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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2022-07-15 17:42:42

07/14/2022 ISSUE 28


July 14, 2022 | Volume 9, Issue 28 Newsstand Price: $1.00

For breaking news visit

MY TAKE County plans
slight hike of
BY RAY MCNULTY property taxes

Barefoot: Disappointed, PHOTO: ROSS ROWLINSON By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer
discouraged, concerned PHOTO: ROSS ROWLINSON [email protected]

Twenty months into his four- Museum of Art preparing for major expansion Taxpayers can expect to pay
year School Board term, Brian only slightly more in property
Barefoot said the experience By Mary Schenkel | Staff Writer we no longer have adequate spac- The design firm Allied Works taxes next year to fund the $452
thus far has left disappointed, [email protected] es for our signature programs and – which has worked with numer- million budget County Adminis-
discouraged and concerned. events,” said executive director ous other museums – has been trator Jason Brown presented to
The Vero Beach Museum of Brady Roberts. “We’re increasingly appointed to develop plans for county commissioners this week.
The island resident should also Art, one of the area’s crown jew- acquiring more significant works an expansion and renovation
feel more than a little unappreci- els, is preparing to expand again. of art and we want to be able to project that is expected to be That’s because a 13.5 percent
ated, given the knowledge, pro- share those with the public.” increase in the county’s tax roll –
fessionalism and leadership he “In the past decade, our audi- CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 a $9.4 million windfall produced
has brought to what was an un- ence has grown significantly, and by an influx of new residents,
derachieving school district and construction of new homes and
a board that, prior to his arrival, a surge in real-estate values – al-
was too often in chaos. lowed officials to maintain the
current property-tax rate.
As the 79-year-old former
Indian River Shores mayor has Brown’s proposed 2022-23
said on more than one occasion: budget is $90 million less than
“I don’t need to do this.” His im- the $542 million budget under
pressive business, education, which the county is operating
civic and philanthropic creden- this year.
tials speak for themselves. His
legacy is assured. It’s 4.3 percent lower than the
county’s $472 million budget in
Barefoot, though, chose to 2006-07, when there were 25,000
serve on the School Board be- fewer residents.
cause he cared deeply about our
community and believed our He said he and his staff took a
children deserved better than a “cautious and conservative ap-
mediocre education. proach” in putting together the
budget, citing the “uncertainty
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 regarding the overall economy,”




PETS B8 CALENDAR B12 Elite Airways: Few flights from Vero in June; none so far in July


To advertise call: 772-559-4187 By Ray McNulty | Staff Writer cancellations before things get back
For circulation or where to pick up [email protected] to normal in a week or 10 days,” Elite
your issue call: 772-226-7925 President John Pearsall said Sunday.
Elite Airways canceled 27 of its 35 “We’re down to a limited number of
scheduled flights into and out of Vero aircraft.”
Beach in June – as well as all of its
July flights through Monday – and Pearsall said two factors contribut-
the boutique carrier isn’t expected ed to Elite’s current aircraft shortage:
to resume service until next week.
 The airline’s 50-seat passenger
“We’ll probably have a few more

© 2022 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.

2 July 14, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

MY TAKE to come forward,” Barefoot the former Babson College president also It was the latest example
said, referring to birth of the has been the target of cyberthreats from of the School Board being
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 local Moms For Liberty and pseudo-tough bullies. forced to spend countless
We The People groups, both hours on culture-war issues
“I was optimistic,” Barefoot said. “I of which fiercely opposed the He has been publicly “censured” by that have no direct impact on
knew how to run an organization. I knew mandatory masking of stu- the local Republican Executive Commit- improving education.
how a board was supposed to function. I dents in school. tee, which has been hijacked by the same
knew how to chair a meeting. I thought I fringe groups that have wreaked havoc at “I’m very disappointed
could make a difference.” “From that point on, it School Board meetings, where the audi- with the unwillingness of
seemed that’s all we were ence’s disruptive and sometimes-hostile people who disagree with the
Having easily won election in August dealing with, and it has gone behavior has prompted the district to board majority and superin-
2020 and being voted board chairman downhill ever since,” he add- hire a team of sheriff’s deputies to pro- tendent to try to work with
in November, Barefoot was especially ed. “We were never able to vide security. us, choosing instead to re-
eager to support the efforts of then-new talk about improving educa- sort to threats and bullying,”
Schools Superintendent David Moore, tion and student outcomes. He was wrongly accused of breaking Barefoot said.
a rising star whose statewide reputation Everything was political, the law during the pandemic when, as
as an innovator made him the perfect even in 2021, when the Delta board chairman, he supported a tempo- “Those groups might’ve
choice to take on the challenges our dis- variant was everywhere. rary, in-school mask mandate that violat- been well-intended when
trict faced. ed a too-vague-to-enforce, state health they started, and I’m all for
“It was all about the cul- department emergency order prohibiting parental rights,” he contin-
“I really like Moore,” Barefoot said, ture war.” such action. ued. “Parents should have
“and I thought his vision and goals were input in their children’s edu-
where we needed to go.” And Barefoot, who re- If that wasn’t disturbing enough, cation. But do it respectfully.
fused to be intimidated by School Board member Jackie Rosario That’s not what’s happened.
In mid-March 2020, however, the coro- the noise, was seen by these told this newspaper earlier this year she
navirus arrived and Moore had to recon- groups as an enemy, merely was “disappointed” in the outcome of a “When these people don’t
figure his plan to accommodate a global because he refused to cower to their de- Sheriff’s Office investigation into a crim- get what they want, they go on the at-
pandemic. mands. inal complaint that could’ve resulted in tack,” he added. “They refuse to accept
Barefoot, along with three other board that they’re not the majority – that they
Little did anyone know then how For much of the past two school years, members and the superintendent, being don’t speak for most parents in this coun-
COVID-19 would impact the district – or the disrespect shown to a man of his stat- arrested. ty – and they have no interest in finding a
how it would open the door to the politi- ure, esteem and accomplishment has middle ground.
cization of public education and spawn a been shameful, beneath the dignity of For those who don’t remember: The in-
pair of small-but-vocal fringe groups that our community. vestigation found that several school-li- “They believe they’re right and you’re
thrive on the same polarization that con- brary books cited by Moms For Liberty wrong, and if you don’t give them exact-
tinues to divide America. Not only has Barefoot been subjected members were not pornographic and ly what they want, they’re going to come
to often-vile verbal attacks on social me- did not violate Florida law, much to the after you.”
“We were making progress as a dis- dia – where you could find unflattering group’s dismay.
trict, then COVID hit, and that’s when photographs posted by low-brow critics Barefoot said he could better under-
the cultural and political noise started in a juvenile attempt to mock him – but That concocted controversy – most of stand the tenacity of the opposition and
the books in question had never been venomous discourse if the district, which
checked out – followed the mask debate, operates in a Republican-dominated coun-
as well as the Moms’ trumped-up out- ty, was pursuing a progressive agenda.
rage over the district’s now-abandoned
plan to hire an equity director and, later, “But that’s not the case,” he said. “We’re
unsubstantiated allegations that criti- not doing anything anyone should con-
cal race theory was being taught in our sider progressive. The problem is, what’s
schools. going on here – with these groups – isn’t
conservative. It’s ultra-conservative.
The most recent storm was spurred by
Rosario, who wholly embraces the Moms “Where are all the moderates?”
group, and swirled around the district’s Barefoot said the board’s priorities
LGBTQ+ Administrative Resource Guide, should be improving students’ literacy
which, after an unnecessarily lengthy and math scores, “but we never get to
discussion, required some minor re- those topics because we have one School
wording. Board member who aligns with these
groups and she would rather talk about
cultural issues and challenge the super-
intendent’s authority.”
Clearly, he was singling out Rosario,
who regularly finds herself on the losing
side of most of the board’s 4-1 votes.
Her insistence on putting divisive cul-
tural issues on the agenda has bogged
down many of the board’s workshops and
meetings, and Barefoot said he has “no
more tolerance for such distractions.”
He’s worried that these board meet-
ings, where the tone during public com-
ment is often combative and people in
the audience hold up derogatory signs,
are setting a poor example for our chil-
“It’s very discouraging,” he said. “With
all this negativity and all the distractions,
I sometimes wonder why anyone would
want to run for school board.”
Dr. Gene Posca, in fact, was the lone
candidate for the District 1 seat being
vacated by Mara Schiff, who chose to

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS July 14, 2022 3

not seek a second term. Only two candi- PROPERTY TAXES erties in the county – will pay about $57 said. “In these times, we need to make
dates – board chair Teri Barenborg and more in property taxes next year. sure we’re investing enough in law
Moms-endorsed outsider Thomas Kenny CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 enforcement. So this was basically a
– entered the District 4 race. That’s roughly $4.50 per month, but pocketbook issue.
which is being impacted by inflation, the exact amount of the tax increase
In District 2, however, Rosario is being supply-chain issues and labor shortages. will depend on where in the county a “We couldn’t afford $11 million, and
challenged by three political newcomers: resident lives. we worked to find common ground,”
LaDonna Corbin, Cynthia Gibbs and Josh “It wasn’t easy because we’re dealing he added.
Post. with inflation, as are the people who “We know our taxpayers are facing
live here, but we were able to get the increased costs for food, fuel and hous- “We arrived at a number that was less
Barefoot said his view of what it may be budget to where we wanted it to be,” ing,” Brown said. than what he wanted and more than I
possible to achieve in the next two years said Brown, who served as the coun- wanted to give, but we’re in agreement
will be decided by the coming elections. ty’s budget director for 12 years before “We didn’t want to add to that bur- on this.”
becoming the county administrator in den.”
“Right now, I’m concerned,” he said. “If July 2016. Brown said the biggest impacts on
we elect people who don’t want to work According to Brown, the county’s the proposed budget are the increased
together, I’m going to go from disap- “We’re all dealing with rising costs, funding priorities were public safety, costs of fuel, utilities, chemicals and
pointed and discouraged to ‘Am I wasting but the increase in our tax roll gave us the health of the Indian River Lagoon the bills from the various vendors with
my time?’” the means to fund our priorities with- and maintaining conservation lands. which the county has contracts.
out raising the tax rate,” he added.
Barefoot said he’s also concerned “While the economy seems to be strong Nearly 75 percent of the total Gener- In fact, the budget includes a 42 per-
about the election’s impact on Moore’s – from an employment standpoint, al Fund budget will cover the costs of cent increase to cover fuel costs.
future here, particularly if the Moms-en- anyway – inflation is still a threat, so we funding state mandates and the coun-
dorsed candidates take control of the don’t want to extend ourselves. ty’s five constitutional officers – sheriff, Brown said the average price of gas-
board. tax collector, property appraiser clerk oline jumped from $2.94 per gallon
“We want to be good stewards and of circuit court, and supervisor of elec- in June 2021 to $4.79 per gallon last
“If I were him and the election goes spend tax dollars wisely.” tions. month.
the wrong way, I’d have my resume out
there,” Barefoot said. “To have to endure Brown said county commissioners After negotiations with Brown’s staff, Salaries also are going up to offset
personal attacks from these people – just scheduled budget workshops for this Sheriff Eric Flowers agreed to a $67.25 the recent increases in cost of living.
for doing your job well – I wouldn’t blame week and, with possible minor tweaks, million budget – a $7.25 million (12.1
him one bit if he left.” he expects them to approve his propos- percent) increase over his current bud- “If you want to attract and retain
al. get, but well below the $11 million (18.3 quality employees, you’ve got to pay
When he ran for his District 5 School percent) increase he was seeking. them,” Brown said. “We have to give
Board seat, Barefoot said he planned to Under the proposed tax rate, a prop- raises to remain competitive in the
serve only one term. It appears nothing erty owner whose home is assessed at The Sheriff’s Office’s budget includes market.”
has changed. $275,000 – based on the average as- funding for an additional 29 full-time
sessed value of all homesteaded prop- employees. Fortunately, Brown said, most of the
“I sit on several boards, and I get some county’s rising costs will be covered by
satisfaction from it because I see the ben- “We have a good relationship, and new dollars generated by the strong tax
efits of the time I invest,” Barefoot said. the negotiations were cordial,” Brown roll. 
“On this board? I get zero satisfaction.” 


