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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-12-21 00:20:04

12/21/2017 ISSUE 50


Money talks. P2 Bone health alert. P18 A little MelBeach magic

Mediation hearing set next month Older Americans face ‘emergency’ Fired up for
in teacher pay-raise dispute. of osteoporosis-related injuries. Children’s


WARM HOLIDAY Sewer project pact OK’d,
WISHES TO OUR but bid process criticized

STORY BY LISA ZAHNER COMMUNITY EDITOR Operation ‘Bioswale’! STORY BY RUSTY CARTER STAFF WRITER if it fails underneath a road.”
[email protected] He proposed a voter ref-
A project will create ‘bioswales’ with native plants along 18,000 square feet of Desoto Park- How the Town of Indialan-
When I moved to Bre- way to slow the flow of polluting stormwater into the lagoon. Page 4. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD tic contracts for engineering erendum that would take
vard’s south barrier island projects came under scru- place by mail. “Take that
in December 1994 from the tiny Wednesday night when money, use it for improv-
Fort Lauderdale area, I was the Town Council voted 3-1 ing the drainage pipes in the
not accustomed to seeing (Mayor Dave Berkman was streets,” Chinault said.
active-duty military person- absent) to award a $3 million
nel or military bases on my storm sewer replacement “That would be our prima-
daily travels. contract to Melbourne-based ry focus. From a secondary
BSE Consultants. standpoint we would look at
Twenty-three years later the pipes. Those are the pipes
I’m ashamed to say it was a The deal struck a raw
bit unsettling at first, driv- nerve with some of the ap- CONTINUED ON PAGE 5
proximately 20 people in the
EDITORIAL council chambers. The proj- ‘PLAYBOY’ COVER
ect wasn’t the problem. How GIVES GALLERIST
ing by Patrick Air Force Base the contract was awarded EXPOSURE Page 12
and seeing those old mis- was a different story.
siles propped up along A1A
in front of the test lab. In Town Manager Christo-
college I’d focused on Cold pher Chinault noted the con-
War-era politics and the dition of some drainage pipes
collapse of the Soviet Union in the town. “We’ve seen in
as my research topics, and some cases where a pipe col-
that hardware reminded me lapses,” he told council.
of a scary time, the “arms “If a pipe fails under a
race” to mutual assured driveway that’s one thing.
destruction. It’s a much bigger problem

men and women who
who engineered and built [email protected]
the technical equipment State Rep. Randy Fine (R-Melbourne), left. Officials from Melbourne Beach are taking state
to support our national representative Randy Fine (R-Melbourne) to task
defense, my apprehension over a comment posted on Fine’s Facebook page in
evolved into sincere ap- November that accuses the town of “spending mon-
preciation. I was comforted ey secretly outside of the full review of the public.”
and honored to live among
them. Fine, a first-term legislator who describes his po-
litical leanings as “very conservative,” delivered a
Then, in 2010, I moved to tongue lashing over what he perceived as shoddy
Satellite Beach, and until

ADVERTISING: 772-559-4187 | CIRCULATION: 772-226-7925 Spice up your life!

NEWS 1-6 DINING 29 PEOPLE 7-10 Dining Review: Casual vibe
ARTS 11-14 GAMES 25-27 PETS 24 prevails at Frankie’s Wings &
BOOKS 23 HEALTH 15-18 REAL ESTATE 33-40 Things Beachside. PAGE 29


2 Thursday, December 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly



STORY BY JAN WESNER CHILDS CORRESPONDENT Board could choose to ignore it. states that he charges $1,100 a day for CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1
Special Magistrate M. Scott Milin- his services, plus a half-day’s rate for
A mediation hearing has been set for travel each way. He is based in Pom- bookkeeping. “They have, in three con-
Jan. 23 between Brevard Public Schools ski will mediate the case between the pano Beach. secutive years, spent money in excess
and the union that represents the School Board and the Brevard Federa- of their approved budget,” Fine wrote.
county’s approximately 5,000 teachers. tion of Teachers. Special magistrates School Board member Tina Desco- “(This) is a serious issue and has oc-
are appointed to two-year terms by the vich, who represents the south bar- curred in both the general fund and
The magistrate will hear from both state Public Employees Relations Com- rier island, said she doesn’t expect the building department fund, and in mul-
sides and issue a recommendation on mission and are tasked with resolving hearing to change anything. Descovich tiple departments each year for at least
whether the School Board should offer impasses in labor negotiations. Under said there isn’t more money to give, the past three years.
teachers a higher pay raise than the 1.5 Florida law, magistrate costs are split unless budget cuts are made in other
percent that is currently on the table. equally by both parties at the table. areas. She called on the union to tell “Disappointed to see yet another Bre-
The magistrate’s recommendation is Milinski’s listing on the PERC website the School Board what programs and vard municipality … subject to inves-
non-binding, meaning that the School services should be limited in order to tigation for accounting irregularities,”
fund a higher pay raise. Fine continued. “This brings to six the
number of Brevard municipalities – out
“What do you want us to not do? Tell of 16 – that are under some type of inves-
me, fairly what you want us to cut,” tigation for activities in just the past few
Descovich said. “I would love to have a months. In my district, 60 percent of the
huge raise for all of our good teachers municipalities are under investigation.”
every single year. Unfortunately, it’s a
balancing act.” Robert Daniels, in his first month as
town manager of Melbourne Beach,
Representatives from the union say posted a page-long rebuttal on the Mel-
the School Board should make teacher bourne Beach website explaining the
raises a priority, or risk losing teachers issue. He noted that Fine sits on the
to other areas that pay more. Union legislature’s Joint Legislative Auditing
Vice President Anthony Colucci said Committee. State Sen. Debbie Mayfield
the county already has unfilled teacher (R-Vero Beach) is vice chair of the Au-
positions, and could face more in the diting Committee. The review of Mel-
future. bourne Beach was part of “a standard
procedure where there has been the
“I hope they understand that com- same finding (corrective action on a
pensation is crucial to avoiding this budget item) not handled for three con-
teacher shortage,” Colucci said. secutive years.”

Average teacher pay in Brevard The last of those findings centered
County is $47,723 a year, just below the on the Melbourne Beach Police Depart-
state average of $47,858. Median in- ment. Its spending exceeded the bud-
come for teachers nationwide is about get, with the overage attributed to vaca-
$54,000. tion and sick time. A transfer of funds
from another department took place
Brevard teachers received a 1.3 per- after the town’s self-imposed budget
cent raise last year. Their highest salary deadline of Nov. 30.
increase in recent years was 5.1 per-
cent in 2016. “Therefore, no additional budget
amendment could be made,” Daniels
The School Board and the union met argued. “The transaction moved money
in early December and agreed on all from one department to another, bal-
other points of the contract, including ancing the budget. The town’s general
a policy that contract teachers will be budget was not over expended, nor has
automatically re-appointed after two it been for the past three years.”
positive evaluations in a row. Current-
ly, contract teachers have no guarantee Fine doesn’t buy the argument. “They
of retaining their jobs and often have (Melbourne Beach) haven’t done the
to wait months to find out if they will responsible thing. It’s systemic. A three-
be re-hired. year, three-audit problem. It’s like three
strikes and you’re out.”
Colucci said he hopes the two sides
can return to the bargaining table That’s not entirely true, according to
again before the magistrate hearing. research provided by Patrick Steele, a
legislative aide to Sen. Mayfield.
In the meantime, the union is calling
on teachers to “work to the contract” “There could be a ‘justifiable reason’
once school resumes after the holiday for not taking full corrective action,”
break. Teachers who choose to do so Steele wrote in an email. He cited two
would only do the work stipulated in scenarios to back the assertion: “An in-
their current contract – meaning they formation technology finding could take
would not support or participate in ex- an entity multiple years to correct, espe-
tracurricular activities, or do any “ex- cially if it involves updating or replacing
tra” non-compensated work outside of systems to provide additional controls.
the regular school day. Or, a small community with limited re-
sources may never be able to provide full
Working to the contract is a symbolic separation of incompatible duties.”
way for teachers to protest. Florida law
prohibits public employees – including Whatever techniques the Auditing
teachers – from striking or initiating Committee is using seem to be working.
work slowdowns.  In 2011-12 there were 503 entities with
repeat audit findings over a five-year

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 21, 2017 3


span. In the four subsequent years the constituents that reinforced what Dan- budget amendments which are fully “This representative continually
number of cases with repeat findings iels said. “As is true with any large bud- advertised and included in our Regular bashes local elected officials without
has continued to drop. For 2015-16 the get, we have underrun in some depart- Town Commission agenda packages. We having any details or knowledge of the
caseload had fallen to 284. ments and overrun in others,” Simmons do nothing in secret, and to state or sug- situation on which he is commenting.
wrote. “This is to be expected and, when gest otherwise is dishonest.” Apparently he believes the entire state
Members of Melbourne Beach’s Town it occurs, we ‘true the books’ with adjust- should be run from Tallahassee – where
Council also weighed in. ments within our overall budget through Town Councilman Wyatt Hoover was the corruption is tenfold!” 
less forgiving in a post on Facebook.
Mayor Jim Simmons used an e-mail to

4 Thursday, December 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Community involvement urged in Desoto ‘bioswale’ project

STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER scope and purpose of the project. coastal resiliency. The problem for PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
[email protected] Sanzone said he is particularly in- many beachside communities is that
they are almost built out, leaving little built-out beachside communities,
Satellite Beach needs the commu- terested in the results of data collected opportunity to improve stormwater DeFreese said.
nity’s help creating “bioswales” with by city staff before and after the proj- management, he said.
native plants along 18,000 square feet ect to see it if helped create a measur- “There is no boilerplate for these
of Desoto Parkway to slow the flow of able impact. “This is a creative project that works types of projects. Every location is
polluting stormwater into the Indian with the existing stormwater infra- different. Each project must consider
River Lagoon. The project is being partially fund- structure to make improvements that site constraints and opportunities
ed by the Indian River Lagoon Na- can address both flooding issued and carefully, with design and engineering
A bioswale is a linear, vegetated tional Estuary Program (IRLcouncil. stormwater discharges into the la- considerations targeted to deliver the
ditch which allows for the collection, org) headed up by its Executive Direc- goon,’’ he said. desired outcomes,’’ he said.
conveyance, filtration and infiltration tor Duane DeFreese, who toured the
of stormwater. Also called filter strips, Desoto site. The Desoto project – also includ- Added Sanzone about the Desoto
the deep-rooted grasses and plants ing trails, informational signage and plans: “It will be a blend of form, be-
enhance water quality by ponding the He described Satellite Beach as other outreach efforts – may become a cause it will look nice, and function
stormwater between berms and al- having a very proactive approach to model for what can be done, but there because it will help reduce the nutri-
lowing pollutants to settle out of the a Lagoon Friendly community, serv- are no easy answers when it comes ent load into the lagoon.”
water. When the swale becomes full, ing as a model for other communities to improving stormwater facilities in
the cleaner surface water will spill looking to address sustainability and For more information,contact Nsan-
over the berm and slowly run into a [email protected] or ddefreese@
local body of water. 

Coquina rock will replace the grassy
borders of 2,500 square feet of the
ditches in the project area, also includ-
ing portions of Jamaica Boulevard,
and help nutrients to be absorbed by
the soil and vegetation.

The project is expected to reduce
the nutrient input into the lagoon
from the estimated 389 million gal-
lons of stormwater annually collected
in the 296-acre Desoto Stormwater by
an estimated 1,000 pounds of nitrogen
and phosphorous. The new swales
will allow for a minimum stormwater
retention of 21,563 gallons.

“It’s a great project to show what is
possible and it’s a community effort.
We will be asking for volunteers to
help us with the plantings,’’ said Sat-
ellite Beach Environmental Programs
Coordinator Nick Sanzone.

