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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2018-09-27 13:09:20

09/27/2018 ISSUE 39


Stay tuned for yet another
bizarre Vero election. P9
Acupuncturist pleads
not guilty to charges. P7

Boogie Night! Lots of Movin’
and groovin’ at ‘Feed the Lambs.’ P12

For breaking news visit

MY VERO Cops: Boyfriend
attacks woman in
BY RAY MCNULTY Golden Sands Park

What’s old Dodgertown
property really worth?

What’s the former Dodg- Are the Sheriff’s helicopters logging more time on airborne patrol? STORY, PAGE 8 PHOTO BY LEIGH GREEN BY FEDERICO MARTINEZ
ertown Golf Course property Staff Writer
– 35 acres of mostly vacant Who’s going to fund school anti-violence program?
land that has sat idle on the It was a simple text message
west side of Vero Beach since BY MICHELLE GENZ But after hearing the MHA “I just think the funding from a friend, but it allegedly
2004 – really worth? Staff Writer proposal, five of the seven Hos- should come from the School drove a Vero Beach woman’s
pital District trustees chose to Board,” said Trustee Tracey Zu- 25-year-old boyfriend into a
Right now, it’s worth $2.4 Last February, one day after punt the program to the School dans. Four others on the sev- fit of rage. He punched the
million, give or take $30,000, the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas Board. woman repeatedly in the face,
because that’s how much an High School shooting in Park- CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 leaving her unconscious in a
out-of-town developer and land, Indian River County Hos- remote part of Golden Sands
Indian River County say, in pital District trustees asked the Seagrass making slow recovery near Sebastian Inlet. STORY, PAGE 2. Beach Park the night of Sept. 17,
competing offers, they’re will- director of the Mental Health according to the Sheriff’s Office.
ing to pay for it. Association, a service they fund,
what they could do together to “I told you before I don’t
It was worth $2.1 million help prevent similar events. want you receiving texts from
when Lakeland-based builder anybody,” the man screamed
Mark Hulbert made his initial The MHA came back to the as his girlfriend begged for
bid for the land last summer. Hospital District in August with mercy. “I don’t want you talk-
The value went up when he a three-tiered proposal: a vio- ing to anybody.”
increased his offer. lence prevention program for
the county’s ninth graders, an If it hadn’t been for a Florida
And if someone comes in intervention component if a Fish and Wildlife Conserva-
before Tuesday’s City Council student shows warning signs of tion Commission officer who
meeting and offers $2.7 mil- violent intentions, and a proto- was investigating an empty
lion for the property, then the col to deal with the aftermath vehicle parked at the beach
value will go up again. of so-called critical events. after hours, the victim, who

But know this: It’s not worth CONTINUED ON PAGE 6

CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 Central lagoon in fair
condition, but better
New push to finally than north or south
solve Central Beach
parking problem BY SUE COCKING
Staff Writer
Staff Writer The first-ever health re-
port card issued for the en-
Vero City Councilman Lange tire 156-mile-long Indian
Sykes is frustrated with too River Lagoon shows that the
much talk and too little action stretch that runs through
on the parking problem that
plagues Ocean Drive businesses. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2
He wants it solved this season.


September 27, 2018 Volume 11, Issue 39 Newsstand Price $1.00 Treasure trove
of fun at Vero
News 1-10 Faith 38 Pets 48 TO ADVERTISE CALL Pirate Fest. P18
Arts 23-26 Games 39-41 Real Estate 59-72 772-559-4187
Books 34-35 Health 43-47 Style 49-51
Dining 52 Insight 27-42 Wine 53 FOR CIRCULATION
Editorial 34 People 11-22 CALL 772-226-7925

© 2018 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.

2 Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Lagoon in fair condition here by the Marine Resources Council, took The central-south section of the healthier in areas near inlets – where
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 three years to produce and involved in- Lagoon where Vero is located, which there is tidal flushing – than in the
put from more than 60 lagoon scientists. extends from Sebastian Inlet to the In- Banana River and Mosquito Lagoon
Indian River County is in fair-to-poor dian River-St. Lucie county line, scored to the north, where waters take a very
condition – better than the northern It examines water quality and habi- 78 for water quality (fair) in 2016 and long time to turn over. Even some por-
and southern portions, but with quite tat data assembled from state and fed- 56 (very poor) for habitat. The section tions of the south lagoon in Martin
a way to go to achieve good health. eral regulatory agencies’ monitoring from the Melbourne Causeway to the County, now befouled by toxic blue-
stations from 1996 through 2016 in 10 Indian River County line registered green algae, showed fair water quality
“Things here aren’t as bad as every- regions from New Smyrna Beach south 37 (extremely poor) for habitat and 62 in 2016, likely owing to the St. Lucie
where else,” Dr. Leesa Souto, execu- to Jupiter. (poor) for water quality. Inlet. But Souto said the report suffers
tive director of the Marine Resources from a data gap in the southernmost
Council, told a public meeting at the Water quality scores for each region “We didn’t need a report to know the lagoon because state monitoring sta-
Environmental Learning Center in Vero were calculated using four indicators: lagoon was abysmal in 2016,” Souto tions were taken off line from 2013-16.
Beach last week. “You have a ‘D.’ You the amounts of nitrogen and phos- said. “If we had done this 20 years ago,
can still pass. Don’t let it get any worse.” phorus in the water; the amount of al- we might have cut it off before things Souto said the Marine Council’s goal
gae present; and the clarity of the wa- got so bad.” is to produce the health report card
The report card, which was issued ter. Habitat scores of zero to 100 were annually to see whether the lagoon is
based on seagrass cover. Overall, Souto said, the lagoon is getting better or worse, and to fill in
monitoring gaps with volunteer help
from other conservation groups. She
said future reports should incorporate
additional health indicators such as
toxins, land use changes, fish counts,
and water quality data from tributaries
– not just the lagoon itself.

Souto exhorted the gathering at the
ELC to hold elected officials account-
able for the lagoon’s health.

“Remind your city council people
not to make bad decisions and to be
precautionary,” she said. “This [Indian
River County] area of the lagoon is the
last little vestibule for seagrass to sur-
vive in.”

The lagoon health update is being
presented at a series of public meet-
ings throughout the region, including
Harbor Branch, where Souto shared
her findings last Wednesday. The study
was funded by the National Estuary
Program and private donations. 

Seagrass making
slow recovery near
Sebastian Inlet

Staff Writer

Seagrass meadows that were dev-
astated by cold weather and severe
algae blooms between 2010 and 2012
are making a slow recovery in the vi-
cinity of Sebastian Inlet. But propel-
ler scars caused by careless boaters
could compromise their progress.

That's the preliminary finding of
recent aerial photography and a fins-
in-the-water survey commissioned
by the Sebastian Inlet District.

A comprehensive report will be re-
leased later this fall on the status of
more than 100 acres of shallow lagoon
bottom surveyed by marine ecologist
Don Deis and his team from Atkins
North America, an engineering and
project management company.

Meanwhile, “we’re at about 75

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 3


percent recovery since the die-off But he was dismayed to find new way to the inlet in 2007. Signs were stuck when the tide falls and use their
of 2012,” said Marty Smithson, Se- prop scars that weren't there last year posted to direct boaters away from the propellers to dig their way off instead
bastian Inlet District Administrator. at this time. shallows, and illustrated brochures of using a push pole or paddle or wad-
"It's gonna take a few more years to were distributed to local marinas. ing and walking the boat. Seagrasses
get back to where it was in 2009." "A pontoon boat plowed its way can take many years to recover from
through the shoal [while I was out But lately, Smithson said, as many such damage.
Seagrass recovery is important there],” Deis said. as 300 boats are showing up in and
because the underwater meadows around the inlet on weekends, with The District's seagrass report will
are the foundation of the lagoon’s Smithson said the frequency of prop many skippers unfamiliar with prop- be shared with the South Florida Wa-
ecosystem, serving as a nursery for scarring eased up dramatically after er navigation. Some who anchor on ter Management District and the Na-
juvenile fish, habitat for shrimp and the District dredged a new navigation the shoals while the tide is high get tional Estuary Program. 
other marine creatures, and a food channel from the Intracoastal Water-
staple for manatees.
Exclusively John’s Island
Boaters could aid progress by us-
ing marked channels to navigate the Nestled along the Intracoastal Waterway, this desirable 4BR/5.5BA
inlet instead of cutting across sea waterfront property commands breathtaking sunsets, panoramic views and
grass shoals and by not attempting 180± feet of direct river frontage. Sited on 1.49± acres, this 7,027± GSF home
to power off the shallows at low tide. is adorned with natural stone finishes, architectural detailing and voluminous
living spaces. Offering the ultimate in privacy, additional features include a
"Prop dredging is picking up fre- handsome library with fireplace, luxurious master suite, bonus office, 2-car
quency," Smithson said. garage, lush landscaping, lap pool and a new boat dock with lift and ramp.
45 Dove Plum Road : $6,400,000
Still, the grass cover surrounding the
inlet is in better shape than seagrass in three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
many areas of the lagoon, especially health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
the brown algae-laden Banana River
to the north and the blue-green algae- 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
plagued Martin County area to the
south, where seagrass has pretty much
disappeared, according to Vero Beach
marine scientist Grant Gilmore.

Gilmore and Smithson said Se-
bastian's regular tidal flushing has
helped to dissipate the destructive

Much of the Sebastian Inlet area's
recovery is due to Johnson's sea-
grass, a threatened species found
only in the Indian River Lagoon and
parts of Miami-Dade County's Bis-
cayne Bay.

“Johnson’s seagrass was first recog-
nized as a separate species in 1980 . . .
[and was] named in honor of J. Seward
Johnson Sr., the founder of Harbor
Branch Oceanographic Institution in
Ft. Pierce, Florida,” according to the
Florida Museum of Natural History.

Deis, who's been studying the la-
goon bottom for years by walking
and snorkeling, said that manatee
grass and shoal grass were the pre-
dominant species in near the inlet
in 2009, with Johnson's as a minor
component. But in 2013, following
the freeze and subsequent brown al-
gae spread, Johnson's began to take

"It grows from season to season. It
doesn't reproduce sexually – it breaks
off [and roots]," Deis said. "It's been
holding the shoals together."

Added Smithson: "If it weren't for
Johnson's, we would have an unsta-
ble mess out there."

Today, Deis said, the grass cover
is a mixture of shoal grass and John-
son's. The surest sign of full recovery,
according to Gilmore, would be a
predominance of manatee grass.

Deis was heartened at the in-
creased grass cover and appearance
of manatees, juvenile green sea tur-
tles, cow nose rays and bonnethead
sharks he found in his recent survey.

4 Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


My Vero particularly its surroundings – make it So residential development is out, League Baseball to take over the once-
virtually impossible. which takes a bite out of the value of iconic sports complex.
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 that parcel.
To the east is the Historic Dodgertown O’Malley said MLB will not make a
anywhere close to the $9.9 million the complex, which includes Holman Sta- The current City Council would like deal unless the county can guarantee
city paid for it in 2005, near the peak dium. To the north is the Vero Beach Re- to see the property generate tax rev- the additional parking needed to ac-
of the real-estate boom, nor is it worth gional Airport. To the south is the Main enues, but many folks in the city and commodate the events it would bring
even the $5 million-plus the city still Relief Canal, then commercial property county want to preserve public green to Vero Beach.
owes on the bank loan it used to buy along the north side of State Road 60. To space and are pushing for the land to
the land. the west is a residential neighborhood be used for a park. For what it’s worth, Hulbert said ear-
that is outside the city limits. lier this month that he will provide the
Three years ago, the parcel was ap- County Administrator Jason Brown overflow parking area Historic Dodg-
praised at $3.5 million, but even the city- The zoning does not allow for single- isn’t opposed to using at least some of ertown needs for its events if the city
hired appraiser conceded that comps – family residential development and, the land for that purpose. sells him the property.
comparable properties in terms of size, citing the surroundings, city officials
zoning and surroundings – were diffi- have said they don’t want residential “If we buy it, we’re not planning to No matter which of the two parties
cult to find in this county. construction of any kind on that land. put in a paved parking lot,” Brown said. gets the land, the city will continue to
“We’ll keep the grass and people can lose money on it. It’s merely a matter
According to the appraisal done This past summer, in fact, the City park there. And we’ll probably have an of how much.
by Armfield-Wagner Appraisal & Re- Council told Hulbert it would not con- open field for things like a farmers mar-
search Inc., there were “few sales of sider selling the property to him unless ket, food truck events and festivals. O’Connor said the golf-course proper-
larger commercial and multiple-fam- he removed a section of townhouses ty costs the city around $675,000 per year
ily parcels” with which to compare the from his proposal for an “urban mar- “We could improve it with walk- in loan payments, mowing and mainte-
golf-course land at that time, and “no ket” development that would contain ing trails, or we might just leave it as nance, and liability insurance. The annu-
recent sales of comparable commer- retail stores, restaurants, hotels, office a place to kick a soccer ball or throw a al loan payment is about $660,000, which
cial acreage parcels have been found.” buildings and plenty of green space. baseball or football around,” he add- the city will continue to pay until 2026.
ed. “We don’t have a set plan yet.”
The four comparable land sales the “The highest price we could get for In 2019, the city will write a check
firm found and analyzed to come up that land is for residential use,” City The county might need to buy the for $661,000 – $491,000 goes to prin-
with the $3.5-million figure indicated Manager Jim O’Connor said, “but who golf-course parcel to protect its invest- ciple and $170,000 to interest – and
a range in value of $48,000 to $106,500 wants to back up to a baseball stadium ment in Historic Dodgertown, which O’Connor said the payments never dip
per acre, which, the appraisal stated, and live that close to an airport?” occasionally uses that land as an over- below the final installment of $658,994.
“is obviously a wide range.” flow parking lot for big-crowd events.
Besides, city officials don’t want to “People say, ‘You paid $10 million
Certainly, the lack of usable comps deal with the complaints they’d surely Former Los Angeles Dodgers owner for it. Why are you selling it for $2 mil-
makes an accurate appraisal of the get from residents there, even though Peter O’Malley, chief executive offi- lion?’” O’Connor said. “And it does
former golf-course parcel challeng- home buyers would be made aware cer of a five-way partnership that has make you stop and think – until you
ing. The location of the property – and of the potential problems associated been running Historic Dodgertown for realize how much it’s costing us to let
with living on that site. the past six years, is engaged in negoti- that land sit there and do nothing.
ations between the county and Major
“Even if we sell it for what’s being