★ FOR ★



4 July 14, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS


By Steven M. Thomas | Staff Writer effort, expressed the same concern: “I ab- cited in March 2017 for “collapsing roof” could not start reroofing the home until
[email protected] solutely feel [the condition of the house] and rotted soffits and facia. “They fixed structural repairs were made.
has been detrimental to our home values. it to some degree, so the code inspector
Progress has stalled again at 1215 Span- It is the first thing you see when you pull passed it, but it was a patch job and the McAdam said structural repair work
ish Lace Lane, the house in Wave VI in down Spanish Lace Lane.” problems reoccurred,” Jeffries said. was finally undertaken in January and
Castaway Cove where the state of disre- February when a local construction com-
pair has been driving neighbors crazy for Wave VI homeowners association pres- The city got new complaints in 2018 pany pulled permits, replaced failed truss
at least five years. ident Garry Perkins wrote in his Spring about tarps on the roof where repairs had sections, and put new sheathing on rot-
2022 VI Bulletin that the house was “left failed and cited Dorothy Lucey again. ted sections of the roof and exterior walls,
A group of neighbors who circulated a open to the weather for five years with closing the house to the elements. After
petition in March to have the house con- several large holes in the roof. The rain In 2019, the Luceys applied for a reroof that, work stalled again until April when
demned due to persistent code violations and weather, as well as termites, damaged permit, which seemed like progress and Vero News published an article about the
is again flooding the county switchboard the structure of the house but nothing was caused the city to close the code enforce- neighborhood petition.
with calls. done.” ment case. But a year later, in March 2020,
the HOA again complained to the city Immediately afterward, Lucey finally
The contractor hired by the homeowner County records show that ownership of about the exposed roof and the case was got in contact with Orchid Island Roofing,
to reroof the house has filed a mechanics the home was transferred by Dorothy Lu- reopened. which had already extended its July per-
lien against the property, which typically cey to the Dorothy M. Lucey Living Estate mit twice in an attempt to help the home-
means a homeowner has not paid for con- in 2009, with her daughter Maureen as The Luceys asked for more time, citing owner and keep the project viable.
tracted work. co-owner, set to inherit the property upon COVID difficulties, and a second reroof
the death of her mother. permit was issued in July 2020. With her belated permission, the com-
“Our concern is that a roofless house pany sent a crew that worked at the house
continues to exist in our neighborhood Building officials say Maureen has been That permit expired in January 2021 for several days in mid-April, putting
and we don’t understand why,” Angelique managing the home repair process but with the roof still not finished and partial- down new peel and stick underlayment to
Padulo, who lives across the street from that she has been hard to contact and ly open to the weather. keep water out of the house.
1215 Spanish Lace Lane, wrote in an email mostly unresponsive to their inquiries.
to this newspaper. “There hasn’t been a Complaints continued and in April But nothing has been done since then.
roof on it since we moved here in 2020. Multiple attempts to contact Maureen 2021, Indian River County building in- “We went out there and dried it in and we
Lucey by phone and email to get a com- spector Shawn Doutrich visited the prop- are waiting for her permission to finish
“The neighborhood is made up of ment for this article were unsuccessful. erty and filed a report that included this the job, as well as to pay for the work we
beautiful, highly sought after homes and passage: “Most of the roof system has have done,” said Orchid Island Roofing
this dilapidated house is lowering our Current problems at the house began been removed from the home and a layer president Doug Leman, who appears to
property values.” in 2017, according to City of Vero Beach of peel and stick which is showing signs of have bent over backward to work with Lu-
planning and development director Jason deteriorating is installed, a section on the cey and try to complete the job.
Suzanne Pirnie, who lives six doors Jeffries. north elevation has tarps installed on the
down from the problem property and was roof and at this area numerous sections “We have her metal roof already pre-
involved along with Padulo in the petition He said in April that the house was first of the sheathing, facia, sub fascia and bent and ready to go on a trailer in our
sections of the truss tails have deteriorat- warehouse.”
ed or are completely removed and there
is evidence of water infiltration into the Leman filed a lien on the property on
house with drywall ceilings and insulation Friday, June 24, but as Monday had not
collapsed ... there are numerous areas heard from Lucey or received permission
around the house where sections of the to complete the roofing job.
soffit is missing or is partially collapsing,
allowing for possible pest infestations in- Even though the first reroof permit was
side the structure. Possible further partial taken out two years ago and there is still
collapse of sections of the roof in this area no finished roof on the house, McAdam
are possible at any time.” said Lucey is technically in compliance
with county regulations at this time be-
The next day, on April 22, 2021, the cause there are active construction and
county building division issued a Notice re-roof permits on file.
of Violation, stating that the home was “an
unsafe structure” and requiring the home- “A lien doesn’t have any impact on our
owner to either tear the house down with- enforcement,” he said. “That is between
in 60 days or complete all repairs within the contractor and the property owner.
180 days.
“It isn’t a crisis for the building de-
The 180-day time limit ran out in Oc- partment at this point because they have
tober with the roof still in disrepair, with made progress. We inspected the dry-in
tarps covering holes and blue peel and in April and the roof permit is good until
stick underlayment that is only meant to October. The next inspection would be for
be exposed to sun, wind and rain for six flashing.
months, at most, going into its third year
as a community landmark. “I totally get the neighbors’ frustration,
but a delay isn’t a violation.”
The county did not enforce its order
because, in the meantime, Maureen Lu- McAdam said that as long as some work
cey got a third re-roof permit, signing a is done between now Oct. 17 when the
$71,000 contract with Orchid Island Roof- roofing permit expires, the permit can be
ing for a new finished roof. extended again.

“As long as there is an active permit, we “I am getting a lot of calls about the
view it that progress is being made on the house but there is no ultimate deadline
job,” said county Building Official Scott in the code. As long as some progress is
McAdam. made and there is an approved inspection
they are in compliance. The neighbors are
Orchid Island Roofing filed a Notice at a point where they don’t want to hear
of Commencement on July 21, 2021, but about code technicalities. They just want
it done, which is understandable. But that
is the way the code works.” 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS July 14, 2022 5

Clock ticking on town’s battle with Vero Beach over water

By Lisa Zahner | Staff Writer is expected to wrap up in October of this ply-chain issues or the increased demand utility territories, and placing the Shores
[email protected] year. Once those filings are complete, the on labor and materials needed for con- in Vero’s service area.
Fourth District Court of Appeals will de- struction of the new plant. The new rates,
With the deadline only 15 months off termine the timing of any oral argument once approved, are expected to go into Ultimately, the Shores is fighting for the
for Indian River Shores to serve notice or disposition,” May said. effect Oct. 1 for all Vero utility customers. right to entertain competitive proposals
it intends to sever ties with Vero’s water Vero serves its own city residents, plus In- from other water service providers to find
utility, legal battles between the Shores The other piece of the Shores versus dian River Shores and the barrier island the best long-term deal for its residents.
and the City of Vero Beach have hit a Vero legal battle in federal court is also south of Castaway Cove, which is unin- Vero is trying to secure its customer base,
stage where not much action is apparent. at somewhat of a standstill, as the parties corporated Indian River County. and to defend its sovereign rate-making
prepare for trial while the court ponders authority to plan for and finance needed
Behind the scenes, legal teams are Vero’s arguments that the Shores lacks Indian River Shores is challenging the capital projects, and to remove the sewer
working on briefs addressing Florida’s standing, and that the matter should validity of a 1989 agreement dividing the plant from its current location on the In-
Fourth District Court of Appeals as the not go forward. “In the federal case, the whole of Indian River County into two dian River Lagoon. 
Shores challenges a detrimental circuit motion to dismiss is still pending. The
court ruling in its breach of contract suit matter remains scheduled for trial in the
against Vero over reuse water irrigation two-week trial period beginning January
rates. 30, 2023,” May said.

Judge Janet Croom ruled in favor of Meanwhile, Vero is moving forward
Vero, holding that the city acted in ac- with a comprehensive rate study and a
cordance with state law. The Shores still plan to convert all its utility customers
believes Vero violated a 2012 franchise – inside and outside the city limits – to
agreement promising to match Indian a single rate structure designed to cover
River County Utilities’ rates. the cost of constructing a new, state-of-
the-art wastewater treatment and wa-
Attorney Bruce May, who heads up ter reclamation plant at the Vero Beach
Holland and Knight’s Utilities Division Regional Airport, plus upgrading Vero’s
in Tallahassee, has taken charge of the system to comply with environmental
Shores’ appeal along with two of his as- regulations.
sociates. May headed up the legal team
that represented the Shores both in state Initial estimates put those costs in the
court and before the Florida Public Ser- $70 million to $80 million range, but that
vice Commission in matters related to does not necessarily take into account
Vero’s electric utility. the current state of inflation, global sup-

“The briefing in the state court appeal



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Assistant Managing Editor: Michelle Genz, Associate Editor: Paul Keaney, Staff Editor: Lisa Zahner,
Society Editor: Mary Schenkel, Reporters: Stephanie LaBaff, Ray McNulty, Samantha Rohlfing Baita,
George Andreassi, Columnists: Kerry Firth, Ellen Fischer, Ron Holub, Tina Rondeau, The Bonz,
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LOCATED AT 4855 NORTH A1A, VERO BEACH, FL 32963 | 772.226.7925

6 July 14, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS

MUSEUM EXPANSION Gardens in some fashion. cation study working with a museum de- include the gift shop and restaurant, the
The museum has a long-term lease from signer, just to sort of look at how the build- Children’s Art Zone, and the studio spaces
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ing functions and what we might need,” in the Education wing.
the city for its 7.2 acres in Riverside Park, said Roberts, noting that their current
completed by the museum’s 40th anniver- and does not anticipate a need for addi- footprint is 75,000 square feet. Practical issues include strengthen-
sary in 2026. tional acreage. Roberts said he has been in ing the building against storms. Much
regular contact with city officials and that “We anticipate growing by an addition- of the museum was built before the 2004
“They designed the Clyfford Still Museum they are supportive of the planned expan- al 20,000 square feet, but then renovating hurricanes that struck Vero Beach and,
in Denver, which is considered one of the sion. quite a bit of the current building. So that’s therefore, does not meet hurricane stan-
gems in the museum field, and they really what the architects are now drilling down dards. The exception is the 2012 buildout,
understood all of our issues,” said Roberts. This is the fourth growth chapter since on, to help us understand exactly what the which included a redesigned shipping
“They showed how they could creatively the Vero Beach Museum first opened its path forward looks like.” and receiving area and construction of a
give us design options to take advantage of doors in 1986. “well-designed, well-made bunker,” that
all of the great things that we have, and deal Areas to be expanded or improved upon features exhibition storage on the second
with the challenges that we have.” “On our initial pass, we did a space allo- floor, safe from flooding.

