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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2016-03-24 14:44:13



Quail Valley Charities raises
record amount. P16
Fans are revved up

for antique autos. P32
Civil war at South Beach
Property Owners Association. P9

Puttick hopes For breaking news visit
Orchid will OK
assisted living Council warned
not to bank on
electric windfall

Staff Writer Staff Writer

Orchid resident Ken Puttick An aerial shot of Fellsmere Elementary School, where mold is said to be a problem. PHOTO BY PHIL SUNKEL City Manager Jim O’Connor
hopes 2016 will be the year he last week warned optimistic
finally gets started on the prop- More complaints about mold at Fellsmere Elementary members of the City Council
erty he’s fought to develop for a that Vero could be forced to
decade, and that his proposed BY KATHLEEN SLOAN and staff at Fellsmere Ele- Two weeks ago, School Dis- sell some of its electric system
high-end assisted living com- Staff Writer mentary School, more sourc- trict management denied a if the courts rule against the
munity near Orchid Island Golf es have come forward to con- mold problem exists at the City in its legal dispute with the
and Beach Club will come to In the two weeks since Vero firm the problem – some on school, and School Board Town of Indian River Shores
be seen as a valued amenity for Beach 32963 reported that the record, and some who re- members Shawn Frost, Charles over electric service – and the
barrier island residents. a mold problem was endan- quested anonymity because Searcy and Claudia Jimenez price won’t be anywhere close
gering the health of students they feared reprisal. to what Vero is asking.
A Vero resident and auto CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
dealer for nearly 30 years who Vero and Florida Power &
built an oceanfront home at Light diverge greatly in what
Orchid more than a dozen they think Vero’s custom-
years ago, Puttick and his ers and infrastructure in the
consulting team from Kimley Shores are worth. The City
Horn are putting the finishing wants $64.5 million to get out
touches on a plan that will be of the Shores and let FPL take
considered by the Town’s new over as power supplier; FPL is
planning agency, possibly on only willing to pay $13 million.


Luxury new home Writer’s sister comes
market is red hot to see Vero’s ‘Dolly!’

Staff Writer Staff Writers

Island realtors have been If there were opening Francine Pascal: ‘Riverside should be very proud.’ PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
saying for years there is pent- night jitters at “Hello, Dol-
up demand for new luxury ly!” two weeks ago, the cast
homes, and it turns out they and crew at Riverside The-
were spectacularly right. atre could take comfort
that there was family in the
Bruised by the real estate audience.
downturn that began in 2007,
developers were slow to launch CONTINUED ON PAGE 3


March 24, 2016 Volume 9, Issue 12 Newsstand Price $1.00 Operation Prom
brings dreams
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Arts 39-46 Games 59-61 Real Estate 83-96 772-559-4187
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Editorial 54 People 11-38 Wine 75 CALL 772-226-7925

© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.

2 Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


O’Connor warns Vero Council would lose leverage and might be the $64.5 Vero would need to make it to abandon your utilities in Indian
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 forced to sell at a fire-sale price. “whole” to the $13 million offered by River Shores,” he told the council.
FPL is akin to comparing apples and
The Town is so determined to get The unusual discussion at last oranges. “Now when he says that, there’s go-
rid of Vero Electric and bring in FPL to week’s Vero Beach City Council meet- ing to have to be compensation to pub-
get lower rates that it has filed suit for ing occurred after Councilwoman “The problem is that we’re looking lic facilities, and at that point you’re go-
breach of contract and filed a territorial Pilar Turner asked for an update on at making some estimates of how far ing to be negotiating a price that would
complaint with Tallahassee regulators the city’s legal woes, and Councilman underwater we are in those particular have to more than likely be approved
to force a sale. Dick Winger reiterated that FPL’s offer agreements,” Winger said. “The other by a court somewhere,” O’Connor said.
does not take into account all of Vero’s thing is the contingent liabilities have
“We’re getting closer every day to contingent liabilities and potential never been looked at.” O’Connor explained that a court-
having a judge in one of these court “stranded costs” to the Florida Munic- mandated sell-off would put Vero in
cases rule,” O’Connor said, adding ipal Power Agency. The Shores, Vero’s O’Connor then pointed out the a totally different negotiating posi-
that the pending disputes will all likely legal team asserts, should absolutely harsh legal reality. “We’ve got to re- tion than voluntarily selling electric
end up at the Florida Supreme Court. cover a portion of those costs if they member is that we are in court. We’re customers and assets to FPL. “If the
If the court sides with the Shores, Vero want to exit Vero’s system. being sued, and so therefore, we need judge says you’ve got to vacate the
to be mindful of that because a judge premises, then you don’t have a going
Winger insisted that comparing one of these days could say, you’ve got concern. You just have a lot of assets
sitting on poles, so you get down to
another number.”

Any purchase of customers by a pub-
licly owned, regulated utility also would
need to be reviewed by the PSC. The
Shores’ rate consultant, Terry Deason,
a former 16-year PSC commissioner,
analyzed the origins of Vero’s $64.5
million figure, and said the PSC would
never allow FPL to pay that much for
the Shores customers because the in-
flated price would not be fair to FPL’s
nearly 5 million existing customers
across Florida. Deason estimated what
might be deemed an equitable price
would be somewhere between $12 mil-
lion and $19 million.

Councilwoman Pilar Turner urged
her colleagues not to underestimate
the Shores’ will to stick the fight out un-
til the end. “I think there’s the real risk
that if the court rules against us, we’re
going to be in a fire sale,” she said.

Mayor Brian Barefoot has said that
Shores customers pay $2 million extra
per year in rates to Vero and even if it
takes $2 million in legal fees to get the
result they want, that’s still only one
year’s rate disparity. Shores officials
have dangled a voluntary sale as a way
for Vero to make the lawsuits and regu-
latory complaints go away, leaving Vero
with only the Board of County Com-
missioners left to fight.

Meanwhile, the County awaits a rul-
ing from the Florida Supreme Court
on similar, but not identical, ques-
tions about its powers and options re-
lated to choosing an alternate electric
provider in March 2017. That’s when
the county’s electric franchise with
Vero expires and county officials say
Vero will no longer have permission to
use public rights of way to do business
in the unincorporated county.

More than 60 percent of Vero’s
34,000 electric customers reside out-
side the Vero Beach city limits and
cannot vote for members of the Vero
Beach City Council, which sets elec-
tric rates and determines transfers of
revenue into the city’s general fund.

Those customers on Vero’s system
pay rates that are about 30 percent
higher than their neighbors served by
FPL. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 3


Sister of writer of ‘Dolly!’ ‘Oklahoma!’ was the first one with mu- on comedy sketches for big-name and her brother went to see her perform
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 sic and lyrics that advanced the story,” comedians of the 1950s, at one point in a cabaret. “She was the Carol we all
she says, “then I think my brother’s working on the Sid Caesar show. Once know onstage. But I didn’t expect that
Francine Pascal, sister of the late time perfected it. ‘Dolly’ is a perfect ex- he started writing for Broadway, his when we went back stage. She was still
Michael Stewart, who wrote the mu- ample. I think ‘Dolly’ is the best exam- output was prolific. Among his biggest Carol! But it was such a great personality.”
sical’s book and many more besides, ple of American musical theater. That hits, besides “Dolly”: “Bye-Bye Birdie,”
flew in for the performance at the invi- book is seamless. I wouldn’t change a “Carnival!,” “George M.!,” “Barnum,” Since then, Pascal has made a point
tation of Cynthia Bardes, an avid Riv- word. And I’m like a tiger at the gate.” and “42nd Street.” of seeing every Dolly cast in a Broad-
erside board supporter, after the two way production. She has remained
women met at a women’s networking Michael Stewart, who died in 1986 Before Carol Channing was hired as close friends with Jerry Herman, Stew-
luncheon in New York. at the age of 63, got his start working the original Dolly on Broadway, Pascal
Bardes has recently been writing chil-
dren’s books and Pascal is the creator Exclusively John’s Island
of the hugely successful “Sweet Valley”
books for teens. Written by a team of Sited along the 4th fairway of the North Course is this beautifully designed
ghostwriters, the 152 volumes have sold 4BR/5.5BA residence showcasing lush pool and golf views. This 5,179± GSF
100 million copies, spinning off a TV se- retreat offers a voluminous living room with fireplace and French doors opening
ries, merchandise and talk of a movie. onto the cozy screened lanai. Additional features include custom millwork, a
center island kitchen with wet bar, sunlit family room with dining area, well-
For Pascal, the visit to Vero marked appointed master suite with walk-thru shower, spacious guest bedrooms, tropically
a first. Though she has seen “Hello, landscaped grounds and a 2-car garage. 581 Sea Oak Drive : $2,450,000
Dolly!” countless times, it was the first
time she’d seen a regional production. three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
Touring Riverside’s behind-the-
scenes efforts that morning, she was 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
not expecting such a state-of-the-art
facility. “I think this is terrific,” she said,
as she passed through a swarm of crew
members backstage. With only hours to
go before curtain, they were working in-
tently on the still dismantled, partly un-
painted pieces of one of the most elabo-
rate sets Riverside has ever mounted.

Near a veritable aviary of feathered
hats in the wings, three interns stopped
to shake hands as they dabbed paint
on a parade float, its mannequin still
missing its top half.

In the vast scenery shop, Pascal
seemed awed at the intricate detail on
Victorian storefronts and the candy-
colored cars of wooden train that would
carry the actors through Yonkers.

“I can’t get over the fact that they
create them here,” she said, expect-
ing that sets would have been rented.
“And then chop them up.”

For a small-town theater to have the
sort of budget that allows for sets to be
demolished once a show has closed
might have hinted at the caliber of the
show she would see that night. Still,
it seemed to surprise her, according
to Bardes and Oscar Sales, Riverside’s
head of marketing.

“Riverside should be very proud of
this production,” she told Sales.

Judging productions is a second
vocation for Pascal. While she contin-
ues to generate new books for teens,
she’s also one of 24 voters of the Tony
Awards. She’s required to go to every
single show, every single season.

“At the end, it feels like 100,” she
says. “There are days I go to a matinee
and evening performance and then
the next day, I see another. In the be-
ginning I thought I can’t do that, but
well, I have no problem.”

