather in the Northeast,
ports only from larger carriers. threshold airlines, such as Elite, are which did endure a rough winter and
Elite doesn’t produce enough an- snowstorms into March.
Not even those travel websites, nual revenue to meet that threshold.
“We’ve had a small number of delays,
just like many other airlines, but nothing
extraordinary,” Pearsall said. “Mostly, it
was because of weather issues. There
were a lot of severe storms in the North-
east and we had to adjust. We have no
control over air traffic control.
“It’s not a systems or operational
issue at all,” he added. “If it were, I’d
have an explanation and the way we’re
going to correct it.”
Some delays, however, were caused
by mechanical issues, or at least that’s
what some travelers here were told.
Orchid resident Phil Coviello said
his daughter was delayed twice on
Elite flights at Easter time – for five
hours in Newark on Good Friday and
three hours in Vero Beach – because of
mechanical problems.
He said that while he was waiting
with her and his grandchildren in the
Vero Beach Regional Airport lobby, he
spoke with several others who com-
plained about delays of up to five
hours and cancelled flights.
“l was not the only one talking about
it,” Coviello said. “I spoke with a few
John’s Island people who were wait-
ing for the plane to take off, and they
weren’t happy.
“I’m sure some of the delays were
weather related, especially during
the winter,” he added. “But the delays
I’m aware of, and the ones I was told
about, were almost exclusively related
to mechanical problems.
“If this keeps up, I’m worried that
Elite is going to develop a poor reputa-
tion for reliability.”
Why worry?
Coviello said if residents reach a
point where they no longer trust that
Elite can get them to their destination
on schedule – some use the airline for
business purposes, especially in the
New York area – they might opt to fly
another airline out of Melbourne, Or-
lando or West Palm Beach instead.
“If something happens [to delay
your flight],” he said, “you have op-
tions at the other airports.”
And if bookings decline here, Elite
might decide to discontinue its service
to and from Vero Beach.
“That could hurt the city’s image,”
Coviello said.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 3
That’s one good reason the city zoos and race car museums) now that, for the first time, the museum In a bright note, Fellsmere got a state
should be proactive and do what the amounts to .00028 percent of an $88 was awarded a matching endowment windfall in 2015-16 – a $500,000 grant
feds won’t – keep track of Elite’s on- billion budget. As a result, Florida’s na- grant of $240,000. to build a public activity space around
time performance and maintain a tional ranking on arts spending slipped the historic Fellsmere school, but the
record of the reasons cited for delays from 10th in the country to 48th. The decline was precipitous there- overall downward trend continued.
and cancellations. after. By the next fiscal year, program
The downward trend began after grants to the museum and Riverside Last year, total state funding for non-
Another is this: Our community has a banner year for funding in 2014- were cut by more than half, to $62,000 profit cultural organizations dropped
entered into what amounts to a part- 15, when Riverside and the Museum and $68,000 respectively. The The- from $25 million to $2.6 million. By
nership with Elite, and we have a right of Art both won their full program atre Guild got $16,689, down from the contrast, the legislature this year voted
to know if the airline is operating as grant requests of $150,000. On top of $35,000 recommended.
“It’s not that we couldn’t do it,” Vero NEW LISTING
Beach Airport Director Eric Menger
said of monitoring Elite’s performance. Exclusively John’s Island
“And if it’s necessary to help our cus-
tomer base, we’ll certainly look at it. Sited on .75± acres along Lake La Roche, is this desirable 4BR/3.5BA retreat.
Boasting 5,841± GSF, this home enjoys a spacious island kitchen, adjoining
“But it’s nothing we’re required to do, family room, formal dining room and living room with fireplace. Adding
and I don’t know that there’s a reason privacy, the split floor plan houses a gracious master suite, study, den with
to,” he added. “Our general feeling is fireplace and wet bar in the south end, and two guest suites in the north. Lush
that, 90 percent of the time, we’re fine. landscaping, outdoor living areas and a 2-car garage round out this picture.
So, at this point, it would be a luxury.” 575 Coconut Palm Road : $2,375,000
Menger said his “main concern”
is making sure the airport meets the
Transportation Security Administra-
tion’s requirements, especially as Elite
adds flights and destinations.
However, Menger said he knows
Elite has experienced some lengthy
delays, because of both bad weather
and mechanical issues. And he ad-
mitted that he does occasionally hear
griping from frustrated passengers
waiting for the flights to depart.
Often, he said, the complaints are
relayed to him by airport personnel.
“I’ll get them indirectly from mem-
bers of the staff, who’ll tell me, ‘We
had a couple of unhappy people to-
day,’” Menger said. “But most people
understand that airlines can’t fly un-
less it’s safe.
“I’ve had people say, ‘No problem,”
and go have lunch or dinner at C.J.
Cannon’s,” he added. “Some people, if
it’s going to be a long delay, will just go
home and come back when they need
to. That’s one of the conveniences of fly-
ing out of a small airport close to home.
“The bottom line is: It’s more im-
portant to have a safe flight than it is
to be on time. Usually, we get both.”
Maybe we do.
But until somebody starts keeping
track of Elite’s on-time performance and
reasons for flight delays, we won’t know.
And we should.
State funding for arts three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
costRiversideTheatreandtheVeroBeach 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
Museum of Art $140,000 each. McKee
Botanical Garden will lose $100,000.
Smaller but still important Vero arts
groups, including the Theatre Guild,
Ballet Vero Beach and Vero Beach Op-
era, will get next to nothing under the
new protocols.
Florida’s spending on arts and cul-
ture (a term loose enough to include
4 Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
State funding for arts year when he applied for money not
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 through program support but for proj-
ects – namely, his new ballet, “Nut-
to give the for-profit tourism industry cracker by the Indian River.”
subsidies of $77 million.
Debuted last season and intended
Indian River’s total state support for to be performed each year around
the arts for next year is a paltry $29,932. Christmas, the original ballet with its
That breaks down to $9,800 for River- large cast, extravagant sets and hand-
side and the Museum of Art, though made costumes requires on-going
both were approved for $150,000 by staging expenses, including stage set-
the Division of Cultural Affairs. up, dancers’ pay and special effects.
McKee will get $7,012, though it Last year, the state came through
was approved to receive $115,000. The with $25,000.
Theatre Guild, which was approved
for $50,000, will get $3,200. “What threw us off is that the gen-
eral program support fluctuates from
Vero Beach Opera got the OK from year to year, but they never touched
the Division of Cultural Affairs for the the project grants,” said Schnell. “We
$25,000 it applied for, but when Tal- assumed that it was still safe, [even]
lahassee came back with only $1,000, when the news came out that they
the group decided it wasn’t worth fill- were cutting. Then they kept cutting
ing out the paperwork. and they kept cutting, further than
they ever had before, and suddenly,
“We decided the amount of time the bulletin came out that they gutted
and work to do reports, etc., was not the project grants.
worth it, so we declined,” said Joan
Ortega-Cowan, president of the opera. “It was shocking,” he said.
Schell understands that other is-
Robyn Orzel, director of develop- sues arose that moved lawmakers as
ment at the Vero Beach Museum of well as their constituents. There were
Art, said she and other staff along with expenses after Hurricane Irma in the
members of the board wrote letters to fall. Then came the school shooting
legislators telling them that “this re- in Parkland that ultimately prompted
ally hurts,” and asked donors to do the $400 million in spending that includ-
same. ed money for school fortification and
armed police at every school.
“Given the economic impact of cul- At the same time, funding was grant-
tural organizations across the state, ed to arts organizations that skipped
one of the biggest things that’s hard to over the rigorous review processes of
get your arms around is that the state the Division of Cultural Affairs and
is not willing to support that. That’s entered their request directly into the
what’s unfortunate,” Orzel said. budget proposal. In all, more than $2
million was doled out to those unvet-
“We understand the amount we get ted causes, almost the same that went
is based on the budget,” continued to the Cultural Affairs recommended
Orzel. “But the fact is that it was basi- recipients.
cally reduced to nothing.” “That’s what is frustrating for a lot
of people,” said Schnell. “At least we
She said the museum will try not to are going through a legal process and
cut programming “if we can help it.” a step by step process, whereas, if a
congressman says I want this muse-
“We have to balance a budget every um in my district, they can tack that
year,” Orzel said. “We’re pretty con- on. Scott funded these projects that
servative in what we forecast in future had nothing to with the recommend-
years. We never put in $150,000 from ed grants.”
the state of Florida. If it comes in, Schnell points out that unlike other
great, and if it doesn’t, we just have to Florida counties known for their cul-
find it however we find it.” tural vitality, the Indian River County
Commission allocates no funding for
Orzel a 67 percent of the muse- the arts, though it collects a bed tax to
um’s budget comes from donations. support tourism.
When combined with membership Sarasota County, by contrast, gave
fees and earned revenue in the form $2 million to arts organizations last
of tuition for art school, income year, all of it coming from its tourist
from individuals jumps to 95 per- tax. The city of Jacksonville gave out
cent of the budget. $2.2 million in grants to arts nonprof-
its last year. Palm Beach County’s Cul-
The museum’s grant, as well as Riv- tural Council distributes some $4 mil-
erside’s and McKee’s, typically comes lion in bed tax money, with the County
from what the Cultural Affairs division Commission and the city of West Palm
calls general program support. Other Beach kicking in additional grants.
grant categories include money for “We’re a little bit cut off at the knee
buildings and specific projects. by not having municipal funding,”
said Schnell.
It was those categories that took
the hardest hit in the state’s 2018-19
budget. They, along with endowment
grants, were effectively zeroed out.
Adam Schnell, founder and artistic
director of Ballet Vero Beach, thought
he had used a prescient strategy last
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 5
Schnell commended arts advo- rector of the Cultural Council in In- area’s economy. “Grall’s staff is amaz- said he had not heard of the concerns
cacy groups including the Division dian River County. ing,” she insisted. “I would give them of Indian River arts organizations,
of Cultural Affairs and the local Cul- information and they would offer to though he added he was not assigned
tural Council for “making it easy to Hoffman said she went several take it themselves to Sen. (Debbie) to that subject area. “They had $400
communicate with legislators,” citing times to the office of state Rep. Erin Mayfield’s office.” million they had to find,” said Steele,
Barbara Hoffman, the volunteer di- Grall, a Republican, to give presenta-
tions on the importance of arts to the Patrick Steele, an aide to Mayfield, CONTINUED ON PAGE 6
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6 Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
State funding for arts Beach Dramaworks, and even the Palm IRMC may charge ER copay with other lower-cost agencies, in-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 Beach Zoo. Each organization was rec- CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 cluding Treasure Coast Community
ommended to receive $150,000 and in- Health Care, the Health Department
referring to the funding package to re- stead was granted around $10,000. ing charging a fee to those people who and Whole Family Health Center, all
duce school shootings. up till now have been treated for free. of which also receive District funding
In Brevard County, the story was for indigent care. All charge a co-pay,
As for Grall’s office, “they’re not re- the same: The Historic Cocoa Village The hope is that a copay would though it can be as low as $10 and en-
sponding,” said Hoffman. “I have not Playhouse, ranked among the top discourage medically indigent peo- forcement can be lax.
heard anything from them.” ten in the state on the Cultural Af- ple with non-emergency issues from
fairs scored list, managed to get only heading straight to the hospital when “If you go to Treasure Coast Health,
“It may come back strong next year, $10,270 of the $150,000 it was ap- they would be better treated by a pri- they’re going to try to collect some
it may not,” said Schnell, who has let proved to receive. mary care physician in a clinic. money from you,” Jones said. “If the
his “amazing” donor base know that ER says ‘No, we’re not going to ask
the ballet can no longer count on the The Brevard Symphony, which also The size of the copay discussed at the you for money,’ that makes it pretty
state and will have to make up the loss performs in Vero under the Indian May hospital finance committee meet- simple” for a patient without money
with donations and ticket sales. River Symphonic Association, got ing where the subject first came up, and to decide where to go.
$5,973 of the $92,300 it was approved later at a meeting of the Hospital Dis-
“It’s one of those things – it’s a busi- for. The King Center received $9,573 trict board, was $50 to $60 per visit. That theory struck a chord with
ness. A healthy arts organization has out of $150,000. The Brevard Zoo got nearly all the District trustees, none
a real mix of grants, private donations a similar fraction of the $150,000. In “I don’t object,” said District Trustee more emphatically than Karen Deigl,
and earned income,” said Schnell, a all, Brevard received $69,929 between Allen Jones, who also sits on the hos- CEO of the county’s Council on Aging.
former professional ballet dancer who a dozen cultural organizations. pital’s finance committee. He told his
has a master’s degree in arts adminis- fellow District Board trustees that the “The reason people are going [to
tration. “We have statistics from 2015 hospital’s interim CEO Karen Davis the ER] is because it’s free,” said Deigl.
where all of Florida participated in had brought the subject up and asked “If we start putting a charge on them,
Other arts organizations within range a study to show the economic ben- for the District’s opinion. they’re going to start going to Treasure
of Vero also had their funding slashed. efits of arts and culture locally and Coast, the Health Department, the
Atlantic Classical Orchestra, which is statewide. The millions of dollars “The ER is not designed for primary VNA bus. We just need to put a charge
based in Fort Pierce but has audiences that these organizations give back to care,” said Jones. “It’s clogging up the there – 50 bucks, that’s it.”
inVero, Stuart and Palm Beach Gardens, the government is significantly more emergency room. Certainly, those
was approved for $75,000; it got just un- than what they give us in the grants,” doctors and nurses want to take care “Then you have to go fund those
der $5,000. Hoffman said. “That paints a very dif- of anybody who comes in. But the pri- places,” said trustee Ann Marie Mc-
ferent perspective in the importance ority has to be emergencies.” Crystal, a retired registered nurse. She
In Palm Beach County, the cuts af- of arts and culture and what it means thinks the outflow from the ER would
fected the Kravis Center, Palm Beach to get these cuts.” Jones believes a copay would put lead to an influx at other locations and
Opera, the Flagler Museum, Palm the ER option on an equal footing create another issue for the District.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 7
It wasn’t clear whether Davis’ sug- to educate patients on their options be- cussion of the possible change that the report are significant victories.”
