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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2018-05-17 14:28:31

05/18/2018 ISSUE 20


May 18, 2018 | Volume 5, Issue 20 Newsstand Price: $1.00

For breaking news visit


MY TAKE Drug doctor’s
lawyers bid to
BY RAY MCNULTY recall jurors

Nobody wants to see By Beth Walton | Staff Writer
Vero stop being Vero
Lawyers for Johnny Benjamin,
Let’s get this nonsense out of the former Vero Beach spine sur-
the way now: Nobody wants to geon facing life in prison on feder-
dis-incorporate the city. al drug charges, clashed with pros-
ecutors last week over a defense
Nobody wants to see our bid to bring the jurors who con-
building-height restrictions and victed the island resident back for
low-density zoning repealed. the court room for questioning.
Nobody wants to see our seaside
slice of heaven lose its Rockwel- Donnie Murrell, the lead West
lian charm. Nobody here wants Palm Beach trial attorney on Ben-
to see Vero to stop being Vero. jamin’s case, asked the judge May
1 to recall the jury. Benjamin was
And that includes the mem- convicted and jurors discharged
bers of our City Council. April 27.

So don’t fall for the idea that CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
merely exploring ways to more
efficiently and cost effectively PHOTO COURTESY SUNRISE THEATRE Deputy Teddy Floyd at Wabasso School.
provide municipal services will
somehow destroy the city and FORT PIERCE DUMPS MAN WHO BROUGHT Sheriff seeking extra
turn Vero Beach into Fort Lauder- BIG-TIME TALENT TO SUNRISE THEATRE money to cover cost
dale. of lawmen in schools

That’s not going to happen, By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer
even if a private company leases [email protected]
and manages the city marina, or
Waste Management picks up your Sheriff Deryl Loar is asking for
trash, or the county takes over extra money in his 2018-19 bud-
your water and sewage-treatment get to hire up to 15 new deputies
systems. to meet the state’s requirement
that a law-enforcement offi-
Vero will still be Vero. cer be assigned to every public
In the wake of the Valentine’s
INSIDE By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer hired to bring big-city talent to Kravis Center and executive di- Day mass shooting at Stoneman
[email protected] the small-town theatre, John rector of Sarasota’s Van Wezel Douglas High School in Park-
NEWS 1-8 PETS 14 Wilkes, has been let go by Fort Hall before joining the Sunrise
DINING B8 When the City of Fort Pierce Pierce’s city manager. An inter- in 2008. An Ontario native who CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
HEALTH 9 GAMES B13 took over the historic Sunrise im director has been appointed once handled booking for To-
CALENDAR B16 Theatre after a donor-funded – Sharon Engle, Wilkes’ assis- ronto’s 10,000-seat arena, Wil-
REAL ESTATE 15 $11 million renovation, offi- tant at Sunrise, while a search kes had developed countless
B1 cials apparently didn’t under- for Wilkes’ replacement is ex- personal connections from his
ARTS stand what the president of the pected to take several months. long career.
board during that decade-long The city intends to hold a pub-
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 renovation, Vero attorney Mi- lic workshop in June to see That opened doors for him
For circulation or where to pick up chael Horowitz, says he already what people “desire for the fu- to bring major musical stars to
your issue call: 772-226-7925 knew: ture of the Sunrise Theatre.” Fort Pierce – Tony Bennett, Wil-
lie Nelson, Diana Ross, Johnny
“Theatres never make mon- Wilkes, 65, had been chief Mathis, B.B. King, Gladys Knight
ey, never,” Horowitz says. operating officer of West Palm’s
Now, the man Horowitz

© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.

2 May 18, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

MY TAKE He said Zudans, Mayor Harry Howle much better than what we’re doing, and voters in a referendum.
and Vice Mayor Lange Sykes were “on they have a fear of change. “It’s a non-starter,” Howle said.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 the same page,” and that he thinks Laura For the record: Moss said that she’s
Moss and Tony Young are open to explor- “The thing is – and this is a point I wish
It might be even better, especially if the ing alternatives. I had made – they don’t represent the ma- open to exploring options and that she
City Council can put together deals that jority of people in Vero Beach.” agrees now is the time to do it, though
result in residents getting improved ser- “If ever there was a real opportunity she’s more apt to consider privatizing
vices at a lower price, which is what we to look at our options and possibly see a They are vocal, however. And orga- trash pickup and leasing the marina than
expect from the impending sale of city’s better path, this is it,” Howle said. “This nized. And engaged. turning over the city’s water-sewer utility
electric utility to Florida Power & Light. is Vero’s youngest City Council in a long to the county.
time, maybe ever, so now is the time. This They want Vero Beach to be what it was
Certainly, there’s no harm in finding is our chance. 20 years ago, and they use their political She said she would be “hesitant” to
out. clout to oppose anyone and anything turn services over to the county because
“If we don’t get answers to these ques- that threatens the status quo, particular- she has heard “so many complaints” from
“It’s our job to get the best possible tions now, it might not happen again for ly when the proposed changes involve customers.
deal for the taxpayers,” Councilman Val a very long time, because the makeup of services they believe are assets needed to
Zudans said. “So I want to examine what the council could change.” generate revenues that contribute to the “Now that the electric sale is well on
we’re doing, look at what other cities are city’s general fund. its way to being done, we have time to
doing and explore options to see if we’re There are some folks, though, who re-examine other facets of the city,”
getting the best services at the best price. don’t want the questions asked – which “All I did was put it on the agenda, and Moss said. “If we’re able to do things
makes no sense whatsoever. you saw what happened,” Zudans said, more efficiently and at a lower cost to
“If we find that we’re doing a great job referring to an email blast sent by the In- the taxpayers – and do it without chang-
and there’s no reason to change anything, Why wouldn’t they want their elected dian River Neighborhood Association to ing the character of our charming city –
I’m fine with that,” he added. “It doesn’t officials to review the way the city pro- its members and the news media. we should look at it.
have to be all one way or the other, but vides its services and explore alternatives
let’s at least look at the alternatives.” for delivering them more efficiently and “I didn’t propose doing anything but “But it can’t be strictly about the mon-
more cost-effectively? explore alternatives and gather informa- ey,” she continued. “If all you worry about
That’s going to happen. tion,” he added. “Somehow, they turned is money, you can sell your soul . ... So we
While it was Zudans who put the issue Do they really believe that privatizing that into an effort to dis-incorporate the need to be careful. Whatever outside en-
on the agenda for the City Council’s May trash pickup and letting the county han- city of Vero Beach.” tities we deal with, they need to be very
1 meeting, where both proponents and dle their sewage treatment service will Vero-friendly.
opponents of change made their cases, a break the city and result in a wall of high- As for the IRNA concocting a connec-
majority of the panel has expressed a will- rise condos on the beach or some other tion between the council’s willingness to “I hear from people who’ve recently
ingness to join him in exploring the city’s dreadful outcome? investigate the city’s service options and moved here, and I can’t tell you how many
options. the elimination of local building-height have said, ‘Vero is what Boca Raton was
City Manager Jim O’Connor said he Or might it be something else? restrictions and low-density zoning, 30 years ago.’ We should consider that a
expects this council – more than any in “Every person who spoke out against Howle said, “I’m not sure how they got to warning,” she added. “Once you go too
recent years – to look at privatizing some exploring our options also opposed the that.” far, you can’t go back. Once you’ve paved
services or forming partnerships to pro- sale of the electric system,” Zudans said paradise, it’s gone.
vide them. of the May 1 council meeting. “The best He then pointed out that, according to
I can figure it: They’re worried we’re go- the city charter, the City Council may not “We need to preserve this.”
ing to find out that these alternatives are increase the height restrictions or density Yes, we do. And we will. 
levels unless the increase is approved by



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Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa
Zahner, Society Editor: Mary Schenkel, Reporters: Stephanie LaBaff, Tom Lloyd, Ray McNulty,
Samantha Rohlfing Baita, Kathleen Sloan, Columnists: Ellen Fischer, Ron Holub, Tina Rondeau, The
Bonz, Staff Photograhers: Gordon Radford, Denise Ritchie, Graphic Designers: Robert Simonson,
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RONDA NEVILLE | [email protected] | 954.628.2593
LOCATED AT 4855 NORTH A1A, VERO BEACH, FL 32963 | 772.226.7925

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS May 18, 2018 3

Tipster says Burkeen’s co-workers knew the boss was stealing tires

By Beth Walton | Staff Writer ing that they are aware of in the future. its insurance carrier and is seeking resti- As officials struggled to understand their
“The county’s handling of this situation tution, possibly from Burkeen’s retirement next steps, explanations given to the tax-
The day after retired Assistant Fire Chief account. payers were sparse.
Brian Burkeen was arrested for an alleged should provide comfort that management
black-market tire sales scheme, Indian Riv- will take positive steps to investigate and “It is my understanding that, as of today, “Stick to the original statement,” Rein-
er County Commissioner Tim Zorc got an stop any such wrongdoing. We take our re- Mr. Burkeen has not taken a distribution gold advised Brown the day before a joint
anonymous tip. sponsibility as custodians of the taxpayers’ from his (retirement) account and it is our press conference with the Sheriff. “If asked
dollars very seriously.” hope that a hold on any distribution could about what the county is doing, say that
While the community at-large might be placed on Mr. Burkeen’s account due now that the police investigation is com-
have been shocked to see Burkeen’s alleged Though public details about the internal to the severity of the allegations ... and the plete we will review the work conducted
fall from grace, those who worked along- investigation have been scant, communi- financial impact to Indian River County by the Sheriff’s Office and conduct our own
side him knew what their boss was up to, cation between county officials in the days in excess of $288K,” Boyll wrote the State investigation into the matter.”
but were too afraid to report him, the infor- that follow Burkeen’s arrest show a govern- Board of Administration April 3 as part of a
mant said. mental body frantically trying to recover chain of e-mails titled “Possible legal block.” Burkeen faces up to 30 years in prison if
its loss and understand how hundreds of convicted of the charges against him. 
“There was a very real fear of retribution thousands of dollars in suspect purchases
among the firefighters, so no one turned escaped scrutiny for so long. Ryan Weaver Insurance Inc. is a locally owned
Burkeen in, though it was pretty widely and operated independent agency. Located in the
known what he was doing,” the message Burkeen was arrested March 26 and lat- CenterState Bank Building, just off of Miracle Mile
states, according to e-mails obtained by er charged with grand theft. Just before 5 and across from Classic Car Wash in Vero Beach.
Vero Beach 32963. “[The] County might p.m. the day of the arrest, Reingold wrote
want to institute some sort of anonymous commissioners with the news. “Please find Serving Vero Beach for over 10 years!
tip line for waste and theft,” it said. attached the information that was provided All lines of commercial or personal insurance available.
today by the Sheriff,” he said in an e-mail
Burkeen, 55, a longtime county official which included the 8-page arrest warrant
who also briefly served on the Sebastian detailing Burkeen’s alleged offenses.
City Council, was purchasing new tires at
Goodyear stores using county funds and The tipster’s note was forwarded to Zorc
then selling them to private buyers he met the following morning, at 9:02 a.m. on
at work and online, police say. March 27.

Investigators were able to document That same day, King was asked to pro-
some $288,250 in questionable tire purchas- vide a written overview of the purchasing
es billed by Burkeen to the county between procedure for Emergency Services. Inter-
June 26, 2014, and Feb. 8, 2018, the day prior nal auditors wanted to know: How was the
to the assistant chief’s retirement. It is al- tire budget established each year and who
leged he sometimes made multiple trips to was involved? Who authorized invoices and
the tire stores in a single day, hauling away who reviewed the books?
trailer-loads of new tires, which he stored at
a barn on his property in Fellsmere. “It would be helpful if you could pro-
vide the information this week,” Suzanne
Police say he sold the tires to people he Boyll, director of Human Resources, wrote
knew and advertised them on Facebook. to King.