Pascal believes her brother was in
the forefront of change that brought
musical theater to what it is today. “If

4 Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Sister of writer of ‘Dolly!’ Her mother, who lived to be 100, father – thank God the father was still “It was so dangerous,” Pascal says,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 and her father, who died at 87, lived alive. I made it all up.” laughing. “He would repeat it to me, and
to see every show he wrote, she says. I would repeat it to the room. If it had
art’s longtime collaborator, who now “They were there for every open- On the opening night of “Hello, Dol- been bad, it would have been horrible.”
lives in Miami. “Collaborations are not ing night. They were beautiful peo- ly!” in 1964, they went as a group to
always perfect, but they got along per- ple, straight out of central casting. I Sardi’s, the famous after-theater hang- Needless to say, the review was a rave.
fectly,” says Pascal. “They were a per- adored them.” out. The show was “marvelous,” Pascal The show, which held the record for
fect pair.” says. But they were anxious to see the Tony awards – 10 – for 35 years, has
Stewart knew early he wanted to work reviews. With her husband working for had three Broadway revivals and is
When, after her brother’s death, she in theater and after graduating from the Tribune at the time, he called in at set for another next year, with Bette
set about revising the play “Mack & Queens College, he entered the Yale 11 p.m. from the phone booth in the Midler in the lead role.
Mabel” for Connecticut’s Goodspeed School of Drama. Pascal, who is much middle of Sardi’s and had someone in “I couldn’t be happier,” says Pascal.
Theatre, Jerry Herman “just took me younger, was only a child at the time. But the newsroom read him the review. “It’s a brilliant choice. Fabulous.” 
along. He was extremely kind with she remembers that when he left New
me,” she recalls. Haven, he moved straight back to New Mold at Fellsmere Elementary and if a teacher or parent claims mold
York. “He was writing cabaret acts and CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 is the cause of a single child’s illness,
Pascal also revised Stewart’s book he’d bring his laundry home,” she says. science often fails to rule in or out a
for “Carnival!” for a production at the said they were unaware of any mold causal relationship. But allow teach-
Kennedy Center in 2007, which drew That her parents, a businessman infestation or health problems at ers, parents and onsite facilities staff
glowing reviews. and a housewife, would produce two Fellsmere Elementary. to confer on investigations, and you
writers might have been hard to pre- have the possibility of determining
And her husband John Pascal, a dict, never mind that Pascal would But Vero Beach 32963 has obtained whether there is a problem that needs
newspaper columnist who died in 1981, marry a third, John, whom she met documentation of 18 complaints from to be addressed.
also gets a credit line for collaborating while she was studying journalism at school workers about mold infestation
with Pascal and Stewart on “George M!” New York University. during the past year, and Fellsmere The Indian River School District,
teacher Rodney McGriff said condi- however, has shown little interest in
Pascal and her daughters have for Nearly all their married lives, they tions in his classroom are making him following that approach. Sanders and
years spent summers in the south worked from home, he typing his news- and his students ill. Earman claim there are open commu-
of France, but her main home is still paper column and phoning it to the Tri- nication lines. But when this reporter
midtown Manhattan, in an apartment bune, the Times, and finally Newsday. School District Facilities Director started to ask questions, teachers and
in an old Stanford White-designed Scott Sanders and Physical Plant Di- staff were forbidden to speak to the
building, close to the theater district. When they were first married in 1965, rector John Earman claim there is no press. Five teachers did, but two used
they wrote soap opera scripts together. mold problem, citing the accuracy of go-betweens to ensure anonymity. All
“We lived on the fifth floor and my a central computerized sensor system five said they would be fired if caught.
brother lived on the fourth floor. We “We had to turn in a script a week, that monitors the humidity of each
were all very close,” she says. “He was and we were given one paragraph,” she room in every facility. But insider re- Records show complaints of mold
a great big brother.” says. “I stole that idea for ‘SweetValley.’ ” ports tell a very different story. are processed by the School District
as “work order requests.” Given the
Though he always lived alone, Stew- Because the shows were serialized, Although the Public Health Depart- teachers’ fear, it’s not surprising only
art had a partner for the last 12 years they were supposed to watch the last ment, upon reading the prior article one put his name on a form. “My asth-
of his life: Mark Bramble, who was also week’s shows. “We never did,” she says about conditions at the school, con- ma symptoms increase when I am in
his frequent collaborator, including with a laugh. “We’d be at our typewrit- ducted an unannounced visit to Fells- the classroom and decrease when I
on “42nd Street” and “Barnum.” ers and we’d hear the head writer’s mere Elementary, and found no mold, am away from the classroom. I also
footsteps coming down the hall and a tipster said the school knew about have students with allergies who are
Stewart had come out as gay much start typing furiously so we could the inspection two days before it took constantly ill,” Rodney McGriff wrote.
earlier in life, and his parents, recalls hand him the script.” place and prepared for it.
Pascal, were always accepting, ahead The one parent who has gone on the
of their time in that regard. “Life was And she wrote for movie magazines Unfortunately, mold is everywhere, record so far, Elizabeth Candanosa,
not easy for him, being gay at that time – more fiction, she says. “You would there are thousands of spore varieties, didn’t hear anything back after inform-
was absolutely not easy, and they were just sit there and make up stuff. Like
just so understanding and so support- Connie Francis’ wedding. I never met
ive,” she recalls. Connie Francis. I wrote about this
touching scene between her and her

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 5


ing Assistant Principal Kimberly Garcia Garcia as stating that kids were getting communication and clear documenta- to communicate or follow up with par-
about her concerns concerning mold, sick, and parents were complaining. tion of the extent of the problem. ents,” he said.
and assumed the silence meant Garcia
had done nothing to help her child. This lack of communication among All press questions must now go It hasn’t always been this way, ac-
school staff, and between staff and par- through the School District’s newly- cording to Gerry Koziel, who was the
But Garcia evidently did try to help. ents, shows the system masks specif- formed centralized communications school district risk-management di-
One of the “work order” requests gener- ics, such as how many kids are getting office headed by Flynn Fidgeon. “Fa- rector until 2011, and who dealt with
ated by onsite facilities staff mentioned sick. Fear seems to be preventing open cilities personnel have no obligation


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6 Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Mold at Fellsmere Elementary report, two mold problems were re-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 ported in one day, one behind a white
board in the new two-story building –
mold issues after the 2004 and 2005 A variety of problems at Fellsmere Elementary School. PHOTOS BY PHIL SUNKEL which Sanders and Earman acknowl-
hurricanes. He said he called parents edge – and “a patch” in the cafeteria/
who complained of mold, and held auditorium.
one-on-ones with teachers.
Earman claimed the health and
The number of kids getting sick was safety of students and staff are top
the barometer, he said. If it was just priorities, and said response time to
one child, he asked for doctor verifi- “work orders” was prompt – about an
cation that mold was the issue. But a hour and a half, he said.
small group of kids getting sick made
it a school issue. But Assistant Principal Garcia’s
complaint was generated Sept. 9,
The complaints from Fellsmere 2015, and no investigation was started
teachers and staff also appear to not until 40 days later.
be getting through to elected officials.
Three school board members – Frost, The author of another work order
Searcy and Jimenez – said they had no request said he had reported Class-
knowledge of mold at Fellsmere, even room 708 for two years to no avail. “I
though extensive documentation of am very concerned about the air qual-
mold complaints at the school exists ity of this classroom,” the onsite fa-
in School District records. cilities worker wrote. “The amount of
dust combined with the humidity fac-
Perhaps Sanders and Earman truly tor of this room may contain a host of
believe there is nothing to report to unhealthy bacteria, fungi and mold.”
parents or the school board. Maybe
they never saw the 18 “work order” The 18 field reports, spread over a
requests, which were finally provided year like a living diary, with no self-
to this reporter two weeks after our censoring notion they’d be read by the
inquiry. press or the Department of Health,
provide a worrisome picture. It seems
They claim there has been only a that besides the mold problem at
single isolated instance of mold in the Fellsmere Elementary, there is a com-
last year, but tracing the “work order” munication and administration prob-
lem at the District. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 7


Orchid assisted living project bers, plus two alternates. Plans for the hood. Watercrest recently completed project. “We keep getting comments
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 senior facility are being reviewed by an a similar project, Puttick said, adjacent back from the Town’s planning consul-
outside planning consultant who acts the Lake Nona Golf and Country Club tant and we’re trying to eliminate any
April 13 if all goes well. The Town Coun- as the town’s planning director. near the Orlando International Airport. uncertainties by having everything
cil would then make the final decision. done. We’re trying to do everything
Concerns surrounding the senior liv- “It’s right on the outside of the gates possible so it flies,” he said.
The Watercrest Senior Living proj- ing project focused around the fact that of Lake Nona and Lake Nona looks at
ect, a 120-unit senior living and mem- the back of the project would abut one it like an amenity. They think of it as a Planner Keith Pelan of Kimley Horn,
ory-care facility, is the third project of Orchid’s golf fairways, and that the ar- great plus for the community, which I who has been the point person on all
Puttick has attempted to build on the chitecture would not be compatible with was hoping Orchid would see it that three of Puttick’s proposed projects,
seven-acre, commercially-zoned par- the surrounding gated, club community. way as well,” Puttick said. said Monday, “We are in the process of
cel across from Indian River County addressing comments and don’t have
Fire-Rescue Station 11 on the Wabasso “It will be something that the people If approved, the senior living facility an exact submittal date as of yet.”
Causeway. Two separate townhome who live in Orchid will want to go to if would have a swimming pool, foun-
developments earlier also rejected by they need to, or the people who live in tains and two separate dining venues Pelan has stayed on the project, at
the Town for various reasons. John’s Island will want to go to, or the – one for the memory-care residences Puttick’s urging, even after moving
people who live in Windsor will want and one for the general single- and from Vero to California, to maintain
Puttick’s application packet for the as- to go to,” Puttick said. “People on the double-occupancy residences for se- continuity, and because of his good
sisted living community was rejected last barrier island have lived in a very high niors who may need medical assis- working relationship with the Town.
year, leading to an appeal and a circuit standard of living and that shouldn’t tance, but not memory care.
court lawsuit which was settled by the end just because we get older. Also, Puttick said of the latest iteration of
Town, reportedly for $35,000, to cover as we get older ourselves, we’d like to Currently, island residents have high- the proposal, “We’ve tweaked it some,”
the plaintiff’s legal fees and other costs. have our parents closer to us,” quality options for senior living on the adding that some parking had been
mainland along Indian River Boulevard, moved to the east side of the parcel
Orchid was accused of improperly Puttick said he chose Watercrest Se- or west of the Indian River Mall, but not from the west to have more of a buffer
denying the application without the nior Living to operate the facility he on the island itself. Those with long- between Orchid residents on Caribe
due process of a quasi-judicial hear- wants to build, and said that contrary standing club memberships and social Lane. “
ing. At that time, Orchid had no plan- to some reports, he will continue to networks on the island, Puttick said,
ning and zoning body charged with own both the land and the buildings, might like to remain closer to friends Orchid also has height limits on
reviewing development plans. and be directly involved. and family on the island and not lose lighting, so we put in more lights that
those connections just because they were lower and met that requirement.”
After settling the lawsuit in No- He also went to Texas to find an ar- make the transition to senior living.
vember, the Town established a Local chitect who specializes in high-end Town Clerk Cherry Stowe said the
Planning Agency that meets under assisted living to make sure the result So far, Town officials have not been Town has tentatively scheduled the next
Florida’s Sunshine laws and appointed would not only be something he want- over-enthusiastic about Puttick’s plan, meeting of the Local Planning Agency
five residents to serve as voting mem- ed to own, but something he would be but he is still hopeful they will warm for April 13, but that date might get
pleased to have in his own neighbor- up to the idea and see the merits of the pushed back, depending upon when
Puttick’s submittal is complete. 