Roberts noted that each of the final four “That’s a good, solid piece of work that
architectural firms that viewed the proper- will continue to serve the museum well for
ty commented on the rarity of having an decades into the into the future, and we
art museum on a barrier island, in a beau- need to do more thinking like that,” said
tiful park, protected from development. Roberts.

“You just don’t see that anywhere else,” Roberts expects cost estimates for the
Roberts said. “So it was fun to work with expansion will come out of a process that
them and see this through fresh eyes, and will include conceptional designs, sche-
to really understand the opportunity that’s matics and construction documents.
in front of us. What we’re doing is to ex-
pand and improve and protect the muse- “We’re working this summer to formu-
um for future generations. late our plans and will probably ease into
a quiet phase in the fall,” said Roberts. He
“The challenging part for what we’re anticipates that architects will need to em-
doing now is, we also want to open up ploy engineers to view the existing facility
more to the beautiful park setting. We’ve before determining which areas need to be
basically got 365 degrees of great views of updated, replaced or expanded.
Riverside Park, so why not take advantage
of that?” Emily Sherwood, chair of the museum’s
board of trustees, chaired the architect se-
The only outdoor change under con- lection task force, and currently also chairs
sideration is a possible connection on the campaign committee. A building com-
the east side of the building to link the mittee is co-chaired by trustees Charles
North and South Beckwith Sculpture Baillie and Richard Segal. 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS July 14, 2022 7

ELITE AIRWAYS Beach flights to Melbourne from early
September through late March to accom-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 modate a major runway-resurfacing proj-
ect here.
jets needed to undergo what he described
as “major maintenance.” Then from March 25 through May 31,
more than 3,000 travelers flew into or out
 A federal Transportation Security Ad- of Vero Beach on Elite, including more
ministration program that temporarily al- than 1,700 in April.
lowed the airline’s 70- and 90-seat jets to
land and take off at the Vero Beach Region- Elite’s passenger numbers here, howev-
al Airport expired at the end of May. er, dwindled to 295 in June.

Pearsall said Elite is in the process of Scher said Elite usually notifies the air-
removing 10 seats from its 70-seat jets to port staff of flight cancellations only 18 to
comply with the TSA’s 60-seat limit for the 24 hours in advance, and sometimes less.
Vero Beach airport, “but we’ve run into a He said he received notice Friday after-
few delays and that’s impacted out aircraft noon that the airline’s flights scheduled
availability.” for Saturday, Sunday and Monday had
been canceled.
Vero Beach Airport Director Todd Scher
confirmed the TSA had approved an “alter- “It’s not unusual for John and I to have
nate means of compliance” that permitted a conversation every couple of weeks, but
Elite to operate its larger jets here in April I haven’t heard from him since June 16,”
and May. Scher said. “It’s been radio silence.”

The “alternative means” program re- Scher said Elite informs customers of
quired additional security staffing, which flight cancellations via text message or
the airport, city and TSA provided until the email.
month of May.
“The passengers seem to be getting the
Since that program expired, however, word, though, because we’re not seeing a
Elite has operated only eight revenue-gen- lot of people show up, not knowing their
erating flights into or out of Vero Beach – flights have been canceled,” Scher said.
four to or from Newark, New Jersey, and “There have been a few, though.”
four to or from Portland, Maine.
Scher said the rash of cancellations
Scher said Pearsall told him one month doesn’t impact Elite’s contract with the
would be sufficient to convert the aircraft city, and Vero-based customers continue
needed to provide the scheduled service to book flights via its website.
connecting Vero Beach to Newark, Port-
land and White Plains, New York. Orchid resident Phil Coviello, however,
isn’t among them.
“They converted one aircraft that has
been approved by the TSA, so I don’t know “I’ve had more bad luck with Elite can-
why there’s a problem,” Scher said. “They celing flights and lengthy delays,” Coviello
have that one 60-seater, and they operated said. “I had already stopped using them for
at least some flights through June. I can’t business flights, because you can’t rely on
see that as being the reason they’re not fly- them, and I won’t use them again.”
Coviello said Elite canceled four flights
Scher said the TSA has three levels of that impacted his family’s travel between
security for airports, depending on the Vero Beach and Newark since the begin-
level of a facility’s commercial activity, and ning of June – one trip involving his grand-
Vero Beach is in the second tier, meaning son’s graduation in New Jersey, the other a
security must be provided only in the im- July 4 visit from his granddaughter.
mediate area surrounding an air carrier’s
operations. “We’ve received a few calls and ques-
tions, mostly from people asking if we
That’s a notch below the “complete” know why their flights were canceled,”
program required at major-market air- Scher said. “These cancellations are a
ports, such as those in Orlando and Mi- huge inconvenience for people traveling,
ami, where security must be provided but they also affect us.
throughout the airport complex.
“When we prepare for a flight, we have
“We’ve been at the same security level to make sure we have the necessary staff,
since Elite arrived here,” Scher said. TSA screeners and even the police,” he
added. “So when they cancel the night be-
Elite had temporarily relocated its Vero fore, they’re throwing a monkey wrench
into the works.” 

8 July 14, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Advanced liver care now closer to home for Vero Beach patients

By Kerry Firth | Correspondent Dr. Carlos Romero. with good communication with the liver
transplant team at Westin will ensure that
A new level of care for liver disease is PHOTOS: JOSHUA KODIS the patient sees the right provider at the
available at Cleveland Clinic Martin Health right time at the right place. We are trying
at Tradition, where Dr. Carlos Romero ar- to bring access to all liver services closer
rived six months ago to develop a program to home.”
that offers world-class treatment for all
forms of liver disease and access to liver Dr. Romero will build a multidisci-
transplant services. plinary team of liver specialists to accu-
rately diagnose and offer advanced treat-
The newly established Center for Liv- ments for all types of liver diseases aimed
er Disease at Cleveland Clinic Martin at preserving liver function and quality of
Health will be modeled on the renowned life.
Mikati Center for Liver Diseases at Cleve-
land Clinic’s Digestive Disease Institute in According to the American Liver Foun-
Cleveland Ohio. dation, there are more than 100 different
types of liver diseases but the progression
“My role is to deliver the best care at the of the disease typically looks the same
right time to our patients with liver dis- regardless of the underlying cause. Early
ease,” Dr. Romero said. “We have our sister diagnosis is very important and may pre-
hospital in Westin that has been doing liv- vent irreversible liver damage from oc-
er transplants for five years and this area is curring. The liver is a resilient organ and
very important as to how we grow our liver can repair and regenerate itself, so dam-
transplant program. age from early stages of liver disease can
often be reversed with a well-managed
“My presence here is to improve the ac- treatment plan.
cess for our Treasure Coast patients and
to serve those patients that may need a A healthy liver is vital to life and you
liver transplant, sending them to Westin simply cannot live without one. The liver
in a timely manner. Most importantly, we is an incredibly hard-working organ with
strive to prevent these patients from need- more than 500 vital functions, including
ing a liver transplant through preventative filtering the blood 24 hours a day. Only the
strategies to keep them from getting so brain has more functions than the liver.
sick that they need a new liver.
Many of its functions are metabolic
“My experience and training combined


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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH July 14, 2022 9

which allow you to convert food to energy, the progression of the disease. We want to
break down food to basic elements needed empower the patient to make sure they
by your body and eliminate waste. Its main are aware of what can happen if they don’t
function is to filter your blood. At any giv- take care of their liver health.”
en moment, your liver contains about a
pint of blood, or 13 percent of the body’s Dr. Romero completed his medical
total blood supply. Your liver filters more school, residency and gastroenterology fel-
than a liter of blood every minute, which lowship at the University of Puerto Rico.
is about 22 gallons of blood per hour and He subsequently completed an advanced
more than 250 gallons of blood in a 24- fellowship in liver transplantation at Mayo
hour period. Clinic at Rochester, Minnesota and spent
10 years as a staff physician at Cleveland
Common causes of liver disease are Clinic in Ohio where he served as Chief of
excessive alcohol consumption, viruses Hepatology. He is currently seeing patients
such hepatitis C and B, poor diet, obesity, at Center for Liver Disease at Cleveland
reactions to medications, street drugs or Clinic Martin Health at Tradition, 1000 In-
other toxic chemicals, autoimmune dis- novation Way, Port St. Lucie. Call 772-398-
eases and genetics. The caveat is that most 1800 to schedule an appointment. 
people who have liver disease have no idea
they have it because they do not look or Hearing Loss & Cognitive Decline
feel sick.
Aaron Liebman, Au. D. progression of cognitive decline. decrease noise and increase speech
“The most common liver disease is fatty Doctor of Audiology clarity,” said Liebman. “This more
liver disease which affects 30 to 40 percent The most common cause of hearing sophisticated computer software
of the population, Dr. Romero explained. Hearing loss affects nearly half the loss, according to, is has provided us with the ability to
“Five percent of those with fatty liver dis- people in the United States older than sensorineural, which occurs when the adjust the hearing aids to provide
ease may progress to cirrhosis of the liver, 65. Yet according to the Centers for inner ear, hearing nerves or hearing an acceptable sound quality for our
at which point it’s too late to reverse the Disease Control and Prevention and structures in the brain become patients.”
damage. Two or 3 percent of the popula- Better Hearing Institute, the statistics damaged. In adults, the aging process
tion has hepatitis B and 7 percent of pop- for screening are alarming. While is the most common cause of this type “Most people are not aware when they
ulation will have alcohol liver disease. 74 percent of adults have their eyes of damage and hearing loss. need help. They’ll often blame it on
Our goal is to figure out which patient will examined every two years and 63 other people mumbling, background
progress into advanced liver disease and percent will visit a dentist each year, “First and foremost, my goal as an noise, or say the TV or radio volume
which patients we can manage before it only 23 percent of adults receive any Audiologist is to perform a proper is too low,” said Liebman. “So they’re
becomes critical. form of hearing screening. diagnostic hearing test so I can decide surprised when they get tested and
whether a patient needs to be referred realize what they can’t hear.”
“There are new treatments that can cure Research by John Hopkins University to an ear, nose and throat physician for
early stages of liver disease, so that’s why has confirmed what many audiologists a medical evaluation, or if this is strictly Florida requires licensed audiologists
it’s so important to have a yearly check- and physicians have long suspected: a permanent hearing loss that needs to have a doctorate in audiology
up with a screening for hepatitis B and a that there is an irrefutable link between help with hearing aids,” Dr. Liebman requiring years of study concerning
blood panel workup to check your liver hearing loss and cognitive decline. said. “That is what really differentiates hearing, hearing rehabilitation,
enzymes.” In fact, studies have shown that me from a traditional hearing aid anatomy, and function of the
individuals with moderate hearing loss salesman. I’ve got a Doctorate in hearing mechanism and hearing
There are four stages of liver disease: were three times more likely to develop Audiology and my diagnosis is based aid technology. Dr. Liebman utilizes
Stage 1 is called fatty liver disease, and dementia. “Losing one’s cognitive on years of education, not a few a range of manufacturers and
it occurs when fat deposits in and around ability is the No. 1 fear of people of all months of hearing aid salesmanship. technologies and does not believe
the liver cause inflammation and swelling. ages,” said Dr. Aaron Liebman, board I will take the time to screen and one manufacturer is “the best.”
Stage 2 is hepatic fibrosis, during which certified audiologist and owner of assess all the data prior to making
time the liver swells and the liver cells Aaron’s Hearing Care in Vero Beach. a recommendation for hearing aids. “If we determine that it is not the
harden. It’s now scientifically proven that the Even AARP says that you are more best for you, then we’ll change to a
Stage 3 is cirrhosis of the liver, which is slow onset of hearing loss can have a likely to be successful with a hearing different style or manufacturer to
severe scarring of liver cells. significant impact on several key brain aid fitting by seeing an audiologist determine which is best for you.”
Stage 4 is liver failure or liver cancer. functions, including the memory. The than a hearing aid salesman”. “Furthermore”, he adds, “in addition
“Once a patient has cirrhosis their proactive management of hearing to providing the best technology
chance of developing liver cancer increas- loss may delay or slow down the “In the years just prior to computer possible, it is also vital that the “fitter”
es,” Dr. Romero continued. “Cirrhosis is digital and computer programmable understands that technology, so the
scarring on the liver, which hardens the hearing aids, differences between chosen hearing aid can benefit the
liver and restricts the blood flow. When hearing aids made by different patient at the highest possible level
the liver is functioning properly and the manufacturers were not significant,” possible, in terms of comfort and
flow of blood is normal, it’s like driving a said Liebman, discussing how sound quality.”
car at high speed. When it is diseased with hearing aid technology has advanced
cirrhosis it’s like a traffic jam. The blood and how an audiologist works with If you are a candidate for hearing
will try to find detours and potential in- patients to ensure they have the aids, you should get them fitted
ternal bleeding can occur. Unfortunately, appropriate device for their needs, properly and wear them consistently
there is no treatment that can cure cirrho- expectations and budget. to stimulate the brain. Early detection
sis but treating the underlying cause may is the key.
keep it from getting worse and help pre- “Research discovered that a digital
vent liver failure. processing chip could automatically Aaron’s Hearing Care is located at
“We’ve acquired a new machine that evaluate more aspects of incoming 925 37th Place in Vero Beach. The
allows us to measure the amount of cir- sounds, speech and noise, and make phone number is (772) 562-5100.
rhosis (or thickness of the liver) a patient decisions on how to adjust itself to
has without a painful biopsy. The ultra-
sound-based machine is noninvasive and
the results are immediate so we are able to
interpret the results and formulate a plan.
Generally, we’ll follow up with the patient
with cirrhosis every six months to monitor