Indian River County Supervisor of Elections
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 5


offered, we’ll still be paying more than As for converting the property into “We had the appraisal done because – a bid that the city rejected because
$200,000 per year,” he added, “unless a park, O’Connor said the city already we were trying to establish a base price it was considered incompatible with
we use the electric-sale money to pay has plenty of parks, all of which are so we could put it on the market.” the adjacent residential neighborhood
off the loan, which we probably will.” also – and maybe mostly – used by and nearby airport.
county residents. No one has offered close to that price.
Or to put it another way: That $2.4 The closest anyone came was a $2.7 Brown, too, acknowledged there
million wouldn’t cover four years of “It’s very difficult to determine what million offer last year from a developer were some “unique qualities” to the
loan payments. that property is worth,” O’Connor said. who wanted to build 280 homes there



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6 Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Boyfriend attacks woman standing our questions in totality,” Dep- tions and asked to be released from low trustee Ann Marie McCrystal who
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 uty Cristal Perez wrote in her report. the hospital. had given the directive to the MHA
“[She] was unable to recall any incident earlier this year to develop a program.
was left partially buried in the sand, after having lost consciousness.” According to the sheriff’s report, the
may have suffered a worse fate. victim became hysterical and begged “While the School Board is in such
Trampus, who is 6 feet tall and investigators to release her and not let flux – with three people leaving and
The boyfriend, Michael Anthony weighs 192 pounds, told officers he her boyfriend know she had spoken to three new people coming on board –
Trampus, 25, returned to the parking tried to carry his girlfriend over his law enforcement. I was hoping to fund this for the first
lot alone as the FWC officer was run- shoulder after she fell, but “dropped year and then see if the School Board
ning a license plate check on the ve- her” when she jumped off his back. “Just let me go home with him,” she would fund it,” Cunningham said.
hicle, which was owned by the injured pleaded. “Or he’s going to kill me and
woman, according to Indian River Deputies did not believe Trampus you can’t keep me safe.” Trustees raised several questions
County Sheriff’s Office reports. and arrested him. He was transported about funding for the program dur-
to the Indian River County Jail and Vero Beach 32963 does not identify ing the August meeting, according to
Confronted by the officer, Trampus charged with aggravated assault victims of domestic violence and no Cunningham, asking first, whether
said his girlfriend needed medical as- information about the victim’s age or the School Board was even aware of
sistance and then tried to lead the of- The victim was taken to Indian River other details were included in sheriff’s the program. If they are, are they not
ficer in the opposite direction from Medical Center. Investigators noted office reports. funding it because there are no funds
where the victim lay unconscious. her left eye was black and blue and available, or because they were told
When the victim was eventually locat- swollen, and she had abrasions on her Trampus, who lists his occupation the Hospital District would probably
ed, Trampus said she had fallen down face and a laceration over her right as a construction worker, was released fund it?
after drinking several alcoholic bever- eye. The right side of her neck had a on a $25,000 bond on Sept. 18, the day
ages and may have consumed Xanax red mark that was consistent with be- after the incident. He is scheduled to “Or are they not funding because
earlier in the day. ing bitten by another person. She also appear in court on Oct. 31.  they are not interested in the program?
had abrasions and bruises on her left I think depending on the answer [to
County deputies called to the scene shoulder that continued halfway down School anti-violence program these questions], we may or may not
by the FWC officer found the still un- her arm. She was covered in sand and CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 consider this again,” said Cunningham.
conscious victim lying on the ground looked as if she had been in a physical
with blood coming from her nose and altercation of some kind. en-member Hospital Board appeared It has since been learned that nei-
her shirt pulled down, exposing her to agree. ther the School Board nor Superinten-
bra, according to the sheriff’s report. She told investigators that she and dent Mark Rendell were ever officially
“Mike” were at the park and had a “The School Board’s a mess,” coun- presented with the proposed $76,000
“[She] was unable to speak and slowly couple drinks. When she received a tered District Board chairwoman program, and instead saw only a
attempted to respond by head motion, text, her boyfriend allegedly beat her Marybeth Cunningham, shaking her broader mental health program for
but it was apparent she was not under- until she lost consciousness. She then head in frustration. It was she and fel- schools, none of which is funded by
refused to answer any further ques- the school board. The school district

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 7


has long relied on community organi- In her mind, the School Board, which cated to it by the state for student mental ninth-grade program included $58,000
zations to fund such programs. levies taxes just as the Hospital District health – part of a post-Parkland bill that for a curriculum called LifeSkills that
does, should be responsible for the men- included putting law enforcement offi- would include manuals for teachers
With that knowledge in hand, Hospi- tal health of students on their watch. cers in every school – by hiring four full- and 1,200 ninth-graders at Vero Beach
tal District trustees to have yet another time social workers plus a part-timer, and High School and Sebastian River High
discussion on the violence prevention MHA officials included the School a mental health services coordinator. School, plus a trained facilitator.
program this week, on Wednesday, District’s director of student services,
Sept. 26, a day after details of the pro- Lillian Torres-Martinez, EdD, in the Currently, the lone School District LifeSkills, which deals with issues
posed takeover of Indian River Medical development of the proposed pro- psychologist is preoccupied with ex- beyond violence, including drug abuse
Center by the Cleveland Clinic were set gram. But Torres-Martinez told the ceptional education students. The MHA and bullying, is already in place in el-
for release. Hospital District board last week she program would supplement the work of ementary and middle school, and is
had not discussed the program with the new social workers, as well as fulfill a funded through the Substance Aware-
If Cleveland Clinic assumes a por- the School Board, which approves requirement in the bill that community ness Center. Torres-Martinez said high
tion of indigent care expenses at the school district expenditures. groups collaborate on the school vio- school administrators have repeatedly
hospital, which currently eat up a size- lence issue, Torres-Martinez said. asked that the program be extended to
able portion of the Hospital District’s So far, she said, Indian River County their schools. 
budget, that could free up money for has chosen to spend some $500,000 allo- The MHA’s funding request for the
the school program – though board
support remains uncertain. Acupuncturist Jill Jaynes pleads not guilty to felony charges

Hospital District Trustee Tracy Zu- BY FEDERICO MARTINEZ her attorney, Brooke Leigh Butler, filed a and exaggerated.” Neither Butler nor
dans first questioned whether the Staff Writer written not guilty plea with the court on Jaynes could be reached for comment.
school violence prevention program Sept. 20. A trial date has not yet been set.
fit with the mission of the Hospital Jill Jaynes, who ran the once-boom- County officials said Jaynes was at-
District at the July District Chairman’s ing acupuncture clinic Absolute Inte- Jaynes is facing charges that she tracting so many customers because
Meeting, after MHA’s executive direc- grated Medicine, has pled not guilty conspired with others to defraud an in- she was waiving patient co-pays – es-
tor Dr. Robert Brugnoli and clinical di- to multiple charges of fraud and rack- surance company by submitting false sentially offering them free services,
rector Jeanne Shepherd outlined what eteering in connection with the clinic’s or incomplete information, illegally while billing the county and Florida
they had in mind. operation. She is seeking a jury trial. waived patient copayments and de- Blue Cross Blue Shield, which insures
ductibles, and unlawfully paid others county employees, for $1.5 million.
“It’s a curriculum-based program in Jaynes had been scheduled for ar- who referred patients for treatment.
a school environment, and we’re the raignment on Wednesday, Sept. 26, but She was arrested on Aug. 22 and
Hospital District. I understand that it’s Butler has called the charges “inflated charged with fraud and racketeering. 
a mental health issue, but I need more
information to see how it’s the District’s
responsibility,” Zudans said in July.

8 Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Sheriff’s Office says helicopters not flying more than usual

BY RAY MCNULTY The helicopters also can be seen flights are in response to possible public, requests from road patrols and
Staff Writer and heard throughout the day when criminal activity. Many times, how- crime activity,” Rich said. “If they’re up
they’re called out to assist road pa- ever – particularly during the summer there for two hours, they can cover a
Local residents on Facebook – spe- trols during traffic stops gone wrong, months – they’re part of normal, once- lot of ground.”
cifically, followers of the increasingly high-speed chases, pursuit of fleeing per-day sky patrols that were post-
popular “Vero Beach Eyes and Ears suspects and other situations when poned because of bad weather. The Sheriff’s Office operates three
Neighborhood Cyber Watch” page – an eye in the sky is needed. helicopters and has five pilots, in-
might’ve noticed a growing buzz about “This time of year, we get a lot of cluding one who recently joined the
more frequent sightings of Sheriff’s Of- In addition, the Aviation Unit, which late-afternoon and early-evening unit and still is “becoming familiar
fice helicopters patrolling the county. Rich said was launched in the mid- thunderstorms, and they can’t go with our aircraft, learning how to
1990s by former sheriff Gary Wheeler, up when there’s rain and lightning, operate their systems and qualifying
But is there really more of a chop- occasionally responds to nautical so we push it back until later in the for night-vision flights,” Rich said. “It
per buzz in the air? emergencies, such as stranded, cap- night,” Rich said. “The pilots are takes time and experience.”
sized or sinking boats in the ocean, la- very safety-conscious, and they’re
“It’s probably more perception goon and other local bodies of water, aware of the weather conditions at He said it can take up to three years
than anything else,” said Lt. Lonnie as well as lost swimmers. all times.” for pilots to get all the Federal Avia-
Rich, head of the Sheriff’s Special Op- tion Administration certifications
erations Section, which includes the “There are often times when they’re When flying at night, the crew is needed to do the job. The unit also
Aviation Unit. “I monitor the hours, up for 15 or 20 minutes, then back equipped with night-vision technol- includes a deputized maintenance
and we’re at 10 to 14 hours of flight down,” Rich said. “They could go up ogy, which explains why residents see director and a civilian aviation me-
time per week, unless we’re called out five or six times in a day, depending the helicopters patrolling without a chanic.
to assist road patrols. on what’s happening, but they’re fly- spotlight.
ing for a total of only two hours.” The choppers are parked at a han-
“That hasn’t changed in the six As for where the helicopters pa- gar at the Sheriff’s Office campus – lo-
months that I’ve been in charge here.” Many of the Facebook posts, though, trol, that’s up to the pilots, who Rich cated on 41st Street, just east of 43rd
report sightings of a sheriff’s chopper said each have “areas they like to Avenue – which is equipped with a
Rich said any increase in reported at night, often between 10 p.m. and frequent,” though their routes usu- lighted heliport.
sightings by residents likely can be at- midnight, prompting the residents to ally take them over the barrier island,
tributed to the times of day the sher- wonder if a crime has been commit- Interstate 95, and both ends of the Rich said it is “incredibly rare” for
iff’s helicopters patrol the county, ted and a suspect is still at large in their county. the unit to have more than one he-
usually during the evening rush hour, neighborhoods. licopter in the air, adding “we don’t
when more people are outdoors or on “A lot also depends on intelligence normally have pilots available to fly
the road. Sometimes, Rich said, those night we’ve gathered, complaints from the two at a time.” 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 9


Stay tuned for yet another bizarre Vero Beach election

BY LISA ZAHNER ballots for the Nov. 6 election that had Both Hillman and Heady turned in Howle, who is not on the ballot this
Staff Writer already been mailed overseas. qualifying packets that were missing year, Tony Young, who is on the ballot,
a key signature on a page where the and their fellow council members will
If something kooky can happen in a So it looks like Vero will likely cancel candidate asserts he or she meets the be looking at a possible Tuesday in De-
local election, you can bet it will occur the scheduled election and hold a spe- residency requirements to run. Heady, cember, and one in January for the vote.
in Vero Beach, as illustrated by the on- cial election in December or January who has run for office roughly 20 times,
again, off-again, on-again candidacies when everyone can be on all the ballots. printed his name but then did not sign Avoiding the Christmas and Hanuk-
of Linda Hillman and Brian Heady. That decision will be made on Oct. 2. on the next line. Hillman left the whole kah holidays will surely be a consider-
page blank. ation in the final decision on a date.
Over the past decade, Vero has had But in a case of extreme irony, the
one sitting councilman removed via a Heady and Hillman eligibility snafu Both omissions went unnoticed For Vero voters, this will make the
court proceeding that considered evi- may make it possible for the sitting and the City Clerk’s office accepted the campaign signs and the mailers, the
dence that included absence of a shower Vero City Council members to com- paperwork and administered the can- door knocks and the phone calls last
curtain at his supposed residence, his re- plete the $185 million sale of the didate oath, despite the missing signa- even longer. Long after Florida has a new
frigerator contents and the observations electric utility before their terms end. tures. Their names were pulled out of a governor, and the U.S. Senate and other
of a neighbor’s barking Chihuahua. Laura Moss, a supporter of the sale, bucket for ballot order and submitted key federal, state and county races are
is running for re-election but Lange to Supervisor of Elections Leslie Swan. decided,Vero will remain a battleground.
Then there was an effort to recall Sykes, also a supporter, is not. “They
the mayor and vice mayor over issues would continue in their terms until Then, four days later, after the miss- But the mix-up could take the elec-
related to religion, the invocation, and the special election,” City Manager Jim ing signatures were noted, a memo tric sale off the table as a debate topic
vacation rental violations. There was O’Connor said. from the City Attorney’s Office declared if FPL, Vero, Indian River County and
also an internal election for a replace- both candidates disqualified and they Indian River Shores working together
ment councilman in which the votes Heady and Hillman have expressed were removed from the ballot. are able to defeat the three sale chal-
were tabulated incorrectly and the major concerns about the sale of Vero lengers in the Oct. 9 hearing in Talla-
poor guy who was really the chosen electric to Florida Power & Light. Hill- But it’s not that simple, accord- hassee before the PSC.
candidate wasn’t the one seated. man in the past has sided with public ing to O’Connor. “As a member of the
employee unions in their opposition Canvassing Board, I felt we had made As the schedule stands, the PSC
You can’t make this stuff up. to the sale. Heady is one of the three an error on the city’s end,” O’Connor should rule and issue its final opinion
If you’re keeping a scorecard, Hill- objectors Vero and FPL must battle at said. “The problem was qualifying on the sale of Vero Electric to FPL on or
man and Heady are back “on,” as of the Florida Public Service Commis- them and then disqualifying them.” before Dec. 31, either paving the way
last Thursday, but their names were sion on Oct. 9 to secure regulatory ap- for the FPL sale to close, or causing a
not on approximately 60 absentee proval of the sale terms. If the City Council now decides to major upheaval in the turnover plans
hold a special election, Mayor Harry already well in the works. 