The scope of work identifies five site
locations, or work days, where phases
of the project will be completed. First
up is the creation of education signs
for the site showing residents the


Community Editor Advertising Director We are here to provide Brevard barrier President and Publisher
Lisa Zahner, 772-584-9121 Judy Davis, 772-633-1115 island readers with the most comprehen- Milton R. Benjamin, 772-559-4187
[email protected] [email protected] sive news coverage of Melbourne Beach, [email protected]
Indialantic, Indian Harbour Beach, Satellite
Staff Reporter Advertising Account Executives Beach, and South Merritt Island. Creative Director
George White, 321-795-3835 Lillian Belmont, 321-604-7833 Dan Alexander, 772-539-2700
[email protected] Will Gardner, 407-361-2150 For our advertising partners, we pledge [email protected]
to provide the most complete consulta-
Columnists tive and marketing programs possible for Corporate Editor
Pam Harbaugh, 321-794-3691 the best return on your investment. Steven M. Thomas, 772-453-1196
Cynthia Van Gaasbeck, 321-626-4701 [email protected]

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 21, 2017 5


STORM SEWER REPLACEMENT Chinault about the town’s process for money, you bid on process.” Larry Maxwell rose to the public po-
awarding contracts. “Do we compete for services in re- dium three times, saying he was baf-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 fled by the process, though he agreed
“I find it hard to believe the state gard to storm drainage?” Junco asked. it’s past time for a stormwater solu-
that go to the outfalls (into the Indian process allows you to do a sole source “It’s bad policy for this town and the tion.
River Lagoon).” bid for projects,” he noted. “Or for taxpayers to spend my money without
anything.” competing for whatever services are “It is desirable to move forward, but
Carl Junco, who identified him- sought.”
self as a long-time contractor, asked Chinault replied, “You don’t bid on CONTINUED ON PAGE 6

6 Thursday, December 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


STORM SEWER REPLACEMENT “If you do this wrong, you will own I’d want a continuing contract for 28 EDITORIAL
this. If you do this right, you will own years because at some point it looks
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 this.” like what we have is fraud going on.” CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

the bond alone, according to the town Later, Maxwell pointed out what he Councilwoman Mary Jo Kilcullen I got used to all manner of
attorney, is at least $25,000. The cost is felt was the crux of the issue. “Since cast the lone dissenting vote. She also aircraft flying overhead, from
between $25,000 and maybe $45,000 1991 this town has not bothered to got the last word over her male col- jets to huge transport planes,
before we have any idea of what we go out and ask for qualifications from leagues, who generally ignored her I occasionally had to remind
want to do,” Maxwell added. “In the other firms. And saying they would during the meeting. myself we weren’t being in-
past, when these measures were broad have to re-do the work BSE has done vaded.
and open-ended as described by the is totally incorrect.” “I am kind of saddened that this
town manager, they almost always fail was put under new business,” she Now I don’t even hear the
with the voters. The voters want to know BSE’s website notes that is has been said. “People should be qualified for planes, but I do rest easy
exactly what you want to do, and exactly “Serving as Indialantic’s engineer a job to get it. This isn’t the first time knowing our community is
what it’s going to cost. The urgency is since 1989.” this has happened. This is an ongo- well-protected.
here, but it’s not so urgent that you can’t ing thing. And council doesn’t want to
take a few months to do a proper study. “A continuing contract for 28 years hear what I have to say. It’s become re- Like many of you, I have no
would be awesome,” Maxwell pressed. ally old-hat. Just. Grow. Up.”  idea what it’s like to live in a
“But at the same time, I don’t think war zone, and that’s the point
of this column. This Christmas,
more than 1.3 million soldiers,
sailors, airmen and marines
may be time zones away or
even continents away from
their families. Peacekeepers
in Africa, troops still fighting
terrorists in Iraq and Afghani-
stan, units training all over the
United States or strategically
positioned in Europe, and
brave souls serving in the pre-
carious Korean Demilitarized
Zone, we are grateful for their

It’s an uneasy season, a new
age of nuclear threats for mili-
tary families and for those tens
of thousands of South Brevard
residents working in the de-
fense industry.

Even as we prepare to ring
in the new year, the ques-
tion looms . . . will 2018 bring
peace, or more war? The ques-
tion is not an academic one in
our neighborhood.

As you attend religious ser-
vices, or enjoy time with loved
ones, please take a moment
to remember all who wear our
nation’s uniform, and their
families who wait, and keep
the home fires burning.

As you wake up Christ-
mas morning and pad out in
stocking feet to open presents,
please remember those wak-
ing up in barracks, in a tent, in
a tank or on a ship, and those
who stood vigilant in combat
boots on night watch while we
slumbered, enjoying the peace
they provide and protect.

Merry Christmas and a safe
and peaceful Happy New Year
to all – and especially to our
many Brevard active-duty mili-
tary, veterans, defense contrac-
tors, support personnel and
military families.

We all owe you all a stagger-
ing debt that can never truly be
repaid. 

fired up for kids
Christmas Parade

8 Thursday, December 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Beachsiders fired up for kids Christmas Parade

STORY BY CYNTHIA VAN GAASBECK CORRESPONDENT been a Melbourne Beach Volunteer 1965, long enough for town man in the red velvet suit and
[email protected] Fire Department support member residents who witnessed that flowing white beard brought up
for more than 20 years. first procession to now bring their the parade on Pumper 56, which was
Residents of Brevard County’s old- grandchildren. outfitted with colorful lights, Christ-
est beachside community turned out Stark said the parade is a gift from mas trees, reindeer and wreaths.
Saturday to soak up the spirit of the the fire department to the communi- The parade is the grand finale Among the participants were
season as they cheered on the 52nd ty. Firefighters and their supporters of the town’s Holiday Event Week, some 58 cheerleaders from Gemini
Annual Melbourne Beach Children’s have been hosting the parade since which begins with the lighting of Elementary and West Shore Junior/
Christmas Parade. the Christmas tree in front of the Senior High, the Melbourne Beach
Community Center. This year, the Public Library, Advent Lutheran
Dressed in unnecessarily warm rotund evergreen is a little worse for Church and Grace Lutheran Pre-
Christmas sweaters and other holi- wear with bare branches on the side school, Melbourne Beach Rotary
day regalia, towing tots in wagons lashed by Hurricane Irma’s winds in Club, Community Chapel, impres-
and leading pups on leashes, locals September. A true beachsider, the sive rescue and firefighting vehicles,
and visitors alike lined Ocean Av- wind-battered tree stands tall in its Animal Medical Clinic and assorted
enue under a soft morning sun to holiday decorations. individuals and families.
watch the parade. Babies wearing their first holi-
About 15 minutes before the 9 day outfits quickly learned to wave
Though absolutely free to en- a.m. start, Eliza Rupp, 10, rolled up to the passing paraders as parents
ter and watch, organizers joke that to Stark’s registration table in a red, held them aloft or clutched them as
viewers get twice as much parade for crushed-velvet dress and riding a they stood unsteadily in the grass.
their money: The procession starts very merrily bedecked scooter. “I Older kids who have seen a parade
at the fire station and heads east to- decorated it with lots of stuff – rib- or two darted out and back to catch
ward the ocean, wraps around the bons and wrapping paper,” she said the treats being tossed their way. In
flagpole at the park and moves right helpfully. Mom Gina Baublitz-Rupp a town filled with outdoorsy people
back up Ocean Avenue to end where reminded her that not only has she who run, bike and walk with their
it started. participated before, but that she has dogs, parade participants did not
won a trophy two years in a row. forget the four-legged fans and threw
“This is the only parade that passes biscuits their way.
itself. It’s usually long enough that as Visiting from Clearwater Beach, As it is a small-town parade, there
they’re still going up, the other side former Indialantic residents Ralf were no professional floats nor gi-
is coming down,” said Susie Stark as and Brandie Holjes brought their ant cartoon-character balloons nor
she registered participants. She has two children, Oliver, 4, and Laini, 1, celebrity guests. There was, how-
to see their aunt, Heather Holjes. ever, an abundance of good cheer
and warmth flowing both ways from
“This is Laini’s first parade. She participants and viewers. Pride in
loves the candy, she loves Santa. She community and the reaffirmation
loves the music and the cheerlead- of bonds among neighbors was evi-
ers!” Brandie Holjes said, noting that dent.
candy-catcher Oliver “has come ev- “This is small-town America: the
ery year.” parades, the Scouts, the cheerlead-
ers,” said Mike Holliday, who has
Santa Claus couldn’t have asked lived a scant 500 feet outside city
for a nicer morning as he waved limits for 38 years. “Norman Rock-
from his sleigh perched atop an en- well lives here.” 
gine borrowed from the Indian Har-
bour Beach Fire Department. There
was some talk that Santa is actually
“Mike the Mailman,” but that was
not confirmable. At any rate, the jolly

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 21, 2017 9


Mitch Wilhelmi and Tom Connelly. Aaron Sims with David and Wendy Fine. Delaney Quigley and Kimberly Stark.

Alex Petrosky, Amanda Whittaker and Gabriel Petrosky. Jennifer, Donnie and Kaden Brown.

Bella, Sebastian and Gabrielle Tillman with David Willoughby. Kate Devaughn, Myra Dake and Lily Belle.

10 Thursday, December 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Jingling and mingling at Gleason Park’s Christmas fest

1 23

4 7
56 8

9 10

1. Julie and Jack Bradford. 2. Gleason Park lifeguards Caitlin Bailey, Chane Cohe, Steven Masterson, The City of Indian Harbour Beach hosted its annual Christmas in the
Karla Torpy, Hunter Hoover, Amanda Lally, Sierra Condo and Monica Garrett. 3. Robin and Mayor David Park last Friday night. The well-attended community event took place in
Panicola. 4. Jennifer, Phillip and Henry Weatherholt. 5. Tim and Levi McRay. 6. Tom Knowlton, Santa, the festively decorated Gleason Park, with its stately Christmas tree over-
Craig Finkelstein and Hank Aprea. 7. Chief David Butler, Detective German and Detective Palmeri. 8. Julia looking the lake, and lighted gazebos which, for that evening, held tasty
Wolfenbarger and Gabriel Waterman. 9. Miranda Roub, Maggie Roub, Christy Morales and Camille Mench. treats and fun activities.
10. Nicholas and Dulce Casina with Hadassa and Julia Jota. PHOTOS: BENJAMIN THACKER
Locals enjoyed live music, refreshments and games, plus Coffee with a
Cop and the arrival of Santa Claus on an Indian Harbour Beach Volunteer
Fire Department red fire engine. Inside the recreation center was a special
presentation, “The Learning Station, a Children’s Holiday Journey.”

The event is coordinated by the city’s recreation, public works, police and
fire departments and is Indian Harbour Beach’s year-end show of gratitude
to its citizens. 

