56 Vero Beach 32963 / March 2, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Managing obesity? Bariatricians can’t ‘weight’ to help
BY TOM LLOYD the sleeve gastrectomy, the adjustable “A medical bariatrician is a physi-
Staff Writer gastric band and the biliopancreatic cian who’s certified in treating and
diversion with duodenal switch. diagnosing overweight and obesi-
Approximately 24 million Americans ty,” explains Haake. “We approach
are currently so overweight that they But Dr. Felice Haake of the Indian patients from a medical standpoint,
qualify for one of the four major bariat- River Medical Center’s new compre- looking at their medications, their
ric weight-loss surgeries or procedures hensive weight-loss program takes a chronic medical conditions and
now being offered in this country. different approach. perhaps even undiagnosed condi-
tions that might be contributing
The American Society of Metabolic She is a “medical bariatrician,” a to or causing their obesity or other
and Bariatric Surgeons says those pro- relatively new and still fairly small sub- weight problems.”
cedures include the gastric bypass, specialty, and she doesn’t perform any
of the above procedures. In other words, Haake diagnoses,
teaches and – perhaps most impor-
THE HEART ATTACK AND tantly – listens. Dr. Felice Haake. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
“Most patients who struggle with it is often misunderstood.
OF VERO BEACH weight,” Haake continues, “have a As WebMD points out, “If doctors
story. Everyone’s got a story. Where
PRACTICE it started. When it started. If they’ve tell you you’re obese, they’re not try-
struggled with weight since they ing to make you feel bad. They’re us-
A NEW STRATEGY TO SAVE YOUR LIFE . . . were a kid. And so, getting to the root ing a specific medical term to talk
AND HEART AND REVERSE ARTERIOSCLEROSIS. [of their problem] helps bring every- with you about your weight. The word
thing to the surface so they can start obesity means too much body fat.
MICHAEL MATTICE, M.D. working on it. It’s important.” It’s usually based on your body mass
now offers you a unique comprehensive and science-based Pausing briefly, Haake adds, “I al-
approach to detecting, preventing and treating Cardio Vascular ways tell patients I don’t work with their
Disease* that has been shown in two peer-reviewed studies to limitations, I work with their abilities”
halt or reverse the disease and prevent heart attacks and strokes. in order to overcome weight problems
Dr. Mattice is on the Speakers Bureau for the Cleveland Heart in general and obesity in particular.
Lab from the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio and for the Bale Doneen
Method. The Bale Doneen Method has been successfully The term obesity is a loaded one, and
watching people’s arteries get younger for 16 years.
Written Guarantee using our protocol will rid the inflammation in your arteries
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* treatment shrank the size of plaque in the neck arteries by
52.7% over a two-year period.The study included 324 HASPC
patients, whose response to treatment was analyzed by
scientists from Johns Hopkins Ciccarone Center for Prevention
of Heart Disease — Dr. Bale
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 2, 2017 57
index or BMI, which compares your GOOD TO KNOW ABOUT ‘JOE’: HOW COFFEE
But the reason so much attention is BY MARIA CANFIELD health, and in good news for coffee “There’s lots of information out there
paid to weight these days isn’t about Correspondent drinkers, a new report from the insti- about coffee and there is evidence that
waistlines or dress sizes. tute concludes that a moderate intake it has positive effects on some aspects
Who knew, but there is actually a of coffee may protect against age-relat- of brain health.”
It’s because obesity is strongly linked place called the Institute for Scientific ed cognitive decline.
to the onset of type 2 diabetes, heart Information on Coffee; it is devoted to As part of its research, the ISIC
disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, studying the intersection of coffee and Vero Beach neurologist S. James looked at recent meta-analyses on the
sleep apnea and stroke. Shafer is aware of the study and says,
In other words, some of the biggest
killers in the country often come as
part of a package deal with those ex-
tra pounds.
“Almost all of my patients that belong
to an obese category have at least one
comorbidity ... [such as] hypertension,
pre-diabetes, heart disease, hyperlip-
idemia or high cholesterol lipid abnor-
malities,” says Haake. “Most of them
have reflux and depression. These are
all comorbidities. So I would say 80 to
90 percent of my patients have at least
one associated comorbidity.”
Devising diet solutions, workable ex-
ercise plans, improving cardiovascular
health and managing medications all
are parts of Haake’s mission.
And, for the record, Haake ada-
mantly says a magic pill for weight loss
simply doesn’t exist. “For me, medica-
tions are an adjunct and they’re only
for the appropriate patients. Not ev-
ery patient who walks in my door gets
handed a medication.”
Haake also says gastric bypasses
and other surgeries are not a pana-
cea for weight problems.
“It’s not like the surgery fixes ev-
erything,” she says. “You have to con-
tinue to do what you’ve been taught
and go to the support groups and all
of that.”
