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Published by Vero Beach 32963 Media, 2017-05-11 14:41:29

05/11/2017 ISSUE 19


Innovation keys
hospital’s joint

replacement success

52 Vero Beach 32963 / May 11, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Innovation keys hospital’s joint replacement success

BY TOM LLOYD Solutions in 2011, Steele’s patient-cen- to pay back many of the Lisa Cox and Dr. Kenneth C. Sands. PHOTO: GORDON RADFORD
Staff Writer tric approach has since been adopted dollars they received
by healthcare facilities nationwide.
When the Centers for Medicare & from Medicare.
Medicaid Services (CMS) shifted the “Every hospital,” wrote Steele in a
way it pays medical providers for hip 2016 article on, Sands says he has no
and knee replacements last April, some “must find ways to improve quality,
pundits predicted the number of those patient experience, collect outcomes problem with SRMC’s
procedures would start to plummet. while at the same time lowering overall
costs. This includes managing costs af- implementation of the
It didn’t. ter patients leave the hospital.”
In fact, according to Lisa Cox, direc- Marshall Steele Pro-
tor of medical and surgical services at That sentiment became doubly im-
the Sebastian River Medical Center, the portant when the new Comprehen- gram.
number of these procedures at SRMC sive Care for Joint Replacement rules
has actually risen some 38 percent. were issued. “It hasn’t encum-
Contributing factors to that upswing
likely include the hospital’s implemen- In a nutshell, the CCJR makes hos- bered me in any way,”
tation of what’s known as the “Mar- pitals responsible for the care quality
shall Steele Program” and the growing as well as the cost of joint replace- says the man who
practice of Melbourne-based orthope- ments for a full 90 days after a patient
dic surgeon Dr. Kenneth Sands, who is discharged. spent more than a doz-
performs his surgeries in Sebastian.
Marshall Steele is a renowned ortho- As U.S. News & World Report says, en years as a U.S. Army
pedic surgeon in Annapolis, Maryland. “Doctors, hospitals, rehab centers,
He developed a nationally-recognized therapists, home health agencies and orthopedic physician
surgical pathway for total joint patients other providers will continue to get
from pre-op through surgery to post- their regular reimbursements from and director of the Ar-
op and rehabilitation. Medicare, but at the end of the year,
Acquired by Stryker Performance hospitals will be held accountable for my’s Adult Joint Recon-
the total cost of care over the 90-day
period.” If those costs exceed Medi- struction program at
care’s targeted total, hospitals will have
the William Beaumont

Army Medical Center

in El Paso, Texas.

“Actually,” he says,

“if anything, it adds to

the program.”

Sands has built his

reputation here in no

small part by being

the first – and the only

– orthopedic surgeon

in Florida to adopt an

“anterior cruciate liga-

ment or ACL-sparing”

approach for knee re-


In the most commonly performed eral” approach that requires muscles

total knee replacements – both here in the hip area to be partially or com-

and across the country – one of the pletely detached, Sands – who says he’s

first things that happens is that the “always looking for a better way” – fa-

ACL is cut away. vors a third technique.

Sands believes that summarily re- Sands uses what’s called an “ante-

moving a healthy ACL can be a big mis- rior” approach to hip replacements

take. “When you preserve the ACL,” – in part because it’s the most direct

Sands says, “the [replacement] knee is route to the hip bone and also because

being driven by the natural ligaments it avoids any division or cutting of the

and it feels more natural.” body’s existing muscles.

The U.S. National Library of Medi- Sands sums up his stance in three

cine backs up Sands’ contention, stat- simple sentences. “On the knee side we

ing that knee replacement procedures spare the ACL and all the ligaments. On

“which retain the ACL provide rela- the hip side, we spare cutting any mus-

tively normal knee kinematics and fa- cles. The less invasive we are, in theory,

vorable knee function compared with the better it is for the patient.”

conventional knee replacement sur- So, that 38 percent increase in knee

geries which sacrifice the ACL.” and hip procedures at SRMC may well

And while Sands goes out of his be tied, at least in part, to both SRMC’s

way to credit “better anesthesiology implementation of the Marshall Steele

and better implants” as contributing Program and to Sands’ innovative sur-

factors to better results, the fact re- gical techniques.

mains that his preferred procedure

has also contributed to the demand Dr. Kenneth Sands has offices in Mel-

for his services. bourne at First Choice Medical Group

When it comes to hip replace- at 709 S. Harbor City Blvd. In Viera his

ments, Sands is also taking a path offices are in the Delorenzi Orthopedic

less traveled. Center, 7000 Spyglass Court. In Vero

While up to 95 percent of hip replace- Beach he is at 1715 37th Place. The phone

ments in this country are currently be- number for all three locations is 321-725-

ing done using either a “posterior” ap- 2225. Lisa Cox can be reached at the Se-

proach, which involves a 4-to-6-inch bastian River Medical Center joint center

incision in the buttock, or with a “lat- at 772-589-3186. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 11, 2017 53


