Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 51
‘Signs’ point to more success for St. Ed’s sports stars
BY RON HOLUB overall presence was enough to earn
Correspondent plaudits from his coach, and obvi-
ously get him to where he wants to
St. Ed’s seniors Britt Reisman and Britt Reisman and Cameron Phillips. PHOTOS: LEIGH GREEN be.
Cameron Phillips made their college
choices known in an official signing rolled my ankle very severely.” “Cameron was an excellent leader
ceremony last month on campus. On signing day Phillips was ready on the field and would do every-
Reisman penned a letter of com- thing to help his team be the best it
mitment to play D3 soccer at Hart- to shed his crutches after five weeks could be,” Bailey told us. “He guided
wick College in New York. Phillips of physical and mental annoyance. our young corps into a cohesive and
received a scholarship to play D2 At the time he said, “I’m ready to (district) championship unit. He was
lacrosse at Tusculum University in start running and get back into the named 2018 Second Team All-Dis-
Tennessee. groove of things.” He expects to be trict on defense. He will be a great fit
at full strength when pre-season at Tusculum, both as a student and
Instantly gone is the stress that practice starts, and sees good things an athlete.”
consumes scores of high school ath- happening for a team coming off
letes over one of the biggest deci- back-to-back district titles. Reisman found the scenery in New
sions they will ever make. For these York to his liking, and the same can
two young men, the final year of “I transferred into St. Edward’s be said for Phillips when he was in
high school sports promises to be all last year when I saw an opportunity Tennessee. He said, “I fell in love with
the more carefree and enjoyable. Re- to get to where I am now – playing Tusculum. It was a beautiful campus
isman is now in the midst of a mem- in college.” Phillips told us. “I start- and area surrounded by mountains.
orable soccer season as the Pirates ed playing travel lacrosse with (St.
are blowing the doors off most op- Ed’s) coach (Doug) Bailey, and some “The coaches and players were
ponents. Phillips is biding his time of the players from St. Edward’s great guys and had an intensity that
in hopes of experiencing the same were on that team. matched the way we play at St. Ed-
when the spring lacrosse season ward’s. They welcomed me into their
starts. “I fell in love with the travel team program and have plenty of tools
so I enrolled at St. Edward’s. We had to progress me to my full potential.
“I chose Hartwick College because a really young team last year, but as That is why I am part of the Tuscu-
I loved the scenery around cam- one of the older guys I saw an op- lum Class of ’23.”
pus,” Reisman said. “The signing portunity to take a leadership role. I
day meant a lot to me. It was great tried to help out as much as I could,
to have my friends and family enjoy and not only by playing.
that day with me.
“I tried to be a good role model
“I’ve been at St. Edward’s since and keep the guys pumped up. I had
pre-K and athletics has meant a lot experienced things that they might
to me. I played football and soc- not have seen, so I just wanted them
cer here since middle school. The to be mentally prepared.”
coaching has really helped me to
become a college athlete.” Stats like goal scoring don’t gen-
erally apply when you play defense
Last year Reisman earned First – as Phillips does. He had one goal
Team All-District honors tending last year to go along with 33 ground
goal for the Pirates. He had 80 total balls, 17 caused turnovers and 14
saves for a per-game average of 1.05 face-off wins. Nevertheless, his
goals against. This year those num-
bers stand to improve with the team
thriving under new head coach
Pape Saye. Seven shutouts have
been posted through the first nine
Reisman and Phillips took decid-
edly different paths to get to this
point. While Reisman is a hard-core
lifer at St. Ed’s, Phillips transferred
in as a junior. They arrived at the
signing ceremony in a decidedly
different manner as well. Reisman
strode into the gym under his own
power, while Phillips was on crutch-
“It was a great college visit, I was
there the whole weekend,” Phillips
explained. “On Sunday we had what
was called ‘prospect day’ where we
did a bunch of scrimmaging. Late in
the day we were playing really hard
and I jumped up, came down, and
52 Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Bonz adds Ralph to growing list of feline friends
Hi Dog Buddies! gently like they ackshully cared way to meet the neighbors. I’m
also a great fan of catnip imported
For my last-column-before-Christ- about me, even though I was a from Maine. One of my Maine Coon
mas, I innerviewed a Cool Catnip dude street pals from the old neighbor-
of the feline persuasion: Mr. Ralph Get- fleabitten mess. Somehow, I felt hood turned me on to it. Nothin’
son. He’s around 18 in human (like 89 in better for reclinin’ on my mat, chill-
cat), an he’s got It Goin’ ON! He even has safe. laxin.’”
his own Instagram – ralphpurrusual.
“Anyway, long cat-tale short, “I’ve heard that.”
Mr. Ralph is a long, lanky, orange Tab- “My besties are Momma’s Godfa-
by who recently moved from Clearwa- they took me to a doctor an, af- ther Bruce an his dog Addie. They’re
ter to this side of Florida with his Mom up in Maine. An Aunt Alyssa, who I
an Dad. He loves humans, but I’d heard ter (among other things) hav- stayed with when Momma an Papa
he could be a liddle crotchiddy with fel- went to The Moon after they got mar-
low pets so, when the door opened, I ing ALL my hair shaved off, I ried. I thought it’d take a lot longer
wagged in place and said in my Pleasant than it did. As for toys, I’m not into
Pooch voice, “Good morning, Sir.” was proclaimed Flea-Free and laser mice or feathers-onna-stick. My
favorite’s a long ribbon. It’s old now,
Mr. Ralph strolled slowly but suavely I recovered. I think of it as my but still fun. Now I LOVE getting’
over for the Sniff-an-Size Up. “Wel- brushed. But I. Don’t. Do. Baths. Just
come, young fella. Bonzo, is it? I’m Mr. “Pavement to Plush Transi- thinkin’ about my one-an-only bath ex-
Ralph. This is my Momma, Mollie. My perience still gives me the Utter Willies.
Papa, Mike, is at work. Come’on back.” tion.” Now I have a Forever I’m pretty sure Momma feels the same
His voice was raspy, but he wasn’t Family, my own saucer, a cozy Ralph.PHOTO: BENJAMIN THACKER “I sleep with Momma an Papa, except
crotchiddy at all. We sat around a table bed, an a sunny porch for day- when I awake at the purrfectly reason-
by the pool cuz Mr. Ralph’s an outdoor dreamin.’ I have everything able hour of 3 a.m. and wanna have a
kinda guy. He wore a snazzy bowtie and conversation. Then I sleep in MY room,
totally rocked a Regal Lion Look. I need. Momma even wrote or hang out on the porch with the rac-
“So, how does this work? You ask me my Very Own Song! If you Heading home, I was still hummin’
questions, I answer?” the song Ralph’s Momma wrote for him.
have time after the innerview, I’ll sing it stored on the porch is an ideal spot; be I know he’s gonna have a very Meowy
“Yes sir, pretty much. Maybe start Christmas, and I wish the same for all
with how you all got together.” for you. Momma plays MEW-zick onna forgiving if the toilet seat gets left up: ev- you pawsome pet pals an your humans.
“Can do. About a year anna half ago violin. When she’s wearin’ boots, it’s eryone makes mistakes, and it is, after Till next time,
(in human) I was livin’ on the Mean
Streets: sleepin’ under cars, skinny, a called a fiddle. I don’t know why. She all, an excellent source of drinking wa- The Bonz
total fleabag, with a bad cough anna
chipped tooth. A real paw-to-mouth ex- does one song with other humans on ter; share your food with one-another, Don’t Be Shy
istence. I musta used up at least 4 of my
lives.” guh-TARS an stuff called ‘The Tabby ’specially tuna; an, most important, al- We are always looking for pets
with interesting stories.
“Woof! That’s harsh. You look great Went Down to Georgia.’ I can’t even ways greet each other like it’s been for-
now.” To set up an interview, email
swish my tail that fast.” ever since you were together, cuz there’s [email protected].
