June 22, 2018 | Volume 5, Issue 25 Newsstand Price: $1.00
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County approves new SRMC not helped
rules for accelerating by Medicare delay
septic-to-sewer switch on ratings update
By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer
[email protected] [email protected]
Several years after it became When Steward Health took over
clear leaky septic systems are dam- Sebastian River Medical Center
aging the Indian River Lagoon, the and two Brevard hospitals last
County Commission last week fi- May from Community Health
nally took significant action to start Systems, company leaders had to
switching properties from septic know the institutions had some
to sewer, inserting a chapter in the preexisting conditions.
2030 Comprehensive Plan that in-
cludes six objectives and 30 policy That became all too clear in
statements aimed at reducing pol- April when, one year into Stew-
lution from human waste. ard’s ownership but with limit-
ed fresh data from its tenure, the
The unanimous vote in favor of Sebastian hospital was slapped
the new rules lags action taken by with an F grade in the widely used
neighboring lagoon counties and is Leapfrog Safety report. Steward’s
far from aggressive, but it is a start. Brevard hospitals earned Ds.
About 50 percent of the coun- If Steward was hoping to see a
ty’s residences and businesses more positive review in a differ-
– 35,000 – are on septic systems, ent safety measure, Medicare’s
and about half of those were built star ratings, it will have to wait.
before 1983 with only 6 inches of Last week Medicare announced
separation between the drain field its anticipated July update on
and the wet-season water table, overall hospital quality will be de-
often located close to drinking wa- layed over controversy on how it
ter wells and ecologically sensitive weights its data.
waterbodies. Poorly designed and
largely worn out, the systems leak That means last December’s
ratings, which are not flattering
CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 to Steward’s local hospitals, could
remain on Medicare’s Hospital
INSIDE Rare glimpses inside Vero’s ‘Big Blue’ power plant, which first began serving the city in 1961. The 158-megawatt plant Compare website for months.
NEWS 1-6 PETS 14 was operational for 54 years, until Vero began ramping down operations in 2015. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD Enter Sebastian River Medical
To advertise call: 772-559-4187
For circulation or where to pick up
your issue call: 772-226-7925
By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer ida Power & Light is not likely the PSC’s action would be pub-
[email protected] to hinder an Oct. 1 closing, in lished within 10 days of a vote,
which the deal would be com- a period that was up last Friday,
An unexpected 10-day delay pleted and the keys to the utility June 15.
in the Florida Public Service handed over to FPL.
Commission’s formal ruling fol- Now, however, the PSC web-
lowing a June 5 vote to approve Typically, a formal ruling in- site shows an adjusted due
the sale of Vero Electric to Flor- tended to flesh out and justify
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 June 22, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
SRMC QUALITY RATING assets when viewed alongside the dismal 2017. Expected updates include data on PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
Leapfrog grades for what has become the outpatient imaging efficiency, a mixed bag
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 largest private for-profit health system in for Steward’s prior owner, CHS, with some its own hospital surveys. Chief among
the U.S. areas of concern. the problems it noted at Sebastian were
Center on the site’s search feature, and a patient falls – among the worst in the na-
wide range of problems are revealed, in- Steward has already been informed of There should also be updates in health- tion; bed sores three times the national
cluding problems not covered in the Leap- Medicare’s newest star rating, which is care associated infections, timely and average; and a startlingly high rate of ob-
frog report. shown to hospitals in advance so they can effective care, and outcome measures, jects left in a patient’s body after surgery,
review and comment. Steward refused to which includes 30-day mortality, 30-day 16 times the national average. All the fig-
Hospital Compare dings Sebastian for release those preliminary ratings, though readmissions, and what Medicare calls ures date back to when the hospital was
a high rate of readmission after total hip at least one hospital has. patient safety indicators. owned by CHS.
or knee replacement, a high rate of poten-
tially unnecessary CT scans, and a rate of If data is updated as expected in July, The Medicare data is important be- The star ratings have been controversial
follow-up outpatient breast imaging that consumers would see the old star rating, yond its own star ratings. Leapfrog, in since they first came out two years ago.
is more than twice the national average; but with a little searching could find the calculating its letter-grade safety ratings, Last July’s ratings were similarly delayed
Medicare notes a high rate of follow-up specific procedures or categories with draws heavily from Medicare data, com- until December 2017. The Centers for
imaging could mean patients are getting considerably more data drawn since May bining that information with data from Medicare and Medicaid Services has not
unnecessary screenings. said how long this latest delay will be.
While the star ratings won’t change, a
data update will go forward as scheduled
on the Hospital Compare site. That up-
date, due July 25, should include at least
some results under Steward’s leadership,
which officially began in May 2017.
It’s not known how the new data would
have affected the overall star ratings of
Steward’s Florida hospitals, but for now,
December’s disappointing ratings will
stand, though they are based almost en-
tirely on data from the era of the prior
owner, Community Health Systems, or
Out of a possible five stars, Sebastian
earned two stars as did Rockledge Re-
gional Hospital; Melbourne Regional rat-
ed only one star – a dim constellation of
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Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa
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LOCATED AT 4855 NORTH A1A, VERO BEACH, FL 32963 | 772.226.7925
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS June 22, 2018 3
MY State’s road-rage law: Ask what would Marshal Dillon do
By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer his passenger, his long-time girlfriend, Me- And for those wondering about the num- If that wasn’t enough, deputies investi-
[email protected] lissa Antler. ber of shots fired: That had no impact on gating the case quoted Hicks’ brother, Mi-
Gosnell’s legal analysis of the incident. chael Nosler, saying, “Mom, you know how
If you’re having difficulty with the State Sartori, who had a valid permit to carry Dennis is. He has a hot head and probably
Attorney’s Office’s decision not to file crim- a concealed firearm, quickly grabbed his “Mr. Sartori said he kept firing until he said something he shouldn’t have said.”
inal charges against the shooter in the fatal gun from a cup holder in his car and began eliminated the perceived threat,” Gosnell
road-rage incident on State Road 60 in No- shooting. wrote. They also quoted Nosler describing his
vember, you need to do this: brother as having a “macho man” attitude.
Deputies at the scene found Hicks’ life- That’s exactly what Florida law allowed
Watch a few episodes of “Gunsmoke.” less body in the front seat of his car. He had him to do under those circumstances. So, based on the testimony and evidence
Reruns of the wildly popular, television been shot four times, including once in the That’s why Gosnell, backed by State Attor- available, there’s little doubt Hicks instigat-
western that aired from 1955 to 1975 still chest and once in the head. They did not ney Bruce Colton, didn’t file charges. ed the incident, putting himself in a situa-
can be found on the TVLAND and INSP find a gun. tion that cost him his life. But did he really
channels, and they should help you under- He couldn’t. He had no good-faith case, say he was going to shoot Sartori and then
stand the Dodge City mentality embraced Under Florida’s stand-your-ground law, and he knew it. Armed with that knowledge, reach for something, making Sartori be-
by the state legislators who made “stand however, the fact that the dead man wasn’t he wrote, it would’ve been “unethical” for lieve his life was in danger?
your ground” the law of the land in Florida. armed didn’t matter. As long as Sartori be- him to approve a warrant for Sartori’s ar-
That’s because, as best as I can figure, lieved Hicks’ threat to be real – and investi- rest, casually charging him with a crime That’s what Sartori and his girlfriend say,
the determining factor regarding when it’s gators found no witness testimony or phys- and letting a court decide the self-defense and there is no way to disprove their claim,
legally permissible in this state to use dead- ical evidence to refute his claim – there was issues later. because the only other compelling witness
ly force to defend yourself is: What would no way Gosnell could justify a manslaugh- is dead.
Marshal Dillon do? ter charge. Truth is, given the evidence, there’s lit-
As fans of the show can attest, Dillon tle chance any charge would’ve held up That’s one of several reasons “stand your
went for his gun only when the outlaws left Or any other criminal charge. against early court challenges by Sartori’s ground,” which removes any obligation to
him no other choice – when they went for According to Gosnell’s memo, Sartori defense attorney, anyway. retreat if possible, is a fatally flawed law.
theirs, or at least appeared to. didn’t stop shooting until he ran out of bul-
That’s how the stand-your-ground law lets, which means he fired all 16 rounds in “Finally, if by some miracle Mr. Sartori’s How do we judge someone’s state of
works here. the Glock’s magazine. Four of them hit a prosecution survived a statutory immunity mind? How do we determine who is a rea-
As Assistant State Attorney Steve Gosnell third vehicle, which was driven by Michael hearing,” Gosnell wrote, “the state’s ill-con- sonably cautious and prudent person?
wrote in the 25-page memorandum detail- Clemente-Botke, who was not involved in ceived prosecution would most assuredly What, exactly, constitutes the appearance
ing his reasons for not filing any criminal the dispute. fail when confronted with the defendant’s of danger?
charges against Timothy Sartori, who shot That SUV, however, also contained Cle- motion for judgment of acquittal at trial.”
and killed Dennis Hicks at the intersection mente-Botke’s 3-year-old son, Sam. Judg- Should merely being afraid be enough to
of State Road 60 and 53rd Avenue shortly ing by the bullet holes in the vehicle, the Hicks’ questionable character, criminal allow the use of deadly force as a means of
after 7 p.m. on Nov. 16: boy came within inches of begin hit. past and reported behavior leading to the self-defense?
“The use of deadly force is justifiable “By the grace of God,” Gosnell wrote, deadly shooting would’ve made any case
if the defendant reasonably believed that “no one in the Clemente-Botke vehicle was against Sartori even more difficult to pros- Then there’s the most ridiculous aspect
the force was necessary to prevent immi- physically injured.” ecute. of the stand-your-ground law – the absence
nent death or great bodily harm to himself But even though an innocent bystander’s of any obligation to retreat, if possible, to
...” SUV was struck by multiple rounds – even Gosnell wrote that Sartori’s defense like- avoid a potentially deadly confrontation.
“The danger need not have been ac- if the child had been wounded or, worse, ly would’ve included Hicks’ “reputation for
tual; however, to justify the use of deadly killed by a stray bullet – Gosnell could not violence,” which could’ve been used to es- If, when confronted with the threat of
force, the appearance of danger must have charge Sartori with a crime. tablish that Hicks, who was driving with a bodily harm, you can safely escape with-
been so real that a reasonably cautious and Despite lacking the necessary legal suspended license, was the initial aggres- out resorting to gunplay or other forms of
prudent person under the same circum- grounds to charge Sartori with manslaugh- sor. deadly force, why shouldn’t you be legally
stances would have believed that the dan- ter, Gosnell revealed that he also consid- required to do so, especially if there’s a real
ger could be avoided only through the use ered other potential crimes, such as “culpa- Sartori would not be required to prove chance innocent bystanders could be hurt
of that force.” ble negligence or discharging a firearm in that he knew of Hicks’ reputation, merely or killed?
“The defendant had no duty to retreat public.” that there is evidence to show Hicks acted
if he was not otherwise engaged in criminal But the stand-your-ground law, as it’s in conformity with his character. Certainly, Sartori could’ve sped away
activity and was in a place where he has a currently written, didn’t allow him to pur- in his car when Hicks threatened to shoot
right to be.” sue such charges. “Mr. Hick’s prior arrest history would him.