Estrogen therapy can significantly improve oral health

BY MARIA CANFIELD scribed, saying, “Re- of the NAMS study is underscored by Buffalo study, Dr. Michael J. LaMon-
ducing the risk of another, larger study from the Uni- te, hypothesizes that tooth loss prob-
Correspondent osteoporosis is a versity of Buffalo suggesting that ably reflects more than just oral hy-
secondary ben- tooth loss and periodontitis are a pre- giene, and it could be influenced by
Most women of a certain age are efit of estrogen, dictor for a significantly increased health factors such as diet, smoking
familiar with the benefits of es- but it [is not] … risk of death. In that study, informa- and other conditions that accumu-
trogen therapy for the treatment prescribed as a tion was gathered from 57,001 wom- late over a lifetime. Dr. LaMonte says
of menopausal symptoms, such primary treat- en, with an average age of 68. Loss “we see tooth loss as a proxy mea-
as hot flashes, fatigue, insomnia, ment for osteopo- of all teeth was associated with a 17 sure for poorer overall health than in
mood swings and reduced sexual rosis.” percent increase in mortality. those who keep their teeth.”
drive. Estrogen therapy can also im- The significance
prove bone density and reduce the The lead author of the University of CONTINUED ON PAGE 54
risk of osteoporosis. Dr. Kristy Crawford. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE

Now, a new study, published
in Menopause, the journal of the
North American Menopause Soci-
ety (NAMS), suggests that estrogen
therapy can also lead to healthier
teeth and gums. Dr. Kristy Crawford,
DO, of IRMC’s Partners in Women’s
Health practice, is familiar with the
NAMS study and says it is both well-
researched and well-written.

Due to falling levels of estrogen (a
hormone produced by the ovaries),
menopause can be a time when teeth
and gums become more susceptible
to disease, leading to inflamma-
tion, pain, bleeding and even the
loss of teeth. In the NAMS study, 492
postmenopausal Brazilian women
between the ages of 50 and 87 were
evaluated to determine if osteoporo-
sis treatment improved their overall
oral health: 113 were treated with
osteoporosis drugs and 379 were
not. Treatment consisted of estro-
gen alone or estrogen plus progestin
(another hormone) and included cal-
cium and vitamin D supplements.

The rate of severe periodontitis – a
serious gum infection that can de-
stroy the jawbone – was 44 percent
lower in the treated group than it was
in the untreated group; the theory
being that the estrogen treatment
helped increase the bone mineral
density in the jaw, leading to a lower
incidence of jawbone damage.

Dr. JoAnn Pinkerton, NAMS execu-
tive director, says “osteoporosis can
occur throughout the body, includ-
ing the jaw, and lead to an increased
risk of periodontal disease. This
study demonstrates that estrogen
therapy, which has proven to be ef-
fective in preventing bone loss, may
also prevent the worsening of tooth
and gum disease.”

In addition to the treatment of
menopausal symptoms and osteopo-
rosis, estrogen is used as a therapy for
certain types of breast and prostate
cancers, and for conditions caused
when the body does not produce
enough of the hormone. IRMC’s Dr.
Crawford sounds a cautionary note
about how estrogen therapy is pre-

54 Vero Beach 32963 / May 11, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Healthy habits for college
grads to start right now