8 Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Hot luxury new home market contracted for at the five projects. Clockwise from top: Old Oak Lane, Surf Club, 21 Royal Club and Sandy Lane sites. PHOTOS BY PHIL SUNKEL
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Besides the desire for newly-con-

new projects in recent years. But now structed homes, which have the lat-
that a handful finally are underway, est high-end features and finishes and
properties priced between $1.7 million meet all the requirements of Florida’s
and $3 million are being snapped up strict coastal building code, brokers
before foundations can be poured in say buyers are motivated by a sense of
five new developments. getting great value for their money.

Three of the developments – Surf Club, An important market driver, says
Sandy Lane and Old Oak Lane – are on Clark French of Premier Estate Prop-
the island; the other two – 21 Royal Club erties, is buyer awareness of “the value
and LagunaVillage – are in premium wa- here compared to other markets such
terfront locations on the mainland. So as Miami-Dade, Naples, Jupiter Island,
far this season, nearly 20 homes costing Ft. Lauderdale, New York and Califor-
up to $3 million have been reserved or nia. In Miami, new construction can
go for $3,000 per square foot. Here you
can get fantastic oceanfront property

for well under $1,000 per square foot.” square feet and are priced between
French’s partner, broker associate $1.9 million and $2.45 million.

Cindy O'Dare, believes buyer confi- “That is the price for a turnkey home,
dence in the project team – developer, including the pool and all the landscap-
designer, builder and broker – is an- ing,” said developer Dolf Kahle, a broker
other “very significant” component in associate at Premier Estate Properties
creating strong sales momentum at and former board member at St. Edward’s
specific developments. whose family has been developing prop-
erty in Vero Beach for two decades.
That seems to be the case at Surf
Club, the largest of the island develop- Moulton Layne is the project archi-
ments, where 11 British West Indies- tect, responsible for the overall com-
style luxury townhomes will be built munity site plan and the design of the
along approximately 400 feet of ocean individual homes. Lombardi is the
frontage on a prime 2.57-acre parcel at builder and French and O’Dare are co-
4700 N. A1A, for many years the loca- listing the properties along with Kahle.
tion of the old Surf Club Hotel.
Home sales can’t be closed until
The current trend of new homes homes are complete and a certificate
selling before a project is complete of occupancy is issued, but French
began in 2014 when the East End says buyers at Surf Club and Sandy
Townhomes in Central Beach were Lane have signed contracts and put
purchased while construction was still down non-refundable 20 percent de-
in progress, and the same group that posits, making the “sales” very solid.
built East End is behind Surf Club.
The third island project is George
“Given the demand we saw at East Heaton’s Old Oak Lane in Riomar,
End, it made sense for us to continue where four of 10 golf-course proper-
with the same type product,” said Vic ties have been sold. Heaton says the
Lombardi, developer for both proj- first four homes went for prices rang-
ects. “We have reassembled the same ing from $2.1 million to $2.8 million,
professional team. Schulke, Bittle & with prices escalating according to the
Stoddard will be the project engineer quality of the fairway view.
and Gregory Anderson will be the ar-
chitect, same as at East End.” He is selling the remaining six prop-
erties as lot/home packages. Buyers
French and O’Dare sold the East End close on the lot of their choice – $1
properties and, joined by fellow Pre- million to $1.3 million – and then put
mier broker associate Kay Brown, they cash in escrow or take out a construc-
have the Surf Club listings. Five of the tion loan for the cost of the house.
3,200-square-foot luxury homes were
sold before construction began for prices Lots in the subdivision are approxi-
ranging from $2.6 million to $3 million. mately half an acre and homes will have
between 3,500 and 4,500 square feet of
French says buyers range in age from air-conditioned living space, with as
40s to 60s and have come from as far much as 5,500 square feet under roof.
away as California. Some will be season- Some homes will have guest houses.
al; others plan to live in Vero fulltime.
Joining in the luxury construction
Sandy Lane, a single-family home boom is developer Bob Nelson, who is
development south of Castaway Cove, building a four-townhouse waterfront
has seen similar sales success, with project called 21 Royal Club on Roy-
four homes sold before basic infra- al Palm Pointe where yet-to-be-built
structure was installed. homes are offered from $1.87 million to
$2.09 million.
The single-street subdivision will in-
clude eight Windsor-style homes and The four townhomes have been de-
one house on the ocean. The homes signed with the affluent empty-nester
not on the ocean – the beach is at the in mind, said listing broker Michael
end of the private street – will range Thorpe, co-owner of Treasure Coast
in size from 2,900 square feet to 4,200 Sotheby’s International Realty. “As I

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 9


see it, they want to simplify, but are ment, LLC, and marketed by Dale So- Civil war at the South Beach
used to the finer things. They don’t rensen Real Estate Inc. Property Owners Association
even want to look at an estate home
and all the maintenance that requires. Dale Sorensen Real Estate broker BY RAY MCNULTY over" of the association by a "group
They may want to travel in their gold- associate Stacy Morabito said Laguna Staff Writer of dissident directors who are acting
en years, just enjoy life. They require a Village will be “the most exciting” en- at the behest and with the active col-
lock-and-leave residence, with a sense clave in Grand Harbor, with 23 river- A lawsuit filed two weeks ago by the laboration of a public official."
of ambiance, but in a more efficient front 2- and 3-story homes with el- president of the South Beach Property
package. With the creativity and art- evators, double garages, rooftop decks Owners Association, embroiled since Though he is not named in the law-
istry of our team, the evolution of the and top-of-the-line customization. July in what has become a bitter dis- suit, the public official is County Com-
project resulted in a seductive pack- pute over control of its nine-member missioner Bob Solari, who represents
age for the empty-nester.” Homes start at $1.6 million and four board of directors, has put the organi- the south island on the Board of Coun-
have been reserved with deposits. zation's future in jeopardy. ty Commissioners and who is reported
The team includes Nelson, a vision- Morabito said reservations are con- to have met with the dissident direc-
ary developer with four decades of verted to contracts with 20 percent Board member John J. Burns, one of tors after clashing with Lamborn’s fac-
experience and hundreds of units of down payments after 60 days. Con- the defendants named in the suit, said tion over short-term rental regulation.
various types to his credit; Joe Foglia, a struction of furnished model homes more than 75 percent of the SBPOA's
luxury home builder whose recent lo- will get underway in April and be com- membership might leave the organi- Named as defendants in the suit
cal projects include a just-completed plete by the end of the year. zation if the conflict can't be resolved were Steve Merselis, David De Wahl,
$40 million, 44,000-square-foot estate without going to court. Victor Cooper and Robert DeWaters –
home on 7.5 acres of oceanfront in the Morabito says the buyers she is each of whom Lamborn claims were il-
Estate Section on the island; renowned seeing are looking for beautiful wa- "It's kind of ridiculous that a lawsuit legitimately nominated and elected to
architect Jeff Ray, IA, Atelier d’ Architec- terfront locations and a high quality was filed," Burns said. "It seems to me the SBPOA board last year – as well as
ture, designer Page Franzel and Thorpe. of life. “We see our market driven by that members of a board of directors current directors George Bryant, Frank
demand not only from our local resi- should be able to work out an agreement, Spitzmiller and Thomas Browne.
“I see people becoming more cog- dents wanting to move up or down and that's what we're trying to do."
nizant of the building codes and struc- and seasonal residents ready to make Burns said the defendants have re-
tural integrity and, therefore, seeking Vero Beach their full time home, but SBPOA President George Lamborn, tained legal counsel but would prefer
new construction over existing prop- also international buyers. in a March 13 statement released two to meet with Lamborn and negotiate
erties,” Thorpe said. days after his lawsuit was filed in cir- an agreement palatable to both sides.
“Many of our buyers have been cuit court in Indian River County, said He said their attorney is working to
So far, one of the townhomes has coming to Vero Beach for years and he was taking the "unprecedented arrange such a meeting.
been reserved with a deposit. have waited for a project like this to measure" to prevent the "illegal take-
come to fruition ... we expect a very CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
The second mainland project is La- quick sell out.”
guna Village, a luxury enclave on the
river within Grand Harbor that is be- Thorpe, French and Lombardi agree.
ing built by GH Vero Beach Develop- All expect their projects to sell out be-
fore construction is complete. 

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10 Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Civil war on South Beach Seagrove East homeowner's associations, this dispute, which is all about control, said, "would only make things worse."
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 which Burns said comprise "nearly 80 we've been functionally incapacitated The suit contends Lamborn and the
percent" of the SBPOA's membership. for nine months."
If they can't resolve the matter out of SBPOA, founded in 1992, will "suffer ir-
court, however, Burns said his faction Lamborn could not be reached for Paul Berg, Lamborn's Vero Beach reparable harm" if the four allegedly ille-
is "prepared to withdraw from the as- comment, but SBPOA Treasurer Carter attorney, said his client is not seeking gitimate directors are permitted to con-
sociation" – a move that would almost Taylor wasn't at all shaken by the threat. monetary damages. As stated in his law- tinue to "hold themselves out as duly
certainly destroy the SBPOA, which suit, Lamborn is asking the court first to elected members of the board and take
represents quality-of-life concerns "George Lamborn really has been determine the legal status of Merselis, actions on behalf of the association."
and economic interests of homeown- behind making the association more De Wahl, Cooper and DeWaters regard-
ers and residents who live in the unin- active in local issues, such as short- ing board membership, then issue a He asserts in his lawsuit that he
corporated area of Indian River Coun- term rentals, high-speed trains and permanent injunction to prevent them sent letters to Merselis, De Wahl, Coo-
ty's barrier island from the Vero Beach the electric and water utilities," Taylor from acting on behalf of the board. per and DeWaters, demanding they
city limits to the St. Lucie County line. said. "If those homeowner's associa- "cease and desist" from conducting
tions want to withdraw and form their Both Burns and Bryant said any media themselves as board members, only
Three of the defendants represent The own organization, I don't know who's coverage generated by the lawsuit would for them to refuse or fail to respond.
Moorings, Sandpointe East andWest, and going to do all the work. polarize the parties and make their dif-
ferences more difficult to overcome. Their refusal to comply, the suit states,
"We're the ones that get things done," has "placed the legal status of the as-
he added."Unfortunately, because of "Anything I would say now," Bryant sociation in question," which Berg said
prompted Lamborn to take them to court.