Leaning forward, Haake adds,
“Let me tell you something about
obesity: It’s a chronic condition just
like eczema. You don’t cure eczema.
You manage it. You manage obesity
too. So this is life-long. You’re going
to manage this. So I teach mainte-
nance; what I call maintenance skills
to help prevent weight re-gain.”
The IRMC comprehensive weight-
loss program is just now starting its
mission. but Haake has no doubts
about how she’d like to see it evolve.
“I would love to see this build into a
full program like the program I came
from in Virginia,” says Haake, “where
it was surgeons working alongside the
medical bariatrician, working along-
side the dietician, working alongside
an exercise physiologist, working
alongside a behaviorist. It’s really a
collaborative approach and each per-
son brings their own expertise.”
Dr. Felice Haake is a medical baria-
trician and family practitioner at the In-
dian River Medical Center. Her office is
in the new Health and Wellness building
at 3450 11th Court, Suite 201. The phone
number is 772-794-3364.
58 Vero Beach 32963 / March 2, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
association between coffee consump- function, to widely-varying degrees. this, ironically, can have a neg-
tion and cognitive decline (a meta- Symptoms can include forgetfulness, a
analysis is the statistical procedure for reduced ability to maintain focus, and ative effect on brain health. Dr.
combining data from multiple stud- diminished capacity to problem-solve.
ies). That data showed that the greatest Shafer says, “Sleep is the only
protection came with an intake of 3 to However, most research also sup-
5 cups of coffee per day. ports coffee’s favorable effects against chance our brains get to recover
dementia caused by Alzheimer’s dis-
The study does not declare that caf- ease; a 2016 study concluded that mod- from the day and get ready for
feine was the reason coffee protected erate coffee consumption can reduce
against cognitive decline, but that is the risk of developing Alzheimer’s by the next day.” As with so many
the clear implication. Past research up to 27 percent.
has shown that caffeine produces a other things, moderation and
number of beneficial responses in the Dr. Shafer says that he sees patients
central nervous system at both cellu- who think they may be getting Al- timing are key: A cup or two of
lar and pharmacological levels. Coffee zheimer’s or dementia, but it’s simply
contains other compounds that may that they’ve developed a habit of not coffee in the morning is not go-
also play a role, along with caffeine, in- focusing when talking to other people.
cluding antioxidants and anti-inflam- “What happens is they don’t really lis- ing to affect the sleep patterns
matory agents. ten, they don’t stay in the moment,” he
says. “Coffee helps, as it sharpens the of most people.
With that said, it is not known for ability to focus.”
sure why drinking coffee seems to The origin of coffee is more
positively affect cognitive function. The general consensus of the scien-
Vero’s Dr. Shafer says that there have tific community is that the daily inges- lore than fact. A popular story
been no well-controlled clinical stud- tion of up to 400mg of caffeine daily
ies that would determine whether (about 4 cups of 8 ounces each) does is that an Ethiopian goat herder
coffee simply has an immediate, di- not have any negative implications for
rect effect because of its stimulant healthy adults. However, Dr. Shafer named Kaldi saw one of his goats Dr. James Shafer. PHOTO: DENISE RITCHIE
properties, or if it provides some long- sounds a note of caution about this, chewing on a shrub’s red berries
term protective benefits from a neu- saying: “Some people can be highly
rological perspective. sensitive to caffeine. For these people, and was struck by how full of
it can cause migraines, increase anxi-
Age-related cognitive decline is not ety, or cause tremors.” energy the animal was. Kaldi sampled Regular exercise, as it can increase
the same as Alzheimer’s disease or
dementia. All people, as they age, will Even for those not especially sen- the fruit and was consumed by a feel- levels of brain-derived neurotrophic
experience some decrease in cognitive sitive to caffeine, it can disrupt sleep
if consumed in high quantities, and ing of elation. He thought the berries factor (BDNF), a protein that influ-
were heaven-sent and took a bunch to ences brain function by preventing the
the nearest monastery. The head monk death of brain cells.
disagreed, condemning the berries as Cognitive stimulation and training
the devil’s work and throwing them on (playing word games, playing bridge
the fire, giving birth to roasted coffee. or chess, learning words and phrases
The year was 850 A.D. from another language) can enhance
There are other dietary and life- cognitive reserve and provide protec-
style choices that are known to help tion against loss of brain function.
reduce age-related cognitive decline,
including: Dr. Shafer sees patients and conducts
Sticking to a “Mediterranean” diet, research at the Vero Beach Neurology
with its emphasis on fish, seafood, veg- and Research Institute, located at 1040
etables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes 37th Place, Suite 201, in Vero Beach. The
and whole grains. phone number is 772-492-7051.