10 July 14, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | THE HEALTHY SENIOR

Number of HIV/AIDS cases rising among older people

By Fred Cicetti | Correspondent energy, loss of appetite and weight loss, fe- who has it can receive blood of any type.
vers and sweats, repeated yeast infections, People over the age of 69 require half of
Q. What is the difference between HIV skin rashes, pelvic and abdominal cramps,
and AIDS? sores and short-term memory loss. all whole blood and red blood cells trans-
fused, according to the National Blood
A. HIV (human immunodeficiency vi- Your healthcare provider can test your Data Resource Center (NBDRC).
rus) is a virus that damages the immune blood for HIV/AIDS. You can also test
system. This makes you vulnerable to your blood at home with the “Home Ac- With an aging population and advanc-
diseases, infections, and cancers. When cess Express HIV-1 Test System” that you es in medical treatments requiring blood
that happens, you have AIDS (acquired can buy at your drug store. transfusions, the demand for blood is in-
immunodeficiency syndrome), which is creasing. On any given day, an average of
the last stage of HIV infection. The OraQuick In-Home HIV Test is 38,000 units of red blood cells are needed.
the only HIV test approved by the FDA
HIV symptoms include headache, that people can use to test themselves at Q. What exactly is GERD and how can I
cough, diarrhea, swollen glands, lack of home or in a private location. OraQuick tell if I have it? I get lots of heartburn.
was approved in 2012 for sale in stores
and online to anyone age 17 and older. A. Heartburn two or more times week-
The kit does not require sending a sam- ly may be caused by gastroesophageal re-
ple to a lab. It tests fluid from the mouth flux disease or GERD. See a doctor if you
and delivers results in 20 to 40 minutes. have heartburn too often. The doctor can
test for GERD.
The number of HIV/AIDS cases among
older people is growing every year be- In the upper GI series, you swallow a
cause: liquid barium mixture. Then a radiolo-
gist watches the barium as it travels down
* Older Americans know less about your esophagus and into the stomach.
HIV/AIDS than younger people, Another test is an endoscopy, in which
a small lighted flexible tube is inserted
* Healthcare professionals often do not into the esophagus and stomach.
talk with older people about prevention,
GERD makes stomach acid flow up
* Older people are less likely than into your esophagus. There is a valve at
younger people to talk about their sex the lower end of the esophagus that is
lives or drug use with their doctors. designed to keep acid in the stomach. In
GERD, the valve relaxes too frequently,
Q. What is the most common blood which allows acid to reflux, or flow back-
type? ward.

A. The approximate distribution of A hiatal hernia may contribute to
blood types in the U.S. population is as GERD. A hiatal hernia occurs when the
follows. Distribution may be different for upper part of the stomach is above the
specific racial and ethnic groups: diaphragm, which is the muscle wall
separating the stomach from the chest.
O-positive 38 percent The diaphragm helps the valve keep acid
O-negative 7 percent from coming up into the esophagus.
A-positive 34 percent
A-negative 6 percent When GERD is not treated, you can
B-positive 9 percent suffer from severe chest pain, narrow-
B-negative 2 percent ing or obstruction of the esophagus,
AB-positive 3 percent bleeding, or a pre-malignant change in
AB-negative 1 percent the lining of the esophagus. One study
Type O-negative blood is called the showed that patients with chronic, un-
universal donor type because it is com- treated heartburn were at substantially
patible with any blood type. greater risk of developing esophageal
Type AB-positive blood is called the cancer. 
universal recipient type because a person

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH July 14, 2022 11

What to do if you hit your head, and how to prevent falls

By Ashley Abramson | Washington Post shrink, which means there’s more room in- well, Robbins says, along with the risk of says Ula Hwang, an emergency medicine
side the skull for it to move around,” Peters falling in the first place. doctor at Yale Medicine and professor at
Falling and hitting your head can be says. “That moving can tear blood vessels, Yale’s School of Medicine.
scary. In the moment, it can be difficult to which [with age] are more rigid and likely Is it an emergency?
figure out how serious your injury is, what to tear.” The first rule of thumb with a possible In a non-emergency situation – you hit
you should do next and what symptoms head injury: When in doubt, don’t hesitate your head on a cabinet but otherwise feel
might signal a possible emergency. Some medications can also increase to seek help. normal and aren’t on blood thinners, for
the likelihood that a head injury will If you’ve hit your head and are experi- example – it’s still wise to check in with
A blow to the head can cause a traumat- cause bleeding in the brain. These in- encing weakness, numbness, a decrease in your doctor. It’s also a good practice to tell
ic brain injury (TBI), bleeding in the brain, clude blood thinners – commonly pre- coordination, slurred speech, or increased a loved one if you’ve hit your head, even
a concussion or a contusion (a bruise scribed to reduce the risk of a heart attack agitation or confusion, call 911 immedi- if it seems minor, because the effects of
on the brain). But quick action can help or stroke – as well as the regular use of ately or get someone to call for you. some head injuries can escalate in severity
mitigate some of the most serious poten- aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflamma- Do the same, Peters advises, if you de- over time.
tial outcomes. Here is how to assess your tory medications such as ibuprofen, says velop a headache that’s either the worst
personal risk level after a head injury, and Matthew Robbins, a neurologist at Weill you’ve ever had or that’s not relieved by How to prevent falls
when you need to call for immediate help. Cornell Medicine and New York-Presby- acetaminophen. (Consult your doctor Simple adjustments to your home can
terian. Frequent or excessive alcohol con- before taking an NSAID like ibuprofen af- help prevent injuries, experts say. Here are
What’s your risk? sumption can raise the risk of bleeding as ter a head injury.) Other red flags include four tips for a safer space.
As people age, they may be more likely a change in pupil size (the black of your  Remove hazards. Keep clutter off the
to fall and hit their head, says Matthew E. eyes), changes in vision (such as blurri- floor and secure any rugs.
Peters, an associate professor of psychia- ness or double vision), seizures or a loss of  Dress for balance. Wear stable,
try at Johns Hopkins Medicine. That’s in consciousness. People who sustain a skull well-fitting shoes, and use your cane or
part because your strength, balance and fracture could experience delayed bleed- walker if you need one, Hwang says.
reflexes may decline with age, as well as ing, which can “progress in very unpre-   Customize your space. Add railings
with conditions such as osteoporosis and dictable ways minutes, hours, or days after to your bathtub, shower and toilet areas,
arthritis. a head injury,” Robbins says. and any stairways in your home.
The risk of a serious head injury is also If you’re at a particularly high risk of a If you need more help, Peters suggests
higher for older adults. One large Israe- serious head injury – for one of the reasons checking to see whether your insurance
li study, published in the journal Brain detailed above, for example – you should policy covers fall risk assessments, which
Injury in 2016, found that among all age seek emergency care after hitting your are completed at home by an occupational
groups, they were the most likely to be head even if your symptoms seem mild, or physical therapist. 
hospitalized with TBI.
“As you age, the brain tends to stiffen and