10 Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Ocean Drive parking O’Connor on Monday said he and prospect of getting hotel and restau- days. Each additional hour of operation,
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Public Works Director Monte Falls – rant employees to park a couple blocks Deigl said, would cost about $53 per
who will be filling in as city manager away at Riverside Park and ride a free hour, which accounts for the bus, driver,
“I’ve only got three meetings left,” on the meeting day while O’Connor is shuttle might be more attractive. A pre- fuel, maintenance and overhead.
said Sykes, who is not running for an- out of state – quickly figured out that vious shuttle, sponsored in part by the
other term on the City Council. “We it would take too long for the vendors Vero Beach Hotel and Spa, was discon- Though coming up with $200,000 per
need to get something done.” themselves to make presentations. tinued because very few people used it. year may seem far-fetched, O’Connor
said the city would be saving money it
City officials over the past decade “We hope to have four proposals to Senior Resource Association CEO spends now on parking enforcement
have discussed parking meters, kiosks, present to the council,” O’Connor said, Karen Deigl, who managed the pre- through the Vero Beach Police Depart-
valet parking, bike sharing and even a adding that options include smart- vious shuttle operation, updated the ment.
municipal parking garage. Sykes urged phone apps that set up a structure, col- council on what another shuttle would
City Manager Jim O’Connor to bring lect fees and enforce parking. This can cost to operate, noting that there could A parking garage is estimated to cost
the best options together for the City be done invisibly, without a kiosk, us- be some grant funding available. about $3 million to build.
Council on Oct. 4. ing the driver’s cellphone GPS, or with
a kiosk that allows people to pay onsite Deigl said the cost would be $200,000 These options will be discussed with
“We need proposals – get the ven- without using the app. per year to run a shuttle 12 hours per opportunity for public comment at 6
dors in here next meeting,” Sykes said. day – possibly 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. – six p.m. Tuesday at Vero Beach City Hall.
With the advent of paid parking, the days per week with no shuttle on Sun- The council also needs to consider
competing multimillion-dollar pro-
posals for the old Dodgertown golf
course property, plus make a decision
on a special election that same night.

Councilwoman Laura Moss also
asked the City Clerk’s office to pull
previous metered parking decisions
and discussions, which will be volu-
minous as this matter has consumed
hours of meetings over the past six or
seven years, both before the council
and various committees.

O’Connor also hosted an informal
parking work group of stakeholders who
met extensively to try to solve the prob-
lem of customers not being able to find
spaces near shops and restaurants. 

My Vero


golf-course property that make it dif-
ficult to appraise, though he said the
county has hired Armfield-Wagner to
update its 2015 appraisal and will get
a fresh appraisal from a second firm.

“My initial recommendation was a
match of the developer’s offer of $2.1
million,” Brown said, “but the board
was concerned that if we only matched
the offer, the city might go with the de-
veloper, so we bumped it to $2.4 million.

“It’s still well-below the $3.5 million
from the city’s appraisal,” he added.
“That was done three years ago, and
real estate generally increases in val-
ue. We feel the $2.4 million we’re offer-
ing is a fair price.”

But who knows?
In response to the county’s increased
offer, Hulbert went to $2.43 million,
which is what the property is worth now.
We’ll see what’s it is worth Tuesday. 


In addition to seeking wider bike
lanes, Bike-Walk Indian River Coun-
ty supports construction of a new
sidewalk along A1A. Shores neigh-
borhood groups and local planning
officials oppose the sidewalk.


12 Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Boogie night! Movin’ and groovin’ for ‘Feed the Lambs’

Colleen Symanski, Maj. Eric Flowers and Cindy Bryant. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Kenya and John May.

Lyndsay Marone, Linda Chauvin, Maria Zambigadis and Al Chauvin. PHOTOS CONTINUED ON PAGE 14
Christine and Marc Richard.

BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF just how ‘super fly’ they were as they more than one child,” said May. If the parents are educated on what
Staff Writer ‘boogied on down’ to classics from The need has continued to grow the kids are doing in school, they can
the ’60s and ’70s during a Super Fly help them at home,” said May.
The Courthouse Executive Cen- Couples Dance Competition. over the years. According to the
ter was transformed into a dance most recent United Way of Florida Parents have been required to vol-
space reminiscent of Soul Train last Proceeds from the event will help ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Con- unteer a minimum of five hours to
Saturday evening for a Super Fly fund the tutoring, mentorship, rec- strained, Employed) report, 40 per- help with fundraising efforts, but
Dance-Off fundraiser to benefit the reation and summer-camp pro- cent of Indian River County house- the PIE reading, math and computer
Feed the Lambs Enrichment Pro- grams they provide at no cost to un- holds do not have sufficient income classes will now also count toward
gram. Enjoying a blast from the past, derprivileged children, who would to support a bare-minimum survival volunteer requirements.
guests danced the Hustle, Bump and otherwise be unable to obtain these budget, placing tutoring out of reach
Bus Stop to support the mission of services. for a large portion of the population. “These classes will help parents
the faith-based nonprofit to engage, understand today’s math, improve
educate and empower local youth. Feed the Lambs was the brain- To keep up with the demand, Feed their reading so they can read with
child of the late J. Ralph Lundy, who the Lambs has expanded its tutor- their children and teach them basic
Afros, miniskirts, bell-bottoms also oversaw Our Father’s Table, a ing programs this year from two to computer skills. This is only possible
and platform shoes made a huge local soup kitchen. Since its 1996 five days a week, providing services through our volunteers and our col-
comeback as D.J. Lisa G invited par- inception, the program has grown three days at Oslo Middle School laboration with Oslo Middle School
tiers to the floor to show off their to serve more than 130 children be- and two days at the Preserve at Oslo teachers,” said May. “We need vol-
best moves. Everyone got their tween the ages of 6 and 14, under Apartments. unteers and donations to support
groove on as they danced the night the leadership of John May, Feed the the program, tutoring, mentoring
away to soul, funk and disco music Lambs board president. “That way we can reach those kids services and summer camp.”
amid an array of pulsing lights and who don’t participate in the tutor-
vinyl records, and couples showed “Without Feed the Lambs, these ing program at school. We’ve also For more information, visit
parents can’t get the kids the help added a new program for parents, or call 772-501-
they need. Especially those with PIE (Parents Improving Education). 2617. 

14 Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


PHOTOS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 Homer Zambigadis (front), Lyndsay Marone, Maria Zambigadis, Michael and Sharon Goldberg.
Tamara Darress and James Davis. Irine Plantenberg and Richard Korte.

Lisa Gehin and Janean Barrows.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 15


Carry on! Fundraising gets a lift at Ruck March

Maj. Eric Flowers with event organizer Jimmy Jackson and Gold Star Mothers Michelle Dale, Linda Schumann and Diana D’Angelo. Ellen Sobczak, Marty Zickert, Debbie Mayfield and Nicole Haagenson.
Veterans Council director of operations Bruce Cady.

New USMC recruits James Edwards, Nate Patzer, James Britt and Joshua Grimison. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE

Hearty souls braved the heat Blaise Seagraves, Kelly Von Gal and Aiden Von Gal.
Saturday morning to walk in a Ruck John Michael Matthews and Jason Cranman.
March hosted by NextGen Veterans.
The 6-mile march at Riverside
Park, which began and ended
near Veterans Memorial Island
Sanctuary, challenged participants
to donate and carry upwards
of 30 pounds of nonperishable
foodstuffs in ruck/backpacks. The
three-cause event raised funds for
the Upward American Veterans
program, which assists veterans
struggling financially; raised
money for the Iraq/Afghanistan
‘Words from War’ monument being
sculpted to honor individuals
who served in the global war on
terror; and accumulated food for
the Food Pantry of Indian River
County, which provides food to
disadvantaged, unemployed and
underemployed residents of Indian
River County. 

16 Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Impact imprint: Hibiscus kids thrive at ‘Graphic Design’

BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF Lisa Wynne, Rey Navarro and Kathleen Knowles. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE nerships than just becoming a client.”
Staff Writer The hope is that through career-
copy needs. In addition to producing “We’re asking the community not
Colorful flyers and pamphlets lie branding identities and logos, they just to bring us business, but invest oriented skills training and education
scattered among sketchbooks and can create a wide range of items such in the kids,” says Savoia. “You’ll get a programs, the residents of the 40-
pencils near a wall bursting with as brochures, pamphlets, save-the- quality service out. You’re investing in bed group home facility – for abused,
achievement certificates. Nearby, a date cards, invitations, flyers, posters, the lives of children who may be your abandoned and/or neglected teens
cluster of computers display a vibrant marketing materials, letterhead and neighbors or go to school with your ages 13 through 17 – will be better
array of works in progress. The Graph- note cards, and even oversized Christ- kids, so we’re really all in this togeth- equipped to transition out of the Vil-
ic Design Impact Center at the Hibis- mas cards. er. We’re really asking more for part- lage, armed with the tools to live inde-
cus Children’s Village is open for busi- pendent, productive lives.
ness and has already developed happy
customers and some unexpected col- More than 50 teens have participat-
laborative partnerships to boot. ed in the Design Center program since
its opening last November, working
The Hibiscus Children’s Center on projects from conceptualization to
was awarded a $100,000 grant in April final product under the guidance of
2017 from Indian River Impact 100, Kathleen Knowles, GDIC director.
and today the Graphic Design Impact
Center virtually oozes with creativ- Through a specially designed, four-
ity and hope. The Design Center pig- module curriculum, students learn
gybacks on the organization’s Career graphic design, marketing, develop-
Pathways to Independence program, ment, software and branding tech-
funded in 2011 by Impact 100. niques. There are also guest lecturers,
independent projects, client interac-
Tracy Savoia, HCC marketing vice tions and excursions to the print pro-
president, says businesses, nonprofits duction company, Ironside Press.
and individuals are invited to invest
in the future by letting Hibiscus stu- “The program is more than just
dents handle their design, print and teaching skills,” says Savoia. “It’s
preparation for a business because
hopefully, one day, they may be de-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 17

PEOPLE Against Poverty, a nonprofit organi-
zation working to lift people out of
Lisa Wynne, Kathleen Knowles, Rey Navarro and Tracy Savoia. poverty through enrichment pro-
grams such as STEP (Success Train-
ing for Employment Program).

Design Center students worked to
redesign the STEP Success Plan, a
document used by graduates of the

“We love the earned-income model
here. We believe that nonprofits doing
business is a great thing,” says Anna-
bel Robertson, UP executive director.
“It’s a great tool for training.”

Robertson says she was pleased
with the finished product – a multi-
colored, staggered page document.
“It’s more graphically interesting
now,” she says. “We had a vision of
what we wanted, and they worked to
make that vision come to life.”

Knowles has also started a maga-
zine called “Teens Talk.” Residents
who may prefer writing to graphics
can still become part of the design
process by writing articles of interest
for the magazine.

Graphic Design Impact Center hosts
a monthly open house to demonstrate
their capabilities to potential custom-
ers. For more information, visit Hi- or contact
Kathleen Knowles at 772-205-9068 or
[email protected]. 

signers or own their own print shop. sign or marketing as a career, the self-
“I already knew a little bit about worth that these kids get by accom-
plishing the learning modules and
Photoshop, but while being here at developing the skill set, may be just
GDIC, I learned about other Adobe the thing to give them the courage to
applications. I am naturally creative go for something even bigger. I think
and this program helps me bring that that that’s the bigger outcome of this
out,” says one Hibiscus teen. program. It gives these kids an oppor-
tunity to see themselves succeeding,
This summer, residents were all rather than just seeing themselves as
challenged to design their own logo victims.”
for a competition; winners from each
house were able to visit a local T-shirt “We’re doing the same things I’ve
shop to see their designs come to life. learned at GDIC but on a much larger
scale with better capabilities,” one
“It’s a great opportunity. They see teen explains of an Ironside visit to
that when they really put out effort learn 4-color processing. “It was a
and focus, it pays off,” says Knowles. great experience to see what I could
do if I worked there.”
Visits to Ironside Press have been
integrated into each module, con- Several unexpected connections
necting the teens with real-world ap- have developed, including some with
plications and giving them an intro fellow Impact 100 Community Part-
into hands-on experiences. ners.

“They see that what they may think A collaborative effort with the
is something simple that they’re doing Youth Guidance Mentoring Activities
on a computer is actually a whole line program enabled YG enrollees to at-
of business,” says Ironside Press own- tend summer classes at the Design
er Bo Forbes. “Hibiscus is an amaz- Center.
ing organization. They’re constantly
improving and evolving and figuring Peter Philips, Youth Guidance pro-
out new ways that they can empower gram developer, said the partner-
these kids that have had essentially ship was in line with their focus on
everything taken from them.” S.T.E.A.M. (Science Technology En-
gineering Arts and Math) program-
Forbes feels that the teens’ own ming, by having students engage with
sense of accomplishment is essential- some of the latest technology while
ly what motivates them. also developing their creative skills.