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 2, 2017 59
Study: Fragmentation of care
problematic for opioid addicts
The Washington Post
The grip of opioid addiction is so tors are often unaware of what other
strong that many people who undergo physicians may be prescribing.
treatment relapse repeatedly. Now a
study by Johns Hopkins University re- Inefficiency and poor communi-
searchers offers new clues about why cation are to blame much more than
treatment is so difficult. drug-seekers trying to manipulate the
system, Alexander said.
The researchers discovered that 43
percent of people receiving buprenor- “The big concern is fragmentation of
phine, a widely used anti-addiction care,” he said. The databases, known
medication, filled at least one prescrip- as prescription drug monitoring pro-
tion for opioids – which they presum- grams, “are not a panacea,” he added.
ably consumed or diverted to others. “Many doctors don’t use them. Many
doctors aren’t even registered. Many
They also found that the average who are registered don’t use them reg-
length of stay on buprenorphine was ularly.”
just 55 days, much less than the months
or years experts believe it may take to The study looked at the records of
conquer a substance-abuse disorder 38,096 buprenorphine users in 11 states
with the help of such drugs. Once pa- between January 2010 and July 2012.
tients stopped getting the anti-addic- Because buprenorphine is sometimes
tion medication, two-thirds of them prescribed for pain, the researchers
went back to filling prescriptions for analyzed a subset of those people who
opioids, according to the study, pub- received a form of the drug, Suboxone,
lished Thursday in the journal Addic- which is only prescribed to combat
tion. the cravings of opioid addiction. Even
among those 20,124 people, 27 percent
Caleb Alexander, co-director of the used another opioid during treatment,
Center for Drug Safety and Effective- and 54 percent received one after treat-
ness at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg ment ended.
School of Public Health, said his team’s
research “raises important questions The National Institute on Drug
about the quality of care these patients Abuse puts the relapse rate for drug
are receiving and the degree to which addiction at 40 percent to 60 percent,
their care is coordinated across our which is similar to the rate at which
fragmented health-care system.” people with other chronic diseases
suffer setbacks.
Alexander said people receiving
medication-assisted treatment with
buprenorphine or methadone may see
one provider for that drug, another for
their primary care and yet another if
they are brought to an emergency room.
Despite the growth in many states of
databases designed to help providers
track a patient’s drug purchases, doc-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 2, 2017 67
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68 Vero Beach 32963 / March 2, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
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Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 2, 2017 69
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70 Vero Beach 32963 / March 2, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Vero & Casual Dining
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 2, 2017 71
Beefed-up depth powers St. Ed’s weightlifting team
BY RON HOLUB said. “I didn’t have an opportunity
Correspondent to do it last year, but I really enjoyed
weight training when I did it before,
Try not to be confused by the disparity Grayson Long. so I decided to give it another try. It’s
in physical stature among the 14 athletes taken some time to get back into the
on St. Ed’s 2017 boys weightlifting team. Giordan Gulati. swing of things and I’ve been a little
It is definitely not the case that some sore lately.
were quick learners and miraculously
turned into behemoths overnight simply “This is more of a personal thing
by mastering the proper lifting technique rather than competing against other
taught by head coach Les Rogers. people. I’m setting goals for myself with
certain weight totals that I want to hit by
Further inquiry revealed that the di- the end of the season.”
minutive lifters were mere sixth-grad-
ers, while the bulkier body types be- “This is my second year weightlifting
longed to the more physically mature and I’m trying to get back into shape
football, basketball and soccer players and keep the commitment that I made
from the high school. to the team last year,” Quaile told us –
channeling the philosophy of his foot-
“With 14 lifters we have a large team ball coach, Bill Motta. “I would like to
this year, especially with the addition of get my bench back up to 205 where I
three sixth-graders,” Rogers said. “I ac- was last June. Right now I’m at 150-155.
tually saw the athletic ability of one of You definitely lose something when
the sixth-graders, Jasper Nelson, when you’re not doing this regularly.
he was in elementary school. When he
entered the middle school I invited him “When you join a team you have an
to come out. I also talked to a couple of obligation to stay and, even better, this
his friends. They all said they would give is a fun group of guys. Our ages differ a
it a shot and the three of them are doing lot but we are all in it together. The bigger
a fantastic job. guys are pushing the smaller guys. Every-
one is just trying to make everyone else
“They are picking it up and seem the best they can be.”
to be enthusiastic. They want to do
well so they are all working hard. The Thomas Bockhurst. wabasso
proper technique takes a while to de-
velop, but they are definitely going in PHOTOS BY DENISE RITCHIE
the right direction.”
bers in the unlimited weight category
Sixth-graders C.H. Brown, Giordan with totals of 515 and 510 in two Feb-
Gulati and Nelson are the up-and- ruary meets. For everyone else, PRs
comers for whom the development (personal records) fell by the wayside
phase will take some time, but Rogers when the proper lifting technique was
says they have already demonstrated executed and they were able to “hit” all
the potential to do very well in com- six of their lifts.
petitive meets down the road. Some
of the older, bigger guys may be ready As is always the case with overlapping
right now. sports seasons, it took a while to assem-
ble the entire squad. Nevertheless, the
“I’ve got a few guys that I think will condensed regular season ends this week
be able to compete successfully later with two meets in advance of the district
on in the postseason,” Rogers said. trials on March 16.