“It was a close one. Just when my
lives were passing before my eyes, an I “Pawsome, Mr. Ralph! What’s life like no concept of time when it comes to be-
figured I’d never have a loving family,
my (future) Momma an Papa scooped now that you’re in the Plush part?” ing separated from the one you love.’”
me up and whiskered me away. (Papa’s
a lifelong Cat Guy, but I was Momma’s “Well, THIS was Super Cool Catnip: “Woof. That’s a lotta wisdom.”
first cat experience.) I had no idea what
was happenin,’ but they were talkin’ when Papa proposed to Momma, I was “Here’s a funny story,” he contin-
a major part of the engagement.” ued. “I love exploring.’ They don’t call
“No Woof!” cats curious for nothin.’ Our yard was
“It was SO ro-MAN-tick. Momma was fenced, but when did that ever stop a cat
holdin’ ME, an Papa was holding The in Exploration Mode? I just squeezed
Ring. Then Papa asked Momma The Big under the fence an had myself a liddle
Question. (It’s a human thing.) Then, adventure. Well, Momma went buh-
instead of Momma accepting with listic. She an Papa searched for HOURS,
‘YES!’ she chose the symbolic ‘Handing lookin’ low an high for me. Finally they
Over of the Cat’: placed me right in Pa- gave up an came home, probly plannin’
pa’s arms. Honest, Bonzo, if cats could to call the Marines or something. And
cry, I woudda, I’m not ashamed to ad- there I was, lying on the porch, wonder-
mit. Couldn’t stop purring for weeks.” in’ where the fluff they’d been all that
“Humans. You gotta love ’em,” I said. time.
“I didn’t make it to the wedding, but “I’m not as stealthy or fleet-of-paw
I prepared some Words of Advice that as I usta be, but I still have a blast with
were read on my behalf.” a crinkly paper bag. An, once I got the
“Really?” harness figured out, I enjoy leash walks
“Here’s some of my favorites: ‘spend around the neighborhood. We’ve only
time together outside, under a canoe been here coupla months, so it’s a nice
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 53
By Phillip Alder - Bridge Columnist 10
Henry Cotton, who won the British Open three times, said, “Golfers have analyzed the game A K 10 4
in order to find ‘the secret.’ There is no secret.”
In contrast, bridge players rely on their analysis of a deal to give them “the secret” for the
right bid or play. At the 2016 Yeh Online World Bridge Cup, this deal featured the best bid, WEST EAST
in my analysis.
A K Q 10 9 7 5 82
Look at the North hand. In second seat, partner opens one club, and righty overcalls four
spades. What would you do? Q65 AKJ98
Once you have decided, read on. Whether you pass or make a value-showing double, Q72 J983
partner rebids five clubs. What would you do then?
— 10 6
The deal occurred in the match between Lavazza (who played in Turin, Italy) and Bridge SOUTH
Base Online (who competed in Seattle). When BBO was North-South, North doubled four
spades. Then, when South removed to five clubs, North passed. —
Sitting North-South for Lavazza were Sylvie Willard from France and Giorgio Duboin from 7432
Italy. Willard passed over four spades. But when partner rebid five clubs, Willard anticipated
South’s having a spade void and long, strong clubs. If so, they rated to have only one heart 65
loser. Backing her analysis of the deal, Willard raised to six clubs — a hole in one!
West led the spade ace. Duboin ruffed and gave up a heart. East won and shifted to
a trump, but declarer won with his seven and crossruffed hearts and clubs to take two Dealer: East; Vulnerable: Neither
diamonds, seven clubs and three heart ruffs on the board.
The Bidding:
Minus 420 and plus 920 gave Lavazza 11 international match points en route to the title.
1 Clubs 4 Spades ?? Pass
K Spades
54 Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
1 Fortress (6) 1 Cold (6)
4 Take up, obtain (6) 2 Greatest (7)
9 Urge (7) 3 Calm (4)
10 Domain (5) 5 Merry-go-round (8)
11 Ogle (4) 6 Delete (5)
12 Paper, record (8) 7 Salad fruit or berry (6)
14 Doggedness (11) 8 Build again (11)
18 Gentlemanliness (8) 13 Adventure (8)
20 Norwegian capital (4) 15 Waterfall (7)
22 Diadem (5) 16 __ broth; soup variety (6)
23 Weather conditions (7) 17 Second, flash (6)
24 Listened (6) 19 Mental representation (5)
25 Contemporary (6) 21 Rasp (4)
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 55
ACROSS mettle 38 Leonowens of Siam The Washington Post
1 Reads smoothly 94 Plane-seating section 40 Night before Christmas
6 Plane study: abbr. 95 See 86 Across 43 Monarch, to Monique SEPARATED AT BIRTH? By Merl Reagle
10 Beliefs 98 Rainy 45 Hide away
14 Frightfully big ref. books 100 Peanuts 47 Expanse of land This Holiday Season
18 Set one’s sights on 103 Marine mollusk 48 Like a tsunami Give Yourself the
19 “Death be not proud” poet 104 Goulash seasoning 49 French river or department Gift of a Lift
20 Sports factoid 107 Main horizontal lines, 53 Too much sun or stress, e.g.
21 Type of circus or market 54 My Fair Lady guy
22 Twin of 28 Across (both born on math graphs 55 Syrup source
108 Fossilized ___ (Jurassic 57 “___ take a hint”
July 22, 1947) 59 German novelist-Nobelist
24 Superman first name Park premise) 63 Pretty
109 Twin of 119 Across (both 65 Know-it-all
25 Rube 66 Passed easily, as an exam
26 Land of which Synge sings born Mar. 14, 1933) 67 Giant or baby item
27 Hot car? 111 Regulator of “particulate 68 Packs (down)
28 See 22 Across 69 Couch-potato-esque
31 “A clue!” matter”: abbr. 70 “That’s the truth”
33 Kurt who headed the San 113 First name in rock-guitar 71 Wake with a shake
72 What nudistes wear
Francisco Opera, 1956-81 wizardry 73 Pancreas product
35 Abilities 117 Loy-al dog? 76 ___ pro nobis
36 Blind ___ 118 Jockey’s strap 79 Membrane covering the eye
39 Cousins of colleens 119 See 109 Across 80 Mississippi port
41 A natural beginning? 122 Big name in cookies 81 Pulpit-ations?: abbr.
42 Twin of 52 Across (both born 123 Name of some cracker 83 Talk noisily and stupidly
124 College load 84 Word on Ron Howard’s
Feb. 1, 1937) 125 Speechify
44 Peron and others 126 Glutton’s mantra résumé
46 Start of a flavor 127 Author Seton 85 Home for gulls
50 Dull grayish brown 128 Colonial rights defender 87 A kid may go through one
51 Tokugawa Ieyasu’s capital 88 Industrial-strength
52 See 42 Across James
56 For Whom the Bell Tolls 129 Ms. Lauder intelligence
89 God, to Garibaldi
setting DOWN 91 Like some suckers
58 Fleeting flashbacks 1 Nod off 96 Yeses
60 Berne’s river 2 Other face of a cheat, often 97 Musical chords
3 Introduction to science 99 ___ del Fuego
61 Block ending 4 Slangy aspirer 101 Ghost that haunts Macbeth
62 Bird served au vin 5 Pigpen 102 (They leave),
6 She works for chimp
64 Stock-pages abbr. in play lingo
65 Ant / bee relative change 104 California beach or clam
7 Part of SASE 105 Hopkins or Hoskins
67 Operation reminder 8 Shaquille’s family 106 Casual Calvin
68 Twin of 72 Across (both born 9 Haggard and Oberon 109 Woman’s address
10 Man or Wight, e.g. 110 Spanish explorer of
Nov. 26, 1938) 11 Gets an initial salary of
72 See 68 Across 12 ___ ray California
74 (Auth. unknown) 13 Centered 112 Desktop devices, commonly
75 Current coursers 14 Word ___ 114 “Love comes ___ the eye”
76 French river or
(Brit’s promise) (Yeats)
department 15 Adam Bede author 115 Carry (out)
77 Hydrocarbon ending 16 Swab’s jobs 116 Agreeing words
78 Brooks with Tonys, 17 5th Ave. retailer 120 The Rainier who wed Grace
19 Mail “morgue”: abbr. 121 Midnight Cowboy character,
Grammys, Emmys, and an 23 OK for the whole family
Oscar 29 Thorny bushes ___ Buck
79 Mr. Erwin 30 Seminary VIP
80 Spitz and chow, e.g. 32 Lucre lacker SPECIALTIES INCLUDE:
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56 Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Feel like a doormat? Here are some welcome changes
BY CAROLYN HAX Also, organize your life into two columns: things
Washington Post that restore you and things that deplete. For any-
thing on the “deplete” side, think of remedies. Like
Dear Carolyn: chores: What is a fair division of labor? Can you
I am a married woman with discuss that with your husband? Can you each take
two elementary-age sons. I’ve of- responsibility for things you’re better at, to make
ten felt I do way more to help the the load feel lighter?
three of them than they do to help
me – which is understandable with People who step in for an underinvested part-
kids, frustrating with a husband – but lately it’s gotten ner get depleted faster, so his list should include
much worse. I’ve been feeling as though my life would the chores you can afford to drop completely – if
be so much better if I wasn’t around them. he doesn’t do them, then no one does. He does
I feel horrible feeling like this – what kind of a moth- his own laundry, for example, because not having
er longs for a life without her kids? I should feel lucky; clean clothes will force his hand but not affect you.
there are so many people who dream of this life. But it
dawned on me yesterday, maybe this is just a midlife Also train your kids to pick up chores from the
crisis, which is normal and which people get through. “deplete” side. It takes more work upfront – and
Is this a normal phase or something else? How do patience – to teach the necessary skills, but kids
people get through this without leaving their family, can and should contribute proportionately to the
which I wouldn’t do? running of a household. It’s healthy for them.