12 July 14, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

Debunking myths about vasectomies as they increase post-Roe

By Meena Venkataramanan | Washington Post as a meme from popular television show enthood Hudson Peconic, which offers they’re sterile,” said Marc Goldstein, di-
“The Office” in which the character Mi- reproductive-health care at several health rector of the Center for Male Reproductive
Since the Supreme Court’s ruling over- chael Scott, played by actor Steve Carell, centers in New York. Medicine and Microsurgery at Weill Cor-
turning Roe v. Wade, men across the coun- says he has had three vasectomies. nell Medical Center in New York.
try are rushing to get vasectomies. But 2. Vasectomies won’t reduce sexual per-
common myths about vasectomies con- Guarín acknowledged that reversing a formance. Goldstein emphasized that it typically
tinue to circulate on social media, includ- vasectomy is generally easier than revers- takes about six weeks to ensure sperm is
ing that they are easily reversible and are a ing a tubal ligation – a procedure to close Some doctors report that one common no longer alive in the vas deferens, which
preventive measure until a patient is ready a person’s fallopian tubes – but said “it concern among patients is a fear that va- should be documented by a sperm test.
to have a child. doesn’t mean it’s necessarily easy.” sectomies will negatively impact sexual But the process of ensuring the sperm is
function. washed out can take up to three months
In this deluge of misinformation, some Vasectomy specialists said the success for some patients, Werthman said.
might be wondering what’s true about va- rate of a reversal depends on various fac- “I think that myth is just based on a mis-
sectomies. The Washington Post spoke to tors, including how long ago a person un- understanding of anatomy,” Curington “Using contraception in that period is
physicians about vasectomies and what to derwent the procedure and the fertility of said. “A vasectomy is just a little procedure very important,” he said.
believe: their partner. that snips the tubes that carry the sperm,
but the semen is made in the prostate and 4. Recent studies cannot confirm a
1. You should treat a vasectomy as a per- “The likelihood of a reversal being suc- the seminal vesicles, which are about two consistent link between vasectomies and
manent procedure. cessful in someone who’s had a vasectomy inches north of where we do the proce- prostate cancer.
for 25 years is far lower than the likelihood dure. So there’s no way that a vasectomy
Despite the common misconception of a reversal being successful in someone can actually cause a change in sexual per- A 1993 study claimed that there is an
floating around social media that vasec- who’s had the vasectomy for three years,” formance.” association between vasectomies and an
tomies are easily reversible, urologists rec- said Doug Stein, a Florida urologist. increased risk of prostate cancer. But since
ommend that patients treat vasectomies Philip Werthman, a California fertili- then, Stein stressed, there have been sev-
as permanent procedures. Reversals also take longer than vasecto- ty doctor, emphasized that contrary to eral studies published with no consistent
mies and are more costly, said John Cur- myths, a person’s sex drive is also unlikely results with respect to the association be-
“Though reversals are possible, they’re ington, Stein’s associate. Ultimately, the to be negatively affected by a vasectomy. tween the procedure and cancer.
not necessarily effective all the time,” said procedure is not a preventive measure for
Esgar Guarín, an Iowa physician who spe- people who are not yet ready to have chil- 3. After a vasectomy, you should still use “There’s no consistent evidence that a
cializes in vasectomies. “That’s why we in- dren but may want them in the future. a condom or other contraceptives until vasectomy and prostate cancer are in any
sist that a vasectomy is a permanent con- cleared by your doctor. way related,” he said.
traceptive decision. It’s not like we turn it “If you’re going into this thinking that
on and off.” you can reverse a vasectomy, then you’re Several vasectomy patients believe that 5. Most people who have received a va-
not a candidate for a vasectomy,” said after the procedure, they can immediately sectomy can still generate a pregnancy.
Misinformation has included viral Meera Shah, a family medicine physician stop using other contraceptives.
tweets and Instagram posts alleging that and chief medical officer at Planned Par- When a draft Supreme Court opinion of
vasectomies are easily reversible, as well “Men are under the faulty assump- Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organi-
tion that as soon as they get a vasectomy zation leaked in May, Ashley Winter took to

14 July 14, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH

vasectomies. Winter, an Oregon urologist,
noted that while vasectomies are not eas- By Linda Searing | The Washington Post occurs, and the patient feels a numb- The number of tension headaches
ily reversible, most people who have re- ness, heaviness or tingling. This sen- gradually decreased after treatment for
ceived them can still generate a pregnancy. People who have chronic tension sation is considered key to successful people in both groups, but about two-
headaches might be able to reduce the acupuncture treatment. Study partici- thirds of those given true acupuncture
Patients can freeze their sperm for use frequency of those headaches by as much pants in the “true acupuncture” group experienced at least a 50 percent re-
in procedures including intrauterine in- as 50 percent with acupuncture, accord-
semination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization ing to research published in the journal achieved the de qi sensation, but in the duction, compared with half of those
(IVF). But there is concern that the IVF Neurology. Tension headaches, which are “superficial acupuncture” group, nee- given the superficial type. For the “true”
procedure could become more complicat- the most common type, are sometimes dles were not inserted deep enough to group, headache days fell from 20 a
ed and costly after the Dobbs decision. described as feeling pressure as if you had create this sensation. Both groups were month at the start of the study to sev-
a tight band around your head. They are given 20 treatments in a two-month en days a month at the end, compared
“I always strongly recommend that they considered chronic if they regularly occur span and then tracked for six additional with a drop from 22 to 12 days a month
freeze sperm prior to the vasectomy and at least 15 days a month. months. for the “superficial” group. 
freeze at least two or three specimens and
divide it up between two or three different The study involved 218 people who
sperm banks,” Goldstein said. had experienced tension headaches
for an average of 22 days a month for
A vasectomy reversal is another option, 11 years. They were randomly assigned
although the efficacy of the procedure to one of two groups, either to be given
varies and not all vasectomy surgeons are what the researchers describe as “true
also skilled in reversals, Shah said. Stein acupuncture” or “superficial acupunc-
agreed: “Until vasectomy reversals are 100 ture.” Acupuncture, a component of
percent successful, we cannot call vasec- centuries-old traditional Chinese med-
tomies reversible procedures in the same icine, involves penetrating the skin at
way that we can call other contraceptive specific points with extremely thin nee-
options reversible.” dles and then gently moving them.

As myths about vasectomies continue The aim is to improve the flow of en-
to circulate around the internet, Ophir, the ergy in the body (known as “qi,” also
expert in health misinformation, encour- spelled “chi”), which is believed to im-
ages prospective vasectomy patients to prove health. When needles are inserted
consult a medical professional. to the proper depth, the de qi sensation

“You’re not going to get the best infor-
mation from Reddit nor on Twitter,” he
said. “People should talk to their doctors
and read official websites by public health
organizations.” 

Oak Chase pool home perfect
for young family or retirees

6475 35th Lane in Oak Chase: 3-bedroom, 2-bath, 2,527-square-foot lakefront home offered for $837,000 by Bill Lynch of AMAC Alex MacWilliam Real Estate: 772-205-5061

16 July 14, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE

Oak Chase pool home perfect for young family or retirees

By Samantha Rohlfing Baita | Staff Writer and flanked by a pair of flowering bushes, sparkling pool and community lake. The laundry room features washer/dry-
[email protected] the covered porch features a trio of round The home’s central space is wonderful- er, cabinetry with wall storage and sink,
white columns and lovely French doors and a second fridge.
The lakeside home at 6475 35th Lane etched with water birds and foliage. ly open and includes living, dining, kitch-
stands ready to accommodate your life- en and family rooms, extending front to Just past the kitchen’s breakfast bar
style – whether as a working couple, young Inside, the home is flooded with soft back and from the primary suite on the counter is the comfy family room, with
family or retirees. natural light. A single white column de- west side to the guest bedroom wing on slider access to the lanai.
lineates the open foyer with its beautiful the east. This vast interior area is grounded
Located in the gated west county com- custom tile medallion from the adjacent with neutral ceramic tile. The screened pool/patio environment
munity of Oak Chase, the casually elegant will be a favorite go-to place not only for
home is ideal for entertaining. Features in- pleasant views in all directions and parties
clude high ceilings and archways, a bright but also for outdoor dining and just to re-

spacious interior, and a flexible floorplan. dining area. A pair of simple but elegant The kitchen is a large, impressive room lax, splash in the pool, read or nap.
It is easy picture yourself living your best chandeliers descends from the lofty ceil- with miles of handsome, beveled granite The two guest bedrooms on the east side
life in this delightful house. ing, one above the foyer, the other in the countertop, a wealth of glazed maple cab-
dining room. inetry with under-cabinet lighting, and an each have double louvered closets, warm
Oak Chase’s landscaping is tasteful- extensive tiled backsplash with beautiful, Brazilian hardwood floors and share a full
ly tropical and the impeccably main- When homeowners James and Margaret diamond-shaped decorative metal tile in- bath with tub/shower. There is a lovely lit-
tained grounds of this 3-bedroom, 2-bath, Buxton first toured the home before moving lays. There is a double-oven, smooth-top tle garden area outside, accessed by sliding
2,527-square-foot lakefront home feature in seven years ago, Margaret was drawn to it range, double sink, rinsing sink in the is- doors.
a thick emerald lawn, graceful palms and immediately. She was struck, she says, by the land, walk-in pantry and dining nook with-
low plantings within curving, stone-peb- beautiful, aqua-framed entry doors, the me- in a glass bay looking out to the lanai and The primary suite features more lus-
bled “frames.” A paved, circular drive dallion design in the foyer’s tile floor and the pool/lake view. cious Brazilian hardwood and a pair of
leads to the two-bay garage and recessed, southern view taking in the spacious lanai, walk-in closets with custom built-in draw-
columned front entry porch. ers and shelving. Glass sliders to the lanai
provide easy access to the tranquil outdoor
Enclosed within a low, curving hedge environment.

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E July 14, 2022 17

The owner’s bathroom is a spa-like door’s glass design is just gorgeous,” she says. figuration is great for cross breezes and that and entertainment in downtown Vero
dream, with a pair of granite-top, white James Buxton mentions the plentiful, mornings and evenings can be enjoyed Beach; and, just across the intracoast-
vanities, one with dressing table sec- from the patio without glaring direct rays. al, Vero’s charming island village with its
tion and a marble garden tub alcove be- organized garage storage space, pristine upscale shops, restaurants, resorts, ten-
neath plantation shuttered window. The epoxy floor, garage door mosquito screen Oak Chase is located close to commer- nis center, theater, museum, marina and
eye-popping piece de resistance is a literal and the attic pulldown access ladder. He cial centers along the State Road 60 as well beaches. 
shower room – no door, no curtain, just also notes the home’s north to south con- as a hospital complex; shopping, dining
one big beautiful tiled space behind the
long vanity wall, with hand-held heads and
a small, decorative oval window.

Over the years, the Buxton’s have found
much to love in their beautiful home: Mar-
garet points out how “wonderful the patio
and pool area is in all weather,” and notes
the excellent flow and feeling of light and
space, as well as the builders’ impressive
attention to detail.

“At night, with the lights on, the front

6475 35TH LANE

Neighborhood: Oak Chase
Year built: 2003

Construction: CBS; shingle roof
Lot size: .29 acre

Home size: 2,527 square feet
Bedrooms: 3 • Bathrooms: 2

Additional features: New
exterior paint in 2021; 2-zone,

2020 electric central heat/
air; stainless steel appliances;
2020 washer/dryer; dishwash-
er, 2 disposals, 2 fridges; plan-
tation shutters; water purifier;

laundry room w/tub; new
toilets 2021; family room/
pool area surround sound;
epoxy resurfaced garage/
lanai; garage door pull-down
screen for cross ventilation;
pull-down attic staircase,
solar attic fan; custom walk-in
closet cabinetry; island kitch-
en; crown molding; tile/wood
flooring; split bedrooms;
screen-enclosed pool w/spa;
irrigation sprinkler; outdoor

shower; lake/pool view
Listing agency: AMAC
Alex MacWilliam Real Estate

Listing agent:
Bill Lynch, 772-205-5061
Listing price: $837,000

18 July 14, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE



July Fourth week saw only moderate fireworks on the mainland real estate front, with 37 transac-
tions of single-family residences and lots reported (some shown below).
The top sale of the week was in Sebastian, where the 4-bedroom, 4-bathroom home at 19 Carl
Court – first listed in May for $750,000 – sold for $735,000 on July 5.
Representing the seller in the transaction was agent Kelli Fischer of ONE Sotheby’s International
Realty. Representing the buyer was Diane Kazi of Robert Slack LLC.


