Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 4, 2016 51
ACROSS 75 Adept one 4 Round Table 66 Lime-laced The Washington Post
76 Destalinization knight cocktail
1 Feelings of WHAT A BIG BABY By Merl Reagle
hunger guy 5 Fawn’s father 67 Go limp
77 ___ kwon do 6 Style for Erté 68 Intro to bat or
6 MD’s lobby 80 One of 7 Butt of Buddy
9 Carroll’s director phobia
Chekhov’s Sorrell’s jokes 69 Remain edible
in Baby Doll “Three Sisters” 8 Chopping-spree 72 Take for granted
13 Mfr.’s people 81 Relief for 73 Went after
17 Parade attraction lightheadedness? need 74 President after
18 Myron 84 “Amen to that!” 9 River of Spain
85 “Ventilated” shoe 10 Ease (up) Grant
(Breckinridge) 86 Musical interval 11 “... more, but 76 Beethoven’s last
portrayer Reed that’s also called
19 Commuting woe an augmented enjoying ___” symphony
22 Motorist’s fourth 12 Travel guide 77 Changed course
concern 88 “What”s the 13 Thinker 78 Straighten
24 Kitchen ___?” 79 “Weird Al”
weapons, 89 [Ignore the Descartes
in the comics correction] 14 One of P.T.’s Yankovic spoof of
26 Old exclamation 90 Reason for a Michael
27 Like a certain feeling twins Jackson song
spoonbill out-of-touch 15 Energy 82 “___ la vie”
28 Old cry of 93 Something often 16 Space flix 83 NYC subway
disapproval unwise to incur 20 Matched? initials
29 Picker preceder 96 Standup comic 21 Mend 84 Isabella
31 1992 cartoon role Margaret 23 Remnant Rossellini’s mom
for 97 Reply to a knock 25 Get the picture 87 Tiny, as a
98 Hazel creator 27 Lockhart’s “ace schoolhouse
Robin Williams Key 90 Full of risk
34 Prophet add-on 99 Fisherman’s of spies” 91 Field-goal kicker’s
35 Ill will throwback, 29 C.S. Lewis land mate
37 Questionable maybe 30 Chilean novelist 92 Bellicose
100 Sailed into announcement
moves shallow water Allende 93 Director Craven
40 “Adios, Aldo” 103 Some are 32 Auras 94 Snorkeling site
42 Sixty minutes, in tributarios 33 Stern with a bow 95 Animated
105 With 113 Across, 35 Japanese chipmunk
Milan dieter’s progress 96 Go by the
43 Oddity report electronics co. numbers
44 Milton works 108 Temperament 36 Frost bit? 100 “Wonder skunk”
47 One way to be switch 37 Places for solar of early Siskel
113 See 105 Across and Ebert shows
released 114 Early showman’s panels 101 The Astros, on
49 Homeowner’s first name 38 Book after Ezekiel scoreboards
115 Lash of old 39 Shelley Duvall 102 Renamed oil co.
worry westerns 104 1952 Olympics
53 Hot-sounding 116 Eye of ___ role city
(cauldron morsel) 40 The heat, to Little 106 Early garden
Italian surname 117 Newcomer dweller
54 Like some stairs 118 Tiara component Caesar 107 Just arrived
119 Speechify 41 Caught ___ (done 108 Factory work:
or stares abbr.
55 Rhythmically DOWN for, whether man 109 World Cup chant
1 Army one-striper: or mouse) 110 Glass of This
keep 44 Plumber’s gadget American Life
time with abbr. 45 Actress Garr 111 Crackpot
56 Shout from the 2 Palindromic menu 46 Crispness 112 “I did not know
bleachers 48 Small African that!”
57 Mozart’s nemesis phrase antelope
60 Salt ___ 3 Hide / hair link 50 Cinco + tres
61 Calumet 51 Early king of
62 Insurance option Norway
67 O. Henry 52 Part of GWTW
contemporary 58 Project, as
70 Fred or Ginger, goodwill
e.g. 59 Tightly tangled
71 Popeye’s secret 60 Part of a TV: abbr.
weapon 61 Prison-related
63 Weapon in Clue
64 It means “outer”
65 Lacerate
The Telegraph
52 Vero Beach 32963 / August 4, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Ink stink: Hubby-to-be hates his fiancée’s tattoo
BY CAROLYN HAX Dear 'Tattoo Tantrum': is done. But your opinion on this isn’t just strong –
Washington Post Ooh, you guys have some talking to do. it’s throwing off hate sparks. “Low-life, trailer-trash
I’m sure people are going to make an argument graffiti of the body”? Yikes.
Dear Carolyn, for just letting the issue drop, because what’s done
So imagine my surprise when And you believe she owed you a consultation
I got home to discover my fian- that you feel insulted not to have gotten … and you
cée had lovingly had my name can’t bear the thought that your kids might get tat-
tattooed in a private area of her toos … and now we’re beyond mere ink and into
body. values. If I were about to marry someone with the
For me, tattoos represent low- opinions you both expressed and implied here,
life, trailer-trash graffiti of the then I’d want to know about it, even if I had just
body. To be fair, I don’t recall ever having discussed gotten his name painfully inked on my [redacted].
my views of such with her, so I tried to feign some en-
thusiasm: “Wow, honey, I can’t believe you did that. In hopes that you have more in common philo-
I feel so … honored.” However, privately, I’m really sophically than it sounds, here’s a suggested open-
kind of bummed out about it, and the prospect of er: “I know you meant this as about as intimate
watching that thing age and stretch over the years is a gift as you could give, and I want to love it that
totally turning me off. way. You deserve to know, though, that I have a real
No, I won’t break off the engagement over this, but problem with tattoos.”