“They’ve learned to do something Additionally, Hibiscus has de-
that a lot of people don’t know how veloped a relationship with United
to do,” Forbes explains. “Even if they
don’t pursue publishing, graphic de-

18 Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Ahoy boy! Treasure trove of fun at Vero Pirate Fest

Staff Writer

“What’s a pirate’s favorite letter?” Capt. James Hawk and Guy Lafitte demonstrate sword fighting. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Thom West with Colton Eaton and Melanie Eaton.
asked a bearded buccaneer of a young
costumed scallywag, who shook his said Bob McCabe, Vero Beach Cham- on ships, according to one pirate),
head in puzzlement. “Arrrrrrrrrrrr!” ber of Commerce president. “It’s all sword fighting and dueling. Some of
the pirate exclaimed with a hearty about business and trying to get peo- the adult partiers began bellying up to
laugh. ple to come and get the Vero name out a multitude of bars, imbibing in every-
there more and more. I love the sword thing from rums to ale, grogs to mead.
He was one of many professional pi- fights and the canons that they set off;
rates and their mateys who delighted it’s like fireworks in the daytime.” Unlike the roughly 1,500 survivors of
crowds throughout the weekend at the the 1715 Fleet who endured hardship
fourth annual Vero Beach Pirate Fest at A ‘tattooed’ X marked the spot on as they made campsites along shores
Riverside Park, presented by the Vero the hands of swashbucklers in a Pirate until help arrived from St. Augustine,
Beach Chamber of Commerce, POTTC Quest game that encouraged young- festival-goers had their choice of nu-
Events and Pirates of the Treasure sters to figure out who killed the first merous food vendors.
Coast. mate and made off with the treasure;
in the process, the kids learned a little “My husband and I have been doing
In the past, the three-day festival had about pirate lore and amassed some this for 20 years. We have a good time
been held in July, the month the Span- pirate treasure of their own. with it,” said “Grace O’Malley,” one of
ish Treasure Fleet – carrying gems, sil- four famous women pirates. “They
ver, pearls, gold and 1,200 shipmates Clutching festival maps, visitors wrote her out of Irish history, because
from the Americas to Spain – lost 11 wandered about the pirate-themed she died in her bed, not while fighting.”
of 12 ships off our coastline to a 1715 vendor booths and historical encamp-
hurricane. While most of the Fleet’s ment tents, and watched reenactments “It’s the only time you can come out
treasure was recovered, English pirate of cannon firings (actually called guns and be like a child again,” said her hus-
Henry Jennings made off with a good band, “Edward Bloody Waters.” 
portion of it, and the seas continue to
give up the remaining bounty – hence
the area’s Treasure Coast moniker.

Hoping to avoid some of the
sweltering summer heat, organizers
moved the date to September. And,
while it didn’t exactly feel like the
first weekend of autumn, Riverside’s
shady oaks and several tents for dining
and enjoying the entertainment kept
temperatures tolerable.

“The other part of it is, the kids are
back in school now, and we like to think
of this as a very family-friendly event,”

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 19


Wrong Way Willy with Mandalee Goldberg and Kerri Dolan. Eddie the Dread, Donna and Tom Lacombe, and Whens Day. Leeanna Bond and Sean McCabe.

Denise, Julie and Rich Rosalia. Lauren Daugherty. Rocky Howard and Beth Everett.

Jessica Lunn and Matt Barrett. Marianne Speranza and Louise Kelley.

20 Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Fundraising kicks into gear at ‘Shoe Guy’ shindig

BY MARY SCHENKEL Jennifer Downes and Crystal Tumolo. getting sponsors. I’m a UPS driver Shoe Guys were such a highlight of
Staff Writer in Central Beach so I have a little the night that for weeks on end all
They’ll have tough competition advantage, knowing a lot of the we could hear about was how awe-
Supporters of the Humane Soci- from Chris Sullivan, the reigning businesses on the beach.” some the Shoe Guys were. We are
ety of Vero Beach and Indian River King of Sole, who has vowed to de- so excited to be taking it to the next
County got their motors running fend his crown. “I’ve already started Sullivan has already surpassed level. We had to tell some guys they
at a Shoe Guy Kickoff Party last the $8,000 he raised last year, couldn’t be a Shoe Guy this year;
Wednesday evening at Rosner Mo- amassing $11,375 to date – “and that’s how cool you are.”
torsports. counting,” he added, giving a win-
ning smile. Organizers of Wine Women and
They were gathered to rev up fun- Shoes promise a night of glitz and
draising efforts in advance of the Attendees enjoyed wine and hors glamour, filled with delicious hors
fourth annual Wine Women and d’oeuvres catered by Oak Harbor d’oeuvres from Vero Beach chefs,
Shoes event, Nov. 8 at Sun Jet Avia- Club, as they wandered through- vintner wines, designer fashions,
tion, and introduce this year’s all- out Ron Rosner’s remarkable show- adorable and adoptable animals
important crop of Shoe Guys – the room, which features a stunning and, of course, the charming and
animal-loving men about town who collection of exotic, luxury and vin- talented Shoe Guys. The event’s
support those fundraising efforts as tage automobiles. presenting sponsor is Dr. Alan Dur-
they compete for the title of King of kin, Ocean Drive Plastic Surgery.
Sole. “On behalf of all the animals at
HSVB, thank you so much for being Proceeds will help enable the HS-
“We have 20 Shoe Guys this year,” here,” said Downes to the assem- VBIRC to provide lost, abandoned
said Jennifer Downes, event co- blage. “Each and every one of you or abused animals with medical
chair with Crystal Tumolo, adding is playing a significant role in mak- aid, compassionate care and safe
excitedly, “and we’re almost sold ing this event happen. I thank you, shelter until they can be adopted
out of tickets to the event.” Crystal thanks you and all the ani- into new homes.
mals thank you.”
“Some are returning Shoe Guys, Tickets are $100 for general admis-
some are sponsors and some were Acknowledging all the Shoe Guys sion; $150 for VIP. For more infor-
nominated by committee members, in attendance, Tumolo said, “the mation, visit winewomenandshoes.
said Tumolo. Shoe Guys are such an important com/verobeach. 
part of the event. Last year the

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 21


Al Shahamat, Tyrell Sands and Eddie Jeffreys. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Joshua Shaffer, Wilma Connell and Marco Amato. Ryan Bass, Laura Moss and Alex MacWilliam IV.

Mark and Stacey Rodolico. Tony and Callie Schnur with Lindsay and Michael Naffziger. Chris Sullivan and Dr. Robert Reinauer.


24 Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


‘African Wax Prints’: More fabulous fabrics at Funk


An exhibition that runs through
Dec. 15 brings the colorful print fab-
ric beloved of West and Central Afri-
can women to the galleries of Florida
Tech’s Ruth Funk Center for Textile
Arts in Melbourne.

Organized by Exhibits USA/Mid-
America Arts Alliance, “Wandering
Spirit: African Wax Prints” features
myriad examples of the cloth. Although
you don’t have to sew to enjoy this show,
those for whom a fabric shop is a candy
store will take especial delight in the
wealth of fabric on display.

In addition to the samples that hang
from dowels in neat ranks throughout
the exhibition, a celebratory patchwork
of material covers the walls in the cen-
tral part of the gallery. Within that en-
vironment, 11 traditional dresses show
off as many fabric designs to their best
advantage: on the womanly form.

The basic dress is a two-piece num-
ber, with a form-fitting top and a long,
straight skirt with flared hems or side
pleats that allow for ease of movement.

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 25


Rosettes, swags, ruffles and smocking Today the Cha Group boasts that, with a first president after its independence These and many other designs –
of the same material are used for deco- production facility in Ghana, it holds the was introduced by Vlisco in 1961. including the intriguingly named
rative effects. major share of the wax print market. “Kwame Nkrumah’s Pencil” features “Peeled Orange,” “Water Well,”
rows of narrow lozenges (the ‘pencils’). “Handcuffs” and “Cow Manure”
The names of the patterns are as col- Why, then, does a fabric so much a Two examples of the design are in the (aka “Suzanne”) – can be seen in the
orful as the prints themselves. One dress part of African society have its origin in exhibition; one on an electric pink exhibition, along with the print that
features plump hens encircled by chicks Europe? background and one on azure. inspired the show’s title.
and eggs; that one is called “Happy Fam-
ily.” The non-productive member of the The short answer is colonialism. To celebrate the election of America’s “Wandering Spirit” is a calico print of
household, the rooster, is represented The Dutch East Indies was a territory first African-American President, Vlisco stylized birds and flowers.
only by his head, and that appears close in Asia that, from 1800, was administered released the “Heart of Barack” design.
to the fabric’s selvages. He is seen down by the Dutch government. The territory President and Mrs. Obama’s subsequent The story of African wax prints is
low, at the skirt’s hem. included Sumatra, Batavia, Java, the visits to Africa were celebrated by, one of long-distance, somewhat im-
Moluccas and, after 1920, Borneo, the among other Vlisco designs, “Michelle probable, cultural contacts. These
Make no mistake; these fabrics are Celebes and the western half of New Obama’s Handbag” of 2008 and continuing international influences
all about women. They speak to women Guinea. In the aftermath of World War “Michelle’s Shoes” of 2011. are well represented by “Wandering
and – through colors and printed de- II, the Dutch East Indies became the Spirit,” says Benson. 
signs – speak for women. Another dress independent nation of Indonesia.
boasts the “King’s Chair” design of over- In colonial times, Dutch trade with
lapping, truncated cones in blue, gold, Java included the acquisition of batik
red and white. In addition to its bold cloth.
elegance, in Africa the pattern sends a Javanese batik involved the laborious
non-verbal message: “Come, let’s sit and process of drawing traditional designs
talk for a while.” onto cotton cloth with hot wax. This
was poured from a reed-handled
The exhibition, which began its tour tjanting, a small brass cup with a fine
of the U.S. in 2016 and is booked into spout. The cooled wax thus applied
2021, was curated for Exhibits USA by formed a resist for the color, primarily
Dr. Gifty Benson of Tulsa, Oklahoma. indigo, with which the cloth was dyed.
A native of Ghana, Benson inherited By removing the wax, reapplying it over
some of the material on display from her the previously dyed part of the design
mother. The Beatrice Benson Collection and dying the cloth in a different hue,
is now the property of African Hospitals an intricate pattern of several colors
Foundation in Tulsa, a nonprofit orga- could gradually be achieved.
nization founded by Dr. Benson to help Back home in the Netherlands,
African hospitals in rural areas obtain the entrepreneurial Dutch found the
equipment and supplies. AHF kindly process too time consuming to be
lent that collection to FIT to expand the profitable until 1854, when a Belgian
basic traveling exhibition for the Ruth textile manufacturer refitted a machine
Funk Center’s galleries. to mass-produce prints that resembled
batik. Intended for export, the fabric
Benson attests to the popularity of – with designs based on the Javanese
wax prints in the countries of Western originals – did not pass muster with its
Africa, especially on its western coast, intended Asian audience. The Dutch
from Senegal southward to Nigeria, and then used the cloth as an item of trade
inland in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger, in Africa.
among others. Benson notes, “Dutch trading was the
first exposure to Indonesian fabrics. The
In addition to dresses, women use the second was war.” To help keep its Asian
material for head wraps, as shawls and territories under control, between 1837
as baby slings. and 1872 the Dutch crown recruited
men from Ghana and Nigeria into the
Or, according to Benson, “say a very Royal Netherlands East Indies Army.
important person, like Barack Obama, Those stationed in Java eventually
visits your village. One of the women returned home to Africa with batik
will take a piece of the fabric and put fabric, which they distributed among
it on the ground for him to walk on. It family and friends. As a result, the
serves as a red carpet.” African taste for cloth with Indonesian
designs and colors was cultivated.
Now for the spoiler: African wax- By the early 20th century, the fabric
printed fabric did not originate then known as “wax hollandaise”
on that continent. Imported from was being designed and produced in
Europe from the mid-19th century Europe, with its African audiences
to the dawn of the 21st, African wax specifically in mind.
prints were made exclusively in the Recalling the days when Ghana was
Netherlands and England. a British colony, Benson says, “when
Princess Elizabeth became Queen
Today a Dutch company, Vlisco, is Elizabeth, they made a special fabric
the last European manufacturer of the edition for her. When Ghana was made
material still in business. According to independent in 1957, a fabric was made
Benson, Vlisco exports about a half- to mark that occasion.”
billion dollars’ worth of cloth every year, In the exhibition, a pre-Op Art
with all but 5 percent of it going to Africa. design named in honor of Ghana’s

“Vlisco puts out new limited-edition
fabrics every three months. You wait for
them,” says Benson.

The last English manufacturer, ABC
Wax, was purchased in 1992 by the
Cha Group, a Chinese conglomerate.

