Vero Wine and Film Festival
clarifies structure. P9
Islander Inn has dibs
on parking spots. P10
Police: Later closing hours
causing few problems with bars. P7
Target date for new Controversial
Shores cell tower school official’s
slips to Labor Day post eliminated
BY LISA ZAHNER MY Hundreds pack Book Center to meet Bush BY KATHLEEN SLOAN
Staff Writer VERO Staff Writer
The Easter target date for BY RAY MCNULTY wearers an autographed to-face moment with the Assistant School Superinten-
the highly anticipated Indian Staff Writer copy of George W. Bush’s former president. dent William Fritz, the central
River Shores cell tower has new book – “Profiles of figure in a variety of high-profile
come and gone, and seeing it The line inside the Vero Courage: A Commander in Bush made his local book- controversies, will be gone un-
rise next to the Town Hall by Beach Book Center last week Chief’s Tribute to Ameri- signing event worth the price der unclear circumstances at
the Fourth of July is a fading weaved throughout both ca’s Warriors” – and a face- ... and the wait. the end of the current school
dream as well. But hopefully, levels of the building, where year and his position is being
by Labor Day, the Monopine more than 700 people waited PHOTOS BY GORDON RADFORD CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 abolished, according to sources.
stealth tree-tower will finally patiently for the opportunity
be finished. to meet the 43rd president of The position of Fritz – who
the United States. had been head of human re-
Town Manager Robbie Stabe sources, risk management, and
said the Town Council has Outside, in the sun-baked busing since July 1, 2013 – was
done everything it is required parking lot, a second wave written out of the organization
to do, the building department stood dutifully in an equally chart that School Superinten-
is ready to issue a construction long line, enduring some of dent Mark Rendell presented
permit, and a general contrac- the warmest, most humid to the School Board last week,
tor has been hired to perform conditions of the season and School Board Laura Zorc
the construction work. and waiting to clear a Secret subsequently confirmed that
Service security checkpoint. Fritz would be gone by July 1.
The holdup now is in the
final design of the monopine All of them wore wrist- Neither Rendell nor any of
bands that cost $37.50 the School Board members,
CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 apiece and guaranteed besides Zorc, responded to
Rehearing sought CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
on reversal of Jones’
murder conviction Shores parcel to be
auctioned Saturday
Staff Writer
Attorneys for the state of
Florida are exhausting all av- It’s been the topic of pro-
enues in a West Palm Beach testations, debate and even
appeals court after a three- some haggling, but a 5.2-acre
judge panel overturned the oceanside parcel in the Shores
conviction of Henry Lee Jones will finally (hopefully) be sold
for the November 2011 shoot- by high noon on Saturday.
ing death of Central Beach
Former County Commis-
CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 sioner Wesley Davis’ com-
May 4, 2017 Volume 10, Issue 18 Newsstand Price $1.00 Net gains for kids
at Mardy Fish
News 1-10 Faith 67 Pets 66 TO ADVERTISE CALL tennis tourney. P24
Arts 31-34 Games 47-49 Real Estate 69-80 772-559-4187
Books 46 Health 51-55 St Ed’s 56
Dining 60 Insight 35-50 Style 57-59 FOR CIRCULATION
Editorial 42 People 11-30 Wine 61 CALL 772-226-7925
© 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media LLC. All rights reserved.
2 Vero Beach 32963 / May 4, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Shores land auction The Town tidied up the property ”We’ve been getting a good re- auction those off first, then to offer
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 and a platform was briefly erected so sponse. You never have enough, as up the parcel as a whole for develop-
buyers could see what the view would an auctioneer, you always wish you ment, with the top bid determining
pany, Indian River Auctions and Ap- be from a second-story unit or bed- had more,” Davis said, adding that the highest and best use of the prop-
praisals, says final preparations are room. “The platform was there, but the auction has also captured the at- erty.
underway for the 11 a.m. auction to be it’s down now. We took it down after tention of local real estate brokers
held on-site at the parcel across from a complaint from a neighbor,” Davis interested in bringing buyers. Looking to appeal both to develop-
the Pebble Bay subdivision. said. “But you can go to the corner of ers and to the high-end residential
the property and see the view.” “Most of the questions we’ve been market, Indian River Auctions has
Whether the property fetches the fielding have been about the auction marketed the property not only local-
$7.7 million or less, or fails to sell at Davis said he’s sent out nearly 40 process and about the land develop- ly, but in the Wall Street Journal and
all, the event itself will surely be a due diligence packets on the auction, ment regulations and the zoning and in a South Florida Spanish-language
curiosity – both to those who want it and that he’s been fielding questions what can be done with the property,” publication.
sold and placed on the tax rolls, and from local and out-of-town develop- Davis said.
to those who wanted it turned into a ers, and had some international in- “With the help and guidance of the
park. quiries, one from as far as the United The Town agreed to split the 5.2- Indian River Shores Town Council
Arab Emirates. acre parcel into three estate-size lots and Town staff, we have been able to
running from the dune to A1A and to make sure that notice of the sale and
this once in a lifetime opportunity is
known far and wide,” said Rick Baker,
Davis’ long-time partner in the auc-
tion business.
“Our job and the primary direction
we have from the Council is to ensure
that the taxpayers of the Town of In-
dian River Shores get the maximum
value for the Town. However, some-
one is going to get the opportunity of
a lifetime to buy this unique property
in one of the most desirable places to
live in Florida.” Baker said.
Hopes had been high that three in-
dividuals might buy the estate lots,
minimizing the density of develop-
ment, but that seems unlikely now.
“We’ve had a little interest in the es-
tate lots, but the county’s decision to
allow only one dune crossing put a
damper on that. If somebody’s going
to do the estate-sized lot, they’re go-
ing to want their own dune crossing,”
Davis said.
Negotiations between the Shores
and the Indian River County Com-
mission turned contentious last
month when the county refused to let
the Shores trim back the seagrapes to
show off the view a bit, and only al-
lowed one of the three requested
dune crossings.
“I felt for Mayor Barefoot in that
process,” said Davis, who once
chaired the County Commission. “I
know I would have treated him much
differently, better than that.”
Auction staff will be on-hand at
10 a.m. to register bidders, with the
auction beginning at 11 a.m., rain or
shine, under a tent with seating pro-
The Shores Town Council is set to
meet at 8 a.m. Monday to review the
results of the auction.
Then the county commission will
meet on Tuesday to review the win-
ning bid, as the county retains first
right of refusal on the property.