Sartori, a National Guard member who Gosnell explained that the jury instruc- assist in the defense’s endeavor,” Gosnell
had served as a machine gunner protecting tions for discharging a firearm in public wrote. Even Gosnell thinks so. “It is this writer’s
military convoys in Iraq, defended his right cases include “lawfully defending life or firmly held belief that Mr. Sartori, without
to use deadly force under the stand-your- property” as an affirmative defense against According to Gosnell’s memo, Hicks was fear of increasing the danger to himself or
ground law, claiming he drew his Glock such a charge. arrested: Ms. Antler, could have avoided this tragic
9mm handgun and “opened fire” only after “If Mr. Sartori has an unrebuttable claim encounter, had he made an effort to retreat
Hicks threatened to “put a bullet” in him of self-defense, would he be criminally lia- In 2002 in Indian River County, where with his vehicle,” Gosnell wrote.
and reached toward the center console of ble for an errant bullet that struck the Cle- he was charged with aggravated battery af-
his car. mente-Botke vehicle?” Gosnell wrote. “For ter someone brandished a knife and Hicks “However, as is now patently evident, in
Based on Hicks’ hostility – Sartori said over 100 years, Florida has shielded those responded by driving his car “angrily and Florida, the present state of self-defense
Hicks had been driving erratically, nearly who validly used self-defense and inadver- intentionally” into the person, causing in- law does not require him to do so,” he add-
rear-ending another vehicle before their tently killed a non-participant.” jury. Both men were arrested, and the case ed. “It is not for this prosecutor to debate
cars arrived at the fateful intersection, He later added: “If the concept of trans- was not prosecuted. the policy, but to enforce the law as written
where he claimed Hicks initially challenged ferred self-defense applies to the killing by the legislative branch of Florida.”
him to get out of his car – Sartori told sher- of an innocent bystander . . . the concept In 2006 in St. Lucie County, where he
iff’s deputies he believed Hicks was reach- would apply to the unintentional striking of pled no contest to a battery charge after he Clearly, the law needs to be changed, and
ing for a gun. another vehicle with a bullet where no one expressed his dissatisfaction with a restau- I have two suggestions.
“I thought I saw it; I didn’t hesitate,” Sar- was physically injured. rant waitress’ service by asking her to come
tori said to detectives, who also questioned “Under the law, Mr. Sartori’s claim of outside so he could “kick her ass.” He later Either restore the obligation-to-retreat
self-defense, which cannot be rebutted, jabbed her in the nose. clause, which probably isn’t going to hap-
travels with his bullets.” pen any time soon, or go all in on “Gun-
In 2012 in Indian River County, where smoke,” making it illegal to carry a con-
he pled no contest to a battery charge after cealed weapon and allow the open carry of
striking a female in the face during a dis- handguns on our hips in holsters.
pute over $10. He entered another no con-
test plea after being charged with criminal With open carry, at least, we’ll know at
mischief for using an aluminum baseball the outset of any potential altercation who’s
bat to angrily bash a car’s hood, side mir- got a gun and who doesn’t.
ror and passenger-side windshield during a
different dispute. Besides, that’s what Marshal Dillon
would do – which means our state legisla-
tors might actually consider it.
4 June 22, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
Heady sues Vero, alleging his rights have been violated
By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer Heady, a perennial candidate for office torney Wayne Coment declined to com- book Heady wrote about events sur-
[email protected] who was elected to one term on the City ment: “No comment at this point on the rounding earlier efforts to sell Vero
Council in 2009, is serving in a pro se ca- merits of the complaint or lack thereof.” electric. The suit includes three counts
Longtime Vero Beach political gadfly pacity in the civil case, which falls under – Denial of Rights, Unjust Enrichment,
Brian Heady on June 6 filed suit against the broad category of “negligence,” plac- City Manager Jim O’Connor said on and Public Ridicule and Embarrassment
the City of Vero Beach and the City ing it under the jurisdiction of Judge Paul Friday, “I really have nothing to say – the last of which relates to Heady be-
Council for alleged secret dealings and Kanarek. about the latest Brian Heady lawsuit – it ing removed from the podium or council
attempts to squelch public input into speaks for itself.” chambers by uniformed police officers at
major decisions related to the sale of The city was served the initial com- the direction of the mayor or council.
Vero electric. plaint on June 13. On Thursday, City At- The complaint reads like an excerpt
from “Liars, Cheats, and Thieves,” the Heady lists 14 items in his “Statement
of Facts,” including claims that the “City
Council violates my rights at almost ev-
ery city council meeting;” that, “In more
than one example, the act of shutting me
up was to hide from public view frauds on
the public;” and that, “I have worked as
much as the lawyers hired in the electric
issue and am knowledgeable in the issue.”
Regarding what Heady terms as “un-
just enrichment,” he winds that argu-
ment around his opposition to the sale
of Vero’s electric utility. “Current Mayor
Harry Howle says he doesn’t care if the
city gets nothing for the electric utility,
he just wants the city out of business ...
plaintiff does care, and I don’t want the
city out of business and I have a right to
voice my opinion in the same as other
citizens in the community.”
In fairness to Howle, his public state-
ments expressed a widely held desire to
get Vero out of the “electric utility” busi-
ness, not out of business totally.
Heady has sued the city before, most
recently in May 2010 during his term on
the City Council.
That time, Heady alleged in a federal
court complaint that Vero officials failed
to act transparently in negotiating a 2007
contract with Orlando Utilities Commis-
sion by refusing public access to import-
ant strategy sessions and to the actual
contract documents, which were kept
under lock and key, away from public
scrutiny, at the home of consultant Sue
Hersey in a Boston suburb for more than
two years.
In that suit Heady also claimed he
was not permitted to publicly vet all the
issues he wanted to as a member of the
public or council person.
In earlier lawsuits against the city and
the Indian River County School Board,
Heady alleged wrongdoing by elected
officials and top government employ-
ees along with concerted efforts to shut
down or limit public comment to con-
ceal public business and allow the al-
leged wrongdoing to go unchecked.
All the lawsuits were eventually dis-
Heady has been criticized for his bi-
zarre tirades from the public podium
and on the campaign trail. But he has
been dogged and persistent in pushing
his viewpoint, despite repeated setbacks
and failure of his complaints to gain trac-
tion in the courts.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS June 22, 2018 5
By Steven M. Thomas | Staff Writer up in $100,000 increments to $1.6 million, a The first late-breaking offer came from $1,825,000, which turned out to be the win-
[email protected] figure that stood as high bid for 30 hours. bidder #14330, who had made the second ning bid when the sale closed at 4:11 p.m. on
bid in the auction, $900,000, at 4:30 on Tues- Friday.
Concierge Auctions last week had its most That phase was less than thrilling, but day and then gone silent for three days. The
successful sale so far in Vero Beach, auction- at 3:56 on Friday afternoon, four minutes offer was $1,650,000. Lawless said that while bidding online,
ing the oceanfront property at 908 Holoma before the sale was scheduled to close, the each bidder also was on a dedicated phone
Drive for $2,044,000, which was nearly 90 auction site blew up, with seven more bids Within seconds, another bidder upped line with a Concierge representative. The
percent of the home’s $2.3 million list price. and three brief time extensions coming in that number, offering $1,725,000 for the three brief time extensions came as a result
fast succession, the computer dinging loud- house, which sits on a 1.18-acre lot with 150 of bidders saying over the phone something
“That is a very high sale-to-list percent- ly with each bid and extension. feet of ocean frontage. along the lines of, “hold on a second, give
age,” said Concierge Business Development me a minute to check something.”
Manager Katie Lawless, who oversaw the “That is typical,” said Lawless. “An auction No. 14330 immediately countered with
transaction. “The home had been on the is like a poker game. The players don’t want $1,750,000, only to be quickly topped – ding, The last extension came at 4:09 and
market since October without much activi- to show their hands too soon.” ding – by a bidder who had last offered elapsed two minutes later. It was followed by
ty, but we were able to facilitate 75 qualified $1,200,000 on Wednesday afternoon and two more loud dings – “going once” and “go-
showing and assemble a field of seven very flood-plain proximity, soil-drainage quality now bid $1,725,000. ing twice” – and then the auction was over.
qualified bidders, all of whom could afford and other factors.
to buy the home several times over.” Within moments, another bidder offered The winning bidder has 30 days to close
The top five subdivisions targeted for con- $1,800,000, a number that stood for less than and must pay a 12 percent “buyer’s premi-
The no-reserve auction, which opened at version are Floravon Shores with 36 homes a minute before #14330 came back with um,” which compensates the auction house
4 p.m. on Tuesday and closed on Friday after- costing about $10,500 each to be converted and listing agents and raises the total price
noon, was conducted entirely online. That to a county gravity system; a section of Se- paid for the property to $2,044,000.
might seem like it would drain the event of bastian Highlands with 27 homes costing
drama – no packed room, strained faces or about $12,700 each to be converted to a Lawless said the buyers are a local couple
fast-talking auctioneer – but it didn’t. county vacuum system; another section of who are still deciding if they want to move
Sebastian Highlands with 404 homes cost- into the house or renovate it and resell it.
The first bid popped up online right at 4 ing about $12,700 each to be converted to
p.m. on Tuesday, a measly $800,000 offered a county vacuum system; Hobart Landing Lawless marketed and showed the 4-bed-
by bidder #14693, who did not reappear in Unit 2 with 26 homes costing about $26,200 room, 4.5-bath, 5,560-square-foot home in
the process. Over the next two days, there each to be converted to a county gravity sys- cooperation with Premier Estate Properties
were eight more bids that pushed the offer tem; and Orchid Island No. 2 with 22 homes co-listing agents Clark French, Cindy O’Dare
costing about $28,800 each to be converted and Richard Boga.
SEPTIC-TO-SEWER to a county low pressure system.
Concierge Auctions has sold about a doz-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 The county will pick up half the con- en homes in Vero Beach over the past sever-
version cost with grant money, and offer a al years at prices as high as $19 million, but
household chemicals and nitrogen into the 10-year, low-interest finance plan to help those sales have often netted considerably
groundwater and lagoon, poisoning marine property owners pay the other half. Partici- less than the list price of the properties.
life and feeding destructive algae blooms. pation will be voluntary. The plan requires
the county to complete about $17.7 million It’s Time For A Fresh
The plan approved last Tuesday aims to in sewer projects by 2022. Perspective With New Ideas.
eliminate about 6,000 septic systems by
2025, increasing the percentage of homes “There were 325 subdivisions included Secure Our Campuses Retain Our Teachers
and businesses connected to sewers from 50 in a comprehensive study that were ranked Scrutinize Superintendent’s Performance
to 60 percent. using good criteria to try to get the biggest
bang for the buck,” County Commission Enforce the Discipline Policy Expand S.T.E.M. Programs
Scientists first expressed concern about Chairman Peter O’Bryan said. “So we can’t Improve Exceptional Student Education
nitrogen pollution in the lagoon about eight be accused of cherry picking.” Decrease the Amount of Testing
years ago. Unprecedented algae blooms in
2011 and 2012 that killed a majority of the New developments within a quarter of a H: (772) 794-1327 I C: (786) 512-7017
seagrass in the estuary heightened the sense mile of a county sewer line must hook up to www.randyheimler.com
of alarm. the sewer if capacity exists. If capacity does
not exist, the development won’t be ap- Paid for by Randy Heimler for School Board District 4
Beginning in 2013, research done at Har- proved.
bor Branch by Dr. Brian Lapointe showed
much of the nitrogen in the lagoon comes Single septic systems in rural areas be-
from human waste. yond the county’s centralized system will
be allowed with Department of Health over-
Reacting to Lapointe’s findings and public sight. New permits for septic systems will not
pressure, the county began a septic to sewer exceed 200 annually.
project on the Sebastian waterfront in part-
nership with the city. At the same time, it
floated the idea of installing a sewer system
in Summerplace on the island, but that ef-
fort was turned back by angry residents who
didn’t want their streets dug up, didn’t want
to pay for sewers and wanted to know why
their neighborhood was being singled out.
