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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-04-13 12:21:40

04/13/2017 ISSUE 15


Elegant ‘Evening’: PB8 Ace of hearts. P28 Artificial reef on way

Hope springs eternal at Star cardio-thoracic surgeon gives New hiding places will be installed
major fundraiser for autism. Welsh Center a winning hand. for green sea turtles. PAGE 4


Slots in Brevard: At Crab E Bills,
Momentum, but they dive deep to
still no sure bet find the finest fish

[email protected] [email protected]

Slot machines moved a hesi- Sebastian’s waterfront has a
tant step closer to reality in Bre- long and rich fishing history,
vard County March 30 when and Crab E Bills fish market
the state Senate passed its ver- owner Bill Tiedge is doing his
sion of a gaming bill, a sweep- best to move it forward. When
ing, comprehensive piece of the waters warm up, he will be
legislation that will enable slot back out diving in deep water
machines at the Melbourne in the Atlantic Ocean to stock
Greyhound Park and tracks in his own market.
seven other counties. A refer-
endum in Brevard in 2012 ap- All of the fish transported
proved the addition of slots at to the market each day are
the track. Similar referendums caught offshore, typically from
passed in the other counties 20 to 30 miles out. The fisher-
as well. But the state needed men are mostly one-man local
operations who head out to


Serious about tsunami threat? New hours, new rules at ramped-up Skate Park
Indian Harbour Beach sure is
[email protected]
Big-time changes for
At the southern entrance from monster waves wiping skaters and BMX riders will Saturday is grand opening of upgraded Satellite Beach Skate Park. PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER
of Millennium Beach Park on out everything in their path mark the grand reopening
A1A in Indian Harbour Beach, from ocean to river. Rather, the of the Satellite Beach Skate
a small sign planted on the threat comes from waves rip- Park, after $200,000 in up-
side of the road can’t help but pling across miles and miles of grades. Going forward, the
catch people’s attention. It park will be unsupervised
reads Tsunami Ready – but the CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 part of the time, the hours of
initial instinct is to wonder if operation will be expanded
the threat of a tsunami is any and there will be no admis-
more real than the threat of a sion charge or waivers to
Martian invasion. sign at the park, which was
originally built in 1997.
Those in the know as-
sure us that the threat is very CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
much real but not so much

ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 ‘Noisy’ neighbors

NEWS 1-6 GAMES 23-25 PEOPLE 7-12 Proposed dock expansion at
ARTS 13-16 HEALTH 27-30 PETS 22 Oars and Paddles Park draws
BOOKS 21 INSIGHT 17-26 REAL ESTATE 33-40 some residents’ ire. PAGE 5


2 Thursday, April 13, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


CRAB E BILLS “We go for a head shot where the selection of fish, such as snapper, hog- Born in Brooklyn, N.Y., Tiedge grew
eyes aren’t all popped out like a fish fish, grouper, mahi, pompano, kingfish, up in Long Island and spent summers
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 battling on fishing line,” Tiedge ex- amberjack and yellow fin tuna that are on Lake Ronkonkoma, one of the larg-
plained. “It’s a better looking fish and teamed with fresh northern fish like est and deepest lakes in New York State.
sea when the sky is still black. better tasting. It’s all about the beauty cod, haddock, halibut and Scottish When he was 12 the family moved to
Crab E Bills’ catch is never netted or and the adrenaline rush. It’s like a new salmon. There are also succulent sea South Miami Beach. One of his first
country down there where you’re trav- and bay scallops, oysters, petite spiny jobs was as a clean-up boy and clam
caught on long lines. Much is brought eling over land and then down into the Florida lobsters and shrimp such as lus- shucker at the famed Joe’s Stone Crab.
in by scuba divers who use spear guns. holes where the hunting begins. We cious Royal Reds and Key West Pinks.
A combination of hunting and fishing, only target what we’re after. Tiedge obtained his scuba certifica-
this method requires skill, patience “I tell folks to give the pumpkin tion and became a dive master in the
and solid sporting ethics. “It’s an otherworldly experience. I swordfish a try; they feed on royal red Keys. He learned the butchering trade
hope to do it for many years to come.” shrimp and it changes the whole flavor at Lorenzo’s Italian Market in North Mi-
Spearfishing allows divers to spe- of the fish,” said Tiedge, a commercial ami Beach, and later worked for Whole
cifically target a single fish rather than Tiedge launched Crab E Bills Sea- fisherman and scuba diver with more Foods Market where he managed the
spending precious time accidently food Market in 2011 with a mission of than four decades years of experience. fish, meat and poultry part of the busi-
catching fish they don’t want (bycatch) consistently offering superior, sustain- ness throughout the Southeast.
or fish that are undersized. A number able seafood caught by local fishermen “The Royal Reds are very sweet, sort
of the divers who supply Crab E bills and divers. It is tucked in the heart of of like a lobster taste. They are found Early on a recent Friday morning I
are local cops and firemen. They car- the Sebastian waterfront, where fishing in deep water, 500 feet down, and are spent some time with Tiedge and his
ry three-band spear guns, 5 to 6 feet boats bob at the docks while sunlight only available for a few months. Our crew in their briny world. Suppliers
in length. The boat goes out for eight shimmers off the Indian River. Soon af- stone crabs claws come from near the haul in boxes and bags stuffed with
hours and the divers perform five or ter docking, a bounty of day-boat fish Sebastian Inlet or in the Keys. Between the ultra-freshest seafood. I peer into
six drops down to a depth of 80 to 120 and seafood is delivered to the market’s last Christmas and New Year’s, we sold bags brimming with clams and spiny
feet. The location is chosen mindful of back door. more than 700 pounds.” lobsters. A large container is filled with
the fish populations and the success of beautiful red snapper.
recent dives. Housed in a building that has been Considered one of the biggest retail
a waterfront fixture for 90 years, Crab seafood operations in the region, Crab Carmine Linette has been a profes-
Some of the most popular hunts are E Bills boasts a wooden beam ceiling, E Bills has the feel of a neighborhood sional fish cutter for more than three
for tasty hogfish, powerful amberjacks hardwood floors and quirky nautical fish market. decades. Six days a week he rises before
and yellowtail – a swift aqua-and-gold displays. The gleaming front coun- dawn, traveling from his Melbourne
striped schooling fish with a brilliant ter cases show off a dazzling array of “One thing I like is the stock changes home to the Crab E Bills market. In
canary tail. There aren’t many moments fresh-caught fish lying on pristine beds all the time, but it’s more than just buy- the back room, a large walk-in freezer
in hunting or fishing when you get to of ice. Plucked from the sea, the local ing a piece of fish,” said Sally Baker of is full of ice-filled boxes of fresh fish –
look the hunted in the eyes from just a catch is brought to the market usually Melbourne Beach. “They can trace that brought in that morning – neatly lined
couple of feet away before you spear it. within the span of a day or less. fish back to the fisherman who got it. up. A weekly catch totals about 300 to
The divers identify a target, stalk, shoot That’s huge. The staff I’ve dealt with are 400 pounds of fish. 
it, and fight it to the surface. The market prides itself on a wide knowledgeable and friendly. ”

VERO BEACH 32963 Media LLC SKATE PARK problems from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.
PRESIDENT AND PUBLISHER: MILTON R. BENJAMIN “I know this is a big change for us –
772-559-4187, [email protected] we’ve always had a staff person, we’ve
The City Council voted April 5 to always charged, we’ve always had the
CREATIVE DIRECTOR: DAN ALEXANDER abandon the longtime policy of hiring a rules in place, but given the last couple
772-539-2700, [email protected] part-time worker at minimum wage to of years we’ve come to the conclusion
collect entrance fees and enforce rules. that we needed to figure out a different
MANAGING EDITOR: STEVEN M. THOMAS way to do it. I think we were one of the
772-453-1196, [email protected] The grand opening event will be held last, if not the last, local city to staff their
4 p.m. April 15. skate parks,” Barker said.
To learn about the cost-effective advertising rates being offered in
The Melbourne Beachsider, please contact our advertising “The funds that we took in didn’t re- According to the city website, staff
representatives listed below: ally cover the cost of the park, in fact we will be on hand after 4 p.m.
DIRECTOR OF ADVERTISING: JUDY DAVIS think that the charge is an impediment
772-633-1115, [email protected] to the use of the park,’’ City Manager The posted new rules including the
ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Courtney Barker told the city council. phrase “skate at your own risk” will en-
courage the use of pads and helmets for
LILLIAN BELMONT, 321-604-7833, [email protected] Instead of staffing the facility full- all users. Pads and helmets will be re-
WILL GARDNER, 407-361-2150, [email protected] time, video cameras will be installed quired for all users under age 18, a sug-
KATHLEEN MACGLENNON, 772-633-0753, [email protected] as a deterrent to bad behavior or other

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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 13, 2017 3


gestion of skaters asked to give advice be closed, are expected to attract adult The extensive project including new officials have had a hard time keeping
on the park, she said. skaters and homeschooled kids, which rails and a bowl was completed by the younger skaters and BMX riders from
should help increase overall use, said city same company that built the park in the jumping opening day, Barker said.
“They all agree that if you are under recreation director Cassie Warthen. 1990s. Designers kept an area reserved
18 you should be wearing a helmet and for beginners out of the main flow. Satellite Beach Skate Park at 750 Ja-
pads. That was a pretty broad consen- “Especially with making it free and maica Blvd. will be open 10 a.m. to 9
sus across the board,’’ Barker said. the expanded hours, we definitely ex- Excitement has been building dur- p.m. Sunday-Thursday, and 10 a.m. to
pect more use,” she said. ing construction – so much so that city 10 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. 
Morning hours, when the park used to