"He did what he believed he needed
to do," Berg said, adding that the defen-
dants have 20 days from the time they
were served with the suit to respond.

The lawsuit stems from the SBPOA's
Annual General Meeting in March
2015, when Merselis, De Wahl, Cooper
and DeWaters were nominated and
elected to the board.

Lamborn claims none of the four
was eligible for nomination or election
– and should not have been permitted
to even attend the meeting – because
they hadn't fully paid their annual
dues and, thus, weren't members "in
good standing."

Taylor, who assumed the role of trea-
surer three months before the vote was
taken, confirmed that the four men
had not fully paid their dues at the
time. That they fully paid their dues
later "does not cure the defect," the
suit states.

"You'd think the members of the nom-
inating committee would've checked,
but they didn't," Taylor said. "I guess
they assumed the dues had been paid."

Lamborn contends in his suit that
the four allegedly illegitimate directors
joined with Burns, Bryant, Spitzmiller
and Browne "in an effort to under-
mine the authority" of the president
and a majority of the board.

The suit alleges Burns, Bryant,
Spitzmiller and Browne scheduled a
competing "special meeting" of the
board for 4 p.m. Feb. 26 at a private
home in Sandpointe East, immediately
after Lamborn gave notice for a "special
meeting" at the same time on the same
day at the Women's Club of Vero Beach.

Lamborn claims the four allegedly il-
legitimate directors may have attended
the meeting "to try to usurp power over
the association away from its president
and legitimate board members."

In fact, Taylor said Burns claimed for
several months to be the SBPOA's presi-
dent. However, when asked last weekend
if he was the association's president, he
replied, "No, I'm a board member."

Asked if Lamborn was still the pres-
ident, Burns said, "That's question-
able." 

12 Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


ELC nature-trek fundraiser was walk on the wild side

Todd Fennell, Molly Steinwald and Rick Hartley. PHOTOS: PHIL SUNKEL

BY MARY SCHENKEL Debbie and Ray Reid, Janice Sutherland, Ralph Hacker, Chuck Sutherland, Jean and Gene Cravens and Marilyn Hacker. a big supporter,” said ELC develop-
Staff Writer ment director Camille Yates. “He of-
fered to have an event at the ranch.
Supporters of the Environmental How could we turn him down?
Learning Center went for a walk on We’re so fortunate to be able to get
the wilder side of Florida last Sunday out here and connect with nature.
afternoon at an inaugural Big Bang It’s such a nice relaxing afternoon
Quiet Click fundraiser at Blackwa- outdoors.”
ter Creek Ranch west of town – way
west of town – where deer and wild ELC executive director Molly
turkeys outnumber people. Steinwald and Dale Sorensen Jr.
took the photographers under their
Roughly 45 participants made wing, with Steinwald providing
the westward trek to the sprawling tips on macro photography and So-
1,180-acre property to enjoy a choice rensen on landscape photography.
of outdoor adventures – shooting Jeff Luther, retired major chief of
sporting clays, getting an expert staff at the Indian River Sheriff’s
photography lesson, or taking a Office, supervised the clay shoot-
swamp buggy ride to see a bit of old ers, including several who had never
Florida. fired a gun.

“Todd Fennell, one of the owners, CONTINUED ON PAGE 14
is chair of the ELC Foundation and

14 Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™



CONTINUED FROM PAGE 13 trees than I do. They were point- tablecloth-covered picnic tables center, even though we’re on the la-
ing things out that I didn’t know along the length of the porch, fea- goon,” said Steinwald. “A lot of peo-
“I would do it again,” said first- about,” said Fennell. “The best part tured smothered quail, pork tender- ple here still equate Florida with the
timer Paula Sutton, holding an ice was when we went across a big dike loin and Florida key lime pie. beach but it’s beautiful out here, too.
pack against a shoulder tender from on this little bridge; we made it with We definitely want the ELC to do a
the recoil. “It’s very exciting; the just inches to spare.” Chip Watson, who joined Fennell, lot more inland.”
adrenaline gets going.” Bob Fields and Don Proctor Jr. in
The three groups all gathered ownership of the ranch, said he and “It’s such a great organization,”
The largest number went with back at the lodge to enjoy cold wife Jennifer got on board last year. said Betsy Van Pelt, adding how
Fennell and Rick Hartley who navi- cocktails and talk about their re- “We love it; we’re out here all the lucky the ELC was to find a second
gated two enormous buggies with spective adventures. A delicious time. The kids love it too, away from dynamo in Steinwald, who replaced
comfy leather seats through some Florida inspired feast prepared by the TV, iPads and out into nature.” Holly Dill when she retired. “You
pretty tight spots. With heads often Adrienne Drew Catering included have one person who has a wonder-
brushing branches, passengers also hors d’oeuvres of gator bites, corn And that falls right in line with ful idea and does great things and
quickly learned that hearing ‘quack- fritters and gulf shrimp. Dinner, the mission of the Environmental then you have another person who
quack’ meant duck! served at red and white-checkered Learning Center. takes it that much further.” 

“I had people on the buggy who “It’s exciting. The ELC is a nature
knew a lot more about plants and

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ PEOPLE Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 15

1. Dolf Kahle, Allan Ryall, Jay Colella and George
Kahle. 2. Stephanie and Jeff Pickering. 3. Gail and
Scott Alexander, Chris Ryall and Audrey Richards.
4. Joe and Rene Tyson with Edith and Robert
DuPuy. 5. Camille Yates and Betsy Van Pelt.
6. (seated) Muci and Beth Clemens; (standing)
Joshua and Bill Clemens. 7. Richard Morris,
Paula Sutton, Betsy Van Pelt and Chip Watson. 8.
(seated) Elsie and Dan Sanftleben; (standing) Rick
Hartley with John and Hanne Bisha.



16 Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Check it out! Quail Valley Charities raises record amount

BY MARY SCHENKEL resentatives from 33 local children’s
Staff Writer charities gathered at the Quail
Valley River Club to receive grant
“This is the best day of the year!” checks from monies raised through
said a jubilant Wanda Lincoln, chair the 14th annual Charity Cup Week.
of the Quail Valley Charity Cup Ex-
ecutive Committee. She and every- “On behalf of (Quail Valley CEO)
one else involved in the Quail Val- Steve Mulvey and myself and the
ley Charities organization were all entire Quail Valley organization, we
smiles last Monday morning as rep- thank you for all you do throughout
the community. It’s nice to host rep-

Trudie Rainone, Joanna Meyers, Michelle Borisenok and Andrew Molloy. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE

Charlotte Terry and Chad Morrison.

Steve Mulvey, Wanda Lincoln, Martha Redner and Kevin Given.

resentatives from the many won- what it is today without you people,
derful organizations here in Indian who are dedicated to doing what
River County,” said Quail Valley you’re doing on a daily basis.”
partner and general manager Kevin
Given. “It’s a place where we live, He noted that Quail Valley Chari-
work and play and it wouldn’t be ties started in 2001 with the purpose


Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 17


Freddie Woolfork, Cathy DeSchouwer, Antoine Jennings and Loren Smith. Linda Downey, Barbara Hammond, Cynthia Falardeau and Joan Cook.

Trudie Rainone, Carol Fischman, Stacey Barnett and Susan Perry. QUAIL VALLEY PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 18
Bill Munn, Carol Buhl, Kerry Bartlett and Camille Yates.

Taree Glanville, Shirley Becker and Angelia Perry.

Bonnie Wilson, Jean Kelly and Rachel Heddings.

18 Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


John Rorick and Bill Motta. Jim Malloy and Danielle Cuneo.

Robin Orzel and Diamond Liddy.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


of distributing funds to programs to
enhance the lives of children and
further educational opportunities.
Given credited the organization’s
success to the generosity of their
members and hard work on the part
of the committee and team mem-
bers, adding that some of their staff
actually benefit from various pro-
grams and scholarships they help
to fund.

“A lot of them have gone on to do
great things. It’s wonderful to see so
many of them come back to some of
these events and thank us for con-
tributing positively to their life,”
added Given.

Bringing Lincoln and Quail Valley
Charities executive director Martha
Redner to the podium for the check
presentation, Given added,

“Once we give out these checks,
as of today we will have given out
$4.5 million. We’re going to break
a record this year by issuing out

“There isn’t a doubt in my mind
that this is a good day,” said Lincoln.

“There isn’t a set amount that we
have to raise. We just work really,
really hard to raise as much as we
possibly can.”

She reiterated thanks to everyone
who made the funding possible and
offered appreciation to everyone af-
filiated with the nonprofits. “You’re
the ones who are in the trenches.
You’re the ones that show up and
make the difference for children.
We’re here to help you, but I want
you to know that we recognize what
you do, we appreciate what you do
and we are absolutely thrilled to be
your partners.”

This year’s recipients were: Atlan-
tic Children’s Chorale, Ballet Vero
Beach, Big Brothers Big Sisters of IRC,
Boys and Girls Clubs of IRC, CASTLE,
Childcare Resources of IR, Children’s
Home Society, Crossover Mission,
Education Foundation, Environ-
mental Learning Center, Feed the
Lambs Enrichment Program, Gifford
Youth Achievement Center, Hibis-
cus Children’s Center, IRC Healthy
Start Coalition, IR Sheriff’s Explorers,
Laura Riding Jackson Foundation,
Life Builders of TC, McKee Botani-
cal Garden, Mental Health Associa-
tion of IRC, Quail Valley Golf & River
Club, Scholarship Foundation of IRC,
RCMA (Redlands Christian Migrant
Association), Special Equestrians of
TC, Substance Awareness Center of
IRC, Suncoast Mental Health Cen-
ter, Salvation Army, The Learning
Alliance, Treasure Coast Food Bank,
Vero Beach Museum of Art, Victory
Kids, VNA & Hospice, Women’s Care
Center, and Youth Guidance Mentor-
ing & Activities Program. 

20 Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Vero's annual Easter hunt an Egg-cellent adventure



Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 21




1. & 2. Little children choose from hundreds of

colored Easter eggs on the grass at Mulligan’s.

3. Fischer Mosblech. 4. Alana Francis.

5. Gabe McMullen helps himself to candy

from the Easter Bunny. 6. Chelsey and Caden

Fackler take a picture with the Easter bunny

and a bunny-eared Flamingo. 7. Troy Bretton

hunts for eggs. 8. Sebastian Holbrook.