“Sophomore heavyweight Grayson
Long has a real good bench press and “We missed the basketball and soc-
that in itself carries him a long way to- cer players in the first meet,” Rogers ex-
ward getting a good total. He’s doing a plained. “But they jumped right in and
great job for us. are getting better already. In their first
meet I could tell they had a lot left in the
“Junior Edward Klinsport has lifted tank. I’m expecting big advances from
for quite some time now and he does them in the coming weeks.”
really well for himself. He works very
hard and I’m hoping that he will also The only two seniors this year fall
be able to make nice gains as the sea- into that category. Thomas Bockhorst
son progresses.” was the top playmaker on the basket-
ball team and Jordan Quaile was noted
Actually, the entire team did quite for his defensive skills on the soccer
well in a meet on Feb. 15 against three field.
other schools. The Pirates had lifters in
an expanded number of weight classes “I’m doing this to stay in shape and
and beat all three teams in total points. stay active after school,” Bockhorst
That hasn’t happened very often in the
past, when fewer lifters participated
and a variety of weight classes were not
Grayson Long hoisted huge num-
72 Vero Beach 32963 / March 2, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Use 40 days of Lent to deepen friendship with God
In our experience, Lent is not the most nificance provides the opportunity for human beings just as prone to tempta- tice, quarantine and replace. In other
popular of Christian seasons, emphasiz- deeper reflection upon our relation- tions and distractions as we are, who words, they took pains to notice and
ing as it does fasting and repentance. ship with God. And why not dedicate simply worked with faithful diligence to fully acknowledge the distracting
Lent began yesterday with Ash Wednes- 40 days to such a worthy aim? Is 40 master their faults and failings. thoughts. Then, they intentionally
day and will conclude on the Saturday days really so burdensome? and firmly set the unwanted thoughts
before Easter, which makes it a season For example, as Rev. Lauren Winner aside. And finally, they replaced those
of 40 days (not counting Sundays, which The ancient Desert Fathers and once noted, many of the desert dwell- thoughts with loving prayer. Notice,
are always days of celebration and there- Mothers of the third century in Egypt ers discovered early on that walking quarantine, replace. This pattern for
fore unsuitable for fasting). certainly didn’t think so. These extraor- away from civilization did not guar- disciplining thought was not under-
dinary folk decided that they would antee that its hold on them would taken for its own sake, but in order to
If 40 days seems an excessively long renounce all possessions, social status, be easily vanquished. The body, it allow the desert dweller to nudge dis-
time for practicing self-denial, there is marriage, money and comfort – for a seemed, was more easily trained tractions from focus and create more
precedent. Christians recall that Jesus lifetime! – all to promote their friend- than the mind. Many found they still mental space for encountering God.
spent 40 days in the desert, fasting and ship with God. They moved to the des- thought wistfully about the luxuries
undergoing temptations, preparing for ert and dedicated themselves exclusive- they’d left behind. Or perhaps they felt We have 40 days of Lent before us.
his entry into public ministry. In com- ly to meditation and prayer, fasting and jealous of their fellow monk in the hut Maybe this year we could see less as
memoration of those 40 days, many service to others. down the path who had a nicer view a season of imposed self-deprivation
modern Christians prepare themselves and a better sleeping mat. Or perhaps and more as a spacious invitation to
for Easter by observing 40 days of some The modern church still treasures they were haunted by fear or loneli- deepen our friendship with God. Let’s
form of self-denial. Some choose to the stories of wisdom and insight that ness or longing. And so the desert notice what threatens that friendship.
give up something upon which they are emerged from their experiences in the monks found a pattern to train their Let’s quarantine it. Let’s replace it with
needlessly reliant (chocolate? gossip? desert. Maybe that’s because the Desert minds. When unwanted distractions love. If 40 days isn’t enough time, let’s
television? anger?). Some make special Fathers and Mothers are shown not as occurred, they did three things: no- give it a lifetime.
efforts to serve others more (and them- other-worldly paragons of virtue, but as
selves less). Some find ways to give of
their time, or talent, or resources or en-
ergies in more sacrificial ways.