4 Thursday, April 13, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


SLOTS sphere this year. Joe Negron is a busi- Daryl Adkins and
nessman. He understands the positive Karen Holloway-Adkins.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 implication. But the next two or three
weeks are very important.” PHOTO BY BENJAMIN THACKER
to agree to the casino expansion, and
therein lies the dilemma. If the expansion of slots at the tracks New type of artificial reef will be
passes muster, Melbourne Greyhound installed for green sea turtles
“I’m enthused about the bill. It is Park will spend $50 million to build a
good for us and the gaming industry,” new facility on track grounds that will STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER and tested by marine biologist Karen
said Jim O’Brien, Melbourne Grey- provide local construction jobs for 18 [email protected] Holloway-Adkins.
hound Park’s president and CEO. months. In addition to providing jobs
and helping local vendors, Brevard Coquina-covered concrete mats will Halloway-Adkins since 2003 has
But what’s good for the gaming indus- County will receive 1.5 percent of slot soon become new hiding places for made it her life’s work to humanely
try is not of interest on the House side, revenue, with another half percent young green sea turtles at 10 locations trap, tag and study the juvenile green
which approved a bill on April 5 that kicked back to Melbourne as host city. in Satellite Beach and Indian Harbour turtles on the reef. She graduated from
diametrically opposes any expansion Beach. The project is meant to mitigate Florida Atlantic University with a Ph.D.
of gaming. The future of legislation this “This can have a positive end with a the impact of sand nourishment on in Integrative Biology. Her research fo-
session rests with a conference, where great win for Brevard County,” O’Brien environmentally-precious nearshore cused on the impact of marine herbi-
representatives of each body try to craft said. coquina reefs used by the turtles. vores, including green turtles, on mac-
a new bill acceptable to both sides. roalgal communities.
Whatever comes out of the legislature “We’ll be starting the actual build-
Senate spokeswoman Katherine still has to get the OK from the Semi- ing of the mats within a month and “We tried to absorb her thoughts
Betta said the conference requires nole Tribe of Florida, which owns the hope to start placement in the ocean and ideas of what the turtles were uti-
agreement from the House Speaker two Hard Rock casinos as well as others by the end of May,” said Mike McGar- lizing, including the gaps between the
and the Senate President. If the House throughout the state. The state has prior ry, program manager for the Beaches, reefs, and we created a ledge on the
and Senate had only slight differences agreements with the tribe and, as these Boating and Waterways section of landward of each structure because
with the bills, the amendment process bills stand, an OK is not a sure bet. the Brevard County Natural Resource she noted that the turtles like to hide
could reconcile the two. This is not Management Department. there.
one of those times. “Both bills would require a dramat-
ic increase in the Tribe’s payment to “Work in the ocean generally has to “We’re trying to mimic their habitat
Betta said typically when one cham- the state without providing increases happen during the summer, when the in as much as we can to make the most
ber passes a bill, the bill is not sent to in the Tribe’s exclusivity sufficient to seas are calm. They will work as long as successful mitigation reefs practical,”
the other chamber until the end of the justify those higher payments,” said the ocean cooperates with calm seas said McGarry. “It is a new idea. We
next scheduled floor session. How- Marcellus W. Osceola Jr., chairman of and then they will come back the fol- tested it on a very limited scale but it’s
ever, for timing reasons, one chamber the Tribal council. And he added that lowing summer in 2018 to finish the never been done on a project this size.”
can send the bill immediately back to the Senate bill would broadly expand mitigation reef work. It’s to replace the
the other chamber for consideration. gaming. function of any of the near shore reefs Holloway-Adkins will continue to
This is one of those times. impacted by the sand placement.” monitor the turtles during the con-
Moreover, the current legislation struction and beyond. She uses tags of
Senate President Joe Negron, R- may face opposition from the Interior Officials plan put up to 573,000 cu- different types, including an acoustic
Stuart, will talk to sponsor Senator Department as related legislation did bic yards of sand on 7.8 miles of beach tag that is constantly pinging. That sys-
Bill Galvano, R-Bradenton, and make in 2015. A compact signed off by Gov. this year along a stretch of shoreline tem confirms that the green turtles use
that decision in the coming days. But, Rick Scott proposed a $3 billion a year extending from just south of Patrick Air that particular section of beach more
Betta said, at this point it is likely that payment from the tribe in exchange Force Base to Flug Avenue in Indialan- than any other in Brevard, she said.
a conference would occur. for exclusivity in some areas and the tic. The project will widen the beach by
addition of craps and roulette at tribal 10 to 20 feet. “Overall, I’ve tracked 15 turtles [with
“Such a complex subject could be re- casinos. The legislature failed to act in acoustic tags] and have tagged a total
solved by conference committee, which time and the compact died. Environmental concerns about the of something like 160 turtles,’’ she said.
would generate a conference report juvenile green turtles have delayed
that represents a compromise between Speaking of the failed legislation in any large-scale sand placement proj- She said she is hopeful about the
the two chambers. The legislators ap- a June 2016 letter, Paula L. Hart, di- ects on that particular stretch of beach results of the mitigation reef but as a
pointed to the conference bring the re- rector of the Office of Indian Gaming, for years. Advocates worried that re- scientist will reserve judgement on its
port back to their respective chambers said “We are concerned that the bills nourishment would bury too much of success as a turtle habitat pending fur-
for consideration,” she said. may violate Indian Gaming Regulato- the rock outcroppings, which are often ther study.
ry Act prohibition against taxing tribal quite visible at low tide.
Most times, this kind of conference gaming revenue. ... We would be hard- McGarry is more confident.
convenes before the end of the legisla- pressed to envision a scenario where The compressed coquina shell sedi- “I don’t believe it will have negative
tive session, which falls on May 5. we could allow a compact [like this] to ments are considered an essential impact on the turtles for two reasons:
go into effect.”  habitat for turtles and other marine life Number one, less than 10 percent of
O’Brien is upbeat about the chanc- and require federal approval for proj- the near-shore habitat will be impact-
es. He said legislation came close last ects that impact them. ed by sands, so more than 90 percent
year. “It’s a different political atmo- of the rock would still be exposed and
McGarry is confident in the new available for turtles,” he said.
design – flat concrete mats embed- Number two, the artificial reef is re-
ded with real coquina – because quired to make up for the 4.8 acres of
many of the features were suggested rock that may be buried by the sand. 

8 Thursday, April 13, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


David and Sherill McKay, Pam Padgett, Susan and John Hopkins, abd Bill McCluan. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER Sarah Arends.

Richard and Jennifer Michael. Alexandra Bobo and Osa Berggren. Steve and Lisa Bierbrunner.

‘Hope’ springs eternal at elegant fundraiser for autism

STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT the Florida Institute of Technology in work with 25 early-intervention cli- tion, enjoying the cool, clear evening
[email protected] Melbourne. ents aged 3 to 9 years, as well as older amid rows of docked powerboats and
children. In its nine years of exis- sailboats at the club’s marina on the
Hundreds of elegantly dressed The center provides services, train- tence, The Scott Center has helped Indian River Lagoon. Enhancing the
guests filled the Eau Gallie Yacht Club ing and research for children with au- 600 young people with autism learn Starry Night theme, members of the
in Indian Harbour Beach last Satur- tism and their families. But that dry how to live productive lives. Through FIT Student Astronomical Society
day on an evening seemingly custom- description does not do justice to the sponsorships, Wish scholarships and were on hand to treat the curious to
made for a celebration to support a important work being done here in a raffle for a Rolex donated by Kempf’s views of the moon and stars via four
cause few truly understand. An Eve- Brevard County. According to Execu- Jewelers in Indialantic, organizers ex- high-powered telescopes, and guests
ning of Hope IX was an opportunity tive Director Dr. Michael Kelley, re- pected to raise $200,000. wandered out to the stone terrace to
for public expressions of deep admi- search conducted at The Scott Center take turns scoping the skies for heav-
ration for the work being done at The is being implemented worldwide. Honorary co-hosts John and Susan enly bodies.
Scott Center for Autism Treatment at Hopkins were one of three couples
Forty behavior therapists currently to paint very personal pictures of A little star power was on hand in-
the center’s importance and to urge side as well, in the form of NBA Hall
guests to support its continued work. of Famer Artis Gilmore who, with wife
They are the grandparents of Eliza- Enola Gay, came from their home in
beth, 14, who was 2 1/2 when she was Jacksonville to support the cause. One
diagnosed with autism. She imme- of their grandsons has autism and is
diately began therapy in the nascent in treatment in Jacksonville.
program and has progressed to be-
come an honor student in the seventh “I came here because I want to con-
grade. nect with programs that can provide
the best treatment available. This is
The couple became involved in the for the rest of his life,” Gilmore said,
center’s early planning stages and echoing the overriding concern of
have been its cheerleaders ever since. those who have a loved one with au-
They credit Elizabeth’s stunning so- tism.
cial advances to lead behavior analyst
Ali Wiegand, whom they now consider As Wiegand explained, these spe-
to be a member of the family. cialists teach and reinforce life skills
to young people who don’t know why
Many of Brevard’s most generous they are struggling, adding, “It’s every-
benefactors attended the celebra- thing you and I take for granted.” 

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 13, 2017 9


Karen D’Alberto and Andrew Morgan. Mark and Lisa Herendeen. Jane and Malcolm Kirschenbaum with Polly Molnar.

Lief Johnson with Teresa and Rick McNeight. Michael and Diana Crown with Ivy Chong and Mark Boyd. Glen and Barbara Lapeska.

Jessica Assam, Jackie Barker, Courtney Porter and Karen Davis. Suzie Watson, Artis Gilmore, Sadesh and Jayashree Kumar.