26 Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Coming Up: Get keyed up for Riverside’s final ‘Howl’

BY SAMANTHA ROHLFING BAITA and Saturday, Hired Guns takes the of Florida’s Youth Transition Center. dapperly dressed in a red and white
Staff Writer stage with “true country music.” A full Also, starting with this month’s Gal- striped hat and red bow tie. As Wiki-
bar and grill are always available so … lery Stroll, the complimentary trolley pedia tells it, he shows up at Sally and
1 Your last chance to Howl at the no coolers (or pets) allowed. There’s will be running, between 5 p.m. and her brother’s house one rainy after-
Moon this month (at least with lots of seating as well, but, you might 9 p.m., to ease the parking challenges. noon when their mom is away. Sally
want to have a fold-up or two in the The trolley will run from the parking and her brother are delighted. Their
musical accompaniment) will be this trunk, just in case. Time: Howl at the lot on 12th Court, east of Jetson’s, in a pet fish not so much. The Cat shares
Moon Experience, 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 continuous loop, to access all the par- with the children a few of his tricki-
Friday and Saturday, Sept. 28-29, at p.m.; Live in the Loop, 6:30 p.m. Howl ticipating galleries: Gallery 14, Artists est tricks and craziest ideas, and they
tickets: reserved general seating: $12; Guild Gallery, Tiger Lily Art Studios & all had loads of fun. However, In the
Riverside Theatre. Riverside’s promo reserved table seating: $18, $20, $22. Gallery, Flametree Clay Art Gallery, the process of entertaining the children,
772-231-6990. Other Half Gallery, Raw Space, MSVB the Cat and his pals, Thing One and
calls this event “the most unique Studios, Gallery of Hope, Florida High- Thing Two, wreck the house. Oh,
wayman Landscape Art and Highway- no! The children and the fish be-
nightlife experience in the area,” and man Gallery. Do take advantage of this come more and more worried until
free service. Time: 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Ad- – waah-laa – the Cat brings out a ma-
I really can’t argue. You can sing, you mission: free. chine that can clean everything up.
But does it all get done before mom
can dance, you can actually howl if returns? This charming and funny
show is performed by the theatre’s
you’re so moved, all inside, with a pair four apprentices and two local chil-
dren. Kevin Quillinan, Riverside’s di-
of back-to-back pianos on the Wax- 2 Vero’s popular First Friday Gallery rector of theatre education, considers
Stroll always makes for a pleasant “The Cat in the Hat” to be “the per-
lax stage manned by a pair of super- fect ‘first show’ for the next genera-
tion of theatre lovers to experience!”
talented – and funny – Howl at the evening in historic downtown, along Show times: Oct. 4 and Oct. 5, 7 p.m.;
Oct. 6, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Tickets: $10.
Moon touring show entertainers who 14th Avenue, where you can enjoy the 772-231-6990. 

can play virtually anything you can work of numerous artists in a friendly

come up with. There’s no set agenda or setting. Study the art, chat with the art- 3 Who doesn’t like “The Cat I the
Hat”? Bring your kids, or borrow
playlist, they just let the fun fall where ists, nibble (and sip) the refreshments.

it may, with you the audience helping You might choose to pop into one of a couple, or just summon up your In-

pick the songs. On the keyboards this the nearby restaurants or pubs and ner Kid for a couple of hours and head

week will be Howl faves Rob Volpe and linger a while longer. This First Friday, for Riverside Theatre for Kids this

Ken Gustafson. And that’s just the in- Oct. 5, one of the galleries, Gallery 14, is coming Thursday, Friday or Saturday

side action. It’ll be party time outside, holding a special “gala opening recep- for a live stage show starring one of

too, at Live in the Loop: there’s free live tion” for its October exhibit of work by Dr. Seuss’ most famous characters,

music with different bands and music Christopher Sweeney, entitled “Swee- “The Cat in the Hat.” The main char-

styles every week. This Friday it’s Red ney: Spread the Love,” which will acter in this beloved children’s story

Hot Rooster with “rockin’ country”; benefit the Children’s Home Society is a lanky, anthropomorphic feline

28 Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


A Yemeni boy holds an empty bottle
as he walks through an alley.

When Yemeni soldiers freed the Some regions are battlefields, lost even decisively assert his authority in viding military assistance to an Arab
whitewashed port city of Mukalla from to violence. The rule of law has been the areas his government nominally military coalition fighting the rebels on
the grip of Al-Qaeda in 2016, it was eclipsed in other places by the authori- controls. Hadi’s behalf.
hailed as a signal moment in the gov- ty of militias, gangs and assassins. Most
ernment’s effort to reunite a nation of the country – from cities like Mukal- The United States has been con- The coalition’s two leading mem-
splintered by civil war. la to rural hamlets – is ill-equipped to cerned that Yemen’s disarray will em- bers, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab
fend for itself. power Al Qaeda in the Arabia Penin- Emirates, have also hedged their bets,
But nearly two years after Al-Qae- sula, one of the extremist group’s most forming alliances with local political
da’s retreat, Yemen’s government is The fragmentation of Yemen has dangerous franchises. figures and sponsoring proxy forces.
still absent. The local governor, Faraj highlighted the challenges facing the
al-Bahsani, relies on local revenues policy of the United States, which has “Yemen, as a state, has all but ceased Efforts at peace talks have repeat-
rather than state contributions for strongly supported the internation- to exist,” a United Nations expert pan- edly failed over the last three years.
his budget. He courts international ally recognized central government of el wrote earlier this year. “Instead of a And as the fighting continues, a sense
investors to fix the region’s crumbling President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi single State there are warring statelets, of national cohesion is evaporating.
infrastructure. His main security part- as he tries to reunify the country. and no one side has either the political
ner is a foreign government, the Unit- support or the military strength to re- The old Yemen “will never come
ed Arab Emirates, that pays salaries to But Hadi, who has spent most of the unite the country or achieve victory on back,” said Badr Baslmah, a former Ye-
a portion of the most powerful local conflict exiled in Saudi Arabia after the battlefield.” meni transport minister who lives in
military force. his government was ousted by a rebel Mukalla, the capital of Hadramawt, Ye-
group known as the Houthis, is widely U.S. officials say they are pushing men’s largest province. The central state
If Mukalla has become a model of re- seen – including by American offi- the combatants toward a negotiated was being replaced by regional auton-
silience during Yemen’s four-year civil cials – as too weak and unpopular to end to the war, which Secretary of State omy, and the most pressing question
war, the city is also a warning about accomplish that task. His forces have Mike Pompeo recently called “a na- now is: “How do you settle [upon] the
how the country is being pulled apart. been unable to dislodge the rebels or tional security priority.” But the U.S. is new Yemen,” he said.
far from a neutral party; it is also pro-
When Bahsani, the governor, talks

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 29


Security forces in Mukalla have restored order Center: The central prison in Mukalla was
after al-Qaeda’s occupation of the city. refurbished after al-Qaeda’s retreat.

about the solution to the civil war, his Bottom: A local military unit, the Hadrami
focus is not on Yemen’s unity but rath- Elite forces, is one of several militias that
er a settlement that “assures the rights have sprung up in southern Yemen during
of regions,” as he put it in an interview the war. The unit receives salaries from Ye-
earlier this month. men's government as well as the United Arab
Emirates, raising questions about soldiers’
Yemenis have long debated whether loyalties.
some kind of division would be a boon
to a country long seen as too highly eda’s occupation of the city for more
centralized — a federal system, per- than a year, beginning in the spring of
haps, or a split between the north and 2015. The militants had easily routed
south, which had long been separate Yemeni troops in the city and wrung
countries until they merged in 1990. Mukalla for profit, looting the central
But the divisions unfolding now are not bank and siphoning money from the
negotiated or planned, like the peace- port. They retreated after Yemeni forc-
ful split of the former Czechoslovakia, es trained and led by the UAE stormed
for example. the city in April 2016.

Rather, Yemen recalls Libya in the But the region never really returned
years after its dictator was toppled in to the national fold, emerging instead
2011: fractured, increasingly violent and as a cross between an independent re-
a source of alarm beyond its borders. public and a protectorate of the UAE,
which has built several military bases
The push by Bahsani and his allies in the province.
to stabilize Mukalla came after Al-Qa-
Bahsani, who holds the rank of ma-
jor general, helped lead the military
unit, known as the Hadrami Elite forc-
es, that retook Mukalla. He still com-
mands that force, which is responsible
for counterterrorism in the region.


30 Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 INSIGHT COVER STORY Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 29 regions has become more urgent as
the hardships caused by the war have
Residents have praised the elite forc- Security forces have managed to make rippled across the country, leaving Ye-
es for maintaining a level of security Mukalla, almost uniquely among Yemeni menis, from frustrated business own-
unusual for Yemen, even in the best of towns, a weapons-free zone. ers to working class factory workers,
times. Among their accomplishments, unsure where to turn for help.
they have made Mukalla a weapons-
free zone, requiring visitors to the city Mukalla has fared better than other
to leave their firearms at checkpoints places. It is far from Yemen’s bloodiest
before entering. battlefields, has access to the port and
sits in a region rich with oil.
Human rights groups, however, have
accused the force of torturing suspects But the governor’s push to go it alone
during anti-terror operations. Local has not succeeded in making Mukalla
officials deny the allegations. self-reliant. The revenues he had been
able to collect, from taxes and customs
One segment of the force receives at the port, “cannot cover the basic
salaries from the UAE and another needs,” he said. “We have very difficult
from the Yemeni government, raising circumstances.”
questions about the soldiers’ loyalties.
The payments have also led to con- Nor has he been able to insulate
cerns about friction within the ranks, the city from the wider economic cri-
since the soldiers paid by the govern- sis buffeting Yemen. For several days
ment receive far less than their col- this month, the city was shut down by
leagues. demonstrators angered at the plunging
value of the national currency, which
A local official said that the part has fueled inflation.
of the force loyal to the UAE has fre-
quently carried out military activities In the hospital after one protest, An-
without coordinating with the na- war Ali, 40, sat with a bandage wrapped
tional government, causing confusion around his head, after a soldier hit him
and raising issues of accountability. with a rifle butt, he said. Desperation
“There is no clear policy,” the official had brought him and hundreds of oth-
said. Across southern Yemen, similar er people to the streets. “Prices are very
security units supported by the Saudi- high, and our salaries are very low,” he
led coalition have sprung up, including said. The value of his salary working in
some who have openly fought against a local tuna canning factory had been
Hadi’s forces. halved in a matter of matter of weeks.

The question of who controls the

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 31


Local officials said they were powerless importer of foodstuffs, said that he So he was surprised when he was The businessmen said he went to
to do anything about it, he added. was required to seek permission from recently told that additional clearance the governor’s office and received a
the Saudi-led coalition in Riyadh, the was required from “Riyan airport” – a promise that officials would negoti-
For business owners, the central gov- Saudi capital, in order to receive ship- reference to the military base oper- ate with the people at the airport.
ernment’s absence has set off a frustrat- ments at the Mukalla port. The system ated by the UAE. Officials in Mukalla
ing scramble to navigate the confusion was well established and seemed to denied that additional permissions “Nothing happened,” the business-
of Yemen’s overlapping authorities. work smoothly, he said. were required. men said. 

One businessman in Mukalla, an

32 Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™




Amazon probably wanted its latest new product rior technology – after all, voice recognition adds use- mainly to their next-to-unlimited marketing resources.
presentation to be exciting. Instead, it scared me. ful features to the speaker if you’re the kind of person Speakers could be just the beginning: Almost one
who talks to inanimate objects. The same features,
The products Amazon is rolling out are all based however, could be had without the privacy and secu- third of U.S. consumers own them now, and their pop-
on its Alexa voice-assistant technology. They include rity flaws of the modern smart devices, which send ularity could lead to the long-predicted demand explo-
new smart speakers, a subwoofer, a gadget to put Al- the user’s commands (and whatever they interpret as sion for the internet of things. The speaker is meant to
exa in cars, a voice-activated microwave and even an commands) to the cloud. serve as a hub for lots of connected devices in the home.
Alexa-enabled wall clock.
Most consumers who willingly give up their pri- That’s why Amazon is making Alexa-enabled mi-
If you installed them all, you would essentially be vacy for the convenience of voice recognition don’t crowaves and clocks. If connecting all the appliances
bugging all of your private spaces. even realize the technology can work without open- to a network is easy, and Amazon is working to make
ing up one’s home to round-the-clock eavesdrop- it so, consumers are likely to yield to the temptation.
Privacy wasn’t mentioned even once during the ping, whether malicious or accidental. It sounds so orderly and, well, smart.
presentation, which took place just a few months
after an Amazon Echo in Portland recorded its own- A small French company called Snips has been If you’re like me and believe that putting an always-
ers’ private conversation and sent it to a random working for years on private-by-design voice recog- on eavesdropping device in your home is a red line, if
phone contact; it misinterpreted words in the con- nition. Voice commands are processed on the end you’ve turned off the voice assistant on your phone,
versation as a succession of commands. user’s device, making the data transfer unnecessary. if you worry about the amount of data leviathans
The underlying artificial intelligence is trained with- like Google and Amazon are collecting about you,
That in itself doesn’t have to be scary: If you don’t out central servers, using the kind of cryptography it’s time to buy the longest-lasting products without
want an error-prone listening device in your kitchen, that’s behind bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. built-in voice recognition that you can find.
bedroom or car, don’t buy one.
U.S. giants don’t bother with the creative safety pre- The talking and listening microwaves and fridges
What really worries me is that in the near future, I cautions because they’re interested in vacuuming up are coming for us, and it’ll be harder every year to
won’t be able to buy an appliance that won’t eaves- as much customer data as possible, and they figure avoid them. 
drop on me and send the information to an outside consumers will snap up their gadgets anyway, thanks
server at Amazon, Google or some other company. This article from Bloomberg does not necessarily re-
flect the views of Vero Beach 32963.
The first product category in which I expect that to
happen is wireless speakers – not the portable ones
that use Bluetooth, but the Wi-Fi-enabled ones for
the home, first sold by Santa Barbara-based Sonos in
the mid-2000s. Sonos came to dominate the market,
accounting for about 50 percent in 2014.

The following year, Amazon started selling the Echo,
a voice-activated smart speaker that introduced con-
sumers to Alexa, and in 2016, Amazon’s speaker sales
surpassed those of Sonos.

The market researcher Strategy Analytics predicts
that “intelligent home speakers” – those with listen-
ing devices – will account for about 90 percent of all
Wi-Fi speakers sold in 2022, compared with 42 per-
cent in 2016. Sonos, as well as other Wi-Fi speaker
makers such as Bose and Sony, now make voice-
activated speakers, as do Google and Apple. It’s the
hottest consumer tech around.