The validity of the tipster’s claims that Officials also began inquiring about Bur-
other county workers knew what Burkeen keen’s other financial dealings. Budget Di-
was doing is still unknown, County Attor- rector Michael Smykowski asked the Clerk
ney Dylan Reingold said last week. A part of of Court to review expenses associated with
the county’s ongoing investigation includes the construction and outfitting of Fire Sta-
interviews with Fire and Rescue staff to un- tion Number 14.
derstand the circumstances of the theft.
“Final invoices and retainage have not
“As soon as Chief [John] King became been paid to the contractor,” Smykows-
aware of the possible wrongdoing, a report ki said April 2. “Please note that Mr. Brian
was filed with the Sheriff’s Office requesting Burkeen was the county’s representative
an investigation,” County Administrator Ja- assigned on the Station #14 project.”
son Brown said. “My hope would be that
any employee would report any wrongdo- The county is disputing some charges
from Goodyear, has filed a theft claim with

SHERIFF SEEKS MORE FUNDS “We didn’t want to reduce our presence Contact any one of our professional agents for a quote!
on the road, so we didn’t reassign anybody
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 from our road patrol division. But it has Melissa and Ryan Weaver, 855 21st Street
impacted some of our specialty deputies.” Agency Owners CenterState Bank Building
land, Gov. Rick Scott signed into law a bill
that mandated the beefed-up security on Flowers said deputies from other units – 2nd Floor – Vero Beach
school campuses. crime prevention, agriculture, marine and
traffic, as well as background investigators (772) 567-4930
To meet that demand, Loar was forced – were temporarily reassigned to schools.
to temporarily reassign deputies to the [email protected]
School Resource Officer program for the The Sheriff’s Office had one sergeant
remainder of the soon-to-end academ- and 11 deputies assigned as SROs before
ic year – changes he said put a strain on the massacre in Parkland, where a former
the agency’s staffing and budget, since the student killed 17 people and injured 17
School District covers only about half the others. Now, the agency has assigned one
cost of the additional manpower. lieutenant, two sergeants and 25 deputies
to local schools.
“It’s definitely been a challenge since
March,” Sheriff’s Maj. Eric Flowers said. In addition, the Vero Beach and Se-


4 May 18, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

DRUG DOCTOR’S LAWYERS it? Did it have an impact on their deliber- is only allowed if a mistake was made on The trial by jury system was not set up
ations and/or the ultimate verdict? Un- the verdict form; if there was inappro- for jurors and their decisions to be con-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 fortunately, the only way to determine priate outside influence; or if extraneous stantly scrutinized, said McMillian. The
the answers to these questions is to sum- prejudicial information was improperly Supreme Court has upheld protections
After the panel was excused, a clerk mon the jurors back to the courthouse brought to the jury’s attention. to keep jurors from being harassed “by
found a document entitled “Here are 30 and ask them.” the defeated party in an effort to secure
do’s and don’ts of jury deliberations,” He argued the found documents only from them evidence of facts which might
Murrell wrote the court. While the list it- United States District Judge William effect was to encourage “jurors to take establish misconduct.”
self isn’t clearly prejudicial, its presence P. Dimitrouleas deferred ruling on the their obligations seriously and to decide
is proof that at least one juror ignored issue and asked federal prosecutors to the question of guilt based only on the If such protections didn’t exist, ver-
the court’s instructions and conducted respond. evidence.” Even the defense has stipu- dicts would become a “‘constant subject
their own outside research. lated this information is not prejudicial, of public investigation’ jeopardizing the
In an 8-page response filed on May McMillian said. ‘frankness and freedom of discussion’ re-
“The concern, of course, is what is un- 8, Assistant United States Attorney John quired for jury deliberations,” the prose-
known here,” Murrell stated. “What oth- McMillan argued forcefully against re- A defendant alleging denial of his right cutor said, citing case law. The jury sys-
er materials, if any, were brought into the calling and questioning the jury. to trial by an impartial jury has the bur- tem itself might not be able to withstand
jury room? If other material was intro- den of proving such an event took place, such scrutiny.
duced, how many jurors were exposed to Federal rules of evidence bar juror the prosecutor explained. This needs to
testimony expect in very limited cir- be more than speculation. Benjamin, 52, was convicted on five of
cumstances, he said. Such questioning the seven felony counts against him at
the federal courthouse in Fort Lauder-
dale last month.

The case hinged on the testimony
from Kevan Slater and Zachary Stewart,
two DEA informants whom prosecutors
said sold prescription and counterfeit
pain pills provided by Benjamin on the
street for cash. They also helped with a
scheme to build the former surgeon’s in-
ventory of illegal pills by using additional
people to get illicit prescriptions filled at
pharmacies as the drug-selling operation
spread throughout the Treasure Coast.

Both men plead guilty and testified for
the prosecution at Benjamin’s trial. They
are set to be sentenced in May.

Benjamin faces 20 years to life in pris-
on after being found guilty of illegal drug
distribution and conspiracy to possess
and distribute the fentanyl-laced pain-
killer which caused the 2016 overdose
death of a 34-year-old Palm Beach wom-

He was found not guilty on two fire-
arms-related charges. He remains in
federal custody and is scheduled for sen-
tencing in July.

His lawyers have declined to say if they
will appeal the case. “We’re obviously
happy with the two not guilty verdicts,”
Defense Attorney Andrew Metcalf said
after the trial.

“We’re disappointed with the verdict
on the remaining counts.”

It was terribly sad hearing testimony
from the deceased woman’s friends and
family, said juror Shane Kelly, 26, as he
walked out of the courthouse alongside
another member of the panel. Benja-
min’s secretly recorded reference to the
victim as just another “page in a large
stack” of drug-related mishaps was
heartbreaking, he said.

“I wouldn’t want him to be my doctor.
I wouldn’t want him to be my neighbor.”

The Florida Department of Health is-
sued an emergency suspension of Benja-
min’s medical license May 3.

This case shows the U.S. government’s
commitment to ending the opioid crisis,
prosecutor McMillian said after the trial.

“The jury’s verdict after listening to
the evidence clearly expresses their out-
rage with the conduct of a medical pro-
fessional who abused his gift.” 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS May 18, 2018 5

SHERIFF SEEKS MORE FUNDS fresh out of the academy and put them
on the road. They have to go through
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 field training, too.

bastian police departments each provide “Plus, as in any law-enforcement agen-
three SROs, including one at St. Helen’s cy, there’s always attrition,” he added.
School. “You always have to replace people. So
we’ll go full-throttle on hiring. But it’s go-
Flowers said private schools cover 100 ing to take a while to have all the people
percent of the cost of their SROs. we need to cover all the bases.”

The new security measures put SROs It’s also going to take money.
in all 16 public elementary schools, the Loar submitted his budget request to
Technical Center for Career and Adult the county on May 1. County commis-
Education, and the Wabasso School, as sioners will conduct budget hearings in
well as in the middle and high schools. July and render a decision in September.
Under the new law, the Florida Legisla-
“Before Parkland, we had SROs at ture will provide more than $100 million
all the secondary schools – the middle to school districts around the state for
schools and the high schools, excluding additional SROs.
the charter school,” Flowers said. “Now, According to Carter Morrision, the
we’re at every school in the county. county’s assistant schools superintendent
for finance, the Indian River County School
“When the mandate came down from District will receive from the state just over
Tallahassee, we had to do something to $1 million to help fund the additional SROs
get through the 40-something days of here for the 2018-19 academic year.
school that remained this year,” he add- Of that amount, however, the district
ed. “Somehow, we’ve made it work.” must give nearly $150,000 to the local
charter schools, leaving about $935,000
Flowers said the Sheriff’s Office is to cover the rest of the county schools –
planning to have full-time SROs on every and Morrison projects a shortfall.
campus, including two each at the high In fact, the district will be confronted
schools, when the new academic year be- with a deficit this year, too.
gins in August. Morrison said the Sheriff’s Office has
charged the district nearly $530,000 for
The agency already has in-house job police services in the schools but, after
postings for the additional SRO positions, deducting the charter schools’ share of
all of which are expected to be filled by prior state-provided funding, the district
current deputies. has less than $370,000 to pay its SRO bill.
“The difference will have to be made
The new hires Loar is hoping for would up with local funds,” Morrison said, re-
then fill the vacancies created by the dep- ferring to tax revenues.
uties transferring to the schools. Even after the district pays its share, at
least half of the costs of putting SROs in
“Getting the new SROs isn’t a prob- local schools will continue to come out of
lem,” Flowers said. “We were going to add the sheriff’s budget.
two new SROs next year, anyway, and we “The state funding goes directly to the
have people who want to do those jobs. school districts, but that pays for only a
We just need to provide them with the portion of it,” Flowers said, “so it almost
additional training, so they’re ready to go an unfunded mandate.” 
when classes begin next school year.

“Then, though, we have to fill the posi-
tions they’re leaving, and that’s not a sim-
ple or quick process,” he continued. “It
takes time to get somebody prepared for
road patrol. You don’t just take someone

Sheriff’s Deputy Teddy Floyd greets students at Wabasso School. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD

6 May 18, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

Cleveland Clinic is a finalist
to acquire another hospital

By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer into his 10-year tenure, announced he PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
[email protected] is postponing his retirement by a year
to ease the hospital’s transition to new SEVERAL OCEAN DRIVE MERCHANTS
Cleveland Clinic Florida has made it ownership. PUSH FOR LONGER PARKING PERIOD
into the final round of health systems
being considered by Boca Raton Region- Should Cleveland win out over Bap- By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer manager of the Driftwood Inn, who wants
al Hospital. tist, the addition of the 400-bed Boca [email protected] the parking limit on Ocean Drive changed
hospital would provide a geographic back to three hours. Olsen asked for 10
From a field of five announced in lynchpin for a proposed South Flori- The amount of time it should take for minutes of the council’s time to speak on
March, Boca Regional leaders have nar- da-based system that appears to have Ocean Drive patrons to eat, drink and shop behalf of the Driftwood, Waldo’s, Grind &
rowed the field to two: Cleveland Clinic Indian River Medical Center in Vero as along Vero’s oceanfront has been debated Grape, Costa d’Este, the Vero Beach Hotel,
its northernmost presence. and changed several times over the past the Holiday Inn Oceanside and Mulligan’s.
and Baptist Health South Florida. Orlando decade, and it may be changing again.
Health, a one-time suitor of Indian River Negotiations between Cleveland Clin- City Manager Jim O’Connor said no
Medical Center, did not make the cut. ic and Indian River are in the final stages, At one point, signs were erected limiting new ordinance would be needed if the
and advisor Jamie Burgdorfer said the parking to two hours and that limit was council finds favor with Olsen’s request.
Boca’s search for a partner began in transaction is “moving along well.” enforced by City of Vero Beach traffic of- Upon a vote of the City Council, the public
earnest in June 2017, a month after CEO ficers. Then after the economic downturn, works department would simply change
Jerry Fidele announced he intended to “I believe in the next few weeks we that time was expanded to three hours the signs from two-hour parking to three-
retire in August 2018. Earlier this month, will have both the definitive agreement to encourage locals and visitors to stay hour parking.
Fidele, widely respected for having and the amended lease to review with awhile and spend money in the shops be-
turned the hospital around 18 months the Boards,” agreed District chairwoman fore or after lunch without incurring a $20 “It’s been a really good season, with very
Marybeth Cunningham. “IRMC, the Dis- parking ticket. few complaints [about parking],” O’Connor
trict and Cleveland Clinic Florida are still said on Monday, but there have been some
targeting to have an agreement signed Then in 2015, the city’s focus – driven protests about the current two-hour limit.
by July 1, although some things have tak- by Ocean Drive merchants – turned more
en longer than anticipated.” toward the lack of available parking places North barrier island resident Margaret
and the need for greater parking enforce- Kindy recently made a complaint, not to
Cleveland is also in partnering talks ment, and the two-hour parking limit was O’Connor but directly to Vero News, after
with Martin Health, which has hospitals back for an encore. receiving a parking ticket on April 27. Kin-
in Stuart and Tradition.  dy and a guest from out of town spent two
Hotel and restaurant employees were hours and 21 minutes buying $826 worth
It’s Time For A Fresh urged to park in a nearby lot and ride to of clothing from boutiques on Ocean Drive
Perspective With New Ideas. and from Ocean Drive in the new GoLine and returned to find a citation slapped on
“Beachside Circulator” shuttle sponsored their vehicle.
Secure Our Campuses  Retain Our Teachers by the Vero Beach Hotel & Spa, but the
Scrutinize Superintendent’s Performance shuttle failed to gain sufficient ridership to They then moved their vehicle down
keep it going and the project was scrubbed the street to meet their husbands to enjoy
Enforce the Discipline Policy  Expand S.T.E.M. Programs after 18 months. cocktails, appetizers, dinner and dessert at
Improve Exceptional Student Education Mulligans, which she said took one hour,
Decrease the Amount of Testing Employees taking up parking spots in- 54 minutes “Whew, we just made it,” Kindy
tended for customers – running out to said of her second brush that day with the
H: (772) 794-1327 I C: (786) 512-7017 move their cars every two hours – remain two-hour restriction. a problem.
“Vero, you’ve got a problem! Your cus-
Paid for by Randy Heimler for School Board District 4 Last year, the recurring debate about tomers better know full well what they’re
whether or not Vero should institute paid going to buy before they go looking, or be
beach parking came up again and was shot smart and go elsewhere,” Kindy wrote in
down again, the argument being that park- her letter.
ing meters, or a kiosk-type paid parking
system, would be discordant with small- Kindy said she has heard other mer-
town, seaside Vero. chants and customers complain about the
“unfriendly” enforcement system and said
Now there is a new push for a return to a she hopes the Vero Beach City Council has
longer legal parking period. a plan to solve the parking issues on Ocean
Drive. 
This past Tuesday, the Vero Beach City
Council was set to hear from Lee Olsen,

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS May 18, 2018 7

Schools boss plays fast and loose in presenting report card

By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer in a nearly $48,000 average teacher salary, ing 44th among 67 Florida school districts. district’s nearly $2 million capital project to
[email protected] which matches the state average. He added And even those numbers come with an be completed in August, the construction
that Indian River’s average beats out sur- of an adult education building next to Gif-
Superintendent Mark Rendell tried to rounding counties. asterisk, because they include results from ford Middle School that will house voca-
make the case that things are going great the charter schools, which Rendell does not tional training classes, including 10 weld-
in the School District to the Indian River But teachers union President Liz Can- directly oversee and which outperform the ing class bays.
Taxpayers Association luncheon last week, non challenges his claim. While the $48,000 traditional schools he supervises, boosting
and some of his claims played fast and figure is correct, she points out the “raise” the district’s pass rate. “Welding is one of the most sought-after
loose with the facts. was actually compensation for more hours jobs,” Rendell said, claiming welding jobs
worked, and notes the dramatic increase Rendell claimed that Exceptional Stu- pay an average wage of $64,000. According
The guest speaker reported the School in health insurance premiums reduced dent Education services have improved to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics’ most
teacher take-home pay to fourth place during his three-year tenure, pointing to recent data, however, the average wage
COMMENTARY among the five counties. what he called an “audit” with no negative for welding jobs in the U.S. in 2016 was
findings. He was referring to a letter from $40,200.
District was named “best place to work” Rendell said teacher turnover in the dis- the Florida Bureau of Exceptional Educa-
in Indian River County last year, which is trict was about 15 percent last year, claim- tion and Student Services Chief Monica Rendell said the School District’s success
something he might well be proud of, and ing that percentage matches the national Verra-Tirado, but Verra-Tirado disputed was largely due to important partnerships,
claimed the honor was based on results of average. But Vero News has found that Rendell’s characterization of her letter. drawing attention to the Learning Alliance.
employee surveys. In reality, CareerSource nearly 200 teachers out of 1,120 left the dis-
based the award on a single survey com- trict last year, which amounts to 18 percent “I wouldn’t call it an audit,” Verra-Tirado He restated the partnership’s feel-good
pleted by an administrator. turnover. told Vero News. She said she had looked at goal – that 90 percent of third graders will
“one monitoring point,” transition plans for pass the Florida Standards Assessment
The questionnaire was filled out by Rendell told the group the high school ESE students 16 years and older. Six student English Language Arts test by 2018 – a key
then-Assistant Superintendent William graduation rate is “the best measure of suc- files were examined and passed muster. metric for measuring how well a student
Fritz, whose contract was not renewed. As cess” for a district, and reported that Indian That was the extent of the so-called audit. will do in school and life. But he didn’t give
head of the Human Resources Department, River’s rate was 87 percent last year. an update on where the district stands in
Fritz negotiated union contracts that ended The district has been monitored by the attaining the goal.
in impasses last year, imposing big hikes in But a truer picture of educational suc- Bureau for the last three years. It had to file
employee insurance premiums to make up cess is the Florida Standards Assessment an improvement plan because it fell far The results for the 2017-2018 academic
for a $7 million deficit in the health insur- ranking. In English Language Arts, the short of state standards for educating and year will be out in June, and it seems un-
ance fund, which he also oversaw. district had just a 52 percent pass rate last taking care of students classified as excep- likely the goal will be achieved since the
year, ranking 32nd among the 67 school tional, many of whom have learning prob- pass rate in the prior year was only 55 per-
Rendell said the district has given raises districts in the state. In math, the district lems and other difficulties. cent, three points below the state’s dismal
the last three years to teachers, resulting only managed a 53 percent pass rate, rank- average. 
The superintendent also brought up the

Islander jailed on probation violation

By Beth Walton | Staff Writer back seat of his car. Notably, the sand wedge
was bent in the middle of the shaft.
An island resident was sent to jail last
month after police say he used a sand wedge Police charged Coppola with felony crim-
to smash car windows at Riverside Park and inal mischief, but prosecutors allowed him
later violated his probation. to plead to a misdemeanor crime in August
2017. He paid restitution and was sentenced
Alexander Coppola, 22, of Azalea Lane, to six months’ probation and anger manage-
was first arrested a year ago, on May 23, ment classes.
2017. Vero Beach Police responded to Riv-
erside Park around 7:30 p.m. that Tuesday Then, in January, a Vero Beach Police Offi-
after a complaint of vandalism. cer pulled Coppola over for drunk driving. It
was 1:50 in the morning and his silver truck
The victim showed police his red Jeep was stopped at the intersection of Old Dixie
Wrangler with a broken windshield and Highway and 16th Place rocking back and
smashed rear passenger window. forth, according to an affidavit for his arrest.

A witness at the park said she saw a young Police followed the driver toward the
man hit the car with a golf club multiple railroad tracks. The car was weaving in and
times before getting into a silver vehicle with out of its lane, police claim. The lights near
a female and driving away. The witness took Commerce Avenue started to flash indicat-
a photograph of the car. ing a train was approaching.

An hour later, the victim’s father saw a ve- Instead of stopping or reversing his ve-
hicle on the island matching the description hicle, Coppola drove forward with the train
the witness provided and notified police. visibly approaching, court documents note.
His car got so close to the railroad tracks, the
Two officers then stopped the young cou- safety gates, which had gone down, went
ple who were in a silver Subaru. Coppola de- back up.
nied wrongdoing, but his girlfriend admit-
ted they had been at Riverside Park. Coppola failed a field sobriety test and
was arrested a second time. Judge Cynthia
She said the driver of the Jeep had yelled Cox sentenced him April 2 to 15 days in the
derogatory remarks at her so her boyfriend Indian River County Jail and an additional
smashed his windows with a golf club, ac- one-year of probation. He turned himself in
cording to an affidavit for his arrest. April 29 to serve his sentence and was set to
be released this week. 
Coppola later acknowledged the crime.
He told officers he was angry and couldn’t
control his rage. The golf club was in the

8 May 18, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

SUNRISE THEATRE says to me they’re not sure wheth- Tillman, who for years ran an
er there is a future for the Sunrise,”
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 he said. office supply store in downtown

and the Moody Blues – along with top co- To Horowitz, closing the theater Vero, was in at the very start of the
medians Jackie Mason, Sinbad, Jay Leno, would mean “the city is failing its
and John Cleese and Eric Idle of Monty Py- citizens.” Sunrise resurrection, when Wilkes
thon fame, who performed in 2015.
“I hope to God it doesn’t hap- drove “on his own nickel” from
Comedian Ron White delivered the Sun- pen,” he went on. “I think if that
rise national press when he got himself ar- happens, the city is making a Sarasota to help with the theatre’s
rested in Vero on one visit – and was three huge, huge mistake.”
hours late to his show. And yes, Bill Cosby planning.
played Fort Pierce multiple times; Wilkes It would be hard to overstate
considered him a friend. the draw the Sunrise has been to Once he was formally hired, he
Fort Pierce’s quaint downtown. On
Wilkes commanded a salary in keep- evenings of a performance in the became an ambassador for the-
ing with that clout – a reported $128,000. 1,200-seat, century-old theatre,
Whether that number, which was high for the streets surrounding it, which atre, introducing himself by bring-
a Fort Pierce city employee, played a role stretch east from U.S. 1 down to a
in his firing is not clear. But the fact that long waterfront park, fill with pa- ing candy to all the shop owners.
he was never able to make the theatre trons arriving early to dine, have
self-sustaining appears to be at the root of a drink at outdoor cafes, or stroll “I remember seeing him out
the city’s discontent. along the edges of the recently ex-
panded and upgraded marina. there at one in the morning plant-
Losses at the theatre climbed steadi-
ly in recent years to $1.6 million in 2017. Even on jazz or comedy nights ing flowers in front of the Sunrise,”
Despite the losses, City Manager Nick in the Sunrise’s more intimate
Mimms said in a press release that shows Black Box theatre, the ripple effect she said.
booked for the 2018-2019 season “will pro- of those 200 or so patrons notice-
ceed as normal.” ably enlivens the scene. Tillman and her team of Sun-