Backing off in the face of furious resis-
tance to that project, the county commis-
sioned several studies, including one done
by Schulke, Bittle & Stoddard last year that
ranked the top 35 of 325 subdivisions in the
county that should be converted from septic
to sewer based on age of the systems, prox-
imity to water bodies, population density,
6 June 22, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
By Beth Walton | Staff Writer butions before a mortgage is executed. panel about their ability to be fair. He asked Granitur guilty of one count of conspiracy to
Yet, hundreds of thousands of dollars in them if they understood how plea agree- make false statements to a federally insured
A federal jury last week found the lawyer ments work and reminded them such tes- institution and two counts of making false
who performed escrow work a decade ago for buyer incentives for several condominium timony is given in exchange for leniency at statements.
luxury condominium units at the Vero Beach units at the Vero Beach Hotel and Spa were sentencing. Heaton, who had struck a deal
Hotel and Spa guilty of conspiracy and bank not properly disclosed, Capone said. This with prosecutors and pleaded guilty to a His friends and family let out loud sobs
fraud. Unlike hotel developer George Heaton gave the banks a false sense of confidence lesser charge, testified against Granitur at the as the verdict was read. They had filled up
and another co-defendant, Eric Granitur, 60, that the buyer would be able to repay his trial. The developer now faces no more than four benches in the courtroom gallery. Sev-
maintained his innocence and took his case mortgage loan. five years in prison. eral dropped their heads into their hands in
to trial. He now faces up to 30 years in prison. dismay. Granitur hugged his crying daughter
Financial institutions funded mortgages Heaton’s accountant, who oversaw the across the banister, whispering something in
Prosecutors alleged Granitur, Heaton and totaling more than $20 million, according deal, and the buyer, Stephen McKenzie, also her ear. “Were these people in the same room
others lied to lenders about incentive pro- to court records, and some of the units went entered guilty pleas. They, too, are looking at we were in all week,” his wife lamented to the
grams, such as cash-to-close rebates, used to into foreclosure, costing the banks an esti- no more than five years behind bars. crowd. “Were they in the same room?”
lure prospective buyers to the Ocean Drive mated $3.3 million.
development during the real-estate slow Kuehne told the jury Granitur was a part- Granitur is one of the nicest people any-
down. It’s troubling when a seller is paying a time lawyer and a full-time dad, someone one could ever meet, someone else ex-
buyer to purchase something. It shows how who spent as much time volunteering in the claimed. It doesn’t make sense.
This gave banks a false impression of the desperate Heaton was to sell those units, garden at his children’s school as he did on
viability of the project and allowed develop- Capone explained. “If this transaction was his legal work. “Mr. Granitur, his family and I, his lawyer,
ers to secure the funds they needed to com- done the way it was supposed to be done, we are completely surprised and devastated by
plete construction of Vero’s most luxurious wouldn’t be here today,” he said. Never before had his company, Live Oak an unexpected verdict,” Kuehne said. The at-
hotel without proper scrutiny, argued Joseph Title, worked on such large transaction, he torney has asked the judge for an acquittal,
Capone, Special Assistant U.S. Attorney. The This “secret side agreement” was inten- explained. Granitur and his staff mistakenly citing a lack of evidence.
prosecutor specializes in real-estate fraud tionally concealed to ensure the project relied on the advice of the developer’s law-
and traveled from Washington, D.C. to West moved forward and was profitable for all in- yers and the banks. “He had the best of the “This verdict should be an indication that,
Palm Beach for the trial. volved, he said. These were “kickbacks,” and best guiding this transaction,” Kuehne said. once again, banks are improperly holding
it was a “sneaky” way to make a deal. “He had no knowledge that anybody was do- the public responsible for a crisis that was
Granitur’s escrow company, Live Oak Ti- ing anything wrong.” the banks’ doing,” Kuehne added.
tle, represented a prospective buyer of sev- Granitur, dressed in a tan sweater, navy
eral pre-construction condominium units, pants and blue collared shirt, appeared re- Granitur didn’t conspire or intend to con- “The federal government has misguidedly
Capone said. Federal law requires escrow laxed on the first day of the criminal trial. He ceal information, he added. He was helping focused on the wrong side of these transac-
agents to truthfully and accurately prepare smiled as prospective jurors responded to McKenzie, a longtime client he trusted who tions, blaming all of the mortgage defaults
and distribute to lenders a settlement state- questions about home ownership, foreclo- turned out be a fraud, he said. Granitur, on everybody but the banks.”
ment which details the sales price, closing sure and bank fraud. He sat at the defense Kuehne exclaimed, was “hoodwinked.”
costs paid by the buyer and any seller contri- table alongside his attorney taking notes. Granitur was released on bond pending
The jury took less than four hours to find sentencing. He declined to comment after
Benedict Kuehne, his lawyer, quizzed the the trial.
ELECTRIC SALE Auwaerter, who also chairs the Vero Beach
Utilities Commission and who spoke in
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Tallahassee on June 5 before the PSC, said
Sunday that he’s not overly concerned
date of June 25 for that document, mean- about the delay.
ing the 21-day review period for the ruling,
during which anyone with proper standing “Apparently, in talking to our utility law-
can challenge the decision, will extend to yer, this does happen on occasion. I am not
mid-July. going to infer any cosmic significance to it,”
Auwaerter said. “We waited this long; we
The PSC’s 3-2 vote went against the will just have to hang on a few days longer.”
staff’s recommendation that Vero electric
customers pay a hefty post-sale surcharge Vero Beach Mayor Harry Howle, who re-
to make FPL’s 4.9 million customers whole ceives regular briefings from the city’s legal
from the $185 million Vero transaction. The team and from FPL, also was optimistic,
action was a departure from the PSC’s cus- knowing that everything in government
tomary practice of affirming staff recom- takes longer during the summer when legal
mendations, sometimes with a few tweaks. or clerical staff might be on vacation.
Producing a formal opinion in those cas- “It certainly is curious that ‘deadlines’
es means simply adapting the very detailed can be pushed back with what one hopes
explanations, citations and precedential in- is an arbitrary reason. I can’t imagine why
formation from the recommendations that this might be the case, but I’m still very
PSC staffers toiled over for weeks. confident and optimistic at this point,”
Howle said.
But in this case, the ruling must be writ-
ten from scratch, crafting a document that With the advance work that FPL and Vero
goes against the staff opinion and justifies have already accomplished, including work
the plan approved by three commission- on customer databases, making inroads
ers, plus careful language to make clear with employees to continue on in key roles
this ruling should not be used as prece- with FPL – most importantly the naming of
dent in any other case before the PSC or Vero’s Director of Electric Utility Operations
a court. The dissenting opinion of Chair- Ted Fletcher to head up the technical tran-
man Art Graham and one other commis- sition team – a 10-day delay shouldn’t dras-
sioner may also make a showing some- tically hinder the parties’ ability to close the
where in the ruling, as in a split decision sale as anticipated on Oct. 1.
by a panel of justices.
“I cannot think of a reason this sale will
Indian River Shores Councilman Bob not continue, as planned, arbitrary PSC fil-
ing date or not,” Howle said.
Clinical trial yields positive result
on bladder cancer
8 June 22, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
Clinical trial yields positive result on bladder cancer
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer however, is clearly more concerned
[email protected] with cures than he is with head-counts.
Depending on which source you look Given the demographics of Vero
to, bladder cancer ranks as the fifth, Beach, that’s a good thing, since all the
seventh or eighth most commonly diag- above sources agree that bladder cancer
nosed cancer in the United States. occurs mainly in older adults.
The American Cancer Society esti- Roughly nine in 10 of those diagnosed
mates about 82,000 new cases of blad- with this disease are over the age of 55
der cancer will be identified this year. and the average age at the time of diag-
The Center for Disease Control and Pre- nosis is 73.
vention puts that figure at 72,000, and
the Mayo Clinic’s estimate is 68,000. On the plus side, Atwell says he has
seen treatments for bladder cancer
Dr. Robin Atwell at Vero Urology, evolve exponentially over the course of
Andrew Prestianni, PA, with Dr. Robin Atwell. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Premier Women's Health is now open in Sebastian! his 30-year career. He seems particularly there were injuring her own immune re-
inspired by an ongoing clinical trial be- sponsiveness.
At Premier Women’s Health, every patient is treated as an individual and receives ing conducted by medical oncologist Dr.
personalized, one-on-one attention. Several physicians and sta members are Stephen Patterson at the Scully-Welsh “Her bladder had become contracted
Spanish speaking to help ensure that all your questions and concerns are addressed. Cancer Center that already has benefited and she started to, again, develop per-
Explore your options for vaginal rejuvenation, gynecologic surgery or annual wellness one of Atwell’s patients. sistent carcinoma in situ.”
visits with one of our experienced physicians. This particular patient, Atwell re- After “staving off” the patient’s tumor
calls, first came to him in 2006 at the for over a decade, and with her now in
Call (772) 770-6801 to schedule an appointment. age of 79. her 90s, her immune system had become
less able to recognize and fight the tu-
801 Wellness Way • Suite 109 • Sebastian, FL 32958 “She presented with blood in her mor in her bladder. Something had to
urine [the most common symptom of change.
MD, FACOG DO, FACOOG MD, FACOG MD, FACOOG turia, and we found a high-grade tran- The woman had not been treated with
sitional cell carcinoma. radiation because, as Atwell puts it,
The right women’s care. Right here. “with bladder cancer, radiation is more
“It was a large tumor and how we palliative than it is curative. In other
treated those tumors historically, when words, it will shrink these tumors down,
they’re not invasive into the muscle but removing the tumor is the most im-
wall, is by resecting them and then portant thing.”
starting patients on immunotherapy
with BCG,” or bacillus calmette-guerin, Happily, once Atwell’s patient en-
a germ related to the one that causes tu- rolled in the clinical trial at Scully Welsh
berculosis. that involves the Roche Pharmaceutical
drug Tecentriq, her situation improved.
“It’s an attenuated live bacteria
and it tricks the bladder into thinking By November of last year, her bladder
there’s a bacteria that it needs to make biopsies showed no sign of cancer for the
an immune response to. The immune first time in more than a decade.
response that results from the BCG in
the bladder also builds an immune re- “I last looked in her bladder a week
sponse to treat bladder cancer cells.” and a half or two weeks ago and she still
has no cancer,” says Atwell.