The basic idea is that nudging dis-
tractions out of our lives and focusing
more carefully upon matters of sig-
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 2, 2017 73
Bonz goes all boogie woogie over sweetie Shuggie
Hi Dog Buddies! puppies, an, even though the shelter fearless hunters. Once, when
humans were nice, I didn’t wanna go
This week, my interview was with a back there, ya know?” I was little, I ackshully caught
snowbird dog, Shuggie Lemay, a sweet
shepherdy-looking mix, very friendly I nodded. a wild turkey. It was bigger
and happy. She came right up for the “WELL, the students were friends
Wag-and-Sniff, and greeted my as- with my Mama and Papa (who weren’t than me even. I was petooie-
sistant with some enthusiastic Jump- my Mama and Papa yet, of course).
and-Slurps. They hadda farm in Cazenovia, New ing feathers outta my mouth
York, and they were kinda thinkin’
“Hi, Mr. Bonzo! Come right IN! I about another dog anyway cuz their for days. Papa has a smoker,
just LOVE havin’ cump-ny. This is my Golden Retriever, Toby, was Getting’
Mama, Linda. My Papa’s Scott. This is Up There, and they thought a young so we had turkey for dinner.”
just my second year comin’ down here dog would maybe perk him up, cuz of
and I’ve already made a whole buncha being all bouncy.” “PAWsome!” I exclaimed.
pooch pals! Humans, too. EVrybud- Shuggie took a breath, an I wrote like
dy’’s so FRENly!” crazy to catch up. “When did you get down
“So they drove me to the farm to meet
“A pleasure to meet you, Miss Shug- Toby. I was sick as a ... er ...I was totally here?”
gie. I’m eager to hear your story. And car sick. Mama hadda give me medicine
how you got your cool name.” so I wouldn’t keep tossing my kibbles. I “Last year. I love it here,
was zombie’d out for most of the trip. It
She jumped onto the couch beside was all kinda overwhelming. When we Mr. Bonzo! I like the dog
her Mom, and plopped down on a co- got to the farm, I laid down on Mama’s
coa-colored blanket with a pawprint shoe for comfort. I still do when I’m park and the beach. I have
design. “Are you cumf-tubble? Good! pooped out. I’m pretty much a Mama’s
OK! Here I go! First, my name: My girl. Well, you know, she feeds me.” two human friends, they’re
name at the shelter was Morgan, which I nodded.
I didn’t like all that much, so I was hap- “Anyway, me an Toby got along just still puppies: Hannah, she’s
py when Mama and Papa decided to fine, which I was glad of cuz I really
call me Shuggie, which is short for ‘mu- wanted to stay. The farm’s the great- 6; and Paisley, she’s 2, I
shoe-guh-nuh,’ which is Yiddish for est place for a pooch. There’s 80 whole
‘crazy person.’ It’s silly, doncha think? acres. Me ’n Toby’d run some, then stop think. We’re always playin’
I LIKE it. They also call me Shugs, or and rest under a tree and Toby’d tell me
Shugaboo. I answer to all of ’em, Mor- stories about his Younger Days. He was together. Me an my pooch
gan, too, cuz food might be involved my Role Model, told me all kinds of use-
and I don’t wanna miss out. You know, ful dog stuff. We were together for three pals, both Labs, Smokey
like the humans say, ‘You can call me years, and then it was time for Toby to
anything, just call me to dinner.’” go to Dog Heaven. He told me not to be and Bailey, play on the Shuggie Lemay. PHOTO BY DENISE RITCHIE
too sad cuz Dog Heaven is a wonderful beach. I like the beach,
Honestly, those humans. We laughed. place, and he’d taught me everything I but not the ackshully wa-
“Anyway, I was almost but not quite needed to know. But I was sad anyway.
adopted from a shelter by some medi- “After a while, I met Casey, a shep- ter, cuz it chases you back. I only play at school, had come
cal students up in Syracuse, New York, herd mix, kinda like me, PLUS we’re
and I was all excited, but THEN, they both rescues, and both plain ol’ coun- in the soap sudsy part. I just love bein’ to say hello to their pooch pal. Slurps
found out they couldn’t keep me cuz try mutts. We’re best buddies up at the
the shelter didn’t let their dogs live in farm. We swim in our pond, and zoom outside. An I love to ROLL. A lot. Then and wags and hugs and giggles ensued.
apartments, so I got all worried, cuz I through the woods pretendin’ we’re
was 8 months old already and some- I get up an do my Happy Dance. Later, Shuggie politely introduced us, then it
times humans want fluffy-wuffy little
I flop down in the yard and watch the was time for me to go.
pooches and people go by. Heading home, I was thinking – veni-
“I don’t do tricks, but Mama says I’m son and wild boar, how exciting! I saw
an expert at begging. Once I acciden- myself in The Wild, bold and brave,
tally ate a hot dog, even though Toby gnawing on a venison bone, nose to the
had warned me NEVER to do that cuz wind; the scent of adventure. All-THO,
Nobody Knows what’s in ’em. It’s a Mis- bacon-flavored kibbles and air condi-
sTree. Sure enough, I had Tummy Trou- tioning sound pretty good.
bles. Papa rubbed my tummy to make
it feel much better. For treats, I get Pup- Till next time,
peroni or cheese, nuts or peanut butter. The Bonz
For meals, I sometimes get Tai, or Ital-
ian, or even venison or wild boar, my fa-
vorites. (Papa’s a mighty hunter.) Don’t Be Shy
“I have my own comfy bed, but I
We are always looking for pets
sometimes sleep with Mama and Papa, with interesting stories.
or just sprawl out in the guest room.” To set up an interview, email
Suddenly, Shuggie jumped up and
ran to the door, wagging and wiggling.
