January 5, 2018 | Volume 5, Issue 1 Newsstand Price: $1.00
For breaking news visit VeroNews.com
TO OLD RIOMAR fined by state for
BY RAY MCNULTY bullying a pupil
Flowers being groomed to By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer
someday succeed sheriff [email protected]
At age 50, embarking this week 7,000 cubic yards of fill are being trucked in to raise the elevation of 2310 Ocean Drive by 7-to-8 feet. PHOTO: BRUCE CADY Scott Sanders, who for four
on his 29th year in law enforce- years was director of facilities
ment and his 10th as Indian Riv- By Steven M. Thomas | Staff Writer house in Old Riomar. mantic Mediterranean Revival planning and construction for
er County’s top cop, Sheriff Deryl [email protected] The island’s most venerable style he perfected. the Indian River County School
Loar hasn’t yet decided whether District, and his wife, Denise
he will seek re-election in 2020. Site work is underway for neighborhood, Riomar came of Members of the 98-year-old Sanders, a regular substitute at
a magnificent home on the age in the 1920s when Addison Riomar Country Club and other Osceola Magnet School, claim
“I’ll make that decision some- ocean, two lots north of the Mizner was transforming Palm residents are deeply attached to staff at Osceola mistreated and
time this year,” Loar was saying last Riomar Country Club Golf Beach, and many of the original the neighborhood’s narrow shell harassed their son after he was
week as he recovered from a nas- Course, which knowledgeable homes along Riomar’s oak can- roads and sleepy ambiance, and injured in a car accident and had
ty bout with the flu. “I really don’t realtors say will be the largest opied lanes were built in the ro- difficulty with school work, and
know right now.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 the Florida State Education Prac-
tices Commission agrees.
He does know, however, who
he’d like to see as his successor – if Ashley Darnell, then a fourth-
not in three years, then seven: Eric but now a fifth-grade teacher
Flowers. at Osceola Magnet, was repri-
manded and fined for violating
In fact, Loar has been groom- the Principals of Professional
ing Flowers for the job, putting the Conduct for the Education Pro-
1998 Sebastian River High School fession, by failing “to make rea-
graduate in high-profile positions sonable effort to protect the stu-
to increase his visibility and name dent from harmful conditions,”
recognition in the community, and intentionally exposing “a student
promoting him three times in the to unnecessary embarrassment
past six years. or disparagement,” and failing
“to keep in confidence personally
“He would be my choice today,” identifiable information” on stu-
Loar said. dents.
That became obvious last March, Darnell did not admit, deny
or contest she violated one state
CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 statute and three administrative
codes. She did, however, accept
INSIDE without contest the settlement
agreement, which puts her on
NEWS 1-8 PETS 14 probation for one year and or-
DINING B7 ders her to pay $900 in a fine and
HEALTH 9 GAMES B12 costs.
B1 removed their child from the
ARTS district, say they complained to
the state agency only after trying
To advertise call: 772-559-4187 By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer without success to get help from
For circulation or where to pick up [email protected] numerous school and district
your issue call: 772-226-7925
© 2016 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved. Despite the apparent willing- CONTINUED ON PAGE 4
ness of the County Commission
to continue funding legal maneu-
vers aimed at blocking All Aboard
Florida’s high-speed passenger rail
project, Brightline, from traversing
Indian River County, that train ap-
pears to be leaving the station.
2 January 5, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
MY TAKE then his clusters. FBI Director Christopher Wray and Maj. Eric Flowers. And when that happens, Flowers will
He joined the Sheriff’s Office in 2003 be ready – just as he has been ready for
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 “Eric is preparing himself,” Loar said. all the other opportunities Loar has given
and has served in various capacities: uni- “He might not be ready yet, but he will him over the past nine years.
when Flowers was promoted from lieutenant form patrol, field training, criminal inves- be.”
to major, skipping past the rank of captain. tigations and multi-agency criminal en- But will he be elected?
The promotion came only one year after forcement unit, as well as in public affairs That’s the plan, anyway. Surely, Flowers won’t be the lone can-
Loar bumped him from sergeant to lieu- and media relations. Flowers wants to be this county’s 11th didate to replace Loar, whenever he de-
tenant. sheriff. He said he would never challenge cides he has had enough. Challengers will
He has earned a bachelor’s degree in Loar, but he loves local law enforcement, emerge, perhaps even from within the
The promotion to major – he’s one of business administration from Stetson is “100-percent committed” to this com- Sheriff’s Office.
only three serving under Loar and Under- University and a master’s degree in crim- munity and does plan to run when his Loar said there are several other po-
sheriff Jim Harpring – put Flowers atop inal justice from the University of Central boss retires. tential candidates currently in his ranks,
the Sheriff’s Office’s Bureau of Adminis- Florida, where he expects to complete “To anyone who knows me, that’s not naming Capt. Milo Thornton and Sgt.
tration. work on a doctorate in public affairs later really a secret,” Flowers said. “Being the Ross Partee as two who might run for
this year. sheriff here is something I aspire to, and sheriff – if not immediately after he an-
That means he’s in charge of several de- I would be honored to be entrusted with nounces his retirement, at some time in
partments, including human resources, Last month, he became only the 11th that responsibility. But it’s not something the future.
information technology, records, school representative of the Sheriff’s Office to I’m actively pursuing. It’s not something I “I’ve got about a dozen of those-type
resource officers, public affairs (and me- graduate from the prestigious FBI Na- have to do right now. kids, and some of them are rock stars,”
dia relations), fleet (vehicles), courthouse tional Academy, a rigorous 10-week train- “I’ve got 15 years in, but I’m still a Loar said proudly. “I’ve got some young
(bailiffs) and general administration/fa- ing program for law enforcement officers young man, so there’s no rush,” he added. guys with 10 or 15 years of service that are
cilities. across America. “I’ve spoken to the sheriff and he’s cer- all blue-chippers.”
tainly aware of my aspirations, but he also Yet Flowers, who said the 9/11 terrorist
Or as Loar put it: “He’s responsible for “It is absolutely the pinnacle of law-en- knows I fully support him and that I won’t attacks convinced him to become a law
the nuts and bolts of the operation.” forcement training,” Flowers said of the run against him if he decides to run again. enforcement officer because “the fight is
Quantico, Va.-based academy, which of- “Someday, though, he’s going to retire.” on the ground here,” remains Loar’s No.
And as Loar explained: “That was by fers intense, state-of-the-art education 1 pick.
design.” and training in advanced communica- “I want to be confident the legacy con-
tions, leadership, cybercrime and fitness tinues, and Eric is a wholesome, sharp,
So was Loar’s decision five years ago for carefully selected law enforcement solid young man,” Loar said. “Yeah, he’s
to make Flowers his public affairs depu- officers. risen through the ranks pretty quickly, es-
ty and public information officer, which pecially the past couple of years, but he
made him the face of the Sheriff’s Office “To go through the program and in- has earned those promotions.
in the community and the voice of the teract with 220 law enforcement officers “He has certainly prepared himself and
agency in the news media. from across the country,” he added, “it positioned himself well.”
was an amazing experience.” That, too, was by design.
Just so you know, though, Loar didn’t
wake up one morning and arbitrarily It also enhances his credentials for a
decide Flowers might make a good sher- future campaign for sheriff – something
iff someday. Flowers, who turns 38 next Loar considered when he selected Flow-
month, earned his stripes – then his bars, ers for the program.
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS January 5, 2018 3
Accused island killer seeks hypnotist to recall details of his wife’s murder
By Beth Walton | Staff Writer expert, psychologist Bruce Borkosky, could Perkins was inside the residence near the Perkins intends to argue his wife’s behav-
use hypnosis to help him recall what hap- Moorings with the dead body in the laundry ior propelled him into temporary insanity,
An island man’s request to use hypnosis pened, he said. room, the report notes. Someone had shot court records show. Betts’ prolonged men-
for help recalling events that led to his es- the 63-year-old woman four times, Detective tal and emotional cruelty caused severe
tranged wife’s murder prompted an assistant Perkins wants permission to hire a videog- Ross Partee wrote in the report. emotional distress, he wrote in a handwrit-
state attorney to suggest that pretrial argu- rapher to record the exchange per statutory ten notice to the court flied last September.
ments were entering into the realm of the guidelines. He said he was obligated to tell There was a blood trail between the This resulted in “an irresistible impulse
ridiculous the prosecution of his plan. laundry room and a bedroom and a load- so extreme that the defendant, although
ed .38 caliber revolver in a dresser draw- knowing right from wrong, could not con-
Asbury Perkins II, who was indicted for Perkins was unable to explain why the er, Partee noted. “Perkins advised that he trol his actions,” he said.
first-degree murder in 2015, told Circuit court should side with his request, other was going to put Cynthia Betts’ body in
Court Judge Cynthia Cox it was his right to than to say it was a legal right. He provided the trunk of her car and then drive it into a Perkins is being held at the Indian River
introduce hypnotically-induced testimony two cases to back up his claims, but could lake, but there were complications with his County Jail without bond. A trial date has not
in court. not detail specific legal arguments. plan,” the report notes. yet been set.
Perkins is acting as his own attorney as he “I think we’re on the verge of ridiculous-
stands trial for the murder of Cynthia Bet- ness,” assistant state attorney Christopher
ts, whose gunshot-riddled body was found Taylor told the judge in the Indian River
rolled up in a rug in the couple’s home on County courtroom. “It would not be relevant
Seagrape Drive on the island. because [hypnotically-induced testimony] is
so unreliable.”
Investigators claim Perkins confessed to
shooting his wife because “she took mon- Florida case law varies on the use of hyp-
ey out of their banking account without his nosis in trial, Cox told the parties after doing
knowledge and because she continually a preliminary review from the bench. One
nagged him.” court decided a jury should decide if such
testimony is credible, while another left it to
Perkins has been found indigent by the the discretion of a judge.
court. Fees related to his defense, such as
mental health evaluations, investigative and Cox reserved ruling on Perkins’ motion.
forensic work – including hypnosis – and the Betts was found dead in her home Nov.
assistance of standby counsel, are paid for 3, 2015, after her father asked authorities
with public funds. to check on her. He hadn’t heard from his
daughter in a few days and there was a his-
“My memory is not clear on the morning tory of domestic violence between her and
of the incident,” said Perkins, who, accord- her husband, according to an affidavit for
ing to court records, is planning an insanity Perkins’ arrest.
defense. The court-appointed mental health
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4 January 5, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
OSCEOLA TEACHER FINED their middle son Tate’s treatment. Nine “Tate’s headaches worsened,” Denise seem any too worried about it. He wants
years old at the time, he received a severe Sanders said, and a follow-up examination to play on the playground but just doesn’t
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 concussion in a car accident while with his “showed serious signs he regressed cogni- want to do his work.”
family on New Year’s Day, 2015. tively, to the point the neurologist was very
administrators, including former superin- upset with me for not following his direc- “What we knew,” Scott Sanders said,
tendent Fran Adams and current Superin- “Tate’s neurologist prescribed a plan tions.” “was these problems were not his fault.
tendent Mark Rendell. for Tate’s reintroduction to school,” Scott At home, we saw him try to complete
Sanders said, but the school staff wouldn’t “It came out, in questioning Tate, that worksheets that had been easy for him.