That can be seen as a legitimate victory for supe-

LOOKING BACK AT THE 1918-1919 Visiting a military camp outside of Boston in ear- federal level. Furthermore, some members of © 2018 VERO BEACH 32963 MEDIA, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
INFLUENZA PANDEMIC ly September 1918, tramping between congest- the public didn’t comply and even circumvented
ed makeshift hospital units and an overflowing government mandates by (for example) using a
As we approach flu season, it is worth noting that morgue, Vaughan stated that bodies were being backdoor to enter a “closed” saloon, attending
this year is the 100th anniversary of the deadliest stacked about “like cordwood.” More American football “practices” since games were canceled,
flu epidemic in history. soldiers and sailors in WWI died from influenza etc. Some regulations were modified as a result
The Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 infected and pneumonia than in battle. of public pushback.
an estimated 500 million people worldwide –
about one-third of the earth’s population – and HOW CITIES COPED Guidelines included:
killed 20 to 50 million people, including 675,000  Staggering hours/closing public places (busi-
Americans. In 2007, public health epidemiologists with the nesses, schools, churches, theaters, dance
Spain was the first country to publicly report the Minnesota Department of Health researched halls)
health crisis and the term “Spanish Influenza” and reported on how the Twin Cities – Minne-  Isolating individual cases
became a popular phrase, even though some apolis and St. Paul – handled the 1918-1919 flu  Leaving streetcar windows open until tem-
researchers believe the flu endemic actually crisis. Although World War I was winding down, perature dropped to 32 degrees Fahrenheit
originated in Kansas. many physicians and nurses were still in Europe.  Not allowing use of elevators in buildings with
In addition to not having enough healthcare fewer than six stories to minimize congestion
HOW FLU SPREAD professionals to care for the overwhelming de-  Recommending use of gauze masks which
mand, methods to keep the medical profession- were to be boiled for 10 minutes and disin-
The flu was first observed in the United States, als healthy while caring for influenza patients fected every day
Europe and parts of Asia in the spring of 1918, were not working. Many healthcare providers  Sterilizing dishes and cups in restaurants.
and it spread swiftly around the world. Dr. Victor became ill; some died.
Clarence Vaughan, advisor to the U.S. Surgeon At least two flu vaccines were administered in the
General during WWI, said that influenza had “… PUBLIC HEALTH MEASURES Twin Cities but they were found to be ineffective.
encircled the world, visited the remotest cor-
ners, taking toll of the most robust, sparing nei- Since the flu was highly contagious, citizens – To be continued –
ther soldier nor civilian, and flaunting its red flag were encouraged to avoid close contact and
in the face of science.” to get plenty of fresh air. One of the most dif- Your comments and suggestions for future topics are al-
ficult problems that faced Minneapolis and St. ways welcome. Email us at [email protected].
Paul, and likely many cities across the country,
was conflicting messages from the state and



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34 Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


“The Spy and in intelligence history (along with in Copenhagen in 1974, was “one of those Englishmen
several of the greatest traitors, such who put a great deal of effort into appearing to be a
the Traitor” arrives as Philby). This book recounts what lot stupider than they really are”; “Price,” who devised
modern SIS officers rightly regard the ingenious escape plan, was “one of those brisk,
at a moment when as their finest hour. practical, quintessentially English women who brooks
no nonsense”; “Spooner,” the officer who handled
the machinations Spy services, especially the Gordievsky in London and was his favorite, was “a
British, normally guard their first-class intelligence officer, but also truly kind, full of
of Russian secrets obsessively, successes as emotion and sensitivity.”
much as failures. But MI6, as it’s
intelligence (election popularly known, decided to let Luck plays a part in any military or intelligence
Macintyre tell this story, including success, and it was a factor here. The British missed
meddling, Internet more than 100 hours of taped Gordievsky’s initial signals, and Bromhead, after an
interviews with Gordievsky. initial meeting, ignored the case for eight months. But
manipulation, the Brits eventually bumbled their way to success, and
Remarkably, Macintrye was also once they had Gordievsky in hand, they protected him
assassination by able to interview every British fiercely.
intelligence officer involved in
poison) are the subjects the case. They’re given plummy Bureaucratic rivalries are part of any realistic modern
pseudonyms here – “Richard spy story. In this case, the culprit was a senior CIA officer
of almost daily news Bromhead,” “Veronica Price,” who was so curious about evidence that the British
“James Spooner,” “Arthur Gee” “cousins” had a high-level KGB penetration that he
stories. Russia and its – but the fact that very senior decided to find out who it was. The officer he assigned
to unmask the British spy in 1985 was Aldrich Ames, a
ex-KGB president seem former SIS officials were dissolute CIA burnout who had just sold himself to the
helping Macintyre has been KGB, purely “for money.” Gordievsky nearly paid for that
brutally dominant in the buzz among spy mavens American mistake with his life.
for the past several years.
the intelligence sphere. Like any great intelligence yarn, this one involves a Macintyre is fastidious about tradecraft details, giving
central mystery: Why did a man betray the secrets of us Gordievsky’s first MI6 code name (“SUNBEAM”), his
Ben Macintyre offers one country to protect another? How was his loyalty second MI6 code name (“NOCTON”), the code name
unthreaded, and then reattached? Macintrye takes us the CIA game him (“TICKLE”) and the code name of
a refreshing reversal of into the puzzle from the first paragraph of Chapter 1: his escape plan (“PIMLICO”). And lest there be any
“Oleg Gordievsky was born into the KGB: shaped by it, confusion, he advises that in British parlance, a safe
that theme: In this story, loved by it, twisted, damaged and very nearly destroyed house is called an “OCP,” an acronym for Operational
by it.” Clandestine Premises.
it’s the Russians who get Spying can be a dirty business, and agents are often
recruited by entrapment, blackmail, bribery and Macintyre has become the preeminent popular
turned inside out by a physical intimidation. In Gordievsky’s case, the motive chronicler of British intelligence history because he
wasn’t money or power but an epic vanity: He thought understands the essence of the business. Real espionage
British mole. It’s the Kim he could change the world. He grew to hate what the is the opposite of James Bond gunplay and panache. It’s
Soviet Union had become, and when the KGB posted about waiting, planning, shadowing, hiding. At the core
Philby case, in reverse. him to Copenhagen in 1966, he began to move month of espionage is deceit, but truly great operations such as
by month toward the alternative pole of freedom. the Gordievsky case require deep human trust. 
The subtitle of Gordievsky eventually saw his role as “nothing less than
undermining the Soviet system,” Macintyre writes. THE SPY AND THE TRAITOR
Macintyre’s latest real-life Macintrye evokes the very British personalities of the
handlers who nudged Gordievsky’s transfer of loyalties THE GREATEST ESPIONAGE STORY OF THE COLD WAR
spy thriller calls it “The and then kept him safe: “Bromhead,” who recruited him
Greatest Espionage Story of the Cold War.” Like pretty REVIEW BY DAVID IGNATIUS, THE WASHINGTON POST

much everything in this fine book, the description is


The book narrates the astonishing tale of how Britain’s

Secret Intelligence Service recruited a KGB officer named

Oleg Gordievsky in 1974 and ran him as its agent for 11

years, as he rose to become the “rezident,” or station

chief, in London. Then in 1985, because of an appalling

blunder by a jealous CIA, Gordievsky was exposed and

recalled to Moscow to face almost certain death.

The book converges on a final plot twist so implausible

that it could happen only in real life: Gordievsky was

exfiltrated across the Finnish border in the trunk of a car

by a plucky MI6 officer and his wife and brought back

to London for a secret hero’s welcome from an adoring

Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. He survives today in

a protected location in Britain, and one suspects that

he’s quite careful about what doorknobs he touches.

Britain didn’t invent spying, but as Macintyre

recounts in this and other books, it may have perfected

it – producing some of the most sublime manipulators

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 35


When you have a tour guide as engaging dle to the scripts they sweated that’s to laugh and smile and dance and sing.”)
as Eric Idle, you’ll gladly go wherever he takes over. This section could have Between the long hours of prepping for films and his
you. The writer and comedian best known as a benefited from deeper dives
member of the British sketch troupe Monty Py- into how certain sketches mockumentary “The Rutles,” which brilliantly satirized
thon has curated an intimate journey of what it came to be, although Idle does Beatlemania, Idle’s rock-star status had him befriend-
was like to be a writer who suddenly found him- reveal the origin story behind ing the likes of Mick Jagger and Robin Williams, whom
self a massively famous actor. the classic “wink wink nudge Idle so vividly captures, you can practically smell the
nudge say no more” bit. comedian’s sweat as he dervishes into routine after
Idle, who lives in Los Angeles, doesn’t just routine.
provide a detailed account of his days with John The more inside-baseball
Cleese, Terry Jones, Graham Chapman, Michael sections pull us into the grimy The Python road to fame might have looked smooth,
Palin and Terry Gilliam; Idle’s relationships with filming experience that was “Monty Python and but Idle writes on how painful it was to endure Chap-
celebrities such as Robin Williams, Mike Nichols and the Holy Grail,” where the terrible weather and Chap- man’s death in 1989. Ever the jokers, the troupe still
Steve Martin also give readers a nuanced look into tal- man’s alcoholism marred the shoot. Python nerds learn found a way to poke fun at this grief in several gags too
ented Americans whose love of what they do enriched which hilarious scenes were shot in one take and why shocking to spoil here.
Idle’s path to stardom. they replaced a medieval soundtrack with “cliché music
from a film library.” Then along came financial challenges when a “Holy
“Always Look on the Bright Side of Life” begins with The stories of how “Life of Brian” and “The Meaning of Grail” producer sued the comedians after he saw the
Idle introducing us to his easygoing British childhood Life” came to be are just as enthralling, the former more wild success Idle enjoyed with the Tony Award-win-
and education at Cambridge, before he segues to how he so due to the decision by former Beatle George Harrison ning musical “Spamalot.” You can feel the vitriol in
met the future Python members during TV writing stints. – a longtime friend of Idle’s – to bankroll the film. Idle’s veins when he writes how this lawsuit forced the
The memoir’s title refers to the finale song dur- Pythons to reunite for several London shows. That an-
Their first BBC show, “Monty Python’s Flying Circus,” ing “Life of Brian,” which became Idle’s calling-card ger gives way to a blueprint for how to direct a reunion
featured a structure as loose as you’d expect: “We tried hit and ended up on the London Olympics stage. If show swirling with so many moving parts, it practically
discussing what it should be about, but failed hopeless- you’ve ever wondered how Idle created such a cheery became its own flying circus.
ly,” Idle writes. “So we just went ahead and wrote what tune for a chorus of crucified characters, the reveal You don’t need to know every line to the “Dead Par-
we felt like and then came together at Jonesy’s house in will be as entertaining as the lyrics. (“If life seems rot” sketch or “Every Sperm is Sacred to appreciate Idle’s
Camberwell and read out our sketches.” jolly rotten/ There’s something you’ve forgotten/ And hilarious memoir. His lessons on the craft go beyond Py-
thon sketches and extend into dissecting what makes a
Idle touches on his love of comedy writing, which was joke memorable. He also answers the question: What’s
priority No. 1 for the Pythons. Acting played second fid- the turn you need to make that good character great?
Thanks to his many witticisms, acting as asides to
more informative memories, “Always” is a breezy read.
He’ll open a chapter with the kind of humor that just
feels oh so Python: “I have met many people in my life
and, sadly, many of them were not famous. I agree it’s not
their fault, though they might have tried harder.”
It’s also the kind of book you’ll want to read twice
– once when the genius of Python sketches are fresh
in your memory, and once when those scenes have
faded so you can be reminded how these comedy
rebels shook up an art form that was due for a dose
of surreal silliness. 



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38 Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


A sweet feeling comes with giving like a honeycomb

more it is replenished and renewed? starfish back into the sea – one after
We live in a world with desperate another, after another. Eventually
pressed, a man happened by who paused to
needs. And we are each bombarded watch the little boy in his diligent
the more with opportunities to give in ways efforts. He eventually approached
that might relieve a bit of the the boy and said, “Look son, there are
it gives. hardship others face. Of course, hundreds of starfish caught on the
because the appeals made to us for sand. You can’t possibly make much
Still, it has to money and energy are so constant difference by throwing a few back.”
and so compelling, we can become The little boy paused, gazed at the
be squeezed. To overwhelmed and unsure of how to starfish he held in his hand, and then
respond. Perhaps we are even tempted flung it as far out into the sea as he
get anything from to tune out the chorus of voices making could manage. “Well, mister,” he said,
their pleas for our gifts. But simply “I guess it made a difference to that
the honeycomb, because we cannot remedy the worlds one.”
ills by ourselves, does not mean that
on the other we can’t begin somewhere, with some The challenge before us is as
project or cause of significance, and daunting as the one faced by the
hand, we must make some difference. little boy and the stranded starfish.
Of course we cannot meet the world’s
simply take what freely There’s an old story that tells of a every need. But we can meet some
little boy who walked the beach one of them. And we can be sustained in
flows from it. It gives its sweetness morning after a great storm had our efforts by the awareness that our
passed by. Hundreds of starfish had generous, creative, and self-giving
generously, without pressure, without been washed onto the beach and God stands by to replenish and renew
stranded. As the sun was breaking us as we allow goodness to flow
BY REV. DRS. CASEY AND BOB BAGGOTT begging, without badgering. out and the waters were receding, the through us to others. Why be a flint or
Columnists stranded starfish were beginning to a sponge – when being a honeycomb
The honeycomb is a renewable dry and to die. The little boy saw the is so much sweeter? 
A wise person once problem and quickly began flinging
commented that there are three resource. Unlike the flint or
kinds of givers in the world: the
flint, the sponge and the honeycomb. the sponge, the honeycomb is
To get anything from a flint, you
must hammer it. Yet all you get for connected to life; it is the product
your effort are chips and some showy
sparks. The flint gives nothing away of the ongoing work and creative
if it can help it, and even then only
with great display. To get anything energy of bees.
from a sponge, you must squeeze it.
It readily yields to pressure, and the Which sort of giver best describes

you? Are you a flint, a sponge, or a

honeycomb? Do you give grudgingly,

only under pressure, or do you offer

what you have willingly, with the

awareness that you are connected

to a source of vitality and your

life’s resources will continually be

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 39




By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist AQ

Christopher Hitchens, an English author who lived the last 30 years of his life in the United K85
States, said, “Beautiful sentences pop into my head. Beautiful sentences that aren’t
always absolutely accurate. Then, I have to choose between the beautiful sentence and A Q 10
being absolutely accurate. It can be a difficult choice.”
At the bridge table, you try to find the accurate line of play or defense. If it is also beautiful, —
that’s an added bonus, giving you a story for dinner companions and grandchildren. You ?872 96
are teaching your grandchildren to play bridge, aren’t you? 9643
?8652 ? 10 9 5 4
South is in seven spades. What should he do after West leads a low heart?
J 10 2
Yes, this is the same deal as yesterday’s. Then, though, North bid more circumspectly by
using a second dose of Blackwood to learn that two kings were missing; he stopped in six ?73
spades. Now, though, he just plunged into the grand slam. Let’s charitably assume that it
was the last board of a total-point match in which North-South had to make a grand slam SOUTH
to win.
A J 10 8 5 2
South has 11 top tricks: six spades, one heart, three diamonds and one club. He has
finesses available in each rounded suit that could generate an extra winner or two. 63

The declarer should realize that even if the heart finesse wins, he will also need the club AQ7
finesse to work. But if the club king is well placed, it gives South three tricks in that suit
and 13 in all. J4