what on earth do I do to not be repulsed by this go-
ing forward, and how do I make sure it never happens No hedging to keep the peace: Admit that you:
again? If it becomes a habit, I really might not be able dislike how tattoos look; judge and make class as-
to go forward, and I wouldn’t want any future kids to sumptions about people who have them; think
think it’s OK because Mommy has it. you’re owed a say in her body and appearance; ve-
What also bothers me is that she went ahead and hemently do not want your children to get tattoos
did it without even consulting with me. Yeah, her themselves.
body is her own, but still, we’re going to spend the rest
of our lives together and it seems kind of insulting to Have you thought ahead, by the way, to when
make such a dramatic decision without even a con- they’re 18? 21? If they get tattoos, will you shun
versation (although it was meant to surprise me and them, withdraw financial support, take every
make me happy). Ugh! chance to express your dismay?
– Tattoo Tantrum
Or, because they’re your children, will you come
around to letting people change your mind about
ink vs. ink changing your mind about people?
If that’s a possibility, then please get a jump on it
now – due respect for the woman you love.
The West Indian Manatee is a creature of endless fas- Florida Manatees
cination, an endangered species growing to mammoth can grow to more than
sizes yet behaving in gentlest possible manner.
3,000 pounds
There are two subspecies of the West Indian Manatee,
the Antillean or Caribbean manatee and the Florida BY STEVEN M. THOMAS
manatee. The Florida manatee is the larger of the two.
While the underwater grazing mammals generally grow NATURE
to about 10-12 feet in length and weigh between 1,000
and 1,200 pounds, individuals have been found that are
longer than 15 feet and weigh more than 3,000 pounds.
All that bulk is sustained by a delicate diet of seagrass
here and elsewhere, or at least it was, until most of the
seagrass in the Indian River lagoon was killed off by a
series of destructive algae blooms several years ago.
Recently manatees in the lagoon have died from eating
toxic seaweed when no seagrass was available.
Despite threats posed by boats and pollution, manatees
still inhabit the Indian River Lagoon in large numbers,
adding to the waterway’s unique ecology and status as
one of the most biodiverse estuaries in the United States.
While people in many places might go a lifetime without
seeing one of these extraordinary animals, residents of
the barrier island are privileged to see them frequent-
ly. They vie with bottlenose dolphins for the title of the
most charismatic megafauna in the lagoon. Hopefully,
their presence here and people’s desire to preserve them
will help spur action reverse the decline of the lagoon
and restore it to ecological health.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / August 4, 2016 53
Lineisy Montero, the new supermodel turning fashion on its head
BY EMILY CRONIN ion insiders view its collections as the 1980s have made natural hair their in fashion shows, all the models were
bellwethers, so too do they scrutinize trademark, but lately many black mod- blonde with straight hair, but now
The Telegraph its cast of models for the look that will els have used extensions and chemical there are always two or three morenas
define the season. Montero stood processes to attain a smooth, straight [women with dark complexions] with
With a face straight out of a Modi- out, not only for her new-face status, look. Montero’s progress has opened natural hair. But there’s still a little
gliani painting, perhaps Lineisy Mon- but for her hair. She was the only one the door for others to adopt more nat- way to go.”
tero, 20, was always going to be in of 42 models who swished down the ural styles. “I’ve noticed a little posi-
the spotlight. A mere 18 months after runway without a slick ponytail, in- tive change,” Montero says. “Before, Any analysis of Montero’s look must
her first catwalk show, she is one of stead maintaining her natural style, a take in her almond eyes, her cheek-
the most sought-after models in the baby afro. “She didn’t look like anyone bones that are almost a parody of per-
industry. For autumn/winter 2016, else,” says casting director Ashley Bro- fect cheekbones, her café con leche
she walked in 61 shows; she has also kaw, “and I thought for that collection complexion, her willowy proportions,
scooped major campaigns (Prada, she would really stand out in a great and yes, that hair. She is beautiful,
Givenchy, Chanel) and covers (i-D, way.” sure – but more significantly she’s
Teen Vogue, Dazed). “Everyone asks look-again interesting, and in com-
for her,” says Carine Roitfeld, who has By choosing Montero, Brokaw and mand of an ethnic ambiguity that
featured Montero in CR Fashion Book. designer Miuccia Prada ushered in a plays well in a globalized market of
“She always has a big smile because more inclusive runway vision. “The luxury clients. Women in London,
she feels confident in her job, and timing was just right for the fashion Buenos Aires, Mumbai, Shanghai and
she’s doing very well.’” world to be ready to embrace a black beyond can look at Montero and relate
woman with an afro,” says Elle UK to her, imagining themselves in that
“You’ve got to seize the moment,” fashion features director Kenya Hunt. coat, that dress, those shoes.
Montero says, speaking Spanish on “It was a transformative moment in
the phone from her London hotel that it gave the rest of fashion permis- This versatility ensures her longev-
room. “That’s what I’m really trying to sion to fully embrace black beauty ity, says Amanda Bretherton, presi-
do, as much as possible.” in all its variations.” Certainly, black dent of Next London, Montero’s Brit-
models such as Bethann Hardison in ish agency.