“All of our district-level complaints were adopt it as the child’s Temporary Individ- Ms. Darnell had forced him to take three He couldn’t do single-digit multiplication
dismissed with only retaliation against our ual Education Plan, a legally binding doc- tests in one morning, in violation of the problems he’d known for two years.”
family,” Scott Sanders said. ument. school’s plan,” Denise Sanders said. Only
one test a day, and double the time in a Tate was an all-A gifted student prior to
“We decided it was necessary to relo- Instead, school officials insisted on us- small-group setting, were called for in the his head injury. After the injury, his grades
cate our children to a school district that ing their own plan, which Sanders says plan. were uneven, sometimes high and some-
we believed provided a safe learning and “was very loosely and poorly implemented times low. “When he was working un-
developmental environment,” Scott Sand- by the teacher, Ashley Darnell. There were Tate’s half-day attendance and lack of der the prescribed accommodations, he
ers said, “where they would not have to several instances of Ms. Darnell ignoring focus were irritants to Darnell. In emails to scored in the top 2 percent,” Scott Sanders
worry about retaliation from school staff.” the plan for Tate, but some were more con- Scott Sanders, she complained “Tate is re- said.
cerning than others.” ally not doing much in class . . . and doesn’t
The Sanders’ complaint stemmed from During a meeting to discuss Tate’s
grades, Scott Sanders said then-Principal
Kathleen Goldstein pressured him to send
his son back to school full time instead of
sending him to occupational and physical
therapy in the afternoon.
Special Education specialist Colleen
Davenport said the school’s plan “was law,”
and their neurologist’s plan was “opinion,”
and Tate had earned the low grades.
Another meeting, in which Denise and
Scott Sanders were alone with Tate’s teach-
er, turned into a he-said, she-said night-
mare, with the school district backing the
teacher. She claimed the Sanderses yelled,
tossed a chair and were threatening. But
the Sanderses said Darnell manufactured
the drama to avoid being confronted with
the fact she had shared Tate’s confidential
information with her ex-husband.
The Sanderses bolstered their argument
Darnell broke student confidentiality by
providing a text they received from her,
with spreadsheets attached that contained
personally identifiable information on ev-
ery student in her classs.
Nevertheless, then-Principal Goldstein
sided with Darnell, and School Board At-
torney Suzanne D’Agresta and then-Hu-
man Resources Assistant Superintendent
Bill Fritz insisted Denise and Scott Sanders
phone well in advance before coming on
campus and that they be escorted at all
This ended Denise Sanders’ substitute
teaching at Osceola, where she had worked
three or more days a week for three years.
School Board members, Superinten-
dent Mark Rendell, Darnell and other offi-
cials were asked to comment on the Sand-
ers’ allegations and the state reprimand.
The only response came from current
Osceola Principal Scott Simpson who
said, “Osceola has a proud tradition of a
positive atmosphere among students and
staff. I invite any members of the commu-
nity to come visit our amazing school at
any time.”
Scott Sanders decided to tell his story to
Vero Beach 32963 because, he said, “We
wanted to share a portion of our horrific
experience with Osceola Magnet and dis-
trict administration in hopes that the other
parents of children who have suffered sim-
ilarly can know there are avenues available
to them for dealing with the deceptive,
stonewalling tactics of the district.”
6 January 5, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
Expires 01-31-18 NEW RIOMAR HOME around the perimeter of the property to con-
Expires 01-31-18 tain more than 7,000 cubic yards of fill that
Expires 01-31-18 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 will be brought in to raise the grade 7-8 feet,
putting the floor of the main house 19 feet
word on the street is some of the old guard above sea level. (In case anyone is worried
are not too enthused about a 17,400-square- about runoff, there will be underground
foot home with two swimming pools and storm-water retention chambers.)
three guest houses going up in the coming
year. But the house at 2310 Ocean Drive – The main house, three guest houses,
which upon completion will be worth $15 two 30-foot by 34-foot garages and other
million to $20 million – is no McMansion. structures will be built on a foundation of
Looking more British West Indies than any- hundreds of 16-inch diameter auger pilings
thing else on the plans drawn by Melbourne loaded with steel rebar that will go down 40
architect Jackson Kirschner, it is nicely sited feet or so to marl, and be tied into a matrix
on the 74,500-square-foot lot, leaving 56 per- of heavy concrete grade beams to make the
cent of the property as open space. house a permanent part of the landscape.
The home will disappear behind a land- The main house will be two stories, 35-feet
scape buffer after a year or so, and be little high, with an open first-floor interior that
noticed. And it is not an outlier. Nearby lots includes a 36-foot by 48-foot central space
have been redeveloped in recent years, with (foyer, great room and gallery) and another
big houses replacing smaller ones. The mod- vast kitchen/family room combination.
ernist house at the other end Ocean Drive is
larger than the one going up in Riomar, and Also on the first floor are an elaborate
there are homes of similar stature up and master suite, a media room, a 30-foot by
down the 32963 shoreline. 30-foot game room and two full-featured
attached guest houses. A third guest house
Matilde Sorensen, the real estate broker stands apart, behind the twin garages.
who both listed and sold the Riomar prop-
erty, says that the buyers – a young family Two staircases and an elevator connect
with seven children – are outstanding peo- the first floor to the second where there is
ple who will be a substantial addition to the another, even more awesome master suite,
community. The value of oceanfront land on along with four 19-foot by 19-foot guest or
the island, and the caliber of new residents child bedrooms with private baths and bal-
attracted to ZIP code 32963 at this stage in its conies.
evolution, practically guarantee that homes
on this scale will become more and more Almost the entire ocean-facing back of
common – adding to the reputation (and tax the house will be glass, a shimmering series
base) of Vero Beach. of glazed French, bi-fold and pocket doors.
The original house on the lot at 2310 The oceanfront pool, set in an expansive
Ocean Drive was built in 1946, when most of terrace, is 16-foot by 41-foot. When it is too
the island was still undeveloped and prop- windy on the oceanfront, swimmers can
erty was cheap. In 1991, Richard Dillion and chose a second similar-sized pool on the
his wife Phyllis bought the home and land sunny south side that is in a sheltered court-
for $1.2 million, living there until the proper- yard between the game room and attached
ty was sold in May 2016. guest houses.
The property was not on the market when The way the property lays out around a
Sorensen brought the buyer and the Dillons series of four main courtyards and terraces
together. is one of its most attractive and interactive
Richard Dillon, who passed away in Au-
gust, was described in his Princeton Alumni Even as colorless lines on paper, without
Weekly obituary as “a pioneering advertising the benefit of the all the tones and textures
executive and entrepreneur . . . who co-cre- of the “best quality” finish materials speci-
ated one of the first advertising agencies fied on the plans, a tangible quality of spatial
focused on marketing to Hispanics in the excitement and aesthetic intrigue radiates
United States.” Phyllis Dillon still lives inVero from the envisioned structure.
This a place where it will be an adventure
Oceanfront land sales are categorized by to live – a place that will become an impres-
price per linear foot, and the lot at 2310 ex- sive feature of a community residents regard
tends for 203 feet along the Atlantic Ocean, as Vero’s premier neighborhood.
which means the buyer paid nearly $44,000
a foot for the prime Central Beach property Besides Jackson Kirschner, Architects,
close to the art museum and theater, Quail the design build team includes Mills Group,
Valley club and all the oceanside restaurants landscape architect; Schulke, Bittle & Stod-
and shops. The price, $8.875 million, was not dard, structural and civil engineers; Kamm
a record but approaches the highest prices Consulting, mechanical and electrical engi-
paid for oceanfront land on the island during neers; and the Hill Group, builder and gen-
the peak of the real estate boom in the mid- eral contractor.
After the sale, the post-war house was
torn down and plans for the new compound
were developed. The county issued a build-
ing permit in November and site work began
shortly afterward.
A heavy retaining wall is being built
8 January 5, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | LOCAL NEWS www.veronews.com
Hurricane Impact Doors ALL ABOARD FLORIDA be business people, 10 percent commuters,
& Impact Glass, and the rest vacationers or leisure travelers.
We Have It All! CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 It expects ridership and revenues to stabi-
lize after three years.
Transform Your Existing Door from Brightline, the only privately-owned
Boring to Beautiful! passenger train in the U.S., is scheduled to Brightline “initially plans to price tickets
start service in South Florida any day now, at a low level, comparing a proposed fare
■ Glass patterns for every style & budget and the company says it will begin work on of $0.69 per mile with the $2.04 per mile
■ Customize to your style Phase 2 – which will connect West Palm with on the publicly-owned Acela service be-
■ Impact Glass & Impact Doors Orlando, running through downtown Vero tween Washington, D.C., and Boston, but
■ Wood Interior/Exterior Doors Beach – in early 2018. if it turns out to have strong market power,
■ Fiberglass Doors it will be able to set fares at whatever lev-
■ Patio & Sliding Glass Doors “This was a great year for us as we com- els it can maximize revenue,” according to
■ Framed/Frameless Shower Units pleted construction on two of our major Nelthorpe.
■ Etching stations and rail infrastructure, successful-
■ Schlage Hardware ly presold tickets and corporate packages By 2020, Brightline believes the first-
■ Mirror Wraps to individuals and businesses throughout phase stretch will take in $107 million from
the region and priced $600 million in Pri- 2.9 million rider-fares and $34 million in
Regency Square vate Activity Bonds to fund Phase 1,” said combined parking and food sales a year.
Brightline Chief Executive Officer Dave Brightline’s Phase 1 has three parking lots
2426 SE Federal Hwy, Stuart • Licensed & Insured Howard Dec. 15. “We look forward to with 1,720 parking spaces in addition to
launching service to Miami and starting restaurants and kiosks on the train and in
772.463.6500 construction north to Orlando in the first the stations. The food and parking sales will
quarter of 2018.” comprise 24 percent of its revenue, Bright-
line estimates.
The first train service will be between Fort
Lauderdale and West Palm Beach, starting Fitch estimates ridership could be 41 per-
the week of Jan. 8, Brightline said last week. cent lower than projected and Brightline’s
Ticket prices and train schedules were still Phase 1 would still break even.
unannounced at press time.
On Dec. 22, Brightline announced it got
There are three stations in the first phase: authorization from the U.S. Department of
Miami, the southern terminus, Fort Lauder- Transportation for another $1.15 billion in
dale and West Palm Beach, and Brightline tax-exempt Private Activity Bonds for Phase
says it will take 30 minutes to travel from 2, the 170-mile leg between West Palm
station to station, with train speeds up to Beach and the northern terminus, Orlando.
125 mph.
The company said it is still weighing an-
It takes about 40 minutes to travel be- other DOT financing option, a “Railroad Re-
tween Miami and Fort Lauderdale by car, habilitation and Improvement Financing”
and nearly an hour to get from Fort Lauder- loan, which allows private companies to
dale to West Palm Beach, so taking the train borrow at low interest rates.
could save a little bit of time, but shaving
commuter time is not the main point of the Completing Phase 2 will be consider-
venture. ably more complex than Phase 1, requir-
ing Brightline to acquire 40 miles of new
Brightline is marketing itself as a luxury right-of-way between Cocoa and Orlando.
line or “travel option that lives at the inter- The remainder of the project – including
section of transportation and hospitality,” a the section that passes through Indian Riv-
press release stated. er County – will utilize existing Florida East
Coast freight right-of-way.
“The luxury service will provide all-re-
served coach and business-class seating, While Phase 2 has the support of Brevard
on-board wireless service and food ser- County, which hopes a stop may ultimate-
vice,” according to a statement provided ly be added in Melbourne, it has met with
to investors by Fitch Rating, the company fierce resistance from Martin, Indian River
hired by Brightline to rate its $600 million and St. Lucie counties, where no stops are
bond issue. contemplated and local officials see no ad-
vantage to having high-speed trains racing
The crucial Private Activity Bond was au- through the Treasure Coast.
thorized by the U.S. Department of Trans-
portation and issued by the Florida De- Local governments are expected to have
velopment Finance Corporation. Morgan to pay millions to upgrade train crossings to
Stanley led the market sale of the 30-year make them safe. Indian River County esti-
tax-exempt bond, which closed in mid-De- mates it will cost about $13 million to up-
cember. grade over 30 crossings.