The Town obtained the parcel in
the 1990s from the county in a land
swap, and the parcel abuts the coun-
ty’s Tracking Station Beach Park, a
former military facility deeded to the
county by the federal government
decades ago.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 4, 2017 3
School official’s post eliminated to the start date. “An executed lease is sharing the 135-foot pole that will be ground and pouring a 40-foot by 40-
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 required to commence the actual con- sheathed with faux pine boughs to foot slab, several feet thick for the
struction of the tower. Once this has look like a massive tree. base of the tower. Then the tower
a direct question about the circum- been accomplished, construction per- and antennae equipment will go up,
stances of Fritz’s departure. Fritz him- mits will be applied for,” Stabe said. The many regulatory hurdles hold- along with the fake pine branches that
self did not reply to an email. ing up the tower have been surmount- will help camouflage the tower from
A second carrier has applied to lease ed. “All Federal permits have been neighbors in Bermuda Bay, Johns Is-
School District spokesman Flynn Fid- space on the tower and Datapath is approved,” Stabe said. “The timeline land and The Estuary.
geon said, “Dr. Fritz has neither resigned brokering that deal. Town officials should be that once the permits are
nor been terminated from employment have said they want at least Verizon obtained and construction starts, it Once the tower is complete, the
with the School District of Indian River and AT&T on the tower for it to serve will take no more than nine weeks to Town will begin receiving lease pay-
County,” but he had no answer as to the maximum number of users, with construct the tower.” ments from cellular service providers
what Fritz would be doing after July 1 the goal being a total of five carriers with equipment on the tower.
since his position has been eliminated. The first step will be leveling the
Under the leadership of Fritz, the Exclusively John’s Island
School District’s health insurance fund
for teachers, employees and their fami- Showcasing endless, multiple fairway and water views of the South Course
lies went $7 million into the red, pre- is this exceptional 4BR/5.5BA residence. The serene pool and outdoor
miums skyrocketed, and department living areas are surrounded by lush landscaping, creating the ultimate in
phones went unanswered when em- privacy. Enviable features include 5,875± GSF, custom millwork, recessed
ployees found they had been mysteri- lighting, living room with tray ceiling and fireplace, dining area with cove
ously dropped from coverage or that lighting, gourmet island kitchen opening onto the family room with fireplace
their Social Security numbers had been and lanai, gracious master suite with private lanai, office and study.
shared with others in a data breach. 280 Island Creek Drive : $2,650,000
Fritz also recommended Sebastian
River High School teacher Joe Nathan-
iel be fired over an incident with a stu-
dent. A state administrative judge sub-
sequently praised Nathaniel’s handling
of the incident, and he was reinstated.
In the organization chart presented
to the School Board last week, Assis-
tant Superintendent Bruce Green,
who had been head of technology and
assessment, was assigned to also over-
see human resources, which includes
employee investigations.
“I think this is a positive change for
our district,” Zorc said. “Bruce Green
will do a fantastic job.”
Assistant Superintendent Carter
Morrison, who had been head of fi-
nance and operations, was assigned
to oversee finance and employee ser-
vices in the reorganization. Rendell said
Morrison will have a director under him
who oversees risk management, which
includes the health insurance fund.
The position “Assistant Superinten-
dent of Operations” was revived, and
Rendell said the job will be filled by a
new hire, who will oversee directors
of busing, food services, facilities and
the physical plant.
Shores cell tower three championship golf courses : 17 har-tru courts : beach club : squash
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 health & fitness center : pickleball : croquet : vertical equity membership
stealth tower. The builder, Tampa-based 772.231.0900 : Vero Beach, FL :
E.M. Enterprises, needs more detail to
do the job to carrier specifications.
“DataPath is working with a major
carrier on their leasing documents
and their actual site layout and tower
antenna configuration on the mono-
pine,” Town Manager Robbie Stabe
said. “These stealth towers require a lot
more attention to detail to ensure max-
imum stealth and maximum signal.”
Those leasing documents are critical
4 Vero Beach 32963 / May 4, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
My Vero in a Texas hospital recovering from a Jordan, former chairman of the Repub- mistakes that were made – just as they
bout with pneumonia. lican Party of Florida. “The Bush fam- could with any of Bush’s predecessors
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 ily has been coming to Vero Beach for – but his supporters will enthusiasti-
In fact, when one woman told him years, and they’re such a wonderful cally challenge those claims, offer val-
Though the line moved quickly, he she had once met his dad, Bush re- family. They care about each other, and id explanations and provide examples
made the effort to establish eye con- plied: “That’s the A-team. Now you’ve they care so much about this country. of his successes.
tact and engage in a mini-conversa- met the B-team.”
tion with each person that appeared in “I know politics, and I know people They’re not going to agree on much,
front of him. He made sure everyone There was no doubt Bush was get attacked and criticized, but the and that’s OK.
there could say they had met him. among friends, and he knew it. country is so divided now that we too
often get so caught up in the politics What’s disturbing, however, is the
Bush shook hands with some, fist- He has longtime ties to our commu- that we forget about the people,” she visceral hatred of the man by those
bumped with others. He exchanged nity through his grandmother’s wing added. “The Bushes are good people. detractors, too many of whom believe
salutes with those wearing military of the family, and the barrier island That’s why I get upset when they’re Bush stole the 2000 election from Al
uniforms and with book buyers who has been especially supportive of the maligned.” Gore, concocted a lie to go to war in
identified themselves as veterans, Bushes in national and state politics, Iraq and deserved blame for the col-
never failing to thank them for their dating back to his father’s unsuccess- There’s no point in defending Bush’s lapse of the economy.
service. He leaned across the table to ful run against Ronald Reagan for the eight years in the White House, or re-
interact with people in wheelchairs. Republican nomination for president litigating his case for invading Iraq and It was those venomous attacks on
in the late 1970s. removing Saddam Hussein, or sug- Bush by the political left that later pro-
He seemed to especially enjoy chat- gesting that he was merely the unluck- voked the political right to respond in
ting with children who accompanied Vero Beach again backed the elder iest American president who wasn’t kind to President Barack Obama. And
their parents. Bush, running as Reagan’s vice presi- shot – his two terms forever remem- over the past 20 months, the political
dent, in his victorious presidential bered for the tumult and devastation divide has only widened, the politi-
“How’re you doing, dude?” Bush said campaign in 1988, as well in his loss to of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Hurricane cal discourse has become even more
to one boy. “Thanks for coming out.” Bill Clinton in 1992. Katrina and the worst economic crisis shameful.
since the Great Depression.
Bush smiled easily, joked occasion- The local community also support- “We’re in a different world now,” Jor-
ally and laughed often throughout the ed Bush’s younger brother, Jeb, who Compelling arguments could be dan said. “There’s not the same civility.”
2 1/2-hour session. He cared enough served two terms as Florida’s governor. made, but who would listen? Fact is,
to ask about the length of the line Last year, island donors contributed most Americans already have made Most of us know why.
and how long some had waited. He nearly $2 million to his run for the Re- up their minds about Bush’s presi- Perhaps that’s why Bush received
thanked the buyers and reminded publican nomination for president. dency and, given the increasing polar- such a warm, enthusiastic welcome
them that all the revenue generated by ization of the country, their opinions when he returned to Vero Beach, a still-
the book would go to help veterans. And when he triumphantly ran for aren’t going to change. special community where class, char-
president in 2000 and for re-election acter and civility still matter to most.