But it seems you can only trick Moth-
er Nature for so long. The results experienced by one pa-
tient in a clinical trial involving thou-
As Atwell explains, “after about five sands of other patients are statistically
years or so, [the patient] developed ur- irrelevant, of course, but they matter a
gency frequency, a small-capacity blad- lot if you happen to be that one patient.
der and recurrent urinary infections
because the bacteria we were putting in Dr. Robin Atwell is with Vero Urology
at 1355 37th Street, Suite 303. The phone
number is 772-569-7606.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH June 22, 2018 9
High level of vitamin D linked to lower colorectal cancer risk
By Laurie McGinley | The Washington Post percent lower risk, they said. Experts say diet is the best way to get vita- in 24 in women and 1 in 22 in men. Overall,
But JoAnn Manson, chief of the division min D because sun exposure raises the risk the rate of colorectal cancer is declining,
Higher concentrations of vitamin D cir- of skin cancer. but it is increasing among younger people,
culating in the bloodstream are linked to a of preventive medicine at Brigham and a trend that recently prompted the Amer-
lower risk of colorectal cancer, according to Women’s Hospital in Boston, urged caution The lifetime risk of colorectal cancer is 1 ican Cancer Society to recommend that
a large international study published last about the results, saying the “jury is still screening for the disease start at age 45,
week. out” on whether high vitamin D levels can not 50.
decrease the risk of colorectal cancer. Man-
The researchers said the results son, who was not involved in the study, was This latest study is designed primarily to
strengthen the evidence that the vitamin on the committee that developed the exist- guide policymakers in setting dietary and
may play a protective role against the dis- ing vitamin D guidelines in 2011. nutrition guidelines. “Currently, health
ease, which is the third-most common agencies do not recommend vitamin D for
cancer in the United States, killing more The new research is an observational
than 50,000 people a year. Previous studies study that does not prove cause and effect, the prevention of colorec-
exploring a possible link were inconclusive, she noted; for that, large-scale, random- tal cancer,” said Marji
they said. ized clinical trials are needed. Manson, L. McCullough, an
who is leading such a trial, also said blood American Cancer
The latest research, which appears in levels of vitamin D can be affected by out- Society epide-
the Journal of the National Cancer Insti- door physical activity, obesity, overall nu- miologist and
tute, was conducted by scientists from NCI, tritional intake and other factors. another study
the American Cancer Society, the Harvard author. But of-
T. H. Chan School of Public Health and 20 How much vitamin D people should get ficial recom-
other medical centers and organizations has been a subject of controversy for years. mendations
around the world. Authors of the new paper said one problem might change at
with past studies was substantial differ- some point, the
They concluded that “optimal” levels of ences in the tests used to measure 25-hy- researchers said,
the vitamin for colorectal cancer preven- droxyvitamin D, the most widely accepted given the study’s con-
tion are greater than those recommended measure of the vitamin’s concentration in clusion that the recom-
by the National Academies of Sciences, En- the blood. The few previous randomized
gineering and Medicine, which are based trials on vitamin D supplements and col- mended levels may be too low
only on bone health. orectal cancer didn’t show an effect, per- to protect against colorectal cancer.
haps because of their size or compliance
“Our study shows that having higher lev- issues, the authors said. Manson urged consumers to “err on the
els above bone-health ones are associated side of moderate intake” until more infor-
with lower colorectal cancer,” said Steph- The new study addressed many of the mation is available.
anie Smith-Warner, a Harvard epidemiol- gaps and problems of earlier studies, ac-
ogist and one of the senior authors of the cording to Smith-Warner. It used a single,
article. widely accepted test for vitamin D mea-
surements and standardized the data that
The researchers found that people already existed. The analysis included 17
who had lower levels of vitamin D than prospective studies.
recommended by the National Acade-
mies for bone health had a 31 percent Sources of vitamin D include exposure
higher risk of colorectal cancer during a to the sun, fatty fish like salmon and trout,
follow-up period that averaged five-and- foods like milk and orange juice fortified
a-half years. Those with levels above the with the vitamin and dietary supplements.
recommended concentrations had a 22
10 June 22, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
Arthritis is catch-all term for wide range of conditions
By Fred Cicetti | Columnist Treatments for rheumatoid arthritis
Q. It seems to me that arthritis is a include exercise, medication and sur-
catch-all term for all kinds of aches and
pains. What exactly is arthritis? gery. Reducing stress is important.
Arthritis, which comes in more than Some drugs for rheumatoid arthritis
100 different forms, is inflammation of
the joints. Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid relieve pain. Some reduce inflamma-
arthritis and gout are the three most
common forms of arthritis among se- tion. And then there are the DMARDs
niors. Osteoarthritis is the most preva-
lent. None is contagious. (d isea se-mod i f y i ng anti-rheumatic
Osteoarthritis drugs), which can often slow the disease.
You get osteoarthritis when cartilage
– the cushioning tissue within the joints Gout
– wears down. This produces stiffness
and pain. The disease affects both men Gout usually attacks at night. Stress,
and women. By age 65, more than 50 per-
cent of us have osteoarthritis in at least alcohol, drugs or an illness can trigger
one joint.
You can get osteoarthritis in any joint, gout. It’s caused by a build-up of crystals
but it usually strikes those that support
weight. Common signs of osteoarthritis of uric acid in a joint. Uric acid is in all
include joint pain, swelling, and ten-
derness. However, only a third of people human tissue and is found in foods.
whose x-rays show osteoarthritis report
any symptoms. Often, gout affects joints in the low-
Treatments for osteoarthritis include
exercise, joint care, dieting, medicines er part of the body such as the ankles,
and surgery. For pain relief, doctors usu-
ally start with acetaminophen, the med- heels, knees, and especially the big toes.
The disease is more common in men.
icine in Tylenol, because the side effects lining, is very different from osteoar- Early attacks usually subside within 3 to
are minimal. If acetaminophen does not thritis. It occurs when the immune sys-
relieve pain, then non-steroidal anti-in- tem turns against the body. It not only 10 days, even without treatment, and the
flammatory drugs such as ibuprofen and affects the joints, but may also attack
naproxen may be used. other parts of the body such as the lungs next attack may not occur for months or
and eyes. People with rheumatoid ar-
The dietary supplements glucos- thritis may feel sick. even years.
amine and chondroitin sulfate are used
by many who say the supplements can There’s symmetry to rheumatoid ar- Most people with gout are able to con-
relieve the symptoms of osteoarthritis. thritis. For example, if the right knee is
affected, it’s likely the left knee will suf- trol their symptoms with treatment. The
Rheumatoid Arthritis fer, too. Women are much more likely
Rheumatoid arthritis, which is char- than men to get rheumatoid arthritis. most common treatments are high doses
acterized by inflammation of the joint
of oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs, or corticosteroids, which are tak-
en by mouth or injected into the affect-
ed joint. Patients often begin to improve
within a few hours of treatment.
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12 June 22, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
‘Tick’ tock: Lyme disease grows as threat here
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer Dr. Aisha Thomas-St. Cyr.
[email protected]
You can’t hide from Lyme disease in
Florida anymore.
While most people think of the dis-
ease in connection with the northeast,
Dr. Aisha Thomas-St. Cyr at Sebastian
Infectious Disease Care and Steward
Health says the number of cases of this
tick-borne illness are likely to double in
the Sunshine State this year.
And while doubling might seem bad,
the Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
vention recently increased its projec-
tions for the total number of Americans
who will contract Lyme Disease nation-
wide this year by a factor of 10: from
30,000 to 300,000 – or more.
The Florida Lyme Disease Association
says the disease is “about 10 times more
common than previously reported” in
this state, as well.
The mismatch exists mainly because
it is one of the most difficult diseases
to accurately diagnose – which is a big
problem, since it can become painfully
debilitating if left untreated.
The website for the education, re-
search and advocacy group, lymedis-
ease.org, says “if Lyme disease is not di-
agnosed and treated early, it can spread
and may go into hiding in different parts tional Institutes of Health says that the
of the body. Weeks, months or even quality of life for Lyme patients is “con-
years later, patients may develop prob- sistently worse” than for patients with
lems with the brain and nervous system, congestive heart failure, with pain lev-
muscles and joints, heart and circula- els that are “similar to post-surgical pa-
tion, digestion, reproductive system and tients” and consistent fatigue problems
skin.” “on par with that seen in multiple scle-
rosis patients.”
Not scary enough? Try this: The Na-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH June 22, 2018 13
Strangely, Lyme disease is a relative- be stopped – quickly, easily and effec- the bite, and if you develop such a rash, think of the co-infections.”
ly “new” disease. It was first officially tively – with antibiotics, but some insur- your doctor can advise you on the best All that said, Lyme disease is not a cri-
diagnosed in the United States in 1977 ers won’t pay for those antibiotics until course of action.
in the town of Old Lyme, Connecticut. antibodies in your blood are detected. sis in Florida – at least not yet.
Originally thought to be limited to the Ticks, whether we like it or not, are Even though an alarming headline
northeast and upper Midwest, Lyme dis- And that’s the problem. People need everywhere. They can hitch a ride into
ease now presents itself in nearly every to be treated earlier. As Thomas-St. Cyr your home on your pet. They can latch on radio station WFTS’ website last June
state in the union, as well as in Europe says, “the best time to treat you is ear- onto you unnoticed while you’re hunt- reported that “Doctors predict Lyme dis-
and Asia. ly. Before the disease has a chance to ing, fishing, walking on a nature trail ease epidemic: Tampa Bay possible hot-
spread to your nervous system, your along the Indian River lagoon or even on bed of debilitating tick-born disease,”
Lyme disease is caused by the bac- bones, your joints.” a well-manicured golf course. Thomas-St. Cyr simply urges caution,
terium “Borrelia burgdorferi” which watchfulness and, of course, seeking
is transmitted to humans through the Anticipating the next question, Thom- And, as Thomas-St. Cyr points out, it’s your doctor’s advice if you think you’ve
bite of infected black-legged ticks, also as-St. Cyr quickly adds that the best not just Lyme disease that can be trans- been bitten by a tick.
known as deer ticks. thing to do if you’ve been bitten by a tick mitted by blood-sucking ticks.
is to go see your doctor right away. Even Dr. Aisha Thomas-St. Cyr is at Sebas-
“It’s a spirochete. It’s like a cousin of if your insurer balks, the out-of-pocket “There’s about four or five other things tian ID Care at 7955 Bay Street, Suite 2
syphilis,” says Thomas-St. Cyr. “That’s cost for antibiotics that will prevent seri- you can get from the same tick. So, even directly south of the Sebastian River Medi-
why it goes to the nervous system.” ous problems later in life can be as little if you don’t find Lyme’s, you have to cal Center. The phone is 772-388-9155.
as $15.
“The current testing is pretty inaccu-
rate early on, unfortunately, because it’s She also reminds everyone to bring
an antibody test,” she continues. a complete and updated list of all their
current prescriptions and supplements
In other words, the test looks for an- in order to avoid any medication con-
tibodies that your body will eventually f licts.
produce in reaction to the bacterium,
but by the time that happens, it may al- About 85 percent of those bitten by
ready be too late. Lyme disease-carrying ticks will quick-
ly develop a “bullseye” rash at the site of
In its earliest stages, Lyme disease can
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14 June 22, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS www.veronews.com
As pooch pals go, Bonz thinks Skye’s the limit
sea glass an I hunt lizards, an it’s called Yogurt. One of the positions
Hi Dog Buddies! Marshall just goes along for the is the Downward Dog! Can you buh-
This week, I met a young mother, Skye ride. He thinks I’m silly. He’s way LIEVE it? Anyway, a buncha ladies
Walker (nope, her name has absolutely
nothing to do with that movie. It was just a more reserved than me. When came to do Yogurt and see the pup-
coincidence). Skye is a 2-year-old Lab with
a pretty soft yellow coat, real femuh-nun. Mommy’s at work, we watch pies. Even without any practice, they
Me an my assistant met her at her Mom’s
business over on the beach. It’s called a Dog TV. Once, when Mommy behaved beautifully. Me an Marshall
SPA, which is a place where humans (la-
dies mostly) go to get all spiffed up. Since forgot to turn it on, I accidently were so proud!”