Fitch gave the bonds a BB- or non-invest- Brightline still has to sell the recently
ment grade rating because private passen- authorized second phase bonds or borrow
ger rail is unknown in this country, and a rail the needed $1.15 billion. But nevertheless,
line that “targets business and leisure traffic Phase 2 work is expected to start in a matter
and has no similar U.S. comparables” could of weeks with the Orlando station. In a press
not be rated higher. release, Brightline said it is finalizing “de-
sign for the rail infrastructure and the 70-
Brightline will use bond sale proceeds to acre Vehicle Maintenance Facility,” which is
refinance the $534 million debt incurred for adjacent to, but soon to be enmeshed with
Phase I building and rolling stock, which the airport.
was privately financed at 12 percent inter-
est, according to Tom Nelthorpe of txf.news. “Brightline’s station in Orlando will be lo-
cated at the Orlando International Airport’s
Brightline’s marketing strategy and rev- new Intermodal Terminal Facility (ITF) that
enue models also were revealed by Fitch. will be the hub of the future South Terminal
Brightline expects 10 percent of riders will complex,” states the press release.
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Waking up to the new high blood pressure guidelines
By Tom Lloyd | Staff Writer ment of High Blood Pressure moved the
[email protected] goal posts overnight.
Most Americans went to bed on a recent As that Monday morning dawned, almost
Sunday night in November thinking their half of all U.S. adults and a whopping 80 per-
blood pressure was normal. cent of those 65 and older found themselves
classified as having high blood pressure.
By that Monday morning, however, tens of
millions of them suddenly found themselves Dr. Cassie Jones, a board certified internal
catapulted into the “high blood pressure” or medicine specialist with the Sebastian Riv-
hypertensive category. er Medical Group and Steward Healthcare,
calls the change one of the “flipsy-flopsies” of
In essence, the American Heart Associ- medicine.
ation, the American College of Cardiology
and the National Joint Committee on Pre- For years, the target for systolic blood pres-
vention, Detection, Evaluation and Treat- sure – the first of the two numbers used – was
Dr. Cassie Jones.
140. In 2013, that target was “relaxed” to 150 The Harvard Medical School joins Jones
for patients over the age of 60. in pointing out “for elevated blood pressure,
medications are actually not recommended;
In November, however, “normal” systol- rather, a long list of evidence-based, non-
ic blood pressure for most people suddenly drug interventions are.
plunged to between 130 and 120.
“What are these interventions? A diet high
“Now they’re saying ‘we want people no in fruits and vegetables (such as the DASH
greater than 140 over 90,’” says Jones. “We re- diet which is naturally high in potassium);
ally want you at 130 over 80, and if you can do decreased salt and bad fats; more activity;
120 over 80 that’s even better.” weight loss if one is overweight or obese; and
no more than two alcoholic drinks per day for
Since high blood pressure is second only men, and one for women” – all things that re-
to smoking as a preventable cause of heart ally work. (For more information on the DASH
attacks and strokes, the new guidelines – diet, see dashdiet.org.)
based on a huge 2015 study first published in
the New England Journal of Medicine – were It’s then that Jones broaches a topic rare-
splashed across the headlines and TV news. ly heard in heart health conversations: de-
But what may have gone unnoticed is
the fact that the study’s recommendations “We’re not really paying attention to the de-
for lowering blood pressure do not revolve mentia that’s related with statins,” says Jones,
around more medication or higher doses of
statins like Lipitor or Crestor. CONTINUED ON PAGE A12
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A12 January 5, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH www.veronews.com
By Maria Canfield | Correspondent versity of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School
of Medicine in Philadelphia shows that the
Though it is not widely known outside of risk rises dramatically based on the severity
the medical community, people with psori- of the psoriasis.
asis are at a higher risk of developing type 2
diabetes. Now, new research from the Uni- Dr. Patrick Ottuso, M.D., a Vero Beach
dermatologist and Fellow of the American
CONTINUED FROM PAGE A10 and each additional healthy habit you adopt Dr. Patrick Ottuso.
can bring it down another four to five points.”
adding ,“we need people to really change their PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
lifestyle so that we don’t require them to be on Physicians like Jones are ready, willing and
statins. And if they are on statins, we [need to] able to help. The new guidelines, she says, are
get them on the lowest dose possible, instead “a wake-up call that says we need to get better
of putting out all these high-intensity statins.” control on this.”
The good news is that despite the new, Dr. Cassie Jones is with the Sebastian River
lower blood pressure guidelines, Harvard Medical Group and Steward Healthcare. She
Medical School and Jones agree that “simply has office hours at 13840 U.S. 1 in Sebastian
changing what you eat can bring down sys- and 8000 Ron Beatty Blvd. in Barefoot Bay. The
tolic blood pressure by as much as 11 points phone number is 772-581-0644.
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | YOUR HEALTH January 5, 2018 A13
Tips to reduce frequency Kingdom and included a measure of psori- be effective stress-reducers, including yoga, be worn when gardening.
and severity: asis severity called body surface area (BSA), meditation, and relaxation techniques. • Avoid infections. Infections can trig-
which, as its name implies, gives the percent-
• Reduce stress. age of the body that is affected by the disease. • Avoid certain medications. Dr. Ottuso ger psoriasis because they put stress on the
• Avoid certain says beta blockers (a type of blood pressure immune system, causing an inflammatory
medications. The results, published in Journal of the medication) and steroids can trigger a psori- reaction. It’s important to seek treatment
• Prevent skin injuries. American Academy of Dermatology, were asis flare-up. He says “people should talk to right away if you think you have any sort of
• Avoid infections. dramatic. The team found that people with their doctor about any prescription or over- infection.
• Eat foods that reduce psoriasis who had a BSA of up to 2 percent the-counter medications they’re taking. If
inflammation. had a 21 percent higher risk of developing di- it’s suspected that a medication is causing • Eat foods that reduce inflammation.
abetes (compared to those without psoriasis), flare-ups, alternative are likely available, Foods that may reduce inflammation in-
Academy of Dermatology, is familiar with and people with a psoriasis BSA of 10 had a 64 whether it’s a lower dose or a different medi- clude fatty fish such as salmon and tuna,
the Penn study and has observed the link percent higher risk of developing the disease. cation altogether.” flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, al-
between psoriasis and type 2 diabetes in his monds, and green leafy vegetables such as
own practice. He says that psoriasis is also Those with a BSA of 20 had an 84 percent in- • Prevent skin injuries. In some people, spinach and kale. Foods to avoid include red
associated with “metabolic syndrome,” a creased risk, and those with a 30 percent BSA injuries to the skin – such as sunburn and meat, dairy, high-fat foods, processed foods,
cluster of conditions (high blood pressure, were at a 104 percent higher risk – more than scratches – can trigger flare-ups. While refined sugars and citrus fruits.
high blood sugar, excess body fat around the double the risk of those without psoriasis. spending time outdoors, psoriasis suffers
waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglycer- should use sunscreen, wear a hat, and apply Dr. Ottuso’s practice is part of Vero Beach
ide levels) that increase the risk of heart dis- The researchers drew their conclusions bug spray. Long sleeves and gloves should Dermatology, located at 1955 22nd Ave; the
ease, stroke, and diabetes. after making adjustments in their data to ac- phone number is 772-299-0085.
count for other diabetes risk factors, such as
Although psoriasis most typically evidenc- age, gender, and weight.
es itself in the skin, it is actually a disease of
the immune system, in which T cells – a form In the United States, approximately 7.5
of white blood cell – are overactive, producing million people have psoriasis. While most
too many skin cells. These skin cells move to cases are mild to moderate, about 10 percent
the outermost layer of skin too quickly, build- of sufferers – 1.5 million people – have a pso-
ing up in thick, scaly patches. What causes riasis BSA of 5 percent or more.
the T cells to malfunction isn’t fully known,
but researchers believe that genetics and en- Penn’s Gelfand says “psoriasis and dia-
vironmental factors both play a role. betes share similar genetic mutations, sug-
gesting a biological basis for the connection
The chronic inflammation caused by pso- between the two conditions we found in our
riasis is the most significant factor increas- study.” He also says that healthcare profes-
ing the risk of type 2 diabetes. Psoriasis can sionals should help people with psoriasis
also affect the immune system in ways that understand their risk of developing type 2
have been associated with insulin resistance diabetes, and educate them about diabetes
and type 2 diabetes. prevention, especially if their psoriasis BSA
is 10 percent or higher.
The Penn team was led by Joel M. Gelfand,
a professor of dermatology and epidemiolo- Vero’s Dr. Ottuso says that an earlier
gy, who says “we know psoriasis is linked to study, conducted by the same Penn re-
higher rates of diabetes, but this is the first searchers, resulted in an even more alarm-
study to specifically examine how the sever- ing conclusion: the higher the BSA, the
ity of the disease affects a patient’s risk.” greater the risk of death. Over the course of
four years, Gelfand and his team found that
For their study, the researchers used data – after adjusting for demographics and risk
on two groups of adults – 8,124 with psoria- factors such as smoking, obesity and major
sis and 76,599 without. The data came from a medical conditions – people with a BSA of
survey of general practitioners in the United over 10 had almost double the risk of death
than those who did not have psoriasis.
While psoriasis cannot be cured, flare-
ups can be controlled. Some tips on reduc-
ing the frequency and severity of flare-ups:
• Reduce stress. Stress is particularly prob-
lematic for people with psoriasis, as stress
tends to cause an inflammatory reaction
in the body. While psychotherapy can help,
there are other everyday activities that can
A14 January 5, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | PETS www.veronews.com
The Plott thickens as Bonzo learns Chet’s story
Hi Dog Buddies! I’m 007-111, Buckskin With White Mark- Chet, the Plott Hound. PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
ings. Sounds like a secret agent, but I’m
This week I yapped with Chadleigh Plott just a plain ol’ Plott with what looks like Chuck’s faithful friend Greg Suddenly there was this
Bullock, one of the shiest pooches I’ve ever a sprinkling of plaster dust an bad, rock swooped in an grabbed me.” knock on the door an BOOM, he sprung off
met but, at the same time, a great racon- band eye make-up.” that sofa like it was on fire and let out one of
teur. As you mighta surmised, Chadleigh, or “Woof!” I managed. “How did BK get in those Baritone Barks. He was All Business,
“Chet” (he said to call him Chet), is a Plott I laughed. “I’m ready to hear your story.” the picksure?” protecting his domain. I was impressed.