He was grateful when anyone ex- in 2004, Bush had the Vero Beach area His detractors can cite a number As people waited in line, some struck
pressed concern about his 92-year-old – and its island donors – in his corner. of questionable decisions and costly up conversations with those nearby.
father, our 41st president, who was Inevitably, some of them talked about
“This is Bush country,” said Indian
River County Tax Collector Carole Jean
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 4, 2017 5
politics. Many spoke wistfully, shak- form or another, referring to the man so again – but not with the same zeal ries. Last week, he did the same with
ing their heads at the nasty tone and they had come to see. with which they had cast their presi- his appearance here.
harsh rhetoric that now dominates the dential ballots in 2000 and 2004.
nation’s capital. Most of them, to be sure, were Re- “This is one of the largest book-
publicans. Many of them, you’d as- Three years ago, Bush sold out both signings we’ve had,” said Cynthia Cal-
“I wish he was still the president,” sume, voted for Donald Trump. Prob- sessions as a speaker at the Riverside lander, the book center’s marketing
more than a few people said, in some ably, given the same choices, they’d do Theater’s Distinguished Lecturer Se-
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6 Vero Beach 32963 / May 4, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
My Vero didn’t learn to paint until after he left a white victim and a black defendant. understood the prosecutor’s concern
the White House. Chief Assistant State Attorney Tom and ruled accordingly,” Hamel argued.
“I want to help the veterans as much Bakkedahl said he objected to the In other words, Hamel argued that
and publicity director. “We probably as I can,” Bush told one person in line. questions because the case was not Pegg would have allowed a narrow line
could’ve sold 2,000 wristbands.” “I’m proud to be here.” about race, arguing that because of questioning on interracial violence
Simpson was shot and killed after in- specifically aimed at ferreting out bias
Bush’s book tour has taken him The book center was delighted with terrupting a burglary of his home in or racism, but that the defense attor-
across America and included television the turnout. The 1,500 people who progress and fighting back against the ney did not ask those questions. She
appearances with Matt Lauer on NBC’s showed up were thrilled with their intruders, there were no racial over- did, however, according to court re-
“Today” show, ABC’s “Jimmy Kimmel brief-but-personal interaction with tones in what was a “crime of oppor- cords, request to strike the jury after it
Live!” and the syndicated “Ellen Dege- the former president. And Bush clear- tunity.” was seated, based partially upon not
neres Show,” where he danced his way ly appreciated the genuine affection being able to ask the questions about
onto the set to the 1970s hit song, “Mr. shown to him. Hamel contended in his motion for black-on-white crime. Hamel suggests
Big Stuff.” a rehearing that the appeals court mis- the defense attorney is the one who
“I hope the wait wasn’t too long,” understood what actually happened, erred in representing her client.
Bush previously authored “Decision Bush said to one woman as he signed and that the defense attorney was not,
Points,” a memoir of his presidency, her book. in fact, barred from pursuing a line of “Defense counsel’s response to the
and “41: A Portrait of My Father,” a questioning that might uncover juror objection did not specifically assert
personal biography of our 41st presi- “It was worth it,” she replied. “I got prejudice or bias related to interracial that the defense was seeking to un-
dent. His latest book is a collection of to meet you.” violence. Hamel’s position will likely cover any bias of prejudices held by
oil paintings and stories honoring the send judges back to pore over the ver- prospective jurors. Instead, defense
sacrifices of America’s military veter- Murder case rehearing sought batim transcript of jury selection to counsel asserted that ‘historically’ ju-
ans, particularly those who served in CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 closely examine the exchange that led rors tend to be impacted by interracial
combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. up to Pegg’s ruling, which halted the crime and therefore it was a legitimate
resident Brian Simpson. line of questioning. issue to bring up.”
Proceeds from the book’s sales will Last Thursday, Assistant Attorney
help fund the George W. Bush Insti- “When the prosecutor objected, Public Defender Diamond Litty said
tute’s Military Service Initiative, which General Mark Hamel filed a motion defense counsel was about to men- last week she stands by her office’s
was created to help post-9/11 veterans for rehearing in response to an April 12 tion the race of the victim and was not handling of the case and the position
and their families “make successful opinion which concluded that Judge in the process of asking a question. that the attorney was barred from ask-
transitions to civilian life” by assisting Robert Pegg erred in shutting down a The prosecutor objected because the ing the questions – the position that
them in finding employment and over- public defender’s line of questioning prosecutor interpreted the remark as won the appeal and reversed the con-
coming their combat-related injuries. during jury selection that would have a suggestion that racism was involved viction. The argument sets up a very
polled jurors about the case involving in the charged crimes. The trial court fine legal point that the judges on Jan.
For those who don’t know: Bush
12 Vero Beach 32963 / May 4, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
1. Samantha McCoy, Mary Linn Hamilton, Ann Marie McCrystal,
Deb Hawkins and Donna Sorge. 2. Dorie Moore, Melanie Coppola,
Woman of the Year Shelley Stuven and Melody Ipolito. 3. Ann
Anderson, Becky Richardson and Sally Turner. 4. Jackie and Jerry
Carlon with son Jack. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE
Junior League honors Shelley Stuven as Woman of Year
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF demonstrates high ethical standards whose volunteer physicians and oth- The vivacious Dorie Moore, who
Staff Writer personally, is a recognized role mod- er healthcare professionals annually celebrated her 75th birthday at the
el, has a strong sense of community provide free specialty medical ser- luncheon, was recognized in the Vol-
Shelley Stuven was named Woman responsibility, and is outstanding in vices to upwards of 3,000 uninsured unteer category for her unceasing
of the Year by the Junior League of In- her contributions within Indian Riv- patients whose income is up to 150 dedication to helping others. Moore
dian River at the fifth annual Woman er County,” said Cloughley. percent of the federal poverty level. has volunteered at the Community
of the Year Luncheon last Wednesday Church of Vero Beach, with local po-
at the Oak Harbor Clubhouse. “I want to raise a glass celebrating In 2013 Stuven was asked to form lice and first responders, American
the honorees and all of the women in a foundation to help fund non-phy- Cancer Society’s Road to Recovery
“This year’s 14 remarkable nomi- this room but also the potential and sician medical services such as pre- and Save the Chimps, raised scholar-
nees are leaders in our community. tremendous impact the women of scription medications, cataract lens- ship funds for the Philanthropic Edu-
Not because of what they accomplish this community bring to Indian River es, transportation, wound care and cational Organization and created
but because of how they accomplish County,” toasted Cynthia Falardeau, post-surgical needs. Her efforts also Sock It to Me, providing socks for the
it,” said Junior League President Kelly 2013 Woman of the Year. helped enable the nonprofit to open homeless.