Skye doesn’t ackshully work there herself,
me an my assistant an Skye’s Mom and her ate the remote. I was just tryin’ to Skye pawsed an wiped her eyes.
fren got settled in to wait for Skye’s human
sister to bring her over. locate the ‘on’ button. “I’m happy our liddle muffins all
Soon as they walked in, Skye came right “Mommy started us in got good homes, but It was Soggy
up for the Wag-an-Sniff, then gave my as-
sistant some frenly slurps. “Welcome! Wel- school pretty early to learn Dog Biscuits sayin’ goodbye. It felt
come, Mr. Bonzo an Mr. Bonzo’s Assistant.
Have you met my Mommy, Christine, an Behavior Around Humans and so empty and quiet when they were
her fren Tonya? She helps Mommy with
PR, that’s Pooch Relations. This is my sister Fellow Animals; O-bee-dee- all gone. Honestly, Mr. Bonzo, poor
Nicki. My other sisters are Katie an Jen.”
ence; an what stuff we should Marshall is having a harder time
“I appreciate your time, Skye,” I told
her. “I expect you’re relaxing after all those Never Do Under Any Circum- with Empty Nest than me.
puppies. So tell me how it all came about. I
understand you’re from Ocala.” stances. We practiced Man- “I told him, soon as the puppies
“That’s right. Mommy was On Line ners by being Official Mascots are old enough, we’re gonna have a
lookin’ for a Yellow Lab, an she found a
litter in Ocala. My litter. She came over to an Greeters at Mommy’s oth- reunion at the Dog Park, an we’ll get
check us out an, of course, she picked ME
cuz I was the adorable-est. An yellow. But er place, Katwalk. Honestly, I to see how much they’ve grown. I
me an my best fren Marshall (he’s a Choc-
olate) didn’t wanna be separated. We stuck don’t understand that name: can’t wait. We’re bringing Kleenex.”
together like burrs on fur. He was also su-
per adorable. Thank Lassie, Mommy came there’s lotsa clothes an stuff but I felt sad for her an changed
home with both of us.
I NEVER saw a CAT in there, the subject. “What kinda food and
“Our puppyhood was fun! We jumped in
the pool right away, being reTREEvers an all. walkin’ or sittin’ or nappin’ or snacks do you prefer?”
An we still really enjoy doggie day care. We
don’t get homesick at all when we’re there, an anything. Personally, I wudda Skye PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD “We get kibbles in Maze Bowls.
we’ve got a ton of pooch pals. Sometimes we called it ‘Dogwalk,’ you know?” They curve around like a maze
have play dates with Grandma Phyllis and to keep us from gobbling. Mom-
Nicholas, he’s a shih tzu. That’s always Cool “I see what you’re sayin.’”
Kibbles. I’m a major Lizard Fanatic. Can’t re-
sist the thrill of the chase. Mommy hunts for “Anyway, we were progress- my’s teachin’ us to fold our paws
ing nicely in our classes when we found out meet us an our puppies. Then we’d donate an bow our heads before meals. We’re not
me an Marshall were gonna have puppies. all the puppy money to the Vero Dog Park, quite there yet. My most favorite snack is
So I hadda drop out of school. Mommy got which me an Marshall an all our pooch Pig Ears. Marshall’s cool with Milk Bones,
a Dog Nanny, Kelly, for me while we wait- pals just love, and Mommy’s on the Board.” but just gimme a nice Pig Ear!”
ed for the puppies and then, after, to take “Woof, Skye, that’s brilliant,” I ex- “Are you woofin’?”
us to our appointments. She was so nice. claimed. “Nope! Wanna try one?”
Our puppies were born in April, seven wig- “I KNOW. Mommy thought so, too. She “I’d love to, Skye, really, but, er … Oh,
gly liddle muffins: five girls an two boys, in decided to have the Puppy Preview at the wouldja look at the time. It’s been great
Basic Lab Colors: chocolate, black an yel- store during the Sunset Stretch event.” yappin’ with you.” I rose.
low. They were even MODELS in Portfolio “The what?” Skye laughed. “No worries, Mr. Bonzo.
Magazine!” “Sunset Stretch. Ladies put on comftub- They are an acquired taste.”
“Pawsome!” I commented. ble clothes and get in all sortsa funny posi- Heading home, I was wonderin’ what
“My Marshall was a wunnerful, paws-on tions an breath through their noses. I think it’d be like to be a Dad, have my own pup-
Dad. He’d play and snuggle with ’em, let pies to snuggle an tumble around with and
’em climb all over him. Those eight weeks DON’T BE SHY share pooch wisdom. But, no complaints.
went by so fast, then it was time to find the I’m a happy bachelor with a great job,
Best, Most Loving Forever Homes for our We are always looking for pets meeting all you fellow pooches, and cats,
puppies. with interesting stories. an sharing your stories.
“We thought an thought, an finally To set up an interview, email The Bonz
came up with a Super Cool Dog Biscuits [email protected].
plan: We’d have a Puppy Preview so we
could meet the humans an they could
GHO sale equals infusion
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16 June 22, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
GHO sale equals infusion of cash – and opportunities
By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer Bill Handler of GHO Homes at his Segovia Lake Community. PHOTOS: GORDON RADFORD
[email protected]
ther, Dan, founded in 1983 – and the busi- The deal with Green Brick marks the As the country recovered from the
GHO Homes President Bill Handler ness he ran for the past 18 years – Handler second time in 12 years that Handler has Great Recession and the housing market
wants everyone to know that he has sold said sentiment wasn’t a factor. sold his company. rebounded, Handler nurtured GHO’s re-
only a controlling share of his company to surgence, which saw the company’s home
Texas-based Green Brick Partners. “When you have bank loans, you’re not In a perfectly timed move, he sold GHO sales soar from 26 in 2012 to more than 240
in total control, anyway,” Handler said. to national builder Woodside Homes in in 2017, when revenues grew to more than
He hasn’t sold his soul. “The people I’m working with at Green 2006, just before the housing market col- $85 million.
GHO Homes is still his brand, backed by Brick are awesome. We have the same vi- lapsed across the country. By 2008, an
his reputation, and he says he will contin- sion, the same values. overextended Woodside was bankrupt, “The market here is healthy,” said Han-
ue to run the business with the same stan- and in 2010, Handler bought his compa- dler, whose company is currently selling
dards and management team that made “If there are problems, we solve them ny and its assets back for a fraction of the homes in 16 subdivisions, 15 of which are
the company the nation’s fastest-growing together,” he added. “If there are opportu- 2006 sale price. in Indian River County, where GHO is now
mid-size homebuilder in 2017. nities, we’ll chase them together.”
“It’s still a local operation, and that’s
exactly what both of us wanted,” Han-
dler said. “Green Brick is a publicly traded
company, but they wanted a local partner
– someone who knew the market and the
people, someone with a strong brand, a
track record of success and a reputation
for honesty.
“We didn’t have to do this deal, but it
was the perfect opportunity,” he added.
“With Green Brick’s strong financial re-
sources, combined with GHO’s deep con-
nections in this market, we’ve become a
bigger player when it comes to buying and
developing land.
“We’re now well-positioned to continue
our growth, and we have the capital we’ll
need to pursue future opportunities.”
Green Brick recently purchased all of
GHO’s assets and acquired 80 percent of
Handler’s company through an invest-
ment in a newly formed entity, GRBK GHO
Homes LLC.
Handler owns 20 percent of the new
company and retained his title as president.
He said decisions regarding GHO’s projects
here will continue to be made locally.
Asked if it was difficult to part with the
controlling share of the company his fa-
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E June 22, 2018 17
preparing to start another new, 71-home “With this strategic acquisition, Green Hurricane Impact Doors
community, called Arabella Reserve, at the Brick has expanded into the Florida mar- & Impact Glass,
intersection of 49th Street and 58th Avenue. kets with one of the best brands on Florida’s We Have It All!
east coast,” Green Brick CEO Jim Brickman
Operating from a position of strength – but said in a statement announcing the deal.
competing locally against national build- “GHO and Bill Handler have a custom-
ers such as D.R. Horton, Lennar and area er-first culture, an exceptional manage-
newcomer Ryan Homes – Handler began to ment team, and a great lot position.”
explore a possible partnership that would
strengthen GHO’s financial position with an In 2017, Builder Magazine included
infusion of capital for future projects. GHO on its list of the nation’s “Top 200
Builders” and named the company the
He sought the assistance of Michael P. “fastest growing builder” among those
Kahn & Associates, a nationally known ranked No. 101 to 200 in homes sold.
financial advisory firm that specializes
in housing industry mergers and acquisi- GHO earned similar recognition in 2014. Transform Your Existing Door from
tions, and a meeting with Green Brick was “You’re always looking at what’s next,” Boring to Beautiful!
arranged. Handler said. “Then you’ve got to be able
to compete – to be able to fund the deals ■ Glass patterns for every style & budget
Green Brick, which began as a biofuel that make sense – but deals are getting ■ Customize to your style
company that operated ethanol produc- more expensive. ■ Impact Glass & Impact Doors
tion facilities in the Midwest, moved into “This partnership allows us to continue ■ Wood Interior/Exterior Doors
real estate and home building in 2014. to be competitive.” ■ Fiberglass Doors
Handler said his focus remains on In- ■ Patio & Sliding Glass Doors
Over the past four years, Green Brick has dian River County, though the additional ■ Framed/Frameless Shower Units
grown into a multi-regional home builder capital will allow him to expand north into ■ Etching
with a strong presence in the high-growth Brevard and south into St. Lucie County, ■ Schlage Hardware
Dallas and Atlanta markets, where it owns where GHO is already active in the Mead- ■ Mirror Wraps
or controls more than 6,000 home sites. owood golf community in Fort Pierce.
The company also has a minority share in “Years ago, we built in Brevard and St. Regency Square
Challenger Homes in Colorado Springs. Lucie, and even in Daytona, and I might
look at it,” he said. “But this county is, by 2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart • Licensed & Insured
The acquisition of GHO added another far, where I am the most comfortable.”
900 lots to Green Brick’s portfolio. As for the possibility that selling con- 772.463.6500
trolling interest in GHO to Green Brick
According to Green Brick’s website: was a sign that he’s ready to get out of the
“The company is engaged in all aspects home-building business, Handler said,
of the home-building process, including “No, sir. We’re busy. Sales are up. The mar-
land acquisition and development, enti- ket is strong.
tlements, design, construction, marketing “Besides,” he added, “this is what I do.”
and sales for its residential neighborhoods
and master-planned communities.”
The GHO deal is Green Brick’s first re-
al-estate venture in Florida.
18 June 22, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
A very strong week on the mainland real estate front saw 37 single-family residences and lots
change hands from June 11-15 (some shown below).
The top sale of the week in Vero Beach was the home at 6290 37th Street. First listed last September
for $995,000, this 5-bedroom, 5-bathroom, 3,811-square-foot house sold for $800,000 on June 15.