Lineisy Montero Feliz grew up in the 1970s and Roshumba Williams in
Santo Domingo, the capital of the “She has a natural ability, a work
Dominican Republic, raised by her ethos like no other and a gratitude
mother and grandmother along with that makes clients want to work with
two younger siblings. As a child, she her over and over again.”
dreamed of working in fashion – al-
beit as a designer rather than a mod-
el. “I loved designers like Oscar de
la Renta and Dolce & Gabbana, and
used to look at them and think, ‘Wow,
one day.’” (She has since appeared in
shows for both houses.)
Scouted in an amusement park at
the age of 14, she waited four years
before her mother would allow her
to sign with an international agency.
Within months she was boarding an
airplane for the first time and fly-
ing to Milan to make her runway de-
but in the autumn/winter 2015 Prada
show. “I was super-nervous,” she says.
“I started thinking, ‘What if I faint?
What if I fall over?’ It was all so new.”
Prada is a kingmaker. Just as fash-
54 Vero Beach 32963 / August 4, 2016 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Shining a light on Hillary’s decision to wear white
BY EMMA SPEDDING messages regarding her campaign.
The Telegraph Clinton stepped away from Demo-
Hillary Clinton made history last crat blue and patriotic red pantsuits
week when she accepted the Dem- that she has favored throughout the
ocratic presidential nomination. campaign so far, and instead opted for
While this moment was about so a sharp, White House-white suit. It was
much more than what she was wear- elegant, sleek and polished, making
ing, Clinton knows that everything her look presidential, but the simple
down to the color of her jacket has white cut and matching top also didn’t
significance and is an important distract from the thing she wanted the
branding tool to communicate key world to focus on: her powerful speech.
She might have opted for white to
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / August 4, 2016 55
In 1914 suffragists march in the United States
in order to get women the right to vote.
stand out against the shower of red in purple, white and green when pro- ten lent or gifted fashion items, Clin- about accepting that sleight of hand is
and blue balloons, knowing that this testing, used fashion to create a clear, ton’s campaign pays for her clothes,” involved. It’s a question of fixing on an
contrast of color would give the most recognizable political identity and to reports BoF. She also hired Michelle image that looks right and customiz-
impact in the photographs printed further their cause. White was worn Obama’s former aide Kristina Schake ing ourselves to it until it feels right.”
in newspapers throughout the globe. by the suffragettes to signify purity. to help shape her style and image.
However, it has also been suggested One woman trying to make a point
that the color white was a nod to her Whether she intended to reference Clinton has created a consistent po- that we can notice – and comment on
making history as a woman, and get- the suffragettes or not, there is cer- litical uniform, wearing block color – Hillary Clinton’s outfit is the owner
ting one step closer to being the first tainly a marketing strategy to every pantsuits throughout her presiden- of the Instagram account @hillarys-
female president of the United States. outfit Hillary Clinton wears during tial campaign. “Far from making her treetstyle. The Instagrammer, who
her campaign, devised by the very seem trivial, Clinton’s subsequent has chosen to remain anonymous,
“What an incredible honor that best in the industry. According to detours, albeit succinct, into fashion has poured through the archives to
you have given me, and I can’t believe Business of Fashion, one of the advis- chit-chat have helped her seem more find pictures of Clinton dressed like
we just put the biggest crack in that ers in camp Clinton orchestrating her rounded, less touchy,” The Telegraph’s style icons on the red carpet, includ-
glass ceiling yet,” Clinton said at the image for these key moments is Anna Fashion Director Lisa Armstrong has ing Angelina Jolie, Victoria Beckham,
Democratic National Convention in Wintour, Vogue’s editor in chief. “On argued previously about why we need Grace Kelly and more. The Instagram-
Philadelphia. A number of people on certain occasions, Wintour has ap- to accept that what Hillary Clinton mer explained to Vanity Fair that she
Twitter noted that her white pantsuit proached designers to procure out- wears does matter. “But authentic? ... hopes that fashion can become an ac-
can also be seen as a classic symbol fits for Clinton, who has settled into Surely for most of us finding a work- cepted part of our dialogue about pol-
of feminism. The American and Brit- a uniform of brightly colored pant- able mode of power-dressing (and we itics: “I think hopefully, particularly if
ish women in the suffragette move- suits and jackets by U.S. designers. all need outfits that make us look as she has a second term, maybe she can
ment, who often wore smart outfits Unlike many celebrities, who are of- though we know what we’re doing) is just wear what she wants for once.”
56 Vero Beach 32963 / August 4, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
First Bites: The Chubby Mullet Bar and Grill
Driving up U.S. 1 toward Melbourne, Stuffed Chubby Inlet Shrimp Taco. Conch Spring Rolls.
you can’t help but crack a smile when, Clams.
just across the San Sebastian River Grilled Shrimp. Mullet is something of the opposite.
bridge, you encounter a roadside sign Grilled Hog There’s not as much as you might ex-
with a huge jumping mullet – a very Snapper. favorites we didn’t try was the Mahi pect to look at, but it offers creative,
Chubby Mullet. Reuben ($12), which sounded like a well-prepared food.
($11). You get a choice of two sides with good lunchtime choice.