Peters. “They live in a way that en- a clinic at the Gifford Health Center.
riches the lives of individuals, builds Melody Ipolito, firm administra- “The achievements of these wom-
better organizations and ultimately tor at Kmetz, Nuttall, Elwell, Graham “I’ve found that the people who en are testaments of their dedica-
creates a more caring community. CPAs, was selected in the Business/ help people not only make a differ- tion, passion and commitment to
We all benefit from their passion and Professional Category for her leader- ence but they always lift up the next serve their community,” said Agu-
dedication to our community. When ship skills. She has guided the firm’s person,” said Stuven, referencing irre. “Each woman honored here is
I think of the collective impact, the philanthropic activities and com- those she’s worked with along the a beacon of strength and resilience
contributions of this year’s nominees mitment to nonprofits, and her work way. to make a difference in our commu-
have on our community, one word with the United Way and as an am- nity.”
comes to mind: transformation.” bassador for the Indian River County Melanie Coppola, who founded
Chamber of Commerce make her an Live Like Cole in memory of her Other 2017 nominees: Business
The hardworking committee, co- asset in the community. brother, who was killed by a drunk Professional – Jacqueline Carlon and
chaired by Allison Cloughley and driver, was selected in the Rising Heather Reeb; Civic/Non-Profit – Pat-
Susan Aguirre, received assistance Woman of the Year Shelley Stuven, Star category. The 19-year-old has ti Carter; Rising Star – Nikki Bouldin,
from the Junior League of the Palm executive director of the Indian River spearheaded fundraising events to Angela Schwerer, Ciara Golliher and
Beaches during the selection process Medical Society, was selected in the support activities and causes her Rachel Gambee; and Volunteer –
to ensure impartiality. “A woman of Civic/Non-Profit Professional cat- brother enjoyed, such as the con- Lourdes Soto, Connie Johnson and
the year nominee is a woman who egory. Stuven has directly impacted struction of a fishing pier in con- Pam O’Donnell.
the growth of the We Care program, junction with the county.
14 Vero Beach 32963 / May 4, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
9 10
5. Sally Rhoden, Dorie Moore and Gail Norris. 6. Mary Ann Reeves, Kay Hammond, Rachel Todd-Gambee
and Helen Todd. 7. Cynthia Falardeau, Amy Maccoy and Heather Reeb. 8. Erin Kane, Leah Hamilton,
Haley Macon, Allison Cloughley and Ciara Golliher. 9. Barbara Hammond, Nikki Bouldin and
Madeleine Bouldin. 10. Michael Kmetz, Kerry Bartlett and Michael Kint. 11. Gene and Pam O’Donnell.
12. Melody Ipolito and Jackie Savell. 13. Elaine and Dr. Nicholas Coppola, Mary Grace Coppola with
Becky Mattingly, Margaret Mattingly, Melanie Coppola, Cassie Schlitt and Dr. Fonda Moll.
11 12
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 4, 2017 15
Cancer survivors lap up attention at Relay for Life
With a nod to the delightful Dr. Seuss, participants in
last Saturday’s Relay for Life of the Indian River Beach-
es to benefit the American Cancer Society employed
a wishful theme – One Wish, Two Wish, You Wish, I
Wish for a Cure. Shaded by the magnificent oak trees
at Riverside Park, friends and families celebrated can-
cer survivors with a special survivors and caregivers
lap, memorialized loved ones lost to the devastating
disease with a luminaria ceremony, and raised funds
throughout the afternoon and into the evening.
The Survivors start the inaugural lap. Anna Pease and daughter Emma.
Nikki Parris, Mary Spear, Teresa Hilton and Mary Bussey.
Gina Sebastian and Jodie Grainger. Susan Talbert and Nicole Grappo.
Alicia Hill, Amber Smith, Kristi Challenor and Matthew Challenor.
16 Vero Beach 32963 / May 4, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Creative expectations met at Museum’s kids art fest
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF before the museum was physically
Staff Writer here and open. It was the catalyst for
people’s interest in a community mu-
A cloud of creativity hovered over seum,” explained Marshall Adams,
the Vero Beach Museum of Art last Sat- VBMA director of education. Now,
urday as children of all ages spent the all these years later, the event draws
day up to their elbows in the arts at the nearly 4,000 children, parents and
museum’s 36th annual Children’s Art grandparents to the day-long art ex-
Festival. travaganza.
“The first festival was held in tents “It’s a huge day here at the museum.
Mackie Duch and Cru Bireley. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Diane Wilhelm and Susan Smith.
We’re celebrating creativity in the lives Reese DePeri.
of the children of our community. The
museum is a place for people to come nity to do something in the museum
together,” said Adams. that they might not be able to do in
a regular classroom or at home. The
The most difficult decision of the goal was to give these kids a different
day was what to do first. Outside, the experience in the arts and motivate
Learning Alliance Moonshot Rocket them to think of things they could do
Bus brought along a stable of foam at home. It’s a chance for them to come
horses. Children could read in over- get messy and we’ll take care of the
size bean bag chairs in the shade or cleanup.”
decorate their steeds before galloping
through the rest of the activities. In addition to all the other activi-
ties, music and dance filled the halls
Indoors, student art was on display as local school choruses sang, twirlers
where attendees could get a close look twirled and musicians, dancers and
at some amazing pieces, including the theater apprentices performed at ven-
30th annual Indian River County Jur- ues throughout the museum.
ied Student Art Exhibition, which will
be on display through May 31. “All people create,” explained Som-
mers. “Whether you create through
Youngsters wanting to get their fin- performance, with your voice or with
gers dirty created masterpieces with your hands you are creating art. It’s
tempera paint, air-dry clay projects just a different outlet. We want the kids
were erected and tiles were painted to have the opportunity to discover
for display. To introduce more experi- early on what their options are so they
ential art, giant looms made from PVC can always have a creative outlet.”
and hula hoops tempted textile artists
and a collaborative string art project
enticed little artists to add designs
at will. Science came into play with
pendulum painting; children were
mesmerized by random designs that
appeared with the flick of the paint
“It’s important for children to have
the opportunity to experience the
museum at an early age,” said volun-
teer coordinator Susan Smith, who
provided an army of helpers to work
with museum staff. “I love to see the
children interacting with their parents
while they create their masterpieces.”
“We tried to provide as many art
making opportunities as possible,”
said Pamela Sommers, VBMA youth
and family programs manager. “We
wanted children to have the opportu-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 4, 2017 21
Tem Fontaine, Anthony Dzielski and Louis Schacht. Patti Gibbons and Linda Scott. Ryan Radocaj, Maria Colontrelle, Laura Radocaj and Cami Colontrelle.
Andy and Ana Beindorf. Robin Pelensky. Alex Jacobs. Griffin and Hannah Schacht with Alfie Dzielski.