Melissa Parker, Jamie Kempf. Denene and Kevin Capritta. Kim and Mike Hone. Robin and Brent Wente.

10 Thursday, April 13, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


1 23

4 56

Thirty cheers for The Haven, a precious gift for kids

STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT issues as abuse, neglect or abandon- and speech therapy. It is a ’round- volunteers and amazing women.”
[email protected] ment. the-clock, sometimes-harrowing Noting the uniqueness of this dis-
undertaking that over the years has
Birthday parties are naturally an Kathryn Rudloff, outgoing chair of ushered 3,500 troubled children into tinction, she said the only other such
expression of joy and thankfulness, The Haven Guild, the organization’s stable lives thanks to caring adults. honorees were her mother-in-law,
but the 30th Birthday Celebration of volunteer and philanthropic arm, Sunny Rudloff, and Jim Nance, who
The Haven for Children, co-hosted said most of the children have been Last Tuesday’s party featured a were both instrumental in founding
last Tuesday afternoon by Judy Roub failed by the system. little bit of business and a lot of fun, The Haven.
and Jeanne Farmer, was especially celebrating its volunteers, ordinary
poignant for all who attended. These children, she explained, women doing extraordinary things, “We value everything you have
come into the program after mul- without whom The Haven would done,” Rudloff said, as guests smiled
The Haven operates three homes tiple attempts at individual foster likely have shuttered years ago. and applauded through their tears,
in Brevard County, housing 31 chil- care have failed, for a multitude of an indication of just how dear to
dren from across Florida who were reasons. They receive mental-health The party took place at the mag- their hearts the organization has be-
removed from their families for such therapy and, if needed, occupational nificent Merritt Island home of Bry- come.
an and Judy Roub, where 120 guests
were treated to platters of delectable As part of the business of the day,
finger foods and a three-tier display new officers were welcomed and
of desserts, catered by Green Turtle those stepping down were thanked.
of Indian Harbour Beach. Being a Rudloff introduced new Chair Karen
birthday celebration, there was, of Williams, Internal Vice Chair Tracy
course, cake, and this one featured a Bacon, External Vice Chair Sarah
creative rendition of the group’s logo. Boulding, Recording Secretary Ja-
As a special gift, Bill Farina donated mie Garber and Finance Chair Su-
individual cakes decorated with an ann Negrey.
edible picture of a lamb, a sweet nod
to its Lamb Shoppe thrift store. Williams spoke of her admiration
for the nearly 400 people who keep
A highlight of the afternoon was the refuge going and growing, not-
the recognition of Judy Roub and ing, “Our volunteers are extraordi-
Cindy Kane as honorary lifetime nary. You receive minimal feedback
board members for their tireless ser- and have minimal contact with your
vice to The Haven’s children. Rudl- beneficiaries and you’ve been doing
off’s voice was choked with emotion this for 30 years. You are the best,
as she spoke about the “consummate most extraordinary volunteers in all
of Brevard County.” 

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 13, 2017 11


7 89
10 11 12


1. Co-hosts Jeanne Farmer and
Judy Roub. 2. Peggy Adkins and Lola
McFadden 3. Ava and Amy Roub.
4. Lisa Farrall and Cindy Kane.
5. Judy Trafton and Lakshmi Baskaran.
6. Jamie Garber and Kathryn Rudloff.
7. Linda Moore and Ruby Jackson.
8. Maggie Boucher and Frances Howard.
9. Reggie Banaszak and Mary
Leone. 10. Board Members Karen
Williams, Tracy Bacon, Jamie Garber,
Suann Negrey and Sarah Boulding.
11. Ute Bowman and Cindy Webster.
12. Rebecca Shireman. PHOTOS: JULIAN LEEK


14 Thursday, April 13, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Foosaner’s French Film Festival … Merci beaucoup!

Claudel 1915,” Bruno Dumont’s 2013
Grab your beret – Florida Tech’s Foo- drama starring Juliette Binoche as the lead is not going to be enough.” PHOTO BY BENJAMIN THACKER
saner Art Museum’s fifth annual French gifted student and lover of the sculptor And for sure, like the Foosaner’s
Film Festival is in full bloom. Auguste Rodin. Critic Sheila O’Malley supplies beer. The festival kicks off with
called the film “harrowing … made previous French Film Festivals, this an outdoor showing of a family friendly
The three-week event has already even more so by the raw performance is also an opportunity to see films film, this year, “Le Ballon Rouge.”
been attracting crowds with Friday’s of- of Juliette Binoche.” Again, Smith leads that are just not easily available.
ficial outdoor opening. This year it was the post-film discussion. Although all those festivities are
Albert Lamorisse’s 1956 poignant clas- The festival grew out of a yearly only for the opening, a local gallery –
sic “Le Ballon Rouge.” That’s “The Red This is Smith’s third time partici- event held at Florida Tech and pre- the Fifth Avenue Art Gallery, which is
Balloon” for those whose high-school pating in the French Film Festival. sented under the auspices of the across the street from the Foosaner – is
French needs some dusting off. Over that time, she has observed that Tournees Film Festival, which was running through April a related art ex-
French audiences are more critical of run by the French-American Cultural hibition, “Inspiration France.”
While you also may be a bit late cinematography and to some extent Exchange program.
for the screening of Jean-Pierre Mel- political and philosophical messages, Admission to each film is $5 at the
ville’s 1969 film “L’Armee des Ombres” while American audiences are more in- “So it was a little bit different,” door. To be sure to get in, you can pur-
(Army of Shadows), you can still enjoy trigued in the historical background of Funk said. “But I wanted to carry on chase an all-festival pass online for $15
three more films, plus hear those lec- the films. the tradition because it was so popu- if you’re a Foosaner Museum member
tures by experts from Florida Institute lar. And we did it in April then, so it or $20 for non-members. Passes are
of Technology. Raised in the south of France, seemed like a perfect time of the available by advance purchase at http://
Smith said this festival is a good op- year.”
“What makes the French Film Fes- portunity for people to get a taste of
tival really special is watching a great French culture. And now, instead of being held All films will be screened in the Har-
movie with other people who become in the large Gleason Auditorium for ris Auditorium at the Foosaner Art Mu-
so engaged in the experience,” said Audiences enjoy the professors the Performing Arts, it’s held in the seum, 1463 Highland Ave., Melbourne.
Carla Funk, director of museums at bringing out anecdotes about the film more intimate space – the Foosan- Call 321- 674-8916 or visit FoosanerArt-
Florida Tech. “Sometimes a professor or little facts that are well known in er’s Harris Auditorium, which holds
likes to preface a film with a short pa- France but not here, she said. about 75 to 90 people.
per. And they always have a discussion The Fifth Avenue Art Gallery is at
afterwards. It’s almost like being in a Take, for instance, “Camille Claudel Instead of letting the Tournees 1470 Highland Avenue, Melbourne.
humanities class.” 1915.” Smith said the French are partic- choose the films to show, Funk has Call 321-259-8261 or visit FifthAve-
ularly drawn to the film because they assembled a team of four: the two 
This is what’s still coming up: know the work of the main character’s Florida Tech professors, herself, and
7 p.m. Thursday, April 13 – “Adieu au younger brother, the poet and drama- Sara Russo, the Foosaner’s curator of
Langage” (Goodbye to Language), Jean- tist Paul Claudel, who forced his tal- education. Together, she said, they
Luc Godard’s experimental 3-D film ented sister into an asylum where she choose films that intrigue and excite
(made in 2014), in which he questions spent half her life. the community.
the relevance of language in contem-
porary society. A post-film discussion “The story I think is amazing,” she “It’s important that the films be
will be held by John Christopher Fron- said. “In France, we grow up studying ones that people are passionate
gillo, assistant professor of humanities the work of her brother. So it’s interest- about,” Funk said.
at Florida Tech. ing when you study his work and find
7 p.m. Thursday, April 20 – “Pierrot le out about the family issues.” In years past, the festival has
Fou” (Pierrot Goes Wild), Godard’s criti- screened Jean Cocteau’s 1930 surreal-
cally acclaimed 1965 film starring Jean- And then there is “Pierrot le Fou,” istic film, “Le Sang d’un Poete” (The
Paul Belmondo and Anna Karina. The which has some intriguing context. The Blood of a Poet) and his 1950 “Or-
plot revolves around a man who leaves girlfriend in the movie is the director’s pheus” and Henri-Georges’ 1956 “Le
his wife and children runs away with wife. Smith calls her a “muse.” Mystere Picasso” (Mystery of Picasso)
an old girlfriend. A post-film discussion and Godard’s 1961 “Une Femme est
will be held by Anne Smith, who was “It’s just interesting to see how he une Femme.”
raised in France and teaches history, uses her almost as he is describing
English and French at Florida Tech. his relationship with her,” Smith said. In addition, the entire Eau Gallie Arts
“There are so many things to say about District gets involved on the opening
the movie. The discussion I am going to weekend. This year, they brought in
10 food vendors including those from
La Crepe, Jacqueline’s Bakery and the
House of Macaron.