– Midlife Crisis? That’s normal and fixable and best fixed soon be- Items on the “restore” side go on your calendar
fore it causes bigger problems, like wanting out in regular time slots. Treat them as sacred. Tuesday
Midlife Crisis?: Translation: “I’m tired of being of your family entirely because anger is the only evenings, you see friends. Sundays, you sleep in.
dumped on and taken for granted. What’s wrong feeling you have left and because you finally grasp Etc.
with me?” that’s not sustainable.
If you get pushback – oh, my goodness I hope
How about: Nothing. Nothing is wrong with you. So, while you still recognize yourself, figure out not – then make it clear you are in serious burn-
Your life is out of balance. That’s not about how to make that self whole. Small changes at first, out territory and addressing the problem is not
midlife or bad mothering or excessive good luck because you can make them right away and see if optional.
or whatever else you’re reaching for. It’s just about they offer relief. They’re also less disruptive; you
your life taking more out of you than it gives back. can work your way up to making bigger changes Please also find yourself a skilled therapist, if you
only after it’s clear you need to make them. have the means and access. Depression is sneaky,
and you could easily have it or be on your way there.
Regardless, solo counseling could yield ideas for
your marriage. On the “restore” side, either way.
58 Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Psoriatic arthritis incurable, but symptoms manageable
BY TOM LLOYD ‘... no cure for psoriatic Dr. Ivana Parody.
Staff Writer
arthritis exists, so the PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE
Everyone with a television prob-
ably knows a little something about focus is on controlling
psoriasis, the skin condition with the
raised red patches and silver-colored symptoms and preventing
scales on the elbows and knees.
damage to your joints.’
What far fewer people know is that
psoriasis frequently is a harbinger of – The Mayo Clinic
worse things to come.
are the main symptoms of psoriatic
Sometimes much worse things. arthritis and the condition can affect
Dr. Ivana Parody, who served her almost every part of your body.
residency at Mount Sinai Medical
Center in Miami Beach, is a rheuma- Worse, according to Harvard Medi-
tologist at Indian River Medical Cen- cal, people with psoriatic arthritis
ter. She points out that “in 85 percent “are more likely to have other condi-
of cases [the skin condition] psoria- tions linked to inflammation, includ-
sis will precede psoriatic arthritis,” ing heart disease, diabetes, obesity,
which she says “is pretty much an Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.”
inflammatory autoimmune disease.”
The Mayo Clinic is more specific. It Parody, meanwhile, says psoriatic
says “psoriatic arthritis occurs when arthritis “may affect the small joints
your body’s immune system begins
to attack healthy cells and tissue. The
abnormal immune response causes
inflammation in your joints as well
as overproduction of skin cells.”
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 59
culosis, pneumonia, hepatitis, staph
and/or fungal infections and even
lymphoma or blood cancer.
So what actually causes psoriatic
No one really knows.
Genetic factors, the individual’s
unique immune system and environ-
mental factors are all believed to play
a role in the onset of psoriatic arthritis.
Dr. Ivana Parody is with the Indian
River Medical Center. Her office is at
3450 11th Court, Suite 302 in Vero
Beach. The phone number is 772-
of the hands and the feet or it may af- can inject themselves every two
fect the large joints like the hips and weeks in the belly or the thigh,” she
knees. It may also affect the spine explains, though according to both
and the joints in the pelvis called the Mayo Clinic and Consumer Re-
sacroiliac joints. That manifestation ports, none of the above treatments
is called spondyloarthritis. actually cure the disease. And they
don’t come cheap, either.
“It may cause inflammation of the
fingers [so severe that] the fingers A May 2018 report from the Nation-
may look like sausages.” al Institutes of Health flatly states
that psoriatic arthritis patients “in-
In other words, it’s not a pretty pic- cur substantially higher costs” than
ture. And it can get even worse. patients with other inflammatory
Psoriatic arthritis, Parody con-
tinues, “may also inflame the at- That’s at least in part because the
tachments of the ligaments and the newer “biologic” class of drugs like
tendons to the bones. That is called Cosentyx can cost between $15,000
enthesitis and usually presents as and $25,000 a year and even a single
inflammation of the Achilles tendon tube of topical psoriatic ointment
or inflammation of the tendon in the can carry a $600 price tag.
knee, and it may also cause inflam-
mation of the eye.” That makes it vitally important to
have a detailed discussion with your
And the worst news of all? The rheumatologist about the right medi-
Mayo Clinic says “no cure for psori- cation for you. And for your wallet.
atic arthritis exists, so the focus is on
controlling symptoms and prevent- As the National Psoriasis Founda-
ing damage to your joints.” tion points out, “one in three people
have trouble paying for the cost of
Parody says, “We have many medi- care” for their psoriatic arthritis.
cations we use now that target spe-
cific inflammatory pathways that are Even if the cost of care isn’t an is-
very active in psoriatic arthritis.” sue, getting careful supervision defi-
nitely is.
These drugs include Cosentyx,
Orencia, Stelara and Otezla, and Par- Says Parody: “Whenever we put a
ody adds that one of the newer treat- patient on a treatment, we need to
ments on the market is a psoriatic closely monitor that patient.”
arthritis version of the EpiPens used
for asthma. Why? Because the side effects from
some of the above treatments may,
“We have these pens so patients according to WebMD, lead to tuber-
60 Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Holy cow! Bovine patch may help fix torn rotator cuff
BY TOM LLOYD Dr. Anthony Ware.
Staff Writer
Rotator cuff tears are so common,
says the American Academy of Or-
thopaedic Surgeons, “that each year
almost 2 million people in the Unit-
ed States visit their doctors” seeking
treatment for the condition.
Dr. Anthony Ware of Coastal Or-
thopedics and the Steward Medical
Group thinks he may have found a
better and longer-lasting way to re-
pair those tears.
It’s called “biological augmentation.”
The rotator cuff quite literally keeps
your arm in your shoulder socket. The
cuff consists of four separate muscles
that come together as tendons to form
a covering around the head of the hu-
merus bone – the long bone in the
upper arm – between the elbow and
shoulder. When the rotator cuff is torn,
you may not be able to raise or even
lower your arm.
Even the simplest of daily tasks, such
as getting dressed or combing your
hair, can become difficult and painful.
And the Mayo Clinic warns “without
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 61
treatment, rotator cuff tears may lead Dr. Anthony Ware demonstates graft what they theorize is happening is that breaking.
to permanent loss of motion or weak- placement using the rotation medical by reducing the strain on the rotator Rotator cuff tears typically don’t
ness and may result in progressive de- cuff by about 40 percent, it is allowing
generation of the shoulder joint.” delivery instrument. these partial tears to actually heal.” fully heal on their own but so far the
results from this biological augmen-
The National Institutes of Health earlier this year. If that’s the case it truly is ground- tation procedure are promising. Add-
says that while “excellent clinical re- “What’s really interesting about this ing to the good news, it is all done
sults of arthroscopic repair of rotator with through a minimally invasive
cuff tears have been reported … re- is that although we put the patch on laparoscopic procedure.
tears after those surgeries are one of the top [of the torn tendon], it is actu-
the most common complications.” ally healing tears underneath. And so Dr. Anthony Ware is with Coastal
Orthopedics and the Steward Medical
It’s here that biological augmenta- Group. His Vero Beach office is at 1715
tion is showing its promise. It seems 37th Pl., Suite 101. The phone number
to provide a stronger fix for torn ro- there is 772-778-0600. In Sebastian, his
tator cuffs and may make those post- office is at 13000 U.S. 1 where the phone
operative re-tears much less likely. is 772-589-0331.
As Ware explains, Regeneten, the
company that packages the biologi-
cal augmentation kit he uses, “came
up with this idea of trying to use some
type of a collagen patch. Our tendons
are made of collagen, so they decided
they would try to use this collagen and
lay it on [the torn tendon] like a patch.