The University of Buffalo study other menopausal symptoms. “Some BY JAE BERMAN young and never stop, it’s eating
also showed that gum disease by women are scared to death of estro- Washington Post vegetables. So basic, completely un-
itself was not as dangerous as full gen therapy, thinking it increases the sexy, but it’s the truth. Vegetables
tooth loss, but was still associated risk of breast cancer,” she says. “But I can clearly remember being a are full of nutrients, high in fiber
with a 12 percent increased risk of studies have shown that estrogen senior in college and so excited to and low in calories. To eat a healthy
mortality. Bacteria is one culprit: The alone does not increase the risk, al- graduate and enter the “real world.” diet, vegetables must be part of your
inflammation associated with gum though estrogen combined with pro- No more homework, my own mon- daily routine.
disease can cause bacteria to enter gestin does increase breast cancer ey to play with, a new city with full
the bloodstream, which can lead to risk slightly.” freedom and independence. I can How do you make it work? First,
infection (septicemia), heart disease, also clearly remember being six take notice of how many vegetables
diabetes, respiratory problems, os- Oral health problems are common months out of school and feeling you’re eating. Look at your fist and
teoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis and among older people – 64 percent of overwhelmed, confused and un- figure out how many fists of vegeta-
other potentially serious health con- United States adults over the age of healthy. bles you eat a day. Slowly start add-
ditions. 60 have moderate to severe gum dis- ing more, reaching a goal of six to 10
ease and 33 percent have some level I was shocked! Learning how to per day.
Estrogen therapy can be delivered of tooth loss. Intensive oral health eat right, manage a busy social life,
to the body in a number of ways; most screening is warranted in midlife; get my workouts done and work ●• Bring veggies with you every-
commonly via a pill. It is not without additionally, Dr. Crawford – and a full day seemed impossible. It where you go. Chopped carrots,
risk – on its own, estrogen causes a common sense – says that twice- took years and effort to create solid peppers, celery, broccoli, cauliflow-
slight increase in the incidence of yearly dental check-ups are critical habits. What many don’t realize is er and radishes are great on the go.
strokes and blood clots; when com- regardless of age. that this first exposure to the “real
bined with progestin, the risks of world” is a pivotal time to set the ●• Always order vegetables when
heart attack also rise. Oral estrogen Dr. Crawford is a board-certified tone for your health and wellness. It you’re out. It doesn’t have to be a sal-
can also be hard on the liver, so those Obstetrician and Gynecologist, and can be so tempting to attend every ad, but it could be a side of veggies,
with liver damage or disease should she is currently accepting new patients. fancy event and happy hour, but it’s or swapping some of your starch for
avoid taking it IRMC’s Partners in Women’s Health also important to take care of your- a veggie.
office located at 1050 37thPlace, Suite self. Let’s discuss some habits to set
However, Dr. Crawford encourages 101, in Vero Beach. The phone number you up for success. ●• Keep a bag of greens in your fridge
women to see their gynecologist if is 772-790-6116.  at all times. Throw them in soups or
they are suffering from hot flashes or Get good at eating vegetables: If over eggs, or use them as a side for
there’s one habit you should start dinner, or a base of a meal. Eat raw,
sautéed, steamed or microwaved.
Greens go with everything and are so
easy to incorporate into your routine.
Frozen greens work, too.

●• Use fat, spice and acid to make it
taste better. Add oils, butter, cheese,
any spice you like, vinegars, lemon
or lime to get more vegetables into
your routine. Over time, you may
notice you don’t need as much add-
ed flavor, but do what you’ve got to

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 11, 2017 55


Splurge — in moderation: Sugar, the gym at lunch hour, even if it’s for a
fried food and alcohol aren’t going quick 20- to 30-minute workout. Be the
away. Quite frankly, they shouldn’t, one at the office who has vegetables
as splurges are a wonderful and for an afternoon snack, rather than a
tasty part of life. When you jump cookie. Take a walk around the block
into the working world, you may instead of a smoke break. Your health
notice how many treats and cock- has to be the priority.
tails effortlessly enter your daily
routine. Work meetings, networking •● Have a water bottle with you at all
opportunities and social events add times to stay hydrated.
up. You might go “all or nothing”
with this and have weeks or months •● Do 10 to 20 push-ups and squats
where you’re drinking and eating an in the morning and/or evening if
excessive amount, and then chal- you can’t get longer workouts in your
lenge yourself to weeks or months schedule.
of no sugar or alcohol. Although this
can sometimes be successful in the •● Pack the week’s veggie snacks on
short term, it’s exhausting and not Sunday nights.
likely to set you up for long-term
success. A smarter move is to accept •● When everyone is ordering a heavi-
that these foods are in your world, er meal, instead find a vegetable-rich
and be strategic about it. salad, a veggie side or consider order-
ing a meal with the dressing, sauce,
●• If you’re going to a party, eat a cheese or fried stuff on the side. That
balanced meal before you go, so you way you can manage your decisions
don’t walk into a splurge-filled situ- and create a plate that works for you.
ation with a ravenous stomach.
•● Find a workout that’s convenient to
●• Set a rule before you go. Give you so it fits with your lifestyle.
yourself a number of drinks and/or
treats you’re going to allow yourself •● Turn off the TV/computer/screens
before the event starts. Walk in with at a certain time so you go to bed at a
a plan to keep you focused. reasonable hour.