The nearby Intercoastal Brewing

16 Thursday, April 13, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Coming Up: ‘Arabesque’ main course of musical feast

STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER Friday at Eastminster Presbyterian 3 “Rocktopia Live” comes to the 5 Meanwhile, at Lou’s Blues, Fri-
[email protected] Church in Indialantic. Conducting King Center next Friday as part of day brings you Nightfly, whose
the performance will be Robert Mc-
1 The 80-member Melbourne Bride, organist and director of music its inaugural national tour. “Rockto- goal is “bringing a soulful, funky,
Municipal Band will present at Eastminster and accompanist for
Florida Tech’s choirs. Soloists will be: pia Live” brings together world-class rockin’ good time, with an original
Julie Kinzey, soprano; FIT Choir Di-
its “Arabesque” concert this com- rector Eliza Dopira, mezzo soprano; talent – vocalists, rock musicians, style instead of re-hashing the cli-
Matthew Coules, tenor; and Thomas
ing Wednesday and Thursday at the Potter, bass. The oratorio begins at 7 orchestra and choir – in celebration chés.” They play from 9:30 p.m. to
p.m. and is free.
Melbourne Auditorium. The concert of the fusion of classical music with 1:30 a.m.; Saturday at 9 p.m. it’ll be
‘Rocktopia Live’.
offers a strong, varied musical menu classic rock. You will hear amazing, cover band Luna Pearl.

featuring a work by Samuel Hazo one-of-a-kind arrangements of works

entitled “Arabesque,” Grainger’s from classical and rock giants includ- 6 Along scenic Indian River Drive
down in Sebastian, the Tiki Bar
“Handel in the Strand,” Robert W. ing Queen, Mozart, Journey, Handel,

Smith’s “The Songs of the Sailor and & Grill has The Ladies of Soul per-

the Sea,” and the “Rag” and “Gal- forming hits from Motown, disco,

lop” from Alfred Reed’s “First Suite dance, classic R&B and contempo-

for Band.” It is the same concert the rary, Friday, 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.; Sat-

band will perform as one of only 10 urday brings Kenny Williams from 1

bands nationwide chosen to perform p.m. to 5 p.m.; then it’s Tumbleweed

at the national convention of the As- from 7 to 11 p.m.; from 2 to 6 p.m.

sociation of Concert Bands. Pre-show Sunday, it’ll be Greg and Brian, aka

entertainment by Charlie’s Jazz En- Jekyll and Hyde. With a Monty Py-

semble starts at 6:30 p.m. The con- thon-esque humor they create “utter

cert starts at 7:30 p.m. diversity if not certifiability,” accord-

ing to Sonicbids.

2 The powerful Haydn Orato- Traditional Arts of the Bedouin Exhibition.
rio, “The Seven Last Words of

Christ,” will be performed by the

Florida Tech Choir and String Orches-

tra in collaboration with the 40-voice

Eastminster Chancel Choir on Good

U2, Tchaikovsky, Heart, Beethoven,

Styx, Foreigner, Rachmaninoff, Pink

Floyd, Copland, The Who, Elton John

and more. “Rocktopia Live” conduc-

tor and co-creator Randall Craig

Fleischer says, “Rocktopia is about

blowing those walls away” between

classical music and classic rock. Chi-

cago’s WGN-TV reviewer writes that

the “performances create an incredi-

ble dynamic concert experience sure

to blow audiences away as proven in

Budapest at the State Hungarian Op- 7 “Traditional Arts of the Bed-
era House, now a PBS TV special air- ouin” is an exhibition of 53 art-

ing in cities across the United States.” works and artifacts at the Ruth Funk

Center for Textile Arts at Florida

4 Coppola’s Bar & Grille at Sebas- Tech, 150 W. University Blvd., Mel-
tian Beach Inn has live music bourne. The diverse display includes

on the oceanside deck weekends 1 items from intricately stitched tex-

p.m. to 5 p.m., weather permitting. tiles and embellished metalwork to

This Friday, you can kick back to Rick ceremonial coffee accouterments

Ferrin on guitar; Saturday brings and incense burners. Included are

The Jacks Band, with rock, blues and also photographs of Bedouin crafts-

some jammin’; and Sunday after- people at work. The Bedouin culture

noon it’ll be Lionheart, with Island must be understood through its im-

R&B, blues and rock. permanence, its continuing move-

ment across the sands of time

and space. Exhibition viewers

will see how Bedouin arts and

crafts frequently serve both

decorative and utilitarian pur-

poses, and perhaps recognize

how tenaciously the Bedouins

held to their traditions in spite

of an ever-changing politi-

Nightfly. cal, social, and environmental
landscape. 

18 Thursday, April 13, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


How much is a When designing payment mod-
medical miracle els, the size of the patient population
worth? BY CAROLINE CHEN matters: The larger the potential im-
BLOOMBERG to spread payments from insurance pact, the more the system will strain
companies to drugmakers over years, to deal with the huge cost of one-time
Sofia Priebe, 14, is slowly going Insurers are “used to paying rent like an annuity. Another is to have a cures. That’s what Gilead Sciences
blind. Her parents were devastated for health, and we’re asking them to money-back guarantee, so if a drug or Inc. learned in 2015, when it launched
when they were told there’s no treat- buy a houseful of cure,” says Mark treatment stops working for a patient, a cure for hepatitis C at $84,000 for a
ment for the genetic mutation that’s Trusheim, a visiting scientist at MIT’s the manufacturer is on the hook to re- three-month regimen, or $1,000 a pill.
causing her retinas to deteriorate. For Sloan School of Management who’s fund part of the cost to the insurer.
the dozen years since Sofia received leading a working group to explore fi- For anyone facing the prospect of
that diagnosis, her mother has lived nancing models for upcoming drugs, Payback contracts, or “value-based liver cancer or a liver transplant, that
every parent’s nightmare — being drawing from examples in the housing pricing” in pharma industry parlance, $84,000 is a very good value, says Jim
powerless to help her suffering child. market and activist hedge funds. are already used in Europe. In the U.S. Meyers, Gilead’s executive vice presi-
they’re trickier to execute, because dent for global commercial operations.
Now a gene therapy for a similar Spark Chief Executive Officer Jeff there isn’t a single payer with which The price was in the ballpark of existing
form of blindness is expected to re- Marrazzo sees his company’s pric- to negotiate and patients frequently treatments, and “there wasn’t a payer
ceive U.S. Food and Drug Adminis- ing decision as precedent-setting, as switch insurance plans throughout we spoke to in market research that felt
tration approval this year, and Laura it would be the first gene therapy ap- their lives. a price in the $80,000 to $85,000 range
Manfre, Sofia’s mom, is holding out proved in the United States. Spark has wasn’t acceptable,” he says.
hope that her daughter may soon get spent about $400 million to create the Jean-Jacques Bienaime, CEO of
treatment as well. “We don’t really care treatment and now wants to be com- BioMarin, proposes creating legisla- The drug proved immensely popu-
what it costs,” she says. pensated for the efforts and huge risks tion requiring patients to carry the lar – far beyond Gilead’s expectations
it took during the research and devel- reimbursement obligation with them – thanks to a quick endorsement by
But how much is a miracle really opment phase. when they change jobs or insurers, the American Association for the
worth? A million dollars? Five million? to ensure drugmakers continue to be Study of Liver Diseases. About 3 mil-
More? And who will pay and how? Spark Therapeu- paid. BioMarin is working on a gene lion Americans have hepatitis C, and
tics has spent therapy for the blood disorder hemo- many wanted the cure immediately.
It’s one of the most vexing challeng- $400 million philia, which Bienaime argues is easily “We started to see a flow of patients
es confronting drug and insurance developing a worth millions of dollars per patient
companies as modern medicine ad- blindness cure. for a cure.
vances, spurred by research on the hu-
man genome. Spark Therapeutics Inc., What’s unclear is “The average cost of severe hemo-
which developed the gene therapy to how to price the philia A is about $500,000 a year, so $1
cure a rare form of childhood blind- breakthrough. million upfront would cover two years
ness called RPE65-mediated inherited – that’s not much, if they’re healed for
retinal disease, is among the first to How the payment debate plays out life,” Bienaime says, adding that Bio-
face this question. will determine not only whether pa- Marin hasn’t decided how to price its
tients will be able to gain access to drug, which is going through trials.
Spark’s treatment, voretigene nepar- these treatments, but also how hard
vovec, delivers a functioning piece of drugmakers will push to develop other MIT’s Trusheim is considering more
DNA directly to the eyes to preserve transformative medicines. radical payment plans, such as hav-
remaining sight and even restore some ing the U.S. government buy an en-
vision. “Why is it that there are not more tire company instead of paying for its
cures?” Marrazzo says.“It’s not because drugs. “The government could sell off
Other companies, including Glaxo- there are bad actors. It’s an industry full the research and development arm of
SmithKline Plc and BioMarin Pharma- of people who react to incentive struc- a company, like a Carl Icahn,” he says,
ceutical Inc., have also been grappling tures.” If compensation could be rede- referring to activist investors who take
with the pricing problem. signed to reward one-time treatments over corporations, often selling off
over chronic treatments, “that’s where units that they deem peripheral.
Some new treatments, such as Spark’s people would play,” he says.
retina drug, are intended to work with The idea is to then have the feds
just one shot – promising a lifetime cure One idea under consideration is provide the drug to Medicare and
from a single, costly treatment. Medicaid patients and charge com-
mercial insurers a cheaper price than
Insurers don’t dispute the worth of they likely would have paid to a for-
cures in the pipeline but say they’re profit private company.
not equipped to pay one large sum
upfront. The U.S. health-care system Other ideas that his group is inves-
is built around managing symptoms tigating include government grants or
with prescriptions that insurers pay prizes to developers of cures, or vol-
reimbursements for monthly: For ex- ume-purchase commitments such as
ample, medicines such as cholesterol- those used by the Bill & Melinda Gates
lowering Lipitor or acid-reflux drug Foundation in developing nations,
Nexium are often taken over a period which guarantee manufacturers that
of many years and don’t deliver a per- a minimum amount of a drug will be
manent fix. bought if they successfully develop it.
Trusheim’s group plans to publish its
recommendations by early next year.