SEBASTIAN 19 CARL CT 5/2/2022 $750,000 7/5/2022 $619,000
VERO BEACH 4500 5TH PL SW 5/14/2022 $619,000 7/7/2022 $550,000
VERO BEACH 5752 RIVERBOAT CIR SW 5/17/2022 $550,000 7/6/2022 $550,000
VERO BEACH 1135 SOUTHLAKES WAY SW 5/14/2022 $600,000 7/7/2022 $500,000
VERO BEACH 4010 55TH ST 4/28/2022 $550,000 7/7/2022 $460,000
VERO BEACH 2055 13TH AVE SW 6/6/2022 $465,000 7/8/2022 $450,000
SEBASTIAN 204 BARBOSSA DR 5/1/2022 $450,000 7/6/2022 $433,000
VERO BEACH 2645 10TH CT 5/4/2022 $535,000 7/5/2022 $426,000
SEBASTIAN 432 PONOKA ST 5/23/2022 $415,000 7/7/2022 $410,000
SEBASTIAN 162 CONCHA DR 5/23/2022 $395,000 7/8/2022 $410,000
VERO BEACH 946 18TH ST SW 3/28/2022 $435,000 7/6/2022 $405,000
VERO BEACH 1615 36TH AVE 4/28/2022 $425,000 7/7/2022 $390,000
SEBASTIAN 1543 SPINNAKER LN 4/25/2022 $388,750 7/8/2022 $385,000
VERO BEACH 400 46TH CT 4/14/2022 $389,000 7/7/2022 $365,000
VERO BEACH 2805 13TH ST 3/14/2022 $385,000 7/7/2022 $355,500
VERO BEACH 4735 51ST CT 3/12/2022 $364,900 7/8/2022 $355,000
SEBASTIAN 11050 ROSELAND RD 5/6/2022 $349,950 7/7/2022 $334,000
SEBASTIAN 110 CARDINAL DR 6/1/2022 $320,000 7/8/2022 $330,000
SEBASTIAN 7989 143RD ST 4/19/2022 $345,000 7/6/2022 $328,000
VERO BEACH 1167 N 13TH SQ 4/25/2022 $350,000 7/5/2022 $320,000
VERO BEACH 780 2ND ST SW 5/7/2022 $320,000 7/7/2022 $320,000
VERO BEACH 750 TIMBER RIDGE TRL SW 3/24/2022 $349,900 7/6/2022 $287,000
SEBASTIAN 5745 MARINA DR UNIT#3 6/3/2022 $299,900 7/8/2022 $269,000
VERO BEACH 1915 45TH AVE 5/3/2022 $279,000 7/5/2022 $266,400
SEBASTIAN 6232 N MIRROR LAKE DR UNIT#626 4/15/2022 $259,900 7/8/2022 $265,800
SEBASTIAN 944 LANDSDOWNE DR 4/21/2022 $259,000 7/7/2022 $260,000
SEBASTIAN 1550 EMERSON LN 5/29/2022 $249,900 7/8/2022 $241,000
VERO BEACH 1967 AYNSLEY WAY UNIT#35-2 6/3/2022 $245,000 7/8/2022 $216,000
VERO BEACH 30 PLANTATION DR UNIT#106 5/24/2022 $215,000 7/8/2022 $211,000
SEBASTIAN 12910 74TH CT 6/22/2022 $211,000 7/5/2022

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E July 14, 2022 19


4500 5th Pl SW, Vero Beach 5752 Riverboat Cir SW, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 5/14/2022 Listing Date: 5/17/2022
Original Price: $619,000 Original Price: $550,000
Sold: 7/7/2022 Sold: 7/6/2022
Selling Price: $619,000 Selling Price: $550,000
Listing Agent: Ralph Santoro Listing Agent: Kimberly Keithahn

Selling Agent: Billero & Billero Properties Selling Agent: Alex MacWilliam, Inc.


Coldwell Banker Paradise NOT PROVIDED

1135 Southlakes Way SW, Vero Beach 4010 55th St, Vero Beach

Listing Date: 5/14/2022 Listing Date: 4/28/2022
Original Price: $600,000 Original Price: $550,000
Sold: 7/7/2022 Sold: 7/7/2022
Selling Price: $550,000 Selling Price: $500,000
Listing Agent: Mazie Regan Listing Agent: Mike O’Brien

Selling Agent: Douglas Elliman Florida LLC Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.


NOT PROVIDED Indian River Real Estate LLC


By Steven M. Thomas | Staff Writer slowed across the country. Work at the as businesses on Old Dixie, and not far Lennar “No Trespassing” sign indicate
12th Street site came to a halt and the from the restaurants, pubs, shops and work is still underway, with finishing
After years of delay, townhomes in property continued to languish, with galleries in Vero’s downtown dining and touches being put in place.
Preston Estates, the 7.87-acre, 54-unit weeds and overgrowing the finished lots art gallery district. From the subdivision,
Lennar Homes project on 12th Street and obscuring the central pond the sin- it is only a 5-to-10-minute drive to South A small sticker affixed to each home’s
near Vero’s downtown, will at last be front window announces, “This is a Resi-
available for rent this summer, according PHOTO: JOSHUA KODIS Beach Park and the Atlantic Ocean, de- home property” and warns “don’t let
to a spokesperson at ResiHome, a, Atlan- pending on traffic. rental fraud get in the way of your dream
ta-based property management company gle-street subdivision loops around. home!” The stickers refer potential rent-
that will be marketing Preston Estates for Now the end is in sight. The original At first glance, the well-landscaped ers to the rental company’s “secure on-
Lennar. entrance, new green and white Preston line portal at”
plans announced years ago by Nicho- Estates street sign and orderly row of tidy,
In April 2021, homebuilding giant Len- lis Rauch-Heine remain much the same, pretty town homes circling the small cen- Rent fraud is on the rise in Florida, ac-
nar purchased the property for $3.1 mil- with 1,300 or 1,400-square foot units; tral lake seem to indicate a development cording to multiple sources, including
lion from the original developer, Nicholis 1- or 2-bay garage, 2-bedroom, 2-bath; ready for residents., flor-
Rauch-Heine of NHR Homes, who had or 2-bedroom, 2.5-bath. No rental prices, and other industry web-
acquired it for $572,000 in 2016. In 2019 have been released. But it is not a warm and welcoming sites and publications.
Rauch-Heine announced plans for Pres- neighborhood just yet – once past the
ton Estates, a for-sale duplex townhome Whatever they end up paying, future entrance, inside the subdivision pick-up Buzz MacWilliam, broker/owner of
project. The land was cleared, but, al- residents will be conveniently located trucks, construction workers and a large AMAC Alex MacWilliam Real Estate,
most immediately after infrastructure within walking distance of shops and agrees, noting that the problem of rental
work began, the project was beset delays. dining on 12th Street and U.S. 1 as well fraud does exists in Vero Beach, often in
Rauch-Heine eventually decided just to short term rentals.
put the finished site with ready-to-built
lots on the market and sold it to Lennar. “People can post anything online,” he
says – including solicitations offering to
Lennar apparently envisioned Preston rent a vacant property that doesn’t belong
Estates as a rental community when it to the person offering the rental. “You
made the purchase – soon after the sale, have to verify the information, meet face-
Nicholis Rauch-Heine told Vero News he’d to-face, do a credit check, see the proper-
heard the homebuilding giant was consid- ty,” says MacWilliam.
ered renting rather than selling the units.
As for Preston Estates, the ResiHome
However, shortly after Lennar took spokesperson says would-be renters should
over, COVID-19 hit and the construction check back on later this
month to see if applications are open. 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH July 14, 2022 B1



By Pam Harbaugh | Correspondent

1 Enjoy something rare this
Sunday when the Nova Ba-
roque performs in concert at the
Community Church of Vero Beach.
This concert runs about 90 minutes,
including intermission. It features
music from the Baroque period. Like
in visual art, the baroque period was
more ornate and elaborate. Conjur-
ing up an image of a baroque church,
you might imagine every square
inch of the wall decorated with floral
design. The same aesthetic is in the
music of the time – a simple melody
wasn’t enough, says Nova Baroque
producer Andres Roca. To get you
into that Baroque mood, musicians
and narrator will be decked out in
18th century costumes and hair
pieces. “It sets the tone of what a
17th or 18th century concert would
look like,” says Roca. “Concerts like
these would have been performed
in palazzi that would have been
adorned with elaborate frescoes and
designed to enhance the sound of
the instruments.” There’s also the
thrilling showmanship where each
musician has a solo spotlight, even
the viola. Additionally, the harpsi-
chord has been ornately decorated
with fresco painting. The Nova Ba-
roque chamber group comprises
seven professional musicians, most
of them with the Brevard Sympho-
ny Orchestra. There include: three
violins (Lisa Ferrigno, Olga Kolpa-
kova and Bethany Confessore), a
viola (Modesto Marcano), a cello
(Adriana Stenvik), oboe (Maria Lui-
sa Copelli) and harpsichord (Sergei
Kossenko). The size of the group is
common for Italian baroque cham-
ber music, Roca says. The concert
includes music from well-known
composers such as Vivaldi, Corelli


B2 July 14, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE

Grand journey: Pianist calls lifetime in music a ‘blessing’

BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF | STAFF WRITER ‘Sincerely,’ ‘Tenderly’ and ‘My Funny Valen-
tine.’ He could tell if I played a note wrong.
Ellen Sheffield-Charles was essentially By him being an arranger, he knew when
born into music, although her parents were something was out of sync,” she explains.
of differing minds as to how she should ap-
ply her musical talents. She has a photo of She began playing the cornet in the
herself playing a miniature baby grand at third grade and picked up other instru-
just 4 months old, and today, at age 80, mu- ments along the way. Eventually, Shef-
sic continues to be a major part of her life. field-Charles says, she learned to play
multiple instruments, along with each in-
Her father, Leslie Sheffield Sr., was con- strument’s part in the arrangements.
sidered an Oklahoma jazz pioneer. A no-
table jazz pianist, composer and arranger, “In junior high school I played whenever
he was inducted into the Oklahoma Jazz somebody was absent. I played their part.”
Hall of Fame in 2003. Her mother, on the
other hand, was equally passionate about Her father played with some of the great
her playing music at church, and Shef- jazz, swing and rhythm-and-blues musi-
field-Charles says she has spent her entire cians, including Snub Mosley, Oran “Hot
life straddling both worlds. Lips” Page, Buster Smith, Walter Page,
Count Basie and Bennie Moten.
“The day I was born, my father was in Los
Angeles, California, playing on Wilshire Bou- Sheffield-Charles says she was influ-
levard with the Lucky Millinder Band,” she enced by their music and, even today, can
says. “My father wrote a song for me when I still vividly recall meeting some of them.
was 2 years old and showed me how to play
it. I played it on his band’s radio show.” “I remember Nat King Cole telling my
daddy that he missed playing with him,
She recalls that her father would fre- and Count Basie telling me to convince
quently bring sheet music home for her to my daddy to write more arrangements for
play, listening to her while he shaved. him, because, ‘He’s one of the best arrang-
ers we’ve ever had.’”
“That’s how I learned the standards, like
According to Sheffield-Charles, when
Charlie Christian, an early electric guitar-
ist, left Leslie Sheffield’s Rhythmaires Band
to play with the Benny Goodman Sextet, he

Ellen Sheffield-Charles with her
student, Bailey Henderson, during

a piano lesson.


brought with him some of her father’s orig- things she learned in college was not only
inal compositions. Among the pieces was how to enhance her skills, but how to apply
“Flying Home.” her music in concert with others.

Sadly, their family home burned down “Working with other people, with the
while she was still young, destroying many band, a whole different world opened up,”
of his original works, so she has very few of she says.
them in her possession.
While earning a Bachelor of Arts in mu-
At age 42, Sheffield-Charles was play- sic education, Sheffield-Charles toured with
ing at an Oklahoma City club and had a the University of Oklahoma jazz band, per-
chance meeting with a former high school forming in Paris, France, and Berne, Ger-
classmate which changed the direction of many, before playing in the Montreux Jazz
her life. Festival in Switzerland.