●• Drink water between cocktails. Say no: If you say yes to every social
It’ll keep you hydrated and allow offer that comes your way, and every
you to make better choices through- splurge food that’s put in front of you,
out the night. When you’ve had too you won’t feel so well after a year in
many drinks, food splurges are far the “real world.” It will be a whole new
more enticing. level of the “freshman 15.” Realize the
power of saying no. You can do it with
•● Brush your teeth. If you brush your a smile on your face and still be a team
teeth midday at work, it may be easier player. You can go to happy hour and
to say no to the treats at the office. have water. You really can! You can
laugh, have fun, build rapport with
•● There are scenarios that insist you your team, but not be as intoxicated as
take the birthday cake, the glass of the others. If it’s someone’s birthday
wine or other splurge. You don’t have party, you can sing and celebrate with-
to eat it all. You can have a bite or a out eating a gigantic piece of cake.
sip, or even two, and then set the plate
or glass down with no one noticing. •● When your co-worker wants to take
an afternoon walk for a mocha and a
Put yourself first: This seems cookie, you can join and simply have
strange, but putting yourself first is coffee or tea. If you want something
a skill, a worthy one that takes prac- sweet, consider sharing the cookie
tice and time to make it a habit. What rather than each buying your own. Ask
does that mean? There are countless your co-worker how he’s doing and en-
moments throughout the day when joy the conversation.
you can decide to put your goals of
a healthy lifestyle over following the •● Smile as you say no. Practice right
pack. For example, take the stairs, now: Smile and say no aloud. Avoid
even if your friends take the eleva- judging, saying “ew” or making some-
tor. Be the one at work who goes to one else feel bad for ordering some-
thing not in line with your values.
Smile first, say “no thank you,” and
move on.

Pay attention during this exciting
time in your life. Have fun! But take
time daily, or hourly, to be sure
you’re also prioritizing your health.
You can thank yourself later. 

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 11, 2017 61


What it takes to drive a cabernet from good to great

The Washington Post

Most people with a successful prod- ish – the impression it leaves on your The decision to go all French oak is year it will be blended, then bottled in
uct don’t want to fiddle with the formu- palate as the flavor fades. “The finish costly. French oak barrels cost at least the summer before being released to
la. Why fix what “ain’t broke,” after all? is the memory of the wine. If the fin- double the price of American oak, but the market two years later.
ish is rough and bitter, that’s what you John Jordan decided to keep the caber-
That didn’t stop John Jordan and remember. French oak knits the fruit net’s price steady at about $55 a bottle. Davis opened a few older bottles for
Rob Davis from tweaking their popu- together, orchestrating the flavor state- me to try. The 2012 has bright fruit and
lar cabernet sauvignon at Jordan Vine- ment so it is round and soft, and the fin- We won’t be able to buy that 2015 for impeccable balance; Davis said it was
yards & Winery in Sonoma County’s ish is supple.” another two years, however: That 2013 his favorite of recent vintages.
Alexander Valley. Davis has been the vintage, with 83 percent aged in French
winemaker at Jordan since Tom and Such realizations don’t come quickly. oak, is the current release. But the 2003 and 2002 had aged grace-
Sally Jordan, John’s parents, founded When Davis persuaded John Jordan to fully, showing some of the aggressive
the winery in 1976. source grapes from other growers, it Davis poured me a sample of the 2016 woodsy characteristics of American
took a few years to negotiate long-term cabernet from a barrel manufactured oak, perhaps, but also some delicious,
For three decades, he made caber- contracts and secure reliable sources by Nadalié, a French barrel maker. The elegant fruit.
net that was a sort of Franco-American of fruit. Davis had already increased wine was lovely — supple and long,
mash-up of styles. Tom Jordan loved the percentage of French oak he used with a velvety texture. It had been in Those wines were worth waiting for.
Bordeaux, and wanted to produce wine in blending the flagship cabernet sau- barrel since December and will remain And the new cabernets will be worth
in the French style. But it was a Napa vignon. But the epiphany didn’t hap- there for a total of 12 months. Early next waiting for too, as one of California’s fa-
Valley cabernet – the Georges de Latour pen until early 2015 when trial blends vorite wines keeps getting better. 
Private Reserve from Beaulieu Vine- of the 2013, already in barrel for a year,
yards – that convinced him quality cab showed the wine tasted better when
could be made in California. only French oak barrels were used.