Her little human friends, Paisley and [email protected].
Hannah, all dressed up for picture day
78 Vero Beach 32963 / March 2, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
“The kitchen was very important generous dining room with enough
to me,” says Urvi. “I’ve been cooking space for a long chef’s table. Guests
since I was very young; it’s one of my can spill out onto the terrace to take
passions.” in the view of the ocean or cook some-
thing in the summer kitchen.
This area of the house was de-
signed for entertaining, which Urvi “While the kitchen is my favor-
does frequently. First, as a haven for ite room in the house, my husband’s
her children and their friends and lat- is the wine cellar,” says Urvi. The
er to host her popular Indian Vegetar- 700-bottle, refrigerated wine cellar
ian cooking classes and Supper Club. is a work of art. An ornate, vault-like
door leads into the floor-to-ceiling
The kitchen has everything a cook room that would thrill even the most
could want and more, with a granite- discerning oenophile.
topped, oversize island, prep sink with
foot pedal, farmer’s sink, Wolf range, There are subtle touches through-
breakfast bar, two dishwashers, Sub- out the house that make one stop and
Zero refrigerator and butler’s pantry. ponder. The wine cellar chandelier is
Large gatherings are a breeze in the CONTINUED ON PAGE 80
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80 Vero Beach 32963 / March 2, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
a cluster of grapes. A dragonfly, lady- Many of the features are both prac- lot of millwork trim and a very high was the biggest and tallest build-
bug, lizard and alligator add a bit of tical and decorative. There is natural level of finishes,” says Croom Con- ing in Paris. You could not build
whimsy to the bathrooms. The tray stone flooring throughout the entire struction Vice President David Lyons. anything higher. To show off, peo-
and coffered ceilings are adorned house, the bathrooms have bowl ple would use mansard roofs with
with scrollwork. Even the elevator has sinks and rainfall showerheads, and What really sets the house apart dormer windows so when the king
faux features. there are laundry rooms on both the is the use of a mansard roof on the and his procession passed by he
first and third floors. third floor. Always one to share a wouldn’t realize how tall the house
“You have to have fun with your décor history lesson, Urvi explains, “In really was.”
to really make it a home,” laughs Urvi. “This house is very detailed with a France, in the olden days, the palace
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 2, 2017 81
The third floor of this French man- the ocean and sunset over the river.
or house offers plenty of privacy for Somehow the Upadhyays were able
the master suite, a paneled wood of-
fice and a sixth bedroom. A crawlway to blend the opulence of a French
encircles the top floor providing ex- chateau with that of family-friendly
tra storage or a “secret” hiding space beachside living, with plenty space
for children and grandchildren to for everyone without losing any of the
explore. warmth of hearth and home.
The master suite offers his and her Ocean Ridge is a small, gated ocean-
closets, fireplace, a spa-like bath fea- front community conveniently locat-
turing onyx counter tops, a stand-alone ed across from Saint Edward’s School
soaking tub and water closet with bi- and just two miles south of the 17th
det. To top the house off literally and Street Bridge. The proximity of the
metaphorically, behind a hidden panel quiet neighborhood to beachside ven-
lays a sitting room for quiet contempla- ues and easy access to the mainland
tion. The master balcony is situated for make it convenient to the charming
unfettered views of the sunrise over shopping and dining district on the is-
land’s Ocean Drive and Vero proper.
82 Vero Beach 32963 / March 2, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Pickings slim for millennials ready to buy a home
BY KATHY ORTON paying jobs, start families and be- – but not for millennials looking to George’s County, isn’t faring much
Washington Post gin searching for their first homes, own their first home. better in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
they’re encountering an unfortunate
For years, millennials looked at reality: Just as they’re finally ready Keona and Cameron Morrison, “The houses go so quickly,” she
owning a home as a distant fantasy. to buy, the housing market has the both 31 and with a combined income said.
Student debt and a weak job market fewest homes available for sale on re- of $150,000, have been looking to buy
seemed to conspire to keep this gen- cord. And those that are for sale are in Los Angeles for two years. Overall millennials are falling be-
eration stuck in their parents’ base- increasingly priced at values inacces- hind other generations in homeown-
ments, if not permanently locked out sible to first-time buyers. “There’s stuff that comes [on the ership, with first-time home buyers,
of the housing market. market]; literally, a couple days later, who usually consist of 40 percent of
As a result, the housing market is it’s pending,” Keona said. “It’s crazy.” the market, stuck at 34 percent.