Hound, which I thought was a real coin- “Like I mentioned, me an my sibs had And a liddle startled. Only when Chuck as-
cidence, since I’d met my very first Plott an extended, over-sheltered puppyhood, “Oh, Dog, that about did both me an sured him it was a Good Guy (the electri-
Hound only a coupla weeks ago. Did you until we found the Humane Society. Chuck IN! BK’s original name was Sweetie cian) did he stop that very effective rumbly
catch the Maggie Hamilton column? But I was SO timid and shy I got adopt- cuz she’s this petite liddle Ragdoll. Chuck grrrr-ing.
ed out an returned two times before me got special permission for Sweetie to live
So, anyway, Chet sent me an introductory an Chuck met. An even THEN, he was with her nice human lady in a special MEM- “Woof! THAT was SOMEthing, Chet!” I
Woof-mail with a buncha Cool Kibbles pho- re-LUCK-tent. He’d had ONLY German ree care facility. But then, the lady couldn’t told him.
dos of him an his cat, BK. Yep, he has a pet Short-haired Pointer rescues for, like, take care of her any more an, TWO DAYS
cat. I KNOW, Right? 300 Dog Years, for Lassie’s Sake, an he’d after I started livin’ with Chuck, we hadda “I KNOW!” he grinned. “Ya know, Bonz,
just lost his most recent Pointer, Daisy, in a take in Sweetie. WELL, Sweetie took one even though I still have a ways to go, I
Chet and BK live in a pretty neighbor- tragic accident. PLUS, he’d just had double look at me an The Kibbles Hit the Fan! Bein’ wouldn’t trade my life here for anything.
hood, around a liddle lake. When me an my knee surgery an couldn’t walk me, even if a mysterious feline, she sensed my paranoia Chuck takes The Best care of us, and pa-
assistant drove up, Chet was in the front I sat still to get my leash on, which I didn’t. an transformed from a docile kitty to a four- tiently puts up with my issues. He’s ackshul-
yard with his human. The usual Wag-an- I’d freak out at basically everything. I pret- pawed attack vehicle. She’d ambush me ev- ly proud of how far I’ve come. So I’m tryin’
Sniff was more of a Gingerly-Approach- ty much had the personality of a turnip. I ery chance she got. If it wasn’t for Prozac, I’d real hard to overcome my fears.”
and-Size-Up. So I said, in my calm an polite was a total headcase. I didn’t mean to cause never have made it. That’s when we changed
voice, “Good afternoon. You’re Chadleigh, I trouble, but everywhere I looked, there was her name from Sweetie to BK. The K’s short “I’m sure you’re gonna be successful real
presume. I’m Bonzo the Columnist and I’m something that scared the Dog Biscuits out for ‘Kitty.’” soon,” I assured him.
delighted to meet you.” of me. ‘A big lump of a dog,’ Chuck called
me. But this nice lady at the Humane Soci- “Ah, so,” I commented discreetly. The BonzTill next time,
“Oh, yes, Mr. Bonzo. Do call me Chet. I am ety, Heather, who Really Unnerstands Dogs, “Anyway, finally I’d had enough, and I
a great admirer. I have no wish to be rude. kept tellin’ Chuck he should adopt me. He said so in my Very Big, Very Loud and (ap- Don’t Be Shy
It’s just that I have some lingering ang-ZY- didn’t wanna, but Heather knew stuff we parently) Very Scary, 3-county Baritone
utty issues, stemming from when me an my didn’t. So finally Chuck said, ‘FINE then.’ Voice. Didn’t know I had it in me. Well, BK We are always looking for pets
litter spent our first 4-5 years indoors, most- “Well, that first month together was pret- Got With The Program, hasn’t laid a paw on with interesting stories.
ly in the dark and totally isolated. So I have ty doggone weird. If I peeked around the me since. We don’t snuggle or anything, but
very few inter-canine skills. But I digress. corner and spotted Chuck, I’d flee. He’d set we hang out, walk around the pond togeth- To set up an interview, email
This is my human, James Bullock. I call him food out for me but I mostly didn’t eat it cuz er, then wait patiently for The Doorman to [email protected].
Chuck. My cat BK’s around here somewhere. of bein’ so NERV-us. If I was outside and let us in. (That’s what we call Chuck.)
So, come’on in.” he came out, I hid in the bushes. Finally, Chet’d been sitting docilely on the sofa.
he removed ALL the vegetation, including
“Thanks, Chet. An please call me Bonz.” two 12’ birds of paradise and a 6’ fern, so he
Chet hopped onto the sofa, an settled in. He could find me.
was a good-lookin’ pooch. A Buckskin Plott, I “One time I ran away for almost four days.
learned: short, golden coat; silky hound ears, Something startled me on a leash-walk with
dark eyes an sniffer, chiseled muzzle. Chuck an I went barkin’ nuts. Chuck had my
“I though you Plotts only came in Brin- mugshot on posters all over the place, an
dle,” I said. “How’dja find out you’re a Plott on lost dog websites. He even had a search
anyway?” posse an a BOLO put out. But I wouldn’t let
“Chuck had my DNA tested. I have abso- anybody near me til I stopped to say hello to
lutely no clue what that means, but it’s nice a coupla liddle kids. (I love liddle kids.) Then
to know who I am, you know? We come in so
many paint jobs they hafta give us numbers.
The land man: Agent’s sales help
fuel new homebuilding boom
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16 January 5, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
The land man: Agent’s sales help fuel homebuilding boom
By Kathleen Sloan | Staff Writer Hampton Jackson
[email protected]
The pace of new home construction in
Indian River County has increased nearly north of 61st Street and west of 58th Ave-
four-fold since 2009, the local low during nue, the new single-family-home subdi-
the Great Recession. There were 249 build- vision will be called The Enclave and will
ing permits for single-family homes issued have sidewalks and underground utilities.
that year, compared to 933 in 2017.
Also in November, he sold 19 finished
But before new homes go up, suitable lots in a 60-lot subdivision known as The
land must be found, and that’s where Lakes at Sandridge for nearly $530,000,
Hampton Jackson comes in. again to DR Horton. The development is
located east of 58th Avenue and north of
“I get new homes built,” said Jackson, a 81st Street. New homes are expected to sell
Realtor with Coldwell Banker Commercial for about $275,000.
In December, Jackson sold 20 acres lo-
Though he is a relative newcomer to de- cated south of 73rd Street and east of U.S.
velopment deals, specializing in land sales Highway 1 to JHL Partners for $1.3 million.
for just the past three years, his claim is JHL Partners will finish the lots, grading
backed up by a string of impressive sales them and installing infrastructure, and
in 2017. then sell them to a homebuilder, accord-
ing to Jackson. The 45-home subdivision
Jackson’s success is due in large part will be called Orchid Landing at Warren’s
to his focus. When he began looking for Way.
land to list and sell, he quickly realized lo-
cating “scattered lots” took as much time
as finding larger parcels, and that selling
substantial acreage to well-capitalized na-
tional homebuilders was a better business
strategy than doing one-off, scattershot
He came to the business of broker-
ing subdivision property in Indian River
County with an edge. “I know the land. I
was born and raised here,” Jackson said. “I
know every piece of land that’s available in
our marketplace.”
His biggest sale was in July when he sold
132 acres to DR Horton for $4 million, land
on which the builder recently started site
work for Falcon Trace South, a 258-home
In November, Jackson sold DR Horton
another 9.63 acres, consisting of 22 ful-
ly-developed lots, for $1.1 million. Located
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E January 5, 2018 17
“I wanted to work smarter, so I sought NEW TAX LAW EXPECTED TO SLOW RISE OF HOME VALUES
out an unexploited market,” said Jackson,
who claims that specializing in large tracks BY KATHY ORTON & AARON GREGG | The Washington Post past five years nationally, according to In general, economists say, the tax
of land for residential development “is un- the Standard & Poor’s/Case-Shiller in- breaks have tended to boost the price of
usual in this area.” The steady increase in housing prices dex. Economists now expect these areas homes in the past because they effectively
in many of the nation’s priciest markets, to see some slowdown in coming years, made it cheaper to afford a bigger mortgage
“Most of the tools I use are government including the Washington region, is ex- particularly in pricier regions like the and a bigger house, which homeowners
provided, as opposed to MLS listings,” pected to slow in coming years, analysts Northeast Corridor, parts of the West would then factor into their sales prices.
Jackson said. “I’m on my laptop looking say, as the Republican tax law begins to Coast and Florida, and a number of Mid-
at an aerial view of land that’s zoned resi- reshape a major part of the U.S. economy. western cities. A report by the housing website Zillow
dential. I usually know who the buyer will has found that 44 percent of homes are
be – I know the profiles of national home For generations, the tax code has sub- Mark Zandi, chief economist at worth enough that it makes sense for a
builders. sidized homeownership, particularly Moody’s Analytics, a research firm, esti- homeowner to itemize deductions. Un-
for people in the upper middle class and mates that in the New York metropolitan der the new law, the percentage drops to
“Some of them buy raw land while oth- beyond. The Republican tax legislation, region, some counties could see prices 14.4 percent.
ers prefer land already developed with in- however, pushed in the opposite di-
frastructure,” Jackson said. “Some of them rection, scaling back subsidies 10 percent below where they would have Beyond cutting the mortgage
buy both ways. All of them prefer county once thought untouchable. been without the tax bill by the summer interest deduction and state and
water, sewer and FP&L electricity.” of 2019. The median U.S. county will see a local tax deduction, the tax bill
To pay for other tax cuts ben- decline of 0.8 percent, he predicted. also doubles the size of the stan-
In the past three years Jackson has sold efiting corporations and some dard deduction to $24,000 for a
mostly developed lots – with sewer, elec- individuals, the GOP tax plan “House prices suffer under the tax married couple. Taxpayers have
tric and other infrastructure installed but trims the mortgage interest plan,” Zandi wrote in a recent analysis. the option of taking itemized de-
no houses built – that were abandoned af- deduction and property tax de- “The impact on house prices is much ductions or the standard deduc-
ter the 2008 economic downturn. “Most of duction, which combined allow greater for higher-priced homes, espe- tion.
those lots are gone now,” he said. “Only the some homeowners to take tens cially in parts of the country where in-
raw land is left.” His strategy now is to sell of thousands of dollars off their comes are higher and there are thus a dis- In the past, the value of the
empty fields to raw-land buyers and then taxable income. proportionate number of itemizers, and housing deductions may have
where homeowners have big mortgages nudged people into buying
resell the value-added property to “fin- The law allows interest to be and property tax bills.” homes even when they have been
ished lot” buyers. deducted on mortgages only happier renting, Pinto said. Now
worth up to $750,000, instead of “The biggest impact is probably the people have more options.
He views the current crop of develop- the previously existing $1 mil- psychological impact on buyers,” said
er-buyers as “survivors,” of the Great Re- lion limit (people who got loans Lindsay Reishman, a senior vice presi- “They get to make a choice
cession. “They are fully entrenched in the before Dec. 15 are grandfathered dent with the real estate firm Compass. about how to spend their money,”
development business,” he said. into the $1 million limit). It also “We might see fewer transactions, a little he said.
put a $10,000 cap on the amount of state less activity for a while.” Others argue that reducing public
The sellers are hedge funds and “mul- and local taxes, including property taxes, support for homeownership could have
timillionaires, who wanted to invest their that can be deducted from the federal re- NOopwen broad social consequences.
money in land and now want to sell,” Jack- turn. “This is one of the shortcomings of the
son said. “They like to do things discrete- AL 13068 tax bill. Ordinarily, you want there to be
ly.” Economists and housing experts ownership, especially of real estate,” said
broadly agree the changes will slow Greg Smith, a certified financial plan-
Unlike home sales, land sales “are few price increases in expensive housing ner at the Wise Investor Group at Baird.
and far between,” Jackson said. “I’m pre- markets – though nobody expects hous- “There is a civic good that comes from
pared for the long haul. Some deals take ing values to decline, given the overall owning rather than renting.”
a year to come to fruition,” which further strength of the economy and the fact Still, Smith says home buyers and
separates him from the pack. that there are relatively few houses for homeowners should not get carried away
sale in top markets. with calculations over the impact of the
“I like the fact that I’m at the beginning tax bill.
of a process that puts people to work,” Still, experts are debating who wins “It’s easy to be short-term oriented,”
Jackson said. “Falcon Trace South is mov- and loses from the changes, and the re- Smith said. “If you’re buying a house, hope-
ing dirt as we speak, paying people to put ality may turn as much on perception as fully you’re buying a house because you’re
in water, sewer, electric, cut roads, put on the fundamental economics. going to be there for at least five years, and
curbs in and then build 258 homes. It’s a lot can happen in five years.”
making people’s lives better.” Bonnie Casper, a real estate agent
with Long & Foster in Bethesda, Mary- It’s a date.
land says the new rules will put a lot of
prospective home buyers in wait-and- Join us for a lunch that
see mode, which could prompt a slow- you will remember.
down in the market.