gestion includes after-hours trips to yond the pricey and less personalized took place at the District’s chairman’s But in a 23-page document loaded
the ER, when indigent patients – like care of the ER. How effective that pro- meeting in mid-May was tabled until
anyone else – are worried or suffering gram is has proven difficult to assess. the merger with Cleveland Clinic is in with detailed financial and legal anal-
but have few options available for low- place. ysis, the PSC staff indicated it doesn’t
er acuity care. Jones pointed to a document pre- think acquiring Vero’s 34,000 custom-
sented at the finance committee meet- That is so the District Board knows ers warranted FPL’s $185-million-plus
“The thing we don’t want is for peo- ing by hospital CFO George Eighmy exactly where it stands in terms of purchase offer.
ple to feel it’s a penalty for being in the that showed District-covered indigent charity care coverage at the hospital
position they are in,” said Ann Marie ER reimbursement fell slightly – by 1 before making any police changes. What this will mean to the sale re-
Suriano, executive director of the Hos- percent – in the five-year span ending mains to be seen. The PSC staff did not
pital District. “That is not the intent.” in 2017. The drop appears to be con- Cleveland has said if it acquires in its report posit its own view of a fair
tinuing in 2018 and is projected to fall IRMC, the hospital will follow the purchase price, but the possibility of
She urged the board to work collab- another 10 percent in 2019. guidelines for its Florida division, but the full commission insisting that the
oratively with the hospital to “do some those guidelines, slightly different gap between $185 million and some
communication that feels right for the “We gave credit for that principally to from those of its Ohio hospitals’ poli- lesser value be bridged by FPL – either
patient, ahead of time, that effective Obamacare,” Jones said. “People pre- cy, were still being clarified, according out of shareholder funds or by impos-
on ‘x’ date, this is going to come into sented at the ER, but they had insur- to trustees. ing a temporary “surcharge” on the
play. This is important so that they re- ance where they didn’t have it before.” utility bills of the acquired Vero cus-
ceive the best care.” So far, negotiations have not yet be- tomers – cannot be excluded.
As the District Board and hospital gun on a definitive agreement for the
“Best care” is a constant refrain as consider imposing an ER copay on the Cleveland Clinic acquisition of IRMC, The lion’s share of the $185 mil-
hospitals try to change habits that poor seeking non-emergency care, though hospital officials continue to lion FPL agreed to pay is going to buy
drive lower-income patients to use the Hospital District is simultaneously say it is expected in early July. Vero out of its entanglements with the
the ER as a family doctor’s office. Be- thinking about offering help to more Florida Municipal Power Agency (a
cause of changing shifts at the ER, people. Vero electric sale $108 million exit fee) and its wholesale
patients often are seen by different CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 power purchase contract with Orlando
practitioners on different visits – At Jones’ request, District staff has Utilities (another $20 million).
doctors and nurses not familiar with spent six weeks researching the benefits in and outside the city.
their medical histories – in contrast and consequences of enlarging the pool This positive sign should not be FPL officials have long maintained
to a primary care clinic, where a doc- of patients it covers. that the Vero electric acquisition has
tor or nurse frequently has seen the overlooked, said utility activist and been carefully crafted in such a way
patient before. That would come by raising the in- CPA Glenn Heran. “Don’t forget that that its existing 4.9 million custom-
come ceiling for medical indigency those first two recommendations in ers would not be adversely impacted
Currently, a District-funded initiative from 150 percent of the federal poverty – a key issue for the PSC – and for-
has a team of navigators in the ER trying guidelines to 200 percent.
A free-wheeling, wide-ranging dis-
8 Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Owner of half-sunk boat by 17th St. Bridge to be charged
BY RAY MCNULTY hamas," Lightsey said. "He can waive his FWC matter, but we felt we had an ob- According to the FWC, the catamaran
Staff Writer rights to the vessel or have it moved. Ei- ligation to remove the fuel and not risk burst into flames shortly before 8:30 a.m.
ther way, the boat has been there for sev- any harm to the environment. April 10, when its mast struck a power
Nearly two months after a 35-foot eral weeks, so he's going to be charged." line just south of the 17th Street Bridge.
catamaran hit a power line by the 17th "We didn't want to wait for the FWC
Street Bridge, caught fire and caused a Lightsey said state prosecutors prob- to have the boat removed." County Fire Rescue officials said the
temporary power outage, the crippled ably would drop the criminal charge, boat had been tied to an island dock,
vessel last week remained partially however, if the owner promptly removes Lightsey said the boat could be re- broke free and drifted toward the west
submerged in the Indian River La- the boat from the lagoon or waives any moved from the lagoon in the next few end of the bridge. No one was aboard
goon, just south of the bridge. claim to the yacht-sized vessel. days if the owner decides to take action the vessel when it caught fire.
on his own, or in the next few weeks if
It could be July before it is removed. The owner also must agree to pay all the owner waives his rights to the dam- The FWC has not publicly identi-
Lt. Dustin Lightsey of the Florida Fish costs incurred by the FWC and any oth- aged vessel so that the state can act. fied the boat's local caretaker.
& Wildlife Conservation Commission, er agency in the removal of the boat.
which has police jurisdiction over state Otherwise, the boat likely will remain A Fire Rescue boat extinguished
waters, said the boat has been declared a "The statute also holds the owner in the lagoon – just offshore from the the flames, but the vessel sustained
"derelict vessel" and that the owner will civilly liable for any costs associated Fairlane Harbor neighborhood's seawall, heavy damage.
be criminally charged for abandoning it. with the boat having been abandoned," south of the city's water-treatment plant
Under Florida law, abandoning a said Lt. Darrin Riley, the FWC's state- and clearly visible from the 17th Street The explosion that occurred when
derelict vessel in state waters is a first- wide derelict vessel coordinator. "That Bridge – for another month or more. the catamaran's mast hit the power
degree misdemeanor, punishable by a includes removal of the vessel, drain- line caused a power outage in some
maximum of one year in jail, a $1,000 ing the fuel, damage to other property That's because, Riley said, due process areas of the island.
fine or both. and even the investigation." protections under federal law require the
Lightsey, who oversees FWC pa- owner be given 45 days to remove the Vero electric sale
trols of the waters in Indian River and Among those with a civil claim is the boat and pay any civil claims before the CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
southern Brevard counties, refused to city of Vero Beach, which hired a con- vessel can be seized by the state.
identify the boat's owner, saying only tractor to remove the remaining fuel mer Shores Mayor Brian Barefoot ex-
that he's in the Bahamas. from the boat to prevent a leak that The 45-day countdown began Fri- pressed confidence FPL and the PSC
"We're working the case and our of- could contaminate the lagoon. day, Lightsey said, adding, "We prefer would negotiate a solution.
ficer has contacted the owner in the Ba- the owner remove the boat."
"We spent about $5,000 to drain the “There’s a lot of pressure on the PSC
fuel, so we'll try to recover that mon- Lightsey said the vessel does not to get this thing done. There would be
ey from the owner," Vero Beach City pose a navigational hazard to other
Manager Jim O'Connor said. "It's an boaters because it is a safe distance
from the channel.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 9
a public outrage if the commissioners are not allowed to funnel informa- Spokesperson Sarah Gatewood said awaiting a full briefing from FPL on
deny it,”Barefoot said. tion back to commissioners from FPL. “we are reviewing the staff’s recom- what the PSC report means and what
So it’s a somewhat complex dance for mendation and look forward to dis- options might be available. “It is still
FPL can continue to negotiate with FPL’s legal and financial team. cussing our petition further with the under review by FPL to determine what
the PSC staff, and with aides to the Commission on June 5.” is being said,” O’Connor said.
commissioners, but parties to a poten- FPL declined to address the possibil-
tial agency action cannot petition the ity of a “surcharge” on newly acquired Vero City Manager Jim O’Connor Vero rates are currently 27 percent
five PSC members directly, and aides Vero electric customers. and Mayor Harry Howle said they were
10 Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Plans unveiled for new luxury community in The Shores
BY LISA ZAHNER built above ground-level parking so ogy to expand the development and er options,” Lutgert project manager
Staff Writer that it overlooks the ocean, with 12 make it truly beachfront. Mike Hoyt said last week.
single-family homes arranged along a
One year after Indian River Shores private street occupying the space be- Efforts to meet with FIT officials to After deciding to write off the FIT
auctioned off a five-acre oceanside tween the condo and A1A. pursue that purchase delayed plan- property part of the deal, Lutgert de-
parcel to the Lutgert Companies, the ning for the development, according signed Surfsedge to fit on the five acres
Naples-based developer has submit- Lutgert executives said last year they to Lutgert. it owns, which run down close to the
ted plans for a proposed luxury-home hoped to break ground on the first beach but are separated from the sand
community called Surfsedge. model home around January 2018. “We had hoped there would be some by a strip of county property.
At that time, the company was inter- connection with the FIT site but after
Plans show a 12-unit condominium ested in purchasing a nearby property we submitted a proposal, FIT went If the PZV Board approves rezoning
spanning the east end of the parcel, owned by Florida Institute of Technol- dark and we haven’t heard anything the parcel and recommends approval
other than they were considering oth- to the Town Council, the plan should
go before the Town Council on June 28.
“If we are approved on June 28 we will
proceed with finalizing the site draw-
ings and obtaining the site develop-
ment plan approval,” Hoyt said. “This
should have us starting infrastructure
construction and marketing for the
homes before the end of the year and
starting construction on the first homes
just after the start of the new year.”
Florida Institute of Technology
spokesman Wes Sumner could not
clear up the mystery of what’s hap-
pening with the shuttered Vero Ma-
rine Lab site owned by FIT. The Indian
River Board of County Commissioners
made a bid for the property last year,
and private buyers, including Lutgert
Companies, have expressed interest,
but FIT has not been responsive.
Sumner last week would say only,
“We discontinued operations at the
lab some time ago in preparation for
the sale of the property. No update on
the sale at this time.”
Vero electric sale
higher than FPL’s rates for the same
amount of power consumed. Should
Vero ratepayers be subjected to a “sur-
charge,” it could mean paying the cur-
rent Vero rates a while longer.
Or FPL could convince the PSC that
it can absorb the full $185 million
without impacting its customer base.
Given some of the main reasons for
the sale – improved reliability, and elimi-
nation of the risks faced by Vero if it con-
tinues to operate an aging utility system
– turning over the keys now to FPL, then
getting low FPL rates later, might still be
a good deal for the city compared to be-
ing stuck in the utility business.
The unanimous approval by FMPA
members of Vero’s release from the
FMPA is an achievement that was once
said to be impossible – but the $108
million exit penalty FMPA members
agreed to is only good for a finite pe-
riod. In short, the closing had better
happen before the deal starts falling
Valedictorian Spencer Lindenthal (center) with
salutatorians Sana Shareef and Allison Eidemueller.
12 Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Fashion Unmasked’: It’s chic to focus on mental health
Camille Yates, Maggie Creelman and Jean Dergay. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 14
Jamie Cain, Fé Domenech and Shotsi LaJoie.
BY MARY SCHENKEL silent-auction items and posed for pro- mother and father had mental health extreme depression and anxiety even
Staff Writer fessional photos, everyone gathered issues, including alcoholism; both died without any underlying mental illness.
in the main dining room for the Mo- in their 50s.
Looking to remove the stigma of chachino fashion show. “I believe that many New Horizons
mental health issues, New Horizons “Twenty years later, I’m at a reunion clients were either raised by mentally
of the Treasure Coast enlisted the sup- Wearing masks created by area art- at my grade school and my mother’s ill and/or addicted parents or are men-
port of local ladies to model chic fash- ists to represent the unmasking of true psychiatrist, the father of one of my tally ill themselves,” said LaJoie. Add
ions by Sabre Mochachino at a festive identities and self-expression and the classmates, was there. I’d grown up all poverty to the mix, “I cannot imagine
Fashion Unmasked fundraiser last removal of the shame associated with my life not knowing what the problem how they survive. I lived in a house
Monday evening at the Quail Valley mental illness, were models Diane An- was; no one explained it. As kids we that had no poverty and it still created
River Club. Presenting sponsors were thony, Susan Byerley, Grace Carlon, knew there was alcohol, but we were problems for us.”
Jodi Harvey and Gene Atkinson. Melanie Coppola, Lewana Dupree, not told what the issues were; what it
Sammy Fashona, Janice Fleisher, Cin- meant,” said LaJoie. Proceeds from the event will go to-
In addition to celebrating May as dy Goetz, Laura Guttridge, Diamond ward client services at the two Vero
Mental Health Awareness Month, Litty, Stacey Miller, Alexandra Pava- As they had both passed away by Beach outpatient offices. Open 24
the event raised funds to benefit New rini, Sana Shareef, Patricia Snodgrass then, he explained that her mother’s hours a day, 365 days a year, New Hori-
Horizons, which offers inpatient and and Tracey Zudans. alcoholism likely stemmed from her zons does not turn anyone away due to
outpatient services to individuals extreme shyness – she couldn’t leave a lack of financial resources.
dealing with mental health and sub- The evening also featured enter- the house without a drink – and that
stance abuse issues. The organization tainment by vocalist Dana Ashton and her father was likely bipolar. “All of this “I have to tell you, New Horizons has
currently serves 14,000 children and dancers Maddie Mcintosh and Payton time, their drinking and crazy behav- been a Godsend for me; they’ve been
adults annually, regardless of their Duke, and a talk by keynote speaker ior was probably caused by an underly- such an advocate in helping my sister,”
ability to pay. Shotsi LaJoie, a licensed mental health ing mental illness.” said Camille Yates. “They’ve helped get
counselor. her through her mental illness so she
Following a cocktail reception, LaJoie noted that 57 percent of New can have as normal a life as possible.
where guests perused a selection of LaJoie shared that despite grow- Horizons’ clients are indigent; no sur- She’s been a patient for 15 years, so I’m
ing up in a privileged household, her prise in that living in poverty causes very, very grateful.”