Almost like with a flat tire on your bi-
cycle: You take off the tube and you
put a patch on it. And this collagen will
incorporate into your native collagen
in about a three-month period and it
actually thickens your tendon by two
to three millimeters and therefore re-
duces the strain on the tendon.”
Briefly sounding more like a physics
teacher than a surgeon, Ware points
out “stress is force for area,” so, as he
puts it, when the cuff is even partially
torn, “you’re distributing a larger force
on a smaller area, thereby increasing
the stress.”
Is this new approach infallible? No. It
hasn’t even been in use long enough to
have medically significant statistics to
claim that it is. But patients who have
had this biological augmentation have
spent an average 31 fewer days needing
to wear post-operative slings and were
able to return to work some 50 days
sooner than those who did not have
this procedure.
They also required substantially
fewer post-op pain relievers during
These collagen patches can be as
small as a postage stamp and, like
modern aortic valve replacements,
they are harvested from cattle rather
than cadavers.
“These seem to work better than
donor grafts from cadavers,” Ware ex-
plains. “We’re also able to purify these
grafts more to get all the foreign debris
and DNA out. That’s the material your
body can react to as foreign. So, we’re
able to get a somewhat more pure …
collagen implant so when you do put
it in, it doesn’t have graft rejection. It’s
also a little bit more porous so it allows
in-growth of your native tissue into it,”
making the patch all the stronger.
That said, if you’ve never heard of
this approach, you’re not alone.
As Ware freely admits, “I think it
only became commercially available
62 Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Some facts to reduce patients’ fear of anesthesia
BY FRED CICETTI more specific drugs and new intrave- such as for cataract ment. For example, smoking or alco-
Columnist nous drugs can minimize the nausea surgery. Local anes- hol consumption can influence the
and vomiting that sometimes occur thesia is also used for way an anesthetic works in your body
Q. I’m a senior who’s having surgery after anesthesia. minor procedures during surgery. Knowing whether
and the one thing that scares me more such as skin biopsies you smoke or drink alcohol allows
than anything else is the anesthesia. Can There are three main types of an- and stitching a cut. your anesthesiologist to choose an-
you tell me anything to reduce my fear? esthesia: general, regional and local. esthetics that are suited to you. And,
During local and some anesthetics include compo-
There are probably several sources General anesthesia makes a person regional anesthe- nents of certain foods, such as albu-
for your fear. The first is that you’re old- unconscious so that the entire body is sia, patients often min from eggs. Discussing food and
er and wonder if you’re at greater risk pain-free. Regional anesthesia is used receive intravenous drug allergies beforehand helps your
than someone younger. The second is to block sensation in one area of your drugs for sedation anesthesiologist make important
that anesthesia can be dangerous to body. Local anesthesia numbs a small so that they can be drug choices.
anyone. The third is that you’ll lose to- part of your body. comfortably drowsy
tal control when you’re under. I hope during surgery and
some of the facts about anesthesia will General anesthesia is used for exten- remember little of
help with all of your fears. sive surgeries. The drugs used in gen- their time in the op-
eral anesthesia are given intravenously erating room.
Anesthesia is risky, but today it is or are inhaled. They act as hypnotics,
safer than ever for all age groups. Your painkillers and muscle relaxants, and Before your surgery, you can also
age is not as important a risk factor as they block your memory of the surgery. expect questions from your doctors re-
your medical condition and the type of garding your anesthesia. The following
surgery you are having. Regional anesthesia is injected have to be considered: medical prob-
around a single nerve or a network of lems you might have, medications you
Safer drugs and major advances in nerves that branches out and serves an take, whether you smoke or drink al-
the monitoring equipment used in area. For example, spinal, epidural and cohol, any allergies you have, previous
surgery have reduced anesthesia com- caudal types of anesthesia are injected negative experience with anesthesia,
plications. In the last decade alone, into or near the spinal fluid, effectively and adverse reactions to anesthesia by
deaths caused by anesthesia have numbing nerves that serve the lower other family members.
dropped 25-fold, to 1 in 250,000. half of your body.
The information collected by your
In addition, shorter-acting drugs, Local anesthesia may be used to doctors guides them in their treat-
numb only a small area of nerves at the
site where the surgeon plans to operate,
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 63
Last-minute gift guide for the stylish person in your life
BY ROSIE BOYDELL your favorite brands. From Burberry to
The Telegraph Liberty, Accessorize to Aspinal, there’s
something for everyone. And the best
If you’ve run out of scented candles part? Every single item is under $100.
to re-gift but you’re in need of a proper
So if you have forgotten a styl-
present on a budget, we’ve got you ish friend, cousin or in-law this
Christmas, fear not. Here are
We’ve compiled 30 of the some of the best last minute
best fashion gifts from gifts to snap up now.
64 Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 Style Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
7 reasons why Audrey Hepburn is the ultimate style icon
BY CHLOE MACDONNELL still as appealing in 2018 as it was when
The Telegraph she made her on-screen debut in “Ro-
man Holiday” in 1953.
“Breakfast at Tiffany’s” star Audrey
Hepburn has been named as the most A quick look through pictures of the
iconic fashion innovator of the last 100 screen icon at the height of her fame,
years. from film sets to paparazzi shots, im-
mediately highlight just how many
A global study by DHL, that surveyed fashion items Hepburn launched and
thousands of women from the U.K., just how relevant they still are today.
United States, Italy, Australia and Japan
has found that the late actress’ style is From a mannish white shirt to
cropped trousers, here are seven items
that Hepburn turned into wardrobe tion of women to swap their wide-legged
essentials ... styles for something more tapered.
Teamed with a crew-neck and ballet
1. Cropped Trousers flats, the formula became somewhat of
In a pair of slim, cropped black trou- a Hepburn uniform off-screen too. In
sers, Audrey Hepburn’s appearance in summer months she often switched to
“Sabrina” in 1954 encouraged a genera- gingham for a cooler feel.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Style Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 65
2. A black polo neck and dazzling earrings. Usually re-
Sure Hubert de Givenchy’s floor- served for men in the workplace, Hep-
sweeping gowns are a costume high- burn’s white shirt styling created great
light in “Funny Face,” however, it’s book debate about female empowerment
clerk Jo Stockton’s signature black polo and sexual liberation.
neck look that we can really emulate in
real life. Worn with black trousers and a 5. Statement sunglasses
pair of chunky loafers plus white socks, Long before oversized-sunnies
it became somewhat of beatnik style became a go-to for celebrities to try
success and, 61 years after it’s release, is and disguise themselves, Hepburn
still a look we turn to on days when we was using them to add a glamorous
don’t know what to wear. finishing touch to her looks. Her ap-
pearance in 1966’s “How to Steal a
3. The trench coat Million” wearing enormous bug-eye
Hepburn popularized the humble lenses made her somewhat of a mod
trench coat when her character Holly icon. Meanwhile, replicas of the sun-
Golightly ran through the rain in a Burb- glasses she wore in “Breakfast at Tif-
erry version in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” fany’s,” dubbed the Manhattan by
while searching for her pet “Cat.” Casu- Oliver Goldsmith, continue to be a
ally knotting it around her waist and ig- bestselling style for the brand.
noring the buckle, Hepburn made it her
own. A trick the street style set are still 6. The cocktail dress
copying decades later. Pinned to many a party-wear mood-
board are images of Hepburn at cocktail
4. A mannish white shirt hour. With a penchant for a fit and flare
From an oversized version worn as silhouette, beateau necklines and kitten
a nightie in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” heels, it summed up the elegance of the
to zipping around Rome in a cropped era that still stands the test of time today.
sleeved iteration in “Roman Holiday,”
the white shirt was another Hepburn 7. The silk scarf ...
signature. Posing for the photographer Whether wrapped loosely around her
Mark Shaw in 1954, Hepburn was pic- neck or styled to keep her hair neatly in
tured reading on a sun lounger wear- place, Hepburn proved just how useful a
ing nothing but a mannish white shirt silk scarf can be.
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66 Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Wind & Waves Grill: Dining at Disney’s Vero Beach resort
Key West Shrimp and Grits.
BY TINA RONDEAU close. Disney clearly
Columnist has sought to cre-
Grandkids coming for the holidays? ate a restaurant
If you’re looking for a new place to try
for a family dinner – where they offer ev- that will ap-
erything from cheeseburgers and chicken
nuggets for the kids up to steaks and ciop- peal to adults
pino (not to mention cocktails) for the
adults – you might want to try the Wind as much as to
& Waves Grill.