She recalls the classmate telling her: “Musically I’ve been very fortunate.
“With all the talent that you have, that you I’m happy to still be involved in the music
should end up here [at the club]. Do you world,” says Sheffield-Charles. She adds that
know where you could go if you would put life is full of opportunities; you just have to
forth effort and have goals?” grab them when they happen.

Two days later, the friend had set up an Over the past 68 years, she has filled
interview for her with the band director at many roles in churches, from minister of
the University of Oklahoma. An impromptu music to choir director, and she has also
session ensued, and she was offered a four- taught countless children how to play the
year scholarship. The band director related piano. Additionally, she was the band teach-
that her father had visited the college in the er at the very high school she graduated
past and had occasionally taught work- from and was the artist-in-residence at the
shops with students in the program, bring- Oklahoma Arts Council.
ing the relationship full circle.
“One time I passed by Ballet Oklahoma
Sheffield-Charles says one of the greatest and thought it would be interesting to play

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE July 14, 2022 B3

Raymond Wright-Osment and CONTINUED FROM PAGE B1 Tickets are $20 per person and $18 for Savor
Ellen Sheffield-Charles. Club members. The event runs 6:30 p.m. to
and Albinoni, as well as lesser-known com- 8:30 p.m. The show starts 7 p.m. Majestic 11
posers such as Alessandro Scarlatti, father of theater is at 940 14th Lane, Vero Beach. Visit
the famed Domenico Scarlatti. Actor Steve and then click
Britton will serve as narrator, discussing onto “events” to get tickets.
pieces, historical facts and “interesting bits
of history” before each piece is performed. 3 If you’ve never heard about an Ultra
The chamber concert is part of the Brevard Marathon, which runs 100 miles, then
Symphony Orchestra’s Summer Evening you might want to check out the Vero Beach
Series. It begins 4 p.m. Sunday, July 17, at the Octopus Ultra. It takes place this weekend,
Community Church of Vero Beach, 1901 23rd beginning 6 a.m. Saturday July 16 to 2 p.m.
St. Tickets are $15. Call 772-469-2320 or visit Sunday, July 17, in the Vero Beach area. The race is divided into eight parts, hence the
“Octopus” moniker. First is the “Sunrise”
2 Rub shoulders with foodies when the start, a 5-mile run in part through Captain
Treasure Coast Foodie & Savor Club Forester Hammock Preserve and the Jungle
presents “Holy Grail Eats Season 2” at the Trail. The second part is “Gilligan’s Island,”
Majestic 11 theaters in Vero Beach. The which is along railroad tracks and onto a
premiere event includes both seasons 1 pontoon party boat. There’s also “Paradise”
and 2 of the popular foodie blog “Holy Grail along the river, “Oasis” again in the Jungle
Eats.” That series, hosted by professional Trail, the “Howl at the Moon” nighttime run
food blogger Thomas Miller, features two on the beach, “Purgatory” through a haunt-
area restaurants on each episode. It’s quite ed cemetery, the unending “Twlight Zone”
impossible to watch those episodes with- and “Pyromania,” which takes you back to
out instantly Googling the location for each the Environmental Learning Center. The
of the restaurants. The dishes look sublime races begin at the Environmental Learning
and Miller’s enthusiasm and knowledge Center, 255 Live Oak Dr., Vero Beach. Fees
make for a good “pairing” with the epicure- range from $50 to $200 with part of pro-
an delights. The event at the Majestic 11 in- ceeds benefiting the Environmental Learn-
cludes a preview of the final episode of sea- ing Center. Although official registration is
son 2, which means you’ll be at the front of over, you can still show up and volunteer.
the line to get reservations for some assur- For more information, visit UltraSignUp.
edly great restaurants. There will also be com or visit the Vero Beach Octopus Ultra
free popcorn and soda offered. Moreover, Facebook page. 
you get a chance to meet and greet Miller.

Peyton Henderson
during her lesson.

for them. So, I sent them a letter. The direc- She moved to Vero Beach two years
tor hired me on the spot. I became one of the ago with her daughter, local singer Muffy
main pianists there and was instrumental Charles. Sheffield-Charles is also a vocalist
in hiring other Black musicians to play,” and enjoys performing with her daughter,
says Sheffield-Charles. which she hopes to continue doing.

Another creative talent is writing. Her Locally, she has continued her teaching
book, “The Diary of a Musician’s Daughter,” skills with Gifford Youth Orchestra par-
chronicles her own life, and she has con- ticipants.
tributed Black history articles to the Ebony
Tribune about famed musicians and others “It takes practice, practice, practice. You
who paved the way for future generations. learn more than just how to play,” says Shef-
field-Charles. “Music is made up of letters
“Everyone should have a bucket list. At and numbers. You use cognitive skills and
the top of my bucket list was to have my technique. It teaches you how to put things
own baby grand piano. When I got this together to be successful. Music uses all the
one, I threw my bucket list away,” says skills kids really need.”
Sheffield-Charles believes that music is
Although many years as a pianist has also spiritual.
caused her to develop carpal tunnel syn-
drome, she still gets up every morning and “It brings about emotion and evokes feel-
tickles the ivories on that baby grand. Inter- ings. Everybody ought to be exposed to mu-
estingly, she says that it is only when she’s sic,” she adds. “My music career has been a
not playing that she feels any pain. blessing to me. I can say I’ve done just about
everything I really wanted to.” 

B4 July 14, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING

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3500 ocean drive, vero beach | @heatonsverobeach | CALL 772.410.0100 FOR MORE INFORMATION OR VISIT COSTADESTE.COM 

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING July 14, 2022 B5

B6 July 14, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING


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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING July 14, 2022 B7








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B8 July 14, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS

Bonz inspired by Ollie’s trans-fur-mational tale

Hi Dog Buddies! your lives you’re comftubble with.” began to trust her (an then there was the “Mom took me to the vet for all the re-
“You got it, Bonz.” too-na). One day I took a chance an en- quired procedures an, surprisingly, even to
Well, here we are in the summer months Ollie leapt onto the couch next to his tered the house to eat the tuna which she me, I was fine with the vet, relaxed even.
again, when a buncha Snowbirddogs fly had set just inside. After successfully doing Go figure.”
outta town with their humans and head Mom, stretched out, an began his tail, his that for a while, my instinks took over, an I
Elsewhere, which, no offense or anything, voice low an raspy. As he spoke, he extend- did that macho “It must have been a, umm, challeng-
makes it a liddle bit harder to find innerv- ed an withdrew his claws in a slow rhythm, ing transition from your, er, former lives,”
iew-ees of the canine variety every week. Tomcat Marking Territory thing all I ventured.
So I like to call this time of the year “The Ollie over the house, whereupon she gently but
NOT Dog Days of Summer.” firmly tossed me into the yard. A lesson “You got THAT right, Big B! Even now.
occasionally staring, unblinking, into the learned. I’ve still gotta be outside a lot. ‘Specially at
Of course, I am an equal opportunity distance, probably recalling – what I could night! If I can’t get out when want to, I get
kinda columnist, as you know, an in recent only guess. Truly a Cat of Mystery. “I thought I had blown my chances for a liddle, well, loud. I stay on the property,
years have had the fun of getting to know good. Then one night it was pouring rain tho. An, speshully when I was a younger
pets of other spee-shees, mostly cats. This “It was back in 2007, I found myself in an I was under a bush getting’ drenched an tomcat, I got in a lotta fights. Got pretty
week’s innerview-ee, for example. Oliver hiding: I happened upon THIS neigh- wishin’ I had not behaved so badly. Then scraped up. Broke some fangs. Mostly won,
the Cat. borhood. It was quiet and out of the way I heard her window open an Mom holler- tho.”
enough to be fairly safe. My life had always ing ‘CAAAAATTT!’ Well, she didn’t hafta ask
Oliver is, for sure, not a fluffy, purr-y, curl been on the lonely streets and dark alley- twice. I ran over an jumped in the window. I didn’t doubt him for a second.
up-on-a-pillow kinda guy. ways, I was a tough guy, a fighter, my task An that’s how I found what I thought I’d “Now that I’m Getting’ Up There (the vet
so secret I can only say the safety of the free never have. A Furever Home. thinks I’m about 15 in human). I’m not as
Me an my assistant arrived at the house world had depended on my success, an I much of a fighter. I can sit calmly an watch
– lotsa trees and pretty plants an stuff all can say no more.” DON’T BE SHY the neighbor dogs go by on their leash
around – an knocked. A lady answered an walks, long as they don’t get too close.
invited us to come in an have a seat. All I could manage was a small “Woof!” We are always looking for pets “As far as other cats, forget it! No way! No
“My job done, I was layin’ low, fightin’ with interesting stories. how! I’m a loner, always have been. Except
I was opening my notebook when out only when I had to, huntin’ an garbage for Mom, of course.
from behind the couch strolled this han- divin’ to survive. Then I happened on this To set up an interview, email “An I’m fond of hangin’ out on my rock-
some gray tabby cat. Big guy. Big paws. place. The lady, now Mom, wasn’t scared of [email protected]. in’ chair on the back porch an just watchin’
Big face. Short hair. An these yellow/green me at all. She would knock on the windows my fellow critters, mostly birds, do their
slanted eyes with just a thin, black line at me an say, ‘You’re MINE!’ An then she’d thing. We’re good with each other. I also
smack down the center which, to tell you set food out for me.Too-na. I, of course, was like to nap on the cool earth, an not hafta
the truth, was kinda, well, very, disconcert- suspicious. But, after about four months, I worry about gettin’ snuck up on. I’ve even
ing. Plus, he was slashing his tail back an learned to enjoy zoning out with catnip,
forth, slowly. an I have this piece of string me an Mom
play with. I have been known to leap – you
“You, Mr. Bonzo, will be the first Dog I heard me – LEAP – into the air after that
have ever interfaced with under congenial string.
circumstances.” “Might as well confess, Bonz, I CAN get
snuggly an wuggly, but Only With Mom.
“I greatly appreciate that, Mr. um, Mr. However,” he added with a Cheshire grin,
Oliver,” I managed, scrunching down as “if you tell anybody, I’ll Totally Deny it.”
much as I could from my already sitting Headin’ home, I was thinkin’ about
position. big, intimidatin,’ mysterious Oliver the
Cat who has, against all odds, found his
“Hey, no need to get your tail inna Furever Home, out of the rain, with no
bunch,” he said. “I think we can both relax. fightin,’ an lotsa snuggles an too-na. I
The past is the past. All seven of those lives love my job.
are only memories. I’ll call you Bonz, OK?
I’m Oliver. You can call me Ollie. This is my The Bonz
Mom. I call her Mom. Work for you?”

“Absolutely, Ollie.
“So just talk about whatever part of

Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES July 14, 2022 B9



By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist 72

Noel Coward said, “Never trust a man with short legs. His brain’s too near his bottom.” 10 9 6 5 4

At the bridge table, you cannot tell how tall an opponent is until she or he stands up. 973
But regardless of height, you need to trust your partner.
In this week’s deal, look at the South hand. In third chair, he opens one heart; West KJ763
overcalls one spade; North passes; East cue-bids two hearts to show a maximum pass AJ5 A 10 9 4 2
with spade support; South rebids three clubs, in principle at least 5-5 in the rounded A83
suits; West jumps to four spades; and there are two passes. What should South do K6 86
If South passes out four spades, that contract will probably make with an overtrick.
West will take the first trick with his heart ace over South’s queen and cash the spade J84
king. West will then pick up the trump suit safely and play a heart toward his jack,
establishing that card for a diamond discard from dummy. West will lose one heart and SOUTH
one club.