9. James Pandel and Mia Ritter.


The 57th annual Easter Egg
Hunt hosted by the City of Vero
Beach Recreation Department
drew swarms of little ones
clutching Easter baskets and
pails to the grassy area in front
of Mulligan’s Beach House, all
eager to seek out sweet goodies
placed into colorful plastic eggs.
Older ones knew to hunt for the
elusive golden eggs, while the lit-
tlest seemed just a bit confused
as they watched the goings-on.
But not to worry: Everyone re-
ceived a prize from the Easter
bunny and, this being Florida
and all, a bright pink bunny-
eared flamingo. 

22 Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


On the money: Grads fete Women on Wall Street

1 2 3
4 5
Staff Writer

More than 50 graduates of the
Woman on Wall Street program cel-
ebrated the program’s 25th anniver-
sary at a champagne reception held
in the Crystal Room of Costa d’Este
last Wednesday evening. The event
was hosted by Cricket Freeman, one
of the first to graduate from the pro-
gram created by Mel Ratcliff, founder
of Blue Chip Divas, Inc.



Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 23


and the challenges of handling an to know how to keep themselves sol- assisted so many women - and, in
estate armed with knowledge rather vent, but acquiring financial knowl- turn, the community - over the past
than instinct alone. edge can also help when dealing 25 years.
with charitable organizations.
Currently a financial advisor with “Women of a certain generation
Raymond James Financial Services, “For example, we have Impact 100 and even young women today do
Radcliff started the program while at which is solely made up of women not have a concept of their finances,
Morgan Stanley after working with giving money to help nonprofit budgeting and money,” said Laura
three widows who had no idea of the agencies and charities,” Freeman Steward, a business strategist and
amount of money in their portfolios, said. “When women understand Impact 100 volunteer. “They want to
let alone what was in their best inter- their own financial situation, they make philanthropic donations but
est to do with it. can relay this through their com- they really don’t understand the im-
munity work as donors, fundraisers pact of their money on themselves
“They didn’t know what to do. One and in delegating funds.” or for others. Mel helps you under-
poor woman did not even know how stand your current levels and is also
to write a check or pay her bills since Radcliff said when he first start- educating these women on forward
they never had to take charge in the ed the classes he had no idea that thinking to enjoy the life you want
financial world before,” said Freeman. it would grow to be a full-time ca- with the finances you have.” 
reer, but was proud to know he has
It is not only important for women


1. Laura Steward and Barbara Steward.

2. Nora Jean Webster and Dora Maize.

3. Donna Renzema and Penny Martin.

4. Betty Bourg, Ann Moore, Melissa

Camarata and Barbara Hochreiter.

5. Carol Jackson, Leila Peppers and Shirley

Powers. 6. Bill and Cricket Freeman with

Mel and Edie Ratcliff. 7. Carol Brown, Marge

Minicozzi and Joan Matte. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE

The Women on Wall Street series,
an Explore and Explain program,
teaches women about stocks, bonds,
mutual funds and especially estate
and financial planning for their re-
tirement years. The workshops, held
at the Indian River County Chamber
of Commerce, have helped thousands
of women navigate through personal
crossroads such as divorce, death of a
spouse or transitioning employment,
by learning how to assess and man-
age their financial portfolios.

“I was a member of Mel’s first Wom-
en on Wall Street class,” said Free-
man. “He has graduated over 10,000
women. It educates women about
their finances to empower them so
they can take charge of their finan-
cial future.”

Freeman said she initially knew
nothing about finances, but WWS
has helped her transition through
new jobs, careers, marital changes

24 Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


What an outfit! Operation Prom brings dreams alive

Staff Writer

The Vero Beach Community Center Nellie Quiros and Neda Heeter. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Miriam Soto and Theresa Ooley.
became a makeshift “field of dreams”
for some lucky high school students ing the room with stunning gowns for
who came out Saturday morning for the girls and stylish tuxes and suits for
Operation Prom, which provides for- the boys.
mal attire to teens who might not oth-
erwise be able to afford it. The Com- With the cost of attending a prom
munity Center was a beehive of activity being out of range for many parents,
as members of the Junior League of Heeter said this enabled teens to be a
Indian River served as personal shop- part of their school community with-
pers to help the students find just the out having to wear an outfit handed
right outfit from a selection of more down from another family member or
than 300 gowns and tuxedos. chosen just because it fit.

After hearing about a similar pro- There are no financial require-
gram at a Junior League conference,
Neda Heeter began working on one
here two years ago. Partnering with
the VNA Hidden Treasures thrift store,
which served as a collection center
through the year, members of the
community donated new and gently
used formal wear to be given to the
students free of charge. Clothes were
delivered to the Community Center by
White Gloves Moving and Storage, fill-

Vanessa Larson. Amy Gallo and Mary Wohlstein.

Gloria Cutting, Haley Macon, Lorna Landherr and Jane Faraco.

ments or applications, and confiden- so that they could enjoy the full prom
tiality is maintained. Students were experience, goodie bags had products
made aware of the program by the In- from Miriam Soto Mary Kay, and gift
dian River County School District and certificates for hair styling by Hair Sa-
could just show up and choose an out- lon of Vero Beach and mani/pedis by
fit. In addition to donated formals, Is- Foxy Nails.
land Formals provided tuxedoes. And,
“We have people who have gone

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 25


out and bought dresses or collected in the only thing she still had from her is so rewarding,” said Junior League dent services. “If the kids see that
their neighborhoods just to donate,” old home and she wanted to give it to president-elect Kelly Peters, as she the community supports them and
said Heeter. “One girl came from a make some other girl happy.” and other volunteers waited for ap- that they really care about their well-
displaced family situation and came proximately 200 "clients" to arrive. being, I believe that creates strong
to help a friend find a gown for prom. “Being able to see the kids and their values. And hopefully, once they be-
Later she came back and donated a caretakers so happy and excited when “This project is more than about come an adult, they will turn around
dress she had in her closet. It was they find a dress or suit and maybe tak- clothes,” said Lillian Torres-Marti- and do the same for others.” 
ing off some of their financial burden nez, School District director of stu-

26 Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Hallstrom Farmstead backdrop for Flower Show

BY MARY SCHENKEL interpreted by talented floral designers geous designs staged throughout the designs suggestive of a Scandinavian
Staff Writer and horticulturalists at its semi-annu- historic home in 11 classes, four entries bounty, as well as charming minia-
al Standard Flower Show Staged in a per class. tures along the mantelpiece, depict-
Pragmatic about showers being Public Building. ing a hot cup of tea on an early spring
good for flowers, members of the Gar- Visitors also tip-toed through the morning. The delightful kitchen held
den Club of Indian River County made The theme of this year’s show, raindrops to two outdoor tented ar- small abstracts at “Auntie” Johanna’s
the most of the soggy weekend, show- chaired by Faye Este, was Turn of the eas – one with hundreds of superb (Axel’s sister) kitchen table and unusu-
casing the beauty of Mother Nature as Century Gardens to Groves at the Hall- horticulture exhibits emphasizing the al underwater designs stop her wood-
strom Farmstead, presenting 44 gor- beauty of Florida fauna, and the other burning stove and painted Hoosier
with photography and educational ex- cabinet.
Upstairs, Auntie Johanna’s bedroom
“Faye thought she wanted to do a provided the backdrop for some strik-
citrus-related show, so the Hallstrom ing framed abstracts and the sunny
House fit right with that theme,” said front room – where the family played
staging chairman Marsha Woods. cards and Ruth painted – presented
Woods is also a docent at the Historic additional pleasing designs. The cre-
Landmark property, which was willed ative line designs in Axel’s bedroom
to the Historical Society of Indian River depicted their love of world travel and
County by Ruth Hallstrom, an active, the graceful traditional line designs in
25-year member of the Garden Club. Ruth’s bedroom took their inspiration
Her father, Axel Hallstrom, built the from her love of family and commu-
magnificently maintained 1918 home, nity.
transitioning the farmstead from its
initial pineapple crop to citrus groves. “I think the arrangements are love-
ly,” said artist Doraté Muller, wander-
“A couple of months ago Faye went ing the house with friends. “It’s a feast
through the house to decide where the for the eyes.”
entries would be,” said Woods, explain-
ing the process of deciding the layout The Garden Club, a member of the
for the home’s interpretive floral tour. National Garden Clubs, Deep South
“We had the house open and designers Region and Florida Federation of
would decide where they wanted to be; Garden Clubs, is dedicated to main-
it was first come, first served.” taining the charm of the community
through beautification projects and
National Garden Club judges had the educating the public about protect-
difficult task of determining first, sec- ing native plants and natural re-
ond, third and honorable mention in sources.
each class, with various other awards
decided on by the committee, design- This past fall they funded the at-
ers, District X Judges Council and the tractive landscaping gracing the
Garden Club president. front of Hallstrom House, designed
by Garden Club member and land-
The tour began in the entry hall, scape architect Robin Pelensky, and
where fragrant blossoms welcomed at- installed by DIGG Gardens. Fund-
tendees as the family would have done ing is derived from GardenFest! – the
on an Easter Sunday afternoon, before sale of their annual Christmas orna-
moving in to the parlor, where bounti- ments depicting “city and state sites
ful arrangements marked the transi- of historical interest” and the flower
tion from pineapples to citrus. show. 

The spacious dining room housed

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 27


1 2 3
4 5

1. Judy Guest and Martha Briggs.
2. Marsha Woods with Dawn
Moffett and Sandi Larson.
3. Donna Bleck and Jane Brausam.
4. Terri Stevens, Carolyn Shafer,
Mike Mechem, Kris Montgomery.
5. Dorate Muller, Gloria Xiques,
Susan Gauthier. 6. Tom Shaver,
Barbara Sotus and Nancy Shaver.


28 Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Rain on St. Pat's parade, but Irish eyes still smile

1 23

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 29



1. Joe and Barbra Shanahan with Myrna and Bob 9 10 11

Robinson and Rachel and Mungie Mangiacotti.

2. MIchael and Tara Luton with Penelop, Jackie

and Willy Clark. 3. Nathalie Hackett, Isabelle

and Bard Walsh with Jim Hackett. 4. John Jay

Malloy, Jerry Baxter, Gail Malloy and Alice

Baxter. 5. Annie Jones, Kerry Ebele, Emily

Jones and Maureen Tierney. 6. Mark Welter,

Heidi Musselman, Carol Welter and Steve

Richardson. 7. John Prince with Chris and

Steven Benya. 8. Mark , Lori and Pat Rybak. 9.

Ann and Tom McGuigan. 10. Dottie Carroll and

Ethel Walker. 11. Tom and Maryann Columbo.


The green-clad fans were ready,
the Pipe and Drum bands were
ready, Grand Marshal Frank Rich-
ardson and wife Peg – from Ire-
land, no less – were ready to lead
things off, the marching groups
and clowns were ever so close to
being on the move.