We wondered if this new restaurant the entrées. I welcome your comments, and en-
actually served mullet, since you are Prices: Entrée prices run from $16 courage you to send feedback to me at
more likely to spot this small, ubiq- The tacos consisted of three tortillas to $22.50 for a New York strip steak. [email protected].
uitous-but-hard-to-catch fish jump- filled with rock shrimp and shrimp, Dinner for two with an appetizer, an
ing as it is chased by larger fish than shredded lettuce, manchego cheese entrée, a dessert, and a couple of beers The reviewer dines anonymously
you are to see it on local menus. So and diced tomatoes, with sour cream, or glasses of wine, would probably run at restaurants at the expense of Vero
we stopped in recently to check the salsa and optional guacamole on the $80 to $100 before tax and tip. Beach 32963.
Chubby Mullet out. side. Not bad.
Initial impressions: Ever go to a The Chubby Mullet
No, there was no fried mullet to be But the fresh catch on this visit was waterfront restaurant where the am- Bar and Grill
had on this visit – though they have it hog snapper – a beautiful piece of fish, biance and views were great, but the
on occasion. But there were a variety of perfectly grilled, and served with sides food not very good? Well, the Chubby Hours:
other fish and seafood offerings, some of sautéed spinach and garlic mashed Daily, 11 am to 9 pm
of them pretty darn good. potatoes. And the large platter of
grilled shrimp, accompanied by beans Adult Beverages:
Headline news: The Chubby Mullet and rice, was very tasty. Beer and wine
is a very casual eatery, located on the
north side of the Sebastian Inlet Ma- For dessert, we tried “Grandma’s” Address:
rina. The food is served using plastic Key Lime pie. I don’t know who grand- 8685 U.S. Highway 1,
dishes and utensils (ostensibly to pro- ma is, but her tart pie is a great rendi-
tect the lagoon from harsh commercial tion of this Florida favorite. Micco, Florida
dish washing chemicals). While the
Chubby Mullet is “on the lagoon” and Drink: The Chubby Mullet is more Phone: 772-228-8265
you can see the lagoon if seated at the of a beer than a wine place – with a very
bar, most of the views do not shout sce- limited selection of wines. Happy hour
nic waterfront restaurant. gets you two-for-one deals from 3 to 6
Look & Feel: This is a small place
decorated in muted colors, with a lot Service: Our server Elizabeth was
of wood, and huge “fish art” on the very attentive, and suggested several
walls. It has an outside eating area dishes we enjoyed. The only one of her
that includes a couple of picnic tables
that would be fine for lunch with the
kids – or for listening to live music on
weekend evenings – but the outside
ambiance is not so much waterfront
as it is asphalt chain link fence. It is
not a place many would pick to dine
al fresco.
Food: On our visit, our party of three
sampled the chowder of the day, two
appetizers, and three entrées.
The appetizers we tried were the
conch spring rolls ($10) and the stuffed
chubby clams ($10). The lightly fried
spring rolls were filled with a tasty mix
of ground conch, red and yellow pep-
pers, onions, cilantro and lime juice.
Quite good. And the stuffed clams
were great, loaded with clams, man-
chego cheese, bacon and homemade
bread crumbs. Highly recommended.
Not recommended, on the other
hand, was the so-called New England
clam chowder ($3), which bore no re-
semblance to anything ever encoun-
tered in the Northeast.
Then for main courses, we tried the
fresh catch of the day (market price),
the grilled shrimp dinner ($18), and In-
let tacos with rock shrimp and shrimp
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 4, 2016 57
Modern Chinese secret: Ao Yun, a ‘world-class’ wine
The Washington Post
Not every wine needs a story, but translates as “floating over the clouds.” mentation tanks did not arrive at the leased in September, is cabernet sau-
here’s one with a doozy to tell. It’s called Specialists trained the local farmers in new winery in time, and barrels only vignon blended with 10 percent cab-
Ao Yun, it’s produced near Shangri-La modern methods of viticulture, com- the next March, so the wine began ernet franc. It is supple and energetic,
in remote southwestern China, and it’s municating in Mandarin, Tibetan and its life in amphorae. “All my career I carrying deep black-fruit flavors and
amazingly good. When it’s released in English. The company has built a win- have stressed modernity in winemak- a refreshing acidity that disguises its
the United States in September, it will ery there and began planting 27 acres ing,” says Prats, who was formerly rather high (15 percent) alcohol by
cost $300 a bottle. Maybe more. of new vineyards in 2014. chief winemaker at Bordeaux’s Cos volume. I tasted my sample two hours
d’Estournel. after decanting; it was ripe and lush,
If you just spat out your morning cof- To get to the site, one flies to Shan- yet without the fatness and overripe
fee with a howl of laughter, no matter. gri-La city, at an altitude of nearly “Here we were making wine as it was flavors that afflict so many high-end
This wine is not for everybody. Only 12,000 feet, and then drives more than done in Roman times. Yet when we first New World cabernets.
500 of the 2,300 cases produced will be four hours through the mountains. tasted it after fermentation, we realized
allocated to the American market, and Prats explained how the geography we did not just make a Chinese wine: And it kept getting better – a sign of a
initially it will be available only through shapes the wine’s character. The air is We had made a world-class wine.” lively wine that should have a long life.
four retailers: one in New York, one in clean and dry, so there is no need for It lived up to its name, and its story.
Washington, one in San Francisco and fungicides, herbicides or even pesti- The 2013 Ao Yun, the wine to be re-
one in Los Angeles. cides. Mountain runoff allows vint-
ners to apply just as much irrigation as
“The idea is to give collectors in the the vines may need.