The Georges de Latour was aged in “Hands down, the finish was longer
100 percent American oak, so Tom Jor- and the wine was better,” Davis recalls.
dan decided his cabernet would split So with the 2015 vintage, Jordan’s cab-
the difference: half aged in French bar- ernet sauvignon is aged exclusively in
rels, the rest in American. And he hired French oak.
BV’s celebrated winemaker André Tch-
elistcheff as a consultant. “With the improvement in our fruit
sourcing, it would be a shame to mask
The formula worked, and Jordan’s such wonderful fruit with American
cabernet became a standard-bearer for oak,” John Jordan explained in an
California in general, and Sonoma’s Al- email. “Jordan has always striven to de-
exander Valley in particular. They kept liver value to our customers, and mov-
to the French style, maintaining alcohol ing to 100 percent French oak is the cul-
levels under 14 percent when California mination of a 10-year effort to improve
cabs crept up to 15 percent and higher. the quality of our wine.”

But when John Jordan took over the By abandoning the estate wine model
winery in 2006, he and Davis decided and the 50-50 oak regimen, he and Da-
they needed to up their game. The es- vis have moved closer to Tom Jordan’s
tate vineyard was producing inconsis- original ideal of producing a Bordeaux-
tent quantity vintage to vintage, and style wine in California.
the wines had some underripe “green”
flavors of bell peppers.

So Jordan and Davis began purchas-
ing cabernet grapes from further up
the valley, closer to Geyserville, as well
as smaller amounts in Dry Creek Val-
ley and Mendocino County. Today, the
only grapes they use from the original
Jordan vineyard come from a block of
petit verdot vines that performed con-
sistently well over the years.

Over time, they realized the fruit they
were purchasing interacted differently
with the French and American oak bar-
rels. The new fruit had riper tannins
and not so much of the green flavors.

“American oak is aggressive and has
a large impact on the wine,” Davis told
me when I visited the winery recently.

“Tannin isn’t a taste. It’s a feel,” he
said. “The French oak tannins bond
with the tannins in the fruit to make a
longer tannin molecule, creating a vel-
vety texture in your mouth.”

The key, Davis said, is the wine’s fin-

62 Vero Beach 32963 / May 11, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 11, 2017 63

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64 Vero Beach 32963 / May 11, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 11, 2017 65

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66 Vero Beach 32963 / May 11, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Bonz out of his element, but he’s in with Quinn

Hi Dog Buddies! when I was preparing for my very first caught up in the moment.”
cat interview. Just sayin’.
It’d been a while since I had ventured “No prob,” I gulped.
into that ever-mysterious (to dogs) I also noticed Quinn had those big,
world of the Feline, so my paws were a fluffy pantaloons in the back, which “Now I would like to tell
little moist when me and my assistant were especially impressive when she
knocked on Quinn Weiss’ door. A hu- was walking away. Plus, her nice, dark- you of a paw-matic experi-
man lady answered and ushered us in. brownish coat matched the carpet. I
wondered whether her Mommys had ence I had that very much
I didn’t see any other animals, ’spe- got it special.
cially none that looked like a Maine made me appreciate my
Coon, which is what I had heard Quinn “Well Bonzo, I was one of many,
resembled. We settled in and I got my many tiny kittens, all living in an ani- Mommys, and my comfy
notebook out, repeating under my mal shelter in West Palm Beach, miss-
breath, “Nix the Wag-and-Sniff. Let her ing our cat Mommys an wishing for a home.”
make the first move. Keep your woofs forever home. My two future Mommys
soft. If she arches her back, Step. Away. were shopping for a kitten, for keeping “Sure! Go ahead,” I said,
Slowly.” company with their other cat, Crystal.
Thank Garfield, they pick me from the pencil poised.
One minute the human lady was sit- bunch, and take me to their home for
ting on the coach alone, and the next – the low low price of $25. Excep, when “There was once this
there was this Really Fluffy, Super-Sized I am finish with my check-ups, it was
cat seated next to her, staring right at more in the neighborhood of $200. tomcat who would often
me. Possibly though me. Smiling.
“There were other cats when I first walk across my back-
I smiled back, taking care not to arrive – Crystal, Dexter, an Wyatt – but
show any teeth. “Good morning, Miss they were already grown up an on their yard - My Turf. I’d watch
Quinn, is it?” last few lives. So an Only Cat is what I
now am. I just turn 10. I usta have an him from my windowsill
“Is my great pleasure, Bonzo. May I Elmo toy I always carried around. Fish-
call you Bonzo? You’ll have to forgive. ing line toys are Totally Cat’s PJ’s, too. an become so mad be-
I speak not too much Dog. Please you Back when I was real little, I fetched toys
to meet my Mommy Margie and my my mommy would throw, and I’d even cause he was inFRING-
Mommy Dave.” bring them back, but I grew outta that.
ing. I don’t know from
“Er. Your, um, Mommy Margie and “From my cedar chest window seat I
Your Mommy Dave?” I said, thinking I studiously observe the ducks, herons, where he came. I believe Quinn, the cat. PHOTO BY MITCH KLOORFAIN
musta missed an important memo. Sandhill cranes an squirrels down by he was just wild. And
the lake. Mommy Margie sewed me a
“Yes. You see, all my humans I consid- Special Pillow to sit on during my stu- scary-looking to me. My
er as mothers. We all do. Is a Cat Thing.” dious observations. My Mommys call
it The Queen Pillow. Frankly, Bonzo, Mommys called him Cowcat because I couldn’t move, couldn’t make a
“Ah, I see.” I ackshully didn’t. “Tell I’m interested not so much in other
me how you came to find your Forever cats these days. My Mommy says I’m they say he looked like a Holstein cow. I sound, even when my Mommys started
Family. In this life.” Territorial.” Suddenly Quinn leaped
up, causing me to jump back. “I just ... have No Idea what that even means, but calling me. At last I managed a few tiny
Quinn did a couple of in-place cir- wan t... everybody ... to ... Stay Outta
cles, sat elegantly, and crossed her My SPACE!” she hissed. I continue meowing ferocious warnings mews and finally I felt Mommy grab me
paws. She was very pretty: long silky,
dark hair, a tabby pattern. An she had I regained my balance and started and getting my back all up to chase him and carry me to safety, thank Garfield!”
very good posture, like she was a mem- gathering my notebook and pencils up
ber of that ancient Egyptian royal fam- off the floor, trying to look nonchalant. away. But it didn’t work. “Woof! Quinn, that’s some story. You
ily: Bastet was the catriarch, as I recall.
“Oh, many pardons, Mr. Bonzo. I got “Cowcat pretended he didn’t see me, should write it all down!” I told her.
In case you’re wondering, I know
this cat stuff because I Googled back but I caught him glancing my way. One “Someday, I’m gonna stand up to