14 Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 John Romero and Lisa Rymer. Laura Guttridge, Sabre Mochachino and Bobbie Guttridge.
Ellie and Bob McCabe with Diamond Litty.
Lewanda Dupree and Stacey Miller. Dr. Johnson and Dana Hagood with Jodi Harvey and Gene Atkinson. Cori Lamm and Tara Wright.
Dr. William Kelley, Susan Byerley and Gregg Casalino.
Cindy Goetz, Tracey Zudans, Nicole Dugan, Lindsay Naffziger.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 15
John’s Islanders go above and beyond for charities
BY MARY SCHENKEL an organization’s structure, financ- very generous,” Wessel reiterates.
es, board effectiveness and how well These John’s Island Foundation
Staff Writer the agency mission is carried out, a
follow-up audit process ensures that grants are on top of the $1.025 mil-
As they consistently demonstrate, the funds are being utilized as in- lion granted this year by the John’s
John’s Island residents are un- tended. Island Community Service League
equaled in their generosity to this to fund the operational and program
community, each year contributing “I’m humbled by being the presi- expenses of 39 agencies whose focus
to organizations individually and dent of this organization, but I can’t is on health, education and human
through private foundations as well emphasize enough that it’s due to services, and in scholarships to chil-
as through their two hugely philan- the people of John’s Island being so dren of John’s Island employees.
thropic funding groups – the John’s
Island Foundation and the John’s Is- Ken Wessel, Emily Sherwood and Don Kittell.
land Community Service League.
Faced with an ever-growing need
in the community for assistance, nonprofit agencies in our commu-
John’s Islanders continue to meet nity since its inception 19 years ago.
the demand by donating increasing-
ly large amounts to fill the coffers of “We have noticed that some of the
local charities. newer members of John’s Island have
recognized what we are doing and
The John’s Island Foundation have been very serious contributors.
recently announced the distribu- The Leadership Circle (contributions
tion of $612,000 in grants to 19 local of $5,000 and up) went up to almost
agencies, primarily those that serve 47 percent last year and it’s growing.
the disadvantaged by providing ba- We knew it was going to take some
sic human needs, such as food, shel- time, but that’s where the newcom-
ter, special needs and healthcare ers come in as well; some are coming
assistance, abuse prevention/safe- in at that level,” Wessel adds.
ty, and education. Dollar amounts,
ranging from $3,700 to $50,000, were “A few years ago we worked hard
presented to assist the charities with at strengthening our brand, because
essential capital expenditures. sometimes it’s hard for people to un-
derstand the difference, when they
“It’s been a marvelous year,” says first come here, between the John’s
Ken Wessel, who heads into his sec- Island Foundation and the John’s
ond term as board president, quickly Island Community Service League.
giving credit to the enormous gener- We complement the work that the
osity of John’s Island residents. Service League does, so that we are
able to help the people in need in In-
“The people of this community dian River County.”
have been very, very supportive, and
the board has been very active and Every grant application is re-
willing to try new things. We’re the viewed by a committee that includes
only one, to my knowledge, in Indian nine site captains and 35 team mem-
River County to give grants strictly bers. The grants awarded this year
for capital needs, and that makes a include funding for computers and
difference. other technology, passenger vans,
furniture, exercise and playground
“One interesting fact,” says Emily equipment, generators, portable
Sherwood, JIF development/market- classrooms, office and building ren-
ing chair, “roughly 90 percent of all ovations, refrigeration equipment
funding received is distributed as and even equipment needed to con-
grants, because we only raise fund- nect to the city’s waterline.
ing through an annual appeal to res-
idents. We’re proud of that.” The four largest grants will enable
the renovation of the Big Brothers
The industrious executive com- Big Sisters “little house,” the pur-
mittee has undergone a couple of chase of hurricane-proof windows at
changes going into the next season: Gifford Youth Achievement Center,
Pat Brier has assumed chairmanship generators and a 12-passenger van at
of the Grant Review committee, after Hope for Families Center, and doors,
working this past year with Jay An- windows, flooring and cabinets for
glada, who has stepped down from the St. Francis Manor expansion.
the position; and Margie Wheeler
has taken over the position of secre- “We are very, very conscious of
tary from Carole Parks. governance,” says Wessel. He notes
that in addition to initial reviews of
With these recent distributions –
the 2017-18 funding again exceeding
that of prior years – the John’s Island
Foundation will have granted more
than $10.57 million to 84 different
16 Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Crush of excitement at ‘Birthday Angels’ wing-ding
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF its mission of providing a birthday cel-
Staff Writer ebration for every homeless child living
on the Treasure Coast.
Guests lifted their glasses last Sat-
urday evening at the Summer Crush The Pietsch family initially began
Vineyard & Winery during Crushin’ It hosting birthday bashes for homeless
at the Winery, a fundraiser in support children in August 2014 and has since
of the nonprofit Little Birthday An- brightened children’s lives by celebrat-
gels. Proceeds from the evening will ing 475 birthdays. Little Birthday Angels
help enable the organization to meet is currently serving 200 children resid-
ing at transitional housing facilities.
Rachel and Jurgen Schwanitz with Angel Pietsch. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Lori and Tony Donadio. Tony and Katy Mish.
Ryan Weaver Insurance Inc. is a locally owned It was while dropping off a used In addition to shelters, the nonprofit
and operated independent agency. Located in the game to the Hibiscus Children’s Vil- has recently begun delivering gifts
CenterState Bank Building, just off of Miracle Mile lage that Angel Pietsch and her sons, to homeless children at Oslo Middle
and across from Classic Car Wash in Vero Beach. Hunter and Seth, first discovered that School and Gifford Middle School in
because of their circumstances, most Indian River County and to the Weath-
Serving Vero Beach for over 10 years! of the children living there either no erbee Elementary School in Fort Pierce.
All lines of commercial or personal insurance available. longer, or had never, celebrated their Homeless advocates at the schools pro-
birthdays. The family took it upon vide the Birthday Angels with informa-
Contact any one of our professional agents for a quote! themselves to throw birthday parties tion so that the nonprofit can purchase
for the children at Hibiscus and later age-appropriate gifts for those home-
Melissa and Ryan Weaver, 855 21st Street added the Hope for Families Center, less children not residing in one of the
Agency Owners CenterState Bank Building the Samaritan Center and SafeSpace. shelters they serve.
2nd Floor – Vero Beach “Some of these children have never Saturday’s continuing rain may have
had a birthday party,” shared Angel dampened the grass but certainly not
(772) 567-4930 Pietsch. Once a month, volunteers the spirits of the guests, who enjoyed
decorate a room at the shelters and dinner, sipping on a selection of the
[email protected] provide games, cupcakes, goody bags winery’s Florida wines, listening to and birthday presents for a group cel- the music of the Sunrise Jazz Combo,
ebration. having sessions in a photo booth and
bidding on enticing silent-auction and
“All of the children get a lap desk, live-auction items.
toiletries, practical items and some-
thing the child put on their wish list,” Instead of crushin’ grapes at the
adds Pietsch. winery, guests had a stompin’ good
time dancing under the pavilion to
Pietsch said that many people the sounds of raindrops falling on the
are unaware that more than 3,000 tropical-themed garden.
homeless children currently live on
the Treasure Coast – Martin, St. Lu- For more information, including wish
cie and Indian River counties. More list items and details on how you can
than 400 of those children reside in join the party, visit littlebirthdayangels.
Indian River County. org.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 17
Vickie and Doug Cooley. Hunter and Seth Pietsch with father, Brian Pietsch. Vicki and Bill Baird with Jessica Hembree.
Don Seither, Shawna Holmes and Dep. Milton Rosario. Monique Coleman and Kenyetta Linton. Richard and Donna Clements.
Erik Ugi and Veronica Kolibab. Susan Garman and Rita Polizzi.
Loretta Kaul, Julie Serra, Sarah Garrett and Tina Scala.
18 Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
St. Ed’s Class of 2018 empowered to seize the future
Staff Writer
The seniors who walked across the Cassidy Paradis and David Pyles with Tracey Pyles and Susan Pyles. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Bruce Wachter and Father Tommy Matthews.
stage of the Waxlax Center for the
Performing Arts last Saturday morn- the lives of these 62 seniors,” said entitled. At this stage, you are en- letic highs and lows, and theater hits.
ing during the 45th Commencement Head of School Mike Mersky. titled to very little. The good news “This short list of memories
Exercise at Saint Edward’s School is that you can start earning your fu-
emitted a mixture of bittersweet “My hope for the Class of 2018 is tures right now.” doesn’t even begin to encompass all
emotions. that they feel passion and commit- the unique experiences and bonds
ment in their lives well beyond the Valedictorian Spencer Lindenthal that have been formed over the last
As Bruce Wachter, retiring Associ- years of learning and formal educa- acknowledged that “while the school four years by the Class of 2018,” said
ate Head of School and Head of Up- tion.” has given me along with my peers the Eidemueller.
per School said his final goodbye, he opportunity to do great things with
noted the graduates had dedicated Guest speaker Scott Mohr com- the next part of our lives by pushing “Today marks a combination of
7,000 hours in service, and as they pared the life changes he and the us to our potential and fostering our our successes, our roadblocks and
leave for college will touch every geo- students have encountered together growth, it is what we do with our po- at times our failures,” added Sha-
graphic region in the nation, three during his tenure at Saint Edward’s. tential that will define who we are.” reef. “This day took 14 years in the
outside the U.S. and the United States “You got your driver’s license – I got making, and we should celebrate
Naval Academy. a marriage license. You are no lon- Salutatorians Allison Eidemueller the heck out of it.”
ger children, and now I have a child and Sana Shareef reflected on events
“We celebrate with great confi- of my own.” of the past four years and noted ac- As its class gift, the Class of 2018
dence, joy and pride but also with complishments of the class, citing ev- has enhanced student spectator
the emotions that remind us that Mohr added, “St. Edward’s has erything from academics to the arts seating in the baseball outfield so
this marks their time to leave us and empowered you to meet the chal- and sharing insider tidbits on chemis- that future generations of Saint
the time for them to begin the next lenges and changes our world faces. try lab experiments, fiery physics, ath- Edward’s Pirates can support their
phases of their journeys,” Wachter You are important, but you are not classmates in comfort.
explained. “Graduation commence-
ment is not the destination but a
milestone in the journey through
Attorney and Board of Trustees
Chairman Kevin Barry winnowed
down his philosophy to three lessons:
Don’t be afraid to fail, seek out men-
tors and do not engage in groupthink.
“Be yourself and don’t succumb to
pressure. Be comfortable in your own
skin and don’t be afraid to challenge
the group.”
“Graduation is truly a commence-
ment to an exciting new chapter for
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 19
Baerbel O’Haire with Tom Otto, Sarah Otto, Claudia Kelly, Thomas Kelly and Annemarie Otto Jack Dobson, Aidan Taylor, Drew Eidemueller and Maximus Jenkins.
Sydney Stowe, Nancy Chapin, Barbara Kluckas and Stevie Cappelen. Beth Zamerski, Bronia Jenkins, Monica Jennings, Anita Meadows and Jacquie Flynn.
Geoff and Edie Collins with Bennett and Owen. Frantz and Daphne Succes with Nick Succes.
20 Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Doers’ get their due at Special Olympics Clambake
BY CHRISTINA TASCON event also included a trunk show of
Staff Writer jewelry by Idalia Baudo.
After weeks of gray, soggy days, the “Tonight is supposed to be a cozy
sun shone brightly at Costa d’Este party to thank our sponsors and sup-
Wednesday evening as guests gath- porters,” said Irina Fernandez, re-
ered poolside for a Nantucket-style search and development consultant
clambake to raise awareness and do- for Special Olympics of Indian River
nations for Special Olympics Florida. County. “All the movers, shakers and
In addition to delicious seafood, the doers are here tonight.”
In addition to a need to increase
Ray Stines and Irina Fernandez. Trisha Torre. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Jaime Sanchez and Favio Paguada. Grace McDevitt and Wendy Eiler.
funding so that additional athletes ness and compassion. It wasn’t until
can participate, Fernandez hoped that moment that I realized for the
that the exposure would also encour- first time that I did not have to try
age additional volunteers to get in- and act differently, and I could fi-
volved – working on the management nally be myself and fit in. It’s about
team, as sports coaches and at the inspiring individuals to help make
various sporting competitions. their dreams a reality.”
There is a wide variety of sporting Torre said her dreams came true
events open to the athletes, includ- when she was hired to work at Mir-
ing basketball, bocce, bowling, cy- acle Mile Publix, helped build her
cling, equestrian, golf, soccer, stand- own home with Habitat for Human-
up paddle-boarding, swimming and ity, and began winning ribbons and
surfing. awards at state competitions.
The highlight of the evening was “Winning is awesome, but even if
a talk by 40-year-old Trisha (Trish) I don’t win a medal I go home with
Torre, an athlete who Fernandez said the same pride and think, maybe
exemplifies the spirit and vision of next year I can accomplish this.”
Special Olympics.
Noting that there are roughly
Torre was born three months pre- 2,000 special needs individuals in
maturely, leading to partial brain the county, all of whom are able
damage and an intellectual disability, to participate for free, Fernandez
which in no way has held her spirit shared her desire to host a black-tie
down. She said Special Olympics fundraising gala in February.
changed her life by instilling confi-
dence, teaching her social and life- “We have 309 athletes in Indian
management skills, and providing River County, but we can double
her with numerous opportunities. that number by raising more funds
to pay for the cost,” said Fernandez.
“The first sports I did were basket- “We’re helping the most vulnerable
ball and ice skating. My main focus population of this county, people
was basketball, because I am a die- who can’t help themselves, by pro-
hard KU (University of Kansas) fan. viding an outlet to be accepted and
Watching them play I thought, maybe fulfilled in the community. We are
I can be good like them,” said Torre. fulfilling the dream Eunice Ken-
nedy had in 1968 by founding the
“At first I did not know what to Special Olympics organization and
think, but then I made new friends we are following her legacy.”
who treated me with respect, kind-
22 Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
‘Taste of Vero’ attendees savor beachside flavor
BY MARY SCHENKEL from some of Vero’s most popular eat-
Staff Writer eries.