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 13, 2017 21


“A Well Respected Man.” where his non-
Three years later, they
got the jump on the mod- conformity al-
ern environmental move-
ment with their album lowed him to fit
“The Kinks Are the Village
Green Preservation Soci- right in.
ety.” Their hit “Lola” (1970)
injected sexual ambigu- When the
ity into rock. Their songs
have been covered and Kinks became
re-covered by groups from
the Pretenders to Van Ha- part of the Brit-
len, and crop up frequent-
ly as themes in TV ads and ish Invasion,
series (e.g., “Living on a
Thin Line” in “The Sopra- an influen-
nos”). Their paean to Eng-
lishness, “Waterloo Sun- tial cadre of
set,” was performed in the
closing ceremony of the Americans
2012 Olympics.
treated them
They’ve been so prolific
that no one seems to know as literal in-
exactly how many albums
to credit them with. Even vaders. The American Federation of 1996. Rumors of a reunion circulate
Carey Fleiner, the author from time to time, but so far it’s been
of this new study of the Television and Radio Artists took ex- no-no-no-no-no-la.
group, fudges the score:
“The Kinks released nearly ception to the Kinks’ onstage rowdi- Fleiner, who teaches Classics at the
three-dozen official albums between University of Winchester, has given
1964 and 1996.” That adds up to hun- ness, and the federal government ac- us not a bio of the band, but rather a
dreds of original songs on too many series of linked essays on such sub-
topics to keep track of. As explained by cepted the union’s recommendation jects as the marketing of the Kinks
one of the fans contacted by Fleiner, and their sense of humor. For the
“If you like the Kinks, then it’s as if you to deny the Kinks permission to per- most part, she is astute, but occa-
like 367 different bands.” (Newcomers sionally she overreaches. Regarding
should start with the two-CD album form in the United States. The ban “David Watts,” the Kinks’ irresistibly
“Kinks: the Ultimate Collection.”) catchy portrait of schoolboy envy,
Some things, however, we can say lasted from 1965 to ’69, cutting the she writes that “the song is peppered
with certainty. The core of the group with ‘fa fa fa fa’s,’ a parody of affect-
has been the brothers Ray and Dave Kinks off from publicity and income ed middle- and upper-class speech.”
Davies, born – in 1944 and ’47, respec- Possibly, but let me suggest a simpler
tively – and raised in London. Oddly they could very much have used and explanation. The ultra-lyrical Kinks
for creative children of working-class took every opportunity to sprinkle fa
parents, they had a happy childhood; putting them at a disadvantage vis- fa fa’s, la la la’s, and do do do’s into
true, at age 12 Ray was sent to a school their songs. (See “Lola,” “Waterloo
for emotionally disturbed kids, but à-vis the Beatles, etc. Fleiner argues, Sunset,” “Wonderboy” and “Death of
his governing fear seems to have been a Clown,” among dozens of others.)
that the family idyll “couldn’t last for- however, that the feds performed an What Fleiner takes for a parody may
ever.” Later, Ray attended art school, be just one more application of the
unwitting service for the band by greatest nonsense syllabary in the
annals of rock.
turning it inward. While the Beatles
But if readers close the book still
went into global overdrive and the looking for a handle on the Kinks’
protean artistry, perhaps that’s for
Stones recycled American blues, the the best. Carey Fleiner has left us to
work out our own Kinks. 
Call it aesthetic contrarianism or Kinks cultivated the English roots
even reverse snobbery, but I tend to THE KINKS
prefer artists and works that most that have served them so well. A Thoroughly English Phenomenon
fans relegate to second place or
lower: Buster Keaton’s movies above They also created characters: the By Carey Fleiner
Charlie Chaplin’s, “Krazy Kat” rather Rowman & Littlefield. 244 pp. $45
than “Peanuts,” the acting of Barba- aforementioned Well-Respected
ra Stanwyck over that of Katharine Review by Dennis Drabelle,
Hepburn, Carl Nielsen’s symphonies Man, Arthur and Lola, along with The Washington Post
instead of Gustav Mahler’s. And in
my pantheon, the Kinks come ahead Dandy, Mister Pleasant, Plastic Man,
of the Beatles, the Rolling Stones and
the Who. Johnny Thunder, Wicked Annabel-

The case for the Kinks goes some- la (each featured in an eponymous
thing like this: They invented the
power chord, notably in their first big song) and more. Although most of
hit, “You Really Got Me” (1964), and
helped pioneer the concept album their songs were written by Ray, who
with “Arthur” (1969). More than their
peers, they engaged in satire and so- usually sang lead, Dave contributed
cial criticism, starting in 1965 with
some memorable cuts, including

“Death of a Clown” and “Strang-

ers.” But the band was plagued by

the Davies’ sibling rivalry, a condi-

tion exacerbated by their position

as the last-born of eight children,

the rest of whom were female – Ray

was all those sisters’ darling until

Dave came along and ousted him.

The Kinks last performed together in


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22 Thursday, April 13, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Bonz says little Pekingese is one spunky Monkey

Hi Dog Buddies! Monkey Mead, Pekingese. PHOTO PROVIDED those men looked liked judges. I couldn’t re-
sist. I climbed outta my bag, pranced right
This week I met a sweet young lady Pe- Hamptons, or if Clupper is out chasin’ the cuz my friends Stephanie and Jeff, the Con- out to the center, and did my best show ring
kingese who dreamed of The Show Ring ladies. He’s a Poodle, French, you know. see-AIRGE, give me Venison Treats! strut-and-wiggle all the way around. Every-
but found her true calling in a very differ- An I play a game with Mom I like to call body started taking pictures with their cel-
ent way. But she can still Strut Her Stuff, ‘Acorns? What Acorns?’ It’s where I stuff “My Mom has her own COMPny: she fi- lulars. Then I dozed off. Suddenly, two of the
buh-lieve me. acorns in my mouth when she’s not lookin’. nances airports! She usta take me to work men started yelling at each other Real Loud!
But I hafta keep my tongue in so they don’t in my little canvas bag. I’d play with her I jumped up, started barking and wouldn’t
Monkey Mead, her Mom, Maryanne, all fall out, so she eVENchully knows I’m partners and hadda bed under her desk. quit. Everybody laughed, an the two guys de-
and her Dad, Tom, split their time between up to something. We’d walk home or take the bus up Madi- cided to take it out in the hall, where they got
Vero Beach and the Upper East Side, right son Avenue. We went everywhere together. all calmed down and came to an uhGREE-
across from Central Park (every pooch’s “When Dad wears casual clothes and a ment. Mom said I saved the Big LaGuardia
dream playground). ballcap instead of a suit on our morning “One time, Mom had an Important Meet- Airport Project, but she still made me get
walk, I know it’s Saturday and we’re goin’ to ing in a big building way up in the sky. She back in the bag.
After the Wag-and-Sniff, Monkey be- the CARlyle Hotel to get newspapers. Then put me on the floor in my bag. There were a
gan her story. “I know you Google, so you I’m a Girl on A Mission: I don’t stop to say bunch of men in suits at long tables shaped “Then something bad happened. Mom
probly know my breed is one of the old- hi to my pooch pals or to Do My Doodie, like a rectangle with lotsa space in the mid- got cancer. She hadda take medicine that
est in the World. My ancestors came from dle. It looked like a show ring to me, and all made her pretty hair fall out, she was al-
CHYna. They lived in palaces and hung out ways sleepy and sick, an she went to the
with Royalty. My Grandfather Malachy won hospital a lot. I was so scared, but I was
at Westminster, and his son-in-law, Roger determined to help any way I could. So I
(my Dad), won Best of Breed at Westmin- forgot about show business and started be-
ster. So, I have Champion Genes, but I’m ing Mom’s nurse. I stay right by her at all
not snobby or anything.” times. If she wakes up at night, my snoring
lulls her right back to sleep. I sometimes
“You certainly have the look of a Cham- act silly to make her laugh. Mom calls me
pion,” I told her sincerely. “You could to- her ‘Little Nurse Ratchett.’ But I’m Very Se-
tally be a show dog.” rious about my job. And, I’m really proud
that, this month, I’m getting my official
“That’s so sweet, Mr. Bonzo, I always Emotional Support Animal certification.
dreamed of The Show Ring. But,” she Our housekeeper, Antonia, sings to me in
looked up sorta sadly, “I have a crooked Spanish an calls me Princess Monkey. And
tooth so I don’t qualify. Mostly humans Dad walks me an makes my dinner.
don’t notice, but the judges check every
teensy thing.” Mom’s doing better now, so we come down
every month, between her treatments. I’m
“I’m so sorry, Miss Monkey.” I changed even helping her with a new airport project.
the subject. “Tell me how you got your un-
usual name.” “I visit my pals Coco and Joey at Uncle John
and Uncle Caesar’s art gallery on the beach.
“OK. Mom had always wanted a Peke, An I LOVE travelin’. We came down on Elite
so Dad decided to get her one for her Big Airways this time. My Shar-Pei friend, Dixie,
6-O. Mom and Dad had seen my brother, also flies Elite, and we both love it. When
Cooper, in a show, and asked the breeder if Mom and Dad take me to the Polo Grill, John,
there were any more like him. There WERE. the host, says, ‘Monkey, your table’s ready.’ I
Cuz of my stoopid tooth, I was available, so always hope Mom orders the Delicious Duck.
they drove up to Pennsylvania to meet me. You should try it, Mr. Bonzo. There’s no feath-
The minute me and Mom met, we KNEW. ers or anything.”
Thank Lassie, Mom didn’t give a Flying
Frizbee about my tooth. So Mom and Dad I was glad she’d clarified that.
took me home to New York City. At first, I “Mr. Bonzo,” she said, “I’d like to give a
didn’t wanna leave the lobby, cuz of all the Big Woof-Out to all the loyal, loving pooches
scary noises and smells and crowds. But who provide support and comfort to their
now I’m a Big City Girl. My original name humans in difficult situations. I believe that,
was Debutante, cuz my front paws sorta as dogs, it’s THE most important thing we
look like long, white gloves, see.” (She held can do.”
up a paw.) But, come ON. I mean – ME? So Heading home, I had lotsa things to think
Mom renamed me Monkey, after a friend about. One of ’em was Duck.
who’s a runway model in England. I like it!”
-The Bonz
“Me, too!”
“I love walkin’ in Central Park. Evrybody Don’t be shy!
stops to say ‘Hello, Monkey!’ And, I have We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up
a zillion pooch pals. Most an interview, please email [email protected].
of ’em are fren-ly, but some
have what I call an Upper
East Side Attitude. I can tell
who’s in town just by snif-
fin’ the bushes, like whether
that snooty Pomeranian,
Fluffy, is back from the