12 Thursday, December 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Gallerist gains exposure with artistic Playboy cover

STORY BY PAM HARBAUGH CORRESPONDENT Melbourne gallerist Derek Gores. to. So they wanted this picture for stead of paint, he began adding dark
[email protected] the limited edition tribute issue to colors, then light colors and finally
PHOTO BY GORDON RADFORD be more celebratory. That let me be “sneak in some details.”
There is no doubt: Melbourne gal- more colorful.”
lerist Derek Gores continues to gain That news is fine with one of his “I stop before it gets too fussy,” he
momentum as a nationally recog- collectors, Loretta Grella Sorbello, “They sent me a couple of photos said. “I want it to be expressive, a hint
nized artist. For proof, look no fur- owner of the Downtown Divas bou- to be the main image. I picked the of a person without being too tight.”
ther than the cover of Playboy’s lim- tique in Melbourne. She bought her most iconic one, to my knowledge,
ited edition tribute issue honoring its first piece 10 years ago and now owns with the slight wry smile, a pipe up to The torn paper came from the ac-
late founder, Hugh Hefner. five. his lips.” tual magazines Playboy sent him.
There are also very reduced images
Gores created the cover. “I knew from the moment I saw his The photo, however, had Hefner of the covers Gores printed from the
“In terms of visibility and a com- work that he would make a name for in a dark room, and Gores wanted to digital files.
mercial commission, this has to be himself,” she said. “I am so thrilled at brighten it. So, for the background,
the top … so far,” he said. “I’ve done all he has accomplished and his suc- Gores turned to vintage colors that “I used some tiny covers mixed with
things for big brands, like the NFL, cess.” evoke nostalgia of the times – the larger elements from the famous Andy
but this is the biggest.” aqua blue that was popular in 1953, Warhol bunny and the classic black
Gores’ collage art can be seen in the After the call, Playboy overnighted a the year the magazine launched with and gold bunny,” he said. “There are
large Orlando Magic panels installed box filled with nearly two dozen mag- the Marilyn Monroe cover. all the elements the magazine was
in Orlando’s Amway Center. In 2013, azines, including the first one with known for, including interviews, mu-
he was tapped by the Kentucky Derby Marilyn Monroe on the cover, and “That’s a color palette I enjoy right sic and movie reviews, stories, car-
to create its official poster. other groundbreaking covers such as now, that looks a little sun-kissed,” he toons, certainly little hints of center-
While those organizations reached the first African-American woman on said. folds and questions for the Playmates.
out to Gores, it was the artist who the cover. The company also gave him “All of the layers are in there.”
reached out to Playboy. access to its digital archive. Using the photo as a reference, he
Within days of Hefner’s passing last sketched Hefner’s image onto a ges- For his own enjoyment, he put in
September, it dawned on Gores that “They gave me complete creative soed stretched 30-by-36-inch canvas. the 1987 album review of Prince’s
the magazine would do something freedom,” Gores said. “When Hugh Then, using torn pieces of paper in- Purple Rain and an interview with
special to celebrate its founder’s life Hefner died, they had an issue com-
and legacy. ing out with a black and white pho-
Given the fact that Gores uses re-
cycled magazines in his collage art
and that his recurring theme is strong,
beautiful women, he thought he would
be the perfect choice.
“I sent them a brief, three-line email,”
he said. “Here’s what I do. Here’s my art.
I’d love to chat.”
Within two hours, he got a re-
sponse. Playboy wanted to talk.
The magazine quickly commis-
sioned Gores, who demurred in re-
vealing how much he was paid. How-
ever, his work has gone up about 20
percent each year for the past 10 years.
His small “Butterfly” series of 12-by-
12-inch canvases currently cost $900.
An average-sized canvas is about 30-
by-30 inches and costs about $4,000.
Larger pieces start at five figures.

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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 21, 2017 13

David Lee Roth. For his late father, ARTS & THEATRE
Gores included an image of Farrah
Fawcett in the center top. with a major brand from Italy for Mi-
lan Fashion Week. So yes, it’s already
He grabbed different letters from been some interesting follow-up.”
the Playboy masthead to create the
word “PLAYBOY” in a ransom-note Melbourne Village arts patron Joan
style with shadowing to look like the Taddie is not surprised at his growing
letters are sitting atop the artwork. fame. His work, she said, is “unique.”

“So this project is interesting to me “His art to me is magnificent,” she
because Hugh Hefner was a compli- said. “It’s more than an image. The
cated character,” Gores said. “He re- personalities jump out at you. The
mained relevant in social change for collages come alive.”
decades. He was a progressive who
was about freedom of speech, of ex- In addition to all this, Gores still
pression. He was a civil rights sup- makes time to be a voice and propo-
porter who put his money where his nent for the arts in Brevard. His gal-
mouth was. lery has helped get the tech incubator,
Groundswell, onto its feet and is the
“I realize I’m a man creating im- home for improv comedy, a modern
ages of women, and I never want to dance company and select musicians.
objectify a woman. This moment in
time is fascinating with expression of He has created work for the TV
sexuality and equal strength. So this show “The Kardashians,” been refer-
came at a fascinating time for me enced by Forbes Magazine, and been
to be able to explore this topic and shown at Art Basel Miami and in Los
make a portrait of someone who was Angeles. But that Playboy commis-
there for so many years.” sion has him fantasizing about a life-
long dream car: a Lamborghini.
Now, after the Playboy cover, those
ripples are gaining steam. “Maybe I can work with them.”
To see Derek Gores’ work online, visit
“Yeah, there have been calls,” he To see it in person,
said. “Internationally I’m speaking visit the Derek Gores Gallery, 587 W.
Eau Gallie Blvd., Melbourne. Hours
are 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Tuesdays
through Fridays, and 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Saturdays. The gallery is also open
during special events by appointment.
Call 321-258-2219. 

Creating Playboy cover may have marketing firms here in town,” he
taken only three weeks, but it was de- said. “Thankfully there was no job
cades in the making. that would fill that blank. I was forced
to go for it.”
Born in New York and raised in
Concord, Mass., Gores moved with That meant opening his own stu-
his family to Florida when he was 10 dio and promoting himself rather
years old. He graduated from Satel- than rock groups or sports leagues.
lite High School in 1989 and returned
north to go to school at the famed Fortune smiled when he met three
Rhode Island School of Design. other emerging artists – Cliffton
Chandler, Ryan Speer and Casey De-
“It broke my mind open into a bal- cotis. The foursome soon became all
ance of fine art and commercial art the art rage in Brevard, organizing
which has served me well,” he said. hip exhibits and happenings like Ro-
bot Love.
Indeed, the artist went into creat-
ing T-shirt designs for the Grateful During that heady time, Gores got
Dead. He moved to Tampa where he some of his collage pieces into the
became an art director for VF Image- 2009 Manifest Hope exhibit in Wash-
wear in charge of designing T-shirt ington, D.C. The jurors included
art for big sport leagues . “Obey” artist Shepard Fairey, film-
maker Spike Lee and R.E.M. singer
Ten years ago, in order to be clos- Michael Stipe. It won him a commis-
er to family, Gores returned to Bre- sion from a national labor union.
vard with his first wife and their two
daughters. “I was starting to get noticed,” he said.
“Ripples in the pond were growing.”
“I did apply to ad agencies and

14 Thursday, December 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Coming Up: Enjoy one-of-a-kind Holidays at McKee

STORY BY SAMANTHA BAITA STAFF WRITER heart, will love the model train and
[email protected] holiday village display. Heartwarm-
ing musical performances by the
1 This Thursday, Friday and Sat- Imagine School Tangerines; the First
urday, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., McKee United Methodist Church Handbell
Ensemble; and the Tania Tunes Carol-
Botanical Garden, one of Indian River ers led by local singer and actor Tania
Ortega-Cowan, and McKee Volunteer,
county’s true treasures, will be open vocalist Claudia Ball. Next Thursday,
Friday and Saturday, Dec. 28-30, the
to the public for the annual Holidays beloved Garden will host Nights of
Lights, a wonderful opportunity to
at McKee. Along the broad palm bou- welcome in the new year with family
and friends, surrounded by the peace
levard and the myriad pathways, na- and harmony of the wondrous natu-
ral world of the Garden. Regular Gar-
den Admission applies for this event. The Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse.
Well worth the drive.

Holidays at McKee. 2 We have all experienced that Historic Cocoa Village Playhouse this 5 Another long-time Florida holi-
heart-dropping moment when Thursday, Dec. 21, at 6 p.m. day tradition is a visit to hear the
ture’s artistry will become magical
with thousands of twinkling lights, lu- we realize we’ve forgotten a gift for (fill Christmas Carillon Concert at Bok
minescent lanterns and other holiday
adornment. The 1924 Wurlitzer vin- in the blank). The 35th Annual Holiday Tower Gardens. Belgium native Geert
tage band organ will fill the air with
music, and you, young and young-at- Craft Show at Fifth Avenue Art Gallery 4 Popular music man Kevin Mc- D’hollander, Bok Tower Gardens’ full-
Cullers will be playing on Christ-
in Melbourne’s Eau Gallie arts district time carillonneur, performs Christ-

may well be your answer. You’ll find mas Day at Capt. Hiram’s in Sebastian, mas music from around the world

such diverse, one-of-a-kind objet d’art starting at 6 p.m. Kevin plays a mean at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. every Thursday

as pottery, jewelry, fiber works, glass, acoustic guitar, and you’ll recognize through Sunday on the wonderful, 60-

felted pieces, fairy houses, beaded art, bell Singing Tower carillon. While at

wooden masterworks, fish, turtles, the Gardens, you must do the Holiday

fairies, angels and more. Open seven Home Tour at Pinewood Estate. This

days a week through Christmas Eve, year, the tour takes a musical turn,

the 35th Annual Holiday Craft Show celebrating Charles Austin Buck’s

offers you a delightful variety of crafts love of music, especially that of the

and art. The gallery is open Mon- Jazz Age. Buck, according to the Bok

day through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 Tower website, was a Bethlehem Steel

p.m., and Sundays, 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. Kevin McCullers. vice president who had Pinewood

through Jan. 6. lots of the country and rock tunes he’ll built in the early 1930s. Today the 20-
be bringing. Head for Indian River
Drive in Sebastian for a little musical room Mediterranean-style mansion
holiday diversion.
is open to Bok Tower Garden visitors.

3 “It’s A Wonderful Life” seems The Buck family loves to share their
never to get old, and this be-
completely decorated home during

loved, uplifting 1946 motion picture the Christmas season, and this year

starring Jimmy Stewart and Donna the sounds of the Jazz Age will make

Reed is somewhere on most every- the holidays at Pinewood totally mer-

one’s holiday to-do list. “It’s A Won- ry and bright. Get tickets at the Visitor

derful Life” will be screened at The Center or at the gate.. 

Carillon Concert at Bok Tower Gardens.

16 Thursday, December 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Call to ‘arms’: Doc adamant about flu shots for kids

[email protected]
The “flu season” is here again and
local pediatrician Dr. Marza Penny
makes no bones about her top priority
this time of year.

She wants every child she treats
over the age of 6 months to get a flu

In fact, she insists on it.
For Penny, now entering her 20th
year of treating the Treasure Coast’s
youngest patients, flu shots and other
childhood vaccinations are pretty
much non-negotiable. Her reasoning
is simple.
For a child, influenza can be a
“The flu virus,” Penny explains, “is
very tricky.” That’s in part because
influenza viruses are constantly
evolving. Even with a flu shot,
children – as well as adults – can
still experience a few days of feeling
downright awful. But as Penny
points out, “It’s better to have a
chance of having some immunity
than to have none at all.”
Think about it.