Never heard of it? Well, this bright, airy children, and
restaurant at Disney’s Vero Beach resort
may be the area’s best kept dining secret. there really is
Servers tell us that relatively few local
residents dine at the Wind & Waves Grill, something for age you to
even though it is closer than any other send feedback
restaurant to the communities on the pretty near every- Cioppino. to me at tina@vero-
northern third of our island. one on the dinner
On a visit last week, my husband decid- The reviewer dines anonymously at
ed to start with the iceberg wedge salad menu. restaurants at the expense of Vero Beach
($9) while our companion and I opted for 32963.
the beets and goat cheese ($9). Both salads You don’t need kids to enjoy a
were excellent, the red beets and whipped Hours:
goat cheese attractively plated with local nice meal here, and for anyone who still Daily, 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
lettuces, walnut vinaigrette and black Beverages: Full bar
currant granola. needs a little help getting into the Christ-
Then for entrées, I chose the cioppino Address:
($24), my husband opted for the swordfish Crab Cakes. mas spirit, the soaring lobby of Disney’s Disney’s Vero Beach Resort
special ($29), and our companion decided Highway A1A south of CR 510
to go with the grilled porkchop ($25). Our companion’s porkchop was simi- Vero Beach Resort also currently features
My husband’s swordfish was a beau- larly a gorgeous piece of meat, nicely Phone:
tiful large filet, grilled perfectly, served seared, but also served with the butternut the biggest, most lavishly decorated tree 772-234-2180
atop an autumn vegetable stir fry and puree. Again, raves for the chop – not so
surrounded by a butternut soy puree. The much for the puree. around.
dish would have been wonderful without
the puree, which was way too sweet. As for my cioppino, it turned out to be a If you live toward the northern end of
very light rendition of this San Francisco
favorite – with clams, shrimp and chunks our island, the Wind & Waves Grill is defi-
of fresh fish in a wine and tomato broth.
nitely worth a try this holiday season.
For dessert, our excellent server Mu-
riel talked us into an order of pineapple I welcome your comments, and encour-
upside-down bread pudding with cara-
mel sauce and a scoop of Dole Whip ($8). S’mores Tart.
Dinner for two, accompanied by a glass of
wine or one of the Wind & Waves Florid-
ian craft beers, should run in the neigh-
borhood of $100-$120 before tip.
While this isn’t fine dining (no white
tablecloths here), Wind & Waves comes
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 67
‘Food-friendly’ champagne even goes with pork rinds ...
The Washington Post
Last of a two-part series ing new talent to feature at his store. ize,” says Alison Smith Marriott, found- food to fried chicken – even steak,” Mar-
Champagne is the ne plus ultra of Bouchard’s father was skeptical of his er of a wine education consultancy riott says.
sparkling wine. son’s winemaking, which included low focused on champagne. “It’s often treat-
That statement, from my column last yields and minimal intervention in the ed as an aperitif or something for caviar, “My little brother loves junk food, as
week, packs a lot of meaning – even be- nascent movement of natural wines. but its high acidity and diversity of styles well as great wine, so last time he visited
yond the pretension of using a French ex- “Champagne is about the bubbles,” work with many cuisines. I’ve paired I served Pol Roger with pork rinds,” she
pression to say champagne is da bomb. Bouchard père huffed. champagne with everything from sea- added. “The pairing doesn’t have to be
So let’s unwrap it. precious to be exceptional.”
Perhaps it is stating the obvious, but it “No, it’s not,” Rosen recalls replying.
bears repeating: Not all sparkling wine “It’s about great wine, with bubbles.”
is champagne. Properly used, the name Rosen featured the wine, and today, the
refers to sparkling wine from the Cham- younger Bouchard’s Roses de Jeanne
pagne region in northern France, an label is highly sought after by fans of
hour or two’s drive from Paris. boutique “grower” champagnes, wines
The region smacks of history. Chalk made by the vintners who grew the
quarries that yielded stone for the Ro- grapes. These are still rare in cham-
man Empire’s northern fortifications are pagne, where the market is dominated
today the cellars where top champagnes by large houses that purchase most of
are aged. France’s kings and queens were their grapes.
crowned in the cathedral at Reims. Some
of the fiercest fighting in World War I oc- When we think of champagne as
curred here, and there are still occasion- wine first and bubbles second, we can
al reports of people discovering wines move beyond the celebratory toast and,
that were hidden from Nazi occupiers budget allowing, put a bottle on the din-
during World War II. ner table. A good champagne has depth
And did I mention that those wines are and complexity to match dishes such
darned good? Oh yeah, I guess I did. as roast poultry and fish. As I’m fond of
From the late 19th century with Belle saying, “Bubbles go with everything.”
Epoque, champagne producers were so That’s even more true with champagne.
successful in marketing their wine as the Champers’ fiends love it with anything
symbol of luxury and celebration that salty, even popcorn.
even today, we equate any bubbly vino
with champagne. “Champagne is incredibly food-
CIVC, the association of champagne friendly, which most people don’t real-
producers, has been very zealous – of-
ten too much so – in protecting the im-
age and insisting that the name only
apply to the wines of the region. And
yet, we persist in equating all bubbles
with champagne. To be honest, if you
welcome me to your house with a glass
of champagne and I later see the label
and realize it’s something else, I won’t
think any less of you. I will still thank
you for your hospitality.
Yet the distinction in terms is im-
portant. By calling all sparkling wine
“champagne” we not only insult cham-
pagne but we also do a disservice to
Spanish cava, Italian prosecco and bub-
blies from California and elsewhere.
These are wines in their own right that
should be recognized and appreciated
for what they are. They should not be
lumped together with champagne, or
held up to its standards.
Champagne is wine first, bubbles
second. This is a point many cham-
pagne producers have emphasized in
recent years, but it hasn’t always been
so. Doug Rosen, co-owner of Arrowine
& Cheese in Arlington, recalls visiting a
young champagne producer named Cé-
dric Bouchard in 2005 as he was scout-
68 Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 69
Vero & Casual Dining
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70 Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 71
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72 Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
The Christmas story: A way to ‘make it better’
Author Emil Brunner tells a story
of 9-year-old Jenny, who had heard
the Christmas story many times, but
could never get over the injustice of
the expectant couple left without
lodging because the inn at Bethle-
hem was already filled. So the next
Christmas Eve, when her family tra-
ditionally read the Nativity story, she
asked if she could be the reader. Jenny
took the scriptures in her hands and
read the old, old story aloud, but with
a new twist. When she came to the
part about the inn, she ad-libbed.
Jenny had Joseph say to the innkeep-
er: “Good evening, sir. My wife is ex-
pecting a baby any minute now and
we need a place to stay. Could you
help us?” Then Jenny had the inn-
keeper respond: “Well, as you see, we
are quite crowded. But, there’s always
room for one more. Please do come
in.” Pleased with herself, Jenny closed
the Bible, laid it down, and confident-
ly asked her family, “Now, isn’t that
It’s charming to think of a child’s
revision of the old story in ways that
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 73
make it neater, kinder, fairer and, in unkindness wherever we encounter ings could be ironed out. Or maybe helpless child to be born in Bethle-
her view, better. There is something them, and consider how we might you know of another’s need and have hem was just the spark to begin the
about that impulse to change what- “make it better.” a way to help meet it. Sometimes re- needed improvement. We hope you
ever we can for the better that Christ- viewing our own stories, with an eye will thoughtfully reflect upon all this
mas seems to draw out of many of Perhaps the Christmas story will to the Christmas story, helps us to see during this wondrous season which
us, isn’t there? While we cannot lit- also inspire us to change our own where lives could, in fact, be made has so much to tell us and teach us.
erally change the Christmas story, life stories. Are there places in need better. We hope you will look anew at the
of course, we hope its poignancy, its of revision in your life? Perhaps a old, old Nativity story, and con-
innocence, and its wonder may be a relationship with a co-worker or a After all God, the Author of all of sidering how it has impacted your
stimulus for us all this year. Perhaps friend needs repair. Maybe an old our lives, seems to have looked at own story, say with gratitude for the
this amazing story will help us to quarrel could be mended, or an old the world’s story with a critical but Christ child’s birth – “Now, isn’t that
take note of injustice, unfairness or grudge laid to rest. It could be that loving eye, and decided that it could better?”
family stresses and misunderstand- it improved. And sending a tiny,
74 Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
ONGOING 21-23 Holidays at McKee, 6 to 8 canoe rides. Details/costs at 31 Diamonds are Forever New Year’s
p.m. at McKee Botanical wintergreen-night-lights. 772-589-5050 Eve Centennial Celebration, 8 p.m.