26 Thursday, April 13, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly



STORY BY CAROLYN HAX THE WASHINGTON POST in this regard. Their detachment left you to figure you herself, outright, that she preferred family to
out on your own how families get and stay close, friends. And why you expect to be included in fami-
Hey, Carolyn: I’m writing from and when kids in your position become adults, it’s ly visits even as your wife “ditches” you “every time.”
the mudroom of my house, to give common for the outcome to look a lot like the one
you some perspective: you’re living now: one with expectations built on The good news is, a marriage – a life – built
an imagined version of how things are supposed around reality is so much more satisfying than
My wife has always claimed to be. whatever we think “should” happen, messier
she’s much better friends with her though it may be. Your wife doesn’t have to have
family – her parents and grand- You didn’t do anything wrong, necessarily. You outside friendships for a happy marriage. You don’t
parents – and prefers them over just believed in your vision over what reality tried have to be included in the medical-directives con-
friends. I thought this was an to say. versations for a happy marriage.
exaggeration until I realized she
doesn’t maintain friendships at That would explain why you expected your wife The more important thing to have is always
all! to maintain typical friendships even as she told available: awareness of what you can and can’t
Anyway, her parents came into town today, and change. You can’t make your wife cultivate outside
even though she talks to them almost daily, they’ve friendships, but you can cultivate them. You can
taken over the family room discussing medical direc- encourage your wife to join you when you see these
tives and other extremely personal family matters friends and choose not to mind if she opts out.
without a worry about me. I’ve been playing games
in the mudroom for at least 25 minutes and they Likewise, you can’t change how she conducts
don’t even realize I’m missing! family visits, but you can choose to make an effort
I know my wife will say it’s because she doesn’t get to join their discussions; to tell her you feel shut out
to see her family often (true). But every time we do see instead of hoping she’ll notice you’re gone; and/or
them, she ditches me to discuss family matters while to treat her family visits as your chance to do your
I fend for myself. I love her family, but I feel marriage own thing.
should be a lot more inclusive.
I grew up in a very impersonal family so maybe I’m Couples don’t need 100 percent shared interests;
blowing this out of proportion. they just need love and support for whatever those
– Vaping in the Boys Room interests are.

Vaping in the Boys Room: I don’t have great news Good family therapists can help with this pro-
for you on the “should” front, because people don’t cess.
do what they should – they do what they do.
In a memorable part of “Apollo 13,” engineers
It sounds as if your family didn’t serve you well have to build a carbon-dioxide filter with only
material on hand. That applies to marriage, too:
Understand what you need, see what you actually
have, then try to build something that works. 

28 Thursday, April 13, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Ace of hearts gives Welsh Center a winning hand

STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRITER ing heart and lung transplants, the bladder this afternoon, and, oh let’s Dr. John Brock.
[email protected] allure of learning something new do a heart.’ But that’s not how the
clearly appeals to Brock. He quickly Welsh Heart Center is put together.” PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
The Welsh Heart Center at the In- adds that what Stowe and Malias
dian River Medical Center just dealt have accomplished “is impressive Brock first cites cardiac fellow- committed and they are actually hap-
itself another ace of hearts. because the outcomes are better for ship-trained anesthesiologists Geoff py with what they do.”
the patients.” Wolf and John Lindenthal while also
Cardio-thoracic surgeon Dr. John giving a nod to the entire anesthesi- Brock’s appreciation of his col-
(Jack) Brock has joined the staff, Brock is also keen to expand his ology department. leagues and thirst for knowledge has,
bringing with him some highly im- work into an even less common pro- it seems, been with him all his life.
pressive credentials. cedure. “There are only a few sur- Then he goes out of his way to also “When I was a young boy growing up
geons doing esophageal surgery in mention the pre-operative and diag- in Tampa,” he says, “I got a scholarship
For starters, Brock trained with the state of Florida,” says Brock, “but nostic staffs, the cath lab, the oper- to go to Harvard. So I went up there
– and then spent a decade working I don’t see any reason why people ating room staff, and the post-opera- and one of my professors was J.D. Wat-
alongside – the legendary Dr. Mi- should have to leave this area – the tive and rehabilitation crews. son, of Watson and Crick DNA,” the
chael DeBakey. Treasure Coast – to have esophageal discoverers of chemical structure of
surgery.” He also praises the center’s physi- DNA’s double helix. Brock was fasci-
While the name Michael DeBakey cian assistants: “We have three great nated.
might not ring a bell with millenni- As the conversation continues, PAs and they do a fantastic job,” says
als, to a somewhat older generation, however, Brock goes back to his Brock. “Again, many programs don’t Yet even when adding that to his
that name probably triggers a virtual first topic. It’s one he clearly values. have any mid-levels, any PAs or nurse time with Dr. DeBakey and subse-
carillon. Teamwork. practitioners. The surgeons do it all, quent years of cardio-thoracic surgery,
and, again, they don’t focus on what Brock is still able to boil down his life’s
Dubbed “the greatest surgeon “There’s a team approach” at the they need to when they do that. This work into a few simple words: “Our
ever” by the American Medical Asso- Vero heart center, he says, “which a is set up totally different. These folks job,” he says simply, “is to make people
ciation back in 2005, DeBakey passed lot of hospitals in this area – and in here really are better at putting forth well.”
away at the age of 99 in 2008, leaving this country – do not have anymore. an effort – more than I’ve ever seen –
behind an almost mind-boggling list It’s just ‘hernia this morning, gall I’m not kidding you. They are seriously Dr. John Brock is now with the Welsh
of cardiovascular innovations and Heart Center. His offices are at 3450
achievements. 11th Court, Suite 109 in Vero Beach. The
phone number is 772-563-4580. 
DeBakey pioneered coronary by-
pass surgeries, treatments for ar-
teriosclerosis, development of the
earliest heart-lung machines, proce-
dures to treat and repair torn aortas,
the use of arterial grafts and dozens
of other innovations which, accord-
ing to his New York Times obituary,
“have saved millions of lives world-
wide.” In his career, DeBakey per-
formed over 60,000 procedures.

At the Welsh Center, Brock joins
fellow DeBakey student and protégé
Dr. Cary Stowe and the equally im-
pressive Dr. Mark Malias to form the
surgical core of the program.

Brock minces no words about his
excitement in coming to Vero.

“Dr. Stowe and Dr. Malias have put
together a really good team here,” he
says, “I’ve traveled around the coun-
try to various hospitals and operated
in several states and this is by far and
away the better program that I’ve
seen. It’s a great team. That’s why I’m

Brock, the former director of car-
diac surgery at Tampa General Hos-
pital, then starts talking about heart
valve surgery and esophageal proce-
dures as well as what he still wants to
learn about his specialty.

“There’s no one else doing min-
imally-invasive valve surgery on
this coast as far as I know,” explains
Brock, adding that, “no one in Or-
lando is doing it either. That’s some-
thing that I haven’t done and they
[Stowe and Malias] are teaching me
to do it.”

For a veteran cardio-thoracic sur-
geon who has performed demand-

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 13, 2017 29


Buzz builds for deep brain stimulation to treat anorexia

STORY BY MARIA CANFIELD CORRESPONDENT The electrodes were used to stimulate regions of the brain linked to anorexia: show after three months; by the end of
[email protected] the region on a continual basis for a full increased activity in some areas, de- the study, the average BMI of the group
year. Although it sounds a bit like what ceased activity in others. Additionally, increased by 25 percent, with six of the
New research from Canada suggests Frankenstein did to his monster, the mood and anxiety improved for five of participants reaching a BMI in the nor-
that “deep brain stimulation” – a rela- voltage used was low and few adverse these participants, and for 10 of them, mal range.
tively simple surgical technique – may reactions were reported. symptoms of depression decreased. Ac-
be effective in treating anorexia, a no- cording to their own reporting, the par- Although there are psychological, en-
tion that Vero Beach clinical neuropsy- When the trial was over, the research- ticipants’ quality of life also improved. vironmental and social factors that may
chologist Whitney Legler says carries ers used a positron emission tomog- lead to the development of anorexia,
promise. raphy (PET) scan to evaluate the brain The deep brain stimulation tech- its exact causes are unknown. It some-
activity of the 14 remaining partici- nique also seemed to have a good ef- times runs in families; young women
Anorexia, a mental-health disorder pants. What they found was encourag- fect on the weight of the participants. with a parent or sibling with an eating
that makes people lose more weight ing. There were positive changes in the The first signs of weight gain began to
than is healthy, affects about 1 percent CONTINUED ON PAGE 30
of the female population, mostly those
between the ages of 12 and 25; it has the
highest mortality rate of any mental ill-

The disease is characterized by an
intense fear of gaining weight, an ex-
cessive concern with body weight, and
a distorted body image: No matter how
thin they get, the sufferer perceives
themselves as being overweight. The
malnutrition anorexia causes can lead
to serious health issues, including a
compromised immune system, weak-
ened bones, and heart problems be-
cause of too-low levels of potassium in
the blood.