time he had NERVE to walk right up to that big ol’ Poop Face!” she said with

the house to drink from the air condi- determination.

tioner. He was making me Catnip Nuts! Heading home, I was thinking how

This one day, I was up on the sill, same every species has its own particular

as always. But it felt different. THEN I challenges, and learning about ’em

realize why. The window is UP. I could seems like a good way to start under-

even smell Cowcat through the screen. standing each other better, ya know?

He spots me, too, and both our tails

fluff up, we bow our backs and start Till next time,
The Bonz
yelling stuff back and forth that’d cur-
dle your cream. Don’t Be Shy

“Then Cowcat give this big howl and We are always looking for pets
leap at the screen. Before I even think, with interesting stories.
I spring at him, the screen gives way
and I fall right out the window and

land on the grass, which I’d never, ever

been on in my entire life. We both yowl, To set up an interview, email
then Cowcat flies off across the street [email protected].
and I run under a bush, in total panic.

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 11, 2017 71


a house that originally stood here.
Flanked by a pair of arched, built-
in display units, it now stars as the
room’s charming focal point. Conve-
nient features of the living room in-
clude four recessed, electrical floor
outlets and, tucked away nearby, an
inconspicuous coat closet.

From the living room, a glass slider
wall opens onto one of the home’s
three garden courtyards, unusual
features that make this residence
an absolutely irresistible standout.
One courtyard features a blue tile-
trimmed, pond-bottom splash pool;
another a quaint garden fountain;
and the third a greenery-embraced
space perfect for alfresco dining or
simply catching some sun. Delicate
orchids can also be found here, cra-
dled among the tree branches.

The house was cleverly designed
around these lovely outdoor rooms,
allowing appealing views as well as
access to at least one of the peaceful,
verdant spaces from virtually every
interior room.

This design makes the home ideal
for entertaining: After dark, with
well-planned garden lighting and
sliders open, the indoors and out-
doors merge, and these magical spac-
es are transformed.

Via a glass slider wall, the kitchen
and adjoining “breakfast nook” open
onto a garden courtyard. Above the
nook, a graceful, French-inspired
chandelier will add a touch of glam-
our to eat-and-run meals and morn-
ing joe, or provide the soft illumina-
tion ideal for unhurried dining and
pleasant conversation later in the day.

Neat white kitchen cabinets and
island provide plentiful, floor-to-ceil-
ing storage; and counter space is also
generous. A two-level, Corian-topped
island accommodates sink, dish-
washer, storage and snack bar/desk.
The contrasting black cook top, mi-
crowave, double oven and fridge give
the kitchen a pop of pizzazz.