Vero Beach Museum of Art - 150 Years of Garden, with holiday lights and decorations, at Heritage Center and along 14th Avenue in
Painting & Sculpture from the Permanent vintage band organ, model train display and 28|29 Riverside Theatre Howl Downtown Vero Beach hosted by Vero Heritage
Collection thru Jan. 13; Made in Germany: visits with Santa. Standard admission. 772- at the Moon Kiss 2018 Inc. and Main Street Vero Beach, with champagne
Contemporary Art from the Rubell Family 794-0601 Goodbye Party, 7:30 p.m. & 8:30 p.m., with Live reception, dinner, dancing and floor shows by
Collection thru Jan. 6. on the Loop free entertainment at 6 p.m. 772- New Deco Orchestra, ball drop and fireworks at
22 20th Street Jazz Band at Sebastian 231-6990 midnight. $85 and $150. 772-643-6782
Pelican Island National Wildlife Refuge tours, Inlet State Park Night Sounds concert
8 to 10 a.m. Wednesdays through March. Free; series, 7 p.m. at Coconut Point pavilions. Park 28-30 Nights of Lights Celebration, JANUARY
RSVP required. 772-581-5557 X 2 entry fee. 772-388-2750 6 to 7:30 p.m. at McKee
Botanical Garden, with holiday lights and 1 Centennial Resolution Run 5K presented
DECEMBER 23 Run Run Santa 1-Mile, 7:30 a.m. decorations, vintage band organ and large-scale by Run Vero, 10 a.m. at Riverside Park
from Pocahontas Park, with ALL model train display. Standard admission. 772- followed by 10:45 a.m. kids run and post-race
20|21 Christmas Road Trip, participants running in provided Santa suits. 794-0601 festivities. 772-643-7010
presented by City of Vero 321-412-1830
Beach Recreation Department’s Aerial Antics 30|31 Ballet Vero Beach presents 4|5 Ballet Vero Beach presents
Youth Circus, with 200+ performers ages 3 to 27-29 Wintergreen Night the original production, Premieres, with company
25, 6 p.m. at Vero Beach High School PAC. $7 & Nutcracker on the Indian River, 8 p.m. Sun., premiers staged by choreographers Matthew
$8. 772-567-2144 Lights, 5 to 8 p.m. at 2 p.m. Mon. at Vero Beach High School PAC, Carter, Ariel Grossman and Camilio Rodriguez,
features a local take on the original ballet. $10 8 p.m. Fri.; 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Sat. at Vero Beach
the Environmental Learning Center, with to $75. 772-905-2651 High School PAC. $10 to $75. 772-905-2651
live entertainment, crafts, holiday-inspired
crafts, games and reserved seat pontoon and
Solutions from Games Pages ACROSS DOWN 4|5 Riverside Theatre Comedy Zone
in December 13, 2018 Edition 1 BARBER 1 BISECT 7:30 p.m. & 9:30 p.m., with Live
4 QUEUE 2 RAREBIT on the Loop free entertainment at 6:30 p.m.
8 SORTS 3 ELSINORE 772-231-6990
10 CABINET 5 ELITE 4|6 Vero Beach Coastal Classic,
11 FEET 6 ENMITY USGA and AAU gymnastics
12 EBB 7 SUITE competitive regional and national qualifier at
14 STIR 13 BOASTFUL Intergenerational Recreation Center. 772-532-
15 OSLO 16 LEOPARD 0473
21 EACH 19 KOALA 5 H.A.L.O. Chase your Tail 5K Run/Walk,
23 ONSHORE 20 DELETE 7:30 a.m. from Sebastian Community
25 ALCOHOL 22 COCOA Center to support the H.A.L.O. no-kill shelter.
26 FLAME 24 CHUM 772-589-7297
Sudoku Page 48 Sudoku Page 49 Crossword Page 48 Crossword Page 49 (POLITENESS QUOTIENT)
Advertising Vero Beach Services | If you would like your business to appear in our directory, please call 772-633-0753
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each week during season to all 11,000+ homes on the
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in the Vero Beach 32963 Business Directory, please
contact marketing representative Kathleen Macglennon at
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4780 Hwy. A1A Unit 3 at Surf Club: 4-bedroom, 4.5-bath, 4,000-square-foot oceanfront townhome
offered for $2,275,000 by Karen Gaskill with Coldwell Banker Paradise: 772-559-5567
76 Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Surf Club townhome features
luxury finishes, guest house
BY STEPHANIE LaBAFF near the boundary line between Vero
Staff Writer Beach and Indian River Shores.
With endless oceanfront views, the “It’s a great turnaround story,” says
Surf Club townhome at 4780 Hwy. A1A project builder and co-developer Vic
defines coastal living at its best. The Lombardi, owner of Water’s Edge Es-
only resale in the recently completed tates, LLC. “In its day, the hotel was a
luxury community is priced at featured piece of real estate in Vero ...
$500,000 less than the average sold [but by the time] we bought it, it was
price in this sought-after enclave. dilapidated and had outlived its life.
We changed the skyline in Vero a bit
The property is located on the to something pretty.
former site of the Surf Club Hotel,
“We built these to look good and
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 77
to last a long time without a lot of
deferred maintenance as time goes
on,” says Lombardi of the solidly
built community residing on a deep
foundation with piles driven 35 feet
into the ground. Block construction
with concrete and steel pilings,
impact-resistant windows and
doors, a new seawall and a second-
floor concrete system are standard
throughout the project.
Architect Gregory Anderson
designed the 11-unit project featuring
two-story, oceanfront townhomes in
the West Indies style. “I tried to create
an outdoor environment on the
ocean with different areas – ocean
views in the back and the courtyard
between the detached garage and
Encompassing the best of both
worlds, the courtyard provides
protection from winter winds with
the added benefit of a private outdoor
space, and the interior space takes
advantage of the ocean views.
In that vein, Anderson used
architectural features with a
traditional British West Indies flare
to blend with the tropical setting,
including exposed rafter tails, clean
white smooth stucco, herringbone
railings, French doors, and transom-
topped doors and windows.
Guests can head up to the
guesthouse over the two-car garage
via a private staircase or across the
courtyard past the pool to enter the
main house. The guesthouse offers a
private bath and balcony in the one-
room suite enhanced with engineered
oak flooring, a kitchenette, granite
countertops and refrigerator.
78 Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Inside the house proper, tropical and opens to the covered oceanfront
lightness prevails throughout the patio and a generous green space be-
elegantly appointed coastal interior tween the townhome and the beach,
inspired by the ocean views seen reached by private, gated beach ac-
through floor-to-ceiling windows cess.
with transoms that fill the space with
warmth and light. Detailed millwork “Each one of the townhomes sits on
and finishes add substantial elegance its own deeded lot,” notes Lombardi.
throughout the house with tile
accents, tray and vaulted ceilings, The gourmet kitchen features
stone and hardwood floors. Thermador appliances, with custom-
wood cabinetry, an island breakfast
To the right, a quarter-turn wooden bar with seating, wine cooler and
staircase leads to the second floor; stone countertops.
and to the left, a set of French doors
leads to an area that can function as The second-floor living area can be
a mother-in-law suite with a private accessed via the stairs or an elevator,
bath and separate entry that leads which opens at the center of the
to the courtyard or as a formal living landing near the laundry room.
room, a library, office or first-floor
master suite. The master suite is located to the
east and boasts a vaulted, nickel-
The thoughtfully designed layout board ceiling, engineered oak
is open-concept, with defined com- flooring, a walk-in closet and a private
mon spaces. Adjacent to the breakfast balcony with ocean views,
area, dining room and kitchen, the
main living area, which features a gas The owner added remote-control,
fireplace, is perfect for entertaining. automatic blinds for those lazy
The area is the hub of family activity mornings when you want to watch
the sunrise over the clear, blue ocean
without having to leave the comfort
of your bed. When you’re feeling more
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 79
energetic, you can enjoy coffee on the REAL ESTATE
private, covered balcony accented
with a herringbone railing in a nod to a luxurious soaking tub overlooking
West Indies-style architecture. the ocean and the vast blue sky.