In Sebastian, the week’s best sale was the residence at 6024 Island Harbor Road. First listed in
December for $650,000, the 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom, 1,092-square-foot abode sold for $398,000
on June 13.
VERO BEACH 6290 37TH STREET 9/22/2017 $995,000 6/15/2018 $529,000
VERO BEACH 1189 RIVERWIND CIRCLE 11/17/2017 $549,000 6/15/2018 $480,000
VERO BEACH 5225 E HARBOR VILLAGE DRIVE #304 3/9/2018 $530,000 6/12/2018 $435,000
VERO BEACH 4205 DIAMOND SQUARE 2/10/2018 $479,000 6/14/2018 $398,000
SEBASTIAN 6024 ISLAND HARBOR ROAD 12/5/2017 $650,000 6/13/2018 $350,000
VERO BEACH 5413 BARBADOS SQUARE 4/6/2018 $351,800 6/15/2018 $335,000
VERO BEACH 5534 55TH AVENUE 11/20/2017 $369,000 6/15/2018 $330,000
VERO BEACH 400 38TH SQUARE SW 3/20/2018 $349,000 6/15/2018 $323,000
VERO BEACH 3125 73RD PLACE 12/15/2017 $367,000 6/15/2018 $260,000
SEBASTIAN 474 LANFAIR AVENUE 10/10/2017 $295,000 6/12/2018 $250,000
VERO BEACH 3102 ASHFORD SQUARE 5/3/2018 $250,000 6/15/2018 $248,230
VERO BEACH 322 LEXINGTON AVENUE SW 4/26/2018 $241,000 6/12/2018 $219,000
SEBASTIAN 738 GEORGE STREET 10/14/2017 $219,900 6/14/2018 $215,000
VERO BEACH 983 E 13TH SQUARE 4/5/2018 $219,000 6/14/2018
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E June 22, 2018 19
1189 Riverwind Circle, Vero Beach 5225 E Harbor Village Drive Unit #304, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 11/17/2017 Listing Date: 3/9/2018
Original Price: $549,000 Original Price: $530,000
Sold: 6/15/2018 Sold: 6/12/2018
Selling Price: $529,000 Selling Price: $480,000
Listing Agent: Cheryl Burge Listing Agent: Debbie Bell
Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida
Not Provided Vance Brinkerhoff
Not Provided Coldwell Banker Paradise
4205 Diamond Square, Vero Beach 6024 Island Harbor Road, Sebastian
Listing Date: 2/10/2018 Listing Date: 12/5/2017
Original Price: $479,000 Original Price: $650,000
Sold: 6/14/2018 Sold: 6/13/2018
Selling Price: $435,000 Selling Price: $398,000
Listing Agent: Sam Robbins Listing Agent: Holly Behncke
Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Keller Williams Realty
Kay Brown Holly Behncke
Premier Estate Properties Keller Williams Realty
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Coming Up! Adam Schnell.
CONCERT TRIBUTE Myers has an ear for music,
and an eye for the arts PAGE B2
By Samantha Rohlfing Baita | Staff Writer
[email protected]
1 For an evening of stirring
patriotic music to kick-start
your summer and get in a proper
red-white-and-blue mood for your
coming-soon Independence Day
celebration, join the Space Coast
Symphony Wind Ensemble and
the Space Coast Symphony Chorus
this Saturday, June 23, in a rousing
free concert, “America’s Heroes,”
at the Community Church of Vero
Beach. This exciting musical eve-
ning will include works by Tiche-
li, Daugherty, Williams, Rodgers,
Hobbs, Greenwood and, of course,
the undisputed “March King” John
Philip Sousa. Among the combined
orchestra and chorus numbers sure
to stir your heart will be the moving
“God Bless America” and “Battle
Hymn of the Republic,” as well as a
powerful musical salute to the men
and women of the United States
Armed Forces. “We owe everything
to (those) who have worn our na-
tion’s uniform,” said Collins. Time: 2
p.m. Admission: free. 855-252-7276.
2 It’s a stellar, sci-fi summer at
theVero Beach Museum of Art:
If you gaze at the stars and wonder
“what’s out there,” or think about
finding out for yourself, the muse-
um’s Sci-Fi Film Series is for you.
This Tuesday, June 26, the 2009 film
“Moon” will be screened. Join Sam
Bell (Oscar winner Sam Rockwell) as
he nears the end of a three-year as-
signment mining helium on the “far
side of the moon” – alone. His only
companion is a robot named GERTY.
According to Wikipedia, following an
oil crisis, Lunar Industries is making
a fortune after building Sarang Sta-
tion, a fully-automated lunar facility
B2 June 22, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE www.veronews.com
Myers has an ear for music, and an eye for the arts
By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer In his spare time, though, he immersed
[email protected] himself in the burgeoning cultural move-
ment of Greenwich Village in the late 1960s.
It’s not uncommon for neighbors of artist
and musician Geoffrey Myers to hear the tin- “I was involved in music at the same time
kling of a piano or the strumming of chords I was involved in the visual arts,” says Myers,
on a guitar carried by a soft breeze from his who had an apartment in Greenwich Village
residence cum art/recording studio along
the Indian River Lagoon in Sebastian.
“When I work, I listen to classical music
because you’re separate from it. I think ev-
eryone has a certain tonality in their head
and it’s hard to escape it,” says Myers. “Like
the style of a visual artist. It’s not some-
thing that you do intentionally; it just kind
of comes out. The more you work, the more
your style just emerges subconsciously.”
The arts struck a chord with Myers at an
early age. One of six children, his father was
a writer and his mother was an advocate of
the arts.
“She made us all sing in the choir at
church and we can all play an instrument,”
he recalls. “My mom had a general knowl-
edge and appreciation for the arts, so it be-
came second nature for all of us.”
After receiving a bachelor’s degree in fine
arts from the University of Connecticut, My-
ers moved to New York City and worked with
an architectural firm, building models and
artwork facsimiles to scale.
Furniture • Home Décor • Art • Glass • Jewelry • Gifts & MUCH MORE! Geoffrey Myers.
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE June 22, 2018 B3
and “hung around” Washington Square. ways to solve a problem, creativity is the es-
“I played at all the pass-the-basket plac- sence of what we are.”
es and ran into musicians like Bob Dylan, The artist’s work can be found in galler-
Richie Havens, Joan Baez, Lovin’ Spoonful, ies and in corporate and private collections
the Turtles and Tiny Tim.” nationwide, including Ramscale Fine Art in
New York, the Copley Society in Boston, the
Myers eventually moved and opened a Gasiunasen Gallery in Palm Beach, Galerie
commercial art gallery in Provincetown,
Mass. He met the late Gil Markle there in MX in Montréal, and locally at the Meghan
1972 and helped him develop Long View Candler Gallery in Vero Beach.
Farm Studios, the famed music record- His brother, musician Peter
ing studio located on a 140-acre farm Myers, joined the Sebastian arts
in North Brookfield, Mass. scene this past year as the most
recent artist-in-residence at
“J. Geils was our first big name Stouthouse, a not-for-profit art-
and later Aerosmith, the Rolling ist retreat founded by Quentin
Stones, Stevie Wonder, John Be- Walter to preserve the home
lushi, Arlo Guthrie, Cat Stevens, and artistic legacy of her late
Deep Purple, Depeche Mode, husband, Weldon J. Stout.
Creed and Joe Perry recorded Things were particularly live-
at the studio,” he says. ly at Geoffrey Myers’ home this
past spring, where chairs were
It was a relationship formed nestled among the statues in
there that brought Myers to the living room and on the front
Florida, when in 1996 Arlo porch to accommodate guests
Guthrie asked if he would be attending a Stouthouse benefit
interested in helping to build concert titled “Two Chords” on
his home/studio in Sebastian. the eve of his brother’s departure.
“Geoffrey came home from col-
Myers had just finished wir- lege for Thanksgiving one year and
ing Guthrie’s home with fiber gave me a guitar,” Peter Myers explains.
optics when Hurricanes Fran- “He taught me two chords and told me,
ces and Jeanne came along in
2004, destroying the building ‘When I come home at Christmas if you
and leaving Myers with nothing can play them both I’ll show you the third
but time on his hands. chord.’ That’s why the concert was called
Two Chords.”
After discovering some stucco
wire lying around, he brought it “Every artist is on their own personal
home and began banging away at journey. Style will emerge; you just have to
it with a hammer, reasoning, “If you go with your immediate feeling. The link
can use this wire to put stucco on a wall, you that ties it all together will emerge and you’ll
can use it as a sculpture.” discover it, rather than trying to develop a
style,” explains Myers.
A good amount of experimentation and
quite a few “messes” ensued before he devel- “Picasso is a prime example. Look at the di-
oped a stucco/wire formula that worked. versity of his style from the Blue period to Cub-
ism to his Post Impressionism and Fauvism.”
“I love this medium because I can take
it from start to finish without a foundry,” At any given time, there are always multi-
says Myers. He explains that the Acrylstone ple projects underway in the open-air studio
technique he developed opens up possibili- behind his house.
ties beyond the traditional block of stone or
mound of clay. “You have to let it cure before you start
changing or adding to it. You can’t rush it;
Today, the figurative sculptures Myers you need to look at it and be working on
produces are a far cry from the life-figure something else. I’ve always got three things
sculptures he created during his time at the going on at once. It’s a little schizophrenic,”
Art Students League in New York City. admits Myers, adding that’s the way he lives
his life, too.
“I grew up during a time when abstract
art was the norm, and Henry Moore was my “Everything falls into place naturally. You
sculptural hero,” he says. “His sense of form end up here not serendipitously; the path
is inspired. Somehow he’s able to immerse takes you by things that you should address.
himself in shapes from nature and his work Somehow the thinking of it is very signifi-
is totally recognizable.” cant. It is kind of an inspiration or a spark. So
all the bits and pieces eventually converge
Myers, on the other hand, describes his and you have a completion, but not in con-
sculptures as stylized figures. “They’re not re- secutive order.”
ally anatomically correct. They don’t seem like
actual figures. They’re my interpretation.” Myers says artists should take their art se-
riously while also being innovative, advising,
Myers says he is equally comfortable work- “Be daring and take it to the max if you want
ing in all areas of the visual-arts realm.“I always to make an impact.”
had an affinity toward sculpture; three-dimen-
sional art. But I love painting, too. I love them Stressing the importance of the arts in
both, but I gravitate toward sculpture.” general, he notes that the creative process is
at the core of culture as well as life.
Seasons play as much a part as anything
in determining the medium – preferring to “That is what we do as human beings; we
paint during the winter months when it’s create,” says Myers. “Whether it be the visual
too cold for his hands to be in the water all arts or as a creative car mechanic, innovating
the time. The break from sculpting also gives
him a refreshed outlook when he’s ready to
get his hands dirty again.
B4 June 22, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE www.veronews.com
to mine Helium-3 (an alternative fuel), abun-
dant on the moon. The operation requires
only one human to run it, harvesting the
material and sending it back to Earth in can-
nisters. But all is not what it seems, and Sam
uncovers a dark secret that threatens (and
makes him question) his very existence. Show
time is 5:30 p.m. Tickets: free with member-
ship, 17 and under, and active military with
ID; non-members: adults, $12; seniors, $10.