Call with an opening on
“If they’re not going to have a tax ben- your calendar.
efit, maybe they’ll go rent and not buy,”
Casper said. The tax overhaul “could 772-562-8491
hinder first-time buyers, in particular,
and then have a cascading effect.” Assisted Living & Memory Care
Edward Pinto, a housing expert at the
American Enterprise Institute, says low- 2100 10th Avenue l Vero Beach, FL 32960
er housing prices will prove attractive to
first-time home buyers who might have
felt exasperated by the rapid increase in
home values in recent years.
“Existing homeowners have benefit-
ed from that on the backs of first-time
home buyers,” Pinto said.
Housing prices have been increas-
ing by about 6 percent a year over the
18 January 5, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTATE www.veronews.com
The mainland real estate market closed out the calendar year with a bang, as 53 single-family
residences and lots sold from Dec. 26-29.
One of the top sales of the week in Vero Beach was the home at 2185 3rd Place SW. The 5-bed-
room, 5-bathroom residence fetched $487,500 on Dec. 29.
In Sebastian, the week’s best sale was the house at 1520 Clearbrook Street. First put on the mar-
ket in July for $350,000, this 4-bedroom, 3-bathroom, 3,190-square-foot home sold for $333,000
on Dec. 27.
VERO BEACH 5071 PENDELTON SQUARE 12/29/2017 $491,800 12/28/2017 $487,500
VERO BEACH 2185 3RD PLACE SW 7/21/2017 $495,000 12/29/2017 $440,000
VERO BEACH 6152 56TH AVENUE 7/15/2017 $495,000 12/26/2017 $423,000
VERO BEACH 4250 DIAMOND SQUARE 10/2/2017 $450,000 12/27/2017 $385,000
VERO BEACH 4829 FOUR LAKES CIRCLE SW 7/11/2017 $399,500 12/28/2017 $347,000
VERO BEACH 290 CHAMPAGNE COURT 10/31/2017 $369,000 12/28/2017 $333,000
SEBASTIAN 1520 CLEARBROOK STREET 7/25/2017 $350,000 12/27/2017 $330,000
VERO BEACH 1100 SOUTHLAKES WAY SW 8/7/2017 $339,900 12/29/2017 $325,000
VERO BEACH 1616 20TH STREET SW 11/21/2017 $325,000 12/29/2017 $323,000
VERO BEACH 5763 RIVERBOAT CIRCLE SW 11/15/2017 $332,000 12/29/2017 $319,900
VERO BEACH 5913 BUTTONWOOD SQUARE 10/18/2017 $329,900 12/29/2017 $300,000
VERO BEACH 6406 55TH SQUARE 10/26/2017 $320,000 12/29/2017 $298,000
VERO BEACH 5522 57TH AVENUE 9/6/2017 $299,000 12/28/2017 $285,000
VERO BEACH 2016 PLAINFIELD DRIVE 6/22/2017 $349,900 12/29/2017 $278,000
VERO BEACH 6383 LENNOX LANE 4/1/2017 $290,000 12/29/2017 $265,000
VERO BEACH 370 LEXINGTON AVENUE SW 11/11/2017 $265,000 12/27/2017 $240,000
SEBASTIAN 1336 SHORELINE CIRCLE 10/30/2017 $249,995 12/27/2017 $239,000
VERO BEACH 1875 BRIDGEPOINTE CIRCLE UNIT#31 10/6/2017 $250,000 12/28/2017 $234,000
VERO BEACH 3276 ANTHEM WAY 11/28/2017 $239,000 12/28/2017 $223,000
VERO BEACH 6105 60TH COURT 11/1/2017 $225,000 12/28/2017 $223,000
VERO BEACH 7931 CAMBRIDGE MANOR 11/21/2017 $225,800 12/27/2017 $221,000
VERO BEACH 437 N TANGERINE SQUARE SW 10/3/2017 $224,900 12/27/2017 $214,900
VERO BEACH 5992 SPICEWOOD LANE 10/18/2017 $229,900 12/29/2017 $212,000
SEBASTIAN 726 BEARD AVENUE 7/20/2017 $219,900 12/27/2017 $209,700
VERO BEACH 5944 SPICEWOOD LANE 7/26/2017 $219,900 12/29/2017 $199,000
VERO BEACH 341 TAMARIND PLACE 11/23/2017 $199,000 12/28/2017 $195,000
VERO BEACH 266 21ST AVENUE 10/27/2017 $199,000 12/26/2017 $192,000
VERO BEACH 1101 NORMANDIE WAY 11/14/2017 $199,000 12/28/2017 $191,000
SEBASTIAN 473 CROTON AVENUE 11/16/2017 $209,950 12/28/2017 $175,000
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4645 US-1 • (772) 562-4171
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | REAL ESTAT E January 5, 2018 19
2185 3rd Place SW, Vero Beach 6152 56th Avenue, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 7/21/2017 Listing Date: 7/15/2017
Original Price: $495,000 Original Price: $495,000
Sold: 12/29/2017 Sold: 12/26/2017
Selling Price: $487,500 Selling Price: $440,000
Listing Agent: Gene Billero Listing Agent: Amy Townsend
Selling Agent: Billero & Billero Properties Selling Agent: RE/MAX Crown Realty
Leona Yarish Not provided
NextHome Santana Real Estate Not provided
4250 Diamond Square, Vero Beach 4829 Four Lakes Circle SW, Vero Beach
Listing Date: 10/2/2017 Listing Date: 7/11/2017
Original Price: $450,000 Original Price: $399,500
Sold: 12/27/2017 Sold: 12/28/2017
Selling Price: $423,000 Selling Price: $385,000
Listing Agent: Lauren Connolly Listing Agent: Troy Westover
Selling Agent: Custom Real Estate Srvcs IRC Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Magdalena Zych Steven Rennick
Vero Beachside Sales Rentals Rennick Real Estate
199$ 3DAYS
Coming Up! Sublime new ‘Nutcracker’
nails Vero verisimilitude
By SAMANTHA BAITA | Staff Writer
[email protected]
1 The Emerson Center ap-
pears to be the unoffi-
cial Venue of the Week, with
several events on the calendar
there: The wonderful Space
Coast Symphony Orchestra
welcomes the brand-new year
with the “Best of Broadway”
this Sunday afternoon at the
Emerson Center. With unfor-
gettable music from the Great
White Way by such stellar com-
posers and lyricists as Rodgers,
Kern, Hamlisch, Bernstein,
Porter, Webber, Hammerstein
and Hart, you should plan on
doing a lot of humming under
your breath. Who doesn’t know
at least some of the melody
and/or lyrics to “You’ll Nev-
er Walk Alone,” “Seventy Six
Trombones,” “Some Enchant-
ed Evening” and “Impossible
Dream,” to name a few? I’ll bet
you can even name the shows
B2 January 5, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
Sublime new ‘Nutcracker’ nails Vero verisimilitude
By Michelle Genz | Staff Writer Even more brilliant was having costume PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE The family’s ritual is interrupted by news
[email protected] designer Travis Halsey – Schnell’s old friend that the eccentric Uncle Drosselmeyer is
– design the costumes. Halsey himself has during Nutcracker’s two-day run in Florida. on his way to escort them to Vero Beach.
Ballet Vero Beach’s all-new “Nutcracker joined the ballet big leagues, designing for But in the five years of performances here, I Played by Matthew Carter, ballet master of
on the Indian River” is a big-league pro- Miami City Ballet and New York City Ballet, have never seen more joy emanate from the Ballet Nebraska and a longtime friend of
duction full of small-town charm – Vero’s among many others. I couldn’t help but feel dancers. In that time, the company has also Schell’s, the mischievous, kid-loving Dross-
charm. This may not be the first themed the cast was inspired just filling Halsey’s grown noticeably more polished. If Schnell elmeyer brings instant magic to the family.
Nutcracker to recast the famous story bal- gorgeous designs. saw that coming, joining forces with what He hustles them off to Grand Central Sta-
let’s plot for its hometown audience, but was then his brand-new ballet company tion, where we are treated to a trio of spiffy
the idea that struck artistic director Adam It probably didn’t hurt that the 23 pro- and Nebraska’s nearly new one, then he was lady porters, and the mashup of travelers.
Schnell – to have the creatures of Vero’s fessional dancers, which Ballet Vero Beach right to wait until now to give Vero this ma-
shoreline fill little Marie’s dream world – shares with Omaha-based Ballet Nebraska, jor production. Then, as in all Nutcrackers, Marie finally
was a brilliant one. was missing out on sub-zero temperatures dozes with her Nutcracker, bandaged after
Schnell sets his ballet in New York, a breaking on a walnut. The toy transforms
2018 century ago. The opening drop resembles to the living breathing Nutcracker, the tall
a vintage postcard, with a locomotive roar- and boyish Anders Southerland. Night-
Travel Expo ing past an oval cutout of the lagoon framed mares of sword fights with nasty mice en-
by mangroves. That drop and others were sue (Ryan Christopher does a mean Mouse
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 2018 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM created by Holly Porch, familiar to the Vero King, and a frisky bobcat, in the second
theater scene as a graphic artist at Riverside act). Then the victorious Nutcracker escorts
Hampton Inn & Suites Theatre. Porch was contracted by Bunga- Marie through more pleasant dreams of
low Scenic Studios, an Orlando firm that snowy forests, a Sugar Plum Fairy, a grow-
611 20th Place Near Vero’s Miracle Mile created the sets. ing Christmas tree and finally the shores of
the mangrove-laden lagoon with dancing
Come Speak One-On-One With Representatives From: The drop rises on a parlor on Christmas dolphins, otters, manatees and bobcats.
Eve 1919, with a family about to be invit- Not to mention Carter’s marvelous Moth-
Celebrity Cruises Oceania Cruises ed on a train ride to Florida. It was around er Mangrove, who appears to have taken
that time that Vero was first being visited Flagler’s train to the end of the line – Key
Princess Cruises Royal Caribbean by sun-seeking northerners descending on West. Before we know it, Marie is awake,
Henry Flagler’s Florida East Coast Railway, and heading for the real-life beach she saw
Silversea Cruises Norwegian Cruise Line the Brightline of its time. (Vero’s little train in her dream.
station, still standing on downtown’s 14th
Crystal Cruises Viking Cruises Avenue, was built by Flagler in 1903. It’s It’s a moment where I found myself re-
worth a visit, maybe in tandem with next flecting – exactly as Schell and his key
Cunard Line Ama Waterways year’s Nutcracker.) collaborator, the Indian River Land Trust,
hoped – on just how much affection I feel
Sea Dream Yacht Club Globus Tours for Vero’s natural realm.
Treasure Coast Limousine Schnell wrote in his program that though
he sometimes feels at odds with the world
Small Group Presentations By: around him, the moments of what he called
Ama Waterways - 3:20 pm “unabashed beauty” tend to occur in dark-
Crystal Cruises - 3:45 pm ened theaters and in nature. With this pro-
Oceania Cruises - 4:10 gram, he hopes to merge the two “magical
Silversea Cruises - 4:35 realms.”
SeaDream Yacht Club - 5:00 pm He did exactly that.