South should win with the heart ace, draw trumps and run the club jack. Assuming it Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Both
wins, declarer plays a club to dummy’s queen, discards his last heart on the club ace
and claims. The Bidding:

1 Spades Pass 4 NT Pass
5 Hearts Pass 7 Spades All Pass LEAD:
2 Hearts

40 Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™



1 She lives in 11 (3) 1 Swoops downhill (4)
3 Ward (off) (4) 2 Cunning (4)
5 Member of Lords (4) 3 Part of hand (10)
8 Sicilian, e.g. (8) 4 Sewing implement (6)
10 Sicilian landmark (4) 6 Whole (8)
11 Animal pen (3) 7 Motorway madness? (4,4)
13 Drier (5) 9 Was situated (5)
14 Supernanny? (9) 12 Criminal planner (10)
16 Fuss (3) 14 Organised criminal (8)
17 Working boat (3) 15 Liable to erupt (8)
19 Perfect example (9) 18 Higher (5)
21 Italian designer (5) 20 Place of entertainment (6)
22 Useful insect (3) 22 Beach --, group (4)
24 Incline; cultivate (4) 23 1815 novel (4)
25 Med resort (8)
The Telegraph 26 Brighton sweet? (4)
27 Desert grit (4)
28 Caspian, e.g. (3)

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

The Telegraph

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 41


ACROSS 107 ___ matrix printer 59 Law, to La Salle The Washington Post
1 TYpe of salad? 109 Frequently 61 Baracas and co.
5 Half of an African capital 110 Thanksgiving noise 62 Freudian concepts MY TAX DAY FILM GUIDE By Merl Reagle
10 Bouquet holder 63 List total, often
14 Composer Berg makers? 64 Middle East gulf
19 Like a Studs Terkel history 112 Org. overseeing the skies 65 1935 Errol Flynn classic
20 Della Street’s favorite 115 Where it all began? 67 Fancy dresser
117 Not tucked in 69 Seeker of secrets, perhaps
subatomic particle? 118 1959 Roger Corman flick 71 Fuss
21 Very top 124 Pond sound 73 Where the Ducks play
22 “The truth” 126 1982 Stallone opus 74 Wall Street name
23 Earthbound phobia 128 “Yes ___?” 75 With less fat
24 1987 Van Damme ninja flick 129 Sand-castle site 78 Chapfallen
26 Buoyant body bar 130 Actress Falco 83 Call me on it: abbr.
27 Kurosawa’s Macbeth, 1957 131 Hartford-based firm 85 Surfing mecca accessory
29 Price-earnings, for one 132 Mr. Big, to the Norse 86 Camera pioneer
31 “Nuts” 133 Hot, spicy drink 88 Shut up in a mausoleum
32 It’s a little possessive 134 Tawdry tabloids 91 Oozy specimens
33 Flower or color 135 State anew 93 Old car
36 Name of many a theater 136 Lavish love (upon) 95 Tiny carpenter
39 Card player’s cry 96 New York city
42 Show at the front? DOWN 97 Tax-form I.D.
44 Willing one’s words 1 Turn or trench follower 98 Jazz job
45 Reversal of Fortune star 2 ELO, for one 99 In the past
46 1979 John Huston film 3 Roseanne of Roseanne 100 Honey hoarders
50 Worn-down end 4 1948 Mitchum drama 101 Makes less dangerous
51 Vergil’s escort 5 “Waves of grain” color 104 On the train
52 Vodka brand 6 Fit in 105 Gumby creator Art
53 Mo. of the squeezed 7 Beginning 108 Connie Stevens-Dean Jones
8 Nincompoop
wallet 9 Relative of comedy, ___ Guillotine
54 Take-off time, approx. 111 Allude
56 Word in many Bugs “witness ye” 113 Pose
10 Vicks product 114 Mogul emperor
Bunny titles 11 “... peas in ___” 116 The time ___
58 Revenuer’s find 12 Indian weight 118 Jail for McHale
13 Spare 119 Battlefield Robt.
60 Matching towels, etc. 14 Making headlines, as a 120 Little ones
64 Adept person 121 Latin word on a dollar bill
66 Clumsy person couple 122 “Step ___!”
68 Writer Anita 15 Affectionate 123 Over with
70 Paine’s ___ of Reason 16 1941 Tyrone Power movie 124 Zone of Ark.
71 Rib donor 17 People blow it all the time 125 Greek letter
72 1984 Coen Brothers film 18 Napoleon’s field marshal 127 Theatrical Princess
76 By and by 25 Old French moolah
77 Unseat 28 Mid-Atlantic state? THE Art & Science
79 Ballot abbr. 30 Enthusiastic
80 A vote 33 Solve word searches of Cosmetic Surgery
81 Pt.-scoring passes 34 Land bird
82 Chipped beef ___ 35 Johnny Gray SPECIALTIES INCLUDE:
84 Baretta costar 36 Contract offer • Minimal Incision Lift for the
87 Part of ABA: abbr. 37 Tax-time acct.
89 Common connector 38 Garfield’s “owner” Face, Body, Neck & Brow
90 Type of bagel 40 ___ Jima • Breast Augmentations
92 Find out 41 Quick drinks
94 Gets within spittin’ 43 Ski event & Reductions
47 Barfly • Post Cancer Reconstructions
distance 48 Hex • Chemical Peels • Botox
98 Cheerful, mon cheri 49 Ball, for one • Laser Surgery • Tummy Tucks
100 1979 Audrey Hepburn pic 52 Ring out • Obagi Products • Liposculpture
102 Bennett and Curtis 54 Country S of Eritrea: abbr. • Skin Cancer Treatments
103 Paderewski’s first 55 1973 Vincent Price thriller
106 Person 57 Clothing for Pierre?

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Ralph M. Rosato

42 Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


She feels that saving for the future comes with a price

BY CAROLYN HAX lives to be affordable on one of their salaries alone, to
Washington Post hedge against a future illness, injury, job loss, breakup
or miscellaneous salary-erasing emergency.
Hi, Carolyn:
But not everyone can do that, and some who
Dear Carolyn: Over a decade, my technically can perhaps shouldn’t – again, not if it
involves sacrifices that cost more than they’re worth,
salary has tripled (I’m quite well- even to quality of life. And it’s hard to see how savings
on the margins are going to pay off when they add to
paid now), my work hours and re- the workload of someone already working too much.

sponsibilities have increased, and So here’s what I suggest: First, and everywhere, look
for passive savings – meaning, you leave your lifestyle
– because I’m so frequently tired or unchanged and simply pay less for it. Refinancing a
mortgage is the classic example. Also check your
short on time – my “outsourcing” has increased, too. credit cards for recurring charges you’ve forgotten
about and subscriptions you’d barely miss.
Think: frequent takeout, a dog-walker, cabs instead
Your husband, as chief downsizer, can research
of buses and a whole lot of shelling out money in ex- money-tracking apps that automatically flag those
recurring charges and subscriptions for him and
change for convenience or time. coupon-tracking apps that find savings automati-
cally, no clipping or habit-changing required.
Now my husband and I want to look toward a fu-
Every nickel you two save this way, divert to a sav-
ture where we’re working less, which will also mean ings account through payroll deductions.

living on less. He wants us to prepare for that future by Look to cut material luxuries next if needed, to
keep your time and convenience luxuries intact. Bet-
living on less now. I get why that’s smart, but I’m hav- ter even to pay for cheaper outsourcing than to cut
the outsourcing itself. Teenage dog-walker, simpler
ing trouble in practice. I’m quite sure I’d have the en- takeout.

ergy to cook and coupon-clip if I got home from work If you’ve been there, tried these, and if in your hus-
band’s eyes they’re insufficient, then it’s time to draw
at 4-5, but I just don’t when I get home at 9. Do you the line. You work till 9. So, no. You’ll cook, clip, ride,
walk and downsize when your earning time is up. 
have any suggestions for how to pre-downsize before

we actually downsize?

– Downsizing a Life

Downsizing a Life: When does he get home? If he’s These expenses buy you rest, and rest is not a luxury.
You are well compensated to produce good work, and
cooking, coupon-clipping and dog-walking, then you will not work as well if you’re up late stirring a pot
of resentment (freeze it to dine on all week!). The big
the savings will confer to you as a couple just as if salary now is far more valuable to your downsized-
later than small or even moderate savings.
you were doing them.
Your husband’s idea isn’t an unreasonable one; it’s a
And if he works late, too, then presumably he financial-advisory staple for couples to structure their

won’t have any trouble seeing why these preemp-

tive “savings” might drain more from you and your

earning power than they’re worth.


44 Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Tip-top health record system helps boost patient care

BY TOM LLOYD newly arrived director of education
Staff Writer Amy Colletti.

One of the newest and most ad- Installation of the system is good
vanced electronic health record (EHR) news for the hospital, its patients, its
systems is now up and running at Se- staff and the surrounding community.
bastian River Medical Center.
While many people think EHRs are
That’s in no small part due to the used exclusively by physicians to order
efforts of Debbie Finsted, a staff prescription medicines or to provide
nurse and in-house clinical systems alerts on patient allergies or potential
analyst, nurse leader Stevie Ray, and adverse drug interactions, they actually
do much more.

RNs Stevie Ray
and Debbie Finsted.


According to Finsted, “all of the nurs- ‘... the electronic
ing assessments, the interventions and
everything that a nurse does for a pa- health records are
tient go into the EHRs.
helping us provide the
“As a seasoned nurse,” Finsted con-
tinues, “what I think is great for pa- best patient care ...’
tients, is that I come in here and most
of my information is in the computer. - RN Stevie Ray
Whereas before, when we were on
paper, we would have to start from staff has really embraced it,” Ray says.
scratch. I’d take out another piece of pa- “They’ve been looking … to get away
per and ask all the same questions over from the paper [records], so everyone’s
and over and over again. No longer hav- really excited.”
ing to do that is just phenomenal.”
“In the medical profession it’s very
Having the EHR system up and run- important to keep up to date on the
ning, Ray adds, “helps create a good newest practices and newest things
rapport with patients. We can say, ‘Hey coming out. That’s “best practice,”
you were here before.’ Having their his- says Colletti.
tory and their medications and every-
thing on the computer” makes the visit EHRs are also good for the financial
better for the patient and the nurse. health of the hospital.

A registered nurse, Ray became a As the Centers for Medicare and Med-
part of this transition team almost by icaid Services puts it, in order to avoid
accident. “Medicare payment adjustments” – de
facto fines – or to receive “Medicaid in-
“On the floor when I was just do- centive payments” – de facto bonuses –
ing my regular nurse job,” he says, “I healthcare providers must use an EHR
seemed to be the one who knew the that is secure, can maintain data confi-
computers and knew how to work all dentially and can work with other sys-
the devices … so they kinda roped me
into doing this.”

He is clearly pleased it worked out
that way.

“This MediTech system and the elec-
tronic health records are helping us
provide the best patient care, and our

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 45

tems to share information. HEALTH
According to Becker’s Hospital Re-

view, the MediTech EHR software now
in use at SRMC meets or exceeds all

Hospital president Kelly Enriquez us to coordinate care in all settings of “MediTech will also allow us to meet
is looking forward to that. “We are ex- our hospital, enabling our clinicians important CMS guidelines for data re-
cited to implement MediTech at Sebas- to work more efficiently, and enhance porting, which we expect will result in
tian River Medical Center. It will allow quality care and patient safety. higher quality benchmarks.” 

those requirements.
In fact, says Becker’s, it tops all its

competitors in client satisfaction for
community hospitals with between 101
and 250 beds, and the global healthcare
research firm KLAS just ranked Medi-
Tech at the very top of its annual soft-
ware and service review for the fourth
year in a row.

SRMC’s parent company, Steward
Health Group, the largest private for-
profit hospital operator in the United
States, now uses MediTech software in
all its 36 hospitals nationwide and the
Sebastian facility now has the newest
generation, version 6.15.

Often misreported as “electronic
medical records” or EMRs, the Office
of the National Coordinator for Health
Information has repeatedly stated that
EMRs and EHRs are not the same thing.
“Electronic medical records contain a
patient’s clinical data; electronic health
records go beyond that to focus on the
broader, total health of each patient.”

SRMC’s Leapfrog safety ratings
took a serious hit last April largely be-
cause – at the time – installation of the
MediTech EHR system was still in the
planning stages.

As Ray puts it, “we started our real
hands-on training probably in May,” a
month after that rating was released, so
the next report to watch will be the one
that comes out next spring.

46 Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Scully-Welsh expands cancer-fighting team, techniques

BY TOM LLOYD Dr. Stephen Patterson.
Staff Writer
Scully-Welsh Cancer Center medical
oncologist Dr. Stephen Patterson says
“there are a lot of exciting things going
on” at the Vero Beach facility, including
the onset of what he calls a new, “more
seamless” approach to treating bladder
cancer, prostate cancer, testicular can-
cer and kidney cancer.

Yale Medicine calls this approach
“genitourinary urology” and says it
provides an important advantage to
patients because it is means having “a
comprehensive, disease-based multi-
specialty team to treat these cancers
through medical oncology, radiation
oncology, surgical oncology, pathology
and diagnostic imaging all under one

According to Patterson, the arrival of
a new urologist, Dr. Carrington Mason,
from U.S. Oncology in Texas is another
step forward for the IRMC cancer cen-

“Dr. Mason does robotic prostatecto-
mies. He also does cystectomies, which
are bladder resections. As far as I know,

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 47


we were not doing any bladder resec- ‘... we can do what’s called a either the doctors rotate around the pa-
tions within our medical group. We had multidisciplinary clinic where you would tient or the patient would go from one
to send [patients needing those proce- essentially have either the doctors rotate room to another room at the same visit.
dures] out to Moffitt or somewhere else. around the patient or the patient would go That’s part of our whole vision here. To
Now we have the ability to treat those from one room to another at the same visit.’ do that in breast and lung and liver and
patients within our area. Also, having a bladder and prostate cancers.”
third urologist gives us increased abil- - Dr. Stephen Patterson
ity to see more prostate cancer, more Patterson is clearly impressed with
bladder cancer and more kidney cancer the individual skills and expertise of his
patients.” Scully-Welsh colleagues, including Drs.
Mason, Rose, Tardiff and Pagnini, but
Patterson also brings up the continu- he adds “we’re better together.”
ing work of Dr. Marc Rose and Dr. Chris
Tardiff and their use of “UroNav Trus- Dr. Stephen Patterson is a medical
fusion” for prostate cancer biopsies. oncologist with the Scully-Welsh Cancer
Center. His office is at 3555 10th Court.
That technique uses magnetic reso- The phone number is 772-226-4810. 
nance imaging (MRIs) in addition to
ultrasound imaging to give physicians Call Today and Get
a “far superior way” to actually see the Your Birthday Month
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The easy-going Patterson then adds Vero Beach, FL 32967
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his role call. (772) 742-2466

“Dr. Pagnini,” says Patterson, “is 910 Regency Square
someone who has great depth in pros- Vero Beach, FL 32967
tate cancer radiation and so that’s been
a great addition for us, too.” (772) 742-2475

And while Patterson freely admits *Expires 10/31/18. New residents only. Some restrictions may apply.
radiation oncology is not his area of ex-
pertise, he briefly mentions a new ap-
proach in that area called “removable

Brachytherapy – at least in the past
– involved permanently inserting tiny
radioactive isotopes directly into the
prostate gland to kill cancer cells.