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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 21, 2017 17


A child’s immune system is at a this and said, ‘Look. If you don’t eradicated until anti-vaccine the “ProQuad,” which Penney says
distinct disadvantage compared to immunize [your children] then parents stopped getting their “is measles, mumps, rubella and
an adult’s. “A big reason why,” Penny I’m not going to care for [them].’ I children vaccinated. varicella. Measles, mumps, rubella
continues, “is because they’re new follow the recommendations of the and chicken pox all in one vaccine.”
to the world. Their immune system American Academy of Pediatrics, In fact, a study just released by
hasn’t been exposed to certain the Advisory Committee on the Journal of the American Medical She adds, “We have a lot of
antigens. They have to be exposed to Immunization Practices and the Association says that of the 1,789 combination vaccines. We have
[them] and fight the illness and then CDC. I don’t know about these blogs cases of measles which have been [another] one called Pentacel. It has
they become somewhat immune to and what [those parents are] reading reported over the past 14 years, 99 five components. It’s diphtheria,
some of those organisms.” but it’s just not appropriate to get percent were in people who had tetanus, pertussis, polio and
your child’s treatment advice off the not received the vaccine, and as the haemophilus influenza B. You get
Put even more bluntly, a child who Internet.” Washington Post reported that same five in one poke.”
does not get a shot this year might not day, “babies and toddlers have the
even be here next year. The plain fact is that least protection.” Dr. Marza Penny is at Penny
immunizations work. Diseases such Pediatrics at 8005 Bay Street, Suite
Just let that sink in. as measles – which once claimed The good news, according to 4 across from the Sebastian River
Your child or grandchild might thousands of children’s lives each Penny, is there are now vaccines that Medical Center. The phone number is
well be the brightest, best-looking, year in this country – were largely help build immunity to multiple 772-581-0300. 
cutest kid in the neighborhood, diseases with just one shot such as
but according to the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention,
young children are among those
at the highest risk for developing
serious complications – including
pneumonia, sepsis and septic shock
– from the influenza virus each
Any of which can be a death
sentence for a child.
The American Thoracic Society, for
example, reports that “pneumonia
is the world’s leading cause of death
among children under 5 years of
age, accounting for 15 percent of all
deaths of children under 5.”
An estimated 935,000 pneumonia
deaths are reported worldwide in
that age group annually, and in the
United States pneumonia is the single
largest reason children are admitted
to hospitals.
Sepsis is no better. The National
Institutes of Health points out that
“the people at highest risk [for sepsis]
are infants, children and the elderly”
and the triggers for sepsis are most
commonly various forms of bacteria,
fungi and viruses – including the
influenza virus.
Sepsis, says NIH, “strikes more
than a million Americans each year”
and when it does, blood pressure
can drop precipitously, the heart
can weaken and multiple organs
including the lungs, kidneys and liver
can quickly fail.
Compare those potential outcomes
to the momentary sting of a
hypodermic needle and – for most
intelligent parents – getting their
child a flu shot is a no-brainer. A flu
shot can’t guarantee your child will
avoid the flu or its potential side-
effects, but it can exponentially tilt
the odds in your child’s favor.
Pediatricians like Penny are
painfully aware of the anti-
vaccination voices that have sprouted
up online in recent years, and this
easy-going doctor with the wide
smile and easy laugh turns almost
somber when that topic is broached.
“Oh, boy. It’s difficult,” says Penny.
“I have kind of dropped the ax on

18 Thursday, December 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Older Americans facing ‘bone health emergency’

STORY BY TOM LLOYD STAFF WRITER The next step might be taking a Kristy Losapio, ARNP, and Julie sunlight, too “We’re afraid of the sun
[email protected] closer look at your diet. As Klucar Ann Klucar, PA-C. now, you know, but you’ve got to be
points out, “you can get [all your outside for at least 15 minutes a day.
Sticks and stones may break your needed] vitamins and minerals PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE And no sunscreen,” because even a
bones, but osteoporosis can kill you. low SPF 15 drastically reduces the
through a healthy diet, that’s optional. vitamin D - an essential element for
Just ask certified physician as- I mean, I think that everybody would healthy bones- that your body takes
sistant Julie Klucar and advanced agree with that.” in from the sun.
registered nurse practitioner Kristy
Losapio at the Coastal Fracture Pre- She then adds that seniors need And then there’s balance.
vention Center in Sebastian. As we age and become less active
that we used to be, we may lose our
Right off the bat Losapio points out natural sense of balance.
“75 percent of hip fractures occur in “If you’re not demanding balance,
women,” but then adds, “men are at you’re not going to have balance,”
a higher risk of death following the Losapio says. “You have to make that
hip fracture - 25 percent of men die a part of your daily routines. Stand-
in the first six months following a hip ing on one leg, brushing your teeth, I
fracture.” mean, little things. Standing at your
kitchen doing dishes. Tilting from
Klucar and Losapio are backed one leg to another. You know, little
up in their claims by the American things, that you can work in.”
Orthopedic Association which And while they’ll never make it into
bluntly states that “almost one a Victoria’s Secret catalog, there are
quarter of seniors [men and women] even undergarments specifically de-
who suffer a hip fracture will die signed to absorb the impact of a fall,
within one year.” especially in the hip area.
Although the National Library
That’s a lot of seniors. of Medicine at NIH found only “a
The National Osteoporosis marginally significant reduction in
Foundation says that upward of hip fracture risk,” for those while
10.3 million American adults have wearing this “impact wear” clothing,
osteoporosis and that an incredible for someone with severe osteoporosis,
43.3 million more have low bone mass any reduction in risk might well be
that also can lead to broken bones. worth considering.
Osteoporosis is a disease that Klucar and Losapio say they are
“causes bones to become weak and eager to share their knowledge,
brittle - so that a fall or even mild expertise, tips and skill in what they
stresses like bending over or coughing call this “bone health emergency.”
can cause a fracture,” according to When it comes to preventing or
the Mayo Clinic. fighting back if osteoporosis does set
In fact, a huge percentage of the in, says Losapio, “the Coastal Fracture
broken bones osteoporosis causes Prevention Center is the solution.”
come from those “low trauma” events The Coastal Fracture Prevention
or when someone falls from a stand- Center is located at 13000 U.S. 1 in
ing height while performing every- Sebastian. The phone number is 772-
day activities. 584-BONE. 
The Surgeon General’s office states
that by 2020, half of all Americans
over the age of 50 will be at risk for
fractures from osteoporosis.
So what are Klucar, Losapio and the
Coastal Fracture Prevention Center
doing to help older patients in Indian
River County avoid fractures and live
a longer, healthier, broken bone-free
This particular duo can rattle
off a laundry list of things seniors
can and should be doing to avoid
life-changing and potentially life-
threatening broken bones.
Since the disease is alarmingly
under-diagnosed, having a DEXA or
bone density test would be a logical
first step. Losapio happily points out
if your bone density is low, there are
now new medications like Tymlos
which, she says, “have been shown to
actually build new and good quality

20 Thursday, December 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


BY CAITLIN DEWEY | WASHINGTON POST ing to age. But it is already contributing ganically, limit pesticide and fertilizer who also live on the farm, make their
to the growth of the local-food move- use, diversify their crops or animals, living off the produce Whitehurst sells,
Liz Whitehurst dabbled in several ment and could help preserve the place and be deeply involved in their lo- whether to restaurants, through CSA
careers before she ended up crating of midsize farms in the rural landscape. cal food systems via community sup- shares or at a D.C. farmers market.
fistfuls of fresh-cut arugula in the ear- ported agriculture (CSA) programs and
ly-November chill. “We’re going to see a sea change farmers markets. Finances can be tight. The women
in American agriculture as the next admit they’ve given up higher stan-
The hours were better at her non- generation gets on the land,” said Today’s young farmers also tend to dards of living to farm.
profit jobs. So were the benefits. But Kathleen Merrigan, the head of the operate small farms of less than 50
two years ago, the 32-year-old White- Food Institute at George Washington acres, though that number increases “I wanted to have a positive impact,
hurst – who graduated from a liberal University and a deputy secretary at with each successive year of experience. and that just felt very distant in my other
arts college and grew up in the Chicago the Department of Agriculture under jobs out of college,” Whitehurst said. “In
suburbs – abandoned Washington, DC President Barack Obama. “The only Whitehurst bought her farm, Owl’s farming, on the other hand, you make
for a three-acre farm in Maryland. question is whether they’ll get on the Nest, from a retiring farmer in 2015. a difference. Your impact is immediate.”
land, given the challenges.”
She joined a growing movement The farm sits at the end of a gravel That impact could grow as young
of highly educated, ex-urban, first- The number of farmers age 25 to 34 road, a series of vegetable fields un- farmers scale up and become a larger
time farmers who are capitalizing on grew 2.2 percent between 2007 and furling from a steep hill capped by her part of the commercial food system,
booming consumer demand for local 2012, according to the 2014 USDA tiny white house. Like the farmer who Merrigan said.
and sustainable foods and who, ex- census, a period when other groups worked this land before her, she leases
perts say, could have a broad impact of farmers – save the oldest – shrunk the house and the fields from a neigh- Already, several national grocery
on the food system. by double digits. In some states, such boring couple in their 70s. chains, including Walmart and Super-
as California, Nebraska and South Da- Valu, have built out local-food-buying
For only the second time in the last kota, the number of beginning farmers She grows organically certified pep- programs, according to AT Kearney, a
century, the number of farmers under has grown by 20 percent or more. pers, cabbages, tomatoes and salad management consulting firm.
35 years old is increasing, according to greens from baby kale to arugula, ro-
the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s A survey conducted by the National tating her fields to enrich the soil and Young farmers are also creating
latest Census of Agriculture. Sixty-nine Young Farmers Coalition, an advocacy planting cover crops in the offseason. their own “food hubs,” allowing them
percent of the surveyed young farm- group, with Merrigan’s help shows that to store, process and market food col-
ers had college degrees – significantly the majority of young farmers did not On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fri- lectively, and supply grocery and res-
higher than the general population. grow up in agricultural families. days, she and two longtime friends taurant chains at a price competitive
wake up in semidarkness to harvest with national suppliers.
This new generation can’t hope to re- They are also far more likely than the by hand, kneeling in the mud to cut
place the numbers that farming is los- general farming population to grow or- handfuls of greens before the sun can That’s strengthening the local and
wilt them. All three young women, organic food movement, experts say.

“I get calls all the time from farm-

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 21, 2017 21


From left, Liz
Whitehurst, Rachel
Clement and Foster

Gettys pick and
weigh greens at
Owl’s Nest Farm

Liz Whitehurst picks greens at Owl’s Nest Farm in Upper Marlboro, Md

ers – some of the largest farmers in the respond to environmental changes “Multigenerational family farms are But Lindsey Lusher Shute, the ex-
country – asking me when the local and consumer demand. shrinking. And big farms are getting ecutive director of the coalition, said
and organic fads will be over,” said Eve bigger,” Inwood said. “For the resiliency she has seen the first wave of back-to-
Turow Paul, a consultant who advises If today’s young farmers can con- of the food system and of rural commu- the-landers grow up in the eight years
farms and food companies on millen- tinue to grow their operations, said nities, we need more agriculture of the since she co-founded the advocacy
nial preferences. “It’s my pleasure to Shoshanah Inwood, a rural sociolo- middle.” group. And she suggested that new
tell them: Look at this generation. Get gist at Ohio State University, they policy initiatives, including student
on board or go out of business.” could bolster these sorts of farms – It’s too early to say at this point loan forgiveness and farm transition
and in the process prevent the land whether young farmers will effect that programs, could further help them.
There are also hopes that the influx from falling into the hands of large- sort of change.
of young farmers could provide some scale industrial operations or resi- “Young farmers tend to start small
counter to the aging of American ag- dential developers. The number of young farmers enter- and sell to direct markets, because that’s
riculture. ing the field is nowhere near enough to a viable way for them to get into farm-
replace the number exiting, according ing,” Lusher Shute said. “But many are
The age of the average American to the USDA: Between 2007 and 2012, shifting gears as they get into it – getting
farmer has crept toward 60 over sever- agriculture gained 2,384 farmers be- bigger or moving into wholesale.”
al decades, risking the security of mid- tween ages 25 and 34 – and lost nearly
size family farms where children aren’t 100,000 between 45 and 54. Just last year, Whitehurst was ap-
interested in succeeding their parents. proached by an online grocery service
And young farmers face formidable that wanted to buy her vegetables.
Between 1992 and 2012, the coun- challenges to starting and scaling their While Owl’s Nest produces too little to
try lost more than 250,000 midsize businesses. The costs of farmland and supply such a large buyer on its own,
and small commercial farms, accord- farm equipment are prohibitive. Young the service planned to buy produce
ing to the USDA. During that same farmers are frequently dependent on from multiple small, local farmers.
period, more than 35,000 very large government programs, including child-
farms started up, and the large farms care subsidies and public health insur- Whitehurst ultimately turned the deal
already in existence consolidated ance, to cover basic needs. down, however. Among other things,
their acreage. she feared that she could not afford to
And student loan debt – which 46 per- sell her vegetables at the lower price
Midsize farms are critical to rural cent of young farmers consider a “chal- point the service wanted.
economies, generating jobs, spend- lenge,” according to the National Young
ing and tax revenue. And while they’re Farmers Coalition – can strain already “For now, I’m focused on getting bet-
large enough to supply mainstream tight finances and disqualify them from ter, not bigger,” she said. “But in a few
markets, they’re also small enough to receiving other forms of credit. years, who knows. Ask me again then.” 