I found one of the most magical char-
acters near the beginning: ballerina Bret
Samson’s gleaming (slimy?) alligator,
transformed by Halsey’s head-to-toe uni-
tard printed in scaly hide, her long machete
of a tail swishing behind her. Dancing with
**Space is limited for presentations**
**Arrive early to reserve your spot**
Free Admission Door Prizes & Booking Incentives For Attendees
For Additional Info. Call Garrett Travel Dream Vacations (772) 359-3673
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE January 5, 2018 B3
reptilian menace, Samson’s gator was aloof the county’s pasturelands. Again, Halsey’s Flowers, their tutus adorned with lily pads. see them, knowing the excitement they each
and elegant, reigning with impunity over costumes were breathtaking allusions to re- By the way, for the first time, a Vero native would experience. That is the dual function
the lagoon’s lesser critters. ality, sheathing the dancers in shimmering was in that corps de ballet: Katerina Schwi- of Nutcrackers everywhere – to entertain
taupe with plumes of chiffon at the hips. etzer has just joined Ballet Nebraska as a audiences in preparation for a lifetime of
Halsey also masterfully delivered two go- trainee. theatrical experiences, and to spawn a new
pher tortoises in jersey-skirted, amber-hued If the creature characters were delightful, generation of future ballet dancers. Few
outfits, their almond-eyed heads worn on the classical ballerinas were spectacular in By retaining much of the original Petip- professionals will not have a Nutcracker
the dancers’ heads like fascinators at a roy- Halsey’s lavish, bejeweled and beflowered as choreography (Schnell also credits the role at the bottom of their resume. Maybe
al wedding. If lumbering is even possible en tutus. Schnell nearly broke the bank on choreography of his former mentor, the late that’s the joy we saw on the dancers’ faces
pointe, Schnell wrought it out of dancers Er- this permanent collection of costumes, and Samuel Kurkjian), “Nutcracker on the In- as they recollected the moment they were
ika Overturff, Ballet Nebraska’s founder, and when Tchaikovsky’s unforgettable score led dian River” localizes a classic with wit and little mice and soldiers.
Kelsey Schwenker, in the witty pas-de-deux Nutcracker veterans in the audience to en- originality while tapping the nostalgia that
with a twinge of hip-hop about the hands. vision the traditional choreography, Schnell makes this ballet such a tradition. And while you enter next year’s Nutcrack-
served up scene after gasp-worthy scene. er on your Google calendar, consider tag-
In contrast, the elegant Sandhill Cranes, Sadly, I had to miss seeing the children ging this Jan. 19-20 for another Ballet Vero
danced by Katie van der Mars and Sasha Snowflakes swirled down over a dazzling in this production. All 50 – yes, 50 – got the Beach first, an entire program featuring
York sporting jaunty red caps like the real 12-member corps de ballet for the King and night off at the dress rehearsal I saw (holi- company ballet master Camilo Rodriguez,
birds, seemed barely tethered to the stage Queen of the Snow’s pas de deux (another day newspaper deadlines precluded re- including his now legendary tongue-in-
as they moved as if on stilts. They bobbed lovely Mars-York pairing). And around Claire viewing the opening night performance). I beak version of “The Swan.”
and jumped as the real storks do studding Goodwillie’s Dew Drop hovered a dozen can only imagine how moving it would be to
B4 January 5, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | ARTS & THEATRE
these iconic numbers were in. Wield- 1 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra present’s “Best of Broadway.”
ing the baton as principal guest con-
ductor will be Michael Hall, the newly 3 Livingston Taylor kicks off 4 “Finding Neverland” 75 shows a year nationally and interna-
appointed music director of the Prince “LIVE! From Vero Beach.” at the Kravis Center. tionally. Singer-songwriter Bonoff is pri-
George Symphony Orchestra in British marily known for her songwriting and her
Columbia, Canada, and, from 2007 to first come, first served, so make a note-to- Bonoff. This season, the series is focusing songs have been interpreted by Bonnie
2012, music director of the Southwest self to arrive early so as not to miss what on the classic folk and rock groups of the Raitt, “Home”; Wynonna Judd, “Tell Me
Florida Symphony. Joining the sympho- is sure to be an unforgettable evening ’60s and forward, and plans to bring in Why”; and Lynn Anderson, “Isn’t It Always
ny on stage are sopranos Claire Tendl with this legendary family. The program some country rock and bring back some Love.” Ronstadt has recorded a number
and Beth Green, and baritones Sean begins at 7 p.m. The Treasure Coast His- audience favorites as well. According to of Bonoff’s songs, notably three tracks on
Christopher Stork and Shawn Jesseman. tory Festival continues Jan. 13 in front of Wikipedia, singer/songwriter/folk musi- the 1976 album, “Hasten Down the Wind,”
Show time is 3 p.m. Tickets are $20; free downtown Fort Pierce’s Sunrise Theatre, cian Taylor is the brother of James Taylor, which introduced Bonoff to a mass audi-
for those 18 and under. with activities throughout the day. and, as a matter of fact, all five siblings ence. The concert begins at 7 p.m. Tickets
are musicians/vocalists. Taylor’s noted are $35 to $75.
2 In what is sure to be an extremely 3 The very next evening, Jan. 12, the for Billboard hits “I Will Be In Love With
engaging and fascinating evening – professional concert series “LIVE! You,” “First Time Love” and “I’ll Come 4 If you want to see “Finding Never-
and likely a packed house – this coming From Vero Beach” kicks off its fifth season Running”; has toured with such luminar- land,” you’d better get your wiggles
Thursday, the Emerson Center’s well-re- at the Emerson Center with a pair of head- ies as Linda Ronstadt, Jimmy Buffett and on: the short run of Broadway.com’s Audi-
ceived Humanities Series will present liners, Livingston “Liv” Taylor and Karla Jethro Tull; and still performs more than ence Choice Award for Best Musical ends
rancher, artist, poet and Waldo Sexton its short run at the Kravis Center’ Dreyfoos
grandson Sean Sexton on “Local Legends: Hall in West Palm this Sunday. The mu-
The Sexton Family.” The program is part sical, based on the Oscar-winning film,
of the Treasure Coast History Festival, and tells the backstory of one of the world’s
the intriguing format will be, says the Em- most beloved characters – Peter Pan; how
erson promo, a “fast-paced, free-wheeling playwright J.M. Barry finds the courage to
roundtable discussion,” as descendants become the writer – and man – he yearns
of the legendary patriarch Waldo Sexton to be. Barrie finds the inspiration he’s
share recollections of their enigmatic, been missing when he meets the beauti-
eccentric, visionary grandfather “and the ful widow Sylvia and her four young sons:
family whose name has become synony- Jack, George, Michael and Peter. The show
mous with ‘Vero Beach.’” Waldo Sexton, website quotes Time magazine, describ-
as much as any other, was responsible for ing the show as “A spirited, tuneful, nim-
the unique character of our little town. bly staged delight. One of the year’s Top
Such landmarks as the McKee Botanical Ten Best Shows.” Show times are Friday, 8
Gardens, the Patio Restaurant, the Ocean p.m.; Saturday, 2 p.m. and 8 p.m.; and Sun-
Grill, the Driftwood Inn and the Szech- day, 2 p.m. Tickets start at $28.
uan Palace Restaurant are among Waldo’s
creations. In addition to Sean Sexton, par-
ticipating family members include Mark
Tripson, Logan Tripson Geeslin, Jenz Trip-
son, Bonnie Schwey, Randy Sexton and
more, who will reminisce about their fam-
ily’s rich history and discuss the various
creative paths they’ve taken in many as-
pects of Vero’s and Indian River County’s
growth. Admission is free and seating is
1. The Getaway (Diary of a Wimpy
1. The Rooster Bar 1. Leonardo da Vinci
2. End Game 2. Astrophysics for People in 4. Turtles All the Way Down
3. Manhattan Beach 4. Make Your Bed 5. Invictus BY RYAN GRAUDIN
4. The Cuban Affair 5. Endurance BY SCOTT KELLY
5. Before We Were Yours
ROBERT CRAIS BRAD TAYLOR 392 Miracle Mile (21st Street), Vero Beach | 772.569.2050 | www.verobeachbookcenter.com
presents presents
An Elvis Cole and Joe Pike Novel A Pike Logan Thriller
G.P. Putnam's Son/Penguin Random House Dutton Books/Penguin Random House
Saturday, January 13th at 3 pm Sunday, January 14th at 3 pm
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE January 5, 2018 B5
ELC envisions unique campus as must-visit destination
By Mary Schenkel | Staff Writer Maryam Ghadiri and Molly Steinwald. ing more time indoors on computers and impart their knowledge to a participating
[email protected] personal devices. public.
Molly Steinwald, executive director of “It requires that we change the way we’re Steinwald has already instituted a num-
the Environmental Learning Center, hopes ing them and empowering them to be stew- educating and inspiring people in order to ber of improvements since joining the ELC
to position the ELC as a destination; a ards wherever they are.” be engaging the current generation. I don’t three years ago: adding simple refresh-
strong environmental education and cul- mean that by just children; it’s the current ments, shade sails and fat-tire wheelchairs,
tural center that will draw multiple visits by In addition to broadening the scope of community,” says Steinwald. “There are is- and modifying the admission policy to al-
residents and visitors alike. Recent assess- elementary and middle school education sues of depression, obesity and lack of con- low free admission for families showing fi-
ment and focus groups indicated that too programs, they want to engage people of nectivity.” nancial need. The pontoon boat is now run
many people primarily think of the ELC as all ages and abilities by offering diversified more regularly on weekends and later in the
a place for elementary school field trips. programs that encourage return visits, im- To tap into the technology fixation, they day, a new Mack Whiting Nature Playscape
part knowledge, and ultimately change en- are introducing environmentally orient- has opened, and an existing greenhouse is
“We had done the American Alliance of vironmental attitudes and behavior. ed smartphone apps such as iNaturalist being redesigned for outdoor programing.
Museums’ assessment program about a and RecordTheEarth. Anyone can identi-
year and a half ago to look at the needs of the “We would like to be a destination that fy, monitor and collect data which is then An Adventures in Learning lecture series
community and the operations of the orga- brings very many environmental educa- uploaded onto an online map that can be features nationally recognized speakers on
nization; whether it actually was meeting tors here,” says Ghadiri, hoping eco-cen- viewed around the world. For example, col- a range of multi-disciplinary topics, posi-
community needs and doing in a fiscally tric organizations will visit and share their lected data can assist scientists to monitor tioning the ELC as a place that introduces
sustainable way. It was our first ever exter- knowledge and experiences. “We can use migration trends resulting from climate new ideas to the local community while
nal review of our practices at the national our resources, the scientists we have here change. also building collaborations with organiza-
level, to compare us to other organizations who are advocating for environmental con- tions outside the area.
to see what were we doing well, what were servation, to make this a platform for en- “We don’t have that many scientists;
we not doing well and what we need to do to vironmental education on a national level. that’s why we need people to help,” says And they have begun offering the ELC
change and survive in the long run and also There are not that many places that are this Ghadiri. “With the technology it’s possible as a green rental space for birthday parties,
be really relevant to current issues,” says close to a complex system that is so attrac- to collect more data. It’s fascinating. We family reunions and corporate retreats. “So
Steinwald, noting that the results showed tive from many different aspects. It has a would like to help people install those apps it’s meeting our mission because it’s getting
they needed to broaden their reach. beautiful ecosystem, we attract many dif- and maybe have schools compete to see people connecting with nature and it’s also
ferent birds and our diversity is really high.” which school collects more data and kind of financially smart for us,” says Steinwald.