The Oceanside Business Association OBA sponsors helped man the
was put to the test with this year’s Taste booths and various musicians enter-
of Vero, but Mother Nature eventually tained attendees as they waited to be
sympathized – offering up a gloriously served, chatting with old friends and
rain-free evening last Wednesday. It making new ones.
was a perfect night for a stroll along
Ocean Drive to enjoy delicious tastings “We always overcome whatever
problems come up, but it’s been a
stretch to have the Taste of Vero this
Oscar Sales, Garett Schiefer and Brittany Swartz. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Chris Bireley. ters on the half-shell and the Wave
Kitchen’s tuna poke, to the shrimp
year on all angles,” said Georgia Irish, cocktails served up by Rhonda’s Sea-
OBA board president. An earlier-than- food and Joey’s Seafood Shack (along
usual Easter pushed the date to May 16, with meltingly good eggplant), tropical
but then severe thunderstorms forced crab salad from Vero Beach Yacht Club
a postponement. and Cobalt’s seafood salad. Folks got a
little messy eating Ocean Grill’s crab
“If it’s a light rain or misty it’s OK, cake stuffed mushrooms, and Counter
but when the weather is really bad, we Culture’s zoodles with sautéed shrimp,
want people to be safe. Riverside (The- but nobody minded. Ethnic foodies
atre) was awesome in working with us enjoyed Siam Orchid’s spicy octopus
– not only selling the tickets but also salad and grilled pork, and Blue Agave’s
helping those ticket holders who need- carne asada tacos, while those favoring
ed a refund – because that takes a lot of simpler fare preferred Sean Ryan Pub’s
effort on their part.” chicken salad, Artisan Café’s buttery
croissants and Bistro Fourchette’s fri-
A few of the 450 tickets were still sée salad with goat cheese crostini.
available at the start of the event, but
fortunately, the beautiful weather The Osceola Bistro booth drew long
brought people out, leading to tickets lines, and not just for the conch fritters
and food being quickly gobbled up. and corn dogs. After Chef Chris Bireley
announced the restaurant would close
The restaurants presented an as- that week, many came to wish him
sortment of dishes to suit everyone’s well. “I’m a Vero-onian; I’m not going
taste and, to wash it down, American anywhere,” said Bireley, adding that he
Icon Brewery, Treasure Coast Seltzer, hoped to find a partner and eventually
the OBA and Sip, Sip Hooray offered an open another restaurant. “Something’s
assortment of liquid refreshments. going to happen; it’s all good. I’m ready
for the next chapter.”
There were lots of seafood dishes,
from the Green Marlin’s yummy oys- Proceeds from Taste of Vero help
fund beachside beautification proj-
ects, such as streetlight banners and
flowers boxes; events including Sun-
set Saturday Night Concerts, Farmers
Market, Christmas Parade and side-
walk sales; and various undertakings
in conjunction with the city.
“We’re a group of professionals that
take commerce seriously and com-
munity seriously,” said Irish. “We care
about what happens on the beach –
from the safety aspect to beautification
to the various business and restaurant
sectors. Everyone has a piece of the pie
down here and we’re trying to keep it
as friendly and cohesive as we can.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 23
Georgia Irish and Anne Ellig. Stacey Luppino, Susan Keller Horn and Doris Kwek. Larry and Linda Hiegel with Jane Ford.
Lilly Ann Lovell. Ciera Reed, Jason Miles, Brittany Beatty, Mari Parsons, Linda Beatty, Kelly Peters and Audra Bradley.
24 Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Coldwell ‘Poker Run’ looks to come up aces for lagoon
BY NICK SAMUEL Indian River Lagoon Council.
Staff Writer The real estate firm hopes to raise
Blending smart business with civic- at least $5,000 to fund educational
mindedness, Coldwell Banker Para- programs focused on improving the
dise is sponsoring a Poker Run Open health of the Indian River Lagoon,
House from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday, said the company’s chief financial of-
June 3 that combines a wide range of ficer, Steve Schlitt.
open houses with a poker tournament
and fundraiser designed to benefit the “It’s a great time to work together
as a community and raise awareness
about the importance of saving our
Coldwell Banker Paradise co-owners Linda Schlitt Gonzales and Steve Schlitt.
Indian River Lagoon,” said Schlitt. portant,” Schlitt said. “The idea is to
“We know the heaviest damage to our create energy, excitement and to raise
lagoon happens during our wet sea- money for a good cause.”
Residents can view a map of the
Their Poker Run Open House will open houses at the Coldwell Banker
span four counties, allowing residents Paradise website; a final list will be
an opportunity to tour a wide variety available the day of the event. Schlitt’s
of homes on the market, while gath- sister, Linda Schlitt Gonzalez, presi-
ering a playing card at each home. dent of the real estate company, said
The more houses a “player” visits, the they hope to have 100 homes available
more cards he or she will accumulate. in the four counties.
Participants can turn in their best
five-card poker hand at the last open There is no cost to participate. Par-
house for a chance to win prizes, in- ticipants can visit as many homes as
cluding three $1,000 grand prizes in they want, but they can only get one
Brevard, Indian River, and St. Lucie/ card from each home. Coldwell real
Martin counties, Schlitt said. estate agents will give house tours and
distribute the cards.
The event is hosted by agents from
Coldwell Banker Paradise, which de- The event is not restricted to home-
scribes itself as the area’s oldest and buyers; participants can visit the
largest full-service real estate com- homes simply to pick up cards and
pany. The prize money and the chari- play the game, if they want, Schlitt
table donation will be raised by real said.
estate agents, homeowners and com-
munity sponsors, Coldwell Banker He added that they are following the
Paradise Communications Director footsteps of their parents, Ed and Mar-
Lisa Djahed said. guerite Schlitt, who started a tradition
of supporting good causes when they
“To us, being part of the community founded the company in 1953.
and giving back has always been im-
The Indian River Lagoon is a nation-
ally recognized shallow-water estu-
ary that stretches along 40 percent of
Florida’s east coast. The waterway has
suffered multiple health issues such
as contaminant loading, degradation
of water quality, loss of seagrasses and
mangroves, and emerging diseases in
marine mammals.
“Since the Indian River Lagoon cov-
ers the same footprint as we do on the
Space and Treasure Coast, and we are
all part of the ecosystem, we wanted
to do something significant to give
our support,” Schlitt said.
For details on the open house loca-
tions and how to enter, go to open-
26 Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
With conservator Merk-Gould, art is in good hands
BY ELLEN FISCHER Linda Merk-Gould.
In her professional career, art con-
servator Linda Merk-Gould has often
accepted the term “art restoration” to
describe what she does, “because that’s
what people understand,” she says.
“There is a real big philosophical
definer of what a conservator is, ver-
sus a restorer,” she adds.
“I am definitely a conservator.”
Merk-Gould explains that the te-
net of her profession is that a conser-
vator’s work – from piecing together
the fragments of an Attic vase to
placing a protective coating on a Ro-
din – should be 100 percent revers-
ible. When a newer, better way to
protect, preserve and present the art
object comes along – or if additional
scholarship or a missing component
turns up that changes the way the
object should look – previous treat-
ments can be removed or reversed
without harming the original parts
of the object.
Merk-Gould’s specialty is conserv-
ing outdoor sculpture. The business
she founded in 1982, She is not accepting new clients.
Fine Objects Conser- “At this point, I keep it small and
vation Inc., received manageable – and enjoyable,”
contracts to work on she says.
everything from a pri- You might ask how some-
vately-owned collec- one gets to be an object
tion of monumental conservator. After all, it’s
Henry Moore sculp- not exactly the job little boys
tures to the Statue of and girls dream of. It wasn’t for
Liberty. On Lady Lib- Merk-Gould, either.
erty, she minimized “I wanted to
the appearance of dis- be in nuclear
tracting tars drips on physics,” she
the statue. In 1911 coal says. Growing
tar was painted on the up during the
interior of the copper 1960s, she was
statue to seal it and captivated by the
had since oozed out be- nation’s focus on
tween the seams. science.
“We landed on
Merk-Gould, who re- the moon for the first
located to Vero Beach time. That’s what cap-
roughly one year ago, tured a lot of people’s
closed her business in imagination.”
2012, but continues to By the time Merk-
selectively practice her Gould entered Welles-
craft. She has clients in ley College, her interest
Florida with whom she had turned to archae-
had worked since the ology. As an adjunct to
1980s, and sometimes that subject, a profes-
acts as a consul- sor suggested that
tant to curators she study mate-
with whom she rial science, a
has worked in field in which
the past.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 27
new materials are discovered or de- the leap. She opened her own conser- tall Statue of Freedom that stands atop The trial lifting was the most
vation studio in Westport, Conn., and the dome of the U.S. Capitol building. nerve-wracking.
signed. never looked back.
Designed by American sculptor At first the sculpture was lifted
She undertook that study at M.I.T., “If you are an entrepreneur, you’re Thomas Crawford in Rome, the plaster only a few inches above its base to
an entrepreneur,” she says. for the statue was sent in sections to ensure that it was entirely free of
a half-hour bus ride away from Washington to be cast in bronze. The the nuts and bolts that had held it in
Sparked by the Bicentennial cel- finished statue of a robed woman with place for 130 years.
Wellesley. Merk-Gould explains that ebrations of 1976, America’s new plumed cap was set on top of the newly
awareness of its cultural heritage completed Capitol dome in late 1863. “Nobody had worked on it system-
an educational relationship between soon turned into concern for its atically since its installation in the
public monuments. Many of these, The first challenge was getting the middle of the Civil War,” she says.
several private colleges in the region erected in the 19th century, needed sculpture – which tops out 288 feet
professional conservation in order above the ground – down, so that “When we did the initial lifting, we
“makes it easy to take unusual class- to ensure they would last well into Merk-Gould could work on it. It was found pennies that had been insert-
the future. too high to be reached by crane, so ed between the base of the sculpture
es that one college has and another she and Gary Strand, a structural en- and the dome by workmen to com-
“My graduate thesis had been on gineer, devised a way to safely convey memorate the event. Bringing those
doesn’t have.” corrosion removal methods,” says the sculpture to earth by helicopter. to the curator of the capitol was an
Merk-Gould. exciting moment.”
“That facilitated exploring,” she
She notes that people had long
says. used sandblasting to clean public
buildings and monuments, but by
She did research in M.I.T.’s ancient the mid-1980s, that technique had
been found to irreparably dam-
materials lab with renowned metal- age stone and metal surfaces. For
Merk-Gould, the challenge became
lurgist Dr. Cyril Stanley Smith. to develop techniques that would ef-
fectively remove corrosion without
Her study of archeology also intro- erasing the hand-worked surfaces of
bronze sculptures.
duced Merk-Gould to the restoration
She consulted with a water jet
of ancient objects; she interned in specialist at the University of Mis-
souri in Rolla, Dr. David Summers,
the objects conservation lab at Har- concerning the possibility of using
a pressurized jet of water sculpture
vard’s Fogg Museum under the lab’s
director, Arthur Beal. With the help of some corroded
“I just fell in love with the problem- bronze plaques lent to her for that
purpose by the City of New York,
solving of what materials are made
Merk-Gould and Summers did
of, how people made them, how you tests on the plaques as well
as some un-corroded pieces
store them, and respect how they
of bronze. The technique
were made,” she says. worked beautifully. Their
findings were ultimately pub-
Merk-Gould eventually dropped lished by John Hopkins Uni-
versity and presented at a cor-
archeology in favor of her new love; rosion industry convention in
the mid-1990s.
her B.A. from Wellesley is in Art and
Merk-Gould used water jet
Ancient Materials. That was followed technology on the 1992 proj-
by an M.A. in Sculpture Conserva- ect to clean, re-patinate and
place a protective coat-
tion at the Queen’s University in ing on the multi-fig-
ural monument to
Kingston, Ontario. She subsequently President James
A. Garfield that
interned at the University of Penn- stands in the na-
tion’s capital.
sylvania Museum of Archaeology “The architect of
the capital at that
and Anthropology in Philadel- time, George White,
was very support-
phia, and at the Bishop Museum ive of the work,” says
in Hawaii. The following year
she was awarded
Her first full-time position the contract to
was as assistant conservator at the nearly
the Los Angeles County Museum
of Art. There she worked with
artifacts of bronze, silver and
gold from the museum’s Heera-
maneck Collection of ancient
Near Eastern art.
A stint as assistant conser-
vator at the Indianapolis Mu-
seum of Art followed, before
Merk-Gould took the po-
sition of director of the
Conservation Depart-
ment at Harvard’s
Peabody Museum
of Archaeology
and Ethnology.
During her ten-
ure at the Peabody,
Merk-Gould did
some conservation
work on the side for
private collectors and
small museums. She
soon began to weigh
the possibility of go-
ing into business
for herself full
time. In 1982
she took
28 Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Skyland’s the limit: His musical journey endures
BY KERRY FIRTH Paul Skyland. clear, impassioned vocals and an inti- of them actually made it to record
Correspondent mate style, his appeal was infectious; labels and got air play.”
PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD transforming the stage into a personal
In a day when contemporary mu- experience that touched his audienc- Skyland says his first recording
sic is often filled with profanity and “I spent years and years play- es. Forty-five years later, he’s still cap- was made in 1974 in an 8-track for-
social commentary, it’s refreshing to ing on college campuses, festivals tivating audiences with a golden voice mat, adding with a laugh, “for those
listen to ballads and love songs that and performing arts theatres. I’d go and melodic acoustical guitar. old enough to remember 8-tracks.”
actually touch the heart. Paul Sky- wherever people would listen,” says
land is a frequent performer at local Skyland. Skyland’s repertoire of more than His next, a 45-record entitled “Give
restaurants. 400 songs, drawn primarily from me your Love,” received a lot of air
And listen they did. Replete with easy listening, adult contemporary, play and some regional recognition
“I was born in Maryland but spent country and light-rock genres, spans after its release in 1978 with Venture
all of my formative years in Colora- a broad spectrum of ages and musi- Records.
do,” says Skyland. “John Denver was cal preferences.
a huge influence in my life and is one “Strangely enough, that song was
of the reasons I pursued music as a “As we get older, we start thinking re-released just last year by the Nu-
career. I never really wanted to do about our life and identifying those mero Group record label as part of a
anything else. As a teenager I picked things that really matter,” Skyland compilation of previously recorded
up the guitar, taught myself to play ref lects. soft rock songs. Imagine my surprise
and started a high school band.” when they contacted me,” says Sky-
“Our preferences change with our land. He adds with a smile, “It only
Skyland says he considered pursu- thinking. I now appreciate the mu- took 40 years to get my first signing
ing a career in philosophy, psycholo- sic of my parent’s generation; singers bonus with a record label.”
gy or the social services field, but af- like Perry Como and Andy Williams
ter a year in college could not ignore are classic and timeless. I incorpo- He credits his children as the im-
his creative calling. He decided to rate them into my show right along petus for relocating to Vero Beach
drop out of school and began play- with my favorite singers like Dan Fo- with wife Carole. His oldest son, Dr.
ing professionally in coffee houses gelberg and James Taylor. Of course, Jason Radecke, is a bariatric surgeon
and small venues in Colorado, be- I tailor my music selections to the at Sebastian River Medical Center.
fore moving east to follow the main- audience. I’ll play more Jimmy Buf-
stream college market. fett at a casual, seaside venue and “Yes, my given name is Radecke,
more Andy Williams at a fine-dining but my chosen stage name is Sky-
venue.” land,” he explains.
Skyland’s sensitive expression has Their daughter, Jessica Rojas, is
earned him recognition as a song- employed as a prevention special-
writer as well. ist and program specialist with the
Indian River County School District
“I’m a sucker for a song that tells a and, while youngest son, Joshua Ra-
story,” he explains. “Lyrics were such decke, remains in Charleston, S. C.,
an intricate part of the music of the they visit often.
’60s and ’70s and something that is
missing in today’s heavy metal, pop “My beautiful wife Carole, to
genre. If my music doesn’t do any- whom I’ve been married for 42 won-
thing else, I hope it conveys who I derful years, was ready to retire from
am and what I believe in. I want the nursing and I was looking for an eas-
listener to see and feel me. I love to ier life where I wouldn’t have to tour
incorporate some of my original as much,” says Skyland.
songs into my performances. Some
“Since our family is everything to
us, we moved right along with them.
We are very proud of the professional
accomplishments our children have
achieved. But we are most proud of
the sensitive, compassionate, car-
ing individuals they are, while try-
ing to make the world a better place.
There is absolutely nothing more
important to me than my family. I
feel very blessed that I was able to
support their dreams and ambitions
by perusing my own dream of artis-
tic expression. I am very grateful for
all that life has given me. Honestly,
I just want to be remembered as a
good husband, father, grandfather
and also a child of song.”
Skyland is a frequent performer at
Squid Lips in Sebastian, The Thirsty
Turtle in Port St. Lucie, and On the
Edge in Fort Pierce. He welcomes the
opportunity to get involved with lo-
cal charity events and fundraisers as
a way to give back to the community
that has embraced him.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 29
Coming Up: Wine and Film Fest is talk of the town
BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA in dive bars for years.” If you get there
Staff Writer early, you’ll get to enjoy the free out-
door Live on the Loop local band jam
1 Unless you’ve got Serious Com- concert and grab a drink and some
mitments You Can’t Wiggle Out food. Always a nice way to shift from
work to weekend mode. Shows are
Of, clear your calendar June 7-10 and 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., Loop enter-
tainment and games start at 6:30 p.m.
plan on a fabulous, festive and fun Comedy Zone admission, $12 to $18.
weekend, grown-up style: It’s the
third annual Vero Beach Wine and
Film Festival. Based on attendance
the past two years, some 2,000 are
expected to attend, and you’ll want 4 If you prefer your rock coun-
try style or with a bit of South-
to be one of them. It is a celebration
of fine wine and remarkable films ern comfort, you’ll know a lot of the
(some 75 of them) from around the songs at this show: Taking the stage
world, and, says event planners, this this Friday at the King Center in Mel-
year’s theme, “A Life Worth Living,” bourne, in a double bill, it’s Atlanta
is “inspired by event beneficiary, Rhythm Section and Pure Prairie
Suncoast Mental Health Center.” League. The former, says Wikipe-
All this fabulousness is happening dia, is a Southern rock band formed
in various venues around the city in 1971 that got its start as the house
– on the island and the mainland band at the newly opened Studio
– among them Riverside Theatre, One, recording studio outside Atlan-
the Vero Beach Museum of Art, the ta. Atlanta Rhythm Section’s string
Vero Beach Theatre Guild, Costa of 15 hit albums and several single
D’Este, American Icon Brewery, and hits includes “So In To You,” “Imagi-
the Heritage Center. Plus, all week nary Lover,” “I’m Not Going to Let It
10 a.m. to 7 p.m., you can sample Bother Me Tonight” and “Spooky.”
and savor more than 100 wonder- Fun Atlanta Rhythm Section factoid:
ful wines at WOW! (World of Wine) In 1978 President Jimmy Carter invit-
Tasting Lounge at Riverside Park. ed them to the White House to per-
You can meet film directors and par- form for his son Chip’s 28th birthday
take in all sorts of special events. For party. The county rock band Pure
a listing of the exciting and diverse 1 June 7-10 all throughout Vero Beach. Prairie League, says the show promo,
films, which include some premiers, has been a country rocks “pioneering
and the glittery events from which force” for four-plus decades, logging
you can choose, check out the festi- at 5:15 p.m. With limited seating, you end’s laughs will be David “Mr. Show- numerous hit albums and singles
know the drill. The music starts at 6 time” Scott and Steve Miller. Scott’s
val website: The promo p.m. 772-538-1181. promo promises standup plus: a along the way, including “Aimee,”
straightjacket; the “world’s most dan-
urges you to “drink it all in,” an I gerous bit in comedy”; a little mind “Two Lane Highway,” “Let Me Love
reading; and “an incredibly funny
can’t think of a better way to put it. journey through four decades of mu- You Tonight,” “Falling In and Out of
sic.” Miller describes himself as “tem-
3 It’s coming around again, just pered in fudge and fueled by Pabst Love” and “Early Morning Riser.” De-
as wild, untamed and hilarious Blue Ribbon,” and admits he’s used
2 You’re absolutely going to love his sense of humor to “get free drinks scribed as “crisp and clean as spring
this concert. “Have Pianos,
as ever. Yes, it’s Riverside Theatre’s water and comfortable as a well-
Will Duel” (possibly a little hat-tip Comedy Zone Experience, this Friday worn cowboy shirt,” they’ll be bring-
to Riverside Theatre’s popular Du- and Saturday. Bringing this week- ing back the memories this Friday.
eling Pianos shows) takes place at Showtime is 7:30 p.m. Tickets start at
the Unity Center, 950 43rd Avenue $59. 321-242-2219.
in Vero, this Saturday with some of
the coolest, most talented (and fun)
musicians around: Dr. Ray Adams
and Jacob Craig. Together these
two have clocked untold keyboard
miles: Adams is artistic director of
visual and performing arts at Indi-
an River Charter High School, and
Craig is director of music and arts
at First Presbyterian Church. Join-
ing them will be several talented
student musicians from local high
schools. Admission is free; you can
choose to donate a little something
(a ten-spot is suggested). Wine and
refreshments will be available at the
concert, which is presented by Vero
Vino Wine and Food Festival (not
to be confused with the Vero Beach 3 David “Mr. Showtime” Scott this 4 Performing at King Center Friday along with Pure Prairie Leaugue.
weekend at Comedy Zone.
Wine and Film Festival). Doors open
30 Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
St. Ed’s Trisha Tee driven to compete and succeed
BY RON HOLUB McGill was one of the favorites busy and I had to organize my time. I
Correspondent from the beginning, in part because love school and academics first, but I
her mom is Canadian. Other factors also really like competing in sports.
While striving to excel in both aca- included a desire to study abroad, as I learned how to balance things out
demics and sports at St. Ed’s, Trisha her older sister, Taylor (Class of 2016), and keep from going insane.
Tee harnessed an irrepressible com- is doing at St. Andrews in Scotland.
petitive spark that will continue to Ultimately, though, it was a visit to “Sports taught me to keep work-
propel her onward toward a career Montreal in ninth grade that tilted ing hard and know my limits. I only
in medicine. It will be a decade-long the balance. played team sports, so I learned how
journey, and outcomes this early are to work with other people – even if I
always unpredictable, but one thing “I went to McGill for a Model U.N. didn’t agree with them. I know that
is certain: You can feel the heat from conference and loved it there,” Tee will help me in the future when I
the fire that burns inside. recalled. “McGill is a good school meet and work with new people.
that has everything I was looking
This brand-new high school grad- for. You feel like you are abroad, but “Also, obviously there are losses in
uate is looking forward to attending I won’t have to go across the pond sports. But you learn to overcome,
McGill University in Montreal. When to experience a different culture. I reflect back, and work even harder.
she heads north of the border, with know a little bit of French and I plan That helped me with academics too.
her will be a roll-up-your-sleeves- to learn more when I get there.” After a bad test score I always look
and-get-to-it approach that is as ob- back, see what I did wrong, and go
vious as the determination that was Brushing up on French would be from there.”
on display in volleyball, soccer and wise for everyday living in Quebec.
lacrosse. However, new challenges generally We are confident those bad test
don’t faze this young woman. Her scores were a rarity for a student
“I want to keep my options open, academic and athletic background presented with numerous academic
but I really like cardiology,” Tee said. at St. Ed’s was not only about com- awards in science, language (Eng-
“My dad is a cardiologist and I want peting; it was about bouncing back lish and Chinese) and music (she
to study medicine, so I’m going into until you are personally satisfied plays the flute). She was part of St.
pre-med. That’s four years of under- with the results. Ed’s all-girls Envirothon (competi-
grad, four years in med school, and tion involving environmental issues)
two years of residency.” “I played a lot of sports every year team that won third place this year
since sixth grade. It kept my schedule in a statewide competition.
The only thing that held her back PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
over the past two years was a series
of concussions. Nevertheless, she points. It was nice to be able to put
even found a way to turn that into those two together.”
something positive.
Tee toyed with the idea of giving
“My concussions occurred twice up contact sports altogether. She did
in soccer and once in lacrosse. not play lacrosse as a senior, but may
Those were bad incidents, but again be having second thoughts going
it helped me to overcome and move forward.
forward, especially during a period
when I was preparing for college. “Varsity and club sports are avail-
able at McGill. I was planning on
“I became intrigued about concus- playing club lacrosse, but I’m still
sions and ended up doing a research undecided because of those concus-
project on concussion awareness for sion issues. If not lacrosse, then I’m
St. Ed’s Advanced Scholars Program. going to try out for the varsity volley-
It’s a summer program for rising se- ball team.”
niors with certain credentials. I was
able to learn a lot about concussions That would be a natural fit. This
from academic and real-life stand- year Tee was named to the All-Dis-
trict volleyball team by the Florida
Athletic Coaches Association.
One thing that won’t be natural is
separation from her identical twin
sister, Tea. They have been at St. Ed’s
since kindergarten.
“We have been at St. Ed’s forever,
so that alone is going to be a real
big change. It was always a big topic
that we would go back and forth on,
but we thought it would be better to
go to different colleges so we could
learn more about ourselves.
“There’s a definite sadness about
32 Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Qatar versus
its neighbors
BY LIZ SLY middle of one of the region’s oldest Anwar Gargash, the UAE minister of said Sheikh Saif bin Ahmed al-Thani,
The Washington Post family feuds. state for foreign affairs, made it clear in the head of the government communi-
a tweet that Washington’s intervention cations office in Doha.
When the rulers of Abu Dhabi and President Trump has switched his would not be welcome.
Bahrain teamed up to invade Qatar in position, from agreeing last year with On one level, the dispute, ostensi-
1867, Doha was a tiny outpost on an the view that Qatar is a “sponsor of ter- “I sincerely advise Qatar that there bly rooted in Qatar’s support for the
obscure desert peninsula coveted by rorism” to calling Qatari Emir Tamim will not be any mediation from outside Muslim Brotherhood during the Arab
rival tribes. Bin Hamad al-Thani a “great friend” the gulf,” he posted. “No pressure will Spring revolts, reflects competing vi-
last month in Washington. work, media campaigns will not alter sions for the region. Doha threw its
Today, Doha is a city transformed your fate, your crisis is ongoing. Be wise support behind Islamist revolution-
into a glittering modern capital by nat- On a visit to Saudi Arabia in May, Sec- and negotiate with your neighbors who aries in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and
ural-gas-derived wealth – and Qatar is retary of State Mike Pompeo delivered a have real concerns, to solve the out- Syria, while Saudi Arabia and the
still the object of its neighbors’ wrath, stern message to the Persian Gulf lead- standing differences.” UAE led efforts to push back against
an outlier and maverick whose emir ers, urging them to resolve their differ- calls for change.
refuses to fall into line with the region’s ences and stressing that gulf unity is Qatar, which sees the terrorism al-
powerful royal families. imperative if the United States and its legations as a ploy to bring it under the Qatar’s relationship with the Muslim
allies are to confront Iran, a Trump ad- control of its neighbors, says it will not Brotherhood genuinely infuriated its
As a boycott of the country led by ministration priority. compromise its principles. neighbors, which regard political Islam
Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emir- as the gravest threat to the power of the
ates, Bahrain and Egypt enters a 12th But Saudi Arabia and the United “They simply want to outsource our region’s dynastic monarchies, analysts
month, the Trump administration Arab Emirates, which have led the em- decisions, but we will never be a fol- in the region say.
finds itself increasingly caught in the bargo campaign, show no sign they are lower state. We are an independent
prepared to budge. state and make our own decisions,” As much as politics, however, ana-
Left: Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad with President Donald Trump. Right: Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa with Trump.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 33
lysts see the dispute arising from a long from the heart of Saudi Arabia, took up in Qatar, al-Nahyans in the UAE, the the UAE – have taken the lead in push-
history of jealousy, mistrust and schem- residence in the Qatar peninsula, then house of Saud in Saudi Arabia and the ing the boycott.
ing between Qatar and its neighbors – ruled by the Khalifa family in Bahrain. Khalifas in Bahrain.
which helps explain why the quarrel is They had hopes that Qatar’s Tamim,
proving so intractable. The king of Bahrain’s attempt to dis- “This is not something new. The who inherited power after the abdi-
lodge the al-Thanis in the 1867 battle – tribes of Arabia have always been cation of his father in 2014, would be
“There’s a long-term irritation with with the help of the ruling al-Nahyan fighting with one another, and this is more pliant, said Abdulkhaleq Abdul-
Qatar. Who do they think they are? family from Abu Dhabi – failed, and the modern version,” said Moham- la, chairman of the Dubai-based Arab
Their proper place was in the shadow of Qatar has since coexisted uneasily med Rwaili, who works with the Qa- Council for Social Sciences.