3 Before or after you’ve experienced the 1 Space Coast Symphony Wind Ensemble and Symphony Chorus perform Saturday at Community Church.
fascinating film “Moon” (or either of the
final two out-of-this-world films in the mu- 3 Exhibition currently at VBMA. combat, with music from the ’50s, ’60s and 5 Next Friday, June 29, round up your
seum series next month), you should check ’70s. Ken Gustafson and Rhoda Johnson will posse, gather the family, don’t forget
out the current museum exhibition: “Astron- to the stage Doo Wop City, an oldies rock face off across the ivories at 7:30 p.m. and the family pooch, and come on down to the
omy Photographer of the Year”: 50 stunning ’n’ roll band. And, as if all that isn’t enough, 9:30 p.m. Tickets are $12-$22. 772-231-6990. fun, music-filled block party: Downtown
celestial photographs chosen by the Royal inside the theatre will be the audience-re- Friday in Vero’s Historic Downtown District,
Observatory of London from 3,800 entries quest Dueling Pianos rock ’n’ roll keyboard presented by Main Street Vero Beach. Live
representing 91 countries. Annually since music, dancing, shopping (many shops and
2009, the Observatory has invited entrees in a galleries open their doors), food, more food,
galaxy of categories: aurorae, galaxies, moon, all blending to create what denizens of the
sun, people and space, planets, comets and district like to call “The Downtown Vibe.”
asteroids, skyscapes, and stars and nebulae. You might even run into one of the regulars
Each year, new discoveries are highlighted. – The Guy with the Raccoon on His Shoul-
This year, says the museum promo, there are der. Making the music this month will be
images of Uranus and asteroids for the first The Jacks, a crowd-pleasing, locally based
time; Mercury crossing the sun in Lancashire, roots rock group billed as “a 4-piece band
U.K.; the Aurora Borealis reflected on the sea that sounds like a 10-piece band.” Craig
in Iceland; and a starry sky over the glacier, Bowers on vocals, guitar, mandolin, har-
White Stones, in Argentina. Gallery hours are monica; Ed Karwatske on keyboards; Chuck
Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 4:30 Shoaf handling bass, vocals and percus-
p.m.; Sunday, 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. sion; and Tommy Shoaf on drums, together
they’ve got some serious cred and, asserts
4 The theme of this week’s popular Riv- their website, “if it was popular in the last
erside Theatre themed weekend se- 50 years, The Jacks can probably play it.”
ries is “Shake, Rattle and Rock n’ Roll.” And Downtown Friday hours: 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
a Car Show. First, from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Admission is free.
outside, right in front of the theatre, take
in the free Cruise-In Classic Car Show (you
can even bring your own classic car), AND
a Doo Wop concert. Also free. There’s typi-
cally seating for 150, or you’re welcome to
bring your own fold-ups. You’ll also be able
to buy foodstuffs, including what they’re
calling “’50s style food and drink specials.
What do you think those will be? On Friday,
June 22, the Doo Wop Concert will feature
the Beach Street Band, a Beach Boys Tribute
group. The Saturday, June 23, concert brings
1. The President is Missing 1. Three Days in Moscow 1. Restart BY GORDON KORMAN
2. Gone Fishing
2. Beneath a Scarlet Sky 2. Killers of the Flower Moon
3. Zoey & Sassafras #1: Dragons
3. The Leavers BY LISA KO 3. I've Been Thinking BY ASIA CITRO
BY MARY KAY ANDREWS 4. The Best Cook in the
5. The Sun Does Shine
392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 | www.verobeachbookcenter.com
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE June 22, 2018 B5
Encore! Vero Beach Wine & Film Festival, Takei two
By Mary Schenkel and Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writers friend’s dramatic short, “Home Auto Life,”
[email protected]
she was excited to see both the audience’s
Picking up the thread from last week’s
issue, the third annual Vero Beach Wine & reaction and her name on the credits. “To
Film Festival was in full swing Saturday af-
ternoon, with pass holders flitting from film have this in Vero Beach is just amazing to
to film, pausing periodically to participate
in wine seminars and tastings in the WOW me.”
(World of Wine) tent at Riverside Park.
“The biggest key to a film festival thriv-
“George Takei (festival honoree) auto-
graphed my festival founders pass and ing and growing for years and years to
he wrote ‘You’re transporting!’ That’s our
mission: To transport our audiences for come is attendance, and every screening
the weekend,” said festival founder Jeru-
sha Stewart. “To show them what’s possi- of every film the entire weekend was abso-
ble when you’re really committed to your
dreams, like our filmmakers and wine- lutely packed,” said actor Mike McNamara,
makers. I hope that after the weekend is
over, they take some of that feeling home star of “The Replacement.” He also noted
with them and transform some part of their
lives.” with appreciation that organizers had tak-
“Jerusha is a jewel to have in Vero Beach; en care of the filmmakers with passion and
a real treasure,” said Brad Takei. “George
and I have done many film festivals over heart.
the years and I find her to be the crème de la
crème. I hope that she can grow the festival Stephanie Martino, director of the Flor-
and make it truly Sundance east. The possi-
bility of that is definitely real.” PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE B6 ida Film Institute, which had two films in
He said they thoroughly enjoyed their Ken Whitney, George Takei, Rachel Whitney, Richie Adams, Liz Whitney and Brad Takei. the student category, thought the selec-
visit, adding, “the people are genuinely
friendly and I thought the content of the tions were interesting and rich. As a for-
festival was outstanding. George’s real
message is diversity; that we’ve got to cre- in an hour, leaving latecomers to wait for the world to us.” mer executive director of the Miami Film
ate a more welcoming world for everybody.
And I think that the program really reflect- replenishments. No doubt that aspect will Wife Shawna Korgan stressed the impor- Festival, her advice is to continue choosing
ed that diversity.”
be tweaked next year. tance of keeping hearts and minds open to quality over quantity.
“It’s such a wonderful thing to have a film
and wine festival; two things that I love,” “When someone makes a suggestion, those who are struggling, and to reach out “It’s those little gems that you find be-
said Mark Tchelistcheff, director of “André –
The Voice of Wine,” before its screening Sat- our phenomenal committee is on it,” if you need help, adding, “You are all part of fore it’s released into distribution that
urday afternoon at the Vero Beach Museum
of Art. He is the grand-nephew of the mov- stressed Stewart. the ‘push’ family and the ‘push’ movement, make the difference,” said Martino. “It’s
ie’s namesake, famed winemaker André
Tchelistcheff, whose passion and artistry For example, comments about the previ- and that’s what it’s about; enduring the hu- all about the love of film; it brings people
transformed the California wine industry.
ous abundance of plastic eating and drink- man spirit within us all.” together. There is nothing more magi-
“What’s nice here is it’s very intimate;
very relaxed. You can see the audience re- ing utensils led to this year’s eco-friendly “I am a huge film fan; I love independent cal than going into a nice dark, cool place
sponding, which creates a nice experience
for the filmmaker,” said Tchelistcheff. “The ware. and foreign films,” shared Cynthia Put- where you can let everything go and just
people are wonderful; open and friendly.”
George Takei and husband Brad again nam, owner with husband Bob of Boston watch this big beautiful screen and get into
“This year we’ve added the Gospel
Brunch and Dining with Directors. We’ve graciously mingled with Sunday’s Fête Barricades, an event sponsor. that moment.”
never had anything that was specifically for
the filmmakers to mingle with the public,” Finale attendees, making the experience As the co-executive producer of her For more information, visit vbwff.com.
said festival co-founder Susan Keller Horn
of the two events held at the American Icon even more special.
Brewery. “I love the filmmakers that I’ve
been in touch with. They are so gracious “In a way, his legendary status comes You deserve a
and love speaking to people about their just as much from what he’s done off screen
films and answering questions. It’s a great
opportunity to mingle with people who you as what he’s done on screen,” she added. helping hand
normally would never get to meet.” “There were probably just as many peo-
ple who were familiar with him from ‘Star
The Sunday morning Gospel Brunch fea-
tured vocalist Tunisha Hill and the Sound, Trek’ as knew about his humanitarian You belong at Holiday.
singing powerful songs of praise as attend- work.”
ees sipped mimosas and noshed on the
proffered buffet. The brunch was so well “I’m a little bit of a Trekkie, but I’m a huge
received that the food was gobbled up with-
George and Brad Takei fan,” added Horn.
“They spread joy and love among all our
guests and are an inspiration to all of us.”
“Thank you volunteers; you’re the ones
who make things happen,” said Takei, after
receiving a card signed by all the volun-
teers. “Thank you Vero Beach; the welcome
has been fantastic. We’re all smiling faces,
and that’s what I’ll remember.”
Grant Korgan, whose incredible jour-
ney as the “first spinal cord injury athlete
to literally ‘push’ himself to the geograph-
ic South Pole,” was featured in the inspi-
rational film “The Push,” elicited tears of
emotion as well as smiles with his pas-
sionate acceptances of both the Audience
Award for Documentary Feature and the
Life Worth Living Film Award.
Stewart said the second award is given to Sometimes it’s nice to have assistance with day-to-day
a film that exemplifies the Life Worth Liv- tasks. We like to make the hard stuff easy for you.
ing theme of the festival as well as the mes-
sage of the Suncoast Mental Health Center, Learn Why - 866.912.6818 YouBelongAtHoliday.com
the festival beneficiary.
“Vero Beach, thank you so much!” roared Isles of Vero Beach
Korgan with enthusiasm. “We are over-
whelmed with gratitude in just abundance; 1700 WATERFORD DRIVE
you guys have been amazing. To win this VERO BEACH, FL 32966
award is unbelievable; this moment means
B6 June 22, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE www.veronews.com
PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE B5 Beverly Taylor, Patrick Savage, Natalie Kornicks and Fran Jaffe.
Jerusha Stewart, Ron Maniloff and Stephanie Martino. Rashid Hart serves up mimosas.
Tunisha Hill and The Sound.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE June 22, 2018 B7
Mark Tchelistcheff and Robert Rex. Karen Gaskill and Cynthia Putnam. Cathy Walker and Sue Badia.
LIVE inspired.
Jerusha Stewart and Bob Stanley. Our award-winning Life Enrichment program was 910 Regency Square
created to provide our residents with exciting Vero Beach, FL 32967
PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE AND STEPHANIE LABAFF opportunities for entertainment, inspiration and
personal growth. (772) 742-2480
• Revolving calendar of educational workshops and classes
“The Push” • Fun experiences
• Exhilarating social events
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Narrative Feature - “Funny Story”
Documentary Feature - “The Push”
Dramatic & Documentary Short -
Comedy Short - “Self Control”
B8 June 22, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
Dining road trip: The Big Easy, and the Great Brees-y
By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer Gumbo.
[email protected]
Fried Bread
Some people are natural wanderers Pudding.
who seem to glide from place to place ef-
fortlessly. My son and I are the other type.
Murphy typically tags along as an unin-
vited third wheel.
Earlier this month I was scheduled to go
on vacation, but I got sent to Tallahassee
on assignment for Vero Beach 32963. My
son went with me, and I decided it would
be “fun” to take a Greyhound bus from
Tallahassee to New Orleans. We brought
travel Jenga, playing cards, dominoes,
puzzle books and snacks to keep us busy
on the 11-hour bus ride. Go ahead, laugh.
Well, after schlepping our bags four
blocks by foot to the Tallahassee Grey-
hound station, we found out our bus had
broken down on the way from Orlando. So
we began searching for an auto rental, and
finally got the very last vehicle available
in Tallahassee – a Ford F150 pickup truck
that had just been returned to the lot.