Now, however, according to the
Johns Hopkins Medical Health Library,
in “temporary brachytherapy,” those
isotopes can be placed, by catheter, on
or even near the prostate, and then re-
moved the same day.

Since upwards of 20 percent of the
patients Patterson sees come to him
with prostate cancer problems, he is
naturally interested in any new devel-
opments in that field.

As any man who’s ever been diag-
nosed with prostate cancer knows,
there are only two recognized ap-
proaches to treating that disease. Sur-
gery or radiation.

Patterson says “that’s really a deci-
sion we have to let a patient make.

“Whether you get radiation or sur-
gery, the outcomes for the disease are
very similar. There is not enough dif-
ference between the two to say one
should be done over the other, mean-
ing surgery over radiation or radiation
over surgery across the board,” though
he does admit he “leans toward [recom-
mending] prostatectomies in younger
patients and more towards radiation as
patients get older.”

In Patterson’s eyes, Scully-Welsh has
now reached the point where “we can
do what’s called a multidisciplinary
clinic where you would essentially have

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48 Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Bonz salutes blind bud Captain’s outlook on life

Hi Dog Buddies! out by hearin’ an smellin.’ (I have, like, with pom-poms on it. I grab
The Best Sniffer an Ears EVER. I can hear
There’s absolutely No Way I’ll EVER a bug tip-toein’ across the porch.) Any- the pom-poms an drag my
get bored in this job. This week I in- way. I got the No-Kittens procedure, of
nerviewed a very suave young dude, course, plus, I hadda have an operation bed to wherever I want to nap.
Capt. Oculess Prime Yeatts. (Every- to take out one eye. Mom an Dad had sor-
body calls him The Captain.) He’s a ta already decided they wanted to adopt Mom an Dad put baby fences
frenly, slender, totally black cat. An he’s me, when I was ready, an they did!”
blind. As a bat. But you wouldn’t notice around the front room so Bo-
it at first. “Cool Catnip!” I exclaimed.
“I know! Right? I learned my way dhi has a nice big, safe place
Soon as The Captain’s Mom opened around the house right away. The min-
the door and we’d stepped in, I sat ute I met Bodhi, I knew we were gonna to play. I creep way around
down politely, the way I had learned be Best Pals. Mom an Dad showed him
in my handbook, “Basic Cat for Dum- how to give me liddle soft pats an to the edge on my quiet liddle
mies.” As Rule 1 instructs, I let the cat not pull my tail too hard. He was just
come to me. (If any of you pooches in- learning to talk, an guess what his First cat feet an slip in behind the
nerface with cats at all, you should get Word was?”
this book. It’s great. Mine’s dog-eared “I’m thinkin’ it wasn’t ‘Mama’ or couch. Me an Bodhi like to
already.) So I said, “Good afternoon. ‘Daddy.’”
I’m Bonzo. It’s a pleasure.” “It was ‘Kitkat!’ Mom an Dad were like listen to ‘Little Einsteins’ on
The Captain wasn’t nervous a bit. He “I’ll bet.” TV. We’re learning a lotta
walked right up for the Sniff-and-Size “I also have two pooch brothers, res-
Up. (Rule 4: Cats don’t do the Wag-and- cues, like me. Thomas is a Staffordshire stuff about nature an liddle
Sniff.) “Welcome to our home,” he said. Terrier, he’s about 10; an Dexter, he’s
“Just call me Captain. This is my Dad, 8-ish, he’s an American Bulldog. They humans in places way far
Brian, my Mom, Amy, an my liddle hu- kinda adopted me, too. We play all the
man brother, Bodhi, whose still havin’ time. An snuggle. Sometimes I sneak away.
his dinner. He’s my best bud. We’re their kibbles, but they’re cool with that.
about the same age – 2-ish.” (Bodhi An, when I hadda have my other eye “I also have a buncha
was sittin’ in one of those tall chairs out, they were puh-lite an concerned.
with the tray thingy in front, clutching I bounced back pretty quick from that, Crinkle Balls. They are To-
a spoon.) cuz I’m tough.”
“Woof, Captain, you sure are! I think tally Cool Fish Sticks! Dad
The Captain led the way to a nice you’re uh-MAY-zing. What do you eat,
bright porch. He totally knew his way other than the occasional dog kibble?” throws ’em an I chase ’em. I
around. You’d never know he was blind. “Just regular cat food, an yummy cat-
He paused for some chin tickles from my nip treats. And to drink, I prefer running always know exactly where The Captain.
assistant. I got my notebook out. “So, tell water, so I usta flip my bowl over with
me how you found your Forever Family.” my paw. Which I learned was not a good they’re going by that crin-
idea. Finally, Mom bought me this cat
“I first met Mom when me an a fellow fountain. I can’t knock it over and I don’t kly sound. I could bop ’em
kitten got dropped off at the Vero Beach haff to anyway, cuz the water’s always
Humane Society where Mom works. movin.’” an chase ’em for hours.
(She’s a vet tech.) Before we could get For- “So, what’s your day like?”
ever Families, we hadda get Spiffed Up an “I’m a totally indoor cat. I mostly “An I just made up this fun new game. ly. I always wanna be wher-
Checked Out: Pretty quick, the humans play with Bodhi an Thomas an Dex-
looked at my eyes an said I was ‘blind.’ ter. An eat. An nap. I have a comfy bed I hide silently under the bed an pretend ever they are.”
I didn’t know what that meant, cuz my
eyes never did work. I always figure stuff I’m the Boogiecat. When somebody Heading home, I closed my eyes an

walks by, I POUNCE an bop ’em with my imagined how I would feel to never

paw. I’m great at pouncing.’ An nibblin’ know what the world looks like. The

toes. Also, I don’t speak Meow.” Captain’s never seen anything: trees,

“Whaddya mean? What’s Meow?” I fire hydrants, fellow animals. But he

asked. finds joy in the same things that make

“Meow is the lang-wudge cats use to the rest of us happy: toys, a comfy bed,

talk to humans. But I am a Stealth Cat.” good food – and a home with a lov-

“You do have a very mysterious look, ing famly. I think I would feel just the

with your black coat, an long legs an tail,” same.

I observed. “Like those royal Egyptian

cats who hung out with the Fair-Os.” Till next time,

“Really? Cool Catnip!” The Bonz
“An how about that interesting name?”
“Mom an Dad named me for one of

those Transformers from the movies, Don’t Be Shy
Optimus Prime. He’s one tough dude,
like me. So, ‘oculus’ means something We are always looking for pets
like an eye an, since I don’t have any with interesting stories.
eyes, it’s ocuLESS. Get it?” To set up an interview, email

“Woof! That’s, like, the coolest name

ever. You seem like one happy cat.” [email protected].

“I am, Bonzo. I have a wunnerful fam-

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 49

Strong women rule at Max Mara and Fendi shows

The Telegraph

Strong female muses and mega This idea of clothing as protection
model lineups were the flavor of the is something that has interestingly
day at Milan fashion week. At Max threaded through many collections
Mara, its British creative director, Ian shown so far this season. Perhaps,
Griffiths took on the ultimate power not a surprise that sartorial defences
woman trope – the Amazon, inspired are being deployed given this age
by the new feminist reworking of of hashtag activism and the potent
ancient history currently in vogue. uprising of women’s voices.
Madeleine Miller’s “Circe,” Pat Barker’s
“The Silence of the Girls,” Margaret At Fendi, a similar mood prevailed.
Atwood’s “Penelopiad” and the recent Here Karl Lagerfeld cited an urban
release of the first translation of the jungle, drawing in themes of the natu-
“The Odyssey,” by a woman – Emily ral world with the utilitarian. Many-
Wilson – were his point of entry. pocketed bomber jackets were worn
with bags again slung diagonally across
“Even just watching the BBC’s the body; popping orange trench coats
‘Troy’” he offered, “you see so many were paired with matching high, pa-
parallels with the world we live in.” per-bag waisted shorts, balletic pleated
Which does make you slightly wonder skirts and blazers, and a finale of pretty
where he’s been hanging out. organza dresses scattered with floral
and bird embroideries.
Into this ancient mix, Griffiths
threw Max Mara’s own hero, its There was also a quiet moment of
Eighties creative Anna-Marie Beretta triumph for anyone keeping an eye on
who in designing the classic “101801” the diversity index. Adwoa Aboah, the
coat, solidified that confident, sharply British Ghanian model opened the
dressed working woman as the crux of show; Adut Akech Bior from Southern
the brands offer. Sudan, closed. Given that both Hadid
sisters, Kendall Jenner, Kaia Gerber
But what does the “part warrior, and Edie Campbell were also walking
part ocean goddess” to be wear? here, this felt even more important.
Griffiths popped her in earth-colored
one shoulder jumpsuits – her bag One note, at both these shows: This
worn diagonally across to give off the idea of female empowerment (albeit
impression of a bow and arrow slung through the eyes of men) was perhaps
jauntily across one’s breastplate. hindered by the heeled court shoes.
There were light ochre knits with Max Mara’s did feature flaming wings
textured ruffle detail along the length fluttering off the back, but they’d have
of the arm, knee skirts ruched at the made a terrible click-clacking give
front, PVC trench coats and matching away in that giant wooden horse. 
one-shouldered cocktail dresses in
a soft taupe. Over the knee gators
provided a literal armor.

“The color palate was inspired by
the earthy tones of the Mediterranean
landscape, with a couple of vibrant
yellow (representing the sun) – or
in Griffiths’ imagination, “pure,
saturated, unafraid.”

As the designer who first put a
Muslim model – Halima Aden –
onto the catwalk – he is no stranger
to working a headscarf into a look.
Here there were multiple, color-
coordinated iterations – which as well
as niftily speaking to his broad client
base, for him played on the idea of
clothing as a defence “arming yourself
in the city, with a headscarf and
sunglasses” he explained backstage.

The sunglasses – which cocooned
the eyes in an air-military manner,
were inspired by Briseis, wife of
Achilles (now that’s thrown you) – who
was “virtually written out of Homer’s
version.” Read Pat Barker, he implored,
to see how crucial she really was.

50 Vero Beach 32963 / September 27, 2018 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

The six ingredients of a perfect Prada show

BY LISA ARMSTRONG tion perhaps. And if not that, then good
The Telegraph for the pelvic floor.

The laws of the cosmos insist that 1. There must be some weird in every 3. The music should challenge
every Prada show must contain show It did.
unsettling elements. An expectation
that each season Miuccia Prada Scuba-inspired sandal bootees in 4. At least one pariah of modern
will somehow unseat a collective bubblegum pink or purple should tastes must be brought in from the cold
set of beliefs – about what is and give the Vibram people a run for their
isn’t beautiful, what is chic, what is money if Prada ever puts them into Remember the puffy satin hairband
kitsch – and that she will lay a new production. If nothing else, they’ll that the Duchess of Cambridge wore
direction that will eventually become look great in every fashion shoot next to the christening of her youngest
mainstream, has become as much a season. child, Louis? Miuccia has borrowed it,
part of the experience of watching her minted in every color from Middleton
show as the crush to get in. Exhausting white to sophisticated chartreuse, and
for her. Impossible to maintain. for evening, dusted it with crystals.
Inevitably there have been some
seasons of creative water treading,
coupled with financial challenges –
too many stores, not enough digital
savvy. However, the feeling that Prada
is returning to form after a few seasons
of treading water seems to be gaining
momentum. With Gucci temporarily
off the Milan agenda, Milan needs its
remaining big names to excel and on
the way out of last week’s blockbuster,
the groundswell gathered force:
Miuccia’s back on form.

2. The show itself must not be an 5. There must be nods to Prada’s own
easy ride significant archives

What is the value of a brand if it No one can make a satin Jackie
makes it too easy to get into its seasonal Kennedy dress or skirt look modern and
set pieces? The scene outside the Prada sleek like Miuccia Prada does – perhaps
Fondazione wasn’t the scrum of the pre- because satin is a close, if luxurious
vious season, but it was still hot, sticky corollary of that native Prada fabric,
and a rite of passage. The vast space nylon. Spring/summer ’19 Prada took
inside (also hot) where the show took both materials and sliced and diced
place is an imposing concrete universe, them into a myriad citrus-sy shades
windowless, with soaring ceilings: an and simple, a-line shapes that will be
inward looking world unto itself where endlessly copied next season.
what matters is how each act of Prada
relates to the other. The audience was 6. There must be ample substance
seated on individual squishy plastic that we will really want to wear
cubes – not on message as far as the
planet is concerned – but a statement This collection positively pullalated
about human containment and isola- with the kind of arresting instant
classics beloved of Prada fans: boxy back
coats with gilt buttons and contrasting
trims and high necked tunic blouses
had an irresistible grown-up appeal.
Sheer voile dresses, worn over nothing
but men’s underwear were styled with
that push-me-pull-me ugliness Prada
loves, but the dresses themselves, like
so much here, were hugely desirable
and, layered over a slip, will even look
demure. Prada at its best. 

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