ORGAN DONATION: most all patients died within 60 days. Dr. Denton Cooley of the Texas
Heart Institute performed 17 transplants, including the first heart-lung
“GIFT” SOMEBODY A BRIGHTER FUTURE transplant. Fourteen of his patients were dead within six months.
1971-76 Cyclosporine discovered in 1971. Its immunosuppressive
Organ donation is a rare and wonderful gift. The thought that a activity was realized in 1976. Cyclosporine decreased morbidity and
human being can actually save other human beings, end their suf- enabled the routine transplantation of organs that until then had
fering and enable them to live again is awe-inspiring. only been done experimentally.
1981 First successful heart-lung transplant took place at Stanford
But unfortunately, far more people need a transplant than are University Hospital in California.
willing to donate an organ. At this moment, more than 123,000 1984 By 1984 two-thirds of all heart transplant patients survived
people in the United States are waiting for an organ. And the United for five years or more. With organ transplants
Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS), which administers the nation’s
organ procurement and transplantation network, adds one more becoming commonplace, limited only by donors, surgeons
person to the waiting list every 12 minutes. moved on to riskier fields, including multiple-organ transplants.

These people are waiting for a kidney, liver, heart, lung or other Today, organs that can be transplanted include: liver, kidney, pan-
organ. About 21 people a day – 6,500 a year – die before an organ creas, kidney/pancreas (at same time), heart, lung, heart/lung (at
ever becomes available. same time), intestine, and vascularized composite allografts (VCAs),
such as face and hand transplantation.
Most organs come from deceased donors. A smaller number of
organs come from healthy people. More than 6,000 transplants from In 2015, over 25,000 people received organs in the United States.
living donors are performed each year. Since a healthy person only Hospitals in Indian River County partner with TransLife, one of four
needs one kidney, most of the living donor donations are of kidneys federally-designated Organ Procurement Organizations (OPOs) that
serve Florida, to coordinate organ donation and transplantation.
Organs are matched using several characteristics, including blood
1954 First successful transplant, a kidney transplant, performed type and size of the organ needed. Also taken into account is how
between identical twins at Brigham Hospital in Boston, Mass. Since long someone has been on the waiting list, how sick they are, and
they were genetically identical individuals, no immunosuppression the distance between the donor and the potential recipient.
was necessary.
1963 First successful human lung transplant performed by Dr. To learn more about organ donation, go to
James Hardy at University of Mississippi Medical Center. and 
1967 First successful heart transplant performed by Dr. Christiaan
Barnard in Cape Town, South Africa. The patient survived 18 days. Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always wel-
1968-69 More than a hundred heart transplants performed, but al- come. Email us at [email protected].

© 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved



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Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 21, 2017 23


The CIA has long tried to recruit young $80 million to develop it by obeying the law and showing what has fueled calls for more oversight.
people by offering them career opportu- “enhanced interrogation” is best about America.” Other CIA direc- “The Ghosts of Langley” offers a de-
nities with the promise of excitement, techniques settled a law- tors have expressed equally noble sen-
intrigue and patriotism. “Be account- suit brought on behalf of timents, only to be undercut when the tail-rich, often relentless litany of CIA
able to the President, Congress, and three victims of the alleged agency’s actions were later exposed. scandals and mini-scandals, with a fo-
the American public,” reads one recent torture. After the CIA failed cus on operations. Along the way, Pra-
announcement directed at students at to sanction those involved In “The Ghosts of Langley: Into the dos features the agency’s heroes, patri-
Brigham Young University. “Strengthen in the case or, with few ex- CIA’s Heart of Darkness,” longtime agen- ots and schemers, including legendary
national security and foreign policy ceptions, others similarly cy critic John Prados, a senior fellow at early directors Walter Bedell Smith and
objectives through the clandestine col- accused, it took the threat the National Security Archive, explores Allen Dulles. It is an account that relies
lection of human intelligence … and by of civil litigation to finally this terrain across decades of the institu- notably on documents including those
conducting Covert Action … this is what obtain some measure of tion’s history. The ghosts of Prados’ title released by the CIA itself, as detailed in
you’ll do in the CIA’s Directorate of Op- justice on the eve of a trial form the undead legacy of a succession 22 pages of endnotes.
erations.” likely to have embarrassed of CIA directors, managers and legal
the two defendants and counselors whose “operations, especial- While acknowledging CIA suc-
It’s nice to know that graduates can ly the failed ones, have driven the spies cesses such as the U2 and subsequent
work off their college debt as spies, but the agency that enriched to contrive arguments and explanations spy plane programs, Prados’ principal
as the CIA marks its 70th birthday this them. How’s that for CIA they have relied upon – repeatedly – to theme is the recurring refusal to public-
year, its help-wanted ads extol an ac- accountability? escape from criticism and accountabil- ly acknowledge error or penalize those
countability more imagined than real. ity.” responsible. At one point he resurrects
Just a few months ago, two psycholo- Or what about the of- a quote from Iran-contra-era director
gists whom the CIA had paid more than ficial CIA Accountabil- It never seems to end. Prados’ conclu- William Casey’s top legal adviser, Stan-
ity Board that overruled sion is that, after decades of skirmishing ley Sporkin, who recalls how his boss
the agency’s inspector with Congress, the courts and the me- would demand: “Don’t tell me it can’t
general? The inspector dia, the CIA has “finally decoupled it- be done legally. Find me a legal way to
general had determined self – from government accountability.” do it.” Prados notes that more recently,
that five employees were This, he argues, is not just bad for Amer- as CIA leadership passed from George
improperly involved in ica but also gravely undermines the in- Tenet to Porter Goss, Hayden, David
breaking into computers terests of the CIA itself, where zealotry Petraeus, Leon Panetta and then John
used by Senate staffers and concealment trump the need to an- Brennan, successive directors found
investigating allegations of CIA torture. chor its legitimacy in American democ- reasons to continue the obfuscation.
Three of them displayed a “lack of can- racy. As a result, he contends, the CIA is
dor” in response to the probe, the in- sowing the “seeds of its coming failure.” Enter Mike Pompeo, the current
spector general found. But the Account- CIA director. Purportedly a favorite of
ability Board recommended that no one Given that the phenomenon Prados President Trump’s, the former tea party
be punished, declaring that all had told describes has been going on for years, congressman from Kansas arrived in
the truth and their lapses did not involve it’s unclear why continuing on the same office too late for more than a men-
bad faith. path is now any more likely to trigger a tion in the “The Ghosts of Langley.” But
It may be all too easy to second-guess grand reckoning than before. That said, given Trump’s penchant for rough tac-
much of what the CIA does. As former the appearance of an accountability def- tics and willingness to bring back wa-
director Michael Hayden argued this icit at the CIA and elsewhere in the intel- terboarding “and a hell of a lot worse,”
year when explaining his decision not to ligence community has contributed to as candidate Trump declared, Pompeo
discipline a subordinate, “The one mes- a proliferation of leaks, whistleblower must hope that the president will have
sage I could not afford to send … was claims, aggressive press coverage and the agency’s back in the event of re-
‘Take hard jobs and make tough choic- efforts to obtain CIA documents under newed scandal. 
es, but if you f--- up, we’re coming after the Freedom of Information Act (a spe-
you.’” cialty of Prados and the National Securi- THE GHOSTS OF LANGLEY
During his confirmation as direc- ty Archive that employs him). The spec- INTO THE CIA’S HEART OF DARKNESS
tor in 2006, Hayden claimed that “the tacle of CIA directors testifying before
best way to strengthen the trust of the Congress to explain away intelligence BY BY JOHN PRADOS
American people [in the CIA] is to earn failures and deny facts about torture, New Press. 446 pp. $28.95
renditions and other unsavory practices
Review by Adam Zagorin
The Washington Post


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24 Thursday, December 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Bonzo has ‘Inu’ buddy, Leo from Long Island

Hi Dog Buddies! “I also love play- Leo Devine, Shiba Inu. PHOTO BY: GORDON RADFORD
in’ on the beach. Up
This week, I learned about another there, there’s lotsa
breed I’d never heard of. I like learnin’ baby lobsters runnin’
new stuff, don’t you? Anyway, Leo around. They’re fun to
Devine’s his name, an he’s a Shiba Inu play with, too. They’re
(Shee-buh Eee-new), one of those cool real quick liddle guys.”
Japanese breeds. Sorta liddle, real
good posture, short coat, nice happy “Do you swim?”
face, dark eyes an pointy ears that “Woof, no! I don’t
make him look like he’s always payin’ like getting’ my paws
attention. Sorta remains me of a fox, wet! I just run around
’cept foxes don’t have big ol’ grins like on the shore. We got-
Leo does. ta lotta friends up
there. Down here, too.
He trotted right up for the Wag and They’re always askin’
Sniff. “Welcome, Mr. Bonzo. I’d like to Papa John if I’m a fox!
introduce my grandmom and grand- I guess I do look like a
dad, Papa John an Nanny. Come’on fox kinda, but, I mean,
in.” come ON! Foxes have
that sly, sneaky look,
“Delighted to meet you all,” I said. whereas I have a big ol’
We got settled. “Did you ackshully smile. PLUS, you could
come from Japan?” I asked Leo. line up all the chick-
“Oh, no. I came from Long Is- ens in the
land. See, Papa John an Nanny’s
son Anthony got me up there as Special sleeping arrangements?” Montauk. An I LOVE motels. They’re
a present for his daughter, Alex-
andra. Us Shiba Inus are kinda “I get regular dog food, of course. fun to explore.
rare, so we’re pretty SPEN-sive. But
I was the runt of my litter so I was The treats are pretty yummy, too. I “You know Mr. Bonzo, when Papa
on SPESH-shull. I was havin’ lotsa
fun but, then, Alexandra GRAD- always ask Nanny to get the duck. She John an Nanny first brought me here,
choo-ated. I had met Papa John and
Nanny a coupla times, so I wasn’t buys LOTS. But what I really enjoy is I thought to myself, ‘I hope I’m gonna
worried when they ’dopted me.”
“Was it hard to get used to Flori- world right in front of sharin’ Papa John’s food: like cold- be happy in my new home.’ Well, I
da?” I wondered. me and they’d be totally okey-dokey,
“Ackshully, it wasn’t. Papa John an down to the last feather. But a fox, not cuts-an-cheese, an French Dip and totally am! Papa John an Nanny take
Nanny love me to pieces an I have zil- so much.”
lions of toys to play with. (When I was hamburger from Bobby’s. Pawsome! I good care of me. An me and Papa
liddle, I usta hide their shoes. I never “Good point!” I was glad I hadn’t
ate ’em, but I’d just put ’em in secret mentioned I thought he resembled a guess I’m a liddle fussy. John are Besties: I’m good for him an
places. Now I hide my toys instead, fox, too. “So what’s your day like?”
which is much better, cuz Papa John “As far as sleepin,’ I get to sleep he’s good for me.”
an Nanny don’t hafta find ’em before “I need lotsa exercise so I get leash
they go out like they do with shoes.) walks, and I run on the beach. When with Papa John an Nanny, but NOT on Heading Home, I was thinking
“But toys aren’t my totally favor- I’m pooped, I curl up on the couch
ite thing! Me an Papa John’s Totally and chew on a few toys. (Nanny says Nanny’s side. EVER. If she comes in about the strong bonds that can form
Favorite Thing in The Whole World I curl up like a cat, which I choose to
is – FISHIN’! I didn’t even know what ignore.) If Papa John is late coming an I accidently happen to be snoozin’ between pooches an their humans.
a fish WAS ’til Papa John taught me. home, I howl. Real loud. Didja know,
They don’t have FEET! Didja know most Japanese dogs can only howl, on her pillow, she gives me The Look, I had one like that with my Mom.
that? An they can hold their breath not bark, but me, I can do BOTH. I
forEVER! Ever since I saw ’em swim- don’t go to the dog park yet. (I’ve only which says ‘YOU’RE on MY pillow?’ I was also wonderin’ if Grandma
min’ around in all that water, I always been here a few months.)
check my water bowl just in case. You better buh-lieve I’m off that bed and Grandpa might bring me some
“Me an Papa John go fishin’ up in “I have a pooch neighbor, Roxy.
Long Island, on Montauk. It’s Way Cool She’s a mix. An Older Woman. Very in a Long Island Minute!” French Dip one of these evenings.
Kibbles! Whenever Papa John catches sweet. Whenever we see each other,
a fish, I get So Excited! I get all Barky she gets all happy.” He leaned to- I laughed. “So, do you enjoy travel?”
and Bouncy. The fish flops around, an ward me and lowered his voice. “I
I nose bop it a liddle, just playin,’ but think she has a crush on me.” “I hafta say I’m not crazy about it. I
I would NEVER bite it. Papa John says
we Catch an Release, which means we “Well, you are a good lookin’ -The Bonzdon’t care for ridin’ in the car. Now if
throw it back in the water so it can go poocheroo. Got any fave foodstuffs?
home. I always bark goodbye. I could DRIVE, that’d be A Different
Dog Biscuit. But I do like the places
an the people the car takes us to. Like

Don’t be shy!
We are always looking for pets with interesting stories. To set up
an interview, please email [email protected].