22 Vero Beach 32963 / May 4, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Charity Shoot’s aim is true: Funding student programs
BY MARY SCHENKEL year; people really want to do it,” resident Neil Shaw, a regular at the boost to 4-year-old students reg-
Staff Writer she said. “It’s a lot of fun and you shoot, as he waited his turn. istered to attend Title 1 schools by
don’t need to be an ace. Mulligans developing their literacy and social
Earplugs, hats and glasses were really help, and so does team spirit.” Proceeds from the event will help skills. And heading into fall, funds
more than a fashion statement at the fund the Education Foundation’s will also be needed for their Sneaker
17th annual Charity Shoot to benefit Before any guns were loaded, many programs and, while school Exchange, Backpacks/School Sup-
the Education Foundation of Indian Windsor Gun Pro Nicky Szápáry may not be in session over the sum- ply Fund and Vision for Reading
River County. The friendly competi- explained the rules of the game, in- mer, they will be as busy as ever. program.
tion last Saturday drew shooters and cluding in all seriousness, “Safety
spectators alike to the Windsor Gun is the most important target of the Cynthia Falardeau, EF executive “The other thing this supports is
Club at Indian River Trap and Skeet, day.” director, commented that their Aca- the students heading into the Inter-
where the quiet of the morning was demic Youth Development program national Science and Engineering
punctuated with blasts from 12- and Basically, participants shoot at will be preparing 200 eighth-graders Fair in Los Angeles this May 14 to
20-guage shotguns. disks (clay pigeons) that are flung for success before they enter Algebra 19. Funding supports them getting
into the air by mechanized traps at 1 in the fall. there,” said Falardeau, referencing
“It’s always exciting to see both varying angles, speeds, elevations the Vero Beach High School team
men and women out here playing and distances. Scores are based on “Passing Algebra 1 is a require- of Spencer Toll and Josh Tucker,
this sport; it’s a level playing field,” a combination of the results in two ment for entering high school in and the individual project by Sana
said Cathy Filusch, Education Foun- flights – Driven Game Simulation Florida,” said Falardeau. “Part of Shareef, a student at Saint Edward’s
dation board president. and Quadruple Three-Stand. In the the Academic Youth Development School.
demanding Driven Game portion of program, which follows the Agile
The three-person teams were ran- the competition, shooters each have Minds curriculum, is to teach stu- Spectators and shooters gath-
domly drawn, a necessity given the 40 shells and four minutes to hit the dents self-efficacy; setting up stu- ered after the competition to enjoy
varying skill levels, which ranged flurry of 100 targets being launched dents to believe in themselves. It an upscale Windsor picnic, with a
from complete novices to experts. their way. engages them in real-life scenarios menu featuring Italian sausage and
and teaches them ways they’ll actu- peppers, hamburgers, BBQ grilled
Dede Snowden first introduced “There’s a lot of wind up there to- ally be using algebra.” chicken and all the fixings.
the Charity Shoot concept to the day. The wind will blow those birds
foundation and remains an enthu- and the shooter has to take that This summer’s 6-week STEP into For more information, visit ed-
siastic participant. “It fills up every into consideration,” said Windsor Kindergarten (Summer Transition
Enrichment Program) will give a
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 4, 2017 23
Dr. Cary Stowe with Dede and Guy Snowden. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Mary Miner, Patrice Stowe, Cynthia Falardeau and Jay Kirby. William Tye and Neil Shaw.
Cathy and Ed Filusch.
Nicky and Stephanie Szápáry.
Steve Sper and Joel Wilsher.
Vero Beach Mayor Laura Moss and Dr. Alastair Kennedy.
24 Vero Beach 32963 / May 4, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Net gains for kids programs at Mardy Fish tourney
Sally and Tom Fish. PHOTOS: DENISE RITCHIE Denise Capriati with Cliff Richey and Nancy Richey. Alet Filmalter, Sally Pearse and Libby Thompson.
BY MARY SCHENKEL retrieve errant tennis balls might through eighth-grade students in
Staff Writer one day be able to emulate their Indian River County. Founded in
heroes thanks to the tournament’s 2007 by Vero’s own Mardy Fish, a
At the 2017 Mardy Fish Children’s generous sponsors, participants former top 10 tennis star and 2004
Foundation Tennis Championships and ticketholders. Olympic silver medalist, MFCF also
last week at the Grand Harbor Golf serves up Kids in Motion, provid-
& Beach Club, the eager young ball- The youngsters were Kids on Court ing afterschool exercise, nutritional
boys and ballgirls awaiting their students, one of several Mardy Fish and enrichment programs to more
chance to dash onto the court and Children’s Foundation programs of- than 2,100 children in elementary
fered year-round to all kindergarten and middle schools, and encourag-
es Mardy’s Six Healthy Habits: Get
Trish Bacall, Marcus Willis, Sleep; Drink Water; Exercise Daily;
Irene Fernandez and Karen Rubin. Eat Healthy; Brush and Floss; Make
In 2016, the MFCF took over man-
agement of the “Futures” tennis
tournament, one of the longest run-
ning on the U.S. Tennis Association
Pro Circuit, from its longtime direc-
tor, Mike Rahaley.
After a weekend of qualifiers with
a soggy Sunday, a Pro-Am and Tour-
nament Party Monday afternoon
drew 30 enthusiasts anxious to vol-
ley with 10 world-ranked players
prior to the Main Draw, which be-
gan Tuesday.
26 Vero Beach 32963 / May 4, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Eden and E.J. Tarpey. Randy Walker (co tournament director), Tom Fish (co-tournament director), Facunda Mena (Argentina), Shane Vinsant (USA), Isaiah Strode (USA), Miles Seemann
(USA), Rudy Rodriguez (Venezuela), Peter Nagy (Hungary), Boris Kozlov (USA), Arthur Surreaux (France), Calvin Hemery (France), Marcus Willis (Great Britain).
Chris Shuffield, Scotty Studley, Deb Murphy, Rosemary Cantazaro and Kim Stewart.
“It’s a nice kickoff to the tourna- Alexander Hepburn and Mac Antle. Front: Dhanika Perez, Juliana Ball, Khlieo Perez, Jadelyn Nilliman.
ment,” said MFCF board member Back: Jewel Milliman, Caitlyn Powell, Sunshine Tarpey, Rachel Noonan, Brandon Driggers.
Joe Pappalardo. “We did it last year women’s circuit, the players often
and sold out and it sold out again struggle financially as well. Newbies weren’t the only ones “One of the personal interests we
this year. In my opinion, Vero Beach there. The celebrated brother-sister all have is that Ivan Lendl coaches
is the best per capita tennis town in “I know how important it is for tennis duo,Cliff and Nancy Richey a few of the guys in this event. We
the country.” the players to get housing,” said Fil- came to watch, sitting with Denise all know him and hoped to see some
malter, who convinced her friends Capriati, mother of Olympic gold of them play,” said Cliff Richie, who
Tennis aficionados welcomed the Libby Thompson and Bill King to medalist and three-time Grand earned 45 tournament titles over his
chance to meet the new crop of up- hosting two players at their home. Slam title holder Jennifer Capriati. 26-year career. Now a mental-health
and-coming players, with many es- “Nowadays you have to be in the top activist, he authored the book “Your
pecially eager to see Britain’s Mar- 100 to make a living; endorsements “It’s amazing; they’re all hitting Playbook for Beating Depression.”
cus Willis, who was dubbed last are where you make your money.” very well,” said Nancy Richey, who
summer’s Cinderella story after he can boast two Grand Slam singles When asked if they were rooting
rose to a matchup against Roger Fe- “They’re such sweet guys and titles and four Grand Slam wom- for anyone in particular, Cliff Rich-
derer on Wimbledon’s Center Court. they’re just starting out,” said en’s doubles titles and, like Jennifer ie said with a laugh, “No, we’re too
Thompson. “We just can’t do enough Capriati, was inducted into the In- old and they’re too young. We really
Attendees were also there just for them.” ternational Tennis Hall of Fame. don’t know many of them.”
to continue the legacy Mardy be-
gan. And with Mardy now resid-
ing in California, his parents, Tom
and Sally Fish, have picked up the
standard; Tom Fish is MFCF board
“Mardy said to me how grateful
he is of his hometown community,”
said Pappalardo. “He’s even more
grateful that his parents are giving
back to children who are not their
own to help them achieve success.