As explained by Vero’s Dr. Legler,
deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a neu-
rosurgical procedure initially devel-
oped for the management of conditions
that can cause people to have abnormal,
involuntary or slow movements; such
conditions include Parkinson’s disease,
essential tremor disorder and Tourette
syndrome. Dr. Legler says, “More re-
cently, there has been interest in inves-
tigating the use of DBS for treatment of
other circuit-based disorders, includ-
ing psychiatric conditions such as de-
pression, OCD, schizophrenia, and Al-
zheimer dementia.”

The 16 women who participated in
the Canadian study chose to do so be-
cause they had tried other anorexia
treatments without success, and were at
risk of premature death. The youngest
study participant was 21 and the oldest
was 57. Some of the older participants
had struggled with anorexia for de-
cades. The group had an average body
mass index (BMI) of 13.8, making them
severely underweight (a healthy BMI
range is 18.5 to 24.9).

The researchers were led by Dr. Nir
Lipsman from the Sunnybrook Health
Sciences Centre in Canada. He and his
colleagues surgically implanted elec-
trodes in a region of the brain called
the “subcallosal cingulate.” This region
is known to contain many receptors
for serotonin; a serotonin deficit in the
brain is associated with depression and
anxiety. Serotonin has been shown to
be out of balance in some people with

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 13, 2017 31


Vinz Wine and Dine: Gaining fans with each passing year

[email protected]
Hard as it is to believe, Vinz Wine
and Dine is nearing the end of its fifth Portobello Strawberry
season of providing a cozy, convivial Mushroom Napoleon. Shortcake.
spot to unwind at day’s end for an ev-
er-growing cadre of regulars. casions, we also have enjoyed Vinz’ next stressful day. It is never too late to HOURS
very tart Key Lime pie. find a good place to decompress. Dinner: Monday through
It was five Novembers ago that pro- Saturday, 5 pm to close
prietress Zandra Simm opened an in- A full dinner for two with a couple of I welcome your comments, and en-
timate drinking and dining spot in the glasses of wine can easily hit $100, but courage you to send feedback to me at BEVERAGES
atrium at Pelican Plaza, and set out to if you opt to dine on salads and small [email protected]. Beer and wine
prove that this was just what the island plates or flatbreads, your tab is more
– particularly the northern end of the likely to run in the $70-$80 range. The reviewer is a beachside resident ADDRESS
island – had been waiting for. who dines anonymously at restaurants at 4885 Highway A1A
If in five years you haven’t yet discov- the expense of this newspaper. 
Prove it she did. Today, this casual yet ered Vinz, give it a try at the end of your (Pelican Plaza)
classy spot seems like it has been part of PHONE
the island place-to-go-after-work dining Brevard restaurant reviewer
scene forever (in the perilous restaurant (772) 224-1500
world, five years is forever). The Melbourne Beachsider is looking for a freelance food critic to write weekly
reviews of restaurants in Brevard County. Until we find the right person, we will
With a musician du jour holding continue to run reviews in this space by our Vero Beach restaurant reviewer. If you
forth either in a corner of the wine have food expertise and think you can help Beachsider readers with their dining
bar or in the atrium, dozens of pa- choices, please send a resume and a 600-word review of a restaurant you recently
trons drop by regularly in the early
evening – some just for a glass of wine visited to [email protected].
or cheese plate, some to dine light on
delicious soups and flatbreads, some
to enjoy a full dinner.

We fit into the latter category when
we arrived shortly before 7 p.m. last
Thursday. It was a gorgeous night,
warm but with a nice breeze, and we
quickly decided to take full advan-
tage of the spring weather and dine in
Vinz’ courtyard.

We started the evening with glasses
of chardonnay. For appetizers, my
husband and I opted to share the
large beet and walnut salad ($16, but
plenty for two), and our companion
went for the soup du jour ($8).

The salad, a mix of organic greens
and arugula with slices of beets,
chevre goat cheese and crunchy can-
died walnuts, was dressed with a fig
balsamic vinaigrette. The homemade
chicken noodle soup was delicious.

Then for main courses, I ordered
the evening’s special entrée, short
ribs ($27), my husband chose the wild
Alaskan salmon ($28), and our com-
panion settled on the chicken pesto
quesadilla ($15).

The red wine braised beef short ribs
were very tender, and were served
with tasty blue cheese grits and
roasted broccolini that was a bit over-
cooked. My husband’s pan seared
salmon was grilled rare, as he likes
it, and was accompanied by sautéed
spinach and broccolini.

Our companion gave high marks
to her quesadillas, served with sour
cream and salsa,

For dessert, we chose the pound
cake with lovely fresh strawberries
and whipped cream ($8). A great way
to conclude the meal. On previous oc-

32 Thursday, April 13, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


A jewel of a condo on the
ocean in Satellite Beach

571 Highway A1A, #601 in the Monaco Condominiums: 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 2,000-square-foot 6th-floor unit with
sweeping ocean views offered for $679,900 by Coldwell Banker Paradise agent Nick Joseph: 321-432-4142

34 Thursday, April 13, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


A jewel of a condo on the ocean in Satellite Beach

STORY BY MARIA CANFIELD CORRESPONDENT straight-cut tile runs down both sides are sleekly top-of-the-line. The kitch- for alone time, family time or casual
[email protected] and at the end of the hall. en has digitally-controlled recessed entertaining.
lighting, including an incandescent
Any 6th-floor condo located on the The smallest of the three bedrooms light that makes the tray ceiling glow. The master bathroom competes
beach is going to have a gorgeous view is directly off the hall, on the left. If with the kitchen as the condo’s show-
of the ocean, but there’s something not needed as a bedroom, its place- There is a good-sized dining area piece. No expense was spared in its
extra special about #601 in Satellite ment adjacent to the kitchen (sepa- between the kitchen and living room, renovation, from the stylish black Ja-
Beach’s Monaco Condominium. It rated by a pocket door) makes it a perfectly situated so that a host or cuzzi jet tub, to the stone door frames,
has a full 270 degrees of unobstructed good spot for an office or craft room. hostess can run to the kitchen during to the travertine walls, to the double
views – east, west and north. The re- Like the living room and other two a dinner party without missing any of vanity with the same high-level gran-

sulting openness adds appeal to this bedrooms, it is carpeted in a neutral the fun. To the right of this area, on ite found in the kitchen (although in
newly (and beautifully) renovated shade of almond. the other side of the hall, is a wet bar a lighter mix of tans and browns), to
3-bedroom, 2-bath unit. with a lit wine refrigerator; it has the the six-sided gleaming black sink.
The high-end island kitchen is sim- same granite, walls, and cabinetry as The toilet is behind a door for priva-
With nearly 2,000 square feet under ply stunning. The countertops are does the kitchen, providing a consis- cy; the rest of the space is a very good
air, plus a 440-square-foot oceanfront level-3 granite, meaning that their tency that is totally in keeping with size; reminiscent of what you’d find in
balcony, the condo is spacious, and color (an attractive mix of tans and the home’s open-flow feel. a luxury resort.
anything but cookie-cutter. This is browns, with swirls of black) is more
evident as soon as you enter; instead rare and exotic, and the pattern has Views of the uncrowded beach and This feeling of luxury is carried
of immediately landing in the living more “movement.” The hallway’s por- ever-changing ocean are front and through to the light and bright master
room as is the case with many con- celain tile floors carry through into center from the long covered balo- bedroom, with its two walk-in closets,
dos, you are instead standing at the the kitchen, and the tumbled stone ney, which spans the large, airy liv- view of the ocean, and big, au courant
start of a long, wide hallway; the floor walls add texture and visual interest. ing room and the master bedroom. ceiling fan. In a charming nod to the
is gorgeous cut-on-the-diagonal por- The dark hardwood cabinets impart It’s a space that can easily accom- ocean, the wood-framed door leading
celain in varying shades of nougat. elegance, and the appliances – some modate several pieces of furniture; from the bedroom to the living room
For a nice contrast, mocha-colored by KitchenAid, some by Samsung – making it a versatile spot – perfect has a blue beveled-glass panel.

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 13, 2017 35


571 HIGHWAY A1A, #601,


Monaco Condominiums

Year Built: 1996,
completely renovated in 2016
Home Size: 2,000 square feet
under air, plus 440-square-foot

Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 2
Overlooks the Atlantic Ocean with
sweeping 270-degree view
Listing agency:
Coldwell Banker Paradise
Listing agent:
Nick Joseph

List price:

36 Thursday, April 13, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


The condo is rounded out by an-
other bedroom (located at the front
of the unit; split from the master)
and a second full bath; in keeping
with the rest of the home, this bath
has been fully renovated.

There is practicality and ef-
ficiency as well as beauty in the
condo: the 80-gallon water heater
(located in a separate utility room)
ensures you’ll never run out of hot
water, and there are electric shut-
ters on all doors and windows.

Community amenities at Mo-
naco include a pool, landscaped
sun deck, private beach access,
and outside showers. There are
just 44 units in the complex,
spread across four 7-story build-
ings; there are only two units on
each floor (except for the top floor,
which features a single pent-
house). The Monaco’s southern
edge is bordered by the 15-acre
Hightower Beach Park, which
highlights the beautiful natural
dune system. The Monaco is close
to schools, shopping, and restau-
rants, with easy access to I-95.