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 21, 2017 25


Charles M. Schwab said, “All successful employers are stalking men who will do the WEST K J 10 EAST
unusual, men who think, men who attract attention by performing more than is expected Q 10 8 7 4 J874 AJ
of them.” A92 KQ5 653
52 10 9 6 3
Successful bridge players stalk tricks, which occasionally requires doing the unusual — 863 SOUTH 10 9 7 4
as in today’s deal. South is in three no-trump. West leads a fourth-highest spade seven. 653
What should happen after that? Q874
This is the single most common bidding sequence. South assumes that North will cover AJ2
the spade suit, and North assumes that South will coast home easily with a combined
28-30 points between them. Dealer: South; Vulnerable: Both

South starts with seven top tricks: four diamonds and three clubs. He can easily The Bidding:
establish three more winners in hearts. His only concern is the spade suit. Well, there is
no hurry to put up dummy’s king. That can wait until the second round of the suit. SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST OPENING
1 NT Pass 3 NT All Pass
Now the spotlight falls on East. He knows that when the lead is fourth-highest, he LEAD:
should apply the Rule of Eleven. Seven from 11 is four. So there are four spades higher 7 Spades
than the seven in the North, East and South hands combined. Lo and behold, East can
see all four: the king-nine on the board and the ace-jack in his hand. So South has no
spade higher than the seven.

This would tempt some Easts to win the first trick with the jack — irreparably blocking
the suit. A stalker will win with the ace and return the jack, trusting his partner to
overtake with the queen to drive out dummy’s king. Then, when West gets in with his
heart ace, he cashes the rest of the spades for down one.


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665 4th Street, Vero Beach, FL 32962
(772) 567-2005

26 Thursday, December 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly

1 Type of cheese (7) 1 Yuletide (9,4)
5 Textile (5) 2 Mistake (5)
8 Of the countryside (5) 3 Predicament (7)
9 Small table mat (7) 4 Break or alcove (6)
10 Small crustaceans (7) 5 Lesson (5)
11 Beach (5) 6 Result (7)
12 Lose (6) 7 Conker (5,8)
14 Oration (6) 13 Genuine (7)
17 Spanish“Mr”(5) 15 Crepe (7)
19 Sets alight (7) 16 Circus tent (3,3)
21 Approximate (7) 18 All set (5)
22 Decorate (5) 20 Treasure stash (5)
23 Adversary (5)
24 Gift (7)

The Telegraph

How to do Sudoku:

Fill in the grid so the
numbers one through
nine appear just once
in every column, row
and three-by-three

The Telegraph

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 21, 2017 27


ACROSS 64 Reagan’s Star 3 Give rankings to e.g. The Washington Post
1 Mr. Z of Wars prog. 4 Reason to call 63 Bolívar liberated
Hollywood 66 Out-of-it kitties? 911: abbr. it
6 South Seas 70 Quarters with a 5 Utmost, briefly 64 Mark of the
6 Romance
souvenir no. vampire?
9 Low, low opera 71 Go for the gold language 65 Stella of cookie
73 The downbeat is speakers
voice 7 Classic Lotus fame
14 FDR’s dog usually on it sports car model 67 Fill
18 Shopping area 74 Act like a Hun 8 Homelessness, 68 Acted like Lorelei
76 Gray ___ drug 69 “You’ve cut me to
next to the 77 Flan critic’s abuse, etc.
Camel Lot? 9 Cousin of “mac” the quick!”
20 Attorney, at times outburst? 10 In the past 72 Come across
21 “___ written ...” 83 Cheeks describer 11 Wd. ending
22 Mask shop 84 Deletes 12 Vietnam’s region: with the dough
inventory? 85 Old German coin abbr. 75 Salty state
23 Ugly Stepsister’s 86 Teddy, to John Jr. 13 Daniel and 78 Record again,
problem? 89 Captain Kirk’s Humberto
25 Ripening agent 14 Marching-band captain-style
26 Hair care successor, flute 79 Exhausts
products Jean-___ Picard 15 Very sorry 80 I or II Bible bk.
28 Stretch inning 90 Screw up individual 81 Guns the engine
29 Lola in Damn 91 Act like Lisa, not 16 Ray of 82 Attracted
Yankees Bart GoodFellas 87 The truth
31 Production 92 Warning sign at a 17 “And strange ___ 88 Used, as a
construction porcupine farm? may sound ...”
33 Buster Brown’s 97 Stomping 19 Just prayer rug
dog grounds: abbr. 20 On a caravel 91 Type of shower
34 Homer’s H 99 Compass dir. 24 Head off 92 Bombing raid
35 Blueprint details: 100 Surprised cries 27 Respect 93 The Big Bang,
abbr. 101 Actor Carroll 30 Kiangs and
38 Ingrid, in 102 Actress Joanne onagers for one
Casablanca 103 Actress Bonet 32 Recruit 94 27 Down, to a
40 Song of 105 Sells (for) 33 Sung syllables
celebration sung 107 Editorialized 35 Mil. class on mademoiselle
by Noah? 110 Assignment campus 95 Keep one’s ___
43 Without shame 114 “The ___” 36 Movie-rating org.
45 Life in France? (bathroom 37 Nickels? the grindstone
47 ___ bad time edition of Silas 39 Lemmon film set 96 Fox steps?
48 Letters on some Marner, etc.?) in Italy 98 Mournful poeme
Indy cars 118 Proselytize on 41 Of a heart part 104 “Thereby hangs
49 Emulated the islands? 42 “... fetch ___ of
Petruchio 120 1963 role for water” ___”
50 1985 film with a Shirley 44 Hawaiian goose 106 “When I was ___
Neanderthal 121 A real pain in the 46 Pianist
sense of ear Pogorelich ...”
humor 122 Nickname for a 50 Cured with salt 108 Don Juan’s mom
52 Deputy or A.D.C. crook 51 Talk-a-thon 109 Tag info
56 “___ or just no who’s easy to 53 Hamlet’s 111 One mo’ time
good?” (Geraldo track? comment at 112 Nunn and Spade
segment about 123 Gimlet or goggle dinner? 113 Banjo’s resting
Adam and Eve?) follower 54 Hiking of a
59 Actress Rigg 124 A dynamite football place
60 War zone of personality 55 Like lemon 115 Freedom of
January 1991 125 Zuider ___ meringue
61 TV’s Maude or 126 Irritable partner? 57 Intersect mvmt.?
Dorothy DOWN 58 “You ___ like a 116 Resident’s
62 ___ of society 1 Salmon tail? man!”
(Lot’s wife, 2 Something to (Vito Corleone) ending
perhaps) wave 59 Major quakes, 117 Cruet contents
119 Calif. time

The Telegraph

28 Thursday, December 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Mom of daughter’s pal emits creepy, control-freaky vibe

BY CAROLYN HAX are hosting it. Emma is invited.” When they decline to this mother’s argument.
Washington Post the invitation: “I’m sorry to hear that.” I ache for Emma, but it’s time for the group of par-

Hi, Carolyn: My daughter, 11, If the mom persists with why-a-water-park-in- ents to stop caving. Take your turns hosting. If Emma
has three friends from school. One stead-of-their-pool, then stick to facts. “This is our can’t make it, then you say a simple “I’m sorry to hear
girl’s parents are generous hosts. daughter’s party, and we are hosting it.” Don’t get that; we’ll miss her.”
“Emma” is an only child and has a sucked into justifications as if there’s any legitimacy
pool, fun toys, great snacks. Note that I’m not advising you to take on these
parents or their rules. What I’ve spelled out is simply
The problem is that Emma’s par- your providing your own child with a typical social
ents don’t let Emma be a guest. Sometimes my daugh- life. As in, not bending to the rules of the Emma-
ter wants to have her friends over and Emma’s par- sphere.
ents refuse. The girls would rather all go to Emma’s
than hang out without her. I asked Emma’s mother That’s for the planning part of the problem.
if there was anything about our house that concerns The “creepy vibe” problem warrants further ac-
her. She said no, that Emma isn’t allowed to go any- tion. With Emma’s parents: “I am not comfortable
where else, ever. with my daughter always being the guest. Are you
willing to share why Emma can’t go anywhere? Per-
My daughter invited her friends to a water park for haps it would sit better if I understood it.” It’s framed
her birthday. Emma, of course, isn’t allowed. Emma’s as a matter of your own feelings, and respectfully
mom called and asked why we need to go to a wa- stated. They can always say it’s none of your busi-
ter park when they have a pool. She then offered to ness.
host my daughter’s party herself, saying she knows my It’s also not their business if you decide your
daughter likes tacos so they can do a taco bar, and she daughter can’t go over to Emma’s anymore. That’s
was thinking of ice cream sundaes instead of a cake. the trade-off.
With the other parents: “This one-way hosting
I didn’t really know how to explain to her how out of bothers me. How are you dealing with it?”
bounds she was acting. I’m starting to get a real creepy You can have it both ways – respect boundaries
vibe, but I don’t want to ruin the girl’s friendships. and take the creepiness very seriously.
Re: Emma: The “creepy” aspect is really sticking with
– Creeped Out me. As a former teacher, I would consider having a con-
fidential conversation with Emma’s teacher or the guid-
Creeped Out: This is seriously messed up. You’re ance counselor. Stick to the facts, don’t embellish and
right. approach it from wanting to be sure everything is OK. It
may not get you anywhere, but it may help Emma.. 
Please stand up to Emma’s mom in kind and un-
flinching terms. “This is our daughter’s birthday. We

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 21, 2017 29


Frankie’s Wings & Things Beachside: Casual and fun

[email protected] ordered potato
Our family’s first encounter with the Garbage Plate
Frankie’s Beachside was when I com- ($10.99), a concoc-
pletely forgot about a Cub Scout pic- tion of an appetizer
nic. I got a reminder text about an hour dish which our
before we were supposed to show up very friendly server
with a dish to share – uh oh. We pulled Alice said the res-
frantically into the Publix parking lot, taurant owners John
but took a detour to Frankie’s and they and Heidi Calabrese
saved me with 50 wings, piping hot and brought with them all
carefully packed up with all the fix- the way from Rochester,
ings. They were delicious – and gone in N.Y.
no time.
The skins were packed
If you need food for a gathering or the with cheese, bacon and
big game day (or a Mom-fail rescue), I scallions the way we like
would highly recommend their takeout them, and served with sour
options. cream. The Garbage Plate
doesn’t look like much, but it’s
Last Thursday, we tucked into a
comfy booth for an early dinner at tasty and filling. On the plate
Frankie’s and were just as we found two
pleased with the dine-
in experi-