Built in 1923 for vaudeville acts, the the- Prior to the theatre’s 2006 re- rise volunteers wanted to wel-
atre, which showed movies for most of its opening – and the extensive down-
existence, was the largest between Jack- town rehabilitation that followed come Wilkes with a gift. They got
sonville and Miami. It closed in 1983 as the – professionals like Horowitz, who
Fort Pierce downtown deteriorated. had his law office next door to the their inspiration when the Sunrise
Sunrise, didn’t stay downtown af-
In 1988, the local Main Street organiza- ter dark, he said. “Now it’s incredi- finally bought a new curtain for
tion began to look seriously at renovating. bly vibrant.”
Eleven million dollars later, the project the stage.
was completed in 2006, and the city as- Horowitz said fundraising grew more
sumed both ownership and management. difficult after the city took over. “It’s not “We took some of the old cur-
so easy to have a city-run building and ask
Now, at least one Vero-based investor people to donate their money,” he said. tain and had them made into a
in downtown Fort Pierce properties, Hans
Kraaz, must be following the Sunrise de- “I think the city is failing to understand pair of shorts,” she said. Wilkes
bate closely. Over the past two decades, that there are no theatres that are profit-
Kraaz is said to have invested heavily in able. It just doesn’t exist,” said Horowitz. immediately tried them on – bur-
the Fort Pierce downtown. He is partners “Theatres are part of the community. It’s
in Sailfish Brewing Co., which a year ago no different from having a baseball stadi- gundy velvet, with gold fringe
greatly expanded by moving into the for- um or a park. If you want to have the arts,
mer J.C. Penney building. Kraaz’s compa- you have to understand that there’s a fi- sewn along the hem – and gamely
ny developed an office building on Second nancial commitment to that.”
Street. He also reportedly wants to devel- posed for a picture.
op land he has purchased behind the P.T. Music producer Darryl Bey, who regular-
Cobb building. ly brings national and regional blues, Lat- The photo has been on Till-
in jazz and R&B acts to Sunrise’s Black Box
In addition, the Vero Beach team of theatre, believes there is little support for man’s bulletin board ever since.
developer Keith Kite and contractor Don such cultural offerings among city officials.
Proctor are awaiting the Fort Pierce City When Wilkes went into the hos-
Commission’s decision May 21 on their “The city has turned its back on the the-
proposed hotel project on the site of the ater,” said Bey. “It supports it financially, pital midway through his tenure,
old Fort Pierce power plant. but I don’t believe they support it emo-
tionally and morally. You can’t just throw Bill Cosby dropped in to visit him,
And hundreds of Vero residents who money at it, you’ve got to go to shows and
rely on the theatre for national live mu- encourage friends to go. And not ask for Tillman says. The kindness was no
sic and comedy acts could be looking at a free tickets.”
much longer drive to such events – to Mel- PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD doubt reciprocated.
bourne or West Palm. In years past, a fifth Still, the theatre’s viability depends on
of the Sunrise audience came Indian River other factors as well. “No, I am not getting Sunrise main stage can top $100. “That’s the kind of person John is, and
County, with around 500 patrons a year the audience” needed at Sunrise, Bey ad-
coming from Vero’s barrier island. mitted. Bey did not dismiss the notion that the he’s very good to anyone he works with.

Fort Pierce officials have called for the “One of the things you have to consid- Sunrise could close. “I don’t know what’s I’m sure the stars were well taken care
public to voice concerns or support for the er is that nationally, live entertainment is
Sunrise in an online survey and the June having difficult times. With the advent of going to happen. In my mind, it could go of.”
workshop. smartphones, you can pull up iTunes and
Apple Music and literally go and get music either way. Horowitz says Wilkes will be difficult
That invitation for comment is causing free. People are also afraid to go out and
Horowitz concern. “If the city manager drink because of DUIs. And a lot of it is “The theatre has lost money since it to replace. It was he who tracked Wilkes
says they’re going to have a public forum ticket prices.”
to discuss the future of the Sunrise, that opened,” he said. “The city went into it down in 1999 based on a recommenda-
While the Black Box seats are typically
around $25, prime seats for acts on the knowing they were going to have to subsi- tion from the manager of Palm Beach’s

dize the theater. Ideally, the subsidy should Royal Poinciana Theater. Horowitz and his

have gotten less and less. That didn’t hap- board wanted expert consultation on the

pen – public theatres never make money. theatre’s renovation and Wilkes served as

But they do drive business to downtown consultant for a couple of years.

restaurants and stores.” When the theatre was finally ready to

He said the Sunrise brings an estimated open in 2006, another director was hired.

75,000 people a year to Fort Pierce’s down- “At the end of the year, we were $1.3 mil-

town, from as far away as Orlando. lion in debt,” recalls Horowitz. “[The first

“The Sunrise is a very important struc- director] booked great shows but he over-

ture downtown. It is the reason develop- extended himself.”

ment has moved ahead downtown. It’s a It was then the board brought Wilkes

huge asset for the city, and it’s critical that back on a full-time basis.

they bring in a strong director to make “Trust me, I interviewed a lot of people

sure it survives.” from that industry. It’s hard to find people

Bey said Wilkes’ lifelong connections that are really, really good. They’re not that

will be hard to replicate in a new director. easy to come by, especially at the salary

“He has brought in some top-name shows. the city wants to pay. John was paid higher

It’s going to be hard to replace him because than most city employees, but I think they

he’s so well connected in the industry.” were shortsighted in making the decision

Wilkes, who received six months of [to let him go.]”

severance pay, was apparently not fore- Wilkes has taken pains to part with no ill

warned of the termination. “He was a little will from the city.

caught off guard by it,” said Doris Tillman, Last Monday, he appeared at a city com-

the longtime leader of Fort Pierce’s very ac- mission meeting just to thank commis-

tive Main Street organization. Tillman said sioners for their support. “Typical John,”

Wilkes expects to continue consulting for says Horowitz. “He has such integrity. He’s

theatres. an amazing, amazing person.”

“John is such a gentleman. He has said Wilkes also returned the velvet shorts.

very nice things about wanting to continue He told Tillman, “You can give them to the

to work with the Sunrise and support it.” next guy.” 



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10 May 18, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Vero surgeon fixes sight for sore eyes in Mexico

By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer Carlota and to perform sorely needed eye
[email protected] surgeries.

If luxury travel is your thing, don’t even And “sorely needed” is something of an
think about taking your next “vacation” understatement.
with Vero Beach’s Dr. Robert Reinauer, a
fellowship-trained vitreoretinal surgeon. According to the World Health Orga-
nization, some 300,000 cases of cataracts
When Reinauer packs his bags – often are diagnosed each year in Mexico, while
brimming with medical supplies – and many times that number go undiagnosed.
travels some 1,500 miles to Montemore-
los in northeast Mexico, it isn’t to relax in Meanwhile, 16 percent of Mexico’s
the sun with a drink in hand, but rather adult population has diabetes – the high-
to teach, mentor and advise medical stu- est percentage of any country in the
dents at the Vision Institute Hospital La world – and 9 million people in the coun-
try have lost their sight due to diabetic

From left: Dr. Aaron Pittard, Dr. Avery Rush, Dr. Ryan Rush, Dr. Alan McCarty and Dr. Robert Reinauer.
Dr. Robert Reinauer
performing surgery.

The masses of people waiting for care.

retinopathy, which the U.S. National Eye
Institute says “affects blood vessels in the
light-sensitive retina that lines the back
of the eye.”

Add diabetic macular edema and glau-


12 May 18, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | HEALTHY SENIOR

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE says. “I feel very blessed that I have the
skills that I have.”
coma to the mix, and the picture gets even We’ve operated from 8 a.m. until 10 at night.
worse. We just keep going as long as the patients keep He’s also thankful for the help and sup-
port of New Vision’s founder, Dr. Paul Mi-
Which probably is why Reinauer, a coming. It’s hit or miss as to when patients notty, and other New Vision colleagues,
small-town guy from Hereford, Texas, arrive, because their bus can get stuck or break including Drs. Stephen Tate and David
about 700 miles north of the Mexican bor- down, so they may not show up that day and O’Brien.
der, takes these training and surgery trips then the next day we have everybody show up.
with four to five other eye surgeons for the New Vision donates needed medical
Christian Ophthalmologic Surgical Net- – Dr. Robert Reinauer supplies to the missions, which is a big
work. help since Reinauer and the other physi-
cians pay their own way. And more.
Reinauer says he and the other traveling
doctors are trying to bring the latest tech- “The people who go with us,” Reinau-
niques in eye surgeries to our neighbors er explains, “like my surgical technician
south of the border. and scrub nurses, they all go for no cost.
Doctors pay for everything, because we
The Vision Institute Hospital La Carlo- figure they’re giving up their vacation and
ta in Montemorelos “has one of the best they’re going to work to help us.”
[ophthalmologic] residency programs in
Mexico,” according to Reinauer, so he and So, don’t bet on “champagne wishes and
his fellow surgeons are not performing caviar dreams” on a Reinauer “vacation.”
operations “in some tent in the jungle.”
About the only things he brings with
But the schedule can be grueling. him on these missions are his skills, his
As Reinauer explains, “We’ve operated donated medical supplies, a surgical sup-
from 8 a.m. until 10 at night. We just keep port staff and – as anyone who knows this
going as long as the patients keep coming. soft-spoken Texan is probably aware – a
It’s hit or miss as to when patients arrive, collection of outlandish socks that are his
because their bus can get stuck or break trademark.
down, so they may not show up that day
and then the next day we have everybody Dr. Robert Reinauer is with New Vision
show up.” Center at 1055 37th Place in Vero Beach,
One a week-long trip in March, Rein- directly across from the Indian River Med-
auer and his colleagues performed an as- ical Center. The phone number is 772-257-
tonishing 600 eye surgeries, and he plans 8700.
to go back again this summer to do more
sight-saving operations. For more information on the Christian
“I feel very blessed to do what I do,” he Ophthalmologic Surgical Network, go to 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH May 18, 2018 13

Mediterranean diet cuts older adults’ risk of ‘frailty’

By Maria Canfield | Correspondent figs, dates, grapes and melons Colleen Symanski. a high vitamin and mineral content. In ad-
[email protected] • High consumption of legumes, beans, dition to its anti-frailty benefit, the Medi-
PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE terranean diet is linked to good heart heath,
A new study from the University College nuts, and seeds, such as almonds, walnuts, protection against stroke, and prevention of
London in the United Kingdom suggests sunflower seeds and cashews of the grape, which contain most of the diabetes. Moderation in the amount of food
that older adults can reduce their risk of healthy compounds.” consumed is recommended, as the diet
frailty by following a Mediterranean diet, • Whole grains such as whole wheat, oats, does have a high fat content.
helping them stay independent as they age. barley, buckwheat, corn and brown rice Because it focuses on plant foods and
natural sources, the Mediterranean diet By all accounts, the Mediterranean diet
While frailty may seem like a vague term, • Olive oil as the main source of dietary fat, contains valuable nutrients such as healthy should be paired with an active lifestyle for
it has a specific meaning in geriatric med- along with olives, avocados and avocado oil fats and fiber; it is also low in sugar and has the best results.
icine: it is a progressive decline in multiple
body systems that increases the risk for se- • Cheese and yogurt as the main dairy The U.K. research was published in the
rious illness, falls, fractures, dementia and foods, including Greek yogurt Journal of American Geriatrics Society.
premature death. Frailty is also associated The analysis pooled results from studies in
with low energy levels and a diminished • Moderate amounts of fish and poultry, France, Spain, Italy and China that included
quality of life. such as chicken, duck, turkey, salmon, sar- nearly 5,800 participants.
dines and oysters
The researchers reached their conclusion Symanski’s advice to the community,
after analyzing data from previously-pub- • Moderate amount of eggs, including which goes beyond the benefits of a Med-
lished studies that compared the incidence chicken, quail and duck eggs iterranean diet: “Eat more foods closer to
of frailty in older adults with the type of diet their natural source, such as vegetables,
they followed. • Very limited red meats nuts, whole grains and fresh fruit. Enhance
• Very limited sweets. And no sweetened foods with herbs, spices and olive oil while
Colleen Symanski, co-owner of A Health- drinks at all. trying to limit table salt and butter. Eat more
ier Me, a health and fitness studio on the While water is specified as the main meals with family and friends. Move your
barrier island, is a registered nurse, health beverage of the Mediterranean diet, the bodies more, even if it’s in small increments
coach and certified diabetes educator. She’s lifestyle does include one glass of wine per of time. Get enough restful sleep; take a nap
familiar with the U.K. study and says there day. Vero’s Colleen Symanski says, “Red if you need to. Laugh more.”
are other studies that support the numerous wine is more closely associated with the
health benefits of embracing a Mediterra- Mediterranean diet than white wine, as A Healthier Me is located at 2855 Ocean
nean diet. red wine is made with the skins and seeds Drive, Suite C-2 in Vero Beach; Symanski’s
phone number is 772 231 5555. 
Dr. Kate Walters, joint study leader and
director of the Centre for Ageing and Popu-
lation Studies at University College London,
says the evidence of reduced frailty is con-
sistent: “People who followed a Mediterra-
nean diet the most were overall less than
half as likely to become frail over a nearly
four-year period compared with those who
followed it the least.”