“So we wanted to bring in somebody who inspire them to become citizen scientists.”
had a very diverse knowledge base and pas- The ELC celebrates its 30th anniversary A national landscape architect firm and
sion and has the comfort and excitement to in 2018 and, while the founding mission of Steinwald says they want to collaborate strategic planner are assisting with a Mas-
engage with a different audience. Because the organization is still relevant, its audi- rather than compete with the area’s exist- ter Plan for the campus 10 to 15 years out.
bottom line, everybody needs nature and ence is quite different, with people spend- ing research institutions, offering the ELC
nature needs everybody.” campus as an outlet where scientists can For more information, visit discoverelc.
She found her someone in Maryam Gh-
adiri, who came on board this fall as the
Environmental Learning Center’s educa-
tion and research director. Ghadiri has a
bachelor’s in Environmental Science and
master’s in Conservation Biology and is
completing her Ph.D. in Ecology and Infor-
mal Learning.
“We’re looking at ways where we can be
really utilizing our campus strengths. We
have a large and gorgeous campus that we
were only utilizing in certain ways before.
Instead, we want to be transforming it into
a more richly diverse community center,”
says Steinwald. “But the baseline of every-
thing we’re doing is meeting our mission of
connecting people with nature and inspir-
B6 January 5, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | SEEN & SCENE www.veronews.com
Run Run Santa dash attracts a sea of St. Nicks
By Stephanie LaBaff | Staff Writer
[email protected]
Santa may not have gone dashing Paul Hamilton, Josiah Berryman, and Erik Hjalmeby. Overall winner Shane Streufert.
through the snow in Vero Beach on
Christmas Eve morning, but more than PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
300 Florida Santas made a mad dash for
the finish line as participants in an in-
augural Run Run Santa 1-mile fun run
from Pocahontas Park in downtown
Vero Beach.
In full red-and-white Santa regalia,
the sea of bearded runners all made it to
the top of Santa’s list after joining in on
the festive fun. Proceeds benefited the
Indian River Healthy Start Coalition’s
Babies & Beyond Program, which as-
sists women and their families before,
during and after pregnancy.
Run Run Santa was hosted by Britta-
ny Streufert and Mike Acosta of Power
of Pizza Charities. Having successfully
organized a Run Run Santa race in Vi-
era with her partner last year, Streufert,
who grew up in Vero Beach, decided to
introduce the jolly jaunt to her home-
“My mother has worked for Healthy
Start for almost 15 years and I’ve seen
how it’s made a difference in so many
mothers’ lives,” explained Streufert.
Wearing the provided Santa cos- Jennifer Crow with Raymond Vinaya,
tumes was mandatory for all runners, Lauren Vinaya and the Grinch.
although one not-so-jolly participant
opted to crash the race. The dash devi- Shane Streufert with a time of 5:14.58,
ant’s faux pas was glaringly evident as and top female finisher Caitlin Batten
he was “green” with envy. In the spirit with 5:46.32.
of giving, the Grinch was allowed to run
but was forced to start at the back of the
The other runners took chances at
proffering a guess at the Grinch’s final
time, with the winner taking half the
pot and the remainder added to the
proceeds for Healthy Start.
A post-race party ensued with food,
drink, giveaways and awards, including
a Santa finisher medal and a hefty dose
of holiday cheer. Top male finisher was
Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING January 5, 2018 B7
Café Coconut Cove: Great authentic German food
By TIna Rondeau | Columnist Potato
[email protected] Pancakes.
Having lived for some years in Munich, Jäger Schnitzel, Bratwurst, and Weisswurst Plate.
from time to time I need a German food fix. Sauerbraten Combination Plate.
And there’s no place along the central Flor- Spice Rubbed Hours:
ida coast that rivals Café Coconut Cove in PHOTOS GORDON RADFORD Beef Shoulder. Tuesday through Saturday,
Melbourne Beach. Apple Strudel.
Pork and Veal 5 pm to 9 pm
The owners of this restaurant are a Ger- Liver Pâté.
man restaurant family that came here a Beverages: Beer & Wine
quarter century ago from Aachen, and the er Pils, a German premium beer.
menu in this attractive hideaway on the Dinner for two at Café Coconut Cove, to- Address:
Indian River lagoon is definitely Deutsche. 4210 South A1A,
gether with a nice bottle of wine, comes in Melbourne Beach
Happily for them, word of how good this for well under $100 including tip.
bistro is has gotten around, and during Phone:
season, you may find yourself with a wait Café Coconut Cove also has a handful 321-727-3133
for a table (they don’t take reservations). of outdoor tables, right on the Indian Riv-
er. On a mild winter evening, or in the fall
For starters on our most recent visit, we and spring when there is a breeze, the out-
decided to try the potato pancakes ($8), the door tables provide a perfect setting for a
homemade liver pâté ($8) and the mush- predinner sunset drink while waiting for a
room toast ($8). table.
The potato pancakes, served with sour The combination of the riverside setting,
cream and an apple compote, were won- the old-world European charm you find in-
derfully crispy. The pâté, presented with side the restaurant and the good German
crackers and bread, was gone in a flash. food is hard to beat.
And the sautéed mushrooms, served with
grilled bread and a horseradish dill cream I welcome your comments, and encour-
sauce, were very tasty. age you to send feedback to me at tina@ver-
Then we proceeded to the small but ex-
cellent German mixed salads which are in- The reviewer dines anonymously at restau-
cluded with each meal. rants at the expense of Vero Beach 32963.
It’s with the entrées that the deci-
sion-making gets really tough.
Café Coconut Cove offers a choice of a
half-dozen schnitzels including, in def-
erence to Florida, a seafood schnitzel; a
half-dozen wurst plates including one fea-
turing rouladen; a half dozen grill plates;
and even a couple of dishes for vegetarians.
I was sorely tempted to have one of the
wursts with red cabbage, but wound up or-
dering the chicken chef ($21). My husband
opted for the peppercorn schnitzel ($26)
and our companion decided to try the gou-
lash ($20).
My breaded chicken breasts were served
with a yummy mushroom and onion gra-
vy, and were accompanied by veggies and a
potato puff. My only regret was that I didn’t
order a side of that red cabbage ($3).
My husband’s breaded and sautéed veal
cutlet was served in a wonderful creamy
peppercorn sauce, and also was accom-
panied by veggies and a potato puff. Our
companion gave high marks to the gou-
lash, a mildly spicy Hungarian beef and
pork stew served with spaetzle.
For dessert on this evening, we passed
on the homemade Black Forest cake – a de-
licious confection we have enjoyed in the
past – and went for the homemade apple
strudel ($6) topped with vanilla ice cream.
Can there be a better way to end a German
To accompany your dinner, Café Coco-
nut Cove offers a very reasonably priced
wine list (including several Rieslings and
one German pinot noir) as well as Warstein-
B8 January 5, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING January 5, 2018 B9
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B10 January 5, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING www.veronews.com
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | DINING January 5, 2018 B11
B12 January 5, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES www.veronews.com
1 For each (3) 1 Gusts (5)
3 Meadow (3) 2 Most wealthy (7)
5 Ways of walking (5) 3 Mislay (4)
8 Concentrate (5) 4 Astonished (6)
9 Missed (7) 5 Wonderful (8)
10 Appear (4) 6 Asian country (5)
11 Their age (anag.) (8) 7 Misery (7)
13 Thespians (6) 12 Shields (8)
14 Spurts (6) 13 Beasts (7)
17 Recognise (8) 15 Coast (7)
19 Numerical facts (4) 16 Assume (6)
22 Piece (7) 18 Go in (5)
23 Offence (5) 20 Vigilant (5)
24 Types (5) 21 )Blemish (4)
25 Hill (3)
The Telegraph 26 Consume (3)
DewCSawllefoerpdeer tSaiplse.cial How to do Sudoku:
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES January 5, 2018 B13
ACROSS Dolly tableau 65 Last box on a The Washington Post
Wright 127 “Wine-dark” questionnaire
1 Hsydrogen ___ 65 Canadian prov. WE INTERRUPTS THIS PROGRAM By Merl Reagle
(gas that smells 66 Sinking signal places 68 Mirror-breaker’s
like rotten eggs) 67 Interrupted show 128 Some grains bad-luck span, Certified Collision
about prune- 129 Lives briefly Repair Center
8 Flop loving private
12 Florence sits on it eyes? DOWN 69 A concrete
16 Something to 72 Detour abbr. 1 Bait-and-switch, amount
75 “You betcha”
stand on 76 Letterman’s time e.g. 70 Crusades crusher
19 Beaver’s last 77 Hawaiian tuna 2 Arm bone 71 Part of a circle’s
78 Supermodel who 3 Interrupted actor
name wed area
20 Soprano’s David Bowie in who’d been sitting 72 Demetrius’s
1992 around too
neighbor 82 Awakened, in a long anyway? workplace
21 Turn sharply way 4 Clan: abbr. 73 Slot machine fruit
22 Resident of San 84 Bust bottom 5 A paler shade of 74 Classic Ford,
85 Frankenstein white
Simian? neck feature 6 Don’t mention it, familiarly
23 Cup-shaped 87 Jannings and in Durango 79 Interrupted show
Gilels 7 Previously,
flower 88 With 96 Across, to the Bard about lawn-care
24 Interrupted film the other 8 Diet restrictions crimefighters?
Tammany Hall 9 Skin cream herb 80 ___ of one’s own
about Southern scandal? 10 Pianist José medicine
farmers? 90 “Too much!” 11 Attach firmly 81 Salamanders
27 Military or music 91 Opposite of sud 12 Mary Kay rival 83 “That ___
abbr. 92 Golfer Hogan 13 Boxer separator religion”
28 Made tracks 93 Auction gesture 14 Starting-over goal 84 See 59 Down
29 Pianist Rudolf 94 Ark of the 15 Maker of Tater 85 Sierra Club sci.
30 Whitman’s Covenant, e.g. Tots 86 Baby’s need, for
dooryard 96 See 88 Across 16 Aa or pahoehoe short
bloomers 103 Oft-dedicated 17 Roots was one 88 Word in a Joe
31 Half-wild, poetry 18 Hair goos McCarthy
half-domesticated 104 ___-Contra 25 Guesser’s plea question
canine 105 Jousting title? 26 Tin is one 89 Biol. blueprint
34 Gide’s good 106 Muscadet wine 32 Ring cheer 92 Pet
35 Conceal city 33 Bask successfully 95 Weed yanker
36 A step ahead of 108 A Musketeer 35 A living nightmare 97 Watch sites
the MPs 111 Take to a higher 36 Incendiary crime 98 Some snakes
38 Interrupted blue- authority 37 “___ not amused” 99 Dog in old RCA
collar spinoff of 114 Sizable: abbr. 39 Heaps logos
Dallas? 115 Geometry proof 40 Luau accessory 100 Gorgeous, to a
45 Rise up abbr. 41 Linden and girl
47 Darned spot 118 Interrupted series Roach 101 More subdued
48 Barrister’s quaff about a cramped 42 Casablanca role 102 V-8, for one
49 Mr. Kazan flying saucer? and namesakes 107 Gray’s Anatomy
50 Laid orbs on 120 Blend 43 Mislead et al.
51 Interrupted 122 Parent co. intentionally 108 Baksheesh
aerobics-show of Universal 44 Elihu and Linus 109 Top 40 format
theme? Pictures 46 ’60s mindbender 110 Fired, as a
57 Photographer 123 Glass coloration 52 Go downhill torpedo
Adams 124 Anarchist 53 Settle 111 Mound dwellers
58 Oligocene critters Goldman 54 “A big fat hen” 112 Pinnacle
(literally, “toothed 125 Hop on an iron preceder 113 Poetic pastures
mountain horse 55 Recipient 116 City or canal
dwellers”) 126 Astronomer’s 56 Unseat 117 Hibernation
60 Last gasps for 57 Italian wine city stations
gamblers 59 JFK’s spy hero 119 ___ big way
61 Plutocrat’s digs 61 Caruso or Fermi 121 Angle or cycle
62 Mount that Moses 64 ___ Teen-age preceder
climbed Werewolf
63 Recommended VeArou’tsoPbroedmy!ier
64 Dew Drop and
All Insurance
(772) 978-1351 • 463 4th Place SW • Vero Beach, FL
The Telegraph
B14 January 5, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | GAMES www.veronews.com
Mark Twain claimed: “Necessity is the mother of taking chances.” J 10 6
We have chances in bridge: for example, the chance that the contract will make. With AJ53
finesses, what are the chances that one, or one out of two, or one out of three will
K 10 6 5
In today’s deal South has finesses available in all three side suits. However, because 93 J8732
he is in a small slam, he cannot afford to take two that lose. How should he play in six K742
hearts after West leads a trump, and East follows suit? 10 8 7 6
The bidding followed a modern path. Two no-trump was the Jacoby Forcing Raise, 9853
guaranteeing game-going values with at least four-card heart support. Four no-trump
was Roman Key Card Blackwood. North’s reply showed the trump queen and two key Q96
cards (two aces, or one ace and the trump king). Five no-trump announced that all six
key cards (four aces, the trump king and trump queen) were held and that South was SOUTH
thinking about a grand slam. Six hearts denied a side-suit king.