The elegant, spacious bathroom The opposite end of the second-
completes the suite with dual sinks, a floor hallway opens into a versatile
water closet, and a walk-in shower, and space that can be used as a guest
bedroom, den, studio or private sitting
room for the adjacent bedroom with
OLD RIOMAR 4 /4F 2H $1,875,000 ANCHOR THE MOORINGS .41 Acre Lot/ $1,695,000 RIOMAR DRIVE 4/3 $1,295,000 SOMERSET BAY CONDO 2+Den/3 $999,000
Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 211104 Charlotte Terry 772-538-2388 Kit Fields 770-312-5165 211141
Karen Smith 772-559-1295 200953 Karen Smith 772-559-1295 208893
Diane De Francisci 772-538-1614
HISTORIC JUNGLE TRAIL 3/3 $925,000 THE ESTUARY 3300 SF/ $875,000 OSPREY PTE AT GH 3/3 $849,000 Stacey Clawson 772-559-7984 197827
Alex MacWilliam IV 772-473-6972 201593 Roger Smith 772-473-0086 212407 Diane De Francisci 772-538-1614
Karl Dietrich 772-538-3453 212075
Diane De Francisci 772-538-1614 Roger Smith 772-473-0086 208965
Karl Dietrich 772-538-3453 211549 OAK HARBOR St. James 3/3 $565,000 CENTRAL BEACH 4/2.5 $565,000
Jim Knapp 772-913-0395 Camille Yates 772-971-9798 208759
Diane De Francisci 772-538-1614 212038
Kit Fields 770-312-5165 207654 Kit Fields 770-312-5165 210918 Kit Fields 770-312-5165 210868
CENTRAL BEACH 2 /2 $469,000
Barbara Parent 772-633-3027 212619
Integrity • Service • Professionalism • Results 2911 Ocean Drive Vero Beach 32963 2901 Ocean Drive Vero Beach 32963 Celebrating 69 Years as “ e Trusted Name in Real Estate”
Merry Christmas to All! 2901 Ocean Drive Vero Beach 32963
772 . 2 34 . 8 500 772.231.6509
772 . 2 31 . 6 509
80 Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
4780 HWY. A1A UNIT 3
an en-suite bath. A covered balcony The Surf Club sits on a two-and- Park, shopping and dining. Neighborhood: Surf Club
overlooks the pool and courtyard a-half-acre site with 400 feet of Riverside Park, the Municipal Year built: 2017
making full use of indoor/outdoor direct Atlantic Ocean frontage. The
living and provides a perfect perch property is within walking distance Marina, Vero Beach Dog Park, Riverside Home size: 4,000 square feet
from which to watch sunsets. of a guarded public beach, Jaycee Theatre and Vero Beach Museum of Construction: concrete block
Art are a short drive away.
Bedrooms: 4
4 full baths and 1 half-bath
Additional features:
Central vacuum, hurricane
impact windows, Thermador
appliances, summer kitchen,
wine cooler, gas fireplace, pool,
remote-control power blinds,
elevator, second-floor laundry
room, jetted tub, granted beach
access, detached 2-car garage,
private courtyard, detached
guest house, and private
oceanfront patio.
Listing agency:
Coldwell Banker Paradise
Listing agent:
Karen Gaskill,
Listing price: $2,275,000
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 81
‘Oakmont Townhomes’
project features 27 units
BY KATHLEEN SLOAN Thirty units were originally planned,
Staff Writer but that number has been scaled
back to 27 – three townhomes in
A project to build 27 rental each of nine buildings – with a single
townhomes between 18th Street entrance off 18th Street.
and 17th Street, close to the 17th
Street Bridge on the mainland, has A concrete wall along 17th Street,
been revitalized by a new developer, put in by the prior owner, will remain
Wolfpack Financial Holdings, a local to shield the property somewhat from
company with an office at 847 20th traffic noise traffic and noise on 17th
Place in Vero Beach. Street. Heavy landscaping will screen
the 18th Street boundary from noise
“I think we’re going to call them and traffic. The development will not
Oakmont Townhomes,” said Michael be gated.
Buza, president of Wolfpack Financial,
which bought the 3.1-acre parcel at There will be a small park near 17th
401 18th St. last March for $735,000. Street and generous swales between
buildings will add to the park-like feel
The prior owner was a West Palm of the development.
Beach company that paid $1.85
million for the land in 2005 and built Mike Schlitt Construction is the
the first three townhomes just as building contractor and will also
the real estate boom was peaking. serve as property manager for the
The company halted construction complex after it’s complete.
during the downturn and the initial
attractive triplex, painted in pretty “We think these will rent to baby boom-
pastel colors, sat alongside 17th street ers,” Mike Schlitt said. Rents are expected
for 11 years, gradually overgrown to range from $1,400 to $1,800 a month for
with weeds, before the property was two- and three-bedroom townhomes,
finally sold in March. each with a single-car garage. The town-
houses will have between 1,100 and 1,400
The City of Vero Beach Planning square feet of living space and will have
Department looked over updated one-year leases.
but similar plans for the project,
approving them in September 2018. “Retirees don’t want to buy right
away,” Schlitt said. “They lease for a
year while they get to know the area.
82 Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
It’s a great location, so close to the beach. You’ve The three-bedroom townhomes will be two-
got about 20 restaurants within biking dis- story, while the two-bedroom units will be one-
tance.” story. The walls will be reinforced concrete block
with stucco, the roofs standing-seam metal.
The first five buildings, with 15 units, are slat-
ed for completion in April 2019. Schlitt said the Schlitt said thick insulation, air space and
remaining four buildings will be finished about concrete construction will make the homes qui-
six months later. et, with 12-inch walls between units.
Gated, natural gas community with parks and lush landscaping
surrounding Lake Sapphire - the beautiful lake the community
is named after and inspired by.
Lake Sapphire is located on 5th Street SW between 43rd Avenue
and 58th Avenue convenient to shopping and centrally located
to take advantage of everything Vero Beach has to offer!
4624 5TH ST SW, VERO BEACH • MON - SAT: 10AM - 5 PM • SUN: NOON - 5 PM
Prices and specifications are subject to change without notice. Oral representation cannot be relied upon as correctly stated representations of the developer. For correct representations, make reference to this advertisement and to the documents required by section 718.503, Florida Statutes, to be furnished by a
developer to a buyer or lessee. Images displayed may not be the actual property for sale, but may be model or other homes built of similar design.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 83
Top lagoon scientist lauds The Moorings’ ‘eco’ efforts
BY SUE COCKING lagoon. “It helps save water; there’s no rather lead than follow,” Weyandt said. and aluminum products, and fluores-
Correspondent need for fertilizer,” Pelensky said. “The The Moorings’ clay tennis courts cent light bulbs. Members have even
plants themselves suck up nitrogen adopted a spoil island in the lagoon
One of the Treasure Coast’s most and phosphorus,” filtering out those have been converted to water-saving near Harbor Branch Oceanographic In-
prominent conservation scientists is nutrients before they flow into the ‘hydro-courts’ which dampen them stitute. “We’re trying to be pioneering
lauding The Moorings Yacht and Coun- lagoon. from underground. Court lights are and taking initiatives. We’re dedicated
try Club for its environmentally-for- LED to save energy. to best practices,” said Ursula Gunter,
ward initiatives. Widder also noted the rain garden the club’s membership and marketing
next to the golf course – about 2,500 Club-wide, the Moorings has banned director.
plastic straws and dispenses paper
straws only on request. It has installed In her talk last week, Widder told
water refilling and electric car-charg-
ing stations, and recycles paper, plastic CONTINUED ON PAGE 87
Judi Honiss and Robin Pelensky at
the rain garden. PHOTOS BY LEIGH GREEN
Dr. Edie Widder, founder and chief square feet of native plants and flowers
scientist of the Ocean Research and that attract butterflies and filter run-
Conservation Association (ORCA), off before it enters the lagoon.
called The Moorings “a major part of
the solution” to the Indian River La- And those are just two of many en-
goon’s water quality problems during a vironmentally-friendly projects and
packed speech this month at the club. “best management practices” initiated
at the country club.
“The Moorings is a leader in the com-
munity in what you’re doing,” Widder Golf course superintendent Craig
told the gathering. Weyandt, a Florida Master Naturalist,
created taller-grass fringes around six
Specifically, Widder pointed out a stormwater retention ponds as buffers
1.1-acre lagoon-friendly re-landscap- that are neither fertilized nor sprayed
ing project last spring spearheaded by with pesticides. He uses recycled
Judi Honiss, a resident of The Pointes water for irrigation, applies fertilizer
condominium, and designed by land- sparingly where needed, makes his
scape architect Robin Pelensky. own mulch and compost, removes
exotic species such as Brazilian pepper
Pelensky directed the removal of and Australian pine, encourages
some 5,000 square feet of sod and members to buy reusable stainless
planted an undulating bed of native steel cups instead of Styrofoam, and
grasses and flowers with crushed shell creates nesting areas for birds. “We’d
replacing mulch that slopes toward the
84 Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: Dec. 7 to Dec. 13
The barrier island real estate market had another strong week with 15 transactions closing, including two
for more than $3 million.