The Mediterranean diet was first defined
by researchers in the 1960s. It draws on the
healthy eating habits of people from a num-
ber of different regions, including Crete,
Greece, Spain, southern France, Portugal
and Italy.

As defined by WebMD, the Mediterra-
nean diet is characterized by:

• High quantities of vegetables, such as
tomatoes, kale, broccoli, spinach, carrots,
cucumbers and onions

• Fresh fruit, such as apples, bananas,

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14 May 18, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS

Bonz basks in the presence of lovely Lily Rose

Hi Dog Buddies! “I’m 11 in ‘Human,’ although I’m told I cie and my other pooch
don’t look it. I’m also a 100 Percent Mom-
This week I met a liddle lady pooch, Lily my’s Girl. You see, Mommy’s had Shelties for frens, ’specially Bruno.
Rose Erickson, an, I must admit, I hadda years. Her previous Sheltie, Ahna, required a
keep remindin’ myself I was there in a Pro- special wheelchair toward the end. She went He’s Hun-GARI-en. He’s
fessional Capacity. Woof! to Dog Heaven on Christmas. Once Mommy
was feeling Up To It, she went on line to find a Hunk!”
Lily Rose is a Shetland Sheepdog, a tidy another Sheltie.
Scottish breed, but she’s not the usual white She sighed.
with red/gold color. She’s mostly white, with “When she found a gorgeous picksure of
a more rare blue merle color, which is sorta ME, from Sioux Falls, South Du-KO-tuh, that “Hungarian Goulash,”
a mixture of blue-ish, black-ish an gray-ish was that. Mom’s fren Janice flew out to meet
patches. REALLY pretty on Lily Rose, who me an the breeder (an a liddle girl). I don’t I thought to myself.
was very delicate and ladylike. remember the liddle girl’s name, I was just
a puppy, but she had snuggled me an played “We have CHEM-us-
When the door opened, Lily Rose was with me since I was born, and she was sad to
standing behind her Mom doin’ a liddle bar- say goodbye. She even wrote me ledders for tree. Except when there’s
kin,’ but I couldn’t see her. a long time. I’ll always remember that.”
a rabbit. Then I might as
“Good morning,” I said. “I’m Bonzo the “What was it like, comin’ here?” I in-
Columnist and this is my …” quired. well be invisible. Can

In the middle of my intro, Lily Rose “I was a pretty well-behaved puppy. I did you buh-LEAVE he’s
stepped out from behind her Mom and do a lot of poking about, cuz I’m natch-ully
looked up at me. Her face was white ’cept NOSE-y. I gulped my food at first, an, I did more intrested in a rab-
for a swoop of cocoa across her left eye and have one teeny bad habit: when my water
some merle-y places on the other side. She bowl was getting empty, I’d alert Mommy by bit than ME?”
had eye liner, too, and her eyes were real flipping it over with my paw. I still occasion-
miss-tear-eee-us and unusual. ally do that, I’m afraid. Oh, an the vacuum “I REALLY, REALLY
cleaner really annoys me, so I bite it. I don’t
I went blank. care for toys much. I’m more intrested in couldn’t!”
She tilted her head an smiled. I told my- what the humans are doing.
self to Snap Out Of It! (She musta thought I “We do a great deal
was a Total Doof). “As you can see, the ocean is smack in my
“Um ... assistant! This is my assistant. And backyard. I often sit an watch it. I don’t EVER of travlin,’ which I
you’re Miss Lily Rose, I presume.” ackshully go OUT there, though. The waves
“Well, of course, silly.” She trotted up are wet an scary an I DISLIKE sandy paws. a-DOOR! The Hil-
for the Wag-an-Sniff. “This is my Mommy, Ick! One of my favorite pastimes is lying
Leigh, an my Daddy, Wayne. Welcome to under the piano, when Mommy’s playin.’ ton in Nashville is
our home. Would you like some water? A I think it’s still a puppy piano cuz Mommy
Greenie?” calls it a baby gran. An I think its white color very Pooch Frenly.
“Thank you, no. I’m good. And eager to goes nicely with my coat, don’t you?”
hear your story whenever you’re ready.” Same with the Four
I opened my notebook and put on what I “Absolutely! You look very fit, too.”
hoped was a Pleasant-Yet-Businesslike Face. “Well, I get lots of exercise. Me an Mom- Seasons in Chica- Lily Rose, the Shetland Sheepdog. PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD
Lily Rose arranged herself next to her my take two walks along Ocean Drive up to go, where there’s a
Mom and crossed her paws. “First off, weill the boardwalk each an every day. Humans lovely dog park. An
get this out of the way. Yes, I’m a sheepdog, always stop to tell Mommy how beautiful I
but I wouldn’t know a sheep if I tripped over am.” there’s one Serious thing me an Mommy do “You bet, Miss Lily Rose.
one, so don’t ask.” “Indeed,” I thought to myself. Lily Rose
“Got it,” I said. licked her paw daintily. in Illinois. There’s a pet sem-uh-terry where I’ll call to check up on you, too.”
“That’s also when I socialize with Gra-
Mommy goes to remember all her other “That is so sweet,” she said.

Shelties. All their names are carved onna Heading home, I was thinking about,

stone: Ahna, Lady Annie, Sam, Emma, Ca- well, about Miss Lily Rose: that cute liddle

pezio, Tyler, Tennille, Tally an Laddy. Me an head tilt thing she does. An those eyes.

Mommy sit onna bench an Ponder. I know Then I thought about Bruno. An reminded

those other pooches had a wunnerful life myself that I’m a carefree, happy bache-

with Mommy an Daddy, like I’m havin.’ lor. But I still plan to call to see how she’s

“Even though I look great, I’ve had some doin.’

ISSUES. I hadda have eMERgency SUR-jury

in MELburn a coupla years ago. The nice Till next time,

human dokter took a couple of my parts out. The Bonz
I forget which ones. Daddy usta have a Se-
cret Treat Drawer in his desk for me when

Mommy was away, but now I hafta have Don’t Be Shy
only special water an special food. Mommy
drizzles honey on top so it’s still yummy. An We are always looking for pets
my daily supplement tastes like baNAna. with interesting stories.
But I sure miss that Treat Drawer. I hafta get
another SUR-jury soon, so wish me Good To set up an interview, email

Luck, Mr. Bonzo. [email protected].

Indian River Club home has
abundance of beautiful views

222 Oak Hammock Circle SW in Indian River Club: 3-bedroom, 4-bath, 2,500-square-foot courtyard home on golf course offered
for $425,000 by Berkshire Hathaway Home Services agent Beth Livers: 772-559-6958

16 May 18, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE

Indian River Club home has abundance of beautiful views

By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer shire Hathaway Home Services listing agent Croom, a noted high-end home build- curvy pool with a hot-tub spa attached is
[email protected] Beth Livers said, pointing out the sixth hole er, constructed its first courtyard homes the viewable from nearly every room. Lush
of the golf course is to the left of the scrub in Indian River Club, refining the plans in plantings include palms, bougainvillea
Indian River Club is one of the most jay’s domain and the fifth hole to the right. later iterations. This home is among the and what Livers called a “tabby tree with
beautiful gated communities in Indian Riv- refined set, built in 2003. beautiful blooms.”
er County, developed with a jeweler’s comb, Most developers would be satisfied with
not a bulldozer, to preserve native habitat. providing residents one view, putting it The architectural style is West Indies, The house has three bedrooms, one of
It was the third golfing community in the beyond their back door. Here we have a with a low roof line, wide eaves, stucco them a separate cabana with full bath off
world to qualify for the Signature Audu- special eco-cool front view and a fairyland over concrete block, high windows that let the courtyard. The common rooms split
bon Sanctuary designation in 1995 and the lake view in back. in ambient instead of direct light, as well the master suite from the guest bedroom,

years have only enhanced its beauty. “Croom Construction chose this lot spe- as lower windows, all with Bermuda shut- creating three distinct boudoir retreats.
The south section of the community cifically because it has a peninsula jutting ters to control sunlight. The bedrooms are carpeted, while the
into the lake,” Livers said. As a result, the
has the most oaks, beloved by scrub jays as back yard has amazingly diverse vegeta- The front door opens onto the court- rest of the house has light ceramic tile,
dive-bombing platforms on unsuspecting tion. A grassy knoll splinters into pathways yard, a surprising tropical oasis greeting both done in off-white shades.
prey. A special house in that section, at 222 meandering between magical fern circles guests instead of a contained foyer. The
Oak Hammock Circle SW, has scrub jay and oak-tree covens leading to the rush- covered porch has a batten-wood ceiling The master bath is really two bathrooms
habitat in the front of the house. lined shore. in keeping with the West Indies archi- connected by a walk-in frameless-glass
tecture, which extends over a paver area shower. Her bathroom has the longer
“Nothing can ever be built there,” Berk- large enough for two lounge groupings. A counter, a vanity, garden tub and water
closet. Both have walk-in closets.

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E May 18, 2018 17

The other two bedrooms have generous FEATURES FOR 222 OAK HAMMOCK CIRCLE SW built-in entertainment center, with book
closet space and storage, but any over- shelves and a large-screen television area.
spill can be accommodated by the over- Neighborhood: Indian River Club
large garage. There are two garage doors, Year built: 2003 Pocket sliding doors disappear into the
one for two cars and another for the golf walls off both common areas, letting onto
cart, and there is plenty of shelving. Home size: 2,500 square feet • Lot size: .21 acres, 60’ by 150’ the courtyard, expanding the living area.
Construction: Concrete block and stucco
The common rooms include a living- Bedrooms: 3 • Bathrooms: 4 A small office lined with books and high
and-dining-room combination, while windows is the perfect rainy-day hide-
the kitchen is combined with a gathering Additional features: Courtyard design, split bedrooms, cabana away. Between chapters you can do loads
room. bedroom, hot tub spa, pool, covered porch, screened porch, of wash in the adjacent laundry room.
irrigation sprinkler, two-car and golf-cart garage, pocket sliding
The kitchen has high maple cabinets, The maintenance fee is $1,551 a quar-
the gold wood complemented by black, doors, built-in pantry, mature plantings, many oak trees ter. It includes lawn maintenance, lawn
bronze and gold granite counters. An Listing agency: Berkshire Hathaway Home Services irrigation, common area maintenance,
L-shaped eating counter offers lots of Listing agent: Beth Livers, 772-559-6958 reserve funds and recreational facilities,
seating for informal dining. Listing price: $425,000 which include a fitness center and swim-
ming pool. Golf and club membership are
The gathering room has a matching separate. 

18 May 18, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE



A very strong week on the mainland real estate front saw a whopping 52 transactions from May
7-11 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week in Vero Beach was the home at 4785 St. James Avenue. First listed in
October 2016 for $649,000, the 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom house sold for $575,000 on May 7.
In Sebastian, the week’s best sale was the condo at 6029 River Run Drive, Unit #6029. First listed
in March for $299,000, the 2-bedroom, 2-bathroom, 1,337-square-foot condo fetched $292,000
on May 9.