Whoever is assigned kitchen tasks
that require sink time will find the
drudgery factor very low, and the
possibility of daydreaming high, as

72 Vero Beach 32963 / May 11, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


the sink looks out onto the beautiful versation area, family room or den. bins and extra-roomy shoe shelves. the mirror wall. Here, too, there is a
fountain courtyard. The master suite includes a spa- The master bath features recessed tub, separate shower and access to the
very private splash pool courtyard.
Off the kitchen, the large formal cious, carpeted bedroom with restful, lighting, water closet, bidet and sepa-
dining area accesses two of the court- cool blue walls and large French win- rate single-sink vanity counters, the The two guest suites are carpeted
yards, and is bathed in ambient light. dows. A pair of well-lighted walk-in larger of the two with a full mirror and have full baths, one of which has
This room contains a wet bar and wine closets provide lots of hanging space, wall above the sink. In a clever touch, two entrances and can be used as a
cooler, and could also serve as a con- built-in dresser, convenient storage an oculus window is built right into powder room, from the foyer. Suffi-

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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 11, 2017 73


cient, indirect lighting over the bath- ingly fond of their charming home,
room sinks help make the mirrors the beautiful neighborhood and the
make-up friendly. close proximity to everything the
beachside community has to offer,
The 2-bay garage has a “wet” area with and ended up remaining for 20 years,
floor drain, and also accommodates the their son growing up within its walls
laundry area, with lots of counter space, and along the shady streets.
sink and handy hanging bar.
Lee Lapointe mentions the garden
Homeowners Brian and Lee courtyards that literally bring the out-
Lapointe moved to the house at 625 doors in; the neighborhood’s lack of
Riomar Drive back in 1998, planning crime; and how pet-friendly it is. She
to remain just long enough to build points out an area along the side of
on another lot. But they grew increas-

74 Vero Beach 32963 / May 11, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


MOVE-IN READY • WALK TO THE BEACH! house that would make a great dog run.
The Lapointes have put the home

on the market because their lives are
simply taking them in other direc-
tions; their son is grown and gone,
and they are ready to downsize. Lee
hopes a family will fall in love with
the beautiful villa and its unparal-
leled location, as she and Brian did,
and will discover all the possibilities
that exist for making it their own.

Although Old Riomar feels far re-
moved from the fast-paced bustle, it
is very convenient to the charming
shops, galleries, salons and excel-
lent restaurants of Vero’s beachside
village. Also nearby, on the island,
is Riverside Park, home of Riverside
Theatre (Equity) and the nationally
renowned Vero Beach Museum of Art.

As amazing as the home itself cer-
tainly is, equally amazing is the modest
pricetag, given its historic and exclu-
sive neighborhood and its proximity to
all that Vero Beach has to offer. 


Walk to the beach from this custom home located at 720 Pirate Cove Lane on Vero’s barrier island. This 3 bedroom, Neighborhood: Charleston
2 bath new custom home features upgraded cabinets, counter tops, GE Profile appliances, designer flooring, ceiling Square, Old Riomar
details, paint and trim packages, a spacious great room, open dining room, gourmet kitchen with huge island, den, Year built: 1984

cabana bathroom, two large bedrooms, a glorious master suite and private swimming pool. Home size: 3,271 square feet
under air; 4,213 total
$769,575 • Call Patti Croswell at 561-568-4848 or email [email protected] to schedule a visit today!
Construction: concrete
772.257.1100 GHOHOMES.COM Lot size: .4 acres
Bedrooms: 3
Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Oral representation cannot be relied upon as correctly stated representations of the developer. For correct Bathrooms: 3 full
representations, make reference to this advertisement and to the documents required by section 718.503, Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a developer to a buyer or lessee.
Additional features: vol-
Images displayed may not be the actual property for sale, but may be model or other homes built of similar design. ume ceilings; crown molding
throughout; custom closets;
alarm system; smoke detector;
walk-in closets; wet bar; wine
cooler; lawn-irrigation system

maintained by HOA; 2-car
garage; window storm panels;
two tankless instant hot water

Listing agency:
Premier Estate Properties
Listing agent: Cindy O’Dare,
Listing price: $1,150,000

Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / May 11, 2017 75


County sees ‘uptick’ in single-family home building

BY DEBBIE CARSON mits since the start of the year while
Staff Writer DR Horton has pulled 52 – the bulk of
which were pulled in February, with 28.
Home construction is on the rise in
Indian River County. DR Horton’s website shows eight
floor plans that include both single- and
Lennar Homes and DR Horton are two-story homes, all of which with 2-car
moving forward with 62 single-family garages. Square-footages range from
homes in the Millstone Landing com- 1,752 to just over 3,000. Floor plans in-
munity in South Vero, located at the clude 3-bed/2-bath up to 5-bed/3-bath.
corner of 21st Street SW and 27th Av- Prices range from the low $210,000s to
enue SW, south of Oslo Road.
A third builder, GHO Homes, will
also be building in the neighborhood and 80 homes.
but has not yet pulled any permits to Lennar is continuing to “take down”
date this year.
– i.e., buy – homesites in the neighbor-
Scott McAdam, the Indian River hood, he added. The builder will con-
County building official, told Vero News struct inventory homes.
that the number of pulled permits for
new single-family homes was up 39 per- The builder has 5 floor plans, in-
cent over the same period last year. cluding 3 single-story homes and 2
two-story homes, all of which feature
“It’s definitely an uptick,” he said. the builder’s “NextGen – Home within
According to DR Horton, con- a Home” concept allowing for multi-
struction in the development has in- generational living.
creased recently due to a strong local
housing market. Prices for the Lennar homes range
Having three builders construct- from the $230,990s to the $325,990s,
ing homes in Millstone Landing gives and square footage ranges from 1,787
would-be buyers more options, a big- to 3,308. Floor plans include 3 to 5
bedrooms and 2.5 to 3.5 bathrooms.

ger range of choices, and increases ac- Millstone Landing, once complete,
tivity in the development, according will offer a variety of amenities. Accord-
to Jon Rapaport, division president of ing to marketing materials, there will
Lennar Homes. be a clubhouse with a library, meeting
rooms and a community room with
He said the market is heating up for kitchen, a fitness center complete with
residential construction and Lennar a basketball court, lakes and ponds,
is excited about the Millstone Land- and a community swimming pool. The
ing community. neighborhood will have a homeowners
association, too.
“It’s very well laid out with great ame-
nities,” he said. “We liked it right away.” Already, more than 100 families have
moved into the gated community.
It’s a sentiment shared by DR Horton.
“We think Millstone Landing is a At build-out, there will be approxi-
great opportunity and a beautiful mately 370 homes.
community,” the company said in an
emailed response to questions. GHO has one inventory home al-
Lennar is on track to complete 20 ready built and three others that will be
homes this year and it already has ready by either year’s end or early 2018.
three of them sold, a week before the
model home will be open. The homes range in size from
By the time Lennar is done build- 2-bed/2-bath to 3-bed/2-bath and
ing in Millstone, Rapaport expects the start in the mid-$250,000s. Square-
company will have built between 70 footage ranges from 1,634 to 2,586.

Lennar has pulled 10 building per-

76 Vero Beach 32963 / May 11, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™


Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: April 28 to May 4

The barrier island real estate market had what may have been a record week for the number of
transactions, with 34 sales recorded – including 8 for more than $1 million.

The top sale of the week was of an oceanfront home in John’s Island. The property at 640 Ocean
Road was placed on the market Oct. 26 with an asking price of $7.850 million. The sale closed on
May 1 for $6.2 million.

Both the seller and the purchaser in the transaction were represented by John’s Island Real Estate.



$789,900 $615,000
VERO BEACH ESTATES 764 AZALEA LANE 3/7/2016 $385,000 $649,000 5/4/2017 $345,000
SEA OAKS 8733 SABLE OAK COURT 12/19/2016 $474,000 $354,900 5/4/2017 $445,000
$925,000 $855,000
ISLAND CLUB OF VERO 995 ISLAND CLUB SQUARE 1/25/2017 $1,595,000 $474,000 5/3/2017 $1,025,000
$499,900 $465,000
RIVER CLUB 1108 BAYWOOD DRIVE 2/17/2016 $3,500,000 $895,000 5/3/2017 $3,200,000
$630,000 $585,000
ORCHID ISLAND 280 SEABREEZE COURT 7/22/2016 $1,875,000 $1,275,000 5/3/2017 $1,750,000
$1,900,000 $1,820,000
VERO BEACH 286 HOLLY ROAD 5/3/2017 $929,000 $499,900 5/2/2017 $860,000
$575,000 $468,000
OCEAN PEARL 300 N BLUE WAVE LANE 9/16/2016 $3,500,000 5/1/2017

SEAGROVE 1775 SAND DOLLAR WAY 10/25/2016 $599,900 5/1/2017

ORCHID ISLAND 603 HERON POINT COURT 11/23/2016 $1,875,000 5/1/2017

PALM ISL PLANTATION 210 COCONUT CREEK COURT 9/2/2016 $1,825,000 5/1/2017

CASTAWAY COVE 1060 TOBAGO TERRACE 12/1/2016 $889,000 5/1/2017

MOORINGS 1010 TREASURE LANE 12/7/2016 $530,000 4/28/2017

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