U.S. and Europe a chance to buy it be-
fore it becomes available in China,” Meili mountain, considered sacred
says Jean-Guillaume Prats, president by the local people, towers over the
of the wine division of Moët Hennessy, vineyards and blocks the sun: During
part of the LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis the crucial ripening period, the vine-
Vuitton conglomerate of luxury brands. yards are in sunlight for only about
“There is already great speculative de- six hours a day. That slows photosyn-
mand for this wine in China.” thesis and stretches the ripening well
into November. Once the sun disap-
Sometimes wine’s allure is not pears behind the mountain, the tem-
so much its flavor or its alcohol as a perature drops swiftly and dramati-
sense of adventure – a uniqueness cally. That preserves acidity in the
that promises an experience only a grapes and toughens the skins, help-
few willing people can share. Ao Yun ing color development.
is that kind of wine.
Because of the altitude, the wine is
About a decade ago, Christophe exposed to less oxygen during fermen-
Navarre, the chief executive of Moët tation, which Prats says will help it age.
Hennessy, decided to make red wine He recommends decanting it for sever-
in China, Prats told me in a recent in- al hours before drinking to add a little
terview. oxygen back to the wine.
Winemaking efforts in China, in- The first vintage wasn’t easy. Fer-
spired by the huge potential domestic
market, have centered on two regions,
each with significant problems: Shan-
dong peninsula in the east, where it
rains a lot, and Ningxia in the north-
central area, where vine trunks need
to be buried after harvest to protect
them from harsh winters. Navarre
sent a vineyard specialist to China to
find a suitable growing region with
the proper climate.
The answer was Yunnan province,
which borders Tibet, Myanmar and
Vietnam and where the Mekong River
snakes through the mountains at more
than 6,560 feet above sea level. Vines
had been planted in the region by Jesuit
missionaries in the 1840s, and, surpris-
ingly, newer plantings of Bordeaux va-
rieties were placed there in 2002.
“I still haven’t found the person who
thought cabernet sauvignon would
work in such a place,” Prats said. But
in 2013, Moët Hennessy used grapes
from 47 acres planted at altitudes rang-
ing from 7,875 feet to 8,530 feet to cre-
ate its first vintage of Ao Yun, which
58 Vero Beach 32963 / August 4, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Vero & Casual Dining
3500 Ocean Drive,Vero Beach, FL 32963 | 772.469.1060 | HeatonsReef
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 4, 2016 59
Vero & Casual Dining
Thai & Japanese Cuisine Live Music and Jazz
Tues – Thurs, 6 pm - 9 pm
Beer, Wine, Sake & Fri & Sat, 6 pm - 10 pm
Full Liquor Bar
$2 Off Martini Tuesdays
Dine in & Take Out
Mon - Sat 11:30am - 3 pm
Nightly 4:30 pm -10 pm
713 17th Street|(17th Shoppes Center)
60 Vero Beach 32963 / August 4, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Vero & Casual Dining
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 4, 2016 61
EAT LOCAL. (Early)
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• Local Fish & Chips
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Mon - Fri (lunch & dinner): 11a - 9:30p | Sat (dinner only): 5:30p - 9:30p | Sun: Closed
2045 13th Avenue | Downtown Vero Beach Follow us...
(across the street from the post office in downtown Vero Beach)
62 Vero Beach 32963 / August 4, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
ONGOING and Drew Estate Cigars to benefit Hibiscus Chil- 6 One Pulse Extravaganza, 7 p.m. at Vero show to sing, dance and howl along with fea-
dren’s Center, 1:30 p.m. shotgun start followed Beach Heritage Center to benefit the One turing rock, pop and dance hits from the ’80s,
Vero Beach Museum of Art – Out of this by cocktail reception and awards ceremony at Pulse Fund for families of victims of the Orlan- ’90s and today, 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. on
World: The Art and Artists of NASA thru Sept. Smoke Inn. $100 per player. 772-562-5556 do Pulse Nightclub massacre, with live music, the Riverside Theatre Waxlax Stage, with free
25; Masters of Studio Glass thru Sept. 11; and cash bar, raffles, food and guests from Pulse. music at Live on the Loop outdoor stage. $16 -
From Exhibition to Collection thru Sept. 4. 772- 5|6 Ballet Vero Beach presents the Wyl- $20. 772-713-5520 or 917-225-1231 $22. 772-231-6990
231-0707 liams/Henry Contemporary Dance
Company to culminate the fifth annual River- 6 Runners Depot Run Vero Race Series 26|27 Vegas Nights Comedy Zone
AUGUST side Dance Festival, showcasing a collection of Twilight 2-Mile Run, 7 p.m. from MacWil- Experience with live enter-
modern dance masterworks and diversity in liam Park along shaded scenic neighborhoods. tainment inside and out, casino games and Ca-
4 Summerfest 2016, the “Best of the Best”, dance, 8 p.m. on the Stark Stage at Riverside Adults $23 - $32; 12 and under $12 to $18. ribbean poker with prizes (casino proceeds ben-
featuring Summerfest Chamber Orches- Theatre. $10-$75 772-905-2651 772-643-7010 efit Riverside Children’s Theatre programming),
tra members from international chamber or- and comedians Shaun Jones and Ryan Van Gen-
chestras joined by musicians from Symphony 6 RT Star’s Back to School Party, 10 a.m. to 2 12|13 Vegas Nights Comedy deren on Waxlax Stage at Riverside Theatre,
of the Americas, 7:30 p.m. at Christ by the Sea. p.m. on Riverside Theatre Campus in partner- Zone Experience with live 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. $16 -$18. Free Live in
$35. 772-770-4857 ship with the Education Foundation of IRC, with per- entertainment inside and out, casino games the Loop with The Beatle Guys Friday and Salsa
formances for and by kids, and interactive displays and Caribbean poker with prizes (casino pro- Dance Night Saturday. 772-231-6990
4-6 Aerial Antics Youth Circus presented to get children ready for school. Free. 772-231-6990 ceeds benefit Riverside Children’s Theatre
by City of Vero Beach Recreation programming), and comedians Frankie Paul SEPTEMBER
Department, 7 p.m. at Saint Edward’s School. 6 Riverside Dance Festival, a public show- and Lenny Travis on Waxlax Stage at Riverside
567-2144 case of the two-week dance intensive Theatre, 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. $16 -$18. Free 8 Breakfast roundtable discussion on pov-
study by Riverside Children’s Theatre students Live in the Loop with Wiley Nash Band Friday erty and hunger - Hidden in Plain Sight:
5 Charity Golf Tournament at Bent Pine Golf and professional instructors from the Wyl- and Salsa Dance Night Saturday. 772-231-6990 Lifting up Vulnerable Populations in IRC, 8 a.m.