Although he’s not here helping, he’s
its biggest cheerleader. All the lead-
ers in the community are helping to
grow and sustain the program and
help these kids who have very little
According to Alet Filmalter, a fi-
nancial advisor with Merrill Lynch
who formerly competed on the pro
32 Vero Beach 32963 / May 4, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Glass action: Parishioners show healing power of art
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF the church now than there was Woodcarving by Ray Lancaster. P HOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE Whoville who woke up Christ-
immediately following the mas morning to find their
Staff Writer vandalism,” Lan- gation was brought together as every- presents gone
caster says. body put a piece of glass on the cross.” from under the
For more than 50 years, the bar- tree – all stolen by
rier island’s Christ by the Sea United Lancaster has “What a beautiful idea,” says Pick- the Grinch. “There
Methodist Church has been providing only been carv- el. “All those multifaceted edges will was nothing left,
spiritual nourishment for its parish- ing for about a sparkle as the light passes through or but they all stood
ioners. So it was shocking when, on year. When he ex- reflects. It’s a great way to make some- around their hous-
three separate occasions during Holy pressed an inter- thing good out of a senseless act of de- es holding hands
Week, rocks were thrown through six est in learning the struction and what a waste of art.” and singing.”
of the beautiful stained-glass win- art form, fellow “It was a way
dows made by the Conrad Pickel Stu- parishioner and Lancaster provided the founda- to redeem some
dio for the church 30 years ago. accomplished tion and the congregation built upon of the situation,”
woodworker Al it, creating a sense of unity and be- explains Rev.
After the damaged panels were re- Gustave took him ing part of a bigger whole through the Melvin. “I think
moved by Paul Pickel, son of the late under his wing. healing power of art. Today, the cross that our folks
painter, stained glass artist and sculp- sits on the altar as a reminder of for-
tor, the church had several hundred “He’s inspired giveness. It will stay there until the here found that to be one of the
shards of glass from the shattered win- me to work with wood,” says Lan- windows are repaired. ways to deal with their grief and
dows. But what to do with them? caster. “Of course, Al works on a anger over what had happened. We
much bigger scale than I do and he’s “It’s difficult to have somebody found it to be a very helpful tool in
The answer came from a retired an incredible artist.” break into your church and ruin beau- dealing with everything.”
bishop friend of Rev. Clifford Melvin. tiful stained-glass windows. But to
“She said we should use the glass as Several of the projects Lancaster have it happen Easter week was just As for the stained-glass windows,
a way to create new life.” Rev. Melvin has completed reside in the Sunday such a horrible feeling to your heart,” Pickel took the broken panels back
decided they would make a sculpture school classroom. He carved a nativ- says parishioner Barbara Butts. to his studio for repair. Once the in-
with the shards. ity scene and manger from a piece “When I heard what was going to hap- surance company approves the re-
of wood he found while on vacation. pen (with the shards), I thought it was pairs, Pickel says they will start tak-
A few days before Easter, Rev. Melvin The set holds special meaning for such a great idea.” ing the panel apart and making new
asked parishioner and wood carver Lancaster as it was carved from the pieces. Each section of glass will
Ray Lancaster if he could make a cross wood of a sycamore fig tree. That’s Butts says it reminded her of the Dr. have to be painted, fired, re-leaded
in time for the Easter service. the same tree Zacchaeus climbed Seuss story about the people of tiny and re-cemented before it can be
so that he might be able to see Jesus re-installed. The process will take
Lancaster went home that night when he came to town. more than a month to complete.
and got to work. “I had a piece of oak
I picked up when a neighbor was cut- Someone brought a piece of “There wasn’t enough overall
ting down some trees. I just had a feel- charred wood from fire-ravaged damage to replace the entire win-
ing that I might need it sometime,” he California. He cleaned it, stained dow, so we felt like the repair was the
recalls. it and carved the Fruit of the Holy best option for us. They were one-of-
Spirit all over the branches from Ga- a-kind pieces. Thankfully they can
Once he had a plan, Lancaster got latians. Lancaster also carves hand be repaired, and the Pickel family is
busy. He cut the sides off the log, leav- crosses for those struggling and in still here to bring them back to their
ing a stump on the bottom to create a need of prayers. former glory,” says Rev. Melvin.
natural base that gave it a sturdy, tree- The process and materials have
like appearance and he milled down Once the wooden cross was com- changed little since Pickel’s father did
the pieces he’d already trimmed off to pleted, Lancaster took it to the church. the original designs. It will take some
create the arms of the cross. There, along with other parishioners work to match the color and glass
and guests, he glued a shard of the due to variations in the color pattern
“No matter what I do I try to put stained glass to the cross. “It makes me from age and exposure to sunlight.
my heart and soul into it and only feel good that I can contribute some- As in the original design, all the glass
make things with a purpose. I’m no thing to the church,” said Lancaster of is mouth-blown and antique glass
artist, but I do have a passion for do- the completed sculpture. “The congre- made in Germany and France from
ing things for people. It’s rewarding to the same glass studios the Pickels
know that there is a different feeling in have been using for years.
Once the glass has been replaced,
Rev. Melvin hopes to hold a blessing
ceremony. At that time the congrega-
tion will retire the sculpture from the
altar to a place of prominence in the
The collaborative sculpture helped
change a story of vandalism and anger
to one of new beginnings and forgive-
ness, piece by broken piece.
“It was cleansing to take all those
shards of glass and make something
beautiful out of them,” says Butts. “It
helped us forgive the person who did
this to our church.”