Saudi Arabia,” Gerd Nonneman, profes- with its neighbors. tar Foundation in Doha. “There was
sor of international relations at the Qa- rivalry between us in the past. It’s a “Instead, he was just the same,” Ab-
tar branch of Georgetown University’s These days, rivalries that once took historical thing.” dulla said. “He had the same grudges.”
School of Foreign Service, said of the the form of coup plots, battles and
attitude of Qatar’s rivals. “The friction raids are playing out mostly through What is new is the ascent to power The boycotting countries describe
was always there, but the Arab Spring expensive lobbying in Washington, in Saudi Arabia and the UAE of a new a history of Qatari behavior that they
brought it to the fore.” insults hurled on Twitter and a lot of generation of princes who are more say flouts traditions of tribal consen-
electronic hacking. aggressive in pressing long-standing sus. The Qatar-based Al Jazeera tele-
The origins of the quarrel can be grievances with Qatar. Saudi Crown vision network routinely criticizes the
traced back to the formation of the But the kings, emirs and princes Prince Mohammed bin Salman and region’s other royal families, said Mo-
modern state of Qatar in the mid-19th vying for preeminence in the cur- his close ally and mentor, Abu Dhabi hammed al-Hammadi, editor of the
century, he said, when the al-Thanis, rent geopolitical order are the de- Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed – UAE’s Al-Ittihad newspaper.
a relatively obscure Bedouin family scendants of the same tribes that the most powerful of the princes ruling
skirmished 150 years ago – al-Thanis “The one thing foremost in our Bed-
ouin culture is trust. Today, the UAE,
Saudis and Bahrain don’t trust the Qa-
tar regime,” he said.
The Qatari emir’s refusal to attend a
ceremony in Riyadh last year at which
Trump and Arab leaders placed their
hands on a glowing orb was one exam-
ple of Qatar’s disregard for its neigh-
bors, Hammadi said. A plot allegedly
discussed by Tamim’s father in a tele-
phone call with Libyan leader Moam-
mar Gaddafi to assassinate the former
king of Saudi Arabia in the early 2000s
was another, he said.
There also are suspicions, Abdulla
said, that Qatar’s ruler sought to manip-
ulate the Saudi power struggle in 2014
that resulted in the crown prince, Mo-
hammed, consolidating power. “What
we know is that the Qataris were stupid
enough to interfere in the royal family
of Saudi Arabia and stupid enough to
bet on the wrong horses, and they are
paying the price,” he said.
Qatar denies the allegations and
blames the crisis on jealousy of its
wealth and success on the global stage.
The tiny country, with a population
of just over 300,000 native Qataris (as
34 Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 33 will be the venue for the world’s most Qatar branch of Northwestern Uni- variety of Islamist movements – moves
prestigious sporting event, soccer’s versity. “You’ve got Qatar becoming that were intended to leverage Qatar’s
well as more than 2 million foreigners) World Cup. the face of the Arab world by hosting regional influence but that also stirred
has the highest per capita income in the World Cup.” the fury of its neighbors.
the world. It hosts world-class muse- “There’s always been competition
ums, the campuses of premier Ameri- and jealousy between the gulf states, At the same time, Qatar was cultivat- Qataris say they have no choice but
can universities and the biggest U.S. but that was a shock,” said Jocelyn ing ties with Iran, Lebanon’s Hezbol- to seek a variety of allies if they are to
air base in the region. In 2022, Qatar Mitchell, an assistant professor at the lah, the Taliban in Afghanistan, and a withstand the perceived predations of
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 35
their neighbors. The Qataris cite a long thrown his father in a bloodless coup time. They don’t like our indepen- of compromise, the dispute seems
history of efforts by Saudi Arabia, the the year before. dence, our freedom of speech or the set to continue indefinitely. The em-
UAE and Bahrain to bring Qatar un- platform we have created to promote bargo has failed to significantly dent
der their thumb, starting with the 1867 The demands listed by the boycot- dialogue and mediation in the re- the Qatari economy or to turn Qataris
battle and continuing through a failed ting countries “are just a front,” Khaled gion,” he said. “They don’t want us to against the emir, whose popularity
1996 coup attempt against the current al-Attiyah, Qatar’s defense minister, be independent.” has instead soared as a result of the
emir’s father – who had in turn over- said in an interview in Doha. challenge to his rule.
With neither side showing any sign
“They were planning this for a long
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38 Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Silicon Valley companies for months series of choices, including whether they force users to consent to their tracking or privacy policy and a slew of updates de-
have been rewriting their privacy policies want Facebook to use face recognition targeting as condition for access to their signed to provide simpler explanations
to make them clearer in time for last Fri- on their photos and whether the com- services, said Alessandro Acquisti, a Carn- about what data the company collects.
day’s deadline – the day Europe ushered pany can use information collected about egie Mellon computer science professor Google isn’t changing the way it handles
in sweeping new privacy laws that could them from advertisers. and privacy researcher. data but is trying to make its explanations
affect users worldwide. clearer, such as providing user-friendly re-
In some ways, the effort around the “This will tell us a lot regarding whether minders of the extensive controls Google
The new law could spell the end of le- new European rules boils down to a single the recent flurry of privacy policy modi- already offers.
galese – of an era of signing away your question: Will they bring about the end of fications demonstrates a sincere change
rights with a single click, experts said. But legalese? in the privacy stance of those companies Some companies aren’t yet ready for
it could also have the opposite effect, of or is more about paying lip service to the the GDPR. The read-it-later app Insta-
creating more longer, more confusing ex- Privacy advocates have long com- new regulation. The early signs are not paper informed all European users that
planations. plained about mind-numbingly long auspicious.” its service would be temporarily unavail-
privacy policies stuffed with inscrutable able while it makes changes to ensure it is
The European law, called the General fine print and jargon. Google’s new con- Tech companies may be making some compliant with the new law.
Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), re- tract with its users is 20 pages long, for changes, but the European law – an 88-
quires that companies use plain language instance. The result is that people feel page document that some say is as con- In addition to the new alerts Facebook
to communicate how they process peo- they are blindly signing away their rights fusing as a privacy policy – will take many announced, the company said in March
ple’s data. It also mandates that firms ob- to protect their information from being years to sort out. that it would streamline its privacy poli-
tain explicit consent from consumers for used by companies in undesirable ways, cies – currently in 20 different places on
every possible use of their information, privacy advocates say. For example, under GDPR, if a map- the company’s website – onto a single
and allow them to delete and request cop- ping app asks for permission to collect a page. For the first time, Facebook will al-
ies of all data companies have on them. “The companies are realizing that it person’s location to provide them with low users to delete some of the data that
Firms that break the rules face steep fines is not enough to get people to just click navigation, the app cannot then sell that the company collects about them – for
of up to 4 percent of global profits. through,” said Lorrie Cranor, director of information to advertisers or do anything example, the different Facebook links and
the CyLab Usable Privacy and Security with it besides using it to provide navi- pages a person clicks on – through a new
Because it is hard for technology com- Laboratory at Carnegie Mellon University gation services — without what the law “Clear History” tool. But Facebook will
panies to determine the citizenship of us- and the U.S. Federal Trade Commission’s refers to as “affirmative” consent. Com- not give people the option to block the
ers who log into their services, most com- former chief technologist. “That they panies must also enable people to delete company from harvesting most of the in-
panies say they will roll out the changes need to communicate so that people are whatever data companies have on them. formation it already collects. Acquisti said
beyond the law’s immediate jurisdiction not surprised when they find out what that wasn’t a good sign.
in Europe, extending new protections, or they consented to.” The requirement of companies to dis-
at least clearer explanations, to citizens of close more about their data practices than Facebook has also taken additional
the United States and elsewhere. Citizens That has become more apparent in the ever before could result in more-lengthy steps to protect itself from legal liability
outside Europe will not have the same le- past two months since revelations that a explanations, said Bart Lazar, a privacy for infractions of the GDPR. Until now,
gal recourse if they believe that the com- consultancy, Cambridge Analytica, made lawyer with the Chicago firm Seyfarth Facebook users outside the United States
panies’ practices fall short. off with the Facebook profiles of up to Shaw. and Canada – the vast majority of its glob-
87 million Americans. Cranor said that al user base – sign a terms of service that is
Google, Facebook, Apple and others consumer outrage over Cambridge was Shortly before the rules went into ef- controlled by the company’s Irish subsid-
have been rushing to ready new tools for directly related to concerns that compa- fect, Apple announced a new privacy por- iary. Last month, the company confirmed
people to download and delete their data nies were engaging in opaque practices tal where people can download copies of to Reuters that it is changing those terms
– along with revamped privacy policies behind the scenes, and that consumers the profile the company keeps on them. It so that most Facebook users will no lon-
and interfaces that purport to be more had unknowingly allowed it to happen by includes activity from the app store and ger fall under European legal control.
digestible. signing away their rights. Apple Music, iCloud and visits to Apple
retail stores. Spotify is also giving users a This column by Elizabeth Dwoskin of
Facebook said it planned to insert alerts Irrespective of simpler explanations, data-downloading tool and a streamlined The Washington Post does not necessarily
in the news feeds of more than 2 billion the impact and success of the GDPR will privacy policy. reflect the views ofVero Beach 32963.
users in the coming weeks, giving them a hinge upon whether companies will try to
Google also announced a rewrite of its
HEALTH CARE WORKERS AT YOUR SERVICE, outpatient setting include radiation, physical, speech, occupational
and hand therapists.
If and/or when you are ill or injured and need to be hospitalized, you will IMAGING TECHS
likely come in contact with several types of clinical health care profes-
sionals. Working under the supervision of radiologists (doctors), imaging tech-
DOCTORS nicians and technologists perform screenings (mammograms for exam-
The traditional model of a primary care physician with an office prac- ple), diagnostic testing (X-rays, CT scans, MRIs and nuclear medicine ex-
tice who also visits his or her patients in the hospital is diminishing. In- ams) and assist radiologists who perform minimally invasive procedures.
stead, many doctors are limiting their practice to their office patients
and using the services of a hospitalist to care for their patients when PHARMACISTS
they need to be hospitalized. Hospitalists and several other types of
doctors—pathologists, anesthesiologists, emergency physicians and The role of the pharmacist in a hospital is different than in a retail
some radiologists—limit their practice to hospital care. Many medical store. Besides mixing and handling oral and injectable medications,
specialists, such as cardiologists, neurologists, and nephrologists, plus hospital pharmacists are consulted on parenteral nutrition (nutrition
surgeons (general surgeons, cardiac surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, administered through IV) and anticoagulants, monitor antibiotic us-
etc.) continue to practice in the hospital setting. age, and adjust medications based on renal (kidney) function.
In a typical hospital, one-third of employees are nurses. Consistently rec- LABORATORY STAFF
ognized as one of the most trustworthy professions by Gallup research,
nurses provide direct patient care in critical care units, ORs, recovery Lab positions include phlebotomists who draw your blood, medical
rooms, emergency rooms, catheterization labs, cardiac rehab centers, technologists, cytotechnologists and histotechnicians who prepare
cancer centers, radiation therapy centers; on patient floors specializing specimens of blood and tissue under a microscope looking for ab-
in heart, orthopedic, cancer, general medical and surgical patients; and normalities. Some hospitals also provide a blood bank where blood is
in doctors’ offices and outpatient centers. Other nurses work as hospital stored and cross-matched for transfusions. All laboratory staff reports
executives, quality improvement managers, educators, health care re- to the director of pathology (a physician).
cruiters, legal specialists and in other administrative roles. These medical professionals, plus clinical experts in other hospital depart-
THERAPISTS ments, are committed to making a difference. And they do, every day.
The respiratory therapy department provides breathing therapies for Next time we’ll cover other vital members of your healthcare team—
medical and surgical patients. They are also in charge of the Rapid Re- those who provide non-clinical services, such as security officers, busi-
sponse Team that’s paged overhead when a patient is at risk for or has ness office staff and food/room service ambassadors. All contribute to
stopped breathing. Other types of therapists working in a hospital and making your hospital experience pleasant, safe and effective.
Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always welcome.
Email us at [email protected].