Declarer drew trumps ending on the board, then played a diamond to his queen. Sadly,
it lost, and a diamond came back. Now South needed to maximize his chances in the K 10 8 5 4 2
black suits. He won with his diamond ace, cashed the club king, played a club to the
ace, discarded his last club on the diamond jack and ruffed a club. Here, the queen AQ
appeared to establish dummy’s jack, so the contract was home. But if the queen had
not been seen, declarer would have crossed to dummy with a trump and tried the spade K42
Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Neither
The percentages on those finesses are basically 50, 75 and 87.5.
The Bidding:
1 Hearts Pass 2 NT Pass
4 NT Pass 5 Spades Pass LEAD:
5 NT Pass 6 Hearts All Pass 3 Hearts
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Serving mainland Indian River County VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR January 5, 2018 B15
ONGOING 12 Live from Vero Beach presents jazz, 15 Tenth Anniversary Vero’s Top Chef 18 Atlantic Classical Orchestra performs
folk singers Livingston Taylor and Kar- Challenge Qualifier, 6 p.m. at Bent Bernstein Serenade and Beethoven
Vero Beach Museum of Art - DeWitt Boutelle af- la Bonoff, 7 p.m. at Emerson Center. 772-234- Pine Golf Club to benefit Hope for Family Cen- Symphony No. 9 joined by Treasure Coast choirs
ter Thomas Cole: The Voyage of Life thru Jan. 7 and 4412 ter. 772-567-5537 x326 and Palm Beach Opera soloists, 7:30 p.m. at
Masters of American Photography thru Jan. 14. Community Church. 772-460-0850
12 Indian River Symphonic Association 16 To February 4 - Riverside Theatre presents
Riverside Theatre - Million Dollar Quartet: presents the Royal Philharmonic Or- The Mystery of Edwin Drood, an inter- 18-21 Fellsmere Frog Leg Festi-
Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash and chestra featuring, Pinchas Zukerman, conduc- active musical based on the unfinished novel by val on grounds of Historic
Carl Perkins, on Stark Stage thru Jan. 21. 772- tor & soloist, performing Mozart’s Violin Con- Charles Dickens on the Waxlax Stage. 772-231-6990 Schoolhouse, with great food, carnival rides,
231-6990 certo No. 5 in A Major, 7:30 p.m. at Vero Beach vendor booths and live entertainment, 4 to 11
Community Church. 772 778-1070 16 To February 20 - King of the Hill Tennis p.m. Thurs. & Fri.; 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. Sat. and 11
JANUARY Tournament to benefit Youth Guid- a.m. to 6 p.m. Sun. froglegfestival.com
13 Murder Mystery Road Rally, 10 a.m. ance Mentoring & Activities Program, 6 p.m.
6 Golf Tournament at Bent Pine Golf Club to to 3 p.m. to benefit Treasure Coast Tuesdays at The Moorings Yacht & Country 19|20 Conference on Transform-
benefit Women’s Refuge, 11:30 a.m. lunch Community Health – leave from TCCH parking Club. $8. 772-979-5582 ing Landscapes for a Sus-
and 1 p.m. tee time, followed by awards cere- lot and accumulate clues along a rally route to
mony. $125; $475/foursome. 772-770-4424 solve the baffling crime. $125. 772-571-1986
7 Beachside Half-Marathon and 5K Walk/ 13 Environmental Learning Center Fund-
Run, 6:45 a.m. and 7 a.m. at Riverside raising Gala, 5 p.m. at Oak Harbor Club-
Park to benefit IRC Healthy Start Coalition. 772- house celebrating 30th anniversary with cocktails,
563-9118 dinner, auctions and dancing. discoverELC.org
7 Space Coast Symphony Orchestra pres- 14 Vero Beach Opera presents Madama
ents Best of Broadway, 3 p.m. at Emerson Butterfly, with international cast, or-
Center. $20; free 18 and under. 855-252-7276 chestra and English supertitles, 3 p.m. at VBHS
PAC. $30 - $100. 772-564-5537
7-20 Quail Valley Charity Cup events
– 1/7 Tower Shoot at Black- 14 Seed to Sea: Secret Supper, 6 p.m. at
water Creek Ranch; 1/8 & 10 Bridge; 1/13 5K McKee Botanical Garden to benefit its
Walk/Run, Kids’ 1-Mile Fun Run, and Car Show, Children’s Garden – secret multi-course, wine-
Craft Beer & Dine Around; 1/15 Gourmet Wine paired dinner; location and chef a secret. $250.
& Guest Chef Dinner; 1/17-20 Tennis Tourna- 772-794-0601
ment; 1/18 In-Home Wine Dinners; 1/19 & 20
Golf Tournaments; 1/20 Grand Gala, all to ben- 15 International Lecture Series presents
efit local charities focusing on children and edu- Robert Mankoff, I Only Read it for the
cation. Limited participation in all but 5K & Fun Cartoons: An Insiders Cartoon History of The
Run. 772-492-2020 New Yorker, 4:30 p.m. at Vero Beach Museum
of Art. 772-231-0707
8 Mardy Fish Children’s Foundation Charity Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN
Golf Tournament, 7:30 a.m. registration and in December 29, 2017 Edition 1 CUSTARD 1 CONFECTIONERY
breakfast, 8:45 a.m. shotgun start followed by 1 5 PATHS 2 SHINE
p.m. awards luncheon. $500. 231-330-3984 8 NAILS 3 ABSENCE
11 Emerson Center’s Humanities Series 10 ETERNAL 5 )PASTA
presents rancher Sean Sexton on Lo- 11 ALIBI 6 TURNIPS
cal Legends: The Sexton Family, as part of the 12 TICKET 7 SPECIFICATION
Treasure Coast History Festival, 7 p.m. at Emer- 14 MUESLI 13 CLASSIC
son Center. Free. 772-778-5249 17 ORATE 15 USELESS
12 Sebastian River Area Chamber of 21 ESSENCE 18 ERNST
Commerce Concerts in the Park pres- 22 ENNUI 20 TANKA
ents Penny Creek Band, 5:30 to 8 p.m. at River- 23 YACHT
view Park. Free. 772-589-5969 24 SUSTAIN
Sudoku Page B12 Sudoku Page B13 Crossword Page B12 Crossword Page B13 (FUNNY FOLKS)
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B16 January 5, 2018 VeroNews/Sebastian River News | CALENDAR www.veronews.com
tainable Future hosted by Pelican Island Audu- 26 Main Street Vero Beach’s Downtown
bon Society, 6 p.m. Fri. and 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Friday Street Party, 6 to 9 p.m. on 14th
Sat. at Emerson Center. $25/$35. 772-567-3520 Avenue. Free. 772-643-6782
19|20 Ballet Vero Beach presents January 20 | Bark in the Park at Riverside Park. Home Society. $90. 772-344-4020 x 224 26 Vero Beach Museum of Art Rock
All Rodrigues, showcas- of Ages Gala, 6 p.m. with cocktails,
ing Ballet Master/Principal Dancer Camilo Ro- 20|21 Sebastian Riverfront Fine 22 Riverside Theatre’s Distinguished Lec- movable feast and decades of music by Cac-
drigues in three dances, including a world pre- Art and Music Festival, 10 turer Series presents U.S. Secretary of tus Jack & the Cadillacs, The Paradise Band,
mier set to music by local composer Paul Gay, a.m. to 5 p.m. along the waterfront by Riverview Defense Ash Carter, 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Stark DJ Willie and The British Invasion . $550. 772-
8 p.m. Fri. and 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Sat. at VBHS Park, with 100+ artists, craftsmen and musicians Stage and simulcast in Waxlax. 772-231-6990 231-0707
Performing Arts Center. 772-564-5537 showcasing their talents. Sebastianartshow.com.
25 Live from Vero Beach presents folk 26 Indian River Symphonic Association
19-21 30th annual Art by the Sea 20 To June 3 - Vero Beach Museum of Art singer Peter Yarrow, 7 p.m. at Emer- presents Stefan Solyom and the Hels-
- judged exhibition and sale - Paul Outerbridge: New Color Photo- son Center. 772-234-4412 ingborg Symphony Orchestra with pianist Guni-
by Vero Beach Art Club and Vero Beach Muse- graphs from Mexico and California, 1948-1955. lla Süssmann performing Rachmaninov’s Piano
um of Art members, opening reception 5 to 8 772-231-0707 26 Sebastian River Area Chamber of Concerto No. 2 in C minor, 7:30 p.m. at Vero
p.m. Fri., continues 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sat. and Commerce Concerts in the Park pres- Beach Community Church. 772 778-1070
till 4 p.m. Sun. at VBMA. Free. 22 Have A Heart; Play Bridge For The ents 20th Street Jazz Band, 5:30 to 8 p.m. at Riv-
Children, 8 a.m. at Vero Beach Coun- erview Park. Free. 772-589-5969 27 Treasure Coast Jazz Society presents
20 Margo Donadio Memorial/Fire Girls try Club - party, duplicate or men’s Swiss Ed Metz Trio, 12:30 p.m. at Vero
5K Run/Walk, 7:30 a.m. at South games followed by lunch to benefit Children’s Beach Heritage Center. 772-234-4600
Beach Park to help provide mammograms for
women in need. 772-360-7009 27 20th Anniversary Gala to benefit Gif-
ford Youth Achievement Center, 5:30
20 Bark in the Park, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. p.m. at Oak Harbor Club, with cocktails, dinner,
at Riverside Park to benefit Humane dancing and raffle. $150. 772-794-1005
Society of Vero Beach and Indian River Coun-
ty - dog parade, Frisbee dogs, Sherriff’s K-9’s, 27 Souljam at Sebastian Inlet State Park
lure and agility courses and vendors to benefit Night Sounds concert series, 7 p.m. at
Humane Society of VB & IRC. Free. 772-567- Coconut Point pavilions. Free with park entry
2044 fee. 772-388-2750
20 ELC EcoTalks Speaker Series: Fascinat- 27 To May 6 - Vero Beach Museum of Art
ing World of Bats, 11 a.m. at Environ- - Medieval To Metal: The Art & Evolu-
mental Learning Center. discoverELC.org tion of the Guitar. 772-231-0707
BRAND #7166 MSRP $19,950 # 8014 MSRP $22,560
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