VERO BEACH 4785 ST. JAMES AVENUE 10/31/2016 $649,000 5/7/2018 $575,000
VERO BEACH 6525 21ST STREET 12/8/2017 $650,000 5/9/2018 $545,000
VERO BEACH 1053 RIVERWIND CIRCLE 10/30/2017 $569,900 5/8/2018 $525,000
VERO BEACH 2178 FALLS CIRCLE 12/20/2017 $549,000 5/10/2018 $432,900
VERO BEACH 5520 62ND LANE 2/23/2018 $432,900 5/8/2018 $425,000
VERO BEACH 2256 BUENA VISTA BOULEVARD 3/19/2018 $435,000 5/10/2018 $390,000
VERO BEACH 3975 58TH AVENUE 4/2/2018 $389,000 5/10/2018 $390,000
VERO BEACH 435 12TH PLACE SE 3/16/2018 $425,000 5/7/2018 $350,000
VERO BEACH 1155 49TH AVENUE 2/20/2018 $383,800 5/10/2018 $320,000
VERO BEACH 4393 2ND SQUARE SW 12/13/2017 $349,995 5/7/2018 $317,645
VERO BEACH 1545 SEGOVIA CIRCLE 2/9/2018 $312,795 5/10/2018 $300,000
VERO BEACH 5065 HARMONY CIRCLE UNIT#205 1/31/2018 $339,500 5/11/2018 $297,999
VERO BEACH 1896 GREY FALCON CIRCLE SW 1/25/2018 $299,999 5/5/2018 $292,000
SEBASTIAN 6029 RIVER RUN DRIVE UNIT#6029 3/22/2018 $299,000 5/9/2018

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E May 18, 2018 19


6525 21st Street, Vero Beach 1053 Riverwind Circle, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 12/8/2017 Listing Date: 10/30/2017
Original Price: $650,000 Original Price: $569,900
Sold: 5/9/2018 Sold: 5/8/2018
Selling Price: $575,000 Selling Price: $545,000
Listing Agent: Meg Hickey Listing Agent: Stacy Katz

Selling Agent: Keller Williams Realty Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida

Bobbie Holt Mary Frances Driscoll

Sea Turtle Real Estate LLC Berkshire Hathaway Florida

2178 Falls Circle, Vero Beach 5520 62nd Lane, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 12/20/2017 Listing Date: 2/23/2018
Original Price: $549,000 Original Price: $432,900
Sold: 5/10/2018 Sold: 5/8/2018
Selling Price: $525,000 Selling Price: $432,900
Listing Agent: Lynn Arzt Listing Agent: Jon Carroll

Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: RE/MAX Classic

Holly Gorman Jon Carroll

Sea Turtle Real Estate LLC RE/MAX Classic

199$ 3DAYS


Coming Up! Wall power! Muralist Fisher
builds national following PAGE B2

By Mary Schenkel | Staff Writer
[email protected]

1 Bret Baier, host of Special
Report with Bret Baier on
the Fox News Channel, will visit
the Vero Beach Book Center at 1
p.m. this Saturday, May 19, to in-
troduce his newest book, “Three
Days in Moscow.” Following on
the heels of “Three Days in Janu-
ary,” which focused on President
Dwight D. Eisenhower and his
efforts to chart a “course toward
permanent peace and human bet-
terment,” this latest book explores
a series of summits between
President Ronald Regan and So-
viet General Secretary Mikhail
Gorbachev, leading up to the dis-
solution of the USSR. Autograph
line tickets will be provided with
a book purchase. 772-569-2050 or



1 Bret Baier at Vero Beach
Book Center May 19.

2 Grab your best cowpoke at-
tire and get to Riverside The-
atre early before Comedy Zone and
Howl at the Moon weekend perfor-


B2 May 18, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

Wall power! Muralist Fisher builds national following

By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer Nick “Sick” Fisher. It’s about momentum, once you start getting
[email protected] enough work and enough of an audience.”
When St. Edward’s School handed 2004 While visiting his parents in Sebastian last
graduate Joseph Nicholas Fisher his diploma, month, Fisher reconnected with fellow artist
it left off his nickname, Sick. Jared Thomas, who arranged for him to paint
a mural on the back of his downtown gallery,
Today, Sick Fisher’s middle-school moniker Raw Space. Although visitors to the gallery
is worked into dozens of murals he now paints may never see the mural out back, the regu-
for a living, including one for the Chicago lars at Kountry Kitchen, a diner on Old Dixie in
Bears football team and another for the Skokie Vero, can’t miss it – it overlooks the breakfast-
Theatre, not far from the Chicago neighbor- and-lunch spot’s parking lot.
hood where he currently lives.
The mural – of a parking lot – pleased the
Last month, Fisher, now 32, returned to his owners of the diner as much as it did Thomas.
childhood home to paint a mural of sea-cap- “They loved it. They were so nice; they brought
tain portraits at the entrance of Capt. Hiram’s, us lunch a couple of times.”
Sebastian’s landmark bar and restaurant.
Owner Will Collins is a lifelong friend and fel- Fisher’s mark on his hometown pales in
low St. Ed’s alum. comparison with his adopted home in north-
west Chicago’s historic Humboldt Park neigh-
A graduate of Florida State University, where borhood. Over the course of nearly a decade,
he earned a BFA in studio art, Fisher moved to he has painted corner stores, a record shop, a
Chicago, fulfilling a life-long dream of living in bookstore, restaurants and bars, “one after the
a major city. While working at a diner near his other,” he says.
apartment and building a portfolio of paint-
ings in his free time, he saw a Craigslist ad Along with leaving his signature on build-
seeking a muralist for an old patent office in ings, he has made “deep, deep friendships”
Logan Square. Since then, he has transformed in Chicago. “It’s so great that I’m really ner-
building after building with his distinctive car- vous about spreading out,” says Fisher, who
toon-like figures and dot-and-dash backdrops. is planning an extended stay in Los Angeles
in the coming months to broaden his base
“It’s a blast radius – I’ve painted nine build- professionally.
ings within an eighth of a mile. It’s been a while
since I cold-called anyone. Everything at this Last year, Fisher won a commission from
point is word-of-mouth,” Fisher says. the Chicago Bears football team. The Bears
decided to use street art in a marketing cam-
“Chicago, for a large city, is also a very small paign and discovered Fisher through a gallery
community. Working in four or five different that knew his work. The campaign earned a
neighborhoods, it just spreads. If you do it for write-up in AdWeek.
the right price, you will continue to get work.
The mural, painted on a wall of a reggae
“Murals are becoming a very hot commodi- club, is featured on the Bears’ website.
ty. If they can afford an artist and they can work
with them, they will call; much like a handy- Fisher’s biggest mural to date – a month-
man when something breaks.” long effort – was a commission from the vil-
lage of Skokie, Ill., to paint a mural on the
As for income remaining steady, Fisher Skokie Theatre.
waves off any concern. He has also taken in-
tentional breaks to keep from “inundating the “Sometimes I feel like a contractor,” says
audience” and to let his creativity simmer, as Fisher, who on occasion rents an aerial
he puts it. lift to reach high places. “I have to get
my own supplies, I have to keep my
“You’ve got to have a rest note. It creates a
space in the rhythm of your output.” receipts, I’ve got to do my own num-
So far, working hand-to-wall has not in-
duced anxiety. Along with connections for poten-
tial commissions, he has generated an
“Not at all,” he says. “It’s incredibly exciting.

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE May 18, 2018 B3

Capt. HIram’s entrance. them in his hotel and “leaving them wherever I actual Painted Ladies. At Mount Rushmore,
thought they made sense” to take a photo. he left a painted Halloween mask of George
Instagram following of over 4,700 with a series W. Bush. In the Badlands, he went to a prai-
of his“art drops,” random objects he has found In San Francisco, he painted a Painted rie dog ranch, bought a pair of prairie dog salt
and painted, then placed in various settings Lady – a miniature of the famous Victorian
and photographed. houses – and set it on a chair in front of the CONTINUED ON PAGE B4

While he was finishing up the Capt. Hiram’s
mural, he found an old satellite dish on his way
to work – he commutes by bicycle, even in Chi-
cago. “I’m going to spray paint it and maybe
paint a bunch of dots on it and leave it some-
where before I leave.”

Recently, he drove to Miami with a pair
of old roller blades he bought at a Good-

Mural behind Raw
Space Gallery.

will and painted. But his
destination – South Beach
– looked “too polished, too
obvious, too on-the-nose.”
So he crossed the causeway
and found a parking lot near
the highway, where “people
had already tagged up the
area and there were a lot of,
uh, less shiny buildings.” He
situated the skates, snapped
a photo and posted it to his
growing Instagram.

The shot joined images
from a trip last September,
when he drove from San Di-
ego to Chicago, picking up
objects along the way, painting

B4 May 18, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

CONTINUED FROM PAGE B3 Arabia, they returned to Los Angeles and then CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 3 VB Theatre Guild May 21-22.
decided to raise their new baby, Nick, in a
shakers and painted those; in the photo, they small town, Sebastian. mances. This month enjoy free downhome of the most prolific nesting areas in North
are set among the ranch’s real prairie dogs. In country music at Boots n’ Brews, the Out- America. Space is limited, so make your res-
Milwaukee, he painted a beer tap and con- It was his grandmother who suggested he door Music Concerts in the Loop Summer ervations now. The nighttime walks are of-
vinced a bar to install it. He snapped a photo go to St. Ed’s; he started there in kindergarten. Kickoff, where you can also wet your whis- fered by Friends of the Carr Refuge, Friends
of the tap, and left it there. tle with free samples of Walking Tree craft of Sebastian Inlet State Park and the Sea Tur-
Asked if he ever felt out of place at the pricey brews or purchase great grub and cocktails. tle Conservancy. Walks begin at 9 p.m. with
“I’ve been very lucky in my career and in prep school, he paused. “I certainly didn’t not The fun starts at 6 p.m. and the country mu- turtle talks before turtle walks, while volun-
life in general in that it’s been a very tempered fit in. I was never discouraged, put it that way.” sic lineup of bands includes Crooked Creek, teer scouts and park rangers keep an eye
progression. I’ve gone from a small town, Se- May 18; the Casey Raines Band, May 19; out for nesting loggerheads as they lumber
bastian, to a somewhat bigger town, Tallahas- “If you want to be an artist, you have to Pretty Ruthless, May 25; and Whiskey Six, up out of the water. The whole process can
see, to Chicago, which was my dream. Nothing make your own way,” Fisher says. “Do you May 26. Comedians Max Dolcelli and Ken take several hours, so pack your patience –
happened so fast that I scrambled or curdled.” want to be a professional artist and making Miller highlight the Comedy Zone at Riv- and bug spray – and leave the littlest ones
a living at it? Or do you want to be comfort- erside Theatre, with performances at 7:30 at home. So as not to interfere, flashlights
Fisher’s parents, David Fisher, at one point able and do art in your free time? There are p.m. and 9:30 p.m., May 18-19, on the Wax- and flash photography are not allowed. To
a civil engineer for the city of Sebastian, and so many ways to go about it and there’s no lax Stage. Tickets are $12 to $18. Orin Sands reserve your spot, visit, fsi-
Susan Fisher, who worked as an adminis- right way. Some people need to be comfort- and Ken Gustafson are the featured enter- and
trative assistant at St. Edward’s, followed a able to do their art, and some people need tainers at the May 25-26 Howl at the Moon barrier-island-center-educational-pro-
reverse progression. After meeting in Saudi to be a little tortured.”  Experience, a high-energy show where du- grams-sea-tur-
eling pianists tickle the ivories while belting tle-walk-reser-
out tunes requested by audience members. vation. 
Tickets $12 to $22. 772-231-6990 or riversi-

3 If you’ve ever been bitten by the act-
ing bug, you still have time to try out
at open auditions for the first two shows
of the Vero Beach Theatre Guild’s new
season, 7 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, May
21-22. Southern belles are needed for the
comedy “Dixie Swim Club,” a five-wom-
an show about a bond forged on a col-
lege swim team that continues more than
three decades as they meet each summer,
sans husbands and children, on the Outer
Banks of North Carolina. The show will run
July 10-22. One woman and three men are
needed for the cast of “Yankee Tavern,” an
engaging conspiracy thriller that will run
Sept. 11-23. The show centers on the 9/11
tragedy and a fascination with the “truth”
as opined by a local barfly obsessed with
call-in talk shows, an engaged couple and
an “informed” stranger. 772-562-8300 or

4 And finally, June 1 marks the
start of the guided sea-turtle
nesting walks that take place every
June and July at the Archie Carr
National Wildlife Refuge, one


1. Beneath a Scarlet Sky 1. Alou: My Baseball Journey 1. The Fates Divide


2. The Fallen BY DAVID BALDACCI 2. Hobbo: Motor Racer, Motor 2. Marc's Mission (Way of the
3. Before We Were Yours Mouth BY DAVID HOBBS Warrior Kid #2)


4. Wicked River BY CARL HIAASEN 3. Dog Man and Cat Kid


5. Pachinko BY MIN JIN LEE BY MARIA SHRIVER 4. I've Loved You Since Forever


presents BY ADMIRAL WILLIAM H. MCRAVEN 5. The Fates Divide


Ronald Reagan and the Fall of the 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 |
Soviet Empire

William Morrow and Co.