But, alas, storms put a halt to
the seventh annual Indian River
County St. Patrick’s Day Parade
hosted by the Vero Beach Elks
Lodge #1774. The post-parade
open house just started a little ear-
lier, with folks reveling in the spirit
of the parade with entertainment
by the Rowan the Wanderer and
looking forward to better weather
next year. 

30 Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Live Like Cole Foundation an inspirational legacy

BY CHRISTINA TASCON Melanie, Mary Grace, Elaine and Dr. Nick Coppola. PHOTOS: LEAH DUBOIS that everyone could join in on,” Car-
Staff Writer lon explained. “Cole was a very sweet
items which filled the reception area, person who lived life in the moment
The Live Like Cole Foundation is family friends Chris Sexton and Pa- and looked for the best in life so we
transforming tragedy into an inspir- mela Bennett sold engraved planks came up with idea that we should all
ing legacy, raising money for local which will be used along the planned live like Cole because you never know
scholarships, children’s cancer re- 100-foot-long Cole Coppola Memorial what will happen.”
search and a community fishing pier Pier. Scheduled to be constructed on
in memory of 16-year old Cole Cop- the west side of Riverside Park, the That night they made a huge #Live-
pola, who was tragically killed last project is a partnership with the City LikeCole banner which they brought
year when he was hit by a car while of Vero Beach and the Florida Inland to the Coppola home.
riding his bicycle on the Alma Lee Loy Navigation District.
Bridge. “Cole died on Saturday and Sunday
Guests also wore wrist bands en- night they brought it over and rolled
As part of that effort, the foundation graved with #LiveLikeCole, the it out, and all the kids from St. Helen’s
held a charity golf tournament and hashtag Cole’s friends Alanna Lieb- had signed it,” said Cole’s father Dr.
reception fundraiser last Saturday at man and Grace Carlon came up with Nick Coppola. “The whole family was
the Bent Pine Golf & Country Club. the day after the accident. really down and we saw it and it kind
Although thunderstorms forced the of gave us a reason to live and kicked
cancellation of the golf tournament, “We were all just so sad and we off the movement of #LiveLikeCole.”
the evening cocktail reception and wanted to do something so we came
silent auction proceeded as planned up with a social media campaign The mission took off with Cole’s
and Bent Pine agreed to give players sister Melanie serving as the founda-
the option of playing at another date. tion’s CEO. The family decided that
funds raised would go toward schol-
More than 150 guests attended the arships for local students, St. Jude’s
reception, with many friends of the and other hospitals for children’s
Coppola family wearing pink and cancer research, and community
orange – Cole’s favorite colors. As at- outreach projects beginning with the
tendees perused roughly 100 auction pier.

“We all decided that I would run
the foundation because we think
Cole would want that. I spent the
most time with him and we shared
so many memories,” said 18-year
old Melanie Coppola, so insepara-
ble from her brother that they were
called "the twins" despite their one-
year difference in age.

“All this would have blown Cole’s
mind and it blows mine to think that
the city and the community reached
out to find a place for the pier for
Cole,” said Dr. Coppola, who sees the
pier as a permanent legacy for Cole.
“Whenever the world loses a child, it
loses the huge potential of what they
could become. Getting back even a
portion of Cole’s lost potential is what
Live Like Cole is about.” 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 31


Madeline, Dr. Chris and Christopher Coppola. Sarah Chapman, Melanie Coppola and Jack McGarry. Eileen Basile, Maria Zambigadis, Cassie Schlitt and Jackie Carlon.

Milo Thornton, Marlene Flescher, Samantha Gilmore and Eric Flowers. Jeff Schlitt, Lisa Hooper and Dr. Rick Baker. Gina, Taby and Joe Miceli.

Pam Richardson and Chris Sexton. Linda and Mel Teetz.

Brenda Bradley and Joe Flescher. Sean and Mike Sexton. M HASTERS OF
Toni Teresi and Bob Richardson. THE OUSE

Leal and David Lloyd. 772.231.4222 • 2801 Ocean Drive, Suite 302
Vero Beach, FL • www.HGHowleArchitects.com772.231.4222  2801Ocean Drive, Suite 302  Vero Beach, FL 32963  ww

32 Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


It never gets old: Fans revved up for Antique Auto Show

1 23

4 5

1. Marjorie and Roger Butler with Marilyn Tuthill. 2. Gary and Pam Sloan with Tammy Adams and Bruce
Galvin. 3. Jeanie and Tom Dergay with Ann and Glen Heintz. 4. Daryl and Sam Rosenberg with their dog
Waldo. 5. Linda and Bruce Townsend. 6. Alex and Noreen Donofrio with their 1970 Ford Mustang Mach
7. Barbra and Lawrence Westfield with Patti Stefanelli. 8. Gene Fleming's 1927 Ford Model T.


Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 33




Members of the Antique Car Club motored their beauties over to River-
side Park last Saturday morning, buffed and polished and ready for at-
tendees to enjoy at the 39th annual Antique Auto Show, sponsored by the
Indian River Region Antique Automobile Club of America and billed as the
Treasure Coast’s oldest and largest judged antique car show. But Mother
Nature had other plans, with thunderstorms understandably soon send-
ing the antique, classic, prestige, foreign, special interest, commercial and
modified vehicles back to the safety of their garages. 

34 Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


'Brave the Shave' fundraiser creates lots of buzz

Edgar and Daisy with daughter, Yanelli, host Missy Elward with daughter, Shavers (back) Taylor Bevins, Joey Lucchini, Scotty Young, Cyndi Sapikowski
Payton, shaver Cyndi Sapikowski, and Payton's dad, Dan. and Lisa Ferguson; (front) Caitlin Warner, Lisa Lureau.

BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA deeply serious purpose – funding chil-
Staff Writer dren's cancer research. Making sure
everything ran smoothly were event
The Sand Bar at Capt. Hiram's in Se- co-chairs Missy Elward and Frank
bastian was rockin' last Saturday as a Mannino and their team of volunteers.
huge multi-generational crowd gath-
ered for the annual St. Baldrick's Brave All day long, with their friends
the Shave, a light-hearted event with a and family cheering them on, 125-
plus “shavees” mounted the Sandbar

Peyton, Nina, Yanelli and Nadia. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE

Stage to be divested of their hair. They The enthusiasm didn't dampen a
laughed, sniffled, cringed, held their bit when the rain began – folks just
breath and shut their eyes as volunteer popped umbrellas and kept on cheer-
shavers zipped through their hair like ing. By midday the amount raised was
a combine through corn, with results in excess of $127,000, toward the 2016
worthy of Army boot camp. local goal of $200,000.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 35


Kathy and Mike Mannino with Jose Rubio. Mike Prouty with son, Jack, and newly-shaved wife, Cristina. events annually all across the coun-
try, family, friends and classmates
As Sebastian Police Officer – and SPD later Rios walked past in her cute new to tell my Dad that I had cancer,” she of young cancer patients shave their
Team Captain – Steve Marcenik waited do, flashing a terrific smile and a big said, now determined to do what she heads in solidarity with their loved
his turn to lose the rest of his already thumbs up. can so other parents, someday, won't ones.
buzz-cut locks, Police Chief Michelle have to hear those words about their
Morris said her officers also volun- Christian Talmadge and sons Cul- own children. The cause holds a special place
teered to raise money for St. Baldrick's len, 6, and Jackson, 11, stood near the in the hearts of Cara and Rob Pettit,
during the year with a Beard Fundrais- stage taking pictures, the boys sport- Very special recognition was given whose little daughter, Maya, died of a
er, each donating $25 a month to be al- ing brand new haircuts and lookin’ to the guests of honor – children who rare form of leukemia Nov. 19, 2003,
lowed to wear beards in uniform. good! The event has special mean- are battling cancer. Hair loss is a com- after a two-year fight. Maya’s mom
ing for their mother, who has battled mon and traumatic side effect of many said that during her battle they talked
Capt. Hiram's president Will Col- cancer and is now cancer free. “I had powerful cancer drugs, and at 9,000 about the good that could come from
lins, whose longish locks had already her journey. Once she was well, Maya
bit the dust, paused long enough to had planned to visit other kids with
declare, “This is my annual haircut! cancer and bring them toys to bright-
This event is awesome; we're honored en their days.
to have it here.” He gave a shout-out
to prep cook Liz Rios, explaining that While Maya did not get to carry out
when she learned about the event that her wish, her parents founded the non-
morning, she “got caught up in it and profit Maya Matters in 2009. Through
just did it! Now she's bald.” Moments links with hospitals, they help fami-
lies with financial assistance and by
fulfilling requests for toys, books and
DVDs so children with cancer can
have some normalcy and fun. Their
sixth annual Help Kids Kick Cancer
Superhero 5K is slated for April 23 in
Vero's South Beach Park. Visit Maya- for more information.

The St. Baldrick's Foundation is a
volunteer-driven charity that, accord-
ing to its official website, funds more
in childhood cancer research grants
than any organization except the U.S.
government. 

36 Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Bingo event supports seniors in a number of ways

BY MARY SCHENKEL House, the sold-out event enticed
Staff Writer long-time bingo aficionados and
beginners alike, all looking forward
They were invited to "Follow the to an afternoon filled with friend-
Yellow Brick Road" to the 11th an- ship and laughter for a great cause.
nual Bingo Luncheon to benefit the
Senior Resource Association, and “We’re crazy table 15,” said
attendees were happy to do just Jeanine Harris, a realtor with Kay
that. Held at the Oak Harbor Club Brown at Premier Estate Properties.
“We love this; we have so much fun.
Kay has sponsored it since it began

Dale Klaus and Patrick McGillicuddy. PHOTOS: PHIL SUNKEL

Dawn Michael, Pud Lawrence and Kathy Johnston.
Trudie Rainone, Steve Lundin and Karla Spooner.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 37


cal to growing old gracefully. They successful in life, and now there they responses for emeralds, protein bars
deliver 2,100 hot meals weekly but sit,” said Trudie Rainone, board mem- and bottled water but, not surpris-
need additional funding to provide ber and MOW volunteer, noting that ingly, none for a NOAA weather radio
for another 106 eligible seniors. many have amazing stories to tell but or book by Dr. Oz.
Other SRA programs include Emer- no one to talk to. “So when you come
gency Meals on Wheels, Congregate with that meal, they light up. They’re The testosterone in the room be-
Meals, Adult Day Care and Trans- important.” longed to bingo callers Patrick McGil-
portation. licuddy of Seacoast National Bank,
And then it was time for the fierce who also chaired the event, and Dale
“Without a doubt the Senior Re- but friendly rivalry that began even Klaus, former principal at Liberty
source Association could not survive before bingo when Honorary Chair Magnet.
without the generosity of private in- Pud Lawrence presided over the "Let’s
dividual donations, foundations and Make a Deal"-style Purse Game. “If we’re going too fast or too slow
our volunteers,” said Michael. “You let us know – men can listen!” prom-
are helping us meet the needs of the “If you have the item in your purse, ised McGillicuddy, before leading
seniors in our community.” jump up and yell ME, ME, ME,” said the winners to Oz; the rest already
Lawrence, before calling out dozens looking forward to doing better next
“Some of these people were very of Oz-themed items, eliciting plenty of year. 