If South trusts his partner, he will pass out four spades. But one player at Bridge Base
Online could not resist continuing with five clubs. West, a robot (computer-controlled K Q 10 9 4 3
hand), doubled, then found the interesting lead of the diamond three. East won with the
king and shifted to spades. South discarded his diamond queen, ruffed the next spade Q7
and led the heart king. West took that trick and played another spade. South ruffed,
cashed the heart queen and ruffed a heart. East overruffed and led a fourth spade. A Q 10 5 2
South had to lose two more trump tricks to end down four, minus 800.
Dealer: North; Vulnerable: Neither

The Bidding:

Pass Pass
1 Hearts 1 Spades Pass 2 Hearts LEAD:
3 Clubs 4 Spades Pass Pass 3! Diamonds

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B10 July 14, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES


1 Definitely (informal) (4) 1 Continuously (4,2,4,3)
3 Unpleasant sticky stuff (4) 2 Confess (5)
6 Prune (3) 4 Outcome (6)
9 Manager (13) 5 Scottish church (4)
10 Inside (8) 6 Salad ingredient (7)
12 Joke (4) 7 Trappings (13)
13 Rocky hill (3) 8 Falsehood (7)
15 Sailing vessels (6) 11 Angler’s equipment (3)
18 Erase (6) 14 Desist (7)
19 Concealed (3) 16 Vie (7)
21 Vast number (4) 17 Pose (3)
22 Freshwater turtle (8) 20 Consume (6)
25 Move alien root (anag.) (4-9) 23 Black-eyed animal (5)
26 Lace (3) 24 Enthusiasm (4)
27 Grass (4)
The Telegraph 28 Epic story (4)

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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES July 14, 2022 B11

ACROSS circumstances) 41 Bright The Washington Post
1 Undeveloped 92 Worse, ache-wise 43 Bay sight
4 He’s Oskar in Schindler’s 95 ___ with 45 Kids’ cereal FUN WITH FURNITURE By Merl Reagle
46 ___ sound mind (insane)
List (very similar to) 47 Actress Joanne
8 Parched 98 Opie, for one 48 Compact cars?
12 Super soft, to J.S. Bach 99 Not new 49 Put an ___ (halt)
15 Weekly vacuuming chore for 100 Epic poem about hell’s 50 Continue, as a policy
55 Shakespeare,
people who sleep with their waiting room?
cats? 103 Poet John ___ Ransom the ___
18 Host with a famous car 104 Pauline Kael book, ___ at 56 “Dear” syndicated advice
19 Yossarian’s roommate the Movies giver
20 Egypt’s most famous 105 “... bombs 57 Blubbers
furniture designer? 58 Greek gift
22 “___ handle it” bursting ___” 59 Signoff word
23 Bee or Em, si? 106 Great Expectations kid 60 Fuel finish
24 Skater Babilonia 108 Culpa lead-in 61 Tchaikovsky, transliterally
25 Longtime Nightline guy 109 Louvre occupant, in the 62 Nitro’s cousin
26 Tea type 63 Reciprocally, in French
28 Adult doodlebug beginning
30 Dot or spot lead-in 110 Auction listing (anagram of TRUER ONE)
32 Great place to relax in 112 With 117 Across, songs to 67 Cybernotes
October and November? 68 Where Wooden coached
34 Part of a spy’s name relax by? 70 Passing notice
35 Screenwriter Hecht 115 Internet address, 72 Resort on Guanabara Bay
37 “You’ll get ___” 73 Gone, as a sub
38 Old Dodge models familiarly 75 Gradual weakening
39 “___ the picture” 116 “I don’t think he has both 79 New Yale students of 1969
40 Permits 80 Ex-Georgia senator
42 Kin of “yada, yada, yada” ___ in the water” 81 Ancient calculators
43 Women’s supporter 117 See 112 Across 82 Patti who played Evita
44 Cause of a stubbed toe? 118 They’re full of cops: abbr. 83 No problem
51 Tetra minus 1 119 Where to see chicks 84 Barracks VIP
52 Ibsen’s home: abbr. 120 With “ball,” a carnival game 85 Night plight
53 Straight line 121 ___ Na Na 86 Sunday through Saturday
54 Bob Kerrey’s state: abbr. 87 Polite turndown
56 With 71 Across, what DOWN 92 Instigate
happened on an infamous 1 Payment recipient 93 Start of Joplin’s
episode of Geraldo? 2 Hubbub
62 Cairo Museum display 3 Chess choice Mercedes-Benz song
63 Author Ferber 4 Boasted, often 94 Lubricates anew
64 ___ cheer 5 It takes many forms 95 Horse operas
65 Death Valley’s county 6 Conform 96 With great speed
66 Longings 7 ___-order (customized) 97 Queens, in Spanish
68 Beneath, in Bayreuth 8 Jabbering jabber? 101 Word after aqua or arbor
69 Charlie Parker 9 Take back 102 Rubbish
70 Spanish shout 10 Goofy 103 So-so grade
71 See 56 Across 11 Calming words 106 Journalist Hamill
74 Sure thing? 12 Magic brew 107 Hollywood talent agcy.
75 Disney TV network 13 A ___ 111 Ariz. is on it
76 Give ___ shot 113 Baseball stat trio: abbr.
77 Pale request? (based on theory) 114 It means “kind of”
78 Your multi-piece sofa in 14 April 1 fun
relation to the wall? 15 Star of Hamlet, 1996
88 Slugger Mel 16 Word that sounds like a
89 Dog seen after the credits
on Family Ties letter
90 Fine fabric 17 Comedian Smirnoff
91 ___ account (not under any 20 Like some energy
21 “Pleased ___ you”
27 Where Klaatu landed
29 L. Frank Baum’s L
31 Place to park your porkpie
32 Glom ___ (grab)
33 Polite, e.g.
35 Speed skater Bonnie
36 Wagon tail?

The Telegraph

B12 July 14, 2022 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR

ONGOING 16|17 Vero Beach Octopus Ultra, 30 Indian River Mall presents a Back to p.m. at Riverside Theatre. $10 to $75. Balletver-
‘slay the Kraken’ (100 miles) School and Indoor VendorFest, 10 a.m. or 772-905-2651
Check with organizations directly for up- or run any or a combo of: 15.47-mile Sunrise, 11.5- to 5 p.m., with free school physicals & wellness
dates/cancellations. mile Gilligan’s Island, 6.17-mile Paradise, 17.85- screenings by VNA, bike safety activities by IRCSO, 6 Riverside Dance Festival student perfor-
mile Oasis, 12-mile Howl at the Moon, 15.74-mile Maximum Velocity Gymnastics demos, OneBlood mances on the Stark Main Stage, with
Vero Beach Museum of Art: Simple Pleasures: Purgatory, 20.46-mile Twilight Zone, and/or 2.25- blood drive, nonprofit booths and vendors. Dona- members of Chicago Dance Crash. Free; no tick-
The Art of Doris Lee, through Sept. 18; Masters in mile Pyromania, from OctoBase camp Environ- tions of school supplies and backpacks will be dis- ets required.
Black & White, through Sept. 11. 772-231-0707 mental Learning Center. tributed by B&GC and IRCSO to students in need.
954-815-3083 or 7 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra pres-
Vero Beach Theatre Guild: The musical “Foot- 17 Brevard Symphony Orchestra presents ents child prodigies Jacob Velazquez
loose,” through July 31. VeroBeachTheatreGuild. Nova Baroque, a chamber ensemble AUGUST and Skylar Ray, 3 p.m. at the Emerson Center.
com or 772-562-8300 featuring Italian Baroque favorites performed in
period costumes, 4 p.m. at Community Church 3 64th Birthday Par-Tee to benefit the Men-
Riverside Theatre: Weekly Friday and Satur- of VB. $15. 772-469-2320 tal Health Association, 5:30 p.m. at Big- 12 Sebastian River Area Chamber of Com-
day Comedy Zone and Live on the Loop con- Shots Golf, with 2 hours of golf, unlimited appe- merce Grill Out Night, with shops and
certs. 772-231-6990 22|23 Riverside Theatre for Kids tizers and soft drinks, cash bar, raffles and cake. businesses opening their doors for a Sweet & Sun-
presents “Into the Woods $55 per golfer or $330 for team of 6 in private ny Citrus themed evening.
First Friday Gallery Strolls in Downtown Vero Jr.,” performed by students ages 8 to 12, 5:30 tee-box. 772-569-9788 or
Beach Arts District, monthly from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. p.m. Fri.; 1 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Sat. 772-231- 19 End of Summer Luau, 7 p.m. at Hea-
6990 or 4-6 City of Vero Beach Recreation De- ton’s Vero Beach, with light bites, a
JULY partment’s 48th annual Aerial An- complimentary welcome cocktail and DJ (open
24 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra tics Youth Circus, 7 p.m. at St. Edward’s School, seating). Advance tickets required $50. Hea-
16 90’s Mixtape 6th Anniversary Block presents Scandinavian Road Trip, with dancing, gymnastics and aerial routines
Party at Walking Tree Brewery, 2 p.m. 3 p.m. at Community Church of Vero Beach. choreographed to ‘Hero and Villain’ themed
to 11 p.m. to benefit ORCA (Ocean Research & music. $8 adults; $7 seniors and children over 21 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra
Conservation Assoc.), with all-day concerts, wa- 5. 772-567-2144 presents the Sound of Music in Con-
ter slides, dunk tank, beer special, food trucks 30 Back to School Family Fun Day, 11 cert, 3 p.m. at Vero Beach High School PAC.
and mechanical surfboard contests. Free admis- a.m. to 1 p.m. at LaPorte Farms in 5|6 Ballet Vero Beach presents Chi-
sion. $50 VIP option. Roseland, with children’s activities, games and cago Dance Crash, a troupe that
bookbag giveaways starting at 1 p.m. LaPorte- fuses Hip Hop and Contemporary dance, 7:30 SEPTEMBER

Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN 7 Vero Beach Theatre Guild’s monthlong 10
in July 7, 2022 Edition 1 HIGH 2 IMAM X Tenn festival with 10 events by or about
4 COUP 3 HORROR Tennessee Williams, begins with a Welcome
8 JUST 4 COMEDY Williams Wine Party on the patio, followed by
9 DAIRYMAID 5 UNITED the film, Tennessee Williams’ South. VeroBe-
11 TEMPER 6 SUPPORTER or 772-562-8300.
15 STOREY 10 DERVISH 9-30 Vero Beach Theatre Guild pres-
16 DVORAK 12 USED ents Tennessee Williams’ Cat on
18 DITHER 13 TOOTHSOME a Hot Tin Roof. or
20 ASSENT 14 DEVELOP 772-562-8300
23 CUSTOM 19 REMOVE 10 Tunnel to Towers Vero Beah, 7:15 a.m.
25 POTASSIUM 20 ATTACK at Riverside Park, to honor the sacri-
26 ARMY 21 SEESAW fices of first responders and military heroes and
27 BEAK 23 COAX benefit the Stephen Siller Foundation.

Sudoku Page B10 Sudoku Page B11 Crossword Page B10 Crossword Page B11 (THE LAST NAME GAME)


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