40 Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
In his closing chapter, the man He expresses regret that he did not pick Joe Lieber- fits haven’t been seen inside a White House since Wil-
who has spent a lifetime playing the maverick has gone man to be his running mate 10 years ago. His best liam Taft got stuck in his bathtub,” he writes.
full Bulworth. “I’m freer than colleagues who will face friend, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), “enthusiasti-
the voters again,” writes Sen. John McCain, 81, in “The cally endorsed the idea” of bringing their colleague, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is another punching bag. The
Restless Wave,” co-authored with Mark Salter, his for- who had been the 2000 Democratic vice-presidential hawkish McCain faults the libertarian for falling prey to
mer chief of staff. “I can speak my mind without fearing nominee, onto “a national unity ticket.” But everyone a conspiracy theory that he met with representatives of
the consequences much.” In this thoughtful valedic- else in McCain’s circle told him it would fatally divide the Islamic State and for putting a hold on a vote to let
tory, he delivers. the GOP. “It was sound advice that I could reason for Montenegro join NATO. Last year, he accused Paul of
myself,” McCain writes. “But my gut told me to ignore “working for Vladimir Putin” by opposing the expan-
Unlike the previous six books McCain and Salter have it, and I wish I had.” sion of the alliance. It was “an intemperate thing to say,”
composed together, this one wasn’t written for voters. It McCain now writes. “But it wasn’t incorrect.”
was written for history. In an era of all-caps tweets and McCain attributes the insufficient vetting of Palin, 44
angry denunciations of supposed “witch hunts,” the and two years into her first term as Alaska’s governor, All politicians self-mythologize. This book is an ef-
Arizona Republican’s final book casts him as a profile to his sulking about not being able to tap Lieberman. fort to codify McCain’s maverick brand. He puts extra
in courage. McCain highlights his advocacy for the Iraq Taking the blame for her stumbles, he writes, “She was emphasis on his work across the aisle, including a 38-
troop “surge” when it was toxically unpopular in 2007 a skilled amateur performer asked to appear on Broad- page chapter about working with Sen. Ted Kennedy, the
and his decisive vote against repealing Obamacare in way twice a day.” I wish he had grappled more fully with liberal lion from Massachusetts, on healthcare and im-
2017. He finally tells his side of his 2008 Sarah Palin the mayhem Palin’s selection created inside the GOP. It migration. He has kind words for other leading Demo-
partnership. With what time he has left, the “maverick” laid the groundwork for the ascent of Donald Trump a crats, too, including Hillary Clinton.
– an appellation he has worn throughout his career, at few years later.
some times more comfortably than at others – is going McCain says he’s a proud Reagan Republican. “Not
to put country first and tell the truth. Trump emerges as a bete noire in the book. When a Tea Party Republican,” he writes. “Not a Breitbart
McCain after the 2016 elections received a copy of the Republican. Not a talk radio or Fox News Republican.
“dossier,” detailing unverified allegations about the Not an isolationist, protectionist, immigrant-bashing,
president compiled by an opposition researcher, he scapegoating, get-nothing-useful-done Republican.
immediately turned it over to James Comey so the FBI Not, as I am often dismissed by self-declared ‘real’ con-
could explore whether Trump was compromised by servatives, a RINO, Republican in Name Only.”
the Russians. “Anyone who doesn’t like it can go to hell,”
writes McCain. Like any memoir, there is score settling – and lots
of I-told-you-so’s. McCain faults Barack Obama, his
But he also portrays the president as an outgrowth of 2008 opponent, for not keeping a residual force in
tectonic shifts in a party for which, just 10 years ago, he Iraq, for not bombing Syria after Bashar al-Assad
was the standard-bearer. Now he sometimes struggles crossed the “red line” on chemical weapons and for
to recognize it. “Trump seems to vary from refusing announcing a timetable to start withdrawing forces
to believe what [Russian President Vladimir] Putin is from Afghanistan.
doing to just not caring about it,” he frets. “And some
House Republicans investigating Russian interference But the senator’s critique of the current president is
seem more preoccupied with their own conspiracy the- more sustained than any other. “For all our disagree-
ories than with a real conspiracy by a foreign enemy to ments I never doubted President Obama shared the
defraud the United States.” seventy-five-year bipartisan consensus that American
leadership of the free world was a moral obligation and
McCain repeatedly criticizes conservative “talk radio a practical necessity,” he writes. “I’m not sure what to
blowhards.” He calls the House Freedom Caucus “the make of President Trump’s convictions.”
say-no-to-everything crowd.” He says nativists “need
to be confronted, not ignored or winked at or quietly THE RESTLESS WAVE
dismissed as kooks.” He mocks his 2016 primary chal-
lenger, Kelli Ward, for attacking him as “a champion of GOOD TIMES, JUST CAUSES, GREAT FIGHTS,
compromise.” “You’re damn right,” he responds. For-
mer Trump aides Steve Bannon and Sebastian Gorka AND OTHER APPRECIATIONS
are “self-proclaimed nationalist radicals.” “Bigger mis-
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 41
6 A Q 10 7 4 KJ953
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist KQ84 J 10 9 6 5 3 2
J 10 7 5 4 3 A98 Q
The Bridge World magazine is edited and published monthly by Jeff Rubens. (I am the 62 A 10 9 8 4
associate editor.) It aims at duplicate players, with lengthy tournament reports, declarer-
play and defense problems, hands that you and your partner can bid and tough bidding SOUTH
decisions with expert analysis. 82
There is also some material for those who are trying to reach this level. This week’s K62
deal is one example. How should South play in six clubs after a trump lead with East KQJ753
following suit?
Dealer: South; Vulnerable: East-West
If North had rebid two hearts, it would have been forcing for one round, so the jump to
three hearts was a splinter bid: good club support, the values for at least game and a The Bidding:
singleton (or void) in hearts. South used Roman Key Card Blackwood, learning that his
partner had three aces and no kings. SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
1 Clubs Pass 1 Spades Pass
The secret of success is the strength of the spade spots at South’s command. He 2 Clubs Pass 3 Hearts Pass LEAD:
draws the last trump and plays the spade two to dummy’s ace. Assuming no honor 4 NT Pass 5 Diamonds Pass 2 Clubs
appears, South returns to his hand with a heart to the ace and leads his spade eight, 5 NT Pass 6 Clubs All Pass
planning to cover West’s card as cheaply as possible. Here, though, when West
discards, declarer runs the eight to East’s nine.
Suppose East shifts to his diamond queen. South wins on the board, leads the spade
queen and ruffs East’s king, trumps the heart seven, plays the spade 10 and ruffs East’s
jack, crosses to dummy with a trump and discards his diamond loser on the now-high
spade seven.
42 Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
1 Actor’s part (4) 2 People from the
3 Public houses (4)
9 Tints of colour (5) largest country (8)
10 The longest month? (9) 2 Make-up (8)
11 Musical set in Argentina (5) 4 More honourable (6)
12 Meddle (9) 5 Roads (7)
15 Honey ingredient (6) 6 Opposed to (4)
17 Casual top (1-5) 7 The largest continent (4)
19 In an unspecified place (9) 8 Rip (4)
21 Threaded bolt (5) 13 Person’s duration (8)
23 Subjecting to inspection (9) 14 Power (8)
24 Manufacturer (5) 16 Solutions (7)
25 Location (4) 18 Collision (6)
26 Netting (4) 20 Cat-o’-nine-tails? (4)
21 Calculations (4)
22 Garden tool (4)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 43
ACROSS the Line” generation 60 RCA output, The Washington Post
1 Grosbeak’s beak 67 Puppy’s bark debunker once
4 New Mexico 68 Superstitions, Francesco FEEL BETTER NOW? By Merl Reagle
126 Airline to Den. 61 Congestion-free
Indian home cures, etc. DOWN competitions? BRADLEY H. REINER, DMD
8 Actress Allgood 69 Soothing former 1 Rejector of
12 Hard-to-lift everything 62 Rock song that HAGEN V. HASTINGS, DMD
game-show 2 Day times leaves you clear-
instruments host? 3 Composer Alban headed? Family, Cosmetic & Laser Dentistry
17 Soothing TV 71 Part of SHAZAM 4 Tourist attraction, Caring Dentistry for the Entire Family
72 Start of a verse? often 64 Hanoi holiday
game show? 73 Eniwetok event 5 Headache-free 65 “Sweet as apple
20 Don’t forget (to) 74 99’s pal societies
21 No-pain novelist? 75 Abuse 6 Low points cider” girl
22 Gift-giver’s 76 “Let’s shake on 7 “Peace ___ 66 Tea and
it!” hand”
urging 78 Ill-comforted one 8 Hardly any Sympathy stars
23 Door doohickey 79 Jazz style 9 Bowed segment 68 French pronoun
24 Climber’s spike (original name) 10 Light again 69 Had a club at the
25 Instrument heard 81 Roscoe of 11 Au’s is 79
Cimarron 12 Assist, in club?
at 82 Soothing advice Alabama 70 Cluster of flowers
the start of J. to a 13 Voyaging 71 Villa ally, once
Arthur Rank films victim of red 14 Indian feeling no 73 Ionescoesque
27 TV journalist tape? pain? 75 “___ that
Curry 86 Surveillance 15 Laid-back hero of
28 Jenny in Love planes the comics? happen?”
Story 89 Star of “The 16 Encyclopedias 77 Atmosphere
29 Neet rival Flight that en masse
31 Doberman hue Failed”? 18 Memorable prefix
33 San Francisco, 91 Shuffle method Broadway Lola 78 Central Israel
e.g. 92 Give-___ 19 Sinaloan
35 Surface for 94 Tax I.D. no. singleton seaport
Kerrigan 95 R-O-L-A-I-D-S? 20 Rick Blaine 80 Commonplace
37 Checkers 97 Fiery liquid portrayer 83 William Tell’s
double-decker 99 Writer Seton 21 Military cap with
39 Cartoonist who 100 G.I. busters a plume canton
invented the 101 Half of MIV 26 Meet the Press 84 Idea for Richard
Republican 102 “Toe” preceder network
elephant 104 Leg part or 30 “___ it goes” Simmons
41 Small horse- animal 32 Burning 85 Singer Shannon
drawn 106 Shot from guns 34 “... sow, so 87 Aussie capital
carriage 107 Electrician’s shall ___” 88 Azures
43 Unfamiliar chant? 36 She may feel 89 Doctrine
44 Newsman 109 Last letters shear terror 90 Grabs
Charles 111 Zombie island 38 Slap-shot 92 ___ oneself
and family 114 Victor Hugo’s stopper
46 Crude stone tool daughter 40 ___ Aviv (took advantage)
49 First name of 96 116 Tsongas beat 42 Sounds of 93 Reduces, as pain
Down him wonder 96 First U.N. chief
51 Pre-1917 rulers 118 Soothing opera 45 N Utah city 98 On duty
52 The remainder of piece? 47 City on the 103 Anarchy
the remedies? 121 Keyboard works Allegheny 105 Saudi king
54 Exisle? 122 Q: “Are these the 48 Plateaus
55 Pope in 1050 pills you want, 50 Bank CD abbr. crowned in 1982
57 A movie was all Fonzie?” 52 Skating feats 108 Form
about her A: “___” 53 Number of days 110 Hotheaded
58 “___ about it!” 123 Beer-tasting in avril
61 Chord with a nuance 56 Archipelago units Sicilian?
flatted third and 124 Overwhelms 59 Certain engrs. 112 Kmart chopper?
fifth: abbr. 125 Spontaneous- 113 Actor Novello
63 Caterpillar hairs 115 Solves
65 First words of 116 Mr. Bumble?
Cash’s “I Walk 117 Plop preceder
119 Denmark city
120 Le dernier __
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44 Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Multitasking mom left wondering if she’s doing it right
BY CAROLYN HAX Give yourself a little break while you’re at it. Pick a
Washington Post time, arrange child care, go someplace pleasant, even
if it’s a $6 date for coffee. Breathe. Then sift through
Dear Carolyn: recent experiences for clues on the battles to pick:
As a mother of three young kids Which corners have you cut? Which did you later
regret, and which were genius?
holding a full-time job and with a
Where has inflexibility paid off?
husband who frequently works late Where have your orthodoxies caused more trouble
than they’re worth?
evenings and some weekends, I feel What discoveries have you made that your spouse
can use?
my priorities change according to Where can better coordination reduce confusion
and conflict? (Kids always find the gaps.)
what is in front of me at the time,. Then I’m reconsid- Having read and absorbed the messages of the big
picture, you can apply them in the moment as consis-
ering my choices later. tent priorities, even in moments of chaos and fatigue.
This, in turn, will preempt a lot of guilt. If you decided
How do I decide what’s most important without while lucid and rested that Cereal Night is a harmless
shortcut, then Cereal Night will lose its power to haunt
feeling guilty or stressed out or tired all the time? How you. Likewise, having decided that bedtime enforce-
ment is a battle wisely fought, you’ll have the stamina
do I feel like I made the right choices and right balance, of your convictions and be less tempted to cave.
As with any child-rearing tactics, you’re using them
and be at peace with it? in a dynamic situation and your priorities will need up-
dating as you go. But updating them every few months
– Full Time is nevertheless a welcome degree of stability compared
with daily priorities bingo.
Full Time: I don’t know that you can work full those lines. Often before you literally go to work, or Best of all, it’s groundwork for self-forgiveness. You’ll
time and tag-team-raise three small children with a after a full day at work. still choose wrong under pressure sometimes, because
spouse you often don’t see without some fatigue and everyone does, but planning ahead makes the next
stress. It’s a lot to carry. So, yeah. good choice clear(er). Try, oops, try again – exactly
There probably isn’t much you can do about the what we’re teaching them.
Child rearing is the perfect host environment for physical and emotional chore list – except plug away
doubts, because the hardest work today is largely for as time works its incremental magic; outsource
results you’ll see only years from now. That leaves liberally, including age-appropriately to the kids; and
ample room to wonder whether you handled X or Y behold the glory of “no.” But you can buy yourself
the right way. significant relief through your reasoning and priori-
Kids also, being people, will push back against This mental workload is one even an overextended
even meticulous efforts to civilize them – in more parent can tackle in advance – with spouse, in this
colorful ways than you can imagine. Just deciding case – instead of pushing it off to the moment.
which lines to hold is a challenge, and you’re making
those calculations on the fly, often alone and usually
tired, and that’s before the work of actually holding
46 Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
SRMC’s ‘JointCoach’ is winning surgery patients over
BY TOM LLOYD In January of this year Medicare also can view and review interactive
Staff Writer began allowing total knee replace- videos and other instructional and
ments as an “outpatient procedure,” educational materials any time they
Hospitals and outside surgery cen- with some patients spending as little want, manage and track their rehab
ters nationwide have been scram- as eight hours under medical care progress, and use the site’s extensive
bling recently to get joint replace- for what is still a major operation library to help answer additional
ment patients out the door as fast as that involves sawing off bones and questions.
possible to cut costs and conform to installing large mechanical parts in
new Medicare guidelines. the body. They can even manage their medi-
cations online.