Sue Jackson and Helen Post.


Karen Schievelbein and Eva Gurley.

and we just have such a ball.”
Arriving guests sipped cham-

pagne and mimosas while perusing
silent auction items and purchas-
ing raffle tickets for a stunning ruby
ring and necklace set donated by
John Michael Matthews Fine Jew-
elry. Filtering into the dining room,
more than a few did a double-take
at the “Wicked Witch of the West”
legs with their iconic ruby slippers,
strategically placed “under” the

“It’s mine,” laughed SRA presi-
dent/CEO Karen Deigl when asked
about the prop. “That’s my little fun
thing at Halloween.”

“You are helping us raise criti-
cal awareness for the nourishment
needs of the seniors in our com-
munity. You allow our organiza-
tion to continue to provide a life-
line to thousands of older adults in
our community,” said board chair
Dawn Michael during lunch.

“We provide programs and ser-
vices to the older adults in our
community so that they can live
independently and in a healthy way
in their own homes. It is a modest
concept, but for these individuals it
means a difference between dignity
and despair.”

She stressed that Meals on
Wheels provides the socialization
and nourishment that are criti-

38 Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


BINGO PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 37 Tuni Hill, Karen Deigl and Sassy Smith. Jeanine Harris, Kay Brown and Nancy Hardy.
Ginger Smith, Mary Lou Hammond and Kathie Pierce.

Maureen Campeau, Maggie Forman, Carmen Stork and Robyn Hjalmeby.

Brenda Lloyd, Nicki Maslin, Susan Clay and Cindi Bournique.

Christie Mauro, Jan Christensen and Susan Ball.

40 Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Coming up: Goodbye ‘Dolly,’ hello opera and comedy abounds

BY MICHELLE GENZ "Hello, Dolly!" and "Freud's Last Session" both at Riverside Theatre.
Staff Writer

1 This is the last weekend to see
“Hello, Dolly!” a show so bright

and big it ought to be visible from

across the bridge. And if you came

away thinking Dolly’s into father fig-

ures, you might enjoy another show

at Riverside, “Freud’s Last Session” on

the father of psychoanalysis tussling

it out with C.S. Lewis over the Heav-

enly Father. Mark St. Germain’s 2009

play opened Tuesday on the intimate

Waxlax Stage.

The two-man philosophical de-

bate over the existence of God takes

place as Freud is weeks away from

death and Luftwaffe bombing raids

are about to rain down on London at

the start of World War II. The play is

directed by Allen Cornell, who also

designed the set. That just about

guarantees excellence, in my experi-

ence – Cornell treasures these Second

Stage productions and tends to nail 2 The first international Deborah Entries have been narrowed to 30 com- homestays for all the artists so as not to
Voigt Vocal competition is in full petitors age 20 to 30. At Voigt’s request, incur costs. They all arrived in Vero with
them every time. there was no fee to audition or compete, five arias prepared and will play to the
and Vero Beach Opera has arranged for accompaniment of Vero Beach Opera
The play runs through April 3. swing this weekend at the Vero Beach

High School Performing Arts Center.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 41


trained voices, you’re up for some "Bullets Over Broadway" is coming to the Palm Beach Dramaworks at the end
homegrown talent, pianist and cho- Kravis Center. of West Palm’s Clematis Street. “Out-
ral conductor Marcos Flores is stag- side Mullingar” is a romantic comedy
ing another of his Easter Cantatas at about two Irish middle-age farmers,
Christ-by-the-Sea Methodist Church neighbors who are squabbling over
this Saturday. Featuring a 50-voice a patch of grass between them. Writ-
choir and a 30-piece orchestra, the ten by John Patrick Shanley, the play
concert will feature violinist Matt was on Broadway in 2014 in a limited
Stott, who runs the public school or- run marking Debra Messing’s Broad-
chestra program. There are two per- way debut. The play earned several
formances, one at 4:30 p.m. and one award nominations including a Tony
at 7 p.m. to accommodate the ever- for Best Play. The New York Times
growing audience. called it “Shanley’s finest work since
‘Doubt.’” That play won both the Pu-
3 West Palm Beach was the epi- litzer Prize and a Tony. “Outside Mull-
center of the hanging chad de- ingar” runs through April 24. 

bacle, the election everybody thought

Deborah Voight coming to the Vero Beach High would go down in history as No. 1 in

School Performing Arts Center. craziness. Who better than the Capitol

musical director Bruce Stasnya. Steps comedy troupe to disabuse us
These are young, highly promising
of that notion, and in Chadstown, no
singers and the caliber of the music
promises to be high from the prelimi- less. This weekend, they’re wrapping
naries on. Voigt’s competition has half
the number of competitors as Met up a two-week run of “Capitol Steps:
tenor Marcello Giordani’s, which the
opera has hosted three times in Vero. Mock the Vote” at the Kravis Center.

Voigt will be doing an on-stage inter- The hilarity keeps up through a Sun-
view Wednesday night that isn’t being
billed as a concert, but hopes are high, day matinee. Shows are in the smaller
needless to say, that the irrepressible
diva will break into song. Voigt has giv- Rinker Playhouse.
en a number of concerts in Vero Beach,
and they aren’t all opera – she loves Alternatively, you could take in
Broadway show tunes.
“Bullets Over Broadway,” Woody Al-
Preliminaries are March 24 from 2
p.m. to 5 p.m. and from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. len’s musical in the Kravis’ main per-
Semifinals are Friday, March, 25 from
2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and the finals concert formance hall. With original direction
is Saturday night, March 26, at 7 p.m.
At stake is $21,000 in prize money. and choreography by the great Susan
The Deborah Voigt/Vero Beach Opera
Foundation sponsors the competition. Stroman and based on the film by Al-

If, after all those professionally len and Douglas McGrath, the book

follows a young playwright who takes

money from the mob to get his show

produced. The mobster’s motive is to

impress his showgirl girlfriend. And

it isn’t hard to imagine Woody Allen

solving for X in that equation. The

New Yorker called it “a fun machine

from start to finish.”

That show too runs through a Sun-

day matinee.

A new play opens this weekend at

"Capitol Steps: Mock the Vote" is coming to the Kravis Center.

42 Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


It’s academic: Young Vero artist has bold ideas

BY ELLEN FISCHER political authority to suppress artistic Coonfield’s late father, James Wallace Daniel Coonfield with his exhibition at
Correspondent upstarts like the French Impressionists. Coonfield, was a medical doctor. Born Buzz TV Art Gallery. PHOTOS BY PHIL SUNKEL
We all know how that fight ended. in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, Dr. Coon-
A new artist in town bears watching. field lived and worked in Kansas City, doctor’s second marriage, in 1991, pro-
Daniel Coonfield is an academically Yet America – the home of personal where he and Daniel’s mother raised duced another sister for Daniel).
trained painter who likes an artistic independence and the democratic their only son and six daughters. (The
challenge, as seen in his current exhi- process – remains entranced by the Coonfield traces his boyhood love of
bition at Buzz TV Art Gallery. At their European tradition of what is fine and art to a book about Salvador Dali that
best, Coonfield’s figural compositions beautiful in art. In other words, we like his father brought back from a trip to
are complicated, their narratives am- pictures in which we can tell the hero- Spain. When it came time for young
bitious. At 32 years old, this aspiring ine from a herring. The National Acad-
master of post-contemporary art still emy in New York was founded on that
has his career ahead of him. fine European tradition, as was that
city’s Art Students League and Chica-
The tradition of the art academy go’s American Academy of Art – Daniel
began in Europe, usually by royal de- Coonfield’s alma mater.
gree. The goal of the academy was to
produce competent artists whose cre- Coonfield traces his family history
ations would uphold the ideals of the back to the Native Americans who
church and the glories of the state. But first peopled this continent and the
the academies were not only schools. pioneers who later made it their own.
Some of them evolved into learned His paternal great-great-grandmoth-
societies where select artist-members er, Sarah Bluebird Smith, was a full-
declared that the values of academic blooded Cherokee. Born in Indian
art were those by which civilization it- Territory in 1845, she died in Oaks,
self should be judged. Missouri, in 1926.

By the 19th century, the heroically Coonfield’s mother, Kathleen Lyle,
virtuous art of the academy fell behind is from a long line of Missourians; she
the times. The French Academy, for in- now lives in Vero Beach.
stance, used its considerable moral and
“She’s an artist as well,” he notes.
“She does landscapes and seascapes.”

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 43


Coonfield to attend college, he chose anywhere along the Indian River. dent in which two men fight each other American Indians, according to Coon-
the venerable School of the Art Insti- The iconography is lacking to clearly as their respective girlfriends look on. field, who adds that his painting’s
tute of Chicago. One of the women – the hefty blond to theme is alcohol-fueled violence in the
distinguish who is who in the picture. Si- the right – has an oar raised above her Native American community.
He was a student there for only one mon and Peter are “sort of interchange- head as if to strike one of the already
semester, when he found that the able,” says Coonfield. But Jesus is the bleeding pugilists. He suggests that the Caucasian–
school had long ago abandoned a cur- one toward whom a couple of fishing looking figures in the picture might
riculum that emphasized realism in rods point, set down on the ground. In the foreground, a group of two also be Native Americans.
art. That, and mastering the depiction His is the figure whose muscular chest men and a woman guzzle beer. Coon-
of the human figure, were skills Coon- is modeled by a bright directional light field says that this picture is thematical- The show’s “Portrait of an Ameri-
field craved.When one of his teachers at source. He is also the one who stands in ly based on Renoir’s “The Boating Party” can” alludes to Coonfield’s own Native
the Institute suggested he apply to the the posture reminiscent of Michelan- – a charming outdoor scene of the art- American background.
American Academy of Art, he applied to gelo’s “David,” with one hand casually ist’s friends socializing over lunch.
its BFA program. He graduated in 2007. resting atop his shoulder. He shows himself in a Daniel Boone-
His reference to that painting, says style fringed buckskin jacket, worn over
In school, Coonfield’s area of spe- The two largest figures in the com- Coonfield, is not about violence. It is a plaid shirt and blue jeans. His face is
cialization was oil painting. His classes position are idealized depictions, says about differing styles of partying. In painted in red, white, and blue stripes;
focused on the technical aspects of the Coonfield. He says that “all the other fig- Oklahoma, he says, it is common for two stars decorate his forehead. In his
craft: drawing and painting from the ures” are based on his on-site drawings local young people to raft down the Il- hand he holds a ceremonial feather fan
figure, as well as anatomy, color theory, of Floridians going about their business. linois River through Tahlequah. crafted by one of his father’s cousins.
lighting and composition. Theoretically
speaking, the school required that Coon- "This man who’s looking through his “People go and get really drunk and Unlike some of his other paintings,
field know about, and learn from, the net, and these two gentlemen that are fight,” he explains. there is little reference to traditional
works of historically important artists. fishing, I sketched those guys on the European art here.
spot. They had such fabulously expres- His painting, he says, is “supposed
In his own work, Coonfield incorpo- sive postures.” to be America’s answer to “The Boat- This portrait is “supposed to symbol-
rates themes and even visually alludes ing Party.” ize that being American Indian is being
to some of the figures seen in the art of Another painting, The Battle of very American, I guess,” he says.
those masters. Tahlequah (2011) shows a bucolic inci- Two of the male figures in the paint-
ing are dark-skinned; they represent Daniel Coonfield’s paintings can be
One of his favorite artists is Édouard seen through March at the Buzz TV Art
Manet, a Parisian painter of contem- Gallery. It is located Suite 5, at 2345 14th
porary life who worked in the latter half Avenue in Vero Beach. 
of the 19th century.