Club hosted by Smoke Inn of Vero Beach liams/Henry Contemporary Dance Company, at United Way of IRC hosted by Treasure Coast
2 p.m. on the Stark Stage at Riverside Theatre. 19|20 Howl at the Moon Experi- Food Bank. 772-489-3034
$5 & $10. 772-231-6990 ence, a high-energy music
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN 10 Tunnel to Towers Vero Beach, 7:30 a.m.
in July 28, 2016 Edition 5 STORYTELLER 1 GORGEOUS at Riverside Park, a 5K run/walk to hon-
7 LUNG 2 LYRICS or those lost on September 11, 2001, support first
8 IDENTITY 3 CEMENT responders and military members and to benefit
9 FAMOUS 4 FLAT the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation.
12 CLOSET 6 RATIO 16 Sebastian River Area Chamber of
15 RESUME 11 RESTRAIN Commerce Media Auction, 6 p.m. at
17 EGGPLANT 13 LOGIC the Sebastian Chamber office, with bidding op-
19 ROLL 14 TRAGIC portunities on marketing and advertising from
20 COMPILATION 15 RITUAL local media and businesses. 772-589-5969
Sudoku Page 50 Sudoku Page 51 Crossword Page 50 Crossword Page 51 (WHAT A BIG BABY) 17 To Jan. 2 - Vero Beach Museum of
Art presents landscape artist Bruce
Marsh. 772-231-0707
Advertising Vero Beach Services | If you would like your service to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753
This directory gives small business people eager to provide services to the beachside community an opportunity to make themselves known to island readers at an affordable cost. This
is the only service directory mailed each week during season to all 11,000+ homes on the Vero Beach barrier island. If you are interested in a listing in the Vero Beach 32963 Service
Directory, please contact marketing representative Kathleen Macglennon at
[email protected] or call 772-633-0753.
3 Royal Palm Pointe, #2-W: 3-bedroom, 3.5-bath, 3,500-square-foot condominium listed for
$2,250,000 by Kay Brown of Premier Estate Properties: 772-321-8626
64 Vero Beach 32963 / August 4, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Luxurious Royal Palm Pointe condo could be yours
BY SIOBHAN MCDONOUGH Valley River Club hotel and restau- activities, will have it made living at 3 stamp of approval with their new
Staff Writer rant overlooking the Intracoastal Royal Palm Pointe, #2-W. mainland riverfront location.”
Water w ay.
Royal Palm Pointe is where it’s at “The location is outstanding,” said Also, Brown noted the convenience
– a charming neighborhood that’s So anyone looking for easy, out-the- listing agent Kay Brown, a broker as- to downtown Vero as well as to In-
booming with restaurants, shops, front-door conveniences in their own sociate at Premier Estate Properties. dian River Medical Center and other
a park and the soon-to-debut Quail neighborhood, as well as great prox- “It’s prime real estate, especially with medical offices located along nearby
imity to barrier island and mainland Quail Valley putting their additional 37th Street. “I think people seeking
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 4, 2016 65
a luxury residence conveniently lo-
cated near medical care will like the
fact they are less than 5 minutes away
[from the hospital],” she said.
This lovely condominium has so
much going for it, including a com-
manding, wide-open southeasterly
view of the Intracoastal Waterway
from most of its rooms, as well as
from a long veranda that is accessed
from the 15- by 30-foot great room
and 17- by 14-foot master suite.
The beautifully-landscaped Royal
Palm Pointe condos are a gated enclave
of only 18 luxury homes designed by
The Evans Group and built by Proctor
Construction Company in 2005.
The magnificent residence at 3 Roy-
al Palm Pointe, #2-W offers sprawling
views and refined workmanship. The
3-bedroom, 3.5-bath, 3,500-square
foot waterfront condominium is be-
ing offered by Kay Brown and Jeanine
Harris for $2,250,000.
One enters the second-floor con-
dominium through a locked vesti-
bule from the privately keyed elevator.
French doors open from the vestibule
into the gallery foyer with powder room.