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 4, 2017 33
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF terms of helping spot quality films. director. The afternoon includes a trip “Straws” about sea turtles endangered
Woolnough is watching all the stu- to the 7 Virtues Beauty Perfume Bar, by toxic straws, attendees will take a
Staff Writer lunch, movie and book signing at the guided sea turtle walk with Vero’s own
dent films. A free screening and award Riverside Theatre. Heather Stapleton from the Environ-
The Vero Beach Wine and Film Fes- ceremony for the students, all with ties mental Learning Center.
tival was barely in the can last summer to Florida, will be held at the Vero Beach With the guidance of Neil Mandt,
when planning for the festival’s sequel Theatre Guild during the festival. a pioneer in virtual reality filmmak- Back again this year is the Vero Vi-
got underway. ing, the festival is presenting a virtual sions category with a whole new slate of
“The appetite and enthusiasm for the reality lounge at Riverside Theatre. films that are for, by or about the Trea-
The inaugural event was so well re- event is so much higher this year, and Two films will be shown at the virtual sure Coast. One returning filmmaker
ceived, this year’s festival promises to more than 2,000 people are expected to lounge. brings a movie filmed in Vero Beach
be bigger and better. What that means attend our four-day, full-bodied event.
for film buffs is more film, more wine We’ve already surpassed last year’s After viewing the documentary CONTINUED ON PAGE 34
and more fun. The festive four-day ticket sales,” says Stewart.
event takes place June 8-11 in a variety SEE THESE AND OTHER FINE THINGS AT VERO’S FINEST
of venues around Vero Beach and will The Sonoma International Film Fes- COLLECTION OF AMERICAN-MADE ART AND JEWELRY
feature about 75 quality films vetted by tival has taken the Vero event under its
a crew of local industry professionals wing as a sister festival, which allows THEL AUGHINGDOGGALLERY.COM 2910 CARDINAL DR.
and film lovers. access to the Best of Sonoma, that fes- VERO BEACH, FL
tival’s award winners. 7 72 . 2 3 4 . 6711
“It was such a success last year that
we knew we would have to up To accommodate the crowds, addi-
our game to top ourselves,”
says festival founder Jerusha VBWFF founder Jerusha Stewart.
Stewart. “We’re going to need P HOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
a bigger festival to repeat our
Cinderella luck.” tional screening times and more ven-
ues have been added, and the group
Susan Keller Horn, festival is currently negotiating the use of an-
co-founder and director of sub- other, very large venue that has yet to
missions, says the film com- be disclosed. The schedule will run
mittee has been watching films from approximately 9:30 a.m. to 11 p.m.
since September. The group most days.
gathered as often as twice a
week and watched more than As for the wine component, the fes-
250 films. tival team has added the WOW Tast-
ing Lounge. The World of Wine Tasting
“It is an arduous but fun pro- Experience and Pop Up Shop allows
cess because we watch every festival-goers to taste a broader variety
film from start to finish,” says of wine, meet the winemakers and pur-
Horn. chase wine at festival discounts.
It’s not all about popcorn Premier Pass holders can attend the
and Junior Mints. Viewers fill Super-Secret VSP (Very Special Per-
out a checklist of criteria from sons) Welcome Party for the filmmak-
sound to the story and writing ers, winemakers and invited guests at a
to editing. private, waterside location with drinks
and a tasting menu.
Among the films this year: “Un-
leashed,” “Rebound” and “Dog Years,” One of the new events is dubbed
starring Burt Reynolds, are a few that Fierce Females and Films, a women’s
stand out, says Horn. networking lunch and film screening
offering women a chance to view the
Several weeks before the film festival award-winning documentary “The
begins, festival chair Jeff Woolnough Perfume War” with the producer and
will host Desserts with Directors on
May 21 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the
Springhill Suites. Guests will have the
chance to meet regional filmmakers
over free dessert and champagne. The
event is free and open to the public.
After proving itself last year, the fes-
tival this year has attracted a number
of Hollywood insiders, which in turn
benefits filmmakers who can have
their work seen by the likes of producer
Molly Smith, director Ari Sandel and
film critic Jeffrey Lyons.
It was a big coup to have “Judgment
of Paris” author George Taber as the
festival chair last year and this year
director Jeff Woolnough has stepped
in, bringing to the table his wife, ac-
tress Claudette Roche, who has proved
a valuable resource for the festival in
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42 Vero Beach 32963 / May 4, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
BY RUTH MARCUS | WASHINGTON POST which their publisher has said a “sig- to the power of Wall Street and the in- conduct was infuriatingly boneheaded
nificant portion” will be donated to fluence of big money in the political because she knew she might be – at a
In collecting $400,000 from a Wall charity. That should leave plenty for process,” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) certain point, she knew she was – run-
Street investment firm to make a sin- the Obamas to live as luxuriously as told Bloomberg News’s Steven Den- ning for president. The fact that she
gle speech, Barack Obama is follow- they could want. nis. “I think it’s unfortunate.” Similarly, was seeking office opened her to sug-
ing in the Gucci-clad footsteps of past Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said gestion that those signing her speaker’s
presidents. Ronald Reagan landed a $2 Books are a consumer good, eas- on SiriusXM’s Radio Andy that she was checks were currying future favor.
million speaking gig in Japan. George ily available for purchase. If the mar- “troubled” by the speech.
W. Bush, on his way out, announced it ket bears $60 million to hear from the Obama, by contrast, is done with
was time to “replenish the ol’ coffers.” Obamas, great. Okay, I hear you saying, The Wall Street angle feels like un- electoral politics, at least the kind that
Bill and Hillary Clinton reported mak- the market commands $400,000 for a fortunate icing on an already distaste- have him on the ballot. His office said a
ing more than $235 million after leav- Barack Obama speech. But the speech ful cake. Would we really feel better if portion of his income will go to charity.
ing the White House. – this particular one for a health-care Obama were taking the money from, But is this rapaciousness really the im-
conference put on by investment say, a public university? At least the age he wants to cultivate? Having left his
But to acknowledge that Obama has banking firm Cantor Fitzgerald – is Cantor Fitzgerald check comes from party in such terrible condition, does he
plenty of precedent on his side is not only available to a privileged few, paid folks who can easily afford it – not out really have to offer opponents ammuni-
to say that his choice is wise. Indeed, for by an even more privileged few. To of taxpayer dollars. tion to attack him as hypocritical?
it’s unfortunate. this crowd, $400,000 is a paltry bonus
in a bad year for a middling analyst. More fundamentally, what is re- Some readers will argue there is an
Obama’s propulsion onto the lecture ally revolting about all this unseemly unfair racial double standard in ac-
circuit arrives at a moment of populist Indeed, some of those to Obama’s money-grubbing isn’t who’s writing cepting that previous presidents have
disgust with Wall Street greed and the left have focused on the Wall Street as- the checks, it’s the unnecessary vacu- cashed in big time and demanding that
Washington swamp (can doors revolve pect of the deal. “I think it just speaks uming of endless sums. Sure, Clinton’s Obama refrain from doing precisely
in swamps?). It comes after a campaign what they have. “So the first black pres-
in which Hillary Clinton’s Goldman ident must also be the first one to not
Sachs speaking fees became a sym- take money afterwards?” Trevor Noah
bol of entitled elitism. So imagine the asked on “The Daily Show” last week.
powerful message Obama would have “No, no, no, no, no, my friend. He can’t
sent – the reverse precedent – had he be the first of everything.”
chosen to renounce this road to riches.
Hogwash. This isn’t about holding
Or, imagine this, had he chosen to the black guy to a higher standard –
speak publicly, at as many places and it’s about trying to hold everyone to a
on as many topics as he liked. Just not higher standard. Times have changed,
behind closed doors, for an amount and what was once placidly accepted
equivalent to his White House sal- as post-presidential business-as-usual
ary – and seven times what the typical may no longer be.
household makes in a year. Such a move
would have been understood as an im- A wise man once said, “I do think at
plicit – and well-deserved – rebuke of a certain point you’ve made enough
the Clintons’ compulsive speechifying. money.” That was Obama 2010, on
regulating Wall Street. Maybe Obama
This is not to argue for a post- 2017 could talk to that guy.
presidential vow of poverty. I don’t
begrudge the Obamas their reported These views are those of the author,
$60-million-plus joint book deal, of and do not necessarily reflect the views
of Vero Beach 32963.