But as millennials find better- booming for those with cash to spare
Teree Warren, a 31-year-old foren- That could become damaging to
sic scientist who grew up in Prince this generation’s future prosperity.
Housing experts say homeownership
remains one of the primary ways for
the middle class to build wealth, de-
spite the ups and downs of the past
decade. And with mortgage rates be-
ginning to creep up, millennials who
have to wait to buy could miss out on
historically low rates.
“Owning a home for a longer peri-
od of time creates more wealth,” said
Christopher E. Herbert, managing
director of the Harvard Joint Center
for Housing Studies. “If you shrink
that amount of time, you’re going to
shrink how much wealth it creates.”
For Keona Morrison, the challenge
of finding a home feels deeply per-
“I feel like if there were more Afri-
can Americans owning homes, we
could set our children up for greater
success,” she said. “It’s all about hav-
ing that leverage. . . . I guess what
homeownership means to me is just
having your own place, having some-
thing you can fall back on.”
For years after the recession, most
millennials couldn’t afford to even
consider entering the housing mar-
ket. Many were saddled with student
debt, and the labor market wasn’t
friendly even to young college grads,
contributing to the stereotypical im-
age of the barista with a bachelor’s
But as the economy has improved,
so have millennials’ fortunes.
The most recent employment data
shows that the percentage of 25-to-
34-year-olds in the labor force is the
largest in eight years. This group
has also recently begun to enjoy
stark wage gains. Recent census data
showed that in 2015, millennials’ in-
comes jumped 7 percent, far more
than that of most other groups. Sev-
enty-two percent of millennials rate
their personal financial situation as
fairly good or very good in 2016, up
substantially from three years earlier,
according to a recent Harvard Insti-
tute of Politics poll.
In a stronger financial position,
more millennials are starting fami-
lies. The census projects that house-
hold formation will average about
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 2, 2017 83
1.5 million per year through 2020, up area, where Warren is looking to buy, they are waiting to hear on a triplex “He’s like, ‘We lost out on the other
from the 900,000 annual average in barely a one-month supply of those three miles east of Inglewood. two by offering asking.’ ”
the past five years. homes are for sale.
“This last one my husband offered Most housing experts primarily
But when looking to leverage some Warren said a friend of hers listed $10,000 over asking, and I was like, blame low inventory on home build-
of their newfound financial strength his house on a Thursday at 10 a.m. ‘Why did you do that?’ ” Keona said. ers, who scaled way back after the
to buy a home for themselves or their By noon, he had six appointments. recession. Housing starts have slowly
new families, millennials are finding By the end of the day, he had 10. His begun to rise, but construction re-
a less optimistic picture. house sold on Sunday for far more mains well below healthy levels.
than the asking price.
The National Association of Real- “The challenge is really adding inven-
tors reported in December that the “It is very nerve-racking, the pres- tory at the entry-level space,” said Rob-
number of homes for sale nationally sure that you have to make a decision ert Dietz, chief economist of the Nation-
had fallen to its lowest level since the very quickly,” Warren said. al Association of Home Builders.
organization began keeping track of
inventory in 1999. Inventory picked At the same time, the dearth of “Can builders do that at a cost that
up slightly in January, but the year- homes for sale is driving up prices, meets buyers’ expectations, given ris-
over-year number of listings has making homeownership even more ing land development costs, rising
dropped for 20 consecutive months. difficult for millennials who do find wages and rising land costs?”
a home to buy. Home values have hit
At the current sales pace, the sup- an all-time high three months in a
ply of homes would be exhausted in row.
3½ months. (A healthy market has
about a six-month supply of homes Competition is the biggest fac-
for sale.) More than a fifth of hous- tor driving up prices. The Morrisons
ing markets across the country have have lost out on two homes, getting
a three-month supply of homes, dou- outbid by $10,000 each time. Now
ble the number of tight markets two
years ago, according to Pro Teck Valu-
ation Services, a real estate analytics
Entry-level housing, the homes
millennials can most afford, has
been particularly scarce. The expen-
sive D.C. region has less than a 90-day
supply of condos costing between
$400,000 and $600,000. In the Dallas
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84 Vero Beach 32963 / March 2, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
Real Estate Sales on the Barrier Island: Feb. 17 to Feb. 23
The barrier island real estate market remained hot last week, with 14 sales concluded, including three for
more than $2 million.
The most interesting sale of the week was of an oceanfront condominium in John’s Island. Unit 3B at 200
Ocean Road was placed on the market Jan. 10 with an asking price of $2.75 million. The property attracted
multiple bidders and was on the market only seven days. The sale closed on Feb. 21 for $2.955 million!