Just ahead, the bright and spacious
Year built: 2005
Home size: 3,500 square feet
Bedrooms: 3
Bathrooms: 3 full baths,
1 half-bath
Waterfront: Yes
Views: Expansive river views
Additional features: Gated,
private elevator, day dock, com-
munity pool with entertaining
area, additional storage, secure
2-car garage, and ideal loca-
tion steps away from shops and
Listing agency:
Premier Estate Properties,
Listing agents: Jeanine Harris
and Kay Brown, 772-321-8626
Listing price: $2,250,000
66 Vero Beach 32963 / August 4, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
great room comfortably combines the “It’s a gracious neutral palette with cluding a Viking gas range the great room, the private master
main living and dining spaces, with luxury finishes,” Brown said. An inviting sitting room/office suite opens to the veranda and serene
French doors that flow to the veranda. riverfront view. The luxurious mas-
This versatile open space is served adjoins the home’s expansive pub- ter bath features a jetted tub, walk-in
Sand-toned marble floors, crown by a bar counter from the 13- by 16- lic space, offering a private place to shower, two vanities and two sepa-
moldings and airy plantation shut- foot chef’s kitchen with crisp white read, watch television or enjoy some rate water closets.
ters come together in the fresh cabinetry, granite counters, a break- quiet time away.
coastal-inspired decor. fast bay and premium appliances, in- On the opposite wing of the con-
Through a double-door entry off
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 4, 2016 67
dominium are two generous guest or way present a sense of it being a private
child bedroom suites, one with a bal- residence,” Brown said. “It takes out
cony that affords peeks of the Barber that horizontal feeling you often get
Bridge. The bedroom suites are 15- with a condominium. It feels more like
by-16 feet and 15-by-15 feet. you’re entering an elegant home with a
unique and spacious floor plan.”
Windows throughout the residence
provide abundant natural light. The spacious three-exposure resi-
dence comes with has two parking
“People enjoy it because it has a bays and extra storage, as well as a
beautiful flow,” said Brown. “It’s com- trash chute and laundry room.
fortable and bright even today on the
first rainy day here in three weeks!” Amenities at the luxury complex
include a day dock and community
She also points out the generous pool with entertaining area.
floor plan. “The foyer and access hall-
68 Vero Beach 32963 / August 4, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: July 21 to July 27
Real estate activity on the barrier island slowed a bit in late July, but 10 transactions closed during the
The top sale was of a large oceanfront condominium in the Seaquay at 4800 Highway A1A. Units 410
and 411 were placed on the market Jan. 25 with an asking price of $950,000. The sale closed on July 22 for
The seller in the transaction was represented by Kimberly Hardin Thorpe and Michael Thorpe of Treasure
Coast Sotheby’s. The purchaser was represented by Tripp Hernandez of Dale Sorensen Real Estate.
$535,000 $680,000
CASTAWAY COVE WAVE 2 1160 DRIFTWOOD DRIVE 4/1/2016 $699,000 $525,000 7/27/2016 $620,000
CASTAWAY COVE WAVE 3 1035 OLDE DOUBLOON DRIVE 5/11/2016 $739,900 $699,000 7/27/2016 $575,000
$645,000 $305,000
SILVER SANDS 2265 SILVER SANDS COURT 3/8/2016 $365,000 $675,000 7/22/2016 $615,000
SEAGROVE 195 OCEAN WAY 12/8/2015 $625,000 7/22/2016 $173,000
VEROMAR 546 EUGENIA ROAD 1/26/2016 $339,000 7/22/2016 $290,000
OCEANSIDE 2160 WALTONS COURT 6/7/2016 $639,000 7/21/2016
PARK SHORES 109 W PARK SHORES CIRCLE, #33 5/5/2016 $197,500 $180,000 7/27/2016
VISTA DEL MAR 5400 HIGHWAY A1A, #C24 5/16/2016 $129,900 $129,900 7/27/2016
HARBOUR SIDE II 1821 MOORINGLINE DRIVE, #3E 7/8/2016 $290,000 $290,000 7/25/2016
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 4, 2016 69
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Castaway Cove Wave 3, Address: 1035 Olde Doubloon Drive Subdivision: Silver Sands, Address: 2265 Silver Sands Court
Listing Date: 5/11/2016 Listing Date: 3/8/2016
Original Price: $699,000 Original Price: $739,900
Recent Price: $699,000 Recent Price: $675,000
Sold: 7/27/2016 Sold: 7/22/2016
Selling Price: $680,000 Selling Price: $620,000
Listing Agent: Lori T Davis Listing Agent: Gary S. Farless
Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Farless Properties LLC
Allan J Grieve Kathy Nystrom
Vero Coastal Homes Coldwell Banker Paradise
Subdivision: Seagrove, Address: 195 Ocean Way Subdivision: Oceanside, Address: 2160 Waltons Court
Listing Date: 12/8/2015 Listing Date: 6/7/2016
Original Price: $645,000 Original Price: $639,000
Recent Price: $625,000 Recent Price: $639,000
Sold: 7/22/2016 Sold: 7/21/2016
Selling Price: $575,000 Selling Price: $615,000
Listing Agent: Carol B Recio Listing Agent: Joseph Schlitt & Joseph O’Neill
Selling Agent: Alex MacWilliam, Inc. Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise
Cliff Norris Hope & Glen Brovont
J I Property Exchange, LLC Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
I N T E G R I T Y ~ R E S U LT S
Nature lover’s paradise! 4BR/4BA estate on 1+acre lot, Waterfront 4BR/3BA home on 1/3 acre corner lot in secure Popular 3BR/2BA split bedroom floor plan in secure gated
riverfront pool w/spa, 2 docks, access to Intracoastal gated community on the Indian River Lagoon, 3 car garage community, large patio, screened pool/spa, beach access
$1,190,000 $499,000 $405,000
Y our satisfaction is my highest goal, real estate is a lasting relationship.