Saturday, May 19th at 1 pm

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE May 18, 2018 B5

Movers and shakers shine at ‘Dancing with Vero’s Stars’

By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer Dr. Giuliana Diaz Jones and Joe Tessier. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE B6 Angela Novak & Sergio Cisneros
[email protected] Hip Hop - 24
the lobby for cocktails and hors d’oeu- PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD
Local stars lit up the stage at Riverside vres while hobnobbing with the danc- Tammy Bursick & Joe Wynes
Theatre last Saturday night with one ers. danced their toes off in titillating tan- Merengue & Bachata - 22
megawatt performance after another gos, steamy sambas and willowy waltz-
at the 10th annual Dancing with Vero’s Hamp Elliott of WOSN returned as es. Overall scores were based 50 percent Richard Giessert
Stars to benefit the Indian River County show emcee and kicked off the evening on dancing skills and 50 percent on & Marianella Tobar
Healthy Start Coalition and support its by introducing the judges – Barry John- money raised for Healthy Start. Argentine Tango - 29
efforts to establish a system of care that son, owner of Melbourne Ballroom, and
optimizes the health of all local moth- returning judges Chris Foster, owner of Guests adjourned to the lobby for a Ben Earman & Kaylan Keathley
ers, babies and their families. FW Productions, and Dee Rose-Imbro, dessert reception while scores were tab- Brazilian Zouk & Cha-cha - 28
Vero Beach High School drama teacher. ulated, before returning to the auditori-
In the end, Grand Prize winner Trac- CPA Ross Cotherman of Rehmann again um for the big announcement. Dr. Katya Bailor
ey Zudans and her partner Robert Scott oversaw and verified the voting. & Manolo Soler
were the winners of the coveted Mir- First runners-up were Ron Toperzer
ror Ball Trophy. A triple threat, Zudans Stars and their professional partners and Shari Tessier and the second run- Waltz - 26
earned a perfect dance score and was ner-up team was Dr. Giuliana Diaz Jones
the top online and overall fundraiser. and Joe Tessier.  Ron Toperzer & Shari Tessier
Interpretive Dance Showcase- 30
The star dancers put in grueling hours
learning dance routines and fundrais- Dr. Giuliana Diaz Jones
ing, ultimately raising an unprecedent- & Joe Tessier
ed $349,554 for HSC. With event co-
chairs Karen Franke and Lisa Thompson Salsa in a Latin medley- 29
Barnes (2015 and 2017 winners) leading
the way, there were more sponsorships Tor Jones & Karren Walter
and individual dancer fundraisers than Samba- 27
ever before.
David Thomas & Yvonne Miller
The evening began in true Hollywood Cha-Cha-Cha - 24
fashion as the dancers arrived in chauf-
feur-driven cars and made their way Tracey Zudans & Robert Scott
along the Red Carpet to the cheers of Foxtrot- 30
frenzied fans. Later, guests gathered in

B6 May 18, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE

Mirror Ball Trophy winners Tracey Zudans and partner Robert Scott.

Kaylan Keathley and Ben Earman.

Expires 05-25-18 Marianella Tobar and Richard Giessert. Dr. Katya Bailor and Manolo Soler.
Expires 05-25-18
Expires 05-25-18

David Thomas and Yvonne Miller.

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE May 18, 2018 B7

Hurricane Impact Doors
& Impact Glass,
We Have It All!

Dr. Glenn Tremml and Andrea Berry. Sergio Cisneros and Angela Novak.

Joan Woodhouse and Hope Woodhouse. Tammy Bursick and Joe Wynes.

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2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart • Licensed & Insured


Dee Rose-Imbro, Barry Johnson, Chris Foster and Ross Cotherman. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD & STEPHANIE LABAFF

B8 May 18, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SPORTS

First Bites: Rooster in the Garden in Fort Pierce

By TIna Rondeau | Columnist Scallop Appetizer. Drink: The Rooster had a nice selection
[email protected] of moderately priced wines, and also offers
beer and cocktails.
A few months ago, considerable fan-
fare accompanied news that Chris Bireley, Service: Under the watchful eye of gen-
highly regarded chef-owner of Vero’s Os- eral manager Kate Shanaphy Maingot, a fa-
ceola Bistro, was opening two additional miliar face to Vero diners, service was both
upscale restaurants a half block from the attentive and knowledgeable.
Sunrise Theater in downtown Fort Pierce.
Last week, we paid a visit, and found only Prices: Prices for starters range from $6
one of the two open – and more surprising, to $13, with entrées running $18 to $34.
Bireley no longer in the picture.
Initial impressions: At this point, it is a bit
Headline news: The two restaurants hard to tell where this all is headed, since the
planned for the Galleria at the southeast Braford Steakhouse is months behind sched-
corner of Second Street and Orange Ave- ule and the Rooster in the Garden is under-
nue – Rooster in the Garden and the Braford going a transition in culinary leadership. But
Steakhouse, both featuring Adams Ranch
natural beef – remain on track, we were as- the concept is good, and the food the night
sured. But only Rooster in the Garden is cur- we were there was very good. Hopefully
rently serving dinners, with the very attrac- between now and next season, these two
tive steakhouse now not scheduled to debut
for another couple of months. restaurants will become as
big of a hit as any
While Bireley helped
in the late-March
launch of

Adams Ranch

Rack of Lamb.

Rooster, which, like his Vero restaurant, had Tuna au Poivre. The 12-ounce ribeye was delicious but of the shows at the Sunrise.
a farm-to-table emphasis on food grown lo- accompanied mostly by fingerling pota-
cally, he is out of the venture, we were told, ly wonderful. My husband’s chowder fea- toes and a little braised kale from the Bird- I welcome your comments, and encourage
and new executive chef Gregg DeAquair, a tured one very, very large Pensacola oyster ie Hogan farm in Vero. The Kissimmee Riv- you to send feedback to me at tina@verobe-
veteran of several Vero kitchens, already is in a cream-based soup with carrots, celery, er oyster mushrooms from Okeechobee,
tweaking the menu (though the focus ap- onion and diced potato. Our companion’s part of the reason I ordered this dish, were
pears to remain the same). salad consisted of what looked like cherry missing entirely. The reviewer dines anonymously at
tomatoes (yes, cherry tomatoes apparently restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
Look & Feel: Rooster in the Garden has can be heirlooms) and cucumbers. My husband’s nicely seasoned tuna steak 32963. 
three eating areas — an indoor courtyard, was perfectly prepared, as was our com-
a dining room and an outdoor courtyard For entrées, I ordered the Adams Ranch panion’s rack of lamb, served with grilled Rooster
– separated by large glass windows that ribeye ($34), my husband went for the tuna asparagus and mashed potato and finished
make the dining room bright and airy. The au poivre ($34) and our companion picked in a sherry demiglace. In the Garden
restaurant has a smart, casual feel – cloth another of the evening’s specials, herb
napkins, no tablecloths – and the adjacent crusted Colorado rack of lamb ($28). Hours:
Braford Steakhouse has an even more up- Lunch from 11 am,
scale look. Dinner from 5 pm

Food: Our party of three sampled three Beverages: Full Bar
appetizers and three entrees. Address:

For starters, I ordered one of the specials, 100 S. 2nd Street, Fort Pierce
pan-seared sea scallops ($9), my husband
went for the soup of the day, an oyster chow- Phone:
der ($7), and our companion opted for the (772) 882-9786
heirloom tomato and cucumber salad ($12).

My two plump sea scallops, served atop a
garnish of mashed potato and drizzled with
a lemon beurre blanc sauce, were absolute-

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING May 18, 2018 B9

SUNSET MENU $17 A Modern Diner with fresh local ingredients
Available Daily 4:30 - 5:30
Zagat Rated $5 House Wine and Well Drinks A Roger Lord and Chuck Arnold Restaurant
2013 - 2017 Choice of Tides’ House Salad,
Wine Spectator Award Caesar Salad or BLT Iceberg Wedge The Best Food In South County!
2002 – 2017
ENTREES: reservations strongly suggested
Pork T-Bone, Chicken, Scottish Salmon,
2950 9th St. S.W. #105 Open Tues.-Sun. 5pm-9pm
Steak Marsala, Fettuccini and Shrimp Vero Beach
Reservations Highly Recommended 772.794.7587

Proper Attire Appreciated
Open 7 Days

(772) 234-3966

3103 Cardinal Drive, Vero Beach, FL


[ br(eakfast) + (l)unch ]
11:30 am - 3 pm

- |-

-- -


B10 May 18, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

Market Hours: Mon-Sat • 10am - 9pm


Innovative Mediterranean Cuisine & Gourmet Market Thai & Japanese Cuisine Live Music and Jazz
Summer Special • Offered all night Tues – Thurs, 6 pm - 9 pm
Beer, Wine, Sake & Fri & Sat, 6 pm - 10 pm
Prix Fixe $16 Entrees Full Liquor Bar
$5 Select Glasses of Wine $2 Off Martini Tuesdays
Dine in & Take Out
Includes Free Gelato, Any Flavor Lunch

Featuring Gluten-Free Pizza, Pasta and Entrees Mon - Sat 11:30am - 3 pm

Hours Dinner

BBiissttrrooLLuunncchh: :MMoonn. .--FFrri.i.111am -- 22ppmm •• BBiissttrro Dinner: Monn..--SSaat.t.55ppmm--99ppmm Nightly 4:30 pm -10 pm

772.234.4181 • 1409 S. A1A, Vero Beach • 713 17th Street|(17th Shoppes Center)

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING May 18, 2018 B11

ACveariltaifbiGcleaifttes  SEAN RYAN PUB
Open Table Reservations Available
GRADUATION Open For Lunch Starting at 11AM
AVAILABLE Tuesday Trivia Night Live Music Every Daily Drink Specials
7-9 PM - 10% Off On Food Friday Night 7-10 PM and Daily Chef
Salads, Pasta, Veal, Prizes and Drinks Specials Creations
Chicken, Subs,
Come join us
Housemade Desserts for the Happiest
Lunch and Dinner Happy Hour in Town!