“There is a strong psychological ele-
ment (in Manet’s pictures) that for me
is very resonant,” says Coonfield.

In 1865, Manet’s nude “Olympia,” a
depiction of a high-class French pros-
titute, scandalized a public used to the
moralistic paintings of the academi-

While Coonfield’s palette and man-
ner of working are not those of Manet,
he does profess to paint the people
and life of our times. Like Manet (who
borrowed Olympia’s pose from the re-
clining Venuses of 16th century Italian
painters Giorgione and Titian), Coon-
field intentionally quotes the postures
of the gods and heroes depicted in art-
works of yore.

Measuring 42 x 60 inches, his 2016
painting, “Jesus calling the Disciples,”
shows Jesus, Simon and Peter not as
the long-haired, robed figures familiar
from traditional religious painting. If
it weren’t for the rays of light shining
from the three principal figures’ heads,
they could be mistaken for some bare-
chested guys in shorts – in fact, the top
of Jesus’s boxers is showing. The three
could be hanging out at a concrete pier

44 Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Vero flutist Emilio Rutllant’s career takes flight

BY MICHELLE GENZ Artistic director Lourdes Lopez was
Staff Writer granted broad freedoms by the Bal-
anchine Trust for the new rendering,
With a world premiere production which has the action taking place not
of Balanchine’s “A Midsummer Night’s in a forest, as Shakespeare had it, but
Dream” wrapping up Miami City Bal- underwater.
let’s 30th anniversary season, it would
surprise no one to learn of the work- For the musicians, it amounts to a
out dancers have gone through to marathon – hence, Rutllant’s endur-
prepare. ance training. And it is testament to
the ballet company’s commitment
But the orchestra? Just ask flutist to live music, reinstated in 2010 after
Emilio Rutllant, who’s been training a two-year hiatus due to a funding
intensively, running and cycling. While shortfall. A $900,000 challenge grant
the dancers’ grueling solos are en from the Knight Foundation came
pointe, Rutllant’s are in the pit. just in time for the ballet’s 25th anni-
The talented musician who grew up
in Vero Beach is the youngest princi- The Opus One Orchestra began
pal flutist in Miami City Ballet’s Opus its new life with a bang, when then-
One Orchestra. His 26th birthday last artistic director and founder Edward
week – St. Patrick’s Day – was spent in Villella recruited a celebrated con-
rehearsal for the spectacular re-imag- ductor, Gary Sheldon. Principal guest
ining of Balanchine’s ballet. conductor of the San Francisco Ballet,
one of the top companies in the na-
For the ballet, which opened last tion, as well as Ballet Met and Opera
weekend in Miami and plays the Kra- Theatre of Syracuse, Sheldon that
vis Center next weekend, the orches- year won the American Prize in Con-
tra plays for the entire evening-long ducting.
story ballet, a rarity for the company
and for Balanchine, who choreo- “The Knight grant served a wonder-
graphed very few in his repertoire. ful purpose of kick-starting both the in-

Emilio Rutllant

terest and support in the orchestra, but A graduate of Juilliard who studied
also the level of playing, as more and with Leonard Bernstein at Tangle-
more musicians became aware of the wood, he has guest conducted the
new higher standard,” says Sheldon. BBC Symphony, the Montreal Sym-
“We were reaching for new heights.” phony, and Spoleto Festival Sym-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 45


phony. Being in the pit for a ballet, Midsummer Night's Dream Rutllant plays up to six hours a day.
though, requires a vigilance for what’s Practice is second nature, from the
happening not only in the orchestra als, familiarizing himself with the cho- the first act. The flute has this really time he picked up the flute at Oslo
but on stage. reography, the tempo of the music and virtuosic line that’s full of non-stop Middle School. That was a year after
the individual dancers. 16th notes, and you only have two he arrived in the U.S. from Chile, not
“Conducting for ballet is both ac- places to breathe in the entire thing. knowing a word of English, brought to
companying and accommodating,” “He knows them all,” says Rutllant. I’ve been doing cardio just to make Vero by his mother, Clara McCullough,
says Sheldon. “There are always small That enables the conductor to adjust sure I have the lungs.” after Emilio’s father died.
moments or movements that make for cast changes, anticipating a particu-
every performance unique, and I stay lar dancer’s interpretations and tempos. At the same time he is preparing for a At Oslo, he studied flute under
closely in tune with the stage, to watch competition in NewYork, for a piece that Sherry St. Petery, in a nascent orches-
and breathe with the dancers and Each of Miami City Ballet’s four pro- is “extremely virtuosic that lasts 14 min- tra program begun by Matt Stott. An
make changes.” grams per season requires on average utes and took six months to prepare.” “overachiever” by his own admission,
four orchestra rehearsals. he sailed through the first-year flute
He also points out that because That competition, for the New York book in a semester and soon took up
Lourdes is staging more and more Rutllant starts his work well before Flute Club, will cause him to miss the oboe besides.
new works, the orchestra is having to then. For the current ballet, Mendels- Kravis Center performances of “A Mid-
learn musical scores that most in the sohn’s music, about half of it from the summer Night’s Dream.” But he’ll be By his freshman year in high school,
orchestra have never heard, let alone famous overture and other inciden- back next season. as Stott moved on to found Vero Beach
played. “That’s a new challenge,” Shel- tals to “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” High’s remarkable orchestra program,
don says. “I’m proud that our Opus was delivered to Rutllant more than And in the middle of it all, he’s study- Rutllant added private lessons with
One Orchestra has gone after it in a a month ago; he has been practicing ing for his day-long doctoral qualifying Jane Weise. He has also studied under
very assertive way.” daily – in addition to his workouts. exams that allow him to move on to Tina Burr, principal flutist with the At-
working on a dissertation. lantic Classical Orchestra and the Bre-
It was Sheldon who hired Rutllant “It’s both technically challenging vard Symphony.
after contacting his teacher Trudy and physically challenging,” he says. With his other orchestra work – he
Kane at the University of Miami, “one “There’s one particular solo in the also plays with the University of Mi- By his junior year, he was ready to
of the outstanding flutists of our time,” scherzo movement at the very end of ami’s Frost Symphony Orchestra – give his first concert, to an enthusiastic
Sheldon says. audience at Sun-Up Center. “It was a
fundraiser to buy my first semi-profes-
“I asked if she had someone special sional flute,” he says.
to recommend, and without hesitation
she recommended Emilio.” Today, he is on the emerging artist
roster for one of the world’s top flute
Kane has been principal flutist for companies, Miyazawa.
the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra
since 1976. It was she who schooled His senior year, he gave anoth-
Rutllant in the nuance necessary to er fund-raiser, this time at the high
accompany a performance like opera school’s Performing Arts Center; funds
or ballet. went to college tuition.

Those nuances, though, come only At Stetson University he became the
at the direction of Sheldon; Rutllant principal flutist, and he is now flutist
can’t see the stage, and wouldn’t look with Frost Symphony Orchestra, the
if he could. Even though he and other orchestra of the University of Miami’s
musicians are passionate fans of ballet, renowned Frost School of Music.
in the pit, the 50-member orchestra fo-
cuses on the conductor alone. Now, he’d like to bring performances
back to Vero. “I’m thinking of finding a
Sheldon encourages the musicians way to establish a chamber music se-
to watch the ballets from the audience ries,” he says. “I would like to establish
when they’re not performing. He him- a few performance locations, with Vero
self spends hours in company rehears- being one of them.” 


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50 Vero Beach 32963 / March 24, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

INSIGHT COVER STORY dragged out of piles of detritus after airstrikes. But
that is the rebel-held side.

There, the mishmash of armed groups in con-
trol are almost entirely encircled and were bru-
tally bombarded before a recent cease-fire brought
some relief. Sitting right on the battle lines, the old
city of Aleppo is in tatters. The 13th-century citadel
that rises above its now scorched markets with their
famed vaulted ceilings is a Syrian army base.

Pro-government forces, meanwhile, are advanc-
ing around the city, which had a prewar population
approaching 3 million. They have been bolstered
by recent Russian airstrikes that have allowed them
to take the initiative and are pushing outward to se-
cure the single road that serves as the lifeline for the
government held-side – the only way in or out.

Getting there required official permission, and
reporters are accompanied by government mind-

Five years of conflict have torn Syria apart. And Children play in a park in Aleppo’s Midan neighborhood. ers. Access is restricted to government-held areas,
nowhere is that more stark than in its most popu- Women gather on steps outside of the University of Aleppo. providing a limited view of life here. In addition
lous city, Aleppo, where front lines carve through to the bureaucratic hurdles are the practical ones,
neighborhoods and slice it in two. with the road sometimes cut because of attacks.

It is a city of sharply contrasting halves, and one The drive from Damascus, the Syrian capital, to
side clearly appears to have the upper hand. Aleppo on a trip this month necessitated a circu-
itous route, veering out east toward Raqqa to avoid
In a park on the government-held side, families rebel-held areas on the main highway. What was
picnic while children line up to buy balloons and once a four-hour journey took double that.
popcorn. A few miles away, on a sprawling univer-
sity campus, thousands of students attend class. Near the town of Khanaser, 30 miles southeast of
Downtown, the city’s cinema plays the latest Hol-
lywood films. In the evenings, the restaurants fill.

War brings death and discomfort, but life con-
tinues here with a surprising degree of normality.

It’s a far cry from the images of Aleppo the world
has seen during Syria’s war: the rubble-filled streets,
the carcasses of buildings, lifeless bodies being

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