Rock Shrimp. ham- My son or- Build Your
Cobb Salad. burger pat- dered a small Own Burger.
ties atop home caesar salad ($3.50)
fries on half the plate and which was fresh and RESTAURANT HOURS
homemade-tasting macaroni salad crisp with a light, tasty Tues- Thurs 11am- 9pm
made with real mayonnaise dressing - a good choice.
on the other half. Ground We also ordered six chicken Fri- Sat 11am- 10pm
beef crumbles top off the wings ($6.59) at the #4 level, which Sunday 11am- 9pm
mound of food. Next is a notch above hot and they were per-
time we order this I fect. Frankie’s wings are tender and Closed Monday
would ask for medi- juicy, crispy on the outside and well- BEVERAGES
um-rare burgers, sauced. You can get various flavors and Beer and Wine
but other than dry rub seasonings, or as hot as you can ADDRESS
that it was good, stand them up to Call 911.
and a frosty mug 254 E. Eau Gallie Blvd
of Stella Artois We definitely want to go back and Indian Harbor Beach
($4) washed it try the sandwiches and some of the
down well. tempting seafood selections. Frankie’s PHONE
Next in our Beachside is a great, fun and welcoming 321-773-7223
all-starters din- place to take the whole gang for a casual
ing adventure we lunch or dinner, or to watch the game.
ordered crocks Parking in the Publix shopping center
of shrimp bisque can get pretty jammed during season,
($4.25 each) and but there are plenty of spots around the
the soup had a nice back and access via the breezeway.
flavor and was served
hot, but not the bisque We encourage you to send feedback
style we’re used to. Instead to lisamelbournebeachsider@gmail.
of a pureed texture, it was com.
a creamy broth with chunks of
shrimp. The reviewer is a Brevard resident who
dines anonymously at restaurants at the
expense of this newspaper. 

30 Thursday, December 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Zagat Rated Please Join Us As The Tides Ushers In The Holiday Melo’s RIitsatoliraannote
2013 - 2017 Season. We Will Begin Our 12 Days Of Giving. Join In
Wine Spectator Award By Bringing An Unwrapped Toy Starting Wednesday, Wishing Everyone & Their Families a
2002 – 2017 December 13, 2O17.
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Center. Help Us As We Help The Children Of Our - Carmelo, Lisa & Staff
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Chef Leanne Kelleher

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3103 Cardinal Drive , Vero Beach, FL

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 21, 2017 31


Please send calendar information as Santa, free from the beach at Minutemen Cause- JANUARY 4-7 Cirque Italia, an animal-free, excit-
at least two weeks prior to your way, with costume contest for ages 0 to adult. ing, acrobatic water circus spectacu-
1 Space Coast Lightfest Say Goodbye to the Lights lar performs afternoon and evening shows un-
event to 24 Annual Santa Run to Santa Stops by Stroll at Wickham Park, 2500 Parkway Drive, Mel- der the big top at Wickham Park in Melbourne,
[email protected] the Melbourne Beach Volunteer Fire bourne. No cars allowed on the last night of the event, near the horse stables. Tickets cost $10-$50,
Department. Drop off a wrapped toy for your stroll through the light display from 6:30 to 10 p.m. Cost with a free child ticket with a full-priced adult
ONGOING child or grandchild, to be delivered by Santa at is $5 per person, children under 3 get in free. reserved-seat ticket with promo code. Details at
one of the designated Santa Stops. Or drop off a
Space Coast Lightfest continues 6:30 to 10 new, unwrapped toy for a child who shows up at 4 South Beach Players theater group audi-
p.m. through Jan. 1 at Wickham Park, 2785 a stop without a gift. Go to tions, 7 p.m. at the Floridana Beach Civic 13 Deadline for entries for Brevard Tropi-
Leisure Way, Melbourne. Cost is $15 per car christmas-eve-santa-run for details. Association Clubhouse, 6635 Hwy A1A, Mel- cal Fruit Club Poster Art Contest, indi-
($2 discount with an unwrapped toy for Toys bourne Beach. Scripts available 7 p.m. Dec. 28 at vidual students in grades 9 to 12 are invited to
for Tots) to benefit the Boy Scouts of America. 24-25 Christmas services at Ascension the clubhouse. Upcoming productions “Lives of create artwork illustrating a tree sale event that Lutheran Church, 1053 Pinetree Great Waitresses” and “Three Tables.” Various can include people, trees, tropical fruit (rare),
Drive, Indian Harbour Beach. 9:30 a.m. Lessons and roles to fill. Call Jeannine Mjoseth at (202)903- event signs, etc. in the scene. Cash prizes. Go
Satellite Beach Farmers Market, 10 a.m. to 4 Carols Service with Holy Communion on Dec. 24, 6:45 6621 for more information. to for more
p.m. Thursdays at Pelican Beach Park Special Music and Candlelight Service on Dec 24, 10 information.
a.m. Christmas Day service with Holy Communion.
Wholesale Music Instruments will host a
free concert with featured musician Don Sadler 30 Goat Yoga with baby goats, 8 a.m. to 11:45
to benefit Friends Of Children of Brevard Coun- a.m. at Yoga Garden, 1482 Pineapple Ave
ty every Friday in December from 11:15 a.m. to in the Eau Gallie Arts District. Three class opportuni-
12:45 p.m at 3000 W. New Haven Ave. in Mel- ties on the back patio, bring your own mat. Space
bourne. All tips and donations will go to the limited, register at
charity. Call-(321)751.1439.
31 Zon Beachside New Year’s Eve Celebra-
Beach Rotary Club meets at 7:30 a.m. Tues- tion, 4 to 7 p.m. in the dining room
days at Ocean Side Pizza, 300 Ocean Ave. #6, at Zon Beachside Assited Living 1894 S. Patrick
Melbourne Beach. Drive, with happy hour entertainment by the
Hot Cocoa Trio. Family-friendly event, cost is $20
per person. Call (321)777-8840.

DECEMBER 31 New Year’s Eve Celebration at Trend ACROSS DOWN
Kitchen, 1924 Hwy A1A, Indian Harbour 1 FOCUS 1 FEAST
23 Jolly Days at the Brevard Zoo, 10 a.m. to Beach. Five course, upscale menu designed for the 4 DELIGHT 2 CATER
3 p.m. A flurry of festive fun including evening. Cost is $149 per person, plus tax, wine 8 AUTHORITATIVE 3 SHOWOFF
animal encounters, games, crafts, a DJ and photos and gratuity. Call (321)622-8977 for more info. 9 TURNOUT 4 DAINTY
with Santa and Mrs. Claus from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. 10 ENDED 5 LEAVE
Activities included with regular zoo admission. 31 Ocean 302 New Year’s Eve Celebration, 11 CLIFFS 6 GRINDER
a four-course prix fixe dining experi- 13 DEGREE 7 TREADLE
23 Puppets and Storytime, 10:30 to ence and champagne toast, $75 per person. Call 16 ELITE 11 CLEANSE
11:30 a.m. at the Brevard County Bar- (321)802-5728 for reservations. 18 APPAREL 12 INITIAL
rier Island Center, 8385 S. Hwy A1A, Melbourne 21 NEIGHBOURHOOD 14 EXPIRES
Beach. Solutions from Games Pages 22 ENLISTS 15 FAMOUS
Sanctuaries/BarrierIslandSanctuary in December 14, 2017 Edition 23 STYLE 17 ETHOS
23 Candlelight Shopping in Downtown 20 LODGE
Melbourne, 5 to 9 p.m. with Santa
Claus, Carolers, Horse and Carriage and more.

23 Holly Jolly Christmas with the Wicked
Garden Gnomes, 9:30 p.m. at Lou’s
Blues Upstairs, 3191 N. Hwy A1A, Indialantic.

24 Surfing Santas Cocoa Beach, 8 a.m. to Sudoku Page 2468 Sudoku PPaaggee 2479 CrosswordPPage 4286 Crossword Page 4279 (2B OR NOT 2B)
noon, watch hundreds of surfers dressed


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Pool home near ocean
awaits new owners

1910 Cedar Lane in Melbourne Beach: 4-bedroom, 3-bath, 2,404-square-foot pool home near beach
offered for $499,000 by Treasure Coast Sotheby’s broker associate Gibbs Baum: 321-432-2009

34 Thursday, December 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Pristine pool home near ocean awaits new owners

STORY BY GEORGE WHITE STAFF WRITER dian River Lagoon. The Spessard Hol- and well-maintained back lawn. wanted a higher ceiling in the living
[email protected] land Golf Course and downtown Mel- “It’s ready to turn over to another room. When we added on we made
bourne Beach shopping and dining sure there was ample closet space,’’
A perfect location for an active are just minutes away. family. We’ve done our time,” Sue she said.
family, the four-bedroom, three- Sherry said. “Our kids have graduat-
bathroom split-floor-plan home at After living in the home for 14 years, ed. Somebody else should use it.’’ The combined kitchen, dining
1910 Cedar Lane in Melbourne Beach starting with three kids in elementary room and breakfast area open up the
is ready for new residents to move in school who have now gone to college The Sherrys expanded the home visual impact of the home’s spacious
and begin enjoying the enviable is- to start lives of their own, sellers Sue in 2007, adding a living room with a interior. The breakfast area has dou-
vaulted ceiling and a bedroom with

land lifestyle of Melbourne Beach on Sherry and her husband Chris have full bath along the front of the home ble glass doors that lead out to a large
Florida’s famed Space Coast. decided to downsize. while keeping the same architectural covered lanai. The swimming pool
style with arches in the entrance and has direct access to a full bathroom.
The charming ranch-style home They are satisfied they made full interior.
with vaulted ceilings is walking use of the home located on a on a large The master suite is oversized with
distance from Gemini Elementary .28 acre corner lot featuring a fenced “We expanded it to make it livable a master bathroom suite with twin
School and the Flutie athletic fields, backyard providing maximum pri- for us. We tried to incorporate the vanity sinks with granite counter-
and close to both the beach and In- vacy for the freeform swimming pool original architectural style and we tops, showers and walk-in closets.

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 21, 2017 35



“It’s 15 by 15 feet so there’s enough people,’’ she said. pocket doors between bedroom and Year built: 1975,
room for a couch as well as a bed. We Other interior features include common living areas with tile/wood renovated in 2007
made it so at least you have to room flooring throughout. The kitchen has
to sit when you have a house full of plantation shutters, tongue-in-groove black granite countertops. Bedrooms: 4
ceiling effect in the family room, Bathrooms: 3
Construction: concrete block
Square footage: 2,404 square
feet under air, 2,888 under roof
Acreage: .28
Additional features: Large,
beautiful lanai for indoor/out-
door living with patio and free-
form swimming pool; wooden
privacy fence; vaulted ceiling in
living room; plantation shutters;
granite countertops and break-
fast nook in kitchen; attached
two-car garage
Listing agency:
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s
International Realty
Listing agent:
Gibbs Baum, 321-432-2009
Listing price: $499,000

36 Thursday, December 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Sue Sherry said they have enjoyed the open as-
pect of the floor plan for family events, with each
group having its own space while having a room
large enough to hold the entire family for holiday
gatherings. They also liked the privacy of the spilt
floor plan, with kids’ rooms located on the other
side of the home from the master suite.

Non-traditional with a cozy feel and livable for
children as well as adults, the Sherrys leave behind
a very desirable home located in one of the most
family-friendly areas on Brevard’s barrier island.

“It’s very flexible but there’s a lot of privacy as
well,’’ she said.