Everything is meant to be, Grandma al-
ways said, and I truly believe that. We took
our time getting to New Orleans, pulling off
the highway to see the coastline at Pasca-
goula and to replenish my supply of strong,
black coffee somewhere in Alabama.
When we arrived in New Orleans, I want-
ed to find the apartment we’d rented while
Sheepshead with
it was still daylight, so we postponed dinner. from the greens and veg- ble and began a pretty in- Hours:
On our way to the apartment from I-10, I etables, to the flowers for tense conversation with a 4 to 11 p.m. Tues. - Sun.
the tables and the chick- companion. I told my son
spotted a charming restaurant on the side ens for the eggs. A true it would be wrong to both- Beverages: Full Bar
of the road with white table linens peeking farm-to-table experience in the midst of er them. Surprisingly, my son seemed
through the windows. I noted the name, an Uptown New Orleans neighborhood. content with that. Address:
College something, and knew it was near We were seated at the next to last open 3000 S. Carrolton Ave
the Tulane University stadium. I was con- table downstairs, and the friendly server Two days later, I mentioned it was a New Orleans, LA 70118
fident I would be able to find it online to mentioned that someone very special was shame we did not actually get to meet
get directions from the apartment. coming. He asked if we liked football. Then Drew Brees. “Oh, I met him. We had a con- Phone:
he leaned over and whispered that Number versation,” my son said. What?? (504) 866-3683
Nothing on Google maps in that area. 9 had 7 p.m. reservations.
Couldn’t find it on Facebook either. But I was A jersey number that low had to be the “When I spilled my gumbo,” my son re-
determined. We got back on I-10 for one exit, quarterback. I took out my phone and sponded. “I went to the bathroom and he
then off, then back on and off again to retrace sure enough, we were going to be dining was standing there washing his hands. He
our way in. Found it – Ye Olde College Inn. about six feet from Drew Brees. said, ‘Hi,’ and I said ‘Hi.’ I asked if he was
Brees walked in and people descend- that football player and he said he was.
It was everything I expected and more. ed upon him immediately, shaking hands That was it. I was pretty cool about it.”
Beautiful 85-year-old building, just for- and taking pictures as the man desperately
mal enough. Nicely set tables and profes- tried to wind his way back to the restroom. So sometimes, when life gives you a bro-
sionally dressed staff. Sumptuous aromas As I was watching the fan frenzy, my son ken-down bus, the last rental pickup truck
coming from the kitchen. A garden cover- spilled his gumbo on his clothes and ex- in Tallahassee, and some spilled gumbo, you
ing half a block that produces everything cused himself. get to chat up a legendary NFL quarterback
Eventually, Brees settled in at the ta- in the men’s room. And enjoy a fantastic din-
ner at a New Orleans dining institution.
The writer, who reviews restaurants for
Vero Beach 32963, currently is on holiday.
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING June 22, 2018 B9
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B10 June 22, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
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B12 June 22, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES June 22, 2018 B13
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist A983
Amy Lowell, a poet who died in 1925, said, “In science, read by preference the newest KQJ
works. In literature, read the oldest. The classics are always modern.”
A 10 2
That sounds reasonable. At the bridge table, we have a preference that comes up in this
deal. First, though, look at the East hand. What should he bid after South opens one WEST EAST
spade, West passes, and North responds three no-trump to show 4-3-3-3 distribution, 852
three spades and 15-17 high-card points? Then, where does the preference occur? K76542 3
North’s three-no-trump response is an unusual agreement these days, but was textbook 764 —
50 years ago. (Nowadays, North would probably respond two clubs, which would leave
East in a quandary. He might make a three-diamond weak jump overcall.) A 10 9 7 6 2
Over three no-trump, East should intervene with four no-trump, showing at least 5-5 in KJ9853
the minors. South would probably double because his hand does not suggest a slam in
spades. West will run to five clubs, and North will double. SOUTH
Against five clubs doubled, North might lead the ace and another club, which would A K 10 9 7 6
result in down one. Better here would be the club-two lead. If declarer misguesses, he
goes down two (or three if South shifts to a low spade at trick two). Q J 10
However, suppose North rebids five spades. Then West will lead his singleton diamond. 854
East wins with the ace and returns the diamond 10, his highest-remaining diamond, as
a suit-preference signal for the higher-ranking of the other two side suits (hearts and Q
clubs). West ruffs and gives his partner a heart ruff to defeat the contract.
Dealer: South; Vulnerable: North-South
The Bidding:
1 Spades Pass 3NT ??
3 Diamonds
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B14 June 22, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES www.veronews.com
1 Type of nut (5) 1 Large jug (7)
4 Order (7) 2 Soft toffee (7)
8 Neeps (7) 3 Clamour (5)
9 Straighten (5) 4 Swivelling wheel (6)
10 Domestic science (4,9) 5 Paddocks (7)
11 Salsa-like sauce (6) 6 Explanation (5)
13 Evaluate (6) 7 Sandy ridges (5)
17 Digs (13) 12 University discussion (7)
20 Sea (5) 14 Version (7)
21 Feline (7) 15 Genuine (7)
22 Fan (7) 16 Agree (6)
23 Wash lightly (5) 17 Fragrance (5)
18 Thick milk (5)
19 Thespian (5)
The Telegraph
How to do Sudoku:
Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three
The Telegraph
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES June 22, 2018 B15
ACROSS familiarly 9 Baseball great 81 Forest The Washington Post
1 “How tasty!” 79 Pot for pods Gibson 82 Space org.
4 “Hogwash!” 80 Pluto’s tail?
9 Notorious traitor 81 Way to address a 10 At the usual level abroad
14 Greek isle where 11 Doo-dah prelude 84 David who
guru 12 Decked out
Pythagoras was 83 Dallas nickname 13 Lip played Rhoda’s
born 86 Flame Trees of 14 Card-game husband Joe on
19 Mouth prefix Rhoda
20 Florida city Thika authority John 85 Slanderous one
21 Martha or Norma author Huxley 15 Acid opposite 87 “Do” preceders
22 The Hollywood 89 Soviet provinces 16 With 48 Down, 88 Joe ___ from
Bow 90 Dream, in Reims Kokomo
23 Hairy singers? 93 Crack ___ harried 91 Bug’s cousin
26 City of rubber (do some hairy one’s 92 Earth goddess
27 Rice or Tyler deciphering) lament? 96 Sporting-goods
28 London district 94 Kobe robe 17 Cortes’s loot store
29 Religious accessory 18 Dirty Harry’s city, 97 A, to Otto
commune 95 Hairy Steinbeck part 1 98 Criticizes
31 “___ Kentucky novel? 24 Ile ___ cité severely
Home” 100 Munich medic 25 Asia Minor folks, 99 Donkey
33 Landing site, 104 Hairy diet once 101 Singer Brewer
1969 maven? 30 Buscaglia 102 Where Branson,
35 Fork over 109 Pepper reaction welcome Mo., is
37 Open with a key 110 ___ bender 32 Units of force 103 Danger hue
40 With 44 Across, 111 Serpico author 33 Dallas dribbler 105 Crucifix letters
hairy spinster’s 112 Beginning 34 Unshutters, 106 Faulkner’s ___
fate? 113 Swaps poetically Dying
43 Japanese tea- 115 ___ side (song 36 Philippine native 107 Journalist Bly
and-sympathy No. 2 on an old 38 Hairy cousin of 108 Emits vapor
girl 45) Jack 114 Singer James
44 See 40 Across 117 Vex Benny? 116 Alters, as pants
46 Ice, to Weiss 118 Down-to-earth 39 Top 40 guy 118 Hogwarts bird
47 The Wild Duck color Casey 119 With “sox,” a
playwright 120 Health store 41 Faxed team, for short
50 Word heard on for hairy 42 Brit. honors 121 Greek letter
New Year’s Eve vegetarians? 45 When Brigitte 122 Outspoken
51 Car salesman’s 126 Type of broom hits the beach 1960s madame
motto 127 Indian pole 47 “Everybody 123 Yak, yak, yak
55 ___ the rear 128 “___ a dream ...” knows that,” in 124 Eggs
(heads for the 129 Tell’s had to be hairy terms? 125 It’s not your bus.
back seats) true 48 See 16 Down
57 Fast planes 130 Kudrow and Ling 49 Sweating setting KING KONG SCHOOL By Merl Reagle
60 Prime-time time 131 Make ___ at (hit 52 Part of a slope
61 Meat-rating dept. on) ratio
62 Great American 132 Big horns 53 Grunted opinions
Smoke-Out mo. 133 Proposition 54 ___ Na Na
65 Being from position 55 Silent runner,
Melmac sometimes
67 Top Iranians, DOWN 56 Can. province
once 1 Exclamation 58 Income outgo
68 A sheep remark 59 Did in
69 Instrument heard that’s almost a 63 Resistance unit
in The Third Man cellist 64 Predicate part
72 Persian king 2 A compound of 66 Backward
74 Scratch (out) a element 92 69 Animal houses
living 3 Gilligan’s boat 70 “Life ___ fair”
76 Spinning toys or 4 ___ favor 71 Crossing-home
Greek snacks 5 Bot. or chem. credit, briefly
78 Hazel’s boss, 6 March or Roach 73 Jaguar model
7 Everything 75 Bible ending
8 Apologized 77 Stephen of Angie
80 TV oldie, ___
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B16 June 22, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR www.veronews.com
23 23 29|30Space Coast Symphony Orchestra pres- Madagascar, Jr. presented
ents America’s Heroes, a free patriotic by Riverside Theatre Edu-
ONGOING Vero Beach Theatre Guild’s 2018 Genie
Awards Gala, 5 p.m. at Vero Beach Elks
concert, 2 p.m. at Community Church of Vero Lodge, with cocktail reception, grand buffet and cation, Fri. 2 p.m. & 7 p.m.; Sat. 2 p.m. & 5:30
Vero Beach Museum of Art - Insight Astronomy Beach. 855-252-7276 awards ceremony. $35. 772-562-8300 p.m. on the Stark Stage. $10. 772231-6990
Photographer of the Year exhibition thru Sept. 16; Post-
War Impressions: Printmaking in the United States Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
after WWII thru Sept. 23; 150 Years of Painting & Sculp- in June 15, 2018 Edition 1 LARDER 1 LATTE
ture from the Permanent Collection thru Jan. 13. 4 SIESTA 2 RAMIFICATIONS
22|23 Riverside Theatre presents 12 YTTERBIUM 7 ATTEMPT
Shake, Rattle & Rock n’ Roll 13 HICCUP 8 STATE
at Howl at the Moon, with free cruise-in classic
car show and Doo Wop concert On the Loop at
6:30 p.m., followed by 7:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m. Sudoku Page B13 Sudoku Page B14 Crossword Page B13 Crossword Page B14 (WHAT ARE YOU, A COME-
performances. $12 & $22. 772-231-6990
PAUL’S GUNS Our directory gives small business people eager to
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Prices are subject to change at anytime. Sale prices includes all available dealer discounts, factory rebates and consumer rebates. All applicants will not qualify for all discounts and/or incentives. Florida residents add tax, title, license,
registration, dealer admin, fees, and destination. Prices not valid with any other promotions. Vehicles subject to prior sale. Offer expires June 30th 2018. See dealer for full details. Not responsible for typographical errors.