Both the seller in the transaction and the purchaser were represented by John’s Island Real Estate.
$965,000 $325,000
ORCHID ISLAND 726 GROVE PLACE 3/10/2015 $325,000 $965,000 2/22/2017 $3,250,000
SILVER SHORES 936 TIDES ROAD 1/15/2017 $3,400,000 $325,000 2/22/2017 $1,275,000
$1,525,000 $450,000
JOHN’S ISLAND 230 SUNDIAL COURT 10/11/2016 $489,000 $3,400,000 2/21/2017 $585,000
JOHN’S ISLAND 521 SEA OAK DRIVE 6/2/2016 $1,525,000 2/21/2017 $233,000
ISLAND CLUB OF VERO 981 ISLAND CLUB SQUARE 10/28/2016 $489,000 2/21/2017 $2,000,000
SEAGROVE 1779 CYPRESS LANE 8/3/2016 $649,000 2/17/2017
ROBLES DEL MAR 5601 HWY A1A 106 SOUTH, #S106 8/15/2016 $249,000 $249,000 2/23/2017
HARBOUR SIDE WEST 1815 MOORINGLINE DRIVE, #2F 7/1/2016 $319,000 $319,000 2/23/2017
CARLTON VERO CONDO 300 BEACHVIEW DRIVE, #2N 2/3/2016 $2,200,000 $2,200,000 2/22/2017
SOUTH PASSAGE 908 SPYGLASS LANE, #908A 8/25/2016 $319,900 $319,900 2/21/2017
Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™ Vero Beach 32963 / March 2, 2017 85
Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
Subdivision: Orchid Island, Address: 726 Grove Place Subdivision: John’s Island, Address: 230 Sundial Court
Listing Date: 3/10/2015 Listing Date: 10/11/2016
Original Price: $965,000 Original Price: $3,400,000
Recent Price: $965,000 Recent Price: $3,400,000
Sold: 2/22/2017 Sold: 2/21/2017
Selling Price: $965,000 Selling Price: $3,250,000
Listing Agent: Heidi Levy Listing Agent: John’s island Real Estate
Selling Agent: Orchid Island Realty. Selling Agent: John’s island Real Estate
Heidi Levy John’s island Real Estate
Orchid Island Realty John’s island Real Estate
Subdivision: John’s Island, Address: 521 Sea Oak Drive Subdivision: Carlton Vero Condo, Address: 300 Beachview Drive, #2N
Listing Date: 6/2/2016 Listing Date: 2/3/2016
Original Price: $1,525,000 Original Price: $2,200,000
Recent Price: $1,525,000 Recent Price: $2,200,000
Sold: 2/21/2017 Sold: 2/22/2017
Selling Price: $1,275,000 Selling Price: $2,000,000
Listing Agent: John’s island Real Estate Listing Agent: Jane Schwiering
Selling Agent: John’s island Real Estate Selling Agent: Berkshire Hathaway Florida
John’s island Real Estate Not provided
John’s island Real Estate Not provided
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Waterfront 3BR/3BA plus den on deep water canal, pool, East of A1A! 2BR/2.5BA home with split bedroom floor plan Lakefront 3BR/2BA pool home, Bermuda floor plan w/many
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86 Vero Beach 32963 / March 2, 2017 Your Vero Beach Newsweekly ™
FOR RENT Here are some of the top recent barrier island sales.
OCEANFRONT CONDO Subdivision: Seagrove, Address: 1779 Cypress Lane
Beautiful, Ocean Drive, Listing Date: 8/3/2016
(Riomar area) 2 bed, 2 bath Original Price: $649,000
condo now available for rent. Recent Price: $649,000
Panoramic ocean views from Sold: 2/17/2017
the living room, master bedroom Selling Price: $585,000
and large balcony. Walk to Listing Agent: Peter John Marini III
everything - shops, restaurants
and the beach! Two month Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
minimum, $6800 per month.
Bill Lynch
Call Michele at 314-503-5904 Alex MacWilliam, Inc.
Subdivision: Sea Oaks, Address: 8855 W Orchid Island Circle, #101
Listing Date: 12/11/2015
Original Price: $859,000
Recent Price: $829,000
Sold: 2/21/2017
Selling Price: $800,000
Listing Agent: Fran Smyrk
Selling Agent: Treasure Coast Sotheby’s Intl
Susie Wilson
North Beach Realty, Inc.
Newly Listed!
Seagrove East
3/2 beach house east of A1A in gated
superior Seagrove East. 1/2 block to the
Atlantic Ocean. New roof 2/22/17, whole
house generator, granite kitchen, tile
floors, new sliders overlooking fenced
pool and lush property. Call Gene Billero
for showing and pricing details.
Gene Billero, Broker/Founder
772-532-0011 | [email protected]
Billero & Billero Properties