The home is being offered by Treasure Coast So-
theby’s broker associate Gibbs Baum for $499,000. 


STORY BY MICHELE LERNER WASHINGTON POST Rick Sharga, chief marketing officer of Rand, chief executive of OwnAmerica, diversify with an investment in an-
Ten-X, an online real estate market- a Charlotte-based brokerage for inves- other market, just in case job growth
When Arlington resident Jesse Shap- place based in Irvine, Calif., that owns tors of single-family rental homes. declines and rental demand drops at
iro wanted to diversify his investment “Most people focus on some point.”
portfolio with real estate, he recog- buying property cheaply, but if you “The yield is what matters with real
nized quickly that he didn’t want to plan to become a landlord, then price estate investing, and if the property Roofstock recently developed a
buy a place in the Washington area. is less of an issue. In that case, cash prices are too high or the rent isn’t high “Neighborhood Ratings” index that
flow is most important, and you want enough, you can’t get a good return,” compiles information on a variety of
“Housing costs in this region are to buy something that will be ready to Rand says. “For many people, that factors such as income, crime, schools,
prohibitive, and I didn’t want to risk rent quickly and for more than your means investing in a place that they property values and the nature of the
buying something that’s 10 times the costs.” are semi-comfortable with, such as a housing stock to help investors com-
median price of a home in other parts place where they have vacationed or pare neighborhoods when buying re-
of the country,” Shapiro says. “At the There are 19 million single-family have some kind of connection.” motely.
same time, it can be difficult to invest house rentals in the United States, ac-
long-distance if you don’t know enough cording to “Landlord Land,” a white It’s essential to understand the char- “We sell single-family homes that
about other real estate markets.” paper produced in February by Irvine, acteristics of any market before you in- are tenant-occupied and provide in-
Calif.-based ATTOM Data Solutions vest, such as the trends for job growth vestors with 3-D tours, a home inspec-
With the help of Roofstock, an online and Reno, Nev.-based Clear Capital. and population growth, Rand says. tion and demographic projections that
real estate investment platform, Shap- The vast majority of the rentals – 79 help break down the geographic barri-
iro and his wife purchased a single- percent – are owned by small-time “Historically, 70 percent of people er to investing,” Beasley says. “We have
family house in a suburb of Raleigh, landlords with only one or two proper- buy an investment property within an advisers in different markets, as well as
N.C., in January. ties. hour of their home because it’s con- data to make it easier for investors.”
venient and they know the area,” says
The decision to buy locally or long Most people are more comfort- Gary Beasley, chief executive of Roof- A real estate agent can help you
distance is one of many to make if you able investing in a local market, but stock in Oakland, Calif. “That’s fine if evaluate the market and will also know
want to join the world of real estate in- sometimes you can’t get a reasonable you live in a market with good rental about whether rents are going up or
vestors. The first essential decision is return on your investment, says Greg demand, and there’s no danger of a down, Sharga says.
to determine whether you want to buy recession. But it makes more sense to
and flip a property or invest for long- Beasley says investors are particu-
term appreciation and cash flow from larly interested in buying in less cost-
rents. ly markets, such as Florida, Atlanta,
Texas, North Carolina and Las Vegas,
According to the National Associa- especially when they live in high-cost
tion of Realtors’ 2017 Investment and housing markets.
Vacation Home Buyers Survey, invest-
ment home purchases rose 4.5 per- “When you invest in rental property,
cent in 2016 to 1.14 million, up from it’s best to start modestly with a prop-
1.09 million in 2015. The survey found erty on the fringes of development
that most individual investors bought that’s not super-expensive but is in the
property to generate income in recog- path of progress,” says Dave Hawkins,
nition of the demand for single-family managing broker of McEnearney As-
house rentals. sociates in Alexandria. Hawkins pur-
chased two townhouses as an invest-
“If you want to invest in real estate, ment when he was in his 30s with the
you need to know your strategy,” says

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 21, 2017 37


goal of using the properties to pay for ing the purchase,” says Shapiro, who to be a landlord,” Hawkins says. “It can on a real estate investment,” he says.
college tuition for his children. made a 25 percent down payment on be a hassle and inconvenient, so if you F● requent vacancies: Turnover is the
the approximately $100,000 property. want to avoid that, you should hire a
“We bought places where we could property management company.” fastest way to fail, Rand says. Land-
drive, so I could handle the property Rand says investors must do a cost­ lords need to screen their tenants to
management,” Hawkins says. “It’s im- benefit analysis, starting with an esti- Most long-distance investors need make sure they have the means to pay
portant to talk to a Realtor who can mate of the annual rent, minus 5 per- a property-management company the rent and good credit. “One of the
give you advice about the neighbor- cent for anticipated vacancies. They to handle tenant issues and mainte- biggest risks is in the length of time
hood and what could impact it, such as should then subtract all expenses, nance. Typically, property manage- your rental stays vacant,” Sharga says.
businesses moving in or out and plans such as taxes, insurance, homeowners ment companies charge about 8 per-
for public transportation.” association dues, property manage- cent of the rent, Rand says. C● hasing too-high returns: Rand says
ment fees and maintenance costs, es- you should expect returns in the mid-
Although some investors pay cash timated at 10 percent of the gross rent He says technology has made it eas- single digits. “This is a get rich slowly
for their property, many finance the to generate your net operating income. ier for people to invest long-distance, proposition,” he says. “If you’re trying
purchase. because there are national property to get quicker returns, you’re likely to
The return on your investment is management companies with branch- buy a lower priced property and have
Beasley says the Federal National calculated by dividing your net oper- es in multiple markets that can con- more turnover. It’s better to buy a qual-
Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) ating income by your mortgage pay- nect automatically with tenants and ity home in an area with good schools
and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage ment. For example, if you purchase a owners. where people will stay longer.”
Corp. (Freddie Mac) guidelines require $100,000 property and your profit is
a 20 percent down payment for an in- $6,000, then your return on your in- Roofstock provides investors with a T● hinking short-term: Beasley says
vestment loan. Typically, the interest vestment is 6 percent. If your property list of two or three property managers investors need to look at rental proper-
rate is slightly higher on investment goes up in value, then your return on in the market where they are purchas- ty as a long-term investment that can
loans, such as 4.5 percent when owner- your investment is even higher. ing a home, including their fees. The build wealth over time. “You’re buying
occupied loans are at 4.0 percent. chosen property manager then coordi- through different real estate cycles,
Your financial evaluation should nates directly with the investor. but if you don’t have too much debt,
“Roofstock provided the underwrit- also include the property condition you don’t need to worry about selling
ing information I needed to invest and estimate of when you may need to Although real estate investing can even if the property value declines,”
long-distance, including market anal- replace appliances, heating or plumb- be profitable, there are four main pit- says Beasley. “Keep in mind that even if
ysis, appraisals and home-inspection ing systems or the roof. falls investors should avoid: home values drop, rents usually don’t.
reports,” says Shapiro, who picked his This can be a good hedge in the event
investment property by looking at a va- If you’re a local landlord, you can B● eing over-leveraged: If your mort- of another real estate downturn.”
riety of factors, such as the estimated manage your property yourself if you gage is too high and the rent barely
value if he would need to sell within have the time and the skills to main- covers your expenses, you could lose Whether you are investing in prop-
five years, the forecast for the rent and tain it. However, you also then need to money if your tenant doesn’t pay one erty long-distance or locally, it’s im-
information on the property’s tenant. screen your own tenants and handle month. Rand recommends keeping 10 portant to make sure you are comply-
their rent payments. percent of the gross annual rent in a ing with local laws and with the rules
“When I reviewed the return on in- separate account for maintenance and of a homeowners association. 
vestment I included the cost of financ- “You need to have the right attitude reserves. “Don’t spend your last dollar

38 Thursday, December 21, 2017 THE MELBOURNE Barrier Island Newsweekly


Real Estate Sales on South Brevard island: Dec. 8 to Dec. 14

Real estate activity began to slow a speck in mid-December in island ZIP codes 32951, 32903 and 32937.
Melbourne Beach led the way on a quiet week with 6 sales, Satellite Beach reported 5, and Indialantic and
Indian Harbour Beach reported 3 each.
The top sale was of Indian River Oaks oceanfront home in Melbourne Beach. The home at 9095 South
Highway A1A was placed on the market June 19 for $1.199 million. The sale closed Dec. 11 for $1.01
The seller in the transaction was represented by David Settgast of Treasure Coast Sotheby’s. The purchaser
was represented by Karen Coville of Exp Realty.



HARBOR EAST SEC 3 AM 400 RIVERVIEW LN 4/26/2017 $789,900 $769,900 12/14/2017 $605,000
LECUME DE MER OF MEL 3045 S HIGHWAY A1A 501 7/18/2017 $695,000 $695,000 12/8/2017 $480,000
SUNNYLAND BEACH S7 418 ARROWHEAD LN 11/6/2016 $574,000 $525,000 12/11/2017


INDIALANTIC HGHTS 2 515 BAHAMA DR 11/2/2017 $364,982 $364,982 12/11/2017 $360,000
ASPINWALL 3431 TITANIC CIR 23 7/13/2017 $325,000 $279,900 12/11/2017 $275,000
OCEAN SD VIL P2 3226 ARGO CT 5/22/2017 $264,900 $255,000 12/13/2017 $254,000


HARBOUR ISLES 1ST AD 516 ANDROS LN 7/13/2017 $645,000 $625,000 12/8/2017 $590,000
MONTECITO PHASE 1B 709 MONTEREY DR 7/1/2017 $509,470 $475,000 12/8/2017 $475,000
OCEAN WALK CONDO 2225 HIGHWAY A1A 411 5/26/2017 $429,900 $410,000 12/8/2017 $395,000

Barrier Island Newsweekly THE MELBOURNE Thursday, December 21, 2017 39


Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.

Subdivision: Lecume De Mer of Mel, Address: 3045 S Highway A1A 501 Subdivision: Harbor East Sec 3 AM, Address: 400 Riverview Ln

Listing Date: 7/18/2017 Listing Date: 4/26/2017
Original Price: $695,000 Original Price: $789,900
Recent Price: $695,000 Recent Price: $769,900
Sold: 12/8/2017 Sold: 12/14/2017
Selling Price: $605,000 Selling Price: $750,000
Listing Agent: David Settgast Listing Agent: Maureen & Joseph Mignone

Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate, Inc

Rachel Bowen Joyce Hathaway

Keller Williams Realty,Brevard RE/MAX Aerospace Realty

Subdivision: Indialantic Heights 2, Address: 515 Bahama Dr Subdivision: Indian Hrbr Bch S9, Address: 125 Anona Pl

Listing Date: 11/2/2017 Listing Date: 6/7/2017
Original Price: $364,982 Original Price: $296,625
Recent Price: $364,982 Recent Price: $260,000
Sold: 12/11/2017 Sold: 12/12/2017
Selling Price: $360,000 Selling Price: $245,000
Listing Agent: Marcie Bolt Listing Agent: Barbara Zorn

Selling Agent: Tropic Coast Realty Selling Agent: Better Homes & Gardens RE Star

Carol Jander Christopher Wall

85 & Sunny Real Estate,PA Coldwell Banker Paradise

Subdivision: Montecito Phase 1B, Address: 709 Monterey Dr

Listing Date: 7/1/2017
Original Price: $509,470
Recent Price: $475,000
Sold: 12/8/2017
Selling Price: $475,000
Listing Agent: Victoria McKune &
Vanna Rickard
Selling Agent:
Florida Peninsula Property Mgmt LLC

David Cable

RE/MAX Interactive

Subdivision: Waterway Estates 2nd, Address: 450 N Neptune Dr N

Listing Date: 9/29/2017
Original Price: $269,900
Recent Price: $259,900
Sold: 12/12/2017
Selling Price: $253,000
Listing Agent: Melanie Schrader

Selling Agent: Real Estate Direct Brevard

Carol Freese

Coldwell Banker Paradise





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