HAPPY NATIONAL NURSES DAY and Children in Boston. Today, approximately 13 percent of
all nurses hold master’s or doctoral degrees.
The most recent Gallup poll reports that for the 15th con-
secutive year, nursing is ranked the most trusted profession In the U.S, there are typically four times as many nurses on
by the American public. staff at a hospital as doctors at any given time. However,
Across the nation, hospitals set aside a week in May to hon- the World Health Organization (WHO) reports that the U.S.
or nurses for the care they provide patients, their families and Canada lag behind Finland, Norway, Monaco, Ireland
and loved ones. The week starts on Nurses Day, May 6, and and Belarus in nurses per capita.
concludes on Florence Nightingale’s birthday, May 12.
Considered the pioneer of nursing for her work during the From licensed practical nurses (LPNs), to associate degree © 2017 Vero Beach 32963 Media, all rights reserved
Crimean War (1853-1856), Nightingale was called the “Lady nurses (ADNs), bachelor of science degree nurses (BSNs)
with the Lamp” since she tirelessly tended to wounded sol- to advanced registered nurse practitioners (ARNPs) with a
diers in various hospitals through the night. She is still re- master’s or doctoral degree, the field of nursing is full of
garded as a model for the nursing profession. opportunity. In fact, ARNPs can work as primary care pro-
Nurses are the backbone of our healthcare system. While viders with consulting specialty physicians. They are also
62 percent of all working RNs do so in hospitals, nurses are authorized, based on their education, training and practice
also employed in home care, nursing homes, public health agreement with their sponsoring physician, to perform
units, schools, community health centers, outpatient sur- physical exams, order tests, diagnose and treat routine ill-
gicenters, industry settings, nursing school centers, health nesses and prescribe medications. Some ARNPs serve as
maintenance organizations, mental health agencies, and as certified nurse anesthetists and nurse midwives.
scientists, health promotors, college and university educa-
tors and healthcare administrators. Nursing is an art: and if it is to be made an art, it requires
According to the American College of Nursing, nursing is the
nation’s largest healthcare profession with over 3.1 million an exclusive devotion as hard a preparation, as any paint-
registered nurses (RNs) practicing in the U.S. The Bureau of
Labor Statistics further estimates that employment for RNs er’s or sculptor’s work; for what is the having to do with
will increase more quickly than any other area through 2018.
The first nursing diploma in America was presented to Linda dead canvas or dead marble, compared with having to do
Richards in 1873 from the New England Hospital for Women
with the living body, the temple of God’s spirit? It is one of
the Fine Arts: I had almost said, the finest of Fine Arts.
– Florence Nightingale
Join us in saluting nurses during National Nurses Week and
every week of the year!
Your comments and suggestions for future topics are always
welcome. Email us at [email protected].
44 Vero Beach 32963 / May 4, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
BY MILTON R. BENJAMIN | STAFF WRITER But big ships or small, pent-up demand for cruis-
ing to Cuba is clearly there, and sailing with Royal
Royal Caribbean’s Empress of Caribbean last week certainly made traveling to Ha-
the Seas arriving in Havana. vana far easier than it was before the current Wash-
ington-Havana détente.
SUMMER VISITOR INVASION OF CUBA For starters, there’s the whole matter of U.S. travel
restrictions and Cuban visas. Even today, Ameri-
As the morning sun rose over El Morro fortress Havana street scene cans are effectively barred from going to Cuba and
guarding the entrance to Havana Bay, the lead ship lazing on the beaches. For most of the Castro years,
of the 2017 U.S. invasion fleet, Empress of the Seas, just for the day; others spending two days and a night you had to go to a third country – ie, Canada – and
slowly entered Havana Harbor. in Havana – departing from either Miami or Tampa. sneak down to Cuba from there.
The arrival of the Royal Caribbean ship on its in- For the time being at least, these older vessels – Finally last year with an improvement in bilateral
augural voyage to Cuba a week ago Sunday signaled classics built in the ‘90s – will be largest sailing from relations, scheduled airlines began flying directly
the beginning of a different kind of invasion which the U.S. to Cuba, since a vehicle tunnel under the to Cuba from the United States. However, U.S. law
will be taking place this summer – this one bringing mouth of Havana Harbor prevents the dredging of still lets you go only for one of 12 approved reasons –
more than 20,000 American visitors a month to Ha- the deeper channel needed to accommodate to- none of which includes going just to have fun.
vana aboard the three mass-market U.S. cruise lines. day’s mega cruise ships.
So when we arrived at the Miami cruise terminal
While a relative handful of Americans got to visit on April 19th, we were given a one-page “Guest Cer-
Havana this past winter aboard smaller vessels, tification for Authorized Travel to Cuba” form to fill
Empress of the Seas with its 1,600 passengers was out. You could either check that you were going to
the largest Florida-based cruise ship ever to sail to be on a full-day program of people-to-people activi-
Havana – a distinction that lasted only days before ties offered by the cruise line (in other words, take
it was joined this week by Norwegian Cruise Line’s the ship’s tours), or that you were going to be on a
slightly larger Norwegian Sky. self-guided people-to-people activities program.
Carnival Paradise, a Carnival Cruise Line ship Since “people-to-people educational exchanges”
about the same size as Norwegian Sky, will further seemed to be a pretty low threshold to cross (a dis-
expand the tourist invasion fleet in late June. cussion with a Cuban tour guide would arguably
qualify), it took about 90-seconds to fill out this
All summer, the three ships from the three main- form, agree to have a $75-per-visa charge added
stream U.S. cruise companies will be sailing four or to our shipboard account, and receive our visas to
five day voyages that will call in Cuba – some visiting present to the Cuban immigration officials.
With that completed, we were off to board the
ship, where we were greeted by a live salsa band and
complimentary Cuba Libres.
From that point, the cruise was pretty much like
every other fun-packed voyage to the Caribbean
you have ever taken – with none of the earnestness
associated with Fathom, the “social-impact” cruise
line that a year ago became the first approved to
sail from the U.S. to Cuba. Fathom was not a huge
success, and its last cruise to Havana before it shuts
down will be May 28.
But Empress – with its nightclub Boleros packing
them in for salsa lessons, Café Royal serving high-
octane cortaditos to coffee lovers, and bars pump-
ing out the mojitos and daiquiris day and night –
had a pulsating (dare we say fun) Cuban vibe.
Still, there were useful lectures for people prepar-
ing for an initial Havana visit as well. Dr. Andy Go-
mez, a senior fellow at the University of Miami's In-
stitute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies, gave
talks that provided a bit of history and a lot of advice
– answering audience questions that ranged from