Tues. - Fri. 11:30 - 9:00 Open: Tues. - Sun. 11AM -11PM
Sat. & Sun. 4:00- 9:00 2019 14th Ave  (772) 217-2183

Closed Monday
Delivery by

56 Royal Palm Pointe  772-567-4160





Lunch & Dinner Open:
Tues.- Sat. 11:30am - Close•Sun. 4pm - Close

1931 Old Dixie • 772.770.0977 • Like us on Facebook!

B12 May 18, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES May 18, 2018 B13

K974 5 J 10 6 3
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist QJ94 76532 AK
3 AQ92 765
Another good book is “Six Steps to Winning Declarer Play” by Jay Apfelbaum (Master QJ52 K97 10 6 4 3
Point Press). It is purportedly aimed at intermediate players, but these 52 declarer-play
problems would really tax my intermediate students; even the better players would trip SOUTH
up occasionally. AQ82
10 8
The analysis of each deal is comprehensive. The author advises that declarer always ask K J 10 8 4
himself six questions: How many tricks can I take right now? How many tricks can the A8
defense take right now? Where can I get more tricks? Where can the defense get more
tricks? How many tricks do I need for a good score? (More relevant in a pair event, Dealer: South; Vulnerable: North-South
where overtricks can be so valuable.) What is the best way to play the contract?
The Bidding:
Apply those to this deal from the book. South is in five diamonds, and West leads his
1 Diamonds Dbl. 1 Hearts 1 Spades
Note that three no-trump makes only if West leads a spade. 1 NT Pass 3 Diamonds Pass LEAD:
3 Spades Pass 5 Diamonds All Pass 3 Diamonds
Now let’s answer Apfelbaum’s questions. South has eight top tricks. The defenders have
two. There are three ways to try for extra tricks: establish hearts, take a winning spade
finesse or ruff spades on the board. The defense will triumph if declarer does not or
cannot find a successful line. To score well, South needs to get home.

It should be clear from the bidding that ruffing spades on the board is the best line. Win
the first trick in hand, cash the spade ace, ruff a spade, play a club to the ace, ruff a
second spade, cash the club king, ruff dummy’s last club and trump the spade queen.
South wins one spade, two clubs, five diamonds in hand and three ruffs in the dummy.

Summer Membership

Meadowood Golf and Tennis Club

Is offering Summer Memberships

(April 23rd to October 31st 2018)

With Unbeatable Value

Single $ 300 Family $450

Cart Fees 18 holes $25.00 / 9 holes $13.00 plus tax.

Full Country Club Privileges
(Golf – Tennis – Pool – Social)
Driving Range (golf balls included)

Personalized Lessons

Inclusive fees with Cart:

Single $1,000.00
Family $1,500.00

Current Rates

$30 before 12:00 $25 after 12:00 Twilight Rate after 3 $20.00

Ask for details at the Golf Shop
Mike Yurigan, GM & Head Golf Professional

Call (772) 464-4466 or Visit our website

B14 May 18, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES


1 Of an ancient civilisation (5) 2 Lazed (5)
4 Supernatural cave-dweller (5) 2 Dog (6,7)
8 -- plate; poetic -- (7) 3 Completely perplex (7)
9 Maritime (5) 4 Destined life partner (3,3)
10 Residence (8-5) 5 Admit; confess (3,2)
11 Demand (6) 6 Bond film (4,3,3,3)
12 Of poor quality (6) 7 Drowsy (6)
15 Early computer game (5,8) 11 Points in dispute (6)
18 Banishment (5) 13 Make cheerful (7)
19 Bullfighter (7) 14 Nail polish (6)
20 Faithful (5) 16 Adversary (5)
21 Poor (5) 17 Gruff (5)

The Telegraph

E ERN and ASSOCIATES, LLC How to do Sudoku:
“Experts in Learning, Behavior, and Mental Health”
Specializing in Psychological and Educational Fill in the grid so the
Evaluations for Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults numbers one through
Learning Disabilities including Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia • Autism nine appear just once
Spectrum Disorders • ADHD • Developmental Issues • Emotional/Behavioral/ in every column, row
Adjustment Issues • Gifted Evaluations • Homeschool Evaluations and three-by-three
• Evaluations for College Students Requiring Learning Accommodations square.

Now an approved provider for the Gardiner Scholarship Program/Step Up for Students

Also offering brief solution-focused counseling,
behavior support services, and in-house speech/language evaluations

Greg Ern, Ph.D., NCSP 1705 19th Place, Suite A-1
Owner/President Vero Beach, FL 32960
Licensed/Nationally Certified (772) 696-3927
School Psychologist & Educational Leader Like Us on Facebook

The Telegraph

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES May 18, 2018 B15

ACROSS protector 4 Compare years!” The Washington Post
1 Part of a journey 73 Kings of Spain 5 Leaped (at) 69 Cheshire cat’s
4 Napoleon’s 74 Slangy money 6 Showed respect
76 Singer’s effect 7 Tennis-play edge leftover
island getaway 79 Was in the 8 Country address, 72 Bay city
8 Like wintry 75 Nationality
vanguard for short
weather 80 Haunters of the 9 Loser ending
11 Mongolia’s 10 Teapot Dome 77 Brownish-gray
Himalayas 78 Path opening?
capital, ___ Bator 81 Hoofer’s clicker scandal’s state 80 Source of
(the old spelling) 84 Building wing 11 Without much
15 Mauna ___ 85 Majestic African Christmas
18 Lizzie’s weapon 87 Of mice thinking warmth
19 Part of QED 88 “Whadja say?” 12 Egg size: abbr. 82 Like today’s
20 Kites bought in 89 Scheming 13 Stopped fasting tellers
Detroit? 90 Finishes a kite? 14 Presider over 83 Calling cost
23 Finished first 93 Palindromic 86 Says, “Aren’t you
24 Relaxes with Greek expected
kites? name contests somewhere?”
26 Hiking heading: 94 “Robot” coiner 15 Slow, in music 87 Word with paper
abbr. 95 Tunesmith 16 Judge’s or pepper
27 Booster rocket insistence 91 “You’re wrong,”
28 Dodge model Harold 17 Favorable in the sticks
29 Lauder of 96 ___ the possession 92 Watercolor
cosmetics 21 Traveler’s stop exhibit, e.g.
30 Deserved barrelhead 22 Romantic 93 Columbus
32 Ms. Garr 98 Like a kite adventure story campus, for short
34 Workout haven 101 Dawn goddess 25 Basic qualities 94 A major, for one
37 Civil wrong 102 “Aw, ___ never 31 Addams Family 96 Witch cliques
38 Declaimed cousin 97 In ___ (sort of)
39 Omdurman’s work” 33 Correct 98 Start of many a
country 103 Court challenge? 35 Stage Confucianism
40 Chuckling 104 Olivia’s frequent paraphernalia 99 “... is what ___
Muppet 36 A year in France in the papers”
42 Mickey and co-star 39 Famed 100 Sheepskin
Minnie’s “dad” 106 Sardine gatekeeper clutchers
43 What kite fans 41 Sikorsky and 103 Italian commune
bring? containers Stravinsky 105 False testimony
45 Yakety-yak 108 Pointed arch 43 Conductor 107 Conditional word,
48 Airport monitor 110 Hecatomb Caldwell to Snuffy Smith
abbr. 44 Up 109 Take quickly
49 Peeved causer 45 Lost, like a kite? 112 Hush-hush org.
51 Blood I.D. 111 What an 46 Staggering 113 Jazz job
52 Rough stuff 47 Convy and Parks 114 Chem. ending
53 Brief thing? overabundance 49 Hospital ward, for
54 Eschews apathy of kiters may short FLIGHTS OF FANCY By Merl Reagle
55 Bush found in cause, 50 Drug agent:
Florida grass-wise? slang
57 More placid 115 Call ___ day 55 Kidded
59 Painter who 116 Was illustrated, 56 New Haven
inspired kitewise? alumni
Sondheim 117 Blyth and 58 Ancient Persian
61 ___ eclipse Sheridan Gulf kingdom
63 December 118 Hair holder 60 Water pitcher
hazard 119 Goes overboard, 61 ___ terrier
64 Harbor a beef slangily 62 1970 Bronson
66 Advice to would- 120 Type of palm thriller, ___ the
be hobbyists? 121 Have obligations Rain
70 Hole-punching 122 Litmus-test result 64 Relief pitcher
tools 123 White House stats
71 Knight’s head monogram 65 Songbird’s forte
DOWN 67 Alice, all mixed
1 Blade-cutting up
blades, perhaps 68 “___ a million
2 Clear of charges
3 Simple kite

The Telegraph

B16 May 18, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR

ONGOING Vero Beach Theatre Guild - presents the mu- 17|18 Riverside Theatre Educa- 18 Hurricane Hangar Party hosted by
sical, “The Fantasticks” thru May 20. 772-562- tion’s Spring Dance Recital American Red Cross Florida Coast to
Vero Beach Museum of Art - Paul Outer- 8300 performed by students of the RT Dance Conser- Heartland Chapter, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Vero
bridge: New Color Photographs from Mexico vatory, 7 p.m. at Ann Morton Theatre @ RT Edu- Beach Airport, with exhibits, entertainment, si-
and California, 1948-1955 thru June 3. MAY cation Building. $10. 772-410-0476 lent auction, children’s activities, food vendors
and, weather permitting, a visit from a ‘Hurri-
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN Crossword Page B17 (A DOG’S LIFE) cane Hunter’ aircraft. Free.
in May 11, 2018 Edition 1 APP 2 AQUARIUS
3 RAISE 2 PALADINS 18 Sebastian River Area Chamber of Com-
6 KEY 3 RATION merce Concerts in the Park presents
8 UNLIT 4 INVAIN Bobby Owen Band, 5:30 to 8 p.m. at Riverview
9 VICTORY 5 EXCEED Park. Free. 772-589-5969
12 DOG 7 YOYO 18|19 Riverside Theatre Boots &
15 ULNA 11 SOW Brews at Comedy Zone 7:30
17 WARY 13 GASOLINE p.m. & 9:30 p.m., with Live on the Loop free coun-
18 SPA 14 WYCLIFFE try music at 6:30 p.m. $12 to $18. 772-231-6990
25 UNKEMPT 19 ASIMOV 19 Save the Chimps Member Day, limited
26 THIEF 20 BITTER guided tours of 150-acre chimpanzee
27 OWE 21 JOSTLE sanctuary for chimps rescued from research,
28 VERVE 23 OUZO entertainment and pet purposes. $50 adults;
29 EWE 24 SKYE children $25. 772-429-0403

Sudoku Page B16 Sudoku Page B17 Crossword Page B16


Our directory gives small business people eager to ATTORNEY STEVEN LULICH
provide services to the community an opportunity
to make themselves known to our readers at an
affordable cost. This is the only business directory Protect Your Rights-No Recovery No Fee
mailed each week during season. If you would like Free Consultations

your business to appear in our directory, Concierge Legal Services – We make house calls
please call 772-633-0753. Real Estate Closings-Title Insurance
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(772) 589 5500

TBheefohrireinygouofdaeclaiadwneyd,eear xsispkeaurniseintmocpepo.rrCotavliinedtnedt eyreocsiuspiwoonnitshtihbfalreteesfohwrorucioltdtsetnnooiftnsbfoueritmbaaatstiesodentstaloeblmeolueytnoto.nuradqvuearltiifsiceamtieonntss.



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46,000 Miles Supercab Touring, One Owner 60,000 Mi. One Owner 74,000 Miles Only 5,000 Mi. Like new

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*plus tax, tag, title, destination, and $349 Dealer fee. Price includes all factory rebates, cash back, and dealer discounts. Vehicles subject to prior sale. Not responsible for typographical errors. Offers Expires May 31, 2018.

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