But how fast is too fast? Despite the new outpatient clas-
The hospital, in return, can also
Lisa Cox. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE learn valuable information that will
help the patient prepare for both
sification, Sebastian River Medical surgery and rehab.
Center Director of Orthopedics Lisa
Cox seems intent on taking a some- “We can find out about their home
what more cautious approach. situation,” Cox says. “How many
stairs do they have in their home?
“We want to reduce the length of Do they have a walker? Do they need
stay,” Cox says firmly, “but we’re cer- one? Those are some of the things
tainly not going to reduce the length we need to know so that we can take
of stay at the cost of quality or pa- better care of them.”
tient care.”
Of course, since many of today’s
To help enhance patient care, seniors didn’t grow up in “the in-
Cox and her orthopedic team just formation age” and sometimes find
launched a new online program for computers and cellphones a tad
joint replacement patients called daunting, it’s only fair to ask how
JointCoach. easy this online service is to use. Cox
has a ready answer.
As anyone who’s ever undergone
any major surgery already knows, “I can tell you,” she says with a
it’s often what the patient doesn’t hint of pride, “out of the 40 people I
know, or didn’t plan for, that can signed up during the last week, not
make recovery much harder than it one of them has had any difficulty.
needs to be. It’s very user-friendly.”
SRMC’s new online tool offers pa- And before someone brings up
tients the opportunity to communi- Cambridge Analytics and Facebook,
cate with the orthopedic staff before thanks to the Health Insurance Por-
surgery, during recovery and for up tability and Accountability Act or
to a year afterward. HIPAA, patients don’t need to worry
about their personal information
“Basically,” Cox explains, “a lot being sold, transferred or otherwise
of the information and education marketed to outside groups. Strict
the patient was either receiving on federal laws are already in place to
a piece of paper, or in our big guide prevent that.
book or verbally, they now can have
delivered right to their computer, Currently, on average, knee re-
iPad or phone, whichever is their placement patients spend between
choice.” one and three days in the hospital.
Patients who have hip replacements,
Perhaps more importantly, Joint- which are not covered by Medicare’s
Coach is a two-way street. new outpatient rule, can often go
home after only one day.
Patients can ask their surgical
team questions before and after sur- Regardless of the length of the
gery, and arrange for family mem- hospital stay, Cox is confident Joint-
bers or caregivers to receive copies Coach can and will make the post-
of their appointments schedule and operative phase of joint replacement
rehab routine and schedule. They easier. And safer.
“We can also follow them after-
wards,” she says. “The day after they
leave, and then daily for four days,
and then every other day for about a
week and a half. We can send them
check-in and check-out forms, or
just ask, ‘Hey, how are you feeling
Lisa Cox is the director of orthope-
dics at the Sebastian River Medical
Center. The phone number is 772-581-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 47
Doc: Spine surgery much improved in recent years
BY TOM LLOYD formity fellowship here in Florida, a gical techniques, have combined to Brain diseases, meanwhile, re-
Staff Writer stint as an attending neurosurgeon make modern spine surgeries much main difficult to treat, though some
in Orlando, and a practice with the more successful than in the past. progress is being made.
While most people think neuro- First Choice Medical Group, the
surgeons like Dr. Jacob Januszewski B.A.C.K. Center and the Steward And, in more good news, Janusze- While not nearly as common as
mainly, or even exclusively, oper- Healthcare Network. wski says, “there are other ways of back problems, brain diseases af-
ate on patients’ brains, it turns out treating pain than surgery. Usually flict many people.
these highly specialized doctors ac- Fortunately, a better understand- where I start is palliative medicine,
tually spend much more time treat- ing of how the spine and its atten- changes in lifestyle, physical thera- The Dana Farber Cancer Center
ing back pain related to the spine dant nerves function, along with py and pain management – though reports “nearly 80,000 new cases of
and nervous system. improved minimally invasive sur- not with narcotics.” primary brain tumors are expected
Januszewski estimates the ratio CONTINUED ON PAGE 48
in most neurosurgery practices as
“about 80 percent spine and 20 per-
cent brain,” and says that 80 per-
cent includes treating a wide range
of spine-related problems, includ-
ing adult scoliosis correction, spi-
nal deformities and malformations,
laminectomies, cervical lumbar
diseconomies and spinal fusions.
“Anyone who had
spinal surgery before
2010, probably had it
done wrong and [they]
are now coming back
with problems,” says
The ratio is not surprising in one
sense, since the National Institutes
of Health have found up to 70 per-
cent of U.S. seniors suffer from back
pain, and that spine-related prob-
lems “occur at much higher rates
than brain disorders.”
Many of us will, especially as we
age, need the help of a neurosur-
geon like Januszewski.
That is the bad news.
The good news is these surgeons
have extensive training, and spine
surgery today is much improved
compared to just a decade ago.
“Anyone who had spinal surgery
before 2010, probably had it done
wrong and [they] are now coming
back with problems,” says Janusze-
wski, whose credentials include
a medical degree from Michigan
State, a seven-year residency at Hof-
stra followed by a multi-year mini-
mally invasive complex spine de-
48 Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
to be diagnosed this year,” and the Dr. Jacob Januszewski. as many and possibly many more – completely on our brain.”
National Brain Tumor Society esti- trillions – of glial cells. Learning how to surgically repair
mates some 700,000 Americans are PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
already living with a primary brain “Perceived as command central the brain when it breaks down is go-
tumor. In fairness, we probably shouldn’t for the body, the brain controls vir- ing to take time. And highly skilled
be expecting quick or easy fixes for tually everything we do from vol- physicians.
Happily, the most common type brain-related disorders. untary activities such as playing
of brain cancer, meningioma, is of- sports to involuntary ones such as Dr. Jacob Januszewski has offices
ten benign and may not even require After all, as Johns Hopkins points breathing and regulating body tem- at 8005 Bay Street, Suite 5 in Sebas-
surgery, according to Johns Hopkins out, the human brain contains 100 perature. We depend utterly and tian and can be reached at 321-723-
Medicine. billion neurons – roughly the same 7716.
number as there are stars in our gal-
And then there’s glioblastoma. axy; these neurons are surrounded,
Glioblastoma tumors are highly sustained and supported by at least
malignant, growing with terrifying
speed. The late Sen. Ted Kennedy
died from glioblastoma, and former
GOP presidential candidate John Mc-
Cain is now battling the disease.
“We have no idea how [those glio-
blastoma cells] are mutating and
what’s causing it,” Januszewski says.
When asked about advancements
in treating Parkinson’s and Alzheim-
er’s disease, Januszewski says for
Parkinson’s, “we do deep brain sim-
ulation right now and I think we are
improving technology in targeting
the areas we want,” while “develop-
ing easier, faster techniques.”
For Alzheimer’s, “neurologists are
developing new markers to mark out
early-onset Alzheimer’s, using MRI
technology so that we can at least de-
tect it earlier, but there are no neuro-
surgical options as of yet to treat it.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 49
How wearing the right colors can make you look younger
The Telegraph
There’s no antidote to ageing, this sorbs light, which is the reason it pulls ed, softer colors, and also dressing in ticular, need blocks of contrasting
we know to be true. But when it comes away from people’s faces. Generally shades of a color. So tonal dressing colors, and ‘springs’ need splashes
to our wardrobes, small miracles can it’s a good one to avoid as we get older.” works very well for them generally,’’ and dashes of color, so, say, a brightly
be performed via clothes that flatter, she says. “Whereas ‘winters’ in par- colored tote bag.”
and thus make you look and feel more Find your shade
youthful. Equally, there are clothes Those who have been told in the
that are, due to a frumpy cut, unfor- past – either by a very honest friend or
tunately ageing, and are best to be a stylist – that they should avoid wear-
avoided. ing one of their favorite colors entirely
can breathe a sigh of relief. “There are
Not all colors are looked at the same shades of everything for everybody,’’
however. A dress that looks good on says Venables. “Everyone can wear
one woman in her fifties may well be green, everyone can wear blue, every-
less-than-kind to another in the same one can wear pink, everyone can wear
age bracket. For this reason, color is purple. It’s just whether that’s a bright
one thing that we can all count on. one or a soft one, or whether it’s got
more blue or more yellow in it. Find-
‘’It’s personal to the individual ing the right white for you is also very
and it’s actually based on science,’’ important.’’
explains Helen Venables, managing
director of color analysis and styl- Know your neutrals
ing service House of Color. “We find Speaking of white, Venables empha-
‘younger’ attractive. And that comes sizes the importance of learning how
down to finding a healthy mate to get to use neutrals, and knowing which
your genes out there. Young people neutrals are your best. “Some people
have clear skin, obviously it’s smooth look fabulous in black, charcoal, gray,
and there are no wrinkles. There is white and all of that contrast,’’ she
also contrast, usually, between hair, says. “Others will look lovely in beige.
eye and lip color. And as we get older, Think about how chic some people
all of that tends to fade. Eye color gets look in beige and how awful others
softer, skin gets thinner and capillar- look in it! So it’s key to understand
ies and blemishes are easier to see, which neutrals are best for you – and
elasticity goes in the skin and hair then how to add color.’’
gets lighter. So that contrast is dis-
appears,’’ she continues. “Your face, ... And what season you are
hair, eyes and skin are a collection ‘’We split colors into four seasons,’’
of colors, and because of the way one says Venables, explaining how each
color affects the way a color sitting House of Color client is given a sea-
next to it looks – which is why you will son, as it were, to indicate which col-
often hear of ‘complementary colors’ ors, and indeed variations of a color,
– wearing the right colors – and recre- they should gravitate toward. “For our
ating that contrast – can smooth out ‘summers’ and ‘falls,’ we suggest mut-
blemishes. Wrinkles can literally ap-
pear to disappear.’’
With Venables’ promise that wear-
ing the right hues can make 10 years
difference, we’re all ears. Here are her
top tips for using color to your advan-
Everyone can wear true red
If you’re someone who has lived
their life avoiding the color red at all
costs (maybe you were once told it
washed you out or drew attention to
the redness in your skin), you have
been doing so unnecessarily. “Every-
one looks good in true red. Primary
red,’’ says Venables. “Red is the cen-
ter of color, and every other color has
slightly more yellow or slightly more
blue in it. So red works on everybody.’’
Tread carefully with black
‘’Black is an interesting one,’’ says
Venables. “It’s not a color, and it ab-
50 Vero Beach 32963 / May 31, 2018 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
How the small British fashion label Goat went global
BY LISA ARMSTRONG Jane Lewis, founder
The Telegraph and designer of Goat.
Last Friday Jane Lewis, founder and
designer of Goat, serenely talked me
through next Autumn’s collection,
blithely unaware that by Tuesday the
new Duchess of Sussex would have
worn her Flavia blush-pink silk pencil
dress to Prince Charles’ 70th garden
party at Buckingham Palace, crashing
her website.
If you’re rolling your eyes at this
crashing-website routine, I’m with
you, especially after one upmarket
fashion website recently told me cat-
egorically that they were seeing “zero
Meghan Markle effect.” But I know in
Goat’s instance it’s true – you couldn’t
get onto their site for a good 24 hours
(the upmarket fashion website had
also had its stock of Goat stripped).
Lewis’ approach to her business is
bracingly clear sighted: she makes
clothes lawyers, galleristas, actresses
and duchesses can wear, and she’s
not precious about any of it – except
getting the cut and fabric right. She
doesn’t want to be part of a crew, or
on a catwalk, ever, although each sea- button necked blouses. For big events
son there are nods to trends that make she likes pieces with embellishment.
sense to a Goat customer – flowers, a “That way you don’t have to think
discreet frill and midi lengths. about jewelry, which can wreck clean
lines.” She prefers pockets to evening
“Why would you chose to be fash- bags, wears heels, “because I’m short
ionable rather than stylish?” she asks. and if you make sure your trousers
cover most of the heel or platform it’s
I know what she means. Fashion- incredibly elongating.”
able elements are important for look-
ing relevant, but style is the goal. “It’s While the Duchess of Cambridge
like being pretty rather than striking,” repeatedly finds pieces appropriate
says Lewis. I’d always choose the lat- to her style, Lewis makes Goat look
ter. Prettiness fades.” like modern Audrey Hepburn. It’s not
a name the street-style set flock to (it
A 43-year-old mother of three, Lewis doesn’t have the fashion kudos of Vete-
is incontrovertibly stylish – chocolate ments or Valentino), but it is a label that
button-eyes, big, immaculately curled can go every which way, depending
lashes but no other visible make-up, how you style it – and we could do with
slightly backcombed ponytail – with more of those.
a predilection for Sixties Jackie O and
Seventies Julie Christie shapes, which “My mother and her friends buy
she generally wears in what she calls huge amounts,” reports Lewis, whose
“off-colors” such as teal, burgundy greatest kick is going to weddings and
and khaki. She keeps accessories to bar mitzvahs and seeing women in
a minimum: oversized Jackie O sun- Goat, or having professional women
glasses, some plain gold bangles or repeatedly come back to the shop.
vintage resin cuffs – and the day we
met, a pair of low-heeled Jimmy Choo Weirdly, this is not a sentiment
shin length boots. shared by everyone in the business.
I’m reminded of the designer who told
“They’re 15 years old,” she exclaims, one retailer they’d rather be cool than
“but the perfect length and shape.” wearable. For Lewis they two are not
This is someone who, despite having mutually exclusive states.
a huge number of clothes (it’s her job
after all), hates churn and waste. Her
wardrobe has to be versatile – so al-
though she’s known for dresses, she
gravitates toward jumpsuits and sepa-
rates, always with an eye for impact.
For a wedding she’d wear a maxi skirt
or wide trousers with one of her bow or