The top sale of the week was of a new oceanfront home in Oceanridge on South Beach. The property at
1996 Oceanridge Circle was listed June 29, 2017, with an asking price of $3.95 million. The sale closed on
Dec. 12 for $3.77 million.
The seller of the property was represented by Cindy O’Dare and Richard Boga of Premier Estate Properties.
The purchaser was represented by Carole-Lee Horton of RE/MAX Crown Realty.
$4,145,000 $1,325,000
SEAGROVE 206 OCEAN WAY 2/5/2018 $1,599,000 $3,850,000 12/12/2018 $750,000
INDIAN BAY 1602 W CAMINO DEL RIO 6/29/2018 $825,000 $1,599,000 12/10/2018 $685,000
$820,000 $636,000
BAYTREE OCEAN VILLAS 8428 POINCIANA PLACE UNIT#4 9/6/2018 $749,000 $789,000 12/12/2018 $580,000
$699,000 $497,500
SEAGROVE WEST 1620 SEAGROVE DRIVE W 4/3/2017 $525,000 $699,000 12/13/2018
SILVER SHORES 711 TIDES ROAD 1/15/2018 $699,000 12/11/2018 $375,000
CACHE CAY 75 CACHE CAY DRIVE 7/5/2018 $599,000 12/13/2018
SUMMERPLACE 1871 E SANDALWOOD ROAD 4/11/2018 $515,000 12/12/2018
RIVER MEWS CONDO 2030 LAS RAMBLAS, #2030 4/11/2018 $510,000 $510,000 12/12/2018
PARK SHORES 121 E PARK SHORES CIRCLE, #30E 10/18/2018 $375,000 $375,000 12/13/2018
RACQUET CLUB OF VERO 3939 OCEAN DRIVE, #210C 11/3/2017 $335,000 $300,000 12/7/2018
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 85
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Seagrove West, Address: 1620 Seagrove Drive W Subdivision: Seagrove, Address: 206 Ocean Way
Listing Date: 4/3/2017 Listing Date: 2/5/2018
Original Price: $820,000 Original Price: $4,145,000
Recent Price: $699,000 Recent Price: $3,850,000
Sold: 12/13/2018 Sold: 12/12/2018
Selling Price: $685,000 Selling Price: $3,750,000
Listing Agent: Lucy Hendricks & Jane Schwiering Listing Agent: Grier McFarland
Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
John Stringer Scott Carson
Alex MacWilliam, Inc. Keller Williams Realty
Subdivision: Indian Bay, Address: 1602 W Camino Del Rio Subdivision: Baytree Ocean Villas, Address: 8428 Poinciana Place, #4
Listing Date: 6/29/2018 Listing Date: 9/6/2018
Original Price: $1,599,000 Original Price: $825,000
Recent Price: $1,599,000 Recent Price: $789,000
Sold: 12/10/2018 Sold: 12/12/2018
Selling Price: $1,325,000 Selling Price: $750,000
Listing Agent: Elizabeth Sorensen Listing Agent: Lori Davis
Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc. Selling Agent: Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
George Nagy LuAnn Donnelly-Willemen
BREC Properties Inc Sea Turtle Real Estate LLC
I N T E G R I T Y ~ R E S U LT S
Elegant 3BR/3.5BA condo w/lake view, private elevator, East of A1A, 3BR/3.5BA home with den/office, fireplace, Beautiful lakefront building lot in the picturesque gated
fireplace, underbuilding 2 car garage, gated community screened pool, gated/guarded community with beach access enclave of estate homes, over ½ acre with a fabulous view
$879,000 $599,000 $310,000
Y our satisfaction is my highest goal, real estate is a lasting relationship.
direct 772.492.5333 | cell 772.538.1861 | [email protected] |
86 Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Don’t get nervous, call Scott Tree Services
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
BILL BARRY Subdivision: Cache Cay, Address: 75 Cache Cay Drive
SERVICES CELL: 772-473-7150 Original Price: $699,000
Recent Price: $599,000
OFFICE: 772-569-3874 Sold: 12/13/2018
OAK TREE SPECIALIST Selling Price: $580,000
TREE CARE, MOVING & CLEARING Listing Agent: Kim & Samantha Gibson
Selling Agent: Daley & Company Real Estate
Scott Reynolds
Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Subdivision: Silver Shores, Address: 711 Tides Road
Listing Date: 1/15/2018
Original Price: $749,000
Recent Price: $699,000
Sold: 12/11/2018
Selling Price: $636,000
Listing Agent: Dustin Haynes & Jeff Knowles
Selling Agent: Coldwell Banker Paradise
Kimberly Taylor
Dale Sorensen Real Estate Inc.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / December 20, 2018 87
the audience that one of the best ways volunteers – kids as young as five and Florida Panhandle, they are better at “It would be a win-win,” Widder said.
to reduce pollution in the lagoon is to adults up to 80 – have installed these withstanding the pounding of winds In the meantime, she said, “there’s
replace concrete sea walls with “living sloping swales, they have reduced nutrient and waves. lots of things people can do short of
shorelines” made of oyster shell, man- loads and curbed shoreline erosion. tearing out a sea wall . . . anything that
groves, sea grapes, and other natural She said she hopes the insurance slows water down and holds it for a pe-
materials. Widder said living shorelines are industry will incentivize homeowners riod of time. These are completely solv-
cheaper to build than sea walls, and in to replace sea walls with the natural able problems.”
In areas where her “Living Lagoon” hurricane-ravaged areas such as the breakwaters.
NEW PRICE • $4,999,000 $1,999,000
956 Reef Lane • Pebble Beach Development 825 Reef Road • Floralton Beach
Build your castle at the sea on this fabulous lot with 200 oceanfront feet...Plenty of room for Enjoy huge ocean views & breezes-just across from deeded beach access/neighborhood
all of the extras on nearly 2 acres in Indian River Shores. 2 homes included in lot. DEP ap- park. Over 5,000 sf under air with elevator to all levels including incredible 3rd-floor ocean
proval:1 large home extending both lots. Less than 1 mile to amenities. South property may view and sunset view office. Six en suite bedrooms. Four garages. Two Laundry Rooms.
be purchased separately $2,595,000 4bed/3.5 baths. Large pool. Very close to St. Ed’s School & The Moorings Club.
NEW PRICE • $1,350,000 O: 772.538.1111
E: [email protected]
2175 S HWY. A1A • Kansas City Colony
R-3 zoned!! Rare opportunity to build your estate dream home or up to 6 single family W:
homes with river access. 7+/- Acres includes approximately 2 acres uplands, along a1a and
1/2 acre at river’s edge. Beth Ann Rardin, Broker
1643 Baseline Lane • The Boulevard
3 beds/2.5 baths, Tenant in place, All new kitchen appliances and new AC. $315,000
1907 Aynsley Place #32-3 • Lake in the Wood
Ground floor corner unit 3 beds/2 baths. $122,900
$615,000 $625,000 $569,000
1602 Weybridge Circle • River Club at Carlton The Dunes • Gated and East of A1A 395 Nieuport Drive • Indian River Aerodrome
Simply elegant! Meticulously maintained 2 Master Suite+Den Amazing location!! Enjoy this 3/2.5 2 car garage, priva- FLY IN COMMUNITY. Privacy of country living with near-
(can be used as 3rd bedroom) /3 Bath Single Family Home cy-fenced pool w/ many upgrades…including salt water by shopping. No aircraft required. Enjoy your private 1,600
with Condo Amenities includes 2 car oversized garage, Walk pool system, new irrigation, new shutters, all new appliances, sqft hangar. Nestled between mature landscaping & direct
In Closets, Volume Ceilings, Crown Moulding, Fireplace, much more, etc. This family room lined with beautiful pecky access to your community’s 2600’ private airstrip on nearly
SubZero, Granite, Screened Lanai, Private Garden! 2 club- cypress vaulted ceilings and walls are a cozy way to catch the 1.5 acres, this 3 bed/3 bath/2 car garage, pool home has it all.
houses/pools, Guest Suites, gym, Easy beach access. game. Deeded beach access in gated community east of A1A! Air-conditioned office & work shop in hangar, tennis court
& lake access. Low HOA fees.