This jewel of a condo is offered
by Nick Joseph of Coldwell Banker
Paradise for $679,900. An Open
House is planned for Friday, April
14, from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. 

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 13, 2017 37


Tax plans target popular mortgage interest deductions

BY KENNETH R. HARNEY nation of tax-code changes proposed reform, but be aware that nothing is
in the blueprint would have dramatic going to change overnight. Major tax
Washington Post effects on homeownership. bills always have phase-in periods.
And given the current deep fissures
With the health-care bill back-bur- “The most plausible effect,” he said, on Capitol Hill between and within
nered on Capitol Hill, the focus has might be on home values, where aca- the major parties, a complex piece of
shifted to tax reform. Among the key demic studies have concluded that legislation loaded with other mine-
financial matters in play: Homeown- tax benefits have been “capitalized” fields besides homeowner tax ben-
ers’ prized deductions for mortgage into home prices over time, although efits may simply be beyond the abili-
interest and property taxes. estimates vary about how much the ties of the current crop of lawmakers
increment may be. and this White House. 
Although no major version of an
overhaul bill would eliminate the Bottom line: Keep an eye on tax
mortgage interest deduction, a plan
known as the House Republicans’ be bad news in disguise for first-time David Curri & Stan Kirschner
“blueprint” would essentially side- buyers, existing owners and home- Brokers/Owners
step it by doubling the current stan- ownership in general.
dard deduction from $12,600 to I 321.729.6000
$24,000 for joint filers ($12,000 for That’s because, in the advocates’
single filers). view, it would dilute the long-stand- [email protected]
ing special status conferred upon JUST LISTED - 164 BAYSHORE DR.
With a standard deduction that homeownership by the federal tax
large, the vast majority of home- code. There would be no different RIVERFRONT
owners now claiming the write-off tax treatment for you whether you
would probably stop itemizing. Tax owned a home or rented. Also, the tax DIRECT RIVERFRONT VIEWS • 1 ACRE LOT • CUSTOM BUILT HOME
experts estimate that 84 percent of benefits of ownership that are now
the 45 million taxpayers who would baked into home prices would dissi- 38 S RIVERSIDE DRIVE 100 EIGHT AVENUE
otherwise itemize in 2017 would opt pate over time, leading to declines in
for the enlarged standard deduc- property values. RIVERFRONT STEPS TO INDIALANTIC BCH.
tion instead. The blueprint proposal
also would repeal most tax deduc- Listen to how Jerry Howard, chief 3 BEDROOM/2 BATH HOME 3 BEDROOM/3.1 BATH • 2,027 SF
tions and credits – including those executive of the National Association
for state and local taxes – and would of Home Builders, put it to me in an MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY!
compress today’s seven marginal tax interview: “From the inception of the Cari Curri
brackets into three: 33 percent, 25 tax code, our public policy has been E: [email protected]
percent and 12 percent. consistently in favor of incenting P: 321.544.6393
people to buy homes.” To water down
The blueprint has the backing of that incentive for most taxpayers, he Get Your Home Value Today, Visit:
House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) believes, would be a social and eco-
and is considered the foundational nomic mistake.
document for tax reform this year.
President Trump floated a somewhat In a recent presentation, Evan Lid-
similar plan during the campaign, diard, senior tax policy representa-
and the White House is expected tive for the National Association of
to outline a new version in coming Realtors, said the Republicans’ blue-
weeks. Treasury Secretary Steven print would “nullify the tax benefits
Mnuchin says a tax overhaul is on a of homeownership.”
fast track and could be wrapped up
by the August congressional recess. He offered a hypothetical example:
That timetable is widely viewed as A young couple in Utah with one child
unrealistic, but some form of tax bill and a household income of $61,000
might be passed later this year or in took out a mortgage of $163,000 two
2018. years ago. They can deduct $7,160
in mortgage interest, $1,189 in local
After Republicans withdrew their real estate taxes, $1,304 in mortgage
health-care plan on March 24, Presi- insurance and $2,250 in other state
dent Trump announced he would and local taxes. Under today’s tax
shift focus to tax reform. “We will code, their net tax benefits of owning
probably start going very, very strong- a home came to $1,185 in 2016. Un-
ly for the big tax cuts and tax reform, der the blueprint, that would drop to
that’ll be next,” he said. zero. Even taking the enlarged stan-
dard deduction, their 2016 tax liabil-
So what does all this mean for you ity would be $2,940, compared with
if you’re thinking of buying a house $2,325 under current law.
or you already own one and itemize
deductions including mortgage inter- Not all tax experts agree with the
est? Is there reason for concern? builders’ and realty advocates’ dark
forecasts, however. Joseph Rosen-
Home-building and real estate ad- berg, a senior research associate at
vocates are emphatic that the answer the independent Tax Policy Center,
is yes. Doubling the size of the stan- says he “would be skeptical about any
dard deduction may sound seduc- analysis” indicating that the combi-
tive – it would simplify tax returns for
millions of Americans – but it could

38 Thursday, April 13, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: March 31 to April 6

The real estate market remained active in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903 and 32937 last week. Indialantic led the way
reporting 8 sales, and Indian Harbour Beach had 6, with Melbourne Beach and Satellite Beach reporting 4 each.

The top sale of the week was of an oceanfront home in Satellite Beach. The residence at 1655 Highway A1A was
placed on the market Sept. 1 with an asking price of $1.95 million. The price was subsequently reduced to $1.89
million. The transaction closed March 31 for $1.79 million.

The seller in the transaction was represented by David Settgast of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s, who also sold
an oceanfront listing in Melbourne Beach this past week for $1.7 million (see opposite page). Settgast also
represented the purchasers in both transactions.



SEABREEZE SUBD 158 SEAVIEW ST 2/17/2017 $374,900 $374,900 3/31/2017 $1,700,000
MELBOURNE BEACH 5581 S HIGHWAY A1A 2/14/2017 $1,750,000 $1,750,000 3/31/2017 $180,000
BEACH WOODS STAGE 4 3285 SAND CT 2/23/2017 $198,500 $198,000 3/31/2017 $325,000
MELBOURNE BEACH 207 ELM AVE 2/26/2017 $359,000 $359,000 4/4/2017
SALES FOR 32903 $210,000
TERRACE SHORES 1812 GULF CT 2/24/2017 $229,000 $229,000 3/31/2017 $159,000
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 321 FIRST AVE 9/5/2016 $240,000 $240,000 3/31/2017 $415,000
INDIALANTIC BY SEA 110 ORLANDO BLVD 1/25/2017 $480,000 $480,000 3/31/2017 $420,000
PARADISE BEACH VILLA 180 PARADISE BLVD 1804 11/17/2016 $170,000 $163,000 3/31/2017 $350,000
MAGNOLIA KEY CONDO 505 S MIRAMAR AVE S 2201 1/4/2017 $495,000 $465,000 3/31/2017 $489,000
RIVER OAKS EAST 494 N RIVER OAKS DR 10/30/2016 $449,900 $428,500 3/31/2017
INDIALANTIC SEC D 1710 S MIRAMAR AVE 1/3/2017 $375,000 $375,000 4/4/2017 $165,000
SEA PEARL CONDO 1575 N HIGHWAY A1A 311 12/6/2016 $550,000 $499,000 4/4/2017 $570,000
LEASING ISLAND PH1 144 LANSING ISLAND DR 2/21/2017 $169,900 $169,900 3/31/2017 $107,000
FORTEBELLO 104 MEDITERRANEAN WAY 0 $599,900 3/31/2017 $699,000
SOUTH HARBOR ESTATES 77 ANCHOR DR 2/15/2017 $599,900 $1,349,000 4/3/2017 $359,000
THE JAMESTOWN CONDO 918 S COLONIAL CT 113 $404,900 3/31/2017 $274,900
TORTOISE ISLAND P2U2 963 LOGGERHEAD ISLAND DR 1/21/2017 $1,349,000 $191,900 3/31/2017
1 AC AS DES IN DB 74 740 PALM DR $114,000 4/6/2017
SORRENTO VILLAGE 49 SORRENTO CT 3/28/2017 $404,900 $699,000 3/31/2017
$359,000 3/31/2017
2/17/2017 $191,900 $274,900 4/4/2017

2/24/2016 $102,900

2/3/2017 $699,000

9/23/2016 $369,000

2/28/2017 $274,900

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, April 13, 2017 39


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Melbourne Beach, Address: 5581 S Highway A1A Subdivision: Sea Pearl Condo, Address: 1575 N Highway A1A 311

Listing Date: 2/14/2017 Listing Date: 12/6/2016
Original Price: $1,750,000 Original Price: $550,000
Recent Price: $1,750,000 Recent Price: $499,000
Sold: 3/31/2017 Sold: 4/4/2017
Selling Price: $1,700,000 Selling Price: $489,000
Listing Agent: David Settgast Listing Agent: Stephanie Moss Dandridge

Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc

David Settgast Sarah Munkacsy

Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Coldwell Banker Paradise

Subdivision: Leasing Island PH1, Address: 144 Lansing Island Dr Subdivision: Tortoise Island P2U2, Address: 963 Loggerhead Island Dr

Listing Date: 1/21/2017 Listing Date: 2/3/2017
Original Price: $1,349,000 Original Price: $699,000
Recent Price: $1,349,000 Recent Price: $699,000
Sold: 4/3/2017 Sold: 3/31/2017
Selling Price: $1,360,000 Selling Price: $699,000
Listing Agent: Thomas Taranto Listing Agent: Sandy Legere

Selling Agent: Keller Williams Realty Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise

Nancy R Taylor Teresa G Swiderski

BHHS Florida Realty BHHS Florida Realty

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