direct 772.492.5333 | cell 772.538.1861 | [email protected] |
70 Vero Beach 32963 / August 4, 2016 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Castaway Cove Wave 2, Address: 1160 Driftwood Drive Subdivision: Veromar, Address: 546 Eugenia Road
Listing Date: 4/1/2016 Listing Date: 1/26/2016
Original Price: $535,000 Original Price: $365,000
Recent Price: $525,000 Recent Price: $339,000
Sold: 7/27/2016 Sold: 7/22/2016
Selling Price: $480,000 Selling Price: $305,000
Listing Agent: Regina M. Cupp Listing Agent: Elizabeth M. Sorensen
Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Denver Harlon Reynolds Elizabeth M. Sorensen
Sea Turtle Real Estate LLC Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Subdivision: Park Shores, Address: 109 W Park Shores Circle, #33 Subdivision: Harbour Side II, Address: 1821 Mooringline Drive, #3E
Listing Date: 5/5/2016 Listing Date: 7/8/2016
Original Price: $197,500 Original Price: $290,000
Recent Price: $180,000 Recent Price: $290,000
Sold: 7/27/2016 Sold: 7/25/2016
Selling Price: $173,000 Selling Price: $290,000
Listing Agent: Kelly Fischer Listing Agent: Martha Argue
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl Selling Agent: Billero & Billero
Marianna Herman Martha Argue
Sea Turtle Real Estate LLC Billero & Billero
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / August 4, 2016 71
Crazy-low mortgage rates
spark application boomlet
BY KENNETH R. HARNEY a 3.5 percent rate, you don’t need as
much income to qualify.
Washington Post
According to Danielle Hale, man-
When mortgage interest rates slide aging director of housing research for
close to all-time lows – as they have the National Association of Realtors,
since the Brexit vote – do you sit on a half-percentage-point drop in rate
the fence? Or do you ask yourself: Are reduces the minimum qualifying in-
there financial opportunities today come to buy a house by roughly $1,000
that didn’t exist for me when rates per $100,000 in home price with a 20
were higher by half a percentage percent down payment. On a $241,000
point or more? house, a rate cut from 4 percent to 3.5
percent would lower the qualifying
Last week, according to Freddie annual income you need by $2,626.
Mac, 30-year fixed rates dropped to
an average 3.41 percent, just above Savings like that matter not only
the historic low of 3.31 percent set in to first-time buyers with modest in-
November 2012. Fifteen-year fixed comes but also to the owners of mod-
rates, popular with homeowners erate-priced houses and condos who
seeking to become mortgage-free are seeking to sell to those previously
faster, dropped to a stunning 2.74 locked-out purchasers. A successful
percent. Five-year Treasury-indexed sale may then allow the sellers to buy
“5-1” hybrid adjustables, which carry another house – a nice win-win.
a fixed rate for the first 60 months
then morph into one-year adjust- Not surprisingly, the rate declines
ables, hit 2.68 percent. are triggering boomlets in new mort-
gage applications, which rose by 14.2
If you’re a potential first-time buyer percent last week, according to the
or a homeowner considering whether Mortgage Bankers Association. The as-
to refinance, or if you’re thinking about sociation’s refinancing index jumped
trading up or downsizing, rates this even more – 21 percent – and the pur-
low could be worth your attention. chase loan index was 23 percent higher
than the same week in 2015.
Consider these illustrations of what
a half-percentage-point cut in rate Mike Eastman, vice president and
can mean. They were provided to me senior loan officer at Washington First
by Mike Fratantoni, chief economist Mortgage in Fairfax, Va., told me “the
for the Mortgage Bankers Association. phones are ringing” both for home-
purchase loans and refinancings.
Say you’re buying a home costing
$239,700 with a 5 percent down pay- He described what an applicant with
ment. A drop in rate from 4 percent a high credit score in a $600,000 house
to 3.5 percent would save you nearly in Virginia could save by opting for a
$100 a month in principal and inter- “5-1” hybrid: $171 a month, or $10,260
est. If you’re buying a house with the less in principal and interest during the
current median-size purchase loan first 60 months. That’s real money, he
amount of $299,900, a half-percent- said, and “people should look at these
age-point rate drop would save you [hybrids]” because they carry low rates
about $1,500 a year in principal and and can be useful in a variety of finan-
interest, or $125 a month. cial planning situations.
If you live in a metropolitan area How long are mortgage rates likely
such as Washington, New York, Bos- to remain at or near these levels? No-
ton, San Diego, Chicago or Miami, body knows. But Sean Becketti, chief
where median prices are much high- economist for Freddie Mac, says post-
er, the savings on a refinanced mort- Brexit capital markets are “skittish,”
gage that flow from a decrease in and “we don’t expect any meaningful,
rate of just a half a percentage point sustained increases in the near term.”
would run substantially higher.
So take a hard look. Describe your
There’s another impact of falling situation and goals to one or more
rates: They lower the amount of qual- competent loan officers. They’ve got
ifying income you need to get a loan. computer software that can quickly
give you the answers you’re after:
Say you sought to purchase your How much of a rate decrease do I
first home for $241,000 this spring at need to justify doing a refi? How long
a rate of 4 percent with a 20 percent will it take me to recoup the transac-
down payment. Your application was tion costs via the monthly savings?
declined because your income came Does my income finally qualify me to
close to what the lender required but buy the house I want?
didn’t quite hit the mark. However, at